#then my sister was like 'yes monsters ARE stinky' which killed me
silvermoon424 · 1 month
I was hanging out with my niece (who's nearly 4) and the news was on in the background. A picture of Trump came on and she called him stinky 💀💀💀
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Hewwo! I would like to ask a few things about your Little Nightmares AU bc your AU reminded me that LN is a cool game (if you don't mind me asking ofc-) ✊😔 are the monster extremely big like in the game or are they a normal height? How did the kids knew the masks would help? Are Millie's parents dead in your AU? The words you used give me that energy- AND do you have anything about FunFred? 👀👀 I need to know about my stinky son...
Hewwo! Yes, the monsters are big, keep in mind the protagonists are between 4’7 feet and 6’2 feet (between 1.43meters and 1.89meters), the monsters are bigger than 12 feet (the shortest would be Eleanor, but she's still pretty tall). Each mask has a handwritten note from Arthur that says “If you wish to escape this dreadful place, wear this on your face to protect yourself from the Malhare”.
There are also written messages on the walls that provide warnings that have written by kids (most of whom never escaped and died later on), Stanley, Bob, Arthur, and Matt (before he was brainwashed), the messages usually say things along the lines of “Beware the Malhare”, “Don’t look at the screens”, “Watch out for Funtime”, and “Don’t go into the water”. The monsters also write taunts on the walls but I’ll discuss that at another point.
Millie's parents are deceased in this AU, which is why her grandpa would do anything to protect her, he use to have her hide under the sink when she was small enough. He knows he's too old to try and escape but he will do anything, and I mean anything, if Millie has the chance to escape. No one else knows she exists because she would have been killed by now.
Funtime Freddy in this AU is bigger than his normal height in my regular AU (he is a similar height to Lefty in my regular AU), he is closer to 13 feet, he easily towers over Millie, of course when she stumbles into his area, he is excited to hear someone in his area (he would be saying lines like “I know you're over there somewhere!” and “I can see you over there in the dark!” which he says in Sister Location).
Funtime Freddy's areas are loaded with traps, imagine the Hunter's area (which is seen in the recent demo for Little Nightmares 2), with hidden bear traps, cages, guillotine like traps that are activated by a trip wire. There's also a door which when open, will let a Lonely Freddy in the room to find Millie, which means Millie has to avoid Lonely Freddy (who can run pretty quickly and usually can only be outsmarted by quickly hiding out of view) and Funtime Freddy who is ready to Count the Ways to kill his new “victim”.
He does also smell bad, I imagine when Millie gets close to the area she says “Ew, it smells like a butcher's shop in here”, only to in fact realise the smell is Funtime Freddy who smells like death.
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messedupessy · 5 years
well hello there again fjajjd yes. last time i really liked thoe anecdotes, i would love to listen to more stories that happened to you guys if that's okay ? (that is the second ask so fjksjd there, sayig it here. congrats essy, you're doing great ♡♡♡) -B☆
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“AH! AHOY BABEH FRUNCH FRYE!”, Pass exclaims happily at seeing you, his whole face brightening as he looks at you grinning widely, his hands on his hips. “AN’ YE WAANT MAIR TAILS O’ OOR ADVUNTURES AYE? HOWFUR ABOOT YIN THAT AH DIDNAE GIT TAE TEILL LEST TIEME ALS SOMEBODIE  DECIDNE TAE CAUNTSTANTALY INTARUPT!”
Pass gives Boney an accusing look, which Boney replies with by looking as innocent as he can, which no one is buying because he is doing it in as dramatic of a fashion that he can for shits and giggles.   
((Transtlation: Ah! Ahoy baby french fry! And you want more tales of our adventures aye? how about one that I didn’t get to tell last time as someone decided to constantly interupt!))
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“what? would i do that? interupt ya?”, Boney says, holding a hand on his chest in mock offense. “i’m hurt brother, that ya would accuse me of such wrongdoin’s.”
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“MWHEHEE AYE AH DO! YA KEN WHIT YE DUID, YA SCRAUNDEL!”, Pass laughs, he then turns back to you excitedly. “BIT YE WAANTAD UZ TAE TEILL YE A STOORY!”
Pass’s expression turned thoughtful as he tried to think of a story to tell, as he and his brother had been through many adventures together and there were many, many stories he could choose from. 
((Transtlate: mwhehee aye I do! you know what you did, you scroundel! but you wanted us to tell you a story! ah! I know! how about the one where we murder this fat slaver and freed all of his slaves and set fire to his house?))
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“ ohh, that’s a classic.”, Boney nodded. “tho i will be takin’ over tha tell et so tha save our so ever lovely creator from writin’ too much of pass’s accent.”
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((translation: aww but I wanted to tell it! Buuuut I guess you can tell it this time! the story start under the cut!))
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“all right, with that done with let’s get this story started, cutie.”, Boney says giving you a wink. 
“it all happened a couple of years ago now, back when we still were human, our younger sister lachina asked us fer a favor tha get some documents from a slaver at l’hôpital.”, Boney visibly shuddered at the name in disgust. “it’s tha center of the slave trade here in tha caribbean an’… well it’s a down right horrible place tha live in if you’re a person of colour, or a monster as there are a couple monster slaves as well, tho they aien’t that common.”
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“AN’ AYE, TAIRIBLE STAID.”, he grimaced but his expression turned determined. “TIS A STEIR AH WIDNA MYND BYRN TAE THE GROON’!”
((Translate: Aye Lachina! she be our sister though not by blood, but we see us as siblings anyhow, we haven’t talked with her for awhile now though, we should change that! And aye, terrible place! It’s a place I wouldn’t mind burning down to the ground!))
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“aye, likewise.”, Boney agreed with a nod, before he continued with the story. “but tha plan we came up with was tha dress me up an’ then sell me as a slave to tha guy since i be tha one with tha darker skin an’ better actin’ skills, an’ since tha bastard was well known in his love fer pretty young boys also, well… alas me brother wasn’t up fer tha task.”
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((Translate: aye I be a different kind of pretty back as a human.))
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“aye, lucky ya brother. as i ended up gettin’ me bum pinched by that disgustin’ piece of sheit.”, Boney grimaced in disgust at the memory. “as i had tha seduce tha guy a bit so pass could sneak inta the mansion undetected, he of course had tha cup a feel on me bum an’ i will nevah forgive him fer that.”
“so et sure felt good tha shove me knife in that bastards arse when pass finally arrived.”, Boney grinned satisfyingly and a tad bit bloodthirsty. “it’s what that kind of man deserves fer tha harm he done tha innocent people.”
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“AYE AHN WE TIAED THA GEY UP, GIT TH’ DOCAMETS AN’ THAN WE SETT FYRA THA TH’ HOUS!”, Pass exclaimed gleefully, his eye lights stars at the memory.
((Translate: aye and we tied the guy up, got the documents and then we set fire to the house!))
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“aye, that wasn’t part of tha plan but…”, Boney shrugged. “it’s what pieces of sheits like him deserved, he got burnt alive while me an’ pass escaped without a scratch.”
“don’t worry tho, pass had made a sweep of tha estate before he set his fires so no one but tha fat bastard got hurt.”, he added reassuringly. “we ended up gettin’ chewed out by our sister later but et sure was worth it, as we did get tha job done an’ since we killed tha bastard et let some of her people to sneak in and free tha slaves that was there, so win win.”
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“BIT!”, he then suddenly said, turning fully towards you with a mischevious grin, his eyes a bit lidded as he continued his voice a little lower. “A LITTALE- WE BURDIE TALT YE WUNTAD SOMETHIN’ FAE ME.”
Pass then pulls you into a hug, then suddenly he lifts you up and spins you for a bit with a laugh before setting you back down, and then he presses two kisses on each of your cheeks with a happy grin. 
“TU ES UN BÉBÉ QUE PUE.”, he then murmured flirtily, but with a really bad accent but his words were still pretty clear. 
((Translation: the end! what a exciting story that was wasn’t it? bit! a tiniest birdie told me you wanted something from me. you’re a baby who smells.))
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Boney let out a snort, and then burst out laughing as he couldn’t keep himself quiet anymore and instead began laughing so hard he cried.
“i-i nyehehehe!”, he wheezed, trying to say something but kept getting interrupted by his own laughter. “can’t-can’t believe ya actually said et nyeheheheh!”
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 Pass looked a bit confused for a second before realization hit his features, and he turned around to glare at Boney who just kept on laughing, beginning to laugh too.
“MWHEHEHEE AH SHUID HAID KENT ASKUIN’ YE FUR FRUNCH LASSEUNS WIS A MISTAK!”, he laughed as he turned towards Boney, his hands raised in a groping fashion as his expression turned mischievous. “PREPAIR YE SELF FUR MA  REVANGE BRUTHA, FER AH WINNA BE MERCAFYUL!”
((Translate: I should had knows asking you for french lessons was a mistake! Prepare yourself for my revenge brother, for I won’t be merciful!))
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“nyehehehe oh sheit-!”, Boney laughed nervously in turn, knowing that look on Pass’s face way too well, he then proceeded to quickly make his escape while Pass ran after him, his hands outstretched while shouting insults and how Boney couldn’t run forever.
Which was true as suddenly there was a loud screech of a laugh from Boney, quickly followed by more laughter and also cries.
Because no one can escape tickle master Pass.
((here ya go bb french fry enjoy, and yes I got Princey to ask you how to say that in french bc I sneaky :>c ilu u stinky bb❤  )) 
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exoticcal · 7 years
Jared Kleinman x Reader: Ditto
OHOHO did i hear you take requests?? Can I maybe have a Jared Kleinman X Fem!Reader where he and reader are childhood friends and Jared confesses to her while they’re hanging out?? >:3cc Btw, love your writing.
A/N: Oh shit!! I wrote something?!! I’m sorry if this is shitty, I really tried but im a little rusty. My requests are open and I’m open to receive criticism 
“Hey, (Y/N), are we still on for tonight?” You hear a familiar voice call out to you from behind as you shove some of you belongings into your bag. 
“Of course! It’s our normal Friday night ritual. Tonight you get to pick the movie, remember?” You say, spinning around to meet his eyes. 
“I know I am, do you think I forget these things so easily?” He quietly gasps, looking offended. “Do you remember what you have to do tonight?” He smirks, cocking his head at you.
You squint your eyes, “ I’m bringing the snacks.” You walk past him. “Do you think I’d forget that?” You tease, moving along to your final class. 
“I don’t know, sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours.” He calls out, walking in the opposite direction that you’re walking in.
“Fuck off, Kleinman!” You yell, a teasing tone evident in your voice.
“Love you too, (Y/L/N)!” He yells back. 
He looks down, pushing his glasses up as he thinks about you. A pink blush, fanning across his cheeks. He couldn’t get his mind off of you, for the past week he’s been waiting for tonight so he can spend time with you. He knew he liked you. He just didn’t want to ruin you ongoing  friendship. He shakes his head slightly, you couldn’t possibly feel the same way. You probably view him as an annoying brother or something. He frowns as he plops down in his seat of his class.
However, on the opposite side of the school. You’re replying that sentence in your head, “Love you too,”... You felt your heart flutter and your cheeks heat up. You tried shrugging off this feel that you had but couldn’t help but replay it over and over in your mind throughout the last class. 
As the bell rings you found yourself making your way to your car in the parking lot, unlocking it and throwing your bag inside. You look up and see four cars down, Jared doing the exact same thing. 
“Hey, Kleinman. What time are you thinking for tonight?” His head snaps up, clearly startled by you. His face flushing pink as he regains his composure. 
“J-Jesus Christ, (Y/N)... How about 8?” He questions. 
“Okay, sounds good. See ya then.” You smile in response, climbing inside your car. You turn on your car and drive out of the school lot and make your way home.
You prepare a “just in case overnight bag”, just in case. You then decide to shower so you’re not stinky or anything, as you get out of your shower your mind suddenly repeats the sentence from earlier.
“Why am I still thinking out that?” You groan, out-loud. You get dressed and start to blow dry your hair and that’s when it hits you.
“Do I like him?” You question, staring at your eyes through the mirror. You think about all of the memories that you’ve shared with this boy over the past 10 years and felt your heart leap within your chest.
“Holy shit. I like Kleinman.” As soon as you admitted that to yourself other thoughts soon flooded your mind. 
How foolish could you be? Him like you?? He probably thinks of you as a sister or something. He’s also too attractive to be with you, what are you even thinking? You groan out in annoyance, running a hand through your damp hair. 
You resume getting ready before leaving your house to go to the store. You walk into the store and make you way over to the chip section. The best thing for you to do is not say anything, he’s your best friend. You cant lose him. You grab a bag of his and your favorite chips and then a common dip that you two both like and set them in the cart. Moving to the sugary candy aisle your eyes scan the shelves as you look for his favorite candy.
You cringe as you remember the first time you witnessed him eating them for the first time. It was one of the first movie nights back in 8th grade, you just so happened to look over at him as he-
“(Y/N)?” A quiet voice knocks you out of your memory. You turn your head and see the anxious boy, Evan, shyly waving at you. “A-Are you getting food for that thing you and Jared do?” He questions, walking up and standing beside you.
“Why yes I am, Evan.” You smile, grabbing 3 bars of kitkats, placing them in the cart then grabbing a good amount of your favorite candy.
“D-Do friends normally do what you two do?” He asks.
You nod, before speaking. “Well, friends who have known each as long as Jared and I have known each other do. Not all friend do them all the time.” You look at him.
“You two must enjoy each others company.” He smiles, looking at you. 
You blush and nod, turning away with your cart. “Y-Yeah. Well, I gotta keep gathering snacks for tonight. I’ll see you on Monday, Evan.” You quickly left the aisle you were in, trying to calm yourself down. 
If just the mention of him makes you blush like crazy, what will happen when your with him in person? You shake your head, trying to forget about it all and continue shopping.
After you finish, you go back to your house and write out a note to your parent(s) just informing them where you’ll be at if anything happens and then make your way over to your best friends house.
After a 10 minute drive you pull up to his house, grabbing your stuff and the bags with snacks and walk up to his front door. Kicking is gently since you hands are somewhat full. A few second later the door opens to reveal a comfy Jared in his pajamas, he quickly takes bags from you as he welcomes you in. 
“Make yourself comfy! I’ll prepare the foods and drinks!” He cheers, moving into the kitchen. You smile and instantly feel comfortable in his home where you’ve spent way too much time in. 
“Did you set the living room up yet?” You ask, walking towards the closet that blankets and extra pillows are stashed in. 
“No, I totally forgot to. You can set that up if you’d like.” He responds, opening the bags of chips and emptying them in separate bowls. You let out a loud but joking sigh as you begin setting the couch up for the hours to come of movie watching.
As you finished and plopped down onto the couch, Jared walked out with everything in his arms and hands. He slowly sets everything down successfully and sits besides you. 
“Let’s get this shizz started!” He grabbed the remote and turned the tv on to show the title screen of what movie you two were going to start with.
“...Kleinman, I’m going to kill you..” You uttered, rubbing your temples as you gaze at the screen.
“The Bee Movie is a classic, (Y/N)!” He laughs, pressing play. Leaning forward towards the table with the snacks placed on it. “You got me kitkats?!” He gasps, as he rips open the wrapper.
“Of course, just don’t eat it th-” You say, turning to look at him as he takes a bite out of all four of them at once. “you monster... I am disgusted.” You spew, cringing at him as he chews.
“Yeah, but you love me.” He states after swallowing. You nearly choked on your spit as you felt your face flush pink. 
“Whoa, hey, you okay??” He places his hand on your back, looking at you worriedly. You try to regain your composure and look at him, finding yourself turning even more red. 
“Dude, you’re so red. Are you sure you’re okay??” You nod in response before looking at the screen.
“I-I’m fine!” You reassure, not looking over at him. Making him sit there and think if he did anything wrong or if it was nothing. And so you two sat, watching the movie in silence.
Awkward silence. 
Suddenly you felt the couch shift beside you and a hand place itself on your knee, you snap your head to look at Jared as he looks at you, with an unreadable expression.
“(Y/N)...” He breaths out, breaking your eye contact. “I gotta tell you something..”
You nod slowly, you mind flooding with all the possible things he could say to you and you grow anxious. “I-I’m listening, Jared.” He knew that you were taking him serious since you never call him by his first name which allowed him to continue.
“I really enjoy hanging out with you a lot, I always have. You make me happy and I’m so grateful to have you in my life, I’ve know you since we were convinced that boy and girls had cooties and I’m happy to still know you today.” He takes in a shaky breath before continuing, “I’m super happy to know you today, you’re amazing and kind and likable and beautiful, wow you’re so beautiful and I guess what I’m trying to get at is ibasicallyreallyreallylikeyouandfeltlikeyouneededtoknow.”
You sit there, soaking everything he had just said in while gazing down at your lap.
“Fuck, i probably messed everything up lets just forget I even said a thi-” You cut him off with a quick kiss.
“Ditto dude.” Was all you could manage to say.
“D-Ditto?! I just confess to you and you say ditto??” He squeaks, face red as he runs his finger over his lips. 
“Y-Yeah! Ditto!” You laugh, leaning forward. “I could said something that means the complete opposite meaning that I don’t reciprocate the same feelings but i did-.” Now was his turn to cut you off, his lips molding to yours as he places his hand on your cheek before pulling away a few seconds after.
“Ditto works for me.”
“Just kiss me, Kleinman.”
“As you wish, babe.” 
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878-sparksofmagic · 7 years
The Crystal Fanged Snake- A Duck’s Adventure
This is for schooooool but im putting it here because reasons. Warning: It’s super cliche and probably predictable because it’s meant to demonstrate the standard heroes journey.
It was an odd day for Grape. She had woken up, gazing around the coop for a bit. She saw the ducklings snoozing peacefully in the corner, while her crazy Grandpa was clearly awake in the roost above her. She could feel the small vibrations in the wood of the roost as he preened his feathers, getting ready for the day. She could not, however, hear her Grandmother, or her parents. They must be outside, Grape thought. I should join them, perhaps the farmer simply brought breakfast early today. With that, Grape stood, ruffling her feathers and stretching out her wings as she carefully climbed down the small ramp that led from her part of the roost to the ground, being very quiet so she did not wake her siblings.  
As she stepped outside, she saw Grandmother, so she hurried over to her, asking where Mother and Father were at. "Oh them? The farmer came earlier and picked them up, most likely for a contest." Grandma replied, waddling with confidence towards the feeder, slowly, despite her leg, which had been crippled for as long as Grape could remember.  
"Ah ok, so that means I have to watch the kids, right?" This was not an unusual thing for Grape, her parents were prized show ducks, and traveled with the farmer frequently. When this happened, she was forced to deal with her siblings, all three of them, and boy, were they a handful! "Alright Grandma, I'm getting breakfast."  
The day went on as usual, and nothing to out of the ordinary occurred, other than Melon getting his head stuck in the fence when looking at the cows. He was not even supposed to go over there, but that never stopped the oldest of Grape's sibling from doing anything.  
As Grape got the ducklings ready for bed, they seemed suspiciously compliant, putting up nearly no fuss, not even when Grape told them to preen their feathers. They usually hated doing that, but today they did it without a complaint. That was suspicious, but oh well, they must just be tired. Grape thought before heading up to sleep herself, carefully stepping up the ramp to her bed.  
CRASH! "Wha- what?" Grape awoke with a start, immediately seeing Sugar, the youngest duckling, standing at the coop door, shaking and obviously terrified. "S-Sugar? What's wrong sis? Are you ok there?"
"Gwape! There- there- there waz a snakey!! It got Melo and Lemon!" Sugar shouted, and Grape could barely understand her. She was beginning to cry now, so Grape just wrapped a wing around her until she quieted down a bit.  
"Can you talk now, Sugar?" She nodded. "Okay, then start from the beginning."
"Ok big sista. Melo said that we should sneak out, and I didn't wanna but he said I waz a chicken! And I'm noda chicken ima ducky!" She sniffed before continuing, "So we all snucked out while you were sleepin, and we went inda the forest to look at the pwetty stars." Grape nodded to say she understood the poor child before asking her to continue.  
"Then what happened, kiddo?" Grape asked.
"We were just sittin' there, lookin at the pweeeetty stars but then there was a crack behind us and- and-" She was starting to get scared again, but she swallowed and continued. "-and the there was a big, scary snakey! It wasn't a normal snakey, it was BIG! And it stoleded Melo and Whemon! I runded away and hided in a tree trunk. I went weaaaaaaal close to me Gwape! It's eye was diiis close!" She gestured with her wings to show that it was only an inch or two away. "And it had a big, old, white eyeball!" She said the last word with a particular emphasis.  
" Ok ok, so let me get this straight. You guys snuck out to look at the stars without telling me, and then a giant snake, with a white eye, came and took Melon and Lemon?" Grape asked with a hint of disbelief. "Are you sure that’s what happened?"
"Yes! Yes! And now that big stinky snake has Melo and Whemon!" It was clear by the way Sugar exclaimed this with such exasperation that this wasn’t just a joke set up by Melon. Something had happened to Grape's brothers, and she, being the only semi-adult duck that wasn't elderly around, would have to go rescue them. Oh no, she couldn't do that. What if there really was a huge snake monster, what could she do about it? I'm not ready for this! Grape thought. She would have to tell her grandparents about this, perhaps they would know what to do.  
"-are you telling me us that you guys saw the crystAL FANGED SNAKE?! And it didn't EAT you?!" Well. It seems like Grandpa does indeed know about this thing. "How on EARTH did you survive Sugar??" Grandpa shouted.  
"I hided in a tree twunk Grampi!" Sugar said in an innocent tone.  
"I personally do not care how Sugar got away, the fact is, it seems like Melon and Lemon were not as lucky. We must find them again, and soon. Before that snake decides that it is hungry once more." Grandmother declared in a commanding voice. "Oh, curse this leg. If only it wasn't so useless! Grape, you must find the Raven. He has travelled to that creature's lair before, perhaps he can do it again. Me and Grandpa will watch Sugar."
"Uh, ok. Where do I find this guy?" Grape was nervous. She had hardly ever even left the farm, and now she was supposed to go find some strange bird? She hoped he didn't live too far away, at least she would not have to defeat this snake thing. This Raven fellow could do it right? He had before anyways, according to Grandma.
After receiving directions and eating some dinner, Grape set out on her adventure. She was nervous, but also full of hope. Her brothers would be alright, she just had to make it to this strange Raven and it would all go back to normal. He could save her siblings, and maybe she could even help a little!
Almost a half hour later, Grape was near the tree her Grandparents had described. Well.. This was it. She decided just calling his name might bring him down. "Um, Raven? Are you there?" She semi-shouted.
"Who's asking?" A voice croaked from above.  
"Um, hello? My name is Grape?" Grape asked timidly.
"What do you want?" The scratchy voice asked.  
"My brothers! They were captured by this snake and- and my Grandma said you could help? Can you please?" Grape called out.
"No, go away. I want nothing to do with some snake!" The Raven shouted back at her before ducking his head back into the small tree hole that must have been his home.  
"Wh-what? But Grandmother said-" Grape was cut off.
"I said NO! I don't care what your grandma said, I won't risk my life to save some idiot ducklings from a snake. Any normal snake would have eaten them by now anyways." The Raven stuck his head back out, and Grape saw that he had no eye on one side of his face. Instead, the socket was blank and covered with skin. The other eye, however, was piercingly yellow as it stared beadily down at her.  
"But sir, this isn't a normal snake-" His head tilted a bit at that "-It’s a, a what did Grandpa call it? The Crystal Fanged Snake, that’s what it was!" Grape shouted, cheery becaouse she remembered the name.  
"No it is not. It couldn't be. I killed that snake years ago, I stabbed out its eye myself! It died, I saw it bleeding out! I- I sacrificed my own eye in the fight- it MUST be dead-" The Raven babbled, confused.  
"Sir, you said you stabbed its eye? Well, my sister, Sugar, said that this snake was missing one of its eyes, plus it was spikey and certainly not a normal snake." Grape explained.  
"Oh no, oh no. If what you say is true, girl, then this whole area is in grave danger. That snake was once the familiar of a witch, a witch who happened to love birds very much. It's a sad, complicated tale, one I do not have time to tell, but in the end that witch passed- leaving a bitter, angry, absolutely mad snake. One who has a passionate hatred for bird kind, and who magicked himself into being nearly invincible." He explained, shaking his head and trembling ever so slightly.  
This was not good, Grape thought, If this snake is really as much of a threat as this Raven says, and he won't fight it, then what am I to do? "Can you fight this thing then?" She asked, nervously.  
"No, no. I can't. I've been no good at fighting since I lost my eye. You will have to go. Don't worry, if he is truly blind in one eye, then I know how to fight him. Come up here, and we may discuss this." He said.  
Grape looked at the tree, trying to find the best way up. The Raven rolled his eyes at this, and said: "There's a hole in the bottom that leads to here." He said dismissively before poking his head back in.  
Grape scooted around the base of the dead tree until she found what he was talking about. As she climbed, the full realization that she was going to have to save her siblings weighed heavily on her, giving her a sinking feeling in her stomach. She was scared.
After discussing what she needed to do with the Raven, Grape set off to find the snake's Lair. According to him, she simply needed to sneak in, careful to stay out of his range of vision, grab her brothers, and get out. Simple. Or so she thought.  
Grape was nearing where Raven had told her to go, and she was starting to grow apprehensive. But she would push on for her siblings. She gulped. I can do this. She hoped that Raven's advice would be good enough to get her through this.  
She took a step forward, towards the ominous dark cavern of the snake, pressing on into the darkness. Ok, alright, just stay to the left... Her thoughts trailed off, she had heard a sound. Something slithering, scales scraping against the rock. She froze. Stay calm, stay calm.  
"Helllloooo therrrre agaiinn littlllle duckiessss"  Oh god he saw me he saw me he's going to eat me oh go- A clear voice rang out, interrupting Grape's panic.
"Shut up you dumb snake, and let us out!" Melon. Of course. He was always the bravest of them all, sometimes to a fault. Grape took a deep breath, she was still unspotted. She inched forward, and soon saw quite the scene before her. In cages all around, various birds, most of them young, were captured. In the center, watching her two brothers, was the Crystal Fanged Snake. His bad eye was towards her, luckily. He was massive, atop his head was a crown of rocky horn-like spikes, and protruding from his mouth were the crystal-like fangs of which his name derived from.
"Fooooolllisssh duckssss, I cannot let you ooooout. That would ruuuiiiin tomorowsss dinnneeer" His voice was sinister and cold. "Beeeeennn a whiiillleee ssssince I had duuuuck." And then he laughed, a chilling sound laced with all the cruelness imaginable. Grape started doubting herself once more, but then one of the birds near her, an owlet, caught sight of her, and its face lit up with hope. Grape put a wing to her beak, telling the bird to be quiet, and it nodded. Grape couldn't give up now. She would have to wait until the snake moved away, then she could free the birds and, especially, her brothers.  
So she waited. And waited. But the snake never moved. Instead, he fell asleep right there, mumbling about ducks and dinner. Well, I suppose this will work, as long as everyone is very, very quiet when I let them out. Grape decided now was as good a time as any, and stepped forward, away from the shadow of the rock overhang she had been hiding under. Around her, she heard birds gasp in excitement as they caught sight of her. She pointed to the snake, indicating that they remain silent. Most got the idea, and stopped making noise. As she crawled forwards towards the nearest cage, she thought of how crazy this all was. Her she was, a young duck from a small farm, who happened to have some rambunctious siblings, about to free the prisoners of a crazy magical snake. She supposed it wasn't the most absurd thing that could happen, but still, it felt as if this was meant to occur. Her nerves had nearly disappeared, oddly, despite being terrified out of her mind only moments ago.  
Lost in thought, she stepped on a stone, sending it tumbling. Nearly every very bird in the cavern gasped, looking towards the snake. But he merely let out a snore, turning over in his sleep.  
Grape made it to the cage, and to the disbelief of the small owl inside, flicked open the lock. Grape pointed to the cave, telling the bird to escape now. The owl looked at her, nodded and sent a thank you with its eyes before scurrying out as quickly as it could without making any noise. Grape continued, freeing many. A crow, a rooster, two woodpeckers, all freed from the snake's clutches. Just as she was about to free Melon and Lemon, who were particularly close to the snake, there was a crash.
BANG! The last bird she had freed, a very young blue-jay, had fallen over a rock. The sound echoed through the chamber, and the blue-jay jumped up, sprinting towards the exit. Grape looked towards the enormous head of the snake, and was met with the blue eye of the snake. Grape realized her mistake. She hadn't stayed on the left, and now she was caught, red-handed, by the most powerful creature she had ever seen. The snake raised its head, eye fixed on Grape.  
"HEY IDIOT LOOK AT ME!" Melon shouted, and the snake whipped its head around to snap at him.
"Ssssshut up you insssssolent morssssel!" Grape wasted no time, and ran to the other side of the snake, the blind side. "Heeey, where diiiid the other one goooo?" He hissed. "I willll find you, ruuuunt." The snake whipped his head around, searching. Grape ducked behind a rock.
She was scared, but her body knew what to do, somehow. She had to get her brothers out, they were the last ones. She just had to get over there. She peeked out from behind the rock. The snake had his back to her, perfect. She crept out as quickly as she could towards her brother's cage. "Theeerrree you arrreee. Thouuught I woullld leet you get awaaayyy didn't you?" Grape looked around. She was cornered. The cage was on one side, and there were rocks on the other. "Oh, loook at thhhhat, yourrr trrraped" The snake appeared gleeful, he would have his revenge on the bird that had released his meals. "You'lll be a greaaaat feaaast, idiiiot duck." Grape looked up, perhaps she could, no, she wouldn't make it, not with flying skills like hers- the snake lunged, and Grape's half-baked thread of a plan was put to the test. She leaped, popping open her wings, and soared over the snake's head. The snake had not expected such a maneuver, and it crashed, mouth agape, against the rocks. As Grape landed, the sound of shattering glass rang throughout the room.  
"No- nooooo my fangggsss, they'rrrre brokeeeen!" The beast wailed. A substance leaked from the mouth of the wounded snake, wrapping him in a blanket of smoke. Grape covered her eyes, and when the smoke cleared, all that remained of the snake was its rocky horns, and the broken remains of its crystal fangs.  
It was over, Grape had won. Granted, she had gotten much more then she had bargained for, and gotten very lucky, but she had still one. Melon and Lemon cheered, while Grape stood in disbelief. When she finally shook off her shock, she hurried over to unlock her brother's cage. Together, they walked out of the cage, Lemon and Melon both excitedly chittering about how cool that had been.  
"You did it Grape!" Said Melon.
"That was the coolest thing I have EVER seen a girl do!" Lemon said, and Grape rolled her eyes.  
"I suppose it was pretty cool, wasn't it?" Grape said with a smirk. Before leaving, the cavern for good, however, Grape took a look back, and decided to grab a few pieces of the snake's shiny fangs.  
As they left to return home, they stopped by the Raven's house, who claimed that he was shocked Grape had actually lived. She gave one of the fragments to him. Next, they went home.
There was a lot of hugging and congratulations, as well as a firm scolding from the ducklings now returned parents, who were still in disbelief.  
That night, as Grape was getting ready for bed, she looked at the ramp leading to her bed. Instead of taking it up, however, she leaped up, landing neatly in her bed. She tucked the last of the snake's fang fragments underneath, proof that she defeated such an odd creature. As she fell asleep, she saw her three siblings peacefully sleeping in their bed, and Grape knew in her heart that she could protect them from anything.
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