#there are more of us who love you than there are of the assholes
oneforthemunny · 2 days
🧸🍯🎸 this is mine
for your blurb, rockstar!eddie, fluff, lore/flashback. set during the sneaking around phase, like a month before the engagement for timeline purposes.
"You're going back to the hotel room?" Jeff gawked, mouth nearly dropping at the words he was sure he was hallucinating.
"Yeah," Eddie flicked the lighter, bringing it to his usual post show joint. "Not really feelin' it."
"Not- Ed, we're in Amsterdam." Jeff scoffed.
"You fuckin' love Amsterdam." Jeff blinked in awe, partial confusion.
"Yeah, I used to. Kinda boring now. Seen it, done it, need somethin' more exciting than hookers and weed." Eddie shrugged as nonchalantly as he could, his hands twitching with irritation, anxious to get into the car and back to the hotel.
"Lemme know if it's somethin' good, though. Maybe I'll stop by later." Ducking into the black car, Eddie nodded at the rest of his bandmates, shutting the door quickly.
His knee bounced the entire car ride, all seven minutes of it, ringed fingers tapping on the edge of his torn jeans. The car had barely slowed to a stop before Eddie was out, throwing a wad of Euros his tour manager had given him towards the driver, practically sprinting towards the private elevator entrance.
"Hey, uh, you don't happen to know what time it is in Los Angeles right now, do you?" Eddie turned towards the hotel manager accompanying him on the ride to the penthouse.
"No, sir, but I can get the front desk to call and-"
"-That's alright. Thank you." Eddie nodded, stepping towards the door before it opened, sliding through the opening gap.
"Looks great!" He turned, giving a half grin and a thumbs up, jamming the key into the lock.
"Uh, if you need anything, Mr. Munson-"
"-I won't even hesitate to let you know. I promise." Eddie cut off the nervous hotel manager, too familiar with the schtick- too many hotel rooms, all saying the same thing. Normally, he'd be less pushy and in a rush, on his best behavior with the staff because- "Fuck it, they're just doing their job. Why would I be an asshole about it?"
But tonight, he had bigger plans. He'd timed the closing number just right, no off topic rants or mid song chaos like usual- his tour manager should be thankful. No, he'd timed it all perfectly, striding over to the phone, dialing out for an international number.
The phone rang once, twice- Eddie's leg hadn't stopped bouncing until,
"I thought you said you'd call me at four." The familiar playful purr in your tone had his heart skipping, a nearly boyish grin spreading across his face. "It's almost five, here."
"I'm sorry, baby. Had to wrap a few things up at the venue. Didn't plan on it being late." Eddie cradled the phone to his ear, leaning back on the pristine bed. "What are you up to?"
"Hm, about to go out to dinner with a few friends." You sighed, nearly bored, like your heart wasn't fluttering the same way his was.
"Friends? Any I should be worried about?" Eddie's voice dropped, a low gravel in his tone that made heat rush through your veins.
"I think I should be asking you that, rockstar." You teased back. "You're the one in Amsterdam, and who called me late. Too busy with the hookers?"
"Psh, you caught me." Eddie snorted sarcastically. "Got one here with me right now if you wanna talk to her."
"You better not." Your tone clipped, teetering away from playful and towards possessive. "I'd hate to have to catch a flight down there."
"Well, in that case..." Eddie teased, rolling over on the bed, the phone chord stretching with him.
"'M just messin' with you. No hookers here. Just me." Eddie muttered, the silence of the room falling around him. "Wouldn't be mad if you did catch a flight, though. I've missed you, baby."
Your cheeks pricked with excited heat, swaying with the phone pressed to your ear. "Yeah?"
"I've missed you too." You whispered, like it was a secret. Maybe it was, to everyone else. "What are you doing tonight?"
"Smokin'." Eddie hummed, patting his bedside table, looking for the pre-rolled joints he'd requested. "Sleepin'."
"That doesn't sound like much fun." Eddie could practically hear your pout through the phone.
"Eh, it's not bad. A little lonely though." Eddie sighed. "Wish I had someone here with me to keep me company."
"You better be talking about me, Munson." You clipped.
Eddie grinned, a huff of laughter floating though the other end. "You know I'm talking about you. Everyone else is boring t'me now, baby. You ruined them, ruined me."
You bit back a giggle, lips curing in a grin. "Where's your next stop?"
"Uh, Berlin." Eddie muttered. "Leave tomorrow."
"Maybe... Maybe I'll stop in and see you." Your heart skipped when you suggested it. "Maybe we can go back to that cafe."
"You're too good to me." Eddie grinned, lazy and silly. "I'll pick you up at the airport."
"No, just send a car-"
"-I'll pick you up." Eddie insisted. "Don't worry, baby, I'll keep it hush-hush. Very low profile." He could practically hear your smile. "I don't wanna keep you from your friends tonight, so I'll get off the-"
"-You're not." You shook your head. "But I should probably go before Farrah kills me... and I need to call Jaques and let him know I'll need the plane tomorrow."
"I can't wait to see you." Eddie grinned into the receiver.
"You too." You squeaked, a giggly blush practically spilling through the phone. "I'll call you with the times."
"Alright, sweetheart. Have fun tonight. I'll see you soon." Eddie paused, his tongue running over his bottom lip. "Love you, baby."
"I love you." You sighed sweetly. "Don't party too hard. I'll see you tomorrow."
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I found this in my drafts and had to post. 😆
I can see Eddie trying to get Steve’s attention by using the vacuum trick on his neck and then showing up to Steve’s house to hang out again, to brag about his 'conquest.' He expected a reaction from Steve, but he did not expect him to be so angry that he stormed into the bathroom, slamming it behind him.
"Steve?" Eddie knocked gently on the door. "I didn't think you would get this mad."
Steve opened the door, a furious expression on his face.
"You didn't think that I would be upset that my boyfriend cheated on me?!" Steve exclaimed. "I know we haven't been dating for long, but I kind of thought that it was implied that we both weren't seeing other people. I mean, I told you that I wasn't seeing other people."
"You thought that I was your boyfriend?" Eddie asked.
"You didn't l? Oh, I am an idiot," Steve said.
"No, Steve, you're not! It's me, I'm the dumbass. Oh God, you asking me to the movies that were you asking me on a date! Our first date and I missed it! And you've been wanting to hang out a lot more. You've been holding my hand when you take me on walks. I just thought you didn't want me to get lost! You even told me that you stopped dating, that was you telling me that you weren't seeing anyone else!" Eddie said, running his fingers through his hair. "You gave me flowers!"
"Yeah, I don't know how to be any clearer than that," Steve said. "I just want to know who this person who gave you that hickey is. Were they a good kisser?"
"Wait, why haven't you tried kissing me?" Eddie asked.
"Answer my question first, Eddie," Steve said.
"No, you answer mine!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Fine! I thought we were taking things slow! It was nice," Steve snapped.
"Oh, Steve, I'm sorry. Ugh, I am an idiot. You're going to laugh. There is no one else. I, uh, tried to make you jealous by using the vacuum trick on my neck."
Steve paused, pursed his lips together, and then burst out laughing.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, pretty boy," Eddie scowled.
"I love you, Eddie," Steve said, his eyes twinkling with mirth.
"What?" Eddie asked in alarm. "After what I just told you?"
"Yep, I love you!" Steve grinned.
Eddie smiled, cupping Steve’s face. He rubbed his thumbs across his cheekbones. He took one hand and began tracing the shape of Steve’s face, running a finger gently over his skin. Steve’s eyes fluttered close, and he sighed in contentment.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked softly.
"Soaking in the moment," Eddie said, and leaned his forehead against his. "I love you too."
Steve closed the gap and kissed him. Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Eddie sighed against his lips. Yeah, he was dreaming. He was definitely dreaming. Steve sighed and broke the kiss.
"So, you know you're my boyfriend now, right?" Steve asked.
"Yes, asshole, I do," Eddie replied.
"Just checking," he told him and went back to kissing him.
"Hey, Steve?"
"Do you think, maybe, we can not tell Robin about the vacuum thing?" Eddie asked.
"I'll see what I can do, boyfriend."
"Just a friendly reminder."
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farmhandler · 2 days
for those of you who do follow me on tumblr, you get a sneak peek... because I love you... (continued after ch9)
“Hey,” Scott said, catching Logan’s attention as he started moving away towards the stairs. Logan had agreed to stick to one of the empty conference rooms upstairs for a while to avoid startling any of the kids.
“Ugh, this guy again,” Wade muttered.
“What is it?” Logan said.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry,” Scott said. He sounded sheepish, of all things. “About you two, I didn’t—I’m not—what I said back there isn’t how I am. It wasn’t what I meant. This whole thing—”
“Scott,” Logan said, cutting him off. He raised a hand. “It’s…you were an asshole about a lot of it, but I get it. This whole situation is fucking weird for me, too. A lot has changed. I’m not exactly the same guy I was when I knew you—the other me knew you. I’d probably be worse than you are in your position.”
“Should I be offended by that?” Wade said.
Scott seemed relieved, shoulders slumping. “Good. You guys are—I mean if you’re happy, that’s—that’s good. Deadpool has caused a lot of damage, and I mean a lot—"
“Feeling slightly offended now!”
“—but clearly there’s something there most of us haven’t seen. Colossus has been pushing to include him more often. And he did complete that mission for us. So maybe there’s some hope we'll make an X-Man out of him yet.”
“X-Person,” Wade corrected primly. “X-Them, if you will.”
Scott’s head turned briefly towards Wade, nodded, then back to Logan. “I’ll see you soon. It’s…it’s good to see you, Logan.” Emotion crept into his voice. “I mean it.”
“You too, Scott.” Logan said. Understatement of the year. “I’ll see you.”
They moved upstairs to the empty conference room. Logan had suggested Wade could leave if he wanted, but Wade shot it down.
“And miss the big family reunion? Hell no!”
“I don’t think you’re gonna get to be there,” Logan admitted. “Pretty sure it’s just going to be me, at least for now. This whole thing is…fuckin’ unreal. Surreal.”
“Lame,” Wade drawled. “I did all the fucking work. I should get to be there. So unfair. What am I supposed to do while you’re gone? I want to be where the action is.”
“Yeah, well, nothing’s going to be fun about this. Probably just a lot of talking and shit. I really fucking hate this part.”
“Are you hungry?” Wade asked out of nowhere. “Because I’m starving. They said they have lunch, right?”
Logan blinked. “Yeah. Yeah, I can get you some food. There’s a chef on duty every school day. Colossus said there’d be food.”
After checking the coast was clear, they went back downstairs. Logan felt absolutely ridiculous in his yellow suit, but standing next to Wade in his red, it wasn’t so bad. They made it to the kitchen and Logan stole a few sandwiches, handing one off to Wade.
It felt so…normal. Logan hated that he couldn’t relax, that he still felt on edge, but tried to focus on Wade.
Like he could tell Logan needed the distraction, he started talking about one of the times he’d visited the mansion and destroyed something while he devoured his sandwich. Several somethings, in fact—“Just a few statues of old white dudes”—and Logan watched him, eyes lingering on the way Wade’s mouth moved with the mask rolled up. He loved that mouth. Loved Wade, even when he was doing all the shit he wasn’t supposed to do. Even terrorizing the X-Men. He fucking loved him.
“And then even though I said ‘no touching’," Wade said, pulling his mask back down, "Colossus grabs me by the throat, which is one of my biggest turn-ons, and then he—”
“Hey,” Logan said, stopping Wade in the empty hallway. He kept his ears open, but everyone was in their classrooms. “I’m gonna kiss you.”
“I’m sorry, I misheard. I thought I heard you say you were going to kiss me.”
Logan reached over and undid the back of Wade’s mask. Wade’s hands clamped over his, but Logan only rolled it up again so his mouth was exposed. He backed Wade up against the wall and kissed him.
“Well, well, well,” Wade said when he pulled away. “I never took you for a sexual deviant. In public? My oh my, Mr. Wolverine. Kiss me again and make it sloppy.”
“It’s just a kiss,” Logan said, chuckling. The chuckle turned into a laugh. He kissed him once, then twice. The third time Logan shoved his tongue in Wade’s mouth, over his teeth, tasting him, and slid his hands around the back of Wade’s neck. He felt Wade’s moan reverberate in his mouth.
That was when Wade stopped him. “Don’t look to your right,” he whispered loudly.
God damn it. Logan tapped his fist on the wall next to Wade’s head.
“And you’re just now telling me.”
“I assumed you could smell them and didn’t care, peanut,” Wade said. As Logan moved, he quickly rolled his mask back down over his face. “You should see their faces.”
“I literally do not understand this,” Scott said beside them. “Not the you and Deadpool thing—I mean I don’t understand that either—but…you’re sure you’re the same Logan? You have never smiled like that.”
“Not for you,” Logan said, turning around fully. “Word to the fucking wise for everyone here. I will not put up with the shit I heard earlier from Scott or anyone else. If I hear one word said about Wade that isn’t directly regarding his behavior, we will have a fucking problem. Are we clear?”
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sugar-crash · 14 hours
🍬King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph) x (gn) Reader👑
(Beginning Relationship Pt. II Edition!)
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(Just a tad bit different🔑 than it usually is, Have fun :))
- Tries his best to separate him from who he used to be to ward off suspicion of his shady behavior but as we can all see, he’s not exactly the best at it at times. Especially if you knew him when he was Turbo. Johunlz
- His more friendly King Candy look gives him far more leeway than he had as Turbo which he wanted purposely. He uses it to his advantage, especially when it comes to you, literally that one scene from Adventure Time. Shameless about it on top of that. ohcl
- Much like how he was previously, he teases you. But it’s far more lighthearted I guess? Sometimes he just says something absolutely mean as shit and then pats your head patronizingly in the same breath. Hate him. illu
- Being some of the shortest game characters of the bunch, he’s no stranger to being looked down upon, literally, and by then he doesn’t have much of an issue with his s/o being taller than him…
- However, if by some miracle or chance, you’re smaller than him, he thinks you’re so cute, affectionately calling you “snack-sized”, and he’ll say it when he tries to get on your nerves for one reason or another. thkl,
- Lovessss putting others down, when it comes to you, it’s more lighthearted or joking (with that little metaphorical bug in his ear relishing being able to do so), and anyone else??? Not as much. pu
- Lives for the praise you give him, as much as he doesn’t admit it of course, that self-satisfied and smug grin he gets whenever you congratulate him for having majority wins/being chosen the most as an avatar on Sugar Rush says it all. tvyl
- While being the one to establish the paywall and coin prizes (cause he’s an insidious asshole), he kinda hates that he can’t have an actual trophy like he used to— Can’t exactly display them for you to comment on later on considering they are constantly being used and turned into code. But hey, at least they have his insignia on them. aohu
- Calling myself out on this once more, but, the description randomalistic used for him in this YouTube video (which,,, I highly suggest watching if you haven’t already), specifically “a corrupt politician” is frighteningly accurate, he lies, he cheats, he sabotages, a perfect allegory for a corrupt higher power. vul
- And he fucking knows it man, proud of it even, one of his most successful works and he can’t even brag about it, can’t even tell you. wshjl
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- We really don’t see what his relationship is between him and the other racers besides Taffyta claiming he wants to keep them safe and uh… The race track scenes. So from what I can ascertain I can fully see him acting like Miss Hannigan from Annie, specifically this one scene (yeah this post is just chocked full of links, bear with me), the mental image of him mockingly saying “she had to go bathroom” with his lisp makes me weak.
- Even in his new and far more prestigious position as King he still longs for more, with his limits and disguises imperfections not helping this inner turmoil, even in a game as big as Sugar Rush boredom takes root and he even his excuses that explain why he stays in Sugar Rush to you have a nearly invisible air of uncertainty to them.
- Makes a point to make you feel good, loved, cared for all throughout your visits to Sugar Rush, nothing is too good for you, there’s always more.
- I think this kind of behavior stems from this deep seated desire to make sure you don’t leave him, you could have everything you want with his help— Why wouldn’t you stay? Please stay.
- Caged. That’s how he feels secretly, I mean, who wouldn’t? He wasn’t exactly coded to be a monarch, all these responsibilities, not even his coding skills could help him with that…. I mean, would he even be himself without it?
- Achievements, what are they for when it’s the same thing over and over again? Validation? Attention? Power?? You maybe? Things he’s been chasing after for all of his life, well— Not you but he’s realized that he’s become far too attached to you, your softness, your sensitivity.
- Each moment spent together is far more significant to him than what he thought it’d be when he first showed interest in you— Thinking it’d be like every other relationship (mostly platonic ones) he’s been in, fleeting, and ending with you hating him, you had every right to after all.
- Sickness, an insult that had been thrown his way over a dozen times to the point where it usually gets a scoff and furrowed brows, but it feels devastating when you say it after his true nature is unceremoniously revealed by his hubris.
- Abandoned— That familiar pang ripping through his newly mutated form as you struggle for your life alongside the others that stayed behind to help every last one of the Sugar Rush people to get to safety from the unruly swarm of Cy-Bugs eating their home into nothing.
- Red. That’s all he sees as he brutally beats Ralph down into a pulp and cruelly taunts everyone else as he holds the overgrown bad guy in the air, eagerly and sadistically waiting for a little girl to meet a brutal end only to meet his own.
(Almr sarqr dprk’s sll lk sar klqr)
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the-violet-galaxy · 20 hours
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Moon in the Killswap AU, to go along with Sun! This Swap AU explores TSAMS if Sun had been the one with the killcode – and by extension, Moon is the one Eclipse manifests inside of.
The twins’ backstory is almost the same as canon. Moon was born with no control over the body, and was angry and lashed out at Sun for this (and was an asshole to pretty much everyone else when he did have control.)  Sun was afraid of him, but still tried to reach out. They came to an understanding, became brothers, and found a way to separate.
Where the backstory differed is with Sun. His killcode was like a switch that activated when he was pushed to a limit, reacting to abuse, mistreatment, the breaking of rules. Moon’s abuse was one of the things that could trigger Sun’s killcode, which emotionally destroyed Sun every time he came back to himself to find someone dead by his hands; during these early years, Moon was so bitter about his circumstances that he sometimes egged Sun on and mocked him for his efforts to not kill people.
But eventually, he knew Sun was not to blame, and wanted to change for the better. He wanted to help Sun suppress his Killcode. So, he separated them, so they could start a new chapter in their lives.
But Sun considered himself too weak to ever fully control his killcode – so while they were in the process of separating, he secretly snuck it through the datastream into Moon’s head, who he thought would never be affected by it.
And Eclipse manifested inside of Moon, who was “Sun” trapped alone within the mind of his abuser…
And a year later Eclipse shows up and begins his crusade to ruin the brothers’ lives and to find the Star to bring order to the world! While inside Moon, he starts amplifying Moon’s faults. He eggs on his abusive behavior towards Sun, his assholish behavior to others, and, one of Moon’s biggest struggles: his controlling nature.
Because these are all faults that Moon has, and Eclipse shines an especially strong light on them. This causes tension between the brothers as they try to figure out what to do, when Eclipse keeps hijacking Moon’s body in search of that Star.
(Especially when Sun’s killcode starts regenerating, and as with before, when Moon is abusive towards Sun, that is one of the big triggers to make the killcode’s influence stronger and stronger until Killcode as a sapient entity is strong enough to be born. For Sun’s arc, the killcode is like a metaphor for “taking revenge and hurting the people who hurt you back,” which Sun desperately wants to fight against.)
And so, one of the big parts of the AU is Moon having to learn to be a better person – to keep changing for the better -- to unlearn his abusive patterns. That will be the key.  
Because one thing’s for sure: Sun is the most important person in Moon’s world. Even during the times when he hurts him, he still loves him more than anything. He vows he WILL protect Sun (and the rest of his family that come later), he will keep Eclipse from the Star so he can’t use it to kill them, he will save Sun when Solar is implanted in his head (and later, protect Solar when he is their brother), he will find a way to remove Sun’s killcode when it regenerates and becomes sentient.
(But it won’t be that easy. And, well, when things keep NOT going his way, Moon might end up with a very unhappy arc that ends in disastrous consequences the way it did for Sun when Sun killed Bloodmoon…)   
And that’s an overview for Moon!
Some other notes:
Moon has very little knowledge of Magig. Sun is the master magic user.
Moon is the one who suffered July 16 because of the Blacksun Burn Twins, and boy is he mad at them.
Roxanne replaces Monty and is Sun’s close friend. Whether there is a crush or not, Moon still teases Sun about having a crush on Roxanne.
It’ll be fun to write how Moon interacts differently with Solar and Killcode when they control Sun’s body. (He first realizes Solar is in there when Solar isn’t good at acting happy and jittery like Sun.) (But he haaaaates Killcode’s guts sososo much you guys.)
(It will also shine a light on Killswap Moon’s difference between Old Moon and New Moon from TSAMS canon.)  
That’s him! I should probably draw Eclipse next!
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Fem! Reader comforting uliana about her insecurity of being not as amazing as her sister (reader and uliana are dating)
I love Uli, I also really like that we got a sibling rivalry/ golden child vs forgotten child dynamic from her because we really didn’t see anything like that in the OG3
Also a big thank you to @an-absolute-waste-of-space for helping me figure out a plot for this because I was absolutely lost.
Strongest Tides
Uliana x Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: When the sea witch gets emotionally knocked out of commission, it's up to her girlfriend to man the crew.
Warnings: swearing, tongue kissing that honestly is more of a make out session, first "I love you", pet names
Word Count: 2K
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    You would think by now Uliana would have learned not to mess with kids older than her. There was a reason you punched down instead of up, wasn’t there? But of course, her craving to be seen as evil had the ability to cloud her judgment. Though, if she had known that the senior she was messing with had been there to witness the frog incident Ursula had caused, maybe she wouldn’t have. How was she supposed to know that the boy she was mocking was a super senior? Did they really expect Uliana to care enough about who went to school there for her to immediately know exactly who repeated a grade? But now, as she paces in the hallway in front of her girlfriend’s dorm, Uli can’t get his words out of her head. “Is that all you’ve got? How are you and your sister cut from the same cloth?” She was so used to being compared to Ursula. Ella and Bridget almost exclusively referred to her as “Ursula’s baby sister”. But something about his words had her spiraling. How was her sister so much better than her that someone couldn’t believe they were related? There was no way that she was that weak compared to Urs, was there?
   She shouldn’t even be here, this is just proving his point. Ursula would never run to someone to comfort her after being spoken down to. No, her sister would get revenge, immediate unapologetic revenge. She should do the same, surely she should. But the only thing she could think of was the boy’s words. And surely when she walked through this door, the entirety of her crew would be there. Or at the very least, three out of five of them. (Y/n) and Maleficent didn’t tend to spend time away from their dorms unless they were with the crew or on a date, and Hades was always glued to Maleficent’s side. She knew they would be there. Hook and Morgie might be a gamble, but surely if she needed them she could just get Hades to grab them. No point in getting revenge alone, was there? So, despite what her brain told her to do, Uliana’s hand raises up to the door, knuckles rapping on the hollow wood. 
   “It’s open!” (Y/n)’s angelic voice calls through the door, the sound wrapped in a laugh. Maybe being in there would be good for her, did revenge really matter that much? Her hand falls to the handle, a rage still trying to hide her insecurity as she flings the door open. “You will not believe what this fool said to me!” The entirety of her crew turns to face her, Morgie sliding further down (Y/n)’s bed to give her space to sit next to her girlfriend. With loud, angered foot steps, Uliana stomps her way over to the spot, sinking into the soft duvet and school issued mattress. And just as quickly as she can let her back muscles relax, (Y/n) has an arm around her, her thumb rubbing soft circles on Uliana’s hip. “What did he say to you, babydoll?” She’s leaning into her girlfriend’s touch subconsciously, trying to keep her threatening face when it begs to turn into a pout. She looks around the room, taking a deep, centering breath. Everyone who makes her feel cared about in her life has their eyes on her, these gentle adoring things that make it hard for her to keep her composure. This was the safest space she would probably ever know.
   “I tried to cast a spell on this asshole and I messed up the Atlantean and the spell didn’t cast.” Her voice is softer than it was before, everything about her is as the eyes of everyone who loves her circle in on her. “Okay, what did he say, Uli? I’ll hook him,” Hook’s voice walks the line of caring and playful, his smirk falling into a gentle, understanding smile. “He asked me if that was ‘all I had’,” she puts finger quotes around the words, taking a deep breath as she continues, “And then he asked how Ursula and I could have ‘cut from the same cloth’. How dare he?” The circles (Y/n) was rubbing on her hip have turned into hearts, she’s subconsciously pulling Uli further into her as to protect her from an evil that isn’t even there. “So, what did you do?” Morgie’s voice joins the conversation, the bubbly tone floating on excitement’s fire. “I didn’t,” it’s the words that break the damn, sending her into this broken little girl instead of the powerful sea witch she should be. Cuddling further into her girlfriend, face finding a place to hide in the girl’s waiting shoulder. 
    “Well, I say that if he thinks he can speak to my girl like that, maybe he shouldn’t be allowed to speak at all,” there’s a wicked bite to it as she reaches down to grab Uliana’s chin, tilting her head back to look at her. “Who spoke to you like that?” “Facilier,” it’s this soft broken mumble that the whole crew has to lean in to hear. The fact that they were dealing with a witch doctor wasn’t great, but if (Y/n) was confident in anything it was her friends. So she nods, letting Uliana’s face fall back to hiding against her as she turns to the other villains in the room. “Say, Mali, Morgie. Have y’all ever tested what happens when you combine your powers? Like what happens if you cast the same spell at once?” An excited bite of fire dances through both of their eyes,  turning from the girl to each other. “We could try,” Maleficent’s tone is hard to read, but she’s clearly trying to egg him on. Something that is solidified to be working when he tacks on a, “What were you thinking?” 
    “If the second in command is willing,” she turns to Hook with this strange air to her that has a crazed look dancing in his eyes. A rapid nod pushes her to finish her plan. “I was thinking that Hook here could be your brawn, make sure the fool can’t get away before you two can cast a silencing spell together. I mean one spell is great, but imagine the power of you both casting it.” The three of them are bouncing to their feet, Maleficent finding herself tucked between Hook and Morgie who both offer her a hand. “I have one that lasts 24 hours in my mother’s spell book, with both of us I’d put money on it lasting for two days,” there’s a hiss tucked on the end of his words as he pulls the door open. Though (Y/n) can’t see them, she’d bet money on Morgie having snake eyes as he speaks. The three trouble makers making their way into the hall as they whisper about their scheme. 
    “Hades?” He raises a brow to her, arms locked over his chest with pursed lips. “Can you go be their actual brawn?” He’s nodding, this knowing look dancing in his eyes as he stands from Maleficent’s now empty bed, “No way those three could handle dealing with the shadow man without me.” And (Y/n) hums, watching him make his way to the door, “No, there sure is not.” As it clicks closed behind him, she turns back to her girl, taking in her quickly deteriorating front. 
   “How’s my girl?” No words dare to grace her ears, Uliana shaking her head against the girl’s warm shoulder. “Uli,” she’s cooing, reaching down to pull her girlfriend’s legs over her own, softly maneuvering her into her lap. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She hums, letting a hand find the back of Uliana’s neck so that she can rub soft loving circles on it. 
   “You know, if you ask me, Ursula is nothing but a show off. Evil isn’t doing things to get people’s attention like that stupid frog stunt. It’s waiting, planning, being able to strike fear into hearts.” Uliana shifts on her lap, carefully and slowly moving so that she can straddle (Y/n)’s lap. Her face nuzzles further into the crook of her lover’s neck as she settles herself on her knees. A sweet and gentle kiss finding the side of her neck before Uli speaks. “Yeah well, not everyone seems to think so.” She hums, feeling the way a hand has snaked up her shirt and onto her back, the other resting on her waist as if to hold her steady. “Who cares what some idiot who failed his sophomore year thinks?” Of course (Y/n) knew that, she knew everything. That’s what Uliana gets for not coming to her first. “I think that you’re on your way to stealing the title of mistress of evil,” she kisses Uli’s temple, laying them both back on her bed. 
    “Yeah, as if. I am never getting that title.” She welcomes the new position, the ghost of a smile threatening her lips. “You can be my mistress of evil,” (Y/n) has this wicked little amusement to her voice as she says it, the girl carefully flipping them over. Uliana’s legs straighten out the moment her back hits the mattress, eyes screwed shut as if she’s scared to see her partner. And that just won’t do, not for (Y/n) it won’t. She balances all her weight on one arm, pushing back a stray lock of hair that fell over her face, “Let me see your eyes.” “I’m okay, actually,” Uliana shakes her head, knowing what’s going to meet her if she does. She can’t handle the way the muscles in (Y/n)’s exposed biceps are going to be slightly flexed from holding her weight, that gentle, loving look that’s gonna cross her features. No one had ever looked at Uliana like that before she did. Uli wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about it, surely it made her weak. It had to, the way she craved to have someone look at her like that made her feel like she wasn’t evil enough. But if it felt so good, could it really be so bad? 
    “Look at me,” she repeats, letting her lips ghost over Uliana’s jaw, “Let me see my girl.” “You already can,” she whispers, fighting the urge to reach up and pull her girlfriend closer to her. “No, I wanna see you, not your body. You hide everything about yourself in those pretty eyes, did you know that?” Another kiss hits where her jaw and neck connect, the action mixed with her girlfriend’s words making her shiver. “I really don’t think you wanna see me like this, Darling,” the words fall shaky as she feels (Y/n) leave a kiss on the column of her throat. “I want to see all of you, Babydoll, I love you.” Her eyes shoot open, a gasp being ripped through her lips. “You do?” With a smile, the girl is hovering back over her face. This beautiful sense of pride taking over her features, “Of course I do, I’ve loved you since the moment we locked eyes at orientation. You’re the stars in my sky.” There’s no pressure for Uliana to say it back, not even room for her to respond before there’s lips pressed to hers. A soft and gentle motion that she’s suddenly starved for.
   One of her hands comes up to cup (Y/n)’s jaw, dragging the girl closer as she kisses back, pressing her deeper and deeper into the kiss. Something that was meant to be adoring and languid turning into a harsh and needy little gesture. A hand on her jaw and the back of her neck, holding her down against the girl she has pressed into her mattress. A swipe of tongue against Uliana’s lips has them slipping open on a whine, giving the girl on top of her a chance to slide her tongue into her waiting mouth. The kiss becoming a dance of tongues and clashing teeth. Raw and needy and saying more than either girl knew how to put into words. And when (Y/n) pushes back against Uliana’s needy hands, drawing herself up and gasping for air, she can feel the way her lover’s mood has changed. The girl panting for air as she leans her own forehead against the sea witch’s. “God, you are wicked,” it’s a breathy little praise that has the girl beneath her absolutely smitten. “I love you too.”
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The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks by Knight_of_Tartarus
Rating: Not Rated
219,021 words, 73/100 chapters
Archive Warning: Creator chose not to use
Tags: Slow Burn, Post-Season/Series 02, Steve Harrington's King Steve Persona, Billy Hargrove Being an Asshole, Protective Eddie Munson, Protective Hellfire Club, Protective Steve Harrington, Hurt Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Loneliness, Desperation, Developing Friendships, Vegetarians & Vegans, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, No beta we die like Barb, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Steve Harrington/Chrissy Cunningham fake date, Endgame Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Has an Eating Disorder, Steve Harrington Has Self-Esteem Issues, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has PTSD, Eddie Munson Has Anxiety, Eddie Munson Has ADHD, Dyslexic Steve Harrington
"Never shoved anyone in janitor closets before," Steve said instead. "Ahh, lockers then." Steve shook his head, "You could really hurt someone doing that. What if no one found them? Or if they passed out or something?" He pointed out and finally looked up at the other boy. Eddie was just staring at him like he's never seen Steve before. "I never wanted to hurt anyone," Steve breathed out, but it came out more snappish than he meant it to. OR~~~ Steve has to deal with the fallout of Season 2. New nightmares, losing Nancy, kids who he's willing to die for, and Billy's new hatred towards him. He went from the top to the bottom in the school and he didn't know how bad it was until Eddie Munson is the one that steps in to help him. And maybe he wants the help and maybe even some friends.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was Fics set in Season 2.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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lightofraye · 19 hours
jared's relationship (or lack thereof) with the cast frankly weirds me out. is he ever supportive of their new projects? if he couldn't attend this event, he could have at the very least helped promote it if he believes in the cause. he has time to check twitter and get upset over what some teenagers are tweeting about him but not about his own nasty longstanding stans. neither does he have time to engage positively in good causes
i thought he so badly wanted to get on The Boys but he can't make the time to fly out and meet the show's faves and chill with them. does he really believe he's above it all?
i'm starting to believe fans truly do reflect their favorites and he's coming off petty and entitled. unfortunately, his attitude towards the cast translates into his fans calling everyone else "extras" and treating jensen as an accessory
look at jensen and misha surrounded by all the lovely people they've been friends with for years, and then look at jared in the corner all by himself
i'm not saying he owes anyone anything but for someone so chronically online to be ignoring the awesome things happening and focusing on his personal online bullies leaves a bad taste in my mouth
and using him not being in California as an excuse for not being there last night.
Rob and Ruth were in Scotland and they attended via Zoom. Not sure where Mark S or Curtis were, but they also attended via Zoom and weren't at the house with the others. Laz Alonso and Valorie Curry also attended via Zoom. There were other ways to be there.
He wasn't there either because he didn't want to be or he wasn't wanted. Pick your poison.
also stop being so hypocritical, you complain about Danneel cutting of Jensen when Jared does it as well and alot more. You complain when anyone makes a jokes a to Jensen about jensen but is comletely ok when Jared does the same.
You are such a fucking asshole that noone likes
I was wondering when the anti Jared folks would come out.
Given how Rob and Rich are banking on Destiel for their podcast, small wonder Jared does anything with them. Jensen is a far patient man than I would be. And Jared seemed to get along well with Ruth during duos recently.
And Jared didn’t beg Kripke at all. Kripke begged him! And he doesn’t engage with many folks on social media anymore. He’s grown as a person, has owned up to his issues.
Not everyone has to stay friends after their work has ended.
You can keep trying to paint him a bad person, but who’s the one getting pissy on social media about politics and his role? (Misha.) Who is trying to take fans’ data and sell it? (Misha.) Who tries to post thirst traps for money? (Misha.) Who tried to leverage Destiel for politics? (Misha.) Who exaggerates and lies about stories that netted death threats against Jared? (Misha.)
Y’all know you can’t win this argument. So again: why are you trying? Go write your Destiel fantasies on your blogs and leave me and other Jared fans be.
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casanovawrites · 3 days
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 14
you’re still speaking in the present tense.
you barely know us.
i’m your best friend? you’ve known me for like four weeks.  
i was seeing someone and i fucked it up. i fucked it up because i’m fucked up.
you’re a fucking creep, i’m a fucking catch.
i’m charming as shit.
all i want is for people to like me, but i just keep hurting people instead.
that’s just what we do. we look out for each other.
my nightmares don’t usually serve breakfast.
you’re pretty much a pain in my ass. and most days, you suck.
delusions make me happy.
we can’t play defense forever.
i think i like you better than anyone i know.
nothing that i’ve been through is possible. i feel like my mind is breaking.
i know it’s dangerous here.
i’m sorry, are you invested in the happiness of someone else?
things change. here, it’s usually bad.
i hesitate to tell you this, because you’re pathologically overconfident, but you’re cute.
you’re a good person with all your bad qualities.
hope is what makes you willing to suffer.
i want to feel that full-blown compliment.
buddy, fuck off, okay?
fuck you, you really hurt my feelings, and i hope an air conditioner falls on you.
my heart’s belonged to you since the moment i met you.
when the fuck are we not at risk?
hot. you’re hot.
i don’t want to be like this. it’s terrifying.
you’re not fucked up. you’re like the most together person i know. 
all i am is a dumb motherfucker who keeps getting people killed.
my mom adores you.
great, you’re yelling at me again.
i think the only way you can be happy is if you’re yourself.
is it just physically impossible for you not to be an asshole for longer than 10 minutes?
i like you a lot better when you’re not yelling at me.
it’s real, and i’m fucking terrified.
i have done things i can’t undo.
i just feel like all i’ve been doing lately is hurting people.
you do not just get to come in here, dump a load of shit like that, and then walk away.
i don’t want to let this place decide when we get to be happy.
i promise i won’t cry on you if you sit next to me.
you are my home, and i would really like to be yours.
you look how i feel.
i don’t give a shit about your word.
i know their type. everything’s a personal attack, a goddamn battle.
you know it’s okay to tell people to fuck off every once in a while, including your friends.
she looked good. i mean, hateful. but good.
it’s poor form to blame the dead.
i’m bothered by people who don’t know how good they have it.
you’re trapped with me. in a fun way.
this place is haunted. everywhere i look, i see somewhere you lied to me.
i don’t feel better off. i just feel left.
i made my choices. so did you.
broken people don’t survive here.
i am exiting our one-sided relationship.
one failed marriage, who hasn’t been there?
i just need to know you’ve got your shit together.
i don’t need a pep talk. i just need to know that you’re back.
mostly everybody here’s depressed.
rule number one: never trust the love interest.
now i know how to take care of my problems.
i can’t uproot my life just to make you happy.
i was never rooting for you to be unhappy. i just wanted you to have more.
stop saying that everything’s going to be okay.
you are not some hopeless screw up.
no one listens to me. no one.
i’m not a problem for you. i’ve never been a problem for you.
there are no mistakes. just choices. and you chose what was right for you.
if someone came up to you right now and said, ‘do this one bad thing and everyone gets to go home,’ would you do it?
i don’t want to know the answer.
when we’re together, i feel a lot. and mostly, it’s good.
we don’t have time to be delicate.
actually, you might be the best thing in my life.
i don’t know what to do, and that really freaks me out.
i’m not gonna stand here and pretend it was a good day.
there are always gonna be monsters in the world. it doesn’t matter where you are. but i promised myself i would never let them scare the life out of me.
i don’t give a shit what you are.
i’m doing this for you. i’m doing it for all of us.
if this shit goes sideways, you have to be ready to step up.
i need you to do me a favor. cut yourself some slack.
you trust me to decide the rest of your life?
you have a sense of direction. 
when did life become this big monster we have to just constantly feed?
we don’t have to live like the sky is always falling.
i’m not afraid of the dark.
you think i’m a monster?
what’s happening to us?
what part of this is okay?
that was death, and it’s coming… right now.
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aalghul · 6 months
I don’t think it makes sense to assume that Jason was mocking Mia’s past. At all. The thing that got jason painted as violent back in the 80s was his anger against rapists…how does that turn into mocking a victim? and that entire story was written by winick. Do we honestly think winick intended to communicate that? The same writer who made Jason’s first kill a man who was trafficking children? Who had Jason pause in his mission of madness to make sure those kids were found by the right people so they wouldn’t be in further danger?
#let’s knock on our skulls and kick our brains back into gear okay?#you can maintain that it wasn’t well executed or that the role mia played here bothers you#but you can’t say jason was mocking her for that or even seriously trying to hurt her physically#he was bsing like 90% of the story with his constant ‘we should all kill anyone who inconveniences us! speedy and GA should try to kill me#if they want to win’ like we understand that yes?#but that last part of his convo with Mia was the one serious part#he was wrong! of course he was wrong about ollie. but this was also Jason’s first time meeting ollie#it was ridiculous and unnecessary on his end and it put mia thru the emotional wringer for nothing#but that wasn’t the Intention. it was a stupid thing done by someone who never expected anything to come of it but still said what *to him*#was a way of offering advice#and as for the ppl who go ‘stop reaching abt jason being a victim and just read Mia instead’#a) there’s more to Mia’s character than her past. anyone who thinks that fits Jason’s past wouldn’t necessarily like mia bc they’re not the#same character#it’s the same way that if jason was confirmed to have been a victim of SA as a kid then all of Mia’s fans wouldn’t love him like they love#her? this is common sense. anyways stop being assholes online and just recommend characters too ppl nicely#b) more than one character can have experienced a similar form of abuse. also common sense#c) it’s not an unreasonable hc#d) it doesn’t hurt you personally. none of this killed your grandma#once again: hate whoever you like but choosing the interpretation that doesn’t make sense just to make up a#‘valid’ reason is serious loser behaviour
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why did he do this (rhetorical) (profoundly affected)
#obviously referenced from start to finish. half second shots that kill#you go ''i was already Changed by the mere socked glasses flip / kick gifs. i'm ready'' but you are actually collapsed on the ground#raising my hand as one of the handful of randos who stood up suddenly these past few months like why yes i Will watch your films then#and also as [guy lecturing & emphatically pointing to laptop] i have to do everything myself the undereye coloring is a distinctive trait#fashion icon shit around here also i'm not kidding in the least#i want well another pair of glasses for one & graphic tees short shorts a fanny pack a calculator(?) buttonsy digital watch i completely do#also again with the adhd these flashbacks were beautiful. inspiring. revelatory. profound (cont.)#it's also occurring to me that i've watched a couple movies for the first time recently and it was like. man cmon#one horror one that was like. I Said Man Cmon. another non horror one that was just like an unending shrug#all the more appreciation like yeah hey a horror movie and also just a movie where it's like yes i'm completely along for the ride wahoo yay#raising my third hand as a correct opinions about media haver#corned beef#it#no time to be coy i was here three and greater than three years ago. and just nowadays; evidently:#reddie#online listicle video voice The Couple Of Dozen V Varied Moments From The IT Movies That Drew Blood (Mine)#whoever came up with this sequence i'm kissing on the mouth like my god. again: profound#the power of the rileable using their end of things as their plausible deniability. like oh god i hope he thinks i'm cool. ok asshole Enough#being the guy Just Standing There like fellas the boy you're in love with very insistently did this wyd (only caring abt literature)#adding a 50% pink overlay like it comes time to make these coloring choices & i put on a vivacious song to inspire having fun / being myself#great choice imo. now to slide right under that midnight est wire
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danzainosolitude · 3 months
Once again I read fanfiction that seems to have been precisely written to deal psychic damage to me.
#this is about viridian the green guide. you guys actually read this slop?#boring as shit writing#awful plot lines (trigger has been resolved get new material#excessive use of italics and ‘problem child’. has the author heard anyone use a nickname irl ever#I hate bakugou slightly less than I hate Deku but even I could tell they suck at writing him#skipped over a few chapters because the writing was melting my brain but he would never be that condescending to himself#who the hell thinks ‘I’ve decided to not be an asshole’ with total seriousness#back to the bad plot lines. endeavor *checks notes* becomes a nomu and dies? I know the author nerfed everyone in the ground to match Deku#but wtf was the idea here#most successful cases in Japan and the strongest fire quirk ever (besides Dabi) and he gets treated like fodder?#there’s a certain childish canadence fanfiction writers type in when discussing ideas with others and the whole fic reeks of it.#the general easy going and generic aura vtgg emanates makes it even more insufferable#yeah insufferable is definitely the one word to describe this fic#original fic is ass and it only popularized the concepts. now you have even more bad writers speedrunning terrible concepts#it’s two am so this might not makes sense but whatever. not tagging this as mha because there are a lot of people who like this thing.#also fuck fics with love interests who were pretty happy in canon but actually have two thousand problems in fics#rant#anyways! I need to check into my games#I need to find the fic summarized so I can properly write my fanfic bashing vigilante/quirkless aus. barely any difference anyways.
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alchemocha · 1 year
Filled with literally so many feelings about jimbotnik I could burst from the seams
Just… thinking about him, his upbringing, the reasons he is the way he is now, what’s buried beneath the crafted image…
The loneliness he’s likely felt growing up. The depression and anxiety and self loathing I’m sure he’s had since far too young that he buries so deep if it were to escape again it would probably have 3 heads now. But you can only hold so much back before that dam bursts and it all overflows in a flood
He’s so fascinating to analyze and dissect psychologically, and to overlook his whole life. I’d really like to write some pieces touching on those things more directly, I have so many thoughts I couldn’t possibly convey properly just by babbling
Give jimbotnik the love and friendships he deserves!!!
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barisiscourtroom · 5 months
wow. way to disrespect my wishes, anon.
normally i would have answered an ask like that, it was anti Rollins but not violently hateful, but since you clearly sent it as a response to me asking people NOT to send me Rollins hate, i will not.
and going forward, i will not answer to anything anti Rollins.
i still don't ship Rollisi, i still think she's not perfect and that she has fucked up, but i also know that that's the point, no one is perfect, as these shows constantly shove down our throats.
so while i previously could entertain some wanky salt sessions where i went a bit anti Rollins, going forward it'll only make me think of hateful assholes like you. the kind that makes fandom a less fun place to be. the kind that never respects other people's wishes because you have an opinion and it's more important than anything else that you get to say it, regardless of the consequences. to take another fandom as an example: the kind of people that has made me hate Destiel to the point where i get annoyed 98% of the time i see anything Destiel, because some of the hellers are so fucking disgusting (and loud) in their hate towards anything they deem icky (ie: anything that isn't their ship. ie: Wincest and Sam, two of my favorite things).
and i'm not doing that. this blog probably wouldn't have been a great place for Rollisi shippers and Rollins fans, not the worst but not great, but after you, anon? they'll be fine here. because i refuse to indulge in your disgusting hate campaign.
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kitteneddiediaz · 20 days
#okay one thing that also always pissed me off about these friends I used to have is that#if I ever asked them to stop trying to make me feel ashamed of being attracted to men#it always got twisted into me saying I hate women?#dude those are two fucking different statements#any time I was attracted to a man irl it was always so sad bc it’s a missed opportunity#to be attracted to a woman instead#as if I’m not attracted to women#and have actively pursued women before#it was just always frustrating when the men-liking part of my bisexuality was conflated with misogyny#I actually am still mad about that#that I was never allowed to be upset when they put me down for having a crush on a guy#but if I asked them to stop acting like all men are evil when they were around me#it was because I hate women and I worship men#I felt like I always had to defend myself#and it always fucking sucked#anyway#I love women#and I love men#and finally being able to say that I don’t want to be around people who think it’s cool to hate on men or be disrespectful to men#just because it’s trendy or because they think it gives them morality points#is both the most freeing thing in the world#and terrifying sometimes#telling my lesbian friend irl that I don’t care if she hates men but to stop talking about it around me#was very nerve wracking because of the way these assholes made me feel#also like#anybody who sees a bisexual woman saying ‘please stop actively being hateful towards men around me’#and thinks the more important thing there is the continued hatred of men#rather than the comfort of your female friend#girl I don’t think you care about women as much as you say you do#I think you just like being hateful
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goldentigerfestival · 4 months
I love the vocal nuance in this exchange, but also posting this for my differences posts because this is one of the changes that infuriates me the most. Yuri didn't threaten Ioder, did not threaten him with a weapon, and just said he'd punch him in a lazy, half joking voice (half joking as in, he really doesn't want to hear that - that's just his way of saying so; but that's not the voice of someone who is super angry and threatening).
My other huge grievance is that this is a recurring issue between them in the dub. Yuri is pretty much always vocally rude to Ioder. Ioder has done nothing to wrong him or anyone and has only ever done good for the people where he's able to.
Yet despite Ioder being nothing but sincere, honest and polite with Yuri, in fact even happy to see him here and there, dub Yuri is outright tonally rude to him leading right up this scene where he threatens Ioder in this dark voice. Meanwhile he's actually just supposed to be… lazily telling Ioder he'll punch him in his Yuri Lowell way of saying "I don't want to hear that".
The dub really just wanted to turn Yuri into this dark edgelord and I hate that for my goofy, silly boy.
#GTF Vesperia Clips#honestly JP Yuri talks abt punching ppl often enough that it's like... this should have been an easy tl#and like honestly wtf is with the dub having Yuri at Ioder's absolute THROAT every time they talk#I'm serious when I say dub Yuri genuinely pisses me off sometimes bc he's an asshole for NO reason#it's not cool. I'm not rooting for him. I'm rooting for someone to punch him in the face for being an ass#JP Yuri would love to do it honestly he's always up for punching ppl it's a recurring theme for /him/#I've never wanted to punch JP Yuri in the face. I've wanted to punch dub Yuri in the face multiple times#that's enough for me to recognize that the dub took more than just ''creative liberties'' with the loc#it SUCKS too bc the dub in and of itself isn't bad. I've said this before but#it really is primarily Yuri and his absolute ATTITUDE problem /and/ the way the dub treats Flynn and puts him down constantly#and unfortunately often uses Yuri to do it... when they're not having Flynn himself do it#all always in areas that never even happened originally. they just literally made it up#still not over how they had Flynn basically berate himself by saying ''like a /good knight/'' at Yormgen#the dub very clearly had a /narrative/ bias against imperial figures/knights that wasn't in the original#what was the reason to drop Sodia calling Yuri ''sir'' at Aurnion? there wasn't one!#but Sodia BaD so we can't possibly let anyone see her character development and have to hide it from dub players!#unfortunately for me the dub not being bad in and of itself truly is trumped by#its treatment of Yuri and Flynn as characters and the way the game narratively directs players#for me it really is THAT BAD that it's stronger than the rest of the dub being just fine#and it really truly honestly RUINS the entire dub for me bc I love Yuri and Flynn and hate seeing them treated like that#I mean literally the whole point of me making those text posts is bc of my love for Yuri lol#and it's so sad and hard to see dub players not get the same Yuri experience simply bc... they don't even know#a lot of people didn't even realize how different he was and like... I get loving Troy's acting#but again Troy isn't the problem here. I don't want a dub that treats my favorites the way it does#I WISH Troy could have voiced Yuri the way he really is. in some way for me it feels very lonely#bc like the casual person I pass by who knows Vesp isn't likely to have not played the dub you know??#so it's like... I wanna talk abt Yuri but we aren't even talking abt the same Yuri#nearly outta tags lol but yeah it just... makes me SO sad that they did all this to those two
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