#there's a fair amount of things on my blog so. idk what it might be!
Sometimes I scroll though your asks for fun because I know I’m either about to learn fifty things or I’m about to be mind fucked with no inbetween
!!! Why not both!! Mind fucked with information! This is a hilarious perspective on my blog though, and it's always enlightening to see how you're viewed by others.
I hope one day to be the kind of person people go to just for any and every question. I want to be the guy people mean when they say they "know a guy". Just whatever it is, Quil probably knows or knows someone who knows, so ask it anyway.
I've got my niche, but I need to branch out. I need to become weird about even more topics and really commit. Well. I do have a whole summer ahead of me
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diivineray · 29 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I have a lot-- most are currently inactive but you'll know when you see them. I'm open however to creating new OTPs and spazzing about them with you.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Its fair game. I am willing to write just about everything except for like underaged stuff. Everything else is fair game if we discuss it beforehand. I'm not easily triggered by things, and a lot of my muses tap into that risque and taboo nature so come at me bruh.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I agree with what Ash said. we just don't like dealing with toddlers.
Are you selective when shipping?
Not really. I go based off chemistry. This isn't just a muse related thing, its also on how well we write together. Sometimes our writing might not mesh and that's okay. point is, I'll always try.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
idk once clothes come off, bow chicka bow bow. I love smut, I'm not shy about it. I do not use read more's but I will tag. This blog contains heavy amounts of it so it shouldn't be surprising.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh boy, literally every one of my muses with @deathfavor. Xie Lian and Mu Qing with @feietouhuo, their love transcends worming. Mu Qing will also eventually come to know their deep infatuation with Pei Ming. (We still have hope.) Also, I don't know if you'd still be down for Peilian, but like 🥺and, of course, anything with Xian le trio. @dcstinyscdgc with Fei Fei and Ruolan <3 some new ships i got going with leona I am loving with @verreprincesse & @duunswitch ! Of course leona's very OG prince @farspirit. If i am forgetting anyone hit me fndsklfs but the gist is I got a lot <3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Nah, but if that helps you by all means go for it. I think ships work very much like real relationships and I love when things kind of just pop up on their own. When the chemistry is cooking ya know?
How often do you like to ship?
i'd be a lying hoe if I said not all the time so.
Are you multiship?
yep!! There are some muses it might take me some time to open up with, but every muse is different, and I don't wanna do myself the disservice of missing out on cool peeps by not branching out.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
half and half?? Like I love ships, but I also really do like exploring other aspects of my muses than just the romantics.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
twst: leovil tgcf: fenglian /peiwen mdzs: wangxian
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asks !! IM's !! I know IM's suck, but I don't give my discord very easily these days so IMs are the best way to go.
tagged. @feietouhuo ( sending you smooches thank u worm qing) tagging. @dcstinyscdgc, @verreprincesse, @duunswitch, @ghostlypath & anyone else who wants to do this
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atthebell · 5 months
You want to learn Arabic :0???? As an Arabian, Arabic is kinda hard but I feel like knowing it has helped me a LOT with learning languages like Spanish because the way you structure sentences is kinda similar :D like for example in Arabic if you want to say "can you give me it?" you'd say:
"يمديك تعطيني ايه؟"
And in Spanish you'd say:
"¿Puedes dámelo?"
In the Arabic sentence the word "تعطيني" is actually technically two words/pronouns put into one :0 it would translate into "(you) give me" تعطي-ني
is very similar to how in the Spanish one "dámelo" is also technically multiple pronouns/words put into one, dá-me-lo.
Spanish is still veryyy different than Arabic, it has WAY more tenses, In Arabic we have (about) the same amount of tenses as English. But you know, knowing Arabic helps a lot when learning other languages, I am very grateful to my Arabian heritage <3 I feel like of you know other languages like Spanish or Portuguese Arabic becomes way more easier to learn. although to be fair, I can see how the fact that Arabic has a whole different alphabet can make it really hard for foreigners, I've known the Arabic alphabet ever since I was 6 years old so I just kinda got used to it, Idk how it would be for a foreigner.
Side note: I've heard that people say that they Arabic sounds scary/harsh?? It's really funny to read new learners talking about how they started pissing their pants when their teachers said "السلام عليكم" but at the same time I can't help but wonder what DOES Arabic really sound like to foreigners??? Are we really that scary 😭 I promise I don't bite??
(Sorry for the huge rant, it just made me happy to see someone mention Arabic. I feel like it's only really brought up in religious discussions so it's kinda a jumpscare to see it brought up on this blog)
(Today I learned that the letter ت kinda looks like :] and it genuinely brightened up my day so I might as well share it here)
yeah!!! i've always wanted to learn arabic, and speaking hebrew, since they're both semitic languages, would probably help out with it, although i know they're still very different. ive been able to recognize words in the past though because there's so many shared roots and cognates.
and i think language learning always builds on itself, so you're totally right about languages like spanish and portuguese helping with other languages, especially for eng speakers since we don't get taught the terminology of language really and its structured very differently to a lot of other languages, particularly, like you mentioned, in terms of dropping pronouns and combining words.
and to me arabic has always sounded beautiful; i think people get caught up in very different sounds to their own (arabic having fricatives and glottal stops that english and many other european languages don't have, for instance) and also the general islamophobic/xenophobic/racist rhetoric around arabic makes a lot of people unable to recognize their biases and why they think arabic is scary but french sounds elegant, for example. but yeah it doesn't sound scary to me at all, just different!
it would also be nice to know arabic from a religious studies perspective but i was interested in learning it long before i started studying theology, so it's a combination of things! ive really enjoyed every islamic studies class ive taken and while im not muslim myself, being able to engage with islamic texts in arabic would be really cool.
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eruherdiriel · 4 months
Hey! First of all, I love your blog. and your writing!
Idk who else to ask but since you love jonsa, I thought you might be able to explain. I've seen quite a few sansa supporters are actually team green in hotd. That doesn't make sense to me as a sansa stan and a team black person. I mean, if anything, since sansa rightfully became qitn, shouldn't we be supporting rhaenyra's claim?
It's ok if you'd rather not answer. It just puzzled me to see sansa fans liking alicent over rhaenyra.
In any case, have a nice day!
Hello, and thank you for that! I am probably not the best person to ask this because I read Fire and Blood out of obligation and for the foreshadowing of the main story, and I only watched the first three episodes of HotD before noping out. (If you see HotD content on my page it's probably because a mutual made something pretty and I wanted to share it.)
One thing I will comment on -- you said, "shouldn't we ..." and honestly? *You* can support whomever you want. And other people can like the other thing. I have Jonsa mutuals who ship things in other media that are NOTPs for me, and even within the Jonsa fandom, people like that relationship for different reasons and engage with it in different ways. Just because we are drawn to the same underlining thing in one story doesn't mean we'll have the same views across the board.
(If you want me to guess/infer from what I've learned about HotD from being on this website, I'd say Alicent and Sansa share a fair amount of situational and thematic similarities that probably appeal to people. Alicent's storyline is very similar to original-outline Sansa's story. Sansa and Rhaenyra, meanwhile, do have the inheritance parallel. But show!Sansa never pressed her claim to the North over Jon's naming as king, and I expect book!Sansa to be diplomatic during the Stark succession crisis as well, so in that way she is very different from both Alicent and Rhaenyra.)
That said, if any of my Team Green mutuals wants to explain themselves (😜), feel free!
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
god. genuinely sorry if like. the whole vibe of this blog is in shambles. I really really try to make sure this is primarily a safe and fun and happy space because that is what fandom should be and I want that to be my fandom experience and by extension the experience of anyone who follows me.
it's just. so much. I wanna like. make silly posts and reblog things and have fun interacting with my mutuals again but I'm just crying like half the time soo haha. I need a vacation. as in I need to travel not I need to take a break from the blog. unfortunately I'm broke and also a full time uni student :/
it'll be okay. it's just. a lot. idk. maybe it's not even noticeable and this post was unnecessarily made but I'm doing it more for myself, I guess.
anyway my askbox is always open if people wanna ask me questions about space or just talk abt anything. I might be reblogging a fair amount of stuff for other fandoms, but I am still in this fandom bc the dsmp and dream team mean a lot to me. but this is technically a multifandom blog sooo. anyway regularly scheduled posting eventually.
I love you all. things will be okay I promise. 🫂
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Blog Update
Please take a moment to have a read of what's going on for me and what to expect in the coming weeks xx
My 2 week break from my course is over as of tomorrow so my attention now needs to be put back onto my study work so I don't fall behind.
This doesn't really change anything on here besides the time I have to write. I'm in class every Monday from 9am to 4pm & every Tuesday from 9am to 12pm. I also work every Tuesday & Wednesday night and every second Saturday.
I still have a few requests to work through and I know this can be disappointing and frustrating for those waiting and waiting for their request to be posted, I'm getting there, I promise. I mostly only have smut requests left to do.
I do most of my writing on Thursdays to Sunday if I'm not going anything else but I do have a few things coming up within the next 2 weeks that might make things slower. Don't worry though, I am still trying my best to keep everybody happy.
Fics -
As annoying as this, I have put all my fic series on hold. I just want to get the requests done. When I see the amount of them in my asks, it stresses me out sometimes and I am a huge people pleaser so I rather keep everybody happy so yeah.
I am all having thoughts of just deleting Forbidden. It's going no where, that's the truth. I had ideas for it but I literally just can no put them to paper so 🤷🏻‍♀️
I want to bring The Third Widow to an end, not sure how or when I'll do that but I think that series is finished as far as ideas go.
21 Questions, I really want to keep writing but it's also not the style of fic I want. At the time, yeah it was but now thinking about it, it's not giving me the idea and concept I original had for it, so Idk what I am doing with that right now.
Requests -
Like I said before, I still have a fair few left, mostly smut. I'm working through them and when I do open my requests again, I will only be taking 10-15 at a time.
Sorry for the long read but theres an update. Much love 💜
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berylliumliumite · 1 year
come here boy. grabs you by the shoulder. i need you to talk about denima. i need you to go into your local gameshop and i need you to ask about denima to anyone who will listen. i need you to do this. do not come back until you have talked about denima. /j ref
AND.. COMPLETELY UNPROMPTED..... THE PEOPLE ASK ME TO TALK ABOUT DENIMA (i asked two times) (three if you count telling ark about it on call)
Anyway as an aro person I really relate to Denima in the summer party arc a lot. Especially as a scared 8th grader reading the comic, it just... it hits me now that I understand/understood exactly how she felt in that moment of seeing Beryll on call with Kuiper instead of enjoying the party.
SO LIKE. here's the whole deal. I did not like her for awhile when I was first introduced to her. Part of it was something I've just grown out from, i.e. shipping; I still do a fair amount of shipping, but I think it's so much more interesting to think about like. being aromantic and relationships in that context rather than trying to project myself onto characters I'll never fully understand because they're Not aromantic. But I understand Denima, even if she isn't, because more than ever I read her as aromantic.
Esp as like, a woman character, I feel like she gets a lot of hate. And yes she's not the main focus of the blog nor a main character and as such she will be ignored by the fans unless she does something horribly wrong like in the summer party arc. But I feel like while Beryll and Denima might be a little upset with each other rn / not understanding each other (in part because Beryll has not told her about like. the whole Crush On Kuiper + has not been really talking to her at all from what I understand) what she did wasn't... that horrible, it was like. an outburst yes from insecurity yes but maybe its because I don't understand relationships that well that I am like. "excusing" her actions (I actually think that yes there's a very bad element to trying to say who gets to be friends with who so I am not defending that) but I am trying to say that if she's insecure, esp since Beryll is her best friend, we don't have to go all crazy on her. like it's okay to simmer down a bit. like yes she's insecure and shouldn't be pushing Beryll to Not be friends with Kuiper but at the same time I don't think what she did was awful/irredeemable/shes a bad person.
But like as an aro person esp before I found my partner I was totally like. alone in the world. I'm autistic and schizoaffective and that severely impacts my speech patterns/how I view the world/relationships. And yes I had friends but if I remember correctly whoever was the host at the time didn't feel that connected to them. It was a strange existence, where they were constantly worried about being "left behind" for a romantic partner/different friend while at the same time being unable to express these feelings and disconnected from people they called friends. Denima did express these feelings, maybe in a Bad and Toxic Way but she did, and for that they Really Did Not Like Her
So reading her as aromantic feels so good to us. She's aromantic; she wants her best friend back. We even relate to her as an autistic person; change, such as a change in relationships, is Hard and Scary and Awful and Must be avoided at All Costs. So maybe these two things make it easier for us to relate to her and sympathize with her. Idk.
Anyway so we feel like there's a lot of nuance when it comes to Denima but it boils down to I LOVE DENIMA "DISASTER MASTER" DIASTIER
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kyriey · 1 year
intro post
i’m doing some funky stuff to my blog right now, and one of those things is an intro. thought it could be neat.
i made a cut bc i ramble too much whoopsy
it’s pronounced kee ree ayyy btw
hello! my name is sarah (she/her), i’m a 20 year old canadian and i doodle an obscene amount of fanart. its horrifying how many drawings i make in a day. my hands should be falling off but somehow they’re still there. one time i did draw for so long that my pointer finger went numb, however.
as a fair warning, i will fixate on something for a decent amount of time. and because its the ONLY thing on my mind, its likely the ONLY thing ill be drawing LMAO. so i might make a bunch of drawings for one fandom, and then on some glorious sunday, i will find something that tickles my brain chemicals in the right way and do a full 180. so uh... keep that in mind if you choose to follow me lol
with the basics and the mandatory warning outta the way,,, let’s seeeee,,, stuff about me,,,,
- big horror lover. just stuff that makes you go eeUUUGHH (i say horror, but what i mean is visual novels, rpg maker games, and little nightmares lol)
- big bird lover. i have an indian ringneck. his name is oliver and he tries to tear my lip off affectionately whenever i hold him.
- i’ll draw 23 hours a day if i am not stopped by my weak mortal body (and like... school...). if you ask me to draw something, i’ll most likely draw it. i like the challenge and i like the prompts teehee
- idk how to talk to people so i tend to just lurk a lot. i promise im not trying to be rude, thats just how i functionnn (im quite literally socially awkward, unfortunately not in the cute way, and sometimes i’ll come off as either really odd or really rude. i just want to clear that up for the sake of my sanity)
i dont really know what else to say. if i think of anything ill just add it. but tbh this is long enough as it is LMAO
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aylaaescar · 2 years
Hi hello those ships asks are so much fun!! So here's a bunch: 11, 22, 27 for Vanyla/Leliana, 3+13 for Sky and Atton if you feel like it, 7+24 for Rosemary/Fenris, and 12-15 for Meg/Ashley? <3 WAIT also 1, 23, 30 for Aelisay/Bull
aHHHh thank you!! my blorbos and THEIR blorbos <3 (and right?? these are so fun skdfgj I love answering these, even if they take me a hot minute)
putting under a cut bc I ramble <3
11. What good do they bring out in each other?
I think that what Leliana brings out of Vanyla is more obvious than the other way around, for one thing. Vanyla is way nicer and softer when Leliana is around, puts more effort into not being quite so sharp and mean as she normally is. (which, in all fairness, is a thing that she learns in general during the Blight, but Leli brings it out more often lol.)
on Leliana's end, Vanyla helps her to be more accepting and at peace with herself and what she's done. Vanyla is very firm that no matter what Leli's done in the past, it doesn't dictate who she is now, and that Marjolaine's comments were worthless, cruel jabs to lower her guard.
22. What's different about their backgrounds? Do those differences affect the relationship?
so you've got Leliana, orphan who was raised by a noblewoman turned bard turned runaway turned Chantry sister. Vanyla, meanwhile, was a noblewoman who lived in the total lap of luxury until very recently. I wanna say that it affects the relationship, but it also doesn't? as in - obviously they have different backgrounds that shaped their views on the world. I can only speak for Vanny since she's my OC, ofc, but she was deeply spoiled and self-absorbed before becoming a Warden. this woman stomped her foot and threw a fit the first time she had to actually pay for something and didn't have the coin or family name to her name. (Alistair saw it. he's been judging her for that moment ever since.)
so it affects her relationship w Leliana, but it also affects, like, everything about the Blight and her growing up as a person during it, lol. does that make sense?? learning to be less spoiled and arrogant was a big thing for her. listening to Leliana talk about her background might be one of the first times Vanyla gave much of a thought to the lives of her castle's servants, and it was a deeply uncomfortable realization that kept her up that night.
27. What interests do they share? For interests they don't share, do they ever participate anyway?
fun fact: they actually first bonded w each other because they were talking about shoes or hair, lol. they're both very feminine and fashionable, they love pretty frilly things and shoes. Vanyla is a proud Fereldan ofc, but if there's anything Orlais does better in her opinion, it's the shoes. and fashion. they go shopping together a lot whenever they're in Denerim or a major city that allows it, and though the Blight probably isn't the best time to lug around some cute dresses like that... it's fine, it's all fine, it's going to a good cause. the cause of looking great. :^)
Vanyla also loves reading and whatever the Thedosian equivalent of brain teasers are, and I would hazard a guess that Leliana enjoys those as well? yeah.
Sky/Atton (rest assured that I am always down to talk about them skdfjg I'm just lazy and haven't added the KOTOR crew to my OC page yet bc idk what to do for images?? somebody remind me to get on that sometime)
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
idk if they have a favorite thing, but they affectionately tease each other about a fair amount? piloting skills, pazaak skills, Force talents, you name it. Sky's glowing red eyes came up in conversation once when it was pitch black and Atton was able to see her anyway. gotta love the Chiss.
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
I talked about it a bit on my old blog, but a thing before I answer bc I feel like it affects it: they never actually get together. they're in love w each other, yeah, and I think they spend their lives together after Sky returns from finding Revan, but it's strictly in this officially platonic capacity. they're best friends who understand each other and their respective dark sides better than anybody, they're loyal to each other and would die for the other, but there's also... never any romantic resolution to their relationship. neither of them can forgive themselves for what they've done enough to let themself be loved, I think. idk if I'm explaining it well haha. and in Sky's case, she doesn't know if Atton would actually want to be with her or if the Force bonds would make him fall for her. it's complicated.
anyway! to answer the actual question! I would peg them as both being quality time and acts of service - the former bc, well, they spend p much all their time together when Sky gets back from finding Revan and she reconciles with Atton. the latter bc they might never actually say the words "I'm in love with you" to each other and stay officially platonic, but they still do what they can for each other anyway. nobody has their back like the other does.
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
for Rosemary: man, what didn't she like about him? his strength, his sense of humor, his cleverness, she loved p much everything. his stance on mages caused some friction, but they were able to come around and see each other's point of view after a while.
for Fenris: I'd say that he loved her compassion and humor most of all, and that what he liked the least was how much she was unable to stop blaming herself for bad things that weren't her fault. :/
24. How did they fall for each other?
I feel like they were both attracted to each other from the start, but falling in love was a thing that happened gradually over the years as they became friends and got to really know each other. idk if there was any one big event that prompted it, but they both became much more aware of their own feelings and started to explore the possibility of a romance between each other just a bit before act 2 started.
12. What struggle have they seen each other through?
*gestures to the whole Reaper thing*
but that's a cheap answer sdkfghsjgk. Virmire is a heavy one for them both - they were both close friends with Kaidan, and his loss never really stopped being painful. it just became easier to deal with.
Meg had to deal with her former gang on Earth becoming xenophobic as they pushed into space, as well as learning more of the circumstances behind Akuze, and Ashley was present for both of those. Ashley had to deal with the loss of her sister's husband, which Meg was there for. on a much, MUCH lighter note - there was some anxiety and fear about the rules and regulations back in ME1, but by the time ME3 rolled around, they both decided they didn't care. they could be written up when the Reapers were gone.
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
not verbally, for one thing. they'll both say it in big moments, I think, but otherwise they don't say "I love you" as much as other couples might. not that they don't feel it, ofc, it's just not who they are (and Meg in particular has a very hard time verbalizing how she feels). so I'd peg them as quality time and acts of service? spending a lot of time together while going out of their way to do things for the other that'll make her life easier.
14. What little things remind them of each other?
Meg re: Ashley: phoenix armor, shotguns (or boomsticks, as they're lovingly called), poetry, discussions of faith
Ashley re: Meg: the color pink, pretty shoes and fashion in general, biotic charges, hilariously deadpan/stoic responses to weird stuff
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
idk if this one counts as a habit, but Meg's become a lot more expressive after she and Ashley have been together for a while. she's still largely a stoic person lol, but she shows emotions more often than she used to. also she smiles more, which takes everybody by surprise the first time that happens.
Ashley feels a little bit harder to pin down? maybe a bit of Meg's rather clipped way of speaking, but that's about all I can think of? 🤔 she doesn't really strike me as the type to easily pick up stuff from others, she's very uniquely herself lol.
1. What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
the Ostwick clan just loves that one :^D jk no uh, the Trevelyan family isn't terribly thrilled as a whole? Ealisay's parents would really rather that she agree to marry some nice noble and secure an alliance, but I'm also reasonably sure there's jack squat they can do about it since their kid is LITERALLY the Herald of Andraste. they come to be more accepting over time, and even approve a little bc Ealisay is obviously happy, but it takes a bit for them to get there. Ealisay's siblings are kind of mixed - at least one is the same as their parents, at least one just plain doesn't care and is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it, and I know Ealisay has a mage twin brother (you heard it here first, folks) who's happy for her. that said, Ealisay isn't really close to her family in general and doesn't actively seek their approval anymore. she's happy with Bull, and that's what matters to her. I get the impression that Bull probably wouldn't want to get involved with that scene?? which works fine for Ealisay, bc she doesn't really want to get involved anymore either.
long paragraph woo
on Bull's end, obviously biological family is trickier bc the Qun but! he sure does have the Chargers! and Ealisay gets along with them VERY well, they're family as far as they're both concerned. complete with meddling sister vibes as she plays matchmaker for Krem and Maryden.
23. What was their first impression of each other?
Ealisay internally: m u s c l e s
basically that he was A) enormous B) good in a fight C) hot D) BIG MUSCLES. idk if it's been mentioned before but that girl is heart eyes for big muscles. it's hot. she also thought he seemed like he'd be enjoyable to have around, just from his general demeanor, so she liked him p much right away? admitting that he was a Ben-Hassrath didn't really deter her lol, she thought it was nice that he was upfront and didn't really think about that until waaaay later.
on Bull's end, I will assume that he also noticed Ealisay being good in a fight bc that lady is a solid tank lol. also that she was... ehh "silly" isn't the right word, but not as serious as one might assume the Herald of Andraste to be? he knew who she was right away, ofc, but she was a lot more relaxed and playful than one might have assumed a noblewoman turned Herald to be.
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
w their muscles bc they're both buff warriors 💪🐮💪👩
jk no, I'm gonna say that it's in how plain supportive they are of each other? Bull's is obvious from his romance, how much he goes out of his way to help the Inquisitor feel good and grounded, and I love him for it (as does Ealisay). Ealisay is similar in that regard - she's the first to tell him that he's a good man without the Qun and that he doesn't need it to be a good person, she'll just shrug and pick up the stick and go to town when he's doing those fear exercises, she distracts him so he'll have a nice birthday surprise even tho they both know he knows what the Chargers are doing. they're very ride or die for each other.
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I’m not sure of the scope of questions you answer but I need some help and I’m not sure who else I could turn to.
So I’m in a moderately popular fandom on this site and I’d say for about a year, I’ve been bullied by someone I had a nasty falling out with. They go on anon but I know it’s them based on the language and context used—they don’t seem to be too stealthy honestly. Anyway, I’m not sure what to do about it because I find myself getting paranoid whenever I get an ask or a message, because this person has managed to taint a lot of my relationships with people on here that I engage with. I’ve since been blocked, harassed, had death threats received and it’s all very overwhelming. Turning off anon only works for a short amount of time, but my blog is meant to be a safe space, so I don’t like to keep anon restricted all the time.
This fandom I’m in is wonderful in so many ways, but this has been such a sore spot for me, because I just want this person to go away and live their life, though sad it may very well be, and leave me alone. I’m not sure how to manage this mentally. I’ve found myself fighting quite a bit with the anons I get, and I think because of that, I’ve found my engagement with others disappearing. Idk, it’s been a mess. This person btw has caused someone to leave the fandom and the website because they were being harassed too, and all of the mutuals were sad about that, because they were lovely. I’ve tried reporting this user to Tumblr countless times, to no avail.
I don’t know what to do anymore. They are ruining this entire fandom, and they have quite a fierce following of people behind them, supporting them. If they only knew how ghastly this person acted towards me and continued to harass me…
*sigh* I’ve properly talked your ear off. Any help would be appreciated. If not, I understand.
Hi nonnie, gosh this situation sounds horrible I can’t imagine how draining it would be on you mentally and emotionally 😞
I haven’t checked the inbox here for a while so not sure when this was submitted, but this is really disappointing and immature behaviour from this individual. It seems you’ve tried a fair few things to try and combat their bullying already, and it sucks that your attempts to report this user has yielded no results.
There aren’t many other solutions I can think of except for two. My first suggestion is to make a post informing your followers that you’ll be inactive for a short period of time, however long you feel you need, for a mental health break. Hopefully by doing this you can improve your mental health and perhaps come to a solution in the meantime, or even better, this bully decides to move on. My second suggestion is rather drastic and likely not something you’d want to do, but I would suggest making a new tumblr where you can engage with everyone in the fandom that you’re currently engaging with, although under the guise of someone else so you wont be targeted by this bully anymore.
My main hope however, would be that this bully moves on eventually, but preferably soon. I would also add that this is entirely a reflection on them and not you, and try to not take anything they say to heart. Nasty people like them normally know exactly what to say to hurt people and their words can cut deep I know, but don’t believe whatever they may be telling you or calling you. I know this is all far easier said than done, but if you notice you get another nasty anon message from this person, delete it as soon as you realise what it is, please don’t go on to read the whole thing, you don’t deserve to be tormented by this person.
I would also highly recommend talking to a friend about this if you haven’t already, even if you just vent it should do you some good to have someone to talk to and receive support from. Perhaps a friend of yours might even have a solution to all this, and even if they don’t they can keep you happy and distracted! And finally, speaking of distractions, stay as distracted as possible! If worse comes to worst and theres no way for you to really avoid the bullying, spend time with friends and do the things that make you happy and try your best to not dwell on the actions and words of this person.
Keep reporting them to tumblr in the meantime and hopefully something finally gets done about them because bullying should never be tolerated, anon or not. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this nonnie and I really really hope that the bullying stops or is dealt with 💛 And you can always come for a visit to all of us here because this is a safe space and there’s plenty of love and support for you here 💛💛
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antigencomplex · 1 month
Should probably journal about something so I guess here is as good as any
The whole addicted and obsessed thing is manifesting in me in a way that is not fun and borderline unhealthy.
I felt the difference on Saturday, after I listened to Focus. I had a real day. I got a lot done. I went about it all with you and your voice in the back of my mind, and I felt capable, and not alone. It was wonderful. I wish I could feel like that all the time.
I think about you all the time. That’s not the problem. I thought about you all the time on Saturday too, but I was functional. Most days I’m not functional. I spend hours rereading our conversations and relistening to messages to the point where I can’t drag my attention away in order to work, where I’m extremely irritated that I have to care for the pets, where I don’t want to talk to anyone, and where basic self-care stuff is a struggle (which, to be fair, is often the case for me anyway when I’m depressed). But this isn’t an improvement on my baseline of depression because now I’m struggling but with the added weight of the actual physical pain of constantly longing for you and not knowing when or even if that longing will be fulfilled. And the wild mood swings of being ecstatic when I have your attention vs being hopelessly lonely when I don’t.
It’s not a good use of my time, for me or for our relationship, for me to be scrolling to the beginning of your blog or Twitter for the 10th time, or scrolling to the beginning of your ex’s tumblr for the fifth time and rereading all her posts about you. If we want any of this to be real - I need to be able to take care of myself, so I can work, so I can build up savings, so I can get my tiny house, so I can put it on a piece of land within a few hours of you, so I can make a life that I actually want to live. I think I can be devoted and adoring without spending all my time immersing myself in the same messages and blog posts that I’ve already read a million times and idk exactly what it looks like but I need to be doing whatever that is instead of this. And I do kinda feel like you created this monster so I need your help fixing it. Especially because, when I was given a suggestion to behave differently, I DID IT.
I don’t know if you can carry on the intensity level of relationship that you want with me with the amount of time that you actually have. If you want this level of devotion I might just need MORE back and I don’t want to beg for it. When you do have time for me it’s amazing and I know you try to make it. But I can’t seem to force myself to be chill - you’ve literally suggested and encouraged the opposite. I go stir crazy when I don’t have you. I have doubts, I think it’s all a lie, I think about how it’s all going to end, I start crying and can’t stop. I don’t know how to be securely attached to you.
It’s all made worse because the probable whole source of my kink is not getting the amount or right type of attention that I needed from my dad. It’s all really raw and I can’t just keep picking at it. If we’re going to do this, and we already have been, I don’t want to keep activating that part of me without giving it what it needs to feel cared for and healed, and I’m not going to be able to do it on my own.
I might just actually be too crazy. I worry. But I don’t want to stop. I just need help and time and understanding. I need. I need. I need. I hate needing. I hate wanting. I’ve tried so hard to be okay on my own and I try so hard to be okay with whatever I get and I tried and tried and tried and I’m so tired of trying and I just want to be yours and I want to be special and I want to be loved.
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carnalcervid · 2 months
(22, FTM here) // I know this is weird but I redownloaded tumblr just to find someone freaky af on here to confess to. it’s eating me alive and I genuinely have no one I can tell so I hope you’re okay with this (ignore if not and I’m sorry, btw this isn’t some “hot confession” this is something that’s bothering me)
this is about to be REALLY strange, but again I have to tell someone. I have been watching rick and morty every night before bed, and idk if you’ve ever seen the show, but it has a crazy amount of incest “jokes.” it’s so abundant it’s one of the main complaints about the show.
there’s a lot of incest in the show, mostly about r&m. they literally fuck each other with a sex dragon during a “soul bond” and in another scene they marry in a different, yet canon, reality. apparently when justin roiland was still around, him and the other co-creator both tweeted and said they approve of and even encourage the r&m ship, and said they might make an episode on it in the future (they even said it was canon in several different realities) and it’s hinted at A LOT in the show, like a lot.
there are some fucked up scenes too that try to be passed off as a joke but they’re clearly someone’s fetish or something (think dan schneider putting feet in so many shows/episodes “as a joke/to be funny”)
well… one of the most disgusting scenes actually turned me on a little and I’ve been struggling with it since. I’m not into incest, and even was touched as a kid by my brother. like, I’m not into incest or the roleplay incest at all, and of course I’m not into anything underage either. I know it’s just a cartoon, it’s not like any of it was real, but I’m still really conflicted.
there’s a scene where r&m have sentient facehugger aliens on their faces that control them, and the two aliens fall in love together, and start passionately making out. it was literally r&m making out but they had an alien facemask on, and again this is the type of humor in r&m that’s supposed to “be a joke,” meanwhile it’s turning me on and then making me feel ashamed of myself.
can you… offer advice? or anything at all? is this…okay? I don’t know how to end this confession. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all, and again, you don’t have to answer this (obviously, it’s your blog you can do what you want).
i feel like this touches on very genuine issues ive thought about before.
first off, it really is okay to be aroused by something and not like it, not want to participate in it, and not want to be aroused by it again. i feel like that both goes without saying and needed to be said just in case
however. what do you do when a piece media arouses you in a way you don't like, and also when that media is doing it intentionally.
it is genuinely only natural to be drawn towards taboo, in reality and in fiction, and most kinks and feitshes are a form of power exchange, or some kind of attraction. it can be helpful to break down your arousal into broader categories to find out specifically why it's arousing and reassure yourself that you like it because its a similar dynamic to your already existing kinks, and not because youre a bad person who wants genuinely bad and harmful things.
however. even though r&m is fictional. even though its okay to be aroused by these topics and not want it. to me, whats happening is that you're getting ready for bed with a TV show, and instead are being shown trigger porn for various feitshes. especially with the creators explicitly saying thats what theyre doing. and personally i don't think its fair for the creators to do this. just the same as dan schneider putting feet in so many shows/episodes - it's not fair to create a piece of media for regular viewing and then fill it with their personal fetishes. (unrelated, but i just had this exact problem with the anime hunterxhunter)
i fully believe creators are allowed to do whatever they want with their creation, but also when the biggest complaint about the series is the fact that the creator is doing whatever they want with their creation. they're probably showing it to the wrong audience, or doing something shitty lol
It's different when the eroticism has a point in the media, but these "as a joke" type insertions usually just make no sense and are really uncomfortable for viewers to have to sit through. i only ever saw the first 3 seasons as they came out before deciding i no longer can watch it because it just makes me uncomfortable in various ways i dont fully remember because its been so long.
my recommendation is that, if you can't view the media without being like "okay we get it your have a [insert thing here] fetish can we move on", and if its genuinely bothering you because you can't compartmentalize your reaction to it (for example, knowing its something arousing but not being interested in it), i would stop watching the media. at this point its clear that these topics will be heavily featured in the series, and that doesnt mean anyone who's watching wants or expects that, just that. it's something youll have to sit through if you're trying to enjoy the show.
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kenmaskitten10 · 3 years
Dilf Deku Headcanons
Midoriya Izuku x GN!Reader
warnings: swearing, NSFW themes (nothing graphic just briefly mentioned),brief mention of bullying/scars, idk this is pretty tame nothing is really described... if u don't like dilfs then don't read this :)
a/n: okay! this is my first time writing/publishing anything on Tumblr so please go easy on me haha... I've had ridiculous Deku brain rot lately and I decided I had to jot a few thoughts down. I'm playing with the idea of turning this into a writing blog, but I am undecided! If anyone wants to thirst for one Izuku Midoriya please come talk to me please anyway without further ado here are some Dilf!Deku hcs.... I'm playing around with doing a NSFW version after this so if you would like to see that let me know!
w/c: 1,498
Okay everyone today I want to talk about Dilf!Izuku
This may be controversial but I personally believe that he has the most Dilf potential out of any of the class 1A boys and no I will not be taking criticism at this time
Sorry but even when he’s younger he has Dilf energy - he’s caring, considerate, takes your feelings into account like a dad he just wants to take care of his baby
oh fuck this man no no no
And listen, here me out on this one….. he has more dilf potential than Bakugo and allow me to tell you why
We can all agree that Bakugo has been confident his entire life, so of course he’s going to be confident when he’s older?? duh
But IZUKU is a different story altogether, he’s never felt confident in his life
His whole childhood he was looked down on for being quirkless, and bullied by someone he thought was his friend kachaan
THEN he got a quirk but oh every time he uses it it breaks all his fucking bones and leaves him with all these scars, and he appreciates them because of what they represent but also he’s young when he gets them, he’s already prone to insecurity and when he’s younger ESPECIALLY i think they just remind him of previous failures
He only started to gain a little bit of confidence in his UA days, but it takes time to rebuild yourself after you’ve been torn down for so long, so I honestly imagine he doesn’t even feel an inkling of confidence until his third year or later and even then, it’s new, it’s unfamiliar, he doesn’t totally know how to act
Because yes, by his third year, he’s starting to realize, oh wow okay, I have an incredible quirk and all these new abilities that I can control better, and wow people are paying attention for good reasons , because he’s tall and attractive, probably cuts his hair undercut Izuku supremacy and he’s made some solid friends who help boost his confidence too
But despite all this, deep down he still feels like that quirkless little kid who has to work three times as hard as anyone else and still doesn’t get the recognition he deserves
DILF IZUKU??? This man is dripping with confidence
he’s older now. he’s overcome a lot. he’s gone to therapy, and worked his way through the pro hero ranks until he earned his number one spot fair and square, that’s something no one can take away from him
He’s loaded now (see below because I go on a whole tangent), he has nice tasteful style that can only come with age and experience
He knows he’s hot now, because its simply no longer something that can be denied, anyone with eyes can see how attractive he is
If he catches you staring at him, he doesn’t shy away. His cheeks might tint slightly, but he stares right back with the biggest smirk on his face. “See something you like, angel?”
Probably finds reasons to show off slightly but he’s Dilf!Izuku so it’s subtle, it’s meant just for you and god does it drive you crazy
The way he’ll reach for and grab at things when he’s around you because he knows you like his hands (he wants to hold your bags and please let him he just wants to feel needed)
They way he stands behind you while you cook, or work, or read…. He sees you sitting or standing so peacefully and he’ll come up behind you to check out what it is you’re doing. He’ll lean down slowly, quietly, stopping when his breath is on your neck and your nose is filled with his scent, and take a quick peek at whatever it is you’re working on. It takes you a moment to turn around, your heart starting to beat faster in your chest due to his looming presence behind you (I DON’T KNOW WHY THIS IS HOT TO ME IT JUST IS OKAY). When you finally turn to face him, his face breaks into a small smile of victory as his strong hand catches your jaw in a gentle grip and he places an achingly soft kiss to your lips before saying “You look so cute when you’re concentrating,”. As you’re about to go in for another, he lets you go and stands up again, his eyes twinkling. “No no, you’re working so hard baby, don’t let me distract you,” WHEN ALL HE WANTED WAS TO DISTRACT YOU and he succeeded and now you’re all hot and bothered, with no hope of resuming what you were doing
Dilf Deku is a tease I know he is but it’s okay he’ll make it up to you later ;)
He’s got shorter, slightly more cropped hair with grey mixed in with the green, his face more lean and angular… not to mention years of pro hero work have toned his body into an absolute work of art I’m gonna pass out just thinking about it
Freckles splashed across his skin like hundreds of little constellations, accented by scars and marks from old wounds (which he’s come to appreciate - they show how hard he’s worked, how much he’s sacrificed to get to where he is now) he’s muscular but I don’t think he’s quite as big as All Might (his fighting style is a lot different so of course he would build muscle in different places) so this means LEGS LEGS LEGS
And holy shit his back muscles too WHEW sometimes in the morning when he gets up before you, you watch him sit on the edge of the bed and flex his shoulders and arms to stretch out in the hazy morning light and Jesus Christ
Dilf Deku is older now, he’s spent his entire life working himself too hard and he missed out on a lot of the fun, impulsive, chaotic things young people do, so I think he wants to let loose a little in his older age, have some fun for once
And what’s more perfect than sweet, youthful, tantalizing little you to indulge in ?
He’s so doting, just wants to make you feel special and cared for
And on that note, if you will indulge me for a moment
he’s fucking RICH like
He’s the number one pro hero, he has brand deals on brand deals on brand deals
And I don’t mean to slander All Might and Endeavor, but in terms of a hot, fuckable number one pro hero, Deku has them beat by a landslide so I imagine he has a wider range of brand deals too, because he can sell the sex appeal angle
I mean can you imagine him in interviews? Interacting with fans? Confident yes, but still soft spoken and kind, almost gentle but anyone can tell he’s completely in control, of himself, of the interview, of the audience, this man has the entire country world wrapped around his little finger
All this to say he’s DRIPPING WITH MONEY
he’s like the guy that overtips an OBSCENE amount like if the waiter is really nice he’ll tip like $300 dollars and won’t even blink (I know they don’t tip at restaurants in Japan but this is more for vibes yk)
sugar daddy deku isn’t a stretch it’s a REALITY
Y’all can be officially together or not, either way Deku loves to spoil his precious little y/n
All you have to do is smile sweetly and ask, and he’s absolute putty in your hands
Complies with even the most egregious of your demands, because hey, he has the money to spare, and how could he say no when you look so cute asking so politely?
GOOD TASTE too like he has a lot of money but he knows how to spend it 😏
Additionally he’s, ya know, him, so he’s insanely charitable and donates to charities, go fund me, personal Venmo accounts of fans that need it
if a fan has like a go fund me for some reason that catches his eye, he’s going to donate and he’s going to donate a lot (A LOT)
he doesn’t even do it for the press, he does it bc he’s a good person but my GOD the press eats it up and so do the fans
These hc’s are so self indulgent but all this to say
Dilf!Deku gets what he wants when he wants it and no one is standing in his way
So when he decides it’s you he wants? Well then it’s you he’s going to get!
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carpisuns · 3 years
New anon, but I saw the last one and I have some thoughts. Specifically, I have been obsessing over ml for the last month or so, and I’ve only seen three episodes, and they were the three released before crocoduel. And you know what? I wasn’t that into it, it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t half as engaging as fanon and fanworks have been for me.
I’ve also done this with the Magicians, Supernatural, and a couple others. I think the reason that this works, for some people, is because it is a more familiar and in many ways, easier way to discover and become attached to new material and new characters. Fan writers and artists are coming from a place of love for their source material (no matter what issues they may have with it) and that bleeds out into their work. Time is spent developing the characters and their feelings, their relationships, in ways that canon so often can’t or isn’t allowed to, and reading that, it’s very easy to fall in love with new characters very quickly. There’s also common AUs and dynamics that make it much easier to start something new.
And also: comfort characters. So many fans find common ground with characters and further project onto them, particularly in fanfic. And because of that it’s often easier to identify with a fan’s interpretation of a character than it is to identify with the canon’s, since you have these more deeply explored feelings and relationships based on a combination of canon and the personal experiences of the fan writer. Also, with these kinds of fics it’s extremely emotionally affirming since for someone who doesn’t have much of any connection with the source material, it feels like the original, even if you’re reading a large body of work by a lot of different people. And I’m so used to fanfic as a substitute for the emotional work and character development that shows/movies/books don’t have room for or aren’t willing to get into, that approaching a fandom as it’s own original piece of media in a way, feels very comforting.
That’s my perspective on it anyways, and why I do this. I do think it is a good thing to engage with the canon to an extent, even if it’s just watching a few clips (how I found ml) but I also don’t think you need any real connection or knowledge of it to be deeply invested in the fandom. Sorry, this got very long.
you know, i totally get being on, like, the fringe of fandoms and interacting with fanon to an extent without a proper investment in canon (I have a couple fandoms like that), but i honestly just can't imagine becoming super invested in a fandom when I am not invested in the source material...maybe that's just a difference between you and me, idk.
but also, i gotta admit that i'm struggling a bit to understand the reason. you yourself pointed out that fan work is enjoyable because the creator's love for canon bleeds into it. and isn't that the reason that you would want to give canon a real chance? obviously there is fan content made out of spite lol (and sadly a fair amount in this fandom), but to me most fan content is like a love letter to canon. like, "i adore this thing so much that it inspired me to create and share with other people who adore it." and what better recommendation is there than that?? i would think people would wanna familiarize themselves with canon in order to better enjoy fanon(?)
i completely understand your point about fan content delving further into characterization and relationships where canon hasn't/can't, and that is such a big appeal of fanfic/fanart. but i don't feel like that's a reason to not engage with canon? on the contrary, i feel like you are missing something important in your understanding and appreciation of that wonderful exploration if you haven't experienced firsthand the foundation that canon set. and maybe that missing thing is just your personal interpretation of a character/dynamic.
for example, i could say, "adrien agreste is this, this, and this and he would do this but not this." and of course i will think im right because my characterization is always perfect 😌sakjdfaldjks but someone else might have a slightly different interpretation, and someone else will have another interpretation, and when you mush all those individual takes on a character together, you will get a good sense of who they are, but you still don't have the Original™️ to draw your own interpretation from. idk, to me it sounds like basing your opinion of chocolate ice cream on what other people are saying about it without ever trying it yourself? ajsldakljf maybe that's an oversimplification but i do think that without experiencing it for yourself, your understanding will always be kind of incomplete.
idk, i big agree with everything you said about why fan content is special, but everything that is a point in fanon's favor is not a knock on canon. to me fan content feels pretty inseparable from canon, so it just doesn't compute to me to take canon out of the equation? then we would have nothing.
i feel like it's almost kinda trendy nowadays to be like, "oh this show actually sucks lmao but the fanon and AUs are good." like it's shameful to actually...enjoy source material? 😭 i mean i completely understand that miraculous ladybug is not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! but if you truly enjoy the fan content that much i encourage you to give canon a real shot. it's not that surprising to me that you watched 3 recent episodes and didn't vibe that much, since you haven't seen the 3 seasons of buildup that lead to them. miraculous has a neat way of tying a bunch of things together so if you aren't familiar with all of it, you're probably missing out.
personally my love for miraculous was kind of a slowburn at first. i only started watching the show because my sister and i made a deal that forced me to watch the first few eps lol. and i didn't really vibe either. but there must have been enough of a spark there for me to keep watching bc for some reason i did and the more i watched the more i fell in love with it until it became the thing that occupies my brain more than anything else. i started with canon and then got into fanon, but it could easily go the other way too. and if you're already invested in the story and characters, i have to imagine it would be much easier to push past the initial cringe of "this is a show about a couple of teen furries rated TV-Y7 on netflix" lol and give anything you don't vibe with the benefit of the doubt.
again, to be clear, i'm not trying to judge or gatekeep here! i'm just saying this because i genuinely LOVE miraculous. it's my favorite show. that's why i make things for it. that's why i have this blog. i want people to watch it. so maybe, pwetty pwease, try watching the show you like so much? 🥺👉👈
Tumblr media
(source bc i was too lazy to make my own so i stole this from twitter)
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chemicalpink · 3 years
JK's Birth time analysis
First and foremost, I’m just doing this to occupy my mind in something else while I go through some stuff, I will continue to use the general consensus of the community for my astrology readings, I’m just doing this for fun, remember that we as fans are in no way entitled to know JK’s exact birth time, these are just fun educated guesses on some alternative that has arisen.
Now, I must say, when I first started the astro part of my bts blog I immediately thought 1 pm for JK’s birth time, I don’t have any factual backup on this one, I’ve talked about it before, I am kind of a human tarot deck lmao things sometimes just come to me. So I started roaming around and I found that JK’s libra rising made sense to me, and it was a general consensus for his readings so I said sure let's go. You know that I endorse and adore having conversations with you guys, my craft isn’t perfect and no one else's is so it is great to hear every opinion to forge our own judgement. I do only present to you information that I can back up, which is why as much as I’d love to I won’t be taking into consideration my own personal hunch on the info I’m about to present you, although you can read it as subtext when it is in italics like this hello this is an inner thought of marinette’s.
SO the big deal: Is JK a libra rising or is JK a sagittarius rising? General consensus says 8:04 am as speculated time of birth, some others say 1-2 pm.
Either way, JK’s sect remains nocturnal so there’s not much to go from there.
When it comes to appearances, I’ll update what I said before.
Libra rising appearance:
Very youthful look that it seems like you don’t even age
Gentle smile
Charming demeanour that makes people obsessed with you
Very symmetrical features
Fit body
Contagious smile
Put together look/ clean look
Dark hair and dark eyes
Oval/Round face
Think Harry Styles, Beyoncé, Niall, Britney Spears
Sagittarius rising appearance:
Bulky thighs
Horse like face
Big forehead
Incredibly tall or more than average tall
Gain weight easily
Not really athletic
Pretty full lips
Think Kim Kardashian, Elvis, Jennifer Lawrence, Paris Hilton
Evidently, other aspects in astrology and genetics can alter these, but it is mostly true.
Now, I am not that well versed in vedic astrology since I stopped studying it due to lack of time BUT the infamous thread that looks into the possibility of JK being a sag rising is pretty elaborate, although it does run more on intuitive processes and symbolism, which are of course, valid, and it really is up to both the analyst and the ones reading the analysis to determine the weight of it. My craft is more oriented towards intersectionality so I don’t like to go by what we are able to see about him as an axis, more like confirmation about it. Idk if it makes sense. I just don't trust seemingly scripted content that much to run my analysis based on it. Everything mentioned about JK Jyestha makes sense when looking at the content presented, and it will make even more sense once we take a look at some other non western astrology systems. Again, I am not well versed in vedic astrology so right off the bat I would fight the conversion system rather than the information presented.
Regarding that thread, some of the keywords used to conclude JK’s Jyestha are as follows:
King, Winning, Ambitious, Passionate, Skillful, Eldest, 1st, Seniority, Expertise, Sensory indulgence, Celebration, Bravery, Heroic, Dragon Slayer, Warrior, Rain, Thunder, Umbrella, Protector, Provider, Scandalous, Impulsive, Bunny, Deer, Earring, Eye.
In western astrology, a general comparison on placements would look something like this.
Sun in 8° 33' Virgo
Moon in 27° 20' Leo
Mercury in 7° 49' Virgo (r)
Venus in 16° 58' Libra
Mars in 11° 7' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 15' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 28' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 11' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 45' Libra
Ascendant in 4° 20' Libra
MC in 4° 46' Cancer
1st House starts at 4° Libra
2nd House starts at 1° Scorpio
3rd House starts at 2° Sagittarius
4th House starts at 4° Capricorn
5th House starts at 7° Aquarius
6th House starts at 7° Pisces
7th House starts at 4° Aries
8th House starts at 1° Taurus
9th House starts at 2° Gemini
10th House starts at 4° Cancer
11th House starts at 7° Leo
12th House starts at 7° Virgo
In here, the main aspect I can relate JK to is Cancer MC, MC represents your public self, as well as the success level you might experience. Cancer MC is all about taking care of others, yet it can also point towards a career in arts, especifically singing and writing, it also indicates a strong possibility of psychic abilities which have been widely discussed in JK with his readings and such all while having the main troubles of being an impatient person and sometimes getting self conscious which we have heard him say before when he refers to himself knowing how to do stuff yet he doesn’t think he’s good at any of them, or his letters to himself about having to love himself more.
Another pretty JK thing I’ve noticed is his Virgo Stellium in the 12th House, which shows struggles with identity JK has, once again, being vocal about him growing up within BTS and how that has shaped him and how he has constantly been looking for himself. They often absorb the struggles of people around them. Does anyone else remember him saying he’s okay as long as his hyungs are okay? Also, singing and dancing are very powerful manifestation tools for these people huh maybe that’s why he writes and sings love songs. This aspect also indicates him having the potential to amass a large amount of wealth, some astrologers think about this stellium as an extremely karmic one, which can be translated into the whole JK’s soulmate narrative.
When it comes to his 5th house, it indicates him being a hell of a creative person, especially in a somewhat rebellious sense which I interpret as him getting a sleeve tattoo It also talks about not being traditional in relationships which I believe has come out a few times in his tarot readings.
With Sag rising, his chart would look something like this:
Sun in 8° 45' Virgo
Moon in 29° 46' Leo
Mercury in 7° 37' Virgo (r)
Venus in 17° 12' Libra
Mars in 11° 15' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 13' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 27' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 10' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 46' Libra
Ascendant in 5° 28' Sagittarius
MC in 18° 28' Virgo
1st House starts at 5° Sagittarius
2nd House starts at 7° Capricorn
3rd House starts at 12° Aquarius
4th House starts at 18° Pisces
5th House starts at 19° Aries
6th House starts at 14° Taurus
7th House starts at 5° Gemini
8th House starts at 7° Cancer
9th House starts at 12° Leo
10th House starts at 18° Virgo
11th House starts at 19° Libra
12th House starts at 14° Scorpio
In this case, his MC is in Virgo, it mainly indicates a tactful and slow success in someone’s career, these MC Virgo people are often regarded as overly responsible and as people that like to get recognised as people to whom nothing is hard enough for them to call it quits. While they openly seek perfection which ofc JK has always talked about improving himself they often love to do the stuff that others despise to do like countinc, calculating and organising.
Evidently there's no 12th House stellium, he would have a 9th House Leo stellium, which is most of the times noticeable at first glance, the moment these people open their mouths, everything is just extraordinaire, there’s a longing to be loved and to be admired in this aspect. They’re inspirational people to be around which JK is, if I remember the members saying that they get inspired when watching him make efforts. They’re also overly curious about stuff around them big doe eyes anyone?
In this case he would have a 5th House aries, meaning that there’s a need to be physically active and being creative on top of that which I mean does check out. They do tend to be openly superficial people and big-headed when they are in a successful position tho.
So okay, let’s talk native astrology, JK’s Tzolkin is Tz’i-Oc, noted by their need of freedom and less traditional relationships, they work tirelessly and have an innate ability to be successful and accumulate a lot of wealth once again, JK’s position in BTS shows up HE’s in a basic need of having a strong foundation, which he will not like to lead but more take the role of a caregiver that can easily turn into the one receiving care. Here’s the thing, there are a lot of Libra themes in his Day Sign and his Trecana Sign, both of them talking about justice, fairness, helpfulness, as well as him being a nomad which I interpret as having a libra/virgo mix that is really hard to miss Now, this is where it gets funny, His galactic tone is 4, which while it talks about balance and calmness and tranquility libra like it also is represented by a warrior, which is part of the twitter thread as one of the symbolisms to think about sag rising
Last but not least, JK’s bazi, since his contextual situation is leaning more towards it. I did a comparion and it caught my eye the next part:
One of the widely talked about symbols in the sag rising thread is the element of water being consistent with JK, and in his bazi, ¾ Na Yin, the element of water came out, however, they came out when his birth time is 08:04 am.
In his 08:04 bazi, some keywords are:
In his 13:00 bazi, some keywords are:
monetary loss
star of arts
heavenly doctor
So really it all boils down to: we do readings for fun, craft is personal and completely valid in any form as long as we aren’t hurting anyone. We do not know his actual birth time and we actually might never know it, each astrologer is free to work with the birth time they consider the best fitting unless a specific time is given. I myself, see a libra rising fitting, perhaps if we were to trial and error it, some other might come out but honestly, these readings are a hobby and while I dedicate myself to my craft, I certainly don’t have the time that it would require to analyze each placement so I can see for myself which I find the best fitting out of 12 signs. But hey, this was a fun educational opportunity to dive into other practices.
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idk if requests are open, or if this even counts as a request or more of a prompt for u to ramble, but how do you think mozart and theodorus would react to an mc who used to be friendly towards them pulling away, and finding out somehow that it's because they were too hostile and mc gave up (in the context of them secretly liking mc and being tsundere jerks). tysm in advance!!
Requests are open! I talk about just about anything ikevamp related on this blog, so nws in regards to that~
I guess I took this as a prompt to ramble so hopefully you enjoy this meme energy 💛💛💛💛
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And well, I'm a little conflicted about this one--largely because I see two possible (most likely) outcomes. I think it depends on their feelings for the MC in question, as I get the vibe that they are willing to make the effort if they deem it worthwhile in the long run (perhaps a bit callous, but hey, what can I say). If they feel they can't see eye to eye with the MC long term, then I doubt they would pursue the matter much further.
If there is enough grounding for them to want to salvage the relationship, I think they would both make some effort to make amends tbh. They may have trouble saying it directly, but I guess I see them as men of action--they'll adjust their behavior, and that speaks volumes. Maybe they hesitate before something harsher slips, changing the course of what they were going to say. Maybe they smooth over a mistake she makes before anyone can notice, saving her that social discomfort. Maybe they don't nitpick what she does anymore, just note adjustments neutrally (the tonal difference of "you clod, you're going to ruin it if you hold it that way" versus "try holding it like this, it's easier to carry and poses less risk of damage if you drop it"). I guess my impression is that they tend to be subtle when it comes to their emotional landscape; if you don't pay close attention, you could miss it.
But. BUT. If you point out any difference in their behavior. They will look away and scowl/blush which is frankly, beyond hilarious (but don't do it too much or they'll get mad, you gotta go for the spicy moments to expose them italian hand thing). I imagine that, whether they admit it or not, they do notice if you see past the surface and appreciate that you care they're trying. It helps them move from very acerbic to a more lowkey kind of pragmatism that's less biting. Tbh I'm just a shithead and would probably tease them to near death because I'm very familiar with that sort of behavior, but I also understand not everyone is comfortable with that ;;;
I think it’s less that they refuse to make amends for troublesome behavior, and more that they have a lot of paralyzing shame associated with honesty (and they don’t much like being vulnerable ;;;;). For Theodorus, I think he’s deeply traumatized by how hard his brother tries to be a good and fair person, only to remain ridiculed and ignored by the people around him at large. There’s a sense of a male culture dominated by the concept that gentleness is only an extension of weakness, and as such he feels the need to overcompensate to defend Vincent. The rough exterior serves both as an insistence that he is a grown man (parental infantilization) but also to demand people’s respect, ripping them to verbal shreds when he sees fit for survival.
Mozart’s is more obviously a defense mechanism; he rejects people and sees the worst in them before they can do that to him. I don’t think he’s as malicious by nature as he seems. I think it’s more that he’s accustomed to and self-imposes impossible standards of self-control. The emotional repression, terrible (also unpredictable) experiences at the hands of his father as a boy genius, and relentless inability to see his own value separated from his work ethic results in a man who is inevitably dissociated from his reality. He has no concept of worth beyond functionality, and no concept of worth beyond giving to a self-emptying extent. So much of his life is a kind of hyperanxious denial and paranoid shame, and it’s a pity considering his immense potential for warmth and love.
I suppose I get the inclination that they both really just need to be slapped upside the head a little ahlskfjdhsgsfdkhj. I'm not typically one that likes that method of getting through to people, but it's an unfortunate result of some forms of abuse. Sometimes people need very direct and very intense rearranging of their face holes to see the limited nature of their perspectives. Though I will say context matters: some people need very gentle, some people need more persistent measures.
(Please note: sometimes people do not want to change, and if they don’t want to, they won’t--that’s just a waste of time imo. No amount of arguing or altruism will get through in that scenario ;;;;;; but since this is an otome it’s easier to give the benefit of the doubt. Honestly I find myself torn a lot because I don't? Like giving up on people who struggle with things like that. But at the same time, I don't necessarily think it's worthwhile to beg for someone to be kinder/more aware when they have zero desire to.)
I can't really speak to Theodorus as much but I think somebody who is with him would have to be somebody who is less put off by his jagged edges ;;;;;;;; I don't think it's wrong to be sensitive to it, but the reality is that he has a hard time toning it down sometimes because of his habits. It's a part of being with him, though I think he softens considerably over time in a relationship. I see it is as a kind of balancing act. His s/o would have to be firm about the times he's well and truly unfair, goes too far with what he says/does. And his s/o would likely need to let go or just tease him about the more harmless nonsense, taking it in stride. It's about knowing when to throw a punch and when to breeze by (float like a butterfly, sting like a bee).
Mozart I'm ngl is just Pride and Prejudice material, Mr.Darcy ass. He literally just needs somebody who will read him for utter filth in the classiest way possible, until he has no choice but to strut on his walk of shame saying "you dropped this, queen 👑". I find it a little funny because as long as you roast him in a true way, half the time he isn’t even mad, just sheepish. I find him to be a unique case between the two of them because he's more guarded than reactive. As soon as he knows his s/o is willing to hear him out and talk to him if they have some kind of misunderstanding, he doesn't really go for the throat anymore. Just gets kind of 👉👈, needs some time to figure out how to broach the topic (or Jeanne slides in to mediate a little bit). His development is more of a slow upward track to more normal and very affectionate interaction.
Of the two, I think Mozart might be the best bet for the type of person you mentioned. He has a lot of capacity for responding with penitence when it's due, and acknowledging when he messes up. Theo needs a lot of control, and I think it's fair if some people can't handle the overbearing nature of it at points.
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