#then i summon my spirit bomb energy to do as good as i can for them
avocado-writing · 10 months
Hiii <3 I'm the anon that tumblr ate out- I mean I'm the anon that got their request eaten by tumblr. I'm going to send it again but please don't feel like you have to write it at all!
Basically it was just:
Crowley x wife!reader where human reader nearly dies during the London Blitz so Crowley miracles her into living forever as a type of vampire (he's a demon idk). So now Aziraphale, Reader, and Crowley are friends (possibly more by the time we get to the bookshop)
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notes: HEY I AM SO SORRY I MADE THIS SO FUCKING ANGSTY. please forgive me. it just felt like the perfect setup for a bite of sadness.
pairing: crowley x f!reader
rating: T
notes: mentions of death
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“You shouldn’t do this.”
Crowley knows. He knows that Aziraphale is not wrong for a number of reasons: his head office will notice, it’s against the rules, he’ll get in dreadful dreadful trouble. Demons aren’t meant to meddle in the mortality of humans. But then again demons aren’t meant to marry humans either, and he did that anyway too. 
It’s your tenth anniversary today. He can picture the wedding like a photograph in his memory: your white dress, your red lips, the huge smile you wore all day like it was stuck to your face. Impossible for you to get rid of. 
He braved the pain of a church to marry you in it, then swept you off to bed to take his mind off his burning feet.
Ten years. Ten happy years. Ten years of your gorgeous, gorgeous smile. He knew it wouldn’t be forever, but he thought that he’d at least have longer to work out what he was going to do when the time came. But there was no way you could have predicted where the bomb would land, the explosion it would cause, the shrapnel that would end up shredding your stomach.
He told you to leave London and you refused to. You refused to leave him.
Now blood soaks through your clothes onto his. You’re lifeless in his arms. Covered in brickdust and mortar. Smile gone.
In that moment he realises that he can’t continue existing without it.
“Shut it,” he snaps, far more fiercely than he should, and he’ll apologise to Aziraphale for it later… but for now, he does something very reckless indeed.
He summons the miracle from hell. It’s a big one, to snatch a soul out of the aether as it tries to slip away, but he’s a very powerful demon. He grabs the hazy edges of your spirit with his hand and slams it back into your body. There’s a surge of energy as the two parts of you reconnect, and in a shaky spasm you twitch horribly back to life.
“There she is. There’s my girl,” he whispers, cupping your face. As you work out how to breathe again Aziraphale watches in silence. There is nothing for him to say.
He manages to get away with it. Hell isn’t known for its incredible paper trail after all, and it’s pretty easy for him to mislay the documents that prove he ever did such a huge miracle at all. You’re alive again and there are no repercussions.
From head office, anyway.
Aziraphale eventually comes to accept the decision, and the two of you actually end up quite good friends. In fact Crowley feels quite ganged up on sometimes. You’re constantly at the bookshop helping shoo away customers and hunting down good deals for old tomes on ebay. You’ve learned to grow with the times.
But still.
There are times where you seem… distant. He’ll catch you staring out a window, seemingly a million miles away from your body. You don’t blink as much as you should since he brought you back. You don’t breathe as hard either, your chest only raising and falling about once a minute. There’s something not the same.
He cannot bring himself to admit that you came back wrong.
Every time Crowley will come over and give you a gentle kiss, bringing you out of your stupor. You’ll shake your head and return to the moment.
“You alright, sweetheart?” he’ll ask.
“Oh, yes. Of course I am,” you’ll reply, and you’ll smile.
But your smile is never quite right.
taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul@foolishprincipalitee@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@specter-soltare@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@willbedecided@cool-iguana@this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2@clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo@mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @kimqueenofhell@chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t@am-i-obsessed---maybe
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surelynotshirley · 3 years
Every time my friend switches to Emil/Ada, I use the other one but every time I switch to one of them to match a rando I do terribly. It really is the power of love
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Oh could u do Prue/Micah? S4
okay okay okay so we're doing all hallow's eve in early s3 micah's reincarnation does Not show up at the end of the episode because we're saving him for something bigger. but we'll say that something on a later vanquish a physical item triggers something in prue she's like hey does that remind you of anything?? and piper and phoebe are like ??? no? it's just a(n) [item]? and prue's like really? nothing? and they're like idk what does it remind you of and she's like i don't know... the past? samhain, maybe? do you think it's one of our ancestor's? and piper and phoebe are like prue i don't know can we get out of here??? and she's like yeah yeah but she takes it with her and like. uses her auction house knowledge to like correctly id it back to the time they were in salem (or not maybe idk but if it is from the past she realizes that a) either it was something micah owned or b) it was the knife that killed him. if it's neither of those than it's modern and she can't figure out what about it is calling to her). the plot is kind of dropped. then, we enter s4, the battle with the source is on the horizon cole is. we'll say still on their side, successful relationship with phoebe. cole is the first one to pitch going on the offensive, which prue is first to back, then phoebe, and begrudgingly piper. leo's still not a fan but phoebe gets a premonition of something something darklighter so let's stamp that out before it begins. so they shimmer down with cole to the underworld leo doesn't go with them bc well. a) he can't sense as well down there so he won't really be able to find them if they get separated which leads to b) of they're separated the girls have no way out of hell and as a sidenote c) he's a whitelighter. so if the darklighters get him they Also have no way out of hell. so leo stays topside and cole's their ride. something something something they're closing in on where the clan lives or maybe their weapons forge and there's a darklighter just outside piper blow him up no wait and prue like Jumps in front of her and piper quickly deflects and hits the cavern wall next to them and wants to yell what the hell prue but it's too late because all hell breaks loose the darklighters were there waiting for them the seer foresaw this so they all duck for cover prue throws a couple phoebe karate chops cole energy balls piper blows up em and will occasionally freeze the cavern for a couple seconds but she still doesn't have a hold on her powers, but phoebe while fighting one of them gets a premonition: leo, shot. and over the din she's like it's a diversion, they're gonna kill leo like we have to get to leo but they're all hella spread apart right now so in one of piper's freezes cole gets to phoebe and another the pair get to piper but prue's still to far away she redirects an arrow that nearly hits phoebe in the hed she's like there's no time go!! and they're like no!! but prue just squints at cole and cole understands and shimmers them out of there and we'll say the guy who she initially dove in front of was knocked out by like rocks from piper's blast well he's coming to and see's prue fighting for her life and like. you know just starts to stir and prue spares a glance at him and he recognizes her just like he did in puritan times and he's like ...you saved me and prue looks at him and again connection but she can't find the words to say because she has to get right back to kicking ass, we'll say an arrow flies right past her face like through her hair she ducks down again like can you get us out of here? and he just like barely sits up head cradled in one hand, he's bleeding, but he just nods and places his other on prue's shoulder and black orbs them out and now they're in like a loft in san francisco prue still in fight mode and micah still bleeding from a head wound and he just kind of collapses on the ground and prue's like !!! oh shit.
back @ the manor leo's just been shot and piper's running over like help me get him to the attic i'll swap our powers you guys get out of the house so you're not affected go get prue and leo's like ??? go get her and cole's like she's still with the darklighters and leo's like no she's topside she's in the city and they're all like how??? and piper's like who gives a shit how help me get him to the attic then give me some space so phoebe and cole wait in the outside lil backyard type thing they have maybe we get a phole scene piper swaps powers and heals leo but he's still weak and piper hear's prue's call and leo's like go i'm still too weak to heal and piper's i'm not leaving you not while they're out there and leo's like hey don't worry you're still with me right ad blows up idk a lamp and piper just kind of smiles like okay but if you're gonna blow anything else up try to hit that vase because i've always hated it
piper goes downstairs gets phoebe and cole like okay let's go get prue and she orbs them all out into this loft where prue has got this guy slumped over his table pressing a damp towel to his head but jesus that's a lot of blood and she's like leo thank g- where's leo and piper's like he's resting he was shot so i had to tap in. and prue's like you can heal? and piper's like uh huh and prue's like okay great heal him and piper moves forward and then stops because prue is that the darklighter? and prue's like yes but you don't understand and piper's like what part of healing a Darklighter don't i understand prue when they Just tried to kill my husband now you're trying to save him and prue's like come on doesn't he look familiar to you and piper's looking at him like ew bc she can hardly see past the bloodcovered face but phoebe wanders forward and cole instinctively tries to hold her back bc Evil but she just kind of shakes him off bc she knows what she's doing and cole relents and she puts a hand up to his shoulder and she's like it is him. and prue's lookin like exactly! and piper's like who??? and prue's like micah and he stirs at the sound of his own name and piper's like Who??? and prue's like don't you remember he saved our necks--literally--multiple times; he died for us and it's clicking piper's like In Puritan Times??? and cole kinda blanches bc he Might have killed that guy i can't remember and prue's like piper for the amount of times he's saved us, please, just heal him and piper's like you get that that was centuries ago right? a lot changes in a couple hundred years; he's a darklighter now and prue's like piper. please. and piper relents bc what can she say she trusts prue. and micah comes to and sees cole and stumbles back like hits the ground again and prue's like no no it's okay and he looks at her and it's like we can see his world fade around him and just focus on prue and his hand flies up to his head and finds no blood and prue's like it's okay, you're healed and micah's like so that'd be the second time you've saved my neck today? and prue's like consider it returning the favor and piper's like okay well I'm breaking up the balcony scene this time how did the darklighters know we were coming? and micah's like this woman. she visited us and said you were coming, you were leaving your whitelighter vulnerable... and they're like what woman and cole's like the seer. and micah just nods and he's like i've read about you, you know, what you've done, i was hoping i could get away to warn you before... and piper's like Why. Why would you betray your own people and micah's like because i can see what dark magic can do... and it can't be undone [to later be revealed tragic backstory!! micah was raised by his mother topside or maybe his father and we get a complex darklighter situation with his mom potentially even having her defect but no matter when micah was like. idk twelve or something?? there was this bully in school and we're trying to stay with charmed morality and justify this so we'll say this kid was like serial killer bad killed puppies for fun type bad and he was a bully and micah was standing up to him #feminism when they got into a fight and micah was losing like Really losing like about to be beat to death at age twelve losing when his hand started glowing red and he shoved it against the bully and next the you know that kid was fucking dead. micah had killed a guy before he had even gone through puberty. oof. anyways top ten defining moments tried existing on the dl but has also killed a couple other people and we'll keep them Bad murderers and rapists but it's still like you end up in a bar fight and then the next thing you know that guy is dead and it doesn't matter what a cunt he was it doesn't matter than you didn't mean to do it you just have a power you don't know how to control no all that matters is you're getting manslaughter at best unless you go with this man who claims to be your uncle who can teleport like you who has the same deathtouch who can teach you to control your power].
blah blah blah plot progression all that prue and micah fall in love relatively quickly because they can feel that tug in their souls (SIDE TANGENT: i've already said before i like wyatt as a reincarnation of melinda warren but what if prue was Also a reincarnation of melinda warren, ipso facto wyatt is also prue reincarnated retconning why they can't summon her spirit. 👀?) but but BUT the seer foresaw this she new micah would turn to the side of good so she planted something that blew up in a metaphorical sense so now they don't know if they can trust micah prue wants to trust him but she doesn't want to put her family in danger if he really is in league with the source phoebe is advocating for her to follow her heart and piper is Hard No against micah like even before like she really didn't want him around before this bomb dropped even more so now and prue's like okay what's your beef and piper's like he's not safe to have around prue he's a damn darklighter and prue's like you know you keep like using that against him leo doesn't even care why are you so hung up on this and piper's like leo's safety isn't the only one at risk here!! and prue's like what you have some secret whitelighter you haven't told us about?? and piper is just silent and stubborn and prue's still in fight stance until it clicks and she's like piper... and piper's like still not talking and prue's like piper,,, are you pregnant? and piper's like no you know what i shouldn't even have said anything forget you even heard anything and prue's like ???? piper this is great news why why didn't you tell us and tries to hug her and piper just ducks away and prue's like heart is breaking watching her like this because piper's like really maternal she'd be a great mom so why isn't she happy and piper just looks at prue like : ( i didn't tell you because this isn't the first time this has happened. and prue's like ??? and piper's like towards the end of s3,,, i thought i was. well, no. i was pregnant. and, um. i was scared, because of all the demon fighting and everything, but i was excited prue i was so excited to be a mom and then a couple weeks later,,, and gets all choked up and prue just pulls her into a really big hug like sweetie why didn't you tell us and piper's just crying like i don't know we already have so much with the source and with the fighting every day,, i didn't want you guys to feel like i did, you're already going through so much and prue's like honey You're Going Through So Much and just know we're always here for you forget the source and his sorry ass forget the seer nothing's more important that you okay nothing's more important and piper's just okay okay : ((((.
so anyways we vanquish the source for the midseason finale but now we have the seer the real mastermind as the s4b villain and she's got her eyes set on a great prized: a prophesied baby. in one episode prue and micah get knocked back into a past life regression where they keep slipping back further and further in time and they keep finding each other in each life but they need to get out of here and piper leo phoebe cole are on the outside trying to get them out because if they reach their first life their life where their soul was new and slip back further, there's no way to bring them back after that we're not killing prue lol but what that really does is just cements prue and micah's place together like In Every Life they had each other in one form or another they were always destined to find each other....... fin <3
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porta-decumana · 3 years
Zadnor & Bozja’s Ending
I know it’s been the bandwagon to hate on Werlyt and I’ve been critical of that plotline in the past as well.  But Bozja may have just taken the cake for unsatisfactory storytelling, in my opinion, while also skirting into the same realm of “we’re gonna give imperialism a pass because maybe the Empire isn’t that bad uwu”.  Obvious spoilers for rank 25 quests, the Dalriada raid, and Bozja’s story ending under the cut along with screenshots.
This is a pretty critical look at Zadnor specifically so if you don’t wanna read that then feel free to bypass this post.
Bajsaljen’s Constitution was probably the first part that really made me scratch my head and question the entire plot.  I was convinced at first I was too sleepy to process what Bajsaljen was saying but then I went back and... yeah, he really did say that.
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To which, Marsak calls him out on, a fact that I appreciate because my response was pretty much the same level of “wtf” as him and the nameless/dialogue-less NPCs in the room.
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If you haven’t played Bozja in its entirety yet, you may not understand why I felt like this dialogue was incredibly appalling.  The instances are filled with horrific encounters, some of which are:
Dabog, a former Resistance soldier who was experimented on in order to become an expert warmachina pilot and later shows back up in Zadnor as a model swap for the final boss of Gyr Abania.  In other words, mutated beyond recognition.
Lorvo, another former member of the Resistance, who was tempered by the Queen.  You fight alongside his student, who is trying to save him.
Shemhazai, a death spirit summoned with auracite and the sacrifices of Garlean soldiers.
Delubrum Reginae’s 2nd boss (I believe?) are a group of former Blades who have been tempered and their bodies have mutated.  These are former comrades you, as the WoL, personally fought alongside in the early parts of the Southern Front.  Named characters with backstories.
Fabineau quo Soranus - a brutal commander that is known to torment his subordinates and use men and animals both as test subjects.  
And this is just a fraction of what I can think of off the top of my head.  So understand that when I saw Bajsaljen say the above parts, I was questioning what parts of the Empire he was talking about.  And I know he tries to use Misija as his reason for this but it still just doesn’t quite sit right with the literal everything else that happened fighting for Bozja.  Because you can make the argument that Misija saw the Imperial way of life better but also you can make the argument that she was enacting a revenge plan that transcended multiple generations.  Misija’s issue with Bozjan society was the mistreatment of her and her family as well as the murder of her ancestor-- classism.  And while her hatred of Bozja and its high society (the Blades) might be understandable, I think it does little to excuse the rampant death and cruelty the IVth legion goes on to do.
I think what Bajsaljen is trying to say is that he does not want to create another society that would create more Misijas. But in doing so, it feels like he’s giving the IVth legion a pass after all the atrocities they’ve done (even calling the occupation “peace” and that... hnghhh is it peace when people are being used as experiments, Bajsaljen?  And they’re being oppressed?) and it just feels really, really tone-deaf.  Especially given that Bajsaljen’s top soldiers were all, for the most part, tempered and then put to death.  That just adds an extra ouch factor.
I don’t wanna spend too long talking about this bit so I’m gonna move onto the next offender, which is Gabranth, or more specifically, what happens to Gabranth (or... how it happens, rather).  Honestly, I was uncomfortable with the Bajsaljen stuff but the Gabranth field notes absolutely floored me.  It feels as though there was either scrapped content here or... the team decided they could not continue the plotline with Gabranth any longer and decided to write him out in a note that only a handful of the playerbase will probably read because otherwise, there’s no indicator that Gabranth’s tale is over.  Here are the bits of the field note in question:
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And you might go, “Wow, that’s a wild way to end the Bozja tale” to which I would agree and remind you that none of this is shown in-game, it’s all just in a field note that could be easily skipped over.  Yes.  That’s right.  Dalmasca’s freedom, Gabranth’s fate, Lyon going full mutiny... it’s all in a field note.  The ending Bozja cutscenes actually have dialogue like this:
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In another scene, with Lyon and Gabranth in Valnain, Dalmasca.
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Note: this is an allusion to Noah having the same terminal illness as his father.
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The scene ends with Lyon looking surprised at the weapons and Sicinius and Gabranth go to discuss the findings.  The scene then cuts to this photo and the questline ends.
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So to put it mildly... I’m mad.  Why are we supposed to find out the fate of Dalmasca-- something that’s been in and out of the story since Stormblood-- through a field note?  Why is Lyon’s betrayal also found out this way?  And Gabranth’s alleged demise?  I’m incredibly iffy on the choice to do this in the plot but I would be considerably less mad if any of this was indicated in the cutscenes.  I happen to really like Gabranth’s XII’s iteration and the fact that we got a field note on him made me excited.  I only found out about Dalmasca being freed, Lyon’s treachery, Gabranth’s death because of that.  And that was incredibly jarring to read given the cutscenes I had just watched.  There’s no indication that any of that would happen and I can’t help but feel as though that is a bit of lore that is often going to be overlooked by players who simply don’t think to check the field notes for important lore bombs.
I want to reiterate: I'm not specifically mad at the story decision to kill Gabranth (even if it’s a fake death), I’m mad at how this was all revealed to the players.  Particularly the bit about Dalmasca.  It discards the age-old rule of storytelling-- “show, don’t tell”.  I could forgive them for having to cut certain bits of Bozja’s story because of the pandemic severely hampering development but... there had to have been a better way than this.  Maybe redo some of the cutscene dialogue?  Maybe add in a little bit more to the final scene?  I was excited to face off against Gabranth.  I was excited to go help liberate Dalmasca, especially after the Return to Ivalice plot really set us up for that in the future.  This... just feels incredibly unfulfilling.  And I hope that this is not how they decide to end things with this section of the story.  The build from Return to Ivalice and the continuation of those plot threads in Bozja were great!  Having it unceremoniously ended in a field note?  Not so great.  
Two honorable mention things that I don’t have the energy to talk about at large
Mikoto’s visions don’t feel significant enough to the story.  This is particularly egregious in Zadnor’s arc, where she has a vision where she falls off an airship and then tells the WoL to not say anything because she “doesn’t want people to worry” instead of, idk, trying to find a way to save herself.  She only sees herself fall, she doesn’t see herself land.  But she insists there’s “nothing we can do about it anyways”.  It... felt like they didn’t really matter in the end?  Fran ends up deus ex machina-ing a rescue anyways so like... what was the point?
Misija's “redemption through death”, a tired trope that is even more tired in FFXIV.  I know there’s two different endings to this quest but Misija being executed after being mortally wounded by the Diablos Armament is the ending I received.
Going to harken back to the criticisms of Werlyt.  I’ll maintain my stance that I still think Werlyt had some glaring issues with it... but I will give it this.  It didn’t kill off characters from a side plot that had been going on since Stormblood in a field note.  And it didn’t involve the Werlytians being like “Hey let’s base our new constitution off of the VIIth legion... that is a great idea.”
Anyways, I still recommend doing Bozja if only because the Dalriada is a good instance with a very good final boss theme.  I did enjoy aspects of the questline but the ending really soured my opinion of it.  
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skye-huntress · 3 years
RWBY V8 Episode 13 “Worthy” Reactions
There is so much going on in this episode and naturally because it’s the penultimate episode, so much conflict still in progress. I may miss or forget things and this will take me a while to get out because I have so much nervous energy it took me half an hour just to start typing. So keep that in mind as you read on
People were saying the plan went so smoothly but as I pointed out in my last reaction, local comms going down was and has thrown the evacuation into disarray, we can see it. So already we have Jaune and Nora splitting off from their team to spread the message, leaving less people to secure the gathering point in Vacuo
Second complication, a sandstorm that cuts off local comms and makes it impossible to know where Vacuo is. And a growing number of terrified refugees just out in the open with less than a handful of fighters to protect them. No way back to relative shelter or to even warn the rest either because true to his nature Ambrosius built exactly what they ask for.
Third complication, I wondered why Cinder seemed to be prepared for their plan. I thought Watts somehow also intercepted comms between Winter and Weiss but it seemed a stretch. Using the last question is going to bite her in the arse later, but I suppose she is in a damned anyway if she can’t give Neo Ruby before Salem respawns
And now we can also confirm she knows of Emerald’s “betrayal” but unless she leaves or gets knocked through the Vacuo portal, we may not get a confrontation this volume. Hard to say what she makes of this, she’s only shown to treat Emerald as someone she can use, much like how Cinder herself was and is being used.
Also Jinn definitely looked remorseful, but just like Ambrosius and the other spirits, she has rules to follow. BTW, I thought of a possible loophole for Jinn’s question limit. She can only be asked three questions every 100 years but I find it curious one question was already used. So my question is would it be possible to ask Jinn the same question twice. Technically it would not be a fourth question, but is that technicality enough to at least allow Jinn to repeat information for new ears.
Watts has access to the Command Centre. Jimmy’s need to control everything has once again backfired and given the enemy everything they could possibly want to do as much damage as they desire
All those people that Cinder blasted off the edge just to get RWBY’s attention, this has always been who she was, which is why there will not be any form of redemption for her. Even if she turns against Salem, it will be for her own selfish reasons and it is why she’ll never truly be able to escape from her fate
Our first RWBY vs Cinder fight (and probably not the last). Not many places worse for them to fight (if at all), with little ground (not a problem for a flying enemy), no cover, civilians in the line of literal fire (and glass). Got knocked off, game over. Speaking of which...
And Neo. Fucking Neo. And of course, protective big sister to the rescue. And she is the first to fall.
I did find it interesting that she seemed to vanish at a certain point on the way down. I interpret as proof, it’s not some endless void, there is something down there. And of course, there has to be a way back. We’re talking the Y of RWBY here, not to mention half the show’s most prominent LGBT+ couple. Contrary to what some individuals claim, RT do not do “Bury Your Gays” or “Queerbaiting”, at least not intentionally. As I said for Penny when she got hacked, Yang is going to be just fine, eventually. She’s not fine right now, obviously, but this isn’t the end for her. RWBY isn’t that type of show.
Ruby seems to be just surviving, no time to think or process what happen unless she wants to end up dead-dead by her sister’s supposed murderer. In this case, it is somewhat fortunate that Ruby’s coping mechanism is through actions, but when she stops it’s going to catch up with her
As for Blake, who got over repressing all her emotions several volumes ago, is not only the one to lose it the most but has gone absolutely feral. Still, she is not so far gone that she isn’t completely unaware that Penny and Weiss are unless in danger. Dilemma, exact vengeance on Neo, or lose another person you love?
While I’m on this point though, this is an excellent example of the destructive nature of the cycle of vengeance. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. In her pursuit of vengeance, Neo has naturally made herself the target of the same type of vengeance. Precisely why killing often not actually a final solution, it also has consequences as well.
I fear for Penny but I’m still confident she’ll survive this somehow. She is something new and unique, a whole new chapter of her life has just started and it would be anti-climatic and a huge waste for the show not to explore that. Besides, if Cinder has learned anything than she knows the relics must take priority over her power lust. All the power of Maidens won’t save her from Salem if she doesn’t return with both of them.
Weiss seems to be the one in most trouble right now, and in most danger of falling next. Still, I’m curious to see if her Nevermore summon will come into play again. A finale seems like the best time for it, and could potentially be a tide turner, perhaps more so than the Queen Lancer summon in Volume 5. She could use more wins.
Back to the Loser Ops. Hoping Marrow is okay. But of course, Harriet is still set on delivering that bomb. Much like her boss, she seems incapable of admitting she is wrong or has lost. I don’t think most people expected Vine to be the next one to concede that Jimmy was not the one to follow, but it makes sense. At that point, blowing up a city for man who has already lost is the furthest thing from logical. It’s just spite at that point, and just a way to make sure everyone loses.
So the bomb is back in play, thanks to Harriet. And while everyone is focused on her, no one will notice Watts pulling the strings from behind the curtain. But what is his target? He wouldn’t waste such a thing on mere civilians. It could simply be to occupy and/or eliminate several powerful combatants, given the villains are currently outnumbered. Still, he’s in his element and the last person we want to underestimate now. If this is truly the end of Atlas, this may probably be his last great act of villainy before he truly falls into irrelevancy and expendability
Lastly, Jimmy F@#$ing Ironwood. Forcefield prisons are such a bad idea. And of course, we can’t forget Chekhov’s gun-gun-gun. We had to see it in action and what it can do to a person. He recovered extraordinarily quickly, but then his body is more machine than man at this point. Also, as I predicted, shattering his aura did not snap him out of it. Atlas the city, the idea, is everything to him. He stopped seeing the people in it a while ago. He’ll kill them all if it will keep the city afloat.
I have complicated feelings about Jacques Schnee. I don’t need to tell anyone how much of a terrible person he is but I can’t ignore the truth that not everything he touched turned to shit. Weiss is perhaps my favourite character in the show, and she would not only not exist if it weren’t for Jacques, she wouldn’t be the person she is that I love now if Jacques was any different as a father. Same goes for Whitley and Winter. It’s a reminder that some good can come from even the shittiest of people acting in the shittiest of ways. He was also right about Ironwood all along, can’t forget that.
That all said, Jacques did not deserve to be murdered like that, whatever his crimes. The man had nothing left, no threat to anyone anymore. He should have lived for the rest of his pathetic existence knowing what he lost.
So now Winter is facing Ironwood again, this time she is alone and he is armed. Neither are in the best shape. I only see this ending with one or both of them dying.
One final note, Yang may be gone but... what if instead of the others also falling... those still standing take a leap of faith to jump after her and whoever else falls
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ziracona · 3 years
[The Kid (Fgo AU fic) pt. 1, ... 7, 8, 9, ?]
He was completely alone.
That was the first thing I thought when I saw his face for an instant through an open doorway: that I had never ever seen anyone who looked so completely alone.
I’ve been alone; I’ve been lonely. Not too bad, not most of my life anyway. My brother and I are close, and we’ve spent a lot of time together. For most of my life, it’s been like having a built-in best friend. But. We’re different from each other too.
Sometimes he’s interested in something I’m not, or doing stuff for school or a sport, or I am, and we don’t see each other so much. There have been times when we fought, or he didn’t want to hang around so much with his sister, or I didn’t, and we were further apart. Then there have been times where we were in different places—different schools, different programs. That’s most recently, and it’s been really hard. We still see each other a lot, because we try to, but having a twin was like having a part of me almost—a best friend I saw every single day. High school, I was lonely a lot. I had a hard time making friends, and got teased a lot—I mean, I wasn’t like, really unfortunate—I-I had friends. Sort of, anyway—I wasn’t an outcast. But I was lonely.
I’ve been lonely a lot, and for a whole lot of reasons, no matter how hard I try to find people, or be able to see the ones I have.
But never anything like that.
Being lonely, it’s one of the worst feelings in the world, I think. One of the worst ones I’ve ever felt. But I knew, looking at him, that he was experiencing it in a way I couldn’t even imagine feeling alone.
I wasn’t sure how old he was. Maybe 19, or 20, 21, 22. Older than me, but not old. Short, small. On his knees, hanging limply from his arms, head bowed, and eyes only half open. He was sweating, and there was blood running down his shirt and vest. He looked like he was dying, and everyone was just walking past and looking at him like he was an art piece.
I’d never seen people look at another person like that before.
He knew it, though. I saw him move his eyes to follow them when they moved through the room, even turn his head up once or twice to see them a little, then give up again. He looked so weak, and beaten, and hurt. Nobody cared, though. I knew they were talking about him, but it was like watching people look at a new car they might buy at a street event. I couldn’t understand it.
The boy wasn’t Japanese. I thought he was maybe American, o-or maybe European—I wasn’t sure. He was dressed a little bit like a cowboy, though, and he was blonde with blue eyes that looked cloudy, like a haze had lowered over what used to be a big open sky. It made me think American. I hadn’t ever seen an American in person before—only in movies. It made him look even more alone. Surrounded by a room full of people who were speaking my language and looked like me, and not him. It made me feel worse somehow, even than I would have felt anyway, seeing anyone like that.
I don’t think I’d ever seen somebody look hopeless before. But. He looked like he knew he was going to suffer, and suffer, and slowly die. And nobody was coming to save him, and he wasn’t going to be able to save himself this time. He looked like he hated it, but he knew it. He looked afraid. And sad.
And alone.
Alone in ways I couldn’t describe then and still couldn’t now, even after being able to think of almost nothing else for a whole week and a half.
He looked up at me, for just a moment, while I was watching him through that doorway. I had seen the way he looked at the other people in the room—like he despised them, and I knew I would have felt the same if I was hanging there on my knees, bleeding and being talked about like a car. I had no idea who he was, or what he was, or why he was there, not at all, but I was scared, when he looked at me, that he had seen me. I was scared he would look at me like he’d looked at everyone else, because somehow that would have made me responsible, like they were, for what was being done to him.
He didn’t, though.
He looked at me, and he was a little bit surprised, like I was a strange thing to see, and then he’d almost looked happy for a moment. Maybe not happy. … Appreciative. Instead of hating me, for some reason he had looked at me like he was a little bit glad he’d seen me. I had no idea why. But I couldn’t forget it. I watched him lower his head again, slowly, and pass out. I watched him to see if he would wake up. And I asked about him, as soon as I got a chance.
I think I knew as soon as I saw him that I was going to do something. But I knew when he looked at me how much I wanted to.
And I did.
I…I still can’t really get over that part. It’s been so much, just the last few hours. Honestly I was terrified planning all this, and now that it’s happened, I’m just kind of in shock. I’m excited too, but I have no idea what I’m doing.
It’ll be okay, I promise myself, coming back out of my head a little and trying hard to feel more confident, I mean, it’s gone really well so far!
That’s true, and I do feel a little better.
Man, I’ve been super lucky. That’s really good, because now that I think about it all the way, I was kind of counting on luck a lot.
I mean, my plan was good—I think anyway. I worked really hard on it. But still. Billy contracted with me, and I did okay getting him here and patching him up, and I was actually able to summon a heroic spirit with his help, and he’s been a really nice one too! I was a little bit afraid I might get hurt. I mean, Billy’s been stuck in that building for months, with so many people hurting him, it really wouldn’t be surprising if he’d woken up and just assumed I was one of them, and shot me before realizing I wasn’t. I tried to dress in definitely civilian clothes in case that would help, but I was still nervous about it. I’m really glad things went so okay…
Mind still on Billy, I glance over at him. I’m sitting on the bed, getting ready to try some magic work to open up circuits with Emiya’s help, but he’s vanished to go make sure no one seems to have followed us from Ur-shanabi first. Billy’s sitting back in one of the big comfortable soft chairs, resting. He’s not asleep, though. Just kind of staring off at nothing, thinking about something.
His wound must be hurting a little less, for him to sit up like that, and I smile at the sight. I’m so glad he looks better. I felt really awful I couldn’t heal him right, but at least I was able to do something. And he really does look a lot better now. He’s got more color in his skin, and his hair is starting to dry and look fluffy now. His eyes look clear too, but they’ve looked like that for a while now. Bright and sharp, but kind too. Open like a clear sky. He’s really pretty. I guess he picked a good nickname for himself.
He senses me looking at him and glances over and offers me a smile, and I return it.
“You feelin’ ready?” he asks.
I nod. “I think so. I’m really glad Emiya seems to know his stuff so well.”
“Me too!” agrees Billy, “He seems awful capable, and that’s gonna help us a lot.” He pauses then and looks thoughtful. “Got absolutely no clue who he is though. You know any historical Emiyas? Famous figures?”
Oh yeah. I guess that is weird. I mean, there’s a lot of heroic spirits on the throne, and of course I wouldn’t know all of them, but it is a little weird neither of us has ever heard of him. I shake my head. “Maybe he’s a really old heroic spirit,” I suggest, because that makes sense, “One from so long ago, we lost a lot of records.”
Billy gives a nod of agreement, “Probably that, or one you haven’t got to in time yet.”
“Wait, you guys can come from the future??” I ask, totally thrown out of my headspace by that.
“Sure,” says Billy with a grin, “Throne is outside of time, so we get summoned to all kinds of times and places. Mages tend to shoot for spirits they know of, when they summon us, and of course you can’t have a catalyst for someone from the future—won’t exist yet—and I think Alaya doesn’t like sendin’ ones from the future as much because of timestream things I don’t really understand, so, summoning one you haven’t got to in time is a lot rarer, but I know it can happen.”
“Huh.” I think about that. “W-would it be rude, like—among heroic spirits, is it considered rude if I ask him something about that—if he’s from the future?”
Billy shrugs. “Not really. Lots of us won’t answer if we don’t want to and don’t have to, but I don’t think he’d take any offense. Don’t see why he would.”
“…’Alaya’?” I ask, remembering what he said before.
“That’s just another name for the whole Counter-Force, World, God—whatever you want to call it,” says Billy, gesturing vaguely with his right hand and then wincing and sucking in a pained breath on the last word.
“Sorry,” I say, reaching out impulsively like I might be able to help, “Does it hurt?”
“Not a lot,” he promises, “It’s a lot better than it was, and it keeps gettin’ better. I just need to learn to be careful until it’s done healin’, like I should.”
I relax a little. “Okay. Good—I mean, that it’s healing.”
He gives me another smile.
I sense energy in the room then, and realize it’s my connection to Emiya, and then he materializes back from his spirit form and into his physical one by the bed.
“Anything?” asks Billy, sitting up a little.
Emiya gives his head a single shake. “She did well covering her tracks,” he says, glancing at me approvingly, “And more importantly, I think bombing their second story took them completely by surprise. There’s a whole lot going on at the building I was able to see even at a distance, but they haven’t sent people out very far to investigate. They’re still mostly trying to make sure they’re not under attack.”
That’s such a huge relief—I’ve been so worried about my mom and dad. I feel like a car has been lifted off my shoulders.
I did it. I…I actually did a good job.
“So,” says Emiya then, turning to look at me, “That being the case, and this spot being safe for at least a little while longer and time being of the essence, I suggest you and I go ahead and get started.”
  “Alright, just take a deep breath. Keep your eyes shut, and try to relax. Then I want you to concentrate hard on what you’re feeling.”
I try my best to. Take a big breath and loosen my shoulders, working very hard to keep calm and open. Try to focus on the sound of my own heart beating like he told me. Emiya said to do this I have to ‘feel how my body connects to my soul’, and I don’t know at all how that works, but I try hard to imagine it.
Soul. That’s me, that’s the me inside my body. If I think of myself like a heroic spirit, then bodies are a vessel, and the soul is the thing inside them that has a personality. My soul could be put into a doll, or another body, or a really sick mecha using magecraft, and it would still be me. Because I’m the soul. It exists here, just like they do, but it also exists somewhere else at the same time—like they do on the throne—somewhere I’m always connected to. By energy, the way they’re connected to me right now.
That all makes a lot of sense when I think of it that way, and it helps. I picture that. picture threads connecting the me inside my body to the rest of me somewhere else.
“Good,” says Emiya. His voice is reassuring and strong, and I feel my adrenaline pick up with excitement. I hope that means I’m doing it right! If I’m honest I’m super scared that I’m gonna mess up and I have been since the second I realized I was going to have to do any magic. I-I just. I’ve never been good at being a mage. Maybe it’s just because I never got real training, like they seem to think, but… I’ve known a lot of mages, or, I’ve run into them, and they have all pretty much told me I’m a loser, and a bad mage, and un-gifted, and just don’t have any talent. I don’t want to believe that—I don’t, but,…it’s not like I haven’t spent a lot of time trying to teach myself on my own! I have, over and over and over—reading books, doing research, watching other mages when I got the chance, and I just…it’s like—like I’m trying to ride a bike. And supposedly I could learn, if I just try long and hard enough, but every time I try, I keep falling off the bike the moment I get on, and then climbing back up with bruised knees, only to fall off before I can even turn the pedal again. And again and again and again. I’ve tried so hard for so long, the best I know how, and I’ve barely been able to learn anything.
And now? Now that I’ve got so much these two spirits who trusted me need me for? And they’re watching me? TWO Heroic Spirits, famous heroes with all kinds of power and skill who were so important they got inscribed on the throne of heroes, are watching me?
I am…beyond terrified I’m gonna fail absolutely and make an idiot of myself under the pressure. And worse that I just…won’t be able to help them. That I’ll be too weak, and too bad at things, and I’ll disappoint them. Fail them…
It isn’t fair—I’m trying so hard! And I want to do something really good, and it barely takes any skill to do this! If I was anybody else, I would be able to do it! But I’m not; I’m me, and I’m bad at magic, and—and. No, I can’t give up—I have to do this, I have to. I’ve only just met these two and both of them trusted me enough to form a contract, and there’s so much at stake--I can’t afford to mess up this time. I can’t! So I have to do better, I have to be better, because if I can’t figure this out, if I fail them then-
“I said relax,” chides Emiya.
“S-sorry,” I say nervously, cracking an eye open for a second to see him, and then shutting it again. I clear my throat and try to re-center. Just breathe. It’s okay. You can do this. Stop freaking out. You know that doesn’t help. You’re not bad at everything. I mean, you made a really good bomb! You did. And you stitched up a wound pretty good, and you did a summon! So maybe you can do this. Emiya’s going to help you, so it’ll be okay. It’ll work.
I hope.
“Better,” comes Emiya’s voice approvingly, “Now, I’m going to run some of my energy along the magic circuits that you have physically—try to focus on that—the layout, how they feel in your body. They aren’t your true circuits, just a manifestation of them, but they’ll help you find the ones in your soul’s energy. Try and visualize it if you can, and follow the connection back to your soul.”
That’s so much I don’t know how to do, or even really understand. I’m being asked to something that’s really overwhelming, but I buckle down and focus hard as I feel his palm set down on my shoulder and try my hardest, and I feel a little ripple of energy. It’s like a gentle wave lapping over your foot at a lakeside, the way it feels to me, only it runs along my body from my shoulder out to my fingertips. And—and I feel it. A little geometric pattern in my arms and legs and back and stomach, my shoulders, my chest, my head. Like I can feel my nervous system, but a little different. I think it’s working! I’m so excited I totally forget to even think about following it back until I realize he’s about to stop, and I hurry, find the circuits in my chest, because to me it seems like that should be my core, by my heart, right? And I follow them in my head, visualizing what I’m trying to do. I think about the invisible connection I have to myself, just like the ones I have to Billy and Emiya now.
It’s…hard to imagine, but. There’s something. I don’t even really know how to describe it, but I hang onto it, and I feel suddenly like I’m somewhere else: a sky. But I’m not. I am, and I’m not. I’m looking down at myself and everything around and below me, and it’s so big and blue, and calm—wonderous. I feel like I’m looking down at earth from above, but space isn’t big and empty and black—it’s cool and alive and welcoming. And then suddenly that mental image is gone and it’s over and I’m back in my body, and I suck in a breath and open my eyes.
Emiya is watching me from where he’s seated opposite me on the bed, and he looks pleased. “Not bad at all. You felt it?”
“I…I think so,” I say, not totally sure what I saw. I think about it again though, and feel more sure. I think it was. Whatever it was, it was beautiful, and it was something. “Is that…my…is that place my soul?”
He gives me ‘kind of’ sort of gesture and says, “Yes and no. But it is where your magic circuits are, and for practical purposes, yes is a close enough answer. Seeing it should have helped you have a little bit better idea of how your magic is laid out.”
I consider that the best I can, working to remember everything I saw. Yeah. I think so. Okay. Sitting up, I place my hand on my shoulder and try to do what he did, just run a little magic through my body. I try really hard—even move my hand to the exact same spot, but. I can’t.
My heart sinks. I feel my face heat up with shame and disappointment. Why am I so bad at this! It shouldn’t be so hard!
Emiya still has his eyes fixed on me, studying, head a little tilted. I glance over at the chair beside us, at Billy, because I’m very aware he’s seeing me fail this again too. He’s watching, like I expected, but when I look over he gives me a ‘you can do it!’ kind of smile, and I feel a little better because it’s so genuine. I have no idea why he’s got so much faith in my ability to do magic when all I’ve done with him around is fail to heal him 18 times, but I really, really don’t want to disappoint him—either of them. I’ll just have to try again, I decide firmly, Nothing else for it. As many times as it takes, and I’ll get it eventually. I have to, right?
“What am I doing wrong?” I ask, turning back to Emiya. “I saw—or—I felt, what you did, but I can’t do it. Do we just try again?”
“Magic is a very mental and internal process,” says Emiya, surprisingly nonplussed by me making absolutely no progress, which also makes me feel quite a bit better. If he’s not worried, it’s probably okay, right? “Have you used a spell before?”
“Not really,” I say, thinking back. I’ve tried, and I’ve done some little stuff, but like—a real spell? Any magic I’d have to do much to…work for it? I’ve never been able to. “No,” I finish, “I don’t think so.”
Billy coughs.
My entire face feels like it’s on fire as I remember what I did last night and am engulfed in another big wave of regret. I’m sorry I’m sorry I never meant to.
“Oh—I-I used a command spell, last night,” I choke out, “—does that count?”
Our new Archer ally tilts his head and glances down at the faded mark on my hand beside the two unused ones, then meets my gaze. “It might very well.” He glances over at Billy. “Was it a powerful one?”
“Oh—yeah, it uh, it packed a pretty solid punch,” says Billy.
I hunch over a little and try not to look at him, still overwhelmed I did that. I didn’t mean to! I never would have done anything like that to you on purpose.
I can feel him looking at me, so I give up and glance over after a few seconds, and see he’s still smiling like it doesn’t bother him at all anymore, and I feel better and smile hesitantly back. I relax my shoulders and turn back to Emiya.
“Well,” he says, crossing his arms, “Talk me through it, then Ritsuka. –Mages use mental triggers to activate magic circuits once they’ve already used them, and to open even more, once they have an established trigger,” he adds before I can ask what he means, ��So if you used some of your own already for a spell, you might have created a mental trigger without realizing it. When you used the command spell, did you visualize anything happening within or to yourself, along with whatever you were trying to do?”
Uhm. I think hard. It was so dark, and I was so scared last night.
Honestly, I’m still pretty overwhelmed. Excited too, I think, but, I also feel like I might throw up. Better than I felt last night though—that’s for sure.
“I’m not sure. I’m trying to remember,” I say once it’s been a few seconds, and I’m starting to feel awkward.
“Take your time,” says Emiya patiently, “Try to walk through what lead up to it in your head, and focus hard on what you were thinking about at the time.”
Okay. Walk through it.
We’d made it out of Ur-shanabi, and Billy the Kid had agreed to form a contract, so he wasn’t vanishing anymore, but I was really scared. There had been alarms blaring the whole time we were inside the building, and I could still hear them and people shouting when I’d made it back outside to the car. Lights were flashing. I was afraid someone would see us any second and shoot us both, but they didn’t. I used the delivery entrance because I knew it was full of boxes from a shipment that morning, and I made it out.
It had been hard to get him to the hotel without being seen—I’d had to drive, and this was only the third time I’d ever driven a car, and technically I do not have a license even a little bit, or a good fake one, so I’d gone pretty slow, and I was afraid the whole time I’d take too long getting there and people from Ur-shanabi would figure out what I did and catch up, or a policeman would notice I was driving really slow and stop me, and we’d go to jail, or be turned over to Ur-shanabi and die again, or I’d just arrive so late at the hotel he’d bleed to death in the car.
I was connected, so I could feel him, even when I wasn’t looking over—I could feel him fading, and fading, and I kept trying and trying to give him more magical energy, and failing. He looked dead already when I looked over at him, so much blood gone his skin had gone from ghostly white to grey and his lips had turned blue. He was breathing so shallow sometimes I thought he’d stopped completely, and he was hurt so bad and so helpless and in so much pain and I just couldn’t help him like I wanted, like I was trying. I couldn’t. I should have been able, but I couldn’t. And I cried, and it made it hard to see out the windshield, and I got scared I would wreck, so I made myself stop. I bit my tongue the whole next twenty minutes, to not cry and to focus. And I made it, and I got the car parked, and got him in the hotel without being noticed—which was really, really hard, even using the back entrance and late at night, and knowing where I was going.
I remember he was unconscious, and shorter than me and not that heavy, which was good, but he was so pale and sick looking and his breathing was raggedly fast and sounded painful by then; it was awful. His skin had seemed almost translucent to me, like he had no blood left. So much of it was soaking into my shirt by then I could have believed it, and I remember his hair was matted to his head with sweat, and his face was all scrunched up in pain, and sometimes when I would move him he’d moan or cry out a little, and his voice was so weak—I wanted to help him so bad and I was so scared he was going to die before I could even get him into the room and try to save him. He’d already bled completely through the bandages I put on him before getting him into the car—like—soaked through. They were sopping wet, and it was horrible to feel under my fingertips. I could smell it. I hadn’t really thought much about how blood smelled before that, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget. It smells like rust, but worse. Like rust and death.
I had tried so hard, and risked so much, and I was afraid people would find me any minute, even though I had worked so hard to be careful. I had practiced and planned and worked and worked and worked, and I just, I wanted so badly to do it—to keep him alive, and help him—I had since that first moment I’d seen him. But I was terrified he would just vanish and they’d summon him back, and I wouldn’t be able to try again. He felt so faint—the connection I had to him…it felt like it was coming apart and vanishing into the air like smoke. I remember so intensely how I stumbled walking down the last hall, and I was just sure he was going to vanish in my arms and it would all be for nothing, and I wouldn’t know what to do ever again after it happened. But it didn’t.
I made it. I made it to the room, and got him on the bed, and I started to dig the bullet out, because I’m a rotten mage with no skill and no practice, and I couldn’t do what I was meant to, so I had to try and do it like a doctor instead. But it was okay, because I’d prepped for that, and I’d gotten so far, father than I thought I would in the car, and I had been thinking, hoping, because he’d held on so long, maybe I wouldn’t be too late, maybe I’d got it in time. He looked so sick and weak and hurt, but he’d looked just a little bit better once I’d gotten him on the bed and gotten the bloody shirt off. It had felt so good, seeing his lips a little less blue. Seeing him a little more alive, and I’d been full of energy and hopeful and fear all at once, focus more razor-sharp than I think it had ever been my whole life.
And then he’d woken up and started to move. While I was trying to dig a bullet out from just above his heard.
I was scared he’d hurt himself, or move and I would miss my aim and stab him on accident, and kill him, so the second I’d realized he was moving, I’d told him to stop. And the spell had gone off.
What was I thinking, when I said that? Was I thinking anything other than that he needed not to move?
I try to remember, dragging in everything else still fresh in my head from that night, and it works. I remember.
I remember seeing his face, all pale and ashy, and him groaning and moving a little. I had been looking at his face every so often, to check on how he was, while I got the bullet out. And this time he had opened his eyes. They had been unfocused, like he wasn’t really awake and was looking at the ceiling without seeing it, but then he’d looked at me, and I had known he was seeing me. I could tell he was about to move, then, and I had medical pliers in his chest, so I’d thought “Oh no this is bad—I need to keep him down so I can help him and he won’t get hurt”. I’d thought…I’d thought…. in my head, I had thought about…reaching out. Because I’d wanted to do that too—that’s right! That’s right! I remember! Because he’d looked scared too. I’d thought, “I’ll tell him to hold still, and I’ll pat his shoulder so he knows it’s okay,” because my mom always used to do that when I was sick and feverish, and it always made me calm down again. I’d forgotten, because I didn’t do it, but I had been planning to. If I hadn’t hurt him like that on accident, I would have.
“I thought about reaching out,” I say out loud, finally looking back up at Emiya.
“Reaching out?” asks Billy curiously from over in the chair.
“I-I guess that doesn’t make sense,” I say, glancing at him and flushing. I know it doesn’t—it-it sounds dumb, now that I’m thinking about it. Who pats someone who’s getting surgery on the shoulder? If you’re a good doctor, you used anesthetic to knock them out, and they don’t have to wake up at all. I did like, a whole whole lot of things pretty wrong. And it was probably a stupid idea anyway, because he didn’t really know me, and my hand was sopping with blood, and that would have felt pretty gross I think. I look nervously from one to the other of the spirits, hoping they don’t think about it as much as I just did. “Because I told you to hold still, so why would I also be thinking about that? But, I was thinking that it’d pat your shoulder, so you knew it was me, and you were okay, since you’d been through a really bad night.” Mmmmmnggg why did I say that stupid too. Oh well I guess at least it’s true…
Billy blinks at me and kind of stares at nothing for a second, and then slowly smiles to himself and meets my eyes again and gives a little nod. “Well thank you. That was thoughtful.”
Really? “I-It wasn’t though,” I protest, “—I accidentally used a command spell on you.” I glance down miserably at the faded spell seal on my hand.
“Yeah, but it was okay,” promises Billy like he means it. I glance over at him and he looks almost worried about me, which kind of makes me feel worse for worrying him, but also better at the same time. “You didn’t mean to. And all you were tryin’ to do was help.”
“If it’s any consolation to you, it’s a lot easier to accidentally use one of those than it should be, if you haven’t been properly trained,” says Emiya very matter-of-factly, and when I look over, he truly doesn’t look like he judges me at all for this. Really??
“Really?” I ask out loud.
He gives a nod. “So. Reaching out?”
I think again, making sure I’m right, and I am, so I nod.
“Then if you activated your own circuits doing this, that might be your mental trigger now. Think hard on that mental image—do it even, if you want, while visualizing it, and think about opening your circuits and letting mana into them with the gesture,” says Emiya, “Try to picture reaching out, and passing magic through your body, and on to Billy. Like you’re going to tap his shoulder.”
That sounds so simple. I hope it is.
Only one way to find out, I guess.
I glance at Billy, then give Emiya a nod and shut my eyes.
Come on, you can do this. I know you can.
I scrunch up my face and think really, really hard, imagining that. I hold out my left hand and imagine the circuits I’ve seen now filling with magic and letting it out through my fingertips, so I can reach out and touch something with it—so I can heal him, like I’ve been trying so hard to do. I focus on that, and then I simplify—I focus just on the image of holding out my hand, of reaching out, of trying to connect. To myself, to other people, to everything. To that big blue sky I saw for an instant, to Billy. To—
There’s a feeling somewhere between electricity and the tug of a strained muscle, and it starts in my chest where I imagined following my circuits back to the pool of mana I’m connected to, and up to my shoulder, then down along my left arm and to my fingers. It almost hurts; it kind of scares me, but I’m way too thrilled to really care about that. It feels like it leaves me, which is so thrilling I feel my stomach drop, and I open my eyes immediately and look at Billy.
—Okay, I’m a goof—I don’t know what I expected to see, since he’s got a bandage on, but. He’s looking down at his chest, and he holds a hand up in front of the wound, and gently places his palm on it, then slowly looks over at me and grins.
“Nice work, partner,” he says, almost as excited as I am.
“I did it?” I ask ecstatically. I look from him, to Emiya. “I did it?”
Billy gives a nod.
“You did it,” confirms Emiya.
“Yes! Yes! HAH!” I shout to the ceiling, snagging a pillow and throwing it in the air in excitement before even thinking about what I’m doing, HELL YEAH! I’m the BEST! He’s the best! We’re gonna save everybody! We DID it! YEAH! “Thank you!” I say, turning my attention to Emiya. I throw myself forward and hug him, and he jolts back a little, then I hear him sigh and he moves an arm to pat my back stiffly twice.
“Sure thing. It’s what you summoned me for, isn’t it?”
“Well yeah, but,” I say, moving back so I can look up at him, “Still! Thank you! Thank you so much! This is amazing!”
It is! AH! He’s so nice and so good at teaching magic! Oh! And—now? There’s so much stuff for me to try now! I want to do more—I want to learn so many spells, and—
“Careful,” says Emiya, smiling a little and holding up a cautioning hand, “Don’t go overboard here—I taught you how to activate your circuits, but you’re still untrained, and your precision and stamina will be weak. For now, try not to tire yourself out—you’re going to need whatever magic you can manage to do once we go into Ur-shanabi, so don’t waste it or overtax yourself now.”
“Oh, right,” I say, giving him a serious nod. Makes sense. We’ve got to go back, and I’m probably going to have to heal more heroic spirits. Honestly, healing Billy just now—I didn’t feel it through the adrenaline at all, but now that I’m calming down a little to be serious again, I’m realizing it really took something out of me—I’m tired. Not super tired, and to be fair, I’ve lifted a lot of weight and kinda run myself pretty ragged today, so maybe I’m just…normal tired. But my arm sort of aches now too, so I think some of it has got to be the magic. Curious, I hold my arm up and make a fist, then open and close it, seeing how that feels.
“Does it hurt?” asks Emiya.
“Not really,” I answer, glancing back up at him, “Just a little, but not like real pain—like the kind you get being sore after running.”
He gives a nod. “Good, then you didn’t over-exert yourself or open them wrong.” He gets up from the bed then, and I turn on it to follow him with my gaze. “You should be proud.”
“Do I need to do anything else?” I ask, “To practice? Or get ready?”
“Eat something, and then rest,” he answers, picking up one of the teacups I set out, and pouring himself some, then one for me, which he holds out. I take it. “You can focus on the mission details of what we’re doing in the meantime. Magically speaking, try to do as little as possible now—that is assuming you’ve now healed your Gunner all the way.”
We both look over at Billy, and I realize he’s stood up and taken the bandage off. He’s looking down and studying his chest where he was shot. It’s a little hard for me to tell if he���s hurt anymore myself, because there’s a lot of blood from when he was bleeding still all over there, but he touches the wound and pushes down a little, which makes me a little sick to see, but he seems okay.
I did it. I smile. He looks happy, and he looks so much better. I’m realizing suddenly this is the best I’ve ever seen him. Even before I moved him, he has only ever been half-dead in Ur-shanabi. He looks different like this. Alive, vibrant almost, and really happy. Good. I’m so glad. It’s so different from how he looked the first time I saw him, it makes me really happy too.
Billy takes two steps and stretches his arms out then and rolls his left shoulder and winces, and I feel my smile fade.
Crap—I still did it wrong, then? I…
“That’s amazing,” says Billy, whipping around to beam at me. Oh wow he’s really pretty and he’s covered in blood and doesn’t have his shirt on and his hair is dry now and fluffy and I’m overwhelmed by how happy and friendly he is and feel my face heat up again and have to turn my head away for a second because I feel overwhelmed.
“A-are you sure?” I ask, making myself glance back up at him, “It looked like moving your shoulder hurt.”
­“Yeah, of course!” he says, turning to show me where the wound was, “I’m a little sore still, and kind of beat to hell energy-wise, but I’m pretty much good as new.” He lowers his arm then and flashes me another smile, blue eyes bright and welcoming and open like the sky. He’s so nice, and he’s got so much energy. I wonder if this is kind of an American thing in general, or if it’s just him who’s really cool and bubbly. I’m way too nervous to ask him anything like that though—p-probably it would be a really stupid thing to say too. And…
I stop thinking about that because he comes over then, and takes a knee by the bed. “Thank you,” he says sincerely, giving a little bow of his head for a moment before looking up at me again, “For this, and for everything. I’m real lucky you found me.”
I don’t know what to say, because I’m not remotely used to being complimented, and I totally freeze up, but it’s turns out okay because he keeps going.
“Not bad at all for your first proper spell, huh?” Billy gives a little wink, then gets to his feet again.
“Y-yeah.” I answer, and I realize I mean it and smile back. I am proud. “Thank you. I guess it was pretty good.”
“It was exactly what we needed,” says Billy.
“Alright then. Now that we’ve got that sorted, shall we move on to the planning stage?” says Emiya. He’s taken a seat in one of the hotel chairs and has a leg propped over the other and his cup in in one hand, my building schematic in the other.
“Absolutely!” I agree readily, hopping off the bed and snagging another chair, pulling it close to finish a sort of chair-circle for us three, “What do we need first?”
“First,” says Emiya as Billy takes a seat in the third chair, glancing up from the schematics for a moment to meet my gaze, “We need to know if they’ve summoned any other servants, who if possible, and most importantly, where to find them.”
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
The gang playing Torchlight II
I grew up on the first Torchlight and the 2nd one is my favorite, it's fantastic and I keep playing over and over again, so of course i would make a post about it. Enjoy :3 (also I highly recommend that game)
I didn’t go into too much details because 1) Not a lot of people know this game, and 2) I wanted to talk about the armors and stuff, because their designs are great but i figured it would have been a little too complicated ^^’
Anyway, self indulgence time
Class: Outlander
“Outlanders are agile ranged weapon users who are experts in magical and martial arts”
His favorite weapons are bows and crossbows
It's a nice changes from his swords
Doesn’t really enchant his weapons, he keeps his gold for armor or better weapons
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Salt Barrens - a dried-up inland sea characterized by parched, cracked earth and ancient shipwrecks.
He loves the Ship Graveyard the most
His pet is a Wolf
His favorite skill is Bane Breath - A blast of cursed breath poisons enemies. If they are killed, they are converted into Shadowling Fiends that fight for you for ten seconds.
It’s like he has his own little army
His favorite item quote is from (potion) Sweet-Aide: 243602 Health loss over 13.33 minutes
Class: Engineer
“The Engineer is a heavy melee fighter who can use cannons, battle wrenches and deploy mechanical constructs to aid them in battle”
His favorite weapons are polearms and staves
Unlike Leo, he prefers to stay comfortable
Loooooves enchanting his weapons and adding Electric gems to them
Not only does it adds damage, it also looks really nice
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Frosted Hills - a snowy outdoor area
He especially likes destroying the Slaver’s camp
His pet is a Hawk
Really hesitated with the Stag
His favorite skill is Healing Bot -The Engineer assembles a small clockwork drone that emits energy pulses, healing both himself and allies.
He names his little robot Buddy and he loves it as much as his pet
He chooses this class solely for that skill
His favorite item quote is from (helmet) the Servo-Helm: It mechanically augments your own brain power!
Class: Berserker
“These savage warriors use ferocious melee attacks, fist weapons, and can summon animal spirits in battle”
His favorite weapons are Maces and Fist Weapons
Especially when he has a double set of claws
He feels like Wolverine
His favorite skill is Stempede - A brutal forward dash that damages all foes in its path
It’s hella cool and he loves destroying his ennemy by just running into them
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Ossean Wastes - a desert overworld area characterized by sand dunes and the skeletons of giant animals 
Absolutely in love with this aesthetic (and the armor style you can find in this part of the game)
His pet is a Stag
It really surprised everyone, but he thinks it’s cool
His favorite item quote is from (gloves) the Twilight Vambraces:These bracers do not sparkle, as some might expect.
Class: Embermage
“The spellcasters of the Imperial army, these ranged magic users are masters of the elements, attacking with frost, fire and lightning“
His favorite weapons are Staves and Wands 
He’s not used to range weapons, but wands work for him
Adds Poison gems to everything
Likes to put Fire and Frost gems too
His favorite skill is Fire Bombs - You hurl three gouts of flame that ignite the ground for 3 seconds and sometimes cause foes to stumble in panic as they burn.
Destructive Drama Queen ™
His pet is an Alpaca
He just loves how cuddly it looks
Names it MikeyJr
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Path of the Honored Dead -The cemetery / memorial of the Estherian Enclave, this pass is covered in fog and has become infested with the undead.
It’s spooky and pretty and it’s right up his alley
His favorite item quote is from (boots) Killian’s Boots: Killian would be furious if he knew you were wearing these.
Class: Engineer
“The Engineer is a heavy melee fighter who can use cannons, battle wrenches and deploy mechanical constructs to aid them in battle”
Her favorite weapons are Maces and Polearms
There is an amazing skill you can only use with two handed heavy weapons (hence why she picked those)
Flame Hammer - Crushes foes with a flaming slam attack. Charges add flaming splinters that radiate out from the impact
She feels so powerful with this skill and it’s really efficient, so she uses mainly this
Her pet is a Panther
She wanted a cat, but why stop so small?
Her favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Sundered Battlefield - It contains the ruins of an ancient dwarven battleground
She loves the ruins, and even more the quests of this particular area
Her favorite item quote is from (necklace) the Pocketwatch of the Tennant: It’s full of wibbly wobbly stuff.
Class: Berserker
“These savage warriors use ferocious melee attacks, fist weapons, and can summon animal spirits in battle”
His favorite weapons are Fist Weapons and Swords
He likes the unique claw kind, but... Swords, amaright?
He doesn’t have a stategy, he just spams the Attack and Heal buttons
It works so far
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Blightbogs - It is a haunted swamp populated by werewolves, witches, and ghosts.
He likes the werewolf area in the Abandoned Sawmill
His favorite skill is Devastate -You rush forward in a flurry of powerful attacks using all equipped melee weapons 
He nicknames it Feral Boy, but everyone else says it’s just Raph But Higher Level
His pet is a Chakawary
Because unlike litterally everyone else, he has a personality
(He’s right, the Chakawary is cool as hell) 
His favorite item quote is from (sword) Joyous: It's good to be alive!
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EUROVISION 2021, personal favorites:
- Russia 🇷🇺
Manizha, Russian Woman: Absolute favorite. The sheer originality of the song! Her energy and the level of absolute badassery! She can sing, she can rap,and she's a bomb of energy. The way reggae and brass and hiphop and Slavic melodies overlap and it somehow works, the transitions between fun and "I'm bitter about the sexism and I'm mocking it unapologetically and making a stand" and the anthemic, emphatic and powerful message to Russian women; I was swelling with emotion while watching her. While to an American or a Westerner it may seem like performative feminism, I'm gonna remind you that in Russia and other Slavic countries that's very much not a thing and actually a very unpopular stand to make, and in Russia, The Balkans, and Eastern Europe in general, hundreds of women face domestic and sexual abuse on the daily, and those who do come forward rarely get support and are mostly dismissed. Let's not forget that Manizha got a huge backlash from the Russian government officials, and a big part of it was for her Tajik roots. The honesty of her message is real, and she's speaking from personal experience and the experience of women around her - nothing performative about her song, and you can tell from her delivery that the fire within her is true and she leaves her heart on the stage and pours it into the song. The staging and costumes are great as well, and symbolically well thougt-through. I would really like her to win, or at least get to the top 5. Most of all, I hope her message is heard and felt. 10000/10
- Italy 🇮🇹
Måneskin, Zitti e Buoni: definitely the closest thing to my actual music taste this year, so liking them off the bat wasn't a surprise. However, they're not just your regular Franz-Ferdinand-ish young alt rock band that wants to do rock "properly" - they have IT. The X factor, the Je ne sais quoi. I've been exposed to that particular genre, and I can confidently say that the song still manages to be refreshing and original (that bridge, those riffs!) The band has a great energy and no matter how much Damiano steals the show, they are still a unit and nobody is left in the shadows. They have the spirit of great rock bands of the previous century, and yet they don't try to copy anyone (khm,Greta Van Fleet, khm). Damiano's vocals are both powerful, seductive and provoking, and I'm still admiring the sheer amount of emotion he can pack into a single line and the nuance and yet rawness behind it. I'm not gonna state the obvious lol (the obvious being yes, I'm thirsty as well, he becomes yet another unattainable rockstar for me too,and yes they all look great) Anyway, great song, and maybe the clearest and most serious candidate for the number one spot, taking both the jury and the public into consideration. 10/10
- Iceland 🇮🇸
Daði Freyr and Gagnamagnið, 10 years:
What can I say about this masterpiece that hasn't already been said? A clear fan-favorite (hi, Valentina), but with the guns to back it up. The song is contagious, fun and campy, and unlike some other songs with said qualities, actually good from a musical perspective. Daði is incredibly charismatic and his sense of humor shines through, and even though he's the star of the show, the same can be said about the other band members. The synergy Måneskin has can be applied to Gagnamagnið as well, even though the energy is entirely different. They're serving us fun, sunshine, kitties rainbows sugar spice and everything nice, and manage to do it with zero cringe factor (plus those funky keytars). I'm one of those Eurovision fans that lament the golden age's (2004-2009) campiness (We'll never forget you, Verka), and Daði managed to bring it back, but modernised, polished and still sincere. I personally preferred the epic dad joke that slightly more commercial Think About Thing was (but that's one tough act to follow), but I'm always down for a husband adoring his wife and singing praises to their relationship. Since we're on tumblr, I feel obliged to use the term "cinnamon rolls" in describing Daði and the band. 9.5/10
- France 🇫🇷
Barbara Pravi, Voilà: She brought the theatrics, she brought the drama, and she brought the 101 in "that's how you perform". Her personality leaps through, and her voice is both beautiful and full of emotion and power. I'd hire her to star in a serious and artistic movie. Despite the fact that Voilà is from its melody to the singing style to the video to the vibe and the aesthetic hands down the most French thing I've seen since Amélie (do not come for that movie), it miraculously doesn't come across as a cliché, but rather an homage, and an individualistic one at that. It's not entirely my cup of tea, since I'm usually biased to songs that may come off as snobbish (I mean, the jury is going to lap it up), and are all about being proper and technical and oh how ~artistic~, but Barbara puts the soul into the immaculate. I'm not giving her the highest mark because I'm yet to see the performance, but I'm rooting for her. If she delivers the performance, we might have a clear winner. 9/10
- Ukraine 🇺🇦
Go_A, Shum: I'm a sucker for all things ethnic and mytological, so this was a no-brainer. I want that song played at every party. I want to go to the forest in the video and chant and summon the spring with flute and hard-bass. Kateryna Pavlenko has some unexplainable power over me, and her eyes are simply hypnotizing. The vocals are great, proper Slavic ethno right there (seriously, check out Slavic folklore and traditional music), and she has a subtle punk quality too(?). Ukraine came to save the spring and make us forget about the pandemic, and minus the Maruv fiasco (justice for her!), they always deliver and I expected nothing less. On the other hand, I loved the original version much more and couldn't help but be a bit disappointed with the revamp (yes, I know they had to), and while I personally love Shum, I think some other acts are more deserving of the higher placement. Go_A are not my winner, but definitely soon to be in my playlist. 8/10
- San Marino 🇸🇲
Adrenalina, Senhit ft. Flo Rida: You know that golden age of Eurovision I mentioned? THIS. I'm Serbian, so I can't resist a banger reminiscent of our horrible turbo-folk elements (and I say that endearingly,takes me back to 18th birthday parties (boy I'm glad that's over)). Let's just crown Senhit this year's Queen of Camp. The wild factor of Flo Rida...just?? Amazing. Can't wait to see how the performance goes (EDIT- it went great, I had a grin on my face the entire time and couldn't help but dance along). A certain refreshment after Serhat and Valentina Monetta endless loop. They didn't dial down the weird, but made it catchy af, and the vocal can rival any Balkan folk diva. While I think it's definitely the most entertaining entry this year, it's far from being the most original, and it's not really my genre of preference. Will vote for Senhit and root for her to qualify. 7.5/ 10
- Sweden 🇸🇪
Tusse, A million voices: As I mentioned before, I'm the first person that starts complaining about Sweden Superiority as soon as Eurovision season begins, and I'm with you all with being tired of Sweden qualifying just because they're Sweden and usually just bringing the same brand of MTV/Calvin Harris/American pop, or a successful and not-so-subtle imitation of the performances that did well the previous year,but listen: A million voices is a solid pop song and I'm going to die on that hill. It actually embodies the essence of pop - a catchy, pleasant melody sung by a good vocalist, with a short,sweet and uplifting message. It's not the same as previous years, it's not commercial, just good pop - good pop being something you immediately like and vibe to no matter how many common elements of the genre it checks. It relies on RnB rather than electronic sounds, auto tune or various DJ effects. Tusse is charming and charismatic af, and he's a 19yo kid doing an amazing job on a global stage. You don't have to like it, but there's no need to hate on it (ask Jendrik). Imo, Tusse deserved to qualify. Not winner material yet, but I wish him a fun time and a successful career. 7 5/10
- Switzerland 🇨🇭
G'jons Tears, Tout L'Univers: I saw the video first, and I HATED IT. It came across as a Duncan Lawrence-high-art wannabe, something technically perfect, but empty of soul or meaning, another soft boy with a sad falsetto, another jury-points bait. BUT. I changed my mind entirely after seeing him perform. Hands down, it was touching and epic. Reminding me of Hamlet aside, he DELIVERED, and made me love him, and actually enjoy the song. I still think the song is less original than Tusse's voices, but I enjoy the troubadour vibes of the pre-chours. G'jon is absolutely adorable, and I'm not gonna be mad if he wins. 8/10
shout-outs&honorable mentions:
- Serbia 🇷🇸 Yes, some national bias, but I'm proud of our girls. Ever Since we placed 2nd with Željko's Lane, we had that goddamn flute e v e r y year, and the same outdated scenography with a side of extra pathos (I'm sure that ruined Sanja's chances and her otherwise great performance back in 2016.) Finally something fun and actually representative of the music popular here. They looked flawless and the energy was off the charts. Go, Hurricane!
-Finland 🇫🇮 Yes, cheesy and corny and I cut my finger accidentally from watching the video on all the edge, but I'm biased because they're bringing emo and nu-metal back, and that's the music of my early adolescence (hello, Kaulitz brothers and Andy Biersack,hello Gerard Way and Linkin Park) Call me grandma lol
- Malta 🇲🇹 DESTINY CAN SIIIIIIIIING! I wasn't impressed with the song initially, but the performance blew my mind.
- Ireland 🇮🇪 A for effort, and so nice of her to try and give us something unique! While it wasn't good enough to qualify, it was super fun and she seems so nice. Also, we all know that she was out of breath an can sing much better than that. Still wasn't bad.
- Romania 🇷🇴, for being so young and brave enough to put on a show. The nerves got the better of her, but the song itself is good and no doubt she'll do well in the future
- Lithuania 🇱🇹, thanks for the memeries
- Croatia 🇭🇷, Not my cup of tea, but Albina gave a great performance
-Norway 🇳🇴, for embodying the spirit of Eurovision
- North Macedonia 🇲🇰, for the disco chest
- The UK 🇬🇧, for putting some effort
(Might edit later)
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kibastray · 4 years
Different Anon. You mentioned projects... How many are you working on or... maybe I should ask how many projects do you have? Could you maybe share some with us? Like a list or something?
Oh, oh boy! Did you ask me the wrong question. lol. You want to know what projects I am working on? I’m gonna show you.
Key notes: Free to use = If you like the idea you are free to use it. Just ask about my notes. (Please give credit though) Willing to Share = I would be more than willing to share my notes on the idea and partner up on it with someone if anyone is willing. Not for Sale = Fics/ideas I plan on using and writing myself if it isn’t listed as FtU or WtS then it means that is something dear to me and I want to work on it myself. (these fics/ideas will not be all listed as NfS, so if you don’t see the added tag assume it is NfS) Paragon/Renegade = means good/bad version of the story.  Spin-off = typically a one off of a story already listed and will be listed in a sub-listing of that story. Eh / Da Faq/ Competent Folders = Are all unique and original ideas that I think are either good, meddling, or just plan bad after a second look. 
Each story title will also have a small decryption to go along with it.
With that out of the way my list of projects are under the cut. Enjoy. :3
Side note: I will try and list the fandom things grouped together. I will also try and alphabetize them. 
First up BNHA:
My Hero Academia (most of these can be found in my previously posted BNHA: Fic list) 
Ash Phoenix: An Idea where I ask/answer if OFA is the only quirk that can be merged and be something else entirely. (It will be a bit dark and involve the hidden quirk Izuku and Toga’s quirk combining into something powerful)
Bedlam: A story of Izuku being a combination of Bruce Lee/ Brock Lee. Who needs a quirk when you have martial training that can’t be beat. He is shipped with Momo in this one. (Izuku’s dad is a bastard that dies early and his life insurance helps Inko give Izuku the life he deserves) 
Paragon... Fighting Bedlam: good timeline where Izuku goes to UA, with his girlfriend, Momo like cannon BNHA just without OFA and a lot more confident Izuku with some Midoriya family angst sprinkled in.
Renegade... Hoods of Bedlam: Bad timeline where Izuku and Momo are vigilantes know as Green/Red Hood. They still go to UA but not through the hero coarse. Izuku is in management/business and Momo is in General. This time it is Yaoyororozu family drama that involve Izuku being quirkless. (might also have to do with an surprise pregnancy. This one also has the pair say “f^ck society and it’s rules, we are gonna do what we want”) 
Brain over Brawn: (This one follows a head cannon of mine where Izuku is on a lot of Forms about anything hero) The day he was suppose to grab All-Might’s leg he was just a little to slow and doesn’t get OFA. instead he goes to the Forms shares his impressions of heroes and gets picked up by Nezu. After all what is better the muscle to beat up or a baddy or the knowledge how to? (Free to use)
Champion of Olympus: I give a Fem!Izuku a direct line to the Greek Gods mainly because I want to see a BA Izumi with a bow. It is like Percy Jackson but without the god parents and more Izumi being the first person in generations to interact with the gods.
Epitaph: Izuku gets the strongest and probably worst combo of his parents quirks. Simply put, on Izuku’s quirk registry he can take the heat from an object or person. In truth his quirk is so much more powerful than that. He has the ability to take the life force or soul of living beings. (Free to Use)
Eri’s Big Brother: An angsty fic where Izuku gets kidnapped at an early age, and no one knows what happens to him. That is until the first day of UA when a small white haired kid Aizawa is watching over asks Bakugou “Are you Kacchan?” (Free to use)
FF7 x BNHA No title yet: A story that finds Izuku transported from his old world into a world of heroes and villains after a bomb that should have killed him launched him across dimensions. Izuku is a member of AVALANCHE and shows the world of heroes what a freedom fighter can do. While also finding out that the world of heroes might be more familiar to him than he originally thought
Future Heroes: This one is a future fic with a whole cast of OCs of mine 
In The Name of LoV: Izuku is a villain and is the Co-leader of LoV with Tomura. Photogenic and maybe a little psychotic Izuku addresses the world in videos saying that him and his friends are villains because they ‘Lov’ the world so much.(Izuku is a sweet&charismatic kid who sees heroes as a problem because all society cares about is strong/flashy quirks) (Free to Use)
Izuku!Nomu no title yet: A fic where Izuku tries to follow Bakugou’s advice but is saved by LoV and turned into a Nomu. We follow a guilt ridden Bakugou perspective after that day all the way to the USJ where he finds and frees an Izuku who may be to damaged to ask forgiveness of. (willing to share)
Jet Set Radio x BNHA no title yet: I give Izuku confidence through the power of roller skates and the street art of graffiti in order not only become a hero, but a hero without a quirk. (I think it would be fun to see Prof. K and Present Mic be rival radio hosts where Mic is a public radio host Prof. K is an underground pirate radio dj)
Killing Bites X BNHA no title yet: (TBH I have watched maybe 10min of Killing Bites and that is it. I really like the look of the characters in the show.) Fem!Izuku is has the same power as the honey bager character from KB. She along with countless other quirkless where kidnapped and tested on. Now free Fem!Izuku isn’t quite human after all the DNA experimentations she has been put through. She along with the other test subjects are part animal and have an instinctive drive to fight. 
Persona x BNHA no title yet: Another fic where I have Izuku taking Bakugou’s advice but gaining a quirk instead of dying. Basically I give Izuku personas to summon because I liked how P3 showed the summons. I also have him move schools to Shiketsu, after winning the Sports Festival, and with his move takes UA’s place as #1 hero school with him to Shiketsu. (not gonna lie this one is a bit crazy)
Sharpening my teeth on the rays of the sun: Izuku has an OP quirk based on his parents. He can pull in and eat fire/energy. He finds inspiration from old Norse mythology as a kid and takes on the mantle of “Skoll the devourer of the sun.” He is going to befriend Tokoyami so hard.
Sheep’s Wool hiding Wolves Teeth: Izuku is smart, too smart. he uses the system to his advantage. Most people think Izuku is an angel but people like Bakugou know the truth. They see Izuku pretending and fooling everyone and see him for the manipulative demon pretending to be human he is. (Izuku lacks empathy/morality, and sees play things where humans should be. He will manipulate everyone he can just for his own amusement) (Free to Use)
Spirit Chaser: The world of heroes and spirits collide with Izuku at the epicenter. Izuku is a shrine priest or priestess if you want to do Fem!Izuku. Quirks mean little when ones faith and mantras are just as amazing. (me using all the priest/priestess powers from other anime/manga to come up with his powers and made a pretty OP quirkless teen who can seal spirits, cure villains of hatred, and fight along side the best heroes with nothing more than his families traditions) (willing to share, free to use)
Soul Resonance: A Soul Eater x BNHA fic. Inspired by Ravenclawoutcast13 fic on Ao3. Izuku is a miester and after moving to Nevada at an early age the the DWMA comes back to UA when it is time to be a hero.
Task Force: Izuku is part of a not so secret task force that deals with villains, criminals, and aggressive heroes. Most members of the task force are quirkless and are like Japan’s SWAT. The Task Force is also an internal affairs for the hero system. Because of their no nonsense way they operate most people fear the Task Force and any person reveled to be apart of it. (Willing to Share)
Web Weaver’s Betrothed: An idea came about from two writing prompts; 1. “What is so dangerous about the forest” and 2. My answer to all the Spiderman crossover fics. This fic is ambitious as it combines BNHA, Spiderman, and Yokai together. (Izuku is spiderman, but his own spiderman. and I add forest spirits in for fun)
What is in a name: My very first BNHA fic idea!! I turn the ‘BNHA name explaining someone’s powers’ up to 11 and give Izuku the power of the forest and fay like creatures. Izuku is the fairy king basically.
Paragon... (no name yet) Izuku is a kid with a powerful quirk that transcends all previous quirk types. Watch this little hero work his hardest to get the title he has longed for. (a nice fic, with Izuku/Bakugou friendship)
Renegade... (no name yet) Only a few know Izuku. No one would guess that he is the ‘Fairy King’ that has saved countless kids from harm these last ten years. (an accident puts Izuku into a coma. that won’t stop his heroic spirit from doing what he was born to do. Toga gets to go to UA, Shoto gets to be a normal kid, and Bakugou might get his butt kicked by the army of people that Izuku has helped)
Yakuza!Izuku: Izuku's dad was a big time Yakuza boss in the past. Izuku has been the head of his family for over five years controlling the underground. Which would be good for the underground world if it was what he wanted. And after a fated conversion gets him thinking more about his place in the world Izuku decides to clean house and become a force for good.
The Royal Consort Series: A three part series where Jessamine lives but Emily goes missing. Emily isn’t truly missing she grows up in the Golden Cat because she was never found and eventually becomes its owner. She and the girls of the Golden Cat replace Daud and the whalers. She is has the mark of the outsider, a kill count and maybe some resentment at what happened all those years ago.
Miraculous Ladybug: 
There is quite a bit of Maribat just fyi
Bio!Family ideas: (Most of these are one-offs and once their stories are posted, will become free to use)
Bio!Dad Obadiah Stane 
Bio!Dad Zod
Bio!Mom Poison Ivy 
Bio!Sister Ace (from the wild flush gang)
Blood Orchid: Marinette’s family is very powerful on her mother’s side and when the Akumas get too powerful in her parents opinion, she is told she will be moving to China. The stress of not being able to decide thing in her own life gets to Marinette and she is akumatized. (Free to Use)
Bounts of Paris: Bleach x MLB. Truth be told I liked Bleach and even liked the filler Bount arc. This AU would be where Master Fu fled Asia after the Soul Reapers Massacred the most of the Bounts. The Kwami are the ‘half-Bounts’ with special powers. They can live on after the human they are connected to die. and can forge new connections with with new humans creating new ‘true-Bounts.’
Casse-Cou: DareDevil x MLB (the idea is a Gift for miraculous786). This is an AU where Marinette is not a seamstress. Instead she is an aspiring lawyer. This does feature a Blind!Marinette but she is makes do in her own way. With a different destiny before her Marinette gets paired with Plagg and becomes The Cat of the Devil, the DareDevil Casse-Cou 
Death of Gods and Men: WitchBlade x MLB. I stumbled across witchblade’s anime and the crossover sounded like a great idea. I mean listen to the WB intro:::  Sought by the greed of men since the dawn of human kind, but only bestowed upon the women whose fate it forever scars...the Witchblade. Is it the righteous sword of God? Or hand of the Devil himself? Now a new bearer has been chosen. And she must discover the answers for herself. As she stands on the brink of destiny, she is forced to seek the balance between ecstasy and ruin. (How could I not!?! I just need to tone down the fan service because WB is thirsty AF)
Demon Princess In Paris: Inuyasha&Yashahime x MLB. Another Fic where Marinette’s family on her mother’s side is very powerful back in China (and Asia as a whole). Lila planned to ruin Marinette when she came back to school after being gone for a week. Only to find Marinette has connections to a very powerful family in Asia. Stranger still Marinette looks nothing like what she did when she left. Little does Lila, or anyone in Paris, know that Marinette is a half-demon of her demon mother Sabine and her human father Tom, and not to forget she is granddaughter to the great Demon Lord Sesshōmaru
Flower Pot: MariBat. The Justice League have to rush to Paris because some new villain is opening time portals. When they get there the villain is already defeated by teenagers. Stranger still once they get close enough Wonder Woman rushes one of them in a hug with a shout of “Ladybug.” After a moment ‘Ladybug’ asks “Flower Pot, is that you!?!” This AU sends Marinette back in time and to the land of Themiscyra when Diana was a little girl. Chaos ensues both in the present and in the past.
Lantern’s Light: Green Lantern x MLB. Different Maribat AUs where I give Marinette a Power ring.
Star!mari: Marinette gets a ring of the Star Sapphires
Merci!mari: Marinette gets a ring of the Red Lanterns
Duty!mari: Marinette gets a ring of the Green Lanterns
Hope!mari: Marinette gets a ring of the Blue Lanterns
Let’s have fun with Miraculous: all of these are just silly ideas that I thought of late at night or early in the morning and wanted to share. All of them are Free to Use)
idea one is just a silly thing trying to figure out what Marinette might call herself after moving to Gotham as the Guardian of the Miraculous.
idea two is a Timinette ship that has Marinette using the Miraculous to heal Gotham. But because Batman is a control freak, she hides her healing as a three ring circus. (made possible by using the mouse miraculous to the max) Tim becomes smitten with the acrobatic performance.
idea three is just a random MLB idea. An entity convinces Fate to let them mess with destiny. that entity whether it is  Spirit, Demon, Devil, or God is Marinette’s new partner. And while the craziness of the Miraculous Ladybug canon is going on with a different ladybug. Marinette is having her own adventures. She is still undecided if this is a better fate than dealing with all the Miraculous stuff like she was suppose to.
Lost Valkyrie: Thor x MLB. A series covering both Miraculous Ladybug and the entire Thor movies (because my brain hats me). Marinette is a Valkyrie that through wormhole nonsense lands in Paris after their defeat by Hela. Marinette is adopted by Tom and Sabine as their daughter. Marinette has amnesia of her time as a Valkyrie. (This one is crazy too and once I get the idea fully written down I will be glad to give it to someone. Free to use- when it is done)
Miraculous Stitching:  Marinette has been getting some magic power from the natural magic radiating off of Tikki. Mari can imbue things with magic into things through her stitch work. (this one is might not be for the squimish, some body horror)
Price of Life- Purest Wish: (inspired by BAllpointbasic “The Price of Life”) A villain worse than Hawkmoth shows up and decimates Paris. Marinette uses the Miraculous wish and offers her life as payment. She is happy being able to save everyone and not cursing anyone else with the pain of losing someone they care about. With the selfish wish she gets reborn as a Kwami. 
Rise of Arachnid: After getting blinded and unable to be healed during an Akuma fight Marinette has to give up being Ladybug. Marinette ends up talk to Hawkmoth and because of her bleeding heart she offers her help after hearing his story. She becomes a very powerful recurring villain that the new Miraculous team have to deal with on top of the normal Akuma. She has the powers of Spiderman and DareDevil. (another Blind!Marinette)
The Forgetten City- Early Renaissance: (Inspired by multifandomscribette “The Forgotten City” series. It is a Young Justice x MLB crossover) The Team go to Paris following The Riddler’s spree of crime. They are helped by local heroes none of them have heard or met before. Once the villain is dealt with the team and is asked, not to kindly, to leave Paris and never come back. 
G1RBY: A silly Picachu DJ story I had. She is a talking Pokémon that I drew once and wanted to make into an ask blog. But the VA I had didn’t feel conformable with the idea of having people hear her voice so it is seelved. (Willing to Share)
Shinny Cubone: Proof that I have always had an angsty edge. This is a story of a Cubone dealing with life after their mother dies. But it is okay as their mother’s old teammates are there to help. A Gastly offering help as well. But is everything as it seems? (this was going to be a art blog. but I got lazy and did not want to redraw all my stuff from paper to comp)
Grimm Masks: Bleach x RWBY... Kinda. A fic where Ruby presumably dies during a mission. She is later found wearing a grimm mask in the same forest she was killed in and seems to be able to control the grimm that share the same mask as her. (Basically got inspired by Ichigo’s hollow mask and thought to give it to Ruby. then as the story demanded it give a mask to the other girls of team RWBY. This was before the whole maiden thing was cannon)
She-Ra (netflix version)
Innocence of an Enemy Soldier: Magicatra Au idea. Catra is She-Ra and Adora is a Horde Soldier. After all the fighting is done and the Princesses have won. To bad things can’t end happily for Catra. Adora finally learns the truth about the horde being the bad guys after she is captured. With that knowledge she asks to be tried for her crimes. Catra needs to work hard to prove her once friend’s innocence otherwise Adora will be executed.
Dissonant Whispers: Catra meets Corrupted She-Ra and wants to scream to bad Corrupted Adora/She-Ra shushes her with a finger to the lips. (I just want to see Catra being small scared cat with pin-prick pupils seeing a slightly blood splattered She-Ra while being being cornered and her voice failing her when She-Ra puts a finger to her lips just as she was about to scream.)
Shadows make and Shadows break: another Magicatra au. alt title (Shadows make and Light breaks). this idea came about because I rewatched the part of She-Ra when Shadow Weaver adopts Adora. The whole “This one is different. Can’t you feel it? She has power...” “Don’t worry little one, we are going to do great things together.” thing. (I want a magic user Adora, and I only have the looses ideas of what I will do with it so far.) Why isn’t there more magic!adora AUs!?!
Original Ideas: 
/The Squad/: (A colab furry Comic/Radio drama I had planned to do with VAs and everything. Had the pilot printed out and everything. Just didn’t get enough VAs.) Crime has become a spectator sport of cops and robbers. Criminals no longer snatch purses or kill people, instead they are closer to performers robbing banks, stealing from museums, street racing and the like. Criminal and Police Officer alike vie for attention of the crowds and the attention of viewers at home. (willing to share)
Dark Skies: A small story based off a photo a friend of mine took. It won me a short story award way back when. I willing share it with artists to so how they want to draw the scene. (willing to share, if you got the willingness to draw. lol)
Competent Folder: Stories I think are good just haven’t done anything with them yet.
Olympian Noire: a 50s Noire story with Olympian characters and references. (needs some grammar edits and a good reread before it is posted again) (Willing to Share after I rework it a little)
Misgivings about Airships: A start of an actual story I was writing but lost most of the progress I made except the first page I had. (a reminder to save often. will come back to it if I ever get over how much I lost of it)
Marked and Scarred: This is my bread and butter. A short hook for a story. Tells you just enough about the characters and world to grab your attention but leaves enough for you to also add details to it if you want. (willing to share/ free to use)
Gremlins: A dream I written down once about ‘Fairy Folk’ and how much they don’t like someone like me. Probably wont ever be finished because I woke up before the dream ended and most people wont find it as unsettling as I did. 
Dragons: Short story. A warning a dragon gave to a ship and its crew about a dangerous storm, unlike any other, that would devastate their homes if they didn’t prepare for it. The dragon later became a symbol for the port town.
Danger Days: Not so much a story and more of a parody of the My Chemical Romance song “Look alive/ Sunshine” as my own type of intro of sorts. 
Badge of Babylon: A fun Colab I did with other people on Facebook a few years back. A changing POV fic involving an Older Thief, a young Page, and Sylph (fairy). The group fell apart sadly. But I saved our saved notes and could still make a decent story out of it. 
All from a Ring: An entire scene that came to mind from a ring holding a broken gem a friend of mine had. And I am pretty proud of it. (needs a little touch ups but it is complete)
Eh Folder: Stories that aren’t bad but don’t inspire anything in me anymore. They range from bland to me needing to be in a certain mindset to be able to add to them. (all of these are Free to use) 
Caterpillar: a story that takes place in older alt timeline where strange creatures exist and follows the diary/journal entries of a man trying to find one of those creatures. At first he thinks it is a dragon, but eventually finds out that it is a kaiju sized caterpillar that has terrifying Lovecraft elements added to it. 
Spider Junk: Was concocted by me after being sick, sleep deprived, or plain crazy while I wrote down this short story. I have no memory writing this but it is in my own hand writing so... It is a story about how your mind can play tricks on you if your mind is not operating properly. 
Psych session: It is a story about a character talking to his psych doctor about a dream/haunting he had about his dead sister. It is a good idea but I really don’t have any drive to continue it. (I am sure someone else could make something out of it)
Da Faq Folder: a series of stories/ideas that are not worth the light of day or the energy it would take to store in your brain. Worse than needing to be deleted. they serve as a reminder to me that not all ideas are worth it. Sometimes we just need to write them down to get over them, drop them completely, or to get out that little bit of nasty we have that needs to get out in a healthy way. 
Holy f^ck that is 65 different stories! This was a bad idea. Seeing them all listed like this is weird. Normally I have them on Microsoft word, Google Docs, or saved on my Tumblr Drafts.
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roxywashere · 4 years
Nova and Thalia grieve for their lost friend, together.
AKA: My first actual fanwork contribution to the high rollers fandom
(Also on AO3)
Thalia Whisperwind sat, motionless, noiseless, in the pilot’s seat of her ship, the Twin Star Longbow. She stared at the little pair of glasses that sat among her collection of useless trinkets on her console. 
Usually there would be somebody talking. Usually, Bym would be rattling Thalia’s ear off about some potential upgrades he read about in some engineering magazine. Telling her about something weird the engine did the day before that kept him up all Astral night as he problem solved it. Reminding her about how low they were running on spare parts.
But now the cockpit was silent, except for the distant hum of the engines. Not even Big Cat dared make a sound as he lay, licking his wounds, curled up around her seat.
Meanwhile, Nova V’ger sat, motionless, noiseless, in the engine room of the Twin Star Longbow.
She stared at the arcane machinery that was now her sole responsibility to keep running. She had a pile of notebooks in her lap, all scrawled in a pidgin mix of Infernal and Common that she could only barely decipher. She had been so excited to learn how to maintain an astral engine, and now she could barely summon the energy to read. She had found a kindred spirit, another arcane technologist who she could work with and speak with on equal footing. That had only lasted, what, a day, maybe two. Keeping track of time was getting hard now that the brainfog that accompanied Nova’s most depressive episodes had set in. 
Since Nova had stepped aboard the ship, the engine room had been alight with discussion and excitement as Bym had started walking her through each system and subsystem and how they connected and synergised and interfered with one another, the whole time promising so often to eventually explain every system that interacted with everything. Occasionally Nova managed to surprise Bym by offering an insight from her time maintaining the Storm Chaser’s engines, teaching him something even as he taught her so much. The sound of the engines had mixed with their lively back and forth, filling the air with frenetic energy and inspiring Nova to learn more and more. 
But now the hum of the engines felt oppressive, intruding. Goading her to come solve a mystery that she was in no way capable to handle yet.
Everybody else on the ship, occupying some space between Thalia and Nova simply by virtue of those two occupying the extreme ends of the ship, could feel the shroud of grief that stretched between them. 
Kyrie sat in her turret, her face buried in some manga in the hope it would provide an escape. Aila sat in the other turret, gazing out at the wall of the Styx, wondering why this life felt so natural to her. Lucius and Qillek talked quietly about home, sitting across from each other at the table in the lounge, both in the back of their minds wondering what they could have done to change things. Sentry, being no stranger to losing allies in battle, focused on providing her friends some comfort food.
A small light indicating some alarm went off on Thalia’s dashboard. Something with the engine, no doubt some damage from the fight that had only just finally caught up to it. She instinctively turned to Bym’s little booster seat and opened her mouth to tell him to get his ass to the engine room, before reality slapped her in the face. Thalia intercommed the engine room. “Nerva, dear, do you have this under control?” Her call was met with silence. “Nerv- Nova?” She turned to look through the ship to see if she could spot where Nova was from the cockpit. “Nova? Where is that girl...” Thalia double checked that she had engaged the autopilot and marched through the ship to find Nova. Her long legs carried her swiftly through the lounge, and the gangway, and as she entered the engine room, she found Nova sitting against the wall, her head in her hands, crying and hyperventilating.
Thalia wasn’t very good with people. She was a criminal, with a curse that drove people away and an alcohol addiction. People didn’t like her, and she didn’t like them back. Kyrie had been able to see past that for long enough to see the potential for making money working with her. 
But Bym, Bym was an imp. A little devil, though a mild one, but one nonetheless. Life of crime? “Love it.” Curses? “I know tons of perfectly nice people with curses.” Alcoholism? “What’s a little vice between friends, eh?” 
Bym was... Well, if Thalia ever had a friend, it was Bym.
All of this was a long-winded way of saying that Thalia had absolutely no idea how to deal with somebody having a panic attack. Bym never had any, and Kyrie’s method of calming herself down was to run to her turret and listen to some Shansara.
Qill barged past Thalia, or at least as much as a 90-pound ball of feathers could. Sentry following closely after managed it much better. 
“Excuse us, captain,” the hulking bio-magitechnical golem politely said as she pushed Thalia out of her way. 
“What’s up?” Qill asked softly, kneeling in front of Nova. “Can you tell me what’s got you stressed out?”
“H- h- he was supposed to be here teaching me... I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know how to fix this I’m not smart enough..."
"Nova, you are literally, literally, the smartest person I know."
"I screw up so much, though..."
"Who was it that got us all off of Aegis V alive?"
"By making a deal with the ILS. Who I took home and then detonated like a bomb on the Storm Chaser."
"I'm pretty sure it was Aila who did that last bit, but..." Qill checked over his shoulder to make sure Aila hadn't heard him pinning the blame for that on her. "Okay, who was it that fixed the Maiden's forge and revived Sentry?" Qill assumed that was what happened. He was somewhere else at the time.
"After getting her killed because I was too weak to protect myself."
"Oh, for H'esper's sake..." Qill muttered.
“Nova,” Sentry said, kneeling next to Qill, “You are such an important part of this team. We wouldn’t have gotten half as far without you, and we won’t get halfway to the end if you give up now.”
Lucius entered the engine room and joined the other three. “Nova, you get so much excitement from working with this stuff, and your enjoyment of learning about magic is infectious and makes me and Qill excited about magic too.”
Unknown to Thalia, Tiangong joined in, as best they could, sending thoughts of safety and comfort through their bond. 
"Really?" Nova responded, starting to calm down. "It does?"
"It does," Qill confirmed.
Thalia watched the scene in front of her. They really love that girl, don't they, she thought to herself. 
Once Nova had calmed to the point of taking in the rest of her surroundings, she saw Thalia standing in the doorway, seperate from the crowd gathered to triage her episode. "Sorry, captain."
"No, no, it's quite alright..." Thalia responded. "I... I miss him too." She pondered a brief moment. "It's funny, he and Kyrie only ever interacted when the turret malfunctioned, and you'd only been here a day, so I thought I was sitting up there mourning him all on my own." Thalia pushed her way through the throng of Nova's friends, and sat down next to her. "I'd quite enjoy talking with you, about him, if you would like." 
Nova's friends went back to their previous activities. As Thalia started telling Nova the sordid story of how she and Bym had first met, Big Cat came and laid down at their feet. Thalia quickly lost track of the time, telling Nova story after story of Bym’s escapades, and Nova telling Thalia of her own misadventures as a member of the ragtag group officially unofficially known as the Storm Chasers. Thalia even caught herself smiling a few times. 
She realized she had a feeling of warmth in her chest, sitting here with the girl she had so brazenly flirted with multiple times. Thalia realized she still had at least one friend. But as she listened to Nova’s voice regale her with tales of titans and demigods and flying cities, as even her hair snakes began to become enraptured by Nova’s surprising charisma, Thalia pondered the warmth in her chest. She wondered, if, maybe, they could be closer than just friends. Maybe. 
All the while, Bym’s glasses sat on Thalia’s console, keeping vigilant watch over the ship, and watching the two people he had been closest with become closer together.
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365days365movies · 3 years
January 6, 2021: Last Action Hero (Part 2)
SPOILERS! And check out Part 1 beforehand! Anyway, let’s go! Got a lot to cover, TRUST me.
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So, this movie is incredibly cluttered. Anyway, Slater makes his way to the Fart Bomb, and Practice (makes perfect) is a dirty cop working for Vivaldi. Danny and Slater get chained to a pipe, and I’m still surprised we haven’t even slightly revisited the time Danny got taken hostage about, what, an hour ago? Whiskers the Cat Cop arrives and shoots Salieri, and I weep for the part of my sanity that just died typing that sentence.
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I want you to know, I mad that GIF. I had to type “furball problem.” I’m losing it, you guys...and I think I’m enjoying it.
Together, Slater and Danny steal the body of Leo the Fart (HUP, there goes a little more sanity), everybody at the funeral has a gun (including one old woman with a straight-up grenade launcher), and so, SO much property is abused and damaged. In other words, it’s a pretty fun action sequence. Leo drops into a conveniently placed tar pit alongside Jack Slater, and Danny briefly becomes a domestic terrorist by shooting a gun in a public area, WOW, the ‘90s was a different time!
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So, it’s at this point that I start getting annoyed by Danny always being meta. I realize that I've been praising it for this, but...yeah, no, it’s starting to get annoying now. Especially considering that we’ve got an hour left in the movie. But, on the bright side, it’s also at this point that Benedict becomes my favorite character. This gorgeous motherfucker kills Vivaldi (whose plan was completely nonsensical, by the way), and then turns to the screen. Charles Dance effortlessly channels the spirit of Shakespeare’s Richard III, Duke of Gloucester, as says this to the audience:
If that little turd, Daniel Madigan, can move through parallel worlds, I can move through parallel worlds. In and out! In, steal whatever I want, and out again! Impossible to catch!
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I can add colors to the chameleon, change shapes with Proteus for advantages, AND SET THE MURDEROUS MACHIAVEL TO...Anyway...  
Charles Dance is giving his absolute best energies to this role. And this might be a silly movie, but godDAMN is Benedict a great villain for it. It’s immediately followed by the surreal image of a monster truck crashing through the wall of this mansion, and the fight leads to Benedict, Professor Toru Tanaka, Danny, and Jack Slater falling through a portal created by the ticket, and ending up in the real world.
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We put Jack’s action-movie world in contrast with the real world, first with little things, and then with a legitimately vicious-looking car accident. Like, wow, it’s a VERY realistic-looking accident. I’d show a GIF of it, but...wow, it’s extremely affecting. Toru dies, and there’s, uh...there’s blood. Man. It’s rough, honestly.
Speaking of affecting, Jack is beginning to understand the true nature of his reality. And Schwarenegger does an OK job pulling that pain off...but like everybody in this movie, his emotions are way calmer than mine would be if I were in his shoes. But there is one character I can identify with: Nick, the theater owner. When he finds out that the ticket works, he starts to talk about the movies he could now visit, the people he could meet. OK, most of them are beautiful female starlets, but still! I get it! Do you know how much I would love to meet Stan Lee? SERIOUSLY? It’d be amazing.
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I can also identify with Danny’s mother, who is rightfully PISSED. Seriously, this kid just got assaulted by a robber, brought to the police, and went directly TO THE MOVIE THEATER. GROUND THIS CHILD. GROUND HIM SO GODDAMN HARD.
And then, Benedict experiences the darkest part of the real world, and Dance again shows his talent. He begins by showing surprise and mild horror at the depravity of an early 1990s New York City (a little more dramatically bad than it was in real life at this point, but still), then sees a man assaulted (and possibly killed) for his shoes. He remarks at this in horror...then realizes that the police don’t come as quickly as they do in his film universe. He experiments by killing a man in cold blood, in public, and no one stops him. 
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Upon realizing his potential freedom in this world...he makes a plan. He uses the ticket, and brings back...the Ripper. ANY OTHER MOVIE VILLAIN? Dracula? Freddy Kreuger? Jason? Like...nobody? That is...such a missed opportunity, goddamn.  Anyway, their plan is to kill Arnold Schwarzenegger. As in the REAL Arnold Schwarzenegger, who actually appears upon his real-life wife at the time Maria goddamn Shriver! Which...yeah, that’s cool, but...the amount of celebrity cameos in this scene is, frankly, INSANE. 
Here’s a list: Little Richard, Jim Belushi, Damon Wayans, Chevy Chase, JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME, MC Hammer. And that’s not counting Tina Turner (the mayor earlier), Sharon Stone, Robert Patrick, Joan Plowright, and...well, I’ll save the best for last.
I haven’t even mentioned the development of Slater’s as a three-dimensional character in multiple different ways; the Ripper showing up at the movie premiere alongside the movie actor, Tom Noonan; the Ripper KILLING NOONAN’S REAL WORLD AGENT...
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This movie is insane. So much to cover, and yet it’s SUCH A LONG GODDAMN MOVIE. This movie is 2 hours and 11 minutes long! SERIOUSLY! I am tired, I gots to go to BEEEEED. Let’s get this climax over with, shall we? Arnold Schwarzenegger meets Jack Slater in some REALLY seamless effect work (this movie has actually aged SO well, damn), the Ripper kidnaps Danny and brings him to the roof of the theater, in a bid to reenact their old battle. Some meta dialogue takes place from the Ripper, and he THROWS DANNY OFF THE ROOF. Noonan’s also actually pretty good at playing this unhinged, Joker-esque maniac, by the way.
Jack kills the Ripper (again), and Danny’s saved from falling by Jack, just in time for Benedict to show up and make my day once more. He expounds the true potential of the ticket and film villains (frustrating me even more), while also chewing the scenery splendidly. He points out that any movie villain would love the real world, noting that in this world, the bad guys win. He shoots Jack Slater, and as he’s about to win, Slater shoots him in the eye, resulting in this shot.
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But he drops the ticket, which lands near a theater showing the classic Ingmar Bergman film, The Seventh Seal, a movie which is on my list for Drama December. Or maybe Experimental June, I haven’t decided yet. Anyway, the ticket activates in front of that theater and...that’s Ian fucking McKellen.
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THAT IS IAN. FUCKING. MCKELLEN. PLAYING INGMAR BERGMAN’S DEATH. WHAT. HOLY SHIT. And that happens just as Slater is literally about to die in the ambulance, and Danny summons his domestic terrorist impulses again, whipping out a gun and hijacking the ambulance to get Jack back to the theater. Meanwhile, Ian McKellen just KILLS a dude on the street, because this movie is secretly AMAZING. DeathKellen follows the ambulance to Nick’s movie theater as Jack is dying. Leading to one of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen.
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McKellen fucking TAKES this movie as an omnipotent death, and is essentially Death ex Machina. My God. This movie is the silliest, craziest, wackiest, most nonsensical, crazy movie that I’ve seen...and goddamn does it have some amazingly great moments. To the extent that I only just realized that the fucking cartoon cat is voiced by DANNY FUCKING DEVITO. WHAT. THE FUCK.
And all of this is also running over the almost completely ignored fact that Danny is still greatly saddened about the death of his father. And this film completely passes that fact over. Like I said, there’s so much extra folderol in the film, and it really did have the chance to be this emotional, existential epic. But sadly...it’s kind of all over the place.
Anyway, Jack’s back in the movie, where his wounds heal, and he now has a new understanding of his own fictional existence. He officially becomes the meta. And also ruins the Jack Slater franchise forever. Yeah, uh...the franchise has literally become self aware. And that’s not gonna be a good thing for the movie.
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And that’s Last Action Hero! Epilogue coming in a few hours, so stay tuned for that. And I gotta tell you...I have some words to say about this movie. Some great, and some...stay tuned.
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sweetescapeartist · 4 years
Alright! So here's how imma do this. There will be a 3 sections:
"How I would've written it"
So here we go...!
When Vegeta tells everyone to get off the ground so Moro doesn't absorb their energy, 17 & 18 don't move. Smart attention to detail.
The way UI Goku effortlessly fights Moro is cool.
Earth-Moro was a fun idea & all his arms to fight Goku was interesting.
Interesting that Beerus was gonna join in. But smart how they were summoned by the Grand Priest so now mortals have to fend for themselves.
Whis effortlessly blocking Moro's attack with his finger was great. Good way to show off his power. Whis' confidence in Goku was nice.
So there is Otherworld/Heaven after a character dies & now we know that where the Grand Priest & 2 Zeno are is part of the Angel Realm. Good to know.
Vegeta using Forced Spirit Fusion was expected but still good.
Goku rushing at Moro & dodging & going through Moro's fists was a good visual.
Piccolo had a smart idea then the Z Warriors started giving Goku energy.
Loved seeing the Z Warriors working together. Roshi has been absent tho. Could it be he isn't strong enough to contribute? And some ppl were actually saying Roshi was the strongest Earthling. Smh.
Smart that Bulma & others were on Kami's Lookout. Moro can't drain their ki.
Goten & Trunks help out a little. At least they're involved a bit.
Vegeta sends the ki to Goku & it gave him enough energy to go SSB & push forwards. Looked cool. (It was just ki, not genki)
Goku's SSB is powered up & he inches closer. Makes sense because its just Goku getting an energy boost like he did in the BoG movie when SS Goku had power transfered to him before Piccolo pointed out it wasn't god ki.
Goku admits his mistake. So that's a good start.
The Z Warriors discussing what to do was great interaction. I'd like more of that.
Moro has lost his mind. Lucky he did or he could've absorbed the energy that was meant for Goku.
Krillin, out of all the characters, decided to go help Goku. He can't let his best friend die in such a way. & Gohan says he will help. Then Tien & Yamcha want to help too. Really good stuff.
Yamcha is sad he's never gotten married. He's a good dude that just wants a family. Some will see it as making fun of him but I liked it.
Uub having divine power can be smart (I hope). It could help make sense of the final 3 episodes of DBZ when DBS is taken into consideration. But that also means other characters like Piccolo, Krillin, & Yamcha could attain god ki too. No excuse not to level them up now.
Goku recieves the energy & creates a giant Goku body made of energy. Awesome idea and looked pretty darn cool.
Goku pops out and destroys Moro's crystal. Moro is destroyed.
Goku's son & Goku's best friend are ecstatic for him. Goku turns around & give a thumbs up. Chapter ends.
Vegeta say "Dammit, Kakarrot. You've managed to screw up again!" But Vegeta also failed to kill Moro because Vegeta wanted to gloat. Both have made dumb decisions & big mistakes this arc.
I'm confused if Beerus is being written as stronger than Goku or if Beerus has special techniques that gives him the advantage. Moro later stops UI Goku, so if UI Goku is stronger than Beerus, then Beerus would add nothing. Beerus having Hakai isn't special because manga Goku can use Hakai too.
Moro is absorbing energy from everyone in contact with the ground, so why are Krillin & Jaco on the ground? Why is Goku fighting on the ground? They can fly.
Why does Vegeta rush in & tell Goku to move just to punch the ground? Couldn't he punch the Earth from anywhere & have the same effect? Maybe the effect is stronger the closer he is? Idk
How does Vegeta know Moro's weakness if Whis didn't tell him? Just a question.
Goku's fist is about 7 feet away from Moro's crystal when he is captured by Moro. Why not shoot some sort of energy blast? Why not a Destructo Disk? Or a Spirit Sword like Vegito has & that Vegeta used in the manga ToP? It's like Goku forgot about using ki.
Goku says "Darn... Merus did it so why can't I? I guess I still don't have enough god power!" Is this implying Merus' power is still above Goku' UI power? Or is it's just saying Merus did it & now Goku is stronger than Merus, so why can't Goku defeat Moro.
UI powers down just like any other transformation. I get Moro is sucking his energy so it makes sense here. But what happens later adds to UI changing from state of mind to transformation.
Vegeta was written to learn Forced Spirit Fission just so that he could do what Goku has done. Sad that he's written to play catch up to Goku.
This is a criticism to Vegeta fans. Piccolo is the hero in helping Goku win against Moro. It was Piccolo's idea to give Goku energy. Vegeta was the middle man. If DB fans say Vegeta played a crucial role in defeating Moro, Piccolo contributed just as much. They won because of Piccolo's thinking, Vegeta's technique, everyone's energy, & Goku being the vessel.
If they're sending energy to Vegeta so he can give it to Goku, why are they still on the ground? Moro can steal their energy that way. Would it not be smarter to just gather energy in the sky?
Wait... Dende can gather energy from ppl too? So Dende has something similar to Forced Spirit Fission? It's cool I guess BUT that also means there is no excuse for Piccolo to not learn such abilities since he is a Namekian & has godly knowledge. Actually why doesn't Piccolo know those abilities? Kami would.
Sucks that this is the only appearance of Goten & Trunks contributing since BoG.
Doesn't make any sense how Goten & Trunks could not sense the energy of everyone fighting. They would know there was a battle going on. And if Moro is stealing energy from all the the ppl on the planet, wouldn't Goten & Trunks feel their energy being drained? The dialogue makes zero sense when we take into account what we know & have been told in DB.
Forced Spirit Fission was just a way to give Vegeta a "Goku moment." On Namek when Piccolo was about to die, Gohan transfered Piccolo energy to keep him alive. Goku gave Freeza energy that kept him alive and regain strength. In the first Broly movie, Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks, & Vegeta gave Goku energy to defeat Broly. In the BoG movie when they did the SSG ritual wrong the first time with only 5 Saiyans, they transfered their power to Goku. "Reverse" Forced Spirit Fission isn't truly necessary to give Goku energy.
Vegeta remembers the first time he saw a Spirit Bomb & copies Saiyan saga Krillin when Krillin threw the small Spirit Bomb at Vegeta.
Somehow Moro doesn't absorb the energy as you'd think he would. I guess he stopped absorbing energy now?
Goku is powered up again but still doesn't shoot an energy blast or beam at Moro's crystal.
Piccolo: "Why won't he use Ultra Instinct?" Vegeta: "Not 'wont'... he can't. Not even with ki from all of us!" Giving more power is not how Merus explained how UI works. Goku isn't in the the right state of mind to activate UI.
Dende is the new Kami of Earth so he is granted divine knowledge & abilities. But Piccolo having fused with Kami would mean he would have divine knowledge too. And yet no development for Piccolo. Missed opportunity for anime & manga.
Goku: "Sorry... guys... this is all... my fault..." Mostly your fault. Vegeta's at fault too.
Another non-criticism. Why not use the Earth Dragon Balls to freeze time on the planet but don't freeze time for the Z Warriors? I wonder if that could work.
Uub sent energy even though Vegeta wasn't using Forced Spirit Fission. That just shows that the ability wasn't necessary to send energy. But it would suck if Moro suddenly absorbed it before Goku. Got lucky there.
I don't understand how all the Grand Supreme Kai's power went to evil Buu & not good Buu when they split apart. Does that mean Kid Buu had god ki & Goku defeated a character with massive divine energy before Goku learned god ki? But the Grand Supreme Kai in good Buu's body was using divine energy to fight Moro earlier. Would it not make more sense that half the power went to Uub & the Grand Supreme Kai/good Buu had the other half? Then when together (like Kami & Piccolo) they were able to send the full amount of the great divine energy. That would make more sense.
Then Vegeta remembers watching Goku throw a Spirit Bomb & copies that. I mean... Anyone can grab hold of energy and throw it. This makes sense tho because only Vegeta & Goku know how to control divine energy, he only he is capable of throwing it. But Vegeta gathering energy like a knockoff Spirit Bomb is simply fanservice.
Moro could have absorbed the divine energy from Buu but didn't for plot reasons. It litterally hit his giant hands.
Okay... So either 1 of 2 things.
Goku regained UI from being hit with divine energy. And if divine energy was needed, wouldn't SSB Vegeta contribute enough? Isnt SSB Goku in a divine form? But the bigger question is this... Is it Ultra Instinct at this moment or is it a completely different form? We never saw UI like this so maybe it's something different.
UI is not written as state of mind anymore. It seems anyone can get it if they train their body & get injected with enough divine energy. You just need tons of god ki to attain UI. Which contradicts DBS CHAPTER 52 when Merus explained to Goku that Ultra Instinct activates when the user achieves self-control in the face of a jarring shock to their emotions. Now I guess Merus was wrong & its just "Get a buncha god ki & boom! You got UI."
Giant Goku looks cool but comes out of nowhere without explanation. It might be explained in a later chapter. But if not, it just came out of nowhere just to look cool without any explanation. Not a bad thing right now but could be bad or good depending on wether & how it gets explained.
Goku really wanted to punch that crystal, didn't he? I guess he did forget about ki blasts.
When Merus cracked Moro's crystals, Moro lost the power but didn't die. But when Goku punches the crystal, it kills Moro. Why did Moro not just lose the power & pop out from the Earth? Where did all of that angelic power inside the planet go to? If we get an explanation next chapter then great. If not then this criticism remains.
Not a criticism but too bad 17 & 18 didn't contribute. They were written out of this chapter.
Their energy is being drained by Moro so Vegeta tells everyone to fly off the ground. (17 & 18 stay since their energy cant be drained. Or at least thats how chapters before were written)
Moro keeps draining energy as Goku battles him. Goku flies off the ground so Moro can't absorb his energy.
Beerus decides to join the fight. He says he will finish it quickly. Krillin asks what is Beerus going to do. Beerus smirks & has a sweat drop. (Let's the reader wonder if Beerus is unsure of himself & just wants to help. Or maybe Beerus has power or a technique we don't know bout yet. Keep it mysterious)
Whis tells Beerus they are being summoned by the Grand Priest about Merus' erasure. Beerus panicks a bit.
Goku keeps getting pushed back & Whis chimes in to tell Goku how to defeat Moro as Whis blocks Moro's punch with 1 finger.
Before Beerus leaves he tells Krillin & Jaco that the Earth is their problem now. Beerus yells at Goku "I'm expecting a feast after my business is done. Y'hear me?!", showing he has confidence in Goku. Then Beerus & Whis leave.
Krillin tells Jaco that he might want to get somewhere safe to which Jaco agrees & flies to the Lookout.
Goku goes for the crystal but Moro grabs Goku & drains his power causing Goku to go back to his base form. Moro's crystal has disappeared & Goku thinks its too late. SSB Vegeta rushes in & destroys Moro's hands to release Goku. They fly up to the sky as Moro laughs & smiles at them in amuzement, confident of victory.
Vegeta asks "So... How do we defeat him, Kakarrot?" Goku informs him that they need to destroy the crystal to finish off Moro but... The crystal is deep inside the planet now.
Vegeta sweats & tell Goku that he will pull the crystal out. Then when its out, Goku destroys it. Vegeta dashes at Moro & dodges his giant hands.
Vegeta closes his eyes, uses the gigantification technique he learned & creates a giant semi-transparent version of himself with a monkey tail (Heck! Just make it an Oozaru projection because, why not?). He shoves his hands into the Earth & begins pulling Moro up by the neck.
Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha & Krillin meet up with Goku to help. Goku says he knows 1 sure fire way to defeat Moro & it's the Genki Dama. Piccolo says it might kill the ppl Moro already took energy from. Goku is silent for a moment. He doesn't know what to do next & they're running out of time.
Krillin tells Goku to recharge with their energy. Everyone agrees. Gohan says they need to give all they have just as Vegeta is doing right now. They form a circle around Goku & transfers energy to him. Piccolo telepathically tells Dende to have the Dragon Balls ready to save themselves if this plan fails. (17 & 18 are up there now). Jaco arrives & asks where is Buu so that he can go help Goku & the others. Bulma tells him Buu is sleeping in the ship (but the ship appears to be empty). Then Piccolo contacts Goten & Trunks (who are flying off the ground) and tells the boys to send energy for Goku.
Vegeta has pulled a giant Moro up from the earth. Moro's hands grab Vegeta and begin draining him of his energy. Vegeta sweats but remains calm and focused as he continues to use Forced Spirit Fission against Moro, weakening him & causing the crystal to slowly resurface on his forehead.
Vegeta suddenly gets hit with energy & gets a burst of strength. He looks in the direction of the energy & smiles "...Trunks." Trunks is giving all his energy to Vegeta in hopes of him staying strong.
Vegeta begins breaking Moro's arms off of him & uses everything he's got. The crystal is almost all the way out as Moro panics.
Goku is recharged. He closes his eyes, breathes & activates UI again. The Z Warriors express their confidence in Goku. Goku says "Guys... letting things get this far... It's my fault..." Then Goku looks at Krillin. "I acted selfishly when I took the senzu... Krillin, I'm..." Krillin responds "Worry about it later, Goku. Go finish that creep off!"
Goku & Krillin give each other dap. Then a giant amount of energy appears above the Z Warriors. They're astonished & surprised by how much energy is there.
Grand Supreme Kai is beside a confused Uub. Being the reincarnation of Buu, Uub has great potential but hasn't been taught how to use it yet. But together, Grand Supreme Kai is able to draw out the power from Buu's other half. With his divine energy & Uub's potential being pulled out & sent by Grand Supreme Kai, they send a great amount of energy to Goku.
Dende is excited and says "Grand Supreme Kai must be pulling out Uub's latent power, merging it with Majin Buu's magical energy & Grand Supreme Kai's own divine energy! And now that they're together, their great power is being used to help Goku!" (Kinda like how Kami & Piccolo achieved their true power once they fused again.)
Vegeta yells for Goku to finish him now. The crystal is fully out & Vegeta is running out of energy to keep two techniques going at once.
Goku absorbs the divine energy and is astonished by the great power. Then he grips his hand and makes a fist. He looks at everyone over his shoulder. He smiles, puts 2 fingers to his forehead & disappears.
Vegeta loses the gigantification form. Instantly Goku reappears between Vegeta & Moro's face. He punches with everything he's got to destroy the crystal, but an invisible shield is stopping Goku. Then Vegeta joins in beside Goku & uses Forced Spirit Fission to destroy the barrier as Goku pushes forwards to crush the crystal.
The crystal cracks. Whis smiles, knowing they pulled it off.
Vegeta & Goku go back down to their base forms after they punch through Moro's head & Moro breaks apart. The old goat man appears and looks badly damaged. Goku & Vegeta are exhausted & turn around ready to fight. Moro yells "I... I still have enough power to kill you where you stan-!" Then all the energy Moro stored in the Earth erupts & lava from the crater below him. He was killed by the power he stole. The falling debris covers the Z Warriors. They push the rubble away and rush to the giant crater where Goku & Vegeta are.
The Z Warriors surround them & shout "Yes!" "You did it!" "We won!"
Vegeta & Goku are back in their base forms. They are exhausted & sitting down. Both look back at their friends, Vegeta smirks while Goku smiles & gives a thumbs up.
Alternate version
Before Beerus leaves, he puts unknown ki in Krillin's hand and orders him to give it to Goku. When they power up Goku, Krillin delivers the energy from Beerus. (Reverse moment when Goku gave Krillin energy for the Spirit Bomb) Goku recieve the power in his hand. The fate of everyone is in Goku's fist. Goku flies at Moro, Moro grabs & stops Goku from moving, then Goku uses the unknown power gifted from Beerus. Goku turns into a dragon and bursts through Moro's crystal and wraps him up then completely destroys Moro. (So Beerus' godly technique that he gifted Goku was the Super Dragon Fist)
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clonetrooper1403 · 4 years
STAR WARS: DUEL OF THE FATES (Personal version)
I´m piss off!
 Some days ago I said that Rise of Skywalker was not as bad....but that was before to know they rip off this master piece!
 Seriously, the original script, written by  Colin Trevorrow was AWESOME! PERFECT! THE EPIC FINALE THIS TRYLOGY NEEDED!
 So I´m going to talk about it, adding a little lines of my own and my personal little headcanons, so this post will be long.
 Why? Because I can, because I want and because this is internet, so it means I can do whatever I want! If you want to be like me and accept this, you are welcome, if you are not happy and want to write toxic comments, screw you and close this post, I´m doing this for me, not you.
So, the movie start like this:
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 So, We see a First Order star destroyer being assault by the resistance. Blasters and bombs everywhere.
 Stormtrooper 1: Blast them!
 Stormtrooper 2: Sir! We are losing the third sector!
 ST 1: How many enemies?
 ST 2: Just one, sir!
 ST 1: Are you losing against one rebel?!
 ST 2: Is not just a rebel, sir! Is THE GIRL!!
 And then, BAM!
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 We see Rey with her new dark Outfit and her new blue double blade lightsaber, build with Luke´s broken sword and her old staff.
 The resistance steal the entire ship and, after a couple of scenes of First Order high ranks argueing we see Corusant, this time used by the Bad Guys as Capital city.
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 This time they use a gigant citadel-like ship as HQ meanwhile the old city is full of scavengers and poor people, trying of survive under the iron fist.
 We see the First order is executing in public a traitor pilot called Bisc Kova, the one who was the key for the rebels to steal the star destroyer.
 Then we see that the actual leader of Corusant is Hux, who is now Cancellor.
 After a meeting with other high ranks in the first order we see Hux´s private colection of lightsaber, he doesnt fight with or use them, is just a symbol of power.
 Somebody ask about Kylo Ren and Hux answer that is in a mission to increase his power.
Kylo is showed in Mustafar (like TROTS) but this time is chased by Luke´s force ghost who is trying to convince him to return to Leia But he refuse very angry, in fact, he try to attack Luke´s ghost with his crossguard red lightsaber only in order to be stopped by the ebar hand of the master with an eyebrow rise like “really n*gga?”.
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Then Kylo found a sith holocron with Palpatine´s message for Darth Vader, saying that if Luke kills him...Vader must take him and develop him to Tor Valum, One of his dark sith masters who teached a lot about dark force mambo-jambo during his years as ruler of the galaxy.
But then the holocron scan Kylo´s face and realize is not Vader, so it explodes, burning his face.
Then We see the resistance on planet Koralev with its new Star Destroyer, a funny scene where Rey use his force mind control on some troopers and an argue between Rey and Finn.
 Finn: You said you saw him again on your dream, right?
 Rey:  ...
 F: Stop thinking about him.
 R: I need to save him Finn, I saw it...Ben still can return to the light
 F: It´s too late for him, Rey
 R: Is never too late for change...you are the living proof.
 Then both are summoned in a meeting, the resistance has a plan.
 They want to use an old beacon under the Jedi temple on Corusant to send a message of hope and cheer them to rise in arms against the First Order
 After that Rey go to train in a cave with Luke´s Ghost, in there Rey tell him that she is not sure about being a Jedi...after all, Darkness consumes Light and Light extinguish Light...a no-end cycle of death and reborn.
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On Corusant again, we see Kylo melting a mandalorian armor and creating a new mask direct in his face, much more dark, sinistre and evil-like.
Kylo argues with Hux, telling him that titles, positions and destroying planeets are nothing against what he is going to get, showing that Hux Is just a puppet under Kylo´s fist and giving the redhead a last order: Find the resistance and destroy it...but leave the girl to me.
And before leave Corusant again, Kylo talks with Vader helmet in his room before smash it in hundreds of pieces.
 “Now I understand you...you let love make you weak”
Then the resistance start the plan: Finn, Rose, Leia, BB8, R2-D2 and C3-PO travel to corusant in order to prepare the beacon and start a riot
Rey, Poe and Chewbacca travels to a world in order to find someone who helps her with that force mambo-jambo she feels.
The first Order arrives to the resistace´s base but all are able to scape.
Finn´s team are able to arrive in corusant and activate the beacon atthe same time Leia record her message On Corusant in order to rise the fighting spirit, but Finn also prepare another message as a “surprise”
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But then Troopers discover them and force them to run in to the low levels of the planet-city, killing Leia in the process.
 Meanwhile, Kylo arrives to the sith planet (just like he arrives in to Exegol in TROTS) and meet Tor Valum.
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 The sith master begins Kylo trinning and force him to fight a Darth vader vision (Just like Luke inside Dagobah´s tree faces Vader) in an epic and violent duel between red lightsabers that Kylo loses.
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 Meanwhile, Rey, Poe and Chewie arrives the planet where Poe´s grandpa lives (with a very strong smugger vibre), a water world full of boat-like ships.
In there Poe´s grandpa take them to an alien seer who read Rey´s mind and make her some kind of “Stelar map” that can be use to find Kylo (In here it is showed that Rey and Poe are in a relationship, but I dont like that so...f*ck it)
 But then, SURPRISE! The Knights of Ren are there! They have been following Rey´s team all this time! A dinamic chase in the port that end with a hand to hand battle betwwen six dark warriors vs a jedi, a wookie and a guy with a blaster.
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On Corusant after seeing an emotional inspirational message from Leia to them from R2, Finn, Rose and the droids start a riot in the low levels and free plenty of prisioners.
 Heck, even 3PO kills a assasin droid using a blaster! saying “Oh dear! How uncivilized!”
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 After starting the fire, Finn and Rose have a talk.
 Finn: Well...that was a good start.
 Rose: Yes, but we cannot do much with a bunch of mad scavengers.
 F: Well, It will have to be enough. Is not like we can arm all these guys.
 Rioter 1: Actually...
 *Finn, Rose and plenty of Rioters in an elevator going to lower levels*
 Rioter 2: People forget Corusant was once the Imperial Capital City
 Rioter 3: And they left more that a few emotional scars in here.
 The rioters show them a hangar (now without guards) with hundreds of old imperial AT-STs that soon start to arm and paint in a more “Rebel” style that would make Sabine Wren really proud.
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In that moment 3PO and R2 see the surface of the planet, so sad and empty, seeing the first order HQ in the sky.
 C3-PO: “R2...Do you think we can win another war?”
 C3-PO: “You are right...at least they don´t have another Death Star...I´m tired of those kind of things”
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With Rey, Poe and Our Favourite Wookie. The girl decide to keep going alone because is something she needs to do, Poe refuse but in the end agree so the boys get back with the resistance and Rey goes to Planet Mortis when she meets Kylo ren, just after she faces a giant alien beast.
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 On Corusant the battle starts and thousand of AT-STs start to blast the stormtroopers, but here is Finn´s surprise. A massage to all the Stormtroopers! encorage them to fight back for what they know is right.
 Plenty of stormtroopers then start to shoot against their commanders and, without their helmets, join the rebels.
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 Hux, seeing all that chaos on the battlefield, order to the star destroyers in orbit to shoot against the rebels and the traitors, destroying the old city without care about civilian damage. But then another surprise.
 Hux: Here is Cancellor Hux! Open fire in the low levels and wipe out those rebels and traiotrs!
 Officer: We...We can´t do it, sir! We are under attack!
 H: What?! The rebel fleet can´t be enough to face ours!
 O: They are not just the rebels, sir!
 Then is showed in Orbit How all the ships that heard Leias message arrive (just like TROTS)
In there we can see Lando, (of course) the phantom, the Mantis, The Mandalorian´s ship, Hondo´s Ship...etc. But a first look to some familiar faces as Bossk, Dengar, Cad Bane, Embo, the gungans, the wookies, Jacen Syndulla, Sabine and Ezra (if he is found) etc. and Chewy and Poe with others in star fighters and X-wings.
 Meanwhile, on the surface the rebels face their final obstacle: gigant new walkers,, the final charge arrives, but one blaster hits R2! Without knowing about all the chaos who is surronding him, 3PO cry and show plenty of dark emotions before grab a blaster and star shooting Stormtroopers.
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With Kylo and Rey, they fought in a vicious and powerfull way. During this battle, Kylo confess her that it was him who killed his parent by Snoke´s orders  and, takinG adavantage of her rage, is able to blind her with his red lightsaber (just like Maul did with Kanan) but she is able to fight using the Force.
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On Corusant Again, the rebels start to enter in the HQ and the fleet is being destroyed by all the alliance ships. Hux is seeing everything from his office´s window at the same time he is receiving dozens of desesperate calls from officers and troopers asking for orders...but without answering them and with death calm, he takes one of the lightsaber of his colection (actually, Vader´s Lightsaber, don´t ask) and after kneel in front of his window, seeing all the chaos and explosions and watching several star destroyers falling apart from the orbit...he does seppuku.
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Kylo, after defeating Rey and ready for kill her is visited by Luke´s ghost again...and after denie him again, Leia and Han are showed as ghosts too (a talk kinda like TROTS) The redemption is done and Kylo use every energy he has and heals Rey, dying in the process. In here Kylo also says Rey´s family name: Solana, Rey Solana.
Rey becomes an avatar of light and shadows and faces Tor Valum, who was just another creation of Palpatin....a desesperate device to fool Vader in order to bring him a body able to posses (all this in not in the script but, screw it, i liked it seen palpatine again without the family relationship fanfiction thing) So Rey with all that “I´m every jedi” thing and after ACTUALLy seein force ghosts like Qui-gon, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, Luminaria etc. Strike pure-white forse lightnings in to Palpaties puppet, destroying him.
We have a happy celebration, Chewy recives his medal, Lando highfive hondo, cute ewoks, funny gungas, even Jar jar is in there, doing silly things and making people laugh. And Poe found Finn and both kiss.
Oh, and R2 is back! Chewy repaired him and 3PO laugh in front of him before start to argue again.
The final scene shows a farm with Rey in meditation and with a blindfold, lisening how a bunch of kids are traning with stiks the diferent combat forms. This is the new generation of jedi, jedi who will defend no light, no dakness but balance.
 And there it is, MY canon...if I do more fanart I´ll probably will do with this content...Do you like it? good, Do you hate it? sorry to hear that. Now is time to wait untill clone wars final season.
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Moveset #1! (Sorry to keep you waiting!)
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REIMU SHOOTS FOR VICTORY! Reimu Hakurei (High-Flying Shrine Maiden)
(Quick note: If I’m basing it on something, don’t expect a 100% faithful transition)
Potential Alternate Costumes:
-Her blue palette from Phantasmagoria of Flower View, plus her other swaps from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
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-Other variations on her outfit from the other games. (See her page on touhouwiki.net lol)
-PC-98 design
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Overview: Reimu Hakurei is an all-around good fighter. The beautiful shrine maiden is quick, and has plenty of options for ranged and close combat, and even a dangerous trap or two to hunt down her opponents. She’ll float circles around you if you’re not careful~!
Standard: A 3-hit combo of three swings of her gohei, each sending some Ofuda to the opponent in a thin spread. The third comes down on the opponent and sends multiple Ofuda at once. The Ofuda have far better range than Mega Man’s buster. The gohei itself has medium knockback.
Up Tilt: Ascension Kick. Reimu kicks upward. Medium knockback, good for knocking around the Yin Yang Orb.
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Down Tilt: Persuasion Needles. Reimu throws these needles at an opponent’s feet. Doesn’t have great range or knockback, but it does some nice damage.
Side Tilt: Youkai Buster. Fires some spreading purple amulets straight ahead. Deals good damage, but doesn’t have great knockback.
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Dash Attack: Sliding Ascension Kick. A sliding kick much like the one she uses in Highly Responsive to Prayers to knock around the Yin Yang Orb. Can transition directly into her regular Ascension Kick.
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Side Smash: Yin Yang Shot. A Yin Yang Orb is sent flying at the opponent, and a barrier is left where it is launched. It bounces off the ground and walls, until it reaches the barrier, where it’ll then accelerate to super speeds. The orb can be knocked around with other attacks from enemy and ally alike, but despawns when it does direct damage to an opponent. If it falls off the stage, it’ll disappear with the barrier.
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Up Smash: Jewel Sign "Orbs of Light, Cast into Shade”. Reimu spawns in four small blue Yin Yang Orbs, two headed for the left, two headed for the right. They’re not very strong, but they move faster than the Yin Yang Shot’s Orb. This also means they’re easier to knock around IF they get hit, but they don’t disappear upon contact with opponents.
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Down Smash: Cautionary Barrier. Throws down a couple of amulets that make a wall that can absorb bullets. Stuns on contact.
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Back Aerial: Sealing Needle. Reimu spins backwards and fires off a bunch of needles at once. Good spread and range, but low knockback.
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Front Aerial: Frontal Defense Talisman. Frontal shot that fires amulets which then divide into small bullets and shoot forward over a wide area. Weak after spreading out, but can provide cover.
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Up Aerial: Mid-Air Ascension Kick. Same as regular Ascension Kick, but quicker.  
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Down Aerial: Demon-Sealing Dimensional Rift. Quicky throws down several needles in a wide arc. Doesn’t do much damage, but can be angled.
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Neutral B: Spirit Sign “Fantasy Orb”. Fires a series of multi-colored homing spirit orbs, which do good damage. Amount depends on charge, up to eight.
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Side B: Spirit Sign “Evil-Sealing Circle”. Reimu places her hand on the ground, summoning a pillar of light around her, damaging those who touch it. She also sends fast charms flying towards you with her then follows up with slow moving amulets.
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(Combines elements of the above images.)
Up B: Divine Arts "Sky-Conquering Wind God Kick". A series of strong Ascension Kicks. Heavy knockback, perfect for finishers.
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Down B: Dream Sign “Duplex Barrier”. Reimu sends Hakurei Shrine Amulets flying all around her, doing damage on contact, as well as reflecting projectiles. If used in midair, she floats until the B button is released or 10 seconds have passed, and can be maneuvered to move around briefly. The longer she’s in this state, the slower she’ll be and the more likely she’ll be made vulnerable when she emerges.
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(This but condensed)
Okay, before we see a fairly obvious Final Smash, I would like to address the questions you probably have. “Where’s Fantasy Seal?” “Tsuki, where the fuck is Fantasy Seal” “Justin, I swear to Christ if there’s no Fantasy Seal I will end you.” Well, to answer your questions, I’m gonna have to ask you to bear with me for a brief moment. Allow me to introduce the “Bomb” mechanic, set forth to me by ya boi Mori (@fall-in-the-dark). By pressing A and B at the same time, you summon forth a Final Smash-like desperation attack that does plenty of damage and is activatable at any time (even when launched or stunned), but you only get two per stock. A Bomb will be given to all Touhou characters, and depending on fan reception I’ll apply this mechanic to all fighters. Please look forward to it.
Bomb: Divine Spirit “Fantasy Seal”. A souped up version of Divine Spirit “Fantasy Orb”. The damage is less, but the amount of bullets and their homing properties have been greatly increased. Cannot be reflected, but they can be absorbed/dodged if you’re skilled enough.
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Final Smash: Fantasy Heaven. Upon casting, seven Yin-Yang orbs appear. Reimu becomes utterly intangible, as amulets, ofuda, and needles fly out everywhere from her body. The Yin Yang Orbs fly across the screen in three patterns, connected with pink streams of medium-damaging energy (The Orbs themselves do more damage upon contact). The first has them come from the upper left corner, arranged in a pentagram shape with two of the orbs swirling in the center. The second from the upper right corner, in the shape of the tassels on Reimu’s gohei. The third and final pattern resembles a massive Yin Yang Orb, and comes from the top of the screen and stops to orbit Reimu. The Orbs then suspend in midair and then explode into energy of all colors. These explosions do great damage/knockback. 
Stage Entrance (Regular Ver.) Floats down serenely.
Stage Entrance (PC-98 Ver.) Rides onto the battlefield on Genjii’s back. 
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(Pictured: Grandpa Turtle)
Idle Animation: Floats slightly above the ground. Occasionally she spins her gohei around in her hand.
Walk: Floats forward, leaning slightly.
Dash: Leans further foward, hand clenching gohei harder.
Jump: Floaty, stays up after double jump if button/stick is held. Like Peach/Daisy.
-Up: Faces the camera and shrugs non-challantly.
-Down: Sits down and takes a drink of tea from a cup, looking bored.
-Side: Reimu holds out a donation box and shakes it around.
Taunts (PC-98 Ver.):
-Up: Reimu turns to the camera and strikes this pose from HRtP’s manual.
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-Down: Genjii appears for a brief moment by Reimu, saying “Press on, my lady!” while Reimu pumps herself back up.
-Side: Reimu spins around, and strikes a peace sign with a “Yeah~!”
Victory Poses:
-Straightens out her hair and flashes a bored peace sign, saying “Are we done here?”
-Flops down onto the ground, acting exhausted, saying “I need a nap...” or “What a pain...”
-Turns around, and holds up her gohei, smiling slightly. “That was fun.”
Victory Poses (PC-98 Ver.):
-Strikes this very adorable, very familiar pose.
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-The Yin-Yang Orb transforms into either a pink fairy or a joyful spherical creature as Reimu looks on smiling.
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-Hops back onto Genjii, and rides toward the screen on him, giggling/saying “Let’s go, Gramps!” or “Too easy!” as he says “At once!” or “Indeed!”
(Feel free to give me feedback! And uh... pls reblog? Pls?)
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hurtcomfortetc · 5 years
I was thinking the apocalypse timeline, if that's okay! :) and omg thank you for sending me your fic, I'm so amped to read it!
Original Prompt - vaguely-- 
“since you’re looking for TUA prompts” how about Klaus with pneumonia? the others keep joking about how he needs to quite smoking and shit (and telling him to stop whining when he says he’s not good to go with them on some kind of wild adventure”
Okay, so this was a fun one to write! Hope this was in the realm of what you were looking for! :)
MONDAY(28 days sober)
Klauscan hear the distant sound of glass shattering and what might be abookshelf falling down. The sound surprises him, and he sits up soabruptly that he gives himself a head rush, and a splash of watersluices over onto the tile floor. He sits there, listening for yellsof anguish or gunfire. All he hears for the next minute is the faintcongestion in his breath.
“Vanya-it's okay – look we don't have to stop for today-”
Adoor slams.
Heslides his head back under water and goes back to wondering if thisis the normal congestion he's had on and off since his cocaine phasein 2012, or if he's just getting sick.
Thenhe starts craving cocaine again.
Hedebates, for the hundredth time maybe, if Sober Klaus still smokesweed.
“Klaus,you better not have fallen asleep in there!”
TUESDAY(29 days sober)
Klauscreaks open his eyes to a blinding light and a grating voice comingfrom the other side of his door. His eyes manage to come to a focuson his clock. 1:30. Klaus is faintly pleased. It's much easier tostay sober when you're unconscious for most of the day. And he's soclose to actually deserving that thirty day chip.
Thebanging doesn't stop.
“Klaus!It's your turn with Five and Vanya today – please get your ass downhere so he'll get off my ass?” Diego calls, and continues bangingon the door.
Fiveis relentless, Klaus muses. He proceeds to remain unmoving on hisbed.
“Yougonna keep moping in here forever?” Ben asks from somewhere in thecorning of the room.
Klauslets out a loud groan that he draws out for almost twenty seconds.Ben covers his ears after ten, but Klaus has to stop and let out ashort cough before he can make it to a grand finale. Gross.
“Seriously?”Ben asks. Klaus peels himself off his bed and does a quick smell testof his underarms.
“Shhhh-I need to focus on finding a clean shirt so I can go make sure Vanyadoesn't end up murdering my second least favorite brother,” Klaussays. His voice comes out rough. Ben, for his part, looks appeased.
WEDNESDAY(30 days sober)
It'sbeen a good day.  He completed an entire arm wrestling match with atangible Ben (turns out that that in death Ben must have somehowdeveloped killer bicep muscles, but no one needs to know how thatparticular match ended) and, invigorated by his sobriety milestone,Klaus dragged himself out of bed before noon and made eggs foreveryone (they burned remarkably quickly, but Allison did eat a pieceof toast he buttered so overall a win).
Butnow it's almost dinner time, and all he can do is lay bonelessly onthe couch and listen to his siblings bicker over one of Luther's“mandatory debriefs.”
“Theday of the apocalypse is over, can't we all stop treating Vanya likea ticking time bomb?” Allison demands.
“Yousaw what she almost did to Diego a couple of days ago, we can't stopworking on this,” Luther fires back.
“Guys,I'm right here, can you just stop,” Vanya adds. There's an awkwardsilence.
“Istill don't know if the math is right, everyone. Look, the best guessis to keep trying at -”
Therest of the conversation is lost to Klaus, who feels something inhimself snap. He hastily lights a cigarette. His siblings cyclicalnonsense arguments give him a craving for nicotine that simply willnot be ignored. He takes a long drag and then feels something catchnauseatingly in the back of his throat. He sits up and coughs untilsomething slimy seems to dislodge.
Hegoes to try another inhale when he sees that everyone is looking athim. He thumps his chest for dramatic effect.
“Smokingkills, kids,” he announces, and waves a finger at his siblings,accosting. Diego rolls his eyes.
“Keepthat up and you're gonna get an iron lung before you're forty,”Diego says.
“Andwhat a thrill that would be,” Klaus retorts. The bickering carrieson after that, and he spends the rest of it tuning out his siblingsand attempting valiantly not to cough.
Hedrags his way out of the room during a longer pause. In the doorway,Allison grabs his arm and slaps something into his palm. It lookslike a bandaid, and Klaus' brain cannot produce what it is.
“Nicotinepatch. I thought you were cleaning up. It might help,” Allisonsays.
“I'llhave to change my shirt. This beige will clash hideously,” Klausreplies.
“Iordered Chinese for tonight– come down later?” Allison asks himas he continues out.
Hethrows a grateful wave behind him.
Hespends the rest of the night alternately chain smoking and hackinguntil his chest is sore.
THURSDAY(31 days sober)
Today,Klaus starts to wonder distantly if there is something wrong with hisimmune system. This cold just doesn't want to go away.
It'sa nice distraction, he supposes.
FRIDAY(32 days sober)
Klaushas just completed almost entirely turning over his room in order tofind the one sketch pad that he'd stashed away years ago. He used toget high and doodle bats and shit during his goth phase.  “Get ahobby” was something they tell you a lot in rehab.
Ithelps that, honestly, Klaus has no energy to do anything but scribbleabsently today. The mere act of searching through his closet justleft him with a racing heart and feeling out of breath. It isactually nice, in a way. The lethargy makes it very easy to settleinto a blanket puddle on the floor with and feel content to scratchout nonsense pictures with a pencil.
Benisn't anywhere to be seen for some reason, and Klaus actually feelslonely.
Ashadow appears looming over him. He looks up to see Five leaning inhis doorway.
“Getup. We're going on a field trip,” Five announces.
“Pass,”Klaus groans.
“Notasking. What, you'd rather laze around here all day?”
Klausdraws his blanket closer around him by way of answer.
Fivegrits his teeth and looks away. His foot is honest-to-god tapping.
“Getup. We need your help. We're gonna let Vanya loose today, and we needall hands on deck,” Five finally explains. Klaus sits up and giveshim an incredulous look.
“DidVanya okay this?” He asks. Five looks at Klaus like he's a cat thathe's trying to coax out of a bush.
“Ofcourse.” Klaus wonders why he bothered asking, his answer trulydoesn't inspire confidence.
“Andhow do you expect me to be of any use?” Klaus asks. On any otherday, he would bask in any remote bit of confidence in his ability,but today the concept of standing up for more than a minute is makinghim dizzy.
“Iseem to recall that you can summon Ben's ghost from the dead, amongothers. Dead people are great collateral if something goes sideways,”Five says.
“Um,great idea, but here's the thing – I can't -ahem- get it up all thetime. Apparently it's more common among mediums than you might think– one in ten!” Klaus says, praying that Five will drop it. Fivelooks at him like he's contemplating murder.
“Look,do you want me to get Luther to come persuade you?” Five threatens.
Klausraises his hands in surrender.
“Uncle,uncle! Christ, let's just get this over with,” he sighs. On the wayout, he grabs his most obnoxious faux fur jacket, partially as a lamegesture of rebellion and partially because he's utterly freezing.
“That'sthe spirit,” Five mutters, and leads the way.
Fiveglanced into the rearview mirror of the car. With Luther crammed intothe passenger seat the atmosphere already feels oppressive enough,but a glimpse into the backseat reveals Vanya nervously perched inthe middle seat, Diego sitting cross-armed and surly on the right,and Klaus completely passed out on the left. The car is packed andradiating nervous energy.
Five eases the car down the bumpy dirt path, the final sign that theyare clear away from civilization. That creep Leonard really had theright idea about a remote cabin in the woods. Plenty of isolation andtrees to practice on. So lacking in human contact is this particularcabin that the unkept foliage lining the path creeps towards theroad, untamed and leaning. The cabin itself is barely a thread awayfrom losing any structural integrity. The windows have maybe threeunbroken panes of glass between them. It's perfect.
Fivebrakes violently, and winces when Klaus' forehead makes a audiblewhack on the window as he smacks himself out of his nap. Not the mostgraceful awakening, but effective. He wants everyone alert.
“Alrighteverybody. Follow me,” he says. He steps out of the car and towardsthe back of the cabin, where he has prepared a paper target on a treeabout fifty feet from the small clearing. It's visible, but wellsurrounded by other trees.
“Diego,wanna demo?” Five asks. Diego furrows his brow, but never turns upan opportunity to throw something sharp. He takes one look at themark and pegs the center ring with a hasty flick of his wrist.
“Doyou expect me to do that? That's not exactly in my wheelhouse, Five,”says Vanya, squinting at the target and looking like she'd rather beanywhere than here.
Fivetakes a handful of loose bullets out of his pocket, and places themon a tree stump.
“Woah,”interjects Luther, “we're not expecting Vanya to have to shootpeople-”
“Ofcourse not,” Five grits out. He expected this, but it doesn't makeit any less tiresome. “This is just an exercise in precision andcontrol.” Vanya looks at him, wary, but she picks up one of thelittle silver ovals and turns it around in her fingertips.
Ittakes the better part of an hour before Vanya manages to drill a holedirectly into the target. It's a bit left of center, but by thatpoint, Diego and Luther have finally relaxed an inch of tension outof their shoulders. Vanya is a quick study, and actually pulls asmile when the little tap of the bullet making contact sounds throughthe forest.
Klaus,for his part, has been lounging like the Queen of Sheba on a softpile of pine needles. His eyes seem out of focus, but he claps whenVanya succeeds.  
“Whooooo,you show that tree who's boss,” he calls. Vanya smiles again. Fivewonders if Klaus might have been more of a liability than anything,considering how spacey he seems for all his apparent sobriety, but ifanything it makes Vanya more relaxed when he yells out some stupidline of encouragement than if it had just been Tweedledee andTweedledum trading constipated looks and flinching every time a twigsnapped.
Fiveis contemplating dragging one more round out of Vanya when Klaus sitsup suddenly at attention.
“Woah,Vanya that's kind of creepy,” Klaus says, looking at something inthe distance. Five walks over to Klaus as he stands up, clearlyalarmed. There are goosebumps running down his arms.
“Whatare you talking about, Klaus?” Five asks, quietly. He doesn't wanta scene.
“Theway she's moving the branches of the trees like that. They're gettingall twisty. I mean it's tasteful but definitely a touch odd, wouldn'tyou say?” Five doesn't know why he looks over to see what Klaus istalking about, but he does. There isn't so much as a light breezerustling the branches.
Suddenly,Five realizes what must be going on and he's furious.
“Jesus,Klaus what are you playing at? Whatever you're tripping on is notworth risking this entire training session,” Five spits. Diegoperks up at that.
“Ithought you were going sober, man,” he says, looking at themsearchingly. Klaus, pale and sweating, does not look like thatbenchmark for clean living.
Klausdoesn't seem to notice, and continues looking at the forest, eyesfollowing something unseen.
“Unbelievable,”Five turns away, taking ten paces and breathing through his nose.
“Klaus,it's okay – I'm not doing anything,” Vanya says. She walkshesitantly towards Klaus, eyes wide and sympathetic.
“Leaveit, Vanya,” Luther cautions. Vanya reaches out a hand on Klaus'sforearm, to try to get his attention. Klaus clears his throatthickly, and coughs a bit into his fist.
“Don'tworry, Vanya- I like it, very pretty,” he says. Vanya's eyes widen.
“Guys,his skin's on fire,” she says. “Klaus, are you okay?” Shereaches a hand up his cheek, which is also burning. He doesn'tanswer, just shivers convulsively.
“Couldit be an overdose?” Luther strides over to them. Diego stiffens.
“Doesn'tseem like it to me,” Diego says. “Doesn't present the way itusually does with whatever garbage he's on.” Five's mind feelsblank.
“I'llstart the car. We have to get him out of here,” he says.
“Ithink he's just sick,” Vanya says. “He's been sounding reallyrough all week, hasn't he?”
“Shit,”says Diego. He moves to pull gently at Klaus' arm to lead him to thecar. Five takes the lead and starts for the front of the cabin.
“Wow,you can make the ground all spinny. That's a cool trick,” Klaustells Vanya. At that, Diego loops one of Klaus's arms around hisshoulder, and they start to haltingly follow after Five.
“Let'sgo, Klaus,” he says. As they make a shaky path towards the car,Five throws the passenger door open for them to slide in. They do,and it's now imminently obvious just how out of it Klaus is. Hemanages to maneuver into the passenger seat shakily, and immediatelyburies his head in his hands.
Fivewastes no time turning on the ignition and sloppily reversing thecar. He narrowly avoids bottoming out in a muddy patch. The car digsout and he slams on the acceleration as quickly as the dirt path willallow.
“Doesanyone have any water or anything?” Luther asks, and Five isdecently impressed that it's actually not a bad idea. There isrustling from the backseat as they all turn over the car searchingfor any provisions that will last them the entire ride back towardscivilization.
“Here,”Vanya finds a water bottle strewn somewhere beneath the seatcushions.
“That'sfor you,” Diego passes it to Klaus, who removes one eye from behindhis hand to look at it like it's a bomb. “I swear to god, Klaus,just take it,” Diego warns. Klaus extends a shaking hand andaccepts it. He takes a tentative sip, and then grimaces. That setshim off, coughing deeply. For each second he continues seeminglyhacking up a lung, Five's foot presses deeper into the acceleration.When he finally stops, Five meets eyes with Diego in the rearviewmirror. Diego looks panicked, and that's not a look Five is used toseeing.
“Jesus,Klaus, where's that stupid ass coat of yours?” Diego asks. “You'reshaking like a leaf.”
“Igrabbed it,” says Vanya.
“Wait-maybe we should try to keep him cool? Right?” Luther interjects.
“Idon't know- do I look like I went to fucking medical school?” Diegoasks, shooting a murderous look at Luther.
“Damn,how long has he been like this sick?” Luther asks no one inparticular.
“Ugh,right here,” Klaus says, breathlessly. “You should ask Ben, he'dknow.”
Diegothrows up his hands.
Suddenly,the car lights up a bright blue and Ben appears crammed betweenLuther and Five, crouched awkwardly on the dashboard.
Five,thrown for a loop, swerves the wheel and almost careens off the road.
“Woah-Five, get it together!” Luther calls. Ben grabs the wheel and pullsthem back on into their lane just in time to avoid hitting a tree.
“Nice,thanks,” Five breaths.
“Ben,”Luther said, dumbstruck.
“Toanswer your question, he's been out of it for a couple of days. Ithink that's why he couldn't see me anymore,” Ben says. Lutherseems unable to process the information, his mouth still gaping open.Ben rolls his eyes.
“I'mjust saying, please can you find some kind of medical professional?Like, ASAP?”
“Nooooo,”Klaus murmers through his hands.
“Klaus,”say Five, Luther and Diego almost simultaneously, all in some variouscombination of desperate frustration and warning.
Vanyareaches over and put a hand on his knee.
“Ithink what they mean is that it's not a debate. You're going to see adoctor.”
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ziracona · 3 years
[The Kid -- (FGO AU) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ?]
Not surprisingly, Ritsuka doesn’t have a lot of information on the building, but she’s got more than I expect, and some pretty solid-sounding educated guesses. Mostly, I’m just worried about my end. That we might not have enough firepower to push through a bunch of mages, especially if I can’t start getting more mana from her. If I fail, and go down in there, I’m getting resummoned to living hell, and she’s probably dead. That’s about the last thing I want, so I need a good plan before going in. Lucky for me, reckless but effective underdog plans are kind of my thing.
Snacking on her rice porridge, I try and work through that while absorbing information. …Figure the first thing I should do is see if there are other servants already summoned in there. I should be able to sense that, once I’m a little less dead. If there are, freeing them would add a lot to our fighting forces—wait, no, they’ll probably be about dead, and she can’t heal them because she doesn’t know how. And she can’t anchor more than one probably, since she’s doing it totally solo. So, they’d just die and vanish... Though, she did say…
“Hey,” I say, interrupting a breakdown of personnel she knows of in R&D. She’s actually really good at this planning stuff too—drawn me a little chart and everything. Her profiles might not be the most photo-realistic, but damn if they aren’t still effective in their own way at conveying what people look like—I’ve seen some of these mages, and I can pick them out from her little doodles on sight. “Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a few things I want to ask—one I meant to ask a while ago; they know you did this?”
Ritsuka looks surprised, then nods, chagrined. “Yeah. I mean, probably. I was able to cause a really good distraction, but there was no way to block the cameras, and I had to use my own card and get recognized to make it in the front at all, so, they do or they will really soon. That’s why I came here, instead of my apartment,” she adds, gesturing to the motel, “I tried to pick a list of hotels and motels I wouldn’t pick from usually, and then I chose one randomly from that list, and paid in cash. I hope that’s enough to make me harder to find.”
I don’t know if it will be myself, but I’m impressed she thought that far ahead. Maybe she has a knack for life on the lamb herself. Not a bad little escape plan.
“I’m kind of worried about Mom and Dad,” she adds quietly, glancing at her hands, “I haven’t talked to them at all, because I thought it would put them in danger, but what if it does anyway?”
Oh. I watch her, and the pain and fear there she’s trying to be brave about. She…isn’t just nice, and good, and a bleeding heart; she’s sacrificed a lot personally to help me.
“Won’t happen,” I promise firmly, “We’ll take care of things before that.”
“You sure?” she asks worriedly, trying to stop her eyes from getting misty.
I nod. “Promise. They won’t go there first. They’ll be lookin’ for me, and worried about me comin back right now. Then they’ll try to locate you. Family is more useful if they can just tap the phones and see if you contact—probably won’t even risk spooking them for a while. We got some time.”
That reassures her, and she looks a lot better. Returns my nod.
“…Wait, when you said ‘distraction’ a minute ago,” I say, that little detail clicking late.
“Oh,” she says, “Yeah. Well. I needed the power to go out in the building, and people to not be guarding you so I could get in. I couldn’t bypass doors or alarms, because I don’t know magic or tech stuff, so I had to make sure the whole building was on emergency protocol to make it easy for staff to evacuate to get in there at all. I couldn’t do that any fancy trick way, so, I looked up how to make a bomb and blew up a storage wing on the second floor I knew was empty.”
Holy shit.
“I-I checked the building schematics and asked several people you had to pay online to make sure it wasn’t a big part of the structural integrity!” she defends anxiously, misreading my response, “I made sure I wasn’t gonna knock down the building or kill somebody!”
“No—I’m impressed!” I say, lighting up, “That’s genius!”
“Really?” she asks.
“Hell yeah!!” I say, “Smart to not pick ground floor either. Means they know the threat came from inside the building—it’ll throw ‘em into a panic. And taking out the power? –You taught yourself how to make a bomb?”
“It actually wasn’t that hard,” she says, flushing, “…kind of scary how easy, actually. I had to get components from all different places, and pay in cash so my bank wouldn’t get suspicious, but. It was easier than I thought.”
Damn, she does have a knack. A strong one.
“You’d’ve made a damn fine outlaw,” I say.
For a second she seems to be unsure if that’s meant as a compliment or an insult, and then she hesitantly grins back. “Yeah? Huh. I’m not used to people thinking I’m good at stuff.”
From the far-away look on her face I don’t think she really meant to say that out loud, so I grin and answer before she has a chance to realize it. “Guess you never found something that interested you before.”
She glances at me and nods. “So, what else did you want to ask about?”
“Oh—your circuits. You said you possess a lot of mana?” I ask, “You find out any more about that while doing research there?”
“I did,” she says, passing me my eighth chocolate and unwrapping one for herself and munching on it, “Basically, they told me I’m super weird, and it’s like my body is tapped into a family lineage crest with more magic than it knows what to do with. But I don’t even have a mage crest!”
Not totally sure what that means, but I nod like I do because I get most of it from context.
“So, they say it’s like if I had a connection to a big like, whole lake full of mana. Waaaay more than even mages from good bloodlines have. But my circuits aren’t designed to access it all.”
“So you can’t get at it?” I ask.
“Well, this is gonna sound stupid, but it was the version that made the most sense to me,” she replies, “One of the assistants told me it was like if you had a whole lake of mana, but you could only get any of it out with a garden hose. It’s all there, but it’s just…not designed to be used all at once. They don’t think I could probably ever throw it all into one big spell attack, even with years of training. But, I’d have the most amazing mage stamina they ever saw. They said in a Holy Grail war I might be ridiculously weak at offering any combat support, but I could support all seven servants at the same time on my own if I tried, and then some!” She flashes me a big grin, very proud of that.
Interesting. “So. It’s not tirin you out?” I ask, “Our contract?”
She shakes her head. “I can barely tell. I can’t tell at all energy-wise. I just can feel there’s a connection there, kind of like an invisible thread.”
“Wow. You know most mages can barely support a servant outside a situation with extra support like the grail offers during a war, right?” I ask her.
She blinks at me. “For real?”
I nod. “I hear it’s exhausting.”
She stares at the far wall, then extends her arms and looks at them in wonder.
“You think you could support another?”
Ritsuka glances back from her hands. “Another servant—spirit?” she corrects. It’s cute—girl keeps refusing to call us that even though I do it so automatically. I nod. She nods back. “Yeah, easy.”
“How many you think you could do at once?” I ask.
“Uhm. …I don’t know. Twelve?” she guesses. Holy shit that’s a lot. “Probably more. But definitely at least that many if they all feel like this does. Why?”
I glance down at the little hand-drawn map sitting on the bed. “Because if they already got more servants in there, and we pick ‘em up as we go, a lot of our problems with this plan go away.”
“But, I can’t really support any of them,” she says worriedly, “I’m barely giving you enough to heal you slowly. None of you will be able to use much magic to fight.”
“True,” I reply, “But one of us can do a hell of a lot even without access to a noble phantasm. And more importantly, they won’t know how limited we are. That’s an edge.”
She thinks that over. “…Yeah. I. I guess it is…It’d throw them off, and make them feel overwhelmed and probably get them to panic.”
I nod. “Only problem is healing one of us enough we can get going.”
“Oh yeah,” she says, hopeful expression falling.
“I know you don’t know that kind of spell, but if there’s somewhere we could get stuff to do it for us—some mages use Mystic Codes or enchanted objects, right? I don’t guess you know of any—”
She’s shaking her head. “I’m sorry,” she says miserably, “I don’t even know where in Ur-shanabi something like that might be stored.”
Damn. I was really hoping. …
“I’m sorry I’m useless,” she says quietly, looking down at her hands and the seals there.
“You aren’t,” I reassure her, “I’m just as useless at magecraft as you—more. You’d have been better off with a caster. They’d actually know how to help. But we’ll figure somethin’ out.”
She’s still looking at her hand. Straightens up a little and turns it to inspect, then looks over at me. “Could I heal one of you with a command spell?”
“Yeah, I think,” I say, “But only twice, before being out of ‘em for good.” Mages all consider the last one one you don’t use, anyway. It’s the safeguard—the threat you keep so if your spirit turns on you, you can put us down. The loaded gun. I don’t bring that up though, because she probably knows, and as long as I’m up, she ain’t gonna need it, even if one of the others decides to cause her trouble.
“Right, and there might be more than two in there,” she says unhappily, lowering her hand.
I’m thinking back hard as I watch her, running over everything I’ve ever heard from a mage or a caster about how any of this works. I want to help. I want this to work, but I also want to repay what little I can. I wish Geronimo was here…
“…I know there’s supposed to be ways to fix the problem you’re havin’,” I offer after a second, wishing I knew more and had more to offer, “Someone who knows magic should be able to teach you to use it better, and that’d fix the problem, but I can’t do that. …What you need is someone who can. … You got any idea how to summon one of us? I could help you find a leyline, and-”
She’s shaking her head again. “I don’t know how at all. And it’s not something I can just look up. …I could try, but. I don’t have any artifacts, or practice, or knowledge, and it would probably just be dangerous and I’d draw attention to myself.”
I think hard. “We could try.”
“How? We don’t even have a source of power? You need a lot of mana at once to try and summon a heroic spirit without something like a grail present. I saw a little part of the summon circle at Ur-shanabi once and it was HUGE. I’ve never even felt so much magic in one place—”
“Wait, all you need is a big burst of mana?” I ask, suddenly excited.
“What? Uh—yeah, but I mean big. Way big! Big like I couldn’t do—”
“—But I could!” I insist.
She stares at me. “But…how? You can’t use a noble phantasm without disappearing, because I’m bad at supplying mana.”
“No, no other spirit could use their phantasm like this. Me? I can,” I say proudly, a slow smile starting.
“What?” says Ritsuka, “How? That’s impossible—what do you mean?”
“You know, I’m starting to think this whole thing bein’ you and me was for a reason,” I say instead of answering outright, snagging another little chocolate from the tray and giving her a smile as I do, “See, I don’t really have a noble phantasm, actually.”
“Wait, what??”
“Well, I do, but only kinda,” I explain, “It’s not an object or a chant, it’s the act of me firin’ my colt a specific way, so, it’s a noble phantasm technically, but it’s technically also just a skill, and it’s more technically a skill than a phantasm.” I am so god damn proud of myself right now—the look on her face is amazing. This feels great! “Not having a traditional one ain’t always the best thing, because it means mine is a real split-second kinda deal, but it’s damn powerful for that split second. And since my phantasm is more just a part of me than a specific act or item, it costs way less mana than any other noble phantasm I ever seen—or know of.”
“Wait for real?” she asks, gaping at me as her eyes light up.
I nod. “Sure is. I think with a little more rest, I could pull it off once without exhausting my core. If you can set up a circle, you can use the quick burst of mana from it to try and summon someone else. We’ll have to practice, because it’s a split second and you’ll have to call to the throne exactly when I use it, but I think we could do it.”
“Whoa.” She says. Her eyes are shining and I see the faint trace of a smile starting to form as she looks over and meets my gaze. “That…could work. I mean—I don’t know how to summon a spirit properly, but I know in theory how it works. Do you think that’s enough? You really think we could do it?”
“Well, I don’t see a reason not to try,” I say.
“But—how will I be sure I’ll get someone who can help?” she asks.
“Well, any numbers help, and any spirit’s gonna be pretty interested in this not happening to them, so I think anybody you summon would help us. It’s more complicated than that, though. Being summoned….it works multiple ways. Most of the time, you got no choice, except if you go willingly or unwillingly—you go either way. But occasionally they’re set up so the mage and the spirit both have to agree. I’ve never been on the mage end of a summons, but on our side you can usually sense the intent of a call. Occasionally we even get to choose if we want to answer. Since you and I ain’t gonna have anything close to the power to drag a spirit from the throne, it’ll be one of those, which is great, because it means if anybody shows up, they’ll have come because they heard you and wanted to come help. Just be honest and specific in what you need, and who you are. I think you’ll get lucky. I’m pretty sure if I heard someone like you asking for help plain and simple and I could do it, I’d take the pact.”
“Really?” she asks like it means something big to her.
“Yeah,” I say, and I mean it.
She smiles at me. “Okay. Great! I guess we have nothing to lose. I’ll try to set something up, and you just focus on feeling better and getting that energy back.”
“Will do,” I agree with a smile, watching her hop up and snag all her notes and diagrams and start trying to organize them. “You’ve done a lot too, though,” I add, “Make sure to get yourself some rest as well.”
The gal glances over and returns my smile. “I will. Thanks. But I’m okay—I took an accidental power nap on the floor, so I’ve got like eight more hours in me.” She proudly makes a muscle. “You want some tea before going back to sleep?”
“Sure,” I say, bemused as she vanishes back down the little hall.
This has all gone some kind of way, but, I’m surprisingly…Hopeful.
I remember the coin then, and that feeling bottoms out. Please don’t have been summoned yet, I pray, feeling a little sick.
I want so bad to think he’s not here yet, but I got a bad feeling. Did I sense him, when I was in Ur-shanabi, and I just can’t remember because I was so weak, or am I just paranoid and afraid? I don’t know. God, I hope at least he hasn’t been there anything close to as long as me. I hope he hasn’t been summoned at all. I should be trying to guess at the others, but there’s just way too many of us could be most of them. Clay pot means older ages spirit, letter means…well, recent enough for paper to survive, and shuriken means one from the east, but the earring could be anybody, and I can’t focus on it anyway. Why did it have to be somebody I know? And like? I’m trying to remember for sure how he died.
…I’m…I’m pretty sure he was bled to death slowly by a nun that was supposed to help him.
Why did we all have to die so terribly? I don’t like to think of him like that, but in my head it’s all I can see now. That terrible workshop, with its cold metal and saturated mana in the air that makes you sick with the taste of every breath, people walking by all the time to look at you like an animal in a cage. …Bolted down to the floor and cut up everywhere, half-awake in a massive puddle of his own blood. I don’t want to see that; I don’t want it to happen; I don’t want it to happen to him. He’s been through enough shit—he’s my friend.
But I got a bad feeling.
Please don’t be here, Robin. Please, God, don’t let them have picked him to summon yet.
A really bad feeling…
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