#these are the most petty and judgmental people I have ever encountered
jazzywazzy89 · 2 years
This job is forever testing my patience. I’m waiting to hear back from a interview so hopefully I can get out of here soon. But seriously just feel like I want to walk out some days and today is one of those days. 
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jangyeevns · 2 years
sorry if this is old new also u don’t have to post this but one of my first discord rp experiences was w zelda & fleur and they literally made me feel like a villain for a whole month bc of their lack of communication + blocking me but then fleur unblocked me and kept joining my rps (to snoop and vaguely try to plot and act like nothing ever happened) so i’m glad u and others have been saying stuff cuz these people seriously made me feel like a menace to the rpc 💀
i'm definitely gonna answer because when don't i have something to say? LMAO
i can't speak to the zelda claims that have circulated since i've never interacted with them myself, so this is strictly an issue with fleur for me. i wasn't villainized until i got in the way of one of her potential endgames for her muse, in fact we were friends beforehand, but i look back on what we would talk about and can only feel pure disgust because i was a villain then, at least in my mind.
what was said at that time will never see the light of day because i ( and the other mun she befriended in our three way dm ) deeply regret fuelling her spite, jealousy and manipulative bullshit and don't care to have her use any receipts i have to suit her narrative or harass these muns even further, and i hate having the knowledge that i allowed her any influence over my judgment of others, over a lot of things actually. it’s not something i have to disclose necessarily as most would hate to put themselves in a negative light, but it’s to show not only accountability for what i myself participated in ( it was giving mean girls 2 vibes . calling it the og would inflate someone’s ego i’m sure ), but also that i have been on more than one side of fleur's fury and don't care to have others deal with it, end of.
... except not, because this is gonna be a whole rant FJSKGKDK
you are most definitely NOT a villain if fleur of all people claimed that you were back then, when she was in a position of authority and has famously used being an admin to her abusive advantage. i'm so sorry you've been on the receiving end of her god awful behaviour, but you're in pretty great company if i do say so myself 💅🏻 i can imagine it's difficult for anyone with that kind of history with another mun to have them in their own groups time and time again, especially when her behaviour has never strayed from the basic m.o. she's outed herself for ( by being a pathological liar in Everyone's dms ), but i hope this allows people to take a step back and consider the possible façade those like fleur will don to gain the attention and approval they so desperately crave.
at this point, receipts aren't necessary for me to believe someone, because i know what i've been through and my truth, as well as the experiences of a handful of other muns that correlate to everything that's been discussed this week – most of it we discussed months ago, so it tells you how easily you can find people in the community who've had a fucking bizarre encounter with her and how insane it is that it took this long to bring it into a more public space. you are valid, your stance is more than justified and if you get rude ass anons for deciding to call her ass out? don't mind her sheep ( and fleur disguising herself as one ), they don't know any better even at their big ages.
the gaslighting and harassment are out there now, and while i'm sure she'll still creep up with her new discord and attempt to do as she always does, i would assume other muns will be more vigilant moving forward and that's what matters most to me in all of this; sure, i'm being petty as fuck when she's brought up or when she invades my boundaries that me blocking her should've made VERY obvious, but my concern lies with the other muns she could manipulate, terrorize and use to her heart's content. they don't deserve to deal with that shit nor should we pipe down just because it bothers others, 2023 is the year of accountability and people can either join the movement or fuck right off 🤷🏻‍♀️
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
Why Deku's ultimatum to Overhaul is bad and he should feel bad
This is a bit outside my normal character wheelhouse, but I really need to get a rant about it off my chest, so here goes:
The Deku and Overhaul scene in Chapter 316 is terrible. It is fucking terrible.
I took a whirl around Overhaul's tag up through when the leaks first started dropping, but didn't immediately see anyone talking about why it's so fucking terrible, only concerns about letting Overhaul see Eri (understandable, but baseless, I think), some empathy towards Overhaul's current state (totally warranted!), some snark about Deku being So Done with Overhaul (haha because who cares about Deku's stated goal of trying to understand villains, right?), and, worst of all, some cooing about how Deku was being so compassionate and noble by offering Overhaul that olive branch.
Deku was not being compassionate and noble there. Deku was being arrogant, small-minded, and so shockingly cruel that it leaves me speechless that anyone could think his stunted and hard-hearted "offer" reflects well on him.
Deku's entire motivation in this arc has been wrestling with the realization that he might have been able to avoid some of the desperate battles of his past if he'd understood more about the villains he fought. He thought of three very specific people--Stain, Muscular, and Overhaul--as he reflected, "Maybe it wouldn't have had to go that way if I'd understood them better." He then thought of Gentle Criminal and La Brava, people who he’d come to some understanding of, who he’d been able to soften the conclusion of his battle with by going along with Gentle's fiction downplaying what had happened between them. The whole line of thought was intended to contextualize his newfound desire to save Shigaraki.
It soon became apparent that Stain, Muscular and Overhaul were, in fact, encounters that he would be revisiting, as a chance to see how he'd grown since he faced them, and as a dry-run on reaching out to villains that would give him a chance to practice ways he might reach out to Shigaraki when the time comes.
Well, based on his performance so far, the idea that Deku might be able to reach Shigaraki is laughable.
Firstly, his tentative questions to Muscular were ill-timed, all wrong for the middle of a battle. Muscular laughed him off, and I don’t think there’s any version of that scenario in which he would have done otherwise. Muscular was a huge threat, gleefully violent, disinterested in conversation about his history. Obviously, right in the middle of a fight was no kind of time to try to figure out what made the man tick! But Deku didn’t get the luxury of choosing the circumstances of that encounter, so yes, that battle probably was unavoidable, certainly if Deku wanted to stop him from doing further damage. But the idea that because Deku couldn't reach him right then and there, it's impossible for Deku--or, indeed, for anyone--to reach him at all is fallacious. Not every person has to be able to like or understand every other person. If Deku couldn't reach Muscular, so what? That doesn't mean it's impossible that someone might. And that means an obligation to treat Muscular like a human being, to afford him human rights, to not stop trying to find a way to rehabilitate him, even as you safeguard other people against him.
Deku's battle with Muscular being unavoidable was not some great triumph, for all that the narrative used it as an opportunity to let him show off how far he’d come in mastering One For All. In the way that matters, the way that Deku himself is currently trying to better, he hasn't advanced at all. Imasuji Goto represented his first test in the lead-up to saving Shigaraki, and Deku failed it.
His next trial was Overhaul.* Here, again, was someone who Deku was explicitly trying to understand. So what was the one thing that was most key to understanding Overhaul's current motivation? What was the one thing that Overhaul was ranting about out loud, incessantly? And what did Deku conspicuously fail to ask about? Overhaul's relationship with Pops.
This was so easy. So obvious. And Deku didn’t even try. All he could think about in the moment he was faced with that broken man was the little girl that man hurt--all thoughts of trying to understand where the man himself was coming from went right out the window, flown away in an instant. Instead of asking about why Overhaul feels the way he does, he demanded that Overhaul feel the way Deku wanted. He was essentially holding the only person Overhaul cared about hostage for the remorse he wanted Overhaul to feel.
I'm not going to try to armchair diagnose Overhaul with mental conditions. I don't have the educational background, and I'm positive Horikoshi doesn't. But it seems pretty clear that asking Overhaul to feel guilt about Eri was asking for something that he might not be capable of feeling, at least not without years of therapy that he was plainly not getting in Tartarus. And if Overhaul is not capable of feeling that guilt, then what does denying Overhaul his meeting actually solve? Who does it help? It doesn’t help Eri. Doesn’t help the old man. It certainly doesn’t help Overhaul himself. The only person who gets any satisfaction out of demanding remorse from Overhaul is Deku. And even Deku didn’t look like he found it very satisfying!
Another failure. A meaninglessly cruel, petty failure. A failure that served only to hurt a man who was already a live wire of agony, to sentence an old man to a coma he might never wake from without Overhaul's expertise, and to deprive Eri of the only actual family she had left.
And look, Pops might very well not be the ideal guardian for Eri, and I'm not saying he should get to "keep" her just because of the blood connection, but it's not like he cheerfully handed her over to Overhaul and walked out the door! He turned to Overhaul because he trusted Overhaul, because he wanted someone to help Eri and thought that maybe Overhaul could. And when Overhaul's thoughts about Eri took a very dark turn, Pops first denied his request about using her to further his research and then, when Overhaul kept pushing it, chose Eri over the kid he personally took in from the streets by telling Overhaul that he needed to leave the Shie Hassaikai if he couldn't muster any more respect for human life than that.
But, you know, Eri is so cute with Aizawa and stuff. And Pops was a criminal. Probably. Maybe? I mean, he was yakuza, anyway, so he obviously must have been a criminal even if the police never actually arrested him. Apparently, this means it's okay to just leave him in a coma forever! Even though Overhaul absolutely has enough medical expertise that letting him talk to a neurologist about what he did to Pops might enable them to figure out how to wake Pops up even without Overhaul being able to use his quirk to undo the damage. Hell, Overhaul is also the person alive who has the best handle on how Eri's quirk works. He might even know what her accumulation condition is. Maybe a better thing to ransom his access to Pops with would be Overhaul telling Aizawa everything he knows about Eri's quirk so Aizawa can use the knowledge to help her get a better handle on it.
But no. Obviously undoing some small part of the concrete harm Overhaul did was less important than how Deku felt about that harm.
And there's more! Oh, is there ever. I called Deku arrogant before; let me circle back to that.
Deku said that if Chisaki would feel the way Deku wanted him to feel, then Deku would uphold the promise to let Overhaul see Pops. But where in hell did Deku get off making that claim? Deku is a student. He's not a pro. He has no authority, medical, legal, carceral or otherwise. He has no say in where Overhaul goes or who he's allowed to see.
What the fuck? What the actual fuck? What kind of strings did Deku think he could pull that he could just casually make that claim without so much as going into a huddle with Hawks and Endeavor about it first? How inflated has this kid's sense of importance gotten that he made Overhaul that promise without even stopping to think about whether it was something he was in any position to ensure? It was such a bullshit ultimatum, not only because of how needlessly obstructive it was, but because it was so formless.
"If only you would feel a wish to apologize to Eri…" Okay, so what if Overhaul goes back to prison and, three days later, calls out to say, "Okay, I thought about it and I really feel like I want to apologize, now can I see Pops already?" Who gets to make that judgment call? Deku? Is he going to drop his faux-vigilante act and come visit Overhaul in prison just so he can squint at the man really hard to see if he's lying? Is Deku going to delegate the call to someone else? All Might? Hawks? A prison warden? A psychologist? Who? Who gets to be the one to say, "Okay, I think his remorse is genuine."
Then, once that call has been made, how many people have to arrange for Overhaul to be escorted out of prison and to whatever hospital Pops is in? Will Deku get to oversee that visit? Does he think he can overturn a warden declaring, "The scum doesn't deserve a visit, and the old man probably doesn't either," or a doctor protesting, "I'm not letting that man anywhere near my patient!"
The hell of it is, I think Deku could do all of that. He's got a close personal connection to All Might, who was basically a demi-god to this society for decades; he has the ear of the current top three heroes. Everyone is apparently convinced that the power to save this society rests solely in Deku's hands; I'm sure he could ask for anything he wanted. But the fact that that is the case suggests that this society is not even slightly turning away from its dependence on heroes dictating its morality. A hero having the sole right to dictate, out of hand, based on his personal feelings, the fate of people designated "villains" while the rest of society turns away is exactly what Shigaraki is angry about.
The only thing worse than Deku perpetuating the worst problems of hero society in an arc that's supposed to be about him finding a better way is that he didn’t even stop to think about it. It never even occurred to him that that was what he was doing. He thought that what he was asking of Chisaki was just and fair, and thus, he didn’t need to ask for any second opinions or permissions; he didn’t need to think about what would actually be feasible, about what was best for the people involved. He'd made his judgment call about a villain, and that's all there was to it. The villain could fall in line or--nothing. There isn't actually another choice. Hero's way or nothing
I hate it. I hate it. I don't care about whether Overhaul "deserves" to suffer; heroes making the cold decision that they will make him suffer is antithetical to everything a carceral system intended to rehabilitate prisoners stands for. And yes, Japan does at least claim on paper that the goal of incarceration in state hands is rehabilitation.
Restorative justice is superior to retributive justice. It's better for society and it's better for individuals. It is kinder, it is more compassionate. Retributive justice poisons people. It perpetuates suffering for no reason but moral grandstanding. Individuals are allowed to forgive or not forgive anyone they want, but a society should conduct itself with an eye to the long-term welfare of all of its people. That means that even the worst kinds of criminals still have human rights. It means not inflicting pain that serves no purpose.
I've gotten off-track here. Yes, I think that if Overhaul could feel regret about Eri, that would obviously be a positive development for his character. It'd hurt like hell, but it would be a hurt that indicated he was becoming a better person, a person who wanted to do more good, less ill, with his life and efforts. But you can't mandate that someone become a better person. No ultimatum handed down from on high is going to change Overhaul's heart. Telling someone, "I'll help you, but only if you only feel the way I want you to feel. Otherwise, you can just stay there and suffer," is not reaching out to help people who are suffering in the dark, which is, again, what Deku claimed he wanted to do, what he begged for Nagant's help in doing, the way he insisted to the vestiges that OFA should be used.
Deku writing people off because they don't conform to his expectations, because they can't be "good" the way he wants them to be, nor even "bad" in ways he can understand, is him failing to live up to his own expressed ideals. "I wish you'd feel bad about hurting people," wasn't enough to reach Muscular or Overhaul, and it damn well shouldn't be enough to reach Shigaraki.
Cruelty does not beget kindness. You cannot treat people with only callousness and severity, then condemn them for not taking the opportunity to grow. You have to give them opportunities to better themselves. For Overhaul, giving him an opportunity would be letting him help the man he wronged and then moving forward from there. Telling him to feel regret about Eri or else? That's doing nothing but sweeping his pain back under the rug.
*I have more or less exhausted my outrage over Lady Nagant in chats with friends, so I'll spare the rant on how disjointed, contradictory and ludicrous her turn was; the gist is "very, on all counts."
P.S. Anyone who says that Overhaul "has nothing left to live for" is being a level of ableist that defies description. Prosthetics exist. Assistive devices exist. Speech-to-text software exists. Overhaul is intelligent, driven and highly educated. Even if he never got prosthetics at all, there would still be things he could contribute to the world if he were motivated to do so. The better thing to do, though, would be to get the man some damn prosthetics, hook him up with the neurologist consulting on Pops' case, and let the two of them get on with the matter of waking up the old man.
P.P.S. Overhaul spent six months in solitary confinement. The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be a form of torture. Solitary confinement creates severe mental health issues and exacerbates existing ones. It frequently leads to a deadening of empathy, something Overhaul has in little enough amounts as it is. It is absurd to ask a man who's just come out of these conditions to "feel sorry for what you did to Eri," especially if you're planning to turn around and send him right back to solitary. Tartarus is inhuman, and the only reason more of the escapees aren't total wrecks like Overhaul is because Horikoshi clearly didn't bother to do the reading on the wide array of problems that those characters should be experiencing physically, mentally and socially.
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salt-volk · 3 years
Blocking is an abusable feature
RE: post/677862479385313280
TBH I don't see the issue with anon's statement. Blocking over a disagreement is petty, as nothing of grave import can BE discussed on DV (such as stances on important issues or beliefs).
I mean, it was recently re-established that people block for ridiculous reasons - such as username envy. So yes, there is a real fear that if you interact "wrong" with a custom owner, or if they encounter you interacting with others and judge you unworthy, they'll block you off from ever getting their custom - which normally, within reason, would be their right. But in this specific context, it's unreasonable, often targeted, and usually discriminatory.
Moving past that momentarily, though, because I'm not even arguing in favor of any strictly-customs-related discourse here. My greater point is that I simply wish people would re-examine why they block others.
Top 3 worst blocking reasons that I've encountered:
3. Someone's typing style was "annoying" (Meanwhile, the mute feature is right there and would've solved this without causing undue anxiety for the person who struggles with their typing due to disability. And no, sorry, "They use light colored text!" isn't a more valid reason. Bright text is easily read by simply highlighting it, or hitting the quote button.)
2. Someone had neo-pronouns (If you don't like 'em, simply don't refer to them at all. Most people on the forums already just use others' usernames. Better yet, bite the bullet and stop being nasty about someone else's harmless life choices. It takes less time to simply use their correct pronouns than it does to hunt all visible neo-pronoun users.)
1. Someone was under 18 (Extremely idiotic since we are on a PG-13 game site;  many minors don't make their age or age range known; and there is literally no harm in interacting with a minor in the first place, as you're not hanging out with them, having an in-depth discussion, or taking care of them. You're passing them by in a thread, or dealing trades deals with pixels. Minors are people too. Everyone was a teenager once. I don't understand the ageism rampant on the internet these days.)
In summary, there exist some really pathetic reasons to block, and I feel that blockers should be ashamed if their reasons aligned with any of the above. It's a feature for making your experience more secure and comfortable, away from nasty users, scammers, or bullies - not to enable YOU to bully others that YOU were being judgmental towards. Which, in the end, only reinforces whatever silly biases you had, since you're accustomed to freely discriminating and drawing a line between you & them.
Blocking others affects all aspects of the site - especially the forums and tradesmarket - which can put a dent in playing, and thus should be done conscientiously and for sound reasons. Otherwise, you're selfishly marring someone else's experience out of prejudice.
And in that same vein, with direct relation to customs/the original anon that I started out addressing: I do feel that a customer owner lording power over someone that they picked out of the pack for being "lesser-than" (weird, cringey, edgy, too young, too old, weeby, speech disorder, etc), by denying them a chance that everyone else has available to them, is flat-out wrong. Discrimination is wrong in all contexts and social spaces, including games.
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vs-redemption · 3 years
hii! i swear i read your request rules but i’m still worried this doesn’t follow them. anyway i figured i’d ask and you can obviously decline ahahah. i just read Gray and it’s so well written and makes my heart shiver and i wanted to ask if you’d write a part 2 or a one shot/scenario of having levi as a soulmate in the same eye color soulmate au as Gray? thank you !! :) (^・ェ・^)
From Cindy: I apologize for taking so long to get to this! It took me a while to get an idea I liked, and then I had trouble getting into the mindset to write it. Inspiration finally struck though, and this is the result! I hope you like it!
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Soulmates (Levi x GN!Reader)
Based on the same AU as Gray (Levi x Gn!Reader)
⚠️angst and hints of sex work (Levi’s Mom)⚠️
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Levi loved safety
Being born in an extremely run down and sketchy part of the city was one of the worst fates a person could experience. Ever since Levi could remember, he’d been burdened with warnings from his mother who had learned most lessons about living amongst the dregs of society the hard way. He never stepped a foot outside their tiny one room home without hearing her voice expressing concerns about who he talked to, which streets he went down, how late he stayed out, and which shops he visited. There was danger everywhere and no one to protect him.
“Levi, stay close to me,” the woman would say to him when he was younger. Even going out in the middle of the day was a risk for them because his mother had a reputation. In order to feed him and keep the roof over his head, she’d reduced herself to a line of work that garnered an uncomfortable amount of negative attention. In a world ruled by the existence of soul mates, everything about their lifestyle was wrong and all it took was seeing a woman with duel colored eyes and a child for someone to know she’d committed the biggest taboo.
At first, Levi didn’t understand why anything about his mother’s appearance would cause such a stir. He’d seen plenty of people with two colored eyes, including himself. As he got older though, his curiosity grew and one day he made the mistake of asking about his father. The pained look on his mother’s face filled him with regret immediately, but he sat and listened to her intently as she explained the ways of their harsh reality.
“Your eyes are a promise,” she’d told him as delicately as possible. “A promise not to share yourself with anyone until you meet the person who you are destined to find and be with forever.” Levi had been filled with sadness for his mother when she admitted to breaking her promise. It was clear that she’d only committed such a disapproved act out of absolute necessity. People were judgmental though and could only see the fact that Levi’s father had not been the woman’s soulmate, which is why her eyes remained mismatched.
“You can still find them,” Levi had tried to hold on to a glimmer of hope for her, but she just smiled sadly and shook her head. The likeliness was low at her age, and even if they happened to cross paths, her past and status as a single mother would drive any respectable person away.
Levi loved stability
After learning about and coming to terms with the truth of this mother’s situation, Levi became determined to help her out in any way possible. He didn’t want the woman sacrificing herself for him any longer. And once he got older, he begged her to start staying home while he did what he could to provide for them both.
“It’s not your job to take care of me, Levi.” She’d smiled at this thoughtfulness while cupping his cheek in her delicate hand. “Everything I’ve done will have been worth it as long as you can have a better life than me.”
He understood her sentiment, but was too stubborn to give up. It was hard to find honest work in a town full of desperation and poverty, but Levi did his best. He took odd jobs here and there, and tried not to get mixed up in any of the bad business that ran rampant in the area. The money he earned wasn’t nearly enough to cover the cost of his small home though. After a handful of threats from the landlord to toss them out on the street, Levi knew he had to do more.
Levi loved familiarity
Resorting to petty theft went against everything Levi’s mother had taught him, and he knew it would probably break her heart if she ever found out. Still, he couldn’t allow their home to be taken away, or worse, his mother to return to the work she’d done before.
He had to be smart though. Being caught stealing in his neighborhood could get him killed. Going into the nicer parts of the city would be a better bet. He didn’t know the area as well, of course, but there was the benefit that he wouldn’t be recognized if anyone saw him. If he did happen to get caught by law enforcement, he’d end up in a jail cell rather than a cold ditch somewhere. Neither option was ideal, but stealing from the rich would have to do until a better plan presented itself.
Things went decently for a while, and Levi was a quick learner. He figured out what worked and what didn’t without having too many close calls. He made sure only to take enough to get by since the thought of being too similar to the criminals he’d grown up around made him sick to his stomach. It was only a matter of time though before his luck ran out. Rumors of a pickpocket spread and people began to act more cautiously about carrying their valuables out in the open, forcing Levi to get more reckless with his stunts.
It was on a particularly frustrating day that Levi caught a glimpse of you. More accurately, he caught a glimpse of the leather purse filled with coins hanging from your hip as you chatted away with a friend outside a popular confectionary. With practiced movements, he slipped into the crowd and made his way in your direction, thinking that snatching up the money would be simple and easy. He’d made a mistake though. Your pouch wasn’t tied up like he was used to, but secured with a metal ring designed specifically to prevent the very act he was trying to pull.
You begin to turn around as soon as you feel the tug on your belt and Levi freezes for a moment, trying to think of a way to get out of the situation. One word from you and everyone in the vicinity would be on him. As soon as your duel colored eyes met his however, something happened that put all other thoughts out of both of your minds. Levi watched in shock as you blinked once, twice, and then suddenly your left eye changed color completely to match your right. The look of initial alarm on you face softened and Levi knew he had to get out of there. He turned on his heel, ducked his head down, and walked away as quickly and as naturally as his legs would allow. He waited for any sign that he was being pursued for a moment or two and then broke into a run.
Levi loved certainty
In his panic, Levi didn’t even greet his mother as he rushed past her once arriving at home. His heart was pounding and a light sweat covered his forehead uncomfortably. He went straight to the bathroom to stand in front of the cracked mirror above the sink. It took a few seconds to muster up the courage to look into his reflection and find that everything that had happened was real. The two colored eyes that he was so used to were gone.
“Levi, sweetie, are you all right?” his mother appeared in the doorway, looking scared. “Did something happen at work? You’re not usually home this early!” He turns to look at the woman who notices his matching eyes immediately. Her hands come up to her mouth which spreads into a smile and tears spring into her eyes. “Congratulations! Who is it?”
The question makes Levi feel ill. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he’d meet his soulmate while trying to rob them. And if his mother found out, she’d be so disappointed.
“It doesn’t matter,” He tells her stiffly. “I can’t be with them.”
The words were far from enough to satisfy his mother though, and she nagged him the rest of the evening with questions about what you looked like and where he’d saw you. He kept his lips sealed until he’d had enough of the interrogation.
“Please, my obligation is to you and nobody else,” he tells his mother. “I don’t know anything about this person. Not only do I have no interest in being with them, I’m certain they have no interest in being with me either.”
“Levi, this is all I’ve ever wanted for you,” his mother begs, taking his hands into her own. “Do not live your life feeling empty and alone. Take this chance and find your happiness.”
Levi shakes his head, refusing to even consider it. His only focus had been himself and his mother for so long that it seemed ridiculous to add a third person into the mix now. It was better to pretend he’d never met you, and he imagined you would feel the same way. How disgusted did you feel knowing your soulmate was the infamous pickpocket? It would be even worse once you found out where he lived and about his mother. Surely you were both better off without each other.
Levi hated the thought of a life without you
Despite his resolution to continue on with life as normal, it only took a few days before Levi caved and went back to the spot where he’d encountered you. The image of your face had never once left his mind, and there was an incessant need to see you again that he could not ignore. He thought perhaps one more look couldn’t hurt, and he had to go back anyway if he wanted to collect enough money to pay his landlord that month.
“I hoped you’d come back.”
Levi had been sure you wouldn’t recognize him after only getting that small glimpse, but apparently fate had engrained his face into your memory as well. He whirled around, his gaze immediately locking with yours. It was wild to see the familiar color of your eyes looking back at him. He had no idea why you’d be here looking for the person that tried to steal from you. The cautious smile on your face as you introduced yourself put him on edge as well. “What’s your name?”
“Levi.” He hadn’t meant to say it, but part of him already felt an attachment to you. What was more, hearing your name for the first time felt like a fire had ben lit inside of him. He shakes his head to get his mind straightened out. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“No!” the panic in your features makes him falter, “Please stay. Can’t we talk for a moment?”
“I’m sorry,” Levi backs away, trying to fight off the instincts rising up inside of him. He didn’t want you to be sad and he didn’t want to disappoint you. He knew though that it was inevitable that he would.
Hearing his own name spill from your lips was enough to have him second guessing everything. Would he really be able to go the rest of his life without hearing it again? He wasn’t sure he was strong enough to stay away. He’d already come crawling back once already after all. As a last resort, he knew what he had to do. He had to tell you everything. And he did. He revealed his entire life story to you without hardly pausing to take a breath, knowing that every detail would drive your further and further away. Having so soulmate at all was much better than having a soulmate like him.
By the time he finished talking, tears had welled up in his eyes as well. His mother had told him to take the chance for happiness, but instead he’d violently thrown it away. A few seconds passed and suddenly you were slipping your hand into his. It was the wrong reaction to the story but he can’t help but tighten his grip around yours anyway, wanting the comforting feeling you brought to last forever.
“I’m so sorry you and your mother have had to fight so hard just to survive,” you tell him softly. “But you won’t have to live that way any longer, or at least, I want to join the fight with you.”  The genuine kindness and determination in your voice was overwhelming for Levi. Somehow he knew you meant every word, and the image of a brighter future for all three of you began to take shape in his mind. He had no idea if such a future was actually possible, but with you at his side he knew he’d definitely be willing to try. Being born in the roughest and seediest part of town had to be one of the worst fates a person could experience. Levi knew that first hand. He also knew he wouldn’t trade that fate for the world if it meant having you as a soulmate.
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Okay, so on to chapter 3 of “No Regrets”!
I’ve got a few observations, so I’ll just delve in.
First thing, and once again, I found this a huge improvement over the visual novel, but we get more insight here into the reason Erwin was so intent on recruiting Levi.  During the scene in which he’s arguing with the other squad leaders about letting a group of “criminals” into their organization, Erwin pushes back against the other scouts deriding Levi and his friends.  I really loved Erwin’s line here, where he says “You’re right.  These people had no training.  They did not earn wings from us.  They grew their own, out of necessity.”  This shows us that Erwin has a grasp and an appreciation for the hardship Levi and his friends faced while growing up, while most of the other SC leaders and even regular recruits can only look down on them and see them as gutter trash.  This shows Erwin’s own scope of vision, his ability to look past a person’s upbringing and background and not make judgments about them based on that.  More telling still is his comment about how “those wings will play a part in revolutionizing this organization.”.  He wanted Levi’s skills in particular because he knew having someone like Levi around, with exceptional ability, would shift the way they all fight Titans.  He was, as always, looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of the SC, and was willing to do whatever he could, and through any means necessary, to ensure it.  
The next thing that caught my attention is the glare Levi and Erwin share during the trio’s introduction to the rest of the soldiers.  Erwin’s right in front of Levi, standing there, reminding him of his anger and humiliation no doubt, and I think that leads directly into and impacts the next scene, when Flagon shows them their sleeping arrangements.  Levi’s already no doubt irritated by having to see Erwin again, and then Flagon makes his frankly deeply disparaging remark about Levi and his friends having spent their whole lives living in a trash heap, implying that they’re filthy gutter trash, and so surely are incapable of keeping themselves and their environment clean.  Levi, understandably, reacts badly to this, and gets in Flagon’s face, asking him what he just said, before Furlan intervenes.  When you consider the way Erwin already made Levi feel so humiliated and Levi’s subsequent anger at it, then having to see Erwin again not long before this scene, and hearing Flagon just callously make an accusation like that must have only infuriated Levi more.  I think, once again, the manga is doing an infinitely better job of portraying the tension, then, that’s starting to form between Levi and Furlan.  Furlan scolds Levi after Flagon leaves, almost talking down to him when he says “Didn’t I tell you not to cause trouble?!”.  Almost like he’s talking to some misbehaving little kid.  Levi’s expression in the following panel says a lot, I think.  Levi looks almost chastised, like he knows he’s upset Furlan, before he tries to explain himself, asking Furlan “Didn’t you hear how he talked about us?  Like shit calling shit dirty.”.  It’s really interesting what this says about the power dynamic in their relationship.  Levi is ostensibly the leader of their group, but Furlan’s acting, in a lot of ways, like he’s the one in charge and he expects Levi to fall in line.  Clearly, he’s not afraid of scolding Levi, or challenging him.  All of Furlan’s insistence that they lay low and not do anything to draw attention to themselves must only be chaffing though at Levi’s already heated feelings about the kind of treatment they’re receiving, how they’re being talked down to, etc...  It must be galling to him, to see Furlan not seeming to care that they’re all being so deeply disrespected.  But he still continues to defer to Furlan, and agree to go along with his plan for now, though he makes his displeasure known by calling it a pain in the ass.
But seeing Erwin, and then being treated the way they were by Flagon, seems to have rekindled Levi’s desire to take his revenge, and he reminds Furlan that he’ll continue to go along with his plan, but that he’s still going to kill Erwin.  Once again, we see Levi being pulled in two different directions.  He’s giving priority to Furlan’s plans and wishes, but he’s still thinking about getting Erwin back.  He’s annoyed that they weren’t assigned to Erwin’s squad, probably because it means it’s going to limit their contact, giving him less opportunities to kill him.  Another line that I think signifies Lev’s annoyance at Furlan and how, well, dismissive he is of Levi’s own feelings, is after he tells them they have to clean the area around their beds before leaving for training, and in response to Isabel’s protests, he says “You wouldn’t want me to cause trouble, would you?”.  He’s throwing Furlan’s words back in his face here, and it seems clear to me that Levi is frustrated and doesn’t appreciate the way Furlan’s been talking to him, or how little consideration for his own wishes he’s shown.  There’s a lot of tension there.
Another really important scene is the one in the training yard, so I’ll got through it here.
Particularly when Isabel is talking to the Scout helping her with horse riding, and they get to talking about life in the Underground, and then Levi.  What Isabel says, and the visual of the panel here, is particularly powerful.  She says “It got so I thought I was gonna die.  But life’s a little better since Levi saved me from that.”.  And we see in the panel Levi lifting Isabels’ head up, obviously checking if she’s alive.  There’s all these people, collapsed around her, and the fact that Levi is checking to see if she’s alive is interesting, because it makes me think this is something Levi would regularly do.  That he would check to see if anyone was alive when he came across people collapsed in the streets.  It’s probably not unusual to come across dead bodies in the Underground, and for someone like Levi, who’s lived there all his life, he’s no doubt seen plenty.  The fact he checks Isabel shows a lack of callousness towards the sight, which is incredible, to not become uncaring or apathetic towards suffering, even when you’re surrounded by it your whole life.  It’s a highly unusual quality to have, but of course, it makes perfect sense for Levi, who’s so full of compassion.  
Nevertheless, it would have been simpler for him to just keep moving and ignore her, but instead he stopped, and when he discovered she was still alive, he took her in and gave her food and shelter and a home.  She would have died otherwise.  Levi had no obligation towards her, he had no, really good reason to do something so selfless, and yet, he did.  And this truly is remarkable, especially when you consider the kind of cut throat world Levi grew up in, the kind of ruthless people he’d encountered, and even lived with, like Kenny, all his life.
Then there’s Furlan’s discussion with another soldier, and his story about Levi.  The most interesting thing Furlan says here is how, after his own friends turned on him, he’s followed Levi ever since.  And then he says “Though it might be problematic making him any kind of leader!”.  It’s interesting what this reveals to us about Levi.  People want to follow him because he’s so strong, but Levi himself has no desire for power, or control over others.  People willingly attach themselves to him, because they think Levi can protect them, but Levi isn’t any kind of natural leader.  So we know Levi was more or less forced into the role of leader by way of others seeking him out and assigning him that role.  What’s interesting about this is how it, once again, reveals the kind of person Levi is.  He could easily have rejected all of these people and abandoned them.  One thing we know is that Levi didn’t need any help surviving on his own in the Underground.  But instead Levi allows them to stay with him and willingly offers his help and protection, and though it’s probably more of a pain and a nuisance to him than anything else.  It shows that Levi’s never been able to turn away from those seeking his help.
Which leads nicely into the next scene.  
I’ve talked about this scene before, and how disappointed I was that they didn’t include it in the OVA.  This also wasn’t included in the visual novel, which is, once more, just another way in which the manga is superior.  
Flagon is once again criticizing Levi for holding his blades “wrong”, telling him he’s going to end up getting killed outside the walls.  And then the training exercise begins, and we see one of the other soldiers trying to compete with Levi, and growing increasingly incensed and annoyed at Levi’s prowess.  He thinks “These vagrants with no knowledge as soldiers...” and then “I trained half to death, and these criminals think they’re better?!”.  What’s interesting is to see that while this soldier is fuming internally over Levi’s perceived slight of him, glaring at him angrily, Levi clearly hasn’t even taken notice of him.  This isn’t a competition to Levi at all.  He’s just there to do the exercises.  He’s staring straight ahead, blank faced as always.  
Now what happens next is once more hugely revealing as to Levi’s character.  The infuriated soldier decides he’s not going to accept that Levi’s better than him, and so he intentionally pushes off of a tree and cuts Levi off mid-flight. What struck me about this is how incredibly dangerous it was.  Levi’s going, presumably, full speed, through this obstacle course, and this dude, out of petty jealousy, cuts him off by flying right in front of and past him, forcing Levi to pull back and change direction.  A stunt like this could have easily resulted in serious injury for Levi, or even death, if he weren’t as gifted as he is.  To top it off, this soldier then brags about it, calling out to Levi “Don’t get left behind!”.  Of course, his arrogance leads to immediate disaster, as the soldier that went through the course before lost one of their blades in the dummy Titan, and this dude’s flying towards it at top speed, with no way to stop himself or change direction in time.  He’s about to be impaled by a blade.  Considering the danger he’s just placed Levi in, then, it truly is a testament to Levi’s goodness, that he launches off the tree he’s stopped on, racing ahead and slicing the stray blade free before the other soldier can make contact, resulting in him harmlessly crashing into the pad, instead of dying.  This really shows how Levi’s first instinct is always to help others.  Even when others have just not only treated him badly, but even endangered his life.  He doesn’t owe this soldier anything, and by all rights should be extremely pissed at him for his petty display before.  But instead Levi just automatically reacts to his life being threatened by saving the man.  He doesn’t even scold him afterward or express anger, just flies off and continues the course.  
What makes this whole thing kind of sad is both the soldier’s and Flagon’s reaction to this.  The soldier is still angry and upset over Levi’s superior ability, wondering how he can be so fast, not even sparring a thought of appreciation for him just saving his life.  And then Flagon grudgingly admits to Levi’s fighting prowess, but continues to doubt him and his ability to stay disciplined.  Even after saving one of his own men’s lives, he still continues to look down on Levi.  That’s pretty messed up. Levi glares back at him after, as if to say “Who’s the one who’s going to get people killed out there?”.  Levi saved a soldiers life, while Flagon could only sit and watch.  It’s interesting too how this, tragically, foreshadows what’s to come though, with Levi not being able to save the people he cares the most about.  But we’ll get into that when we get there.
Also, just gotta mention also the way Levi reacts to Isabel’s getting upset after he bonks her in the head and calls her stupid.  He looks surprised when she starts crying, and it’s clear he didn’t mean to actually hurt her feelings, and it’s just really sweet, the way he rubs her head after.  He obviously felt bad.
Okay, into chapter 4 next!
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owlespresso · 4 years
Tremble, Duck & Weave . V
At last. Also on my ao3, which can be found here. If you’re interested in supporting my work or ordering your own, my commission terms can be found here and my ko-fi is here. Before we begin, please make sure all cellular devices are off. Thank you, and enjoy the show.
If Aymeric were to afford his late father one compliment, it would be his impeccable organizational skills. The perfection of each neat, abet packed drawer and cabinet makes it much easier to toss out items and documents he has no use for. He disposes of letters and paperwork and gauche items that only serve to take up space, skimming through texts and wrinkling his nose at every lie he sees. If nothing else, the archbishop kept his story straight, consistently assuring local leaders of his virtue and desires for a simple peace.
Never does he betray his wretched greed, nor does he betray earthly desires, nor does he disclose the truth of his earthly relationships.
“Never would I forsake my sacred oath for the sake of such petty indulgences,” one letter insists. Aymeric, without even processing it, reads it in his fathers voice and hears every lofty intonation, feels the faux passion oozing from every word. “The Scion of the de Borel family is not my flesh and blood.”
Aymeric’s lips curl into a deep frown, cold fingers tensed on the parchment. Another fruitless attempt to deny him of his true heritage, another desperate attempt for the archbishop to preserve his saintly image. Aymeric doesn’t know what’s more pitiful, the ceaselessness of his father’s denial or the fact that he had to interact with this man every day.
A loveless man, Aymeric thinks, crinkling the paper. There’s no reason to linger on a man long dead, not when he’s already resolved to be different, to be better.
His brows pinch into a firm scowl, lips pursed in a deep frown. His tumultuous thoughts near split his head, every letter and possession an unfortunate reminder—
A knock breaks the stifling quiet and forces his spine rigid. As with every spontaneous visit he receives, he schools his demeanor into something friendly and relaxed, something unemotional and civil.
“Come in,” he calls mere moments later.
The tall, dark doors open. Zephirin’s form, adorned in rich blues and gleaming white, stands out stark against the darkened shadows of the hall. He cuts across the tiled floor, greaves clanking with each long step.
“Pardon the interruption, my lord,” Zephirin regards him with trademark impassiveness. “I have information of the utmost importance to share with you.”
The prompts Aymeric to raise a brow. Long has he worked aside the men of the Heavensward, but never has he grown confident in his abilities to read Zephirin. However, he has always been sure that his father kept an array of secrets, any of which could pose a threat to himself or Ishgard. Due to the recency of his ascension, he made the bold choice to not yet question any of the ward. He would attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. Giving them time to adjust, know and trust him would bear richer fruits than pressuring them to spill his father’s precious secrets. Perhaps that patience is finally paying off.
“You may speak,” Aymeric nods, fingers pressing the papers on the desk flat to the polished wood.
“My lord, I assume you are privy to the existence of the Ascians?” Zephirin’s inquiry nearly makes his brows raise, yet he keeps firm hold of his expression, a face of practiced, steady neutrality.
“I am.” Immortal creatures who were a source of strife to every nation and settlement, known for inflaming local beast tribes into summoning deadly primals. “Why, pray tell?” He wouldn’t put it past his father to break bread with some of the world’s most notorious troublemakers, and he knows better than to hope otherwise.
The migraine blossoming behind his forehead thuds into the foreground. The very last thing Ishgard needs is pressure from another faction. Not whilst they’re in the middle of a transitional period. He knows that change must be introduced slowly for the people to accept it. He already has the Dravanians clawing at the wall every chance they get, and the alliance still knocks on the city’s gates semi-regularly. Aymeric is not an easily agitated man, yet there is only so much he can take before his hinges rust and his temper runs out.
“Before the Archbishop’s untimely death, they approached him offering an alliance,” Zephirin is watching him carefully, closely, measured in his words and demeanor. The timbre of his voice is neutral and passive. “He accepted with the intent of ascertaining their true goal and betraying them when his plans reached fruition. It is my full belief that he never intended to truly ally with them.”
Of course, Aymeric says to himself, Thordan would keep such a crucial secret from him. He wonders if the wretch he barely called a father is laughing at him from the hells below, for now he will surely be expected to continue this trite charade with the Ascians. It is likely that they will approach him openly, expect him to break bread with them despite their transgressions against the star as a whole.
He fancies himself a man with a long fuse, but the sudden revelation makes his fingers curl. He leans forward with the weight of sudden news, flattening his hands against the desk.
“It is a pity he did not disclose the details of something so completely crucial to the future of our nation,” Aymeric takes in a deep breath and sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “The Ascians are not to be easily trifled with. Regardless of his ability to to predict and handle them, I should have been informed much, much earlier.”
“My sincerest apologies, my lord,” Zephirin begins, the barest hint of apology seeping into his otherwise blank expression. “The Knights of the Round—”
“No. I am not in the mood to entertain trite excuses,” Aymeric replies, tone clipped as he restrains himself. There’s much he wants to say, but Zephirin needs not to be the target of his misplaced aggression. “Go. There is much that still has to be done before the day’s end. I will see to the Ascians this evening. Go about your normal duties until you are needed.” A newfound tension sweeps over his entire body and mind as he returns to the long road ahead. Perhaps some of his father’s files will shed some light on the situation.
- - -
The morning descends upon you with firm vengeance. Though your wounds have for the most part aided by Ishgard’s finest astrologian, the aches and phantom pains still wrack you. The plush blankets that curl around your body make up a warm nest you never hope to leave. The mattress is soft and gentle on your back. Still, it is a comfort most difficult to enjoy whilst there is so much work to be done.
Thus, you tumble out of your nest and barely catch yourself on your feet. Your morning routine is scarcely different from the one you had before your ejection from Ul’dah, yet the pain slows you. The cold claws settled within your muscles and bones make it difficult to move with your former swiftness. Climbing out of the shower is pure agony. Even though you’re inside, Ishgard’s vicious climate thwarts you at every turn. Only when you’re clothed are you at last at ease.
The Ishgardian garb is made of lush cottons that loosely swaddle you, easy on the body and meant to avoid aggravating your skin. Your hands duck into your sleeves, absentmindedly playing with the fabric as you descend the stairs.
Artoirel awaits you at the bottom, leaning casually against the banister. He sweeps out from his resting position with a smile at the sight of you, expression warm and welcoming.
“Good morning,” he says. His posture is casual, but his gaze is searching as it rolls you up and down. Curious, explorative. “How are you?”
“Good morning.” You withdraw into yourself ever so slightly, doing your best not to wilt underneath his gaze. “I’m well.”
“Haurchefant is tending to his duties today, but I do hope I can measure up to him in the realm of being pleasant company. Would you grace me with your presence for today’s breakfast?”
And to that, you have no objections. Artoirel cuts an intimidating figure, physically, but his gentlemanly attitude softens his sharp features. He’s something you’d expect from a wealthy prospective suitor in a romance novel.
Breakfast is a wide array of Ishgard’s finest dishes—foods hearty and rich in nature. It’s a struggle to not scarf down your portions, but easy conversation with Artoirel helps you space out your bites.
It’s all pleasantries at first. He attempts to dive beneath who you are outside of your status as the Warrior of Light, asks about your skills and your hobbies, what you enjoy doing outside of slaying gods and monsters alike. He’s picture perfect. Even the bites he takes of his foot are petite and polite, not a crumb to be seen on the corners of his lips. His expression flexes, the space between his eyebrows wrinkling. He looks like he’s grasping for words, lips pursing as he stares down his remaining food.
“Have any of the nobility made a bad impression on you?” he asks out of the blue, a piece of bacon perched atop his fork.
“No. Not yet, at least,” you look down at your potatoes, eyeing the way the chandelier light bounces off the silverware. It’s a surprising line of conversation to go down, but his concern touches you.
“Full glad am I to hear that. I would hate for any of my more… judgmental peers to sully your experience,” his voice is soft and delicate, a type of gentility that makes your heart squeeze. “However, I must encourage you to be cautious. Ishgardian high society can be… especially brutal to the few foreign guests we receive. Should you encounter any hostility, do not hesitate to inform me. I cannot guarantee any consequences for those in rival houses, but be assured that we at House Fortemps do not share the same sentiments.”
It’s reassuring to hear him so concerned with your reputation and well-being. You’re a new stranger to Ishgard, and there’s no doubt that everyone from the high borne to the lowly of the Brume can tell. Being thrust into such a foreign environment after what you endured has made you feel lost and overly dependent on your connections here. And… perhaps you are. But Artoirel’s devoted sentiments soothe you against your better judgment.
You don’t think much of it now, nor do you think much of it when you’re called down for lunch. Or dinner. It’s only right for the count to call all the residents and guests in his home for meals.
Emmanellain joins you for dinner that night. His eyes glint cleverly, his very presence incessant in its curiosity.
“To think, the champion of the ixal could be felled so succinctly!” he crows after you recount your deadly battle with Garuda. “Ah, I remember Haurchefant arriving home with stars in his eyes, that night. Word of your grand exploit was all he wished to speak of—well, besides your form… and the lovely curves that adorn said form.”
Ah. Long have you been aware of Haurchefant’s growing… intrigue in you, but never has it been so plainly observed by another. How much had he said about you? Your cheeks warmed as you thought over the possibilities, distracted from the raise of Artoirel’s voice as he reprimands his brother.
Haurchefant doesn’t return. Artoirel helpfully informs you that he’s seeing to his very last post at Camp Dragonhead before he returns to fully join the Heavensward. His absence leaves you feeling emptier than usual.
And when you cannot sleep, you occupy yourself with studying Ishgardian history. Much to your frustration, you can’t lift more than four of the tomes at once without your arms and shoulders screaming in protest, so you begrudgingly settle for three. You read throughout the night and find that the founding of the city state alone is enough to cover two-hundred or so pages.
A few hours before dawn, you dim the light and settle back against the pillows, filtering in and out of consciousness until you need to use the bathroom.
You eat breakfast with Artoirel again that morning, and promptly decide you need to take a walk for your own sanity. Manor Fortemps is a splendous place to live, but you can only stand being cooped up for so long before you lose your mind. You make sure to throw on a scarf and some knitted gloves that had been fetched for you, all bundled up and equipped as diligently as possible against the merciless cold.
Though you still don’t have a handle on the city’s layout, you believe asking for directions will serve you just fine. The manor is practically a landmark. Any local worth their salt should be able to point you in its direction. You assure yourself as you make your way towards the grand double doors.
“Oh, are you taking a walk?” Artoirel’s voice pipes up, the lord’s head peeking out from behind a nearby corner.
“Yes. I just wanted to get some fresh air, is all,” you inform him with a small shrug. He steps fully into view, his gaze soft and his smile sweet as he regards you.
“Ah, I was just about to head to the astrologicum. Would you care to accompany me?” He tilts his head ever so slightly as he inquires, leaving you struggling for an answer. On one hand, you likely should visit. If you weren’t mistaken, the man who treated your wounds is an astrologian. On the other… your entire stay in Ishgard has been a procession of well-meaning individuals constantly fretting about and crowding you. Even a moment outside alone would help combat the ceaseless, crushing sense of helplessness it has left you with.
Before you can even answer, Artoirel glances past you, gaze sparking with recognition as he spots one of the housekeepers.
“Ah! Adrienne, the Warrior of Light and I are about to take a visit to the astrologicum. Should Emmanellain return before us, kindly to tell him that the tarte tatin is to be shared. I will not have a repeat incident of last week.” His voice carries a firm edge to it at the end of his sentence, exasperation barely kept from breaching the surface. He shakes his head the housekeeper says an affirmative and scurries off, turning back to you with a sheepish smile.
“My apologies. The last time our chef prepared tarte tatin, he sneaked in and pillaged the entire share before dinner even started,” Artoirel shook his head with a sigh. “At times, I can’t help but think Honoroit is more suited to his position than he is… but that’s nothing for you to worry about.” He dismisses the matter with a wave of his hand as he throws his coat over his shoulders. A shame. The nosier part of you wishes he had continued. It’s no secret that his younger brother is a divisive subject among the family due to his immaturity and habitual slacking off, but you’ve heard quite little of the boy who follows him around like a lost puppy.
“I have an acquaintance at the astrologicum who was hoping to meet you.” Artoirel, for the most part, seems genuinely oblivious to your internal monologue. He holds the door open like the truest of gentlemen and sticks close to your side as he swans elegantly down the street. Even his walk is refined, long legs sweeping nimbly over the concrete.
You try to keep your crestfallenness hidden as you follow, hoping Artoirel’s insistence is simply him overcompensating in an effort to be a good host. You’re in no shape to deny him at the moment—he’s the count, and he’s so graciously allowing you to stay in his home. Should he decide to shove you out the front gates, you’ll surely have nowhere to go.
You don’t know how you haven’t realized the potential danger in that until now.
- - -
You accompany him to the astrologicum to placate him.
You try to take your leave after dinner, hoping he’ll be too busy finishing off dessert to notice you slinking towards the living room. He does, of course. And he continues to do so. Every attempt you make to leave on your own winds up inevitably thwarted underneath his watchful gaze.
He accompanies you on walks, and you accompany him on small errands whenever he offers, figuring fresh air with him is better than none at all.
“Foot traffic is high this time of day, especially after the archbishop mandated a longer break time for the construction workers down at the lower Ishgard. I dearly hope the noise has not kept you from your sleep.” Artoirel sighs as he accompanies you through the crowd, a palm flat to your lower back.
“Forgive my intrusion, but I cannot help notice that you have been favoring your right leg. Perhaps it would be a better idea to remain inside and rest? I imagine Urianger will be quite cross with Haurchefant and I if your recovery is hampered in any way.” Artoirel says imploringly, his eyes sweet and his lashes long as he bats them.
“We have a gazebo in the gardens if you would like somewhere to enjoy a spot of fresh air,” he informs you passively over the dinner table. “Not much grows out there these days, but it has been swept down and cleaned up for your use.”
It doesn’t reassure you. The next two days are fraught with uncertainty as you await Haurchefant’s return. Conversations with Alphinaud and Tataru are a brief reprieve from the blossoming paranoia, but you deign to not tell them the truth. There’s no doubt that Alphinaud will march straight to wherever Artoirel happens to be and demand answers.
If this is all some massive understanding, you don’t want to risk jeopardizing your relationship with your host. You keep Artoirel’s suspicious insistence on keeping you cooped up a secret, even as the stress it invokes worsens your condition.
However, you are nothing if not resourceful. The balcony door to your room has remained unopened throughout your short stay. Exiting from the second level had been beyond your capabilities given your current status, but desperate times call for desperate measures. (And trapped creatures often make irrational decisions.)
Your muscles strain under the pressure of holding yourself up as you lower onto a conveniently close ledge, and then onto a trash can nestled against the brick wall. The loud rattle of the metal lid against the can makes you flinch, but the side street is blessedly empty.
Just like that, you’re free. The phantom pains grip you tight and dig into your ilms of muscle, causing you to buckle. One of your hands finds purchase against the textured brick wall, gasps rattling in and out of your lungs as you struggle to steady yourself. Spikes of frigid pain lash out at your head, the space above your eyes throbbing as you attempt to reign it all in. Your thick gloves keep your nails from grating along the brick, something you find yourself suddenly grateful for as the pain begins to clear.
You focus simply on pulling the breath in and out of your lungs, the cold air drying your throat. The rest of the world dims as you refuse to focus on it, the agony ebbing away into blissful nothingness. Only then are you able to straighten up, gaze clear as you look down the long alleyway. Ishgard’s steep spires and long roads suddenly seem to curl around you, the prospect of navigating them alone somehow intimidating.
Weeks ago, you would have been fine with exploring without a chaperone.
You’re only going on a short walk, you rationalize. Your body moves accordingly as you urge it forward, heading out of the alleyway and onto the streets proper. Each step forward is another to be proud of, you try and tell yourself, but the words ring feeble and hollow in the void of your consciousness.
- - -
Estinien, for better or for worse, has grown accustomed to traveling near exclusively via rooftop. The streets below are littered with strangers who are able to perceive him. It’s daunting in ways he refuses to admit to. The stench of raw Ishgard rubs foul against his nose when he mingles among the masses, an affront to his sharpened senses. At least the beast inside of him knows it does not belong.
Powdery snow drifts from the grey sky, dotting his hoarfrost lashes, threatening to blur his vision as they nearly melt on impact. Here, legs perched upon the thin ledge of a building’s high spire, he can comfortably separate and spectate the writhing populace. Idle people-watching has become a disturbingly frequent indulgence in between his missions and tasks.
It helps distract him from the red vines that curl around the tall buildings, from the patches of disembodied flesh that decorate the cobblestone ground. Features of Ishgard only he can see—the beast trying its hardest to convince him to leave.
Perhaps it is the human part of him that remains that enjoys this passtime, desperate for a vicarious taste of old normalcy. Of belonging. He despises it. He is no longer soft flesh and natural composition. He is hard edges and scales, branching horns and gnashing teeth all wrapped neatly under the illusion of humanity. If his glamor were to be dispelled, they would surely throw rocks and knives and weapons of every sort in his direction despite all he has done to protect them.
So he broods, and he is willing to admit that he broods. He consumes the crowd beneath him with wide sweeps of his piercing gaze.
An old woman hands over a coin purse in exchange for a pair of mittens. A child in the middle of a game of tag slips on a patch of ice, tumbling onto his knee. He hears the resulting yelp, despite his distance. The beginnings of warm, childhood nostalgia creep up on him. His jaw tightens as he prepares to beat it back—oh.
He notices someone decidedly different from the rest of the crowd. A figure that stands fulms and fulms apart, one he has seen before. The Warrior of Light. You look decidedly healthier than you had the last time he had laid eyes upon you, sheltered in the cloistered bookman’s keep. You had been crumpled by your injuries, a mess of an individual dragged in, hanging onto life by a mere thread.
You’re walking around, at the very least. Still a tad gaunt. The bags underneath your eyes are new, but he supposes you have plenty to lose sleep over after everything you have been through. He is no stranger to loss. He knows how it can rip a person’s core out, make them a shell of their former self. He sympathizes.
He dismounts his perch, climbs across roofs and spires as he follows you along, glued to the shadows. No one regards him, his armor stained deep grey with the intent of better camouflaging him.
There’s a noticeable stagger to your steps as you visit different merchants, not bothering to actually head inside any of the storefronts. Perhaps the cold is harsh on your injuries. Why, then, are you not inside? He imagines Haurchefant would be on you like a mother hen, though he recalls that the youngest Fortemps child has been sent to Camp Dragonhead for the next few days, overseeing the change of leadership.
A pity, then, that he is not able to stop you as you aimlessly float from stand to stand. With each moment your movements become more labored, more encumbered despite you having nothing on your person. It’s easy to follow you from his position so high above. Eventually, you split off from the crowd, your eyes wide and your arms drawn tightly to yourself. You stumble up the stone steps, across the street and into one of the thin alleyways, thoroughly closed off from the rest of the populace.
It is not sympathy or concern that makes him dismount his perch. The frozen air whips through his long locks and lashes at his eyes as he descends, body instinctively contorting to stick a perfect landing.
It is a curiosity that plants him so firmly before her, a need to know the woman so vaunted and pursued for himself. You, who have so immediately commanded the adoration of Ishgard’s most coveted and quiet astrologian.
You startle as he lands, the sound of the impact ricketing up and down the otherwise empty alley.
- - -
Fatigue jolts up and down your anguished limbs as you trudge through the crowd. Initially, it hadn’t been so bad. Sure, you had been a tad tired after your escape, but your condition quickly snowballed down the slope. Ishgard’s cold seeps into your body even though your thick, cushy clothes. Your capricious escape leaves you in a poor state by the time you reach the marketplace.
Hells, you wouldn’t be surprised if you managed to exacerbate your wounds in the process. Still, you flutter from stand to stand, half-heartedly looking over merchants’ wares until the whimsy to move on strikes you. It helps distract from your new, pounding headache.
One of the most appealing booths has little puppets that are hand-sewn. An array of cute, fuzzy characters is lined up atop the wooden table, alongside some plain stuffed animals. Had you actually brought your coin purse, you undoubtedly would have purchased something. One of the aforementioned plushes is a grey-pelted fox wearing a stone-faced expression, something about it reminding you of ser Aymeric.
Unfortunately, the pain grows too great. Its bitter grip ensnares you, making your breath shorten and your body tremble as you continue your trek. You’ve overstayed your welcome. You should return home. To Manor Fortemps.
You split from the crowd, heading in the direction you believe is right. It’s difficult to keep your full mental faculties whilst so distracted, so you stumble down the alley and hope for the best. The dark brick walls make the path thin and constricting.
It’s by pure chance that you manage to see a flash of red above you before it lands. It’s a fluid blur of motion, a figure descending from the heavens that you don’t quite comprehend until it lands.
Brilliant plates of red armor wrap the broad figure’s body tight. The odd pikes that extend from its form and the angular nature of the sculpt let you know this is a dragoon, albeit unlike anyone you’ve ever seen before. The helmet is absent, allowing you to fully view the individual’s face.
He possesses hardened, sharp features. A cut jawline and a nose with a high bridge. His eyes are narrow, irises a shade of icy blue. It’s the whites of his eyes that take you off guard—stained a deep crimson. Long strands of snowy hair frame his face and brush against his jawline. All things that catch your attention for a fraction of the moment, but what draws your alarm are the two, blackened horns that arch from his skull, curling backwards slightly, raised to the sky. His cheekbones are adorned with glimmering, black scales. They gleam red where the light catches off them.
Sickly, red lines akin to veins scatter across either cheek from his eyes. It’s nothing you’ve ever seen before.
You don’t see it as much as you feel it, waves of inky black void that roll off him like fog or flame. He is the picture of everything Ishgard fears all at once, the corruption of their own people by the dragons who have kept them in stalemate for hundreds of years.
Your breath stalls in your lungs, every muscle in your body seeming to tense as you struggle to comprehend his visage. Upon closer inspection, his form is absent of the gauntlets most dragoons wear. Another thick layer of scaling coats his arms from the elbows down, the tips of his fingers curling into sharp claws.
“The Warrior of Light,” he addresses you contemplatively, but his expression belies disappointment. “I had not expected to see you out of your sickbed so soon—though it looks like you’ve flown the nest before you were ready.”
“Who—what are you?” you stammer, coherency returning to you in staggered stages. You hunch against the cold, brick wall, eyes near the size of saucers as you stare him down. You don’t dare shift your gaze away from him.
The droll disappointment that colors his features vanishes, giving way into momentary surprise. One side of his mouth quirks into a crooked, shark-like smile. Even his teeth are refined into sharp points, better for ripping into flesh and chewing bone. He barks a cold, humorless laugh.
“So you can see me,” he remarks idly. The edges of your consciousness begin to burn and fray. The inky splotches that swim at the edges of your vision threaten the view you have of him. “You have truesight yet the first thing you see with it is this wretched form. I almost feel sorry for you. Aymeric was correct in his assumptions about you, though that’s for better or for worse,” he remarks as you feel yourself start to sway. Your hands grow numb. A slow tingle takes your fingertips and strokes down to your palms, sweeping to the rest of your arms.
Any panic that you might feel is swept under the growing void, too exhausted to muster even a drop of emotion.
The last thing you hear before you take the plunge is the clanking of his greaves against the stone ground.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
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Welcome back, everyone! Today’s recap is surprisingly positive. I liked a lot of what we got in Chapter One, with the biggest complaint being the sheer amount of Sun-bashing throughout. On the one hand it does decent things for Coco’s characterization, on the other hand… we’ve really got to rake one character across the coals in order to forward another? It’s a mixed bag, but we’ll get to all that.
Initially we open on SSSN and CFVY having breakfast together. Which Coco is surprised to find herself enjoying. In fact, she’s enjoying it so much that she’s called out for laughing/smiling too much.
“I thought you boys liked it when girls smiled,” she said.
Honestly? I’m here for the lesbian weaponizing that against a bunch of guys. I’ve been told to smile so much in my life that I too would get snarky if I was then told to stop. I can be petty that way.
Of course, Coco isn’t really the victim here. She’s specifically laughing at the fact that her team needed to help Sun out last night, which is not only mean (I do support the boys telling her to knock it off even while I support snarky quips about smiling) but also flies in the face of everything huntsmen are supposed to represent. I’m honestly surprised by the amount of disdain for teamwork throughout both the web-series and this book so far. It’s like Ozpin tried to teach his students – and the audience – that teamwork is a necessary skill by creating literal teams… but instead of learning that every huntsmen in training went, “Great! Now that we have these teams we’ll never need to work with anyone else ever.” There’s obviously some leeway here in regards to how Team RWBY became Team RNJR and then Team RWBYJNR(+O), but their mega team has the same ‘us vs. the world’ attitude that Coco displays here. Factor in the team partners and it feels like everyone missed the memo about working with others being a good thing.
We’ll see this again just a little farther along, when Coco mentally complains about how SSSN only “assisted” them previously, not “rescued.” It’s the same distinction Sun made in the prologue: You didn’t save me. Even though they did. Coco is more concerned with how SSSN is tarnishing the “shine” of their reputation, rather than how they helped her or how she, in turn, could help them. Whenever the main story insists that the antagonist of the week is dividing the world for Salem, I want to point very emphatically to the heroes who are supposed to be enacting that unification... but aren’t. If they can’t even admit that a peer helped them without scrambling to assuage that supposed blow to their pride, how are they ever going to deal with the actual, weighty ethics of these problems? The ‘my way or the highway’ attitude we’ve seen Ruby display starts here. Everything is black and white. It’s simply not possible for them to be impressive, capable fighters and in need of rescue now and again. Therefore no rescue took place and peers – however subtly – are viewed as competition at best, potential enemies at worst. When you take these teens out of school and put them in, say, a military environment where your peers have incredibly difficult decisions to make… that’s where problems crop up.
I also think it’s worth acknowledging that Sun was in legitimate danger last night. Unknown adversaries + an inability to combat them = potential death. Sun even comments in the prologue that he has to keep a close eye on his aura because otherwise he might come out of this encounter seriously injured. It reads as continually strange to me that characters who just lived through a major battle still have the confidence and naivete needed to view Sun’s encounter as a hilarious one-upmanship. ‘Ha! My team had to save you~’ should not be the reaction of kids who now fully understand the ‘save you’ part. The world is dangerous and unpredictable. People have died. Sun himself could have died or just (“just”) been hurt. What’s funny about that?
Meanwhile, the rest of SSSN is pretty pissed. Neptune likewise thinks Sun getting beat up “on your own turf” is funny, but Coco notices his angry tone. She wonders “if he meant he wished he’d been there to watch more than help.” So yeah, really pissed. What stands out to me though is that these are just feelings. The act of thinking and saying horrible things – “If you were one of my men I’d have you shot” – is not the same thing as actually acting them out, or allowing them to happen. I have no doubt that if Sun were in trouble Neptune would do everything he could to help him. The SSSN group would not literally stand by and watch a teammate get beat up… which just re-emphasizes for me how horrible Team RWBY’s actions were in Volume 6, watching indifferently as Ozpin begged, cried, and was attacked. For all this book’s problems, there’s a lot in this chapter that I wish we’d seen with Team RWBY. A moment where the group implied they were angry enough to abandon Ozpin but not actually doing that would have made a massive difference.
Coco notices Neptune’s meaning, but “she doubted Sun had the awareness to see that.” From here on out the Sun-bashing picks up and it’s… a lot. Far too much in my opinion. She mentally claims that Sun attaches himself to better teams to “make up for the fact that he and his own team were mediocre at best” even though, to my recollection, we haven’t seen any evidence of this. SSSN has potential, but only if they get a strong leader. Meaning, in her opinion, not Sun. He’s “too unstable, too unreliable” and Coco doesn’t even like eating with him most days, especially since she blames him for messing with her team’s morale. There’s exactly one moment where she agrees with him… and feels the need to remind herself (the reader) that it’s just this once. She also has little qualms about saying at least some of this to his face.
“But it is our business,” Coco added. “We don’t need you. No offense.”
Scarlet stood. “Why would I take offense?” he asked. “Just because you think you’re too good for us.”
Me experiencing the second-hand discomfort: 
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WOW that’s a lot of anti-Sun sentiment. As mentioned at the start, I do think this work brings some value to the story. Meaning, characters are allowed to dislike other characters and it helps make Coco a well-rounded person to show that she has this flaw of being judgmental and overly critical. We know it’s a flaw because of how her team reacts to her comment:
Coco glanced at her team. Velvet avoided looking at her, which meant she wasn’t on the same page this time. Yatsuhashi looked uncomfortable, but he kind of always did during personal conflicts. And Fox—
“It wouldn’t hurt to have some reinforcements,” Fox sent, using his telepathic Semblance, presumably just to her.
“I don’t disagree,” Coco sent back. “If it was the right team.”
This is good! Velvet and Yatsuhashi’s body language tells us they don’t fully agree with Coco, if at all. Fox is comfortable enough to push back some and suggest that they could use the support. Coco, in turn, doesn’t brush him off. She still holds the opinion that Sun and his team aren’t the “right” kind of support, but she’s not rigid in her stance. She values her team’s opinions and is flexible enough to start accommodating them, even when they bump up against such an intense bias. Later in the conversation, Coco will outright ask for Velvet’s opinion and, based on that, changes her decision:
“What do you think, Velvet?” Coco sent.
Velvet was quiet for a while before she lifted her eyes and looked directly at Coco. She smiled. “I like proving people wrong.”
This is the sort of work I wish we were getting with Team RWBY. Behold! The leader can be wrong! Her team doesn’t always agree with her! They tell her as much and she takes those complaints seriously, resulting in a change! It’s such a sharp contrast to Blake’s elevator promise, the group keeping dead quiet as Ruby lied, everyone just shrugging off their supposed discomfort with that, Blake and Yang spilling secrets to Robyn and the team apparently doesn’t care… The writing could take some tips from this scene here.
However, all of this only comes about through that intense Sun-bashing. Which, coupled with the opening that was hyper-focused on showing how inept he supposedly is, is A Lot. It’s great to round-out Coco like this, it’s just too bad it came at Sun’s expense. Anyone who is a fan of his isn’t going to enjoy another character given so much space to criticize him with comparatively little disagreement, given that Sun’s team is also mad at him right now. He has no support here, to the point where any defense is given the ‘but you’re not totally wrong’ caveat.
“And you’re not exactly the best and brightest student at Shade,” she added silently.
“Harsh,” Fox sent.
Okay, so she hadn’t thought it silently enough.
“But fair,” Fox added.
I know I wouldn’t enjoy reading that about one of my faves. Indeed, I’ve already sat through it. It’s not enjoyable.
(Aside #1: I want more info about how Fox’s semblance works. Specifically, I want to know how others send him a message. It’s clear here that Coco didn’t mean for him to hear that thought, so did she accidentally do something to send it to him? What does it mean to think it “silently enough” that Fox won’t pick up on it? Is it a matter of “speaking” deliberately inside your head? Or does he have the potential to hear any thought passing by? Which would be one hell of a privacy issue…)
Not much happens plot-wise during all this. It’s mostly Coco’s thoughts with that dash of disagreement regarding whether SSSN should help out. We do learn, however, that “the native Vacuans called them weak for abandoning Beacon Academy” and uh…
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I hope I don’t need to explain how getting overrun isn’t the same thing as “abandoning” their school. However, this does cast the prologue in a new light. If Vacuo is THAT obsessed with standing your ground, was Sun’s clan just outliers for deciding to move? Obviously you can’t paint a whole kingdom with one brush, but it feels weird to get wise ‘Some battles you can’t win’ advice in one chapter and then in the next learn that (apparently) most Vacuans are so stubborn they view a tragic defeat as abandonment.
The conversation segues into how Headmaster Theodore hasn’t done anything about the Crown yet, but Coco is more shocked that Sun refers to him as “Theo.” As someone who grew up calling teachers – including principals – by their first name, this made me laugh. 
That aside, Sun clearly has some connection to the headmaster. Something from the first book I missed? Entirely possible. I’m figuring this out as I go. The important bit is how the conversation actually tackles student agency vs. responsibility. Or, whether a bunch of unlicensed teens should be getting involved in a dangerous mission they already handed off to the professionals:
“Keeping us in the dark isn’t going to help anyone,” Coco said.
“You keep forgetting,” Scarlet scoffed. “We’re just students.”
“We’re already better than a lot of trained Huntsmen,” Coco said.
“But we still have a lot to learn. And we’ve already failed to defend one school.”
Coco corrected him. “We were all taken by surprise. Haven fared better.”
“Most of us weren’t even there, and I still wouldn’t call that a win,” Scarlet replied.
I appreciate that both sides are given weight here. Scarlet and Coco are allowed to make points as equals. Obviously given that this is a fighting story with students as protagonists, the plot is going to find ways for them to get involved. I’m not at all surprised that, by the end of the chapter, they’ve re-established the “need” to investigate despite being told that at least one fully-trained huntsmen was already handling it. We have to have a story. However, we can’t ignore the in-world fact that yes, they are just students. No, they’re not better than a lot of trained huntsmen (some, sure, but Qrow could kick their ass). They did get in over their heads. And “we were taken by surprise” isn’t the defense Coco seems to think it is. If you can’t handle a surprise attack... you’re not ready. To ignore all this is to write characters who come across as arrogant to the point of delusion. By having at least one person point out the flaws in this thinking, they read much more like young people trying to make a difference and letting that drive/impulsivity carry them a bit too far. That’s relatable – and engaging. This is more work I’d like to see with Team RWBY. Less, “That was before you trained us” and more “You keep forgetting, we’re just students.” It’s the heroes who are perceived as “just” something and manage to save the day anyway that’s exciting. Not the heroes who come sauntering in proclaiming that they’re the best ever and then manage to scrape by because the plot ensured they would. Or again, make one or two characters like that. Not an entire team.
(Aside #2: Sometime during all this Fox is referred to as “Fox Alistair.” Why the last name in the middle of a scene??)
So the whole group is upset that the headmaster doesn’t appear to be doing anything. Sun wants to help and feels strongly that they need it. Coco is adamant that they may need help, but not from him. During the course of this the Great War is brought up and the long-standing bias it has produced:
“The Great War again.” Coco shook her head. “Ancient history. Let it go.”
“Easy for you to say,” Sun said. “But have you let go of what happened to Beacon?” He sat down and put his hands together. “You. Need. Us.”
I get the point that Sun is making but uh… those aren’t the same thing. As Professor Rumpole will acknowledge in just a bit, even something from fifty years ago can feel like “ancient history” to someone who didn’t live through it. A war that ended eighty years ago – and began a decade before that – simply isn’t going to resonate emotionally with the new generation. They’ll feel the impact of it, but it’s still different. Trying to compare a kingdom’s attachment to something that happened a literal lifetime ago to the tragedy that they all personally experienced a year ago is unfair. It’s like if someone rightfully pointed out, “Hey, I want to acknowledge that the people down the street shouldn’t automatically hate me for something my grandfather did to their grandfather” and the response to that was, “Yeah but last year someone did something horrible to you and you haven’t let that go, so…” You’re talking about two very different situations, not to mention trying to use that trauma as leverage. Coco gets mad at Rumpole for doing the same thing in class: don’t use the fall of our school as a point for your argument. 
This whole chapter has a running theme of history and its impact, including a dual joke from Fox about “those who miss history are doomed to repeat it” (that is: the old adage of learning from past mistakes as well at the fact that if they miss their literal history class they’ll need to repeat the course). Which, taking the novel as a whole, is presumably reflective of these two teams. I may take issue with the pervasive perspective that huntsmen can get by on their own, but the fact is that Sun and Coco do work together, despite the complaints. It’s right there on the cover. So we have this larger setup of kingdoms fighting and the ways that this is still negatively impacting the next generation. Now here that generation comes along, struggling with but ultimately overcoming that hurdle. We will work together. We will choose to trust one another, hard as that is. It’s – again – a better example of the younger generation surpassing their elders than what the web-series has managed to give us lately.
Right now, Coco is only agreeing to work with SSSN because she intends to avoid problems, not because she thinks they’ll be a benefit to her: “It made sense to combine their efforts—if only to make sure Sun didn’t get in their way, or to make sure Scarlet didn’t rat them out to Rumpole.” It’s a horrible thing to think about someone, let alone a someone who is meant to be a friend. However, the hope is that Coco grows over the course of the novel. I certainly hope poor Sun doesn’t spend 200+ pages helping her only for Coco to come out the other side still holding such a low opinion of him…
So we get a bit more about how scary Coco can come across as, how much she enjoys that, and how “This whole ‘accepting help’ thing wasn’t exactly her style.” We get it. The powerful huntsmen never need help, etc. etc. Maybe I’m just a community-driven gremlin but I find this concept of extreme individuality to be terrifying. Accepting help is absolutely my style. Please help me. For the love of God, if anyone can make this world a little more manageable I will take it.
I’m not a cool girl like Coco though. Maybe that’s the difference.
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The group finally goes to history class where they hold their heads high despite coming in late. No, no, no. No feeling pride over disrespect. Rumpole has every right to be shaking her head at them. You’re late because something came up, you accidentally slept in, etc.? That’s life. You’re late because you couldn’t be bothered to arrive on time and think you shouldn’t feel any guilt over that? C’mon.
All of which segues into how Coco was in “her share of disciplinary meetings” back at Beacon. In contrast to the head-held-high attitude though, Coco admits to herself that she found the feedback valuable. As she moves through thoughts about how she totally doesn’t need praise, Fox corrects her:
“I don’t need eyesight to know you’re great, Coco. But maybe those shades of yours have been distorting how you see things. Try taking them off once in a while. You’d be surprised to learn there are lots of people outside of our team worthy of praise.”
I am legitimately enjoying a main character – a leader no less – getting kindly called out for their inaccurate perspective. That’s what we want!! Growth!!! Especially since Fox neatly ties this back to the real conflict at hand: “You’d be surprised to learn there are lots of people outside our team worthy of praise.” Indeed, Coco does try taking off her glasses (horrible as that metaphor is. Like... it’s really awkward) and is then able to articulate just how much she appreciates Rumpole. I’m not going to lie, reading a scene where someone over 30 is praised and respected did my heart some good.
(Aside #3: I’m having trouble reconciling this Fox with the one I know is going to appear later with Neptune. It’s quite a leap to go from wise ‘Other people are worthy of praise’ to being so uncaring you’ll advocate for the continued torture of a peer...)
We move through Coco’s admiration for Rumpole’s fashion and how that reflects her personality: stylish but, at the end of the day, practical. We get some nice details about Fox keeping the team awake and giving them answers with his semblance, which is exactly the way I would expect students to use telepathy in class (alongside singing annoying songs to piss each other off, reading aloud memes they’re looking up on their phones, desperately asking what the hell the teacher just said because oh god it’s going to be on the exam isn’t it?) Eventually all this leads to Coco subtly calling out Rumpole for – supposedly – not investigating the Crown. Hey, teach. Why are we learning about this time period now? Don’t you want to talk about when the crown was the center of authority around here?
It's subtle… ish.
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Message received, Rumpole speaks with them after class to explain that she hasn’t brought this to the headmaster yet because he’s got too much on his plate. Instead she’s investigating it personally and will fill Theodore in when she has something substantial. Coco, while pleased that Rumpole hasn’t completely blown them off, is insistent that dealing with today’s problems is all that matters. Who cares about tomorrow?
“That’s a luxury you have as a Huntress in training. Theodore has to be concerned with both today and tomorrow.”
Ding ding ding! This is Team RWBY’s problem too. What do you mean we can’t just solve this problem here and now? I want to fight today, no matter what that might do to tomorrow. Meanwhile, Ozpin isn’t just thinking about tomorrow, but generations of tomorrows. This is a luxury that only the very young and the ones without responsibility can have. Make them fight for a thousand years and they’ll start caring about what the next thousand will look like. Give them the weight of a kingdom and watch them weigh decisions when, suddenly, it’s no longer just their own lives they’re risking. God I hope Team RWBY starts realizing this in Volume 8…
The only downside is that Rumpole provides all this via more shade thrown (partly) at Ozpin: “The headmasters of the other schools have been reckless, negligent, or overprotective.” Thus far, the people of Vacuo seem quite happy to assume they would have done better in Beacon’s place. Well, if I were at Beacon I simply wouldn’t have abandoned it. If Theodore was headmaster there it simply wouldn’t have fallen. That’s a luxury of Rumpole’s own: the ability to stand safe in a currently untouched kingdom and assume that, if put in the same position, she and her people would have come out for the better.
She continues with,
“Theo’s first priority will always be helping you reach your full potential, making you strong enough to survive anything that comes your way. He has your best interest in mind, no matter where you come from or where you started your training. Who else can say that?”
Uh… Ozpin?
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Absolutely Ozpin.
However, Rumpole does provide good reasons for why the group should hang back. Not just the “You’re students” argument but also an acknowledgement that she has very sensitive leads going. Getting others involved might jeopardize that. Of course, they interpret all this as Rumpole just telling them to be cautious. Get involved, just don’t get caught. As mentioned above, this was inevitable. There’s no story without the group’s involvement and coming up with ways that they oh so unexpectedly (conveniently) end up involved without intending to be can get very old, very fast. So I get it. Let’s just hope that they go about this in a way that doesn’t make them seem like completely over-confident fools.
So all in all not a bad chapter. At least comparatively. If you’re able to overlook the Sun-bashing and the execution of some ideas (the prose is still incredibly messy in places) there’s actually a lot of work here that I appreciate. Work I’d really love to see implemented into the web-series. To be frank, it’s not that I think this is all particularly good… just not particularly bad either. Good for RWBY, shall we say. In another franchise I’d be heavily disappointed in this, but for a series with so many other flaws lately? Seeing just an inkling of this complexity is a relief. Even if the details grate.
Only question is, can the novel maintain this low-bar standard all the way through? Based on public reaction I’m gonna guess no…
But we shall see! 💜
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yutaone · 4 years
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wooyoung imagine
[ part of the historical romance series ]
the chattering of the people in the ballroom seemed to become louder by the minute to you. none of the conversation coming to your interest, causing you to get lost in the sea of people before you. dancing was not an interest to you as the guest twirled around the floor with partners. the men here flashed their expensive suits and jewelry whilst watching women like predators, awaiting a dance with them. you deeply hoped they never set eyes on you, making sure you avoided every contact given. it almost always went as follows : dancing, interest , marriage , commitment and etc follows. it was at most not an interest to you in this time of your life, which your friends and family found distasteful. they found many ways to put you in front of suitors, trying their very hardest to get you married in no time, which was becoming more frustrating to them as you continued to refuse. sighing once more, you returned your attention to the women you were seated with. most of them were looking for men to ask a dance from them, the other half came with the men who had already grabbed their hands in marriage, leaving you the only independent woman. 
“it is quite unfortunate that you won’t at least consider any of the gentleman here, you mustn’t think that keeping your hand to yourself will get you very far” one of the Lady’s spoke to you, seeming to get everyone to nod along with her. to avoid the same argument for the hundredth time, you nodded as well.
“ill see” was all you said, taking another sip from the cup of punch you held.
“i put all of my bets on Sir Jung Wooyoung to take my hand by nights end” said the lady, plastered in a bright orange gown. she was beautiful of course, but her attitude spoke less of her. 
“who?” you asked, earning shocked looks from the women.
“only the finest man in the ton my dear sister” she spoke again, nodding her head in the direction of the crowd. following her gaze, your eyes landed on a handsome man indeed. he examined the crowd beside another man he seemed to be in conversation with. his long dark hair made it hard to see his face clearly, but his rather sharp oddly colored attire made up for it. it was as if he’d heard your thoughts as he looked over at the two of you watching him, running his hands through his hair making his eyes more visible. the eye contact gave you goosebumps on your arms and you became flustered. breaking the eye contact, you suddenly put all of your focus onto the teal gown you were wearing, smoothing out the nonexistent wrinkles. he was a fine man.
“did you see the way he looked at me? im almost definite that he will ask for my hand” the woman chirped on. you held a snort to yourself, knowing full well he’d given you the eye contact that she mistook for hers. it didn’t quite matter anyways, those kind of thoughts were not of your interest, no matter how handsome he was. again , he was a fine man.
finding yourself flustered once more for the sudden thoughts of the man, you took the opportunity to excuse yourself. “I’ll be only a second in the powder room” you said to them, ignoring their judgmental faces. as you bowed to them, you started towards your destination but ran into a figure before you.
“i..apologize miss. i didn’t mean to approach you with such clumsiness” a male voice spoke, hand softly at your waist disrupting your sudden fall to the ground. you looked up to face the man who’d been mentioned before, the one whose eyes hid behind his hair, Jung Wooyoung. you stepped back releasing yourself from him, the warmth of his hand leaving you and the apologetic look he held on his face.
“no worries ... i should be more careful sir” you said to him, hoping to the heavens that redness didn’t cover your cheeks. he nodded and wiped the guilty look from his face.
“ah, we have all had our misfortunes, but if it is forgiven as you say, I’d like to ask to capture you in a dance or two?” he asked , his hands shoved into his pockets elegantly. he was a fine man. the statement once again making its self known. the stunned look on your face must have been noticeable because of the sudden grin he held. you looked at the women at the table and they held the same stunned expression. the Lady plastered in the orange gown looked far from happy, bringing a little pettiness to your mind. you turned back to him and held your hand out for him to take.
“of course , Sir Wooyoung” you spoke to him, he returned your gesture and grabbed your hand. as he led you into the crowd, that warmth came back with your hand in his. he spun you crazily into the crowd, taking your mind off of the comforting feeling, leaving you confused. he led you away from the crowd and through a door that opened to a patio.
“fresh air, yes?” he asked, once again running his hands through his hair. his face was so well cleaned up, his earrings reflected from the moon, his smile brightening the night. he was a fine man.
“i suppose, but sir... why did you lead me out here? i thought you cared for a dance” you asked, he nodded at that.
“it is clear that you wanted to be rid of the women you were seated with. see, as I have had the eye on you for the time I’ve been here, seeing the discomfort you had and the disappointment they held on their thin faces. I gave the opportunity to approach you, although I hope you don’t think of it as a mistake my lady” he spoke, his voice sounding of silk. it astounded you that he thought to even make that approach at such a professional event.
“well... it surprises me that you had thought of me during your time. i don’t know how to properly thank you” you said to him, kicking your foot. he held his hand out for you to take.
“dance with me, out here. away from the people and into the moonlight” he said, wind blowing his hair elegantly. your heart sped up, thinking of what a simple dance leads to with men. wondering if you wanted to continue your refusal with the men who approached you, but this man before you, had been the most beautiful man you have ever encountered. his interests were pure and most comforting. smiling, you took his hand and nodded an aproval to dance with him. “if i must say so myself, you are a fine woman miss” he spoke as he pulled you into a dancing position, head close to your ear.
“you’re a fine man yourself , Sir Jung Wooyoung” your voice matching the softness of his.
a/n: i hope you guys like this, please lmk if it is not well done.
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xsekhah-balmung · 5 years
X’sekhah Tia - LFC
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The Basics ––– –
NAME:  X'sekhah Tia. AGE:  Twenty-seven. BIRTHDAY:  Twenty-fifth son of the first Astral Moon. RACE:  Seeker of the Sun. GENDER: Male. SEXUALITY: Heterosexual, polyamorous. MARITAL STATUS: Single.
Physical Appearance ––– –
Unkempt and as turbulent as Sekhah's temperament. It's a wildly uneven array of onyx strands that look as if he trims it without a mirror, and with a blade that lost its bite long ago. Some few patches of burgundy exist amidst the waves of pitch frayed ends of the mane, and decorating the head of hair is several shards of bone braided into the mess. He keeps it relatively "clean" otherwise, and washed to be free and clear of any dirt or grime.
They stand out most assuredly, and are likely the first thing that one might notice upon meeting Sekhah. There's a ghoulish and eerily pale yellow shine to the pair of them, and they flit around erratically. It's not so much borne from anxiousness or a lack of focus, but instead a desire to keep the goings-on of his environment tracked and well in the forefront of his mind—even during moments of casual conversation in relaxed situations. In short, Sekh is always on.
His people grow them tall, stout, and sturdy. Sekhah reaches somewhere in the neighborhood of five fulms, and ten or eleven ilms.
Having been born into the caste of warriors and hunters that scour the many grains of sand that make up the Sagolii in search of the horrors that dwell there, exceptional physical prowess is a source of pride, not to mention a necessity for survival. Sekhah is no different than his peers in this regard and his physique is a testament to this dedication. Countless bells spent training and embroiled in conflict spread across endless suns result in a frame trim and toned, with an abundance of musculature housed tightly packed beneath the swarthy hue of his flesh. Broad of shoulders and thick of limbs, Sekhah's build satisfies the conditions for the ideal warrior's frame—for his size—and is replete with scars that he's earned along the way.
A mask of stygian paint smeared across his eyes, and he's not often—if ever—seen without it. This is one of the few things that he's meticulous about insofar as his appearance goes.
As mentioned previously, scars. Sekhah’s people tell their personal stories with them. Wounds are left to heal on their own without the use of magic, and the scars that they leave behind are a sense of pride, not dissimilar to many other warrior cultures. They serve as a roadmap detailing every last bit of conflict that they’ve been engaged in, and the gnarled, and jagged evidence of past encounters with both man and beast stretch over his arms, belly, and back. Claw, tooth and blade make up the bulk of the unsightly marks that bite into his flesh.
Tattoos are present as well and compete for territory with the above mentioned scar tissue, though these are far less prominent insofar as quantity. A great black serpent that stretched over his ribs and ends upon his back, with a depiction of Azeyma swallowing the beast’s head up whole. Outside of that, there’s a plethora of fanciful stygian linework emblazoned over his wrists and his below his collarbone—seven in total upon the former area, and four upon his chest.
Missing teeth are replaced by some creature’s fang—after it’s been hunted down and slain by whomever’s mouth it’s going to sit in, obviously. Sekhah has one, a canine on the left side. There’s a drake’s tooth that completes his smile, gilded and gleaming when it catches the sun.
Though not as fervent—or overzealous—of a worshiper as he might've been in days past, Sekhah still pays enough reverence and respect to Azeyma to never be without some kind of charm or trinket embossed with her symbol. He usually keeps it out of sight these days, either looped 'round wrist underneath a glove or buried deep below the neck of his armor.
A wealth of pouches festoon his belt and only Azeyma knows what he keeps inside of them. Amidst the many present satchels are two innocuous blades. They don't bear much in the way of exquisite detail or markings. They're simple and efficient. A quiver of arrows rests tidily at the small of his back and a bow—equally unremarkable in its design—is usually slung over his back with its string digging into his chest.
Personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Hunter, warrior. That's about it. HOBBIES:  Gambling (this might be an addiction over a hobby), cartography, scavenging, making terrible decisions based on his temper, drinking, feasting, occasional theft, smithing. LANGUAGES:  Eorzean common, tuftspeak (don’t even ask). RESIDENCE: Ul'dah presently. BIRTHPLACE: Sagolii Desert. RELIGION: Azeyma the Warden. FEARS: Becoming complacent, falling into a mundane routine, too much quiet in his life, carbuncles (this is more of a hatred really, but close enough)
Relationships ––– –
SPOUSE: None. CHILDREN:  None. PARENTS: He certainly has some, though isn't very eager to speak of them. SIBLINGS:  He certainly has some, though isn't very eager to speak of them. OTHER RELATIVES: None still living. ACQUAINTANCES: Having severed ties with much of those in his past, Sekhah—again—isn't overly chatty on this subject. He's starting fresh now, so to speak. That being said, there is one thing that followed him out of the dunes.
An aged, and ornery beast, Sekhah's sundrake is his sole companion. The creature has seen many, many better days, with missing toes and bereft of an eye, and scales that look as though they've been forcibly torn and rent from its hide. It's loyal however despite the many grievances that it's clearly been made to endure in the Miqo'te's company—the many attempts it makes to gnaw at his flesh when he slips atop the thing to ride is clearly signs of affection, and play. Clearly.
Traits ––– –
extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organized / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathic / unempathic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / uncultured / in between loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
Additional Information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
RP Hooks ––– –
Freelance Adventurer/Hunter:
Just looking the part since he departed his tribe doesn't fill his belly, and so thusly Sekhah has had to resort to what means he can to provide for himself. Hunting beasts and men, providing security for travel shipments or chasing down misbegotten treasure at the behest of employers, he does (almost) everything. I'm open to having him work with other adventurer types in this type of RP or seeking out employees that want him to go and retrieve something for them.
Voidsent/Ashkin hunting:
This is something that he does less of now these days, but is the caste that he was born into and dedicated much of his life to. His people have a history of entanglements battling against the aforementioned horrors, defending tombs out in the dunes and so forth. Again as before, I'm interested in pursuing this type of RP with folks, if there's an interest!
OOC Section ––– –
Hi, hello. Thank you for getting this far if you have. This is as with almost all of the things I write up of this nature, a heavy work in progress. I'll be updating it and adding to it over time so, check back occasionally!
I'm looking to branch out and make some contacts out in ye' olde world of Final Fantasy XIV RP. If people are interested, great, I'm always happy to interact with folks and make new friends.  I prefer to RP with 18 + folks though, given the nature of some of the themes that can get involved in my RP.
Feel free to add me on discord if you'd like to plot something or to just say hello. Mediocrity In Motion#0862
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? It depends on the task or situation, and how likely it is to get better. I’m rather realistic and choose whether to be positive or negative only after I weigh the pros and cons. Are you comfortable with your weight? Yeah, I’m happy with it. I do sometimes wonder why I get to maintain my weight no matter how much I eat though. How often do you listen to Classic Rock? Never? It’s not really my genre of choice in any context. What about country? Even more never, if that’s even possible haha. Do you know anyone inside and out? That’s a very grand feat to reach and I'm not really comfortable claiming that this is how I am with anyone. I do know for a fact that there are still some things I’m only learning now about my girlfriend and I know her the best out of all the people I know.
Do you have days where all you feel like doing is dancing? Not at all, I hate dancing. Have you learned anything depressing lately? Yes. I talked about it in a survey last night and I don’t feel like going over it again because I’m actually doing a little better now. Is anyone in your family sick? For some reason I’m getting bad coughs every night, but other than that no one is seriously sick. Do you worry a lot, or are you pretty much carefree? Hahahaha the first one. I’m worrying right now; I’m just answering this survey to distract myself. Do you have a lot of freckles? Nope, that’s not a common feature here. Have you ever thought someone was really interesting, but when you got to know them you realized they weren't anything special? Back when Reiven and I were applying for our org, he stood out in our batch since he was hilarious and would make everyone crack up no matter what he said or did. I found him interesting because of that; once I got to know him more he turned out a liiiiiittle bit annoying and also difficult to work with since he would never accept edits and corrections on his works and he’d always stand by his writing errors. Are you very up-front about things or do you "beat around the bush"? Upfront. Everyone who knows me in real life knows I hate nothing more than people who beat around the bush. What kind of camera do you have? I don’t have a legit camera anymore after I gave my old DSLR to my sister, but these days I just use my iPhone’s camera to take photos since its quality is very good anyway. Was today good or bad, or has it just started? It was meh. And the meh-ness is starting to get to me already, ugh. What is something you know you shouldn't do, but do anyways? Stay up criminally late. I think that and my nightly coffees are the source of my bad headaches so I’m trying to sleep earlier these nights. Last night I was in bed my midnight and I gotta say, it was heaven lol. Do you know anyone who doesn't listen to music? Like, no songs at all? That’s so weird; no I haven’t. I can’t imagine anyone never encountering music ever. Tell me the initials of the person you can't get off your mind. ADHM, only because they’re my thesis partner and I feel bad for not having touched the thesis we’re both working on for quite some time now. I did work on it yesterday for the first time in weeks so I’m really proud of myself, but there’s always a part of me thinking it’s never enough. Ever broke something really expensive? Yeah I’ve broken all the phones my parents have ever bought me, which is why they always take forever to buy me new ones, i.e. they’re always hesitant because they know I have a knack for breaking them lol. My current iPhone 8 has stayed with me the longest so far and it’s still going strong though. What is the most amount of money you have ever lost? Probably the ₱700 in the wallet that got stolen from me five years ago. Do you trust a lot of people, or very few? I do trust a lot of people but I like keeping my circle small. Is photography one of your interests? Not anymore. It just used to be. Do you know your neighbors very well? I don’t know them at all. We’re not a very close community haha. I’ll smile at a neighbor when I walk my dog, but other than that I don’t know any of their names or who has which kid. Have you ever hurt yourself just to get attention? [trigger warning] No. When I do it it’s because I loathe myself, and I proceed to cover it up with long sleeves precisely so that it doesn’t get any attention. Has anyone ever called you conceited? Probably my mom at some point. Has anyone ever called you heartless? Again, probably my mom at some point. Do you tell people what you think? Only when it’s necessary and called for. Sometimes it’s simply unnecessary to say every single thought that occurs, like for small stuff like not digging someone’s shoes or if I find their car too hot. Someone says, "I don't judge people." Do you really believe them? No. I think we all judge people initially, it’s just a matter of if we let that judgment linger or not. Do you write ever write poetry just to get your feelings out? No. Poetry has never been my outlet. Who were you last really mad at? My mom, for having been a petty little kid for the last two days. Do you miss anyone? Yeah absolutely. What is a sad song that you like? I have a Spotify playlist literally called ‘sad hours’ and it’s for all my sad songs hah. Here are some of them:
Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
I Forget Where We Were - Ben Howard
I Saw You In A Dream - The Japanese House
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Cherry Wine - Hozier
Last person you talked on the phone to? Gabie. How many bones have you broken? Zero. It’s one of my biggest fears so I’ve always been very careful lol. Are you active? I would have been if the semester went uninterrupted and I got to have PE twice a week, but I’m not these days. Last person to get on your nerves? My mom, but also tbh just the weather overall. Are you one of those people who never stops fidgeting? Only when I’m nervous. Otherwise I can stay pretty still. Do you love the Hillshire Farm commercials? (Go meat!) I’m not familiar with them.
Oops, are you a vegetarian? Nope. Are you in any pain right now? Yeah a bit. Even though I stopped drinking coffee I still feel a mild headache coming, but I’m chalking that up to how humid it is right now. My current posture is also not the best and I’m starting to feel it on my lower back. Last time you drank water? Two hours ago, over dinner. Last thing you ate? I had white rice and calamari. Who's house did you visit last? Gabie’s.
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luxe-pauvre · 5 years
In his decades of medical practice, [Henry] Marsh has been a witness or a party to almost every kind of mistake. There are errors of commission (the hubristic removal of too much tumor) and of omission (the missed diagnosis). There are errors that go unreported (after a successful surgery, Marsh might decide not to tell a patient about a close call) and errors for which Marsh is held accountable. (He writes that, after one operation, “I told them to sue me. I told them I had made a terrible mistake.”) There are errors of delegation—as when Marsh allows a resident to perform a simple spinal surgery, and the patient is left with a paralyzed foot—and historical errors: at a mental hospital, Marsh encounters victims of lobotomy. One morning, Marsh operates after having a petty argument with another surgeon, and the operation paralyzes half the patient’s face. He writes, “Perhaps this was going to happen anyway—it is called a ‘recognized complication’ of that particular operation—but I know that I was not in the right state of mind to carry out such dangerous and delicate surgery, and when I saw the patient on the ward round in the days afterwards, and saw his paralyzed face, paralyzed and disfigured, I felt a deep sense of shame.” In a 1976 essay, the philosopher Bernard Williams explored a concept that he called “moral luck.” Often, he observed, we are morally responsible for actions that contain an element of chance. Imagine two people who drink too much at the same party, and who both drive home drunk; suppose that one of them hits a pedestrian. The driver in the accident is morally responsible for this outcome, and yet only chance distinguishes him from the other driver. Much of moral life, Williams thought, contains a similar element of luck. We happen to find ourselves in situations that bring judgment upon us. Yet this doesn’t absolve us of responsibility for what we do. It underscores an unsettling fact about moral life—that the distribution of moral fault in the world depends, in many ways, on good and bad luck. A soldier’s life is deeply shaped by such moral luck. So, it turns out, is a neurosurgeon’s. “As I become more and more experienced it seems that luck becomes ever more important,” Marsh writes. Even so, he will be blamed for what goes wrong and praised for what goes right—treated as a murderer in the morning, by one family, and as a savior in the afternoon, by another. People who are regularly exposed to moral luck often find it helpful to have some standard other than morality by which to judge themselves—a code, more or less. Marsh’s code has to do with his own emotions. If he can’t control how a surgery turns out, he will control how he feels. He tries not to let his feelings add to his patients’ fear and unhappiness; at the same time, he tries never to lie. He yearns, therefore, for feelings that are strong but realistic, fully voiced yet even-keeled. In one of the book’s most moving passages, he is called to the bedside of a favorite patient, David, a warm, accomplished, and intelligent man, whom he has known for twelve years. Marsh has fought David’s tumor in three surgeries, but now it has reached a deeper, fatal stratum of the brain. Marsh explains, with great sadness, that a fourth operation won’t do any good; David says that he’s suspected as much. Marsh holds David’s hand, is embraced by his wife, and says, “It’s been an honor to look after you.” [...] In writing “Do No Harm,” Marsh has seemingly violated his code: he expresses many of the feelings that he’s worked very hard to keep hidden. But codes, by their nature, exclude the complexities of inner and moral life, and Marsh wants to understand himself—and wants us to know him—in the light of those complexities.
Joshua Rothman, Anatomy of Error
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isakkxeven · 5 years
the signs as i know them part II
i’ve been wanting to make another post like this since the last I made which you can look at here. anyway! here are the signs as i know them part 2!
Aries: underrated. your strength is unmatched and your spirit is bigger than most give credit to. because of your sharp tongue and inability to hold back, people sometimes are rubbed the wrong way by you, but you have a huge heart. you are one of the most loyal signs, incredibly caring in weird ways. not overly affectionate, but shows their loves through their actions. some of the most determined people i’ve met are aries. so...so stubborn...but not a bad a thing, an absolute marvel of a thing, actually. your stubbornness and persistence is unlike anything. it’s your strength. Taurus: materialistic, but not in a bad way. they just love being taken care of and impressing others as well as family. they’re some pretty enigmatic people with unique personalities. carefree but they also care the most. they can be hot headed one minute then kind the next. they don’t always know how to handle their emotions, but they try to make up for anything erratic they may do. taurus, as i know them, harbor a lot of guilt and internal feelings that may often be met with self destruction. taurus don’t like to look weak, but they wear their heart on their shoulder more than they realize. kind, funny, insanely smart, SO SMART, clever, cunning. honestly, iconic. Gemini: ugh. gemini. you are the brunt of the sign, and while i may have not had the best experience with you guys, i still see you. i see the pain you have, because that pain is so yours that it’s all that matters in the moment you receive it. you can hold a grudge. you also complain...a lot. you feel like you have the whole world on your shoulders, but really, it’s just you and your mind. you’re such a switch there’s no telling when you might blow. you don’t talk about your emotions unless you have someone to blame for them. i feel like i’m giving gemini’s a hard time, but unfortunately i haven’t had the best luck with geminis. i will say this–as much as you guys are a bit wild, when you want something, you either totally squash the idea of it ever happening or you get it. your power is very much in your own hands. Cancer: shameless. have a hard time handling pressure. i don’t have a lot of experience with cancer’s, but the few i do often don’t give a shit one minute while the next minute their whole world may collapse. one thing cancer’s are good at is giving. they give a little too much, to the point where the shirt on their back becomes the skin. cancer’s don’t know when enough is enough and have a taste for the luxurious. wildly successful, capable, but doubtful of themselves because of scrutiny they may receive from others. they like to think they have a hard shell, but they’re easily cracked given the right (or wrong) words. they live by what is ideal and often not practical, but it’s what makes them so charismatic and likable even though they can turn around and talk shit the next minute. homebodies. very fearful of rejection. Leo: spitfire little bitch. omg. i love you though. you’re classic, you’re poised, but inside you’re a raging ball of disaster and you know it. your energy is know it all and your spirit is always high. you love to give, but not necessarily through material means, but through your strong emotional abilities. you’re supportive in a way that distracts and allows people to take a breath. you’re honest, but not like virgos who are more straight up, but in a supportive way that’s usually met with humor. you have a cheeky personality and you are often the jokester. prideful as you never ever show your struggles. resilient and strong, certainly a contender amongst the rest of the signs.  Virgo: i could go on and on about virgos. some of the most responsible, hard working, intelligent people. they can and WILL do anything. their own worst enemy is their own self and virgos i’ve known always tend to self sabotage. but, needless to say, they always somehow make a comeback no matter the mess they make in the moment. hot heads, judgmental, but funny as hell. they hold back with strangers, but once you get close enough, you realize just how vulgar they are. charismatic, honestly they just attract and manifest anything and everything because they really are that powerful. they often remind me to come back to reality and take care of the shit i need to. best friend material. the best ever.  Libra: stressed out little things. you guys are the epitome of stress and often bite off more than you can chew. but, you still manage to get it done cause that’s your thing. it’s funny that your sign is all about balance when the libras i’ve encountered are often very messy. i think the balance i see in libras comes from their abilities even if the results get a little messy. libra’s will do what they have to do, but not the point of a virgo who overworks themselves. libra’s are good at working hard and playing hard. they aren’t afraid to call people out, but may often feel guilty after doing so. i haven’t had a lot of libras in my life, but from those that i have, there’s nothing particular about the sign that rubs me the wrong way. Scorpio: oof. well. scorpio. you really just don’t give a shit what you say, do you? when you’ve had enough, you make it clear. you are a straight shooter and it’s terrifying. i honestly don’t know a lot about your scorpio, because you never really showed yourself. it’s like when you want to talk about your problems, you do, then act like they were never problems, just a topic of conversation. you have a tendency to mold yourself around others so much so that if they don’t conform to your way, then you have no reason to empathize with them. you can often seem heartless, but your emotions are more so in tune with your actions.
Sagittarius: mmMMMmmmm i mean??? i just don’t know. sagittarius, as i’ve known them, just seem confused. they seem stuck in the era most associated with their highest point. if a sag thrived in 2002, then by golly, they are their 2002 self. i don’t even know how to describe it. there’s something mystical about sagittarius to me and i really wish i knew more about sag’s to understand them more. they can be two faced, but not necessarily to be mean, but just to have the comfort of control and knowing that they’re on someone’s good side even at the expense of someone else. could probably do well in business as they are more cutthroat than they show. they’re unexpectedly funny, usually in a vulgar way, but they can also laugh at just about anything. 
Capricorn: you care so so much about how the world perceives you, but i don’t blame you. you have a lot of inner doubt and fear, and you try to compensate by being at the top of the pack. you were born to lead and be that bitch. you truly encompass balance, at least outward balance, but i know you’re messy and silly inside. you’re not the most serious, but you definitely known when it’s business time. you have a tendency to pass your fears off as jokes, but you’re not as transparent as you think. you’re very funny, very theatric, and overall an enjoyable person. even though i’ve grown apart from this person, i think i’ll always remember them and always check in with them. capricorn’s just make you want to care about them.  Aquarius: you just want to be loved. you literally do not know what to do with yourself and all you want is a freaking hug and someone to care. you are emotional and hot headed and you just don’t anything even when you know everything. you don’t really think twice, but when you do, you overanalyze everything. you love when people message you out of nowhere and knowing that you were on someone’s mind. you are super into affection even when you’re not the most affectionate person. you used to be my best friend, and i think of you often. you have a strange attachment to the past like you want to rekindle things you had before while still being true to your present self. you’re interesting, like a mix of pisces and virgo Pisces: it’s me bitch!!!! i’m a pisces, so of course, perfect, looks like linda evangelista, the whole thing. ok no but listen pisces are low-key monsters LOL i’m kidding but let’s be real we can be fucking psychotic sometimes pisces are manipulative, scary, and they will remember (if not anything else) what you were doing June 5th, 2017 at 9:45 p.m. fsldjfkjsd they really are so petty, but we are very selfless, almost to a fault. pisces always put others first, which is a pisces classic line, but it’s true. we’re just those dumb bitches. pisces are extremely witty (wow im big headed) they ingest knowledge just because and when they like something they become it. they will pick up lingo, intonations, jokes, etc. pisces are messy and emotional and they’re most likely always thinking about everything or nothing. there’s never an in between with pisces.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 6 years
Bewitched - from “Nice Guy Adrien the Musical” AU
AU is by @lenoreofraven​
Warning now that this fic (as is the AU it’s based in) isn’t exactly Adrien-friendly, so if you don’t like that, I’d ignore this.
Also, I chose to pretty much ignore everything in s3 after Chameleon, but Dragonbug will still be here.
“Your blackened intentions are so obvious.  I’m not so innocent anymore.  Why did you change? Unforgettable. You are really a bad, bad boy.” - Reason to Become a Witch, NS Yoon-G
As of late, Marinette has begun to see the irony in her inheriting powers based on being lucky. Not that she never had any doubts concerning the Ladybug Miraculous, but considering the events of the past few weeks, she’s not sure how anyone could connect her to the concept of good fortune.
First, there had been Lila. Lila, who promised on her very first day back to make Marinette’s friends and classmates turn against her. At the time, Marinette didn’t take her threats too seriously. She didn’t have time for Lila’s petty little drama and ambitions for popularity, and yet she had to keep a sharp eye in case she tried pulling a fast one on Marinette’s friends.
That day came when Lila had to give her mythology report. The girl begged and begged Ms. Bustier to allow her to choose something from Italian mythology, under the excuse that she was “sharing her culture” with the rest of the class. From the way she smirked, Marinette instantly knew she had ulterior motives.
“Il Malocchio,”  she said, making her voice tremble, “Or the evil eye. It’s said that anyone who is swallowed by envy will receive a glare of judgment from higher forces and be cursed.”
Of course, Marinette knows that this isn’t true. She wasn’t 100% caught up on her Italian mythology, but her grandmother taught her that the “cursed” one was the subject of envy, not the one suffering from it.
One glance over at Adrien reminds her to take the high road. And so she suffers in silence.
“And the way to tell if someone has been cursed is…” her eyes fall on Marinette and she gawks. “Oh. My. It seems our class president has had an awful encounter with misfortune.”
She snorts. “And how can you tell?”
“Well, I happen to be related to Professor. Occhiodestro, an incredibly respected expert on mythology and witchcraft in Italy. He had me study in his seminar at age ten, and learn how to study people’s auras. And according to my reading, Marinette, yours has been infected with a black eye, the sign of Malocchio.”
Of course her classmates were quick to start gossiping. Even Alya shot her a concerned glance.
“Thankfully, the means of breaking the curse are easy,” Lila explains, “The first step is admitting to your source of envy. So Marinette, tell us, who is it that you envy?”
“I’m not envious of anyone,” Marinette spits, “If anything, I’m annoyed you’re dragging me into your presentation to make an example of me, especially without my consent.”
Lila, of course, was not satisfied with this answer. She pouted and cried, making the class study Marinette with raised eyebrows. Just like when Lila first returned. Only Adrien offered an apologetic smile.
But that wasn’t the end of it. When the class wasn’t looking, Lila went out of her way to arrange for “pranks” to make it seem like Marinette was actually cursed. Tripping more often. Water spilling from above and drenching her. Interfering with girl group activities and rearranging the plans at the last second, making it seem like Marinette “forgot” and then forging evidence that Lila  did  sent the text to her and Marinette  should  have received it.
Looking back on it though, all of that was to be expected from Lila. She’s not even sure why she’s disappointed.
But then there was Alya. Story-chasing, stubborn as hell Alya. The same reporter who preached “fact-checking” only to give Lila a pass because her stories were so amazing and gave her another chance to be close with Ladybug. It wasn’t enough that Alya already knew Ladybug, got an interview with Ladybug and even  worked  with Ladybug. No, she had to continue posting interview after interview with Lila gushing about her “best friend” with no inkling of self-awareness of what she was doing.
And of course, once Lila’s pranks started becoming relentless, Alya started entertaining the possibility that Marinette really was cursed.
“Ha, maybe that’s why you still can’t confess to Adrien! I’m sure if you just broke the curse like Lila said, everything would be better!”
That comment annoyed her for many reasons. But one was for a reason that, while obvious on the surface, came to be for different reasons.
She tried desperately hard to fight back the tears in her eyes as she walked away from Master Fu’s. The conversation had been long and hard, but it was time for her to take a real break from being Ladybug. If her trip to China made her realize anything, it was how much more refreshed and light she felt when she wasn’t in constant contact with Chat Noir. And she hated that realization because it used to be the opposite. But lately…
Turning into the park near her house, Marinette is cut off with the sudden arrival of the cat hero, plopping down behind her. She doesn’t have to look to know that his face is glowing with a proud smirk.
“Princess! Wow, your hair looks so beautiful down!” he reaches forward to touch her shoulder, and she instantly shudders, especially as he gestures to turn her around, “The only thing that could be more beautiful is… you’re crying?”
Great. No, this is it. It’s finally time to put an end to this. Sniffling, she rubs away the rest of her tears, and stares him straight in the eye.
“M’lady, what’s the matter? Who did this to you?”
“You did,” she says, her voice somehow even. “You made me upset.”
His face falters, and he crosses his arms over his chest. “What are you talking about? I’ve done everything I could to make you happy. I’ve been the perfect gentleman! If anything,” he pouts, “ You’re  the one who’s upset me. Why can’t you see how ridiculous you’re being? I mean, I love you and you love  me . Why do you have to continue to insist on pushing me away?”
Because, she thought bitterly, you’re my third strike out.
He wasn’t even supposed to know about her feelings, but of course, Liar Rossi struck yet again. Part of her plan included getting Marinette to spill out her feelings for Adrien by accident, having him secretly listen in on it the whole time. It led to an awkward conversation afterward where he basically rejected her. It sucked at the time, but she accepted it and was ready to move on. The Chameleon incident had already somewhat soured her feelings toward him anyway, so perhaps this was for the best.
But then the reveal  happened. A reveal that wasn’t supposed to happen and a reveal that left her caught entirely off guard. It was so much for her to process, and she wanted to sit down as she reconciled the actions of the two personas.
His eyes lit up when he realized it was her, and she had no doubt in her mind that he wasn’t weighing the same thoughts as her.  His  feelings were reciprocated! So of course, when he went to ask her out  again , he was truly confident that she wouldn’t say no again! They could finally become Paris’ Power Couple, both in and out of the costume.
Weeks ago, she never would have thought of turning Adrien down.
“Well, since there’s no secrets between the two of us anymore, I think we can finally make it official, don’t you think?”
“I don’t think so.”
The pause that settles over them is the most awkward experience she’s ever had around him. More awkward than her stuttering, more awkward than her fumbling over her words, and even more awkward than her trying to avoid his line of sight as she innocently went about her business.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you right,” he laughs, “What did you say?”
“I  said , I don’t think we should date.”
“But… you like me.”
She’s slow to respond to this. “I do.”
“So then what’s the problem?”
“The problem is that this all happening so fast.” She frowns. How can he be so calm about all of this? “Now knowing that  you  were Chat Noir the entire time, it puts a lot of your actions and behaviors toward me in a new light. And because of that, I need some time to think.”
“What is there to think about? We’re in love!”
“Everything!” she exclaims, trying to bite back hot tears. Damn, why did she have to get so caught up like this now? Tikki stares at her with her own tearful eyes, silently begging her to calm down. “W-Whether or not this relationship is right for me, what’s healthy for me… You knew about Lila, all the lies she told and yet never did a thing about it. In fact, you told me to do nothing and insisted that it wasn’t hurting anyone! All the while, she targeted me specifically and threatened me in the bathroom!”
“Or how about how you treated me after I rejected you,  multiple times ? I only had to do that because you felt like  your  feelings were more important than mine and you couldn’t let it go after the first time! You even sulked during akuma attacks, like when the entire city was frozen over!”
“And I know you’ve flirted with multiple girls, like Rena Rouge and me before you found out who I was. Which, if that’s who you want to be, whatever. But I don’t want a boyfriend that leads other people on, even as a joke.”
She turns her back to him, lowering her head. “I don’t hate you. I still really like and care about you. And I know you have good in your heart. You’ve proven multiple times that you’re worthy of the cat miraculous. But that doesn’t make you perfect for me. Sorry Adrien, but I think we’re better off just as friends for now.”
Those hot tears come back in full force, and now she’s hissing through her teeth. “ I  rejected you! Multiple times! I told you that I don’t want to be your girlfriend, Adrien!”
“You don’t have to keep saying that!” he yells back, grasping her by her shoulders, “I know you only think that because of  them ! You just can’t see it, because you’re afraid to love-”
“No!” she cries, pushing him away, “It’s because I wasn’t interested in you! It’s because I thought you and I weren’t going to work!” Her fingers curl inward and  god  she doesn’t think she’s ever shook as much as she is right now. Even with all the years of Chloe bullying her or all the crap Lila’s been tossing her way lately, she’s never felt such rage. “We’re not even dating, and yet look at what you’ve done! I lost Alya and I lost my desire to ever see you!”
“Don’t blame this on Alya,” he harrumphs, “She’s only acting that way because you refuse to see reason. I’ve given you so many chances to see the truth, but you’re only refusing to because you’re bored of me or because you’re too lazy.”
Lazy?  Her? How can he stand there and proclaim his love to her and then go on to say such awful, untruthful things about her? The worst part is that she knows he’ll just expect her to forgive him, or better yet, have her apologize for how wrong she was for just not putting in the effort for them.
The only thing stopping her at this point from cursing his name and telling him to go straight to hell is the fact that she could be targeted for an akuma. If only Tikki were here to back her up.
When she finally manages to recompose herself, even just a little, she makes sure her glare is hard and that he sees it. “Stop being so damn selfish. I stopped hanging out with you because you made me uncomfortable. I had no clue what you’d be willing to do and that made me feel unsafe.”
He returns her glare, only to falter. Following his gaze, she realizes what he’s so horrified of now.
“Y-Your earrings…” he gasps, “Don’t tell me… H-Hawkmoth-”
“No. They’re safe. You’ll be meeting the new wielder, whoever they are, soon.”
His jaw drops at this, and she has to admit, part of her feels really bad about all of it. It’s not as if she wanted everything to get to this point. “You’re leaving me?”
If it hadn’t already, her heart would have broken into pieces.
But she’s done pitying him.
“I’m not yours to keep.”
A moment ago, he was on the verge of tears. It seems he managed to successfully swallow them down though, because now he starts laughing. “So you got bored of being a hero too, huh? God, how  selfish  can you be? You’re gonna leave Paris in danger because of a couple of bad days or a silly miscommunication? And after everything I’ve done for you...”
All of what he says she knows is just projection. None of it is true. But maybe, she hopes, that by him saying all that, getting it off his chest, he’ll finally stop and leave. Finally, she can be done with this and move on.
He sighs, planting his hand on her shoulder yet again. “It’s okay. I know it’s just a phase. But we’re going to get through it-”
She lets out a hard screech. “This isn’t a  phase !” Taking a moment to wipe away her new tears, she sighs before she begins again. “I did this because I thought you’d leave me alone.”
“Bugaboo, you know I could never leave you alone. I’m practically your knight in shining armor. The yang to to your yin. We complete each other.”
“Chat, please-”
“No! Not until you tell me why you did it and you apologize for making me feel this way!”
“What other choice did I have? You broke up one of the most important friendships I’ve ever had, you kept getting in the way of relationships I was trying to build with other people, you keep messaging me from new accounts whenever I block you… what do  I  have to apologize for? I’m so  done  with apologizing for things that aren’t my fault!”
“You have to apologize because  you  made me do those things!” he sniffled,  actually  sniffled. “I only wanted to treat you like the princess that you were, and make you feel safe.”
“I didn’t need you to make me feel safe. I needed you to listen to and respect me.”
“And I didn’t need that from you?”
“I think that’s quite enough of your obstinance, Chat Noir.”
Relief overtakes Marinette as she realizes who that voice belongs to. The new red superhero drops down, standing in front of Marinette and regarding Chat Noir with a hard stare. Judging from the features of the suit, she’s decided to take both Tikki and Longg for this confrontation, even if it’s overkill.
“An imposter Dragonbug,” he hisses, “What are  you  doing here?”
“First off, you will refer to me as Ryukōun,” she fires back, “Second, I’m here by request of the Master to protect her.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. She’s  purrr-fectly  safe with me.”
“Correction, I’m here to protect her  from  you. And if you insist on continuing to act the way you are,” she takes a step forward, getting right in his face, “I’ll have no choice but to protect Plagg from you as well.”
“You dare threaten me?” he hisses, “I  earned  my claws! You’re nothing but a rookie hero that had to use two kwamis to stand a chance against me!”
“I don’t need a kwami to stand up to you,” she retorts, “And I’ll have you know between the time you started harassing her and me intervening, I fought off  four  akumas targeting her because of the stress  you’re  causing her.” She backs off, placing a hand on Marinette’s shoulder and studying her expression. As a calm overcomes her, Ryukōun smiles briefly. Returning her attention back to Chat Noir, however, her frown is back in full force. “This is your last warning, cat.”
Huffing, he raises an eyebrow, “How do I know you’re not an akuma?”
“Because the only one hurting anyone here right now is you.”
No experience in the past few weeks had been as terrifying as seeing Chat’s face contort with such rage as he lunges for Ryukōun. Gasping as he launches himself towards them, she doesn’t have enough time to jump out of the way. Thankfully, the new dragon-bug hero shoves her out of the line of fire. She finds herself frozen on the ground, watching the fight as it breaks out.
“Marinette, get going!” Ryukōun shouts.
Her first instinct is to run toward her house, but she knows that if things go wrong, Chat Noir will only show up there and refuse to leave. And she doesn’t want to imagine just what he’d do at that point.
Where can she go? Where can she be safe? She runs and runs, trying to think of solutions. Tikki once said that figuring out solutions to your problems would keep her from being akumatized, and she’s well aware that she’s pushing her luck at this point.
But what solution does she have at this point? And really, hadn’t her luck ran out by now?
She stops in an alley, huffing and puffing and shaking. Staring down at the ribbons that used to carry her pigtails, she only barely manages to catch a glimpse of the purple butterfly as it possesses her.
“Bewitched. I am Hawkmoth. For too long, you have been cursed with responsibility and cursed with unfair expectations. Too many cruel and nasty people have trampled your heart, taking advantage of your kindness, even heroes like Chat Noir. But I can give you the power to curse them back, force them to see the error of their ways. And all I ask in return is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses. What do you say? Do we have a deal?”
It’s selfish that she would even consider this option. Hawkmoth has hurt countless people at this point, even if the damage was mostly reversed.
Even now, being offered what it is she should want, Marinette finds herself cursed with bad luck. Perhaps Lila hadn’t been entirely lying this entire time.
She can’t help but laugh. He doesn’t realize it, but Hawkmoth is going to pay.  All  of them will pay. Lila for her manipulations. Alya for her disloyalty. Adrien for his false and ugly heart.
She doesn’t utter a single word as she allows for the akuma to take over.
The process is simultaneously terrifying and liberating. Like a snake, she sheds her previous skin of nervousness, exhaustion and ire. And now, she embraces her new power, and the previous feelings of resentment and bitterness she was previously forced to swallow down. She always had to be the good guy and not let her feelings get the best of her? Well, whoever thought that would pay the price for expecting such a thing from her!
Damn, what a weight she had been carrying. She smiles, for what feels the first time after long, hellish weeks.  
“Hawkmoth, if I may give you a suggestion? Allow me the rest of the evening to plan my attack. By tomorrow morning, Chat Noir will no longer have his miraculous.”
“That sounds promising. And tell me, what about Ladybug?”
She smirks. “She’s not going to be a problem.”
Adrien finds himself simultaneously dragging himself to school and also being too excited to get there and confirm that Marinette is alright. Last night’s confrontation wasn’t supposed to end with her disappearing into the night, and him spending all of that time looking everywhere desperately for her. Even when he tried checking her bedroom, there was no sign of her anywhere.
The school yard is full of students laughing and chatting without a care in the world. A group of his own classmates, the girls mostly, crowd over Lila, no doubt telling them about her wonderful trip to Nova Scotia she’s going on next week. They practically fawn over every word, and he can’t help but kick himself. If he had done something about Lila all those weeks ago, would Marinette be at his side now?
He doesn’t bother to hide the dirty glare he shoots them all. How can they all be so carefree and innocent, while he has to deal with the toil of a stubborn love? Why couldn’t their relationship be as simple and Ivan and Mylene’s, who currently sit at a bench, cuddling and watching videos on their phone?
Looking to the left of them, he spots Nino and Alya standing off from each other, deep in conversation. The couple may not have been in the best spot right now, but at least they had each other. He’d do anything to trade spots with them right now, if it meant he got to call Marinette his girlfriend.
Dragging himself over to them, he barely manages to mutter a ‘good morning.’ The two of them exchange concerned glances with each other.
“Dude, you look like hell,” Nino comments, “Didn’t sleep well last night?”
“I had a fight with Marinette,” he answers abruptly.
“Oh, Adrien,” Alya sighs, “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what’s gotten into Marinette lately. I’m sure she’ll come around.”
He shoots a smile at the journalist, not sure that it’s convincing. Still, how exactly can he explain to her that Marinette ended up running away the previous evening because of that damn Ryukōun?
Nino, on the other hand, doesn’t seem so sympathetic.
“You’re still going on about this?” Nino asks, crossing his arms over his chest. “Dude, I think you’ve crossed some serious lines. You’re not just scaring Marinette anymore. You’re scaring me too, man.”
“Come on, man,” Adrien laughs, patting his shoulder, “You and Alya know what it’s like to be crazy mad in love, right?”
“Neither one of us have ever done the sort of shit you’ve done,” Nino argues, “We’ve always respected each other’s boundaries. Dude, if this is what you’re willing to do just courting her, what are you going to do once you start dating her?”
He doesn’t have to say anything for Nino for him to understand that what he just said was a mistake. Adrien didn’t think he had it in him, but he’s sure he just emulated a dirty look befitting of his father.
“Are you accusing me of something Nino? Because you’re my friend, and I would hope for better from you.”
“It’s because  I’m your friend that I’m saying all this.”
A silence falls between the two of them, and for once, Adrien isn’t sure what to say. Why, he asks himself, can’t people just let these kind of things go? Why is it that everywhere he goes, someone always finds something to criticize him for? All of them are just like his father, trying to keep him under their control. He just never would have expected this sort of behavior from his own best friend.
What sort of friend would do that, especially a friend that hated his father?
Shrieks from the girls’ group interrupt them before they can exchange any more words. He looks up at the top of the building and wishes he hadn’t.
“I hope you all had a good morning,” a raspy, and yet familiar voice snickered, “Because it’ll be the last time  any  of you know good fortune.”
Oh no.
Descending from above the school ground and at the top of the stairs, is none other than Marinette. He ought  to be relieved to see his lady love recovered, but seeing her now, his heart sinks.
The most notable aspect of her outfit is the complete starkness of it - there is no trace of color to it, just black and white. The only color that pops out to him are her bluebell eyes, which have now taken an icy tone.
The next thing he notices are all the spiked accessories. A choker, two rings on one hand, three on the other. There’s also the dozens of chunky bracelets on her one wrist. Even the witch hat atop her head has spikes at the base of the cone.
Her top is a white button up shirt with a camisole underneath. One of the sleeves is rolled up to her elbow, threatening to drop, while the other hangs freely at her wrist. The hem is curved at the bottom, and hangs freely over her black biker shorts, cut off just a bit over the knee. Underneath the shorts are a pair of black and white striped leggings. To finish it all off, she dons a shiny pair of black military boots, taking powerful, marching steps down the stairs.
With all eyes on her, her face breaks into a grin. A wicked grin that he’s only ever seen in his nightmares, and it’s enough to break his heart. Who could have done such a thing to his lady, his princess?
“M-Marinette?” he barely manages to say.
Her smile disappears, replaced only with a hard glare. No, this can’t be his Marinette!. His Princess, his Lady was too smart, too strong, too  good  to be tainted by that Hawkmoth! Oh, if only that Ryukōun hadn’t gotten in his way! Strong, protective arms would have been wrapped around his lady, gentle fingers ready to shed away her tears, and his lips, always ready to bless her with thousands of kisses, silencing her fears with a gentle whisper.
And despite this information, he can’t help but tremble under the gaze of his possessed love.
“I am not Marinette. I  am Bewitched,” she says, “And to those who cursed  me…” her gaze falls upon Lila, then back to him, and that wicked smirk of hers returns, “Well, allow me to return the favor.”
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howtohero · 5 years
#232 Superhuman Crimes Division
As you continue to normalize being a superhuman through your very public acts of heroism, you’ll find that more and more people will either become, try to become, or reveal themselves to be superherumans. Superhumans will become much more common in all facets of society, including crime, arguably the most fun facet of society. (There will also be a large influx of superhumans in bouncy-house testing, the other contender for most fun facet of society.) Eventually there will be so many crimes committed with superpowers that they’ll become relatively normalized as well. All of a sudden using powers in a crime will not automatically make it a supervillain attack! It will just be considered to be a regular old crime! Like loitering! Where once you were called to deal with any superpowered loitering (That’s using superpowers to loiter such as sitting in your apartment while using your super-elasticity to streeeeetch your legs so far out your window down the block to a parking lot with a clearly posted no parking sign!) now it will be a job for the regular police. Frikkin cops! What makes them think they know how to deal with superpowered criminals. That’s you’re job. So what are you supposed to do when the police set up their own Superhuman Crimes Division. (Not to be confused with the Superhuman Crime Division, which is of course a team of supervillains who are famous for defacing signs using their heat vision to remove letters in order to make them say naughty things!)
The trouble with superhuman crimes divisions is that, aside from being cops (which is of course a trouble), they operate under different rules than you do as a superhero who refuses to be reined in by any sort of authority figure. SCD Officers’ main goal is to arrest and lock up any superhuman criminals. Which sure, is one of your goals too. Can’t have supervillains running amuck. We have to at least pretend that they’re going to be locked up forever every so often. Otherwise we’d have anarchy. But often as a superhero, beacon of justice, emissary of kindness, you’re going to find that you’re not always going to arrest a superhuman who is committing a crime. Sometimes you’re going to try to talk to them, to forge a connection. Especially if they’re only committing a petty crime. That is the most delicate time in a superhuman’s life. One push in the wrong direction can send them spiraling into full supervillainy. But one act of kindness from a superhero, can set them on a way better path. The SCD often won’t deal with full blown supervillains, those are way harder to fight and often they are immune to bullets. (Sometimes for power reasons, sometimes for plot reasons but shooting them is definitely not a sure thing.) They’ll only be dealing with petty crimes and that is exactly where they need to not be! That’s where you need to be. To save them from a life of evil. Which is going to put you into conflict with the SCD fairly often. Which may hurt your relationship with the department as a whole. Which may put you at odds with city leadership. But that’s a risk you’re going to have to take unless you want to lose this person for good and also add another supervillain to your ever growing rouge’s gallery.
SCD Officers are also… hm, how do I say this nicely… ah screw it, they’re just going to be straight up terrible at their jobs. Superhumans are inherently volatile (and sometimes literally explosive) and these officers are not going to have the training or the temperament to routinely deal with them. (Unlike you who read our splendid post on talking villains down.) They’re not going to have the training and they’re not going to be coming at it from a good place. These squads will most likely be comprised of people who already have their own preconceived notions on superhumans as a whole, probably stemming from some negative encounter they’ve had with a supervillain. (I’d put money on this traumatic encounter having been with the Superhuman Crime Division. They like to go around and burn off the letters on patrol cars so that instead of saying “police to serve and protect” they just say “po     o” which is hilarious but very very traumatizing to those poor cops.) While you swoop into every altercation with a superpowered criminal with the intentions of saving as many people as you can, including the criminal, these officers are going to jump into fights with the intention of punishing a superhuman. That’s not nearly as friendly. 
Plus, they’re just so redundant. There are so many superheroes out there, more every day with all of these superpowered petty criminals having their lives turned around by a simple act of kindness (or lobotomy) by a superhero. That reminds me, you should always carry some candy or perhaps a single rose in your utility belt to hand out to young superhumans who are struggling with their powers. That’s usually enough to prevent them from becoming a supervillain. You’re never going to attack someone who gave you a crumbled up and sweaty rose that they just pulled out of their belt. That’s just bad form. And who decides where the SCD’s jurisdiction stops. What makes a superhuman criminal a supervillain? Do they need to wear a costume? Do they need to try to take over the world? What’s a superpower anyway! I wear glasses, like a normal person, but my girlfriend doesn’t she has what’s known in the biz as “sight vision” does that make her a superhuman. Are the SCD gonna arrest her next time she insists on jaywalking even though it would take us maybe sixteen additional seconds to walk to the cross walk???? (We were going to give you the OPG’s definition of “sight vision” but they threatened us with a libel suit so sorry!) 
If you ever encounter the SCD in the field please feel free to interfere with whatever they’re doing. Honestly, preventing some gung-ho overarmed police officers from fighting them is probably a great way to engender yourself with a superpowered criminal and turn them around to your side. If you think that the captain of the SCD in your neighborhood is a reasonable person, try sitting down with them to talk about how the two of you can work towards your mutual goals in tandem. Both of you ostensibly just want to keep your city safe, so try explaining to them that you can better achieve your goals if you work together. If the SCD takes direction from actual superheroes who have experience dealing with confused and scared superhumans, then everybody in the city will be a lot safer. Including the superhumans. 
Before we wrap up I want to make clear that when I talk about superhuman crimes officers I am not referring to Armada’s SHARKS, or the SuperHuman Attack Response Kommandos. These highly trained agents generally do a lot of good for the world. They usually don’t actually fight superhumans, they mostly wait until a battle is done to secure and transport defeated supervillains and to assist with any cleanup and rebuilding efforts that are needed. They generally maintain a good working relationship with superheroes and no well enough to back off until called in by established heroes. Plus their uniforms look sleek as heck. So don’t bother those guys, they’re great. (You know what, I’m not afraid of a law suit. Here’s the OPG’s entry for Sight Vision: Sight Vision is the power to see. With your eyes. People with Sigh Vision don’t need to place highly breakable glass near their preciously delicate eyes. They don’t have to put anything on their eyes. They never have to touch their eyes. You could go up to someone with Sight Vision and say “Hey do you see that thing right over there?” and they will always say yes. Because they have that power. Combat potential: They could look at people but like really judgmentally. You know that look. The one your parents give you. Also if a bad guy is trying to hide something but is not doing a very good job of it and the thing that they’re hiding is kind of like right out in the open someone with Sight Vision could definitely see it.) [WE ARE GOING TO BE SUED!!!!]
Superhumans are out there, they’re part of the populace, it’s time for everybody to get used to it. Yes, some superhumans are going to commit crimes. No, we do not need to be especially harsh on them just because they’ve got powers. We have superpowered individuals who can deal with them and see to it that they end up where they need to be. Maybe that’s prison, maybe that’s therapy, maybe that’s space. Some people do really well in space. And you know what? I hear they’re hiring! So don’t become an angry superhuman hating cop, and if you do, don’t be surprised when superheroes make it hard for you to do your job.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
What does the manga add to Roy and Riza's relationship that the anime doesn't have? Asking out of curiosity since I'm an anime only and they're still one of my favourite pairs of all time!
Oh, ha, I didn’t specifically point to the manga because I have anything in particular against Brotherhood (…or 2003 for that matter) it’s just not my canon, and I’m used to specifying which version of FMA I mean when I talk about the series. I do have a list of petty grievances against Brotherhood, but there is nothing fundamentally altered between Roy and Riza.
I mean. Yes. A number of my petty grievances are related to them. And feel slightly less petty as thought is spent on them.
But I would need to go back and watch the anime scenes again to point out the specifics of why.
[many hours later]
(As a note about this post, since I guess I did make the choice of tagging it, this is heavily critical about some specific moments in the Brotherhood anime, but before I get started I want to emphasize that my problems, with the exception of an example that spans a volume, don’t cover even two minutes of video. These things exist, and they bug me, and I clearly have things to say about them, but Brotherhood is 64 episodes long. My impassioned hatred of a few choice features isn’t indicative of my overall feelings on the anime.
Essentially, this is me having fun whining. Not trying to set off landmines. I hope it proves enjoyable.)
So there is this scene change in the first five minutes of episode 19 that has my eternal hatred and I have no plans to ever forgive. That has been true since it aired, and it is still true here today, because I am insufferably stubborn.
(I actually did a session about it before. I’m probably going to repeat most of it, but have a link if it interests you.)
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That is not the dialogue the manga goes with.
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In the manga, Riza’s interaction with Roy is focused on “what the fuck were you thinking why are you here.” Both versions have the scene with her berating Mustang for endangering the mission to save her.
In the anime, the above screencaps are what follow. After giving him a hard time for showing up at all, she thanks him for saving her life. Sweet, I guess, except Roy fires back with a mission-focused response.
If I were doing an anime-only meta thing, something could be said about the hypocrisy of Roy playing hero only to lecture other people about concentrating on the mission, and it would just be another cute thing. I guess. If I were in a charitable mood maybe.
But this is the first anime adaptation I sat through properly, angsting about every twist and turn and change.
My grudges. They last.
In the manga, Mustang brings up the slightly more personal aspects of what has happened. The reason he runs after Hawkeye is that he just lost Hughes, he won’t lose her, and he loses his head entirely. They have the yelling session over it, and he basically yells back the equivalent of, “yeah yeah fine -sulk sulk sulk-”
They leave Fuery and Hayate behind, and we have the presented moment.
Going to assist Riza is not the Proper choice for the military operation they’re running. It was a dangerous thing for Roy to have done, and she rightfully calls him on it. But he does it because he cares, and the fact that he cares is why all these people follow him. He’s a hopeless, idealistic dreamer at heart. His squad is loyal to him because he’s loyal to them.
Roy Mustang is a damn softy.
In the anime, Riza’s the one to call attention back to the whole life-saving motive. In the manga, it’s Roy.
In the anime, when it comes up, Roy dismisses it.
In the manga, when it comes up, Riza apologizes for worrying him.
It’s a small moment, but small moments are allowed to matter, and when small moments are changed, it leaves a bigger impact than if they were just left alone.
In the anime, this exchange, plus Hawkeye’s smile after, suggests that the sentimentality of the relationship comes primarily from her. Riza’s the one having her heart warmed when they have a job to do.
…That’s a slightly meaner way to put it than the scene perhaps deserves, but there is no unfair bitterness like unfair bitterness towards Brotherhood for me. Whining about this adaptation is a thing I do, despite honestly loving the majority.
Anyway, in the manga, the scene is both of them putting legwork into their dynamic. Hawkeye yells at Mustang for showing up out of sentiment, but when he expresses that sentiment in the aftermath, she expresses understanding of his perspective. He did a stupid thing, but they’re a team, and both at ease with their interplay.
In the anime, stop talking Hawkeye, don’t you know we have a job.
The manga is a conversation, the anime is putting a wall up to prevent that conversation. Especially annoying is that the character putting the wall up is the one who initiates the conversation in the manga. The anime drags Mustang back from his emotional openness and pushes Hawkeye to be more so, then provides a dismissal of her acting that way.
Besides being an inverse plus a step back for their relationship, it. also just feels kind of sexist. Instead of the man talking about feelings, the woman is. When the man talks about his feelings, it’s greeted with understanding and respect, when the woman talks about her feelings, it’s greeted with the instruction to put it somewhere else.
The fact that they changed it bothers me, because the way it is in the manga is great. It’s one of many small moments Roy and Riza have where they are shown to respect and care for each other.
The anime version doesn’t add anything, and lessens the mutuality of that bond.
I snarl in its general direction.
The other change that springs to mind is of a similar cloth.
Mustang and Hawkeye encounter the Elrics before they’re aware of Hughes’ death, and Mustang makes up a story about Hughes retiring in the country with his family so that they won’t go looking for him.
Hawkeye greets this with the face of judgment. “Why are you treating him like a child all of a sudden?” He’s never shied from giving Ed adult responsibilities before. This is a blatant lie. Roy says they don’t need any further obstacles to their journey.
A few moments pass. In silence, in the manga. In the anime, Riza points out that they’re going to find out someday. Then…
“…Who am I trying to kid?”
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(Funimation, the heck is with some of your translation choices. Did you just keep the simulcast version for the official DVD subs?)
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So there are a few things. The most obvious difference is the dialogue changes. Hawkeye is more insistent about how the Elrics will find out at some point, then after Mustang makes his character commentary, she calls it cruel instead of sighing and moving on to the next topic.
The other most obvious change is that Mustang smiles after calling himself soft in the anime.
These all sort of play together.
In the manga, Hawkeye is just as judgmental as she is in the anime, but she allows Mustang the space to dwell on his choices for himself. She asks him one question about how he’s treating Edward, then they walk in silence, her disapproval creating a tangible aura.
It isn’t simply Hawkeye judging him. He’s judging himself. In the anime it comes off as a, “tee-hee, what a silly softhearted boi I am.” So in the anime, she vocally objects to what he’s doing.
In the manga, Mustang takes in his inability to break the news to the Elrics as the emotional flaw that it is, and Hawkeye lets him off the hook. He doesn’t need a lecture; he knows his shortcomings. It’s not great, but he’s the kind of person who doesn’t want to tell Ed and Al that Hughes is dead because Hughes tried to help them.
Again, Mustang’s softness is part of what endears him to his crew. It is not always a good trait. Sometimes, as in this case, it’s actively causing problems. But it is who he is.
Riza knows this, and she can let this failure pass with a sigh because Roy knows it too. The anime version has a smile when it’s nothing to smile over. The manga version is more, “hahaha… fuck.”
Roy and Riza know each other and themselves extraordinarily well. They might have the boundaries of superior and subordinate, but they are comfortable enough in their understanding of each other that they are allowed to be themselves. It’s the conversation thing. There is an undercurrent of figurative dialogue to their relationship that never stops.
When they do call each other out in the manga, it does not keep the conversation from flowing. It continues it. Both of the above changes take it to a stuttering halt in their scenes.
Then we have episode 30.
After which, I do not have memories specific enough to shout about things or know if there are things to shout about, but episode 30.
-screams forever and ever and ever-
-intersperses screams with tears of anguish-
From what I know of being an FMA fan, it is difficult to be an FMA fan without being passingly familiar with the debates of which version is better. Usually it’s Brotherhood vs. 2003. My personal, obviously right opinion, is that this is the wrong way to do it, and it should be manga vs. 2003, because really it’s an argument over which plot is better, and Brotherhood’s plot is the property of the manga.
I also think it’s impossible to really debate. The two series have different feels and themes. They are both extremely well done, meaning that which one you prefer comes down to personal preference.
I’m pretty sure people who bother to have those discussions could say a lot more on the topic, but that’s my general, broad stroke, very glossed-over perspective on it all.
I mention this because I think anyone who loves FMA should read volume fifteen of the manga. If you’re not a manga person, you don’t want to read 27 volumes of manga, yeah, understandable. You have your version of the story, enjoy it, you shouldn’t feel the need to read the original if you don’t want to. The idea that you have to pour every bit of content into your brain to be a good fan is pretty unhealthy.
But I recommend volume 15 regardless, because the anime does not come close to presenting its content. It is four chapters devoted to the Ishvalan War. Outside the framing device (Ed going to return Hawkeye’s gun and asking about what went down), the entire volume basically stands on its own.
It is a harrowing, intimate depiction of the genocide campaign. That is the focus of the entire volume.
Scar’s backstory is moved to an earlier section in the anime, and Mustang burning Hawkeye’s back is moved to the Envy fight, so this might be an unfair barb to throw, but I still want to say it. The anime covers this volume in one episode.
-goes back to screaming-
(Honestly though, some of the best fun I ever had in fandom came from being on a forum full of manga fans and all of us yelling our despair over Brotherhood’s choices. You would never believe that this anime was considered the gold standard of anything.)
But we’re here for Roy and Riza!
There’s only one thing that sincerely bothers me to pain of the irritation of the above. Most of my sulking is just why did they do this to my favorite volume. Mustang and Hawkeye’s stuff is mostly intact. Except when it isn’t.
Chronologically, the first complaint is that when Riza’s father collapses (dies), Mustang is alone with him. In the manga, the scene ends with a shot of Riza, watching, terrified, from the doorway.
Also known as the scene where Roy calls Riza by her first name.
-still screaming-
The cemetery scene is truncated. The anime jumps right into Roy and Riza discussing Roy becoming a soldier. The manga starts the scene out with the focus on funeral things. Roy asks if Riza has other family, and what she plans to do now.
After that, he offers her his number, and they get to talking about the military and Roy’s dream.
They also cut this.
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In the anime, Roy discusses his military life through the lens of Master Hawkeye’s opinion on it, asking if Riza is going to disapprove as well. Roy starts talking because he assumes that’s how she feels about it, and preemptively defends his perspective.
In the original, when Roy hands Riza his information, she asks, “For the rest of your life…?” It’s followed by the above panel.
Roy’s monologue about his aspirations and his dream for what he can do as a member of the military happens because Riza asks. Not directly, but her addition to the conversation prompts him to talk about his views, and he mentions that those views are why he studied alchemy. In other words, why he’s standing in front of a grave, awkwardly trying to talk to his dead master’s daughter.
Following that, the original pays more attention to the lead-up of Riza entrusting Roy with her father’s research. In the anime, she jumps straight from the ideals topic to asking if she can trust him with it.
In the manga, there’s that beat of contemplation after Roy brings up alchemy, and how his master didn’t teach him everything.
Riza tells him that his dream sounds wonderful.
Another beat.
That’s when she tells him that her father did leave his alchemical secrets behind. Words about this are exchanged for a small number of panels.
In the anime, she asks Roy if she can entrust her father’s work (dream, values) to him. Directly after the dream dialogue.
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In the manga, when Roy tries to bring their discussion back to Riza’s father, and what he did with his research, Riza redirects him. It isn’t about her father. It’s about her, and by consequence, Roy, and how Roy’s dream inspires her.
“That dream… Can I entrust you with my back so that I can help make it come true?”
The anime severely underplays the significance of Riza offering her father’s research to Roy. They address it a little once Envy is being dealt with, but in the manga, all of the discussion of Riza watching Roy’s back is drawn from how Riza’s back is what’s given Roy the power to rise as far as he has.
It goes from maintextual subtext to subtextual subtext.
Also, the cuts to their conversation just plain means that there’s less of Roy and Riza interacting. The two of them are very, very young, standing in front of a grave and talking about ideals. The longer manga version allows the quality of their youthful awkwardness to truly shine.
The scene is dropped in the middle of the volume, whereas in the anime, it opens the Ishvalan flashback. There’s much to be examined about how that affects the emotional impact, but… geez that gets to be a lot of threads. Trying to go through all of the ways they crammed a whole volume into one episode is just going to make me dizzy.
Even if the theoretical focus of this post weren’t shipping, I’m not sure my brain would be up for that. There’s just so much going on, and the time allotted means it’s a Frankenstein job.
The one major difference for Roy and Riza, which I can’t believe they went with, and can’t believe my sad feelings every time I watch the episode and confirm yeah, they really went that way with it.
Why why why why why why why why must you hurt me this way.
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Riza walks up and says hi after noticing them because Hughes is babbling about his future wife.
The manga version does not. does not do that.
That’s not how it goes.
At all.
In the manga, Roy and Hughes run into each other on their break and start chilling together. Hughes gets a letter, does his excited babbling, Roy tells him to stop being a stereotypical red shirt, when suddenly
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Oh noes.
Roy and Hughes react as fast as they can, which might or might not end up fast enough, when a bullet goes through the Ishvalan’s brain.
There’s quiet for a moment, then Roy gets behind cover because oh no gunshot, and Hughes tells him to chill, it’s all good.
“We have the ‘hawk’s eye’ on our side. […] A real ace sharpshooter… who’s causing quite a stir in my circle of friends. She’s still in the academy but because she’s so skilled… they brought her to the front.”
Guess who.
Hughes and Roy, being the good people they are, go back to camp to thank the sniper for saving them. Hughes is his cheery self. Roy is not noticeably perturbed.
Then the sniper drops her hood and stands up.
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You could say I prefer the manga version. It has Riza being a badass, and adds to the shock they both have of seeing each other here.
Riza gets her own little horrified section of panels all about it.
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She was just helping out two soldiers. She didn’t realize until after she fired that one of them was Roy, and that he’s in this hell too.
The other thing that I enjoy about this particular sequence of panels is that in the manga, they come up a bit earlier. Throughout the manga, Ishval flashback panels are everywhere. As this scene is initially presented (Hawkeye looking at Mustang through her scope), many chapters earlier, it looks like maybe they’re on opposite sides.
Or maybe it’s just me who thinks that’s a thing.
In any case, it adds some serious drama to their reunion. In the anime, the drama is entirely that they are both here in this awful war. In the manga, a Mysterious Sniper saves Roy’s life and turns out to be his master’s daughter.
It’s just cooler, okay?
Their conversation when Riza becomes Roy’s aide is also truncated. Riza says her specialty is guns, because death doesn’t linger when you use them. Roy tells her, with what I feel is sympathy, that’s just a deception to make the work easier. She agrees, but because she’s decided that work is necessary, there we go.
I thought that would be my last thing, but now that I have volume fifteen open, I can’t help but go to the scene during the Envy stuff. I won’t touch the main scenes of that, though I’m sure there are changes, because this is already too long and I’ve officially gone through the things that personally affect my view of the anime, which… was, at some point, maybe, the point of the ask. ^^;
Basically, I will never stop if I go through everything, but in case it isn’t obvious, I really love the fifteenth volume, so to Envy we go.
Huh. They really didn’t alter much. The core’s all there. Because of the placement, Mustang gets docked a few lines, and he is rewarded one of Riza’s (about making the tattoo as illegible as possible) in return, but it’s basically the same, with the addition of Riza thanking him.
I have no particular feelings on that. The ending of the scene is different because it’s not intended to go with the rest of the Ishvalan War, and… I guess  I could manufacture some dislike over Riza expressing gratitude instead of the pure stubbornness the manga has. It distracts a little from why she’s asking those secrets to be burned off. They’re in a hell of their own creation. The soft thanks blurs the cutting edge.
Which isn’t to say I can’t have other problems with it.
As a manga reader who enjoyed Brotherhood as it was coming out, as well as someone who is writing this mostly from memory and going over only specific scenes, I have no way to ascertain how clear it is to anime fans what happens with Riza’s back and when. In the manga, it is excruciatingly clear that her father puts his research on her back, that is how Roy comes to have Flame Alchemy, and that is what Riza asks him to burn off.
Since that’s all in volume fifteen, the next twelve volumes are read with the understanding that before Riza is instructed to watch Roy’s back in case he falls, she offers him her back, and brings the ruin of Flame Alchemy to Ishval.
That history defines them. Their own choices plant them in that war, but Roy uses the alchemy she gives him out of hope for a better world to commit genocide. It’s a horrific weight on both of them, and his decision to have Riza, of all people, watch his back after the war?
Dude, it is such an amazing ship detail. Riza entrusts her back to Roy. He, in turn, entrusts his to her.
I get why it’s moved. Sort of. Given that volume fifteen is given one episode, I get why it’s moved. It’s most heavily relevant to Roy’s rampage against Envy.
However, I don’t think the power of knowing the depths of their connection earlier on can be understated. Roy and Riza’s devotion and synergy comes from watching their shared idealism burn the people they wanted to protect to a crisp, and their commitment to never letting that happen again. They create a hell through their good intentions. Having done that, they do not abandon their good intentions. They refine them and continue forward.
That is what binds them together. They rise from the ashes of their flames.
I do not, for the most part, think Brotherhood does them a major disservice. My gripes are pretty much all listed above, and my praises are endless.
But if you really love Roy and Riza, I’d seriously recommend reading the manga at some point, because there’s stuff the anime doesn’t bother with. AKA, yes, there is even more royai to be uncovered, don’t you want to seeeeee? :D :D
This kind of obviously grew past what you were initially asking, but I hope it serves a satisfactory answer regardless! Thanks for the opportunity to spam my love for these two!
…Through spamming my hate of stuff, but we’re ignoring that.
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