#these absolute trashmen
sonnburn · 2 years
The Universal Reaction to Big Dragon:
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atastypeach · 10 months
all my life I have always been attracted to the Toxic Sexy Evil Man in my media. BG3 is no different. Raphael you absolute bastard I love you. But BG3 also had my actual irl type in all three forms, presented to me in the guise of Dammon, Rolan and Zevlor. And I feel so very called out. it's like Larian grabbed me by the throat and went "So, we heard you like trashmen. Here's Raphael but before you bend over for him, please consider - these three men who all exhibit such positive wonderful traits. And could also utterly wreck your shit in the bedroom. And are almost surely even better lays and they would all be wonderful at aftercare." I could take any of them home to my family. (Though considering my extended family is Catholic, that might be a bad move.) Needless to say I've been having a crisis because my heart belongs to these sad lil infernal men.
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today's compilation:
1963 - 20 Greatest Hits 1986 Pop / R&B / Rock & Roll
Oh, hell yes, dude! A terrific batch of golden oldies here! Yesterday I gave a listen to an installment from this 20 Greatest Hits series that focused solely on the year of 1961, and I ended up being severely disappointed by all the shoddy re-recordings that were on it. But today, with this look back at 1963, we only have a small sprinkling of re-recordings. And while The Crystals' girl group classic, "Da Do Ron Ron," unfortunately falls victim to a pretty bad treatment here, it appears that the Deluxe label filled out the rest of this album with a majority of original versions instead 👍.
Interestingly, though, while there are some absolute classics on this album that you'd more or less expect, like The Isley Brothers' "Twist & Shout" and Doris Troy's "Just One Look," there are also some great unexpected curveballs too, with the most looping one of all probably being Del Shannon's "Keep Searchin'," a song that didn't even come out in '63, but instead was actually released in '64, and wasn't even that massive of a hit either, only managing to peak at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. This tune has a bit of a similar vibe to Del's most iconic hit, 1961's mesmerizing "Runaway," with its southwestern desert highway guitar sound, but rather than the show-stealing, invented keyboard instrument called the Musitron getting some solo action, on this tune we get some more conventional blasting organ instead, which is also pretty damn satisfying too 😌.
Another shocker on this release is The Rivingtons' "Papa Om Mow Mow." Undoubtedly, you're familiar with The Trashmen's totally inane piece of classic early 60s noisy gar(b)age rock, "Surfin' Bird," but did you know that that song was actually formed from two Rivingtons tunes? One of them was this strange and upbeat rock & roll-doo wop tune with a strong lead vocal that hoots some nice falsettos over another guy who just keeps on both mantrically and forcefully repeating the song's title. A super catchy and unique track that only made it to #48 on the Hot 100.
And lastly, most people obviously know The Kingsmen's "Louie Louie," the unbelievably sloppy 1963 classic that caught fire and really started the whole garage rock phenomenon while also inviting an investigation from the FBI for potentially subversive lyrics that were barely intelligible in the first place 😱. But do you know any other Kingsmen songs, like their totally groovy cover of Motown's first ever hit, "Money (That's What I Want)," that was originally by Barrett Strong? Because that one definitely goes too, and as their follow-up to "Louie Louie," it made it to #16 on the Hot 100, which was a good showing, of course, but like the other two tunes I've outlined above, you wouldn't expect that chart performances to merit it an inclusion on an album called 1963 - 20 Greatest Hits, given the long list of songs that managed to out-chart it.
But at the end of the day, that's really what makes this album so good. And the fact that not many songs on here are re-recordings, either, makes it infinitely better than the retrospective on 1961 that this series put out too.
Del Shannon - "Keep Searchin'" Isley Brothers - "Twist & Shout" Maxine Brown - "Oh, No, Not My Baby" Shirelles - "Don't Say Goodnight & Mean Goodbye" Rivingtons - "Papa Om Mow Mow" Kingsmen - "Money" Doris Troy - "Just One Look"
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spiritsoulandbody · 7 months
#DailyDevotions The LORD Blesses Us, We Give Thanks & He Blesses Us All The More
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#DailyDevotions The LORD Blesses Us, We Give Thanks & He Blesses Us All The More Psalm 134 Now bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, who stand in the LORD's temple through the night; 2raise your hands toward the holy place and bless the LORD. 3The LORD Who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion! Approaching closer and closer to the Temple, they may have finally arrived there. They would call out to the servants of the LORD, i.e. the priest, in particular, the priest who stood the night watch to bless the LORD. It always bothered me a bit how we can bless the LORD. Exactly how can we bless the LORD of heaven and earth. Then it was revealed to me in our communion liturgy at the dismissal. The pastor cries out, "Bless we the LORD!" The people cry out, "Thanks be to God!" So we bless the LORD by giving thanks to Him for all His benefits to us. In the liturgy that has this, the people have received absolution. They have heard the word of God both read and preached. They have received the body and blood of the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ, in which the LORD says, "I will be your God and you will be My people. I will forgive your sins and remember them no more. I will place my Instruction in your heart and you will know Me." So of course we are going to give thanks to God our Father, the LORD Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit here. The call to those who prepare and lead the worship to lift up holy hands and bless the LORD is called for. So indeed, throughout the worship we give thanksgiving throughout the service. We need not though be in a formal service to bless the LORD. At any point throughout the day we can give thanks for His benefits to us. So we give thanks before all our meals. If we are particularly fastidious, we may give thanks for each drink and snack throughout the day. When we are in the presence of those we love we may give thanks for them. When we go to work, we may give thanks for the opportunity to earn our daily bread. When we see the police, emergency workers, electric line workers, the trashmen and those who daily keep our society working, we can give thanks to the LORD for them. Then there appears to be a call from those who work in the sanctuary to those who called upon them to bless the LORD. "The LORD Who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion!" First, I don't know all the religions in the world, but there are few who have a god who made heaven and earth. The LORD is the one who made heaven and earth. We see this claim all the way back in Genesis 1. It is a theme throughout the Bible that the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the One who made all of creation. We see in the New Testament, it is Jesus through Whom heaven and earth was created and is maintained. It might be a fun question to those who want us to accept every religion as valid—just ask, "Which world religion gods are claimed to have made heaven and earth, all that it contains, and still maintains them?" They bless those worshipers in the name of the LORD. Similarly, in our communion worship service we close after giving thanks to the LORD with the blessing of His name, "The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace." So we are then blessed with and by His name to carry us through the rest of the week and live in this blessing. Merciful and gracious Father, grant that we may bless You and give You thanks for all Your benefits to us and continually bless us with Your Name so our faith in You may be maintained unto You give us our ultimate rest. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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locria-writes · 3 years
So between Tuk'oer, Vezian, and Valentin, who's the biggest asshole? I feel like these are top 3 amongst the trashmen but I don't know just who is the biggest asshole in the top 3 itself.
i got a wholeass essay on this topic
tl;dr --
valentin -- 7/10 asshole, but a pretty decent guy underneath it all. has his own moral code that he does mostly adhere to, is capable of recognizing his assholery, and is the only one on this list capable of genuine and unselfish love.
tuko'er -- 9/10 asshole, very little redeemable about him, except that he is capable of introspection and self-reflection. had the potential to actually be a great guy, but got too embittered by the world and can't let go of the past. capable of genuine love, but it'll never not be selfish.
vezian -- 10/10 asshole, he doesn't even have the cool tragic backstory the others have to back his shit up. he was never a good guy, not even when he was a protagonist, and not now as an antagonist-figure. i don't really know if he's capable of genuine love.
long essay
Valentin is objectively an asshole. He's a hypocrite when it comes to his treatment of MC, has no qualms about lying/cheating/murdering his way to power, and is just generally unnecessarily blunt, surly, and quarrelsome, but underneath all that, he doesn't just have the potential to be a great guy -- he's actually quite valiant, albeit with some moral liberties and questionable methods, but let's take what we can get, okay?
His whole arc revolves around his pursuit of revenge, at least that's how others see it. But to Valentin, it's a fight to amend his rightfully-perceived injustices. He isn't doing it wholly for himself, in fact, his primary motivation is to seek justice for his mother, and in a broader respect, for all the others who have the same story he does. He doesn't hurt those he perceives as weaker than himself, and he doesn't blame the faultless, most of the time. MC is is the only exception to this because through all the hurt and anger that's been pent-up, Valentin's able to justify to himself why she's an acceptable target, and bend his principles just this once.
Unlike the other two, Valentin's perfectly capable of genuine and unselfish love, and already demonstrates it before MC. If MC were anyone else, he'd absolutely treat her very well, and he wouldn't have any qualms about acknowledging any feelings toward her. MC's only flaw is that she's Burkhard's daughter, and at the very least, Valentin can acknowledge his hypocrisy and deep down, he knows it's unfair to hate and hurt her for reasons far beyond any control.
On a meta-level, is Valentin's character an asshole? Yes, but only in this specific scenario. If his father had been even just 10% less of an asshole, or if he had a strong and non-murderous paternal role model, he wouldn't be a victim of Asshole Syndrome. Would he still be a surly jerk? Absolutely, but he'd be pretty harmless to MC overall, so he's a 7/10 asshole in AAB, but a 5/10 asshole as a character concept, if that makes sense.
Tuko'er, oh this piece of shit, Tuko'er. Undoubtedly an asshole's asshole, he's petty, ruthless, vicious, and completely unhinged. He takes delight in hurting the one he loves, and even more out of just being toxic toward her, and to be totally honest, he just wants to drag her down to his level so he won't be so lonely down there hell. He's an irredeemable abuser who is perpetuating the cycle, but let's take a step back for a second to look at how we got here.
He grew up in a household where power was the only thing that mattered. His father scorned him and set out to purposefully to make him miserable because of his mother is, and his mother was emotionally-unavailable and resented him for being his father's son. His older siblings either ignored and tormented him, and the same went for the servants. Despite all this, he was still very much a noble and magnanimous wide-eyed idealist, though he was internalizing all of this shitty behaviour deep down. Tuko'er craved affection and validation, received neither from his household, and the only person he ever really connected with and felt 'seen' by was Utanzhu. Funny enough, his frustrations over how powerless and useless he was in helping her all culminated to him falling victim to Asshole Syndrome, and becoming everything he didn't want to be. Lo and behold, it worked in his favour, and validated his behaviour.
At one point, before he became an asshole, Tuko'er loved genuinely and unselfishly. He craved affection, but never thought he was entitled to it, but now, after embracing shitty behaviour so long, it's become completely twisted. He treats his consorts and Samazy indifferently -- polite, distant, and doing no more and no less than what's expected, while with Utanzhu, it's an all-consuming, irrational, and distorted love.
Like Valentin, Tuko'er is an asshole, but only under specific scenarios. If he had others he could trust, or if he had been sent away to a different court, he wouldn't have become a poster child for Asshole Syndrome. In fact, he would've probably completely embraced his noble ideals, and become more like Yumaju, to be honest. Or at the very least, closer to what Valentin is, misguided and hurt, and trying to retake control of his life by fighting against those who hurt him. In KoK, he's absolutely a 9/10 asshole with few -- if any -- redeeming qualities left, while he goes from about a 3-7/10 asshole as a character concept.
Now Vezian, my sweet and beloved Asshole Supreme. The OG Trashman, the Prototype Locria-Trashman, the guy who was just as deplorable when he was written to be a protagonist as he is now as an antagonist, an arrogant and pompous character who became a narcissistic psychopath the more I wrote him etc, etc, etc. I can't tell if he's more of a megalomaniac or a psychopath or a narcissist, but I can tell that he's a real piece of work, and desperately needs some therapy (to be honest, they all do though).
Unlike Valentin and Tuko'er, he actually had a very good childhood. Sure, there were some snide remarks about his status and his mother, but overall, his mother loved him dearly, his father was at the very least, not overtly-abusive, his siblings, the Empress, and the other consorts were all either civil, or just distant to him, and the servants charged with caring for him all treated him well. Sure, he was always an arrogant little brat, but in a way, it was justified since he was very intelligent and talented, it's just too bad he's completely embraced the Asshole Syndrome. Nobody who really matters puts him down, but Vezian's internalized those whispers he used to hear about himself as a child, and has now convinced himself that everyone sees him that way, and that Launcelin, is out to get him.
Can he love genuinely and unselfishly? At the moment, it's a tentative yes, since he does love his mother and Doradeira, but other than them, I don't know if he's capable of forming that kind of bond with anyone else, even if he does fall in love with MC. In 10+ years of writing him, I've always flip-flopped on this aspect because I'd like to believe in the best for Vezian, and that he can eventually learn to be less selfish, more open-minded, but the older I get, the less it seems likely because he doesn't think he needs help/change, and how can one grow and mature if they refuse to believe they need to in the first place?
So Vezian's absolutely an asshole in ABEA, 10/10 the others wish they could be as irredeemable as him, but on a meta level, I don't really know? I feel like he could become a regular harmless douchecanoe if he ever got the help he needed, but do I think he'd ever accept help, or even acknowledge that he needs it? He's still such a difficult character to grasp, even though I've been writing him the longest in this list.
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If life is so hard on me it must be because she is trying to get rid of me. So fuck her I am going to try and live forever
I agree with your viewpoint. I’m too old to die young; my death would provoke a collective shoulder shrug.
So fuck that. Speaking of shoulders, mine are healing and I’m mobile again. And it’s so fun to not give a fuck, I absolutely vote for a long life for you Anon. And for me—not that you asked, but your well wishes were implied.
Remember what Marlo Thomas taught us: we are free to be you and me. And remember also what the Trashmen taught us: The Bird is The Word.
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forever-somewhere · 4 years
The Trashmen
Surfin' Bird / King of the Surf
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This is one of my favorite items in our collection. It was a birthday gift from someone who will be in my life forever.
No jacket as this was acquired Used, but the sleeve indicates it's from a larger collection called "The Sound of Young America" pressed in 1969. Over 50 years old, it plays beautifully. Whoever had this before us took very good care of it -- or perhaps it's a pure testament to the durability of vinyl records.
It was sort of a gag gift inspired by that one episode of Family Guy. It became somewhat of a meme in the house and we'd joke that we needed the actual single to make it perfect. My partner ended up finding one and ordered it for my birthday. We played it over and over again until it got old, and then we played it more for the full effect. Now whenever I'm at a real loss of what to listen to (or if I feel the house is too quiet), I'll just pop it on and jam out for a couple minutes.
It's a fantastic find, a fun couple of songs, and an absolutely amazing gift.
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yankyo · 5 years
Okok now hear me out, mafia!beej x reader in the Irish mob. I think that’d be interesting
You've made my discord server go absolutely feral with this and I've been bombarded with thirst all morning. There's three working versions of Mafia Beej now and I guess I gotta write about them all soon 
@monsterlovinghours @beetlejuicebeadoll @sapphic-florals @tarot-tea-trashmen @the-ineffable-prince-of-hells @wolfie-doggo @beetlejuicecansteponme @realmonsterboyhours
Irish Mafia Beej is a suave motherfucker and you cannot convince me otherwise 
He's gruff and unfriendly when it comes to others, but he's just the sweetest bean when you come around - like, full on dopey smile and full switch of tone the second he spies you, it doesn't matter who he's talking to or what he's doing 
He could be in the middle of an interrogation and snarling threats, but the second he saw you, he's coming over to dote on you 
all of the pet names, he calls you leannán, cailín álainn, mo chroí, mo shíorghrá - and when you find out what he's saying you just straight up melt 
You call him M’fhíorghrá which means 'My True Love' and the first time you say it, he legit chokes and probably even tears up a little bit 
He's so soft my dudes 
His accent, holy shit, when he lowers his voice and growls you could just faint ok? 
A big dirty talker, like, holy shit, when he gets going he's going to have you blushing so dark and he's gonna love it
And if you talk dirty back? Oh damn, he's gonna have some real fun with you 
He loves having you sit on his armchair with him, all perched up like a monarch at their throne - and you can be sure that every single one of his underlings will know that the boss's partner ain't to be trifled with 
Are you sweet and soft? Cool, he's gonna protect the crap out of you, no matter his lifestyle his baby don't gotta worry about a single thing. He'll come home, wash the blood from his knuckles and be the most doting boyfriend the world has ever seen 
Are you spunky and the type to get into fights? Also cool, he'll be right there next to you fighting right by your side. He knows you can protect yourself, but that doesn't mean he'll just sit back and watch. 
He is definitely the kind to punch a catcaller tho, if anyone is dumb enough to shout some demeaning and uncalled for shit your way, he will not hesitate to show them their place and will come back to you all smiles despite the new bloodstain on his vest 
Definitely smokes a pipe and loves it when you smoke with him
Has a high alcohol tolerance, do not drink out of his flask. Netherworld alcohol is some strong shit and if you take a careless swig who knows what you'll be seeing
If you are going out to drink with him, he'll be keeping tabs on you to make sure you don't go over your limit and will make sure you drink lots of water - after all he's gotta make sure his babes doesn't end up with a hangover the next day 
Drunk sex ok. Nice. He's mumbling against your skin and after a moment you realize he's praising every single inch of you. You already feel floaty and weightless and he's gonna nudge you happily into subspace and take such good care of you 
Will sit you on his lap and rock your hips back and forth slowly, just barely fucking you until you whine 
"Oh darl', ya need more? Wan' me to fuck you right?" He croons, cupping your cheeks to kiss you so softly, but when you nod a slow, almost predatory smile spreads across his face and he wraps his arms around you to brace you before he fucks you hard 
Will the aftercare be top notch the day after, you bet, but he's gonna he leaving quite a few bruises in his wake. You aren't leaving that bed without a gottdam plethora of hickies, the imprint of his hand from where he squeezed just a touch too strongly, bitemarks, and if he's feeling particularly in a mood, rope marks
He loves shibari, but which version of Mafia Beej doesn't? He ties you up so thoroughly that you can't move a single inch, but don't doubt that he'll be treating you like glorious creature you are every single second 
You're the one bound up, yet he is on his knees worshipping you
And don't you think for a second that he wouldn't be overjoyed to hand over the rope to you and let you tie him up 
This 👏 is 👏 a 👏 man 👏 who 👏 wants 👏 to 👏 get 👏 fucked 
He loves to be on his hands and knees for you, he'll whine so nice for you if you reach up and pull his hair when you fuck him 
He lives to give head. Is he eating out your pussy? Sucking your dick? Going to goddamn town on your strap? Whatever and he'll do it with gusto
Not as much of an exhibitionist at the others, he much prefers having you all to himself to dote upon 
But if you're acting bratty during one of his meetings, he won't hesitate to reprimand you no matter who is there to watch. 
He is the most lenient to brat's, but that doesn't mean he won't remind you who's in charge every now and again
Even if he kinda likes it when you act all spunky 
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olafsings · 4 years
Music History Today: December 28, 2020 December 28, 1963: The Trashmen's first release, "Surfin' Bird," entered the Billboard Hot 100. The song is a medley made up of the choruses of two R&B classics by the '60s doo-wop group The Rivingtons: "The Bird Is the Word" and "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow." The brainchild of Trashmen drummer Steve Wahrer, the song was a quirky and consumable hit, boldly combining surf music with novelty R&B. An entire 2008 episode of the TV show Family Guy revolves around this song. In the episode, which is entitled "I Dream of Jesus," Peter Griffin goes to a '50s diner where the song plays and he declared it his favorite of all time. When the manager removes the song from the jukebox because it's from the '60s, Peter procures it from him, then plays it constantly at home. He proceeds to drive everyone around him absolutely nuts with the song and with his constant reminders that "the bird is the word." Read more: https://www.olafsings.com/2020/12/music-history-today-december-28-2020.html
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
this is random but I love fat villains and the Fates talk got me thinking... thoughts on fat Iago? (*´ω`*)
Gonna be honest, I absolutely love villains in general, and like I just WISH that fates had better writing in general and also in regards to better black and white. (Which is why I absolutely adore Zola and wish he was playable in at least Birthright...)
So like, whenever I see Iago in fates it just makes me angry. Also fanstuff in general lol, but whenever I get to be in control of the fanstuff and it's also kink, I pretty much enjoy every FE guy lmao
Haven't seen his lines in FEH, cause I was slightly salty at no Zola evn though Iago is more important in every route, but they're probably great cause I love trashmen. I love Kempf's lines and almost made him a merge project just cause of them.
Just an absolutely vile evil person being fat. I love trashman, and if fates just had better writing, then I would love Iago in non kink form.
Also, the fates dark mages have great outfits for chunky bodies, so I would love a fat Iago sjsbjsn
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realmonsterboyhours · 5 years
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I can’t believe I forgot to post this masterpiece forged in an absolute fever dream of a night. @beetlejuicebeadoll @tarot-tea-trashmen @yankyo
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mirrorreps · 5 years
4 Reasons To Buy Replica Handbags
Replica handbags are an amazing thing. We’ve all been there, wandering down a street in the city when a girl walks past us with an amazing designer bag that just makes us green with envy. It’s been the dream of most girls since a young age to have a full wardrobe of bags to go with each and every outfit for all occasions from a formal black-tie event to a casual coffee with friends. Unfortunately, from an economic standpoint, it is and always will remain that for most of us (unless you marry a rich man or kill it at work!).
Fortunately, however, we can now make the dream partly come true, and only you will know the secret. Of course, I’m talking about replica handbags. Now I know what you’re thinking, I think we’ve all bought a cheap replica at some point in our lives that have been made of PVC and stitched together in some sweatshop god knows where, but before you dismiss the idea, hear me out.
Replica factories have really gotten their act together over the past decade or so, instead of pumping out a large number of low-quality replicas(although there are still factories out there that do this), many of them now focus on high quality 1:1 “mirror” replicas that are as close to the authentic models as possible, and all for a fraction of the price of an authentic model. The best part is that almost all brands, sizes, leathers, colors, etc are replicated, from common bags such as the famous Louis Vuitton Neverfull to lesser-known brands such as Celine and even to the most luxurious and exclusive brands like Hermes. So, without further ado, let me list a few reasons why replica handbags aren’t just for suckers any more:
1. Quality of Modern Replica Handbags
As mentioned previously we’ve all seen how bad replicas can be, at the price point of around $30-90, all you will be getting is what could be called a “garbage bag”, not just because it’s garbage, but because it feels like something you’d put your trash in and leave for the trashmen! Tacky PVC, low-quality stitching, often asymmetrical, etc.
The price point is a little bit higher for Mirror replicas (around $2-400), but the quality will blow you away. I’ve worn many of my replicas into the designer boutiques themselves and have even had the staff compliment me on them. A friend I know once took her replica LV Neverfull into the boutique to have it hot stamped! All this and the staff have never even batted an eyelid.
The quality has got to such a point where even the most experienced authenticators with years of experience would have trouble telling a high-quality replica apart from the real thing. My question is, why waste the money? Which brings us on to my next point.
2. Price
I have yet to meet a girl on this earth who wouldn’t like a Chanel bag hanging from her shoulder (the classic flap seems to be a popular favorite), but at a retail price of $5,000 for an authentic, it’s a dream for most of us. Fortunately thanks to mirror replica handbags (also known as 1:1 replica handbags), we can have one for just under $300! One of my friends is a Chanel fanatic who is actually able to afford the real deal and I let her feel and inspect my replica Chanel handbag up close and she didn’t even know it was a replica(it was a caviar leather model, supposedly the “hardest to replicate”).
You should have seen her jaw drop to the ground when I revealed it was a replica and how much I actually paid for it. Naturally, she too has turned to the dark side of replica handbags as even if you can afford the real deal, why would you pay that much when you can get a mirror copy replica handbag for a fraction of the price?
Now she buys a bag every month and spends the rest of her money on vacations! I think we can all agree that’s a better way to spend your money, especially with most replica handbag brands now offshoring production to China, which comes with an inevitable drop in quality. Don’t feel ashamed about buying replica handbags girls!
3. Rarity
Certain models are rare, let’s face it. How many times have you seen a bag you want, searched around for it only to find it isn’t available anymore? (or even worse isn’t produced at all!). Thanks to 1:1 replica handbag factories you can now have any model in any color and any size all for a great price! No more price gouging by scalpers during limited release sales!
It’s also possible to have custom bags made as well if that’s what you would like, it will cost more to have a replica made-to-order, but it’s a possibility!
4. Exclusivity
Now I LOVE brands such as Hermes, I’d KILL to be able to wear a legit Birkin on my arm, but at a price tag of upwards of $15,000, and not even being able to purchase one until you’ve spent AT LEAST $50,000 in a Hermes boutique, I can’t be blamed for getting a high-quality replica Hermes Birkin handbag for just over $400, made from real Togo leather, hand-stitched with all the trimmings now can I?
Simply put, I can now be part of an exclusive club that I once never would have been able to join due to not being a member of the higher echelons of society, now I know where to buy all the best quality replica handbags I can wear what I want!
So, there you have it girls, 4 VERY valid reasons why you SHOULD buy replica handbags, and now that you know the best place to buy them, what’s stopping you? There is absolutely NO shame in purchasing replicas any more, the quality is far superior to what it once was and I have been carrying my replica handbags around for over 7 years and I haven’t been called out ONCE despite letting my friends(some of whom are designer fanatics) fondle and inspect all my replica designer handbags.
The post 4 Reasons To Buy Replica Handbags appeared first on Mirror Reps.
from WordPress https://mirrorreps.is/replica-handbags/4-reasons-buy-replica-handbags/
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randomvarious · 4 years
Dwarves - “Lick it?” Destination Bomp! Song released in 1988. Compilation released in 1995. Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Trash Rock / Psychobilly
From critic Matt Carlson:
Short of G.G. Allin, it would be hard to name a punk rock band that went further to establish a bad reputation than the Dwarves. Playing deliberately crude, high-speed punk rock dripping with bad attitude, the Dwarves -- led by vocalist Blag Dahlia and guitarist He Who Cannot Be Named -- matched their music with lyrics that celebrated all sorts of bad behavior, and their album covers almost invariably featured full-frontal nudity. Add in the band's live shows, which often lasted less than 20 minutes and occasionally included a physical assault on the audience, and you have a recipe for infamy, which the Dwarves rode to a lasting cult following via incendiary albums like Blood Guts & Pussy (1990), Thank Heaven for Little Girls (1991), and The Dwarves Must Die (2004).
You know that phrase “live fast, die young”? It’s sort of like a life code for a lot of musicians, especially punk rockers; people who want to make their indelible, outrageous mark and then disappear forever; people who live in the now and only the now. Well, the Dwarves are a band that have more than fulfilled the first half of that phrase, but they just absolutely refuse to die. They’re geezers now, but they’re still kicking around out there. And you’d think for a band who plays as insanely as they do that they’d flame out almost as soon as they’d formed, but this San Francisco group has managed to completely defy the odds...so far.
The Dwarves actually started out in Chicago though, as a group of punky psychedelic garage rock revivalists who called themselves The Suburban Nightmare. But when they migrated to San Francisco, they decided to add a lot more shock and chaos to both their sound and stage show. You could hear it all starting to come together in 1986 for their first album as the Dwarves, Horror Stories, which was punkier than their Suburban Nightmare album, but still had the psychedelic garage rock sound, too.
The same year that Horror Stories was released, drummer Sigh Moan wrote one of the band’s most notorious tunes, “Lick It?” But it wouldn’t be until 1988 that the song would appear as the a-side for the band’s first single. Then in 1990, the Dwarves were signed to Seattle grunge label Sub Pop, for whom they shed their psych-garage stylings and decided to go straight-ahead shock-punk. It was a weird pairing to have this brash set of punk rockers on a flannel-clad grunge label, and in pure Dwarves fashion, they were kicked off the label for making a fake press release that stated that their guitarist, HeWhoCannotBeNamed, was fatally stabbed in Philadelphia.
But let’s get back to “Lick It?” then, which is a brilliant tune that catches the Dwarves between their psychedelic-garage phase and their solely punk phase. While the band’s earliest work was mainly psych/garage rock revival first and punk second, “Lick It?” appears to be the inverse. And it’s more than just that. There’s a pure, greasy trashiness to it, too, as well as a countrified twanginess. It’s The Cramps meets The Stooges meets The Trashmen. It’s a piece of southern-set B-movie horror whose fast-clanging country chords drone chaotically as they drag you down to hell; it’s that part of the movie where you’re careening down an empty, unlit farm road trying to escape from a reanimated skeleton who has evil intentions, only to look over and find that that skeleton is suddenly riding shotgun with you. “Lick It?” is punk, it’s garage revival, it’s trash revival, and it’s psychobilly. It’s an eighty-plus-second whirlwind of beautiful sleaziness, ambiguously telling you to “lick it,” much like how Frankie Goes to Hollywood was controversially telling you to “suck it” some years prior. What those two bands were telling you to lick and suck though, isn’t made apparent, but you can use your imagination. 
For what it’s worth, HeWhoCannotBeNamed is notorious for playing in the buff during performances while donning a luchador mask, so maybe the song’s about his exposed dingus, and when he plays the song live, that thing just freely bobs up and down as he menacingly jitters on his guitar. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
One of the Dwarves’ best tunes. Some company ran an ad with this song trying to advertise stamps once.
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fruitie · 6 years
Bella ? :•) (for the playlist thing)
B - barnyard by the beach boys oooor bad news by the trashmen OOR bei mir bist du schön by the andrews sisters skdjfgn me? indecisive? absolutely
E - the elements: fire by the beach boys
L - la fille avec toi by françoise hardy
L - lazy blues by art landry
A - ain’t got a dime to my name by bing crosby bob hope and dorothy lamour
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carysaki · 6 years
The trashmen need to be eradicated from this earth
you are absolutely 100000% correct
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locria-writes · 5 years
Do you mind posting a list of all the good otome games you've played or are really interested in? Or if that's too complicated, maybe a list of your top 10 favourites? I see you posting about them often and I've been wanting to try some of them because...hello hot guys galore...😱😱😱
you don’t know how much i love gushing about otome games and my harem of husbandos (also lmao i’ve outed my terrible tastes here)
pc games
steam prison // so so good, definitely recommend! my only complaint is that you can’t romance Good Boi finn (by proxy depriving us of that wonderful cyrus/sachsen banter), but i guess i can settle for adage lmao. hits a very good balance between humour and seriousness, but it’s a really long game to complete
nightshade // honestly, one of my absolute favourites ever. ost is kickass, sprites are gorgeous, and the plot is pretty good. they’re literally all such good beans ugh i love them all. depending on the play order you do, and whether you do the bad ends or not, it can be not-too-painful sad to wow-just-rip-my-heart-out-and-stomp-on-it sad. goemon is honestly the best though, just saying
hakuouki // i’d recommend both games, but if you can’t afford it, then get edo blossoms, since that’s where most of the romance is. also, they get their western uniforms in that one!!! hachiro is still my best boi (sorry okita, heisuke, harada, and everyone else). suuuuuper long to play through, i think it took me ~60 hrs to complete everything, but it’s a labour of love
amnesia // okay, i trashtalk this a lot, but it’s a solid game except for when they did my boi toma dirty >:c ikki is definitely best boi though. some routes are better than others (read: toma’s route is pretty meh while everyone else has pretty great ones), but ukyo arguably has the best and saddest one. i feel like this is almost an otome staple at this point lmao
nameless // another classic and favourite of mine! yandere galore, more than a little heartbreaking, and wow just wow overall. they’re all such sweet guys (yes, tei and ??? included), and the side characters are all fantastic and very memorable. it’s kinda long though, i think 50+ hrs to finish everything, but oh my god is it worth it. i teared up quite a few times
ozmafia!! // a controversial choice, but i loved all the characters in it, and in the end, the plot did pay off. it just feels like a very cramped and rushed game at times, but the characters make up for it, honestly. i’m just mad over how they did my boi hamelin so fricking dirty #JusticeForHamelin #HamelinDidNothingWrong yes i’m still salty about it
cinderella phenomenon // highly recommend this one since it’s free! it’s probably my favourite oelvn to date -- beautiful art, great storyline, and wonderful characters except when they did my boi varg so so dirty :c the last 2 routes are definitely more painful than the first 3, and way more important to the plot.
the rose of segunda //another oelvn i highly recommend! pretty, a great read, and lovable characters. there’s a secret romance too, and holy god it was so good! frederique and mc are so great together, and i honestly fell so hard for leopold because w o w  i love me an ambitious man like him
monochrome heaven* // i have so many feelings about this one, but i’ll still recommend it lol. it’s very...depressing and can get difficult to read at times. honestly, it says a lot when the worst boi turns out to be the best boi. i remember just feeling so hollow after finishing the game, but it was worth the hours i invested
‘till death do us part* // a very questionable addition to this list, but i really liked it. marcus and jack are probably the most ‘romantic’ of the bunch, but i guess it’s not really an otome game
boyfriend to death 1 & 2* // 2 more questionable choices a la the above, but i enjoyed them both. lawrence, damien, and strade were my favourite guys
mobile games
ikemen sengoku // l o o k, i’m a sucker for the sengoku era, beautiful art, and great casting choices for voices okay??? i like playing softer and more light-hearted games sometimes, and this is the perfect game for that. honestly, every single guy is likable and none of them treat mc terribly (yes, including the yandere, the snek, and the playboy).
ikemen revolution // honestly, the same as the above. a great light read, lovable cast, and beautiful art. also, super stoked for mousse atlas to get over here because i’ve already decided that i’m completely in love with him
ikemen vampire // yeah, i know this isn’t out yet in english, but from what i played of jpn and what i’ve read of translations, i love it already. kinda feels like fate meets otome, and i love all the character designs, voices, and concepts
samurai love ballad party // like ikemen sengoku, but angstier lmao. i don’t really like the art and the sprites, but the story and characters are great, so i don’t really mind. i just wish my faves would stop being such disasters (ieyasu, sakuya, nobuyuki, kotaro)
love and producer/mr love queen’s choice // HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT MY LORD AND SAVIOUR BAI QI/GAVIN???? if you’ve played love nikki, it’s the same kind of grind, but i don’t even care??? the cards are beautiful??? the bois are all so wonderful and cute and perfect (yes, even shady af scientist)???? have i told you how wonderful and perfect my husband bai gege is??? also, download the japanese voice pack, the eng dub is kinda crappy
mystic messenger // so time-consuming, but so addicting lol. very fun, surprisingly dark, and all the characters are great (except for rika, we all hate rika). 707 is my home boi, but saeran is fantastic and i demand a proper unknown route because i want to get terrified by this lovely edgy angsty kid
my last first kiss // i can sell this in 3 words -- childhood friend romance. like, that’s my jam right there. i love the guys and their relationships with mc (fussy ayato is so cute, and mako and taka are so so sweet with mc). super fun and sweet read
lust in terror manor* // an elusive horror otome! it’s too bad it never got properly completed, but i guess there’s some kind of closure? translation’s kinda crappy, but good enough to read. rui and naoto were kinda meh, but hayato was the best boi, sorry i don’t make the rules.
several shades of sadism* // okay i can explain -- i love trashmen, i love guys with serious emotional baggage, and i love guys with flaws that make them oh so very real. minato is my favourite trashbag and i actually almost cried during his route because even though he’s an asshole, he’s really trying his best
cinderella contract* // this is where you realize i have no taste/standards whatsoever. trashy, i know, but goddamn i’m so invested in this. yuri is the trashiest of them all, and therefore he’s my husband sorry i don’t make the rules
princess of the moon* // ah yes, the trashiest of the trashy and i’m so ashamed i read this, let alone enjoy it as much as i do. very very smutty but i’m disappointed my boi dean didn’t get released on the og app
(*) -- game contains dubcon/noncon and just very questionable content in general. not for the faint of heart at all
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