#there's another nalu apology post
kaleidoscope77 · 1 year
Make Me (NaLu One Shot)
Summary: Fed up with his antics, Lucy plans to get Natsu to apologize. One way or another.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1057
A/N: This was originally meant to be posted on NaLu day but then my power with out. :) yay for me!
Lucy took a deep breath as she closed her apartment door behind her. As much as she loved being a guild wizard, sometimes the work could get exhausting. She could really go for a warm, soothing bath and a day off.
As she made a beeline for her dresser so she could get her coziest pajamas ready, the sound of her bedside window opening almost went unnoticed.
Almost, had it not been for the noise of surprise she heard from the pink-haired intruder sliding in.
Lucy's eyes locked with Natsu's, and the blonde knew that scolding him would be futile at this point.
"Sure, Natsu, come on in. Thanks for asking politely and using the front door," She chirped sarcastically as she continued searching through her dresser, "You always impress me with your manners."
Natsu stretched nonchalantly as he settled on her bed, "Didn't know you were here already."
"What, so you planned to just break in while I was away?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Lucy puffed out her cheeks and glared at him, to which a grin spread its way across his face. He couldn't help but to mess with her when she gave him cute reactions like that.
"You should really start locking your window," Kicking off his sandals, Natsu reclined on the bed and folded his arms behind his head, "'Might help."
"If I did that, you'd probably just end up breaking it open anyways," Lucy smiled to herself when she finally found the silk pajama set she'd been looking for, and turned to give him a pointed look, "Where's Happy? You normally commit your crimes with him with you."
"I think the job really wore him out. I didn't wanna wake him, but I'll be back at my place before he's up."
With an understanding hum, Lucy sat on the side of the bed and nodded, "Yeah, I'm tired too. I could imagine the toll it took on the little guy," She started to yawn, but choked halfway through when a thought struck her, "Wait, so you came to be alone with me..?"
Natsu's eyes widened, and he looked away. The color in his cheeks was a good indication of whatever was on his mind.
"You wanted to be alone? Together?" Lucy reiterated, shifting to face him and feigning innocence in the way her fingers grazed the side of his hip.
It looked like he had no intention of saying anything, but when Natsu's eyes flitted back to hers for a split second, he caved, "Obviously…"
Lucy could help the small laugh that escaped her. It was always so fascinating when he got like this, suddenly so coy. She never would have thought he could be so cute, and she definitely planned to milk this.
"Maybe I can forgive you for climbing through my window, then," Her hand came up to rest on his cheek, rendering him unable to look away. She glided her thumb along his lower lip, causing him to lean closer, his tongue poking out to swipe along where their skin met. The way her hand moved to grasp his jaw had him letting out a surprised whine. "Maybe. If you say you're sorry."
It took a second for Natsu to remember what she'd been talking about, and he glared at her, "What?"
"Apologize for breaking in unannounced! Then I will forgive you," Lucy smiled triumphantly as his frown depended, slowly caressing his jaw until he grabbed her by the wrist.
"No? Are you sure?" Ignoring his grip on her, Lucy squeezed his cheeks in her hand, giving him the cutest looking pout, "You're not gonna like it when I don't forgive you."
"Lushi," With his face smushed, Natsu's words came out slurred, "Lemme go."
Her grasp tightened, but Natsu held his ground, "Make me."
Admittedly, Lucy was impressed by his ability to remain competitive in a position like this. It was to be expected, though.
She shifted so that she hovered over him, using her hold on his face to shove him down against her pillow. He had that surprised look on his face again, yet he made no move to overpower her. Perhaps this was what he wanted.
Planting her knee between his thighs and ducking her head so their noses were only centimeters apart, Lucy tried not to let the blush on her own face lower her resolve. "Last chance. Apologize."
Natsu's eyes flashed with something serious, like he wanted to challenge her. But with one look down at her lips, his eyebrows furrowed and he tried to turn his head away. "Okay, okay. Sorry."
Surprised that she actually got him to do as she said, Lucy slackened immediately and abruptly sat back in his lap, earning a strained hiss as she realized what she sat on a bit too late.
He looked positively annoyed, but was blushing brilliantly, and Lucy couldn't stop herself from leaning down and giving him a peck on his nose. "See? That wasn't so hard. I forgive you. This time," She winked, and squeaked in surprise when he grabbed her by the hips to lift her slightly off of him.
She bit her lip at the way his forehead creased as he slowly exhaled, and now it was her turn to avoid eye contact.
"I, um, was planning to take a bath…" She glanced at him for a second before turning to look at the wall, "Do you wanna… join me?"
"Yes," Suddenly, Natsu sat up, almost making her fall had it not been for his hold on her hips. He let go of her for long enough to slip his scarf off and hastily undo the first few buttons of his coat, earning a breathless laugh from the woman on top of him.
Lucy helped him with his buttons, and as she reached the last few, he grabbed onto one of her hands to get her to look at him.
Their eyes met in a silent stare-off, Natsu's eyes softening as they filled with desire. He raised an eyebrow, being clear enough about what he wanted for Lucy to be able to catch on.
With a humored roll of her eyes, she closed the distance between them to plant a kiss on his lips, his other hand at the base of her neck stopping her from pulling away too soon.
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kiliinstinct · 1 year
The Colosseum: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Nalu Rating: M
An update? To this fic? Sacrilege! How dare I update this after the years I've left it untouched? I promised I'd update it this year and update it I have! Also, thank @genavere for me. She beta'd this.
The funny thing here is the opening to this was literally done a week after I posted the last chapter. I can't believe it took me so long to get the rest of it. Whoops.
Note: There is a “different language” being spoken here. I wont make a translation key- as, I’ll be trying to detail what needs to be understood in the writing itself. The language used is not created by me, but is a Draconian Text used for some Dungeons and Dragons game.  Warning: This story is going to be the darkest thing I've ever wrote- but this chapter is tame. For the most part.
 ‘Tir ti enel-’
Princess Hisui had yet to learn the translation, but felt it had to be a form of insult. An exhausting week passed since she first visited the imprisoned Draconians, and despair settled deep in the Princess’ bones. All attempts to speak to the couple ended the same: the blonde silent and staring while the male growled and repeated the same phrase again and again.  
She recalled Faust mentioning the girl knew the common tongue and heard her speak it once--for a brief moment. Hisui hoped she would hear it herself, possibly ask if the girl the Emperor named ‘Lucy’ could translate and speak on the couple’s behalf. 
No such luck. 
All attempts at conversation failed, and Hisui changed her tactics to something more direct than talk: Action.  When she was permitted to see them, under the guise of study and curiosity-- she ordered her men to carry small items the two could use.
Usually it was food, stolen from the tables at supper or the pantries when her own guards dared to mingle with the cooks. Other times, fresh water, bandages, and, one time, even blankets. None of which were enough to be noticeable. Faust’s men didn’t check on them nearly enough, but any bit they were able to gather was far better than the rags that covered their stone beds and the scraps that had been deemed ‘meals.’ The Fioran Princess had yet to see if these small gifts helped. She worried they ignored the given food, but hoped it would, in the end, earn their trust. Even if just a little. 
‘Tir ti enel!’
The man - Natsu, he was called, yes?- merely kept repeating himself no matter her efforts.  Today, she considered giving up and stop risking the tentative peace. There were bigger worries to focus on than two slaves, and perhaps being left alone was  what he wanted, she mused.
Halfway up the stone steps, disheartened by the lack of progress she had made with them, she tried to stop her dismal thinking. As the heir and daughter of the Fiore throne, she would face greater challenges than this. It did not matter if they wished for solitude, freedom was what they deserved. A Fiore was just as stubborn as a Draconian, and made of a strong will, too.
Gathering her confidence, she took in a deep breath and counted to ten. A few more breaths and her will was set once more. She turned back, determined to try again with more fervor. They would have to accept her at some point, right?  She hoped her stubbornness wouldn’t lead her to a fool’s errand. 
They had already begun to eat their next gifted meal. A surprising amount of Natsu’s portion had been passed through the bars to cover Lucy’s plate and with it, another blanket. He seemed to intentionally give most of his commodities to his partner, keeping only a little for himself.  And while this sight was heartbreaking to Hisui, she also recognized it for what it truly was: a good sign. Could she consider that progress?
Another step closer and the male froze in position, a piece of bread halfway to his mouth. He tilted his gaze back to her and hissed low, spitting the phrase out in a mantra. 
Hisui steeled herself, she wouldn’t back down, not this time,  “I apologize, but I still don’t know what that means.”
Hisui hoped that maybe enough mention towards their obvious language barrier would lead to one of them explaining. But he only rolled his eyes in response. 
When he moved in front of the small window of his cell, the scales along his skin glimmered, reminding her of his heritage.  She wondered at Lucy’s scales, having barely glimpsed them during their debut battle. In comparison to the red that dotted Natsu’s skin, hers were lacking in luster, blending in with her skin. She wanted another glimpse, perhaps another chance to learn, but the woman was unwilling to move into the light. She kept herself shielded in the shadows, or against the wall of their joined cells, hands clasped in his.
It was…Tragic. 
There was no better word. Many could be said, but tragedy covered all in a neatly packaged bow. One she wished she could unwrap and return to the sender. 
They didn’t deserve this. To be locked up. Forced to fight. Away from their home: their friends and family– they had more than just themselves, yes?
Hisui chewed on one of her painted nails, ignoring the taste as she observed them.  What more could be done? If she freed them of her own volition, war could be declared between the Empire and Her Kingdom. 
Fiore was not in a position to handle war. Not now. Not against Faust. Helping them escape was the best option, but one Hisui couldn’t do. Not directly. Her people depended on her: Were depending on her. If she didn’t secure this alliance, everything could go belly up within a few years. 
That or her father would be forced to send her off to marriage, locked behind protocol and politics to serve as another man’s trophy. While nothing like the situation the blonde Draconian was in, Hisui felt a surge of empathy.  Anything, but that. She despised the thought of a marriage of convenience. Her father ruled the Kingdom just fine on his own, and while she would be the future Monarch, Hisui was confident in her abilities to do the same.
But if it meant the slow decline of her economy and the people she ruled over? Worser still, if Faust offered himself as a marriage candidate… She flinched, biting the nail to the quick. Tears stung the edges of her eyes and she sighed, staring at the two Draconians who never once took their eyes off her. 
“I don’t suppose you two have ideas on how I can earn your trust, do you?” She asked without expectations. They’d given her nothing so far, why believe they would now of all times? 
But Lucy looked upon Hisui through the fringe of her hair. Her eyes shimmered and her shoulders grew lax as if coming to a decision. For the first time in a week, she looked to consider Hisui’s words. 
“Nomagqe jaciv ui-ulph - uh… telling the truth?” She sounded it out slowly, unknown words mixing with known, and Hisui hoped the unfamiliar sentence meant what she thought it did. 
“Yes,” she urged, stepping closer to the bars in excitement. “Yes, I’m telling the truth, I swear!”
Lucy looked to Natsu, fingers clutching his own, and her head nodded. He growled in response, shaking his head wildly. “Thric, Lucinia. Thric. Jaciv wont klae hesi gewjtok ominaki.” 
Hisui couldn’t tell, but something in the way he glowered from the corner of his eye made her believe he was judging her for something.  It was clear, then, that Lucy was the one she would need to convince first. 
What had Natsu called her? Hisui knelt to her knees, ignoring the dust of the stone floor coating the white of her dress. She considered grasping the bars, but at Natsu’s warning, she withdrew. 
Casting a glance back to the entrance, her guard, Arcadios, kept careful watch. His tall, armored countenance filled the exit, ensuring her privacy: good. Nodding to him, she reaffirmed her resolve, sweeping her gaze back to the caged girl in silent hope.
“... Lucinia?” She asked, “Is that your name? I’m Hisui, the Princess Of the Fiore Kingdom. I promise, I am not related to Emperor Faust or his Empire in any way.”
When Lucy flinched, Hisui immediately regretted her words, “I’m sorry. I won’t say his name again.” If that really was the cause for her reaction, Hisui thought to herself, hoping it wasn’t the use of her name that did it. “Would you like me to call you Lucinia?”
She waited with baited breath, desperately trying to read Lucy’s expression. Would she finally breach the barrier of their language and talk to her? The silence settled around them with the dust and cobwebs. Hisui’s knees began to sting from the rough surface of the floor,but she would continue to sit there until her time was up, if she had to. Anything to make them realize she meant every word she had said. 
Unfortunately, time would never be on her side.
“Milady,” Arcadios whispered from his station, “Faust will start to wonder if we’re gone too long. We need to leave.” 
Disappointment filled her, but still she did not move. “A few more moments, please.” 
She allowed silence to fill the room until she felt close to drowning, waiting in hopes of some connection. Please. Please. Give me something.
Natsu was the one to respond, snarling as he reared up against the bars. It was futile as he couldn’t reach Hisui from the inside, but she understood the meaning. He wanted her to leave. The sooner the better. 
She sighed, disappointed she couldn’t make further headway, but stood to meet his eyes. They were dark, but lit up with flecks of gold. As if a burning fire simmered beneath the surface. Hisui wondered how they would look in the light of day. 
Defeat quickly burst through her earlier confidence, shoulders slouching. Perhaps she was kidding herself, or hoping for a miracle in too short a time. She would simply have to try again and again and. Teeth grinding tightly against the other, a shock of pain jolted through Hisui’s jaw, pulling her from her negative thoughts and straight to a decision.
“Take me back to my rooms, Arcadios.” She ordered, straightening her stance again. She would have to freshen up before being subjected to another hour’s worth of Faust’s boasting. The taller man nodded, no longer filling the exit with his tall frame, but pushing the door open to wait for her. 
Hisui’s heart was heavy.  There was a sickness in her veins as she turned her back on the two draconians. She felt so useless. Of course they wouldn’t trust her. The most she could do was place nice and that was far from what they deserved or wanted. Fighting back a sting of tears, she continued to contain herself, a desperate attempt to stand tall and appear strong. The emperor was not allowed to see her weakness and neither were they. Not now. Of all times.
Taking the lead, she moved to the open doors, barely nodding to Arcadios as she passed, taking the steps with tears of shame prickling the edges of her eyes. 
Two steps up and a meek, tired voice echoed up behind her, freezing her place.
“Lucy is fine,” the female Draconian whispered, followed by the disgruntled snarls of her partner. “Lucinia ui for wux, Natsuth.” The threatening growl cut off at the reprimand and calmed in an instant. Hisui felt a new hope soar.
Relief flooded through her and she smiled. A foot in the door was better than none at all. She left with a lighter step and renewed vigor. If her patience could earn that, she was confident she could handle anything. Even Faust. 
Unfortunately, within a few hours, Hisui grew to regret that confidence. While she kept her joy hidden—cradled in the depths of her mind for motivation, Emperor Faust was an entirely different beast that hammered away at her mental armor. 
Lunch was atrociously wasted. Not only had she changed clothes to hide the stains on her previous skirts, she even prepared an entire spiel of lies detailing the morning she had to keep him from the truth. Yet despite these attempts, not only did she not have the stomach for the meal presented before her, it was all dishes she’d specifically stated weren’t to her tastes to begin with. (Hadn’t she explained before that she preferred a vegetarian diet? Why have deer placed before her? Her stomach rolled at the memory.)
 Was this the hospitality Faust boasted? Or an intentional opening to antagonize her? 
Faust was nothing but narcissistic. Any compliment to his rule, his non-existing wits, and the beauty that was his cherished Colosseum, left him monologuing for too many candle marks. Hisui couldn’t wait for his tour through the gardens, the beautiful flowers overshadowed by the battlegrounds looming overhead. Anything was better than listening to him brag.
The facility's gaping maw was a dark stain against the greenery, revealing the true stain of Faust’s empire, a direct dichotomy to the pure white of the castle stone. 
If Hisui wasn’t careful, she’d blow her cover from her expressions alone, grimacing at the sight each time his back turned. He created a broad silhouette she had to choose between staring at over the other. Wearing shoulder pads that created an illusion to his stature, she realized everything about him felt like that: an illusion.  His robes were thick, draping across the ground to collect every twig and leaf along the way, much like his beard at the lunch table. As he prattled on, he would fall into fits of manic laughter. It echoed through her skull, while his sweeping, once cleanly brushed beard dragged along the ground with his cloak. 
How he managed to traverse his own halls without overheating was a marvel. A testament of his age that he needed the constant warmth of his rich furs? Perhaps. But he was too stubborn to let the passage of time send him to his grave. Hisui cursed the gods for such a slight. 
“Tell me, Princess,”–Faust’s sudden change of demeanor gave her pause, pulling Hisui from her thoughts and settled to a neutral, practiced expression–“You appear distracted. Whatever could be more fascinating than this?”
“Oh, am I?” She dismissed the claim with an airy wave, “Forgive me, I’ve been here for some time now, but the sights still feel like a giant maze. Your gardens are simply too majestic, Your Excellency.” 
“Ah, but they pale in comparison to the battlegrounds.” His gaze searched her own, filling Hisui with a searing dread. “Tell me, have I allowed you to view the actual grounds yet? Or has it only been from a distance?”
“I’ve had a wonderful view from the Nobles box.” Her answer was an honest one, but hid the horrified thoughts shrieking in her head. Don’t take me there again. Not again, please no-
“Hah! A great view it is, but it doesn’t quite pack the same punch as standing in the middle of it all. Perhaps we should-”
One of his advisors, Byro she recalled, cleared his throat. His short, boxy frame came to her hips, but he looked even smaller next to the Emperor, who barely inclined his head to acknowledge the man. “What is it, Byro?”
Hisui pursed her lips together, staring at the advisor with a raised brow. The man in question, looked beyond her as if she didn’t exist, coughing behind a gnarled fist as he bowed before Faust, words oozing with false sincerity. “I’m sure we can schedule a time to explore the Colosseum grounds further,” He answered calmly. 
Relief surged through her veins. This was just the pause she needed as she frantically considered the best way to decline Faust’s invitation before it had been uttered. Bile rose in the back of her throat as she sucked on her bottom lip, fingers delicately pulling at the seams of her gloves as she considered the least insulting options. 
The advisor continued, unaware of the turmoil in their guest. “Unfortunately, we don't have the time today. My apologies, but there are still many things to settle at court before dinner.”
Faust narrowed his eyes, his entire countenance darkening as the older, balding man, tensed. “Change the schedule.”
“Have you grown deaf in your age?” Faust barked, spittle ejecting from his mouth. “I said CHANGE it. Whoever needs my attention can wait or join the gladiators.” His eyes narrowed to slits beneath unkempt brows, voice lowering menacingly, “As could you, if it pleases me.”
“Y-yes..!” Byro’s short stature was quick to move, bowing deep enough to almost knock his head into his knees. She spied his shoulders shaking as he shuffled off. “Right away, my apologies!”
Not for the first time, Hisui was glad she had diplomatic immunity. At least, she hoped he wouldn’t risk war by subjecting her to the same terrors as his own men. 
The couple down below gave her a swift reminder that even those outside his borders weren’t safe. But then, couldn’t the Southern Denizens come to reclaim their own? Or were the two Draconions not important enough for war? Hisui wished she could find the answers. If only they’d speak with her! 
Changing their route to follow the pathway towards the looming shell of the Emperor's pride and Joy, the Princess felt her lungs drop deep into her stomach. Perhaps, Byro had the right of it. and it was she who was the unfortunate one. Immunity or not, she would rather be rushing back towards the Palace like him than being subjected to viewing the field of battle once more. 
“Pardon me,” she said, tongue twisting on her words as she attempted to find the best way to phrase herself, “but is there really that large a difference to see the grounds close up, as above it?”
She still remembered the sights from the giant box seats he’d brought her to before. The view was far enough to be safe from all manner of weapons flying out of bounds, but close enough to see the brutality up close. She still remembered the bruised and battered bodies of his contestants, ferally attacking the others in a desperate attempt to have one more day to live. While the crowds screamed and cheered for their favorites, who swung their chosen weapons She noticed the wildness in their eyes, the sweat pouring rivers down into them. She couldn’t hear it, but she could see the way they gasped for air, hoping for any source of energy that would allow them to prevail. 
While the crowd and their emperor saw a test of honor and show of strength, she saw men and women, clinging to life in any way possible. A horrid show and testament of the human conscious. She dreaded going any closer to those grounds than necessary.
“Tch, of course there is.” Whether she showed her discomfort or not, Faust didn’t notice or care, beckoning her to look forward with a sweep of his draping sleeves, “How can you truly feel what my gladiators do if you can’t experience it from their perspective?”
Oh, I have a pretty good idea what they feel already,she acerbically thought.
But any further attempts to dissuade Faust went ignored. It didn’t matter if she feigned a yawned, asked for the time for dinner ( “I’m dreadfully hungry-” she’d said, answered only with a “You’ll enjoy your supper when you get it then, won't you?”), or dramatically pointed to nearby ruins of the older palace’s location in excitement. 
At least, she hoped it sounded excited, and not nearly as panicked at the prospect of having to enter the Colosseum once more. 
Unfortunately, that was also rebuffed. 
Faust stared disdainfully at the old remains as if it could shrivel it into non-existence. “An old relic of a bygone age. It’s useless to think about and holds no purpose. Now, quit dawdling, Princess! We’re almost there.”
Yes, she deflated, that’s what she was afraid of. Her gaze trailed back to the old tower, curious as to Faust’s reaction to it. It looked to shrink from view the further they walked and a flash of gold moved in the underbrush alongside it. Hisui blinked, confused, but the flash was gone. A reflection from a broken window, she figured. 
There wasn’t much time to consider the ruin further as the Colosseum’s shadow stretched over them as they walked. Her mood darkened, distracting her away from those thoughts. Its archways gaped like giant mouths, beckoning its prey in as its next source of sustenance. She had nightmares of its entrances, swallowing her up with the screams of its warriors and victims. The dungeons had been the closest she dared to venture, and now, she had no choice, but to follow Faust into her waking nightmare. 
Without a crowd, the arena was a void of silence. Hisui felt stifled by the air as she observed the open dome. The stands were pristine, constantly swept and washed down before guests filled them, now bare and open for a future she didn’t wish to see. The grand seats were juxtaposed by the dirt encrusted arena still full of dust and debris from past battles. The comparison from one to the other left Hisui breathless. 
Walking through the opened gates felt like being thrust into the jaws of a beast. Faust proudly strolled in, unaware of the monster he’d created and Hisui shuddered, eyeing the portcullis gates that loomed overhead as she passed, shackling her down as good as any irons. When they breached the open air, brushing aside bits of wood and iron stuck in the dirt beneath their feet, she eagerly looked up into the sky, clinging to its open expanse as a source of freedom. 
Anything to ignore the oppressive weight of the arena as it swallowed her whole. 
She forced air into her lungs, swallowing thickly passed the sharp, intense fear that settled in her bones. This was not an area she ever wanted to enter. Not from this angle, but he seemed undeterred. He was giddy, in fact, with arms widespread, strolling to the center of the grounds like a child exploring a toy store.  His grin wide, teeth gleaming in his excitement, eyes almost mad in delight. 
Her steps were slow, out of pace with his own, reluctant to go further than needed, but this displeased him. After he spun around, eyeing his beautiful arrangement, he lashed out, grasping her wrist to drag her close enough to smell the rancid sweet oils in his beard. Each breath an overpowering and nauseating sign of its misuse. 
“Do you see now?” he guffawed, staring back to the box that held his own seat. “The view from here is entirely different! Here, we are the center of everything, the center of beautiful battles for life and death. You can feel their stories from here, can’t you? The glory of their deaths? Look around. It’s astonishing!”
Her mind whirled in disgust. Disdain spilled from her lips in an exclamation of horror that was bit back in a sudden fit of coughing. Clearing her throat, she commented on the dust in the air to use as her scapegoat and willed her expression to remain neutral. Her eyes burned as she resisted the urge to scrunch her nose, willing herself to follow Faust’s direction.
Broken spears and a glint of old arrows were buried in the dirt, colored in the red of rust and dried blood. They dotted the landscape and Faust beheld them as one did an extravagant painting. He was right that she could see their stories, dotted in every gash and blunted knife around them. What he saw as a glorious tale of honor and entertainment, she saw as a grueling struggle of preservation. 
“Yes,” she whispered, voice hollow, “quite…astonishing.“
“And just think,”–Faust’s voice was too close, whispering in her ear. She bit into her lip to prevent a scream, stubbornly resisting the urge to shove the Emperor with enough force to cripple the older man’s knees. His gnarled fingers moved to brush along her throat, raising the hairs on her skin–“if you were to battle here, weapon in hand, you could be part of it. Your enemy is just ahead, dauntless in his task to take you down before you strike. All… just…to please me.”
What…was he saying? Hisui finally found her voice, hissing harshly, “You threaten war with that fantasy, Emperor Faust!” 
The air became clear in an instant. The touch of his fingers lingered as he stepped away, giving her space as he chuckled, eyes whirling in amusement. Digging her nails deep into the palms of her hand, she turned to face him, anger flashing in her green eyes.  
Digging her heels into the dusty earth, she planted her hands against her hips and stood her ground. Now wasn’t the time to reveal any weaknesses, nor the fact that her entire body was strung up tight  to keep from quaking. 
His smile widened, “You’re a beautiful girl, my lady. An old man can’t help but envision what could have happened if your Kingdom was at war against me. I’ve seen you practice bladwork with your own men. You’d have been an excellent actor on this stage of mine.”
Hisui swallowed down the bile rising in her throat, “...But we’re not at war.” She cautiously reminded, ignoring the loud voice screaming in her head. A fire burned in her heart, wishing against all logic that her words could be false. What she wouldn’t give for a chance to stab him in his grisled heart–
His laughter echoed around the stadium–a crackling sound that felt like the bones of dead warriors had sprung to his throat. “No, we are not. Aren’t you lucky?”  
The atmosphere shifted again as he stepped away, giving her more air to breathe, more time to think and less defenses to put up. Turning back to the wrought iron gate they’d entered, he motioned for his guards to follow after, laughing each step of the way.  
“I’m sure your guards know the way back to the palace,” he said, derisively, “but I'm tired of our visitation. Enjoy the view, Princess, we can discuss this more later.”
Somehow, Hisui felt she was being provoked. His back presented a glaring target and her own dagger, nestled against her hip, burned. Could she move quick enough, yes, but that would be the end of it. His guards versus her own would end poorly, and assistance from home was much too far to enlist. 
It was a target that mocked her and he walked with confident strides. Almost as if he knew her imagined fantasies of jabbing her knife squarely in his hunched back.
It would take Hisui many minutes before she moved again, paralyzed by the feuding emotions that rattled inside her brain. Arcadios, having advanced as soon as Faust left, found her that way and approached as one would a frightened animal. 
He gleamed in the sunlight, white armor blinding as his hair grew flat from sweat. The sun gave no partial judgment to the nobles or the damned.  He stood before her and waited for an invite to come closer. Even at that distance, she could see the anger swirling in his eyes, the gnashing of his teeth to hold back his words. 
When she didn’t acknowledge him, he chose to go against protocol, brushing a hand against her face to bring her back to reality. She flinched at his touch, hand reflexively moving to grasp her weapon, but he caught her just as quick. “Your Highness,” he attempted to sooth, fingers smoothing out the creases on her forehead, “He’s gone. For now, you can breathe again.”
It all came out in one exhalation, voice quaking as a sob cracked through her frozen throat. All the strength left her, and she clung to Arcadios in an attempt to brace herself. Her knees buckled under the weight of her myriad of emotions. Just what was that? What was Faust trying to do? Had she been threatened? Did he know what she had been trying to attempt with his prized prisoners? 
Hisui struggled to breath, unaware of the way Arcadios wrapped her in his cloak to drag her out of the arena. Her men, waiting at the entrance, took their places around her, all matching the captain’s expression of outrage. Their knuckles white against the pommels of their swords, and the tension from them sought to shackle her. She needed air. More air. More than they could provide! As the looming mouth of the stadium disappeared behind her, she wildly looked for an escape. Anywhere she could that didn’t involve stuffy, marble halls or the watchful gazes of Faust’s soldiers. She’d rather bite off her own tongue and die!
Spying the ruins from before, she grasped the only source of peace she could find. Faust had looked upon it in disdain, angry at a relic whose history was hidden from her. The only place that was safe from his maddening eyes. He wouldn’t go there. Not now. It was perfect. “Take me there!” She ordered, fingers grasping into Arcadios’ armor, ignoring the way the harsh metal bent her nails, “I can’t go back, not yet!”
They couldn’t get her there fast enough. Each step felt like an hour as her mind went racing through the altercation in a loop. She wondered if there was a deeper meaning to his words, and the recollection of his proximity made her skin crawl. If she could claw it off she would, desperate for the effect to no longer exist.  The tower, though dilapidated with age, was comforting. It was askew to the ground, leaning over as vines reached out in an embrace to pull it into the earth below. An old stone bench stood adjacent to it, as if overlooking its slowly decaying walls. Hisui made for that seat, pushing out from Arcadios on wobbly legs, ignoring the underbrush that clung to her dress and legs. It was thicker here, allowed to take over what was once a beautiful watch tower, and she inhaled the wild grass and sticker bushes in desperation. All but throwing herself onto the bench once she was close,and finally allowed herself to decompress.Her posture shifted, hunching over to gasp for air and allow hot tears to well up and drip down heated cheeks. Arcadios and his men followed, but kept a proper distance, giving her the time she needed to piece herself back together. They secure the perimeter, all eyes on the gloomy, pristine palace that housed a tyrant they all wanted to kill. Was peace and proper trade routes really worth this? 
Hisui gulped in oxygen like it was water, fingers rubbing along her shoulders as if to wipe away the filth of Faust’s presence. Was it like that for the two Draconians locked away? Had he approached Lucy in such a way? Had he touched her like that, too? What fury must they have felt? What sickening desolation? She would have to be careful in her next visitations, she knew that, but this occurrence only fueled her resolve further. 
She would get them out. Even if she had to risk war. Oh, how she’d relish the end if it resulted in that bastard's death! 
So engrossed in her thoughts, she almost didn’t catch the sounds behind her. A gentle rustling in the brush that could have been the wind, except there was none. Perhaps she heard footsteps or the padded feet of an animal, skulking away, or perhaps one of her guards had deigned to come closer and check on her. There were many conclusions to the sound, but her paranoia was on a hair trigger.Brandishing her dagger in a swift jolt, she spun to face the–
Too slow. 
A hand, much larger than Foust’s, grasped her from behind, clenching her windpipe just enough to provide force but not rob her of air. Another hand grasped the top of her own, preventing her from slashing out as a low, almost familiar growl reverberated behind her. 
For a historical moment, she thought Natsuth had escaped his cell and was rampaging, but the snarl was too deep to be his.
And the hand–eyes shifted downward, too large, and glistening in golden, angry scales. Not Lucy…but…  Another draconian? She tried to speak, but the grip tightened in warning, cutting off her words.
“Tir ti zhen, munthrek!” Hisui didn’t know the words, but she knew a real threat when she felt one.
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natsubeatsrock · 7 years
My Incredibly Unpopular Thoughts On: Nastu
Unfortunately, this the final edition of “My Incredibly Unpopular Thoughts”. This has been a fun series to write and is part of the reason I’ve gotten to where I am in the fandom. Some of my favorite posts to have made are parts of this series. And so, I’ve decided to finish this series off by talking about my favorite character.
Let me be clear. This doesn’t mean that I’m done talking about Fairy Tail here. I just feel that it’s finally time to retire this series. If you can’t tell, it’s been fairly infrequent and writing these kinds of posts are a pain to write. I started this particular post in March and coming up with the right words to say for everything I wanted to talk about was harder than I would have thought. I want to spend my time working other smaller projects/”mini-series”.
I don't talk about my namesake much on this blog. Sure, I mention things about him whenever I talk about his ships or my want for an apology. However, I haven't said anything about my own personal thoughts about Natsu in a long post dedicated to just him.
So, in honor of Fairy Tail ending (months after this is coming out) and hitting 9,000 posts, I've decided to get as many of my thoughts on my favorite character as I can write down and available for the public eye.
First things first, I haven’t said this in a while, so I might as well. The reason behind my URL “Natsu beats rock” comes from chapter 418. If you remember, Natsu’s flames after the time skip were hot enough to melt the rock structure of the stadium. Hence, Natsu is so powerful that he’s able to beat rocks. 
Literally every other meaning behind the name you can think of, including my other series “Opinions I’ll Probably get Stoned For”, came along after the fact. And the name for that series was just because I was afraid of being attacked for the stuff I was going to be saying. Looking back, there’s an additional reason for this name: Natsu is so overpowered, he can melt destroy rocks. Though, in hindsight, I believe that the name @natsubeatstime would achieve that end a lot clearer, thanks to chapter 536.
Before the cut, I want to bring back an issue I mentioned the last time I said anything about doing something before a cut in this series. Do I think Natsu is the main character? To many people, this feels like a stupid debate, but I'd venture to guess different people will probably think different answers. Surprisingly, this is a big debate in the fandom: Is Natsu the protagonist or is Lucy? There is a lot of back and forth on this subject and many people you know are probably on different sides of this debate.
When I did my post about Lucy, I gave my own answer. Technically, they both are important, but I take preference to Natsu. I stand by that so that's done.
Onto two of Natsu’s most important relationships: Igneel and Happy.
Natsu’s relationship with Igneel suffers from a serious issue with Mashima’s writing of Fairy Tail. There's no focus on it. It's supposed to be a serious and important thing to Natsu, but it's hard to get that when we see no focus on that. Now, a simple solution to that, and a big inspiration for last year's Nali week post is that Natsu gave up on the idea of finding Igneel again. I this gets hinted at a few times, but it should have been more implied throughout the series. There are some more things I have to say about this, but I plan on doing so in other posts.
Natsu and Happy have the best friendship in the series. I think it's to the point that Lucy doesn't seem near as close to Natsu as Happy. And between them, Naruto and Kurama, Ichigo and Kon, and even Haru and Plue, they have my favorite bond between the main character and his nonhuman companion. (I was going to make a ship joke here, but I didn’t because of course. Instead, why don’t you look at this link of someone educating me on Kinabra lore.)
Though one thing about their dynamic strikes me as weird. Often Happy will test Natsu like he's the younger of the two. I get that Natsu isn't the most mature and this kind of thing happens in real life with siblings. But Natsu hatched Happy from an egg. You think he'd think twice before talking down Natsu the way he often does.
Now before I talk about ships, I want to acknowledge that there are people who would rather Natsu specifically not end up in any romantic relationships at the end of the series. I think that is a totally valid wish and, considering that’s the ending we got, I want to say that I have no problem with it. I get that Natsu is one of the big champions of the bonds between guilds and romance has never been a huge aspect that's been explored on his end, not that I would say it's been ignored. 
So seeing Natsu end up alone but happy would be totally fine with me. I'm kind of sad my ship(s) didn't happen, but as long as Natsu is happy, I have no reason to be sad. And from what I can tell, he's ecstatic to go on the Century Quest. As a general rule, character happiness should be prioritized above fan happiness. You can be mad that certain things didn’t happen. However, as long as your favorite characters are alive and happy, that’s usually what should matter most.
That being said, I am a multi-shipper for Natsu. It's probably worse than you think. I've said this before, but I want to expand on my thoughts a bit. I have three big ships for Natsu that I like: Nali (Natsu and Lisanna), Natza (Natsu and Erza), and Navia (Natsu and Juvia). I've done enough posts on this blog defending and explaining my thoughts on the first one, so I want to explain why I like the other two for a bit.
It's kinda funny how I've done so many Natza asks but I haven't explained my own reasons for liking it. I don't think you always have to explain why you like or dislike a ship. But when you're not a fan of the popular stuff, you almost have to have a good reason why.
I really like the bond that Erza and Natsu have. Even in just the recent arc, we see Erza trusting Natsu more than the people around her. And yes, this arc made me like it more, but I've always liked the bond these two have and wouldn't mind seeing them get together.
And, I don't know about you, but I don't remember bathing with my siblings. Especially with my sisters.
The next one might be an out there choice for a lot of people. Of all the popular Natsu ships out there, Navia probably seems like the most out there one to people who don't like it. However, I have a few reasons to like it.
For one, and this will sound especially weird given a lot of my posts, they're two of my favorite characters. As much as I rag on her, I think that if Juvia mellowed out earlier, she'd probably be my favorite female character or even Fairy Tail character just by virtue of being a relevant female water mage with blue hair. Yes, my first edition of this series (which I won’t link here because my writing from then is not the best) was about how I don’t like how her character is handled. However, it was done through the lens of that being my only real issue with her.
To that point, there are a lot of people who say that, aside from Gray, Juvia would have no character so it's weird that people would like her if that aspect of her were gone. Consider that people also accuse Natsu of having no character now, so that's not that big an issue for me. And from what I can gather, there are plenty of people who do like Juvia even though they don't like Gruvia.
Another reason I like this ship is that I think that, if Juvia is the way she is because she's been starved of real love, I think that one of the few people in the series that could fill that void. I think that stuff like in Day of the Fateful Encounter, Rainbow Cherry Blossoms and the anime version of Natsu and the Dragon Egg show that Natsu is capable of going above and beyond to do things to people that are important to him. (Even as the whole Tartaros conclusion thing shows how he can mess with those bonds without much of a second thought.) I could only imagine how that would go with Juvia.
And something, something, water-fire dynamic.
Under them is basically any other ship Natsu is in. Now, I feel the need to stress this point because I don't think that people will understand how bad this is if I just say it like I just did. Someone was even worried that I would only talk about the popular ships when I said I would talk about the Natsu ships. To put it simply, if you're genuinely willing to write down a scenario where Natsu ends up liking pretty much anyone who has had an appearance in this series, there is a strong chance that I will accept it as a possible ship for Natsu. The reason why is simply because I’m genuinely interested in how people would imagine Natsu would end up in all kinds of relationships. (Even as many of these stories, admittedly, end in smut that I end up skipping over.)
To illustrate this point, here are some of the ships I've found myself liking one way or another:
Natsu and Levy: because if Natsu’s life depended on a book, she's the mage I'd have picked to save him.
Natsu and Meredy: because they both have pink hair
Natsu and Ikaruga: because being enemies and dead are easily written around in series, anyway
Natsu and Brandish: case in point for the first point
Natsu and Sayla: case in point for both and we might as well considering our obsession with END (we’ll get there)
Natsu and Gray: because this is basically the only way I'd believe Gray is a tsundere
Natsu and Mirajane: because shipping one of the Strauss sisters with Natsu doesn't mean I can't ship the other sister with him
Natsu and Cana: because I'd support a universe wherein Gildarts is Natsu’s father in law
I think you get the point.
Keep in mind that there are exceptions. For example, I don't ship Natsu with Wendy, both because I don't like the Wendy ships and obvious other reasons. Natsu and Mavis was a ship I saw someone make, but I don't think Natsu and Zeref need another reason not to get along. Also, I wasn't too thrilled about the Anna joke in the last chapter. So, while I am open to different options, I have my limits.
Also, and I’m kind of weirded out by having to explain this at all, this doesn’t mean that I support all these ships happening at the same time. I’ve seen people hear a term like “multi-shipper” and think that it means support for infidelity or harems. It just means that I like the idea of multiple ships for Natsu as possibilities.
The best way I can explain multi-shipping, especially given my explanation for feelings of Natsu ships, is like ice cream. My personal favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough. However, that doesn’t mean that I only eat chocolate chip cookie dough. Sometimes, I’ll have another type of ice cream, even if chocolate chip cookie dough is available to eat. The fact that I’m eating some mint chocolate chip or french vanilla ice cream doesn’t mean I suddenly don’t like chocolate chip or even that I like whatever flavor I’m eating more. It means that I’m open to the idea of eating more than just one flavor of ice cream. This analogy fails in the sense that you can have multiple ice cream flavors at the same time, but hopefully, you get the idea.
Then there's Nalu.
I don't like it.
At all.
It’s just the worst. 
If by any chance you haven't seen it, I've already explained why in great detail in another post.
Though I will say one problem I have with Nalu fans that I didn't mention there is how negative towards Natsu they are. I don't deny that Natsu is dumb. I think he's a bit smarter than we give him credit for, but I also feel that Natsu is incredibly inconsistent in those regards. That being said, no one overplays it like the Nalu fandom. And if I'm perfectly honest, it feels like they have to. How else can you explain him not getting a clue that Lucy likes him? It's obvious that he just doesn't know she likes him. At least, that’s the narrative...
Other than the obvious problem I should have with this, my problem with this is how Mashima would have done it. When Kishimoto did it with NH, I was kind of okay with it considering there was enough to convince me it was possible. I can't afford the same grace to Nalu since finding out it wasn't the original plan.
While we're talking about Natsu fan interpretations, another thing I don't like fans doing is making E.N.D. versions of Natsu. I kinda get making him look kind of like a dragon, similar to the stuff in Dragon Cry. But I find it weird that fans romanticize Natsu becoming E.N.D. Especially when it comes to shipping art for Natsu. The conceit of Natsu’s transformation could prove a ship as canon is disturbing to me. And in case you’re wondering, no this isn’t just a Nalu thing. I can only think of two good versions of E.N.D!Natsu ship material, both for Nali. Even then, I'm wary of the way it was done there as well.
The weird thing about all of this is that Natsu was already END. All throughout this last arc, Zeref was referring to Natsu as END. What many people might be imagining is an Etherious form of Natsu, which still would be weird to romanticize. However, that's not what people are thinking about drawing and writing. They’re imagining Natsu turning into an entirely different and demonized version of himself that he’s unable to control, kind of like stereotypical werewolves.
In general, I feel like the big problem with the Natsu fandom, specifically the Nalu side, is a lack of good arguments. I get wanting to defend your favorite character, but it gets to a disturbing level of stupid at times. While some might assume I'm biased because I'm not a Nalu shipper, I'd like to share some of the arguments made for him:
Natsu can't be ace because he's constantly sexually assaulting Lucy.
Natsu shouldn't apologize to Lucy because leaving a note for her was enough.
Lucy has finally gotten used to Natsu groping her. That's totally a good thing.
Stone Age Omake was totally in character for Natsu.
The entire reason Natsu helped Lucy to bring the guild back together was to apologize to Lucy.
I know some of you reading this might think these arguments are valid. Unfortunately, this is my incredibly unpopular thoughts on Natsu. Not yours.
I honestly don't feel capable of defending Natsu on many of the points critics have with him. I agree that his fights can be stupid and he's overpowered. I think that he's written all over the place. If you asked me a year ago, I'd say he's of average intelligence but now I think that, again, it's all over the place. I'm not sure how to judge his small moments of genius alongside his other amounts of idiocy. If there's anything I'm known for talking about Natsu, it's my criticism of his non-apology to Lucy. In fact, if you Google this blog, one of my posts on that will probably show up. I've checked.
So, why is he still my favorite character? I can justify him being my favorite character when I started this series. I fell in love with him after Dear Kaby, just as I fell in love with the series and I enjoyed seeing how he dealt with stuff. And I was nowhere near as aware of his faults, in addition to the series’, up until more than halfway through my first year doing this blog.
But why, knowing everything that I know about the series and especially about Natsu, would I still say Natsu is my favorite character?
Because despite anything I know to be wrong with him, I still enjoy rooting for him. I still feel pain whenever he gets sad. I love both his sub and dub voice in the anime and Funimation’s work on the dub has made watching him do stuff even more fun. I know that sounds more like a description of what you do for your favorite characters, but knowing everything I do about Natsu and not being able to stop my love for him is exactly why I consider him to be my favorite character.
The more I think about it, I feel like my feelings about Natsu are a symbol of my feelings for this series as a whole. As much as I know this series isn't good and I could be spending my time talking about a better series, I still can't pull myself away from this series.
And believe, I would have if I could. However, I’m finishing this next to a folder of untyped essays for Fairy Tail and it’s fandom close to four months after it’s ended. I’ve even started working on how I would rewrite the series.
In Conclusion:
Natsu’s not the best-written character in Fairy Tail. However, I have a lot of love for him as one of the main characters of one of my favorite series. It’s like they were made for each other.
Thanks to all of you for supporting me and the other editions of this series. A special thank you to those people who gave me other topics to discuss regarding Natsu than the ones I had originally planned. If you didn’t see your topic, I haven’t ignored it. You might just see it show up in a future post. 
See you! 
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fairyqueentitana · 3 years
Representation of romantic relationships in Fairy Tail
Hey, guys today we will be going through the romantic relationships of the anime fairy tail if you haven't seen it I am telling you to stop-go watch a few episodes and return so I won't spoil stuff for you. Like my post for Winx Club, I'm starting from the bottom up also I'm sticking the main cast.
#4 Jerza (The Knight and the Spellcaster)
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Firstly I'm mad that we never got to see a proper kiss from these two we all saw how they loved each other. Unfortunately, these two are damaged I know he was possessed and all but the whole memory loss thing was painful. Then when they returned after the 7-year time skip Mr Blueberry was afraid to freaking date her blaming it on his path to redemption. However, these two need to sit down and talk I love them so much but they need to grow more and get a proper ending but regardless I love this ship to the point I cried for them.
#3 Gruvia ( The Stalker and the Tsundere)
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This started out as a one-sided love/obsession's when Juvia fell for Gray now her reason is legit enough for me plus she grew to love him for his faults as well. However, the bento of his face and the stalking was a bit off-putting I mean at this point I would like to bring up Marinette Dupain Cheng from MLB she is a toned-down Juvia if you get where I'm coming from. I love the girls but their love was a bit weird. Now Gray needed someone to support him he was broken and had a lot of bad memories like Erza and Lucy he kept them hidden until it slapped them in the face. Finally, when he saw Juvia in the same way it paid off but these two only officially returned feelings in the last episode of the show AGAIN I DIDN'T GET WHAT I WANTED FOR THIS SHIP.
#2 GALE (Beauty and the Beast)
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Anybody who disagrees will get ignored. These two started off badly he beat her up and left her pinned to a tree yes but when he learned the meaning of Fairy Tail and family he was one of those persons everyone liked eventually. When Laxus was beating him up he still defended Levy he even apologized to her later not only that but over time he grew to trust her and stay by her side. They have saved each other's lives and had one of the best developments ever plus Levy being pregnant with his baby just topped it off.
#1 Nalu ( The Dragon King and the Celestial Princess)
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These two had the only normal growth to a relationship they went from strangers to friends to lovers well not lovers yet but its already confirmed. They work together, eat together and in some ways live together. Natsu protects her and cares about Lucy on a whole other level the lengths he goes for her just prove my point. Lucy does more than take care and listens to him she fights for Natsu these two protect and love one another more than anyone else in the guild. Plus in the end, they lean on one another they would die for the other. They grow in power with one another and everyone knows that they are in love.
That's all for this week folks see you whenever.
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uzumaki2810 · 3 years
Taking a look at post one year time skip Nalu & 100 Year Quest Nalu
From the beginning of the Avatar arc, it became apparent Lucy was not all that happy in Natsu’s decision to leave and train for a year leaving behind one letter to her. We see it in two key instances: 
When Natsu finds out the guild has been disbanded 
When Natsu tries to chastise Gray for leaving Juvia without a word. 
And in both these moments, Natsu’s reply is the same: stunned silence accompanied with some sweat drops. This reaction gives us some indication that Natsu is aware that Lucy is upset with his actions but that’s as far as the narrative goes in exploring this rift in their relationship. Many have often cited that Natsu helping Lucy bring back the guild is in his way an apology for leaving her but is that enough? Is that a sufficient way to give that storyline closure? 
What about Natsu’s pov? Why can’t he voice his reasons back at Lucy? That he needed some time away from the guild to process his grief and he felt he needed to get stronger to avoid losing anyone else precious to him. Both the deaths of Future Lucy and Igneel happen within a year or so and both these events have affected Natsu in some way. With Future Lucy’s death, the ending of the Eclipse arc has Natsu remain nonchalant after the victory of destroying the gate something you rarely see with Natsu and of course with Igneel death’s he left the guild to train. But for whatever reason, nothing alluding to these keys events are ever mentioned. 
Next, we have the whole E.N.D plot line aka the biggest waste of time in the entire series. When Natsu finds out he’s E.N.D you’d think such a revelation would shatter his entire core right? With all that training he did become stronger to keep his friends safe from future threats only to find out that he is the biggest threat to their safety. But what do we get in canon? Natsu acting like nothing is wrong and Happy being more worried about Natsu’s fate. You know you’ve screwed up if a volume cover showcased more emotion & trauma of a character realising just what exactly they are than in the actual story. 
How about a Natsu that’s struggling to cope with this new information? A Natsu that doesn’t want to die, wants to continue living but believes it’s a selfish wish and the reason why all his friends are in pain, hating himself because of it. Give us a Natsu that’s going through an identity crisis, you know the one that happened off-screen leading to the growth of the dragon & demon seeds. 
Given that Lucy was upset over Natsu going by himself to fight Zeref their interaction afterwards could have been the payoff for the long-awaited discussion that had been developing since the Avatar arc. Imagine a back and forth between these two, bringing up the letter, Natsu’s recklessness & most importantly Lucy telling Natsu that he can’t do everything alone, saying that he’s going against his speeches about friendship & trusting one another with Natsu retorting back saying ‘this is a completely different situation’ and refusing to elaborate. Just something showing that Natsu is bottling up his stress and other emotions that have accumulated over the year and refuse to share them because he doesn’t Lucy or anyone else to be burdened by it. But no, all we get is Natsu getting cancer which is immediately resolved thanks to Brandish, Happy then making dick jokes & Lucy having no questions regarding Natsu’s fight against Zeref. And you wanna know why this was done? Because it was the easy way out.
It gets even worse when we get to the scene where Natsu finally loses it when he thinks Lucy is dead. Natsu turning into E.N.D should have one of the biggest & most important moments in the series right? The thing that has been set up for years since we first found out Natsu was a demon. But what do we get? A nonsensical flashback that only gets worse the more you think about it. Dimaria is about to stab Lucy’s eyes and Natsu somehow: 
Gains consciousness at the right time
Processes what’s going on
Breaks out of his magic sealing stones 
And rush over to Dimaria right before she could blind Lucy, landing a fatal attack on her. 
No, I’m sorry this is ridiculous, there’s no way that scene would work without the numerous contrivances & Lucy’s insane plot armour. Natsu also has enhanced hearing but can’t hear Lucy’s heartbeat and is so incompetent he can’t check a pulse (an incompetency shared by many of the Fairy Tail guild). The common defence is that Dimaria stopped time, but this isn’t the case. Dimaria is in a weakened state why would she bother wasting any more strength & magic power keeping time frozen when all Natsu was doing was trying to wake Lucy up? 
So our big scene involving Natsu turning into E.N.D is squashed into some carelessly planned flashback but surely Natsu finding out Lucy’s alive would give us something good right?  
After the god awful fight that is Natsu VS Gray along with the complete character assassination of Gray, Natsu and Lucy are reunited. Natsu muttered her name before going unconscious. Convenient to say the least. After that, we get superficial pandering in which Lucy stripes naked and cuddles with Natsu to keep him warm. I don’t why Brandish couldn’t have just enlarged Happy have him keep Natsu warm but I guess Mashima has some imaginary rule in which Lucy must get naked more than once in each arc. Anyways the E.N.D plotline is resolved in the dumbest way possible and Natsu wakes up. And what is his reaction to seeing Lucy? The woman whose ‘death’ caused him to lose his mind? 
“Why are you naked?” 
Yep, that’s it. No hug, no relief in knowing she’s safe, no tears, nothing. He also shrugs off the fact that he’ll die when he beats Zeref likes it’s nothing. It’s almost like the narrative itself knows there are absolutely no stakes left in the series & the likelihood of the main character dying is on the same level as this final arc is well written. And just when you think things couldn’t any worse, we later find out that Natsu doesn’t remember what happened to Lucy. All that pain, fear over losing her we saw in that flashback, along with what it could’ve potentially meant in regards to his feelings for her is rendered pointless. I can’t stress enough just how frustrating the writing is here. All that potential just chucked into a trash can.  
It feels like anytime we get a chance to get into Natsu’s thoughts and feelings regarding Lucy and vice versa, Mashima comes up with some dumb reason not. This is a problem that has carried into the sequel. From the Ignia incident to the Snow Clones & to Natsu thinking babies come from eggs. Every possible moment we could get some progression has turned into a joke. Even the scene in 545 where Natsu tells Lucy that they’ll be together forever, a line many in the fandom concluded to be a romantic gesture has been retconned since Lucy now thinks Natsu isn’t interested in romance. The most common defence I keep hearing is that they ‘need time’ or Natsu can’t distinguish between romantic & platonic love. But here’s the problem, we are 600+ CHAPTERS in, they don’t need more time & the idea that our main character still can’t differentiate between the two types of love is a massive problem. What we’re seeing in the sequel isn’t progression, it’s regression. A regression that will make any developments we do get in the future feels so hollow and underserved. A regression that is intentionally done to keep fans reading and throwing more money at the IP. 
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ignitedbynatsu · 4 years
Flour Bomb
A/N: Do I post at the most ungodly hours for my readers in the US? Probably. Do I screw myself by doing so? Yeah, I guess... BUt don’t care 🤷I have this weird obsession when I’m done writing something that I have to get it out as soon as possible 👀 That being said, here is the Natsu x children shenanigans @pro-crastinator14 requested! Hope you like it ❤️
Warnings: swearing
Genre: crack, fluff
"Please don't leave us with those three" Gray pleaded as you bid your goodbye to the guild.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go," you told the ice mage as you gave Mira-Jane a hug.
"Then take them with you" he huffed. He was absolutely not looking forward to spending the day with those three troublemakers, especially with you gone.
"I can't, it's some private stuff with the family about our father's will" you explained before giving him a reassuring smile "You'll be fine, I'll be back by tonight.
"Nalu! Kenji! Promise me you'll behave and don't make it too hard on your dad" you crouched down to their level, so you could look them in the eyes and show then you were serious.
"We promise mommy!" Your eldest promised as she placed her hand over her heart, her younger brother soon mimicking her.
"Natsu, the same goes for you" you eyed your husband as you stood straight again. He was in an intense staring contest with Gray but turned to you as soon as he heard his name fall from your lips.
"When do I ever not behave?" He smiled sheepishly. Happy piped up "how about never?"
Natsu shot him a glare before giving you a loving smile "We'll be fine. Now go, you don't want to be late, do you?"
You pressed your lips against his, lingering a little longer than you'd normally do, only breaking apart when you felt your children hug your legs. "Bye, mommy!"
And with that you were gone, leaving the soon-to-be chaos-filled guild behind you for the day.
"Alright so, you'll go to uncle Gray and tell him something's in your water bottle and when he bends down, you squeeze the bottle, spraying him with water" this is how nearly the whole day had passed. Natsu and his children prank everyone in the guild. From putting fake spiders around the bar to scare Mira-Jane to colouring Levy's glasses, resulting in her having dark circles around her eyes. No one was safe.
"Natsu, that's enough!" A covered in strawberry cake Erza growled as she towered over the fire dragon slayer. They had hidden a small balloon in her cake so when she went to grab a bite with her fork, the small dessert went flying everywhere.
Everyone in the guild had a matching expression, showing how fed up everyone was with the pranks. "Fine, fine we'll stop, right kids?"
"Yep! Here you go daddy" Kenji handed him a mug with what Natsu presumed was beer, so he took a swing. It didn't take long before he spits the beverage out, tasting soap instead of the bitterness of the golden liquid.
The two children ran away laughing "Oh no, what have I started"
Everyone was on high alert for the two little monsters that were your children "this is your fault" Gajeel growled as everyone was looking for them.
"We were just having a little fun, how was I supposed to know they wouldn't know when to stop?" Natsu tried to defend himself.
"They're your kids, are you really that surprised they don't have an off button?" Lisanna deadpanned.
Natsu grumbled, knowing she was right and that he shouldn't have let it go this far "has anyone found them?"
Everyone gathered in the middle with no success, unbeknownst to them, walking right into the two children's biggest prank yet "flour bomb!"
How the two managed to get that much flower up there without anyone noticing was an absolute mystery, but as the words fell from the two young mages mouths, an avalanche of white powder flew down, covering the whole guild and their mages in the process.
"Nalu! Kenji!" Natsu yelled at his children, but the two had already run from the scene, the only thing that could be heard was their laughter.
"Shit! We have to clean this up before (Y/N) comes back" the fire mage cursed as realization dawned upon him.
"We?" Gray laughed "Oh, good luck buddy"
Gray patted his shoulder as he and the others piled out of the guild "Wait! Where are you going?"
"To get cleaned up and go to another bar!" Cana called over her shoulder "have fun with your monsters"
A couple more profanities left Natsu's lips as he peered to the guild, hoping to catch even a glimpse of his children.
"There are footsteps here" Happy announced who had flown up to where they had last seen the two.
"Happy you're a genius!" Once Natsu had climbed up the two followed the trail that led them to a small crawl space underneath the roof.
The dragon slayer poked his head in and there indeed where the two troublemakers "Nalu. Kenji. That's enough. Get your asses down"
The two shared a glance, they had never seen their father this serious before. They obeyed his order and quietly made it back downstairs.
"We're sorry, daddy, we didn't mean to make everyone mad" both their head hung low in shame as they prepared themselves to get yelled at.
Natsu sighed, knowing that he was partly to blame in all of this "it's not all your fault, I should've put my foot down sooner."
"So you're not upset with us?" Nalu lifted her head as she looked at her father with glossy eyes.
"I wouldn't say that, but I think cleaning this mess is punishment enough, so I won't yell at you" Natsu patted his daughter's head.
So the four got to work, trying their best to get rid of all the flour, but it was literally everywhere. Halfway through, the two children had fallen asleep, leaving Natsu and Happy to get rid of the rest.
"What happened here" you gasped as you took notice of the mess in front of you. Both your children were covered in flour and knocked out on a table, while Natsu and Happy, who were also covered in flour, were sweeping the floor.
"(Y/N)! You're back early!" Natsu's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when he heard your voice. Your eyes narrowed at him as you awaited an explanation.
He sighed as he placed the broom against a table and glanced at Nalu and Kenji "A prank that got a little out of hand, but" he rushed to say as you pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance "before you yell at us, we all knew we were in the wrong and learned from our mistakes. We even decided to clean up as punishment for our behaviour"
Your eyes cast upon your children, still not saying a word so Natsu decided to continue with his apology "we're really sorry, I'm really sorry. I know you put trust in us, and we broke it"
"I'm never leaving you three alone again" you sighed "but it's fine, you saw that you were in the wrong and took responsibility. Let's finish cleaning up and get them home, shall we?"
By the time you were done, the moon was high in the night sky. "You sure you're not mad at me?"
Natsu's voice was hushed as he carried a sleeping Nalu in his arms while you carried Kenji. "No, you'll always be a troublemaker, but you're my troublemaker and I wouldn't have it any other way"
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A Fire Dragon, His Princess and The Not-So-Terrible Party Aftermath: Chapter:5
A Fire Dragon, His Princess and The Not-So-Terrible Party Aftermath
Nalu week 2020 Prompts: Voice, Flirt, Charm & Smile(All implied)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing: Nalu/Endlu (Natsu x Lucy & E.n.d. Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature/adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Discretion is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: God knows it was all fun and games at an outdoor guild party until a drinking contest results in a not-so-great time for a certain celestial wizard much to the dismay of a protective dragon slayer and company. Even worse is Lucy's hangover with some kind of mild flu and busted ankle to boot . At least a doting Natsu is more-than-willing to provide his mate plenty of TLC. One of my entries for Nalu week 2020 and part of the Nalu-centric anthology series The Dragon Demon and His Celestial Princess anthology series (slight au/ canon divergent).
Chapter: 5: Of All The Over-Protective Loved Ones And Nonsensical Health Remedies
A/N: Hey folks, it's your girl back with another installment of AFHCPATNSTPA! Apologies for the delay! My beta and I have been somewhat busy on and off for different reasons which will be explained further in the bottom author's note. Anyways, Chapter 5 is finally posted for your reading pleasure with plenty of Nalu fluff, Gray and Natsu rival-related hijinks and humor to go around! Many thanks and a special shoutout to the awesome @mannyegb for helping me edit and further develop this chapter yet again! Seriously, words can't express how grateful I am for this dude's contributions or how invaluable they are ! Make sure to hit him up on Tumblr and Discord. Now without further ado, here's the chapter-enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which instead belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
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Chapter: 5
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Italics: Fantasy, flashback & literary/ song quotes
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: empathized word
Bolded Italics: outside of main story): A/N
"Friends are the family you choose".
(NIN/Ithilinin: Elven Rogue)
"Seriously Natsu? Again?! "
Lucy's exasperated voice echoed through the stairwell of the couple's duplex after returning home from a trip to the local physician's appointment and some errands. Can't believe we're having this conversation again. Little did the other nearby tenants and neighbors know that this wasn't the first time that the two disagreed over his sometimes -overprotective nature instincts or the level of " safety precautions" for the sake of his mate's well being.
Bloody Hell ...
"I'm not a porcelain doll, y' know!" The wizard grumbled, arms crossing over her chest. "I mean, really!"
"Mhmmm." Nastu merely hummed in response with a lazy smirk illuminating those sage eyes much to her chagrin.
"Are you even listening to me right now?"
"Course I am , beautiful" came his reply without missing a beat. "But damn." Difficult to miss the hint of a flirtatious purr in the fire wizard's voice or how his eyes swept over his mates form in apprecation that sent her pulse jumping into a frenzy . "Do you know what seeing ya' all flustered like this does to me? I mean you're even more adorable, gorgeous, and irresistible than you already are right now. Kissable too."
"Well, th-thank you" Lucy mumbled, heat rising and pooling in her cheeks. God knows how she couldn't but be a little subconscious over the effect of his natural charms despite being irritated. "But I don't think no's really a good time for flirting."
"Aw who says?" Natsu challenged with a throaty chuckle. Agree to disagree, princess ." Notto mention the gleam of mirth dancing in his eyes or the languidly smooth empathis on one of her beloved nicknames that he knew turned her knees to jellow .
Cocky bastard..
And damn were those supple hands currently settled on the curve of the summoner 's waist distracting in all the best possible ways.
"This couldn't be a more perfect time for flirting…"
One of the dragon slayer's hands was reaching to drag the blonde's locks through his fingertips. and Holy Hell did that blush deepen all thanks to that shit-eating of his and the way he continued to play with her hair .
Fuck ... there he goes again.
"Don't you think,Luce?" He finished, twirling, and tucking a stray tendril behind her ear as if to puncture his point further.
Damn it...
God damn did all those calculated ministrations kickstart the flustered girls heart into overdrive .
Again. So hard to focus right now. He 's that good…
As if that soft gasp tha wasn't t slipped out of her mouth wan't already enough. And pretty clear that noise undetected by Natsu if the way his sage eyes were glittering like coals was any indication.
"Someone' s flustered" His words came out as infuriatingly goading and yet velvety at the same time. " But I know you're into this as much as I am…. and you're falling prey to my charms." Natsu let his thumb lightly graze along the contour of her cheek. "Oh yeah. I can tell. Your heart's racing and everything." Now the fire dragon slayer wizard's forehead was mere inches from Lucy's. All that was needed for for her heart rate to skyrocket for the third time just as he so brazenly pointed out.
"Nastu..." the blonde started only for the words to die in her throat when her breath hitched from Natsu 's lips brushing against hers.
"Are...you…trying…to…distract...me?" Was what she finally managed to force out, desperate longing seeping into her breathy tone.
"Me? Never." Natsu denied, the soft vibrations of his smoky timbre against her lips sending a tingle rippling across all those nerves. "Just having a little fun, is all."
"You are?"
"And I succeeded!"
Nastu was pulling back ever so slightly from Lucy without so much as a warning. God did that unwelcome disruption not fly so well with the mage who moaned in protest.
That pompous little...
"So that entailed luring your your mate in?" She eventually objected with a sour glare at her pompous -ass-of boyfriend." And then leaving her hanging? Pretty sure that classifies as some kind of entrapment! Just how much of a shameless flirt can you be?!"
"Opps.. guess you're not a happy camper right now," Natsu snickered, flashing her an awfully impish grin as if he were caught red-handed like a delinquent high school student drinking in class. "I mean I'm definitely a 'shameless flirt 'when it comes to you but I'm not going to leave you out to dry like some emotionally or romantically dead-beat loser. Knew exactly what I was doing and can't get over how cute my girl is when she's all flustered. No need to worry though." He gave a sly-yet-rougish wink that nearly left the summoner 'a heart stuttering.
Not that I'm going to tell him that.
"I promise to deliver on that promise of plenty of kisses and affection that we both crave so much. You'll see!"
"I... you ... y-you're such an ass!" Lucy stammered, entire face flushing an deeper shade of crimson. "Did you even hear what I said about... God damn it!"
"You mean about you not being made out porcelain?" Natsu was quick to supply, automatically clueing in. "Yes Luce, I did." His voice was all business now but more patient than cross. "And you're definitely right but that busted ankle of yours might as well be with how fragile it is right now. That's what having a sprained ankle means. A finger pointed down at Lucy 's sandal -clad foot with a tensure bandage .
"And why I need to carry ya'. Either way, you wanna get upstairs, right?"
"Well gee thank you for stating the obvious and what everyone already knows about sprained ankles." Lucy huffed, rolling her eyes. "And of course, I wanna get up upstairs but why is carrying me all the way up and down even necessary? You already gave me a piggyback to the clinic for God's sake! Not to mention pushing me around on a god damn platform cart while we were shopping for medicine and other supplies at the pharmacy without letting me set foot on the ground even once!
"Both were necessary to keep you from falling again." Natsu reasoned, still not budging on the matter; even when in the process of methodically removing the key holder's shoes. "Plus, I love having ya' in my arms and that cart had lots of room for you to comfortably stretch out on. Pretty practical if you ask me."
"More like total overkill!" Lucy tossed back, vein ticking above her eye. "Anyway, I might not be as fast, but can still definitely make my way up and down the stairs with a walking assist! Can't you just let me try at least?!"
"No can do, sweetheart," Natsu rebutted with a shake of his head. Good lord it was astounding how this extremely persistent man was able to unwittingly shoot down all of her ambitions for any kind of semi-independent mobility. and yet be so damn patient and even-tempered at the same time. "Can't risk you missing a step and taking another tumble down these stairs."
"Ugh...Oh My God- you're unbelievable!" Lucy couldn't help but yell; throwing her hands up in ggravation. which was met with an infuriating laugh of amusement from a certain pyro .
"The most unbelievable of them all.! Now quit complainin' relax and enjoy the ride up to our apartment!"
Such a debate became a common occurrence in the Dragneel-Heartfilia household over the week with neither Natsu or visiting friends— Celestial spirits included- letting Lucy out of their sight or use stairs by herself. The extremely disgruntled mage would often gripe about her "stupid over-protective boyfriend and friends" even though ;despite secretly melting from being in the dragonslayer's arms all the time along with the rest of his "TLC." Not so much with Ezra, however, who'd often insist on personally escorting Lucy up and down the stairs herself ;when it wasn't by Natsu, Happy or anyone else.
My God is that woman overly cautious! It's beyond irritating!
Other than that, one minor pet peeve, Lucy supposed she couldn't really complain too much. Not when she was blessed with spending quality time with the love of her life and phomoneal comrades/friends who were all more than willing to keep her company. Well, okay save for that one time involving a nonsensical squabble about ailment remedies between Natsu and Gray one day.
"I'm telling you— these will help Lucy feel better!" Natsu insisted, dumping a paper bag of what could be described as god-awful-Scotch-covered-eye-sores-with-strings-attached on the counter. "See?" A hand patted the side of the misshapen bundle of items.
Lucy meanwhile, couldn't help but steal a furtive glance of disbelief from her coral-haired soulmate; who was currently sniffing the unsightly abominations with an particularly intense focus for some inexplicable reason.
"The hell are ya' doing , charcoal-brains?!" Gray demanded, voice coming out in a mixture of incomprehension and disdain. "And what even are those things?"
"Inspecting these babies for germs," Natsu replied with an eye roll as if the answer was the most obvious in the world. "Duh! What else would I be doing'? Can't have em' infecting Lucy. And they're a supposed to be a special kind of talisman for health and good luck. Even an ice overrated snowcone like you should know that. Basically Scotch-taped covered piles of leaves and Vic patches wrapped in tissue paper. If I hang these around the apartment, then they should do wonders for Luce's health."
"You know by gradually sucking the virus toxins from her body until she's better," he tacked on with an 'exuberant grin. "Or so I heard from Nab, Maco, and Wakaba. Dudes bought entire boxes full for 20 jewel a piece from a pop-up vendor of some merchant in the market. The lady swears by them and everything. Either way, aren't they awesome?! Right, Luce? His head turned towards Lucy. "Bet you'll be better in no time!"
"I ...uh... " The blonde sputtered, still too bewildered for words." I don't…."
"Oh Good God," Erza muttered, smacking a palm against her forehead. "Of all the—-Natsu, I highly doubt those would be effective in treating Lucy's illness."
"Huh? Why wouldn't they be?"
"Oh jeez...How can anyone be this dense?"
Gray was shooting out of his seat at the table with an exasperated noise. "Step aside fire boy, I'll find Lucy something. Her fridge should have some suitable ingredients." A hand pulled opened the door of the fridge before rummaging around inside much to Lucy's confusion Course why a random assortment of food in the form of onions and ginger Along with some lemons were being cleared out was anyone's guess.
"Onions, lemons and ginger" The ice wizard announced, sounding tremendously pleased with himself. "Should be just what the doctor ordered for Lucy. I'm gonna chop these up and boil em' with some cinnamon in a tea for her."
Wha? Is he for real?!
"Wait….I'm sorry you want me to drink what now?"
Lucy 's brain short circuited with an owlish blink at the same time that some revolted noises could be heard from the rest of Team Natsu. More specifically Salamander 's gagging and Erza nearly vomiting in her mouth.
"Well at least Lucy gets it" Gray voiced aloud to no one in particular with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. "Now to find a knife and boil some water for the tea."
"Yo, you out of your mind, ice-dick?" Natsu demanded, more than a tad incredulous. "It's pretty obvious she doesn't want what you're selling and can't say I blame her." His eyes narrowed in revulsion with a flash of exposed canines poking through his lips. "That kind of 'tea 'sounds disgusting."
Just for Natsu's striking emerald eyes to immediately soften when landing on Lucy.
"Don't worry Luce," He soothed, his voice lifting to a sympathetic coo. "I'll protect ya' from that big meanie and his stupid ".
" Uh Yeah, please do," Lucy beseeched, words trembling slightly. Honest to God that the astral almost shuddered at the prospect of such a horrendous-tasting tea invading her tastebuds. "I don't even want a sip of that stuff."
"And Why would any sane person expect you to? Not me or Ezra. Can't say the same about droopy eyes here." Natsu tossed a pointed glare at Gray which was readily met with a raised middle finger. "You really that hell bent on brewing whatever nasty crap you call tea, buddy? Then be our guest and drink it yourself. But keep it away from Lucy and out of the kitchen. We don't need that shit stinking up the place."
"Tch— shows what you know" came Gray's disparaging scoff by way of a reply. "Pretty sure you wouldn't know a proper health remedy was if it hit you in the face."
Uh-oh ...
Gray's words really seemed to touch a nerve judging by Natsu's offended growl.
"The hell is that supposed to mean, stripper?" He sniped, vein throbbing in his forehead " What? Are ya really looking' to piss me off or somethin'?"
"Yeah, just maybe I am!" Gray countered with salty heat and matching his rival glare for glare. "You want to cry about it? And you heard what I said. God ... no wonder Lucy's still sick what with your clueless ass and all failing to take care of her.."
"You take that back asshole!" Natsu seethed, foaming rabidly at the mouth. Or rather smoke circumventing from his nose and mouth what with him being a fire dragon demon and "literal hothead "and all.
"Make Me—ow!"
The rest of whatever Gray was trying to say was cut off by a flying "talisman" that just struck him point blank in the face.
"Hey!" He snapped, grudgingly rubbing his temple with a hand." The hell was that for, ya damned fire hazard?!"
"What do ya think, dumbass ?" Natsu flung back without missing a beat. "You got some nerve….insultin 'a dragon's pride like that!"
"Yeah? So what?"
"Seriously?! You pretty much implied I don't know how to take care of my own mate!"
"Yes and?"
"And it was a total dick move, dingus! That's what! Where's your sense of common decency!?"
"Wasted on incompetent dipshits like you, apparently!"
"What was that, frosty?!"
"You heard me "
"That's it you, walking freezer burn! Them's fighting words!"
"Oh yeah? Bring it flame-bitch!"
"Take this!"
Oh god ….
The next thing anyone knew were that that the bickering rivals were launchimg projectiles—aka "Talismans" at each other much to her dismay.
"No fighting in our kitchen!" Lucy squeaked; cadence raised to a higher pitch. " You could really break something! So stop!" The afflicted girl couldn't help but watch with alarmed eyes when her desperate pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears. Something always gets completely wrecked or destroyed when these two butt heads over anything!
Seriously, who could forget all the destruction those two left in their wake or millions of jewel racked in subsequent, property damage during their last scuffle? Like say the accidental beheading and subsequent toppling of that statue which also happened in Hargeon's beloved town founder for instance? Not to mention the scorched garden of the mayor's prized purple and white orchids. Not Lucy, that's for sure.
I really don't want them breaking anything….
Erza meanwhile. was practically frothing at the mouth from all that pent-up rage in a very-if-not-entirely-proverbial sense of the word.
"Good God—those two!" The re-equip mage ranted, vein pulsing right above her brow. "Always butting heads over one asinine matter or another! The hell is wrong with them anyways? Either way, enough is enough! I really should... no probably best not... Oh screw it!"
Erza was on the other wizards in a flash, banging their heads together with an audible crack. And good lord who could miss the stunned noises of pain that simultaneously cirumented their throats.
"OW!" Natsu and Gray whimpered in unison. "That really hurt ,Erza!"
"Yeah!?" Erza barked . "Well maybe you two dolts should've thought of that before you started acting juvenile and making a mess! I mean take you for instance, Gray! Disrespecting a dragonslayer's pride was a garbage move just as Natsu pointed out! Haven't both Master and UR taught you more sense than that? Oh, and let's not forget you doubting Natsu 's ability to effectively tend to care for Lucy despite doing more than a standup job so far for the most part! No wonder he's offended!"
"Hey, it's not my fault if the dude can't take a joke," Gray grumbled, defensive resentment leaking into his tone. "Or that he has a ridiculously overinflated and fragile ego."
"Neither helpful or okay, Gray!"
"Yeah, so there dickwad!" Natsu cut in with his tongue shooting out for good measure. "See?"
"Oh yeah... you really..."
"Oh no you don't!" Erza whirled on Natsu who shrank under the heat of her glare with another whimper. "And yes, I'm talking about you Natsu Ignatius Dragneel! Don't think for a minute that you're getting out of this scott- free!""
Oh shit ... Erza just used Natsu's full name…. She must mean business.
"What? Me, really?" Nastu spluttered, hands still raised in defense as if fend the intimating scarlet woman off. "What did I even do anyway?"
"Hmm, what did you do?" Erza questioned, rolling her eyes. Oh, and her words were just laced/ dripping/ trickling/ with just the right amount of pointed sarcasm. "Care to take a wild guess? How about those godawful abominations you call talismans for one? Look at them! Anyone can tell these are a sham! I mean really, Natsu! The hell were you thinking?! Normally, you're much better at sussing out onpossible scams and cons. How could you let yourself be duped out of your hard -earned money like that?"
"Aw- come on!" Natsu bleated "Didn't mean to, honest! All I wanted was to help Luce recover more quickly and honestly thought these things would help. That's all! I won't buy any more—swear to God! Just please don't bust my balls, Erza! I need those!
"Calm down. I'm not going to do that. It's easy to tell your intentions were pure regardless which is most important."
"Really? Thank you, you kind, merciful, woman!"
"Yes, yes,.. that's all fine and good," Erza chuckled in amusement with a light shake of her head as a response .
"Now about those talismans. They are a problem. " Erza's voice fell into a more sober tone with a hand cupping her chin in thought. "Word on the street is that Fiore is being targeted by a fraudulent band of thieves and con artists. Popping up in various towns and cities with those "vendors", posing as legitimate shop keepers and merchants —that sort of thing. and from what I've heard , these people are trying pass off bogus goods as authentic souvenirs."
"So, ya think there's some kind of link between those and what I bought?" Natsu quickly caught on matter-of-factly. "As in all that crappy stuff you mentioned ?"
"Yes, precisely that. I'm sure we can all agree that how poor unassuming customers are being ripped off by those criminals just isn't right. Something must be done."
"Okay—like what?"
"Helping folks of Magnolia getting their money back for one —yours included. And there's also the matter of filing a report with the magic reinforcement unit and other authorities . They'd want to be informed of the culprits' criminal activity ASAP. In fact, why don't the two of us go now?"
"What? Ya' mean that you actually want us to leave right now?!"
Natsu visibly balked at Erza's suggestion as if being ordered to watch Ichyia perform a strip tease in nothing but a pair of - sparkly -Leather, assless chaps.
"I.. don't…"
"Yes, I figured that would be the most efficient course of option" Erza reasoned, lifting a questioning brow at his response. "Why? Is there a problem?"
"Uh yeah..., a big one!" Natsu protested with a vigorous nod. " Going now would mean leaving Luce's side" His whole tone shifted into a whine. "Especially when she's still not feeling 100% or if it means being without her in my arms for too long. And right now, looking after Lucy and being able to spend time with her is what's most important. Not to mention what I want the most! Please… just let me take good care of my mate and queen and hold her! That too much ask?"
"No, and your feelings are understandable. That in mind, it would still be unethical to turn a blind eye to petty crimes at the expense of innocent civilians."
"Yeah, of course. But it's just…."
Sheesh… Natsu's being a bit of a drama king right now. I mean I love the guy and its always great having him around for the most part despite the fact that he sometimes gets on nerves. Completely normal for all couples even ones like us but that's besides the point. Anyways, he's being super sweet and everything but there's no need for him to blow a gasket when they would only be gone for a couple hours at most. Plus Erza's right about putting a stop to those jerks and getting those other people compensated. and it's not like I won't be okay without them or by myself a for little bit...
"Hey guys," Lucy finally spoke up after a few minutes, drawing their focus of everyone's eyes back on her. "Not that your efforts and spending time with me aren't appreciated, but pretty sure I'll be fine on my own for a little while if you want to report those people and get your money back." No real heat to her words though.
"Hmm... don't think that's a good idea, "sweetheart." Came Natsu's reply, his timbre pitched soft; though she didn't miss the pleading note in his words. "You're still not in the best shape right now. Like Mavis knows I don't really feel comfortable leaving you alone to fend for yourself right now, y' know? I mean what if ya' end up barfin' with your head over a toilet bowl or falling again?"
Not really that much of an nasty shock to say the least especially seeing how the couple were practically inseparable ever since that hazardous incident at the party.
"Don't be too surprised if Natsu's refuses to leave your side." Levy's kind voice from a recent lacrima video call echoed inside Lucy's head "or even let out of his sight-or sense range for that matter. You remember learning about how dragon slayers, demon's and hybrids are essentially hardwired to be extremely protective and territorial of their bonded, right? Well those already -fierce instincts are get an even bigger boost during certain times... like say when they're in heat . Not to mention when their soulmates are sick, injured or both in your case. In any case, Natsu's no exception especially with how you're one of the people he's been most protective of even before you two were officially an item node as we all know. Anyways, be prepared for him wanting to remain extra close to you and special attention. Think plenty of affection and physical contact like snuggling, kisses, doting on you —things like that which is always a bonus. And pretty sure he is going to hoard you. I mean the dude going isn't gonna take kindly to anyone he feels is trying to steal/snatch you away from him. Gajeels the same way. It's not so bad though."
Levy was right. Not that I'm complaining...
"We really should get going Natsu," Erza chimed in after a few minutes. The sooner these matters are sorted out the better. Either way, it shouldn't take us too long-a few hours tops."
"Yeah, I know..." Natsu replied , an unmistakable flicker of reluctance in his eyes. "But…I still don't want to leave Lucy right now…." Sage fully connected with honey-brown as a hand was reaching to gently caress Lucy's cheek. And Mavis knows she couldn't help but naturally lean into the warmth of his touch or the content smile forming on her lips.
"Pretty sure I made my reasons clear anyway."
"Yes, but…"
"Hey bro," Gray piped in —not unkindly this time."I can easily hold the fort down and keep Lucy company while you guys are out."
Natsu instantly seemed to perk up.
"Yeah, I'd be more than happy to. Plus, we can summon one of her spirits and Happy to help for a fun but chill time. That way, you can trust that your girl is in capable hands and won't be bored."
"Good point!" Natsu rhapsodized, bumping his fist with Gray's. "Thanks, bro!"
"Yes, I agree" Ezra concurred, an approving smile crossing her lips. "That's very gracious and cordial of you. Way to be a great friend."
"That's what I'm here for and my pleasure, Natsu."
"Guess you're not so bad after all"
"Course' not. I am pretty awesome, after all."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes... So, what about it, Luce?" Natsu went on to inquire, far more chipper now. " You gonna to be okay with Gray and some of the others taking over for a bit while Erza and me are out ?"
"Yeah Lucy, what he said," Gray followed up with a cordial smile of his own. . "You and me can kick it and chill for a little while. Maybe even break into the candy stash and watch movies with everyone."
"Sure!" Lucy chirped, heart leaping in excitement from the prospect of a low-key but fun kickback with splendid company. "And Natsu and Erza can, join when they get back from their errands, right?"
"Yup! Now here," Natsu instructed, pushing a glass of water on the table towards her." "Drink some more of your water. Anyways, Erza and I can bring back some goodies from the local bakery after too,. You good with that ,Erza?" He tossed a hopeful glance the armour- clad wizard's way.
"Sure—sounds good to me!" Erza jumped on board, eyes lighting up with delight. A trip to the bakery would be most excellent. All those delicious confections, yummy treats like gourmet cupcakes and strawberry shortcake. Ooooooh." The scarlet woman's hands clapped together in giddy enthusiasm.. "I can practically taste it now —so divine!"
"Yeah but think about lava- brains though" Gray quipped without missing a beat. "What are the odds he'll devour whatever he doesn't give or share with Lucy?"
"Ohhhh valid point" Erza echoed, lips pulling up into / a smirk. I wouldn't put it past him to cleanin out half of the bakery's front counter. Now why don't we get a friendly little wager started? Is 20 jewel acceptable?"
"Sure. I'm game."
"Ooh... why not make it ...30?" Lucy joined in with a light giggle. "I mean what's to say he won't clean out most of the shops and the other desert shops in town?"
"Hey! Not cool!" Natsu objected, though such sour words were belied by the glimmer of mirth in his shamrock eyes. "Makin' bets about whether or not I'll stockpile deserts and shit! I mean talk about takin' cheap shots at your leader! I am Salamander of Fairytail, damn it! Alpha drake of the dragon nest, and a Mighty and fierce dragonslayer -demon hybrid! I deserve your respect and praise!"
"Oh?" Erza spurred him on, clearly entertained by the salamander's theatrics. " Is that a fact?"
"Damn right it is!"
"And you, Luce!" Natsu bemoaned with extra melodramatic flair. "Even my own precious soulmate is betting against me and egging' the other two on?" Impossible not to notice how Natsu's hand clapped over the heart in a display of feigned offence. "How you' wound me, woman!"
"Opps," Lucy uttered, a teasing lilt to her words. "My bad. Are they really that wrong though?"
"Ooh, you got me there!" Natsu jibed s, lips breaking into a cheek into a cheeky grin agrin that set Lucy 's heart all pit-patter. "Touché and shit."
"Just as I suspected."
"Yeah, I figured!" Natsu laughed, mussing her hair with one hand. "Anyway, how about Erza and me pick up some dumplings on the way home? Maybe a Party pack with plenty for everyone to share? We can get some other things for dinner too— Our treat!"
"Ooh yes please!" Lucy crowed, mouth practically watering from the zesty-flavored-packed dumplings from one of many Magnolia's local fusion joints. "Can some be fried? And be filled with beef? Maybe tandoori chicken and cheese too? And could I have 3 or 4?"
"Yeah, sure." Natsu agreed, goodnaturedly as always. "Whatever you want. You really must be cravin that stuff today, huh?" And God she couldn't help how her heart stuttered at the way her grin morphed into a another kind of smile entirely; More subtle, tremendously fond, even. "Normally I'm the one askin' for all this different kind of food. Good to know that you have great taste and that I'm rubbing off on you more and more each day though."
" Uh, yeah… thanks. Though you don't think it's a bit much?" Lucy questioned, now glancing up at her boyfriend with a smidge of tentativeness. She couldn't help but second-guess her request especially seeing how it was partially driven by voracious craving for carbs. "Cuz I'm wondering if that many dumplings is a tad too many now."
Maybe something healthier would be better...
"What? Are you kidding?" Natsu refuted, bursting into stunned laughter . "Of course it isn't. Why would it be?"
"Well, when you put it that way" Lucy resounded in agreement, the corner of her lips twitching into a sheepish grin over how silly I'm being. "Guess I was overthinking it just a little."
"See?" The dragonslayer pointed out, punctuated by a light tap on the tip of the blonde's nose with his finger. "Now you're getting it! And hey, look at it this way! Whatever my princess and queen wants, she gets."
"Well, who am I argue to with that? Anyways, you guys heading out now?"
"Yeah," Natsu sighed, a touch of reluctance seeping back into his gravelly timbre. "Guess we oughtaa . Really don't like the idea of leaving your side though there are some things to take care of. And besides the sooner we leave, the sooner I can get back to you."
How the summoner's heart gave a little thump at those touching words that reached her ears!
"What you're saying is definitely true" Lucy breathed, finding herself adrift in those arresting eyes of his. Onyx with flecks of jade that always seemed to shine in just the right angle of sunlight on bright days. And did she mention the sensation of Natsu's fingertips brushing her cheek, the tucking a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear? How it all sent sparks racing through her nerves! "And I can't wait for you to get home so that I can be in your arms again too."
"Mhmm yeah" Natsu hummed in agreement., stroking along the side of her temple now. "I'm definitely looking forward to all that too. Also cuddling with ya' on the couch of course. Should be great! Anyway, make sure to take it easy and stay hydrated, okay? And don't forget Erza and I are one just one call away if you need anything."
"Okay, Thanks Natsu."
"Anytime," he rumbled with that same affectionate smile that always melted her heart . "See you soon, Luce." Lips pressed a light kiss atop the celestial mage's crown with a hand palming the side of her head. God such a rush cozy seeping through her bones and warming her soul to the core.
I truly love him and that'll never change..
"Yeah, likewise.. Hurry back, okay?."
" You know I will."
"That I do".
Fic Tag Squad: @thenaluarchive @fuck-yeah-nalu @kuroshironekoserver @nalubookclub
  @magnolia9805 @lucielhyung @caandlle @rougescribe
@cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce@dark0angel13 @sovay-says
@soprana-snap @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @acidrain1698 @mautrino@goddesofimortality @narutoyaoifan @nalufever @bmarvels @doginshoe @thecelestialchick @dreamerandcrazy @nalunatic @keyvan-firedrake @bitch-stole-mah-nutella @brightvelvet @mercurius-orion @allie-and-her-fandoms @animezing-fandoms @petri808 @lemonade-of-gods @tigreost @sony-mink65 @mercurius-orion@lunarsystemsworld @lunacross777 @yukimcffblog @sugarpolis @precenna @mwub @shootingstarssel @superfreakerz @mannyegb
A/N: All right that's Chapter: 5 ,folks! Apologies for the delay again! As stated previously, both my beta and I have been busy for different reasons related to differing schedules, life circumstances, responsibilities, appointments, hobbies and a somewhat more active social life among other things (with increasing vaccination rates unless everything goes south again). Not that this has necessarily prevented me from writing or working on my wips but there's also been days where I haven't been feeling well, a case of writers block or there simply just not being enough hours in a day to accomplish everything I want for whichever reason lol. In any case, this chapter is posted now and I'm trying to get back into working on writing projects more often. So that's that at least.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Once again, please don't hesitate to drop a comment/review and share. Check out the rest of my writing and stay tuned for new projects along with updates to my other WIPS too! ((Corresponding links are above in this post, bio and navigation bar if reading this on tumblr. Also in my FF and A03 profiles.) All right. that's all I have to say for now. Thanks to all my friends, mutals, followers and readings for their ongoing show of support over the years. You all rock! Take care until next time! Bye!
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readingfanfction · 4 years
Chapter 1: Locked up
My 1st attempt at FanFiction. 
Fairy Tail, NaLu. This one is titled Princesses and Towers, Rated M for later chapters (14 so far, this number might change). 
I’ll apologize now for any mistakes I failed to notice before I posted this ;)
           She was woken up suddenly in the dead of the night, a few hours after the sun began to creep past the horizon, she wasn’t surprised when it happened. The castle had been buzzing with the rumors for months, he did not like having the princess around, especially now that she had started to resemble her late mother in the portraits the king kept hanging around and refused to take down. Layla Heartfilia was a stunning woman, a beloved queen, and a wife that was missed dearly. Lucy never got the chance to meet her mother and form any memories of her, but she understood all to well why her father didn’t want her around. As her father began to plot to have Lucy sent away, the staff around the castle did what they could to save their loved princess. But the king wasn’t as naive as they had hoped and acted early to keep from his plans being ruined.
               Lucy was rushed into a carriage under the cover of the night, hands bound and gagged, she didn’t fight back. She loved her home, the staff, her people, and her mother’s grave, but she was also smart and knew that there was nothing she could do to stop them. She had no magic, no weapons, she couldn’t even try to speak to her father in the hopes that he might come to his senses. The only thing she did have was to not give them the satisfaction of her tears.
               Once they were outside of the castle and past the town, Lucy was freed from her restraints. Her father began saying how this was the best thing for her, how some prince would come and save her from the tower and the two would live happily ever after, how the time in the tower would fix the bad habit she had of speaking her mind. Lucy wished she didn’t have to listen to him spew such lies, but unfortunately for her they were really the only sound as the rest of the world still slept around them. As her father continued to try and convince himself more than his daughter that this was the best thing for her, Lucy gazed out the window. They were heading so far from her home, into the mountains with such a thick and wild forest they had to leave the carriage and continue on horseback. Since they didn’t trust Lucy to not try to run away, they once again tied her wrist and placed her on a horse with one of the nights she didn’t recognize.
               Riding deeper into the forest Lucy did her best to not move much as this stranger knight was easily excited and kept whispering all sorts of things into her ear that made her feel sick. Occasionally his hand would ‘accidently’ brush against her breast or butt, a few times he full on grabbed her and pulled her tightly against himself while whispering something along the lines of “wouldn’t want you to fall off now”. Making her wish she would.
               Along the way they passed what looked like the remains of a forest fire. Charred trees, large claw marks on boulders turned black, thick clouds of ash being stirred up by the horses as the small company made its way.
               “Is it really safe to leave the princess in a tower located in a dragon’s territory?” one of the soldiers asked another in a hushed whisper.
               “There’s no need to worry.” The man holding Lucy declared. “I’m going to encase the tower in very powerful spells.” Lowering his voice and whispering into Lucy’s ear again he continued. “Most of them just to keep you from leaving.” Lucy refused to give him the satisfaction of an answer or any sort of response, bubbling over with her anger she did not trust herself to keep from blowing up and eventually crying.
               The sun was starting to peak over the mountains when they came to a clearing, a large meadow filled with flowers and a tall stone laid tower and a water wheel attached to the side spinning idly in the small river that flowed through the middle of the meadow. Not wanting to run the risk of getting his garments wet, the king stayed  on their side of the river with a majority of their guard while Lucy was taken across the river, the water rising to the horses belly.
             Once at the base of the tower the knight, apparent wizard, that had been groping her the whole ride grabbed a hold of Lucy and lowered her off the horse taking the opportunity to make sure her breast rubbed against his face on her way down and her dress rode up above her knees. The moment she was set down on the grass she awkwardly fixed the skirt of her dress and bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from screaming at the man.
           Escorted inside by the only knight that seemed concerned about Lucy being left here while the molester wizard got to work on the containment spell to keep her locked in the tower. The knight apologized for his part in locking her away and promised to find someone that could break the spell on the tower. Lucy smiled at him, only asking that he does what he can to protect the people of the kingdom.
         Alone. This was never a new feeling to Lucy; she had felt alone her whole life. But this time it was different, she was truly alone now. No longer surrounded by her loving people, no staff of the castle to keep her company. Just her and a dusty stone tower. Reaching to the door she had entered through, her hand pressed flatly against an invisible wall, floating words hanging in the air.
The princess Lucy Heartfilia may not leave the tower less rescued by a noble and brave knight.
         Great. Lucy huffed as she turned away and walked up the stairs. The thought of being rescued by some prince didn’t sit well with her, she may be a princess but that didn’t mean that she liked the idea of playing the role of a damsel in distress that needed to be rescued by anyone.
          The top of the tower wasn’t much to take in, other than the dust and cobwebbed mess left by who ever lived in the tower before her. Books and papers scattered everywhere, filling the tables and spilling onto the floor. The furniture that was sure to had once been an example of beautiful simplicity now covered in cobwebs and creating a cloud of dust that engulfed Lucy when she pat the blanket. Coughing she ran to the window to take in some gasp of fresh air, as she pushed open the shutters they groaned and fell onto the grass below. Her breaths started coming faster and faster as she stared down at the broken shutters, until she could no longer hold back. Her sobs racking her body, tears falling freely down her cheeks, she collapsed by the window as the words hung above her once more.
The princess Lucy Heartfilia may not leave the tower less rescued by a noble and brave knight.
          Unknown to her, something had watched her arrival and was listening to her cries. The creature allowed them into his territory when it heard their conversations of leaving a princess in the old tower. It even allowed them to leave safely when he heard the princess express concern for her people. He was about to go to her, to give her some sort of comfort when she started to cry, to let her know that she wasn’t alone. But he stopped when he heard her giving herself a little pep-talk, suddenly feeling that now wasn’t the time, nor was it his place to interrupt her moment.
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warlordgab · 4 years
Analysis: Slap-Slap-Kiss?
AKA Debunking claims of romantic subtext (with no subtlety at all)
There’s one odd thing that some fans of both Fairy Tail and One Piece may have noticed in this blog.
While I debunked the hype behind an overhyped slap scene from One Piece in anther post, there’s no analysis here doing the same for the similarly overhyped slap scene from Fairy Tail. And I have an excuse for that...
In the Luffy Vs. Sanji analysis, I could find some LuNa in it, so I could make a post out of that particular aspect while debunking shippers’ claims. But, when it comes to the Fairy Tail slap scene, things are somewhat different because I couldn’t make a NaLu analysis out of it.
So, I decided to go for another route for this one, and now we have a rebuttal based on the worst enemy of overhyped premises: Context
In previous analyses we briefly mentioned how Natsu not only got motivated by Lucy to bring back the guild, but he also reassured her along the way when doubts seemed to get the best out of Lucy.
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Lucy feared the guild she saw as a family was all gone, that everyone moved on with their lives, and I explained before the story and character showcases it...
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...when they finally arrived to Magnolia those same fears and doubts started to overwhelm Lucy, and this is after two significant victories along the way. How did she manage to keep fighting until that moment? It was Natsu, after knowing how much she actually missed the guild, who did his best to keep her doubts at bay.
Now, going back to the Avatar arc, it seemed Gray, a close friend to both her and Natsu, joined a dark guild.
To sum it up, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy infiltrated Avatar’s HQ looking for Gray. And when they found Gray in devil mode, Natsu and his friend/rival clash...
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...after trading a few blows Natsu tries to remind Gray that Juvia is still waiting for him, and that they need him to bring the guild back. Natsu mentions that even if people say the guild got disbanded, the memories and the ties that bind them together are still there.
Gray seemingly dismissed and disregarded that sense of camaraderie that made Fairy Tail a family. And then this scene happens...
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Needless to say, several fans (including NaLu shippers) overhyped this scene as proof of romantic development and even a sign of sexual tension. But, as a perceptive reader put it: “Lucy slapped Gray as a reaction to what he said to Natsu about their family bonds, their friendship and that he is done with Fairy Tail. She further replied saying how their friendship was never fake and she truly believes in it.”
At this point, nobody knows Gray is a double-agent, but his act made it seem like a betrayal “towards FT and everyone in it, not towards Lucy specifically.”
During his act, Gray deemed the values the guild stood for as meaningless, and seemingly confirmed Lucy’s fear: “Fairy Tail is no more”
And then people overhyped the subsequent apology after Gray dropped the act, and went as far as taking what supposed to be a joke to lighten the mood as another sign of sexual desire.
The point is that this slap does not lead to kissing or anything implying romance. And Lucy’s tears are not about an itch between her legs, they’re about that guild so dear to her, which she fears is gone.
It’s kinda impressive how such scenes taken out of context and fanhype gets compared in impact and meaning to signifcant NaLu moments...
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...that add up and actually solidify the bond between Natsu and Lucy as something stronger.
But, as we’ve seen in the story so far, actual bonding and solid chemistry overcome fanhype.
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smudged-inks · 5 years
I feel like I have to make weekly posts now. 😒
Since everyone is in a bit of a tizzy over lucy deflecting attention away from her feelings (because that’s what she’s doing), let’s talk about how we can know for certain nalu is endgame/on track to become canon.
1. Parallels. Mashima is a big fan of parallels and he uses them frequently in his writing. His favorite thing to parallel, however, are Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia. If Natsu and Lucy are the friends to lovers trope, then Gray and Juvia are strangers to lovers (maybe even enemies to lovers, though that’s more for gajeel and levy). So, we can infer from the development gray and juvia are getting that natsu and lucy will get the same. It’s inevitable. Mashima always shows these two couples as reflecting different sides of the same coin.
2. Development. Sometimes known as fan-service by some people who don’t know the difference. Natsu and Lucy have gone through key moments of intimacy that makes it difficult to see them end up with anyone else. And I don’t say that as a person who loves the couple, I say that as a writer. It would be very difficult for Mashima to end the series and not have the two romantically linked by the end. He could do it, but it wouldn’t really make sense after an actual decade’s worth of growth.
3. The actual direction of the story. 100YQ is still in the very beginning of the plot even though it feels like it’s more towards the middle due to the former bi-weekly release schedule. It’s the bi-weekly release that I think has messed up the fandom. Instead of keeping track of a consistent push forward in the story, people read one chapter every two weeks, get their hopes up for some big moment, and then get let down because it’s not the way they want it to go.
The actual story has given us moments of MATURE intimacy between natsu and lucy, but many people lose them in between the development of other couples. In the first few chapters alone, we have natsu getting jealous over the old mage, giving lucy his scarf to cover up, taking that scarf back because he wants to see her naked, and actively staring and blushing when she IS naked. not to mention her being the only one to stop his rampage, him apologizing to her, and then burning people who hit on her. Those are big grown up moments that often get glossed over.
4. I would say Hero’s but there are so many people in this community who name actual developmental moments as fan service, I’m not even gonna try.
Instead, let’s talk about outside forces. Mashima loves this couple. He draws them all the time and he’s even said that he wants them to just get together, but he’s a writer as well as an artist. So he’s going to take his time. Instead of us freaking out over every panel, it’s better to just know that this manga still has a long way to go. There are a lot more moments ahead, so why bother labeling it a dead ship when it still has so much time?
As much as I love fan fiction, this isn’t going to be a young writer getting straight to the point. Lucy and Natsu are in the awkward stage of their affection for one another where neither party is reaaaaally sure how the other feels.
So let’s calm down and just enjoy the ride. Mostly because I’d really like to see my dash not blow up every Tuesday.
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
Over You
Angst NaLu. Lucy reflects on the events that have caused her so much pain, and she doesn't want to listen when people will say it'll get better. It won't, but maybe she can learn to live again. Even so, there really is no getting over him. Posted on fanfiction.et under LiliesoftheRain and Silicious on Quotev
Lucy sat on the floor of her bathroom, back against the door with her head in her hands. She could hear the movement of Happy from the other side of the door, and she felt even more terrible she wasn't out there comforting him right now. But she just didn't think she could handle any more company right now. She couldn't deal with any more pitting stares and awkward conversations. So that why she left the guild for the day, Happy following. He's been her only source of happiness these days, he was living up to his name. While Grey and Erza were also being supportive and understanding, because they were hurting just as much, Lucy and Happy were hurting more. There wasn't a way to describe the bond they both shared with him. There just was, and now it's gone.
She felt herself shiver and thought back to her walk home, remembering the dark clouds that swirled overhead even though it was only the middle of the day. It was a dreary day matching her mood, and she didn't know the cold she felt was due to the heavy snow blanketing the outside, or the cold she felt in her heart. She should have been used to the latter by now. It was already February, the cold shouldn't be lasting too long now. She hoped.
Normally, the winter season is said to start in January, or when the snow starts to fall. When the last leaves fall off the branches, when the air becomes crisp, and the lakes begin to freeze over. Yet Lucy's winter started much earlier than that. It all started back in September. The day where her life completely changed, and she had no power to stop it, completely out of her control.
Lucy remembered the day like it was yesterday, how could she not when she played it over and over again, letting it consume her mind as she lost the ability to think of anything else. They all thought the war was over. They defeated Zeref, he defeated Zeref, and she was so relieved to see him standing there, to see his smile again. She was so relieved that he was okay, a little bruised up sure, but he was there. His life wasn't connected to anything but himself anymore. He was his own person, just how it always should've been. He gave her the most precious gift of him being there, of her being able to feel him as she held him. She finally understood what she always wrote about, the feeling of the immense happiness of them being the only two people that mattered at that moment.
The memory stung, just like the tears stinging her eyes as they threatened to fall. Lucy didn't want to make Happy worry even more than he already was, so she allowed herself to stand and get into her shower. She let the water rush around her body, the steam filling the room as the hot water burned her skin, causing it to go a cherry red despite just getting underneath it. Lucy made no effort to move, allowing her body to find some comfort from the numbness the water allowed her to feel. She was exhausted, the pain and sadness seeping deep within her bones finally weighing her down. Lucy felt like she was sinking and no matter how hard she swam it was no use, so she convinced herself the bottom of the sea had a better source of air than the shore above. Her lungs getting tighter but only if just held on like everyone was telling her the pain will fade and she could finally breathe. But she couldn't. She couldn't find that damn air and it's causing her lungs to collapse and her mind to shut down and she just wanted to give way to this pressure. To sink further with no struggle because what's the point? He was her only source of life and her warmth, and now without him she's nothing.
Angry flashes through her body, giving her a shot of adrenaline as she punched the shower wall. Her eyes went red as she let her frustrations out, not caring of the stinging hand she felt. Lucy continued to hit the wall with the side of her fist, and she didn't even know she was screaming and cursing his name until Happy came in and threw himself at her chest, yelling at her to stop. So she did, sobs racking her body and she clutched the equally crying exceed. Holding Happy in her arms brought back another memory of when she saw him again and it felt like the first time.
While Zeref may have been defeated, they quickly found out it wasn't over. Acnologia was still out there, and intent to destroy all humanity. She thought it was the end of the world, not just because of the menacing dragon, because she thought she lost him. He was right there, walking behind Lucy, Happy, and Grey, and when she turned around oh how she wish he was next to her instead of behind. She called out to him, hoping he'd jump out with a giant laugh, and she could yell at him and they could go on their merry way. But alas, things weren't ever meant to go her way. Lucy felt her body shut off as she cried out his name, not understanding how she could have failed him. She thought she rewrote the book perfectly, there was no way he could have just disappeared. She was so desperate, mentally begging with any godly beings out there to bring him back, and she wouldn't listen to Grey as he tried to calm her down, she couldn't calm down. But when everything was explained by Erza she felt the relief soothe her body, and while they were not out of deep shit yet, he was alive and that's all that mattered.
When they managed to get the upper hand with the defeat of Acnologia, she felt so connected to him. Lucy trusted him, down to her very core, she knew he would make it back and save the day, because he always did. No matter how many times he was knocked down, he'd get back up swinging tenfold what he was given. That was just how he was. So when she saw him, barreling towards her and Happy, falling from the sky and screaming his head off, at first all she could do was smile. She knew it, she knew she'd see him again, she knew that he'd win. When he fell on her, the pain in her back from the impact felt like nothing, and she didn't cry because of it. Shy let joyous tears flutter down her face because he was there, smiling and laughing. Letting her he was home. Boy was he right, he was her home. And she knew she was his in return. She felt complete, because he always made her feel safe and cared for, no matter the circumstances, he always made her feel like she mattered.
There were celebrations and recovery the rest of the night that followed, and after a few weeks, when things were able to get back to normal, that's when it happened.
Shaking her thoughts away, she apologized to Happy, and told him she was fine and that she's finish up and be out soon. Happy looked reluctant but let her be, and that gave Lucy time to look down at her hand. Her knuckles were starting to bruise already, and her hand was not only starting to swell but also a bright red, not just from the water. There was a small dent in her wall but she didn't care, she didn't even realize her punch packed that much power. She knew she was weak but he gave her strength. Even if he wasn't there, she always felt safe knowing that he could be. Even now, while she would never see him again, she felt safe. Like he was watching over her. That thought allowed a sense of peace to worm its way in, and she left out a soft smile. She got out of her shower and dried off, she put on her pajamas and stopped, staring at the last article of clothing she was going to put on. His scarf. It was so smooth, and made her feel so much better when she had it on. She put it on tightly around her, sniffing the fabric lightly, mildly upset that the scent was fading with the time that dragged on, but she needed it, so she breathed in whatever was left. She could hear his voice when he gave it to her, she could still see his body fading, and that would haunt her for the rest of her days.
It was a normal day in the newly rebuilt guild hall, lots of celebrating still hung in the air, causing the laughter to be extra loud than it usually was. Lucy herself indulged in the festivities, not drinking however, she really didn't want to be black out drunk that night. She felt content, but at the same time she felt this nagging feeling residing deep within her. She wanted to ignore it because, what's wrong with today? Everyone was smiling, and that's all she wanted for her family. Yet as the day moved on, she felt the feeling rise higher and higher till she was bouncing her leg and tapping her fingers on one of the tables. She looked for him, her source of comfort, and when they locked eyes her worries melted away. He gave her a large smile and told everyone he was around a goodnight, walking straight towards Lucy with Happy in tow, pulling her to her feet.
"Let's go home."
It should've felt weird for him to say it like that, she should've had the right mind to give him a good smack to the head for wanting to come over and take over her apartment, but all she did was smile and agree. So they did, taking the same path, laughing and joking about who knows what, and that feeling of anxiety earlier forgotten. That's until they reached right outside her door. It spiked again so suddenly and she was unsure of why. She was reluctant at first to share her concerns with him but finally did. He snickered at her and said she was like an old lady when their false knees hurt when the weather began to change. She huffed at him and looked away, muttering a never mind, because why would he take it seriously? She was wrong, because he gently guided her face to look at her. Lucy's face flushed and she felt oddly warm as she saw him gently place his scarf around her neck. He held her close, and she hugged him back, breathing in the warmth he radiated, pulling away for a moment to glance up at him. That's when she saw it.
It looked like thousands of tiny white stars were dancing around them, lighting up and fluttering away towards the sky. At first she was in awe, her mouth open and she couldn't believe her eyes. She thought they were so beautiful, till she saw where they were really coming from. Her starstruck look turned to one of horror as he looked at his hands, the tips fading and becoming these tiny specks of light. They made eye contact and Lucy felt all the air rush out from her lungs, his name on the tip of her lips. His hair, once a bright pink fading away. She clung to him, crying hysterically and she screamed and pleaded with him to stay with her. He couldn't leave. She saw tears in his own eyes as he desperately grabbed right back at her. She saw the desperation in his eyes as he shouted her name, and as she shouted his right back. They say time slows down when you're seeing something go wrong in front of you. Like you're body is stuck in molasses and everything is even slower than you are. But this felt way too fast, he was disappearing right before her very eyes and there was nothing she could do about it. She remembered the ringing in her ears as his last words pierced the air and the light was gone. He was gone.
She screamed into the night, running with fervor back to the guild hall with Happy hot on her tail. She barreled straight into the door, causing everyone to stop as her frantic cries filled the air instead. Levy and Erza tried to calm her down but Lucy couldn't be calm, he vanished. The faces of her family burned into her soul as she broke the news a panic, she was trying to find answers in the library, through levy, by any means. After searching for what felt like minutes, which in reality was days, she knew the people around her wanted to stop and finally give it a rest. But Lucy couldn't stop, what kind of person would she be to just stop now when her best friend, her family, the love of her life left without a trace in front of her very eyes. She could be selfish enough to stop now. So while others dejectedly started to give up, she and Happy, along with Erza, Grey, even Wendy, stayed and tried to find out anything they could.
Although, when the other members of her team started to grow weary of their findings, or lack thereof, she held on. She continued for a whole month, trying to find any way to reverse the spell, the blasted curse. Nothing worked, all she could find were dead ends. The guild was a mess, herself included. Everyone was in pain at the loss of their precious friend, and so the master decided to hold a funeral. Lucy couldn't take it, couldn't accept one. He wasn't dead, she was going to find a way. So she stayed away as they created a memorial in his honor, she hadn't visited it at all.
It's been months now, Lucy thought as she opened her bathroom door, finding Happy curled onto her bed. She turned off the lights and laid down next to him, pulling him closing towards her chest, and Happy holding onto his scarf tightly in his paws. They made a promise to each other earlier that day that tomorrow they would, together, would go visit the memorial. Lucy was nervous of course, because it will really sink in once she sees his name engraved in stone. She kissed Happy's head, allowing her body to sink into the covers and her eyes to close. His last words once again echoing around her.
"Lucy there's something I want to tell you." His voice was panicked and he held onto her arms gripping them tightly. "We're going to be together forever from now on, I promise, I love you guys." He brought Happy and Lucy into a bone crushing hug, all three mages had tears spilling from their eyes, but he pulls away and touched Lucy's face, smiling a soft smile.
"I love you Lucy."
"I love you too Natsu." Lucy spook softly into the night as sleep quickly took over.
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Nalu Week: Chance
Professor: The last day of Nalu except for the bonus prompts folks. Once again, this week has gone by so quickly… 
Warning, there is one M-Rated joke in this story. You have been warned. 
I don’t know yet if I will do the bonus prompts. If I do, then I will. If not, then I guess not. *shrugs* we’ll see. Until then, enjoy! 
Lucy took a deep breath, focusing all of her courage on her task. This had to be absolutely perfect. Natsu would be home any minute. 
She smirked to herself. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her husband’s face. 
Quickly, she reached down and adjusted the silverware on the table, making sure it was lined up exactly, before going and putting the food on the table. 
She had gone out and gotten one of those fancy silver platters, with the cover so you couldn’t see the actual food. Lucy had grown up with servants using them all the time, but she felt that this was a much better use for them. 
And, right on cue, Natsu burst through the door to their home, yelling for her. 
“I'm here!” she yelled, wiping her hands off on a towel before turning towards the living room. 
Natsu stood in the doorway, looking at her in confusion, “Are we expecting company?” 
“Nope,” she shook her head, still smiling. 
“Then why is the table like this?” he asked, gesturing to the elaborate set up she had done. 
Lucy glanced over her shoulder at it. Ok, so maybe the tablecloth and silver candlesticks that Mira had given her were over the top, but Lucy found herself not really caring at that particular moment. 
“I wanted to celebrate tonight!” 
“Celebrate what?” he asked before his eyes widened in panic, “Oh no, did I forget our anniversary?”
“No, you-”
“I’m sorry! Luce! I’ll go run and find you a gift now!” Natsu  yelled, cutting her off and rushing out the front door again.
Lucy watched him go, speechless. Slowly she turned back to the dinner she had made, lifting that silver cover off the plate. 
“Oh well,” she eventually shrugged, “He probably would have just eaten it before reading it anyway. I’ll just try again tomorrow.”
And with that, Lucy took the pizza with her careful message (spelled out in pepperoni) and stuck it in the fridge. 
Natsu woke up to a really strange noise. It sounded like laughter and giggling and...singing?
Yawning, Natsu rolled out of bed, marching into the living room where he found his wife watching the TV. 
“Um, Lucy, why are you watching a kids show?”
“Because, I feel like I should get use to it.”
“Used to it?” 
She nodded, “Yep. After all, this is what I’m going to be waking up to for the next sixyears or so.”
“Is this cause I bought you a toy for our anniversary yesterday?”
Lucy sighed, “No Natsu.”
“Are you sure? Cause you seemed to really like it last night when we played with it together in the be-”
“OK YOU CAN SHUT UP NOW!” Lucy yelled, her face bright red,.
Lucy stormed past him into the bathroom, leaving Natsu to stare after her, completely lost as to what just happened. He turned back to the TV, “Lucy likes Dora? What?”
‘Natsu, I reheated the leftover pizza from Monday and left it on the table for you. I’ll be back in about 20 minutes.
-Love, Lucy’
“Awesome!” Natsu smiled at the note left on the door, “Ice Queen, Lucy left us dinner!”
“Great, I’m starving.” Gray grumbled, “Let’s  go Flame Freak.”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up.” Natsu grumbled as he fumbled with his keys, finally wrestling the door to his house open. 
“Heads up, Lucy’s been acting weird the last few days.”
“Weird? Weird how?” Gray asked as he pushed past Natsu and into the kitchen. 
“Watching kid’s shows and stuff. Acting suspicious.” Natsu scratched his head, “I know she’s always been weird, but this is a new level for her.”
“Ummm...have you looked at this pizza?” Gray’s voice interrupted Natsu’s thoughts. 
“Nope! Why, what kind is it?” he tried to look past Gray to see, but Gray was doing a great job at blocking the doorway. 
“You’re an absolute idiot.” Gray sighed. 
“Hey! Don't insult me in my own house Iciscle!”
“I’ll do what I want Flame Brain!”
Natsu growled, punching Gray as hard as he could, launching him into the kitchen table and spilling the pizza all over the floor. 
When Lucy got home and found the two still fighting and covered in pizza sauce, she was not happy. 
Natsu and Lucy walked into the bar that they liked to frequent with all of their friends, Fairy Tail. They hadn’t been able to go for most of the week because of work, but when Mira begged them to come down and visit, they couldn’t say no. 
It was as busy as ever, with a  brawl already in one corner and a drinking contest in another. 
“I’ll just have a strawberry milkshake, ok?” Lucy asked her husband before running off to say hello to Levy. 
Natsu chuckled, shaking his head, before walking up to the bar and ordering their drinks. 
“Hey Natsu.” Lisanna greeted him as Mira began making Lucy’s milkshake. 
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Not much,” she said, “School’s finally out for the summer.”
“Oh right, you only have a year left of college, don’t you?” he smiled brightly as his childhood friend, “Then you’ll officially be Dr. Strauss!”
Lisanna giggled, “Yeah, I’m excited for it.”
“You should be.” he said, “You’ll be the best vet in Magnolia!” 
“Hey!” Gajeel’s voice rang through the bar, interrupting their conversation, “What kind of music is this?!”
Natsu paused, listening to the song that was playing. 
“We’re having a baby, my baby and me.”
“For once I agree with Iron Breath over there.” Natsu muttered, “Who wants to listen to something sappy like that?”
He didn’t see Lucy looking crestfallen by the jukebox. 
When Lucy walking into Fairy Tail that afternoon and started hanging up a banner, no one was quite sure what to do. 
But, after reading said banner, everyone promptly began to celebrate. 
“Lucy! I’m so happy for you!” Mira squealed, hugging the blonde fiercely. 
“This is truly a blessing,” Erza agreed. 
“Thanks.” Lucy said, blushing, “But I really need to tell Natsu. This is my last idea before I just give up.”
“Give up?”
Lucy shrugged, “I’ll just let him figure it out in 8 months when I come home from the hospital.”
“He can be a little dense.” Lisanna giggled, “Good luck.” 
“If this doesn’t work, nothing will. Juvia wishes Love Rival best of luck.”
“Thanks.” she chuckled. 
A moment later, Natsu did walk in, although he didn’t see the banner right above the door. The rest of them anxiously waited for him to turn around and read it but-
“Laxus! Fight me!”
Lucy cried as the giant blond man accidently hit her husband too hard, knocking him out, “Why does he have to pick a fight with everyone?!”
Natsu woke up in the living room with a pounding headache and a sobbing wife. 
Immediately he jumped up, ignoring his migraine, and tried to calm her down, but couldn’t even make out what she was saying. 
She just kept crying.
‘What in the world is going on?!’ he thought as he held her, completely lost.
Over the past month Lucy had changed a lot around the house and bought a lot of new furniture. 
A dresser. A crib. A changing table. 
And she had painted the second bedroom a soft yellow color. 
Finally Natsu couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Lucy! What are you doing?!” 
“I’m getting ready for our baby.” she said coldly. 
“I know that,” he snapped, “I meant, why are you doing it without me?!”
Lucy turned to face him, jaw dropping in astonishment, “You know?!”
“Of course I do,” he scoffed, “I found the pregnancy test the weekend you took it.” 
“Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I was waiting for you to tell me!” 
“I tried! For an entire week! I spelled it out on a pizza! I played a song about having a baby! I watched Dora the Explorer! I even held up a banner in Fairy Tail that said ‘I’m pregnant’! It was plain as day!” she yelled at him, “You decided to fight Laxus before reading it!” 
Natsu fell silent, thinking back, realization finally dawning in his eyes, “You mean-”
“Yeah.” she nodded. 
Natsu was speechless for a long moment, but finally asked, “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I wanted it to be special.” she huffed, crossing her arms. 
Natsu smiled, wrapping his arms around her, “It is special. This is our baby. I don’t care how I found out. I just want the chance to be a parent, to have a kid with you, ok?”
Natsu leaned forward and pressed his forehead to hers. Slowly, Lucy felt her anger slipping away. 
He was right. This chance was special, no matter how they found out about it. She wouldn’t choose to go through this with anyone else. 
Professor: Ok, so I had a lot of trouble with this prompt. I had multiple ideas for this prompt, but none of them would work out, so I finally said “Whatever, post the best of the worst ones and call it good.” So I apologize for the poor quality of this story, but I just couldn’t get anything to be right, and this was the best I could come up with. 
For those interested, the song was called “Having a baby, my baby and me” from ‘I Love Lucy’. They use it in an episode and I thought it was a cute idea so I borrowed it. Obviously I don’t own it or Fairy Tail. 
This has been posted to my FF.Net account
Love you all and thank you for your support through this crazy writing week!
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kiliinstinct · 4 years
Stood Up - Nalu OneShot
I was inspired yesterday and this came from it. And I mean, super burst of inspiration.  Apologies, but I wrote it as soon as the idea entered my head, and it’s not edited.  This story was inspired by this post that came across my dash yesterday.  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 
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@phoenix-before-the-flame  @pbfanart @cobblepottantrum @yuldragneel @mamabearcat @millennial-star-gazer @caandleworks / @caandlle @kaycha1989 @furidojasutin @eragonsoul @just-another-dream-girl @whatdidyasayiamdaydreaming  @dlshieldss @ctay21 @acidrain1698 @lovelyluce @clockworkassassino @celestialwolf24 @unwei @jem-hamster-chan @melissa827 @meilynalu @littlejinxed @moonlitstargazerforever @trollka21 @doginshoe @squeep123 @bitch-stole-my-nutella-again @sonicloudbat   @lonleyloser
Ten minutes late. While it wasn’t ideal, Lucy could accept it. Rather than place an order for food, she asked for water instead and checked her pocket mirror for the fifth time. Perfect, but the more the overhead radio switched songs, the more she tapped her foot, patience wearing thin. The urge to check the mirror for a sixth and seventh time was rising. 
Instead, she sipped her water and checked the time again: twenty minutes. 
Where was he? 
Paranoia began to set in as she looked around the small, corner restaurant. It wasn’t the most notable of places. A small business off the corner of downtown that only the locals truly appreciated. She had always wanted to try it, finding the dim lights and cramped walls very homely. Dan, her date, had argued at first. He didn’t think such a place was worthy of a girl in her class. ‘A true beauty deserves a beautiful meal!’ He had stated. While this irritated her, Lucy dismissed his words and pointed out that it was her turn to choose the place. He gave in eventually. It was their tenth date. One that was supposed to be special.  The time she finally opened the door to her apartment and asked him to join her, if all went well. He’d wanted that after the third date, but- 
Lucy felt that a true connection required more time. Trust was earned, after all, and she refused to to be quick to give it.  She sighed and took another glance at her phone, lips pulling into a frown when the time ticked to Seven-Thirty. She couldn’t keep waiting like this!  Pulling up her contacts, she dialed Dan’s number and waited for it to connect. Her glossy, manicured nails tapped against the table in a rushed staccato. 
Were people watching her? No, no, of course not. They had their own dates and families to tend to. There was no way they’d look twice at her. As her phone rang in her ear, the waiter passed again, only to be waved off after refilling her water. The clink of the ice cubes only served to raise her irritation.  Why wasn’t he picking up? The voicemail message picked up, Dan’s boisterous voice echoing through as he requested a name and phone number to reach out to.  Lucy hung up and struck redial. 
It didn’t ring. The start of his voicemail came again and Lucy sniffed, staring wide eyed at the phone in disbelief. 
“Did he just… “ Baffled, she listened to the message all the way through, “hit the f-u button?”
Must have been an accident, she reasoned. Sipping her water far too quick, Lucy grimaced from the blast of cold that shit through her brain as her phone dialed out again. And again. Three more times. Voicemail every time. Either he kept sending her to voicemail or his phone had shut off. 
Lucy wasn’t sure which reason she liked better.
“Excuse me, Miss, but are you ready to order now? I don’t mean to rush,” The waiter was back again, looking uncomfortable. Lucy stiffened and set her phone aside, trying to remain aloof and calm. “Oh, no, not yet.” She said, waving him off. His blue eyes stared into her own. Pretty, all things considered, but Lucy didn’t miss the look of pity that swam in them. Did he know what was happening? Feeling the heat rise in her cheeks, she cleared her throat and tapped the phone, forcing a false smile. “He’s just running late, that’s all. My date should be here soon!”
She hoped her words were true, but the sinking feeling in her gut said otherwise. Her waiter shrugged, telling her to wave him down if she needed anything and shuffled off to the next table. Lucy couldn’t help but follow him for a few seconds, horror setting in when she realized the couple at the next table were staring at her with looks of pity. One even mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ before turning their attention away. 
Lucy’s lungs tightened as her ability to breathe became worse. She licked her lips and checked her phone once more, sighing when she read the time. He was late by an hour now. An hour. How long was he expecting her to wait?!  “Lucy, grow a spine. If he’s being this late then obviously he-... he isn’t coming and you should take your loss and leave.” The pep talk she muttered did little to make her move. What if she was wrong? What if his phone really did die and he was caught in traffic? What if she left and more people just stared with those pitying gazes? It was becoming harder to breathe and she gulped down the rest of her water, grimacing. She’d have to run to the bathroom the rest of the night with the amount she’d drank , but what else could she do?
She checked her phone again. And facebook. Even twitter. Dan hadn’t posted anywhere. Where WAS he? Did something happen? Maybe she could call a - that’s it! Lucy swiped to her messages, finding the number of Dan’s room mate, Mary. 
‘Do you know where Dan is?’ She asked, desperately trying to stay calm rather than allow her overactive imagination to run away with her. Lucy began to rummage through her purse again, withdrawing her small hand mirror and lip gloss to reapply her makeup. If he WAS just held up by traffic, then it would be worth it, right?
Lucy was stunned when her phone buzzed just as the lip applicator touched her skin. Not expecting the fact response, she dropped the gloss and checked the reply that flashed upon her screen.  Eyes widened and the phone slipped through her fingers, clattering against the table as it fell to the floor. 
Mary’s reply glowed on the screen in big, curious letters, ‘Didn’t you and Dan break up?’
Break up? Since when? They’d spoken earlier about their excitement for their date tonight. She’d even verified the address with him! What was Mary talking about-? Lucy’s fingers shook and she rushed to retrieve her phone, wincing when she caught the slight laughter of a table a few feet from her. Their gazes were pointed, watching her move as her eyes watered. I will not cry!
Lucy wanted to be angry. To let this moment fall into fires of fury and burn away the tears threatening to fall and distract her from the embarrassment that stabbed her. He stood her up. There was no other explanation, was there? Swallowing thickly, she tapped through her phone again, blinking back the waves of shame that pushed to fall. All her messages to Dan were on read, all her calls ignored. Swiping to her friend’s number, she began to type a quick message. ‘Can I stay with you tonight?’
The message sent and lip quivered. She steeled herself for the shameful walk she’d have to take to the exit. Everyone would know. Everyone did know. Even that waiter, with his dark hair covering half his face (and wasn’t he wearing a vest earlier?), was sending her knowing looks. She noticed his hand clenched to a fist as their eyes met and felt a strange wave of appreciation. He felt the fury that refused to consume her. That was nice, at least. She grabbed for her wallet to set a small tip on the table. 
So what if she hadn’t ordered anything. He’d been nice. It was the least she could do for wasting his time.  Unable to resist the disappointing settling in her bones, Lucy stuffed her things into her bag and slid out of her booth. She wouldn’t cry. Not until she was outside in the sunset with just herself for company. 
Lucy didn’t make it a step from her table when a sudden rush of feet and hurried gasp interrupted her thoughts. Heavy footsteps slammed against the floor as a warm voice melted into her ears. 
“Shoot, I’m sorry! Traffic was a bitch!” The voice said, sheepishly, “you- you’re not leaving, are you?”
Lucy’s heart stuttered and she blinked: confused. That voice…
It was not Dan.
She lifted her head and felt the words die in her mouth. 
While it was not her tall, broad shouldered, brunette of a boyfriend (possibly ex) - it was a man with a smile that made her cheeks warm and eyes that peered into her own as if he could read her mind. A little intense, but she barely noticed the discomfort of his stare, too stunned by the shock of pink hair on his head. A set of barrettes kept his bangs from his face as dark roots shone beneath the lighter colors. Her face burned even hotter when he cleared his throat and Lucy realized she was caught staring. “Uh, I- “ She stammered, looking for a proper response, “I was, actually.”
What else would she be doing? Who was this guy? Her mind and his movements were a whirlwind as he clicked his tongue and ushered her back to her seat. Lucy started to protest, but stared, dubious, when he muttered, “just go with it!” Into her ear.
In seconds, she was back in her seat with her water refilled and the strange guy had sat across from her, lounging in his seat as if he owned the place and hadn’t just sat with a stranger. If Lucy hadn’t been so caught up in her emotions and the oddity of the moment, she may have considered the guy cute, all things considered. 
“Listen,” She began again, finally forcing her mouth to work, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding-”
“Shhht!” He hissed, one finger on his lips to silence her. He leaned forward to keep his voice low, “The name’s Natsu. Whoever stood you up is a dick and I’m gonna fix it!”  When he was met with silence, he rethought his words and slightly back pedaled, “if you’ll let me that is.”
Realization finally dawned and Lucy’s jaw dropped. Natsu, reading her expression as consent, leaned back in his chair and quickly flagged the waiter down. The looks of pity around the room turned to relief and shame at eavesdropping with many onlookers turning their gazes elsewhere. Lucy felt a weight fall off her chest, now that she was no longer the center of attention. Taking in a deep breath, she marveled at the situation and wondered if it was best to end the farce before it started and leave. The waiter had arrived and was sharing furious whispers with the other, both looked irritated before Natsu’s grin grew larger, satisfied with whatever conversation had gone between them. “Oi, just go ahead and get me a coke and - “ he looked to Lucy and smirked lazily, “What do ya’ want? I’ll cover it.”
Wait, was he serious? Looking from him and to the waiter, she cleared her throat and muttered a quick, “Sweet Tea with Lemon, please,” and the waiter was off. Natsu didn’t waste a second of time, opening one of the menus to hold it out to her. “So, what’s your name,” He asked lazily, prodding her fingers until she took the menu and opened it. “I’m sorry?” Lucy still felt like she was missing a few steps in the dark. Natsu snickered, “Well, you don’t have to tell me, but I figured this would look more real if I knew your name. Or I could just make up one?”
Lucy’s earlier horror was being buried beneath amused bafflement. The entire situation felt so surreal, but Lucy was beginning to warm up to the idea. A hint of a real smile curled at her lips and she sipped her water, eyeing Natsu through her lashes. “And what sort of name would you give me?” She asked. 
Was she flirting only minutes after learning she’d been dumped? Something must have jarred a screw loose in her head. Natsu didn’t seem to mind, however, as he scrunched his nose in though and tapped a finger to his chin. “How about… Luigi?”
“What?!” Lucy sputtered, pushing the glass aside. “You can’t call me that, I’m a girl!”
Natsu’s expression looked much like the cat who caught the canary, “Then you got no choice, but to tell me your name. Or it’s Luigi for the rest of the evening!” “No way, you have to pick another or I’m leaving.”
It was his turn to sputter, “Oi, that’s not fair, you already agreed to-” “And I can change my mind at any time.” She asserted, eyes gleaming. Natsu knitted his brows together in thought before he laughed again. Rather than give her a new name, he tapped the menu again. That smirk was making the twisted knots in her stomach detangle and curl in a way she wasn’t expecting. Odd, Lucy thought, she hadn’t felt warm from such a smile in a long time.  “Go ahead and pick something. I already know what I’m having and all the meals are affordable! You’ll like everything, I swear.”
Her attention turned back to the menu and she nibbled her lip, “you haven’t even looked at it.” She accused me.
“Don’t need to. I know everything about it.” He replied flippantly, but gave no further explanation. The smile on his face spoke of mischief, making Lucy wonder if she had failed to notice something about him, but she shrugged and chose a meal to order either way. 
Her phone buzzed and she glanced at it, surprised to see her friend had answered, full of worry towards the conclusion of her date. She began to type a response, but paused, unsure of what to say. Natsu snorted. “Wow,” He teased, “already on your phone. Am I that boring?”
“Maybe you are,” Lucy said pointedly, laughing when he squawked in mock offense. Her fingers quickly ran across the screen, sending a quick, ‘I’ll tell you later. My Date’s still going.’ Giggling, she put it back in her purse and looked to her pouting savior. “I was letting my friend, Levy, know that I would stop by her house later.”
“Oh, is that all?” He propped his chin in the palm of his hand and observed her. “You really just gonna give your friend’s name that easy, but can’t give me yours?”
Oh, crap, she really did do that. Abashed, Lucy turned her nose in the air and said stiffly, “You still haven’t given me a new one.”
Natsu’s grin was nothing short of sly, “Nah, it’s a secret now. I’d rather your real name anyway.”
It was hard to argue with that. Curiosity urged Lucy to needle him for more answers, but she was interrupted by their drinks arriving. Natsu took the opportunity to rattle off his order, a rather large one if she read the menu correctly. In a few seconds, the waiter was gone again, with both menus and Lucy wondered when the tears had stopped trying to fall. 
The pain was still there, dull and throbbing in her chest, but it felt.. Distant, in that moment. Natsu jabbed his straw into his coke before slurping away without a care in the world. It was something Dan would have called “uncivilized” for a girl like her. One of the many reasons her father insisted they date. Had she been fooling herself all this time? The thoughts swirled in her mind and Lucy realized she had much to think about. 
“Lucy.” Her name spilled forth without further prompting. Natsu paused from his drink to blink at her, expression almost slack jawed as the straw dangled between his lips and teeth. “My name is Lucy.”
It wasn’t an immediate fix, but this man had already slapped a bandage on her aching heart. The least she could do was give her name. 
The straw popped from Natsu’s mouth as he laughed, “Hah! Luigi wasn’t too far off!” “H-hey! They sound nothing alike!” 
It was absurd. Crazy even, but Lucy began to laugh right along with Natsu. Their joined giggles filled the space between them and the ice was broken. Her now pseudo date began and with every new topic approached by Natsu, more laughter ensued. Eventually, Lucy did cry, but only from humor. When their meal came, Natsu ate with gusto, leaving bits of crumbs and sauce on the side of his mouth and for once in her life, Lucy didn’t feel the need to constantly dab her mouth with a tissue. It was a comfortable back and forth. By the time they both cleaned their plates, the restaurant was near empty and all the streetlights had lit up the windows. 
It was getting late, and Lucy’s phone buzzed with more messages. Each went ignored. Lucy didn’t think to check the time until the bill had been placed on the table, quickly swept up by Natsu before she could glance at it. “You really don’t have to cover for me.” She said, feeling guilty. Natsu waved her off as he pulled a card from his pants pocket. Lucy didn’t bother asking why he didn’t have a wallet, assuming it was one of his many quirks. 
“You’re right. I don’t.” Natsu agreed, making no move to hand her the bill, “but I want to so I’m going to.”
Leaning back in her chair, Lucy blew a strand of hair from her face and sighed. “You didn’t have to do any of this.”
Natsu, for the first time that night, grew solemn. A growl of frustration rumbled through his frame and he ran his hands through his hair, searching for the right words. “Yes. Yes I did. Or I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.”
“You’re exaggerating.” Lucy accused, ignoring the way his words made her ears turn red. Natsu denied it, shaking his head as his obvious annoyance turned to anger. “No.” He bluntly said. “I’m not. You were being stared at and clearly upset. What sort of guy would I be if I just let you run out to cry like that? Tch.” he reached over the table to tuck the blond strand of hair behind her ear and sighed. “I had to try and make your day better. It didn’t sit right with me not to.”
Lucy sniffed, eyes watering before she could stop them. Natsu reacted with a curse under his breath. “Shit, I didn’t mean to make you cry. The point was to help you smile!”
A watery laugh burst through and she wiped her eyes, smiling widely. This complete stranger saw a girl in distress and decided he had to make her smile. How touching was that? And silly. Most wouldn’t think to do that for someone they didn’t know. Wiping more tears away, she grabbed his hand in gratitude, biting back a choked sob. “You did.” She said, laughing through the tears. “You made me smile more than I had in months.”
Ah, and that was the truth of it. Despite her relationship with Dan, she’d been going through the motions. So assured that they were clicking, without fully realizing how much she pushed aside and pretended wasn’t an issue. And Natsu came and burst through the doors, showing her just how much she’d been holding back. It was uplifting and painful all at once, but Lucy couldn’t have been more grateful. “Thank you, Natsu.” She said earnestly, hoping he could understand just how much his actions meant to her. “I mean it.”
His answering smile was so bright, Lucy felt her entire torso warm up at the sight. Natsu really did have an infectious smile, Lucy thought. His hand flipped to give her own a squeeze before they separated and Lucy caught the faintest hint of red glowing on the tips of his ears. It was cute. Ridiculously so. 
“Then that’s…” He said helplessly, words failing before he tried again, “That’s good then! Guess there’s only one thing left to do.”
Before Lucy could ask, he left his seat and moved to her end, holding his hand out for her to take. Grabbing her purse, she allowed him to lead her through the restaurant and to the exit. While she understood the night had to end eventually, the sudden realization that it came now made her heart stutter. She almost wasn’t ready to face the world again, turning to Natsu just as they entered the parking lot. Natsu didn’t leave the sidewalk, his hand still warm in hers as he fidgeted beside her. “Sorry if that seems a bit rushed, but I don’t want your friend to worry about you. That’s why your phone keeps buzzing, right?”
Lucy blushed, looking to her purse that vibrated from her phone again. “Oh, y-yeah.. That- probably is Levy.” She would have so many apologies to give her friend later for this! She almost whined at the thought, but turned her attention back to Natsu. “Well, I guess, this is it then.”
It was a little awkward, maybe a little silly after the night they had, but it wasn’t a real date so what else could Lucy do? She held her hand out for a shake and smiled. “Thanks for making my night the exact opposite of a disaster.”
Natsu stared at her hand as if it was dripping in goo, scrunching his nose up before he laughed, fished for something in his other pocket and slapped his hand into hers, holding a small card between the two. Lucy tried to withdraw to examine what he’d given her, but his grip tightened slightly as he grinned. “Anytime, Lucy.” He said, face splitting in half with his mischievous grin, “And I mean it. Any time.  And hey, maybe-”
His words hung in the air as Lucy froze, feeling like a sudden precipice had appeared before her and she was about to tumble off it. Was he-? “You know, maybe when you feel better we can do this again sometime.” He finished, releasing her hand. “For real this time.”
The implication did not escape her. A real date. He was asking for a real date. Was it all right to agree to something so soon after a possible break up? The thoughts whirled in her head, but for once, Lucy didn’t feel overwhelmed as she had earlier. Lucy didn’t miss the message: maybe when you feel better.
Natsu was giving her the choice and the time to process her feelings and get herself in order. Just how good was this man? Beaming, she clutched the small card to her chest and nodded. “I’d like that.” It was the most honest answer she could give, and one that took her breath away from excitement. Natsu released a breath, shoulders sagging as if he’d been stone moments before and he dramatically clutched at his own heart. “Thank god!” He cried, “I’ve never just out and asked someone out before, I was for sure you’d turn me down like the weirdo you are!”
“Wait, what did you just call me-” Lucy’s words were cut off by his lips warmly pressing against her cheek and in a flurry, he dashed back to the doors and flung them open, gleefully grinning. 
“That’s the other name!” He said, voice coming out in a sing song, “I was gonna call you a weirdo!”
The doors slammed shut before she could utter a reply, standing a mere twenty feet from her car and astonished. A weirdo? His other name for her was that? “What sort of name is that?!” Hilarity struck her and Lucy laughed as she unlocked her car. It wasn’t until she sat herself inside the vehicle that she realized Natsu had gone back into the restaurant rather than to his own car.
Wait, why did he-? Noticing the sign on the window had changed to closed, she stared at the card in her hand in scrutiny. She wasn’t surprised to see his cell number on the card, but then her eyes read the title of the card. Her jaw dropped again. 
Natsu Dragneel: Head line Cook to the Dragneel Bar and Grill. 
Lucy’s surprised shriek could be heard through the entire parking lot. “HE WORKS HERE!?”
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zzloch · 5 years
33. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
Note: I got this request on my main account, where I used to post writing but I found that it would be easier to have all my writing not mixed in with my reblogs and other stuff, so here is some Nalu
Lucy drummed her fingers impatiently on the guild table, Natsu had been gone on a mission for a few months, he was supposed to be back a month ago but he had sent her a letter (she didn’t know he knew how to do that) informing her that he wouldn’t be home for a while. After giving up staring at the door of the guild she turned around to face the rowdy mess that was her guild. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Gray pacing back and forth, Levy trying to get him to stop. “Gray, come over here” Lucy yelled waving her hand to the two mages, motioning for them to come near here. Gray walked over, sulking. Levy was slowly trailing behind him. Gray sat down across from her; Lucy put her hand on his arm. “She’s only been gone three days” Lucy reminded him. “But she’s with Lyon and…” Gray couldn’t seem to come up with another reason. “To quote juvia ‘just because Gray-Sama doesn’t like someone doesn’t mean I can’t,” Levy told the young man the exact words his girlfriend had told him before she left for her mission with Gajeel and Lyon. “Do you really think Gajeel would let Lyon touch her?” Lucy asked the ice mage. Gray chuckled. “I guess not. I’m gonna go on a mission” Gray got up. “I have a mission with shadow gear, Lucy you gonna be ok?” Levy asked her friend “I’ll be okay; he’ll be back soon.”
*A few hours later*
Lucy was sitting in her bath, relaxing. When she heard a creaking sound coming from the door. Lucy quickly jumped up and threw on her clothes. She knew it wasn’t Natsu because it came from the door, so it could be Erza. “BOO!” A voice came from behind her 
“AHHHHHHHH!” Lucy screamed turning around. Her lips were met with another pair of lips. Lucy, by instinct, slapped the other person across the face. The other person fell to the ground, “Was that necessary Luce?’ Natsu said rubbing his bruised face. Lucy immediately fell to the ground apologizing. “Luce shut up,” Natsu said kissing his girlfriend again. Lucy immediately relaxed to his touch. When he pulled away, he hugged lucy. “I’m home” the dragon slayer smiled at his girlfriend. “You idiot” Lucy mumbled “Sorry” Natsu grumbled. “You’re back finally” “I’m back.” 
The couple sat there for a few minutes embracing each other until they heard a camera snap. Lucy snapped her head towards the window and saw some white hair go down “I got it, I got it” a sing-song voice was heard from below her apartment. “I know, you were on my shoulders” a low voice grumbled. “MIRA” Lucy got up and ran out of her apartment after the barmaid “Run” Natsu heard Mira say and a low groan emits from the guy that was with her. Natsu chuckled, he was happy to be home
Sorry, it was so short. I’m not the best at Nalu, but I’m trying to get better
-Z.Z Loch
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miyasat2308 · 7 years
Nalu VK group
@chengggg I understand you are feeling disappointed because of what have done to your art, but please, be objective. You are blaming one group after reading the low quality translation of comments from admin(?) of the Gruvia group done by NaLu shippers, but completely defending the actions of another group and excusing their fault. BUT THE FACT IS THAT THERE WEREN'T APOLOGIES AND THEY DIDN'T DELETE ANYTHING! Okay, you are thinking, they did settle the conflict personally with you, but what about the works of other artists?
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You are completely obsessed with the group of Gruvia (because Gruvia is not your otp, ofc) and ignoring the same action of the Nalu shippers. You know, a few days had already passed, but still there are your edited arts. I'm attaching the screenshot with the date and time, so you can make sure of this. You don't know the whole picture of the situation and you don't want. It is conveniently for you close your eyes to sins of the group with your OTP, but problem is that they are even post the arts from Patreon, depriving the artists of their earnings. Unlike of them, the Gruvia group doesn't act the same way. Also
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@gunnigun @enul-lim @rboz @zippi44
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sweetmemories2606 · 7 years
After a long time using this app I have finally decided to post my stories here. I don't really know why I didn't do that before, but I guess I didn't feel like tumblr was the ideal place for posting fan fiction. I usually post images, but now that's changed.
So I hope you'll enjoy this little one-shot and be sure to leave me with your thoughts. If there's a positive response to this story, I'll also post my multi-chapter one, which is already finished, by the way.
Thank you all for taking your time to read this. Enjoy!
Title: I Love You
Pairings: Gruvia. They're my favorite, so all my fics focus mainly on them. However, couples such as Jerza, Lyredy, GaLe, NaLu and ElfEver might also be included in future stories.
Summary: Danger. Loving him was dangerous. Loving her was liberating and he didn't want to miss the chance to show his true feelings. After his confession was rejected in an unexpected turn, Gray needed to convince her that they were meant to be together. But will his words reach her when the memory of his death keeps her heart and mind closed to him?
Timeline: This story should be placed after Gray's death in the episode "Sin and Sacriffice", more specifically in the episode "The Grand Banquet".
Warnings: Juvia and Gray might be a bit OOC here since I decided show their relationship from another perspective. (More like a reversed point of view)
Here's the link on fan fiction.net, for those who prefer to read it there: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12838645/1/I-Love-You
Word Count: 3500
"I love you." Three simple words. Not so different from others, they held no special meaning by themselves, only the one they were given. Depending on the person who would receive them, they could also mean different things. In this case, they meant trouble. Danger. And she wished he had never said them.
It was the night of the Grand Magic Banquet, a week after Fairy Tail and other famous guilds had saved the world from the biggest threat since the Dragon War. Needless to say, everyone was immensely relieved that the fight was over, so they were more than glad to celebrate their victory.
It was supposed to be a night of happiness, joy, and bonding time. But not all were happy. She certainly wasn't. Specially now that he had said those three words she had dreamed of hearing for so long, yet could not accept. Not when she knew the consequences of it.
"You don't mean that." Juvia accused, quickly shaking her head and stepping away from him. Gray stared at her in confusion and disbelief. That was certainly not the reaction he had been expecting to his confession. He had been certain that she would be overjoyed, but she seemed anything but happy.
"Of course I do. I wouldn't lie to you, not about that." He firmly told her, thinking the reason for her unusual reaction was uncertainty about his words. After all, they came so suddenly and out of the blue, unlike how he had planned. But Gray Fullbuster had long since learned that things in life never go as planned.
"Why, Gray? Why now?" She asked, fearful blue eyes staring into his. She looked so sad and desperate all of sudden, which confused him.
"I'm sorry I took so long to realize it, but once I did, I knew I had to tell you." He whispered before taking a step towards her. They were in the middle of the room, right on the dance floor. For a few minutes they had danced until he couldn't take it anymore. The way he blurted out the words couldn't have been less romantic, but he didn't care. All that mattered was that she knew.
Or at least he thought that until her eyes widened and her expression turned from mildly happy to sadness. Her hands, which had settled on his chest, were quickly removed as she stared at him in shock.
"No." Juvia whispered before taking another step backwards, accidentally bumping onto a very unhappy Gajeel, who was unwillingly dancing with Levy.
"The hell?" The dragon slayer let out and he turned back to glare at her until he realized she was the one who had bumped into him. "What's wrong?" He saw her sorrowful face and stared between her and Gray suspiciously. The ice mage felt uneasy under his stare. "What the hell did you do?"
"I don't know." The ice mage exasperatedly replied to the dragon slayer's question and the water mage intervened before things got out of control.
"Everything's alright, Gajeel. We'll just go outside." She gave her friend a reassuring yet fake smile and he raised a brow, but said nothing. She started walking in the direction of the palace doors and Gray stood there, dumbfounded for a moment before following her.
Along the way, he encountered Natsu and Lucy, who had known about his confession and were concerned since Juvia was leaving. He told them he had no idea what was going on, but something was wrong. He didn't stick around to hear their theories about why his confession had been rejected.
Once outside of the castle, Gray assumed that she would go in the direction of the gardens, a more private place for them to talk, but she surprised him by going in the opposite direction, towards the castle gates. He followed her curiously and silently, understanding she was probably lost in thought and didn't want to talk until they reached their destination.
They walked for about 15 more minutes and as each of them went by, his heart beat faster with fear and nervousness. He was at a loss of words. Never in a million years would he assume that Juvia would react negatively to his confession. The worst case scenario he had pictured is that she would get so excited she would start announcing his feelings to all the participants of the ball, embarrassing him.
This was worse. Much worse. And her silence only made him feel more uneasy, she was not the type to stay silent for so long. She usually tried her best to keep the conversation going, unlike Gray, who preferred the quietness. Tonight, tough, it only made him feel more nervous and concerned. Something was definitely wrong.
He was broken from his thoughts when she suddenly stopped. It took a few seconds for him to realize where they were, but once he did, his heart clenched. Everything looked the same as it had that night, a week before. The fountain with the statue of a mermaid that was now headless, the ruins of a few houses that used to circulate the square. The spot on the ground where his lifeless body had lay for a few moments.
"Why are we here?" He spoke and she sighed. She was standing with her back to him, long blue hair flowing because of the wind.
He could see her bare back since her dress was backless. It was beautiful, he thought in the back of his mind. When she had entered the ballroom about 2 hours before, clad in that light blue dress that fit her perfectly, it had been hard for him to resist the urge to ask for her company. He didn't want to seem desperate, so he had waited 1 hour and a half before asking her to dance. Perhaps he should have waited more.
"This place is important. Special, even, though not for good reasons." Juvia's voice was small and he could hear her sniffs, making him feel even worse.
"Juvia, what…." She didn't let him finish the question.
"This is the place where you died." The words came out harshly and her sniff turned into a loud sob. Gray couldn't take it anymore, seeing her clearly in pain only made the knot in his heart tighten. He cautiously approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She shivered, but made allowed him to place it here.
"But I didn't. I'm right here with you." He gently told her and she slowly turned around. Her eyes were a bit red, tears streamed down her face, but in his eyes, she looked beautiful. She always did.
"You were gone. Because...of me." She said between sobs and his heart broke at the pain and sadness in her voice. The last thing he had ever wanted was to cause her pain, but he realized now just how much his death had affected her. "And I can't stop thinking about it." She continued, hands desperately trying to wipe off the never ending tears.
"I'm sorry. I had…I had no idea." He apologized and she only cried harder.
"I keep seeing it, every day." She told him brokenly and he had to avoid her eyes, unable take all the emotions in them. "I've tried to, but I can't stop the nightmares."
"You've been having nightmares about it?" His eyes widened. In truth, she wasn't the only one. The moment he had come so close to losing her, if it wasn't for his sacrifice, hadn't left his mind either. However, Gray had had enough nightmares over the course of his life to know exactly how to deal with them, so it hadn't bothered him as much as it clearly bothered her.
"Every night. I can't sleep anymore because I know I'll only be watching you die over and over again." She let out a loud sob and he wrapped his arms around her in what he hoped was a comforting hug. She didn't protest, but he could sense she wasn't feeling very comfortable in his embrace and that only hurt him more.
"Juvia, why didn't you tell me?" He questioned, starting to feel frustrated. If only she had told him about it, but she had been avoiding him for the past week. And, truthfully, Gray had avoided her too. He had decided after that night to keep his distance, knowing it was the only way to keep her safe.
However, after a conversation with Erza and, surprisingly, Jellal Fernandes, Gray had realized that his decision was stupid and would only cause him and Juvia to suffer. That's why he had decided to confess his feelings that night, hoping she would understand why he didn't before and accept his love. He would have never predicted this outcome.
"I couldn't, I had to stay away from you." Her words made his eyes widen as he considered the possibility that she had felt the same as he did. He pulled apart from their hug and stared deeply into her eyes.
"Why did you decide to stay away?" Her response confirmed his thought.
"Because this, whatever this is, it's dangerous. We can't be close to each other or else someone's going to get hurt." Her tone was serious, scared and Gray couldn't help but to laugh at the irony of the situation.
"I'm sorry, but this is just too ridiculous." She stared at him in confusion, probably assuming he was laughing at what she said.
"It's not!" Juvia argued and she started rambling before he could say anything. "I knew you wouldn't understand it and assume I'm just being crazy, just like Gajeel did when I told him. But I am not being paranoid. You DIED, Gray. Not just a close call, but you were actually gone. If Ultear hadn't…." She couldn't finish the sentence, the tears started falling once again and she broke down, hands covering her face as she sobbed uncontrollably. Gray gently removed one of them and tightly held onto it before leading her towards the fountain. They sat down and he tried his best not to lose it.
"Juvia, look at me!" He said after a few moments of awkward silence, with the exception of her sobs. "I understand what you said, completely." A surprised look crossed her face.
"You do?" She asked with a small voice and he nodded.
"It's incredible how similar we are, don't know how I missed it before." When she only stared at him in confusion, he quickly explained, taking one of her hands in his and holding it. "I thought the same thing, Juvia. I decided to stay away from you because I thought that if I let you get too close, I'd be putting you in danger."
"Then why did you confess? How exactly did you assume that would help in your plan?" Juvia questioned, feeling lost and frustrated. If only he had stayed away, they wouldn't be in the mess. She would continue avoiding him like she had planned and maybe, in time, it wouldn't be so hard. But his confession had ruined everything.
Who'd have ever thought that something she had wanted for so long could possibly hurt so much.
"I realized it was a very stupid plan." Gray admitted after a few moments and she raised a brow. "Staying away from you when I was so sure that I loved you was only hurting me. And I thought, it must be hurting you too. So, after I talked to Erza and she made me see it, I decided I had to tell you about my feelings."
"I wasn't…. Expecting this." She admitted, still unsure how to feel. His words were so alluring and she wanted so much to accept them, but as she once again replayed his death in her mind, she was reminded of why she had stayed away. Danger. This was dangerous. Being here with him was dangerous.
"Neither was I." Gray said before breaking out into a smile. "But I am glad for it. Falling for you has been… unlike anything I experienced before. I was terrified, still am, but now I know I can't stay away. I love you, Juvia." He said it for the third time that night and she took a deep breath. Her defenses were weakening. It was so tempting to just accept his love and allow herself to be happy like she knew she would if they were together. Why couldn't she just give in?
The memory of his body falling to the ground, unmoving, reminded her of the consequences.
"I can't." Juvia regrettably said before standing up, keeping her back to him. She had to stay strong, no matter how much it killed her inside.
"Yes, you can." He firmly said before also standing up and grabbing one of her hands, turning her around so she would be forced to look at him. She saw determination in his eyes and her treacherous heart was beating faster than ever.
"Gray, please. This is already hard enough." She tried to loosen his grip, but instead he brought her closer. She soon found herself pressed against him, their faces so close she could feel his cold breath. The alarm on her head went off and all she could hear was the word she had needed to repeat to herself for the past few days. Danger. Danger. Dangerous territory.
"Did you know that seeing you so reluctant to let me in has only made me fall for you even more?" Gray whispered, amused, and she tried to get out of his grasp, but his arms were locked around her frame. She sighed, giving up on struggling. All she had to do was find a way to resist him. But that was so hard and he was so close. Too close.
"Please." She begged for him to release her or fulfill both of their desires and kiss her; she didn't know.
"You are quite possibly the most infuriating woman I've ever met, Juvia Lockser. But that's just another reason why I fell for you." He whispered as one of his hands came to brush her hair back and her heart was beating so loudly she was sure he could hear it.
The moment she stared into his dark eyes and saw the determination in them, her resolve was lost.
"Gray…" She said his name quietly and he stared at her, looking curious and a bit nervous. A pale hand touched his cheek. "Kiss me." His smile returned before he complied to her wish. It was a passionate and desperate kiss. Her arms, which had been trapped by her side, went around his neck as she attempted to bring him even closer to her.
In the back of her mind, Juvia could hear her conscience cursing her for being so weak, but she didn't care. All she knew is that she never wanted to stay apart from him ever again, it had hurt too much. Now that she knew he returned her feelings, she wanted nothing more than to build a life with him, to be happy.
They pulled apart a few moments later, both breathless and his smile was wider than she had ever seen. As she breathed into the fresh air, Juvia's eyes widened once she realized what she had just done. She had given in. "Oh, no." He stared at her in confusion. "You shouldn't have done that!" She accused and he raised an eyebrow.
"You asked me to." Gray replied bluntly and she pulled away, shaking her head.
"No, no, no." She repeated, eyes widened in horror. "We can't do this, it's dangerous." He rolled his eyes.
"You're being way too stubborn." He told her before his eyes softened. "Look, I know how it feels, okay? I've spent my entire life building up walls and not letting people get close to my heart because I was so afraid to lose them." He paused and took a deep breath. "But then you came along and slowly, you melted those walls. You showed me that it's okay to let go once in a while and allow yourself to feel."
"But..." Juvia tried to protest, but he interrupted her.
"We can't keep making ourselves suffer only because of our fears, Juvia. I know you're afraid of losing me again and I can't promise that I won't leave, because that's not really up to me." He paused once more and she remained silent, much to his surprise. "What I can promise you is I'll be careful, that I will live. For you."
"You died for me, only a week ago." She pointed out and he sighed.
"I know. But I have changed since then. Now I understand that I can't keep living in constant fear that something terrible will happen if I allow myself to be with you." He stared deeply into her eyes and she was overwhelmed by the adoration in them. He loved her. Gray Fullbuster actually loved her.
As she listened to his words, she understood them. Understood how stupid she had been, for believing that staying away from him was the right answer. How could it be when it had only caused them both to suffer? It was in that moment, as Gray stared into her eyes intensely, that his death stopped being a warning and became what it truly was: a memory. A bad one, indeed, but only a memory.
And she realized the best way to prevent it from happening again was not to avoid him, but to protect him. And she would do that.
"Do you promise me that you'll never do something like that again?" Juvia asked after a few moments and he smiled once again.
"I do, as long as you promise the same." Gray replied and she nodded. She would keep him safe, not by staying away from him, but by always staying by his side.
"We have an agreement then. No more being reckless." He wanted to protest, but knew it was better not to. She needed his reassurance at the moment.
"No more being reckless." He repeated and this time her face broke into a smile before she threw herself in his arms. He was taken aback for a moment, but wasted no time in wrapping his own arms around her.
For a few minutes, they stayed in comfortably silence before she broke it.
"Can you say it again?" She pleaded and he raised an eyebrow, but quickly understood what she meant.
"I love you." He complied and her smile enlarged. He loved her. It felt like a dream, but it was so much better.
"I love you too." She told him before they leaned in for another breathtaking kiss.
In that moment, the words "I love you" no longer meant danger, death, or loss. They returned to their original meaning of happiness and joy and Juvia was relieved. Love was, after all, the best thing that happened in her life, and to have looked at it as something dangerous had been too hard. Then again, the meaning of "I love you" can change for each person or over time.
But Juvia knew that, as long as she and Gray were together, it would always mean happiness.
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