#like I do love Sam and cas as dads they’re all his dads . dean is just my favorite im sorry
soullessjack · 4 months
throwing out just One more hot dean and jack take while it’s on my brain but I honestly think dean gives jack a little more autonomy than sam and cas do . Maybe.
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ninii-winchester · 6 days
Behind Closed Doors (Part 5)
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Pairing : Boss! Dean Winchester X Assistant! Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: angst, slight violence (a well deserved punch), language, John and Mary Winchester, not proofread.
Y/n emerged from the women's room and went back to her work space. She knew she looked like a mess even after putting her best efforts to look presentable. With a deep breath she sat back on her desk, thankful Dean was in a meeting. She had zoned out and hadn't realised how much time had passed until a knock on her desk pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a pair of blue eyes staring at her.
"Earth to Y/n." Cas grinned but his grin faltered the minute he saw her eyes, puffy and red, the sight made him furrow his brows.
"Cas! What're you doing here?" She asked happily getting up from her chair and rounding the desk to greet him with a hug. "I thought you were in France." She said wrapping her arms around his torso. The man didn't hesitate to return the embrace.
"I was, but the event wrapped up early so I came back." He replied pulling away slightly so he could look at her better. "What happened?" He questioned. His gaze fell to her hand where he was expecting to see a ring on her finger but the vacant finger confused him even more. Dean had told him over the phone that he'd proposed and you'd said yes. So why on earth is your finger empty and your eyes red.
Dean stepped out of the elevator after he was done with the meeting and he watched Cas and Y/n talking outside his office. He took in her disheveled appearance and his heart clenched in his chest. She looked so small, and broken, all because of him. He'd promised to never hurt her and that's what he ended up doing. He could tell she'd cried, her puffy and red eyes had given that away.
"Y/n? Where's your ring?" Dean heard Cas ask and his gaze fell to her hand, the sight broke his heart. She'd taken it off. "Didn't Dean propose? He said you said yes." Cas prodded further but she didn't say anything until her gaze fell upon Dean approaching them, not necessarily them, but his office. She watched as he moved past them and reached his office door and that's when she spoke.
"Propose? Cas you've known me since college, I've never been the one they proposed to, I'm the one they 'love' and leave." She sneered and Dean's grip tightened onto the doorknob. He hated hearing her talk about herself like that but shes not even giving him a chance to explain. He felt his anger flaring up and he went inside his office slamming the door behind him.
Cas looked between his two friends feeling completely out of the loop but he felt this was bigger than a petty argument and he's never known Y/n to overreact so if something happened it was big. And most probably Dean's fault. All rationality left his brain when he saw his friend hurt and his best friend being the reason of her tears. He went inside Dean's office, where Dean was pacing back and forth. He grabbed the CEO by his arm and punched him straight in the jaw.
"What the fuck, Cas?" Dean growled holding his jaw.
"What did you do?" Cas glared at his best friend.
"Why do you think I did something?" Dean asked feeling offended his best friend was accusing him.
"Your face says it all so spill, or Lord so help me." Cas threatened. He was gonna beat him to a pulp if he didn't come clean right here, right now. Dean knew Cas was a peaceful person and if he's threatening to choose violence, he will resort to it. He's already lost his fiancée, he doesn't want to lose his best friend too. The two men sat on the chairs placed on the either side of Dean’s desk.
"I went to see mom and dad a week ago." He started.
Dean walked into his childhood house, he was greeted by smiling faces of John, Mary and Sam. It brought a smile to his face as well. Dean teased Sam about how Jess’ not here since they’re always attached to the hip. Mary cleared her throat before speaking,
“There’s something I need to tell you. I wasn’t sure how you’d react so I thought it’d be better if it’s just us.” That made Dean tense up. He didn’t like the way this conversation started.
“Is everything okay?” Dean asked looking back and forth between his parents.
“On the surface yeah.” Mary replied. “Dean you’re thirty. You’re not getting any younger and I want you to settle down.” She said getting straight to the point.
“Okay..” Dean trailed off, this isn’t as bad as he thought it would be. He just has to tell them about Y/n and their engagement now.
“And the way you’ve been immersed in work, I don’t see you getting settled anytime soon so we’ve decided to arrange with you someone.” Mary said and Dean’s jaw dropped to the floor. Did his family really think he’s that much of a workaholic that he can’t find a partner for himself? That’s bullshit.
“Excuse me?” Dean growled standing up from his seat.
“She’s the niece of your dad’s old friend. Her name’s Rachel.” Mary said with a finality in her voice.
“Rachel? The one I went to school with? What the fuck is wrong with you all?” Dean yelled.
“She likes you.” Mary added, trying to convince her son.
“I don’t give a fuck. You have no right to meddle in my life.” Dean growled. John who had been quiet all this time finally spoke.
“Dean, don’t talk to your mother like that.” His voice boomed.
“And you’re not hearing what she’s saying?” Dean retorted.
“Dean calm down.” Sam said setting a hand on his brother’s shoulder which the older brother shrugged off.
“Dean this arrangement is for the benefit of the company as well. And your mother wants you to settle down. What’s so wrong in that?” John exclaimed loudly.
“My company is doing great without anyone’s support and what’s wrong with this arrangement is that I have someone in my life and I won’t marry anyone else besides her.” Dean declared.
“Watch your tone, boy. That company is mine, need I remind you I’m still the owner of that company. And you’re the CEO because I made you.” John asserted making Dean scoff.
“You made me CEO because i worked hard for it. You didn’t just give it to me, I earned it.” Dean sneered back at his father.
“The decision has been made. You either marry Rachel or you lose the title of CEO.” John bellowed and the room fell silent. The only sound that could be heard was Dean’s harsh breathing. Without another word Dean left his parent’s house, slamming the door on his way out.
“Dude that’s fucked up.” Cas muttered as Dean finished his story.
“Yeah tell me about it.” Dean rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair.
“Did you tell her?” Castiel asked gesturing outside the door. Dean shook his head staring at the ceiling. “What’re you gonna do now?
“I don’t know, Cas. I love her to death. I don’t want anyone else. But I’ve worked too hard for where I am. It’s so fucking complicated. I don’t even know what to tell her.” He sighed rubbing his face. “How am I going to tell her that I can’t choose between her and my work?”
“You’ve worked hard for this, Dean. Everyone knows that.” Castiel said softly. He felt dejected he couldn’t help his friend. “And I know Y/n. She wouldn’t want you to give it up.” He added.
“That’s also something which scares me. She’d tell me to choose this.” Dean said gesturing to his office. “She’d put me first and I can’t even imagine to bear the look on her face when she does it.” Dean could feel tears springing in his eyes, just at the thought of loosing her for good. “I thought I’d deal with this mess without her knowing about it. But then Rachel showed up.”
“Dean.” Cas said seriously that made Dean look at him. “You have to tell her. She’s falling down in a deep hole of self doubt.” Dean nodded agreeing with Cas. He knows its going to be hard, but he has to go through with it.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
@blackcherrywhiskey @ladysparkles78 @goest-and-fuckest-thyself-blog @graywrites5567
@thelittlelightinthedarkess @enamoredwithbella @winchesterwild78 @myuhh8
@10ava01 @jackles010378
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flowersintheimpala69 · 3 months
Jack thinking of sam + cas as his dads but he thinks of sam + dean as married cuz like he watches movies and sees romantic relationships in public so he’s like “oh!! Sam and Dean are like that they must be in love” and he dosent really know that incest isn’t socially okay cuz like no one told him (don’t mean this in a “oh jacks just a baby he dosent know anything” way, cuz i hate when he’s infanlized BUT i do think it’s realistic to think there’s gap in his knowledge of culture + societal norms, esp since he’s also only around sam dean and cas all the time and i love them but they are NOT poster boys for Normal People Who Act Normal TM okay rant over)
So Jack one day realizes sam and Dean don’t wear wedding rings but like they’re married! Married people wear rings! So he asks sam if he wears his wedding ring on a necklace around his neck cuz Jack knows sam has sorta large hands so maybe not a lot of rings fit him?
And Sam short circuits and is like “??wut”
And Jack is like “u and dean don’t wear wedding rings. I thought married ppl do that”
And sam with his little repressed incest crush is like “no!! Whaaaaatttt.. that’s so crazy! Dean and I are not married!! Why would u think that!!” Cuz he dosent want to give any reason for anyone to know he likes dean
And Jack is like “oh.”
Later he talks to cas abt it and he’s like “I think sam is mad at me:(“ and cas is like “he’s not he just gets upset when someone thinks him and dean are together” and Jack is like “cuz they’re brothers?” and cas sighs and is like “no they are so in love with eachother and both react that way because they do not want the other to know”
And Jack is like “??wut” and cas has the most done face and is like “they have been like this since I have known them. They refuse to communicate. I am tired.”
Maybe cue Jack + cas shenanigans where they try to subtly push Sam and Dean together and send them on dates by being like “let’s go out!” and then backing out last minute and being like “oh something came up we can’t go:( but you guys should go anyways! Have fun at this fancy dinner place^_^ and there’s a nice walk along the river you guys could take after” or back out of movie night and have them watch a romcom together
And they’re like out and Jack is like “yk Sam i think Dean is cold,, im worried he’ll get sick:(“ and ofc Dean is not cold cuz he wears a shit ton of layers but Sam is like “oh no! I don’t want him to be cold :(“ and gives him his jacket
cas takes the extra blankets and hides them and sam is like “where are the blankets?? There’s only one:(“ and cas is like “oh? Must be in the wash” and sam is like “oh that sucks dean and i like having blankets when we watch tv guess we gotta cancel movie night” and cas is like “noooo yall should just share a blanket^_^” and sam is like “…okay”
And Jack and cas peak around the corner and see sam and Dean cuddling under the same blanket and they’re watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Jack and cas are like “this is the night!!” But then suddenly sam gets up like he’s been burned halfway through the movie and squeaks out that he has to go to the bathroom and Dean is like “oh :(“
and dean couldn’t see it from his angle and cas rlly hopes Jack didn’t notice, but Cas could clearly see the hard-on sam was sporting in his sweats as he speed walked to the bathroom. And if the sounds he heard from the bathroom and 10 mins sam spent in there plus the shower he took is anything to go by sam def was jacking it.
Cas never drinks but he’s def really close to becoming an alcoholic. He wants his friends to be happy! They’d be happy if they’re together! Why can’t they communicate!
and Sam and Dean don’t ever get together in their lifetime but post canon cas and Jack visit sam and Dean in their heaven (au where cas isn’t taken by the empty cuz FUCK that) and they walk into their house and sam and Dean are fucking on the couch.
And Jack like covers his eyes and cas lets out a genuine laugh and sam and Dean let out a yelp and try to cover themselves with a throw blanket.
later after sam and Dean have made themselves decent they’re having an awkward dinner (to sam and Dean, Jack and cas r just happy they worked it out even tho they didn’t enjoy walking in on them)
And Sam’s voice is thick when he asks if cas and Jack hate them for this and cas and Jack r like “what?? Ofc not!!”
And dean is like “it’s okay if u are we get it”
And cas and Jack share a look and are like “we’ve known you guys were in love for a while”
And Sam and Dean r like “Whaaattt??”
And Jack is like “u guys aren’t subtle.”
And Cas is like “I am happy you two could finally commemorate your bond :)”
and then they have desert and are all happy and right before Jack is getting ready to leave he notices the matching gold rings sam and Dean are wearing.
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delulu4dean · 1 year
“Five Gum…”
Warnings: idk, cringe outdated pop culture references. Gender neutral terms(just wanting you so you don’t get like confused <3 )
Pairings: Cas X autistic!reader(platonic), Dean x child!reader
Summary: Castiel is hanging out with Dean’s autistic child, and they have a lot in common.
Word Count: 1,278
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Your dad, Dean Winchester, is out on a hunting trip with your Uncle Sammy. He left you alone with Castiel. You don’t know what Castiel is to your dad, they say they’re best friends, but the way they look at each other says more.
You didn’t mind being at the bunker with Cas though. Out of everyone, you got along with him the most. You had some sort of mutual understanding that Sam and Dean don’t get. You assumed it’s because Castiel didn’t know much about human interaction, social cues, pop culture references, and you were well, autistic. Your dad has made the joke that you and Castiel tilt your head the same way when you’re confused, and both don’t understand his sarcasm, and how even though your Dean’s kid, you’re a mini-Cas.
“So what are we doing today?” Castiel asks you.
“I know my dad is protective, but you really don’t need to babysit me, I’m 18. I am an adult,” you explain to Castiel.
“That’s not why he leaves me with you, he just doesn’t want you to get lonely.”
You nod, understanding. Today you’re probably going to do what you and Cas always do, exist next to each other while doing your own things. He’ll be reading something, you’ll be drawing something, and occasionally you two will look at each other, and ask how it’s going. It’s always worked that way.
And that is what you do today. You both go to the library together, Castiel picks out a book, you pull out your sketchbook, and you start doing what you learned is called “parallel play.” At least that’s what it’s called in kids, but you figured the term can be applied here too. You start sketching away as Castiel looks at you, narrowing his eyes.
“You wear that jacket all the time, why?” he asks.
“It brings me comfort. You wear that trench coat all the time, even indoors when you don’t need to. Why is that?” you throw the question right back at him.
“I suppose it also brings me some sense of comfort,” he concludes.
You nod, satisfied with his answer, and go back to sketching, as he goes back to his book. The only sounds filling the room are Castiel’s occasional page flipping, and your constant scribbling. This goes on for half an hour, only to be interrupted by your stomach erupting in hunger. Castiel does not say a word, as he gets up and goes to the bunker’s kitchen, and comes back with a prepackaged peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“Oh thanks. When did we get these?” you raise an eyebrow.
“I got them the last time I went grocery shopping with your dad. He said you were having trouble eating because the foods we’ve been getting weren’t the right texture, and I remember when I was human I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you can never go wrong with them. But I know you sometimes just want ready made food, and when I saw these in the freezer section, I told Dean to get them.”
A smile comes across your face as you open the packaging and take a bite. These prepackaged peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were one of your safe foods, your other one being boxed mac and cheese. You bounce happily as you eat, something you do whenever you’re eating food you really like. And if it’s super good, you’ll kick your feet a little too.
You lick your fingers after you finish your sandwich, and sign “thank you” in ASL, something you do when you don’t feel like talking much. It’s a thing you do with everyone, you’ve taught them basic signs like “yes” or “no” or “please” or “thank you” or “food” or “water” to communicate when you don’t feel like talking.
“No problem,” Cas responds, smiling at you.
You nod and get back to your little activity while Castiel gets back to his. The silence is nice, you get to focus on you sketch, which is a picture of Castiel sitting down in his chair, reading. You occasionally glance up at him, getting the details you need, but you’re not going for realism. You have your own cartoonish art style and you’re drawing Castiel in it. Once you finish, you show him, and a big smile appears on his face as he puts down his book.
“You drew that? That’s me,” he says, and you nod. “I love it.”
You smile and start putting your art supplies away, as he goes back to reading. You clean up your space and put everything back in your room, before returning to Cas. You look over his shoulder at the book he’s reading, trying to not disturb him. He flips through the pages as he reads. But the page flipping and the silence get too much.
“Dicks out for Harambe,” you blurt out, not thinking.
Castiel once again sets his book down, this time not intending to pick it back up, as he looks up at you concerned. You didn’t think before speaking, but being on the internet you hear this phrase a lot. So you said it, and now Castiel is concerned.
“Who is Harambe and why are we exposing ourselves for him,” Castiel asks.
You think for a moment, wanting to answer him, but there’s no way to answer him without sounding stupid and insane. You take a deep breath, giggling a little at the thought of explaining “dicks out for Harambe” to Castiel.
“It’s an internet thing. This gorilla, Harambe, was killed, so we uh, expose ourselves, as you put it, to pay respects to him,” you attempt at an answer but Castiel furrows his eyebrows, getting even more confused.
“How is that paying respect?”
“Well it isn’t… it’s a joke…”
“I thought jokes were supposed to be funny,” he bluntly says.
“It is… to younger people I guess,” you shrug.
“And you said it because…?”
“I said it to fill the silence.”
Cas takes a moment to think, nodding, taking in what you just explained. He then takes his phone out and types away and you look at him, waiting for him to say or do something. He pats the seat next to him and you sit and look at his phone. It’s one of those fruit sensory videos on TikTok that you got Castiel into. Not the baby videos(well they are the baby videos) but the ones to popular music. You and Castiel watched as blueberries and strawberries bounce around the screen to Lincoln Park’s “Numb.”
“Why are we watching this?” you finally ask.
“You seemed like you needed something stimulating to watch or listen to,” Cas answers you.
“That reminds me,” you say, running to your room to grab something quick.
Sam and Dean walk into the bunker, and as soon as they see everything, they just look around, confused. The ground is covered in bubble wrap, and the map table is full of Pop-it fidgets. You look up at your uncle and dad, as you and Cas run around barefoot on the bubble wrap, playing with the fidgets.
“What are you doing?” Dean asks.
You look up at him, with an innocent smile on your face.
“Five gum!” you yell at him, throwing a pop-it fidget at him, and he catches it. “Stimulate your senses!”
“I think they are making a joke, because this is a way to stimulate our feeling sense, which is something people on the spectrum often do,” Castiel explains to Dean.
“Yeah, I know what they meant, Cas,” Dean chuckles. “You two have fun while we were gone?”
You and Cas both nod.
A/N sorry if this is silly, I’m autistic and Kin cas so I thought it would be fun to do Cas and Dean’s autistic kid. But autism is a spectrum! While this may be how autism is for me, it doesn’t represent everyone with autism :)
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azrael08 · 1 year
One of my personal head-canons is that when Chuck was forming the animals of the world he asked all the angels to pitch in and create some animals of their own. So he obviously asked the archangels first, so I like the idea that Gabriel created platypuses, giraffes, kangaroos and seahorses.
Going along with this idea, I also think that Gabriel gets really happy whenever he hears people refer to them selves as seahorse dads (a term that pregnant trans men call themselves).
Castiel probably created a lot of cat species (tigers, panthers, lions, bobcats etc.) which is why he likes cats so much.
AND- I also believes that certain animals love their angel or archangel creators. So stray cats nuzzle up to Castiel’s leg whenever he’s near an alleyway. At victims homes their pet kitties jump onto his lap happily. And on one weird case investigation, a cougar licked his hand and moved aside after Cas asked if he, Dean and Sam could go through. Dean and Sam asked him about it later and Cas simply responded “She was just protecting her cubs, I assured her we meant no harm.”
This goes for Gabe too. He’s out on a lunch date with Sam or something and snaps them to the zoo because Sam says he’s never been. So they eventually get to the giraffe exhibit and Sam’s trying to take a picture of them but they’re so far away they won’t face his camera. Obviously, Sam being sad and pouty for the rest of the day because he can’t get the photo he wants won’t do so Gabe goes up to the railing and yells out to one of the Giraffes. It turns around immediately and starts walking over towards them along with all the others in the exhibit, Sam stands there in shock and watches as Gabriel rests his hands on the giraffes face lovingly then looks back at Sam, “c’mon Samela, Take a picture their posing for you”
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Hiii Your WIP list is impressive o.o I would love to hear more about:
An Angel's Unexpected Companion, Sam Wesson x Gabriel, Falling in love with Angel, Tell Me No Lies, Two Men and the Virgin, annnnd The Virus
>.>" I feel like that's a lot for one ask but I am curious
Plot bunnies don’t escape me. My brain just comes up with ideas and I write them down thinking I’ll get back to it…eventually.
I have a ton of prompts and plot docs too. I even have a prompt list.
I guess it is a lot.
I’m impressed. You even asked about my two novels I’m working on. I’ll do it in order of your list.
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion.
This ideas was inspired by a few different fics. I know one was Hunters Throne by LadyKnightSkye. I love their work! Anyway, it’s about a woman who is a Nephilim (or was it an Elioud?) and prophesied to ending the war between Heaven, Purgstory, and Hell. The way this happens is she becomes an “Angel’s Companion” which is a human that is bonded to an angel (voluntarily) to increase their power and abilities. In this case, they are a second companion to an angel which is so rare. It’s a Cas/Dean with Dean as the first human companion. The woman actually being a Nephilim means they provide more power and a stronger bond. The whole thing is slowly brought to the attention of the archangels and Chuck himself (good dad) that eventually he does recognize her and knows that this is his grandchild. He already knew for he is God.
That’s as far as I got with the story. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. It’s a lot of background to keep up with.
Sam Wesson x Gabriel
This is a request for me to retell 4x17 It’s a Terrible Life from Sam Wesson’s perspective with an interfering Gabriel. This does eventually lead to Sabriel.
Falling in love with Angel
This is an urban fantasy romance novel I am working on where a devout psychic woman runs into a fallen angel who has lost faith in God and his mission. Through her he learns that there are many paths to God and they fall in love in the process. It wasn’t supposed to be a religious story but it sort of became that way with my thinking.
I want to get this one published.
Tell Me No Lies
It’s an AU-Canon Divergence fic where the OFC, Ember, is hit with a spell that prevents her from telling a lie. She’s a hunter who reveals she a witch and eventually leads to complications of the heart. This story leads to a triad relationship.
The reason there are two versions is because I tried a different way. The Nightingale Witch version is she’s a special witch where she sings her magic through song—any song because singing evokes and enhances magic from her soul. She’s still get hits with the truth telling spell but the story goes different when it comes to complications of the heart. This story is more of a polycule relationship.
I still haven’t decided which way I wanna go.
Two Men and a Virgin
This a Destiel x Virgin!F!Reader fic. The Reader is a hopeless romantic and wants to save herself for love. She’s just never fallen in love; however, she has moved in next to Cas and Dean, married husband that have become best friends. She, of course, has fallen in love with them and has tried to get over it without success. The Reader has made assumptions that they’re a gay married couple when in fact they’re a pansexual couple and find this out (after five years of knowing them) one drunken night where they all kind of end up making out that leads to sex. It’s indulgent.
There are few real poly fics in the Supernatural fandom and I love Destiel, so yeah.
The Virus
This is an urban fantasy/scifi novel I am trying to write. It’s the omegaverse or a/b/o trope from the very beginning in how it came to be and follows it through humanity witnessing changes into packs and relationship dynamics and the change of laws.
Omegaverse (a/b/o) is my favorite trope.
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
Supernatural Masterpost
Main Masterpost
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one shots
A Brother Like No Other (Sam x Dean) - Sam sometimes forgets that he’s not the older brother.
Toast (Sam x Dean x Castiel) - Castiel makes toast for the first time.
My Humans (Sam x Dean x Castiel) - Dean sticks post-it notes to his brother’s back, and Cas is one confused angel.
Louder Than Thunder (John x reader) - John helps you overcome your fear of thunder.
Sunset (John x reader) - You and John have a picnic and watch the sun set.
Tears (John x reader) - You talk to your dad before he leaves to go on a hunt.
A Father’s Love (John x reader) - “No man in this world can love a girl more than her father.” You learn this after having a pretty horrible argument with Dean.
Ladybird (Gabriel x reader) - Gabriel. A brother, a protector, a survivor. And most importantly, your best friend.
Into Battle (Gabriel x reader) - You’re about to enter the biggest battle you’ll ever face. A snowball fight.
A Light in the Dark (Dean x Crowley x reader) - Part of being an older brother means chasing away the nightmares. That’s what Sam and Dean’s been doing since you were a little girl. Now, it’s Crowley’s turn.
All That Matters (Sam x Dean x reader) - You lose against Dean in a wrestling match. What could get worse than that?
Get Some Sleep (Castiel x reader) - When you refuse to go to sleep, it takes a certain angel to remind you who’s the boss.
To Annoy an Angel (Castiel x reader) - There’s no better way to pass the time than annoying Cas. Cas, on the other hand, has a different opinion on the matter.
Fade Into You (Castiel x reader) - Sometimes, you just need a hug, and Cas is all too happy to oblige.
Bring Him Back (Gabriel x reader) - Gabe was here, but he wasn’t… here. Not your Gabe, anyway. But don’t worry, you’d bring him back.
Hey Brother (Dean x reader) - You were meant to be home six hours ago. Dean’s not happy. At all. Or: Even when you’re alone, your brother is always there.
Living (Sam x Dean x Castiel x reader) - Cas walks in on you and Dean sliding along the hallway in socks. It’s all fun and games until someone breaks their ankle.
Nobody Knew (Lucifer x reader) - People forget that the Devil was once an Angel.
Gimme a Kiss (Crowley x reader) - Crowley wants a good night kiss, and he’s not letting you leave without one.
I’ve Got You (Crowley x reader) - You’re injured, and the first person you go to is Crowley.
About a Dog (Sam x Dean x Castiel x reader) - Even dead, Gabriel still finds ways to make you happy.
Learning to Love (Sam x Dean x Castiel x Jack x reader) - A nephilim asks an angel for dating advice. What could go wrong?
Archangels and Austerity (Gabriel x reader) - After Jack asks you out on a date, Gabriel turns up… and he’s not happy.
Toro (Dean x reader) - He looked like a bull about to charge. And what do you do when you’re faced with a bull? You run.
A Memory (John x reader) - Jack has disappeared, you haven’t heard from Cas in a while, and you’re starting to miss how things used to be.
Taken (Sam x Dean x Castiel x Jack x reader) - The blood of a virgin is needed in many a spell, and Sam and Dean have become accustomed to turning to you. However, after one particular night, they’re about to find out they’re going to have to turn to someone else from now on. And it can’t be Jack.
Real (Dean x reader) - While Michael’s possessing Dean, he says things to you that make you think.
Soldier (Gabriel x reader) - Gabriel finds out you’ve been keeping something from him, and he’s not impressed.
Locked In (Sam x Dean x Castiel x reader) - Jack’s locked in the box, and you’re only just finding out.
A Little Unsteady (Jared Padalecki x reader) - You have to get a cavity filled, and it’s your first one. Naturally, you’re quite nervous, and who better to help calm those nerves than Jared Padalecki?
John x reader (“I was just worried.”)
John x reader (“You can’t give up something you haven’t even started.”)
John x reader (“Remind me never to play this damn game with you again!”)
Dean x John x reader (“Are you really reading right now?”)
John x OC (“I shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous that was!”)
John x OC (“You did this to get my attention and now you fully have it. Let’s hear it.”)
Gabriel x reader (“I don’t care when you go to bed, but do you have to wake me up in the middle of the night with your loud music?”)
Chuck x reader (“You forgot to say the Magic Words.”)
Sam x Dean x reader (“What are you running from?”)
Dean x reader (“Give them back.”)
Chuck x reader (“Don’t make me come get you.”)
Sam x reader (“You don’t scare me.”)
Gabriel x reader (“Move over!”)
Dean x Ben x reader (“Seriously, have you seen how old he’s gotten?”)
Castiel x reader (“That’s against the rules.”)
Crowley x reader (“When am I going to join your little game? Hm. Never.”)
Bobby x reader (“Could you stop throwin’ that damn ball against the house?”)
Gabriel x Chuck x reader (“Wanna build a tree fort?”)
Dean x reader (“Sorry, I can’t help you.”)
Dean x reader (“How long will this take?”)
Castiel x reader (“Oh? You want me to tickle you that bad?”)
Gabriel x Chuck x reader (“Now, let me watch the freaking movie in peace!”)
Dean x Sam (“You’re okay, Sammy.”)
Dean x reader (“I love you.”)
Dean x reader (”Don’t tell Sam?”)
168 notes · View notes
senashenta · 2 months
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Title: Horror High
Pairing: Destiel
Rating: NC-17 (in future chapters)
Warnings: Sex, Violence
Summary: John Winchester plants his eldest son at Caspar High in Jacksonville because weird things have been happening there: people disappearing. People reappearing only dead and drained of all their bodily fluids. Cocoons. It’s up to Dean to figure out what’s stalking Caspar’s halls and deal with it accordingly; but then he meets the New Kid—newer than him, even, the New-New Kid—Castiel Novak, and all his plans get severely derailed. Now Dean has to juggle the supernatural case—a really hungry jorogumo—and also the fact that he’s very quickly falling in love, something that is absolutely forbidden by his dad.
Meanwhile Castiel, shoved into the third new school in a year because his adoptive father—Chuck Shurley’s—job has them moving around a lot, struggles to fit in at Caspar High, not only because he’s the New Kid but because he’s the weird New Kid. Dean seems like a saving grace, a harbor in a storm, someone who doesn’t judge him—that is until Cas finds out about Dean’s night job. Cas’s life just got a whole lot stranger—but that doesn’t stop him from falling for Dean, regardless.
Notes: This is my first time writing Destiel OR SPN (though I have written SPN AU in other fandoms) so please bear with me while I get my footing.
Also HH was originally supposed to be like a 10-page one-shot and the next thing I knew it was 79-pages-of-11-pt-Arial-and-counting and I was looking for places to divide it for chapters so. Yeah. This storyline kind of just took over my brain and became a THING.
Top Dean and Bottom Cas which I know is the reverse of how 90% of the fandom writes them, but I am tentatively planning a sequel to HH (depending on how well it does or doesn’t go over) that will flip them around so be patient shhhh.
Cas is younger than Dean in this AU by like… six months. Dean’s official birthday is January 24th, and I used Jimmy Novak’s birthday for Cas, which is July 10th. Since they’re both in the same grade that makes Cas younger. Just accept it and move on.
I have never been to Jacksonville or Florida, so everything contained within this fic is completely fictitious; business names, street names, school names, place names, everything except Jacksonville, Florida itself. :D
ALSO, before anyone corrects me on stuff, I am CANADIAN and I know the CANADIAN high school system/curriculum. I really have very little idea of how the US school system/classes work so like. I’m just making it up as I go. :D;; (Literally how many classes do US high school students have in a day?? Up here it’s FOUR.)
Please excuse my interpretation of jorogumos, I took a LOT of liberties.
Chapter Two will be posted next Friday, if you're into that sort of thing. You can also read this HERE on AO3.
HORROR HIGH Chapter One By Senashenta
Dean Winchester crept up the steps of Caspar High School in Jacksonville, Florida, and ducked under the line of police tape that marked off the area, heading for the little tent that had been erected just to the side of the building, near the bushes. The whole scene was theoretically being guarded by the police—but the officer they had left behind was asleep in his police car out front.
Bang up job, Jacksonville P.D.
That aside, Dean was good at his job, so sneaking into a crime scene was no big deal for him, guarded or not. And this was just your basic body check, there wouldn’t be any fighting or anything to wake the cop up—or that was the theory, anyway. (Even if there was, it wouldn’t be his first time being caught and or arrested, either, but they would probably just chalk it up to him being a nosy kid regardless.)
This was the first time his Dad had trusted him enough to drop him in a town to take care of a case alone. Of course, Sam was in Jacksonville with Dean while their Dad headed to Utah to look into a recent spate of killings there, but Sam was pretty much confined to school and the motel on this outing, as per their father’s orders. Still, Dean was going to be keeping a close eye on him: Sam had been known to rabbit in the past and he didn’t want to have to call his Dad and explain that he had lost his little brother (again.)
Now, Dean stealthily unzipped the tent flap and stepped inside, letting it fall closed behind himself.
What he was confronted with when his eyes adjusted to the darkness wasn’t a body so much as a cocoon, an oblong, rounded object the size of a person and wrapped in layers and layers of what looked almost like off-white cheesecloth or gauze. Dean leaned down and tapped at it with his fingers. It was soft, like silk.
Well that would explain why the police hadn’t taken the body away yet; there was no body, per se.
“Let’s see what’s inside you.”
Dean pulled the buck knife out of the back of his jeans, unsheathed it, and got to work cutting the cocoon open. The wrapping, though soft, was tough and sticky, hard to slice through, but eventually he hacked a seam lengthways along the cocoon, at which point he set his knife aside to pull the damned thing open.
Inside was the actual body; male, probably, and curled in on itself, shrivelled and desiccated and dried to a withered husk. At least it didn’t smell. Dean still made a face, even as he released the cocoon and picked up his knife, tucking it away again before exiting the little tent and heading off down the street, making for the motel he and Sam were staying at.
The Seafoam Motel wasn’t exactly high-class, but then none of the places they stayed at ever were. But it had walls and a roof, good locks on the door, it was cheap, and nobody asked too many questions about the occupants of the rooms, and those were all the important things. The Seafoam Motel ticked all the boxes for a financially strapped Hunter—and for his kids, too. Not that you would know it from Sam’s complaining.
At least it had wifi, the kid would have pitched an absolute fit if it hadn’t.
When he got back to the room the door was predictably locked (good job, Sammy), and Dean banged on it a couple of times, calling out, “Sammy, it’s me, open the door!”
After a moment of silence there was the sound of the chain lock and deadbolt being unlocked, and then the door was yanked open. Sam stepped aside to let Dean in and then closed and locked the door behind him, just like it had been drilled into him so many times in the past. “What’d you find?”
“Come again?”
“Cocoon.” Dean repeated as he crossed the room, pulling his knife out and setting it on the little kitchenette table, then dropping into one of the rickety chairs. “You know, like the movie? The body was inside it. Wrapped up in this tough, sticky… I don’t know what. But it sure looked a hell of a lot like a cocoon to me.”
Sam was already heading for his laptop. “That gives us a place to start, at least.”
“Oh no, no no.” Dean headed him off at the pass, practically diving over and snatching the computer before Sam could get to it. “You’re not doing research all night, we have freaking school in the morning.” And then, “…I can’t believe I just said that.”
“Yeah, because you care about school.” Sam rolled his eyes and made a grab for the laptop, but Dean held it over his head where he couldn’t reach. “Dean.”
“I care about the girls at school.” He informed his brother with a grin, then added, “and it’s nearly two a.m., we’re going to bed. Research tomorrow. Sleep now. Besides, I have to check out the school some more anyway, just a cocoon isn’t going to give us much.”
Sam grumbled, eventually agreed, but still held his hand out for his computer. Dean deposited the laptop safely into his grasp and then started stripping down, falling into bed once he was in just his boxers and a t-shirt. “Get the lights, Sammy.”
Sam flicked the lights off with a long-suffering sigh.
-- --
Castiel Novak wasn’t having a great first day at Caspar High. He was relatively used to being the New Kid, his father’s job had them moving around a lot so he switched schools on a regular basis, but the hazing at Caspar was particularly mean spirited, he was finding, not to mention the building itself was an absolute maze, and he had been late for literally all of his morning classes simply because he hadn’t been able to find them and no one had been willing to help him out.
Now he was seated in the cafeteria, by himself but surrounded by the rest of the bustling student body, unsure what to really do with himself.
This wasn’t his first time being the New Kid. He and his father moved around a lot for his father’s job and Caspar High was the third school he’d transferred to since September. It was now January. His father promised that the moving would slow down, though; he could see how much it wore on Cas, even if the boy never said anything about it. He was going to start travelling for his seminars, instead, now that he felt Cas was old enough to stay home on his own. So Cas could potentially be at Caspar for a while.
He probably should have been worried about making friends. For most kids his age that would have been top priority, but Cas had always been a little different, and he thought he was fine on his own, if it came down to it, especially considering the first impression he was getting of the other students so far. It figured that the High School he was likely to actually graduate from would turn out to be full of nothing but jerks.
He was also possibly a little jaded from all the moving around he’d done in the past.
For the time being he just dug his lunch—a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple and a bottle of water—out of his backpack, unwrapped the sandwich and began to pick little pieces of it off and eat them, rather than taking proper bites as he usually would. He wasn’t really all that hungry, considering there were at least a hundred pairs of eyes on him at the moment.
And then—
When Cas looked up, a basketball was flying at his face and he had no time to duck out of the way—but at the last possible second hands shot out of nowhere, snatching the ball out of the air before it could hit its’ target. Blue eyes blinked, and his head swivelled sideways to take in the stranger that had just saved him from a black eye at the very least.
The guy wasn’t overly tall—probably around Cas’s height, give or take—with short, tousled brown hair. He was sporting a t-shirt and a flannel button-up under a worn black jean jacket. He was also wearing ripped jeans. But Cas was most taken by his eyes, which were a sharp, beautiful forest green. As he watched, the other boy eyed the kid across the cafeteria who had thrown the ball to begin with—then abruptly pitched it back at the offender. The ball slammed into the other kid’s head, sending him flying backward out of his seat and causing laugher to erupt all across the cafeteria.
Then his rescuer just looked down at him for a moment before dropping down to sit next to him, straddling the bench. “They tried that on me my first day here, too. Same thing happened then. You’d think they’d learn.”
“Thank you.” Cas offered with a blink.
“No problem.”
“I’m Castiel.”
“That’s a mouthful. I’m Dean.” And then, “the fact that you’re wearing a tie right now isn’t going to help your popularity. Also,” he reached over to physically pull the tie off Cas’s neck and dropped it on the table in front of them. Cas allowed it, somewhat baffled. “You had it on backwards. Honestly, dude, just wear t-shirts like the rest of us.”
“I can do that.” Cas agreed. He owned t-shirts. He grabbed his tie to stuff it into his backpack. Then he returned to looking at Dean, taking in his features and mannerisms. He was exceedingly good-looking, Cas decided almost absently. At the same time, Dean was looking him over as well, seeming to take stock of him, gaze alert and analytical. Scrutinizing.
Eventually Cas shifted a little and asked, “are you new, too?”
“New-ish.” Dean shrugged, “I transferred in two weeks ago.”
“That’s why you’re nicer than...” Cas trailed off and glanced around the cafeteria.
“Literally everyone else here?” Dean suggested with a laugh.
“I didn’t want to say it, but yes.”
“It gets better. After a few days they forget. They’re dumb like that, the masses.”
“Uh,” Dean hesitated, but then allowed, “yeah, sure, kind of.”
“You don’t sound very certain, Dean.”
“Well, Cas, I just think zombies are probably different than in the movies.”
Wait. “Cas?” He called himself ‘Cas’ in his head, but no one ever called him that out loud except his father.
Dean gave him a little amused look, “’Castiel’ is a lot.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“As long as it’s fine with you, that is.”
Cas nodded and offered a smile. “It’s fine with me.”
Dean gave him a little grin back. “Great.”
The rest of lunch hour was spent with Cas actually eating his lunch properly while he talked with Dean and they got to know each other a little. No one else bothered them for the rest of the time they were in the cafeteria, and Cas was hoping he would have at least one of his afternoon classes with Dean, but when they compared their schedules, it sadly wasn’t to be. Cas resigned himself to hazing throughout the day for at least the next week or so—until the rest of the student body moved on.
It was a novelty to talk with someone who overlooked his innate strangeness. Cas was so used to people giving him odd looks that Dean chatting with him as freely as he was now, was… almost baffling. Dean seemed like the kind of guy who could be popular, have tons of friends easily, and instead here he was wasting his time with Cas. It was… weird. Not that Cas was complaining.
When the bell rang to signify the end of lunch hour, Cas was mildly disappointed that their conversation had to end. He shifted in his seat a bit before asking tentatively, “you could sit with me again tomorrow, If you wanted?”
“I’ve already got a spot where I spend lunch hour, usually. Not in here.” Dean replied casually, making Cas wilt a little, then; “but you can join me if you want. Meet me by the gym tomorrow at the start of lunch, okay?”
Cas brightened again, nodding. “Okay.”
“Cool.” Dean stood up and brushed the nonexistent dust off himself with a grin, “then I’ll see you tomorrow, Cas.”
Cas smiled back. “Mm, see you tomorrow.”
He didn’t know where Dean was going, but he was off to calculus class—assuming he could find it.
-- --
“Hey, New Kid.”
Cas was really getting tired of being called that, but at least this time there had been no malice behind it. More curiosity, if anything. He was seated in calculus, having found it with (relative) ease, trying to keep his head down and out of trouble when the voice spoke up from in front of him. He reluctantly lifted his head.
The girl in the seat in front of him was twisted around in her chair to face him, a wide smile on her face. Her hair was the reddest red that Cas thought it could possibly be. She gave him a little wave. “I’m Charlie. What’s your name?”
Cas hesitated before offering, “Castiel. But just Cas is fine.”
“Wow, yeah, ‘Castiel’ is…”
“A lot.” Cas echoed Dean’s words from earlier in the day. He was starting to relax now that Charlie was turning out to be friendly. He sat up a little straighter. “It’s nice to meet you, Charlie.”
“Nice to meet you, too!” Charlie glanced around, “I know most of the population of his school are jerks, but calculus is a pretty safe class, so you can relax a little. Oh!” She gestured to the side at another girl, “this is Jody,” and then to the boy sitting in the seat beside Cas, “and this is Garth. They’re cool too.”
Jody had short brown hair and dark eyes, and almost a maternal smile; Garth was tall and lanky, kind of goofy looking but gave him a greeting grin that Cas couldn’t help smiling back to. He was definitely feeling more comfortable now, in this class, at least.
“I saw what happened at lunch,” Charlie said, pulling his attention back to her, “Dean Winchester saved you, which, like… what was he even doing in the cafeteria? He always vanishes at lunch time. No one knows where he goes. It’s a mystery.” She wiggled her fingers a little, “he must like you, ‘cause he usually just keeps to himself, or he has since he transferred in, anyway.”
“Mn, he said he was new, too.”
“Yeah, by a couple weeks. No one dares pick on him, though, he’d kick everyone’s asses.”
Cas coughed out a little laugh. “I got that impression.” Then, after a slight hesitation, “he said I could sit with him at lunch tomorrow. So.”
“Ooh, exciting! You’ll have to tell us where he eats lunch, then!” Charlie grinned at him, then rolled her eyes slightly, “aaaaaaall the girls have a crush on him. He’s handsome and mysterious and blah blah blah.”
“You think he’s over-rated.” Jody informed flatly, though her expression was amused.
“Over-rated?” Cas questioned.
“Charlie is gay.” Garth explained. “Like, so gay.”
“So gay.” Charlie agreed.
“Oh.” Cas shrugged. It didn’t bother him. “I’m not entirely straight myself.”
Charlie just grinned. “So you don’t think Dean Winchester is over-rated.”
He cleared his throat and glanced down a little. “He’s not unattractive.”
“Yeaaaah that’s what I thought.”
“I like girls, too, though, I just… I like who I like. I don’t care about their gender.”
“That’s valid.” Charlie gave him a reassuring smile, then just changed the topic entirely; “where’d you move from?”
Cas blinked. “Wichita, Kansas. My Father and I move around a lot for his job… or we did. Now that I’m older I guess he trusts me to stay home alone so he’s going to start travelling instead. So I’m stuck here.”
“It’s not so bad here once you settle in,” Jody reassured him.
“Yeah,” Charlie nodded, “and you’ve got us now, so it’s not like you have no friends.”
“You just have weird friends.” Garth laughed.
Cas couldn’t help the little grin that crept across his own face. He was actually perfectly okay with having weird friends.
-- --
In history class, after calculus, somebody tripped him on his way to his seat and Cas fell flat on his face. The rest of the students laughed. Cas just got back up and continued on, pretending nothing had happened. That was the best way to deal with bullies, he had learned, over his long and sordid history of transferring from school to school. Ignore them until they give up and go away.
Or, alternatively, have Dean Winchester throw a basketball at their face. That apparently worked, too.
In any case, after the incident in history, the rest of the day passed easily enough, until Cas found himself standing outside the school after final bell, just taking deep breaths of the fresh air and looking up at the sky—soaking in the fact that he was free, at least for the rest of the day.
“You going left or right?”
Cas blinked at the familiar voice and turned his attention to Dean, who had come up beside him while he was distracted with the general out-of-doors. He glanced toward the route he had to take to get home. “Right. Why?”
“Me too. I’ll walk with you.”
“Oh. Okay.” And then, “thanks.”
“Don’t gotta thank me. I’m walking that way anyway.” Dean nudged him to get him moving, and Cas headed off with the other boy by his side.
“No, I mean,” Cas waved one hand in an absent sort of gesture, “I mean for earlier. In the cafeteria. You really didn’t have to do that. And one of the girls I was talking to later said you don’t even usually go in the cafeteria, so I just… thanks. For going out of your way. I appreciate it.”
“You were gossiping about me?”
“I—” Cas began, then clapped his mouth shut again and shook his head in a quick negative. When he spoke up once more it was to mutter, “of course not.”
But Dean was already grinning, looking overly amused. “It’s fine, Cas, I’m used to being gossip fodder. What was she saying about me?”
“That all the girls here think you’re handsome.” Cas told him easily, but conveniently left out the part where he agreed with them. There was no sense in telling a guy he’d just met that he was already developing a crush on him, especially when he might be moving again any day. He really wasn’t sure he trusted his father’s promises that they were going to stay put this time. “And that no one knows where you disappear to at lunch time, apparently it’s a big mystery.”
Dean laughed. “Well you’ll know, starting tomorrow.” He pointed out, “you’re still gonna join me, right?”
Cas actually gave him a surprised look. “I didn’t think you actually—”
“—meant it?” Dean finished for him. His smile softened for just a second before returning to his previous jovial expression. “Mmm… I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mean it. And besides, you’re different from all those other assholes, I can tell.”
“I like to think I am, anyway.” Then, “you are, too.”
Dean grinned again. “I think we’re going to be friends, Cas, I really do.”
Cas offered up a smile of his own, “I’d like that, Dean.”
They walked together for a few blocks, until they got to James Street, at which point Cas paused and gestured down it. This was his turn off, he had to walk down James to get to King Street where he lived, and it was… well, the term “sketchy” came to mind. James Street was all run-down houses, broken fences, guard dogs and probably drug dealers. Dean looked down the street, giving it a thorough eyeballing, before declaring—
“Nope!” He gave Cas a little push toward the street, but then followed him, falling into step beside him as they headed down James. “No way are you walking down here by yourself, dude, that’s just asking to get axe-murdered. Or worse.”
“Worse than axe-murdered?”
“Oh, trust me there are so many worse things than being axe-murdered.”
Cas would have to take his word for it. He couldn’t personally think of any, but that didn’t mean they didn’t exist. For now he was just going over and over in his head how this guy he had just met was walking him all the way home through a dodgy part of town, even though he didn’t have to. His tiny, newborn crush on Dean Winchester was probably growing teeth already, and it hadn’t even been a day.
“When’s your birthday?”
“Huh?” Cas blinked back to reality at the question and actually had to fumble for a response before managing, “July.”
“January.” Dean was paying very close attention to their surroundings while also trying to maintain a conversation and that was obvious. “So I’m older.”
“Only by six months.” Cas pointed out.
“Still counts. Means you have to do what I say.” Dean grinned at him fleetingly, “those’re the rules!”
“I don’t like those rules.” The younger teen gave a token protest. “I think you made those rules up.”
“Possibly, but they’re important.”
“Could save your life one day.”
Cas laughed softly at that, but Dean didn’t, instead falling silent until they were past James Street and out of the sketchy area that Cas had very much walked through unescorted on his way to school that morning. Dean relaxed visibly as soon as they were back to “normal” neighborhoods, his steps easier and his shoulder slouching a little, where they had been tense and taut only a moment before.
Honestly, Cas wasn’t entirely sure what was up with Dean, but clearly something was going on inside his head. He would love to have picked Dean’s brain about it, but he really didn’t think Dean would be up for sharing. Maybe he had an incident in his past, something to do with a neighborhood like James that had him acting like he was now. Cas thought possibly once they got to know each other a little bit more, he might ask, but for now…
“I live on King.” He gestured down the street in question when they neared it, “I really can walk from here, I… um. But thanks. Again.”
Dean’s steps slowed to a stop and he glanced around, as if checking the surrounding neighborhood before deeming it safe. “Okay, Cas. I’ll see you tomorrow, right? Be careful walking that way on your way to school in the morning.”
“I will.” Cas gave him a little smile, “thanks, Dean. See you tomorrow.” Then he turned and headed across the street to King, where his father was likely waiting to hear a rundown of his day.
-- --
Lunch time the next day found Cas nervously waiting outside the gym, half expecting Dean not to show—that it had all been an elaborate prank.
Cas’s morning had gone alright, though, everyone seemed to be steering clear now that it had circulated that Dean Winchester was looking out for him. He wasn’t sure what, exactly, Dean had done to garner his reputation, but whatever it was it had been effective.
“Hey.” A hand clapped into his shoulder and when Cas glanced up, Dean was standing there, “c’mon.”
Cas just stared at him. “You actually came.”
“Well, yeah,” Dean gave him an odd look, then gestured for him to follow and headed into the gym. It was empty right now, except for them, and Cas trailed after Dean as they walked around the side of the bleachers—and Dean ducked into the back of them, then dropped down and settled with his back against the wall. He waved a hand for Cas to join him.
Cas clambered in behind the bleachers as well, taking a seat beside Dean and setting his backpack beside him. “This is where you spend lunch?”
“Yeah. It’s private. Quiet, usually.” Dean shrugged, “I don’t mind you being here, though.”
Cas blinked at that, not quite sure what to say. “I—thanks?”
Dean tossed him a grin. “You don’t have to thank me for everything, Cas.”
But it was the polite thing to do. Cas opened his mouth—then closed it again. After a moment he just shrugged almost awkwardly and dug in his backpack for his lunch, unwrapping his sandwich and beginning to eat. He was so severely unused to having friends that this was difficult for him—socializing. He didn’t really know how to do it.
“Hey, what’s your family like?” Cas glanced over when Dean spoke up. The other boy had his head leaned back against the wall, his hands laced over his stomach and his eyes were staring off somewhere into the middle-distance.
“My family?” Cas swallowed a bite of sandwich and resisted the urge to shrug again. “It’s just me and my Father. He adopted me when I was five, but I don’t remember anything before then. It’s always just been the two of us.”
Dean smiled a little and looked at him. “I’ve got me, and my Dad, and my annoying little brother. But we get by okay.”
So neither of them had Moms. That was interesting. Cas took another bite of his sandwich and asked, “how come you transferred here? Does your Dad move around a lot for work or something?”
“You could say that.” Dean agreed, “what about you?”
“Same.” The younger teen nodded, in-between bites of food, “my Father is a motivational speaker, and he does series of seminars all over the place. The last couple months we were in Kansas, and Oregon before that. Now we’re here.” Another bite of sandwich and he continued, a little muffled, “he says we’re going to stay here, though, now that I’m old enough to stay home on my own. He says he’ll start travelling for his work instead.” A shrug, “I don’t know if I believe him or not.”
“Your Dad lie to you often?”
Cas sighed. “No, it’s just… I think it’s a stretch. That he’s suddenly decided all this.”
“Mm.” Dean seemed sympathetic, though Cas wasn’t entirely sure why. “Sucks that it’s this school that you’d be stuck at, after everything.”
“That’s what I was thinking yesterday.” Cas admitted, balling up the wrap from his lunch and dropping it back in his bag. Then he hesitated before offering, “but then I met you, and… things got better.”
Dean grinned again. “Yeah. I think we’re gonna be good friends, Cas.”
Cas found himself smiling back—and then Dean lifted his arm to run his hand through his hair and Cas’s eyes caught on a tear in the cuff of his jacket. He tilted his head curiously. “What happened to your jacket?”
“Huh?” Dean lowered his arm to peer at the rip. He shrugged. “I don’t even know, honestly, half my stuff has holes in it and I never know where they came from.”
Cas was already digging through his backpack again, and this time came up with a spool of black thread and a needle, much to Dean’s obvious surprise. He waved one hand toward the older boy, “take it off and I’ll fix it for you.”
Of all the ways this lunch hour could have gone, this was not one Dean would have predicted. He looked at Cas almost blankly for a moment, then let his eyes flick down to the other teen’s backpack. It was covered in vibrant patches—a cartoon PB&J sandwich, a pizza box, an LGBTQ flag, angel wings, etc.—all obviously hand-sewn on. And oh. So sewing was a thing with Cas. Okay.
Dean pushed away from the wall just enough to shrug out of his jacket and handed it over, watching curiously as Cas measured out a length of thread, then snapped it off with his teeth, threading the needle and knotting the thread a second later. He was obviously practiced at this particular skill. So was Dean, but for different reasons.
A few minutes of concentration later and Cas was finished with repairing the rip in his jacket, knotting off the thread and snapping it with his teeth again, then tucking the needle and thread away before sheepishly handing the jacket back to Dean.
“It’s not perfect, but it’s much better, right?” He asked almost shyly.
Dean gave him a genuine, grateful smile. “Thanks, Cas. It’s great.”
Cas watched him pull his jacket back on, smiling himself now. “I like to sew. It gives me something to do with my hands when I’m feeling… I don’t know. Antsy, I suppose. Like some people play with pencils or fidget toys, I have a needle and thread…”
Dean was inspecting the newly-sewn spot on his cuff, and looked up with a grin, “I play with knives.” He informed Cas, only half-joking.
Cas, not knowing any better, laughed anyway. “Hey, Dean?”
“Thanks for… being nice to me. Thanks for this. For… being my friend.”
Dean almost told him he didn’t need to thank him again. Instead he just smiled, almost fond, and said, “you’re welcome, Cas.”
-- --
“What do you mean you’re not going to tell us where Dean Winchester spends lunch hour?”
This was from Charlie, who had one hand clasped to her chest and a positively shocked and scandalized look on her face. The entire thing was an act and Cas knew it, even having only known Charlie for two days. “Charlie.”
“What do you mean you’re not going to tell me where Dean Winchester spends lunch hour?”
“Aaaaaand there it is.” Jody drawled. Garth chuckled.
Cas just smiled apologetically. “It’s kind of a secret. I don’t think he wants people to know.”
Charlie pouted, “you just want him all to yourself, that’s what I think.”
Cas coughed and glanced down at the same time as Garth commented, “as if you care. You couldn’t be less interested in Dean Winchester if you tried, Charlie.”
“Not true!” Charlie insisted, “he is, indeed, a mystery that I am interested in solving! Just… not in, like, a romantic sense. Because ew.” Then she paused before adding, “I mean, objectively I can see where you would find him attractive, Cas, but just… no thanks.”
A soft laugh from Cas, faintly embarrassed. “Sorry, Charlie. I’m still not going to tell you.”
The girl heaved a suffering sigh. “You disappoint me, Castiel Novak.”
Again. “Sorry, Charlie.”
“You are not.”
He wasn’t even a little.
-- --
It became habit that Cas met Dean outside the gym every day at lunch and they spent lunch hour behind the bleachers, talking and laughing and becoming better friends, Cas’s minor crush on Dean growing into a huge monster of one very quickly.
Dean never had anything to eat at lunch and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Cas, though he had thus far neglected to say anything. But the longer he knew Dean and the more time he spent with the other boy the more it bothered him. He wasn’t bringing anything from home, obviously, and never bought anything from the cafeteria, he just sat through lunch hour watching everyone else eat and going hungry himself, scribbling in a battered notebook that he carried in his inside jacket pocket.
And that didn’t sit right with Cas because some days it was obvious Dean was hungry from the way he watched Cas eat out of the corner of his eye. But why he never had food was probably a sensitive subject and Cas didn’t feel he had the right to ask.
He could, however, do something about it.
So the next time Dean plunked himself down on the ground behind the gym bleachers at lunch time, Cas sat down next to him, then swung his backpack around and fished out not one but two sandwiches, each individually wrapped in cling-film. He blinked at Dean and held one out. “Here.”
Dean just stared at him. “Dude, what are you doing?”
“Feeding you.” Cas stated matter-of-factly, and when Dean didn’t immediately take the offered sandwich, he just set it in the older boy’s lap and returned to his bag, digging out two apples and setting one next to Dean’s sandwich. This was followed by a pair of bottles of water. Then he shrugged. “Someone has to do it.”
“But—I—you—this is—”
Cas could sense where this was going. He headed it off at the pass. “It’s not charity, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s as easy to make two sandwiches as it is to make one.” He was already unwrapping his own sandwich, and paused to glance sideways at Dean before taking a bite; “we’re friends and friends help each other out, right?”
“We are, yeah…” Dean continued looking at him rather oddly while he started to eat, like he was having trouble with the idea of someone doing something so nice for him and not wanting anything in return. Eventually, though, he glanced away, as if suddenly shy, and carefully picked up his own sandwich, unwrapping it and taking a huge bite right off the bat. He was obviously starving. Once that was chewed and swallowed, he cleared his throat and offered, “uh… thanks, Cas.”
Cas shrugged again but gave him a smile. “As long as you don’t mind peanut butter and jelly, I don’t mind sharing with you.”
“…I am not eating the apple. Apples belong in pies.”
The next day Cas started bringing him a fruit cup instead. “It’s close to pie.”
“It’s not even.”
Despite his protests, Dean ate it anyway.
-- --
On top of eating lunch together, it had also quickly become habit for Dean to walk Cas home—mostly because he was very suspicious of James Street and that neighborhood in general, and he didn’t want his only friend to be snatched up by some monster, or even a common-place serial killer. A life of being a Hunter’s son had made him more than a little paranoid when it came to things like that.
Usually Cas made it outside first, and just waited around by one of the retaining walls until Dean emerged from the school a few minutes later, at which point they set out. Cas kept telling Dean he really didn’t need to walk him home, and Dean kept doing it anyway.
Because aside from his paranoia, he really did like Cas, and enjoy spending time with him, possibly too much, really—but walking Cas home also got him away from the crappy motel and his annoying little brother for just a little while longer, which was always a bonus. He was a Hunter, and he had a job to do, his dad drilled that into him all the damn time, but he was also not-quite eighteen and needed distraction every now-and-then.
“You’re quiet.” Dean was always quiet when they were walking down James Street. Cas always tried anyway. “What are you thinking about?”
“I’m thinking it’s going to rain.”
Cas glanced up. It was severely overcast, with storm clouds overhead and the humidity was through the roof. Dean was probably right. “Yeah, probably.” He agreed. “Hey, do you want to walk all the way to my house today? I could introduce you to my Father, if he’s in. We could hang out.”
Dean flashed him a little smile. “I can’t. I’ve gotta get home to Sammy.”
‘Sammy’ was Dean’s younger brother, thirteen from what Dean had told him, and attending Bedwin Junior High. Bedwin was Caspar’s affiliated Junior High, so if they were around long enough, Sammy—Sam—would go to Caspar as well. Dean seemed to feel that they wouldn’t be around that long, though, which was… disappointing. Upsetting, even.
Cas was used to moving around, himself, and in the beginning he had been young and hadn’t known better, he had made friends wherever he went, and then inevitably had to leave them behind. When he got a little older, he started purposefully avoiding making friends, so he wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of losing them.
Now, at Caspar, he had dropped his guard again, and even if his father kept his word and they didn’t move again, and he was able to stay friends with Charlie, Jody and Garth, Dean… he and his brother were in the same boat as Cas had been in previously. So, Cas had gotten to be friends with Dean without even meaning to, gotten close to him, developed a huge crush on him—though he never let it show—and Dean could be leaving any day. It was only a matter of time, really.
Cas had thought that he had hardened himself to the reality of losing friends, considering how he’d grown up, but the thought of Dean taking off just… put a lump in the pit of his stomach. He really had it bad for the older boy, had since Day One, probably, Charlie was right about that much.
But Dean was funny and smart and so attractive, so of course—
Something heavy slammed into Cas’s back right at that moment, the blow cushioned only by the fact that he was wearing his backpack, and Cas yelped out a startled noise even as he tumbled to the ground, landing roughly on the hard pavement.
Whatever had crashed into him was still on top of him—a person, he thought—and scrabbling at him, one hand holding him down by the chest while the other grabbed at his hair and shoved his head to the side. Then they lunged forward and bit into his neck—Cas gave a sharp cry—and abruptly Dean’s voice shouted something unintelligible and he yanked the person off, flinging them away.
When Cas looked up, the person who had attacked him was standing a few feet away, wiping at his mouth and spitting. Dean was between him and Cas and had a huge buck knife in one hand (where had that come from?), holding it at the ready. When the stranger stopped gagging and lunged toward Dean, Dean braced himself and full-body tackled the man, knife flashing—first silver and then red—as he stabbed it into the man over and over again.
After that onslaught, though, and despite being stabbed several times, the stranger wrenched himself away and took off, fleeing into the oncoming storm.
Dean stood where he was for a moment, heaving, before wiping the knife on his jeans and tucking it into the back of his waistband, where Cas assumed it had come from to begin with. Then he hurried back over to Cas and crouched down, hands hovering uselessly. “Shit, Cas, are you okay?”
Cas brought one hand up to the side of his neck where he had been bitten, wiping there before dropping it again to look almost blankly at the blood on his palm. That was about when it started to rain. Dean reached to help him up, and together they got Cas back to his feet. He actually didn’t feel too bad, all things considered.
Dean was already checking out his neck, ignoring the fact that rain was pouring down on them now. “It doesn’t look too bad. It didn’t get you too deep. Could’ve ripped your throat out, you’re lucky.”
“It—what—he bit me—and—you stabbed him and he didn’t even—"
“Cas,” Dean looked him in the eye, deadly serious, and told him firmly, “that was a vampire.”
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calkale · 10 months
Okay because i put my thoughts in the tags the first time heres some of my spn au thoughts
Also disclaimer i am changing the supernatural story so dont get mad at me for not including things or changing things you like this is my house and i write the au <3
Characters: Dean -> Mav, Cas -> Ice, Sam -> Slider, John Winchester-> Duke Mitchell, Mary Winchester -> Slider’s mom (her name is also Mary in my Slider lore so), Bobby -> Viper, Ash -> Goose, Ellen -> Carole, Jo -> Bradley (he’s like a teen in this but don’t worry theres no Jo and Dean content 🤮 thats his godson) 
-slider and mav aren’t actually related, they were both 6 (mav older by a few months) when their parents got married, duke was a widower and mary was never married 
-Getting this out of the way although i love the chevy impala i am a truck freak so mav drives his dads black 1990 toyota sr5 with an extended cab 
Backstory: -viper and duke were both navy pilots now “hunting buddies”, they took mav and slider out hunting occasionally but whenever they went on long “hunting trips” they left slider and mav at home, that’s because these hunting trips were monster hunting trips
-the same thing that happens to sam and deans mom happens to mav and sliders mom but when they’re both around the age of 10, since they’re older and not stupid they have a lot of questions that duke can’t just bullshit answers to so he tells them about monsters and what he thinks took their mom (because he doesn’t actually know at this point)
-since they no longer have a house they stay at vipers or go on the road with duke 
-once they both start high school slider wants to stop hunting and stay with viper to focus on school, his relationship with duke gets weird after that because duke wants him to keep hunting to find what killed his mom but slider wants to do well in school to make his mom proud, they come to an agreement where slider stays with viper but once a month he has to come hunting
-slider leaves for university (idk what hes studying), mav graduates but stays with duke, he starts hunting on his own 
Now time: -This au starts in 2005 like the show
-duke picks up a lead on the thing that killed mary but is super vague about it when telling viper and doesn’t tell mav anything, he says he’ll be gone for a week but a week and a half later theres no word from him, viper refuses to go after him because “he’s gonna get himself killed” and “ive been telling him to let it go for years” but mav still has to go look for him
-mav finds slider and this basically carries out exactly how it does in the show, he agrees to help for one day, when he gets back his gf is dead, agrees to ditch school 😎 to come help look for duke
story wise thats all i've got so far, i want ice to come into the story a lot sooner than cas does in the show and i dont remember when ash, ellen and jo come in but i want them to come in sooner too. hopefully ill actually work on this more but i hope you guys enjoy
Character descriptions:
Mav: -has the classic dean necklace given to him by slider
-dresses basically the same as 86 movie mav but with flannel 😎
-does wear his cowboy boots but he’s normally wearing work boots
-eyebrow scar eyebrow scar eyebrow scar!!!
Slider: -wears his mother’s wedding ring on a necklace, duke gave it to him after she died
-dresses like early season sam, carhartt jacket, hoodies, tshirts and baggy jeans
-silver eyebrow piercing 😎
Ice: -exactly the same as cas but with a dark grey trench coat
-his eyes always glow a little, not enough that its noticeable unless its in the dark
-has a grey hoodie and black jeans for when he needs to look a little less “formal” 
Goose: -has a mullet its a key part of ash’s character so 
-just think mater from cars personified mixed with goose idk
Carole: -dresses exactly like ellen 
-her classic curly meg ryan hair stays tho
bradley: -just a mini goose
Duke and Viper: -they look pretty much the same, just some dad with a mustache and flannel
-only difference is duke always wears his wedding ring
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
Let Jack do some biting and exploding as a little treat. He needs it for enrichment in his environment! Alternatively this is his “hormone driven teen age rebellion/angst” phase. Or he’s threatening to run away and live with Sam.
Assuming you’re referencing my anti-domestic destiel au: yeah 🥰 jack is in just the worst situation here, and he put himself there, sure, he agreed to it, thought it would be okay. but crucially, to me, he also thought it was temporary. and that the love he would experience as Dean & Cas’s actual baby wouldn’t differ that much from what he gets as himself. And when it actually is different, when they treat him different, (maybe there’s more kindness in Dean when he’s holding someone that looks more like a child, maybe Castiel’s more attentive and knows how to handle him better because after all, he planned, he took classes, for a baby) that’s rough! horrible and frustrating!
and since they’re all pretending this is fine and makes them happy, he spends more time than he should playing along and feeling worse and worse about himself. I think things should start breaking around him. His toys all crack and twist into terrible shapes. Blood stains show up on his baby blankets. He cries and glass shatters. (He’s trying so hard to keep it in, but it’s not working, he’s upset and he doesn’t even have an outlet to talk about it or anything because Dean and Cas are fully treating him like the toddler he’s taken the shape of.)
I really think Sam would be his saving grace here because Sam is a reprieve from having to keep up that appearance and act. Sam treats Jack as his son, yes, but also as an adult, because that is what Jack is, fast growth cycle and odd birthday count or not. He doesn’t want to be a child. The window for that has passed. He’s grown up.
(I swear that Jack’s part in this isn’t just me being frustrated with his literal infantilization in popular fanon as a character who’s very obviously (to me, anyway) coded as autistic. I swear. It’s not all that. Just. Most of it.)
Jack running away with Sam would be such a way to kick off the falling apart of this “perfect” life that Dean and Castiel have constructed. Their son up and fucking leaves, goes to live with Sam because he can’t stand how neither of them look at him and actually see who he is rather than who they’d prefer him to be. Maybe jumpstarts a few realizations about the fact that they aren’t seeing each other truthfully either, that they’re both miserable and need to split up before they lose their friendship that’s so important to them as well.
(and of course, for extra drama, Jack should burn their house down. What better way to signify that the Normal Apple Pie Life is coming to an end then a housefire. Dean walks in to check on Jack during the night and instead of a baby, there’s Jack standing there next to his small bed, eyes burning gold and neither of them can say anything before the whole room explodes into flame. (Which Jack is very upset about. He didn’t mean that to happen. (He’s glad that it did.) He just lost control.)
but also just in general even outside of this au, jack should be allowed to bite people <3 it’s good for him <3 he gets his bloodthirsty urges to tear out people’s throats from his dad! (sam)
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watchingspnagain · 5 months
Rewatching Lucifer Rising
Welcome to “Dean Is a Cat and We Want Cheeseburgers: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e22: Lucifer Rising.
The cold open shows Azazel possessing a priest in 1972 and doing a ritual to speak to Lucifer. Luci tells him that he needs Lilith to break the seals that imprison him and that Azazel should look for a special boy. In the present, Sam and Ruby are after one of Lilith’s minions, planning to extract info from her and then have Sam drink up so he will be powerful enough to kill Lilith. Meanwhile, Dean is grump about Sam, and Bobby rips him a new one over it. Dean is then mysteriously zapped to a luxurious “Green Room,” where Zach and Cas explain that they’re keeping him safe because it’s inevitable that the last seal with be broken. Dean calls Sam and leaves a voicemail apologizing for being a dick, but the message Sam receives has been altered into an abusive rejection, which spurs Sam on in his plan. Back in the GR, Zach explains that heaven *wants* the apocalypse so they can bring about heaven on earth—and drops the fact that Dean is destined to kill Lucifer. Dean then argues with Cas that the angel *knows* that letting so many people die in an apocalypse is wrong, and Cas eventually comes round, in a bit of business that is approximately a floppitygillion times more homoerotic than it needed to be (we’re good with it). Cas banishes Zach with a sigil, tells Dean that *killing* Lilith is the final seal, and takes them to Chuck the Prophet to find out where Sam is. An archangel shows up to stop this, Cas stays to hold him off (die), and Dean goes after Sam. He’s too late, though. Sam kills Lilith, her blood flows through a weird spiral whoozit, and Ruby reveals that she’s been working with Lilith all along to bring this about. Sam holds Ruby, Dean stabs her with the demon knife, Lilith’s blood completes its journey through the spiral, and FADE TO WHITE.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
oooh yeah the song
priests outfits are ridiculous sometimes
i mean, if they want to wear dresses, just do it, man. no judgement. or at least much less than touching boys
this is why you put devil's traps in churches
their own fault really
i’m not buying that these nuns are scared. they’d more likely be like, “Right, let’s gang up on this a-hole and do some EXORCISING”
oh sweet BEAN
especially the handful of older ones
aw his FACE
you better go hug him
maybe also a little light petting
sure sure, just a little light petting
he’s so SAD
don't distract him TOO much he has a season to finish
and it's his turn to be a mess, so
Dean’s upset, his collar is extra popped to indicate
"don't make me get my gun, boy." Bobby. He doesn't need shot he needs kicked up the patootie
it IS his turn
look, Dean. eat a cookie, go to therapy, and put on your hunter panties
give him that tough love
"you stupid STUPID son of a bitch"
I was talking to Lor, but okay
"no. you sound like your DAD"
“you sound like your dad” OFFSIDES
"you are a better man than your daddy ever was" AAAAAAAAAA
time for what? smooches?
MMM burgers
what is that on the table? a lure Holy Grail? like in Indiana Jones?
yeah but it's the "uh oh something's wrong" beer
"you're looking fit" PISS OFF, ZACHARIAH
"tempting. weird"
"bail on the holodeck" I love him, the little nerd
from a kid’s show to ST. wow. impressive
he has range
he really does
"well work harder"
so bossy
Iiiii'm okay with it
Cas isn’t. that’s his job
until Cas is ready to step in. he can stand in for now
ooo the stutter. sweet DeanDean
aw, he listened to Bobby
good boy
"I'm not Dad" you take that talk from Bobby to heart, Dean
oh Sammy
poor dude
well, demon, the editing suggests Sam
oh Sam
Cas is looking particularly prickly and gorgeous today
"fine. I'll go with you" sigh
he will say that so many times and it will get more and more devoted each time and I LOVE IT
Dean was right, Sam. he was just a monumental jerk about it
lol the way he checks the wall to be sure
"you don't want to stop it, do you" and it aaaaaall suddenly makes sense
this guy is so good
oooo I hate Zach and the actor is so good
oh Dean. he's so worried
is that a painting of Michael between them in the background
I think so (ED: unless it’s Lucifer? *shrug*)
that’s fabulous
and it might even be on purpose this time
"where's god in all this?" ooof, Dean
I love the little wing sounds when Cas shows up
"he's gonna do it to himself" GAH
LOL the punch
"you know what's real? people. families" oooooo I never realized that much much later when Dean asks what's real and Cas says "we are" it parallels this
oooo NICE
you tell him, Dean
he just wants to give you whatever your little heart wants, Dean, keep trying
they stand so close to each other I LOVE IT
*kisses whoever blocked this on the top of the head*
“we’re done” but then when he looks back and sees Cas is gone, he’s so heartbroken
oooof and it being what Dean said that made him pause and then what he thinks Dean said pushing him over the edge
omg Cas pushing Dean against the wall NNNNGGGG
I'm sorry what? my brain went offline when Cas pushed Dean against the wall covering his mouth
HOW do people deny Destiel exists after a scene like that?!?!
willful ignorance, clearly
I genuinely have no idea
blindness? homophobia?
like, these two start eyefucking the first time they're on screen and never stop?
homophobia and dipshittery
"we're making it up as we go" AND DEAN'S FACE
I feel like maybe they should have read? something about all these seals?
poor Sammy
fell for the honeypot
he really really did
he needs comforting, but after he gets a good slap upside
omg the Dumbo reference is perfect
"you had it in you the whole time, Dumbo"
"I don't care"
Sammy’s FACE
i mean, she should have known that big brother Dean was gonna kill her for what she did to Sammy. pay attention, Ruby
and his VOICE when he says "I'm sorry"
Sammy has SUCH a good little brother face here
omg I LOVE that it fades to white
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soullessjack · 10 months
another offshoot of jack being infantilized is that it’s leeched into the popular mischaracterization of jack as some soft sensitive crybaby who hates violence, hates scary things and is super nice and sweet and cutesy all the time and of course he’s used to accessorize Claire as a big mean lesbian sister who always gets them in trouble, and what makes it so unbearable besides the ableist rooting, is that it’s just canonically utterly wrong. like go back and watch 13x02 & 03. go back and watch 14x06 when they convince Dean to go on a case behind Sam’s back. or look at any time they’re defiant to Cas (and for the love of god do not look at it as “lol sassy baby dean is a bad influence bad dad 😂” or so help me I am throwing multiple rocks at you). like you can say he’s a bitch. you can say he’s a cunt even. it won’t kill you.
in fact, I implore you to, because it is a step away from infantilizing his every action as silly baby behavior and ergo a step in the right direction. look at the entire apocalypse world arc where he decides he has to personally kill Michael when the plan was only ever to escape through the rift. remember the scene where they’re crying in the woods and it got ran with as hashtag poor baby boy whump and nobody noticed that he’d literally almost strangled someone because of their impulsive temper?? or when they made the decision to brutally torture a man by snapping and twisting his skeleton and burning him so intensely his shirt fabric blackened?? and somehow that gets turned into shit like “daddy hold my sippy cup” because for some fucking reason you guys are so intent on making him out to be a child and infantilizing his canon traits to be more palatable to that idea of him.
TLDR please can we actually recognize how bitchy and violent and rebellious jack is. can you guys realize that his entire behavioral pattern of saying hi and waving hello is him masking and repressing because his emotions literally are nuclear charged and he doesn’t want to be a threat. can we please.
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selttiks4313 · 1 year
If I were smart or patient enough I would write the best spn/house au and it would be so so so good you guys.
Imagine if you will…
Non spn/human au
Dean takes care of Sammy (obv) and whenever he’s sick they go to the free clinic. John brings them once or twice. House clocks John as an alcoholic probably. Knows he’s ex military (the way Dean calls him sir etc.) and feels for the boys because we all know houses dad was a pos too. Treats John like shit but good with Sam. (Good in deans eyes, even better in Sam’s)
Eventually John stops coming around (dead? Lost custody? Idk idc) and it’s just Dean at Sammy’s apts. (maybe Bobby or Ellen in an emergency?? House could ask Sam where his brother is etc.)
House and Dean vibe even when he’s young. Dean just wants to get in and get out and not waste his or houses time. Sammy doesn’t complain either which is unlike most kids. House is an ass but Dean enjoys those visits more than when he sees other providers.
(I feel like Dean comes in one day (an adult at drinking age atp) and house wants to kill time to piss off Cuddy and Dean doesn’t wanna go back to work. This is when the primary bonding happens.)
They watch general hospital together in the exam room and talk about dr sexy. They leer at nurses and Cuddy. They talk about deans car and houses bike. Having shitty dads. Music, bad horror movies.
Dean likes Wilson too. He comes around sometimes and seems nice enough. Dean notices something is kinda up with those two but it isn’t his business. Wilson’s third wife sounds unbearable.
They don’t ever hangout or anything. (Unless? Maybe they run into each other at a bar a few times? Moody drinking and talking music or something equally them. But never intentionally hanging out) Their worlds don’t blur that much. I’m thinking more like random hijinx leading them to having several interactions (10+?) over the years.
Charlie breaks an arm or something. Benny needs stitches and won’t let Dean do it. Bobby’s been sick for two months and refuses to be seen until Dean makes him go in. STD check up (House would have a field day with this) IDK just random instances to where they have a bit of familiarity with one another.
I feel like House would call Dean “the ken doll” Winchester. Dean would flirt with Cameron and House would be delighted. Etc etc. Just random instances through out the years where they recognize and respect each other. Nothing more.
Cas gets sick. Weird sick, needs houses expertise sick. No one at the clinic is taking Dean’s concerns about Cas seriously. (I feel like Cas having major personality changes would be Interesting maybe?? Like combo of godstiel/insane Cas. Maybe a seizure or two?? Idk something!) Until Dean sees House in the hallway. House agrees to see him because he likes Dean and he’s bored.
Normal medical malpractice ensues blah blah blah
Deans reaction to Cas being sick is unsettling to house. They’re just friends right? This is the guy Deans mentioned to him in passing before?
But why does Dean look at him (Cas) like that? Why is he holding his hand? Why did he brush the hair out of his eyes?
Dean once referred to this Cas guy as his own Wilson. But House doesn’t look at Wilson like that, does he?? *Insert House spiral here*
Wilson also gets nervous watching them together or hearing them talk about each other. I think he and Cas need to bond. Both in love with grumpy men who are too afraid to allow themselves to love.
Oooo Cas reprimanding Dean for being rude in almost identical fashion to how Wilson did to House before they entered the room. That would be hilarious.
Speaking of hilarious. Very funny to imagine the ducklings searching Deans place. (Not the bunker. Maybe Bobbys? Maybe an apt above the roadhouse?)
I just know they would have lots to say. Forced masculinity comments with the nudie magazines/calendars etc. Surprisingly good/healthy ingredients/food in the house? Dean cooks apparently. Books on mechanical engineering and fantasy/sci-fi novels.
I feel like he and Cas need to be roommates for some reason in this 🤔. Maybe Cas has just moved in? Escaped his family’s religious extremist right wing bs. Maybe he doesn’t even have a room yet??? Maybe he and Dean share.
Ducklings taking bets on if Dean and Cas are dating, besties, or in love but repressed. “Sounds like two other men best friends that we know” *foreman voice*
House saves Cas because of course he does. Dean cries and rests their foreheads together and House feels uncomfy watching this and skedaddles.
Something about seeing them together will push him and/or Wilson to make a move finally. Not sure who or how yet.
I want to write this soooooo bad but I know I’ll never finish it. Someone want to write this for me?? It would be so good I just know it!!!!
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cpopnatural · 6 months
15x18 Notes
-I’m so fucking serious guys I cracked open a new bottle of Pinot Noir for this one
-Jack saying “I don’t want to hurt you…don’t make me hurt you” oh he’s just like his father
-Cas already thinking about the Empty…god
-Sam sitting on the stoop hahaha
-did they get a sponsorship for the bourbon?
-Dean this is your doing brother
-I can’t believe they bury your gays twice in this episode
-poor little Jack
-he’s CRYING
-that’s his fucking dad…
-they’re killing off all the love interests this ep
-honestly I like the lack of words in this scene
-every time Sam or Charlie say something sad I keep saying “Dean at the end of the episode” and Sterling wails like a cat whose tail was stepped on
-Billie is so iconic
-Donna too???
-“I don’t care about your family” cuts to Cas
-it’s time…it’s TIME
-I JUST LED US INTO ANOTHER TRAP while standing over the devil trap I’m gonna kill someone
-me and Sterling reciting the confession along with Cas Rocky Horror Picture Show style
-stop stop I can’t
-shrimp emotions for this stupid show
-the fucking tears in his eyes…the crying sounds
How does one rate the most iconic episode of TV in recent memory. Jay Gruska/10
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faithandfairies · 1 year
Supernatural Musings: 12x10
I just find Supernatural fascinating for different reasons now.
I love the little details that cater to the whole “sexuality and gender are fluid” of it all.
In 12x10 there’s the angel Benjamin who inhabits a female vessel, a woman whom he’s fond of and whose body he therefore takes good care of. And when the brothers comment on it asking if Benjamin is a female Castiel explains it as “Benjamin is an angel, his body is female.” And I love that explanation.
And it just reminds me that Rafael also switches between male and female vessels. 
And then in the same episode we find out that Castiel’s previous vessel centuries ago was that of a woman. Basically a female and less brooding version of the vessel he has now.
And it just takes me back to 14x13 where Dean’s dad refers to Castiel as a male angel and how I thought that was unnecessary and having seen 12x10 Cas’ view of things just underlines that angels according to this show don’t really seem to think of gender and sexuality the same way most humans do. They don’t seem that hung up on it.
Hell, even with Cas in love with Dean, the angels’ issue isn’t really that Cas is in love with “another man”, it’s that he’s in love with a human and that they find it distracts him. They also seems to consider humans beneath them as a species.
But it really makes me question the lore on their biology according to this show. Like would Anna technically be able to impregnate a human woman?
I also like that they do talk. I’ve said before that Sam and Dean are not good at deep conversation and they don’t like doing it. But they do try. It’s nice to see how far they’ve come. How much they’ve grown.
Low-key attracted to Castiel in a female vessel, not gonna lie.
I also love that the angel they’re prosecuting pretty much says about being with a human woman “How can you know a human and not love them?” And I love how the camera then pans to Castiel in a female body no less looking curious and confused at the same time as he’s processing that.
And then we get that this woman was using this angel as her protector. It’s unclear whether she actually loved him. I kind of like the ambiguity of it because once again it kind of immediately brings to mind to parallel it with Cas and Dean. And the age old question of is Dean in love with Cas?
I love how Dean rushes Isham and then as he ends up against the wall for his troubles, Cas looks to the side to where Dean landed and immediately swipes at Isham like “Did you just throw my fucking boyfriend against the wall?”
And then Dean has the opportunity to get the drop on Isham but doesn’t because the possibility of it possibly killing Cas is enough to stop him. Never mind that that decision would most likely have gotten them both killed instead. 
Definitely a favorite, this episode.
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deanstudies101 · 3 months
4x16, On the Head of a Pin
[very long post]
Critical theory: Guilt and responsibility. Doubts, disobedience, disappointments.
Discussion point/question(s): 1) In 4x06 Yellow Fever, Dean got infected by the ghost sickness and Sam didn’t because, as Sam puts it, Dean is a dick. Dean is considered, by heaven and hell, “a righteous man.” Discuss. How will the knowledge that him “breaking” started the apocalypse affect Dean? 
Key quotes: Dean, “I'm tired of burying friends, Sam… I'm just getting tired.”; Alistair, “But daddy's little girl, he broke. He broke in thirty. Oh, just not the man your daddy wanted you to be, huh, Dean?"; Alistair, "I carved you into a new animal, Dean. There is no going back."; Dean, “I guess I’m not the man either of our dads wanted me to be.”
Further reading:
The conversation of all time (@captainchilly)
The version where Cas included Sam in “the humans in my charge” (@sunglassesmish)
Dean/alexandre cabanel’s the fallen angel (@bulletsgirl)
[discussion divided into sections because otherwise it violates the character limit, under the cut because it is incredibly long]
Kai, “I love two men who love taking orders from a father who isn’t even there.” 
Iga is surprised how attracted they are to Cas. Didn’t think they would be, or how it will develop, or where it’s coming from. But it’s probably the autism. He’s deadpan. He’s earnest. [He’s also, if I may add. Badass. Waifish. He’s an ethereal bloody twink.] He spat the blood. That was hot. [That was so hot.] And let's not forget that he’s sad. And lost. He wants to follow orders and he can’t any more. He doesn’t know how to process feelings because he's new to them. Giving Dean a bit.
Dean was also hot in this. We want to hug him. Someone please hug him. Has he been hugged? [Yes. But not recently.] Especially after the torture. He’s gotta be touch starved. 
Alistair could have told Dean this at any point. He savoured it. To torture Dean with it at the right moment—of course he did. Torture is his whole thing. And even if the devil’s trap hadn’t broken, he wouldn’t have been able to do it. He was shaking. He was putting on a front. “He came back different”, yeah he came back fragile. And props to Sam—he knew Dean wouldn’t be able to do it. He knows Dean has been different, fragile. He knew he’d be able to do the job. The plan was flawed from the start—Uriel intended Dean to die, knew he wouldn’t be able to do it. 
Not sure what to think of Anna. Iga, “She’s kind of a non-character.” Kai drawing the conclusion that… yeah. Of course. Cas was supposed to take her place. Cas has her plot now. Iga, in her first episodes she had depth, but now she doesn’t… but yeah. [That does make sense. Like Kai said, she doesn’t have depth now… they gave it to Cas.] But it doesn’t feel like anything now. It doesn’t feel like Anna. It feels like someone pretending to be her. [She’s also an angel again. Does that factor in?] Maybe… maybe it’s the emotions. [You mean the lack of them?] Yeah. Or that they’re muted. The character feels muted. Maybe it’s actually incredible acting on her part. Kai is comparing her to River in Firefly—elevating the character to such a level that it removes a lot of the human level characterisation of her. [I like that. I like that a lot.][Also I will say. “It could be incredible acting” is Supernatural to a T. Maybe it’s great acting maybe it’s terrible writing we’ll never know.] 
The visuals. The wings. Cas under the lamppost. [The shot with him kneeling all bloody.] Kai, they love putting Cas on Dean’s shoulder. [Elaborate on that.] They keep having shots where we’re seeing Cas over Dean’s shoulder. 
Iga, “I gotta say, Uriel has a point… I’m on team Lucifer.” Lucifer refused to bow down to humanity etc. He kinda had a point. He wasn’t necessarily evil. He wanted to pass on knowledge to humanity. [He wanted God’s favourite creation to be corrupted. I’m kinda with you, but he did want to ~ruin them]
We haven’t interacted with Lucifer yet. Neither have any of the characters. Any of his messages etc. could be twisted. We don’t know. 
[That leads us nicely into; doubt. The same is true for God, I know we’ve discussed this before. Do we have anything to say on that?] Kinda peak that none of the angels have met God. Not a good system. Faceless orders are never a good idea. [And, I mean, Uriel just lied about their orders.] It’s so easy to. It takes one superior to give false instructions. The angels are so gullible. Maybe Gods in a box. [don’t worry about this as a phrase just move on.] God is drink [even I don’t understand this one.] If you fold God in half you’ll get more drink. [don’t worry about it.] 
[There's a post about the line "I carved you into a new animal" and the fact that Cas in 4x01 is surprised Dean can't hear his true voice, questioning whether Dean pre-hell was one of those speical people, but isn't any more because of what happened in hell.][I can't find the post but will keep trying.] He didn’t come back whole. That’s tragic. Fully believe it. [It’s very possible.]
Alistair misgenders him. Can’t read that any other way. [Devil's advocate. It could just be questioning his masculinity in a way that would affect cis men.] And affect Dean specifically.  [However. He spent 40 years in hell with Dean. He’s seen all of him. Many times.] But an argument could be made. He was saying the things that would most upset Dean. [I agree. An argument can certainly be made.] 
Re: the shot they didn’t include/the shot they did. That look is. “huh… me?” He’s special. 
Iga, “What is Castiel’s sexuality? Does he have one yet?” [What do you think?] I think he hasn’t really thought about it before. [He’s thinking about it now.] Kai, is he going to be attracted to anyone but Dean. Iga, I kinda wanna kiss him on the mouth, but I don’t want to get between them. [Um. I personally think that we do see Cas expressing attraction to people other than Dean.] But it will be difficult to say, he’s an angel, and autistic. How would people tell? Kai is excited to see Cas attracted to people other than Dean. [Would you like an insight into fandom's perspective on Cas’ sexuality.] Yes. [The two most common perspectives are that Cas is ace, or that he’s gay, or of course both. Some people see him as bi, or pan, and there is evidence for that. But it’s complicated.] Iga will have a bias to bisexuality [as in, positively. A bias to reading him as bi]. They will try to remain balanced, however they have to acknowledge this. [Personally I genuinely have no strong perspective on it. There is evidence for all. I have read and enjoyed fics for all. I call him the gay angel but the truth is who knows.] Iga is making a grey-ace / grace joke. [I like that.] In regards to asexuality; does autism play a factor here? Ie. processing feelings, understanding what those feelings are. 
Re: righteous man. Kai, and Sam, who actually successfully tortured and killed the head torturer of hell—and knew he’d be able to—wasn’t infected in Yellow Fever. 
But the righteous man stuff was already standing before Dean died. They wanted him in hell for that reason. Dean’s dick persona is a mask, and no one can seem to see through it apart from actual demons and actual angels. Even Sam can’t. Sam is beginning to see through it, but all he’s seeing is that Dean is vulnerable, that Dean is hurt. He might still think Dean is a dick, and still did in 4x06. Sam is getting more and more able to see through the mask as he gets more and more demonic. Dean is a righteous man. So proud of him. 
Re: Dean "breaking." He’s going to have a mental breakdown twice as big. This is worse than when John died for him. His entire life he’s been groomed to be this hero, to save lives, and the knowledge that he failed his father that badly—that badly—will destroy him. Kai disagrees that John is a righteous man. Iga agrees when them—John was in hell longer, so why weren’t the angels trying to get him out, too? [I have opinions on this with outside information.] John wasn’t a hero in the same way—he was out for blood, Dean want to save people. Kai, Dean has finally given in to the autism pda—he has to do the thing, and now he can’t. 
First scene of the episode. [They thought the dead angel looked like Mary.] Was this intentional from the writers, or from the angels? [I don't really know what this means.] Uriel killed her, would he care enough to set that up? But it looked exactly like Mary, same position, same clothes. Metaphorical loss of innocence, or a mother? They’ve lost their dad (God). Angels are watching over you, angels are no longer watching over you (they want to start the apocalypse). Iga really feels that there is some kind of intention behind this [I simply don’t think they—the writers etc—thought that hard.] 
Like that Cas was on a rusty nail. [I don’t.]
Iga, It’s just sticking in my brain and I don’t know why. Wait. I know why. Mary’s death is what started everything, it set John on the warpath, it set Dean and Sam on this life. Dean’s actions in hell started everything, set them on this path. It sets Cas on his journey, he’s officially defying God, because his sister/colleague died. 
[I don’t think it’s a reach. I think it has merit. I don’t necessarily agree. I think every point is valid, it’s supported by evidence—] Iga, you just wish I would die. You hate me. [No. You’re not listening to me. If this was an essay I’d give you a great grade. It’s great analysis. I don’t necessarily agree, but it’s great analysis! It’s like, when we started this, in the early seasons, I was really guiding your analysis, and now you’re really starting to think for yourselves. It’s—it’s watching Cas start making his own decisions, you know? It’s—it’s attachment/detachment! I’m the parent having to let go watching their kid go play on the dangerous slide! It’s scary but I have to do it. It’s okay, you’ll come back and we’ll hug, you know?]
Iga, “I wanna kiss Cas on the mouth. I wanna kiss Dean too, but he’s sad now. I still want to kiss him, but he needs a hug. I feel like Cas would be up for making out a little bit. You can’t say that to the internet because they don’t know I’m crying. I’m mentally ill. My brain doesn’t know that Cas isn’t real. My mum didn’t hug me enough as a child and now I want to fuck a gay angel who doesn’t exist. He’s just like me! He’s autistic.” [this is all a direct quote]
Heaven was trying to get him out from the start. They were trying to save him.* If he’d just held out a little longer… But we’re 25-27. That’s more than our whole lives. But that’s how he’ll think about it—if I’d just waited 10 more years. [But how old was he? 30? That’s his whole life.] Iga, ohh… His life broke him. His life was hell. Living life broke this man. Juice, this confirms for me that Dean is Jesus. [I lost truly track of this line of thought and have no idea how it ended with the line;] “The blood of Dean is of the highest quality.” 
Iga, what if Dean drank Cas’ blood? What would happen then? Kai, it would be hot, I want to watch it. Iga, I don’t want to watch, it would be too personal. [Dean died for good at approximately the age of 41. He was in hell for 40 years. No further comment.] 
Notes: Juice joined us for just the very end of the discussion.
Lucifer is in his drink. Don’t worry about it. 
*I am being so brave and not commenting on this. 
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