#there's months till the exam so imagine what months of him not letting me sleep would do
avinox · 11 months
Nothing like waking up to your father yelling at you to study. Again.
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milaisreading · 2 years
Yandere!MSBY 4 x Kageyama Twin!Reader
Side couple:
Komori Motoya x Kageyama Twin!Reader
Warnings: Cheating, non-con(not too much), obsessive and possessive behavior, general yandere tendencies. This is my first time writing explicit content like this, sorry if it's boring:/
PS: Send in requests if u have any...
Part 1:
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"So how have you been? Everything going ok with Komori-san?" Tobio's voice sounded through (Y/n)'s apartment as she cooked her dinner.
"Yeah! Everything has been great with us, tho the distance is really killing me, but we phone each other every day." (Y/n) answered back, waiting for Tobio to speak up again.
"Well, you did pick pretty far away cities, Shizuoka and Osaka I mean. But as long as you find time to call each other, it should be fine." (Y/n) smiled bitterly, nodding her head Kageyama's words
"Yeah, but enough about my love life, what about you? With how many fangirls and those fansites you have, you must have someone in mind." She teased, already imagining her brother blushing at her words.
"You know I am not interested in that, at least not now. Volleyball is more fun."
"You should honestly think of marrying it at this point." (Y/n) joked, not surprised by his answer.
"Shut it! But anyways, I need to go now. You will be off to Shizuoka this weekend?" Tobio wondered as (Y/n) went to pick up her phone and turn off the speaker.
"Well I was planning to, but Motoya told me he will come. Something about getting away from Shizuoka and all." The med student answered, recalling the conversation she had with the pro athlete a few days a
"Well at least you won't have to travel after the exam then. By the way, did Hinata text you at all in the past 2 weeks? Since the game with Komori-san's team, it's been radio silent from him."
"Hmm? Now that you mention it, I didn't hear anything from him either. Could that loss bumped him out so much?"
"Who knows. He can be off at times, but I am sure he will come around. Anyways, I got to go now. Hoshiumi-san wanted to take Hirugami-san and I out for a drink."
"Have fun! Give them greetings from me!"
With that, they ended the call and (Y/n) went back to making her noodles so that she can return back to studying as soon as possible. Groaning, the med student went through her phone, trying to find the last few notes she needed to revise.
"Just this one more exam and then I will have some time for myself..."
She yawned, looking at the clock on her wall, groaning.
"I will barely catch any sleep these days..." (Y/n) groaned as she put the phone away and went to eat her dinner, her mind going from her exam to the orange haired volleyball player.
'He really has been acting off... ever since graduation to be honest...'
She thought in worry.
With Hinata...
The man tossed and turned in his bed. He was supposed to go to sleep hours ago, but he just couldn't. Every time he closed his eyes, the image of (Y/n) and Komori flooded his mind, and he just ends up angry.
"Stupid Komori...is it his height that makes him attractive? His looks are average at best.. or his money? If (Y/n) was in need of financial support, she could have called me-"
Hinata's rambling was cut off by his phone ringing, so he quickly went to answer it.
"Sakusa? Why are you up so late?" The orange haired man wondered.
"I was talking with my aunt over some family meet up later this month, and she let the information about Motoya visiting Osaka slip out... do you know where I am going?"
Sakusa said sternly, clear annoyance lacing his voice as he mentioned his cousin.
"Do...do you think it's the right time?" Hinata wondering, his eyes going wide as he remembered the plan.
"Another time we won't have. We need to break them up... Aunt told me that he plans on proposing to (Y/n) soon."
Hinata's eyes widened and he clenched his fists.
"Ok...did you think of a plan to break them up?"
"Yeah, I will handle that."
"Good, I can't wait till that pest is gone."
"You and I both."
Sakusa sighed from the other side.
With Atsumu...
Atsumu groaned as he kept on stroking his cock as he went through the pictures he saved of (Y/n). The pictures were nothing special, just some from the beach he found on her Ig, but those were enough to rile him up. The image of the young woman underneath him, panting, crying and begging for release kept playing inside his head.
'(Y/n)... please...'
Groaning, the faux blonde as he came all over his hand. Panting, he got up from his bed and went to clean himself up. Once he was done he went back to his bedroom, sighing sadly as the images he had were just pure fantasies, the kind he wanted to be true.
Huffing, he sat down on his bed and scrolled through (Y/n)'s social media, smiling when he saw a new story was posted.
But, that smile faded away as soon as he saw that it was a picture of her books and a cup of coffee.
'Why is she up so late? It's nearly 1 in the morning. Shouldn't that useless boyfriend of hers make sure she is sleeping?!'
"Stupid! I knew that guy was no good! Why did she pick this prick of all?"
Atsumu's stare hardened as he thought of the brown haired libero. Back when he met Komori at the training camp, he thought of him as a possible friend. But now...now that he was with the girl of his dreams, there was no way for him to have that position.
"I wanted to so desperately see him cry that night. Show him and (Y/n) who the better one is...better player and better boyfriend, but..." Atsumu sighed as he rubbed his face, feeling like crying.
"But the whole time (Y/n) kept distracting me. That smile and her cheers, wonder how it would feel like to have her cheer on me, wear my jersey-"
Atsumu stopped his monolog as a message popped up. Quickly opening it, he saw that it was Bokuto.
'Komori is coming to Osaka tomorrow. We need to break them up this weekend. Sakusa said he is planning to propose.'
The message set an already frustrated Atsumu on fire. There was no way he will let that Komori put a ring on her pretty little finger.
"Besides, he can't afford what (Y/n) really deserves, unlike the rest of us. And Komori (Y/n) just sounds wrong."
The next day...
"I honestly don't know if I will pass this one, but the most important part is that it's over!" (Y/n) cheered as she walked out of the building.
"I am sure you will pass. When will the results be?" Miwa asked from the other side of the phone.
"In like...5 days or so. Unless the professor starts grading them today."
The med student yawned, already dreaming of her soft bed.
"Sleepy? Are you off home?" Miwa asked, worried for the youngest sibling.
"Yeah. Motoya will arrive in Osaka later tonight, so that gives me some time to rest."
"Alright. I have to go now since a client arrived. Have fun you two, but not too much~" The older woman teased, causing (Y/n) to blush a little as she said her goodbyes.
'She can be too much at times.' (Y/n) groaned. All of a sudden, the young woman felt someone grab ther shoulder, causing her to jump away and turn around.
"Easy there (Y/n), it's just us!" Sighing in relief, (Y/n) noticed the familiar golden and black eye.
"Bokuto-san, Sakusa-san, what a surprise! What are you two doing here?" (Y/n) asked, smiling as the two athletes took off their masks.
"We were just walking by after practice! Do you live here somewhere?" Sakusa asked flatly, already knowing all the information.
"Oh no, my university is in this location tho! How are you two? Has practice been going well?" (Y/n) asked while smiling, causing Bokuto to blush a little, meanwhile Sakusa hid his by putting his mask back on.
'Adorable...my (Y/n) is so adorable.' The black haired thought as Bokuto spoke up.
"It's been great. Today we were let go a little sooner than usually. The coach and captain were a little easier today, after all the hard training before."
"Yeah, they got a lot stricter after our match with Komori's team." Sakusa explained, getting more annoyed at his cousin than he already was. (Y/n) blinked for a moment, and then remembered what he was talking about.
"Sorry to hear that you two, but you guys were still amazing. I guess it depends on the luck you have that day."  She answered back, trying to lighten up their moods. Which seemed to work, as Bokuto stopped pouting, sending her a grin soon after. Sakusa seemed to lose his annoyed demeanor, but his eyes stayed as passive as possible, so she wasn't sure about him.
"Really?! Did you see that service ace I delivered at the beginning?! Worked on it for a while." Bokuto boasted.
"Yeah! That was pretty cool! I am happy that you hard work paid off. Hope the next time you performed it, it will be the winning points."
Bokuto grinned at the praise and continued talking to the younger. Sakusa clenched his fists are the sight, envying how easy the conversation between the two was. How familiar they are to each other. It's not like Sakusa didn't talk to her before, she visited his place often with Komori, but he always had a hard time talking to her.
"Hey uhmm... the two of us, Atsumu and Hinata are free tonight, want to go out for dinner?"
The black haired boy's question surprised not only (Y/n), but Bokuto as well.
"Well that sounds nice Sakusa-san, but Motoya will come over tonight, so I really can't. And I don't think it's that much of a smart idea, I don't want to piss some of your fangirls off."
(Y/n) shuddered, remembering how some of the girls from her class came into her, after pictures of her and Atsumu talking surfaced on social media.
Sakusa and Bokuto ignored the part with Motoya, as they were more concerned over the 2nd part.
"Say...none of the fans caused you any trouble?"
"Ahh...all I can really say is that Atsumu-san's fans love him a little too much." Was all she said, which made alarm bells go off in both of them.
"But nothing to worry about! I already handled it! Anyways, I need to go now, gotta rest a little till Motoya arrives! Bye!" (Y/n) said, walking off quickly, trying to avoid any form of questioning from either of the two.
"What are you doing?" Bokuto wondered, his gaze switching from (Y/n) retreating form to Sakusa's, who was dialing a number on his phone.
"I will call my dear cousin over for a drink... the plan is going in action tonight."
"Alright! Let me go and call Hinata then." The Fukurodani alumni grinned, excited about tonight.
"You are meeting up with Sakusa-san? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" (Y/n) asked the brown haired libero over the phone.
"Sorry, it came out of the blue, I will try not to stay for too long with him... you are not mad?" Komori asked from the other side, gulping as he thought of her reaction.
"Why would I be mad, Sakusa-san is your family after all. Just, tell me sooner next time." She asked softly. There was really no reason for her to be annoyed, aside from him not informing her sooner.
"Sorry, I really am. But I have something for you, which might make it up for my mistake." Komori said sheepishly, causing (Y/n) to grow curious.
"What would that be?"
"You'll see! But I need to hang up now, sorry."
"Ok, have a safe trip! And have fun."
Turning off her phone, (Y/n) sighed and went to her living room, opting to watch a movie or two till Komori arrives.
A few hours had passed and (Y/n) was beginning to get nervous, not only was Komori supposed to arrive at her place an hour ago, but he also wasn't answering his phone.
"Should I call Motoya again? I have been calling him for the past 20 minutes and nothing... Maybe Sakusa-san will answer me." (Y/n) muttered nervously as she dialed the athlete's number.
She didn't have to wait for too long, as he answered his phone quickly.
"Hello? (Y/n)?"
"Sakusa-san! Thank God you answered, is Motoya with you? Why isn't he answering his phone?"
'I probably come off as controlling, but fuck it!' She gulped, waiting for an answer from the man.
"Motoya? Why would he be with me? I am out with Hinata."
(Y/n)'s heart dropped at those words.
'There... But why would he say?'
"Hello? (Y/n), you still on your phone?" Sakusa's voice interrupted her thoughts and she quickly answered him.
"Uhmm...I... Motoya isn't with you 100%? He said you two would meet up for a drink."
"No, we never agreed to that. I have practice tomorrow, so that's out of question-"
"I need to go. Bye, sorry for interrupting you two." (Y/n) didn't let Sakusa finish as she hung up and went to call Komori again, her heart racing and alarm bells ringing.
"Come on...answer please....Motoya..." She desperately begged, thinking of the worst possible scenario.
'He wouldn't... Motoya wouldn't cheat. There is no way, but why else would he lie?'
"Why aren't you answering?!" (Y/n) screamed as she threw her phone on the couch, tears escaping her eyes.
"Please...let this be all a prank, I swear I won't be mad. Please-"
A notification popped up on her phone, and (Y/n) quickly ran to her phone, thinking this might be Komori. Unlocking her phone, (Y/n) read the name of a private Ig account, which sent her a few pictures. With a heavy heart, she opened the message, only, to her horror find pictures of Komori sleeping next to a unfamiliar girl. The sight of the woman smiling next to a seemingly naked Komori made her heart break and she quickly turned of her phone.
Shaking and sobbing, she plopped on the couch and started crying harder, the pathetic feelings of sadness and betrayal taking over her body.
"Should we go now?" Hinata asked as Sakusa finished his call with Atsumu.
"Yeah, the woman sent those photos to (Y/n) and already left. With how much Motoya drank, it will be a wonder if he remembers anything." Hinata nodded his head as they walked of to Sakusa's car.
"All the better for us, (Y/n) will just think that he is lying and trying to pretend nothing happened."
Sakusa silently nodded his head, grinning like a madman that this years old nightmare is coming to an end.
'Finally she will be mine...tonight is the night.' The black haired man hummed as him and Hinata walked off to the meeting spot.
A few hours passed by and (Y/n) was sound asleep in her bed, all the crying drained her, and she just wanted to shut off everyone. So much so that she didn't even answer her brother or sister's calls. The silent apartment was soon disrupted by the sound of the entrance door being opened, and two figures walked inside.
"Shouldn't we wait for Hinata and Atsumu?" Bokuto whispered as Sakusa nodded his head.
"I really could care less where those two idiots are right now. Besides, we should go and prepre our little princess." The Itachiyama alumni muttered as he walked to (Y/n)'s bedroom, his whole body shaking in excitement along with Bokuto's.
"Finally, I have been dreaming of this moment for so long." Bokuto grinned as Sakusa slowly opened the bedroom door. Breath hitching up, Bokuto walked inside and up to (Y/n)'s bed. The man gulped as he looked at her sleeping face, her puffy, red cheeks and pout causing his cock to harden.
Groaning, Sakusa slowly removed her covers, enjoying the sight of her vulnerable figure. Bokuto let out a a sigh as he sat on the bed and caressed (Y/n)'s hair.
"I can't wait for those two." Sakusa finally said as he hovered over the woman, and slowly grabbed onto her pajama pants, pulling them down.
"Finally." Bokuto grinned as Sakusa pulled off her pants, licking his lips when he saw her panties. Quickly unbottoning her pajama shirt, he was more than pleased to see her bare boobs.
"Naughty girl~" Bokuto giggled as Sakusa started kissing up (Y/n)'s leg, her soft skin turning him more and more on.
'And that bastard Motoya kept all of this to himself?! And with how he is, he probably didn't please her to the fullest.'
Bokuto was meanwhile kneading (Y/n)'s nipples, watching in pleasure as the woman started groaning and moaning, her eyes slowly opening, looking at her surrounding in confusion.
"Looks like my little slut is finally up? Look Omi!"
"Wh-what th?!-" (Y/n) shrieked as she realized what was going on, desperately trying to wiggle her body out of this. But all of this was to no avail as their grips on her body tightened.
"Shh baby, we will take great care of you. Just be compliant."
"Get off of me! What the hell?!" (Y/n) glared up at Bokuto as she tried to push him off. This pissed the white/black haired man off, causing him to grab her arms and pin them down, sending the woman a warning growl.
"Don't make it so unnecessarily hard, baby. We know you want this, you are all wet just from our touch." Sakusa cooed as he inserted a finger inside, enjoying the surprised expression and her attempts to hide her moan.
"Don't hold back baby, I want to hear all of the noises." The black haired man laughed, insisting a 2nd and 3rd finger shortly after.
"Stopp~" (Y/n) moaned out as Bokuto played with one of her nipples and sucked the other, moaning at how soft she felt.
"Good girl, just lay back and enjoy it." Sakusa smirked as he pumped his fingers faster and faster, enjoying how hee moans were getting louder and louder.
"You smell so nice... I have been waiting for so long. We all have." Bokuto muttered in between of kissing her neck, leaving a bite mark or two in the process.
"Wha-what are you t-talking about~" (Y/n) panted as she felt her climax approach her.
"We all have had our eyes set on you since high school, and it really enraged me...us to see you with my cousin of all people. But you will soon learn not to mess with us, baby~" Sakusa chuckled as the younger came onto his finger, enjoying the moan she let out.
"So sensitive... Atsumu and Hinata will sure enjoy this." Bokuto teased as he wiped her tears away, kissing her cheek right after.
"Please...please don't go any further... Sakusa, Motoya will be-"
(Y/n) flinched as both men glared and let out low growls.
"Still thinking of that pest? While two of the most sought after athletes in the country are about to give you the night of your life?" Sakusa said as her got up, signaling to Bokuto to change positions. (Y/n) was about to use the moment her hands were free to get up, but Sakusa stopped her.
"You are not going anywhere. The fun is just starting." Sakusa said as (Y/n) watched in horror as Bokuto started taking off his pants. Then suddenly, the younger heard her bedroom door open, and a familiar voice fill up the room.
"Hey! Why didn't ya wait for us?!" Atsumu growled as Hinata whined at the betrayal. The black haired man rolled his eyes along with Bokuto.
"Next time don't take so long. Now wait till Omi and I are finished."
"Not fair! I know (Y/n) longer than any of you, I should do it first!"
"Deal with it, Hinata." Sakusa said, looking down at (Y/n)'s teary eyes, the sight causing him to grow harder than he already was.
The next day, (Y/n) woke up feeling sick and body aching from all the bruises and bite marks the 4 left on her body. But besides that, a weird form of relief washed over her body as she noted that neither of the men were with her. Perhaps, she thought, they left or something. But, just as she started hoping that, her door opened and revealed Hinata's smiling figure. (Y/n) cringed at how normal he was acting, as if he and his friends didn't force themselves on her last night.
"You are awake! Just in time too, Omi made us breakfast." Hinata said cheerfully as he approached her bed, causing the woman to flinch away as he touched her shoulder.
"Huh? Was I that rough with my marking last night? Sorry baby, I will be gentler next time." (Y/n) looked at the grinning man in horror as he said that.
"N-next time?"
"Of course, did you think this was a one time thing?" Gulping, she felt Hinata grab the back of her head and rest his forehead against hers.
"We all are in love with you for years, and if you thought we would leave after we got a taste of how sweet you are...you are dead wrong." Hinata said, the crazy and lovesick look in his eyes made her realize in just how much trouble she was in.
"Besides...of you don't want Komori's career to end in a cheating scandal, you will play the role of the obedient little kitten." Atsumu said from the doorway. (Y/n) moved to look at him in shock as Hinata started kissing her neck, moaning at the pleasant smell.
"How do you-"
"How do we know? Easy, we set him up. You should have seen how much we had to make him drink to convince him that woman was you." Her eyes widened as Atsumu chuckled and walked up to her bed, patting her head and kissing the top of it.
"Remember, your body and soul belong to us from now on, so better not look at any other man, or else these pictures of Komori are going into the public."
(Y/n) felt tears start rolling down her cheeks as Atsumu showed her those again. She knew there was no way out, if only she knew sooner how crazy these 4 were...maybe she would have been more careful. Maybe she would have stayed in Tokyo or even in Miyagi to study,but with the way they were, (Y/n) doubted this distance would have prevented any of this. Atsumu chuckled at the hopeless look the younger had on her face and leaned in to lick some of the tears away.
'Finally I have you hopeless and desperate, just like I always wanted it.'
@kei-tsuki21 @thebrunetteavenger @sicklyinlove @kittykatiekat @torriblack97 @locogvrl @omi-kunslysol @yuushs
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elysianslove · 3 years
please use this ask to elaborate on mattsun’s dick <33
AH YES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING gotta do this before i start fasting lmfao.  this ended up being sadder than i thought, but it just ends up being kinda sweet and sorta hot. also this was way longer than i intended. post in reference.  
warnings; big dick mattsun, throwing up, pain kink (?), painful sex, insecurities, consensual taping  
okay remember when i mentioned the insecurity thing? let’s dive deeper into that; third years and mattsun are at some sleepover thing. it’s a little before graduation, and they don’t when they’ll see each other next, so they’re trying to make most of the time that’s left. the conversation progresses to sex, as it naturally does, and each of them admits some horrifying or embarrassing sex story. 
iwaizumi had sex with a girl who was extremely kinky and asked him to slap her, but— they don’t call him ace for no reason. 
oikawa lost his virginity to this girl and she started her period halfway through, but he was really young and didn’t realize that was something that could just happen? it wasn’t that he was immature about it. it was more that he fainted. 
hanamaki found out he was allergic to flavored condoms when he lost his virginity, and it was not fun. 
but then it was mattsun’s turn, and they’re all waiting for his embarrassing sex story, till he hits them with, “i’ve never had sex though,” and each and every one of their eyes bulge out of their heads. it’s the last thing they’d been expecting from him, from cool, suave, charming mattsun, but he continues to swear by it. and when they demand the reason — surely you’ve gotten the chance to before? — he admits it to them: “apparently my dick is too big.” and it’s comical to say out loud, because he’s only gotten with a handful of girls, barely any for it to be firm hypothesis. he thinks he’ll one day meet someone that doesn’t think it’s too big, it won’t fit, um i can give you a handjob, if that’s okay? 
all that evidently leads to a dick comparison, because how big can it really be? and once mattsun sees his best friends’ eyes widen at his hardened dick, it sinks in. shit, he really is big, isn’t he? 
“holy shit, mattsun,” makki says, and he’s bashful as he stares at his best friend’s dick. “how would that fit inside anyone?” and mattsun’s already growing soft, tucking his dick back in his pants and moving to wash his hands after kicking makki rightfully in the chest. 
college comes around, and he passes by a thousand girls crying about how the boy from last night’s dick was so small, ugh i wish i had an 8 inch, and the things i’d do to have my guts rearranged. he sees a little light in this tunnel of endless blue balling, and meets a girl, takes her back to his dorm with his lips biting at her neck and her hands fumbling with his belt. as soon as he falls onto the bed, as soon as she straddles him, naked, and moves to slip off his trousers, anxiety meets him halfway again, and he holds in a breath as she pulls at the hem of his pants and takes his boxers with her.
the gasp his half hardening cock pulls out of her is confusing. he can’t tell what to make out of it, but she spits on her palm and grips his hefty cock in her small palm, unable to have her fingertips meet. her eyes are wide, but she seems determined, even tilts her hips forward, but she resorts to, “can i just suck you off?” 
and mattsun thinks alright, that’s an upgrade. 
when she ends up throwing up because she underestimates his size and overestimates herself, mattsun offers her his bathroom to clean up, and grabs her a bottle of water as she leaves. 
he ends up losing his virginity to some masochist, and it’s not very memorable or anything he’d ever imagined it be. it sits high on his list of regrets: he cums way too early, and hurts the masochist too much for it to be enjoyable in any way. but he texts the old third year groupchat and types in “i lost my virginity 😎” and receives the praise he had expected. 
for months to come, he fucks his fist every other night to amateur porn and watches as some camgirls’ cunts swallow inches and inches of plastic cock. he hooks up with some girls only to have them sit on his face and kitten lick at the head of his cock. some swallow a little bit of his cock, some fondle at his balls, but none ever let him fuck them. oikawa sends him links for sex toys, and mattsun feels as pathetic as ever, but he buys a fleshlight anyways and finds purchase in how tight it feels around his cock, how wet and slippery it is, how it properly milks him dry. makki meets him during a break and offers to suck his dick for him, but mattsun flips him off and kicks at his stomach again. 
it’s during his third year that he meets you. 
you’re sweet and charming, , and you have pretty hair, and he likes your style, and you laugh at his stupid jokes. you call him handsome, and you call him pretty, and you compliment his hair when it’s at its curliest. you send him the weirdest memes and tell him it reminds you of him, and you pick him up at obscure times because you’re craving nuggets or ice cream or ramen or licorice. he asks you to be his girlfriend and when you say yes, he blushes so forcefully that he has to scrunch up his face to try and hide it. he lets you meet his friends through a screen, and he buys you matching rings because he enjoys the subtlety of it all, and he orders donuts to be sent to your place  during your exam week. 
being with you is a dream, so much that when he hovers above you, kissing at your lips like he always does and sucking at your neck the way you love, and you murmur that you want him, want all of him, his hands fumble and shake. he tries to hide it, but his breath is shakier and his chest is flushed, his eyes a little hazy. you’re so gentle with him, and he hadn’t known he needed it until you’re straddling him and slowly smoothing your hands down his chest, palming him through his too tight briefs, squeezing softly. 
when your hands reach for his briefs, his own snap to your wrist, and he dares to beg, “please stay,” and you kiss him in response. your breath hitches at the sight of him, and your hand shakes when you spit on it and grip at his cock, but despite your initial hesitance you don’t falter. 
you stroke tentatively at his cock, squeezing him tightly, and fall closer to him, hovering your lips by his as you ask of him, “stretch me— stretch me for you.” 
there’s only one word to describe everything mattsun had been feeling in that moment, and it’s overwhelmed, but it’s somehow in the most positive way. he sits up straight, keeping you on his lap. his fingers find your dripping cunt and he pushes one, two, three, four fingers inside of you. he makes you cum twice, fingers curled and rapidly thrusting into you, other hand occupied with your sloppy clit and mouth latched onto your nipple. you praise him and thank him and cry for him and writhe in his hold as he pleasures you, and when you’re breathless and limp in his arms, he waits for the ball to drop, for you to give into your anxiety and hesitance. 
except you don’t. 
you lift yourself up on trembling knees, hands settled on and gripping his shoulders, and with teary eyes, you say, no, you beg, “make it fit.” 
he has stars in his eyes as he grips his cock tightly with one hand, the other holding you to him by your waist. it’s slow, it’s painfully slow, but mattsun has never treasured time as much as in that moment. he takes in everything, from the way your body tenses at the first intrusion when his tip presses against your hole, to the small gasps and moans as you take more and more of him in, at the sweat that beads at your temple and that rolls between your breasts. he marvels at the heave of your chest and the roll of your tummy as you curve in yourself, and he revels in the press of your lips to his, in the pull your arms looping around his neck and pressing his chest flush to yours. 
he does cum too early, but you don’t chastise him. you only continue to ride his soft cock, his cum messily dribbling out, and he ignores the sting from his sensitivity in favor of rubbing at your clit, sending you over the edge eventually. 
he texts the old third years groupchat that night again, with you sleeping soundly by his side, comfortable beneath his blankets, “why didn’t you guys tell me sex was this good? fake friends,” and sends a picture of him shirtless, sweaty, and with a post-sex flush to his cheeks and messy curls, with the middle finger. 
maybe you shouldn’t have let him have a taste of you, because he fucks you in bed the next morning, sleep still settled deep in your bones, and then he fucks you in the shower, and then he eats you out splayed out on his dinner table. he videotapes you sucking him off, with your permission, and watches it when you’re too far out of reach. he sends you pictures after a shower, gripping his cock through the briefs he’d quickly slipped in, hair wet and curly and matted to his forehead, skin damp and glistening. and when you react so positively, he blushes, to his dismay. you meet his friends and they joke about how you’re still alive, but you brush them off and tell them you’ve never felt more satisfied. 
with every single time he watches his cock sink into your warm, tight, sloppy cunt, and every time he watches you swallow around him, and every time he makes you cry and leaves you braindead, leaves you mindless and begging for more, his confidence grows. so much until he learns to be cocky about it, so much that when he barely preps you and pushes into you, he shivers at the way you whine and tense up, at the way you flinch and lightly thrash. because you’re a good girl, aren’t you? always take my cock so well, don’t you? nobody but you, nobody like you. 
and it’s true; it’s nobody but you for him. in every single way.
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hello what the fuck am i doing. i did not think this was gonna escalate like this hfskjfns but anyways, big dick mattsun for the win <3 
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oneoftheprettynerds · 4 years
Fixed: Dark!Steve x Reader (Mob AU)
Chapter 4 in the Lipstick and Crayons Series.
Chapter 3: Love So Soft
Main Masterlist
A/N: It’s shorter than my usual updates but I’m busy so sorry for the delay. My final exam dates have come and all I can do is pray right now lol. Please pray for me if you can, this sis is out here writing fanfics for yall instead of studying so, haha. ANyways, enjoy babies! Shit happens in this chapter.
Warning: Non-Con, Sickening Threats, Mob Themes, Violence, Death, Manipulation, a mild mental breakdown, Cheap Tricks.
Genres + Characters: Mob AU, Single Parents AU, Steve Rogers x Reader.
Summary: Steve can’t ever repay you for what you did. After meeting you, Steve believes his broken family is the missing piece in the puzzle of your own wrecked one. Indebting the crime lord to you has been the biggest mistake of your life, cause now you can’t get rid of him, no matter what. Loyalty and favours go a long way in the mob.
Word count: 5K
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Chapter 4: Fixed
You didn’t sleep that night. Or the next few. Your hands shook every time you got a flashback and even though you were numb to emotions that entire day, tears threatened to spill whenever your mind took to you to that overpriced kitchen again.
Now that he had gone to a dangerous and unnerved assaulter from a Dad trying to take care of his daughter, your mind wouldn’t put anything past him. You knew that in the back of your mind that he was a mobster and your ‘friendship’ was alarming to say the least, but now there was no denying his resources and power and the very obvious threat to your life lingering in the air.
At least before you had the luxury to be oblivious and ignorant, not anymore though. Steve felt even more unhinged and liberal now, even messaging you daily, greeting texts that you obviously ignored. He knew you both were aware that you never handed him your number and he felt no need to hide his pursuit.
You read most of the messages, not bothering with a single reply though. You tried to block him but somehow your phone would still receive messages from his number, even though his contact would always peek back at you from the otherwise empty blacklist.
As if his torment wasn’t ample, another message thread from a different number would forward you alarming images, photos of Grace in her daycare, on a class trip to the park and even her playing in your backyard. You had no doubt that this was another game of his to show you his resources.
You skipped daycare for a few days, your mental health worse than it was after the carnival attack, because now you had a personal tormentor and you cursed yourself for falling into this mess. At times, you believed it wasn’t your fault really, you just helped a kid and this situation spiraled itself but what would pointing fingers now get you? The harsh truth was you were in a calamitous situation now and every step from now on had to be thought out.
So, you let Grace attend her daycare and acted if nothing was amiss or altered, after the few initial breakdown days of course, kept going to your job and earning the bread. You considered your options, you really wanted to go to the cops or a higher fair power but those were few these days, almost non existent in your city. You also vaguely recalled meeting three of the Captains of the PD at Sarah’s birthday, all smiley and doe eyed for Steve. You knew they wouldn’t help, fucking kiss-asses.
Maybe you would have to move somewhere else, perhaps to your hometown, at least till things cooled down or better yet were forgotten? But that trail was very predictable and you didn’t want your parents in this mess.  
You also came to know that Steve had inserted himself in the other spheres of your life. You were sure your location was always being sent to him, the knowledge a courtesy of the black car following you while you travelled to home at some late day’s end.
Aiden told you whereabouts were easy to track, when you inquired ambiguously. Another instance was when you went to the bank to deposit cash for your debit card, you came face to face with an enormous amount already there. Somehow, the limit on your credit card was also extended. How, you knew. The clerk told you about an email you must have gotten in regards to it, you dismissed that justification away and told them to not accept the cash. To sum the discussion, they weren’t helpful and had no policy against anonymous donors.
Aiden, your trusted coworker cum pal, sensed the shift in your aura and fidgety form very easily, pestering you with questions and you decided to turn to him, stressed and tired and ready to do something. His questioning eyebrows made you confess vaguely but you refused to tell him the extent of it. Just that his prediction came true and you needed help. Let’s just say, Aiden was a good man.
With time, Steve’s ‘affectionate’ messages became deranged, and you found it harder to act nonchalant in your daily life. You were thankful he didn’t come to visit you, possibly occupied with the rumored war between the mobs. You just prayed for a few more days of ignorance, just enough time to think and do something.
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“What do you mean someone collected her?!” You had a hard time controlling your voice, you were about to burst, in tears or with anger, you didn’t know.
“The man was verified in the emergency contacts and we got a letter signed and approved by you to skip the day an hour into the first activity.”
“A man? Emergen-, wait no! What fucking approved letter?”
You had three emergency contacts, your mom in another state, Aiden, and one of the other kid’s mom you had grown close to. Aiden was with you at work all day, so did someone disguise themselves as him? And what was the deal with the letter signed by you? You surely didn’t remember writing and authorizing one.
The boy, Pietro, who had been the receptionist for as long as you could remember, shuffled through the chaotic piles of paper and presented a letter to you, and your blood froze as your eyes skimmed the font.
Your beautiful cursive stared right back at you and you knew that no one would ever be able to distinguish between this penmanship and the one in the pocketbook in your clutch. No one but you. Even though you knew you had not written it, the slightly different ‘f’ and ‘g’ told you everything.
Your signature at the bottom though, was done quite perfectly and that made you even more scared.
“I did-, I didn’t write this! What the-” Your widened eyes met Pietro’s from above the paper but all he offered you was a meek smile. Your hands shook with rage and for the first time in your life, you had the urge to slap someone really bad.
“Maybe your family had an emergency to take he-”
“No, you don’t get it!” You stopped yourself from getting frantic, willing yourself to take deep breaths and think rationally. Today of all days, things had to mess up.
He didn’t know you had no family in this city, that you had a mobster after you or the subtle threats that his hired spy sent to you.
Was going to the police an option? Aiden already told you that the cops were as good as Steve’s men. But this was about your missing kid! You’d never forgive yourself if something happened to her. And you were giving Steve way too much credit, what if he wasn’t behind this all? Come to think of it, what if the other number wasn’t his?
Relax yourself! Thinking of disturbing theories wouldn’t help anyone. You thought you should go to the cops, just in case. No mentioning of Steve, just a woman with a ‘missing child’ report.
‘Missing Child’ left an acrid taste behind and you were too close to a breakdown, but your whole journey of single-parenthood taught you to kick vulnerability aside, well most of the times.
You turned and were about to leave, but Pietro stopped you. “If you are going to the cops Ma’am, they require 8 hours of inactivity or disappearance time for kids under 5.”
Well look who just read your mind.
You huffed and kept the tears at bay, your mind thinking of what to do then? Grace was obviously taken-
“How could you let a toddler leave without informing the parents?” You knew your anger was channeling out at the wrong man but didn’t he all but hand Grace to the stranger?
You beat him answering and inquired, “What did the man look like? Do you have any footage? Anything?” The wrinkles in your forehead and stress creases on your face paired with the eyebags betrayed your age surely. You were sure you had aged more this week than an entire decade, juggling your normal life with the hovering threat.
“You shouldn’t be this worried Ma’am.”
The fucking audacity.
“Your daughter recognized him, she all but ran to him and this other little girl he came with. You should maybe ask your parent-friends around? A blonde family perhaps?”
As all the emotions drained from your face and terror took over, the young lad in front of you looked smug. You wondered as if you imagined the faintest of smirks on his face.
You crumpled the letter in your hands, seething with rage as you stepped in your car. Oh, you were mad, more wrathful than ever. You could take any hits on you, any threat but not on Grace, never on her.
You were stupid, you had already decided you wouldn’t put anything past him but unknowingly, you did put this past him. You thought this man had a shred of decency to not use your kid in this adult war, being a parent himself and all but what a surprise! You were wrong.
You drove to your home, your thoughts a mix of trepidation, anxiety and fury. You were scared of him and his reach and resources but if he put Grace in any type of danger; whether to teach you a lesson or use her as bait or both, there’d be consequences.
Lord knows you killed a man a month ago Grace was threatened.
You had one thing to do before contacting Steve about Grace but you never got to do it because unexpectedly the bastard was in your home. In your home.
The black sports car outside was a huge giveaway but your suspicions were confirmed when you opened the door with your house key. The banter and giggles from inside alarmed yet calmed you; the dread of confrontation and the assurance of Grace’s safety reigned your mind.
As the door opened painfully slow like a horror movie, the sight that met your eyes made you sick with a feeling of failure. It wasn’t gore or blood or grunge, it was Steve bouncing Grace in the air and catching her while Sarah twirled around in the living room.  
This man was craftier than you thought, every action of his was calculated, each a refined step. You had been so preoccupied to avoid direct encounters with him in your little family’s life that you didn’t think he had other ways. He was always looming around with Sarah and as Grace began to trust Sarah, she consequently began to trust her blonde guardian too.
As you slammed the door behind you, Steve’s eyes snapped to yours and his smirk made you want to punch him so hard. The smugness on his face while he let Grace down without breaking eye contact told you he had no regret, no remorse. In fact, he was loving every second of this cat and mouse chase between you two.
You were a millimeter close to losing your shit, the only check being the kids in the room. But you were mad and he was going to know it.
“What the hell, Steve? Messing with my kid?” You threw your clutch onto the couch, Steve haughty by the reception of his sent message but still holding back because of the kids. He called Wanda and you didn’t really notice where she came from but you did register Steve asking to take the girls to the park for a ‘private discussion’.
As Grace passed by you, you grabbed her arm lightly, making her look at you with doe eyes resembling yours. You gave her a smile trying to ease her, but you knew she was smart enough to sense the change in the atmosphere.
Apparently, the whining Sarah wasn’t.
You looked back to Steve, your hold still on Grace and continued with a frown and raised eyebrows, “She isn’t going anywhere, not out of my sight and obviously not with you or your goons.”
Wanda had the audacity to look offended and you scoffed at her, eyes staring Steve’s down.
“Honey, I don’t think the kids should hear what I think you have to say right now.” He said nodding to Wanda to take Grace.
“You must be deranged to think I trust Grace near anyone even remotely related to you! Take your people and get out.” You held your hand up to stop Wanda and pointed towards the door with the most menacing glare you could form.
Grace looked incomprehensibly between you two, concern and confusion on her face. That might have been the first time such a tone was used in your household. The grumbling Sarah was close to throwing a tantrum, irritated by the change in the playful air or the lack of attention to her, you didn’t know. She was hanging on Wanda’s forearm, her feet slipping on your printed rug. Wanda was trying to not look hurt still by your previous statement, distracting herself by the blonde kid and you were baffled by her obliviousness to all this.
Steve, the beefy blonde Lucifer, was furious and seething. His white knuckles and ticking jaw were the most obvious giveaways, the fingers just itching to beat the shit out of someone no doubt.
Was he imagining striking you into compliance into his weird playhouse game complex? You wouldn’t be surprised given the extent of his attempt to ‘win’ you over.
The ‘get out’ tone and blatant disrespect was a bruise to his ego for sure, and by you, a middle-class woman nonetheless was a worse injury. Steve was the deadly boss to armored men in the vicinity, the kids’ father figure, according to him, and Wanda’s stern yet kind employer.
People had been killed for less and there you were, standing in all your glory, being the only person alive to reject Steve Rogers and now, the only to raise your voice at him.
You almost scoffed at his impudence to look offended, what did he expect? For you to submit to him after the stunt he pulled? His reach was scary he proved today and that any future with him in your life in any way, was a fearsome possibility to entertain but you’d be damned if you went down without a fight.  
“You can’t make me leave; we both know. You don’t have the physical edge nor the mental one. I have no problem drawing out G-U-N-S in front of the kids or to throw the warnings around, although I would prefer not to.”
Your free hand itched to slap him, like how his did minutes ago. It wasn’t a mankind problem about men thinking they were entitled to everything; it was a Steve Rogers’s problem. Of course, with him consent didn’t matter. If he had a ‘housewife, kids and fences’ fixation, he’d make it come true.
“Do you even listen to what I say? Or your own words even? Please, go ahead! Traumatise my kid and also yours in your wooing process! Why are you so obsessed? Leave us alone, you freak! I just ignored few messages!” You had a hard time maintaining your cool, if there was any left. You were sure you were scaring Grace and no matter what happened next, you knew she was already traumatized by this entire ordeal already. You were so sorry, so, so, so sorry to your poor baby caught in this mess.
You knew, no, you hoped, he wouldn’t pull out the gun, his actions at the carnival a proof, you remembered how he hid his gun on finding Sarah. That threat was empty but the next one wasn’t, his words making you freeze in your spot.
“I think you keep on misunderstanding me, sweetheart. I don’t make empty promises,”
Posh word for threats.
“For starters, maybe I should pay my future in-laws a visit in their blue duplex. They might need help with the vast garden they have, it is the season for ‘violets’, isn’t it?”
As you froze with your parents being brought up, he also cooled, albeit differently, smirking once again gaining the upper hand, not that he lost it if you were being honest.
“Isn’t threatening my kid enough for you, Steve?” You hated how your loud voice almost broke, your anger slowly subsiding into helplessness and you hated that. You hated his guts, his entitlement, his claim; everything about him.
“You still don’t see it, do you? Our family of four is the most important thing to me right now and I’m not above doing anything to save it.”
“There is no family of four Steve! I keep explaining and you keep coming back to square one with all this bullshit!” The curse word did tick Steve off but he would correct that later, when bigger things weren’t at ploy.
“Your ignorance makes me a little mad sometimes sweetheart and that is why I have to do all I do. You haven’t realized we need each other yet, but I’m staying until you do and even after that, I promise. You know how much it pissed me off to see your tickets and the packed suitcases after I’ve been nothing but nice? I was so generous to spoil you with my riches but instead I find that in your finances.”
This fucker knew. Of course, he did!
You were wondering in the back of your head what had prompted this visit with so many threats and warnings and anguish. He was pissed even before you ‘acted out’, he tracked the tickets and the plan and that meant he even tracked-
“You have so much to learn, but luckily you interact with quite a few people. I am most tempted to start out with this Aiden guy, trying to be the hero and giving you all the ideas. Maybe I should visit him?” Steve wondered out loud, and you flinched at his suggestion, hating how you were trapped by this man.
You couldn’t live with yourself if anyone got hurt because of you, be it your parents or Aiden or any other possibility Steve would come up with. Of course, Grace was your peak priority but you doubted he would hurt her as he threatened to harm them.
“Steve, please.” The fire was almost out, your hands trembling, Grace worried and Steve smug.
“Let the kids go and I think we can come to a conclusion.”
“Steve this needs to stop.” You said, your breaths heavy and helplessness clawing away at you.
“I won’t repeat myself.” He voiced out with a threatening edge, gesturing to Grace and Wanda, clearly telling you to first get the kids out.
For a deranged fucktard, he sure cared about the kids a lot.
You loosened your hold on Grace, patting her arm softly and nudged her to Wanda. Wanda received her little hand and enticed the kids with the promise of ice-cream. Sarah clapped her hands and as the trio left, Grace did look over her shoulders at you in concern and for permission, majorly in concern though. You nodded and waved, a tear dropping as soon as the door clicked shut.
You were still staring at the door, not wanting to meet Steve’s stormy blue orbs when he began, “Today was a slip up that I won’t tolerate again. Neither the cursing nor the dramatics.”
We aren’t in a fucking play, what the fuck is he labelling as dramatics?
Your eyes slowly flickered to his, and you had a hard time not letting the tears escape except the one traitorous one earlier. The fatigue, the worry of Grace’s disappearance, the threats to your friends and family were all catching up to you. It took all in you to stay strong and not fall down right now.
“Steve this isn’t funny anymore. It’s sick and you know it! I just said no! Was that so inexcusable that you had to follow up with this? You have violated me for that, broken into my home and now kidnapped my daughter! At what extent will you stop?” You broke down finally, arms a flailing mess as fat tears rolled down. Nothing scared more than the helplessness this moment. He won and he knew it. The carnival incident was nothing in comparison to this. The only good thing you could hope in all this was a safe Grace but that too only if you complied, which seemed like what you would do now given your attempts at fighting back and scampering have failed laughably.
“Gosh, I forgot how theatrical women are. You are smart darling; you know what I want from day one, just a happy family. Nothing that horrendous has happened and especially not as badly as put it. I’m just looking out for you and me in the long run.” Steve slowly treaded towards you, his hand extended to pat your arm comfortingly but you involuntarily flinched at contact and stepped back. Steve clearly didn’t like that as he caught your arm in a bruising grip and jerked you towards him. Manhandling you as your wet hands rushed to ease his grip was not a tough task for Steve, a surprise to none.
“Stop trembling like I’ve actually done something to harm you!”
Steve clearly didn’t know how to comfort women and it showed.
You stopped with the cowering away, even though it disgusted you to be this much in close proximity with your assaulter. He clearly had anger issues and no clue how to solve them. You needed to steer the conversation right and get him out. You could see your hands visibly shake as you put them on his chest, just to create some distance and in a way of surrendering to not fight. The tears slowed but you don’t think they stopped; it was hard to tell with a million other things on your mind.
As your eyes made contact, Steve loosened his grip, clearly a bit satisfied by your submission, as he began counting to help you breathe. As much as you hated to admit, it helped you and you got a flashback to the time when you freaked out on him about Grace at that extravagant dinner date. That was a sweet gesture then, not so sweet now. Funny how drastically things change with time.
It wasn’t so much Steve’s help as it was your own mind telling you to be fucking smart about the whole ordeal right now.
“Good. Better. Now let’s talk. Why were you planning to run away? I’ve been busy and coming home to find out that wasn’t joyful, you know.” His smile suggested a better mood than before but his voice, his husky voice always had this daring edge that almost challenged you to defy him but at the same time warned you of unpleasant consequences if you did.
“Steve, I’m scared.” You spoke with utmost honesty. “The part of the world you associate yourself with scares me. You can’t blame me for not wanting that life for Grace, I mean you have a kid of your own. Wasn’t the carnival attack specifically on Sarah?”
The reasoning was right but you knew you triggered him the moment his smile evaporated. He either felt insulted as a parent or disrespected in his profession or probably both.
He was fighting his inner demons already and you pointing it out was a slap to his face, a hit he didn’t want to take.
“That was a slip up, I admit. Never again. I’m only human, okay?” He convinced himself and you, his grip tightening a bit again.
Oh no, not the right direction to take.
You reckoned he still had nightmares about it like you, he really did love Sarah a lot, all things aside.
“Besides, I am looking out for you! Out for you and Grace and Sarah. I remember my promise of never putting either of them in harm’s way ever again.”
You definitely didn’t trust his security or his people because what sort of a mobster let his daughter get targeted and possibly abducted? You definitely didn’t know the whole story or if it was just a bad day but he wasn’t a person that deserved some slack. Despite all this, you knew what all he held above you, above a common man. He might not be ‘Kingpin’ skilled but a threat to you nonetheless.
Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out, “Is that what you call following me around, huh?” which you immediately regretted.
“Trust the process, baby. Everything is just to protect you.”
Is that what he called stalking even Grace around and twistedly enough, sending you proof of that? The anonymous thread of photos was another nightmare of yours, thanks to him. The last being a candid photo inside Grace’s room, her sleeping in her bed this morning and that’s when you decided you needed to get out. Of course, that didn’t go as planned.
“How am I supposed to do that when you have cameras in my house?!” You scoffed and he reeled back at the accusation, having the nerve to look impressed at being uncovered and caught red-handed.
“Oh my fucking God, it was you! You sick pervert!” You jumped out of his grip, your eyes wide and horrified. “I wasn’t aware of what to make of it but of course, it was you! Who else would be sick enough to do that?” You let out a humorless chuckle. You always put things past him even when you keep telling yourself you shouldn’t. When will you ever learn huh?  
You were full on panicking yet again, this man was an assaulter, a stalker and a creep too. It would have made a good dark, psychological thriller for you to watch if you weren’t the protagonist about to suffer his obsession.
He reached out to steady you again, but you whipped and stumbled back, realizing too late that you elbowed Steve’s nose so bad that there was a crunch. That, right there, was the look a man real-fucking-furious on Steve’s face and now you could see the feared mobster, the man who was personally terrorizing you under the beautiful, Greek God façade.
Steve reacted so fast even with an injury that in a split second, your view of his face turned into a view of his crotch.
“You do realize that there are others ways for me to teach you obedience? I think it’s fucking time you show me your gratitude for my care and attention and apologize for your misconduct and unkind response.” Steve spoke with a hoarse voice, a voice running out of patience and just about done with defiance.
His hand fisted your hair, maintaining eye contact while he nodded between you and his crotch. You knew what he wanted, what he was expecting as ‘thanks’.
“Steve, please no, you don’t-”
His other hand grabbed your jaw, stopping you from speaking as he warned, “I think you have done just enough talking for today, so why don’t you put that tongue to a better use and show me how sorry you are. Better make it convincing because I’d hate to pay one of your friends a visit and then bitch about a nasty blowjob.” He smirked at the end of his monologue, eyes shining with triumph and amusement.
You wouldn’t let him harm anyone else, you couldn’t. You and your daughter were already knee-deep in a pit and at this point, it’d just be cruel to drag someone else in. With shaky hands opening his pants, you just hoped you could get Grace out before you eventually were buried in it.
“Now that’s a good girl. Submissive is a sexy look on you.” His hands patted your hair, playing with your tresses while yours pulled his pants and then briefs down.
His member jerked out, almost slapping you in the face as you recoiled at his insolence to get hard and erect at your torment. Your disdain must have shown which he took as admiration and derision to take his affluent cock in.
“No need to get shy, I have faith you’ll be able take it just as well in your pretty pussy as you will right now. Open up-”
“Steve, I beg you-”
Just as you had cut him off, he interrupted your pleading. Your gag reflex was probably the most efficient in the world but that turned this narcissist on. It had been years since you had done it, never with a man as beefy as Steve.
His taste was salty and if you had to put it into better words, it was the like overpriced sea salt flakes that you never bought. High and pricey and for the entitled.
Your hands clutched at his thighs as you blacked out multiple times; your jaw aching, uvula swaying and tears escaping. Him forcing himself on you brough a new sense of vulnerability as your body trembled. Steve relished like a sadist, practically rutting into you all by himself as you just sat there with your jaw unnaturally open.
His obscene moans and groans were crass and nauseating and you just prayed for this to be over soon and for no one to walk in on this, especially your kid.
It seemed like it would never end, your body dehydrating with all the spit it produced, the drool dribbling and landing just beside your knees on your printed rug. You would have to throw that out.
The tears stooped after some point, the sobbing an unnecessary action that just tired you out more on this eventful day. You moved your tongue around to prevent your teeth from scratching him when he shifted angles. If this was what he did on slightly mad, you didn’t want to find what he did for a more serious punishment.
Apparently, that action was something that turned him on even more, his breath hitching as neared closure. In broken whispers he demanded that again and you complied, wanting to get done with it.
He growled in the moment of his release and you tried to lean back but his grip didn’t relent. “Swallow.” His grainy, exasperated voice said out loud and you knew better than to defy.
He released you and you fell on to the rug, hip bruising by knocking into some furniture and tears coming back again after being hydrated by his seed. He packed himself, his smile smug and content as his expressions truly resembled ecstasy being personified.
“You be a good fiancée from now on and maybe you’ll have all your friends alive and present at our wedding. No cheeky business from now on, got it?” Steve hummed then and strutted out, not even bothering to listen to your reply.
As soon as the door slammed, your eyes closed and your demons danced again.
There was no right direction to take when you were stuck in a loop.  
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Paging Healer Malfoy // Chapter Two - The Improper Use of Magical Materials (D.M)
A/N: CHAPTER TWO!! I wonder fi you can all guess what’s going to happen in this chapter from the title alone? Draco deals with some interesting cases, and I am loving writing this series. The love for the prologue and chapter one blew me away. I only hope you love this one just as much!!!
Summary: Coffee equals venting as well as inquisitions over personal lives. Interesting patients have their way of falling into Draco’s lap.
Warnings: mentions of coffee, mentions of procedures, hospitals, injuries, swearing, mentions of food, mutual pining, yearning, an overuse of commas and semi-colons, interesting medical cases.
Word count: 4k
Prologue// Chapter One
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By the time Draco has a long enough lull in patients, it’s been a couple of hours and he’s more than ready for a coffee.
The tradition of coffee with her had started through their training; it was how they vented to each other after a particularly long shift that had either been difficult or slow. It was how over the course of their training; their friendship had formed. It was over the coffees and the vents that Draco slowly realised his feelings for her were far from platonic.
(Y/N) stands at the admit desk, chatting to one of the longest working nurses at St. Mungo’s, Lydia. Lydia had seen it all; there was very little that could shock her. Draco thinks out of his eight years at St. Mungo’s, he had only ever seen Lydia speechless from shock twice. Both of those cases had not had positive outcomes.
(Y/N) greets Draco with a smile that almost knocks him breathless. He slots his chart into the discharged box and cracks his knuckles; he grins at (Y/N)’s displeased face, knowing that that particular habit gets on her nerves.
“Are you free now?” She asks; an eyebrow raised as if she’s expecting another rebuff.
Draco nods, “Coffee?”
(Y/N) smiles broadly; another smile to leave him breathless and hopelessly yearning for her as she murmurs her goodbyes to Lydia.
The café for St. Mungo’s is on the very top floor, and Draco thanks every god and deity out there that the hospital board had seen fit to install a lift instead of relying on the stairs. It was useful for practical reasons too; especially transporting patients to different floors and such alongside Draco’s continued avoidance of physical exercise.
It wasn’t an overly large café, but it catered for the Healers and nurses on every floor as well as the steady stream of patients and their families that came through the doors. It constantly smelt like coffee beans; the scent settling within Draco’s bones as he walks to the till with (Y/N) by his side.
Happy to see their usual table by the furthest window empty, Draco heads over there with their tray of freshly brewed coffee. They sit across from each other and share a tired smile; they were coming up to halfway through their shift now. They both loved their job; they couldn’t imagine working anywhere else as anything else but even they couldn’t help but countdown the minutes until they could clock off and go home to their showers and their beds.
Adding a splash of milk to her coffee, (Y/N) asks, “What do you think of the new trainees?”
Draco nods, “I think they’re going to be better than last year for definite.”
(Y/N) nods her head in agreement. Draco grabs a sugar packet from the centre of the table, “What do you think of your student?”
She rolls her eyes fondly, “He’s rich, that’s for sure. The only other person I’ve ever seen with a tailored lab coat is you.”
Draco huffs; tugging at the collar of his lab coat, “It was a gift, thank you very much.”
She laughs, “And you look very dashing.”
Draco turns her nose up at her, “Tell me something I don’t know.”
(Y/N)’s eyes sparkle with mirth over the rim of her coffee cup; the cup barely concealing the smile on her face. Draco returns the grin in earnest; never truly able to stay mad at her or hold a grudge against for too long.
“How have you been?” She asks; light concern lacing her voice.
“I’ve been okay,” Draco answers; expecting the worry she always has for him. He had been diagnosed with insomnia after the second wizarding war. It came in waves; he could have weeks, even months, where he slept fine, but then he would have periods where sleep was a distant memory.
“Have you been sleeping better? I can always prescribe you something if you need it.”
Draco waves away her offer, “I don’t need medicine to help me sleep.”
“Draco, you have insomnia. You, yourself, have admitted that traditional remedies aren’t helping.”
“(Y/N), I’m fine,” He reaches out for her hand; she lets him take it, “I’m fine. I’m sleeping better, I promise.”
She bites her lip; looking like she so desperately wants to believe him. For a second, Draco thinks she’s going to argue but at the last moment she decides against it. Instead, whispering what she wanted to say at the start of their conversation, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long.”
“We see each other nearly every day,” Draco argues.
“We’re so busy, Draco, we don’t talk like we used to.”
Draco sighs; knowing how right she is. If they found themselves on nights together, they would spend most of that shift together – especially if it was a quiet one. They would talk aimlessly about whatever came to their minds; the job, their families, their love life.
To Draco, it felt like his feelings for her were almost inevitable. The longer he spent with her; the longer he thought of her. Their fumble at the Christmas party last year had driven a wedge between them; neither ready to talk about what happened for the fear of losing their crutch. They so heavily relied on the other in terms of emotional release from their jobs; if things went south, what would they do?
Catching sight of the clock, (Y/N) sighs, realising that their conversation was over, “I need to go chase up some labs. As smart as my trainee he is, he’s useless at keeping on top of things.”
She stands; finishing the final few sips of her coffee. Her hand finds its way to Draco’s shoulder where it squeezes it once in goodbye, “I’ll find you at the end of your shift, we can get the tube together.”
He smiles at her, “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
And he wouldn’t.
The first week with the new trainees goes swimmingly. Draco cannot help but compare this year to last year where last year he had to dismiss one Healer immediately based on their bed manner with patients; inappropriate comments flying freely.
The second week with the new trainees gives Draco a breather from needing to watch over them constantly. He starts to spend less time flitting between their patients and more time taking on his own cases whilst still supervising the trainees and their assigned attendings.
As the trainees find their feet, Draco finds it easier to fall back into his routine from before they arrived. Working in Emergency Medicine meant that there was very little leeway for a strict routine, but there was always a lull in the early afternoon that allowed Draco to sneak upstairs to the café and grab some lunch without being pulled in for consultation after consultation.
However, Draco feels that something is off within his very bones. As he lines up to pay for his food and drink, he feels suspicious. As he sits down at the table he usually shares with (Y/N) - admitting to himself that he does miss her presence when he’s eating alone – he feels as if he needs to rush whatever he’s about to eat.
Eight years as a Healer has taught Draco to trust that gut instinct; to follow it to very end to where it leads.
The familiar static of the tannoy system precedes the announcement of his name, “Healer Malfoy to Trauma Two. Healer Malfoy to Trauma Two.”
Draco looks down at his meal sadly; briefly wondering whether the patient would protest to him eating through his trauma. He throws out the food as he rushes from the café, stethoscope clinking around his neck as he amps up his brisk walk to a flat out run.
As he runs to the trauma room, Draco has no idea what awaits him when he arrives in the emergency room. He has no clue as to his patient; their age, gender, ethnicity. As of right now, he couldn’t care – all he needs to know is that there is someone who needs his help.
The patient has already been lifted onto the bed when Draco arrives. Studiously ignoring his growling stomach, he looks to Vera, “What do we have?”
“27 year old Rowan Talbott; injured in a duel between friends. BP and oxygen all fine though his pulse is a little fast.”
Rowan Talbott writhes on the bed in pain, gasping, “It hurts so much.”
“Where does it hurt, Mr. Talbott?” Draco questions; standing over the patient.
“My side! It feels like its burning.”
Draco makes eye contact with the nurse who helps to roll the young man onto his other side. With deft, experienced fingers, Draco examines the patient.
“Mr. Talbott,” Draco calls out over the patients cries, “Can you tell me which spell you were hit with?”
“Entrail-Expelling, I’m sure of it.”
Draco sighs; taking a step back and removing his gloves, “I can assure, Mr. Talbott, you were not hit with the entrail-expelling spell.”
“How do you know?” He demands; face cross.
“For one thing, Mr. Talbott, your entrails are still very much inside of your body. And another, it looks like you were instead hit with the stinging hex which has caused the burning,” Draco looks towards Vera, “Perform the counter-jinx and let him sleep it off?”
Vera nods; her face amused at the sound of disappointment in Draco’s voice.
He tears off the trauma gown; throwing it in the disposal bin. He looks towards the patient who slowly sits up in bed; his face aflame with embarrassment, “So I’m not dying?”
Draco shakes his head, “Not dying.”
Rowan Talbott sags in relief as Vera performs the counter-jinx.
“Rest now, Mr. Talbott, I’ll check on you in an hour or so.”
Rowan Talbott doesn’t reply; his snores fill the room as the porters come to move him to an empty exam room.
Both Draco and Vera chuckle as they leave the room. They return to the admit desk where Draco places his chart on the side.
“There never is a dull day, is there Vera?”
Vera laughs, “The day it is dull here, Draco, is the day I leave.”
“Merlin let’s hope that never happens there. How would we run without you, Vera?”
“Draco Malfoy, you are a flatterer.”
Draco laughs, “I’m going out to grab some lunch. I’m sure there’s a muggle café down the road. I won’t be long.”
Vera nods; waving him off as she’s pulled into another case by another Healer.
Before he can be dragged anywhere, Draco rushes to the break room. There, he grabs his jacket – replacing his lab coat with it and then makes his way to the exit. Through it all, his stomach has been growling like a wild animal; the café down the road would still be open, Draco thinks gratefully as he inhales the crisp autumn air.
At the café, Draco orders a sandwich and a coffee to go. All the while knowing that he would have to eat it on the way back to the hospital should another trauma come in or that he’s needed by someone.
By the time Draco arrives back at the break room; he’s eaten half his sandwich and finished his coffee. Munching on the other half, he doesn’t hesitate to pour another cup of coffee and settle on the break room couch.
A few years back, before Draco had started his training, the emergency room staff were given a television by a patient who was grateful for the saving of his life. After much attempting to get it working in a hospital that was, back then, mostly magical, the TV had become a hit with the nurses. However, no-one dared to switch the channel should something happen that they couldn’t fix, so it played a constant loop of the muggle news.
It’s this that Draco watches as he finishes the last crumbs of his sandwich and the dregs of his coffee. He kicks his feet up onto the coffee table and lets himself have a few minutes to himself with his eyes closed; letting the stress of the last few weeks leave his body.
All too soon, however, the usual guilt settles over Draco. In his early days as a trainee, Draco found it exceptionally hard to take for himself. He always had to be helping; he always had to be working. He simply couldn’t sit still. Draco thinks it stems from his family’s involvement in the second wizarding war where they had left the Battle of Hogwarts without sticking around to make sure that the survivors were well cared for.
It’s that thought that has Draco hauling himself off the couch and back into the fray.
“Janice – lovely, lovely, Janice. What do we have free?” Draco asks; always ready to compliment the nurses.
Janice laughs, “Malfoy, you are a flirt,” She hands him a chart, “23 year old female with stomach pain.”
Draco grins at Janice; happily taking the chart from her hands. He knocks on the door to exam room one before entering. He smiles welcomingly at the patient, “Miss Collins, I understand you’re having some stomach pain.”
Miss Collins nods her head, “For the last few days now.”
Draco makes some notes on her chart before putting on some latex gloves. He points to her stomach and asks, “Do you mind?”
Miss Collins shakes her head and lifts her shirt to reveal her stomach, “I don’t mind.”
As Draco examines her; he asks her routine questions that Nurse Marie lists the answers of on her chart. “And there’s no chance you could be pregnant?” He asks; broaching the subject carefully.
She shakes her head, “I got my period last week.”
Draco nods; continuing his examination of her stomach, feeling some tenderness which understandably is causing some discomfort and pain. Draco removes his gloves and thinks through the possible causes of this pain. He smiles down at Miss Collins before addressing Nurse Marie, “Let’s get a blood test and give her anti-nausea potion, thank you. We’ll monitor you over the next couple of hours to see if things get better or worse. How does that sound?”
Miss Collins opens her mouth to reply but she’s cut off by a timid voice asking, “Healer Malfoy?”
Draco turns from his examination of Miss Collins to find a trainee stood behind him, “How can I help, Healer Kinghorn?”
Matthew Kinghorn flounders for a moment; trying to find the words to explain his predicament to his superior. Draco frowns at the trainee, “What’s wrong?”
“There’s something you need to see.”
“Is it urgent?”
Matthew nods, “I’d say so.”
“Is the patient dying?”
“No, but-”
Draco cuts him off impatiently, “Then are you able to handle it?”
Matthew huffs, “With all due respect sir, you need to see this. I don’t want to be the one to pull it out.”
Draco’s eyebrows furrow, “Pull what out?”
“That is a wand,” Draco states; staring at the x-ray.
Matthew nods wildly; humming his affirmation.
“The patient,” Draco starts, “Has a wand in their rectum.”
“Do you see why I pulled you away?” Matthew asks, “It looks to be 10 inches.”
Draco can’t help the snort that leaves him though he knows he should act more professionally around a trainee. He holds a hand to his mouth as the other points to the image on the lightbox, “Why?”
Matthew shrugs, “The patient wouldn’t say.”
Draco sighs, “Well they’re at risk for a perforation. What room are they in?”
“Exam room three,” Matthew answers.
Draco pulls the x-ray from the lightbox; stuffing it in a file before walking to exam room three. Entering the room – Matthew close behind – Draco finds the patient lying on his front with his knees tucked up to his chest.
“Mr,” Draco pauses; holding his hand out for the chart from Matthew, “Winters, I’m Healer Malfoy. Would you care to tell me what’s happened?”
Mr. Winters groans; his voice full of pain and embarrassment as he replies, “My wand is stuck.”
Draco slips on some gloves before approaching Mr. Winters, “Sir, you know that that isn’t the proper use of your wand.”
“I know that.”
“I’m glad you’re aware.”
Mr. Winters sighs, “I just had an itch that I couldn’t get, and I just looked at my wand and before I thought it through, I was doing it.”
“I’m not here to judge you, Mr. Winters,” Draco murmurs, “I’m just here to help extract your wand, but we need to be careful so please remain as still as possible.”
Mr. Winters nods; trying to relax as much as he can and remain as still as possible. Draco looks to Matthew who remains by the door; watching the scene with wide eyes, “Healer Kinghorn, will you please fetch some lubricant and any tweezers you can find.”
“You’re going to pull it out?!” Mr. Winters cries.
Draco walks around the bed, removing his gloves, and bends so he’s eye level with Mr. Winters, “I think it’s our first option. You lost hold as you were inserting it, that’s correct?”
Mr. Winters nods, so Draco continues, “So I’m going to use the tweezers to try and grab hold of the end of your wand. Should I meet any resistance, however, I am going to have to call a surgeon.”
“I could need surgery?” Mr. Winters shouts.
Draco nods, “It’s a possibility. There is a slight chance of perforation so any resistance, it’s a surgeon.”
Matthew comes bustling back into the exam room carrying everything Draco asked for including a pain potion and relaxation potion. He lays it all out on a tray before wheeling it to the end of Mr. Winters bed.
“Thank you, Healer Kinghorn,” Draco murmurs before turning back to Mr. Winters, “I’m going to give you a pain potion, so you won’t feel a thing, is that okay?”
Mr. Winters nods, holding out a hand for the bottle. Draco pours the right amount into a small cup before handing it to the patient; watching him finish it all before making his way to end of the bed.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Winters?” Draco calls; slipping on some fresh latex gloves.
“Ready,” He answers. Draco nods despite tef cat that the patient can’t see him.
Draco turns to Matthew; his hand out expectantly for the lubricant and the tweezers. Together, they manage to dislodge the item from Mr. Winters; his wand offering little trouble at all. Matthew watches the procedure wide-eyed and in awe as Draco manages to extract Mr. Winters wand.  
He bags Mr. Winters wand as Matthew helps him back onto his side; reminding him that most likely isn’t quite ready to sit on him bum any time soon.
Mr. Winters has tears in his eyes as he thanks both Draco and Matthew. They wave off his thanks before leaving him to sleep off the remaining pain potion in his system; once he wakes he’ll be discharged and given a leaflet on appropriate wand use.
Draco co-signs Matthew’s chart before handing it back to the redheaded trainee. “You did well,” Draco compliments with a smile.
Matthew beams, “Really?”
Draco nods, “You went beyond what I asked you to do and made sure the patient was comfortable. You also recognised that you were out of your depth and you needed help. Past trainees haven’t thought of that; they would go straight in with the procedure and make a mistake. Well done, Matthew.”
Matthew nods; rubbing his hand across the back of his neck as his skin warms with the kind words from Draco. “Thank you, Healer Malfoy,” He replies earnestly.
Draco claps Matthew on the shoulder, “Go get some lunch, Matthew. You don’t know when you’ll be able to eat again.”
Matthew smiles at Draco again before leaving; rushing for the lift to head up to the café.
Draco shakes his head at the eagerness displayed by his trainee, but also pride in the fact that he did think before acting which is vitally important in a job like this. It requires you to think fast and act fast; it seems that Matthew had the talent for both. Draco couldn’t help but wonder how he would be like in a major trauma situation.
Returning to the admit desk, Draco finds that all patients are accounted for and for the first time in a while, he has no immediate need to see a patient – still waiting on test results for them all. He removes his stethoscope from his shoulders as he enters the break room; the television still playing its circuit of the daily muggle news.
(Y/N) sits at the small round table in the middle of the room; her eyes focused on the small screen. The volume always remains low; never playing loud enough for anyone to hear the words leaving the news anchors mouth. Instead, they rely on the red banner travelling across the bottom of the screen from right to left where it announces the breaking news.
“Anything changed since an hour ago?” Draco asks; heading straight for the coffee pot only to find that its empty. He pulls the coffee grounds down from the cupboard and begins to make a fresh pot.
“I don’t think so,” (Y/N) answers, “A celebrity couple is getting divorced; a royal is having a baby, and there’s a debate in the muggle parliament today.”
Draco leans against the counter; waiting for the coffee to brew. He nods, “Nothing new then.”
“I heard about your… impalement,” (Y/N) comments; turning her attention from the television screen to Draco.
(Y/N) raises an eyebrow at him, “Lydia.”
“Of course,” Draco rolls his eyes, “I can’t say it wasn’t interesting.”
She snorts, “You always get the interesting ones.”
“(Y/N), you are an attending in emergency trauma surgery. All of your cases are interesting.”
(Y/N) huffs, “But I haven’t seen an impalement in so long!”
“It was barely even an impalement. The patient had an itch he couldn’t reach, that’s all.”
(Y/N) is silent for a minute before bursting into giggles.
“Act professional, (Y/N),” Draco chides but he cannot help the smile at that spreads across his face at the sound of her laughter. Soon enough, he finds himself chuckling along with her; their laughter providing the chorus for the chaos of the emergency room.
(Y/N) wipes her eyes with her sleeve after she finishes laughing, “It’s like what Healer Dorian used to say before she retired.”
“If you don’t laugh, it’ll kill you.”
Draco snorts, “There’s some truth to that, but I don’t think Mr. Winters was laughing.”
(Y/N) shakes her head, “I don’t think he will be. I think he’ll choose muggle medicine over ours now to avoid us all.”
He hums, “Most likely, but if he needs us that badly, he’ll come back.”
(Y/N) doesn’t reply; she just shakes her head fondly, hair slipping from its ponytail.
“What shift are you down for next week?” He asks.
She grins at him; her eyes crinkling in the corners, “Why? Do you miss me when I’m not with you?”
He places a hand on his heart and stretches the other out; mimicking a Shakespearian pose, “Dear (Y/N), my heart yearns for you all the time, but it misses you more in your absence. Pray, tell me your shift pattern next week so I know whether to cry tears of happiness or sadness.”
A ball of paper hits his face. Her laughter fills the room, “You’re such an arse, Draco.”
He grins toothily, “And yet you’re friends with me.”
She glares at him playfully, “I’m regretting that decision past me made.”
“I don’t believe you for a second.”
She rolls her eyes, “I’m on nights next week.”
Draco pouts; playing the overdramatic lovestruck fool he is, “But when will I see you?”
“When I’m leaving… like now,” She stands from her chair; grabbing her drink and her unfinished charts.
Draco swivels in his chair; watching her leave the break room with his feelings all in disarray as to whether they’re finally going to confront of what is so clearly in front of them.
Paging Healer Malfoy taglist: @sycathorn-slush @obsessedwithrandomthings @kpopgirlbtssvt @kalimagik @brycelahelalover @fallinallinmendes @mischi3f-manag3d @remmysrecs @willowbleedsonpaper @nao-cchi @haphazardhufflepuff @soundsquid27 @mytreec @maydillydally @chaoticgirl04 @pregnant-piggy @rhyxn @acciotwinz @birdie-writes @reaganwonders @chanelwonders @izzytheninja @ravenclawbitch426 @ohissandhalasta @missmulti
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @obx-beach @obxmxybxnk @sycathorn-slush @dracomalfoyswifey @kashishwrites @justmesadgirl​ @detroitobsessed​ @reaganwonders​
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Idle Chat with Gavin
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a feature which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
The CN server was recently graced with a new feature called 随便聊聊 (“Idle Chat”), where you can select a mood and talk to the love interests about work, life, and studies :>
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Idle Chat with: Kiro / Lucien / Shaw / Victor
[ WORK - Topic 1: Overtime ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Yay! I don’t have to work overtime today! Want to have a sumptuous meal together?
Gavin: Good timing. I’m off shift today
Gavin: Apart from eating
Gavin: We can find other things to do.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’m sorry I’m sorry. I might reach an hour late today. I have to work overtime suddenly to handle something...
Gavin: It’s okay
Gavin: I’ll come over to accompany you during that one hour. That way, you won’t be considered late.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I really don’t want to work overtime any longer. I’ve been sleeping right after getting home for so many consecutive days, and have absolutely no personal time...
Gavin: Have you been sleeping well?
Gavin: Once you’re done with this busy period, let’s go for a long vacation together.
[ WORK - Topic 2: Income ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I had a shock when I checked the accounts. Without realising it, I’ve saved so much money! It shows that persevering in financial management is very useful!
Gavin: I find it very useful too.
Gavin: When I was young, I’d put my future into a savings box
Gavin: Now, I’ll put my future into our hands.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Why is it always so easy to spend money, but so difficult to earn it
Gavin: Mm, I also wonder about this question...
Gavin: Want to do up a plan to save money together?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Barely ten minutes after being happy about payday, several notification messages for arrears arrived! I shouldn’t have purchased so many things last month!
Gavin: This month, I’ll be your shopping supervisor.
Gavin: If there’s anything you want to buy, let me know.
[ WORK - Topic 3: Program Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Do you still remember the program I talked to you about before? After persistent hard work, we managed to secure a partnership!
Gavin: I remember
Gavin: Back then, you said you wouldn’t give up
Gavin: I’m also very happy to see that you didn’t give up.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: There hasn’t been any progress in the recent program... All inspiration has been expended, and our operations have also been exhausted...
Gavin: Want to go for a short trip with me over the weekend?
Gavin: To refresh your inspiration and motivation. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The data provided by the partner is absurd! If I were to go along with them, nothing would be done! 
Gavin: In that case, give them an absurd proposal
Gavin: They’ll know where they’ve gone wrong.
[ WORK - Topic 4: Program Results ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: This program was successfully approved! I think my incredibly~ superb proposal was one of the contributory factors! We can officially start working on it tomorrow!
Gavin: Will you be busy from tomorrow onwards then?
Gavin: If you need to work overtime during this period
Gavin: Remember to call me.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Is the work produced for the other party really okay... Even if it gets approved, there still seems to be something missing
Gavin: The MC I know is a persistent and confident girl
Gavin: No one can deny your accomplishments.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: When will the program finally get approved! There are seventeen versions stuffed in my file!!!
Gavin: A senior from the Task Force once told me a technique to examining clues
Gavin: List down the mistakes made in the previous seventeen versions
Gavin: And you’ll have new inspiration.
[ LIFE - Topic 1: Losing Weight ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Did you notice anything different about me today? I’ll give you three seconds to think about it! Forget it, I think you might not have been able to see it...
Gavin: Cough, I could tell. You’ve lost weight.
Gavin: But it wasn’t because of what I saw. I used another method to determine it.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Should I reach a compromise with my weight? I’ve been losing weight then gaining weight - it feels like a waste of time.
Gavin: There’s no need to lose weight
Gavin: No matter what, you’ll always be the best-looking in my eyes
Gavin: ...mm, but exercise is still needed. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I shouldn’t have gone for the dinner party yesterday! When I weighed myself today, I really became heavier by 1kg!
Gavin: It shows that you’ve gained 1kg of happiness yesterday
Gavin: Let it get absorbed into your body.
[ LIFE - Topic 2: Meals ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I accidentally bought too much... I don’t think I need so many vegetables since I’m cooking for myself...
Gavin: In that case, could you leave me a share?
Gavin: I’ll pay for the food expenses
Gavin: Mm, and I’ll also be responsible for washing the dishes and being an assistant.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I bought the snack which is especially popular on the internet. But when I ate it, I didn’t think it was great. Has my taste become disconnected with the masses?
Gavin: Taste is something personal
Gavin: Want to head out together today?
Gavin: We’ll find snacks that you and I both find delicious
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I made an absolutely perfect bento for lunch at work, but my hand slipped when taking it out of the microwave and it all fell out!
Gavin: Did you scald your hand?
Gavin: Let’s have dinner together.
Gavin: To make up for the regret of not being able to eat your absolutely perfect bento.
[ LIFE - Topic 3: Reading ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The science fiction book I read today is really interesting! It’s also especially rich in imagination. I think you’ll like the style as well!
Gavin: All right.
Gavin: But I’ve been busy with missions these days, so I might not have time to read
Gavin: I’ve noted down the name of the book. I’ll tell you my thoughts after reading it.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I was looking for spiritual comfort when I came across a book on philosophy. In the end, I think I’ve become even more perplexed by the world... Have you felt this way too?
Gavin: Mm, there are times I’m perplexed by the world too
Gavin: But once I think about you, I’ll feel calmer.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Today, I borrowed a murder mystery novel from the library. Some unreasonable reader wrote the name of the murderer directly on the first page!! 
Gavin: ...
Gavin: That’s really going overboard. 
Gavin: Try treating it as backwards reasoning, and observe the process. 
[ LIFE - Topic 4: Games]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve finally defeated that difficult boss! I was even thinking that if I failed again, I’d refer to the guide. I didn’t expect to beat it!
Gavin: That level is really difficult
Gavin: I only managed to defeat it after reading the guide
Gavin: You’re very strong - a first-rate gamer.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I think I’ve outgrown the age of game addiction. I just feel like leaving once I go online. I can’t find anything interesting...
Gavin: Maybe you just temporarily lack motivation towards this game
Gavin: Want to try a new game?
Gavin: Minor recommended a multi-player game involving solving riddles
Gavin: I think you should like it.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I met a cheater in the game again! People who ruin the experience of the game are so annoying! It makes me feel like giving up on the game...
Gavin: Report him.
Gavin: People who contravene the rules are being played by the game
Gavin: And not playing the game.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 1: Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The method you taught me is really effective! Today, I finally overcame the temptation to slack off, and successfully completed my task!
Gavin: There are many methods
Gavin: You don’t necessarily have to use the one I taught you
Gavin: But if you can get used to it, it shows that you have a lot of potential.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’d rather doodle on paper or stare into space than look at the textbook... I’m a girl who’s tired of studying T-T
Gavin: It’s already late - don’t force yourself to read the textbook
Gavin: The girl who’s tired of studying should become a girl who sleeps early
Gavin: That way, she can become a diligent girl tomorrow.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: There are only ten more days till the end of the course, and my learning progress has just begun...
Gavin: There are still ten days
Gavin: Which means there are 240 hours, 14400 minutes
Gavin: If you look at it this way, there’s still time.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 2: Homework ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The teacher actually complimented me today. Even though all she said was that my work is neat... I’m still very happy!
Gavin: Even back then, your handwriting was always delicate and neat
Gavin: Just like you as a person.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I can’t help but find excuses to slack off whenever I scan through the questions. I just scanned through five minutes worth of video clips...
Gavin: And now you’ve slacked off by sending me 25 words.
Gavin: Be a little more focused.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Even though there isn’t much homework in each course, when you put them together, it’s basically WAY. TOO. MUCH.
Gavin: When I was in school, I also felt that there was a lot of homework
Gavin: So I would prioritise the easier questions first...
Gavin: It isn’t a special method, but you can try it.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 3: Pre-exam Revision ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Today, I memorised all the examinable points. Tomorrow, I’ll be entering the battlefield. Everything has been prepared - all I’m missing is a little bit of courage from you!
Gavin: All right, give me your hand.
Gavin: I have a lot of courage,
Gavin: And I can give it all to you, the one stepping into the battlefield tomorrow.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Although I’ve looked through all the examinable points, I still feel unsure and uneasy...
Gavin: Don’t be anxious. Since you’re done with revision, rest early
Gavin: Tomorrow, I’ll send you to the examination venue.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: It’s too difficult, it’s way too difficult. I really shouldn’t have registered for this class. I still can’t memorise anything when it’s almost the exam...
Gavin: I’ll bring you out for a ride in a while
Gavin: You can share all your grievances and stress with the wind.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 4: Post-exam celebration]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: My exam is over! I’ve been freed! And my results were much better than expected!
Gavin: You know your results immediately?
Gavin: Congratulations
Gavin: I’m outside the exam venue. Sparky and I are waiting for you.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: A weight has been lifted off my shoulders since the exam is over. Even though I planned so many celebratory activities, I don’t feel like doing them now...
Gavin: If you don’t have any ideas
Gavin: Leave the planning to me.
Gavin: Wait for me at the entrance of the examination venue. I’ll be there soon.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I’m so angry! I shouldn’t have compared answers with other people! I feel unwell after doing that...
Gavin: Did you get many answers wrong?
Gavin: Since the examination is already over
Gavin: You could alleviate your anger and hunger with me.
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youreacowgirllikeme · 4 years
After Class
note: so, I wasn’t really able to get that image of Jake as a college/university professor out of my head and this kind of happened, idk if it qualifies as an AU but anyway, here is Professor!Jake for you
(sorry for the grammar, non-native speaker here)
warnings: professor-student relationship, swearing, smut (fingering, oral), nsfw
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“Shit, shit , shit.”
You ran through the empty hallways towards the lecture hall, the old clock on the wall telling you what you already knew: you were late, almost 20 minutes. And just because you overslept after working on that essay for your political history class till 4 am last night.
Professor Tapper would be so mad, he absolutely hated unpunctuality. Just the thought of him being angry or disappointed with you made you quicken your step even more, because Jacob Tapper was the very man you desperately tried to impress more than anyone else.
He usually worked as the lead political correspondent for CNN down in Washington DC, but, as he stated at the start of his first lecture, decided to take a sabbatical after the 2020 election, using the time to teach at his alma mater as a guest Professor.
He was brilliant, a walking history encyclopedia and was considered to be one of the sharpest political minds of the generation. His lectures were the perfect mix of both of those subjects, and he was throwing in a lot of his journalistic expertise as well. You admired him and truly enjoyed having him as your Professor. And you would’ve loved nothing more than to take in every single brilliant thing he said. But there was one tiny problem.
Because above all, he was hot. Like, please-bend-me-over-your-desk-after-class-hot. That very fact was often making it incredibly hard for you to pay attention to what he was saying, so you spent your lessons staring at his back, his hands, his face from the last row, letting his deep, smooth voice wash over you.
Even if he was more than 20 years older than you, you really had it bad for him, which was one of the reasons you lost sleep every night. That, and his very demanding curriculum.
Out of breath, you finally arrived at the doors of the lecture hall, opening them as quietly as possible, trying to sneak into the room without anyone taking notice of you.
“How nice of you to finally join us, Ms. Y/L/N“
Shit. He had noticed you.
And as you looked to where he was standing in front of the class you could see a deep frown on his handsome face.
He was, as usually, impeccably dressed, wearing a dark blue suit and his glasses, which were a personal weakness of yours.
It took a small cough from one of your classmates for you to stop staring at Professor Tapper and actually addressing him instead of undressing him with your eyes.
“I am so sorry for being late, Sir, it certainly won’t happen again.“ you stammered, feeling like you might faint from the embarrassment of the situation.
"I will certainly hold you to that. Still, come and see me after class to discuss this, please.“ he said, his stern voice and intense stare making your heart almost burst out of your chest.
He turned to the blackboard again, continuing to talk about McCarthyism, his deep voice carrying effortlessly through the lecture hall.
You were still beyond embarrassed that he called you out like that, and even more so because it was very likely that he caught you staring at him. You hastily made your way to the nearest free seat, fortunately this was a Dartmouth senior class and not Highschool, so there were no snickers or silly comments, you didn’t draw much attention.
You spent the remainder of the lesson trying to focus on the actual topic instead of how broad your professors shoulders looked in that tailored suit jacket, or how perfectly styled his grey hair was. Unsurprisingly, you had no success as your mind wandered even further down the dangerous path of attraction you had for Professor Tapper, thinking about the things those long, elegant fingers holding the chalk could do to you or what dirty words he could whisper against your skin with this sinful voice of his.
You were so caught up in your inappropriate daydreaming that you totally missed your Professor ending the lecture and dismissing your classmates.
You heard your name being called, and looked up, startled. Professor Tapper was standing right in front of your desk, arms crossed in front of his chest, staring down at you with an unreadable expression.
“We definetly need to talk about your attitude regarding this class, Ms. Y/L/N. Not only have you been late for the fourth time this month, your participation is severely lacking, to put it mildly. I...I don’t get it.” He said, his voice staring to get louder. He ran his hand through his hair, looking exasperated.
“Your submitted papers are extraordinarily good, your analysis is always spot on, and you find a way of comprehending the topics that no one of your classmates seem to grasp. And yet you spend each one of my lessons not paying attention, you’re not able to awnser any questions and you never partake in discussions. What is the matter? Am I boring you?“
He grew more agitated with each sentence, now leaning onto your desk with both arms and staring directly at you. If he only knew how far from bored you were in his class.
You felt like you were frozen, held in place by the way his eyes were looking straight into yours. His fingers were gripping the edge of your desk now, it took everything in you not to stare at the veins on the back of his hand. And, worst of all, you felt a blush starting to creep up your neck. You couldn’t get a single word out.
“I asked you a question, Ms. Y/L/N.” there was sincere anger evident in his voice now.
„I’m...I’m so sorry, Professor Tapper. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. It doesn’t come from a place of disrespect, because I have nothing but admiration for you...” you stopped yourself before saying something you might regret. You could feel your blush intensifying.
A look of realization flashed over your Professors face.
“Oh, so thats what this is all about, I see.” he murmured, and turned around, walking towards his own desk in the front of the classroom.
“I’ll make the necessary arrangements to get you transferred to Professor Coopers class. This situation is highly inappropriate and it can’t interfere with your academial career, I won’t allow it.”
You were shocked.
Quitting Professor Tappers class? Never having another lecture with him again seemed like an impossible thing to even imagine. Before you could stop yourself, you began to speak again.
“No, Sir, please don’t do this. I’ll get a grip on it, I promise. It’s a silly crush, I won’t act on it, ever. I’ll never be late again, and I’ll participate, I’ll respond to every single question you give me, just please don’t make me quit your class.” you pleaded.
Your professor didn’t answer, so you got up from your chair and made your way over to him, coming to a halt in front of his desk. He was looking at you, eyes dark, an almost pained expression on his face. You took the paper you spent all night finishing out of your bag, putting it on his desk.
“This is my latest assignment, please read it before you make your decision. I am really putting so much effort into my work for this class, and I can’t imagine going to another professor with my questions. Please don’t send me away.” You were almost begging now, desperation evident in your voice.
Professor Tapper sighed and took of his glasses, the motion making your heart go fast you felt arousal starting to burn in your lower stomach. He was too attractive for his own good. You realized, too late, that you said the last part out loud.
“Sorry.” you whispered, not daring to meet his eye.
“Ms...Y/N” he said, addressing you by your first name for the first time ever.
You looked up to him.
“What you don’t understand is that I can’t allow myself to teach you anymore, considering this new...development. I just can’t do it.”
He took another deep breath, looking as if he was under an immense amount of stress. His shoulders were tense, and the crease between his eyebrows was more prominent then ever.
“But why?” you cried, “we can act like this whole conversation never happened. Nothing has to change, I’ll do better, I promise!”
He slammed his palm onto the table, the loud noise echoing through the empty lecture hall.
“Because it takes every damn ounce of my self control not to throw you over this desk right now and have my way with you, so how the hell am I supposed to teach you every day knowing that this is exactly what you want me to do? Staring at me like you’re doing it right now? I can’t do it!”
he was almost shouting now, breathing heavily. He was leaning over his desk so that his face was just inches apart from yours, close enough for you to see the small wrinkles around his eyes and how his lips were slightly parted.
And then you just leaned over and kissed him. His lips were soft but unmoving under yours. He was absolutely rigid for a second. Then he groaned against your mouth, and one of his hands reached out to cup your jaw and pull you closer, deepening the kiss.
A moan escaped your lips, and he broke free, taking several steps back from you. He was breathing hard and you could see a bulge beginning to form in his suit pants.
“Y/N, you have to leave. Now. We can’t do this.”
But there was no chance you were throwing away this opportunity. You’ve wanted this man for months, and this was your shot. So you slowly circled the desk and stopped right in front of Professor Tapper.
Gathering all your courage, you put one of your hands on his arm...and let the other one brush against his tight, close to his crotch. He let out a hiss, but didn’t make an attempt to remove your hands. His body was tense, but his eyes were dark and full of desire. He clearly wanted this as much as you did.
“No one needs to know. “ you whispered. “We obviously both want this, we’re both adults and you’re not even responsible for my final exam. You’re a guest professor, plus my graduation is only two months away anyway. I’ve wanted this, you, since I first stepped into your class.”
This broke his last resolve, he surged forward and started kissing you again, harder this time, his hands roaming your back, going downwards and squeezing your ass through your skirt as he pressed you against the hardening bulge in his trousers. "Fuck...are you sure you want to do this?“ he groaned into your ear. You just managed a breathy „Oh my god, yes.“
He instantly grabbed your hair to tilt your head back and cover your exposed neck with kisses and nibbles, making your skin break out in goosebumps and heat coiling in your lower stomach. You could feel yourself starting to get wet, and grinded your core against his erection again, your hands fisted into the lapels of his suit jacket. You moved against him, causing him to groan again, the deep, rumbling sound only fueling your arousal.
Your hands were shaking as you started working on his fly, opening the zipper and palming his cock through his boxer briefs.
While he continued to kiss your neck, his hands found their way under your skirt and he quickly pulled your panties down. As soon as your hot center was exposed, one of his long fingers parted your folds, gathering wetness.
Two of his digits entered you in a swift motion and the feeling of his fingers stretching you was like heaven. He was stroking that special spot deep inside you with every move as he plunged in and out of your wet pussy.
You buried you head in Jacobs (yes, you started thinking of him as Jacob, which was fair enough considering he had his fingers buried inside you) shoulder, muffling your increasing moans as you felt your orgasm approaching. The familiar tingling started low in your belly and slowly spread into every part of your body as Jake continued to thrust his fingers in and out of you faster and faster, the heel of his hand rubbing against your clit in the most delicious way.
"I’ve wanted to touch you for so long, feel you come apart under me. Come on, darling, come on my fingers.“ he growled into your ear and bit your earlobe. That was the last straw and you came with a cry, your walls clenching around his fingers as pleasure surged through you.
Your knees were weak as you slowly removed your head from his shoulder to look him in the eyes. His blown pupils and heavy breathing were making it obvious that this was affecting him just as much as you, which was also evident from the very prominent erection that was tenting his boxer briefs through the open fly. He carefully withdrew his fingers and quickly wiped them on his pants.
"Wow“ you said, still trying to find your breath. "That was...amazing“
Your head was still spinning a bit from the intensity of your orgasm, but you were already thinking about how to repay him for making you feel so good.
You reached out your hand to palm his erection again, making him utter a low groan. Leaning forward, you whispered into his ear.
"Let me reciprocate, please.”
"You don’t have to-"
You broke him off with a small smirk.
"Please, I insist.”
Without hesitation, you dropped to your knees in front of him. He watched you intensely, sucking in a sharp breath as you looked up to him from under your lashes while you slowly pulled down his briefs along with his trousers. His erection sprung free, and you wasted no time, putting your hand around the base and slowly started taking the head into your mouth. You could feel his cock heavy on your tongue as you slowly sucked him deeper. One of his hands fisted into your hair and he started thrusting in and out of your mouth.
You put your hands onto his thighs for leverage, softly scraping you nails across his skin, which only seemed to spur him on, his thrusts starting to become deeper.
“God, Y/N, your mouth feels absolutely fantastic. You look so beautiful on your knees, sucking me off, taking my cock between your pretty lips.”
You almost couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of your usually so eloquent Professors mouth. Who would’ve known he could talk so dirty.
It turned you on, immensely, and you increased your efforts, taking him even deeper into your mouth. You could feel his thrusts starting to quicken, and even if it was getting harder for you not to gag, you were enjoying this slightly rough treatment.
"Shit, I’m- I’m going to come, Y/N.” he gasped, locking eyes with you.
You nodded your head as far as it was possible, signaling him to not stop. Instead, you wrapped your hands around his legs and swallowed his cock deeper until it was hitting the back of your throat. He let out a deep, guttural moan and tightened his grip on your hair almost painfully as he came inside your mouth.
You released him, wiping the spit from your lips and looked up at your Professor. He was a sight to behold, dark eyes, tousled hair, leaning against his desk as he was slowly coming down from his high. You spoke first, getting up from the floor.
“I...liked that.” you said, unsure of what to say exactly.
He took a deep breath and rubbed a hand across his face.
“It was absolutely amazing. But we shouldn’t have done it. The very last thing I want is to take advantage of you. You deserve to be treated right.” he said in a low voice as he was readjusting his clothing. Hearing him say those things made a warm, happy feeling spread inside your chest. He cared. This hasn’t been just some quick way to blow off steam.
“You treated me exactly right, please dont worry...Jacob” you said, testing out the unfamiliar first name. He just nodded, and then his arms were around you, pulling you into a tight hug as he pressed a soft kiss to your hair.
“Thank you so much. But if you want this to continue, I must insist that you transfer into Professor Coopers class. Please, Y/N.”
his voice was heavy with emotion and he released you from the embrace to look directly at you.
“I agree. And I very much want this to continue, so I’m gonna transfer. It’s only for a few more weeks anyway. But, and this is my condition, you have to take me out for dinner this weekend.”
“Fair enough. I’d love to take you out properly. And please, call me Jake.”
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
What if I Never Get Over You?
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(He’s so pretty ugh God really does have his favorites)
Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Angst (A lot of curse words) (Angry Mark) (God bless)
Word Count: 8.9K
Summary: Mark was just seconds away from falling asleep after a long, exhausting day of work until Jackson comes over to his place, angry with the fact that Mark has been avoiding all of their many attempts to get him to move on. However, Mark has come to the realization even in the beginning of your break up that there is simply no getting over you.
A/N: Hey guys! So, this imagine is based off of the song “What if I never get over you” by Lady A and honestly it is one of my favorite songs ever and I’ve been listening to it on repeat for the last couple of weeks so I highly recommend that you listen to it while reading the lyrics hit me so hard for someone who has never been in a relationship once in the 22 years of my existence and I just found myself unable to stop typing this specific story. I’m currently in the middle of finals so I will be able to focus more on writing (If I’m being honest, I focus more on writing than I do on my education who am I even kidding LOL). This one is a little more on the sad side but the ending (I don’t know how I feel about it) but I consider it happy I guess? Please enjoy!
It's supposed to hurt, it's a broken heart But to movin' on is the hardest part It comes in waves, the letting go But the memory fades, everybody knows Everybody knows
What if I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye? And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you?
“Mark Yi-En Tuan—open the damn door. I have a bone to pick with you.” 
The word exhaustion couldn’t even describe half of what Mark was currently feeling. He had just finished work less than half an hour ago and against his friend’s pleas to grab a drink with them at the bar they normally frequented, he made a beeline back to his apartment. All he wanted to do was change out of his scrubs and sleep for the next twelve hours. 
Being a registered nurse was actually the last occupation Mark would’ve thought he’d ever get in to. As a young boy, all the way up until his senior year in high school, he never cared about anything other than playing baseball, video games, hanging out with his friends and eating junk food. He desired to “live in the moment” as much as he possibly could while he was still young and he decided he would worry about his future once he graduated from high school. Even when he did move on to college, he had no idea what his plans were. 
Like a lot of his friends, he was attending university in order to please his parents and to get a degree. In what—he didn’t care. Honestly, he thought about studying many different majors—engineering, kinesiology, biology, criminal justice and at one point—culinary. But he could never see himself settling in to any of those careers. His younger brother Joey knew that he wanted to be a pharmacist and unlike Mark; his soul purpose was to be successful in his education. 
At the time, Mark considered the younger boy to be a loser. He wasn’t living his high school life to his fullest potential—or at least that’s what Mark thought. On the day of his graduation, his principal began announcing each and every one of his classmates; what college they were attending, whether or not they received any honors and what they planned on majoring in. When it was his turn and the principal called his name, he was excited to finally be over with that chapter in his life. 
He expected to take the diploma and walk back to the bleachers like everyone else was. However, he felt exceptionally stupid when it was made aware that he had no idea what he was going to do after high school. Even his good friend BamBam—the class clown and the student with the lowest gpa in his graduating class had plans to go to college and major in hospitality. It made him feel pathetic and although the audience clapped right after he shook hands with his principal, he couldn’t help but feel as though some people were probably laughing at him. 
Hell, if he were to be sitting in the crowd and someone were to be in the same situation he was in, he would’ve laughed too. How could someone who was eighteen years old have no clue what he wanted to do for the rest of his life? That made him realize that Joey wasn’t the loser—Joey was extremely intelligent and planned for his future before he even realized what a future was. He was also the reason why Mark ended up going in to the medical field seeing as how his goal was to become a pharmacist and open up his own pharmacy one day. 
The younger boy; along with his parents and his friend Jinyoung coerced him in to attending med school because they witnessed how much of a people person Mark was and they felt like he would be very successful in whatever career he were to obtain. It wasn’t an easy road to success—in fact, he found himself wanting to give up more times than he could count on his fingers. 
College was already frustrating as it is, but majoring in nursing was one of the more difficult fields and a lot of the students who started off in nursing did not end up graduating with a nursing degree. Mark had no idea how he ended up getting his bachelor’s—let alone his master’s degree; especially because he felt there were so many students who were smarter than him and had more knowledge than him when it came to nursing who ended up getting kicked out of the program. 
Whenever he felt like giving up; when the multiple all-nighters he would pull in order to study for exams that he never seemed to be able to pass no matter how hard he tried, or the numerous amount of nights he found himself crying because he was afraid he wouldn’t make it and become the successful nurse everyone was expecting him to be—he remembered why he was going through all of that pain and suffering in the first place and it only gave him the motivation to continue until he finally achieved his goal. 
It took him almost six years, but it was worth it. He loved his job; although it could get very hectic almost every single day, he would get yelled at by patients for things out of his control, he got thrown up on, urinated on and even had families of patients threaten to get him fired, he also witnessed many miracles throughout the walls of the hospital and he got to meet a lot of people who would change his life. One person in particular that was the sole reason why his younger friend was currently pounding on his door—wanting to reprimand him for something he did a few days prior. 
Mark sat on his couch and weighed out his options; he could just let Jackson continue knocking on his door until he either got tired or came to the realization that there was a chance Mark was fast asleep by now. As good as that idea sounded, he was afraid that he would get noise complaints from his neighbors and the last thing he needed was to get evicted from his apartment over a ruckus he wasn’t even causing. 
Mark took in a deep breath and prepared himself for any confrontation Jackson might let out. He was expecting his rowdy and extroverted friend to bother him sooner, but then again —it’s not like Mark ever really hung out with his group of friends all that much in the last few months. If only he could say it was strictly because his job was working him to the core and making him exceedingly tired; if only it were that simple. 
He took a look in the peephole; curious as to whether or not Jackson was alone and if there was a chance he was drunk. The older boy released a sigh of relief when he saw Jinyoung and Yugyeom with him—he knew they would probably act as the mediators of Jackson went too far and said something to infuriate Mark. 
It’s happened many times in the past; Jackson Wang—bless his soul; but he had to be one of the most attention seeking and loud mouthed people that Mark knew. He also had no filter and said things like they were; he wasn’t afraid of hurting people’s feelings. Especially if those people just so happened to be his six good friends. As soon as he opened the door and saw the aggravated look on Jackson’s face, he had to stop himself from slamming the door and heading back to his room. 
“It’s almost midnight. I’m so fucking tired Jackson, this couldn’t have waited till the morning? Or at least an hour where I’m not drained of all my energy and won’t be able to fight back if the situation called for it?” 
Jackson ignored his comment and walked right past him—plopping himself on to Mark’s couch. The two other boys gave Mark apologetic expressions; it was obvious that they felt bad for bothering him at such a late hour—especially seeing that Mark was ready to knock out at any second. 
Neither of them wanted to be there, but when Jackson gets drunk—which he was currently plastered at the moment; heightening his confidence that Mark was quickly growing irritated with, he has a tendency of admitting things he would never say when sober and because their conversation at dinner consisted of Mark and his personal life, the five other guys knew leaving Jackson alone with Mark was not the best idea. 
One of them would end up with a black eye and a busted lip and there was a ninety-five percent chance that it would be Jackson. Mark was never a physical person; he never believed in violence and he tried his best to solve problems verbally before having to get physical. He’s been best friends with Jackson for almost sixteen years now—this meant that he was extremely comfortable with putting the younger boy in his place if he had to. 
There were only a couple times that Jackson and Mark either disagreed or actually fought over something and it was usually Jackson who’d instigate a lot of their quarrels. One time, Jackson said something that really got under Mark’s skin and he ended up with a busted lip. It wasn’t like the two of them stayed mad at each other for too long though; all it took was a few apologies, a couple of beers and some takeout that would get the both of them back on speaking terms. 
Jinyoung and Yugyeom weren’t too sure about what would happen between their two oldest friends tonight. Jackson was furious with Mark—he went in to great detail about how he was going to give him “a piece of his mind.” They didn’t completely agree with the points that Jackson made; especially because Mark was old enough to make his own decisions and nobody, not even his really good friend could tell him how to live his life. 
“Why did you tell Sophia that you weren’t interested in a long-term relationship? She called me crying this morning saying that you no longer were interested in her—“ 
Mark rolled his eyes at Jackson’s complaints. He knew he would get an earful sooner or later about how he’s been avoiding Jackson’s and even the rest of their friend group’s many attempts at trying to set Mark up with someone they knew—whether it was a coworker or a mutual friend. A couple of weeks ago, Jackson introduced Mark to a friend of his girlfriend. 
He wasn’t going to lie, Sophia was very pretty; she was also very smart—had a bachelor’s degree in family law and she was still in school trying to get her master’s. However, Mark wasn’t interested in her—or any of the girls that the rest of his friends tried to get him to go out with. He understood that his friends were only trying to help him “get back in to the game” or whatever BamBam said—but the eldest boy did not want anything to do romantically with anyone his friends were trying to set him up with. 
“Because I’m not. I was never interested in her to begin with. I was just going on these dates with her to get you off my back. She’s a nice girl; all the girls you guys tried to introduce me to are nice girls—but I don’t want a relationship right now Jackson nor do I even have the time to focus on another person, I barely have time to take care of myself. I know you guys are worried about me, but I’m fine. I’m twenty-seven years old; sure I’m not as young as I used to be, but settling down in to a relationship is the least of my worries. If you’re just bothered by the fact that I’m the only single guy in the group and you pity watching me sit by myself while you’re all accompanied by your girlfriends, I just won’t go out with you guys anymore.” 
When Jackson let out a scoff, the two younger boys looked at each other cautiously. Shit was going to hit the fan soon and they were afraid if they didn’t leave within the next five minutes, punches were going to be thrown. They also grew worried that if both Mark and Jackson were to argue, especially over the topic of Mark’s love life, that it might actually ruin their friendship with no promise of reconciliation. 
“Stop giving me that shit Mark. It’s not because you’re busy—you’re still hung up over y/n! That’s why you’ve been pushing away everyone from your life and I’m sick of it! It’s been almost seven months Mark, you need to move on. She obviously isn’t coming back. If she genuinely still loved you, she would have never left in the first place. Stop trying to look for y/n in other girls and stop letting another chance at being in love again slip through your fingers because you have this stupid hope that one day, she’ll realize that she made a mistake in breaking up with you—“
“Jackson, shut up—“
“For all you know, she’s already moved on—“
“Jackson, if you know what’s best for you, you would shut up—“
“Maybe the reason why she left is because she found someone else—someone who would give her the love and attention you failed to give her towards the end of your relationship and that idea alone is what’s messing with your head. Thinking about her loving someone else, finding solace in someone else, fucking another man—“
Once those last few words fell out of Mark’s mouth, the entire room fell quiet. Yugyeom and Jinyoung were stunned—Mark was a very soft-spoken and timid individual. Most people who were newly introduced to him could get a couple of words out of him if they were lucky. A lot of his patients at the hospital could go on and on in conversation and he would simply just him or nod his head as a way to communicate with them. 
However, whenever it came to his friends and family, the eldest boy could talk up a storm. Mark was a very kind-hearted person; he was known for having a lot of patience and understanding—but he also had a huge temper. It took a lot for something or someone to piss him off; especially because he didn’t want anyone to look at him in a negative light. Normally, he could keep his ill-feelings at bay, but there were a few occasions where he allowed himself to yell or grunt in frustration. 
Your relationship was a very touchy subject. Sure, it’s been over half a year since that night where you told Mark you no longer could handle being suffocated in your toxic relationship and usually most men were known to bounce back after a week. But Mark wasn’t like most men and you weren’t just any ordinary woman. You were the love of his life—his soulmate, his best friend, his person, the one he wanted to settle down, start a family and spend the rest of his life with. 
He was devastated when you told him you were leaving and he even tried his best in to getting you to change your mind. He made so many promises of bettering himself in order to be a boyfriend you were proud of. He repeatedly told you that he would be nothing without you and that he would do anything in his power to get you to change your mind, but it wasn’t enough. Mark was well aware that his job play a huge role in your breakup. 
Most of his time was spent at the hospital—but you were very considerate and understanding that his career was one of his main priorities other than his friends, his family and you. However, during the small amount of free time that he had, Mark had a tendency of spending that time either playing video games, going out to bars with his friends or playing with his dog Milo. As his girlfriend, you’ve witnessed how exhausted he could get from work; he was constantly on his feet for ten to twelve hours a day. 
It was only natural for him to want to relax and unwind doing the things he was interested in. You wanted to be there for your boyfriend in whatever way you could, but you also had your needs and desires—not necessarily sexual, but there was a point in your relationship where you went weeks and even months without being intimate with Mark because he was always so tired and never had the energy to love on your body in the ways that he used to. 
There was a time—a long amount of time in your relationship where the two of you could never keep your hands off of each other to the point where your friends would purposely have to sit between the two of you on nights you would all go out together in attempts to get the two of you to stop kissing or simply just showing any kind of affection towards one another. Unfortunately, towards the end of your relationship, you were only getting a peck on your lips if you were lucky. 
Your relationship no longer had the spark that would send flames to your entire body just being around him—you no longer felt butterflies in your tummy whenever you looked at him. Sometimes when you’d gaze at him, you felt as though you were looking at a stranger, not the man you spent four years of your life with. You never understood where it went wrong; it just felt like the love and adoration Mark had for you just stopped out of no where. 
He no longer called or texted you on his breaks to check up on you and see what you were doing, he stopped complimenting you on your outfits or if you did something new to your hair and the two of you could no longer hold a conversation for longer than five minutes without it feeling forced. You wanted to believe that he was just acting like this because work took up his entire being—physical and mental health. But he would go out with his friends right after a shift and sometimes he’d stay out for hours on end. It made you wonder if you were the problem. 
Maybe he stopped loving you or your relationship became a chore to him and was no longer a priority to him as it used to be. The constant need to be around each other, the comfort you felt from being wrapped in his arms and the happiness that came from just knowing that he was yours no longer existed. It disappeared completely along with any kind of feelings you harbored for him and you didn’t think there was anything that could bring it back. 
The thought of no longer having Mark in your life; no longer waking up to his devastatingly handsome face—no longer getting to kiss his pretty, pink lips, and no longer being the lucky person who got to love him—it slowly tore your heart apart, but what could you do? You felt as though the only reason why Mark continued to stay with you was because he grew comfortable with the routine in your relationship. Having to go out and start another relationship with someone new wasn’t something you even wanted to think about. 
Deep in your heart, even if the two of you were going through , Mark Tuan was the only person you saw yourself wanting to get married to. All you ever wanted and could ever need was Mark. He owned you entirely; your mind, your body, your heart and soul—it was all his and it would always be his. But you couldn’t continue going on like this. Your relationship was slowly tearing you apart; it was suffocating you to the point where you felt as though you were going crazy. 
Every now and then, you’d find yourself going back to that fateful night where you told him you were leaving. It took you weeks to come to that decision; hell, even months really. Every time you built the courage to finally give up on Mark entirely, you’d look at him as the two of you were lying down in bed and time to time, you would cry. He seemed an entire world away even if the two of you were just inches apart. 
He might have been in the bed with you—but it genuinely felt like the bed was so spacious and empty. However, as you would gaze at him while he slept soundly, there was a little voice in your head begging you to wait a little longer. Something told you that things were going to get better and your life would turn out miserable if you were to break up with him. 
You prayed and prayed that the voice was telling the truth; you wanted your relationship to work so badly. He might not have been giving you much attention these days or treating you the way he used to, but you would rather continue to stay with him and try your best to fix your crumbling relationship than to be happy with anyone else. When he saw your luggage lined up at the door he didn’t even flinch. It’s as if he knew this was coming; and it didn’t seem to bother him one bit. 
That’s what hurt you the most; his blank expression only confirmed your worries—he no longer loved you or cared enough about you to even ask why your bags were packed or where you were going. He just simply stared at you for a couple of minutes before tilting his head in the direction of your bags. 
“Where are you going?” He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the fact that you were seconds away from walking out of his life completely. 
“I’m leaving you.” 
The words were bitter on your tongue—there were a few times in your relationship where the two of you argued and it would end up with him sleeping outside on the couch—but that’s the worst it’s ever been. This was the first time you were actually throwing in the white flag; you were mentally exhausted. You refused to continue fighting for a relationship that was barely even existing anymore. If you were to continue putting your time and effort in to Mark knowing that he no longer did the same for you, you would probably develop some form of depression. You loved yourself too much to allow him to continue breaking your heart and taking advantage of your love. 
“Why?” You scoffed—he had to be joking right? Did he think that the two of you were okay? Was he fine with the fact that your relationship was no longer what it used to be? Did the lack of intimacy or time spent together not bother him at all—the way it was quickly ruining you? 
“You don’t love me anymore. I don’t know when you stopped—but all I know is that you did. Our relationship turned it to this toxic partnership. I don’t know what happened or what went wrong, but I’m so fucking unhappy Mark. I look at you and I don’t see the love of my life—I don’t see the aspiring nurse I met all those years ago who showed me and taught what love is. All I see when I look at you is a shell of the person you used to be. You’re like a stranger to me Mark and I hate—I fucking hate that things turned out like this and what’s killing me the most is that it doesn’t seem to bother you. You hardly make time for me—for us. It’s like you have to force yourself to genuinely enjoy being around me these days. Go look at your missed calls and all of your text messages. It’s all me. I’m practically begging for your attention and any kind of reaction out of you and nothing—literal nothing. I don’t know what to do anymore; I don’t want to leave Mark. I don’t want to be without you. But why should I continue putting in effort to a relationship that is just moments away from ending completely—“
“What makes you think that I no longer love you—wait—don’t answer that.” 
He took a deep breath in before walking towards you and doing the unexpected; he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks and gently placed his forehead against yours. This was the first time in such a long time that you were this close in proximity with him—having him hold you, touch you, looking at you in such an apologetic way; you honestly didn’t know how to feel. You wanted to be happy; anytime Mark would touch you, kiss you, hold your hand or your waist, wrap his arm around your shoulder—any form of intimacy with your boyfriend always made your heart flutter. Unfortunately, you felt nothing and it broke your heart. 
“I know, I haven’t been all that great these days, I’ve been a terrible boyfriend and I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. I’m so fucking sorry baby—so fucking sorry. There’s no excuse—I can’t say it’s because of work or come up with any other logical reason. I guess I just got used to us doing our own things. I was content just having you around. I don’t know how I went so long with the distance—or being absent even if I’m physically there. I just—fuck, I know it sounds wrong but I just assumed because I plan on spending the rest of my life with you that a little bump in the road wasn’t going to do anything to hinder our relationship. If I knew that it was going to cause you to question the love I have for you and even get you to pack your bags with the intention of leaving me, I would have done something—“
“But you didn’t Mark. You knew something was wrong but you didn’t do anything about it. You just assumed that whatever we were going through was normal. News flash—it wasn’t. Our relationship is falling apart at the seams Mark. Did it not occur to you even once that the distance—the fact that we could no longer hold a decent conversation, that we haven’t had sex or been intimate in the last few weeks—it’s not normal? You obviously never put my feelings in to consideration. I’m dying Mark—mentally, you’re breaking my fucking heart.” 
You allowed yourself to take a quick breath; you could feel your tears continuously building up at the brim of your eyelids. As much as you didn’t want Mark to see you cry because you didn’t think he deserved it—it was too hard for you to keep your crying at bay.
“The love you have for me—that’s a joke right? You no longer love me. I don’t know what you think you feel for me but it’s definitely not love or at least it’s no longer love. If you still loved me, you would continue to show me and tell me like you never failed to do before. Showering me with your love, attention and care shouldn’t stop just because you have me—I don’t care if you’re used to our relationship or if you’ve grown comfortable where you don’t feel the need to contact me or check up on me—I don’t even care if I’m not your main priority. I’m completely understanding that your job takes up your time and energy, but I need you to know how shitty I feel every time I see you staying up to play video games or going out with your friends. I never wanted to be that girlfriend; I want you to be happy—your happiness is all that I care about, but it would be nice if I could be your happiness. Tell me Mark, when did you stop caring about me? When did you stop caring about my mood, my thoughts, how I was feeling, how the state of our relationship was? I can’t even remember what your lips feel or taste like, does it not bother you at all?” 
You saw him inch closer to you; you assumed he wanted to try and pull you back in to his embrace but you found yourself stepping back. When Mark saw you try to get away from him, that’s how he knew it was over. Once you were to get everything from off your chest, you were going to leave and there was nothing he could do about it. 
He could continue to persuade you to stay—he could promise you that he’d change and that your relationship would return back to what it used to be, but there was no use. Hearing to confess how lonely you felt; how heartbroken he made you and how you didn’t even feel like you were in a relationship with him at all shook him to the core—he knew you were leaving, no matter how hard he’d try to get you to change your mind. You were the kind of person that when you set your heart to something, it would always prevail. A break up was no different. 
“Y/n, please. I can’t—I can’t do this without you. I need you. I’m nothing without you. If I lose you, God I don’t think I’ll ever love again. You’re it for me baby, I mean that. You’re all I could ever want and need for the rest of my life. I’ll do better, I’ll be a better boyfriend—I’ll make up for all the lost time and I promise you, we’ll be okay again. Please baby, find it in your heart to forgive me. Everybody makes mistakes, we’re only human—“ 
As soon as he felt your dainty fingertips cup his cheek ever so gently before you placed a kiss against the corner of his mouth, it felt as though his soul left his body. You didn’t have to say anything; your actions spoke volumes for you. Your fingers were featherlight on his skin; it took every bone in his body not you pull you closer to him and hold you as tightly as physically possible. He didn’t know he was able to actually feel his heartbreak. Whenever someone would describe suffering from a broken heart, he thought they would be hurting mentally, psychologically or spiritually but right now, he could feel his heart crying—begging for you to give him one more chance. 
You could have sworn your heart sank to your stomach once you heard his voice crack. Your bags were already packed and you made the decision to finally leave months ago, why were you suddenly regretting your decision? You mentally prepared yourself for this reaction although you’d be lying if you said you expected him to break down and beg you not to leave like he currently was right now. If anything, you expected complete silence—with the way he’s been acting in the last few weeks, you just assumed he no longer cared about your presence or being in a relationship with you. To see him on his knees crying and begging for you to change your mind—you wanted to just say fuck it and pull him in to your embrace. 
He was trying—he promised he would change and do better; you wished his words could be enough for you. There were so many doubts in your mind telling you that he was all talk. That—he would try and put more time and effort in to your relationship, but it wouldn’t last long. He would get tired of having to prioritize you—tired of having to please you. You couldn’t put yourself through all that unnecessary pain again—the pain of not feeling good enough for him to want to spend and make time for you. 
You couldn’t force him to love you the way he used to—you loved Mark, God, did you love Mark. Honestly, you would do anything to make him happy; you would sacrifice your own happiness to make sure he was always smiling and thriving. But during the distance, since you didn’t feel like you had a boyfriend to love, you began to fall in love with yourself. While you were losing Mark, you were finding yourself.
“I have to go Mark. One day, you’ll see why I made this decision—why I felt as if this was the only choice I had. I love you Mark. Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I don’t think you will ever be able to fathom just how much I love you and how I would go to the ends of the earth just to make sure you’re well taken care of. Your happiness and well being is all I care about. You are all I care about—I just—I need time to heal. I need time to grow and to rediscover happiness. I need to learn to live without you. Who knows, maybe being apart will lead us to want to come together again. I love you and you love me—if it’s meant to be, we will find our way back to each other again. I’m really going to miss you. Please take care of yourself.” 
With one more kiss on his lips, you took your luggage and left. Mark couldn’t describe just how heartbroken, helpless and genuinely miserable he was now feeling. He wanted to run after you and yank your bags out of your hands—he knew he could try harder to get you to stay, but he didn’t want to make things worse. The first few weeks were the hardest; Mark felt as if he could die from a broken heart. He couldn’t eat—he had no appetite. 
His mind kept replaying the way you left so easily—taunting him like a bad dream. He felt like he was having a nightmare that reoccurred every single day. He couldn’t stop thinking about you—how you were going about the entire breakup, where you were staying, if you were suffering even half as much as he was or if you were regretting your decision even just a little. 
As the months went by, nothing changed—even if he tried his best to move on, he felt in his chest that there was no getting over you. He meant what he told you on your last night together, he was genuinely afraid that he would never be able to find closure nor would he ever be able to fall in love again. He didn’t want to be in love again if it meant with someone else. You owned Mark entirely; his mind, his body, his heart and his soul—they all belonged to you and they always would. 
Jinyoung and Yugyeom knew it would be best to get their older friend out of there before Jackson said even more things he probably shouldn’t or before Mark grew physical. 
“We should uh—we’ll get going here. Mark, man I’m genuinely sorry this happened tonight, we shouldn’t even have come here. I should have tried harder to stop him but you know how Jackson gets when he’s drunk. I’m really fucking sorry dude about everything. You know what Jackson said isn’t true and I’m sure he doesn’t even know what he said. He’ll probably wake up tomorrow morning completely brainless about everything—“ 
Mark gave Jinyoung a sad smile before pulling him in for a hug. If anyone understood what Mark was going through, it was Jinyoung. Mark wasn’t the type to tell people of his problems—no even the people closest to him. If something bad happened to him, he would suffer all by himself because he didn’t want other people to worry about him. 
However, Jinyoung was the only one Mark allowed to see him in such a vulnerable and fragile state. Sure, Jinyoung also tried to set him up with one of his friends, but that’s only because he wanted Mark to get another chance at love. He hated seeing Mark so sad—so dejected and moping around, living but not really existing. Although Jinyoung really liked you for his older friend and believed that the two of you were soulmates, he also believed that if you still wanted to be in a relationship with Mark, you would. 
No matter how hard relationships could be sometimes, you never give up on someone you picture spending the rest of your life with. If you genuinely love someone, you’re going to fight for them even if the battle can be too much to handle. He saw Mark through so many phases of depression and grief; he’d witness Mark finish bottles of wine in one sitting while crying at every single thing that reminded him of you. Unlike Jackson though, he wasn’t going to force Mark in a relationship if he didn’t want to be in one. He was a grown man—he could make his own decisions himself. The last thing he or anyone in his situation needed was for his friends to get involved in his personal life. 
“Jinyoung, do you think you could do me a favor? I um—I think I want to be alone for a couple of days. Do you mind telling the other guys to let me be for a little while? I just—tonight was too much for me. I don’t want to get angry with any one of you. I can’t say how long I plan on being away I just—I don’t need this right now.” 
There was so much Jinyoung wanted to say—he didn’t think it was a good idea for Mark to be alone and he wished Jackson just kept his mouth shut, but he also knew that nothing he could say would get Mark to change his mind. He nodded in agreement—not wanting to make the older boy even more upset before motioning for Yugyeom to pick up Jackson’s sleeping figure from the couch. 
“Promise me you will call me if and when you need me. Oh, and please look after yourself. If you’re not going to allow me to come and check up on you can you at least make sure you’re eating all your meals and getting enough sleep?”
“I promise. Let me know when you get home alright? Thank you Jinyoung, I really don’t know what I would do without you.” 
Mark didn’t know if he liked it better now that the three boys were gone. He might have been angry with Jackson’s obnoxious outburst, but now he was alone with the thought that you might be seeing someone else. You did mention that you would always love him; but if you missed him the way you claimed you would, wouldn’t you have come back running to him a long time ago? There might have been distance between the two of you while you were still together, but no longer being in a relationship was a extremely different scenario. 
At least while the two of you were still together, he knew you were his and that he could come home to you. But now, he didn’t know anything that was going on in your life. For all Mark knew, you could have moved to another state or even another country—and now Jackson’s words were messing with his mind. Were you seeing someone? Did you already move on to somebody else and if so, did you see a future with that person? Did your mind ever wander over to Mark and how he was doing? 
His skin began to crawl at the thought of you being intimate with someone else—he knew he had no right to, you were no longer his to get jealous over and he was the reason why you could now go out and start dating whoever you wanted. He wanted to scream—he was already doing so bad as it was, why did Jackson have to make him feel even more shittier than he currently was? 
He found himself looking through his cupboards for any kind of alcohol, he honestly didn’t care at this point. Mark was not a heavy drinker; he never understood why his friends enjoyed wasting their money on alcohol only to get drunk, not remember a single thing and wake up with an extremely painful hangover. He wanted to take his mind off of you and the only way he could do that was if he was inebriated. 
These last few months, his mind seemed to be filled with the thought of you every single day, but never did he feel like he wanted to stop thinking about you. Now that he knew there was a chance you had another man in your life, he wanted to completely rid you from his thoughts—at least for the time being. When he found a bottle of tequila way in the back of the cabinet, he released a frustrated sigh. Mark hated tequila—it had to be one of the worst kinds of alcohol there was. Not only did it taste nasty, but it felt even more horrible going down.
At this point, he didn’t care—it was all he had and he was going to take what he could get. He pulled off the cork and took a few big gulps. It made him gag a little—drinking straight from the bottle wasn’t something he was used to. Especially because tequila was meant to be either mixed or taken as shots, not to be consumed like it was water. He could feel tears building up at the brim of his eyes at how hard it was to drink it, but slowly and surely, he could feel himself getting lightheaded and moments away from completely being plastered. 
When his vision grew hazy and his movements slowed down, he decided he would make his way to his room with the intention of falling asleep. It took him a while to get up from the floor and he was grateful that Milo was fast asleep in his doggy bed. He loved his little puppy more than anything and for the last few months, Milo was his own personal therapist. He made Mark smile when Mark didn’t think he was capable of that motion anymore. 
However, he didn’t think he was in the right mind to take care of himself—let alone a dog. Walking in the direction of his room felt like such a hassle. What usually took him a good ten seconds felt like hours—his feet were heavy against the hardwood floor and finally, once he opened his door and flopped on top of his bed, he hummed in content. Luckily he was already changed in to his pajamas before the guys came over so he didn’t have to do anything. He didn’t realize just how much tequila he consumed; his eyelids felt heavy and he was dozing in and out of sleep. 
Right as he was about to completely enter dreamland, he felt something vibrate. The buzzing noise sounded so far away, even if he knew his phone was nearby. It was probably just Jinyoung telling him he was home now—it could wait until the morning. He continued to try and fall asleep; ignoring the constant buzzing that seemingly wouldn’t stop. With a grunt, he went on the search for his device, moving his hand all around the bed until he found it. He knew whoever was trying to get in touch with him didn’t seem like they were going to stop anytime soon, so he rubbed both his eyes in attempts to break him out of his exhausted and drunken haze before checking his notifications. 
Once he saw your name, he had to do a double take—there was no way you sent him a message, he had to be hallucinating. How high was the percentage of alcohol in the tequila? His mind was definitely playing tricks on him—or maybe he was actually asleep and it was his conscience coming up with what he wishes would happen? He abruptly sat up; causing him even more dizziness, but he had to make sure he was actually seeing what he thought he did. Seeing your name in his phone after seven months of not hearing you sent so many emotions and feelings to his chest and he felt overwhelmed. 
Was he happy? Sad? Angry that you took so long? Excited? He couldn’t help but feel as though something was wrong. Were you okay? Did something happen to you? Did you finally come to the realization that you missed him and that you were willing to give your relationship another chance? A part of him—probably the part that was still upset with you for breaking his heart told him to ignore the messages—he wanted to lie and say he didn’t care anymore and that he was genuinely going to do whatever he could to forget about you completely. But who was he kidding? There was no getting over you. Ever. His heart begged him to click on your contact and that’s exactly what he did.
Babe: Hey. 12:54 A.M.
He mentally cursed himself for not changing your name in his phone but he couldn’t find it in himself to do so. He didn’t have the right to call you any term of endearment anymore, but once he were to change your contact to your actual name, it cemented the idea that things were actually over and he wasn’t going to give up on you just yet. Until he were to find out you were seeing someone else or that you had no intentions on getting back with him ever again, he was going to continue holding on to that tiny string of hope that one day, you’d be back in his arms again.
Babe: I’m sorry it’s so late. I mean that in more ways than one. 12:54 A.M.
Babe: I—I honestly don’t know where to begin. Let me just start by saying I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Mark. And I miss you. I miss you so much. 12:56 A.M.
Babe: I know it’s been a while and I don’t know why I felt like I could just text you out of nowhere. I understand if you’ve moved on or if you want nothing to do with me anymore. 1:02 A.M.
Babe: I’m not going to lie and say that I made a mistake breaking up with you. I knew it’s what was best for the two of us at the time. But I will admit, I’ve thought about you every single day since I left. I’m sure you’re wondering what took me so long to come to the conclusion that I’m still so in love with you—which, I am by the way. I love you and I don’t think I ever really stopped. 1:05 A.M.
Babe: If you’re in a relationship or seeing someone else, please disregard all of these messages. I hope you’re doing well and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself. Well, Goodnight. 1:06 A.M.
Maybe months go by, maybe years from now And I meet someone and it's workin' out Every now and then, he can see right through 'Cause when I look at him Yeah, all I see is you
What if I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye? And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you? Ooh yeah What if I never get over? What if I never get closure? What if I never get back all the wasted words I told ya? What if it never gets better? What if this lasts forever and ever and ever?
As soon as you sent the last text message, you allowed a couple of tears to fall but brought your hands up to your mouth in attempts to prevent yourself from sobbing. The last thing you needed was to wake up the man who was currently sleeping in bed right next to you. You felt as if you made a complete mistake trying to get in contact with Mark—you should have just left him alone. It was you who initiated the breakup in the first place. 
You’ve stayed away for seven months; what person in their right mind would respond to your messages and want to take you back with open arms? You had to be crazy to think Mark still wanted anything to do to you—he probably deleted your messages as soon as he received them and you couldn’t blame them. If the roles were reversed and he did to you what you did to him, you would have blocked his number entirely. You placed your phone back on the nightstand and turned over to look at Minho; releasing an exhausted sigh before gliding your finger along his cheek. 
Trying out a new relationship and seeing someone new sounded like a good idea in hind sight. He was a friend of a friend’s—your friends tried to set you up with so many different guys similarly to Mark and his group of friends. They hated seeing you so sad and heartbroken yet they didn’t understand why you were still so hung up over Mark when you were the one who decided to call it quits. Minho was very soft spoken and gentle; in a way, he resembled Mark and that’s why you felt you were attracted to him.
He was quite the gentleman—he’d always ask you how you were doing, he’d ask you if you were okay with him kissing you and holding your hand and you were sure your friends must’ve told him about your past because he was very adamant on taking your relationship at your pace. Looking at him right now, lying in your bed made you realize just how quickly things were going between the two of you and you didn’t know how you felt about that. It took you a while to sleep over Mark’s apartment and he didn’t see yours until five months in to your relationship. 
However, you were beginning to believe you were rushing things because you missed having someone around all the time; you missed having the presence of someone you loved—you missed Mark. You also assumed that you were acting this way because you wanted to force yourself to like Minho so you could completely move on from Mark, but you didn’t understand why you wanted to get the thought of him out of your mind completely. 
The more time you spent with Minho, going on dates with him, calling him when you couldn’t see him; you’d find yourself picturing Mark in his place. You really missed how Mark used to treat you like you were the most important person on the planet. You missed holding him and being held by him, you missed playing video games with him and coming home from a long day of work with a table full of your favorite food. Even if you were doubting his words when he told you he was going to do better, you wondered how life would be like if you did give in to him that night. 
As much as you liked Minho—or at least felt like you did, a huge part of you believed that you were only staying with him for his sake. He was such a nice guy who genuinely seemed to care about you, but nobody was ever going to be Mark. You weren’t going to ever care or love anyone the way you did with Mark and you didn’t want to continue leading him on knowing that your heart belonged to someone else. You decided that you were going to call it a night, you didn’t expect Mark to get back to you any time soon if at all for that matter. 
After placing a gentle kiss on Minho’s shoulder blade, you curled up in to your pillow and slowly closed your eyes. Unfortunately, you couldn’t find it in yourself to fall asleep; your mind was too busy thinking about whether or not Mark read your messages and if he did, how he felt about hearing that you missed him and that you still loved him. Taking one last look at your phone, you felt your heart swell up as a small smile rose on your face.
Mark: I’m all yours. 1:36 A.M. 
What if I never get over? What if I never get closure? What if I never get back all the wasted words I told ya? What if it never gets better? What if this lasts forever and ever and ever?
I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you? What if I gave you (what if I gave you) everything I got? What if your love was my one and only shot? What if I end up with nothing to compare it to What if I never get over? Oh, if I never get over What if I never get over you?What if I never get over you? Oh, what if I never get over? Over you
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hockey-fics · 4 years
Soy Lattes and Red Wine ~ Tyson Jost and Andre Burakovsky (Part One)
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Summary: There was nothing for you in Denver when you decided to move there except a studio apartment and a longing for a fresh start. But the fresh start you’re looking for comes with a number of complications, primarily two. 
Warnings (for the whole fic are listed, those in bold are in this part): language, implied sex/light smut, smut, alcohol, cheating.
Word Count: ~1500
A/N: I wasn’t lying in the title, Burky does show up in this fic. Just not till the second part. 
It had been something you had been thinking about, fantasizing about for years now. Just packing all your things up and taking off. Somewhere new, somewhere you could have a fresh start. 
And then you got the email. The email that told you this year's classes were all going to be online and suddenly you had no reason not to just leave. You had no school holding you back. You could finish your last year online anywhere you wanted. 
So you started looking, your computer’s history filled with listings from your apartment search. And after a while you started to question whether you were making a mistake. None of the apartments you looked at seemed like the one. None of them seemed like a place you could call home. 
You had all but given up, talking yourself into thinking that spending one more year with your family and finishing your degree at home might not be so bad when you found it. 
A tiny bachelor apartment in Denver. You had no reason to move there. There was nothing in Denver for you, nobody you knew. But something about that apartment made you feel like you simply needed to be there. 
It was below your budget despite having far more than you ever wanted in an apartment. It was a new building, on the fourth floor. Not too high and not too close to the ground. It was bright yet cozy. It was perfect. And when you sent in an application the property manager offered a virtual tour and the next thing you knew you were sending in a damage deposit to hold the place and beginning to pack up all your belongings. 
The excitement of a new city wore off quickly once you got there. And the first few months were filled with more loneliness and anxiety than you would have ever imagined. Instead of meeting tons of new friends and exploring new places you found yourself locked away in your little apartment working on school assignments most of the days. 
It was like the universe was listening to you though because just as soon as you started to wonder if you had made a mistake in moving to Denver something changed.
It was a Monday and just like Monday’s reputation would predict, it was going terribly. 
You woke up to the sound of the fire alarms blaring through the building at five in the morning. You had fumbled a sweater over top of your outfit of pink giraffe pyjama shorts and an old stained t-shirt. A false alarm was what the building manager said before everyone shuffled tiredly back to their apartments. The startling way to wake up left you unable to fall back asleep, so with four hours of sleep you began to get ready for the day. 
You found that your coffee maker was no longer functioning and the bagel you were going to have for breakfast was mouldy. 
You received an assignment back from your professor that you had felt pretty confident about, finding that you had only barely passed. 
By the time you left your apartment that morning to go buy yourself a cup of coffee and something to boost your blood sugar you couldn’t think of anything else that could possibly go wrong. But of course that wouldn’t be the case as you tipped your cup of coffee on the condiment stand, just trying to get a lid on it so you could go back to your apartment and wallow in the awful day. 
You had reacted quickly, tipping it back upright. But not quick enough, the majority of your coffee no longer in your cup, now dripping along the countertop towards the man standing beside you. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter to him, your head down as you reach around him to grab some napkins. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he chuckles, grabbing a few napkins a moment after you, soaking some of the coffee up with them. 
Glancing over as he begins to help you feel tears forming in your eyes. It had been months since anyone had helped you...with anything. Sure, it was because the people who normally would were all back in your hometown and you had only made a couple friends that you had done things with only on a handful of occasions. “Thank you, but you really don’t have to help.”
“It’s just a little coffee,” he replies with a casual shrug even though you hadn’t dared to look at him to notice his body language. You were too worried about the watery appearance of your eyes to look at him. “What was it anyway?”
“Um,” you hum, tossing a handful of wet napkins into the garbage can. “A soy latte.”
Suddenly the man walks away and you let out a breath, relieved that you could just deal with your embarrassment and frustration alone as the tears begin to fill your eyes a little quicker now. If all of this was happening back at home, maybe you could laugh about it, could have gone to your parent’s house for coffee and breakfast or met your friends at a coffee shop to whine about the terrible day. But not here. Here you were alone. 
Finally you get the whole mess cleared up and turn around, debating whether you should buy another coffee or just write the whole place off and leave before things could get worse. 
“I asked them to put a lid on it for you.”
Looking over you see the man who had helped you clean up the coffee, a cup in his hand that he was extending towards you. 
You look from the cup and back up to him, quickly bringing your hand up to your eyes and trying your best to discreetly wipe the tears that had pooled under them. “It that…?”
“A soy latte,” he tells you, a soft smile on his lips. His brown eyes were warm and welcoming, like the fact that he was a couple inches away from being covered in a soy latte instead of holding one didn’t phase him in the slightest. You watch as his eyebrows furrow, clearly noticing you were upset, beyond what a spilled coffee would typically warrant. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” Your voice breaks as you say it, voice half a whisper. Reaching over you take the coffee from him. “You really didn’t have to, I can pay you back for this.” 
“No, don’t worry about it,” he tells you quickly, stopping you as you begin reaching for your wallet in your purse. “Seems like you’ve had a rough day.”
A soft laugh escapes your lips as you nod. “Yeah, it definitely hasn’t been great,” you tell him. “But this,” you say, lifting your coffee a little higher. “Made it a bit better.”
“I’m glad,” he says, glancing around the coffee shop, eyes landing on an empty table in the back corner. “Were you on your way anywhere? Or do you have some time to tell me about your rough day?”
And it was just that quick that your friendship with Tyson developed. And with that friendship Denver stopped feeling like such a lonely place. 
A couple nights after you met you two went out for dinner. Then a couple days later you went to his apartment to watch a movie. Then he was bringing coffee to your apartment when you told him about big assignments you were working on or when you were staying up late cramming for exams. You would go to his apartment after games, watching TV or just talking for hours before you would fall asleep on his couch.
When he had days off he would come over and hang out at your apartment while you did school work. He would quiz you from your flashcards or let you explain concepts to him that he would never remember but knew that letting you explain it would help you remember it. 
After a few months you came to the realization that Tyson had become your best friend. You still talked to your friends from back home frequently but distance made it difficult to stay as close. And you had made a couple new friends in Denver including the woman who lived across the hall from you and someone you met at the gym. But you didn’t see or talk to anyone as much as you talked to Tyson. And when he left Denver for away games you missed him more than you thought it was possible to miss someone you had only known for a few months. But you were so, so grateful for Tyson. For making Denver so much better for you than he would ever be able to understand. 
Part Two
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Not Clickbait - Chapter 29
This is my favorite chapter! I can’t believe it’s finally out! It’s about David and Y/n going on a trip together and sleeping together for the first time. You can totally read it as a one shot too but it’s better if you are up to speed with the series! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 💕💕💕
Y/n and David had just landed in Miami and gotten their rental car. David (Natalie) had made reservations at the Ocean's Edge Resort in Key West. They got to their room just as the sun was starting to rise which made the view even more spectacular than it already was.
“Dave, this… this is so perfect. Thank you for this, thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend” she said wrapping one of her arms around his waist as they walked over to the balcony. “We should go swimming, right now before there are a bunch of people at the pool!” Y/n beamed.  
“Sure, whatever you want to do.” David agreed leaning down to kiss her.
“I’ll go change.” she whispered and walked over to her travel bag to get her swimsuit out.
She went into the bathroom and David just stood there on the balcony looking at the amazing view. A few minutes later Y/n came out of the bathroom in a flesh colored two piece. She had her hair down and her cheeks were slightly flushed. The golden light of the rising sun hitting her skin, still dewy from rubbing sunscreen all over. David thought she had never looked better, more relaxed, happier.
“Can you rub this on my back?” She muttered handing him the tube of sunscreen. She turned around as David put some lotion on his hand, she shivered a little when the cold product first hit her skin but then she started enjoying the feeling of David’s hands running through her back. David started spreading the cream and as he came across the strap of her bra he started running his hand under it. “You can untie that” she said holding the fabric by the front and he did, leaving her back completely bare for him to explore.
“Done” he whispered after a couple of minutes. Y/n turned around and leaned in for a kiss, it started off light but it soon deepened, her bra falling to the ground as she forgot she was holding it. They started moving towards the bed, his shirt falling on the ground on the way. David took a step back to look at her.
“You are so beautiful.” He muttered in her ear as he started kissing down her neck and clavicle. “I love you” he whispered on her lips. She broke the kiss to look at him for a second.
“I love you too.” she smiled against his lips.
“Are you sure you want to do this babe? We can stop, it’s okay if you want to wait.” David said breaking the kiss once again.
“I’m sure, I love you” she nodded. More pieces of clothing fell to the ground, as their hands got to know each other's bodies. It was sweet and gentle, filled with kissing and caressing, soft laughter and smiles.
A while  later Y/n and David were still in bed, wrapped in nothing but each other's arms and white sheets.
“Was… did… “ Y/n started, not completing her thoughts.
“Babe, just ask, you’ve been trying to get it out for like an hour” He smiled, putting his head on the crook of her neck.
“Did you like it? I mean you have more experience than I do so… Was it good for you?” She said feeling her cheeks get hot.
“Yes, it was great.” He smiled sweetly at her “Was it good for you? Did it hurt?”
“It was perfect. And no, it didn’t hurt.” Y/n said remembering how kind and gentle he was during the whole thing.
“You are so perfect, so amazing. I love you. This last couple months have been so wonderful.”
“I love you too, Dave. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect boyfriend.” She smiled running her fingers through his hair.
As tempting as spending the whole weekend in that hotel room sounded, after some room service breakfast it was adventure time. They rode all the way to Key West, visited the Hemingway Home and Museum, went canoeing and window-shopped through the luxurious boutiques before sitting down to have lunch.
“Most of these things have seafood!” David complained.
“Well, yeah babe, that’s kind of the point…” Y/n said giggling.
“Do you want to go parasailing after lunch?” His eyes gleamed.
“Nooo, pleeeease! I don’t like dangerous activities!! We are both too young to die…”
“We are not going to die, it’s going to be fine! You’ll love it, it’s fun!”
“If we die I am going to haunt your spirit for eternity…” she said giving up. She knew there was no point in arguing, when something got in his head…
“Good, that way not even death will do us apart”
“Funny…” She gave him a light push.
“Tell me again why we are doing this…” Y/n said squeezing David’s hand so tight it would probably leave a bruise.
“Because it’s fun and we only live once and because your face is funny when you are scared.” He replied giving the girl a quick peck.
Y/n actually really enjoyed herself, the views were amazing, it was really fun and it turned out to be the perfect thing to get her head off of what was coming. The wind blew her hair and blushed her already suntanned skin.
Night time came way too soon and David was at the bar waiting for Y/n, who was still in their room getting ready. He smiled down at his phone as he read Natalie’s text.
Assistant #1: How is the trip going, Romeo? Reformed Bieber: It’s great, the hotel is perfect! Thank u! Assistant #1: I am the best assistant, I know. U should give me a raise! Reformed Bieber: Haha v funny! U r a great friend! Assistant #1: OMG! Is that a compliment or just a way to get out of the raise? Reformed Bieber: Exactly. Assistant #1: U lil bitch, wait till u come home! Changing the locks tonight Reformed Bieber: I told her I loved her… Assistant #1: WHAT?? OMG!! I am so happy for u Dave!! Did she say it back? Reformed Bieber: Yes :)
As he sent that message he looked up to see Y/n approaching him. His jaw literally dropped, as did the ones from most of the attendants. She was wearing a silk emerald green tight dress, it was calf long and left little to the imagination as the fabric hugged her figure like a second skin. The color complemented her skin beautifully and had a sheen to it as the light reflected off the dress. Her skin had taken a golden tint, which was emphasized by the shimmer in her body oil. Her hair fell in careless curls and a proper amount of gloss made her lips look extra juicy. She was a gorgeous young woman, and David was used to her sweet pastel colored dresses but in that outfit she looked like a completely different person.
“WOW! Let's get out of here before my girlfriend shows up!” He whispered in her ear as she reached his seat in the bar.
“Sorry sweetie, I don’t do committed guys.” She muttered with a seductive little smile.
“Bummer.” He said before leaning in for a kiss, it was passionate and short lived.
“I take it you like my new dress.” She smiled teasingly.
“You should never take that off” He said, looking her up and down.
“If that is what you want! And here I was thinking you would enjoy what is underneath more than the dress.” David knew there was no way she could have anything under that dress because it would show through the fabric. So the thought of the only thing that could be under her dress appeared in his head.
“There is no way we are getting through dinner if you keep this up. I might need to throw you over my shoulder and take you back to our room.”
“Didn’t your mom teach you that you can’t have dessert before dinner?” She scolded, running her hand through the collar of his shirt.
“I’m a slow learner.”
The next day was spent at the beach enjoying the clear skies and warm water. Y/n put her book back inside her bag under the gazebo and looked over to her boyfriend.
“Are you coming to the water with me?” She asked as David played with his phone.
“No babe, go ahead. I’m too tired, I want to rest a bit.” He replied before kissing her goodbye.
It hadn’t been half an hour when David looked up from his phone to see two buff guys talking to Y/n  by the shore. He could feel the familiar green monster making an appearance. She looked too pretty in her mint green bathing suit and wet hair. He didn’t like the way those guys seemed to be eating her with their eyes. She seemed totally oblivious to that last part though. He stood up and made his way to his girlfriend.
“Hey babe! Was the water nice?” He said, grabbing her by the waist.
“It was perfect! You should go swim a bit before it starts getting cold! Oh, by the way… these are Chad and Trent! We went to high school together… isn’t it a small world?”
“Hey! Nice to meet you!” Dave smiled holding out his hand.
“Holy fuck! You didn’t tell us that the guy you were dating is David Dobrik!” One of the guys said
“Yeah, well it's kind of a secret or at least it was until he called me babe.” She explained, giving him a look. She had caught what he was trying to do and couldn’t wait till they were alone so she could tease the fuck out of him. He blushed a bit.
“Hey, don’t worry! We are not going to say anything! We still owe her big time for all the times she helped us with homework and exams! She was always the smartest little nerd in the class” The other guy said.
“Well except for gym class, those were not her brightest moments”
“Ohh god please don’t ever mention that again!! David destroyed me in tennis a few weeks ago!!” She laughed.
“Hey, so I know you two are on vacation but would you mind taking a picture with us?” Guy n°1 said
“Sure!” David said and after a few more minutes of chat both pairs went their separate ways.
“Look at you being all jealous! You are like a little puppy marking your territory! That is hi-la-ri-o-us!! OMG!! I can’t wait to go back and tell Natalie about this she is going to laugh so fucking hard!!”
“Whatever. The fact that they know you doesn’t mean they were not flirting with you!! They were eyeing you up!! You are just too naïve to notice.” He shrugged, grabbing at her waist.
“No, I am not! I did notice which is why ten minutes before you joined us I told them I came here with my boyfriend” She said giggling.
“That didn’t stop them staring then.”
“Maybe it didn’t, but I don't care. I only have eyes for one guy, and he is amazingly handsome and talented.”
“Let me guess, it’s me.” He said leaning down to kiss her.
“No, it's Ryan Gosling. But you are a close second place.” She giggled pulling him in.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH23
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 330
- Author Note: So im late, i will do double update! so please check on next chapter too~ :) thank u for whoever that read my cliche story HAHAHA i have no words to describe how im embarassed i am AHAHHAA anyways ~ 
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Chapter 23
Promotional month embarked the start of everything.  Hectic schedule, unreasonable amount of sleep time in a day, the most would be 2 hours and not to mention the studios and practice rooms would be their second home for the time being. The boys had been practicing non-stop these past few days until their official comeback early in February. This time their popularity soared higher than their previous comeback. It felt like a dream, but the boys did it. Their album sales make it digital or physical had risen drastically in comparison to previous sales.
The impact of Bangtan Sonyeondan to the industry was no joke. More people showed their support and their fanbase grew two times bigger than before in the blink of an eyes. Phenomenal indeed. Overwhelmed by the support, the boys promised to work harder this year to repay Armys’ love. Entering the last week of their You Never Walk Alone promotion, the boys were ready to start their Wings Tour around the globe. Unlike before they went to few continents depending on the demand of the respected country however this time their schedule was utilized for the first half of 2017.
Seul massaged her aching muscle and sunk on the couch with sulky face. The dorm was quiet and cold since none of the boys were home at this time.  They would only be home around dawn to get short nap before heading to their next schedule early in the morning. Following the change of their schedule, Seul would take an evening shift and went to their place right after her shift. So, she could prepare advanced breakfast for them. It became her routine to come around 2 in the morning and stayed for two hours or more, making sure the boys got a proper breakfast despite their busy schedule.
Mrs Hwang on the other hand was well informed pertaining to Seul’s unusual activity and she would make Hoon, more like force his son to pick her sister up every day from work. World is a scary place, she did not want to risk Seul’s life though that girl was the one who insisted to change her caretaking schedule out of sudden.
Glancing on her phone screen, she decided to call it a day since it was already 3 A.M and surprisingly she managed to pull her work within an hour. Seul had informed Hoon in advance so the younger guy would not pick her up considering he had exam the next day. She did not want to be blame for his bad performance later on.
“Should I watch Tae’s drama to kill time?” grinning to herself, Seul made up her mind to catch the latest episode. As she expected, the boys had recorded every episode up till the latest one.
What a supportive boyfriend!
It took Seul a moment to remember the last episode she watched, then it came to her realization she was following the drama diligently every week. Seul never missed any episode since she watched this with her mother. Of course, her mother would watch it, we were talking about her so-called adoptive son on screen.
Satisfied with her choice, Seul sat with her leg cross on the couch gleefully. She was excited to see different side of Taehyung on screen. A side which could only be seen on screen. Indeed, BTS V nailed it so perfectly. There were times Taehyung would give her a call as soon as his drama aired that particular day just to hear her opinion. She couldn’t understand why her opinion matter in this anyways.
 “Seul-seul! Did you watch?” Taehyung’s voice croaked in happiness. Apart from his members comment, Taehyung anticipated Seul’s point of view every week caused him to automatically give the girl a call after a new episode aired.
Seul laughed softly at Taehyung’s weird antic “I watched it Tae” he hummed. “So how was it this week?” he chewed his lower lips knowing how bluntly honest she could be. Taehyung valued her honesty even though sometimes Seul would never leave her sassiness behind, he didn’t care. He basically grew up with Min Suga’s sarcasm so to hear something similar from Seul, he was already immune to it.
“Hurm.. do you want to hear the good one or the bad one first?” she poked fun making Taehyung pouted in his seat.
“I want to hear good one first” Seul could imagine Taehyung’s pouty lips as a protest whenever he was forced to make a complicated choice.
Pressing her lips together to suppress her laughter, Seul regained her composure to have a decent conversation with him “You are certainly better if we were to compare with the episode which you first appeared. You look natural and comfortable with your character now. As I mentioned before, I like how you portray your emotions through your deep eyes. It is not a joke. How did you do that?” she professed earnestly.
Her compliments flustered him “Urm…Thank you..You are flattering me”
“I am not..You really did well Tae. Don’t tell me you are blushing” she teased.
“YAH I AM NOT! Alright, I am ready to hear the bad one” Taehyung murmured under his breath with hope it was not as nasty as her first comment back then. “Listen carefully Kim Taehyung, I am about to say something that might hurt your heart” the tone of her voice was stern and cold.
“Ji Seul you are scaring me! Stop sounding so serious”
“I am trying to, okay give me a moment” he heard her heavy breathing at the end of the line as if she was in the middle of night work out. What was on her mind?
“Tae-ah..I think you are too adorable for me to handle. Shouldn’t Hansung be manlier?”
Taehyung gasped “Is that an insult?” her small giggle tickled his heart. “Or is it your way complimenting me?” he pressed. There were times he craved for this kind of attention from Seul, made him feel normal guy around his age. To have a simple conversation with a friend gave him tranquillity.
“Will you take that as an insult since you really hated cutesy stuff nowadays?”
“Armys think I am cute. I will live with that if it comes from Armys and you. Yah, I am serious. Tell me right now what is my flaw?” he insisted.
Seul shook her head “Couldn’t find it. You are a rookie, but you are doing great. My mom thinks your acting is real and she really into it. Don’t ask me who is her favourite character, because she is choosing you over Minho. Aren’t that too much that she’s giving extra attention on you?” Taehyung beamed.
“Why? Are you jealous that Ahjumma favours me more than you?”
“I am used to it, Bangtan boys this, Bangtan boys that. You can take my mom’s love, I have Eodeng and Eomuk to love me” he cringed at the response. “Ew, that simply means you have Jin hyung’s love. Those two brats are the mini Kim Seokjin” she rolled her eyes in process.
She retorted sarcastically “Who are you calling brat? You are the brat!”
 She found herself smiling at the memories, being with Taehyung made her comfortable. Something that she could feel whenever she’s with Jin and Hoseok. Returning her attention back to the screen, Seul watched the drama and clasped her hand excitedly.  A silly smile would appear on her face every time Taehyung appeared on screen along with small awe in between.
Few months ago, she ridiculed the power of Bangtan Sonyeondan on her now as time passed it slowly turned her into a fan. Guess, she was being supportive of her friends.
Yes, supportive sounds fitting.
“Sejin hyung quick quick my bladder is about to explode” Jimin whiney voice filled the emptiness of the hallway. Other members stood sleepily behind him. Meanwhile, Jimin was getting impatient to finish his business inside. “Gosh, why are you so whiney” he pressed the button hurriedly, entering the password.
As soon as Jimin heard the beep, he squished his small body between the door and Sejin and ran inside ignoring the older guy that were already pressed against the wall.“That kid!” Sejin hissed while shaking his head. He gave a soft pat on Jungkook back, making the maknae moved inside with a big yawn “Get some sleep everyone, you need to be ready in 4 hours” he ordered.
Jungkook screeched softly feeling his muscle stiffened at the sight before him “Seul?” he stared in disbelief. Sleeping peacefully on the couch was Seul with Hwarang still running in the background. A soft smile spread across his face since the last time he saw her was two weeks ago. He almost lost his balance when he felt someone crashed against his body from back, Kim Taehyung groaned in frustration.
“Yah, Gukkie why are you blocking the way” his bangs were poking his eyes making it hard for him to see the obstacle in front of him. Furthermore, in this sleepy state everything appeared irrelevant to him except for his comfortable bed. Confused, Taehyung’s eyes followed Jungkook and upon it landed on Seul’s figure, his eyes widened in sheer surprise.
“Seul? Seul is here?” he spoke lowly fully aware that their manager was still there.
“What should we do? Sejin hyung is here!” Jungkook started to panic. The hyungs made their entrance with questionable look but soon they gawked at the scene in front of them. It would be a huge trouble if their manager found out about Seul. The chances of her being fired was high.
It is 5 A.M why is she not home? Yoongi cursed, taking a glance at Sejin whom thankfully still at the doorstep gathering bags in process. Everyone was trying to come up with ways to hide Seul or to face Sejin’s wrath in a minute. Without wasting any time, Taehyung marched forward taking Seul in his arm casually surprising everybody in the room.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi inquired with concern look.
“We need to hide her”
“Yes, but where?”
“Lets just bring her to my room” Taehyung suggested earning a low protest from Yoongi and Jin. Nonetheless, they followed him afterwards.
Seul stirred in her sleep a little and snuggled her face at the crook of his neck, liking the familiar smell and warmth. Even in her sleep, she knew how to play with his heart. Taehyung tried to control himself from smiling foolishly as his main concern right now was to hide Seul from Sejin.
“I will distract Sejin hyung” Jungkook blurted out and quickly dashed to the main door followed by Hoseok behind. Namjoon and Jin assisted Taehyung to his room, opening the door for him so he could move Seul to safer place.
 “Hyung I forgot my headphones!” “Me too I forgot my-my game console!” Hoseok and Jungkook hollered in unison causing the older guy to eye them suspiciously.
He wiggled his finger to his headphone which hang loosely around his neck “That is your headphone Hobi and as for you Jungkook, I didn’t see you play any games today let alone having your game console with you” closing the door behind him, he placed the bags on the floor.
Hoseok gulped nervously exchanging nervous look with Jungkook “Urm…Sorry I seem to forget, but really I forgot something in the van!” he tried his luck one more time to convince Sejin. They knew it was not easy to lie on his face since he could read them so easily. Their manager knew when the boys were hiding something, like right now.
“I smell fear and lies. What are you hiding from me?” he quirked his brows prying answers out from the two boys before him.  
“Nothing, nothing” Jungkook palmed his hand against the wall awkwardly with a sheepish smile. He heard the commotion behind him meaning the hyungs were doing something about Seul, though he had no idea how much time they needed for him to stall their manager.
“If it is nothing, why are you blocking my way? Is there something that I shouldn’t see?”
Hoseok held both his palm out while cracking a nervous chuckle in between “Jimin.. I mean Jimin peed in his pant and it is disgusting. We have to clean the floor first. It is dirty, you can’t walk” Hoseok facepalmed at his idiotic ideas. It sounded ridiculous.
“YAH WHO PEED IN PANTS?” clueless Jimin exited the bathroom as his eyes threw daggers at Hoseok way. Hoseok grinded his teeth together chasing Jimin away from the scene but of course he would not budge even an inch. Park Jimin was persistent to begin with. He never let anyone taint his name.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his head in frustration ‘Jimin-ssi, can you be a little cooperative. Why out of all time’ the manager did not buy the boys lies so he forced himself inside. Being tall giving him advantage to dominate the boys. His eyes scanned the empty living room with suspicion whilst Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were having their secret banter behind.
“The caretaker came to clean the place?” he noticed the cleanliness of the place as he made his way to the kitchen. “I guess…” Hoseok murmured silently.
“Jimin-ssi, Seul is here we are trying to stall him! You are ruining the plan” Jungkook whispered under his breath making the shorter guy gasped realizing his own mistake. When he dashed inside, he didn’t catch a glimpse of anyone in the dorm. If and only he realized it sooner this thing could be prevented. The three musketeers kept their eyes on the manager hyung whom busy inspecting every corner of their place.
Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi exited Taehyung’s room as their eyes spotted the three boys stood in line with their hands neatly together, they shot them a bewildered look “Yah are you crazy! Don’t act suspicious, hyung might find out!” Namjoon scowled lowly afraid that the older guy overheard him.
“Get into your room now and act naturally” Jin mouthed them. The three musketeers scurried off almost bumping into each other before each of them got into their room without trouble. The sound of heavy footstep alarmed the remaining members, and they decided to avoid their manager at all cost.
 On the other hand, Taehyung had already changed into his pyjamas in order to appear more convincing in case their manager decided to appear magically in his room. From time to time he threw a nervous glance at the door feared to witness an unwelcoming sight. Judging from the message in their group chat, Sejin was inspecting every nook and cranny of the dorm started from Jungkook. Taehyung’s room is a room away from him that scared the shit out of him.
He stared at Seul while trying to find perfect way to hide her from their manager. “Screw this” caressing his fluffy hair out of frustration, he turned off the main light and slipped under the cover beside Seul. Taehyung bit his lower lips, apologizing non-stop since he was about to initiate something inappropriate. The girl was unconscious, and he was literally touching her without her consent.
She will understand, she will. Taehyung prayed in his head that Seul would not wake up until this nerve wrecking scene ended.
“Fuck” his eyes rounded upon seeing the shadow behind the creak of his door. Using his long hand to reach the lamp on his night stand, he switched off swiftly. Taehyung pulled the cover under his chin, wrapping one of his arm securely around Seul’s waist. His heart pounded due to the proximity and it doubled when he heard Sejin’s footstep approaching his room.
His body froze when he felt Seul making a slight move in his embrace. On the bright side, she’s not awake however her face was buried deeply in his chest. The heavy lump on his throat caused his breath to hitch.
Ji Seul, what are you.
“Taehyung-ah, are you asleep” Taehyung snapped out his thought, and brought Seul’s body closer to him. He shut his eyes tight pretended to sleep with hope they wouldn’t get caught by their manager today. Not today, they couldn’t risk losing Seul.
Sejin twisted the door knob, poking his head inside. He squeezed his eyes to adjust to the darkness “Guess, he is asleep. That was fast” he mumbled. Taehyung’s mind overloaded with negative thoughts and his heart thumped crazily that he swore the eerie silence in his room adding the tension. The sound of the footsteps sounded so close yet unclear. He was sure it was just few steps closer from his bed. Like a reflex, Taehyung tightened his arm around Seul’s keeping her close.
Exasperating a soft sigh, he was relieved when the sound of the footsteps faded away. The soft slam came from the door convinced Taehyung that his manager had left the room, yet he did not want risk getting caught, so he stayed like a statue for few minutes. Taehyung grinned upon hearing Sejin’s faint voice behind the door “Park Jimin, I told you to sleep. Why are you still standing there?” Sejin frowned.
Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly “Is..Tae asleep?”
“Yes, his room is dark, and I bet he is asleep”
“D-d-dark what?” Jimin continued to curse something vulgar in his head. After finding out Seul was in Taehyung’s room he couldn’t help but to worry. It triggered his protective instinct and jealousy. He couldn’t let his guard down just because Taehyung is his best friend even though Tae was never vocal about his feelings for Seul, his man’s instinct could not be wrong. Something bloomed whenever they were together.
The older guy snapped him out from his deep thought “What is wrong with you? Go sleep and stop worrying about Tae. Clock is ticking Jiminie, you don’t want to miss even an hour worth of sleep” he exclaimed.
“Fine, I am sleeping” his lower lips puckered out of habit.
“I will be here around 10, make sure everyone is ready by then” Jimin nodded obediently and threw a final glance at Taehyung’s door. Everything will be fine, Jimin convinced his racing heart.  
Groggily, Seul forced her heavy lids to open and that when she realized the unusual warmth behind her. Seul squinted her eyes one last time in order for her foggy brain to function properly. A small light from the curtain illuminated the dark room but was not enough for Seul to get a clear view of it. On top of all, she was beyond relief that her outfits were still intact, remain untouchable. Meaning no funny business happened. At least, she was not kidnapped by some sasaeng fans, she hoped.
‘I swear I was in the living room watching Hwarang’ she grew frustrated of her failure in retrieving her memory. Seul couldn’t recall whether the boys were back home or not. Shrugging her unimportant thought away, Seul fisted the sheets under her gathering her courage to face the individual behind her.
Seul, move slowly don’t wake up the tiger.
Shifting under the sheet, she changed her position slightly to face Taehyung. In 3,2,1 she was ready to see whoever beside her but to her surprise, someone was cradling her head halting her earlier intention to catch the culprit.
“Seul, you awake?” his voice trailed off. She recognized that voice.
Seul touched his hand “Jungkook?” she whispered in daze.
His low yet squeaky chuckle made her smile “Yes, it is me. Come on let’s get up quietly. We don’t want to wake Tae hyung” Jungkook stroked his hand down to her waist, slowly sweeping her off from the bed.
Setting Seul down on the ground, she inquired “Tae? I am in his room. How?” Jungkook let out another adorable giggle, embracing her tight. “You fell asleep while watching hyung’s drama. Let’s talk outside” while keeping Seul in his embrace, they exited Taehyung’s room at ease.
She pulled away making an abrupt stop facing the giggly maknae, why was he in good mood today. “Tell me why I am in Tae’s room? I thought I was kidnapped!” she pursed her lips in annoyance.
“Sejin hyung was here, so we had no choice but to hide you”
“Hiding me in Taehyung’s room? How clever” she wheezed.
“Then you wish to be in my room instead?” Jungkook look amused as playful smirk spread on his handsome face.
She squirmed under his intense gaze “I didn’t mean it that way, you could wake me up. I can hide in the closet and leave afterwards” he sent a disapproval glare at her way.
“No way we are making you walk alone at that time, now stop complaining” he took few steps forward, pulling the sulky girl into another tight hug. Jungkook nuzzled the top of her head, exhaling a low sigh “I miss you” he murmured.
Her heart did the weird dance again, “You woke up early today, I thought you were not an early riser” she wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug with equal passion. “You think I can sleep knowing you’re sleeping on the same bed as Tae hyung?” he said sulkily.
Seul giggled “Are you jealous? Then, I blame it on you for letting Tae got into the way” her tease making the visible frown on his forehead two times thicker. She looked up “Aigoo, you may develop wrinkles at this age” her hand smoothed his eyebrows, giving it a soft caress along the shape.
Closing his eyes with a soft hum, Jungkook let himself drown under Seul’s magic touch “You are losing your baby fat again. I don’t like that” she gave his cheek a soft stroke with a slight frown.
“Don’t worry I will earn that back after our promotion ended. Besides, I had a good breakfast every day thanks to you. Did you come late at night for your work just to prepare those meal for us?” he pecked her fingers, interlacing it with his.
“You guys are barely home so I thought it is wise to change my caretaking schedule a little. On the bright side, I can prepare breakfast for you guys. I bet Jin had no time to prepare proper food for all of you, I don’t want to wear him out” her eyes glimmered in concern. The mere thought of filling seven empty stomach washed away the worries in her.
Jungkook protested “But that’s mean you will be walking home alone, and it is not safe”
“About that, my mom made Hoon picked me up from work every day. Don’t worry, I will be fine. Worry about yourself, you need to eat healthily. Stop skipping meals” she cringed. “I saw your Vlive, all of you look dead tired. And, I am sorry I couldn’t make it to your Wings tour last week. I had to fill in for Sera” she sighed.
His hand skimmed, featherlight, over her shoulders “It is okay, it is just the opening tour this year, I will make sure you attend the next one. Hobi hyung and Jin hyung were not happy that you couldn’t make it to our concert. However since you bribed them with food the day after, they lowkey claimed that it was okay for you not to attend as long as you prepared yummy food to make it up to them” she chuckled at their silliness.
“As expected, how easy it was to persuade those two. Don’t remind me the long ass text that they sent to me showing off their protest and resentment” Seul’s face scrunched a little at the vivid memories. Jungkook laughed along and the couple continued their conversation in the kitchen. Seul reheat the food for the boys to savour when they woke up with Jungkook’s help.
“I think I need to go before your manager come. Oh, say hi to everyone” she hung her apron carefully and gathered her belongings. Meanwhile, Jungkook continued to sulk behind, “Can’t you stay for breakfast? It is still early, hyung will be here around 10” his voice was a little more than a whisper but in cutesy way.
She flashed him a soft smile “I can’t Jungkook maybe next time. I have an errand to run” he watched her back as she made her way to the entrance. “I want to meet you again before we fly off to America next month” Jungkook leaned against the wall with one hand inside his pocket.
She saw the disappointment in his eyes, so she walked up to him. Dazed Jungkook set his eyes on Seul as the girl tiptoed a little giving a soft peck on his lips “There. I will see you around, don’t miss me too much” a sweet rush of embarrassment coursed through Jungkook.
“O..kay..” his eyes sparkled causing Seul to chuckle. Jungkook might be a little blunt in showing his affection towards her, but whenever she initiated the skinship first, the guy would turn into a total baby.
Seul was about to push the door getting ready to leave but only to be greeted by Sejin’s confused face. She felt an extreme fear in her system, was she caught for real now? Fuck, she muttered.
“Who are you?” he pushed the door wider to see Jungkook stood frozen behind Seul with an extremely disturbed face.
“Hyung…You are urm.. early?” his voice broke into a small shriek.
Quirking his eyebrows, the older guy stepped inside closing the door behind him carefully “You have a long explanation to do Jeon Jungkook. To the lounge now. I want everyone in the room. 5 minutes” his voice was rough and Seul felt like pissing in her jeans.
Seul swallowed a heavy lump on her throat “When I said everyone, that includes you Miss” he pushed the glass back on the bridge of his nose, leaving astounded Jungkook and Seul behind. Jungkook made eye contact with Seul and they exchanged looks of panic and questions.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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daisies--roses · 4 years
MYG|Finally again (M)
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Pairing: Yoongi X Reader
Warnings: smut, swearing
Word count: 2,8k
Plot: You're seeing your Idol boyfriend Yoongi again after a long time.
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago (2018) for my (now) girlfriends 20ths birthday, I really forgot about this :3
It was the time of the year. You had written your exams a few weeks ago and now you were free for 1 and a half months.
You packed your things and were standing in the Check-in line in the airport. Your luggage in one hand and your passport in the other.
In your ears the voice of your genius boyfriend who was singing and rapping in a equally beautiful voice.
With every single step you took your heart hammered louder in your chest.
The last time you saw him was like a faded memory. It was on his last holiday months ago. He was in your apartment for a week and left afterwards but you weren't satisfied with that visit. You had work to do for your classes and your job. You went out a few times but you wanted more of him than you got.
You missed him incredibly much. You really wanted to feel his arms around you and his head on your shoulder while you both laid on his bed. You wanted to cuddle with him and kiss his little cute nose afterwards he would scrunch it and you would laugh at his reaction.
But not just your chest was getting hotter your core was aching for him. You loved him for who he was but god he could do so many things to bring you the euphoric feeling no one could ever got close to. How his hands went between your thighs or hold your hips in their place because he wants to taste you firstly. Or the time he couldn't take his hands off of you and fingered you right there under the table while you were eating dinner with your friends.
You shuddered because of these memories and your core got wetter every time you remembered another time you made love to each other.
You were the next in line and smiled instantly when the woman started to ask you your name and your passport.
"Hi I'm Y/N, flying to Moskau and than Seoul."
She smiled friendly "Please lay your luggage on the scale." after checking the score on the scale she gave you your things back and wished you a save flight.
You would spend more than half a day traveling to see the love of your life. You wished that it would take a small amount of time but you lived in the different side of the world.
But this would end next year when you graduate. You didn't plan anything yet but you knew that you want to live with him till the end of your time. You need him next to you. Thats why you don't want to waste any second without him after your graduation.
While listening to his new music you went into the plane. Two flights were awaiting you but you were content because you would see him again.
In the other side of the world your boyfriend was sleeping after a long night of getting some music done before you were coming. He wanted to end everything because he wanted to spend every second with you. He planed your days out.
You were there for 4 weeks and he would work at home in the mornings and than spend the rest of the day with you, his beautiful girlfriend that he loved and cared for.
He woke up after a long time and wrote you a little message before he started to get his apartment ready for you. He knew how much you loved a specific blanket on the couch and how much you hated to have any kind of insects in the apartment. Taking many things under consideration he took his time to get a perfect atmosphere for you and him.
You couldn't wish a better boyfriend than him and you appreciate him everyday in your life.
You were landing in Moskau in a few minutes. You would spend a couple of hours in the airport and than take the other plane to Seoul where he would pick you up.
You were smiling because you would see him again in like 11 hours again. You would feel his warmth and hear his laugh again. You missed his eyes on you and his breath on your skin.
You weren't the only one who missed every single strand of your hair or your little mole under your eye. He missed every little thing and he couldn't wait to take you in his arms.
Finally you were sitting on your last flight. It would take you another 8 hours to reach Seoul but you were going to be there faster because you were to exited to really feel this 8 hours of flight.
Tha landing took another few minutes. You were packing fastly and couldn't contain any more feelings of excitement. You would see him in a few minutes.
Yoongi wasn't any different. He waited on the doors with a black basecap and black clothes. He wore the parfum you liked and the bracelet you gave him on your last anniversary. He smiled silently thinking about you coming through this doors to be in his arms.
Taking the last peace of your luggage you walked fastly through the airport. You saw the doors and breathed in and out a few times before going out. The light was brighter than you were comfortable with but your eyes adjusted quickly.
You got going and looked through the crowd of waiting people. Your eyes searched for the pale, handsome male  dressed in black. He send you a picture of his outfit so you would find him quicker.
Going out of the gates you stayed still for a couple of seconds till your eyes landed on this handsome man who was your longtime boyfriend. Taking big steps to make it faster to him and trying not to humiliate yourself in front of the other people because you wouldn't be a klutz if you didn't stumble.
You got to him in a record time and let go of your luggage to jump into his open arms. Your legs wrapped around his torso and your head on the crook of his neck.
"God, I missed you so much Baby." he took your scent in and held you tightly in his arms.
"I missed you too Yoongi. So freaking much." you smiled when his eyes meet yours. His grin spreading with every other second you spend in his arms.
"I wanna kiss you right now baby, but I know that I won't stop if I start so lets get going."
You giggled after his statement and jumped down. He took your luggage and you took his hand in yours.
Sitting in the car you let go of his hand because he needed to drive but Yoongi didn't want to lose contact thats why he laid his hand on your thigh. "You hungry baby?"
"Not really, we got something on the plane so I'm fine. But I need a bed and my boyfriend to cuddle in it if you have that I'll be happy."
Yoongi laughed at your wish "I have what you want and more baby." he tightened his grip on your thighs a bit and loosened it afterwards.
With his little gesture you felt how your woman part got tighter and you wished that he planned to make love to you at his apartment.
His hand stayed the whole ride on your thighs skimming it up and down. Getting closer to your core and in the next second getting closer to you knee. Ever time he got closer on your wetness you held your breath and wished for more but he just grinned and drove his car.
Parking in his garage you got out of the car immediately and opened the back. Taking out your luggage you smiled tightly at him. "Take my keys and get the door baby. I'll take it from here."
Nodding you took his keys and went to his door. The building was high on security and no one couldn't enter without the knowledge of the owners. You went on the elevator together and  got off on thr 13th floor. It was just his apartment on this floor that's why no one could enter it without a card.
Opening the door to his apartment you stepped in slowly. You took of your shoes and started to light up the room till you heard your luggage falling over because yoir boyfriend just let it go. You turned around and stared at him. "What's wrong?"
He took little steps towards you while he was grinning. "I hope you got enough sleep on the plane Baby."
"I slept for a few hours but why would you-" you couldn't finish your sentence because in the next second you were trapped against a wall and your boyfriend. His eyes hindering you to say anything else.
"You'll need that energy Baby. You're gonna need all of it." he kissed you cheeks and smiled innocently "I promise that."
Looking straight into his eyes you didn't see his hands finding the hem of your Hoodie. You felt him pull the ends of it. He neared your ears and nibbled on them. "My apartment is warm enough Baby. Let's take this off."
Nodding you held your arms up and he took your hoodie off. You were wearing a black under it which showed a but of cleavage. Your hoodie went flying through the room
He licked his lips and got to work. His lips pressing kisses on your neck and going down on your cleavage. Staying above your top line and making you frustrated because he stops right where you want him to be.
His hands are not staying still either. Touching your sides and getting down on your thighs. Grasping them tightly and massaging them in a way you could never imagine felt that good.
You moaned euphoric and felt his smirk on your skin. "You like me handling you rougher than in our previous activities?"
You nodded with closed eyes and an open mouth. "Don't nod baby. Tell me what you want. How should I handle you baby?"
Your voice was hoarse because of the whole thing but you could gave a little sound out. "Rougher please."
"The princess gets what she wants." with this statement he took your thighs in his hands "Jump up princess."
Yoi jumped on him and wrapped your legs up his torso and your arms around his neck. "Can you make me get a little bit hotter baby? You can do anything you want till we get to my bedroom."
"Yes." you started to kiss jawline and took your lips slowly and painfully down to his earlobes. Nibbling on them you started to rub your body up and down on his body. Your hands gettinf tangled in his hair while you kissed his neck down to his collarbone.
His jeans got tighter with every move you made. He contained a groan after you pressed your core a few times on his dick under his jeans. Your hand pulling on his hair and the other going down his clothed chest.
He walked slower as you started to try and open his belt with one hand. Getting frustrated with every other second you couldn't do it he smirked and let you be for a few minutes till he opened his door and laid you on his bed.
Looking straight in your eyes he opened is belt and his jeans. His sweater foloowed afterwards and he was standing with just his boxers in front of you. "Get up baby and take off your clothes while I'm watching."
Obeying what he wanted you started to strip while he sat down with oben legs on the bed. His hawk eyes watching every move you make. Gulping down a few times when you took you little time taking things off. Licking his lips with every leaving clothes. "Get your bra off too baby. I want to see your beautiful breasts."
You did as he told and went to his front. He looked you up and down before he took your arm and laid you on the bed. "You" he kissed your neck "are" he went down to your collarbone "perfect" taking your nipple in his mouth he sucked on it and massaged with his hand the other one.
You moaned loudly when he bit your nipple and gave the same amount of love to the other one. He than went down with his free hand to your inner thighs. Groping hardly and leaving a few hand marks. You whimpered after that and he kissed one last time both breasts. He looked at you and grinned. "I'm gonna make you a whimpering mess after a few minutes baby, just wait."
You thought that your core was wet enough after the playing on the wall but it was nothing after he started taking his sweet little time exploring it with his fingers.
One hand kneeled your butt and the other rubbed your core over your slip. He rubbed it in circles and got faster and slower with a few seconds difference. You moaned and whimpered. Your body getting closer to the orgasm with every circle and every kneeling.
You getting louder and louder even if he didn't get started on the rhing he had planed yet. "You're gonna cum for me baby? You gonna make me happy and coum for my just by rubbing your clit? Make me happy princess. Cum for me."
You moaned one last time and your body shuddering and shrinking under his skillful hands. Breathing heavily you looked at him. With an open mouth you licked your lips." Are you a good girl baby? Do you deserve more of this?"
"Than let me give you more baby. Let me make sure you remember this night even when I'm not next to you anymore. Remember this and touch yourself when I'm gone baby."
You nodded and Yoongi got up on your eye level. "You wanna make me remember too baby?"
"Yes, I want you to remember me and get off to me."
He groaned and started to kiss your lips aggressively. His hands roaming on your sides and grabbing your butt or your breast to make you moan and get his tongue in you. Fighting for dominance with your tongues which you give to him easily. Suckling on your upper lip and biting your under lip.
He groans as you can't take it anymore and your hands makes contact with his crotch. You rub your hand through his boxers and get him to moan between your kisses. He loves how you try to take control of the situation. But he knows that you'll never have it.
You take your hand in his boxers and rub his tip with your thump. Licking your lips and his in the process. He let's you take control and gets on his back. "Do whatever you want baby. I'm yours."
Grinning you get down and took off his boxers. His dick springing out for you to get it in your mouth. Your tongue swirling around the tip for a few rounds. Your getting it down your throat till you chocke a little bit.
Yoongi holding your hair in his hands and controlling the tempo of your blowjob. He groans as he speeds up with his hands. Gagging a few times because he gets too deep into your throat.
Afterwards he let's go of your hair and gives you the control again but you got other plan. You get him rilled up till he gets as close as he can to his orgasm. But you stop than. You earn a groan and cussing. "What the hell baby. Why the fuck would you stop?"
You got up on his level and he looks disapproving "Get down there and finish what you started."
You shake your head and smirk. "Be patient baby. I know what I'm doing."
After your statement he looks amused and gives you a heads up.
Smirking you take your slip off and take a condom of his drawer. You take it on his dick and open up your clit with one of your fingers. Getting in and out beforehand with one finger and than two fingers.
Yoongi watching you with lust full eyes. Fingering and stretching your clit for his enormous dick. He watches you and his dick gets harder every second.
You get your fingers out with a moan and position yourself on him. You get down slowly and wait a few seconds till you're comfortable enough to ride him the way he wants.
Fast and hard. Thats what he wants. Thats what you want and thats what you both get.
His dick goes in and out of your clit. You're listening to skin getting on skin. His loud breathing and groans. Your moaning and whimpering everytime you feel his tip deeply in your vagina.
Your neighbors hearing both of you moaning, whimpering, groaning and screaming your names till there comes nothing anymore.
Till you only hear yours and his steady breathing between little snors when you fall in a deep sleep.
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wrongwiredmind · 4 years
Before I start saying anything I'd like to warn that the content of this post is both gore and contains suicidal thoughts, if any of that triggers you, please do not read, I care about whoever is reading but I can't hold any responsibility for anything that might follow, stay safe, and remember that no matter what, what comes next in your life will be better, one way or another.
This post is rather long, but that's kinda the point of this page, here we go, then.
So, I had almost my weirdest dream to date, right now, and then I thought, to heck with it!! Let's share something!
So first of all, I need to set some points straight before writing so it might explain a few things, hopefully, without giving a lot away about my personality:
(I have no idea how to put them on order, so they're pretty much a mumbo jumbo. Ah~ My favourite type of writing~. Kidding, of course, I actually prefer reading well written stories and articles)
Anyhow:. 1- I have a really deep unexplainable fear of the vast beast called an ocean (or a sea, or really anytype of deep water), I still go to the beach and pools and whatever, but there's always some sort of an icy grip tightening around my non-existent heart.
2- I love IronMan! So so much, and I kinda adopted Tony Stark!! (no one tell him, please!).
3- my adoration of a certain supernatural series made me love batman! (well, not entirely true, I always loved him, but kinda from afar, you get me?)
4- want me to get hooked on something? Give me a fanfic of it!! (of course like a series or a book, not a substance, you bad bad people!!), that's how I loved Bilbo!! (imagine me saying it in my adorable voice, the one I use when I try to sound cute 😉)
5- I binge read a certain fanfic about those two amazing superheroes saving the world, and themselves!! (I refuse to give up the name since if you think this is me oversharing? You've got another thing coming, honey!) that had a cruise and another prototype of the IronMan suit (don't ask which mark it is but it's so fast it broke the sound barrier!!)
6- I'm a little bit under the weather, (not corona, folks!) and my throat is kinda itchy, to the point that I lost all my vocal prowess for a little more than 24 hours a few days ago, still kinda annoying, and my stomach rebelled so much yesterday (before and during sleeping) that I thought she should take the rebellion symbol from Mr. Che Jivara!! (with all due respect to him, I'm only joking, so please no one takes it seriously).
7- I'm a little bit of a spacetoon (and all that's good and beautiful in our childhood) encyclopedia, want a name of a cartoon or a song you can't remember? I'm usually your best bet, after the second mother, google, of course!!
8- this week is so dead that if you want to see zombies come to our lectures any time in it, seriously we're so under a lot of exams, thank God and the doctors for postponing our tasks and assignments' due-date.
9- if I was a little more of an extrovert I might not have had to write most of these strange snippets about me in a freaking post!!!
And finally, on with the dream! (another thing you probably know by now, that I kinda take you around and under and left and right before I say what I want to say).
So, it was an assignment to some sort of subject (don't ask me which, since as far as I know, not a single thing in our curriculum will make me do what I'm about to do here, or at least, I hope so!!!), we made some type of fall-body suit that needed analysing (who am I kidding, it was the IronMan suit!!), and guess who was picked as a pilot? That's right! Yours truly!!
Anyway, good thing to bad, we had to make the prototype test in the middle of the (as I said above) the vast beast! Mr. Oceanus (I know that that is a Mr. Titan, but who am I, the lowly mortal, to deny his decision to appear in my paragraphs? And no, he didn't show up in the dream, thank God! [ours, not any of the others]),
So, I was put in the cruise, in the middle of the ocean, with the IronMan suit, and a seriously sick stomach, can you guess where we're going with this? (I'm actually kinda enjoying writing this since it reminds me of a certain mad superhero/not superhero who finally joined the XMen!, of course he joined a few years ago but I only watch the second movie circa a month ago) no? let me tell you, a bit of dizziness, seasickness, and an already rebellious stomach? Not a good combination, and remember that I really, really fear the ocean (just remembering the dream and the images in my head is traumatising, let alone living it vividly for a few hours), so, I fell, and strangely enough, I was a good swimmer (ah~ I really count my blessings here since no matter who or when someone taught me to swim, I still can't manage), I was able to stay close to the ship, but couldn't really pull myself up, so all I could do was keep a good hold on a rope tied around the ship and keep my legs in a calculated, slow what feels like a walking-in-place exercise,, (I can still feel the water around me, and the gentle waves of the ocean, it was both a calming feeling and a horrible one) and then...
Something touched the soles of my feet, and it kinda hurt, and it continued to move under me till something hit my toes, it was a shark fin, that's right, a shark choose me as his next meal, how honoured I was!!! Kidding i was kinda terrified, but all that YouTube survival videos came to mind, I left the rope of the ship and kinda dipped under water (triple scare, here, yikes!) and I... pushed.. his muzzle?
Yeah, so not really what they taught you in the videos, my polite nature rears its ugly head again (politeness is not as good as it seems, people! actually once a stray dog entered our home and jumped on the couch, and I was asking nicely and politely if "Mr. Dog would pretty please leave us be", and no, I wasn't scared but mom told me not to touch it, and it kinda was a cute, if a mangy mutt)
I didn't really want to punch the shark, even if my life kinda depended on it here, for a few reasons and actually at least one of them was pretty reasonable, which is, my punch is pretty weak, guys!!
Anyway, of course since its skin kinda scratched my feet there was blood, so it didn't leave me alone, two things I concluded here, first, Mr. Shark was either a lazy guy since he was coming to me slowly as if he either was a giant cat coming for pets no matter how many times you push her, or he was playing with his food, aka, me.
The second thing I discovered was that I was really sick in real life since my imagination couldn't conjure another family member of my guest here (again with the small mercies, can you imagine being alone around all these carnivores? And I bet not all of them will be moving so leisurely!!)
So, I finally decided to be the champ of my cruise and punch the thing in the face, so I pulled up all the power I can in my fist and punched him in his snout!!!
And let me tell you, it's not as easy is they make it sound, first, his nose is actually pretty hard, not the sensitive area they led us to believe, second, my hand really hurt and his skin scratched my knuckles, and I believe it kinda broke a bone in my hand, third, and worse, it actually enraged the mister so much that it left me, J-squared again and this time, flew! in my direction and I swear I still feel his teeth sinking in the shin of my right leg, but before he tore it apart, I actually did the right thing to defend myself, I (and I apologise, Mr. Dream shark, but you really hurt both my leg and my feelings!!) poked his eyes, which made for a very awkward stretch to my body, but finally, I was left alone!! With a mangled leg, of course, but hey!! It's not real life, so let's be glad.
The saltwater stinging my feet, still sick, and more dizzy from blood loss, you have no idea how glad was I that I was still near the ship, a little bit more than a meter but still floating, and then, the bad became worse, I actually goT SWALLOWED WHOLE BY A WHALE!!!!!!!!, YUP!! THE WHALE IN THE PICTURE!!!
And then god with his mercies again, it swallowed the ship but opened his mouth for me to leave, neat, ain't it?
But let me tell you what happened in a little more details, I felt a ripple in the water beneath and around me, and the ship started to sway, and a faint sound of something between a roar and strange song-like-sound, feeling the rumble under me was what made me look, and lo and behold!! The mighty animal wanted the meal that the shark didn't get, bye bye world!! Bye bye the suit that I still didn't to get to wear! And bye bye the report I needed to write for this freaking assignment that because of it I might fail and my friends will rail me when they see me!!
The ship and I couldn't help but enter the mouth of the humongous fish, the sounds of the wood, metal, glass and whatever is the cruise was made of was deafening, so loud and cruel, and I got a more than a few bruises and abrasions, and the feel of his teeth behind my back, sharp and huge and bigger than my own size, was something I don't know how to describe, and suddenly between all the breaking and suffocating water and absolute darkness, something caught my eyes, the slits in the helmet of the suit were lit, I'm sure it was a malfunction because of all the destruction on Mark, but it took all my fear, as if sucking it from my own eyes, and as sudden as it glowed, it vanished, but the calm remained, I closed my eyes, since it didn't matter, and just stopped everything, even trying to hold my breath, but not breathing as well, as if all body functions just... Stopped.
And then my eyes flew open again, not because I woke up, but because of an almost crushing change in the water pressure, it just pushed me forward more inside the huge mouth, and when I thought that this is it, I found the whale mouth moving further away from me, taking the ship and Mark with it, and leaving me alone, in the middle of the ocean that I wanted to say "c'mon!! If you ate me it'll be a win-win situation!!!!" but the second I opened my mouth water rushed inside that I tried swimming up to breath (even though not knowing which way is up was problematic, since something similar happened in real life before I wasn't worried, but that's a story for another time), breaking the surface was a godsend, I tell you! But my misery wasn't in any way over, I was so thirsty I actually wanted to drink salt water a again (and then death, oh wow, how smart?), and once the adrenaline deserted me, my leg returned to trying to kill me, and I don't know if it was a real thing if it happened in real life but it actually stopped bleeding, which was both fantastic, since it means that I won't die of bloodloss, and horrifying since I'm not going to die because of bloodloss, at least then I would have been able to calculate an approximate time for my death, but no, I have to wait and see what kills me next, I almost wished that I just had my previous stomachache and be done with.
Anyway, moving was not really an option, and staying was not either, and the breeze was making me so cold my teeth almost broke from all the shattering they were doing, I wasn't really sure when the others might decide to check on me, and I'm not really sure if I was still in the place they left me at, and I really didn't know what to do, I was so helpless, and cold, and thirsty, in so much pain and so so tired.
I cursed the whale again for not ending my misery, and cursed the shark for being a coward and not finishing what he started and cursing the assignment for being so impossible yet important, and most of all cursing myself, though I don't know why, but my self-loathing decided that now is the time to remember how horrible I am.
As physics does, the water raised me till I was floating on my back, which made me feel even more cold but I didn't have any energy to do anything about it, and strangely, I fell into some sort of doze, not asleep yet not really awake and aware, my whole body half above half into the water, though my right, injured leg, was bend in the knee into the water, which made my pained scream when something took hold of it in its mouth the more agonizing since it made my upper body enter the water, and the thing holding my leg left it alone, and I was able to right myself and look around me for the next threat, the fear was immense that I thought I might get a heartattack, which, admittedly would be better than the pain going to be inflicted upon me any second now, looking around finally led me to what attacked me, and for a moment, with my blurry, and fear filled eyes looked like Mr. Shark has indeed returned to finish what he started, he even returned to his play-with-my-food attitude, but when my eyes finally focused they detected differences, from the lighter shade of colors, to the more smooth curves of the fin and snout, and the gentle, warm (even if it looked sleepy) strange brown tone of the mammels eyes,
The dolphin was about two meters away, and looking at me with intense, twinkling eyes (if they were blue and he wore glasses, or at least marking that looks like it, I would have thought that the dolphin was Dumbledore' animagus and I really wouldn't have hesitated this time to punch his already crocked nose.. err.. snout [which it isn't, the dolphin's snout was perfect] with my broken hand!!) and moved slowly towards me, he pushed me gently with his nose in my abdomen, swam back a few inches, then entered the water and moved towards my leg, not touching it, but he was close enough to feel with my already almost destroyed sensitive nerves, he did all of that while I'm standing/floating, stupefied, hardly even breathing, and then he left, and pushed me again with his snout on my back, this time with more pressure that my body couldn't help but move to the dolphin's right side to let him pass, with my hand just above his back, when my hand touched his prominent back fin, he pushed my hip gently, as if telling me something, and pushed his fin into my hand again, it felt like rubber, and I couldn't help but ask "you want me to hold you?" he made a strange clicking noise then kinda slapped the water with his side fin in the other side of me, and bizarrely, his actions made me feel as if he was saying "are you stupid? Why else would I offer you my magnificent dorsal?!!" I stared, flummoxed, at the creature and couldn't help but throw my head back and laugh, I'm certain that it was the tension, fear and hysteria that made me do it, but for me, the whole situation was so hilarious that it seemed like it made Mr. Dolphin look at me and think "alright, the pathetic, hurt, star-shaped blemish is, indeed, stupid and needs help from my majesty" and then, using his right fin, slapped me non-too-gently on the side of my left hip, squeaking something as well and pushed his dorsal in my left hand again, but when he noticed my wince, he actually kinda rubbed his slippery appendage on my thigh while honest-to-god cooed at me that I couldn't help but smile at him, "it's okay, big guy, and thanks; you know, you kinda remind me of flipper!" and then I petted him a couple of times (which he purred at, I think I need a cat! 🤔🤔) then grabbed his fin in a tight but non constricting grip, my right hand was swollen by now so my only hope was to keep holding using my left hand, after shaking his body a little as if to check my hold, he dove with me into the water!! I almost screamed in fright but then he broke the surface and jumped about three meters high into the air!!!
Hello, there, adrenaline, didn't see you since a few!!
He dove again into the water and this time gradually moved towards the surface, with the water flowing into my hair and pushing me from my saviour, my left leg moved on its own violation and moved around the body as if I was riding a horse,
"WOOHOO!!", I shouted once we were in the air again, it was exhilarating; cold, but thrilling, though the warm body beneath me was perfect, he took me in a straight if slightly curvy line, and when I noticed that, I also noticed that his right fin was not moving as his left, I even thought he was injured for a second, but then a sharp sting in my leg and a slight jerk from him made me understand, my injured leg was beneath his wing-like appendage, and he was being considerate, as a solution, I flattened myself on his back, kept my left leg dangling as if in the horse saddle, my right one, as gently as possible, bend on the knee above the dolphin's back, my left hand gripping the top fin with it touching my shoulder, and my broken right hand above Mr. Flipper's cousin head, and then I came into a a sudden realization!! "does that mean I'm Lopaka????" I asked Flipper the second, and he made a sound suspiciously almost like a snort, but my change of position made him move in a much more pronounced straight line; the speed decreased as I started to doze again, as if he was worried about dislodging me, though the annoying feeling of the salt crusting on my skin woke me up, no idea how much time had past, except that the sun was on either the verge of descending or rising, and finally, finally, I saw land and buildings and what not from afar, and I certainly moved to another continent all together, let alone another country, after reaching the area where I could stand comfortably on the ground beneath the water, people started to come to see what was happening, I ignored them for the sake of my silent companion, suddenly he actually stood on his tail fin, and kinda sort of awkwardly leaned on me without trying to put too much pressure, I didn't understand what was happening though it seemed sorta like a hug?
Anyway, I pat his back again, (and again with the weird purring noise), when he released me I felt buzzing in the back pocket of my jeans, I actually still have my phone!!!
Pulling it out and snorting that after everything that happened my phone was still working!! all I could say is "well, it seems like the time of a picture, Mr. Flipper, sir!" and after an awkward kneeling so I could put my injured arm around him and trying to stretch my bloody leg (both meanings are accurate here, tbh) so it wouldn't interfere with the selfie, I positioned my left hand.
And the last thing I remember is the picture of my (Lopaka the second 😂) wide mouth grin and an equally wonderful grin from Mr. Flipper the second!!!
The End.
It really was a dream I had, with all these details, the only thing that's not entirely true about this post, is saying that this is the weirdest dream I had.
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fanficparker · 5 years
Forelsket | Tom x Haz one-shot
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Tom Holland
Word count: 4.25k words
Warnings: Swearing, angst, anxiety, mentions of sexual abuse
Summary: Tom is a troubled teen. He can’t write his papers, he’s on the verge of failing his exam until a stranger slid his paper for him to copy.
(Written in Tom's POV)
I looked into the microscope. The patch on the display was blotchy and green with some pink dots. I don't remember seeing anything like this in previous lab sessions ever. Or maybe I missed the class when we prepared this particular slide. But my page was still empty except for my name, roll number and date. I couldn't recognize the previous four slides too. Just three more are left. There was no doubt I ruined my theory exam and now I will ruin the practical too. There was no hope for me to pass this exam.
If I fail... Maybe... Maybe they'll send me back to Chris. And it's the last thing I ever want on Earth to happen.
I gulped slowly. It was painful. My throat felt dry. I wanted to drink water but I only have limited time to finish this paper and the page in front of me is completely blank. My stomach crumbled painfully. Now I could even taste the bile in my mouth. The next I could feel were my eyes getting wet.
God, I can't cry right in front of my whole fucking class. I let my eyes wander around the students. My gaze fell on the paper next to me.
Beautiful diagrams and a detailed description of the slides.
If he's not seeing then maybe I can copy. I held my breath and scribbled on my paper as fast as I can. Half of his paper was covered by his hand while he was looking into his microscope. I tried my best to copy the visible portion. His head bent at the paper to write the answer for the next question. His blue eyes met mine. My heart dropped.
I haven't copied enough to pass yet. I looked at him hopefully and sorry. He looked at my paper. I felt so ashamed, weak, dumb and guilty— not the best combination of obscure feelings all at the same time.
He slid his paper towards me and smiled.
I blinked in disbelief.
"Return it to me in ten minutes at microscope number seven," he whispered and shifted to the next specimen, carefully observing and writing the conclusion in the extra sheet.
I took in a sharp breath, remembered God and ran my pen on my paper. I changed the text structure and numbering a little bit. Five questions were enough for me to pass in aggregate.
When I got to the sixth specimen I had written enough to pass and slid his paper back to him, mumbling a thank you. He simply nodded like it was nothing. He again smiled at me. The kind of smile that made his clear blue eyes shiny and corners crinkle.
I wished I knew how to smile like that. I returned him a smile, surely not even one percent of the brightness of his. He stapled the pages together and moved to deposit the papers like most of the other students and walked out of the lab.
I had read his name on the paper— Harrison John Osterfield.
From that day on, I observed that he was pretty famous in our boarding school, always in the good books of the teachers. He studied in the other section and lived in hostel number five.
I didn't stalk him, he was just one of those people who were way too visible on the school campus. I have seen him setting up posters, sitting in the cafeteria, library, park and almost everywhere on the campus. Sometimes he would be walking around the gardens, headphones tucked in his ears, sometimes he would be sitting on the bench reading a book or sometimes doing his homework in the library.
I don't know if he noticed me. I am surely not that visible.
But one other thing that I noticed was that every time I saw him, he was mostly alone.
There was a difference between us.
He was alone but not lonely. I was alone and lonely.
He seemed to enjoy his company. And I was asking myself why I was even alive.
I studied till four in the morning almost every day but couldn't even remember a bloody terminology. It was like the words hated me. I surely hated them too but had no choice. I was stuck with them and they refused to stay with me.
Most of my nights were also spent silently weeping under my covers while everyone in my room was asleep. I used to wake up and see the tear stains on my white pillow covers. The only thing consistent in my life.
But today I washed the covers too.
I got to know that he was also a member of the club- The Inkers. Basically the group of smart students. They represented the school in debates, quizzes and other stuff.
And here I was reading the exact same page of my physics textbook for the third time. My mind keeps dozing off.
What if...
What if I ask him to help me?
I shook off the desire and wiped my eyes. The tears were blurring my vision as they always do.
Electromagnetic induction... I began reading. I can't understand the equation, no matter how much I try.
I pushed the book aside, switched off my table lamp and got inside the covers. My eyes were too dry to continue with my daily night routine. I hope I won't see tear marks on the fresh pillow covers this time.
I found myself standing outside the room assigned for 'The Inkers'. The club name was written in bold on the door which was half-opened.
I could see students sitting, walking, talking, interacting. This place was definitely not meant for me. I then saw him. He was talking to a group of students. Seemed like he was instructing them.
His smile was still so bright and he talked with his hands while tucking at the end of his jacket ever so often. Everything he does added to his style and charm.
He looked so approachable. Yet I failed to approach him.
I clenched my books tighter and walked away.
This became more like a routine. As the exams came nearer, I found myself walking across 'The Inkers' more often but never dared to knock at the door.
Weirdly, I had stopped crying myself to sleep, hoping the next day I'll ask him for help in studies and he'll help me.
My interactions with him were all in my sleep, in my dreams. I'd smile remembering my time with him even if it was in my imagination. I imagine him sitting across me, explaining me the weird exceptions in inorganic chemistry or explaining the key features of bryophytes or telling me a trick to learn the concept of electromagnetic induction.
I remember his smile. I remember his blue eyes. I remember how clear and shiny they were. I remember how his cheeks pushed up and made those eyes crinkle.
I remember how his lips curved when he was giving the speech on Renaissance literature. I remember how his expressions hardened, how he tried to contain his sadness and anger when talking about things like climate change, animal cruelty and so on.
I attended all the debates and speech competitions in which he participated this month, sitting at the back seat seeing him, hoping he doesn't see me.
He was an amazing orator. The way his voice carried his emotions was extremely heart-touching. He could make everybody feel what he felt.
I got a 'B+' in my E-waste management essay. I still can't believe. I heard his debate on the topic and... Wow. The teacher was impressed by me. I didn't feel vulnerable for the first time. I loved that feeling.
He even interacts with the audience and told about himself. He told us that he wasn't good at learning facts, so quizzes weren't his thing. He liked subjective things, movies, novels and wanted to become an actor.
An actor?
Can you believe?
I thought he'll tell me something like a doctor or scientist. But he wants to become an actor.
How amazing is that.
Next month, he stared in our school play.
I attended the recitation of the Twelfth Night. He was actually the main lead.
God! When he said, "If music be the food of love, play on," I declared myself to be his number one fan!
The way he said it. God! It was so... so... so... amazing!!!
I don't think he saw me but I was the first one who stood up as the curtains fell and clapped and cheered. For him.
I cheered?
Can you believe?
I was again standing outside 'The Inkers.' I peeked my head a little to find him but I couldn't find him today. I sighed and turned at my feet, only to collide with someone. My books fell on the floor. Before I could even utter an apology, the person crouched down to collect my books. My eyes met with those same pair of blue eyes. So clear. So shiny.
His smile reached his eyes seeing me while I suspected my heart-beat was non-existent right now. He quickly picked up my books and stood straight, pushing his curls out of his face.
"Hi! How are you doing?" He asked. His voice was so friendly and cheerful that it was almost like he was booming.
But 'how am I doing?' Isn't it something a person asks an acquaintance. Does he still remember me? Remember me as the dumb kid who copied his paper?
"Alexi said she saw you here often. I was actually going to ask you. Glad I met you here," He smiled even more.
"I... uh... yea-yeah." I stuttered the response.
Our confidence level was on the opposite ends of an irregularly weighted beam balance.
"Do you want to join the club?" He asked looking at the signboard and then back at me. The smile was still sticking to his lips.
Me? The club?
If it was the thirteen century then the club belonged to the nobility and I was a poor commoner.
"No." I chuckled trying to hide my embarrassment.
He looked confused. I tightened my fists and swallowed slowly before speaking— "I-I wanted some help in class. Thought if anyone could---"
He didn't let me finish and spoke instead.
"You should have told me early! Just three weeks to finals." He said as his expressions changed from cheerful to panicky in seconds.
How does he know I needed that sort of big help? Can't I ask just him a single question, why will three weeks' time be less?
But he let me copy his paper. The paper my peers claimed was too easy. Maybe he remembers how dumb I was.
His bottom lip quivered for a second then he spoke again, "Don't worry we'll manage. What subject you want help in?"
I gulped again and bit my lower lip.
He looked at me, curiously waiting for the answer.
"All," I said. I could hear my own voice sounding screechy. My gaze fell on my shoes.
I was so embarrassed. Maybe even ashamed. He didn't speak for a minute and then he sighed.
"No problem, we will get it done!" He stated confidently and patted my shoulder. My head shot up to look at his determined yet soft emotions. My heart felt like it was over-filling with warmth. I couldn't stop my lips to curl into a small smile.
"Thank you so much," I thanked him genuinely, he shrugged it off. I stretched my right hand for a handshake, "I am--"
"Tom. I know," He answered cutting me mid-sentence, "And I'm---"
"Harrison. I know," I said almost imitating his style.
He laughed shaking my hand. I laughed seeing him laughing. Maybe it was the heartiest laugh I have ever produced in years. I couldn't even stop smiling when the laughter subsided.
"When should we start?" He asked.
"As per your convenience."
"Let's first go for lunch. It's already lunchtime."
He wanted me to accompany him to the eating area. I nodded following him.
We sat on the bench and started eating our meals. He was eating as if he was hungry for a long time. And I was just somehow managing to push my food down my oesophagus with water.
"So, I'll collect all my notes today and we can meet tomorrow morning here for breakfast and then we'll plan your studies." He said, biting the carrot.
"Ah... Okay," I replied looking down at my plate. I still can't believe that he's talking to me and even going to help me with exams.
If it was a dream, I don't want it to end ever.
"Where's your breakfast tray?" He asked when we settled on the bench.
"I-I don't eat breakfast."
"What do you mean you don't eat breakfast? Why will you not eat breakfast?" He was surprised.
"I don't feel hungry in the morning," I said the truth.
"What?! We ate dinner at eight last night. It's already nine in the morning. You have to eat it. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" He preached.
"I can't develop a habit of eating breakfast just like that," I defended, pressing my lips together.
"You should start with fruits. I have an apple in my backpack." He said taking out the said apple and handling me to eat.
I did eat it (half). And by the lunchtime I was hungry.
How weird is this human body? I never felt hungry when I used to skip breakfast and when I finally ate, I am already hungry.
After breakfast, attending our classes and having lunch, he took me to 'The Inkers.' He introduced me to the other club members as his 'friend'.
We sat on the corner and he took out his notes.
"So, for what purpose, are you going to study?" He asked. I was confused at first but then answered—
"To pass the exams," I said and surprisingly I didn't feel ashamed this time.
He divided the chapters in our books. He collected important terms and asked me to focus on only them rather than the complete syllabus. He made me flow charts and venn diagram. He explained me everything like a story. He never judged me when I couldn't answer or understand.
We continued to eat and study together daily. After the first week, we even started to hang out together. He made me hear his favourite songs. I loved his music choice. He taught me to maintain a balance on the skateboard. He told me about him, his family, his dog, his ambitions. He asked me to do the same, I shrugged it off saying, "Not much" or "Nothing exciting."
Harrison praised my answers. He said my writing style was very organic. I don't even know what it meant but he surely loved reading whatever I wrote. I showed him my middle-school poetry book and he made me read everything on it multiple times. I hope his interest was genuine.
He even asked me to call him 'Haz' instead of 'Harrison'.
He kept telling me things. I loved listening to him. I loved when he snaked his arm around my shoulder. I loved the way he said my name. I loved his face, his eyes, his voice, his confidence, his generosity, his patience, his intelligence, everything about him.
I may even be in love with him.
On Sundays, I used to go to the forgotten pet centre near our school. It was the only thing I liked about my life (except for Harrison, but it's just the latest addition). I love playing with those cute puppies. I never told anyone about it but I literally asked him if he wants to accompany me there.
You should have looked at his face! He was so excited, he hugged me so tight and couldn't stop giggling.
"You should have told me earlier, Holland! You have no idea how much I love dogs. I even have a super sweet dog back at home." He told me.
We played with the dogs and ate ice-cream. We laughed and talked so much. I don't even know why he's sticking with me, but he said he liked the way I talk and I should talk more often. He didn't stop there, he took me to a nearby fare. We enjoyed some rides and even got in for a fun photoshoot.
I cried that night. But those were tears of joy. I had a friend and he was fricking amazing.
Exams were over.
And I am sure I have done better than just passing. But I am sad. It's the end of the year, the Christmas break. He'll be gone to his home and I'll be all alone, again. Or worse— I will have to go to Chris's place for the holidays.
I sighed looking up at the blank night sky.
"Hey yo, mate. How were your exams?" Harrison asked, plopping down beside me, looking up at the sky.
"Your courtesy. Can't thank you enough." I said, looking at his face. He nodded still looking at the sky, giving me an opportunity to stare at his wonderful features. He did have some bad teen breakouts on his face. I do too. Yes, they weren't pretty. Acne isn't pretty but I don't think everything about a person needs to be pretty. People can be beautiful regardless of not being perfectly pretty.
And Harrison is beautiful.
My eyes landed on his slightly parted lips. I wondered how it would feel to kiss them. I licked my suddenly drying lips.
"You up for Christmas holidays?" He asked, turning his face to look at me. I averted my gaze to the ground beneath.
"I... I dunno," I replied, pulling my legs near to my chest.
There was a pause. It felt like he would say something but he didn't. I spoke instead.
"I don't want to go to uncle's," I told him the secret I never tell anyone. He looked at me confused.
"He... He is not a good man," I said as my throat felt choking and tears started to well up and suddenly I started feeling so dirty.
Harrison's expressions turned serious, he shifted a bit closer to me. He snaked his arm around my shoulders and dragged me closer to his body. He let me rest my head on his shoulder. That's when I realised that I was crying.
"Talk to me, Tom," Harrison insisted softly as his fingers combed through my hairs.
I started weeping harder, he pushed me closer and engulfed me into a real tight hug.
"You are safe here, Tom. You shouldn't be afraid. Tell me." He kept repeating while his hands caressed my back. I had grabbed his sweater in my fist and was badly sobbing into the material. I will surely ruin the delicate fabric.
He let me sob silently for a while. And when he realised that I had stopped crying, he pulled himself away, then he rested his fingers below my chin and lifted it to meet his gaze.
His eyes seemed glossier.
"Do you trust me?"
I nodded. He waited for me to tell the whole thing.
"He used to t-touch me in wrong ways when I was younger," I confessed, embarrassed. I wanted to look down, away from his gaze but my chin was still fixed on the spot by his fingers.
I first thought that he's also going to cry. But then I saw his pained, empathetic expressions changing into hard angry ones. And suddenly his face radiated so much anger that I had to move back. His hand fell on the grass as he clenched them into a fist. He stood up.
"You'll come with me. Start packing your bags. I'll tell my parents. You will never ever have to see that asshole's face again. That bloody bastard. Eww. Fucking disgusting! He'll regret what I'll do to him. How dare he?!!!!" Harrison growled angrily. "Pack your bags. Mum will take us to our home on Saturday." He ordered almost rushing away but I stood up and grabbed his arm.
"You can't tell your parents," I said, terrified.
"I fucking will! That bastard will be in jail!" He almost yelled.
"No. No. You can't." I begged him, tugging him towards me.
"Are you an idiot Tom? He raped you. Multiple times! You're not even an adult, yet!" He jerked his hand away from my grip.
"He hasn't done that for years---"
"That doesn't forgive or change anything!"
"It's-it's my life. You don't have to make decisions for me!" I yelled this time. He froze and blinked at me.
"What?" He said coming closer, his expressions suddenly softening.
I didn't reply.
"He is the reason why you are broken, Tom. I can see the damage. I don't understand why you don't see---"
"I know that I am damaged. But it won't fix anything," I said, tears spilling down my face.
He came closer and cupped my face in his hands. He softly wiped off my tears with his thumbs. He bent down a little to see directly into my eyes.
"Would you have let him go if I was at your place?" He asked, his voice soft yet demanding. My breath was stuck in my throat but he didn't let the question slip away.
"You are my best friend in the world Haz," I answered honestly.
"And you are more than that to me."
My heart crumbled like a piece of paper. None of us spoke for minutes, just stood there on the same spot, motionless. I swallowed slowly, taking in a breath.
"It's... It's just... High school crush."
I couldn't believe my own words but he rolled his head back and laughed.
I waited for him to stop laughing. He did, and his expressions again turned serious.
"Time will tell that. But the main thing is... No one deserves what you suffered. And he needs to be punished. That's justice. And to be honest, if you were even a complete stranger to me, I would have said the same thing."
Well... He has too many reasons to be my high school crush.
I nodded in understanding. I should stop saving that evil Chris. Harrison is right.
"So you are coming with us? You can forget that more than friends thing, we'll talk about it later or maybe never, as per your wish. And definitely sexual orientation." He said rubbing his neck.
I thought for a minute.
"But... I... I am a boy. It's very shameful to admit that I was raped---"
"If anyone should be ashamed, it's your ugly uncle. Being a boy or a girl won't change the crime. You shouldn't be ashamed." He stated and again pulled me into a hug.
"You should never be ashamed. Never." His voice cracked and I knew that he was the one crying now. I placed my hands on his torso and pulled myself off his chest.
I looked at his tear-stained face. I wanted to grab his face and plant kisses all across it. But all I felt were his hands again holding my face. He brought his face down and planted a kiss on my forehead, his lips lingered on the spot for a few seconds, whispering the word 'Never'. When he parted, I didn't even waste a single minute and grabbed his face.
I crashed my lips into his. His lips were sandwiched between mine. I slowly and gently sucked on them as his hands travelled to hold my waist. He let out a small moan and my heart fluttered like a butterfly. When I broke the kiss, his eyes were still closed and mouth half-open. His chest was rising and falling with every breath he inhaled and exhaled. It felt as if the kiss wasn't yet over for him.
I don't know why but I was also breathing heavily. His lips slowly curved into a small smile and his eyelids half-opened.
"You know you are my first kiss, Tom?" He said slowly as if he was satisfied.
"I wish I could say the same for you," I said but with a sad smile. His hand moved from my waist to my face. He slowly pushed away the fallen curls on my forehead.
"It doesn't matter." He leaned towards me, his breath lingering on my lips.
"It's the first time I am going to kiss someone. Please don't mind if it's not that good." He whispered. His words only made my heart go even more crazy.
He softly attached his lips to mine. I felt his throbbing heartbeat in his chest and his firm stature. I pulled his face closer to mine, he moaned again, his mouth slightly parted. I swiped my tongue over his bottom lip. He took in a sharp breath.
I loved how his body reacted to everything I did. I never felt this crazy in my life. So... so... so... crazy. Kissing Harrison Osterfield was crazy and him kissing me back was even crazier. Who knew he could get this nervous and cute?
When he finally broke the kiss, I couldn't stop but kiss his pink, flushed cheeks.
"I feel crazy." He said giggling.
"You'll come with us?"
"No doubt on that."
I smiled and looked at the sky. It was still empty but my heart was full of warmth.
Was it how it feels to fall in love?
Crazy... Crazy... Crazy...
I love crazy...
A/N: Everyone- your likes, comments & reblogs mean a lot to me. Love you guys. I know this pairing isn't getting me much notes but still I wanted to write this and I genuinely enjoyed writing this. Thanks for everyone who supported me. It gave me strength to write what I desire. Thank you so much guys.
Add yourself to the Tom x Haz fic column of my regular taglist (link on my bio/profile description) or send me an ask if you wanna see more content like this.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Power Transfer
Also on AO3!
One for all is a power that has been passed down for generations. Turns out the most recent generation can afford to be a whole lot more liberal with his sharing. Also turns out sharing quirks runs in the family.
An AU where Izuku can share OFA full cowling with multiple people at once.
shared power ofa,
izuku giving aizawa 5% of one for all durring the usj or izuku giving toshinori 99% of OFA durring the last fight
cause consider the world never finding out about small might, all might retires but izuku knows
the rescue team all having the max amount of ofa they can use, which is around 2% each, cause a lil sparking team of heroes
izuku using kirishima to give bakugo some too n them using it to get away
izuku having two quirks is my favourite goddamn thing bc him being able to share his quirk but not having anything to share is great
he gives bits to allmight, like a constant 1% so he can teach classes and do press stuff
some rando wants to do an "all might" where is he now segment and it spans a good few months so izuku is continuously in the background just
conspiracy theory starts that izuku is a villain or allmights son
a villain and all might's son
izuku has no double toe joint but the doc cant find any evidence of a quirk? so he tells them izuku is either quirkless or has an invisible quirk. something subtle, or specific enough to have not activated by now
bakugo kinda,, is chill with izuku. he was waiting for izuku to develop a quirk till he judged him, but he never did so he kinda withheld judgement long enough for them to become decent friends
anyway, izuku likes to ramble about different things his quirk could technically be, bakugo likes to join in. they can go at this for h o u r s cackling about stupid hypotheticals
they workout together, they both do boxing and try out random moves they see on the internet on each other. they have a pile of gym mats in the woods like the weirdos they are
bakugo is like,, convinced izuku's quirk is actually an intellect up but he just shrugs
izuku has to grab something before he heads home so he takes the underpass and we get basically episode 1 from there. all might says no, the villain gets away, attacks Bakugo. izuku runs in, throws dust in the villain's eyes and pulls at bakugo's hands. all might jumps in, saves the day yada yada
some background for u about all might bc his past is a touch different here. during the battle with afo, afo was distracted. all might sustained the same injures but won more easily.
night eye never looks into his future because "my purpose is done, nighteye. let's live like everyone else, no fate of the world on our shoulders" he never looks into all mights future again at his request
they stay together
so instead of the big argument they go get ramen and get drunk because they don't have to be superhuman anymore, they can relax now
back to the main timeline-
so izuku is already fit, cleans the beach in 8 months, nighteye supervises
all might gives izuku the quirk 2 months before the entrance exam, nighteye is there to "oversee" (he wants to see izuku choke on a hair and laugh at this kid hes become pretty fond of)
also mirio! is izuku's bro because i love he
izuku eats the hair and gets the quirk like, instantly which?? is confusing nighteye and all might. nighteye has like,,, hidden behind a car because hes the only person with self-preservation
allmight touches izuku and the lightning climbs up his arm and he just pOofs out into swolmight. hes ShooK, so is izuku
anyway, he manages to turn it off and izuku is just standing there like "oh my god what the fuck"
"izuku,, what,, happened there"
",,,, one for all??? leaked out??? into allmight????"
"nighteye come over here."
"izukU nO"
nighteye is forcibly given a little of ofa and regrets a lot of stuff
anyway, izuku breaks an arm trying to use ofa and hes muttering trying to work out how to use it, nighteye basically says "well, think back to how ofa came about" and izuku is like ",,, what"
and nighteye screams because TOSHI YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?????? and allmight ",,, o o p s"
so izuku gets to hear the story of all for one while hes being driven to UA for recovery girl hes,,, really quiet for a second
"when did you fight him?"
"six years ago, april?"
",,, this has to be a coincidence"
hisashi went out on a "business trip" 6 years ago and they haven't seen him since. he calls, but hes never visited and izuku has this terrible feeling
because izuku cant calm down and because nighteye thinks this kid might be on to something they call tsukauchi and he agrees to meet them at UA
izuku gets treated, naomasa is in v quickly afterwards before he calls his dad he turns to nighteye, allmight and Naomasa
"i've never been able to lie to my dad. i thought he was just really good at reading me but,,"
"if hes afo he might have a quirk"
"yeah. so i'll just twist the truth. im good at that, but thats all i'll be able to do"
anyway, he calls up his dad and slaps this big grin on his face. the phone is on speaker
"hey dad!!!!" "izuku! is something wrong?"
"oi, cant i call my dad for no reason?"
"you, willingly calling someone? dont make me laugh"
izuku giggles despite himself
"anyway, you'll never guess!!"
"did youuuu,,,, hmmmm, meet all might?"
they freeze but izuku just laughs
"yeah,, but thats not the most exciting thing!!! my quirk came in finally"
"yeah! imagine the worlds most basic power enhancer, but i can share the energy! you have any idea where that could have come from?"
"no! i can't think of anyone in our family with a quirk like that! sounds crazy!"
naomasa looks grin, and mouths "liar"
izuku pales but keeps his smile
"do you think you could visit, id love to show you!! oh, maybe we could test it together! you always had the best ideas for my quirk notes"
"id love to izuku, but im stuck in america for the near future, you know it is. i'll see what i can do tho, ok champ?"
naomasa shakes his head again "lying" izuku looks like hes going to be sick. nighteye is pale, all might looks stunned. izuku grits his teeth but his voice is still light and happy
"i'm gonna make it into UA so you can watch me kick butt from america! you better cheer me on!"
"im looking forward to it. say hi to your mother from me."
naomasa nods. hes telling the truth. that makes nighteye feel the sickest
"love you izuku"
",,, love you too dad"
izuku hangs up the phone and retches into the bin. nighteye is shaking. all might storms out. naomasa punches the wall
izuku looks up with tears in his eyes
",,, does my mum know?"
nighteye wants to cry
"i dont know kid"
izuku tells katuski that his quirk finally came in! but,,, in the worlds biggest mess of a way
basically hes lying in bed, trying to work out why he can't use it without breaking bones but the people he shares it with can, he bolts upright
he runs out his door all the way to bakugos house and climbs in through his window, grabbing a sleeping bakugo by the shoulders
"IZuKU whAt tHE fuCK"
"my quirk!!! i was breaking bones because i wasnt modulating it!!!"
",,,,q QUiRK/???/?"
",,,, oh yeah oops"
mitsuki runs in with a frying pan ready to murder a villain but its just izuku
"carry on"
izuku doesnt tell him its ofa but he explains his quirk has finally showed up, bakugo asks him if hes registered it yet
"wait what? you, breaking the law? mister "i cant kill an ant because all might himself will call me a villain""
izuku, w the most shit-eating grin, explains that you only legaly have to register your quirk when it shows up, or after you are tested when you are five, whichever happens first so, legally, he doesnt need to register because it would be seen as voluntary updating
cut to the enterance exam
aizawa is holding the papers for the kids hes observing right then
"quirkless? that kid doesn't look quirkless"
and yagi sighs
"of course he didnt,,,"
"all might? do you know him?"
",,,, r i g h t"
“aizawa listen i have never seen young midoriya in my life ever”
basically, izuku is hiding the "transfer" part of his power from most people bc hes stubborn and thinks it could be useful
also,,, in this au shinso makes it in on hero points thanks
bakugo is about to rush the 0 pointer but shinso can see its going to fall on him shinsou yells
shinsou and bakugou are the type of friends that flat out have no love for each other but would punch anyone who says anything bad abt the other. like shinsou walks into school and bakugou s just
“dammit i thought u fucking died smh”
“i wish i did then i wouldn’t have to look at ur ugly ass”
in this au shinso and izuku bond when they are standing outside they door bc izuku looks like hes gonna fucking cry hes so scared and shinsou is like "wow big mood"
shinso is not shinson in this au! bc izuku is gonna do a soft
basically, quirk test? shinsou is s w e a t i n g bakugo looks a little worried for his new friend but no one would notice if they weren’t izuku
shinsou turns to him like "my quirk is mental im going to fa I L"
izuku grabs his hand and he feels this rush of energy, you can almost see it dancing along his skin. izuku grins
"i think you'll find you do just fine"
(izuku gave him like,, less than a full 1% but hes like doubled in strength and speed and hes??? shook?? bc whats happening)
aizawa is lost bc shinso has a mental quirk he shouldnt be doing this well, so he tries to cancel it
nothing happens and aizawa is so lost??? bc shinsou is kinda reedy and not super fit but hes placing solidly in the middle
and he noticing that shinso’s eyes seem to be glowing and so are they eyes of the kid coming in second and gives a big "hm,mmmm"
anyway, ball pitch, he cancels izukus quirk and turns to look at shinso, his eyes are dim. izuku looks sheepish but also like hes ready to throw down and its an interesting look
aizawa just sighs "you know what? just throw the ball."
izuku g r i n s and yeets it into next year using more of his quirk than he like,, really should have? to prove a point (his finger is bruised, not broken. he used 25%)
anyway aizawa shows the results, shinso is in the middle, izuku second, hagakure is last and sadly shes not getting expelled bc plot reasons – im sorry I have a thing against her shes perfectly valid probably im just still convinced shes the traitor even tho its totally a teacher
he calls izuku out on it but does admit he didnt say you couldnt help eachother, so its kind on him. shinso looks like hes going to pass out with relief
Hagekure is the traitor in this au though, 100%
during the camp she is at the pick up zone, hiding. izuku pulls bakugo out of the way, they all seem safe
she pushes izuku in through the portal as it closes
fyi afo takes her quirk and leaves her braindead in the nomu factory bc shes not useful anymore. also because now he needs to have a really awkward conversation with his son he was hoping to avoid
also usj? is really melodramatic
he gives aizawa 4% which is the max nighteye could hold without it hurting
aizawa takes a hit from the nomu and he reaches out his hand
izuku cries as he gives him an extra 4% and aizawa gets free but he can see bruises forming with every step his teacher takes
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hellishvu · 5 years
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P e a c h y; ˚✧₊⁎
☆彡 where two college cliches fall in love with the same person and learn how to love.
— actually so excited to write this, i really like to write poly because it’s so cute akcksk it’s like triple the fluff!! if you haven’t read the beginning of these two cliches, i recommend so!! click this *・link *・ and read namjoon’s imagine! thank you all so much for 280 followers it was just not long ago i had 200. thank u really wrote this on a bus/airport don’t recommend only having 30 minutes of sleep.
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“Okay so we ask him out-” Jimin and Namjoon was sitting down on the ground, the sleepovers that were common espically during semester breaks. Where Namjoon brings cheese in a can and eats it with Jimin till the sun rise, while Jimin plays romantic anime movies that they end up crying over.
“We?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow seeing Jimin open and close his mouth trying to frame his next sentence right. Namjoon laughs while Jimin looks side to side joining along the laughter once the coast was clear.
“Yeah so you ask him out.” Jimin explains, showing a ripped piece of paper on top of his chemistry textbook that he paid way too much money for.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind if we-” Namjoon says testing the waters of an idea he’s had in his head for quite a while but never had the right timing.
“I mean I still can’t believe he has a nipple piercing... I am right? Haha...” Jimin when things get awkward he always goes to the nipple piercing, I mean holy shit you had one.
The crush developed when he saw you shirtless he had some butterflies in his stomach. Jimin of course hid it (as best as he could) seeing you become a regular member of their friend group. You coming everyday at them, meeting up with them, and always caring about the smallest things even if others would ignore it. You were there for Jimin and Namjoon. Soon enough their friend group of just Namjoon and Jimin turned to Namjoon, Jimin, and You. The population now turning to 3.
There’s been moments where Jimin and Namjoon end up sleeping in the same bed, the feelings of maybe this more than just a friendship bubbles up in them. Turning heads towards eachother, inches from eachothers face till one of them (usually Jimin) presses his lips against his, Namjoon hums in satisfaction, while they kiss more and more of course they’ve never gone further than that because by the morning the moment just never happened. Both of them thinking the same exact thought “I can’t do this I like Y/N.” Mutually agreeing to put it to the end even if it always happens again, maybe the next day or the next months.
“Okay, so I’ll leave you two here. While I pretend to get pizza, mostly likely will actually get pizza.” Jimin draws a very sketchy map writing down how long he should be gone for Namjoon to make his move.
“Can’t you stay?” Namjoon looks up into Jimin’s starry eyes, Jimin tilting his head gently smiling.
“You want me to stay?” Jimin awed,with a gentle voice. Namjoon holding his hand, #homofriends.
“Yes, what if he kills me?” Namjoon says with serious intent in his eyes before breaking character laughing again. Jimin rubbing his hair for playing around.
Their laughter was suddenly stopped, when the knocks on the door was heard. Namjoon felt the cheese in a can rise up from his stomach. Feeling the anxiety rise while Jimin felt his palms sweat. They both pointed at the door wanting one of them to open the door.
“You do it!” Namjoon whisper screams while hiding under a blanket. Jimin jumping on top of him hearing Namjoon groan out.
“Hey Jimin? Namjoon? Are you guys there?” They heard on the other side of the front door. Jimin gets off while Namjoon lifts the blanket off of him. They both get up opening the door seeing you in your hoodie, sweatpants, and all. You held up a glass of wine and some glasses that have cats with a party hat.
“Eh? Eh!” You showed off the glass seeing them both trying to get a smile from either of them.
“I wanted to do something special! It’s our first sleepover!” You walked inside, Jimin and Namjoon getting out of your way before you trample them.
“We don’t really drink.” Namjoon says sitting in the counter while you place it next to him. You looking at your phone making sure you were right on time because these two were acting odd.
“It’s because Namjoon is a light weight.” Jimin leans against the fridge, while Namjoon jumps off the counter, embarrassed.
“Well, I did bring tea, I assumed he was.” You chuckled seeing Namjoon raise his head walking away, snobby.
“We can pop it open later, it’s too early.” You looked out of the kitchen window seeing the sun barely setting, Jimin jumping on Namjoon’s back as an apology.
“Sometimes I think you two are a couple.” You pointed a finger at Namjoon then Jimin doing a heart sign with your hands.
“Wh— Us? A couple? Haha never... never.” Namjoon pushes Jimin off of his back while they both straighten their clothes out.
“You never know.” Jimin winked towards you, Namjoon pushing him but stopped seeing your face of interest.
“Let’s just drink the wine.” Namjoon suggests grabbing the bottle, opening it before chugging some.
“Woah Namjoon, it’s barely 8pm.” You proclaimed not realizing you guys were going to get drunk so early. Jimin signaled him to pass the bottle, the left over taste of Namjoon’s lips.
Drink after drink and sharing playful stories of stupid nights and very ridiculous choices. Laughter fills the home while Namjoon takes it all in, you two make him so happy. Like he could forever live in this moment, wants to capture in his memory so he can always go back at it. Namjoon couldn’t possibly like two people at the same time but he couldn’t decide one even if he was held at gun point.
You were always there for him, wether he wanted to study for a exam or he needed a hug you were on your way all the time. Dropping every single thing that day to make sure he was okay. Jimin he saw everything from his worst moments to his best moments, they couldn’t be far apart without feeling a part of them gone. Jimin smelt like a coffee house where the beans were just roasted, the smell reminded him of home and all things cozy while you smelt like a field of beautiful wild flowers that filled his nostrils that made him want to live freely.
“Earth to Namjoon? Are you okay?” Jimin asks completely snapping Namjoon out of staring into outer space, you placed a hand around his shoulder Namjoon getting goose bumps from your touch looking into your eyes.
“I can’t do this.” Namjoon stood up running up the stairs closing the door of the bathroom, leaving you and Jimin in the dust. You two looked at eachother asking eachother what you two could have possibly done.
“Namjoon. Open the door.” Namjoon heard you knocking and Jimin talking. He knew Jimin never knocked that hard so he just assumed it was you.
“Was it something we did?” You asked, knocking more gently not wanting to scare the poor man inside the bathrooom.
“No of course not, I just can’t.” Namjoon sat down his back against the door, sighing into his hands. This wasn’t a good idea and if he said nothing or said everything he was going to have to meet the eyes of the ones he loves.
“Can I ask if it’s about statue?” Jimin asks, knowing statue is your code name. You looked at Jimin quirking an eyebrow not knowing who this statue is.
“Who’s statue?”
���Yes and no! Jimin it’s complicated and I don’t want to lose either of you and I’m just really new to this whole thing.”
“What thing are you talking about? You can tell us you know that Joon.”
“I like you both, so much.. that it hurts me. I don’t like you just as friends but as lovers. I can’t imagine my life without either of you and I know you guys probably don’t want to do poly but if you could give it a chance?” Namjoon confesses opening his soul, making up the faces of you and Jimin. Imagining your reaction and if it goes well he imagines how you two would all cuddle and share kisses.
“Yeah, of course Joon. I would love to. I realized that it isn’t a bad thing to love two people at the same time. That as long as it’s consensual it’s love.” You said placing your hand on the door trying to give a signal to Namjoon that it was okay to open the door.
“Namjoon, I’ve had a crush on you but I was so confused because I like Y/N too but I couldn’t shake off my feelings for you. You’re my everything.” Jimin sincerely says seeing the door open to an almost crying Namjoon. He hugged both of you, trying to hold on his sobs.
“You two are literally angels.” Namjoon muffled sounds as he gave you two kisses on cheeks.
When Namjoon woke up he couldn’t believe his eyes, you and Jimin cuddling him. Namjoon felt the cozy feeling in his heart wanting to stay in this position for his entire life. You groaning when Namjoon got up pulling him back down causing him to giggle.
“We have to get up.. it’s 10.” Namjoon caressing your cheek when you fluttered your eyelashes. He got back up stretching when he saw Jimin yawning laying on Namjoon’s lap not wanting to get out of bed. The warm morning as you three got up sharing clothes for the new day. Namjoon wearing your hoodie while you wore Jimin’s long sleeve shirt lastly Jimin wearing Namjoon’s pizza shirt.
“You two are pretty.” Jimin says seeing you two make breakfast. Jimin admiring you both while the smell of fresh pancakes fills his nose.
“Thank you baby.” Namjoon blushes flipping a pancake while you put more of the pancake batter on the pan. Jimin putting his hands around Namjoon’s hips swavying him back and forth a little.
“Baby that’s a new.” Jimin pecking Namjoon, you surprised that they just kissed on the first 12 hours of being together.
“We’ve made out before Y/N.” Jimin kisses Y/N’s cheek pointing at the empty pan waiting for another pancake to create.
“Gasp and you didn’t invite me?” You bringing Jimin’s closer by having your finger under his chin. Jimin raising an eyebrow a sly grin appearing on his face.
“We are not having sex in the kitchen!” Namjoon flips your overspilled pancakes seeing you were too occupied by Jimin’s plump lips. One side of the pancake ended up burnt but Jimin ate it with a smile anyway.
“Thank god we had this sleepover during semester break! Now I get to spend all my days with my favorites.” Namjoon sipping on his green tea, the little amount of whip cream that is on the top of his lips. You passing the maple syrup to Jimin.
“How will I operate in class when I just want to kiss you two?” You wipe off the whip cream off his lips, licking the excess on your finger.
“Can’t believe this all started when you spilled jam on your shirt.” Jimin playing with his fork pointing it right at you.
“Oh and not because he has a nipple piercing?” Namjoon takes another big sip seeing Jimin rapidly look at him trying to hide his blush from you.
“Maybe that had to do with it.” Jimin getting up from his chair grabbing all of your plates setting them down the sink.
“How do we do our first kiss?” You ask turning your chair towards Jimin who is cleaning the dirty plate. Namjoon also wondering gets up already looking for his chapstick.
“Do we all like smush our faces together and hope for the best?” Namjoon stands up from the table, pushing his chair in leaning on you while you wrap your hand around his waist.
It took planning shockingly. Jimin writing down who kisses who and basically you all exchange kisses, Namjoon looked very nervous about kissing you.
“You okay?” You embraced him while Namjoon holds onto your arm, looking at Jimin for support getting a thumbs up.
“Yes, just... just getting butterflies.” Namjoon breaths in looking into your eyes before he closes them. You pressing your lips to his, Namjoon smiles in the kiss your lips feeling and tasting better than he ever imagined. Not wanting to stop the kiss pulling you back in once you two have some time to breath.
“Come over here.” Jimin signals you, once it’s his turn. You walking over to him Jimin slinging his arms around your throat grinning when you pull him by his waist closing the distance. Although Jimin would never admit it, he felt his heart stop for a minute when you kissed him. God did he love you two.
“Baby I want kisses!” Namjoon protests putting his body on Jimin’s. Jimin burrying his face into his neck, the smell of Namjoon’s lavender lotion filling his nose while he touches his soft skin.
Jimin raises his head up seeing Namjoon’s red lips also wet from the kiss with you, he presses his plump lips against Namjoon’s. The sweet taste of the honey green tea that he drank for breakfast, savoring it all. You hugged Jimin from behind kissing and leaving hickles on his neck.
“Precious.” You nuzzle Jimin’s neck wrapping your hand around Namjoon’s waist. Feeling the bliss of being with those two.
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— a/n: kinda wanted to add some text stuff!! because the imagine had some of it and i just found it so iconic!! enjoy :) these are 3 different events with ur boyfriends namjoon and jimin
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