#then obviously come in as support for vash
chris-continues · 1 year
I think we need to take a moment to collectively think about just how rewarding it would be -- (obviously after quite a long time of getting to know each other, building trust, etc.) -- to be able to take care of Nai a little bit. Making sure HE gets to have a sense of support and importance too, and knowing him well enough to be able to give it to him with whatever touches or gestures he's best equipped to recognize and let himself accept at that time.
NOTES: it’s been awhile since I’ve written college au knives, so I definitely had some fun with this hehe >:)
TAGS: @vashfantasy @h4venpha @lune010 @millionsvash @beanibon
Oh most definitely. In my college au he’s constantly watching over Vash and is always swamped with work- having to quit extracurriculars and take up jobs in hs to support them both, helping to take care of the crummy apartment, making sure Vash was taking care of himself, it takes a toll on how you take care of yourself.
I like to imagine Nai and Vash as a sort of example to Katniss and Prim if you read THG- Katniss only takes care of herself because she needs to take care of Prim. I think Nai is kinda like that too. Not that he himself needs a lot of maintenance or upkeep lmao (considering he doesn’t need to eat or sleep) but he still has to groom himself, take care of everything regarding house payments, bills, etc.
By the time reader meets him he’s hardened by his experiences, as you’d expect. He’s very touch averse, yet starved for it (relatable), and the idea of others caring for him makes him cringe. It feels.. shaming to him. Like it invalidates the care he’s had to meticulously handle for years. Of course, it doesn’t; but that’s just how he processes it. Supporting him will start with acts of service.
“You’re always getting me snacks, and I saw this yogurt at the campus cafe and thought of you. You like blueberries, right?”
At that point in time, he’ll hesitantly take it and eat it while studying later. It’s… not half bad. Actually pretty good. Hm. He’s oftentimes carrying food on hand for Vash and you, (who he’s grown partly fond of because you make valid points and you aren’t incompetent), so having the favor returned isn’t something he ever truly put his mind to.
Or perhaps offering him a pen, something small like that. Saving a seat for him in class. Offering him music. He doesn’t accept some of these offers, in fact a lot of times he refuses, but it’s the thought that counts and he does learn to appreciate it more over time.
The first time your hands brush, he curls away with a disgruntled look on his face. Don’t take it personally, it’s just that he isn’t entirely comfortable with physical touch. Imo the only exception to this is if you’re overstimulated and need some time away or if you’re having a panic attack- in which case, for anyone Nai is doing what he can to help. It’s a rough spot he’s seen himself in, a rough spot he’s seen Vash in, and despite finding a lot of things disgustingly human he won’t shame anyone for such a thing.
If you don’t want touch during those times? Understandable. He’s the same way. But if you’re reaching out or need to grab something (ex: his sleeve, fiddle with his pen, etc) he’ll silently hand it to you.
Giving him that same support is a whole other story though, as usually he’ll push everyone away coldly. Even Vash. Leave him alone and when he’s ready, he’ll come to you.
“Hey, you ok? I was worried about you earlier.”
“Adequate.” He hummed.
He won’t apologize for pushing you away, because duh, he was in a stressful situation and him pushing you away was valid, but there’s a sense of.. maybe some closeness between you two. I think growing closer to Nai and caring for him is something that will take time, and it’s gradual, you never really know when it starts- but you’re someone he learns to.. gravitate towards, and Vice versa.
When you get really close to him, you’ll lean on one another. You have to initiate, but he’ll melt into the touch. It’s perfect because he can pull away if need be, it’s an easy thing to do without having to awkwardly position yourselves, and it’s cozy. Or linking arms while sitting down, your head against his shoulder. He finds the weight to not be too suffocating and it fuels his touch starved self just a bit. It’s comfortable. You have to ask often, and he appreciates it.
“Can I lean on you again?”
“Mm.” (Yes)
Frame it as a favor to him. Initiate. He doesn’t wanna ask for it himself. Once he grows more comfortable he’ll allow himself to accept your affections more, craving your touch. It’s something that is a very long term struggle, but he’s handling it well.
This could apply to being in a QPR, close friendship, or a romantic relationship w him imo!!
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slothpoth · 1 year
Idk man maybe your mom was a shit cook
Here is the fic I wrote throughout my work shift about the post @buccellato made about knives not disliking food but disliking specifically Rems food
Excuse it being messy okay I’m doing self care with this okay leave me alone
Word count: around 3k ish
It’s fluffy and has like a smidge (and I mean a smidge) of angst. It reads like the start of a domestic arc
You had known Vash The Stampede as a sort of odd friend. You lived on the outskirts of a town on the back end. Your home is kind of a walk away from town but nothing that would warrant a desire to move closer. It’s likely that exact feature, your distance from your neighbors, is the reason why Vash came to you in order to house his newly defeated evil brother Knives.
You could remember the day so clearly, you had just hung up your laundry to dry. The last thing on your list before you’d make a light lunch, when you saw a car approaching. Usually you’d write it off as someone from town coming to visit— there was this unfortunate case of a bar busser who couldn’t decide if he wanted to be your friend or your lover who’d visit from time to time— but the car wasn’t coming from the town’s direction and it was accompanied by a dark motorcycle.
It pulled up in front of your home and when you rounded the yard you came face to face with an odd group of people. It was Vash, a tired looking man with a large cross, a short girl with short blue hair and a fashionable outfit, a larger girl with a loose fitting suit on, and lastly an injured man who looked almost like a ghostly version of Vash who was obviously heavily disturbed to be there.
You invited them inside for a cool luncheon and Vash dropped his massive request onto you: To house his brother while he healed from his injuries. Vash explained how he would like the entire situation to go, who would come check up on who, who would stay for how long, what he was asking of you. As he continued and you listened patiently, you didn’t really find a part of you that minded too much. As much as you’d verbally deny it, it got lonely out here. It would be nice to have someone in the house even if they were an ex-mass murderer.
You remember the fashionable girl, Meryl was her name, had asked if you were sure:
Meryl leaned forward in her chair, “He’s nothing like Vash y’know, All pricks and no peace.”
“Yeah, well I chose them for a reason,” Vash turned back to you, “He is, indeed, very prickly and has a very…distinct dislike for humanity— and I’d completely understand if you’d rather not—“
“I’ll do it,” I said, “It can’t be that bad.” After I said that they seemed to send looks to each other before my future roommate/charge spoke up.
“There’s an awful lack of consideration to my wants, as if I’d want to live out in the boonies with a insignificant parasite,” Knives all but hissed.
“Oh? I’m a parasite? But one of us is about to be living and cared for with no rent and no labor. Even worse forcing me, the assumed parasite, to work twice as hard to support the both of us,” your face had tensed up with what looked like a smile but felt like a threat, “But by all means, if you believe you’ll fare better off in the sandy dunes while injured and weakened, be my guest.”
Knives’ visage curled up and he leaned forward, as if he was going to start growl and gnash his teeth like some hellhound, the only thing halting him was his brother’s hand shoving him back onto the cushions while thanking me profusely.
From that day onward you were both nursing the war criminal and trying to ‘persuade him into tolerating the human race and all their quirks’. It was fun to consider yourself an ambassador, it was not fun doing the ambassador job.
Prickly was an understatement when it came to Knives. He was outright hostile when he first showed up. It helped that you were hellbent on respecting his privacy but even then you had no way if it made a difference. You two would spit insults at eachother like venom, no comment went unaddressed. Knives would get so agitated that he would sprout his sharp tendrils, but that didn’t stop you from trying to get your point across. At one point the two of you argued for an hour straight simply because he insulted the fact that you did laundry. You didn’t know about Knives, but you deeply enjoyed being able to go back and forth with someone. It felt fun.
So far today, you and Knives have had two arguments. One about sleeping and one about humanity, again. You knew with every argument about humanity it was more likely that you were stirring the pot rather than taking it off the burner but what else were you supposed to do when he insisted that all humanity did was destroy despite his alleged deep knowledge of human history.
Speaking of stirring the pot, you were making dinner. It was a delicious seasoned stew that made the house smell nice while it was cooked. It was an older recipe that required harder to get ingredients like produce and softer meats with lots of fat but it lasted so long it was worth the dip in pocket change.
You were expecting an argument about the stew soon. Knives usually got upset when you used vegetation in food, calling it a ‘grotesque escalation in oppression’. You tried to explain that humans needed vitamins like plants do and about the food chain, but he was hearing none of it and didn’t speak to you for an entire week. What a peaceful week.
“What are you making?” You placed a hand on your chest and whipped around to see Knives scowling in the kitchen doorway.
“I’m making a big stew so I have leftovers for a while, would you like to try it?” You replied, turning back to your pot. You knew he didn’t like eating, at most he’d have a shot of tea once a decade. You still asked though in case he changed his mind one day, no matter how unlikely—
You paused mid-stir, then turned back to him. He was leaned against the doorway and his head turned away from you so you could see his face.
You pondered for a beat, “Would you like a place at the table, too?”
Knives stood there for a breath then pushed off the doorway and made his way to the table to sit. He must be in a good mood today.
This felt like a test. Not once while you were cooking did Knives comment on something you were apparently doing wrong, not even when you accidentally touched the pot without a mitten on. All of this felt far too high tension for what was supposed to be a nice evening with stew and some music. Now it felt like if this evening didn’t go right something would go deeply wrong.
You had grabbed placemats only to find the table preset with Knives on one end and where you would be sitting at the other. Fork, spoon, and cup were present on both sides.
Knives was bracing himself on table with his forearms on the table with one arm up and cradling his head as he gazed out the open window into the dark desert night.
The combination of the dim, yellow, inside lights and the shine from the moon on this clear night made the scene feel both intimate and dramatic. There he sat, destroyer of worlds, the same man that could cut the population into pieces literally and figuratively, waiting patiently for some food he’d ‘maybe’ have. You were his deliverer, the one who decided how his favor tilted… when it came to food at least.
After placing down an adequately sized trivet, you placed the pot of stew on top and served yourself a bowl. Then you held out your hand for Knives’ bowl.
He looked up at you, looked at his bowl, and then proceeded to grab it and stand next to you. He was close enough for you to feel the lack of body heat from him, which was way closer than you were used to. Sure, he would brush past you from time to time but that was very rarely and with a muttered complaint at having to in the first place. This was a choice.
“What ...tastes good in this?” Knives’ almost murmured.
“Well,” You started, “Normally I’d say ‘depends on your taste’ but I don’t think you have a frame of reference for that. So instead, how about I give you a little bit of everything in there so you can pick through it at your own pace?” You put your hand out to the side and he placed the bowl in your hand with a grunt.
You slowly started to fish around the stew for each ingredient with Knives hovering over you silently. You didn’t put too much liquid in case he got agitated with fishing around for the next taste, y’know just to be careful.
Once you were done you handed the bowl to him and he sat. You went to turn on the radio and sat across from him, who was staring down at the stew. You took the initiative to put some in your mouth, in case he thought it was poisoned. The warm comfort of the stew eased your nerves and allowed you to relax. God—you were so good at cooking, and you were excited to see if Knives agreed.
You were stuck between giving Knives his privacy to try this new experience on his own and the Chef’s Desire to see if he liked the food. You glanced up in time to see him open his mouth to take a spoonful of stew into his maw.
He had too many teeth, and the pattern seemed too animalistic for a human. His canines too sharp and silhouette too predatory. Not to mention the freakishly long tongue that came to a point. You got just a glimpse inside but you could imagine how they’d sit in his mouth. You knew he wasn’t human, but how far did the differences go? Did he have differently colored gums?if he had any at all? What was the consistency of his saliva like? Was it more alike to the humanoid weak digestive type or something more alien? Did he even have taste buds?
You watched transfixed as the spoon was caressed by his tongue before his mouth shut and he suckled away any excess he could from the utensil.
You looked back down at your half eaten stew, a different hunger flaring up. What an unfortunate discovery to make about an unfortunate subject.
Knives standing up pulled you from your unfortunate circumstances, and just when you were going to be told it was mediocre, he grabbed the ladle and served himself some more. Then after he wolfed that down, he fed himself some more. At one point you offered him some juice you had made and he went through five entire cups of it. Four more servings later and he finally stood to put his bowl in the sink before leaving the dining room.
You had long finished your two servings— it was good stew what could you say— and washed and packed everything up. Turning off the kitchen light you noticed the back porch door was open, approaching it you found Knives sitting on the rocking chair back there. He was looking out into the distance again, likely lost in thought. When you moved to close the screen door he spoke.
“It was good.”
“Well I’d hope it was good, I’d be really confused if you ate all that and hated it,” you teased.
Knives seemed to fluster a bit before turning and looking at you in the doorway. He stared before looking down at the seat adjacent to him, then back at you.
You knew what he wanted. He also knew you didn’t like when he would just expect you to know what he wanted.
He sighed and said, “Come, sit.” After you didn’t move he grit out a strained ‘please’ which made you happily quickly grab a throw from the living room and come join him outside.
“I’m guessing you’ve never had stew before?” You said as you sat down.
“I have. Just not like that before,” he switched his focus from the dancing dunes in the distance to you. Bright blue eyes almost glowing in the dark.
“What do you mean ‘like that before’?” You asked, pulling the throw closer to yourself.
He was silent for a moment, simply staring at you unblinking. Then he exhaled through his nose and spoke, “When Vash and I were younger we…had a caretaker on our ship. She was a woman named Rem. She was the first live interaction I had with a human and she introduced me and my brother to many of our firsts. I’ve had her cooking before and it never tasted the way yours did. Yours was more…” he trailed off, as if at a lost for words.
Pushing away the urge to try to pry more into his background you replied, “Well if you were on a ship it’s likely that they didn’t put a lot into making sure the food was extra delicious or anything. It might’ve been mostly pre-made and freeze dried, and like that combo is notoriously bad.”
He hummed and silence fell between you two. Then the mental image of his unfortunate mouth and the unfortunate spoon came to mind and you tensed and turned your head away.
You had lots of questions, some more inappropriate than others, but you knew you weren’t getting answers for them for a while if ever. Knives was a consistent person, and through your arguments over the past few months you’ve come to learn a lot about him. With more time you’ll likely learn more, that is until Vash deems him well enough to travel with his gaggle of misfits.
Huh, that made a pang of loneliness hit unexpectedly. It made sense. At some point he’ll want to live on his own, or at the very least without you, so why did that bother you a bit?
You must just be tired or something, “Hey Knives? I think I’m gonna turn in early, are you okay to sit out here?”
He turned to you, his brow furrowed. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well ya never know,” You stood and patted dust off your bottom. You should clean out here more often. “Maybe you’d prefer to have my company.”
Knives huffed in return and turned his head away, back to gazing into the distance. You turned your own way and walked into the house. When you had just cleared the screen door, you heard Knives say something outside.
“What was that?” You looked at him through the screen.”
“….goodnight.” He wasn’t looking at you.
You smiled even if he couldn't see it, “Goodnight, Knives.”
You went upstairs and went to bed. The house still smelled like stew.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Now I'm picturing a scenario where rem just. Unexpectedly comes back to life a la some deus ex machina plot twist and getting scared about what will happen when she finds out what roleswap vash became...
Okay! Well! That's sad! You get how sad that is, right? I don't even like thinking about that! Good god!
I think Vash is the most militant pacifist I've ever read in fiction, and is probably the character most frequently challenged on that pacifism. It's literally The Entire Thing. It's The Point. Trigun explores what it means and its very real consequences with incredible depth. And I always found it really interesting how, for the vast majority of 98, what keeps Vash adherent to his pacifism isn't really any kind of philosophical reason. It's because killing somebody would be killing his mother - who died a hundred and fifty years ago - and he can't bear that. One hundred fifty years later and he still can't lose her. At what point is it no longer...about the pacifism...
It kind of means that thinking about an alive Rem in Trigun breaks the brain and shuts down the computer. Rem as a character doesn't work if Rem's a person. She's an idea, she's a ghost, she's your peace and innocence. She's the reason for living and she's the salvation of humanity and she's why it should be saved. Mother fucking Mary up in here. Rem, alive, would...just be a guy...everything would break down. I can't imagine what it would do to Vash.
Anyway, roleswap wise: Rem would still love him. She would love him and forgive him. She wouldn't hold an ounce of resentment or anger in her heart towards him. It would reassure her to know that Knives still loved Vash as much as ever, and that he still looks after Vash as an adult. It would break her heart. It would terrify her - not Vash himself, but that something could hurt him so badly that he would turn into this. She would realize that her kids were aliens who she could never truly understand or predict, only influence. She would believe that he could change and get better, and nothing would ever convince her differently. If she ever saw him trying to hurt anybody, she would stand between Vash and his victim and refuse to move. If Knives and Vash told her that they caused humanity to fall, she would forgive them. I think she'd accept that her influence wasn't enough to prevent Knives and Vash from doing what they did, and she'd come to peace with that - that she'd tried, and she failed, and that maybe this was fate.
I think all of this would push Vash truly off the brink. Whatever he would come up with to reconcile the fact that she didn't actually want him to run around murdering people - that she just didn't understand and needed to be convinced, that somebody turned her against him, that obviously this wasn't really Rem because Rem would support what he was doing - wouldn't be good. I think there's several scenarios in which he would kill her.
Meanwhile Knives would be having a WAY more banal weird 'interacting with your parent as an adult' experience. The gang would die of shock that somebody so nice raised the two worst sapients ever. Wolfwood would think she was cute, then feel weird about it.
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mad-aims · 9 months
Hi! Welcome to mad-aims’ tumblr! 👋
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I’m Aims, a 30+ artist (any pronouns I don’t care) that loves Good Omens. It’s my favourite. ❤️❤️❤️
Favourite show, favourite book. It holds a very dear place in my heart.
That’s my artwork of 00s Crowley at the top of the page. I’m very proud of that one! 🥰🥰🥰
In case you weren’t sure, my favourite character is Crowley; I kin with him and I absolutely adore him! I’m also a huge ineffable husbands shipper too! 🥰
Other stuff I blog: Sometimes Doctor Who, things with David Tennant, things with Michael Sheen, things with the both of them.
Oh I sometimes blog updates on my seedlings. Yeah I’m growing some baby trees and I’m really proud of them. I named them Vash and Knives. 🪴🪴
I originally started this blog as a Trigun blog (I love anime!) but I’ve gotten the brain rot for Good Omens again. I don’t think it’s going to leave me for a very long time.
Reason being, I suffer with mental health problems; specifically anxiety and depression. I watched Good Omens when I was going through a very dark patch in my life and it’s cliche I know, but it really helped me get my zest of life back. Obviously it wasn’t the only thing. A lot of it was pure hard work and determination, also the love and support of my family and friends, but watching it helped a lot. I decided my life was pretty good actually and well worth living, I got my creativity back that I thought I’d never have again, I fell in love with those two idiots and wanted to be a part of their world. Now I’m always drawing art of them, reading fanfics about them, joining in with discussions about them and sometimes even slightly poking fun at them.
Also thanks to watching Good Omens with its amazing cast of queer characters, I’ve since come to terms with myself as a person and the fact that I’m bisexual. 🩷💜💙
Who went off on a tangent there! 🤣
Oh yes! I’m also a total simp for David Tennant. He’s a beautiful person both inside and out. A total sweetheart. 🥰
As Crowley it’s like they asked him “What gender?” And he just replied “Yes.” I love him your honour! 😍😍😍
So yeah if you enjoyed my little spiel, please follow or at least stay a while.
There’s iced tea and sushi here in this tropical garden. Please come on over and touch grass for a bit.
Ciao! 👋
My most used tags.
#mad-aims draws things - My tag for the art I’ve created. 🖼️
#mad-aims answers - For tag games and answers to asks. 💬
#mad-aims talks - Text posts such as rants and reviews about Doctor Who, Good Omens, etc. 🗣️
#mad-aims rants - for when I get especially shouty about a certain subject. 🤬
#mad-aims fic rec tag - Good Omens fanfics that I like, all in one place. 📚
#mad-aims writes - My own poetry and ficlets I’ve written myself. 📝
#mad-aims shower thoughts - Meta, theories and daydreams about Good Omens. 🚿
#mad-aims gpoy - My shameless selfies. 📷
#mad-aims stuff - Just stuff, mostly things i have bought or I own, that I want to show off. 📦
#mad-aims dreams - My dream diary. 🛌
#plant update - Touch grass with Vash and Knives my plants. 🪴🪴
#good omens - That gay angel and demon show, that I seem to like a bit. 😇😈
DNI - Terfs, racists, homophobes… etc This is a safe space. If that’s not for you, then fuck off. Ciao. 👋
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hiseternalmayfly · 1 year
(If you have the energy. If not, feel free to ignore my ass lololol)
All of the questions for Ji Hu
I am feral for more content, please. I love Seven, yes; however, the feral platonic love I already have for Ji Hu is mildly concerning. I need to be beasties (besties but we're feral) with the fellow gremlin.
Since this is going to be long its all going under a cut
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.? Name: Ji-Hu Yoon DOB: 11/16 Age: 20 Height: 4'10" Weight: 130 pounds.
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
The gang would meet him along their travels. Since Ji Hu sorta "runs" a town with his gang. I say run rather they just bullied everyone into submission and now they steal kids candy and rich peoples money and also kick rich old men for funsies.
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
Vash: Thinks Ji-Hu is a bit of a brat. Think exactly how he reacted to Katie in tri98. You know when he was slamming his head into Katie over and over? Yeah, same thing Wolfwood: These two butt heads hard. The second Wolfwood opens his mouth with an insult they are straight fighting each other. Wolfwood does remember who Ji Hu is but since Ji Hu doesn't, Ji Hu thinks Wolfwood is just a condescending asshole Milly: .....His wife t4t wife Meryl: He loves to pick of Meryl. Bullies her about being short despite literally being short himself
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
He is an EOM sleeper agent. If he were to ever be activated he would easily slaughter a town with raw strength. However until it's unlocked he's literally just a dude!
6. does your self insert have any pets?
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
Maybe Vash????? Maybe Wolfwood?????? I'm not sure. He's a huge brat its hard to get through to him
8. what is your self insert’s orientation?
He's bi but don't ask him what his gender is cause he doesn't know either
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
No one understands how Milly of all people was able to get him to soften up. He utterly refuses to be soft with Milly around others and still sorta gives her the same lip he gives everyone else but she just picks him up and goes "Oh sweet boy calm down!" and pats his back like a baby until he shuts up.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
That signature look stays pretty much 24/7. Ankle length brown skirt and a varsity jacket. You'll pretty much never see him in anything else. He might take the jacket off sometimes but he just wears a dress shirt under it.
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
His real family? No. The fake family background that Knives and the EOM members gave to him? Yeah. :3c
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
Bullying rich people and stealing candy from kids.
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
He's a conflict of interest. Obviously once they get to know him better they want to protect him....but once that switch is set off how would they feel seeing the damage he can cause? :3c
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
Ji Hu has a VIOLENT sweet tooth. Basically everything he eats is sweet as hell. Even his coffee is absolutely loaded with sugar until you can hardly taste the coffee.
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m34gs · 1 year
What are your Top Five Ships of All Time that you can Scream (TM) about and why?
All time? Of All Time???? OOOOOH you are making me choose! This is tough, but an exciting ask! Thank you so much, friend!!! I will list them in reverse order, from number 5 to number 1!! (as always, this is just a list based on my current interests, and it could change in the future!)
5. Brawler/Hoodlum from Akudama Drive. Listen, listen. These two? They are in love. So clearly in love. Brawler is Constantly showing off for Hoodlum, and Hoodlum blushes??? When he's talking with Brawler???? Excuse me?????? I 10000% believe Brawler knew Hoodlum stretched the truth with his amount of years he owed the system, but he took One (1) look at Hoodlum's pretty eyes and went "yeah that's fine he's pretty I want to keep him around I will humour him" and that was IT. (I could also talk about the scene with the bridge but I WILL NOT for reasons😭😭😭 He's resting. Just resting.) This one comes out at number 5 because while I love it and could easily go on and on and on about it, I haven't talked about it as much or as often as the others on this list.
4. Mondo Oowaa/Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa. These two. THESE. TWO. Ugh. I love them so much. Mondo is MY SON. He's just so...precious. And so is Taka. I love them both and I think their dynamic is very sweet. I think they are very similar to Brawler and Hoodlum in some ways, but obviously not exactly the same. I do love how they bonded over a mutual respect for each other that came from competition. I also will cry every time I watch Mondo's execution, and every time Taka ends up murdered. Pain. I live for the AU where they are both alive and healthy and able to fall in love and live happily ever after. This ship is at number four because I did settle down a lot after my initial playthrough of the game and while I can definitely scream about them at any given time if prompted, I don't search them out as actively as I used to in fanfiction or fanart.
3. Jade Leech/Floyd Leech/Azul Ashengrotto from Twisted Wonderland. This OT3 is honestly addicting to talk about for me. I love them. They're three of my favourite characters in the game, and I really find their dynamics fascinating. They have this incredible trust with each other, they know each other so well, and they support each other. Also I am *here* for the Mafia theme. Love that so so so much. Honestly, over the past few days I don't think I've shut up about them in our DMs and texts.
2. GrimmIchi from Bleach. Honestly, I had to give Grimmjow and Ichigo one of the top two spots. I mean, honestly, I'm one of the co-writers for a blog *dedicated* strictly to GrimmIchi (though I haven't written anything there in a long while...ooops). I have Many Many Many thoughts about them and I love to yell about them. It's very hard to get me to stop once you get me going, and it's so easy to get me going. Just ask @backwardshirt
Honourable Mentions: Byakuya/Kirigiri/Naegi from Danganronpa, Gundham/Souda from Danganronpa 2, Noiz/Aoba from DMMD, Vash/Wolfwood/Meryl from Trigun, Lawrence/Adam from Saw (2004), Byakuya/Renji from Bleach, Vil/Rook from Twisted Wonderland, Bokuto/Akaashi from Haikyuu!
1.Number one spot goes to:
Kalim/Idia from Twisted Wonderland. I mean. It's not hard to figure out, I'm sure, lol. I talk about them a lot, and I make a lot of posts about them. I love to discuss different dynamics, different possible aus, and I have written several one-shots and short scenes about them now, as well as a multi-chaptered fic centered around them as a pairing (and there will be more to come!!!). I love them and I will take any and all opportunities to shout about them. They are so cute; the introvert and the extrovert, the grumpy rain cloud and the sunshine beam. I love that dynamic with my entire soul. I can't help but be drawn to them. They got that Sun and Moon dynamic. Both of them have such complex emotions, and I think both of them struggle with conveying what they feel; just in totally different ways. I love them so much!!!!!!!!!!
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millionsnife · 1 year
Something Knives will never admit to either himself or Vash is that he loved (still loves) Rem. For Knives, Rem is an incredibly complicated and painful topic and the emotions her memory invokes in him are conflicting and intense in ways he doesn't truly want to look at or untangle.
Rem was their mother, who loved and raised them from the moment they were born and found to the moment of her death when he caused the ships to crash. She protected them, and taught them and ensured they could protect themselves. But Rem also hid Tesla from them, hid the truth of what humans were (to Knives' mind) truly like. She vowed to protect the twins, but only after Tesla had already been cruelly treated. She didn't protect their older sister, so what good was her protection now?
There's also the fact that Rem, however unintentionally and without consciously choosing to do so, always seemed to favor Vash over Knives. While she may not have meant to, and it was likely simply a case of Vash being easier to understand and connect with because he needed her emotional support far more than Knives did, to Knives it was perceived as Rem not loving him as much as she loved Vash. Not trying hard enough to connect with him. The truth of this is subjective rather than objective obviously, but to Knives that's the truth in his memory and over time resentment built and began to overshadow the love he held for Rem.
Knives has also always been jealous of the fact that when the choice was between himself or Rem, Vash always seemed to choose Rem. He was always second to Rem in Vash's eyes, even though Vash was always first in his. No matter how much he loved his brother and tried to protect him, it never seemed to be good enough to make him as important as Rem, or so it felt. And having Rem charge him with protecting his brother (though she told them to protect each other, he interpreted this promise to mean that he was meant to protect Vash because Vash was always the weaker of them both and as the older brother this was his burden to bear) was one more burden he felt she placed upon him that Vash would never let him live up to.
The fact that she chose to stay behind and try to save the humans instead of save herself and come with them also felt like a betrayal to Knives as well, and added yet another layer of complication to his feelings. In the end he finds it much safer and easier to simply claim that he hates Rem and never truly cared about her, rather than try to untangle the complicated knot of emotions he feels about all of it.
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autisticburnham · 4 years
Thoughts on Picard?
Idk if you mean the show or the character, so I'll just do both
The Character:
He's a strong and interesting character for the most part, though I do really wish the show had addressed the trauma that would have been caused by The Inner Light and Chain of Command. Hopefully Picard Trek will make up for where tng lacked. He's at his best when he's just being a nerd about archeology. It's great that he tends to be open to suggestions and listens to his crew, though I think he could have benefited from being more social with them before All Good Things.
Unfortunately, his reaction to Deanna's assault in Nemesis infuriates me to the point where he typically rates at the bottom of my favorite captains, and it's a feat to rank lower than Archer. And the new show hasn't, imo, done enough to make up for that. Spoilers for Star Trek Picard, but I didn't care at all when he died. In fact, I was excited to see where the show went without him, since I have developed a fondness for the other characters. I legitimately yelled "Oh, come on!" at my tv when I realized they were bringing him back.
Also, I don't like how he made light of Soji's trauma and I think it was really stupid of him to tear down that "Romulans only" or "no humans" sign, whatever it said. Like, I know the writers were clearly going for some sort of anti prejudiced message, but there's a pretty huge difference between members of the majority excluding minority members and a minority refugee population who were screwed over by a- let's face it, Trek has big colonial undertones- colonialist power wanting a space where they don't have to interact with members of that power, especially not their public face, which Picard was. At the very least, he could have owned up to his mistake and fought back way harder against Elnor's decision to murder that dude.
The show
I love Raffi and Soji
I think Jurati has the potential to be a good character, I just wish they'd stop shoving her into relationships with no chemistry and would also address how fucked up the relationship with Maddox was
Rios also has potential as a character, but it felt like too much of the season was focused on making him dark and mysterious rather than actually letting us get to know him
I do love Rios' holograms
But, speaking of them, I really wish the show had delved more into the AI Rights storyline from tng and voy. Obviously, the synthetic ban is part of that, but how are sentient holograms affected? Was the Federation really cool with using synths the way they were? I mean, I do think it's consistent, especially considering the way EMH mach I's were used, and I think it would be a very natural path for people to push against or resist the idea of AI being fully sentient and deserving of rights, like Maddox, Pulaski, and Janeway were. I just wish we saw more of what Pulaski and Janeway went through where they realize they're wrong
I dislike how graphic the violence can get. Even within the first episode, I did Not need to see Dahj's charred skull as she was exploding. My issues with the Romulan senator explained above are only compounded by how graphic his death was. And like, I get it, Manu's a bastard, but what the fuck, I did NOT need to see that happening to Icheb
Speaking of the Romulan senator, as much as Elnor is baby and I like the Way of Absolute Candor, I can't bring myself to like him because of how he killed him
I don't like the gender undertones in the series. It's bad enough that Romulans have the same gender binary as us and have a gender exclusionary practice with the warrior nuns, but the fertility clinic that Raffi's son was at being decorated entirely with pink and blue? The 90s shows may have an excuse for this bs, but Pcd doesn't
Altan Soong's paradise having such a large amount of white androids was, suspect
I don't like the idea that artificial and organic life will always destroy one another. And like, Picard obviously fights back on this idea, but I don't like that the super advanced AI feel like that in the first place
I think Sutra's gold sexy android vibe is ridiculous, but I think it would be cool for her to return and have a Data-Lore vibe with Soji
Hate Narek, Narissa, and Narek/Narissa
I wish there had been more exploration of what actually happened with the Romulan refugee crisis. And considering the fact that it's clearly supposed to parallel the real life refugee crisis, I really hate the "Romulan sneaks into the Federation government to bring their downfall" thing
Laris and Zhaban are great, but I wish we had seen more of them and also had their roles in Picard's life explained. Are they genuinely just like his servants? Bc yikes
I do like that we got implications of there being a Picard-Seven-Hugh exBorg support group and that they're all friends
I wish we had humanized the xBs more
Hate Maddox. Hate Soong trying to make Jurati feel guilty for killing that creep
Literally the "Jurati is working with the Zhat Vash" didn't occur to me until she started talking about what she knows. I just thought the murder was bc he was such a fucking creep and I was down with it
8 fucks!
Wish Seven/Bjayzl and Raffi/that one Starfleet chick she called were more apparent. I mean, I definitely picked up on it, but I doubt viewers who aren't already looking for gay subtext did
That said, SEVEN/RAFFI
I really loved Kestra. She's a great character and her being into a Klingon band actually ties back to Voyager. She's great all around
I liked seeing Troi and Riker, but I do wish Captain Troi were canon
I don't think the addiction storyline with Raffi was very well handled
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mindlikeaninja · 5 years
@queen-o-castle tagged me in this Get-to-Know-You post, and it made me so reminiscent of high school Hotmail email chains with my friends which were then immediately uploaded to my Xanga page that I just had to do it. Besides, who doesn’t like talking about themselves and pretending like people care?? Have fun stealing my identity!!
Also, in true email quiz chain fashion, I’m going to tag a person or two that I know, but also a bunch that I have a Tumblr crush on and think they’re amazing and I just want to draw doodly hearts around their usernames. I’m gonna go change my AIM away message and get butterflies when I hear the door opening .wav file play.
@caffeinewineo​ @lostandfoundinthebackofmymind​ @l0vegl0wsinthedark​ @bixgirl1​ @wilwheaton​ (because you never know, maybe he misses Xanga too) @bunjywunjy​ @pearl-likes-pi​
Name/Alias: Melissa. I have had so many usernames in the past (but this is my super secret Tumblr blog so don’t go stalking me okay??) like mgmdrums, tsoliastra, melissapocalypse, and my favorite from the days of Yahoo, djfanatic (short for Daniel Jackson Fanatic).
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Birthday: March 29th. Shared with the lovely Marina Sirtis, the brilliant Eric Idle, and the indomitable Lucy Lawless.
Zodiac: Aries af. My sister is way more into it and could tell you shit about my moon signs and I don’t know, what Jupiter’s moons were gossiping about when I was born or something. I just know I’m stubborn and genuinely have no fucks to give.
Height: 5′ 7″. My whole extended family is tall.
Hobbies: Playing the same 2 video game franchises repeatedly (Mass Effect and Dragon Age). Rewatching the same shows/movies repeatedly. Rereading books I’ve already read and occasionally sneaking in a new one periodically. Sleeping (legitimately, depression is a bitch). Eating (the weight gain has happened, might as well run with it. Well....not run, obviously. Sit with it, maybe). Cuddling with my 4 cats. Starting projects/hobbies and then getting bored with them after a week or less (drawing, making candles, knitting, etc.)
Favorite colors: I don’t know that I have a specific one anymore, but blues are probably my most frequent go-to. I like deep, darker colors. Eggplant, a rich burgundy, deep emerald, etc. Pastels are too nice for me, and I’m not really a neon person.
Favorite books: This is a deep, deep well of obsession, so here goes: The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold. It’s 15+ book series that primarily follows Miles Vorkosigan, a brilliant strategist who probably has bipolar disorder and is a mix between Sherlock Holmes, Vash the Stampede, and Tyrion Lannister (heavy on the Vash, he gets in more trouble than seems physically possible, and on the Tyrion for multiple reasons). Except it’s so much more than that, and I’m obsessed with this series almost as much as I am Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and I wish more people had heard of it. If you’re at all interested ask me ask me ask me and I would love to talk to you about it. Or don’t, because I might not shut up. ------ Beyond that series, I like the Artemis Fowl series, the Ender’s Game series, and the Outlander series (I love long, long stories) just to name a few. Another favorite that even less have heard of than the Vorkosigan Saga: The Saga of Pliocene Exile/Intervention/The Galactic Milieu Trilogy, by Julian May. It’s a sort of convoluted and confusing series to explain, but it’s 3 series of books that utilize time travel (spoiler) and so the end of one takes you back to the beginning of another and it just loops. It’s amazing and I love it so, so much. I’m so sad that nobody seems to have ever heard of it.
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Last song listened to: "Piano Man”, by Billy Joel. It actually was on the radio, which bears mentioning because he’s my favorite musical artist of all time and I have every single one of his albums on CD and know all the words to almost all of them (I don’t know his Attila stuff, mainly because the quality is....not great).
Last movie watched: Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus. It made me very, very happy.
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Inspiration for muse: I’m not very creative, so I get less “inspiration to create via muse” and more “inspiration to clean my house because someone’s coming over”. A lot of the new things I try are things I’ve seen my friends doing and it seems fun, or I feel like I should try to do something to better things for my cats. I used to play piano and percussion both pretty significantly (got a scholarship for them, and was actually pretty fucking good at it). But I don’t play anymore, and that was pretty much my only artistic output.
Dream job: I loved working on a college campus. I was an admin assistant for student conduct and what was basically the students’ social worker. I’d love to have some sort of administrative role in the student support services arena. I don’t know that I need to be the one meeting with them face-to-face, but I want to be involved in it somehow.
Meaning behind my URL: I love webcomics (seriously, I have probably 30 different webcomics that I’m currently keeping up with, maybe more, and a bunch more that have ended that I read when they were still going). One of them is Sheldon Comics, by Dave Kellett.  His strip on Aug. 11, 2006 is as follows:
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It just stuck with me. Okay I’m done. And I’m sorry.
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pixiedane · 7 years
book anon again - neat, yeah, I totally get it getting too complicated. I still haven't made it past the Destiny trilogy for the same reason. I'd say Resistance is worth reading too; it's between Death in Winter and Q&A. But oh my god Beverly/Picard was my first OTP and I will never not have Emotions about them - I've thought a bit about what we could have had if they actually got together at some point during the show, any ideas/headcanons for that? ^^
Hello book anon :) YES, I can certainly share that. 
PART ONE, Canon Compatible
Season 1:Their interactions in “Encounter At Farpoint” and “The Naked Now” make them feel awkward so they avoid falling into any intimacy until “Justice”. But after he puts everything on the line for her son, she shows up at his doorstep to express her deep gratitude. They get very close to sex but he feels like it’s a reward and that’s all wrong and puts on the breaks. But their very next adventure, “The Battle”, has Picard reliving his experiences on the Stargazer and it’s incredibly traumatic. He ends up on her doorstep, but this time she aborts anything too physical because he’s in the wrong headspace. They go back to awkward which becomes doubly awkward at “Haven” because a marriage is a reminder of Jack Crusher and that episode makes ’soulmates’ a thing and that idea makes them both morose. But! Here comes “The Big Goodbye” where it is pretty overtly suggested that these two were going to sneak off to get it on in the privacy of Dixon Hill’s office if only Data and the historian hadn’t gotten in the way. 
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This is where I’d choose to have their full on affair begin. It carries on until “Coming of Age”. While it turns out the investigation was just to prove Picard is trustworthy, he’s concerned his judgment IS impaired by the relationship and asks for space to think. This lasts until “Arsenal of Freedom”, where he’s faced with the possibility of Beverly dying. But she doesn’t like the see saw they are on, which brings us to. 
Season 2:Obviously she left the ship to give him all the space he could ever need. But she misses her son, she misses being on the front lines, and as much as she may not want to, she misses Jean-Luc.
Season 3:She comes back on one condition, no tap-dancing around a relationship — we’re friends. They push through the awkward and get to a really good place. “The High Ground” tests them, but they avoid talking about it. “Allegiance” tests them, but they avoid talking about it. “Sarek” tests them, but they avoid talking about it.
Season 4-6:They are the best of friends — the kind that flirt and tease and support and challenge and are always, always there for each other.
Season 7:“Attached” brings everything — literally everything, all the way back to the beginning — to the forefront. Jean-Luc is relieved, he’s been carrying this around for decades. Beverly is scared. She loves him, she’s loved him all along, but she relies on their relationship and these revelations make her start to second guess her own understanding of it. It takes time to get past that. I don’t think it should take all the way to Nemesis, but I also think Beverly should have about 80% more screen time and presence in the TNG films and really would prefer to just imagine them getting together post “All Good Things”.
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PART TWO, Canon Divergent
I think I would do it one of two ways. A) Seasons 1-3 as above, but they get together after “Remember Me”.  B) Seasons 1-6 as above, but they get together after “Attached”.
Honestly not much would change! The various one off love interest episodes would need to be reworked, and we’d get more overt physical intimacy. But their working relationship and their friendship can already be read as lovers.
Qpid: is exactly the same except Picard is even more embarrassed, and there’s a scene where he tries to tell Beverly that just because he’s playing along doesn’t mean he wants to be with Vash. Beverly shakes her head because of course they are going to rescue Vash! Also she gets to fence instead of break pots. In fact Beverly is the one who actually rescues Vash. Vash tells Jean-Luc she’s a keeper.
The Host: Deanna gets Beverly’s part, Picard gets Riker’s and Beverly has to tell Deanna it’s okay to hook up with her boyfriend. Or Riker retains his part and things are somehow both less awkward and way more awkward.
Lessons: is about Beverly, but they don’t break up
Sub Rosa: is now a Geordi episode
Episodes that are improved by their relationship being explicitly romantic:
“Violations”“Cause and Effect” (repetition of a bedroom scene!)“The First Duty”“Chain of Command”“Suspicions”“Journey’s End”
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it and/or write a scenario 
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categoricalglitches · 4 years
Romulan/Vulcan origins: “(…) long before our ancestors arrived on Vulcan”
Or:  the pointless overanalysis of a single, fourteen-word line no one has been waiting for.
At story time around the campfire in episode 10, Narek says the Romulan myth of Ganmadan is believed among the Zhat Vash to be a mythologized retelling of historical events (the last coming of the “über-synths”/‘Reapers’) and is said to “date back from long before our ancestors first arrived on Vulcan.” I’ve seen some interpretations of this line that I don’t think are borne out by its phrasing, which I will now analyze in gratuitous detail to argue the intended meaning/implication is that the Romulans believe Vulcan was not the ancestral home of the Vulcan species, and that is relatively common knowledge even in the Federation.
Production error I’ve read a few people thinking this was a simple production error, and Narek was supposed to have said “before our ancestors first left Vulcan” or something to that effect. I think that seems unlikely given the obvious meaning of this line; if it was in error, surely someone would have noticed somewhere in the process. The phrasings involved are too different to be that easily mixed up: “arrived on” would have to be entirely switched out for a different verb, and the ‘first’ seems out of place to me in the alternative version.
Maybe I’m underestimating the odds of something like this slipping through but I don’t remember any other errors on this scale happening in this season (there was the 16 years without an assimilation/14 years ago Ramdha wasn’t assimilated yet Borg cube discrepancy, but that could easily be chalked up to the days being Romulan days or something, and it’s much less significant). That’s not to say I think this season, and especially the two-part finale, didn’t have its fair share of missteps. It did, and IMO in the end it left a lot to be desired overall. I just don’t think this was a mistake.
Romulans think they’re the ‘original’ This can’t be the case, because Narek specifically says “our ancestors” and if he believed it was the Vulcans who split off from the Romulans, no Vulcans would have been his ancestors in the timeframe for the settlement of Vulcan after the split. His understanding of the settlement of Vulcan must therefore have involved the Vulcan species collectively, including the ancestors of those who would later leave Vulcan for Romulus, in order for him to accurately describe them as “our ancestors”.
Vulcans aren’t from Vulcan (according to the Romulans) It’s been suggested before that Vulcans may not be native to Vulcan. In the TOS episode “Return to Tomorrow” the Enterprise crew encounter a species who claim to have been the precursor species to humans and Vulcans several hundred thousand years ago (note timescale). Spock acknowledges that “would tend (…) to explain certain elements of Vulcan prehistory,” suggesting that there are known discrepancies, contradictions and/or gaps in, well, the knowledge and understanding of Vulcan prehistory (presumably in terms of anthropology, biology and so on) of a sort that could be explained by a non-native origin.
This line by Narek indicates that this is also the accepted belief among Romulans. If Narek knew or suspected this to be an understanding of history limited to the Zhat Vash, mentioning it would do nothing for his claim and you’d expect Elnor to have been surprised at hearing it. If it was accepted among Romulans but not common knowledge in the Federation, you’d expect the same for Rios and Raffi. Narek says it casually, as if it’s established history to him, and confidently, as if he’s expecting to be sharing known information with the others.
This indicates that this is common knowledge to all involved and the accepted view among Romulans—and it’s no surprise to the other three that Narek thinks that the Vulcans did not originate on Vulcan. He’s not introducing any new information here. That his ancestors at some point long ago first arrived on Vulcan from somewhere else isn’t at issue.
Narek says: some say it dates back from long before our ancestors first arrived on Vulcan, in response to Rios’ comment that it’s “an ancient myth”. He’s confirming that Ganmadan is said to be so unimaginably ancient that it predates the first thing the Romulans ‘know’ about their origins. This is the new information he tied to a previously-known, if not factually-established, event in the very distant past, the arrival of the pre-Vulcan Vulcan species to their new homeworld.
The time-depth implied by ‘long before’ (and ‘first’) furthermore seems to disqualify any alternative interpretations: by all accounts, the Vulcan/Romulan split is a relatively recent occurrence, dating back about 2000 years. We know the last time these ‘Reapers’ came around was several hundred thousand years ago. Establishing that the myth is ‘just’ a few thousand years old would not give it the necessary continuity gravitas. His point is that this myth is ancient, reportedly even much older (“from long before”) than the Vulcan species’ understanding of itself as (from) Vulcan.
What about the Vulcans? Now, obviously, there’s not much else here to go on. It’s a single, fourteen-word line somewhat supported by conjecture in an episode from another series. There are no hints as to what reasons the Romulans have for this belief and we have no idea of where they would have gotten to Vulcan from, either. It’s perfectly reasonable for Vulcan and Romulan perspectives on this matter to differ, and for Vulcans to consider Vulcan their planet of origin even though the Romulans apparently do not. Perhaps it’s a fringe view among Vulcans today. It could have been an accepted view or legend at the time of the Vulcan/Romulan split that then fell (back) out of favor on Vulcan and was strengthened among the Romulans for whatever reason. Maybe there’s nothing to it after all and it was just a bit of mythologizing on the part of the departing Romulans that caught on too well and Vulcans actually totally are from Vulcan. But apparently there’s at least enough room for argument that, when confronted with a similar claim, Spock concedes it would explain “certain elements” in their history.
Of course, unless both things are true, and the Vulcan species emerged from Vulcan then left it in whole or in part for a significant amount of time only to eventually return (and to be fair, there are some ways I could see that working out), it doesn’t really make sense for this to be a mystery in-universe—surely genetic testing would easily determine whether Vulcans are ‘from’ Vulcan or not. It obviously hasn’t, or this wouldn’t be a debate, and I don’t have an answer for why that might be.  
 (I posted a version of this post on r/DaystromInstitute last week but I don’t want the streams of my accounts to cross, so.)
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