#then having angsty childhoods is on the table😁
Exactly all of the kids in the tfp au are going to be spoiled to death because I say so and they deserve it. Yes including the kids from the well of allspark, they're gonna have happy homelifes if i have anything to say about it.
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bomber-grl · 5 months
Hellooo I've already requested like 2 Leo fics because I love him he's my little blorbo 🥺 my bad !! Anyway uh. I have a request for Leo Valdez 😁😁 number 20, angsty? Maybe something of his just went horribly wrong and he's stressed about it, and to give him a break you make him food and he's so happy he just bursts into tears? Thank you so much your writing style and work is amazing I love it so much 😭
Prompt #20: making them food they like
Recently Leo has taken to making new inventions non-stop. It was his passion, so the obvious reaction was to openly support it.
But, when you heard the obvious sound of something exploding from the other side of camp, you knew it was trouble.
And trouble it was. You saw Leo and began running to him to ask what was up.
Once you got closer his face and overall vibe told you everything. He was covered in sweat and soot(?) from the invention that exploded.
Most of all he seemed genuinely upset. You waited a bit to talk to Leo as he was discussing something with another camper.
Then he noticed you and began walking over
“Hey Leo” your tone was light and happy, his, not so much.
“Hey” he practically mumbled, not to mention how he dragged his feet when walking over.
“Leo, I hate to do this but I’m grounding you” you tried making your tone teasing but it was spelled out loud and clear. You said it with no room to object, you were serious.
“Why??-“ you knew this would come and quickly interrupted “you’re overworking yourself, cmon”.
You took his hand and began walking towards where arts and crafts would usually be but was currently occupied with other campers form different cabins.
They were all cooking and baking, and it was a surprise to Leo.
“Hey, what’s going on here?-“ you pushed him down to sit and went on your merry way to cook something up.
recently campers had been wanting to start baking/cooking just for the sake of making some good food for others. Especially self made rather than using the enchanted plates at the dining pavilion.
So, to cheer up Leo who was hard at work (now, having a bad day) you prepared something for him to enjoy.
It was something he told you he enjoyed from his childhood, paired with a drink he liked and a desert you wanted to share with him.
Thankfully Will who was there took out your meal once it was ready while you were occupied with Leo.
Now, it was time to go to your cabin.Regardless of whether or not it was full most days, today it wasn’t.
No one was in sight and so u snuck Leo in.
He sat down on a bean bag and you dragged some coffee table look alike and placed it in front of Leo, then placed the food.
“Here, eat up. Sorry we haven’t been able to meet recently and also sorry that your invention went haywire but I just wanted to show you some love and this little workshop proved to be a good way. Oh! I also made the dish you told me about, remember?-“
Your voice trailed off as you finally stopped your rambling and took notice of Leo’s face.
He was surprisingly silent as tears blurred his vision and ran down his cheeks.
“Leo..?” You couldn’t manage to say anything else and as soon as it happened his tears dried up.
Mostly from him hurriedly wiping his face to not make you feel bad, but still.
“Leo? Why’re you crying ?” You leaned in closer and placed a hand of yours on his shoulder.”
“Sorry it’s just that it’s so frustrating” He didn’t say anything and so you asked “what is?”
That’s what set him off.
“This is, this invention was supposed to be big and amazing, I’ve been working non stop just for all my hard work to be poured down the drain. I guess I felt so stressed I forgot I had someone who still cared.”
He finally looked you in the eyes and realized what he had said, so he continued “I’m just trying to say that this made me happy, I guess this little action was really my last straw, huh? Even if is was stupid…”
Knowing Leo felt this way really hurt you, and how could he?!?! You latched onto him and pulled him into a much needed hug.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way about your work lately but I feel the exact opposite. Even if it did end in an unwanted way you still learned, right? Not to mention how insulting it is that you don’t think your emotions are valid!! I’m happy you enjoyed this, it makes me feel appreciated. And I’m sorry I haven’t made you feel that way too.”
Leo pushed you away and turned on the waterworks. He was crying once more and although you knew he was stubborn he ultimately settled on an excuse.
“K, just let me eat your food before it gets cold.” That was the last thing he said before happily shoving down the food you made him.
A bonus was that although he was still crying, at least he was happy now.
A/n: I’m glad you love my writing sm it makes me happy! Hope you enjoy this one too :)
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oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Hiiii! So, since it's allowed to send some requests in..I have an angsty one (I think i mentioned it months ago) 😁 Alex Danvers x reader. They are childhood sweethearts, now happily married, reader is not part of the DEO tho she knows everything. Somehow, another Alex from different Earth comes through a portal, having lost her own wife. She is kinda mean though. She temporarily disables "our Alex" and kidnaps reader, taking her to her Earth, leaving the Superfriends look for them in order to bring reader back. - happily ever after or not, I'd leave it up to you 😁 thank you! 😊
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 / 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Authors note: Originally I wanted to write something completely different but my hands and mind led me to something else 😂 Hope you like it and have fun reading ♥
The day was filled with a rare clarity as Kara flew her way through the lush landscape. The villa, an architectural masterpiece of bygone times, sat majestically on a hill, surrounded by a lush garden framed by magnificent trees. The last rays of sunshine of the day bathed the scene in a golden light as the blonde took in the silence and atmosphere of the nature around her.
You outdid yourself in choosing the location for celebrating your fifth wedding anniversary with Alex. The old, vine-covered, red-brick house with its large, bordered green park was glorious in the summertime and brought out the bright colors you have carried in your heart from the day you met the redhead.
A gentle wind blew through the treetops, carrying with it the quiet hum of birds. Kara arrived on the ground and immediately climbed the stone steps to the entrance, where the massive doors stood wide open, welcoming her warmly. A faint hint of nostalgia hung in the air in the spacious entrance hall. Antique furnishings filled the room, from silver-plated mirrors to a grand, curved staircase that led elegantly to the upper floors.
A soft murmur and the quiet clatter of tools came from outside. She followed the sound and found herself on a balcony. The vantage point offered a breathtaking view of the garden and surrounding countryside. Down there, the workers spread all over the white gravel road and seemed busy as they were making some arrangements and put the finishing touches to the decorations.
The hammering and knocking mingled with the humming of the bees buzzing around in the garden's blossoms. Elegant tables and chairs were arranged, garlands were artfully draped and bright, yellowish lights were placed in the trees. It was as if the place itself was preparing to have an unforgettable evening filled with people you both loved.
Kara leaned against the railing of the balcony and watched the hustle and bustle below her. It was impressive how each move seemed perfectly coordinated with the next. It was clear that you worked for your anniversary with a passion for detail and beauty.
The blonde could not be present at the preparations for your wedding, she was busy saving the city from a dangerous alien. But this time she enjoyed it much more intensively, knowing that both her sister and you could not be happier than at this point in time. The people her sister had dated were nice but could never compare to you. You brought forth something in the eldest Danvers that no one had done before.
In the midst of all this hectic activity and her deep thoughts, you suddenly appeared behind her, a bright smile on your lips, your hair slightly disheveled from work. She could tell right away that you wore a smile that was full of anticipation and mystery. "Kara!"
“Y/n, it looks really spectacular. Alex will be thrilled." The blonde exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and relief, walking the last steps that separated the two of you to wrap you in a tight hug. After a while, you separated yourself from her and stepped next to her closer to the edge of the balcony. You nodded vigorously, unable to take off your wide grin. "I hope so. I have all of her favorite things here, and the guest list is also full of all our friends and family. It's going to be an evening full of joy and memories.“
Kara gently placed an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to her. "Believe me, she'll love it," with a kiss on your temple, you rested your head on her shoulder and joined her in surveying the final preparations that were being completed, ready to reveal the secret of the evening and mark the beginning of an unforgettable fifth anniversary.
The sunlight slowly dipped towards the horizon and the first stars began to twinkle lightly in the sky. Kara´s bedroom glowed with a warm light coming from the numerous candles on the surfaces of her furniture and the fireplace. A soft scent of vanilla and red roses hung in the air as you eagerly prepared to head off to your own anniversary party with Alex. Kara had suggested that you get ready at her place so that Alex wouldn't see you beforehand. After all, everything should be a surprise - including what you wore.
In her bedroom, a happy melody floated through the atmosphere as you stood in front of the large mirror. Your dress, an elegant, long evening gown in a shimmering burgundy red, hung on the door behind you. With a hint of excitement in your eyes, you gave yourself a smile in the mirror as you began your makeup.
The sounds of jazz music came from your phone, where the playlist for the evening was already rehearsing. The memories of five years of ups and downs flowed through your mind, and a warm feeling of gratitude spread through your heart before you prepared to sit at the dressing table, surrounded by a fine selection of lipsticks, eye shadows and perfumes.
You opened a bottle of your favorite scent, which even the redhead found hard to resist, and let the floral scent fill the air. The sparkling silver earrings Alex gave you for your first wedding anniversary were waiting on the table to be put on.
As you were applying your makeup, you suddenly felt a strange energy flowing through the room and heard a soft, magical hum. With a brush in your hand, you walked confusedly towards the door that separated you from what was happening in the anteroom. “Kara?” you asked, unsure about your sister-in-law, not actually expecting her here at this time. The blonde had promised you that she would look after the location while you got ready. “Is everything okay? I thought you wanted to-"
As you poked your head through the crack, you saw a glowing portal open in the middle of the room. Out of the shimmering light emerged a figure that seemed familiar at first glance. It wasn't until you took a second look that you saw Alex, appearing in a swirl of colors and sparks. "Babe, are you okay? I thought you were on your way to Sam," you asked with a mixture of fear and surprise, narrowing your eyes as you looked at her closely. The clothes she wore were strange and definitely not something she ever seemed to wear. The redhead seemed worn out and there was no love or happiness shining in her eyes like it used to. Just a dark shadow, while the features of her face seemed unnaturally hard.
"Y/n," she spoke in a voice that cut icy through the night and sent a shiver down your spine. She walked towards you with slow steps and a mischievous grin and you immediately sensed that something was wrong. "You have to come with me. Right now."
You took a step back, gripped by an inexplicable unease. You stared at the person who was acting differently than your partner, feeling a strange feeling arise within you as she continued to walk towards you with slow and dangerous steps. "Why? Where do you want to take me? And who are you anyway?"
Alex twisted her face into a mocking smile and snorted contemptuously. "I'm your wife, silly. Just from another dimension. My wife is lost forever and now I'm here to take you with me." she spoke delicately, a devilish smile slipping across her black painted lips. Her hand placed itself on your shoulder and gently moved down until she reached your wrist and gripped it painfully. You winced, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to suppress the flash of pain in your forearm. "You can't just show up here and expect me to come with you. You're a stranger."
She glared at you with reddish, shiny eyes, that sent shivers down your spine. Her grip on your wrist tightened, her cold fingers wrapping around your bare skin. She was angry. Very angry, but you could see a hint of sadness in her icy eyes. And despite the unpleasant situation, you felt a mixture of sympathy and irritation. "I may be able to help you, but not if you treat me like this. I'm sorry you lost your wife but I won't go with you. My Alex is here and I won't leave her.“
"But I am stronger, smarter and more determined while your Alex is weak and naive. You would be better off with me than with anyone else who only shares their physical resemblance with me." With a quick movement she raised her hand and released a beam of crimson energy at you. "You will follow me whether you want to or not. In my world there are possibilities that you cannot even imagine."
Without waiting for an answer, she violently pulled you through the portal. Reality blurred and a light briefly blinded you. As the veil lifted, you stumbled through the swirl of color, dazed and with a sharp pain in your head.
"What have you done?" You whispered, staggering and trying to focus on your surroundings. Disoriented and irritated, you looked at the dark, distorted version of National City as you knew it. Dark Alex, as you had already called her in your head, smiled triumphantly and looked down at you as you got on all fours, still trying to free yourself from the spinning dizziness that was taking over you. "Welcome to my world, my darling. Here we will see how strong you really are and whether you can do justice as my wife."
You felt trapped in a strange, hostile and cold dimension. Ignorance of what was going on and burning concern for your real wife led to a mixture of fear and determination. But what you didn't know was that your real Alex, left on her own Earth, was locked in a box somewhere far away from the city, temporarily switched off by unconsciousness and magical chains that rendered her unable to move even the slightest.
You knew that a battle would begin to rage between dimensions to determine your whereabouts.
The festively decorated hall was filled with a lively murmur and the clinking of champagne glasses as Kara, the Superfriends, and other guests excitedly waited for you and Alex. The room glowed with a warm light in the darkness of the evening as the candles flickered on the tables and soft melodies floated through the air.
The blonde, in an elegant dress, walked nervously through the crowd, her super ears alert to every noise, while Lena, Winn and Sam stood at the entrance of the hall, looking for you. The anticipation in the air gradually faded as the minutes passed and neither of you showed up. "It's unusual for these two to be so late," said Winn, looking worriedly at his watch and swaying nervously on his feet.
Lena frowned her brow in worry. She also found it strange. You were particularly punctual in everything else you did. "I tried calling y/n but it only goes to voicemail. Maybe they're late or stuck in traffic? I really hope everything is okay."
The mood among the guests became increasingly nervous as more time passed and the two of you still didn't show up. Kara felt a vague unrest inside her, as if something had gone terribly wrong. She decided to investigate the situation and set out to look for her sister and sister-in-law.
In the meantime, a tense silence filled the hall. The guests whispered worriedly to each other as the music in the background grew quieter and quieter. Lena, Winn, Sam and J'onn tried in vain to call any of you, but all attempts to contact failed.
Finally Kara returned, her face expressionless. The tension between the superfriends was palpable as the blonde walked sternly towards them and addressed the concerned guests. "I couldn't find her. Alex isn't home and y/n isn't in my apartment. However, her dress is still hanging untouched in my bedroom and-" she paused for a moment, pulling a small electronic device out of her jacket pocket. "This is y/n's cell phone. The music was still playing on it when I got to my apartment but she wasn't there. Something is wrong."
A hint of unease crossed the crew's faces. The anniversary celebration, which was planned to be full of joy and celebration, turned into a worrying situation of waiting and uncertainty. "What do we do now?" Sam asked questioningly.
"We have to find out what happened. I'm going to work with J'onn and fly to the DEO. Maybe we can find something out there," she replied with a firm look on her face, the growing concern for the both of you only increasing. "Winn and Lena, can you please go to my apartment and see if you can spot any alien activity?"
The Superfriends nodded solemnly as Kara headed off with J'onn to take action. The once happy atmosphere of the day was tinged with worry and anxiety as everyone hoped that you and Alex would return safely to celebrate your anniversary.
The night fell like a dark cloak over National City as Supergirl flew through the streets with a worried look in her eyes. Her super senses were at their peak as she searched for signs of her sister. The unsettling thought that something was wrong made her heart beat faster by the minute.
On a quiet side street, a faint sign of life pierced her super ears. Supergirl slowed her trajectory to locate the source of the sound, her X-ray ability sweeping over the abandoned factory before breaking through the light metal garage door. In a flash she landed next to a dark box, ripping the lid off the nails, seeing her sister lying there with iron chains and a purple aura surrounding her. "Alex.."
Her hands shot out to check the redhead's pulse. The heartbeat was slow, almost imperceptible. She immediately contacted J'onn and the DEO through the comms she had set up before her flight. But the chains made it much more difficult for her to bring the young agent to the DEO. The metal magically burned through her skin upon contact. She had to hurry up. "J'onn, I found Alex. She is unconscious and her heartbeat is extremely weak. I am taking her to the medical department immediately."
Meanwhile, Winn and Lena were already in Kara's apartment, looking for clues to your whereabouts. The room was in pristine condition, but the sight of your abandoned dress on the bedroom door worried the two of them. Lena held it carefully between her fingers and examined it as Winn used the DEO's technology to search for alien activity in the area.
The two continued searching the blonde's apartment when suddenly Winn's detectors picked up on some unusual, changing air. They looked at each other as they noticed that the particle sensors in the air were revealing their presence in the apartment. "I knew something was wrong. She would never abandon us without a reason. Especially not Alex."
"That's strange," Winn muttered, pointing to the display on his monitor as he rapidly typed something on the keyboard. "There are some alternate dimension particles in the air here. That suggests a portal was recently opened here. Lena frowned. "A portal? Here? But how is that possible?"
Winn re-examined the readings and discovered some kind of energetic pattern in the room. "It looks like a portal was active here, but it's been closed. It seems like y/n went through a portal."
"But why? And who could be responsible for it? After all, she has no ability to open such a portal," the black-haired woman speculated and Winn looked up. "Good questions that unfortunately we can only get answers from y/n."
As the two desperately tried to search for answers, uncertainty hung over them. A mystery seemed to be unfolding, and those who knew you best sensed that something big was afoot. They stayed in the apartment with the feeling that a strange, mysterious world had forced its way into their lives and taken one of them with it. The magic of the portal and the unsolved mysteries about your stay hung like a shadow over the two of them.
Meanwhile, Supergirl had arrived at the DEO with Alex. The doctors immediately took over medical care while Supergirl waited nervously nearby. J'onn walked up, his eyes worrying. "What do you think happened?"
"I don't know. But what I know is that something serious must have happened,“ she said with a sigh. Her shaky and slightly sweaty hand cupped her forehead and laboriously brushed away the wrinkles that appeared as she frowned. "Have Winn and Lena at least found out something about my sister-in-law yet?"
"Yes, they did. And you won't like it," he replied, putting his hands on his hips. He watched the expression on her face, the panic that overtook her, even if she didn't want to show it on the outside. "They found particles that Winn was able to trace back to a portal."
As the Martian continued to show her more details about the discoveries in her own apartment, the redhead slowly began to regain consciousness when the DEO's resources were used to successfully remove the iron chains from her. She struggled to sit up in bed against the doctors' wishes, still very dizzy. "What happened?" Alex murmured, her memories slowly returning. She was able to piece together some fragments of her memories, but she hoped for a complete answer, which she still lacked. She held her head, which hurt badly from the attack and her attempted self-defense.
"You were found unconscious. We don't know exactly what happened, but we're looking for y/n. She's missing," Kara explained to her, gently stroking her disheveled hair.
She looked at her sister with wide eyes, fear and terror crossing her face. Her pupils dilated rapidly, making her eyes appear darker, as she tried to rip the vein access and electrocardiogram from her body. Kara stopped her. "There was someone who came into our apartment through a portal just as I was getting ready."
Supergirl and J'onn perked up their ears. "Who was it?"
"She looked exactly like me. She threatened to take my wife away. After that there was a fight, she overpowered me and then..." she stopped talking, knowing what happened next. Alex from another dimension had carried out her threats.
Kara nodded slowly, slowly pushing her sister back into bed. She promised to bring her sister-in-law back safely into Alex's arms while the redhead rested from the attack. After all, she had been attacked with an energy that did not exist on this world and could produce side effects that did not come from earth.
As the mystery of your disappearance deepened and unraveled, Winn and Lena continued to work with the DEO to trace the portal particles and alien activity. J'onn mobilized all of the DEO's resources to find out which dimension was responsible, while his best agent and your friends remained in the dark, not knowing where a family member had disappeared to.
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fayes-fics · 1 year
7, 24, 25 💕
Hi Nonny!
7. A: F2L
So this is a very simple request for Regency Anthony that is friends to lovers with some angsty pining then smut with happy ever after. I have just some scribbled thoughts. So far, I'm thinking it will be where reader is promised to another scenario but the chemistry between them is too much and he "ruins" her, but they end up married so all is well that ends well, so to speak lol.
24. B: reunited
I have some bullet points and a few lines of dialogue on this one. It will be a touch angsty but then very fluffy, set in Regency. Reader and Benedict are best friends since childhood but are separated when her family moves to Italy for the summer season. While they are apart the reader realises she is in love with him and travels back early (with her brother as chaperone) to tell Benedict because she can't wait. There will be a very fluffy sweet ending.
25. B: secret diary
Oh man, this one has Regency Benepic written all over it and I'm almost scared to start it properly, cos it will take over my life for literally days. It's also my oldest WIP, in my inbox for 6 months now. I got a very detailed request with all of the plot points and tbh it's got it all - misunderstandings, mutual pining, friends to lovers, arguments, jealousy drama, angst, love confessions. It's a DOOZY. I really hope I can do the idea justice.
Here are the first paragraphs I have written as a framing device. All else is unwritten:
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You have been in love with Benedict Bridgerton for as long as you've drawn air into your lungs. Or at least that's how it feels. Your families being neighbours both in London and Kent for many generations— two aristocratic families that, despite enduring friendships, have, perhaps strangely, never seen intermarriage. There have been attempted matches going down the years, according to family lore, but nothing came to fruition. 
So when you are first brought to Aubrey Hall, a mere babe in arms, the firstborn daughter, there are many good-natured jokes around the convivial dining table that Anthony’s future wife has been born. But when you are three years old, something happens that ensures it is not the future Viscount, Anthony, that claims your heart, but instead his younger brother. All because of one sunny day in June…
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Thanks for your ask 😁🧡🧡
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