#then use an app tracker to see what time your number will be helped ???
foranpo · 1 year
ੈ˚ʚ welcome to my notion tutorial !!
♡ my notion took me a month to make. It's a bit frustrating sometimes, but i want you to know that it's possible to have some organization in your life.
notion is meant to help you have a more organized life: trackers, goals, diary entries, anything can be turn into a notion page and i'm here to teach you how ♡
ps: sorry for being so long and with some typos and whatnot ♡
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♡˳────── 1st step: the choice of an aesthetic.
it's important to have an idea when you start your notion;
for me, i wanted a place cozy and warm that reminded me of spring.
my main color is green. and with that defined, i started looking for color palettes with the types of green that i liked the most.
(i used this website, but any is good enough. it's just to give you an idea of what you're going to work with.)
i chose an aesthetic more gloomy, academic, and obviously green, (for my main layout, a retro blue-ish layout for my fanfics and a melancholy yellow for my original works) and with that i jumped to step 2.
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♡˳────── 2nd step: hunting images and inspiration.
pinterest, pinterest, pinterest.
i can't stress this enough. use keywords to find what you actually need.
if you're a beginner, start with notion inspo, notion [aesthetic] ideas, anything notion related. pick your favs and choose what you like most about each one:
the font, the pictures, the layout, even a small detail like an aesthetic quote design -just make sure you know what you like the most.
once you have a list of what you want, you start searching for images.
keywords i suggest are: [color] aesthetic, [color] cinematography, [color] photography, and, especially, [color] png icon.
i find it really satisfying having pngs on your notion: it gives a better sense of home and they cute, so it's a plus!
(most png aren't transperants on pinterest, so i use this app to make it a real png. now, know that it's not perfect and on dark mode might look funky, but it's worth a shot ig ♡)
now you should be left with a small gallery of photos with the same color scheme and this takes us to step 3!
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♡˳────── 3rd step: dividers save lives.
pick one image to be the base of your notion layout.
it might be for your notion icon, header, or just a random pic laying around your notion. but make sure you only have one.
with that, go to an app that finds colors (i use this one) and pick the 3 most predominant colors! i suggest one darker, one lighter, and one in between.
this works not only as dividers but to enhance any quote or pic that you have. e.g.:
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as you can see, this little dividers (size that i use: 948x8) work better than the ones provided by notion and they're easy to make. just open paint and you're done!
and once you have all the inspo, all the pics and dividers, it's time to create some art ♡
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♡˳────── 4th step: the creation of art.
is time to make pages and more pages.
now, please know that this requires lots of work, frustration and patience. sometimes the website doesn't want to collaborate and it might get a bit annoying. but know that it's totally fine to take breaks and take your time. this is something for you and you only.
you can take all the time you want ♡
ㅤㅤ♡˳────── 4.1 step: page outline.
choose the number of pages !
i suggest you have one homepage with quick links to your other pages:
trackers, school related, hobbies, anything really.
it's your notion after all, you can do anything.
after having the number of pages you can star outlining the pages.
the beginning is always difficult and embaracing, but if you give it a try, i'm sure you will create art!
i suggest, if you do a full page, to use 4 to 6 columns. it might be a bit overwhelming at the start, but i found it easier to work with more columns and less rows. also, it's more compact which makes everything x3254 cuter.
nut you can literally do whatever you want! so here's my organization ♡
my personal organization !
homepage (5-6 columns, 4 rows): quick links to my other 4 pages. daily routine. quick reading and writing trackers. my performances schedules and feedback. goals for the month. clock, weather, year progress bar (see end of post).
original works (4-6 columns, 2 rows): my three wips. websites that help me with writing. my progress in each work. motivational quotes.
fanfic works (4 columns): folders for each fandom with more folders for hcs, one-shots, multi-chapter and ideas. motivational quotes. goals for the year. pretty pics and quotes.
trackers (5-6 columns, 4-5 rows): media that i'm currently consuming or consumed, with details such as rating, author, and some sub-pages with my extensive thoughts.
in short !
have one big page at the beginning to help you navigate easier.
don't be afraid to had columns and rows! if there's a blank space, throw some png's and quotes at it. it always makes everything 10x cuter.
ㅤㅤ♡˳────── 4.2 step: widgets are your best friends.
add some widgets to make it prettier ♡
i use this website. it's pretty easy and has the main widgets.
a quick google search might take you to other websites so feel free to explore ♡
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♡˳────── 5th step: a touch of magic and stardust.
the start of a new page is always frustating: what aesthetic to use? what do you put first? what if it's corny? too much quotes? so many questions and, hey!, i hear ya! it's a pain in the ass.
that's why i'm here to tell you that you will change your layout lot's of time. even if you have already in mind what you have, it's only normal to change stuff every now and then until you have the perfect page.
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you can see how my first homepage (pic. 1) changed drastically to my current homepage (pic.2). not only the color scheme changed, but the layout itself.
more artistic pictures, cuter png's and quotes, and my homepage changed completely!
so don't be afraid of change! it is important fr ♡
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♡˳────── don't forget about...
you can change the font and size of the page by clicking on the three dots on the top right of your screen ♡
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make your text pretty with cool symbols !!
again, just surf the internet and tumblr and i'm sure that aesthetic bios will provide you with the cute little symbols to make everything cute ♡
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be creative with your picture layouts ! ♡
i personally use pinterest (frame template) and clipstudio to make prettier pictures, but i'm sure any photoshop app can give you this effect as well.
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play with png's and make your notion look more alive ♡
any hanging or 2 png's similar can help with a look cleaner and more organized.
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add spotify playlists (it had to be public, i'm afraid) and youtube videos for more diversity!
table view is a life changer for organizing trackers, especially books and movies ♡
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let me know if you want a deeper tutorial on how to use any function or if i forgot mentioning something you would like to know more about ♡
i hope this helps you and it's clear. know that i'm here for anything you need and i'm sure you're gonna do amazing things there ♡
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pancakeke · 9 months
I wrote a bunch of paragraphs about nothing in particular again so here it is under a readmore so it doesn't take up space.
like 8 years ago when people used tumblr more via desktop browser than its app, I put a 3rd party metric tracker in my desktop theme that logged how people were referred to my blog. it also captured what pages of my blog people viewed.
at one point during this time I reblogged a piece of pixel art from a japanese artist. they came to my blog through their activity page, and then searched my blog in a couple different ways for the terms "ドット" and "ドット絵" ("dot" and "dot art", as in pixel art). I checked those search urls myself to see if they found anything but there were no results because I never used those terms or specifically tagged pixel art in any other way.
ever since then I've made an effort to tag all pixel art I reblog with the term "pixel art". that artist was probably hoping to find more art to check out and it bums me out that my tagging system wasn't thorough enough to help.
this is why I have my current specific tag system lol. it keeps evolving but having the ability to find stuff you're into without jumping through hoops is really handy. (the site-wide post and tag searches return sooo much bullshit. it's a slog sifting through thr noise whenever I use those to fill my queue due to the sheer amount of manga caps, polls, liveblogs, personal posts, and fics posted without readmores...)
if only the way to view all tags you've ever used still worked. I think it caps at 500 or 1000 now and is also chronological so the first 500 or whatever tags you ever used show up in the list. then there's a hard stop and it does not update as you delete posts or use that mass tag editor to remove certain tags for your blog entirely.
I went through my used tag list earlier this year to unify certain tags and remove tags that I stopped using in favor for other ones, but I only got like 400 tagged terms down the list. maybe downloading my blog data would show more. the trick I mentioned uses your desktop blog's archive page. the tags are in its code so you can use "inspect element" to view it. I remember scrolling a lot to load a bunch of posts on the page but cant remember if this was required or I just did it to see if I could access more tags.
it's formatted all fucked and hard to manage but you can copy and paste the long chunk of tags into one cell of a spreadsheet and then use Data options to split them into columns by commas (or whatever punctuation separates them, I forget). a wide list is a huge pain to view so from there you can click on a cell containing data, click ctrl+a to highlight all data in thr row, copy, then paste special as "transposed" to turn the copied row 90° so it pastes as a column. the spreadsheet will wide as fuck from the hundreds of columns so honestly its easier to paste the transposed data into a new tab and delete the original vs clicking in the column to the left of your transposed data and then pressing ctrl+ shift+right arrow to select all rows to the right, then deleting the extra rows.
if you're in Excel you may have to use the "delete rows" option from the "home" tab and then save the sheet using "file > save" (do NOT save via the save button on the upper left corner or ctrl+s). this returns the sheet to a manageable size for scrolling (plus reduces its file size). this piece of shit software usually retains the sheet width/length even after you delete hundreds of columns/rows unless you use this trick of deleting specifically via home tab + saving specifically through the save menu.
I got a round number of tags when I did this which makes me think there's a cutoff.
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adhdapp · 7 months
Hello! I already use this app and love it, but recommending it in case it could help someone else! It's called Daylio, it's for journaling and mood tracking. It's free to download and use, but there is a premium option, but I've only used the free version and never felt it was lacking. It has a daily streak incentive, mine is 1841, I've been using it since 2019, as well as some other accomplishments for various things. I find it easy to use and you can customize activities to be anything, like it comes with pre-set ones like "relax" and "friends", but you can add and change and delete them, so I also have ones like "Baking" and "excited...?". It's a nice way to look back at memories and a quick and easy place to record them. I write a lot in the notes section of the entry, but you don't have to, you can leave it blank, or add images or voice recordings (but I've never used those so I don't know how they work). And if I miss a day and break my streak, it's very easy to go and put one in for that day so my streak remains because I like it when the number goes up. As someone with memory issues, I find it a comforting habit to make a record of something everyday and these are my thoughts!! Have a great day :) !
Daylio: Mood Logging
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This is actually another app I already have the premium version for, lol. I bought it before it became monthly (Really unfortunate that it became monthly)
Rating: Certified, If what you're looking for is a mood tracker and/or diary app
does feature a to-do list daily tasks options, but it's very much a secondary feature
cute, very customizable (especially with premium), easy to use
Celebrates milestones and gives you a lovely visual overview of things.
HOWEVER: While the achievements and the streak counter and the visuals are cute (especially because you can retroactively add things to keep your streak) this app works best if you're inclined to micromanagement and willing to update it at least once a day, and personally that's not something I can keep up too long
Red flags: none, no data shared with third parties, data safety all seems good, and the app itself comes with a pin-lock if you want to be extra cautious with your entries.
Dopamine hits: So the visuals of the emoji calendar are cute and fun and a nice layout, particularly if you've got the premium and have the extra emojis, and the ridiculously high streak counter and achievements are also nice, but personally this app doesn't give me enough from day to day to keep me going. You have to really enjoy the logging process or making the streak number go up to make this work. If you're the kind of person with a really long snapchat streak, this one's for you? otherwise, eh, it can be a bit touchy.
Features + Price
Major Events: Basically pretty milestones for you to record as big letters in your diary
Mood tracking: obviously the main focus, your moods are color coded so you can view sort of how you're doing mental health wise on a pie chart, which can be really handy if you struggle with a mood disorder or want to see how certain activities are correlating with other things in your mental health. Do you always feel like ass when you talk to your boyfriend? this app might be able to help you clock that trend
Visual calendar overview: pictured above
goals: the goals checkoff is actually a must faster process than logging your moods, which is a few screens of selecting one of your preset moods and then the activity you're doing and then maybe adjusting the time. It can be a little finicky.
so this is Freemium.
Premium: 4.99 a month or 35.99 a year (USD)
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So i'll admit, I downloaded this app back before they Had important days and goals so I suppose there must be a limit on them for free users? I bought it so that I could add custom moods and track my migraines.
This app is fundamentally not really For to-do stuff. You can use it that way! But where I think i'd find this app has the most usefulness is if you're struggling with short-term mental health trends and you need something to keep track of how you're feeling and where your moods are coming from. As far as ADHD goes this is sometimes useful if you're struggling with RSD, or with sensory issues, or just not clocking which parts of your life are making you overstressed. That said, I could definitely see this working for someone who wants to keep a diary in a short simple easy way. However if you're just looking for text entries, this is also not necessarily the easiest way to do it, since it's focus is mood logging. which it is very good for! it does that job effectively! it's the other stuff it's a little eh about.
Roadmap: This app was updated at the start of this month to add easier searches, and has added a lot in the years since I opened it last, so I definitely believe they're committed to following through and keeping posted. I'm not so sure about the pricetag for premium, but if you're looking for a mood logger and the format works for you, by all means, keep on keepin on.
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net-craft · 3 months
App Monetization: A Guide for App Developers in Scottsdale, AZ
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The mobile app market is booming, with millions of apps available across various categories. But creating a fantastic app is only half the battle. For app developers in Scottsdale AZ, like those at Net-Craft.com, a crucial question remains: how will your app generate revenue?
This article explores various app monetization strategies, helping you choose the best approach for your app and target audience.
Understanding Your App and Audience
Before diving into monetization models, it's vital to understand your app and its target audience. Here are some key factors to consider:
App Category and Functionality: Is your app a game, a productivity tool, a social media platform, or something else entirely? Its category and functionalities will influence user behavior and suitable monetization options.
Target Audience: Who are you building your app for? Understanding their demographics, spending habits, and preferred app interaction styles is crucial for choosing an effective monetization strategy.
User Acquisition Costs: How much will it cost to acquire new users for your app? Factor in these costs when determining your monetization strategy to ensure long-term profitability.
Popular App Monetization Strategies
Once you have a firm grasp of your app and audience, let's explore some of the most popular app monetization strategies:
Freemium Model: This widely used model offers a basic version of your app for free, with premium features or functionalities available through in-app purchases (IAPs) or subscriptions. This allows users to try your app before committing, while generating revenue from those who find value in the premium features.
Paid App Model: This model requires users to pay a one-time fee to download and use your app. This strategy can be suitable for high-quality, niche apps offering a complete experience without needing additional purchases. However, it can limit your user base compared to the freemium model.
Subscription Model: This model provides users with full access to your app's features for a recurring fee (monthly, annually). This can be a great option for apps that offer ongoing value, like productivity tools, fitness trackers, or content streaming services.
In-App Advertising: This strategy involves displaying targeted ads within your app. You can earn revenue based on impressions (number of times the ad is displayed), clicks, or even completed actions within the ad (e.g., downloading another app).
In-App Purchases: This model allows users to purchase virtual goods or services within your app, such as additional lives in a game, premium filters for a photo editing app, or expanded features in a productivity tool.
Choosing the Right Monetization Strategy for Your Scottsdale App
The best app monetization strategy depends on several factors specific to your app. Here are some key considerations:
Target Audience: Millennials and Gen Z may be more receptive to in-app purchases and subscriptions, while older demographics might prefer a paid app model.
App Complexity and Value Proposition: Complex, feature-rich apps with ongoing value may benefit from subscriptions, while simpler apps might be better suited for a freemium model with IAPs.
Market Competition: Analyze how similar apps in your category are monetized. Consider offering a competitive yet profitable model.
Additional Considerations for Scottsdale App Developers
Here are some additional tips for app developers in Scottsdale AZ, to keep in mind when choosing a monetization strategy:
User Experience is Key: Don't prioritize monetization over user experience. Intrusive ads or excessive in-app purchases can frustrate users and lead to churn.
A/B Testing: Test different monetization strategies and pricing models to see what resonates best with your audience.
Data Analytics: Leverage app analytics data to understand user behavior and optimize your monetization strategy for maximum profitability.
Partnering with Leading Mobile App Developers in Scottsdale
Net-Craft.com, a team of Scottsdale AZ App Development Experts, understands the importance of effective app monetization. We can help you choose the most suitable strategy for your app, design a seamless user experience, and integrate monetization features seamlessly.
We are passionate about helping Scottsdale app developers create successful apps that not only provide value to users but also generate sustainable revenue. Contact Net-Craft.com today to discuss your app and explore how we can turn your vision into a thriving mobile application.
Know more https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/06/21/app-developers-scottsdale-monetization/
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theofficersacademy · 7 months
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Happy March! Spring is just around the corner, and wow! It's already been a year since the Officers Academy officially welcomed Elyos aboard!
Current Month in TOA: Wyvern Moon
Our mission board this month is for the Blue Lions house! We’ve added new tasks to the board. Check out the [mission board here] for the whole list.
Reminder that that having a stat tracker linked on your stats page is now required in order to submit a stats claim! If you need help with getting one set up, please reach out to Mod Rai. We keep a detailed log of everything every muse has ever claimed during their time in TOA.
This month is the annual Battle of the Eagle and Lion! Signups will open on March 8th and close at 11:59PM EST on March 15th.
You guessed it: we also have a new feedback poll for the month of March!
IMPORTANT: We have seen an increase in the number of people requesting feedback on their apps in the #charactercreation channel in our server, but the app winds up in our inbox only a few minutes later. This is telling us that feedback is not actually being given on these apps or, if it is, it is not being considered by the applicant. We want to remind you that hyping up someone else's app is not the same as giving constructive criticism. A number of muns requesting feedback have submitted applications that we required them to rewrite. Remember: the mod team is looking at your understanding of the character, not how well you write. Please be sure that you are conveying a complete character to us, and hitting their canon traits, instead of getting lost in the details of the writing style.
IMPORTANT: We have added a clarifying rule about dropped threads that are picked back up by a returning muse. Please note that this is not new, and that the mun who drops a thread has always forfeited the rewards accompanying it.
A dropped thread may be claimed for skill points and mastery as long as the thread has reached a minimum of 2 reblogs (starter + your reblog + partner’s reblog OR starter + partner’s reblog + your reblog) and 400+ words on your end. However, the partner who requests the drop forfeits any rewards. This includes threads started from an ask. NEW Addendum: When a muse drops out of the group, they officially drop all of their threads, which allows their partners to claim them for skill points and masteries if they meet the above requirements. If a mun brings back this same muse at a later date, they can pick their old threads back up again but cannot claim the masteries or skill points because they already forfeited them when they dropped their muse.
When a muse is dropped, they should be treated as if they are dropped for good so that there is no expectation that the mun will return to them. Having an unspoken claim on a muse you dropped discourages others from picking the muse up and goes against the spirit of our community.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure that you are hyperlinking any application submitted to us via an offsite host (e.g. gdocs). We have written this reminder in a number of places, including the app page itself, and it continues to be ignored.
IMPORTANT: For characters with minimal to no canon information (e.g. Kiran, Mark, Layla, Sitri, the Elibe morphs), the mod team will be stricter about what we pass. We should see whatever canon information is available in the application itself, and although roleplaying at its heart will introduce a muse to new scenarios that might develop them in ways not seen in canon, the character should still not stray too far from this canon once accepted. Note: canon information exists outside of dialogue, and for minor characters, must be found in the maps they show up on, other characters' behavior toward them, and additional lore embedded throughout the game. This is not a group for original characters, so applying for a minor character should not be treated as a free pass to write an OC.
March Mun Birthdays: Limit (8th), Susanne (13th), N (22nd), Barely (23rd), Kristopher (23rd), Rosie (24th), Nat (30th)
March Muse Birthdays: Eremiya (1st), Lyon (13th), Yarne (14th), Tine (14th), Thrasir (15th), Elise (19th), Minerva (19th), F!Shez (19th), Niamh (22nd), Poe (23rd), Faye (26th)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: Aster (1st), Kanoesa (9th), Squids (11th)
Second-year mun anniversaries this month: Orokara (7th)
Third-year mun anniversaries this month: Darcy (28th)
Fourth-year mun anniversaries this month: Neffi (8th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: F!Alear (1st), Diamant (3rd), Nanna (4th), Griss (4th), M!Alear (6th), Sephiran (9th), Ingrid (11th), Denning (24th), Ephraim (27th)
Fourth-year muse anniversaries this month: Merric (8th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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that-girl-lyra · 8 months
My Fitness Favourites (2024 Master Post)
This is sort of like my own master post and or an update upon my previous one on Reddit, but please remember that like all things, not everything will work for everyone. I am not a doctor or certified PT (yet!). I'm just a girl who wanted to lose weight and found a passion for all things gym and fitness related :)  With that being said, I hope that you guys find the tools that I used helpful to you, and I can not wait to see your progress <3 
Here are some of the apps that I used and still use to this day to help track my fitness progress. I’ve gone through a bunch of different fitness apps and these are by far my favorites. 
This app is super straightforward. I use it each time I go to the gym or do a home workout to track the number of sets, reps, and weights. There are no ads and it's completely free. You can also add in your own workouts and machines if you can't find what you’re doing in their list. 10 out of 10, highly recommend!
I no longer use this app HOWEVER, if you’re just starting out I think this app would be a good place to get started. It lays out a workout plan for you based on what your goals are, and it even shows you HOW to do each workout if you’re unsure of the movements and form. I found it super helpful when I started out and I hope you do too! I will say, the free version does give you a lot, however it does have a paid plan to which I am unfamiliar. 
Tabata Timer 
Personally, nowadays I only use this app occasionally but if you’re not a fan of counting reps, this may be a better alternative. You can create workouts and customized times for sets, breaks, rests, etc. I like to use this for my kettlebells and mace work at home, but you can use it however you wish! Bonus points because it's also 100% free. We love free shit here lol. 
Similar to MyFitnessPal, this is an app that tracks your calorie input and output. I prefer it’s interface over MyFitnessPal personally, and this is the app I used to lose 40+lbs in 2022. Along with a food scale, this is a very useful tool, and I still use it when I go into a cut. The free plan is great and it doesn't force you into a paid one. You have the option to upgrade, but its not necessary unless you really really really wanna see all of your macros besides calories, sodium, protein and carbs. 
Sleep is probably one of the most important things for your overall mental and physical health. I used to suck at waking up early but I really really wanted to become an early bird and track my sleep. I found Alarmy and I haven’t looked back. In the free version, you can be awoken with annoying sounds and tasks to turn off your alarm, as well as track your sleep and sleep quality.  
TDEE Calculator 
As I said in my previous master post, a good place to start is to find out what your TDEE is (total daily energy expenditure). Basically, how many calories you burn just by being alive. You can go from there to find out how many calories you should eat depending on if you're trying to lose/gain weight, as well as protein intake on top of your desired fitness level. A very handy tool. Just plug in your current height, weight, age, and fitness level and you’ll be good to go! 
Equipment / Tools 
Xiaomi MiFit Band  
Ima be honest, I really hated the samsung fitness watches. I went through 2 of them due to battery issues and I never even physically damaged them. I got the Xiaomi MiFit band because I was sick of paying so much money on fitness watches and this thing has the durability of a Nintendo 64 I swear. I only charge the sucker like, maybe once a week, and it gives a pretty accurate read of how many calories I burn during walking, workouts, etc. Also, the thing was like $40 or something. Ive had it over a year and the only thing I’ve had to replace was the strap (a pack of two was like $6). The strap was also my fault for breaking it lol. 
Renpho Scale 
Sort of a tool/app combo. The scale is around $20 on amazon and it tracks your weight (duh) as well as body composition to a fairly accurate degree. The gym I currently go to has a body composition machine and I’ve done a DexaScan in the past and the information between all of them is a close match. The app is free as well and I love it. 
Adjustable Dumbbells 
I love the gym, I do, but my heart will always belong to dumbbells. There is so much you can do with them from arms, legs, core, back,etc. They’re a great piece of kit and I will never stop using them. A set of adjustable dumbbells will put you back a few bucks sure, but imo, it's a worthy investment in the long run. Plus if you’re like me and you have limited space in your home, they’re a great choice. 
I wanna reiterate the fact that I am NOT a doctor lol but I'm sure everyone has seen a metric ton of influencers and PT’s recommending this or that supplement. Truly, I don’t take many and the only one I can recommend personally is Creatine. Just remember to drink water with it and you’re golden. Some people get a mildly upset stomach on it but again, that all depends on the person. I’ve personally never gotten an upset stomach with it and I take/have taken 2 types of Creatine (Monohydrate and Alkaline). 
You’ll hear about a “loading phase” but you don’t have to do that if you don't want to. It's not necessary. 
The only other thing I take is magnesium but that's just to help me not have hypnic jerks when I go to sleep. Literally no other reason lol.   
General Advice/Tips 
If you’re just starting out with your own fitness journey and begin to tell people that you’re working out, eating right, etc, you may experience some negativity from others. Once you say anything like “Im working out/losing weight!” everyone and their mother becomes a health expert. I’ve gotten people telling me to not lift weights because “Its bad for your bones!”, or “Your heart will explode eventually!”. 
These are people who are just jealous and they envy your dedication to yourself. Ignore them. Misery often demands company. 
You may also find lovely little messages in your dm’s from that one girl in high school who was a bully and is now shilling MLM products. Please for the love of all that is good and green on this earth, do not interact! They will send you really crappy copy and paste messages saying that they can help you on your journey with “insert snake oil product here”. 
There is no magic pill, drink, juice, cleanse, detox, whatever the hell that will do the work for you. Pyramid Schemes that are the most common for this are ItWorks, JuicePlus, Herbalife, and BeachBody. Idk if Plexus is still around but still. If you’re ever unsure about anything, I would pay a visit to r/antiMLM for more info. 
Diets, diets, diets are all the rage (as they are always). Guru’s telling their followers to eat only animal based because “its how our ancestors ate!” or “do x to lower your cortisol levels”, and “STAY AWAY FROM BREAD AND SEED OILS!”. Block, ignore, and unfollow. 
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely fucking love bread and cheese and will turn any Olive Garden within a 20 mile radius of me into my bitch with unlimited breadsticks and pasta. 
Yes, we all know certain food is healthier than others, but at the end of the day as long as you are watching what you eat, and getting your workouts in, it doesn't matter. If you want a burger then eat the burger. 
In Conclusion 
I could go on and on forever about anything and everything fitness related. Book recommendations, creators to follow/unfollow, routines…I love it all, I truly do. And one day I hope to become a certified PT myself, but until that day comes, I simply am not. I'm just a girl who got fit, and want to see others achieve their goals as well. I know how hard and awful the process can be, but I guarantee you that every step you take up that mountain is worth every second of the view at the top. 
Movement is improvement, and as long as you keep moving, you’ll keep improving. 
If you’re here reading this, then you’ve already taken step 1 and I couldn't be more proud of you. Its a hard thing to look in the mirror and say to yourself “I need to change ''. Self confrontation is often very difficult and disheartening. But where many have chosen to give up, you chose to step up. And I am so fucking thrilled that you did <3 
If anyone has anything else they’d like to share in the comments about tools and what not that you’ve used, please feel free to post them! This is a safe space for all of us. 
Thank you all for reading and I hope you find what I’ve written to be useful in your fitness journey. Keep up the good work.  
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vishal6x · 9 months
How do Parental Spy apps track children's online activity?
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Parental spy apps are a tool that give parents the privilege to track their children’s online activity. They also allow parents to control and set certain limits to these activities but that depends on the features and other factors based on which one can perform these activities. 
Today, the kids are technologically very advanced. Every kid is equipped with smartphones and also has a presence on the internet. This is the reason why parents are so concerned about their safety and monitoring children’s online behavior has become crucial for them. 
In this article, we will read about how these spy apps function for your child’s online activity tracking and assuring the internet safety for kids and your loved ones. 
What Are Parental Spy Apps?
As mentioned above parental Spy apps are a tool with the help of which you can track your loved ones’ online activity. You can view the content they watch, the people they interact with, their real-time location. You can also block the websites that you think are not right for them and much more. 
There are numerous phone monitoring apps available on the internet that you will find, some could be free while most of them would be paid apps. Usually, the free apps offer less features and security as compared to the paid apps. Also, despite offering similar services, different spy apps would have something different in them in terms of features, packages, and performance. 
We will now read about the features that are commonly offered by the mobile spy apps that can help you track your child’s online behavior. 
Features Of A Phone Spy App
There are many features offered by a phone spy app that are helpful in tracking your child and also allow you to take certain actions based on what the kid is doing. Let us learn more about these features. 
Call Recorder: The hidden call recorder is an effective feature when you want to remotely listen to the calls of the concerned person. Not only you can listen to the calls but also get the information of the complete log that provides you the details of the other person on the call also like their name and phone number. 
Location Tracker: You can remotely track your child when you want to know about their whereabouts. The GPS tracking feature shares accurate and timely information.
Social Media Monitoring: To track your child’s social media, you can use the social media tracking tool that allows you to see their activity on the social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.
Web Browser History: The websites your child visits is a major concern for parents and to ensure that, you can access their web browsing history with a spy app for android. 
Website Blocking: You can block the websites that you think are not supposed to be viewed by your child by remotely blocking the site through certain settings. 
Screen-Time Management: Most of the digital parenting tools allow you to manage the screen-time of your child so that you can ensure that they are not spending too much time in front of the screen. 
How Are Digital Parenting Tools Helpful?
The digital parenting tools are the software that you need in today’s digitally advanced times. Digital parenting is the solution for digital children. The features mentioned above are not only beneficial when you have tried most of the resources available to look after your child when nothing works, but also when you intentionally want to monitor everything your child does on their phone. 
We will discuss how these mentioned features can help in digital parenting. Starting from the call recording feature, this feature works well when your child is constantly on calls and won’t let you around them when they are talking on the phone.  With the help of the hidden call recorder, you can remotely listen to your child along with the other person talking to them. Once the call is completed, the mobile spy app will store all the information on the dashboard.
The other feature that parents commonly look for in a phone spy app is the live location tracker. This feature allows you to view the real-time location of your child to ensure that they are exactly where they are supposed to be. Usually children lie about their whereabouts and that is when this feature comes in handy. 
Today, every child is on social media and we know how impactful this platform is in both positive and negative ways. While some children find it cool to be on social media, other kids are there just because of the peer pressure. Whatever the reason is, the bottom line is that all the children are online. In the online world, all types of people are present and there are also people who wish to harm others digitally leading to a traumatizing experience also in some cases, so it is important that parents use the digital monitoring tools to ensure their children’s safety. 
When new to the internet, kids would want to explore everything they see online. They may also see content that is not age-appropriate. Later on, this may become a habit to view the violating content that can turn into serious addiction. To ensure that they do not watch anything inappropriate, one can use the web browsing history tracker to see which websites the kids are visiting and if you think that it is inappropriate then you can also immediately block them, restricting your kids to not be able to watch any exploiting content. 
The Spy App You Need
There are multiple apps available on the internet that provide parental monitoring but be sure to invest in an app that delivers results. Phone spy apps like Onemonitar has shown great results as it is one of the most trusted spy app providers with more than 60 features. There are basic to premium plans that you can choose from as per your requirements and the support team at service also guides you through the process from choosing the right plan for you to installation of the spyware. 
The support team is also available through live-chats, emails and calls and if requested, they can also install the application on the target phone remotely for you. With so many facilities and features it is safe to say that Onemonitar can be the right choice for your digital monitoring needs. 
In The End
The parental control apps are a valuable and beneficial tool when it comes to monitoring your children’s online activity as they give you proper insights of how your child is using the internet. It is also considered a more relaxed and approachable way to parenting in today’s times.
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quitesureapp · 10 days
A Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Craving to Quit App for Beginners
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Quitting smoking is a challenging journey, but with the right tools, you can successfully overcome the cravings and lead a healthier life. One such tool is the Craving to Quit app, designed to help smokers kick the habit for good. In this guide, we’ll provide a comprehensive review of the app and show you how to get started with it.
What is the Craving to Quit App?
The Craving to Quit app is a powerful smoking cessation tool based on mindfulness training. Developed by Dr. Judson Brewer, a renowned addiction psychiatrist, the app focuses on helping users become more aware of their cravings and gradually break the habit of smoking. Unlike other apps, it takes a behavioral approach, emphasizing the mind-body connection to help you quit.
Why Use Smoking Cessation Apps?
Smoking cessation apps have become a popular choice for individuals looking to quit smoking. These apps provide users with support, tips, and resources to resist cravings. Some features include progress tracking, community support, and mindfulness techniques. The Craving to Quit app is one of the best apps to help quit smoking because it not only tracks your journey but also helps you understand and overcome cravings in real time.
How to Get Started with the Craving to Quit App
If you're a beginner looking to use the Craving to Quit app, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the app and make the most of its features:
1. Download and Install the App
The Craving to Quit app is available on both iOS and Android platforms. To start, simply visit the App Store or Google Play and download the app.
Once installed, you can set up your profile by entering some basic information such as your smoking habits, the number of cigarettes you typically smoke, and the reasons why you want to quit.
2. Explore the App’s Features
After signing in, take a moment to explore the app’s features. Some of the key functions include:
Quit smoking day counter app: Tracks how many days you've been smoke-free.
Daily exercises: Mindfulness exercises designed to help you deal with cravings.
Community support: Connect with other users for motivation.
Progress tracker: Monitor your progress as you go through the program.
3. Begin Your 21-Day Program
The Craving to Quit app offers a structured 21-day program that guides you through the process of quitting smoking. Each day, you’ll receive new exercises, tips, and strategies to help you stay smoke-free. The daily program includes:
Mindfulness practices: Learn how to become more aware of your smoking triggers.
Educational videos: Short lessons about the psychology behind smoking and how to beat cravings.
In-app notifications: Helpful reminders to complete your daily exercises and stay on track.
4. Mindfully Address Your Cravings
One of the app’s standout features is its mindfulness-based approach. Whenever you feel a craving, the app encourages you to pause and become aware of what’s happening in your body and mind. By observing the craving without judgment, you reduce its power over you.
Here’s how to use mindfulness when a craving hits:
Pause: When you feel the urge to smoke, stop whatever you’re doing.
Breathe: Take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of your breath.
Observe: Notice how the craving feels. Is it in your chest? Stomach? How strong is it?
Respond: Instead of acting on the craving, allow it to pass while you remain calm.
5. Use the Quit Smoking Day Counter
The quit smoking day counter app is a great motivational tool that keeps track of how long you've been smoke-free. Every day, you can see your progress and celebrate small victories along the way. This feature can be particularly helpful for individuals who thrive on visual indicators of their success.
Craving to Quit App Review: Why It Stands Out
The Craving to Quit app review consistently highlights the app’s innovative mindfulness-based approach. Here are a few reasons why it’s considered one of the best apps to help quit smoking:
Behavioral approach: Rather than focusing solely on willpower, the app teaches users to become more mindful of their cravings and behaviors.
Structured program: The 21-day guided program ensures that you have daily support and encouragement.
Accessible content: Educational videos and mindfulness exercises are designed to be simple, engaging, and effective.
Community support: Users can connect with a supportive community of individuals going through the same experience.
Additional Support: The QuitSure App
While the Craving to Quit app offers a fantastic solution for those looking to quit, it’s not the only option. If you’re exploring other apps, consider the QuitSure App as well. This app also provides tailored guidance, daily exercises, and motivational tools to help you on your quit-smoking journey.
Tips for Using Smoking Cessation Apps Effectively
To maximize the benefits of the Craving to Quit app or any other smoking cessation apps, consider the following tips:
Stay consistent: Make sure to log into the app daily and complete the exercises. Consistency is key in building new habits.
Track your progress: Use the app’s tracking features to monitor how far you’ve come. Seeing your progress can be a great motivator to keep going.
Engage with the community: Connect with others in the app’s community for support and encouragement.
Stay mindful: Whenever a craving strikes, use the mindfulness techniques provided by the app to observe your feelings rather than acting on them.
Conclusion: The Best App to Help Quit Smoking
The journey to quitting smoking is a challenging one, but tools like the Craving to Quit app make it easier by providing structured guidance, mindfulness techniques, and community support. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to a smoke-free life.
Remember, you’re not alone. Whether you choose the Craving to Quit app or other quit smoking day counter apps like QuitSure, the right support is just a download away.By using these smoking cessation apps, tracking your progress, and remaining mindful of your cravings, you'll have the tools you need to finally quit smoking and lead a healthier life.
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engrammonline · 1 month
How to Stay Motivated During IELTS Exam Preparation?
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Preparing for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) can be a demanding journey. With its rigorous format and comprehensive requirements, staying motivated throughout your preparation is crucial for achieving your desired score. Whether you’re balancing studies, work, or other responsibilities, maintaining motivation can be challenging. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical strategies and tips to help you stay focused and inspired as you work towards your IELTS goals.
Set Clear and Achievable Goals Define Your Target Score: Specific Objectives: Start by setting a clear target score based on your needs, whether it’s for university admissions, professional qualifications, or immigration purposes. Knowing exactly what score you need helps you stay focused and motivated. Break Down Goals: Divide your overall goal into smaller, manageable milestones. For example, aim to improve your listening score by a certain number of points each month or master specific grammar rules. Create a Study Plan: Structured Schedule: Develop a study plan that outlines what you need to cover each week. A well-organized plan helps you stay on track and ensures that you allocate time to all areas of the test: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Flexible Adjustments: Allow for flexibility in your plan to accommodate unexpected changes or additional practice needs. Adjusting your plan as you go can keep you motivated and prevent burnout.
Maintain a Positive Mindset Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Completing a challenging practice test or mastering a difficult concept is a step forward and deserves recognition. Embrace Mistakes: View mistakes as learning opportunities rather than setbacks. Analyze errors to understand what went wrong and how you can improve, keeping your approach positive and proactive. Visualize Success: Imagine Your Achievement: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your success. Picture yourself achieving your target score and the benefits it will bring, such as acceptance into your desired program or career advancement. Stay Inspired: Remind yourself regularly why you’re preparing for the IELTS. Whether it’s for personal growth, a career change, or studying abroad, keeping your reasons at the forefront of your mind can boost motivation.
Utilize Effective Study Techniques Incorporate Varied Resources: Diverse Materials: Use a mix of study materials to keep your preparation engaging. This could include practice tests, online courses, IELTS preparation books, and interactive apps. Varied resources help you stay interested and cover different aspects of the test. Interactive Learning: Engage with interactive exercises, such as online quizzes or language games, to make learning more dynamic and enjoyable. Practice Regularly: Consistent Routine: Establish a regular study routine to build momentum. Consistency helps reinforce learning and makes it easier to maintain motivation over time. Realistic Simulations: Regularly take full-length practice tests under timed conditions. This simulates the actual exam experience and helps you gauge your progress while keeping you engaged.
Stay Organized and Accountable Track Your Progress: Progress Charts: Use charts or trackers to monitor your progress. Seeing how much you’ve achieved and how much is left to cover can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going. Regular Assessments: Schedule regular assessments to evaluate your skills and identify areas for improvement. Understanding where you stand helps you focus your efforts and stay motivated. Find an Accountability Partner: Study Groups: Join a study group or partner with a friend who is also preparing for the IELTS. Sharing goals and progress with others can provide support, encouragement, and accountability. Regular Check-ins: Arrange regular check-ins with your accountability partner to discuss your progress, share challenges, and celebrate successes.
Take Care of Yourself Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle: Healthy Habits: Ensure you’re eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. A healthy body contributes to a clear and focused mind, making it easier to stay motivated. Manage Stress: Incorporate stress-relief techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies you enjoy. Managing stress helps you maintain a positive outlook and prevents burnout. Take Breaks: Scheduled Breaks: Include regular breaks in your study schedule to rest and recharge. Short breaks can help you stay focused and prevent mental fatigue. Reward Yourself: Treat yourself to small rewards for meeting study milestones or completing challenging tasks. Rewards can boost motivation and make the study process more enjoyable.
Seek Support and Inspiration Join Online Communities: Forums and Groups: Participate in online forums or social media groups dedicated to IELTS preparation. Engaging with others who are on the same journey can provide motivation, support, and valuable tips. Inspirational Stories: Read success stories of others who have achieved high scores on the IELTS. Learning about their experiences and strategies can inspire and motivate you. Seek Professional Guidance: IELTS Tutors: Consider working with an IELTS tutor or coach if you need personalized support. Professional guidance can provide tailored feedback, address specific challenges, and enhance your preparation.
Conclusion Staying motivated during IELTS exam preparation requires a combination of clear goals, a positive mindset, effective study techniques, and self-care. By setting achievable targets, maintaining a positive outlook, utilizing diverse resources, staying organized, and taking care of yourself, you can keep your motivation high and make steady progress towards your IELTS goals. Remember that the journey to success is gradual, and each step forward brings you closer to achieving the score you need. Stay focused, stay inspired, and you’ll be well on your way to IELTS success.
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wondersharerecoverits · 4 months
FamiSafe Parental Control App: Keeping Your Kids Safe in a Digital World
In today's digital age, where children are increasingly reliant on smartphones and tablets, keeping them safe online can be a daunting task for parents. Wondershare FamiSafe Parental Control App (https://FamiSafe.wondershare.com) emerges as a valuable tool in this endeavour, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to monitor your child's online activity, manage their screen time, and ensure their physical safety. This review dives deep into FamiSafe's functionalities, exploring its strengths and potential drawbacks while also highlighting how it can contribute to your child's digital well-being.
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Introducing Wondershare FamiSafe
Hey there, parents! Let's talk about something that's been on all of our minds lately: keeping our kids safe in the digital age. With screens becoming a bigger part of our children's lives every day, it's essential to have tools that help us navigate this brave new world. That's where Wondershare FamiSafe comes in.
Wondershare FamiSafe isn't just another app – it's your partner in parenting in the digital era. Developed by Wondershare, a trusted name in digital solutions, Wondershare FamiSafe  is a comprehensive parental control app for Track cell phone location https://FamiSafe.wondershare.com/mobile-tracker/track-phone-number-location-online-for-free.html  designed to make your life easier and your kids' online experience
Outstanding Features to Control Your Child's Device:
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FamiSafe boasts a robust set of features, allowing you to take control of your child's digital life:
Real-Time Location Tracking and Geofencing: See your child's whereabouts on a map at any time for peace of mind. Create virtual boundaries (geofences) around specific locations and receive instant alerts if your child enter or leaves these zones.
New Feature: Screen Viewer (Recently Introduced) Gain a deeper understanding of your child's app usage with FamiSafe's new Screen Viewer feature. This allows you to remotely view a live snapshot of their screen activity, providing valuable insights into how they're interacting with their device. See what apps they're using, what content they're viewing, and even monitor their social media activity (on compatible apps)—all from your parent device.
Screen Time Management and App Blocking: Set healthy screen time limits for your child's device as a whole or for specific apps. Block access to inappropriate apps completely, shielding them from harmful content.
Web Filtering and Safe Search: Block websites based on pre-defined categories and enable safe search mode to ensure search engines prioritise filtering out inappropriate results.
App Monitoring and Content Monitoring: Gain insights into how your child spends their time on different apps. Monitor their activity within communication and social media applications to identify potential cyberbullying or inappropriate interactions. Set alerts for specific keywords or phrases used in their chats for early intervention.
Driving Monitoring: (for parents with teenage drivers) Track driving behaviours like speed, harsh braking, and sudden accelerations. Receive alerts for risky driving habits, promoting responsible behaviour behind the wheel.
Schedule Screen Time: Create a schedule for screen time allowances, ensuring your child prioritises sleep, homework, and other activities.
Remote Lock and Wipe: Remotely lock or wipe your child's device if it is lost or stolen, protecting their personal data.
Browse History and App Download Approval: View your child's browsing history and approve or deny app downloads, fostering responsible online behaviour.
But FamiSafe isn't just about features – it's about making your life as a parent easier. Setting up FamiSafe is a breeze. Simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store on both your device and your child's device, sign up for an account, and follow the on-screen instructions to connect the devices. From there, you can customise settings to fit your family's needs and start monitoring and managing your child's device remotely from the FamiSafe dashboard on your own device.
How to Use FamiSafe:
Using FamiSafe is a breeze:
Download and Install: Download and install the FamiSafe app on your parent device (phone or tablet) and your child's device.  Here you can download application for Iphone and Android.
Create an Account: Create a FamiSafe account or log in to an existing one.
Pair the Devices: Follow the on-screen instructions to pair your devices using a pairing code.
Configure Settings: Explore the FamiSafe app on your device to configure the various parental control settings based on your needs, including enabling the new Screen Viewer feature.
Now, I know what you're thinking – how much is this going to cost me? The good news is that FamiSafe offers flexible pricing plans to suit every budget. Whether you prefer a monthly subscription or a yearly plan, there's an option for you. Plus, you can subscribe directly through the app or on the Wondershare website, making it easy to get started right away.
Pricing and Availability:
FamiSafe offers a free trail plan with limited features. To unlock the full suite of functionalities, including Screen Viewer, you'll need a subscription plan for Family or Schools.
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Free Package:
Cost: $0 (Trail Plan for 1 Devices)
Features: Basic content filtering, app blocker, location tracking, geofencing, activity report.
Paid Package:
Monthly Plan: $9.99/month ( protect up to 5 Devices)
Quarterly Plan: $19.99/quarter ( protect up to 10 Devices)
Yearly Plan: $59.99/year ( protect unlimited Devices)
Features: All features of the free package, plus advanced content filtering, screen time control, Remote screenshots, Screen monitor, Screen tracker, gps tracker and many more
Availability: FamiSafe is available for download on iOS, Android, and desktop platforms, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices. Users can easily access and manage their family's digital safety from their preferred device, seamlessly integrating FamiSafe into their daily routine. Whether at home or on the go, FamiSafe offers comprehensive protection and peace of mind for families worldwide.
Visit our website for detailed prices and plan
Wondershare FamiSafe is a comprehensive parental control app[2]  for screen time control or screen monitor that empowers parents to keep their children safe online and promote healthy digital habits. With its user-friendly interface, robust features like the new Screen monitor and gps tracker , and affordable pricing plans, FamiSafe is a valuable tool for families navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape. Remember, open communication with your child about online safety remains key. FamiSafe complements these conversations by providing the tools you need to monitor activity, set boundaries, and guide your child towards responsible digital citizenship.
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famisafe · 10 months
Game addiction and in children using Famisafe apps?
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Whether it is YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok, explicit content are everywhere, and as a parent, we are concerned that these are inappropriate for our kids. Also, our Kids suffer from Game Addiction. What can we do, though we realize we are in the 21st century and technology can help us as it is now advanced? Wondershare Famisafe is one such initiative by Wondershare, one of the world’s top software and mobile application development companies. Through their Famisafe, we can control our kids’ devices and ensure their safety all the time, right from our Android or an IOS device or our desktop. However, you will argue. Keep reading this article to know what you can do with this app.
Restricted Mode can be bypassed.
You might feel that the restricted Mode is on and the device is safe, but there are chances for a new account creation, and your kid can turn off the restricted Mode on his device. However, with Famisafe, you can stop your kids from doing so. Through famisafe parental control, you not only disallow turning off the restricted Mode on YouTube but also keep track of all the YouTube accounts your kids can create live through your smartphone or web portal. And hence, now you can feel your kids are safe.
Whether it is TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter, you can turn on the family safety through a toggle button, and the rest of the work is done by Famisafe. All the explicit content will be instantly removed from the app algorithm search result, and your kid will always see what is appropriate.
Look at the below screens.
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What is above will certainly ring an alarm In your ears, and one big concern for you is undoubtedly your child playing mobile games all the time and suffering from game addiction. What will you do then now? You can check your child’s mobile screen time, and if you find your child playing games for more hours than allowed, you can stop your kid right from your mobile phone or desktop. I am sure the Wondershare Famisafe is now pleasing you and taking you at bay.
However, you will still wonder how this is possible and what the steps for installation are. The steps are small in number, and the outcome is enormous. You only need to download the Wondershare Famisafe app from the link below for parents and kids.
Download link: 
For Parents’ Devices: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/download.html
For Kids’ Devices: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/download.html
User guide: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/user-guide/
Install the Parents app on the Parent device and the Kids app on the kid’s device. As you install the kid’s app on your kid’s device, the pairing will start, and your kid’s phone is now connected to your phone, and you can control it from your phone now.
The image above already shows how many options you have with you, and you can restrict access to almost all the apps on your kid’s phone. And Everything is covered, whether the apps, explicit content, or the games; you can control Everything with your fingertip.
Some useful links:
Below are the links to more details on the Wondershare Famisafe.
Screen Time: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/screen-time.html
Activity Report: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/phone-activity-report.html
YouTube App Control: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/youtube-parental-controls.html
Tiktok History: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/tiktok-history.html
As discussed, explicit content is always a concern. Below is the link where you will find details on how to keep your child safe from such content.
Keep the Content Safety
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Inappropriate Pictures: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/detect-suspicious-photos.html
Explicit Content Detection
Content Manage
For web safety, see below:
Web Safety
Web Filter: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/block-websites.html
Browser History
Safe Search
For Geolocation tracking, see below:
Your Family Location Tracker
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Live Location: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/kids-location-tracking.html
Location History: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/kids-location-tracking.html
For pricing, see below:
Pricing for Family: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/store/family.html
Pricing for School: https://famisafe.wondershare.com/store/school.html
Market Trends
The Wondershare Famisafe has new features, such as upgraded web filter classification and a more straightforward interface. For more details, see the below link.
But Why Wondershare Famisafe?
 The above images are for setting parental control on Google Play and iPhone. I am adding some cons:
The above methods are not cross-platform. This will not work on Android. Also, you have limited security as this does not come with any anti-virus or malware solution. Your kids can easily bypass the above restrictions by creating new accounts or using third-party apps.
Using YouTube Kids
While there are some pros, check the cons below:
Kids can use the YouTube website or download the YouTube app on their phones. Thus, they can easily bypass the parental control lock. Also, this is not 100% walled.
Using Google SafeSearch for YouTube Parental Control
Some cons are blocking of acceptable sites, not being able to stop all explicit content, and kids can use other search engines like Bing and Yahoo.
You already know about YouTube parental control tips and tricks.
Now, see the screenshot below from Wondershare Famisafe. You can check all the apps as you can see below:
Check below how you can block Tiktok:
Step 1: You need to install FamiSafe, which you need to download the FamiSafe app via Google Play or the App Store on the parent's phone.
Step 2: Now Register an Account.
You need to register an ID for FamiSafe or log in with the help of a Facebook ID, Google ID, or Apple ID.
Step 3: Now Connect the Kids Device
You need to scan the QR code on the kid’s phone on FamiSafe in the parents’ phone to install the FamiSafe Jr, and the pairing will start automatically. Now go to the App blocker section and block the Tiktok App. You are done. There are no cons when you use FamiSafe, so you should select FamiSafe.
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Isn’t Wondersafe FamiSafe looking like an excellent app? After downloading it, You need not worry about your child's safety; the most significant thing is you will always know your child's Location apart from other features we discussed above. There is no need to worry anymore, as Wondershare FamiSafe will always make your child’s safety worries disappear. Subscribe and download the app now.
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kenwords-blog · 1 year
How to Create a Budget That Works for You
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Do you feel like your finances are out of control? Does it seem like there's never enough money to cover all your expenses? Creating a budget that works for you is one of the best ways to get your finances on track and achieve your financial goals. A budget is simply a plan for how you will spend and save your money. Budgeting gives you control over your money instead of your money controlling you. When you create a budget, you're able to align your spending with your values and reach your financial goals. The benefits of budgeting include reducing debt, saving money, and reducing stress about finances. With a budget, you can identify wasteful spending and make adjustments to get your finances in order. Read on to learn how to create a budget that works for you.
Gather Your Financial Information
The first step in creating a workable budget is gathering all of your financial information in one place. Make a list of all of your income sources, including your salary, interest income, and any other sources of money coming in. Next, list out all of your expenses. Be sure to include regular monthly expenses like rent, car payments, groceries, and utilities. Also factor in irregular expenses that occur quarterly, annually, or occasionally like car maintenance, gifts, and vacations. Once you have listed your income and expenses, categorize each expense into groups like housing, transportation, food, etc. Finally, calculate your total monthly income and expenses. This financial overview is crucial for creating your budget.
Set Your Financial Goals
Now that you have your financial information laid out, think about your financial goals. What do you want to achieve with your money? Common financial goals include saving up for a down payment on a house, paying down debt, saving for retirement, or saving for a dream vacation. Defining your goals will help you prioritize how to allocate your money in your budget. If paying off credit card debt is your top priority, you'll want to devote more money in your budget to credit card payments.
Create a Budget Template
Next, choose a budget template that works for you. You can find many budget templates online and in financial planning books. The template should have categories for your income, expenses, and financial goals. Look for a template that's easy to use and understand. Many budgeting apps like Mint and You Need A Budget also have great budget templates. Consider using an app since they automate a lot of the number-crunching for you.
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2023-2024 Planner Monthly Weekly and Expense Tracker Paper Kit, for 6-Holefilofax A6 binder, 6-3/4" x 3-3/4", Personal Size for Budget Binder(Harphia,007mix A6) 4.5 out of 5 stars(290) Available for Amazon Prime $10.98 (as of October 4, 2023 20:31 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Money Management: Financial Planning Aid (Ultrasonic Subliminal Series) $14.99 (as of October 4, 2023 20:31 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
Enter Your Financial Information
Now it’s time to enter your income, expenses, and financial goals into your budget template. Put each income source and expense into the appropriate category. Include expenses that occur regularly as well as irregular expenses. Once all your financial information is entered, subtract your expenses from your income to calculate your monthly net income. See if you have any money left over to put towards your financial goals after covering expenses.
Make Adjustments as Needed
Examine your completed budget to see if you need to make any changes. If your expenses exceed your income, you'll need to make some budget cuts. Look for areas where you can reduce spending like dining out, entertainment, or other discretionary expenses. Consider ways to boost your income like asking for a raise at work, starting a side hustle, or selling unused items around your home. Make adjustments in your budget until your income exceeds expenses.
Review and Update Regularly
Your income and expenses likely change over time, so it's important to review and update your budget on a regular basis. Review your budget at least once a month to make sure you’re on track. Celebrate any budget wins like paying off a credit card! Creating a budget takes effort but it's one of the best things you can do to take control of your money. Follow the steps above to make a budget that works for your needs and helps you achieve your financial goals. What budgeting tips would you add? Let me know in the comments!
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SKYDUE A6 Budget Binder with Zipper Envelopes, Money Saving Binder Includes 12Pcs Expense Budget Sheet & 24Pcs Stickers, Budget Book with Cash Envelopes to Help You Organize Finances Effectively 4.6 out of 5 stars(11694) Available for Amazon Prime $10.98 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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Pillars of Wealth: How to Make, Save, and Invest Your Money to Achieve Financial Freedom Available for Amazon Prime 20% Off $24.99 $19.99 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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You Need a Budget: The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want 4.6 out of 5 stars(1822) Available for Amazon Prime 30% Off $25.99 $17.99 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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Amazon eGift Card - Star 4.8 out of 5 stars(871273) Available for Amazon Prime $50.00 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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Budget Planner with Untitled Tabs, Forvencer Monthly Budget Book, Undated Expense Tracker Notebook, Premium Finance Organizer, Budgeting Journal to Manage Your Money, Start Anytime, A5, Hot Pink 4.6 out of 5 stars(120) Available for Amazon Prime $7.99 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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Expen - The Ultimate Money Management Apps & Financial Calculator App, Budget Planner App for Expense, Income & Wealth Tracking, Finance Calculator App for Expenses, Expense Tracker App & Budget App $7.95 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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How to Make a Monster 4.6 out of 5 stars(98) 20% Off $19.99 $15.97 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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Business Wealth Without Risk: How to Create a Lifetime of Income & Wealth Every 3 to 5 years 4.8 out of 5 stars(27) $0.99 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.)
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Regolden-Book Budget Planner - Undated Monthly Budget Book with Pockets, Expense Tracker Notebook Hardcover, Financial Planner to Manage Your Money Effectively. 12 Months, A5, Blue,(6''x8.5'') 4.4 out of 5 stars(385) Available for Amazon Prime 16% Off $11.99 $9.99 (as of October 4, 2023 19:50 GMT +00:00 - More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.) Read the full article
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geozillaapp · 1 year
5 Emergency Situations ML-powered Wearables Can Rescue You from
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In recent years, wearable technology has witnessed remarkable advancements, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. And its popularity continues to grow. From fitness trackers to smartwatches, these innovations have become integral parts of our daily lives. This is proved by the fact that in 2022, the number of connected wearable devices worldwide reached around 1.1 billion.  
What’s more, the integration of machine learning (ML) capabilities into development has taken its functionality to a whole new level. ML-powered wearables go beyond mere convenience and entertainment, providing life-saving benefits in emergency situations. In this article, we highlight the top 5 life-threatening scenarios when smart devices and wearables fulfillment can save your or your loved ones’ lives.
Personal Safety GPS Tracking Devices Save Lives in Car Crashes
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GeoZilla technology integrated with users’ personal safety devices enhances the way people drive. It provides streamlined monitoring that immediately identifies dangerous behavior. Customers get notified when the system tracks speeding, harsh braking, aggressive driving and more. This way, thanks to real-time alerts, users can avoid possible threats on the road and prevent themselves from car crashes.
However, if the accident has already happened, safety devices would track it straight away. Your loved ones will get emergency alerts and will be able to rush to help you. Moreover, thanks to precise location tracking, it won’t take time to find where you are. In situations, when every second matters, wearable personal safety devices can save your life and the lives of other people involved in the accident. 
GeoZilla’s technology has already tracked almost 8,500 car crashes and helped hundreds of users not to become victims of road traffic.
Safety Devices for Seniors Allow Quick Fall Detection
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Do you have parents or relatives with mobility challenges or serious disabilities? Safety devices for elderly people can enhance the way they move around the city. Thanks to the fall detection feature, you can be sure that your loved ones feel well. ML-powered wearables equipped with advanced sensors can accurately detect any issues and promptly notify connected contacts in case of medical emergencies. 
Another reason to integrate GeoZilla app with safety devices for dementia patients is the opportunity to keep track of the location of your loved ones. Seniors with memory problems can easily get lost and forget where they are. After applying the GeoZilla solution, you’ll be notified when your relative leaves a predefined area. Moreover, you’ll be able to see their position in real-time, which allows providing quick help in case of an emergency.
Health Monitoring Wearables Ensure Quick Help in Case of Heart Attack
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Impressively, but every year, about 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack. At the same time, cardiac abnormalities usually strike suddenly, leaving people with limited time to seek medical help. If you care about personal safety and want to be sure that your loved ones are OK, using wearable medical devices is essential.
Such ML-powered developments have built-in sensors that detect abnormal patterns indicative of potential heart issues. Because of the fact that machine learning algorithms get trained on vast datasets, it allows them to conduct comprehensive health monitoring, provide real-time alerts and notify connected people about the problem.
Wearables as Medical Devices Notify About Epileptic Seizures Immediately
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Epileptic seizures typically occur unexpectedly, making it challenging for people to seek assistance promptly. If you have serious health concerns, it would be best to choose personal safety devices. Wearables are suitable for women and men that usually stay at home or go for a walk alone. If an epileptic seizure happens, their loved ones get notified immediately and have an opportunity to provide urgent help.
What’s more, such ML-powered wearables have integrated accelerometers and biofeedback sensors that can detect seizures' unique movement patterns. This means that you’ll be notified about the risk before the seizure starts. And once you need help, you can send SOS signals to the connected devices through the wearable.
IoT wearables—devices that are Great to Find Lost Kids in a City
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Let’s start with statistics. In 2017, one out of every 293,800 kids under age 18 was reported missing on the belief they were abducted by a stranger. And no parents want this to happen to their child, which is the reason safety devices for kids are so popular.
First, ML-powered wearables integrated with the GeoZilla app help track the location of your children if they go for a walk alone. You no longer need to worry about your kids playing outside, as the technology can notify you anytime they leave the safe areas that you’ve defined. What’s more, you can get a comprehensive overview of where your children have been over the last 336 hours and identify whether they visit dangerous places.
Second, safety devices will be helpful if your kid gets lost in the city. If you integrate your family’s wearables with the GeoZilla app, you’ll be able to see the real-time location of your child right on your smartphone. This will let you rescue a missed kid if a disaster has already happened. 
Third, personal safety GPS tracking devices, equipped with advanced sensors and connectivity features, provide a sense of security and peace of mind to parents. Whether it's a smartwatch or a health monitoring device, IoT wearables offer a range of functionalities to keep tabs on children's activities and health status. You can always ensure your children’s well-being, offering a comforting layer of protection and reassurance for your kids.
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ML-powered wearables extended their capabilities beyond traditional features long ago. Now they serve as safety needle devices and present a promising avenue for enhanced emergency response. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, wearables effectively detect and respond to critical situations, this way saving lives. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of ML in safety devices holds the potential to revolutionize emergency response and provide individuals with invaluable support during various situations. With the rapid advancements in life-saving wearables, we can look forward to a future where machine learning developments become indispensable companions for personal well-being.
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vishal6x · 9 months
Cheap Spy Apps for Android : Reviews & Comparison
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Whenever someone talks about the phone spy apps, the first reaction of the people around is either of surprise or seriousness. This is the image of apps related to spying in the market. The majority of people think that spying is a bad thing but what they don’t realize is that whether it is your nation or home spying is done to ensure security. At the national level security of a nation and its citizens depend upon spy agencies and at your house security of your loved ones relies on it. 
Whether you want to ensure the security of your employees, child or loved ones, monitoring apps coming with location tracker features can do this job precisely. They are developed for this purpose primarily.
Hence, in this article, we will enlist the top affordable spy app for android so that you can decide which one will be best suited to your requirements.
Top parental control apps for Android
It is one of the most popular mobile monitoring app solutions especially designed for keeping in mind the requirements of parents. This is one of the feature-loaded affordable spy apps that offers bank-level encryption for complete data security. This spy app offers more than 60 features. Let’s take a glance at some of them:
Call logs:
With this feature, you can easily monitor calls and access information like details of the caller including their contact number and name. It can also track call duration, date and time of all calls that have been received, made and missed. One can also download its monitored data and access it. 
Call recorder:
Many of us receive spam calls daily which makes it difficult to differentiate between genuine calls and fraud calls. Having a hidden call recorder can help you record the calls that are useful and reject the fraudulent ones. With this parental control app for android, you can also monitor your kid’s cell phone and find out whether he/she is being bullied or bothered by someone. 
Live location tracking:
By knowing the location, help can be provided at a much quicker rate in emergencies. That’s why this app is equipped with live-location tracking functionality. With the help of its brilliant technology, the GPS monitoring feature of this application collects the precise data of the location and shows it to you. 
Children and the internet go hand in hand these days. When they spend so much time on the internet it becomes essential for parents to make sure that they don’t become a victim of cybercrime or cyberthreats like identity theft, cyberbullying, inappropriate content etc. Let’s take a look at some of the best features of this parental solution. 
WhatsApp spy feature:
It is one of the important features of this monitoring application. With this feature, parents can keep an eye on their kid’s WhatsApp chats, messages, media content and so on. One can download and listen to WhatsApp call recordings. You can check out all messages received and sent across different conversations and contacts. You can also listen to complete voice notes with no rooting required. 
Browser history:
The children nowadays are very smart. They also save data offline and are equipped with various sorts of facilities and information that the internet provides. Chyldmonitor parental control app for android lets you check out the history of your child’s device. Keeping a tab on what your children do online can help you avoid any potential risk or danger your kid might get involved in intentionally and unintentionally. 
24 hours monitoring:
Since Chyldmonitor is specially designed for keeping children safe and secure, it also allows you to keep track of your kid’s online activities 24x7. Whether it is social media monitoring, emails, call logs recording and so on. You can get to see all of their activities and what they are doing. 
Onespy is an android monitoring software that comes loaded with advanced tracking features which can be accessible online through a control panel. When you successfully install this app on the target device after some time it starts giving device data simultaneously over the subscriber's control panel. Let’s go through some of its best features:
Call tracker:
The android call tracker of the Onespy app compounds all of your call monitor necessities into an easy-to-use and efficient technological application. Through this app, you can easily monitor calls and access details like personal credentials, call duration date and time and more. 
SMS monitoring:
With this feature, you can monitor SMS messages that are sent and received on the targeted device. Not only this, this feature also provides you with the entire message thread with details of time and date alongside the text message. 
Yahoo mails:
Yahoo is a popular search engine which provides an email service which is popularly called Yahoo messenger. The spy app for android is a reliable tool for monitoring Yahoo mails that helps you in keeping an eye on your family members and protect them from various sorts of potential threats. 
Norton family:
It is an excellent monitoring app that comes with a wide range of features that can address your concerns about your kid’s online safety. This parental control app for Android helps you in filtering out harmful websites with its blocking and it could be a good option to look out for in the market. 
It is one of the most affordable spy apps out there packed with unique scheduling capabilities. By combining it with decent social media monitoring it will become an effective spy phone app for your kid’s online activities. This app is available in both free and paid versions. 
So, these are some of the best cheap spy apps available in the market. There are many others as well but we made the list of the diverse requirements of users at affordable prices. However, our suggestion is to go for Onemonitar, Chyldmonitor or Onespy because these apps are user-friendly and offer exclusive features at great prices.
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gogetyours · 1 year
AEAC W15 SmartWatch With Alexa Built-in
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After review quite a few smartwatches that almost try to copy the Apple smartwatch, we got hold of the new AEAC IDW15 smartwatch after coming across it on the Amazon shopping site. The W15 in short, it has a vast amount of features built-in that will have you busy and getting back into fitness in now time at all.
With help from a downloadable VeryFit app from the google play store, the AEAC watch will not all you to track your every step, but it will provide you with a map of what distance you have travelled and wear indeed you have taken a run using the Apps Map tracker.
It has all of the usual health monitor built--n like a SP02 monitor, heart rate monitor, sleep tracking, stress exercises and the W15 even has Alexa control. With regards to music, you can control the track selections and volume and you can not only skip videos if you watching YouTube on your mobile device but you can also keep up to date on all social media messages and use the smartwatch direct to dial numbers and make calls from the watch itself.
This amazing little smart watch has so many features and tasks that you can take and you can even compete with family and friends too. If you would like to see the full review, then check our YouTube video out on our channel..Thanks!
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kymmiejournals · 1 year
2021 My Life Planner by Blushing Notes
This post contains affiliate links. If you take action (i.e. make a purchase) after clicking my affiliate links, I’ll probably earn a few bucks which will help keep this website running or just to buy a cup of coffee. You know I only recommend products that I actually use, love and trust, right?
Hi friend, 
Wow! It's been a while since my last planner review. I’ve been busy with a lot of things lately and I had to organize everything before our big move. This is the year I get to leave everything behind and start a new life with my husband, which means I have to quit my job, sell my car and stocks, then book a one-way ticket to another country. I’m so excited for this new chapter in my life.
Tools and Resources
Any note-taking apps (such as Goodnotes or Noteshelf)
iPad Pro 4th Gen 12.9”
iPad 7th Gen 10.2”
Apple Pencil 1st Gen
Apple Pencil 2nd Gen
Paperlike matte screen protector
ESR standing case for iPad Pro 4th Gen 12.9”
When you purchase the My Life Digital Undated Planner, you will receive 2 PDF files:
the digital planner in PDF
2 Covers
6 hyperlinked sections or tabs 
Calendar templates
Personal templates
Project templates
Finance trackers
Wellness templates
4 Paper templates
Matching Hex Color Codes and Font
Welcome Guide with Goodnotes tutorials
a welcome guide
2021 my life digital planner
2 Covers
What's amazing about this planner is you get to choose between these 2 beautiful blush covers, or you can use any of the free covers of @blushingnotes.
You can customize this page however you want. Just like with every planner, there is always a page to introduce yourself and write the purpose of this planner.
This page serves as the Index or the Table of Contents for the whole planner. Some tabs redirect to the same page the side tabs have.
Use the Inbox template to write your To-Do's, project ideas and random thoughts.
Use this page to categorize what you've written in your Inbox. This will help you to focus on what's more important and work your way through the list.
This section has all the calendar-related templates such as Year At A Glance, Important Dates, Monthly, Weekly and Daily pages. This planner only has the Monday-start, although it'd be nice if there's also a Sunday-start so you won't have to customize the days of the week every now and then.
Calendar Content
This page shows tabs to different calendar-related templates
Year At A Glance
I have added the numbers and customize the font of the Months, then added some color codes for each category such as Work, Rest Day, Vacation, Busy Day. You can totally add your own codes, maybe track Anniversaries and Birthdays too!
Important Dates
I customized the font of the Months here to add some personality into it, then I drew a box for each month so it's easy for me to view each month, added stickers and texts. You can put important dates such as Anniversaries, Holidays, Birthdays, even appointments.
I know it's April 2021 already, but here's what I've done for March 2021. Since it's Spring time, I decided to use this cute floral stickers, added the dates, thought of color codes, a long positive affirmation and ofcourse my planner entries for the month.
My Week
This has three different weekly templates. You can use it interchangeably, or stick to one per month by just duplicating the template you want.
Weekly Schedule
For this page, if you prefer to stick to a certain schedule then this is the perfect weekly template for you. Along with the My Week, you can also use this as your main weekly page. The highlights you see are color codes such as if you have one activity for a specific time everyday for example, lights off at 10pm everyday.
Day Planner
There are 2 different Day Planner templates, the left side has a timestamp schedule if you want to stick with your timely routine or if not, you can use the template on the right side which has the list layout.
This section has all the personal-related templates such as Inspiration Board, Life Aspirations List, Habit & Routines, Organize & Declutter list, Cleaning Routine, Weekly Cleaning Schedule, and it also includes the Goals and other tracker pages.
Personal Content
This page shows tabs to different personal-related templates
Inspiration Board
There are 2 inspiration board templates - horizontal & vertical. I added some photos, quotes and a title or header. You can watch my IGTV on how I decorate my inspiration board!
Goals Overview
Track your goals per category in this page. As you can see in the image, I categorize all my project ideas or random thoughts per topic so it'll be much easier for me which one to prioritize.
Goals Progress
This page lets you track your progress per goal so you can stick to your deadline.
Goal Planner
There are 2 goal planner templates to choose from. If you want a straight-forward goal planner then you should use the template on the right side, but if you want to also track your 'emotional' aspect on how this goal affects you, then choose the template on the left side.
Habits and Routines
This page helps you to track your habits and routines by writing your target goal and the total of what you have done. For example, the Water Intake, my goal is to drink 8 glasses of water everyday for the whole month (atleast 25 days which is what I put in the Goal field). The other 4 or 5 days I can drink milk tea, wine, mojito or cocktails. Then, since I drank 8 glasses of water for 27 days, I put 27 on the Total field, which means I was able to meet my goal. If I completed my goal, I can mark the heart icon just beside Day 31. 
Organize and Declutter
This page helps you track which things don't spark joy anymore. 
Weekly Cleaning
Cleaning doesn’t always apply to tangible items, you can clean your cloud storage, your notion templates, your Procreate projects, your unused digital planners, or just try to clear your mind.
Cleaning Routine
Same with Weekly Cleaning's purpose, this page is for Daily, Weekly and Monthly cleaning schedule. If you can't think of things to clean, just refer to my image above for inspiration.
Life Aspirations List
This page is for your life aspirations - what you want to achieve or accomplish, whether it's for a short or long term goals. Once you achieved it, you can highlight it and move to the next goal in the list.
To Read
Add your favorite books or books to read, currently reading, to be reviewed. You can also add ratings!
To Watch
Add your favorite shows, movies, new series to watch, and you can also add ratings or even cover photos of the movie or show.
To Listen
I don't really plan what songs to listen to or write songs on my planner, I prefer to have a playlist on my fave music app. However, I think this page does not only talk about songs, you can also write your fave podcast, audio books, ted talks or whatever floats your boat. Right now, my fave song to listen to is Leave The Door Open by Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak (Silk Sonic) which is a feel-good R&B and Soul music.
This section has all the project-related templates such as Project Overview, Project Planner, Group Project Plan and Project Ideas.
Projects Content
This page shows tabs to different project-related templates.
Project Overview
Perfect if you have projects in school or just at home. For example, I have a project called #getplannerfeatured, and I use this to track my progress and timeline.
Project Planner
Once you've determined your project, you can use this page to help you identify your objectives, progress, action steps, add notes and due date.
Group Project Plan
If you are working with other people on a project, then use this page to assign task or role for the members of your group.
Project Ideas
This page can be used to brainstorm ideas for your projects.
This section has all the wellness-related templates such as Health Plan, Workout Routine, Period Tracker, Meal Plan, Shopping List and Inventory, Self-Care Ideas, Gratitude and Reflection pages.
Wellness Content
This page shows tabs to different wellness-related templates
Weekly Health Plan
Track your workout plan and habits weekly using this template. There's also a weekly meal plan included in the page.
Workout Routine
Write your workout plans and routines, how many reps, distance or sets per workout. You can do it!
Weekly Meal Plan
The Meal Plan doesn't require you to just eat pure leafy and healthy meal. You are allowed to include even the hearty and greasy meal you want. Write down the fried onion rings and buffalo chicken wings you've been craving for!
Daily Meal Planner
Break the weekly meal planner into daily. Write what you're having for breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner for the day.
Keep a list of your pantry's inventory and check if you need to do grocery shopping.
Shopping List
Once you've determined which stocks you are running low, it's time to hit the grocery store! Don't forget to bring your shopping list with you!
Period Tracker
This page is to track your mensies and before you barf, take a minute to really understand your period cycle. Tracking it will help you understand your mood swings (that's PMS) and how to avoid cramps.
Gratitude List
Definitely one of my favorite pages, this is super helpful for your personal growth. You have to be appreciative even with the little things.
Year In Color
Mood tracker can be really vague but you can make it fun by putting your own legends or mood colors.
Add your daily mantras or powerful and positive quotes that will help you turn a bad day into a great one!
My Happiness
This page serves as a journal page where you can put which habits or things that make you feel good or happy, what you like to see manifest this week, what limits you the most right now and how you can change it, write both your positive and negative traits, describe the person you want to be and include your values.
Self-Care Ideas
Write your ideas of self-care, it can be anything! You can check the image above for some of the self-care ideas for mind, body and environment.
Reflect on the things that made you happy or cry and use that to improve yourself and be prepared for what life will throw your way.
This section has all the finance-related templates such as My Budget, Income, Expense, Savings and Bill Tracker, and Subscriptions.
Finance Content
This page shows tabs to different finance-related templates.
My Budget
It's time to track your budget for the whole year! Add your source of income, fixed and other expenses then compute the difference so you'd know which things to let go so you can save up more!
Income Tracker
Track all your cash flow using this page. There are a lot of ways how to earn money, you can write your part-time job or side-hustle business too!
Expense Tracker
Take your time writing your expenses, so you'd know which one is important or not, which one to let go of, which things to buy only when necessary
Bill Tracker
It's relevant to track your bills to avoid penalties, interests, or unexpected fines that you may incur when you don't pay your bills in advance or on time.
Savings Tracker
Use this page when you want to save up for something. For me, I'm saving for a brand new MacBook or iMac because I want to focus on my blog, online business and graphic design & videography.
I love managing my subscriptions! It's easy since it's recurring and has a fixed amount. You don't have to worry about how much you'll pay the next month, unlike your electricity or water bills. You can also cancel some inactive apps or plans. Take advantage of those promotional plans such as 40% off for your 3 months or whatever.
This page section has all the notes-related templates such as Lined, Dot, Grid and Blank.
Notes Content
This page shows tabs to different paper templates.
Notes Paper Templates
You can choose from different paper templates to help you write anything under the sun! Use this for your journaling, scrapbooking, memory keeping, tracking, or just create a list.
Back Pocket
One of my favorite pages uniquely created by Sophie, I also decorated the back pocket on her Dusty Pink Undated Digital Planner.
My Life Planner Welcome Guide
 Along with the planner, you also get this guide to help you navigate through the planner. It contains:
Welcome note from Sophie of BlushingNotes
Table of Contents
Installation Guide
Navigating the My Life Digital Planner
How to duplicate and delete pages in Goodnotes app
Color codes and fonts 
Basic tips on how to customize the pages
Hex Color Code and Fonts
The Hex color code will be provided to you on the Welcome Guide. I just covered it here to protect the rights of the owner.
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This post is not sponsored nor paid by Blushing Notes, I am only reviewing products that I use and love [know more]
The fonts and graphics used are separate purchases and not included in the planner
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