#there are many Alucard thoughts that I just…
beevean · 3 days
So some recent... discourse put into my mind the concept of "power fantasy", and how people relate to it in different ways. Of course, I'm talking about Hector :P
Is Hector, in the games, a power fantasy? I think the answer is "yes but actually no but actually yes it's complicated".
Let's be honest, first: Hector is a product of his time. He is, in many aspects, Castlevania's response to the wave of edginess that was en vogue in the mid-2000s - I don't compare CoD to ShTH for no reason lol. Hector was always meant to be an anti-hero contrasting the pure heroes the games always starred before him:
—Why did you choose the theme of "revenge" for this game? Iga: Up to now, the Belmonts have been seen as the good guys. I thought it'd be nice to do something other than a moralistic "good triumps over evil" theme sometime. After all, Castlevania has always had an excellent world for telling a "dark hero" story. Alucard would be one such character… though even he is fighting for a just cause: "I've got to stop my Father!" So he's still kind of a good guy. This time, though, I wanted the motivation itself to be impure. So this theme is what I came up with, and then I thought it would be even more interesting if each side was out for revenge on the other.
Hector has "impure" motivations. His quest is completely selfish: while all the other protagonists want to face Dracula (or others in his place) because it's the right thing to do, Hector is just in to kill the man who ruined his life. In fact, he really couldn't care less about the Curse, and multiple times in the game he asks why can't Trevor just deal with the issues he doesn't want to deal with lol. This is in line with other characters of the same caliber, such as Shadow sneering at a city being invaded by aliens until there is something in for him, or Guts who declares that he's willing to let a whole town fall prey to demons, as long as Casca is safe. However, this is not a detriment to Hector's character like it would be nowadays, as he's also very much mean to be "cool": while obviously every protagonist has his cool factor, even going back to Simon in the first games who defeated Dracula all by himself and then had to heroically struggle with the Curse, Hector is cool in that, well, deliciously over-the-top way that was all the rage back then. He can ride wyverns as he slashes them, he can go toe to toe with Trevor himself to the point that even he is impressed, he can forge a gun and an electric guitar, cutscenes show him punching a stone devil with his bare first, he gloats in Dracula's face that he can nullify his Curse... yeah, he's a gigachad lol. The flaws are only meant to make him cooler and not "boring", as paragon heroes were seen at the time.
I, personally, never cared about this part. I'm not the target audience for this kind of power fantasy. Sure, I like that Hector is over-the-top cool and I will always joke about his most outlandish feats, but I'm not so keen on reducing him to those alone. I couldn't even explain why avenging your dead lover counts as part of a power fantasy lol.
This is why I latched on so much on the first half of his story, the one where Hector deals with Dracula, and why I insist that Hector is much more than his admittedly cliché archetype of "angry man on a revenge quest".
Calling Hector "stoic" is not even knowing the meaning of the word. Calling pretty much any CV protagonist "stoic" is factually wrong, as even the more serious ones like Alucard and Shanoa have other depths to them (Alucard is still grieving for his mother and we see it in a nightmare, Shanoa was deliberately made stoic and she subtly longs to feel again), but Hector doesn't even begin to fit the definition of "One who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain". The whole point of CoD is that Hector was left so emotionally vulnerable by his grief that both Isaac and Zead used him as a puppet. Anger is the complete antithesis of stoicism. "well anger is still a toxically masculine emotion" - memes aside, Hector shows other emotions too, most notably around Julia, the only person with which we see how actually gentle and polite he is when he doesn't have Dracula's influence scrambling his brain. By the way, you cannot ignore the effects of the Curse on both Hector and Isaac when you analyze them, especially the former:
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It can't be plainer than this.
And it doesn't come out of nowhere, because not only Julia herself tries to warn Hector that Devil Forgemasters are susceptible to the Curse, he acts vulnerable around her. He apologizes for his unjust outbursts, sympathizes with her plight, is visibly affected by her grief when Isaac dies... sure, it might be all because he's lowkey crushing on her, if you want to see it that way (and I do have my words over the plot point of Julia looking like Rosaly: I would have preferred if the game had more time to show that Hector grew to see Julia as her own person beyond her appearance), but the point is that this behavior highly contrasts with how angry and aggressive he is to everyone else, which the reveal of the Curse recontextualizes.
Also, just saying, while anger can be toxic, the point of these storylines is usually precisely that revenge is bad. Unchecked anger is bad for you, and you shouldn't let yourself fall down that spiral, lest you lose yourself. Isaac got consumed by his own hatred and died as a tool; Hector realized in time that he should snap out of it and survives, also because he was nice to Julia and so she grew to care about him and saved him when he tried to kill himself <- a reaction that is very unmasculine, might I add, as toxic masculinity dictates that men should make other people pay for their pain. bro. bro this is the complete antithesis of "toxic masculinity". Again, this is really not knowing the meaning of the word.
I don't even need to pull examples from the manga, but just for completion's sake:
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iunno about you chief, but someone who bursts into tears just because wifey told him that she's happy he was born isn't exactly the portrayal of toxic masculinity to me.
Which makes me segue into the next point!
Hector and Isaac are victims of abuse, and this is another very important angle to understand them. And I'm not just talking about their childhoods, of which we only get hints, although of course it does matter that the two experienced so much hatred and rejection in their youth that Dracula was the better option for them.
We don't see the details, but Dracula affected both of them deeply. He put them in a competitive dynamic, favoring Hector over Isaac: Isaac grew bitter with resentment, which made him double down on his loyalty to Dracula, while Hector only got the appreciation he craved at the price of his very humanity and morals, which weighed on him. The point of this favoritism is not really the core of their rivalry in game, as that one was caused by Hector's betrayal, but it gives a different dimension to the character. It would have been easy to have the mistreated guy the one who decided to turn his back to Dracula, but no, it was the golden child. Isaac was so entrenched in this dynamic that he never broke free, choosing instead to blame Hector and do everything in his power to prove himself to an uncaring Lord, including (in the manga) killing his own underlings so that he would be free to face Hector by himself. From PtR:
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"My own body is proof of Your expectations for him" is such a hard-hitting line. Isaac fears that he didn't even disappoint his Lord, because his Lord didn't have expectations for him in the first place. It's Hector the one he's so proud of.
And Hector hates it. By all means, he should be happy to have a home, to be respected and appreciated and free to use his powers. And he used to be!
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"Lord Dracula... You once accepted and needed my powers. There was a time when such a thing gave me joy..."
Hector was grateful for his Lord, but he couldn't live anymore in the safety of the castle, if the price was committing indiscriminate murder for the sake of a senseless revenge, going against his morals and being used as a weapon. Hector had to make a choice: keep living under Lord Dracula's protection, but losing his humanity piece by piece, or breaking free and facing the world that hated him, but as a free man?
Hector chose freedom over conditional safety and love. He was ready to die, as long as he died a free man. He put himself first, he turned his back against people who did not truly appreciate him, and despite the mess he left behind it was the right decision. And that's the power fantasy I adore, and that is what makes him a strong character in my opinion. It's the embodiment of achieving self-confidence, the healthy selfishness, the affirmation of the self when everyone else around you only sees you as an object or a prize, the reassurance that even if you fall, you can always get up and try again and become a person you can be proud of.
And Hector, after breaking free, very much acts like a victim of abuse. I spent countless words over how he displays the belief that he needs to do something to earn the right to be loved by Rosaly, unaccepting of the fact that she simply does because, well, he likes him and sees the good in him, and that's it. I wrote a whole analysis on how this belief stems from a sad naiveté on how the world works, because Hector is naive underneath the aloof exterior, and it's not something to make fun of him for, but a tragic result of living under Dracula for so long. I'll also point again to him having breakdowns because he hates himself and sees himself as inherently unlovable.
I could also spend all the words about the parallels about how Hector loves Dracula and how he loves Rosaly:
In both cases, he latches onto the only person who has showed him a modicum of kindness. He wants to give his life for them. The difference being, of course, that Dracula only appreciates Hector for what he does (and I could also go into a whole tangent on how Hector was personally raised by Dracula to be his knight and he has a piece of his essence inside him which parallels how abusive parents see their children as an extension of themselves), while Rosaly for who he is. With Dracula, Hector understands that all the shallow care in the world doesn't matter if he isn't also respected as a person: he still cares about him, in some fashion, but not the point of clinging.
And if Hector is ready to lay down his life for Rosaly because she finally showed him what real love looks like, is it any wonder that seeing her die would spark such a fury in him that it makes him prey to the Curse and to being once again twisted into a tool?
The power fantasy comes from the part where Hector breaks free of the abuse and manipulation - twice over. But he is also relatable, with all of his flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes he makes. The whole point of Hector's journey in the first half of his story is that he feels the need to atone for his sins, and the consequences of his actions all catch up to him in the worst of ways. Ignoring this to reduce Hector to an edgelord who only spends his life angry and then hooks up with a Rosaly replacement (which incidentally also ignores Julia's personality and agency and I might even call as misogynist as the plot point itself) is a huge disservice to the thought and care put into him to make him stand out from his own archetype.
Power fantasies are not inherently bad. Depending on the fantasy, they can be inspirational. Hector is inspirational to me, if that wasn't clear, I see part of me in his circumstances and I admire his arc: it tells you, "you can break free too, you have the strength to do so, and you will find people who will love you without reason". And I just generally speaking find him a very well written character despite stemming from a rather outdated context, because all the details come together to make him fleshed out and tridimensional.
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alucarddear · 2 years
I’m writing about reader’s first kiss with our sunshine prince and I’m having… many thoughts 🥺🥺🥺
Whoever requested it has made my brainrot fester. Thankx.
I have requests in my inbox/draft… pls b patient if you’re not seeing yours done yet. I try to do oldest ones first but I also pick and choose based on inspo when I hit blocks 😙 but as long as you’re not seeing a sign on my description that says I’m not accepting any, feel free to keep sending requests and general questions (Alucard or not related, doesn’t matter) to me.
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hematophagouscorvid · 4 months
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Edmund Temper by Amigo the Devil
(without text under the cut)
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pebblezone · 2 years
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4vlad · 3 months
My master
—summary: Alucard, the Vampire who proclaimed himself your servant, drinks your blood for the first time
—warnings: sexual content, master/servant relationship, non-consensual touching, dirty talk, blood drinking, human/vampire relationship
words: 1.468.
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The day could not have been more exhausting, you had to work late because your boss didn't have more staff, it left you exhausted, very tired but you were finally able to get out of that hell, the bad thing is that it is very dark and cold at night, the London streets are eerily silent tonight.
"Scared dear?" He says a loud voice to which you scream and turn around throwing your bag towards the person behind you, the man catches the bag quickly "is this for me?" He laughs. "Ah! Alucard! You scared me, don't do that again!" You approach him and take his bag from him, "my sincere apologies, my master" you shudder at the dominant alias, Alucard is a vampire who had proclaimed himself as your servant months ago, you think he is crazy and you have certainly realized that he is, you were not a dominant person, much less someone of authority, you honestly don't know why he says you are his Mistress and you haven't asked him anyway. From the little you know about him is that he is a very strong, self-centered and prankster Vampire, you have even seen him in action a couple of times.
Alucard laughs at your ramblings while you both head to your apartment, even though the walk was long neither of them spoke much, as always Alucard only followed you because according to him it is to "protect you from danger" that you appreciated but you also don't want to abuse his goodness.
You enter your apartment and Alucard follows you by closing the door behind him "I must say that your area is very cozy Mistress" he takes off his hat and glasses before sitting on the sofa that he himself has claimed as "his", you Without giving it much importance go to your room and changes your clothes into more comfortable ones, minutes later You returns with the vampire "...I'm going to cook chicken and French fries, do you want?" You ask the vampire "No, dear human, I'm not a big fan of fried food." You thought for a moment whether to offer him a salad since he was a vampire, but he didn't seem to hate human food either, after all, he's eaten with you a few times, well, when you cook for him. .
You got down to work while the vampire just watched you as always, at first you were afraid of this monster, his energy was and is a little sinister, but over time you began to appreciate his company, he saved you a few times from some malefactors even, their presence still bothers you a little but you put up with it, Alucard has made it clear to you many times that he has no intention of harming you, that he is your servant and is here to obey your orders, whatever you ask of him. He's weird, you think.
In your rambling you get distracted and accidentally cut the skin on your hand, a sharp pain runs through you, thick blood falls from your hand to your elbow, you quickly turn off the stove "Ugh!" You groan in pain as you head towards the dishwasher to wash your wound.
The vampire, with his developed sense of smell, perceived a sweet and tempting aroma in the air, a fragrance that was familiar and irresistible at the same time. It was your smell of blood, a signal to his thirsty nature. However, there was something different about this smell, a subtle but unmistakable touch of sweetness, as if he belonged to a human being with a unique and exquisite blood. Alucard quickly stopped you, he appeared in front of you with a smile from ear to ear "Let me help you with that My Dear Mistress, it will be a pleasure to clean and heal your wound" you got a little scared, you were dripping blood with an extremely violent vampire, danger!
Alucard sensed your fear and quickly calmed you down or at least he tried to. "I won't bite you, I promise, you don't have to be scared, sweet human, I won't hurt you unless you give me those orders," he says with a deep but soft voice at the same time. While the vampire convinces you, he takes you to the couch and sits you on top of his legs. You are embarrassed but you still give in. You raise your hand to let the blood drip into your Vampire's mouth. Alucard opens his mouth, big as a beast, his fangs sharp, each one pointed, he sticks out his long, fat tongue, he is eager, salivating even before you will agree to feed him.
A heavy drop of blood falls on the vampire's tongue, his pupils dilate and his gaze becomes intense, the beautiful beast grabs your hand and brings it to his mouth, his tongue was cold, the sensation of the wet and heavy tongue of Alucard slightly relieves your pain, he tastes your entire hand and your fingers, from top to bottom from one side to the other, his tongue moves gently enjoying the taste of your blood, he simply knows that he has never tasted a taste as sweet as it. Yours, it's the first time he's tasted your blood, he knew you were as tasty as he imagined.
Shadow hands appear around you to caress you, his hands are everywhere! On your abdomen, legs and thighs! How disrespectful!
You get embarrassed and try to take his hand away but he is stronger, his grip is firm on his food.
Alucard's hands caress you gently, kneading your skin over your clothes, he wants to taste everything about you.
once he finishes his meal, his eyes are fixed on you, his irises a bright red color, he smiles at you softly but with a dominant expression, he lets out a deep laugh as he brings you even closer to him "my mistress... You are a virgin..." He says with a deep voice, you move your hands away and put it to your chest, your cheeks turn red because of Alucard's words, did he know it just by tasting your blood? What does it have to do with you being a virgin? What a dirty pervert!
"So what...?"
He just laughs, he knew you were shy but you were also sweet and kind, always gentle and ready for anything, he couldn't believe that a little thing as pretty as you was still a virgin, he couldn't believe that even though you was so beautiful, so tasty, no one has corrupted you, well...it's not like any human can properly teach you what carnal pleasures are.
He purred, the taste and your aroma were overwhelming, his Master is as tasty as she looks.
"Mmm...wouldn't you like to feel what sexual pleasure is like, little human?" He doesn't care if you were a virgin or not but now? Oh...he wanted to corrupt you in every way possible, the smell of your embarrassment and excitement from the dirty talk invaded the vampire's senses.
You felt your panties stick to your lips because of the humidity "..." You remained silent, is this how this creature addresses his master? Did you know that he was insolent, what good is he proclaiming himself your servant if he doesn't respect you as such? Your eyebrows knit together in an expression of anger and embarrassment. He laughs at your reaction.
"My master..." he says with a suggestive voice, almost like a whisper, "it's been a long time since I gave myself to a Human," you don't respond. "You know that I am all yours, your servant, I am here to please your needs, to please you my beloved master..." Again he begins to purr. Your heart beats hard as you feel the hardness in the Vampire's crotch.
He was a burlesque and a pervert but he knew how to seduce a woman, using dirty words but at the same time being a gentleman.
He has never given himself this way to a master, not even his previous masters, but you? How could you be so delicious? So cute? He was willing to please you if you wanted, he just waited for you to say the words.
"You...you are not my servant Alucard" you get up from the couch "And I don't want...I don't want to do that..."
Alucard sighs disappointed but accepts "even if you don't want to be my mistress, I want you to know that I am here if you need to satisfy your needs, dear," he smiles.
"Please forgive my insolence, no matter how much I want you, I have to earn your affection and I will do it appropriately" he rises to his height and bends down again to kiss your hand in an act of chivalry.
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Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, English is not my first language, I hope you enjoyed! You are free to leave me ideas by the way. AO3: rosemary06 (click)
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yan-lorkai · 8 months
Hello, I just found your blog and I saw that you didn't have anything written yet, could you write a Yandere Alucard x reader?, where Alucard knows that his love is not like a normal one, but he still wants to love and care for the reader in his own way? I don't know if you could understand me, English is not my language.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: English isn't my first language either, darling, but don't worry. You're pretty good and I can understand you just fine! Normally when the requester doesn't specify what format they want, I write headcanons. But for this one I went with a drabble, hope you like it! 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: yandere content, non consensual cuddling, implied kidnapping.
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Alucard is not one for meaningless sentimentality, if he ever was when he was still human. He doesn't know, can't remember anything before turning into the monster he is today, shrouded by shadows and blood, by vicious bloodlust and thrill of the chase. One thing he remembers though it's love.
Ephemeral, fragile love that humans spend almost all their lives trying to get. Eternal, unconditional love that can swept anyone from their own feet. He's not going to admit it but love was something unknown to him.
Alucard has watched love blossom and change through the ages. Even if he can't remember now, he probably was loved by his parents, his mother probably engulfed him in her arms to protect him from harm, to make him feel safe and loved. Even now he watched and listened and observed love in its pure form, soft and happy, and all around him. He knows enough to know that his love it's tainted and impure just like him. It's all consuming, it's cruel, but he is a cruel monster ready to take and never be satisfied.
He can torn vampires to bits, can disconnect heads from their bodies and bathe in the blood of each of his enemies. Battles against ghouls became orchestrated displays of his commitment, each confrontation a macabre testament of his devotion to you. If only you could see it like this but you were always wary around him, scowling uncomfortably at his bloodied state and dismissing his gifts. Though he suppose eyes and bones don't make good gifts.
His slender fingers continue to tap rhythmically on the arm of the chair. The sound echoing loudly though the palpable silence that plagued your room. You are such a fragile little human, he could crush you so easily beneath his fingers. Could strangle and hear your whimpers and groans, could see the life leave your eyes just like he's seen it in so many other people. But he choose not to.
Instead, he should bring you a heart or a brain. Maybe even the entire corpse. Would that scare you too much though? He doesn't think so.
You're entertaining to watch and you make him feel things he thought he would never feel. For now, he's happy with this, he's happy watching you snuggling against your pillows, wrapped in the soft covers that hid you from the world.
Alucard's red eyes fixed on you with an intensity that could send shivers down your spine if you were awake. His love for you was unlike anything mortal — a dark and possessive force that lingered between obsession and protection. You, a mere human, were unaware of the affection that he had for you. Not for long though.
Deciding not to deny himself any further, Alucard moved. Without making a sound he plopped himself into your bed and pulled you into his arms, where you belong. He doesn't care if you wake up, far from this judging by the sly little smile that grows on his lips. Your head found its place in his chest, your warm breath almost tickling his neck.
He doesn't sleep. He doesn't need it but for a moment he closes his eyes. The blood pulsating on your veins being like a lullaby to him.
He always watched you from the shadows, his crimson gaze a constant companion, but his patience it's at its limit. You either doesn't notice his love for you or you are ignoring it, but he had enough of watching from afar and playing around, he gave you a choice. It was unspoken but you still had a chance for you to come forward and reciprocate his feelings before he take things on his own hands.
His love is not good for you, he know. And he knows he's going to ruin you but he doesn't care. What's matter it's that he has you, like a bunny snared in his trap and soon you be forever bound by his side. Not even his master could help you.
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m00nchildthings · 2 years
Mating press and breeding kink with alucard 👉👈🥺
Hueuhuheuehu >:3c
(Authors note: it’s been so long since i wrote anything i feel like this sucks im sorry 😭anyway CW: BREEDING KINK, ALUCARD HAS BABY FEVER IN THIS ONE Y’ALL)
he's ruthless the way he folds you in half, alabaster hands cuffed into the back of your knees holding them to your heaving chest. usually alucard likes to hold himself as a much more, elegant lover. likes to take you apart piece by piece till your wailing, press his body to yours till melting into each other. but now how he takes you is hard and rough, burrowing thrusts that steal the breath from your lungs with every roll of his hips. 
he’d be lying if he said he didn’t know what exactly came over him, a visit to trevor and sylpha celebrating the recent birth of their daughter ana. the sight of you holding the quiet babe to your bosom while their older son fredric pulled at your skirts begging to be replace his infant sister had tickled something in him. the thought of his, your, own children replacing the kids holding your attention made his cock twitch in his trousers. it wasn’t long before he was hastening the visit gently reminding you of work that needed to be done at his castle. the two of you had barely made it through the doors of your looming home before he pounced you, dragging you away to one of the many rooms you had. clothes were quickly shredded to scraps, too much eagerness to wait to have them off he needed your body under him now.
 he couldn't help himself, already imagining your belly growing with proof of your child, your breasts swelling with milk the closer you got to your due date. he was ravenous grabbing any part of you he could as he wrangled your body into his desired position. your gleaming cunt winked up at him already glistening in arousal at his ministrations. usually he would feast upon you, drag his tongue through your folds till you cried for mercy before slowly sliding into you. but he couldn’t wait, would make it up to you later, he thought as he tapped the just pink head of his cock to your sopping cunt and pressing in.
“a-alucard,” you moaned his name breathlessly, fingers coming to tangle in his blond tresses as a pair of cold lips pressed to your breasts. you’d never seen him this way, never felt him this way. it was if he sought to make the head of his cock kiss your cervix with every thrust, you swore you could feel him in your stomach, grinding up your guts to make room for him.
“i want one, one of us,” he grunted dragging his tongue to your jugular and suckling at your speeding pulse. fingers came between you to rub circles on your clit and you choked at the tingling pleasure running up your spine.
“what-what are you-one want,” you said struggling to string together a coherent sentence as the tightness in your gut pulled close, eyes beginning to cross at the impending orgasm.
“a- baby!” he moaned out the last word, drooling as your climaxing cunt spasmed around him, milking his cock. his hands left the back of knees letting them fall onto his shoulders, his pale claws  ripped into the bedding by your head as he managed to press himself deeper still, ignoring your babbling of feeling to full.
“want a baby with you love,” he grunted golden eyes wild with want “ want a tiny wailing little thing to raise, gonna give you one, as many as you want!”
“a-a baby?,” you warbled only able to repeat from him as he fucked you back into that state of pre-orgasm nearly seconds after the last one. 
“yess, gonna fill you up with me, fill this pretty pussy up till your fat with my kids, till your tits leak milk for them my little incubusss,” his mouth wrapped around your bouncing tit sucking harshly on the pebbled nipple and you screamed, dull nails digging wherever you could reach, deep into the ivory skin pulled taught over the muscles rolling in his back. he pulled away gasping nearly as hard as you were before switching to your other breast and lavishing it with the same treatment.
it didn’t take long for you to cum, not with the way he was thrusting into the gummy catch of your cervix, pale happy trail tickling your clit as he kept you trapped in his mating press. you wailed cunt spasming around his cock once more, crying as you came again far too soon for the pleasure to be anything less than overwhelming. the feel of you clenching pussy was enough to drag him to orgasm as well, thrusting once, twice, before he spilled inside you the warm sensation running up you. 
for a moment you laid there breathless, a tangle of sweaty limbs, with your legs dangling uselessly over his now sticky back. alucard heaved himself off of you, using his dhampir strength to hold you down when you weakly tried to sit up, simply rolling the two of you onto your sides staying inside of you. he kissed the damp skin of your forehead before giving a slow roll of his hips chuckling at your weak mumbles of objection.
“sorry, sorry love,” he sighed massaging tender circles into your waist “just need to make sure it sticks,”
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ninihousebears3000 · 2 months
HR Department! reader X Alucard
A goodnight kiss.
Pulling an all-nighter causes you to hear strange things.
CW: No warnings!
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It's quite late.
You had to agree with the voice in your head. Pulling overtime was necessary considering how your workload suddenly increased. Now you're bookkeeper another responsibility on your plate. Computerizing this ancient system that the organization was barely running on was your mission. But efficiency is your reputation and you wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that things were left in limbo.
Rest, work will be here tomorrow but you won't be here much longer if you keep going on like this.
Morbid but true. Maybe some coffee will give you clarity? After all your computer screen began looking less and less clear. You were certain it was working just fine a moment ago. Standing up you grab your favorite mug off your desk heading to your in-office coffee machine. Walter had refused to use k-cups opting to brew a fresh pot for you every day. But he would cut you off after two cups so for your third and fourth cups you used your K-cups from home.
You placed your mug on the machine instinctively reaching for the box of k-cups. Only to be met with empty space. "What the hell?" You had a full box where did it go? Checking in the cabinets, your bag, and drawers, not a single K-cup could be found. Even your coat pocket didn't have an emergency K-cup. "Perhaps there's some upstairs?" Thinking aloud was your tendency nowadays since this was your own private office. Although, a few more employees and an assistant would be very helpful. Being the head of the human resources department doesn't mean much if you're the only employee.
You thought to yourself as you left your office walking through the basement.
"An office near civilization would be nice."
You retorted walking past the many cells in the dungeon. You know Seras' room is near here. "I wonder what she's up to?" You appreciate her company she seems chipper than most considering her situation. At times you can tell she just wants another person to talk to. It does pain you that she pops in at the busiest of times. It's only been a few weeks since the Police Girl ‘joined’. You did try advocating for her to have a change of uniform and to be at least called by her real name. Those were still ongoing battles.
Then there was Alucard. You're still trying to get a one-on-one meeting about his workplace misconduct. It's difficult to arrange anything with him he has no email! An audible groaning sigh escaped you.
Your thoughts kept you entertained as you finally made it to the kitchen. Normally, there would be servants and other staff members but the only remaining people here were the residents and the perimeter guards. Of course, the ones in the surveillance room which felt weird to think about them watching you right now.
Of course, there was no leftover coffee left so you were having to pull off your lazy slacks and brew some yourself.
Coffee at this hour? Your sleep will surely be ruined. The sun rises in only a few hours. How about lemon ginger tea?
You took your mug and started rinsing out the old coffee stains. Possibly something else for a change?
When you were filling up your mug with cold water to get the last of the stains out. You jolted the mug towards your face splashing your face with cold water. The sensation still shocked you but woke you up for certain.
"My voice is deep but why is my thought voice that deep?" Was delirium setting in? Or was someone truly talking to you? You can see why Sir Penwood said this place can be maddening. Instead of coffee or tea, you opted for ice-cold orange juice and a leftover banana nut muffin. The sugar should help until you find a stopping point. Plus the leftover wetness on your shirt can help keep you awake. Seems like you would be spending the night Walter gave you a ride since your car was practically living in the shop at this point.
Almost three in the morning the voice in your head was right about it being very late. By the time you returned, you finished the muffin and chugged the juice as soon as you sat down. Just one more paragraph to type and you can call it a night.
You've had worse nights from your undergrad years!
Cracking your knuckles your nimble fingers went back to work.
Sugar can't stop sleep deprivation.
There it was again! You can ignore it! Fight on you're the head of the human resources department!
What's the harm?
Just close your eyes for a few minutes.
You never noticed how soothing the baritone voice was until now. An eye break couldn't hurt, right?
That's right little human. Just close those pretty eyes.
The computer screen was looking warped in ways you've never seen a screen do before. Your lids were heavier and you were leaning on your arms at this point.
"But I am not finished yet." Trying to fight this heavy exhaustion was increasingly difficult. Before you knew it your head was using your arms as a pillow and the desk was a bed.
Everything will be fine little human.
"I am six feet." Your eyes closed for the final time. The heat from the cardigan now placed on your shoulders reminded you of the blanket on your soft bed.
Shh, sleep little human.
Wait, your cardigan was on the back of your chair!
Now be a good little human and stay asleep.
Hot breath grazed your exposed neck along with a hissing noise. You reached for the pistol underneath your desk and fired a shot at the source of this strange body heat. To your surprise you found Hellsing's trump card sitting on the ground in the corner of your office. Thankfully, Walter gave you a pistol strangely you asked for a silencer.
"ALUCARD! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WORKPLACE MISCONDUCT VIOLATIONS YOU STACKED UP!" Panting and filled with rage you kept your gun aimed at him.
"You know those blessed bullets do hurt." He was bleeding out of his left shoulder. Despite that, his face held an awful grin.
"YOU WERE TRYING TO DRINK MY BLOOD! AND YOU HAVE BEEN IN MY HEAD!" You never thought your first meeting with Alucard was going to be him nearly drinking your blood.
"Shh, you're louder than Police Girl." His nonchalant attitude was getting on your nerves. "Consider it a goodnight kiss little human." Alucard stood to his full height seeing how he still regarded you as little.
"We need to address some misconduct violations." Was this going to be your only chance to talk to him?
"I don't think your department applies to me." He began to walk past you. "Now if you'll excuse me the sun will be rising soon." But your reflexes were being kind to you. Opening your drawer you pulled out a thick binder and flipped to the middle of it pointing at a document.
"You and Seras Victoria fall into this category of employee." He leaned down to read it. His crimson eyes bounced up to yours and then to the book again. "Did you just call me a police dog?" A hint of irritation was in his tone.
"Therefore you must follow the same guidelines as every employee here." You were the head of the human resources department you weren't going to let this misconduct run rampant anymore!
"Please have a seat Alucard." Alucard narrowed his eyes at you and then smirked. "Alright then HR." He smirked while sitting down crossing his legs in the seat in front of your desk. While you grabbed your chair that was pushed across the room after his initial introduction.
You weren’t expecting him to give in judging from what Seras and Walter had told you. But you can’t rest knowing you had the chance.
"Now shall we begin with boundaries."
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nocturn-warrior · 7 months
Alucard x reader
Summary: You are pregnant with your first born with Alucard and he has been overprotective over you, but during one night he a jerk tries to assault you. Alucard and your friends kick his ass.
Warnings: angst, SA mentions, abortion mentions, violence, jealousy at Greta, pregnancy, crying (but ends up with fluff), my bad grammar and text similar to a 12 years old's writting fanfic (english is not my first language) and bad dialogues.
Note: month of the three milks is may in medieval calendar, puiuţ is a nickname romanian parents call their babies and it means baby chicken. Most of the titles of my fics are based on Kate Bush's songs or song quotes. This one is taken from This Woman's Work
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You were so excited taking care of Sypha and Trevor's baby. With his mother's big blue eyes and his father's jet hair, he was the cutest thing in the world. Everyday, your heart beated faster to the thought of having a child of your own with Adrian; a little baby to light up your lives and bring joy to that enormous castle again, but it took months for you to start trying for it. There are too many children around, the village orphans would be jealous if we had a baby. You would squash off the idea to yourself with a silly excuse. Actually, you feared having a child would have a reverse effect. Alucard was still mentally fragile and you rememberer his breakdown nights, where he wouldn't close his eyes to sleep until the sunrise. But one day it happened, and when it happened you and Adrian couldn't contain the happiness, though your hearts were still full of doubts.
Immediatly you started to work on your unborn's room, asking the villagers carpenters to reform Adrian's childhood bedroom and redo the furniture just like the way he remebered, since it all was destroyed during that last fight. All except that little wolf plushie which you storaged in the wardrobe. Alucard was surprised when you, after the nursery was finally finished and you both were decorating it with paintings and toys Adrian crafted himself, came in with the plushie and placed it over the little crib. He could feel a tear forming into his eye in that very moment.
"H-how did you..."
He stuttered, holding the toy almost as if he was checking out to see if it was the original one. You chuckled and said:
"I kinda stole from you so many days before Trevor had his hero moment. It was too cute to stay all dusty and forgotten in a wooden box. What is his name, by the way?"
Alucard sniffles the toy for a while, it smells like childhood. Like comfort. Smells like a time that will never come back, but he is happy it will belong to his child now. For that, new memories will be builden up. He finally answers, sitting on the small bed with you and caressing the toy's fluffy head.
The dhampir smiled as his eyes wandered across the bedroom: it was exactly like he remembered. With his drawing skills, it was easy to picture everything in paper and intruct the carpenters.
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After two long years, the village was finally built. Settled in the Belmont ground, it was full of small but cozy houses, a small fair, and a graveyard to honor their lost members. They were grateful for everything, and for that they decided to make a big celebration, in the day of their protector saint, Sara Kali, who is also the protector of pregnant women, for the exhiled and despaired ones as well.
You, Alucard and your friends were invited to such a beautiful moment, since you four had a big role in providing that people comfort and protection during and post the nightcreatures attacks.
It was 24 in The Month Of the Three Milks and you were 5 months pregnant. At first, Alucard was a little hesitant about attending at the festival; besides he cherishes the comunity so much, he feared you made too much effort or that all of these sounds, scents and feelings would be overwhelming to you. In his core, he wanted to go of course, but your safety was more important.
"Are you sure, my darling? You need to rest, you and the baby. Greta and the others will understand if you don't attend"
He tenderly argues, placing a hand on your waist as you look for a proper dress to use in the occasion in your big wooden wardrobe.
You drop the pieces of clothes to cup his cheeks, his amber droopy eyes looking towards yours as you explain. How could you take that pouty face of his seriously in that moment? You contain a chuckle.
"I am fine. My sickness doesn't affect me anymore, and some fresh night are will be good for me. You worry too much"
Adrian looks down presses his hand over your growing bump, trying to feel the child. He's been obsessed with it, constantly asking you if his puiuţ, as he constantly reffers to your baby is awaken and active.
"They are quiet this afternoon, my love."
You answer, placing your hand over his colder one. He says nothing, thinking about the festival and if taking you was a good idea until he breaks the silence:
"Let's find you a dress to wear, i will do your hair"
Your eyes light up, filling his heart with joy. Alucard adores to see you smile and beam with happiness, specially now that your mood changes so frequent. Any wrong word can cause an endless angst in this sensitive head of yours. He doesn't complain, though. After all you did for him in those dark gloomy nights, is not just his duty but also his wish to take care of you.
The two of you mess around your clothes, trying to find anything that feels comfortable enought for you to wear all night long. You try this, try that, but all of your formal gowns feel tighter and constraining around your stomach. Trying the last one with no success, you leave a deep sigh and plop yourself on the bed, laying with your limbs spread:
"Alright. Forget it. I accepted my fate: we are not going to the festival."
Though you had a silly smile in your face, Adrian could tell you were very upset with the fact no dress could fit you propperly now, and standing up in silence while looking at your hopeless expression, he takes a hard decision. Entering or seeing his parents' personal objects was a challenge he has been avoiding for two years. That's why most of them were gifted to the people from Danesti. They shouldn't be in there storaging must and moths. He gave it all, except some.
"Actually, i think there are still some dresses that belonged to my mother when she was pregnant. My father kept her belongings, and i couldn't get rid of them yet"
The joyful expression returns to your face as Alucard gives the problem a solving, you quickly sit up again and smile excitedly at him. For a while, you wonder why he kept exactly his mother's pregnancy dresses. Was it because he already planned everything? He could have given them to Sypha years ago. But you don't question it, you just nod and stand up, holding his hands.
"Thank you, Adrian. But you don't have to do it, if it's too hard to see her things again."
He gently shushes you, raising your hand and placing a wet kiss over it and ressuring he would be alright. Adrian tells you to stay in your bedroom while he looks into an old wooden chest, containing some of his parents' remaining belongings.
Minutes after, he cames in with a beautiful red dress, larger in the stomach and breasts part. It's oppulent silk bounces as he moves smoothly, placing it over the bed.
"Here. Try it on. I might do some adjusts on it's sleeves or cleavage if you want me to. We still have time"
He smiles at you, and standing up, you grab it to try on as he said. You inspect it's fabric, the dress has a slight musty scent due to all of these years it spent untouched, but it's alright. You quickly slip off your undergarments and put the dress on. Alucard expectates for the final result, arms crossed and eyes wandering across you changing body. It looks so beautiful, like a goddess of fertility.
"It feels tight in the arms"
You raise up your limbs, proving your point. The long sleeves restrict your movements. Lisa had a more slender figure, you guess, so it would really feel tighter in some of your body parts. Alucard approaches you, adjusting some pieces of the fabric and turning you around to check out the clothing
"I can cut them for you, my dear"
The solution comes without hesitation and you are surprised. He would modify his mother's relics just because of you. The hesitation came from your part
"Do you really mean that? Love, this belonged to your mother"
He playfully scoffs and lifts up the silky hem of the gown, helping you to take it off so he could make the necessary adjusts
"If there was something my mother was not attached to, was material wealth. Plus, it's for the wife of her son i am doing that. Don't you worry, it's just a dress"
Adrian removes the dress from you completly and with the lines and needles, he starts to work on the sleeves as you sit on the bed, waiting for it to be finished.
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One hour and a half later, your dress is finally adjusted and fits perfectly. Now, you two should take a shower, get perfumed and elegant for the event so important to your friends of the village.
Adrian does your hair as promised: he braids it and finishes with a ribbon matching the color of your dress. He ties your shoes and you help him folding the hem of his trousers. Now passing through the giantic doors of the castle, you two head to where the festival would be settled.
Arms interlocked and faces enlighted by the rising full moon light, you catch a sight of Sypha and Trevor sitting on a wooden bench, their son Simon is running around with the other kids.
"He is already running. Years ago this boy was just a..."
Words fail with excitement, seeing your nephew toddling and interacting with other children. Alucard completes the phrase, placing a hand on your bump.
"A little bean. Just like our baby. Soon, he or she will be joining them. Ooh, it seems like he is sticking a frog into his mouth!"
As Alucard finishes, you can see from a afar, Sypha rushing to stop the toddler of eating a frog. You giggle, already imagining the adaptations in the castle you and Adrian shall do to prevent your own kid to hurt themselves.
Trevor see you two approaching and, taking a large sip of his ale, he places the cup aside, facing you two.
"Hey, i thought you two wouldn't even come. Y/N, you have to try this ale. This shit is a drop from heavens!"
By his tone, you could tell your friend was already drunk. Alucard intervines with a calm, yet slightly sarcastic tone, cracking his whip:
"You are not trying to make my pregnant wife drink alcohol, are you, Belmont?"
"I forgot this detail"
He snorts, shrugging and turning his attention back to his beloved ale. Since Simon was born, Trevor and Sypha had made a promise he would never drink again, but today is a special occasion so they gave it a break. Talking about Sypha, she returns to the place, holding the willful Simon on her hip and smiling as she spots you and Alucard.
"I can't keep an eye off from this boy, it's like he is the exact copy of his father. I can't keep an eye off of him as well. Trevor, you are already drunk?"
She places her free arm on her hip, facing the sitting man who denies it, with his clearly intoxicated tone.
"Gods, i don't know why but i still love you that it hurts!"
She chuckles, sitting by her husband's side and releasing Simon from her arms before she finally talks to Alucard and you.
"Your bump is already so big, my dear Y/N! Bigger than last week. Please, cherish this moment, becsuse after that you will deal with back pains and ankle soreness due to this little human growing in there"
Sypha looks tenderly at your belly jutting against the red silk of your dress, and then at her own son who rushes to "uncle Lulu", as he calls your husband.
"But it's all worthy."
You were so excited by seeing your friends that didn't even paid attention to the festival decoration. It was beautiful, full of colors and good scents comming from the food. The women wore their traditional clothes, children ran around the big fire settled in the middle. The tawny moon enlighted everything, making the scenary even more breathtaking. Alucard conduces you to sit over the bench and accomodates himself by your side as well.
"What do you think, love?"
He whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek
"Beautiful. I love how their people, even after so many troubles and distress, found a way to put everything together"
The food scent was inviting, you spot a plump old lady holding a large plate of something you judged to be sarma, placing it over the large table along with other food. An increasing desire starts to take over you, and Alucard notices your fixated gaze. He chuckles, placing a hand on your belly before standing up.
"Are you two hungry? Stay here, i will get some food. Will you guys want something as well?"
He looks at Sypha who shakes her head, and at Trevor who says nothing but a grunt that Alucard reads as a no. You watch your dhampir walk graciously towards the table abundant with food, greeting the people as he approaches it. Resting your elbow on your knee and your chin on your palm, you don’t notice how head over heels you are until he comes back holding a bowl and speaking to you so sweetly:
“Here, my dear. It’s still warm”
Alucard sits by your side and you glance at the bowl full of sarma; a meal made of cabbages and stuffed with meat and rice, a typical dish of the people from Danesti. He grabs a forkful and takes it towards your mouth, waiting for your approval. You chew up the bite, the flavors exploding in your mouth. Alucard’s smile increases when you leave a satisfied groan and nod your head. He places the bowl on your lap, allowing you to occasionally feed him as you two chat with Sypha.
Some children from the village spot you sitting in there and rush towards the bench. As expected, they were quite excited about the baby on the way, always competing between them to touch your bump and feel their new “sibling”. After all those little ones passed through, you were happy to see them play around. You see in their faces, the future of that community like flowers blooming after a long winter.
“mother, mother!”
A little girl grabs the hem of your silky dress, trying to get you attention and climb up to your lap, followed by other three kids who fight for their places. Noticing the mess they could make, Alucard grabs the bowl you hold and tries to calm down the hectic little ones.
“Woah, woah, calm down, Delia, Elek. Let your mother breath.”
He adverts the two sassiest ones with his firm wet warm tone, gently pulling them away as they chitter.
“But father Alucard, I want to feel the baby!”
They argue and you can’t resist to their pouty faces, sensitized by your mood changes you intervene into Alucard’s rebuke, accepting their little excited hands to touch your bump. Your husband doesn’t protest back, he knows how stubborn you are and how these children love you, but as you allow Delia to climb up onto your lap, he can’t help but feel apprehensive the girl would make too much pressure over your belly. You can see the disappointed expression in her face as she roams her palm around your stomach but isn’t able to feel nothing.
“The baby is sleeping now.”
You whisper, tilting up her little chin and smiling pacifically. Alucard admires your ability to calm down these children, always so patient and warm. Delia seems to understand the situation and climbs down from your lap, turning to her little friends and communicating the state of your baby. Still, the kids wouldn’t give up and keep fighting for your attention. Alucard knows that gently pushing them away wouldn’t do much good and gives up, so he lets it be. Sypha, noticing your discomfort calls one the children’s name and says:
“why don’t you take little Simon to play around a little, Delia? Hey, but don’t allow him to eat any frog!”
She adverts as the little girl gives up on pesting you and quickly takes your nephew’s hand, guiding him off from Sypha’s lap.
“nor any cricket or moth!”
“Alright, aunt Sypha!”
The small group of children leaves the four adults alone, in a mass of giggling and screaming mess. You can breathe finally, laying your head over Alucard’s shoulder and watching them move away, secretly hoping your baby takes after you and your husband, and doesn’t come to be so hectic like their future peers. Chatting with your friends about your adventures and about parenthood, most of the conversations end up with mocking Trevor. You guys are really taking advantage of his intoxicated state to make fun of him. The weather is pleasant and the crackling fire sounds relax you.
You hate it, but a snort leaves your throat when one of the children approach again, rushing towards Alucard this time at least. The little boy has in his face the expression of the messenger of a king, and speaks while panting, leaving Alucard slightly worried. You fear something bad has happened, as well.
“father Alucard, Greta wants to talk to you.”
The request was not urgent or a life or death case, but the woman’s name has sent you some discomfort into your heart. It’s not like you hate Greta: she is not as close as Sypha is to you, but she is still a friend and you recognize the importance she has to the community, yet you can’t help but feel insecure whenever she is around. Even though it’s been two years since you and Adrian are together, even though you are pregnant with his child.
The blonde man places a quick kiss on your cheek, swearing he will come back as soon as possible and stands up, guided by the child towards the house Greta awaits for him. You observe him adjusting the collar of his shirt as he approaches, and you see Greta come out through the door. Even from meters afar, you notice and admit how gorgeous she looks in that traditional dress, her dark hair and bronze skin glowing under the moonlight, and the wind seems to bring her perfume to you. Almost if it was teasing your jealousness and provoking your feelings.
The leader greets Alucard with a tight hug and in this moment your heart slightly sinks. Ruminating about their possible conversation topic, you convince yourself she is just thanking him for the support he offered during these two years, and not complimenting his beautiful amber eyes or his soft blonde locks you combed yourself. She drags him to inside the small house, followed by other two villagers.
Your fists close, you start to bounce your leg in anxiety and Sypha who is much an observer, places her hand gently on yours and leans in, looking at you with tenderness:
“Y/N, calm down. He is going to talk to the elder ones. You have nothing to worry about. Greta isn’t stealing your man.”
She speaks in a laid-back tone, softly caressing your hand. You turn to face your friend but you can’t contain the concerned expression. Sypha chuckles a bit, not mocking at you, but finding your feeling extremely valid. You protest:
“I-I am not jealous, Sypha. I just---“
You can’t find better words to describe your feeling, so you just give in to Sypha’s moral lesson.
“You are jealous, Y/N. I can tell it by the pout in your face. But you know what? That’s completely understandable, dear friend. You are going through a lot of changes all over your body, it’s pretty normal.”
She leans in a little more and whispers in tone of secret:
“when I was pregnant, i argued with Trevor about anything. Even ale itself made me feel jealous of him”
Your friend takes your hand once again and continues:
“what you need to know, is that Alucard loves you no matter what. It wasn’t Greta who held him every night when his nightmares tormented him. It wasn’t Greta who took care of him at his lowest, my dear. Adrian loves you and he doesn't hide it"
You know Sypha meant every word, but why did you feel like Alucard would eventually get tired of you? Why did you think Greta would charm him with her strong sense of leadership and athletic phisique? You try to focus on something else ignoring the burning jealousy increasing and consuming your brain and on Sypha's trying to cheer you up.
You finally see Alucard step out from the cabin he entered with the leader of the village, his beautiful face beams with happiness as he chats something unhearable. Greta pulls him closer to where other young women beautifully dressed in those tradicional patterns organize themselves to start the dancing, he is probably greeting them.
The young men start playing the instruments, and the ladies dance in the rhythm. Seeing your husband idly moving his shoulders, you expect for the worst to happen. Greta takes him by his hand and starts teaching him how to move smoothly like the dancers, twirling around and expecting him to do the same. Adrian doesn't give a single glance at where you are sitting, he seems to be hypnotized by the moment.
You stand up and feel Sypha's tight grip on your wrist. You look down at her as she asks softly:
"Where are you going"
"I need to pee"
You force a smile and even if it was your intention, Sypha knew you were distancing for other motive. But she doesn't intervene, though. She just releases your wrist and focus on Trevor who seems to be in an alcoholic catalepsy by her side.
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You walk towards the latrine behind the village, holding up the hem of dress so it wouldn't get stuck in the ivies underneath. Leaning against the wooden thin wall of the cabine, you feel an increasing heat take over your face and thick tears drop down from your eyes. The music of the festival sounds distant, but you can hear the people's laughing and cheering.
The crickets and night birds seem to be the only spectators of your breakdown until you hear a hoarse, unfamiliar voice approaching you.
"Why are you crying, beautiful lady?"
You pull up your head from the wall, turning to where the voice comes. The light of a torch reveals the silhouette of a man who limps towards you, speaking in an alcohol intoxicated voice.
"A beautiful lady like you shouldn't be here, all alone. Did you know the nightcreatures are still around?"
He laughs in a mischevious tone, spitting on the ground. Getting closer and closer, he sees your face and his eyes widen up, a smirk forms again in his face:
"Are you the dhampir's wife?"
You've never seen that man at the village, he has been here due to the festival, you guess. You gulp, shortly nodding your head:
"Y-yes, mister."
The man stays in silence for a while, his eyes roaming through your body like he he was chosing a piece of meat until they linger on your belly.
"You are pregnant! You are carrying that evil's seed! Your husband's race only brought disgrace to this land. This thing you carry in your womb is cursed, it has a cursed blood just like it's genitor. You are nothing but catter for that demon to spread his offspring"
Your heart sinks at the tone he speaks to you, his intoxicated breath stinging in your nose as he approaches. You can't move, your body freezes as he says:
"I will put an end on it"
He completes with a sly grin, spitting on the ground again:
"And insert mine inside this pretty belly of yours"
You try to run, but the man grabs you by your middle and starts to run his filthy hands across your cleavage. Where is Alucard? You stood with him during this thundery years and when you need him most, he is entertaining himself with Greta. You fear for your child as the man's fingers press deeper against your skin.
"If you screm, it's gonna be worse. They can't hear you"
The man whispers and all you can do is whimper.
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All the while, Sypha watches the movement of people, the colors of the dancers' dresses twirling and the instruments sounds echoing to inside the forest. It's been 5 minutes and you didn't came back. She fears leaving you alone was a bad idea.
Her attention turns to Alucard who after chatting with the villagers and receiving their grateful compliments, happily heads to the bench eager to reunite with you. His face drastically changes noticing only Sypha (and a dozing off Trevor) are in there.
"Where is Y/N?"
He asks the woman, a concerned expression in his face, and he could see a slight frown or worry in Sypha's forehead, but she didn't want to alarm him by mentioning her concern.
"She went to the latrines minutes ago"
For a while, Alucard feels a little upset with your friend. She shouldn't have let you go on your own. He stays in silence for a while, deciding if he should go after you.
Your vision gets foggy by the tears, and you can't tell if the music stopped or you are just falling out of consciousness by the terror, but as the sounds of instruments finally fade completly, you scream in agony, hoping someone can hear you plead. Hoping Alucard could hear your plead.
Alucard's pupils shrink as he hears your recognizable voice and before Sypha could even ask him if he heard that too, he desappears in a figure darker than night, smoothly directing itself to where the sound of you came from. Sypha rushes after him, already closing her fists, ready to use her powers.
The drunken man slides his hand down to your womb, roughly pressing his thumbs onto your skin. You groan, tears falling down your cheeks. He is going to take the life of your so expected puiuţ.
The trees and people speed distorted as Alucard in his fog shape rushes in your rescue. His heart is filled with an unnatural rage, something he never felt before as he sees that filthy bastard hurting his beloved. Something similar to what his father might felt.
The dhampir materializes in front of the man, pushing him with anger against the stone wall of a house, the bastard couldn't even tell what was going on until he feels Alucard's piercering eyes, red as flames staring into his and his sharp fangs so close to his neck as he hisses like a serpent.
He was about to take his life when a sharp disc of ice cuts the bastard's skin. Alucard swiftly looks back and sees Sypha rushing towards you as you fall on your knees, sobbing. His attention then turns back to the man who feels the dhampir's fangs almost touching his throat.
"I am not marking this date so important for the villagers with your filthy blood. But get to know: if you touch my wife once again, i open your abdomen and wrap your guts around a tree with you alive."
This words doesn't seem to be spoken by your sweet Alucard. For a while, it feels like his father's anger for human kind took his mind and manifested phisically using his body.
He releases the drunk who limps florest inside and his eyes shift back to it's beautiful amber pigmentation, now filled with tears as he sees you broken on the ground attached to Sypha's shoulder, sobbing in shock.
"Shh... it's everything alright now, Y/N. He is gone"
Your friend rubs your back soothingly and helps you to stand up, but your arm never leaves hers until Alucard approaches, stretching his arms open to embrace you.
"Y/N! I am so sorry. I've failed you"
"H-he tried to kill our puiuţ..."
You whine and he rests his chin on top of your head, holding you tighter. He couldn't save his mother years ago, he couldn't save his father from his own madness. If he lost you to such an avoidable way, he couldn't forgive himself.
Sypha's heart sinks seeing her two friends in such a broken state. She hugs you both tightly and recomforts you, guiding you back to the festival.
No one of you including Trevor who was sleeping to the lullaby of alcohol had mood to continue in the village that night, going home was the only option. Your friends would sleep in the castle.
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You didn't exchange a word way back to home until you silently opened the doors of your chambers and slowly slipped off from your dress. In the oval mirror, you could spot the two marks caused by the agressor's hands. A lump forms in your throat again, it's been q while since you don't feel your child, you fear the worst happened.
Alucard cames in, wrapping his arms around you though he hesitated for a while. He kisses your cheek and kneals down in front of you, pressing his ear against your belly.
"Can you hear it? The heartbeat... can you still hear anything?"
You speak, trying your best to not to cry being so aprehensive about his answer. He lingers a little, shifting his position and lowing down his breath.
"I can hear it."
He looks up at you, a sigh of relieve leaves your body.
"Our puiuţ is safe."
Alucard stands up after placing a kiss on your belly and wraps his arms around you, wiping away your relieved tears. You hug him tightly, sobs muffled by his chest and his tears fall over your hair as well.
"That was my fault"
You silently climb onto bed after calming down from the overwhelming night you had, and after minutes, he finally breaks the silence.
"It was my fault. If you or our baby got hurt, it would be my fault"
You didn't want to rub salt into the wound though you knew the incident was directly linked to the fact Alucard left you. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you listen to his apologize.
"I should have known you would be pissed off with me because of Greta, but it was not my intention. Forgive me, darling. I promise i will never leave your side ever again"
He turns to face you with those droopy amber eyes, tears tangled between his long eyelashes and he blinks for them to follow their flow. You cup Alucard's cheek and gives him a ressuring smile. You couldn't be mad at him.
Seeing Alucard have another breakdown was the last thing you wanted to see. He wraps his arms around you, hand resting on your belly like a shield as you sleep in a deep slumber, lulled by the wind knocking on the window.
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madarasgirl · 4 months
His Immortal
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Permission to use art from the INCREDIBLY talented @vanerchest. Feeling very honoured! I think about this piece often whenever I write Alucard angst.
C/W: Alucard (Ultimate) x senior!Reader, angst, on death and dying, hospital setting, hurt/no comfort, shadow writing. Inspired by the legendary song "My Immortal" by Evanescence Words: 998
You supposed you were the one who was selfish for choosing this mortal fate and leaving your greatest love behind.
Did you regret this path? Sometimes you thought perhaps you did. There would have been tons to gain by becoming an ageless vampire at his side, and on occasion, you used to speculate 'what if?'
It didn't matter. It was far too late to backtrack anyways, and it would be an insult to do so, after living such a beautiful, full lifetime spent with Alucard, teeming with precious memories and magical experiences. He aged with you through the decades –at least he made it so his appearance did.
But as with all mortals who lived long enough, you too eventually grew very old, frail, and sick. Your body betrayed you and no longer belonged to you. It didn't obey when you wanted to walk, speak, eat, or even breathe.
So here you lay in a hospital bed, intubated and sedated, machines replacing the function of vital organs while multiple drugs dripped nonstop to hold you captive in this realm. What a sight you made, with tubes protruding from every corner on your skeletal form.
Your body may have failed, but fortunately you never developed dementia. Your mental faculties were as crisp as the night you met so long ago. A piece of you was still buried within, floating from above and somehow aware of the happenings around you in your comatose state.
The various alarms and buzzing were only background noises by now, and there was little commotion this time as well, but you felt a sense of relief. Sighing inwardly, you wished Alu would leave your side for a moment so you could just die already, though you knew that was an empty hope. The vampire had not parted from the bedside your entire stay.
Was he scaring the nurses by crying again? You hoped he'd remember to make them forget this time. And not to terrorize the staff and force them to do whatever it took anymore. You recalled the time you surfaced with another set of thick tubes in your neck and groin, and how painful they were. How frightening it was.
"You must live," he whispered to you at night at first. For his sake. So you did, trapped in the confines of your weathered shell, you continued to exist for him, slowly spiralling downhill until now.
With any other man, you'd be helpless to communicate in your vegetative state, but Alucard had never been as mediocre as 'normal.' So you begged him through telepathy. After all these years, reaching for his mind was as easy as sifting through your own thoughts, as natural as breathing (well, back when you were still able to do so independently). You implored him again to let you go. You were terminal and old, with no hope for recovery or any good prognosis. Being connected to every form of life support was not life, just a sad fate that prolonged your suffering and delayed your inevitable expiration.
Long ago, he promised not to let you suffer.
Alu, please don't make them bring me back again when my heart stops.
The weary, congested muscle thudded weakly towards failure. You were already dead in every way except you still possessed vital signs. The numbers were just evidence of the drugs, transfusions, and machines at work though.
The irony wasn't lost on you. At the end of the road, after declining his many offers to turn you when you were a maiden, you were finally just like Alucard, the living dead. You'd laugh if you could.
...More than anything, you didn't want him to see you like this, a husk of the vibrant woman you once were when you fell for each other. The unlikely circumstances of your meeting and scenes from your life flashed by in an instant. The vampire would tell you throughout the decades, when he'd get in one of his romantic moods, that you'd always be his sprightly young woman no matter your age. He actually only told you again yesterday. Or was it last week? 
How long have you been laying here?
The mind's eye saw his seated figure clearly and smiled. Actually, your tired mind pondered, you certainly did not regret a moment of your life with Alucard. He was the perfect partner and his unchecked devotion never gave you a reason to regret choosing him. Your lifespan was too short for that, he used to tell you.
But you regretted leaving him behind to be alone once more.
Your heart stopped. And he loved you enough to let you go.
You were free.
Your spirit lifted from the prison of your flesh and you soared, wrapping around your love with your incorporeal form, sinking into him and caressing the unbeating heart that had ever belonged to you. This time, you wiped away the blood tears that fell.
You quivered.
Liberated from the pains and illnesses of advanced age, it was as if you'd become new and for the first time ever, like the fog lifted and you could finally see with clarity. Your non-existent chest tightened at the sight of your love crushed by your death, looking utterly devastated and lost. There was no sobbing or outward breakdown, but you knew his expressions well.
Nebulous fingers smoothed over inky black locks while you cradled his cheek. Glistening eyes the colour of polished rubies stared blankly at your lifeless corpse, your chest still rising and falling mechanically before the ventilator was turned off. He could not feel your soothing touch anymore and it broke you.
You will watch over your vampire from above and wait for him for the rest of your eternity, until he returned to dust and was no more. Then you'd meet him wherever he ended up. Just as he was, you were bound by the life you left behind.
And even if he was unaware, he still had all of you.
(For more angsty romance, check out my one-shot “Without You” on AO3. Warning: Smut abounds in that one. It is about the occasion when Reader chooses to remain human for her remaining days with Alucard. You will find similar themes to this short scene)
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thewritetofreespeech · 8 months
Could I request Alucard/Adrian with an s/o who uses food-based magic? Enlarging the food's size, turning anything she touches into food, etc.
Alucard + s/o with food magic abiliites
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The smoldering embers of the battle were starting to fade as the sun came up, and the night creatures retreated back to their holds for another day. For now, these people were safe. But at what price.
“It’s hard to say how many are dead. The magistrate is going to take a roster of the town to account for who’s missing.”
“God bless bureaucracy.” Trevor scoffed at Sypha, as he coiled up his whip and put it back on his hip. “Where would we be without lists?”
“Order gives humans a sense of purpose. A sense of control.” Alucard said. Looking around at the chaos still around them and wondering how these people were going to make sense of it.
“What these people need are resources!” Trevor hissed incredulously. “They don’t need an accounting system right now. They need food, water, medicine, homes. Does anyone really think knowing who’s dead and who isn’t is going help these people when their starving because the night creatures burned down the stores & larders? It’s stupid. What we need todo is work on…where is everyone going?”
During Trevor’s rant about the system, the 3 noticed that people were starting to shuffle off to one corner. Then they were running in the same direction. It couldn’t be them running for cover, as the attacks would be quiet until nightfall, so they went to investigate.
“What’s all this?” Alucard asked as he came upon the crowd. Huddled masses pushing and shoving to get to the front where [Y/N] was standing with a larger caldron, doling out what appeared to be soup.
“Wait your turn!”
Alucard glared at the nasty, but most likely just desperate man, who yelled at him. But before he could say anything [Y/N] called out, “hey! None of that! There’s enough for everyone so if you all remain patient and kind to one another, you’ll all get some.”
The trio didn’t bother with the crowd anymore and just circled around to [Y/N]. “Seriously, what is all this?”
“These people were hungry. I wanted to help.” They replied. Never stopping in their stirring or dispensing of soup.
“Where did you get the stuff to make it?” Sypha asked. “I thought the night creatures burned down the long-term stores and most of the provisions yesterday.”
“They did. But they didn’t get everything. And where there’s a little hope…” They picked up one sad looking carrot in their hand and, soon enough, the carrot had turned as big & plump as any prize-winning root at the fair. “We can all get by.”
Alucard smiled softly. He forgot, sometimes, that the had a knack for ‘food magic’. An odd, mostly unpracticed type of magic that used organic ingredients as their source. It was similar to potion making but with the trick they had developed for actually alternating the organic source’s size. He usually forgot since he didn’t need to eat often, and it wasn’t a magic that came up in battle, but of what a joy it was to have it after the battle it seemed.
“So, this is what you’ve been doing for the past few hours?” Alucard asked softly. Suddenly noticing the people outside the line with bowls and warmed faces.
“I’m…not as good at fighting the good fight as the rest of you.” [Y/N] said, sounding a little dejected. “But this is something I can do. Something I can do to help keep people safe.” They smiled at a young boy, dirty from the streets and probably hiding in a safe hole, as he gleefully took his soup and ran off. “I know it’s not much, but I want to help where I can.”
“It’s a lot.” Trevor pipped up suddenly. Getting all the group’s attention, as he had for once been positive on the situation. “I’ll go find what I can when I’m searching the perimeter. See if there’s anything else they missed.”
“Me too. I’ll see if there’s any other dishes we can find that aren’t broken. Maybe linens for bandages? I can help with that.”
Sypha and Trevor took off on their missions, but Alucard stayed behind. “It’s not nothing you know.” He told them when they were alone. Getting [Y/N]’s full attention for a moment as they looked at him. “It’s not nothing to help people. I can’t help people. Only protect. They aren’t the same thing, and…I don’t have a pure heart like you do to do it.”
[Y/N] blushed at Alucard’s compliment, and he leaned down to kiss their cheek before he left them to get back to their work. He had his own work to do, getting through the next wave. But between all of them maybe this town would make it.
In any case, for now, at least these people had a hot meal and peace of mind. If only just for a moment.
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ruiniel · 10 months
Hey ho! Love you blog and writing so much!!! I wish I could write as well as you. They way you write Alucard is just magic ✨
I saw that you had asks open for Alucard and if it’s not too late I had a suggestion, maybe there’s one you might like?
Lisa never dies AU Alucard x Fem Human who’s come to study under Lisa. She’s already betrothed and there’s a lot of moral conflict on Adrian’s side as to whether he should confess to her. Reader is clueless but suffering as she feels her love for Alucard is unrequited. Could be smutty if you feel like it?
You're kind, we all have our interpretations, glad you enjoy mine enough to send an ask! Tried to incorporate most of what you wrote. Will be a longer one, here's what I have for Part I. Next part will have an Alucard POV.
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Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x fem!reader
Rating: T
Count: 2k
Tags & Warnings: Mutual pining, Romantic angst, Unresolved emotional tension, Second Person POV, Two people running from their feelings like their lives depend on it, for Reasons
I. Status quo
“Not yet. Wait five minutes longer.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you stammer, placing the beaker back in its place. The laboratory is silent today, with only you and Lisa and the clink of glass and hiss of flame. You’re working together, aiding the head physician of Belmont in an experiment she sustains will bring forth a new type of medicine that might revolutionize the treatment of infection. 
Lisa smiles, always patient, and you feel all the more clumsy, and in all honesty rather useless.
Your mind’s just not in it today, and the reasons? Well.
There is no reason, there shouldn’t be. You’re content. You have someone by your side, to spend a life together. Your fleeting life, the thought beckons.
You bury down the thought of his voice, the patience he poured into teaching you the basics before his mother took you under her wing. It matters little now. You’ll pass this apprenticeship and you’ll always find work, in any place, away from the agony that takes hold whenever you meet his eyes lately.  
“Are you all right?” your tutor asks, and you shake your head, annoyed at yourself. 
“Yes, I...”
“Drifted away, I know what that’s like all too well,” Lisa adds with a smile, her attention back to her working table. “After all, we’re only human, aren’t we?”
“Yes...” Only human. 
How stupid is it to think he would ever look at you that way? Your friendship at least endures, and he does not know. 
You bite the inside of your cheek at the voice, listening to the footsteps drawing near, the tread you’d recognize anywhere. 
“My dear?” Lisa asks.
Adrian pauses somewhere between your working stations. “I need a gauze and disinfectant. Sara fell during one of their usual games by the river and now sports a gash the size of Belmont’s ego.”
“Of course,” she turns to you. “Darling please will you show Adrian where we moved the supplies?”
You freeze, still with your back turned, wanting to appear busy. The dome is silent again, and the faraway laughter of children can be heard through the open windows.
He doesn’t say your name, merely waits as you face him, slowly. You’ve seen less and less of him in the past month, and you yearn to look. I have someone. Someone worthy. This would never work, him and I, even if he did... “This way,” you say, your manner betraying nothing as you disappear among the many stacked shelves of the laboratory storage area. You’ve had plenty of practice in that respect, after all.
You find the section hosting the necessary items and reach for the sliding stairs nearby while Adrian busies himself momentarily with an open tome lying on one of the tables.
“What are you doing?” comes the softly spoken question.
“I’m... retrieving what you asked for?” If there’s irritation in your tone, you can’t be bothered to hide it.
“That wasn’t necessary. After all, I could get them myself, without the use of—”
“Yes, I know, but now I’m already up here,” you say while struggling to reach for a roll of bandages.
“Careful!” Adrian warns, but your boot’s already slipped on the well-worn wood and for a second you feel the relentless pull of gravity, and your fall.
Next you know—
You’re held none-too-gently against Adrian, the grasp of his hold crushing your ribcage as you try to breathe. Without realizing you’re clutching at the folds of his loose cotton shirt, knuckles pressed into the bare skin below his collarbone. 
You dare not meet his eyes, struggling even as he places you on your feet, your heart a mess.
“I told you I can get them myself,” he says with due exasperation. His back is already turned, and he pushes the stairs aside, rising to the intended spot. 
You open your mouth to speak but can think of nothing to say that would be in any way useful. You should thank him, but decide against lingering. He seems to be in a strange mood today—better to retreat and so you do, finding your way back to the other side where his mother is still noting down proportions. Stiffly you walk, fingers curling against the imprint of familiar warmth at their tips. 
You wish it could be like before, between the two of you. Why does it feel like treason each time you meet his eyes, choking on your emotions like rags being forced down your throat? 
I shouldn’t be wasting time on this. 
And so you try to follow suit, heeding that sensible thought and smiling at Lisa as you reach her.
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Two weeks prior
Your legs dangle in the air as you sit on the stony battlement with your gaze cast towards the forest beyond, sunken in thought. This is a time of celebration, but the reminder only makes you quirk your mouth tiredly and with some amount of distaste. It is a chilly night, made colder by the harsh winds reaching from the West. You’d forgotten to take your cloak, and now hug yourself to warm your prickling skin. Below, the townsfolk are steeped in song, drink, and merriment. 
You sigh. At least there is peace to be had up here. You’d left needing solitude, and so disappeared from the eyesight of any who might wonder. As luck has it, your friends, trapped in their own wiles and enjoyment, had scarcely noticed your departure. Things were already animated in the groves surrounding the village, and voices raised in joyous song dimly reach you from afar. Even Adrian had been indulging in the fragrant honey wine offered for the occasion, despite his otherwise restrained manner.
You frown. Yes, Adrian. Your friend, your dearest friend, with his sunset gaze aglow from the bonfires, cast on you like melting gold, and burning just as much. 
You wonder at these rather trying new thoughts, and why in recent years such things come to your notice as they had not in the past. He always held to himself and seems utterly disinterested in matters of the heart. Tonight, however, he’d been no less than gallant and, from what you could tell, eagerly inclined towards conversation. 
You bring your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them, lost in the shy moon rays peeking from torn clouds streaking the sky. You don’t know how much time had passed, and late realize someone approaches. You don’t turn to see who it is, not until you hear a shift of material, and breathe the scent you know too well. 
Adrian fluidly sits down by your side, leaning back with his palms propped against the stone.
Your heartbeat is ruthless, but still you do not turn. He’s so near you feel a few gilded strands touch your cheek as the winds blow them in this direction and that.
He follows the sight of that same moon, now layering a silvery grin over castle and forest. “I’ve never known one to flee a festivity so early.”
You snort. “Some of us tire faster.” Odd, you’d been joyful indeed and eager as the day began, and now a ragged mood confuses you more than anything. 
When you should be happy.
You feel warmth, and realize Adrian’s undone his coat, placing it around your shoulders, over your hunched form. 
You don’t move, do nothing to fasten the material around yourself, either. It has something of him warming you from head to toe. What you fail to place is the sweet ache as you drink in his scent, nearly sighing aloud. “What are you doing here?” 
Adrian looks your way, an eyebrow raised. “You disappeared. I wanted to see that you were well.”
“But how did you know it was me?” You don’t usually come here, and had deliberately avoided any of the places he knows you frequent. 
Adrian stares long at the moonlit sky. “I would know you anywhere.” His voice holds that same unflinching honesty, a simple truth for him.
Rather dizzy, your words still come bitten at the edges. “I’m fine. Of course. Now I believe your curiosity is satisfied?” 
A gentle hand is placed on your arm, but immediately withdrawn. Somehow, the gesture angers you. It shouldn’t. 
“...what’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong,” you stare away, into the black horizon. “Why would anything be wrong?”
Adrian says nothing, and a part of you hopes he’d leave you to your misery. The other hopes he doesn’t. 
“You’ve always been a terrible liar,” he tilts his head to look at you. 
You grumble something unintelligible. 
“That is good to know,” he teases, while reaching inside his tunic to retrieve an object. “This, also, was part of the reason I was searching for you.”
Now you truly wish he would go, but you cannot see your days without him for a while now, and worry over what Adrian would think if he knew.
“Will you sulk or look?”
Annoyed, you set your gaze on his palm; your eyes go wide. “What... is this?”
Adrian holds the pendant up for you to see better. “A gift, for the sulky one. Did you think I’d forgotten today was your birthday?”
You stare at the piece, shining with a light of its own. The chain is so slight one could barely tell it was there, and a small, round pendant of iridescent moonstone glows against his pale hand.
“You mean, for...” Words fail as your eyes meet his. His smile is small and sweet, and you wonder what it would taste like before hot tingles creep up your neck, reaching all the way to your cheeks. “Thank you, this is... this is kind. You know I don’t…”
“May I?” 
You catch his meaning and so turn with your back to him, his coat falling from your shoulders, looking down to see the stone nestled in the hollow of your neck. You bite on the inside of your lip when his fingers touch your skin to fasten the pendant and when you turn to face him again, a smile beyond your will pulls at your lips. “I… it’s beautiful. Thank… you.”
His hands are curled in his lap as Adrian breaks your gaze. He shakes his head. “Listen, I—”
No. You can’t, you can’t hear whatever other pleasantries he has to say. What is this? Why is he doing this now, kindly gestures like crumbs to feed the thing within you that suddenly is ravening, yearning for something that frightens you, that you’ve finally set to rest?
He looks at you then, and you stare at each other for so long you don’t even know when you’d begun to shiver with the cold again.
“As of next week, I am betrothed. To Matei.”
He is still watching you, not a line changing on his face. “That is wonderful. Matei, is it?” A pondering smile. “I’ve seen the two of you together often, but did not want to presume.” Silence falls between you. The smile is frozen on his face. “Where is he, though?”
There used to be a time when there were no secrets, no strangeness. You look down, touching the gem at the base of your neck. “Still not returned from Brașov.” A change of topic is in order, though you know Adrian has never been one to pry, and so would not ask more. 
Yes, Matei is a good man. He’s kind and honorable, and has a knack for making one forget their woes. It’s a good decision. It has to be. “It feels right,” you murmur anyway. Then why does this hurt? 
“Are you happy?” Adrian asks, rising and leaning on the stone edge with his elbows. The question is soft, but his voice lacks the warmth from earlier—maybe it’s your imagination. 
A stray cloud mists over the moon, and the night grows darker around you. “It feels right,” you repeat stupidly, suddenly needing to be away as you rise from your place. “I should go inside, it’s gotten so much colder…” You drop his coat. “Again, I thank you for your gift.”
Adrian does not move from his place, his loose hair shielding his expression. “It was gladly given. And—congratulations.”
You nod in thanks though he does not see it, wait for a moment longer. He sketches nothing, having fallen into a reverie it seems, and everyone has the right to solitude. “Good night, Adrian,” you turn on your heel and walk briskly to reach the door, not looking back. 
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Part II
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milkywaydrabbles · 11 months
Flufftober 35 with Alucard? Maybe a chubby reader, everyone likes a soft pillow :3
A/N: This was nice to write, I appreciate this type of ask ;A; I try to keep it neutral when describing reader normally (outside of the fact they're AFAB and fem!bodied) but I love reading/writing about a chubby girlie!! I hope you enjoy it!
"You're my new pillow" x Alucard
It didn’t take long for you and Alucard to become an item. He really couldn’t keep his eyes off of you for longer than two minutes whenever you were around (and that already was pushing it. Trevor would know, he actively counted so he can prove a point.) He tried to stay ‘mysterious’ and ‘alluring’ – but that was hard to do when all he wanted to do was talk to you about anything and everything that came to mind. Whatever would occupy you enough to not leave, to stay with him. It was embarrassing–Or so he would have thought if he wasn’t too enamored with looking at you and your soft figure. It was a breath of fresh air, he thinks, seeing your curves soft and round, fats of your hips squishing from the edges of your pants. He wonders if you realize you would be revered as a goddess in ancient Rome and Greece–he hopes you do. He’d even dare say that the goddesses don’t hold a candle to you, round face with cheeks that squish up when you smile at him so sweetly, chubby fingers that fiddle with the edge of your skirt when you’re picking dirt off it after dragging too close to the muck. His hands itched to simply hoist you up himself so you didn’t have to walk around the mud. Whatever to make your life easier.
Trevor and Sypha were starting to feel bad for him–it was so obvious that he had fallen so deeply in love with you over the last few weeks and yet wouldn’t do anything about it (something about being a gentleman, whatever.) So without his knowledge, Sypha started having ‘girl time’ with you, trying to push you into asking him, even if just out to dinner. Literally anything to get you alone with him. You were terrified really, but decided to take the jump and ask Alucard out on a date, just a simple dinner at your place–you promised you cooked well (and you made well on that promise! He thought it was delicious!)
Alucard asked for your hand in courtship that night.
And here you both are, however many years later in the castle you’ve come to know as your home, cuddling on the love seat in the study that you begged him to bring in, you wanted to press yourself up close to him as he read (of course the big sap did exactly that). And Alucard still looked at you with the same adoration as he did the first time he laid eyes on you–with hearts in his eyes, hands squeezing the chub of your hips and roaming your soft belly–he wouldn’t have you any other way. He decided he wanted to get more comfortable after feeling your soft and warm skin–
“Adrian, what are you doing?” You couldn’t help but giggle, hands moving away from your lap to give the grown man more space (his legs were hanging off the loveseat) before running your chubby fingers through his blonde curls. The dhampir simply smiled, fangs poking out the sides of his mouth as he closed his eyes. “You’re more comfortable than the seat–so I’ve decided you’re my new pillow.” You laughed again, rolling your eyes playfully at your loving husband. There were days that you couldn’t look at yourself, wishing you’d be able to lose the extra fluff that you had–thinking that Alucard deserved someone more...fit. Skinnier. Prettier. But he always made such an effort so that you’d understand he’d never leave you for anyone else, that he loved you so much for who you are, and that the extra fat was just more for him to love. He reminded you every day in different ways of that. And you figured that right now, might be one of those ways. You did love seeing him so comfortable in your lap... “Hmm..” You hummed, looking over to the crackling fire in the hearth scratching at his scalp. “You seem a bit too long for my lap, dear.” He cracked an eye to look at you, knowing you were already poking fun. And he loved the apples of your cheeks rounding up on your face with your smile.
“But I’d rather be nowhere else, my love.”
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c0ld0utside · 3 months
My memory is that of a goldfish, so I'm sincerely hoping I haven't sent an ask in before, lol. But I saw castlevania on your Fandom list, and that is absolutely my favorite show ever
- and the platonic yandere potential is just chefs kiss :) so dealers' choice on if you would like to share your thoughts or a Lil story 😉 <3
Let me just say that I love you for this ask and I’m hyperfixating on this series again. Gonna go with my thoughts.
Warnings: Spoilers. Lots and lots of spoilers. Rambling and informal text. Mentions of reader being turned without consent.
First we need to consider which characters are most likely to be yanderes. And (at least in my opinion) there aren’t many. 
First show: Dracula (Vlad Tepes), Alucard Tepes (Anyone notice that ‘Alucard’ spelt backwards is ‘Dracula’?), Trevor Belmont
Second show: Erzsebet Báthory, Olrox (definitely), and Richter Belmont. 
Dracula: After everything he’s gone through, I feel like he’d want to hold onto whatever family he had left (aside from Alucard after their whole “falling out,” putting that lightly). Reader is his youngest child and the one he’s most protective over. They have to be by his side at all times and silent to avoid pissing the old man off and getting the treatment Alucard got. I think Vlad also doesn’t want to have another one of his kids sleeping for a year because of an outburst, so he tries to keep himself calm. Or as calm as he can be while surrounded by a bunch of moronic vampires (cough, cough, little Godbrand).
If Reader isn’t his biological child, then it’s probably a case similar to Hector and Isaac. Only reader is a kid he takes pity on who reminds him of his son.
Alucard: Back to the idea of Reader being Dracula’s youngest child, I figure that after Dracula’s death Alucard takes Reader with him. They’re young and leaving Reader alone leaves them prey to other vampires like Carmilla. Alucard would also be protective and possessive because, like Dracula, Reader’s all he’s got and he’s all Reader’s got family-wise.
If Reader isn’t related to Alucard he probably wouldn’t care for them/keep them around unless it’s the non-related scenario with Dracula. Would he be happy that his dad basically replaced him? No, but Alucard isn’t a complete asshole.
Trevor: There’s a theme here guys. Everyone on this list has family issues. Trevor’s issue is that his entire family is dead and because of that he doesn’t care much for others. At least before Sypha showed up. 
Before Sypha, I think Trevor would only care if he and Reader were related, or if Reader was some kid down on their luck. Latter being the “picking up a kid off the side of the road and taking them with me route” and the other being Trevor hunting reader down.
Erzsebet: More of in the sense of needing someone to turn after her Goddess transformation like kings needing heirs. The more heirs the better- Tera has a new little sister of sorts. Think of Lestat and Claudia from Interview with the Vampire except Claudia is Reader and has a different personality. …Probably.
Olrox: You know as much as he doesn’t give me family vibes, half of me does think he wants one because he’s tired of being on his own. Reader enters the picture and Olrox gets attached. Maybe they remind him of himself or he, too, just picks up a random poor child off the street. Oh, and when I say attached I mean he holds them tight and doesn’t let go iykyk. Most likely turns them into a vampire like his late partner. Eternal family, anyone?
If Reader is with Richter’s group then I feel like he’d find it funny if they tried to fight him. Well, he already does. It’s just more funny when the person he sees as his kid does it. Kids will be rebellious sometimes.
Richter: The whole ordeal with Maria almost getting turned and Tera getting turned along with the trauma of his mom dying and his Grandfather not sticking around has him grasping at whatever he has left. Reader isn’t alone in this- he’s clingy with Maria too. Also think that he becomes more aware of how much of a coward he is and that drives him to try and be better for the sole purpose of keeping Reader and Maria safe and close to him. By close to him I mean reliant on him but that fails miserably and he ends up being a clingy whiny brother.
What do you think? Remember to drink water and eat a healthy meal. Somebody yell at me I've been forgetting to do that.
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yan-lorkai · 3 months
Yandere!Alucard x Reader who works as a soldier for the hellsing organization. Interaction where reader got attacked and Alucard couldn't help but intervene...he also couldn't help but clean the blood off your face. Would like if the reader enjoyed the thrill of it too, lots of yan!Alucard interactions make the reader despise him but i find him cute</3, please and thank you!!♡
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Finally finished this aaaa, this turned out to be way longer than I intended to be. Hopefully you like it as much as I did writing it, darling. Sorry you had to wait for a while for this.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, implicit attempted sexual attack, overprotective!Alucard.
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There was blood dripping from their chin, descending like a red waterfall to their neck and chest and it made your nose wrinkle every time the hot air blew the iron scent toward you. You almost gagged everytime this happened, it was all over the place, disgusting yet so familiar.
The gun in your hands was a little heavy, but it also kept you in the current moment, grounded, present. You didn't know how many shots you still had, you just wished it was enough
The only sound you could hear was your heart beating like crazy inside your chest, desperately. You knew fear, death, pain, they were part of your job: training, planning, killing ghouls. You knew it all, you were confident on your skills, but it was different this time, your entire squad had died. It had been destroyed in an ambush. You still remember how certain your captain was that it was you, Hellsing agents, who would ambush and kill those vampires.
He was so wrong! If you could go back in time, you'd tell him how they were waiting for you, how they massacred you all.
Luckily your teeth stopped shaking some time ago and the vampires seemed too distracted to notice the smell of your blood and how your heart that was beating loudly. If they noticed it would be the end of you and with your death, your entire squad would vanish. That is if before that they didn't want to play with you first, mentally and physically. You hope not, otherwise you would kill them with your hands and teeth. No one would touch you indecently.
Hidden like a mouse, you watch them and make plans. There are three vampires among your comrades bodies, feeding on them, laughing and cracking jokes about something you can't hear, and judging by their appearance they are not armed, yet, you know what they can do even unarmed, you know the innate strength they have. There were more vampires but those left a little while ago.
Should I shoot them? You asked yourself, raising your weapon just a little, having one of them in your sights, your finger on the trigger, before giving up this idea. Despite hating your impotence, you knew that even if you took some distance to shoot them, they would only need five, at most six seconds to be face to face with you. And then you would met your death. A slow, painful death as your comrades did.
What to do then? You think indecisively.
The only thing you could do was wait for Alucard to come and kill them all. You knew he was going to come, you knew because it was about you and he was so possessive of you. If wasn't for Integra's orders for him to not bother you, you don't even want to think what he was going to do with you. And while you loathed to thought to spend time with him in any form, today, right now, in fact you wouldn't mind.
Right now if he was to appear at your side, you could even hug him. That beast wouldn't let go of you and would tease you to no end, sure, but at least you would be safe and sound in his arms, safe enough to cry and to grieve. At least you could feel that there's someone there with you who cared, even if it was a twisted way of caring.
It was not the first time that you met death in a mission but certainly was the first time that a mission took all your comrades life. Promises, secret jokes and handshakes, every precious little memory was all yours now because there was nobody else to share it. The little family you found in them, destroyed. Silent tears burned in your eyes but you held them in place.
You had to be strong, you had to survive and tell their family what happened, you had to watch them get buried as they deserve, even if there wasn't much to bury. But it was so difficult to be strong.
Giant sequoia trees stretched high into the sky, blotting out the last sun rays that were stubborn enough to make it through the thick foliage. The forest was so quiet as if it was taking a long nap at that time, you couldn't even hear the owls hooting anymore. The dark and the silence only made you more aware of your heavy breathing and your heart. Badum, badum, badum. Did they could hear it too? Gods, you hope not.
The vampire were as silent as possible, talking among themselves while gesturing and making faces. You couldn't hear them but you could do the only thing that you had been doing for the last hour: you could still watch them.
Go away, go away, just go away already. You prayed for whoever wanted to hear you, begging, legs already aching from how much time you spent sitting in this position.
As the minutes crawled by, your heart pounded an erratic rhythm, mimicking the thud of drums echoing in your ears. Every fiber of your being screamed for stillness, for silence, as you clung to the shadows, praying they wouldn't detect your presence and the smell of your blood as they started walking again.
The vampires, teasing and mocking each other, moved with a grace that came with the years lived, almost as if they were floating, distancing themselves from the gorey scene in slow steps. You watched with bated breath, not even daring to breath a little loud so as not to get their attention.
They were vile and disgusting.
They bragged about everything they've done to those poor women and how they killed the men. About how they could kill it slower to savor the hot blood and the tears and screams.
Just a few more seconds, you thought. Your whole body shaking from fear or relief, you didn't even knew it.
Then, one of the vampires stopped mid-sentence, their gaze piercing through the darkness as if sensing something amiss. Panic surged through you, a cold sweat breaking out across your skin as your mind raced with dread. A twig broke somewhere. Somewhere near you.
You looked behind you; nothing there yet. But your weapon was ready and so were you, so ready to pull the trigger and shoot.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-
With a predatory glint in their eyes, the vampire's lips curled into a sinister smile, their attention honing in on your direction. In an instant, they closed the distance between you, their movements swift and predatory.
And you shot him. Once, twice, till you lost count.
His fingers were still streached out to curl over your arm when he fell and you didn't waste another second there, crawling away without caring about the mud on your nails or the pungent smell of the vampire's blood dripping down. Finding the other vampire became your priority; you knew his companion wouldn't be pleased to discover they had let a human escape alive.
The dense foliage obscured your view and you felt so alone and small, you're so small while you stood beside the trees in the open field. You were isolated here with no help. Branches snagged at your clothing and twigs snapped underfoot, each sound amplifying the stillness of the night.
Then, a laughter.
Crueler and evil than you ever though to be possible.
It was a laughter devoid of humanity, a malevolent symphony that sent shivers down your spine. You froze in your tracks, heart pounding in your chest as the realization sank in — your adversary was near, reveling in your fear.
And you were a mere mouse in an open field. They could see you but you couldn't see them. You raised your rifle blindly and aimed in the direction of the sound. It was useless but you would fight anyway, forcing your ears to work even more than they could.
The laughter echoed again, closer this time, weaving through the trees like a haunting melody. It was a mockery of everything good and pure. Dread washed over you, mingled with a primal urge to flee, yet you stood your ground, steeling yourself against the terror that threatened to overwhelm.
A shadow passed through you and you shot it. Nothing.
With startling speed and force, the vampire lunged from the shadows, crashing into you with a weight that knocked the breath from your lungs. The impact sent you sprawling to the forest floor, leaves and twigs crunching under the sudden weight.
Pain shot through your body as you struggled beneath the vampire's relentless grip, their cold, inhuman strength pressing down on you. Panic surged, adrenaline flooding your senses as you grappled with the realization of your situation. Your weapon was far from you.
Above you, their laughter echoed once more, now tinged with a triumphant edge that chilled you to the bone. It was a reminder of their dominance, a cruel symphony that made fun of your struggle against their overwhelming power.
"Not so feasty now, are we?" They said in a false soft tone. "Didn't know a cute thing like you were capable of such ire. I almost want to taste you right here and now."
Every instinct screamed for escape, for survival. You felt their hands fondling the skin from your hips slowly, feeling every inch, their nails playing with the hem of your pants.
Desperate to break free, you fought against the crushing weight, clawing at their arms while tears flooded your eyes and made everything blurry. But the vampire's hold remained unyielding, their grip was like iron shackles binding you to the ground.
In a fit of anger, you headbutt them hard. "Fuck you."
Summoning every ounce of strength and willpower, you twisted and thrashed against the vampire's grasp, fueled by a primal urge to break free from their suffocating hold as they laughed. It was then that you spotted a rock laying nearby, one they didn't realized it was there yet.
With a surge of determination, you seized the rock and swung it with all your might against the vampire's temple. They recoiled with a guttural hiss of pain, momentarily loosening their grip over you.
"I'm going to fucking kill, bitch!" They screamed. For a second you felt proud for hurting them, even if just a little.
That was for every comrade you lost. For the fear that consumed you, for the pain you were feeling. You smiled at the blood trickling from their temple, you hoped this would hurt their pride before you killed them.
Taking advantage of their state, you crawled a few meters without caring about the small sharp rocks that ripped your elbows and knees off. It hurts but it wasn't enough to make you stop. It only served to make you crawl faster, faster than how they could recover, faster than the cold air that seeped into your tired bones.
A few more inches... Just a few mor-
You were pulled back by your legs, the vampire was much more harsher now in their attempts to hurt you. He was much more angrier. You kicked and struggled but nothing seemed to work now. Not that it worked before.
The vampire’s fangs gleamed in the dim light as they snarled, their grip on your ankles tightening painfully. You were being dragged across the cold, damp ground, blood escaping through your wounds, every second spent letting you be taken closer to that creature. Panic surged through your veins as you struggled desperately, but nothing seemed to work.
Suddenly, a shadow moved at the edge of your vision. You barely had time to register it before a powerful voice cut through the night, deep and commanding. You used to dislike this voice, this familiar tone.
You wanted to cry and scream for his help now.
The vampire froze, their grip on your legs slackening. You twisted around to see a tall figure standing at the edge of the clearing. Clad in a long, red coat, his crimson eyes glowed with an eerie intensity. It was Alucard. He was finally there to help you.
The vampire hissed, releasing you entirely as they turned to face the new threat. Alucard’s presence was overwhelming, his aura of power unmistakable. He stepped forward, his movements fluid and precise, like a predator stalking its prey.
He was confident, unafraid. The other vampire though they seemed like a newbie.
"You'll pay dearly for touching my human." Alucard's voice was a low growl, dripping with menace. "The likes of you were always so stupid and weak anyway."
The vampire lunged at him, but Alucard was faster. In a blur of motion, he sidestepped the attack and delivered a crushing blow to the vampire's chest. The creature flew backward, crashing into a tree with enough force to splinter a trunk.
Alucard advanced, his eyes never leaving the vampire. He drew his twin guns from his coat and aimed it at the creature, who was struggling to rise from the ground. They were hungry for blood and pain, they were ready.
"Pathetic," Alucard sneered. "You should have known better."
With a deafening crack, Alucard fired. The bullet struck the vampire squarely in the heart, and the creature let out a horrific scream as their body hit the ground. But this time to never stand up again.
And you still lay on the ground, breathing heavily, trying to comprehend what had just happened. One second you were certain that you were going to die, the other he was there to save you, just like you wished for. Alucard turned to you, his expression softening slightly.
"Are you hurt?" He asked, his voice gentler now.
You shook your head, still too stunned to speak. Alucard extended a hand, helping you to your feet. His grip was surprisingly warm.
"It could be worse." You faked a laugh. Still the sound was dry, devoid of life and happiness, exhausting kicking in now that the fear was dissipating.
His voice held a rare warmth, offering a fleeting glimpse of gentleness that seemed almost out of character for Alucard, the infamous No Life King. At least for those that didn't knew him like you unwillingly did, that is.
Alucard noticed you shivering and trembling even you seemed to not notice. Frozen tears streaked down your face, betraying the emotional turmoil you were in. As he spoke those words, "You're safe, darling," the nickname that usually annoyed you to no end was now carried with an unexpected tenderness.
His crimson-stained hands tenderly wiped away your tears, a gesture both comforting and unsettling as he licked the blood from your cheek, rough tongue leaving behind a trail of saliva. He scanned you with a sharp gaze searching for any sign of injury. Finding none that was too worrisome - you had a few scratches here and there but with time those would go away, plus he didn't carried alcohol to disinfect them on him -, he seemed momentarily relieved, a rare expression on his usually stoic face.
"Let's get you home. You need a bath and a hot tea," Alucard suggested, his words usually brushed off under different circumstances now resonating with practical concern. Normally, you would have resisted, instinctively wary of spending any unnecessary time in his company. But tonight was different.
Exhausted and drained, you found yourself nodding in agreement, leaning into his reassuring presence as you both made your way back to the headquarters of the Hellsing organization. Alucard was matching his step with yours, so slow, watching over you like a hawk over their fledgling.
It was a moment of unexpected vulnerability that you were showing just now, the first time you hadn't recoiled from his proximity or fought against his touch even if it disgusted you. Yet, even as you allowed yourself this brief respite, the knowledge of who he truly was lingered in the back of your mind. Alucard was not just any vampire; he was a creature of immense power, capable of ending lives with a mere snap of his fingers.
"Thank you." You whispered so low and softly. It was all you could muster right now. "For saving me, thank you."
Trusting him was a dangerous gambit, a compromise you reluctantly made for now, knowing full well the precariousness of your situation. But for now, in the quiet walk back home, with his presence strangely comforting despite everything, you allowed yourself to lean on him, if only for a moment.
A smile graced his lips. "It was my pleasure, darling."
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll do anything, to make you...)
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warnings/kinks: mentions of past trauma, blindfolds, dhampir related things, biting, blood sucking, unprotected sex, boobplay word count: 1.3k pairings: Alucard Tepes x Fem!Reader teaser: “Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback.
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The idea alone was crazy, but you were so sure it would help him if he would agree to it. After everything Alucard has been through, you wouldn’t be surprised if he were to get angry and send you away for even suggesting something like this. But the more you thought about it, the more it became clear that something like this could just help him ease through some of that trauma.
You didn’t want to make him upset. You wanted him to feel loved and cared for. The idea of introducing blindfolds into the bedroom was just another way to get him to fully trust someone again. You began to think of all the ways you would be able to give him such mind blowing pleasure this way.
It’s after dinner one night that you finally gain the courage to mention your idea. Alucard and you are sitting in one of the comfortable reading rooms drinking some red wine. He’s reading to you while you sit on his lap. You’re nervous but you know you really want to share this idea with him.
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He looks at you and smiles softly. He knows you usually want something whenever you call him Adrian. There’s a moment of silence before he presses a soft kiss to your temple.
“What is it, my darling?” He murmurs against your skin.
You look down at your lap, “I had…an idea. I was wondering if you’d like to indulge.”
He cocks his head to the side, “indulge? In what, my love?”
You swallow hard. This is the most difficult part. You know that you’re not going to get a better chance than this but you also don’t want to offend your lover either. He’s the one you love the most and you know what he’s been through, especially when it comes to having intimate moments.
“I was thinking about doing something different in the bedroom,” you swallow hard again. “I was wondering if you’d let me blindfold you and—”
His response was so clear and it took you aback. You knew better than to push the issue, but you wanted to see if maybe you could make this work.
“I know that you’re scared, and you have every right to be. So I wondered if maybe you’d want to do it to me instead,” 
He considers your compromise. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you but he’s just so afraid of all those traumatizing memories to come flooding back and to make him so uneasy that he wouldn’t be able to finish the act of making love.
“Is this something you truly want?” He asks, a curious look in his eyes.
You give him a soft smile, “I’d love to explore this facet of intimacy with you.”
And with that, he takes your hand and gets you to lead him into the bedroom. There the lighting is dim and the bed is inviting. You aren’t sure where this is going to lead to, but you’re more than happy to let Alucard take the reins. 
He pushes you gently onto the bed and straddles you, making you giggle softly. The sound of your laughter is something that soothes him so much. Alucard then leans in to kiss you passionately, his hair covering the both of you like a curtain. It feels so sensual like this. He’s never felt this excited, despite the fact that your idea frightened him in so many ways. Your kisses become even more heated, and Alucard begins rutting against you.
“Let me blindfold you first. It’ll show me that I can truly trust this sort of situation.”
You don’t hesitate to agree to this. You want him to feel completely in control of the situation. So before he blindfolds you, he decides to slowly undress you. With every piece of clothing pulled off your body, Alucard teases the exposed body parts with his tongue and fangs.
“Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone.
Once you’ve got only your underwear on, this is when he decides to use the silk scarf to blindfold you. He makes sure you’re comfortable before he pulls away completely. You whine so softly at the loss of contact, but this only makes Alucard even more excited and aroused.
He strips himself, leaving himself bare to you. But a chuckle falls from his lips when he realizes you aren’t even able to admire his naked form. He crawls onto the bed, teasing you with his hands. They hover over your skin, causing the hair to stand on end.
“Adrian, please…”
Your words are so honeyed and sweet as they fall from your plump lips. Alucard smirks at just how pitiful you look. To a predator like him, this has to be one of the most exciting moments. He knows he’d never do anything to truly hurt you, but knowing you’re a little helpless without one of your most important senses excites him. But he also knows that it’ll be so much more arousing this way for you to feel him teasing you.
His long and graceful fingers ghost over your skin once more before he leans in to give you a passionate and hungry kiss. Your teeth clash together as your tongues rub and roll together. Alucard then spreads your thighs, making you gasp. He chuckles darkly before letting his lips hover over your pulse point on your neck.
“Such a horny little thing,” He comments as one of his fingers presses against your clothed clit.
You buck up into his touch, so desperate to feel even more. He’s loving every moment of this. It’s so much more feral and needy with you without your eyesight. You’re just a slave to all this pleasure.
The sweet sounds that come from you when he pulls your panties off and he begins rubbing your clit are so whiny. Alucard feels his cock throbbing with every whimper and whine. Then he proceeds to slowly kiss a trail down your body.
He stops at your breasts, cupping them together and pressing his face between them to smell your sweet musk. He begins sucking on one of the nipples before giving the other one equal treatment. And before you can wrap your brain around this amazing pleasure, Alucard sinks his fangs deep into your breast.
“Ah!” You cry out, reaching down for his head. You had no idea he’d be doing something like this, but it turns you on like nothing else.
Alucard drinks his fill, enjoying the sweetness of your blood. When he’s done, he continues his trail of kisses. Then he spreads your thighs even more, loving the way your cunt is pulsing around nothing. You look even more delicious now. He then presses one finger deep inside of you, watching as your mouth opens wide as you let out the cutest moan.
“I should blindfold you more often,”
You nod your head desperately, hoping that he’ll always be treating you to this kind of torture. It’s so pleasurable and to think you wanted to blindfold him. With the way he keeps pumping his finger in and out of you with precise expertise, you know you’ve made no mistake with letting him reverse the rolls. You’re panting and moaning as the pleasure keeps building. You can feel the coil in your stomach tightening. Your walls are clenching and clamping down on the long digit.
“Cumming! ‘M Cumming!”
Alucard has half a mind to pull away, but he’s too taken by your beauty. It’s so sexy to see you get off like this. As the pleasure washes over you, he watches you carefully. He doesn’t let up his ministrations either, just allowing you to ride out this very intense high.
When he does eventually pull away, he takes off your blindfold so you can watch him suck your juices off his finger.
“You are a good little pet, you know that?”
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