#thepoetjean rambles
(AKA ThePoetJean justifies their Master's degree and makes it everyone else's problem)
1) "WRITING IS REWRITING" AND WHAT THE HELL THAT MEANS -- No writing is law or set in stone upon the first draft, and whoever taught you that is a bum. Even permanent glue can be removed by nail polish remover, so why is editing your first draft no different? When writing for fun, oftentimes you can edit the post and clean up the story when things are no longer working (it's called a cutting room floor for a reason). When writing for publishing, you'll often be paired with an editor who'll send tweaks back-and-forth to you, chipping away at any structural mistakes or grammar flaws to bring out the point of your writing piece in the process. The first draft is just about getting the general vibes of the story down: like the batter for the cake recipe before you start baking it. This part is meant to be fun and messy and no one expects you to serve them go when you're just cracking your eggs open. Let yourself be messy cuz (burnt or fluffy), this is the first step to making your story, so no need to have something be all pretty and presentable the first time around! Again, a lot of writing is just rewriting cuz drafts are a thing so getting stuff down is most important. And another amazing thing -- if the story sucks, you can always change it later! You gotta trust yourself to get it done in order to get it out to the world one way or another, so go do that!
2) LEARN YOUR OWN WRITING PROCESS! -- (OH MY GOD PPL, LEARN HOW YOU TO THE THING IT'S HALF THE BATTLE!) Most of the struggles I see with newer writers is never learning how they write, and that sucks since have the joy of making things is making the thing -- so why make writing stories so arduos for yourself. Learn your own methods and use them whenever you get to writing! Learn the writerly basics like plot, structure, framing, character voice, setting, time period, etc and learn how best you can utilize them in your own stories! On a purely craft level: Learn ALL THE WRITING CRAFT and keep in mind that all writing craft is meant to be guidelines rather than hard rules. Learn many ways about how to write in general cuz no writing advice is one size fits all and being embarrassed of your process is dumb and hinders your creative growth. Trust yourself as a writer, you'll improve faster that way. Believing you can and believing it's possible is the first step to doing anything! (Plus all writing is rewriting anyhow to there's no need to feel embarrassed about something you can fix later, anyways, right?)
3) Read projects like your project in order to get a better feel of your project. Whether it be writing style references, basic literary craft examples, or just you want to break down the vibes of the stories so you can better emulate in your own -- GO AND WATCH/READ/LISTEN ETC TO WHATEVER STORIES YOU THINK WOULD MATCH THE VIBES OF YOUR OWN!! Now, this isn't a 1-to-1 copy, you're not mean to make a clone of the thing you like or take properties for the IP that you're into -- that's more along the lines of fanfiction (which can be fun and is ofc, super valid) -- BUT! To create your own stories, you need to learn where you get your ideas from, and learn how to implement, borrow, twist, etc from the story structures and properties you gather your inspo from. Other writers are your peers, not your enemies -- so treat their work and your own with the respect it deserves. No two chicken sandwiches are ever exactly the same; true artists steal from many places, so learn how to be a good thief (creatively speaking). Example from my own secret WIP novel: I'm writing a New Adult Urban fantasy novel with a dark, powerful lady protagonist that uses lots of philosophical themes, alternate history perspectives as well as using mythology as a basis for a lot of the magical roots and setting roots. Likewise, this a story about friendship and romance after major loss and trauma, and how to come back to yourself after grief, so I've been looking for stories that cover those themes in their plots, which has made the story a lot more fun to read and write outside of just being a cool concept to play with.
If you're writing a second-chance romance story, read romance stories. If you're writing a sci-fi story with lots of robots, read stories about robots. Presumably, you enjoy the same stories you're writing in concept if not in execution, so don't hesitate to seek those stories out, and break down how those stories work in order to scrap them for literary parts. You're smarter than you think you are, and breaking down stories is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it, so please consider doing this as you go into your next project, your writing will thank you for it!
4) If the story works better as something else, swap the format and see what happens.
Have you ever read something and been like "Huh, I like this book, but with how iconography is used in the actual text, it might be better as a movie or a comic book"? So have I!
So, if you ever feel like the story you're writing isn't working so well as a novel or a play, consider turning it into a movie or a webcomic! Of course, this is all easier said than done, and every writing format comes with its own rules and limitations, but I'd give it a try if you ever want to see your project from a fresh perspective! If nothing else, you'll learn something new -- and become a better writer for it!
Til next time, beloveds~
PS. Take all advice with a grain of salt. I am not your parent or your principal, I'm just a lady with a writing degree and a lil free time. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't, etc. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST AROUND TO ANYONE WHO IT MIGHT HELP! THANKIES :3
KOFI: https://ko-fi.com/thepoetjean
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Once you realize how many TV shows and movies are about a Middle-Class CisHet White Guy's midlife crisis, YOU CAN NEVER UNSEE IT OMG--
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I was getting a ride home from work via a coworker a couple days ago (missed my bus), and they had about my Master's degree and if I was "intellectually stimulated" at my current day job. I just said "kinda" but truth be told?
You probably shouldn't be at a job too physically or intellectually engaging past quitting time? Unless it's a field your interested in or passionate about?
Like, I know corporate, retail, office, all these jobs are especially SOUL-CRUSHING and AWFUL, but what I'm enjoying about my generation and the generation coming up is that we've seen thru the BS and dont want to base our lives on jobs we hate, y'know?
Also, I'm a writer! I like writing and that's where my passion is! So, I just want a Boring Day Job where I get my basic bills paid while I build up my freelance business.
I HAVE lived off just my freelance work before and I'd honestly love to do that again, but til then -- Intellectually Unstimulating Day Job it is lol
Thx for coming to my TedTalk--
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🎃🖤 HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO MY GAYS, BAES AND THEYS! Yes, im sharing myself in this witch costume again (circa 2018) cuz I look super cute in it so look at my face! Have a fun, spooky day! 🎃🖤 #halloween #HappyHalloween2023 #happyhalloween
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But seriously does anyone know how to write sci-fi, I MEAN--
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TW: Meds and mental health mention under cut
Been off my meds for about 2 months now and I'm SO. BURNT. OUT.
I havent been able to do much besides go to work and take care of my basic needs -- everything else feels like a slog.
I'l just havent been able to pay off my outstanding doctor's bill, so I haven't been able to get my Rx refilled.
American healthcare is the WORST. Tempted to do a signal boost just to cover this bill.
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I think the lie that characters need to be assholes, bigots or straight up evil to be interesting has held back fiction in many forms of media for the past 20, 30ish years, and that's a straight bummer.
Assholes, evil characters and/or fictional bigots are meant to be a // source of conflict// more than anything else? So focusing on a macguffin as opposed to the interesting, good and flawed characters makes it feel a lil meh to me.
Even spicy stops being so spicy if it's all you eat. Substance, kids, SUBSTANCE!
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I legit envy ppl with uncomplicated relationships to their loved ones cuz it sucks that I miss my family the most during the holidays and even w time off I'm too broke to visit or too emotionally fragile to deal w personal drama up close.
Something something setting boundaries for the sake of your mental health and emotional well-being is HARDDDDD.
Oldest bastard daughter breaking intergenerational curses and all that.
Wishing everyone a warm, safe and loving Holiday Season! Gonna take a Xmas nap and then build a gingerbread house w my bestfriend later 🎄
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I just read like ~100K words of someone's manuscript in 4 days (combined for just straight reading), and I was like 'man, I should really charge more for reading these 100K words shouldn't I--?"
The client was lovely, just something I'm realizing as I keep doing this freelance thing (god I'm tired).
I just want to write my lil mlm sci-fi second chance romance story BUT CAPITALISM KEEPS GETTING MY WAY--
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UPDATE ON LEARNING HOW TO WRITE SCI-FI: Got a few writing craft books based off online reccs! Still reading them but they've deffo helped me figure a lot of things out, writing AND genre wise when it comes to sci-fi specifically. Will report back if they're useful in the long term.
From what I can gather about most old school sci-fi is it focuses on Really Cool Scientific Theories and Concepts TM, but as a result, a lot of the other story aspects like plot, characterization, ect fall to the way side, which is a shame. A lot of speculative fiction genre stuffs has this problem, but because sci-fi has been so Male-dominated and closed off until fairly recently, we got the a lot of the same mistakes and perspectives storywise because they base themselves off of each other, so to speak.
I only care about this cool alien world insomuch it matters to the characters, and a LOT of old scifi just skips over that in favor of worldbuilding, cool concepts, etc.
I read a LOT of Jules Verne growing up, and now I've been reading a lot of Octavia Butler, literally the Queen TM of Modern Scifi (though she would have called the work she wrote 'fantasy' -- go figure). I'll read some more in the genre before figuring out what kind of sci-fi //I, myself// wanna write, but I'm enjoying myself more than I previously thought I would! And that's good!
Also, many thanks to my own Dad who's love of scifi and reading nutured my own love of reading and writing in a lot of gentle, parallel ways. Love you, Dad :3
Ok, enough sap, back to research! Thanks for listening as I scream into the void, yall!! Take care of yourself :3
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23, 28 for the meme
23. favorite piece of clothing?
Lazy girl answer: My bonnet and a cute comfy shirt turned into PJs.
Fancy girl answers: Gothy design, frilly skirt, pastel goth makeup with silver glitter
I'm the worst when clothes happen? I have less "favorite clothes" and more "favorite bundle of presents I wear sometimes".
I will say, I'm more attached to clothes that are gifts from close friends and loving family members to the point I will keep something in the closet past the point of sanity or sense.
All this to say I'm pretty indifferent to most clothes tbh? I wear what makes me comfortable
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6, 26 and 28 for the soft ask
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
I like my freckles, my face shape and the color of my hair (dark reddish brown). I like how I organized my bedroom to match my changing tastes, my skill at finding great webcomics to read, and how much I love on and take care of my cat :3
26. what movie would you want to live in?
Anywhere cozy: with good friends, warm/cozy homes and delicious food. Basically wherever people live in a soft, happy ending Ghibli movie.
28. hugs or hand-holding?
I definitely prefer hugs -- nothing like a good hug from a loved one after a difficult day. My Dad and Sibling came for a surprise drop in visit the same day I started my new day job, and it was so nice to be greeted by people who love me and wish the best for me, esp after such a hard day. I don't mind hand-holding, just felt more utilitarian for me (ie. Dragging a friend into the theater before the movie starts hehe). I'd only hold hands with someone I super-duper trust.
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i completely agree that lack of accommodations is a huge reason why people can't learn what they need to in school, but boring teachers, reading is a chore? sometimes things in life are boring, and people have to learn how to contend with that but still do what they need to. those points are more telling of why we need to prepare students to be bored so they can stand in line at the bank or clean a bathtub and not feel like they're being tortured (its a terrible feeling! it takes time to learn how to be bored, and we're doing kids a major disservice by simply removing boredom from their early life). not to mention for every 'boring' teacher there's dozens of students who learn best from them
Hello anon! Good input, let me clarify (LONG POST UNDER READ MORE):
When I say "boring teaching" I'm talking about "boring instructional style". A good teacher to //me// could be a TERRIBLE teacher to someone else; "boring teachers" are more of a POV thing ultimately. My criticism is more towards teachers using facts, rote memorization and literary terms to teach rather than teaching how to apply that knowledge in the real world. I can use the terms "red herring" or "propaganda" all I want to an uninformed student, unless I teach them how to uncover it for themselves, it's not gonna stick for them.
We have to teach that Media Literary is USEFUL for more than just school, IT'S IMPORTANT FOR LIFE! It's a flaw w education system, not individual teachers so much. It's a symptom of a much larger problem.
AKA Reading is Important and Shouldnt be a Chore
And yes, I also think that ppl should learn how to cope with moments of stillness and boredom in order to survive in the world. Overstimulation is a distraction and being in the moments makes folks more present, connected w their bodies, etc.
But here's the thing: // Why // would anyone read anything they find boring unless absolutely necessary (like in a school setting or work setting)? Because yes, reading is like eating food -- it provides the fuel you need to get thru the day. But //reading is more than "reading as a chore"// -- it connects us to each and ourselves, so reading for fun should be a priority as much as anything else.
My bone to pick is with institutions making something as FUNDENTALLY AWESOME as LITERACY and READING //into a chore as boring as cleaning your bathroom and going to the bank//; turning the human act of reading and writing language into a //necessary evil // rather than //an act of public good//.
Again, "reading as a chore" is sign of institutional apathy. //Letting people figure out healthy ways in how they garner joy is a human right as much as anything else//. We're meant to //LIVE// our lives not just //SURVIVE// them. Teaching people how to think for themselves is as important as teaching them to be. Reading for fun won't make someone any less smarter.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts again, anon! Wishing you well and happy reading :3
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1, 14 and 15 for the art ask
1) When did you get into art?
While I've always casually doodled my OCs and story ideas in notebooks and things like that , I really got into art when I was a sophomore in college and wanted to draw fanart for my fandom friends at the time (they were all fanfic writers). Got my first art tablet back in Winter 2015 and never looked back :3
14) Favorite thing to draw?
Happy Black girls and women in various magical and/or fantasy settings! I'm an urban fantasy writer by trade, so mixing Afrofuturism with the magical mundane has always been super fun to me! In a more general sense, I like drawing: with bright colors, with interesting linework, interesting outfits/costumes, fancy hair, jewelry, sparkles and flowers.
15) Least favorite thing to draw?
Not really a NSFW artist, so it's not really fun for me draw. Might be an ace thing or a me thing, but I'm not comfortable drawing it, sooo I dont! It's fine if you do tho (as long as your 18+ and AN ADULT)!
Alternatively, I think spicy art is interesting on an intellectual level (NOREALLYSTAYWITHME--)! I think NSFW art has it's place. It's been an interesting learning tool to make bodies look more pliable and squishy, not to mention interesting ways to learn to draw interactive anatomy. //I// just dont like doing it. I see it kinda like a textbook. *shrug emoji* Just not my thing, art-wise. Meh. You do you, tho!
Thanks for the asks!
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Not my dad roasting me and telling me that: "Ok, u need to get a girlfriend OR a boyfriend cuz u cant just be lying in bed all day"
Like I'm not even a bi disaster I'm a bi failure LOLOLOLOLOL
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Almost the end of Feb 2024 and I'm concerned w two things:
1) Paying March 2024 Rent and
2) If I should Commit to the Bit TM and finally make that "Asexual's Guide to Writing a Seduction Scene That Works" for the edutainment value cuz I'm like Sesa/me St/reet for Adults apparently lol
I'll be doing both v soon
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