#then we’re gonna have problems
Hot take—I was looking back at Appendix A again, and Gondor really hit the ally lottery with the Northmen/Rohirrim because I’m not sure I would have put up with Gondor early on if I was a Northman myself. The whole relationship between the two kingdoms only started because Gondor was looking for a buffer between themselves and the Easterlings (“hey, let’s use these blonde guys as a human shield for our own protection!”). Then when individual Northmen distinguished themselves and got a foothold in Gondorian society, the “high men” (ugh) of Gondor “looked askance” at them as a “lesser and alien race” (double ugh). And when King Valacar of Gondor married the daughter of the Northman King Vidugavia, the Gondorians FOUGHT A CIVIL WAR rather than willingly accept Valacar’s totally legitimate half-Northman son and heir as their leader. Just exhausting.
Relationships between countries are never uncomplicated, and some people in Gondor were always accepting and respectful of the Northmen. And over time, Gondor as a whole proved itself as useful and loyal to the Northmen/Rohan as the reverse. The alliance between the two is so incredible in its fully developed form, and Gondor and Rohan as little best buddy nations are so sweet. But how lucky that Vidugavia’s people didn’t watch that civil war way back in the Second Age and just think to themselves, “to hell with this.”*
* I say this as a citizen of a country that is frequently an overbearing bully to its own best buddy nations (Sorry, Canada! Every American loves you!), and I’m constantly grateful that they haven’t all just decided to write us off for good!
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Spiderverse? More like big beautiful *i have so many redacted things id like to say* nose verse 😩🤤
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keery · 8 months
now why is his illustration a cowboy in a bathtub
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starbuck · 3 months
the first night of my Murder Mystery play went SO well… the very best i could have imagined and, aside from my usual public speaking jitters (which go away as soon as i’m actually Up There), i felt GREAT and not anxious at all because i have such a great TEAM working with me and making the production as awesome as it possibly could be!
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j-esbian · 6 months
i don’t have a single device for which the charger works perfectly and not to sound like a boomer but i feel like that is. pretty indicative of Where We’re At Technologically
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curly-cottage-girl · 4 months
I feel like I’m losing the battle of treading water and am just starting to drown in exhaustion now
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novathesheltie · 14 days
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had to post more- he’s not even trying
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kairithemang0 · 26 days
if I’ve ever got a song on repeat 99% of the time it’s because I’m planning out an edit
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vilsoo · 10 months
male jjk “fans” on twitter are so fucking weird and annoying and this applies to every male shounen fanbase out there 🙃 just a cesspool of incels that love hating on women that genuinely enjoy the series
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thatgirlonstage · 8 months
Thinking through the logical conclusions of lore that the source material has clearly not thought that deeply about can be annoying or depressing in the sense of seeing exactly how deep the plot holes go but so long as it doesn’t inherently break the suspension of disbelief or ruin your enjoyment of the overall story it can be really fun to figure out what you can use to plug the holes. Like that’s just free real estate now baby. If the lore implies X but the story wound up at Z, then you can make the journey through Y be whatever you want it to be
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
It’s wild to me that some of you have entire discourse accounts dedicated to shipping hate & over analyzing shipping between the anime, manga, & light novels to the point of making harassment campaigns against the authors/writers of the side stories. Yet y’all don’t send the same hate towards Ikemoto & his highly suspect ass art style with the way he draws some of these kids.
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threnodians · 4 months
it was almost 70℉ yesterday and today it is 65℉ and tomorrow it is going to be a high of 27℉ and yet nobody but me (irl) is concerned about this 🫠
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altschmerzes · 10 months
🌹 i moved into college and im being so brave about it, can i please have a snippet of any fic that u want to share please
congrats on moving into college!!! that's HUGE and i'm proud of you!
here's this from the qpr two aces fic, bc i am apparently a Sucker for 'cuddling in bed while going to sleep at night and then there's Feelings About It' scenes. so, from loneliness into loneliness, on a night when jamie is Having A Rough One-
“Jamie?” The voice from behind him is soft and worried. “Jamie, are you alright? I can… You’re breathing fast and your heart is pounding.” Dani’s hand lifts from where it lays draped over Jamie’s waist and rises to his chest, palm resting gently over his heart. Jamie grabs hold of his wrist, gripping tightly and pressing that hand even harder into his chest. He’s clinging to it, and he closes his eyes, focusing as much as he can on the fact that he knows where he is. He knows this room and this bed and he knows the body laid close behind him, the knee against the back of his thigh, the calves his ankle is tucked between, the chest that breathes even and steady at his back. The voice that says, again, even more concerned than before, “Jamie?” “Yeah,” he whispers. It’s a sad, quiet little rasp. “Yeah, I’m… I…” “Do you need me to let go?” “No. No, I-” The answer is immediate and Jamie holds onto Dani’s wrist even harder. He’s suddenly afraid that if he doesn’t answer fast enough, doesn’t make himself clear enough, he’ll be left alone there in this body that hates him for his inability to protect it. “No, I just… I’ll be okay, just don’t go. Please.” “Okay.” The agreement is easy, and he feels Dani’s forehead rest against the back of his neck. He leans, increasing the press of his body against Jamie’s the way that he knows makes Jamie feel safe when he’s feeling fragile and afraid. Dani’s thumb smooths in short, repeated strokes over his sleep shirt and the heartbeat thudding against his palm and inside Jamie’s own head finally starts to slow and calm.
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daydadahlias · 3 months
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callixton · 6 months
oh i am on the Brink of a mental breakdown. and like a real one. i am going to feel so so fucking terrible and guilty if i don’t go to the first week of mac rehearsal bc i need to recover but i am also getting the sense that i Need to recover. i have never been this burnt out or genuinely terrified of starting a new semester in my life.
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suashii · 7 months
yandere!yuta who so thrilled to finally be inside of you that he finds himself drooling as his hips rut into yours
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