#then here drawing from memory in one minute for joie de draw / vivre of that
unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
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efforts in developing winston billions hair geometry; turned to kim possible geometry as a guiding light
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nazaninlankarani · 4 years
A 20-Year Legacy of Support for French Artists
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A show at the Pompidou Center highlights the work of Kapwani Kiwanga, winner of the Marcel Duchamp Prize, and those who won before her.
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Kapwani Kiwanga’s “Flowers for Africa” is a series of installations that consist of elaborately arranged fresh flowers. © Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times
PARIS — The conceptual artist Kapwani Kiwanga, whose latest exhibition here recreates elaborate floral arrangements from archival photographs to capture a moment in time, was awarded the Prix Marcel Duchamp on Monday in a celebration that also marked the 20th anniversary of the prize.
The award, viewed as France’s answer to Britain’s Turner Prize, is named after one of France’s most influential 20th-century artists and is given to an artist born or working in France. Ms. Kiwanga, a native of Canada, works in Paris.
The winner was announced by Bernard Blistène, director of the Musée National d’Art Moderne at the Pompidou Center.
“At a time of rising nationalism around the world, it is important to emphasize that this is not a ‘nationalistic’ prize, but the recognition of an international artist who is part of the French art scene,” said Mr. Blistène, who also presides over the seven-person jury. Members include Gitte Orskou, director of the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, and Marie-Cécile Zinsou, president of the Zinsou Foundation in Benin, in West Africa.
The award ceremony at the museum went ahead despite the pandemic that forced the cancellation of the annual International Contemporary Art Fair, or FIAC. The fair, which would have opened on Thursday, is usually the focal point of a buoyant week of art-filled events in the French capital. This year, the ceremony was held against a background of global travel restrictions compounded by a local nighttime curfew in place in Paris.
“It isn’t because we are going through a terrible period that this public institution should not stand for hope for the future,” Mr. Blistène said.
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After studying anthropology and comparative religion at McGill University in Montreal, Ms. Kiwanga attended the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. © Manuel Braun
With the prize Ms. Kiwanga was awarded 35,000 euros (about $41,000). The other nominees were Alice Anderson, Hicham Berrada and Enrique Ramírez, selected by a committee of the Association for the International Diffusion of French Art, a group of about 400 art collectors that created the prize.
The appropriation of history is the subject of “Flowers for Africa,” a series of installations by Ms. Kiwanga that consist of elaborately arranged fresh flowers, suspended as a garland from the ceiling or set in bouquets on pedestals. Each is a “reconstruction” of a floral arrangement the artist has gleaned from an archival photograph of an official ceremony marking the independence of an African country.
“The flowers wilt and dry over time and must be replaced according to a protocol,” said Ms. Kiwanga, who is 42. “They capture a moment in history.”
Sophie Duplaix, the chief curator at the Pompidou Center, where works by the nominees will be displayed through early January, said that “all four artists have touched on the notion of time and its impact on the individual and society.”
“That common thread helped us bring harmony to a show that we hope will resonate with the public, especially in a period when we are all reconsidering our own relationship with time,” she said.
In “Flowers for Africa,” Ms. Kiwanga examines that connection by confronting history and botany. History is retold through the life cycle of flowers left to wilt for the duration of the exhibition. Her reconstruction of ceremonial bouquets underscores the shortcomings of capturing history.
“The project was born out of my own frustration at looking at images that seemed always to depict political leaders present at independence ceremonies,” she said. “I wanted to look beyond those central figures and focus on the flower arrangements, which were witnesses on the sidelines of those historical events.”
After studying anthropology and comparative religion at McGill University in Montreal, Ms. Kiwanga attended the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
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Hicham Berrada’s “Présage, SiO2” is a 12-minute video showing the reaction that occurs when he pours silicon dioxide to activate a controlled chemical reaction in a glass tank filled with a mixture of acid and water. © By Dmitry Kostyukov For The New York Times
This year is also the 20th anniversary of the Duchamp prize, and to mark this milestone, a six-month exhibition at the museum honors previous winners.
“I believe in French art for its spirit, its elegance and its joie de vivre,” said Gilles Fuchs, a collector and president of the association.
“This prize recognizes an artist whose innovative practice is representative of a generation and reflects the creativity of the French art scene,” he added. “The 20th-anniversary show is evidence of our continued support of the artists.”
Mr. Blistène said the award “is not driven by ‘market’ interests.” He added that the association collectors “are not motivated by commercial interests nor by mundane or ‘domestic’ considerations like whether they can hang the art in their living rooms.” Among the other nominees, Mr. Berrada’s artistic practice sits at the junction of science and nature. His installation, “Présage, SiO2,” is a 12-minute video showing the reaction that occurs when he pours silicon dioxide, a component used in making concrete, to activate a controlled chemical reaction in a glass tank filled with a mixture of acid and water. A mesmerizing landscape of moving shapes is captured in the video, projected onto a large screen. Mr. Berrada, 34, a native of Morocco, lives and works in Paris and Roubaix, in northern France.
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Alice Anderson’s work is made up of drawings, dance movements and totemic sculptures constructed from everyday objects wrapped in copper thread. © Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times
The French-born Alice Anderson, 47, reflects on memory in a presentation made up of drawings, dance movements and totemic sculptures constructed from “recorded” everyday objects — like a computer mouse or a mobile phone — wrapped in copper thread, that connect man to technology.
“Technology is driving a change of civilization,” Ms. Anderson said. “These objects are mummified to be preserved.”
On a wall in the space dedicated to Mr. Ramírez, 41, a Chilean multimedia artist who lives and works in Paris and Santiago, are the words: “The future always repeats itself inseparable from the past.” The sentiment ties together several pieces that touch on issues of migration and history.
At the center, a video depicts a man entangled in the twisted fabric of a sail floating in the sea, in what could be interpreted as either a slow struggle for survival or a metaphor for a return to the fetal state inside a womb.
“The sea and the sail evoke both freedom and failure,” Mr. Ramírez said. “My work is less about politics and more about poetry.”
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Enrique Ramírez’s work at the Pompidou Center includes a video of a man entangled in the twisted fabric of a sail floating in the sea. © Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times
Mr. Fuchs said the ADIAF (it is referred to with its French abbreviation) was founded in 1994 to promote the nation’s art. At the time, French artists were at a low point, their work was being purchased only by the state, and there were few private French art collections.
“Matisse had not been dead very long, yet the French art scene was completed discredited to the point that some even referred to Marcel Duchamp as an American painter,” Mr. Fuchs said.
“But thanks to the support of the Centre Pompidou from Day 1 and our own efforts, this prize has gained the prestige it has today,” he said.
The prize is less a launchpad for young artists than a spotlight on a body of work by more established names like Kader Attia, the 2016 winner, who went on to receive both the Joan Miró Prize and the Yanghyun Prize the next year. For many past winners, the prize has been a genuine boost to their careers, particularly thanks to the three-month show at the Pompidou.
“All prizes and encouragements are welcome in the life of an artist,” Thomas Hirschhorn, a Swiss artist who was awarded the first prize, wrote in a statement to the French press ahead of this year’s announcement.
“As an artist, I need my work to be shown, talked about and critiqued,” he wrote. “What is concrete about this prize and what really mattered to me were the prize money, the funding I received from ADIAF for a new piece, and my show at the Centre Pompidou.”
Laurent Grasso, a French multimedia artist who won in 2008, noted the attention the prize brought him. “Some 45,000 visitors came to my show at the museum,” he said. “This prize generates a lot of positive energy around the work of an artist.”
Upstairs, in the main galleries of the museum, works by all 19 past winners are displayed among pieces from the museum’s permanent collections.
“The dialogue with our historical pieces shows how more recent works fit into an ongoing artistic tradition,” said Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, the curator of the show.
“Some people consider contemporary artists to be engaged in a perpetual reinvention of art,” Mr. Liucci-Goutnikov said. “But this show demonstrates that art is a heritage being constantly renewed.”
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bites-kms · 7 years
La Joie de Vivre: Paris 32mm
Just came from Le Caveau de la Huchette - yes, the jazz club from La-La-Land. I didn’t know this, until I was at the door. I was just looking for a fun place to have a drink or two on a Thursday night and what a joy I found. I literally found the joy of life, or the Parisian way - la joie de vivre.
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These people, they were so immerse into the beat, it was très magnifique. Specially there was this one women, with style and grace, short hair, long earrings, long skirt -long according to her age but edgy enough let her wave and move around-, without a bra, laughing and shaking her arms towards the back while killing the dance floor at the beat and rhythm of bebop with his partner, a black man with a white haired afro, with the same big smile and crazy moves as her. It was amazing. I only felt tele transported like this before and it was at Nicky’s, the best Speakeasy bar in Buenos Aires. But this was the real deal: I am in Paris, living the late roaring 20s, in between wars after the American soldiers fought in Paris, in a lost cave right next Ile de cité, few blocks away from Notre Dame. 
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photocredits: Black Label Media  Although I must confess I was expecting to meet my Ryan Gosling - and yes, I did remember our dance mov(i)es - I met Mr. PH, or Pierre-Henri, the lovely Swedish/French, who lived in Utah from Uppsala. It’s amazing to be able to connect with all these people through music, regardless of age and origin, and this was even more special due to my Swedish experience. We danced and laughed a lot. I proudly made a fool of myself and decided I’m gonna learn this dance once Im back in NYC. Then I met Maurice, a younger, intriguing French guy with whom we danced more upbeat my-hips-dont-lie songs. That was some intense moves going on there! I had such a wonderful time I couldn’t wait to come home to write about it, I hope to make justice to the amazing experience I just had. Walking down the Seine, as Owen Willson in Midnight in Paris, I came back home - to this evil, evil Airbnb, not without stoping by the Louvre and enjoying all its secrets, changing my movie switch to the Da Vinci Code.
It’s still mesmerizes me how much these narratives shape our collective perspectives on the world. I was thinking about this exact same issue while walking down my office’s street the other day, back in NY, and saw a couple of police patrols going around like crazy, with a black SUV that looked as if it was from the FBI and a small but intense manifestation. I was surprised on how quiet the protesters were after the police cars passed by and didn’t make much sense to me. That was when I finally realized I was living this meta-reality and was tricked by my very own mind: this was all a set up for Gotham and I thought it was the real deal. I couldn’t stop laughing and my mind exploded for a couple of very long minutes trying to understand and process all these realities happening at the same time in my head!  So yes, this is my tribute to them, to the movies, to those little pieces of realities that we share in 32 mm (or blue ray, but that way is not that picturesque any more) And it feels weird that I start this tribute in Paris and not in New York, but I guess the NYC experience still feels a little bit surreal to me. At least here I know I’m not staying for good, I’m just here for 10 days, so I guess that makes me way more objective, an eager observer and an obsessed analytic of every minute.
I deserved some celebration after the success on the US embassy, so I decided to start with the simplest thing: let’s go for dinner! I went for my poulette avec pomme de terre but since it only came with fries, I switched it for the plat du soir and felt a little bit of the Jack Nicholson’s magic on Something Gotta Give at the Grand Colbert restaurant.  
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I ended up in the most surreal circumstances on a Friday’s night. Lost, during a thin-rainy eve in Paris, searching for hidden wifi hotspots in order to reach my destination: a typical French bistro by Le Marais. What I didnt realized, was that I was gonna run into this typical French guy called William. William, is actually a PHD professor and researcher from Atlanta- although he has been living in France since forever, and as per a Woody Allen movie, he was wearing a brown suit jacket which was double his proper size. He was also wearing bigger trousers -not pants- and we debated about morality, existence and transcendence of matter and language over the Frankfurt School, Marcuse, Horkheimer, Adorno for more than 4 hours, having wine, charcuterie and terrine. It was a very nice movie cliche to experience without even planning it!
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Who knew Paris was so famous in movies? I mean, of course in the collective imagery it is, but I didn’t actually realize the size nor the amount of “featured time” Paris have in this movie so called life. After my wonderful La-La-Land experience, my expectations were high and difficult to match, but oh you, dear Amélie, that was a hell of a Saturday we shared together! 
I went to Montmartre and started my film on the Abesees station, right next to the carrousel, close to her apartment. After a beautiful morning stroll with the sun on my face and the joy on each and every single pore of my being, I found the Cafe des 2 Moulins, where she enjoys the small but amazing things of life. Little did I know that not only the creme brûlée was gonna be amazing, but the atmosphere and the memories would be as such! The waiter became my fan: he noticed I was writing in my journal and started hitting on me with the sweetest and cheesiest lines ever, talking about the movie, practicing and mixing English and French, gifting me a pain au chocolat, drawing a heart gesture on the air before giving it to me. He even dared to asked for my number in the most courageous yet sweet way imaginable! It really made my day. Thanks Jullien, that was fun! Of course I also checked out the Studio 28 Cinema, where Amelie enjoys her movies. BITES & KMS SAYS: That’s a meta-hyper reality indeed: Amelie, a fictional character which I watch, goes and watches movies to the cinema in a narrative fiction, located on the same place I am standing right now in real life, thinking and wondering about what that character would be feeling at that moment, with the difference that I am feeling it right now. Wow #mindblown
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Of course, I couldn’t stop singing My Song, performed by Christian (Ewan McGregor), feeling a little bit like Satine from Moulin Rouge, while going up and down hills. I hate Boulevard de Clichy, I absolutely hate it: it’s dirty, touristy, with no style nor personality, full of weird people in the bad sense weird can be understood. But well, even though the Bal du Moulin Rouge is located there, this is not whatsoever the best part of the Quarter. So, I kept my musical dream alive and went around the other small and hidden streets. I actually found a spot, which was absolutely perfect. I needed to stop and write about it. My piece of paper said something like this: “Little pieces of Paris, small and unique as the cobblestones of their streets, where only the little birds sing and the sun warms the soul, in between the distant buzz and talks from the tourists.” I imagine a little chambre on one of those top balconies, with lovers singing to each other, having sex and drinking wine in bed at 11 am on a Sunday, waiting to be drunk again to keep sleeping. I stopped by this wonderful Bistro called Le Sancerre. I had my first glass of champagne and had a delicious lunch, falling in love with all these movies, one scene at a time.
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The following day I had a very specific location in mind: the Coulee Verte Rene Dumont: secret lover gardens. Only true Parisians go there and take their dates in hopes of some French kiss action. It is quite far off the tourist circuit, and that made me realized how the US is a rough copy of the best of France, with a very local spin. The Highline, that architecture phenomenon everyone is proud of, already existed here in Paris more than a century ago, and still lingers today. So, sorry Paula Scher, there’s nothing new under the sun. And talking about the sun, this was the setting for Before Sunset. I went there to seek inspiration and to reflect upon that proper dialogue that happens in the movie. Was sex with Ethan Hawke that forgettable or was it actually remarkable? Was he really happy with his wife? Why aren’t they together? Are they meant to be? 
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I guess there is just time to listen to some Nina Simone - which, for the time being, we can switch for French Edit Piaf or Italian Mina- and to whomever is asking when I’m flying back, I’m just gonna do as Ethan Hawke: 
Celine- Hey Babe, you’re gonna miss that plane. Jesse- I know.
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Cold, Flu and Corona Recovery Help
Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine has amazing tools to help expel left over pathogens, reduce phlegm, strengthen you and help you recover your joie de vivre, but sadly I am not yet able to return to work.  In the meantime, I thought I’d pull together all my knowledge and ideas and give you some ideas to help yourself recover thoroughly and quickly.
If you are currently ill and have a temperature you probably don’t feel much like reading this but there are some useful things you can do during this period, such as:
You probably know what I am going to say….   Stay away from the damp forming foods!  The dairy, sugar, white refined carbs, sweets, alcohol.  Avoid warming herbs and spices if you have a temperature, although in fairness you probably don’t have much of an appetite.  Remember to keep up the fluids, this is most important.
If you have a sore throat, try making an herbal tea with fresh sage leaves and hot water.  Sage was known as ‘Sage the Saviour’ and an ‘elixir of life’ and has many uses due to its energetic effects of stimulating and drying.  It can enhance the memory, reduce night sweats, support the nervous and immune systems, and soothe sore throats.  Put four or five fresh sage leaves or a rounded teaspoon of dried sage in a cup of boiling water, let it infuse for one minute then strain and drink.  You can also add honey and lemon if you like.
I found a remedy for flu, coughs and phlegm in the lungs in my old Kitchen Medicine book, which I thought I’d share you as it is so simple and easy to do.  Onion is an antiseptic and antiviral and works by changing the viscosity of phlegm, making it looser and easier to expel.
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Onion was once used as a treatment for plague and cholera, for burns, as a hair restorer, to draw out splinters and to remove blemishes and acne.  One of its healing properties is particularly relevant now – used as a poultice, onion breaks up congestion of phlegm, is a treatment for asthma, improves sluggish circulation and it draws out poison and heat.   As you know, acupuncture is all about the Qi and when the Qi doesn’t circulate, we get stagnation which causes all kinds of problems and pain.  So perhaps you can see why I rather like onions!  
So, to make an easy onion poultice you simply peel and cut an onion into small pieces to release the juice.  Wrap it in a square of fabric like a tea towel or a flannel and roll the ends over to make a packet.  Apply it to bare skin on your chest where you feel the pain and inflammation and keep it there as long as you can, repeating as often as you need it.  It can be harsh on your skin and the book tells you to take off the poultice if this happens.  A friend told me she felt immediate benefit from using an onion poultice when she had pneumonia.  I haven’t had to try it yet, but when I do, I’ll report back.
One of the best things you can do at the onset of a cold is Guasha;  I may have used guasha on you in previous treatments but the good news is that you can do it at home!  Guasha literally means scraping the skin – sounds painful but I promise it isn’t.  It is amazingly effective not only for helping the body expel pathogens and germs before they get too deep into the body.  It also helps relieve tight muscles, stiffness, and pain.  All you need is a willing partner, some oil (massage oil, coconut or even olive oil will do!) and a tool to scrape with.  You can use a Chinese soup spoon, or my preferred option is one of those honey jar lids! 
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The areas to focus on are roughly half way between the edge of the shoulder blade and the spine, and then over a point called Du 14 ‘Great Hammer’, which is located on the centre of the spine at the base of the neck, where there is a large knobbly vertebrae.
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I have added a couple of links to videos on YouTube that show you how to do it. The first one [here] shows the area over the shoulders, as well neck for neck pain and stiffness.  The second one [click here] is a Chinese acupuncturist who shows you how to find the bone at the top of the spine.  Both are useful and slightly different in their approach.  My tip for making it comfortable for your patient is to place your hand on the skin, holding it firm just about the section you are about to scrape.  Do give me a ring if there is anything you are not sure about.   
A note about taking paracetamol for a temperature….  The first thing we do if we have a temperature is to reach for the paracetamol but this is not always the best thing to do.  The body raises the temperature in order to kill a pathogen or virus so if we artificially lower the temperature it may take the body longer to fight the infection. Ideally one should not take paracetamol until the fever has broken – this is when you start sweating, but I do appreciate that when you are feeling lousy all you want is some relief.  I just want to give you this information so that you can bear it in mind and make your own decision.
In the recovery period we can continue to avoid the Damp forming foods (are you spotting the pattern here?!) and try to eat foods that are plain, nutritious and easy to digest.  Now is a good time to bring out that chicken stock from the freezer to make some soup, stews, or some congee which is a delicious Chinese rice dish.  Make sure you keep up the fluids and get plenty of rest – take your time, don’t rush!
Convalescence is a term that is not commonly used these days.  In our busy lives we tend to recover up to a point and then rush to resume our ‘normal’ lives before we are really back to full health.  The definition of convalescence is simply the gradual return to health while you still need time to recover from illness or medical treatment, usually by resting.  I hope that if you do succumb to ill health, the lockdown will give you the time and space you need to recover fully.
Congee is a Chinese rice pudding dish often eaten for breakfast or as a meal during convalescing.  It is simply rice that is cooked slowly for a long time (around 60-90 minutes) in a lot of water. There isn’t a specific recipe as such, but a general rule of thumb is that one cup of rice should need 6 cups of water or stock, but you may need to add extra during cooking.  Bring the rice to the boil, then lower the heat to low, partially cover with a lid and cook it until the rice takes on a soft smooth silky texture, almost like porridge.   The more you stir it, the smoother it gets.  You can add in a raw egg, stirring it in just before you serve.
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To make a super nutritious convalescence meal you cook the rice in the chicken stock instead of water and you can even add chicken wings or bones, pulling off the meat at the end and discarding the bones.
You can then add optional garnishes as well such as shredded chicken, springs onions, lots of ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce, wilted greens, soft or hardboiled eggs, fried garlic and shallots, and pickled vegetables.  You can use brown rice instead of white, and even substitute rice for quinoa – the great thing about congee is that there are no rules!
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Continue taking supplements to boost your immune system such as Vitamin C & D.  We can get Vitamin D from sunlight and we’ve had a fair bit lately, but it will still take us until around June to fully bring our levels back up after the darkness of winter.  Selenium is beneficial and can be found in brazil nuts, and Zinc is also a good tonic for the immune system.  
As I have mentioned before, gut health is so important to so many aspects of our health, so a good quality pro-biotic is a great way to top up your immune system.  Your local independent health food shop may be taking phone orders and most are happy to send orders by post, so you don’t even have to leave the house.
Another option is a tonic made of elderberries.  The one I use for myself and my children is called Sambuccol and you can get it from a chemist, health food shop and some of the larger supermarkets .
And finally...  
The most important thing is to take your time while you recuperate, rest, drink plenty, eat simple nutritious foods.
I hope you keeping well and safe in these difficult times and if I can be of any help, please do get in touch.  In fact, get in touch anyway - I’d love to hear how you are surviving!
Wishing you good health.
0 notes
imadmouhcine7 · 6 years
desires-from-corners information: “elvir baljić used to score from nook kicks a touch before he have become real madrid’s file signing lower back in 1999,” writes önder susam. “excellent times.” kári tulinius: “the term ‘olympic intention’, for scoring at once from a nook, comes from whilst argentina performed the reigning 1924 olympic champions uruguay and a intention changed into scored directly from a corner.” and it’s all over in seville, wherein luis suarez’s 93rd-minute goal ensured a rollercoaster recreation led to barcelona’s favour, four-2. but the story, as ever, is about the majesty of messi. absurdly, these days’s hat-trick changed into the 50th of his career, and i can let you know that every purpose become a peach: a crisp left-foot volley, then a right-foot piledriver and finally a vintage-messi dink over a inclined keeper. league : lincoln, bury and mansfield all win, and they continue to be the division’s top three in that order. macclesfield snatch a draw from the jaws of victory at crawley and notts county take nothing domestic from tranmere. yeovil beat cambridge to climb out of the drop region.
league one: more cruelty at wimbledon, wherein a stoppage-time goal from igor vetokele seals a comeback win for charlton. plymouth put five past rochdale, shrewsbury get a surprise win at peterborough, portsmouth and barnsley draw a clean. championship: full-time whistles sound across the department. no late twists, other than the merciless late intention at wigan. norwich and leeds each win in narrow and dramatic style, hull take a tonking at brentford. hat-trick for that guy lionel messi …and it’s three-2 to barcelona at sevilla, who twice led. five minutes left. full-time: bournemouth 1-1 wolves a penalty apiece, a point apiece, and through all account a farcical final little while, proposing surprising sprinkler motion. championship: and there it's far – doomed ipswich concede the inevitable equaliser, within the first minute of stoppage time, at wigan. joe garner the scorer. full-time: newcastle 2-0 huddersfield rondon rankings, almiron impresses, and all is well – for now – at st james’. huddersfield, however, are sadly completed. championship: stated benrahma completes his hat-trick towards hull to place brentford 5-1 up. danny graham and che adam revel in a quickfire trade of dreams at st andrew’s, wherein it’s 2-2, and semi ajayi attracts rotherham degree inside the six-pointer at reading … and doomed ipswich nonetheless lead at wigan. league two: jay o’shea rattles in his sixteenth of the season, and bury have became it round – they’ve 2-1 ahead towards paul scholes’ oldham. they gained’t move pinnacle today – leaders lincoln are 2-zero up – however bury’s merchandising push maintains. intention! bournemouth 1-1 wolves (jimenez) a penalty apiece at the south coast. and then there’s another one! which shouldn’t were given! which josh king misses! championship: goals! two of them: norwich and leeds each cross in advance inside seconds of every different. first kenny mclean makes it 3-2 at carrow road – comeback kings and all that – earlier than a messy purpose from ezgjan alioski at elland street places bielsa’s facet 2-1 up. there follows a mass-scuffle, which concludes with bolton supervisor phil parkinson being sent off. bravo. albert adomah equalises for aston villa at stoke. europe: all over in munich, in which bayern inch past hertha berlin, 1-zero, to move level on points with dortmund. nonetheless 2-1 in seville, where ousmane dembele has been thrown on for barcelona. “ahem,” writes kieran malone, “steve staunton also scored a aim in opposition to norn iron immediately from a corner.” he did indeed – and it became the move-to celebration trick of morten gamst pedersen, right? any more for any extra?
championship: the carrow avenue crowd have seen a few satisfactory video games this season and are being treated to every other helter-skelter mystery nowadays: ben godfrey has made it 2-2 against bristol metropolis. leeds nevertheless being held by using bolton, bamford missing a splendid danger from near-variety. brent are now 4-1 to the good at domestic to hull, neal maupay inevitably entering into at the a laugh. a department under, omar bogle has missed a penalty within the massive one at fratton park. league one: aiden mcgeady doubles sunderland’s lead at bristol rovers, anthony o’connor makes it 2-2 for bradford towards 10-man walsall and mouhamadou-naby sarr stages for charlton at rock-backside wimbledon. intention from a corner! charlie mulgrew has bent one without delay in from a corner (also referred to as “an artim shaqiri”), to equalise for blackburn at birmingham. it’s the 1/3 time he’s pulled that off this season – ridiculous. goal! newcastle 2-0 huddersfield (perez) it's miles indeed. salomon rondon, a simply glorious centre-ahead, turns company to flick into the path of ayoze perez, who makes the factors safe for newcastle. goal! newcastle 1-zero huddersfield (rondon) the venezuelan colossus finishes thru jonas lossl’s legs to position the magpies beforehand. that’s huddersfield dead and buried, isn’t it. league : dreams at a top rate. your half of-time ratings appear to be this:
league one: sunderland are in advance at memorial stadium thanks to luke o’nien, even as the tabletop meeting among portsmouth and barnsley stays deadlocked. different half of-time ratings are as follows: europe: huff, puff, and a 64th-minute javi martínez header. bayern munich 1-zero hertha berlin, with the bavarian giants, as it stands, level on points with borussia dortmund on the top of the bundesliga. freiburg are four-1 up against augsburg, mainz 1-zero up towards schalke and monchengladbach main wolfburg 2-zero. in spain, gabriel mercado has restored sevilla’s lead towards barcelona – 2-1. “not a big fan of his so i must be thinking the ‘king’ part, not the ‘solomon’,” writes david smith, “however in his case sol is short for sulzeer no longer solomon” – a excellent factor and duly corrected. championship: grizzled veteran steven fletcher puts sheffield wednesday three-zero up at home to swansea, whose joie de vivre of ultimate week has deserted them. and stated benrahma has were given any other intention at griffin park. all in all an eventful forty five minutes in the second tier, where your half of-time rankings appear to be this: europe: in spain, jesus navas (the very equal) puts sevilla in advance in opposition to barcelona, but that man lionel messi equalises four minutes later. 1-1. half an hour to play in munich, in which bayern are yet to discover a manner past hertha berlin. league : a header from harry smith places sol campbell’s macclesfield beforehand at crawley – that takes them out of the drop quarter. helluva job to date from king sulzeer. championship: goals galore. the floodgates have opened on the riverside as ashley fletcher places boro 2-zero up towards qpr, kenny mclean equalises for norwich a full minute before callum o’dowda restores bristol metropolis’s lead, preston are three to the coolest at millwall with 1/2 an hour gone, a wondergoal from saïd benrahma has turned brentford-hull on its head – that one is now 2-1 – and 10-guy, backside-of-the-desk, genuinely-doomed ipswich are in advance at wigan way to a will keane penalty. they couldn’t, could they…?
league two: just the five desires so far, the most high-quality of that is bruno andrade’s for lincoln at morecambe. league one: wimbledon lead charlton thanks michael folivi – a messy goal, however they’ll take it. they remain rock backside however are giving themselves every risk of survival with a mettlesome run of latest shape. this would make it three wins at the trot. different scores as follows: championship: leeds’ imperious reign on the top of the desk lasted precisely six mins. mark beevers has levelled for bolton. up in wigan, ipswich’s season of depression continues apace with a jonas knudsen sending off. and a effective header from fraizer campbell has put hull 1-0 up at brentford. purple card: tommy smith (huddersfield) huddersfield’s captain is giving his marching orders for a heavy tackle on almiron. as far as newcastle are concerned, a ought to-win game has just become a really-should-win-or-else recreation. championship: two large goals at the top of the table. jamie paterson has put unrelenting bristol metropolis 1-zero up at norwich (who, as you'll be aware, are the department comeback kings). and a patrick bamford penalty gives leeds the lead in opposition to bolton – they’ve leapfrogged norwich to go first as it stands. some other place preston have gone 2-zero up way to tom clarke and che adams receives his 20th intention of the season to put birmingham beforehand in opposition to blackburn. purpose! bournemouth 1-zero wolves (king) joshua king slams domestic from the spot after being brought down by means of joao moutinho. championship: jonny howson has positioned middlesbrough 1-zero up against qpr, and also you wouldn’t wager against the scoreline staying that way – no one in the pinnacle half of have scored fewer than boro, and nobody in the whole division has conceded fewer. stoke are in advance towards aston villa thanks to sam vokes, preston are beating millwall and a peach from adam attain has positioned sheffield wednesday in front towards swansea. guy city win the continental cup they triumph 4-2 on consequences, karen bardsley the hero with  saves in the shootout. more right here: in league one’s early kickoff, sixth-positioned doncaster have only managed a 1-1 draw at scunthorpe – this means that peterborough can leapfrog them into the play-off locations with the aid of beating shrewsbury. penalties in the continental cup arsenal v manchester town finishes at an deadlock, and will be determined by the lottery exacting, excessive-strain examination of technique that may be a penalty shootout. observe it right here with rob smyth: so, miguel almiron receives his complete debut for newcastle. he regarded a livewire off the bench in opposition to wolves, exactly the kind of lively, unfastened-jazz type that rafael benitez’s aspect were desperately lacking. understanding rafa as we do, it may be smart not to assume to see an excessive amount of of almiron away from home, however nowadays’s recreation – a have to-win domestic recreation against the lowest aspect – is a tailored debut. he plays along each salomon rondon and ayoze perez in what is, by means of benitez’s standards, a full-on gung-ho attacking lineup. team news bournemouth v wolves bournemouth: boruc; clyne, mepham, aké, smith; ibe, gosling, lerma, fraser; king; solanke. subs: surman, mousset, daniels, rico, simpson, begovic, surridge wolves: rui patrício; bennett, coady, boly; doherty, dendoncker, rúben neves, joão moutinho, jonny; jiménez, diogo jota. subs: ruddy, cavaleiro, costa, gibbs-white, saiss, vinagre, traore newcastle v huddersfield newcastle: dubravka; schar lascelles, lejeune; yedlin, hayden, longstaff, ritchie; perez, almiron; rondon. subs: woodman, manquillo, dummett, kenedy, ki, atsu, joselu huddersfield: lossl, smith, hogg, bacuna, lowe, zanka, schindler, mooy, puncheon, kachunga, depoitre. subs: kongolo, billing, hamer, grant, mournie, stankovic, hadergjonaj across europe some information for the armchair bundesliga fans getting enthusiastic about borussia dortmund’s runaway fulfillment: bayern munich may be top of the desk come 5pm these days. they’ll have played a game more, and that they’ll need a seven-intention win to get there, but equally they have got lost as soon as for the reason that mid-november and today – nay, right now – face midtable hertha at the allianz arena. document below “stranger matters have passed off”. for an object lesson in runaway-leaderdom, dortmund need to look to spain, wherein barcelona can sail 10 points clean with a win this afternoon. the best trouble is they’re away at sevilla, who are not handiest clearly quite excellent, but will also be purpose of wresting returned fourth spot after getafe’s in advance win. stay tuned. league two after a win, a draw and a loss from his first three video games with oldham, paul scholes seems to instil consistency – and near in at the play-offs – with a nearby derby in opposition to bury. scholes’ warring parties will be no pushovers: bury could quit the day top of the table. the cutting-edge leaders, lincoln, journey to morecambe.  other promoting hopefuls face off as colchester host carlisle, and sol campbell continues his attempts to dig macclesfield out of chance at crawley. notts county, the department’s bottom aspect and a factor beneath campbell’s guys, are are at tranmere, in which they’ll be tasked with retaining a lid at the unfastened-scoring james norwood. league one with leaders luton no longer gambling until day after today, 2d-placed barnsley have a hazard to shut the space to 2 points this afternoon. to accomplish that they’ll want to win at fratton park – no smooth project, though portsmouth, five points clear on new 12 months’s day and now 10 factors off the leaders, are in wretched shape. at the other give up of the table, with seven points “isolating” the bottom eight and four relegation spots to head spherical, the annual mad scramble has well and sincerely began. to that stop wimbledon will be hoping to redirect the buoyancy in their fa cup run, which came to an end ultimate weekend, into the task of clambering off the lowest of the league. they host charlton, even as the 3 groups above them – all on 33 points – are away from domestic. full-time: burnley 2-1 tottenham and that’s that. spurs have carried out wonders in recent months to grasp doggedly to the coat-tails of the top , however the ultimate-ditch heroics that delivered so lots of their wins intended doubts lingered over how sustainable a name tilt genuinely changed into. and there have been no such heroics nowadays. they may finish the weekend 8 points off the league leaders. burnley, meanwhile, have turned a depressing season absolutely around – and that end result will not be welcomed at newcastle, who will live underneath sean dyche’s aspect nowadays whatever occurs. more coverage and reaction here: championship a massive day in a division this is delectably tight at the pinnacle. 3 point separate the pinnacle four,  of whom – west brom and sheffield united – face off later this afternoon. the alternative  have their danger to turn up the warmth on their counterparts before that: leaders norwich towards a ludicrously in-shape bristol city side who've received their closing seven league video games at the jump, and leeds hosting bolton in a recreation that would appearance honest enough have been leeds now not in the midst of a surprisingly bielsan submit-christmas wobble. someplace else studying and rotherham – respectively above and inside the drop quarter, separated only through aim-distinction – lock horns in a dictionary-definition six-pointer. count on mud, blood and 2 well-prowled technical areas. ipswich’s more and more determined try to salvage their season keep at wigan, aston villa and birmingham’s wavering advertising pushes continue against stoke and blackburn respectively, and millwall appearance to put an inglorious week behind them – and preserve their heads above the relegations waters – towards preston. a win at bristol rovers – one in every of that lowly gaggle – ought to take sunderland inside a factor of the automatic promoting spots, while two of the league deadlier finishers in neal maupay and jarrod bowen come head to head in hull’s soiree to brentford. goal! burnley 2-1 tottenham (barnes) a massive aim at each ends of the desk! jóhann berg guðmundsson collects a free ball on the edge of a crowded spurs container and hits a shot, badly scuffed and trickling well extensive … till an alert ashley barnes scampers in on the lower back put up to prod home. a poacher’s end from the austrian assassin. spurs want something special now. superior league proper then. simply the two 3pm kick-offs today way to diverse european and domestic cup entanglements, in addition to the day past’s friday-night time escapades. however they’re two games of a few word: wolves and bournemouth are very likely, on their day, the 2 best footballing facets out of doors the pinnacle six (and indeed well able to besting that elite), too. the “on their day” caveat is a large one although, specially for eddie howe’s team, whose latest shape has even by using their own standards zigzagged wildly and with little obvious good judgment. a win for them towards a instead on hand wolves facet unbeaten in seven would set them closer to a very last instantly of the season while they could revel in hunting down those above them instead of be anxious over what might be looming underneath. up on tyneside, in the meantime, rafael benítez enters what can be a season-defining week. his facet take on rock-backside, aim-allergic huddersfield before web hosting burnley on tuesday and heading to west ham next saturday. a win this afternoon might take his aspect up to heady thirteenth and double-triple-rubberstamp huddersfield’s destiny, no longer to say soften the gutpunch that became the overdue, a good deal fumed-over equaliser conceded at molineux of their final trip. a defeat, on the other hand, could be very awful certainly for a club where doom-mongering has end up close to second nature. there’s additionally a few soccer taking place as we speak. that’d be tottenham’s ride to burnley – the name outsiders having just dragged it again to at least one-1 at turf moor thru a sure harold kane. there’s 15 mins to head and also you’ll get updates right here – even though sense loose to preserve abreast via scott murray’s devoted live blog: rugby, what rugby? are you via any hazard averse to egg-chasing and the pointy-shoed fairweather enthusiasts, crude of way and loud of voice, who invade our favorite pubs right now of yr? then welcome every person to this fairly slight-mannered live weblog, where there can be no aggressive downing of pints, no roaringly performative patriotism, and the best goalposts that rely are exactly 2.44 meters tall. because in spite of what you might had been informed, there's soccer to be had this afternoon – masses of it. inside the top flight we’ve were given a best-of-the-relaxation meeting and an old-fashioned gloves-off scrap, at the same time as each of the the seventy two football league clubs are turning into the season’s home straight with a few combination of ambition, distress, willpower, terror, despair, craving, angst and apathy. i’ll communicate you thru all that in a minute. get the kettle on.
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