#these are like all the imagines blogs i follow im pretty sure lol
cato616 · 1 year
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roman roy x fem reader
• note! : so i know it isn't A LOT of people who has seen this but, i actually thought no one would've come across of my blog soooo i made a part two!
• also: don't forget english isn't my first language lol
summary: roman roy has now taken you to his office, of course it's still about buying your shop, but why all of the sudden decided to take you there?
warnings: nothing,, just roman being roman :) and maybe some heat ;)
You finally arrived at the grand building. If the Range Rover wasn't fancy enough for only a 10 minutes ride (actually even less), you could imagine how uneasy you felt while entering such a place like Waystar Royco; you felt pretty unfitting right there, and you think, thank god i remembered to take the fucking apron off.
You entered the big doors slowly, like if it was a new world for you, having your arms crossed against your chest, basically thinking, i know im unwelcomed here and im practically super uncomfortable with all this so im gonna make myself look intimidating. well you think that but your face is having a panic attack. You stopped moving to look around the place, so many people, i mean, you were an insecure introverted gal surrounded by so many people above your level, and that got over your head, shit... i showered today, right? without anyone notice you sniffled your hair to see if you were correct. "great! so let's keep moving" said roman from behind making you jump a bit. shit. you were hoping he didn't see you sniffing your hair like that. "yup, coming- going i- sorry... im following you" you make yourself cringe, felt caught in the moment and got tongue tied.
You step in the elevators with roman and some really jacked security guy, now that guy seems intimidating. Roman couldn't hold it and started laughing at the awkwardness of it all. You can't help but making a weird uncomfortable smirk at the situation. "you realize we don't bite here right?" said roman. im pretty sure you do, you think for yourself. "a lot of... floors" you said quietly, really impatient to get to his office. "now, we're here" roman said a few seconds later being a little cocky about it.
So you enter the floor and roman suddenly put himself in front of you stopping you from moving forward. "first I'd like for you to meet someone" and then you start moving to his direction; he opens a big glass door and let you come in. You first took a glance over the office turning to the right; then you hear a voice from the back that makes you jump again. "that's some first level jeans you got there" you turned and it was fucking logan roy sitting at his desk, that made you jump a little bit as well. "yeah well im not usually dressed for this kind of occasions, see, i only ran a café" you awkwardly laugh at yourself feeling pretty threatened by his presence. "let's talk about that" he seemed serious the whole time so your smile disappeared trying to be more in the moment, you sit down, you frown and tense your lips, and try to make eye contact, but it feels like he's looking at your soul. "your dear lovely, um... coffee shop, it's uuh cute" he smiles at you, you don't say anything because you know he's going to keep talking. "it is also a nice location you got yourself"... he pauses, damn he likes suspense you think. "right next to fucking corporate buildings... that must get a bit annoying doesn't it? so big... over your little humble shop" you silently nod agreeing, you can't fight that logic. And then he tries to get to the crucial part of the conversation. "You could get any part of the city, nice view, where a building doesn't cover all of the sunshine, you can make it bigger even..." You don't say anything, you just keep staring at him, maybe even considering what he's saying, but you don't want to. "how about... 40 mil..." he said. You have your eyes wide open, stayed completely silent. "dad, come on" roman said to logan. "fine, fine, 45 mil then".
You now have roman roy and the emperor of his father staring at you waiting for you answer, at the same time you're feeling like you're sweating under your blouse; The only thing you can think of is not only the fact that the café means a lot to you, but also, why your coffee shop? why do they want that spot or is there something else i don't know about? You haven't said anything yet, you're terrified of making a sound. "you know what? how about you get yourself a nice cup of coffee while you think about it huh?" Logan said trying to be nice?. "roman go with her somewhere around here, in the building" Logan asked roman. "great, im now the service dog of the fucking definition of anxiety here" while he points at you with the palm of his hand. I'll try not to get offended... but maybe you're not that wrong.
Roman decides to take you to his private office and have one of his assistants to bring you two some coffee. He offers you to take a seat in front of him at his desk, where he then sits. The assistant comes back with two coffees on each hand and leaves them on the desk. You rapidly take a sip and of course you drip a bit of coffee, somehow that usually happens to you; you usually get to be a bit awkward around people and somewhat clumsy, nothing wrong with it obviously but, roman can seem to take advantage of that. "fuck, don't you know how to drink coffee? you're dripping like a fucking baby" you ignore his teasing while trying to wipe the coffee out of your blouse but there's no fucking napkins around you. "here... i- i can help" roman said very decently; he stood up, and obviously takes out one of those napkins stored inside of those fancy suits; he took it out, and while you were still sitting on the chair, he stood in front of you, slowly lowering his torso, then gently starts to clean your blouse, very focused on his duty.
You realize how close your faces where to each other; you could feel his warm breath hitting your chest. He still didn't take his eyes off his mission, taking those stains off your shirt; he was frowning the whole time. You didn't want to move, it was taking a bit long, but there was something inside of you that wanted this to last forever; you start staring at him, analysing his whole face, and you could feel your breathing getting stronger. There was a moment where your heart stopped, when suddenly his eyes meets yours and for a moment there's nothing but silence between you two. You felt so much tension that made you intensly grip onto your chair. He suddenly breaks the tension and warmly says, "well, it's off" while he goes back to his chair. Before sitting down he says "well not that much actually, but it looks fine".
After that situation you can feel yourself relaxing and your heart pounding no more. So that's when you start going on about it, thinking, roman roy had let down his guard and had a little moment with each other, but none of you said anything about it, like it was nothing; however, you thought it was, fun. You liked the adrenaline of it, with him.
"so i think we can ta-" you interrupted him when you realize it was getting late, knowing you were supposed to close your café because you promised your co-worker Liza she could leave early today. "oh- shit shit sorry" he looked stunned by your sudden cut off as you look over your watch while quickly getting up from your seat. "actually i think I should come over another time, i ought to go back to my shop- tomorrow! I'll come back tomorrow, Sunday" you tell him.
You rapidly leave the room and not looking back since you were in a hurry. You find yourself unconsciously smiling while you walk to the elevator; you're looking forward for this kind of moment to happen again... and so does roman probably.
continue ✧⁠*⁠。
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Sooo, I guess I should start with who I am and why I'm here, right? I'm most commonly referred to as an e-girl, cosplayer, instaho lol. I stream on Twitch and have close to 1 million followers across all my socials, so saying that my body would be easily recognized is an understatement. So, NO, I will not be posting or sending anyone any pictures of any part of me. I'm doing this blog because for the first time in my life, I don't understand what's going on with me. I did something that i never thought I would do, and it's had the weirdest effect on me. My now ex was ALWAYS on tumbler and im pretty sure this is where he got most of his fucked up ideas so if Tumbler got me into this mess, maybe it can get me out. So, this is what happened. Right before Halloween, my BF of 4 years convinced me to sleep with a complete stranger. Soon after, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I became so depressed and resentful that I broke up with him. I thought that I would just try to forget and move on with my life, but I can't because now I'm horney ALL THE TIME! All I can think about is how this random man, who I don't even think spoke English, fucked me in ways i never imagined for over 7 hours while my boyfriend hid in the closet masterbating. Most of the time, I forgot he was in there until "the man" just happened to swing me into his eyeline for a second or pull my hair back. A few times, he smacked my ass so hard my upper body would just shot straight up, and I'd see that pathetic man child in the closet just before "the man" would push my body back down with this almost nice force. His hands were like, giving me the illusion of choice. Soft enough, you might think he'd allow you to stay upright, but he knew you weren't. All of us did. The one say I had was no matter what, this person would wear a condom. And he did, at first. Until he used them all, every single condom, he came in. Not that it mattered, by that point I was whining and begging for him to cum in me, on me, with me... for me.
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1, 2, 9, and 14 LOL
HO BOY here goes 8D!
1. which muse is the easiest to write?
i love writing all my Bakumatsu bois honestly, but lately it's been Nagasone Kotetsu!
I prolly picked up a few bits from ex RP partners and previous fanarts of him, but I love writing out soft moments for him, or moments where he would try and accommodate or help out other comrades. Even in Bakaten i feel like he's this dad friend who looks out for everyone, but then tends to forget to look out for himself too, and wants to fix the shit that happened in the past.
You know that scene when he's hurt and Hachisuka still argues why he did what he did and he brought up the fact that "wasn't that the way of the Shinsengumi" and Nagasone was like "it's because of it that I saved you dammit!" like essentially danna was like "we fucked shit up in the past so now i dont wanna repeat that at all in our current timeline!"
i fucking love my Commander qAq
2. which muse is most likely to go to jail?
i dunno mang right now they're pointing at each other so im guessing they all are most likely to end up behind bars :V that meme where "tag your friend who would be in jail with you together" or something similar? YEAH THAT'S ALL SEVEN OF THEM; THE SHINSENGUMI, MUTSU, AND YAGEN 8U
no wait, all SIX of them except Horikawa. he'd prolly try to bail them all out or something.
9. what song do you associate with each muse?
Surprisingly none that i can think of :0 but i do tend to imagine my Bakumatsu bois in Kpop MVs like Shinee and Big Bang ehek ;P
Heck, i cant even think of any song associated with Saseki right now //sadge _(:'3
14. what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Oh Mutsu is easily anything to do with historical places (prolly will collab with Nankai sensei on this one), the latest gadgets and maybe vlogs about his photography adventures :3
Kashuu might just have one of those makeup vlogs and even DIY accessories making videos <3 like just his hands making pretty hairpins and all
Yams sometimes does collabs with Kashuu of course, coz they come together as a set, but he prolly would do like everyday life of people around him, something similar in Tsuki no Maki, but vlog style <3
Izumi and Horikawa are a set too don't separate them. Not sure what sort of content but prolly something similar to Good Mythical Morning or something ehek (or maybe something like Welcome to Jackass //OKNO)
Nagasone would probably, PROBABLY, posts workout clips, like i follow this cosplayer posting workout clips in his cosplay (and he's actually pree hella dope), so something similar i guess? with occasional cooking videos <3 now i think about it his cooking videos would be something similar like Hulk_kun on Tiktok!
Yagen would maybe take viewers on tour about medicinal plants, maybe a bit of foraging here and there :3 even sometimes appearing in Nagasone's cooking vids with the stuff he forages ehek
Saseki is easily art vlogs, like one of those tutorial vids or him just posting speedpaints and works in progress. and occasionally shorts of art memes; something like Melly Vuong on YT :3
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
hehe i keep tabs of your blog often
but your answer just gave me more questions
your arospec?? doesnt it like, feel weird being a yandere blog of all things? does your harem’s love bother you?? your ex follows you?? your friends with your ex??
im so sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but i need to know 🍵
This is so invasive goddamn- /j
Um- okay- wooh.
I think I’m aro/acespec. Emphasis on think. I’m not completely sure what I am completely to be completely honest.
My yandere blog was originally created cause I was just a fan of yan fics. I thought it wasn’t that deep, but recently I found out it’s cause I somehow connect with readers who didn’t return the feelings of their “significant other”.
Even as a younger teen i never saw myself actually dating my crushes. i always just wanted to impress them or have their attention. also like imagining myself having sex with them often repulsed me. But I still get horknee/have sexual attraction so that tells me I’m not completely ace lol. I hated the parts in romances when the leads actually got together or when the mc reciprocated the love interest’s feelings.
My harem/cult doesn’t bother me. I literally tried manifesting them to exist and am so thankful they take the time to even talk to me. I’m pretty sure all of them are just fucking around. Also my brain just automatically converts anything romantic to platonic anyways.
Like I had a friend go “I’m in love with you.”
and I had to ask if they meant that romantically/platonically.
I’m pretty sure I’ve been thrown several signs without me ever even knowing.
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shrikebrother · 1 year
Do you have any good YA recommendations that have actually dark themes or depict teenagers in a way that's even remotely realistic? I never read YA bc it always feels so fake but maybe I'm not looking in the right places
OKAY so. please hear me out bc im abt to recommend u a fanfiction series but i swear to god its very far removed from the source material so u can just like. read it on its own. it’s called twin skeletons (here’s the link), and i’m sure i’ve talked abt or at least mentioned it on my blog before but its just very very special to me !! it rlly feels like ur getting in the heads of these Awful teenagers and all of the subjects r dealt w/ in like. such a raw & unfiltered way in my opinion. it doesnt feel fake or preachy or like the reader is being talked down to or anything. the writing can be messy & imperfect bc its a fic from a couple years ago, but i still think its so so good and so worth it. the characters felt so real to me & it was dark & complicated & frustrating & it managed to stick w me years after reading it & i love it so much. i use it as a big inspiration for how i would want to write teenagers if i ever. like. actually got arnd to writing anything. maybe my own sentimental feelings r making me biased but god i just think its such an amazing coming of age story and the writer just Understands how teenagers think and act so well and u should absolutely read it if u want a realistic YA story
for actual published work, i have more trouble bc u r right! finding published YA that doesnt try to water things down can unfortunately be v difficult & most of these r just books i read in my school’s library or in the Teen Section of my local bookstore a long time ago & particularly stuck w/ me & some of them im not even like. That sure counts as YA i just know that im a Young Adult who read & enjoyed it & it was also abt Young Adults. maybe its cheating but i honestly dont think that whether or not its Officially Supposed to Be YA is that important, im assuming ur just trying 2 find good coming of age stories
these arent in any particular order im just listing off whatever i think
speak by laurie halse anderson
allegedly by tiffany d jackson
forgive me, leonard peacock by matthew quick
dare me by megan abbott
perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky
catcher in the rye by jd salinger (uve most likely already read this but it wouldn’t feel right to leave this classic out)
my heart & other black holes by jasmine warga (a little rushed at times but felt like a breath of fresh air after trying to read annoyingly pretentious trainwrecks like fault in our stars & all the bright places. does what those novels Tried to do but manages it well in my opinion)
these violent delights by micah nemerever (not considered YA lol but i asked the author personally & the characters r like. 16-17 for majority of it & its an incredible book that i want everyone to read anyway so! why not put it here)
my dark vanessa by kate elizabeth russell (definitely not supposed to be YA but a lot of it is from the perspective of a teenage girl & i can imagine it being in my school’s library & its very good & relatable so!! again why not put it here!!)
black iris by elliot wake (i think this is considered more new adult than YA but whatever)
fault line by christa desir
forbidden by tabitha suzuma
hell followed with us by andrew joseph white (not sure if u can call this realistic considering its fantasy but its dark & definitely YA & it has body horror & i liked it so it’s going in)
house of hollow by krystal sutherland (again, this is a fantasy, but i thought it was pretty good when i read it & its YA so it’s going in)
i’m somewhat delirious after taking a nap so im srry if this is like 97% of me just rambling or not making sense. i know our tastes r probably not the same so some of these (or just YA in general) may not be for u but i rlly hope u enjoy or appreciate any of these if u ever decide to read them <3
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
hi kiki !!! im pretty new here and this is the first ask i’ve sent but i just wanted to pop in and say how much i adore not only ur writing but just u in general !! both practice and imagine are incredible n i could go on and on about how much comfort ive found in ur writing and ur characters but we’d be here for DAYS… weeks even 🫣 idk how to explain this exactly but u do such a wonderful job at making the story and the characters so beautifully human… like ofc most stories keep it as realistic as possible but when i read urs i literally feel like im living the experience or watching the ppl i love from the sidelines yk?? its just so REAL and RAW and i cant get enough. when i tell u practice couple have me by the NECK like ive reread it so many times already and i find something new to love about it every single time !!! i hope everyone finds a love like theirs, truly.
and as for u, U ARE SOOO PRECIOUS. ive spent the last few days catching up on kiki lore just bc i wanted to get to know u better aside from ur works and u have stolen my heart actually !! ur so funny and down to earth and i can tell just how much u love writing and interacting with everyone and something about u and ur page is so warm and cozy and refreshing 🥺 i hope ur taking care and that u always find things that bring u joy in every day, even if it’s something little!! u deserve all the good things this world has to offer and as a new follower i cant wait to see what the future has in store for u and im so happy to experience this little journey!! and i hope u never forget how loved n valued u are, u have a beautiful heart and dont let anyone ever tell u otherwise!!
ill wrap this up bc ive already made this so long but thank u for all that u do 🥺🫂🫶🏻 u work so hard to create these amazing stories for us and i hope u know we will never take that for granted ! always remember to rest and put ur health first, i know life can get crazy so it’s important that u look after urself !!!
p.s. - so excited for the weekend i could pee my pants. u have no idea.
not sure what emoji i should go by in ur asks… hmm… maybe ⭐️? or is that taken already?
lots of love to u!!
ummm soooooo
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idk what tf i've done to be deserving of such a sweet message but im literally tearing up while writing smut what have u do to me friend akejndajdnsajn
first of all, thank you so much for being here and sending in such a sweet fucking ask. i hope you're enjoying your time on here so far my love!!
and this is probably one of the biggest compliments ive ever recieved about my writing. its so reassuring so thank you so so so so much ugh! its so incredibly difficult to make things feel/sound realistic. i often mull over the same scene and dialogue over and over and over again, wondering if the conversations feel normal, or if the dialogue feels right for that specific character, so your comment literally means everything to me!! and it makes me so happy that you care about the characters like im literally fucking gushing!!
i generally feel like i am a very annoying n extra human being lol so thank you for sticking through n reading my posts and yeah :'(( i do really love interacting with people on here and i try my best to make this blog feel as safe and inviting as possible so im it makes me saur soft that you feel that way and ugh i cant i dont even know what to say other than i love u sm my lil star friend :'))
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winch3stersgirl · 2 years
Tag game!!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better. I’m not sure I have 20 friends on here but I will tag some people!
Thank you @imaturtledontchaknow, @callalilycas and @mansplainmanipulatemalewife for tagging me!!
Name: call me winch3stersgirl ig-
Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'3
Time: like 10pm
Birthday: March 13
Favorite bands/artists: Too many to list cause my music taste is all over the place
Last Movie: Top gun: maverick
Last show: White collar
When I created this blog: somewhere in 2020 but I've been really active only this past year
What I post: honestly a lot of stuff, basically anything on my dash that i find interesting
Last thing I googled: cm to feet
Other blogs: none so you can imagine how chaotic this one is
Do I get asks: uh sometimes? not very often tho cause i don't do ask games (cause im sure no one will send asks-)
Following: i follow 447 blogs, and have 52 followers.
Average hours of sleep: uh well on weekdays(basically school days) like...3-4? on weekends and holidays i get like 8-9 hours tho
Instruments: used to take harmonium and guitar lessons, was really good at both but now i can play the harmonium ok-ish and I'm pretty well at the guitar
What I’m wearing: uh a blue top and black pants
Dream job: i have no idea, hopefully something secure that makes me wanna go to work everyday?
Dream trip: Greece, Rome, Paris, Italy actually
Nationality: Indian
Favorite songs: oh lol way too many
Last book I read: Uh i reread lightning theif by rick riordan cause i needed wanted to read a comfort book
3 fictional universes id live in: uhhhhhhhh hard to decide cause I'd just die in most of them but oh well..riordanverse, supernatural universe, marvel universe
no pressure tagging @mochachilled @lorileopard @ghostdrools @disneyprincesssamwinchester @violenceadvocate @anarchyforcanon @demonicsoulmates @demon-sneeze @the-slythering-raven @the-gray-ghosty @scenequeennatural @heavensmostadorableangel @restingdeanface @tomokarithedoggo @soulonoscopys @frenchfryfuckerruby @finalgirlsammie @hailmaryfullofdeath @love-you-like-a-brother @a-n-i-a-fan @kaurava-apologist @sherlocking-out-loud @on-the-outside
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Being noisy 1 till 20
That was oddly specific but I love to overshare things about me that no one really wants to know so you ask i shall deliver
1 my sexual orientation
So for the longest time I thought I was pansexual, turns out I'm asexual so I have to settle for panromantic (?)
We romantically swing every possible way around here
2 current obsession
Mh billy hargrove? Maybe sandwiches with barbecue sauce and cheese too
Bo sinclair is definitely there too
3 have i ever done drugs?
I swear this fucking questions will get me in trouble
Yes I have. Not the best life decision ever but yeah
4 piercings I want
I already have a nose piercing and snake bites, now the only thing I need to feel complete is the tongue piercing
5 how many people have I kissed
Just one and I have never regret something as much as I regret kissing that person
6 my dream home
Twilight kind of vibe but make it less small town house and more like city apartment
7 who am I jealous of?
Honest? Everyone. I envy people who seem happy and enjoy life. I have like ugly cried watching photos or videos of people that are like effortlessly pretty and happy and smart.
I basically envy anyone who isn't me lol
8 favourite show to binge
Either adventure time or American horror story
There's no in between
9 do i watch porn?
I have tried a few times but its not that funny or entertaining.
My mom used to say that educated people who are smart enough know that it's way better to read porn rather than watch it
So that's why I'm consuming my brain with smut at 3am
10 do I have secret side blogs
No I don't, and even if I did I wouldn't certainly tell anyone. It wouldn't be a secret anymore
11 if I could teleport, where would I go?
Like i said i don't feel like there's anywhere I wish to be. But if I have to choose then Florence in Italy
12 one of my fantasies
But I actually fantasise a lot about having someone who loves me. Like I fantasise about how it feels to go to sleep with someone, being hug by them when you cry ecc
I like to daydream a lot about finding true love and all that bullshit. There's like nothing weird or extraordinary, just a normal and lovely love story with someone.
And then there are times my brain starts getting all worked up and starts imagine about dating Michael myers or some other stinky bastard
13 do i/would i have my nipples pierced
I would love to but I'm too much of a coward and the idea of someone touching me like that isn't really great either
14 how would I spend a million dollars
I would buy my dream house and then save the rest of the money or give it to my parents
15 am I in a relationship
Nope. Mentally? Sure, I have like a whole squad of people simping for me. Physically? I only have a longlasting relationship with my death wish
16 do I follow porn blogs?
I don't know actually. I only follow people i have talked with or that posts content i like, so if one of my mutuals are sinful gremlins is out of my control
17 am I angry at anyone right now?
Yes, many people for many specific reasons.
Unlike Bo sinclair I do have temper issues and since I'm the type of person who just bottles up everything to let it out when I'm alone it's not very hard to make me angry.
To actually make me snap it takes a little bit more but I do get angry at everything.
18 what tattoos do I want
Goooood there are so many. I actually kind of want to fill one of my arms with tattoos
19 if I could change my name, would I do it? And to what I would change it
Yes, In fact I'm thinking of doing it for real.
Obviously my real name is not izzy but I wish it was. So yeah I would change it in izzy
20 what is something im obsessed with
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cyancherub · 2 years
wait…! by ig men…do you mean you were sliding into these guys dms?!
if so you are truly a brave and glorious individual and i have inSANE respect for you! (i will say boys on hinge are of slightly better quality than the tinder boyz — at least in my area LMAO).
but feel you on having any kind of relations with ppl you knew /knew of from hs…like i cannot imagine having a convo with any such individuals because i am so diff from hs to now (thank goodnesss). and they all have this perception still that i was quiet and shy, when in reality i stayed quiet bc i mostly wanted to tell them how much they annoyed me LOL. and my mom taught me if i have nothing nice to say then best not to say it at all 😌.
(also i feel like majority of ppl i went to school with peaked in hs…and we all know what that says about them 😵‍💫🥲. )
HI RIN!!! OKAY it wasnt precisely me sliding into their DMs..,,this is kinda a long explanation but ill explain whats been going on in the dating scene since my ex and i broke up HEHE
so when i was with my ex i never really had IG just bc i didnt really.. keep up with people? that relationship was a bit isolating bc he was rly my only friend. but i made it after we broke up bc i felt very lonely u kno??. so i followed some old friends from hs and some ex coworkers from previous jobs, and some guys ended up adding me that ,, had tried to hit on me before but i was never single so i never took them up on it u kno! but yeah so these guys slid into my DMs usually responding to stories id post. so thats how the last six guys i talked to came about so to speak.. but centipede man was the only one who actually FOLLOWED THRU after saying he wanted to meet in person??FDKL the ratio was not promising!!! but tbh i wasnt super into most of the guys that dmed me i was just starved for attention FDLKSLK so i responded to most of the ppl DMing me.........
BUT YEAH!!! THANK U FOR LETTING ME KNOW AB HINGE perhaps i may try my luck on there HMMM!! because YES its kind of awkward to talk to ppl from hs especially like..centipede man was a popular guy bc outgoing etc and im pretty sure he still keeps in touch with a lot of ppl from hs SO ITS LIKE.. what if the whole school finds out HEJFSJ I DONT KNOW i dont think hes gonna tell bc hes chill IT JUST FEELS A BIT ODD TO STILL BE IN THAT BUBBLE??? LIKE WHY AM I WORRIED ABOUT HIGHSCHOOL GOSSIP WHEN I GRADUATED SO LONG AGO I JUSTKSLDKLFL. what is this. I THINK I NEED TO VENTURE OUT!!!
BUT OMG HELLO I FEEL U SO MUCH ON THE SHY QUIET VS NOT WANTING TO TALK TO PPL QUIET. i am the same way in person. WELL.. not completely true bc i do be having crippling anxiety sometimes FLSDKL but in hs that was also the case with me i kept to myself!! ALSO IT IS PERTURBING TO REALIZE SOME PPL PEAKED IN HS LUCKILY THE GUYS THAT DMed ME ALL SEEMED TO BE DOING PRETTY OKAY FOR THEMSELVES!!otherwise i would have been sprinting in the other direction deargod..
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starleska · 2 years
i'm not even being patient, you simply respond to all of my asks more than quickly enough <3!! they're pretty long so again, take your time ^^!! therapy can be sooo exhausting so please remember to take care of yourself nd everything <33!
i was talking about a TOTALLY different old man HAHAHA i've been watching a lot of ducktales 2017 and grew fond of both scrooge n flintheart through it lmaoooo,, especially the latter has very few redeeming qualities and is supposed to be insufferable but like,, im in love with the blorbo version of him that lives in my brain, LMAO
ohhh you just know he would REFUSE to do the animation if anyone else was obviously watching the screen as well- it's just for you <33! i imagine he wouldn't do it either if you're recording it, because he wants it to be only for you haha,, you think very hard about the unlock conditions for the specific animation but it seems completely random! oh well. (totally self indulgent note here but i am silly in public for a living and would totally blow a kiss back @ the animation or smth LMAO) and!!! ill look forward to seeing it!!! id reblog it but i only rlly have writing blogs on tumblr ughhhh maybe i should just finally make a selfship ramble one lol
the true sadness is that king candy never showed up in the second movie man </3 the chaos he'd wreck on the internet would've been very much entertaining LMAO !!! i'm glad you enjoy the phone idea as well :D!! you just randomly find notes from him in your tumblr drafts or your notes app! he'd be constantly watching you through your front camera and if he's unhappy with someone he sees, your phone will just start vibrating VIOLENTLY nonstop lmao. also something silly i immediately thought of; i don't know if this is something you're familiar with but in some dating sim apps you'll have like this little minigame where you can like poke the love interest and they'll have these little responses? god. brainrot. i would just poke his bald little head man HAHAHHAHAH
my asks just get keeping longer thank u for reading all this and hearing me out TT i should just write a little fic about this guy already but man english is NOT my native language and he speaks in a pretty specific silly way sometimes that i do not know how to replicate well,, doesn't help that ive only watched the english version once vs. the many other times ive seen it haha
hello again you lovely individual!! once again i must apologise for my delayed response. i received some pretty big news this week that's left me not so well, and i wanted to come back and reply properly when in a better frame of mind. thank you for your patience 🥰
OHHH oh my god you are so damn valid for this, i always thought Scrooge was kinda fine 😳 capitalists just hit different! and Flintheart is a GILF i'm not gonna lie 😂😂 Ducktales 2017 just gets you by the throat!! i remember being so head over heels for Gyro Gearloose (basic bitch that i am)…kind of interested in rewatching to see if another bastard catches my attention…but for real, isn't it wonderful when you love a truly dreadful character? whatever version you have of him in your head, i'm sure he likes you very much 😉
ahhh i feel all special 😖💖 honestly going a little down the darker path i kind of vibe with Y/N questioning their reality the more time they spend noticing these special animations…wondering if they're losing touch with their sanity, and becoming gradually more obsessed with figuring out exactly what it is about this arcade cabinet and its enigmatic, unique character…also hell yes!! you should absolutely make the selfship ramble blog, it'll make you feel so happy 💖💖 i admire those of you who can separate your blogs out, i just pour out my silly loves into one place and all my poor followers have to deal with the blorbo of the week 😂
we'll never recover will we 💔💔 like for real Ralph Breaks the Internet makes me sad for its lost narrative potential…if not King Candy, then there were several perfectly good character candidates to be put into a fantastic antagonistic role!! to truly show the power (and horror) of the internet!! the vibrating phone idea is so cute dfgfds;;; perhaps he could even track into your friend's social media and send them fake messages/texts to get them to leave. oh YES i knew someone very into…was it Mystic Messenger? that had that mechanic and oh it's adorable :3c
thank YOU for sending these lovely asks in and gushing about our favourite sweet-themed hacker!! i'm so sorry for being a boring monolingual person - you could and should totally write him in your native language!! do you have any clips? i love seeing how characters have been portrayed in different ways, and i'm curious if Alan Tudyk's lisping mob boss vibe has been carried across 👀
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k-poplegs · 2 years
howdy yall
Man, it’s been a minute or 4 hasn’t it. Yep I made a 4minute reference cuz I’m old as fuck, deal with it.
I just wanted to say I’m still alive and doing well. I am very sorry for stepping away from my blog for so long. 
I had something I wanted to say but now I’m not sure exactly what or why … I can’t explain it. So I guess I’ll just try to make sense.
I never thought this blog would be as big as it is. It’s not huge or the most popular, I’m not a content creator, just a reblogger/reposter but still 15k followers is pretty impressive. And I only repost like, my taste, my followed content. Imagine if I followed twice or black pink or … like other groups that were big on top of what I already post. Man. Sorry I don’t but it was already overwhelming posting stuff I was invested in. So it was only more time consuming to look for stuff I didn’t really follow. Anyways, I guess that’s what it comes down to. Investment. Interest.
I’m growing older and I was already an older K-pop fan when I was fully following K-pop back in the glory days when snsd and 2ne1 reigned supreme. K-pop helped me through a lot and it made me a better person. These days I just don’t have the time, or the same connection and it hurts me to say the need to go all in like I used to. I would watch every show every bit of content regarding any group I followed. Secret, fx, t-ara, snsd, miss a, whatever I was getting on that fan site I was checking YouTube, Vimeo, daily motion, downloading episodes to my HDD in case the channel or content was taken down for copyrights lol. And now… now I say I’m a red velvet fan and I follow them but I’ve watched like a few snippets of content compared to what I used to. I always say, yeah I’ll finish level up project… and I never do.
I always say I’ll check my likes and reblog content… and here I am years later.
However, I don’t want to be like that anymore. Maybe I’m nostalgic or having a midlife crisis. Im going to seriously get on my old HDD and post anything I never posted from my ““post to klegs” folder. So seriously seriously be prepared for some last generation idol spam within the coming week
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doctorgerth · 5 years
I'm a bit new to the fandom, do you have some imagine blogs you might recommend? :) the MORE the merrier, thank you!
*cracks knuckles* oh honey I have plentyyyy for you
instead of going into detail about everyone (bc I luv all these wonderful peeps) I’m just gonna compile one big list! if I forget someone, somebody PLEASE comment their name! I’m also going to include SFW and NS.FW blogs just in case!
(In no particular order of course)
Now, some of these blogs no longer post but they still have awesome content you should check out! I’ve just about reached my limit on mentions so 😅
I have a good list of other awesome OP content blogs with stuff like art, incorrect quotes, shitposting, etc! If you want a list for those feel free to ask 🤙🏻
Hope this is enough to fulfill your OP needs, welcome to the fandom! 🌈
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Pull of the Moon
Kirishima Eijirou
word count : 7.8k
[ ✘ (nsfw!), werewolf!au ]  
themes : masturbation, licking/biting, dom!Kiri, rough sex, dirty talk, slight choking, friends to lovers, confession
bio : Eijirou makes sure he’s far away from you for when the heat cycle strikes, but just when he thinks your friendship is safe from his monstrous hormones, there you are at his doorstep.
author’s note : so this is a fic that i wrote years ago for my kpop blog, linked in my bio. i wanted to repost it here for bnha, just bc i like the way i wrote it and i think it’s pretty fitting character-wise for Kiri! plus im a slut for werewolf fics. and also i wanted to post something while work is keeping me from writing something 100% new rn :3 pls note this is NOT plagiarized as I am the original author of the original fic.
side note : if there are any places where it says Jae, Jaebum, etc. lemme know bc it was a quick job i did converting this to a Kiri fic lol like even the title is the same oops
also available on AO3 here
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
“🅂o you’re sure you have to leave for tonight, Y/N?” Kirishima inquires, tilting his head in his open palm to crane his bright gaze up toward your face.  
“Yeah, I don’t think I can get out of visiting my parents for dinner this time,” you reply, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as you cuddle your chin into the warmth of Kirishima’s oversized scarf. The soft fabric grazes under your nose, and your eyes close blissfully as you inhale Kirishima’s strong, spicy aroma mingled with his cologne.
Kirishima watches you through slitted eyes, secretly pleased at your actions. Not that he would ever tell you, because that would be weird. He shuts his eyes tightly, telling himself in his head not to overthink it. Of course you like how he smells, he’s your friend. Friends like how each other smell… right? His body shivers as your fingers naturally slide into his thick, red hair. His face slides down as his body turns to jello, leaning completely on top of the table in complete euphoria at the feeling of your touch. If there was a price to have your hands on him for every hour of the day, he would pay it a thousand times over. His lips part as his jaw instinctively unhinges at your undivided attention like a newborn puppy, chin angling when your fingers slide down to the side of his jaw you brush just underneath it before pulling away.  
“Eiji, I really do have to go,” you murmur, fingers retreating from his form as he lets out a low whine. One of his warm eyes opens, scowling at you playfully.
“Okay,” he sighs when you push out your chair and begin to gather your things. He places some money on the table before following you out of the coffee shop. “I’m jealous, please bring me some of your mom’s noodles. You know how much I like them, and her.“
“I will Eiji. But you’re lucky you’re not coming, because all they ever do is gush about what a cute couple we’d be and it always ends up being weird,” you trail off, nodding to yourself.
Kirishima nods too but his heart jumps at you thinking of him as an intimate partner.
“By the way, thanks for the latte. And tell Mina hello for me when you see her tonight,” you laugh with a suggestive wink.
Kirishima rolls his eyes. “You know I’m only spending the night with her to help her with her… issues."
You smack his arm and scoff. “As if that’s a burden to you! At least you’re spending the night having fun. I’m just gonna be answering the million questions my parents will be asking about you the whole time and falling asleep in my bed by myself."
“It’s not my fault I’m so lovable,” he banters, a cheeky grin splicing between his lips, trying to shake the image of you alone in bed out of his imaginative mind.
“Say that to you baku-squad,” you retort, the two of you now standing in front of the cafe as you linger before your journey to the bus station.
“Hey— wait, is that my scarf?” Kirishima asks, pretending to notice just now when he really did the moment you walked in two hours ago. But you looked so cute all bundled up in his scarf that he decided not to say anything, content to see you warm and happy in his own clothing.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” you unwrap it from your neck and Kirishima gazes at the newly-revealed skin there with longing, forgetting about the scarf. “Eiji?"
He snaps out of it. “What? Oh— the scarf.. Keep it, I was just teasing,” he mumbles as you hook the material around the back of his neck. He’s considerably tall, massive frame towering over you so much that you have to strain your arms to fling the material onto his shoulders.
“That’s okay Eiji... you look cute in it, so wear it for Mina,” you smile half-heartedly, tugging the fabric at the ends to coil around his throat snugly. “Don’t worry about me."
“I always worry about you, Y/N,” Kirishima gazes into your eyes with a passionate longing undetectable to you. Not Mina, he wants to add.
“Well, don’t, Red, I’ll be okay. I always am,” you trace his jaw slowly with a finger before your hands fall at your sides, brushing off your coat.  
Kirishima nods hesitantly, falling into a quiet, comfortable pace beside you.  
Your boots quickly become cold as the two of you trudge through the slush from leftover snow, the bitter winter breeze chilling your nose and ears. Sooner than either of you would like, you’ve reached the bus station. Kirishima shuffles from foot to foot, arguing with himself as to if he should ask you to stay and have dinner with him instead of going on the hour-long ride to your parents’.  
“Are you sure this is okay? You don’t want me to come with you? Or I can drive you. The roads aren’t that great tonight… Mina will understand. She doesn’t— We’re not dating, you know— me and her, I mean, I only… help her as a friend.. So I can cancel, and she won’t have any issues. She has lots of other guy friends,” Kirishima reasons.
“Eiji,” you chuckle, taking your duffel bag from his hand that he’d carried for the journey here, “Mina needs you.”
But I need you, Kirishima thinks as he bites his lip. “Okay… have a safe ride then. And text me when you get there.”  
“Yes, Dad,” you laugh. You slip into his arms easily, almost naturally, and press your face against his chest beneath his wool jacket.  
Kirishima’s arms encircle you immediately, instinctively pulling you to him as his chin falls atop the crown of your head. “I’ll miss you,” he breathes.
“Don’t be weird, Eiji,” you giggle, pulling away from him much too soon for his liking. “See you tomorrow.”  
Kirishima watches you walk into the bus terminal, duffel bag in your hand with his heart unknowingly tucked deep inside of it.
Kirishima paces back and forth between the couch and the dining table. His nerves are shaky and his body uncharacteristically twitchy. He’d been smelling female wolves around the city all day while he was out with you, but he managed to ward them off with icy glares and his steel-strong self-control. It also helped that you were there to distract him, seeing as when he wasn’t with you, you were the only thing on his mind. But now that he was alone— Mina had cancelled on him to spend the night with an “old friend” that had come back to town— and he was all by himself, he was feeling the full effects of the female wolf hormones he’d breathed in for the past twelve hours.
He closes his eyes as his mind wanders to the image of you wrapped up in his scarf in the cafe; the warm scent of coffee; the condensation on the windows; your light-filled eyes on him; the scent of your freshly-washed hair… He opens his eyes, tongue running over his front teeth as he feels the evident, sharp prod of his elongated cuspids as a result of his piqued interest. He groans, feeling his eyes dilate just the slightest of fractions. He sits on the floor, sliding down the wall with a frown on his plump lips.
Kirishima watches the hands of the clock tick on the wall in front of him for a moment before he shuts his eyes and smacks his head back against the drywall, a loud whine releasing from his throat. The apartment lacks of things that could possibly captivate his attention at the moment; all he can do is think about you— your pretty face, your gentle caress on his skin just hours before. There are no messages from you and his sensitive ears long to hear the chime notification that signifies your safe arrival.  
“Just friends,” he murmurs, “just friends, just friends, just friends."
He tries to breathe in deeply to relax himself, but success quickly slips through his grasp as the scent of you lingers on the scarf casually thrown over the back of the sofa. His jaw clenches as his teeth gnash, taking in your alluring aroma. He tries to think of something— anything else, but he eventually gives up, slamming his palms flat on the hardwood floor as he pushes himself up. He lunges toward the couch, throwing himself onto the open cushions as his hands immediately find the soft cotton. He brings the material to his nose, a low moan falling from his open mouth as the intense smell floods his senses.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, readjusting his hips as he feels his body reacting swiftly to the pull of your scent. He hisses lightly as he feels the blood rush to his pants, wiggling his hips around to feel the delicious friction against his hardening erection. He rubs the inside of his thigh gently with his palm, imagining your small hand instead of his on his jean-clad length. “God, this is so fucked,” he gasps, grip strengthening on himself through his jeans. Originally his plan for the evening consisted of fucking Mina senseless and imagining it was you, but seeing as she had cancelled, this was the next best option.  
Kirishima fumbles with his belt and shimmies out of his jeans, ripping his constrictive t-shirt over his head and whipping it elsewhere into the living room. He kicks the denim off from around his ankles next, one hand holding the soft fabric of the scarf close to his nose and the other trailing toward his throbbing hard-on from the bend of his knee; how he imagines your hand would do.
A feral grunt dislodges from the back of his throat as he pictures your hair falling around your perfectly cherubic face that leans down toward his own, one hand pressing his chest down against the couch cushion and the other hand on his thigh tracing the outline of his cock straining against his briefs. His hips jerk as his forefinger runs from tip to base, his thumb sliding backwards over the previous route to caress the head of his dick gently in circular swipes. He seals his lips together by sucking in the bottom one, his canines lengthened by arousal piercing the soft flesh of the lower lip so that a metal taste floods his mouth, but he only closes his eyes and continues his ministrations.
Kirishima continues to skim the pads of his fingertips over the prominent erection that pushes against his underwear in defiance, face pressed into the back of the sofa so the cushions catch his heavy moans instead of his neighbors. He halts for a moment so he can find a throw pillow to sink his fangs into, positioning the scarf above his lip and against the pillow so it presses right against his hypersensitive nose. A strangled moan tears from him, his hand immediately returning to his leaking hard-on. It dips underneath the band of his boxers before it wraps around his width, squeezing tight. His body shakes and he sucks in a breath, squirming to lay flat against the leather of the sofa. Slowly he moves his hand up to encompass the head, a heavy snarl being lost into the throw pillow. He strokes himself teasingly, thumb trailing behind to caress the aching tip. His hips push into the cushion as his body moves to a natural rhythm, thrusting them up slightly as his fist falls back down toward his abdomen. The thick precum dribbling from his tip lathers his palm so his cock slides into it easily. His eyelashes tickle his high cheekbones as his eyes shut tighter, fingertips tracing the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft.
The sofa wheezes as he shifts, impatiently pushing his briefs down in one tug to rest on his mid-thighs. He scoots off of the sofa and onto the hardwood floor, kneeling as he places his fist onto the tabletop, lining his hips delicately before sliding his length into his firm grasp. He whimpers into the pillow, now damp with his saliva, and hunches over the table, his free arm curled underneath his broad torso. The fabric of the scarf tickles his nose but he inhales deeper, hips pushing in and out of his fist quickly. He imagines you beneath him instead of the table and his fist, moaning with him as his canines sink into your neck to mark you as his and only his. His destitute wails are swallowed by the soft pillow and the scarf as he keeps thrusting steadily, imagination running so wildly he can almost feel your legs on either side of him, pushing him further inside of you.
“Oh, Y/N,” he grunts, cuspids fully lengthened and sharpened now in desire, piercing the soft fabric of the pillow almost enough so his bottom and top teeth could touch through the plush object,” Y/N, I’m gonna—“
Knock knock knock.
Kirishima’s body stills as he opens his eyes, disappointment rushing through him at the sight of the coffee table underneath him. He wants to scream, but he just shuts his eyes, taking a breath in before sliding his hard cock out of his fist and tucking the slick inconvenience back into his boxers. His breath is labored and heavy, but he manages to find his jeans and slip them on anyway. “One sec,” he says loudly, fastening the button before hesitantly wiping his hand on the side of the denim. He can’t help but sulk as he walks over and picks his shirt up from the floor, breathing deeply and hoping his canines aren’t too obvious of an indicator as to what he was just doing… not to mention the angrily-pulsing dick resting against the inside of his thigh.  
He strides toward the door, opening it ready to tell Mina he thought she’d cancel when he’s greeted with your sweet face and the scent of Italian food. His jaw almost hits the floor as he gapes at you, dick pressing longingly against his jeans at your familiar smell, but in person it radiates off of you so strong he almost lunges at you. You’re looking up at him with those bright cheerful eyes he loves, a timid smile on your lips as you swing the takeout bag back and forth behind your back in anticipation.  
“Hi, Eiji,” you smile and set the bag on the ground next to the door before you turn around and take his tense body into your arms, throwing yourself onto him.  
A gasp rips from his throat but quickly turns into a cough, body trembling at your singeing touch. His jaw quivers as he conceals his pointed teeth, angling his thigh away from you strategically. “Y-Y/N, w-what are you doing here?” He manages to ask, lips sealing immediately once the words are pushed out.   His hands remain clenched at his sides; he’s scared that if he touches you now he won’t be able to stop.  
“There was a freak accident on the highway ahead of my bus… We had to turn back. My parents don’t mind though, they said we can reschedule. Maybe you won’t need to miss my mom’s noodles this time; you can come if you want. By the way, I brought Italian!” You smile as you pick up the bag and brush past him, leaving him standing there, looking at the door with a glare.
You move around the sofa and sit on one of the leather cushions, setting the bag onto the coffee table. “Ew Eiji,” he sits next to you stiffly, eyes widening as you reach over to the table and poke a finger into the slick trail of precum that had dribbled out of his fist just moments ago. “What is this? Do you ever clean this apartment?” You giggle, unfolding the paper bag the food had come in and wiping your finger on your skirt. “Anyway, I got food from your favorite place and made sure I got the breadsticks with the extra sauce ‘cause I know you lov—“
A quiet groan escapes Kirishima’s mouth as he puts his head in his hands— your scent, your alluring body, your heart-swelling gaze, just you, being here—it’s too much for his raging hormones.  
“Ei? Are you okay?” You ask, scooting closer and pressing the back of your hand to his forehead. He’s shaking and you don’t know why, so you bring his head to rest against your collar, just above your fluttering heart. “Eiji, you’re burning up…”  
He stays pressed against you, the desperation and torture he felt earlier suddenly fleeting and gone from his body as your own erases them completely. He swallows. It feels so good, but he knows it’s wrong. This is wrong when you’re just his friend and his dick is leaking into his underwear for you as you hold him like this.
“Get out,” Kirishima murmurs, eyes set on the paper bag.  
You still, slowly pulling him. “W-What Eiji?”  
“You need to leave,” he says through his teeth, jaw set tight.  
“Eijirou.. I don’t understand— is this how you treat someone when they bring you your favorite food?” You spit, hands curling into frustrated fists.
Kirishima ignores you, knowing he can apologize tomorrow when he’s in the right mindset but you being here with him at the moment could jeopardize your entire relationship.
“I… Is it… her? Is it Mina?” You murmur, and Kirishima’s gaze turns to you sharply at the drop in your tone. His lips part to say something to soothe your confidence as he sees it shatter. “I didn’t realize— I thought—” you breathe in sharply and shake your head, shooting up from your spot and rushing around the sofa.  
Kirishima beats you to the door, palm reaching over your shoulder to slam it just as you can get it open a sliver. He grabs your biceps, spinning you around and pressing you against the door with his hand as a cushion to break your impact.
“It’s never been Mina,” he snarls, knee splitting your legs and sliding up the gap between your thighs to press against your core; your panties and his jeans the only thing separating your center from his skin.
Your eyes widen and you gasp as his hands cup your face with care, scarlet eyes searing into your own with an intensity you’d never seen before. His pupils are dilating with every second, a black coal seemingly swallowed up by the burning fire of his irises.
“It’s you, Y/N,” he murmurs, eyes shutting into a long blink, and when they open again the red you’re used to is flooded with tendrils of electric amber and yellow. “It’s always been you, and it’ll always be you.”
You gape at him as he holds you there, against his front door, professing his love to you.
“I need you Y/N, I need you so bad it fucking hurts not being able to touch you,” he growls lowly. “If you can’t love me back, you have to leave, now. I don’t want your lust, I can smell it from here,” his honeyed eyes roll back as he takes in a whiff of the wanton-perfumed air around you, mouth parting and you watch his pink tongue slide over his elongated canines, feeling a tremor between your legs. His eyes open and they set straight on yours with a certain determination. 
“I can’t wake up next to you tomorrow and have tonight be just for friends with benefits. I love only you, Y/N,” Kirishima delivers, voice never quivering,“now tell me you feel the same, or go.”
There’s a slight fragility in his gaze that begs you not to break his heart. He peers into you at such a small distance that you can see every brilliant fleck of gold in his sinful eyes, warm ginger bursting around the outer ridges of his irises that focus solely on you. The dim lighting casts stretched shadows from his long, dark lashes; his bronzed skin glowing subtly to intensify his passionate gaze.
“Kirishima,” you place a hand on his clenched but trembling jaw, tilting your face to look him in the eye better. “You’ve been hurting all this time for no reason.”  
His scarlet gaze lights with hope and happiness. “Say it then,” he whispers, words soft and nearly begging, as if he fears if his voice is too loud he’ll wake from a dream.
“Kirishima Eijirou, I love you, too. God, I have beein in love with you for so long,” you reply, and he wastes no time as his mouth descends upon yours. He presses your lips to his passionately, hands resting on your hips and rubbing the smooth skin there underneath your blouse. You gasp as they guide your hips gently in circles against his kneecap, your mouth falling open at his forward actions. He takes advantage of your open mouth and darts his tongue in, tangling it with yours in a powerful embrace.  
His steady clutch on your waist drags your body up his clothed thigh, and a soft, unabashed moan falls from your lips at the action. The taut muscle of his leg between his jeans and your panties rubs graciously against your flustered center, making your head loll back to rest against the door.  
“Don’t do that,” Kirishima groans, a hand leaving your warm hip and tilting your head forward once again to look at him directly. His fingers trail against your smooth neck, feeling the rapid pulse beneath the tender skin. His palm curls softly around the back of your neck, pressing you closer to him as his other arm hooks underneath your bottom. You squeak in surprise and cling to him, legs wrapping around his midsection and core pressing upon his rigid erection.  
You look at him with wide eyes as he throws his head back, sucking in air harshly between his clenched jaw. “Fuck, yes,” he hisses, holding you tighter and stalking over to the sofa. He places you in between the two cushions, standing in front of you and looking down, breathing laboriously before he tilts his head back again, willing for some kind of miraculous strength to get him through the night without sealing you to him forever.
“How come you get to do that and I don’t?” You frown as he looks down at you before he crouches, his face dropping just below your own to gaze up at you.  
“Because you don’t have the urge to sink your three-centimeter canines into my throat,” his upper lip curls back as he shows you the result of his attraction to you.  
You look at him with unintentionally pouted lips, batting your eyelashes as you take in his words. Isn’t that how werewolves marry or something? You think. Kirishima had explained it all once before, one night when you were both wasted at three in the morning at some bar on the outskirts of the city.  
“God, can you look unattractive for one second while I try to pull myself together?” Kirishima groans, a hand running through his disheveled hair.
“Who said I want you to pull yourself together?” You inquire, scooting toward the lip of the cushion.  
Kirishima looks at you warily with an underlying, longing hunger before you place your hands on either side of his sharp jaw and bring his lips to yours. Your eyes close immediately and his blissfully, your hands gliding down his neck to his broad chest. You grapple onto his wide shoulders, one hand burying into the hair at the base of his neck to push him into the kiss even more.  
His throat vibrates gently with an almost-inaudible growl, and you part his tender lips with a swipe of your tongue, the pink muscle coasting in and gently feeling the warm, smooth hardness of his cuspids.
Kirishima untucks your blouse in one pull, fingers nimbly undoing each button before sliding the clothing off your shoulders and tossing it away. His hands lay strategically on your ribs, fingertips brushing the underwire of your bra just barely.  
He pulls you forward into his arms, hands splaying onto your back with delight, fingers undoing the fastening between your shoulder blades with glee. You lean into him as he flings the bra in the direction of the blouse, mouth instantly latching to your breast and tongue twirling around the swollen bud. You wail, pushing him closer as his teeth bump against your nipple and his lips grow taut with a warm smirk, depraved gaze intense as ever.
You want more than ever to throw your head back onto the top of the sofa, but you know you’re forbidden to do so. Instead, you slide your body further down onto the cushions, hips brushing against Kirishima’s torso as his mouth leaves your nipples, your face coming to a stop directly in front of his. Your hands cup his angular jaw again, coaxing his lips onto yours into an ardent kiss. His long eyelashes flutter against your blushed cheeks, his coarse hair drifting softly through your digits.  
His hands land on your rolling hips, scuttling closer on his knees so his crotch feels the steady rhythm. He hums, a primitive trembling in his throat that sounds more like a soft growl. Your hands fall to the hem of his snug t-shirt, which he gladly expels into the corner toward your blouse and bra. You lean back a bit and admire his toned form. His broad chest, pectorals curving dramatically to his wide shoulders seamlessly; the v shape tapering down to the top of his jeans; the faint trail of dark hair waning below the brass button to his jeans; the way his abdominal muscles flex with each heavy breath; the salient outline against his thigh that both he and you know aches for your attention.  
You can’t help yourself. You reach between his strong thighs, fingers skimming along the bulge mockingly. Kirishima’s head rolls full circle, hand clutching your wrist tightly as he stares into you, lips parting and hot pink tongue gliding along his white, sharp teeth. “That was very naughty of you,” he murmurs, honeyed eyes darkening to a burnt orange. Trepidation ignites in your heart, but also desire floods your senses as well as your panties.  
“Eijirou,” you breathe and his lip curls back into a snarl, a loud growl releasing from his throat. His nostrils flare and he swallows harshly.  
“Say it again,” he orders, leaning into your face.
“E-Eijirou,” it comes out as a whisper, but his sensitive ears hear the slight whine to your tone, and his cock jumps at the sound against your eager fingertips. “You like it when I say your name, Eiji?”  
His tongue runs swiftly over his lip, his eyeing your chest hips hungrily. His hand reached forward on its own accord, sliding effortlessly under the soft material of your skirt to press against your warmed, wet panties. His lips curve into a devious smirk, fangs poking out slightly as his dark, copper-tainted eyes set on yours. “Mmm, and you like it when I growl for you, baby girl?”  
“God, yes Eiji,” you answer and gulp at his overwhelming intensity. He trains his gaze to the movement of your fragile throat, tongue flicking around one canine subconsciously. A deep purr of sorts emanates from him in approval, making your legs tremble and press together around his intruding forearm.  
He smiles devilishly, white teeth glinting in the dim lighting. His other hand circles round your back, pushing your tailbone so your body slides forward on the couch, to the very edge of the cushion. His fingers nudge your thong aside, immediately met with your poignant arousal. The tips of his middle and ring finger separate your folds facilely, gliding over your entrance and clit making you bite your lip to hold in an impatient moan. “Oh baby, you’re so wet for me,” he chuckles. “If only we’d figured this out sooner.”
“Eiji, fuck,” you cry when he rubs your clit gently, your jaw trembling as you sag against his arm’s firm hold and the back of the sofa. You can’t throw your head back so you lean forward, elbows falling on Kirishima’s generous shoulders, the side of your face against his soft hair as his tongue guides a pebbled nipple into his mouth, caressing it slowly and pressing it against his teeth. You whimper pathetically, his thumb replacing his fingers as they slide down and glide half-way right into your awaiting entrance.  
He hooks the two fingers and presses repeatedly, making you shove his face closer to your breasts in pleasure. He slides them deeper, knuckles lapping against your slick entrance as his tongue works diligently on your nipple. You clench around him and moan loudly at the depth his fingers achieve, the feeling of total ecstasy near. It had been a long time since a man had touched you, and it was no where near as incredible as having Kirishima’s thick fingers rubbing inside you.
“Eijirou, that feels so—” you warn but he only picks up the pace. He leans down, tongue replacing his thumb smoothly and you almost scream. He strokes your clit fervently, tongue lapping persistently up and down as his long canines brush on either side, his fingers curling and straightening at the same pace. “Fuck Eiji— I’m seriously gonna cum,” you pant, falling back against the back of the sofa.  
He looks up at you mischievously, dark eyes alight with arousal and a touch of humor. You feel his full lips in a smirk as he wraps them around your clit, tongue lavishing it faster. One hand falls to his hair, gripping it tight as the other curls against your mouth, your eyes shutting tight as your orgasm smashes against you like a wave crashing down upon you. You moan, body quivering in Kirishima’s strong grip, wiggling pointlessly against the sofa cushions.  
Kirishima doesn’t cease until you’ve returned from your high, standing up and unfastening his jeans quickly, pushing them down and kicking them off when they reach his ankles. You sit up from your slumped position, hands landing on his thighs and traveling around to rub the backs of them in anticipation. Kirishima watches you hungrily, his thick cock longing for your attention. You lean forward, almost touching where he wants you most, before you look up at him and give him your most innocent doe eyes you can muster after having his sinful session on you just moments before. You bat your lashes and he growls loudly, fists clenching at his sides.  
“Y/N,” he advises, tone a little menacing. You tilt your head and press your lips against his erection through his briefs, a low groan sounding from above you. You kiss down toward the tip and back up to the base of his shaft before you reach up and untuck him, briefs sliding to the hardwood floor. You smirk as you look at what you’ve done to him. His dick is throbbing gently as you rest it against a palm, beads of translucent-white precum adorning the tip of the red, swollen tip. You repeat your kiss trail on his bare skin, his cock twitching at the action as you feel the vein underneath contract harshly. When you reach the base your tongue pokes out, tracing up and down the prominent vein on the underside.  
Kirishima watches you with a dark, maleficent gaze, throat tightening and a growl tumbling out when you take the head into your mouth, sucking teasingly as your tongue dances around the leaking tip. “Fuck yes, baby girl. Just like that."
You retreat with a loud pop, smiling up at him and his heart flutters in his chest at the pureness of it. With an open mouth you glide your tongue along the sides of him to slicken his entire length before your lips encompass the tip and suddenly his dick is touching the back of your throat and you don’t even seem to mind. Kirishima lets out a strangled moan of shock, watching your head bob energetically up and down his hot length. He watches you in awe for a few minutes, just dazed this is really happening and he’s not waking up abruptly like when he’d dreamt this scenario so many nights before.  
He snaps out of it suddenly, aware his cock is tensing the way it does when he’s about to cum. You’d noticed, too, at the feel of the harsh, bulging vein on the under-shaft, slowing down to a halt and leaning back to catch your breath.
“Baby you did so good,” he praises, hands cupping your face and you beam at him proudly. “Now take off your skirt for me.”  
You comply eagerly, shimmying out of the cotton garment, your thong following close behind. Kirishima smugly watches the stings of your arousal snap as your panties are thrown onto the floor, fist stroking his length slowly to keep himself at bay.
“Turn,” he instructs, other hand guiding you to face away from him,” knees on the couch, now.”  
You do as told, looking back at him over your shoulder expectantly. He smiles and steps forward, and your back arches as you feel his length glide against your dripping entrance.  
“Be a good girl for me, okay? Do not let me get anywhere near your throat, got it? If I do, I’ll sink my teeth into you so fast you won’t know what’s happening. And then you’re stuck with me for life. So watch out for yourself, baby. This is your only warning,” he murmurs, lips brushing the shell of your ear before a hand lands on your hip and suddenly he’s pushing into you, a gasp tearing from your throat as he stretches you to your capacity. When his hips bump against your ass your eyes have already rolled back in delirium, your lip falling open in shock.  
He pulls out half-way before sheathing back inside slowly, a whine releasing from your mouth. His hand remains on your hip while the other grabs a fistful of your hair, trailing out again before snapping in. The tip of his cock nestles so deep in you that tears dot along your bottom lashes; the feeling is so blissful and fulfilling that your emotions skyrocket.  
“Eijirou— oh, yes,” you whimper as he repeats the action, movements still paced and measured to help you adjust to his size.
“Feel good, baby? ‘Cuz this feels amazing for me— you feel amazing on me, Y/N,” he grunts, fingers gripping the skin of your hip tighter as he angles your face so he can see it with his other hand.  
“Yes, fuck yes, you feels so good,” you commend as the pace intensifies, making a moan spill out of you. He groans from behind you, letting go of your hair and placing his hand on your other hip to keep you steady. You clutch onto the top of the sofa tightly as he pounds into you, and you gasp as a hand leaves your hip for a moment and delivers a sharp smack to your ass, making your back arch into Kirishima’s grasp. You’re babbling now, your entire body thrumming with pleasure. “Oh god—ohgodohgodohgodohgod.”
Kirishima hisses as he watches the bright pink mark on your ass cheek tremble as his hips slam against yours, bottom lip tucked under his offending cuspids. He licks his lip to keep from drooling onto you, eyes trained on your perfect figure that he’s fucking into the sofa. Pleasure courses through his body, intensified at the sound and obvious proof of your own satisfaction as he thrusts into you quickly.  
“Again,” you lament softly, and if he hadn’t been a werewolf with keen hearing he wouldn’t have heard your request over the assaulting sound of your skin slapping against his. He delivers and slaps your other cheek sharply, a lustful mix between a gasp and a moan escaping you.  
“Fuck, you’re so sexy, baby,” Kirishima admires, smirking as you turn slightly to look at him. He grabs your shoulder and pulls your torso back, slamming it against his as his other hand wraps around your throat snugly to stop his innate temptation to leave his mark there. The other hand leaves your arm and instead bands around your waist, pressing you flush against him. His hips retreat and pound into you in the new position, and you rest your head back onto his shoulder since your neck is safe from his view with his large hand covering it.
You stare into each other as he continues, and you move your hips back as he moves his in, making each thrust more powerful. His lips find yours and they mould easily, your hand coming up to caress his jaw and press his face closer to yours.
“Eiji, your cock feels so good,” you pant between his kisses and potent strokes, “God, you’re so big.”
“Mmm, I love when you talk dirty to me,” Kirishima murmurs against your mouth, a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his face.  
It’s fucked up but his tight hold on your throat is only turning you on more, making your eyes close as each thrust feels better than the last.
“Fuck, Ei,” you groan, slouching back against his toned form as the pleasure is too great.  
“Here, baby,” he says, cock slipping out of you before picking you up, walking briskly out of the common space and into a hallway, then finally into his bedroom. He shuts the door with his foot, laying you gently onto his messy bedsheets and blankets. He rolls you over onto your stomach before he climbs on top of you, hovering above you before he slips back in with ease.  
You moan and tuck your face into the sheets that smell like him, his arms bracing on either side of your head as his forearms rest next to yours, elbows bent and fists clenched. His hips swing effortlessly into yours, making a loud, crude slapping sound echo around the room. You moan almost pathetically into the sheets, turning to lay your face to the side so Kirishima can hear your noises of pleasure. He kisses your cheek sweetly before moving to your jaw and nibbling there gently, his tempo still quick and lethal. His tip, nestled deep inside, assaults your g-spot and you purr in content at the sensation, a gasp escaping you as he plunges in a little more forcefully. His hand wraps around your throat again, lifting your head up as his lips meet yours tenderly. His tongue plays with yours gently, a stark contrast to your hips. The hold on your throat is firm but also soft, and his thumb brushes along your jawline as his fingertips push into your racing pulse.
His hand leaves you and suddenly you’re on your back, Kirishima dragging your body up the bed so your head lays on the pillows. He smiles widely before he swoops in and his lips take yours again. His cock glides right back in, and you moan loudly into the kiss as the tip brushes your g-spot at a different angle than before. Your pussy quivers around him as he picks up the pace again, one arm folding under and around your waist and the other holding your chin, elbow digging into the mattress to keep himself propped up. His kisses trail from your lips to your chin and jaw, tongue sliding out and lathering your skin gently. Your eyes open as it slides down your throat, and the slight point of his canines poke against your skin. You quickly take his head in your hands, guiding his lips back to yours.  
“Baby, I’m gonna cum,” he murmurs against your lips, eyebrows scrunched in concentration, breath heavy as his exhausted hips keep up the erratic pace against yours. He whimpers as your walls constrict around him firmly.  
“I’m close, too, Eiji,” you mumble, legs folding around his waist, your arms tangling around his torso with your hands on each shoulder blade, fingernails gripping his slick skin. One of his hands is pressed into the sheets by your shoulder, propping him up, and the other is going white on your hip from his tight hold.  
“God, you feel so fucking good,” he snarls, voice low and resonating with a growl. You watch his abdomen accordion as he flexes in and out of you with apparent effort, drops of sweat gliding down his broad chest. He throws his head back and whines as your nails dig into his strong shoulder muscles, chasing his imminent ecstasy.  
Watching his body tremble and exert itself to bring you to your euphoria pushes you toward your own climax, and the feeling of his hand on your hip and the way his lip pinches between his teeth makes your eyes roll back and your body tense as you fall off the cliff, hurtling down into the thrashing waves of your orgasm. You call his name in a strangled cry, limbs clutching onto him for dear life as the pleasure shakes through you. His hips don’t stop; plunging further into you and pushing you harder under the tides of your climax. Your body shivers and you’re so out of it you don’t notice Kirishima’s thrusts becoming volatile, his arm that had once propped his torso above yours curling beneath your back to press your torso against his.  
A growl of victory splits from deep in his throat as he approaches his own high, muscles tense in anticipation for the long-awaited prize. He shudders and suddenly his cuspids are lodged deep in your throat, and it feels like he’s just been run over by an eighteen-wheeler of ecstasy. His jaw shakes as his eyes close, abdomen convulsing as he spills deep into you in long, relentless spurts. The combination of his orgasm and his marking you almost make him pass out in an exhaustive pleasure.
Just as you’d come to from your orgasm, searing pain splices through you as Kirishima’s fangs split your skin and neck tissue, your jaw opening but no sound releasing. And just as fast as the pain had arrived, it’s replaced and you’re submerged back into the tidal waves of a new climax, making you clench and flex around Kirishima’s throbbing member that pulses into you.  
His fingers clasp the skin of your hips so strongly the skin turns white, but your own nails lodge into his shoulders to grapple him to you; the both of you holding each other as if your lives depend on it. The sheets around you are twisted and damp from your sweat, but the two of you only seem to care about each other; drifting numbly and blissfully in your shared euphoria.
After a moment Kirishima’s body sags, sliding slightly to the side of yours as his muscles stop tensing and he stops physically releasing into you. His teeth still woven deep into your neck, he doesn’t dare move his face.  
As the tides form your orgasm slowly recede, your body hums in a warm satisfaction and a certain numbness. Your hands rove over Kirishima’s expansive back soothingly, and he exhales with a content but tired moan in response.  
Very timidly, Kirishima stretches his jaw to the maximum before he pulls away from your neck, leaving your head buzzing lightly. He licks the puncture wounds instantly, enzymes in his saliva helping to start the healing process while he cleans away the scarlet blood that beads there. He ghosts a kiss over your jaw before he pulls away, smiling warily as his eyes meet yours.  
The primal amber and yellow shades are gone, leaving behind the warm red you’d fallen in love with. They cast over your face in total adoration, with a hint of fear.  
He looks away as he slides out of you, his release immediately following and forming a wet puddle on his sheets. Your cheeks flush even though it isn’t your fault, but he just smiles and presses a kiss to one of them as if silencing your unnecessary embarrassment.  
Kirishima reclines next to you, pulling the blanket at the foot of the mattress up to rest on top of the two of you. He collects you into his arms, your body weak and unprotesting. His legs entwine with yours, pressing every piece of skin he can to yours. He makes sure to be careful with your neck, kissing it gently once more before settling his face next to yours. The kiss makes the skin tingle and heat, a fuzzy warmth flooding your body as you smile shyly.  
“I told you not to let me get near your neck,” Kirishima says softly as your eyes close, eyelashes brushing over his collarbone. “Do you know what this means, Y/N?” He tries again at your silence, thinking you don’t understand the severity of the situation. His fingertips run up and down your naked spine relaxingly.  
“It means you need to work on your self-control,” you murmur, giggling quietly into his chest.
“Y/N, this isn’t a joke,” he says lowly, “I don’t kno-“
You cut him off. “It isn’t a joke, I know, Eijirou. It means we’re tied together, forever— meaning we, this, us— we’re permanent. We’re wolf-married or whatever the term is now, I know. You can never love another person again, and neither can I,” your hand rests on his pectoral, a finger tracing along his nipple so you have something to look at instead of his face. “If you can’t deal with that, I’m sorry, but I can. I’m yours, Kirishima, always have been, always will be. If you don’t want that, then I’m sorry but you just sealed your fate with mine and there’s nothing I can do about that.”
“Oh,” Kirishima exhales, blinking. The only light in the room is from the window above the desk, moonlight casting the bed in a dim white light. He shuffles, pulling your body closer to his, smiling into your hair with a stupidly happy grin. “I just wanted to make sure that’s what you want. I.. uh, I feel the same,” he murmurs against the shell of your ear giddily.  
“Good,” you reply, eyes closing as you nuzzle your face closer to his warm heart.
It’s silent for a moment before Kirishima clears his throat gently. You peek one eye open, awaiting his words.
“Um… I love you, Y/N… a lot,” he says rather nervously, gulping softly as he pauses for a response.
“I love you too, Eiji,” you kiss his chest gently, sighing contently.
“And, uh, Y/N?”  
“What, Eiji?”
“I’m glad it’s you who I’m wolf-married to.”
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
when he go from wolf to puppy 🥺 thank you for reading babies <3 & pls don’t be shy to let me know if you enjoyed!! 
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𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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trv1z · 3 years
May I request some Travis Phelps dateing headcannons?
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notes: ofc you can !! also, i expected this to be a mainly nsfw blog but honestly im ok with answering sfw asks !! im a sucker for fluff after all hehe /g
contains: gender neutral reader (no specified pronouns)
trigger warning(s): kinda angsty at the beginning, implied internalized homophobia but nothing too detailed
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travis is a complicated dude. its pretty obvious, his dad, his behavior, his beliefs, he’s obviously not very fun to stick around at first
keyword(s): at first.
when you found out the note in the bathroom was written by travis, you just couldn’t help wanting to get him to know better.
it was not easy though, he kept telling you to screw off every time you spoke to him, but with a few talks he became more and more patient with you, he was still a huge hothead sometimes.
the more and more you guys talked, the more and more he opened up to you. if you’re also dealing with abusive parents or religious trauma, telling him about your experiences will make him feel seen, heard and finally taken seriously. but even if you’re not, he just appreciates having someone who will finally listen.
cue him confessing to you about how much he hates his father and how unsafe he feels in his own home.
eventually he started falling for you. which led to him distancing himself from you again. he just couldn’t stand seeing your face or your cute laugh, its crazy who the people that make us the happiest can make us the saddest.
it took a lot of time and reasoning, but he finally confessed his love by leaving a love poem on your locker,,,
after that you two got in a relationship without affirming you were dating, it was kind of a mutual understanding.
ok now to the ACTUAL dating headcanons
he sneaks out of his house at late night just to see you without his father knowing
he loves when you ramble about all the interests you have, as well as he likes telling you all about the books he’s reading.
we all know his fashion sense is horrendous, so make him experiment a little bit with his outfits !!
omg pls tell him all the jokes you know to make him laugh, his smile is adorable sighs loudly
i firmly believe that if he was friends with sal and the gang he would get into sanity’s fall, so if you’re also into that kind of music, concert dates are an absolute yes.
he has never had a significant other, so he’s really afraid he would mess this up.
he would NEVER pressure you into doing something, so when he asked you to go on a date with him, he really made sure you knew that
“...i mean its fine if you don’t want to, i don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, i don’t want you to feel pressured... im sorry, am i talking too much? just forget it, im really sorry—” “travis. it’s fine, i would love to go out with you.” “...okay.”
if you guys get a pet, it would probably be a stray cat travis found, he has a soft spot for abandoned animals,,,
loves seeing you wear his clothes, he may not say it out loud but you could just imagine the face he made when he saw you wearing his purple sweater
you guys ‘fight’ for the dumbest things, i feel like he would ‘fight’ you just bc you don’t like his favorite character lol
when you two are in public he doesn’t rlly like showing affection, but when you’re alone he like to be held and being taken care of <33
he loves rainy days because they’re so peaceful and plus he gets to spend time with you cuddling or watching movies together
ok i think this is a weird thing to say but i think you guys’ relationship would be the personification of the song ‘my heart is buried in venice’ by ricky montgomery and i love you if you understand what im saying
when gets jealous its not really ‘jealousy’ but its just him overthinking and being very clingy
<forehead kisses3
make sure to cook him some bologna when he’s having a bad day, its his comfort food !!
omg if you make him a playlist he will literally listen to it on repeat im not joking $:)&:&/‘!/;”
he isn’t so ‘loud’ about his sexuality like some people are, but considering the beliefs he was forced to follow and his son of a bitch dad, its very impressive that he feels comfortable enough in his identity to recognize the fact that he has a s/o. and he couldn’t ask for a better one.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
I've been decent! And life's been pretty hectic for me too 😅, gotten a lot of work over these past few weeks, so I've been mainly focused on that.
How are you? Ouu and what're your thoughts on Oklahoma so far? Is your house as creepy as I'm led to believe it is haha?
(I know I'm a few days late, but I hope you're feeling better lately!)
N yeah time does really move fast.. which makes it difficult to juggle the things I have to do and things I want to do before the days are up. And my health is honestly the main thing I forget about ironically enough, but I'm trying to work on that :)
My writing has kinda been.. put on pause? I guess you could say- Kinda had to slow down with it or otherwise I'd most likely get no work done at all 😭. But it's been good when I do get the chance to write, working on my millions of wips is always fun haha
Only a few more chapters of lost in assistance.. sad to see it go
- 🗿 <3
Hiiiii 🗿
How are you? Oh my God so sorry for the very very late reply. I have been busy, I hv been sick on n off too. I also been having a huge writers block and my mind seems cant multi task with this huge writer blocks..
I hope you are doing well? How is college and your writing?
Oklahoma, let me say it it' not like California for sure.lol. The city where I live is pretty small and definitely fits my imagination about where a serial killer lives or an injured superhero who hides here. lol.
I'm still adjusting with such changes actually. Sometimes I'm bored here, sometimes I love the quite.. The weather is like a bipolar bitch that can give you a hot humid burning slap in the face or a cold shoulder. hahaha. My allergies are worse here. Pollen are everywhere but I love the house that I live now. It's smaller but more hommie (Not sure the right way to spell it but im sure you know what you meant.)
I have followed some writing blog here, have I followed you by anychance? You still havent give me enough clue of who you are, but it's okay.lol. the curiosity give me the thrills.
I posted new series called Half Love, also a mini series called Ten Days. I posted ch, 63 of Lost in Assistance, this chapter is how I test the water on writing dark fic. I have been dying to write dark wanda or dark nat fic. So i practiced writing it through this ch. 63 as I wrote it dark-ish. I dont know if you read the fics I just mentioned..so curious what you think about them.
Anyway, I just want to say, I remember you, you came in my mind..I didn't forget about you, I was just busy. and when I reply to you, I want to focus on it since sometimes my reply to you is a long reply just like this one.haha. I'm looking forward to read your reply. Talk soon!
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cozymochi · 3 years
i got this ask and i thought it was super cool so im asking u more or less the same thing: thoughts on the relationship btwn zim and the tallest? could it be repaired and is there anything TO repair? if so then what would need to happen? love ur iz takes so :look:
LOVING?? MY thoughts about the thing I’ve been fixating on? ABSURD!! You KNOW I’m not a respected meta writing blog 😩😩 but 👁👁 … well, let’s see uhhhhhhhhhhh… That dynamic is fun to think about and i’m a total sucker for it, those are my thoughts 😳😳 but just to put my bias on the table real quick before I get into it- I don’t like the “the tallest are like zims dads” thing, no matter who it comes from. No cap. This doesn’t come up in what i’m saying, but I just think folk should know that about me lol
ANYWHO, low key, If I’m being quote “realistic” there’s no repairing anything at all.
I’m pretty sure that from the very start, Red and Purple never liked Zim. While Zim, on the other hand even prior to them becoming Tallest, at least must’ve welcomed their company. Of course, once Red and Purple became Tallest things took a turn into an overzealous one-sided-stalker-tier obsession that appears to be unprecedented even for worshipped figures. Not exactly a fun thing for them, I imagine. But whatever, fuck ‘em.
Then, on the other side of the coin, the closest interest the Tallest have towards Zim is an almost morbid curiosity regarding whatever he might be doing, or how he’d react to whatever petty goose-chase or prank they inflict on him. That slight curiosity towards his shenanigans even was there prior to being Tallest, to the point that it’s unintentionally karmic, and more so especially after becoming Tallest.
So maybe nothing about their dynamic can be repaired or change at all. The foundation (whatever it might’ve been) seemed fractured from the very start. And if there was something to repair, it’s just… idk how worth it it’d be. All three of them are too messy for their own good.
Unless they all die or get killed (which happens a lot anyway lol), Zim is far too obsessed with the Tallest to leave them alone entirely, and the Tallest are too curious and petty to NOT prod at Zim once they remember who he is. So I suppose a case can be made about all three of their hubrises and wacky dynamic.
Ok, I guess I’m inferring that the Tallest are as obsessed with Zim as Zim is with them! 😩😩 But, like, in that way somebody might hate-watch or hate-follow a user (and depending on how deep it goes, sometimes prod to see what happens). And it killed them with karma. A couple times. And Zim’s obsession with the Tallest and ensuing lengths he goes to get their attention also killed him with karma… a couple times.
They’re all trapped in their own self-destructive cycle I guess. A theme as per usual with this series, eh??
Honorable mention: the episode is “Abducted” demonstrates a more innocent look into the dynamic that doesn’t result in karmic destruction on either side. It’s very wholesome. If only this sequence wasn’t in media res, cuz I’d love to see how it got started lol.
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THE END 👁👄👁 is this a woke take in any way?? Probably not, it’s not long enough. But here’s my “… m—mm…meta…” 😬🤢
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