#there are other 2 that are not in the posta
nasirsagron · 4 months
Their growth is something that can be so personal
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
hey hey angie 💞 please bless us with your fanfic top 5?
Hello! 🌸
I'm sorry if I reply so late, but I wasn't home and didn't have access to my computer. Thank you for asking this question. I've been wanting to write a post about my favourite fics for ages now. There are too many. That's why I can't pic 5 favourites, but I will make a run out of my bookmarks for now, if that's okay 👉👈🥹. This was fun and I have so many more fics that I love. Like all the ABOs and really so many others, but I don’t want to add them all in a post because they will get lost and they deserve ALL the attention. So let’s tag this as a LARRY FIC RECS - PART 1. Please, if you read any of these, let me know and let’s discuss them! <3
I'm very excited! Alright, let's go in no specific order:
Mirror Touch by pinky_heaven19 (59K): synesthesia AU that made me all soft and melting. Easily, one of the first fics I'd recommend.
The Changer and the Changed by homosociallyyours (60K): Hands down the best Girl direction AU for me. Lots of lesbian and feminism talk. Very very good. I saved it on my phone and re-read it every now and then. 
No pressure, no diamonds by karamelised (71K): Another fic I would read in loop. It’s just fun and hot but also angstyyy. Louis is a menace and Harry CAN’T (can he?) have any of it. They got me all in the first scene. The description of Harry got me like “alright yeah, that’s it. that’s the one”. Venice x Larry is always a good idea.
Love After the End of the World by mercurial-madhouse (writing_practice) (162K): This one is the dystopian-soulmate AU you need to read. Louis is such a pain in the ass in this one, I swear. You can't not love it lmao
Sodalite & Aventurine by forreveries (81K): Give me all the pirates fics, because I will drink them up like water in the desert. 
Fading by tothemoonmydear (202K): please read the tags of this one. It's a tough one, I read it long ago, so I don't remember much of the writing style, but I think the ED is depicted in a very thoughtful way.
Time Passed by coffinofachimera (66K): this broke my heart. I rarely cry with fics, but I sobbed at the end. Like the tags say... heavy heavy angst.
Our Lives, Non-Fiction by indiaalphawhiskey (@indiaalphawhiskey) (114K): I will defend this fic til my last breath. It's mature, it's complex, it's metaliterature at some point. Definitely NOT canonical, loved it!
For As Long As I Can Remember (It's Been December) by green_feelings (116K): the amnesia AU that got under my skin because it made me sooooo mad!
And down the long and silent street by whimsicule (86K): This fic just came back in my mind yesterday in chat with @lt2hoe! Victorian London, wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder. More of these please!
Chasing Empty Spaces by Lis (domesticharry) (79K): even though I remember complaining with my sister about the fact that it contains few historical innaccurancies, I loved the story! Very emotional til the very very very end.
Dance to the Distortion by Lis (domesticharry) (97K): speaking of annoying Louis... this author never disappoints, trust me!
Let's Fall in Love in a Place You Want to Stay by embro (134K): this was cute and got me pouting all along cause I didn’t know if I was sad or just emotional. Oh, this is the Tarzan AU!
Take My Breath Away by RealityBetterThanFiction (154K): Top gun AU. One direction as pilots was what I needed. Narry is magical here!
With The Strength To Carry On by lovelarry10, therogueskimo (113K): I read it for my professional bias. Doctor AU. They cute cute cute. 
The school of extraordinary lovers by stylinsoncity (168K): I think I consider this one a classic. It’s simply a beautiful read. 
Maybe down in lonesome town by resurrectdead (45K): I don't quite remember this one, but it's in my bookmarks so I'll trust past me and rec this too. Farm AU are my guilty pleasure.
Let me separate my favourite authors from the rest because I’m on my knees for these two angels: 
The agony and the rapture by @thedevilinmybrain (venomedveins) (79K): you have no idea how much I love this fic. I would dare say I love it as much as I love pistacchios. And I love pistacchios A LOT. 
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is by devilinmybrain (venomedveins) (35K): As Dj Khaled would say... ANOTHER ONE. This is my love letter for @thedevilinmybrain I’m not sorry. 
Babydoll blues by devilinmybrain (venomedveins) (111K): my comfort fic. I read it when I wanna feel something. Hottest one on AO3. So hot it’s dangerous. They have this great ability to create this fantastic dynamic between Harry and Louis. I can’t get enough. 
And the other fave must be @larrydoinglaundry <3 
Love is a word, you gave it a name by CuckooTrooke (158K): this fic is everything. Smut, fluff, serious talk, gender talk, adventure, mental health. Waiting for the sequel like a kid waits for Christmas morning. 
This chemistry like candy to me by CuckooTrooke (35K): If you have ever asked me for an omega Harry fic rec, this one is the first one I mentioned. 100% recommended by me to literally anyone lmao. it’s the fluffiest, most endearing, I like the way the author explores and navigates some events.
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anitalianfrie · 1 day
sad gay little girl pecco 🥹🥹 i would protect him with my life
sorry anon i will hijack this ask to talk about girl pecco..... my beautiful little sad girl who doesn't feel like she fits even in the academy..... she's too serious and needs to smile more and she's too self conscious..... and there's also the matter of her sexuality.... sorry guys i love girl pecco
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gcorvetti · 1 year
Perchè mi impunto?
Quando si parla di musica e si distorce con termini sbagliati un genere o una categoria mi irrito, non per l'oramai conclamato sfottò del "quanto ce capiscer" che per me è irrilevante, ma semplicemente perché la musica è una forma di cultura, spesso sub-cultura, che ha delle connotazioni specifiche; si ovvio tutti lo sanno che si può sfociare in altri ambiti stilistici e che non è detto che un artista o band siano per forza legati a quel genere o ad un altro, le famose etichette appiccicate. Ma, e c'è sempre un ma, quando si parla di one-man band o one-woman band drizzo subito le antenne perché sono un one-man band, cosa significa esserlo? Significa che ti fai il culo a portare avanti un discorso che unisce non solo diversi strumenti suonati contemporaneamente, credetemi non è facile ma non è impossibile, ma anche canto (che non è contemplato come uno strumento perché può essere omesso) scrivere da solo i brani, provarli e riprovarli fino allo sfinimento, fare le performance dal vivo da solo e altre piccole cose che sono importanti e che fanno del one-man band un musicista diverso dagli altri. E' un'attitudine che non tutti hanno, ripeto non è impossibile ma non è proprio una passeggiata, io personalmente quando decisi di intraprendere questa strada artistica mi sono trovato a risolvere problemini che quando suonavo con le band non avevo, come per esempio il ritmo, nella band ci pensa il batterista (spesso ero io il batterista). Ricordo che all'inizio ero esaltatissimo come non mai e montai la batteria come meglio pensavo in quel momento e infocata la chitarra mi misi a fare quello che fanno tutti gli altri, un boom-cha boom-cha quasi tecno, però subito mi accorsi che non volevo quello e intrapresi un percorso di ricerca più per rendere il mio progetto diverso dagli altri. Mi sono dilungato un pò, capita, tutto questo pippone è per dire
che oggi nella pagina FB degli studenti stranieri a Tartu, che è poco studentesca e molto commerciale perché ognuno ci posta la pubblicità al proprio prodotto e agli eventi, un tizio ha postato lo show di una 'one-woman band' in teatro con tanto di foto della tipa dietro una batteria. Allora mi accendo e inizio a spulciare prima l'evento per vedere se c'è materiale audio o video, poi sempre per super curiosità, perché le 1wb sono decisamente meno dei 1mb anche se devo dire che c'è molto fermento sulle quote rosa in questa nicchia. Vado allora sul tubo e cerco il nome della tizia, trovo e inizio a guardare questa performance, semplicemente la tipa non suona proprio la batteria e racconta cose, quindi perché la definizione di one-woman band? Che cazzo c'azzecca? Rispondo al post un pò malamente, lo so ma ste cose mi fanno girare i coglioni, ma non ricevo risposta, un classico. Ho scritto questo "The definition of one man band is "A one-man band is a musician who plays a number of instruments simultaneously using their hands, feet, limbs, and various mechanical or electronic contraptions." she bangs the drums and sings, where is the other instrument? bah." Certo un pò saccente ma direi più provocatorio, perché in questo paesino al confine del mondo non hanno idea onestamente di cosa sia la musica, sempre per la gap dell'URSS, e spacciano spesso qualcosa per un'altra che non lo è, semplicemente avrebbero dovuto scrivere "solo performer" è più adatto alla situazione visto che è una cosa teatrale e non musicale. Il solito appellarsi di titoli e capacità che realmente non hai, come il ragazzetto che dopo 2 anni di musica si definisce songwriter/composer/sound engineer/producer, tutte professioni (soprattutto il sound engineer) che richiedono anni di studio e pratica per essere compresi e maneggiati bene ma con cura. Personalmente sono stufo di questo modo di mostrarsi grossi o bravi che hanno assunto le persone, sono 40 anni su 50 che suono e mi definisco un musicista semplice come tutti gli altri, forse dovrei iniziare a fare pesare la mia esperienza, ma non sono il tipo che si vanta di saper fare qualcosa che in realtà sanno fare anche altri e che c'è poco da vantarsi, come quelli che dicono (esempio) "Mi sono laureato" quante persone si laureano ogni anno? Siamo 8 miliardi nel mondo, su 8 miliardi ci sarà qualcuno che fa la tua stessa cosa e se non lo trovi online forse perché non gli frega di mostrarsi in questo mondo dove questi elementi citati sopra oltre a non essere quello che dicono, quindi bugiardi, tendono a sminuire il lavoro degli altri per farsi grossi loro, poi figuriamoci in sto posto. Chiudo e vado a suonare, ma prima...
Si, sono io, in questo brano non canto ma di solito lo faccio, questo video è l'unico che ho perché onestamente sono quello che non gli frega, il boogie l'ho concepito nei 10-20 minuti precedenti alla registrazione del video e ho fatto il filmato perché è divertente, non pensavo venisse così bene ed è stato un amico a convincermi di metterlo online, buona visione/ascolto.
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jubaer01 · 4 months
TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online
Government of Turkey eVisa - Turkiako Gobernu Ofizialaren Visa Elektronikoa linean, lineako prozesu azkarra eta azkarra
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Address : Calle de Serrano, 75, MADRID, SPAIN
Phone : (+34) 91-587-2200
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/eu/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Albert Deniz  Dilara
Description :Berrogeita hamar 50 herrialdeetako batetik datozen bisitariek Turkiako bisa eskatzeko eskubidea dute sarean telefonoa edo ordenagailua erabiliz. Turkiako bisa eskatzeko inprimakia telefono mugikor batetik, ordenagailutik edo beste tresna elektroniko batetik aurkez daiteke. Behar dena momentu pare bat da Turkiako eVisarako lineako elektronikoa amaitzeko. Onartutako e-Visa batekin, atzerritarrek Turkiako Errepublika bisitatu dezakete 30 edo 90 egunez aisialdirako bidaiak edo negozio bisitak egiteko. Denbora tartea beste pasaporteko zure nazionalitatearen araberakoa da, 30 egun edo 90 egunekoa izan daiteke. Eskatzaileek EZ dute batere beharrezkoa Turkiako gobernuaren bulego edo enbaxada bat bisitatu beharrik. Gainera, ez dago dokumentuak eta pasaportea mezulari edo posta bidez bidali beharrik. Aplikazioa ehuneko 100 sarean dago. Bisa elektronikoa jasoko duzu posta elektroniko bidez, inprimatu eta aireportura eraman dezakezuna bidaiatzen duzun bitartean. Pasaporte eskubidea duten guztiek eVisa eskatu behar dute Turkian sartzeko, adingabeak barne. Tutoreek edo gurasoek bisa eskaera amaitu dezakete ume baten izenean. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, Turkiako e-Visa aplikazioak une pare bat besterik ez ditu behar amaitzeko. Hautagaiek 2-3 minututan amaitu dezakete egitura elektronikoa etxetik edo bulegotik. Zure pasaporteak 6 hilabeteko balioa izan behar du Turkiako Errepublikan sartzeko unean. Honako herrialde hauek Turkiako Visa eskatzeko eskubidea dute, Bahamak, Kanada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexiko, Txipre, Dominikar, Dominikar Errepublika, Antigua eta Barbuda, Australia, Santa Luzia, Hegoafrika, Hong Kong-BN. (O), Arabiar Emirerri Batuak, Kuwait, Maldivas, Estatu Batuak, Fiji, Jamaika, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Surinam, Txina, Mauricio, Ekialdeko Timor, Armenia eta Saudi Arabia. Those visitors who are from one of the fifty 50 countries are now eligible to apply for a Turkish visa totally on the web using their phone or pc. The Turkey visa application form can be submitted from a cell phone, PC, or other electronic gadgets. All that's needed is a couple of moments to finish the online electronic for for Turkish eVisa. With a supported e-Visa, foreigners can plan visit the Repubic of Turkiye for up to 30 or 90 days for the recreational trips or business visit. The time span relies upon your nationality on othe passport, it may be 30 days or 90 days. Applicants are NOT at all required to visit a Turkish government office or embassy anytime. Also, there is no need to courier the documents and passport by courier or mail. The application is 100 percent on the web. You will get an electronic endorsed visa by email, which you can print out and carry with yourself to the airport while travelling. All eligible passport holders need to apply for an eVisa to enter Turkey, including minors. Guardians or parents can finish the visa application on behalf of a kid. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, The Turkey e-Visa application will just require a couple of moments to finish. Candidates can finish the electronic structure from the home or office in 2-3 minutes. Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry into the Repubic of Turkey. The following countries are eligible to apply for a Turkish Visa, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexico, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Hong Kong-BN(O), United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Maldives, United States, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, China, Mauritius, East Timor, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
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mitmama · 1 year
Cartagena Food & Columbia Travel Tips
Cartagena | Rosario Islands | Bogota | Food & Travel Tips
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Our kids’ favorite part of the trip? the amazing Colombia food! 
Cartagena Cuisine
We love seafood and really enjoyed the food in Cartagena. Their cuisine is a unique blend of Spanish, African, and indigenous influences. Being on the Caribbean coast means that seafood is a staple of the diet, and many dishes are also flavored with tropical fruits and spices.
This blog post does a great job of describing popular dishes in Cartagena:
Mojarra: a white freshwater fish with mild flavor, golden fried. It’s probably our favorite dish on the trip.  It’s usually served with yummy coconut rice, and patacones or fried plantains.
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Cazuela de Mariscos: seafood stew, this one from Bogota came in still boiling in a pot.
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Arroz Marinero / Arroz con mariscos - similar to Spanish paella, made with rice cooked in seafood broth and sautéed with shrimp, and other seafood.
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Camarones al Ajillo: shrimp in garlic oil
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Ceviche: delicious as always, in Cartagena it’s sometimes made with coconut milk.
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Posta Negra: This grilled steak is coated in a sweet and savory sauce. We actually had it in Bogota’s Origen Bistro. Their version is probably not the most authentic, but so tender and juicy.  Probably my favorite steak on any trip for the tender and sweet taste.  Sorry the picture didn’t do it justice. 
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Arepa de Huevo - Arepas, grilled or fried corn meal patties, are common all over Colombia and Venezuela.  However, there’s a unique spin on the arepa on the Colombian coast.  Before being thrown into the frying pot, the arepa is stuffed with an egg is cracked inside the arepa.  The finished product is a golden brown, crunchy, and super yummy arepa.
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Mote de Queso: made with chunks of the salty, crumbly costeño cheese and ñame, a root vegetable similar to yams.
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Empanadas: These savory pastries are filled with a variety of ingredients, this beef one has thin and crispy skin.
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Pastebono, or cheese bread, is one of my all-time favorite food, so chewy and delicious. La Esquina del Pandebono makes these and flaky pastry with Posta Negra that tastes like beef jerky.  Don’t miss these!
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Beer’s cheap here, about $2-2.50 in a restaurant.  The local Club Colombian beer is quite good. We usually had that with our meal or tried the limonada de coco (coconut limeade), so good!
And don’t forget of course the Colombian Coffee, very flavorful.
We didn’t try as much of the Bogota local cuisine.  Here’s a good blog post on that. Tell, next time!
Food tips
Food prices can vary greatly.  For 5 of us including 2 kids, most meals came to $30-50, as we didn’t go for for the fancier places or ate steak in Bogota.  
The exchange rate is 4,400 COP to 1 USD.  
I looked for restaurants on Google Maps.  The reviews are generally decent, as long as enough people rated. We did try one basic cafeteria place for dinner but didn’t really enjoyed the food much. So $$ is around the right range for us. 
I usually check for recommended dish in Google Maps and also ask the waiters.  Some of the best dishes I’ve had come from their recommendations, things I wouldn’t typically order. 
If you order steak or salmon, more catering to Western taste, it’s gonna cost more.  Stick with local cuisine and you’ll have more authentic and affordable food.
Finally, some quick travel tips.
We had amazingly smooth travel on this trip, every flight’s on time and smooth. The $300 roundtrip direct flight from Boston to Bogota was from Avianca, which charged $80 for a carry-on bag (one way), and for seats, and $3 for water.  Yep, that’s how they get you. ;-)
We flew Latam to Cartagena, which also charged for bags ($17/way) but did give water and good snacks. 
Data plan
Traveling without data plan would be a nightmare, as you need it to figure out where to go, Uber, and translation. Verizon offers $10/day data plan, while Google Fi has coverage of multiple countries.  I don’t have either, so I got the Airalo data-only eSIM instead for $8 for 1 GB/week. Note installing can be a bit of a challenge, so be patient. You can then use apps like TextNow to call if needed.
Many locals don’t really speak English. So it helps to have about some common Spanish phrases handy.  After the trip, my son agrees that learning Spanish is a good idea!
Hola - Hello
Buenos días - Good morning
Por favor - Please
Gracias - Thank you
Baño - Bathroom
Cuánto - How much
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Aqua del grifo / agua en un vaso - ice water -> yes, the water is safe to drink in Bogota and Cartagena
I generally stick to simple words when traveling. It’s easier to remember and easier for others to figure out what I’m saying, so just “Baño” or “Baño, por favor”.  And lots of “Gracias” for being polite.
On your phone, the Google translate app also comes in handy.  You can save the Spanish dictionary on your phone.
Getting around
The easiest way to get around is using the Uber app. This saves you from having to explain where to go to taxi drivers.  And most rides are $2-5, quite cheap.  We had 5 people so not quite legal to ride in one cab.  We were able to negotiate with taxi drivers when needed, or just tell the Uber we have 3 adults and 2 kids, so they can come prepared.  You can tip Uber drivers 50 cents or $1 for good rides.  Our most expensive Uber ride was a scheduled ride 5am in the morning to the airport with bags, and that was only $14 USD.
Where to stay
I typically stay in the center of town where it’s easy to walk to sites and restaurants.  I chose hotels instead of Airbnbs on this trip, so we can easily ask for direction and other help.  It’s very safe in Cartagena. Staying in the walled old town or Centro so you can see everything.
In Bogota we stayed in the old town, Candelaria, to be close to the sites, and the hotel guy said it’s safe until 9pm. With grandparents and children, we’re usually back before then anyway.  For a more upscale stay, there are neighborhoods like Usaquén.
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icselpatlamalar · 1 year
Bu saate bunu yazmak baya akıl hastası işi ama here we go.
Çok çok çok uzun zamandır yalnızım. Resmi olarak 2 yıl. Resmisizlikle olarak 4 yıldır. Belkide karanlıklara baksam hayatım boyunca.
Hiç arkadaşım olmaıd belkide. Öyle gelmiyor. Çünkü arkadaşından ayrılsan bile bir sadakat beklersin. Ama öyle olmadı bende. 
Aslında yıllarca yalnızlıkla mutlu olmayı öğredim gibi. Gibi gibi. Gibi değil öyle oldu.
Sizi düş kırıklığına uğratan, arkanızdan konuşan, yüzünüze yetersiz, sizi aşağılayan onca insan görünce, insanlarla kocaman bir duvarın arkasından posta kutumdan ben isteidğim gibi yakın olmaya başladım.
Bu bir günde olmadı, bin günde oldu.
Ben çok ama çok ağır depresyon yaşamış atlatmış biriyim. Ve diyebilirim ki, cidden insanlar asla size fayda olmuyor. Böyle şeleri tek başıma kapalı kapılar arkasında sokaklarda atlatınca gerçekten kimseyi sikleyesim gelmiyor.
Bunu yazma nedenim bir şey tak etti. Belkide yalnız olmak daha güzel ya mal mal insanlarla uğraşmaktan. 
Çünkü abi 10 yetenği olan, yakışıklı, kibar, olgun, aklı yerinde, zeki, çevik, eğlenceli espirili derin biriyim.
Bana gelenler? Tramvatik ayakta durmaayan ezik egoist kaşar karılar.
Banane ya.
Zaten hiçbir akradaşlık istediğim seviyede tutkudao lmuyorsa, why try?
Belkide problemim bu, çok önemsiyorum yalnızlığı. Buraya kadar.
Ben salıyorum yalnız olmayı. Sevgilisiz, aşksız, arkadaşsız, samiyetsizliği. Umrumda olan bu olmamalı.
Bu demek değilki hayatın merkezindeki aprtinin kordinatörü ben olmayayim.
Aslında tam tersi, ben herkesle ve herşeyle iletişimde giren biriyim. Fakat why? Neden böyle boş beleş insanlar ve işlerle uğraşiyim ki.
Bana ne kattı bunca insan?
Aslında 2018 kışından 2022 yazına kadari aradaki herkes çok gereksizmiş. Arada güzeller çıktı ama abi yinede idgaf. Sevmiyorum açıkçası. Beni eğlendirmiyorki?
Her içimi açtığımda sanki bir çocuğa açılıyor gibi yada salak saçma bir insanmışım gibi trmavatik olaylar, bu olaylarda abi napiyim salak saçmalıklar peşimi bırakmıyor amık.
Üzgünüm garip hayatımı kisme için söndüremem ve artık no looking back or setteling down ya.
Ne uğraşıcam amık delileri ile. Gerek yokke.
Zaten öyle speküle ediyordum ama artık uğruna yaşadığım hayat insanalr değil ya. Kendim, iyilik, ilerleme, devrim.
Eskiden çok takardım kim benim hakkımda ne diyor diye de, ağzı olan sıçıp batırıyor. Gerek yok insanlara.
Çünkü honestly, yılalrca edindiğim hiç ama hiç bir akradaşlık bana bir bok katmadı.
Hiçbir akradaşlık yada ilişki bana bir bok katmadı.
Sadece beni daha soğuk daha bağımsız, daha az sikleyen önemseyen, daha günlük yaşayan düşünen biri yaptı.
Yılalrca insanlara güvenmemeyi, kendin güçlü ve kale gibi olmayı öğrendim. No need for basic bitches with travia shit that traumatizes them.
Yani şu noktada cidden kimseyi mutlu etmek, iyileştirmek, eğlendirmek, destek olmak, beraber eğlenmek, beraber büyümek, beraber bişiler yaşamak beni çok da cezbetmiyor.
Ne bilem belkide insanlıktan ıskıldım artık? 
Ne gerek var ezik orospu çocuklarına ya?
Ben böyle mutluyum zaten abi.
Yani yalnızlık koyar adama dicektim de, o yalnız olunmamak için gereken maymunlukları görünce bilicne insan köşesinde izdivada takılası kendi hayatını yaşamaya devam edesi geliyor.
Ne gerek var bunca trmavatik ipi kopuk köpeğe.
Yani yakın olduklarında beni çok siklendirmiyor.
Açıkçası yılalrca neden yalnızım ve neden kimse ile arkadaş olamıyorum diye sordum ve bunun cevabı şlak diye yüzüme yapıştı.
İki üç partiden selfi atmak ve diğer insanlara eğlenip mutlu olduğumu kanıtlamaktan başka bu insanlar bana ne kattı amık? Ve cidden bu selfi pozların kaynağı benken, why need others?
Ben kendi kendime pwoerhousum zaten i dont need anyone.
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qakoqujagas · 2 years
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killman-enderson · 3 years
i posta the blaseball art ive done so far
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top left was artfight 4 glassgoblin, and bottom left for the beams solstice trade! other 2 are 4 me ( i cant finish the binky one bc i do NOT know how 2 draw the silly little concessions stand )
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kitcat992 · 4 years
I come with questions! — 1) Really enjoyed Identity Crisis so I was wondering how the idea for it came about? Like, was it a small vague idea that grew or was it full grown idea straight from the get go? What things changed as you were writing it? 2) What's your method of writing? Do you plan ahead/outline or just go with the flow and edit as you go/later? I am a mess and so I like knowing stuff like that lol
OMG I absolutely DIE when I get questions like these!!!
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If you can’t tell, almost no one ever asks me author related questions so I get super excited when someone does 😆 Your girl is about to rammmmbbllleeeeeeee!
Alright, so! Identity Crisis. How did the idea come about? That’s a good one.
I don’t know.
Next question?
Lol, but for real. I came up with the idea during chapter 12 of Identity Theft. That was the chapter I realized “Oh shit, there is NO WAY in any universe I’ll ever be able to tell this entire narrative in one fanfic. Uhhhh...crap. Okay, so...well...uh....sequel? Eck, no, sequel sounds grabby. A continuation. Yes. We’ll *continue* the story in another installment. Shit. Am I doing a series? Goddamnit. I didn’t sign up for this. This is bullshit.”
Basically, when I was writing Identity Theft, I threw every single idea, concept, piece of dialogue, plot thread - all of it. I threw it into a document and began sorting it out. Things I wanted to write, things I wanted to happen, things I felt needed to happen, ect ect and ect ect. Those oddball moments of daydreaming while driving home from work? I logged it all. No thought was spared from being documented.
I’d say maybe 50% got moved into the Identity Crisis folder because there was only so much I could pack into Identity Theft while still holding true to the original narrative I wanted to tell (that being: Tony realizes just how much Peter means to him, Peter gets himself into a pickle, Tony thinks he’s lost him for good/almost looses him for good, Tony comes to realize he’s #dad and ain’t going back)
Was it always a small vague idea? Yeah, kinda. I always knew I wanted to do Venom. Similar to how Identity Theft’s barebone concept was Tony #dad, the barebone concept for Identity Crisis was Peter having PTSD from Identity Theft, and his emotions being manifested and manipulated into something much more extreme by the symbiote. Now, for a HOT second, I was annoyed with how  many Venom fics were popping up thanks to Sony’s Venom movie, and I reallllyyy didn’t want to seem like I was doing the same, so I entertained the idea of using Kraven the Hunter as the antagonist for the fic instead (seeing as he’s Dimitri’s brother) However, it never clicked, it never worked, and I never even got the concept on paper. I absolutely needed the symbiote for Peter’s character arc, and definitely needed it for Norman’s (which also leads into something bigger than this narrative can contain, godeffingdamnit I really did NOT sign up for this!)
The only major change the story has seen since outlining it has been length. It was originally only outlined as...20 chapters, I think? The problem is, the further out you outline, the more vague your layouts become. You outline “May and Tony have a talk” only to actually *write* that talk and realize it was most of the chapter, and you need to start splitting things up to avoid reader fatigue.
So I guess that leads right into question #2! Do I plan ahead/outline? Abas-posta-tivly-loutly. Every scene, every chapter, even pieces of dialogue are all already pre-written and laid out.
Again, some are very simplistic - May and Tony discuss Peter’s behavior over lunch. Others are much more detailed - I have 20% of a conversation between Peter and Tony during Chapter 19 already written out, and I wrote it easily over a year ago. As I think of it, I write it. Most of the time, I make notes in my phone, and then copy that back into my computer documents when I have the free time.
The whole “I’ll remember that later” thing is a trap and no writer should ever fall for it.
I also have all my chapters divided into Acts. All my stories have 5 Acts - that’s always been the number that works for me. Act 1 is the foundation, Act 2 is the build up, Act 3 is Shit Goes Down, Act 4 is the More Shit Goes Down/and the Aftermath, Act 5 is the conclusion. Sometimes I view the Acts as seasons, too. Like a TV show. I dunno, it just helps me plan and keep a solid flow to the story.
Outlining never happens in one day either, by the way. I was outlining Identity Crisis WHILE writing Identity Theft. I’m outlining the final story in this series while writing Identity Crisis. The outline can change a little bit once the story starts - I’ve added a few unplanned scenes in both fics along the way, and deleted a few others too. Doctor Strange helping during Peter’s surgery in Chapter 24 of Identity Theft? Was never originally planned. Thor showing up at the end of Identity Theft? THAT was originally planned, and scrapped. Tony asking Hank Pym for Pym Particulars during Chapter 12 of Identity Crisis? Was never planned. I still go with the flow when writing. I don’t stick strictly to an outline i f it doesn’t work anymore. Now, that always adds to my chapter lengths, word count, stresses me out and gives me anxiety - but hey. That’s writing for ya
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
What signals and hints?Louis is actively participating in this stunt,to me it feels like he is playing both sides so I am trying to find out what signals about BG ending are you seeing.we have been here before,we all thought it was ending many times before so why would it be different this time?
Good day to you 🌸
There’s a song that goes “adda passà a nuttat”! And it means “the night has to end”. I feel like you every two weeks, to be fair. My life is a swing between super positive thoughts and very obscure realisations.
I am not sure I have the answers to your questions. I am just hoping and nothing more. But as I said, that’s me coming to my conclusions because I don’t like the idea I’m being played but some rich men. That would mean I was wrong not only on bbg, but on him as a person. Now, I definitely don’t like that. Everyone’s takes on this matter are valid. I think it’s okay if we sometimes become more cynical, but it’s okay to have high hopes too. That’s on you to choose which way to cope with all this.
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The Draconic Demon Within: Chapter 4: A Demon’s All-Consuming Rage
The Draconic Demon Within
Genres: Romance, Friendship/Family, Drama/Angst, Hurt/ Comfort, & New Adult Fanfiction
Vera's April 2018 Prompts: Soul, Empyrean, Savage, Memory, Trust, Fear, Unstoppable , Resilient, Supernatural (Implied) Lost (Implied) and Loathing.
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Dreams
Nalu Week 2019 Prompts (Implied:) Lost, Curse, Trial, Treasure, Chance and possibly Bare.
Pairing: Nalu/EndLu,( Natsu x Lucy/ E.N.D. x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You have been warned!)
Summary: Now faced with the reality of who he is truly is, the son of Igneel must contend with the new darker instincts of his new demonic identity- all while navigating through his ever-growing, intense feelings for a particular celestial wizard. Originally a Submission (semi -au) for Nalu lovefest 2017 (on my previous celestialgeekmage account and now an entry for nalu week 2019 with chapter 3. (Also was on my earliest previous accounts of teamedwardjace/Twishadowhunter in the past. Also part of Vera's April 2018 prompt challenge from fic-writers appreciation on cosmicdragonwizard).
Chapter 4: A Demon's All- Consuming Rage
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl back again with another installment of TTDW! Fun fact: Being temporarily off work for a few weeks due to pandemic has provided some extra free time to edit and posta new chapter for this fic ( which is on account of the temporary closures of public institutions, and public spaces along with non-essential businesses/services in Ontario-the Canadian province I'm from). This isn't to suggest I'm not without fear or concern about the pandemic or potential effects on global infrastructure but at least I'm mostly coping as best as anyone can at this time. Hope you guys are all too. ( A bit more on this in the A/N at the end of this chapter .) Anyway, hope that this chapter and my other fanfics along with those from amazing writers can help you all while stuck at home. All right, that's pretty much my whole spiel for now. Without further ado, here's Chapter 4 of TTDW-Enjoy! 
(Note: Scroll down past the read more button/cut for the  designated legend menu and actual story content).
Disclaimer: Fairytail does not belong to me, but to the most honourable Hiro-sensei instead, for whom without this work of love wouldn't be possible. 
Read Previous Chapters of TDDW and on platforms here:
(Copy and paste the links into another  window if need be)
A. Tumblr
Previous (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/185917542578/the-draconic-demon-within-chapter-3)
Next (Coming Soon:)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17365061/chapters/40861307)
2. Ongoing Master  Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italic: Song Lyrics/Quotes (or flashback dialogue)
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: Empathized, stylized Word(s) or bloodthirsty fantasies
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
"Your body is full of rage.
Every sinew. It is easy to read.
You speak volumes with a clenched fist."
( Paolo Bacigalupi: The Drowned Cities)
"Seriously? Luce's alive?
That…. I can't...
A wave of overjoyed relief was washing over Natsu from the spectacular news about his best friend still breathing.
"Hear that Luce?!" He sobbed, not bothering to wipe the moisture from his eyes." You're alive and gonna be okay— Thank God! Really... don't ... know what I'd do without ya…," Scarlet-red eyes remained focused/trained on the face on the motionless angel in his arms.
"Pretty sure the guild and the rest of the people we know would be just as devastated if they lost such an incredible person and wizard . Glad you're okay either way though." Natsu's hands were stroking sweat-plastered strands of Lucy's hair back from her eyes with delicate care .
Really glad she's still in fact alive and kicking…
In that very moment , it was as if the world had fallen away; leaving just the two of them. Nothing else seemed to matter then . Not cold-blooded enemies in the room, or the recent battle just moments before; Not even E.n.d's unnerving metamorphosis. Just a dragon-demon and his most precious star with those subtle breaths, the visible rise and fall of her chest that somehow escaped any kind of major notice before.
Words can't even describe how relieved I am . Digits combed through Lucy's blonde tresses from crown to tip in a physical display of tender affection.
Hmm... Lucy's hair feels really nice. Natsu couldn't help but marvel at texture of her beneath his fingertips .Don't think I've ever stopped to fully appreciate it before .
"Gotta say that your hair feels really nice, Luce." Natsu voiced this innermost thoughts aloud; though his words were coming in soft. ."Smells real amazin' too."
Damn was the appealing fragrance of jasmine with a hint of cyclamen flooding his senses beyond intoxicating."like jasmine and that other flower we saw once— cyclamen, I think. . You've been using a new scented shampoo again, I see. Not that I'm complainin'."
"Psh—Listen to me" Natsu tacked on with a rueful chuckle that was still a bit thick from all that weeping before. " Gettin' all sentimental and crap. Hell... stripper would never even let me live it down if he heard . Still be damn proud of you though just like I am for how well you handled yourself in battle. Why don't we tell him all about it once you're awake and we're out of here?. Bet he'd like that . Till then, the two of us just need to sit tight and figure out our next move, okay?"
Wait ...
The fire demon's hands continued their fond movements- only for blood to freeze in his veins when noticing an unsightly contusion on Lucy's forehead; accented by a small gash just above her brow.
When did this happen? I swear those injuries hadn't there been seconds before .. .
Crimson eyes scanned his best friend's battered frame for further damage in alarm . My God... Natsu's breath caught in his throat at the sight of that line of discolorations on her legs . Not to mention all those scratches along with the small gash peeking out through the tattered remains of Lucy's Star dress .
"Oh Luce..." He sighed, remorseful voice breaking on her name. "Can see that you're in pretty rough shape right now. I'm so sorry. Honestly don't know how or why you had a delayed reaction to all the damage. But this wouldn't have happened if I only had grabbed you and run or got your spirits to transport you to their world, Hell— Maybe we could've both escaped and I could've helped kept you safe while figuring out this new demon form means for us together. Anyways, time to put pressure on your wound."
A hand tore a loose piece of fabric to apply pressure on the hemorrhaging wound. "See? You'll be okay . Gonnal get ya' all fixed up and good as new in no time ."
Damn Luce stills looks like an angel to me, Natsu mused in reverent admiration . Even with those injuries...
"Ooh- how cute!" Jackal's dervisie voice cut  through  the other demon’s reverie; whose arms automatically protectively tightened around Lucy's frame out of fierce instinct-automatic without a second though. Not to mention those two pair of eyes he could sense that set him on edge."
"Aw Damn." Jackal broke in again with a gleeful taunt that bordered on sadistic."That poor,pretty girl of you is covered in ugly bruises and scratches, Dragneel."
That little ...
Natsu's head automatically snapped around to meet Jackal with a baleful snarl. Damn was that all that black rage roaring in his veins all too consuming.
"There's that growling again" Jackal cackled, clearly unfazed at by the alpha demon's bared canines ." Bared fangs and what not. Such a shame what happened to Blondie here , or is it? You really did a number on her, huh Tempester?"
"Huh," Tempester mused, bland disinterest colouring his tone."it seems I did . Kind of forgot that my curses can sometimes have o delayed side effects on people . Who knows? That pathetic wrench might even have internal bleeding.
"You goddamned bastard!" The flame- eater raged, fury boiling over. "Lucy ain't pathetic or some kind of toy to play with ... God.. All those injuries… are you fault and . I swear that You're both gonna pay for what you did to her!"
"Oh-You think so?" Jackal scoffed with let out another infantilizing laugh —beyond infuriating .
"Someone's rattled." Tempster pointed out, listless eyes trained on the stone-brick wall ahead. "Unfortunate."
"You don't say," Jackal deadpanned, with a disdainful roll of the eyes ."But Seriously Though , E.N.D, do you even hear yourself? .I mean getting all riled up over a human girl in that way —talk about pathetic. Sure said girl is extremely beautiful with a killer bod and feisty personality to boot—I'll give you that. But is she worth losing your cool over or fraternizing with? I don't think so and neither should you . God knows all that pent up rage and aggression would be far more suited for another cause. Not to mention, you'd better off without her life tainting your judgement and hindering your full potential as the most powerful of all etherious. So let's resolve this, shall we? Hand over the celestial wizard and I'll gladly dispose of her for you . Sound good?"
" 'Sound good?'Sound Good?!’ Are you kidding me?"!
Good God did those last words only serve to incense the snarling dragon further.
" There's no way in hell I'm gonna give Lucy up or let either of you touch her!"
"Come on Dragneel-be reasonable."
"No-rot in hell!"
"Oh honestly E.N.D.-"
"My name is Natsu!"
"Well okay then, Natsu— Just calm down ." Jackal's couldn't seem to resist reprimanding the fire demon; as if he were some errant child pitching a fit ."You're being ridiculous. Anyways, tell you what. I promise to make her death as qui-"
"Shut up!"
" Quick and mostly painless..."
"I said shut up!" En.d's voice rose to an ear-splitting roar that could've struck terror into the hearts of the gods themselves. "Try anything on her and I swear I'll kill you!"
To Be Continued
A/N: Well that's Chapter 4 folks- hope you enjoyed! Now a bit more about the pandemic situation in Ontario . Like many other provinces and countries around the world,, the government of Ontario has opted to shut down/ temporarily close non-essential services, businesses, public spaces and institutions to help curb the spread of the virus for a few weeks (or more) before spring break. Such institutions include all schools and childcare centres/ services in those settings which applies to the childcare company I'm currently employed with. You know on account of most of their centres and programs being based in public schools. (Independently-run Daycares also remain closed. And yes i'm a ECE by trade for any who were wondering or didn't already). Schools and child cares were tentatively scheduled to reopen after April 5th; though the closures have been extended for another month (according to Doug Ford (the premier/leader of Ontario). Not ideal but at least it gives me some extra time for me to work on things alongside my writing(i.e editing upcoming chapters for fics and WIPS). All right folks, that's all I have to say on that subject.
As usual, please feel free to let me know what you think by leaving a comment/review , through a reblog or by any other means. Be sure to check out the rest of my writing while staying tuned for future updates of my fics and new projects along the way! (Links above, in the navigation and in bio If on tumblr . Also on fanfiction.) Anyway, take care and stay safe! Ta ta for now!
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sirjustice1366 · 3 years
Ask the same age u die is the same posture of your physic in heaven and if people listen to music not and the consequences of those who loved music on earth and if their is a leverage given to them
And ask who gave every writer, singer their scripts like of Plato and scientist as it goes on and on until it settles dude as waves Kevy placed while on college on trimmed hair on his head
Ask ways to Identify Kamba people , kauma and any race and if this machine using artificial gas/mafuta or mined and even houses which kind of fuel they use b4 they investigate the same and kill as they want their own
Ask which clothes one like and which good with them, ask reasons 4 vision 2030 of Kenya and where they could get cash and why they want Negros out of USA and Negros long to be here and what they fear to relent them
Which tribe in Kenya can Kevy marry and in any nation and why and where did the green man get to and via which means and why and which nation or tribe wants the same 4 their own and ask what can be done to earth outer crust 4 God or Devaura to extend its end days period to millions of years
Ask what if u do u cant contract this virus or disease dude as with aids, the combination and what if u do with Knife with ya elbow u kill aids or get it off ya system and if u can apply anesthesia and make a funnel 4 the sword or knife so u miss not
Ask what if u do breaks one back and remedy which can be used as another way to curb crime and with of every animal and ask what if u eat or do one can not direct voodoo unto u or kill ya with any weapon per weapon and even not making ya brain soft again 4 the amoeba to divide ya brain tissue after turning into metal
And ask what u do so the amoeba or any pathogen not change form and became resistant to drug dude
Ask which people if taken to other planets can lengthen the earth days and if their is utility or not and ask chain stores selling food from heaven or other planets and even vendors dude Ask which salt type per nation or food is artificial and why and who made it so and the repercussion to people and what to be done to them to avert the whole situation
And ask if one fail to sleep with one they love and on many a woman not want the risk to the society and land and if they fail to insert their penis to the pussy when the woman is naked and the consequences of amoeba in one belly to the ones putting them and to the reach nation allowing the same per nation
Ask if a woman bring many to one without 2nd consideration and hearing what happens to that man and if one disturb one with kids so u know dude
Ushawahi kulalia na mochanda, kebin asks then do jitihada ulalia na kebi
Ask what can be done to u, us and those people seeing things on their eyes so they stop seeing far or the same as they see, what ought to be done or undertaken as even combination of foods they or we can eat to stop the same cause they disturb dude
And ask which liquors per nation side effects to the body parts, with hangover and the best and what if u do with liquor still u get to heaven
Ask what if u do with one writings taming yours the curse on ya body and every one ask the same and identify the curse and even of making things behind the company name and selling if u got no otherwise and the people doing the same dude
Thoka kwa mahope said 3 X in three repetition to war a woman of enjoying sex as if u live poor on earth in heaven u get to mansions and vice versa with other people, so better u live large here in pretense so in heaven u get to ghetto like with Kevy doing it though he wants to live large in heaven cause he understands he is immortal
Ask better live on planets or heaven and on which one and what if u do each planet falls and even other heavenly bodies
Ask who to make any machine with camera on the screen with phone app with inbuilt Bluetooth/WiFi repeaters or extender of ya range like and even door sensor alarms with the above or radar with tablets of ya range or WiFi fixed phone unto it to automatically call ya phone dude
Ask what the dead go to do in Auckland and at which place when one dies and get formalin injection and if its good to get it than get to heaven in 3 days without such injections and ask why one get to Minneapolis or Denver and those who have requested to get to other cities and their list names
Ask which world city can harbor the longest sky scraper between which 2 cities and what they need to place on the side ditches and holes or side short poles or flower cabin to hold the big armored glass building and ask with ya city the tallest building can be made how and of which side dimensions
Ask what in Denver if u hate being in one city what other thing u can be made into and take every other thing living or none living and ask if they were wishes of such people as above as next can be u and if u mess with them sin or u risk going to hell or if they take back feed back dude
Who is the greatest air or arsenal or water or devaura and who are they and if u can kill them and get to know dude
Ask which states they want to give the Negros, short, tall, wide, and any and with Latinos, coloreds, green-card holders, latinas and Red Indians and ask which state USA breath with or America and ask from which states will remain and those wishing to get to other nations and planets and list in CD or given as ask ways to be given in CD format or flash or written format dude
Ask what happens if one consistently wants one food and if bad and reasons for the same dude and what will happen if Kevy let die and what each nation what to do to avert curse on them and the possible curse to each tribe if nelson continue being poor while rich dude
Ask what they want with kevy the Americans sense Kebi got Pakistani blood and if wind pushing the earth and holding it has changed in dimension and from which side to which side and why and reasons why and who made it so and Jesus where who many people and who are they currently and if jealous with Northwhitehead dude and the cause of our Modern plight and who so and all the list and their contribution so is corrected and ask if being warn by society can make ya rich in the end and the associated consequences to ya and in each nation who are warning women of the same yet they know they are swaying them in wrong way to preserve the person u r warned to their own
Kokirwako longi cha tokibrothiye epolo, the one that Kebi using a syrange made spray of lizard blood unto, as Delanu tells Magdalin DIDO mother and many, dido mother was solomom wife and ask if he was intelligent and with David and who gave them those sayings or writing and where they were born
As when they heard Solomon remain gotten out, the Negros if they stopped their ways of coming here and what they think about that and what they will do if they come here and what they will do in USA if they get their and even the Kikuyu and if thwarted and ask those who can turn to a machine in use and how much they are paid and ask 4 the list dude of such folks
People who touches u instead of just talk are bad people, pretense, dude, they abuse ya this minute then the next ya food dude
What do luo and all tribes needs to do to kevy to avert the world curse and where have every machine per head made in each nation sold to and the always wrong advisers any where per area code so they are known to eliminate them
The Govt not yours but 4 the people u r prone to resigning dude just like with Obama or Afraid of being arrested then transfigure dude and get to a land where one who looked like u died like in the sea or disappeared into long like Kenya mobile giant CEO dude, MAYBE THE bOILING thing dude
Who stole odhiambo George of Posta cash in Nairobi list and those who sent him and what they built with the same and if it is curse on our-side and which and how much and who gave him and who advised him and if the monies should be returned and to who dude and what he wanted to do with the same bro
Who credited kevy pay pal a/c and who was sent to investigate him and why and by who and how much was their and to make sweet withdrawal what was to be done to kebi
Ask a question like Canada look to which part of ya country and with every land and relieve ya pain dude and ask why Kenyan state house beautiful than usa white house and what if white house do be more than the former and even with every university in every area in comparison with others where they are better than each and reasons why dude
Locate those people who have liquid cash as above and out of their cash those held in stock as hay and whatevyou and get to them 4 help as Uhuru is rude chasing them all away as they can be ya savior with poorich country to no end dude and USA thing they have taken refuge to far nations to a shame the resigned Devil who is a Kisii, negro and the Devil who aint Negro lovers but Russian as got kisii blood dude
America mit Kaliech, says Delana, while Jayden in fainted voices with fear says mit Kaliech 4 Victor to say in awe repeat again cause not inducted to speak luo and still says Mirt kaliech, kinda, karliech to make Victor turn his head as friends with the elite to smile to laugh to place a sigh of relief in us that this young man is going places and he has said he know he know dude as he has lived in time memorial and history has away of repeating itself dude
Ask which years one has slept with one and like with Eunice if she lived in the USA and did what and if she was Babylon the prostitute in Malindi or Mtwapa Mombasa or not and if his father is Brina father and if they know they know
REASON 4 NELSON SWOLLEN FACE THEY CARE NO ABOUT WITH KEBI TELLING GILBERT THE SAME TO MEET HIS MOTHER IN ROANOKE TO GIVE HIM THE COLOMBIAN VOODOO WITH OSOO AND UHURU AND MANY AS U ASK WHO WENT WITH THEM IN VIDEO FORMAT U SEE DUDE, ask why Kenyans or africans wanna get to canada and the move 4 transversing the continent to explain the same and with kenyan vision 2030. nelsonmcsleepy's profile picture nelsonmcsleepy people were getting gold u ya far land aka Gilbert omwaka, tell them to return the cash and the side effect with their cities as in tumblr a/c sirjustice4, read all though wind have turned and side effects of such low quality gold to human health if good so avoided and how to make machine to discern the same with artificially made 1 dude and if ocampo new and was bridged and how much and how much stolen from lucky dude and all shoot outs in SA and given to who and ask and all will be given names who shared such even dignitaries and even with Conner end to the pacific on ya side
African owned internet based platforms link below, Ask the above side effects and why dude and if not corrected what will happen to stop using dude
How can u not be helped, playing wise yet at the end not wise needing my help, how dude, Inhabitants of the earth bro
if u force one with marriage he gets to heaven, yes or not and blessing to them, ask dude so u stop and those forcing ya if gets to hell or heaven and if they love groups or music as in heaven no such and even with big/small house
Ask if Jesus had sex and kids and all his kids up-to date and list endless and given dude and ask who owns the gramophone that Jesus father Banks had and the associated reasons behind it and where he had bought it and ask why Kikuyu now after knowing heaven there as much as planets, kinda, u see their habits rush to stop as bubble and answers given. And Ask why hw was called chui while Kevy called Aroomtidy and where they want Kebi to get to as which nations
And ask personal mobile satellite server of 1000 KM or 500 KM can be connected to how many lines and if u cross line u pay the other phone company and if it will finish your nation phone company and the   combination u need to place as the heap, the chop process, stir, rub, gestures employed or all the method employed and the nature of the land u place the two or much heap that forms the same and ask if u want it shinny with non burnt part what u place with the heap and answers given dude, instead of rush as if a bed bug biting u to steal the same to be 1st as others do and given dude. With everything given 
My Instagram a/c is email is [email protected] and password dedantheko56 and check on northwhitehead sent messages and see also as well dude
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sirjustice1364 · 3 years
Stolen Cash dude
Ask the same age u die is the same posture of your physic in heaven and if people listen to music not and the consequences of those who loved music on earth and if their is a leverage given to them
And ask who gave every writer, singer their scripts like of Plato and scientist as it goes on and on until it settles dude as waves Kevy placed while on college on trimmed hair on his head
Ask ways to Identify Kamba people , kauma and any race and if this machine using artificial gas/mafuta or mined and even houses which kind of fuel they use b4 they investigate the same and kill as they want their own
Ask which clothes one like and which good with them, ask reasons 4 vision 2030 of Kenya and where they could get cash and why they want Negros out of USA and Negros long to be here and what they fear to relent them
Which tribe in Kenya can Kevy marry and in any nation and why and where did the green man get to and via which means and why and which nation or tribe wants the same 4 their own and ask what can be done to earth outer crust 4 God or Devaura to extend its end days period to millions of years
Ask what if u do u cant contract this virus or disease dude as with aids, the combination and what if u do with Knife with ya elbow u kill aids or get it off ya system and if u can apply anesthesia and make a funnel 4 the sword or knife so u miss not
Ask what if u do breaks one back and remedy which can be used as another way to curb crime and with of every animal and ask what if u eat or do one can not direct voodoo unto u or kill ya with any weapon per weapon and even not making ya brain soft again 4 the amoeba to divide ya brain tissue after turning into metal
And ask what u do so the amoeba or any pathogen not change form and became resistant to drug dude
Ask which people if taken to other planets can lengthen the earth days and if their is utility or not and ask chain stores selling food from heaven or other planets and even vendors dude Ask which salt type per nation or food is artificial and why and who made it so and the repercussion to people and what to be done to them to avert the whole situation
And ask if one fail to sleep with one they love and on many a woman not want the risk to the society and land and if they fail to insert their penis to the pussy when the woman is naked and the consequences of amoeba in one belly to the ones putting them and to the reach nation allowing the same per nation
Ask if a woman bring many to one without 2nd consideration and hearing what happens to that man and if one disturb one with kids so u know dude
Ushawahi kulalia na mochanda, kebin asks then do jitihada ulalia na kebi
Ask what can be done to u, us and those people seeing things on their eyes so they stop seeing far or the same as they see, what ought to be done or undertaken as even combination of foods they or we can eat to stop the same cause they disturb dude
And ask which liquors per nation side effects to the body parts, with hangover and the best and what if u do with liquor still u get to heaven
Ask what if u do with one writings taming yours the curse on ya body and every one ask the same and identify the curse and even of making things behind the company name and selling if u got no otherwise and the people doing the same dude
Thoka kwa mahope said 3 X in three repetition to war a woman of enjoying sex as if u live poor on earth in heaven u get to mansions and vice versa with other people, so better u live large here in pretense so in heaven u get to ghetto like with Kevy doing it though he wants to live large in heaven cause he understands he is immortal
Ask better live on planets or heaven and on which one and what if u do each planet falls and even other heavenly bodies
Ask who to make any machine with camera on the screen with phone app with inbuilt Bluetooth/WiFi repeaters or extender of ya range like and even door sensor alarms with the above or radar with tablets of ya range or WiFi fixed phone unto it to automatically call ya phone dude
Ask what the dead go to do in Auckland and at which place when one dies and get formalin injection and if its good to get it than get to heaven in 3 days without such injections and ask why one get to Minneapolis or Denver and those who have requested to get to other cities and their list names
Ask which world city can harbor the longest sky scraper between which 2 cities and what they need to place on the side ditches and holes or side short poles or flower cabin to hold the big armored glass building and ask with ya city the tallest building can be made how and of which side dimensions
Ask what in Denver if u hate being in one city what other thing u can be made into and take every other thing living or none living and ask if they were wishes of such people as above as next can be u and if u mess with them sin or u risk going to hell or if they take back feed back dude
Who is the greatest air or arsenal or water or devaura and who are they and if u can kill them and get to know dude
Ask which states they want to give the Negros, short, tall, wide, and any and with Latinos, coloreds, green-card holders, latinas and Red Indians and ask which state USA breath with or America and ask from which states will remain and those wishing to get to other nations and planets and list in CD or given as ask ways to be given in CD format or flash or written format dude
Ask what happens if one consistently wants one food and if bad and reasons for the same dude and what will happen if Kevy let die and what each nation what to do to avert curse on them and the possible curse to each tribe if nelson continue being poor while rich dude
Ask what they want with kevy the Americans sense Kebi got Pakistani blood and if wind pushing the earth and holding it has changed in dimension and from which side to which side and why and reasons why and who made it so and Jesus where who many people and who are they currently and if jealous with Northwhitehead dude and the cause of our Modern plight and who so and all the list and their contribution so is corrected and ask if being warn by society can make ya rich in the end and the associated consequences to ya and in each nation who are warning women of the same yet they know they are swaying them in wrong way to preserve the person u r warned to their own
Kokirwako longi cha tokibrothiye epolo, the one that Kebi using a syrange made spray of lizard blood unto, as Delanu tells Magdalin DIDO mother and many, dido mother was solomom wife and ask if he was intelligent and with David and who gave them those sayings or writing and where they were born
As when they heard Solomon remain gotten out, the Negros if they stopped their ways of coming here and what they think about that and what they will do if they come here and what they will do in USA if they get their and even the Kikuyu and if thwarted and ask those who can turn to a machine in use and how much they are paid and ask 4 the list dude of such folks
People who touches u instead of just talk are bad people, pretense, dude, they abuse ya this minute then the next ya food dude
What do luo and all tribes needs to do to kevy to avert the world curse and where have every machine per head made in each nation sold to and the always wrong advisers any where per area code so they are known to eliminate them
The Govt not yours but 4 the people u r prone to resigning dude just like with Obama or Afraid of being arrested then transfigure dude and get to a land where one who looked like u died like in the sea or disappeared into long like Kenya mobile giant CEO dude, MAYBE THE bOILING thing dude
Who stole odhiambo George of Posta cash in Nairobi list and those who sent him and what they built with the same and if it is curse on our-side and which and how much and who gave him and who advised him and if the monies should be returned and to who dude and what he wanted to do with the same bro
Who credited kevy pay pal a/c and who was sent to investigate him and why and by who and how much was their and to make sweet withdrawal what was to be done to kebi
Ask a question like Canada look to which part of ya country and with every land and relieve ya pain dude and ask why Kenyan state house beautiful than usa white house and what if white house do be more than the former and even with every university in every area in comparison with others where they are better than each and reasons why dude
Locate those people who have liquid cash as above and out of their cash those held in stock as hay and whatevyou and get to them 4 help as Uhuru is rude chasing them all away as they can be ya savior with poorich country to no end dude and USA thing they have taken refuge to far nations to a shame the resigned Devil who is a Kisii, negro and the Devil who aint Negro lovers but Russian as got kisii blood dude
America mit Kaliech, says Delana, while Jayden in fainted voices with fear says mit Kaliech 4 Victor to say in awe repeat again cause not inducted to speak luo and still says Mirt kaliech, kinda, karliech to make Victor turn his head as friends with the elite to smile to laugh to place a sigh of relief in us that this young man is going places and he has said he know he know dude as he has lived in time memorial and history has away of repeating itself dude
Ask which years one has slept with one and like with Eunice if she lived in the USA and did what and if she was Babylon the prostitute in Malindi or Mtwapa Mombasa or not and if his father is Brina father and if they know they know
Ask the boom heap combination and location with ya yard, what need to be chopped, stir, trimmed, hammered, nailed, licked, cooked or hurled to make car door locks with temperature and pulse rate sensor already set of yours to unlock the poor, padlocks and even to start or switch off machines and with long range WiFi or Bluetooth gadgets fixed within them with phone app and ask whose spaceship is large and runs fast and who told him/her the same and the blind people wanting relationship with them not wanting to hustle saying they are Mr big man and ask if now getting off Gold the corners of the earth feasible and reasons why dude and the pacific end of the world got GOLD and if of high quality than artificially made on earth and Nations to control the pacific and if the Danish air surveillance radar in the former tumblr a/c can be used inverted on water or ask how of water can be made and if the danish 1 can be used below the earth crust when in upside down manner in every city as in the links below
Speak to the devil as u ask and u hear a voice answering machine code  answering u, ask like with the hurl on something method within ya mind,  what should be the boom heap and environment and what u need to step on  when making this and that kind of machine and at what time dispensation  and u r answered dude
Ask who has created some1 and their names  even with schools they are going to and ask how to create every race,  the boom heap combination, environment, what u ought to hurl at what,  chop or stir and all given and even with 1 race people the as the above
Ask  what races are in one and get them women with the same all races of him  not adding another or give him/her the created ones as they are sharp  than born, locate allover the world instead of adding 1 on another dude  to protect the world
As the greatest conservationists in the world and lyricist and answers given dude
Ask  what u ought to do so the bullet gets u not or missile directed unto u  stop apart from wearing the bullets i.e as with switch wire and the bulb  what u ought to do so u fear the police not when wrong to outpace them  and the people in time past who has used the same trick dude and  currently which nations could employed the same on their enemies and if  its the rudeness or pride and get to know dude
Ask who is in love  with both the devil and the God who resigned and if planning to have sex  and if all their powers taken and if one dies of being killed get off  judgement and if buried without body being preserved how long they find  themselves in heaven and who get them their
Ask the Devil to be  hurled down from heaven and if he is incarnation and in what place he  will fall and why and if will live long or get back to hell or heaven
Ask  with each app as browser, search engine, chat, text, mobile money and  any how can be made as u r answered as above b4 u undertake the  procedure, mostly ask the process within ya compound easy way method  dude
Ask how on the above layout how PG women different color chew  its extracts stones are made and the remedy to side effects and get to  know the same dude and even how artificial sand, interlocking bricks,  stones with cross metal holes can be made or any as with the above and  get to know dude
Ask how mini road making machines 4 ditches can  be made as with the above of front or back width like 1 meter as in the  link below and get to know dude
Ask  what combination of heap, boom environment and the chop, stir or wash  methods to make sky scrapers of shapes u want and what u can place on  roads and pavements close to such high structures to be more tall like  200 - 1000 floors and most so u mention the widths as super slim of  maybe 20M x 20M or 10M x 20M or 10M x 20M or 20M x 30M or 30M x 30M and  if u don't give a hoot still not all that tall just ask per city the  tallest sky scrapper can be built of how much floors and as above what  need to be placed below such building and the options and given dude and  ask this kind of tree makes which type or shape when place in sewer  water, soil or any boom material and get to know and ask with of every  structure machine and foods and even necessities and u hear it echoes  within ya ears even without printing as step on method dude
Ask  what kind of curse will befall 1 if they fail to listen to Kevy or kill  him and the ripple effect to those who stole his pay-pal cash and who  are they and what they used to buy and with who the cash was share and  who motivated them to do the same bro and if they will give him back and  the main reason why they want to kill him if at all if dude and ask as  above the all processes to make digital grave tomb stone as with of  Sofia Bulgaria
Satan and God here with ya so u stop or know and  ask who wants to be the next GOD and why and if he will succeed dude and  his character into it as he knew or was just lazy bro
Ask which tribes are jew and non jew and the ripple effect if the jew marry such and get to know dude
Ask  which race has the best booty and worse and if this can marry that and  if not respected the ripple effect to the couples and if its blasphemy  and let us know dude
Ask who kill who and how they do it, where  and when or why, take names of all the dead and find out dude and ask on  water where each food or cash crop can grow and what need to be places,  soil thickness and cover and even on land and the area in KM squired  compared to which nation
And ask how rain that harbors all toxic  fumes or products as hard drugs can be made in the boom and affect our  soil and if so who did such to such foods affecting our guts and brain  or system and why dude and where the Devil wants Nelson to live and ask  if like Mukuru money transaction app can eliminate liquid cash when  World agrees 4 one, nations or regions or continents as they can buy  from one to create leniency as transactions of money laundering  monitored and ask all reasons why the Negros want to be here In Kenya  and if solved and whats the worry of Mr white man if they are there and  if holes sunken in Serbia and why and who did so even with those on cash  crop lands and if so who gave them the dredger and if God appears to  you on a catapult like big tree what u ought to do so he answer u as  synonymous with what Isiah did and ask if u can make machine minus devil  consent and the repercussions as with Noah wife turning to salt and if  currently are such people who have disobeyed the above to turn to salt  and in which sates or nations dude. Click the link below to help ya solve the puzzle above
And  ask who plans to play with either manhood or clitoris, Virginia, booty,  shoulder, hair, caress face of this and that person and answers given  and why and who has done the same taking one name and asking on it and  find out dude
Ask what need to be placed on water to make  islands of these sizes and even new nations or firm in quantity as well  not 2 heap but a single water the other and which forms strong soil or  with compacted soil, all one metal as gold and with ya draw CDB or city  plan what heap needed and steps to be employed dude and ask TV with  hidden WiFi camera with phone app on the screen how made, boom heap  combination, boom environment, chop what on what, stir or wash method  and on which method or heap produces TV set with minimal effects to  denaturing the eye like LG TV and get the answers dude to embark on your  own make
Ask if new soil not made to replace the affected one  which natural grown extract not poison to the body can detoxify the same  bro and give us feedback instead of reproaches dude, ask why Kansas  state mud with Nelson and reasons why dude
Ask who made the Bomb  that hit japan and who gave him the detail and how much was paid and the  initiative they used it on and with who and where the bomb was made and  get to know dude and ask devaura reports to who and who is great like  God, Satan to him and let it go on and on dude and ask how many per infected person one has infected how many people dude
Ask if u got air radar surveillance system of long range can a nation still attack ya and on which frontier and even if u buy such and get it, instead of being on dead horse and ask which nations are up-to killing Kikuyu blooded people and why bro and ask the bad gene in Kikuyu and those Kikuyu blooded people without such and if u can marry them and even Hindu who don't see things on their eyes and even using ya local dialect and get to know the same bro
Ask if one liaised with one to take liquor and kill him with many and how and who are they and ask on which produce if u make hole within them and place metals, guns or bombs can not be detected either living or non living
And with meter system being stolen to use the timer u can use self charging battery and ask the devil all those doing the same and with fake drugs and amoeba on the belly they talk to 4 ya or baby feel good to get extra free cash and names echoed within ya years or printed on the step way method and the qualify 4 respect as best doctors cause sickness of their own make cured bro
Canadian new technology to detect Jets and missiles in the link below
Ask how u can make one ID card even green cards of some1 and even charging the particular and get by and all the laid down procedures as above
Ask what USA need to do with the green-card as guidelines to avert with what happened to Kevy and if they should stop it and which the better way 4 people to get to the USA without disturbance when Kids or Mid age or adults, instead of ya own dude and what they can do 4 even poor international students to be in schools not get frustrated and if all the world can use the money up as above under 1 currency or regions as block which better
Speak to the devil as u ask and u hear a voice answering machine code  answering u, ask like with the hurl on something method within ya mind,  what should be the boom heap and environment and what u need to step on  when making this and that kind of machine and at what time dispensation  and u r answered dude
Ask who has created some1 and their names  even with schools they are going to and ask how to create every race,  the boom heap combination, environment, what u ought to hurl at what,  chop or stir and all given and even with 1 race people the as the above
Ask  what races are in one and get them women with the same all races of him  not adding another or give him/her the created ones as they are sharp  than born, locate allover the world instead of adding 1 on another dude  to protect the world
As the greatest conservationists in the world and lyricist and answers given dude
Ask  what u ought to do so the bullet gets u not or missile directed unto u  stop apart from wearing the bullets i.e as with switch wire and the bulb  what u ought to do so u fear the police not when wrong to outpace them  and the people in time past who has used the same trick dude and  currently which nations could employed the same on their enemies and if  its the rudeness or pride and get to know dude
Ask who is in love  with both the devil and the God who resigned and if planning to have sex  and if all their powers taken and if one dies of being killed get off  judgement and if buried without body being preserved how long they find  themselves in heaven and who get them their
Ask the Devil to be  hurled down from heaven and if he is incarnation and in what place he  will fall and why and if will live long or get back to hell or heaven
Ask  with each app as browser, search engine, chat, text, mobile money and  any how can be made as u r answered as above b4 u undertake the  procedure, mostly ask the process within ya compound easy way method  dude
Ask how on the above layout how PG women different color chew  its extracts stones are made and the remedy to side effects and get to  know the same dude and even how artificial sand, interlocking bricks,  stones with cross metal holes can be made or any as with the above and  get to know dude
Ask how mini road making machines 4 ditches can  be made as with the above of front or back width like 1 meter as in the  link below and get to know dude
Ask  what combination of heap, boom environment and the chop, stir or wash  methods to make sky scrapers of shapes u want and what u can place on  roads and pavements close to such high structures to be more tall like  200 - 1000 floors and most so u mention the widths as super slim of  maybe 20M x 20M or 10M x 20M or 10M x 20M or 20M x 30M or 30M x 30M and  if u don't give a hoot still not all that tall just ask per city the  tallest sky scrapper can be built of how much floors and as above what  need to be placed below such building and the options and given dude and  ask this kind of tree makes which type or shape when place in sewer  water, soil or any boom material and get to know and ask with of every  structure machine and foods and even necessities and u hear it echoes  within ya ears even without printing as step on method dude
Ask  what kind of curse will befall 1 if they fail to listen to Kevy or kill  him and the ripple effect to those who stole his pay-pal cash and who  are they and what they used to buy and with who the cash was share and  who motivated them to do the same bro and if they will give him back and  the main reason why they want to kill him if at all if dude and ask as  above the all processes to make digital grave tomb stone as with of  Sofia Bulgaria
Satan and God here with ya so u stop or know and  ask who wants to be the next GOD and why and if he will succeed dude and  his character into it as he knew or was just lazy bro
Ask which tribes are jew and non jew and the ripple effect if the jew marry such and get to know dude
Ask  which race has the best booty and worse and if this can marry that and  if not respected the ripple effect to the couples and if its blasphemy  and let us know dude
Ask who kill who and how they do it, where  and when or why, take names of all the dead and find out dude and ask on  water where each food or cash crop can grow and what need to be places,  soil thickness and cover and even on land and the area in KM squired  compared to which nation
And ask how rain that harbors all toxic  fumes or products as hard drugs can be made in the boom and affect our  soil and if so who did such to such foods affecting our guts and brain  or system and why dude and where the Devil wants Nelson to live and ask  if like Mukuru money transaction app can eliminate liquid cash when  World agrees 4 one, nations or regions or continents as they can buy  from one to create leniency as transactions of money laundering  monitored and ask all reasons why the Negros want to be here In Kenya  and if solved and whats the worry of Mr white man if they are there and  if holes sunken in Serbia and why and who did so even with those on cash  crop lands and if so who gave them the dredger and if God appears to  you on a catapult like big tree what u ought to do so he answer u as  synonymous with what Isiah did and ask if u can make machine minus devil  consent and the repercussions as with Noah wife turning to salt and if  currently are such people who have disobeyed the above to turn to salt  and in which sates or nations dude. Click the link below to help ya solve the puzzle above
And ask who plans to play with either manhood or clitoris, Virginia, booty, shoulder, hair, caress face of this and that person and answers given and why and who has done the same taking one name and asking on it and find out dude
Ask what need to be placed on water to make islands of these sizes and even new nations or firm in quantity as well not 2 heap but a single water the other and which forms strong soil or with compacted soil, all one metal as gold and with ya draw CDB or city plan what heap needed and steps to be employed dude and ask TV with hidden WiFi camera with phone app on the screen how made, boom heap combination, boom environment, chop what on what, stir or wash method and on which method or heap produces TV set with minimal effects to denaturing the eye like LG TV and get the answers dude to embark on your own make
And ask how thermostat battery can be fixed inside each machine to operate without external cables and which is the best way to power our houses or machines and business premises during the day and at night to grant us longevity or to be cool with the elite or authorities so people don't get off bar and it goes well with us with our authorities
Ask if electricity could be transported from like Kenya to Asia nations via along cable like the Nigerian one and if the same can make one phone company or TV, Radio or any as internet and ask how to make like one long 15 000 mile cable wire to be used as above as with other questions as asked above and help the former case even with ya own pay TV dude and even electricity and its relative weight dude can be made within like hollow 4 KM ship to drop it and even with many one end to another and if the devil can fix it like even 30 - 50 meters into the soil made with submarines as boom process done inside it and with armored glass floating highways to join continents and exact place in Malindi where like Manhattan CBD island was located and where the bridge started, the location Name and ask if it can be again the most pretty one city again dude
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sirjustice1365 · 3 years
Ask dude
Ask the same age u die is the same posture of your physic in heaven and if people listen to music not and the consequences of those who loved music on earth and if their is a leverage given to them
And ask who gave every writer, singer their scripts like of Plato and scientist as it goes on and on until it settles dude as waves Kevy placed while on college on trimmed hair on his head
Ask ways to Identify Kamba people , kauma and any race and if this machine using artificial gas/mafuta or mined and even houses which kind of fuel they use b4 they investigate the same and kill as they want their own
Ask which clothes one like and which good with them, ask reasons 4 vision 2030 of Kenya and where they could get cash and why they want Negros out of USA and Negros long to be here and what they fear to relent them
Which tribe in Kenya can Kevy marry and in any nation and why and where did the green man get to and via which means and why and which nation or tribe wants the same 4 their own and ask what can be done to earth outer crust 4 God or Devaura to extend its end days period to millions of years
Ask what if u do u cant contract this virus or disease dude as with aids, the combination and what if u do with Knife with ya elbow u kill aids or get it off ya system and if u can apply anesthesia and make a funnel 4 the sword or knife so u miss not
Ask what if u do breaks one back and remedy which can be used as another way to curb crime and with of every animal and ask what if u eat or do one can not direct voodoo unto u or kill ya with any weapon per weapon and even not making ya brain soft again 4 the amoeba to divide ya brain tissue after turning into metal
And ask what u do so the amoeba or any pathogen not change form and became resistant to drug dude
Ask which people if taken to other planets can lengthen the earth days and if their is utility or not and ask chain stores selling food from heaven or other planets and even vendors dude Ask which salt type per nation or food is artificial and why and who made it so and the repercussion to people and what to be done to them to avert the whole situation
And ask if one fail to sleep with one they love and on many a woman not want the risk to the society and land and if they fail to insert their penis to the pussy when the woman is naked and the consequences of amoeba in one belly to the ones putting them and to the reach nation allowing the same per nation
Ask if a woman bring many to one without 2nd consideration and hearing what happens to that man and if one disturb one with kids so u know dude
Ushawahi kulalia na mochanda, kebin asks then do jitihada ulalia na kebi
Ask what can be done to u, us and those people seeing things on their eyes so they stop seeing far or the same as they see, what ought to be done or undertaken as even combination of foods they or we can eat to stop the same cause they disturb dude
And ask which liquors per nation side effects to the body parts, with hangover and the best and what if u do with liquor still u get to heaven
Ask what if u do with one writings taming yours the curse on ya body and every one ask the same and identify the curse and even of making things behind the company name and selling if u got no otherwise and the people doing the same dude
Thoka kwa mahope said 3 X in three repetition to war a woman of enjoying sex as if u live poor on earth in heaven u get to mansions and vice versa with other people, so better u live large here in pretense so in heaven u get to ghetto like with Kevy doing it though he wants to live large in heaven cause he understands he is immortal
Ask better live on planets or heaven and on which one and what if u do each planet falls and even other heavenly bodies
Ask who to make any machine with camera on the screen with phone app with inbuilt Bluetooth/WiFi repeaters or extender of ya range like and even door sensor alarms with the above or radar with tablets of ya range or WiFi fixed phone unto it to automatically call ya phone dude
Ask what the dead go to do in Auckland and at which place when one dies and get formalin injection and if its good to get it than get to heaven in 3 days without such injections and ask why one get to Minneapolis or Denver and those who have requested to get to other cities and their list names
Ask which world city can harbor the longest sky scraper between which 2 cities and what they need to place on the side ditches and holes or side short poles or flower cabin to hold the big armored glass building and ask with ya city the tallest building can be made how and of which side dimensions
Ask what in Denver if u hate being in one city what other thing u can be made into and take every other thing living or none living and ask if they were wishes of such people as above as next can be u and if u mess with them sin or u risk going to hell or if they take back feed back dude
Who is the greatest air or arsenal or water or devaura and who are they and if u can kill them and get to know dude
Ask which states they want to give the Negros, short, tall, wide, and any and with Latinos, coloreds, green-card holders, latinas and Red Indians and ask which state USA breath with or America and ask from which states will remain and those wishing to get to other nations and planets and list in CD or given as ask ways to be given in CD format or flash or written format dude
Ask what happens if one consistently wants one food and if bad and reasons for the same dude and what will happen if Kevy let die and what each nation what to do to avert curse on them and the possible curse to each tribe if nelson continue being poor while rich dude
Ask what they want with kevy the Americans sense Kebi got Pakistani blood and if wind pushing the earth and holding it has changed in dimension and from which side to which side and why and reasons why and who made it so and Jesus where who many people and who are they currently and if jealous with Northwhitehead dude and the cause of our Modern plight and who so and all the list and their contribution so is corrected and ask if being warn by society can make ya rich in the end and the associated consequences to ya and in each nation who are warning women of the same yet they know they are swaying them in wrong way to preserve the person u r warned to their own
Kokirwako longi cha tokibrothiye epolo, the one that Kebi using a syrange made spray of lizard blood unto, as Delanu tells Magdalin DIDO mother and many, dido mother was solomom wife and ask if he was intelligent and with David and who gave them those sayings or writing and where they were born
As when they heard Solomon remain gotten out, the Negros if they stopped their ways of coming here and what they think about that and what they will do if they come here and what they will do in USA if they get their and even the Kikuyu and if thwarted and ask those who can turn to a machine in use and how much they are paid and ask 4 the list dude of such folks
People who touches u instead of just talk are bad people, pretense, dude, they abuse ya this minute then the next ya food dude
What do luo and all tribes needs to do to kevy to avert the world curse and where have every machine per head made in each nation sold to and the always wrong advisers any where per area code so they are known to eliminate them
The Govt not yours but 4 the people u r prone to resigning dude just like with Obama or Afraid of being arrested then transfigure dude and get to a land where one who looked like u died like in the sea or disappeared into long like Kenya mobile giant CEO dude, MAYBE THE bOILING thing dude
Who stole odhiambo George of Posta cash in Nairobi list and those who sent him and what they built with the same and if it is curse on our-side and which and how much and who gave him and who advised him and if the monies should be returned and to who dude and what he wanted to do with the same bro
Who credited kevy pay pal a/c and who was sent to investigate him and why and by who and how much was their and to make sweet withdrawal what was to be done to kebi
Ask a question like Canada look to which part of ya country and with every land and relieve ya pain dude and ask why Kenyan state house beautiful than usa white house and what if white house do be more than the former and even with every university in every area in comparison with others where they are better than each and reasons why dude
Locate those people who have liquid cash as above and out of their cash those held in stock as hay and whatevyou and get to them 4 help as Uhuru is rude chasing them all away as they can be ya savior with poorich country to no end dude and USA thing they have taken refuge to far nations to a shame the resigned Devil who is a Kisii, negro and the Devil who aint Negro lovers but Russian as got kisii blood dude
America mit Kaliech, says Delana, while Jayden in fainted voices with fear says mit Kaliech 4 Victor to say in awe repeat again cause not inducted to speak luo and still says Mirt kaliech, kinda, karliech to make Victor turn his head as friends with the elite to smile to laugh to place a sigh of relief in us that this young man is going places and he has said he know he know dude as he has lived in time memorial and history has away of repeating itself dude
Ask which years one has slept with one and like with Eunice if she lived in the USA and did what and if she was Babylon the prostitute in Malindi or Mtwapa Mombasa or not and if his father is Brina father and if they know they know
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followingliz · 4 years
A Day in Florence - Un Giorno a Firenze [ Part 2: The Morning]
After having sufficiently explored the outside of the Duomo, we heading off with our trusty guide Raffaella to have a look at the other famous piazzas the city has to offer. First stop in the morning though is, of course, un caffe
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After fortifying ourselves with caffine at a very cute Caffe La Posta we continued to Mercato Nuovo and  Il Porcellino.
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This bronze boar fountain was originally sculpted around 1634 was brought to Florence in the mid-16th century by the Medici. It was originally intended for the Boboli Gardens but was moved to Mercato Nuovo- a small market under a porticoed shelter. The current statue is, of course, a modern copy made in 1998 as the original is in the Museo Stefano Bardini for safe keeping. At least as early as 1766, touching the snout of the boar is thought to bring good luck and ensure a return to Florence.
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Immediately after petting it’s snout we sanitized thoroughly  but it was fun to take part in this Florentine tradition. From Il Porcellino it is a short walk to Piazza della Signoria.
This piazza houses the impressive Palazzo Vecchio (town hall)
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the Fountain of Neptune
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and the Loggia dei Lanzi which is essentially an open air sculpture gallery
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including the Medici Lions
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The Loggia was sectioned off so you couldn’t explore around the statues but it was still possible to get a good view. And although the piazza wasn’t jammed packed it was still pretty full - there were no seats available on the stairs around the Loggia.
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Satisfied with having seen all we could, we skipped the Uffizi in favor of the Galleria dell'Accadamia to see the David. Unfortunately, the line outside the Galleria for non-reserved tickets was still an hour long! We thought fewer tourists would mean a much shorter line and while it certainly wasn’t the 2 or 3 hours that it could’ve been, an hour wait in the sun when we only had a day was just too long. Next time we will book our tickets ahead of time and be prepared!
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We opted for a surprisingly large vintage clothing store instead on our way to the Mercato. If you’re looking to buy anything leather, Florence is the place to do it. The street outside the Mercato building were lined with bags, jackets, journals and anything else you could desire
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Unfortunately inside  the Market building was disappointingly empty. There a few of the standard stalls with fruits, vegetables and oils but being a Wednesday in following a pandemic there wasn’t much open.
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Obviously the only thing to do was head across Ponte Vecchio and get some gelato for lunch!
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