#there's also gifts i want to make for people i have an animation i've barely worked on since august i still want to do
arcaneyouth · 2 years
GO TO SLEEP KNUCKLEHEAD!!!!!! I didn't wanna spam the lovecore inbox BUT GO TO SLEEEEP!!!! You're cool and a swag and you deserve to sleep good ok??? Don't even WORRY about it dude ok? Fuhgettaboutit (said in the joking mobster voice)
Also CHUG THAT SHIT!!! You fucking LOVE the wawa! ANOTHER side note, if you have any cool crafts or creations you'd like to share please feel free to show me! Having time to yourself is always important, but I know sometimes people get this feeling of like ohhh but if I'm not SHOWING someone then it's useless (which it's not!) But I'm more than happy to look at them👍
Have a good day and REST. TAKE A REST!!!! you don't need to be perfect and push your limits just because you can gosh dang it!
I can't sleep yet it's only 8 pm!!! i don't go to sleep until like 3 am!!! Hell!!! I might go lay down tho I'm so fuckin tired LIUSHDAUSLdh
I haaave been debating promoting my comic on the lovecore blog. I've been working on this shit for 5 years and y'know if I can't make the polls the least I could do is provide SOME kind of content right? ...But the tumblr blog is kind of a mess and needs to be almost entirely reorganized if I want the comic to be even vaguely readable on here, and as you can probably guess, I don't have time for that rn IAUDHLUIh so I've just been staring at it hoping it'll organize itself.
But hey if you want to know the reason I can't make polls from like Wednesday to Saturday every week, it's cause I spend 70% of my free time those days working on pages for my comic. I am handing my life's work to you if you are interested. It's a fantasy webcomic about a high school in a world of wizards that's under the threat of a demon. I'm not good at pitching my story you just have to trust me when I say it's really fuckin good and the characters have a lot of depth and it's more complicated than it appears. The most convenient way to get up to speed is to read it on toyhouse. The most convenient way to stay up to date with it is to follow the tumblr @the-deathspeaker . I don't give a shit if you don't actually read it but you are the one who asked so I am providing <3
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freak-attorney · 3 months
Random Ace Attorney headcanons!!! :D
Feel free to leave ur own in the notes or if u agree/disagree!!
(Also please keep in mind that I'm basing these off of the first trilogy since that it all I've played so far!)
Feel free to ask/request any other specific headcanons from me :D
Phoenix Wright
Barely passed the LSAT
Used to have panic attacks in court (is now in therapy)
Always has a hair tie for Maya
Has learned how to do Pearl's hair for her
Chronically online
Finds millennial humor funny
ADHD undiagnosed
His hair ALWAYS has traces of gel in it
He's a dog person but loves cats
His suit is always a bit wrinkled
Survives on red bull and microwave dinners
*finger guns*
Love language is physical touch and acts of service
Falls asleep at his desk every night during a case
Needs 5+ alarms to wake up in the morning
Uses concealer to hide his eye bags
Doesn't floss
Sleeps like a starfish
Has sweat stains on several shirts
Naturally wavy hair but he straightens it
Miles Edgeworth
Always hours early to a case because he's very anxious about being late
Sometimes wishes he had a different career (outside of law) but never even considered it an option until recently
Very argumentative over silly things, eventually apologizes with a small gift or note
Love language is gift giving
Enjoys parallel play.. like he enjoys just having someone in his office while he's working even though he doesn't acknowledge them
Has good stamina from always using stairs over elevators
Can cook very well, enjoys cooking for others
Autistic (late diagnosed)
Has a collection of fidget toys that only a few people know about
Chronically OFFline
Enjoys animal crossing and other peaceful games
Has excellent hygiene
Started dying his hair grey as soon as he found one strand of grey hair
Makes a photo album for Franziska for her birthday each year
Has a blanket that he's slept with for 10+ years
Keeps every trinket that Pearl or Maya might give him
Has fresh clothes and toiletries at the office in case he sleeps there
Prefers gold over silver
Is a cat person but is okay with dogs (he thinks dogs are messy)
Has an ironing board in the wall of his office
Probably gay or somewhere on the aroace spectrum
Wears a full face of makeup to court (gatekeeps his sweat proof foundation)
Sleeps curled up in one corner of his bed
Maya Fey
Loves to do cartwheels (can't actually do a proper cartwheel)
Tries learning Japanese on DuoLingo (can't keep more than a 5 day streak)
Taught Pearl basically everything she knows
Love language is quality time
Is very good at rhythm games
Has "childish" interests like Sailor Moon, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, etc.
Enjoys older arcade games like Galaga, Frogger, and Mappy
Wanted to be a veterinarian at some point but is a bit too squeamish for that
Is ALWAYS late even if she plans to be early
Sleeps with a night light
Has a collection of rocks that Pearl gave her growing up
Loves abstract art
Hugs very tightly
Since Mia's death her last words to anyone close to her when they separate for any amount of time is "I love you" just in case
Is naturally unorganized but started keeping a planner when she started working with Phoenix... she sometimes forgets the planner exists but she TRIES okay??
Dick Gumshoe
Love language is gift giving and acts of service for SURE
Would gladly give someone his umbrella in the rain knowing he'd get soaked
Doesn't know how to cook because he doesn't have the resources but he'd like to learn
Forgot to put water in his ramen once and almost burned his apartment down
Doesn't always shower because his water gets cut off
Smells pretty rank but Edgeworth gifts him nice body sprays sometimes
Always makes sure Edgeworth is up at a reasonable time for a case/trial even though he really doesn't need to
Always chewing gum
Dream car is a Jeep Wrangler
Memorizes little details about people to give them good birthday/holiday gifts
Gets very excited about fortune cookies
Loves buffets
Gives the BEST hugs
Is scared of thunderstorms and terrified of hurricanes
Really appreciates small gifts like keychains or trinkets
Lets Maya and Pearl paint his nails
Has really large and calloused hands
Sleeps all snuggled up hugging a pillow
Used to collect magnifying glasses
Bites on his pencils/pens
Franziska Von Karma
She wears press ons
Stalks the social media accounts of her clients
Sleeps in a grandma nightgown
Has two planners: one physical and one on her phone
Really wants a pet rabbit
Has so many decorative pillows on her bed and arranges them every morning
Hits people next to her when she laughs
Quietly gives gifts for holidays/birthdays without making it a big deal
Casually gives super expensive gifts
Plays Genshin
Forces Edgeworth to watch reality TV with her (Say Yes to the Dress, My Strange Addiction, ANTM, Jersey Shore)
Really likes horror movies but can't handle too much gore
Classically trained in ballet
Enjoys photography
Watches the Kentucky Derby every year
Basically raised Miles when Manfred didn't
Knows how to sew but doesn't have the time
Collects Monster High dolls
Likes dogs but LOVES cats
Finds dumb people really attractive
Needs complete silence when doing paperwork or she can't concentrate
Autistic (undiagnosed)
Doesn't plan on ever getting married
Probably one of the only characters that gets proper sleep
Prefers pleated skirts over pencil but wears them in court to look professional
Hates the texture of chiffon fabric
Always wearing a different pair of earrings
Has a couple small tattoos but covers them well
Has the sharpest eyeliner known to man
Fluent in a few languages including Mandarin Chinese, French, and Italian
That's all for now!!
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mourreon · 1 month
I wouldn’t let up an opportunity to rant so…
I was recently wondering where the frick David got enough money to buy the campers all those gifts in the Christmas Or Whatever episode. And come to think of it, David seems to have a good amount of money. Max always manages to find cash in his wallet even though David barely gets paid working at Camp Campbell.
So, what if David had a secret second job that helps him pay bills? Hence this AU
Max, Nikki, and Neil follow David into town again for a reason I’m not creative enough to figure out. David had left in the “Campmobile” about twenty minutes ago, so they decided to walk to town. They noticed that David has been getting a lot of afternoons off recently. They asked themselves if he had found a new girlfriend.
After a good laugh, they finally make it to town. They begin to look around for David’s car, and when they do, they’re shocked to find it parked outside a bar with sounds of laughter coming from inside.
The trio goes inside, not at all suspecting to see David on stage.
No, but seriously, imagine standup comedian David!! To the trios surprise, his material is not very David like (Which is why he keeps his second job a secret)
David probably wouldn’t be too famous, but he never fails to make the audience laugh. I imagine his standup routines to be a lot like Taylor Tomlinson’s. I just find the idea of David expressing himself and how he truly is on a stage for money HYSTERICAL.
Oh believe me I'm so glad someone actually decided to rant about their AUs in my asks !!
I've also briefly wondered where all that money comes from, I settled with thinking that he just saves a bit during the year so he can spend what he's been keeping on the side over the kids.
I've also figured he'd have another job at least outside of his summer job at the camp but the idea of him being a stand-up comedian is SO fun and fitting imo!!
Maybe the reason the kids follow him into town again is actually that they get suspicious he's getting time off so often, you know? I feel like they're curious enough to want to find out what their counselor is doing :p
This also made me think of those camp camp animatics people used to make on youtube - with bits from comedians (or vines) and the characters animated over them. If you're an artist that's just a fun idea of something you could get around to doing for your AU xP God why did I get into CC so late...I could've had it all...imagining 13 yr old me waiting for new silly animatics HDJSK
Anyway!! Thank you so much for sharing your little AU idea :D It was very entertaining to think about!
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fandoms-in-law · 8 months
How I'll Play
Summary: Steve's grandmother sends him an investment and big collection of gifts for his 21st. Small thing is, She thinks he's her Granddaughter.
Authors Notes: Playing with the idea I had yesterday over Steve liking Sylvanian Families and only playing D&D with them, Thanks to @frostfairysteve for the information on when they came out. (also for the fact I know those 2 D&D races XD)
Continued in Come Play With Us
Steve family are all rich and all distant. He remembered once as a child a family reunion being arranged and being scared of all the strangers there. Apparently his father had 3 brothers all older and all with their own families, but also his grandparents had invited second cousins and cousins once removed and for whatever reason everyone had made time for it.
Looking back at the event now, Steve was pretty sure the main reason everyone turned up was that they were hopeful this could be a chance to increase the inheritance they could get from his grandparents. He doubted that would have been effective for anyone and is relatively sure that except for occasional cards on holidays and birthdays still considered most of his relatives as strangers.
It did encourage him not to have too much fun when taking himself to a city for a weekend away, simply because he didn't want to accidentally seduce a relative into a one night stand without knowing it. The joys of things that teach safe sex for the strangest reasons.
He didn't usually think about his family beyond that. They were just people who shared in his gene pool, just like the parents he barely saw any more.
Except his Grandmother seemed to challenge that when his twenty-first birthday came bringing a delivery with a note from her.
'Dear Steven,
I cannot recall why your mother decided on such a name for such a charming girl as you were at the family reunion so many years ago, but for all my grandchildren I've brought investments in a company as well as a large collection of the things they make as they turn 21.
For you, and your fascination with figurines and dolls that I remember, I chose to invest in Sylvanian Families. They're almost as adorable as you were when young.
A very happy birthday to you and remember to manage your investments wisely.
Your Grandmother,
Antoinette Harrington
He had to read the note 3 times before bursting into laughter. He knew his family was distant, but apparently they're distant enough to have changed his gender in their memories, although he does recall for a short time enjoying dolls before his father dictated otherwise and forbid him from them.
It had only been recently, and only around Robin, that he'd began allowing himself to be curious over typically feminine things beyond his hair since that time, but it was flattering to think that somehow he'd acted feminine enough the only time he'd met his grandparents that he was remembered as such.
“Steve? You remember we said we'd go shopping together for birthday looks for tonight, right?” Robin asked, letting herself in since he was laughing enough he hadn't heard her knocks. Steve had tried to insist he could pick her up, but according to her, he shouldn't be driving everyone around on his birthday, so she got Eddie to agree to play chauffeur for the day.
“Read this and tell me I'm not imagining things, Robbie. Please tell me I didn't misread that. Also I need to see just what is in these packages before I go anywhere.” Steve grinned over at her, waving at Eddie as he leant around the door.
Eddie came over too, leaning over Robin's shoulder as she read since Steve hurried into the kitchen for scissors to open the parcels.
There were 4 big parcels but as he got the boxes open only 2 of them had big items in them, what appeared to be dolls houses and furniture. The rest were filled with solid dolls, slightly velveted of every kind of animal he could think of, all in families, or separate babies that matched one of the family groups and dressed in adorable slightly old fashioned looking outfits.
“You're her granddaughter now. I'm sorry Stevie, but for a gift this big and the investment that was also in the envelope behind this is big, you have to be female from now on.” Robin teased, snickering herself and sitting on the floor beside him to see everything he was pulling out.
Steve shrugged a little. “You tell me what dress size I should get and I'll be the belle of the ball for the party Joyce is insisting on throwing.”
“How long ago was this reunion? Any you're happy about that?” Eddie asked, visibly stunned, but not annoyed or any reaction that left Steve concerned.
“Thrilled. Robbie and I have been trying make-up looks and I was already wondering if I should try a skirt tonight. This seems like a sign that I definitely should.” Steve grinned up, answering the second question first. “And I honestly don't know. I think I was maybe five, possibly younger. Definitely wasn't allowed dolls for too long before my father banned them.”
Eddie shook his head, coming to sit beside him too finally, “Cool, I'll kill the boys characters in the next session if anyone says anything about that. If you do get a dress, that is.”
Steve's grin gentled to a smile, before a thought struck him at the allusion to D&D. He'd seen their figurines before, had let them host Hellfire at his home a few times now, enough even Eddie's bandmates were beginning to relax and suddenly thought he wouldn't might playing in a similar way with these cute guys. “Hey, you can get animals walking and talking in D&D, right?”
For a moment Robin and Eddie blinked at him, then Robin started cackling. “I bet even if they don't Eddie is about to figure out how to, Stevie! Hell, I'm joining in too.”
Eddie blinked at her too before slowly nodding, “Normally called other things, like Procyons and Avalis but yes, there are bipedal intelligent animals in D&D.”
“Tell the party to start making characters like that to play and help me and Bobbin to do so if you want me to play a campaign. I'll only play if these are the figurines used for everyone.” Steve decided, “And look, you even have sets for places we can go to make the mapping even more exciting.” He gestured to the buildings, and some shop sets that he'd pulled out of the packages but hadn't opened unlike a few of the families that had caught his eye.
“Fucking Hell, Yes! I can do that! Can I stay here to plan the campaign too, check what I've got to work with?” Eddie's smile grew slowly but was soon almost wider than they'd seen it before.
Steve nodded, “Definitely. And this just means we're all more excited for getting back from the shopping trip I was promised. I'll go get ready to head out.”
As he walked away Robin started to calm down but one look at the pout Eddie had over being told he couldn't jump straight into planning set her off laughing uncontrollably all over again.
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baenyth · 3 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 4-12: Crocoduel (Plus an OC!)
Oh baby, another Juleka episode! And with her as a hero instead of an insult to Clownkind! I think Luka's a big part of this episode as well!
I think I've seen those animations before.
Julerose in the first few seconds! Yippee!!!
That was one of the worst lies I've ever heard.
Lovers, ideally, not buddies. I refuse the Adrienette gravy train. It's like if gravy was bad.
I refuse to believe Luka and Juleka are twins. You cannot convince me. I can barely buy them as siblings, honestly. Luka has to be two years older than Juleka and they're half siblings because I doubt Deadbeat Stone would wait even a year to ditch Anarka for fame. My father and his father shared the same birthday, so Luka and Juleka can too!
As always, Juleka is being disrespected.
Oh my god, Marinette is using her braincells outside of Ladybug!
Fuck. Marinette is cooking. She knows she can only be down bad for Adrien. She knows she'll only hurt Luka.
"Talking garbage can? Awesome." Alright, that's the best line of season 4, if not the entire show.
How is Marinette hiding in that garbage can anyways? Is she just noclipping in and out of it or something?
Jagged doesn't even seem aware of Juleka's existence. I can feel myself growing more right. He only seems to acknowledge Luka as his child.
"Hey Juleka, can you make sure your brother isn't at his own birthday party? Thanks."
Oh baby! People apologizing for doing crappy stuff!
Roblox Flamethrower noise
Oh hey. Woman with Mylene's VA.
You have the space powerup. Which is being forgotten for plot reasons.
Alright, after three and a half seasons of being disrespected with akumatizations, Juleka finally becomes Purple Tigress. I think it's my favorite design and powerset. The ability to generate energy is surprisingly versatile. She can jumpstart cars. She can make ludicrous amounts of heat.
Have Hawkmoth's quips been weaker lately? It feels like they have.
Bellissimo. Juleka is now my favorite character.
Aaaand they had to end the episode with absolute and utter friendzoning. I will rage about this until the end of time or when I write a fic or two about it. Lukanette disrespect.
So yeah. If you noticed in the title, I have an OC to talk about. A Miraculous OC. That goes against the canon in this episode because I refuse to believe it.
His name is Gregory Steel. I think he changed his last name to not be associated with his old family. He has a black 2000s boycut covering his left eye and a goatee that shouldn't look too bad on him. I imagine his default outfit being some jeans and a black T-shirt for the Seattle grunge band he plays bass for, Screaming Crow. He's also a music teacher.
In 2000-2001, he met a French-Canadian woman named Anarka Couffaine, who was tired of big celebrities and wanted to settle down with her infant child. The two hit it off, going inbetween raising a child and working smaller gigs for cash. They even had a child together. However, on that new child's first birthday, the two had a falling-out, albeit one with good communication and the two are still friends to this day. Anarka moved to France to live on a boat in freedom while in the modern day of 2016 Gregory now is married and has two nine-year-old twins: a boy and a girl. Still, he does pay child support and give birthday and Christmas gifts to his other two children, Luka and Juleka. He also does come to visit but infrequently. He doesn't have that much money.
In a hypothetical rewrite, instead of this episode, Gregory decides to come over to Paris on his kids' birthdays, only to see Jagged the deadbeat trot on over and act like he's ever been a loving dad, even worse is the bias he's giving for Luka while ignoring his little darling Juleka. You can probably guess where this goes: Hawkmoth akumatizes him into Screaming Crow, a giant one-eyed crow that screams and attacks Jagged, Purple Tigress still gets introduced because she's the best and I love her and I want her to be the third permanent holder, and so on. I'm pretty sure Marinette and Luka have broken up by now but at the same time Marinette is starting to date Kagami. Or maybe they're still dating.
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duplicityvn · 5 months
10 Character Facts ::
Just to break up all the updates, I thought I'd share 10 facts each about the characters I've already shown! (❁´◡`❁)
Griffin Wells:
🔹Was adopted from overseas
🔹Has a natural charisma that makes people like him
🔹Is a hobbyist photographer, but he has made money from doing shoots of other things (like weddings and stuff)
🔹Works as a pharmacy tech, but isn't really interested in becoming a pharmacist
🔹Definitely uses his job to drug you
🔹Has an irrational hate over seltzer water (for lore-specific reasons actually lmfao)
🔹Always wears the locket in his ref, even when showering--it hasn't been opened in years tho
🔹Hates watching TV or movies, just will not ever.
🔹Big romantic uwu
🔹Lies about everything. Everything.
Nina Ironheart:
🔻Native American/Indigenous!
🔻Has 2 younger sisters that she raised
🔻Did so well as a model that she became a fashion influencer on the internet
🔻If you betray her trust, there's no second chances, she's completely done
🔻Will stick up for you and her other friends and sisters, but has trouble sticking up for herself
🔻Competed in Youth fancy dancing in her early-mid teens
🔻Absolutely loves cats, but is super allergic, actively has to have people restrain her from holding a kitty
🔻She latched onto you as your best friend (her words) when you were entering high school, and later she was the one that 'adopted' Tris into the friend group
🔻Graduated valedictorian to prove her parents and everyone else wrong, but didn't feel like taking it further, and had the opportunity to model
🔻Has the best ghost stories!
Tris Solis:
🔸Wealthy, rich spoiled kid, this hasn't changed
🔸Still an asshole, but mostly to people he doesn't know
🔸Fucking spoils the shit out of you, and won't take no when it comes to giving you gifts (certified lovebomber fff)
🔸Hated Nina at first but wanted to be your friend, so he grinned and bared it until she eventually started growing on him
🔸Also danced competitively, but a different category of dancing
🔸More of a general fact, but the Solis family is responsible for 90% of technology developed and used in Rosemuth
🔸Throws money at things instead of fixing them (like he'll buy a new phone if it cracked instead of fixing the screen)
🔸Loves the color yellow
🔸Likes animals, but doesn't want pets ever
🔸His full name is actually Tristan Solis Buenaventura, following the Spanish format of First, Father's Last, Mother's Last.
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bluebudgie · 1 year
So... what's up with these two?
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(I love recycling old pictures.png)
You may or may not have seen me draw these rats repeatedly and you may or may not care what's up with them.
Well, in case you do... buckle up, we'll be here for a while.
Just in case: very vague ableism mention. I'm cutting down on pretty much all details, but just so you know the general topic comes up at some point. Don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
Unrelated disclaimer: words are difficult.
It's probably smart to start with a general character introduction so you get an idea of who you're dealing with.
So, Petthri.
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(Shared most of this stuff about him before, now it's gathered in one place at least.)
The outgoing guy, grew up in a supportive family, always been the popular kid among peers, and later a pretty popular professor with his students (less so with some other colleagues, but hey). Very passionate about animal bioacoustics. Very hands-on when it comes to research and teaching. Infodumps a lot.
He's got his heart in the right place, but he's obviously not flawless. Has his thoughts constantly drifting in twelve different directions at once, can definitely not read the room, and has absolutely said and done things that hurt others just because he didn't think (and probably never realized). Likely to nervously laugh his way through most dangerous situations, but does manage to pull himself together and get things done if things turn really bad.
He got – at some point (precise date TBA, sometime around PoF events) – kidnapped by the Inquest because they wanted some of his research but didn't manage to sort through his mess. So they just took the entire man to the CoE and decided to keep him. Niche knowledge could always be useful after all. They were even kind enough to gift him an additional facial scar during the welcome interrogation! (The other one was a field trip accident). True hospitality.
Not sure if it's incredible optimism or naivety, but he's generally been doing alright during this whole prisoner situation. He's not locked up, they let him work on things he actually cares about (albeit not for the right cause), and overall he's had enough hope to believe he'll get out of there one day. Make the best out of the present, it'll be fine somehow.
I'm sure if you were to dig deep enough he'd find out he's actually less alright than he thinks he is. Oh well.
Let's talk about the other guy. Lahpp.
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Me. I created you. (I've said barely anything about this man on here so far bc while I could fill the 20k essay with him alone, writing about him intimidates me lol. Also in case you're ever asking yourself this, no I did not realize his name sounds like 'lab' until weeks after I created him. Unfortunate coincidence. So, anyway...)
Obedient Inquest scientist, questions but doesn't oppose orders, has been doing the same work for the better part of the last two decades. Day in, day out, getting up early and staying up late. Somewhere in the middle of the pyramid scheme, he's definitely got a bunch of heads above him but he's nowhere near the bottom end of the chain. Got his own little lab space. Enjoys music theory in the little free time he allocates. Assertive, lets people know when not to bother him, but very polite nonetheless. Has mastered the art of superficial small talk. The guy who holds open doors and pulls your chair back for you with an acted but convincing smile. Truly employee of the month material.
He's never known anything but this perfectly ordered working drone life so he's fairly content with his current position.
Yeeaah you guessed there's more below the surface.
So this man's life started with being the subject of a failed genetic dragon magic experiment, first one in a handful of infants that actually lived, but ultimately he got nothing out of it but a fair share of various health conditions and disabilities. The initial project was dropped after a few years of surveillance with no results, and instead he got handed over to one of the medical departments so they could "at least make use of him" and test some cutting-edge medical tech. No wasting ressources, am I right? (:
Fastforward some years, a miserable childhood full of abuse and ableism (and by extension just as much of it internalized) essentially left him with the obsession of wanting to fit in with everyone else, wanting to be like everyone else, never having anyone find out anything about his conditions and his past. Worked his ass off in college so it wouldn't be apparent he struggled when others didn't. Created a work environment for himself that he knew would be accommodating to him while not raising any possible questions.
He's been doing fine for some time now; while he definitely hasn't gotten rid of his insecurities he has somewhat accepted that he just... is who he is. Some days are worse and some days are better. His brain has done a very thorough job suppressing pretty much all his early childhood memories. He has also convinced himself that being a perfectly exploitable asset to the corporation that abused him for years is definitely the right way to stick it to the system. They said he'd never be useful for anything and die an early death? Ha, showed 'em! (I am saying this with a lot of sarcasm. He is genuine.)
He's definitely a product of the environment he grew up in, which is a shame because if he hadn't been indoctrinated by the Inquest since birth he would have probably turned out a pretty decent person. He doesn't have the absolute worst inner moral compass. Alas, as it is he has contributed to [some fucked up things] and has [some fucked up views]. And he's not about to change that.
So... at what point do the stories of these two actually connect?
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Petthri and Lahpp first met within a larger group of mostly scientists from mixed divisions that were sent on a trip to Rata Primus.
I won't go into the full details of The Rata Primus Odyssey now because that is a whole different story arc involving a total of six of my characters, but the relevant information is that they arrived in the wrong place at the wrong time (A Bug In The System says hello!), and got trapped in the main complex together (alongside Phlish and my charr engineer Leto) when Awakened shit hit the fan.
In short, the following escape mission lasted way too long, and made for an incredibly exhausting 0/10 experience for everyone involved. Cooperation between our two relevant asura actually went surprisingly smooth for the most part, at least way better than with the rest of the small group.
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(Bringing that old edit back. Two criminals actually getting shit done in the back while the others are about to snap each other's head off.)
I did once offhandedly mention that Lahpp held Petthri at gunpoint exactly one time – that was here. He was not going to risk getting onto HQ's watch list for letting a prisoner slip away while he's even remotely involved.
Ultimately exhaustion and having no access to important medication for a prolonged amount of time got the better end of Lahpp, and while the other two would have probably just left the "dead weight" behind, Petthri made sure he made it out with them. Not a great time for the little Inquest criminal, both physically and mentally given his inclination for secrecy regarding certain topics.
A few days after they returned to the CoE Petthri checked up on Lahpp to make sure he's recovering, but afterwards... radio silence from both sides for the next few years.
Fastforward, it's now Cantha time!
If Lahpp had a piece of gold for everytime HQ sent him away on a "business trip" that'll end up nearly killing him, and likewise Petthri had one for everytime he'd be witness to that, they'd both have... two pieces of gold, which isn't much, but it's still weird it happened twice.
Once again as part of a larger group, our criminals find themselves in New Kaineng City. And because I am a mere human being that is not above resorting to overused tropes, they do of course end up having to share the same room for the time of their stay. I never claimed to be a mastermind storywriter.
At least this time the trip starts out fairly unspectacular, with mostly guided group tours through the city and its labs. Lahpp is not feeling too great (understatement) during all of this for reasons he can't quite grasp, but he's got a really bad gut feeling. Petthri actually notices he's lingering a lot and falling behind, so he suggests they split off from the rest of the group and go back to their room early. Get some rest, the journey to Cantha was long after all.
The next days are pretty calm, the Inquest is snooping around while our two heroes actually have some time to talk and get to know each other a little more. Petthri finally gets to tell someone his whole 'and this is how I was kidnapped!' story. Petthri's questions are getting a little too personal for Lahpp's taste, but overall they get along alright. It's almost like two people that have been way too lonely for several years are actually finding a bit of comfort for a moment. (Side note: Petthri warms up to people very quickly, and he might be (without realizing it) getting a little too comfortable with the idea of having found someone "redeemable".)
Now wouldn't it be great if a nearby reactor blew up and an elder dragon escaped?
The event itself isn't really affecting them (yet) but I do think Lahpp must be questioning the Eternal Alchemy at this point. Thaumanova. Multiple near-meltdowns in the Crucible. Rata Primus. Now this. Seriously, at some point it's just ridiculous.
With each new information surfacing, the "bad gut feeling" is slowly but surely turning into mild but continuous panic. Something is off and it clearly has something to do with dragons. Now, Lahpp never really cared about the whole elder dragon business. Whatever sort of magic experiment he was used for, it's the outcome that affected his life, not the source of it. Still, the thoughts are starting to occupy his mind more than he'd like to admit. Petthri is entirely unaware of any of this.
Oh wait – what's this? A new unknown form of raw magic rapidly spreading and threatening to destroy Tyria? Obviously this is something to be investigated, so the larger group coordinates an excursion to Dragon's End. And obviously they end up getting into the battle for the jade sea.
I guess at this point you see where my art is coming from.
Petthri and Lahpp never get to fight Soo-Won herself (no canon meta participation alas), but they are busy enough fending off Void creatures on ground level anyway. It's unclear (to me) if or how much the Void actually affects Lahpp on a physical level, but regardless he is not having the best time being confronted with something that is so unknown to him and yet so closely connected to his very being.
Some resurfacing traumatic memories combined with a not-so-pretty panic attack (and the physical stress of fighting) later, it's poor Petthri's task to once again take a blacked out criminal to safety. Meanwhile he's got absolutely no idea what is going on, but he's definitely going to demand some explanations.
For some days after this Petthri's playing bedside vigil in a New Kaineng medical facility. The two have a lot of time to talk. Personal topics. Uncomfortable topics. Lahpp does tell Petthri to go back to Rata Sum, he's beyond caring at this point. Quite frankly he thinks HQ won't care either. Petthri refuses to leave just like that. Asks Lahpp to come with him, he'll be better off away from the Inquest. Obviously Lahpp is not having any of it, he's very well aware the Inquest is as corrupt as it gets, but so is Rata Sum. That's just how the world functions. The Inquest has the meds and tech he needs to survive. He's not leaving. And he certainly doesn't need anyone acting self-sacrificial out of pity. It's degrading.
He tells Petthri to sleep on it and make up his mind the next day.
Aaand that is pretty much where the somewhat coherently planned part of my current rat-timeline ends. A glimpse into vague concepts for the future:
Enter a third character to the roster! It's Luqqah, Inquest medic-turned-biochemist. She happened to be in Cantha for a while now, doing her own research. She gets involved treating the injured after the whole Void mess. Naturally she ends up finding Petthri and Lahpp. Lucky for the latter, because she obviously has better knowledge dealing with asura than any of the human medics. And... in fact... she has pretty detailed knowledge about what's up with Lahpp specifically. Dealt with his medical papers in the past. Oh, also... they're exes. Don't worry, parted on good terms. Haven't seen each other since shortly after the Thaumanova meltdown. What a reunion.
So... yeah. It's gonna be trio time from now on. I don't know yet for how long the three of them stay in Cantha, or if they're going to get involved with the whole Gyala Delve storyline (or whatever comes out of it). Lahpp's not doing great, he'll need a while recovering. If he ever fully recovers. Petthri has a few of his own inner demons to fight. Time will tell.
As a conclusion... Petthri's saviour complex sets him on a good path towards a corruption arc while Lahpp's as close to a redemption arc as he'll get. They're both questioning their life and views a lot. Spoiler from the Omniscient Narrator: Both of them will be back in the Crucible. But with more thoughts to think than before. And more time to spend together.
And that's what's currently up with the rats.
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insanedementia · 5 months
Hi, it's been a while since I've posted. I've been doing schoolwork and modding in servers for quite a while now and decided to start doing commissions! I only decided to start doing commissions because I'm kind of new to commissioning and I'm willing to do it so I can make friends with new people and maybe artists I inspire to. But the main reason is because I finally got a Nintendo switch and Steam on my computer, which opens opportunities for me to play and order games. I have none as of right now except for the Sims 4 on Steam and Fortnite on the Nintendo. So, I'm gonna be posting down my socials on how to contact me which would be either here or Discord!
RULES WHAT I CAN DO: What I can Draw:
Humans {Both Women and Males and all the above}
Humanoid versions of Furries {I do not know the actual term so bare with me}
What I can't draw:
Full on Animals {Not yet anyway. I want to practice first <3}
Insane_Dementia Commission Prices
Bust: $15 Half Body (Head to waist): $20 Half Body 2 (Head to Thigh): $25 Full Body: $30
No Color: Free! White base with Black Comic Book shading: +$3 Flat Color: +$6 Full Color (w/ Shading): +$9
No Lines: Free Sketch: +$4 Full Line Art: +$8
No Background: Free Simple Background: +$2 Detailed Background (Objects and such): +$4
Thank you in advance! I have prices so i can round up what the cost of the gift card is. Or, if you can't do these gift cards to send codes to me as payment, I'll also accept PayPal. I highly suggest that if you aren't sure, to DM me some more examples. I'll be raising my prices soon if I get a lot of commissions so get them now while you still can.
Sincerely, Insane_Dementia.
P.S. - My Discord is whyamihere_justosuffer
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writingsfromspace · 6 months
OC interview tag
Tagged by @lexiklecksi - thank you!
Doing Athanasios because well. Of course.
Are you named after anyone?
"I took my name after my gift. I'm not actually immortal, of course, but I am very hard to kill." The ominous comment is accompanied by a toothy grin.
2. When was the last time you cried?
He looks aside, tearing up as he thinks about it. "I don't know--I've been crying all the time, I'm not keeping track. Last night, I guess." Pulling himself together, he adds, "But I've always cried easily, no matter how hard my parents tried to get it out of me."
3. Do you have kids?
"No! I don't want any, either, not even with Alois I wanted them. I don't think I'd be a good father... and I guess I'd feel too tied down. I like children though, I think I'd enjoy being, like, an uncle!" His smile fades when he hears what he just said. "Not that that's going to happen in any meaningful way, given the givens."
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Not really, I don't think. I prefer honesty."
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
"How well the person looks after themself. Personal hygiene. I'm wary of someone who neglects themself, or someone who is overly groomed, as well." One corner of his mouth turns up into a wry smile. "Well, that's not to say that'll tell you all there is about a person. But, yes, first impressions."
6. What's your eye colour?
"Very dark brown. Practially black."
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings. No- yes. I do enjoy a good tragedy, why is that not an option? They're more... they feel more real."
8. Any special talents?
"I have my gift, shielding. I'm also pretty good with animals."
9. Where were you born?
He rolls his eyes. "At my parent's estate."
10. Do you have any pets?
"I wish! In my current situation, hard to accomplish though. I'd want to give them an appropriate life. If I came across some lost creature, I'd keep it, though."
11. What sort of sports do you play?
"I don't much care for sports, especially team sports. I keep fit on my own."
12. How tall are you?
He looks you dead in the eye, challenging a comment. "1.54." [m]
13. What was your favorite subject in school?
"I loved geography. I... we always wanted to go see the world when it was all over." His voice trails off into nothing.
14. What is your dream job?
"I don't know. I barely knew before. Now... I don't know. I want to make the world a better place but I don't know that's given to me."
Tagging @tracle0, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @stories-by-rie, @gwens-fiction, and anyone else who wants to share their characters :D
Blank question list below
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What's the first thing you notice about people?
What's your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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loominggaia · 10 months
AlyssaCarol asks: Hey! I've noticed that you haven't done a description for these kiddos like you have for both the Commoner & Fae kids. I think it would be interesting to see a description in the same style as the other ones!
Hey you're right! I think I meant to but I must have forgot. I'll just update all of them here...
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Humans are known as the "beast tamers". They have a gift for taming animals, using them as tools, weapons, and companions. They're most famous for their close relationship with dogs. This human girl got a puppy for her birthday, sure to be her best friend for many years.
Roshava are the "athletes". The finest athletes in the world are historically roshavan, and while they are very capable in battle, they historically have used their talents for sports instead. This roshavan boy shows off his muscles, hoping to be a wrestler some day.
Dworfs are the "engineers". They are half the size of humans but twice as strong. Their understanding of engineering and natural resistance to pollution has made their civilizations the most impressive in the world, but at the detriment of nature. This dworfen girl is proud of the flower she found, for it was the last living plant on her street.
Trolls are the "tunnelers". Their claws are powerful digging tools and their immune systems are tough, so they like to call the dark, damp, underground their home. This troll boy just emerged from the underground for the first time, and he's ready to terrorize some topsiders.
Ogres are the "heavyweights". With their massive size and unmatched strength, they are feared by other peoples. This ogre girl often gets scolded, for she plays too rough with her little elven friends.
Elves are the "craftsmen". Their sharp vision and long, dextrous fingers allow them to craft all kinds of fine-quality things from shoes, to jewelry, to toys. This elven girl shows off a dress made by her mother and boots made by her father.
Goblins are the "slaves". This species is magically bound by their names. If a non-goblin addresses one with all three parts of their name, the goblin is magically compelled to obey the next order given. This young goblin is watching his back, for his school bully just learned his full name.
Gnomes are the "wee folk". They are the shortest of all peoples, standing only a few inches tall. Despite their doll-like size, this species boasts powerful magic. This young gnome skips merrily through the forest without fear, for she has enchanted a mighty tiger to protect her.
Sirenes are the "beauties of the sea". Their soft, androgynous appearance and vivid colors makes this species a sight for sore eyes. This sirene boy waves to a group of girls on shore, confident that they will fall in love with him at first sight.
Cecaelia are the "ancient ones". This Aquarian species has an impressive lifespan of up to 1,500 years! Their age gives them plenty of time to hone their magic powers, though their alien appearance can be off-putting to others. This cecaelian girl looks like she's smiling, but she is actually baring her teeth in aggression.
Satyrs are the "revelers". They were born for a lifestyle full of drink, dance, and romance. Though some people find their behavior too rowdy and rambunctious, satyrs rarely mean any harm and just want to have fun. This satyr girl is having a great time dancing to music.
Fauns are the "musicians". Though they are the physically weakest of all gaians, fauns are also the most graceful movers, the second-fastest runners, and have the greatest potential for spellcasting. Their sensitive ears also give them a natural gift for music. This faun boy is upset because his parents took his flute away.
Minotaurs are the "barbarians". This large, powerful species may be the slowest-moving of all gaians, but they are also the strongest. Minotaurs have trouble communicating with other species due to the beast-like shape of their mouths. This young minotaur is learning sign language as an alternative.
Centaurs are the "racers". They are the fastest-moving of all peoples and they are quite strong too, making them top-notch soldiers and athletes. Though they are fast and powerful, their legs are prone to breaking easily. This centaur boy is in time-out for throwing his weight around the schoolyard.
Gorgons are the "venomous ones". Male gorgons have a venomous barb on their tails which can poison their enemies, while females instead have a loud and intimidating rattle, which they also use for musical purposes. Gorgons can't jump very well and they struggle to climb stairs, but they do move surprisingly fast. This gorgon girl is wearing jewelry made from the scaly skin of her ancestors.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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oxymoron84 · 3 months
Okay so I've been having this stupidass rant cooking in my head for days and it's getting to the point where I can barely focus anymore so I'm getting this out now.
But before I do so, just a fair warning, I am very biased due to personal experiences and I will most likely say some things some people won't want to hear. Get over it. I am entitled to my own opinion and you really don't have to listen to me believe it or not.
On with the rant.
I've been a cartoonist for about 15 years now. That's almost two whole decades and I'd say that's a very long time. I've been drawing and writing since the age of four. I taught myself how to make cartoons along with pretty rudimentary yet vital skills along with walking, talking, and reading. Though, because I had to teach myself, I admittedly don't perform said rudimentary skills as well as the average person. One thing I can confidently say I can do well, though, is draw. I draw at least every other day if not every single day and consider myself a professional. I'd say I've seen just about everything in my field at this point even though I am still learning and improving constantly. Of course, I've had my fair share of quarrels, some particularly traumatic (which I find the concept of insane) and others minor and just barely inconvenient. One that baffles me still, though, is that, despite all of my experience, some "professionals" refuse to see my fellow cartoonists and I as artists.
Of course, by now, I am well out of my school years but some moments from then still stick with me (a vast majority of such negative.) In middle school, I was constantly berated and harassed by these aforementioned "professionals" for my lack of an ability to draw realistically. A teacher who, honestly, just wanted me to have an outlet to exhaust my creativity so I would stop drawing in her class, had referred me to a talented-and-gifted program for my art, to which I, of course, eagerly accepted. Mind you, I was about 10 years old at the time and in my final years of primary school so I was blissfully unaware of the prejudices my creativity would face in this new world.
I was faced with a test to see if I was worthy of being enrolled in the program that involved reading a story and drawing the scene that the story described. I was immediately discouraged because it was a swamp scene. For context, I was born and raised in the swamp state of Louisiana in the deep southeastern part of the United States. I lived about 15 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico where it was mostly marshland so you can probably guess that I was, for lack of better words, sick and fucking tired of the swamp-obsessed culture. Begrudgingly, I drew out my interpretation of the scene and passed... with a 26/30--- the lowest possible grade you can get. Apparently, they hated my stylized depiction, even though, to myself, it was as bland as could be.
Nonetheless, I was in the program, so now all eyes were on me. My regular art classes a few years later in middle school were about ten times harder than how everyone else had it and I had a particularly shitty art teacher who couldn't even draw, herself. She constantly failed me and belittled me for my "anime art style" which infuriated me because she clearly couldn't tell the difference between anime and general cartoonism. I never got that in adults at the time why they fail to differentiate between the two. Anime had a huge debut in their childhoods and was obviously an entirely different genre of animation. Do they just not care???
Anywho, I was constantly recommended to drop my cartoony style in turn for a realistic one, otherwise I'd get nowhere in life. I look back on those moments in pure hatred.
Truth is, realism doesn't only show a lack of creativity, but a lack of overall imagination. Realistic artists are forever bound to references and reality, thus also limiting their independence as well. Realism is purely the act of taking what you see and translating it onto paper. That takes absolutely no imagination whatsoever and most toddlers can do that. Hell, I believe primates have even done that.
Cartoonism and semi-realism, on the other hand, challenges the artist's brain to warp and translate what they see (if they are even drawing from reality) into something new. We can show you emotion in more than just an expression. We can give you stories in a variety of factors like colors, line weight, sharpness, and so much more. We can depict dimensions that would otherwise not exist without our eyes. People don't understand that cartoonism and semi-realism keeps emotion alive in visual art. They take us for granted and refuse to look at anything that they don't understand immediately. But, isn't the need for deeper interpretation the point of art?
uh TLDR: Realism sucks and isn't creative
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farizrz · 9 months
Desert Rose | Romance Club
Ask me anything with Amy G.
Desert Rose | Romance Club · 29 Dec at 7:05 am
Source: VK
(translate by chrome)
❓ What was Zane’s childhood like and his relationship with his parents? And did the death of his father influence him and become the reason for his reckless youth?
❗Zane loves his family very much. The relationship between his mom and dad was an example of true love for him. Speaking of his father, Zayn adored him and he will always be proud of his father. But you will learn more in the future :)
❓ Back at the end of the first season, Yasmine mentions that she loves Mr. Darcy, and since then I've been wondering which of the RP characters do you think is most like Mr. Darcy? And in the same spirit of loving literature, what other books did Yasmin love as a child?
❗ Hmm, on the way with Adil, Yasmin thinks that she has found her version of Darcy - a cold-blooded Bedouin. But I think Zayn can also be like Mr. Darcy to her. She likes Notre Dame, Oliver Twist, The Thorn Birds, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Little Women.
❓ 1. What pranks did Adil, Rajab and Madi do when they were growing up? And did they immediately agree to the rebel’s plan with Adil? 2. Yasmine is one of my favorite main characters and I love that we see her growth throughout the story! What inspired you to create a GG like her? And who does she look more like, her father or her mother? 3. Do you have any plans/ideas for your next story after completing the RP?
❗ 1. Along Adil's path you will learn more, but they loved to joke with Ali) 2. I talked a lot with my Muslim friends, read discussions. I tried to create a kind of lonely girl who lives in her dreams and tries to build her path, her life. 3. Yes 😉
❓ 1. Whenever Yasmin introduces Adil, she introduces him bare-chested 😅 (most of the time)... is this intentional? Even in the heartbreaking cutscene of the last update 🙈 2. The musical animation in the season finale is another feature of the RP ...how did you come up with this idea...? It's like ending the season with a bang. 3. I know this will be a spoiler 😅🤣... but can you tell me if Mr. Bat will confess his love one day?
❗ 1. Haha, I knew that the players miss Adil so much, so I wanted to give them a gift 😁 why was he naked in the dream? This is a spoiler) 2. My technical designer and I decided to do this - we think it's sort of the final act of every season finale. 3. He will do it 😁😈 or I will hit him.
❓Have you ever encountered writer's block, and if so, how do you deal with it?
❗ Yes, of course. I try to calm down by writing something funny or stupid just to relax, watching cartoons or something emotional and inspiring. For example, musicals. Speaking about my work: I always remember that I have to make people happy and this inspires me very much) Good luck and believe in yourself! ❤️
❓ 1. How does Jack feel about Adil? I'm guessing he feels pain over his "death", but were they close to each other as children? 2. When did Cindy decide to become a model? Did someone notice her or maybe she was inspired by a famous model? 3. If you could include one of your characters in another CR story, who would you choose and what story do you think they would fit well in? 4. I love that you also write beautiful songs, you are so talented. Can you tell us if you plan to write more songs for Garden of Eden or other stories?
❗ 1. Jack loves Adil, Adil has always been his role model, but on the other hand Jack thought that their father loved Adil more and Jack hated it. Jack is the only one (not counting Yasmin on Adil's path) who knows the real Adil, his soft side. 2. Her mother wanted her to become a model. Cindy also thought that the only talent she had was her face and body :( She needed to make money, so she decided to become a model. 3. Moonborn perhaps? I want to see Zane and Victor fight over coffee and tea 😁 4. Thanks, who knows 😼
❓ 1. If they had a choice, what dream place would every LL in RP want to visit? 2. Can you give us some BTS facts (Behind The Scenes)? How do you come up with lyrics? What is the brainstorming process?
❗ 1. Zane - New Zealand; Mustafa - Lisbon, Cindy - New York, Adil - Paris, Jack - Iceland, Said - Prague, Jaffar just dreams of being able to travel) 2. Well, I'm trying to imagine what I want to say in my song, how it will influence the ending season, after that I start writing and finally singing, but honestly my voice is a terrible version of a Disney princess, so I... I'm glad Alisha sang my songs 😁 Thank you ❤️
❓ 1. Was Mustafa inspired by someone you know in real life, or maybe a fictional character you admire? 2. Are there any traits in Yasmin that you would like to have? 3. When will we see Rebel the cat again? I miss him.
❗ 1. No, but I just wanted to create a kind person, a person who will destroy the stereotypes of the spoiled Arab guy that GG has to be with. I wanted to create a good brother who takes care of his sister because I know some girls don't have a good relationship with their brothers :( 2. Maybe her inner warmth? I'm more cold-blooded, less sociable, like to plan everything. She is more spontaneous and naive. Sometimes I wish I had these qualities. 3. You will know 😼 meow 😈
❓ 1. My first question is related to the Garden of Eden: you wrote the lyrics to Starfall, it’s an amazing song. How did this collaboration begin? 2. I was wondering if you have time to play any other KR stories in your free time? If so, which one holds a special place in your heart?
❗ 1. Nastya, the author of ES, is one of my friends, so I am always ready to help her, working with her is always fun and inspiring. I love Luna's story, we wanted to create a song that showed her pain, her struggle with her own triggers and nightmares. That’s why I wrote: “The window is open - I see the sky.” Sometimes we are so worried, so wounded, that we can’t even see the sky, even if dozens of windows are open. We don’t see the world, pain blinds us, but it’s important not to give up. 2. Yes, but now I don't have enough time :( I liked ES, Psi, KPS - the new stories I played - Moonborn, LI, Sails in the Mist and Arcanum are my favorites too! But honestly, I think that all the stories are good ❤️
❓Which character in RP was the most difficult to write? Zane? Buahaha
❗ Poor Zane! Sometimes it's the simplest! Sometimes everyone is very bad and doesn’t want to communicate with my muse 😁
❓ Since this is a topic I'm passionate about, what inspired you to write a story about rebellion and speaking truth to power?
❗ I was inspired by the stories of the Bedouins, culture, political past of Morocco, Arabic fairy tales. I also love Les Miserables (“Les Miserables”), and I even had the idea of ​​writing a novella based on this book.
❓ 1. What genres of books and films does Zane like? Are there any specific names? 2. Why did Zayn choose fashion as a career? 3. If you had to play as Yasmin, which path would you choose? Disobedience or dreaminess and Child of the city or flower of the desert? 4. What do you find most difficult and easiest when writing a RP?
❗ 1. He just loves good books) good from his point of view, of course) For example, novels for women are not his strong point. He loves Machiavelli, The Scarlet Letter, The Financier, The Godfather) 2. You will find out ;) 3. I play every path during tests. 4. Sometimes I hate writing scenes like “he came... she looked...” - just descriptions. I really love writing scenes with LL. And I love some of the story scenes because I know that every scene has its own meaning;) I hope when the story ends, you will see the whole thing) And of course sometimes it is difficult to write about culture, because, well, you know, there are many trigger moments, especially if we are talking about religion. I'm trying to figure everything out because I don't want to hurt anyone.
❓ 1. Which path (dreamy/rebellious) do you think best suits each LL personality? 2. Can you tell us some interesting fact about Jack? 3. Which LL would you like to have an affair with? 4. What inspired you to write this story?
❗ 1. I think that every path can be interesting for every LL. 2. He tried to act like a brother and called Adil's classmate (he imitated his voice), but unfortunately his mission failed 😁 3. I want to have a harem. 4. Morocco's political past, 2000s, Arabic tales, Bedouin stories.
❓ My question: could you tell me more about Jaffar? For example, what are his hobbies or favorite things to do? Does he have any other family members besides the father he mentioned? What did he do before he came to work for Yasmin's father?
❗ He loves to run, watch nature, loves Moroccan culture and cuisine. Yes, there is) you will learn more through the branch with him) and you will learn more about his past.
❓ 1. Can you share interesting facts about Mustafa? 2. Will it be possible to adopt the Rebel cat?
❗ 1. Ha, Mustafa was forced to play with dolls with his sisters :))) he hated it, but he is a good caring brother 😁 2. Who knows 😉
❓ 1. Which paths are best to choose with each character? Or just choose what we want?2. Is it possible to choose one path or balance stats? 3. What are Adil and Yasmin’s favorite books??
❗ 1. You can choose whatever you want) There will be endings for balance and the same for each stat. 2. Adil: Hemingway, Night in Lisbon, American Tragedy, Red and Black, Germinal. Yasmin: Notre Dame, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, The Thorn Birds.
❓ 1. Will Yasmin's father accept Adil as his son-in-law? 2. Can we expect a wedding with Adil at the end? 3. Why didn’t Adil tell the truth to Yasmin or Jack earlier, after his memory returned?
❗ 1. You will find out 😼 2. 😉 3. Because he is a closed person, it is difficult for him to tell everything that is on his soul, he needs time to realize. He wanted to tell Yasmin, but did not find the right moment. If we talk about Jack: he thought he was dead, realized that he was alive when he found medical documents and saw his brother's handwriting.
❓ If you could give all LLs or any other character a superpower, what would you give them and why? 🦸🦹‍♀️😁
❗ Hmm) I wish everyone to become wizards, like in my beloved Harry Potter. 😈 for example, Adil would talk to snakes 😈
❓ 1. Said’s favorite food, colors, hobbies? 2. What attracted him to Yasmin or what attracted her to him? Maybe what is his love language?
❗1. Said loves nature, loves to walk and look around, loves animals, especially cats and parrots) 2. Said loves kindness, hates indifference, that's why he liked Yasmin - she can be rude or something like that, but on the other hand, with him she tries to be kind and helpful. Speaking of her, she was captivated by his personality. He is always there to help her.
❓ 1. What do you think could have happened if the romantic paths had not been closed and the player dated Jack and Adil at the same time? How might they both react to this? 2. What is the reason for the distance between Yasmin and her father? He seems to love her no matter what, but there is still an invisible wall between them. 3. What is your favorite character trait about Yasmin? 4. Can balancing the Desert Flower and Child of the City stats lead to a happy ending?
❗ 1. I think they were really hurt. Adil could not start an affair with the girl his brother loves. But if you dated Adil, but decided to break up with him, and you have a very close relationship with Zayn, then... an interesting path awaits you 😁 2. You will find out. 3. Her inner warmth and the fact that she is not afraid to seem naive) 4. Of course, don’t worry.
❓ 1. Can we expect more romantic content with Sayid in season 3? Will he then have a full-fledged path or will it be more of an affair on the side? 2. Will we find out who Zuleika’s child is in the story? 3. Is something going on with Rajab and Amira??
❗ 1. Yes) and with him you will have a final. 2. Her baby is just her baby, but maybe if I have enough space we can help her meet her son. 3. Oh, they are so passionate together 🔥
❓ 1. What research did you have to do regarding Morocco, Brazil and the medical history of the virus? 2. Can you tell us a little more about Sefer's political parties (views, foundations, etc.) 3. This is related to the last question. What does Adil's rebellion mean to ordinary people in Morocco, and was his character inspired by any real-life Moroccan events?
❗ 1. I read a lot about the history of Morocco, talked with friends from Morocco, watched films, etc. I also read about Brazil and tried to show it in different ways. But because of the plot and some things that will work later, I had to change something. For example, the brothers have non-Brazilian names and surnames, but... this was necessary for something that you will learn about later) 2. Conservative. There were different parties - liberal, democratic, but now everything has simply collapsed. They also behave badly with the Bedouins :( 3. He was inspired by the Bedouins and their stories. Ordinary people love the Rebel, they believe in him. And the Bedouins adore him. He helps a lot. And he will help more.
❓ 1. What is Cindy's favorite color? 2. Can you tell me one of Cindy's happy childhood memories? 3. Is there any place/country in the world that Cindy would like to visit with Yasmin?
❗ 1. Dark blue, fuchsia, yellow, orange. 2. Cindy loved to dance and was so happy when her mother bought her a doll - not a Barbie (she was too expensive), but a very beautiful ballerina. It was the best Christmas present. Cindy was truly happy. 3. I think she would like to visit New York!)
❓ 1. What do you enjoy most about writing scenes/lines for Zayn? Is it as fun as it seems to get inside his head? 2. What sparked Zane's passion/skill for tango when it is so contrary to his harsh personality? Is there a chance he'll try to teach Yasmin? 👀 3. If you could take home one of LL's gifts for Yasmin (like Adil's elephant pendant, Zayn's bracelet/necklace, Cindy's necklace, Mustafa's stuffed watermelon, etc. - I forgot so much 😭), what would you choosed?
❗ 1. I like writing Zayn's journey - I like his emotions, I like how he tries to figure everything out, to control his life, but she... this wild creature ruins everything 😁 soon you will see my favorite scenes with Zayn. I hope you will enjoy. Honestly, sometimes I laugh. For example, when I wrote the scene of Yasmin dancing, I laughed - I imagined Zayn hiding behind a palm tree 😁 2. He will tell us about tango) will he dance with her - who knows, maybe 😼😉 3. I will choose everything and, maybe Yasmin's camel toy. 😁
❓ Will we meet our mother-in-law in Italy? How and when did Gurub fall in love with Adil? Does helping her have plot significance?
❗ You’ll find out 😉 You’ll find out :) Well, yes, it’s better to help her :)
❓ I loved the interaction between Madi and Jaffar (despite the circumstances) - it was so fun to imagine them pitted against each other, trying to achieve the same goal.
❗ I also enjoyed writing their scenes 😁 Madi is one of my favorites)
❓ If you played, who would be your favorite?
❗ I think I would have a harem, but I'm married 😁
❓ Can Karo still become LL?
❗ Caroline has her own storyline) You will find out ;)
❓ Will we learn more about the past/relationship between Zayn and his tango partner? 👿
❗ Ha, yes, it will be so)
We thank Larisa M. for her help with the translation.
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eightsisterofmatariki · 5 months
Danny Phantom Headcanons
Technically he's 114 because at some point he got blasted 100 years into the past and decided after a day of having no idea what's going on (and figuring out the date) he found a cave and fell asleep and his ghost half was like, I got this and then he woke up at at dark the night before the fight. He incorporeal-ed out of the (now buried) cave and spent the day fully waking himself up (y'know how ghosts are usually at least a hundred years old, well that's because they need sleep and time to adjust to the whole ghost aspect and fully change, the hundred years of sleep made him feel better than he had since about a week after getting his powers, they also gave him a few new powers)
He is paler than he is in human form because death and all
Also he is slightly eldritch and because he is so powerful sometimes he forgets what humans look like and accidentally changes how he looks, he keeps having to ask how many teeth people usually have, or where joints are supposed to be, most of the time he can remember where and how many eyes he's supposed to have.
Also a personal head cannon of mine is that he is truely really eldritch looking in ghost form and uses his powers to make it look more human. (Seperate post: So Tim just stares for a moment and Danny goes visible and reveals a really powerful and definitively not human creatures wrapped up in a blanket and NASA pyjamas. He looks really cute with his hair all messed up and only two out of his fours eyes are open because he's tired.)
His true ghost form is bigger than both his human and ghost forms. In his true ghost form: all of his teeth are sharp and sometimes they stick out form his mouth (his mouth is bigger than it should be on a human), he's limbs are longer, his hands and feet are closer to claws, he has four eyes with no irises and (sometimes) slit pupils, his hair is the same just floaty, he barely ever walks and chooses to float (although he has legs; when he goes into the more ghost like floating one it looks more like a tail of a snake but no scales, it is much longer than in his ghost form and he often finds himself invisible wrapping himself around things he likes.) Probably more I haven't mentioned, creepy and other vibes.
^^^I've changed this, it isn't his true ghost form, just one of his forms
He is much more protective of pretty much everything once he became a half ghost. He has to fight the urge to investigate new arrivals into amity park (HIS town, HIS haunt) and if his family gets hurt it's game over for the villain and he is far less forgiving than if they had simply hurt himself.
The other ghosts and non-humans seemt to realise that amity park is his haunt (esspecially once he becomes the ghost king) so yeah. Once a small fraid needed refugee and they brought him gifts and pormised not to cause trouble, he agreed because he knows it's the right thing to do and also he really loved the gifts.
He has a small haunt in the ghost zone, it is pretty much a small decaying room but he fixed most of it up and added beanbags. He has newspaper pages about himself and/or the fentons and powerful ghost items hes had to fight.
He also has a lot of space stuff because he does't get much time to fulfil that obsession, always busy with his human life or protecting someone
He likes it there and often goes there to deal with more ghostlike urges or to heal if he doesn't want to worry Sam and tucker and others.
^^this is a lair not a haunt, you only have one haunt
Ghosts purr like cats? Hell yeah they do. Danny did it without realising for almost a year before Sam and Tucker pointed it out. They have tid-bits from other animals too, Danny has to fight the urge to steal or buy any shiny and brightly coloured objects, he really loves jewls. He hisses sometimes. This shows especially with ghost speak, it can sound so many different ways, like the whispering around a cursed object in a horror game, or like birds chirping and clicking to one another, it changes.
To him violence is more of fun and game thing, he understands it isn't to regular humans so he avoids it but he find he doesn't harbour grudes where he perhaps should because the violence doesn't seem all that big to him (for example doesn't care too much about Dash, but he HATES Vlad because he is protective and Vlad messed with his family)
He has four ages. For example when he was 15:
As far as the humans around him know, he's 15
Biologically he's 115 because of the long nap
Because of time travel shenanigans with clockwork he has appeared all throughout time so history wise he is as old as time
He's only been a ghost for 1 year so you could say he's one year old
He died when he was 14 so he could be fourteen
The urge to bite to show affection, not like sexually or anything. But bite ankles, legs, arms, and sometimes neck or hands.
Very clingy when tired. (Totally not projecting)
Blushes green with star and planet and comet and ect freckles.
The way into his heart is gifts. He cannot handle grand gestures so this is mainly food and shiny things you'd find on the side of the road then clean. (Paulina and some other girls once found this out. It was shared lunch in school and they got thrown into the ghost zone, Danny found them but was hesitant on inviting them to his haunt because it's his, and so they offer him some of the food because not offering would be rude. Then one of the girls mentions she had some old jewellery where the jewels fell out and was she holds up this bag the sparkles and he says he'll take them and then decides that they can come to his haunt.)
Also psychical touch, head pats, arm holding. He is akin to a cat and cannot fight the instincts to curl up around you and purr.
Autistic. (Also trans)
You know how ghosts and ectoplasm are kinda non-solid and in some cases can be moulded? Well Danny is too. He finds this out because he was in the forests looking at this really pretty butterfly and suddenly the rings come, he freaks out because he wasn't trying to go back to human but then he sees his hand and realises he's still ghost? So he finds a pond and he has beautiful butterfly wings that are black and white and green (the green parts glow!) and antennae! And so he focuses and transforms back to ghost and so he does this a lot now (Danis favourite is this one spiky lizard she found, she had spikes that looked up through her hair, claws and a tail and thought it looked awesome! Dan however only did it once and secretly really like it, he saw a cool glowing mushroom and without realising parts of his human skin disappeared to reveal a soft green glow beneath them)
He loves scaring people but can only do it to assholes because moral compass (so asshole politicians coming home after partially cruel cases, people who are rude to staff at places Danny likes, ect.)
Dan doesn't have a new body. He worked on morals and slowly changed from evil ghost looking to just having really pale skin, white hair, fangs, and red eyes. He loves grey hoodies.
^^^Okay this has changed now that I've read AGIT so I'll update it soon. Pretty much his ghost forms and human forms mix quickly and he only has one form, but when he gets mad he looks like evil dan and if necessary he can manage to look human for a while.
Okay so he does have a human body, he has Dannys clone. But it feels wrong to him, eventually he mixes his two forms, he was white hair that doesn't fire which he keeps tied back in a pony tail but still has a puffy-over-his-face part like Dannys, you know what I mean. He was the build and body of a 30ish year old man who isn't strong, but still works out enough he's not weak. His skin is pale and slightly discoloured but enough to pass as human, this human illusion is absolutely destroyed when you look closer and realise his teeth are sharp (usually just fangs but sometimes all the teeth) and his eyes are red and glow slightly, not to mention the sense of other he radiates. If he gets mad or uses a lot of power he looks like how Dan did originally, buff, fire hair, red eyes, ect. If he absolutely has to look human he can, but it gives him headaches and it feels wrong.
Therefore Dans powers are red, not like Vlads pink ones or Dannys green ones, oh yeah and Danis powers are more of a nature green than a toxic green, this changes slowly over time as she begins to become her own person rather than just a clone.
Sams purple eyes (which GLOW sometimes) are the first sign of being ecto-contaminated she gets
Ghosts fight to show affection, Danny and Dani have scared so many people when they straight up stab eachother and arefighting like cats than laugh and hug and complement each other on their skills.
Danny Phantom is the Ancient of Space, Heros, and Protection (with protection and space also being his obsessions). He smells of Ozone and other space-like smells and no one quite understands how, he hums tunes that replicate stars exploding and/or dying, he is truely the embodiment of 'the longer you stare into the void the void stares back' because sometimes people see galaxies in his freckles, nebulas in his eyes, his body disintegrating and reforming in tiny portions, his skin shimmering like star dust, and the longer you stare the more you notice (his crown and regalia, more space stuff, ect).
Jazz is liminal and stronger than most of Amity Park (who are only Ecto-Contaminated in most cases), she can communicate feelings and things that words can't describe with Danny and other dead stronger than most of the other people in Amity as they are weak (compared to her at least) and she also figures out Ghost Speak. She also has constantly barely glowing eyes that go bright when she's really feeling strongly and she hovers a few inches above the ground sometimes on instinct but can't properly fly and while she can't go intangible she can do if it serious danger/full flight or flight response and adrenaline. Her life span will be about 50 years longer than normal and she will become a sentient ghost when she dies although only slightly above average on the power scale, her status as princess and under royal protection of the king himself (Danny) makes up for that.
Danny makes his own grave out of (I chnaged it from a star) ectoplasm which is near impossible to destory, also his rouges and many other ghosts defend it. It doesn't get broken ever because Clockwork also looks over it.
Danny can tell when people write about him and he can change it, nothing ghost writer level, but simple things like:
It's always white hair not grey
Sam and Tucker are always friends not minions or servents
No sacrifices
He doesn't even realise he's doing it, the cultists do though.
Danny just starts speaking in ghost speak. He's tired, it's exam season, there's a new ghost who's a real fruitloop, and it's getting harder to be human as he gets more tired.
He gives an entire speech in ghost speak, but it was on ghosts anyways so Mr Lancer was just impressed
On one of the nights he actually managed to get to sleep he got chased out of the house because he made a noise that no human should truely be able to when his parents tried to wake him up.
Being a ghost is in his nature now and it's getting harder to act normal, especially because he keeps forgetting about ghost empathy and that he really shouldn't know someone's feeling that way.
You know how todlers get teeth when they're two? Halfas do that with fangs (they can kinda of change what their fangs look like, mouth full of sharp teeth, vampire, normal human teeth, ect) but first they need to deal with all their teeth falling out and being replaced with sharp teeth and a jaw strong enough to cut almost every metal, it aches and aches and Danny is so sore.
Finds writing hard because those are solid words, ghost speak (which comes naturally and intuitively to him) is much closer to speaking with your emotions, if it could be called speaking. He had learnt engough english to be able to keep using it (even if he did start using older versions of english sometimes due to them being dead languages) but he had barely learnt to write before becoming a ghost, he can write he just can't really put what he's meaning to say in words.
Low spectrum autism
Has more than two forms but also can change in his seperate forms, for example he can function and look exactly like a normal human in a human form or he can also have fangs, or just a mouth of sharp teeth, and pointy ears.
Dan redemption arc becomes pyscopomp, souls meant to have died and in pain instead of dead he kills, takes a weeks break then uses clockwork to go to the start of the week and work for two weeks, then he has another break week and repeat.
When Danny gets strong emotions the floor freezes below his feet and he glows brighter (and some more stuff)
Green blush
Danny prefers the form of what you see in the cartoons because it's children friendly, and is basically his default form, but when exhausted he reverts to not his true form. The suit is a bit more chunky as there are layers made for radiation protection, it has a radioactive logo instead of his Danny Phantom logo (he chooses to change that normally) and one of the arms suit is blown off, his arm itself has lightning scars up it which to to his neck but thankfully not his face (they carry over to his human form sometimes, depends on his mood and a few other things) and the hand is blackened and charred with the bone showing around the wrist and on some of the fingers, he still feels pain in it and has to wear a compression glove sometimes, mostly in human form.
Danny, ice core, protectors core, space core, this mostly depends on your headcanons and/or the story you place him in.
Dani, water core (prefers fresh water and the life within it but can make and/or control water as saltly as her soul) she also has control of weather like Danny did for that one episode (loves making tropical rainstorms in the middle of the ocean). Dani gets droplets of water on her skin like condensation like how sometimes Dannys skin freezes over.
Dan, fire core, but cold fire, the type that burns because it's too cold, the type that makes you think your safe but is burning you, he also has a little control over lightning and storms, if he tries really hard he can make them go away but they also come naturally when he's mad or angry
Jazz not liminal enough to have a full core but her liminal-ness allows her to be able to understand ghost speak, hear and feel other people cores, ghost empathy (not to mention floating an inch of the ground sometimes, eyes flashing or glowing and reflecting light in ways humans shouldn't, too many teeth sometimes, just a little wrong)
Most strong emotions result in Dannys: eyes glowing brighter, body glowing brighter, starts speaking in ghost speak (either from emotions getting hold of him and him wanting to rant or English not being able to capture what he's saying right or being beside himself with rage or ect), floats off the ground a little, ground freezing around him and everything he touches,
Strong emotions like hopelessness and giving up result in: eyes going dim and being almost blue, the light he glows with flickering like a drowning torch, speaking in a mix of ghost speak and English but keeps tripping over his words (if he can talk at all, screaming, sobbing, speechless, ect), probably can't fly, frost and cold leaks out of him he can't control it his environment goes subzero and gives anyone who touches his ice gets echos of what he's feeling also the ice is dangerous instead of just cold dangerous
Ghost instincts
By the time Danny gets his apartment, he has labels all his foods, there are two major labels. If you look in his cupboards you will find half of his stuff is labeled norm which is written on white tape, and the other half have the word ecto on green tape, these are what 'species' the food is safe to eat for, norm meaning humans and ecto meaning ghosts (even though ghost can eat human food there's no need for the confusion of having ecto on all the human stuff, if ecto was a spice imagine this as levels of spice safe for different species, anyone can eat the bottom). There are a few smaller groups like Liminals need some ecto but can't have just straight ecto, so some containers have Liminal labels next to the ecto labels; there are also Contaminated labels people for ecto contaminated who can eat things a decently more contaminated than liminals can; those are all that really matter because halfas can eat just as much ecto as ghosts. There's also a white board in his room which he writes reminders on, there is a big sentence in the middle reminding everyone to eat both their daily needs of ecto and human food.
Ecto contaminated
People who've been around ecto, whether in a lab like Maddie and Jack or simply been around a lot of ghiost attacks like the entirety of Amity Park. There aren't really any side effects (none obvious ones anyways) apart from the fact that your used to ecto; eating some won't kill you even if it's not good, you don't get weirded out by ghosts, liminals, or death touched that aren't quite human anymore, and ghosts in general seem just a little more intuitive.
Liminals are a step up from ecto contaminated, people who have contact with ecto often like Jazz, Maddie and Jack were wearing hazmat suits which were just enough to keep them from becoming liminal. Side effects of liminals are: eyes that relfect light like cats and sometimes glow, unconsciously floating a few inches above the ground, needing to have just a little ecto (one meal of ecto contaminated food every week works if they can't be in a place with enough ambient ecto), live longer and age slower, they have weak cores that can have their colours (Jazz is orange) but they can't have core types, pointy ears and sharp teeth occasionally. Ther are also personal side effects, you can have a lot or a little of these, Jazz gets ghost empathy for example as she wants to be a therapist.
Death touched (Sam and Tucker)
Death touched are like liminals, but closer to being a halfa than just a strange human. You can't be both a liminal and a death touched, it's one or the other. Death touched happen because they came close to death, this can happen in multiple ways, someone might kills thousands of people or be so surrounded by death (even if they didn't cause it) that they become a death touched. Death touched can also be created by coming close to death themselves, maybe they nearly die (or do die) but are miraculously saved or brought back, a stab victim somehow surviving, someone's heartbeat brought back at the last possible moment; they can also survive, an acrobat who hesitated and didn't grab the broken equipment, a rock climber who managed to grab another rock and stop themselves from falling to their death, things like that create a death touched. Sam and Tucker are Death Touched because of being so close to Danny and nearly getting killed so many times because of it, Sam decided Danny would go in the portal first, the events of Undergrowth and Freakshow and Dan. Death touched have powers, they can use basic ghost powers like intangibility, flight, invisibility, ectoblasts, but it takes a lot of effort and it's hard to train, they also have stronger personal powers which are normal ghost strength rather than weak (Sam can control plants, Tucker's a technopath and can summon sand because of the whole reincarnation thing), they have weak cores but their cores can have types and colours (Sams core is a dark purple plant core).
We all know what halfas are, like any 'levels' of ghosts they can be more or less powerful, they also died in a ghost portal or somewhere else where they were blasted with ecto as they died (they can also just half die or be revived wrong, but portals are the main reason). The basic thing is: they have both human and ghost stuff equally, a liminal might need to have some ecto to be alright ad be able to mainly eat human food but a halfa would need a normal amount of both, or humans need to breath or have a pulse but they don't have too and can silence their cores (and therefore ecto signatures) to levels that would kill a ghost, they have both obsessions (a ghost need) and need to have social contact (a human thing), this can differ depending on your head canons/which au this is in and which halfa we're talking about but that's the basics.
Ghost (ember)
Write stuff here! Died and became a ghost, not much to it, more powerful ghost can leave the ghost zone, everyone becomes a ghost, a ghosts memory or their human life can range from none to every detail, etc.
Neverdeads (clockwork)
Write stuff here! Ghosts who never died and kinda just popped into existence or were born, never died but are ghosts.
While Danny died to electricity, he also had radiation and ectoplasm (all three of which killed him and then revived him (the electrify doing most of the killing the the ectoplasm most of the reviving)) and Danny did not in fact pass out, he was stuck in limbo for 5ish minutes then fell to the ground, arm charred and with Lichtenberg scars, while puking a mix of ectoplasm, blood, and the stuff he'd eaten and drank the last day.
True ghost form has black scalera (the white part of eye) and he changes it for kids to be lest scared
A haunt
A ghosts territory, theirs to protect/rule/dictate depending on the ghost. Like Danny and Amity Park.
A lair
A ghosts house, it might not necessarily be their haunt even though sometimes it is. Overall it's like a second haunt, but only for them, it's almost always in the ghost zone. Like Skulkers island or Clockworks tower, or Pariahs castle/keep (even if technically it's the high kings). Danny doesn't have one yet but I'd imagine he gets one shortly after accepting he's the ghost king.
A nest
Almost like a bed, either in a ghosts lair or their haunt. It's almost always just one room (often a bedroom), it's a place to be comfortable, to be theirs, where a ghost will feel the most safe. I can't think of an example for this.
Dannys fraid (ghost family)
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thinkingofausername · 2 years
Simon "Ghost" Riley - An Analysis
(aka hcs I've come across and loved as well as some of my own)
Author's note: This is just a self-indulgent speculation I wanted to get out of my system since I've been downright obsessed with this man and I really wanna make content about him. I've been trying to gather hcs that make most sense and are believable but we obviously may still disagree. Keep the pitchforks at bay :)
TW: domestic abuse, torture, SA, drinking, murder, drugs, mental health/illness, being buried alive, PTSD
Stretch marks. There's no way he wouldn't have them. Imagine kissing them 😥
He either looks like his mother and it hurts or he looks like his father and he hates it.
Touch starved and touch aversed at the same time. He craves gentleness, but he's never had it.
He would never be aggressive or abusive, in a relationship or in bed. The man had a traumatic childhood full of abuse and his new home would be peaceful and safe. Not to shame anyone but there's no way he would bring aggression or bondage or pain to sex after he's been tortured and raped
He wouldn't get drunk to the point of losing control or passing out. On a similar note I imagine being delirious from illness or blood loss would be terrifying for him. The vulnerability would mentally bring him back to a time when he was defenseless.
I love him with my whole heart and I know deep down he would be a protective and loyal and gentle lover but there would be hardships. He's hardly been loved or even perceived as a person and he would definitely struggle and run away and find himself lost.
Paranoia and overprotective tendencies bordering on control. I'm sorry but he literally had his whole family murdered - he will be on edge. He's also a lieutenant so being in control is the norm for him.
Hardcore anti-drug advocate. No one dear to him is going anywhere near drugs again.
Great listener and he remembers every damn detail. Very perceptive.
Silent gifts and favors as a way of apologizing. Mans would avoid talking about feelings for as long as he could.
Ghost and Simon are two different people. He has to separate work from home.
Quick cold shower guy. Terrible at self-care.
Probably pretty blemished skin. Not a shocker after wearing the same dirty cloth over your face for literal years.
God it would be divine pampering him. Massaging, washing, TLC all over the place. He literally wouldn't know what to do with himself. Stiff as a rock at first but he would be a puddle of bewilderment and worship and gratitude and pure love by the end.
I expect him to like bitter things and be bad at cooking since he's all rough and tough and he's only needed survival and the bare minimum for a long time but it's nice to imagine him unexpectedly having a sweet tooth or baking.
He'd spend a lot of his leave in the gym I wager. He probably can't be still and in silence for long before his thoughts start haunting him.
Definitely experiences sensory overload.
Social anxiety? I imagine he doesn't like crowds or attention thrown at him.
Claustrophobic. There's no way he's not after being buried alive.
Major trust issues. It would take a damn long while for anyone to get close to him.
I'd literally die to hear him laugh but I'm not sure what would it take to get him to do that. A huffing sound could be understood as a hidden snort and amusement but that's as far as it goes for a while.
He isolates a lot but I think it would do him good to have company and not sink into intrusive thoughts.
Obsessed with tasks and being busy.
On the field he's purposefully terrifying and brutal and feared but he'd never want to be feared by his partner. He'd want them to feel safe with him.
Price called him "son" once and he absolutely wanted to cry.
He'd have a hard time getting used to someone waiting for him at home. He always saw himself dying on the field.
His father scared him with animals but I really want to imagine him liking animals regardless. A dog would be loyal and silent and simple company.
He'd definitely prefer a partner who can defend themself or he'd teach them if they can't.
Crooked nose. He had to have been punched a lot in his life.
Chronic pain. His body's been through hell and he's covered in scars. Cold weather probably makes it worse.
Nightmares, obviously, we all agree on that. It just shows that he still cares and carries a lot of unresolved hurt and grief with him.
Vengeful as hell. Violence is the answer and it's in bold letters.
It's cute imagining him with kids but I think he'd have no idea what to do since he's never witnessed a normal and healthy child environment.
The biggest dilemma I've got is whether love would save or destroy him. He's been through a life of solitude and pain and it's amazing how many of us want to write him a happy end but the walls around him are sturdy and once they're broken and he basks in sunlight the person who's set him free could be taken from him like all others and then there would really be no way back.
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cauterisen · 10 months
any rp wishlist ??
hello there! i've been thinking of how to answer this for a while. i don't want to give too big or too long a list so i'm just going to make a bare bones list of threads i've been craving right now.
kimiko being in a band or a performer, and your muse either being one of her bandmates or a fan of her band who goes to her shows. maybe even someone from another band? overall, just bonding over music.
kimiko and your muse with your muse being one of her muses... maybe she's trying to draw a particular sport or type of fighting style for a comic or game or animation project she's doing and asking them to do a certain pose//pose style. perhaps.
more fantasy threads. i love the concept of kimiko as a princess or royal, yes, but i also love the idea of kimiko being a traveler who likes learning and studying magic who does craftswork and adventurer commissions to make a living. maybe kimiko meeting other mages or just people in general on her travels... yes...
holiday threads! kimiko putting up christmas lights with your muse. kimiko and your muse doing holiday baking together. kimiko and your muse going gift shopping. playing in the snow. all the works.
someone should let kimiko introduce them to her dragon. kimiko loves her baby so MUCH. she would love to have him meet her friends and the people she loves. also bonus if kimiko ends up taking your muse on a dragon ride/flying.
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stinkywormynoob · 1 year
Thoughts on Worms games from someone who didn't grow up with any
Worms: Armageddon
I barely played this one, I didn't even know how to jump and gave up at the tutorial because I found it to be too unforgiving. Hearing about its popularity seems to have a reverse psychology effect on me, but I want to try it again at some point. I don't find it visually appealing, but the gameplay must be good if people praise it?
Worms 3D
Feels like Mayhem with janky movement physics. The worms in this game are cute, but they tend to look like they're either sad, drunk or have a case of Resting Bitch Face.
Worms Forts: Under Siege
I feel like this game is a spin-off but also not? I played through the tutorial, felt bored and confused simultaneously, didn't want to touch the game for a while afterwards, and just started the campaign yesterday only to feel that way again once I got to a level where I had to actively build. I wished I was doing something else. It was more fun watching the worms' animations than actually playing. I also hate how the camera controls feel. I probably would've liked the cancelled kart game better.
Worms 4: Mayhem
I got this one after WUM, initially to try out the free camera thingy, then test the OpenSpy patch (I haven't tried much, but I heard it doesn't work well, maybe I should just try LAN instead). Maybe I could try modding something oneday, since WUM seems to be modding-unfriendly. I don't want to play the campaign here because I know what kind of "voice acting" it has.
Worms: Revolution
This game makes me feel like an idiot. I like the worms' designs in this though, they have to be my 2nd favourite. I also recognize a lot of animations borrowed from Mayhem.
Worms: Ultimate Mayhem
This was my introductory Worms game. A friend suggested trying it back in February. We played it together via Parsec and it was funny experience. Wormpot helps spicing up the gameplay a lot. Worms flying high and far from overpowered explosions is a type of comedy. In rare occasions worms may get stuck in unexpected places, which is also funny. My first team was one with blue hair and I became attached to it, hence why that detail appears in my art a lot. The worms' design in this game has really grown on me and become my favourite.
Worms: Crazy Golf
I'm far from great and I just don't vibe with it overall.
Worms W.M.D
I'm pretty sure this was my first 2D game. I felt lost (and still do to an extent) with the amount of crafted weapons. Things tend to go wrong, but that can make it fun at times. This was also suggested by a friend, we played it together, and they used some mega destructive weapon (don't remember the name), and... let's just say it didn't always go in their favor.
Worms Rumble
I happened to be fortunate enough that a veteran player gifted me a code, so I bypassed Steam's regional restriction AND didn't spend any of my own money. There are a lot of maxed out players who can casually kick my ass, but there still are middle level and even new players I have a better chance against. As someone whose judgment isn't clouded by nostalgia, I want to say this game is... enjoyable. I only played one Battle Royale type game prior, but I didn't stick with it, maybe I chickened out. I recognize there's a problem with the number of active players: Quick Search rarely gives me Last Worm Standing and Last Squad Stading matches because they're always getting a single digit number of players. I heard there've been no updates lately and suggestions to make the game F2P. Regardless I've passed Level 25 (max is 50) and I'm certain I want to keep playing.
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