#there is no pressure @ people i tagged i just find silly stuff like this fun :^)
ariennebeak · 1 year
tysm for the tag @sunnytastic !!
wallpaper + last saved image + last played song
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my lockscreen and wallpaper have been the same for Years because I hate change this is some random fanart I liked (almost doxxed my exact location with the weather widget hbsjfbdjnb)
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I save oh so many useless images every day but this is the most recent one <3
most recent song!! one of my favourite idkhow songs :D
tagging: @screams-andhollers @troybarnesbabygirlconfirmed @sunshinereddie @reluctant-fandom-participant @chemicaljacketslut if you want to!!! :))
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @just-here-with-my-thoughts!! Thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
13 (meshurkaan) and 88 (the_problem_with_stardust)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
111,654 under meshurkaan! I have no idea about the_problem_with_stardust since some of those fics were cowritten :D
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now Star Wars, but I’ve also written for star trek, the witcher, teen wolf, marvel… maybe some others?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Under meshurkaan:
sand in the hourglass codywan, 2224 words shovel in the dirt crosshunt, 1366 words any way to baffle death (Part 3: ESU), foxfives, 27786 words close out the sun (Part 5: ESU), foxfives, 12114 words (WIP) a flint and a fire (Part 1: ESU), rexfox, 31627 words
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I love responding to people's thoughts and reactions XD
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hehehehehe a flint and a fire :) It’s part of a series though, so it’ll get fixed soon!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably one bright morning? I wrote it the night before TBB series finale and I just wanted them all to be HAPPY
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ah yes the mortifying ordeal of having your buddies read the porn you wrote. Um I think most of the time it’s fun and a little silly?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t think I’ve written any crossovers?
11. (I kept your question XD) Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
Maybe only a call? It has some of my favorite moments in the ESU but it is also mainly worldbuilding so it might have only been fun for me XD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few! Mostly teen wolf stuff from WAY back in the day
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did some round-robin type fics, but I am not a good writing partner since I struggle a lot with schedules and deadlines
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I’m a chronic multishipper so it’s honestly the ship I am writing for at the moment (this morning it was RexFoxFives, this afternoon it is TechPhee)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I always plan to finish WIPs, no matter how old they are (stares at across the stars) but there is a codywan fic I started for the 2021 codywan big bang and didn’t finish. I still think about it ALL the time
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm one thing that I've worked on a lot is structuring plot. In long fics I like to include off-hand details that then become relevant later. And I do put a lot of thought into characterization so hopefully that comes through in my writing >.<
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings! I sat on trying to find my way home for three weeks before I added like twenty words to the end and just posted it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It depends. I used to do it a lot but now that I primarily use screenreaders to edit, I don’t love it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First published on Ao3? Star Wars (FinnPoe my beloved) But I was definitely writing little epilogues to each of the Chronicles of Narnia books at the age of 8
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ummm maybe take the old, make it new? Or intersecting foliations? All of endless space unfurled? It’s hard to pick ^^’
No pressure tags: @whiskygoldwings, @cacodaemonia, @wolveria,
@catbuir, @loverboy-havocboy, @kartaylirnaak, and anyone else who would like to play?
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gaybroons · 8 months
Talk Hockey To Me
( @ghostgeno's tag game)
The thing that got you hooked on hockey
Started reading “hey now, you're an all star (get your game on, go play)” by @buckyismybicycle while it was ongoing because even though I was 1) completely uninterested in hockey and 2) also uninterested in Stucky as a ship, this specific author’s works have always been phenomenal and with each new chapter email I started getting more and more intrigued until I eventually gave in and started reading it (literally so worth it everyone should read it). In the end notes of each chapter, HR (the author) would add some fun facts and extra context for the hockey related stuff (considering it’s a whole hockey AU) that made me go “huh that sounds fun” more than once but I was still not super into the hockey thing.
I reached the chapter with a beautifully written match and I was like???? Is hockey like this irl?????????? This sounds so good?????????? Cue YouTube hacking into my brain and suggesting me hockey compilations which included the infamous Lick. I saw this random man just being a menace to everyone and decided he is now the love of my life.  (i usually omit the stucky fic part bc ppl have opinions about marvel that i do not want to hear lol. so if i told you abt this before without the full context i'm sorry!!)
Your first ever fandom friend
@hard4softthings !!!! Love is stored in the ao3 comment section uwu 
The jersey you would most like to own
I can’t pick one so I’m just gonna list in descending order: Marchand home jersey (with a C !!!!!!!!😤) ,  Pasternak (also home. Sorry it’s just nicer than the away version) , Quinn Hughes (the pride one because I’m obsessed with the design it’s so pretty) 
YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
The rat king himself 🖤💛🖤💛🖤 can u tell I have a favorite 
A pairing that deserves more fic
Sid/Ovi ‼️ tuukks/pasta and Brady/Quinn too, there’s just so much potential for them. 
Your favourite on-ice moment
Picking is difficult so you’re just gonna get a bunch <3.
Bertuzzi stealing cousin’s stick and trying to break it
Marchy kidnapping The Child
dancing with the stars
tuukks Exhibiting homicidal tendencies (rightfully so)
flower wanting to feel included
whole team under arrest
Brady Tkachuk: why is there a fucking animal loose on the ice he’s going to give me rabies
marchy waving to a booing crowd
marchy blowing kisses to a booing crowd
flower asserting his dominance tripping TWO first round picks
Quinn Hughes seeing a fight break out and says ✨no✨
Marner spinning like a ballerina
+ link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
this ADORABLE mcdrai art by @saviorified
MattMcDrai art by @adelphenium , obsessed with the blushing and the HAIR plz it’s so cute.  
Awfully pretty sid and geno art by @ceanspam
Captaincy transfer by @adelphenium I’m so weak for rat marchy, and ALSO bergy’s eyes <33333 i’m so <33333
the kiss of life by @stillfertile
The “All Caps” series by @makeit-takeit rewired my brain I’ve reread it countless times i think i can recite it by heart. 
“hard to be soft, tough to be tender” The Hanahaki fic by @hardforsoftthings I love love love the emotional progression AND denial in both of these fics (also, horny. Thank u) 
speaking of which, in less emotionally charged and more horny fics, the “spit cup” and “scratch that itch” non-traditional omegaverse doulogy by @ whitchbhitch (i do not know their tumblr)
+ link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
I’m honestly really proud of my flowertalbo fic, “Inevitably you will burn (as all living things do)” it’s really short (646 words) but I think I did a good job on it :>
Also, I find myself coming back to this one McDrai crack fic, “Oh Puck No!” idk what possessed me to write it but I had fun with it and i still find it silly and enjoyable lol
no pressure tags: @lindholmline @darkangel0410 @gilliebee @owchar1ie and anyone else who wanna do this!!!
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rizaposting · 2 months
bff help 😭😭😭😭 i look up to you so much (and a lot of other royai/riza fan artists, but you seem the most friendly) and i wanna start posting my own riza art, but im scared ill be booed off the app 😭 any advice for first time fma artists? 🥺 i mostly plan on just making riza fanarts, a little riza x oc, stuff like that. thank you 💕
WAAAHH anon you're so sweet!! First and foremost GRABS YOU you should absolutely post your Riza art! Everyone should post Riza art forever because I'm starving and slurp it up. But you should ALSO post it because it's fun to create and share with people! No one is going to boo you off of the platform, and frankly if anyone tries to they probably need to take a long walk in nature and say hi to some people they pass on the street.
As far as advice, the biggest thing is to try to avoid the "# notes = success/good quality" thinking. It's totally natural to want feedback, and Internet Validation Numbers is encouraging! But if you post something and it doesn't immediately get attention, don't beat yourself up about the quality of your work. Some of my favorite pieces (drawings and writing) are "flops", but I try not to let that discourage me or sour how I feel about them. Sometimes it's just bad luck with timing; or good luck, oppositely
Okay now for more technical advice:
Schedule your posts on tumblr. I usually schedule my art to post at 7:30pm EST kind of arbitrarily, it feels like a good compromise of time zones. Please do know that you might flashbang yourself with your art every time (I do lmfao)
Reblog your work again the next day; mix up your timing and don't be afraid to do a few self-reblogs.
Tag your posts thoughtfully but not excessively, afaik only the first 5 tags are will be where it shows up (EDIT: apparently I'm thinking of 2014 tumblr and it's now the first 30 tags! But I would also posit you absolutely will never fucking need 30 tags. Over tagging will not help, so only tag what's relevant). Series name and acronyms, character name(s), and ship name are good. Also include a tag that you put on all your art so you and others can find it easily!
Comedy usually has more reach. People love silly memes and shitposts and frankly who can blame them! That's not to say serious posts don't also get attention, but just something I noticed
HAVE FUN!!!! this sounds so patronizing, but honestly it's best to do things that appeal to you and have fun with likeminded people. Your passion and enjoyment with telegraph through your work and it will make people smile!!!
I also just want to say that a lot of other Rizalikers are super friendly!!! It can be intimidating to talk to people, but we're all just freaks on the internet rotating a fictional character in our heads. The best way to get to know people is just to reach out and comment on their art/writing/silly posts. It doesn't need to be anything crazy! You can also join fandom discord servers to talk to them on a more casual (and frankly easier) platform, with less pressure because it's less 1-on-1. If you want to DM them (discord or tumblr) def go for it, but I would recommend against just saying "hi!" and then not following it up with anything else, because then I just go "hi!" and then I don't know how to push the conversation forward lol
I would love to see your creations and hear your Rizathoughts, Anon! I believe in you! I hope you decide to come play with us in this rizaspace. Feel free to message me off anon or send me a DM if you want to chat :]
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mojowitchcraft · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @emryses 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 25, I have no clue how that happened
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 278,105... wowowow 👀 dis bish is cray cray
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just Stranger Things at the moment! If you really want you can go find an old HP one shot I wrote years ago on Fanfiction.net but I don't really count that!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? You’re The Ultimate No One Rides For Free [Night Drives Part 1] You Think These People Really Care For You? [Part 2] Take Me On A Night Drive [Part 3] You Give Me Pale Shelter [Part 4]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, always
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really write angst but I guess the lil spooky 500 word vamp Eddie fic I wrote could be considered an angsty ending since it's open to interpretation Awakened I Have Become
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Strawberries & Cigarettes
8. Do you get hate on fics? No I haven't really! The only annoying things I've seen are people complaining about the smut at the end of the bodyswap fic (You're the Ultimate)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! Must have smut! I'm a fairly vanilla person myself, so I don't really veer into kinky stuff in my own writing. I like sex where the characters are having fun, some silly stuff happening is always good. I love Virgin Eddie & Bottom Eddie, so I write that a lot, but they usually switch it up in pretty much everything I write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No I haven't! I think cross overs can be fun but I don't think I'll ever write one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!! I've seen it happen to friends though and it really sucks.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but that would be so cool! I'm always open to people translating or creating something based on my fics!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet! But @glitterfang and I keep talking about it!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh god, my brain is so full of Steddie... are there other ships? hahahaha
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Right now I'm staring at my Steddie dads fic that I started for Steddie Week and it kinda grew legs... I've been feeling guilty that I haven't finished it, I'll either have to keep it short (3 chapters like I originally planned) and end it more abruptly, or I'll need to brainstorm and expand it. but I DO fully intend to finish it! I just feel shitty that I haven't yet and it keeps slipping my mind. We Part To Meet Again here it is in case you want to read it without ever knowing when it's gonna be updated hahahah *cue everyone running away screaming*
16. What are your writing strengths? Oh god, ask someone else, I don't know!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Struggling to make time to write, maybe not being as descriptive with settings and clothing as I could be?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? This feels like such a random question hahahaha, I mean I've read a few where they're in another country and there's a smattering of a different language. It's nice when authors put the translations in the end notes.
19. First fandom you wrote for? HP technically.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? How am I to choose between my children!! I do really love Night Drives, and all of my other fics. I was really proud of 'Am I Your Fire?' but it didn't get much attention so I'm gonna say that
zero pressure tags: @toburnup @glitterfang @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @entanglednow @mixsethaddams @justcourbeau
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captain-kraken · 11 months
Writing Questions Tag
Thank you @writernopal for the tag! See her post here!
No pressure tag for @lexiklecksi @arctic-oceans @kittensartswriting @toribookworm22 and anyone else who wants to do it :)
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I can't say because of spoilers!! Which is SO frustrating for me XD all I can say is that it's related to the Sinni bonds and one of the misconceptions around it XD
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
I don't think so? Nothing that stands out in particular.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
My favourite part is just simply the creation of it. I love being able to pull whole worlds out of my mind and poke around to see what lives there.
I don't really like the editing stage, as this is where most of my self-doubt kicks in.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Escape, mostly. My real life isn't... great. I honestly struggle to get through to the end of each day, but being able to disappear into the world inside my head makes life a little more bearable.
Plus, making my characters deal with the same stuff that I have to deal with makes me feel less alone, and helps me work through my own feelings that I'm otherwise reluctant to face.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
To just write for myself. It sounds basic but I'm a major people pleaser and it has been very detrimental to my writing over the years. Which is so silly because people seem to like the stuff more since I stopped trying so hard to make it for everyone.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
That there's always going to be people that won't like what I'm writing. It just means that my writing isn't for them. Trying to please everyone means I'll please nobody, especially myself. I've had a lot more fun writing Blue Blood than I did with Outcast because of this.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
This is a tough one, because most of my completed stuff is really old. If anything, I like my poetry a lot more because I don't think too hard about them and they're mostly just raw emotion.
I'd link one but the search system has gone out the window so I can't find any of them :(
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
Ooh this is a tough one because I love a lot of quotes but I dunno what's "out of the box" so i'm just gonna go with this one -
"Think of me long enough to make a memory"
It just always hits hard for me. From this song.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Hmmm this is a tough one because I feel like a few of the Blue Blood OCs are controversial lol
I'm hoping Mahrias, since I fully intended for him to be controversial lol. I want people to feel very conflicted about rooting for him, especially with the further along in the book it gets.
I love Mahrias a lot, his desires align with a lot of mine and I can understand his motivations for a lot of the things that he does. But there are some things he does where I wouldn't go that far, so it's complicated lol
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think he'd see all the queer characters I have and just cry lol. It was such a big thing for me back then, I was so afraid of writing about my two gay characters because of the negative feedback I'd received. Now I'm just like
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s0r3nverse · 4 months
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welcome, welcome.
i go by Soren, i'm a minor, disabled, and i have been writing for well over 6 years, the majority being high fantasy related. as such, i've made an entire world by the name Unfao, and this account is... kind of just here so i can gush about my ocs without bothering my friends 24/7! feel free to stick around if you find my sillies interesting! and please ask questions about them plsplsplsplsplsplspls, i really wanna talk to people and meet people on here, so please feel free to interact! i'll be using gacha life 2 to be showing off my designs, since i can't draw for the life of me. i've been told i have a really distinct and recognizable style sooo... look forward to that ig? idk lol
this blog may contain a number of heavy topics, many of which may be triggering to some users. i'm unsure if i'll ever go in depth on these, or even mention them at all (i'm more likely to ramble about silly shenanigans than anything) but i'd rather be safe than sorry. some of the topics that may be talked about include, but aren't limited to...
* abuse (manipulation/gaslighting, sexual abuse, child abuse, physical/mental abuse, peer pressure, etc...) * violent transphobia / homophobia ( !! i am not transphobic/homophobic! i'm both trans/bi, but many of my ocs have been through it (theyre all queer lol), which is why i'm placing the disclaimer here. don't twist my words !!) * suicidal tendencies + self harm * murder. lots of that. and crime in general. * religious themes/trauma * loss of loved ones * body horror (maybe. tagging this just to be safe.) * overall, all my ocs are questionable morally grey characters. there are no heroes or villains here.
NONE of these topics will be romanticized or mocked. if you romanticize or mocking any of the topics, get the fuck out. also, all topics will be appropriately tagged and will have content warnings. (also note; if i ever mis-portray anything, TELL ME. i use these characters to cope, but that doesn't mean i know everything. i'm willing to, and i want to learn. i don't bite.)
now that's over, and if you still wanna stick around... cool! i welcome you with open arms. just make sure you don't fall under this dni category, and you're good.
DNI if...
your acc is 18+/NSFW. i have nothing against you, you do you, but i'm a minor so... yeah.
adding onto this, if you ever plan to sexualize my ocs. just, like, don't. keep that to urself. those are my children. ty.
if ur gonna make fun of me for using gacha/any of my interests. lol i dont care if its cringe, im cringe and im free
if ur gonna make fun of my ocs/what inspired them/their designs, etc.
overall if ur a creep just like stay away from me, thanks!
WHEW. that was a lot... if you're still here, and you're gonna stay, then... awesome! im glad to have you here. hope you enjoy my inconsistent rambling of my ocs, because i'm either gonna post a lot, or very rarely... hopefully the former!
k imma go do.... stuff. see ya! (hopefully)
(all images are taken from soramafuurasaka's music video, 人狼ゲーム.)
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
dating a faceless streamer/youtuber; mcyt x reader
+ this was a request, but it got deleted in my drafts ;-; sorry!
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since he is also a faceless youtuber
he’s very understanding of keeping your privacy
and whatever reason you have to not reveal your face, he respects it
he knows what it’s like to have people tell him to face reveal
sometimes his voice will just appear in the back of your streams/videos
like in sapnap’s with the question about one direction
and chat is like, how long has he been here?????
the two of you would hint at a face reveal
and then after weeks brush it off like it was nothing
because you like to torture the fans, I guess🙄
because dream never has a face cam on
he has the perfect seat for you on his lap whenever he streams/films
and the same thing goes for when you film/stream; he’ll be sitting right next to you with his hand in yours or on your thigh
you’re known as the faceless couple
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it really doesn't bother him at all that you’re a faceless streamer/youtuber
I don't see him as the type to post a whole lot of pictures with his s/o anyways
or something along those lines
so it wouldn't make a big difference to him
would just think it was funny to tease chat about knowing what you look like, when they don't
and then having them just hear you voice in the background of his videos sometimes
but not actually seeing you
he kinda likes that your relationship is more concealed
and that it’s harder for people to come at you when they don't know what you look like exactly, just because he’s dating you
because that would honestly be his biggest worry when revealing your relationship
so he’s happy that’s one less worry :)
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does everything to not get people to beg for a face reveal
he doesn't want people to put that kind of pressure on you
especially if they go after you for it just because you're dating him
like, he will make a video about it if he has to
or tweet about it
the last thing he wants is for the fake fans to try and reveal your face or other things about you
when clearly that’s what you wanna keep private
that being said, he’d do so many streams with you
wether it’s gong against each other, or being on the same team
you always have so much fun together
even if you're literally in the same room together
if his face cam is on, he’d look over at you every now and then and send you a smile or some shit like that
there’s some pretty cute moments - expect a compilation
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bad would be really proud to have an s/o who did youtube/streamed
and he would for sure help you out if you ever needed him to!
like with coding
or just general growth in your channel
wouldn't really care if you showed your face or not - whatever you're happy with makes him happy
he would just make sure that you never felt pressured to show your face
he knows people out there can be meanies
and come for you just because you don't show your face
and he’d always be there to talk to about it if it ever stressed you out
he would also make sure that you didn't hide your face because you didn’t like it or something like that
and if that was the case, you bet he’d be reassuring you
calling your all kinds of sweet things and show you lots of love
he takes lots of pictures of his two favourite girls
you and rat, of course (without showing your face, obviously)
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he actually really likes that you're a faceless streamer/youtuber
like, he doesn't notice how much he likes it
before he realises all of the times you'd sneaked some hand-holding while streaming, or shared little kisses when on mute wouldn't have been possible if you both didn't show your faces
you’d share these secret glances when streaming/filming together
and no one would even know about it
sometimes his chat hears a little talking in the background from you
but techno just brushes it off like you weren't sitting right next to him the entire time
and vice versa
he also just stays with you when you're working
sharing small touches and words
chat also notice eventually how much you gush over each other without noticing
it happens A LOT more than you realise
especially from his side🤭
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wilbur soot:
okay so
I think wilbur would have a hard time not showing you off to stream every second of the day
he would just always talk about you and want you there with him in his streams
and miss your touch after 5 minutes of being apart
but would be totally respectful of you wanting to remain faceless
he would just talk to you from an angle where chat couldnt see you
but yeah, he loves that you do the same type of job as him
and most of all, you motivate each other on days where you can't be bothered to even get out of bed
you’re definitely that couple that everyone makes cute compilations of
and that everyone strives to be
chat loves you, what more can I say
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corpse husband:
the power you two hold over everyone is actually immaculate
you stream/film together all the time
just having fun and being yourselves
he would definitely ask if you could join the games he plays with others when streaming
and if that wasn't possible, he’d just get you to come into his room and be part of it that way
he teases you a lot on stream
both cutely and mischievously
and your viewers are like👀
while his chat is just going crazy
you share lots of giggles
like, seriously, the majority of the videos/streams consists of you two laughing your asses off
you two will forever be known as the faceless couple
even if you both face reveal, that’ll always be your title
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zak will find a way to show you off no matter what
he just can't resist
the way his heart is always beating out of his chest because of you is just too much for him to not ever show you to the world
but of course with your consent only
he wouldn't ever pressure you or anything
but since you're only remaining faceless
you can expect LOTS of matching outfit pictures taken in the mirror
and just lots of pictures of you in general
with your face blocked out or not in view, of course
you'd always be helping each other with your setups or videos
and he’d want to introduce you to literally everyone he knows
especially bad
you don't necessarily stream/film a lot with each other
but you're always in each others’ company in some shape or form
he always mentions you in his streams
just small stories or conversations
chat can tell he’s head over heels for you
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karl jacobs:
he's the most support person everrr
he’d always be celebrating even the tiniest achievements with you
you hit 2k subs? he’ll treat you to an expensive ass dinner
you hit 1 million subs? he’ll buy you a whole room full of filming gear to improve from your previous ones
you managed to finish that one video you've been struggling with? he takes you on a weekend trip to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
he’ll beg you to join him in is streams
just so he can hold your hand :)
or laugh with you every once in a while
he doesn't need you to face reveal at all
your company is all that matters to him when it includes the rest of the world
I mean, he’s the one able to see your beautiful face all the time, so he can't really complain even if he felt like it
always tweets about you or tweets things at you that only you two understand
and everyone is like ?????
but you don't care :)
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fundy actually doesn't talk a lot about you in his streams or videos
mostly to avoid people leaving bad light on you in the chat
unless he’s in the same game as you, of course
which in that case, the first thing he’d want to do is find you and talk to you in the game
he’s very respectful of you keeping your face private
and tries his best to keep the pressure of a face reveal off your shoulders
especially if it’s happening in his or your comments
if it gets really bad, he’ll eventually talk about it on twitter or something like that
does tiktoks with you
only with your voice though
and posts manyyy pictures where you’re tagged, but only slightly in view
he doesn't really care about your face being a secret
as long as he gets to see it, he’s happy
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alex has so much fun making videos or going live with you
and obviously you have the best collabs
you’re the funniest couple on the platform and it shows
he would talk so much about you - like, telling embarrassing stories about you or some shit like that
or saying how clingy you are with him
and chat would be like AWW HE TALKS ABOUT THEM
and he's like “no”😤
but alex can't fool anyone
he’s in it for real with you🥴
and at times, he doesn't even try to hide it
especially when he speaks up about ho proud he is of you
and how people should respect your choice of remaining faceless to the world
but then he quickly moves on to his silly self again
with blushy cheeks ^w^
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has you on his lap constantly
even when his hand-cam is on
nothing will stop him from making you sit on his lap while he’s streaming
he loves that he can rant to you about the problems he faces sometimes concerning his streams
because you get it
he’d teach you the games you didn't know of
and you'd teach him the games that he didn't know of
and then you'd stream/film together after learning the basics
he doesn't talk about you a lot on stream
but chat eventually figures out it’s because you're literally in the same room as him
and how do they find that out, you may ask?
well, your snores coming from his headphones made it very obvious to say the least
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sam knows what it’s like being a faceless streamer
so if you wanted, he’d give you all of the advice you needed
and if you ever considered face revealing, he'd totally help you!
you guys have matching setups 
you sometimes talk to each other across the room as you're playing the same game together
because it’s funny to tease chat that way
you’d be posting pictures on social media
that give off hints that you're with each other a lot
like, in one photo he’s wearing a hoodie
and the next day, you post a photo of you in that exact same hoodie
stuff like that
he also celebrates big and small achievements with you
wether it be you achieving them or him, you always celebrate together
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matching. outfits.
ahhhh chat would be going absolutely crazy at the fits you guys have sometimes
and you're always matching
as in always
he tells their stream that you have a matching crown like his
but that chat obviously can't see it on you because you don’t have a face-cam
she likes telling stories about you
like, memories they have of you two together
and he just always compliments you and praises you for your hard work on her streams
telling everyone how happy you make them
she also always invites you to join his streams because it means a lot to them that you're there :)
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jack manifold:
jack is so excited about the fact that you're also a streamer/youtuber
it makes it easier to open up about your relationship online
because some people already knew you before you revealed you two were dating
though I feel like jack would kinda like the secrecy of your face online
just to brag to his audience about how he gets to see your face every day
but also because he likes that there’s more privacy for you
sometimes he’d pop into your room without knowing you were streaming/filming
and would just start talking to you while you giggled about how you were “kinda in the middle of something”
when jack realised what you meant, he’d hurry out of the room in an instant
you’d always be in each others chats/comments
showing what a supportive couple you were
he always raids you at the end of his streams if you’re streaming at the same time
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tommy always forgets that you're a faceless streamer/youtuber
and is sometimes sooo close to blurting out something he shouldn't
because he’s so used to seeing you, he just kinda forgets that no one else can
you always have to send him a text to “sToP TalKIng AbOUt yOu” so he doesn't accidentally reveal something
that being said, he literally talks so much about you
again, I’m bringing up that time he said that tubbo is so clingy
he says the same thing about you
but he’s really the clingy one, and it’s pretty obvious
you catch him saying things like “yeah, y/n is really cool”
or “guys, please don't say stuff like that to y/n”
getting all serious and shit🥺
he asks you constantly if you can join his vc
even when you're busy, he’s like “pay. attention. to. me😤”
it’s really entertaining sometimes
especially when his streams just consist of you two bickering the whole time
calls you his favourite woman
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ahhh tubbo is so sweet when it comes to you
like, when anyone mentions you he just starts smiling
and wants to tell everyone about you
even if they already know you from your channel
he just can't help but ramble on about you
especially to tommy
he replies to all of your tweets
and you reply to all of his
you always feature each other on your channels/streams
and share a celebratory cake when reaching subgoals
sometimes chat notices similarities in your layouts
like a colour change
or a similar pattern
posts a photo of your pinkies intertwined
wearing matching bracelets you made yourself
and everyone finds it super cute<3
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he would encourage you so much to join his videos
and wear the same type of outfit to cover your face with
but with a sense of yourself in it so you'd look similar, but not exactly like each other
you'd be matching outfits so often
doesn't talk a lot about you on his streams
apart from mentioning how short you are
but on TWITTER
that's a whole other story
his twitter has practically just become a fan account of you
he’s always in your comments
just to leave a :)
or a supportive comment
if you ever wanted to do a face reveal
he would do it with you if it meant making you feel more comfortable about it
or less nervous
you’re just very lowkey and cute
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork  @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets​ @vernon-dursley​ @childhoodgrunge​ @fivxss @hexagonclash​ @crazyjuls12​ @littlebabysandboxburritos @shifted-dreams@lenamarie666 @reinyrei @sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @honeyglaazed @carisle-mikealson​ @ineedtogetoutofhere​ @twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys​ @squiddyyyy​ @c0wc0ww​ @animeweeb019284​ @m00-bl00m-k0le @stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre @uhhhguiltypleasures​ @trappedchest​ @punzrights​ @trashgremlin36​ @cyberrsoot​ @elebeleb​ @k3nn3dis-crap​ @karlshoodies​ @rascal-in-banishment​
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missyourflight · 2 years
first lines meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 published stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
Ty lovely @useyourtelescope for the tag <3
1. let me photograph you in this light | F1
His mum would call it a lovely wedding, but she’d be being polite.
2. running soft through the night | F1
There’s a whole crowd of people around Charles’ car, red and gleaming low to the ground with its funny nose.
3. Somewhere in the heart of Rome | F1
The night is dragging later and later, Max is feeling flat and tired after yet another deathly boring reception in yet another city he’s not allowed to actually visit, and Horner won’t stop talking.
4. let's make a door | BTS
Yoongi snaps his fingers, and the flame sparks into life.
5. quite pretty | BTS
“Do you want a foot massage, hyung?” Jungkook says, very casually.
6. each part and grassy bits in between | BTS
Saturday morning.
7. let's explore your talent | BTS
The first time Jeongha saw Jimin’s tentacles was on a scouting mission.
8. Still Juicy | BTS
“Wow,” said Seokjin, dumping his bag on one of the beds.
9. Late Night Double Feature | BTS
“Hyung, put your glasses on,” Taehyung says, and Namjoon obeys him, sliding them up his nose, ready to begin.
10. swore I could feel you through the walls | BTS
The house has one of those circular driveways, and Namjoon imagines swinging the car in an arc around the sculpture and the flowers, looping all the way around and heading out the way he came: through the gates, to the airport, on a flight back to Seoul.
11. we'll reach up and hold their tails | BTS
“It’s not even networked,” he says through a mouthful of food.
12. you're breathing in my open mouth | IT
The night before he leaves, his last night in Derry maybe ever, Richie climbs in Eddie’s window.
13. Austenmail | Austenland
14. So let's say, I'll come another day | 1D
September 1999 - Zayn is 6, Liam is 25
15. B.L.T. | Some Girls
“That’s a sandwich,” Saz says.
16. if we be friends | 1D
“Did I not tell you, Lou?”
17. The Beginning of the Partnership | 1D
“Never seen a play before!”
18. running you with red | The Hour
They’ve been sending her out on her own for years, so it’s something of a surprise the day she finds him there, leaning against her bird and jabbing forcefully at a tablet.
19. crystal bones and filigree | Hanna
Hanna’s feet are always cold.
20. The Christmas Risotto Job | Fresh Meat
The appeal does not go entirely as hoped.
This was fun! AO3 archaeology always tickles me, like the layers of previous fandoms and Yuletide oneshots (before I got banned from Yuletide lol). Patterns IDK, I don't think I'm very good at writing openings generally (as soon as I have time I want to rewrite the first part of Roman Holiday bc I don't like it at all!). Quite a few opening with dialogue (my F1BB fic also opens with dialogue honk).
Favourites are the 1D time traveller's wife fic for ~sentimental reasons - that's still the longest and by far the most popular thing I've ever written lol. I also like the opening of quite pretty - straight off this is a silly story about foot stuff, and I like the JK voice.
tagging (but no pressure and just do as many as you like obvs!) @geluksalig @semperama @kritischetheologie @cvrthage @yekoc
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reonagisolos · 3 years
yknow, i love jaya and all, but the writing for them hurts me so badly because they do nya so dirty and I'm like NO so here are some of the changes I'd make without jeapordizing the actual plot (from the perspective of someone who watched from s1-7, sort of a rewrite? But not really. Just this one pet peeve I have with the writing here, from someone who loves drama but hates lobe triangles 🤟)
-The love triangle has to go away. i hated watching any type of moment with that cause it felt so forced like..Why would you do that?
-Instead of that, I'd rather have it first establish whether or not the feelings from jay to nya and vice versa were mutual. I'm sure it is and honestly I wish the triangle never existed but if I'd rather have it happen in some other way, I'd honestly want other characters to push it, instead of nya herself. It doesn't even need to be a full fledged arc, just something that happens for one season but affects how she acts in the future
-Doesn't make sense? Let me explain. It's especially apparent in s6 but nya? Yeah she's a GIRLBOSS who can STAND ON HER OWN!! I'd find it more interesting for a reinforcement to her character if she was suddenly pressured by the students or maybe by the other ninja that hey~ since an ai is all powerful and such, maybe they'd tease her about it, pretend like there's something there when there clearly isnt.
-she'd be mad of course (someone on some other post about doing nya dirty said something along the lines of objectifying her as some trophy and honestly I agree but we'll touch on that again later) but let's get to jay and cole.
-Jay, first and foremost, would definitely be overprotective of nya, in the way that kai would be as a naturally overprotective brother, and would likely misinterpret said teasing into cole actually being a "love rival" to him, which obviously isn't going to be his intent cause he's his friend and understands that jay really likes nya, BUT realistically, he'd question their friendship a little because while yes, nya is friends (jay idk man?) with the both of them, he's hurt that he'd be so defensive and angry about something so silly.
-Anyway they would definitely fight about this the same way it happened in canon (and ends about the same way in canon) because man for people who monologue a lot they can't with feelings and probably cope with it the same way.
-Post s3 and into s4, I feel as if their friendship would be even more strained than in canon (One because in this au I want to at least have a year of mourning for their dead friend like cmon) and they'd fight a LOT (moreso because of the instability of their feelings because of zane's death) with cole, it'd be how he made it look like he didn't care for their friend's death plus some leftover feelings from the nya thing.
-For jay, (god let me have enough energy to finish ranting about this because I love him) I see him as the kind of guy that'd carry guilt with him about past shit all the time because he thinks too much when he's alone. (which is a lot at this point) Now, he tends to think very quickly without thinking things through, mainly because stress builds up quickly and he has to do it now or never (kind of like the nature of his power) but when he has time to think he goes very far with it. It's muddles those thoughts of his, cause its been a while since he's talked to any of the other ninja, but he would probably realise on how stupid he was on being unnecessarily protective of nya (of course a little before climax when they had a moment to talk alone she'd tell him about this and boundaries, but he'd mainly kept it on the back burner, definitely staying away more, but sometimes overstepping it) so becuase of that he becomes way more withdrawn—Which shows when he meets the other ninja again for retrieving zane.
okay gonna give you a breather for a moment cause as you can see i yell a lot
-Back to that, it would likely be about the same from there, except cole would be talking a lot more than jay would be, instead showing mostly empty insults and glaring (at least until the the bruise battle which would happen in about the same way tbh)
And anyway, long story short since this was supposed to be about nya, and the end of arc 1 rewrite, they make up and post s4 but a bit before s5, they talk and become good friends again, enough so that they even joke about their stupid rivalry, to the relief of nya becuase damm. those boys stupid but you gotta love em
First of all, I don't actually mind the jay seeing into the future and jaya and stuff and making it stupidly obvious he likes her, however...I would've loved if nya actually kept the thing about them being just friends for the rest of the season and a little after (with little moments here and there, but nothing more than platonic in terms of canon) because m/f relationships are fun and cute and while the basis for jaya is definitely there I want more development then maybe some questioning of feelings and then boom after the halfway point of that they come to a conclusion
(It's one of the reasons why I bruiseshipping)
That tea scene where she drops jay into the traveler's tea portal is a decent example of that. Though I wish there was less monologue in that scene cause it dragged on and shouldn't have been so long in a high tension scene where they try to decide who goes in, just one powerful line from her then drop him.
Also I want more moments where nya ripped the dress apart or something with either a weapon nearby or her definitely high power water jets to tear it a bit so she could fight better and kick jin (gin?) butt
or just more scenes of her fighting/training with samurai x or her herself prior to learning about her being the water ninja but if you wanna see that go see my shitty tags ig
okay I'm done now
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aeondeug · 2 years
Alright so because I have some time while taking breaks on working on stuff so I don’t destroy my goddamned shoulder Again it’s time to talk about Executioner again. Which I am just calling that by habit because it’s already what I’d started calling it. Gonna use the Virgin Road tag though. Anyway.
Now while I said that I think Manon is less interesting than Orwell last night and while I still hold to that thought, I do like that Manon does add together with Orwell in presenting a sort of narrative mirror to Menou and her own issues. They’re both people who lived up to the expectations of others or at the least tried to. They’re both people who weren’t really given choice in who they were or got to be. And in the end it left them bitter and cruel. It left them people who finally went “Well fuck this helping the world shit, I’m just going to be me for once and that means being a bitch!” Which is very nice to contrast with Menou who is a person who literally doesn’t know who she is on account of that having been blanked. She is someone who works to live up to the expectations of her master. There’s small hints of who she actually is there and what she actually wants. But it’s kind of subsumed entirely by her job and what Flare’s made her into. And given what happens in the other timelines it does appear that Menou, like Manon and Orwell, finally decides to be selfish for once in her life. And like them both it gets her killed. Though Akari is now doing her damnedest to prevent that.
This is a nice setup. And it makes me curious to see how this Menou gets to being selfish and it makes me curious to see if we’ll see how the first timeline’s Menou got to being selfish.
Another thing that bears mentioning is the blonde and brunette shit that I obsess over with every new yuri I see. And whether or not that applies to this series. And I think it does. In a way that reminds me of Yagakimi, as weird as that might sound. But like give me a moment.
So Yuu is kind of Weird for a blonde, honestly. She’s rather subdued emotionally and isn’t the bright, perky girl one would expect to find during the Marimite era. She is still naive like Yumi is due to inexperience and not fully understanding the kind of person she is. But she doesn’t read as naive and silly as a lot of girls inspired by Yumi do. She’s got a sort of jadedness that makes her not initially read like the same sort of character.
And Menou’s similar. She’s not bright and perky. Save when she’s lying to Otherworlders. Menou’s a very jaded person who is entirely devoted to this whole being a villain business. But, just like Yuu, she is still naive and doesn’t really understand herself as a person. She’s kind of stuck trying to be the perfect copy of her master and doesn’t get how she feels at all or what she really wants on a personal level. And if I had to make a guess as to how this is going to go in the future then I think that, like Yuu and so many other blondes, she’s eventually going to pull her brunette out of her emotional black hole.
Speaking of that brunette. Like Touko Akari is initially very bright and perky seeming. She looks on the surface like an inverse of the hair color archetypes. But like Touko we learn that this bright and perky facade is just that: a facade. The real Akari was never so perky and trusting. The only reason she can be trusting of Menou is because she’s known her many lifetimes over now to the point she no longer remembers her former life. And the only reason she’s so perky now is because at some point she made a promise to herself to try and have fun and be bright and cheery with Menou. Until she finally saves her by getting her to succeed in killing her. And if I had to make a guess we’re eventually going to reach the big dumb reveal of all of this after Akari snaps under pressure because Feelings. And then Menou’s going to have to do the thing all blondes do forever and save (not)senpai from her moody bullshit.
Also as a note, Akari’s time traveling horseshit does mean that she does know more about things than Menou. Meaning that she does still technically hit the more experienced note on the yuri brunette checklist.
Anyway. This specific kind of blonde and brunette pair, the one that seems initially reversed, is one that I like. It still holds the appeal of the dynamic that I fell in love with as a kid but it does a bit of a fresh twist and zest to it. And in a way that feels like a natural and reasonable evolution of the trope. Because why do our moody brunettes have to be so open about their moodiness as Sachiko is? Why can’t they be wearing the mask that Sachiko wears for the general public not just for said general public but also for their kouhai? And let there be new and fun and exciting ways to explore the idea of “less experienced and full of youthful optimism”! Ways beyond wow my kouhai is just so perky!
Also speaking of that I realize I forgot to note that like the other commonality I see between Menou and Yuu is that while they’re both moody and kind of jaded compared to characters like Yumi they are still alike to Yumi in that they aren’t completely without hope. Akari’s lost all hope at this point because of her dumb time bullshit. Menou hasn’t though. She likely has that hope that Akari burnt away after countless attempts to change things. That hope’s likely buried down fuck deep alongside her own feelings, just like how Yuu’s were, but it’s probably there. Waiting to crop up and go “You know what senpai? You’re dumb as hell, actually.” Even if things go how I expect them to or even if they avoid that entirely I am very excited to see how this ends up being handled!
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Not putting this in any tags because it doesn’t really belong in tags, this is just a thought from only me and posting negative stuff in tags about what people like is gross, but Oz/Damien is really a discomfort to me man, huge turn-off when I see that ship, idk why too much, though. I see a lot of myself in Oz maybe and people like Damien are really scary and stressful to be around, plus the official polaroid description really doesn’t portray a very healthy relationship. I’m not super keen on it personally just because of how much I relate to Oz, speaking from my own personal projecting-ass experience lol, I just think Oz needs someone calm and patient around him so he can open up and feel comfortable just being himself when there’s no pressure on him, and people like Damien are folks I’ve definitely been friends with but not ones I would ever trust with much personal stuff about me or go to in a time of need.
Make no mistake I like Damien, he’s a hilarious and fun character and I think him and Oz can be friends, but that’s just my own personal two cents on the ship, I think I just see it everywhere because of its popularity and it gets me thinking about it and why I just can’t see them clicking.
Ofc if you love the ship and find it a huge comfort this is no smoke to you, you’re very, very valid in liking what you like! This is just a thought I’ve had for a while and wanted to kind of like… yell it into the void of my blog, vomit it at the foot of my followers and go “here, you didn’t ask for this :)” Also me putting this down trying to figure out why seeing the Oz/Damien ship everywhere mildly annoys me because I wasn’t too sure why I outright didn’t like it, not just wasn’t crazy about it like I am with just about every other ship.
That’s my random thought vomit anyway lol, precious comfort characters go brrrr and regardless of my opinion go have a hell of a time shipping whatever you want, rarepair or most popular ship in the fandom, like fuck it dude do what you want shipping is such a silly and fun little thing to just enjoy and sometimes we’ll enjoy them differently but damn!! That’s really cool tbh
Again not tagging this because I don’t want me being negative in tags associated with the ship or characters, that’s not fair to the people browsing those tags for actual content about the tag, but if this does show up in tags by tumblr word association or something please lmk! I don’t want my ramblings to end up in the wrong place and bring someone’s mood down, because at the end of the day this post is purely for me trying to shake a bunch of incoherent thoughts out of my brain. This is more of a reason why I’m personally not a fan and don’t interact with content regarding the ship, not a reason why someone else shouldn’t like it.
Had to throw my thoughts somewhere, brain clogged like a pencil sharpener that needs to be emptied
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gallavictorious · 3 years
I was delighted to be tagged by Our Lady of Words and Joy @howlinchickhowl Cheers, dear!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Earlier today it was 40. Now it’s 39. WHAT GIVES? Did someone eat a story? Which one? I am so confused.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
137 098. At least that hasn’t changed...
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Highs, and Your Lows (i will weather them)
This Time (We'll Be Fine)
Teenage Tales
To Keep Your Gentle Heart
Captive Look
Huh. Would you look at that. All Gallavich stuff!
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Eh. Well. Listen, I always want and mean to respond to comments, because as a commenter I always love a response from the author, but I am procrastinator supreme so a lot of the time I just... don't. Not for a great long while at least. Then, two years AFTER you left a comment, you might get an e-mail notification about me responding. It's horrible, really, because I keep the comments in my heart and treasure them so much and the lovely people taking the time to leave a few words on my silly stories really do deserve better.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Life, Still to Come has the one main character Jim Moriarty killing himself and his lover Sebastian Moran after he's diagnosed with incurable brain cancer, so I guess that's pretty angsty? The tone of the fic, however, is... kinda soft and peaceful, really. It doesn't feel so very sad, I think.
For Gallavich, I've got Chapter 7 of my ficlet collection Highs, and Your Lows (i will weather them). It's an Wild West AU kind of deal, where Ian Gallagher is visited by the ghost of the young fiend Mickey Milkovich after his dad beats him to death. That one is sad, but there's the glimmer of a promise that they might meet again one day, in a better world.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
My fics mostly end on a happy note, and I have a hard time pinning down which is the happiest. Hm. I'm gonna say Pressure or possibly Foreign Country, if only because the happy endings there are offered in contrast to the otherwise angsty story and so seems all the happier for it.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have, once. Well, started one, really. Notes Regarding the End of the World is a crossover between Sherlock BBC and Mark Lawrence's The Broken Empire trilogy. I still feel there's a bunch of potential there, but I'm very hesitant I'll ever finish it.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not to my recollection, no. Back when I posted my SW fic on the Jedi Council forums you might receive critical comments at times, but no hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really, no. I'm not very interested in reading it, and so see very little point in writing it. There's been a few semi-explicit depictions of sexual acts – most notably in Claim – and I'm not averse to writing kink fic, even if they don't typically include actual sex when I do. For instance, I did The Ways We Bend and Break and Mend for X-Men, and the whole point was Charles first whipping Erik and then cuddling him – except in the end it turned into a character study with lots of emotions, and I think any attempts to write smut would be like that for me. Accidental character drama. XD
I might have a Gallavich thing for kinktober that is likely to be pretty explicit and kinda messed up. We'll see.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. There have been a few instances of stuff popping up bearing a strong resemblance to things I've written, but there's also been times when I realize that things I have written bear a (very much unintentional) strong resemblance to other stuff that predates them, so I really think that's the nature of the beast. In any big fandom, the same ideas are likely to occur to multiple people, and we are all, often unconsciously, inspired by the same things and by each other.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, to Chinese and Russian.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Pathoftheranger and I co-wrote (How to Break the) Alibi Armistice, which was fun!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm a creature of ever-changing affections, so I'm not so good with ”all-time favourite”  and to be honest, I mostly tend to have favourite characters and ship them with everything in sight... Currently it's all about Gallavich but pretty much all ships including Jim Moriarty is forever gold to me (though MorMor is The Best. Or is it Sheriarty? Or maybe Mormorlock? Or Moriadlock? Or Johmlock – notice the 'm'?). Cherik's a big one too!
Ask me again in six months and my answer might well have changed!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The aforementioned Notes Regarding the End of the World. And I have this superlong Star Wars fic I started writing when I was 16 and wrote for years and years and then just... stopped writing, when I was maybe 20 pages from the end? It's currently at 180k words. This one I DO have some hope that I will go back and finish one day, although it's likely to be a jarring experience since I'm very much not 16 years old any more and my ideas about writing and the characters and everything have shifted quite a bit.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I do pretty well with the short format, I think. And with dialogue? Finding the voice of the characters (some more than others, certainly). Writing in my native Swedish, I think I'm pretty good at offering decent prose – I'd like to think I have a fairly developed ear for the flow of the text, and the melody of it? But when writing in English, that gets quite a bit harder. This really annoys me, because I'm rather preoccupied with the stylish elements of writing – though I've found that a lot of people seem happy enough to overlook clunky writing as long as they find the story otherwise engaging, which is a huge blessing for me. I believe I can build a decent plot, but since I can't write anyting longer than a few K these days there's no telling, is there?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Primarily getting any writing done at all. Mostly, I stare at a blank page and despair and then I give up. This is why I no longer write long fic. I also tend to reuse favorite phrases or themes far too often. And there are so many subclauses... Proofreading happens to other people (I'd like it to happen to me too, but I'm terrible with it). I'm not good at accepting constructive criticism, even when I ask for it. I will often favour style over efficiency, and I'll stubbornly refuse to admit that this can be a problem.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
This question makes me feel like I ought to have developed thoughts on this, but I don't so much... I don't mind it? I've used it. Uh. It's a good idea to do a bit of research and not just rely on Google translate for it? If you don't like it, don't use it. Those are my thoughts.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. <3
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Buffy/Angel/Spike. The Book of All Hours. Heroes. Maybe something based on The Coldfire Trilogy... ? Oh, and the Bible. I'm sure there are others.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I really don't have one. There are a few I'm particularly happy with, but no one that truly stands out... That said, I was quite chuffed with how the first ficlet in Or Else Into the Light, my (tiny) collection of Anakin redemption one-shots, turned out. And Claim. I’m very pleased with Claim.
Tagging @dreamylyfe-x @fiona-fififi @pathoftheranger @abundanceofnots and @captainjowl
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boltwrites · 4 years
Ride Of Your Life
Fandom: The Legend of Korra Pairing: Bolin / Reader (AFAB, gender neutral) Rating: E Tags: Thigh Riding, Praise KInk
Summary:  You met your boyfriend Bolin a few years after Kuvira’s defeat. After dating for several months, you two are moving into an apartment together, and while unpacking, you find his old Nuktuk costume.
By clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
You slid the last box into your shared bedroom, collapsing right behind it. For two people who didn’t come from much, you and Bolin sure had a lot of stuff – it was hard to keep track of everything. You two had tried to be organized, but had quickly devolved into just throwing things into boxes, far too excited about your new apartment to really care if some of the kitchen things were mixed in with the bedroom stuff.
In fact, you had no idea what was in this box. As Bolin struggled in the other room, grunting with effort as he shoved your new couch into place, you decided to procrastinate on the heavy lifting, and instead surveyed the cardboard box before you.
You spun it around, looking for any haphazard labelling you or your boyfriend would have slapped onto the box in your haste. When you found no such label, you grew curious, tugging at the flaps of the box until it popped open, and you peeked inside.
On top was an old mover poster. You tilted your head to the side, pulling it out of the box and unrolling it. Your eyes widened in shock.
“Bo? What’s this?” you called. There was a thunk in the other room as Bolin set some piece of furniture down.
“Yeah? What is it?” Bolin called back, peeking his head into the room. As soon as he saw what you were holding, he stilled, a blush creeping onto his face.
“Is this you?” you asked, laughing as you held up the poster labeled “Nuktuk: Hero of the South.” Bolin pouted at you.
“Hey, what do you think you’re laughing about?” Bolin swiped the poster from you before you could react, and you snorted as he held it high, striking the same pose as he brandished the promotional material.
“I was a hero in this, you know! Not just on screen – this was for a very important war effort!” Bolin defended, and that just made you giggle.
“And why, exactly, did you have to wear little booty shorts for this war effort?” You joked, covering your mouth with your hand as you stifled more laughter. The shorts were ridiculous, but as you looked at the poster, you had to admit, they didn’t look bad. Bolin was obviously much younger in the poster, but his legs were toned, his stomach was firm and even his shoulders were broad in that stupid fur they made him wear.
Bolin sputtered at your joke, looking at the poster and back to you, then to the poster again.
“They were not booty shorts!” he rebuked, pointing a finger at you. You snorted in return.
“Oh, sure, Bo,” you rolled your eyes, grinning wide at him. He was such a dork sometimes, but you still loved him dearly, even as he shook his head, rolling the poster up and brandishing it at you.
“They were not! Look, I’ll prove it-“ he brandished the poster at you again, before stomping over to the box and rifling through it, dropping the rolled poster at his feet to search with two hands when he didn’t immediately find what he was looking for.
“A-ha!” he cried triumphantly, unearthing from the box of knick-knacks a pair of blue, fur-lined shorts. Your eyebrows shot into your hairline.
“Are those-?”
“Nuktuk’s perfectly presentable warrior shorts? Yes, yes they are. With matching vest,” Bolin flung the fur vest out next, throwing it over his shoulder. You were far too shocked to say anything, but you were really impressed. When Bolin had told you before that he never threw away anything, he really wasn’t joking.
“Now, you stay right there. I’m going to prove to you, right here, right now, that these-“ he wiggled the shorts in front of your face. “Are respectable! Wait right here.”
Bolin bolted into the master bathroom and you chuckled as he went, tucking the poster back into the box and pushing it into the open closet. You had no idea why he would even want to wear that silly old costume. Maybe it had something to do with reliving his glory days as a famous mover star – even if you had never even heard of his old film. You shook your head, moving to the mattress for something soft to wait on, even if you and Bolin hadn’t yet had a chance to make the bed.
You sat for a moment, kicking your legs back and forth, grabbing a few items out of various boxes that were within eyesight and placing the items in the bedside table. But Bolin was taking a very long time.
“What’s taking so long in there, Nuktuk?” you called out, mirth audible as you flopped back onto the bed. As silly as it was, you were really starting to anticipate seeing your boyfriend in his old costume, if just to make fun of him.
“Almost got it-!” Bolin called back. You shook your head, stretching as you lay on your back. Your boyfriend really took a long time to get dressed, didn’t he?
You didn’t have to wait much longer, though. As soon as the thought crossed your mind, the bathroom door creaked open. Your ears pricked, and you sat up, a smile already plastered across your face as you readied yourself to tease your boyfriend – but your expression quickly changed once you got a good look at him.
Bolin was a pleasant shade of pink, his blush spattering his cheeks and the top of his chest. He was holding his hands clasped in front of his groin, the position straining against the too-tight vest. It was at that moment you realized a crucial detail – Bolin had starred in those movers over five years ago, and he had grown considerably in those five years.
Your eyes raked over his body, over his toned stomach, more visible now than in the posters, thanks to the tight shorts. But that wasn’t even the best part, as your gaze dropped lower. His thigh were on full display, the shorts hiked up all the way to the junction of his hip and thigh, unable to contain the muscle he had put on as he grew. And you guessed by the way that Bolin covered himself with his hands, that the tightness left little to the imagination in other areas as well.
“I guess they uh, do count as booty shorts,” Bolin tried to chuckle, shrugging as he shuffled his legs further together. All you could do was stare. Bolin raised an eyebrow at you when you didn’t respond for a few long moments, then he bit his lip, concerned.
“Y/n?” he asked, ducking his head down to meet your gaze, which was currently fixated on his thighs. You shook your head when his gaze met yours, and blinked, breathing in harshly. You pressed your legs together as well, but for an entirely different reason.
“Yeah?” you replied, breathless. Bolin’s eyes widened at your tone, and his blush spread.
“Uh, can I take these off now?” he asked, shifting his weight awkwardly.
“I would prefer if you didn’t, if that’s OK with you,” you replied, in that same low tone as before. Bolin bit his lip at your admission, his blush darkening.
“I-you-“ he stuttered, trying to understand, but you shook your head, holding up a finger to shush him. Bolin shut his mouth with an audible clack, and you took a deep breath.
“You look stunning, Bolin,” you sighed, the beginnings of a devious smile spreading across your face. Bolin gasped, and his legs buckled at your tone. You two had played this game before, and you knew how much your boyfriend was weak for praise. And you were beyond sincere when you took in his form, humming in appreciation. Bolin shuddered, and his expression changed minutely. Whereas before he had been self-conscious, at the praise he melted, his shoulder relaxing, his legs shivering as he anticipated what you would say, or do, next.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” you breathed, sitting up straight on the bed. Bolin whimpered at the words. “Why don’t you show me what you look like.”
Bolin looked down, a few stray curls falling into his face as he unclasped his hands, his arms shaking as he stood up straight. Your breath caught. He was barely contained in the scrap of fabric he had used to call shorts, and with his hardening cock, you could see the shorts strain even harder against the stress. You momentarily wondered how Bolin had even gotten into them, as the outline of his cock twitched against its confines.
“Y/n, please,” Bolin begged, his thighs flexing as he struggled to keep himself under control. You loved this about him, how easy it was to work him up.
“You’re so polite, baby boy,” you mumbled, and Bolin moaned gentle at the praise. “But not yet. You dressed up for a reason, remember? Turn for me.”
Bolin shivered, his steps small and deliberate as he turned. You leaned back, considering his form. His butt strained against the shorts almost as much as his cock did, the back seam snug in the curve of his ass. You smirked when Bolin looked over his shoulder at you, as if waiting for you to reward him for following your orders. But you weren’t done with him just yet.
“Why don’t you sit down,” you offered, gesturing to the armchair you had situated next to the bed earlier that morning. Bolin shot you a pleading look, but didn’t protest, instead treading carefully towards the chair. You covered your mouth with your hand, elbows to your knees as Bolin bent his legs, settling into the chair. His thighs flexed, and the shorts groaned in protest as he settled in.
Bolin moaned loud at the pressure it put on his dick, the fabric pressing firmer against his full cock. You were honestly surprised a seam hadn’t popped yet, but you were holding on for hope that the shorts would make it through what you had in mind.
Once Bolin was seated, you strode to stand in front of him, biting your lip as you unbuttoned the clasps of your outer tunic. Bolin could only watch, his chest heaving as you disrobed, first the outer tunic, then your pants, followed by your undershirt. His hands flexed on the arms of the chair, and you stopped to tut at him.
“Remember, no touching,” you chided, and he nodded, his jaw clenched hard as he tried to resist the urge to palm himself through his shorts. You completed your strip tease, easing your underwear over your hips, kicking them side once they fell to the floor. Bolin looked you up and down as you approached him, the lust clear in his blown-out eyes. You smiled at him, one full of love and disbelief. He was perfect, and you still couldn’t believe he was yours.
“Stay just like this, baby,” you eased him into the position you wanted him in, nudging his legs apart until they were spread the perfect amount. You leaned down, tilting Bolin’s head up for a deep kiss, which he responded to with gusto. You sighed as he moaned into the kiss, licking into your mouth and showing you exactly how much he wanted you. By the time you pulled away, your arms were shaking from holding the back of the chair, the only outward sign of how weak you were for this man. You exhaled sharply before you found your balance again, nipping at his ear as you leaned in close.
“I’m going to use you, Bo. And you’re going to sit there and take it. No touching, no coming. Not until I let you. Do you understand, baby boy?”
You pulled back, and Bolin nodded, his lips parted, his eyes betraying just how fucked up he was, even when you two had yet to properly touch. “Yes,” he choked out, his voice low and raspy. You shuddered at the sound of it. You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore, not when your adorable boyfriend was so fucked up on you.
You straddled his left thigh, wrapping your arms around his fur-covered shoulders, easing yourself down slowly. You felt so wet, and you moaned soft when your heat finally met his strong thigh. You pressed down on him, sliding from side to side until you opened just right for him.
When you looked up at him through your eyelashes, Bolin looked like he was just barely holding on. His face was red, that cute little curl of his stuck to his forehead. He looked at you with lust filled eyes, his biceps flexing as he crushed the arms of the chair with his grip, wanting so badly to touch you, but knowing he wasn’t allowed. He was beautiful – you loved him more than anything.
“You’re so good, baby boy,” you breathed, as you slid forward, his thigh strong and firm between your own. You nuzzled your nose into the side of his neck, breathing him in as you stuttered your hips back, gasping as you hit just the right spot.
Bolin moaned in return, but it was muffled as he tried to keep himself from grabbing onto your hips and taking control of the pace himself. You exhaled heavily, your arms shaking as you thrust forward once again, your own thigh pressing against Bolin’s cock.
Bolin cried out, his whole body shaking as he willed himself not to touch you, not to move. Your own breathing was growing heavy with your efforts. Bolin was the most beautiful thing in the world, willing himself not to touch, trying to hard to be a good boy. But as you rocked back, moans spilling from your mouth, visions of his strong hands on your waist plagued your mind, images of Bolin pressing you harder against his thick thigh, forcing you to take it. You cried out at the thought, rocking yourself faster, but it wasn’t nearly enough.
“Bolin- Bo-“ you moaned, pressing closer to him as your thighs began to shake from the effort. “Please, touch me-“
The words were barely out of your mouth before Bolin’s hands were on you, gripping firm at your hips, pressing you to his chest. You pressed your left thigh as close to him as you could manage, and he bucked into it, using his firm grip to forcibly grind your hips onto his thigh. You keened, scrambling for purchase against his shoulder as he took control, his hips bucking into you as he pushed you flush against him, your hips twitching as you neared release.
“Bo-Bo please,” you all but sobbed, nipping at his neck as you lost your pace completely. He understood you perfectly, pressing his thigh into you as he pushed your hips down. You cried out, your nails digging into to the fur of his vest as you circled your hips, the pleasure building until it finally crested, flooding your senses in waves of pure bliss. You knocked your head against his shoulder, panting, as you rode out your orgasm, Bolin’s grip on your hips lessening as he felt you come against him.
When you finally stilled, he tilted your head up, pulling you in for a deep kiss you could hardly participate in, in your current state. Bolin took full charge, cradling your jaw in his hand as he kissed you for all you were worth.
When you parted, you were dazed, humming soft as you pressed a lazy kiss to his neck, nuzzling in against him. He was still hard against your thigh, but he threaded his fingers through your hair, brushing through it as you took a minute to bask in your afterglow. After a moment of peace, he broke the silence.
“So… about breaking in that new mattress…”
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hellroots · 3 years
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— here you will find my rules or can also find them on my gdocs as well once i’m done with it. please like this if you read it, but otherwise don’t interact with this post, thank you. rest assured that i always read my moots rules before following and that i fully expect the same courtesy. i tried not to let them get too long but feel free to ask me anything you wanna know about them if it’s not clear ok?
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shy but friendly ! i don't follow for follow, if i follow you that means i've read your rules and want to write with you. i have no triggers nor squicks of my own except drama in the dash, for that reason i do not engage in callouts/witch hunts and if you do it on a constant basis i might have to hard block you for my own peace of mind. although i may come off too strong/harsh, i am always up to talking things out privately. as long as you are civil, so am i. any form of hate will be deleted and blocked -  sometimes mocked, if i’m feeling cocky…
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primarily run on a low activity \ effort and with a slow speed.. my muselist changes a lot, depends a lot on what i’m watching lately so bear with me please. this is a drama free zone, therefore do realise that mun ≠ muses and (obviously) writing ≠ condoning !! as a quick note, do keep in mind that my blog is my safe space, just as your blog is yours - you are responsible for your own internet experience just as i am responsible for mine. should anything in my blog annoy/trigger/squick you, i strongly encourage you to block me & not write with me - your mental health is far more important ( for me, and hopefully for you as well ) than rp. on that note, please do not softblock me - that’s annoying, just hardblock please.
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i  usually  tend to write for trigger heavy fandoms (such as asoiaf, kingdom and others) and may incorporate some of it into my writing, muses' backgrounds and overall characterization. if you're bothered \ squicked \ triggered by that, i kindly encourage you to reconsider and not follow me. no amount of rp fun is worth your mental health.  i try to tag everything accordingly and i fully expect the same courtesy for our followers' sakes. be aware that there may be mentions of death, gore, violence, consanguinamory \ endogamy (especially when it comes to the lannisters and kekkei genkai clans), rape ( kingdom, though it will only be mentioned on the character’s backstory ) and cannibalism ( hannibal and kingdom ) , as well as unhealthy relationships and dynamics alongside with powerplay, and otherwise bad behaviours.  for all that is sacred, please, do note that i, the mun, do not approve, support or condone any of these actions or behaviours !!  i simply am capable of separating fiction from reality. as long as everything is properly tagged, with mutual consent and there are no minors involved (muse and especially not muns), . i support the right of a consenting adult to explore these awful dark topics in a safe fictional environment with other like minded consenting adults, people shouldn’t have to share their traumas to strangers on the internet to explain why they write what they write, be considerate. if that notion bothers you perhaps you might not want to interact with me, for both of ours sakes. fair warning, most of my graphics and aesthetics might trigger those who have xylophobia/hylophobia (phobia of trees or wooded areas), and considering it is a main theme here i will not be tagging it, i'm sorry. but its too many. however, if you want me to create a special tag for you, there's no issue! it will be either "[your mun name] don't look!" or "[your url] don't look!", whichever you prefer. QUICK EDIT/ADDITION: i do not believe that aging up fictional characters is inherently a bad thing - from what i understand, the whole appeal of aging up a character is that while you like their personality but you do not want them to be kids (for whatever reason) but insteasd adults. if you are one of those who think that aging up a character is automatically something bad (without even knowing why it was done in the first place) don’t bother following me because i do think that opinion is quite silly.
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my tagging system is simple, i tag triggers as "tw; x" and . images that may be sensitive or triggering as "cw; x". you can further see how my tags work by taking a look at my tag dump post, just search ‘tag dump’ on my blog and you will find the most recent one i’m using.    i shitpost and talk oocly on the dash constantly but you can easily blacklist my tag if it bothers you.  here's something you should know about me:  when i'm doing drafts i usually don't feel like chatting much, so please do not spam me because i won't be able to reply, i love to talk with my moots but sometimes it overwhelms me.  on that note, please don't pester me for replies ic or ooc, i am slow and chances are that if you try to guilt trip me or just nag me about it i'll leave as the ones i'll get to in the later end on purpose, just out of spite. yes, i be like that.   please be patient - i’ll never pressure you and expect the same in return.  plotting wise: i prefer to just wing it with just a faint idea of where to take the thread but honestly i'm cool with anything. please be considerate when formatting your replies, i have a bad eyesight & if i can't read it, i won't bother with it.   my own formatting is simple and clean.   on a smaller note, please bear with me and my muses as my muses ramble a lot but you don't have to match the length, just give me something to work with. if we write together, the chances of me making edits/tagging you in stuff are really big, just lmk if you don’t like that though !
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i love shipping but i like my ships to be devices to move the plot/dynamics/muses forward, every once in a while though i partake in some much loved self indulgent shipping. just because i ship a certain pairing don't presume that my characters are approaching yours with second intentions, please.   most of the time i like to reblog those relationship memes, so if you’re interested in a ship the best way (other than  sending me a message ofc) to let me know is by sending ones. there will be some triggering ships here ( like the lannisters, both cersei x jaime and joanna x tywin are my otps, and potential inter clan ships, like with the hyugas - i mean how the hell you think they keep the byakugan in their family?? ) that may either be played with trusted friends or be mentioned/reblogged sometimes, all properly tagged so you can easily blocklist/avoid it.  most of my muses are either bi or pan, those who are not will be specified. don't be afraid to reach out to me for shipping right off the bat - i'd rather have you to be open and honest with me about the interactions you want than lying to me, just know that there will be needed some plotting and threading first to see if your muses match. as an adult, my blog is smut friendly, i partake in sexual sunday a lot because some of my muses are very lewd in nature, you can blacklist my tag if that bothers you as well.
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lastly but not least, general rp etiquette applies on my blog: no godmodding, forced ships, etc. there’s only ONE thing that truly makes me go apeshit crazy, and it’s when people don’t read my rules. i ALWAYS find out and it’s not pretty; i block it like it’s hot, ♪ ♫ ♬ block it like it’s hot ♪ ♫ ♬.   i strongly assure you that i always read your rules before both following you and also before sending memes, just in case. on a much smaller note, i’m not so hot on single shipping and i really feel weirded out about people forcing me to pic who i’m going to interact with due to theirs DNI’s. while i get DNI’s when it comes to actual predators, when it’s something seemingly random chances are that i’ll softblock you because it weirds me out how volatile some can be when it comes to a hobby. i have some trigger heavy hcs ( for example, the one about jiraiya’s hypersexuality being rooted in trauma that he suffered at a young age ) that i share with only a few muns that are closer with me, so i’ll be mentioning them every once in a while but won’t share them, please don’t insist.  i don’t really like most of the main characters of the franchises i write for, and when it comes to certain characters  i reserve the right to decline an rp for my own comfort. for further info on what i use to make my graphics please check my “CREDITS.” tag.  most of my stuff is made by me, i’ve got a lowkey rph in case you wanna check it out it’s @brazucahelps, however if you want a custom content i can see if i get a free time to come up with something :D
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Content Tag Game
thank you @inkofyoongi for the tag and also bless you for the Poetica teaser I'm crying already!!! Yoongi and y/n kissing oh my heart.
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)? Harry Potter and Attack on Titan
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for? BTS
3. how long have you been writing? Writing online, I wrote HP ff when I was a preteen. Oh god it was horrible, it was a lot of silly meme worthy stuff, but that was half the fun in the HP fandom back in the day, then years later I tried to write one AOT ff and it did not do well lol, I think I maybe got two comments one of them being really mean lol and I gave up and left my story unfinished and moved on from ff (funnily enough I based a scene in one of my HOAL chapters off of it and no complaints so ha!...lol.) Then a friend bought me a dream journal, and I fell back in love with writing again after HOAL 🥰
4. on which platforms do you post your stories? I have a Wattpad and I just created an Ao3 to crosspost.
5. what is your favourite genre to write? Angst, I guess I am just a masochist.
6. are you a pantser or a planner? Well I am definitely not a planner, so I guess I'm a pantser lol. I rather just write the story instead of planning. I vaguely know the endings, the problem is most of my stories start out as dreams, and what usually happens in dreams??? That's right, you wake up BEFORE the ending. So then I have the arduous task of figuring out what else is supposed to happen lol, I feel like if I just write it out it will somehow magically come together in the end, planning is unnecessary stress I don't need lol.
7. one shot or multi-chapter? You know I really admire one shot writers, but I am just not built like that...
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion? I would say as a writer and what I also prefer reading, between 6k and 10k is the sweet spot.
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete? Handshakes of a Lifetime is almost at 55k words 👀 and I would say it's half way done?
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most? I really love writing HOAL, some of the chapters were very therapeutic to write 🥲. During the beginning chapters I was going through a lot of chronic pain and there were long stretches where I was so engrossed I forgot about the pain which if you've ever suffered from chronic illness, is like finding a raft in the middle of the ocean. But also Run Run Run made me hysterically laugh for hours (the visuals in my head are something else man), I already know I am going to have so much fun finishing that story.
11. favourite request you’ve written and why? I don’t take requests, however there have been times when I requested myself to write lol. Instead of word vomiting all over my blog and oversharing to you guys who probably do not want to listen to my ugly problems, I said, hey, why not just take all that pain and channel it into a story instead? Because that's why people follow me after all and I'm a woman of the people lol, and that's how Blue and Grey was written. It's short and simple, and it's one of my favorite stories I've ever written.
12. are there reocurring themes in your stories? Hmmm pain lol, whether it be pleasurable pain or not lol. Again, my stories start out as dreams, so they are pretty random. I do notice there's a lot of “escaping”, that might just be a dream thing idk.
13. current number of wips? HOAL, C!HOC, RRR, BV:ITS, a cross over fandom story I am so excited for and will write before the year is up (I just somehow need to become a smarter writer before then), a cute theme story I want to release on Halloween, 6 angsty one shots for each member (Namjoon's is already written), and an unnamed invasion AU story that I hope will see the light of day, but I have so many questions as to what is going on and have to figure out those answers before I post it (also I don't know know if I should add another ongoing fic and do that to myself lol)
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing? I love cliff hangers, they are just so much fun, I truly can't help myself. I also can't help putting a hopeful spin on my writing, even when I think I shouldn't, the story would be more meaningful if I didn't, but I am a hopeless romantic so sue me. And even if my stories are very fantasy driven, I try to be as realistic as possible, especially during smut scenes, I need realism, I don't like writing unrealistic sex, so sorry if it’s not that fantastical sometimes, I try to make it up in story pacing 🥲🥲.
15. a quote you like from a published story. Chapter 4 of HOAL is full of sentences I am proud of lol. "...a storm so final in its answer, it must be controlled by the Grim Reaper himself." and "...rain droplets clash against the ocean, open like umbrellas, and the sea throws back tiny gems of water." I really tried to portray that calm before the storm feeling throughout the chapter.
16. a quote from an unpublished story. Here is a part of the unnamed story, "Namjoon never came back. You take out your phone, pull up Namjoon’s number. You don’t have a pen or pencil, and you’ve never been good at memorization. But this time you have to, you must remember the ten numbers as if your life depended on it, because you’re starting to feel like it might."
17. a space for you to say something to your readers. My dreams had been haunting me for awhile until I finally said, "okay, let me just try, I'll just try to and see if this whole writing thing will work for me." Sometimes you have thoughts that you just need to scream out into the world before they consume you and the fact that people are hearing me, and being moved in even the littlest of ways by my stories lifts the pressure off my shoulders just a bit every day. A lot of my stories are anonymous love letters to people in my life, memories I want to preserve and transform into stories people can enjoy, happy and painful, for better or for worse. So to my readers, thank you for enjoying my stories, for hearing me. ❤️
I tag: @cloudteawrites @bangtangalicious @smasmashin @alpacaparkaseok @deepdarkdelights @btsaudge @koosbabygrl and any other writer who wants to share! 💕
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