#then this bitch ROLLS HER EYES and says lemme try to explain this to u. u can’t order that.
willowfey · 1 year
i just had the worst autistic experience at a quick serve restaurant where i was trying to order the “chicken with 2 sides” option, which i was trying to make macaroni and yuca fries.
what the employee SHOULD have said was “yuca fries cannot be chosen for this meal as they are a Specialty Side, and only original sides qualify for this specific meal”. i would have understood perfectly. instead what did she keep repeating to me over and over, getting annoyed when i didn’t understand?
“what it says on the menu and what you’re asking for are two different things”
….. bitch what?????
i damn near cried no matter what i asked she would not explain it to me differently i was ready to give up my order entirely until my mother stepped up to figure it out for me.
catch me making my own food at home for the rest of the WEEK at least
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rosenallies · 3 years
Queen I’m gonna need you to write more of groupie!denali and rockband!rosie. Maybe about the first time they met?
Yes, thank u for requesting this queen! I rlly like writing this verse!!
Denali bounced on her heels, excitement radiating through her. The date she had circled on her calendar had finally come and she was in line to meet her favorite band, Stephanie’s Child. Her best friend and roommate, Mik, stood next to her, his excitement nearly matching hers.
“I’m so excited!” Denali squealed as they were next in line, she insisted Mik go first, watching him talk to each of the girls with a wide smile. Finally, it was Denali’s turn. She approached each of the girls going down the line, getting a hug and an autograph from Lagoona and Jan. When she reached Rosé, the pink haired girl looked her up and down.
“Hi gorgeous, what’s your name?”
“I-I’m Denali,” she replied, her mouth dry as Rosé’s green eyes scanned her face.
“Gorgeous name for such a gorgeous girl.”
“Thank you,” she replied, stunned.
“Do you have something for me to sign, baby?”
Denali nearly gasped at the pet name, unable to say anything as she handed Rosé the print she bought for autographs.
Rosé looked like she was about to say something else when she handed the print back but Jan elbowed her in the side. “Stop flirting with our hot fans,” she said with a laugh, a blush creeping up Denali’s cheeks.
“Whatever you say, Jannie,” Rosé mocked, sending a wink Denali’s way.
The whole thing went by way too quickly and when Denali went off to go find Mik again, she had to nearly squeeze her legs together as she walked. She found him waiting outside the meet and greet space, lips pursed and ready to fire off questions.
“How did it go? Isn’t Jan the sweetest?”
Denali shrugged. “I think Rosé was hitting on me.”
Mik’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “She what?!”
“She kept calling me gorgeous and it wasn’t like a ‘hey, gorgeous thanks for being a fan’ kinda way, like she kept looking me up and down and then she called me baby,” Denali explained, still reeling from the experience.
“Holy fucking shit, Nali’s got celebs crushing on her! Maybe she wrote something hot on your print, lemme see.”
Before she could protest, Mik grabbed the print from her hands, scanning for Rosé’s signature and then turning it over. “Holy fuck,” he deadpanned, shoving it back in her hands, “look at it.”
Denali turned the print over, in neat handwriting it read, ‘’meet me near the busses after the show.”
“Are you gonna go? You have to go,” Mik insisted.
“Duh, not going wasn’t even an option.”
“Good, now I’ll take an Uber home after the show and I’ll be waiting up for you to tell me every single detail, okay?”
“She’s a celebrity, if anything happens she’ll probably want to keep it secret,” she said.
Mik groaned. “You can’t keep secrets from your best friend, I need to know.”
Denali rolled her eyes. “We’ll see.”
That was the last time they had mentioned it throughout the rest of the show until the lights were going down and Mik swears he saw Rosé blow a kiss her way.
“Bitch, you better have the best time,” Mik said, waving goodbye before he got into the Uber.
Denali sent him a thumbs up, coupled with a wide smile and she made her way to the back of the theater where the huge busses were parked. She snuck around security and crew before taking a spot leaning against the concrete wall by the exit.
She waited for what felt like forever, almost ready to give up and accept the fact that she got stood up by a celebrity. But then, Rosé stepped out of the building, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag. She looked almost surprised to see Denali, but pleasantly so.
“I wasn’t sure you’d still be here,” she said, a lighthearted smirk on her face.
Denali shrugged, trying to keep her cool. “How could I not?”
Rosé hummed in her throat. “You’re just so pretty, I couldn’t get you out of my head the whole show. You were with a boy, right? He had dark hair?”
She nodded, mouth dry again.
“I take it he’s not your boyfriend?”
“Oh, god no,” she said with a laugh, “we’ve been best friends since middle school.”
“I see. He seems nice,” Rosé replied, stepping closer to Denali, their faces inches apart.
Denali took a deep breath. “Are we gonna keep talking about my friend or are you gonna kiss me?”
A sly smile spread across Rosé’s lips. “Eager,” she whispered before stomping out the rest of her cigarette and closing the gap between them. Rosé had her hands on Denali’s hips, while her own arms were thrown around Rosé’s neck, a desperate attempt to get even closer. Denali noted she tasted like cigarettes and mint and she smelled like warm spices, it was all intoxicating.
When Rosé pulled apart, they were both breathless. “Do you want to go back to the bus with me?”
Denali, who was already feeling arousal course through her, nodded. As soon as she had her confirmation, Rosé had grabbed her hand and led her to the bus, allowing the door to close behind them before attacking Denali’s lips once again, engaging in a weird tango dance as they made their way back toward the bunks.
The space was small, but Denali felt like she fit perfectly on top of Rosé, and besides they couldn’t get enough of the feeling of one another, quickly shedding their clothes so they were skin to skin.
Rosé knew her way around a woman’s body better than anyone else Denali had ever slept with, and she knew that as Rosé had her coming undone under her fingertips within minutes, chest heaving as she came down from her high.
“Are you okay?” Rosé asked sweetly, petting her hair.
Denali nodded, sleepy and sated but not wanting to overstay her welcome so she wriggled to get out of the confined space.
“Leaving so soon?” Rosé asked, sounding almost disappointed.
“Yeah, should probably get out of here before anyone sees me or something,” she said with an awkward chuckle.
“Wait,” Rosé paused and grabbed her hand, “come to the next show, I’ll get you in.”
Denali looked at her wide eyed. “Really? You don’t have to,” she replied sheepishly.
“I need to see your pretty face in the crowd again, and maybe between my legs,” she added with a wink.
If Denali hadn’t just had the orgasm of a lifetime, she might’ve fell to her knees right then and there. “Okay,” she squeaked, “how do I-?”
“Here, put your number in my phone.”
Rosé handed Denali her phone, quickly typing in her phone number and handing it back.
“You didn’t give me a fake number did you?” Rosé joked.
Denali shook her head. “Absolutely not if more orgasms like that are promised.”
“Oh there’s way more where that came from, baby girl,” she said with a laugh, “promise I’ll see you again?”
The look in Rosé’s eyes was almost hopeful, and it made Denali’s heart beat faster. “Promise,” she said, quickly dressing and leaving out the bus door, but not before blowing a kiss seductively back at Rosé who pretended to catch it.
Outside the bus, the reality really set in for Denali. She just got fucked by the woman she’s had a huge crush on since high school when her band became popular on the internet before their career really took off. She called for an Uber and on the way home thoughts of pink hair and plump lips plagued her mind.
She was utterly and absolutely fucked.
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stevesharrlngtons · 5 years
28 with Steve? :) 💛💛
you’re still mad.
(thank you to the amazing @harringtonhq for helping me when i was stuck! (: )
you love him. you love him. you love him.
you chant to try and cool your boiling nerves. you love steve harrington, you really do, but sometimes he could be so stupid, you wanted to scream (and often did).
so much about him was endearing, there was so much about him to love. he had a kind heart, a great capacity for love, always wanted the best for others, was eager to learn, had a wonderful sense of humor, the list when on. but, everyone has their flaws, and steve was definitely was not exempt.
he was stubborn, vain at times. he gave horrible advice and could often be too proud for his own good.
somehow along the way of dating steve, you had been roped in to hanging out with a group of thirteen year olds. at first, you would just sit quietly next to steve as he talked to them, praying for it to be over soon. you weren’t necessarily jumping up and down to hang out with children in your limited free time. though as time went on, and you got to know each kid better, you started to like the time spent with them. you now enjoyed all the kids that your boyfriend was friends with, which can still be an uncomfortable sentence to say. you generally got along with all of them, but with max and el, you were bonded to them in a much deeper way. they were floundering for any positive female energy by the time you showed up, and you happily took them under your wing.
so, when steve was off with the boys, you migrated towards the girls. you enjoyed them deeply as friends, but you also enjoyed feeling looked up too. you relished in your new role as the cool older girl in their eyes. you loved that they trusted you, that they would come to you with questions and concerns about the world, and would take your advice seriously.
you had developed a strong protective instinct with the girls over the past year, and that was why you had sped over to max’s house as soon as you received a hysterical call from el. when you arrived you fled your car and went to knock loudly on the hargrove’s door. to your dismay, billy answered it with a smarmy grin.
“finally ready to give in to what we both want, (y/l/n)?” he leaned his bare shoulder against the doorframe.
“ugh, in your dreams, hargrove.” you gagged, and pushed past him into the house.
“every night princess! lemme know when you’re gonna allow me to make all yours come true!” he called after you.
you rolled your eyes, and thankfully got to max’s bedroom before he could say anything else.
“your brother is so gross.” you scowled as you entered.
“i know.” and your head snapped up to where max and el were sitting on her duvet.
max’s face was flushed pink, her eyes were glossy and her cheeks painted with tears. el had a comforting arm around her.
you went into immediate lioness mode, “what happened? who hurt you?”
you rushed forward and pried max from el and into your arms.
“lucas.” el stated simply.
“my god, what did he do? i’ll kill him!” you pythoned the redhead closer.
“he was being so rude. so rude and just ignoring everything i said. and, and he was just so…”
“rude.” el chimed in.
“yes! god!” max wailed into your t-shirt.
“what exactly happened, honey?” you murmured, stroking her hair calmly.
“I was just trying to talk to him, to have a conversation! but nothing, and i really needed to talk to him about all this stuff with neil and my mom and i got nothing. when i pointed out that he was being an ass he told me to stop being so crazy.”
“he what?” you gasped, still trying to console her.
“yeah, so then i told him that he was a dick and that we were over.”
“again.” el said, mostly in observation. she wasn’t wrong, lucas and max broke up all the time.
“i just can’t believe him!” max sobbed.
“it’s like he just didn’t care.”
and then it clicked.
didn’t care.
“son of a bitch!” your tone had changed so drastically from sweet and reassuring to anger and frustration, it caused both girls to jump.
“what, what is it?” max pulled away to look up at you.
“do you know where he is now?”
“at the mall. he, dustin and mike are gonna sneak into stupid top gun again.” max wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.
“perfect, let’s go. get your shit.” you released max and started towards the door.
“what are you gonna do?” el asked, scrambling off the bed with max as they searched for their shoes and jackets.
“i’m gonna rip my boyfriend a new one for giving that dumbass advice to her boyfriend.”
“wait steve told him to do that?” max questioned as she followed you.
you lead the girls to your car, and whipped out the hargrove driveway and toward the mall, grinding your teeth. chanting away in your head to remind yourself to not follow max’s lead when you saw steve.
meanwhile, el and max were beside themselves with excitement. they loved you for so many reasons. you were smart, intelligent, compassionate and always ready and willing to stand up for yourself and others. you were a badass. a badass who lent them your copy of the feminine mystique and preached the gospel of angela davis. they just thought you were cool.
when you all arrived at starcount, you were a woman on a mission. you knew that you were probably overreacting, but if you let your boyfriend continue to think for one more minute that ignoring women and what they have to say will someone get them to desire you more, you’d be failing yourself.
so, you with your two little ducklings in tow marched toward scoops ahoy, where luckily, dustin and lucas already were waiting. no doubt your boyfriend was nearby.
“hey, tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass, where’s the ring leader?” you jeered when you entered scoops.
“oh, so you’re still mad…” lucas spoke first, glancing back to max whose face soured.
he knew that if you were showing up this mad looking for steve, there was no doubt max tattled to you.
before you could respond, the man himself stepped out from the backroom.
“hey baby, wasn’t expecting you.” steve smiled affectionately at you, not processing your anger.
“you!” you moved and pointed an accusatory finger toward him.
“yes, you! god, dammit steve! what exactly did you tell lucas?”
you watched steve go through a facial journey. of being confused by your anger, to looking at max looming behind you, to lucas, back to max then back to you, and finally understanding.
“nothing. i said nothing.” he shook his head.
“nothing? huh, really? so, you didn’t give any advice that might simmer down to being a dickbag to a girl to make her like you more?” you hissed.
“he actually said-”
“lucas! shut up!”
“too late, he just sold you out, harrington. now, what did you say?”
steve looked to both boys for support, but they averted their gazes.
“i didn’t say anything! why would i say anything like that? he clearly thought of that himself.”
“excuse me?” lucas chimed in.
“wanna play dirty? fine, let’s do this,” lucas turned to you, “steve told me and i quote, “you gotta act like you could take it or leave it. that if you didn’t talk to her today it wouldn’t matter.” end quote.”
your eyes widened and you turned back to your boyfriend for now, “are you crazy! who gives advice like that? to a child no less?”
“hey, i’m fourteen!”
“eh, eh, eh, i don’t care.” you said impatiently back at lucas.
“i just… look, ok, it works! how do you think i got you? who is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, by the way. have i mentioned that lately?” steve batted his eyes at you.
“how you got me? seriously? i only started liking you after you cut out all that pompous dick behavior! but y’know that? maybe i acted to soon, maybe i was wrong.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“(y/n/n), come on, ok, listen! it’s just standard advice, my dad gave it to me and i’m sure his did to him. i’m only passing on the legacy.” steve tried to explain.
“the first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn, gloria steinem.” max chimed in, causing everyone to look back to her.
“see! that!” you gestured to her.  
“do not baby me, steve harrington.”
“you don’t actually believe that works, do you?”
steve made an unsure sound, and racked a hand through his hair.
“i cannot believe you! if you ever give that advice to anyone again, impressionable child or not- i swear on my life i will lose my mind.” you clenched your fists.
“this isn’t you losing your mind?” lucas asked.
“not the time, not the time. abort, abort.” dustin said under his breath to his friend.
lucas immediately clammed up and looked away from you.
“forget about coming over tonight, harrington.” you sneeded, and turned on your heel to leave.
max and el looked between each other with huge grins, then followed after you, rife with giggles and praise.
“oh man, you’re so fucked.” dustin chuckled with a shake of his head.
“nah, nah. this is fine, this is cool. it’s all good. it’ll be fine.” steve muttered, placing his hands on his hips as he watched your figure become smaller in the distance.
“go after her.” dustin advised.
“what? no, we’re…”
“go after her.” he reiterated, and steve was already fleeing his post behind the counter to run after you.
“baby, i’m sorry! i’m an idiot, what’s new? i love you!” both boys watched steve catch up with you and start to apologize. he placed on hand on your cheek, and seemed to pouring on the amends thick.
“he was kinda right?” lucas mused.
“excuse me?” dustin asked aghast.
“i mean she just left like she could care less and steve was tripping over himself to follow her.” he shrugged.
“if you let (y/n) hear you say that, i won’t stop her from kicking your ass.” dustin snorted.
“she couldn’t-” dustin gave lucas a pointed looked, “ok fine, yeah she could.”  
feedback is greatly appreciated pls & thnk u!
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Rose the Hat x Hurt! Fem Reader Pt. 2
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A/N: Hi lovelies! This is the Pt. 2 @mewbleu requested a couple of weeks ago. It's a little short hence why I'm not using read more on this.
I also wanted to thank my dear friend @merci-bitch for giving me inspiration with this piece. If you guys haven't checked out her work yet, please do. She is awesome and deserves love on all her pieces, in and outside of Doctor Sleep.
Link to the first piece is below. I hope you all are having a lovely day and love you guys!
Warnings: Sexual content, mentions of past abuse, other than that I got nothing
"..I- I don't know if you're going to want to do that. I'm.. I'm new to this Rose." You anxiously gripped onto the sheets and Rose smiled. "Of course I do. You're so pretty, Y/n."
"Even with the bruise on my face?" She playfully slapped your ass cheeks and slid your shirt over your head before slidding your sweatpants off. "Yes, we even with the bruise on your face." She took in all of you and sat on the backs of her legs.
"Sweetie, you have-" You nodded and sighed. "Yeah, my battle scars as I like to call them," You chuckled slightly. You could see Rose looking at a particularly large one by your chest. "That one I got when a kid came at me with a pair of fabric shears." She leaned her head close to the raised skin and planted a kiss. "And that one?" She pointed to another one by your rib cage.
"I got that one after a football game in my freshman year of high school. My mother never said it to my face but she always thought they were ugly..I personally think they're all just stories to be told."
"Indeed they are." She planted a kiss over the mark and you blushed. You felt so ashamed and embarrassed.
"No, no, no. No shame. I think they're pretty." Rose traced her fingers teasingly over each bruise and scar you gained over the years. "They're a piece of you that makes you whole." She lowered her lips against yours stomach and began to slowly kiss each bump, bruise, and scar you had. "Each of them making up you as a whole. A whole you that is beautiful."
"Rose," You gasped, feeling her tongue slide across your belly button. It made the hairs on your arms stand straight up but it was nice. "Such a precious thing you are that's made of such broken pieces..I like it." Her head travelled from your stomach to your lower area and she slipped her hand underneath your skirt and carefully caressed your clit.
You whined and Rose cupped your ass cheek with her empty hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Use your words, sweetheart. Tell Rosue what you want."
"Fuck me!" You grunted. The gentle touches began to stop and you squirmed. "Say it louder for me, Y/n," Rose taunted. You pressed your thighs together to try and relieve the irritation you felt but Rose laid her hand against them to make you stop. You winced a bit and gripped onto her long tresses. "Fuck me, Rose! Please, fuck me!"
"Only because you said please." You rolled your eyes and gripped onto the sheet as you felt her tongue slide across your folds. 'This is insane. I hardly even know this woman and I'm letting her fuck me. But damn, it feels good!'
You bit your lip to try and contain your moans and Rose grinned. "Scream all you want, honey. They've heard it all. Pleasure to pain."
You squeezed your eyes shut as her face continued to press deeply into your cunt as she ate you out. You pictured it so being so rough and fast but Rose was being so gentle. Instead of scratching at your skin, the tips of her fingers gently glided across your scars and caressed them like they were fine silk. "Rose.."
She lifted her head up from her work. "Am I hurting you?" You shook your head and she went back to what she was doing. "I-i love you." You ran your fingers through, accidentally touching the top of her hat.
You hoped she didn't notice but she did. Her hand that was gently resting against your thigh raised up and connected with your wrist almost as if to say 'don't do that'.
"Sorry, sorry!"
(Just don't do it again.)
You heard clearly in your mind.
(I won't.)
By this point you were a flustered mess and your hips were bucking up and down sporadically as you came closer to high.
"I-i..Rosie, I feel something! Like I'm getting tired or something. I can't explain it."
(Just let it out, sweetie. Embrace it.)
You let out a scream as you hit your climax and eventually you seen Rose's wet face looking down at you. "That felt..amazing," You panted. You both were panting. Rose grinned and caressed your cheek. "And it'll always feel that way for the rest of your life."
She gently lifted you off the bed and started up the bath. You could feel the heat radiating from the water and it felt so nice. "Lavender or Jasmine soap?" You shrugged your shoulders as if to say either worked and slid into the bathtub.
Rose stripped her own clothing and carefully stepped in the tub and sat behind you. Wrapping an arm around your waist as the two of you just laid there with the water, now starting to grow colder, still flowing.
"Yes, Y/n?"
"Aren't you worried we're going to overflow the-" Before you could even finish your sentence, Rose's foot connected with the handle that controlled the water flow and shut the water off. "That better?"
You nodded and she placed a kiss against your temples. "Good." You felt yourself growing more relaxed and laid your head against her chest.
Rose began to massage your temples as she washed your hair. You had to fight yourself on falling asleep in her arms but it felt so right and so good. "Promise me you won't leave me?"
"Never." As you laid there with her, Rose placed gentle kisses all over your body while mumbling sweet nothings in your ear.
Once the two of you were out of the bath, Rose dried you off. Running a towel up and down your body gently before she began to massage your body with lotion. Her touch felt so warm but you still couldn't get that question that seemed to be lurking with you the past day and a half out of your head. "Why?"
"Why what?" Rose placed a kiss on your shoulder blade and caressed your back. "Off all the people you could have, why me? I'm damaged. There has to be prettier people than me out there who you could-"
"I thought we agreed, no more talking about yourself like this?" You sighed and rubbed your eyes. "Sorry." Rose stopped the massaging and sat down next to you. "It's alright, my dear. Just remember you're beautiful just the way you are. Not everyone may think the way I do but all that matters at the end of the day is that you are loved. Alright?"
You nodded and she placed a kiss on the top of your head and pulled the sheets back on her bed, patting the spot next to her. "Now come lay next to Old Rosie."
You did as she asked, letting the older woman pull you into a hug. She was wearing no clothes but you didn't. Her knee pressed against and you squirmed to move away from it. "I'm just so irresistible, aren't I?"
You rolled your eyes and buried your head in her chest. "Oh, stop it." Your eyes felt heavy but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing because you felt safe. Rose was safe.
"Just think, tomorrow you'll be spending the rest of your life with people who will love you all the more for how special you are." You gave a slight nod and Rose placed a kiss on your lips. "Sleep well."
Before you knew it, you were fastly asleep and for the first time in a while you didn't have nightmares. You dreamt of nothing because you felt safe. You felt at home.
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U Got It Bad
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[U Don’t Have to Call by Usher plays]
   It was a month before prom and after that was graduation. I was driving us to school in a black Jordan sweatsuit and it was two months ago when V and I kissed for the first time. She wore a pair of jeans, navy blue crop top and white Vans. We only had two classes all Spring and her track season was over so she would watch me at practice. I really wanted to go with V to prom but Cassidy was my girlfriend after all; she was really getting on my damn nerves but I felt bad to cut her off. We got to school and went through our usual classes which were separate for the first time ever. When our nutrition period came along, she hung with Taylor and her old team while I was with Jerry and my team. I would watch her every few seconds from across the way while she was talking to the girls. She would sit on the table while they looked up at her like...like she was a queen; and she was. I would just nod to the fellas and gave them the casual dap or whatever so they knew I was “paying attention”. Jeremiah was on our way to the computer lab/ library to work on a final assignment due. We sat a table and while I studied with my headset on, Jerry tapped my shoulder. “Did you do it yet?” I was still working on assignment and answered him. “Do what?” He closed my my book and looked at me. “Cut Cassidy loose.” I opened my book again and said “nah, man.” I went back to reading and jotting down some notes when he looked around and leaned closer to me. 
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     “Lemme ask you something.” I looked at him and leaned back; this nigga was too close. “Why you really want to take V to prom?” I rolled my eyes and back to my book. “Because..she’ll be alone and apparently she saying no to every nigga around her.” Jeremiah looked at me and said “you still feelin’ V, man. And that ain’t a question, ma nigga. You got it bad as fuck. She got you sprung. And it’s okay. You even convinced the whole track team to vote her turn for prom queen. You got her thinking it was just coincidence.” I looked at him and said “what that gotta do about me feeling her?” He slammed my book closed and took it from me. “Ma nigga. You are always protecting, looking out for her and shit, you talk about her all the time, I know yo punk ass be thinking about her and then you gawk at her...I saw you earlier dawg.”
      I snatched my book back and told him to “shut the fuck up”. He was just talking shit like always but he kinda had a point. At lunch, Cassidy and I stood in the hall together. She was a beautiful girl with a light caramel complexion and full lips but those lips were always fucking talking. She was rambling on and on and that was the time I decided to... “WHAT YOU MEAN YOU DON’T WANNA BE WITH ME NO MO?” I leaned against the locker and explained myself. “Cassidy, you annoy the fuck outta me. All. The. Time. I swear I feel like a nigga getting gray hairs and shit.” She folded her arms and said “where the fuck is this all comin’ from?” “Been that way for a while, little momma.” She looked me in my face and said “I see what’s up. You wanna take that bitch, Veronica.” I side eyed her and said “watch ya mouth, Cassidy.” She wasn’t wrong though. She said “really? Before prom?” I was in the middle of apologizing when until she smacked the taste outta my mouth. I watched her walk away when V walk passed her with water bottle in her hand. “What happened wit you?” She looked at me with those eyes I instantly got lost. “Nothin. So, what you doing out here, kid”, I said while I rubbed my jaw. She held her cold water bottle to my face and said “I was just lookin’ for yo ass. While yo getting smacked around, J and Tay having a make out session and I loss my appetite. “We laughed and chilled for the rest of the lunch period. Our last game was in a few days and I decided to ask V before the game. She kissed me o the cheek and I walked off with a smile.
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[Hot in Here by Nelly] 
   It was game time and I wore the gifts that Amir gave me before it started. I sat on the front row of the bleachers and watched as everyone filed in. Tay and her team did there routine to the marching band version of “Hot In Here” to start the game. She had her hair up in high bun and in front as over. As the players for both teams came out, the girls were all came to the other side of the bleachers. They called out “#1 AMIR CARTER” and everyone went crazy, including me. The game started and his coach looked back at me; he waved me to come join the team on the sidelines, which wasn’t the first time. I watched the game and cheered as loud I can. My favorite play of the game was when they pulled a “draw”. That’s a disguised run, which means it initially looks like a pass play. The offensive linemen draw back like they’re going to pass-protect for the quarterback. The quarterback then drops back and, instead of setting up to pass, he turns and hands the ball to the runner. It was only one minute until the second quarter was over, Taylor bent over to my left side she said “hey, V.” 
     I was trying to watch the game because I have always been into football. “Hey, girl. Y’all did great earlier.” She smiled and said “so, I heard about Cassidy and Amir?” I followed my arms still into the game. “Yeah, She better hope I don’t catch her outside of school.” Taylor asked “girl, why? Now, it’s your chance.” Fuck, Tay. I’m trynna watch the game. “Chance for what, T”, I asked while I rolled my eyes. She nudged my shoulder and said “to make your move, girl. You’ve liked that negro for years on in and now he is free for the taking.” I turned to her and said “It ain’t nothing like dat.” All of a sudden the crowd cheered and the announcer yelled “TOUCHDOWN! MADE BY AMIR “THE  BIG MAN” CARTER.” I turned back to the field and said “damn it, T. You made me miss it!” She poked my shoulder. “Girl, you need to try and get wit him. You obviously luh-” I swung around and my face stopped in front of her face. “One of these days, Ima sock the shit outta you, girl.”
    Taylor went off with her team to start warming up for the halftime show. They stood while the actual studio version of Trina’s “Pull Over” played and started their dance. They was putting their all into and the crowd loved it from both teams. Even though I watched, I couldn’t help but think about what Taylor said earlier. I couldn’t. Did I? Before you know it, there was only four minutes of the game and other team had the ball; the score was 21-23 and we were down. All we need was another touchdown and we can win it all which meant we had to get the ball somehow. I saw Amir and waved before he got in position, he nodded and looked at the guy in front of. I watched as his happy expression turn to something fierce which was the same face he made when someone was fuckin’ wit him. As soon as the clock started, Amir tackled homeboy to the ground hard and the ball flew in the air; Jerry caught it and ran. “RUN, NEGRO!!! GO. GO.”
    He was gone like a freed slave. All the players followed behind as he ran and they protected him by hitting the opposite team out his way. It was such a beautiful flawless play. We scored but I didn’t see “CARTER #1″ until I looked back to the middle. The guys were still on the ground and were down. I ran to Amir with the coach, the other players saw and came to his side. I took his helmet off and saw a little blood but it wasn’t bad; trust me, I’ve seen way worst. I lied his head on my thighs and coach gave me a first aid kit. I killed the wound, put a band- aid on it and place an ice pack on his head; his eyes slowly opened. I held up to fingers and asked “Mir, how many am I holding up?” He looked up at me and said “two, V. Am I still pretty?” That damn smile of his. I rolled my eyes and dropped his head outta my lap by mistake. “Ma bad” I said as I placed his head in my lap.
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[Always on Time by Ja Rule plays]
    It was now eight hours before prom and I was picking up the final touches for tonight at the local mall. My mom dragged me around every store to look for accessories, like everywhere. I got my nails, brows done and from some reason my moms though it was good idea to get a wax; worst thing ever. We went by Claires, finally was on our way back home and I took a quick shower. As soon as I did and sat in the chair for my mom to do my hair, I got a phone call.  “Hey, Amir.” “Hey, kid. You ready for tonight?” I oiled my body and my head was in my moms hands. “Yeah but my moms is doing my hair right now.” “Awe, you gettin’ all dolled up for me. I am so honored” he said in his sarcastic, annoying tone. I rolled my eyes like he can see me and said “Shut up, Amir. Anyways, your mom is over here doing my make up.” “You got a whole glam squad over there huh?” “I guess. So, what we doin’ after prom?” He said “shit probably just eat.” Oh, I got something for you to eat. “Where we gonna eat at?” He said “probably some pizza joint. or Checkers.” “Coo. Well, I gotta go because my “squad” needs me. I see you later, cuh.” I hung up and it seemed like hours passed by until they were done. They wouldn’t show me until I slipped on everything and when they finally did, I looked unrecognizable. “Whoa...”
    I let V choose the colors; black, silver, peach and white. I bought a new black tux with a peach vest and bow tie, white dress shirt and black dress shoes. My waves were on point, made sure I had V’s white corsage and a peach rose in my jacket pocket. I put on my class ring and grabbed my keys on my way to V’s. She had a small champagne party in front of her house with ton of people. Her pops and mine were on the front yard with the rest of our family as we waited for what felt like hours. It was about fifteen minutes later until I saw my moms, Amari and Teresa come out. Amari announced “ladies and gentlemen, Veronica Nami Mitchellson.”
    My eyes fell on the figure that strolled out in a silk peach dress that had a slit to show her beautiful dark legs and matching open toes heels that showed off her freshly painted toes. Her arms, collarbone along with her cleavage was exposed due to the deep v-neck cut. She had on a silver bracelet, decent sized hoops and natural make up with glossy full lips. Her hair was in a side bun. She held a silver clutch in her left hand and her hips swayed from left to right; her eyes fell on me and smiled as I looked at her in an awe. I walked up to her and placed the corsage on her right wrist. I looked at her and said “you look great, V.” She smiled at me and said “you too, Amir.” She straighten my suit jacket and I fixed her strap.
     Everyone started to flash their cameras and we stood side by side posing. She grabbed my right and into her left and smiled at the cameras as I looked at her. We got into the car and I began to drive as her hand went back into my hand. The ride was silent but we were comfortable with it. We soon arrived to the school and I parked in a spot. I got out and before she did the same, I stopped her. I walked over to her side of the car, held out my hand for her and she took it. We walked in hand as people watched us but I only saw Veronica. She was glowing and everything that the sun was jealous of her.
     We walked into the gym and it didn’t even look like a gym anymore. The theme was Spring Fling and the committee did a hell of a job. There were flowers everywhere, circular tables in green and pink table clothes. Drapes all over the place and a wide dance floor with a stage in front. A lot of people were already inside and it was heard to find our small group until we saw Jerry waving us down. Taylor hugged V and complimented her while Jerry and I mocked the girl; we all sat down and talked for a while but honestly I was only listening to V while Angel by Shaggy played in the background. After like an hour, Veronica and Taylor went to the bathroom and left us alone. “V looks good man. I know you happy.” I nodded and said “yeah, I am. Cassidy would’ve ruined everything.” He agreed. “Straight up. So, you getting after prom?” I shrugged and said “shit just hang out.” “Well, T and I getting a room so we can get it in, ya feel me” he said as he leaned. I shook my head, chuckled and said “yeah. Yeah” as I sipped my punch. He was quiet then he said “y’all should get one.” I side eyed him and said “what you mean....”
     “We should get a room”, I asked as Tay fixed her curls. “He look like he boutta pounce on that ass, girl.” “No, he ain’t, girl. Shut up." She looked at me through the mirror. “V, I’m serious. I think its about that time.” I placed  my hands on hips. She put her hand on my shoulders. “Maybe, you waited all this time because you want HIM to be the first. Here me out, you have never had a boyfriend, never even had your first kiss and you’ve never had your cherry popped either. And why is that?”I hit her hands off me and said “because I ain’t ready, Tay.” “Because you’re waiting for Amir, Veronica.”
    We left the bathroom finally and I sat by Amir at our table. We laughed and talked the whole night as if we did every time we hung out. I would sometimes just lean on my hand, look at him as he talked and he would copy. I seemed to have my hand fly at his shoulder and never taking it off until I caught Tay staring at me with a smug look. Amir and I were dancing, acting fools and just having a good time. I always enjoyed his company because he wasn’t like the other niggas at school. The guys there seemed just talk to me because I looked decent to them but Amir wasn’t like that. He knew what guys were capable of so he taught me all I knew to get them off my “dick”. 
    He always seemed to care about me and I never felt alone at all. If he wasn’t around, I was so hopeless and bored. We dance so many songs from the 90′s to the 2000′s; we didn’t care though. 
[Don’t Mess with My Man by Nivea plays]
      Veronica had her soft hands on my shoulders and was lip syncing to me while I nodded and we was grooving.
“It was hard to find a brotha that was down for me So I'm tellin everybody let him be Cause he's mine and I can't take no pigeons tryna take my baby So I thought I had to let you know Find someone that you can call your own Cause now you're walkin in the danger zone And if I touch you I'll be wrong .”
   She sung the chorus, I watched her while I licked my lips and rubbed my hands making her laugh. I brought her hips closer to me with both hands I started to the male’s part
“It was hard to find a girl that's really down for me Seems like a lot of niggas tryin me Cause they tryna take my baby, oh what the hell So now you really better check yourself Messin with my girl is bad for your health and So you know you will be dealt with Better find your own girl.”
    She was watching me with those big, brown eyes, I couldn’t help but just stare back until the song faded into
     The mood was gone when “Get Low” by Lil John started playing. Everyone was dancing and acting a fool. I saw J and Tay with her bent over popping hard as hell, hoping her dress didn’t rise up. V and I saw them and it seemed like we made the same stank face expression. We just danced with our hands in the air then the part where they were like
“Now back, back, back it up A back, back, back it up A back, back, back it up A back, back, back it up Now stop then wiggle wit it Now stop then wiggle wit it Now stop then wiggle wit it Now stop then wiggle wit it.” 
   Veronica turned her back to me leaning on my chest, I held her hips and she whined into my pelvis; she never left that place especially when the next song came on.
“It's the remix to ignition Hot and fresh out the kitchen Mama rollin' that body Got every man in here wishin' Sippin' on coke and rum I'm like so what I'm drunk It's the freakin' weekend baby I'm about to have me some fun.”
    Her whining became slower but harder. I could feel J’s eyes on us when he was checking us out; I looked up at him. Taylor had her back turned to him and he grabbed her hips while bringing in her in closer while rolling on her; he looked at me to make sure I did the same. I brought Veronica in slowly to the beat of the song and I can feel her directly on my dick while I began rolling into her. I looked back at Jeremiah and he slid his right hand onto Tay’s stomach; I followed. I bit my lip trying to keep my composure until...
“I don't know what you heard about me But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see That I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P.”
   I stood up straight and thanked Black Jesus for changing the song because I was honestly getting hot and bothered while dancing. Amir was holding me so close that I can feel everything and I do mean everything. I turned to him dancing and we two stepped together. He brought me closer to him by my hips and I can feel myself literally melt at his touch. He still was dancing like normal while looking around and I did the same. After a few more songs, some kids from marching band brought out some horns and blew them.
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 The DJ said “it is time that we have all been waiting for. It is time to announce prom king and queen!! I would like to bring out our dear principal, Mrs. Angela Divine.” Everyone cheered as she took the stage and spoke.”Hello, class of 2004. I am very happy with how this year has gone. I have watch everyone of you grow from young children to young ladies and gentlemen. If you don’t win tonight or were not nominated, just now that you all are royality. As you can see, we rolled out the red carpet for prom king and queen nominees. Now, I will be calling the king nominees first and they walk down and come stand on my left then ladies will do the same and stand to my right.” She pulled out a paper and began reading. “Okay. Monty Wilkerson. William H. Montana.” People cheered as they each went down then she said “Amir Carter”; everyone went crazy as he got on stage.
    She looked at the guys and smile saying “aren’t you handsome?” Amir fixed his bowtie and did the famous sexy Denzel face. Everyone laughed and I rolled my eyes. “Now, it’s time for the ladies.” She read the paper and said “Monica Jones”; people cheered. “Cassidy Montgomery”; they cheered but she wasn’t around. “Oh, I guess she didn’t attend. Well, let’s continue.” She read the paper and with a smile she said “Veronica N. Mitchellson.” Everyone cheered as I walked down the carpet. I hugged a few people from my team before reaching the stage. I stood closer to Mrs. Divine and looked over at Amir. He smiled and winked at me. Lord Jesus that smile. I just rolled my as I smiled back and looked into the crowd. The drum roll began as the crowns came out to be presented; Mrs. Divine held up the card and opened a bit before announcing. Alright now. The 2004 Prom King is” She opened the card and said “Mr. Amir Carter.” Everyone cheered as he shook the hands of the other nominees and he stood behind crown; putting it on.
    Now, the 2004 Prom Queen is.. oh. She looked into the crowd and said “Cassidy Montgomery. “Some people looked around confused and I just stood there. I didn’t really care about prom queen in the first place but it was kinda awkward just standing there. Like, Cassidy wasn’t there. Amir looked back at me and just shook his head; I shrugged and smiled. Mrs. Divine put her lips to the microphone to talk. “Well since Cassidy isn’t here then the next nominee will take her place as queen. So, Amir who should we pick?” He looked back at us, held his hand out and said “gotta have my best friend as the queen.”
    While everyone cheered, she took my hand and stood next to me. V started to reach for the crown but I got it from her and slowly placed it on her head. I walked down a few steps, turned to her, smiled and held my hand out; “My Boo” was playing in the background when she took it and followed me to the dance floor. We started to slow dance and we looked into each other’s faces; those damn eyes. I looked at her lips and looked around as everyone watched us dance. They looked so soft and I wanted to kiss her so bad but now with everyone; I gave her forehead a kiss and felt her blush when a stir of awes came at us. We chuckled together and continued. She placed her right hand on my chest and lied her head next to it. I rubbed her back and we still danced; she made me want to take care of her even more. Before the night came to an end, we took tons of pictures and danced more.
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     We finally were on our way to Miramar Beach with a large meat lover pizza, a case of DG Jamaican Kola Champagne Soda in pineapple and two slices of red velvet cake. I lied my jacket down she can sit, we took our shoes and crowns off and set them to the side; we dug right in and talked afer. I asked “so, did you have fun tonight?” “Yeah, I did. How about you?” I nodded then she asked “so, I guess I wasn’t supposed to be prom queen. Was you mad?” “Hell yeah. They probably did that because they thought we was still together. She didn’t deserve it anyways. She was rude, mean as hell.” V sipped her drink and said “then, why date her?” Why was I with her? “She was just there, I guess. She was cool at first but after a while, psh, I was over it. Wish I called it off earlier.” We both looked at the water and she asked “is it me or did tonight kinda feel like a wedding reception?” 
    I chuckled and opened a new soda. “That’s just you, cuh.” “Y’know, I wanna get married one day and have my own family.” I raised brow and asked “really?” “Yeah. Don’t you”, she said looking at me; Ishrugged and nodded. “Well, I want an outdoor ceremony surrounded with so many flower petals. I want a simple gown with a silk head wrap and simple make up because we both know that I’m damn sure not about to spend hours on getting ready.” I smiled and looked at her when she talked again. “Then, when I become a multi-selling singer, my girls are gonna be set. Two beautiful chocolate babies with the chunkiest faces and all. Then, we will have a chocolate lab or a rottweiler like your dog. We’ll have a house big enough for us in South Beach. My oldest child are gonna write music together and become a dynamic duo.  
   She was being too damn cute. “You really put thought into it huh?” She smile and nodded; I would definitely remember that for the future. “Well, I actually want girls too but four of them and they’ll be daddy’s girls. They’ll be on tour with me and we’ll travel all over the world. They moms and I are gonna make sure they always good. She looked at me and said “that sounds nice.” I looked back at her and smiled. “Let’s make a deal but it’ll just be between us. If we haven’t met anyone by the age of thirty then we gotta marry each other. We can raise a family and everything. If you’re up for it.” She bit her lip and nodded. “Sure. Deal.” We shook hands and smiled at each other then it happened. She gave me a peck on the lips. Like it wasn’t too fast or two slow but I enjoyed. “I owed you one, Amir.” I nodded and laughed in my chest as she lied her head on my shoulder and us holding hands. Best night ever.
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Of Robots and Rocketships: Chapter 2
For @platonicvldweek​ day 2: Lion / Lamb
Chapter 1
Read it on Ao3 | Read it on FFN
It was Katie who texted first.
Two days after the competition (two days of Hunk not wanting to be the first one to say anything cuz would that be seen as too clingy??) his phone went off.
Katie: hey! how’ve you been? dad said he was sorry he missed you
A thousand thoughts were running through his head. He stared at the message for a long time, mentally dissecting it, trying to think of how best to respond.
The last part especially stuck out to him, since it implied two very important things: firstly, that Katie (and Matt?) had told their dad about him--and secondly, that Dr Holt actually wanted to meet him.
Hunk took a deep breath, quelling his thoughts, before starting to type out a response.
Hunk: Hi! I’ve been pretty good, you? And I’m sorry your dad couldn’t make it too; maybe next time?
Okay. That was good, right? Open, friendly, not too eager—
He was taking this too seriously.
He flopped over backwards onto his bed with a groan. Why was this so hard?
Katie: unfortunately ‘next time’ isnt until next year unless youre going to robocup
Hunk: I don’t think so :/
Katie: boo
They went on like that a little longer, making small talk about the little things, the things they already knew about each other. After about half an hour, the conversation dwindled to a stop. And it was days before it was picked up again.
It started that way at first: brief conversations, making general small talk, testing the waters. As the months went by, they got more and more comfortable with each other; by the time winter melted into spring came around, they were texting nearly every day, about the smallest things.
Katie: what about ur dad?
Hunk: Oh actually I don’t have one
Katie: oh shoot im sorry
Hunk: No that’s not what I meant XD I don’t have a dad cuz I have two moms
Katie: OH
“So who’s Katie?”
Hunk glanced up at his mom in surprise. “What?”
She gestured towards his phone, which was sitting on the table a foot away from him while he read. “You got a text message, sweetie.”
Hunk lunged for his phone, opening the message in a rush.
Katie: random question: star wars or star trek?
“It’s that girl he met at the competition back in Flagstaff,” Mama called from the next room.
“Phoenix,” Hunk corrected offhandedly. “Flagstaff is where her school was from.”
Hunk: Aw come on, you can’t make me choose!
Katie: help me win an argument against my brother
Katie: help me obi wan kenobi youre my only hope
“Oh, you made a friend?” Mom continued. “That’s great! What’s she like?”
“Um,” Hunk mumbled, still distracted. “Well, she likes peanut butter. And peanut butter cookies? But not peanuts, she says they’re too dry.”
Hunk: I’m sorry Katie, I’m going to have to go with Star Trek. The tribbles episode owns my soul
“Oh!” Hunk added with a smile, setting his phone down and giving his mom a starry-eyed look. “And you’ll never guess who her dad is!”
Hunk: So...what’s up?
Katie: i am eating peanut butter by the spoonful and i couldnt be happier
Hunk: Sounds like a day well spent :P
Mid-February, Katie was in class, her phone in her lap hidden under her desk. She and Hunk only had an hour difference in time zones, but that still lead to schedule conflicts. Hunk had texted her when he got out for lunch; Katie, and hour later, was already back in class after her own lunch break.
But that didn’t stop her from continuing the conversation.
(It’s not like Mr Hedrick was teaching anything new, anyways.)
Hunk: I’ve actually been looking into the garrison application process. I’ve been wanting to go there for ages and I’ll finally be old enough this fall
Katie: !!!!!!!!!
Hunk: I want to!! But the application is pretty intensive
Katie: aw come on i know you can do it
Hunk: Thanks ^_^
Hunk: What about you, are you you applying?
Katie: still too young *eyeroll* its still a few more years till i turn 16
Hunk: What??
Katie: dude im like 12
Katie: i turn 13 in april
It was a couple minutes before he responded, and Katie bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing out loud in the middle of class.
Hunk: But you’re in high school?
Hunk: I’ll be honest here, I thought we were the same age O.O
Katie: yeah i skipped 7th and 8th grade
Hunk: :O
Hunk: You’re like a little child genius or something
She stifled another laugh with a cough. She glanced up to make sure that the teacher hadn’t looked over, then went right back to her phone.
Katie: yeah thats what they told me
Katie: probably explains why this class is so fucking boring
Hunk: Wait are you in class right now??
Katie: ....quite possibly
Hunk: Get off your phone, young lady, and pay attention!!
Katie: but i already know all thiiissssss
Hunk: Respect your elders
Katie: booooooo
Hunk: (•̀o•́)ง
Katie: omg you nerd
Katie: fiiiiine
Hunk: I’ll talk to you once you get home from school ^_^ ♥
She smiled down at her phone screen before closing out of the messages app. Part of her was tempted to just pull up something else—a book, or the web browser—but she stopped herself with a sigh. She turned off the phone, stuffing it into her back pocket.
Hunk: I just thought you were really short, I didn’t realize you were a BABY
Katie: i hate u
The Garrison application process was even more daunting when he was actually filling it out. In the past, when he would look it up online to mentally prepare himself for the day when he’d finally get to fill it out, it all seemed so easy.
But now, he was starting to think he was biting off more than he could chew.
Between the GPA requirements, the essay, the mechanical skills project, the letters of recommendation, the other essay, the entrance exam, the preliminary engineering classes—
It was a lot.
And it was especially a lot when he had to juggle all that in addition to his regular schoolwork. Hunk glared at the pre-calc textbook open on his desk until the numbers all swam together.
He groaned, slamming the book shut and leaning back in his chair.
His phone vibrated, and he reached for it blindly.
Katie: maybe a rover-type probe? like what you guys did for the comp. that was pretty good
Hunk let out a long slow exhale. The physical project was causing him the most trouble at the moment, having to prove his engineering prowess by building something all on his own. It was arguably the most important part of the application, and Hunk had no clue what to do for it.
Hunk: Yeah but if I’m going to get into the garrison then my project needs to be more than just GOOD
Katie: how about a robotic turtle
Hunk: ...why?
Katie: why not
Hunk: I can probably think of a few reasons
Katie: turtles are cool bro
Hunk: Fair enough
A weary smile had managed to break through his look of frustration. Hunk glanced back at the pre-calc book, then sighed again as he slowly opened it back up.
One thing at a time.
Katie: bro u should go to bed its 1am
Hunk: Which means it’s 2am for you, right?
Katie: yeaahhh but i drank coffee mixed with redbull a couple hours ago im good
Matt and Sam made a point to come home on the weekends, and it was an occasion that Katie relished in.
She spent her days in Matt’s room, lying on his bed and keeping him company while he worked at his desk. She had her phone open to the messages app, idly relaying her conversation with Hunk to her brother.
“Yeah, Hunk has been working on his application for the Garrison.”
“Really?” Matt asked, spinning in his office chair. “That’s awesome!”
“Yeah, he’s going in for engineering,” she continued. “I’m really excited for him.”
“Does he need a letter of rec?”
“Um, lemme ask,” she replied, already typing.
Katie: matt wants to know if u need a letter of rec
It was a bit before he responded, and she watched the typing bubble appear, then disappear, then appear again. She smirked.
Hunk: Oh my god
Hunk: We only met once, does he know me well enough?
Katie rolled her eyes, reading the message out loud to Matt.
“Psh, ‘course I do,” Matt said flippantly. “I got to see his work back at the competition, and that’s the most important part, if I’m being honest.”
Katie: dude. you guys talked for ages about engineering crap
Hunk: Oh gosh. I don’t want to inconvenience him at all.
“He says he doesn’t want to inconvenience you.”
Matt let out a long groan. “Oh come on, I’m already writing them for Alec and Luca, what’s one more? I like Hunk.” He paused, thinking. “Here, ya know what, give me the phone.” He grabbed the phone from Katie’s hands without waiting for her response.
“Hey,” she protested, but Matt merely shushed her and continued to type away.
“There,” Matt said with a smirk as he hit send. A minute later, the phone vibrated, and Matt cackled, already typing a response.
“What did you say?!” Katie demanded, lunging for the phone.
Matt easily evaded her reach. “You’ll see,” he said cryptically. “But I think I’ve gotten through to him.”
When the phone went off again, Matt let out a cheer. “Alright,” he said triumphantly, tossing the phone back to Katie. “We are a go!”
Hunk: Happy birthday!!! (^▽^)
Katie: im officially a teenager bitch!!
Hunk: Jeez Katie you’re a little baby, you shouldn’t be saying stuff like that, you’re practically an infant!!
Katie: fuck
Hunk: /_(0{}0)_\
It was the middle of dinner when her phone went off.
“Katie,” her mom scolded as the girl grabbed at her phone and opened the message.
Katie ignored her, waving her hand impatiently. “Shh, it’s important!”
“Katherine, what could possibly—”
Colleen was interrupted by Katie’s sudden squeak of excitement. “He got in!!!” she squealed.
“Hunk?” Matt asked, beaming. “That’s great!”
Across the table, Sam’s eyes had lit up. “Fantastic!” he proclaimed. “Tell him congratulations for me,” he said. “I look forward to working with him.”
“Careful,” Katie warned, already typing. “You’re gonna break him.”
Katie: dad says hes looking forward to working with you. he and matt wish you congratulations
Hunk: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hunk: Thank you!!!!!!!! \(≧▽≦)/
Katie: hunk.exe has stopped working
It was summer when the Galaxy Garrison officially announced the Kerberos mission, naming the daring crew of astronauts who’d be going on the shuttle, and setting a predicted launch date in September.
The announcement made every headline imaginable, national and international news, NASA, a blurb in Katie’s high school’s newsletter, and just about every online publication in existence.
Katie was doing her homework at time, her phone stashed at the bottom of her backpack. With her headphones in, she didn’t hear it vibrating, too engrossed in her chemistry work.
She had ten new messages by the time she closed her textbook and fished out her phone.
Hunk: DUDE!!!!!
Hunk: That’s literally BILLIONS OF MILES AWAY
Hunk: Sorry for spamming I’m just REALLY EXCITED
She laughed, carrying her phone and her laptop onto her bed where she could stretch out more comfortably. She flopped over onto her back, holding the phone above her face.
Katie: oh did that get announced today???
Katie: theyve been planning for months im so jealous
Hunk: Aaaaaaa this is all so exciting!
Hunk: I’m just
Hunk: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Katie: same
Katie: kerberos must be so cool
Katie: hunk lets go to outer space
Hunk: Let’s do it
Garrison cadet move-in day was in mid-August.
She got his room assignment from her dad. He’d been more than happy to check the student records for her and send her a quick message with the hall name, floor, and room number.
Katie, not even 13-and-a-half, much too young to be one of the students moving in today, walked confidently down the halls, weaving in and out of parents and students.
Presently, she heard his voice up ahead, coming out of one of the many open door. An excited grin spreading across her face, she ran the last few yards to his room. Bracing her hands on the doorframe, she stuck her head into the room, shouting, “Surprise!”
Inside the room, Hunk yelped as he whirled around in shock. As soon as he caught sight of her, his guard dropped and he broke into a smile. “Katie!” He tackled her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground.
Katie laughed. “It’s so good to see you again!”
“What are you doing here? Wait, no, stupid question.”
She giggled. “I came in with Dad and Matt. They went to do professional officey things, like boring adult paperwork or whatever.”
“Ah, the worst part of adulthood,” Hunk said, nodding sagely. “Don’t worry, Katie, you’ll understand when you’re older.”
She elbowed him. “Shut up.”
He laughed for a moment, and Katie realized that he wasn’t the only one in the room. Standing bemusedly by the closet was a woman who looked so much like Hunk she could only be his mother. She had a gentle smile on her face as she watched the two of them.
Hunk followed Katie’s gaze, and his eyes widened. “Oh, this is my mom,” he said, gesturing to the woman. “Or, well, you know. One of them.”
“Hi,” Katie said, holding out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Garrett.”
“Please, call me Lani,” the woman said, shaking Katie’s hand. “It’s lovely to finally meet you, Katie. Hunk has told me so much about you.”
“Good things, I hope,” Katie said, casting a dry glance at Hunk. He stuck his tongue out at her, and she stuck out hers at him.
“Only the best,” Lani reassured her with a wink.
“So how have you been?” Hunk asked. “It’s so good to see you! We should, like, hang out at some point and catch up.”
“Oh!” Katie interjected. “Mom told me to invite you guys over for dinner,” she added.
Hunk gasped, and Katie could have sworn she saw stars in his eyes. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously,” she echoed. “Please?”
“Yes! Absolutely!” Hunk cried. He looked over to his mom. “Right? That’s okay?”
Lani smiled at her son widely. “Of course, sweetie. I’ll go find Kiana.” She squeezed Katie on the shoulder as she walked past her to head out of the room.
“Dinner,” Hunk breathed. “With Doctor Samuel Holt.”
She snorted. “I promise you, he’s a normal person. Just kind of a nerd. But hey, I mean, so are you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Katie.”
Hunk: The Kerberos launch is only a couple weeks away, omg
Katie: i knowww im so jealous
Katie: i might just stowaway on the shuttle tbh
Hunk: That sounds potentially life-threatening, please do not
Hunk watched the Kerberos launch live on TV.
They’d only allowed family to watch from the ground, and though Katie had offered to try to sneak him in, he’d declined. Instead, he watched it on the massive projection screen that the Garrison had set up for students.
In some of the camera shots, he could make out the tiny purple-clad figure of Katie on the observation deck, standing beside her mother.
“This truly is a momentous day in human history,” the newscaster was saying. “If successful, the Kerberos Mission will mark the farthest that anyone has traveled from Earth. We’re making history here, folks.”
The launch was glorious. With a blast of fire and a cloud of smoke, the shuttle took off, the cameras trained on it all the way out of the atmosphere, until it was just a tiny speck against the blue of the sky. The crowd gathered in the Garrison commons room let out a cheer. Hunk’s roommate, an aspiring pilot named Lance, propped his elbow on Hunk’s shoulder.
“That’s gonna be us someday,” Lance told him with surprising conviction. “Seeing the stars, traveling to worlds never before seen.”
Hunk smiled. “I can’t wait.”
Hunk: Oh my god
Hunk: Katie I’m so sorry oh my god
Hunk: Are you okay?
Hunk: Sorry, stupid question
Hunk: Can I do anything to help?
Hunk: Katie?
✓ Read 11:17 PM
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real-retail-stories · 7 years
Retail associates aren't human
So I work for a large corporate retail company and this happened today. I’m the main cashier whenever I’m at work because I’m probably the fastest cashier we have and I’m generally very friendly and polite. Lemme just say today was an off day from the beginning but who cares because I had my customer service smile on. Anyway this older lady, about 50’s comes to my register while it’s pretty slow and starts dumping her stuff on the counter so I do the whole “hi ma'am how are u, did u find everything okay today and are u shopping with our rewards card (credit card)?” She says, with as little interest as she can muster and barely a glance in my direction, “I have an account but I don’t have the card with me so just look it up,” to which I reply “I’m sorry ma'am but I can’t look up your card” and tell her our system doesn’t work that way. Automatically she’s defensive and starts complaining that everywhere else she shops can do it so why can’t we. Once again I explain that for customer safety no card information is held on our systems so I can’t go in and find her info, that she has to physically have the card to be able to use it. At this point she tells me she hasn’t even gotten her card yet, so I’m thinking it’s been a few weeks since she’s been waiting so I tell her if that’s the case she needs to call the company support to resolve the issue, angrily she says well someone needs to give me the number so I present her with the booklet we have with that info and point out the number and she says “u need to write that down and give to me.” Now being the way that I am and wanting to tell her that she’s not physically handicapped and can do it her goddamn self because that’s not the way u ask for assistance, I bit my tongue, looked down and saw her phone on the counter and said as sweetly as I could “are u sure u don’t want to put the number into your phone so u don’t lose it?” At that she mumbles how long that’s gonna take while I ring the rest of her items and she does it anyway. I get done ringing her and I just want her to leave so I tell her the total, that’s when she decides to ask if she can have the items credited to her card once she gets it so I explain to her that she will need to return the items and repurchase them on her card. Her next question is does she need to bring the items back out can she just take the receipt. I’m my head I’m like U DUMB BITCH HOW ARE U GONNA RETURN ITEMS WE HAVE NO PROOF OF AND NO BARCODE TOO SCAN, but I say no the items must be present, once again she tells me how stupid that is and that she’s gonna get them again while I stare her dead in the face and repeat myself like I said what I said bitch. Finally she accepts that and starts rummaging around her purse for cash and just so happens to pull out the temporary paper shopping pass she got when she’s applied for the credit card and goes oh is this the card, I check if it’s valid and it is so she wants to use it. At this point it occurs to me that if the shopping pass is still valid then she couldn’t have done the application long ago (because they’re valid for 21 days) so I ask when she did the application because the card takes 2-3 weeks, she says it’s been about 10 days and the blanckness on my face tells u I wanna slap her as she rambles about not knowing why she didn’t get it yet. I’m utterly pissed off and no longer have the patience for her so I say you’ll need to key the info since u know, no card. She mumbles and complains her way thru the whole thing and misses a few card numbers so I tell her you try again. This lady threw the pass across the counter at me and said “look I can’t get all those numbers so you’re going to have to do that, hissed her teeth and hobbled away while I stood there wanting to punch her. Eventually I rolled my eyes and leaned over to the p.o.s to do the shit myself and get her out of my face. Once I was finished I handed her her 1 bag with about 6 pieces of clothes that she didn’t want to have to take back to return and said "thanks, have a nice night ma'am,” and got a bitchy “mhmm u too” as she wobbled away. Once more I realized why I hate my job.
P.s sorry it’s so long but if I had gone cliff notes version u wouldn’t be able to see how painfully difficult she tried to be
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silverschaos · 8 years
Cold | Jughead Jones
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Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Description: Being a Blossom and dating the school’s super sleuth doesn’t exactly have a happy ending.
Warnings: some swears, maybe. and mentions of death bc jason blossom u know.
Word Count: 2240
A/N: okay this turned out better than I thought. figuring out a title for this was v hard but thanks The Veronicas for having v fitting songs. It’s left open for a part two but that’s up to you guys. Just lemme know <3
Being a Blossom wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to begin with thanks to all the rumours and speculation around your family that had been passed down over the years but the moment Jason Blossom had died, it became the hardest thing in the world. People would constantly stop you whenever they saw you, whether it was in the streets or at school just to give you their condolences. People were constantly staring at you watching and waiting for you to breakdown and the thing you hated the most were the people that would constantly be asking if you were okay.
Okay? How could you be okay when your brother had died? Not only died, he’d been murdered and nobody knew who it was. Every single person in town was a suspect even you. Your parents were on a mission to find out who did it but in the progress of that they seemed to be forgetting or didn’t care about how you and your sister Cheryl were feeling. Not once had either of them made sure you were okay or gave you a hug. Just a simple hug from your mum or dad would’ve helped, it really would’ve. But, no. You and Cheryl just had each other and that was okay.
To most people, Cheryl was a stuck-up bitch who didn’t care what anyone thought about her.  That was a façade, though. The real Cheryl, the Cheryl you’d grown up with was a kind, sweet, troubled girl that just wanted love. She just wanted someone to be there for her but she was stubborn and had built up walls so much that letting people in was hard. The only person she trusted was you and vice versa. You had each other and that’s what mattered. When you were at school though, that was a whole different world. Cheryl was the popular cheerleader who had her big group of friends while you were the ‘boring’ Blossom. That’s what you’d branded yourself as. Jason and Cheryl had been the popular ones that were head of the school food chain and you were the plain jane Blossom. You’d much rather just write and spend time by yourself than be surrounded by people who only used you for the popularity. That wasn’t to say you didn’t have friends or people didn’t care about you. That wasn’t the case at all. You had a few friends and Jason’s friends always made sure you were looked after now your brother was gone but you didn’t have anything solid. More than anything you wished you had a best friend.
That was when Jughead Jones came into play. He was the mysterious, super-sleuth that was trying to solve your brother’s murder. It didn’t bother you too much that he was. Besides, it wasn’t like you could stop him anyway. You and Jughead had always been friendly to each other – more acquaintances than anything but one day when you were feeling especially down and sad, that all changed.
It had been a few days after Jason’s body had been found and for some stupid reason you’d decided that going to school was a good idea. So many people had been staring at you, daring to ask you if you knew anything but Cheryl had been barking at anyone who’d dared to even ask her and since you were a Blossom, they didn’t want to anger you just in case you had that same temper. You found yourself sat alone in the school cafeteria using your fork to push the food around on your tray. Food was usually one of your favourite things but lately you had no appetite for it. How could you stomach eating anything when your brother had just been murdered? All you wanted to do was hide away and cry but when you’d been found crying at home, your parents had told you to grow up. No emotions were allowed in the Blossom household! So, after having enough of staring at your food, you were about to get up from your chair and leave the noisy cafeteria but the scaping of a chair sounding out as it was pulled across the floor caught your attention and you came face to face with Jughead. He asked you if you were okay explaining how he’d seen you looking down and you ended up talking and spilling probably too much to him.
Ever since that moment you two grew closer and eventually after a month of spending basically every day together, Jughead asked you out. That day had been one of the best since everything had happened. He was your first boyfriend – it was your first relationship and you couldn’t be happier to have someone like Jughead by your side to make everything better.
“So, I’ll see you after school tonight?” Jughead asked you as he caught up with you after your History class. He threw his arm around your shoulder and you turned your head to catch a glimpse of your beautiful boyfriend. You’d been together for two months now. The happiest two months you’d had in a long time.
You nodded your head. “Yep! Study session at my place. Unless you’re too scared to come to Thorn Hill!”
“I’m more scared of your parents than all the ghosts and ghouls that probably live in your creepy mansion,” he said, grimacing at the thought of coming face to face with your parents. They didn’t exactly approve of your relationship. Neither did Cheryl or any of Jason’s friends.
“Don’t worry. They’re away for the weekend so we only have Cheryl to deal with but she’ll be busy doing Cheryl things so we’ll be fine!” You assured him.
“If you say so. I told Archie I’d meet him before Chemistry so I’ll see you later,” he pressed his lips against your cheek, giving you a wink before he jogged off to catch up with Archie who was further down the hallway.
A content sigh passed by your lips. Sure, life might suck and you still might be dealing with the fact the brother you loved dearly was gone but Jughead was the light in your life – the one thing you knew you could always count on to be there for you. He had been your rock over the last few months, always there and willing to listen to you talk about Jason and listen to all your crazy stories that kept your memory of him alive. Being so young you weren’t sure what love really was or how it felt but if the butterflies in your stomach whenever he was around you and the feeling of euphoria you had when he held your hand or kissed you was anything to go by then it was safe to say you were falling for the silly boy in the beanie.
“Still confused as to why you’re dating Donnie Darko!” Reggie’s voice knocked you out of your thoughts.
“He’s not as bad as you all think,” you defended your boyfriend, turning to glare at Reggie. You knew he was just looking out for you but it bothered you how much he liked to trash him.
“I don’t know, (Y/N). There just seems to be something off about him and this whole relationship. I’m just looking out for you. Jason would fe-“
“Don’t, Reg. Don’t. Jason would be happy that I’m happy so please don’t try and tell me what Jason would feel.”
Reggie smiled sadly, giving your shoulder a squeeze. “I’m sorry. I’m just… here if you ever need me.”
School was over, thankfully and you soon found yourself sat in your room with Jughead. Books were laid all over your bed as you sat cross legged, pencil behind your ear and eyes scanning one of the books that were open in front of you. Jug sat opposite you, a frustrated look on his face as he typed away on his laptop. Suddenly you let out a huff, reaching over to your bedside table and pulling out an assortment of coloured sticky notes. This caught your boyfriend’s attention as he raised his eyes from his laptop to look at you with a curious look.
“…and those are for?” He asked.
“Oh,” you said, holding the various sticky notes in your hands. “It’s this thing Jason used to do. He’d write different topics on different colours so it was easier to sift through when he needed a certain fact from a certain thing. He was really smart like that.”
“Oh yeah?” The topic of Jason perked Jughead’s interests as he began typing on his laptop again, occasionally looking up at you.
“Yeah,” you scribbled some notes on a green sticky note. “He was always coming up with ways to keep everything organised. I remember the day I saw his bags all packed and there were different coloured labels on them so he could easily find what he was looking for.”
“What were his bags for?” Jughead asked curiously.
“Oh, they were to store in the car he was using to run awa- “
You were cut off before you could even finish what you were about to say. “(Y/N) Blossom, don’t you dare utter another word.”
Cheryl came storming into your room, slamming Jughead’s laptop shut and giving him the deadliest glare she could muster. She didn’t approve of Jughead but usually she was very respectful knowing that he made you happy and that was all she wanted for you. Your happiness was one of her top priorities so it confused you why she seemed so angry with him right now.
“What the hell?” Jughead glared back at her.
“Don’t you what the hell me, prince of darkness. I don’t know how you dare,” Cheryl seethed.
“What is going on?” You asked confused, stepping off your bed to walk over to your sister. “Is everything okay? Did something happen?”
“I don’t know, Jughead? Did something happen?” Cheryl directed her attention to Jughead, not taking her eyes off him. Her hands were on her hips, her foot tapping the floor angrily as she waited for him to talk.
“No…?” He replied, rolling his eyes.
“Try again.”
“Really have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“What is going on?” You butted into the conversation, looking between the two of them. Cheryl was glaring at Jughead and he was glaring back at her. He wasn’t one to back down when someone was attacking him and Cheryl wouldn’t back down until she got what she wanted. She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t worry, Betty. I’m sure we’ll get what we’re looking for soon. I just need more time,” Cheryl mocked causing Jughead to freeze. This didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“What?” You asked quietly.
Jughead opened his mouth to talk then closed it again. It seemed for once he was a little stumped for words. This was a rare occasion something you knew only happened when he was nervous. “Jug?” You asked, looking to him.
“Oh, for goodness sake, tell her,” Cheryl demanded. “Or I will and it won’t be pretty.”
Jughead sighed, looking down at his feet from where he now stood. His bag was slung over his shoulder giving him a distraction as he fiddled around with the strap. You’d never seen him act like this before. It made you worry so you took a step towards him, gently placing your hand on his face and running your thumb along his cheek. “Jug, you can tell me anything.”
He grabbed your hand, removing it from his face which hurt you a bit. “(Y/N)… I-I’ve been lying to you.”
Your heart sank. Had he cheated on you? With Betty?
“You have to believe me when I say that I do care about you and I really did grow to like you but… I-I’ve been using you for information about Jason. Betty and I needed more for our investigation and… getting closer to you was part of this plan we’d concocted. I never… I never meant it to get this far but the closer we got, the more you opened up so…”
Your heart was breaking into a tiny million pieces with every word he spoke. You’d heard people say their heart hurt before and you’d never understood it but at this moment you’d never understood anything more. Tears were threatening to spill from your eyes and suddenly you’d forgotten how to breath properly. It felt like your whole world was crashing down around you as you heard the boy you’d began falling for tell you everything had been a lie. He’d used you. He’d used you for information.
“I..,” you couldn’t get anything out only a sob as you brought your hand up to your mouth to try and hide the fact you were about to burst into tears.
“(Y/N), I’m so sorry,” Jughead whispered, trying to take your hand but Cheryl swatted it away standing in front of you so he couldn’t get anywhere close to you.
“You have exactly five seconds to get the HELL out of my house and away from my sister before I throw you out,” she threatened.
Heading towards the door, Jughead looked at you with sad eyes. “I never meant to hurt you, (Y/N). I’m so sorry.”
The moment he was out of sight, you burst into tears and Cheryl wrapped her arms around you letting you sob into her chest for the rest of the night.
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pinksuitcherrypin · 7 years
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august 3rd 2017 ok everyone as seen above is me right after gettin my brains fucked out of my head and putting my clothes back on please see the red finger like marks on my neck bc bitch i got CHOKED!!!! anyways lemme start from the beginning this is like a week long story in one post so sorry. so last week made plans like twice to see bae and he flaked but didn't explain why and just never showed up and never texted me, i was SO pissed and when he didn't talk to me for 2 days i was like ok well this is done bye and then he texts me today and says hey don't be mad w this emoji 😔 and i'm like??? boy what the fuck where have u been and he explains he's like having extreme anxiety issues and struggling thru that and had a couple days where he needed to be alone and needed to just like stay in the house and i was like ok yeah i get that but please tell me next time? so he's like so you wanna hang out and i'm like yes pls so he gives me his address and i like zoom on over and he meets me outside n we kiss and it was like so cute the highlight on my upper lip like was on his lip 😩 and we go inside and talk and he's like i'm gonna go grab food you can just stay here and i'm like ok and he's like omg you aren't even wearing a bra are you trying to seduce me and i'm like haha never ;-) u feel me and he's like already touching my legs and as soon as he leaves the house is like i almost couldn't leave and says we're fucking as soon as i get back and i was like OMG shook and so turned on lol so he comes back and honestly wastes no time like gets in bed with me and kisses me and like pants come off and i'm in this body suit and he's like going nuts for this shit i wasn't expecting the reaction tbh but were like rolling around making out he's grabbing my ass super hard and kissing me and my neck and playing with my nipples bc like top was cut soooo low he eventually like is rubbing my clit and my hands on his dick which is big lol and he's like ok how do we get this off and like pulls if off over my whole body and he shoves my legs apart and is like inside me in 1 second and it was so good omg he was literally just pounding me and kissing my neck at this point it's missionary and i'm in my head like omg why isn't he choking me and i just say out loud "choke me" and he went in on me like choked me so hard i really couldn't breathe like was struggling hard and my eyes were like fluttering i feel like i was being choked hard enough to cut off air flow to my brain and it was so hot omg so i'm literally dying and he's slamming into me and wow it's so good and after a while he like slid out on accident and rolls me over and is fuckinf me from like the side?? and had his one arm under my head like my neck was in the crook of his elbow like straight up choke hold and his other hand was on my waist like digging into me and i'm loosing my shit at this point he whispers in my ear he's gonna cum and slams into me like 1 last time and pulls out and cums on me and i was like so physically weak i couldn't open my eyes he got up and showered and i got dressed like half way just put my body suit on and laid in bed til he came back and he was like let's go get coffee and i'm like no don't wanna get up and he's like come on pls and i'm like fuckinf with him like nope not getting up and he leans over me and is like let's go and kisses me and like to my surprise spanked me sooooo hard it shocked me and i looked at him and he was looking at me like do you want another and i like half nodded and he hit me again and it was like so loud and stung kinda but wasn't hurting and he looked at me and was like let's go babe and i said no and he was like this ones not gonna feel nice and hit me soooooo hard on the same ass cheek lol it hurt honestly but this was my first time being like spanked for not listening or as a "punishment" which he's super into it was hot as hell i could have fucked again at this point so i get up and we get dressed and go to starbucks and then go to a park and walk around the woods n a train track for hours and just talk about everything it was really nice and his mom called and was like kinda freaked like where are u and he told her he was with me and she was like IS SHE A USER IS SHE CLEAN and it was lowkey awk but kinda funny and then i went home and texted bae and was like hey and he asked me if i had fun i said yes of course and he said he had a good time and specifically was like it was so hot when you told me to choke you i was like ohhhhh ok boy 👀👀 so yeah that as my afternoon w bae it was nice and the sex was great can't wait to see him again bye ladies
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