#these are all drarry lol
Tagged by @tackytigerfic and @citrusses tysm!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
If the Fates Allow - 10.6K drarry
Draco had just tipped the dregs of the punchbowl into Harry's champagne saucer to refresh him as they flowed out of Glimmerald Hall into the cobbled street of Diagon Alley on the heels of a scrum of laughing, shouting, dancing Weasleys.
A Forgivable Fascination - 2K drarry
The only thing more astounding than the fact of the Malfoy-Potter research partnership, existing in seeming defiance of their notorious feud, is the number of discoveries they've made together.
Imperio - 2K drarry
"I think," Draco murmurs between sleepy kisses. The lamp is still burning yellow-orange on the bedside table, and Draco is so lovely and golden under its light.
not very fast or slow (just soft and low) - 1.8K drarry
"You've got to be so quiet," Harry murmured in that special, soft voice, only just discernible above the crackling of the fire.
The Tune Without the Words - 2K drarry
"I really doubt he wants to see me, Granger," Draco had to raise his voice slightly to be heard over the racket of torrential rain on the windows of his tiny sitting room. "We split up."
A Bottomless Well - 10.2K drarry
It's the savoury smell of supper cooking that brings Draco out of his reverie. He's being beckoned as surely as if Harry were striking a dinner bell.
A Gift of True Esteem - 54K drarry
Harry Potter was procrastinating. The thick stack of essays and exams on his desk were in desperate need of marking, but they did not have his full nor even his partial attention.
The Joy of Bleeding - 6K drarry
“I have the most absurd, awful, unpleasant, serious thing that I need your help with,” Draco Malfoy announced, as he stepped out of Harry Potter’s Floo one rainy midspring Wednesday evening.
As Safe as He'd Ever Be - 618 drarry
Harry Potter woke, as he had been with disconcerting regularity of late, with his heart pounding. His hairline was damp with sweat, his pillow moist, and he lay still for a few moments, trying to force himself back toward calm.
Without Pretense - 3.6K drarry
As he usually wondered whenever he got himself into similar positions, Draco Malfoy was busily wondering how he ever made Harry Potter look at him that way.
Bonus from my WIP
Even after Snape and the Carrows and all the other Death Eaters and the Dementors and the assorted detritus of the Dark Lord's regime had been expunged from its walls and grounds, Draco Malfoy had rather been looking forward to shaking the dust of Hogwarts from his shoes.
Maybe a bit of a pattern? A lot of starting with dialogue. And otherwise in the middle of things, I guess.
I'll tag @goblinmatriarch @wolfpants @geesenoises @oflights @stationintern (i suspect some of y'all have already been tagged oh well)
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appleslightning · 8 months
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do you remember when we were eleven? let’s go back to that. i’ll throw remembralls into the sky and you can try to catch them.
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iamnmbr3 · 6 months
Absolutely insane to me that during the Battle of Hogwarts Draco goes missing without leave, against Voldemort's orders, and both his mother and Voldemort himself immediately assume that he's gone to find Harry Potter.
And they're right.
Narcissa asks Harry if Draco is alive because she assumes Harry will have seen him.
And Voldemort suggests to Lucius that Draco has left to befriend Harry Potter and sounds indifferent but thoroughly unconvinced when Lucius tries to say Draco would never do that.
(Lucius probably mentally flashes back to how Draco spent the entire summer after first year talking nonstop about Harry Potter like 😬 😬 😬)
You know the drarry is blatant when even Lord Voldemort notices it.
He missed Snape's lifelong love for Lily but as soon as Draco went missing he was like 'bet he's with Harry Potter.' Absolutely wild. Of course he's also got a mental connection to Harry. So maybe being exposed to 7 years worth of Harry's thoughts and opinions about Draco's appearance, mood, and actions finally clued him into the fact that maybe something was up.
This ship is accidentally so canon.
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underwittingly · 1 year
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midnight rendezvous
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handledwithgloves · 2 months
yeah you hate dumbledore yeah you hate snape yes you think hogwarts is a shit school
HARRY doesnt
its okay to have ur opinions about hp characters and such but if ur writing from harry’s perspective you cant just make him reflect your own beliefs and opinions 😭 he has his own
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frm9pm · 1 year
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Harry is a simple guy
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catgriller · 4 months
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When I say I like Draco Malfoy I feel like people automatically assume I’m one of those hopeless girls who simp over him because of his looks (he’s mid btw) and know NOTHING about what a complex character he truly is. It makes me feel uncomfortable 😭
Like no, I’m not simping over Tom Felton. I’m fascinated by his character, I mourn the redemption arc he never got, I love his sarcasm and I wish we’d learn more about him and the rest of the Slytherins in the books. Plus he’s 50% of my favourite ship. So of course I like him!
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short666bread · 1 year
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babooshkart · 2 years
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my night, my whole day long 
-Velimir Khlebnikov, My Darling
happy birthday to the ever-lovely @the-starryknight​ 
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starsignchaser · 7 months
February 2024 starsignchaser Fic Recs!
Welcome back to everyones favorite time of the month; Where I tell you all the favorite things I read on AO3 in the last few weeks! I will admit, I took a step back into reading in other fandoms and also I spent half the month traveling so I didn't have a ton of time to read, unfortunately. Sorry! March will be better (maybe...) Anyway, let's get into it!
Baby, now my head is on backwards by messymoony (6k, rated E)
James has had a bad day at work. Regulus makes him feel better. t4t jegulus you have my heart!!
Meet on Telegraph Avenue by ani_wahstan (34.6k, rater E, features wolfstar!)
James Potter was doing his best not to defile his roommate's younger brother because Sirius told him to “keep his slutty hands off of Regulus or else," but finds himself unable to keep the promise.
my favorite jegulus fic of the month, you can just tell this is a labor of love from the author. I also really really loved the inclusion of so many different songs from the time period of the fic!
second chances by introvertedhufflepuff (34k, 10/10, rated M)
when Regulus is hit with a rogue spell that sends him back to a 6-year-old, Sirius is forced to face their adversities and grow past their animosity.
not only Jegulus but some v good Black Brothers Angst. this fic fits v well in my headcannon of who reg was as a child and I love getting to see Sirius of the "present" interact with little reg of the "past"
Perfect Little Life by CRAmber (6.5k, 5/5, rated E)
Just a collection of snapshots from the life of Jegulus raising Harry and being hot and in love.
I suffer from a terminal case of jeggy dads brainrot </3
The Vault by erlasart (comic, 2/2, rated M)
Harry is out for an evening walk when he sees Draco Malfoy disappearing into a seemingly abandoned building. Harry, of course, has to investigate.
I have been absolutely loving comic fics recently, I love seeing the art and the story work together and this one is really good!!!
No Place Like Home by dracogotgame (4k, rated G)
James Sirius has been at Hogwarts for exactly one day, and he knows he doesn't belong. All he wants is to go home. A late night Floo call fixes everything.
drarry dads <333
papa says harry potter helps people by jilliancares (10k, rated E)
Draco Malfoy is reintroduced into Harry's life when a little boy enters his shop, lost. The same little boy upends all his bookshelves, which Draco holds himself responsible for. It all kind of escalates from there.
Scorpius bringing these two dummys together <3
together we wait for silence by ashes_and_ashes (23.6k, rated T)
the combined swimming/road trip au that no one ever asked for and yet is now here
My fave drarry of the month!!! I LOVE fics like this with a somewhat nonlinear timeline and so much unspoken angst and UGH I just really really really loved this fic.
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There was something unbearably intimate about sleeping with Draco Malfoy. Harry marveled at it; he was so unguarded in his sleep, eyes moving under his eyelids while he dreamt, hair strewn across the pillow.
On the nights Harry couldn’t sleep, he was more than content to just watch his lover.
Written for the @microficmay prompt: translucent (read more of my microfic may drarry fics)
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oflights · 1 year
i know i just recced a hanahaki fic that i really did love. and i always enjoy the tension of "who is that other guy you're in love with, because if it was me you wouldn't be sick" followed by the happy ending "it's you!" revelation like that's great but like. what if there is another guy! what if the angst is that there is legitimately unrequited love happening, and it's awful and painful and the cure isn't possible, and the tragedy truly is "you love this other person and it's not me and we can't fix it"
and maybe they can?? maybe the cure becomes not about fixing the lack of reciprocity of that first love but falling in love again, with someone else who actually loves them back; opening up to being loved even when it seems hopeless. and then the flowers are just like a sleepy little plant that's mostly calm, watered by a new love.
i kind of adore the thought of your love for someone being something you carry, something that still hurts sometimes, something that would kill you if it could take over you again, but it's held in check because there's someone else, and it's requited!! wouldn't that be sweet. the heart is a universe but also a garden, and you can grow and tend different kinds of flowers.
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iamnmbr3 · 6 months
All of chapter 7 of Half-Blood Prince is just a series of drarry heart attacks but can we take a moment to appreciate this bit?
"Hi, Neville. Hi, Luna. Guess what?" he added, turning to Harry. "Malfoy's not doing prefect duty. He's just sitting in his compartment with the other Slytherins, we saw him with when we passed." Harry sat up straight, interested.
The mental image of Harry literally sitting up in his seat at the mere mention of Draco's name is so hilarious. Someone needs to draw this. Did Harry's friends ever bring up Draco's name unexpectedly in conversation just to see Harry immediately perk up like a golden retriever puppy?
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Oh look, my favorite flavor of ships. Gay, head over heels in love, and sure to end in tragedy✨
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handledwithgloves · 6 months
two very popular drarry fics that i did not care for and why
in the past however long of my becoming a drarry stan ive read many fanfics and i can say only two had really gotten me so pissed i had to log off
and thats not to say that i never dnf a drarry fic before because i have done that to so many for various different reasons. ive also read plenty dead doves do not eat so… this is saying something i suppose.
and this is no hate at all to the writers of these fics they clearly love what they do and are super talented and no hate to the enjoyers of these fics, like what you like. this is just my person experiences.
first is, harry potter and the welcome to the world of grey. i just gotta say i did not get the hype at all. i hated voldemort so much everything he says to harry is meant to be philosophical and insightful and whatnot and that makes harry question whether or not voldemort is truly evil but mans just talked way too much for my liking. he needed to be shut up and every time harry was tryin to beat on his ass he stopped for whatever reason - i was so pissed. like atp just kill each other istg. and then harry is supposed to be conflicted and all alone and he cant trust dumbledore and he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and go to jail for killing someone, well too bad pookie! get tf over yourself you're a bad guy now. not only did you kill twice but both times you killed it was not in self defense but your own willingness to do so. like the drarry was good, in fact so good that i got about 3/4ths way through before i had to quit. the drarry was carrying this story and i understand if drarry stans love it solely for the drarry but if there's going to be other parts of the story i need it to make sense to me. harry and voldemort's characters were just not doing it for me.
second, is the mirror of ecidyrue series. It started off soo well, so well. i loved how all the characters were so in character and everything was cool and draco was powerful and his power was mysterious and bella was scary. i loved how harry met draco and how hermione started trying to befriend him i loved the friendship bracelent draco made her and that snape helped. i even loved jealous harry when draco and charlie were flirting and harry was like 'how old are you again, charlie? 25!? well draco's 14' and charlie started freaking out 'um, 21'. so anyway, strong start! but theeennn... we get later on in the series and for some reason draco starts changing? like yes he gets influenced by the people around him but all of a sudden he's like hyper fem which is not a bad thing in general but definite ooc - i like draco's character so i would prefer him to be in character but whatever i was able to ignore it until they started giving each other nicknames. oh god the nicknames were the worst part. like i get they're cringey kids they do dumb things draco is no exception apparently even though mentally he's like 21 hanging out with 14 yos. so yeah i had to absolutely stop when draco was having sex with 16 yo harry and harry starts calling him dragon in a sexual way... yeah i just had to stop there. i was getting way too much second hand embarrassment that it was pissing me off. i did not like draco lmfao. also i hate that they made lucius abusive lmao.
once again just disclaiming this is no hate to the writers or enjoyers of these fics i just couldnt stomach the stories and thats my own personal fault. i just wanted to share what i thought lol. they definitely made an impression!
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