#there was no one else left whom steve would trust enough to tell where he was going
th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 1 year
hidden sadness.
pairings: Natasha X fem reader.
Warnings: depression, lots of sadness. Swearing. Thoughts of self harm. Yelling.
Happy ending tho.
A/n: this is a vent post. And Natasha is only a year older than y/n in this. Please do not mind me dumping my bottled up sadness here.
Y/n had joined the Avengers when she was 23. She had been hoping for a new start. And she had always been really good with daggers. Like exceptionally good. So she had gained the avengers trust quite easily.
The avengers would describe y/n as walking sunshine. She was always able to cheer someone up or just bring the happiness level up in general. It was a known fact that y/n was friends with every avenger. Every avenger other than Natasha Romanoff. For some inexplicable reason Natasha hated y/n. However despite Natashas dislike for her y/n was always kind towards her.
Natasha would describe y/n as a clingy childish girl who never experienced the hardships if the world and probably had everything handed to her on a silver platter. And the only reason that y/n was on the avengers was because her dad brought her a place and claimed she was good with daggers.
Nobody had actually seen y/n handle a dagger. But every mission y/n went on came out successful so they assumed she was as good as she claimed. Everyone but Natasha who suspected y/n just had someone else do the job for her.
Y/n however was far from either of the avengers expectations. She was a happy ball of sunshine on the outside but inside was a while nother story. In all reality y/n was sad. Desperately sad. Y/n found it hard to even get up of a morning. She forgot meals and basic health things. Luckily she could easily brush it off as simple forgetfulness as it fit her personality.
Despite y/n desperately wanting to tell someone, anyone, about her sadness she couldn't. Not the avengers. They had enough issues to deal with as well as their own sadness. Y/n's mother didn't understand. She tried to but she couldn't grasp her daughter's depression. And y/n's father had left for another woman a year ago. Not that that changed anything as he basically ignored y/n her whole life. So y/n bottled her sadness. Well she had one place she put it. A blog she had. There she could dump all her emotions under an alias where noone would recognise her and tell the other Avengers.
On social media y/n went under "inej". Her favourite book character whom she shared her dagger and knife skill with. Y/n's blog was her safe haven. The one place where she could be y/n y/l/n and not just "the silver blade" which was her hero name. Nobody but y/n's followers knew about y/n's depression. If it's even depression. Y/n don't know. All she knew was she was sad.
"hey y/n you think you could show us your daggers?"
Kate asked from beside yelena. The other Avengers turned to look at y/n.
"sorry Kate not today. Maybe another day."
Y/n responded shooting Kate an apologetic look. Y/n didn't like to show her daggers to others. They were special. Her grandma handcrafted them specially for y/n before she passed away. She had left y/n with twenty daggers in a wooden box with a glass lid. It was important to y/n as it was the last thing her grandma ever gave her.
"of course you cant. Because they don't exist. Admit it y/l/n you use your father's power to get your missions done."
Natashas voice broke y/n out of thought. It was cold and cruel but y/n was used to it.
"sorry to disappoint Natasha but I don't use my father's status to get missions done. I do have daggers but I can't show them to you. It's personal and I've said that."
Y/n gave Natasha smile. Natasha had always been y/n's favourite avenger. It saddened her more that Natasha hated y/n. Natasha simply scoffed at y/ns words and smile.
"what's personal about daggers. Their just fancy knives."
Natasha's insult hurt. Not that y/n would ever show it.
"leave it alone nat."
Steve said frowning. Natasha glared at him before leaving the room.
"sorry for her behaviour y/n."
Steve said then turning to y/n.
"it's fine Steve. I'm used to it. I know she'll eventually get over it."
Y/n responded calmly. She then hesitated.
"I'm gonna go to my room though. I feel awkward now. I'll see you all later ok."
Y/n then finished. The avengers nodded and y/n retreated to her room.
Y/n had a simple room in which no one but her was aloud in. It had bookcases lining two walls and a bunk bed with a study area underneath in the corner. There was a picture frame that held two photos. One of y/n with her mother and the other of y/n with her grandma the day she gifted y/n the daggers. Under said photos was the box contained the daggers. The daggers were intricately decorated with dragons or crows. Dragons because y/n adored them and crows as a reference to y/n's favourite book duology, six of crows.
Y/n climbed up to her bed and lay down grabbing her phone to dump her emotions on social media. Opening her blog she created a post. It just went on about how her friend group had one person who hated her despite her attempts at being friendly. And her slight struggles to deal with her depression and not being able to discuss it. After posting she turned off her phone and lay down sighing. Y/n didn't feel much better. She glanced back at the daggers. What if... No. She couldn't. She wouldn't. She didn't have the heart to do it. Let alone deal with her mother's sadness or the avengers sadness if she was caught. Besides her suit was sleeveless. Y/n buried the thought to the back if her mind.
A few hours had passed now. Wanda called everyone down for a team meal. Y/n wasn't hungry. She made the simple excuse of she wasn't hungry and went back to her room. Not after getting another snarky remark from Natasha though. This time a dig at her size. Y/n wasn't big but she wasn't skinny like the others either. It wasn't a bad thing and y/n knew that but it still hurt.
Once back in her room y/n turned in her music and as 'devil town' by cavetown came on she pulled out her sketchbook and drew. That was y/n's only other coping mechanism that kept her away from sh. Other than reading, drawing was one of the only things y/n legitimately enjoyed anymore. As the lines started to take a shape y/n realised she was drawing a realistic heart that was cracked open and bleeding. Disturbing but accurate to y/n's emotions currently. Mean while downstairs the other Avengers were arguing with Natasha.
"you can't say that natasha. It could really hurt her feelings y'know."
Wanda scolded. Natasha rolled her eyes.
"she's a cinnamon bun Wanda she's fine."
Natasha said. Wanda frowned at Natasha and was about to make another comment when Yelena interupted.
"can we not do this over dinner. You two can have your quarrel after food."
Wanda and Natasha sighed before sitting back down. Everyone ate in silence as the obvious tension between Wanda and Natasha was uncomfortable.
The next few weeks went by almost the same. Y/n continued her happy persona and Natasha continued to make hurtful jabs while the other Avengers disapproved. Y/n continued to act like it didn't matter. Then Natasha and y/n were assigned the same mission. It was simple. Break into HYDRA put the information on the hard drive and then blow up the place. Easy right. Wrong. Natasha was furious.
"why can't I do it on my own!?"
Natasha fumed at fury. Y/n stood there silent.
"I don't need some happy go lucky daddies girl bugging me as she fakes being an avenger!"
That actually hurt y/n and she flinched though nobody noticed.
"well there's obviously some drama between you both and you need to figure it out. Besides the other Avengers need a break."
Fury remained professional despite the red head yelling at him. Before Natasha could even think of a response fury left. Natasha whipped around to face y/n.
"you better not fuck this up or I will fuck you up got that daddies girl."
Natashas voiced dropped with venom at this statement and y/n simply nodded. The black widow proceeded to storm out of the room leaving y/n to mull over this situation.
The day of departure was the hardest y/n ever experienced. She felt so heavy. It was unbearable to leave the sanctuary of her bed let alone her bedroom. Despite all odds she managed to get up and grab her daggers and change in time to meet Natasha. Y/n had also grabbed a couple books and her sketchpad. This was not a single day mission and y/n knew she was gonna need some coping mechanisms or else things would go south.
Y/n met Natasha at the launch pad to board the quinjet. Natasha scowled at y/n and went on about her nearly being late. Y/n was early. They boarded and started the long flight to the HYDRA base.
The majority of the flight Natasha scowled at y/n and made harsh comments. Y/n simply read to drown it out. As soon as they landed and headed to the hotel they were staying at Natasha made almost silent judgements about the way y/n held and carried herself. Y/n simply sighed and tried to ignore it. They checked into the hotel and entered their room. Lucky for them it had two beds. Y/n set up to the one next to a window and natasha on the one closest to the door.
The first night y/n and Natasha needed to discuss plans if the break in. That was mostly Natasha telling y/n what to do and ignoring any statements y/n made before bringing them up later as if her own ideas. Y/n went along with it.
The next day they were to stake out the base. It went as well as one could anticipate from Natasha and y/n. Natasha constantly criticized y/n and said she was too obvious and how this was just proof of her faking her missions successes. It ended worse. Y/n had ended up in a trap and Natasha had to get her out before HYDRA agents found them. It was worse when back at the hotel.
"how could you be so stupid! Had I known you were this shitty I would've demanded a new partner till I got one! You jeopardized the whole mission you know that right!? Your not an avenger. Your a pathetic excuse who only got to join the team cos her daddy brought her a spot."
Natasha yelled. Y/n blocked out the rant. She had heard enough if Natashas rants to know the lines this one would take. Bla bla ball you could've got us caught. Bla bla bla your a failure. Bla bla bla daddy's girl. That was all Natasha's rants. Soon however Natasha ran out of air and stormed into the bathroom to take a shower. Y/n decided to make a post for her blog.
-hey guys. I think screwed up again. It's all I ever seen to do now a days. I truly feel like a failure. I could've gotten my friend in trouble on accident. I've also been left alone with the friend who hates me. I keep fucking up and I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm trying. But sometime it feels like it's not enough. Stay safe.-
Y/n posted it and then turned off her phone before pulling out a book to read the rest of the night. Y/n knew sleep was not gonna be an option tonight. Sleepless nights were more common now.
Today was the infiltration day. Today was the important day. And y/n could only think about how she was gonna fuck up. Natasha got ready and y/n joined her outside. They were soon both outside the base again.
"ok I'm doing all the work as your incapable of doing anything right. Just follow my orders and maybe you won't fuck this up."
Natasha demanded. Y/n nodded. Natasha then lead y/n in.
At first everything was going smoothly. Till Natasha was downloading the information and it tripped a security alarm. HYDRA agents filled the room and Natasha and y/n were fighting for their lives while gathering the information. Y/n didn't have time to grab her daggers and she wasn't too good at hand to hand combat without them. That and the sleepless night and y/n was fighting terribly. Natasha obviously noticed and took it as y/n being incapable of doing the mission and a liar like she thought. Then Natasha saw the files were downloaded. She quickly went to retrieve the USB and turned to yell at y/n to ditch before g/n barged into Natasha and a bullet was shot. Y/n yelled at Natasha to grab the USB and run and that she had the bombs to blow it up. Natasha did run. She felt no obligation to help y/n. Soon after Natasha was out y/n got the time to whip out her daggers and soon the agents were dead. Y/n planted the bombs and exited the building and blew it up. Y/n met with Natasha at the hotel room.
"what the fuck were you thinking!? You nearly got me killed. Your pathetic attacks were useless! We could if failed because of you. Let alone you jumping at me!? And where are you stupid daggers huh!? I never even saw a blade in your hands!"
Natasha screamed. Y/n was tired and bleeding. Littlest did Natasha realise was y/n had take a bullet for natasha. Had she not jumped at Natasha she would if died. But all Natasha was doing was yelling at y/n for saving her life. No. She had enough.
"I jumped at you to take a goddamn bullet!"
Y/n finally gestured to the bleeding wound in her chest. Natasha shit up but before she could speak y/n began to yell this time.
"and the reason I didn't pull out my daggers was because I didn't have an opening to! I saved your stupid life and what I get is being screamed at!? I've tried so hard to get to where I am now. And you daddies girl comments sting y'know. And if you knew jackshit you'd know that my father left my mother for another woman a year ago. Even before that he hardly acknowledged my existence! I have tried so hard to be good at this but I can't! I'm just sad all the time. I struggle to get out of bed. Yet I try to keep you and the other Avengers happy because I don't want to bring down high spirits! Maybe this was a mistake and that being an avenger was a shit decision but I enjoy it! Or I did."
Y/n finished her rant and then looked at a shell shocked Natasha. The y/n pulled out her bloody daggers.
"and those non existent daggers are here."
Natasha now stared at the daggers. Then she eyed the bullet wound.
"i.. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
She said almost shakily.
"no. You didn't know. You don't bother to know. To know Ive been miserable near you. I've thought about self harming before but you have nearly made me actually do it! And y'know what. Maybe I should. Just to relieve the pain you cause me!"
Y/n shouted. Natasha looked scared at the mention of self harm.
"don't do that. Don't even think of that. Please I'm sorry. I didnt... I'm sorry. I am truly sorry."
Natasha said. Concern was written all over natashas face as tears streamed down y/n's. Natasha stepped forward.
"Please dont, cut yourself..."
Natasha begged. Y/n looked away.
"it's just so hard.. you making comments. Being judged about the fact I won't show my daggers because I'm not ready to face the fact that if I show them I'll need to say who gave them to me and then that leads to grandma's death.. I cant. I can't admit she's gone because if she is then I'm lost.."
Y/n practically sobbs. Natashas eyes widen at your explanation of why you refused to show your daggers. Natasha then wrapped y/n in a hug.
"I'm sorry. I was just jealous. I thought you had a privileged childhood and got everything you needed and was upset because that privilege was taken from me. I'm so sorry. I never meant to take effect in you like I did."
Natasha whispered. Y/n simply leaned into Natasha's arms.
The rest of that night was filled with, Crying, hugs, admitting troubles and making up. The two women then became friends and returned to the compound as such. They proceeded to confuse the fuck out of the other Avengers as they had departed basically enemies and now y/n and Natasha were arm in arm. Natasha explained everything and y/n was taken to therapy. Things soon got better. And eventually Natasha and y/n grew into more than friends.
A/n: the ending is shit but I didn't know how else to do it. (I redid it like 20 times). Lmk if it's shit or not. Not that I care this is just me emotion dumping lol.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Undeserving (Deserve Better Part 2)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You confront Bucky about his decision to abandon you.
Word Count: 2,868
Warnings: More angst lmao I’m sorry for this
A/N: Honestly struggled with this because 1) I couldn’t decide on how to end it and 2) I was pressured from the feedback I got from Deserve Better. I’m not entirely happy with how this came out and initially, I planned on doing an epilogue for those who’d prefer a different ending but decided against it. Anyway, if you guys have more questions about this, send me an ask! I’d love to discuss more about this lol luv u all as always. Feedbacks are highly appreciated and I hope this was good enough for y’all who enjoyed Deserve Better xoxo
Deserve Better || Undeserving || Deserve The Best
You chose to stay.
Despite seeing the love of your life— whom you had waited for years— in the arms of another, you stayed at the gala. It was after all, to honor Steve’s legacy and you respected him enough not to walk away and miss out on the speeches given by people dearest to him, Bucky included of course.
You weren’t sure if he had seen you and the way your eyes brimmed with tears when everything finally made sense to you. He wasn’t far from you when you stopped in your tracks, mouth parting as a soft whimper escaped past your lips.
You had never imagined that heartbreak could be so physically painful. And it wasn’t the regular pain you’d feel after an intense workout or when you scraped your knee. The hurt was different, like your heart was being tightly squeezed into someone else’s palm. It was choking you, constricting you of oxygen as if you were drowning. No matter how much you tried to reach the surface, the pain just kept on pulling you down until there was nothing but darkness and well, pain.
Once the program was over and all the guests were left to mingle, you carefully slipped out of the crowd. Mindlessly, you walked and walked and walked until your feet began to hurt from the heels you were wearing. When the cold and crisp air of the evening embraced you, it was then that you realized that you reached the compound’s garden, just behind the main hall where the gala was happening.
The quiet gave you time to think and process everything that had happened. Bucky left to find himself and to become better, that he did. And you waited only to discover that he’d been back for quite a while now but chose to be with another.
As you looked out in front of you, your vision turned blurry as a new wave of tears escaped your eyes. Your grief had resurfaced after repressing it for so, so long. Grief from Bucky’s goodbye, from his absence and from waiting, grief from seeing him with someone else; no matter the cause, all in all it was grief nonetheless.
Bucky’s soft voice calling your name echoed in the evening air, it was so soft that you almost thought that you were hallucinating. But then he’d called you again, using the pet name that used to make your stomach flip and your heart to flutter. It still had the same effect now, you realized, only that it came along with an immense amount of pain that made your blood boil.
Hearing Bucky call you that, it almost felt like poison. It was quiet, gentle even but it left a bitter taste in your mouth as you felt its venom run through your veins until you could no longer feel anything but pain.
“Don’t.” you seethed and turned around, pointing a shaky finger right at Bucky. “Don’t call me that when you’re with someone else, James.”
Bucky flinched at the way you had addressed him. You saw how his face faltered upon seeing you like this. His vibranium arm was restless against his side, as if he wanted to reach out to you but knew better than to do so.
“I waited for you!” you spat.
If he found somebody else to become better for, he could at least let you know. But he didn’t and you needed to know why he chose to abandon you. You needed it so badly, for your own peace of mind. For closure. You deserved that, at least.
“I’m sorry, I—“
“No, you don’t get to say your side until I’m done with mine!” you insisted. “I have every right to be selfish right now. I can choose to lash out on you or refuse to even listen to whatever your reason is for abandoning me no matter how valid it is. I fucking deserve that, Bucky.”
Bucky closed his mouth and nodded; you hated how he was staring at you as if he just lost his moonlight, as if he still loved you. If he did, you wouldn’t be confronting him like this and you wouldn’t have seen him with someone else.
“When Steve told me that you disappeared, when it felt like there was no way to bring everyone back, I waited. It didn’t feel right for me to move on from you just like that and deep inside I knew that you were going to return. Five years, Buck. I waited five years for nothing.” you said quietly, recalling how devastating those five years were.
You didn’t know what would happen then, nobody knew. Would they still come back? The chances were slim and yet you trusted your gut and decided to remain hopeful. It wasn’t easy to wait for something or someone that may never come back. But you still did and it never even crossed your mind that you may just be wasting your time.
You let out a breathy chuckle, “And then you came back and I felt alive again. But then you said goodbye.” you pursed your lips in an attempt to hold back your tears but to no avail.
It took you a while to collect yourself and Bucky let you, until you spoke again and told him how much it destroyed you when he walked away from you.
“Everyone else told me that I shouldn’t wait. Not again after those five years. But it felt easier this time around because you told me you wanted to get better. For me. And I was excited, Bucky.” you told him with a chuckle. “I was excited to see your return. I looked forward to how we’d spend our time together when you come back, if you’d cut your hair. If you’d wear the same cologne that I loved.”
A smile tugged at your lips as you recalled those times you daydreamed about Bucky’s return. The wait was agonizing but it gave you something to look forward to. At least you weren’t waiting for nothing anymore. Bucky was leaving but only temporarily, you were sure he’d come back. But the smile vanished as soon as it appeared and before you knew it, you were sobbing again.
“And now you’re back and so much better. But you aren’t mine anymore.”
At this point, your grief had consumed you both physically and mentally. You knees wobbled but you didn’t hit the ground, no. Instead, there was warmth against your skin followed by the smell of a certain cologne, enveloping the air around you. Bucky caught you in his arms and he held you tight as you cried into him.
“Shh, doll. I’m here now.” he whispered before pressing a kiss onto your crown.
As much as it felt right to be in Bucky’s embrace, it wasn’t enough to overcome the betrayal he did. You groaned in frustration and pushed him away, stepping back and hugging yourself instead.
“Why?” you asked quietly.
“I need to know why and how we came to this.” you asked, almost begged for Bucky to give you the closure you badly needed.
Bucky ran a hand through his hair as he paced before you, his cheeks stained with his own tears. “I came back for you.” he said.
You frowned, “When?”
“I couldn’t wait to see you again and as soon as I got back, I went straight to your office. But then you weren’t working there anymore, I found out that you finally landed your dream job at the law firm.” he said with a small smile. “I was so proud when I heard that. I was supposed to go to your apartment but something came up and I needed to meet with Sam first. Weekend came and I was on my way to your place when I saw you. And you were with someone else and you looked....happier, the happiest I’d seen you.”
Something clicked and you quickly shook your head, “Andy. No, he’s not...we were never together. This is a misunderstanding, Bucky. He and I were never—“
“I know.” Bucky admitted.
“What?” You asked, voice soft from utter confusion.
“You looked happy with him, not because of him. I know you weren’t in love with him because if you were, you would have looked at him the same way you’re looking at me now.” He explained sadly.
Hearing Bucky’s explanation made you angrier. If he knew that, then why did he still leave? What reason could be bigger than that to make Bucky wake up one day and decide that he no longer wants to come back to you?
If he knew you loved him so much to actually wait, why did he leave you like that?
Your brows creased, “If that’s not the reason, then what?”
Bucky shrugged, “I realized that you didn’t deserve me. I left to better myself for you, god I really did. But when I saw you and how you managed to be successful without me by your side, I figured that you were better off without me. I thought I got better, but seeing you again looking so beautiful, happy and just...maybe I’ll never be the right one for you.”
You bitterly chuckled at Bucky’s revelation, “This doesn’t make any sense to me, Bucky. You chose to abandon me because you thought I was happier without you?”
You felt offended that Bucky even thought of that. Did he not trust you when you told him you’d wait for him? He didn’t even show up to tell you that, to give you the chance to reassure him how much you love him. He just decided that it was better for him to leave you hanging?
“That’s bullshit, Bucky.” you spat. “You left me hanging because you thought you were weighing me down and the next time I see you, you’re with Sharon now. Who by the way, used to date your best friend. I don’t understand any of this.” you told him.
Bucky looked at the ground as he evened out his breathing. There were a few seconds of silence between the two of you. Only heavy breaths and the distant sound of the music from the gala lingered in the air. It was almost comforting. Almost.
“Sharon and I...it wasn’t easy for us when Steve left. It was something that we both had in common. We wanted to fix ourselves and in the process we just...it happened. I didn’t mean for it but it just happened.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
The pain was replaced with grief and then anger. A little sympathy was thrown in the mix too upon hearing Bucky’s reason but now you were back to square one. Pain.
“You worried for her when Steve left but didn’t worry about me when you chose to leave me hanging? You told me you needed to fix yourself alone because you didn’t want to hurt me in the process of doing so. Guess what, Bucky? You hurt me all the same. Even more so when you chose to stay for Sharon and when you allowed her to help you fix yourself.”
Bucky remained silent as he simply gazed at you and let you say your piece. You just couldn’t understand where he truly was coming from. You knew about his insecurities and you accepted each one of them. You’d wholeheartedly accepted Bucky from the moment you knew you loved him, that included his flaws and demons, even on days he hated himself.
“Don’t shut me out like that again, please?” You asked Bucky, when he finally let you inside his room after isolating himself for days.
He had those days, when he couldn’t bring himself to come out and just...live. He’d push people away and torture himself with negative thoughts. But you always stayed no matter what.
“‘m sorry doll, I just...sometimes...I love you so much but sometimes I feel like I don’t have enough of it to actually show you. And you don’t deserve that.” He explained.
You smiled and cupped his cheek, “That’s okay, Bucky. I love you and the amount of love I have for you is more than enough for both of us.”
Was your love not enough for him all along? For him not to consider how you would feel if he just decided not to come home to you anymore? You shouldn’t be blaming yourself for everything, you did your part. But you couldn’t help but wonder whether it was because of you that Bucky chose to walk away.
“I love you, I really do. And you deserve the best and I’m not...that. I chose to let you go so you can have that.”
“I don’t need the best version of you, Bucky!” You quickly cut him off. “I just need you.” You added.
When Bucky decided to leave to get better, you let him even though you hated to see him walk away. You’d be selfish not to, especially when Bucky was finally free to decide things for himself. It was for the best, but honestly speaking, you didn’t want a better version of him.
Whether it was the Winter Soldier or James Buchanan Barnes, whatever version of him he’d give to you, you love Bucky all the same.
You love Bucky so much that it was so painful for you to hear that he actually thought you’d be happier without him.
“You don’t deserve someone as damaged as me. Even if I got better, I’m still struggling and I don’t want to make things hard for you.” Bucky said.
“And you don’t get to decide what you think I deserve! You don’t get to abandon me like I was nothing, like we were nothing to you.” You seethed.
Bucky looked away, blinking his tears away as he tried to compose himself. His jaw tensed as he looked at you with an apologetic gaze.
“You shouldn’t have waited for me. You didn’t have to.” He said the same thing to you when he left, and it hurt just as much.
“I love you. I’ll wait, Bucky.” You murmured and tugged at his hand before he could even let you go.
Bucky smiled sadly at you, “You don’t have to, doll.”
You shook your head and brought Bucky’s hand to your lips as you cried, “I want to. And I will.”
“I know. But in all those years you were gone, I woke up each day and chose to wait for you. I always chose you, Bucky.” You said with a sad smile.
You stumbled a bit and lifted your dress enough to reveal your bleeding foot. You’d walked that long, for your feet to get wounded and ironically, you couldn’t feel anything but the pain of seeing Bucky again. He tried to approach you and help you out but you waved a hand and kept him at an arm’s length away from you. You removed your shoes and straightened up, looking at Bucky and his ocean blue eyes for one last time.
“I’m sorry if you felt like you weren’t enough. You’re more than enough for me, Bucky. I really thought that I could love and fight for the both of us, but I guess not.”
Bucky didn’t say anything else, and you hoped he would. It might have been pathetic of you to wish that he’d come back to you, but you really hoped he would say something to fight for you. He didn’t and that was enough for you to make a decision.
“Goodbye, Bucky.”
You bit your lower lip as you turned around, holding back your tears as you jogged back into the gala. You walked past everyone in the crowd in a hurry, wanting to head home as quickly as possible. And then you came face to face with someone you weren’t prepared to confront.
It’s as if time stopped when you saw her, Sharon. She must have found out about your presence. Did she know of Bucky’s decision to abandon you? You wondered how she helped Bucky better himself, why he let her stay as he fixed himself.
Why Bucky chose to be with her instead of coming home to you.
You could feel your chest constrict again, the pain continuing to consume you whole. If you stayed any longer, you were afraid you might break.
“Do you love him?” You asked her softly.
Without missing a beat, Sharon nodded her head. “I do.” She whispered.
“How much?” You asked again.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.” Sharon responded and you could feel the sincerity in her statement.
The way she said it wasn’t meant to hurt you nor mock you. It was reassuring, in fact. Like she was making you a promise that she was going to take good care of Bucky the same way you did. Maybe even more. You swallowed as you nodded, forcing a small smile before looking away to wipe a tear that slipped.
“That’s good.” You simply said. “Because I’d do anything for him too.”
Anything. Even if that meant walking away and giving up on a battle that you’d already lost the moment Bucky decided to abandon you.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar  @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @tcc-gizmachine @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @​thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi 
Deserve Better Special Tags:
@nervous-plant @wintersfilm 
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oneoftheprettynerds · 4 years
So We Meet Again: Dark! Stucky x Reader
Requested: Yes, based on a prompt by @heavenlyseb
A/N: I was halfway done with LACs next chapter but the inspiration died Idk why so I thought I’d invest the creative energy somewhere else and then try my hand at that again. Thank you to you for dropping this request in my ask box, @heavenlyseb​. 
WARNINGS: Non-con, Mental breakdown, spiking a drink.
Summary: Reader tries to escape her past but it’s harder when your past includes dangerous men.
Word Count: 1.3 K {so drabble I think}
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The entire day something had felt wrong. Maybe it was the universe’s way of sending you a message, foreshadowing misfortune in ways it knew. 
For the first time ever you had messed up breakfast, spilling the coffee and burning the toasts. Then you had forgotten some very important papers at home that Steve thankfully had a soft copy of on his laptop. After you left office earlier than him like you always did to go home and cook, you had your car die on you and leave you stranded. This series of unfortunate events didn’t end there; unfortunately, it followed you home. 
The streak continued with the laundry getting messed up, all whites turning pink and colored fabrics getting bleached. You fingers got stuck in a drawer, yours toes also getting stubbed. Nevertheless the day wasn’t even close to beating the worst day of your life; more like the worst few months of your otherwise simple life.
A shudder ran through you as the thoughts and memories you had buried so deep surfaced again. With one uncurbed thought that gave rise to the unpleasant memory train, you were back in that posh glass office again.
 It was New Years Eve. The decorations were still hung up around the large rooftop arena, from Christmas a few days ago. The bars had the strongest alcoholic drinks wearing pretty shades of blue and orange. There were plants draped in ornaments, a lot of them. You remembered chuckling about how the potted plants were a show of wealthy people, all affluent people pretending to have a green thumb or care for the Earth.
You greeted the people you knew and joked about resolutions. You remember hanging out with the only actual friend you had there, the receptionist Lucy. Anyone else you talked to at the company was merely a coworker, some of them plotting your downfall even. But Lucy was genuine, and so your only friend.
Said friend however, did abandon you few minutes prior to midnight with poor, half a hearted apologies, running in preparation for her midnight kiss. You giggled and honestly, weren’t even offended, just amused by her antics.
You planned on sulking in the corner with the other singles who weren’t ready to mingle and saying goodbye as soon as the clock hit twelve. That plan failed when your handsome hunk of a boss, whom you had seen only a handful of times and encountered for even fewer, brought you a drink and asked for a few minutes of your time.
You don’t know what made you go then, nor do you have any better take on the situation even now but the gist of it all was that you did oblige. It could have been the alcohol coursing through your veins, the encouragement by others’ jealous stares and Lucy’s wink or even the slight crush you had on the man with the cerulean eyes.      
However, going to his office and him fucking you on that sandalwood desk wasn’t your choice.
You remember him kissing you at the midnight stroke, a kiss sizzling with passion and yearning. When you both pulled away, you felt flushed and giddy but the carnal desire in his eyes after just one kiss alarmed you. Still, you offered to exchange numbers for a follow up, he was your boss after all but your dazed mind could not even remember your own number.
Your mind began to lose consciousness as you sweated and your skin heated, head and folds burning alike. You slipped in and out of articulacy, fragments of memory in your mind.
You shook your head as you realized you were shaking, keeping the knife down on the board and halting the slicing of tomatoes. You wiped your tears as you chided yourself for almost getting into another accident, a fatal one even, zoning out like that with a sharp knife.
The sound of the door opening and closing made you calm, Steve was home now. You hadn’t told him everything about your past yet, just bits and pieces, but you had never felt unsafe with him. He was nothing short of a gentleman, courted you properly and even waited months when you weren’t initially ready.
He let you progress the relationship on your terms, his support always there whether it was the question of spending a night together or moving in. His arms were where you felt the safest, his strength a promise of protection. 
A second set of footsteps made you furry your eyebrows, Steve didn’t inform you of company tonight. You pushed your anguish aside, putting on a facade for his guest as you got back to chopping. 
“Honey, I’m home.” Steve’s holler made you easy, his presence itself was comforting.  
“I’m in the kitchen.” You sung back, the nickname making you smile. 
“I brought a guest for dinner, hope you don’t mind.” He called out from the living room, the slight thud of furniture telling you they sat there.
You checked the broth, dinner for three would take time, even more so as your bad luck kept you on your toes today. Switching off the stove you sighed and made you way to the living room.
You planned to ask Steve to order and simultaneously greet his guest but ice froze in your veins when you entered the square doorway. Your planned again and at this point, one would think they had a knack for unsuccessful plans.
You could never forget the broad shoulders, the silky brunette locks and the sapphire blue eyes of James Buchanan Barnes, the handsome devil that haunted your existence.
You remembered waking up to your senses getting slaughtered. The drag of a cock in your hole as you clenched as tightly as a boxer’s fist. The squelching noises, the breathy moans and the sound of skin slapping skin. It took all you had in you to open your eyes every time you slipped out of consciousness.
You remembered being taken on every surface in his large office, against the glass panels looking onto the city below, on his velvet sofa, even his private elevator.  
Barnes had whispered sweet nothings in your ears that night and every night after like he was your lover, not your assaulter. How he cornered you with the obscene footage the night after when you threatened to press charges. You both knew then that you had no hope, no chance of winning against him and would have no dignity either if released some footage with some faces blurred.
He used and abused you and his power, until the day you finally gathered your guts and went far way, a new place, new start. 
You believed you didn’t leave a trail behind but then how was the devil himself greeting you in your own home? 
Your whole body shook like it did minutes earlier and you found Steve gently cradling your face. You flinched at his touch, skidding away, “Get this man out of here, Steve!” If looks could kill, the brunette would have dropped dead.
James Barnes had the audacity to smirk as you brushed a hand through his hair, ever so confident and smug, your shaken form amusing him.
Steve hung his hand around your shoulder and wiped a tear that had escaped. His arms were your haven and such you had believed until a moment later, “That’s no way to greet Bucky, sweetheart.” 
Your head whipped at light’s speed as you looked in horror at Steve, the hold on your shoulders tightening and keeping you alongside him.
“He was kind enough to give you months to adjust but now he misses you more than he can endure.”
  “Steve, you don’t know what your bastard of a frien-” You started hoping it was a misunderstanding on your part.
At the curse, Steve’s grip became bruising as he cut you off, “Trust me sweetheart, I know. Bucky and I don’t have secrets.” 
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (13/15)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 2.2k words
Warning : angst, violence, sad reader, sad Bucky, shitty Rumlow, maybe Steve isn’t that bad, the doughnuts are back from chapter 11, did I mention angst?, angst, more angst
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Everything was dark, you noticed. When you slowly returned to consciousness, you half expected to be in your bed with Bucky tangled beside you, just like in your dreams. He fit so perfectly in your bed — your life and you, as if he was a part of you, and you weren't sure where he ended and where you began. 
But when you moved to stretch your aching limbs, they moved a few inches before halting by some sort of restriction. Instantly, the bubble of your dreams burst, and everything came to your mind, and you abruptly looked around to find him. Bucky was still unconscious — tied to a chair, but instead of rope like yours, he was tied down with manacles. He had restraints on his wrists and ankles. You were sort of offended that they didn’t think you were strong enough to be captured like him. Not that you wanted those manacles anywhere near your body, but you preferred not to be treated as if you were meek.
What could be worse than getting kidnapped? It's definitely getting rekidnapped with the person who came to rescue you. Clint lied, he was working with Rumlow. His source was nothing but an ambush for Bucky. There were more than 4 of Rumlow’s men in the warehouse. Clint lied so that Bucky would come under prepared and he fell right into the trap.  
Earlier, it was just you in a room alone, but now it was you and Bucky in a dingy cell-like room with a closed door. He was still knocked out when the man known as Rumlow walked in. You recalled him from the time he came to the club, and you wanted nothing more than to run towards the safe embrace of your lover. 
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Rumlow’s steps halted when he was near your tied form. His hand came for your cheek and naturally, you recoiled away. Your rejection didn’t deter him, it only fueled his fury more as he held your chin tightly in his other hand and made you look at him. You attempted to get out of his grasp, which only angered him more, and he struck his hand to your face. It ached so much and it was so loud that it jolted Bucky up. 
“Will you look at that,” Rumlow mocked, pushing your face away from his hold. “Lover boy can feel her pain.”
It took a second for Bucky to drink in the sight and commemorate everything. Once everything came back to him, he looked at you deplorably, his eyes filled with concern and guilt as he saw the blood dripping down your face.
“Get away from her, Rumlow!” Bucky seethed when his gaze was back at the man who hurt you. Despite the warning, Rumlow moved more towards you. One hand running his knuckles on your face in an attempt to be soothing, while the other held your chin in a painful grip.
“Why do you get to keep such a pretty thing all to yourself?” Rumlow asked rhetorically. “I should get a taste too.”
Before Bucky could try to do something, a knock on the door attracted everyone’s attention. Clint came in with a look of victory on his face.
“You betraying son of a bitch,” you hissed. Unlike Bucky, you didn’t have much self-restraint or any wise escape plan cooking in your head. “Why the fuck did you do it?”
“You’re new, sweetheart,” Clint pointed out, his tone condescending. “You don't know how it works.” 
“What I know is that your wife is friends with Wanda's girlfriend,” you retorted back immediately. You were tired of being seen as weak. ”How will she feel when she finds out that you betrayed Bucky?”
A look of uncertainty came over Clint's face and you continued, “I might be new, sweetheart, but I’m not dumb.”
When Clint was astounded, Rumlow spoke up,” Ah, the power of pillow talk. You are one feisty little bitch. What else did he tell you? Did he tell you that his work is not illegal and he sells weapons to the government?”
You looked at Bucky, hoping that the man you knew and loved was nothing like this monster who assaulted you. Rumlow continued, “Barnes, Rogers and I started this whole a business together. They enjoyed the money that was brought in with our illegal escapade. He enjoyed girls like you every day. Until one day, the childhood buddies decided it was time to go clean. And they just left us in pursuit of some dream life.”
You didn’t know what to say, so you just looked over at Bucky who was staring at the floor as if waiting for it to open and swallow him whole. Was he ashamed of his past? Did he think that his past would make you love him any less? If he did, then he was highly mistaken because now you didn't see James as your arrogant boss. Now you saw a young boy who made some questionable choices and, to make a better life for himself and his family, he changed his direction. Now you saw a reckless boy who did stupid shit in his past like everyone in the world and instead of letting it define him, he made a better life for himself. Now you saw a hardworking boy who worked his ass off to build an empire for himself and his loved ones. All of these versions of him existed before you, but you only saw one — the one that mattered to you at least, you just saw the love of your life, your Bucky.
The universe might have listened to your pleas because Rumlow’s phone rang and both he and Clint exited the room. You didn’t know how to start a conversation with Bucky. He didn't want to, that you were sure of. What were you supposed to say? That his hardship and past made him look hotter in your eyes? You wanted to avoid romanticizing his struggles, so you resorted to the only thing you do when you are tense.
“This is not the lunch date I had in mind,” you teased, forcefully huffing to make the situation seem less intense. When Bucky did not respond or even looked at you, you retorted to another antic. “I remember that song name, you know — Invisible String. Taylor Swift, of course. It would make an excellent bakery name. We can -”
“We can what?” Bucky finally snapped, “You want me to fire my friends and convert the most profitable club into a fucking bakery, huh?” 
“Is that what you want? A life with a man who got you involved in this shit?” you flinched at his harsh words. You knew this wasn’t your Bucky — your Bucky was all about sweet touches, teasing words and passionate kisses. No, this was the Bucky that Rumlow recognized. 
“You don’t mean that,” you whispered, your tone gentle. “I’m sorry you're stuck here because of me, but -”
He cut you off. “Doll,” he exhaled, his voice devoid of all the venom present a moment ago, It was filled with the adoration towards you that you were used to; Nonetheless, it still made you feel dizzy all the time. His face softened before saying, “This isn’t your fault. It’s mine. I got you into this mess. I should have stayed away from you.”
You opened your mouth to object. You wanted to tell him that he was being stupid — that you would get through this together, but he sustained.
“I will stay away from you,” he pondered, his eyes avoiding yours again. 
No, you wouldn't let that happen. You finally had him, and you wouldn't let Rumlow get into Bucky's head. “We’ll talk about this later, okay?”
“There is nothing to talk about,” he concluded, “When we are out of here. I will maintain my distance.”
You tried to ask him to stop saying that, but he kept ignoring your words and looked at the wall behind you for almost an hour. When it got to your nerves, and you were starting to get pissed he started whistling a song you weren’t quite familiar with. “Seriously? How old are you? Five?”
He didn’t respond. “So what? You're just gonna ignore me while we’re tied here?”
 “Hey, let's play a game,” you tried again.
Before you could lose all your patience and start yelling at him, you heard grunting sounds from behind the door. You shuddered, swallowing the lump in your throat. You didn’t want to see Rumlow again, in fact, you never wanted to see Rumlow.
Sensing your discomfort made Bucky finally speak up. “Y/N, look at me,” his voice sweet as ever, as if he hadn't been ignoring you for the past hour. You looked at him, and he held your gaze, assuring you, “I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak anything. Both of you held your breath, waiting for someone to walk in and hurt you more, but it never came. All that came was a blond man with a gun in his hand, whom you recognized instantly — Steve. You didn't like that man one bit because he clearly disliked you, but at that moment, he was your angel who came to your rescue.
Immediately, Steve ran towards his pal who nodded his head towards you, indicating his friend to let you out of the restraint first. Again, he had manacles around his wrists and limbs, and he wanted you to be free of the rope that was around you. Steve took his friend’s request and freed you of your restriction before doing the same for Bucky.
When you stood up, the world stood up with you, and you realized that you hadn’t eaten anything in more than 24 hours. You almost collapsed on the floor when two strong hands came to your relief and held you. You didn’t need to keep your eyes open to see who it was. Likewise, you knew it was Bucky — you could recognize his touch anywhere, and just liked that you passed out.
The next time you gained awareness, you were moving swiftly. It took you a few seconds to acknowledge that you were in a car. You craned your neck upward to find your head situated on a hard and firm chest, Bucky looked down at you and engulfed you tighter to his side, your legs resting on his lap while his free hand was settled on the back of your thigh, holding you closer to him. 
“Doll,” his voice was barely audible, and you wouldn't have heard it if you weren't so close to him or if he didn't whisper it in your ear. “You gotta eat something.”
Tiredly, you nodded and Bucky nudged you softly, encouraging you to straighten up a little before eating something. You straightened your back and somebody passed a box from the passenger seat. Steve, you recognized him and the person in the driver's seat — Sam. Both of them looked at you sympathetically, and you smiled at them, or at least tried to. You were so exhausted.
Bucky opened the box and took out a doughnut, which you brought for him that morning, or was it the previous morning? How long had it been since you were kidnapped?
Two doughnuts and one bottle of water later, you were back at your apartment. Bucky’s hand rested on the small of your back as Steve and Sam followed both of you. You hesitated before unlocking the door, and Bucky ran his hand on your back reassuringly as he ensured you, “I’ve got you, doll.”
Bucky said something to Sam and Steve, but you were too exhausted to listen. Once they were gone, Bucky strode towards you, cupping your face in his hands as he scanned your face for all the wounds. “How about you clean up, and I’ll get the first aid kit. Okay, doll?”
Just like the whole night or day or whatever time it was, you didn't remember most of the bath. You remembered going into the shower — you remembered water running down your body — you remembered seeing red water (probably from your bruises) seeping in the drain — you remembered seeing someone in the mirror you didn't recognize — you remembered falling to the floor and crying and most importantly you remembered calling for Bucky.
As if standing outside the door, Bucky was crouched over you instantly . He wrapped a towel around your naked form and held you on the bathroom floor while you cried and finally acknowledged the trauma that you had encountered.
Bucky held you as you continued to cry in muffled sobs against his chest. When you fell asleep, he placed you and tucked you in your bed comfortably before getting in himself. You wrapped your arms around him in your sleep and held him like the anchor he was to you. Bucky pressed a kiss in your hair and whispered his love and apologies to you for pulling you into his messed up life. You couldn't fathom a word he confessed before sleep finally engulfed you.
TAGS : @bananapipedreams​ @akkinda10​ @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @boofy1998 @marvel-3407​ @mybuck​ @priii​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @ladydmalfoy​ @shaking-a-jar-of-bees @elizamalfoyy​ @maladaptivexxdaydreaming​ @sabrinathesimp
A/N - Hey, I finally made a Taglist .This was a very intense (please don’t hate me) I love you bye. Take care!
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munsnz · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐢𝐢. — 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠?
Tags: @itsnottilly
Summary : after the troubling interrogation, Y/N sets back off, possibly created contact with an ex-friend, a bully, a douche bag. Learning the conflict and grudges, tension is brought to them.
Navigation — Mixtape
“Y/N, Y/N. Y/N!” A shout flickered the girl back to the futile, cold office, accompanied by the principal, chief, and the officer, who seemed slightly worried about the girl who seemed to have dozed off into the abundance of memories and thoughts overflowing her own emotions, a sense of guilt welling up on her, “Are you listening?”
Her eyes blinked, watching the concerned adults, who were looking back at her. She shakes her head, her brittle hair moving from side to side, trying her best to hold back tears, not wanting to know of the possibilities of Will not being safe. Remembering a bit of the event that carried on last night, she spoke forward, “I-I only remember leaving early, since I had to be home by six. Will was with the party, so I don’t know much from there.”
Callahan cleared his throat, taking the seat next to her, “Do you know what street he usually takes to go home?”
”Mirkwood,” Y/N fixes her jacket, watching her dad rolls his eyes, remembering the fuss the party made while they interrogated them about a few hours ago. She looks around, the diplomas displayed on the back, tears slightly welled up in her E/C eyes, feeling a pit in her stomach, “I-I’m sorry. Is there any way I could help?”
She snapped.
Heavy streams of tears dropped onto her pale cheeks, now one of her responsibilities of whom she had promised to take care of was gone. If she should’ve stayed a little longer, just an hour more, she could’ve prevented it. It’s all her fault, all her fault. No wonder she was a failure, maybe those dorks from years ago were right. It was all her fault her mom ever divorced Hopper. It’s everything, all her fault-
“Y/N,” A large hand rubbed her back up and down, making her try to feel better, the girl that had her hands buried into her face, looked up to see her dad, sitting beside her, “You just have to keep a brave face, and no investigating okay?”
Her heavy eyes drift towards the bearded man, watching her sternly beside her, she frantically nods. Later then, she provided a bit more information about Will and his family, now that she’s been with them for five years now. Ever since that broad decision was made, it would become one of the most treasured moments in her life, the strong bond brought them together.
Excused from the staff, she strolled back to the hallway, barging through her cluttered backpack to try to find a fresh pack of cigarettes, but none were to be found. She sighed loudly, to swing her backpack to its default position and pacing along the hallway. The realization kept hitting her, her eyes burned, while she quivered, biting her lip. That same feeling inside the principal’s office, the guilt. What was there to be guilty about anyways?
“Oh, won’t you look who it is!” A cocky tone appeared from afar, Y/N gave no shit to turn to the voice but instead continue watching the shiny floor, reflecting the lights above, “I guess Hopper is weeping for her mommy. Oh right, she doesn’t have one.”
Furious at the remark, her eyes darted across to find a brunette, with ‘perfect’ hair, leaning against the metal lockers. Steve fucking Harrington. This boy had it all against the girl, ever since those harsh words being repeated over and over, like a broken cassette, threw her into the lowest state. Y/N’s expressions turned bitter, her nose wrinkled, and pursed her lips, “Stop acting like you’re ten, Steve.”
”I see you’ve been listening,” He raises his eyebrows, snarlingly commenting, shifting his hands to his pockets in his khaki jeans.
“So?” Y/N spoke back, slowing her pace down to be able to talk to him although feeling like the need to ignore back again. Why was she going to bother her time with him?
Oh right.
Steve, her old friend. Accidental friends after he was helping his mom bringing in the groceries on a cool December day, back in her elementary school years. After the kind offering Y/N gave during a small ride around town, it evolved to an odd friendship, one to which Y/N had been too attached. Steve might have found it odd that a girl, a girl, like Y/N Hopper would be around him so much. Clingy, was the word he gave her, was it offensive?
But due to stereotypical construct, you would’ve guessed everyone calling them annoying names, couple names, like two romantics although they were only like, twelve. From “When are you going to marry her?” and the “Where’s your girlfriend?” Honestly, no one else was surprised by Y/N’s small reoccurring crush on him. Stuck like glue, Steve didn’t like this bubbly, excited Y/N anymore, she was pushy. Sick of the repetitive comments to him and meeting new friends, who were dickheads in the girl’s eyes, he wanted to push her away, she was annoying, bratty, and clingy. He listened to those kids, these kids that Steve considered ‘friends’ were total assholes, persuading him to become sort of like them. Only the beginning of the 6th grade. They were stupid, naive, reckless, are what other parents claimed to be, couldn’t they move on.
To this day, she still reckons why she ever told Steve, why was she so dependent on someone with who she’d only been friends for months? Why Steve? Why out of all the friends she supposedly had, why him? It seemed like an utter dependency she had for him, she even knows she must’ve scared him off for being well..... her. Y/N was young, it was one mistake to tell a secret to someone you somewhat knew would tell everyone, right?
”Can I tell you a secret Steve?” Y/N crossed her legs in front of him, playing with her fingers nervously. Awaiting for a bit of truth to be let out. As everyone has supposedly known, Y/N had a supposed mother and sister who were alive, and together. Everyone believed that the Hopper’s were the happy family, her sister was alive along with her mom that was still with them. Truth was, Sarah was dead, Diane divorced Jim when the girl was eleven years old. A broken family, from papers to fighting for custody, it was all crumbled to pieces, unlike close and tight-knit families.
Steve looked up from the ground to meet the girl’s eyes. He slowly shuffled closer to her, “Yeah okay tell me.”
Y/N breathed in and out, before leaning into his left ear, “I don’t have a sister nor a mommy.”
”What?” His chocolate eyes widened, scooting away from her, getting up rapidly to avoid contact, “That’s weird! Everybody has a mom! You’re a freak!”
Frazzled, Y/N sat still, watching him running away, feeling a bit hurt due to his reaction. She thought maybe she trusted him with her life although he didn’t feel the same, she thought that he could’ve been more supportive. What if he was right? Anyways, it was ok, it was his first reaction, it’s normal, right?
Nope, it wasn’t. After finding such intimate information about this girl he wanted to get rid of due to popularity, he set off to tell every single kid at school. Maybe this was for the best, he would get her out of the way to focus on his supposed friends. Creating such influence in the school, he somehow got ahold of everyone to turn their backs on Y/N. Oh, what entirety of hurtful words that they targeted poor Y/N with. Everyone excluded her, the freak, weirdo, dumb girl that didn’t have parents and a dead sister. Everybody no longer liked the lonely Y/N, just a bit of trust would be one to ruin a life. It consequently grew worse, it wasn’t even verbal teasing, it became physical. Steve being stupid and reckless had ruined her life, and for what? Just getting rid of her. Realize, how the effect of one's words to make a benefit can create a rumble over people, they were young and stupid..... can’t that be a proper excuse to move on?
Everyone knows Y/N. Y/N Hopper, the stubborn, tired and selfless girl who held grudges against everyone. They all knew she wasn’t going to move on anytime soon. Subtle changes to herself and her personality, she became quiet, reserved yet so outspoken about her opinions. Everyone seemed to have moved on, back into high school, more mature and old enough to hold responsibilities, but Y/N. A slow hatred burned inside her, even though it was years back, everyone liked Steve. That stayed the same for sure, he was more prissy and above it all, unlike Y/N. It may have seemed like........ they never knew each other. Strange, maybe it was better that they stayed apart.
Gallantly watching her feet stay still under her, she looked back at him cheekily smiling as if nothing had happened. Why did he forget everything? “Shouldn’t you be in class, since when has the Y/N Hopper been so rebellious?”
”I was called to the office,” Y/N mumbled, shrugging her shoulders, trying to drift off into the narrow hallway, “What about you?”
”Thought I could skip, Mrs. Wyatt doesn’t do shit.”
Without spatting anything back, the annoyance of the school bell rang for the third period, students piled out of the classrooms in the crowded hallway. Girls and boys trudged along the place, like birds migrating to their destinations automatically, it may seem like a normal fall day in town, but it would be a life changing experience for some. No one knew Will Byers, why would they care anyways?
Before Steve could look back at the girl, she disappeared into thin air, never to be seen for now, back to the boring classes, but with a small change of Will’s disappearance. One disappearance that could change the whole fate of small-town Hawkins, Indiana.
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urimaginespimp · 4 years
This Love - Prologue
Quick Note: There was a deleted scene in Age of Ultron where Thor visits the Norns in a cave in order to know how to defeat Ultron. This is where I am introducing you, reader. Enjoy!
Norns are fortune tellers who can only speak by possessing people's body, and could precisely read someone’s fate and future when they are in the pool of water inside the cave – the very one you’ve been calling home.
Your own mother, an elemental witch, took you with her in the cave a long time ago to know about her own fate. When she was told of the doom that was to end her in a month’s time, she made the brave decision to leave you under the care of the Norns to spare you the heartbreak and dangers of the world.  
Despite being in their company for over a century, they were being selfish when it came to you wanting to know about your own fate. All they’d tell you is that when one of the most powerful gods were to visit the cave, you were to leave with him and only then would you get to start fulfilling your destiny.
All your life, the only visitors that have gone in and out of the cave were those who were either power hungry, or foolish.  
That was until that one fateful day. Two men entered the cave – one a bit older in appearance, and one with longer golden hair and a towering form. The witches need not tell you that this was the god you were to leave with. You somehow already felt it.  
You stood back as he was possessed by the witches. His eyes were glowing, and lightning was occasionally hitting the cave. The old man with him was asking all the questions. He was asking about how to defeat an enemy named Ultron, and witches were telling him that human sacrifice had to be made.  
Was your destiny to fight alongside him? Or to be an enemy?
You did not realize that you were spacing out until the god’s booming voice in harmony with the witches called your attention.  
“Our child, this is the god that would lead you to your destiny. Never forget you were raised by powerful witches. A new life and family await you.” They stated, until the god’s voice was the only one left grunting, and his eyes went back to their natural state.  You gave a moment to catch his breath while still in the pool, before scooting down on the ground to somehow be on his level.
“So you’re like my father now.” You gave him an innocent smile. “I’ve never had one.”
He looked at you as if he’s still processing what just happened. “And I never thought I'd leave this cave with a daughter.”
Having accepted the responsibility the Norns had given him in exchange for answers, he took you back to Midgard, into a towering cave? It was so tall and it appeared to have a lot of layers. He took you up with him to a layer where Midgardians were seemingly fighting while a body was laying down on a table in the middle of the room. And before you knew it, he barged in through the glass and the fight immediately stopped as he struck the body on the table with lightning.  
Everything around you were strange. You’ve never heard of Midgardians having powers, yet here you were, being introduced to the people who have been fighting just a minute ago. The thing that was just given consciousness was called vision. And despite being alive for centuries, you felt like you were just born like him.  
“Y/N is in my ward now. She’s an elemental witch.” Thor explained to them. They all gave you a curt nod. You noted that the man with a star on his chest offered you a kind smile, almost embarrassed that you had to see them fight with each other just now.
“So, you basically adopted an avatar.” The man wearing a red hard suit replied with an incredulous expression.
“Uh- yes. Whatever that means.” Thor replied.  
“Well, I also didn’t think we have enough aliens. I’m Tony, sweetheart.” He offered his hand for you to shake. 
When Vision started talking to everyone about Ultron, it was only then that you were finally able to grasp a little on the situation. The people you were with call themselves Avengers, and as far as you’ve heard, they’re good people.  
“... so there may be no way for you to trust me, but we need to go.” Your thoughts were halted when Vision handed Thor his hammer to him as if it were nothing.
And everything just got even more confusing for you.
The Norns were right. Human sacrifice had to happen in order to defeat Ultron. You did the best you could to help everybody, especially making sure the Midgardians were to safely get into a floating “ship” as you heard them call it.
You were now standing in a large room surrounded by glass. It was overlooking the city you were just told the name of but couldn’t quite recall.  
The young girl who you now know as Wanda, was grieving for her twin brother. He had died shielding a young boy from getting hurt. You couldn’t help but wonder if the same fate were to greet anyone else in the tower one day, and if they have already come into terms with the possibility.  
“I’m going back to Asgard, Y/N.” Thor greeted you when he reached your side. You didn’t even realize he was approaching. “Would you like to come?”
“I’m not quite sure I want to leave this place just yet. Midgards are quite fascinating.”  
“What made you say that?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“One proposed marriage to me while I was in the middle of blocking Ultron’s army with the rocks. And just this morning when Steve was showing me around the city, a lady whom I’ve never met came up to tell me she could tell my lips were fake. What did that even mean?” You both chuckled, shaking your heads.  
“So I just got a daughter a few days ago, and now I’m having to let her leave my nest.” He turned you gently by your shoulders so you could face each other. “I know we’ve only met a few days ago, Y/N. But I am a man of my word.” He took your hand and laid a small coin bag on your palm. “What’s inside there would make you half as rich as Tony once sold here.” He explained.
“You’re gonna be okay, kid. Reach out to me whenever you want.”
“May I know how, father?” you gave him a sheepish smile. You still couldn’t believe he actually lets you acknowledge him as such.
“You can do it through this thing they have... an electronic letter called an e-mail.”  
Your confused face made him chuckle. “You’ll learn their ways, Y/N.” He assured you with a pat on the shoulder.  
“We’re gonna take care of her.” A voice interrupted you both. It was Steve. And walking with him was Natasha. You grinned from recalling how she promised earlier to help you live like a normal civilian, and train like them.  
“She’s an Avenger now.”
Hey there! This is the first installment for a Bucky fic. I just needed to get the reader (you) a semi-back story. The next part would be set on Civil War, and finally meeting Bucky.
Have a great day!
Main Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist
Part 2 is up Here
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tonystarktogo · 4 years
Could I pretty pretty please get some more on the time travel crack au? Maybe when it gets out that Steve, Bruce, andThor are technically from the future?
As much as I’d love to jump to that part, I think it’s funnier necessary to cover a few other tidbits first. For example:
Tony misses whatever discussion follows Thor’s -- hah, got it right in one, he hasn’t lost his touch completely yet -- arrival before the god carries his brother off towards a containment cell with the sort of cheer that causes Tony to carefully keep at least two people between himself and Thor, lest the asshole tries to hug him again.
Not that it can be that big a loss considering they all -- sans Loki -- end up back in the command center of the helicarrier, where Fury glares balefully at the most recent invader of his precious aircraft that clearly isn’t meant to stand in the way of gods.
A glare Thor aggressively doesn’t notice. Likely because he’s too busy partaking in the on-going discussion on what to do next.
And by ‘what to do next’ Tony doesn’t mean the expected we-were-invaded-by-a-mindcontrolled-alien-nutbag-and-there’s-probably-more-out-there-seems-like-the-kind-of-oh-shit-situation-we-should-plan-for. No. That would be reasonable and expected and Tony’s spent all of three hours in the company of the esteemed Captain America and already he can tell you that Rogers is none of that.
[Which, not cool, Capsicle. Dazzling and befuddling people with crazily brilliant ideas is his job.]
[continues under the cut]
So far, Tony’s been paying attention for ten minutes. In that time, Rogers and Thor have gotten into an argument over how to handle Loki -- which holy shit, that went from a calm, rational discussion to a battle to the death between two superhumans on a sugar high in zero point four seconds -- that Tony is so not gonna touch. [Nope. Let some other fool [i.e. Rogers] throw himself head-first into norse god family drama, Tony’s own feelings concerning his family are complicated enough.] That conversation devolved into a not-openly-fighting-while-totally-fighting stand-off between Rogers and Banner over a way too bitter comment from the latter [something about ‘you’d know all about choosing one brother over the other, wouldn’t you’ which what?], which in turn gets derailed by Banner needling Thor about the merits of beheading over stabbing.
Romanoff had the good sense to disappear -- probably to interrogate Loki while his apparently protective big brother is distracted, now that Tony thinks about it. 
Unfortunately that still leaves Tony stuck here, having to play the role of the mature adult because no one else fucking will. Tony hates being responsible. It’s like being back in high school and being left to do all the work on your own in group project.
[Tony failed that project. Got a straight up zero on purpose because spite is a wonderful motivator. Which, now that Tony thinks about it, doesn’t say anything promising about the current situation.]
Tony leans even further back in his seat, only balancing on the backlegs of the chair, to give Fury a very sharp, very judgemental look.
These are the people you’re betting Earth’s survival on, that look says.
Fury’s already pissed off expression darkens further, which brightens Tony mood substantially. That one of the suit’s sensors flashes green twice in quick succession less than a minute later really just makes for a delicious cherry on the top. Or more precisely a good excuse to ditch this trainwreck of a match-making attempt.
“Whoops,” Tony says, clearly audible but not too loud to draw real attention from the three [still arguing-while-pretending-not-to] stooges on the other end of the room. “Looks like I gotta take this call.”
He jiggles his fingers at Fury. The guy rolls his eyes -- probably jealous that he doesn’t have an excuse himself, that bitch face doesn’t fool Tony -- but no one tries to stop him.
“Alright, J, what do you have for me?”
Tony pretends not to notice the shuffling footsteps. Glances at the disturbingly normal clock on the wall that is so not up-to-date with the rest of the technology in the room, it must be an inside joke. Tony would love to meet the SHIELD agent behind it -- it can’t be easy, being the only person with a sense of humor in an entire agency.
30 minutes.
Well. That’s longer than Tony thought he’d get. JARVIS still hasn’t cracked the last layer on SHIELD’s really fucked up dirt -- and given what he’s already found, that says a lot -- but it’s only a matter of time now. Besides, Tony’s got a job to do.
“To- Stark.”
Tony doesn’t turn. Neither does he stop typing.
“What are you doing?”
Tony scoffs. He’s not in the mood to pander to inferior minds -- not when they’re so fucking frustrating, don’t make any sense and worst of all make him do all the work. 
“He’s tracking the Tesseract, using the scepter as a point of reference,” Banner says after taking one look at the screen over Tony’s shoulder.
Tony raises his eyebrows, impressed despite himself. Banner’s credentials clearly don’t do him justice -- and they were pretty damn good to begin with.
“Huh,” says Rogers.
Thanks for playing. Now buckle down and make yourself useful or fuck off, Tony wants to snipe but doesn’t get the chance to because the gods -- this god at least -- just aren’t on his side.
“Even without my brother’s help, a weapon of the tesseract’s might should not be underestimated,” Thor speaks up. “Should we not make haste and collect it?”
"Great idea.” Tony’s voice is dryer than the sand dune he crash-landed in back during his fun little trip to Afghanistan. “If only I’d thought of that instead of inventing fifteen new algorithms to try and get a read on SHIELD’s precious magic eight ball while you were busy defending your brother’s honor. Speaking of, I’m pretty sure Romanoff is a greater danger to his virtue than Captain Shockfreeze over there, so why are you still here?”
Okay, maybe poking the hornet nest that is godly family isn’t his smartest move [didn’t he just say he wasn’t gonna touch that?!] but damn if Tony isn’t curious. And also too annoyed to care about unimportant, subjective things like good manners and tact.
He sort of regrets his cavalier attitute a little when Thor sobers. At least there are no tears in sight. Tony is the last person on Earth who should be left unsupervised around crying people. It just never ends well.
“Ah.” Thor sighs heavily, stems his body against an unfortunate table that creaks dangerously. "I’m afraid I can’t afford to see my brother right now.”
It’s the way he says those words, the weight they carry more than anything that tells Tony he needs to drop this issue right now. Talk about one huge trigger button.
Must be inconvenient to have siblings. Tony totally can’t relate.
“Well, in that case, unless you have a magic trick with which you can pull the Tesseract’s position out of your sleeve, how about you sit as far away from these delicate instruments as possible and don’t touch anything while I work my magic, hm?”
Tony doesn’t let his gaze linger on the crushed edge of the table. Thor hasn’t even seemed to notice. He’s too busy lighting up at Tony’s snappish response. Which is surprising. Tony’s aware he’s a bit of an asshole right now. In his defence, he’s an asshole most of the time.
Rogers leaps across the room -- almost crashing into the previously mentioned delicate sensors as he does so -- to slap his palm over Thor’s mouth.
Tony stares. [How quickly can you develop a new habit again? Because this starts to feel like a new habit.]
“That sounds like a great plan!” Rogers beams at him, so wide and fake it must be physically painful for the epitome of all that is good and holy. At least Tony hopes it is. The supersoldier his father worshipped is still clinging to their resident god of thunder’s face.
Tony resolutely turns his back on both of them because their madness doesn’t seem to come with a refund-ticket and if Tony doesn’t finish this program, no one will.
Not even Banner -- whom Tony had been kind of hoping for. Speaking of, the man’s been awfully quiet for a while now.
“You alright there, Brucie-Bear?” Tony turns around -- a little because it’s polite to face people when you talk with them and mostly to have an excuse not to watch the ongoing doomed wrestle-match between Blonde 1 and Blonde 2. His awesome nicknaming skill doesn’t get so much as a twitch.
To be fair, Banner is so busy staring straight ahead with the most epic rendition of the World’s Most Thoughtful Expression™ Tony has seen in a while that it doesn’t seem like the man heard him. At all.
Until he suddenly speaks up.
“I think we’ve forgotten something.” Behind Tony the impromptu wrestling comes to a sudden halt.
Probably something negligible like how to focus on a mission, the sarcastic voice in the back of Tony’s mind drawls. Though it should be noted that Tony’s consciousness only comes in sarcastic or not at all. Sorry, everyone, all the other flavors are out.
Banner’s frown deepens. “Something- Something important.”
Right on cue an explosion rocks the aircraft.
There’s a bit more tension in this part than the previous ones. On Tony’s side it’s because he’s smart enough to pick up on Something Is Seriously Wrong, both consciously and subconsciously and also because he feels the pressure what with everyone else apparently not taking this whole thing very seriously.
[Excluding Natasha who, believe me, takes Clint’s fate very serious indeed.]
On our time travellers’ side, they experience the frustration of being unable to talk openly, surrounded by people they don’t trust, trying to play along to the script of a movie they watched like 12 years ago and never revisited. Needless to say they’re failing horrenduously.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
At all costs
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Pairing: dark!Steve Rogers x Reader (Survival Games AU)
Warnings: obsession, depiction of violence, death of minor characters, swearing, slight allusion to non-con.
Words: 2959.
Summary: What was the reason to keep fighting when there was no end to all of this? Yet every time somebody chased you with a gun you were ready to rip their throat out if you needed to. Your sense of self-preservation and vital capacity were way stronger than you had ever anticipated.
P.S. This was written for Shameless hoes for Chris challenge! Dear @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18, hope you will enjoy <3
Dialogue prompt #12: "Don't you dare take another step."
You had never moved that far to the North, but the ones following you cut all other ways out, forcing you to enter territories you had never been before. Although Wanda had warned you about it, there was not much you could do - you almost ran out of both bullets and food. It seemed the game masters had finally paid attention to you and wanted you to move, and it was a damn bad sign.
Carefully hiding an empty can in a heap of garbage just like Wanda taught you, you glanced around again, checking your surroundings with Beretta in your hand. Apparently, there was nothing much in this area apart from ruined buildings just like everywhere else in this abandoned city. You were in desperate need of bullets since you had precisely two left in the magazine of your gun. You wasted most of your resources to fight off three men following you, but then suddenly game masters more coming after you.
You didn't know how much time you had already spent there, fighting every goddamn day just to stay alive. If not Wanda, you would die shortly after you were brought to the abandoned city.
She called it a sick game for sick people. All of the ones in this place were brought here against their will, you included. The last thing you remembered was walking home after going to the grocery store in the evening, and then you woke up on a dirty mattress in the back alley with a gun in your hand and a small bag with food and water supplies. No medication, no hygiene supplies, nothing else. Well, there was a possibility to find or buy a few things like painkillers and bandages, for example, but it was so rear you only really saw a little pack of Tylenol once.
When Wanda found you, you had already eaten all your food and finished your water, hiding behind a huge garbage bin in the alley, trembling so bad you couldn't hold the gun properly. Funny enough, you didn't even know how to pull the trigger as if you had never seen it on TV thousands of times. You were so pathetic that you didn't really deserved to die from a bullet in your forehead. A stone from the ground was enough to smash your head to pieces - this is what Wanda told you, dragging you to her hideout. She didn't try killing you, though.
She used to be a child soldier, she said. Sokovian civil war, a conflict you barely heard of. Although Wanda looked fairly young, maybe even your age, she had the eyes of an old woman. Unlike you, she had been kidnapped with a purpose of making the game more interesting - Wanda knew everything about surviving in the middle of chaos. You, on the other hand, were snatched up and used as cannon fodder for this little artificial war.
It was a game, Wanda said. There were cameras everywhere in the city, and all players were tracked with the chip-things buried in them. The only purpose of the game was to stay alive as long as you could. Maybe there was a chance to be released if you killed enough people, but she didn't believe it. Wanda was sure there was no way out.
All those apocalyptic and Hunger Games type of movies could never live up to the real thing. You were always moving from one place to the other, never staying somewhere for too long. Hiding wasn't easy, but it couldn't be compared to the mad chase when other players discovered where you were. Even Wanda who handled rifles and guns as if she were born with them in her hands wasn't able to predict who would come out alive. So, your main goal was to remain hidden as long as you could. The game masters didn't like it, but with so many players, many of whom were either soldiers or dangerous criminals, no one really paid attention to the two of you.
You often asked Wanda why she was taking care of you. Indifferent, unfriendly, unsympathetic, she seemed the perfect soldier to you while you were too normal to be able to live long in a place like this. Wanda stayed silent despite all your attempts to learn her motives. The only thing she was willing to talk about was how to stay alive.
"Steal. Kill. Open your legs of you have to. Do whatever it takes to survive." That's what she once told you after she shot a dying man asking for help and took all his posessions.
There was no justice, no moral, no honor, no sense of right or wrong, nothing to believe in, nothing to hope for except seeing another day. All of you were just animals fighting for your life every fucking second.
There was no meaning behind it, you thought. What was the reason to keep fighting when there was no end to all of this? Yet every time somebody chased you with a gun you were ready to rip their throat out if you needed to. Your sense of self-preservation and vital capacity were way stronger than you had ever anticipated.
When you thought about her words, you found it odd that Wanda who cared only about survival took you, a dead weight, to take care of. Wasn't it literally the opposite to what she taught you? Why diminish her own chances to stay alive just to save you? Maybe she wanted to team up with someone, but there were much better players for that, not some girl who had troubles even pulling the trigger. Nevertheless, your grim savior had never opened up to you about the true reasons behind her actions, and, eventually, you just stopped asking.
Wanda kept teaching and guarding you until the day she died, shielding you with her own body when someone tried shooting you. She broke the most important rule she set herself, and you couldn't understand why. There was so little human left in her, and yet she sacrificed herself to give you a chance to pull through.
Suddenly, you froze, feeling you were being watched. You couldn't see anyone around or hear anything suspicious, but you had that uneasy feeling of something crawling under your skin. Your instincts were telling you somebody was very close, and you didn't fucking like it. With two bullets, your chances to stay alive were minimal.
There was a shift in atmosphere, and you ran to the next room of the abandoned building, hearing the sound of gun firing. Shit.
"If somebody is chasing you, don't think." Wanda said, watching your eyes opening widely at her. "All this TV bullshit makes you feel like you'd be able to make a right decision in a second while they shooting at you, but that's not true. It will slow you down. Keep your eyes open and trust your instincts instead. If you're lucky enough, you will survive."
She said to reserve time for thinking when you would break away from pursuit, and her advice had never even once failed to save your life. Maybe you were damn lucky just like Wanda said.
But where could you run from here? The room where you were now had just one door. There were a few windows, too, but jumping from the third floor to the cemented road would probably cost you a broken leg or even a spine.
Shit, shit, shit.
You could hear the sound of someone's footsteps and hurriedly hid behind an overturned table to your left, keeping your finger on the trigger of your Beretta. The one who was going to enter the room in a few seconds would first see a huge wardrobe lying on the floor to their right, big enough to hide behind it, too. If you were lucky, the player would first pay attention to it, giving you a second or two to shoot. When the man set his foot inside the room, you quickly stuck your head out for a second and aimed your gun at him. When you fired the first bullet, you knew you missed his head right after you pulled the trigger. Fuck. The second bullet was gone the next second, but it hit the target perfectly, and then you saw the wall covered in blood as if it were a picture made by action painter. Well, now you could probably call yourself that.
Turning away, you exhaled loudly when the body hit the floor with a loud thud. You were still alive.
Carefully lifting yourself up, you glanced at the corpse of a player, the feeling of being watched finally gone. He was alone here. However, the sound of guns firing could be heard by others, and you needed to relocate immediately. The next moment you were looking through the man's belongings, finding two cans of chicken - you preferred to have something more nourishing, but any food would do now - a water flask, and two combat knives. No ammunition. He waisted all his bullets trying to kill you.
Biting your lower lip, you hurried to the first floor, doing your best to avoid windows. Knives weren't bad, but most of the time you preferred not to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Any decent soldier would easily outpower you, and you couldn't risk it. Damn, you waisted all your bullets to kill the bastard with no ammunition left. How lucky was that? Cursing under your breath, you carefully observed the street, seeing no one, and moved as fast as you could, a gun still in your hands to make players believe you could still shoot.
You wanted to return to the South so bad. You knew that part of the city to perfection while here everything was new. More than that, here the players teamed up in a big groups, guarding their territories like animals, while in the Southern part everyone always moved around and worked in a pair of two or three people maximum. It was a shame you couldn't return because of game masters chasing you like a mad dog.
All of a sudden that feeling of being watched returned, and you hid in a little alley where huge metal dumpsters were - or what was left of them. Somebody had spotted you, but you couldn't stay in an alley for long. It was a dead end.
"I know you ran out of bullets." Somebody's deep voice cut the eerie silence, and you shivered, gripping your Beretta. "Please come out. I'm not going to hurt you."
The stranger was either guessing or bluffing. He couldn't really know you had no ammunition whatsoever, so you stayed where you are, trying to locate him.
His loud sigh sounded closer to you than you had expected.
"Y/N, I'm telling the truth. You have just wasted your last two bullets, haven't you?"
The next second you were clenching the combat knife Wanda had long passed to you. There was a tall beefy man coming to you with a rifle in his hands, apparently, Kalashnikov or M16, you couldn't see well from a distance. However, you did see he was oddly handsome with his well-built body, his arms solid, covered in dirt and what seemed like ash. But what truly made you grasp was that he had no beard. The man had a clean shave, his dirty blonde hair cut. Except for game masters, you had never seen a man looking so civil.
But he didn't look like a game master at all. Who the fuck was he?
"Don't you dare take another step." You growled like an animal at him, gripping your knife. It was a pathetic weapon against a rifle, but it was the only thing you had.
He stopped for a few seconds, his expression heavy and dark, but then the man kept coming, and you took a step back in return.
"I just said I'm not going to hurt you. Stop looking at me like I'm a butcher and you're a little lamb." He sneered and narrowed his dark blue eyes at you while you clenched your teeth. Whoever he was, it wasn't going to end well for you.
"How do you know my name?" You barked back at him, thinking what he's going to do next.
"From the game masters, of course. How many times do I have to tell you I won't hurt you?"
"What the fuck do game masters want from me, then?"
His handsome face darkened, and you realized he could fire his rifle any second. Moreover, even if he had no bullets, with those arms of his he could probably break you in half, and no knife would save you.
"Don't swear, Little Red. This your one and only warning."
As you made a step back, staring into him and understanding nothing at all - how the fuck did he call you just know? - you had stumbled upon something and fell on your back, crying out in despair. Shit, you were out of luck, weren't you? You would probably die today.
Before you could react, you saw the stranger's large body hovering over you, the muzzle of his rifle pressed into your stomach as his angry eyes pierced through you. He was clearly done with you and your stubbornness. "I came to offer you join my group." He said, furrowing his brows at you, laying on the ground. "The Howling Commandos. Ever heard of us?"
"And who the f... who would I be there? Someone's whore?" With your face burning with deep hatred and humiliation, you were ready to spit in his face. "You think I don't know how little women are left here and what you do to them?"
Obviously, you hit the nail on the head as the man grabbed you by the collar while still having the muzzle aiming at your stomach. He was clearly mad.
"Do you also know what's gonna happen if you keep up with that attitude?" The stranger snarled, his eyes furious. "I know you've got fire, and I like it. I want to keep you. But if you're not going to submit to me right here, right now, I will shoot you. Don't make me do it."
Both of you fell silent, your chest heaving up and down as the man waited, not moving an inch. You needed to have a minute to gather yourself.
What other choice did you have? He'd shoot you dead before you even blinked.
Steal. Kill. Open your legs of you have to.
"Alright." You said through your teeth, feeling the smell of gunpowder and gasoline coming from him as he kept you close, still gripping your collar with his huge hand. "I'll come with you."
The man raised you on your feet in the very next second, pushing your combat knife on the ground away with his leg and gesturing you to move forward. However, he did put the rifle down as he took you by the elbow, leading you somewhere to the huge parking lot and watching you intently. However, he didn't radiate anger as before, seemingly content with your submission, so you kept your mouth shut despite all those questions in your head. Why did game masters give the man information about you? You had never heard of them interacting with any players aside from chasing them from one location to the other. Besides, why did this bastard call you Little Red? What the fuck was that?
"What's your name?" You asked, turning your head to him as you kept walking.
"Captain Steve Rogers."
"So, you're an ex-soldier, huh? A war vet, maybe?" You coughed a little, your mouth feeling dry like the Sahara Desert.
"Something like that, Little Red."
"Why are you calling me that?"
"Little Red? This is how the ones watching the show call you." Steve chuckled. "Wanda Maximoff was the Scarlet Witch, and since you're her protege, they called you Little Red. Kind of sweet."
You wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but decided it was safer to stay silent. Sick bastards. They treated Wanda as if she were a character in some silly video game. Her death probably made them happy.
Blinking the tears away, you bit down on your tongue and felt metallic taste filling your mouth. This was not the time to mourn your dear friend, this was what Wanda would say to you. You had to gather yourself and think what to do after. You were in Howling Commandos now, and only God knew how many men were there. Would you have to sleep with them all? Fucking hell. It was better to die than go through this.
"Why the hell everyone's paying so much attention to me?" You grunted as Steve hummed, crossing the parking lot and turning you to pass under the bridge. "Do they want me dead so desperately?"
"No. They want you to team up with someone who will take care of you just like Wanda did, and I fit the role perfectly. I've been wanting to have you for a long time."
"Are you fucking insane?" You hissed angrily at him, becoming rooted to the ground right where you stood. "Take care? Is that how you take care of women? Throwing them to your men to be fucked to death?"
"Language." His iron grip on your arm made you squirm as Steve pulled you closer to him.
You stared at him with disgust, your dirty face distorted, and then you saw familiar fire in his deep blue eyes as Captain loomed over you, grabbing you by the chin.
"Don't tell me you have forgotten what I just said, Little Red. I will keep you for myself."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @lovelydarkdaydream @angrythingstarlight
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cathrrrine · 3 years
RUN | Pietro x Reader
Originally from my Wattpad
"I'm about to do something really stupid." Steve put his hands on his hips and stared at the entrance before him, as if he was still contemplating whether or not it was worth it.
"What is it?" Pietro followed the Captain's gaze, both of them eyeing the doorway. It took him a while to figure it out, but once he connected Steve's nervous stance to his reason to standing in front of the room where Y/N was being held, he felt stupid for not knowing immediately. "Oh. That's very stupid."
"I know."
"You're really going in there?"
"Seems like it."
Pietro wondered if he should explain his own situation with Y/N to Steve, but decided against it. There was enough drama going on for the man, especially when the possible key to unlocking his best friend's whereabouts were just a few feet away. Steve could live without knowing Pietro's dilemma.
"Good luck then." He gave the Captain a brief nod, smirking a little when Steve did nothing in response. Pietro watched as he entered the passcode for the door to open, backing away as Steve began to enter.
Just as I thought I would be alone again — and this time more willingly — someone else stepped inside. The familiar muscular figure strode across the room, his boots clacking on the floor as if to announce his arrival.
I sighed and stayed laying down on the bed, not bothering to sit up and give him any sort of greeting. First the speedster, now him? What was he going to do, tell me the values of a great American?
"Jokes on you, I'm not even American." I mumbled to myself in response to my mental rambling.
I groaned, putting an arm over my eyes to block the light. "What are you doing here, Captain?"
He cleared his throat. I could hear him shifting from one foot to the other in discomfort. Was he...nervous? That was definitely intriguing. What the hell is wrong with these Avengers? They were more complicated than I thought they would be.
"I came here to ask you for something."
I put down the arm I had over my eyes and shifted my weight onto my elbows, propping myself up so I could get a better look at my uninvited visitor. "Another deal?"
"Something like that." His lips stretched out into a thin line, his arms raising from his sides so he could cross them in front of his chest. "It's an offer. If you want it, take it. If you don't-"
"You'll kill me."
The Captain's eyebrows met together furiously, "That wasn't what I was going to say. If you don't want to take my offer, then it's up to Fury to decide what to do with you."
"So...no difference, then. He'll kill me."
"I didn't say that."
"You didn't have to." I shrugged. I swung my legs over the bed and stood up so I was exactly across him. "So, what's this life-changing opportunity you've got in store?"
His shoulders immediately sagged, telling me how much he dreaded what he was going to say. I stood in anticipation, slowly taking small steps forward.
"You knew him." Steve blinked. "You knew Bucky."
"James." He sighed again, like the weight of the world was sitting on his windpipe. "Or...the Winter Sold-"
"Stop right there." I put a hand up, my palm facing the son of a bitch. "If I hear that name one more time, I'll rip your organs out through your mouth and shove them back in through your ass."
I hated how he said his name, his actual name, with such fondness and nonchalance like he was anything more than a torture machine who made my life a living hell. Steve tilted his head, stretching his neck. I could see the muscles of his jaw flexing even from where I was standing. It was almost impossible how his teeth were still intact to this day, with all that tension in his jaw and the stress-grinding.
"I just need you to help me track him down."
I couldn't help but chuckle. Hell, laugh even. That finally broke the dam that I tried to hold up and all hell was breaking loose right this moment. Steve Rogers, everybody! The world's greatest comedian! Round of applause!
"Track him down? You think I have his phone number on speed dial? What do you want me to do? Call him up and say, 'Hey, bestie! What's up? Wanna go shopping for knives? Maybe kill some people on the way? Oh, how about we get some ice cream and reminisce the time when you tried to kill me but I ran away and I've been running ever since? Good times!' HA!"
"I'm not asking you to make friendship bracelets, I'm just asking for information that only you could possibly know."
"Are you crazy, Rogers?" I yelled so loudly that my breath fogged up the glass I was basically pressed up upon. "You'll never track him down. He's under Hydra's thumb 24/7. Even if we do manage to get to him, what do you think will happen? You're the face of the enemy. He'll kill you on the spot. He's not your best friend anymore, Rogers. He's a weapon bound to blow up in your face."
"Wait, what?" He uncrossed his arms and replaced them on his hips. He pointed to me, "Why do you think Hydra's still watching him?"
"I said don't make me say his name again-"
"No, no- you think he's-" he cut off abruptly. "You don't know, do you?"
The hand he had been using to point at me moved towards his face to stroke his chin. "The Winter Soldier escaped Hydra not too long ago, when S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised."
What? I felt my body go numb. It was like the world was caving in on me, trying to crush my body with it's cruel, cruel walls. How did I not know that? "What? No. You're lying."
He shook his head, "That's why I want you to help me track him down. I can't leave him alone out there."
My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Hearing Steve talk about him like he was referring to a friend, humanising him...felt so wrong and disgusting that it left a bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to throw up.
I walked away from the front of the cell and turned my back to him, wanting nothing more to do with the conversation. Everything I thought was true turned out to be a rotting corpse of a lie. There was nothing else to revive, not even the remains of hell that I blew away a lifetime ago. There was no phoenix that would suddenly rise. Just cold, painful and numbing reality, hitting me in the face.
I should be glad, right? The knowledge that he was no longer who he used to be should be enough to send me dancing for joy and painting the town or whatever it is that happy, liberated people do. But instead I was scared. He was out there, blending in with civilians as if he wasn't a total monster. I was confused too—the sole reason I'd handed myself over to S.H.I.E.L.D was because I was running from him.
Then, the gears of my brain suddenly hit the brakes.
"You're lying." I said, with my back still turned to the glass. "He's not out there. He's still with them. I heard him, the day Hydra raided this place!"
"I thought you might bring that up. I'm not lying, Y/N."
Something told me I should turn around, and so I did. He was taking something out of his pocket. A small, metallic black, oval device that resembled an earpiece, with a wire attached to it. At the end of the wire was a tiny cube. "We found this on one of the Hydra agents' bodies, it was attached to his ear and his neck. We examined it immediately."
He held the thing up for me to see, the cube dangling from the wire. "Advanced technology."
He didn't need to say the words. I already knew what was coming.
"A voice modifier."
I chewed the inside of my cheek to keep myself from doing something stupid–the range was vast–and took a deep breath. Today was a day of revelations, it seemed. This cell is a feelings brothel.
"They knew, didn't they?" I scoffed, smirking despite my own conscience. "They wanted me to be scared."
Steve shoved the horror device back into his pocket, nodding once and staying silent, a gesture for me to continue. I dared myself to meet his eyes.
"This doesn't change anything." I heard myself saying. "I'm not helping you find him either way."
He sighed, shaking his head as if in disbelief. "I thought you might say that."
I didn't know what to say. But then suddenly, I heard the sound of a click and felt a sudden rush of air behind me. I whipped my head around to see the door hanging slightly ajar.
"Advanced technology."
Life was getting stranger by the second for me. I was just starting to figure out all the ways I could escape seamlessly, but then he stopped me.
"I'm not done yet." What now? "You can get out of here, on one condition. You help me find him. Then you're free to go wherever you want to go after."
Deals after deals after deals. My life was a joke. Everything I do involves a gamble.
"That's it?"
"Listen here, Y/N." The Captain's voice dropped an octave, a threat waiting to ignite. "I'm doing this on my own accord. If you help me, I'll be more than glad to return the favour, but only if you swear not to show up on anyone's radar for at least a year or they'll find you. Do this and you can forget about everything. I'm offering you a clean slate."
It was the negotiation of the century. But I sensed there was more. "And?"
"And, if you so much as step a foot out of line, I won't be the law abiding Captain you know me to be, kid."
I smirked. "Huh. I like you more like this, Cap. Suits you."
"So, what's it gonna be?"
I let the thought of it marinate for a while, weighing all the pros and cons. Pros? I get to get out of here and forget about ever 'pledging my loyalty' to this freak show. Cons? I had to actively and consciously search for the man whom I'd been running from forever.
"Deal. But I have one condition."
He raised an eyebrow lazily, as if surprised but also not at the same time. I was becoming way too predictable for these people. "What would that be?"
I couldn't go alone, not with just the walking flag, and I still had some unanswered questions to deal with. Plus, truth be told, I had a feeling he was the only person I could truly trust, especially on a rogue mission.
"Pietro has to come along."
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anthonyed · 4 years
buckytony for “it’s cold, you should wear my jacket”? only if you’re still taking prompts !
Thank you for requesting, Ava! I hope you like this:) (from this list)
Bucky Barnes loves people.
He genuinely loves them; the way they interact, the way they act and react and all of their emotions especially their unsurmountable passion – Witnessing that in itself can be electrifying.
Secretly, Bucky wishes he could taste that much passion at least once. 
Subconsciously, he seeks them out in people he’s around – Hoping even if it’s not his own, at least, someone would be kind enough to share theirs.
When he first tries to acclimatize to the ecosystem in the Avengers tower, he sticks a lot with Bruce because Bruce oozes tranquillity.
Bruce has weekly tea dates with Natasha, whom Bucky kinda remembers but also kinda doesn't. But since he's leaving all those memories behind and moving on, he doesn't wallow into that part of his past too much. 
He joins them on their tea dates. Natasha later invites him for Yoga sessions and once Bucky is confident enough to be alone with her, he joins her.
They practice various poses for hours and at the end of each session, Bruce will pop in to lead them through meditation. Which is all good; a reliable system in the building if you ask for Bucky’s opinion.
But Natasha occasionally goes on missions and Bruce on some personal trips; sometimes both of their trips coincide and Bucky's left fending for himself.
These are the times when he pops out of his room, feet padding in the direction of boisterous laughter which comes from Sam Wilson and Clint Barton; resident's children.
They teach him how to play video games and curse in 21st century slang. He learns slurs and cuss words which he then practices on Steve for personal entertainment.
There's also Miss Potts who flutters in and out of their life like a hummingbird.
Bucky first meets her on an early Monday morning; sitting alone at the communal kitchen table talking to herself (which he later learns was to an earpiece).
She's thoughtful in a way that nobody else is.
She loudly complains about Tony Stark while jabbing at the coffee machine pointedly, making sure Bucky could see what she is doing - And he realises half-way through that she is teaching him how to operate the machinery without being obvious about it.
She's lovely; Bucky likes her very much.
He also likes Jim Rhodes, who is worse than Miss Hummingbird. 
Who visits during the Memorial Day, gets stupid drunk trying to out drink Stevie then uses Bucky as his beanpole for the entire afternoon recounting all of his favourite military tales until he passes out.
Bucky doesn't mind; Colonel Rhodes smells nice under all the alcohol and he makes very funny jokes. 
There’s also the fact that Tony Stark loves him very loudly and proudly.
Like Stevie, he thinks; Tony Stark is Colonel Rhodes’ Stevie (Or maybe it’s the other way around, Bucky needs more time to figure that one out.)
Harold 'Happy' Hogan catches Bucky stepping out of the tower one night and offers to drive him in one of Stark's long weiner cars. When Bucky says no thanks, he crooks a finger and shows him where the motorbikes are.
"Are you sure...?"
"As long as you don't crash," Happy tosses a set of keys and Bucky accepts it, reluctantly.
But the ride he gets that evening is both soul-shifting and addictive, and he feels more reluctant returning the key when it ends.
“Never mind,” Happy tells him, “These are accessible any time, just ask JARVIS for them.”
And Bucky thinks Happy is cool that way. So, when he's coming home from long rides then on, Bucky makes sure to grab burgers with extra fries for him. Happy likes them curly; Bucky remembers that too for him,
Bucky meets Tony Stark on the battle-field for the first time. Static, machine-modulated voice tells him to watch his "sexy six" and Bucky blushes three shades darker under the afternoon Sun.
Later, after long countless observations, Bucky learns Tony Stark flirts like he breathes; no intentions what-so-ever beneath his wicked tongue.
But Bucky's got a heart too tender just blooming out of ash like baby phoenix and he couldn't help but get deeply affected by each one of those passes Tony throws at him.
He blushes like a red rose in July; warm and pretty and everyone notices the weakened state of his knees.
From Bruce to Natasha to Stevie, Sam and Clint. Hell, even Happy and Miss Potts could see past his breastbone where his heart flutters out of control when Tony Stark is around.
Come Halloween, Colonel Rhodes passes through; staying for one night and in the span of less than five hours he's been around, he corners Bucky in the kitchen and asks him what his intentions are.
Bucky stutters through his response; even apologizes for his over-reaction to Tony Stark's meaningless flirtation.
But Jim Rhodes cocks his head right and squeezes his arm. He says if there is anyone he'd trust to make his Tony happy, then it would be: "You, Sergeant Barnes"
Colonel Rhodes flies early on November 1st, but his words stick long and hard in Bucky's brain for weeks on end.
Then one day, an idea strikes him.
He rolls out of the bed with a sense of urgency; sending texts to both Bruce and Tasha, apologizing for not being able to make it to today's tea session and he hops into the elevator; pulling his shoes on, one after another.
"The workshop please, Mister JARVIS," he requests.
He knows Tony's in. Heard him talking to Miss Potts this morning about clearing out his schedule and Bucky hopes with all of his beating heart that his plan wouldn't face any rejection from Tony.
Stepping into the shop, breathless from all the emotions boiling in his chest, Bucky blurts out: "Come out with me."
Tony stark; stunned behind his protective eyewear, arms bare through his singlet, drops the welding torch he's been manning with a loud clang.
"Now?" he asks.
Not 'Are you kidding me?' or 'No fucking way'; but, 'Now?' he asks while wiping his fingers on a cloth, looking ready to follow like he’s been waiting for Bucky to come around since ages ago.
Bucky grins at him. "Yeah," he nods, "It’s cold, you should wear my jacket." He tosses the extra pair he'd grabbed from his closet and Tony catches it with an ease and an amused grin.
“Your jacket, Sergeant? I could swoon.”
“Good,” Bucky says, watching him pull it on. “I was hoping you would.”
Ten minutes later, they're speeding on the freeway on one of Tony's bikes; late Autumn breeze licking where their skins are uncovered, and it's freezing cold. But Bucky could only taste the warmth from Tony’s body plastered against him; his arms, tight and securely locked around his midriff. Like bursts of sunlight in a snow-storm.
They stop for dinner at one of the diners Bucky had been to twice before - could vouch for their food - and he's more than glad when Tony wipes his plate clean with the last fry.
When he packs for Happy like he usually does, Tony watches him with a curious kind of softness in his brown eyes; so, Bucky shares their little story with him.
On their way back home, they pull over at the side of the freeway that’s shaving the top of a small hill overlooking a neighbourhood and it’s guarded by a long silver railing which Tony hops over; waits for Bucky to follow with his hand out-reached for taking.
Bucky grabs it; clutches onto like a lifeline, at the same time, a fragile china, and they shuffle down the grassy slope; mouths split in wide grins, chuckles bursting out of seams and when Tony comes to a stop somewhere in the middle, Bucky does too.
"It's not always you get to see stars," Tony says, fingers tangled with Bucky’s like he wants to be and he's beautiful; eyes cast skyward, wonder glimmering in their warmth, lips curved in a soft angle -
He looks like the star itself has descended to earth; burning bright before Bucky's eyes and - Jesus Roosevelt Christ. What kind of heaven is that? Bestowed on Bucky, like a blessing beyond any worth and he doesn't know what to do with himself right then. 
You leave me breathless: he longs to say. You make me feel blessed beyond what I deserve, make me feel more than I know I ever could and it would be my goddamn honour to love you, I swear - Would be my Goddamn fucking honour to love you, sweetheart.
 But he doesn't say all that; would have choked on his tongue before he could even manage half of them out, so he swallows his spit and watches Tony watch the stars until his swollen heart explodes into confetti rain in its cage and -
And then, Bucky breathes; inhales lungs full of cold air prickling like icicles throughout his chest – shuddering, and when Tony looks down from the night sky at him, Bucky cups his jaw with trembling fingers and strokes his cheek with a thumb.
"You drive me insane," he tells him. "But you also keep me sane.”
“You’re like Bruce with his tea and Tasha with her Yoga. You’re what Sam and Clint describe how they feel when they play video games, or how Stevie says drawing makes him feel. You make my heart hop a mile like a bunny rabbit but also soothe me like balm, and if that’s how it feels to be passionate in life, then you’re my reason why.”
The stars blink up in the sky, the sound of the traffic along with the bone chilling November breeze witness Bucky empty his soul for Tony to take in the middle of a hill slope, somewhere upstate. 
But Tony, he's silent; for the first time since Bucky had known him, he's holding his tongue. And Bucky wishes he doesn't. 
Wishes, he would say something; anything at all. Or he would smile, or grin, and let Bucky taste passion for the first time from his tongue - One that is his own for a change, not someone else's. 
But neither happens; nothing happens. 
Tony doesn't say a word or show any signs of either acceptance or rejection; even if his breath catches in a sharp inhale exactly one time and he presses his hand over Bucky’s on his face. 
But neither could count in the face of how violently Bucky had cleaved his gut open for Tony that night.
They get on the road again soon after and Bucky's skin starts to itch from growing worries; wondering if he’d crossed a fine line between them because Tony's silence is eating him alive.
He stays pressed close to Bucky’s back for their entire ride home; hands locked tight over Bucky’s midriff and somewhere in the middle, Bucky feels the heat of Tony's cheek through his leather jacket; pressed between his shoulder blades, injecting trickles of hope into his spine.
When they reach the city and later the tower; when Bucky pulls into the garage and turns off the engine, neither of them gets off the bike.
For Bucky, he pretends the journey's still not over so he could savour the warmth plastered onto his back just a little while longer.
As for Tony, Bucky finds out why he’s staying when the locked arms around his waist breaks and one of the hands wander upwards; coming to rest over where Bucky’s heart trips and races; the prickling sensation along his nape doubling and he stops breathing all at once.
When he does inhale, his spine bones shudder from the forceful way he sucks in a breath. Evidently feeling the tremor, Tony chuckles close to his ear and tells him to, “Take it easy, James. I’m trying to feel if you’ve told me the truth, or made up a beautiful lie.”
A giddy exhale escapes Bucky’s chest in a soft puff air. Feeling suddenly bold just from that statement, he leans back into Tony’s hold and presses his own hand on top of his.
And he savours the silence along with the sweet scent of Tony tinged with metal and grease, and Bucky could swear, he feels Tony’s heartbeat through the layers of their clothes. From behind their ribs and flesh and through their lungs, and it feels like the meat of their hearts have merged into one; singing to the same symphony in the womb of their home.
Later, once the tune has sunk into his marrow, Bucky quietly asks, “What’s the verdict, sweetheart?”
Their hands still lay, combined over Bucky’s chest and it’s heaven to be this close with someone you ache for – Bucky knows. He never forgets to count his blessings these days; he just hopes that this one never finds its end at all.
If he could whisper a wish into the air, he’d ask God to let them stay this way forever. But this goes both ways, and Bucky may be selfish but he’s not entirely cruel; he wouldn’t subject Tony to what he doesn’t want.
So, he gives him another out; prods, “Am I a liar or am I not?”, when Tony doesn’t answer him the first time around.
But Tony seems to desire what Bucky wants – Which. What a miracle is that?
He says, “Shh, James Barnes. Let’s just stay like this longer,” and Bucky’s poor heart, in all of its new born tenderness; speckles of ash still present from when it was reborn like a phoenix  - Finally, finds its wings and soars high. 
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anika-ann · 4 years
WINSoD - Pt.3
...from Here on Now
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2, part 3)  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 2810
Summary: In which Steve’s soulmate does something a bit risky that bites her in her ass. Almost. Matt Murdock loses his mind too. A bit.
Warnings: blood and violence, mention of death, brief flashback, language
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Part 2
The second thought? Oh shit.
No, scratch that – your second thought was ‘Holy shit, Steve has very quick reflexes.’
The same moment the sound reached your ears and shook your very core, you were tackled to the ground and shielded by Steve’s impressive frame, a flash of panic in his bright eyes. He wasn’t losing any time gazing into yours though, assessing the sudden chaos and switching to his Avenger mode in a fraction of second.
Your mind was slower than his, but one thing wormed its way through your brain immediately; yes, it was in fact an army of fucking robots crashing the party, lined up and levitating two feet above the ground.
The fuck-
You suspected that the robots were mind-readers on top of everything, when one of them, bigger than the others, spoke up into the momentary stunned silence, his voice hoarse and rough as if he was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day: “Sorry to crash the party, folks.”
Another beat of silence and the robots rocketed off simultaneously with the first scream that set off a cacophony of horror.
Steve’s voice broke through the eardrum-tearing noise.
“Stay down and get the hell out of here,” he hissed, jumped to his feet in an impressive speed and took off to be the hero he was.
Why was he giving you opposite orders? That didn’t make any- it took you a moment to realize he didn’t mean for you to lie on the floor and make your escape at the same time, just wanted you not to run with your back straightened.
To be fair, you were too dumbstruck by the desperation stuffed into the simple order, carrying so much more meaning than the actual sentence, to have a clear mind.
Run. I don’t care how and where, I don’t care what you need to do to get out of here, but you run and don’t look back. Get to safety, no matter what.
As you crouched, your eyes flickering over the chaos of a room, you caught Tony’s calculating gaze and gave him an inconspicuous nod; a second later, his gaze fell on something else and you followed his line of sight to Pepper. You exchanged a silent conversation and sprang to action.
Here was a thing: Tony Stark was a technical genius.
His trust in his own technology and security systems was immense.
His trust in his own technology and security systems was not unconditional.
Tony Stark was a paranoid bastard of a man, which was something he could bond over with Steve; the Steve after your death that was.
Because of Steve’s paranoia and understandable fear, Natasha had been forced to teach you a bit of hand-to-hand combat. Jarvis had been forced to go over the plans of the Avengers Tower and escape routes for million times with you.
The part Steve was clearly forgetting now was that Tony hadn’t failed to inform you about the two different panic rooms, technology free; or maybe he was just forgetting the part in which he tended to inspire people around him.
In this case it meant there was no way you would park your ass in one of those panic rooms and let the hell that had broken loose rain on everyone else, on people who were as much of civilians as you were.
And Pepper was about to help you.
Steve was about to kill you later, but you would have to live long enough to let him, so that was the least of your concerns.
As the Captain had told you, you did run and tried to stay down. You just happened to pick everyone you could reach on your way and beg them to pass the information about the panic rooms over. You cursed Tony for his fondness of crowds. This would have been much easier if it was the Avengers and close circle only; mostly because nearly everyone would be able to protect themselves and wouldn’t be busy running while the Earth’s mightiest heroes tried to keep the fight away from civilians.
But life wasn’t always easy.
You spotted Tamara’s blond hair in the sea of faces and soon realized she joined you on your mission, clearly having been informed on the panic rooms as well. You saw several people you had barely become familiar with tonight, a pair of charming dorky lawyers among them; you were relieved when you saw the one with longer hair helping his very much blind friend.
Some women were losing their shoes on purpose, some due to being dragged away by the crowd. You fought your way forward, happy you weren’t wearing any killer heels, people following you like a herd; at least the individuals who hadn’t followed Pepper three floors lower.
“End of the hall, come on. Heavy door, no electronic locks. Just open it and squish as many inside as you can,” you urged a responsibly-looking man whose name you couldn’t recall at the moment, but he didn’t seem bothered by it, instantly following the instruction and speeding up to let the others in. You stayed on the corner, making sure everyone headed the right direction in their panic.
The screams were deafening, the influx of people seemingly never-ending and you silently prayed no one had been left behind. You tried very hard not to think about Steve and others fighting fucking robots.
Finally, the last guests ran past you; well, ran as much as they could. You joined the duo of lawyers (an occupancy that somehow got stuck in your mind), of whom one was an ironic representative of the justice being blind.
“You think that was everyone?” you asked, purposely not addressing one or the other. For one, you didn’t want to be rude, but to be honest, you managed to forget their actual names as well.
“Yeah, I hope so. This is insane,” the one with longer hair hurried and maybe it was only your imagination, but he appeared rather calm considering how insane the situation was.
Then again, some might say you were too. You felt like in some sort of a haze; your body was doing things you couldn’t remember ordering it, acting despite your insides clenching, heart so frantic you might as well go into a cardiac arrest. You were thankful for the autopilot mode; running side by side with the two men definitely looked like a good idea, even if you weren’t aware of coming up with it.
Until you were yanked back by your shoulder and the hem of your dress, sent flying and landing on your side.
“Shit,” you hissed as the sharp pain shot through your whole arm, your ribs crying out as well.
Fuck, fuck that hurt. How was Steve doing it, landing like that all the time and almost making it look like fun?!
Not relevant.
Really not relevant right now.
You scrambled away from the mechanical torso hovering above the ground, almost appearing to examine you. Perhaps it was wondering whether you were about to get up? You didn’t want to, FYI. The pain was coming in waves now, pulsating somewhere deep inside of your muscles. Or was it your bones?
The voices at the end of the hall fell silent and you guessed the last people made it to the room. The raging fight in the party space was still rumbling through the walls, vibrating in your chest. Or was it just your heart?
“Well, this is ironic,” the robotic voice you remembered from when the big robot crashed the party hummed.
How the hell did all the robots have the same voice?
You pushed up to your feet, ready to either fight or flee, unsure which you had better chances succeeding at.
You doubted you had the slightest chance at either.
“You’re out of luck. Guess the Captain will have to deal with your loss once more.”
The two simple sentences froze you on spot, crushing something deep within you. A memory of a mad smile, of a desperate voice, of fire and agony coursing through your veins turned you into a statue.
‘With your loss.’
With your death. You were gonna die.
There was no fighting off this thing; certainly not with your simple human nature and lame skills.
You felt the uncontrollable tremor in your muscles, your throat closing off with surging panic. You couldn’t even breathe, let alone defend yourself when the mechanical monster with glowing red eyes raised its arm, the sound of charging nearly causing your ears to bleed.
You spotted Bucky with the corner of your eye, but you knew it was too late. He was too far away; no matter how much he sped up, horror having his face lose all colour, he wouldn’t make it, because he carried no long-distance weapon.
You squeezed your eyes shut, curled into yourself and thought of your soulmate, the way he held you when he found out you were alive and with your memories back.
Steve’s heart will break, for real this time, a small voice whispered in the back of your head, and he’s not gonna handle it. You sent a quick mental sorry.
Funny how you thought of him instead of yelling ‘I don’t want to fucking die!’
And the blast was still not coming.
Instead, there was a loud crash that had you snap your eyes open in an instant, only to come face to face with shocked Bucky; with Bucky, who was still several feet away, crossing the remaining distance in an impressive speed.
Another man was engaged in a furious battle of limbs, a punch there, a spin-jump-kick a second after, knocking the heap of components right onto Bucky’s metallic arm; the robot was cut in half, Bucky’s arm going through it like a knife through butter.
What was left of the machine hit the ground with a clatter, the glow in its eyes fading until it died completely.
A man in a cheap suit was standing with his bloody fists raised, facing a very cautious and panting Bucky. You wanted to say thank you to your saviours, but you couldn’t find your voice, still struggling to breathe in.
It wasn’t until a pair of warm brown eyes appeared in front of your face, blindly staring onto your mouth, until your brain rebooted and made the connection along with telling you to how to breathe in.
It was the lawyer. The very much blind lawyer, an incarnation of the famous saying, one of the dorky pair of defenders of justice.
He just saved your life. By fighting the robot like a Bruce freaking Lee.
“What the- the hell just- hap-happened?” you rasped, the palm of your unharmed arm pressed against your ribcage to feel your own heart, your chest expanding with every breath.
Still breathing. Heart still beating. Not dead. Just really fucking scared and confused.
“Yeah. I was wondering the same thing,” Bucky growled, but with an audible trace of gratitude towards the man. His worried gaze fell on you, searching your face as his intimidating fighting stance eased. “But now is not the time. Let’s get you to Steve before he loses his mind. He flipped out when he saw you helping others instead of running off.”
You took a shuddering breath, closing your eyes and letting the sudden absence of the roar of battle wash over you.
“Hey. You’re okay. It’s gone. Can I touch your shoulder? The one that’s not injured,” a voice coaxed you and you mentally catalogued it as the lawyer’s.
A low warning grumble sounded on your right, but you nodded. You tried not to think about how the hell a blind man, who was apparently moonlighting like a ninja, knew about your shoulder pulsing with agony, hence avoided it skilfully, his gentle touch grounding.
“Hmfg. Let’s go. You have a lot explaining to do, Murdock. But thanks.”
Right. Murdock. He had a nice alliteration in his name, you remembered now. Matt Murdock. His friend called himself Foggy Nelson.
“Yeah…” you whispered, fluttering your eyes open and letting the two men lead you towards where the horror had started. “Thank you, Mr. Murdock.”
“You’re welcome, miss.”
The previously fancy room was a complete mess; furniture in splinters, clothing torn to shreds, glass in shards, mechanics whirling and cracking with electricity, sometimes with sparks flying around. All of that rained with drops of blood.
Your stomach turned over, but you were able to swallow your nausea and fight the vertigo as your name was shouted from across the room, rapid strides of a huge man crossing the distance in seconds.
“Don’t touch-“ Murdock tried to warn Steve, but that man had already made up his mind, pulling you against his chest, arms winded tightly around your body.
You swallowed the cry of sharp pain in order to let him hug you and you breathed in deeply; freshly washed suit, his cologne, sweat, blood and him.
Your arm throbbed in agony, ribs crying out, but your heart was finding its peace despite still racing.
Now you were truly safe.
And Steve was alive and well. All would be good.
“Oh thank God, you’re okay,” he whispered to your mess of hair, his chest heaving. You could feel his heart hammering against your cheek, a prove of the fright you had given him.
“Punk, stop it, you’re going to smother her,” Bucky noted, sighing. “Plus, she was thrown around and did not land exactly gracefully.”
Steve released you in an instant, his face a mask of horror. Funny how Steve was much more expressive than Cap. You always loved it.
His attentive gaze was scanning you from head to toe, finally taking in your tense posture and stiff shoulders.
“What the hell are you talking about? Doll? What happened?!”
You opened your mouth uselessly, struggling to find words to break it to him gently and without freaking him out too much.
Unfortunately, Matt Murdock beat you to speaking. “A robot grabbed her-“
Steve’s eyes widened, assessing your state again, his choked inhale loud enough to hear. You shot Murdock a glare.
“Traitor,” you hissed at your saviour and then turned back to Steve, your uninjured hand laid on his shoulder.  “Mr. Lawyer here took care of it. But yeah, I’ll have a trip to hospital or medical voluntarily. It kinda hurts-“
Steve’s eyes narrowed and you corrected yourself when he wordlessly called out on your bullshit.
“-okay, kinda a lot, but it’s not as bad, considering…“
Steve closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, only to slowly release it and giving the lawyer a look radiating immense gratitude despite him probably not being able to see it. Which, what the hell, by the way.
“Thank you.”
Matt Murdock only smiled humbly and nodded, at which Steve returned his attention to you. Taking him in, you only thought of four words.
He didn’t sustain any life-threatening injuries as far as you could tell, but you did smell and see blood on him and since his opponents had been fucking robots, it was definitely his own blood. There was an angrily-looking gash on his forehead which was not bleeding anymore, few more scratches peeking through his sliced clothes.
Still. He was not unharmed.
“You’re hurt too,” you whispered. Your company clearly decided that it was the right moment to leave you some privacy and went to discuss other things. A game plan, perhaps. What happened in the first place. Oh, and who the hell Matt Murdock was anyway. You only had eyes for Steve now though. “How do you feel?”
His shoulders slumped, careful hand tenderly brushing your cheek, his eyebrow furrowing in concern and indignation.
“Like I can’t decide whether smothering you for not running like your life depended on it – which it did – is an option,” he said honestly, eyeing your injured shoulder.
“That’s fair,” you hummed, not surprised. If he could be sassy though, so could you. “But consider this: I have a great role-model for heroics in my soulmate, so there’s no wonder I tried to help, as pathetically as I did at least.”
His lips parted at the implication of your behaviour being even remotely his fault, but you could tell he was too relieved to be actually mad at you.
“Smothering it is.”
You chuckled, trying not to wince at the tiny motion of your body that sent a fresh wave of pain through you.
“…can I have my arm checked first though? Also, I think you have bigger problems than me coordinating the rescue…”
Steve unwillingly casted a glance to the group of his friends, who all glared at Tony Stark, before looking back at you.
“My biggest problem right now is to get you some medical attention. Then, yes, it does look like I have things to deal with. But remember, doll. You are not off the hook.”
You smiled at him sweetly and kissed his cheek.
“A troublemaker like me? Wouldn’t dream of it…”
Part 4
Well. This spiralled quickly, didn’t it? :D Also, I couldn’t resist little Matty in here since I introduced him to Bucky in the previous part of the series ;)
Thank you for reading and for your patience... I know I posted a lot of different stuff before getting to this chapter...
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classified-bluerose · 4 years
here we go. this is very long, so. buckle up.
my original theory had wanda trapped within westview unknowingly - later episodes disproved that. however! i believe now that parts of my original theory are true. wanda is not in control. someone else is. she can alter certain aspects of her reality, and probably believes she’s in total control. she isn’t.
she notes that she can’t remember how it all began. she seemed taken aback during some of the episodes when the sitcom faltered and allowed reality to blink through. she didn’t summon pietro/peter - so who did?
behind every show is a writer, a director. wanda may be starring in her perfect sitcom, but who is directing it?
- agnes? is she mephisto? or perhaps she’s agatha, married to mephisto. her husband is mentioned several times but never shown.
- pietro/peter himself is mephisto in disguise. though why he would choose this particular iteration of pietro is uncertain.
- dottie is mephisto.
1. the sword director is shady a.f. why not share the information about wanda’s break in when he first sent monica out into the field? and, if part of vision’s will was to not be ressurected OR made into a weapon, then what the hell was sword doing with his corpse in the first place?
consider: the security footage from wanda’s break-in. vision’s body was disassembled. sword director immediately labelled wanda a terrorist. which was always going to happen - i mean, pre-endgame/infinity war, wanda was a wanted felon on the run from the government. which gives sword exactly the right ammunition to use against her. of course, monica was having none of it, and stepped up to defend her. hayword decided to use monica’s drone to launch an attack on wanda. he had no qualms about killing her - and potentially her children. he also chose to keep this information from monica, because he knew she would never have agreed. he is not to be trusted; and i think monica knows that now.
2. onto vision’s enlightening moment with norm. now, norm doesn’t ever name wanda as the one inside his head. instead, he refers to this person as ‘’her’’. not naming her has to be intentional. which means he may not be talking about wanda. of course, vision is going to assume it is wanda, having noticed how strange his life with her is. monica was shaken when she began to remember her life before westview. herb, when trying to tell vision about why monica was there, is visibly terrified. norm grows agitated and upset when vision lifts the manipulation. even dottie becomes freaked out when woo’s voice comes over the radio. who in the town doesn’t act disturbed or scared when the sitcom falters? agnes. she acts like a professional actor on a soap or sitcom. she looks to wanda for direction; but could it be she is the director of this whole thing? or perhaps she is an agent of mephisto, (or master pandemonium) who could very well be her unseen husband, ralph. that is, if she’s not mephisto herself.
3. now. the twins. the twins, whom i do not trust. they know too much. their powers and wanda’s powers combined could explain the aging up process. but i believe the twins are a product of the same thing as the comics: fragments of mephisto’s soul. while this storyline was rewritten to swap out mephisto for master pandemonium, it’s more likely that it’s mephisto behind this. regardless of mephisto’s identity within the show, it the twins were created using fragments of mephisto’s soul, they may be more like him than wanda or vision. i know in the comics they get reabsorbed into mephisto/pandemonium. i lowkey want that to happen because i don’t like them lmao. sorry wanda! but, we know that wanda is using whatever is around her to rewrite reality. so if mephisto is nearby, his soul would be powerful enough (even fragmented) to create two (semi) human children. agnes says you can’t control kids. maybe that’s why there’s no other children in westview?
4. and finally, the big moment. the introduction of evan peter’s peter maximoff. she calls him pietro, of course, as this is the name he used in this universe. there are plenty of theories to explain his sudden appearance. if mephisto is a resident of the town, and controlling wanda, they may be using her desires to keep wanda in westview. her mentioning him in the past 2 episodes would have had him in the forefront of her mind. mephisto may be aware that vision is beginning to fight the reality he’s in, that he’s ‘’waking up’’. so he/she/they bring in her brother to solidfy wanda’s fight to remain in her new home. what good does this do for vision, though? how will it convince him to stop fighting? he doesn’t even remember his own universes’ pietro. perhaps mephisto is hoping that with wanda now having her family complete will urge her to fully control vision. perhaps mephisto had to bring this version of pietro over from the x-men universe due to an inability to revive the mcu’s pietro? and another big question; is vision alive? if wanda was reanimating his corpse and making it seem as though he was alive, wouldn’t he just be whatever she made him be? surely he would have no independant thought, no capability to question the world around him. if he is alive - how?
working theory: wanda discovered that sword had taken vision’s body. heartbroken that the man she loves won’t get to rest in peace, she breaks into sword and ‘’rescues’’ his corpse. whatever her plan was following that, something happened that we haven’t seen yet. mephisto appeared, drawn to wanda by her pure grief, rage, and loneliness - and made her a deal she couldn’t refuse. bring vision back to life, place her in a familiar, comforting world where nothing changes (ex. a sitcom) and they can live a normal, happy life together. mephisto does not go into detail about wanda’s new reality; when she agrees, she isn’t entirely aware of what she’s signing up for. mephisto wipes her memory (and visions?) of the deal, and sits back in wait. the more wanda starts to realise that she can control aspects of her reality, she does what she can to protect it, not fully understanding what’s going on. only knowing that she isn’t willing to let go of her home. sword are panicking, because they’ve lost vision to a woman with exceptional abilities (who happens to be labelled, unfairly, a terrorist). hayward uses this to turn all heads in wanda’s direction, desperate to vilify her and keep the attention off of sword’s vision project. back to the deal - what would mephisto get in return for this exchange? my best bet is the children. although why he would want that, to lose 2 fragments of his soul for their creation. unless his soul was already in fragments and lost, and wanda’s creating her kids was one way for him to retrieve them? agnes is there to either help wanda, to take care of her, or to keep her in line.
the parts in italics and bold are linked to the evidence in the first paragraphs.
each commercial seems to link to wanda’s past; essentially retelling her path through the mcu.
1. first up, the toaster by stark industries. it was stark weapons that destroyed wanda’s childhood home and left her and her brother orphans. this is the inciting incident in wanda’s story.
2. the vonstrucker watch. following her parents demise, she is radicalised and volunteers for hydra, alongside pietro. she is experimented on by a hydra scientist named von strucker.
3. hydra soak soap. this could be another reference to her history with hydra. it could always be a hint that hydra is somehow involved in wanda’s current situation.
4. lagos paper towels. with no commercial in episode 4, episode 5 advertises paper towels by the brand name of lagos, the tagline is ‘’for when you make a mess you didn’t mean to.’’ at the beginning of civil war, wanda is part of an avengers mission in lagos. the mission goes wrong when wanda accidentally redirects a bomb and kills civillians. this incident is partially responsible for the sokovia accords - and we should also remember that wanda’s intentions with ultron were not the same as his. she didn’t mean for sokovia to be destroyed, or for her brother to die. she most likely blames herself for all of that.
the commercials are, essentially, a shortened walkthrough of her trauma, and there is plenty of it.
note: wanda is the defintion of traumatised. she has lost everything. she is alone. she has had no time to process the death of vision; those five years post IW never happened for her. she blinked, and five years had passed. she was then immediately thrown into a battle against thanos. for her it’s been about five minutes since she witnessed thanos crushing vision’s head for the mind stone. she then finds out natasha and tony have died, and that steve is out of commission for good. everything has been ripped away from her. there’s no avengers. no family. no boyfriend. no one. i want to see what happened in the three weeks between endgame returning the dusted and the beginning of wandavision.
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
When the Levee Breaks...
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Summary: It's been three months since The Snap. The reader has a lot to cope with: newly-aquired super soldier capabilities, being a stranger in a strange place, and most of all, the loss of Bucky. But lucky for her, Steve Rogers isn't one to let his friends go through hard times alone.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem!enhanced! Reader (mentioned), Steve Rogers x fem!enhanced! Reader (platonic)
Reader has the ability to see bits of the future, understand all languages, and process information quickly as well as being a super soldier
Warnings: angst, self-destruct behavior, mentions of suicidal tendencies, mentions of mental illness, mentions of eating disorder, tiny bit of fluff.
“Some times I feel I’ve got to run away, I’ve got to run away…” Her footfalls are too fast to keep in step with the song’s beat, but it still gives her some comfort to listen. Some, because really, when she’s punishing her body for the mere sake of feeling it scream at her, there’s not much comfort to be found.
“Once I ran to you, now I’ll run from you, this tainted love you’ve given-” She’s so busy concentrating on pushing herself, making herself hurt, that she doesn’t realize there’s anyone in front of her until she runs smack dab into them. “Oof!”
She’s knocked flat on her ass, but it doesn’t keep her down (no, of course not, she’s a damn super soldier now). She hops up immediately, intent on apologizing, making sure the other person is okay, and then getting back to her run, when the person she’s run into grasps her arm.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am are you-” Whoever she ran into stops short (she’s trying not to look him in the face, faces are painful to see now that she knows she’ll never see Barnes’ again), and the hand on her elbow falls away, forcing her to look up. Oh no.
“Steve.” Great. Out of all the people she had to run into, it had to be Steve Rogers. She knows most women would be absolutely thrilled to have knocked Captain America off his feet (he’s now brushing off the back of his pants, which she should probably do as well, but can’t bring herself to care), but not her. She likes Steve, really she does. They haven’t spent a lot of time together, but he is -was, he’s gone now, was- Bucky’s best friend, and they got along fine. He’s a nice guy. That’s the real problem, because-
“How’re you doing? I haven’t seen you in forever.” -he’ll ask her that. You know, being nice. Which means she’s going to have to lie.
“I’m fine. Good to see you again.” Now if he’d just get out of her way so she can get back to what she was doing.
“I didn’t know you were a runner.” Damn. He wants to have a conversation. Doesn’t he know that earbuds in means, “Don’t talk to me?” Probably not, because he’d never be that rude. Captain frickin’ America.
“I’m not.” Why did she have to say that? Now he’s looking at her in surprise, eyebrows raised, mouth open in shock.
“Then why-”
“Just thought I’d try it out. See if the super serum really is all that.” She can’t very well tell him that she’s out here hoping that the place where one of Thanos’ goons speared her through the lung (and the kidney… and the intestines… and part of her brain) wasn’t repaired as well as the doctors’ claimed and it’ll open up if she just runs fast enough, allowing her to slowly bleed out. He seems like the type to see that as a cry for help.
He chuckles. “Well, considering you were going around 65 miles per hour, I think you have your answer.” Sixty-five? That can’t be right.
“How do you know that?” He shrugs.
“ ‘Cause that’s how fast I was going, and you ran into me.” Right. Of course she’s now as fast as America’s golden boy. Because her life wasn’t bizarre enough already.
“No harm done.” She’s all prepared offer him a courtesy nod and take off again, when- “Are you hungry? Let me buy you breakfast.”
Her first thought is, “He’s flirting with me.” and her anger flares, but then she remembers who this is, and calms down. He’s being nice. Again.
“No thanks. I already ate.” She didn’t, hasn’t in two days in fact, but the damn super serum is keeping her from dropping.
“Then how about coffee?” He can’t take a hint. “Just a head’s up, the serum also keeps you from getting a buzz from the caffeine, but it still tastes the same.”
“I drink tea.” Why does she keep talking to him? The last thing she wants is to be around anyone that reminds her of whom she’s lost.
Steve smirks. “Then let me buy you a cup of tea.” Again, anger wells up in her, anger and pain, but she pushes it down. He doesn’t know about the last person who bought her a cup of tea, or what it lead to. This is just being friendly to the widow (no, they never made it that far, ex girlfriend) of his old pal.
“Please.” The megawatt smile falters for a moment. “We’ve all lost so many people that we can’t afford to let even potential friends slip away that easily.”
She doesn’t want to be his friend. Doesn’t want to be anyone’s friend. She just wants to be left alone for however long she has left until her enhanced body falters and finally gives out. But, it’s against everything she believes, whatever values she has left now that a huge part of her has disappeared like dust left behind after the snap, to return kindness with a cold shoulder. And if he’s so desperate for company...
He’s never been to this coffee shop before, but he’s trying to hide that fact by studying the menu written in chalk with great concentration. In fact, he doesn’t particularly want to be here now. It’s too empty, too quiet. There’s too many people crying into their beverages of choice. But he had to come up with a valid excuse to keep her from disappearing again like she had three months ago after he told her, “I’m sorry. He’s gone. We lost him.”, and he was running low on ideas.
She looks terrible. No, correction; she looks average. He’s never seen the effects of the serum on a woman before (apart from the brief encounter with Hydra’s other super soldiers), but he’s almost certain she should look… stronger, somehow. More robust. If he’s being honest, she doesn’t even look like her old self, pre-serum.
She’s cut her hair, chopped it off unevenly, and it makes her look more severe. Or maybe that’s the fact that her cheekbones are more prominent, and although it shouldn’t be possible, she has dark circles under her eyes. She’s thinner too, although it’s unavoidable that her muscle tone has improved (at least from what he can tell; she’s in workout clothes, not the trendy kind, but a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, and besides, he’s keeping his eyes trained respectfully on her face). In short, she looks miserable.
Eventually, they both do order, and he doesn’t so much as get the chance to ask where she’d like to sit before she makes a bee-line for the table in the corner, half-hidden by a large fern, away from everyone else. That cuts down on the chances of them being recognized, or really, mostly him.
He gives her a few minutes to stir and sip her tea before starting the enquiry.
“So how are you doing really?” She nearly drops her cup at that.
“I told you, I’m fine.” So he’s going to have to dig.
“No you’re not.” She opens her mouth, more than likely to contradict him, but he continues. “You can’t be. I’m not, and I don’t know anyone else who is.”
Her eyes narrow, and he’s reminded of something Bucky told him in passing conversation back in Wakanda. “I always know when she’s mad, and so does everyone else. Trust me, you can tell.” He was right. Her face is rapidly flushing, and her posture has completely changed.
“Fine.” She snaps, and begins tearing the label off of her drink. “I’m doing shitty. I don’t have anywhere to live, so I’ve been sleeping at a different emergency shelter every night. I don’t have a job, which means I don’t have a source of income. I don’t know anyone because I’ve never been to fucking New York before. Oh, and my fiance turned to dust in front of me. That what you wanted to hear?”
There’s so much to unpack, but first thing’s first.
“You’re staying at the shelters?” She nods.
“Most nights. Sometimes I sleep on the subway. It’s not like the seats are full anymore.”
That’s not going to cut it. He may not know her well, but he’s not going to let her be homeless. He’s about to offer up the couch in his apartment (or, more than likely once she’s actually agreed to go, the bed while he takes the couch), but out of nowhere, she bursts into tears.
“I’m sorry, Steve.” She swipes at her eyes roughly. “That was rude of me. You didn’t deserve that.” No, he didn’t, but he gets it. This is a weird time for everyone.
“It’s okay.” He attempts what he hopes is a friendly smile. “I think we’ve all earned the right to not be as polite as normal. Plus, you really are doing shitty-”
She chuckles. “Wow. Captain America swears. Who would’ve thought.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
They sit in silence for a few more minutes, her sipping her tea, and him his… whatever this is. All the while, he’s trying to figure out the best way to shoe-horn, “Let me help you.” into casual conversation. Finally, he decides to just do it. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? She runs off again, goes back to the subway. On second thought, that’s pretty bad. Tact. This is a time for tact.
“What was it you do again? For a job, that is?”
“Did.” What? “Sorry again. Force of habit.” She meets his eyes. “I taught English as a second language, mostly to adults. That makes me a little anal about grammar.”
A teacher… that’s unfortunate, because all schools (and colleges for that matter) nation wide have suspended classes “until further notice” in the wake of Thanos. It’s possible she could submit an application now and be hired whenever they regroup, but she needs a source of income immediately.
“I also worked as a translator briefly. That is, before people started asking questions about how I was able to understand every foreign language they put in front of me without so much as a briefing.” Now that, he might be able to work with. Especially since their team has gotten a lot smaller.
“If, and it’s not a guarantee, but if I could offer you a job working with me, Nat, and what’s left of the team-” She grows a shade paler but doesn’t say anything. “-as a translator only, would you consider it?” To be honest, they could use her as more, especially with the training she received in Wakanda and her new status as a super soldier, but if her reaction is anything to judge from, the wound is too fresh for her agree to that.
“Yes.” The answer is immediate. His shock must show on his face, because she shrugs and tells him, “I’m out of funds and I don’t have a place to live. If someone offered me a job cleaning toilets, I’d take it.” That’s what gives him the courage to mention the next part.
“Is that your mindset about places to sleep too, because I have a couch that pulls out into a bed.” Her eyebrows shoot up, mouth forming a perfect “oh”. “That is, until you find a place. Or I can contact Natasha and see about renting you a hotel room-”
She shakes her head. “No, you’ve been generous enough. All of you, really. I can manage-”
“I know you can.” He feels bad about interrupting her, but this is going nowhere fast. “I know you can take care of yourself and manage on your own. But you don’t have to.” He almost adds that Bucky wouldn’t want that for her, but decides against it just in time. “If we don’t band together to help each other right now, then Thanos may as well have dusted all of us.”
She’s quiet for a few moments, studying her lap, and he thinks that he’s pushed too far. Then, with a sigh, she nods.
“Fine, but just a warning. I talk in my sleep.”
“Duly noted.”
It’s not been as bad as she thought, living with Steve. He’s an orderly guy, so she’s not picking up after him. He knocks before he enters a room, even if the door is open and gives her space. He doesn’t complain if she uses too much hot water and remembers to put the toilet seat down. If anything isn’t to her liking, all she has to do is mention it, and he immediately augments his behavior. In fact, the only disagreements they’ve had in the month and a half since she moved in have been over who gets the bedroom (he insisted on being a gentlemen and taking the couch, which she absolutely refused; she finally won by telling him that if he forced her to take the bed, she’d pack up her suitcase and leave) and who does the cooking (she said she’d do it and the laundry since she’s basically living in his apartment expense free, he said he’d do it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while she did it Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, then Saturday would be takeout; he won that one because he actually likes to cook).
They don’t really hang out together, apart from occassionally watching the news. Most of their conversations are banal. How was your day, I did laundry, gas prices have gone up, do you want the shower first. Roommate talk, but just from that she can tell why Bucky liked the guy so much, why they were such good friends (especially once she discovers that sweet, polite Captain America can be a sassy son of a bitch when he wants to be). It’s all very… nice.
And still, since that first day, she hasn’t sat down with him and had a conversation. Not about anything significant that is. He’s tried several times, but she’s shut it down as quickly and politely as possible. She appreciates the effort to be her friend, take care of the brokenhearted girl that remains, but she can’t let it go that far. She knows if she lets him scratch the surface, the floodgates will open, and she’s not prepared for that. She doesn’t want to talk about Bucky. She won’t.
No, they’ll just keep being nice to each other, being agreeable until she’s got a couple of paychecks under her belt and can make a deposit on an apartment and pay him back for his kindness (which is another uphill battle, but she’ll think about that later).
That’s the plan anyway, until after a run, she realizes that it’s gone.
She distinctly remembers leaving it on the sofa table in an ashtray that’s there for decoration only. It’s where she leaves everything; her wallet, her key to the apartment, the damn knife she purchased as a scared eighteen year old on the run from her government. But it’s not there.
Maybe it was so loose thanks to her self-inflicted emaciation that it came off while she was wearing it as she slept and it’s between the cracks in the sofa cushions? She rips them away as if they’re a bandage, finding nothing (not even lint, because she had a cleaning fit on yet another sleepless night and vacuumed). Under the couch then. Behind it. Nothing and nothing.
She’s ransacked the entire living room and is intent on moving onto the bathroom when the front door opens.
“What the-” She doesn’t bother looking up, but it doesn’t matter. He’s next to her in three strides. “Are you okay?”
She means to reassure him that she’s fine, just misplaced something, but instead what comes out is,
“It’s gone, Steve.”
“What’s gone?” Even as he speaks, she’s emptying out the trash can to make sure she didn’t acidentally throw it out (her mind’s been all over the place these days).
“My ring.” It’s the last piece she has of him. There’s a few pictures saved to her phone (which she can no longer so much as charge up), and his file which has since been given over to her care, but that’s the last physical thing she has that he left her, the last thing his fingers touched that she can touch too. And it’s gone.
“I can’t believe I lost it. I was being so careful-” She’s babbling, not even making sense to herself at this point. “-and now it’s gone. It’s gone, just like him. Fuck!” She shouldn’t be crying like a child, but there’s nothing she can do about it.
“Language.” Her head snaps up to stare at an embarassed Steve. “Sorry. Force of habit. What I mean is, why don’t I help you look for it?” She nods, and forces herself to take a deep breath.
“It was silver-” vibranium actually, but the color is more easily identifiable. “-with engraving-”
“I know what it looks like.” He interrupts sheepishly. “Trust me. He asked me, “Do you think she’ll like it” about a dozen times in ten minutes before he gave it to you.”
She never knew that, and it sends fresh tears to her eyes.
“And it’s vibranium, in case you didn’t know. Said it needed to be-”
“Strong and adaptable.” She recites back. Same as you. That’s what he told her when he slipped it on her finger, explaining why there wasn’t a stone. She doesn’t feel like either of those things. Not since he went, and she stayed. “I know.”
“Alright.” He nods. “When did you last have it?”
“Before my run. I took it off so I wouldn’t lose it.” She laughs bitterly. So much for that.
“Then you check your bag and the bathroom. I’ll give this room another look and search the kitchen? Sound like a plan?” She’s out of the room without a reply.
The bathroom turns up nothing, and despite upending her backpack, purse, and the pockets of each various piece of clothing, there’s no sign of it. So that’s it then. She’s lost him, down to the final shred.
Starvation, over-exertion, lack of sleep: none of it has taken her down so far, but knowing that it’s over, she can’t even hold onto that little piece of him, is what finally makes her legs give out from underneath her as she collapses in a heap.
She hears his footsteps long before he enters the cramped bathroom, but she doesn’t lift her head. At this point, she’s not even sure if she can. If heartache really can kill a person, she won’t be here for much longer. And, if Steve wants to survey the damage, she won’t stop him. She’s too weak to hide it anymore.
“You haven’t eaten anything today.” It’s not a question, so she doesn’t bother to answer. “Or yesterday. I’m not sure about the day before because it looked like you tried the meatloaf, but you could’ve squirreled it away in your napkin while I wasn’t looking.” He’s right. That’s exactly what she did.
Her eyes are closed, but her enhanced senses let her know the moment he sits down next to her, a respectful distance away, of course.
“You could be suicidal. You could have an eating disorder or another mental illness. Or you could just not care anymore. My bet’s on the last one.” What’s there to care about? She has no family. No friends. She has a job now, sure, but they could easily find another translator.
“You don’t care, and you’re grieving. That’s a dangerous combination. Was when I came out of the ice with everyone I loved either dead or dying, and it still is.”
His hand settles on her shoulder. Just lightly. Not so much a grasp or a pat as an assurance, an “I’m here.”
“You need to talk to someone about it. Maybe not me, but someone. You don’t want to go on, but like it or not, you’re here. You’ve gotta find a way to keep going. Maybe find something like a purpose eventually.” He sighs. “I’m gonna get you a glass of water and I’ll be right back.”
“I miss him.” She’s not sure when she decided to say it, or even if she did. “So much.” Steve doesn’t say anything, so she takes it as a sign to continue. “I know I don’t have any right to say that. You knew him for so much longer than I did, and you’re not falling to pieces. But I feel like half of me has been ripped away, and I don’t know how to live without it.” Her voice is barely above a whisper. “I’m not even sure I want to.”
He sighs, and she gathers what little strength she has left to apologize. She shouldn’t talk to him about this. That’s like comparing your stubbed toe to the man who’s had his foot amputated. But before she can do any of that, she hears a muffled thump. She should care what it is, but she doesn’t. That is, until she realizes that Steve is now lying on the floor with her.
“Now that we’re both about as low as we can go-” The corners of her lips turn up despite herself. “-I miss him too. A lot. But not the same way you do.” She would assume not. After all, that would be weird. “There’s a girl I miss like that. Her name was Peggy. But, that’s a conversation for another day.
“I’m not gonna tell you it gets better, because it doesn’t. I’m not gonna tell you you’ll move on, because I haven’t. What I’ll tell you is you learn to live with it. Eventually it hurts less to talk about them, or to even think about them. It still hurts, don’t get me wrong, but it’s more good than bad. Sometimes it helps to talk about them with someone else. For me at least, it’s like I’m keeping her alive. But it’s okay if that’s not something you can do right now. When you’re ready, I’ll be more than happy to take a trip down memory lane if you want.” She nods, still not lifting her head. “Okay. I’ll keep my calendar open. Now, I really need to get you that glass of water.”
He’s nearly out the door when she manages to croak out, “Thank you. For being nice to me. It’s good of you to look after your best friend’s…” What is she now? “...old flame.”
“You’re welcome, and just so you know, I’m not doing this because you’re Bucky’s girl. I’m doing this you because I think we could both use a friend right now. A real one.”
It’s only after he leaves the room that she feels something digging into her hip and discovers the ring in her pocket.
It’s convenient, her moving just down the hall from him. Especially since they had that little talk, and now Steve actually considers her a close friend. She’s looking better now, back to eating and drinking. Sleep is still dubious, and over the past few months, he’s woken multiple times to her screams coming from the living room. At first he ran in, thinking there was an intruder. Now he knows to crouch next to the pullout mattress and shake her shoulder until she wakes up. Occassionally there’s tears. Often there’s a midnight conversation about whichever funny memory they can think of to lighten the mood. As she’s come back to herself, bit by bit, he’s starting to see why Bucky was tied up in knots over her. It’s obvious they were good together in a way that can’t be replicated.
The one thing that hasn’t gone by the wayside is her running, and that’s one he’s not going to touch, because he does the same thing. In the morning, they both take off just as the sun is rising (in opposite directions to avoid anymore collisions), and once whoever’s pushing the envelope on how much distance they can really cover is done, they meet up, have breakfast, and start work.
Natasha keeps giving him not-so-subtle hints that he should ask her out, but that’s never gonna happen. Even if you took away the greiving and both of them still being in love with other people, she’s just not his type. He can’t see her as anything but a good friend at the least and an annoying little sister at the most, and he knows the feeling is mutual.
That’s part of the reason why he doesn’t bother knocking before using his key to step into her apartment, a bag full of things she’s left behind in his hands. She’s not in the living room or the kitchen, and even though they lived together for a solid four months, he’s not about to cross his boundaries and go any further into her place without permission. So he takes a seat on the couch (his old one which is now hers because she claims she’s gotten used to the lumps and can’t sleep without them) and waits for her to appear.
A good fifteen minutes pass before he hears footsteps approaching the apartment and the sound of singing. He recognizes the voice immediately because of the times she’d sing in the shower, but the song is unfamiliar. More than likely, she’s still got her earbuds in and hasn’t realized she’s giving a free concert to anyone in earshot.
“Got the sunshine on my shoulders, got a fist full of four-leaf clovers. Yeah, my cup runneth over. My sky is blue.” Cheerful, and a catchy melody. Maybe he’ll ask her the name so he can look it up. You can find any song you like nowadays on one little app.
“Been kissed by lady luck, the stars are all lined up. Every arrow that I aim is true-” The key turns in the lock and he starts to stand. “-but I miss you.” Some pains never completely fade, but at least they’re talking about it. That has to be worth something.
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bvckys-doll · 5 years
If Only [2/2]
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (Little Mermaid AU)
Word count: 4.5k
Summary: James was the man who rescued Princess (Y/N) but even though he wants to tell her everything that happened, he can’t. Because he lost his voice so he could be with her...
Warnings: none except you don’t like tentacles...
Author’s note: Since I really loved the general idea of the little drabble I wrote, I turned it into a two part fic. Maybe I will even write a prequel on how Bucky saved (Y/N) etc. Also thanks to @valkyriesryde​ because she inspired me to continue after the first part, shout out to her!
You can find my main masterlist here!
The ground was ice-cold and Bucky could feel a slight breeze through the walls of the castle. The dungeons were near the beach. Right next to the sea. Right next to his actual home, where his brothers and sisters waited for him and desperately searched for him. But he had been naive enough and had gotten involved in the deal with Rumlow. He should never have trusted him.
“What one does not do for love, right?“ he suddenly seemed to hear his own voice at the end of the long passage leading away from his cell. He lifted his head and tried to see something in the dark. Soon the man stepped into the bright moonlight that shone in through one of the small windows and his dark eyes flashed. He had a nasty smile on his lips.
“Did you really think I'd let it come to this? That I would watch you ride into the sunset with your princess? No. I will see to it that I get what's due me. Your father is the reason why I have to reside like this now and he will pay for it.“ Rumlow looked down on James who had now risen from his place on the wet cell floor and walked towards him. Only the bars separated the two from each other. His knuckles turned white as James clasped the bars and squeezed them tightly. What he would throw at his head now if he only could. The only thing he could give of himself was an angry growl.
“And you know what else is funny? Although your little princess seemed so in love with you, she chose me. And I don't even want her.“ he laughed. Furiously Bucky kicked against the bars and tried to reach for Rumlow through them at the same time. To grab him somehow, but it didn't help. Calmly Rumlow took a step backwards to avoid Bucky's attempts to hurt him in any way.
“We'll see you at the wedding tomorrow, if they will let go by then.“ Rumlow chuckled before he turned around and went upstairs.
Frustrated, Bucky settled down on the broken flatbed that stood in the cell and angrily tore his hair. He would never get out this cell before the wedding took place. Had he really lost (Y/N) forever?
Meanwhile (Y/N) sat up in her room and went with her hairbrush through her (Y/H/C) hair. Her eyes were on the sea which she could see through her open balcony door. Again and again her thoughts wavered to the man who had saved her. Rumlow. But was he really the one who had pulled her to the shore back then? Who talked to her? Rumlow sounded just like her unknown hero, but...something seemed off. James.
He had been so angry and she still hadn't found out the reason. And she couldn't bear to leave him down in the cells alone. He was far too good-natured to do such an act without a good reason. Maybe he knew him. She had to talk to James.
She resolutely put her brush aside and stood from her place in front of her mirror before slipping on her robe over her nightgown. But before she could reach the door leading out of her room, she heard a melody.
As if hyponotised, the princess paused and let go of her doorknob before running to her balcony and looking down into the large palace garden. Not a soul seemed to be there, but she still heard the melody clearly so someone had to be there and hum this melody. For (Y/N) not visible, dark purple smoke clouds rose up to her. Slowly but surely without noticing, the princess inhaled it with every breath and her mind began to blur. What was about to do? She had forgotten. But now she knew one thing for sure – Prince Rumlow was her saviour, the man who owned her heart.
The next morning began with loud bells. Bucky closed his eyes when he could hear the church bells. Why were they so loud? They never used to be.
Only after a few seconds did he realize what was going on. Those were the bells from the church. Were they already married?
In full panic mode, he jumped up from his place on the wet and cold floor while bumping his head against the broken flatbed under which he had been lying in the process. With all the strength he could muster, he tried to catch a glimpse through the window but it was way too high for him.
Just as he was trying to climb up the stone wall, he heard some guards coming down the stairs. James hastily broke off attempt and turned to the men in uniforms when one of them grabbed a key and unlocked his cell door with it. Apparently, they were just as surprised as he was to be released from his cell. The captain took a quick look at James. His boots were wet and dirty as were his pants and his shirt which hung something out of his pants. Only then did he look James in the eye and nod towards the exit “The regent wants to see you“ Soon Bucky kneeled before Anthony Stark, the regent of Atlantica and guardian of (Y/N). Tony had already noticed how nervous James seemed to be. Again and again he looked around and tried to take a look outside.
„What you did yesterday was irresponsible. Since you are still a good friend of the princess and she would never let me judge you, I pardon you. If however it should happen a second time that you stand against the rules in this kingdom, you will be banished. Did you hear me, James?“ Tony asked him in a serious tone and looked down on Bucky who had kneeled in front of him on the floor and lowered his head. When Tony asked him the question, he raised his head and nodded.
“There are still some preparations to be made. The wedding is tonight before sunset, so I expect you to retire for the rest of the day. One of our servants will bring you some suitable clothes for the wedding to your room. (Y/N) and Prince Brock have invited you“ Tony explained to the desperate James who looked up at him with a hurt look. (Y/N) and Prince Brock, already the sound of their common names gave Bucky a blow. After all the time he had spent with (Y/N), he at least thought she would feel the same like he did. But he was wrong.
With a nod to his guards, they bowed shortly before they left the room. Tony wanted to talk to James in private without anyone being able to listen to them. A little confused, Bucky looked over his shoulder and then back up at Tony who came down the stairs before telling him to stand up.
Without hesitation Bucky rose from his place on the floor and looked at Anthony.
“I know how you feel about her and I can understand that it hurts you to hear that she has chosen another man whom she knows even less than you. However, I must admit that I was surprised when she told me this morning that she wanted to marry Brock before sunset. Even though we don't know each other for a very long time, same goes for (Y/N),...I believed that (Y/N) had...fallen in love with you.“ Tony confessed to him openly and turned his gaze to James as he slowly past him to look out of one of the large windows in the throne room.
James returned his gaze with a disappointed expression. So he was right after all. She had felt something for him. And it had been love.
“Maybe...she did it not for herself but her folk. Brock seems to come from a rich country and he could provide us very well and long. That's how a future queen should act, don't you think?“ Tony continued before he added “But please...never doubt that she felt something for you, because she did...or still does. More than I'd liked at first.“
James let his head down. He had her love, she had been within reach, but now everything seemed lost. He had lost.
With a pouting face Bucky shuffled through the wet sand along the beach with his freshly polished boots. He had rolled up the sleeves of his smoothly ironed shirt to his elbows while his suit jacket was lying somewhere in his room over a chair.
Although he had received an invitation to the wedding, Bucky had no intention of showing up. Bucky knew he had lost and he would not give Rumlow the satisfaction of watching him celebrate his triumph before his eyes.
Just as he arrived near the pier to which some of the small rowboats were attached to, he heard a familiar voice calling his name “Buck?“
Shocked Bucky stopped in his tracks and blinked a few times as he saw his best friend in the distance looking back at him with the same expression on his face. Steve swam a little closer to him as he saw his friend standing there. On two legs. Ashore.
“How in Poseidon's name did you get legs? What the hell are you doing? We've been looking all over for you. Your father is worried sick, same as Rebecca and the others. Don't tell me you went to...He did this to you, am I right? Rumlow did. Why did you do that, Bucky?“ Steve pestered him with questions but all Bucky could do was drop his shoulder in defeat. With a tap on his throat and a shake of his head, Bucky tried to explain his friend why he couldn't give him an answer. At least not one that would be enough for him.
“You can't talk...“ Steve soon realized and looked up at his best friend with a heavy heart. “Is it because of this woman? The one you saved back then?“ Bucky nodded.
Sighing Steve dropped his shoulders and looked around to see if anyone else was nearby. Since this was not the case, he lifted himself out of the water and sat down on the edge of the footbridge. He held out his hand to Bucky “Show me what happened“
Like all mermaids and mermen, Steve had the gift of seeing and interpreting each other's thoughts and events by holding hands. This gift was only spread among their folk.
Embarrassed James sat down next his friend and laid his hand in Steves. Soon he could see all the events Bucky had experienced in the last three days. He was touched, amazed and horrified.
“We have to stop this. Rumlow can't win like that. I'm not gonna let him do this to you. Go to her, Bucky. Try to convince her that you're the one she should marry today.“ Steve glanced at Bucky as he let go of his hand while Bucky hinted that the sun was slowly moving south. He had no less than an hour and the ship had just cast off.
“Then we'll delay the whole process a little bit. But somehow we have to get you on this ship. Can you swim...with this?“ Steve asked him and tipped Bucky's thigh as he sighed and shook his head. Sighing Steve looked around before he nodded to a small rowing boat “Get in there“
With a hollow look on her face, (Y/N) stared towards the horizon as the sun slowly set towards the ocean. She stood beside her fiancé in front of the altar and heard the priest speak but she didn't recognize any of the words. Tightly she held onto the hand of the man she loved and who would soon become her husband as the swell slowly but surely increased which caused the ship to sway.
Blinking, the princess held on to Rumlow who had his gaze fixed on the sea and growled out of annoyance before he looked back at the old priest “Go on, go on.“
But before the old man could ask the decisive question, some guests screamed as the ship stopped abruptly as if it had run onto a reef. Shortly afterwards Bucky climbed up the side of the ship and hopped over the railing.
“You're a little too late, don't you think, James?“ Rumlow raised an eyebrow as Bucky grabbed one of the guards' swords and attacked Rumlow. The guests were frightened, some of the women screamed in horror as (Y/N) hastily dodged, falling to the ground in the process as the ship moved to the side again.
Rumlow drew his sword as well and blocked Bucky's attack before pushing him away but Bucky didn't give up so fast and tried to tackle him to the ground. Just as he and Rumlow hit the floor, a small bottle fell out of Rumlow's pocket. Immediately Bucky recognized the tincture and pushed Rumlow off him who had rolled over and pushed him to the ground. Quickly Bucky tried to grab it but Rumlow had come just in time and snatched it away.
Just as he stood up again and held the bottle in his hand, Bucky kicked him in the back so he fell forward and the foil fell to the ground, shattering. A bright smoke started to rise from the inside.
(Y/N)'s eyes, which had shone in a bright green the whole time, regained their normal color as the fog slowly lifted in her mind. Still a bit confused, (Y/N) looked at Bucky who was standing a few feet away from her.
“James...“ she breathed as he smiled back at her “(Y/N)...finally“
Quickly the princess got up on her feet again and ran into his outstretched arms. With ease Bucky caught her in his arms and looked down as tears gathered in her eyes. Softly he stroke her cheek.
“It's you. I knew it. What happened to you? How can that be?“
Bucky smiled at her with glassy eyes and bent down to kiss her as the sky darkened and he felt a stabbing pain in his legs. He sank to his knees and clenched his hands. The sun had set.
“James, what's going on? What are you-“ (Y/N) sank to her knees and stroke his cheek as she soon realized that a fishtail had taken the place of his legs. Her eyes widened as she looked at him “You are a-“
“Merman, yes. Touching, isn't it? After he saved you after your ship sank, he fell in love with you and wanted to see you again. But his time is up“ Rumlow said with a triumphant smile on his lips.
Furiously Bucky looked up at him as Rumlow turned back to his original form. His strong upper body had remained, but instead of his legs there were now huge tentacles, one of them now wrapped around Bucky's body. (Y/N) screamed in horror as Rumlow with Bucky in his grip lifted himself over the railing and jumped back into the water.
Without wasting any more time, (Y/N) tore off her wedding dress as best as she could before she was left with her corsage and a thin petticoat. Just as she climbed on the railing, Tony grabbed her hand and looked up at her with a horrified look “What do you think you're doing?“
“I lost him once. I'm not gonna lose him again“ (Y/N) replied with a determined look on her face before she freed herself from his grip and jumped into the water with one leap.
Meanwhile Rumlow moved further and further down into the depths of the sea with Bucky still in his tight grip towards his secret hideout. He glanced over his shoulder to Bucky who desperately tried to free himself from the Kraken's grip but there was no use.
“Don't worry. You'll like it. The other will be happy to have a new companion.“ He laughed with satisfaction when suddenly a sharp trident was pressed under his chin and he paused. Bucky's father had found them. The king of the sea, Triton.
“Let him go, now!“ ordered with a firm voice and held his trident firmly in his grip as Rumlow could only smiled about it “Unfortunately, I can't do that. Since your dear naive son has signed a contract, he is mine now. He it is if you want to take a look.“
With a flick of his wrist, the contract appeared in front of Triton's face. Bucky's signature glowing brightly in the low light at the bottom of the paper.
“Father, I'm sorry. It was my fa-“ Bucky tried to apologize as another tentacle wrapped itself around his mouth so he couldn't get another word out. Brock raised an eyebrow and swam past Triton “It's really sad, isn't it? You should teach your kids how to read the fine print. Too bad, really, too bad“
“What do you want in exchange for his life?“ Triton replied without hesitation although he could already imagine what his answer would be. Smiling, Rumlow turned back to the king and looked at him “Now we speak the same language, my friend. You just have to sign here and everything that belongs to you – your power, soul and throne – will be transferred to me so your son can live his life again without any worries in his little mind“
“No, father, you can't do that!“ Bucky exclaimed as he freed himself from one of the tentacles. But not a second later, Rumlow snapped his fingers and in the next moment a whirlpool formed around Bucky which made him wither more and more.
“Do we have a deal?“ Rumlow turned his gaze back to the king who had his eyes on Bucky who became weaker and weaker as he slowly sank to the ground. Triton let his shoulders drop before he put his signature on the contract and thus sealed his fate. Immediately the vortex around Bucky ventilated and piled up around Triton. Only a few seconds later the former king was nothing more than a little morbid creature who looked up at them.
“Father, no...“ Bucky swam over to him and looked at him in horror as Rumlow grabbed the king's crown and trident. Triumphantly, he held the trident up and the sea became more and more restless “At last, after all this tim- AH!“
A harpoon had just missed him and had left a deep wound at his side. With a furious gaze, he looked up as he could see (Y/N) just below the water surface.
Horrified Bucky followed Rumlow's gaze who already pointed his trident at the princess as she tried to swim back to the surface. Hastily Bucky swam towards the Kraken and rammed him to the side so that he missed (Y/N) and dropped the trident. Without thinking, Bucky quickly swam up to the surface where (Y/N) just gasped for air again and screamed briefly when Bucky appeared next to her.
“What are you doing here? You have to leave before he can hurt you too“ Bucky pulled her into his arms as she held on to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as her strength slowly waned “No, I won't leave you alone“
But before Bucky could even give her a touched smile, they noticed how the ground beneath them and the sea began to tremble as Rumlow suddenly rose from the depths of the sea, but much bigger than he actually was.
Frightened the couple looked up at the giant who stood up in front of them as the sky darkened even further and flashes of lighting lit up the black clouds. Rumlow glared angrily at them as he held the trident in his had and pointed at them “You fools, did you really think you were getting the happy ending you deserve?! Not if I have a say in this!“
The waves around them piled up and the sky shot lightning down on them. A violent blow of one of Rumlow's huge tentacles tore the two apart and let (Y/N) fly through the air. She screamed in panic as she landed with hard splash a few yards away from Bucky. But before Bucky could even begin to swim back to her, he was pulled back by an invisible force into a giant vortex that carried him to the bottom of the sea.
Enraged, Rumlow piled up over the opening of the vortex and focused his trident on Bucky befoer shooting multiple lightning bolts at him, missing him again and again as Bucky jumped out of the way as best he could.
What Rumlow didn't notice during this time, however, were the ship parts and wrecks that were carried back to the surface by the strong whirlpool. (Y/N) who was still struggling to stay on the surface, quickly gasped for air as one of the wrecks came towards her and pulled her back under. While floating underneath the ship's hulk, she caught one of the ropes which were still attached to the ship. With the little strength she had left she pulled herself aboard. Coughing she let herself fall onto the deck and straightened up as she could see Rumlow firing his trident at something over and over again.
Panting, (Y/N) stood up on wobbly legs and ran up the stairs to the rudder. Shortly before she could reach it, a big wave hit the shipwreck and tore her off to the side. Exhausted the princess crawled to the rudder and pulled herself back on her feet before steering it as good as she could towards the giant.
„You'll lose everything, little prince! Everything!“ Rumlow laughed out loud as he tried to blast a giant lightning bolt on James as a stabbing pain pulled through his back. The tip of the bowsprit had pushed through his torso. Rumlow's eyes widened as he dropped the trident before he slowly disappeared into the depths of the sea, pulling the wreck with him. Shortly before he disappeared completely, (Y/N) jumped off board.
With the last strength she had left (Y/N) swam back to the shore and fell unconscious as she reached the beach while the waves slowly laid down and the sky cleared up.
At the same time Bucky took one last look at Rumlow before he swam back to the seabed he had left his father behind. Worried, he looked around when he discovered him. He was the same merman as before. Relieved Bucky swam to him as Triton noticed his son.
“Father, I'm sorry. Everything I've done. I never would have let him do this to you but still...because of this I met (Y/N). She is- I love her and she's not like the hum-“ Bucky paused as his father raised his hand to silence him. The young prince held his breath but what he had expected did not come. The king lowered his trident to the ground and wrapped his arms around his son. He squeezed him briefly and closed his eyes “I'm really proud of you, James. You were unreasonable, but you did the right thing and saved our people from a bad fate. And if you love her then...that's the way it is.“
When they separated, James smiled at him with relief “Thank you, father“ before he looked at him a little horrified “(Y/N), we were separated. I have to find her.“
Triton looked after his son as he quickly swam back to the surface and worriedly looked around for (Y/N).  Maybe she was still floating on one of the old ship parts that were now distributed aroud him.
“(Y/N)!“ he called out for her and looked around as he discovered her silhouette on the beach. With a few strong swim strokes, he swam to the shore and hunched himself on the rocks that rack out of the water near the beach. He watched as she lay on her back and took a deep breath again and again. She seemed fine.
But now...Bucky couldn't just go up to her anymore. Now that he was a merman again, he had no chance to live with her, for they came from two different worlds.
A little further away the king watched his son who watched the princess attentively but with a sad look on his features. He had never thought well of humans. After all he had learned from them over the years, it was impossible for him that she could have something like feelings, but this woman had feelings for his son.
“What will you do now, your Majesty?“ asked a voice next to him. The king looked aside and discovered Steve, his son's best friend, as well as some of his children watching their brother from afar. Rebecca swam up to them and looked up at her father “He really loves her, father. Who else would have given up all this for a human?“
Sighning the king looked at his daughter before he looked back at his son, who was still watching over his beloved, lying in the wet sand. He looked back at his trident “Then there's probably only one problem left.“
“Which one?“ Wanda and Natasha, Bucky's older sister, asked at the same time, looking at their father as he looked back at James “I'll miss him very much“
The trident in his hand began to glow as the king pointed it at his son. At first Bucky did not even recognized how his tail started shimmer in the moonlight but then suddenly his gaze went from (Y/N) to his...legs. Astonished he looked up and saw his father, who gave him a warm smile and nodded to him. He was wearing the same clothes he had on before but now they were clean and dry.
Slowly he stood up and gave his family one last look. His brothers and sisters waved back at him as he blew them a kiss. Wanda und Rebecca even wept some tears of joy as their brother climbed over the rocks to the shore and ran over to (Y/N)'s unconscious body.
Tears were streaming down his face as he let himself sink into the sand next to her and softly stroked her cheek as she slowly started to wake up again. Blinking, the princess opened her eyes as Bucky smiled down at her “Hello beautiful...“
“James...you're here, you're okay.“ an exhausted smile grazed her features while Bucky stroked a few wet strands from her face and pulled her into his lap.
„Now that I see you I'm feeling way better than okay. You made it, (Y/N). You defeated him, doll.“ Bucky held her close in his strong arms as (Y/N) laid her hand on his cheek “Will you stay with me now?“
“Forever“ Bucky gave her a wink and laid his hand on hers before he slowly bent down to kiss her gently on the lips.
Now we can walk Now we can run Now we can stay all day in the sun Just you and me And I can be Part of your world
The End.
I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved to write it for you!
Please reblog and give me some feedback! Lot’s of love, Ava xoxo!
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maggyme13 · 5 years
Child of Water
AN: My entry for the myths-and legends-writingchallenge of @writing4inspiration
My prompt was Kelpie- with Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: Asshole Thor, fear, angst
Hope you like it and please let me know what you think!
  You loved water.
Everything about it made you calm and relaxed.
It did not matter if you walked alongside a river, swam in it or simply bathed in some. You always felt your energy restored and your mood lifted after it, and you knew it must have something to do with your heritage.
You were a Kelpie, a water horse, with an old scotish heritage. Your Gran had come to the USA after the second World War; she had fallen in love with an American Soldier – your Grandpa and soon after had became pregnant with your mother, aunt and uncle.
Though only the females of the family carried the ´Kelpie-Gene´, and they all were beautiful to a fault. Not that you were ugly, on the contrary, you would be considered very well looking as well. But not as beautiful as your sisters. You were taking after your father, not only in your looks, but in your mind as well.
Other than your mother and sisters, did you love the city and the excitement of things happening. Not like the calm rural live all of the others in your family loved in upstate New York.
You on the other hand were working at a museum, in the department for medieval history as a tour guide. And whenever you would teach a group of school children, you would tell little fables and stories about all different kind of creatures. They all loved the Stories with Nessy. Whom, trusting your Gran, was a very kind elderly woman who loved to mess with people. She was over 250 years old and  still very well in health, what means that she would be playing pranks on tourists and Scots alike for at least 50 more years.
Apparently she was living near Dumnadrochit ( a little village right at the edge of the water), owning a little Bed and Breakfast called “Nessy´s Inn”, where her sons were working as well.
And yes, there had been attempts on both women´s sides to get one of the Sons and you together as a couple. A water horse and dragon, your bloodline would have been so very strong. ´Unfortunately´ both of the boys were gay and therefor not interested in you.                                                                                                                        
That did not keep them to invite you to every family festival ever: birthdays, Christmas , everything.
One of those festivities was that weekend: your Grandmothers 168 Birthday and she had invited you to her home in upstate NY. This is why you were currently taking a stroll at the lake your whole family lived at. It was in the middle of nowhere, with the only neighbors being the famous Avengers three miles away, though a part of the lake was still on their grounds.
You could not care less, for you had seen them a few times already: Captain America was often coming to the museum to stroll through the changing art displays; Spiderman (you knew was a Highschool kid) had been at the Museum with his school a few times, and whenever he had been there, Tony Stark would visit and spend a few thousand to a hundred-thousand dollars in donations for new displays. One time, he had installed a whole holographic room about Dinosaurs in one night; without anyone knowing about it.
You had simply known about it, because you had forgot something in your office and surprised him mid action.
“My boss will go his opening rounds at 6:30 am. He will be here at about 6:47 am. If you make him scream like a girl I will  tell no one I saw you here; including your wife, who´s number I have from your last benefits auction here at the museum”, you had told him, to what he nodded a yes and the two of you went on your merry ways.
And yes: your boss screamed like a girl; high pitched and long, when a T-Rex appeared out of nowhere and roared right behind him.
It was like a scene from Jurassic world.
You still smiled whenever you thought about that.
The day was sunny and warm and the water kept calling for you, with every step alongside the shore it got louder, to a point where you could not ignore the pull anymore and you jumped into the water and became one with it.
It spend you warmth and energy and soon you changed and became a Waterhorse, a Kelpie.
With a loud shout of joy you breached the surface and galloped along the shore. Over sand and stone, stick and bush, into a lush green field, and through the sunlight.
You ran and ran. Your light coat shying silver in the light, with your hair almost being black, though in reality it was the color of algae, and your coat that of sea-foam.
A sudden loud BANG pulled you out of your mind and you rose on your hind-legs, screaming loudly in panic.
You knew, as a Kelpie, no normal weapon could kill you, but it still would hurt; and you did not like pain.
“Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down, calm down. See no harm done...”, a man shouted with a calm voice and your whole attention went towards him at once.
You where still buckling, stomping your feet; not yet knowing what to do and what happened.
A man stepped closer, his hands risen and his step thoughtful: he did not want to scare you even further.
“Where do you come from? I didn´t know Stark has Horses in this compound. Nor that there are farmers around who do. And your coat, I have never seen a beauty just like you.”
He was handsome, with his dark hair and muscular body; that must you had to admit.
“Shhh, calm down. I don´t want to hurt you. I just want get a good look at you.”, he hummed and you slowly allowed yourself to calm down.
The only thing now on your mind was to find out who he was.
“You are soo beautiful. I wished you would allow me to ride you, I know it won´t happen, but may I pet you? No-? It is alright. Maybe one day you will allow me. But now I have to leave. Please stay save.”, he smiled at you, even waving you good-bye.
You neighed in response before running off on your own.
Maybe I shall return tomorrow.
And you did; five days in a row you returned to that field. And five days in a row you met that mysterious man.
On the third day he introduced himself as Bucky, and you allowed him to gently pet your nose. Though that was everything you allowed him to do.
It did not matter to him, your presence alone seemed to be enough for him and he seemed more and more relaxed around you and even told you about how his days went and about his past before the war.
He grew on you, and decided he could be trusted and allowed to pet you more or even ride on your back.
It would not come to that unfortunately: When you returned to the field the next day, Bucky was already there, talking to a big blond man you knew as Thor.
You slowed your steps, curious and careful of the new situation.
Why is the Asgardian here?
“She should be here any minute. I promise you, there is no horse like that.”, you heard the soldier exclaim, “Ah there- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
His shout of confusion was accompanied by a flying and sparkling ax, thrown by the god, hitting you on your left shoulder.
Had it been lower, you were sure your leg would have been severed.
Fearing for you life (and not without reason!) you ran back from where you came ( you had make sure to never take the direct rout back to your grans), the would screaming in agony.
His ax was one of the few weapons that could cause you and other supernatural beings harm.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shiiiiiiiit! How could I be so stupid? I need to leave, to disappear. He will kill me. Kill us!
With a last jump you entered the river that would lead you back home to NY, where you would pack your things, quit your job and disappear from this side of the world.
“WHAT DID YOU DO`?”, Bucky roared in anger, pushing the man he thought to be a friend to the side.
“I saved your live. That was a Kelpie, a Waterhorse, known to kill men by dragging them into the water drowning them.”, he stated with finality in his voice.
“This horse, it took me days to earn its trust. If it wanted me dead, don´t you think it would have waited this long?”, Bucky hissed.
“I don´t know. But I am better save than sorry, friend. Now, I think Steve is waiting for us.”
Grumpy and hurt, the soldier followed the god back to the compound. He felt sorry for you and hoped you would be able to survive that injury, though he was almost sure  he would find you bled out once he followed the path of blood you left behind.
Four hours your travel back took. Four hours of pain and itching from a healing wound.  You knew it would scar and take days if not weeks to heal properly- leaving a scar behind- but at least you would not bleed to death. That was a plus and the water helped you heal.
Your first destination was the office of the dean of your museum to quit. He was sad. But when he heard you had to leave because of family reasons, he was very understanding and promised you a job should you return. You thanked him and left.
Only to run into a certain teenager.
“Ms (y/n) what is wrong? Why are you injured? Is your Gran alright?”
“Hello Peter, my Gran is right, thank you. I had a…. misunderstanding with a neighbor of her. I am sorry. But I have to leave.”
“Oh, Okay. Will you be doing our school tour next week?”, he continued with a frown.
“I am sorry. But I just quit. Personal reasons . But I bet the one who will take my place will do it just as good. Bye Peter, stay save.”, you smiled sadly.
“Oh, ohm. You too.”
Tears fell down your cheek, you had to make a call you never thought you would make.
“Ms Nes. This is (y/n), I am Eleanor (y/ln) granddaughter. Can- can I come over and stay with you? I I have nowhere else to go and I need to leave the states.”
“Of course Darling. Will you come on your own, or does one of my boys have to get you from the airport?”, the warm elderly voice of the Loch Ness Monster answered through the phone.
“I, I was thinking about asking one of your cousins to fly me.”, you answered.
“Oh Sweetheart. I - one of my Sons will come and get you. Ruaridh is already in the States. I will call him and he will take you and get you straight to us. Pack a bag with your essentials and most important things. Everything else we can get here.”, she continued and you thanked her with a sob.
One hour later, a tall redhead with long hair and beard knocked on your door.
“Ma send me. Come on little foal, let´s get you to safety.”, he smiled, though his eyes hardened once he noticed your wound, “No one can hurt ya at our little Ness. Call me Roo.” “Thank you, Roo. We- we can leave.”, you smiled with pure sadness in your eyes.
“WHAT DID YOU IDIOTS DO?”, Tony Stark boomed before he had even entered the living room of the compound. He was angry and every little Avenger looked at each other confused.
“Why did Peter just call me, to tell that his favorite Tourguide at the museum quitout of personal reasons, all the while having a heavily injured shoulder?”
“I don´t know. And why should we have done anything to her. We don´t even know her...”, Sam wilson piped up.
“Because she told her boss before she had some problems with her Grandmother´s neighbors. WE are her Grandmother´s only neighbors. So: WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?”
“The only ones out of the compound were Barnes and Thor. Ask them.”, Natasha Romanov finally stated.
“Mr Odinson and Mr Barnes had been in a little situation with a horse this morning. MR Odinson threw his ax at the horse, which ran away. Its front right leg was cut and had it been deeper, it might have been severed.”
“Thank you. Find her. I think there is someone who needs to apologize. And get a medic team ready.”
“Boss. I already did so after you received the call of Mr Parker. There is no trace of her location. She disappeared. I will widen the search and let you know once she is found.”
“Thank you, FRIDAY. And tell Odinson I want to speak with him!”
You were living with the Ness Family for a month now. Helping in their Inn by taking care of drinking orders and cleaning rooms.
Ms Ness was away on her usual ´I play tricks on tourists´-tour and you had the whole Inn for yourself.
It was a beautiful night, clear sky and a barrage of stars to be seen. That´s one thing you loved about the highlands; the stars were much more plentiful than in NYC.
So beautiful and yet so sad. I wished I can go back to Gran and the others.
“So this is your true form.”, a deep silken voice spoke from behind you and cold fear washed down your spine.
They had found you.
Slowly, very slowly you turned around only to see the God of thunder standing a few meters away from you in the open front entrance, lightened by the moon from behind.
“I have to admit you are not bad looking, but far from the beauty of those I have met in the past. You are not a pure one I assume?”, he mused, taking a step towards you. You mirrored them and took the same amount back.
You had just stood a meter away from the door leading to the kitchen and knew that you could flee if you reached it fast.
“Please, I will leave. Up to the Isle of Skye or one of the islands with no man around-”, you breathed, hoping he would let you life.
Suddenly he was distracted by something outside and you bolted through the kitchen and towards the Water.
“MS NESS! ROO!”, you shouted, to far away from the water to turn without pain in your still injured shoulder, “MS NESS!”
Footsteps closed in from the right of you and you felt the warmth of a body getting closer.
“NO!”, you sobbed when said body crashed into you and you immediately began trashing around, hoping to get free and reach your saving grace.
Screaming and sobbing you kicked, and even bit at everything you good reach.
You were in full survival mode.
“I don´t know who ya think ya  are. Bat ya should let the lass go.”, the calm but demanding voice of Roo spoke from the right of you and you stopped moving.
“And I don´t know who you are, mortal, but this has nothing to do with you. This-”, Thor answered from above you.
“Ya sure? This is oar Ness. Oar water and oar reich. You are a mere visita, Son of Odin. And we don´t like family or friends being hurt. And that you already did enough. So leave before Ma gets really angry.”, the younger Dragon chuckled.
“And who shall you be?”, Thor demanded to know.
“That is not of your concern Thunderboy. He is my son, and she is like a daughter to me and you are the one that injured her. Making her flee her life and yet you came after her. “, a deeper version of Ms Nesses voice spoke and when you opened you eyes, you saw her head six meters above the shore line; staring at the God , with her teeth bared, “So if you don´t want to wake the wrath of a Dragon of the Blood of the Sea, you better get up and leave. She is no concern of yours.”
“What the THOR! THE F?”, Bucky´s voice suddenly called from the direction of the Inn, “Get off her! We are here to apologize and not to scare or harm her even further!”
“You are all fooled by her blood!”, the God Roared.
“No. you are the one not thinking straight. Or is Loki a monster just because he was born on Jotunheim? I believe you think different of him than stories suggest.”
“Have it your way. But do not call for my help when she shows her real face. “, with these words the God of Thunder got of your body and stepped away, only to disappear in a rainbow beam of light.
Roo was at your side at once.
“Are you a´right lass?”, he whispered, all the while checking you over for injuries.
“Yes, this time he did not use his ax against me.”, you nodded still shaking in fear.
“You claimed you came to apologize mortal.”, the dragoness hummed, her eyes now locked onto the metal armed soldier.
“Y-yes, Ma´m. After the incident at the compound, we were informed that Ms (y/ln) had quit her job – heavily injured if I might add. But when we tried to locate her she was gone. Stark finally found her earlier this morning and so we came to ask for forgiveness. Thor does not share our view. Tony had her background checked years ago and Parker really likes her, just as Pepper.”
“It is easy to ask for forgiveness. If she would have been hit further down. She would have lost her arm. Now, tell me how we shall now there won´t be coming any further harm to her?”, Ms Ness asked.
“You cannot, for to be tied to us, to the Avengers is dangerous. But I promise you we will do anything in our might to keep her save.”
“That is not enough son. Leave and never return for her For if one of you do, you will face three angry Loch Ness Monster. Come d(y/n) lets get you back inside and into a warm bath.”
It had been two months since Bucky had returned to the compound after his visit to Scotland.
Everyday he would return to the field where he had met you all these weeks ago. He felt bad, knowing you must have been living in fear for your life, maybe still were and he hated Thor for causing it. You had never caused any harm, and trusting Steve and the others who met you, you were a pure and kind soul.
Oh how he wished you had believed him. But he understood why you didn´t. He had the same problem of trust after what had happened to him for all those years.
“I am sorry I could not keep you from harm.”, he whispered into the wind, his eyes closed.
“Then make good for it by not letting it happen again. Because then I won´t return and you will face more than just the Line of Loch Ness. We are far more than you might believe.”, your voice danced in the wind. Not filled with fear but with a promise,  “ And next time keep a better eye on your youngest. The cold and windy highlands with there little houses is no place for a Spider of the Big City.”
His eyes snapped open realizing he was really hearing your voice and not imagining it.
Only for them to look into the blue ones of your Kelpie-form.  
“Hello Mr Barnes.”, Young Peter Parker called from your back, “Are Mr Stark and Ms Potts angry?”
“No. We di- when did you leave? And how did you do it without raising an alarm?”, the soldier almost shouted atht eh teen.
“I might have stolen an jet?”, he mumbled.
“You did WHAT?”
“It was totally Shuri´s idea!”
You chuckled, nudging the man with your snout.  “Can you ride? The boy need food and something warm to drink. We came up the river and the air is cold these days.”
“Ye-yes I can ride. But-”
“No but´s. Dragons have a keen eye for the pure hearted, why do think they always went after the innocent and naive virgins? Ms Ness said you are one of those pure hearted. So I thought to give your promise a try. And, I really miss NY.”
You noticed his eyes linger on the scar Thor had left.
“It will never really heal. But at least it does not hurt anymore.”
“I am still sorry.”, the soldier mumbled.
“Then be it. Now get this teenager back to the house before Mr Stark starts a 3rd Worldwar over finding him.”
With one swift movement Bucky got on your back, and once satisfied he would not fall of, you ran to where you thought the Compound must have been.
So what do you think? DId I get the Prompt and Creature honour?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
Thank you very much.
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dailytomlinson · 5 years
“There were times I struggled to find my place in the band,” Louis admits today.
But it’s often the quiet ones you’ve got to look out for.
Behind the scenes he was very much centre stage: Louis was the mouthpiece, constantly fighting the boys’ corner and acting as chief negotiator between band and management.
“Being from Doncaster,” he says, “I’ve never had a problem with telling anyone ‘no’.”
“There was a while when I was worried I was getting left behind – some of the boys are on to their second album now,” he says, taking a draw onthe first of several cigarettes. “At times, I’ve been swimming against the tide, working out who I am. I was trying to find a way back into the industry, thinking of it mathematically rather than going off feeling and emotion.” 
He’s referring to collaborations with Bebe Rexha and Steve Aoki in 2016 and 2017 respectively, which, although successful, weren’t where his heart lay. With Kill My Mind – the exhilarating ’90s-inspired opening track of the album Walls – he sets his stall out with a clear departure from anything he’s done before.
Walls is about regret, reflection and ultimately, hope, and feels like Louis, who sings in his still-broad Doncaster accent, has finally found his voice.
“I’ve always wanted to be autobiographical and honest. And in the last six months the songs I’ve written and recorded are of a better standard because there’s an honesty there,” he says.
Honesty certainly characterises the album, sometimes devastatingly so. There’s no escaping the fact that Louis, 28, has faced unimaginable pain over the last few years.
“It wasn’t until after I’d written it that I realised how much vulnerability I’d put in there,” he says. “When I first performed it… I had fans coming up to me in tears telling me their stories, and that’s not something I’ve ever had before. And to do it on that level about something so delicate… It was really cool to take something so dark and make people feel like that.
“I had to get a song like that off my chest. It was difficult writing about things that felt trivial compared to what was going on in my life. There was, I think, a necessity to write that song before I could move on creatively.”
Understandably, Louis won’t talk specifically about Félicité. But when asked about how grief has shaped him both as a man and an artist, he pays tribute to Jay.
“I think it’s a credit to how my mum brought me up that I have a resilience,” he says. “There’s nothing I want less than to have people feel sorry for me, so having that mentality has helped me through the hardest of times.
"I’ve also felt a real support system through my fans. I’d always felt it on a lower level, but when it’s something so impactful and life-defining, I really did feel it from them.”
Days after Jay’s death, Louis appeared live on The X Factor to perform Just Hold On with Aoki.
He was clearly in pieces and it was hard enough just watching, but somehow he held it together, presumably thanks again to that resilience.
“Sometimes it’s fight or flight,” Louis explains. “And the way I was brought up and because of where I’m from, I only see one option in that situation. I also wanted to put myself second and do it for my mum.
"That moment was bigger than me and it was actually incredibly liberating. It used every bit of strength and power and I look back on that performance as one of the proudest moments of my career.”
He says he tends not to suppress emotion and is able to share his darkest points with those he’s closest to.
But as the eldest of Jay’s seven children (five girls and two boys), he also feels a huge weight of responsibility towards his younger siblings and hasn’t had any professional therapy himself.
“No, no, nothing like that. That might be down to a bit of Northern pride, but I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and that drives me. I’ve got siblings who look up to me and I’ve got my grandparents as well. So all those things keep my head screwed on.
“My mum had a massive influence on me and I lived with a lot of sisters in the house, so I do find it easier to speak about my emotions. But I’m also from Doncaster, where to be a guy is to be tough and traditional and I feel like [there are] times where pride kicks in and I just say I’m all right.
"I’m lucky that I’ve got good people around me who I can trust and who I can be completely vulnerable with and say how I feel. Nine times out of 10, I don’t bottle things up. I wear my heart on my sleeve.”
They sold 20 million albums worldwide, earning over £40million each, but the pressures of fame were, at times, intolerable. Louis says they were only able to keep their heads screwed on because they had each other.
“You can never be prepared for that. It was such a head f**k. But we grounded each other so the minute one of us acted like a d**khead one of the others would say: ‘Stop being a d**khead’. I see people in this job surrounding themselves with superiority and they lose the concept of the real world.”
He remembers doing a shoot with the band for Pepsi over in the States with American footballer Drew Brees.
“This guy was like a god and we were insignificant when he was around, which we understood. But I’ve never seen anything like it. Every sentence that came out of his mouth he’d have an audience of hangers-on in hysterics.
"These people were so far up his arse and he didn’t have one good joke. He had no banter! I still hang around with my boys from Doncaster and I hear real stories all the time, which helps me understand the world that unfortunately I don’t get to see. Having empathy with people and a connection with the world is imperative for any songwriter.”
Harry Styles recently said that he never touched drugs during his time in the band (although he’s made up for that since), because he didn’t want to “mess it up”. Louis smiles as he confides that he can’t say the same.
“All I’ll say is that I did my fair share and enjoyed my time in the band. It’s right what Harry said and it was smart of him, but I definitely had a lot of fun in the band. I was always aware of how amazing the opportunity was, but also enjoying the moment for what it was. I lived like anyone else my age – the difference was that I was in One Direction.”
He’s in touch with Harry, Niall and Liam “sporadically” (we’ll come to Zayn shortly), but they’re all on very different paths for now.
“If we all went to a pub tomorrow it’d be like we’d never left. The enormity of what happened in One Direction creates a massive bond and we’ll always have that.
"There have been times when we’ve done each other’s heads in. There might be something I say in an interview that bugs Liam or vice versa, but we all know what each other is like and we can call each other up and say sorry for being a d**k. We’re like brothers.”
But that’s not necessarily the case with Zayn, who quit in 2015 and with whom Louis has had a turbulent relationship since. He was hurt when Zayn was the only one not to turn up at the X Factor studio to support him through his performance after Jay’s death, despite promising to be there.
Then there’s Zayn’s apparent repeated digs. In one interview he branded 1D’s music “generic as f**k”. There’s a difference between making a break from the past and dismissing it completely, and it’s a line Zayn perhaps hasn’t always managed to walk.
“Hmm,” agrees Louis, cautiously. “Other than maybe Niall, there is no one who is prouder of the band and the songs we created than me. But while what I did with One Direction is relevant, it doesn’t define who I am and I don’t struggle to make that dissociation.”
Does he think some of what Zayn has said has been disrespectful?
“Yeah, I do. But I can understand it. We have a lot of situations where we’re sat in interviews and if you’re in a certain mood you might run your mouth. The older you get the more you can tell if these things actually carry any malice or if they’re just a prod in the back. That’s life, innit? Sometimes people chat s**t and that’s the reality.”
He’s not ruling out resolving their differences in the future, but there’s no olive branch on the horizon.
“No, but I’ve not actively tried. We’ve all got a lot on our plates and there might be a day where I wake up and think: ‘OK, I want to right that wrong’, but not yet.”
After being in his company for a while, it’s not hard to see why Louis was 1D’s driving force backstage. He’s thoughtful, articulate, open and self-aware, but there’s a steeliness to him and the requisite pop-star swagger, which doesn’t seem to spill over into arrogance.
And that is reflected in his music, which is heavily influenced by the Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths and Oasis. In fact, the title track and latest single Walls sounds so similar to Oasis B-side and fans’ favourite Acquiesce that Louis’ manager flagged it as a potential issue.
“These kinds of things happen. There are only so many melodies you can write and if you listen to a band all the time like I do with Oasis…”
Anyway, says Louis. He had to make a choice.
“I was ready to risk it, but everyone said we should get in touch with Noel [Gallagher] so we did. Often the industry, and especially Noel’s world, can be a bit snobby and say: ‘F**k you you’re not using this song’. But he was really cool about it, signed it off no problem and although I’m sure he’s not happy about this, I f**king am, I’ve got a writing credit from Noel Gallagher on my album. That is some sick s**t so I’m buzzing.”
Is he nervous about going it alone? “I think I’ve got a good record so I’m confident. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t little bit nervous – there’s three and half years work gone into it so there’s a level of anticipation.”
The most overwhelming emotion though, is relief.
“Because it’s taken such a long time. I’m excited to go on to the next phase of my career.”
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