#then like
Every time I see someone acting like OFMD caters to straight people or is innoffensive or that the show isn't unapologetically queer enough their arguments always seem to amount to "No real queer rep has ever existed in history" when taken to it's logical conclusion. Like they gave us a rom com about gay men which included a nonbinary character who just was nonbinary and didn't explain themselves to the audience and then people immediately started saying "but they don't even have lesbians" because that's the knit pick for a show that takes place in a male dominated setting (a pirate ship) and the crew was like "Ok heard here's some lesbians" and then the goalpost shifted to "the polyamory wasn't poly enough" (are Jackie and Husbands chopped liver to you girl?) And at this point we're one intersex person away from the whole fucking LGBTQIA acronym, one of the characters has successfully transitioned into a fucking bird, there was an entire drag show, and we haven't seen a single named heterosexual character in 8 entire episodes. Like I'm sorry if this is not gay enough for you then nothing is.
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I do find it kind of funny how everyone is taking the nyarlathotep thing bc they’re all taking it as validation where when I heard it I heard Harlan winding up to hit a bees nest and then go “FUCKING IDIOT SHUT UP.” Directly into my face about one of my fav theories. I need it on the record that this was a positive thing for me I love when Harlan is a bitch.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Would it be alright if I request a Yandere Platonic Killua and Gon and Yandere Hisoka and Illumi with a F!Tanjiro Reader (Who has Nezuko with her) that’s very affectionate, kind and warm towards them, yet becomes fiercely protective of them (She broke some of Illumi and Hisoka’s ribs in anger over their unhealthy behavior/interest towards Gon, Killua and Nezuko) and Killua and Gon instantly imprinted on Reader as their ‘Big Sister’ after this (Killua is very protective of Reader and Nezuko because of how kind they are to him like with Gon) Killua likes how Reader makes him feel warm (As in he feels safe and he can always trust Reader with anything)
Meanwhile Illumi and Hisoka became interested in Reader because of her strength and skill (Harming a Zoldyck and a Phantom Troupe Nember without Nen is an impressive feat worthy enough to potentially marry in the Zoldycks, while Hisoka is just being his creepy ass self)
I’m so hyper-fixated on Hunter x Hunter right now
i know i probably shouldn't say this kind of thing since i don't even take requests anymore, but there's always been something so unintentionally selfish about this kind of prompt to me. 'hey just write me space opera when you have the time pls' babe when would i have the time. in what world would i possibly have the time. for free, nonetheless.
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glitchy-grump · 1 year
Im normal
Tumblr media
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contraposed · 6 months
i love the aesthetic of like . tomtord w/ red leader tord and labrat monster tom but its just like. on one level this super fucked up dynamic where tord uses tom to test his weird genetic modifications on and where tord gets a kick out of watching him suffer&be frustrated. but on another level tords still the same loser idiot hes always been and their dynamic still has this weirdly mild petty tone to it. frenemies i suppose.. a layer of trauma bonding too… where like tom has NO ONE ELSE anymore and so when tord graces him w his presence hes both endlessly pissed at him and also desperate for normal social interaction. tord has to check his blood in the middle of the night bc he may have fucked up a dosage & toms so tired that he falls asleep against him and tord has this horrible moment of like. tom (to a degree) tRusts him again bc in the beginning he wouldve NEVER. and that feels worse it makes the bad stuff REAL
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bucket-of-nickels · 3 months
Me bc I know no matter how much I beg my father, he's not take my ass to Texas to see stomach book
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thxnks4themrms · 4 months
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uozlulu · 3 months
I haven't been around much. I had to pick up a lot of chores lately but that's died down and now I've got this weird new schedule that I created in response to the chores obliterating my other schedule so who knows when I'm going to find balance again @___@
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mellylari · 5 months
do you think ichiro gets into fandom discourse
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ossydrawsthingz335 · 3 months
yall remember cohost?
yea me neither lol
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transgenderboobs · 2 years
the word 'continuation' fills my heart with fear cuz i'm still over here hoping it's Not some kind of post canon sequel DFJGHLKDFJGHDFJGHDF
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urban-hart · 1 year
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ironmanstan · 7 months
feel like ten doctor who rn
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Also having some not-entirely-formed but nonetheless interesting thoughts about the grimdark genre and how we’re often told that it’s the only valid fictional framework because it “reflects reality.” Wherein, evidently, everyone is morally relativistic and/or outright amoral, everything is bad and heartbreaking and violent, happy endings aren’t real, and that this is the only possible way for fiction to be “sophisticated” and “complex” enough to appeal to the oh-so-intelligent postmodern consumer, who only feels emotion ironically. And just.... really? That’s how all of “real life” is all the time, for everyone, everywhere? We’re supposed to just suffer and do bad things in reality AND in fiction, and that’s the only thing that gives the human experience meaning....?
Aside from being profoundly cynical, pessimistic, and, one would argue, not actually reflective of most people’s day-to-day lives on the individual and human level, it makes me wonder how much of this is a controlling/conditioning tactic used in the service of maintaining the status quo. Like, think about it. If you strongly believe that grimdark fiction “reflects reality” because everything is terrible and there’s no point in trying to change anything because everyone is just as bad and selfish as you, then are you actually going to do that in real life? I’m going to say no. Why exactly do we have so much media pushing this as the main message, and who stands to benefit from promoting a message that the world consists entirely of pointless cynicism and you should just kinda throw up your hands and give up on it?
Of course, this doesn’t mean stripping your narratives of all conflict, drama, emotion, darkness, genuine evil, and complex morality. As I’ve said before, I personally enjoy stories and characters that tend toward the thematically darker and more complicated, because it opens more avenues to ask important questions and come up with nuanced answers. Aside from the patently stupid argument that fiction should only reflect or represent things that would be “acceptable” in real life, trying to sanitize or censor it is as prudish and pointless as trying to sanitize or censor reality. So when I’m critiquing “grimdark,” that doesn’t mean all dark or violent fiction everywhere, or anything with themes or plot dynamics more complex than a fluffy coffee-shop AU. I mean the particular subgenre which makes the cynicism, violence, amorality, and “what’s-it-all-for?” nihilism its entire philosophical and moral point, and then holds that up as also being essentially representative of real life too, so that anyone who doesn’t get that also doesn’t get “the way things actually are” and is too naive and stupid to really think that they could have an effect on the world. And just... this is literally known to be, for example, Vladimir Putin’s exact mindset: make any change as difficult and painful as possible, demoralize anyone from thinking that positive morality is even desirable or achievable, or that the world is anything more than selfish, violent actors performing selfish and violent actions until they all spiral down into the abyss together. That is bleak as fuck. And if that’s what you believe, that’s going to be how you act.
This is even more ridiculous because people demonstrably like stories where there’s allowed to be genuine good, love, hope, healing, or redemption, even if it comes paired with that darkness, pain, death, grief, and trauma. The best recent example of this is, again, the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series. There are plenty of scenes that are absolutely harrowing, emotionally and viscerally, and outright painful to watch just because of the amount of in-universe darkness attached to them and the fraught histories that the characters have together. But the series weaves a consistent message of goodness through it as well. Its entire central emotional conflict is about love, the loss of that love, and finding a way to move on even in the midst of that same dark night of the soul. It doesn’t cheapen or play down the pain and suffering, but it doesn’t make it the entire, agonizing, bash-you-over-the-head-again-and-again moral point. The hero is allowed to move on from it, and for his good choices to matter both individually and to the world at large. This was clearly a message that viewers responded to, both as Star Wars fans and more generally. They liked being allowed to experience a narrative where endless sacrifice, destruction, and suffering weren’t the only thing, even if they existed strongly. That there was more to life, and more to human experience, than that.
Anyway. Fiction and reality always complement and inform each other, due to the innate human fondness for stories and structured narratives that reveal something to us about our interaction as sentient beings living together in a society. I just wonder what changes to our current society would be possible if we started valuing this kind of story more.
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lesenbyan · 1 year
Tfw trying real hard to nap but OCD starts composing my essay about how time, as we call it, isn't actually real
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kitonmitons · 11 months
stumbled upon some sims youtube drama abt lilsimsie that was basically like. Mostly hating the way she played the game ? And hating on her for using cheats to get past minor inconveniences. which like i guess ??? But like it’s literally not that deep like this person was beyond pissed at her
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