#if I said people don’t like dean as a dad that much bc he doesn’t infantilize jack …… would you brain me with a rock ….. be honest
soullessjack · 4 months
throwing out just One more hot dean and jack take while it’s on my brain but I honestly think dean gives jack a little more autonomy than sam and cas do . Maybe.
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alwayzraven · 8 months
Kardeşlerim Ep 112
The episode picked up at the end of the year party at Tolga’s house.
Berk:”My love, I am going to tell you something. Let’s spend the new year and the next 500 years together, okay?”
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Berk:”She said okay! She said okay! Please, play a romantic song, I got excited, I am going to dance. Come here my love.”
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He wanted to dance with Aybike but Elif got up and tried to dance with them, she said her boyfriend is not her.
The next day at school, Aybike brought tea to Berk’s dad. Berk said that she was such an angel. After class, Sarp saw that Gokhan was standing doing nothing and drinking tea so he “scolded” him. He told him that his mom pays people to work at school not to stand around doing nothing. Berk pushed him and told him he can’t talk to his dad like that. Sarp was surprised to hear that the janitor was Berk’s dad. Berk said that he is not going to leave Sarp to Omer and he is going to personally break his head.
The school decided to hold an event to collect donations for orphans and the class was responsible for coming up with ideas for the events. In the end, they decided on a couple of activities like dancing and magic. The class were also going to organize a fair at school where they were going to sell some of their stuff.
Asiye and Aybike met a woman on their way home. She wanted to look at Asiye’s hand and tell her about her future. 
“You’re hurt, my child. Did you lose someone you love?”
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Asiye was surprised and turned to Aybike.
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“But don’t worry! You have a bright future ahead of you! Look, this is the line that represents your dreams! You’re going to have a beautiful life! Someone will heal your wounds. A tall guy and he will love you very much. You’re going to be successful. Don’t give up! Go after your dreams, okay my child?”
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I honestly expected the woman to tell her that something horrible is going to happen to her and that’s how they are going to prepare us for Asiye’s exit but now I am confused. There are two possibilities: Either Asiye is not leaving after all or she is leaving but maybe she is going to study abroad since the women told her not to give up on her dreams. Also, she mentioned Ayaz, which also means that he might go with her. Either that or this scene doesn’t mean anything and she is going to die and we were tricked to think otherwise. 
After the class finished performing for the kids, they went to the cafeteria where the fair was held. Sarp brought a redhead doll with him and told Berk that maybe he should sell it. Berk got mad. Sarp told him that he was also sold as a baby so Berk punched him and then Sarp punched him back. Aybike pushed Sarp while screaming at him:”Whose boyfriend did you just hit?”. Berk attacked Sarp again and Aybike and Tolga were trying to hold him back. While all of this was unfolding, Oglucan was trying to distract the kids so they wouldn't see them fight. When Sarp tried to lie to the dean like always, Omer told him he must be the one in the wrong. Aybike hugged Berk but ofc we weren't able to get a close up of this hug.
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Aybike was so excited to see her mother later bc she missed her so much. Sengul was supposed to come back home that day. She took the bus from her hometown but on the way back home the bus got into an accident and Sengul died. Oglucan and Aybike were devastated.
Ngl, I am gonna miss Sengul so much. She was such an iconic character. I hope they will show us Berk comforting Aybike and being by her side throughout all of this.
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Supernatural is fun until you start thinking :’)
I’m watching s5e18 rn and I just started to think abt Dean and his impact on others. Like I know this is a common knowledge but I need to write it (badly cus I can’t English).
Dean is like a glue.
He keeps everyone together. He’s the one that made Bobby try to keep living. Sam can’t stand hearing Dean say that he have no faith in him. That he doesn’t believe that Sam can say no to Lucifer. Because even when everyone around look at him like he’s a ticking bomb and even when Sam himself doubts his will power. Having Dean believe in his little brother is enough. Dean is being the only glue that keeps so many people form shattering. I won’t even mention Cas.
And the worst thing is we know.
We know that he’s been doing this from beginning. Always telling his mom that “Dad loves you. I won’t leave you”… Being the one to tell his shitty father that’s “it’s okey”
While Dean is in pain he thinks of others first.
Everything he ever did was to help his family and friends (also family bc family don’t end with blood).
I just think it’s important.
Dean lost his mother, father, Ellen, Jo and more. His family and friends. He let them down. He blames himself. He can’t stand seeing Sam going feral or bad.
And his so afraid bc he have so much responsibility. He need to choose. Between his family or the world. Dean know now that there is haven. He was there and Pamela said that it was worth dying for.
Dean feels like he already screwed up everything by breaking the first seal, letting so many good people die for nothing. He have no faith. In himself or the world.
He’s shattering slowly but steadily. He can’t keep his mask of bravado forever. And therefore he can’t keep anyone else from breaking.
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, anger flares and feelings come out.
Requested by Anonymous: This is sooo ''let's pretend they're all alive' but I think we all need something nice now, could you do one where reader is bobby's daughter and she's your typical I like makeup, short skirts and heels girl and they're all (reluctantly) working with the ghost facers for a case, dean gets protective around her bc she's bobby's daughter and not at all bc he likes her no no what gave you that idea hehehe
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: little bit of jealousy, injuries, mentions of blood, swearing, brief mentions of alcohol, fluff, kissing
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Hunting with the Winchester’s.
No matter the case, hunting with those two never failed to be interesting. You’d like to think you were a good hunter, in fact you knew you were. You might not have been the best there is but there’s not one hunter out there that hasn’t made a handful of mistakes on the job. It was bound to happen sometime. But you’ve had a pretty good hunter to learn from—your dad.
He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of you hunting, not in the slightest and he tried his hardest to get you to go another direction with your life. But Bobby Singer was as stubborn as they come, so he should’ve expected his daughter to be just the same as himself. With all of the reluctance in the world, he taught you to be the hunter you are today, and that’s something he can feel confident in even though he might not admit it.
Dean hadn’t taken you too seriously the first time you’d accompanied them on a hunt for a vamp nest, treating you as if you were a child despite the mere one year age difference the two of you held. That quickly changed when you saved him from a great deal of danger that night; three vamps against a disarmed Dean surely wouldn’t have gone very well.
That was something you very much held over his head, giving it a good long while before you finally let him live it down save for a few mentions here and there.
Even then Dean was just as protective as he’d been since you were teens nearly ten years ago, you were Bobby’s daughter. That was always his reasoning for insisting you stay close to him on hunts, for losing his temper should the smallest of things happen to you. That was his reasoning for being adamant that you stay back on hunts he deemed too dangerous, trying his hardest to convince Bobby to stick with him on it. Bobby never disagrees with his reasoning, but he also knows you’re too stubborn for your own good.
Dean was the very same way.
The old house looked like something straight out of a movie, the stereotypical haunted house as boards stick haphazardly over broken windows and the grass is far too overgrown. Nearly every corner was littered with spiderwebs, the siding on the house covered in years of neglected dirt and moss. It was only perfectly fitting that it’d be haunted, otherwise that’d be a waste of an abandoned house.
You squinted up at it as you got out of the backseat of the Impala, turning back to look at the long driveway you’d just driven up, lined with old trees on either side before glancing back at the house. Your gaze shifts to Dean as you smooth out your jacket, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a grin.
“What?” You ask, eyes narrowed as you look up at the older Winchester.
“Nothing,” he chuckles, shrugging his shoulders, “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a pair of those ridiculously tall heels on. I have to say I’m shocked.”
You roll your eyes and bite the inside of your cheek as he nudges the toe of your tattered old boots, his smile still remaining as he looks down at you in amusement.
“Well I guess I’m full of surprises then, aren’t I?” You say as you rub your gloss in with a smack of your lips and brush past him to get to catch up to Sam, the smile you’d tried to stifle now tugging at your lips once your back was to him. But he knew it was there just as much as you saw his was when you turned back around to catch his expression.
He chuckled, brows soon furrowing as he shook his head. “Wait—what’s that supposed to mean?”
He slung his bag over his shoulder and quickened his pace, grumbling to himself about what your words could have meant as his brows furrowed. In a matter of moments you nearly smack into Sam, stopping just in time.
“What is it?”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Dean mutters, and when you look at him that crease between his brows deepens and his jaw tenses, eyes rolling and you follow his gaze to the ever familiar van that sat parked on the other side of the trees. “Looks like the ghostbusters beat us to it.”
You were more than surprised when Dean had caved on working the hunt with them, not without a couple of eye rolls and a few choice words for the pair mumbled not so discreetly under his breath. But all things considered, after what happened the last time, you were surprised he’d gone through with it. Although, Harry and Ed weren’t planning on leaving anyway. They may have been more than just a little intimidated by that ever famous Dean Winchester glare, one that never worked on you, but they weren’t scared enough to back down much to Dean’s dismay.
The more people there were, the better, but that didn’t stop the older Winchester from being protective over you. In fact, you were certain he was even more so.
“Stay with me,” Dean said, his words serious as he put his arm out in front of you, his gaze over at the two less than desired guests and their cameras having been less than pleased. Especially with the way they smiled at you and acted like a couple of fools with a crush.
“What am I five, Dean?” You say, pushing his arm down as you quicken your pace to walk with him rather than behind him.
He narrows his eyes down at you as his lips purse till those dimples appeared that you’ve come to know oh so well, and rarely were they not from discontentment.
“Would you slow down?” He huffs, a smile tugging at your lips.
You sigh, shaking your head in amusement.
You failed to miss the way the back of his hand had brushed over your knuckles as you walked along the shadowed hallway, thick with cobwebs and rubble scattering across the scratched wood floors. You were starting to wonder if the action was a simple accident or if he’d felt the same spark of something you couldn’t quite pinpoint in his chest as you felt in yours.
It could have been nothing, probably was, but you shook it off when you turned around the corner and tried not to think about it again.
The hunt was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, and it was one spirit against five people. Harry and Ed weren’t the best of help, not really, but it was more than you walked in with and it should have been better. But it wasn’t.
The spirit turned out to be far more vengeful than she let on, and as Dean suspected, it wasn’t a good idea to split up. Not in a house that was three times bigger than it seemed with a more than violent spirit on the loose. It most certainly didn’t help that the sun had finally dipped below the horizon, the house dark enough to begin with even in daylight, it’s boarded up windows and burnt out lightbulbs working against you.
Had you not been there, Dean would more than readily have split up to cover more ground with the extra set of hands accompanying you this time, it only made sense to do so. But you were. You were there and you were just as stubborn as ever as you stood there in favor of the very idea that was just the opposite of what Dean wanted. What was a good idea to you and one to most was the worst thing he could possibly think of. He didn’t want you to stray far from him for reasons he’d never admit, not to you or himself, instead reasoning with a simple ‘because I said so’.
But that phrase didn’t work on you. It never did.
He knew. From the moment those two barreled down the stairs looking paler than the spirit you were after, holding all the hesitancy in the world in their body language he knew. The apologetic look Sam had given him wasn’t one that helped either, anger quick to spark within him as he closed his eyes for a moment. He should have known better than to believe they’d offer you any form of protection even though he knows you can hold your own. He should have known better than to quit arguing with you on the matter because maybe, just maybe you’d have given in and split up with him instead. Maybe you would still be with the group and not who knows where in this maze of a run down mansion.
It was a mess of maybe’s and what if’s that clouded his every thought.
But he didn’t argue and you were gone. You were swept away by Casper the not so friendly ghost and he was to blame. Bobby would be livid if he knew, he gets that, but Dean himself didn’t know what he’d do if something happened. He could deal with the wrath of Bobby Singer any day but he couldn’t deal with even just the thought of something happening to you and he couldn’t find it in him to grasp just why it was he felt that way. Maybe he could, but he doesn’t want to think about it.
“You what?” Dean asked, anger simmering in the pit of his stomach. His question was low and the two words were more than venomous, more than telling of just how angry he’d been. He heard exactly what Ed had told him not thirty seconds before, he just couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He could believe it actually, because it was Ed of all people, but that wasn’t the point.
Ed swallowed thickly and offered a nervous laugh in an attempt to stave off the tension that’d been building the moment they came back to Dean without you, backing up from the green eyed Winchester who’d been staring him down with a narrowed gaze. It wasn’t hard to see that his patience was wearing thin, and he knew he was pushing it the more he stalled. “She—she went ahead! It’s not like we could talk her out of it!”
His fists clenched and relaxed at his sides at the reasoning he just heard, crescent shaped imprints of his nails left behind on his palms in the wake of his increasing anger.
“You let her out of your sight?” He said, far louder than before. He grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pushed him against the dilapidated old wall, the wood creaking under the newfound pressure against it and a cloud of dust forming. He’s more than tense as Dean crinkles his shirt between his fists, knuckles ivory white and jaw clenched tightly. He could see every freckle and every ounce of emotion in Dean’s eyes, that’s how close he was. He could see the angry quiver in his bottom lip and the flare of his nostrils, could feel his breath hitting his face as he stood pinned to the wall and his glasses even fogged up.
“What, you thought you’d play ‘Mr. Tough Guy’, try and protect her? Huh? Cause you sure as hell didn’t do a good job,” Dean grits out frustratedly.
“She said she’d kick my ass if I didn’t let her go ahead!” He splutters, nearly nose to nose with him.
Dean nodded, the smile on his face bitter as he slid his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “Where is she?”
“I don’t know,” he says, sweating bullets by that point as he buckled under the pressure of Dean’s distress. He let out a noise when he shook him slightly and he knows that’s not the answer Dean needs to hear right now. “We were on the second floor when a door slammed around the corner!”
“Actually, they all closed so it’s kinda hard to tell which one,” Harry chimed in, growing timid the more he spoke as he stepped closer to Sam as some form of protection. He scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously when Dean’s stare fell on him.
“Dean, we’ll find her, okay? Right now we’re just wasting time,” Sam says, noting Ed was two seconds from fainting from the anger radiating off the older Winchester.
Dean pushed him back once more before releasing his grip on his shirt, wrinkled and disheveled from the tightness of his fists. It was becoming increasingly more apparent that this was about more than just protecting Bobby Singer’s daughter. It was about more than just his annoyance with anything and everything that has to do with Ghostfacers. It was you.
He was angry, livid, as he snagged the flashlight from the table, storming off on his own. Not without his anger getting the better of him, a nearby chair taking the brunt of his frustration as it hits the wall. He remembers just what happened the last time he got stuck working a hunt with them, and he tried his hardest not to think about it.
Meanwhile, you found yourself stuck locked in a room you knew you weren’t in before you were taken. A room you didn’t even know existed in this house to begin with. For being a run down old building, the flimsy doors were stronger than they looked, but you suppose the powers of the supernatural didn’t really care about things like that.
Your knuckles were an angry shade of red, fists sore and throbbing from having pounded them against the door for the better part of what had to be ten minutes in an attempt to escape or at least grab someone’s attention. You were tired as you slumped back against the wall, tucked within the sparse circle of salt you managed to make. Your phone was dead and your flashlight was gone, your energy seemingly just as drained as everything else.
You could feel the I told you so’s coming from Dean, you knew they’d be there ready and waiting if you get out of this. It’s not like it had been completely undeserved, but you didn’t want to hear it. You knew you more than likely looked worse for wear as you sat within that circle, knew by the way you saw smears of crimson on your fingers when you wiped your cheek. It was no secret that you messed up big time with this one, you’d admit that, but admitting it to yourself didn’t help you in that moment and you certainly wouldn’t say it to Dean.
You found there were a lot of things you were hesitant on admitting to Dean, and in the current moment you weren’t so sure if you’d have the chance to bring any of them to light. Maybe it was for the best anyway, could save yourself the embarrassment of having feelings for the older Winchester in the first place. Though you can’t tell what was scarier, the thought of his inevitable discontent with you and your hunting capabilities should you make it out alive, or the very real possibility that you wouldn’t make it out alive.
Yeah, you definitely couldn’t decide that one.
You weren’t sure how or when you found yourself pining over green eyes; the two of you bickered more often than not each and every time you saw one another. If it wasn’t over the smell of your perfume filling up the Impala, it was the way his cologne hung on you after he gave you a hug just to make that happen, just to ruffle your hair after you’d just done it. It was the softer smiles you shared with each other without even realizing it.
But it didn’t really matter, not now it didn’t.
You were caught up with the sting of embarrassment coursing through you from having gotten lost in the first place—you were so adamant that you could do it on your own. It happens to Sam all the time, it happens to Dean all the time, but you couldn’t stop the heat burning in your cheeks or the frustration building in your stomach.
You didn’t know how much time had passed nor did you have a second to think on it before she appeared in front of you in a matter of seconds. The look on her face had you sitting a little straighter, back pressing to the wall behind you as you eyed the pitiful salt ring around you. She laughed tauntingly and you were beginning to think even that wouldn’t protect you, you knew it wouldn’t judging by the way each and every granule began to sift away and break apart it’s protective ring.
You swallow thickly as your eyes widened, both your gaze and hers shifting to the door briefly as it rattled. “Y/n?”
Your breath hitched, only the smallest bit of relief washing over you as her attention returned to you almost immediately. “Dean!”
She didn’t seem to mind his attempts at busting the door down, nor the axe that split through the wood. She knew full well she could send him across the room with a simple twitch of her finger should he break through, watching as you scramble to your feet.
In a matter of seconds she’d appeared mere inches from you, her hand grabbing your face, cold and unforgiving. You didn’t know just what it was she’d been doing, but you were more than aware of the pain beginning to lance through you the moment she touched your skin.
It was near unbearable, a sharp burn radiating through you as a pressure squeezed in on you, intense and unwavering. You were quite sure you’d never felt something so intensely, the feeling nearly taking your breath away. Of all the hunts you’d been on, of all the injuries you walked away with, they’ve got nothing on this.
One thing she didn’t count on was the handful of salt you gathered in your palm, too caught up in your demise to see you’d snagged it from the protective ring she broke. You pressed your hand to her wrist and watched her face twist and contort in discomfort, the action searing her arm where you’d touched it and releasing her grip on you in an instant as if you were venomous.
She pushed you to the wall in retaliation with a simple move of her hand, and if you thought she’d been angry now, you surely were mistaken. You groaned as the fragile old wall behind you cracked and crumbled around you, slumping on the ground once more in exhaustion. You caught sight of Dean’s face as the door began to give way, livid yet holding something you couldn’t quite place as your heart hammered in your chest.
But luck seemed to be on your side just this once, fear flashing across her face as she stood mere inches from you. Her yelp was shrill as she stumbled backwards, having burned up in a blaze of misery and screams. Your chest heaved as your shoulders slumped in relief, the heat of her disappearance having fanned over you and the door breaking loose in a heap of shards and splinters.
The pain she’d caused had begun to ebb away and subside, leaving the ache to remain and the fatigue you felt to rest heavier in your body as you stood to your feet with a bit of unbalance.
Dean had crossed the room in a matter of a few strides, the axe clattering to the floor as his hand settled on your cheek. You looked miserable, mascara smudged and a frown on your busted lip.
“You okay?” He asked, the furrow deep between his brows.
“Do not say ‘I told you so’,” you grumble, half humorous as you look up at him.
His lips purse, his thumb swiping over the cut running along your cheek that he was less than pleased about. Any other time he might’ve laughed, but not this time. The worried crease between his brows and the way his lips pointed downward at the corners had been telling enough that he wasn’t happy with the predicament you’d gotten yourself into, that he was the complete opposite of thrilled at the close call that had his heart pounding and his stress in overdrive. But right now he was relieved. You were here and you were okay, attitude and all.
Sam was first to rush in, Harry next and Ed hot on his heels as they stepped over the rubble and splinters of the broken door.
Ed’s own relief washed over him, happy to not be on the receiving end of an angry Dean Winchester’s punch. “You found her—”
“Shut it.”
It’d been quiet the whole car ride home, no music on the radio, no conversation, no quick witted jokes or typical conversation. It was quiet and it was tense, near uncomfortable as Sam was stuck in the tension between two people he knows have something brewing between them. But he said nothing, pretending he didn’t see the way his brother’s gaze flickers to the rear view every other minute to see if you’re okay, his jaw tense and his grip on the wheel nearly too tight.
Bobby wasn’t thrilled to see the way that spirit roughed you up, more than a few choice words thrown Dean’s way with anger in his tone. He expected that much, having braced for it the whole ride back. He didn’t argue, didn’t do much more than nod and clench his jaw, and he didn’t say just how it was that it happened in the first place either.
Now you were wandering through your dad’s house, quiet unlike it had been just two hours earlier. Your dad and Sam had both been asleep, the early hours of dawn beginning to roll around as dawn approached. You knew better than to believe Dean would be sleeping too, your thoughts confirmed when the door to the bedroom he’d been crashing in was still open, bed empty and still untouched from when he’d haphazardly made it the morning before.
You sighed when you saw him, sitting by himself on the back porch swing and the moment you stepped outside you saw the half-drunk bottle of beer in his hand. His gaze lifted to you when he heard the creak of the door, averting his stare moments later.
“It’s late, sweetheart. Go to bed.”
“Then why aren’t you in bed?”
“Not tired,” he says, tipping his bottle against his lips as he takes another sip of his beer.
You huff out a soft sigh, arms crossing over your chest. That’s when he looks at you again, the dimness of the porch light having illuminated the jagged scratch on your cheek, freshly cleaned as well as the mascara that smudged under your eyes earlier. The tension in his jaw had yet to go away, obvious as ever.
“Are you going to be mad at me forever then?”
“‘M not mad anymore,” he says, and you knew for a fact that’d been a lie.
“You’re not that good a liar, Dean,” you say, watching him set his drink down and stand to his feet, leaning his weight on the wooden railing. “I had it handled, you know,” you say, watching his expression sour at your words.
You heard his scoff as you brushed past him, a sigh leaving your lips because you knew he’d react just the way he’d been acting. You were right with him, you were always right.
“Had it handled, my ass,” he said, quick to follow after you. “I told you not to do that.”
“Yeah, well I did it,” you said, and he turned in front of you and spun around, keeping you from walking any further.
“Would you quit it with the tough guy act? You’re hurt and you damn well know it, I know it. Hell, anyone can see that. So do yourself a favor and stop pretending like you had everything under control because I know you better than to believe that.”
Your brows furrow as you look up at him with a squinted gaze, watching as his chest rises and falls, at the way there was something more than anger pooling in his eyes as he looked at you. You’ve never seen him quite this upset over you before, not really, never seen him look at you that way before. He was angry, sure he was, but it was different.
He wasn’t wrong, you were hurting, it’s not everyday you’re on the receiving end of a vengeful spirits’ wrath. You went off on your own when you shouldn’t have been so bold and daring. But you were here. You were here and you were okay and you knew you were bound to do it again on another case. It was what being a hunter is about. You didn’t get this far by sitting back and letting the monsters out there come to you, you had to go out and look for them and if you got a few bumps and bruises then so be it.
“Why are you so mad, Dean?” You ask, watching his eyes roll. “You go out and do the same reckless things on a hunt, you’ve come out on the other side way worse than I did. But since it’s me, suddenly it’s a problem.”
“Exactly, it’s because it’s you!” He repeats, frustrated as ever as he throws his hands up. “And yeah I’m mad. I’m freakin’ pissed. You come in here thinking you’re invincible and you’re not Y/n. I’m mad because…” he paused, letting out a breath as he rubbed his face, hands running through his hair.
He looked at you then, expression softening as he calmed down a fraction. “Forget it.”
“No, not forget it,” you say, grabbing his wrist as he starts to walk away. His jaw was clenched as he looked down at you, swallowing thickly as the heaving of his chest slowed and his grip on the doorknob was tighter than ever.
This was the first time since you’d gotten back that he’d looked in your eyes for longer than a mere second or two. You knew he was on the brink of storming off to sulk in his own anger and guilt because that’s what he always did. You knew there was something more to it than just what he’d told you. He’d like to think that you’d believe that he wasn’t angry anymore, that he was over it. But Sam told you what happened back there, how upset he got with Ed and just how worried he’d been. It was growing increasingly obvious that there was more to it than that.
It was then that you noticed you’d still been holding onto his wrist and he didn’t pull away from you, didn’t make a move to.
You tilted your head to the side when you mulled things over, and that was when the sudden realization hit you like a ton of bricks, the smallest of smiles tugging at the corner of your mouth.
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t.”
“Don’t do that thing where you try and ‘read’ me,” he says, quoting the word.
“You were scared,” you said, smile widening a bit and he huffs, pulling his arm from your loose grip. You hit the nail right on the head.
“I was just doing what Bobby asked me to do,” he says, adamant that that was his reason for being as upset as he was. Definitely not over the feelings bubbling away in the pit of his stomach, just waiting to go ahead and boil over.
“No, you were scared, De,” you say as he starts to turn away from you in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to show. “You were scared that I got lost.”
You always did that. You always took his anger and made it something else entirely and he’d try his hardest to keep that wall up. He was mad at you, mad at you for putting yourself in the same kind of danger he allows himself to be in with every hunt he does. But if you keep poking and prodding him and calling him out on his true feelings with that smile that makes him weak in the knees he does know how long he’ll last.
“You got this all wrong, sweetheart.”
“Sam told me what happened with Ed back there.”
His expression changed, softened a bit before he played it off with that familiar smirk. “Yeah, Ed’s an idiot and he pushed my buttons.”
You nodded then, your smile more than telling that you didn’t believe a word he said. You heaved a sigh, a bit of disappointment burning in your chest at his words. Because maybe you did have it all wrong, maybe his stubborn reluctance to be honest was just him telling the truth. Maybe he was just doing what your dad asked him to do. Being protective was in his nature, you knew that for a fact.
You brushed past him on the porch and headed to the door, the chirping of the early morning birds sounding and giving you enough of a reminder that maybe you should go to bed. That maybe you’ll feel better with a few hours of sleep. That maybe they would be gone, Dean would be gone by the time you woke up and you wouldn’t have to face the fluttery feeling and the ache in your heart until the next time you see him.
You spin on your heel to find him already looking, your smile soft. “Goodnight, Dean.”
Without so much as a reply you twist the old brass doorknob, pushing the back door open before his hand grips your wrist. You turned back to look at him, brows furrowed as you gazed up at him. He swallows thickly as he looks at you, lips parting to speak but the very words he’d been thinking of so vividly were stuck on the top of his tongue.
His hand loosens around your wrist and the tips of his fingers slide down to your hand to envelope yours, calloused and warm and hesitant. He takes all but a few seconds of your curious gaze, of the questions sitting on your tongue before he dips down and presses his lips on yours. It’s soft, featherlight almost as he pulls away just as quickly.
He doesn’t stray too far, his nose brushing against yours as he swallows nervously, but the sight of your smile put him at ease. Had him kissing you with just a little more vigor as his hand drops yours in favor of pressing to your cheek, your own having settled in his arm. Your smiles mingle and press into each other, the kiss soft and languid as your cheeks burned under his touch.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” You murmur, and the way he hummed softly, the way he stole another kiss in favor of admitting you were was telling enough.
He pulls back to look at you, his lips kiss swollen and pink as the beginnings of a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. His eyes bounce between yours and down to your lips, looking at you once more before he kisses you again. The anger he held is quick to melt when you look at him the way you do and he hates it, he loves it but he hates it because he really should be mad. You nearly got yourself killed and here he was weak in the knees and he knows you’ll be just as brave on the next hunt. He knows you’ll do just the same thing.
“Your dad’s gonna kill me,” he mumbles, smiling against your lips.
“Probably,” you say with a grin, his quiet laughter immediate as he pulls you closer.
But you were right. There was more to it than just protecting Bobby Singer’s daughter, there always was. As stubborn as Dean Winchester could be, you knew him better than that, and he knew you better than to believe you won’t make his heart race and his worry spike on every hunt after that. It’s just in your nature to be braver than ever.
But he’ll protect you each and every time.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @dean-is-sams-apple-pie @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @lanea-1 @campingmonkey
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huntingrays · 3 years
i love making headcanons about fic ideas i have that i will eventually get around to writing
like my metamorphmagus!harry, seer!ron, and veela!seamus au
gonna post my headcanons so people get interested and urge me to finish the first chapter of the fic yeye
- harry always thought the power to change appearance was something all wizards and witches have (he was wrong)
- he can’t control his powers very well so his appearance mainly changes based on his emotions
- the only disguise he can really pull off is a kid with brown eyes, fluffy brown hair, light freckles, and pale skin
- when in this form, he pretends he’s a hufflepuff named soot (everyone somehow believes it)
- he learns how to control his powers from a fellow student who is also a metamorphmagus (an oc of mine) and from tonks
- they also teach him how to be an excellent prankster
- ron is a seer but only gets visions in his dreams
- he had a lot of bad dreams when he was younger and always went to percy
- percy researched it when he got to hogwarts and found out what he was
- he ended up telling ron in his third year
- dream seers are very rare, and he’s only one bc one of their ancestors was one
- but ron still also has normal dreams. and after finding out has had fake prophecy dreams
- some of his prophecy dreams are dreams about movies muggles will end up making. which make him freak out and his friends have to calm him down (really, there’s going to be no sharknado and they don’t even live in busan so why would they have to worry about train zombies there?)
- he accidentally gives dean and hermione muggle movie spoilers all the time (“my parents said we can watch star wars after i’m done with third year” “did you know they darth vader is luke skywalker’s father???” “… hermione hold me back-”
- the worst prophecies are the ones where there are two different outcomes and he doesn’t know how to get the better outcome
seamus (i have a lot about him buckle up):
- seamus is half veela, with his mom being one. she died giving birth to him so seamus never met her
- he has some trauma from his father, so he can’t control his veela fire powers, which is what causes him to light things on fire and blow stuff up. it’s usually caused by strong emotions
- when he was five, he blew up his house, which ended up with him meeting his new mom. after hearing his story, she immediately adopted him and took him home
- he’s gay and also trans bc i said so hah (he realized he was trans at a very young age, his magic body pointed out something was wrong and that was what it was. he was very happy when his letter used his new name)
- his mom looked through his mom’s side of the family and often took him to meet veela relatives. he and fleur became quick friends and she pretty much adopted him and told him all about veela powers
- veela only have biologically female children, it’s very rare to have a male veela child. nobody knows why
- veela have fire powers but also charm powers. however, these powers only work according the the user’s sexuality. so straight females will only attract female attracted males, lesbians will only attract female attracted people, and so on
- also the charm powers are wild until you learn to control them, which is usually at the age of maturity. seamus always had a hunch he was gay, especially when his childhood friend (yet another oc) kissed him on the cheek before he left
- however, charm power’s have absolutely no effect on your soulmate. sure, they find you attractive, but you can’t just get them to do whatever you wish through your powers. bill is fleur’s soulmate and seamus was very pleased to find out and go to their wedding
- however his own soulmate caused him problems. because it ended up being dean but he just thought the other boy was straight
- he accidentally ended up being harry’s bi awakening
- he has fluffy sandy blond hair with white streaks through it (and also very pretty blue eyes and light freckles bc i said soooo)
- he wants to be healer and is actually incredibly good at healing magic
- he and harry end up dating for a bit in sixth year (bc if the whole ginny dean thing. they break up after the other two do. they actually became really close friends bc of it)
- seamus knew he liked dean all the way back in third year but it took so long for dean to realize he liked seamus
- seamus’s mom ended up splitting with his dad a bit after he was adopted. in the fifth year, he got close to blaise but that ended up being bc their moms were getting married, so they wanted to get to know each other better. blaise is v protective of his new step bro
- listen… i love seamus… ik he’s just a side character… but not to me!!!
- it takes them having eighth year for dean to finally realize he has feelings for seamus. and he only realized bc they were having a tri wizard tournament and he got jelly bc of seamus getting close with his old childhood best friend
okay that’s all i got hah
ik it long… but i like this idea and have had it for like… a few years? if i finish the first chapter, i shall post
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s11e17 · 3 years
for the fic prompt maybe smthn set in s4? dean and cas s4 weird trust that they had to just confess stuff to each other is so interesting to me
tumblr user @grocerystoredean you are a genius, i hope u enjoy :) more under the cut i (once again) wrote way too much / edit: i posted this on ao3 bc people seemed to like it !! wehh thank uuu :)
Well, fuck. Dean exhales into the soupy air, watches the sand dunes shiver light years away. Nothing like the desert Dean knows — his old friend the New Mexico desert, wide and empty, not a soul to see him for miles in any direction except the satellites above. Once — he’d been twenty-three, maybe, a year after Sam leaving him and eleven months from Dad — he got out of his car in a stretch of land where even the highway markers had died off, and he crawled on his hands and knees in the sun and tore his clothes off and just howled at the sky for the joy and the fear of it, fear of that aloneness.
This isn’t that desert. This is the kind of desert they show in movies. This is Lawrence of Arabia desert, Iraq War propaganda desert, Iron Man opening sequence desert. Hell, maybe Dean does know this desert as well as the other. He looks up at the sky and thinks it should be yellower.
When the hue of the sky tilts — or, maybe it’s already been that color, always been that color — he figures it out. “This is a—”
“A dream, yes,” Castiel says from behind him. Dean turns around. He sees him in the poor bastard he’s wearing, but when he looks at him a little sideways, or when the heat covers him, he thinks— Cas has gotta be miles away for the way the sun makes him liquid, the way Dean can see shifting wings like floating lakes behind Cas’s eyes.
Dean shoves his hands in his pockets, ‘cause what else is there to do. “Nice, uh. Nice place.”
“Three men were tested here,” Cas says, which isn’t a reply. He nods at something over Dean’s shoulder, and Dean turns to look, and he sees— or, they’ve been inside of a furnace this whole time. It isn’t hot, though, or at least, not hotter than the desert was. Is. Than the desert-furnace has been.
In that gravel-rough voice of his, Cas quotes: “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.”
“Throwin’ it back to the Old Testament, huh.” Dean knocks on the inside of the furnace. It’s like a kiln, the kind they ran into at that high school on Samhain. “Thought we were at the end of the book.”
“Linearity is not our… strong suit,” Cas says. It ain’t really a joke, hell, it barely counts as an idiom, but Dean laughs anyway, ‘cause the guy’s trying. And Cas looks half-pleased by Dean’s reaction, too. With that subtle curve in his mouth, the one Dean might be imagining, Cas continues, “I knew even then what this would come to.”
“This?” Dean studies Cas’s face, since he’s the only thing changing, moving in here. The only thing worth lookin’ at. “You mean me?” God, he looks so— he looks so human, somehow. Dean can see flames pouring out of his palms, great wings arcing up like lightning, cleaving the sky— but still. When Dean looks at him head-on, when he smiles, Dean almost feels like he might be— he might— anyway.
“You, Sam, it’s—” Cas shakes his head, or his head shakes him, or— what happens is, Cas corrects himself. “I mean to say that I have already known what this would come to. I know it now. Or what I mean is, I am in this furnace and Nebuchadnezzar is sentencing three men into a furnace and the apocalypse has already begun.”
Sheesh. “You, uh. You angels sure don’t make it easy for us to follow, man.”
“I am not a man.” Dean’s breath catches as Cas— as the furnace becomes, is, has always been the ocean, as Dean swallows saltwater while he swims to the mountain which is Castiel. His feet touch sand and the beach gives way to desert and Castiel puts his hand on Dean’s shoulder, where he touched him before, the first time, and Dean—
“Yeah,” Dean croaks out, and Castiel’s hand tightens and Dean falls to his knees, just like that, splayed out on the hot sand the way he’d crawled out of that car on that desperate hot afternoon when he was twenty-three. “I know. I know, Cas.”
“I have always known about this,” Cas says from above him, hand trailing up to Dean’s collarbone, the side of his neck, his— his jaw, his cheekbone, his hair. Cas puts his hand on the crown of Dean’s head like he’s healing him and Dean shudders. “About you. And yet.”
Dean waits. Cas stands there, wearing his goddamn slacks over his curling lion’s tail, silent.
Dean pushes Cas’s hand off him, stumbles to his feet. Cas doesn’t stop him. “And yet what, Cas?” he asks, hoarsely.
“I don’t know how this ends,” Cas says quietly. He says it like it’s an admission. Like he shouldn’t have said it. He steps back. “I shouldn’t have—”
“This— the apocalypse?” Dean catches Cas’s shoulder, and Cas lets himself be moved. “Look at me. Hey. Look at me.”
Cas locks eyes with him. That fire. You were Mount Vesuvius, Dean thinks out of the blue. You were ash covering the sky; an ice age. I can see you, covering Europe in snow. I see you making famine.
“I’ve never been conscious of it before,” Cas says carefully. “There has always been an empty space. The ending has never been foretold. But I never—”
He inhales sharply, and pulls away from Dean’s grasp. “You ruined me. Time— I must have always been conscious like this, but this is a change, but that doesn’t— I am not in— I am not like you.”
“Jesus, Cas, let’s— chill out for a sec—”
“I should not be inside time the way you are,” Cas bites out, violently. And then he pauses, and looks at Dean.
Thoughtfully, he adds, “And yet. Here we are.”
“Yeah, okay, I don’t—” Dean rolls his left shoulder back. All he knows is that Cas said you ruined me, and Dean can understand that much. Maybe he can fix it. He asks, “That’s a good thing, right? That you don’t know? That means we can change it. We get to pick how our story ends.”
“You shouldn’t be able to see me like this,” Cas says abruptly. Under his skin, a hawk cries, echoing. “In this in between form.”
He looks restless. Dean tries, “S’okay, Cas, you’re not puttin' me off or anything.”
“We shouldn’t have had this conversation.” Cas blinks, and the earth slides, and Dean is in the driver’s seat of the Impala. He feels the bass of Cas’s voice under his thighs as he says, “Sleep well, Dean.”
The dream lingers. Dean senses glimpses of it: sand, the steering wheel, Pompeii. He has the sneaking suspicion that Cas might’ve been involved, but he has no evidence, no reminder to check on Sam’s location, no ripped up sheet of paper in his pocket.
He rolls over to check the time. An old Gideons sits under his phone, propped open to Daniel, of all things. Dean thought they were at the end of the book. But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these.
“Bullshit,” Dean snorts, tossing the Bible back into the drawer. He thinks about praying to Cas. Hey Cas, he’d say, you up there? Got kind of a wacky feeling about all this. Wackier than our usual, even.
Ridiculous. He throws his coat on, and kicks Sam outta bed, mostly just thankful the kid’s where he’s supposed to be. He waits for him in the car, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. It’s quiet, but he doesn’t really wanna put on any music. As if there’s something else he should be listening for.
“Well,” he says to himself when he can’t remember it. Sam comes out of the room with their bags, and he turns the key in the ignition. The engine’s rumble is familiar under his thighs. “It’ll come to me.”
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roublardise · 3 years
ok so hear me out. it's about dean co & sam being oversupportive. and also comphet.
it's very drafty bc it's a shitpost check out my ao3 for better writing <3
Dean hasn’t felt closeted in a very long time. He never truly was, he just avoided talking about it and confronting Sam to the fact he was fucking men. Which was common decency. Switching the stories so they were about women was a move he started doing when Sam assumed Dean was talking about a woman. He just didn’t correct him - not wanting to go into That and let alone with Sam.
He had figured Sam didn’t know for quite some time and he wondered, sometimes, how his brother would react. He’d love for him to shrug it off and say “okay. I think the vampires are in this cabin.” Though it would feel anticlimactic, and maybe wrong? Isn’t coming out supposed to be this whole thing…. It was this whole thing about his gender, with a lot of people, and now he was so tired.
So tired he ended up thinking that, hell, Sam was a smart boy, he could connect the dots. So then Dean just stopped trying to conceal it, and after Benny and Crowley - what was there to add?
A lot, apparently.
Dean is only two sips into his coffee when Sam barges in the kitchen, socked feet sliding on the floor and almost making him trip. He does slow down once he crosses the doorway and tries to keep a composure - he takes a few breaths, probably tells himself to be cool.
“With such a rush, you better tell me you’re engaged.”
Sam looks down, then left and right. “Where’s Cas?”
Okay - it’s getting weird. Dean drinks some more and lays back in his chair, giving all the little attention he has to Sam. “Playing harp. What’s with you?”
“Do you…” Sam stops with a sigh. He slightly leans on his side when he starts next. “Eileen is saying…”.
“She better be pregnant.”
Sam rolls his eyes and walks up to the table. He sits in front of Dean and joins his hands in front of him. Dean is starting to think someone died. But then Sam, finally, explains in a rush:
“You and Cas are together like dating-together?”
Dean doesn’t reply right away, simply because… what? “Yeh.”
Sam looks down again - anywhere but Dean. Might as well go all the way into awkward territory.
“Dude it’s been like, months.” More than that, truly.
“So you…” Sam doesn’t finish this sentence either, but Dean can get the idea.
He shrugs. “Yeh.”
And he expects some speech about acceptance or maybe more questions of why Dean never said anything. And he doesn’t want to have to say he did say stuff, but Sam is apparently unable to perceive it. Does he know Eileen is bi? It’s too early, his coffee is cold, and Dean regrets ever leaving his bed - Cas was right, there was no point.
However Sam only clears his throat, says “okay,” and leaves.
Younger Dean was wrong - it’s not anticlimactic, this short reply is all he ever needed.
So it’s not a big deal and Dean never thought it even was something Sam didn’t know - so nothing changes. And Dean doesn’t think much about it.
Except he can’t catch a break, can he?
He had time to finish his coffee this time, and he’s just reading in the library when Sam calmly walks to stand in front of him.
“Let me finish my chapter,” Dean says without looking up.
“It’s.. quite important.”
Dean finishes the sentence he was in and drops a finger under the line before staring at Sam. “What?” Sam only puts a gift - wrapped with a ribbon and all - onto his book. Dean frowns. “What’s that? It’s not my birthday.”
“Can’t I give you something just because?”
“You can, but it’s weird.”
“Just open it.”
Dean puts on a show of looking annoyed as he puts the wrapping away, but his façade gives up to a genuine confusion as he notices some fabric, purple and blue standing out until Dean unfolds it to reveal magenta. Oh god no.
He must look confused more than mortified, because Sam tries to explain his train of thought. “It’s hm- the bi flag. Bisexual flag.”
Dean can’t figure what to say. He closes his book and runs a hand on his face. This may be his most uncomfortable coming out.
“You don’t have to say anything, I know you don’t like the whole.. talking. I just wanted to show that… you can be proud, you know? You don’t have to hide who you love. It’s good with me, and I’m sure it’s good with anyone, and if it’s about dad-”
“Sammy shut up for two seconds.”
Dean gestures for his brother to sit on another sofa in front of him, and he waits for Sam to be settled and perfectly silent before leaning forward. It’s worse than telling Jack about sex.
“I’m not bi”, he states.
“You know, it’s a process, right? Maybe you’re not there yet, I shouldn’t have pushed-”
“I’m gay,” he continues, ignoring Sam.
“Oh sure, it’s fine if you’d rather use this umbrella term.”
Dean is one minute away from praying to Cas to erase this conversation from his memory.
“Are you messing with me or something here? I like dudes.”
“Yeh, I got that-”
“I don’t like women.”
“Yeh, oh.”
Sam isn’t meeting his eyes, instead staring at the fabric that Dean doesn't know what to do of. Sam’s probably gonna sit with his shame for a few days. It’s not worth making a big deal out of that, but Dean can’t bring himself to say it’s nothing either. It’s still something. The mistake is understandable, in a way. To Sam, Dean had way more stories with women that he actually did. And with Cassie and Lisa, well, Sam never had to know how Dean felt exactly about them. For a brief moment guilt twists into Dean’s guts - that maybe he should have talked about it with Sam… Maybe that’s how this works. But why? It’s not his business.
Dean sighs loudly and opens his book again. “We done here?” He doesn’t mean to dismiss him while looking pissed, but he is genuinely annoyed.
Sam mumbles "yeh, sorry" as he stands up, walking quickly out of the room.
“And, hey, Sammy?” He waits for Sam to meet his gaze. He throws the package back to Sam who catches it but clearly isn't sure what Dean wants him to make of it. Keeping it makes no sense, but throwing it away is too bad. So... "Give that to Eileen."
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mego42 · 3 years
is there already a post for the good girl's characters alignments? you know like neutral good, lawful evil, etc. cause lets be honest, rio is the truest form of chaotic evil out there but with most others i cant make up my mind! would love to see what other people came up with
oooooh idk!! i haven’t seen one but that def does not mean it doesn’t exist. if anyone knows please sound off with links bc i too would love to see other takes.
personally, while i super agree rio falls along the chaos axis (i mean like…obvs, right? he clearly feels no compulsion to live by the law, hahaha) i’d categorize him as a chaotic neutral more than a chaotic evil. while he has for sure done stuff that’s ~evil, as far as a guiding moral code goes, i think he chooses himself more than he chooses evil, if that makes sense? like, using lucy as an example, i think killing her was more about regaining control over beth and asserting that there are some kind of consequences for shooting him vs like, killing her bc he’s the kind of person that kills people. basically i think it was a v deliberate choice made more for the reasons it served his goals than anything else and i also think it weighed p heavily on him (compared to, oh, say, mick who is super chill about murdering a dad in the face bc someone else told him to/he’s being paid/there wasn’t anything better on tv and then going about his business)
for the rest of them/the mains, i’d probs categorize (with the caveat i am v much a tourist here) as such:
Beth - true neutral
Ruby - neutral good
Annie - neutral good
Stan - lawful neutral
Dean - lawful evil
i think beth 100% weights her ethical and moral choices along how does this impact me lines. like she obvs cares somewhat about being/feeling like a good person but will also make decidedly not good person choices if she feels like she has to and can justify and reconcile them to herself. ruby and annie, on the other hand, i think care much more about making the moral choice. they’ll break the law bc they need to but they don’t want anyone getting hurt bc of it (to be clear i don’t think beth wants anyone to get hurt, but i don’t think she has anywhere near as hard of a time reconciling it). actually now that i’m writing this out, i kind of think ruby evolved to be more of a true neutral over the course of the show, but idk.
of all of them, i think stan and dean care most about the law/societal right, but on a moral level, stan’s more in the middle when it comes to balancing his personal needs against others (the stuff with the donor family and then the flavor his conflict with beth took on are the things that keep me from entertaining him as a lawful good—while he had legitimate points in his conflict with beth, it ultimately came across more about prioritizing him and his family than beth hurting people, even if that was what he was calling her out for) and dean flat out does not understand when things are not about him.
idk though, like i said, would love to hear other reads.
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sandsunseagrapes · 4 years
ok ok ok hear me out: claire introduces cas to spotify, right? bc she’s sick of riding w him on hunts and all he plays is the hot 100 station. she loves megan thee stallion obviously, but there’s only so many times she can hear the 3 songs the radio plays. so, she bribes dean to help her install a new stereo in cas’s car that has an aux cord, and she commandeers it at every chance. (dean will never admit it, but the reason he “couldn’t find” an authentic™️ 1967 chevy impala stereo to replace the one he “broke” is bc he gets jealous claire always says yes to a hunt when cas is driving. he wants to hang out w his semi adopted/stolen daughter, too! but i digress) anyway! one day cas asks her to find his favorite song
and she goes, sure, who sings it?
i don’t know her name.
well, how’s it go? i can look up the lyrics
*cas sings a few bars in a foreign language*
claire is like, dude i only speak english. i dropped out of hs bc u broke my family (it’s ok, they joke ab it now. cas doesn’t even feel that bad anymore. but every time she makes a joke like that, he does smth nice for her the next day. the last chocolate muffin at the buffet at the shitty motel is hers, even though she knows cas is Obsessed with chocolate. or he leaves a book in her bag he knows she’d like -- she doesn’t joke so much ab that anymore, even though she loves the presents. she doesn’t love the way he always looks down and to the left though after he smiles bc he never wants her to feel like she has to hold back, and he likes the way her smile makes her gold hair just a little brighter. she likes the way he always pays attention. but i digress again!) anyway!
claire wants to find this song for him, it’s the first one he’s ever asked her to play (it took him an embarrassingly long time to figure out claire was controlling the music. how was he to know this thin strip of rubber-coated string made the stereo play her favorite songs? he just figured she was lucky she could always find the right radio station. explaining what a queue is takes 2 hours. claire is incensed on dean’s behalf when she realizes cas didn’t realize what The Mixtape meant. after she explains that to cas, nobody sees her weird dads for a full day. sam and eileen take her and jack out for lunch, a movie marathon at the local theatre, dinner, midnight bowling, and stargazing bc -- ew!!! but i digress) anyway!
so she’s like, cas, what language is that?
it’s the first one.
claire’s like, oh. dude. i -- i’m sorry, that’s not here.
what do you mean? you said this “website” has every song known! this is my favorite song.
uh, well, cas -- when i said ‘every song known,’ i didn’t think i’d have to specify within this millennium? you know people didn’t, like, have recording equipment until 100 years ago?
that’s outrageous. you are missing out on so much. he’s thinking about how he would like to hear that song, again. he hasn’t thought of it in -- well, hundreds of thousands of years. and what’s a millennium to an angel?, he catches himself thinking (he no longer is one).
i’m sorry i couldn’t play you the oldest song ever (sarcastic frosting on a real apology)
i’m sorry you couldn’t hear it
what is it?
it’s a lullaby. i didn’t even... i hadn’t paid attention to life on this planet since the fish on the beach; i was busy with another solar system after that --
doing what?!
well, i was making it. (delivered with such dispassion it throws her again. this is her dad??? how fucking cool is that)
oh. oh! (5 minutes of silence after this. she knew he was older than everything she knows, but he doesn’t talk much ab it)
it really is a lovely song. i wouldn’t even know it, if not for my sister, anna. she made me watch it. and i -- i always wondered...
i always wondered... what could make you invent something so beautiful? i didn’t know, how could i know, until -- he has been driving this whole time, but he seems now to focus on the road even more.
claire wouldn’t know this, except she steals a glance. then stares just as determinedly out her passenger window. she thinks he might be saying that --
well, i wondered before you, and before dean, and jack, and sam, and everyone (their family, she knows who everyone is, because they’re her everyone, too) but i can see now. (a beat) why you would invent something so kind. i would like to hear that song again. but it’s okay that your friend spotty doesn’t know it.
she’s almost crying, and then she has to laugh, and then she cries, for real. cas pulls over on the side of the road and they both silently get out of the car so they can properly hug. her face is crushed in his shirt (dean’s actually, but no one keeps track anymore) and his left shoulder is soaked with saltwater and maybe hers is too and maybe. maybe, claire thinks (for the first time), this was maybe all worth it.
cas knows it was.
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do-you-have-a-flag · 4 years
Destiel shippers come get ya’ll juice!
SO @deadwright​ and I were inspired by Some Tumblr Posts and the twitter Roadhouse  Wedding stuff and keep writing headcanons about Thee Destiel 2021 Married Ever After S16 SPN Romantic Event Of The Season, so here’s that. 
Arranged in order of marital chronology and cutting out us keysmashing too much:
oh man imagine all the burgers they get catered for the reception dean got it done himself he would’ve been so particular about the catering bridezilla cas would probably be THEE bitchiest bridezilla
it's also definitely that trope where all the other hunters ect KNOW that that many of them and the wedding party are essentially a target for trouble so everyone spends the 24 hours leading up to the vows taking out every beastie who shows up on a revenge kick out of sight because they'll be damned if they let ANYTHING stop this wedding and Dean and cas are both having their marital jitters oh god im not good enough what if something goes wrong about mundane things while monsters are getting their ass kicked outside AWWWWWWWW for sure for sure, they’re hunter royalty this wedding is a big deal like half the attendees are nursing injuries but grinning widely
they don't do the can't see eachother before the wedding thing because you KNOW dean would be fixing cas' tie last minute
dean wears a blue pocket square to match cas' tie cas wears a FLANNEL SQUARE
I’m obsessed w the idea of cas giving dean a little bit of his grace in a small bottle on a chain for him to wear or like a wing feather or some part of him god the grace in a bottle breaks me every time in fic dean probably builds cas something but every time i try to think of something specific i choke up
i was thinking like what if trading grace is as close to a romantic gesture as angels have and he's like..... technically i left some grace behind in your mark when i dragged you from the pit and dean is like ARE YOU SAYING WE'VE BEEN MARRIED THIS WHOLE TIME? 
they are so sweet i’m on the verge of tears the ability to do anything by halves in their relationship was burnt out by like the second return from the dead moment they are too insane to be anything less than All In And Then Some
at one point someone was like hey cas do you want to run your vows by someone as practice? and he started reading what he'd prepared and it devolved into Biblically Grand Statements Of The Power Of Love And The Redemption Of - ect ect ect and it's because unlike the confession scene he's had TOO much preparation and overshot into uncanny angelic vibes he makes some edits because he know the expressions he gets when he reads it aren't what he intended
dean writes page after page after page of unused drafts, none of them are particularly floral
he does the cliche of ripping up his vows and improvising at the altar, something he gets mercilessly teased for because he swore he wouldn't but it classifies as a chick flick moment
THAT’S SO PEAK HIM OH MY GOD and you knoooooow you just KNOW it’s beautiful and emotional and everyone is crying
god the NOVELTY of dean being emotionally honest in front of people......im gonna faint YEA yeah... ONE TIME ONLY DEAL he thinks loudly at Sam's smug expression
anyway, at the wedding dean is the one who spends the whole ceremony with like crying cat meme eyes after the confession scene i’m pretty sure the minute the vows start cas is in the same boat USELESS HUSBANDS dean gets passed a handkerchief for his tears and immediately goes to use it on cas' face and they both laugh sob love the idea that everyone individually thought they were too tough to cry but they all broke at various stages yeah sam definitely starts to choke up just standing up there with his brother sam chokes up before the ceremony even started, like probably when he was pinning on dean’s corsage
anyway, Jack dancing with his two dads at the reception CAS’ BEST MAN / FLOWER BOY FLOWER MAN let him heelie down the aisle with the flowers LITTLE MAN GO NYOOM who makes him a little flower crown he wears with a proud lil smile? claire ofc, with those hair braiding skills? she makes it BEAUTIFUL flower crown: on nails: painted dads: MARRIED!!!!
when they say i do and kiss and everyone is cheering you can't convince me that someone doesn't let off what is either a gun or a dubiously legal firework in celebration jack pops a few lightbulbs in his uncontrollable joy
Dean and Cas can't let go of each other, it's at LEAST one point of physical contact for the rest of the reception PERIODT
they definitely didn't do the wedding gifts thing but a few mysteriously show up anyway; discuss waffle iron from sam bc he remembers the becky incident meanwhile claire gets them flavoured lube because she’s an insane little mean girl she gets them a sampler package with like novelty flavours, gotta spring extra for a wedding PIE FLAVOURED LUBE
it’s gonna be the party of the century omfg you KNOW it! that dancefloor going OFF the BAR is FLOWING
dean gets dragged up onto the bar to make a speech and there's a moment at the end where he drags cas up there too and they're being playfully yelled at not to scuff it and there's hooting and catcalls as dean and cas kiss and dean gestures rudely before almost falling backwards off the bar before cas grabs him and climbing down is less romantic or dignified but he couldn't care if he wanted to
meanwhile sam and claire are outside defacing the impala with silly string and lewd graffiti and tin cans tied to the bumper for the going-away oh it is one hundo percent a just married atrocity there's enough condoms hidden in the car that they're still finding them months later
anyway wanna hear my disgustingly soppy honeymoon roadtrip concept? YOU KNOW I DO OKAY SO
you know at some point dean must have said some sad thing like for the longest time he never thought he'd live long enough to get married and the only circumstances he could imagine was hooking up drunkenly with a stranger at some vegas wedding scenario like that's the best he would ever get and he thinks it's mostly forgotten but then during their cross country honeymoon roadtrip castiel does in fact navigate them to las vegas and quietly mutters that the legal veracity of the little chapel on the city limits is dubious at best and they're already married so it couldn't do any harm and they get officiated by an elvis impersonator and a woman wearing more sequins than fabric throws cheap confetti over them
and after that they stop into every venue they can find that would be friendly to them to pretend they're eloping and at one point dean even pulls out the fbi id badges and the officiant is under the impression he's facilitating some sort of covert workplace romance 
one place is a kitchy little house that's clearly just the couple who run it opening their strange home to anyone who needs it and have been since the 70s and Castiel thinks for a moment when they're asked to pin something to the collection of stuff on the walls and ceiling before pulling the receipt for the pie they'd shared earlier in a dinner out and scrawling his and dean's name on it to be added to the clutter 
and at one point they stand ankle deep in a pond while some old hippie lady wraps their clasped hands together with soft fabric and chants something that dean knows isn't real magic but hey he's not going to tell her that and after the ceremony they sit on the grass and feed each other sweet bread to complete the binding or whatever and it's nice but it doesn't compare to the ranch where they both tossed their cowboy hats in the air and were given a horse to ride to their camp site
i thought about riverboat gambling for point one seconds and now i know in my bones that one of their many weddings was on a riverboat, they made the captain officiate after cornering him on deck in like five minutes, the crew sent them complimentary champagne and they threw fries at the birds following the boat while sharing it straight out of the bottle
if destiel can go canon multiple times they can get married multiple times CHANGE MY MIND THEY GET MARRIED SO MUCH the MOST married i just want them to get gay cowboy married
eventually i want them to end up at the beach bc dean has canonically never been to the coast their road trip is to get to the other coast
they send just married postcards back to sam from every stop sam stops feeling hurt he was left out of their vegas elopement wedding by the third wedding postcard he recieves sam saves them ofc bc GOD can you imagine them looking at the postcards on their 30th anniversary or s/t 🥺 showing their grandkids and recounting the story of each wedding there's a seashell taped to the last one
cas gets a terrible sunglasses tan and dean gets burnt on the tips of his ears and there's sand on sand on sand in all their clothes and at one point dean is blinking away salt water and cas is gripping his arm and saying something about the coral by them in the water and dean thinks that he likes floating beside cas a lot better than flying
dean has cas pick ice cream for them from a truck and hustles at carnival games enough to win them both big novelty foam hats and they both go back to their room and pass out immediately post shower sprawled across the bed and still smelling like sunscreen and salt water
dean tucks a little cocktail umbrella behind cas’ ear
cas spends most of the next day in dean's zepplin shirt and a pair of shorts they only picked up once they got there because neither of them thought to bring beach clothes, they sit on the balcony and dean sips his beer and idly plays with the ring on cas' finger and they play a game of what fictional monsters could they beat in a fight
cas’ true form is the size of the chrysler building he can fight king kong easy that's what he says and dean's like okay but what about mothra and castiel is like how would YOU defeat mothra and dean just goes "bugspray." GDJSGSHSGSHDSJ DEAN WOULD
in honour of misha putting his whole pussy into the role, cas wears a dress in at least one of their weddings
it's at one of those theme parks that's just historical re-enactments and people get their vows renewed there and there's costumes for the photobooth and the staff are like how long have you been married? castiel says two weeks, three days, eighteen hours, and twenty five minutes................ approximately.  and the photo is cas in a classical wedding gown and dean is wearing the veil with his old timey suit and there's a moose head on the wall behind them wearing the top hat he was given and they send that print with an arrow pointing at the moose with sam written next to it
i keep thinking bitch!!!! you KNOW WHAT!! you KNOW that dean is the type a guy who's heart races every time he feels his wedding ring/is always fiddling with it in the weeks after the wedding, like an anchor to remind him they really got married this is real he would NEED that physical reminder that he can have good things
he’s never ever going to take it off, the tan line will be permanent
how funny it would be if dean gets injured on a hunt and the monster guy is about to kill him and then the lights blow out and the monsters are like what was that and dean is just like "[spits blood] that's my husband." and nek minnit cas has just ripped through them thanks to teleporting in angel style and is just like Cas: [heals dean] "you're late for movie night" Dean: "Well if you'd gotten here earlier i would have been on time." Cas: >:| [kisses him]
cas is like i didn’t burn the popcorn this time you BETTER be alive to see it
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rupertgayesarchive · 3 years
That ask and your answer about what if Sam was out of hunting and never left Stanford because Gabriel wanted to stop the apocalypse and threw him into a pocket dimension and I’m like. Obsessed. primarily with gabriel and how Sam would go.
I think he would stick Sam in a like… you remember when Zachariah stuck sam and dean in the office job and it was a parallel universe but also it was real life? like coplanar planes, I think Gabriel would elect to do that instead of his you’re going in my alternate universe, because it’s less detail consuming and I think Sam would notice small things that were off like how he figured out it was him in mystery spot.
You said Sam deserves to have the apple pie life but if he was comfortable with that it wouldn’t like.. work he wouldn’t be ready to ever confront Lucifer or anyone. i agree but also I don’t think he would stick with his normal life. like in the zachariah episode he had a normal life and fake memories of that but he still wanted to hunt and help people and also figure out wtf was happening. I think in this scenario Sam would still be psychic because I love that but Gabriel would probably try like… suppressing his visions and such, because they would lead him back into possible angel business. I think he’d still get little snippets because that’s fun and having reminders in that that the supernatural like.. exists and ppl are getting hurt, I think that would overrule his want of complete normalcy and even his spite toward John.
I don’t think he’d go back into hunting like, completely because I want him to have something good and also be semi well adjusted. but like we saw in the terrible life episode I think he’d like.. if he got bored and started looking up strange deaths well now he has to go help them!!
also it is sooo fun to me if he starts realizing something is wrong but he doesn’t know what. like in mystery spot I love that trope sooo fucking much also in s1 sam gets back into hunting through John Winchester style revenge quest and I want to give him a reason to start poking around that is like.. for himself and not anybody else. he can have a little obsession over it as a treat because i like seeing him be a bitch <3
i think initially when Gabriel found out the apocalypse was like in motion and Sam was at Stanford he’d have an opportunity there to do something without revealing to other players that he is alive because he was pretending to be a trickster. like he’s very much in this for self preservation and if he did some time traveling shenanigans, or disappearing both Winchesters and maybe even Adam out of nowhere, I think he’d worry that the angels would take notice. Randy your vessels!! But Stanford gives him a natural window to hide a key player. he needs to do away with Adam too so Lucifer can’t possibly have a true vessel to fight.. maybe he can kill him in a freak accident because I find that funny. sorry this is long and it will be getting longer
anyway I think as time went on Gabriel would pay like less meticulous attention. he’d still keep away like key players but as other people also started trying to stop the apocalypse he would become more relaxed also he’d be overconfident in himself like in changing channels. I think this would lead sam to notice more stuff that just doesn’t make any sense and maybe start looking for dean or even his dad, or going out of his way to look for hunts. maybe get involved in magic because i think he deserves to be a witch. wait actually that’s how he should find Dean. i think Gabriel would hide Dean from Sam and vice versa, and he didn’t foresee Sam using magic or anything. Also at this point it’s been years and I think Sam is more invested in this than his like… normal life. he’s more well adjusted but I can definitely see him just impulsively quitting his job to figure out what the fucks happening. Also I think he’d feel animosity at dean during this for not being there and not helping him, even though that anger doesn’t make complete sense. sorry i like the early seasons salmon dean reconciling and learning to like each other and sam realizing Your Parents Are People and I would like to see it with them having like, completely different lives and also some fun miscommunication bc of Gabriel. also sam having to reconcile dean having cas OHRHDHJ also dean and cas trying horribly to cover cas being not human is so fucking fun to me. unless this happens during a cas is dead time period which is fun in a different evil way.
I also think dean would only stop looking if he though Sam was dead, but I think… Gabriel might have hidden him but other people ARE still meeting him even with like altered memories. so I think angels or something can sense that Sam is alive but they don’t know where and I think they’d gloat and use it to taunt dean that he is like.. suffering while his brother is living a perfect normal life. Also because this adds another miscommunication that can be discussed and end in reconciliation in a way I don’t think would feel contrived and is in line with it the characters. it’d be Amelia s8 but Sam would be like (Sam voice) I did look for you!!! where were you when I needed you! also I want Sam to find out John died and he’s in absolute despair while cas is standing there like oh yes that’s so awful your father was an. absolutely a man😔😐🏳️‍🌈
idk when this would occur and i think every season offers like… different flavors of enjoyment for an audience of just me. like s7 proto widower arc?? Sam reconnecting with Dean during TMWWBK when he is not familiar with the dean and cas dynamic and has to be witness to Trying So Hard To Be Loyal. additionally that would be fun because bobby is there and dean is like, covering his ears and back talking bobby regarding cas. and if they’ve taken pains to hide cas being an angel Sam being like .who is this to Dean. is suchhh a fun concept.
WAIT post goodbye stranger. or maybe Sam can show up pre goodbye stranger to watch dean go from clingy after cas gets back from purgatory to wrongfooted to like ANGRY. well not Angry… to dean having dean emotions. when cas is off with the tablet ignoring him and he feels betrayed. and this Sam isn’t as close to him so he doesn’t know ANY details until Dean stats divulging them as they reconcile. ALL GOOD OPTIONS..
also if this happens during s6 i think it would be nice if cas started collecting allies, and at the same time as Sam trying to figure out what was keeping him away from dean and the angel business Cas could figure it out FIRST and use Gabriel as an ally against Raphael but he’d feel like he has to hide it from dean and sam. like in this scenario. actually any time I talk about s6 hypotheticals Cas’ conflict IS the A Plot. the Winchester’s were on a side quest idc. s6 is a fun time for these reasons but i don’t like it as much because Cas is still in the process of like.. formative development.
okay one last thing I’m SOOO sorry for my essay. you said if Sam was dispossessed the apocalypse would just.. not happen. i agree to like, a certain degree, because I do think they could have found another way but all of them would have been dust compared to swan song. so maybe Gabriel semi succeeded but instead of stopping the apocalypse he just… prolonged it. this changes a lot but if either Michael or Lucifer didn’t have a viable vessel I think the angels would scramble to actually for real stop the apocalypse but others would still want it to happen even if it was like.. Perfect they just want it to be over. this provides angel politics which I am in love with and we can still have like TMWWBK development for cas. I don’t know where I’m going with this sorry
op this is a lot, this is so much. i love it, i hope you have a google doc open somewhere and are typing away furiously.
now i didn't rewatch a lot of spn past s3 (surprise) in part bc i can't handle the brain damage and some scenes are seared into my cerebral cortex in a way that induced a temporary bout of eidetic memory, meaning i'll never forget the crypt scene in Goodbye Stranger for as long as i live. that being SAID, my s6-s7 knowledge is not as firmly coalesced. so because of that i'm letting your thoughts roam free as i don't know how accurate my own takes would be? but i feel like without sam there, like... hm. would dean even be the same person... would the past however many seasons even OCCUR remotely similar with sam out of the picture for literal years? we might be looking at a completely different world at that point.
my other theory is that the s2 plot of special children - we know azazel was raising a new 'crop' of psychic kids. i think that was a plot thread that they ended up dropping anyway, but if they didn't i do wonder if we'd be dealing with a lot more shenanigans like in s1 and s2 except with kids? and dean and cas trying to figure out what to do with these young psychics that might be turned into a vessel for lucifer or - whatever they wanted to do with those kids. hm.
i also question if purgatory would be a thing. like it probably would come up and be on the table, but maybe the godstiel arc wouldn't, bc if like you're saying dean and cas are together at this point, like. cas might have grown to love humanity (not just dean but like 99% dean) to the point where he might not be doing this risky gambit for more souls. and if gabriel is still around, cas may start petitioning gabe to help throw his archangel weight around against raphael while he tries to do the actual strategizing.
i think sam would still have his visions, like you said, and then maybe those lead him to dean or to a case that dean is also on? or if angels are more well-known later on, he tracks one down, maybe cas, maybe not (if it's NOT and it's one that works on raphael's side. ohoho. the possibilities...)
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Hey for prompts, Sam was watching Queer eye and Dean decided to join him for shits but it's the episode where they help a young trans man find himself and Dean has a small breakdown. (Specifically, the not-having-to-be-masc-100%-all-the-time and still be trans, and to still be able to play with clothes and styles)
i went back and watched part of this ep to remind me, that’s why it took me a sec. also took me a sec bc it’s been a WEEK for this trans man and even thinking about a point in which I am read enough as a guy to think about wearing feminine things as a guy gives me... feelings. ANYWAY enough about me, let’s read this
love you friend, hope you like it
Sam watches Queer Eye a while ago, when he was in a slump, and now he saves the episodes for bad days like Dean hoards brownie mixes in the pantry for when he feels really shitty. Dean’s walking past the living room with a beer when he hears somebody say “top surgery” and because he’s a nosy motherfucker, he peeks in. Sure enough, footage of some dude’s surgery is on the screen and Tan France is talking about how he doesn’t know anything about trans people.
Dean snorts and comes in, slumping down onto his chair. Sam looks up at him with a start. “Hate that. Learn your fucking history, dickhead.”
“Don’t call Tan a dickhead.”
“Sh, you’re just protective because you like swiss-tying your shirts or whatever.”
“French tuck.” Sam bitched, well aware Dean was being a jerk on purpose. “Besides, he needs to say it on the show, to learn and all that.”
Dean shrugs and steals a chip from Sam. They’re plantain chips, but they’re salty, so they’re good enough. He grins at the trans guy’s cat pee couch, “Cas would love that.” Sam is excited to learn how to make sushi via Antoni. They both go quiet when Skyler talks to Bobby about how his family didn’t accept him, and Dean draws his knees up to his chest. Unbidden, he knows they’re both thinking about all the shitty things their dad, their family, their hunter friends, random acquaintances have said to them throughout the years, whether knowing it was bad or not. Somehow those comments are never really forgotten. 
On the screen, the same thing is echoed: 
“I was always a really angry kid… because every day of my life, I wore a mask. So when you’re hearing constantly from the people that mean the most to you that what you are is awful…”
“You’re awful.”
“Yeah. And unacceptable. It really does a number on you.”
“So I was just pissed all the time.”
Sam clears their throat. 
The episode continues.
Skyler talks about being misgendered during surgery. “Yeah, me too man. You try getting top surgery 20 years ago.” Dean scoffs at the screen. Sam grins at him, like he always does when he talks to the TV. He always teases him that it’s an old man thing to do. 
Tan and Skyler talk about his style. It’s androgynous. “Dean, why don’t you ever wear stuff like that?”
Dean glares at him, looking from the flashy clothes to his brother. “I’m a dude.”
“So is Skyler.”
“Yeah but I’m a guy like…” he tries to think of how to make Sam understand. “I’m a guy like Bobby.” he’d almost said John, but changed last minute. He didn’t want to open that can of worms. He hadn’t worn his dad’s coat in years. 
“I thought you said you liked skirts.”
Dean stares resolutely at the screen, hoping Sam will get the hint. He does, sighing, and returns to the episode. There is an awesome moment where Skyler gets fitted for a suit, and Dean can feel the jealousy coursing through his veins. The baggy Fed suits hanging in his closet come to mind.
Skyler dresses in a sequined blazer and meets Todrick, his gender-bending gay idol, and they share a tearfilled conversation that Sam himself sniffs at. 
“You were so important to my transition, and recognizing that I am feminine and I am masculine, and that gets put into this perfect little ball that is me. But it took me a long time to be okay with that feminine side and seeing another queer man like you that owned all of it and just was so fabulous...”
Dean’s heart is clenching in his chest, and he digs his fingernails into his knees. His mind is stuck on the pair of satin panties he has in his underwear drawer, the pair he’s too afraid to ever wear just in case he got in a massive car accident and they had to cut open his pants or he had to do some emergency plumbing and bend down under the sink. Just in case anyone saw and thought... When the next episode starts, Dean reaches over to grab the remote and pause the TV. Sam looks at him expectantly. “Everyone looks hot in fishnets. Right?”
Sam laughs, but quiets quickly at the serious look on Dean’s face. “Yeah, sure. Everybody looks good in fishnets, I guess. Completely gender inclusive product.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “I just don’t-” he stops and works his jaw. Sam seems to get it. They’re used to choosing more conservative choices when he goes out, but when he chooses feminine ones, he relishes in the gender confusion he gives people. Dean just can’t stop thinking about how tiny his waist is or how big his hips are. How much of him shows. The idea that someone might confuse him for a girl. Again. 
“Yeah. I know.” Sam says softly. 
Dean nods. Nothing to do about it. “Guess I just have to quit being such a pussy, don’t I. Let people think what they think.”
“Other people perceiving you as a man doesn’t make you a man, Dean. Same way it doesn’t make me one.” Sam nudges his leg with his socked foot, and Dean reluctantly looks him in the eyes. “You’re a man. Even if you wear a skirt. Or fishnets.”
Dean clears his throat and stands up. “Yeah, I know.”
“Hey, I’m pretty sure Cas thinks fishnets are hot too.”
“Fuck you.” Dean bursts out laughing and stands up. “Alright… maybe.”
He can still hear Sam laughing as he continues down the hallway.
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cadiacore · 4 years
balancing on breaking branches | chapter 2
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☾ A/N: I know i said i was going to take a break but i will after this chapter. I hope y’all like it! please leave feedback bc validation fuels my motivation :)
☾ Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader x Quentin Beck
☾ WC: 1.6k+
☾ Warning(s): swearing, mentions of alcohol, angst, very minimal violence, (let me know if i missed something)
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Y/N walked up to the river. She saw her reflection through the water and sighed deeply. Her hair was a bit frizzy, and her mascara had worn off. Y/N shoved her hand into her back pocket and dug out her phone. She squatted down and ran the light over the water but like before; she saw nothing. She huffed and turned off the flashlight on her phone, stuffing it back into her pocket.
“Oh, Hey! Y/N!” Quentin smiled. Y/N quickly stood and faced him, giving him a small smile. “You still looking for what’s making the pulse?” He questioned, his eyebrow rising slightly.
“Hey, Quentin. And I am, but unfortunately, there’s still nothing.” She shrugged and pushed her hands in her jacket pockets. She twirled the hotel room keys between her fingers as she spoke.
“Well, do you want to go ahead and go get drinks?” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of a bar sign.  “I mean we’re already out and together,” He added, putting his hands back into his pants pockets.
“Yeah, might as well.” She lets out a small chuckle.
Quentin and Y/N walked alongside each other, both taking in the environment. Once they arrive, Quentin opened the door for her, and she walked in. Y/N looked around before taking a seat in one of the booths near the window. The bar wasn’t too crowded but enough for it to be semi-loud. A karaoke machine sat in the corner next to the jukebox that only had 80’s Italian rock music. A young, dark brown-haired woman walks up to them with a pen and a pad of paper, her name tag reading,
Carina. Beautiful name...
“Ciao! Cosa posso offrirvi due?” Carina smiled. Y/N looked over to Quentin, who just blinked. Y/N giggled,
“She asked what you wanted.”
“Oh, well, I’ll have a beer then,” Quentin chuckled, smiling at the waitress. He ran a hand through his dark hair and shifted in his seat.
“Ciao! Potrebbe avere una birra e io vorrei una root beer, per favore?”
Carina nodded and scribbled down their order, walking away.
“I didn’t know you spoke Italian.” He said while leaning back against the seat. Y/N shrugged and waved her hand dismissively,
“My teacher thought it would be good for me to be bilingual, so she taught me different languages. So far, it’s helped me a ton when I travel.” Y/N sat crisscrossed in her seat, resting her hands on her lap. She could hear the summer wind outside, shifting the leaves on the trees outside and the soft music playing under everyone’s voices. As Quentin moved again, a flash of gold on his ring finger caught her eye,
“You’re married?” She asked, and Quentin’s expression shifted. From what was a smile turned to a frown. He looked down at the gold band and began twirling it.
“Was married. My family died from an attack by an Elemental.” His voice somber. Y/N’s face softened and rested a hand on his.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I know it’s hard losing family.” She pulled her hand away as the waitress came back with their drinks.
“Ecco I tuoi drinks.” Carina said, placing the drinks in front of them, “Vuole qualcos'altro?” (would you like anything else?) Quentin looked over at Y/N and gave her a questioning look.
“She said, would you like anything else.”
Quentin shook his head, and so did Y/N. Carina nodded and walked away. Y/N turned back to Quentin, smiling.
“So, what’s it like on your earth?”
Y/N slowly opened her eyes. The birds chirping, and the sun shined through the balcony window. She yawned while stretching her arms upward. Her phone began to ring, and she lazily reached for it, pushing the accept button.
“Hello?” Her voice is hoarse as she rubbed her eyes.
“Hi, did you see anything last night when you went again to the river?” Fury asked bluntly. Y/N sighed and shook her head,
“No, I didn’t. I don’t know what could be making that pulse unless I physically got into the water.” She ran her fingers through her hair, kicking off the blanket. “And before you say it, I can’t go in the middle of the day.” She added quickly.
Fury grumbled and sighed, “Fine. Just keep looking. It’s getting stronger by the minute so maybe stay in that area.” He huffed and hung up. Y/N groaned as she slid her phone back onto the nightstand.
I chose to do this. Just get up. Get some coffee and you’ll be fine. ______
Y/N sat on a bench near the river and looked around. Two kids ran past her, giggling away as the dad tried to catch up with them. She smiled to herself, remembering her dad chasing her dad around like that. Y/N quickly shook the memory out of her mind and looked in a different direction. Then she spotted Peter. He had just walked out of what looked like a gift shop with a small bag in his hand. She wanted to talk to him and she was going to but MJ walked up to him. So she looked away to spare herself from the jealousy.
Let it go. He likes MJ so just get over it.
Her thoughts raced as she tipped the coffee cup lid to her lips. Just as she finished her coffee, the ground began to shake. Y/N stood quickly when she heard screams coming from a street down.
As she ran toward the screams, she pushed the button on her bracelet. Activating her suit in seconds. She launched herself in the air while dodging some people. One of those people being Peter. She could have sworn that she heard Flash screech as she flew past. That made her chuckle. Y/N turned her focus back on the situation and saw that Quentin had just arrived.
“Take the left and I’ll take the right!” She shouted over the loud roars the creature was making. It’s liquid fist colliding into a building. Cracks began to form alongside the tower. Just when she thought it was going to fall over. It didn’t. Something or someone was trying to hold it up. Peter. Y/N thought.
Quentin flew to the right and Y/N flew to the left. Her repulsors charged up and she fired over and over. The elemental was getting angry and it began swinging its arms rapidly, almost colliding with Y/N a couple of times. But the last blow sent her into a downward spiral. She slammed into the tower with so much force, Peter’s grip on the tower faltered and the tower began to fall. Peter quickly jumped out of the tower and onto the nearest roof. Y/N tried to crawl away but the tower fell on her.
A strangled scream from Y/N made Peter act quickly. Peter swung his way to Y/N and began pushing rocks and rubble to the side.
“Y/N!” Peter cried out, his hands shaking. “Y/N! Are you okay!?” He finally saw a glimpse of red armor and quickly pushed the rubble away.
Y/N groaned in pain as the rock was removed from her leg. She could hear Peter’s voice but could barely make it out. “Peter?” She whimpered, trying to move her leg. Peter pulled her out and held her close to him. Y/N retracted her suit and groaned, grabbing at her leg.
“Thank god, you are okay!” He hugs her tightly and sighed in relief. “I was so scared.” Peter’s is filled with concern and he doesn’t let go of her for a few long seconds. She hugged him back and sighed.
“I’m okay, Pete.” Y/N reassured him and rubbed his back. “It’s okay.” She pulled away and winced at the white pain that shot up her leg.
“You’re hurt though.” He said, looking for blood.
“I’m fine. I might have just fractured it. It’s okay.” She rested a hand on his shoulder. Y/N tried to sit up but hissed as pain shot through her calf.
Quentin lands beside them. “You alright?” He asked, worry filling each of his words.
Y/N nodded and looked around. Her heart sank when she saw all the destruction. She looked up at Quentin again. “Did you get it?” Y/N asked. Quentin nodded and held out his hand for her to take. She took his hand and he helped her balance.
“I have a bunker set up with supplies if you want me to take you to it to get fixed up?” He asked gently, taking most of her weight as Peter helps by wrapping her other arm around his shoulders. Y/N nodded and Quentin picked her up bridal style. Peter’s hand squeezed her arm lightly and he smiled.
“Text me, okay?” Peter asked, concern heavy in his words. Y/N gave him a small nod as Quentin carried her to a black car. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at him through the fishbowl that was on his head.
“I thought you would fly me there?” She asked curiously.
“My power needs to recharge so I think the car would be best.” He said tiredly. She nodded and winced as he moved his arm to open the door. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and leaned her head against the leather seat. Her eyes began to droop. It felt like all her energy was sucked out of her but she fought to keep her eyes open.
“You can sleep, you know?” Quentin said softly. Y/N groaned but gave in and closed her eyes, letting herself drift to sleep.
{Taglists under the cut!} 
B.O.B.B. taglist: @icyhollands @slutforjjmaybank @hotel-colson @ineedabifriend @mranthonyedwardstark @bluegirlusa1 
All Taglist: @ariistotles @preciouspparkers @deans-daffodils @hollandharrison​ @fineline-stateofmind706​ @chloecreatesfictions​ 
Peter Parker Taglist: @halfblood-princess-505​ @the-crazy-fanfictionist​ @trueherosneverdie 
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worksongdean · 4 years
so like this isn’t gonna be coherent at all but bear with me, bc i just watched the bad boys ep for the first time (i’ve been putting it off for Reasons™️) and uhhhhhhh insert that john mulaney “now we don’t have time to unpack ALL of that” meme but like i’m gonna try.
So first things first: John Winchester aka shittiest dad of the millennia. This may be an unpopular opinion but after watching bad boys I can comfortably say that John Winchester is an even worse father than god was. GOD. I was gonna brush over the fact that we all knew which is John probably didn’t even give Dean enough money for food to begin with, BUT upon thinking about it that’s a more important point than it seems because when Dean is first explaining to Sam why he went to a boys’ home he says he lost the money playing cards. Now at first that might just seem like some irresponsible teenage shit, but when you think about it it’s not because Dean was probably playing that card game in the first place because he knew John hadn’t given them enough money so he was trying to get more, but through some bad luck or whatever he ends up losing it instead. That then causes Dean to have to steal food because how else is he going to feed Sam, because let’s face it that boy was not thinking about feeding himself at that point, evidenced by when Sonny confronts Dean about him being hungry after the cop leaves in the first flashback. So then Dean gets caught and when John is told that Dean’s been arrested for stealing food, aka taking care of Sam, aka doing the ONE THING John has been hammering into his head since he was 4 years old, he tells the officer that Dean “can rot in jail”...... WHAT KIND OF BACKWARDS ASS SHITTY ASS PARENTING.....anyway I digress. Now imagine being Dean, 16 years old trying to be a mother and a father to his 12 year old little brother because their actual dad pretty much left them to starve while he was off on some revenge quest, and hearing that said father has abandoned him for doing the one thing he had always taught Dean to do. I know Dean is an emotionally repressed bastard even as a teen, but dear god I wanted him to burst into tears when he heard that. Not because I think he deserves to be upset, but yes I do think he deserves to be upset. Let me explain. I wish Dean never had to go through what he went through, but he deserved to feel upset that his father was gonna let him “rot in jail”, because what kind of a father does that? Dean deserved to feel that pain and heartbreak instead of bottling it all up and pushing it down. Also as an aside because I just remembered, why the hell is the cop (this is a rhetorical question bc cops are shit and it was the 90s) that arrested Dean not suspicious as fuck when this father says his son can “rot in jail” for stealing some bread and peanut butter?
Okay moving on before I become even more unhinged over John Winchester’s shitty parenting. Next I want to talk about Dean’s stay at Sonny’s and what that means to me in light of the finale. So we find out that he only stayed at Sonny’s for 2 months, which I honestly thought he was there for longer but anyways. It’s in that 2 months that we find out just how much Dean thrives in a normal home environment, or as normal as he can get anyway. As we find out in the diner flashback with Sonny, Dean is doing good in school, he’s making friends, and he’s joined the wrestling team which why join a sports (which he is very good at, looking at you championship certificate) team if he doesn’t plan on sticking around but again I digress. Now I know we tend to say that at Dean’s point in life now (bc he’s not dead fuck the finale) he wouldn’t be able to deal with/wouldn’t want the whole apple pie life, but at 16 years old Dean still hasn’t gotten fully entangled in the hunter lifestyle. Dean doesn’t want to be a hunter and for the first time (and probably last time bc I sincerely doubt Dean thought he had actually gotten out with Lisa and Ben), he sees a viable way out. Aside from Sonny’s talk with Dean at the diner, we also see evidence of this in Dean’s flashbacks of him and Robin, especially the one during their guitar lesson. When he and Robin are talking about what they want in life, Dean says he doesn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps. He dreams of being a rockstar and wants to be a mechanic, a job where once he’s done with the cars (cases) he can let them go and he doesn’t have to worry about carrying them with him when he’s done with them. He dates this girl, he takes cute pictures with her, he wants to take her to a school dance. He begins to settle into a normal life in one place in a way he hasn’t been able to since he was four years old. And it all gets ripped away by his father who abandoned him, who only comes back for Dean when it’s convenient for him, because that’s all he sees Dean as, a soldier, daddy’s blunt instrument. And Dean is devastated that he’s losing his chance at a normal life. We see that he is visibly upset, even if it’s just for a minute before he pushes it away because even though Sonny told him that sometimes he needs to do things for himself, he still needs to take care of Sam.
Which brings me to the finale. God is gone and for the first time in his life Dean gets a true chance at freedom and the chance to live his life the way he wants to. (This is solely about Dean so I’m not even gonna talk about Cas and destiel bc that’s a whole ‘nother post.) In the beginning of the hellscape that is the finale, we see Dean getting to sleep in and waking up to his dog jumping into his bed, we see him go to a pie festival with his brother just because he wants to. With no big bad to chase after he goes to this festival that before would have been a trivial thing, but now it’s something he goes to because he can. Because for the first time in his life he gets to decide what he wants to do with it. And that includes hunting. Like I said before, I doubt Dean would ever be able to completely give up hunting. It’s something he’s good at and he likes helping people. He wants to help people. And if that means the occasional motw hunt between shifts at the garage, because even 25 years later Dean still wants to be a mechanic, then so be it.
Now what really gets on my fucking tits is that while on one of these routine hunts, a “milk run” as Dean would say, something that he has done hundreds, possibly thousands of times before, Dean is killed. This man who has spent his whole life doing what other people wanted, who sacrificed himself over and over again for the people he loved, even when they left him, is killed the second he gets the chance to do what he wants and just live. What’s worse is the fact that this hunt was one of John’s old cases that he failed to solve, because even from the grave John Winchester is still able to ruin his son’s life.
Now aside from the whole “bury your gays” problem, because I firmly believe Dean was killed for being queer, what kind of a message does that send to your audience? That no matter how hard you may work for a good and happy life, no matter how much you may want it don’t you dare think you deserve to have it. Especially if you’re queer, neurodivergent, suicidal, whatever. In the end you’re just a pawn for everyone else in your life
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tturing · 4 years
bro the concept of mixed winchesters.. tbh making me a bit emo bc i know firsthand being half mexican and half white is such a unique and isolating experience and john would still be isolating them further from other hunters so they’d prob be constantly trying to find their way within mexican culture to feel connected to their mom. my dads white and even tho im lighter skinned he doesn’t understand i have societal limitations and experience things that he doesn’t? i could absolutely see john pushing them into situations that are way more dangerous for them than they are for him without a thought. sorry this is long i think this is the first time ive seen mexican hcs in any fandom ive been in
EXACTLY there are so many layers of isolation when they’re mixed on top of being hunters. they struggle to find just where they fit not only in both identities (white and latine) but also as hunters, only to discover that sometimes they’re just never going to feel like they fit in because that’s just how the world is designed. 
what you said about john pushing them into situations that are inherently more dangerous for them than him is like.....ohhh fuck. he totally would. i can’t stop thinking about this actually. what’s worse is i think his relationship to sam would stay the same in this scenario, meaning he would be much more protective when it came to prejudiced people and somehow find a way to blame dean for other people’s bigotry. god that would be so messed up. 
also, don’t apologize for the length of the message! i absolutely love getting messages and really enjoyed reading this one. my dad is white too and there are just some things he’ll never really understand, no matter how hard he may try. and ditto on this being the first time seeing mexican/latine hcs in fandom. i’m really glad we’re doing this because it’s so much fun to apply the good and bad parts of our lives as latine/hispanic people to characters we care so much about. also for me personally it’s connecting me to a part of myself i don’t really have much opportunity to celebrate, and i’m sure other people feel the same way.
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thegeminisage · 4 years
So like, I was just thinkin bout Dean n John today and if Mary and him were in the boys adult lives again (as per the latest season,) what wud the dynamic be?bcus John doesnt NEED Dean like he used to so I think certain pressureswouldn't be there anymore but hed still be controlling of Dean and try to dictate or manipulate his independence, right? Like those abuse dynamics don't rlly go away but manifest differently, I'd assume?
YES yes yes yes sorry in advance this is going to get so much longer/more off-topic than u bargained for, but like okay i’ve said before i think that half of john’s problem is that he didn’t have mary to be there and be his “john don’t” person for when he’s being a huge asshole. and it’s actually really wild writing this fic i’m doing rn where they’re all under the same roof again bc now that john has mary most of his REASON to be such an asshole is gone, but it’s already sort of solidified itself as habit. so i’ve actually been having a really wild time trying to figure out where he’d push things and be his worst self and where he’d sort of agree to stow his crap because mary is standing next to him and What Else Matters Except Mary
i like to think that since mary was such a distant, hard person sometimes, that to match that john before her death was someone who was very kind and giving and emotionally available - that sam and dean’s natural aptitude for empathy and kindness, in a terrible twist of irony, came from the person who was arguably the one to treat them with the most cruelty
it’s more fun for me if john really was a genuinely good person once upon a time, not because #johnrights or anything but because it’s sort of an example of how easy it would be for sam and dean, who are also good people, to lose themselves and turn into the kind of monster he was. and they ARE capable of being terrible - in fact, i’d argue that john makes sam and dean the worst versions of themselves. when he’s around, kind gentle mild-mannered sam’s temper is on a very shouty and aggressive hair-trigger, and stubborn determined asshole dean becomes a passive people-pleaser. many times when sam and dean fight, it comes back to the different ways john raised them and repeatedly inadvertently pitted them against each other
and also on that note, i do think, for all that i rage about hating 14.13, that john’s character was done best out of any of them - he was teary and fully prepared to self-flagellate (a form of deflecting guilt by making the person you’ve hurt want to stop airing their own grievances so they can console/reassure you, and we know from his journal john is a master at deflecting guilt) and also he was not at all mad about anything anymore BECAUSE HE HAD MARY BACK
it’s sort of like dean in season 13 - in the span of just a few episodes, he goes from wanting to kill jack and kill himself to being the happy-go-lucky fella we see during the brokebacknatural episode. cas comes back and it’s like a switch flipped - it’s practically a full 180 overnight. john and mary’s love story is as real and important to them as dean and cas’s is to us. so once john gets mary back, yeah, no, not only does he not NEED dean anymore, but the source of his pain (losing his wife) has almost completely dried up. so like.......god what is he even LIKE now, you know? what is he like with sam and dean??
you know how in season 12 dean is talking on the phone to cas and he’s like “please help me i literally don’t know how to act around my own mother”? probably like that, except in mary’s case there was no old habit to fall back on, and in john’s case they do still have their old dynamic of drill sergeant/soldiers 
(it’s also important to remember i think that john is only Nice John WHEN HE HAS MARY. if uh for any reason mary takes some issue with his parenting choices and decides she needs a break, i think it’s very likely john would immediately seek out dean to be his mary-replacement again, and lean too hard on him just like he did for all those years she was gone)
but even though john’s MEANNESS is reduced to almost nothing (comparatively lol) when mary is around, i don’t think his levels of ENTITLEMENT would change. that’s a hard 22-year habit to break. like he’ll come back and boo-hoo about how sorry he is about sam and dean ending up where they are (again, this is self-flagellation/deflection) but he’d also feel he had every right to know all about their lives now, what they did when he was gone, a right to tell them what to do now - less in an “ordering” sense and more in a “i know best” sense, but the result is the same. bc of course he would also still think he absolutely knows better than they do even though at this point they’d be practically the same age. 
and like: obviously sam would push against that assumption bc he always has, but i think dean would struggle a lot bc he’s grown up and grown out of his dad’s shadow, and he has people in his life besides john and sam now so he doesn’t have to white-knuckle them so tightly, but he also doesn’t know any...other way to be. like when mary comes back. wtf do we do now, you know??
and speaking of sam: i definitely don’t think dean’s going to be the mediator between sam and john anymore. firstly because sam is old enough now and has had enough distance to understand how that all screwed dean up and is not the sort of person who would want to add to his brother’s pain, but ALSO because i think grownup sam would see letting john piss him off as letting john “win.” post 5.22 sam has sort of mastered his anger issues, and he values self-control so highly as a way to cope with his trauma that letting john provoke him into losing that control would upset him and he’d do everything in his power to avoid it. so no more fighting for them, and no more mediating for dean.
so like, to answer your question finally, i think it would probably be like the old dynamic, but less earnestly. it’s something that’s a fallback, not something that comes so naturally anymore. so it’s the same except there’s all these stops and starts and moments where it chafes. and instead of dean stepping in between john and sam it’s sam (and possibly mary) stepping in between john and dean - not because they’re fighting, but because john is always going to be overbearing simply by virtue of their loaded history, and dean’s family would want to protect him from that (i really dug the way they triangulated around him when he was having a crisis in 14.12, so that’s the vibe i’m aiming for in my fic anyway)
[spn masterpost]
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