#there’s so much situational irony with that lmaooo
soullessjack · 4 months
throwing out just One more hot dean and jack take while it’s on my brain but I honestly think dean gives jack a little more autonomy than sam and cas do . Maybe.
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
The way Taylor has been dealing with criticism in the past few years has really got me thinking about how she truly only takes criticism into account if she doesn’t win a Grammy so this is me hoping she doesn’t win a Grammy for midnights 😔😔
Hahahahaah!! It depends on what criticism you want her to take lmaooo. I think you’re partially right in that when she doesn’t win a Grammy, she takes criticism, but it's different criticism every time. Like post Red loss, she did a total about face genre wise and went for a "sonically cohesive" album which was the main criticism of red at the time. but for Rep, she just made another pop album and didn't change much comparatively. she went back to lighter pop instead of the "darkness" of reputation, which was really just regressing to what worked in the past, but she didn't really take the criticism into account there, which was mainly that it was dull and lyrically uninspired. lover was just as mainstream pop as rep was. she just.... did more of what she was already doing. she DID however become, albeit temporarily, more vocal politically which was a huge criticism lobbed at her in 2016/2017. so like not a musical criticism, but a personal one she took to heart. her choice to be temporarily political was mainly to correct the record after her silence painted her in a particular way she felt wasn't correct. the thing that both of those types of criticism, musical and ideological, have in common though is her desire to be understood and seen. which she's talked about and also it's a clear connection you can make.
midnights losing the grammy would be similar to rep in that midnights doesn't have really any clear criticism other than being paned on average by the most critical of critics. so it would be a rep situation probably where she just goes shrug ok i'll idk make more of that but change the general vibe? i liked lover more than rep so that would be promising to me at least, but who knows what she'll do with a midnights loss. also it's commercial success is not to be ignored, and she certainly isn't ignoring it.
there is some personal criticism currently being lobbed at her similar to the rep/political silence criticism which is marring her character. however, as much as she wants to be understood from an artistic and idealogical standpoint, on the other hand, she has never really shown a particular interest in appealing to anyone when it comes to her personal life, be it friends or romantic partners. not once, not ever. so if thats what you're alluding to, i don't feel like any form of criticism could sway her to dump the rat. she's never been receptive to it before and i don't see her becoming receptive now. it's an area of her life she isn't looking for validation from others. the only sick irony here is that if she allows him to influence her music, a midnights loss could send her into another post-red about face and send her down the rock/indie rock path which...... wouldn't that just be the most "careful what you wish for" curse upon everyone who ever wished for a taylor rock album, myself included. truly, never meant it more than in this moment, my god at what cost.
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for the oc ask: 1, 13, and 16 for Cyr!
OH HO!!! a taker!!!! i shall do my best 1. Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC? This is actually a doozy because Cyr actually didn't start out as a child OR an elf!!! She started out as a human adult in the same situation (no memories, waking up in the woods, shrug emoji and starting a homestead), but her path in life actually crossed with Thorin and Company as they were on their way to Rivendell. They sort of just...pick up this mute adult human woman and she nervously sticks with them because Bilbo is high key a therapy dog, I'm saying it, and everyone is comforted with/by him. As I went through different versions, writing and re-writing, I would have a thought of "haha, you know what would be REALLY funny?" and then it slowly came together into what it is today! (Not that anyone cares, but her name in that AU would have been Kanarífugl--Kana for short--which is the Icelandic word for canary [that I'm using as a stand-in for Khuzdul] because she still would have been constantly singing) 13. Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat? Her favourite *is* food. But for favourite foods overall, it would be pasta (because we've seen her obsession) and cookies. She would eat it all the time if she could. 0 regrets. As for food she hates to eat...I think that's genetically impossible tbh. Much like all of us, Cyr is built to have fun and eat things, so having things she hates wouldn't come up often. She does avoid any sheep meat because of dear Jason, and isn't big on beef, but she doesn't have anything she'd turn down if it were offered to her. Tbh, I do plan on having her try lembas eventually and I think it would be hilarious if she hated that so I've been toying with that idea lmao 16. What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon? Cyr very much values honesty and sincerity. But at the same time, she's very reluctant to be honest and sincere with others, as seen in the several chapters it takes for her to trust anyone besides Erestor lol. She also values intelligence and competence, because Erestor and Arwen have given her ridiculous standards. Her personal virtues are her perseverance, her confidence, her adaptability, and her loyalty. But I very, very much love looking at the edge of how to virtues become vices--how often does her perseverance because obstinacy, her confidence become arrogance, her adaptability become indecisiveness, her loyalty becomes blind faith? Interesting questions to pose, I think. Anyways, as for things she'd look down upon, she would really not get people who are prejudiced against others for things that happened in the past (ie, she doesn't get why everyone's so butthurt about the Kinslayings, those were AGES ago guys, let it go) and she would definitely not respect people who are depressed and do nothing but lay about all day, unable to do anything else. She's so used to life being a constant whirlwind of GO GO GO for sheer survival, that the idea of being halted by anything is downright baffling to her. Why let something as silly as brain chemicals stop you? Just ignore it. That farm isn't going to weed itself, that song isn't going to write itself. Just get to it! Which is absolutely the incorrect attitude to have, I fully realize that and it will eventually be addressed in her healer sensitivity training with Elrond lol (also, the irony of my own OC would disrespect me because I suffer from the same affliction.....hilarious, but also sort of sad lmaooo) Thanks for the ask!!! This was fun! I haven't though of her origins in forever so this was such a blast from the past lol.
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space-malex · 5 years
Skam France tho, like...Alexia has balls of steel cuz the amount of second hand embarrassment I felt watching the scene, even though it was a beautiful scene, it was like a full body cringe lmaooo. I couldn’t imagine how much guts it takes to sing something like that and stare the people down while you’re doing it. Also, how she immediately knew who Noée was bc Arthur wouldn’t stop looking at her I’m like omfg Arthur please show some restraint or subtlety! Lol. What I really love about the romantic drama this season is how no one has to be a bad guy in the situation. Alexia is a great girlfriend. On paper, she and Arthur have basically a perfect relationship. But feelings don’t work like that, you know? And I love that while Alexia does call them out, she is also understanding. She’s not even angry about the kiss so much, it’s just the fact that Arthur was having these feelings for someone else and kept them from her. And the irony is that Arthur’s relationship with Noée is so much more work. She challenges him and he doesn’t even speak the same language as her so it’s much more difficult. But I have had the same kind of experience where I have been in a relationship and I was afraid to end it even though I wasn’t in love with the person anymore just bc I was comfortable and afraid of change, and I think that’s what we see with Arthur. He seems to feel like he needs a justification or a solid reason to end his relationship, and he doesn’t have one, plus he’s insecure, and he is afraid of being like his dad, so he stays in it even though his feelings aren’t really there anymore. I just find it to be so interesting bc it’s so different from other love stories on Skam. Unlike s3 with Chloe or Lucille, nobody is villainized here. Everyone involved in the situation is a GOOD PERSON. Yes, mistakes were made, but no one here is the bad guy. It’s so relatable to real life imo. Sometimes, shit just HAPPENS with no real rhyme or reason. Life is messy, and this reflects it. Arthur is losing so much control over his life because of his disability and he’s trying desperately to hold onto some sense of normalcy. Alexia represents that for him. I just have really loved this season.
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
I was so irritated about the script that was circulating today. So, I reread The Fury, and life is good again. One thing I love about your writing is the humor. The characters are often in stressful situation, but there is often a touch of irony/humor. And that is how I deal with stress in my own life. Your writing resonates so well!
i have a love/hate relationship with that script lmaooo. like idk at this point all we got is Ours is the Shitposting and that was a little treasure trove there (Bran + pill bug is now my favorite s8 relationship)
thank you so much
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