#there's parts I like about this canon romance but uhm. not many. and we're more than halfway through
llycaons · 2 years
my actual, serious thoughts are that this romcom setup where two love interests try to set up two other characters only to each fall in love with one of the people they’re trying to set up is absolutely perfect for an ironic double twist that would play out in a unpredictable, refreshing, and satisfying way. obviously it won’t happen, but let’s explore that route
first of all, it’s funny in a shenanigans way this series is already doing so well with, and second of all it wouldn’t occur to the audience before it actually starts to happen. I truly believe a relationship between former enemies who tried to kill each other and who meet again under different circumstances and become good friends and inspire openness and joy in each other is much more appealing than a relationship between a man who abuses, attacks, mocks, and assaults a woman while she desperately tries to 1. survive 2. keep him from destroying her home and 3. make it so that he can actually experience emotions. I deeply dislike straight couples where the woman goes to all this effort to ‘fix’ the horrible man who she’s going to end up with and endures suffering upon suffering to get to a place where he finally treats her well, while he faces no repercussions for his actions towards her besides...feeling bad, I guess. she’s like his guide to good behavior and acting normally, more like a therapist than a partner. I don’t think it’s fair and I don’t enjoy watching it and I don’t like the message it sends. it’s the reason I had to take such long breaks in watching this show. this is not a relationship I endorse despite the early-episode humor
so I would vastly prefer it if orchid and dfqc remained important people in each other’s lives, but strictly platonic friends. dfcq/changheng would take a lot of effort in reworking the plot, but I think it would be a fantastic choice. of course, the reveal about who dfqc is to ch has to come eventually, but I think the betrayal would just add some drama and depth that, in the...couple hours we’ve seen them together, it just doesn’t have. and after the betrayal is forgiven and dfcq shows he’s changed, their relationship would only then be that much stronger! right now changheng is SO happy to be with dfcq, and encouraging dfqc to come out of his shell and talk about his very painful experiences with his father and they genuinely have a great time together and I can see that turning so easily into something more romantic. imo they have more chemistry with each other than either has ever had with orchid
I also don’t want to ignore orchid or cut her off from the happiness she found in being the center of someone’s attention or the growth she’s undergone or the questions of her identity or her centrality in the plot - she’s the main character! to make the romcom switch work, she’d then be with the god of war, but I feel like they might be related maybe? so that’s off the table. but I really like the idea of orchid and danyin! they were also off to a rough start, but danyin now sincerely respects and admires orchid’s courage, and she defended orchid and stood up for her after the exam. and just like it would be good for orchid to stop mooning over changheng, I think it would be really good for danyin to move on from him as well. honestly, I think I could make a case for danyin as a lesbian who’s experiencing comphet and focusing on changheng as the ‘perfect’ man who’s also unattainable. she doesn’t seem to have much else going on in her life besides disobeying her father and being catty with other fairlies, but this loneliness and fixation on changheng feels characteristic of someone who’s unable to connect easily with others despite her ‘popular girl’ status - maybe because she’s not being authentic to herself and she’s clinging to the thing she hopes will make her ‘normal?’. this reading makes a lot of sense to me and I think danyin realizing she has feelings for orchid instead could be a really beautiful and liberating and affirming story...and I know this won’t happen but I’d like orchid to put her foot down and be able to walk out of this situation where she’s treated so shittily half the time and where dfqc always seeks to dominate and control her. I really love the idea of her and danyin finding freedom and peace with each other....that’s the dream for this show
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supercorpsbian · 2 years
Entropy (part 2)
content: slow burn ? but not really , hurt/comfort , eventual romance , wlw , kara x reader , reader needs therapy , reader is very socially anxious lmao
word count: 2,033
pair(s): Kara x Fifth Dimensional Imp!Reader, and all the other canon SG couples (Nia and Brainy, Kelly and Alex, etc)
A/N: it took a bit to edit this one, i have many parts written already they just need some adjustments:) thanks for the likes and reblogs!! it's nice to see this in my very first fanfic, English isn't my native language so if I make any mistakes that may be why
this part is more cutesy and a bit shorter !
Also happy pride month everyone:)
part 1 here
Mxyzptlk left you in a really bad space mentally, you were trying to focus on work but the only thing in your head was how permanent this change was. You thought you could just somehow return to the fifth dimension if anything went wrong, but apparently you were trapped in here for Brpxz knows how long.
Kara was the one who took you out of your thoughts by waving her hand in front of your face. "Hey, are you okay?" She looked at you worried, making your heartbeat speed up like earlier today.
"Uhm- I- Yes! I just... Got some bad news from a family friend but that is all, don't worry." You smiled nervously as you ate the very last bite of your cake desperately and threw the small plastic container into your trash can.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry... It's just that me, Nia, and.. Barney- We're going to get some sushi, and since those two will be kinda like on a date I was wondering if you'd want to make me some company? I promise I'll tell Cat you were with me. It can help you clear your mind a little bit" She pointed to the man standing right by her, just a few inches shorter, and your eyes almost popped out of your face. IT WAS BRAINY! You haven't even seen him during your stay in this dimension, and you barely expected to do so but you admired him so much too. You could barely speak, just nodding as you had to take any chance to be around the superfriends, especially Kara.
Giving Kara a wry smile you got up and grabbed your purse. Brainy went to Kara's office to wake Nia up, she just looked distraught and they had a short conversation while you wondered if she'd be able to dream about you and Mxyzptlk as you glared at them from your desk, Kara's voice getting you out of your thoughts.
"They're such a cute couple aren't they?" She smiled as she eyed them then you, making you tremble.
"Oh- Well I'm not close to Miss Nal but it seems like they're really happy together." You managed to slur out as you just walked to the elevator, Kara following you.
"Hey, there's no need for formalities around us, well I know Nia would prefer it if you call her by her name, and same with me. You can call me Kara." She reassured you as you just smiled shyly and nodded again. God it'd be so hard to even get yourself to have a decent conversation with this woman. Brainy and Nia joined the two of you shortly after, they held hands and beamed at you when the elevator arrived and all four of you stepped in.
"Oh! Forgot to introduce you, Nia, Barney, this is Cat's assistant..." Kara froze for a second, realizing she didn't really remember your name, she did remember what your boss called you, but she also knew damn well that wasn't your actual name, so she just stared at you somewhat embarrassed for not even knowing your actual name.
"Uh- Y/n-kz-'' You bite your tongue, almost slipping your actual name. But tried to distract them from it with a slight cough. "Y/n. Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you two, well, I already knew Miss Nal- Nia, but it's still a pleasure." You shook both their hands and just stood awkwardly in the corner as the trio chatted joyfully. A part of you thinking about just staying inside whenever they got off, they wouldn't notice and just go on about their day without you. Yes it was definitely a plan.
Until Kara intertwined her arm with yours.
"So the sushi restaurant is like a bit of a hidden spot so it's easy to get lost and from what I can remember you're new here right? Not only to CatCo but to the city." She looked at you with that pearly white smile of hers.
"Uhm- Yes. I am new to National City... It's like... A whole new dimension to me." You took your eyes off Kara and set them on Brainy's hair since he and Nia were walking in front of you. Damn you'll need to ask for his hair routine.
"I get that. Well, you may know why." She snorted and laughed. "Where are you from? Well, after Krypton, I grew up in Midvale, it was nice. Then I came here for university and the rest is history."
"I'm from-" Your brain freezes as you try to remember more of the fake story Mxyzptlk had built up for you to pass as a normal human. "I grew up in a really, really small town, you probably wouldn't know it. Then I moved to Metropolis but things were always too... Wild? There. So I decided to shoot my shot here since Jump City seemed too extreme too."
"Oh! Metropolis, so did you work at The Daily Planet?"
"No- It's my first time in a company this big, I was a- Uh... Secretary? For a small business though. But this job has been very helpful in teaching me new things."
"Oh..." She looked at you for a second as you caught her gaze from the corner of your eye. "That sounds great, it really looks like you got the hang of it already, if anything I can see you as the next junior reporter next year- Oh, look! We're here! You're gonna love this place."
Was it too late to tell her you've never had sushi? Well, you didn't know if you'd like it, you had only seen it in movies and shows but never got the curiosity to try it so you never did. Restaurants aren't really a thing in a dimension where you can summon anything with a snap of your fingers.
As soon as you got in, Kara was greeted by several waiters and the four of you were given a private booth to eat, your head looking around at the beautiful decorations all around the place.
"Y/n? What would you like to order? The waiter will probably be here any minute." Nia spoke, suddenly getting your view out of the menu, which left you confused as to how humans could spend so much on meals. You weren't poor, but Mxyzptlk didn't give you much money either, so you were kinda on a budget, especially since you started getting your salary from CatCo. The whole concept of money had always been so weird to you, well it seemed similar to how monarchy had always more power and magic, but it was all still weird.
"I think I'll go for... This one." You pointed at the cheapest roll available, Kara peeked from her seat right by your side, looking at your choice.
"Only that? Don't worry! It's on me. You can pick any rolls you'd like, and drinks too." She reassured you with a little spark in her icy blue eyes, making you shiver completely as you nodded.
After a bit of thinking you went for the non-sushi options, especially since you were afraid of not knowing which ones were spicy, you weren't going to risk it. Picking a meal of tempura shrimp and vegetables. Kara, noticing your fear of trying new flavors, whispered something to your ear.
"If you'd like to try anything you can take it from my plate, and if you like it you can order it." Her breath soft against your ears, you just squealed very softly and gave her a quick nod.
Best. Meal. Ever.
Kara and you ended up just pretty much sharing food and gave each other whatever you felt the other would like, plus the food and ambient of the place were amazing, it almost felt like a double date. For the first time in years you felt like you truly belonged somewhere, at least for an hour or two.
"And then he started yelling at me! All because I complimented his bald head." Brainy finished his anecdote about his first meeting with General Lane, who you totally forgot about since he hadn't been on the show since season two or something.
"I didn't know Lois Lane had a father in the military." You lied as you sipped your drink through the straw.
"And a sister." Kara responded whilst rolling her eyes. "She's hot though."
"Lois or her sister?" You arched a brow and bit on the straw with a smirk.
"Lucy. A hundred percent. Lois is cute but I won't be caught dead thirsting over my cousin's wife." She smirked back and then both of you looked at Nia who spoke up.
"I will. Lois Lane is an absolute milf." She confessed with a playful smile, to which both Brainy and you looked confused, but Kara knew exactly what she meant because she choked for a second on her drink.
"NIA!" She bursted out in laugh as she held her own stomach. So did Nia.
"Speaking of Lois, how's your little cousin? Well, maybe he sees you more like an aunt. I don't know." Nia finally asked what you didn't dare to ask, honestly wondering what had been of those two because you haven't seen them on screen for ages.
"Oh! They're in Argo City, they want Jonathan to grow up around Kryptonian culture and all that. I'm planning on visiting them this summer, basically to take some time off and see my parents too." She seemed so happy when speaking about her family, that made you know so well how much they loved her and she loved them. "Oh and Alex, Kelly and Esme will be coming too! I want Esme to meet my parents. And Alex will totally love Argo." Kara beamed as she ate the last roll on her plate and then looked at you, remembering how Argo City wasn't really a known topic amongst the public. You faked a confused expression, hoping the group would buy it.
"So Argo is like a city of Krypton that survived destruction and visiting it is like going to the middle of nowhere, but in space, from what I've heard." Nia clarified your doubt and you just hummed with a nod. It was hard to pretend you didn't know all of this already but it was nice to have a recap every now and then.
All four of you were having a nice relaxing chat until Nia's phone rang, it was an alarm apparently.
"Oh god, I have an exclusive interview with the governor in thirty minutes, see you later guys. Kara I'll venmo you my part of the bill. Bye, love." Nia got up hurriedly and pecked Brainy on the lips before running out of the restaurant.
"I should get going too, I have... Work." Brainy looked at you realizing he couldn't really spill anything about the DEO in front of you, at least not yet. He felt like he knew you from somewhere but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.
"Okay! Take care." Kara waved both of them happily, giving that perfect smile of hers as she just still sat by your side.
Neither of you knew what to do now, but the silence was comfortable.
"D'you want some dessert?" Kara finally spoke after a couple of minutes.
"Only if it's chocolate. Or a cheesecake." You joked but apparently she was dead serious because in a few minutes a huge slice of cheesecake arrived for both of you.
"We're sharing this as a symbol for a long friendship. Because I have the feeling we'll be good friends." She announced as she handed you a spoon and the waiter came back with two small sauce packets, both of them were strawberry syrup.
You smiled as you took the first bite out of the dessert, moaning as the sweetness melted on your tongue, Kara looked at you with red on her cheeks and you just covered your mouth with your hand as you kept chewing.
"I'm- I'm soffy- It's just so goof-" You swallowed and both of you started laughing just to get in a small competition on who could eat more cheesecake. And Kara clearly won.
[To be continued]
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