#then i should finish packing clothes for uni today yay
itadore-you · 9 months
I am going to go for a little amble today to the post office to post something for the first time 😊 if anything goes wrong I'm not leaving the house again for three days 🤗
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Surprise Visit
A/N: This took a bit long to write, sorry 😬 I hope you enjoy it! It got shorter near the end bc i ran out of ideas 😅 Enjoy!
It has only been a week since you left for a work trip but he already missed you. He would look at your photos murmuring to himself about wanting to see you again. He’d stare at the clock and as soon as it was morning in your timezone, he’d call you right away. 
“Isn’t it really late for you right now, what are you doing awake?” you greeted him when you picked up the phone. 
“I'm having trouble sleeping because you weren’t there” you could hear his pout through the phone. 
“Aww, you’re so clingy,” you teased him, “but in all seriousness, you should sleep. You have work too in the morning” you scolded him  
He sighed, “I know, I know. I just wanted to hear your voice. When did you say you’re coming back? I can’t be without you for too long” 
“You’ll be fine, it’s only for one more week.” you assured him “and now i’m going to hang up and you better sleep, i’ll call you later” you hung up the phone before he could say anything. 
Truthfully, your plane was about to take off and you were on your way back. You had finished up your work earlier than expected and decided to surprise Yonghoon knowing how much he missed you. 
After your flight landed, you took a taxi to your house and freshened up before heading to go see Yonghoon. 
You arrived at the dorms but no one seemed to be home so you entered the passcode and allowed yourself in. You stopped at the entrance of Yonghoon’s bedroom. 
“What a mess,” you shook your head at the sight of clothes on the floor and polaroids scattered around. Making sure not to accidentally step on anything, you took a closer look. It was your hoodie that went missing recently, Yonghoon probably kept it with him because of your scent. 
You picked up the polaroid. It was a picture of his arm slung over your shoulders and you staring at him with goofy smiles on both of your faces. You took it together on a date to the movies. He saw a photobooth and practically begged you to take a photo with him. You picked up another polaroid, this time, it’s the polaroid you took of him. 
Yonghoon walked into the room and saw you staring at the polaroids. He gasped “you’re back!” he tackled you onto the bed in a hug
You sat up, “I’m back, I finished work early and decided to surprise you!” you explained 
“But what’s all this? Why are you acting like I'm dead or that we broke up?” you raised an eyebrow, gesturing to his room full of your belongings. 
“Oh….that.” his face burned up as he tried to think of an excuse. “I just missed you too much” he attacked you with more hugs. “Don’t ever go anywhere for too long without me”
“Alright, alright” you hugged him back
Your family had family reunions every year in different countries every time. This time, it was held in The Bahamas for a week. Harin already missed you so he decided to shoot you a text. 
You were in the pool, playing around with your cousins when you heard your phone beep. You swam to the side of the pool and pointed to your phone, “what does it say?”
She picked up your phone, “it says, ‘how’s the reunion going? i hope you’re having fun, i miss you. call me when you can’ with a heart and it’s from ‘Perfect Man Harin’ whose Harin?” she wiggled her eyebrows 
You climbed out of the pool and dryed yourself off. Taking your phone you said, “well, whose [sister’s boyfriend’s name]? I heard you talking to them on the phone” you teased back before walking off and calling Harin’s number
“How’s the trip going? Are you having fun?” he greeted you after answering your call 
“It’s going great! I haven’t been able to spend lots of time with my family since I was really busy and this is a great time to catch up. I miss you lots, you should’ve come with me” you said
“You know if I could, I would’ve but we had to do a concert” you could hear the dissapointment in his voice, “but you should enjoy this moment to the fullest!”
You both talked for a while before your phone was about to die so you had to say your goodbyes
“I’ll see you soon in two days” you told him before hanging up the phone “I love you”
As you were headind to the elevators, you sister spotted you. “You’re going upstairs already?” you asked her
“yup! gotta pack for our flight tonight. what about you?” she pushed the button on the elevator
“i went to get my charger but wait, our flight is tonight? I thought it’s in two days?” you ask her
“ah, i see you’re still forgetfull as ever” she laughed 
You decided to pack your stuff too. Night came and your flight left. You headed to your house to drop off your stuff, take a shower and change your clothes.
You decided to go the company to surprise Harin. You entered the practice room where all of ONEWE were practicing. You heard Yonghoon singing and the insturments playing. You didn’t want to distrub them so you quietly walked into the room. 
After the song was over, Dongmyeong noticed you, “Oh, hey y/n. I thought you were on a trip?”
Harin’s head snapped up at the mention of your name, “you’re back!” a smile broke out on his face, “i thought you were coming back in two days”
Harin got out from behind the drums and picked you up and spun you around, “I missed you so much”
“I missed you too and I messed up the dates and accidentally told you the wrong date i would come back” you smiled sheepishly
Harin turned to the other members “practice is over for today right?” they nodded in return and watched as Harin grabbed his bag and your hand, “you haven’t eaten, right? let’s go eat. you need to tell me everything that happened”
Hyungu knew that you needed this vacation so he tried not to call and text you too much. He couldn’t help it and still texted you quite often but just small texts like “how’s your day?” “have you eaten?” “I love you”
To be honest, you felt a little lonely all by yourself in the large hotel room. You weren’t too far away from home but you didn’t want to go home just yet becuase then you’d have to go to work again, where you’ll fall under pressure and stress.
You were wishing that Hyungu had come along with you and looked forward to the small messages he sent you so you could call him. 
“Hyungu, are you busy?” you called him 
“No, what’s up?” he asked 
“Talk with me for a while then” you wanted to hear his voice but you wanted to see his face even more. 
That evening, you decided that three days was long enough vacation. You took a week off from work so you’ll just spend the rest of your vacation days with him at his house. 
You took a cab to his house and rang the doorbell. Harin opened the door and was surprised to see you here with your bags in hand. He invited you inside, “Hyungu’s not home right now” he answered before you had asked
“Oh, we’ll i’ll just wait for him then. In the meantime, how have you been?” you talked with Harin for a while. You explained how it was lonely at the hotel by yourself and asked if it was okay to stay with them for the remaining of your vacation. 
“We don’t have a room for you but I guess you can sleep in Hyungu’s bed with him, if you’re fine with sharing the room with Yonghoon hyung and me too” he suggested
“I don’t mind, i’m just thankful that you’ll let me stay here because it’s too lonely at my house too” you hugged Harin as a way to thank him
“You can put your bags in the room and Hyungu will be home soon” Harin said making dinner. 
You helped him make dinner and as you set the food on the table, Hyungu walked through the front door, “what’s for dinner?” he asked staring at his phone, his hand hovering over the ‘send’ button
When no one answered, he looked up. He stares at you for a second before rubbing his eyes. He’s still just standing there, “go wash up for dinner” you say
He walks over to you and hugs you tight, “you’re back early” he mumbled 
“yeah, it was lonely so i’m going to stay with you until the end of my vacation“ you shared the news
He bounced from side to side doing a happy dance, “yay! we can have a sleepover!” he said excitedly 
You went on a year-end field trip for uni. It was held in Jeju Island this year. Dongmyeong was singing all your favorite songs non-stop because he couldn’t see you in person. 
Your hotel got mold so you guys had to cut the trip short. You decided to meet with Dongmyeong. 
You entered his house and heard him singing [your favorite song name]. “Since when have you liked that song so much?” you asked him 
He jumped up out of his seat when he saw you. “y/n! I missed you so much! You’re back!” he rushed over to pull you into a hug and kisses  
“You’re squishing me!” you laugh
He pinched your cheeks, “you’re cute”
You smiled widely, “but i missed you sooooo much~”
He returned your smile, his dimples popping out. You poke his dimples causing him to laugh more, “what have you been up to?” you ask
“singing all your favorite songs“ he replied before burting out into song
You smack him lightly, “you’re too loud, you’ll wake everyone up, it’s like 11 pm”
Your friend has been going through a rough patch so you decided to go visit her to comfort her. 
Giuk was keeping busy to avoid missing you too much because he knew your friend needed you. He was working in his studio, late again. 
Usually you brought him food and kept him company whenever he stayed up working but you weren’t coming today. 
Your friend has been doing much better and now she’s back on her feet. You say goodbye to her and head back home. As you’re on your way home you call Dongmyeong to ask if Giuk is at the dorms or the studio. 
You thank him and hang up. You weren’t sure if he’s eaten or not but knowing him, he probably forgot. You bought both a meal and some snacks. You head to his studio. 
The door is open and you see him staring at his phone, almost hesitating.
“I brought food~“ you say holding up the bag
He doesn’t turn around, instead mutters to himself, “I must be going crazy. I can hear y/n’s voice now”
You laugh out loud and walk towards him and hug him from behind, “i’m actually here, dummy” 
He turned around and hugged you immediately, “i missed you so much!”
“me too~ what are you working on?” you pointed to his computer which had a new composition on it
He showed you the song he was working on currently, glad to be by your side again. You both ate in his studio before heading home, he slept over at your place because he wanted to be with you after being away from you for so long.
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aching-tummies · 5 years
Snowy Days, Aunt Flow, and Sleep
TMI warning. Gonna be talking about Aunt Flow.
Aunt Flow decided to visit today. Great...it's cold, it's snowing, it's slippery and treacherous to walk around outside, I'm at work where I have to stand all day before I slide around outside, trying not to trip or twist something too far. For those unaware, Aunt Flow packs something called "cramps" when she comes--it's like when an actual aunt brings or shares something nobody asked for or wanted--e.g. stories of your snot-nosed, game-stealing, you-blaming, brat of a cousin. The cramps are why I'm also complaining about the snow and cold. Cramps always suck, but when they come on top of the already cramped muscles from shivering all day it's not just painful, it's exhausting. Also, Aunt Flow's effects on one's body, the new pains and cramps everywhere, tend to make walking and moving different. You could move the way you normally do, but you're usually "rewarded" with a sharp pinch to your innards for it. Trying to parkour and "Twister" my way through all the loose snow drifts all over the sidewalks on a normal day is pretty bad and I always run the risk of spraining something. Heck, my entire right side still smarts from when I basically sled down the front steps...without a sled. With the cramps and internal pinching to contend with, trying to navigate the snowy outdoors becomes even more difficult, frustrating, and often painful than an ordinary snowy day.
Luckily, I had the foresight to pack supplies this morning (new bag...haven't put Aunt-Flow supplies into it yet) as well as slipped on some leg-warmers I had lying around. I actually didn't know it was snowing when I put them on--I thought my legs felt chilly before bed last night so I slipped the leg-warmers on on a whim and went to bed. I decided not to remove them before heading to work today 'cuz I wanted to test out whether or not they're the kind that will stay up despite gravity and movement (so far, yes).
I've been dreading Aunt Flow's visit for a long time. I used to be pretty regular and could usually predict what days I'd have to switch to black underwear. Since 3rd year Uni...nope. I was aiming to get into a highly competitive program at the time, so I skived on sleep, a proper diet, etc. I didn't take care of myself and I could tell I was running my body to the ground. Back then the skipped days felt like a triumph against nature--I had warded off the Bloody Monthly Devil and postponed having to do an impromptu set of sheets in the laundry. The triumph was short-lived as I started to live in fear--was it actually going to come? After the academic semesters wrapped up and I had 4 months at home, things started to try to return to normal. Nasty business...it was like trying to pass all of my skipped periods at once. It lasted longer than it should have, the cramps were about five times more intense--basically, everything was dialed up exponentially. Fourth year comes and I realize there's a new "pattern"...not necessarily in dates, 'cuz those were waaay unpredictable. The new pattern was that even if Aunt Flow didn't arrive in all her crimson nightmare-ishness, she'd send her "luggage" with her for about two weeks some random time of the month. All the cramps and digestive issues, and the constant anxiety of whether or not I get to wear my favorite pair of underwear, but barely any of the blood...or it'd be double or triple what it should be as though Aunt Flow decided, "riiight! I couldn't make it out to visit you last month, or four months ago...so...here, I'll just send you EVERYTHING! Oh...whoops...that was the teal pair, wasn't it? Your favorite?"
Back to the present, I guess. I've since graduated post-secondary and it seems my body is trying to right itself. Luckily for me, right before I left for work I thought, "if Aunt Flow comes, it'll probably come today...grab supplies". I've been wrong before, but everyone that deals with an Aunt Flow knows that the second she enters your thoughts, you grab supplies just to ward off the bad thoughts--even if she doesn't come at all.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but for me there are different kinds of periods. There are the "nice" ones where I only cramp a little and can go about my day, there's the ones where I'm nauseous all the time, the ones that decide to make me hungry literally all the time, sometimes the hungry one is coupled with my entire digestive system forgetting that it's supposed to digest/absorb the stuff I eat and it all goes straight through me, the ones that mess with my moods, the ones that mess with my taste-buds, and the ones that make me really lethargic and sleepy. Sometimes it's a combination of a few of these "symptoms"...yeah, it sucks. I kind of wish that being ace and a virgin meant I could opt out of Aunt Flow's visits--dude, I know I'm not pregnant. I haven't boinked anyone, so leave me alone!
Today's visit is shaping up to be a lethargic/sleepy one. I got off of work and had plans to take the bus out to a store further away (a couple of transfers over) to use a limited time coupon to get some item. I went, I got the thing, and headed back on the same routes...which usually means staying awake and being super anxious that I'll miss my stop. The legargic feeling got to me on the ride home and I'm sure I nodded off for a bit. The fact that the sun had set didn't help matters 'cuz it was already hard enough trying to figure out what stop we were at in the dark. Luckily, I managed to get off on the right stop and made it home. I was so tired and had plans to just toss my purchase into a corner of my room and pass out. No dice--family wants to eat dinner together...on top of that they want me to do some of the prep-work (slicing veggies). I get down to business, slicing veggies and praying I don't nod off. I don't need more cuts on my hands, thanks, the ten or so I already have from various activities are plenty.
I prep dinner and hear that they want to hold off on cooking and eating, so I go upstairs, intent on setting up my purchase (it was some organizer for my bathroom) and maybe going online to pass the time until dinner. Before you say "coffee--coffee is your answer", coffee tends to screw with my stomach on a good day...usually in a minor way. When Aunt Flow visits, coffee makes her really angry...and when she's angry she sends more cramps. I had my coffee ready and waiting in a thermos in my bag all day...but when I felt the tell-tale twinges during work that told me "she's here" I realized "great...tired...and coffee is not an option".
I'm pretty sure I ended up napping in and out for about twenty minutes at a time. I dragged myself out of bed to see if family wanted to eat. I was hungry, but I was so exhausted that I actually prepared to tell them "gonna go to bed early--not eating dinner". I actually wanted to just sleep off the lethargy and deal with the hunger pangs after waking up...but no dice on that one. Dinner tonight wasn't anything super enticing to me, but family decided they wanted all of it gone 'cuz there wasn't room in the fridge to put stuff in. I was craving hot tea 'cuz I was really cold (hungry = harder time regulating body heat, I guess), so I made a beeline for the hot water. Luckily for me, family didn't empty the thing boiling greens and there was literally just enough left for me to make one mug of tea. Yay! No 20+ minute wait for the electric kettle to heat up. I refilled the kettle (don't be a douch!) and made my way to dinner, still trying to come up with ways to maybe pawn off my food to my family members or maybe pack it in the fridge for later.
I made the tea and started picking at my dinner. I'm pretty sure I ate enough to ensure nobody would be concerned. I live with male family members so they wouldn't understand the nuances of Aunt Flow and I didn't want them to get concerned--I just wanted to sleep. Throughout the meal, I hoped and prayed that it'd just be lethargy and I wouldn't have to contend with cramps or hurried trips to the bathroom.
It's after dinner now and I'm back in my room. No intense cramps or trips to the bathroom (yet) 'cuz I guess I've lined my stomach with about two and a half mugs of hot tea. My stomach is sloshing and letting out some pretty intense burbles and it's pretty loud. I'm not even manipulating it--it's sloshing around just from my normal breathing. I don't feel stuffed or bloated, but my tummy's pretty full. Just lying here, it feels fine...but when I put a hand on it or press into it even lightly I feel like a full water-balloon
Anyway, all of this sort of inspired a couple of lines for me as fic-inspiration so I wrote out this post in hopes I'll go back to it for more inspiration to write, preferrably after I've gotten my long-awaited sleep.
Fic inspiration: -A knowing B is unwell 'cuz they're not the type to take naps and A just found B asleep in their outdoor clothes, halfway on the bed/couch. Clearly, they didn't intend to fall asleep. A debates whether or not to wake B for dinner, but B makes that decision for them, rousing on their own and grimacing when they realize they must have nodded off. B gets up and goes to dinner, seemingly intent on acting fine...but A knows and is concerned. -A knows B isn't feeling good when B makes a beeline for tea rather than sit down to eat dinner. A knows B's probably either chilly (maybe coming down with a cold), or has some stomach issues considering they're making themselves hot tea. -A knows B isn't feeling well when they see the apprehensive look on B's face at seeing dinner. That knowledge is further confirmed when B picks at their food in the beginning, and seems to be gulping down their tea at an alarming rate--trying to get it down before it cools or so it seems. A's concern-meter fills up and shatters when B finishes their portion of dinner. A suspects B was hungry, but knows from their expressions that they're not well or didn't want to eat for some reason. -A keeps an eye on B, knowing that B doesn't like being fussed over, but they're worried all the same. They ensure there's hot water in the kettle and A does a mental check to ensure they know where the heating packs are...in case B needs it. B's clearly nodding off against their will somewhere right now and A's waiting for when they're half-lucid to grill them about how they're feeling.
I've got an idea of the pairing I wanna write this for...but whether it'll actually happen is another story. I'm full and tired, but each time my tummy rumbles I'm low-key terrified it means I have T-5 seconds to get to the bathroom for one thing or another. Right now, each rumble sounds like a variation of those water-cooler things when they burble to suck in more air as people take water from it. Maybe I overdid it with the tea, but it beats having cramps and having to confine myself to the bathroom for a few hours.
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7wanderingpaws · 6 years
Home arrest. (Jinyoung)
Another request yay! 
This came quickly so I hope it will still be enjoyable. Please let me know what you think and thank you for reading <3 Have a great Friday and weekend! 
Request: - - - Jinyoung x reader - - - (University AU)
The world was an unfair place - that was a fact you knew for a long time being a university student and seeing all the possible disadvantages, etc. However, you could have sworn this one was the worst one out of your entire student life.
“What do you mean you cannot go?” asked your best friend, Nabi. She had this long, black hair that shined beautifully even in the dull lighting of the student cafeteria. She grabbed her iced americano and took a cute sip.
You took off the lid of your hot americano and straight away took one sip. It burned but who gave a damn?! Nabi was about to say something but she almost choked on her own gulp. You swallowed, momentarily dizzy from the burning coffee going down your throat. “Because I have to go to see grandma in the counryside.”
“But can't you postpone it? Come one day later? And that is literally on the other side of the country, Y/N. Changwon is ages away.”
“You know how my father is,” you said, defeated. Besides, you were in quite the trouble at home, being “locked up”. Your father was a very authoritative person that strongly believed in confucianism, therefore there was nothing you could do against him. Yet, you did come home very drunk and very noisy after you managed to nail some hard exams with high scores two days ago. It was like the end of the world at home, but, oh well, you were here feeling very alive.
Nabi made a grimace but didn't dare to comment anymore once the topic turned your father. 
Anyway, you were so ashamed about this fact (you being drunk and then you being “imprisoned in your own home”) that you ended up avoiding your boyfriend Jinyoung. And it was his graduation that you could not attend which broke your heart.
As you were just about to continue with complaints, your KakaoTalk dinged. Not wanting to take it right away, you ignored it when another ding came in. Then another one, then another one. You frowned and looked at Nabi but she was staring at something behind you. Who was i-
“Oh, there you are!” said Jinyoung cheerfully, pushing his phone into his pocket and appearing in your eye sight next to your chair. Nabi had heart eyes and you were trying to stop your heart from beating too frantically. “I was looking for you everywhere, sweetheart. Hey Nabi,” he sent her a charming smile. Nabi covered her face, all red.
That “sweetheart” nickname made you want to cry. “What are you doing here?”
“I finished my meeting sooner than I thought, so now we can be together as much as possible,” he said, his voice slightly raspy. He leaned in, supporting himself with one hand on the table and the other one on your chair. “And you are free now as well, considering your successful exam season.”
You swallowed and didn't dare to look him in the eye. “I actually have to go now.” Before he could even realise it, you were pushing him aside and trying to get up. “I desparately have to be somewhere right now.”
“Oh, yes, you forgot about your media meeting again, didn't you?” Nabi played along, nodding.
Jinyoung looked quite like the confused puppy. His head was turning once to Nabi, once to you, but you were already packing your bag, throwing it over your head. “Wait, Y/N, what media meeting? You're not a media student... Bye Nabi!” he shouted behind his shoulder as you made your way out of the cafeteria. “We should talk about tomorrow.”
Oh no. “Sorry, babe, maybe later? This is pretty urgent,” you said in a monotone voice, not even looking at him. “Catch you later.” You started to jog.
“Y/N!” he said louder, but didn't follow you anymore. He stayed there, laughing in disbelief at what just happened. Usually, you would throw yourself around his neck, giving him a loving peck on the cheek and never leaving his side. And now you looked so panicked for some strange reason.
Obviously, you did not have any media meeting. You took the metro line 9 to your house in Gimpo. Once safely home, you were met with delicious scents coming from the kitchen but even now you didn't feel like eating.
“Y/N? Are you home?” screamed your mum from the kitchen. 
“Yes, I am.” Taking off your shoes, you almost stumbled over. “Oh, for God's sake,” you murmured, very inrritated.
“What did you say, dear?” 
“Oh, nothing. I am home, continuing my home arrest.”
Your mum appeared from the kitchen, looking down the corridor. A typical house-wife, she had her dress and apron on her. “How was it today?”
“I don't want to talk about it,” you said as you went into your room. Your phone was blowing up but you had no guts to answer Jinyoung.
Your mother sighed, worried. “Alright, get your things ready, we are leaving soon for Changwon.”
Me (05:58am): Jinyoung, I cant make it today, please dont worry and enjoy it to the fullest. I am sorry
Done. He now was informed that you won't make it and you could just lie in this old bed at your grandmother's and think about the meaning of life... Truthfully, you were so unbelievably irritated, so annoyed and disappointed, you just kept shedding unhappy tears. 
Especially the fact that your grandmother lived in Changwon,  yours and Jinyoung's birthplace. A place where your friendship and later love began. It made you feel this silly bittersweet emotions that were useless.
Your phone beeped once again but you just got up, knowing well that you couldn't afford staying in bed. 
Hard work in the farm began.
Three days later, you were back in Seoul. It was very late and you were very tired. You did manage to talk a little bit on the phone with your beloved Jinyoung, but he knew all too well that for some strange reason you were trying to avoid him. He wanted to know why. He wanted to know what happened. It was hurting him so much that you were ignoring him and walking around the issue when he thought you are aware you could tell him anything.
He cared about you so much. He was worried sick you hurt yourself when you fell on that bicycle trip you two took, he hated when he saw you cry for any reason unless it was out of happiness, he was uneasy when he knew you had to face stressful situations and couldn't be there to accompany you. . . He didn't think you were a child or dependent on him, no. He simply, plainly loved you, adored you and wanted to make sure his love is always feeling good and comfortable.
That's why he found himself in the darkness, right in front of your house. It was all silent, your parents probably asleep at this hour. But he knew you would be awake. The tiny light from your nightstand lamp said it all. 
Jinyoung was certainly an athletic type, having competed in a few baseball games and much more football games for the university team. He grasped the ladder that your father put there after working in the little garden you had and pulled himself up, making sure no noise was made.
Back in your room, you were neatly folding your clothes, unpacking your tiny suitcase you brought to Changwon. Silent music was coming from your laptop until you heard your phone beep with a message.
You sighed, knowing well who it was but you still took it, reading the message without unlocking your phone. 
My love (23:46pm): Open your window 
You tried not to panic as your head snapped up looking straight into Jinyoung's eyes. Behind the window. He was balancing, barely managing and you took in a sharp breath immediately dropping the lovely summer dress you had in your hands. You unlocked the window and opened it, grabbing Jinyoung's arm and pulling him forcefully inside, until both of you fell on the floor, him on top of you. Yay, long live the clichés!
You were breathing heavily. “What are you doing here?” you whispered loudly. His eyes bored into you, they seemed so lost and yet so happy to see you after one week of constant avoidance. He pressed his lips to yours hurrily without giving any answer and you immediately gave in, closing your eyes and finally wrapping your arms around his neck. You were trying to pull him as close as it was physically possible.
After a heated three-minute make-out session, you became rather uncomfortable on the floor and squirmed under him. 
“No,” said Jinyoung strictly, making you freeze. “You are not going to escape me this time.”
Your chest was going up and down. “What.”
“Why were you avoiding me? What happened?”
“Jinyoung, if my father finds you here-”
“Answer me.”
“He is going to kil-”
“Goddamit, what is wrong?” he said, a bit louder which made you slap your hand onto his mouth. He grinned cheekily and said, muffled: “I will talk louder to wake your father up if you don't answer me right now, Y/N.”
You closed your eyes again, praying for two seconds. “I can't tell you.”
He frowned. No answer came to his mind.
“I cannot tell you, because I am ashamed about it.”
Now he forgot about his little threat and sat up properly, finally letting you breathe. “Did you do something?”
“You didn't attend my graduation. You were one of the only people I was hoping to share this memory with, are you aware of it?” Jinyoung's face was torn apart and still managed to look authoritative. “Are you?” he asked again.
“Im so, so sorry,” you lowered your head. “I truly am, Jinyoung.”
“I need a reason.”
“There is no-”
“Tell me right now. Or else,” he started to take in a big amount of breath, ready to shout to wake your father up. Ugh, what a freaking savage tease!!!
 “Okay, okay, okay, just shut up,” you said pressing your index finger to his lips. He smirked and gave your finger a kiss. “I am in a home arrest kind of thing and I was ashamed about it so I didn't want to tell you. That last day at uni I was not going to a meeting but home.”
“What? You were in a home arrest?”
“Shhhhhh, don't talk so loudly!” you scream-whispered.
“But you are old enough to take care of yourself now.”
You sighed. “I know, but my father doesn't think that. Anyway, this is the truth, now get out before he discovers you here.”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I don't care. I already spent too much time without you.”
You sighed as he hugged you once again, rocking you from side to side. Suddenly, the entire thing became so absurd for you; you were now ashamed for being ashamed.
“I have an idea,” whispered Jinyoung and pulled away just a little bit so he could see your eyes. “What about spending the summer in Changwon? Your grandmother would be over the moon and so would be your parents. You barely see her anymore, ever since we moved up to Seoul.”
You blinked, stunned at how good that idea sounded. A few seconds of considering, and you both were chuckling. “I'd love that.”
He let out a breathy laugh and leaned in to kiss you, combing your hair out of his way. “Then I guess we have one hell of a great summer coming up.”
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Is it that obvious?  (FP Jones-Riverdale)
Requested by the lovely @sunnylilac : Can you do an FP Jones one? Where you're around 25 and you put your dreams on hold to help a dying family member, that lives in the trailer park. You don't really know much about the town but when you catch FP's eye he will gladly show you around and give you a good time. It can always contain smut😊😊
Sorry for the wait, hope that the 8  pages make up for it :) <3  (smut at the end)
''Oh for fucks sake!'' A young girl in her mid 20's cursed at her phone as she got out of her little car. The GPS stopped working 5 minutes ago and now she was  a 100%  sure she was lost.
She  pulled out her purse, digging in it to find an actual map. Once she finally found it, she opened it up on the hood of her car, looking down at it, feeling even more lost.
She felt a smile spread across her face as she saw a red truck pull over besides her car. ''Thank god, actual people.''
''You seem lost.'' A  tall,  dark haired man in his late 40's or maybe early 50's, said as he got out of his car and walked over to her. He had such swagger in his walk that made him look younger than he was.
''Is it that obvious?'' The girl smiled flipping her hair before straightening up and walking over to him. ''I'm Y/N.'' She offered him her hand which he took with a smirk.
''Nice to meet you. You can call me FP.''
''Well FP, it seems like you're destined to be my savior today. Do you by any chance know how i could get  to Riverdale and further more a place called.. South side?'' She questioned him looking down at her phone to read off the exact name.
''Yeah, I'm heading there, so if you want you can just follow my car and I'll get you where you need to go.'' FP said that breath taking smirk still on his lips.
''That would mean the world to me.''   She said with a joyful smile on her face.
''Alright. Wanna tell me where exactly you're heading?'' The man asked as she started to close up her map.
''I'm going to be staying with my aunt, she lives on the Marcus' park at the very end.''
''Ah, Nancy?''
''Yeah. Since her husband died she needs someone to take care of her. And  i guess that's me.'' She smiled as she threw her purse and the map back in to the car.
''I see.'' He nodded. ''Ready?''
''Yeah, thanks again.'' She smiled and both of them walked in to their cars, FP, driving of with Y/N close behind him.
He couldn't help but think about the girl driving behind her. She was so young and so beautiful. Yet there was something about her that made her different in some way. The way she carried herself the way she smiled.
Coincidentally the girl behind him was thinking the same thing about the man who saved the day.
He could almost be her dad, yet she couldn't stop thinking about how his hand felt in hers, how his hand would feel caressing her face as his lips gazed over her, his scruff starching her  soft skin. Or how his hand would feel sliding down her naked back as his body would be pressed against hers... ''No!'' She had to stop her before her mind took her to an even more inappropriate place. She shook her head trying to focus on the road and not the handsome guy in the truck in front of her.
''What's wrong with you?'' She whispered to herself as she saw a sign that read 'Welcome to Riverdale.'
The truck in front of her took a left turn, so she mimicked him and in about 2 minutes they both came to a stop.
She got out of her car just as FP did the same. He walked over to her. ''Thank you so much, i wouldn't be able to get here without you.'' She smiled.
''It's no problem.'' He waved his hand as if it was nothing.  ''That's your aunt's trailer.'' He ponied to the  very last trailer in a row of others.
''Thank you, let me make it up to you.'' She smiled looking up at him. ''How about i buy you a drink? Please, it's the least i can do.''
''Sure.'' He let out a chuckle, knowing she won't back down until he accepts. Not that he minded. Spending more time with this beautiful girl, no one would complain.
''Yay, so where to?'' She asked, remembering that she has no idea where anything is in this town.
''Across the street. It's a small bar called The   Whyte Wyrm.'' He said  as they started to walk.
But four steps later Y/N stepped in a weird way and lost balance. She would without a doubt  have fallen, and probably broke her nose, if it wasn't for FP who caught her.
''You sure you're up for a drink?'' He joked, setting her back on her feet, but keeping his hand on the small of her back.
''Yeah, believe it or not, I'm less clumsy when I'm drunk than sober.'' She said walking close to him as they both laughed.
''I'll keep that in mind.'' He nodded before entering the bar he previously pointed at.
''FP, the usual?'' A guy that was probably the same age as Y/N asked soon after the duo sat down behind the bar.
''And what can I get you, beautiful?'' The guy turned to Y/N who smiled at him, before asking FP what the usual was.
''Beer and a shot of Whiskey.'' He said shortly, glaring at the younger guy.
''I'll have the usual as well then.'' She said, her smile still playing on her lips.
''Coming right up.''  The guy said and walked away.
''So i take it you come here often?'' She turned to the man who she came here with.
''That obvious?'' He said in the same tone she did before, when he  asked her if she's lost, making her laugh.
''Well not everyone has the privilege of having ''the usual''.'' She winked as the guy from before handed them their drinks.
''Cheers.'' She said as they clicked their shots, drinking them and washing them down with a sip of beer.
''So how come you decided to come help your aunt out?''
''Well i finished uni last year and worked at a local shelter for a year and then i got the news that his husband passed away. Her son is god knows where, so i felt bad for the woman.''
''You just doped everything and moved here?'' He asked, surprised.
''Pretty much.'' She nodded. ''I know, it's crazy, but i can build my career anywhere, so why not here, I'm sure i will be able to find a job soon enough, so i will be able to help her out while I'm here.''
''Wow.'' He said, clearly impressed.
''So, you're a local here?'' She turned the conversation towards him, curious to find out more about the mysterious man who she literally met in the middle of nowhere.
''Yeah, born and raised.'' He said, taking a sip of his beer. ''I live a couple trailers west of your aunt's trailer.''
''Oh, do you live alone?''
''I'm sorry, i didn't mean to prey.'' She quickly apologized, noticing the changed expression on his face as she asked him that.
''That's okay. My wife, packed her things, took my daughter and moved away. And my son is living with his friend.'' He said, surprising himself. She was just so easy to talk to.
''Oh I'm so sorry,  that must of been a big hit for you.'' She reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. And for some reason that brought a small smile to his face.
''Yeah, but it was a long time ago. And it was probably for the best.''
''Everything has a reason, right?''
''I guess so.'' He said smiling at her optimism. ''So what kind of jobs will you be applying for?''
''I was thinking, that i should go ask if any of the schools need a  counselor or something like that. If not, i might just take up being a waitress. That's how i got trough 5 years of university so, I'm pretty good at making cocktails and purring shots.'' She winked.
''Makes sense. You seem to be a people's person.'' He said smiling at their touching hands.
They continued to talk for over an hour before Y/N's phone rang.
''Excuse me.'' She smiled at him before picking up her phone without looking at the caller ID.
''Hello.'' She answered ''Oh hey auntie Nancy.''
Then silence. FP took that time to study the girl in front of him. She wore a floral sundress that reached the middle of her thighs. Giving the dress an hour glass shape, was a big red belt positioned at her natural waist. The whole outfit complimented by black ankle high heel boots that matched her leather jacked with rolled up sleeves. Her face was pale and round, framed by wonderful long hair. She wore simple yet glamorous (for Riverdale at least) make up.
''Yes I'm here, I'll bring my bags there in a minute. Stay put, okay?'' And with that she hang up her phone.
''I'm sorry I have to go. It was really nice talking to you.'' She said pulling out her wallet and paying for the drinks before he could try to object.
''Do you need help with your bags?'' He asked, offering her his hand  which she gratefully took.
''I don't wanna bother you.'' She smiled.
''It's no bother.'' He said as they walked out of the bar. It was already dark.
''Okay.'' She smiled and nodded. ''I would really appropriate that. I have to warn you tho. I have a lot of clothes, which means a lot of baggage.''
''I wouldn't suspect anything else.'' He said, his arm making its way around her waist. ''Safety first.'' He said as they walked over the spot where she tripped before.
''Okay take what you can.'' She smiled as she opened the car doors.
''Of course, princess.'' He said with a smirk as he took four suitcases in his arms, making the girl raise an eyebrow at him as she took two and was  hardy able to keep them in her hands.
It only took them 2 trips from the car to the trailer before they were finished. 
''Thank you.'' She smiled at the man in front of her. ''How will i ever  be able to repay you?''
''Let me buy you a drink tomorrow.'' Was all he said before wrapping his hand around her waist and hugging her goodbye.
''See you tomorrow.'' She smiled before walking inside.
The rest of the night was pretty busy for her. She unpacked all of her bags and talked to her aunt.  She was getting old and could hardly do anything on her own.
Around 3AM she finally showered and got to bed. Well couch. There was only one bed and that one was her aunt's. So she had to sleep on the couch which was very uncomfortable. But after a whole day of driving and cleaning she fell asleep the second her head touched the pillow.
''Good morning auntie.'' She said with a cheerful smile, helping the old lady out of bed and making both of them breakfast. As her aunt ate she got dressed in a black tight high waisted pencil skirt in to which she tucked a white dress shirt, finishing the look of with black high heal shoes. She put on her usual brown eye shadow and black eyeliner with a dark nude lipstick.
''Here we go.'' Y/N said as she helped the old lady to the other couch and turned on the TV.  ''I'll be gone for a couple of hours, okay?''
The old woman nodded as the girl took her purse and walked out of the trailer.
She most differently didn't look like someone who lived in a trailer park. Once in her car she put on her glasses and put her hair in a neat bun before driving to the Riverdale high school.
''Hello, I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L, I called last night for the job interview.'' She smiled, fixing her glasses as she waited for the lady to tell her where to go.
''Second door on the left.''
''Thank you.'' She walked to the door she was directed to and knocked.
''Come in.''
''Hello, I'm Y/N Y/L, I'm here for the job interview.'' She said again. this time to the old grey man sitting behind a big wooden desk.
''Ah, the  counselor, right?'' He said reaching out his hand for her to shake.
''Yes, sir.''
''Please, sit.''
''Thank you.'' She smiled before sitting down and reaching in to her purse. ''Here's my resume and everything you need to know.''
The man took her papers and started reading them. ''Impressive.''
''Thank you.''
''Would you be able to start working tomorrow?'' He asked.
''Of course!'' She said happy that she found a new job.
''You would be working 4 hours a day, mostly taking care of special needs kids and probably taking a lot of students who are still griefing for their lost fried, Jason Blossom.'' He told her a bit about what happened to the teenager not long before her arrival.
''Thank you, i guess I'll see you tomorrow then.'' She smiled before shaking his hand and walking out.
She drove back to the south side where she, as soon as she got out of the car, saw FP.
''Hey!'' She smiled, locking the car and walking in his direction.
''Y/N?'' He looked the girl up and down. ''Wow, you cleaned up nicely.''
''Thank you.'' She smiled, doing a small twirl. ''So guess what?'' She said  walking over to him, hugging him as a greeting.
''What?'' He smirked, after pulling away from the hug and leaning back against his trailer.
''I got the job!'' She smiled with excitement.
''Wow congrats!'' He said hugging her again, this time tighter, almost lifting her off the ground. Making her giggle.
''We need to celebrate.'' She said remembering his invitation from last night.
''Yes. Come in, i have a couple of beers in the fridge.'' He said opening the door, letting her walk up the small steps in to his trailer.  He bit his lip, as he saw her ass in that tight little skirt sway from side to side when the walked up the stairs. He quickly followed her. Closing the doors behind them.
''Y/N?'' He said making her turn around.
''Yea-'' She was cut off by his lips pressed on hers. She stood frozen for a second, surprised.
''I'm sorry, i shouldn't of done that.'' He pulled away when he realized she didn't react.
''No. You should of done that sooner.'' She smiled stepping forward, titling her head up and pressing her lips against his. Kissing him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He quickly wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her up with ease.  ''Lets celebrate then.'' He said as carried her over to his bedroom, letting her back on her feel before sitting down on his bed with her standing between his  legs
''Goddamn, you're beautiful.'' He said almost enchanted as he ran his hands along her soft curves, paying special attention to her hips and ass. He turned her around and she let him. FP quickly unzipped her skirt pulling it down and revealing a black lace tons covering her privates. 
He let out a low growl before grabbing and spanking her ass making her let out a soft whimper. She decided to speed things up and took off her shirt, before turning around, revealing a matching lace bra. She straddled his lap and started to unbutton his his shirt as he continued to squeeze and spank her ass. Soon his shirt joined hers on he floor.
''These,'' She said motioning to his pants. ''need to go.''
''As you wish princess.'' He said, lifting her up and flipping them around so she was on her back and he was able to stand up. In less than a second his pants were on the floor and his erection spring up against his stomach. ''Your turn.'' He said motioning to her bra.
She quickly unclasped it and threw it somewhere behind him as he took off her thong.
He leaned down, kissing her soft stomach, leaving a trail of kisses down to her hip then her thigh, his beard scratching her, somehow making everything feel even better. 
Finally his lips found the spot where she needed him the most.
''Yes!'' She moaned out, her fingers finding themselves in his hair tugging on it lightly.
His hand traveled up to her breast, massaging it gently as his tongue was working  miracles oh her clit.
''FP! I need you!'' She almost begged.
''Anything for you, princess.'' He said bringing herself on top of her, leaning down and kissing her. She could taste herself on his lips as he positioned himself at her entrance. And a second later he was slowly pounding in and out of her making her eyes roll back. Due to his size and the way he moved, his slow movements felt better than anything she has ever felt before. But slowly he started to pick up the speed, making her wrap her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her, wanting to feel more of him, she wrapped her legs around his waist, moving in the rhythm he lead.
''Yes, just like that.'' She moaned out, pleasure written all over her face and a minute later she was moaning out his name as he helped her ride out  her orgasm.
The final shakes of her orgasm passing just as his thrusts started to become sloppy and uneven. ''Come FP, cum for me.'' She whispered biting on his neck as he hit his climax, a mix of low groans and moans filled the room they were in.
Collapsing next to her he wrapped her in his arms, both of them having  content smiles on their faces.
''Now this is a celebration.'' She smiled, making them both laugh, still breathing heavily.
Request here!
Masterlist here!
AN: Hey, i hope i did it justice. tell me what you think. Any more requests? You know what to do :) <3<3<3
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the-fauxpas · 7 years
two / blue hawaii
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UNI AU co-written with @ineffably-styles​
a story of late nights, unorthodox household plants, and a trip to Vegas that changes everything
“Uh, should we come back later?” a new voice, Louis, suggested walking through the cafe door. Savannah hadn’t even heard it ding, and when she saw the figure who followed Louis inside, she wished she had. Maybe then she’d have been able to prepare herself better for the current situation - or found an escape, more likely an escape.
chapter one / story page
Savannah trudged up the stairs to her flat, heels in hand with her dress crinkled from where it had lain on the floor all night. It was the ultimate walk of shame and other than the slight headache from her already diminishing hangover, she felt great. Unfortunately for her, that feeling only lasted until she made it to her front door. She knew that Cameron wasn’t going to be there - he hadn’t been home since that night - but she still felt anxious at the possibility.
Sighing, she pushed her way through and immediately headed for the shower, putting her phone on charge before hopping in. The hot water pounding on her skin was a welcome feeling after the night she’d had and it was until almost an hour later that Savannah finally gathered the strength to turn the water off and step out, feeling somewhat more refreshed and relaxed. That is, until she checked her phone.
15 Missed Calls 42 Unread Messages
And they were all from her two best friends. Savannah was screwed. Biting her lip, she contemplated ignoring her friends and just carrying on with her day like she normally would but she knew that the longer she put it off, the more crap she was going to get from Reyna. And Alexa too. But mostly Reyna.
She quickly typed out a message to them to let them know that she was fine and not to come over, because Savannah was definitely not in the mood to leave the house. Then she quickly dropped her phone, knowing that it was going to ring as soon as Reyna read the message, and quickly left the room to look for something edible in the kitchen.
She was in the process of making some toast and boiling an egg when she heard her phone ring. Pausing, Sav gulped back the sudden onslaught of nerves as she dragged her feet back into her room and picked the phone up just before it could go to voicemail. She had barely gotten a hello through before Reyna was cursing her head off, rambling on about how irresponsible Savannah had been for disappearing into thin air and not contacting her friends to let them know that she was alright. She went on about how worried she and Alexa had been and how they’d even contacted Cameron to see if she was there.
“You called my ex-boyfriend?” Savannah interrupted her mid-sentence, barely able to contain her discomfort at the thought of him.
“We were desperate!” Reyna yelled. “Do you know how much coffee I’ve had? Because I don’t know how much coffee I’ve had. But it’s a lot. All so I wouldn’t fall asleep so that if you came back I’d be awake.”
“I’m sorry,” Sav sighed, holding her phone between her shoulder and ear as she picked up her breakfast and made her way into the lounge room. “I was drunk,” she tried to explain.
“Yeah, we bloody know you were,” Reyna snorted through the phone, and Sav let out a breath of relief when she could detect some humour behind it. “Are you still at home?” she asked, after a moment’s pause. She could hear some shuffling on the other end of the line and she assumed that Alexa had shown up.
“Yeah, I just took a shower and now I’m ready to sleep for eternity,” she lied, hoping they’d fall for it. It was a tense couple of seconds when no reply came, though she could hear a whispered conversation taking place on the other end of the line. Finally, Alexa was the one to speak.
“Alright then. You rest up and call us when you wake,” she said kindly.
“Yeah, I’m not done yelling!” Reyna’s muffled voice came from the background.
“When is she ever?” Sav joked, chest feeling lighter with the knowledge that she wasn’t going to be ambushed any time soon. “I’ll talk to you guys later.”
Savannah sighed, slumping back into her couch and reevaluating her life choices. For a second there, she contemplated leaving everyone behind and moving to Switzerland but the thought of Reyna actually physically hunting her down made her forget the plan - not that it was a very likely plan in the first place. She clicked on the TV to some nondescript children’s show and scarfed down her breakfast, trying to kill some time before her shift at work began.
By the time 11 o’clock rolled around, she severely regretted her decision not to nap. Walking out the door, she avoided looking into mirrors at all costs, hoping and praying that no one she knew walked into the cafe that afternoon.
The place was unusually quiet when Savannah finally walked through the door - which was slightly unnerving for half eleven on a Saturday morning. But she figured that it’d get busier really quickly soon, and tried to ignore the twitchy feeling she had in her stomach. Keeping busy meant that she had no time to think about anything, and thinking about nothing (especially after last night) was a great thought. And it was going quite well for her too, for a while.
The cafe had started to fill up at around noon and she’d consumed enough free coffee (yay to connections!) to help keep her awake until she could get home and sleep for an entire week. Or, at least until she could get out of bed and pack her things to move out and never have to see Cameron’s face again.
But then at around half two in the afternoon, the place had fallen into a lull, and Savannah was too deeply in her safety bubble to realise - until it was too late - that Reyna and Alexa had walked through the doors. They were both sporting identical looks that suggested they weren’t very impressed with her and it took everything in her not to drop the half empty coffee pot she was holding in her hand (she really couldn’t afford to replace it).
“I didn’t know you’d already moved out,” Reyna said sarcastically. “Because apparently when you said you were going to take a nap, what you actually meant was you were going to work. Unless this is suddenly your new flat,” she rolled her eyes.
“We went looking for you,” Alexa explained, crossing her arms across her chest.
“And can you guess our reactions when we walked into your flat and lo and behold, you were not there?” Reyna glared at her. “You’d think after disappearing on us last night, you’d have known better,” she hissed, stepping closer to Sav.
“Uh,” she stuttered, unsure what to say as her eyes darted around the cafe searching for an escape route. “I didn’t realise you’d come looking for me,” she admitted.
“It’s like you don’t even know us,” Reyna muttered incredulously, which instantly put Savannah on the defense.
“Ok, so I was hoping you guys wouldn’t come looking for me,” she huffed. “It’s not my fault you’re both overbearing,” she quipped. Both her friends just shot her even bigger unimpressed looks and Reyna even went as far as to put her hands on her hips to suggest, ‘really, you’re going to go there after the stunt you pulled?’.
“Uh, should we come back later?” a new voice, Louis, suggested walking through the cafe door. Savannah hadn’t even heard it ding, and when she saw the figure who followed Louis inside, she wished she had. Maybe then she’d have been able to prepare herself better for the current situation - or found an escape, more likely an escape.
Savannah swore loudly before ducking behind the coffee machine at the pretense of grabbing a cloth. Alexa leaned over the counter curiously to see where her friend had gone while Reyna greeted Louis brightly. “Hey, Lou. What are you doing here?”
“Well, we were walking down the street and saw you lot charging in here so we thought we’d investigate. Maybe get to see a catfight while we’re at it,” he grinned, grabbing a muffin from the basket at the counter and unwrapping it.
“I hope you’re going to pay for that,” Reyna scolded, dismissing the catfight remark for the time being considering one of her best friends was currently ducked underneath a coffee machine for no apparently reason.
“I don’t see anyone manning the store, do I? Free muffins for everyone!” he replied, smirking in the direction of the coffee machine.
“Who are you?” she demanded at the space behind Louis’ ear.
All eyes turned to the guy standing silently behind Louis, his expression amused as his eyes trained on the spot behind the counter where Savannah sat twiddling her thumbs.
“I’m Harry,” he greeted with a wave and a smirk. “Lovely to meet you. Hi Savannah.”
Savannah swore loudly again, slowly emerging from her hiding spot with a faux grin plastered on her face. She made a show of folding up the cloth and wiping the machine with it. “Hey guys! Didn’t see you there.”
Reyna rolled her eyes, clucking as she turned back to Harry. “You’ll have to excuse her, she’s feeling a bit loopy today. Also, who are you?”
“I’m Harry,” Harry repeated uncertainly.
“No, I mean, how do you know Sav here?”
“Oh, uh-”
“-We met at Trivia Night once!” Savannah hurriedly interrupted before Harry could finish.
Reyna blinked, the screws in her head clearly turning to try and figure out Savannah’s lie. She knew she wasn’t going to hold out for very long hiding this from her friends, but she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to try her hardest to hide it for as long as possible.
“…Trivia night,” Alexa deadpanned, crossing her arms and glancing between the two. Louis moved to sit down at one of the tables, looking far too amused for his own good. Reyna cocked an eyebrow, her eyes barely shifting away from where they’d latched onto Sav’s face, looking for any evidence of a lie. Savannah really needed to get her friend to stop watching those bloody crime shows - they were really unhelpful when someone wanted to lie to her.  
“How about you two tell me how you really know each other?” she clucked, staring Sav down. A satisfied smirk graced her face when she noticed her friend grimace.
The sudden awkwardness in the air could be sliced with a knife. And while Savannah stared at the floor, internally battling herself, Harry stood there patiently with his arms tucked into his jean pockets looking only slightly uncomfortable at having the spotlight trained on him in the presence of two strangers. She thought she could also see a slight smirk on his face, but she wasn’t sure if that was her imagination or not so she chose to ignore it.  
“Wait,” Louis suddenly spoke up from his corner of the room, realisation dawning on his face. Savannah’s eyes widened as she literally saw the light bulb on top of his head light up - this was even worse than Reyna figuring it out. “Mate,” he turned to Harry. “Didn’t you say you went home with someone you met at that new club last night?”
Harry flushed slightly, clearly not comfortable with Louis sharing his antics among Reyna and Alexa - Savannah had to agree with him on that front. “Uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “maybe,” he flicked his eyes over at Savannah helplessly.  
“And Reyna, didn’t you say that Savannah mysteriously disappeared from the same club last night?” Louis questioned, waiting for the others to catch on.
“Um, yea- OH!” Reyna’s eyes widened, and looked back and forth between both Harry and Savannah so rapidly that Savannah was scared that her friend was going to have a seizure.
“No,” she muttered, cheeks flushing a deep red as she tried to look at anywhere but Harry.
“Oh my god, this is great,” Reyna snickered, leaning into Louis - who’d crawled out of his seat to join them again - as she burst into a fit of giggles. Lex shifted uncomfortable, sending them both an apologetic glance and rolling her eyes. “I’m going to hold this against you two until the end of time. Beyond the end of time. I’m going to haunt you with this forever.”
Savannah sighed, “I hate you.”
Reyna smirked, “No, you don’t.”
“What time does your shift end, Sav?” Alexa asked kindly, trying to change the subject while Reyna continued to snicker. “We still need to start getting some of your stuff out of the apartment,” she explained. But Sav wasn’t fooled. She knew that as soon as they were in private Alexa was going to rip into her just as much as Rey.
“Wait, you’re still moving?” Louis asked curiously, finishing off the last of his muffin. He frowned, pulling out his phone and scrolling through it.
“Yeah,” Savannah tried to brush it off. “And I finish at half four.”
“Okay perfect, that’s in-,” Alexa checked her watch, “exactly and hour and a half. We’ll head back to your apartment and then we’ll figure out what to do with you. You have the keys Rey?”
Reyna nodded in confirmation.
“Slight problem guys,” Louis started. “I remember Cameron - who’s still a dickhead, by the way… good riddance there, Sav - mentioning something about being out of town for a couple of weeks from tomorrow so I think you guys might be sensitive on time.”
“What?!” Reyna and Alexa exclaimed, outrage lighting up their faces. Savannah stayed silent.
“He didn’t mention anything to you?” Reyna looked over at Sav, who shook her head. Rey was getting angrier by the second, her words forming growls more so than actual sentences. She was silent for a moment while the group watched, wide-eyed. “I’m going to hunt him down and rip his balls off,” she said in a decidedly calm voice - which, really, was even scarier.
“Uh… yeah, there’ll be no ball-ripping going on today,” Louis piped up, slinging an arm around his best friend’s shoulder. Sav wasn’t sure if he was trying to calm her down or hold her in place to keep her from running off to find a weapon - probably both. “We’ll figure out what to do with him when you’re coherent. And… calm.”
She rolled her eyes, shrugging off his arm but chose not to push it. She knew it’d be more fun ruining the wanker if she had Louis helping her.
“So we’re moving you out tonight?” Alexa asked Sav, taking note of the worried look on her face and swinging an arm around her friend to let her know everything was going to be fine.
“We’ll come and help,” Louis supplied, looking at Savannah with those damn sympathetic eyes that everyone had been sporting around her for the past three weeks. She had half a mind to tell Louis to sod off, but Savannah couldn’t turn down the extra help when she thought about the bulky furniture.
“Are you sure?” she asked hesitantly, internally hoping that he wouldn’t say no.
“Yeah, of course we’ll help. Harold and I didn’t have much planned anyway.”
“Yeah,” Harry spoke up for the first time in a while, watching Savannah curiously. She looked away when their gazes met, and couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed having him witness everything that had just happened.
“Alright, we’ll leave you be for now. Give me a call when you’re done,” Reyna smiled at her, before ushering everyone out of the cafe. “Now, Harold my new friend,” Savannah could hear Reyna’s overly sweet voice as they walked out the door. “Tell me about your intentions with my best friend…” She rolled her eyes and when the door had safely shut behind them, slumping against the counter before letting out a massive sigh.
“Lex, could you please grab my stuff from the bathroom? I think there’s a straightener in there somewhere too,” Savannah sighed as she reached on the top shelf of her cupboard to grab her suitcase. Alexa shot Reyna a warning look before disappearing from the room.
“So…” Reyna started, only to be cut off by a flustered looking Savannah who had thrown a cashmere jumper at her face.
“No time to talk, Rey,” she snapped, gathering a pile of clothes from her cupboard and dumping it onto her bed. Reyna sighed and started to unhook the clothes from their respective coat hangers. “If Cameron wants to give up the lease to this place then that’s his decision. It wasn’t under my name in the first place.”
“There is no way you’re going to fit your entire wardrobe in that tiny thing,” she gestured to the suitcase sitting sadly on the bed. It was almost already half-full.
“I’ll make it fit.”
Alexa chose this exact moment to bound back into the room, her arms laden with women’s bath products, a straightener propped atop the pile balancing precariously. “Where exactly are you planning on going?” she asked, dumping the contents into random bag on the floor.
“I’m not sure yet… probably to my parent’s until classes start again.”
At this point, Savannah was sitting cross-legged on the floor, trying to figure out how she was going to fit everything into her suitcase. It seemed like an impossible feat now that Reyna had pointed it out and she couldn’t help but stare glumly at all the things she wasn’t going to be able to fit inside.
“Don’t they live four hours away?” Alexa asked. She had a vague recollection of Sav telling her where she was originally from, but couldn’t seem to place it.
“Yeah, they live up north. Could one of you give me a lift to a train station? I’ll figure it out from there,” Savannah replied, now sorting through her entire knit collection - it was big.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Sav. Classes start in like a week, I’m not letting you move all the way back up there and then have you move all the way back down again in like six days. That’s just pointless, and kinda stupid. I have a spare room,” Lex continued, “You could stay there? I’m sure my parents won’t mind - I’ll just tell them you’re paying me rent or something.”
“Besides, her parents love you, Sav,” Reyna pointed out as she collapsed beside Savannah.
“Are you sure, Lex? I don’t want to intrude. Trust me when I say that I won’t exactly be the nicest person to be around for a while,” Savannah grimaced.
“Look, I have a spare room, a bed, fresh sheets, a cupboard full of towels - basically, everything you need and more. It’ll be absolutely fine. Plus, we can bond. Reyna will stay over tonight too and we’ll get Chinese food and ice cream. And watch a Disney movie while we’re at it.”
“You had me at Chinese food,” Savannah joked before sighing as her gaze settled on her clothes once again. “Do you reckon if I stuffed everything into the case and sat on it you guys could zip it shut?” she asked hopefully.
“Dumplings!” Reyna exclaimed suddenly. “That’s what I’ve been craving!” she looked up at her bemused friends before clearing her throat. “Ahem, yeah that’s not going to happen.”
“It’s really not going to fit, is it?” Sav asked forlornly, her shoulders dropping with defeat.
“That’s what she said,” Reyna mumbled only to have Alexa toss one of Savannah’s decorative cushions at her.
“Not the time,” Alexa warned.
“Sorry, mum” she grumbled. “Don’t worry, Sav,” Reyna began, suddenly more cheerful. “I’m sure Lexi here would be more than willing to drive down to her flat and grab you an extra suitcase, wouldn’t you, Lex?”
“Don’t you ever call me ‘Lexi’ again,” Alexa warned, shooting Reyna a withering look. “But, yes. I’ll go grab an extra suitcase. Hopefully you’ll have sorted your life out by the time I’m back,” she nodded at the piles of clothing in front of them before heading towards the door.  
Twenty minutes, and two breakdowns later, Alexa sauntered through the front door with Louis and Harry in tow.
“I’m baaack!” Alexa exclaimed, struggling to fit her massive suitcase into the room. Savannah snapped out of her reverie, moving from her position by the window and dragging herself over to the middle of the room. “Any help, guys?” she said back to Louis who rushed to help her fit the case through the narrow doorway. Harry stood back with his hands crossed, surveying the place.
“Thanks Lex,” Savannah mumbled taking the bag off her when they finally managed to squeeze it through the room and dropped it next to Reyna. She immediately began to load it with whatever remained of Savannah’s things while Louis crouched down to help her.
Alexa, seeing Savannah’s visible distress over the entire situation went and sat herself next to her friend, putting a comforting arm over her shoulder. “Sav, it’s going to be fine. Now you can start fresh.”
“Yeah,” she replied glumly. She loved the apartment - she didn’t want to leave it. But Alexa was right - now she could start fresh. Staying there with all of those memories wasn’t going to make things any easier for her.
“Not to sound insensitive or whatever,” Reyna interrupted, “but this bag isn’t going to pack itself.”
“I’m just so angry right now,” Savannah said, as she and Alexa walked over to Reyna and Louis. Harry made himself at home on Savannah’s bed, still unsure what to do considering their situation. “I’m so bloody angry with him - with myself - and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I saw Cam right now - well, other than cry. Which is fucking bullshit. I swear, once I get my degree, the first thing I’m going to do is start up a research fund to figure out why people cry when they’re angry.”
“And you can tell us all about your ideas over Chinese food and ice cream,” Alexa agreed, picking up some of Savannah’s books and shoving them carefully amongst the other supplies.
“Heeeeey, how come I’m not invited?” Louis argued, throwing a cardigan at Reyna.
“Sorry Lou, it’s a girl’s night kind of thing,” Reyna sighed. “Also, did you know that ice cream is also a type of Chinese food? If Google is anything to go by, then ice cream is a Chinese invention.”
“I thought it was Italian,” Savannah wondered, momentarily distracted.
“No, that’s gelato.”
“There’s a difference?” she raised an eyebrow, forcing a pair of heels into the suitcase.
“According to Google there is,” Reyna shrugged.
“Ok, but why are you even googling ice cream and gelato, Rey?” Alexa asked, highly amused.
“It was 3am and I couldn’t sleep.”
“At least it wasn’t serial killers this time,” Alexa mumbled under her breath passing a shirt to Savannah.
“Hey! You admitted they were interesting!” Reyna defended.
“Only so you’d stop talking about them,” Alexa quickly shot back, dodging the same cushion she’d thrown at Reyna earlier.
“Ah-ha!” Savannah cheered. “It’s done,” she exclaimed triumphantly. “We can leave now.”
“You’re done?” her friends said in unison, staring at the two slightly over packed suitcases in shock - they really hadn’t thought it would be possible.
“I’m done,” Savannah agreed. “Now let’s get out of here, I’m starved and more than ready to put all this behind me.”
“Right then,” Reyna clapped her hands as she stood and grabbed the smaller of the two suitcases. “Let’s go. We’ll all fit in your car right, Lex? Louis’ just finishing up with the truck.”
“I’m sure we’ll manage,” Alexa nodded, grabbing hold of the handle of the second suitcase. The four of them filed out of the room, leaving Savannah to herself for a moment.
“Just one more thing,” Savannah said to herself, walking towards the window where she kept the plant that she’d bought when she first moved in with Cameron. Glumly, she stared at it for a good two minutes, picking it up and observing it from all angles. As hard as she tried to leave it behind, she couldn’t seem to let it go.
“Hey, are you-”
Savannah screamed, her whole body jolting in surprise and shock as she lost all control of her actions and watched as she subconsciously launched the closest thing she had to her at the intruder - which happened to be the pot in her hand.
Harry’s eyes widened momentarily before he ducked, his hands flying to protect his head. The pot skimmed the top of his hair and shattered against the wall behind him. “What the fuck!?”
“Ohmygod I am so sorry,” Savannah exclaimed, rushing over to him and inspecting his head to see if he was ok. “I wasn’t thinking-”
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Harry chuckled, rubbing the spot on his head where it had almost been impaled with a ceramic pot, while batting Sav away from where she was trying to push Harry to the floor so she could get a better look at his head. “Your friend Reyna sent me back here to check on you,” he explained, dodging her hands again.
“I’m fine,” she tried not to smile, shuffling slightly. She glanced back at the plant that was now definitely going to be left behind.
“It didn’t look like you were,” he pointed out, reminding her that he’d caught her in a sentimental moment. “It’s ok if you want to stay for a bit… reminisce and all that.”
“It’s silly,” she shook her head. “I’m ready to leave.”
“It’s fine, I’ll wait,” he ignored her last comment, moving to back out of the room slowly. Savannah sighed at his stubbornness, waiting until he was out of view before taking one long look at her room. Most of the room had been cleared out, but there were still piles here and there of Cameron’s belongings and she couldn’t help but think about the times when they were still happy. They’d been so happy, and they probably would’ve stayed that way - but then he screwed it up.
Shaking all of those dangerous thoughts off, she closed her eyes for a moment before slamming her defenses back up. She wasn’t doing herself a favour looking back on the past when the present was there to welcome her with open arms.
She plastered a smile on her face before leaving the room to find Harry leaning against the wall in the hallway outside her room. He paused his typing as he watched her walk towards him.
“You ok?” he asked, locking his phone and sliding it back in his pocket.
“Yeah, I think,” she replied uncertainly.
“It’ll all work out in the end, Sav.”
Savannah’s ears perked at the strange sound of her nickname coming out of his mouth. She’d met this guy less than 24 hours ago and yet he was here, giving her life advice and helping her move out of her ex’s place.
“Did you just call me Sav?”
His eyes widened, “I guess so,” he said thoughtfully.
“This is weird, isn’t it?” she asked awkwardly, moving to leave through the front door.
Harry made a sound that was somewhere between a scoff and a chuckle before replying. “Yeah, you can say that.”
“I can’t believe we just managed to move my entire life out of that place,” Savannah said the moment they were all safely inside Alexa’s - and now Savannah’s - flat. “I can’t believe I’m free from that nightmare,” she turned to her friends, eyes wide with disbelief.
“Well done, champ!” Reyna smiled, smacking Savannah on the back in congratulations. “What?” She asked after noticing the equally bemused expressions on Lex and Sav’s faces. “My dad used to do that whenever I won something,” she muttered. “It’s not that weird!” she defended.
“It’s weird,” Lex said, moving to dump Savannah’s belongings in the spare room. Louis and Harry had already finished bringing up all of the furniture, of which included a fluffy pink armchair that Louis had complained about from the moment he’d unloaded it from the truck until he was up in Alexa’s flat on the fourth floor of the building. According to him, it was an offense to his masculinity which just made all the girls sigh and roll their eyes.
“It’s a little weird,” Savannah agreed, when Reyna turned to her in search of support.
“You guys suck,” she poked her tongue out before following Lex. “By the way, I’m not ordering the food, I hate speaking on the phone.”
“We know,” Lex chuckled as she passed Reyna and collapsed onto her favourite sofa. It had been a housewarming gift from one of her relatives when she’d first moved in. Initially Alexa had been dubious about the colour - a bright red reminiscent of poppies - but over time she found herself growing fonder of the piece of furniture. With its coffee stains from nights she’d stayed up late studying for exams, and the slightly faded cushion perched to support her back when she read a particularly compelling novel, Alexa thought she - the couch - had character, character only she seemed to be aware of but she didn’t mind.
“Hi, can I please have some pork dumplings? Yes I’ll have that too. And some beef chow mien, some barbeque pork chow mien. And maybe some chicken fried rice too please. Oh! Some moo shoo pork too please. And whatever your soup of the day is. And some prawn crackers. And some fortune cookies too!” Savannah was sitting at the kitchen island, a Chinese takeaway menu situated in front of her.
“Is that all?” the voice on the other line asked a bit frantically.
“Yes, I think so,” Savannah replied, biting her lip uncertainly as she quickly scanned through the menu one last time. She quickly gave the operator the address and finalised the transaction before hanging up and turning towards her best friends’ dumbstruck expressions. “…what?”
“Are you planning to feed an army or…?” Lex spoke up from her position on the couch.
“I think you’re forgetting that reheated Chinese food could possibly be the best dish in the world. That, and cold pizza.” Sav argued, flinging the menu onto the counter and heading over to join them on the couch.  
Reyna laughed, “I guess I’ll just run down to the closest Tesco and grab us some snacks. You guys can choose the movie,” she flicked the TV on and the bright logo of Netflix lit up the screen.
As soon as the door was shut, Savannah left Alexa to battle the endless titles and genres while she went into her room to unpack and sort out her life. The room was much smaller than the one she had shared with Cameron - a ‘cozy’ small. A double bed took up the majority of the available space, but Alexa had managed to squeeze in a desk on the far corner of the room, and a bookshelf. The window in the room jutted out, forming a bench that Alexa had decorated with various cushions. Savannah dragged her armchair over and sat it next to the bookshelf, creating a cute little reading corner before stepping back to inspect her work.
She quickly changed out of her work outfit and figured that now was as great a time as any to start unpacking. She set out hanging up all of her clothes in the wardrobe and was almost done when Alexa walked in with the remote in hand, looking slightly stressed.
“There’re too many movies, I can’t choose. Can we just tell Reyna that you asked me to help you before I could decide?” she laughed, plopping down onto the bed.
“Only if you help me,” Savannah grinned, gesturing towards the other suitcase. Lex rolled her eyes and headed over to the far side of the room where the larger suitcase sat open, its contents spilling out onto the floor.
“This is my exercise for the year,” she grumbled, tugging out all of her books. “Do you organise by title or author?”
Savannah stared at her friend as if she’d grown a fifth limb. “Look, I don’t care which way you do it, I’m going to end up getting used to it anyway. If it makes it any easier for you, just shove everything onto the shelves and I’ll fix it up sometime tomorrow.”
For about half an hour, the two worked quietly - organising clothing, sorting out shoes and occasionally shifting furniture here and there. As if they had timed it, Reyna waltzed into the flat as soon as they had packed away the suitcases, arms laden with shopping bags. “There’s ice cream, crisps and chocolate in that bag. I also decided to stock you up with some tea,” she threw the box at Alexa who caught it with one hand. “Oh, and I bought a cake!”
“Ok, first Savannah with the Chinese food and now you with all this stuff,” Alexa groaned at the sheer mass of junk food Reyna was carrying. “How much of that are you really going to be able to eat?”
“If it’s Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream, as much as I want. The size of my stomach can’t stop me from doing what I love,” Reyna joked. “Speaking of my babies, they’re melting and your freezer is filled with microwavable meals,” Reyna added in a tone of disgust. “Come help me throw that junk out so we can make some room.”
“Watch what you call junk,” Alexa defended as she stood up from her perch. “You’re the one who bought a cake.”
“I’ve just stocked you up with a three-month supply of study food and tea,” Reyna shot back as the three of them unloaded the bags, “I wouldn’t be complaining if I were you.”
The doorbell rang as the girls packed the food away and Savannah abandoned the mountain of microwaveable goods to answer the door. On the other side stood a slightly red-faced delivery boy and in his hands were three bags stuffed to the brim with disposable containers. Savannah quickly grabbed them off him before he could drop them and paid him, leaving a generous tip as a thanks for having to put up with her excessive order.
“Food’s here!” Sav bellowed into the apartment, kicking the door shut with her foot. She dropped the bags onto the kitchen bench where it joined the pile of junk food scattered there.
“We heard!” Alexa shook her head before pulling the containers out of the bags, directing Reyna to grab some plates out of the cupboard. She transferred some of the rice and chicken onto her plate before heading over to the couches.
“Wait, we’re eating over there?” Reyna asked, a little surprised. The only time Alexa had let them eat in the lounge was when they had exams.
“It’s a special occasion,” Lex shrugged. “Don’t get used to it,” she added after spotting the smirk on Savannah’s face. “Just because we’re roomies doesn’t mean my rules change.”
Savannah rolled her eyes as she collapsed into a cushion, Reyna doing the same after placing the Chinese food on the small coffee table between them. “And here I thought this was going to be fun,” she sighed, dodging the tissue box Alexa threw at her.
“So what’re we watching?” Savannah asked around a mouthful of some fried rice as they all stared at the selection on the screen.
“None of these will make me cry,” Reyna answered, flicking through the comedy section with one hand while she forked another bite of chicken with her other. “I feel like crying.”  
“You’re actually so strange” Savannah laughed, even though she was used to Reyna’s crazy mood swings.
“Sure am,” she agreed. “But you love me for it. Marley & Me it is then,” she grinned evilly, watching Alexa’s reaction out of the corner of her eye.
“No,” Alexa replied instantly, glaring ferociously at her. “You know how I feel about that movie. They killed the dog. How dare they?! I’d rather they killed the entire bloody cast than the puppy.”
“That’s a bit morbid,” Sav quipped.
“Killing an innocent puppy is morbid,” Alexa sniffed.
“Alright, alright. So not Marley & Me,” Reyna mused. “A Walk To Remember?”
When no arguments came, she clicked the play button, the three of them settling in for a long night of guilty pleasures.
AN: hey guys! finally another update by yours truly (and lola). i hope it wasn’t too long of a wait bc i’m pretty sure we’ll be aiming for fortnightly updates from now on. don’t forget to let us know what you think here and here! and we hope you enjoy this chapter :) thank you for reading! x
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dorkwhowrites · 7 years
Leather Jackets (Chapter 4)
Group: Bangtan Boys
Pairing: Jikook
Genre: Angst/Fluff
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This is the third time Jimin has thrown up and he feels Jungkook pat his back. Jimin sits back on the toilet floor and Jungkook offers him a glass of water. Jimin takes it taking small sips.
“I shouldn’t have been drinking,”
“I guess it’s my fault,” Jungkook says biting his lip. “I let you drink so much”
“My head hurts,” Jimin says.
“That’s just hangover,” Jungkook says. “That happens when you get drunk”
“Why do people get drunk then?” Jimin questions.
“Because it’s fun,” Jungkook says.
“I think I am done here,” Jimin says and Jungkook stands up offering Jimin her hand taking him to the bedroom.
“Are you going out to Uni and work today?”
“I don’t think so,” Jimin says.
“It’s fine it’s just one day,” Jungkook says sensing that Jimin doesn’t like missing Uni or work.
Jimin just nods.
“You must be hungry,” Jungkook says. “What should I get you?”
“Nothing, I am okay,” Jimin says.
“Come on I’ll make you soup or something,” Jungkook says.
“I told you I’m fine,” Jimin says. “Just make me some coffee”
“Okay,” Jungkook says as he goes into the kitchen. He comes back a few minutes later with two steaming cups of coffees in his hands.
“Here you go,” Jungkook says handing Jimin his coffee.
Jimin sips it and he feels better already.
“Thank you,” Jimin says kissing Jungkook’s nose.
Jungkook smiles as he wraps his around Jimin and Jimin leans in resting his head on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Do you have work today?”
“Yeah, but I am gonna stay here with you,”
“Shush the hyungs can manage without me for a day,” Jungkook says.
“All right,” Jimin says.
Jungkook just smiles playing with Jimin’s hair and kissing his head and Jimin sips his coffee in peace until their mugs are empty and Jungkook gets up to keep them in the kitchen.
“Now that we have the whole day to ourselves, what do you wanna do?” Jungkook says.
“Let’s talk,”
“Get to know each other better,” Jimin suggests in a hope to know the many secrets that Jungkook still hides from him.
Jungkook’s face turns into a frown.
“What do you wanna know?” he asks and Jimin takes Jungkook’s hands and rubs circles on his palms.
“Where is your family?” Jimin asks thinking that it’s better if he just says what he wishes to know instead of dragging the whole thing.
Immediately Jungkook moves his hands away and Jimin senses that he probably shouldn’t have asked him about them.
“Why do you wanna know about them?” Jungkook asks.
“I just do,” Jimin says. “I wanna know why you never talk about them”
“I hate them,” Jungkook says and he looks as if he is close to tears.
Jimin immediately proceeds to wrap his arms around Jungkook.
“I’m sorry it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about them,” he says.
“They were abusive,” Jungkook quietly whispers. “They used to hit me with everything they could find”
Jimin runs his hand through Jungkook’s hair as Jungkook continues.
“I would have bruises and people would ask questions, students, and teachers but I would lie and come up with excuses and soon it became a routine that no one asked questions anymore and I would endure the beatings silently”
“Once, I had to stay home for 2 weeks because my father fractured my leg”
Jimin’s grip tightens around Jungkook as if shielding him from those bad people.
“It got pretty bad as I grew up,” Jungkook said and now he was crying.
“It always puzzled me because I remember that they loved me when I was little or maybe I fabricated those memories to cope up with the abuse,” Jungkook says.
“I would think that it was some kind of tough love technique and they loved me and it would stop one day but…but it never did,”
Jimin runs his hands on Jungkook’s back as he feels a tear or two trickling down his cheek.
“I finally left home when I was 15,” Jungkook says. “I couldn’t take it anymore”
There was a pause and Jimin hears Jungkook sniffing.
“I stayed on the streets until I met Yoongi hyung,” Jungkook says. “He took me in”
Jimin now understands why the elder is so protective of Yoongi.
“Hyung was only 19 at the time and he had been dealing for over 3 years,” Jungkook says. “He told me I could stay there for as long as I wanted. He brought me clothes and cooked food and then I met the rest of them Taehyung hyung, Yugyeom and everyone else and they were all dealers and made good money and they all treated me like a younger brother of some sort”
“Yoongi hyung didn’t want me to deal but I didn’t want to become dependent on him. So he would let me but only when I was with someone, he worried about me more than anyone ever did,” Jungkook says.
“And after I started making money I moved out,” Jungkook says before he breaks away from Jimin’s hug and looks up at Jimin. His eyes are red and puffy and Jimin’s heart breaks even more.
“So, now you know why I never talk about my parents,” he says.
“I am sorry Jungkook,”
“It’s not your fault that they were shit,” Jungkook says.
Jimin hugs Jungkook again.
“Nobody deserved that but it’s okay now because you have me and your hyungs and neither of them are gonna let anyone lay a finger on you,” Jimin says.
“I am so lucky to have met you,” Jungkook says. “I love you”
“I love you more,” Jimin says kissing the top of Jungkook’s head before they break away and Jungkook kisses the palm of Jimin’s hand rubbing circles into them.
“Can I ask you something too?”
“Where’s your dad?”
“I don’t know,” Jimin answers. “I have never seen him”
“Is he dead?” Jungkook says.
“Probably,” Jimin answers. “He was abusive towards my mom and kicked her out when I was still a baby”
‘She bought this house from the money her father left her and then raised me all on her own”
“I am sorry,”
“I am glad I never got to see that monster of a man,” Jimin says.
“So I guess we don’t have the best back stories where everything is fine and dandy,”
“I guess not,”
“It’s okay though because now that I have you I know I’ll be fine,”
“Me too,” Jimin says.
Jungkook smiles and then leans in for a kiss so Jimin connects their lips his hands on Jungkook’s face and Jungkook’s around his neck and Jimin wishes he could freeze this for life.
Their beautiful moment is interrupted by the loud growl of Jungkook’s stomach.
“Someone’s hungry,”
“Can we get pizza?” Jungkook asks.
“Sure,” Jimin says.
Jungkook grins as he grabs the phone calling a pizzeria and Jimin leaves and decides to take a quick shower not that he feels much better and his headache is all gone.
When Jimin returns he finds that the pizza has already been delivered and it’s sitting on their coffee table and Jungkook is lighting candles in a mason jar.
“Kookie what are you doing?”
“Lighting candles so we can have a romantic lunch,” Jungkook says making Jimin roll his eyes as he sits down and Jungkook takes a slice feeding Jimin who takes a big bite and Jungkook does the same.
“For someone who is all tough you sure can be very cheesy, Jeon Jungkook,”
“Only for you,” Jungkook says.
Jimin smiles and Jungkook smiles back as they finish their meal of pizzas and Jungkook clears up the table without Jimin having to tell him which rarely ever happens and then he offers to do the laundry too but Jimin doesn’t let him simply because he just doesn’t trust Jungkook with tasks like that.
It’s afternoon and Jimin is snuggled up with Jungkook on the sofa as they watch a movie and even though Jimin has piles of homework and revision left to do he decides that one movie isn’t gonna hurt so he is watching a movie that Jungkook has picked up. It’s called Grease and Jimin loves it.
“You have a great taste in movies too,” Jimin says.
“True but I have the best taste in men,” Jungkook says making Jimin blush and Jungkook pecks Jimin’s cheeks before moving him over so that he is now sitting on Jungkook’s lap. Jimin is skinny and short as compared to Jungkook so Jungkook easily picks me up like Jimin is made up of air.
Jimin leans back onto Jungkook’s chest and watches the rest of the movie until the movie is finally over and it’s late in the evening so Jimin decides that he better get some studying done and thankfully Jungkook agrees to not disturb and leaves Jimin alone in the bedroom. For the next three hours, Jimin is poring over his notes because finals aren’t too far away and he feels like he is very under prepared for the whole thing.
A knock on the door distracts Jimin. He opens the door to find Jungkook standing there with a mug in his hand.
“You were in there for like three hours,” Jungkook explains. “Thought I should get you some coffee”
“Thank you Kookie,”
“You’re welcome babe,”
Jimin sips the warm liquid and instantly feels relief spread through his fingertips.
“Are you done studying?” Jungkook asks.
“For now, yeah,” Jimin answers Jungkook.
“Well, do you wanna go star gazing?” Jungkook says. “It’ll be fun and I even packed sandwiches”
“All right then,”
“Yay,” Jungkook says excitedly as he hugs Jimin. “Come on change up”
Jimin nods as he goes inside the bedroom to find something to wear that keeps him warm.
He ends up wearing blue washed out jeans and a T-shirt with a black sweater over it.
Jungkook is dressed up too like he always is in his leather jacket and a graphic tee with his extremely skinny black jeans that makes his body look sinful and Jimin looks away immediately.
Jungkook puts on his boots and watches as Jimin puts on his worn out sneakers.
“Your sneakers….,” Jungkook begins.
“They are fine, trust me,” Jimin smiles as he stands up and moves around. “Super comfortable”
He is lying because he doesn’t want to waste money and also doesn’t want Jungkook to buy them for him because he already does that a lot and Jimin feels incredibly guilty but Jungkook is stubborn.
Jungkook grabs Jimin’s hands and they leave the house locking the door before they get into Jungkook’s blue truck and Jungkook immediately puts The Smiths on and Jimin sits back closing his eyes and just listening to the music.
Jungkook is driving and Jimin holds his free hands in his and Jungkook smiles as they sit hands linked enjoying the music.
When they are finally at the same spot of the little hill Jungkook rushes to open Jimin’s car door for him and Jimin gets out of it watching as the sky looked as beautiful as ever.
“Come on get in the back,” Jungkook says.
Jimin follows him as they sit in the back of the truck and Jungkook pulls out a warm blanket putting it over both of them as they watch the stars and listen to music for a good amount of time when Jungkook taps Jimin’s shoulders who seems lost in the stars.
Jimin nods as Jungkook sits up and takes out a little picnic basket.
He takes the sandwiches and gives one to Jimin before taking one himself and opens a can of beer.
“You want some?”
Jimin instantly shakes his head no.
“You sure?”
Jimin shakes his head again.
“Not even a sip?” Jungkook asks.
“All right, give me some,”
Jungkook chuckles handing a can to Jimin who opens it and takes a small sip. It’s bitter but it somehow feels good against his throat so Jimin sips again before drinking it like he drinks water. Sure, it isn’t the best-tasting thing in the world but it feels good.
Jungkook grins at him. He has already finished his can and sandwiches and is now lighting a cigarette.
Jungkook takes a small puff and lets out the smoke as Jimin watches.
“You wanna try?” Jungkook asks.
Jimin associates cigarettes with disappointment, cancer, death and all things bad but there is a tiny part of him who wants to break the rules and try new things even though he is scared.
But he trusts Jungkook and knows that Jungkook won’t hurt him so he just nods a little. Jungkook hands Jimin the cigarette and Jimin clutches it between his index and middle finger shakily.
He connects the cigarettes to his lips and looks over at Jungkook like he is waiting for some instruction.
“Suck the air,” Jungkook says and Jimin does and he feels the smoke as he inhales and starts coughing a lot immediately.
“What the…,”
Jungkook takes the cigarette from Jimin’s hand and pats his back.
Jimin finally stops coughing but he feels awkward.
“That was worse than alcohol,”
“You get used to it,” Jungkook says as he re-attaches the cigarette to his lip and it dangles from the corner of his mouth the other side of his mouth stretching into a lopsided smirk and Jimin remembers that he would always see Jungkook like that around the diner and the memories come flooding.
“I am sure I don’t want to get used,” Jimin says deciding that he is never gonna smoke again.
Jungkook finishes his cigarette and packs up the little picnic box keeping it aside.
“Isn’t this just perfect?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah, it is,” Jimin says.
Jungkook smiles kissing Jimin and the kiss very quickly turns into a passionate one as Jimin feels his mouth being explored by Jungkook’s tongue and his teeth biting on Jimin’s lips leaving them red and puffy for the next day.
Jimin feels Jungkook’s hands on his waist and now he is on Jungkook’s lap kissing him. Jungkook’s hands move from Jimin’s waist to beneath his shirt and his cold hands brush over Jimin’s nipples making Jimin moan into his mouth which encourages Jungkook even more.
He has his hands on the hem of Jimin’s sweater as he pulls them off along with Jimin’s shirt and moves on to kissing his neck nibbling and biting here as he moves downward exploring every inch of Jimin’s torso and Jimin is left a moaning mess under Jungkook’s touch and mouth and he worries that someone will catch them.
Suddenly Jimin feels Jungkook’s hands on the button of his jeans and that’s when Jimin finally comes to his senses stopping Jungkook.
“No,” he says.
Jungkook stops looking up at Jimin.
“We can’t do it here,”
“Why not?”
“Because this is out in the open and someone can see us,”
“No Jungkook,”
“But imagine making love under a night sky full of stars,
“I promise we can do it when we get back home,” Jimin says as he starts putting on his clothes and Jungkook stands up stepping outside and Jimin follows.
They get in and Jungkook drives while singing and Jimin listens because Jungkook has the most beautiful voice he has heard.
When they get back home both of them are too tired to even change before they ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms in the tiny bed.
Jimin’s life was like heaven now, so peaceful and he was so happy he was scared that something bad will happen and everything will be ruined.
He only hoped his suspicions won’t become a reality.
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