standardlovers · 10 months
29: Just A Man by Jorge Rivera-Herrans (from Epic: The Troy Saga)
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Rules: Type <your name> core aesthetic on pinterest and share the results!
Tagged by @rosettyller
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Tagging: @michael-the-angelo, @nerdyravenclawperson, @inkwardspots, @thereisnoneedtocallmesir, @gingerteaonthetardis
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jaydoesanrp · 4 years
Fenrir, how do you decide when to involve yourself in the wizarding world and when not to? Assuming there even is logic to when you dissapear to be a wolf for 3 months straight
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“Perhaps you don’t think that...”
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The witch takes an involuntary step back at the venom in his voice, stammering a weak attempt at a defence, “well, I mean... I don’t--” only to be interrupted:
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cyrusharlow · 4 years
Aren’t you scared to partake in these kinds of festivities during times like these?
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ravenheartedgirl · 5 years
hi luna, do you like muggle fashion or wizard fashion more?(sorry if that is a weird question)
Luna: Well, I like both…
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Luna: Women can go to prison for wearing the wrong thing!
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Luna: Muggle life sounds frightening…
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OI! CATCH!(sorry but I do not have a lot of working brain cells to come up with better asks)(also @ you and your rp’ing: NOICE)
//So, I’m sorry, I had no idea how to answer this ask ;w;” and it’s late and my brain couldn’t find a way to include it in the context we had ;w;
//I’m super happy you enjoyed this bc it had been soo soo long
//Also, concerning your tags (I think it was you?), Astoria Greengrass is Daphnee’s little sister, although I don’t remember if she is actually mentioned with her name in the books, she is Draco’s wife, mother of Scorpius. So it’s the canon partner of Draco. She is also mentioned in the play (which I still haven’t finished reading tbh) in which we learn that she was extremely fragile and she dies when Scorpius was in his early Hogwarts years.
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the-ginger-magician · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU *insert vague humming of how the rest of the song goes cause I forgot and you probably get the idea*
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A catchy tune! I like it! ;)
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theelderswear · 6 years
Hi, for the thing, blue, rose, aqua and cream
Blue - You’re amazing. 
Rose - You’re pretty.
Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours. 
Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. 
I??? I’m gonna start crying??? I just??? *screams* Thank you so much??? I can’t!!! I’m??? So dead rn I just. Thank you??? I can’t??? Think??? But aaaaaaahhhhh you’re so sweetttttttt!!!
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edgelord-zuuko · 6 years
Imagine dragons that behave like penguins
I know you meant picturing dragons that waddle and belly sled but I’m picturing the band Imagine Dragons waddling and belly sledding
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cities-alive · 6 years
Strike a Pose.
((OOC: Here is my contribution to @sirussly HP RP Script Swap. My script was written by the ever so lovely @thereisnoneedtocallmesir , I hope you all enjoy our thread)) *a drunken Fred and George stumble through the empty halls trying to be quiet*
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Fred: We’re done for, I know, I know. ~~~20 Minutes Later~~~
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G: Yes it is! You scared me, you wanker!
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McGonagall: Misters Weasley, I can hear you and I will give you 5 seconds to leave swiftly and return to your beds. 5. 4 Fred: Does that answer your question?
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McGonagall: 3, 2,
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McGonagall: 1. I hope that when I come around the corner I don’t see you two, and I sincerely hope you both are not out of bed for another one of your pranks.  
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McGonagall: I’m impressed, they are gone. One of them left their wand behind.
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*The boys begin to sweat as Peeves floats up behind McGonagall, their eyes telling him to keep his mouth shut*
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Peeves: That’s the ugliest painting I’ve ever seen. George: (Internally) *Peeves you bloody bastard* McGonagall: MISTERS WEASLEY! IN THE PAINTING?!
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George: Would you believe us if we said this was for school? McGonagall: “No, I wish that you would put this much effort into your studies. Now get out so I can give you both detention properly”
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McGonagall: Oh, we certainly can.
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*Minerva raises her wand and the twins shield their faces from its light*
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
I was tagged by @rosettyller, thanks hun
Are you named after anyone? I mean my middle name comes from my maternal great grandmother but otherwise no
When was the last time you cried? I don't actually remember? I got pretty close yesterday though
Do you have kids? Nope
Do you use sarcasm a lot? It's unfortunately frequent
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their vibes. Like how comfortable they are around people and how friendly they are
What's your eye color? Greyish
Scary movie or happy endings? Scary movies! I love a good horror movie and sometimes happy endings are done in such a way that they don't feel that satisfying imo just lazily done to conclude the story
Any special talents? Uhh no, not that I can think of
Where were you born? UK
What are your hobbies? Reading is probably the only one I do consistently enough for it to count
Do you have any pets? Nope not anymore. Can't have any as a student and I have too many siblings for there to be space or time for a pet
What sports do you play/have you played? I have never voluntarily participated in a sport.
How tall are you? 1.72m/5'6"
Favorite subject in school? History for sure
Dream job? Child psychiatrist which I'm slowly working towards
This was fun. Tagging: @nerdyravenclawperson, @michael-the-angelo, @thereisnoneedtocallmesir, @flamesandpages
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HAAAAPPYY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOUUU and I forgot how the rest of the song went but you probably get the idea
😂😂Jess, you never fail to make me laugh and this message did exactly that. Thank you for the birthday message and that extra bit of joy today, my dear! 💖💖
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😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
Awe thanks I try to be! You are one of the first wave of blogs I followed and you seem awesome!
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faintlight · 6 years
hi, for the ask thing, forget-me-not, daisy and oleander
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octaviablodreina · 6 years
if it isn't too vague, top 5 fight scenes in The 100
Basically all of 4x10
Lexa x Roan 3x04
Anya x Clarke 2x04
Octavia in 2x10
Echo and Roan training or Octavia in 4x09 
ask me my top 5 anything
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edgelord-zuuko · 6 years
Fine then ONLY 3 PROMPTS, 38, 70 and 113 for linny please
30: “So that’s it? It’s over?”
“What’s this?” Ginny spots Luna packing. “You have a trip or something?”
“No. I’m leaving.” Luna seemed too calm, aggravating Ginny further.
“Leaving? What the hell does that mean?” It couldn’t mean what she thought it did. Certainly not. 
“We don’t see each other anymore, so I’m moving back with Dad.”
How could she be so calm, so cool about everything?
“So that’s it? It’s over?” 
“I’m sorry, Gin. I think it’s best.” Luna left swiftly with a kiss on a stunned Ginny’s forehead. But Ginny didn’t cry. She went outside, worked off her emotions on her broom, working herself to the brink. 
She finally came in to the house again to shower well after dark. The day’s sweat and dust and pain had been washed away. Looking for her favorite face mask, Ginny began rummaging through drawers, stopping at a small box. That was it, that was what broke her. She had bought that for Luna. That was the promise of forever she’d meant to make to the woman she loved. But forever ended and she was lost. 
Maybe if she hadn’t taken the position with the Holyhead Harpies. Maybe if she’d gone with Luna on her trips more often. Maybe if...
Maybe if didn’t matter anymore. Luna was gone and Ginny knew it was her fault. 
Or so she told herself.
70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ”
It had been a long day. Ginny was practice worn. But this was the Luna came back from tracking her latest cryptid. These were Ginny’s favorite days. It was like the first day they moved in all over again. They cuddled, they told their stories, they laughed, they enjoyed and appreciated each other. Ginny usually tried to get these days off, but hadn’t been able to this time. She picked up what she needed on her way home and began preparing Luna’s favorite dinner, flowers of all kinds along the table. 
Everything was ready, it couldn’t hurt to rest as she waited for her wife.
“Ginny, love, I’m home.” Ginny was gently awoken by her wife.
“Damn, I hadn’t meant to fall asleep.”
“It’s alright, I loved the preparations you made. Did you have practice?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t swing it off this time.”
“And you still tried to do all the stuff for my homecoming? This is why I fell in love with you. You are beautiful inside and out. But I think bed is in order.”
“Bed sounds lovely,” Ginny yawned.
113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?”
Luna came home, hearing barking and yelling and running from inside her apartment. 
“Ginny?” A streak of red hair ran past her after a small black blur.
“HI,” was yelled back followed by, “Get your happy ass back here, Nyx!”
“What’s going on?”
“Nyx has my favorite slipper, the little shit!” 
Luna turned the corner, finding three litters of puppies chewing on various things, running around.
“Um, love, where did all these puppies come from? We didn’t have any this morning and we now have, what, 20?”
Ginny stopped, doubled over in breathlessness and sweat.
“George,” was the only explanation she had.
“Well, we can mess with him back by making him think it didn’t work. We can keep them, if you’d like.”
A smile was mirrored between the two as they discussed how to handle all 21 puppies.
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