herinsectreflection · 2 years
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@dirtygoroapologist This is an understandable reaction - Giles lore is always such a revelation.
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@theproxyfront Absolutely. My favourites so far:
(about Luke) "He's like an evil Action Man."
(about Cordelia)"She's really awful but for some reason I kind of like her?"
(about Luke and the Master) "This is quite homoerotic actually."
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Hello! I've been loving your Buffy recap posts (doing my own quarantine rewatch these days) and I noticed that the link to 2x06 "Halloween" is broken? Or rather, the link goes to the previous episode "Reptile Boy". I only ask because 2.6 is one of my favorite episodes, and I'd love to read your take on it!
Hi there, lovely! It truly brings me a lot of joy to know that someone is still reading my recaps, which were a huge part of my main blog for so long. 
I’ve already fixed the link to 2x06, you can find it here.
If you continue to read the recaps, do let me know if any other link is not working as it should. Or you can always go through the whole BTVS recap tag in chronological order over here.
Halloween is an amazing episode, btw!
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Okay, I've thought of some more Leverage questions :) What's Parker's backstory? Did she blow up the house with her parents in it? Where did Bunny come from? What happened in foster care? And so on.
Oooooooh these are good ones! So here we go!
Now, I can’t definitively answer on what Parker’s backstory is unless I can finish breaking into Dean Devlin’s house and steal his hard drives.
Not that I’m doing that... or anything... *ahem*
Anyway. Here is what we know about Parker:
Her father was abusive and her mother was powerless to stop it.
She blew up her house as a child in retaliation.
She was in therapy, where she struggled to understand facial expressions and what they meant.
She was in foster care, which she blamed for making her “wrong,” a fate she was terrified of other children sharing.
She was on the street where she was learning how to steal when she stole from Archie, who trained her.
She then became the best thief, Archie’s legacy in the criminal world, and Archie retired with Parker taking his place, leading to the pilot episode of the show.
Now, those are our facts. What does this tell us? How does this answer your questions?
Well, let’s look at points two through four: Parker blew up her house, she was in therapy, she was in foster care, and she lived on the streets. Now, given that her father was abusive and her mother didn’t fight back (as we see in the flashback in the pilot episode), I highly doubt her parents got her to therapy, which means it happened after she blew up the house.
As for whether her parents were inside?
I think the foster care part answers that.
Her mother might or might not have been inside the house at the time, but her father most definitely was. In my experience, and again this is my own experience, courts are reluctant to separate a child from their birth parent and if her parents were still alive I think that things would have been dealt with privately. In fact courts might not even have looked into it, if her parents were alive, and besides, what would be the point of blowing up the house without her father in it? Father would just take Bunny again. No, in Parker’s mind, she got rid of Father and his abuse for good, and probably her mom too if we’re honest, because her mom didn’t protect her or stop him or get them out. I’m not judging her mom one way or another in this case, I’m saying that from Parker’s perspective, that’s probably how she felt.
Now, we learn in The Stork Job that Parker was abused in foster care and that she blames her foster families and the foster care system for a lot of her trauma and the struggles she’s had connecting with people. If she had anyone to go to when she ran away, she’d probably go to them, which means she has no one to go back to. Also, given that we have Archie and learn about him, I think if Parker’s parents had in fact survived, we would have heard about them or seen them at some point as well. Even Eliot, the most private of the five, talks about his father eventually.
And therapy? In what looks like a hospital or a mental asylum instead of someone’s home?
All of this, to me, adds up to one simple fact: Parker blew up her house, killing her parents along with it.
Now for part two, Bunny.
Given that in the brief flashback we see Parker in a house that doesn’t look too clean, that looks cluttered, I think that her parents weren’t too rich. And her father doesn’t seem the type to let Parker have many gifts. My guess is that, given her extreme attachment to Bunny, it was a gift from someone, and probably attached to a good memory, one of the few good ones she had. In fact I would even be willing to bet that today, Bunny sits neatly on top of Parker’s ropes and hooks, guarding them in the closet while Parker is away.
What happened in foster care?
Parker is, and I will believe this until my dying day, autistic. She struggles to understand facial expressions, she speaks loudly and quickly in a monotone, she struggles with eye contact or will maintain eye contact to a disconcerting degree. She doesn’t get societal conventions such as when people make jokes.
She also just blew up her parents, and was in therapy.
So I’m guessing that Parker’s time in foster care was emotionally toxic. She didn’t understand people, and they didn’t understand her. Her needs weren’t being met. She was treated as a delinquent and probably was in very intense therapy a lot for what she did (if they suspected that she did it on purpose). Her foster parents/the system used her. She didn’t know where her next meal was coming from, she was hungry a lot, she was neglected, she was threatened with physical abuse.
In other words, what the kids go through in The Stork Job? We can assume Parker went through pretty much the same thing, since she accurately guesses the starvation, the abuse, etc.
This all leads up to Parker’s backstory, which I would guess is:
1. Parker’s father abuses her, and her mother doesn’t or isn’t able to stand up to him.
2. Parker’s patience snaps when her father tries to take Bunny, one of her few toys and something that has an emotional attachment, most likely a gift from someone who is no longer around, such as a friend.
3. Parker makes her house explode, probably by using the gas pipes or by mixing household cleaning supplies into a makeshift bomb.
4. Parker is placed in therapy after the trauma, where therapists quickly realize something is Off with her but don’t realize it’s autism (autism is hugely under-diagnosed in women). Perhaps they suspect she set her house off on purpose. Perhaps they think her father did it, given his other behavior.
5. Parker is placed in foster care, where she struggles to have her emotional needs met and connect with people. She is emotionally abused, starved, and threatened with violence.
6. To escape this, Parker runs away. To survive, she learns how to steal, albeit not at an expert level.
7. Parker tries to steal from Archie. By this point, based on flashbacks and what Archie says, she’s around twelve. Her house blew up, based on flashbacks, when she was about seven or eight. That gives us four years of abuse that she suffered in the foster system.
8. Archie trains Parker for the next ten or so years, at which point Archie retired, Parker was about twenty-two, and she went solo, establishing herself as a master thief by the time she’s thirty in the pilot episode.
Ta-da! Parker’s backstory based on what we know from canon.
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sulietsexual · 5 years
Dollhouse ; Stranger Things
Dollhouse 8/10 - despite its brevity, Dollhouse is a really solid show. While some arcs are changed/adjusted due to the shortened life of the series, the show has a solid foundation, a decent amount of world-building, great characterisation and some truly stellar episodes. Who knows how much better it would have been had it been given the chance to do so?
Stranger Things 7/10 - Stranger Things would get a perfect rating if it had stopped at Season 1, as that season was beautifully succinct and cohesive, felt nostalgic without over-milking said nostalgia, had great characterisation and a beautiful (if bittersweet) conclusion. The following seasons have only served to dilute the stories and the characters and have made the show much weaker than it initially was.
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ettadunham · 4 years
I'm doing a buffy rewatch and have really been enjoying reading your reactions from your 2019 rewatch. Thank you for the awesome BtVS content!
:) Have fun with the rewatch, and thank you for the message! :)
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falliblefabrial · 6 years
If you still want Pratchett quotes to calligraphy, "In the Fyres of Struggle let us bake New Men, who Will Notte heed the Old Lies." - Feet of Clay
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So I watched “The Big Bang Job,” the 1st part of the Leverage s3 finale and apparently have Some Thoughts.
Eliot, Eliot, Eliot. In a certain parlance, he’s (for me) “seems like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll”. Well maybe, “could kill you, and is also a cinnamon roll” Broken, angry, trying-to-do-penance Eliot. 
What are his crimes? The show purposefully leaves us in the dark. So we can empathize and forgive more easily, I think. Why doesn’t he like guns? I imagine it has to do with his abusive childhood. And/or the fact he was a contract killer (we learn in this ep he’s killed for Moreau, at least). 
But now he’s trying to repent, trying to go straight, and the guns are a symbol of his old life. He’s leaving them behind to build a new life, one where he protects the innocent instead of kills them. One where he punches people, sure, knocks them unconscious, but gives them a second chance. A chance to change, a chance to (like him) do penance (preferably in jail). Guns - in the hand of an assassin - don’t allow second chances. 
Or maybe Eliot, the cranky santa, the one always looking out for the broken lost kids, maybe Eliot loved the blood and the death. Loved it a little too much, enjoyed killing people because it gave him control in a way nothing else in his life ever had. But he’s different now, doesn’t want to be like the person who hurt him in childhood, doesn’t want to relish others’ pain. So he pushes the guns away, puts the anger in a box, keeps the rage and the terror under control. 
Eliot hurts people, there’s no escaping that. “Death is your art,” Spike says to Buffy. “You make it with your hands, day after day.” Hurt is Eliot’s art. It’s to protect his team (his family) - he even says it to Nate: It’s my job to protect you. The only way he knows how, the only skill he has to offer, the only way he sees he can work towards salvation is to protect those he loves with his hands, with his strength. He’ll try not to kill anyone, not anymore, but if threatened - The Beast comes out. 
Just like Vimes. The Beast, always roiling under the surface. Now tamed, sort of, but powering the reformed man. Pulling Vimes out of the dwarf cave to his family, pushing Eliot to save his team and himself. (See also, 2:2 where Eliot goes undercover as a boxer. We learn quite a lot about the beast there.)
“The rest of the team. They don’t need to know what I did.” Compare Jayne from Firefly, who says, “Make somethin’ up. Don’t tell ‘em what I did.” Both Jayne and Eliot are the muscle of their groups, though the comparison mostly stops there. Jayne really isn’t looking for redemption, but stumbles into it anyway with those lines. But Eliot? He wants redemption. He wants the Beast, the killer, to stay controlled. Eliot says to Parker, “Don’t ask me what I did for Moreau, because it was the worst thing I’ve ever done. And if you ask me, I’ll tell you. So don’t ask me.” Eliot keeps it to himself to protect the team from his Beast; Jayne does it to protect himself. 
Eliot knows his Beast, just like Vimes. He’s accepted his art, just like Buffy. He wants his family’s love, just like Jayne. And like them all (even Jayne, in his way), he’s determined to use something that could make him a vengeful killer - a monster - to do good. 
------- this is really interesting and pretty much captures what i think about eliot. spot on! (i have no idea how old this is so i’m sorry if you sent this in a really long time ago)
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ash-elizabeth-art · 7 years
Yay! the flower constellations are in your shop! Now I just have to decide which one to get :)
Aw thank you!! So glad you like them :D
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aboutstark · 7 years
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Neal Caffrey A Day Keeps The Doctor Away [23/365]
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claddagh-and-key · 7 years
If you could change one element of Buffy/Angel's relationship, what would it be and why? (If you don't mind random asks :))
I don’t mind random asks at all, I even welcome them so thanks! :)
I honestly wouldn’t change much because I adore their relationship as it is. And what I would change is more in the way the show handled them post-breakup than the relationship itself. For example, I’d show the damn post-resurrection reunion!! And I’d definitely have both of them talk about their separate life more in End of Days/Chosen but I understand why that couldn’t happen, given the time restrictions and all. I think it’s sad that we have to assume Buffy knows about Connor but there’s actually no proof of that on either show. 
And more crossovers... 
Basically, I wouldn’t change anything about Bangel, I’d just take more of it... I’m greedy like that lol
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buffster · 7 years
For the character ask - 1) Angel; 2) Lorne :)
thank you :)
1. sexuality head canon: He’s low key bi but when Angelus comes through he’s ALL THE BI.
2. otp: Angel/Cordelia
3. brotp: Angel/Spike and Angel/Gunn/Wesley
4. notp: Angel/Darla. I just didn’t like who he became with her, idk.
5. first head canon that pops into your head: Cordelia started to influence him with her love of fashion. He caught himself telling Wesley he should branch out more with his wardrobe and was horrified. Eventually he got used to her disapproving looks when he wouldn’t throw away his favorite stuff.
6. favorite line from this character: “If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.” 
7. one way in which I relate to this character: Let’s see: excessive brooding. Constant need for alone time. Thinks most of humanity is garbage but also wants to save it. Fascination with relatively darkness-free people. Lots of things, ok?
8. thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character: Having to put down his cool factor to sing.
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave: problematic fave.
1. sexuality head canon: Pansexual.
2. otp: I don’t know that I see him with anyone on the show…Idk.Is it weird I can kinda see him with Oz? The Buffy fandom has corrupted me.
3. brotp: Lorne gets along with everyone. But maybe Angel.
4. notp:
5. first head canon that pops into your head: He drives everyone who stays with him for a period of time crazy because he can’t stop singing. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. Once, a friend finally got their baby to sleep and he burst out with “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”. They were furious. He didn’t stop.
6. favorite line from this character: Everything he says to Angel is the best. But also “home sweet hell”.
7. one way in which I relate to this character: I feel like I read people pretty well. But I don’t have his gift of relaying what I get in a caring manner.
8. thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character: Lorne is too cool to be embarrassed by most things. But perhaps his brother’s dancing.
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave: cinnamon roll!!!
Character Meme!
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theproxyfront reagiu à tua publicação: Moulin Rouge for the favorites ask?
I saw in your about that you liked Moulin Rouge :) I do too, and don’t hear it talked about much so I thought I’d ask!
That's cool! I'm always up for discussing my favorite shows and movies! <3
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brtycrouchjr · 7 years
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i present to you: the mvps of the tags on my hufflepuff post
props to people who understood things, checked tags or made a connection to someone in the hpverse for the dench gif
special shout out for that idea about a planet earth style documentary of fbawtft
@atlantus @isaksvltersn @winter-came @trickordraco @theproxyfront @aconsultinghufflepuff @ashaqueens
edit: the mvp of mvps ( @hopperjames ) because she is constantly standing up for my editing choices lmao
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Hi hello, new follower here. I've read all your Leverage meta and am in great need of more! But I don't know what to ask for...So, any headcanons floating around that you'd like to share?
First of all hello darling! I love your icon, it’s beautiful, and I hope that you’re having a great day. ❤️
Second of all, I don’t have anything lengthy and specific at the moment, so here is a dump of headcanons that I hold near and dear to my heart. I’m so glad you’ve liked my other meta and if there’s anything here you’d like me to further elaborate on, please let me know!
1. Hardison definitely has this elaborate proposal planned out, and it’s perfect. It’s going to be subtle, nothing too over the top, because Eliot and Parker hate over the top. It sends them running in the other direction if you’re conventionally romantic in any way. But it is definitely well-thought out, planned down to the smallest detail, and tailored to their interests.
But the day of a bunch of shit definitely goes down, it’s related to the job of course, and Eliot and Hardison are getting on each other’s last nerve and Parker is just Not Getting It and in a burst of frustration Hardison goes on one of his little rants that are really to himself that he doesn’t expect anyone to listen to.
“And here I was going to make this all nice for y’all I had a plan and everything and it was going to be amazing I didn’t have balloons because those scare Parker, because I listen, yes I do, unlike some people around here, see if I propose to either of you now, y’all are just gonna have to wait another month, I was gonna have that takeout coming that Eliot likes so goddamn much and I had a bunch of fortune cookies stacked into the shape of a cake for Parker but oh no, noooooo, we just had to do this today...”
And he only realizes towards the end that Eliot and Parker are listening to everything because Eliot says “you were going to propose!? DAMMIT HARDISON!” and Parker’s just sitting there with this Look on her face and says, “wait, but aren’t we already married?” and it just explodes into a loving three-way argument over what exactly is going on how did Parker think they were already married what the actual hell...
It is eventually all sorted out (Hardison possibly goes to sulk in Lucille 6.0 for a bit) and there is much rejoicing.
2. I talked about this in private but it’s my headcanon that Nate and Sophie would end up having a child at some point, probably biological because I imagine that it would be an accident that Sophie got pregnant. Having a kid is right up Sophie’s alley, seeing how well she took to mothering the OT3 and how she loves directing and guiding her acting students. And Nate loves kids. He has a hangup about them because of his son and that loss, but he loved being a father and I think he would want to be a father again. But it was a nebulous, “at some point” kind of thing, and they’re talking about adopting versus biological, and then bam, Sophie’s pregnant.
And I think that would be a really beautiful thing to explore because I think it would really affect the OT3 because Nate was a father figure to them in a lot of ways. Eliot would especially hate to admit that, but given that he openly, to Nate’s face compares Nate to Toby, the other father figure we see in Eliot’s life (and who gave Eliot back his sense of self and a passion other than his job as a hitman) and Eliot’s relationship with his father being one of argument and distance (and possibly no reconciliation, although Eliot tries--the episode cuts out before you can see for certain if Eliot’s father eventually answers the door or if Eliot leaves)... yeah, Eliot sees Nate as a father figure. Hardison has a positive mothering figure in his life, Nana, but we don’t hear anything about a father figure, and Parker--we see very clearly how her father figure failed her and it’s all framed to show how Nate is a better father figure to her and how Nate realizes in meeting Archie that he does in fact see Parker as his daughter/protege.
But Nate has a lot of hang-ups from the loss of his son and so that keeps him from showing the OT3 as much affection as he would otherwise. Eliot accepts it but doesn’t like it, Hardison doesn’t like it and doesn’t accept it, and Parker is I think too used to a lack of praise and affection to notice, it’s par for the course for her. But it means that all three have issues with him and have times where they feel used by him, no matter how much they know that Nate does care about them and is loyal to them.
Sophie being pregnant and having a kid would not only force Nate to confront his issues but would force the OT3 to confront their issues about their relationship with him. I think there would be some arguing and tears--hell I think Nate wouldn’t even tell them at first, they’d find out through Sophie--but I like to think that eventually Nate would introduce his kid to their “three big siblings.” And the OT3 and Nate would finally be open and honest about their relationship with one another and what they mean to each other.
3. I have zero evidence to back this up but I am 1000% convinced that if the show had kept going Moreau would’ve shown up again at some point. We had that whole season four arc with their very first enemy coming back to get even, and Moreau was repeatedly pointed out in season three to be the biggest fish they’ve ever fried. He’s jailed but in a country that he once ruled, there must be some people there still loyal to him or that he could blackmail. Zero proof, but you can pry this conviction from my cold dead hands, Moreau would’ve come back at some point.
4. Sophie and Tara definitely were friends with benefits at some point. The way they talk to each other is, if you ask me, very flirtatious. Tara owes Sophie a massive favor but it’s never specified what the favor is. The entire nature of their relationship is in fact rather ambiguous, and despite both being grifters, it’s not until The Girl’s Night Out Job that they see each other grifting and learn about each other’s methods. And Sophie would never trust anyone with her team, her family, except for the one other person she could trust 100%. Tara makes a big deal about how she’s just here because she owes Sophie and that she’s here to take a personal cut of all their jobs, but she also looks out for the team and keeps tabs on them for Sophie. That shows a lot of trust on Sophie’s part.
Ergo, I think it makes sense that they were ones friends with benefits who actually by some miracle managed to stay friends after the benefits part had ended.
Also I make everything LGBT+ because why not.
5. If you ask me, season two was where the OT3 really realized they had deep feelings for one another.
At the end of season one, Hardison asks Parker where she’s going and she says for him to try and find her, and at the beginning of season two he remarks that he tried to find her but failed. I think that that point in their relationship we can safely say we’re at a plateau, a pause. This is the turning point. Hardison can decide that Parker is playing too hard to get and he can walk away. Parker can decide that Hardison isn’t going to be patient and be what she needs and she can walk away.
Instead, we see the both of them develop deeper feelings. We see Parker feel jealousy when Hardison is getting cozy with another woman. We see Hardison reaching out more and more to Parker in a way he seemed scared to in the first season.
Season two is where we see Eliot and Hardison really kick up the banter. It’s where we see Eliot go out of his way to protect Parker and Hardison--and it’s where in The Future Job we see Eliot make his greatest declaration of love: he offers to murder someone for Parker, no question.
We don’t learn that this is precisely a declaration of love until season three, when we learn of Eliot’s past with Moreau. It’s only then that we look back and go, “oh shit.” And Eliot probably knows that Parker and Hardison won’t realize that’s what it is, which is why he feels safe saying it. But in season three, Eliot, who we have learned never kills when he can subdue, never subdues when he can placate and avoid the fight altogether, Eliot who hates guns--Eliot admits that he did a bunch of awful, horrible stuff for Moreau. That the worst thing he ever did, the thing that haunts him, was for Moreau. And Moreau asks Eliot to kill again, confident that Eliot will carry it out.
It becomes clear, then, that if Eliot who hates murdering did all those horrible things for Moreau, and he was willing to do a horrible thing, willing to murder, for Parker when that fake psychic hurt her...
The math is simple.
Season three we see the OT3 as a cohesive unit, one in which relationships are deepening. But season two is where we go from the first blush of “oh I like this person” to “oh shit I’m in love with this person.”
It clearly terrifies Parker. It also terrifies Eliot, although he’s better at hiding it underneath layers of crankiness and bluster. Only Hardison doesn’t shrink from it. And honestly I think Tara’s presence helped them to realize their feelings. Sophie was in a lot of ways a security blanket for the team, and now that she’s gone, the team is forced to rely on each other more than before and that means examine how they feel about each other.
Season one is the crush. Season two is the fall. Season three is the pining. Season four is the test drive. And by season five, they’re all in together, the badass cohesive OT3 that we cheer and love in The Rundown Job.
6. Last but not least, I have a lot of feelings about Sophie and her relationship with the OT3.
Sophie mothers the OT3 a bit but it’s very different with each of them and it’s not the same as with Nate. All members of the threesome are lacking a strong healthy father figure and so they end up in this complicated dance with Nate, who has his own hangups about his son’s death and his less-than-ideal father.
But with the mother, it’s different.
Hardison has his Nana, who’s like a mother but not quite, more like a grandmother. Parker’s mother was a nonentity, and it’s implied her mother died in the explosion that Parker set off in her house. Parker probably saw her mother not defending her from her father, and felt her mother was just as guilty as a result. Eliot’s mother is never mentioned but he had a very close relationship with his father until his teenage years when they had a string of rough arguments and disagreements, which implies to me that he never had a mother--she died or left--which compounded his relationship with his father.
Eliot, however, is also the oldest. There isn’t a very large age gap between himself and Sophie. So his relationship with her is rather like that of an older sibling with a parent (a much older sibling). Sophie relies on Eliot to help Hardison and Parker, and she doesn’t hold his hand as much as she does with them. Their conversation in the boxing ring about Eliot’s violence, where Eliot assures Sophie that he has a handle on it and she doesn’t have to worry about him, is I think an excellent model for their entire relationship. Sophie doesn’t have to worry about Eliot, Eliot’s got himself under control, she can therefore spend more time on the other two.
Eliot and Sophie are also often on the same wavelength about things. Eliot’s the second-best grifter in the group, only Sophie is better than he is, and they approach people in a similar manner although Eliot is much more like an encyclopedia about it with rules in his head while Sophie’s more relaxed and instinctive (I know I’ve ranted about this before but Eliot is autistic and nobody can take that headcanon from me). Sophie’s there if Eliot needs her, but he often doesn’t, he’s grown up without a mom and at this point he’s old enough that he’s kind of past the point where he wants one. More often you miss what you had that was bad or abusive (like Eliot’s father or Parker’s father) than you miss what you never had.
Hardison and Sophie, on the other hand, have the biggest age gap, but Hardison also has the positive woman in his life raising him, his Nana. So Sophie is a mother figure to Hardison in the sense that she looks out for him the way Nate tends to forget to. She’s his mother figure because Nate won’t be Hardison’s father figure the way that he could be if Nate would just get over himself. Half the time you can see Hardison looking at Sophie silently going Mom, what the fuck is up with Dad again, and so that’s how Sophie fills that roll for Hardison.
And then finally with Parker, Sophie is the most traditionally maternal. Parker is in between Hardison and Eliot in age, so still an full grown adult, but also a bit young, she’s only thirty when the show starts, and clearly needs a guiding hand most of all. Eliot helps Parker to understand the world around her because he sees the world the same way that she does (“people like us,” he consistently says) and Hardison helps Parker to feel accepted for who she is and Nate helps her to hone her natural skills and become all that she can be in her profession but Sophie helps Parker learn how to handle people. How to present herself. How to pretend, because Parker sorely needs to know how to pretend, because she’s so raw and open and honest and herself and that makes her vulnerable.
Sophie teaches Parker things, especially social and traditionally feminine things, not with the aim of getting Parker to change herself but so that Parker can imitate those behaviors when she needs them, can pick them up and use them to her advantage. As we see by season five, Parker has mastered this. Parker’s honesty makes her a bad grifter but makes her excellent at convincing marks. Look at the episodes where Parker convinces the mark and pulls off the job--it’s when Parker is honest and raw and just tells it like it is.
But she can’t have gotten there without Sophie’s tools. And to survive in a world of invisible rules that Parker doesn’t know or understand, she needs a guide to explain those rules and point them out, and that’s where Sophie comes in. She is the most hands-on with Parker and the most openly encouraging, without ever making Parker feel demeaned or like a child.
I just have a lot of thoughts about Sophie and the OT3 mmmkay!?
So those are my random sporadic headcanons/metas! I hope that you enjoyed them my dear, wow this got long, oh my, um, join your local union, always tip your server, and pay your hitmen in cash!
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sulietsexual · 5 years
What would you do to make Stranger Things S3 better? (I just read your reaction to it and I agree SO MUCH.)
Keep the soft, sweet, supportive dynamic which we saw between Joyce and Hop in Seasons 1 & 2 instead of replacing it with sitcom-esque squabbling/fighting which we never saw before
On that note, give Joyce time to grieve and get over Bob’s death properly, instead of her suddenly deciding that, yes, she was ready to date Hopper. They whole Joyce/Hopper dynamic needed better development
Tone down Hopper’s violence and irrationality
More focus on Hop/El’s relationship instead of Hopper just yelling at Mike to stay away from his daughter
No contrived break-up between Mike and El
More focus on The Party as a group hanging out, instead of separating all the characters
Have Jonathan Byers actually do something and be his own character, instead of just a supporting player in Nancy’s story
Have Nancy’s story be relevant to the ongoing storyline
Restore Karen Wheeler to the caring, compassionate and smart woman she was in Season 1, instead of a creepy housewife who pervs on an eighteen-year-old
Have Will Byers do something - anything - besides touch the back of his neck and say “He’s coming”. For that matter, actually explore Will’s disconnect from his friends, the fact that he lost his childhood and is therefore desperate to get it back, and the fact that his friends are growing up and away from him because they didn’t suffer the trauma he did
Not make Mike out to be some horrible, possessive boyfriend solely because he’s concerned that El’s powers are having a negative effect on her, which, you know, they are, and he’s just being caring and concerned (with good reason!)
More Scott Clarke! (Okay, this is just a personal wish, it probably wouldn’t affect the season all that much)
Get rid of Erica Sinclair. She wasn’t funny, she was just a brat
Create a more interesting story which actually differs from the Season 2 storyline (because Season 3 was literally a re-hash of Season 2)
That’s all I got for now.
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oh my GOODNESS, I am so happy to have found this blog! Eliot is my fave
hell yeah!! eliot is so amazing I love him
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