#then u should not engage with the source material
cannotgiveafuck · 2 years
Interview with the Vampire zine titled "Ruthless Pursuit of Blood" banning anything beyond mild blood and any "problematic" content (even if canon), but will consider art depicting racism bc its part of canon....
And they're wanting to sell this fanzine
Based on work from an author renowned within the Fandom community for being hostile toward them...
This is such a shit show lmao
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
Hey there, Happy New Year! Sorry if this ask seems confusing.
I've really come to enjoy your blog as someone who is kind of new to navigating the world of comics and how to read them and you seem to be one of the people that's more vocal about all the fanon and canon differences and how that damages people's perception of characters. I'm just a bit confused in what you consider to be the difference of headcanons and fanon, I know fanon is a more of something that a big number of people believe, but if someone headcanons something that isn't covered in canon, would that be "bad" or fall on the fandom category?
Hope this doesn't sound mean or anything, I'm just a bit confused
hello!! welcome to batburger!!!!
wrt fanon vs canon my issue is this — parts of comic fandom are very vocal about not engaging with the source material. deciding what fanon is “good” vs “bad” isn’t the point because im not interested in policing peoples fandom experience. however there is a point where i don’t understand what exactly some people are fans of, because what they talk about is so disconnected from the original text.
imagine meeting a hunger games fan, and when u ask about their favourite movie or book, they instead tell u that they’ve never read or seen any part of the series, exclusively read fanfiction, and then inform u that they believe president snow is peeta’s grandfather and that actually haymitch was the authoritarian mastermind behind the hunger games. that doesn’t make any sense, and has no basis in canon. it’s a very extreme hypothetical, but i wouldn’t really take what they say about the hunger games seriously. it also reminds me a bit of the hp marauders fanworks that exist almost autonomously to the books (while still containing the same issues as said books).
most fanon enjoyers (and this is particularly pervasive with batfam fans) enjoy characters and relationships that simply do not exist. that alone isn’t a problem (crackships and headcanons have existed since ye olde star trek zine days) but the issue is that these fanon interpretations are loudly asserted as being the correct way to engage with the characters. i do not believe it should be controversial to prefer characters in their canonical text, or to ask why some fanon content is taken as gospel, especially when so much of it is racialised.
this lends into a wider trend where these headcanons are respected more than canon despite often being actively reductive, accidentally demeaning, or just plain bad faith interpretations. it’s much harder to combat the racism present in conversations about damian wayne when the people in question aren’t grant morrison or judd winick or scott snyder, but instead a nebulous group of people on twitter.
flatly, i encourage people to read the source material. there are a lot of comics, but googling ‘[literally any character] reading list’ has literally never been easier. start by consuming the movies or cartoons or films or shows or the one volume graphic novels, then pinpoint what u like and start from there. people are discouraged from reading comics — and they shouldn’t be!! especially for popular characters there are very accessible starting points!! u will find characters to love with rich history and lore!!!! support queer artists and artists of colour who are actively changing the industry!!! i guarantee that the fanon version of that male character u love is actually originally from a female character with a great miniseries written by greg rucka!!!!
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murcielagatito · 1 year
danny phantom(the show) has a LOT of things that phandom could discuss critically (ie the suuuper blatant racism that happens but also actually good and interesting things) pero yall refuse to watch the show. like idk how many times imma beg yall to watch the source material of a fandom youre in but please do
something something engaging with media that doesnt interest you is actually good for your brain and you should do it more often so why not start in ya own damn fandom
why we have wes? bc yall dont bother to watch and realize that all the attributes u give him are literally ripped off valerie and paulina and then yall go onto rants like “but we can have both” we really cant!!!! its straight up racist what yall did to her!!! but ohhh its really not that serious cuz why would yall know if you dont watch the show!!!!!! its racist!!
the only perception yall have about the black and brown characters of danny phantom are ones pushed on yall by a majority white fandom!!!! its fucking sickenin!!!! AND ITS WHY YALL LET SO MANY DAMN ARTISTS GET AWAY WITH SKINNYFYING AND WHITEWASHING VALERIE watch the show and make your own opinions about these characters because they’re genuinely so good if you actually gave them a damn chance!!! and point out problematic shit by your fave artists just fucking do it goddamn!!!!
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astrojulia · 1 year
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All about Cancer
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I always start by talking about people I know who have this sign… So, it's only in this short excerpt that I speak fully as a person who experiences astrology in everyday life and not as an astrology student (and a would-be astrologer). I can't escape the fact that I see people of this sign as highly emotional. No, it's not something negative (when well-performed), and it doesn't even mean that it's someone who cries for everything. It's just that it's a person who acts more emotionally than rationally (because we are all emotional beings).
As a general energy, I see that Cancer shows how we are beings trying to live a material life... There are several ways of seeing life, with beliefs or not. You can believe in the soul, spirit, etc. But you can't deny that we seem to see life through a window in our eyes, and there is a part of us that is not material. You can't deny that it's hard to live, but it's the best experience in our life. This energy of not being something material and that we are in a shell is what this sign represents for me.
As always, I need to say that when I write in the post, I need to put what the experts and the most important astrological community say and think, because I am responsible for every word I write, but here I always say that it is just my point of view, my studies and my evolution, because I’m the type of person who always wants to be better the next day. So let me tell you this: for me there is no underdeveloped aspect! For me, the underdeveloped part will always be our “Shadow self” that will appear when we most need to defend ourselves! Underdeveloped is our deepest instinct and we need to look at it as a Digivolution and not a Pokémon evolution (nerd references!!!). 
Cancerians are all about nurturing, taking care of their peeps, and doing their best to help those close to them. They can be pretty over-protective sometimes, and may make decisions that reflect what they believe is best rather than what's actually going on. But that's just because they care too much.
Cancerians' greatest strength lies in their emotional intelligence, and when they harness it effectively, they truly shine. In today's society, emotions often have a negative connotation, causing many of us to suppress our feelings and view emotional expression as a weakness. This can lead to moodiness and a tendency to romanticize things that shouldn't be romanticized. However, when Cancerians embrace their emotional side, it becomes nearly impossible to knock them off balance. They have a deep understanding of their own emotions, as well as those of others, which allows them to navigate relationships and situations with ease.
They are highly sensitive individuals, with an emotional depth that sets them apart. While their sensitivity can be a great strength, it can also make them emotionally vulnerable at times. They often feel things deeply and may be more affected by negative events or criticism than others. However, their vulnerability is also a testament to their immense capacity for empathy and caring, which is a hallmark of their personality.
They are known for their remarkable intuition and deep understanding of the world around them. They possess a natural sensitivity and an ability to read between the lines, which allows them to connect with others on a profound level. However, they can also be withdrawn and shy, sometimes retreating into their own world when they feel overwhelmed. This tendency to be reserved should not be mistaken for a lack of interest or engagement; rather, it is a reflection of their need for privacy and reflection. In moments of quiet, Cancerians can access their deepest thoughts and emotions, allowing them to recharge and reconnect with their intuition.
Cancerians are individuals who possess a deep well of emotions and a profound attachment to the people and memories that are important to them. They have a unique ability to cherish memories and relationships with great depth and passion, and they are often sentimental about the things that matter most to them. Their sensitivity and sentimentality are a testament to their caring and empathetic nature, which allows them to connect with others on a profound level. However, at times, their sentimentality can cause them to become overly emotional and maudlin. They may become lost in nostalgia or overly focused on the past, making it difficult for them to move forward and fully embrace the present moment. While their sentimentality can be a strength, it is important for Cancerians to balance it with a healthy perspective that allows them to appreciate the present moment and the opportunities that it presents.
They have a deep appreciation for tradition and are often drawn to the customs and practices of the past. They find comfort in the familiar and enjoy the sense of continuity that comes with following longstanding practices. However, at times, their attachment to tradition can cause them to become overly bound by the past, making it difficult for them to embrace new ideas and ways of doing things. While their respect for tradition is a strength, it is important for Cancerians to balance it with an openness to new experiences and perspectives. By doing so, they can broaden their horizons and grow in ways that enhance their lives and enrich their relationships with others. When they are able to strike a healthy balance between honoring the past and embracing the present, Cancerians can tap into the wisdom of the past while remaining fully engaged in the world around them.
They have a strong attachment to their homes and families, and often derive great satisfaction from nurturing and caring for those closest to them. They are domestic in nature, and find comfort in creating warm and inviting spaces that reflect their personal style and values. However, at times, their focus on the domestic sphere can cause them to become overly sheltered, limiting their exposure to new experiences and perspectives.
So, in other words:
At their best, Cancers are:
Nurturing: Cancers have a natural inclination to take care of others. They are empathetic and compassionate individuals who enjoy making others feel loved and cared for.
Kind: Cancers are kind-hearted and will go out of their way to help others. They believe in treating others the way they want to be treated and always try to put themselves in other people's shoes.
Loving: Cancers are affectionate and express their love openly. They value close relationships and are devoted to their loved ones.
Honest: Cancers inspire others to admit, face, and accept the difficult truths in their lives. They have a strong sense of integrity and believe in being honest with themselves and others.
Supportive: Cancers are incredibly supportive of those around them. They encourage others to pursue their dreams and offer a shoulder to lean on during tough times.
At their worst, Cancers can be:
Passive-aggressive: Cancers may resort to passive-aggressive behavior when they feel hurt or upset. They may say one thing but mean another or use sarcasm to express their feelings.
Irrational: Cancers can be highly emotional and may let their feelings cloud their judgment. They may make decisions based on their emotions rather than logic, which can lead to poor outcomes.
Moody: Cancers can have drastic mood swings, going from happy to sad or angry within a short period. They may have a hard time controlling their emotions and may take their feelings out on others.
Expecting repayment: Cancers may do good things for others but always with the expectation of being repaid in some way. They may keep track of their good deeds and expect others to reciprocate in the future.
Victim mentality: Cancers may adopt a victim mentality, feeling sorry for themselves and blaming others for their problems. They may have a hard time taking responsibility for their actions and may feel helpless or powerless.
As the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer is the first reflection of what we really are. After the certainty that comes with the strength of Aries, Taurus stirs things up, and that's why we need to return to the past, to our origins, to review what we really are.
As a water sign, Cancer is the surface that reflects everything above. It's there, and at the same time, it's not, always being an illusion, a mirage. As a cardinal sign that seeks things, Cancer seeks security, just like the crab that has its shell to protect itself from everything and is always looking for a home that can better comfort it (Paguroidea).
The connection between Cancer and its opposite sign Capricorn is incredibly intricate, as it delves into the interplay between our instincts and our super ego. It represents a harmonization of the child's desires and the adult's needs, or even the reverse dynamic
Cancer, as a zodiac sign, is ruled by the Moon, which is often associated with the realm of emotions. Being influenced by the Moon, Cancer symbolizes the depths of our instincts, the richness of our feelings, and the core of our fundamental desires.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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“Os astros sempre nos Acompanham” by Claudia Lisboa
“DEPTH ASTROLOGY: An Astrological Handbook”, Volume 1, by Gargatholil
Servant of the Fates on tumblr
PSD by wildfireresources on deviantart
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philtstone · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you so much to the lovely @tllgrrl for tagging me! without further ado ...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
as of this one, 197! i have been on these fanfic streets for roughly ten years, it all tends to accumulate
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,056,672 ..... do with that what u will
3. What fandoms do you write for?
yall, this is a prolonged list. i dont think theres been a source material ive written for once that i dont randomly write for again every so often. i have 1-2 big phases per year, usually. just go look at my ao3 dashboard sdlkfjldskf
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
to the surprise of absolutely no one, all five are from the age old skywalker happy trash family au. thanks for being so consistent star wars fandom, ur all real ones <3 but also my writing has improved so much since then that occasionally the hingeless urge to go back and re-write every fic in that verse is real
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try my best to! every so often life gets in the way, but especially in the last few years, i really try to engage with comments as much as i can. ive also been lucky enough to write in pretty small fandoms for the last couple years (ironically, given ive been in my second m*rvel era) so replying to comments has been a lot more intimate and friendly anyway
6. What is a fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i was going to say "i dont know" because for the most part -- and especially my more recent fics -- everything ends up pretty consistently bittersweet. then i remembered vintage phil: "we want to live by each other's happiness", or the b99 captain america au
7. What’s a fic you've written with the happiest ending?
i tend to very consistently write things with shades of happy and sad. that said, some of my favourite purely "happy ending" fics include:
"easy, easy (my man and me)"
"i found a dream"
"hark the bluebells"
"i believe in you and in our hearts"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not really. i dont generally write chapter fic with controversial enough plot points and the unresolved nature of updating chapters to generate true "hate". i have gotten some really bizarre comments where one has to wonder what was going through the commenter's head when typing it all out, but most of those are not things that stick.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not me feeling emotional abt my ao3 tenure .... 15 yr old me would have such a different answer ...
i write often and (i hope) as authentically as possible about lived-in romantic relationships, and as ive gotten older it has felt more and more organic to include scenes in and around sexual intimacy where appropriate. i dont think most people would classify that as "smut", though.
10. Do you write crossovers?
if i am writing an au, it is a true au, with the single and sole exception of the force sensitive claire au, which is, on a technicality, a crossover
it also is, on much less of a technicality, unfinished ...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of and i certainly hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my memory
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
the closest ive ever come to this was, actually, writing the b99 cap au with maya Back In The Day. our tumblr messages used to just be draft upon draft of scenes evolving in real time. but never formally. friends are an integral part of the fic writing process tho
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
the world should know i am an anne-gil truther. blueprint if there ever was one
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
sadly, probably "happiness, like those palaces in fairy tales"; my beloved small time constance-centered parks-flavoured musketeers au .... my writing style has just changed so much since, and it was such a huge undertaking. i still have half of the unpublished anne/aramis flashback chapter saved in my google docs though.
16. What are your writing strengths.
ive been told im good at prose! and writing from childrens' pov, which i am fond of doing, though in a tragic turn of events i havent done much of it recently
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
as i see it, sometimes i dont know when less is needed for a fic to be more. often, this comes from a lack of clarity on my end re: what the fic is trying to be -- OR when im trying to write about something i dont really know. at the end of the day, though, this problem recurs because fanfic is supposed to be fun, so something being a bit too messy and a bit too long is not a huge deal to me. hopefully its also not a huge deal to my readers!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
u can pry doing this from my cold dead hands. & are also always free to criticize my phrasing and translations, lol, except for that one time i made bucky barnes speak farsi, which is a language i actually know
19. First fandom you wrote for?
star trek aos, baybeeeee
20. Favorite fic you’ve written.
IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. i love many of my children equally!
here are some all-timers from those fics which i have not mentioned yet:
and there's a keepsake my mother gave me
then she'll be a true love of mine
just to hear the nightbird singin'
my daddy was a prominent frogman
thank u so much for the tag my friend! i had heaps of fun. tagging @firstelevens, @sesamestreep, @sennenrose and @flyinghome-againstthewind as well as anyone else interested!
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mindsafe · 2 months
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♫ if HOME is where the HEART is, then we're all just fucked ♫
private, selective, && low-activity multimuse; featuring canon-muses from animanga, video-games, literature, && more; loved && despised by anja ( she / they ); 21+
doing lines of dust && sweat off last night's stage with: @pontevoix, @m-11o // @w4rche1f, @chaoslulled, @herkn1fe // @deiikara , && @calcitration
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♫ THE WRITER - i'm 27 years old, && i'm a tumblr veteran; i work a full-time job && have passion projects on the go. i enjoy hard cider, fall out boy && my cat. also i can't stop yapping. this blog is mostly to engage with friends ( old && new ) && to appreciate the stories && characters i love; i'm prone to tumblr anxiety && the occasional creative block, but at the end of the day i'm very much LIVE, LAUGH, LURK && can be reached easily OOC; i'm also happy to hand out my discord to mutuals.
♫ THE BLOG - due to the themes present in the source material, this blog will contain sensitive subject matter, as well as dark && possibly triggering content; i will do my best to tag everything appropriately. NOTE: MY VIEWS DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE CHARACTER OR THE CREATOR.
♫ WRITING // FORMATTING - theoretically, i prefer paras. that being said, i prefer quality over quantity, && don't expect anyone to pull their hair out trying to match my freak. i stick to formatted small text && no longer use icons out of personal preference; how you format on your end is entirely up to you. my only request is that threads are trimmed && ask memes are carried over to separate threads.
♫ ETTIQUETTE - standard rules apply: no godmodding, don't force ship, respect me OOC, etc. also it's the year of our lord && saviour jesus christ && i shouldn't even have to say this but racism, homophobia, transphobia, proshipping, etc. are all big nonos, && if i catch a whiff of any of that nonsense, it's an instant hard block.
♫ SHIPPING - generally speaking, i don't like to start threads with pre-established relationships unless they are based on canon material, or are discussed in advance; i prefer to ship with people i know && am comfortable with. also, despite being much older than 18, i will not be writing/posting explicit nsfw material on this blog. nsfw mentions might come up and will be tagged.
♫ TRIGGERS - while i don't have any specific triggers per se, it should be mentioned that i am epileptic && would appreciate photosensitive content tagged (tw: epilepsy); if there is something specific you would like tagged, please let me know, && if i do forget, please yell at me to go back && tag it
♫ CREDITS - graphics by @pontevoix ( m u a h )
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devilman crybaby: ryo asuka ( on request )
haikyuu!!: oikawa tooru ( on request )
hunter x hunter: illumi zoldyk ( secondary ) || kurapika ( secondary )
jujutsu kaisen: nanako hasaba ( secondary ) || suguru geto ( primary ) || junpei yoshino ( on request )
kimetsu no yaiba ( demon slayer ): TBA
shingeki no kyojin: kenny ackerman ( primary ) || moblit berner ( on request ) || nile dok ( on request ) || hitch dreiss ( secondary ) || annie leonhart ( primary ) || yelena ( on request ) || ymir ( primary )
game of thrones: TBA
house of the dragon: alicent hightower ( secondary ) || aemond targaryen ( on request ) || helaena targaryen ( secondary )
dragon age: TBA
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natsmagi · 1 year
godd i just got into enstars recently and all the characters’ lore and development is so so interesting to me… it’s a bit overwhelming for sure but i hope i can make progress on reading some stories soon
in past fandoms/media i’ve been in, i was definitely one of those ppl who reduced characters to a singular trait or a ship (and i didn’t even look at how the characters within the ships helped each other develop either). i think a lot of that came from not reading the stories from the source material. i used to get most of my information about characters from the wiki or ppl’s posts abt them which were mainly lovemail or meme posts, not that people should never make them but god i should not have been basing my perception of a character off them.
i haven’t gotten into the enstars fandom that much (i think) and i think that’s been good for me. i’m in like. shallow waters ig. and random stuff just washes up on my feed. i’m at the point where i’m interested in charas that i originally hated/disliked, not to say they’re my faves now but i am certainly intrigued by them and i hope to learn more about them soon
also i’m sorry this ask/rambling/confession of sins is so long and probably somewhat incoherent i didn’t realize ajdjfhfhdmsnjdk that one post activated my few braincells
ITS ALL GOOD! and yea i totally get that! even with ensemble stars i feel like thats a common beginning for people to have in this fandom. bc like. there are SOOOO many stories and SOOOO many characters, how the hell are u even supposed to know where to start?? or even know which characters youll end up loving most???? so it makes sense to just check out the wikis and see what ppl are posting online! i know i did that when i first got into the fandom (i also took a uquiz to see what character i was most like) (got wataru for those curious)
i dont think theres anything wrong with starting off ur fandom journeys like this! its just important to actually engage with the source material if its something thats interested u so u dont start accidentally spreading misinfo and mischaracterization and whatnot! we all start somewhere and we cant be expected to know every single thing about everything, so its okay!
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advanto-software · 3 months
Top 10 Strategies for Success in Data Science Course in Pune
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To pursue a data science course in Pune is a very exciting and potentially fulfilling venture. Pune stands as a city filled with IT professionals and amazing educational institutes that can tempt any prospective data scientist. Advanto Software is one of the best software training institutes in Pune which also provides the best Data Science Courses in Pune. However, the following strategies will help to achieve success in a data science course to succeed in your career.
1. Choose the Right institute for the Course
Choosing the best data science course is perhaps the next big step toward achieving a successful result. Consult and enrol in the best course of your choice that will guide you in career success and education. Ensure the course has a good syllabus, well-trained tutors, and covers areas related to the industries that students intend to venture into. Advanto Software is the best institute for data science courses as it also helps you for placement until you get placed.
2. Understand the requirements
There is a need to point out that potential students should define the requirements of a data science course as clearly as possible to enrol in an appropriate course. Make sure you have a grasp of linear algebra and the principles of programming, inculcating either Python or R. The former will make the entire learning process more effective and easier to comprehend simple lessons while the latter will make more complex lessons easy to master.
3. Set Clear Goals
It is necessary to understand the necessity of creating realistic goals to stay motivated all the time. Please explain what you expect to get from the course; it may be learning certain techniques, engaging in specific projects, or even getting a job in the area. Ensure that you always check on your goals front and back, and modify them if necessary.
4 Attend Totally in Class
Engaging actively in class can greatly improve your knowledge of the subject matter. Engage in dialogue, pose questions, and work together with other students. Interacting with the content enables you to acquire new insights on intricate subjects and strengthens your understanding of it.
5. Leverage Online Resources
You must use other types of resources such as online resources to complement the course you are pursuing. Keep yourself busy by following those industry-related blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels that can give you the latest trends and technologies.
6. Work on Real-World Projects
It is crucial to make practical use of theoretical knowledge because of the actual implementation of the concepts and ideas in projects. Some classes have capstone projects or internships built in, but you can look for more options on your own. To gain experience, join Kaggle competitions, contribute to open source projects, or work with local organizations to solve real-world data sets.
7. Join Data Science Communities
There are some benefits that people can get when they avail community such as support, human and material resources, and contacts. Go through your school or college participate in data science clubs, and attend local meets of data science enthusiasts. Interacting with colleagues can be useful to steer oneself toward productivity and to get some information about trends.
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masongrizchel · 5 months
How do mainstream media undermine the foundations of science? 🔍🔬
Most scientists I knew preferred to be low-profile. 🔬 Focus on what truly matters while directing most of their attention to what they are studying. Scientists aim to expand humanity's knowledge by dedicating their time and energy to exploring the known and unknown, pushing the boundaries of understanding. In some instances, a particular science figure communicated with the general public, presenting a novel perspective on how to view scientific results from a non-STEM standpoint. However, this approach also entailed certain risks. Communicating science sensationally risks misguiding the audience, shifting their attention away from what we should prioritize and toward the steps involved in making the discovery. 🎙️
One might ask a question: Why is that? In their quest for attention-grabbing headlines, mainstream media can distort or oversimplify scientific findings, leading to sensationalized consequences. 📰
Media outlets may misinterpret complex scientific findings, leading to inaccurate or exaggerated portrayals of a certain result or discipline. As a result, this can misinform the public and undermine trust in the scientific process. They also possess the ability to narrow their focus to specific areas, often concentrating on studies that generate intrigue rather than those that reflect the consensus of the scientific community. Labeling this as cherry-picking can create a skewed perception of scientific knowledge and lead to misunderstanding. 🍒
Mainstream media sometimes prioritize anecdotal evidence or individual stories over rigorous scientific evidence. While these anecdotes can be compelling to the general public, they do not represent the broader scientific consensus that can perpetuate misconceptions. And this poses a risk: it can send a totally different message. 📺
This is a two-way problem: journalists may feel pressured to seek out attention-grabbing stories, while those already in the spotlight may fear losing their position of prominence, risking a loss of prestige in that coveted position. This leads to inaccuracies or oversights in reporting, which can further contribute to public confusion regarding scientific matters. Media outlets may sensationalize scientific discoveries or even malpractice to attract viewers, readers, or the general public. 🌟
Exaggerating the importance or implications of specific research findings, or accentuating something that seems extraordinary or appealing, has the potential to mislead the public. This can lead to hype cycles and unrealistic expectations that ultimately erode public trust in science when promises fail to materialize. 🎈
Some media organizations have ties to industries or special interest groups that may influence their coverage of scientific topics. This can introduce bias and promote misleading information that serves specific agendas rather than objective scientific inquiry. Scientific research is often complex and nuanced, but media coverage may lack the necessary context to understand findings accurately. Without proper context, the public may misinterpret or oversimplify scientific information, leading to misconceptions or misinformation. 🔄
How do we deal with these challenges? Especially when it comes to promoting the opposite of the harm that sensationalism can cause, it's crucial to prioritize accurate and responsible communication. It works both ways: media outlets should critically evaluate scientific reporting with appropriate background and fact-checking. There is a need to prioritize information from the primary source. 📚
We live in an age where abundant information is available, yet we often undermine it and fail to utilize it fully. Scientists and researchers can enhance the accuracy of their communication by engaging responsibly with the media and providing clear, accessible explanations of their findings. 🔍
A saying suggests that we must evaluate the roots of our actions to understand what the future may hold for us. In any form or manner. 🌱
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genzandulifecoach · 6 months
Gen z’s views on LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance
Gen Z is the “gayest” generation ever. Nearly 1 in 5 Gen Zers identify as a part of the queer community, compared to 1 in 10 millennials, and 3 in 100 Gen Xers, according to a national research survey. 
Gen Z is also the most accepting generation when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights. Part of this is because 1 in 5 identify as a part of that community but it’s also because they are more accepting of diverse identities than previous generations. They’re more diverse, educated, and plugged in than generations before. This contributes to Gen Z being more supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. 
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A majority of this generation believes that LGBTQ+ people should have the same rights as heterosexual individuals. 59% of them believe that all government and standardized forms should have gender-neutral options or the ability to use gender-neutral pronouns. And over half think the world is not accepting enough of gender-fluid or transgender individuals. 
Knowing these facts and statistics, how can we support them? We should be striving to be more like them, despite the differences between our generations. It is vital to keep an open mind and recognize that our society is changing and evolving. 48% of Gen Z think societal change is a good thing, compared with 15% who think it’s a bad thing. 
Here are some thoughts on how educators, organizations and parents can stay open to the emerging generation:
a. Embrace change. You may not understand them entirely, or know why they feel the way they do but accepting that their thought process is different than other generations is the beginning of change. 
b. Educate yourself on Gen Z and the LGBTQ+ community. We often achieve acceptance through education – the more we know about something, the more likely we are to form well-rounded and thoughtful opinions, which can lead to greater acceptance. 
c. Talk with them. You can learn and understand most by going directly to the source. Ask questions. Be open to whatever the answer is. Welcome the generational differences, and engage with them, rather than bristling at their presence.
Strive to support them, and the LGBTQ+ community. If you’d like to learn more about GenZ, visit my blog posts on my website www.genzandu.com , and find other related educational materials, follow along with us at GenZ&U.
Gallup. (February 22, 2023). Share of respondents who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in the United States from 2012 to 2022, by generation [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved February 26, 2024, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/719685/american-adults-who-identify-as-homosexual-bisexual-transgender-by-generation/
Kim Parker and Ruth Igielnik, May 14th, 2020, What We Know About Gen Z So Far, Pew Researchhttps://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/05/14/on-the-cusp-of-adulthood-and-facing-an-uncertain-future-what-we-know-about-gen-z-so-far-2/
Simona Vigodner, February 16th 2016, How Acceptance Is The Result Of Your Education, The Academy Chronicle
Sustainability and ethical consumption are hot topics among GenZ. What are they, and how can leaders keep them in mind?
As leaders, we must practice sustainability. Research shows sustainable practices lead to greater employee satisfaction, better business outcomes, and resilience economically, and socially. We also know that greater sustainable practices lead to an increase in consumption; a survey showed that 71% of Gen Zers will stay loyal to brands they feel they can ethically trust.
Ethical consumption may lead to employee buy-in. When employees feel they can stand by their service or product from an ethical standpoint, they are more likely to promote it and engage in related work. Knowing Gen Z makes up 27% of the workforce, this is important to keep in mind! They also make up 40% of global consumers – and have been proven to gravitate to ethical goods; they’re willing to pay up to 15% more if they feel good about their purchase.
So what are these practices? Sustainability comprises practices supporting ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. It assumes resources are finite, and acknowledges we will not always have unlimited access. This is associated with ethical consumption; the notion people will make a habit of buying goods from ethical companies and avoid buying from unethical ones. Ethical consumption is often practiced through consumption of sustainable goods.
The outdoor clothing company Patagonia is a great example of both concepts. Patagonia emphasizes sustainability and ethical consumption and strives to make their products environmentally friendly, and their workspaces to be accommodating and supportive. As a result, of the 100 most visible brands in America, they ranked number one in strong reputation, with Gen Z respondents making up almost ⅓ of this survey.
Ethical consumption and sustainability can be difficult to practice, they are necessities when considering Gen Z and the global market. Aim to apply both to your workforce and model their tenets as leaders. If you are a leader in the workforce and would like to learn more about how to achieve this, reach out to me as I learn, coach and impact this generation and beyond.
Francis, T., & Hoefel, F. (2018, November 12). ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications. McKinsey & Company. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/true-gen-generation-z-and-its-implications-for-companies
Rock, D. (2020, January 9). The NLI interview: Patagonia’s Dean Carter on how to treat employees .Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidrock/2020/01/09/the-nli-interview-patagonias-dean-carter-on-how-to-treat-employees-like-people/?sh=125ab0d7188c
Roostaie, N. Nawari, C.J. Kibert, Sustainability and resilience: A review of definitions, relationships, and their integration into a combined building assessment framework,
Building and Environment, Volume 154, 2019, Pages 132-144, ISSN 0360-1323,
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mugenloopdalove · 6 months
I agree that this community is rough sometimes if you arent a bigger account. I think im probably one of the people you would say has an easy time coming up with daydreams or imagines, even though i dont post "imagine your f/o" type things. So maybe i can offer some help with that? My first suggestion is to engage with the source material and get those good lovey feelings- why you fell in love in the first place! And then literally just write that! Dialogue comes easier for me, so i imagine my f/o's or others in their source material saying things to/about me, and how my f/o would react. Ive been selfshipping for 15+ years and ive NEVER "finished" a fic. I just write what feels good! Sometimes its just quotes, sometimes its bullet points, sometimes its a bunch of notes with one line each that end up getting put together. It might not be easy the first or even the tenth time, but i promise it will make you feel better the more you open yourself up to "im just going to write how i feel" rather than "i need to write a fic" or "i need to world build." Youre awful hard on yourself sometimes i think 🥺
Thank you for the advice
CURRENTLY engaging w the source material has the cevat of my current main source is to rlly hard stuff that has just caused me more frustration cries so hard. Late act 3 my beLOATHED (I could pot the difficulty down but I'm stubborn. This game is lucky I played on balanced and didn't go straight for tactician LMAO)
I should have kept some of my earlier saves so I could go back to like. Meeting Astarion or the hug scene that breaks me or meeting Karlachs parents or Jaheria talking about her losses, but it is so hard to hold onto saves in bg3 u don't rlly get a lot. I GUEEEESS I could watch things on YouTube but then it would not be w Theil :( I should have saved more clips
That last advice is. Really helpful and good though. I've been writing since uuuhh elementary school and I never really let myself just do something lazy and self indulgent that isn't a true "fic" and just some random stupid points. I rarely even leave wips for one shots unfinished (long form is another story but that's why I don't rlly... Do long form anymore. Bc I've realized one shots or 2-3 chapters are what I do best.) I. Don't think it even ever occured to me to just scribble stupid shit down and leave it at that bc everythings gotta be a grand art piece w me ya know. That's actually. Smart to just scribble whatever down w out it being a fic. Thanks.
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mrs2flyn · 1 year
| t h e u l t i m a t e g u i d e t o w o m e n ' s j e w e l r y
° jewelry has long been cherished as more than just decorative accessories . They hold the power to elevate an outfit , express personal style , and even evoke emotions . Whether you're a jewelry enthusiast or just starting to build your collection , this guide will help you navigate the world of women's jewelry and discover the essential pieces that every woman should consider owning.
° in this comprehensive guide , we'll explore the various types of jewelry , from necklaces and earrings to bracelets and rings . We'll delve into the intricacies of choosing the right metals and gemstones , understanding their significance and how they can enhance your overall look . We'll also discuss different jewelry styles and trends , empowering you to embrace your individuality and stay ahead of the fashion curve. But it's not just about the aesthetics . We'll also dive into the practical aspects of jewelry ownership , including caring for your precious pieces to ensure their longevity and value . Additionally , we'll provide tips on buying jewelry , considering different budgets and trustworthy sources to guide you in making informed choices.
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• u n d e r s t a n d i n g j e w e l r y t y p e s
* jewelry comes in various types , and each one has its own significance and can be worn to create different looks . Here's a deep dive into some popular jewelry types and their significance:
1. NECKLACES : necklaces are versatile and come in various lengths and styles . They can be categorized based on their length , such as chokers , princess , matinee , opera , and rope necklaces . A necklace can draw attention to your neckline , accentuate an outfit , or serve as a statement piece . For example , a delicate pendant necklace can add a touch of elegance to a casual outfit , while a chunky statement necklace can be the focal point of a simple dress.
2. EARRINGS : earrings are worn on the ears and come in different styles like studs , hoops , dangles , and chandeliers . They can frame your face and enhance your overall look . Stud earrings are classic and versatile , suitable for everyday wear . Hoops provide a trendy and versatile option , with larger hoops being more attention-grabbing . Dangle and chandelier earrings are more ornate and can be worn to add glamour to formal occasions or evening events.
3. RINGS : rings are worn on the fingers and carry symbolic meaning . Engagement and wedding rings symbolize love and commitment . Other rings , such as birthstone rings or signet rings , can have personal significance . Rings can be stacked or worn individually to create different looks . Mixing and matching different styles and metals can add depth and visual interest to your hands.
4. BRACELETS : bracelets adorn the wrists and can be made of various materials like metal, beads, or gemstones. They can be thin and delicate or chunky and bold. Charm bracelets can hold personalized charms, each representing a special memory or milestone. Bangles, cuffs, and tennis bracelets are other popular styles. Layering multiple bracelets can create a stylish and bohemian look, while a single statement bracelet can add elegance to an outfit.
5. BROOCHES : brooches are decorative pins that can be attached to clothing, bags, or hats. They come in a wide range of designs, from vintage to modern. Brooches can add a touch of individuality to an outfit and serve as a statement accessory. They can be worn on lapels, collars, or as an embellishment on scarves or belts.
6. ANKLETS : anklets are worn around the ankle and can be made of chains, beads, or charms. They add a subtle touch of femininity and can be paired with sandals or bare feet for a bohemian look. Anklets are often associated with beach or summer styles and can create a relaxed and carefree vibe.
* the way you wear and style jewelry is subjective and can be influenced by personal taste and current fashion trends . Mixing and matching different types of jewelry can create unique and personalized looks , allowing you to express your individual style and creativity.
• c h o o s i n g t h e r i g h t m e t a l s
* there are many popular metals used in jewelry , such as gold , silver , platinum , and rose gold . The characteristics of each metal differ as well as how they affect the overall look and durability of the jewelry.
1. GOLD : gold is a highly sought-after metal for jewelry due to its luster and durability . Pure gold is too soft for everyday wear , so it is alloyed with other metals like copper , silver , or zinc to enhance its strength . The purity of gold is measured in karats ( K ) . Common karat options include 24K ( pure gold ) , 18K , 14K , and 10K . The higher the karat , the greater the gold content . Gold jewelry can come in different colors such as yellow gold , white gold , and rose gold . Yellow gold has a warm , classic look , while white gold has a more contemporary and versatile appearance . Rose gold has a pinkish hue and adds a romantic and feminine touch . Gold jewelry is known for its timeless appeal and ability to retain its value.
2. SILVER : silver is a bright , lustrous metal commonly used in jewelry . It is more abundant and affordable compared to gold and platinum . Pure silver is too soft for everyday wear , so it is often alloyed with other metals like copper to improve its strength . Sterling silver , for example , is composed of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper or other alloys . Silver jewelry can have a polished , matte , or oxidized finish , offering various styles . While silver is generally durable , it may tarnish over time and require periodic cleaning and maintenance.
3. PLATINUM : platinum is a dense and durable metal known for its strength and purity . It is rarer and more precious than gold . Platinum is hypoallergenic and highly resistant to tarnish and corrosion , making it suitable for those with sensitive skin . Its natural white luster is distinct and does not require plating . Platinum jewelry is often favored for its understated elegance and longevity . Due to its density , platinum jewelry may feel heavier than similar pieces made of other metals . It is also generally more expensive than gold and silver.
4. ROSE GOLD : rose gold has gained popularity in recent years for its warm and romantic appearance . It is created by alloying gold with copper , which gives it the rosy hue . The percentage of copper in the alloy determines the intensity of the pink color . Rose gold jewelry can range from subtle and delicate to bold and vibrant . It complements various skin tones and adds a touch of femininity and uniqueness to jewelry designs . Rose gold can be found in a wide range of jewelry pieces , from engagement rings to bracelets and earrings.
* the choice of metal in jewelry affects both the overall look and durability . Factors such as color , luster , and hypoallergenic properties can impact the aesthetic appeal . Durability varies with each metal ; however , proper care and maintenance can extend the lifespan of any jewelry piece . When selecting jewelry , consider your personal preferences , skin tone , and lifestyle to choose the metal that suits your needs and style the best.
• g e m s t o n e s a n d b i r t h s t o n e s
* there are various gemstones commonly used in jewelry ( diamonds , emeralds , rubies , sapphires , etc ) , each one holds a special meaning and symbolisation as well as birthstones and their significance for each month.
1. DIAMONDS : diamonds are renowned for their brilliance and are often associated with love and commitment . They symbolize strength , clarity , and eternal love . Diamonds are the birthstone for April and are frequently used in engagement rings and other fine jewelry pieces.
2. EMERALDS : emeralds are known for their vivid green color and are associated with growth , rebirth , and prosperity . They symbolize love , fertility , and wisdom . Emeralds are the birthstone for May and are frequently used in earrings , rings , and necklaces.
3. RUBIES : rubies are prized for their vibrant red hue and are often associated with passion , vitality , and courage . They symbolize love , power , and protection . Rubies are the birthstone for July and are commonly used in statement rings , pendants , and bracelets.
4. SAPPHIRES : sapphires are available in various colors , but the most well-known is the deep blue shade . They symbolize loyalty , wisdom , and nobility . Sapphires are the birthstone for September and are commonly used in engagement rings , earrings , and pendants.
5. AMETHYST : amethyst is a purple gemstone known for its calming and protective properties . It is associated with spirituality , peace , and clarity of mind . Amethyst is the birthstone for February and is often used in earrings , necklaces , and rings.
6. AQUAMARINE : aquamarine derives its name from the Latin words for "water" and "sea" , and its pale blue color evokes the calming and soothing qualities of water . It is associated with serenity , courage , and clear communication . Aquamarine is the birthstone for March and is frequently used in earrings , bracelets , and pendants.
7. OPAL : opal is a mesmerizing gemstone known for its play of colors . It symbolizes creativity , inspiration , and emotional healing . Opal is the birthstone for October and is commonly used in rings , pendants , and earrings.
8. PEARL : pearls are unique as they are not gemstones but formed within the shells of mollusks . They symbolize purity , innocence , and femininity . Pearls are the birthstone for June and are often used in necklaces , earrings , and bracelets.
9. TOPAZ : topaz comes in various colors , including blue , yellow , and pink . It symbolizes strength , good fortune , and clarity of thought . Topaz is the birthstone for November and is commonly used in rings , earrings , and pendants.
10. TURQUOISE : turquoise is a vibrant blue-green gemstone associated with protection , healing , and spiritual grounding . It is believed to bring good fortune and ward off negative energies . Turquoise is often used in bohemian-style jewelry , necklaces , and bracelets.
* the significance of birthstones varies across cultures and traditions . Birthstones are often believed to bring luck , protection , and positive energy to individuals born in each corresponding month . Wearing jewelry adorned with one's birthstone is a popular way to celebrate one's birth month and connect with the stone's symbolism.
* it's important to note that gemstones hold cultural and personal meanings , and individuals may resonate with different stones based on their beliefs and experiences . When selecting gemstone jewelry , consider the symbolism and personal significance associated with each stone to find the one that resonates with you the most.
• j e w e l r y s t y l e s a n d t r e n d s
1. VINTAGE JEWELRY : vintage jewelry refers to pieces that are at least 20-30 years old and often carry a sense of nostalgia and history . Vintage styles can vary greatly , including Art Deco , Victorian , Retro , and more . Vintage jewelry is known for its intricate craftsmanship , unique designs , and timeless appeal . Incorporating vintage pieces into your style adds a touch of elegance and individuality . Look for antique shops , estate sales , or online marketplaces specializing in vintage jewelry to find authentic pieces.
2. MINIMALIST JEWELRY : minimalist jewelry embraces clean lines , simplicity , and understated elegance . It focuses on delicate , dainty pieces that can be worn every day and easily layered . Minimalist jewelry often features geometric shapes , thin chains , and small pendants or studs . It's versatile and can be effortlessly incorporated into various styles , adding a touch of sophistication and refinement to any outfit.
3. BOHEMIAN JEWELRY : bohemian or boho jewelry is characterized by its free-spirited and eclectic nature . It often incorporates natural elements like feathers , beads , gemstones , and mixed metals. Layering and stacking are common in bohemian style , creating a rich and textured look . Boho jewelry can be paired with flowy dresses , floral prints , and other bohemian-inspired clothing to create a whimsical and artistic vibe.
4. STATEMENT JEWELRY : statement jewelry is bold , eye-catching , and designed to be the focal point of an outfit . It includes oversized necklaces , chunky bracelets , dramatic earrings , and rings with large gemstones or intricate designs . Statement pieces can instantly elevate a simple or monochromatic outfit and express your personal style . When wearing a statement piece , keep the rest of your jewelry minimal to let it shine.
1. LAYERING NECKLACES : layering necklaces involves wearing multiple necklaces of varying lengths , thicknesses , and styles together . This trend allows for personalization and creates a chic and fashionable look . Experiment with mixing delicate chains , pendants , and chokers to create unique combinations that reflect your style.
2. MISMATCHED EARRINGS : mismatched earrings have gained popularity , allowing you to wear different earrings on each ear . This trend adds a playful and edgy element to your look . Mix and match earrings with different designs , lengths , or gemstones to create a mismatched yet cohesive ensemble.
3. STACKABLE RINGS : stackable rings involve wearing multiple rings on the same finger , either on one hand or across both hands . This trend allows for creativity and customization . Combine rings of different textures , metals , and gemstones to create a stacked look that suits your personal style.
1. EXPERIMENT : don't be afraid to try different styles and combinations . Mix and match pieces , layer necklaces , or stack rings to find what resonates with you . Jewelry trends are meant to inspire , but your personal taste should always guide your choices.
2. BALANCE : when incorporating trendy jewelry, consider balance . If you're wearing a bold statement necklace , opt for smaller earrings or skip them altogether . If you're layering necklaces , keep the rest of your jewelry minimal to maintain a cohesive look.
3. REFLECT YOUR STYLE : adapt trends to fit your personal style . If you prefer a minimalist aesthetic , choose delicate layered necklaces or subtle stackable rings . If you gravitate towards bohemian style , incorporate natural materials and mix and match eclectic pieces.
4. CONSIDER THE OCCASION : keep the occasion in mind when styling jewelry . Delicate and minimalist pieces are well-suited for everyday wear , while statement pieces are better reserved for special events or evenings out.
* jewelry is an expression of your personality and style . Embrace the current trends that resonate with you , mix them with timeless pieces , and create unique combinations that make you feel confident and authentic.
• j e w e l r y c a r e a n d m a i n t e n a n c e
1. LONGEVITY : proper care ensures the longevity of your jewelry . Regular maintenance and cleaning help prevent damage , tarnishing , and loss of gemstones , preserving the beauty and value of your pieces.
2. APPEARANCE : well-maintained jewelry retains its shine , sparkle , and overall appearance . Cleaning removes dirt , oils , and residue that can dull the metal or gemstones , allowing your jewelry to always look its best.
3. VALUE : proper care can help retain or even increase the value of your jewelry . High-quality , well-preserved pieces are more likely to hold their value over time.
1. GENTLE CLEANING : use a mild solution of warm water and a mild liquid soap or jewelry-specific cleaner . Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that may damage the metal or gemstones.
2. SOFT BRUSH : use a soft-bristle brush ( e.g., a toothbrush ) to gently scrub your jewelry , especially for pieces with intricate details or gemstone settings . Be careful around prongs or fragile parts.
3. GEMSTONE CONSIDERATIONS : some gemstones require extra care . For example , pearls and opals are delicate and should be cleaned with a soft cloth rather than soaked in water . Research specific cleaning methods for your gemstones to avoid any potential damage.
4. DRYING : after cleaning , thoroughly dry your jewelry with a soft , lint-free cloth . Moisture can cause tarnish or damage over time , so ensure your pieces are completely dry before storing.
1. SEPARATE STORAGE : store jewelry in separate compartments or pouches to prevent tangling , scratching , or damage caused by pieces rubbing against each other.
2. AVOID EXPOSURE : protect your jewelry from direct sunlight , extreme temperatures , and humidity , as these can affect gemstones and metals . Store them in a cool , dry place away from moisture and heat sources.
3. ANTI-TARNISH STRIPS : consider using anti-tarnish strips or silica gel packets in your jewelry storage to absorb moisture and slow down tarnishing.
4. JEWELRY BOXES : invest in a jewelry box or organizer with compartments and soft linings to provide proper cushioning and protection for your pieces.
1. REGULAR INSPECTIONS : schedule periodic professional inspections to ensure the condition of your jewelry , especially for pieces with delicate settings or valuable gemstones . Experts can identify any issues and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.
2. PROFESSIONAL CLEANING : professional jewelers have specialized equipment and techniques for thorough and safe cleaning . They can handle delicate gemstones and intricate designs more effectively.
3. REPAIRS : if you notice loose stones , broken clasps , or any other damage , it's essential to seek professional repair promptly . Avoid attempting repairs yourself , as you may unintentionally cause more harm.
4. RE-SIZING : if a ring no longer fits properly , consult a professional jeweler for resizing options to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.
* each piece of jewelry is unique , so it's advisable to refer to any care instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult with a professional jeweler for specific care requirements . By following proper care practices , you can extend the life and beauty of your jewelry collection for years to come.
• b u y i n g g u i d e a n d b u d g e t i n g
* here are some tips for purchasing jewelry , evaluating quality and authenticity , considering different budgets , and finding reputable sources:
- Before purchasing jewelry , educate yourself about the types of metals , gemstones , and their characteristics . Learn about the 4Cs of diamonds ( cut , color , clarity , and carat weight ) if you're interested in diamond jewelry.
- Understand different jewelry styles , settings , and design elements to ensure you make an informed decision.
- Look for hallmarks or stamps indicating the metal's purity and quality . For example , gold jewelry should have a karat stamp ( e.g., 14K or 18K ) , and platinum should be marked as PT or PLAT.
- If purchasing gemstone jewelry , consider factors such as color , clarity , cut , and carat weight to assess quality . Seek reputable certifications like GIA ( Gemological Institute of America ) for diamonds.
- Examine the craftsmanship , ensuring that the piece is well-made with secure settings and finishes.
- Determine your budget range before starting your search . Consider what type of jewelry you're looking for and the quality level you desire within your budget.
- Keep in mind that different metals , gemstones , and brands can significantly impact the price of jewelry . Decide what aspects are most important to you to allocate your budget accordingly.
- JEWELRY STORES : established jewelry stores with a good reputation and a long-standing presence in the industry often offer a wide selection of high-quality jewelry . They can provide expert advice and offer warranties or guarantees.
- ONLINE RETAILERS : many reputable online retailers specialize in selling jewelry . Look for those with positive customer reviews , secure payment options , clear return policies , and certifications for authenticity.
- LOCAL ARTISANS AND INDEPENDENT JEWELERS : local artisans or independent jewelers often offer unique and handcrafted pieces . They can provide personalized service , customization options , and a chance to support local businesses . Research their reputation and ask for recommendations or reviews.
- When purchasing gemstone jewelry , especially diamonds , look for certifications from reputed gemological laboratories like GIA , AGS ( American Gem Society ) , or IGI ( International Gemological Institute ) . These certifications ensure the quality and authenticity of the gemstones.
- Inquire about warranties or guarantees provided by the seller , covering aspects such as manufacturing defects or gemstone authenticity.
- Before making a purchase , read customer reviews and testimonials about the seller or specific pieces of jewelry you are considering . This can give you insights into the quality , customer service , and overall satisfaction of previous buyers.
- Seek recommendations from friends , family , or trusted jewelry enthusiasts who have experience with purchasing jewelry.
* when purchasing jewelry , trust your instincts and take your time . Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek further clarification before making a decision . By conducting thorough research , considering quality , and purchasing from reputable sources , you can find the perfect piece of jewelry that meets your preferences and budget.
• j e w e l r y f o r d i f f e r e n t o c c a s i o n s
* here are some suggestions of jewelry appropriate for everyday wear, formal events, work, and casual outings.
- Delicate necklace with a small pendant or a simple pendant necklace.
- Stud earrings or small hoops.
- Dainty stackable rings or a classic solitaire ring.
- Bracelets or bangles with minimalistic designs.
- Watch with a clean and simple dial.
- Statement necklace with a bold design or a string of pearls.
- Chandelier earrings or statement studs.
- Cocktail ring with a large gemstone or intricate design.
- Cuff bracelet or a stack of elegant bangles.
3. WORK :
- Simple chain necklace with a small pendant or a delicate lariat necklace.
- Hoop earrings or small drop earrings.
- Minimalistic rings in gold or silver.
- Thin bracelets or a simple bangle.
- Layered necklaces with different lengths and pendants.
- Hoop earrings or small statement earrings.
- Stacking rings or rings with playful designs.
- Beaded bracelets or a charm bracelet.
* these are just suggestions , and you can mix and match based on your personal style and preferences . Feel free to experiment and layer different pieces to create unique combinations that complement your outfits and reflect your individuality.
° i encourage you to embrace the world of jewelry and experiment with different types , styles , and trends to express your unique personal style . Whether it's through layering necklaces , mixing and matching earrings , or stacking rings , let your creativity shine . Remember to care for your jewelry to ensure its longevity and seek professional help when needed.
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u ppl p know i can a bit of a stickler for characterization. but honestly i cant be fuked to debate over the minute details of characterization, with people taking p solid stances on smaller differences.
i like to think most of my issues with other ppls characterizations stem from not wanting stereotypes or derogatory characterizations to be perpetrated, normal to do with class or race, and how that affects the characters characterization, such as ill frown on anyone using morrisons talia characterization because its rooted in racism and antiasian stereotypes such as dragon lady and dragon lady baby mama, and if you characterize stephanie brown as a dumb reckless kid, which is rooted in classism and sexism.
but if people have different opinions on things unlike that? i try not to care! i understand its my personal opinion that is affected by how i read the source material. the minute of 'the true batman characterization' or 'just how angry should jason todd be' while interesting to debate, gets annoying when people are trying to say theres a true answer thats for everyone. i vary on the batman scale hour to hour[and depending on the situation], and i vary on my opinion on the minute of jason and dicks brotherhood often to.
idk i think what im trying to say is its comics. 'true' characterization is a myth and i think you should just think critically about whether the characterization is harmful, but other than that? its free reign. people will have different opinions and you should be able to respect and deal with that, and if not, remove yourself from the conversation[i do that a lot] i will enjoy good faith debates over the minute of characterization, but as long as its not harmful or derogatory. well you can do what you want
[not saying you should never critisise ppls opinions just open mind and dont engage unless its harmful. and dont bitch about them where they will see it<- that is the reason i have so many drafts] [also i specifically said free reign to unharmful opinions. if its rooted in racism or classism or homophobia or so on call that shit out]
tldr: ive decided to give less of a fuck about characterization and stick to removing myself if i cant good faith debate if its harmless.
added reasoning: i think arguing against harmful characterizations has bled over into how we argue about nonharmfull characterizations and we need to tone it down a little. we're here to have fun so have fun! but when seemingly innocent characterizations are harmful it can be hard to treat actual innocent characterizations in a different manner
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agentslogoboss · 2 years
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"ANTVR Trials Virtual Girlfriend For MIX Augmented Reality Glasses".
^ Koolonavich, Nikholai (4 June 2018).
^ a b "VR Kanojo Is Now Available On Steam With English Support".
"An infamous Japanese erotic game company makes its English debut". "This VR Girlfriend Simulator Is About More Than Cybersex".
^ a b c d e Gray, Kate (27 February 2018).
"Summer Lesson has an erotic copycat called VR Kanojo". "Namco's Schoolgirl VR Game Gets Inevitable Erotic Game Knock Off".
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"Illusion Reveals VR Kanojo Adult VR Game".
^ a b c Piselli, Justin (15 October 2016).
Illusion and Tokyo-based startup Vaqso collaborated at Unite 2017 to allow VR Kanojo players to use the odor emitting "Vaqso VR" attachment to smell the game character's stockings. In May 2018, Illusion adapted VR Kanojo to work with ANTVR's "MIX" headset, to provide an augmented reality experience. The player can customize the girl's appearance with various outfits, can touch the girl and can engage in virtual sex through explicit sexual scenarios, including handjobs, blowjobs and vaginal intercourse. The player can answer questions by nodding or shaking their head. The game is played through a virtual reality headset, with VR controllers simulating the player's hands in-game. The player interacts with Sakura Yuuhi - a young Japanese girl - in her bedroom. Initially described as both a Summer Lesson ripoff and the successor to Illusion's own 2010 game REAL Kanojo, VR Kanojo gives the player a virtual girlfriend and several scenarios with which to spend time with her.
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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part 2 after the author replied i wasnt sure if i should carry on but with their unapologetic attitude ofc i went through with it
omg kadar is 16 and maliks 19 shut the fuck up EWWWWW
ok let me explain it properly this author fetishised kadars teenage hormones why do we keep coming back to kadar wanting to have sex esp if hes a minor its disgusting theyve made a point that u can explore gross things in fiction because yk its fiction and not irl and tbh idgaf because youre telling me you enjoy reading about a minors sexual life? youre telling me you enjoy reading about a brother telling his MINOR brother about HIS sex life? defend incest if u want im not here to change ur mind about incest but if u think that u can just write about minors sexually u are fucking disgusting
a lot of talk about god but none of it relates to the story or being gay so idk not interested
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chapter 27^ i cant do it anymore its 3am as im typing i’ll finish the rest when i wake up
kadars only personality trait is being horny tf
adha is very religiously strict and thinks altaïr is a godless pig uhm. ok… making adha rude is very uncalled for you couldve chose to use a random woman like…. a stranger but no it had to be canon altaïrs dead ex… and altaïr says ‘i dont know much about islam’ i dont understand why some fanfic authors insist on making altaïr completely atheist, i feel like altaïr wouldn’t be religious tbfh but hed still have islamic norms and values. when we can write characters in a way the original source material doesnt why cant we include cultural and religious aspects? why do ppl try so hard to remove the fundamental aspects of islamic culture. altaïr not knowing islam just drags the story more because if he did then hed understand adha and like idk hed connect with malik more and adhas anger would be justified but here she is being an ass and assuming the worst because…? she could’ve just called him an asshole idk why she dragged religion into this its reminding me of strict religious ppl who hate the new generation so far there hasn’t really been much about the good things of islam
adhas apologising now for assuming the worst. she paints smth for him? doesnt really make sense but alright
if altaïr can honor his mum with a tattoo (which is haram but anyways) he could surely honor his dad by celebrating eid or smth or just praying some time idk the paragraph im reading is about how his grandmas not religious and his dad was a practising muslim but never taught altaïr which ok he died when altaïr was 5 fine but idk the authors very intent on making sure altaïr isnt muslim but personally if he was muslim it’d be interesting because then hed struggle with his faith and himself i mean malik doesnt seem to struggle at all so idk ig everyones different
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excuse me? so we can add black fetishisation to the list as well cuz wtf was that? it doesnt even add to the story its so random and unnecessary?
uhm altaïr and adha fell in love not a lot of depth to their relationship considering this mustve been over the course of days maybe even a few weeks idk just not a lot of time as it is to uh fall in love but shes engaged so theyve left it at that still not a bad plot point ig but it doesnt affect malik as of yet which undermines this plot point but lets see what happens
leo and sofias interactions are cute i like this leo malik and sofia friendship going on
im not gonna comment on any more incest its obvious this author just has a thing for it and theres so many fics that have incest and if i was to really fight that id do it for the other fics too also i wont comment on their writing as a whole anymore the main issue here is the cultural erasure and fetishisation
these do not affect the plot in any way shape or form, yes its an old 2014 fanfic but the author seems to not give a fuck that theyve written gross things. as well as poorly write islamic characters, it feels like a ‘youre either religious or your not’ and writing things like this is harmful! youre telling readers that muslims are either very harsh (like adha was) or very sweet (like maliks mum for being okay that maliks gay) but what about the catholic side of the family? theres no indication that they’re homophobia stems from religion. also ppl think its okay to just make altaïr unaware of his own heritage and faith? yes hes not muslim per say but hes syrian? his father died young but you can choose to write about the family wanting to help altaïr keep his customs alive. its white. its so white. it makes me more upset that the author will only focus on us disliking incest rather than accept that they’re wrong for cultural erasure. youve told hs that he’s syrian and white but just added that he misses his dad. and u cant defend sexualising kadar at all i wont hear anything about that because what u enjoy in fiction is also a reflection of what you enjoy irl. if you think incest is cool you will have a natural interest of it irl theres a reflection of your interests in your writing. if for example i wrote angst you would naturally expect that i like it or have a connection to it in some way, that i enjoy somehow. but i dont really like angst i could write for it but thats from my experience and thought process. someone who writes smut doesnt mean that they’re sexually active but theyve thought about it, they might’ve done some research to it. do u see what im tryna say? you are actively advancing on your interests when you right about them in fiction, you have a connection to it. if you hated smut someone would assume you hated it irl. the logic applies here too, if you dont like incest irl and it grosses you would simply not read incest in fiction because it grosses you out. if you dont like cultural erasure and sexualising minors irl then why tf would u add it to ur fic? why would u think that the boundary fiction would allow that to be okay? and the thing is micro-aggressions back in 2014 were bad and i know that but the author having had feedback and not even acknowledging it in this day and age is disgusting. ppl say they like sass verse, i have to say the plot of it is interesting but there were so many unnecessary aspects that did not contribute or feel nice to read at all. even if someone uses the excuse that they didnt know smth about islam, i as brown muslim you can not dismiss my feelings towards the way they wrote any muslim characters.
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shanhelingmoving · 3 years
laundry list of grievances of cdrama and/or danmei fandom
lets start with the obvious. the sheer amount of babying going on with characters, especially male characters. no theyre grown adults they arent your baby or your cinnamon roll or your son or smth. there's literally such a history of infantilizing chinese people to dehumanize them and yet all of you keep feeding into that.
also usually in tandem with that - the excessive horniness/oversexualisation of characters. it's genuinely like some of you haven't found a chinese person attractive before and suddenly need to prove that you're not racist because you're attracted to them, leading to the horniest tags on content. i promise i don't need to see that. doubly worse if its done in the same breath as calling them a baby.
the white lens that's applied to these works. whether its comparing cultivators to nobles/ aristocracy or calling cdrama characters elves because of what? historical clothing choices? long hair? sorry to break it to you tolkien didn't invent that. also the misinterpretation of culture and cultural norms and/or deciding to strip away context for your own (usually very white) interpretation. notable examples: modern aus where they've clearly never spoken to a chinese person in their life or the take where jin guangyao an honourary girlboss or saying huaisang is gnc
the forcing of gender roles onto mlm (calling one of them 'the woman/wife') and by extension forcing them into 'tops' or 'bottoms' based on that...like the more `feminized' one is the `bottom:.. and refusing to criticize the source material when it does that and continuing to feed into it
ive mentioned this before but the way theres literally such awful takes on censorship. yes there's something to say about how cdramas being censored means the most egregious fetishy stuff can't make it in, but saying stuff 'censorship fixed it' just shows you've forgotten Why censorship is there. in addition to that, the amount of jokes on 'can't believe this made it past censorship haha' why are you making light of homophobia.
a point brought up by an anon: "being convinced that criticism towards the heteronormativity/hypersexulisation in danmei is a "western" take, therefore it can't be criticised because its chinese media and somehow it makes the issues okay" I want to further comment on this with like...people saying that you're racist for criticizing authors like mxtx or priest because you're `refusing to engage with an asian author's text' please for the love of god give us more credit give asian people more credit it's so incredibly rude to say that asian people don't criticize awful parts of these works.
in addition to that, whenever the texts are criticized in general the defence of 'people are allowed to write unpleasant things/characters' is constantly brought up. however. when these characters are meant to be the main pairing/love interest that the reader is supposed to root for can it truly be said that they're just 'exploring the dynamic'. like pls this is clearly a genre that fetishizes mlm in particular already
when white people designate me (or my friends) as the Token Person Of Colour and like ask permission to do things. hello i (nor any other person) am not able to tell you if you can call an easian man 'a baby' i cannot decide that for you. furthermore i cannot decide that on behalf of every single chinese person
this post. fuck you.
fine i'll elaborate why is there 1k notes why would u rb a self-flagellating 1.5k word essay comparing white people and racism to bronies lol
in conclusion i hate it here and you all should pay me. thank you.
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