#there's a 'royal' accent that all the guards and royal family and those who live close to the palace have where they really annunciate
mad-raptorzzz · 5 months
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[ID: A drawing of two SeaWing dragons from Wings of Fire facing each other. Tsunami has her back to the viewer and is smirking with her ear tipped forward. She has mostly medium blue scales with dark blue along her spine and snout. Some of her aqua blue bioluminescent face scalers are lit up. She is smirking at Whirpool who floats in front of her. He looks stunned by the audacity of what she is saying in aquatic. His green-yellow scales are lighter on his belly and darker on his back. He has large ears for a SeaWing, which are adorned with several large hooped earrings each. Over his left eye, he has a small golden monocle which is suspended in place by a fine metal chain attached to one earring and one eye brow ring. Between them, in glowing and floating letters, it spells 'Squidface'/ End.]
The scene that made me laugh is when Tsunami learns how to speak Aquatic and the very first thing she learns how to do is basically swear. Headcannon that squidface is the SeaWing swear that functionally means dickhead. Which I think fits Whirlpool well. I tried to make him as oily as possible. His ears normally droop under the weight of all the hoops. But he's so surprised that they're sticking up quite a bit. He also has some big ears for a SeaWing. All the better to put more hoops in. I may do a bit of a redesign at some point and give him gages because that would be sweet.
Love Tsunami. Next up is a scene that made me cry.
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piakae · 2 years
your highness ☆— p. sunghoon
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synopsis ➔ sunghoon isn’t tricked by the princess into attending a party and he is tricked into a kiss.
pairing ➔ royal!fem!reader x bodyguard!sunghoon
genre ➔ fluff, royal!au
word count ➔ tba.
warnings ➔ 3rd person, protective sunghoon, mentions of poison, reader can order sunghoon to do whatever she pleases (but she doesn’t really use it against him)
a/n ➔ had an idea and wanted to write it as fast as i could so sorry if it’s shit. also it’s not proof read/edited. live laugh love royal sunghoon
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“And remind me what your duties are as my bodyguard?”
Y/n presses further, already skimming through her large closet for the perfect dress for the masquerade. Sunghoon, dressed in his perfectly ironed uniform of a navy suit with gold and gleaming accents, crosses his arms and gives her a stern look through her vanity mirror, which reveals her cheeky grin.
He bites back a groan before monotonously replying, “Abide by your orders, no matter what.”
She giggles shortly, “Aaaand what did I order you to do?”, her hands find a pale pink dress, not too fancy or plain. A perfect middle. Sunghoon sticks to his position in the doorway, not keeping an eye off of her and the surroundings, and sighs. He riffles a hand through his chestnut hair (another ‘order’ from the Princess, she thought it’d suit him,) and places his hand in his pant pockets, just above his sword.
“I’m not taking you to that party. Another one of my duties is to keep you safe, no matter what.” Her shoulders slump at his stern words. She makes her way to her bed with a pout and hangs the pretty dress over her hand. Y/n was in simple winter pyjamas, not at all like a princess.
But she could be dressed in a potato sack and she’d still look like a princess to him.
Sunghoon finally leaves his post and walks into her room to stand over her, looking down with the same look he gives to people at the parties he actually lets her attend.
“Those rules contradict each other.” She says.
“Doesn’t everything?” He replies.
Ever since he was assigned her bodyguard at 16, he knew he wouldn’t ever give up his position. Y/n was a natural royal. Kind, loyal, perfect etiquette and perfect look. But as the years went on, the pair discovered more about eachother. How he could be comfortable staying in a castle away from his family, how she could handle being watched 24/7 with barely any freedom. Their friendship blossomed. Sunghoon would protect her, and she would protect him. Mainly from her father, who was constantly asking her to fire him after a simple mistake.
She wasn’t just a princess to him, but his princess. His queendom. And it hurt every time he had to build the walls higher.
“Exactly. It’s a masquerade. Nobody will know each other. If anything, it’s the safest party I could possibly attend.”
Y/n pulls a lip by her pearly white teeth and looks up at Sunghoon with pleading eyes. Something she had perfected. But sadly, he was the one who watched her perfect it.
“I’m sorry, your highness.”
He unlocks his arms and almost reached out for her, before she stands, closing their distance in a split second. She smells like vanilla, and it’s the only thing he can think of. He can’t even comprehend her breath lining up with his neck.
“At least stay until I’m ready to sleep. I know it’s not protocol as the time spent until then is usually spent alone, but my parents and the other guards are not here.” She whispers, blinking slowly as she awaits his reply. He falters,
“I can’t, you know that.”
“You can’t do anything with me. Can you?”
“I cannot stay in your room other than to protect you.”
“If anything I am at my most vulnerable when unconscious.”
He sighs because he knows she’s aware of the immense amount of security that’s strategically placed around the castle grounds, just not at her doors.
“Would you feel more comfortable if I stood outside?” He proposed.
She wanted more. She wanted him to stay close, like they were now, but warm and dreaming under the covers. She wanted him to hold her as she fell into slumber, she wanted to help him pull through the nightmares she heard him complain about to other guards.
But he’s already stepped back, taking her silence as defeat. Sunghoon’s uniformed back is turned before she can say goodnight, but luckily he can sense her urge.
“Goodnight, Your Highness.” He looks back with expecting eyes, and goes to close the wooden door, before she stops him with a hand.
Her eyes flutter before walking to her nightstand. She grabs an unopened packet of lip balm encased in a tin barrel. It’s red and shiny, and she brings it to her body guard. “I need you to try this for me. To make sure it isn’t poisoned.”
He smiles tiredly for the first time that night, and nods. He secretly loathed the way this night was coming to an end. She passes it to him carefully, and he takes it with the same gentleness. His long fingers open the tin, and take a small piece of it.
Sunghoon looks up at her and swipes the balm slowly over his already peachy lips, watching her watch him with intent.
He smacks his lips once, quietly, before closing the lid and swiping his tongue onto his bottom lip, testing the taste. It’s strawberry, and as he slowly closes the distance between him and the princess, just like she did moments before, she’s sure she can smell it.
“What will you do if it’s poison?” He asks in a whisper, eyes faltering towards her own lips. She doesn’t need the product, he thinks.
“I’ll kiss it off.” She replies.
He gulps and his breaths start catching in the air. Her scent causes him to forget his duties completely. The moment is silent for a moment, before he lies,
“I think I’m feeling lightheaded, Your Highness.”
Sunghoon places his delicate hands on her waist, and she places her own on his shoulders. In a swift and smooth movement, he moved one hand behind her head and smoothes her hair. His now red lips hover over hers, and she can feel his minty breath playing with her own.
He stops.
“Your highness, this goes against protocol.”
She looks up at him only for a moment, shaking her head slightly.
“Sunghoon. I order you to kiss me.”
His smooth lips meet hers, and suddenly everything comes crashing down. All of the rules, protocols and regulations are broken, and in that moment neither of them care.
Sunghoon removes himself, an uncomfortable feeling of excitement and dread drag his shoulders down, and she can sense it just by his grip. He has ruined his own life by making it a thousand times better. He almost looks pitiful as he replays his decisions and envisions the consequences.
“Sunghoon,” she whispers, taking him out of the silent dilemma he was over thinking
“Your highness.”
“Kiss me again.” And when he doesn’t, “please.”
Their lips connect again, and Sunghoon moves them both forward to close the door behind him, his hands find their way to her waist again and they both sigh in contentment.
“Your highness, I…” he pauses scrunches his eyes together, blinking them open and looking at her with too much adoration and love that any of his words could explain. He attempted it though, “I… love you. And I won’t stop loving you until there’s a hole through the Earth and the Moon has passed through it.”
He stops for a gulp, watching her closely,
“Your highness.” It is outrageous. A guard confessing to a royal.
But in that tight and warm moment, they both feel as if they are equal in every way possible.
“Sunghoon, I know it’s against protocol but, I feel the same.”
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## taglist — @i520sn @raevyng @enhacolor
masterlist | taglists
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goat-and-a-pig · 5 months
Chapter 19
Icarus gasped. “Whoa…” Gravity Falls was amazing! The town was bustling as they stepped into the town square.
“So… I’m gonna need a disguise. And you need to put up your hair!” Icarus winced. Stan was right- everybody was stepping on it. When they finally gathered it all up, Mabel’s eyes widened. “Are you saying you need a Braid Train?!” She exclaimed. “Be right back!” She dashed off, then came back with five very similar looking men.
“I’m sorry how I behaved the last time we did a Braid Train. Can you forgive me? My friend needs your help.” She gestured to Icarus. They thought for a minute. “We accept your apology, Mabel-Girl! We’ll help you!” One of them declared. “Thanks Deep Chris!” She replied.
Stan coughed awkwardly. “Just gonna… go. Goodbye.” He darted into an alleyway.
Mabel and the boys braided his hair.
Icarus supposed it was strange, but he didn’t care. He enjoyed it immensely. It was therapeutic to just sit back and observe the townsfolk. When they were done, Icarus thanked them for the help. Eventually, Stan came back, dressed in black trousers, a light gray poet shirt, and a darker gray wool overcoat.
He also had on a blond wig and beard.
Icarus snorted. “Look, if it gets the job done, it gets the job done. Doesn’t matter how ridiculous I look. Those guards are idiots.” He glanced at Dipper then cringed. “Uh, sorry.” Dipper waved him off. “It’s fine.” While the awkward exchange went on, Icarus took time to study his surroundings. The flag caught his eye. “Hey Stan,” he said, grabbing Stan’s attention. “Yeah?” He answered. “Why is the Gravity Falls flag decorated like the journals?” The flag was indeed burgundy with a six-fingered hand on the front.
“Because the king, who went missing, wrote the journals,” Stan explained quickly, then gave Icarus a pair of gloves. “Here. Put these on and stick two fingers in one of the fingers. Your hands could bring us… unwanted attention. And put these shoes on, for goodness’ sake.” Stan threw a pair of boots at him. As Icarus pulled on the gloves and boots, he thought. Something wasn’t adding up…
But he was interrupted. “Hey there!” The stranger greeted them. “Hello,” Icarus replied. “’Sup dude! I’m Soos! Who are you?”
Stan answered quickly. “This is Icarus, Mabel, Dipper, and I’m, er, Steve Planter. Pleased to meet ya.” His voice took on a southern accent. Soos’ smile grew even wider. Somehow. “Well, welcome to Gravity Falls! Want me to show you around?” Icarus’ eyes widened.
“Yes, yes, yes! Definitely! Absolutely! Positively!” Icarus was not going to let Stan ruin this. He was going on this tour one way or another. “Ugh. Fine,” Stan grumbled. Icarus bounced up and down on the balls of his feet. “This way!” Soos declared. Here are some of the highlights of his tour:
The arcade- “Super awesome, dudes. I learned almost everything I know here. Also possibly haunted.”
The news station- “Not too reliable. Mostly because nothing goes on here and some people make up wild stories so that there’s something interesting in the paper.”
The mailman- “Pretty sure he’s a werewolf, dudes.”
The Northwest Mansion- “The second richest family in town, the first being the royals. They’re pretty upset by being second, but they still make sure we know we’re below them!”
The cemetery- “Definitely haunted. And I think a zombie lives here. Not sure. Might just be the funeral directors’ son. Oh, and watch out for zombies, dudes!”
The library- “And here’s the library. What do you think? Pretty cool, right? It’s got a bunch of books and historical-y documents.” While Soos blathered on about the library, Icarus went up to the front desk and politely asked, “Excuse me, do you know where your record of citizens would be?” The purple haired girl hardly looked up from her book. “You’re in the wrong place- you’d want the Royal Archives for that,” she said flatly.
“Oh come on!” He muttered angrily. “Thanks anyway, Tambry,” he said, reading her name tag. He stormed out of the library and sat down under a tree. Stan, Mabel, and Dipper came outside. “Now I’ll never- never-” He choked on his words. It was too much. “I can’t get into the castle! It’s over… I- I can’t-” He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe. He panicked until Mabel hugged him, which slowed his heartbeat a bit. Dipper hugged him too. Stan rested his hand on Icarus’ shoulder.
“I can get you into the castle.” Soos’ voice startled the tender moment. “What?” Someone asked. Icarus squinted at him. He could gasp a bit better now.
“I can get you into the castle,” Soos repeated. “I work there. Handyman,” he said proudly. “ Anyway, I can get you in as long as you don’t try to murder the king or something. Deal?”  Icarus nodded and Stan spoke for him. “Deal.”
Soos grinned. “Once you’re ready, the castle is thataway.” Everybody around him would be ready when he was ready.
Icarus just sat there and breathed.
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schcmcr · 3 months
{jayden revri, 28, genderqueer, she/they} We are so glad to see you safe, HEAD COOK ALEKSANDR 'SANYA' DEVI of RUSSIA! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are CHARMING and RESOURCEFUL enough to handle it. Just don’t let your CALLOUSNESS bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO LIVE THE LUXURIOUS LIFE YOU HUNGER FOR
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NICKNAME: Sanya (will not answer to any other name unless she's being scolded) NAME: Aleksandr Devi (true surname: Rao) AGE: 28 GENDER / PRONOUNS: Genderqueer, she/they ORIENTATION: Pansexual, polyamorous • • • FAMILY: Couldn't care less MARITAL STATUS: Unbetrothed but eager to change that LANGUAGES: Russian (fluent, native), English (fluent with a heavy accent)
Saint Petersburg is cold and unforgiving for those who do not have a single kopek to their name. Your family was rich and powerful during the Romanov rule. They served them for generations, and were given freedom to appoint their own for any position that was needed. That should have been your fate, had you not been born long after the assassination of the royal family.
After the war, your parents were shamed for their connections to the previous regime. Shunned, denied jobs, chased out of the capital. Remnants of the extinct dynasty were framed as the common foe that would unite the people towards a new collective goal.
They left for the countryside, and did what any couple in desperate need of money would foolishly do: produce as much cheap workforce as they could. Illness and starvation made you into a survivor. You can at least thank for parents for that, no matter how much you despise them. Your instincts led you to leave them quite young — better to starve stealing, than work eighteen hours a day and starve all the same.
You were caught only once, and they took your right little finger in retribution. You claim to have lost it as an apprentice, when you were still dumb, and clumsy with kitchen knives.
At the age of seventeen you had almost outgrown your aptitudes for sneaking into forbidden places and stealing nice things, and needed new sources of revenue. You already had a talent for selling things to people who don't need them, so this time you decided to sell yourself: instead of sneaking and stealing, you would be invited and given.
Your plan was fail-safe, or so you thought. You set your eyes on the youngest daughter of a merchant family. Dreamy, naive creature. Pretty, too. And filthy rich, behind the tsarina's back; another remnant of the regime. Felt almost like the home you never knew.
You became her friend, then stole kisses meant for her betrothed. Stole her heart. Her family's secrets. Her money, with honeyed words and pleading eyes. You attempted to steal her from her impending marriage, too, but her mother wasn't as stupid as she was, saw right through your intentions, and kicked you out like a dog. Your goodbye gift was to divulge everything you had learned and prompt an investigation on their dealings.
With a warning, if not worse, on your name, you sought refuge in the safest place you could think of: the great tsarina's home. You were smart enough to trick the service into believing you knew shit about cooking, and secured your new job by being competent, charming, and a skilled liar. You learn from your failures, and when you framed the previous head cook for a failed attempt to poison the family, you graciously accepted the role from him.
Now in Brazil, old plans are set into motion once again. Your greatest ambition is still not only not to starve, but to thrive, fill your pockets and climb the social ladder, whatever it takes. Yet, there isn't much more for you to climb in your homeland. So, you have set your sights higher: if you manage to secure a marriage with any of these foreign royals... maybe you could just leave Russia for good.
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gloriousncss · 5 months
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{jeanine mason, thirty three, cis woman, she/her} We are so glad to see you safe, PRINCESS MARIA ORTIZ of SPAIN! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are PROUD and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your BRUTALITY bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU ARE ONE OF THE LEADERS OF THE ANTI-MONARCHISTS IN SPAIN.
Name: Maria Esmeralda Ortiz Title: Crown Princess of Spain Age: 33 Birthday: January 25th (Aquarius) Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Unbetrothed Positive Traits: Proud, adaptable, creative, loyal, decisive Negative Traits: Violent, short-tempered, bold, cunning, vengeful. Hobbies: Painting, fencing, swimming Family: Pirate Esmeralda (birth mother), Duchy of Barcelona (adopted parents, deceased), King of Spain (adopted brother), Queen of Spain (sibling-in-law), Prince Joaquim (adopted brother), Prince/Princess/Royals of Spain (adopted siblings).
Physical Attributes:
Height: 5'5" Hair Color: Black Hair Length: Just past the shoulders, but mostly worn up anyway Hair texture: Thick and wavy Eye Color: Dark Brown Markings/Tattoos: a bull on her left shoulder blade, two crossed daggers on her right shoulder, a wave on her left wrist, a rose on her left ankle, two swimming coy fish yin and yang style on her right ankle Accent: Spanish Languages Spoken: Spanish, English Skin Texture: Course, rough, calloused
Prologue: (murder tw)
She was born from the waves, or at least that's the poetic metaphor her parents came up with to explain how she came into their lives. The brutal truth was that she came from a shipwreck with absolutely no memory of any previous life at the tender age of 5 years old. The only evidence of her old life was a medallion with the name "Esmeralda" engraved on the back. It was lucky that the Duchys of Barcelona came across her and claimed her as their second child, calling her "Maria", as they found her in the water. Maria was a difficult, yet devoted child. Having younger siblings, as she grew older, only made it easier for her to sprinkle her bad influence all over them, taking them out to bars, going out with sailors, and getting into all sorts of trouble. But the more time she spent with the locals and villagers outside of the palace walls, the more she heard stories of how oppressive and terrible the other countries in Europe were to those who had no choice but to steal for themselves. It motivated her, studying politics and seeking justice for the serf class. However, the one thing she could not shake was how she could do nothing from her little chateau. When the Bonaparte's were discovered having stolen money from her family, she was furious that those in power were far too selfish and greedy. Becoming a princess in their place made it no better. All she saw was corrupt power replacing more corrupt power. Soon, the family she adored would also, soon, be just as bad as the Bonaparte's. Helplessness was no friend to Maria, and so she stole away at the age of 27 and was never to be seen again. For nearly five years, Maria wore a hood over her face and commanded her own crew of bandits and pirates, even recruiting another defiant royal just like herself as her right hand. She was known as "Esmeralda", the name she assumed would be her birth mother's. She stole from those who were more fortunate, gave to those who were less fortunate, and kept a sum of the prophet to herself. It was a seemingly perfect life until a battle against another crew resulted in the deaths of her men, all but her right hand woman. The hurt of those losses took her nowhere else but back home to Spain. It was the only solution; go back to Madrid, mend the bond with her family, and dismantle the monarchy from the inside.
Chapter 1: Lal Qila
Maria was practically dragged to Lal Qila. She made promises to do better for her family and the king and queen made her follow through on it by tasking her with finding a husband to prove her loyalty to the Spanish crown. Be that as it may, she made no effort in the slightest to do that. Instead, she proceeded with her work in stealing from all of the royals in the palace and giving the valuables to the poor in the village. Hardly anyone noticed their possessions were gone at all. It was just for the benefit of the people, not thinking twice about what could happen to the revolutionaries and the abolitionists, what they might do. Her interest in sparking the rebellion began again when she encountered an old friend, a revolutionary, whom she met on her travels. Suddenly, the walls of Lal Qila were penetrated and lives were lost on that fateful day in the name of the anti-monarchists. She knew a life without the crown would be better for everyone, but she didn't want so man lives to be lost, so many families to be torn apart. The point of her mission was to free families from the crown, not destroy them. She couldn't help but feel the sting of guilt and used the first strike of chaos to run away back to Spain.
After The Reckoning:
In her guilt, Maria stayed hidden in the palace for some time, turning her attentions to finding out who the real Esmeralda was. After turning up with nothing for two months, she could hardly stand being within the palace any longer, and she set out back into the villages. It felt like her real home, sitting in the village pubs with nothing on her head but a hood, ditching her fairytale princess dress for trousers and a sword, singing songs of freedom and justice with the pub singers. There was still hope without destruction, if only Maria could take hold of the reigns and lead. She pledged herself, Maria Esmeralda Ortiz, to the Revolutionaries in Spain under secrecy (and threat of exposure if they revealed her identity). She started by having her revolutionaries spread propaganda all across the country, and even reaching out to rebels in bordering nations so that the whole continent will sing of freedom and justice too. The Bonaparte family is threatening to rise to power, which will throw Maria off her seat of power to properly control and lead this rebellion. A Bonaparte on the throne will only set Spain back miles behind her plan, and so she is here to stop this uprising. Though she claims the Ortiz family is the rightful family for the throne, she only means to secure her power so she can burn it in hopes of saving all royal families from tearing themselves apart for something as useless as a crown.
TLDR: She doesn't know it, but she is the child of a pirate queen called Esmeralda, and her birth siblings is out there trying to find her. Her mother died in a heated battle between pirate crews. She was washed up on shore with no memory of the raid and the Spanish Duchy of Barcelona adopted her as their second child. She loves her family but also has a fierce sense of justice, which is what took her away from home for 5 years. She met a bestie and had her own crew of outlaws, but that all went awry when another crew killed them all save for Maria and her right hand woman. Maria came home and wanted to set things right with the intent of dismantling the monarchy, but she had to get engaged to make up for it. Thankfully, the reckoning got her out of it and, instead, she spent the last year spreading abolitionist propaganda and is also searching for her birth mother.
Similar Characters: Tulio (El Dorado), Mama Imelda (Coco), Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time), Ember Lumen (Elemental), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Angelica (Pirates of the Carribbean), Anya (Anastasia), Chani (Dune)
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vennilavee · 4 years
pairing: levi x reader  summary: you are a princess, and levi is your knight. and you love him. (royal au, lowkey arranged marriage au) warnings: nothing really, princess is a wild child, mentions of parental death a/n: written for these prompt reqs: one, two
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Duty. Honor. Reputation. What will people say? Your life hasn’t felt like your own in years. But as the eldest princess of this kingdom, you had long let go of the lavishes and luxury of love, freedom and autonomy. Bitterness had seeped into your veins, holding you deep in its clutches. 
You had unwittingly shut yourself off from any semblance of the life you had dreamed of as a child. Rose petals intertwined with each other in clumsy flower crowns had turned into lessons in manners, maintaining appearances and hosting guests. It was all rather bothersome and trivial. Dreams slipped into line with your parents wishes, until you couldn’t discern the two anymore. What the King and Queen wanted, they received.
Your mother chastised you nearly every day. For growing older by the day and refusing a suitor. 
“No other prince will wish for a bride as old as you,” Your mother says over tea.
“Oh? They will surely appreciate the cobwebs around my-” 
Your mother cuts you off, scolding you for your vulgarity. 
“Maybe I don’t even want a prince. Did you ever consider that? Perhaps another princess is better suited for me,” You scoff.
“Prince, princess… Whomever it is. Will you find someone before your mother and father die waiting? You know your father has rebuked plenty of potential suitors-”
You only shrug, ignoring the pang in your chest at your mother’s words. Love was not for you. It was transactional only, meant to be given as a means to an end. As a means to creating an empire.
You hated it. You hated every part of it.
But still, you put on a pretty face at the countless balls that the King and Queen throw for you. For their eldest, most precious daughter. These evenings are filled with shows of opulence- your country’s colors of jet black and gold making an appearance in the decorations, the tablecloths… Even your dress was black with gold accents. It was a beautiful dress but damn, you were bored. You sit in your throne, watching man after man proposition to you and your parents about why they would be a good fit to stand proud next to you.
You’re on your third goblet of mulled wine. You can hear your father nearly hissing at you. How unbecoming of you. You pretend like the fresh memories of your mother crying to your father about how you would bring shame on the kingdom and the family doesn’t replay behind your eyelids.
Oh, well. You don’t care. You can care tomorrow, when you’re a little more sober.
You let your eyes shift to the side, where your family’s guard stands in front of you. Can you catch his eye? Can you catch the captain’s silvery eyes? Perhaps he’s still irate with you, for last night. From the clench of his jaw, you can accurately deduce that he probably still is.
You and the Captain of your guard have been sleeping together for the better part of a year. At first, it had been just for fun. When you had propositioned him, claiming that it would help him loosen the stick up his ass, he had glared at you-
“Besides, wouldn’t it be fun for you to say you bedded a princess?”
“Don’t be so crass.”
Levi would’ve been lying if he said he didn’t feel something inappropriate for you. He saw the way you operated in those strategic meetings- it was where you thrived. You had no qualms with telling off men more seasoned, more stupid than you. He had witnessed you denounce the concept of a monarchy, stating that the power should be given to the people. 
It was a shame that your natural brilliance had been reduced to this without your permission. He recalls late nights of meeting you in your private garden, to hold you with only the moon as witness as you cried about the expectations of being the eldest princess.
He could do nothing. After all, he is only a Captain. And you are a princess. All of these men, princes and dukes from far and wide pale in comparison to you. To your radiance, to your brilliance. They’re nothing. And you are everything. 
It’s torturous. He would rather be whipped than watch this. Watch the King and Queen bring out man after man in hopes that their eldest daughter might show an inkling of interest to at least one of them. He already knows how you must look- beautiful in your dress, but so bored with your chin in your hand and your goblet of wine in the other.
Levi would look back at you, but he’s irate with you. As he should be. He hates liars, he hates false promises and he hates that you thought you could fool him-
Levi’s head is in your lap as you mindlessly play with his hair, running your fingers over his scalp. He nearly purrs at your touch, pressing his cheek into your thigh further. He likes this- likes that you can both live in this bubble of delusion in your bedroom. His legs sink into your silk sheets, as if he’s been there a thousand times before. Which at this point… he probably has.
It’s uncharacteristically warm in your bedroom, much warmer than the rest of the castle is. Maybe it’s the room. Maybe it’s you.
Levi takes one of your hands in his and threads your fingers through his. You exhale in surprise, a smile on your lips.
“I love you,” You sigh dreamily. He tenses up slightly at your words. But says nothing. He’s no fool. You’re not a fool either. So why are you telling him that you love him, when you both know that this won’t ever come to be?
“I’m not leaving you. Not ever,” You murmur, pulling yourself further down your sweet, candy dreams. You even press a long kiss to his forehead and he pulls himself off of you immediately.
“What? What’s the matter?” You ask, the honey in your voice replaced with worry.
“Don’t say stupid things,” Levi says harshly.
“Stupid things?” 
“You know better than I. That this,” Levi points to him and to you, “Will never come to be.”
“Why not?” You ask, your lip jutting out into a pout.
“Naivete and stupidity is not a good look on you, princess.”
“But I’m your princess, right?” You grin salaciously, ignoring the heat in his gaze. You know, of course you know. You don’t want to face the facts. You only want him.
“You are a princess,” Levi exhales, shutting his eyes, “I am the stupid knight who fell in love with the princess. You cannot love me.”
“What can I do?” You murmur, your smile falling and desperation dotting your pretty eyes, “What can I do to make you believe me? I’d leave this behind, if I could. For you.”
“But you cannot. Do not promise yourself to me, when I cannot have you and you cannot have me.”
Your heart aches. Levi is right, but your heart still feels broken inside of your chest.
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It was no secret that the King and Queen were largely disliked across the country. It should’ve been no surprise, the rise in rebellions forming in small pockets across the land. You had heard whispers, trying to warn your parents and their advisors.
But they never listened. Their hubris would be their deaths.
So when you had realized that the castle had been broken into by the rebels, you had openly shown them where your mother’s most valuable jewelry was. You had told them where the riches were.
What you hadn’t realized was that your parents had been out in the town with their guards. Where the rebels had been congregating. It had been an ambush- they had been killed on the spot by snipers.
You didn’t know. You had only thought that the rebels taking your riches was the least that you could do.
And then Levi finds you, his cheeks pink from sprinting to get to you. “Your parents are dead,” He spits out, “I need to get you out of here.”
“What?” You ask stupidly with wide eyes.
“The King and Queen are dead. You’re the princess. You’re next,” Levi hisses, “Now come with me.”
“Mama and Papa? Dead?” You ask incredulously. Your mind is suddenly in a haze, shrouded with fog. You can’t find your way through.
“Focus on me, princess,” Levi pleads with you, “I need to get you out of here. Please, princess. You can cry later. You’re not leaving me, remember? Keep your promise.”
When you don’t respond out of shock, Levi scoops you in his arms and hurries into a hidden tunnel in the library. You vaguely hear enraged shouts and explosions going off. But everything sounds muted. You only focus on Levi’s breaths fanning over your face and the feel of his heartbeat below your hand.
You ignore the sound of your castle going up in flames above you. You ignore it.
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tags: @simpingmaize​ @captainchrisstan​
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singtotheskiies · 4 years
dream come true // five hargreeves x fem!reader (royal au)
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summary: prince five longs for a taste of the world outside the marble walls of the castle he’s always known—and when he meets you at the annual ball, he discovers that it’s even more beautiful than he could have imagined.
request (by my absolute favorite anon): I was wondering if you'd be up for writing an AU one shot? I can't get the idea of something similar to a Cinderella (or prince/princess royalty AU) out of my mind. At some point Reggie throws a Grand Ball for some reason and thats where Reader and Five meet and fall in love and well idk if there would be conflict regarding Reggie and his approval (not like Five would ask) but happy ending? Whether Reader is a princess or a commoner or something else I'll leave up to you.
words: 2000
warnings: none besides reggie’s shit parenting lolz
a/n: i,,,,,, am BLOWN AWAY by this request it is so cute!!! i feel like i really could have done more with this, but here’s a lil unedited smth for you all to enjoy!!! (i wouldn’t be 100% opposed to writing more for this au at some point either)
Five rolls his eyes to the back of his head for what seems like the thousandth time today. If he has to listen to Luther and Diego tear into each other for five more minutes, he thinks he’s actually going to go insane.
He can see Allison glare at him from the corner of his vision, and he raises his hand in a choice gesture without bothering to look at her directly. Reginald’s cane comes down hard on the floor, voice slicing through the room and silencing Luther and Diego’s bickering.
“Five, your behavior is absolutely un—“ “Spare me the lecture, father.” Five cracks a humorless smile. “I already know what you’re going to say—the future of the kingdom is in our hands, all of us must be prepared since we never know when our moment will come, and so on and so on. Well, I’m tired of this! So tired. All we ever do is sit here and listen to those two—“ he pins Luther and Diego with an angry stare— “argue on and on while you just sit there all self-righteous and above it all, never having the decency to tell us who’s going to inherit—“ “That is quite enough,” Reginald snaps, voice taut with rage. “Out.” Five’s eyes narrow. “Out!” And so he finds himself outside the throne room for the third time in as many weeks, head lolling back against the cool marble. I’m really not cut out for this, he thinks. If this is all royalty is—just endless arguing and politics day after day—then I don’t want it. The mid-morning sun breaks through the clouds, shining through the huge glass panes that line the hall. Gold trimmings catch the light, and a glimmer hits Five right in the eyes. He stands up with a sigh and makes his way to the window, looking out on the courtyard and the distant hills beyond. He’s spent hours looking outside at those hills, longing to run for them with all his might. Small homes dot the slopes like beads on a necklace, and Five wants to walk among them, feeling the ground against his feet and listening to all the villagers greet each other as they go about their days. He longs to be free of marble walls and false smiles and instead feel the freedom that he imagines comes from interacting with real people. An impossible dream, perhaps—but a lovely one all the same. And when Reginald calls Five back to the throne room for a talking-to, it certainly helps take his mind off things. Maybe someday, he thinks. ✖️✖️✖️ The sun beams down bright and warm, and you’re grateful for the shade of your stall in the market. It’s been a slow day for selling, and you can’t help but wish that the time would go faster so that you can be free to roam about as you wish. As much as you love selling your jewelry, there’s other prospects that spark more excitement in you—namely, the yearly Presentation Ball being held in just two days. A smile spreads across your face at the thought of it. It’s going to be beautiful, you imagine, full of normal people trying to be their best for one night. And, of course, the royals will be there. Now, you’re not one to gush over a family who’s never seen in public, but a tiny part of you has to admit that the allure of the elite is tempting. This is the first year you’ve ever been able to go, and you wonder if the stories you’ve heard of rulers more statue than person are true. You hope to get a glimpse of them—just to see if they are, in fact, human. The pads of your fingers brush over the necklace in your pocket you’re saving for the ball, and a smile stays on your face for the rest of the day. ✖️✖️✖️ “You had better redeem yourself tonight, boy!” Reginald says to Five, all rancid decorum and thinly-veiled contempt. “I think it unreasonable to expect that I will sit still like—like some puppet all night, Father,” Five shoots back. “Not when our people will be there—I fully expect to speak with some of them.” “What have I always told you and your siblings ever since you were young? Commoners—“ “—Are to be avoided at all costs. Yes, I know. And I am telling you that I believe we cannot be true rulers without knowing who we are reigning over,” Five speaks earnestly, face flushed. “You are a disgrace to this family,” Reginald shouts, all traces of civility gone. “Your siblings would never—“ “Well, I am not my siblings! And I am certainly not going to sit there next to them and feign pompousness,” Five spits. “I’ve had enough of doing things your way.” His turns his heel, moving to storm out of the room.
“Where are you going, boy? The opening introduction will start any minute!” Reginald shouts after him.
“Do it without me! I’m going to be where it really matters—with my people.” Five yells over his shoulder.
Defying Father feels better than he ever could have imagined—and so he takes a deep breath and enters the crowd with a growing smile.
It’s quite possibly the most exciting night of your life, and you’re completely, heartbreakingly late.
You curse under your breath as you run up the castle stairs, dress gathered up in your hands to keep from tripping. Guards stand on either side of the grand, gilded entrance, and you breathe a sigh of relief when you see a small knot of people entering just before you. You reach the doors and hold out your invitation, smiling at the guard as he nods in acceptance. “Enjoy,” he says, and you beam back.
“I will.”
The ballroom is just as stunningly beautiful as you’d imagined. Gold swirls along the white marble walls, accents of royal red adding to the decadence. The huge room is chock-full of people smiling and drinking and making eyes at each other. You breathe deeply in awe, eyes shining as your head moves side to side, hardly knowing where to look next.
After several moments of looking around, your eyes land on the grand throne at the very front of the room, furthest from you. King Reginald is seated in all his harsh glory on it, flanked on either side by two of the princes. They’re dressed in brilliant royal clothes, trying their best to look as commanding as their father. Four other beautiful royals sit next to them, but your eye is drawn most to the empty throne at the end of the row. If you remember correctly, there should be five princes and two princesses—but only four men are sitting with the king. You wonder where the other is—perhaps sick or off on royal business? The kingdom rarely sees the royals outside of the balls, so it’s impossible to tell which prince is missing.
You turn away from the thrones, curiosity overcome by your thirst. Maneuvering your way through the packs of people is a bit tricky, but you manage to reach the refreshments table without any major accidents. A servant pours you a drink, and you thank him with a smile. As you turn to leave, you nearly bump into a boy about your age.
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaim, before continuing on.
“Wait,” his voice comes after you. You stop and turn back around, pleasantly surprised. “I’m sorry too. What’s your name?”
You tell him, and he smiles.
“I’m F—“ he pauses. “Felix. It’s very nice to meet you.” He reaches for your hand and plants a soft kiss on your knuckles with surprising grace. He’s really quite handsome, you think—slender, searing green eyes, well-groomed, thick hair. Most endearing of all is a dimple in his cheek that deepens as he smiles at you.
“Very nice to meet you too, Felix,” you grin, still-tingling hand slowly coming back down to your side.
“That’s a beautiful necklace,” he says with admiration. “Where is it from?”
“I actually made it myself! I sell my own jewelry at the market on weekdays,” you beam. “The wire is made from metal mined right here in the kingdom. It’s purer here than in any surrounding region.”
“That’s amazing,” Felix says with another soft smile. “You must know all sorts of things about jewelry.”
“I guess I’ve learned my fair share,” you laugh quietly. “Jewelry is how I make a living—and it’s one of my passions, so I suppose you’re right.”
“Tell me about how you make pieces,” he asks as the two of you find a relatively quiet place to sit, voice genuine and curious.
And so you do.
You’re the most beautiful thing Five has ever seen—high praise from a boy who’s lived in splendor all his life. As he watches you talk about your craft, he can’t tear his eyes away from your animated face and hands. How had he lived this long without realizing how beautiful people were? He’d never known something as small as a wisp of hair falling over an eye could make his heart swell nearly to bursting.
“Felix? Felix!” Your voice cuts through his daze, and his eyes snap to yours, embarrassed.
“Sorry, just got, um—distracted.” Was Felix really the best he could come up with?
“Am I boring you?” you ask teasingly, the corners of your mouth tipping up. He looks into your eyes, sparkling with amusement, and finds that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, he’s so overtaken by his thoughts that he blurts them out loud.
“N-no. No! Absolutely not! I think you’re fascinating—and so beautiful.” He curses his voice for whispering those last words, and averts his eyes in shame.
“You’re too kind,” comes your voice, soft but somehow makes the pounding of his heart even louder. “If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re quite handsome yourself.”
Years of lessons in diplomacy and etiquette have done absolutely nothing to prepare Five for the feeling that washes over him when you say those last few words. He has absolutely no idea how to respond, and the best his mind can come up with is a “really?”
“Yes,” you giggle, and he’s suddenly aware of just how close you are to him. You smell so nice, and the skin of your wrist is brushing his forearm—and next thing he knows, his fingers are flickering over yours, filling up the spaces in your hand. The look you give him is so beautiful that he wishes he had met you years ago so that it would already be ingrained in his mind.
Your head is nearing his shoulder now, and he’s afraid to breathe in case he ruins your descent. The moment your hair brushes against his neck, he hears his name from behind him. He whirls around to see Klaus with an enormous grin on his face.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself, brother,” he quips. “Unfortunately, dear old father has just about reached his limit with you. If you’re not on your throne in the next few minutes, he’s going to send some guards to find you.”
Five’s eyes are wide as he meets yours. “I’m so sorry. I can explain—“
“No, I apologize, your highness,” you say. “I’ve no doubt broken some sort of royal rule tonight.”
“You were perfect—you are perfect,” he whispers, shaking his head vehemently. “I will find you later tonight—I promise.”
Your smile is more precious than any title he’s been given. “Then I will wait for you—Felix.”
He presses a lingering kiss to your soft hand, unwilling to tear his eyes away from you. And, when he still doesn’t feel satisfied, he moves his lips to the tips of your fingers, your palm, your wrist. He’s only drawn away by the sound of Klaus clearing his throat pointedly.
And for the rest of the night, Klaus’ endless teasing and Reginald’s equally endless scolding are mere echos in his ears—his head is filled with only you.
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Not Your Classic Vigilante [OC Guide]
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Alternate Dimensions AU
TW: Mentions of Death, Language
Genre: Action, Light Comedy, Angst
[DC Masterlist] | [Not Your Classic Vigilante Masterlist]
Word Count: 1.7K
Notes: Something Kay didn’t do for her series, but I figured for clarification’s sake it would fit to properly make an OC Guide! She sent me her notes for each of the characters so I can properly make this, so this most likely should be a must read prior to the series, hehe.
Disclaimer: I, obviously, only own the OCs mentioned in this story (in this case co-own due to them being originally created by Kay); however, I do not claim ownership over the characters associated with DC.
Last Updated: 10 August 2023
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Some World-Building Because Why Not
Let’s call Batfamily’s dimension Earth-617 and let’s call (Y/N)’s new dimension Earth-1123 to put it in context of the multiverse
Earth-1123 was a typical alternate Earth when some force dragged people from all across the dimensions to this new one, typically these people were on the verge of death or dying.
In Earth-1123 (Y/N) lives in the continent known as Caelum, which is around the North-Eastern area of the United States in comparison to a normal world map, said continent is ruled by an Absolute ruling family which (Y/N) and the rest of the Brigade works for.
The military is set apart by their uniforms. Black uniforms signify ground forces, if the uniforms have copper accents then they are trained in physical combat, if they have silver accents then they are trained in combative magic. White uniforms signify support forces, similarly to the black uniforms, copper accents mean they are trained in ranged combat and silver accents mean they are trained in support magic.
The Brigade is a team handpicked by the Captain of the Royal Guard and is at the command of the Royal Family directly.
Haven City is the capitol of Caelum and where most of the story takes place, it is a technological marvel save for the Royal Family’s mansion, which is kept traditional at request of the technology-fearing Queen.
The Brigade
Tasked with protecting the Royal Family, the Royal Guard are known throughout the continent of Caelum as the best. The Brigade are among those "Best" and recognized for their efforts and loyalty to the Reinhart Lineage. To join the Guard is no easy task and to stay in it is even harder, but one would not find a stronger camaraderie outside of it. Though there may be strength in numbers, there is immortality in forged bonds that are impervious to breaking.
(Y/N) Wayne
Original Earth: Earth-617
Occupation: Captain of the Royal Guard
Ability: Confidential
General Description: [Earth-617] Daughter of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne, she grew up primarily with her father and was known to the public eye as a kind soul who excelled in many fields. In the eyes of her family she was rather close to her adoptive siblings, but due to her choice to not partake in the family business she was often disregarded by her father. She was later found dead in Crime Alley. [Earth-1123] The Captain is often characterized by her general indifference but is often cited to be rather sensitive to what others need and can often be found doing favors for others. She is the Captain for a reason, let it be known, and to many she is also referred to as the Royal Family’s Lapdog, a name she is not in any way fond of. 
Alexander Wright
Original Earth: Earth-617
Occupation: Lieutenant of the Royal Guard
Ability: Marionette - Temporary but complete control over a subject
General Description: [Earth-617] Student studying in law in the University of Cambridge, he was often known as a rather lazy student who never showed up to lectures due to another commitment he had but his intellect isn’t one to be challenged, as proved by his high marks and high class ranks. He was (Y/N) Wayne’s penpal for quite some time since primary school, hence how the two know each other. [Earth-1123] Trusted partner to the Captain, he is often the strategist of the team and hasn’t failed the Brigade thus far. He and (Y/N) share a strange bond that cannot be described in a short summary, but, despite their close relationship, it would suffice to say that this bond is more of a curse than it is a blessing.
Carter Adara
Original Earth: Earth-534
Occupation: Second Lieutenant of the Royal Guard
Ability: Pyromaniac - The creation and manipulation of fire
General Description: Equally hot-headed as he is trigger-happy Carter is the kind to take action without thinking of the consequences, Alex could clean it up later, after all. The only reason why he keeps doing it is as simple as the fact that this reckless behavior has saved more people than it has killed. He is often the soldier that accompanies (Y/N) and Alexander on missions.
Evangeline Chandler
Original Earth: Earth-78
Occupation: Medic and Sorceress
Ability: Warp - As long as she can clearly see the destination, a temporary tear in space can allow for instantaneous travel.
General Description: Most believe she is in the wrong profession, but one would have to trust the Brigade when they say that Evangeline is right where she belongs, however they often refuse to elaborate on that statement as soon as the woman looks over. Looks can be deceiving, but only an idiot wouldn’t recognize that she is one of the most powerful magic users in a century.
Nixon Jones
Original Earth: Earth-616
Occupation: Knoght
Ability: Sonic Melody - The manipulation of sound waves to become offensive or defensive
General Description: His ego will be the death of him, confident to a fault, Nixon tends to try to butt his head into places he shouldn’t and it leads to one of the Brigade members having to bail him out of anything. The trade off to this is a fierce loyalty that no one can combat. Though it should be noted that he’s not a favorite of the Royal Family.
The Royal Guard
The resident Knighthood of this continent, their loyalty is sworn to the Crown as an institution rather than to individuals. Though their ranks are open to all those who apply, only the best stay and advance forward.
Aldryn Grant
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Knight
Ability: Robust Analysis - A quick glance reveals intentions and abilities
General Description: A greenhorn to the Knight’s Order, he’s quick to impress and quicker to be helpful in any way possible. He ascended the Knight’s Academy quickly, but is often delegated to acting as the Captain’s secretary in her stead. Although he is one to stay in the Captain’s good graces, that doesn’t stop the frequent headaches.
Marion Catalán
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Biologist
Ability: Metamorphosis - Can temporarily change into a target of interest after consuming any biological substance from said target. Depending on amount consumed, may stay in an altered form for an hour to a full day.
General Description: Loyal to a fault, although it is questionable if this loyalty is to the royal family or to the Captain who saved her life. Although she is young, she’s bright, easily picking up on her training enough to keep up with even the most well trained of knights. She is currently under the training of Alistair Greave, the previous Captain of the Royal Guard who’s currently in retirement.
Inigo Catalán
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Biochemist
Ability: Psychokinesis - The inherent ability to move objects with his mind. The larger or more sentient the object, the more concentration it requires.
General Description: Loyal to a fault, although it is questionable if this loyalty is to the royal family or to the Captain who saved her life. Although she is young, she’s bright, easily picking up on her training enough to keep up with even the most well trained of knights. She is currently under the training of Alistair Greave, the previous Captain of the Royal Guard who’s currently in retirement.
The Royal Family
The Reinhart dynasty is a tyrannical structure. But it is through this terror that their strength became known and their prowess feared. None dare go against the Royal Decree, or at least, none live to succeed. But, behind the mask of ruthless actions, perhaps there lies a shred of humanity amongst the hell they've raised.
Calvin Reinhart
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Crown Prince
Ability: True Shot - As long as a target is in sight, an attack never misses
General Description: Not much is known of the history of the Crown Prince aside from that his family is not one to be trifled with. He was the primary supporter of the Brigade project and is often under surveillance of (Y/N), who is tasked with keeping him in particular safe. Although the Prince is easy to get along with, an educated person would realize that there’s more to him than he shows.
Elvira Reinhart
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: The Queen
Ability: True Clarity - At any given moment, she can tell if a person speaks the truth or is lying.
General Description: Not much is known of the history of the Queen aside from that her family is not one to be trifled with. She’s as cold and ruthless as her husband, something that, according to rumors, was not always true. Stories tell of a kindhearted woman who melted the ice-covered heart of the king. Such are just tales, though.
Ajax Reinhart
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: The King
Ability: True Power - Enhanced strength, enhanced vitality, and enhanced accuracy.
General Description: Not much is known of the history of the King aside from that his family is not one to be trifled with. He united the continent under blood and war and has since held the country stable with an iron fist. He’s cruel where need be and kind in the other times. His true intentions, always, are kept unknown even to his family, who had to mold to his standard to avoid his wrath.
The 28th Class
The newest incoming class of recruits into the Royal Guard. The exams, though rigorous, are only the start of a long journey for these rookies.
Niers Ilyich
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Rookie Knight
Ability: Not yet given
General Description: A young boy with a shrouded past that conflicts his bright personality. He strived to join the Royal Guard after witnessing the victory at the Battle of Kosakomel, where Captain Wayne famously saved an entire town unscathed from a dragon.
Retta Fowler
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Rookie Knight
Ability: Not yet given
General Description: A young girl who’s wanted to be a knight since she read of their chivalry in her books. She dreams of a day she too can save the damsel in distress and she eagerly awaits the day she is referred to as Dame Retta.
Lowen Grant
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Rookie Knight
Ability: Not yet given
General Description: A lonely boy who grew up quite introverted. Though his aspirations for joining the Knighthood are unknown, what is known is how much he adores his older brother, Sir Aldryn.
Luciana Catalán
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Rookie Knight
Ability: Not yet given
General Description: Unlike her older siblings, the sciences never came easy to her. She was always more of a physical girl, being much sportier than her siblings. She knew the Knighthood was right for her the day she picked up a wooden sword.
Hugo Gardner
Original Earth: Native
Occupation: Rookie Knight
Ability: Not yet given
General Description: Years of failure have hidden away the once kind heart he had, but that does little to erase the noble intentions of joining the Knighthood. After he and his family were helped in the Knighthood’s refuge encampment, he knew what his calling was.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag Royalty AU
“I see that,” the King chuckled, gathering the child into his arms. He looked at Kagome. “And who have you brought Rin?”
While Rin was all happy smiles, Kagome immediately went on edge. Of all the people to see first, the King himself! She was not prepared whatsoever to meet the Inutaisho, but she bit down and hid her rising anxiety, pulling on all those years of putting on a false expression to get through important meetings. All she had to do was get through this encounter. Bring the girl home safely, go through some pleasantries, and be on her way.
“She found me in the market when I got lost. Can we keep her papa?”
Kagome’s heart stopped. ‘Wait what?!’ Did Rin just say what she thought she’d said?!
Again, the male laughed. “Well, we’ll have to see.”
“Papa, she can be my new attendant. Please! She’s so much nicer than the other one.”
“Oh?” The man turned back to Kagome. “Thank you for assisting my granddaughter, miss?”
Thinking quickly. “Kagome Tanaka,” she bowed. “And the pleasure was mine. The Princess was a joy to talk to.”
“Miss Tanaka, are you from around here?”
“I’m from a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom.”
“Her mom and dad are dead like mine, so she needs a new job.” Rin chimed in.
“Is that true?” He questioned.
“Yes. It’s why I came to the city thinking I’d have a better chance to find one. I actually just arrived this morning when I came across the Princess.”
“I see. Then tell me do you have any qualifications to be a Lady in Waiting?”
“I believe so your majesty. My mother schooled me in all the main subjects. Language, arts, history, literature, and such, so I’d hoped to find a tutoring position with a noble family here.”
“How interesting.” The King put Rin down. “For such a coincidence.”
Startled, Kagome bowed low again. “I swear it was never intended your majesty.” She didn’t want the king to think she’d targeted Rin for a nefarious reason. “My only intentions were to make sure she got home safely.”
He waved his hand with a chuckle. “I believe you. Our Rin here is very determined and she must have taken a genuine liking to you. But the decision is up to her father, my son to make.” The King then turned to his granddaughter. “Why don’t I wait here with miss Tanaka, and you go and fetch your father?”
“Okay!” Rin skipped merrily away on her mission. “I’ll be back quick!”
“While we wait, tell me more about yourself miss Tanaka. For starters, it is unusual for a commoner to be educated.”
“Oh… as a young girl my mother was a nanny for a noble house and as her ward was tutored, she herself learned things. She told me she loved learning so much that she took every opportunity she could to read and spent her off times in that family’s library. After marriage and having me, she took it upon herself to make sure I was educated because she wanted me to have a better life.”
“She sounds like a good mother.”
“I miss her dearly and only hope that one day I’ll be as good a mother as she was.”
“Your instincts have already shown through when you saw a lost child and decided to help her.”
Kagome blushed. “Thank you, your majesty for your kind words.”
They chatted for only a couple more minutes by the time Rin came back holding the hand of a tall, very statuesque male. Her father looked a lot like the King except his hair was free flowing and he had a crescent moon on his forehead. Another glaring difference was in demeanor. While the King was very pleasant from the get-go, Rin’s father wore an irritated expression. The child had mentioned that he scared people, and now Kagome could see why.
“That’s her, papa!” Rin pointed at Kagome. “She’s the one I want to be my attendant.”
“Miss Tanaka,” the King gestured, “this is my son Prince Sesshomaru.”
Kagome bowed to the Prince. “It’s nice to meet you, your highness.”
The Prince looked down, fixing Kagome in a stare as he spoke. “My daughter tells me you found her lost in the market?”
“Yes, your royal highness.”
“I’ve spoken with Miss Tanaka, and she appears to have all of the qualifications needed for the position.” The King tells his son. “I would approve, but the decision is yours.”
“Please, daddy!” Rin pulled on her father’s hand. “She’s really, really nice! I really like her!”
The Prince barely showed any reaction to his child’s whims, so it was hard to discern what he was thinking. Kagome just continued to stand there silently and demure as possible while he stared straight at her. It was nerve wracking!
Finally, the man spoke. “Very well. The royal steward will prepare a room for you.” He then gave a slight nod to his father and left the room leaving his child practically bouncing with excitement.
The moment Sesshomaru turned his back, Kagome let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in. His intensity was a force all its own and she had no idea how Rin could be so mellow to it. Yet the child was completely oblivious and seemed to have the man wrapped around her fingers. He didn’t even question anything.
The king chuckled. “Rin, why don’t you show Ms. Tanaka around while things are taken care of.”
“Okay papa!” Rin grabbed Kagome’s hand and started pulling her away. “I’ll show you all the cool parts in the palace! Then we can hang out in my room.”
“It was nice to meet you, your majesty.” Kagome tried and failed to bow properly while being yanked away to the chuckling amusement of the King.
They spent much of the afternoon walking around the palace, inside and out with Rin playing the excitable tour guide introducing Kagome to everyone. It was a typical sized palace from what she could see, though the styling is what differed from her own. Several private rooms and guest rooms, administrative type rooms, entertaining rooms, etc. But the one she knew instantly she’d be spending a considerable time in would be the library. Oh, the texts that room held were simply amazing! So many ancient documents dating back hundreds or perhaps thousands of years! It’ll be wonderful to take a book and read it in the lovely garden on a nice sunny day.
As the afternoon sun dipped closer to the horizon, the royal steward found the pair in Rin’s room chatting quietly about a storybook they’d found in the library. Myouga was the older man’s name and he explained to Kagome her duties under the official role of the Lady in Waiting to the Princess. She was the child’s tutor in all areas of education and would accompany the girl any time she left the castle grounds or as needed by the Princess. All of her food, shelter, and personal needs including attire would be furnished by the kingdom along with a small stipend. The same bedchamber maids that attended to Princess Rin’s laundry and cleaning would also take care of hers.
“The former attendants room has been prepared for you Miss. Tanaka. It is the next room over. Your clothes for dinner has already been laid out on your vanity by the bedchamber maid. I trust we chose the correct size for you. Tomorrow, I shall have one of the royal guards take you to the royal seamstress to set you up properly.”
“Thank you, Mr. Myouga. I understand. I just have one question. Before meeting Rin in the marketplace, I’d boarded my horse and meager belongings at the Umagoya. I’d like to retrieve them. My horse is very precious to me.”
“Certainly. See the palace stable hand and he’ll accompany you to retrieve your horse to take it back to the stables.”
Once the man left them alone, they followed his instructions of taking the stable hand into town with them to hand off the horse. It would have been nice if she could spend more time with the stead to get him adjusted, but they needed to get ready for dinner. So, Kagome promised Rin they’d visit Buyo in the stables the next day. When they arrived back at their rooms, two bedchamber maids were waiting, one for each other them.
Kagome patted the hand she held of Rin’s. “I’ll fetch you once I’ve changed, okay?”
“Yup!” Rin hugged Kagome before skipping towards her room.
The white dress with red, orange, and pink accents presented to Kagome was a bit more extravagant than she’d expected to be given to a simple attendant. It was elegant and form fitting from the bust down to the floor, with a slit running down the side of the skirt from mid-thigh to allow for easier movement. The top half was full sleeved, mid-collared, with knotted button closures running down the front until it reached mid-chest. She’d noticed this outfit resembled the same style worn by other nobles and royals in the palace, but not the commoners who wore much simpler outfits. And while not mentioned yet, the colors were also a theme associated with the royal family. It was very different from what people wore back home in her kingdom, but the style was beautiful to Kagome. Aside from the dress, the bedchamber also re-did her hair, adding accessories befitting the dress as well as makeup. Kagome was glad to see it was done with a natural tone and not too gaudy. She never did like being made up to look like a doll. It was a bit odd to her that she’d be dining with the royal family, but again she assumed it was because of Rin’s age and excitable nature. The child was young and having her attendant present necessary so the adults could go about their business. It was nice though, that they included the child. Kagome chuckled inwardly as she thought about the two royal members she’d met so far. The Prince did not seem to even care about a child being around yet must have a heart to have adopted Rin in the first place.
The bedchamber provided information on other dynamics of the royal household so that she wouldn’t ask the wrong questions. According to the woman, the Inutaisho had two queens. The primary Queen was Prince Sesshomaru’s mother through an arranged marriage. It was a loveless marriage, so once she’d fulfilled her obligation of providing a son, she was allowed to live away in her own royal villa in the countryside. It was a few years later when the Inutaisho met a human Princess in another kingdom, fell in love, and took her as a second Queen. She too bore a son, half yokai, half human named Prince Inuyasha. Prince Sesshomaru was married but he and Princess Kagura had yet to produce an offspring of their own. Rin, again according to the woman was an orphaned daughter of a highly respected human general in the army who despite his ornery disposition really gravitated to the Prince. That affection grew on the Prince until he’d decided to simply adopt the child as his own. It was a really nice story and showed maybe first impressions are not always accurate.
“Good evening Ms. Tanaka,” Inutaisho welcomed Kagome as she sat beside Rin at the large dining table. “I trust your accommodations are amenable?”
“Very much so, your majesty. Thank you very much. Your palace is very beautiful.”
The king chuckled. “Is there any room in the palace you liked the most?”
“The library,” Kagome responded. “All the old texts are quite amazing to see gathered in one place.”
“Ah yes.” He smiled. “There is much history held in that room.”
Prince Sesshomaru and his wife Princess Kagura arrived shortly, and Rin introduced Kagome to her mother. Kagura was just as statuesque as her husband, a poised beauty befitting a future Queen. Servants puttered about setting out appetizers before the first course coming in a few minutes. So, in the meantime, Kagome and Kagura chatted about Rin’s schedule. The woman was happy to see her adopted daughter so happy because the child never got along with the last attendant, regardless of how highly recommended the woman had been.
“Ah!” The King suddenly stood up. “There’s my Queen.”
Kagome stopped talking to look at who the man was talking about and saw another gorgeous woman walking towards him. The Queen was definitely human, with long raven hair pinned back away from her face, and flowing dress of the royal color schemes. They were adorable to Kagome, how the Inutaisho greeted her and helped her into her chair. Royals were often assumed to be haughty, proud, and snobbish but it could be quite the contrary as evident in the Inutaisho’s caring nature. Kagome was certain that, if necessary, the man could be a very imposing figure indeed, but with loved ones no different than any other, human or yokai.
The King introduced Kagome to his wife. “This is Queen Izayoi.”
Kagome stood up and bowed. “I’m pleased to meet you, your majesty.”
“I’m pleased to meet you too, Ms. Tanaka, I’ve heard a lot about you from my husband. Thank you for taking care of my granddaughter.”
“You’re too kind,” Kagome bowed again.
“I’m certain you— Oh,” the Queen cut short and focused he’d gaze past Kagome. “You made it, my son.”
‘Son?’ Kagome turned to see who the Queen was talking about. ‘Oh… wow…’
“Inuyasha, come meet your niece’s new Lady in Waiting, Ms. Tanaka.”
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murderousginger · 4 years
Where is your boy tonight?
John Shelby x Russian Maid
Warnings: Alcohol. Drugs. Cussing. Explicit. It’s a Russian orgy party. They’re criminals guys, they do bad things.
Word Count: 3,432
Note: ... Well this went raunchy fast. I’m not a smut writer... so like... I’m sorry ahead of time. I’m posting this before I lose my nerve. In other news, I see you John girls, and I absolutely adore you. I’ll be working on prompts as quickly as I can. <3
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"Remember ladies,"
Tatiana Patrovna strutted around the room of half dressed women in her lace lingerie, running her fingers along one maid's back as she bent over to put on stockings, across another maid's arm as she straightened her skirts, looking over each and every woman. Each woman had to be perfect. The princess resembled a general overlooking her troops before war. In a way, Anna supposed she was. 
"These men don't know Russian women. They think women are soft. Vulnerable." 
Tatiana's wild eyes danced along every strap, every lace garment, every painted face in front of her. The duchess had hired the best whores as maids, and paid them well when the entire family left Russia to come to England. 
The staff already knew what was expected of them. The family was rich, bored. Bored Russian royalty was dangerous. The staff sated every whim. England would have crumbled by now if not, Anna mused as she watched Tatiana flit between each girl. She was already bored of this pep talk.
"Be who they want you to be," Tatiana's wide eyes shone dark as they darted around the room. "But when they cry in passion, learn from them. Then bring it to me."
Tonight was not a regular night. Three brothers were to join the festivities and every woman was to be on guard. Men often talked when their balls were empty and the lights were low. Men told secrets they wouldn't admit under torture. Men were weak that way. 
Anna was just another maid. Another whore brought over from the old country, here to entertain the wild family and whomever else she was instructed to. She had been with them for years, watching the parties grow wilder with each passing phase. 
In England, the family no longer seemed bored. Instead, they seemed like they could no longer return to what society would deem a normal life. Too many orgies, too many nights with a gun to their head laughing and hoping to find the correct chamber, too often feeling the rush of adrenaline and subsequent crash of psyche that came with the roaring highs of the drugs and sex. They were unhinged, mad with power, and she had decided long ago that she was fine with watching it play out. 
Anna's dark hair and features that were common back home held a sense of wrongness in England. They stuck out against those that looked carefully enough. So far she has only been allowed outside of the house once, to get food from the market. Her dark eyes had watched all of the England common folk bustle about with curiosity. How did they live in comparison? 
She had eyed a man with a fruit stand, watching him carefully as she traced over the options with her lithe fingers. He had nodded good morning to her and she smiled, lifting an apple from the stand and taking a large bite. She rolled the sweet fruit over her tongue as she decided to play with him. Why? Because why not. 
He started to tell her the price of the apple, and she gulped the bite down, playfully spreading the apple juices that ran down her hand along her exposed throat. Now it was his turn to gulp. 
She came back from the market late, with a bag of apples that she did not pay for and the knowledge that English men were far easier than she had imagined.
"Anna," Tatiana snapped, and she jerked her head out of her daydreams. "What did I say?"
Anna assessed the woman in front of her as she hiked her leg onto a chair to put her stockings on. She did not bother to have them perfect; they wouldn't be on long anyway. Tatiana watched her with cold eyes as she stepped in between her legs, her fingers dancing along Anna's knee and up the stocking to her inner thigh. Her fingers lazily played with the fabric between her legs as she waited for an answer. 
"You want us to fuck the three Englishmen within an inch of their lives, so they are ruined from their wives and tell us every boring secret they have," Anna sounded, completely ignoring the cool fingers that traced her. 
Tatiana teasing fingers swatted her. Anna flinched as the princess turned away and walked into the middle of the room. 
"I said, the leader, the one that goes by Thomas, is mine."
Tatiana glared at every woman in the room, waiting for defiance. None spoke up. 
"The other two, do whatever they want," she waved away the harshness she had just possessed. "What might blow their mind could be silly to you. Do it anyway, and do it with ferver."
A round of mumbled agreements echoed. The princess nodded, more to herself than the girls, and left without another word. The men were coming, and she had to get ready herself.
Anna finished putting on her maid  skirt and top and sat in the seat, waiting as the other maids got ready and gossiped among themselves. 
What could be so interesting about three Englishmen?
The Englishmen came through the doors with the princess and the duchess hours into when the party began. Murmurs between help warned that they had already been welcomed with mind games; the two royal women had stripped the brothers down to assess them, the men tearing buttons from shirts like wild animals. One or two maids had been given the shirts to mend already. 
Russian men had already started on vodka, cocaine, and women that morning. The party had already risen to the haze of fucking in the open, half naked women parading around as they like by the time the three Shelbys eyed the room. 
Anna had already entertained some of the men, but easily sloughed off their advances as the newcomers arrived. She had even managed to keep her maid outfit on. The stockings, however, had been long tossed into the fireplace. 
She watched the men, bug-eyed by the general activities of the den. 
"Fucking hell, Tommy," one breathed as he ran his hand along his neck. 
"Remember, play nice," the dark haired one said, clear blue eyes coldly looking around. 
Anna held her breath for the few seconds his eyes had looked at her. They were so calculating. That had to be the one Tatiana was after. 
"Sit with me, Tommy," Tatiana simpered, taking the dark haired man's hand and leading him to a couch. 
Another maid appeared beside the older looking brother with the mustache, leading him toward a chair. She brought him his own bottle of vodka. The last brother continued looking around the room, giggling uncomfortably but looking at everything like it was Christmas morning. 
Anna slipped past the duchess, who took her place by the fireplace to watch, and picked up an almost full bottle of vodka from a bucket of ice that sat beside one of the couches with an maid and a Russian man fucking slowly. She ran her hand along the Shelby brother's bicep and squeezed, a coy smile across her lips as he whipped his head around to see who had approached him.
"Would you like some company? Vodka?" Anna said, lilting her accent at him. 
His eyes looked over her outfit as she handed him the bottle of liquor. 
"Yuh," he said stiffly, eyes not leaving her hem as he cleared his throat, "sure. I was just about to ask those two men if I could enter their poker game."
"Then you will need me," Anna said as she wrapped her arm around his and led him to the table. "It is strip poker. The girls undress as you play."
"I didn't realize," he said, looking over the two bearded men sitting at the table with half dressed women on their laps. "Name's John. Yours?"
Anna pulled the chair out for John, motioning for him to sit. As he did, she made herself comfortable sitting on his lap, moving his arm to her waist. 
"He wants to play poker with you," she said to the men in Russian. "Deal him in. Let him win."
The men laughed amongst themselves and complied, throwing their cards in the center to start a new game. The women chittered on their laps but made no move to put clothing back on. Anna leaned against John, twisting to put her hand on his chest and her mouth to his ear. 
"They're starting a new game for you now," she said, feeling him gulp as her lips brushed his ear. "And you may call me whatever you like, John. Who do you want me to be?"
Anna trailed a finger along his neck as she leaned away to look him in the eye. John's blue eyes were wide and watching the table where his cards lay. With a deep breath he met her dark eyes with his bright blue ones. 
"Let's start with your name, yeah?" A playful smirk appeared on his face as his grip tightened on her waist. "And we'll go from there."
"Anna," she deftly moved his hand from her waist to her thigh along the hem of her short skirt as she leaned forward to pick up his cards and handed them to him. "Better drink to catch up. The men don't like sober players."
"Fucking hell," he breathed, handing the cards back to her and picking up the bottle he had sat beside his chair. 
He guzzled it down and the men made cheering noises, squeezing their women to their laps. One woman was completely topless, only her skirt and panties on while the man bounced her on his knee to watch her tits jiggle. The other woman had only her top and panties on, but her man had become impatient and was groping through her clothing as she giggled. 
Anna innocently shifted in his lap, trying to tempt John as he drank nearly a third of the bottle. His hand squeezed her thigh as a warning and she laughed as he set the bottle down. 
"That enough for you fucks?" He growled as he took his cards roughly from Anna's hands. "Let's play."
Anna would move occasionally in his lap, but used the game to watch the room. To watch the other brothers.
"I sewed your buttons back on," the maid said as she ran her hands across the older brother's chest, "I wanted to make sure I did a good job."
Arthur took a swig of the bottle of vodka in his hand as he watched her hesitantly. 
"You did a good job," he breathed.
She lifted a button up, circling it in her fingers deftly. 
"No, I did not."
The maid took the older his hand and guided him up from his chair and out of the room. Anna smirked. 
The other one, Tommy, the leader, was leaned on a couch, Tatiana laying against him under his arm. She looked bored.
"Why do you play games with people with no benefit to you?" Tommy asked, annoyance across his face as he took another drink from his glass. 
"In Russia because we were bored," Tatiana said succinctly. "In England because we don't know how to stop."
Anna moved on, ignoring the rest of the conversation to stop herself from rolling her eyes. She looked back to the table as John cheered, his arm squeezing her closer as he threw his cards at the table. 
"We won, Anna," he cheered again as she looked to the two sullen Russians for confirmation. 
"That means," she said, softly pressing his arm to release her, "that I no longer need my top."
Anna grabbed the fabric and lifted it above her head, throwing it to the topless girl on the other side of the table with a giggle. John's hand stilled on her thigh as he leaned back with a frown.
"When you win here," Anna said, twisting in his arms to face him, "your whore loses clothes, not your opponents." 
His ears turned a light pink as she shimmied at him with a laugh, her head thrown back. 
"There's rarely a game that doesn't end in fucking."
John's eyes were fixed on her, and she gave a throaty chuckle as his hand grabbed blindly for the bottle at the floor. He was attracted to her, at least. The pressure in his pants would not lie about that. He took another large gulp of vodka as the cards were dealt again. 
Anna watched as one of the men, the one with the girl who only had panties and a shirt on, began whispering in the girl's ear. She nodded, stood up and turned around to kneel before him and undo his pants.
She looked back at John, who tried to ignore the scene in front of him as he picked up his cards, but his eyes wandered to her bobbing head. 
A quick sweep of the room told Anna that Tommy and Tatiana were also gone. These brothers are shy, she noted.
The Russian men began muttering as John threw his hand at the table. 
"Won again," he said and looked at the Russian who muttered in front of him, his hands grabbed the back of the woman's bobbing head to bare her down on him as he gritted his teeth. Anna smiled, earning John's gaze that couldn't help but flicker to her chest before he met her eyes again. 
"Lucky for you," she said as she stood in front of him, topless with her hands at the waist of her skirt. "I have no underwear." 
She stepped out of the skirt and stepped closer to sit on his knee. His eyes were wide and his mouth slack as she straddled his leg facing him. She playfully grinded against his thigh, letting his eyes be glued to the motion, before she leaned back and took his new cards from the table. She stretched, watching his gaze travel up her naked body as she fanned his cards in front of her face to hide her smile. He was too easily shocked. 
"What happens if I win again?" He panted, licking his lips as he reached for the cards. 
Anna pulled them away from his reach and pushed herself up his thigh, twisting so their cheeks touched as she showed him his cards. 
"You, my Englishman," Anna said breathily into his ear. "Win all three of us, or whoever you wish. I can promise you, you want me."
John's eyes started to dilate as his mouth parted. 
The game, -- what little it could be called that -- was short lived. One man was completely engrossed in the lips around his cock, the other taken to pinching his maid's nipples until she screamed as she bounced on his knee, and John was uncomfortably frozen under Anna as she writhed on his thigh and moaned into his ear, completely breaking the concentration he was trying so hard to have on the card game. 
When the men finally threw all their cards down, John turned pale when the other men grumbled again and quickly became engrossed with their women. 
Anna looked over her shoulder to the cards on the table and smiled a Cheshire cat grin. 
"You won."
Before he could answer, she lifted herself from his soaked pant leg and grabbed his chin. He stood, meeting her eyes as she led him backwards, blindly reaching behind her for the door to a side den she knew was there. 
"You seem to be the type to want privacy," Anna purred. "Should I call the others?"
"No, no," John breathed, looking into her black eyes. 
"As I thought," she said and opened the door and led him in. She let go of his face as he stepped through the threshold.
John took a deep breath as he turned and  closed the door before he turned back to her. She was still so close, he went to take a step back and hit the door.
"Look, I--"
"Tell me what you like," she whispered as she pressed against him. 
"Have a wife, Esme--"
"She doesn't have to know," she said, leaning to run her tongue along the shell of his ear, "unless she likes to know about these things."
"No, she's just had a child--" he stuttered, trying to grab at Anna's forearms and push her back. Just a little space. To breathe. She was so close.
"So you've been without, poor man," she pouted mockingly, pressing against his hold. "Let me make it better. Do you love this wife? Do I resemble her?"
"Well you're both dark haired--"
"Do you love her?" Anna's eyes flashed as she smiled, grabbing his hand and pressing it toward her neck. "Do you hate her? Have you ever just wanted to squeeze the life--"
"Stop!" He bellowed as he pushed her back. He stomped past her, near the fireplace in the room, as he paced, muttering to himself and rubbing his face with his hands. 
Anna heard "fucking Russians" and "Tommy said they were fucking insane" mixed in with the rumblings, his tone frantic. He was coming undone at the seams, she thought, too much pressure and he'll break -- but not how Tatiana wants him to. 
She rushed to him, hushing him as she stopped his pacing. 
"That's enough, John," she soothed, his eyes wildly looking around the room at anything but her. "I'm only here to make you happy. What will make you happy, hmm?"
"Just let me fucking breathe, woman," he snapped as he stormed away from her. 
"Alright," Anna said as she crossed her arms and looked around the room. She shuffled in place uneasily, rubbing her arms as she began to notice the chill of the room. 
"Oh for fucks sake," he muttered, looking at her and then darting his eyes away as he took his jacket off. "Here, wear this, come to the fire. You must be freezing prancing around like that, yeah?"
She hesitantly came forward and allowed John to drape his jacket across her shoulders before she murmured a thanks and wrapped it tighter. 
After a few moments of silence, Anna dared to speak. 
"What now, then?"
John exhaled shakily, scratching his neck and stealing a sideways look at the Russian in his coat. 
"They expect you to fuck me, don't they?" He whispered. Anna hesitantly nodded, earning a nod in return as John ran his hand over his face. 
"And my brothers will never let me hear the end of it if I don't," he mumbled. 
"Do you… not like girls?" Anna said slowly. "I can call in one of the men--"
"God no," John laughed. "I just… it don't feel right…"
Anna shifted. 
"Is it me?"
John's eyes softened as he looked at her and smiled. 
"You're bloody gorgeous, darling," his smile turned lopsided. "It's not that."
Silence filled the air again. John exhaled.
"How about this," he said, his hands pushing the air down to the floor. "How about we walk out there and say we did. I'll tell them all that you sucked the soul out of me cock with those lips of yours, and you can tell your princess I cried like a little baby, or whatever will make her happy, yeah?"
Anna nodded. 
"We'll go out there, you can continue to be my girl for the night, and no one knows any different. Keep my coat till the morning if you like."
"Alright, John."
His face brightened and he held out his arm. Anna stepped forward and slid under it, smiling at the odd man at her side. 
"Let's go back, then."
"The old one," the maid said as she stood beside Anna as Tatiana ate breakfast at the table, "Arthur. He was hesitant but bred me like a dog. I think he whimpered a few times, but it only made him rougher."
Tatiana hummed as she drank her tea. 
"And the other?"
"The youngest one is named John," Anna said with a yawn. 
He refused to fuck me because he loves his wife, Esme, and they recently had a child. One of many. He was polite and attracted but wouldn't budge.
"What about him?" Tatiana snapped. "Out with it."
Anna frowned. 
"He was a fast lay," she said. "He came in my mouth after two strokes. He was so spent he never touched me after. He cries when he cums."
"How boring," Tatiana laughed. "I suppose I did save the best for myself."
"Yes, princess," the maids droned. They were dismissed with a wave.
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oohnoniall · 3 years
The Lantsov Emerald [Kaz Brekker x OC] - Chapter Two (Kaz)
Warnings: cursing
Chapter One
        He never made mistakes. Never went into a situation that he wasn't fully aware of. Yet, somehow, he had managed to fuck this up before it had even begun. Inej would never let him hear the end of it should she find out. He didn't plan to have anyone ever find out that he had messed this up.
        How in the hell was he supposed to have researched the royal family's voices? He hadn't thought they'd come in any sort of contact with any of them. Everyone knew the youngest son had been shipped out, running from the rumors of being a bastard. Not much was known about the princess beyond her golden hair and the engagement. The engagement that no one thought would work. 
        It was lucky that Kaz had known that much.
        She hadn't seemed upset about his mistake. It would probably not stand out in her mind for long. Or perhaps it would. The second this job was over, she would know exactly who had done it. Well, she would know a false name and a false accent. He had never been an actor, had never thought of it. But he had put on an accent that held no trace of Ketterdam, the city had morphed him all those years ago and hadn't released its hold since.
        Well, Pekka hadn't.
        He scowled to himself for thinking about any of this. It was not the time nor the place to worry about this. If he worried about nearly getting caught for a split-second delay, he would never get through the rest of the plan.
        Kaz schooled his face into neutrality, not quite calm but not quite any other emotion. A perfect mask to wear in order to blend into his surroundings and the people that wanted to be seen. The people who cared nothing for the second army but for the king and his approval.
        Saints it was annoying to be around these types of people. They were worse than the lowlife thugs he had made into his weapons. These people knew that their money, their influence allowed them power over people. A power that did not get punished.
        He didn't care about them, didn't care that they ruined everything for the people who had not been born into that privilege. His focus was on something else entirely. Making damn sure every rat in the Barrel knew just who he was and just what he was going to do to all of them.
        He walked into two men, causing one to spill wine on him.
        "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The one who had spilled his wine yelled at him. His eyes were bloodshot, enough to let Kaz know that he had already helped himself to several cups. Just as he had hoped.
        "My apologies," Kaz allowed his face to burn, hating every second when he acted like a fool. "I was just-"
        "Just acting a fool." The other stated with a slight smirk. 
        "You can't be here in that," the first told him with a snarl. "Go down to the laundry and get a fresh uniform." He motioned to a corridor just to the left, which would lead down to the barracks and just where he needed to be. 
        Kaz nodded quickly, turning on his heel and marching down the corridor as though he were an embarrassed soldier. Besides running into the princess, it seemed as though everything were going according to plan.
        Just as it always did.
        Kaz Brekker had made a living on making plans, on being one step ahead of everyone and everything. He would not be caught unawares by anything. Not if he could help it. He would have to get smarter while he was in this damned palace. While there were unknown variables.
        Normally the unknown did not bother him. But that princess had left him unnerved. What in the hell had she meant when she had said she'd see him on the training field? That didn't sit right with him.
        Why would a princess be around a training field? Or guards besides the obvious reasons? Yet, she seemed shocked that she hadn't known him. That could lead to danger. Perhaps he would have to find her again, lie again. Although that also seemed to be a mistake.
        Focus, he heard Jordie's voice in his head, in the depths of his very soul. Don't worry about her, worry about the job.
        He didn't know if it was what his brother would have actually said. Part of him knew there would have been laughter, teasing. His brother would have been so glad that Kaz had gotten spooked by something, something that was not a magic trick or a mechanical dog. That or he would be told off for thinking about anything other than their business, that daydreaming had gotten them into enough trouble.
        Trouble always seemed to follow Kaz Brekker. A dark cloud hanging over an even darker boy.
        He shoved his thoughts, his hopes, and his fears as far down as he possibly could. Past the knots in his stomach and the thought that they wouldn't get away with this. That they would never get away with this. He shoved that down as he stepped into the laundry room.
        It was empty. Everyone at the winter fete or taking the opportunity to just go off and do whatever they pleased for once. Everywhere was like the Barrel if one looked hard enough. People just seemed more inclined to wait until dark in places that were not Ketterdam.
        He grabbed two more sets of uniforms, one that would be big enough for Inej and another for the Conductor. He knew that Jesper would be well on his way to getting their ride out of there.
        At least he hoped so. Jesper had a tendency to do whatever he wished. There was nothing reliable about him. Nothing that they could do to keep him from being reckless, to keep him from doing anything to still his hands.
        It was enough to make Kaz sick to his stomach. And yet, there was no better shot in Kerch. Perhaps not in any of the known lands. For that reason alone, he could not be allowed to leave Kaz's side. Even if he could be the most annoying person that he had ever had the pleasure, or displeasure at times, of meeting.
        He tried not to think of this, instead focusing on keeping himself silent. It wasn't as hard as one would assume. He'd always had a way of stepping quietly, even in his boots. He knew the value of being silent.         
        Even if he'd never be as good as his wraith.
        As he headed back up the steps, he found himself missing his cane. It was a luxury that he sometimes could not afford to have. He hated that he had any sort of weakness. It was something that others could use against him. He had once worried how he would spin it to his advantage. He had worried for about thirty seconds before realizing what a good mask it was. No one expected much from the boy with a cane.
        It had helped him rise so quickly. Helped him gain the title of Dirty Hands. It was better that way. To be feared. No one would ever be able to take that away from him.
        Unless he kept making these stupid mistakes.
        "Is it my size?" Inej whispered to him as she slipped over to his hiding spot, quiet as the wraith she had been named for.
        "Of course it's your size," he stated as he shoved the uniform into her hands. "I know your size. I wouldn't make that mistake."
        "I can't be sure of that. Not after last time," her eyes sparkled with mirth as she spoke. He had to try very hard not to roll his eyes.
        "Yes, well," he grumbled once before she was off without another word. He didn't want to know just how she did that. Sneaking up on him once had been enough for him.
        Kaz didn't like to be taken by surprise. He didn't like it when people got the best of him. It reminded him too much of Jordie, of what Pekka had done to the two of them. He had no chance in hell to keep himself sane if those memories kept resurfacing. Even if they did fuel the rage that burned inside of his heart.
        That rage kept him alive, kept him building and building his empire. He would run the Barrel. He'd run Ketterdam. It was only a matter of time. Then he would take his revenge and make Pekka Rollins regret the day he had ever crossed him. The day he had taken Jordie.
        He shoved it down, shoved that fire as far down as he possibly could as he handed off the other uniform. He didn't care about what the Conductor wanted during all this. He already knew that the man could not be trusted. It was a good thing that he didn't trust anybody.
        Not even the Crows that he had brought with him. Anyone could be bought, anyone could be holding secrets.
        He certainly was.
        Kaz headed back up the steps, the warm light washing over his features and causing them to appear less striking. His cheekbones were not as sharp in this lighting, softer and more innocent. It was almost humorous how much a simple light could turn him from a monster into who he truly was.
        A seventeen-year-old boy who had lost all his hope.
        He did not contemplate the ways the light lit his face as he moved to blend in with the other guards. He hung back, in a long hallway where people were milling about and laughing over stupid jokes as they watched either the Grisha or the few couples that had braved the dance floor.
        She was on the dance floor, her arm draped around a man who looked a few years older than her. The coloring of his hair and the way he was murmuring words that made her nose scrunch almost imperceptibly made it obvious who he was. His theory was only proven once they turned. The medals pinned to his chest and the nose that matched hers were stronger hints to who he was.
        Crown Prince Vasily Lantsov.
        He was far too close to Kaz for any sort of comfort but he couldn't leave. He was supposed to be a guard. Someone who was supposed to keep the royal family safe. If he dared turn his back on the two in his eyesight, it would have looked rather strange.
        But that didn't mean he couldn't spy on them. Maybe there would be something of use in their dance floor conversations.
        Slowly, he made his way just outside of the doorway. He would have gone in had Inej not been lingering on the other side. Presumably listening as well, or just waiting to see the woman who had been proclaimed a miracle.
        He didn't understand how she could believe in her Saints. How she could believe that anyone had ever cared about them. They had been dealt a hand that was beyond anything one of the Saints could have salvaged. It was a wonder they had managed to live this long. Yet, she still believed. He heard her whisper prayers as she touched her knives, each named for one of the Saints. He didn't say anything. As long as she did what she needed to.
        "Really, Annie," the nickname suited her although it was obvious by the very slight twitch of her left eyebrow that she didn't enjoy it. "I gave you clear instructions."
        "I wanted to dance," he could barely hear her words, spoken so softly that they floated in the rosemary-scented air. "Nikki wouldn't have minded."
        "Nikolai," the venom in his voice could not be hidden by the soft tone, "wasn't instructed to watch over you."
        "No, he did it because he wished to."
        "Annie, please," his eyes had softened. Kaz wondered how often they had this conversation. There was tension among the royal family. Tension that seemed no one in the world could see. They weren't watching close enough.
        "Don't patronize me, Vassy," she looked him in the eyes. Something that he doubted many did to the would-be-king. It was something that he did not think many could get away from it. "I'm a grown woman. I can take care of myself."
        "You shouldn't be able to. Nikolai never should have allowed you to learn any of it."
        "It is not his fault." The way she spoke cemented the idea in Kaz's mind that Nikolai Lantsov was the greatest of the three siblings. A sister would not look at her eldest brother with fire in her eyes otherwise. Unless they had a very different relationship than he was used to.
        "Fjerda will not allow you to do this, you know?" Vasily kept his expression neutral but Kaz could see the exhaustion in his eyes.
        "No, but at least I will be able to protect myself." The fire had dwindled, replaced by something else. Something that was not quite fear but not quite anything else either. It was wrong. It wasn't something that he expected to see during a royal celebration. Not something that he ever expected to see in a royal's eyes.
        The dance ended, Anastasia giving her brother a respectful curtsey before she made her way to the dais. Her head was held high, he could see small, sparkling gemstones in her braids. She walked with purpose, knowing her way in the world like she had never once questioned it. Like she had never worried a day in her life about a damn thing.
        The hushed conversation was the only proof that something was hidden there. Something that he would never in his life find out. He did not know how he felt about that.
        The not knowing was worrisome for Kaz. He had no reason to care about it. But it was information. Information that he could potentially use for some reason or another. Information that could lead to him running Ketterdam, to crushing Pekka Rollins. Even if he was unsure how that was possible. 
        He tried to push this from his mind, tried to keep from worrying about anything other than Alina Starkov. They had a job to do. One that would risk losing Inej, losing the Crow Club, losing everything that had ever mattered to him. He wouldn't let the Barrel ruin him. He had made that mistake once already.
        He tried not to think of the princess. But even he could not stop noticing how she walked to her mother's side. It was as though gravity held no hold on her. She walked and danced as though her feet floated in the air. How would she compare to the Wraith if given the right tools?
        No one would ever live up to Inej or her standard. He had no need on anyone else who walked on the air, especially not someone who could not blend into a crowd.
        Besides, it wasn't like he could entice a princess to join his crew. Nor would he want to. These thoughts were just his mind's way of refocusing, of getting ready for the mayhem that was more than likely going to start sooner or later. Not even one of his plans could go perfectly. Although, he did have a better track record than most.
        The doors opened, the Darkling finally gracing them with his presence. A smile graced the man's features, causing a pit of unease to grow in Kaz's stomach. There was something about that smile that told a story he did not quite like. Ruthless betrayal lived within the Darkling. He would have never seen the signs had it not lived within him as well.
        "Moi tsar," the Darkling bowed before the king. He nodded his head once to the other members of the royal family, his eyes going to Vasily more than once. 
        The king nodded to his great general, a look of pride in his eyes. A man with power and no clue what was happening in his country. It was a wonder that anything ever got done in Ravka.
        "Ladies and gentlemen," the Darkling turned then to the crowd, that same smile on his face. "Too long has the Fold separated us from our brothers on the west. Too long have we lived in fear because of it."
        The crowd murmured their assent as he motioned to the doorway to Kaz's left. A woman stepped through it. With dark hair and an almost shy smile, Alina Starkov did not seem to be anything remarkable. 
        Draped in a black and gold kefta, she painted the picture of a glorious summoner. One who could rival the royal women on the dais. She stepped to her own small stage, Kaz noticed how the Darkling helped her step upon it. 
        They had not counted on how close the Darkling and his newest treasure would have become. He should have thought of that. There had been so much revealed in that one touch that he worried he would have to fight the whole Second Army to get to Alina. It was not something he looked forward to.
        "Alina Starkov," The Darkling spoke as his shadows took over the room. 
        The hair on the back of his neck stood up. His fingers itched for his cane. The steady weight of it would keep him steady, keep him from wanting to run in terror as the darkness surrounded him. He had never been afraid of the dark. But this was unnatural. It felt similar to something but he could not figure out what. That alone made him wonder about what in the hell this General Kirigin was hiding.
        "Lead us out of the darkness," his voice was everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. He could hear Inej whispering prayers to the Saints under her breath.
        A bright light shone from Alina Starkov. The Sun Summoner brought a ball of light into the middle of the room, lighting them all in washes of what looked and felt like bright sunshine. The shadows fled from it, scurrying on back to their master.
        He didn't buy it for a second. He was certain there was a trick that he just could not see. Kaz had a hard time believing in Saints. He had a harder time believing in miracles. This woman couldn't be one of them. She couldn't be anything more than a lie. All of them were. Every single person in that room was nothing more than a lie.
        Still, as the rest of the room began to fall to their knees and mutter the words 'Sankta Alina', Kaz found himself bending his knee and murmuring along with them. If only to keep up appearances.
        He chanced a glance toward the royal family. The king and queen remained in their thrones but their children had both fallen to their knees. The princess seemed to be glowing in the Sun Summoner's light, her eyes bright with fervor for the Saint that would reunite their country. 
        It seemed as though even the royal family believed in false idols.
        A cruel smile lit the Darkling's face as his shadows retreated. The smile of a man who had won. Kaz had seen it on several members of the Merchant Council, on several gang leaders in the Barrel. He had worn that smile himself. But seeing it in this room ... It meant something bigger than anything he could ever dream of was coming. He only hoped he and his Crows would be out of there before the real trouble came calling.
        He watched as the general led his weapon off of the dais and out of the room. Inej gave him an imperceptible nod, the two beginning to trail him with two other guards. The ones they were replacing had been easy enough to knock out and replace. Ravka needed better trained guards, better trained people. It was no wonder the country was falling apart at the seams.
        The plan had been to follow them as far as Alina's private chambers. But this was not the case. A man was brought past them, one that caught Alina's eye. Her brow furrowed and the Darkling had the others hurry her along while he went after the man. Kaz would have continued to follow after the Sun Summoner, but Kirigin had nodded his head towards him.
        He motioned with his left hand for Inej to stick to the plan. He kept his spine straight as he followed the general, trying to ignore the hammering in his chest. There was nothing he could do but hope and pray that this went well. He didn't know who to pray to but he would.
        He stood far enough back that he could not hear what was said between the Darkling and the man who was being held by the shoulder. He could, however, tell it was nothing good. Nothing that would bring peace. 
        "Take him. Don't let her see," his voice was velvety soft as he spoke, sending a warning straight through Kaz. He knew not to trust silk and honey.
        "Of course," the other guard said. 
        Kaz waited as long as he possibly could before he broke off without suspicion. He headed towards the meeting point, knowing that Inej would have grabbed the girl if she could. However, as he began to rush an alarm sounded from somewhere.
        They had been caught.
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tarnishedxknight · 3 years
About the Muse: Basch fon Ronsenburg
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[Bio and other information below the cut!]
Type of Character & Fandom/Source Material: Canon character Basch fon Ronsenburg of Final Fantasy XII. 
FC: I’ll just use his own digital self. Otherwise, my live action FC for Basch is C.hris Hem.sworth in T.hor: The Dark World:
Alignment: Lawful Good, with minor Neutral Good tendencies depending on circumstance
Race: Hume (Human)
Age: 34-37, usually, but it’s verse-dependent
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic/heterosexual, but he’s mostly married to his work/duty to others and hasn’t had any serious relationships
Occupation: Freelance swordsman; captain of the guard; knight; royal bodyguard (all verse-dependent)
Family: A Landisian father, Sarven (deceased); an Archadian mother, Rosina (deceased); a younger identical twin brother, Noah fon Ronsenburg, a.k.a. Judge Magister Gabranth (either alive or deceased depending on verse); in my Dark!Ivalice verse, Larsa is also Basch’s nephew by virtue of being Noah’s son.
Potentially Triggering Material in Threads: war; violence; blood; torture; starvation, imprisonment; repression; deprivation; age gaps in shipping
Positive Personality Traits: Basch is hard-working, loyal, brave, honorable, and selfless, and can be kind, devoted, and gentle in the appropriate circumstances. He would shoulder any burden and bear any shame to help good people, protect the innocent and the weak, and further the collective and greater good.
Negative Personality Traits: Basch can be so selfless to the point of neglecting himself, almost always placing duty, obligation to others, and the needs of others above his own needs, often at great detriment to himself. A sense of loyalty to someone, a perceived debt owed, or even love can blind him to being used, abused, or taken advantage of. He can sometimes come off as aloof because he does not share much about himself, only what he needs to, when he needs to. He can be harsh and seem arrogant to those who break laws or commit heinous acts, especially if people were harmed in the process.
Background: (Spoilers ahead for FFXII!)
I’m trying to condense down an extremely detailed game with many characters and between 60 and 100 hours of gameplay depending on how dedicated you are and trying to sift out the story of one character, heh. I apologize for length and tangents, but this is as boiled down a background as I can make for Basch that explains the major events and factors that contributed to the formation of his ideals, personality, and motivations. I’m also trying to explain him in a way such that people who have not played this game or who maybe aren’t in the Final Fantasy fandom at all can still understand him. Here goes...
Basch was born and raised in the Republic of Landis in the land of Ivalice during a time when two empires, that of Archadia and Rozarria, were at war with each other. He and his identical twin brother, Noah, were from a noble family and trained to become soldiers from a young age.
(See below, the brothers at age 36, with Basch on the left and Noah, a.k.a. Gabranth on the right. Although they’re identical twins, there are features that set them apart, aside from their vastly different personalities. Noah’s hair is slightly darker than Basch’s, and his eyebrows are shaped more “angrily” than Basch’s, even when his face is relaxed. Some describe the latter effect as Basch having “kinder eyes” than his brother. Their voices are also very different, and by this age, they had adopted the accents of the respective countries that they served.)
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Basch and Noah were extremely close as boys, but by the time they were teenagers, Landis was conquered and destroyed by Archadia and their father was killed. Devastated by the loss as well as by the shame of not being able to protect their country, the twins parted ways, differing on what to do next. Basch left Landis and traveled to Dalmasca, a small country that, along with the equally small country of Nabradia, was precariously sandwiched between the Rozarrian and Archadian Empires (x).
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Noah, or Gabranth as he named himself going forward (that was his mother’s maiden name) felt utterly betrayed by his brother leaving, not only feeling abandoned himself but hating Basch for what he saw as abandoning their mother, who was ill at the time. Gabranth took his mother to Archadia, her homeland, hoping they would be accepted there for their Archadian blood. They were, but after a short time, his mother passed away, leaving Gabranth angry and eager to prove himself. Shame, guilt, rage, and vengeance consumed him as he quickly rose through the ranks of the Archadian military due to impressing Emperor Gramis Solidor with military prowess at a young age. He eventually became a Judge Magister, the highest rank achievable in the Archadian military.
Meanwhile, in Dalmasca, King Raminas valued Basch’s skill with weaponry, most notably swords, bows, and spears, but also his expert riding ability on chocobo mounts, even while in combat (x,x).
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By the time he was in his late 20s, Basch was made Captain of the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca, leading not only them but other soldiers into battle when necessary, guarding Dalmascan royalty, and training younger soldiers as well. For more than twenty years, Basch served the king loyally, seeing the birth of Raminas’ daughter and only remaining child after her eight brothers died in battle and from illness, Princess Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca, and the unfortunate death of the queen, also due to illness. (See below, Ashelia from the end of the game.)(x)
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As Ashelia, or Ashe as she is called by those close to her, grew to womanhood, Basch sadly related more and more to her. They had both lost mothers to illness, felt the weight of their country’s survival on their shoulders, and, unfortunately, they soon had one more thing in common: the loss of their fathers to war.
King Raminas had hoped to forge an alliance between Dalmasca and Nabradia by wedding Ashe to Nabradia’s Prince, Lord Rasler, when she was seventeen and he was eighteen. Their marriage didn’t even last one day, as Archadia attacked Nalbina Fortress on the border of Dalmasca and Nabradia. As a show of solidarity, both Rasler and Basch rode out to meet the invading forces, but it was no use. The battle was lost, the Order of Dalmascan Knights was nearly all wiped out, and despite Basch’s best efforts to keep an eager yet foolish Rasler under his protective wing, the young prince was felled by a single arrow through his heart. Basch recovered his body, and so soon after Ashe was wed to Rasler, she buried him.
With Nabradia conquered and Dalmasca seemingly next, King Raminas sought a peaceful solution, but he was assassinated, putting the nail in the coffin of Dalmasca’s autonomy from the Empire. Ashe was devastated to learn that it had been Basch who had assassinated her father. He had been identified by a young soldier named Reks who said he saw his captain do the deed. Basch was arrested and sentenced to death, and Ashe assumed him dead, as did the rest of Ivalice.
I’ll skip over a lot of the nitty-gritty details here, but it was actually Gabranth who murdered the king at the order of Vayne Solidor, son of Emperor Gramis. Vayne, having assassinated his own father and wanting a continued war with Rozarria so that he could become the next Dynast King of all of Ivalice, wanted King Raminas dead instead of a peace treaty. He ordered Gabranth to impersonate his brother and kill Raminas, ensuring the war would continue. It was during this confrontation that Gabranth gave Basch the scar he wears on his face throughout the rest of the game. Although thought to be dead for two years, Basch was actually imprisoned for two years, tortured and interrogated by his brother and his soldiers, for information on the Resistance, a movement of those opposing the war and Archadia’s tyrannical regime. He was also kept alive as an insurance policy against the governor of a land valuable to Archadian interests despite their neutral status, Bhujerba. The governor had widely proclaimed that Basch was dead to further his political career, and if he did not favor Archadia going forward, Vayne threatened to reveal that Basch was alive and destroy his credibility.
Again, skipping a lot of details for length reasons, Ashe goes into hiding under the alias Amalia and, accumulating comrades to help her in her cause to regain control of Dalmasca and end the war, she seeks out proof of her birthright to give validity to her claim to the Dalmascan throne. This idea was given to her by Basch, who knows where to get an artifact of sorts, the Dawn Shard, that belonged to an ancestor of Ashe’s some 700 years ago. It’s location was known only to him, as related to him by King Raminas, who trusted Basch to not only protect Ashe, but to lead her to the artifact should the worst happen. Basch’s duty is to Ashe’s father, but he also cares about her as a person, and when he is reunited with her after two years, he endures her hatred and insults (and even getting smacked) with a calm sense of tolerance and quiet dignity. For two years, she’s believed that he murdered her father, which is a horrible betrayal for someone she considered a dear family friend and loyal servant, and he understands her anger. He lets her rage, complain, and cry at points throughout the game whenever she needs to, attempting to offer conversation and even advice whenever she would allow it. Basch tries to be her bodyguard, her advisor, and later her friend, wanting to see her succeed. As the truth about what happened to Raminas is discovered, Ashe finally believes Basch, and the two become closer at the events of the game unfold. I personally believe Basch loved Ashelia as more than a friend, and my interpretation of him will unless otherwise discussed, but it’s important to note that canonically there is no evidence of those feelings on his end or hers either.
Gabranth, on the other hand, continued to further Vayne’s conqueror’s agenda, building himself up into a very cruel and ominous figure within Archadia’s military. But Gabranth, deep down, is not inherently a terrible person. Anger and shame twisted him over the years, but he did have remorse for his deeds, especially framing his brother for regicide and essentially shattering Basch’s reputation throughout Ivalice. One of the ways in which he redeemed himself, or at least felt that he was doing something inarguably good, was by protecting Vayne’s twelve year-old brother, Larsa, who was not of his brother’s mind and did not want the war to continue. Warned by another Judge Magister that Larsa may be in danger from other Magisters as well as Vayne, Gabranth agreed to protect him. Larsa meant a lot to Gabranth, as much as Ashe meant to Basch, in that both brothers looked for good people to protect and found pieces of themselves in these young royals whose countries and families were in jeopardy in various ways.
Long story short, Ashe and her companions prove her claim to the throne, defeat Vayne, and Ashe and Larsa agree to call an end to the war. Just before Vayne is defeated, Basch and Gabranth meet and battle each other. At first, Gabranth continues to spout rage at Basch and to defend Archadian principles, but after he’s defeated by Basch and the rest of Ashe’s group, Basch calls him by his childhood name of Noah, and Gabranth reveals the pain underneath the anger and resentment.
Basch: “Let this end... Noah.”
Gabranth: “I’ve no right to be called by that name.”
Basch: “Then live... and reclaim it.”
Gabranth’s final redeeming act was to defend Larsa from Vayne, and he was mortally wounded in the process. He then asked Basch to protect Larsa, to which Basch agreed, and the brothers reconciled. Basch held his brother’s hand until he passed away, mourning him deeply despite all the years they had been estranged and their very pointed differences in thinking (x,x).
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Once Ashe was reinstated as the rightful heir to the Dalmascan throne and the war had ended, Basch’s duty to her, or rather to her father, was completed. Despite that I personally believe he would have preferred to remain in Rabanastre, Dalmasca’s capital, with Ashe, Basch carried out his brother’s dying wish. He returned to Archadia with Larsa and assumed Gabranth’s identity, cutting his hair short and wearing Gabranth’s distinct Judge Magister’s armor. Some believe his helm was even equipped with a voice altering device, so that Basch’s voice would sound more like his brother’s. Keeping Gabranth “alive” kept the rest of the Judge Magisters at bay, provided military and political stability within Archadia following the death of Vayne Solidor, and provided Basch with the opportunity to protect Larsa physically if need be. With such a young emperor, Archadia’s government would have been left fragile otherwise.
The game leaves Basch there, serving as Judge Magister Gabranth for the forseeable future, but in a letter to Larsa, a former comrade suggests that Ashe misses him, and it’s clear that the thought that she might helps sustain Basch in a way. He closes his eyes after reading the letter, savoring the notion that she cares (x).
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Basch’s story doesn’t end there, but I likely will go my own way with him after this, because I have not played Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. I like to believe that, after serving as Gabranth in Archadia for several years, corruption and dissent are dealt with among the Judges and elsewhere in Archadia and Larsa’s safety is more secured. At that point, Gabranth’s death is revealed, and Basch is free to return to Dalmasca and to continue to serve Ashelia. My ideal ending for him is that he does end up with Ashe as her consort, but I do realize that is some pretty magical wishful thinking right there. But if I was in charge of his story, that’s where it would go. =) 
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gloriousncss · 8 months
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{jeanine mason, 32, cis woman, she/her} We are so glad to see you safe, PRINCESS MARIA ORTIZ of SPAIN! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are PROUD and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your BRUTALITY bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU DISAPPEARED FOR 5 YEARS TO WORK UNDERCOVER, STEALING FROM ROYALS AND GIVING THE WEALTH TO THE POOR.
Name: Maria Ortiz Title: Crown Princess of Spain Age: 33 Birthday: January 25th (Aquarius) Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Unbetrothed Positive Traits: Proud, adaptable, creative, loyal, decisive Negative Traits: Violent, short-tempered, bold, cunning, vengeful. Hobbies: Painting, fencing, swimming Family: Pirate Esmeralda (birth mother), Duchy of Barcelona (adopted parents, deceased), King of Spain (adopted brother), Queen of Spain (sibling-in-law), Prince Joaquim (adopted brother), Prince/Princess of Spain (adopted sibling), Princess Lucinda (adopted sister).
Physical Attributes:
Height: 5'5" Hair Color: Black Hair Length: Just past the shoulders, but mostly worn up anyway Hair texture: Thick and curly Eye Color: Dark Brown Markings/Tattoos: a bull on her left shoulder blade, two crossed daggers on her right shoulder, a wave on her left wrist, a rose on her left ankle, two swimming coy fish yin and yang style on her right ankle Accent: Spanish Languages Spoken: Spanish, English Skin Texture: Course, rough, calloused
The Story (tw; murder):
She was born from the waves, or at least that's the poetic metaphor her parents came up with to explain how she came into their lives. The brutal truth was that she came from a shipwreck with absolutely no memory of any previous life at the tender age of 5 years old. It was lucky that the Duchys of Barcelona came across her and claimed her as their second child. Maria was a difficult, yet devoted child. Having younger siblings, as she grew older, only made it easier for her to sprinkle her bad influence all over them, taking them out to bars, going out with sailors, and getting into all sorts of trouble. But the more time she spent with the locals and villagers outside of the palace walls, the more she heard stories of how oppressive and terrible the other countries in Europe were to those who had no choice but to steal for themselves. It motivated her, studying politics and seeking justice for the serf class. However, the one thing she could not shake was how she could do nothing from her little chateau. When the Bonaparte's were discovered having stolen money from her family, she was furious that those in power were far too selfish and greedy. Becoming a princess in their place made it no better. All she saw was corrupt power replacing more corrupt power. Soon, the family she adored would also, soon, be just as bad as the Bonaparte's. Helplessness was no friend to Maria, and so she stole away at the age of 27 and was never to be seen again. For nearly five years, Maria wore a hood over her face and commanded her own crew of bandits, even recruiting another defiant royal just like herself as her right hand. They stole from those who were more fortunate, gave to those who were less fortunate, and kept a sum of the prophet for their own selves. It was a seemingly perfect life until a battle against another crew resulted in the deaths of her men, all but her right hand woman. The hurt of those losses took her nowhere else but back home to Spain. It was the only solution; go back to being a princess, mend the bonds with her family, and change everything so nothing like this ever has to happen again. Her family was relieved, yet heartbroken by her disappearance with no explanation. To redeem herself, her eldest sibling gave her one task in India; get engaged and bring respect back to the Spanish throne. And so she shall. Maria has to come to grips with who she really is, a princess destined to do great things for her country, to change the world. She's eager to learn, but also eager to use this newfound information of how the other half lives against anyone she needs to in the future. She will get her justice for the thieves and beggars if it is the last thing she does. But will she ever find out where she truly came from? Will that knowledge change her desire to sit on a throne?
TLDR: She doesn't know it, but she is the child of pirates. They died in a heated battle between pirate crews. She was washed up on shore with no memory of the raid and the Spanish Duchy of Barcelona adopted her as their second child. She loves her family but also has a fierce sense of justice, which is what took her away from home for 5 years. She met a bestie and had her own crew of outlaws, but that all went awry when another crew killed them all save for Maria and her right hand woman. Maria came home and wants to set things right, but she has to get engaged in India to make up for it.
Similar Characters: Tulio (El Dorado), Mama Imelda (Coco), Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time), Ember Lumen (Elemental), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Angelica (Pirates of the Carribbean), Anya (Anastasia)
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 4 years
Contending the Flame IV
Author’s Note: Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! Not much else to say here as we start to delve deeper into Ivar and the Nuns new relationship and the two different worlds they come from. Thanks as always for being so awesome!
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Word Count: 2217
Warnings: Language, Master/Servant dynamic 
His brothers had kept a close eye on Ivar since acquiring his new thrall. He still played at the leader of their army, but he had refrained from shutting them out of power entirely. Any chance they had at lending a commanding voice they took. Hvitserk's strategy of giving their little brother a distraction was paying off.
The changes in Ivar's behavior were minuscule. Only Ubbe and Hvitserk took notice. It was the same when they were children when someone would give a new gift to Ivar. It would be a stretch to say he was happy, but his vengeance had quelled. For the moment it was enough, and they could focus on securing lands for their people while Ivar was preoccupied.
It was strange for a thrall not to be seen waiting over their master's every whim, but it seemed Ivar wouldn't permit you to leave his quarters. The other slaves they had acquired tended to him during meals, and when he walked the streets with his guards, you were always absent. Ubbe walked alongside Hvitserk contemplating this.
"What do you think he has her do for him?" Ubbe wondered aloud.
Hvitserk's brows puckered in thought. "Don't know. I can't imagine they have much to talk about, and I know the one thing they aren't doing."
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon, think about it," Hvitserk jested with a smirk. "I suppose that must make him a good fit for her. She'll remain a virgin after all."
Ubbe latched onto Hvitserk's arm, pulling him to a stop as he gave him a harsh look. "Those are dangerous words, brother. Remember Sigurd. I don't want to see another brother dead because of Ivar's fragile grasp of his anger. He has poor sensibilities when it comes to that matter. It's unfair, but it's not his fault."
Hvitserk shook off Ubbe's grasp and rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. "Right, that was stupid. I do pity him, though I don't think he'd want it. Who knows how he'll be when we start having families of our own."
Ubbe grunted. "He'll probably resent us, more than he does already. I think I understand why he keeps her away from everyone. Besides our mother, no one has ever taken to Ivar's company outside of obligation or familial bond. He's lonely."
"And it's not as if she can refuse," said Hvitserk. "But she's a Christian. That's got to account for some strife between them."
They continued on their way towards the center of the city. Food was beginning to run scarce, and it seemed the Saxons were holding steadfast on starving them out. While Ivar was willing to take their army to its limits to play Aethelwulf's game, Ubbe and Hvitserk were devising their own plan to negotiate land. They just needed a little more time. Many things rested in the hands of the nun, as unaware as you were.
"I just hope he hasn't harmed her," Ubbe said while they passed through the market.
Hvitserk looked grim, a heaviness settling on him that had replaced his usual cheer. "Ivar did always break toys. We have to hope that Christian isn't as weak as she looks."
You were growing accustomed to your new station. As a woman, it was your lot in life to suffer, and you took your new situation as a test from God. The heathen, Ivar, he had made no bid to harm you. That wasn't to say he was good company to keep. He had taken to trying to instruct you in a handful of words and phrases of his language. Some of the words were difficult to form with your accent, and when you mispronounced things, he would grow irritated and throw things at you. Uttering dark curses in his tongue, you were certain he had insulted you as well, but it was better than a flogging. 
At night you continued to pray, your back to your master, and the words spoken only in your head. You were sure they reached God, even without a rosary in your grasp or the piety to kneel. In your heart, you struggled to keep hope alive. If this test was to be your final judgment from God, its purpose remained clouded to you.
It was late when Ivar returned, and you had remained awake for his arrival. You now slept when he did, short and inconsistent hours of the night, only to be woken before the dawn. He did not rest well. Be it from his duties or pain you could not say, but he never faltered from exhaustion. This pattern must have been his usual routine, life at war.
Ivar's eyes sought you out the moment he came through the door, and you returned the stare. He had only just started walking in his new contraptions, a set of iron braces that he had created from pride. His determination to walk was admirable. You had never witnessed such a fighting spirit before, and you were certain it was a blessing from God.
"Something you wish to say?" Ivar interrupted your thought, a scowl on his face from your lingering gaze on his legs.
"It is a good thing," You said while rising from your corner of the floor. "I believe God has blessed you."
Ivar snorted, blue eyes rolling at your absurdity to insinuate such a thing. He took a slow seat on his pallet of furs and started to remove the braces. "Really, and why would that be?"
"You are not the first cripple I have met, but you are the most assiduous."
You could see him test out the word for himself, a lack of understanding passing over his face. "I'm not sure what that means, but I like how it sounds."
"You have an unrelenting heart. Strong-willed and resolute in your goals. I find you impressive."
He halted what he was doing, and took a long, considering look at you. "I've been this way for as long as I can remember. It is the way if I am to be seen as a true Viking to my people."
"So there are others like you?" You asked as you approached him with careful steps.
"There are not many cripples among my people, no. A child born with a deformity such as mine is left to die. I would have been if not for my mother. She was softhearted, and couldn't bear my loss."
You didn't want to have any strong sort of feelings towards your captor, but to learn that he had been left to die as a helpless babe engulfed you in sorrow. "It isn't wrong for a mother to feel pity for her child," You murmured, showing how distraught you were by such a story. "You don't sound grateful for her mercy."
Ivar's face hardened at your sentiment. "Mercy is for Christians. I would have done the same as my father. I loved my mother, but there are days I resent her for her choice. Her gifts failed to foretell the agony I would endure at the hands of compassion."
"What gifts?"
"She was a Vülva, a woman seeress of our people who has visions of the future."
You frowned at such a concept. "That sounds like sorcery to me."
"I forgot your people fear magic and witchcraft," Ivar said in a teasing tone. "My mother would have hated you. She was too steeped in the beliefs of our own people to have care about your sensitive notions of God. My father would have liked you though."
You blushed at the idea of such a great man holding you in favor. Though you didn't hail from Wessex you had heard the stories of the Viking King who fought for Mercia and befriended King Ecbert. "King Ragnar? Why do you think that?"
"He was often amused and curious about your God. Maybe you would have reminded him of Æthelstan, his Christian monk." Ivar resumed the task of taking off his braces, wincing in pain whenever a particular part pinched or pulled at his legs. "Here, come help me with this."
Startled by such a request, you moved with haste and uncertainty. Ivar showed you which parts to unclasp, and you would mimic his actions with a gentler touch, stopping entirely when he would let out any sound of discomfort. You were certainly slower at the task than if he completed it himself, but he seemed to enjoy watching you work over him, and you were grateful for the distraction. 
"What about your family? Where are your mother and father?" Ivar asked while leaning back on the strength of his arms.
"They're both dead," You said, pausing only a moment to collect yourself before continuing on his braces. "I was born in Rendlesham, in East Angles. My mother was a whore, and I never knew who my father was as a result of that. When she died, I was orphaned to the streets until the church took me in. Being of such low birth standing, I turned to the church as my ray of hope."
You could feel Ivar frowning at you, but you did not waver. "Did you not want to be something more than a nun?"
You breathed a laugh. "Such as what? Saxon women are not allowed to be warriors."
"Yes, but isn't there a way you could have improved your situation?"
"No," You said bluntly. "Blood is everything. Those who are of Royal standing will always be in power, and through marriage, their line continues. The best I could have hoped for was a marriage to a farmer, and he would have to have been a poor one. I would have raised his children, and likely died young from childbirth."
"I see now why you're a nun," said Ivar. When you chanced a look up at him, he appeared troubled by your story. "Those Saxons in power are greedy. They keep all for themselves and give nothing back. What chance is there of an honorable death for those forced to live a life of poverty?"
"If you die without sin, you go to Heaven. We have no need for honor."
"A life without sin," Ivar hummed. "As if any man is capable of such purity."
"A Priest is," You argued back. "It takes a nobleman to obtain such a pious position in the church."
"Is it noble for these men to keep silver and gold in their churches while children run through the streets, no better than dogs?" Ivar had sat forward, his eyes emboldened with the wrath of a demon. "I have seen your noblemen of the cloth, and they died screaming the same as any sinning heathen of mine."
You lost your balance, falling flat on your bottom as you gazed up at Ivar in terror. "What did you do to them?"
"The things I've done to your priests," Ivar paused, a calm washing over him. "It would make Loki grin."
The suffering of your people seemed to fall down on you like a star collapsing from the night sky. When he spoke, you could almost forget that Ivar was your enemy, but he had now made it clearer than ever where the line in the sand was drawn. You were just a slave, a Christian slave, and how soon would it be before he tired of you? You did not wish the same fate to befall you as it had for the priests, whatever it had been.
"I have not dismissed you," Ivar tutted when you began to walk away to your corner, unaware yourself that you had begun to do so. You craved distance from him, even if it was only a few feet away. 
At first, he tried to manage his composure, calling you back with his voice deliberately even. When it became clear that no amount of coaxing on his part would work, he started yelling in his language. That word came up again, 'Ólaug'. It had been peppered into a number of your one-sided conversations. If he had tried to brand you with a new name, you would refuse. He would not take who you were. 
Your fight ended with him throwing one of his crutches at you. It landed just before you, and you were able to contain your flinch. Ivar scoffed at your non-reaction and threw himself back onto the furs. He had finished disrobing and gave you the courtesy of his back, which appeared to be covered in a new etched design each time you saw him. Matched against your own untainted skin, it was a reminder of how different the worlds you came from were.
When you were sure Ivar had fallen asleep, you moved to get under your own thin pile of wool blankets. They were scratchy and held none of the warmth of the furs, but it was not the worst sleeping conditions you had ever weathered. That night you prayed for the lost Priests, and for God to take away your suffering. You didn't see a way out of your situation, but if God acted through you, you were certain to find your answer. Content to keep faith in your heart, Sister Mary Catharine slept, ignorant to the matter that Ivar was awake and watching you.
@pomegranates-and-blood ​
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houndsofcerberus · 3 years
Apotheosis Chapter 2
Summary: Techno and Theseus arrive to Nimius though the arrival is met with…mixed reviews
No CWs
The rhythmic clopping of the horse’s hooves and the rolling of the cart wheels had become monotonous and boring by the time they finally reached their destination. The only change from the expanse of identical trees was when they had neared. Nimius was large but it’s capital, settled near it’s southernmost border, was a sight to behold. Nimius was known for its abundance, having been named for its wealth. This of course brought with it lavish lifestyle, but this wasn’t unanimous across the kingdom. The country had many smaller villages and hamlets, a great deal of the Nimian population was in fact farmers and ranchers. The land Nimius occupied was some of the best across the continent for farming, the soil was rich and fertile and the conditions were mild enough and the growing season long enough to have made Nimius an agricultural giant amongst the land.
Technoblade was of the opinion that no description could do the feeling of walking into the Nimian capital justice however. No story, nor poem, nor song could ever compare to the feeling of walking in. The royal family’s crest depicted a peacock, bright and fierce, and proud as all hell, signifying the wealth of the region. The crest was frequent in the city however it was more apparent around the castle. They were a proud people who showed their wealth happily. Techno hadn’t been in Nimius for quite some time, though as the cart rolled into the city it appeared not much had changed. The streets were well kept, clean and had planter boxes lining the cobbled streets, the stones were smooth and the buildings light in color. White and teal were everywhere, along with dull orange terracotta and faux gold shimmer. Murals decorated the walls of several buildings, well kept up and beautifully bright. It was like walking into a painting. Theseus was leaning forward, looking around, eyes wide as he took in the market smelling strongly of fresh bread and other delicious smells from the vendors in the street. People walked idly, moving out of the way of Techno’s cart and looking in curiously. Some frowned and watched Techno, though he didn’t blame them. He had accumulated many many battle scars from his adventures, and several were laid into his face, leaving him looking… rough to say the least. He pressed on, ignoring them and driving the horses to the castle ahead.
It was an architectural masterpiece, within its large gates it was covered in ivy and tile mosaics of trees, peacocks, and farmland. The things that made Nimius what it was. It was beauty and luxury in its purest form, abundance at its most bare and most extravagant. Technoblade had missed Nimius.
“Woah!” Theseus gasped, leaning so far forward Techno needed to grab his shirt and pull him back into the seat. “What are those?” he asked excitedly, pointing at a blue bird amongst several others, it’s tail long as it trailed behind the bird, folded. The feather’s were iridescent and there was a small crest on its head.
“That's a peacock, the monarch has an affinity for them,” Techno said fondly. As his dog passed the bird, clearing the path for the horses, several of the peacocks shook out their tails and Theseus’ eyes went wide once more.
“It’s got so many eyes!” he said, looking at Technoblade in wonder.
“It’s just a pattern, they use it to scare off anything trying to eat them.” Techno said, smiling lightly.
“They’re so pretty,”
“Very, but you can’t pet these ones, they aren’t nice. There’s one inside you could pet though.” Techno said. Theseus nodded excitedly as Techno stopped the cart in front of the castle, looking over each of the guards. As much as he loved it here he couldn’t be too comfortable so he kept his sword on him and stepped off, whistling to the dog and gesturing with a nod of the head to the cart. She jumped up and settled in the back as Theseus scrambled down off the cart, running to catch up. A young man had come out and paused in front of them as they both waited for Theseus.
“Eret is waiting for you inside. Just f-” The young man was cut off by another who had approached, staring at the sword.
“No weapons.” He said gruffly.
“I’m not stupid enough to kill a seer, let alone a monarch. Let me in.” Techno said flatly.
“No. Put the sword in your cart. And that whip too.” The man said stepping in front of Techno, arms crossed. He had a mask over the top of his face but Techno was close enough to see his bright green eyes and furrowed brows.
“And if I don’t?” Techno asked, smiling lazily.
“You don’t wanna find out.” came the reply as he went to draw his sword. Techno copied the move, hand on the hilt of his sword. Theseus grabbed onto Techno’s pant leg, and Techno chanced a quick look, seeing briefly the fear on his face. When his eye darted back up the man had relaxed slightly, eyes focused on the child for a moment before looking back at Techno and glaring twice as hard.
“Boys quit it,” came a new voice, familiar to Techno’s ears. Techno grinned and let go of his sword to smile innocently at Eret descending the stairs to the castle doors, accompanied by a woman a bit younger than Technoblade. Eret was… well Eret. Well dressed in beautiful clothes, somehow looking well dressed and casual at the same time, putting Techno’s outfit of his usual cape, shirt, pants and other gear to shame despite sharing the same style. She smiled and approached, shaking his head playfully.
“What? I was just playing around,” Techno said, laughing easily and relaxing. He bowed to them, head down in a show of respect before standing.
“You’re a bad liar. Come on, we have a lot to discuss with Puffy here, she’s my general that I told you about.” Eret said, gesturing for Techno and Theseus to follow.
“But my liege, he has weapons on him!” The man Techno had just confronted spoke up, looking panicked.
“As he always does. Sam it’s alright, this man has saved my life more times than I can count. If he wanted me dead he would’ve done so long ago. He’s as harmless as a pup.” Eret laughed, shaking their head. The man, Sam, stood there bewildered for a moment as Techno walked by, followed by Theseus who stuck his tongue out at the guard. They walked in through the large doors into a beautiful castle. Polished wood and marble was everywhere, large murals and tapestries of the gods and of old tales lining the entry hall beautifully. Techno felt out of place, dirty grungy clothing, scarred and unpolished, unrefined. Eret led them further, past the large throne room and into a further hall. Puffy opened a door, revealing a round, average sized table, six chairs around it, a teapot and snacks upon it. Eret took their spot and Puffy chose one nearby, Techno opting for one across from Eret, and Theseus clamoring up onto the chair beside Techno.
“You never told me you had a kid,” Eret said, smiling and placing a few sweets in front of Theseus.
“Sorry, I didn’t have much time, I came as soon as I got the letter,” Techno said.
“No no, it’s alright, he’s quite adorable. What’s his name?” Eret asked, smiling at Theseus who was currently enjoying a cookie that Eret had given him.
“Theseus,” Techno replied.
“I go by Tommy.” Theseus interjected, staring at Techno.
“You never mentioned that before.” Techno sighed.
“You didn’t ask.” came the reply. Puffy snorted and covered her mouth, trying to hide her smile. Techno took the moment to take her in. Her uniform was well kept, a deep indigo blue with gold accents. She had very long curly white hair, though it didn’t age her. She looked young, or at least seemed to be younger than Technoblade, though that wasn’t saying much. She had a scar, faint and light, stretching from her jaw to just under her eye. He couldn't decipher what from by the look of it, though it had obviously been taken care of considering it was so light.
“What’s wrong with your eyes?” Theseus interrupted Techno’s thoughts, loud and abrupt.
“Theseus!” Techno scolded, staring at him in disbelief.
“You can’t say that!”
“Why not?” Theseus asked, crossing his arms. Techno sighed, frustrated.
“I’m so sorry,” He apologized.
“It’s alright, kids are kids, I take no offence.” Eret said. Their eyes which had previously been a bright and vibrant brown had slowly dulled over the years, as though there was a white film over them. Techno hadn’t mentioned it, he had only ever known Eret with the vague film on their eyes. She was a seer, it was a natural part of having Sight. “I have a gift. I can see the gods,” Eret said smiling and looking at Theseus patiently.
“Woah, that’s so cool! I wanna see the gods!”
“Well it’s not all good Tommy. My eyes look like this because it makes it so you can’t see after a while, it makes your eyes turn white and soon you can’t see anything.” Eret explained. Theseus frowned and tilted his head.
“So you’re blind?”
“Not yet. I’ve got some years ahead of me, I plan to enjoy them as much as I can.” Eret said, eyes darting to Techno who laughed.
“You did enough living for twelve lives back in the days.” Techno smiled fondly upon the memories of their journeys together.
“Never enough Blade, never enough,” Eret said, sighing happily at their own memories of the time. “We’ll need to reminisce some other time unfortunately. You’re aware of why I requested your help?”
“Yes, the letter told me all I needed to know.” Techno said, nodding curtly, smile fading.
“Lovely. As capable as our wonderful General here is, we'll need the help. They’ve been making bold moves. We need to be bolder.”
“Are you sure?” Puffy interjected.
“You have no ideas left either. We need him.”
“No, not that. Him. Are you sure about him? I did my research, I know what he sees as ‘bold moves’.” Puffy said firmly, glaring at Techno. Just when he thought he may be able to escape mistakes of the past, here they were yet again coming to bite him in the ass.
“Can we not discuss that? Not right now? I’d rather not defend those actions in front of a child.” Techno said sharply. Puffy looked between Technoblade and Theseus before nodding. “We’ll finish this later.” Techno added. “For now I need your files and information about it. As well as anything relevant to the situation, including border declarations. Anything Nimius and Ecren have both signed.”
“Of course. I have an office for you in the south wing and your room is ready. We can give Tommy a tour of the castle maybe and have some dinner, by then I’ll have a room for him beside yours.” Eret said, pouring herself a cup of tea, and then pouring one for Technoblade. “Puffy, can I ask you to gather the necessary documents while I catch up with my friend?” He asked kindly. Puffy nodded and gave a brief informal bow before leaving the room. “Maybe Tommy would like to go find Calypso in his garden,” Eret said, smiling.
“Who’s Calypso?” Theseus asked,
“You remember I mentioned there’s a peacock you can pet inside the castle? That’s Calypso. He’s a sweetheart, and has his own garden.” Techno said, smiling. Theseus grinned, turning to Eret and nodding quickly.
“Alright, give me a moment,” Eret said, standing and walking to the door. Eret smiled and gestured to someone. “Skeppy, are you on your way by Calypso’s garden?” She called.
“Yeah, gonna go visit Bad in the kitchens, see if he needs help.” came the reply, presumably from Skeppy.
“Lovely, we have a guest, come here,”
Skeppy stepped in, smiling and waving at Techno and Theseus.
“Can you show Theseus here how to get to the garden? He’d like to meet Calypso, maybe swing by and steal an extra treat for him when you go pester Bad hm?”
“I wasn’t gonna steal anything, just… taste test,” Skeppy argued.
“Uh huh. Grab him an extra bite,”
Theseus looked to Techno for permission to go this time. After the last time he went off away from Technoblade he didn’t seem keen to repeat the situation. Techno nodded and gestured to Skeppy.
“Go, I’ll come get you in a bit, kid,” He said reassuringly. Theseus ran off with Skeppy, following him into the hall excitedly chatting with Skeppy. Eret sat and they both waited until they could no longer hear them.
“So… you’re a dad.” Eret said, leaning back with their teacup in hand. “That's… unexpected for you.”
“Yeah. I didn’t plan to be.”
“Past few years must’ve been quite the learning curve for you then huh?” Eret chuckled. Techno froze, not looking his friend in the eyes.
“Well… I wasn’t around.” Techno admitted. “His mom had to track me down to tell me. And we had an agreement.”
“You didn’t…” Eret said.
“I didn’t abandon them… entirely.” Techno said, trying to defend himself. “She knew what kind of guy I was, she knew about them. I told her when she said she was pregnant. She agreed it wasn’t a good idea, but she couldn’t work with a child and no husband so… I’ve been sending her money over the years. Bought them a nice home, money for food and clothes, a repairman, and extra for savings. I made sure she could give him a good life. I swear I wouldn’t just leave, I just…”
“So why is he with you now then?” Eret asked.
“She passed. A few days ago actually. She wrote to me and had the message passed along urgently and when I got there it was bad. She told me to take him and take care of him. I figured I owe her that, but I… have no clue how to do this.” Techno sighed, shrugging and leaning back. He didn’t dare look at Eret, he didn’t want to see their look of disappointment.
“Gods above Technoblade, what a fine mess you’ve made for yourself. We’re a nation at war, why’d you bring him?”
“The other jobs were too dangerous. Tracking down criminals, on the front lines for weeks, assassination, murder, this was the safest. He doesn’t have to be involved in the war, he can stay and if we must evacuate he can go with. This war won’t be fast, Ecren is not going to give in, it’s more stable.”
“What makes you say that?” Eret asked. Techno sighed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and standing, leaning over the table to hand it to Eret. Eret took it and unfolded the paper. “They requested you as well?”
“Yeah. Offered me the position of General.”
“You didn’t take it. Why?” Eret said, frowning skeptically, eyes trained on Technoblade’s sword.
“I’d be on the frontlines, the pay was worse, it came after yours, and you’re one of my oldest friends. I’m a lot of things, but I am not a liar and I don’t go back on my promises. I told you I’d come back if you ever needed help. I’m here. I have no obligations in Ecren or interest in helping them. This was my home for a while too, I’m going to defend it.” Techno said.
“You never change. It’s nice to have you on the team, old friend,” Eret said, smiling and folding the piece of paper, tossing it back on the table and relaxing. “Like the old days.”
“Like the old days.” Techno agreed
Techno found Theseus in the garden, sitting amongst the beautiful abundance of foliage and flowers, Calypso sitting in his lap fast asleep. It was kind of sweet, Theseus was gently petting the bird, making sure not to wake him, looking around at all the butterflies fluttering above them from flower to flower. The garden was vibrant, it was as though you stepped into a forest, and though it was a bit warm it was comfortable. Theseus seemed at peace there. Techno walked over and sat on the bench near Theseus’ spot on the ground.
“Where’d the name Tommy come from?” He asked quietly, being careful not to startle the bird or the child.
“My mom. She always called me Tommy instead.” He replied in a whisper, transfixed on the bird in his lap. He seemed enamored with Calypso, fascinated endlessly by the brightly colored and well kept feathers. Enough so that he had finally stopped moving and talking for the first time since Techno had met him. He was a lively kid, probably even more so before his mother passed. He hadn’t been sleeping well, crying himself to sleep in the wagon, waking from nightmares. On the worst days when it seemed he truly realized he was never seeing his mother again he had refused to eat, and sat silently in the wagon. Technoblade was not someone experienced in grief, and he hadn’t had even the mildest clue on how to comfort a child who had just lost his primary caregiver, that was never easy, especially not after watching her suffer for weeks on end before dying. Techno hadn’t spoken with him much about it, unsure of how to approach that topic with an adult, let alone a child.
“Do you want me to call you Tommy instead?” Techno asked softly, voice still low to not wake the bird.
“No,” Theseus said flatly, shaking his head. Techno froze, and stared for a moment waiting for him to elaborate. No explanation came. He just left it there. Technoblade decided that it wasn’t meant to be rude, even if it sure did feel like something he should chastise him for. It wasn’t as though it was a big deal, it was just a name. Theseus had the right to say what he wanted to be called.
“...alright” Techno said after a solid minute of silence from both parties. “Dinner’s almost ready, we should head to the dining hall,” he added, gently patting him on the shoulder as he stood to get him to stand up as well.
“I don’t wanna go.” Theseus said. Techno took a moment and decided his curiosity took precedence over his ego bruising from the fact Theseus just outright refused,
“Why not?” He asked, crouching down. Theseus looked away, refusing eye contact. He looked conflicted and uncomfortable, but Techno just waited until he was ready.
“What if it’s bad? Mom always made good food, what if this is bad? And it's so big in there, the roof is so high, and everything echoes and it’s just too much. I don’t like it.” Theseus said, grimacing and glancing at the door back in. “I miss home.” He added more quietly. Techno stood and thought for a moment.
“Come with me,” He said, standing and holding out his hand. Theseus looked at Calypso and hesitated before gently picking him up and scooting him off his lap, standing and brushing the dirt off his pants.
“We’re going anyway?” Theseus asked, frowning.
“Nah, I hate the dining hall anyways, but you can’t just not eat kid. I’m taking you to the kitchens. Did you like Skeppy?”
“Yeah! He’s really funny, he told me about you!”
“...what’d he tell you?”
“That you sucked at the games he played with you!” Theseus said happily, smiling as he looked ahead.
“...huh… well I’ll have to get a rematch then. We can have dinner with Skeppy and the cook, Bad, in the kitchen instead, it’s much nicer there, not as fancy,” Techno said, taking Theseus’ hand and leading him inside, instead of going through the large extravagant halls he took a detour into a smaller homier feeling hallway. It was lined with pictures of the staff and their families, and of Eret and his parents, all the goofy pictures they wouldn’t be able to present in the front halls for guests to see. Techno looked at a few of them and got oriented to where they were. He had always preferred going through the staff halls anyways. The main halls were designed to be long, extravagant and force you to take in the wealth and lavish castle. The staff halls were shortcuts, small and much easier to navigate due to the fact that they didn’t look the same and had labels on all the doors so nobody got lost. Techno finally found the door labelled ‘Kitchen’ and pushed it open.
Beyond the door was a nice looking kitchen. It wasn’t fancy or covered in white and gold. It had a large wood stove that was next to an oven, as well as another separate brick oven in the wall. The brick oven was unlit and cold, and the wood stove looked as though it had just turned off. There were large windows that were wide open, letting in a cool breeze, and plenty of countertops littered in plates and dishes. The room was bigger than a normal home’s kitchen and much better equipped, even having a cooler to store food and a meat locker door off to the side, but half of it was occupied by a large oak table and chairs, a tablecloth spread over top. In the centre of the table was a vase with freshly cut flowers, and beside it was a basket of bread rolls. In the kitchen was a familiar face, Bad. Though Bad seemed occupied trying to get Skeppy to stop trying to eat the food before it was out on the tables.
“Skeppy, quit it!” Bad yelled, exasperated.
“Awe come on, I’m just testing it!” Skeppy laughed as he was chased away from the stock pot.
“You’re being a pest is what you’re doing,” Bad huffed, shaking his head and turning to smile. “You finally came back!” He cheered, smiling at Techno. “You come to visit or to steal food like someone else here,” Bad asked, glaring pointedly at Skeppy who had started creeping towards the other basket of bread rolls for the dining hall.
“But I’m huuuuuungryyyy” Skeppy whined. Techno laughed and grabbed a bread roll from the basket on the table, chucking it to Skeppy to occupy him for a while.
“Actually I came to see if me and the kid could eat with you and Skeppy tonight,” Techno said, smiling and gesturing at Theseus. Bad gasped and leaned over the counter to look at the kid, grinning brightly.
“Of course! Skeppy mentioned we had a little guest! I thought he was lying for an extra lemon tart,” Bad said, smiling.
“I told you he wash real,” Skeppy said triumphantly through a mouthful of bread, smiling smugly as he took another bite of the bread roll proudly.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Bad said, brushing him off with an eye roll and a dismissive wave. “I’ll let Eret know when we send out the food, they may join us but I doubt Sam and Puffy will let him out of sight while they have a chance to discuss things.”
“Speaking of what’s the deal with those two?” Techno asked, leaning forward against the counter.
“Ah not much, Sam is the newer one of the two, he takes his job very seriously, and Puffy is normally a lot more calm but everything going on has been stressing her out. This’ll be her first conflict as General, she’s been in the military for a long time but this time she’ll be calling the shots on the field so she’s just trying to be careful,” Bad said shrugging. “Nice folks, heart in the right place but you caught ‘em at a bad time. Why are you here now?”
“Same reason. Eret asked me to come as a strategist.” Techno said. “War needs experience, I guess that’s why she asked me to come.”
“What’s war? You guys keep talking about it and I don’t know what it means.” Theseus asked abruptly. Bad looked as though he had frozen to the spot and Skeppy was trying not to laugh at him but Techno just turned and looked at Theseus unbothered.
“Y’know how there are countries? Well sometimes they get into fights with lots of people on both sides. That's war.” Techno said flatly. Bad gave him an incredulous look and when Techno made eye contact he shrugged. There was no point in lying. This would be the kid’s life for a while.
“Oh. When will it be over?” Theseus asked, frowning. “It seems like a lotta work.
“I don’t know, kid, probably not for a few years.” Technoblade replied, shrugging.
“That’s a long time. I want it over now,”
“Me too, tell you what though, you and I get to live here with Skeppy and Eret and Bad until it’s over, so that doesn’t seem too bad right?” Techno asked, smiling ever so slightly and ruffling Theseus’ blond hair gently.
“I guess not,”
Dinner had gone well, Theseus ate all his food for the first time in ages, even telling Technoblade as they left the kitchen that it was “almost as good as mom’s” which seemed to be high praise for him. Techno was just glad he ate all of it. They had talked with Skeppy and Bad easily, and despite Eret not being able to join them it was a good time. Afterwards Techno had gone to the stables, Theseus trailing behind him. Someone had put away his horses and his dog wasn’t too far off from them. Techno checked what they had to eat and drink and after deciding it was good enough he grabbed his brushes from the wagon behind the stable. He would bring his books and Theseus’ things up to their rooms when they went back in. Theseus stood just inside the stable door, watching Technoblade brush the larger of the two horses meticulously.
“Why didn’t you name them?” Theseus asked, echoing his question from days earlier.
“I just didn’t.”
“Can I name them?” Theseus asked. Techno made the mistake of looking at Theseus, whose eyes were large and watery as he silently begged. Not even he could last against that look.
“...fine.” Techno conceded, sighing and shaking his head.
“Yay! This one is gonna be.... Andrew!” Theseus proclaimed proudly, looking chuffed with himself.
“That’s a good one,” Techno said, chuckling slightly.
“And the other one is gonna be Carl!” Theseus added. “Oh and the doggie! Can I name her? Pretty please?”
“Might as well,”
“Clementine!” Theseus cheered happily. The dog, who had previously been laying calmly, watching Techno and Theseus from outside the stall stood at that, walking over and wagging her tail at Theseus.
“Well she seems to like it. Nice job kid,” Techno said, smiling fondly. He continued brushing the newly named Andrew and Carl, meticulously picking out their feet and checking for any rocks before he finally let them be. Clementine, also pleased with the new moniker curled up in Carl’s stall, and Techno pulled out some dried meat from the wagon, promising he’d take her hunting the next day for some game. He knew she couldn’t understand but it gave him peace of mind at least.
He took Theseus to the wagon and grabbed his large box of books and other important trinkets within, buried under the pages, and helped Theseus grab his few things. The child frowned as he looked for something, not finding it.
“What’re you missin’?” Techno asked.
“My teddy bear, mom gave it to me, I had it hidden in my bag!” Theseus said, looking distressed.
“You think you forgot it at home?” Techno asked, frowning. His frown deepened when Theseus nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. “Hey, hey it’s okay kid.” he rushed, trying to think about what one of his friends would’ve said. Squid had always been better with kids, so he tried to think of what he would say. “Your teddy bear is.... Protecting your house?” He suggested. Theseus paused and sniffed, nodding slowly. It seemed to work. “He has to look after it cause you’re not there anymore.”
“...okay,” Theseus said quietly, nodding. He still looked sad but no longer like he was gonna cry, which Techno counted as a massive win in his favor. Maybe parenting wouldn’t be that bad after all.
They brought in the items, and Eret showed them to their rooms. Eret’s was at the end of the hall and Techno’s was a few doors down. Beside Techno’s room was Theseus’ room and both seemed good, better than the wagon had been. There was a fireplace in techno’s room, and he remembered the layout of it quite well. He had stayed there for some time previously, and chosen the room specifically for the fireplace and the small bathroom attached to it. It wasn’t as large and well furnished as Eret’s washroom or any of the others in the castle, but there was running water, a sink, a toilet and a bathtub. That was more than enough for Techno, who had long since grown used to mostly washing up in rivers. Techno let Theseus settle in his room and showed him where to go if he needed help before slipping into his room. He put his books on the empty shelves and the various treasures were hidden in the room. His jewelry box set on the nightstand.
He opened the dresser and found some clean clothes that he had previously left. That would also be nice, laundry wouldn’t be such a pain. He bathed himself and got Theseus to stop jumping on the bed long enough to catch him and wrangle him into the bath as well afterwards. He had protested heavily until he hit the warm water, sinking into it almost immediately. He still protested as Techno scrubbed the dirt off his face and out of his hair but it was half-hearted and he seemed quite happy afterwards, wrapped in a blanket and wearing clean pajamas donated by Eret from when they were young. They were a bit big but Theseus said they were comfortable. Techno got him settled into bed and blew out the oil lamp in the room, leaving him to sleep. Techno lit his fireplace and stoked the fire until it was roaring steadily, warming the room. He blew out his own oil lamp after grabbing one of his novels, deciding on an old hero tale he had been fond of. He settled into the rocking chair by the fireplace, opening the well worn pages and settling in to lose himself in the story.
He had always cherished the fact he could read, and he was thankful for the escape. Sometimes he found solace from everything around him in the pages of a good story. He particularly enjoyed adventures with a clear hero. He never saw himself in those pages, and though as strange as it may have seemed it was nice. He wanted an escape from himself, not a reflection of him on the pages. He was okay with the fact he didn’t see himself in the heroes, though all too often he saw himself in the monsters the heroes slayed. He wasn’t proud of it, and he’d never speak of those events aloud, he’d never admit to what he’d done to anyone who he cared for. Though he didn’t know how much longer he could ignore it when Puffy knew. He had no doubt Sam knew as well. The hatred and fear in his eyes as they had stood face to face earlier told him all he needed to know. He didn’t know if Eret would still accept his help if he knew, but he had to try to explain himself. Nothing would justify it, but he wanted to help people this time. Not hurt them. He paused, shaking away the thoughts, it would only encourage them to start up once more. He hadn’t gotten a handle on them just for them to pop up now of all times. He had become so wrapped up in his book that he hadn’t realized the door opened until he heard it click shut. He turned, almost expecting Eret, but instead seeing Theseus, blanket around his shoulders, sniffing and wiping at his eyes.
“Hey… what are you doing up?” Techno asked, tilting his head and closing his book, finger on the page he was on, holding it ajar.
“I couldn’t sleep…” Theseus said, sounding as though he had been sobbing. Techno frowned and gestured to him to come closer, and as he stepped into the firelight Techno could see his eyes. They were red and watery, bloodshot and puffy. His cheeks were tear-stained and he looked awful.
“Nightmare again?” Techno asked. Theseus nodded. Techno thought for a moment. He didn’t know how to comfort kids very well. “Is there something you want me to do?” He asked, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to just ask him.
“Mom would always cuddle with me…” Theseus said softly, not looking up to meet Techno’s eyes at all, but he got the message. He leaned forward and gestured him forward. Theseus took a few steps closer and Techno picked him up, placing him down on his lap. He shifted Theseus so the child was laying across his lap, leaning against his arm and chest.
“Does this work?” Technoblade asked, hoping he was doing it right. He’d seen other parents do this, but he wasn’t sure. Theseus nodded and rested his head on Techno’s chest gently. “You want me to read to you?” he asked, getting another silent nod. Techno flipped the book open to the first page, and started reading aloud off the first page. He felt Theseus cuddle into him, pulling his blanket closer around himself while yawning softly. Time escaped him, and what felt like minutes went by before he paused and looked down, to see Theseus fast asleep in his arms. He felt like he couldn’t move without waking him, and looked around to see if there was a way to take him to bed, but there wasn’t. So Techno resigned himself to sleeping in the rocking chair that night, gently putting the book down on the small table beside him. He sighed and leaned back, holding Theseus gently and closing his eyes. He smiled slightly as he felt Theseus grab onto his shirt tightly with his small hand. Maybe it was worth sleeping on the chair tonight if it meant Theseus slept soundly. It wasn’t so bad.
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Nate Heywood - Nowhere To Go
Word Count: 2,052
Your daily walk had started off completely normal. You had left the grounds of the palace and were walking through the surrounding wooded area with some palace guards on your tail. However, when you were on your way back, you encountered an unexpected hitch.
“Hello, there!” You called to the mysterious man, who was dressed in foreign garments and had a look of utter confusion on his face. “Are you alright?” You asked once you’d gained his attention.
“Yeah, I think so.” He replied, in an unfamiliar accent. The man was handsome and seemed polite. He had dark brown hair and eyes and was wearing some kind of long sleeved shirt and trousers. “Where are we?”
“London.” You replied, “In the woods behind the Palace of Westminster. I’m almost certain you must know of it.”
“Yeah, thanks.” The man responded, looking around – past your head to get a look at the back of the palace that you had called your home for your whole life. “What year is it?” He asked, but before you could respond, one of your guards rudely interrupted.
“You will think before addressing your Royal Highness in such an impolite manner.” He warned, pointing his sword at the man’s throat.
You lowered the sword and gave the guard a deathly glare, “That will not be necessary.” You condemned, sending the guards to stand away from you and the mysterious man, “The year is 1283. I am Y/N, Princess of England.” You introduced, extending your hand to the man.
“My name’s Nate. Nate Heywood – short for Nathaniel.” He stuttered, taking your hand and kissing it. “Wow, I never thought I’d meet you, Princess.” He smiled, seeming shocked.
“Well, Nathaniel, would you care to accompany me on my walk back to the palace?” You asked.
Nate nodded, standing up straight and offering you his arm, “Of course, your Royal Highness.”
On your walk back to the palace, you had learnt that Nate had no place to go so you offered for him to stay at the palace as your guest. Although you had already grown quite fond of the man, you had an ulterior motive – you didn’t want to be alone in the palace with Phillip, Prince of France and the man you were marrying in a few weeks.
You didn’t want to marry the Prince and future King, because it meant moving to France and becoming a Queen but also because you didn’t want to marry a man you didn’t love. However, you knew you had to so you were going to carry out your duty but having Nate in the palace with you was a comfort that you definitely needed.
“So, you’re marrying the future King of France?” Nate asked as you personally showed him to his chambers that were coincidently right next to yours.
“Yes. It’s not that Phillip isn’t handsome or kind, I just don’t love him as I should and I don’t want to leave England.” You replied, sitting down on his bed, “I always thought I’d marry one of my father’s lords or earls and spend the rest of my days living in a manor house somewhere in the countryside. Or I’d meet some handsome knight and fall in love like in the stories.” You continued, before you noticed that you had been talking at him for hours and you knew nothing about the man, “My apologies, I have been babbling on about myself – you must think I’m so self-centred. Where are you from, Nathaniel? What is your family like?”
“Oh, I’m from Washington – which doesn’t exist yet.” Nate replied.
You subconsciously tilted your head, “Doesn’t exist yet?” You asked. Nate’s eyes widened as he started to come up with a reason why he had said what he did. “Where are you really from, Nathaniel?”
“The future?”
“How are you, this morning?” Nate asked while lying on the couch in your room as your ladies-maids fiddled with the hems of your dress.
You sighed, shooing your ladies-maids out of the room, “Honestly, I’m terrified.” You admitted, sitting down on your bed and placing your head in your hands, letting out a groan.
Nate came to sit next to you, putting his hand on your back and rubbing gently, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. And if you really don’t want to, don’t marry him.” Your head snapped up at those words, “You don’t have to marry him. You’re a princess, anyone would want to marry you.”
“But, it’s my duty. My duty to my country, to my family.” You defended.
“Screw duty!” Nate smiled, “You don’t have to always do what you’re told.”
You smiled, looking at Nate intensely. You’d never noticed just how beautiful his eyes were until that moment. You also noticed that he was looking at you the exact way you were looking at him and suddenly, you were leaning towards each other. His eyes flitted to your lips but just before they connected to his, Nate moved away, his hand connecting with his ear as he stood up and looked out of the window.
You followed his sight line and saw what you could only describe as a giant carriage, floating in the sky. Your jaw dropped to the floor as Nate started talking at the carriage, before he turned to you. “I have to go. My friends – the ones I mentioned – they found me.”
“I’m glad.” You smiled, but it fell very quickly.
Nate’s face went from a smile of glee to a glum expression, “I don’t want to leave you.” He said, taking your hands in his.
“I’ll be perfectly fine, Nathaniel. You must leave. You belong with your friends on your floating carriage and I belong here.”
Nate regretted leaving. He sat in his bedroom for days just thinking about you. He almost went back to tell you how he felt and stop your wedding but he stopped himself. However, the uncertainty of how your wedding went got to him.
“Gideon, could you tell me exactly what happened to Princess Y/N of England circa 1283?” He asked the talking A.I.
“Of course, Dr. Heywood.” She replied.
 You stood outside of the church you were supposed to be getting married in, away from the views of the crowds that came to see you. Your hands raked through your hair as you struggled to breathe and paced from side to side.
“Princess?” You heard from behind you. You turned to see one of your father’s lords, Lord Gilbert Almeric. “It’s nice to see you after this many years.”
You were once engaged to Lord Almeric but it was broken off when he left to go to Navarre. You were glad though, he was almost 12 years your senior and you found him extremely unsettling. “Of course, Lord Almeric.”
“You know, I’ve always regretted leaving you all those years ago. Hearing that you were to marry the future King of France – well, we can’t have that.” He said, unsheathing his sword.
“What are you doing?” You asked, backing away from him with your hands in front of you.
“If I can’t have you, Princess. Then no one can.” He grunted, grabbing your arm and shoving his sword through your side. You gasped as he held you close to him, pulling the sword out and sitting down, holding you in his arms, “I’m sorry, Princess. It was the only way.”
“Y/N!” You heard, but your eyes closed before you could see the face of the person the voice had come from.
All you could hear was white noise when you eventually woke up from your long coma.
Your head was pounding and you felt a sharp pain in your side when you tried to sit up. Looking around the room you were in, it seemed to be made out of some sort of metal and you didn’t recognise a thing. That was until a certain brunette came through the sliding doors.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Nate smiled, standing over you and looking over to your right. “Gideon?” He asked.
“Where am I? Who is Gideon?” You asked, trying to move but failing.
“I am Gideon, an advanced A.I from the year 2166.” A voice spoke. You could hear the voice from all around you and your eyes widened at the sound.
Nate put his hand over yours, “It’s okay. Gideon powers the ship. The time-ship.” He started to explain. “She’s one of the friends I told you about. Although she’s not exactly alive like us.”
“Take me back to court. I am supposed to be getting married.” You demanded, looking up at Nate who held a solemn expression.
He sighed, “I can’t. You were supposed to have died when you were stabbed, so when I brought you back here to save you, I changed history. Your death is a crucial point in that history.”
“So, what you are saying is… Everyone thinks I am dead and history relies on my death… So, I can never return home.” You sniffled, tears falling from your eyes as you realised that you had nowhere to go.
“We can give you a new life, somewhere in history and you can fall in love like you said you wanted to. You can meet a handsome knight.” Nate suggested, trying his best to console you.
You shook your head, more tears falling down your cheeks as it dawned on you that you’d never see your parents or siblings again, “No. I want to go home… Why couldn’t you have just let me die?”
A few weeks later, you were still on the ship. You had finished recovering and were spending time with Behrad trying to figure out when in history you’d like to go but nowhere seemed as fitting for you as home. You had also been spending time with Sara and Ava, training.
After helping Zari QB a mission, you had become extremely interested in fighting so Sara and Ava had been training you and you’d gotten pretty good at defending yourself. Also, almost everyone on the ship had been teaching you modern slang and showing you movies – just generally teaching you about the future.
Apart from Nate – you’d been avoiding him since he saved you. You were grateful that he did but you hated the fact that he tore you away from your home. However, you’d been feeling a lot better about being on the ship and you’d finally accepted that you could never go home so you had been thinking that it was finally time to forgive him.
Your hands shook as you entered the library to find Nate asleep on top of an open book. “Nathaniel. Nathaniel!” You called, shaking his shoulder.
Nate awoke suddenly, with a piece of paper stuck to his cheek. You chuckled slightly and pulled it off, a pleasant smile on your face. “Y/N. Hey, I thought you were avoiding me?” He asked, standing up and coming to stand and talk to you.
“I was. I was trying to figure everything out, deal with everything that’s happened and what it means for me… I’m still upset but I understand you were trying to help and obviously I’m grateful that I’m not dead.” You started to explain, a hopeful look gracing Nate’s face while he hung onto every single word you said. “So, what I’m trying to say is, I forgive you and I’m not mad anymore.”
Nate smiled, “Good. Great. Awesome. So, have you found a place to go, live out the rest of your life?”
“I’m thinking here.” You replied, “I asked Sara what she’d think of me sticking around for a while and she’s not opposed, so…”
“That’s great! I’m glad you’re sticking around.”
You nodded along to Nate’s words, “Yeah, me too. I just have one question. Why didn’t you let me die? Why did you care so much?”
Nate leant back against the desk, perching on the edge and crossing his arms, “Because, you’re one of the most awesome people I’ve ever met. You’re smart and funny and cool. You helped me out when I had nowhere to go, so I wanted to do the same… I wasn’t ready to lose you.”
“Well,” You started moving closer to Nate, “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going anywhere.”
A/N: Hope you enjoy! I take requests! Also, follow my instagram @cxplqnce
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