#there’s so much to compare here AGHHHH
phatcatphergus · 9 months
Hey all, idk who has personally used a chainsaw before but there’s some things I want to throw out there that are very important to remember. Chainsaws (at least the ones I’ve used I’m not an expert lmaooo) have pull cords and sometimes it takes a while to get the shit started. Once it’s actually going it’s on a low rumble and the chain isn’t moving until you pull the trigger and then it starts roaring and spinning the blades to cut shit. The thing is that you don’t want to turn it off even when you’re doing something else for a second because it’s a pain to turn back on, so usually you just hold it and let it rumble until you need to cut something again.
So I offer: tubbo holding a rumbling chainsaw constantly until he gets threatened and he pulls the trigger and it gets insanely loud and the blades start spinning and spewing smoke as he charges at them
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
DS9 5x07 Let He Who Is Without Sin thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [14 Sept ‘23]
Odo and Sisko ribbing Jadzia about her sex life XD
It's so cute that Worf still calls her "Commander" around others.
Hmmm, I was firmly against Worf last time - and I still don't like his whole thing against Boday - but also Jadzia is pretty disrespectful to what he wants, immediately telling people after Worf says it's a private matter.
"Have you ever noticed all the stars look the same?" I love Leeta so much, I can't wait to see more of her when she and Rom pick up.
"What's jamaharon?" "I'll show you later." XD that look!
Their "casual" outfits! Oh, 90s fashion crimes... I miss you
"Aren't you uncomfortable in your uniform?" I mean uniforms and not having to decide what to wear are The Best. (And also I am very much on the autistic Worf headcanon and can imagine uniform gives him a sense of comfort in a very uncomfortable environment.)
Worf! That was Very Romantic! I did not expect you to compare Jadzia to a nebula, ngl.
As much as I think Jadzia should be allowed to reconnect with a friend without Worf's jealousy, she's also not very considerate of his feelings. Blagh.
I actually kind of like this episode more now that I'm not just anti-Worf? I do wish Jadzia was allowed to just be the single, flirtatious woman - or polyamorous, flirtatious woman - she was meant to be, though.
Worf's scowl upon finding his "bathing suit" is Very Justified.
Worf's dumbfoundment at Leeta not being with Dr Bashir is hilarious. I do still like messing with his sense of what is "right" and "wrong".
Ugh, this man wants to paint himself as a "victim", doesn't he... "I can only imagine what you must think of me." Yeah, no, it's not that people hate you because you know some secret "truth" they don't want to hear, but because you're an awful, paternalistic, condescending killjoy.
"I may be wrong, but didn't he just insult us?" I love Julian.
Boy, do I want Jadzia or Julian to stand up and speak about their experiences with the Klingons or Dominion that he couldn't begin to understand.
"You two dishonour each other with your actions!" "You mean... We didn't tell you why we came here." Actually hilarious, Julian, how?
"I hope we proved our point." You wouldn't have if Worf hadn't stopped Jadzia attacking back, you'd be on the ground.
"I did not say you were doing anything wrong. It's just that some of your behaviour-" Aghhhh, I actually hate understanding Worf because this speech is awful but also it's coming out wrong. What he *wants* to say is he's feeling hurt by her disregard for his feelings but he can't put it like that.
And what he actually says IS awful - "At times, your are too impulsive. You act without thinking. You have no self-control." - because HE'S just as impulsive as her, and in ways that have actually hurt him and Starfleet - look back to his trial!! His fight with the Jem-Hadar when working together on the Defiant! He cannot stay himself when it is his Klingon pride at stake.
And Jadzia is rightfully hurt by these words, and how Worf has generally been acting, because if he meant it the way it sounds it would really not be great of him! I hated him the last timei watched this, and I really wasn't expecting that to change!
"Jadzia you are my par'machai... and everything you do reflects on me." That was not how that sentence was supposed to end 😅
I hate it but I'm actually liking this episode quite a bit - it's the classic miscommunication trope, but genuinely not from lack of trying on Worf's part, simply from lack of ability.
Leeta's so vicious in smashing the dish!
Quark is so hopeful with Leeta's revelation that he might see some of those "fireworks" he was taking about... xD
Hmm, not so sure even the Bajoran ceremony quite makes one ready for that sort of honesty, quite so soon, Leeta...
Worf calling her "Dax" as he spots her with Arandis. Seeing her as the symbiont and Curzon, not Jadzia.
Ugh, "you're too much work". Why did you have to say that? Though I guess if the situation was reversed and it was Jadzia saying it, I'd just take it as good natured teasing...
"What I want is Worf." "Why?!" "Because he has the courage of a beserker cat and he has the heart of a poet." "And the brain of a pigheaded idiot." "Yeah, sometimes." She says that last sometimes so fondly though... maybe if she loves him that bad she does jut need to put more effort in... (Also loving 'beserker cat' rather than simply 'beserker' or 'beserker warrior' XD)
"Maybe we have forgotten how to deal with adversity." Maybe the point of having a civilization where adversity is rare is making the most of happiness? And maybe those who do face adversity - like the Starfleet staff - deserve a fucking vacation? Most people on Risa are on holiday - they have jobs and other life stresses, even in automated space communism utopia. I think Fullerton is probably the one who needs a little experience of *true* adversity. -_-
Last time Worf's story made me go "booo, a little not of tragedy doesn't mean you're allowed to be a massive misogynist." But actually, Jadzia is right, it does explain a lot. And I do give most of the other characters some slack in the misogyny area given they were written in the 90s...
"Or at least get out of this room." "... Very well." Fullerton actually sounds disappointed to be asked to leave the room that's about to collapse. Oh god, he wants to be a martyr, doesn't he? 🙃
"I will do as I please." *throws him across the room* FRICKING IMPULSE RESTRAINT WHAT, WORF?
"I am on holiday." I'm glad that amused you, Jadzia, but what?!
"I better go find Bashir. He brought a horga'hn down to breakfast and that's the last I saw of him." Quark looking out for Julian is not something I realised was a thing? But that definitely sounded a little like concern. (Unless it's a hope he can join in, I guess... 😅) (Was not expecting to get on the Quark/Julian train either but if there was a time when it was going to happen...)
Huh, the worst thing this time was actually not Worf, but Julian and Quark objectifying Jadzia... and at least on Julian's part, I think it was in jest, given I don't think she was being her best self at that time?
Alright, well - for all that people hate that episode, which had included me… I enjoyed that, genuinely! Surprises never cease...
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jemmo · 1 year
RE: his man 2. I love your long rant because I agree with every point. I can tell everybody’s type by the man they pursue. Seonwoo- intimidating, assertive men. Yonghee- mature, older gays. Junsung- pretty. Hyun Jin- very physically attractive shorter men. Hyunjun- kindness, competence. Sungho- physical attractiveness and banter. Dabit (the oldest)- earnestness and attentiveness. Minsung-??
aghhhh thank you lovely anon im having so much fun talking about this show nonstop bc I really am that obsessed and I need to stop my mind from buzzing while we wait for next friday.
but wow I think your ideal types are kinda spot on!!! which is interesting when you compare it to what they initially presented their ideal types as, bc some of them are pretty different. take seonwoo, he said he wanted an introvert that he can just have a chill, relaxing relationship with and yet he’s come into this house and seemed to start drama wherever he turns, which says to me he doesn’t actually prefer the quiet life like he says, otherwise he’d at least be handling the affection he’s received more like minsung, keeping it lowkey and being introspective, thinking seriously about who he likes, but no he seems too busy buzzing around everyone to actually address his own thoughts and feelings. and he does endlessly keep saying he wants to be chosen, to be pursued, which tells me you’re right, he wants someone more dominant and assertive. I think what’s stopping anyone from fulfilling that ideal type for him is that he wants the person he’s receiving attention from to be someone he likes, and it’s either that the people he likes aren’t like that, aren’t forward or chasing after him, and those that are aren’t people he has feelings for.
and similarly with yonghee, he came in saying he wanted someone small, cute, very much implying he wanted to be dominant and assertive, very much the kind of person seonwoo wants. but I think the people he’s gravitated towards are people that are older and more mature and yet still have some softness and cuteness to them, that’s why he worked so well on both his dates with jungwook and hyungjin, bc he can still feel like he’s taking care of someone and be kind and dominant in that way, but in return he gets taken care of in a more emotional way, he has someone then looking out for him, who cares about him and wants the best for him, someone he can find comfort in which I think is wonderful.
I also love that you said both sungho and junsung are looking for physical traits bc yes in a way but I don’t think it’s so vapid and surface level as I’m just here for the looks. I can’t put the relationship they have into words bc it just works so well in my eyes and I just feels like they find such comfort in each other already and I kinda don’t know how it happened but I’m so happy it did. and with the looks thing, both their careers are based around appearance which makes sense why they’d place importance on that, but I think it also means they gel well in their approach to those kinds of things, style and aesthetic and such, like they’re the couple that would just love to take cute insta pics on dates and find joy in visiting pretty cafes and nice sceneries. I’m getting ahead of myself now bc the delusions are jumping out but yeah… I just think they match so well. (Also what you said about banter… I think junsung is so good at matching the level of banter sungho has and wants in a partner)
and as for minsung… I didn’t know what his type was until the latecomers came, bc when they both came in you could see his eyes go wide. which says to me his ideal type is men, like pure men. he wants a man. and I don’t think there was anyone really like that among the original six, but both hyungjin and hyungjun fulfil that ideal perfectly. and I think it’s an ideal type that sits pretty equally between appearance and personality bc they both physically are bigger, broader and such, but also have a softness and gentleness to their personalities that creates this image of comfort, but they also both have this capacity to be both fun and cute, but also very much someone that takes care in that stereotypically manly boyfriend way. basically they found two people that are minsung ideal type and now he faces the ultimate dilemma of having to chose
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman
oh boy okay. agh. here we go. right off the bat the opening is just SO good??? its so sick and for what??? the soundtrack to both films also is very clearly 2010s pop music or whatever but still im a fan. shoutout to 2012 and 2014 specifically (bc thats when the movies came out KJHKJASHG)
peter playing hide and seek with his father in the beginning of tasm is very cute until u realize why his fathers hiding =]
AGH. richard parker.
oh yeah i forgot abt the office. so richards office gets broken into and like ransacked bc oscorp employees (????) were looking for his data on the spiders. is this ever stated in either film? no.
anyway! time to abandon our child and leave the country! - richard and mary parker
we learn basically nothing abt mary btw like we have noooo idea who she is shes just there
OKAY ALSO in the first film when theyre leaving richard says "be good" and just shuts the door. in the SECOND one he holds peters hand and rubs his thumb over it then says it and leaves. idk why its different its probably just a mistake but i noticed
FLASH THOMPSON this flash is soooo interesting he has such a fun character
peter being a scrawny brunette white boy and a skater and photographer in like the 2010s and also somehow being single is baffling to me
anyway hes abt to get his shit kicked in
remember how i said flash is a fun character? hes not rn he kinda sucks BUT he gets better
like he hits peter a few times but he gets better i promise
SHOUTOUT TO GWEN shes awesome she doesnt suffer from "only worth being a love interest" disease she actually has a full character
also her checking on peter after the fight is so cute
most of her character development and stuff comes in the second film bc it focuses on their relationship more but its so fun
"ben parker dont u even think abt leaving that filthy box in my kitchen" "these are my bowling trophies" "oh well then by all means please leave that filthy box in my kitchen" I LOOOOVE MAY AND BEN
ben is such a fun father figure for peter. like he says he doesnt know how to parent and take care of him well enough but honestly? he does a pretty good job
"guess who sold it to him? your mother, thats how they met" AGHHHH THATS SOOOO CUTE anyway whatever back to peter
oh yeah the photo of richard and curt. the start of it all. KGJHSKJGH this causes so many issues for everyone now
peter parker in glasses. i wanna be him.
im genuine peter parker is like prime gender envy for me i wanna be him soooo bad
THE DOOR LOCK he managed to build his own remote controlled door lock its so fun
ben is suchhh a good character to compare to richard. bens not even blood to peter but he treated him so incredibly well. and ik richard was in danger and thats why he left but he also just left his son. its more complicated than that for sure but at this point chronologically thats all we know
curt and richard working together is soooo interesting bc richard was just out here working for everyone JGHSKJHG
"youll find your badge to the left" [peter looks for two seconds] "are you having trouble finding yourself?" MAAM GIVE HIM TIME KJGJKSHF
like yes he snuck into this very important building and stole an internship slot from someone else but still!! let the man find a fake name!!!
GWEN oh yeah gwen is dr connors head intern she is so incredibly smart JKGHJSKHGKJ like u see her intelligence a lot more in the second film but shes so smart and i love her so much im a gwen stacy fan
each of the spiderman villains (or marvel in general) either want revenge or to make the world perfect. or both. gimme somethin new. /LHLH ITS FUN I ENJOY THE LIZARD PLOT
"hes second in his class" "second?" "yeah" "are you sure about that?" "im pretty sure" peter and gwen my beloveds <333
they have such a fun relationship and it drives me crazy theyre so cute jhafkjhskj even when theyre not together theyre still like. friends. (dont think abt the second movie we're not there yet)
i wish i was watching this with someone so i wouldnt have to explain whats happening on screen while also giving thoughts abt it. whos gonna step up and watch spiderman with me.
hes a little stupid
this might go without saying but if ur arachnophobic i do not recommend watching the first movie bc this whole lab sequence is just a shit ton of spiders. the second movie should be good but this one is. not.
anyway peters touching things and its not going well for him
OH YEAH CURTS TALKING ABT NORMAN okay so dr connors work is strictly to work on curing norman osborn bc he has retroviral hyperplasia (the osborn curse) hes not actually working to help ppl, thats not what he was hired for, hes here to help cure norman so that he doesnt die from this disease that no ones cured yet
so what theyre essentially doing is trying cross species genetics to see if some animal with like. self healing abilities. (like a spider) would cure norman if used in the correct way. thats also what richard was working on with him but we dont learn abt that for a while.
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agirlwithachakram · 4 months
i know. never read the comments. so I'm gonna say something here so my head doesn't explode and I don't reply to this stupid two year old comment. no one should read this.
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this is on an article about Mohamed Diab comparing the portrayal of egypt in WW1984 and MK and it is the dumbest shit I've had the misfortune to read today
Wonder Woman was created by Zeus so I'd say it's a stretch to imagine her as Jewish, but much more importantly, she's NOT REAL and a Muslim superhero can save a young Jewish girl if someone WRITES THEM DOING THAT. LIKE DIANA WAS WRITTEN DOING THAT.
and LAYLA IS LITERALLY EGYPTIAN AND PLAYED BY A PALESTINIAN-EGYPTIAN WOMAN AND HER HUSBAND IS JEWISH AND SHE'S SAVED HIS LIFE MULTIPLE TIMES AND VICE VERSA AGHHHH and even though she's not explicitly stated to be Muslim she certainly has a cultural connection to it
"i wonder if a muslim superhero" THERE AREN'T ANY. THERE ARE NO MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, ATHEIST, JEWISH, HINDU, BAHA'I, WHATEVER SUPERHEROES BECAUSE THERE ARE NO SUPERHEROES. in real life there are many instances of Muslims and Jewish people supporting each other in various ways.
food for thought my ass. what in the HELL is the point of this comment except to express nasty bigotry. what an asshole.
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arminiloveyou · 2 years
Hi! I saw you have matchups open and I would love to have a romantic matchup for either aot or jjk. Or both!! I also have no preference if it’s a man or woman.
Sooooo I’m a Gemini and my personality type is ISFP. Im 23, I don’t have a pronoun preference but I am afab. I’m a figure skating instructor, and have been figure skating for over ten years. That’s my main hobby. With being a coach means I work with students of all ages every day so I am pretty outgoing, friendly, and I think I get along with just about everyone. I’ve even had really shy kids take a liking to me. I used to compete but I’ve since retired and now I just coach full time and practice here and there. I have other hobbies that I pick up every now and then like bass playing and painting but they don’t really stick much.
When it comes to relationships and dating I’m pretty forward. I make the first move often. My way of flirting is poking fun and teasing so as long as they don’t take it too seriously everything works out! I think I’m pretty charismatic.
The only difference between me and the pic crew is my hair is curly/wavy and is a brown black that fades into ashy blues/purples by the ends
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Thanks a bunch!!!
omg i loved hearing about you!! i’ve always wanted to figure skate!!! thank you for your kindness helping people!! i hope you enjoy your matchup lovely!!
for jujutsu kaisen i match you with…
gojo satoru
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i think you’re the first to get this perfectly imperfect but still perfect man you being in figure skating seriously draws gojo in. he absolutely cannot get enough of seeing n hearing you talk about it. he’ll be there as often as he can. he especially loves seeing you teach - especially with the younger kids. it warms his heart n attracts him to you like no other. like sooo much i cant even put it into words. it makes him feel so happy. he loves how direct you are but believe me he’ll give you a run for your money. his goal is always to make you blush. you’re super attractive to him in all ways. “jeez, y/n, you looked pretty good out there… well, i guess much more than pretty” he switches between low whispers in your ear where he bends down to immediately ruffling your hair. he’s a menace. you know at the end of the day he truly loves you. he’s in love with you. he’s a smiley guy but nothing compares to how he glows when he’s with you. whenever he has to go on missions he gets really fucking sad. he hates being apart from you. it’s like his life force is missing. “aghhhh y/n…. i hate it here, i promise i’m tryna finish everything up to get back asap… i know you understand my job but aghhhhh i miss you i can’t stand this…..do you miss me, my love?” he asks genuinely - he wants reassurance that the distance n the time apart is eating you alive just as it is him.
for attack on titan i match you with…
hangë zoe
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another one totally enamored but your figure skating. they’ll constantly be picking your brain on the sport. “ahh y/n, have you ever thought of what would happen if….” “y/n, dear, i have a skate design idea!!” “ahhhh, y/n, i told you to be careful… yknow that it puts so much strain on your body…” they’re protective of you but soooo supportive if you ever wanna do solo events again. you being direct helps them a lot. they’re direct as well but i think that initial hurdle having been crossed by you will help them extinguish any doubts n be able to just go forward n trust you. they’d use dear, honey, sugar, sweetie, darling, n love for you!! also this may seem stupid but it popped into my head one day you came home from work to them holding a of pickles in their hand n watching a documentary. as they watched, they snacked. afterwards they put the jar away, brushed their teeth, washed their hands, n continued watching. after you’d gotten changed n settled you teased em about it. now the pair of you call one another “pickle.” they enjoy that you’ve found your passion. they’re proud that you know what fulfills you - it brings them soooo much comfort. “y/n… i hope you stay in my life for a long time, but like this… us together.” also they alwaysssss thank you for your support, love, n appreciation. you never have to worry.
sorry if the pickle thing makes you cringe :(
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husbandhoshi · 3 years
yeah i mean it definitely depends on school, i think because it was such a small school it really cut back on any bad stuff happening there wasn’t time for it 😂.
I definitely miss home so much i’ve been here for almost 2 years and i’m really close to my family so i’m excited to be moving back at the end of May. I think it’s hard to compare the two places both lack what the other has so even when i go back to the states i’m definitely going to miss it here. And you can ask as many questions as you want 💖 i’d love to share.
hopefully this week has been treating you much better than the last few in terms of school and work, your procrastination is much appreciated and keeps me entertained 💖
p.s your tag made me giggle because it was the first time i’d ever seen someone say my life was cool and gave me a bit of perspective 😂💖
yeah thats totally fair!! i’m so happy tho you had fun in greek life & i bet reading frat/sorority!au fics are super fun bc it truly hits close to home!
and ahhh!! moving back soon!!! i bet ur family and friends will be so happy to see you! i guess some questions i have … what are some things you enjoy doing in korea? what’s one thing you’re excited to do when you get back home?
and Aghhhh this week is not treating me any better but it’s finals week so..to be expected. soon i’ll be free though! and then i’m on break so you get an unfiltered stream of unhinged-ness hahah! and yes your life IS cool!!!! no one i know is doing the shit you’re doing so pat yourself on the back!
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Can I request a MC taking Saeyoung to a cat cafe for a date?! I imagine he would want to go crazy with all the cats but they would all run and hide behind MC. hehehe
That’s adorable hell yeah!
Warning: get ready for so many cat puns you’re litter-ally going to want to scream so bad lmao
Furmidable Date! (Saeyoung x MC)
It had been a while since you and Saeyoung had gone out. Recently you had been busy preparing for the party, and Saeyoung was spending more time with his twin!
So one day, when Saeran had gone out to hang out with Yoosung, and you and your boyfriend had the day off, you decided to surprise him.
He was sleeping in, even though it was almost 1pm, so you jumped on the bed and started kissing him all over his face.
“Aghhhh....Not the kiss attack....It’s super effective....” Saeyoung grumbled, and slowly opened his eyes, looking up at you.
“Why’re you up so early?”
“Saeyoung it’s 1pm please.”
“Five more minutesssss” he groaned and turned around, hiding under his pillow.
“No sir! If you don’t get up right now, you won’t get to see my surprise!”
“S U R P R I S E?!” Saeyoung quickly stood up and smiled brightly. “You got a surprise for me?! Why didn’t you say so?! I’m up!”
You giggled and ruffled his hair. “Well mister, first I need you to take a shower, because we have to go out.”
“Sure thing cap’n!”
Saeyoung gave you a little salute and walked over to your bathroom, an excited bounce in his step.
You couldn’t stop smiling, you just couldn’t wait to see his reaction!
Now you only had to get ready, so you sneaked up to the bathroom and surprised poor Saeyoung (he grabbed you and dragged you to take a shower with him tho lmao)
“OH MY FREAKING GOD Y/N WHAT THE HECK?!” Saeyoung screamed and quickly walked over to the entrance of a big pink building.
“YOU BROUGHT ME TO A CAT CAFE?! A CAT. CAFE?!” He asked with wide eyes.
You giggled and nodded.
Saeyoung looked like a child who had just walked into a candy store, and he was about to go inside the building when he quickly turned around and hugged you tight, spinning you around, and giving you a big kiss.
“Well with a surpurrise like this I’d like to marry me too.” You chuckled and Saeyoung rolled his eyes, but a wide smile took over his face.
And with that, he grabbed your hand and quickly brought you over to the cat cafe.
It was absolutely, fucking adorable.
There were cats everywhere, each a different breed and color. The waitress smiled, and guided you towards a table near a bunch of cats.
Before she could ask what you would both like to order, Saeyoung raised his hand.
“Can I go pet the cats?!” He asked, his face in a serious thin line, but his eyes full of...determination? You noticed that his leg was quickly bouncing up and down under the table.
The woman nervously smiled. “W-well yeah, it is a cat cafe so feel free to-”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Saeyoung bolted out of his seat and went over to the cats.
“LOVE ME” he screamed, and the cats....well they did not want to be with him lmao.
“Someone’s excited.” The waitress smirked.
You shyly smiled and nodded. “He adores cats. That’s the reason why I brought him here, actually!”
“Aw that’s wonderful! Oh hey, if you get attached to a cat feel free to adopt it! We mostly take in cats from shelters that don’t have enough space, or families that just can’t take care of them, so if you want to adopt one please tell us! They’re all sweethearts, so don’t be afraid to play with them!”
You gave a nervous smile. You weren’t really sure about a cat at home. With Saeyoung.
Yeah that would be a disaster.
But of course you didn’t tell the waitress that, you just nodded and ordered your food.
After the waitress had gone, you walked over to Saeyoung, who was currently trying to lure some cats out from under a table.
“Having fun tormenting the cats?” You teasingly asked, and Saeyoung groaned.
“I don’t get why they don’t want to come near me! Seriously, is my love too much for them? Or do they just have a thing against redheads?” He pouted.
You laughed and sat down next to him, making some clicking noise with your tongue, while extending your hand so the cats could come closer.
“Y/N trust me, that’s not going to work. I’ve tried.”
He was proven wrong however, when the four cats hiding from Saeyoung came out and rubbed themselves all against you, one of them laying near your foot, the other in your lap and the other two getting pet by you.
“I’m sorry Saeyoung, you were saying?” You mischievously smiled up at him.
Saeyoung glared at you and tried to grab one of the cats, but they hissed at him, and Saeyoung looked at them, hurt.
“Aw Saeyoung don’t make that face! I’m purr-eety sure they’re not doing it on pawpose.” You winked, and Saeyoung tried his best not to smile.
“Well my beautiful Y/N, I’m having the feline that these cats are being super judgemental. And I did not come here to be treated like this.” He glared at the cats, and you laughed.
“Aw , I’m sure one of them will come soon....maybe....”
And so while you both waited for your food, you kept teasing Saeyoung about the cats.
It was great and you had never enjoyed teasing someone this much.
Once the food came, Saeyoung gloomily made his way to the table, and you accompanied him.
While you ate you looked up at him. He was actually pretty sad, from the looks of it, and you actually felt bad.
“Aw Saeyoung, I’m sorry. I brought you here to spend time with the cats and have some fun...but I don’t think you are....” you sighed.
Saeyoung quickly shook his head, and grabbed your hand from across the table.
“Nonsense! You drove me all the way here to give me a surprise! And it’s not your fault the cats don’t want to be with me, maybe they just have a feeling that I may be to extreme with them.” He smiled reassuringly at you, and you raised an eyebrow as if to ask ‘really?’ And he nodded.
After the both of you finished eating, you went to the bathroom for a bit, and when you came back you saw Saeyoung who was laying with an orange kitty on his lap.
“Y/N I got one, I don’t know how but I got one and I want to keep it.”
“You want to keep him?”
Saeyoung nodded.
“I’ve gotten attached to him and now I can’t let go. Y/N, I’m ready to be a cat dad, it’s something I’ve been preparing for my whole life, and I think the time has finally come.”
You sighed and walked over to Saeyoung, sitting down next to him and petting the cat, who began to purr even louder. Meanwhile Saeyoung looked at you with some puppy eyes, begging for you to please get the cat.
“Saeyoung, you can’t even take care of yourself, how do you expect to take care of a cat?” You seriously asked.
Saeyoung+cat= disaster.
You knew that Saeyoung would care for the kitty as if it was his baby, you knew that, but you also knew that Saeyoung sometimes acted like a baby, and that two babies in a house were a recipe for disaster. If you already had to clean up after some silly little mess Saeyoung made, imagine with a cat?!
But as you were about to point all of that out, you saw him smiling down at the kitty, his eyes full of joy, and you couldn’t help but sigh.
“Fine. You really want him?”
“Yupyupyup!” He excitedly nodded.
You smiled and stood up, walking over to talk to the waitress from before.
After talking for a bit, the waitress happily made all the arrangements for the cat!
She was also giving you all the stuff you might need, and she even gave you a little collar! But as she was about to pick the cat up to actually put it on it she nervously looked at you two and bit her lip.
“So um...you see, most cats around here come from shelters or families. Some of them arrive alone...and some of them in pairs. They normally don’t get too attached but this one...well this kitty came with his little brother, and they’re both inseparable. The other one can barely get around without him, and I’m afraid if you want to adopt this one you’re going to have to adopt the other one too...but it’s fine if you want another one! There’s always-”
“We want them both.” Saeyoung said. He looked up at you, with a serious expression, but he was also looking for your approval.
The waitress looked over to you and you nervously bit your lip.
Well....two cats wouldn’t hurt right? Besides, the lady said that the cats were really close...and you didn’t want to separate them.
Finally, you sighed and nodded. “Yes. We would want them both please.”
Saeyoung and the waitress both gave you a big smile, and she got the other kitten to bring it over to you.
When you were done you said your goodbyes and thanked the waitress for everything, and you sat on the car, both cats sleeping peacefully on your lap.
As Saeyoung drove he kept looking at them from the corner of his eye, and when you asked if anything was wrong he shook his head and smiled.
“It’s just....I’m sorry, I know you didn’t really want to take a cat home, and now here you are with two of them. And I knew I was asking for a lot when I asked you to adopt one...But...when that woman mentioned that it actually had a sibling that he couldn’t really be separated from...it reminded me of me and Saeran.” He gave a dry laugh and looked at you. “Probably sounds really stupid doesn’t it? Comparing me and my brother to some cats?”
You shook your head and caressed his cheek.
“It’s fine Saeyoung. Even though it will be a lot of work, I’m sure we can get the hang of it. And your reason for adopting them is completely fine, I’m sure both kittens are very happy that you choose them. Besides, how hard can taking care of two cats be?”
It was actually really hard lmao.
First of all, one of the kittens was way to fucking energetic. He would get on the counters and try to look for food, making a mess. He would also rip the curtains and run around the house jumping everywhere.
Meanwhile, the other cat had actually gotten really attached to Saeran. Literally.
He would follow him around everywhere.
At first Saeran didn’t want anything to do with the cat. He would glare at him, and whenever he followed him to his room he’d kick him out.
But slowly...Saeran got attached to him. He even gave it a name!
Midnight. (Yup Saeran is edgy like that lmao.)
The other one was named by Saeyoung, who named it Circinus, after the Circinus Galaxy (And you were glad he named the cat that, because one time he told you that if he ever had a kid he would name it that, and you just got a huge load off your shoulders by suggesting to give the name to the cat.)
Also, get ready for so many cat pictures spam.
Jumin and Saeyoung will get into a full on war to try and find out who’s cat is cuter.
(Zen didn’t even know what to expect when he logged in the chatroom anymore the poor man.)
Even though taking care of the cats was hard, you both really enjoyed it!
They were like your kids, and you and Saeyoung spoiled them so much.
Going to the cat cafe would be something that the two of you would do daily, and Saeyoung loved taking pictures of the cats and showing off to Jumin (who actually now wanted to start a cat cafe business. Honestly it wasn’t such a bad idea, except you had to make sure he didn’t overwork Jaehee.)
And like that, your cat adventure begun! Saeyoung would forever be grateful that you took him to the cat cafe, and he made sure to spoil you too!
You loved waking up to your boyfriend, and your cat sleeping beside you, the curtains letting in a bit of sun.
And those moments, you would think that your life couldn’t get even more purr-fect.
Also it’s currently 5am, did I get up to write this? Yes, yes I did (fuck sleep amirite?) 😌
Hope you enjoyed it! :P
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aalissy · 4 years
Date Night
Chapter 17 of Dreaming in Black and White is finally done!! Aghhhh I'm sooo sorry!!! It's been toooo long since I've updated this story! I've been too busy keeping up with Adrienette April and Marichat May! I hope you guys can forgive mee! The identity reveal is next chapter so you have that to look forward to haha ;). Lemme know what you think of this one <3
Marinette rushed through the crowded streets of Paris, the wind blowing her pigtails back as she did so. How could I forget my date with Luka?! She mentally scolded herself. Gnawing on her lip nervously, she slowed as she neared the building that Luka had sent her directions too. She entered into the small restaurant, letting the warm air envelop her. She scanned the crowded room sheepishly, finally spotting her date gazing out of a window. She cleared her throat lightly, slowly creeping towards his table, “Excuse me but is this seat taken?” Marinette gave him a small, apologetic grin.
“Marinette!” Luka stood up with a bright smile, “You made it!”
“Yep,” she giggled nervously, sliding into the seat across from him, “Sorry I’m so late! I lost track of time.”
“That’s alright! I’m just glad you’re here,” he sat back down, picking up the menu in front of him, “How’s your weekend going?”
“It’s been good so far. Adrien and I got some work done on our science project. How was yours?” Marinette picked up her own menu, looking for the tastiest food item listed.
Luka grinned teasingly at her, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously, “It’s been good. I got some practice in with Kitty Section before rushing off to my date only to realize she wasn’t here.”
Marinette winced, putting down her menu to regard him both seriously and apologetically, “I really am sorry about that Luka. I invited Adrien over to work on the project and we lost track of time and I didn’t mean to-”
“No, no, it’s alright, Marinette. Honest. I was only teasing,” he waved her apology off with a quiet chuckle, “I understand, believe me. I know just how late you tend to be,” he winked.
She ducked her head, feeling warmth rush into her cheeks as she did so. She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, “Still, I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, I promise you that I’m okay with it,” Luka’s hand landed atop hers, squeezing it gently.
“Are you two ready to order?” a chipper voice spoke up from their side, and Marinette tore her eyes away from her date’s blue ones to look up at their waiter.
“Yes, I am. Marinette, are you?” Luka grinned at her and she gave him her own shy smile back.
“Oh, yes, I’m rea-,” she was cut off from speaking by a loud, blaring alarm coming from outside. Her eyes widened as she listened to the akuma alert ring out along with the loud screams coming from the Parisian streets. Her gaze darted from the window back to Luka’s wide, panicked eyes. Marinette stood up, cursing Hawkmoth for interrupting yet another one of her dates as she spoke calmly, yet decisively, “You need to get to safety!”
The musician’s brow furrowed as he looked at her, “Yes, we do.”
Marinette coughed, wincing slightly as she stuttered, “R-right, right,” she gave her head a quick shake before grabbing Luka’s arm, yanking him over to the kitchen that the waiter and all the other guests were rushing towards. Her eyes searched around the small space, looking for any place to hide. With another muffled curse when she found none, she instead decided to duck under one of the tables with the other guests. Luka’s hand found hers, giving it a quick squeeze as he grinned at her. Marinette managed to give a wobbly smile back but her gaze still drifted to the door outside, chewing her lip nervously as she made out the faint sound of screams. 
I-I can’t just sit here! I have to do something! Chat Noir won’t be able to handle this alone! I’ve gotta help him!
Her gaze darted over to the boy next to her worriedly and she let out a quiet breath of air before she pushed herself out from under the table.
Luka’s hand shot out to grab her wrist, his brow furrowed in confusion as he watched her, “Marinette, where are you going?”
“To find help,” she managed to give him another weak grin before capturing her lower lip between her teeth.
His frown deepened and his grip tightened, “I’m sure Ladybug and Chat Noir can handle this, Marinette. I’d be surprised if they weren’t there already. Please, stay.”
“Luka... I, I can’t,” she gave her head a slow shake, feeling her heart shatter when he gave her a pained expression, “One of us has to go get help! Who knows what type of an akuma it is?!”
“But it doesn’t have to be you,” he pointed out. All the same, his grip around her loosened slightly. His blue eyes stared at her piercingly, like he knew already what her decision would be. 
Marinette clenched her eyes shut tightly before sucking in a deep breath of air. Slowly, she moved her arm away from his grasp, “Luka, I-I’m sorry,” she whispered before ducking out of the kitchen. She flinched with pain shortly before she rushed through the open doors, briefly catching the tail-end of Luka shouting her name. Blowing out a harsh breath, she cursed Hawkmoth and began running against the influx of people sprinting towards her. She stumbled and pushed against the oncoming crowd, all the while her head swiveling as she searched for a place to hide and transform into Ladybug. Eventually, the horde of people slowed and she was soon left alone on the empty street.
Shivering slightly at the cold breeze, Marinette wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to get warm. There was still no sign of an empty alley, and she wasn’t sure whether or not the buildings she was passing were filled with people. Shooting a worried glance at her purse, she continued to look around for somewhere safe to transform. 
Continuing down the cold, empty streets, she finally found exactly what she was looking for. An abandoned alleyway! She breathed a sigh of pure relief before darting to it. Marinette’s lips just began to part to speak the transformation words when something stopped her. A warm hand grabbed at her jacket and her eyes squeezed shut before narrowing in accusation as she whirled around to face her attacker. 
If it’s the akuma, I’ll go down fighting! Chat will get here soon to stop him anyway! The faster I can delay him, the more time he has to get here. Ugh, and I was so close to transforming too!
As much as she was sure her eyes were lit with frustration it compared nothing to the blaze of fury in Chat Noir’s eyes. His hand was clenched in a fist around her jacket and his nostrils flared with rage. Marinette couldn’t help but cower for a brief moment before his words reignited her own anger, “What are you doing out here?! Didn’t you hear the akuma alarm?! It’s not safe!” Chat practically hissed at her.
“I was going for help! I didn’t see Ladybug or you and figured someone needed to do something!” her arms waved about in exasperation. 
Chat's mouth fell open in shock, “Are you insane!? Ladybug is sure to be here soon and I heard the alarm! Of course, I was coming!”
“Well, I didn’t know that!! For all I knew you were stuck somewhere because of the akuma or lost your miraculous aga-,” she slapped a hand to her mouth before she could reveal too much information.
“Wait, what, how did you know that?” Chat lost some of his anger, frowning at her in confusion.
“I, um, err,” Marinette’s eyes darted away from his gaze nervously before her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers together, “I was assuming! Yep, I was just guessing! You know, sometimes you and Ladybug show up late to akuma attacks so I just figured that maybe you lose your miraculous sometimes. I mean, I definitely lose my earrings all the time, so I can’t imagine what it must be like having to keep track of a ring,” she rocked back and forth on her heels, giving him what she hoped was an innocent smile. 
Great job, Marinette, she berated herself sarcastically, why don’t you just go ahead and tell him you’re Ladybug?! Well, at least you didn’t give away that you know that the kwamis are always near their miraculous, making it sort of impossible to lose...
“Right,” Chat dragged out skeptically before he scooped her up in his arms, ignoring her squeak of shock, “Regardless, I need to get you home, Marinette. It’s not safe out here with an akuma on the loose.”
Ignoring the bursts of electricity that were running up and down her arms from just holding him, she buried her head in his chest. Quietly, she mumbled her apology, “I-I’m sorry, Chat. I just wanted to help.”
He chuckled rather heartily, “I know you did, purrincess. I know you did. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
Marinette felt a pair of lips brush against her hair, causing her face to turn a bright, red color. Closing her eyes some, she settled deeper into his chest, “I-it’s alright.”
As soon as he drops me off, I’ll transform. I just hope the akuma isn’t too destructive.
Soon enough, they were up and onto the rooftops of Paris. She was cradled in Chat’s arms as he began rushing her back to the bakery. As they ran, he leaned down close to whisper quietly to her, “You look purrety pawsome today. Have a fancy date to rush off too?”
She ignored the harsh clench of guilt her stomach gave as she thought about Luka. The pained expression on his face as she told him she had to leave. The half cut-off shout of her name as she fled the restaurant. Marinette gnawed on her lip as she shook her head some, her blue eyes gazing at his chest sadly, “Yeah.”
“Did you not make it then?” the superhero asked almost hopefully.
Her eyes snapped up at that, staring at him with shock as she noticed the small clench of his jaw, “Chat, are you jealous?!”
He looked down at her piercingly, his emerald eyes filled with something indescribable, “Yes,” he said shortly and simply.
Marinette’s chest clenched at that and she blushed deeply, tucking her head back into his chest to hide it, “W-well, I-I did make it. W-we didn’t have much time to talk though... the akuma attack happened and then I ran away to find some help.”
“So you just left him at the restaurant then?”
There was amusement clear in his voice and her eyes snapped back up to glare at him. A silly, almost satisfied smile was on his face. Chat literally looked like the cat who ate the canary. Her cheeks turned a darker red at that and Marinette scowled up at him, “You don’t have to look so happy about it! I feel terrible! I was only trying to go get help.”
“Well, you found him. I’m at your service, purrincess,” he looked back down at her with a smirk. He tilted his head subtly at her, giving her a small bow.
“What if I was looking for Ladybug?” she snarked back at him, crossing her arms against her chest.
“I’m sure you were,” Chat snickered at her, “I’m glad that you found me instead, though.”
“Of course you are,” Marinette rolled her eyes and blew out a quiet sigh.
He chuckled again before leaning down close to her to whisper quietly, “Because now I get to carry you in my arms through Paris. Not her.”
Her face flamed once again before she narrowed her eyes at him, “S-stop doing that!”
“Doing what, purrincess?” Chat’s smirk widened as his eyes gleamed at her rather mischievously.
“Y-you know exactly what!” Marinette waved her arms about even as her face turned even darker, “T-the flirting!”
“I don’t know what mew mean, Marinette,” his smirk transformed into an innocent grin, “I wasn’t the one who ran away from my date halfway across Paris to come find a charming and suave superhero.”
“Oh my god,” her eyes clenched shut, “That wasn’t what I was trying to do and you know it!!”
“I’m pawsitively certain it was,” he snickered quietly.
“You’re insufferable,” she muttered, glaring away from him and towards the bakery she could just barely make out over the horizon. Soon, she would be away from him and his temptation. Soon, she could transform into Ladybug and save the day. Once again, she glanced down nervously at the purse where she was sure her small kwami was pacing about anxiously. They were just about to land on the bakery’s balcony when a loud thump behind them caused Chat to whirl around. Marinette’s eyes widened as she saw what was behind them. It was the akuma. Sucking in a gasp of disbelief, her hands immediately went to her purse protectively.
This is a disaster!
Chat quickly put her down, glaring fiercely at the akuma as he pulled out his baton. He pushed her protectively behind him as he snarled at the villain in front of them. It was a man in a swirling dark blue coat. Stars danced along the edges of the suit he was wearing. A hat with tiny moons was perched atop his head as he smiled maniacally at them. Chat’s voice spoke reassuringly at her as he kept her behind him, “Stay back, Marinette. I won’t let him hurt you!”
“Well, it’s nice to finally see you, Chat Noir. You’ve been busy protecting a civilian, I see. Where is your precious little bug though? I haven’t seen her yet. I am the Enchanter and I’m here to make certain that you follow my every whim. With but a touch of my hand you’ll be powerless to resist,” the akuma gave a loud, wild laugh as he outstretched his hand towards them.
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samgtt700 · 5 years
Happily Ever After
Part Six
Thanks to everyone for your support, I am considering an alternative ending. I want to thank everyone for your comments/love for my first mini series. I loved Annabelle Parsons character and getting to write this gave me some closure for her character. I hope you all enjoy.
Maria pushed hard. Squeezing Annabelle’s hand in a vice grip. Maria forcing the doctors hand in allowing Annabelle to remain by her side.
“You are doing great.” Annabelle’s encouragement helping. Maria feeling her hand massage her back. Urging her on.
“You must push.” The doctor said. The dowager countess watching on near the corner. Her eyes lingering on Annabelle.
Annabelle shifted to grab the flannel, wiping Maria’s forehead before pulling her to meet her eyes. “We’re almost there.” She smiled. Squeezing Maria’s hand. “You can do this.”
Maria nodded. Taking a few deep breaths when she felt another contraction. “Aghhhh!” She screamed. Pushing with all her might. Stopping when she heard a cry. Annabelle kissing her hand. “You did it. My love.” She whispered.
Maria watched as her child was cleaned up, wrapped in a blanket before turning to Annabelle, her eyes following the baby. “I shall inform the father.” Dominique departed. Her eyes lingering on Annabelle.
Maria sat up with the help of Annabelle. Feeling her fluff the pillow with force. “The poor pillow.”
“Was not good enough for my wife.” Annabelle insisted. Her voice low to avoid others overhearing.
“Lady Maria.” The doctor walked over. Holding the baby. “Congratulations. You have a daughter.” He handed the baby to Maria.
Maria feeling her eyes water. Holding her precious baby girl at last after all this time waiting. “You are the most precious, my daughter.” Maria felt Annabelle rest her forehead against Maria’s temple. “Isn’t she gorgeous?”
“She is. Like her mother.” Annabelle trembled until she gently touched their daughter’s forehead. Her eyes and lips lighting up with joy, Maria seeing tears falling down Annabelle’s face. Wanting to remember this moment forever, the moment they had their little girl, that she was finally here and Annabelle crying with joy, that they finally had their family. “I love you.” Annabelle smiled down at their daughter. “I never imagined it would feel like this.” Annabelle wiped her tears. “I already want so much for you.” Her hand sliding around Maria’s back. Gently massaging.
Maria shifted to hand Annabelle their daughter. “Our little girl.” Annabelle holding her close. Feeling her breaths rise and fall. Her littles hands moving about, reaching out into the world, ready to face it no doubt, she would be fierce, she was a Williams.
Annabelle gazed into her daughters eyes. Feeling an unbreakable bond form the moment she held her for the first time. Her heart exploding, feeling so much for such a precious little girl so quickly. “Elizabeth.”
Maria smiled. “That’s a lovely name.”
“It’s my grandmothers name.” Annabelle reminisced. Her eyes darting over her daughter. “She taught me it was okay to be brave.”
Maria rested her chin on Annabelle’s shoulder. “Elizabeth Mary Williams.” Mary smiled. “My mother would have adored my wife and her grandchild.”
“As would as your father-“ Annabelle stopped when she saw Mr Chambers step in. “Mr Chambers.”
He approached the trio, leaning over. His hand cupping the back of Elizabeth’s head. “A girl.”
“Elizabeth.” Annabelle handed Mr Chambers Elizabeth, seeing a twinkle in his eye as he held her for the first time.
Maria being attended to by the doctors as Annabelle and Mr Chambers talked about Elizabeth.
“Countess Maria requires rest.” The doctor glared at the trio. “She is to stay in bed and rest.”
“She will doctor. We will make sure of it.” Annabelle nodded. “Why don’t you-“
“No.” Mr Chambers handed Annabelle Elizabeth. “You can introduce them to the heir to Edgewater.” His hand squeezing Annabelle’s shoulder. “I will keep an eye on Maria.” He winked. Letting Annabelle have this moment.
Annabelle stepped out with Elizabeth. Making her way down to the parlour, stopping just outside. Feeling her heart thunder in her chest before looking down at her daughter. “I have no reason to fear. Not when I have you. You are a blessing. I once told your mother a thousand stars didn’t compare to her. A million will never compare to the joy I felt in my heart when I held you for the first time.” She touched her cheek gently, a smile spreading across her face. Everything feeling right, in her life, in this moment, with her daughter.
Annabelle stepped into the parlour. Seeing their family. “I have someone special to introduce.”
“Did I miss it?” Briar rushed in, out of breath. “Tell me I did not miss the-“ she stopped when she saw Annabelle holding a baby. “Is that-“
“It’s Maria’s daughter Elizabeth.” Annabelle smiled. Handing her to Briar.
“A beautiful name.” Dominique smiled. Walking over and looking down at the little girl.
“After my grandmother.” Annabelle announced. The people gathered safe to share the news with. “Elizabeth Mary Williams.”
“My mother will be jealous I met Maria’s daughter before her.” Briar softly chuckled. Handing Elizabeth back to Annabelle. Squeezing Annabelle’s shoulder before stepping back, seeing the joy Annabelle had in holding her daughter. “She will be well loved.”
“She will indeed.” Dominique said. Squeezing Annabelle’s shoulder. “Your grandmother would have taken joy in this honour. She was a good woman.”
“Thank you.” Annabelle nodded. Glancing down at Elizabeth.
Maria walked the gardens. Holding two red roses to take to her parents graves. A tradition when she visited. Wanting to remind herself how pure their love was and how lucky she was to find it in Annabelle. She heard giggling behind her, seeing Annabelle holding Elizabeth in her arms.
“Uncle Harry told me about the duck!”
“He promised never to tell you that story.” Annabelle pouted. “The worse part was the duck landing on your mother.”
“Was she mad?”
Annabelle thought back to that night. “Not nearly as much as I hoped.” She kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. “Where is Henry?” She stopped. Turning back and seeing a young man jog over, struggling with his jacket.
“I’ve got it.” Maria adjusted his jacket. Pushing his hair back, “you look fine young man.”
“Thanks mama.” Henry smiled. Annabelle and Maria adopting the young man. Their hearts opening the moment they laid eyes on him. He jumped to hug her. Catching Maria off guard but she wrapped him in her arms.
“You are getting taller every day. I have to tell the cook to stop feeding you soon.”
“But he’s a growing young man.” Annabelle softly chuckled.
Maria letting Henry down. “Shall we?”
Annabelle nodded. “Let’s.” She followed Maria, taking Henry’s hand.
Maria approached her parents grave when they arrived. Stopping in front. Going to place the roses when Henry caught her arm. “May I?” He asked.
Maria nodded. Handing Henry a rose before turning to Elizabeth. “Do you want to place this one Elizabeth?”
“Yes mama.” Elizabeth grabbed it. Annabelle taking Maria’s hand as their children placed the roses in front of Mary and Vincent’s graves. “It looks beautiful now.”
“It does.” Maria smiled through her tears. Putting a hand on Henry’s shoulder as Elizabeth stood in front of her. Holding her dress. “They would have adored you two.” She felt Annabelle squeeze her hand. “My mother would have taught you to sing Elizabeth. And I am certain my father would have taught you Henry to be proud of your heritage.”
“I am proud.” Henry smiled. “I have two mother’s who make me feel like the luckiest man in the world. For filling my heart with so much love and joy. And not to be afraid of being an honest and open person.”
“I raised you good.” Annabelle smirked. Maria pinching her. Annabelle sliding her hand around Maria’s waist. “Do not forget we have dancing lessons later. All those compliments will not get you out of it.”
Henry rolled his eyes. “But uncle Harry promised to take me hunting.”
“Is Sir Luke going?” Maria asked.
“Yes.” Henry answered. “It was the first thing I asked.”
“And is Percival?” Annabelle asked as well. Wanting to know if the young man was going.
“Yes. Am looking forward to seeing him. He is showing me his new rifle Mr Sinclaire helped him purchase.”
“Speaking of. I may have asked Mr Sinclaire to purchase you a rifle for hunting.” Maria smiled. “It is ready the next time you want to use it. I had it engraved with your initials. H.W.”
“Thank you mama.” Henry beamed.
“It is all I want. For my little corner of the world to be filled with your joy.” Maria kissed Annabelle’s cheek. “How is the new painting going?”
“Well. Our daughter insists I should not make her sit still for so long. Nor our son. Nor my wife.” Annabelle rolled her eyes but unable to stop herself from smiling. Winking at her wife. Feeling lucky, and so loved by those around her. Having exactly the life she desired. Not caring a bit about decorum when she was with her family. Not wanting them to miss out on being loved, not wanting to force anything on them like her father did to her. Grateful for Maria, giving her everything she was looking for. “But I will persevere.”
Tags: @iam-the-fuckin-queen I hope you enjoyed the series and the ending.
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I have been so curious on your tags you have for groups...... can you please tell me a few because I am genuinely curious what you have for them. They are great and hilarious. Like baby nunu boulder I can think about at 3 am and laugh over it
Lmao, yeah I have a weird brain 😂 and I’d love to tell you! Idk what groups you’re into so I’ll just go through them all haha Some have stories, some are just obvious. But I’ll just give the rundown since I talk a lot anyway 😂
UPDATE: I have to put a keep reading thingy because, oh my god I wrote so much. I’m terrible.
MJ: Happy Virus
That’s a given I think since it’s something he’s known by but he really does make me extraordinarily happy so it fits.
JinJin: Smiley Jinwoo
I love his full name and I almost always use an idols full name in any situation. I mean “JinJin” is adorable obviously, but “Jinwoo” makes me real soft. And he’s a smiley puppy and I can think about his smile anytime and it will automatically make me feel a million times better.
Eunwoo: Prince Dongmin
Again with the full/real name. And “prince” because not only is he very princely in appearance, he also has, in my opinion, some of the most important qualities a prince should have. I’m all about appreciating him for more than just his face!
Moonbin: Binnie Bug
So I have this thing where I only call specific people “bug”. Like it’s not a nickname I use lightly, it’s special to me for a reason that I’m not even able to describe. Binnie just happens to be one of those specific people. And my favorite name to call him is “Binnie” because it sounds cuddly and cute and I call him “Bin” or “Moonbin” when he’s being rude 😂
Rocky: Dancing Minhyuk
Real name again 👍 and he’s extraordinary at dancing. Nothing exciting about this tag, honestly. It doesn’t mean I love him any less!!! I would protect him with my life.
Sanha: Bbu Bbu Sanha
Sanha is captain of Astro’s boat. 👌 And he’s beyond adorable when he says “bbu bbu” so every time I tag it it makes me giggle and smile because I think about how cute he is and how much I wanna pinch his cheeks urghhhhhh I love him.
Mark: Quiet Sparkle
Mark can sometimes be super quiet and reserved and I really like that side of him. I mean I love his weird loud side too but something about quiet Mark is oddly soothing to me. And to me, he literally sparkles at any given moment.
Jaebeom: Jaememe
I genuinely think it’s impossible for him to avoid being a living, breathing, walking meme and I love it so much.
Jinyoung: Heavenly Jinyoung
Another pretty generic one. He’s just straight up heavenly. In all the way omg (he’s such a great bias wrecker 😩 aghhhh save me from himmmm).
Jackson: Wang Puppy
A given. A typical nickname of his but I just think it’s so cute and accurate. I like to think he’s mainly cute and adorable considering I qualify him as my best friend and most people want to avoid falling in love with their best friend, but I will admit that he messes with my head sometimes and thus, the tag is far from accurate in those cases…
Youngjae: Happy Sunshine
The light of my life (well one of them. MJ and Yeonjun and Youngjae are all one giant sunshine of my life). And happy is my favorite look on him. Excuse me while my heart flutters because I love him so much.
Bambam: Damn Bambam
I actually say this multiple times a day. And more than just for when he’s doing something ridiculously attractive. Sometimes it’s “damn Bambam, why are you so cute and dumb?” other times it’s “damn, Bambam is the best meme.” just to name a few 😂
Yugyeom: Brownie
I know this is also a common nickname for him, although I think people spell it Browny, but for some weird reason, when I first got into Got7, I don’t remember exactly what Yugyeom did, but it made me think of a cosmic brownie, ya know the little debbie snacks, and that’s what was in my brain when I thought up a tag for him 😂
Yeonjun: Baby Sunshine
He’s the baby out of my three sunshines, the other two as previously stated being MJ and Youngjae. He seriously makes me giddy with happiness and, like I said before, he lights up my life and makes it better.
Soobin: Cucumber Watermelon
I read somewhere when they first debuted that he has a nickname of “cucumber” because he’s tall and I thought it was cute and went with it. The “watermelon” part is because one of my favorite outfits he’s ever worn reminded me of a watermelon. I shall include a photo to illustrate my point, but also because he’s adorable.
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Beomgyu: Fluffy Sparkle
Because he’s fluffy and cuddly and cute and squishy and I just wanna squeeze him. Plus fluffy hair on him is my favorite. And he’s another natural born sparkler. Idk how he and Mark do it!
Taehyun: Doe Eyes
They were the first thing I noticed about him. They always look so gentle. Even if he’s bursting with happiness and laughing away, his eyes are still so sweetly soft. I love them.
Hueningkai: Dollbaby
I took one look at this boys face and thought he was an absolute doll. That perfect porcelain skin and those defined petite features, he’s just beautiful and a lot of the time he doesn’t even look real to me.
Monsta X
Shownu: Baby Nunu Boulder
I too laugh at this on a regular basis lmao. He seriously has such a baby face though. Like it’s so cute and his eyes when he laughs I just *squeals into a pillow* “Nunu” because it’s a nickname of his and “boulder” because he’s, well, very large 😂
Wonho: Sin Axolotl
I explained this recently but I’ll just say it again since I’m on a roll lmao. He’s, a lot of the time, sinful to look at. But he’s also basically the cutest living being. And if he was an animal, I know everyone says bunny which I totally agree with, but in my brain, he’s an axolotl. I made a post about it a while back with photos side by side and, quite frankly, I cried a little about how cute I find the comparison to be. Maybe I’ll look for it, and cry again, and repost it.
Minhyuk: Soft Angel Face
I don’t mean this in a negative way so I’m not really sure how to word this without it sounding that way, but 95% of the time, I’m not wildly attracted to Minnie. It’s not that I don’t find him attractive at all, it’s just he’s more often than not extraordinarily adorable and pretty to me. There’s still that 5% of the time where he messes with my head but for the most part, he’s very soft and sweet and angelic looking to me.
Kihyun: Hamster Clam
This is one of my personal favorites 😂 This is the one I think about at 3 AM and laugh about. He’s compared to a hamster all the time and I love it so much and think it’s so accurate. But the clam part *starts laughing again* There’s this moment in some interview of MX’s, I have no idea what it was since I’ve never seen the full thing, just this clip that’s permanently ingrained in my mind, but Kihyun says something about like clam chowder or something and than Changkyun takes the mic and says “You look like a clam. Sorry.” It makes me laugh randomly and that’s why I chose it. Every Monbebe knows about that clip I’m sure. I’m still relatively new here so I don’t know everything and feel like I have to explain what I do know lmao
Hyungwon: Anime Prince
He’s so princely to me. Like he just looks regal. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a complete dork, but he looks very princely in my opinion. And to me, and probably other people, he looks like he just stepped out of an anime at any given moment of any given day. As an anime and manga lover, it makes me feel some type o’ way.
Jooheon: Joobee
Obviously known as JooHoney, I wanted to go off the beaten path and this is what my brain came up with. It’s not very creative, I’m aware of that. But I think it sounds really adorable and it fits him and I’d probably call him that if I knew him irl too.
Changkyun: Crisis Causing Boy
Curse this boy, I swear. He messes with me sooooo much. One minute he’s squishy and so so cute and I just wanna cuddle with him. The next minute he’s *string of curse words*. A demon. A demon, I tell you. He has caused me to have more crises than I can count so that’s why his tag is what it is.
As for tags for members of other groups I don’t stan yet, I only have one because I couldn’t pass up the opportunity when it presented itself in my brain. Also, I consider Ateez to be one of the groups I stan but I don’t have tags for them other than their names yet. Anyway, the one I have a tag for.
Woozi: Oojigoojigoo
I both hate myself for this and am impressed that I’m crazy enough to think of this. I just had to find out that his name is pronounced “oo-ji” and not phonetically. My exact thoughts when I discovered this are as follows: *gasp* “Ooji.” *has epiphany* *another gasp* “A baby.” *fawns over his cuteness* “Ooji - gooji - goo!” *is ashamed* “I’m a disgrace. I am the scum of the earth. I’m a genius!”
So yeah, I wrote a fucking novel I’m sorry 😂 You probably didn’t want all of this information. But now everyone knows my secrets…..? Are they secrets? Not really. Anyway, I’m sorry this is the longest post ever but I hope you at least find something of this entertaining or cute or any positive emotion really. And thank you so much for asking. I love exposing my horrible mind and terrible sense of humor to the world.
No seriously thank you. I’ve got questions about my tags before so I’m glad people are at least somewhat interested in them and what they mean/where they came from. I might update this is I think of more tags for the groups I get into in the future. This was fun. For fucks sake, I need to shut up, I’m so sorry.
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Endgame-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 1)
Okay so I lost like the entirety of my post when my phone died so whoopsie. Lots of sadness for nebula, Tony, Scott Lang, and Thor. Frustration with time travel because no movie ever gets it right, yadda yadda they are about to go back in time to get the stones.
Whatever it takes. Hoo boy
Gonna cry ago... ughhhhh nooooo
Back in 2012 babyyyyyy
Lmao smart hulk embarrassed at the much cooler hulk
Cmon smart hulk is so lame compared to op hulk
Oh cool that the ancient one was fighting off chitauri
She’s smart huh
Out of body experience
Fatty thor
Sad but Thor
Oh momma dearest
She’s looking out for Loki getting him soup and books
Go say good bye to her Thor!
Rocket slap him
Good rabbit
Yea rocket!!!
Lmao poor Thor. He’s been on earth too long.
Go say bye to Frigga.
Morag okay
Last time they’re gonna see Nat...
Nebula and Rhodey duo
These smiles ain’t gonna last forever...
My heart...
Old Gamora again
Ugh this guy again... Thanos.. just die...
Poor nebula. Okay how the heck is nebulas camera connected... oh poor nebula... Dangit time travel...
Loki babyyyyyyyyy
That’s America’s ass
Ew strike team
These plebs
Right to hydra...
They do look like bad guys
Loki baby
I miss you so much.
Flick me
Free fall
Thank you hulk for not taking the elevator and giving us Loki.
Hail Hydra.
That was easy lmao.
I too hate stairs hulk.
My beautiful Loki
Axe body spray lmao. So that’s what he wears for years. Where even Loki can tell there’s two starks in the room.
I’m so happy to see Loki again.
Poor past Tony. Heart attack.
Lmao Loki knows somethings up
Hahahahahahahahaha and thus the show happens
Steve stop swearing
Oh lmao old cap thinks new cap is Loki
“I can do this all day.” “Yea I know... I know.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA our Steve sounds so whiney lmao
Oh sure throw away the shield and scepter why don’t ya.
Peggy compass
Lmao he mind controlled himself
Stop checking out your own ass Steve 😂😂😂
Soooo does the ancient one know about the TVA? Those timelines and branching look a lot like the TVA timelines.
Uh oh. Bruce. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that?
Oh no.
Oh phew okay.
Wasn’t the ancient one black in the comics?
Oh poor nebula again... she literally can’t not be suffering...
Why is she on a network lmao.
Oh no. Please don’t hurt these other nebulas. AGGHHHHHHH
Lmao enhance
Oh dear oh dear please just let nebula catch a break
Frigga is very perceptive
Lmao so Jane is gonna get the aether removed. I wanna see Steve going back and having to inject the aether back into her lmao.
Lmaoooo why do they keep calling rocket a rabbit
Thank you momma Frigga
Lmao just taking this Thor’s hammer
Okay that’s so sweet. He’s so surprised he’s still worthy
Peter quill is back
What a dork lmao I love him so much
Annnndddd smack!
What’s that light orb you’re holding Rhodey?
Sorry Rhodey but movies aren’t reality
Ouch. You good nebula?
Poor girl.
I love this duo.
Quick escape go
Oh no
Oh no
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand suddenly Thanos’ moral compass is gone. Now he’s gonna try to kill everyone. Poor nebula...
Please let her be!!!!!
Guys grow up
Brain time cmon
Poor Scott lol
New Jersey babyyyyy
Was that stan Lee?
How’d they get access to the compound lol
Awwww dad
Howard Potts
Hug please
Yesss the classic antman helmet
Pym particles. How lucky they are compatible.
Man poor Tony he wants so badly to tell his dad.
Whaddya see cap?
Oh man
Steve don’t be a creep. She can probably see you. It’s a window.
Poor Bucky lmao...
Awwwww Tony and Howard. Man.
Jarvis hahaha nice
Howard is gonna be quite confused when his son starts looking like that random dude
Please let her be...
Wait so how does good nebula come back from this?????? AHHHHHHH
Vormir? Oh no... I’m not ready to cry again...
Please no....
Piss off red skull
No.... please no.... why... who built this dumb tower?????
No no no no no no no no no
Whatever it takes...
I’m gonna cry.
I’m crying.
I know people say it should have been Clint but this is the hero’s way.
Fight to the death, but for their own death...
I’m crying I’m crying.
“Let me go.” “It’s okay.”
I’m crying so badly
I’m crying Even more than for Loki idk why. I think it’s because we saw Nat more and learned more about her. But I love them both so much.
Rest In Peace Nat... we won... your sacrifice wasn’t for nothing.... I promise...
I’m crying again they’re all finding out about Nat
Oh my gosh I’m sobbing like a mess
Give her a damn funeral
I’m sorry thor... but dead is dead.
I’m crying so badly.
Poor hulk.
Poor Nat.
Poor everyone.
Honor her.
Nebula, please... know your character development. You saw other hers memories
My face is literally soaked with tears oh my gosh...
You can do this hulk... do it for Nat.
Dammit nebula please...
Specify comes home safely please
Thumbs up from Thor
Where’s good nebula? She better be okay.
Who’s phone?
Go get your gf Scott
Clint go to your family
Oh no
Thank God Tony activated that armor thing huh? Too bad he took it down immediately.
Look, I hate Thanos. And his morals completely flipped after learning he died. But no matter what, it’s better than his comics’ motivation. In the comics he literally did it do, guess what? IMPRESS LADY DEATH. Thanos was such a simp in the comics he committed cross universal genocide JUST to impress death who is a corporal being.
Thanos don’t be lazy
Sister bonding time
Poor nebula. Hug her please. YEA GAMORA BABY
At least we are done with the time travel.
Okay, Thanos has no power here, please just kill him now and quickly.
Just do it... please...
Nice beard thor. Didn’t know lightning acts as a hair stylist
Oooh I like the music here as they approach Thanos. Very Zelda boss like.
Just kill him. Stop the monologuing.
“Now, I know what I must do.” Ooh? Double the resources like you should have in the first place? “I will shred this universe down to its last atom...” oh...
Thanos... use your brain. There has to be one somewhere under that purple mound you call a head.
Why are you guys just watching him and listening to him monologue. Just kill him already. Should’ve killed him before he put on the armor ya dummies.
How is Thanos, now without any stones, able to put up a fight? Against all of them in when Thor could take him down when he had all of the stones?
Save em Scotty!
Clint living his own alien isolation experience
Yeaaaaa that’s not the nebula you know Clint...
Cmon Gamora
Lmao poor Clint so confused
Oh. Nebula killed herself to save Gamora. TVA where are you huh? Shouldnt all of these guys from the past be considered variants???
Okay okay fine whatever. I know it wouldn’t make for an interesting movie if they killed him quick.. but then Tony wouldn’t die...
So does storm breaker not have the same rules as mjolnir with only those worthy being able to wield it?
Okay so I know that in thor 1, Odin made it so that “whosoever wields this hammer shall have the powers of Thor” so that would provide an explanation for why Steve Rogers can use the lightning when holding it, but in gagnarok, Thor is told he doesn’t get his powers from the hammer? It just helped him? So is it both? Or are we retconning? That also reminds me, Odin says Hela draws her power from Asgard like Thor does, so destroying Asgard would stop her. Why doesn’t it stop Thor? Aghhhh whatever...
Ouch stab the leg
Bye bye shield I guess... dang... so like, how does sam Wilson get a shield?
Cmon Steve, you can do this all day, right?
Grab the hammer.
HOW IS THANOS BEATING THEM WITHOUT THE DAMN STONES BUT WHEN HE HAS—sorry, I just can’t get over this. Thanos does not have a consistent power range...
Thanos, I hate you. I will laugh when you die.
Thanos you are such a hypocrite. From wanting balance to literally being find with outright anger killing.
I can do this all day. Cmon cap. Say it.
It’s just the chitauri. Blow up the mother ship.
Bucky? Where u at?
I have such a stupid grin on my face
I am so ready to watch wanda wipe the floor with Thanos gosh I hate him
How did Thanos bring everyone here? He only had like one thing of pym particles.
Dang pepper how did you get so good at that?
“No no give me that. You have the little one.” Oh my gosh I love this interaction so much.
Okay so I love Bucky and I know him using a gun is more realistic and practical here, but I wish we could see him using his assassin skills and arm more since it was such a big deal when they gave it to him...
Pepper and Tony fighting side by side
Peter shut up and hug him
Peter is so precious
Fight quill fight!
Poor Peter... this isn’t YOUR Gamora. Man I feel bad for him
Van to the rescue!!!
Hope Scott kiss
Aw man
Dang strange you got some powers
Let’s get this thing fixed
Ya “bad” nebula is dead
Clint and T’Challa on a name basis now. Nice improvement from Civil War.
Part 2
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mejomonster · 4 years
saw the first episodes of the lost tomb reboot, and wow yes it is absolutely my jam
YES the sets look so much better. so much. they look more like actual movies or the outlast games or the tomb raider games, there’s dust and contours and rock formations and a lot of different regular house/building/location sets that look like they might be actual places and not just stock-house or stock trailer-apartment. aghhhh soooo much better then the lost tomb 1 sets. so much. Costumes, same - also so much better. all the characters feel lived in like maybe a movie people thought about these details, even though you know this baby is gonna be what - 50/70 episodes?
whereas of course there’s a heaping plenty of cdramas where their costumes and sets look whipped up to some degree (Romance of Tiger and Rose tried, but had this look, Granting You A Dreamlike Life to a degree, Go Princess Go, Men with Sword season 1 especially, Romance of Rua Hong, The Untamed to some degree). this one looks pretty like... idk like they had a stars or hbo kind of budget or effort put into it. As a side note: I also checked out The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty yesterday, and I do think that show looked pretty solid as well in this regard (also I felt Goodbye Princess looked pretty solid in this regard). 
and it just. wow it just looked good. it looked so good. the tomb settings looked like good hollywood movies (the scene in the beginning with Third Uncle reminded me a bit of The Mummy but at night and modern and getting creepy fast lol). It looked good AND THE SCARES AND TENSION WERE BUILT UP WELL. It was paced great, Wu Xie and Pangzi have great chemistry and feel like old best friends. They’re funny and relaxed, or tense and tired and lived in with each other. Their intimacy as far as being long time friends/practically family since they live together, is clear in every scene they get. They easily can joke or insult or be concerned, they touch easy and move like they consider each other family (some great acting agh). Also their dynamic feeling so like... mundane and grounded and familiar really contrasts well against the creepy/tense scenes they’re thrown against. It helps balance the tension so that the moments are either their easy familiarity or else building outside threats.
I am so overjoyed the pacing and the tense scenes are well done (so far). I think its an area this kind of genre show really relies on, and the 1st old drama i thought did not as strongly here as it could have (the old 1st drama i happen to like, and i think it does a good job character/acting/plot wise, the biggest fault i’ve really had with it was pacing since its genre is a lot weaker when its struggling to be action-paced and tense/scary).
anyway WOW this show is my jam rn.
i went in because hello Zhu Yilong. i know he can act well, i am overjoyed it looks like so far everyone else can act great too (Pangzi is doing a fantastic job in his performance so far, at least to me). also i get.. maybe why zyl got picked. way back when i heard this show was coming out, i looked into dmbj just hopeful zyl would be in another action show. i saw wu xie in the first drama and... i was like how is this bright bushy tailed young tomb raider going to be zyl? not that he couldn’t do it but like? he’s maybe not what i’d have pictured, compared to the previous actors that got picked (but i haven’t seen wu xie 2nd drama’s acting, so maybe its more worn-out/grounded). I also had no idea what Reboot wu xie was supposed to be like, except for 10 years+ older - which this part, yeah I get zyl being picked. 
So in the actual show, (pretty early spoiler) Wu Xie is dying and doing one last thing he wants to find out before he does, so he won’t regret. OF COURSE Zhu Yilong was the choice. Of course. He’s really good at carrying some heavy weight stuff, of course he can do a character Going Through It and just bullheadedly stubbornly pushing forward possibly obsessively. It was also really fun to see him in the first episodes, playing Wu Xie before he realized this - unkept hair, no interest in life, sarcastic and a bit of a chill mess. And then when he goes to his 2nd Uncles and its Wu Xie trying to appeal to family, with the clothes they expect and the aqcueising neutral behavior hoping it’ll work, which reminded me a lot of the more fresh bushy tailed naive Wu Xie from the 1st drama as far as the impression this Wu Xie was trying to give his second uncle. And the scene! Where Wu Xie insists he’s still young and business comes first, almost like his character ‘insisting’ he’s still like he early-days Wu Xie character... then his uncle goes ‘you’re not young anymore you’re almost 40!’ And Wu Xie’s face changes, realizing this front he’s putting up isn’t going to fool anyone anymore anyway, and its like a clear sign THIS Wu Xie is no longer that young one. He is older, he IS different, he’s grounded and rougher and broken into something new by life, he can’t be who he used to be even if he steps back into his ‘old role’ of adventurous explorer. WOW I loved that so much. 
It really dug in that this new story is about a NEW Wu Xie who’s gone through enough life he really has changed as a person, and on almost a meta level its like the show really slamming home this is ZYL’s Wu Xie, this is not a person filling a role of the same Wu Xie you remember when the novels began. Its such a good way to establish the character, and to establish how Reboot in some ways is solidly distinct from the previous several novels. That scene just... of course zyl is Wu Xie, this Wu Xie... this older different Reboot Wu Xie who is in a different part of his life, who’s changed and grown, who’s not interswitchable with the young curious adventurer who hadn’t been shaped by all of this yet. It really feels like time has passed, like the character we’re being introduced to is someone grown and changed and new to us now. A lot of the scenes really hammer this home - obviously Wu Xie with his messy hair and robe and disinterest in tomb exploring do in the beginning. But just... this show’s really hammering home that even if he cleans up, looks like Wu Xie ‘ought’ to and does what Wu Xie always ‘does’ like explore and chase mysteries, he is very much not the same person that he used to be - he can’t just undo these changes life caused him. (And if he does, I imagine it’ll be a developing process we can watch). You know - in contrast to those shows/games where the character ‘retired’ but once they’re brought back in some montage, they for all intents feel mostly or fully like their old selves like no life experiences changed their personalities significantly? Whereas when Wu Xie does that ‘quick revamp back to shiny tomb raider’ its abundantly clear its him putting on an ‘act’ that he’s ‘cleaned up.’ That act was for Pangzi, to get them to go on the search for his uncle. Just like Wu Xie putting on the white sweater and going to 2nd Uncle’s was an attempt at putting on an act for uncle - an act he Failed, toward the end, when he realized no one was buying it anymore. And he keeps losing the act with Pangzi too... the difference I think is that Pangzi wants to keep believing his Wu Xie is still that old Wu Xie, because its something he’s insisted on even as Wu Xie outright refused to be it for years. The act is more to seem stable enough in front of Pangzi to be not interferred with, since Pangzi in the end sees him as family and would rather stop him/help take care of him than let him get obsessively into something that looks like its straining him.
And wowwwwww I just love that I’ve got so much thought out character stuff going on AND acted well, in my genre show... I love exciting adventure suspense stuff so damn much, I love great character stuff. I love that this show is nailing both. All the actors, probably in part because of their age just feeling grown and lived in so idk i can relate to what they’re going through, and in part because they’re just all putting 110% into these characters they could easily get away with lazy moments instead. Like... we’ve all seen action movies where this stuff happens, where the characters just don’t like, have as much depth going on. But I can tell Pangzi both wants money and adventure and also just his best friend and to take care of him and genuinely cares for him a LOT, and i like that there’s depth in his acting instead of just being this flat ‘one thing’ defining some of his moments. Even when he’s acting greedy, or insisting, you just KNOW if Wu Xie looked out of it he’d immediately drop those lesser interests of his and prioritize - which we see in the Weather Station. Wu Xie’s obviously been great. 
Even 2nd Uncle’s got some cool character establishing stuff going on with him... he’s this anal cold suburb-uncle acting rich guy but he’s also brutal with criminal money dealings with only-implication, he’s ‘mundane’ like some dad playing video games not worrying about crime dealings but also a selfish dad/uncle clearly just based on that scene alone, he’s got no wife but deeply concerned with family-looks as far as ‘expectations’, he pushes money issues onto Wu Xie again mundanely, looks at the suggested future-gf options for Wu Xie all mundane parent trying to push then slides into mundane gross older man who checks them out, then when Wu Xie leaves that cold blooded ruthlessness comes back and its clear he knows a TON and was putting on his own act in front of Wu Xie by just avoiding the topic/noting what Wu Xie was asking about. Like... wow a ton of character establishing in a few minutes on screen... and again a character that could have been flatter, but wasn’t and was instead very developed and well thought out (and still repulsive, which it always impresses me when an actor gets a bad-person character and can make them feel like a bad person you’d meet in real life instead of a caricature pure evil cartoon villain or trying to portray something sympathetic - this character was repulsive, unlikable, not trying to insist he’s ‘good’ to the audience, but he also felt lived in and like a real person you might deal with instead of some tomb raiding murder gun hiring boss).
I’m not sure how much of it is source material good writing, the drama’s good writing, or the actor’s great performances so far. But like... in a way I’m happy I can’t even tell yet, which to me feels like that means they’re all pretty strong areas.
anyway wow this show is good...
if you like action stuff/creepy stuff, and also good writing/show looks/characterization, so far this show is hitting every point really damn well. i went in just hoping for the bare minimum of some great acting from zhu yilong, and maybeee some cool genre stuff from the show since i like this kinda genre. i’m happy i’m seeing a lot more beyond that. this show’s settings and writing and pacing so far are so gooddddddd 
0 notes
thespace-dragon · 7 years
I just wanted to say that I love your works on Ao3. They are so perfect in so many ways. The combination of fluff and angst kills me. The way you present a darker version of Lance and a more innocent/curious Keith makes my heart pound so loud because it fits so well. I love your ideas and don't get me started with the writing style. I hope you are ok :) (and if you have some advices for a bigginer in the art of writing I am glad to listen) Looking forward to reading more of your MASTERPIECES!
a;skdjgnasg fuck i got so caught up in chores today a;kngadfg, SOOrry this took so freaking long for me to answer jesus fu..
ANYWHOODLES THANK YOU AGAIN FOR LIKE THE BEST COMPLIMENT EVERY JUST AGHHHH i love to really play on how lance can get serious on missions and how keith is a little sheltered and go as far as i can with it. other than that i really try to stick with their canon personalities. (modern aus i dip into their fanon counterparts because theyre memes like holy fuck its awesome) and dude i feel like my writing style is all over the place dont get me started on it xD
but writing tips. gosh this will be long
write your ideas down, all of them, no exception. nothing is stupid, no headcanon not accepted, none of those thoughts. you thought it up, write it down and come back to it one day. who knows you can make it into a fic one day (look at the rift and ruins, prime examples)
write whenever you can, and strive for every day. im a little rusty with writing right now because ive been so busy i crash every time i get home and honestly im a mess, but i try to write as much as i can during my down times. it honestly helps so much.
READ. read a shitton, pick up things from other authors, other fic writers. since i dont necessarily have the motivation to write every day, i make up for it in reading. reading saves lives.
use your own experiences to add another level of depth to your fics. i do it all the time. i adapt some of my life experiences to fit into aus and such, sometimes a whole fic is a result of my life (see displaced)
let art inspire you. there have been so many times that i just let inspiration take me from art that its not even funny (i blame you @thesearchingastronaut
also let music inspire you too! just because song fics might be a little ‘outdated’ doesnt mean you still cant write them. i have a few that are based of songs completely. (which reminds me i still need to finish one of them rip)
scream and scheme. find someone that you scream ideas at and generally just bounce ideas off of them. itll help you find plotholes and what not.
plot your shit out. i cannot stress this enough. there was a time when i didnt plot and looking back on those fics now, theyre all over the place. now i typically have the main plot events all written down, and depending on how previous chapters went, i shore up plotholes in the next chapter. but main plot then break it down into chapters and create events that link everything together
let your characters grow and change. sure fanfics dont offer a lot of room for growht because we all want to remain true to the characters, but that doesnt mean you cant let them grow. its your fic, they will grow in response to how you write it.
let them have flaws too. in ruins everyone has flaws: shiro is terrible with his words despite being a great leader and a warrior. pidge has a one track mind, completely focused on the end result and not letting herself bond with the others. hunk can be timid and it makes it hard to be proud of his work. keith is stubborn, to the point where communication can be compromised because he doesnt want to listen. lance... sigh, lance is many things, the biggest being that he can trust too easily. (shiro and keith were exceptions to his rule of giving the benefit of the doubt because of their previous positions in the galra empire)but what im saying is, let them have weaknesses, let them learn from their mistakes. it makes the characters feel more 3 dimensional
dont give up. ever. if someone leaves a bad review on your fic, dont worry too much about it. you can take some of what they said into consideration, but dont let what they get you too down. on my first fic ever, i got a flame that called my original character for a universe a mary sue. did that stop me? obviously not because here i am still writing fanfics.
join group chats if you can with other writers. theyre always there to help and really give the best advice. ive met some great people by joining discord servers. some really great artists too! dont be afraid to reach out and start talking with people. my ask box is always open ^^
last but not least, and certainly not because 13 is my lucky number, but  DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANOTHER WRITER. just dont do it. it will kill your drive ebcause youre too busy thinking of how youll never catch up, never be like the writer that you admire. everyone starts somewhere, and everyone grows at their own pace. not everyone is going to be spectacular for every fic, or right out of the gate, hell, my first few fics were awful, i hate them, but i keep them around because it shows how far ive come.
oh god, i think thats it. i hope thats it xD but if you have anymore questions, or want to scream in general, dont be a stranger!! Thanks again hun :D
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