#glad you felt like you could come forward like this though !! we need more people to speak up in these situations
jangyeevns · 2 years
sorry if this is old new also u don’t have to post this but one of my first discord rp experiences was w zelda & fleur and they literally made me feel like a villain for a whole month bc of their lack of communication + blocking me but then fleur unblocked me and kept joining my rps (to snoop and vaguely try to plot and act like nothing ever happened) so i’m glad u and others have been saying stuff cuz these people seriously made me feel like a menace to the rpc 💀
i'm definitely gonna answer because when don't i have something to say? LMAO
i can't speak to the zelda claims that have circulated since i've never interacted with them myself, so this is strictly an issue with fleur for me. i wasn't villainized until i got in the way of one of her potential endgames for her muse, in fact we were friends beforehand, but i look back on what we would talk about and can only feel pure disgust because i was a villain then, at least in my mind.
what was said at that time will never see the light of day because i ( and the other mun she befriended in our three way dm ) deeply regret fuelling her spite, jealousy and manipulative bullshit and don't care to have her use any receipts i have to suit her narrative or harass these muns even further, and i hate having the knowledge that i allowed her any influence over my judgment of others, over a lot of things actually. it’s not something i have to disclose necessarily as most would hate to put themselves in a negative light, but it’s to show not only accountability for what i myself participated in ( it was giving mean girls 2 vibes . calling it the og would inflate someone’s ego i’m sure ), but also that i have been on more than one side of fleur's fury and don't care to have others deal with it, end of.
... except not, because this is gonna be a whole rant FJSKGKDK
you are most definitely NOT a villain if fleur of all people claimed that you were back then, when she was in a position of authority and has famously used being an admin to her abusive advantage. i'm so sorry you've been on the receiving end of her god awful behaviour, but you're in pretty great company if i do say so myself 💅🏻 i can imagine it's difficult for anyone with that kind of history with another mun to have them in their own groups time and time again, especially when her behaviour has never strayed from the basic m.o. she's outed herself for ( by being a pathological liar in Everyone's dms ), but i hope this allows people to take a step back and consider the possible façade those like fleur will don to gain the attention and approval they so desperately crave.
at this point, receipts aren't necessary for me to believe someone, because i know what i've been through and my truth, as well as the experiences of a handful of other muns that correlate to everything that's been discussed this week – most of it we discussed months ago, so it tells you how easily you can find people in the community who've had a fucking bizarre encounter with her and how insane it is that it took this long to bring it into a more public space. you are valid, your stance is more than justified and if you get rude ass anons for deciding to call her ass out? don't mind her sheep ( and fleur disguising herself as one ), they don't know any better even at their big ages.
the gaslighting and harassment are out there now, and while i'm sure she'll still creep up with her new discord and attempt to do as she always does, i would assume other muns will be more vigilant moving forward and that's what matters most to me in all of this; sure, i'm being petty as fuck when she's brought up or when she invades my boundaries that me blocking her should've made VERY obvious, but my concern lies with the other muns she could manipulate, terrorize and use to her heart's content. they don't deserve to deal with that shit nor should we pipe down just because it bothers others, 2023 is the year of accountability and people can either join the movement or fuck right off 🤷🏻‍♀️
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onsomenewsht · 5 months
Helpless to the bass and faded light
About when she bribes you and you dance with her like a filled stadium isn't looking
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》 Leah Williamson x Reader
》 words count: +1k
》 she took my arm / I don't know how it happened / we took the floor and she said
You don’t like football.
It’s quite a boring game if you stop to think about it for a moment. Two dozen and counting people running around a ball trying to kick it into a huge net.
Not something you look forward to sit through for almost two hours.
Despite your father’s best efforts, you being his only kid and his only hope to pass down his passion, the sport never managed to interest you long enough to care.
You even found yourself in the stands of your dad’s favourite club’s home more times than you’re able to remember, going beyond yourself and cheering when the other people around you did.
The things you do to make your parents proud.
How you managed to have the English captain wrapped around your finger, regardless of your well-known dislike for her biggest passion and purpose in life, is still a mystery for your families and friends.
“Pretty please, just this one”
“Oh, shut up!”, you hit her arm and push her off you, both still naked.
You can’t believe your girlfriend is actually trying to bribe you with sex, not even waiting for you to fully recover before asking to go to the game.
“No, you ruined the mood”, you state as the blonde tries to kiss you again.
The huge grin of her beautiful face is quite dangerous, she can win you over so easily and you both know it.
Leah rises off the bed to retrieve a warm cloth from the bathroom and a clean shirt from the closet. You accept her attention, she’s always caring when it comes to you, but you’re pretty sure the extra effort has a not-so-subtle second purpose.
“You can’t buy me so easily, Williamson”
She can.
“It’s a really important game, my love”
“For who?”
“For me?”, she tries as she slots herself under your open arm, a grin hidden between your neck and the pillow.
“I barely bear you playing”
“You love watching me play”
“I love you, period”
Leah knows how much you think the sport is boring, going way out of your comfort zone just to cheer her. She feels immensely supported when she finds your big smile in the stands, wrapped in one of her jerseys.
It’s not that difficult for you to sit and admire your girlfriend in her element, focusing more on her movements and attitude than paying attention to the actual game.
What you find quite annoying is enduring Arsenal’s men’s team.
The defender’s fingers on your side are slowly soothing you in a compromising position, too relaxed and smitten to keep denying her anything. You know she doesn’t need much more to lure you into her trap and, unfortunately for you, she’s perfectly aware too.
When the blonde’s lips find the particularly sensitive spot on the base of your neck, you’re doomed.
You’re glad your father is already dead or you’d have killed him as you take your seat in the Emirates Stadium, surrounded by the Gunners’ colours. Your girlfriend’s name on your back could be the final nail.
The things you do to make your lover happy.
“You know I love you, right?”
“You better never forget this”, you quip back.
The English captain has been looking forward to this game for weeks now, you couldn’t have been able to turn her down in spite of it all.
She doesn’t need to know though, you didn’t accept to spend one of your date nights watching the North West London derby for free.
“Maybe you will enjoy it at the end”
Nice try, you will not.
“You know, my dad was a West Ham supporter”
“Could have been worse”, she smiles at you, reaching for your hand.
Talking about your father is getting easier as time finally moves forward and your grief keeps changing its shape. Compared to the abyssal black hole it felt like the first year and a half, its progress.
Leah didn’t meet him, crushing in your life a couple of months after his passing, but she managed to find a space in your heart that keeps growing despite all your fears.
They could have hit so well, bonding over their shared passion for the sport and their never-ending determination to make you happy.
You told her some stories about him, mostly memories to make your girlfriend understand how stubborn and passionate he was about the thing he cared about.
The one thing you all have in common.
“Yeah, he used to gift me a West Ham jersey every year on Bobby Moore’s birthday”
Leah’s laugh managed to overcome the buzzing atmosphere of the stadium, making you feel like she was the reason all the people around you were cheering. You sure think so.
“He sounds like an incredible father”
“Football obsession aside, he was good”
When you turn to look at her, the blonde’s eyes are already on you and the smile on her face is enough to warm your heart.
The first goal coming within five minutes has you quite engaged in what’s happening on the pitch, you even drag your girlfriend in a kiss as you both rise from your seats to celebrate.
Your commitment declined quite easily after that, more entertained by Leah’s reactions than the actual game. You nod in amusement every time she tries to talk you through one of her analyses, placing a hand on her thigh to stop her from standing up every time the ball is somehow close to the box.
The second half is more eventual, at least that’s what you can understand by the excitement the defender and the people in the stands around you seem to radiate.
You’re not clueless, you’re perfectly aware a five-nil win against Chelsea is quite the result. You care enough to think you can’t wait to go home - Leah is always in the mood for a private celebration when her team triumphs, especially over another London club.
“Can we go now?”, you ask as soon as the referee whistles three times, declaring the end of your and the Blues’ torture.
Leah’s happiness is contagious, so you’re not mad when she drags you in her arms to join her cheers and enthusiastic dance. It takes you less than a second to indulge her, letting the blonde spin you around and matching her excitement.
When she dips you and seals the move with a kiss the laugh that rises out of you is genuine and loud.
At first, neither of you notice the stadium’s camera pointed in your direction, recording your little moment of pure bliss in each other’s arms.
Looking back at it, as all your friends sent you the viral video, you know Leah saw you two on the big screen and went along with her little cocky display of affection and excitement for the victory.
You’re sure your father could be laughing at it too, despite the colors you’re wearing.
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l0vely-sturniolo · 13 days
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: panic attack
summary: matt invites you to be the ‘point keeper’ during the versus tour, and that leads to a panic attack.
i was on tour with the triplets right now. they had officially just started their versus tour. they're first show was in San Francisco, and that's where we were currently heading. i was sat on the little couch thing, next to matt, with my head on his shoulder when he spoke up.
"you know what i was thinking?" he said to me. "what's that?" i smiled at him. "what if you came on stage with us? and you were our point keeper," he said. "really?" i asked him and he nodded. "okay," i smiled.
eventually it was almost time for the show. the boys were finishing up the first round of meet and greets, and i was starting to stress myself out about being on stage in front of everyone. there was so many people and i don't do too good in big crowds, even though i wouldn't be in the crowd, they would all be looking at me eventually, and that thought made me sick to my stomach.
i tried to distract my mind by going on my phone, but that didn't help. all i could think about was having hundreds of eyes on me and that somehow i would screw up, and then it would be all over the internet.
i set my phone down, taking a deep breath, but that didn't help. my breathing became uneasy, and my hands started shaking. "y/n?" madi asked. she was backstage with me. i just shook my head, and tears started rolling down my face. "mom! we need matt!" madi ran over to laura.
"she's having a panic attack i think," i heard her say, and next thing i know, laura was in front of me. "honey, what's wrong? what do you need?" "w-water," i stumbled out. "okay, i'll go get some," madi said and ran off. "what's wrong sweetheart?" "too... too many people," i breathed out.
madi came back over with a water and i was able to drink it, even though my hands were shaking like crazy. "i think the boys are almost done, let me go check," laura said, and madi sat next to me and grabbed my hand, and rubbed my back.
a few minutes later i heard footsteps running over to where we were, and someone bent down in front of me, putting their hand on my knee. i looked down, and i immediately knew it was matt's hand. "baby, look at me," he whispered, and i looked up at him.
"what's the matter?" he asked. "too many people," i whispered. "okay, okay, come here," he opened his arms, and i immediately went right into them. "you're okay, take deep breaths baby," he whispered, rubbing my back. "ready, 1, 2, 3," he said, and took a deep breath, and i took one with him. "couple more," he said, and we took some more deep breaths together.
my breathing went back to being okay, but my hands were still shaking. he sat me down and sat on the coffee table in front of me, grabbing my hands, rubbing them with his thumbs.
"matt, i don't think i can go on stage," i told him. "i know, even if you could i wouldn't let you. you need to relax after that, maybe even take a nap, you're just gonna stress yourself out more thinking about it baby, it's okay." he told me, still rubbing my hands.
i looked up at him and tears were still rolling down my face, and he reached forward and wiped them. "i didn't wanna disappoint you," i looked down. "disappoint me? baby, i'm not disappointed. i'm worried for you right now, you just had a panic attack baby. i'm not disappointed in you one bit, i'm actually glad you told me how you felt." he said to me.
"it's okay to be nervous baby, and it's okay to change your mind about doing something. you absolutely do not have to do this, i still love you, i'm not mad, i'm not disappointed, everything's okay baby. you're okay, i'm okay, we're all okay beautiful," he said. i let go of his hands and moved up on the couch, wrapping my arms around him. "i love you," i mumbled into his shoulder. "i love you princess, so so much." he kissed my head, rubbing my back.
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leilaxwhite · 2 years
Make You Feel My Love. // JJ Maybank Fluff
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synopsis: JJ Maybank wasn’t one to learn what real love felt like, with him not having a parental figure in his life to show him love you show him what it's like to be loved and give love back. 
a/n: okay I'm absolutely in love with this new season and honestly season 4 needs to come like now, I was shocked when they announced it so soon but I'm excited and looking forward to it. I was listening to Adele's song Make You Feel My Love and thought of JJ when I heard it and automatically had to make a fic!! hope you enjoy it. this fic is a little short but its adorable. also, another announcement, I am currently taking requests, I have a google doc filled with story ideas and I will be glad to add your guys’ requests in there as well!! 
warnings: none really, tooth rotting fluff, literally no more warnings this fic is just to die for fluff lol. 
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Ever since JJ was little, he never knew what love was, he was always the one to get the blunt end of his fathers hatred. It took a toll on him as he grew up, not feeling the love a normal child should changes someone. He never knew how to give love either and when he tried, he felt it wasn't real like people tell him about. that was until he met you. 
you were his saving grace, someone that actually loved him for him and not the things he did, though it was little things he got praised for. You didn't care for any of the negatives that happened in his life, every time he would bring it up you would always tell him “i don't see flaws, all I see is the boy that I love and will always love.” He really appreciated you but always felt that he wasn't giving the love he was receiving back. 
you never thought that way, you always knew he was giving it his all. You didn't know JJ growing up but from what he’s told you when he was having bad nightmares about his father, you knew his father was terrible and didn’t show him the love he deserved. 
you and JJ are currently at the chateau cuddling on the couch watching a movie, these nights were always special to the both of you because you’d show him the most love, as you guys went along dating you came to realize JJ feels the safest when he’s little spoon. Every time you guys cuddle you make it you mission to always make him feel safe and comfortable. That’s where you are now, yare laying with you back to the arm rest and him lying in between your legs. 
“Hey love” JJ breaks the comfortable silence between the two of us while we watch the movie. “Yes baby?” I always thought our conversations were the best, they always felt so natural like I could talk to him for hours. “I love you, thank you for showing me what real love feels like.” with that my heart bursts, he is so pure and the look in his eyes tells me he really means that, I immediately wrap my arms around him as much as I can in the position, we’re in. 
Y/n will always be JJ Maybank first love and he couldn’t be happier. All he needed in his life was her. JJ Maybank knew he was going to marry this girl one day; he knew this was the girl he wanted a future with. 
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adashulaz · 7 days
A little something I wrote because I want and need Season 7 rn
Sorens ok, why wouldn't he be? He'll be there when we get there and he'll have a smile on his face to hide his own nervousness.
The thought kept repeating in his mind, it was the only thing keeping him sane as he sat upon his horse. His hands gripping the reins tightly as he rode alongside King Ezran. “The letter said they'll be in the woods as a way to stay out of sight. They're close to the town though so it'll be easy to find them.” Grens voice broke the silence between everyone as he interpreted Amaya.
“How many were injured?” Ezrans voice was shaking slightly, like he still couldn't believe Katolis was attacked. “They didn't give a specific number, only saying that several people were injured due to either being trapped by debris or getting too close to the flames.” Grens voice was steady, steady like Amayas signing.
“How many were lost?” Silence followed the words. The only noise came from the steady sounds of hooves hitting the ground harshly as the animals ran towards Katolis. Amaya only looked forwards, unable to look at Ezran. He knew why, Katolis was attacked by a dragon. The amount of survivors would be small, especially of those who were within castle walls.
Soren was within the castle walls.
The thought made his stomach churn. His chest felt tight and his mind felt like it was mush.
I beg of you, let Soren be one of the few survivors from within the walls. I don't care if it's selfish, just let him be alive.
“Around a hundred, all of them were from within the castle walls and mostly from the first wave of flames.” He saw as Ezran only stared at the back of his horse's head. He only looked ahead of him, they've been riding for two days with very little and short breaks. “I'm sure Callum and Rayla are already there or almost there. They'll be able to offer assistance until we get there.” He hoped the words were able to comfort the young king.
It was all he had to offer as he couldn't even comfort his own heart.
After two more days of riding, they finally made it to Katolis. They slowed their pace as they made their way to the woods. He could feel as his heart beat increased as they got closer to the campsite. The sounds of people moving around and doing different tasks were loud in his ears. They paused a little bit away from the entrance of the camp.
He only looked around from his horse, his eyes moving from person to person as he searched for his person. He only held back a frown when he couldn't find the one he was looking for. He only got off his horse when the others did as well. “Ezran!” The familiar voice of Rayla caught his attention. She would know where his person is.
Ezran only rushed to her once he spotted her. He only watched as the two hugged, Rayla seemed relieved that Ezran was ok and Ezran seemed relaxed in her hold. It made him smile a bit. “I'm so glad you're ok, we saw what happened when we went to Lujannes.” Raylas voice was full of emotion. It was the most emotion he's ever heard come from the girl. It made him worried, did something happen to her and Callum besides this?
He only looked around once again, his eyes scanning the area for his person once again. He could see Callum rushing over to Ezran and Rayla before joining their hug. It didn't take Amaya to join them, he could see as Amaya briefly lifted the three from the ground. He only looked at the group. From the corner of his eye, he could see some of the medics that came with them were heading towards the camp.
He only scanned the area once more. His eyes landed on a familiar head of blonde hair. He only walked towards the person, his footsteps quick. “Soren.” At the sound of his name, Soren turned to look at him. He only paused as he stared at Soren. “Corvus.” Sorens voice was quiet, the quietest he's ever heard it be.
Sorens body looked burned, trails of lava leaving grooves in his skin as it traveled all over his body. More importantly, Soren looked scared. Scared of what though? Was he scared of how people would react to him now? Whatever the reason, he didn't care. Underneath whatever happened to Soren, it didn't matter anymore, it was still Soren. It was still his Soren.
He only rushed towards Soren. He brought a hand to the back of Sorens head as he wrapped an arm around Sorens torso. “You're ok, I'm so glad you're ok.” His voice was soft, he turned his head a bit so his lips were pressed against the side of Sorens head a bit. Soren only wrapped his arms around him. His hands held onto his shoulders loosely as his face pressed into his scarf. “I'm sorry.” Sorens voice was quiet, slightly muffled by his scarf.
“Don't apologize, none of this was your fault.” He held Soren tightly, Sorens skin felt like it was on fire. It burned his hand from where it rested but he didn't care. Soren only held onto him a bit tighter. He only held Soren tighter as well. Soren only buried his face into his scarf. “It's not your fault, you did what you could.” Soren only nodded into his scarf.
His hand felt like it was on fire from where it rested on Soren. However, it didn't matter to him. Why would it? Because by the gods, it would burn so much more if he wasn't holding Soren.
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weird-bookworm · 9 months
this year has been crazy, to say the least. i'd write a long ass message, but actually, each and every single one of my moots deserves their own
so here goes
@silversailormoan- you were my first moot, and i still don't have a name for you. all i know is that i am eternally grateful you trust me enough to share part of your life with me, and that i'm very glad you went from my fav ao3 bts writer to someone who randomly messages me whenever. thank you
@yrhome- i was shocked when you followed me back actually, but after that you've just poofed off the site. i'm sorry we never got the chance to interact more, because you were one of y fav writers on here. i hope we can get closer this coming year!
@maeleelee- mae mae oh mae you are one of the most special people i know on this hellsite, and that is saying something because i know so many people i love here. you were my first friend on here, as unhinged as me, and with such a friendly and warm personality i almost cried (that is a lie. i have definitely cried because you're too cute. i am not joking). we've shared so many moments here, and you've trusted me so much, it made this year so much more special to me. promise you'll keep being your adorable self next year too, but most of all, promise you'll be happy next year <3
@imagine-a-life-like-this- talking to you for the first time felt like a fever dream, even though i had sent asks before and i was already friend with mae. you have always been a writer i respect and like a lot, specially with your smaus (chef's kiss fr). on top of that you are always so sweet??? hello, is this a dream?? i'm glad we got close enough for me to see your more unhinged persona (which i am in love with) and that i could see your bts debut lmao. let's have even more fun next year
@mxnsxngie- you're so mother istg it's the best thing ever lol. what i've said about you in my moots list is very true, you gives me fairy vibes. you're so pretty and lovable and asdfghjkl i just love you okay? i've loved every single conversation we've had and i lovee how you read my rants and then respond with a veryyy long message with a ton of typos because you're getting ready for work in the morning (thank you for still reading and replying though, you're so busy but you always take out time for me <3) keep being adorable!
@hannieheartuu- i love you. you are always so sweet and kind and sensitive and talented i just wanna cuddle you and keep you in my pocket and call it a day. i get too much cute aggression with you and i get too protective over you, but can you blame me? you've given me so much love and so much trust it warms my heart, so thank you ylli. thank you for being an adorable lil bunny and loving me and letting me love you, let's carry forward this energy <3
@fairyhaos- is it just me but i feel like you don't really need me to tell you how grateful i am and how much i love you, specially after what happened today lmao. but honestly, you were one of the first svt writers i came across, you have always been this really kind angel, and you ranting about shua makes my day in the best way possible. you're talented and adorable and so so reliable, and i'm really grateful for that. i'm glad i can call you my friend and i'm glad that you call me that too
@idubiluv- ah, yes, my virtual didi lmao (you said it, not me). you come here rarely because unlike most of us, you are slightly more responsible. and yet, you are so fucking loved and adored and i just love to see you getting so much affection, because you deserve eevry inch of it. we've had really fun conversations and your pfp always leads me to believe that you are absolutely gorgeous (i remember my sleep riddled brain once thinking that you would sparkle like edward when i'll first meet you...yeah i'm weird ahem anyway) and you have such a sparkly personality to match? heaven indeed
@the-therapist-needs-therapy- i remember us interacting continuously for a while, and then we just stopped, and i don't know why. let's become closer this next year, talking to you was fun.
@babyboyquokka- okay so we've talked a total of 4 times, but it was enough for me to decide that we really need to talk more (i am aware our timings don't really match but i have those rare days i pretend to be an owl and stay up very late so we'll see lmao)
@cadenonlinelive- how did we go from me being scared of you (...don't ask) to me actively teasing you (hello reply to me don't leave me on read) it might have something to do with the fact that the wifeys constantly call you adorable but ahem i do quite agree. i feel like my age plays a big factor why you might not feel the most comfortable with me, but i hope we can become good friends next year :))
@slytherinshua- eeeeeee you're my adorable lil (we are going to ignore the fact that you are taller than me) gremlin who makes me wanna kms but also bae are you okay. you have somehow made me question life within the short (yes i know surprising) period we've known each other, and also made me believe that with determination, anything is possible (like ranking 125 smth idols according to how much you love them). i'm really glad you made our server, because i don't think i would've stayed on this hellsite otherwise lol
@icyminghao- why is it that one of us will start a conversation in the other's askbox and then we just. stop interacting again ∏~∏ i love your work and i'd love to be closer :(( let's become good friends the coming year!
@ryuwonieebae- same as with haru, we talked and then stopped, and i wish we hadn't. i hope life is going well and you're happy :))
@rubywonu- niaaaa my love is it just me or did we barely interact but it still feels like we're already pretty good friends lol? i swear your work sends tingles down my spine it's that cute. you're also my favourite couprang, so i'm gonna take that as a free invite to rant to you about him whenever and wherever hehe (this is me telling you to expect ig reels in your dms i have way too many cheol reels saved)
@mesanthropi- weiwei!! bae you give me so many noni vibes + this-is-one-person-i-wanna-keep-around-for-a-long-time-if-they-will-have-me vibes it's crazy. i love our quirky conversations and i adore your art, but i specially like seeing you in others' inboxes— your asks are always just so cute. also, you are definitely someone i have cute aggression with so (...my pocket is large enough me thinks, you're always welcome)
@wheeboo- okay first and foremost, thank you for inviting me in the server in the first place, it has become a trusted source of entertainment and fun and just general clownery, and who doesn't love that? you and zanna really created a safe space for all of us and i'm so honoured that you even thought to add me there sob. BUT i also read your jun fic before anyone else i was squealing did i tell you? i was sooo excited afghjkl the end line is— thank you for trusting me and being my friend ilyyy
@hanniehaee- bro why did you randomly show up one day with a ridiculous amount of reblogs and disappear off of tumblr altogether WHERE ARE YOU I MISS YOU
@aaniag- hello fellow a little too crazy with the emoticons desi carat have i ever told you i love you? i have? well i don't care! i love you anyways lmao. a, i absolutely adore your random ass asks filled with 218 twins (spare me please), b, i love how you never stop yourself from going crazy with the emojis and emoticons, and c, i am very thankful that you love me so much, please don't stop doing that
@woozvc- noraaaa i feel like we've gotten so close lately, i specially love our little trio with cien hehe ^^ i love love love you and the way we blamed noni for never realising we weren't friends on discord for the longest time shall always make me smile. talking to your bf was adorable and i want you to keep reminding me that i have to write a fic for you, please and thank you!
@eternalgyu- to the awesomest most iconic goddess coded person ever, hello bae hru :D how tf r u so gorgeously stunning tell me the secret please i am so whipped but also, GREMLIN LINE!! you are as unhinged as zanna and that is truly appreciated. also, thank you for getting me into riize (i still need help) (also i will show up to tomorrow's quiz promise) i swear everything's so fun when you're around and i really hope we can get upto even more shenanigans next year mwah!
@welcometomyoasis- shu! adorable pretty shua coded shu! thank you for assigning me soonyoung in your end of the year post, and i meant everything i said in the tags okie? you're shua coded because you're soft and sweet and adorable and talented and i just really love you okie? never stop writing though, it gets me through on the bad days and i love it.
@springdayysworld- you get nothing, i'll see you in school (show up please no leaves allowed)
@mirxzii- look, all i know is that i love your voice, and that i really want you to show up in the server more so we can interact more, let's get closer next year!!
@blue-jisungs- axeeeee thank you thank you thank you for handling my silly little rants, specially yesterday's. your typos are adorable, your jokes are impeccable, your boomerness is lowkey rubbing off on me, and i really hope that i can write like you one day. i wish we can become better friends this coming year and continue being idiots. please don't stop being so axe :D ilysm <3
@haecien- cienciencien my smol tiny little bean i know you're older than me but ignore that please it's so fun to tease you and talk to you and simp with you. everything's just so much more fun with your unfiltered commentary and random rocket pictures (please don't stop). one day i would like to count all your husbands and complain to your bf (when is he asking you out please spare us) but until then, i love you.
@aakomii- i'm still surprised you followed me back tbh, you've always been a writer i've appreciated a lot and i'm glad i made an impression big enough lol, let's become good friends next year!
@etherealyoungk- give me your patience or your talent please, it takes me out every time. another thing i wonder is how are you so calm after stanning kwon soonyoung of all people (what is the secret tell me i need to know) but either way, i hope new year treats both of us well <3
@glosskirt- heheheheh fellow army ilysm we haven't interacted much but i hope we talk more because you're sooo fun <333
@candewlsy- mizu!! let's talk more because we really vibe and i look forward to every meme you send me (and the flirting. gotta love the flirting lmao)
@kkooongie- when you become moots on the last day on the year 😁🥰
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hanafubukki · 10 months
I'm okay on my side ! Hope you're doing well too ☺️ But yeah, this update awating is already making my emotions blow up. Like, you see the big roller-coster, you know it's going to be some big thing. And you feel like you're already up there.
But I'm also in denial for any more emotional damage coming up. (Silver fighting against Dawn brainrot breaking my heart-) ("I'm sorry. I now know you loved me very much. But neverless, you are now my father enemy. Bloodties don't matter that much for me. Because I will always be my father's son." 😭💀). So I'm in OT3 fluffy/angsty mode where I live in a cottage with my two handsome husbands and my baby Silver. In a peaceful time. Having funny shenanigans with the Draconia in-laws. And just chilling in a cute alternative version of the past we going to have more information about in 2 days.
Everything will be fine- I hope. But I'm gathering tissues. Just in case.
- 🦋 Anon
[OT3 Masterlist]
Hello 🦋 Anonie 💞💚🌻
Glad to hear you’re doing good, I’m going well; just antsy. But yes!! Your analogy is perfect. We know something big is going to come and we know it’s going to hurt, but we are powerless to it.
All the while, time is slowly passing by as we wait our demise 😂🫡
Kind of like the people on Sage island…okay okay, I’ll stop ajsjdkdn 🤣🤣
“I'm sorry. I now know you loved me very much. But neverless, you are now my father enemy. Bloodties don't matter that much for me. Because I will always be my father's son."
Did you have to hurt me this way?? But ahhh the brain rot 🥹💞💞 It’s amazing.
If it’s any comfort 🦋 Anonie, I have several OT3 asks in my inbox that I will answer soon hopefully. And, knowing me, the new update is going to get my brain into overdrive. So more fanfics and more OT3 most likely ☺️💞💞 (and theories and in general screaming 🤣)
Gather all the tissues because we are going to need them 🦋 Anonie, there’s a reason why they look so angry and I can imagine whatever it is, we are not ready. Though I’m sure, Ortho will pop up at the end in a cliffhanger probably.
Here’s a small comfort fic, to soothe us before troubling times:
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You gasped awake, breathing heavily.
Your vision unfocused, hands trembling.
A hand cupped your cheek, bringing your eyes to worried crimson.
It was difficult to breathe.
A forehead leaned against yours, “Shh. Try and copy how I breathe precious.”
You tried to follow along, eventually matching Lilia’s.
As you calmed down, you were brought back to your surroundings. You felt a hand gently rubbing your back as you slumped forward into Lilia. You could see Dawn’s concerned eyes through your blurred vision.
Dawn and Lilia murmured something above you before you felt a kiss placed upon your shoulder.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Dawn leave the room.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“In a bit,” your voiced wavered.
Lilia tucked you closer into him.
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You didn’t know when you dozed off, but the gentle shake from Dawn woke you.
“Drink this Love, it’ll help you sleep better.”
Warm milk and honey, the combination had you smiling.
Something the Lilia in the future loved to make for his boys. You could recall Lilia proclaiming in several of his stories about how this very drink would put the toughest and most stubborn children to sleep.
The memories of your dream came back. You closed your eyes before looking at your husbands. Their worried expressions had you spilling every detail you could remember.
By the end, you felt more tired than ever but more comforted as well.
Your husbands hugged you as they reassured you with their words.
“We’ll take Silver and Malleus from my sister’s tomorrow and have a picnic in the meadow. You’ll see first hand that your dreams are just that, dreams and nothing more.”
“You’re not allowed to cook, Lilia.”
“Hey! I can make simple sandwiches.”
“If you ever want our son back from your sister and Malleus, you’ll never utter those words in front of them.”
Their banter lulled you to sleep.
What better way to be loved then to be in the middle of two such loving souls?
Who cherished you and their family endlessly like the number of stars in the sky.
With them, you would know a True Happy Ending.
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Am I implying something with the three of them home alone without Silver?? Maybe. Maybe not. Lolol ☺️💞
But also, I could have changed the whole atmosphere and turned it angsty/horrific with an added line or two but I didn’t.
Aren’t I gracious? 🤣🌺
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ya-zz · 11 months
It just popped in my head but can you do a ramattra fic? male reader, where it’s winter time and it’s super cold so the reader is shivering and ramattra warms him up somehow with his robotic ways lol, just a whole bunch of fluff, your writing is so good thank you!!
I started this a few weeks ago and just got around to finishing it now, just in time for the cold to come in... If only we had a certain omnic to keep us warm throughout these colder months...
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Ramattra x Reader
Word count: 1102
Winter in Nepal is such a marvellous sight; one that many people come to visit each year, especially when the winter markets and festivals are in motion each weekend. Each stall held it’s own vendor from the village, known faces that regulars and newcomers greet with a smile. From various stalls holding a selection of goods from bakes to jewellery, pottery and tea, there was something for almost everyone. 
The festivals were just as exciting, even more so when the snow was falling and the soft lights made the village streets much more ambient. However, the winter wind made it that much colder. Even if you’re wrapped up warm, the wind cut like knives against your skin. Icy particles attacking any bare skin it could find and if your clothing is too thin, it feels wet and sticks to your body until you have to go home and peel it off. 
That was no deterrent for you and your friend though. The pair of you wandered the village streets. It was a comforting moment, being in the presence of the one you held close to you, someone who made sure that you were healthy and safe. He’d protect you when you needed it most and he would always be there for you when you desperately needed a shoulder to cry on. 
Your friend felt the same way about you. Knowing he had you by his side. A human he was glad to call his friend. Someone he was willing to protect no matter the cost. 
“Ramattra?” You voice broke him out of the trance he was in. 
“Yes?” He responds back, head tilting down to look at you. 
“Are you okay? You seem distant.” 
“My apologies, [y/n].” He chuckles before turning his head back forward. “Was there something you asked of me?” 
“Yeah…” You walk by his side. “Do you ever feel cold?” 
“Cold?” He takes a moment to think. “Yes. Although not to the extremities you humans do.”
You hum in response.
“Are you cold?” The omnic asks. 
“What? No.” You lie, and he knew it too. Your body was shivering and your voice wavers ever so slightly you pray he wouldn’t notice. 
Ramattra nods once, entering his systems to see what it is that humans do to keep others warm. He’s searching for a few moments before clearing his HUD and continuing his walk with you throughout the market. 
He watches as your body temperature slowly drops, not to an alarming level, he wouldn’t let it get that far, but Ramattra was waiting to see how long you would plan on suffering like you are now. 
It was strange for the omnic, watching out for a human. He had never felt so… inclined to protect you. He’s seen the way some humans back away from him, cower in fear, but you… by god, you were something else. You never once disliked him, wanting to only make friends. He disapproved at first, he always does when someone new, someone human, comes across his path. 
You were something special, someone special, to the omnic. He made sure you were eating well, that you had enough sleep each night and that you were okay regardless of what was happening in your life, but he was only a friend… He wanted more. He had never felt this way before, especially not towards a human. 
Ramattra keeps a close optic on you all throughout the evening, and when the temperature drops significantly, he watches you even closer. The lack of a scarf or hat made Ramattra worry about you. Your ears were red, nose too and your cheeks were flushed. It wouldn’t be long now until you were asking to go home to get warm, but he saw the sparkle in your eyes, the way your face lit up when the streets bustled with life. Lights turned on, vendors were rowdy and the smell of food wafted through the streets. 
Being with Ramattra meant everything to you. For once, you had found someone who truly cares about you, and not because he was designed to kill, to protect, but because he welcomed you into his life. Ramattra was so careful around you it made your heart flutter each time he did something to or for you.
So, when the warmth of his cowl was placed around your shoulders, hood being pulled up to cover those icy ears, your heart nearly stopped. 
“Ramattra?” You look up at him, eyes slightly wider than usual.
“You are cold. I do not want you to freeze or else our evening will be ruined.” He states, not looking towards you. 
You smile softly, hands coming up and under the cloth. “It’s so warm.”
Ramattra hummed, knowing that it was. He heated his own body up, not to an alarming level, but just enough to heat up his cowl and give it to you. 
“Are your hands cold too?” He asks, looking down at you. 
You shake your head, but you knew your fingers were almost frozen stiff. 
The omnic silently sighs, adjusting some settings in his HUD before he reaches for your hand. His fingers interlock with yours and there was a heat radiating from his palm.
The notion startles you, but you keep the expression hidden behind the hood. There was a soft smile on your face as you squeeze his hand a little. 
“Thank you…” 
Ramattra glances down at you and sees the heat returning to your face and your body. 
“You are flushed. Is everything okay?” He stops moving, turning to fully face you despite other people walking on either side. 
“I- I am fine.” Though you stay hidden. 
“Look at me, [y/n].” His other hand comes up instinctively to turn your face towards him. He feels the warmth within his palm, thumb rubbing a soft circle on the flesh. 
The omnic stills for a moment before retracting his hand and letting go of your other one. “My apologies.” He had never felt embarrassed, but he could feel himself heating up. 
He starts walking again, although you wait a moment, seemingly in a daze at what just happened. Did he… What… No…
It took you a few quick strides to catch back up to him, and when you do, you lace your fingers with his, palms touching once more. 
“Don’t leave…” You say, voice quite and muffled behind his cowl. 
Ramattra looks down at you, a million different signals being sent though his wires. He feels his own body warm up, and he sees that yours has heated up tenfold.
“I will never leave.”
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five-rivers · 2 years
The Soul Trade(ing Card Game) Chapter 2
As was dictated to me by the poll, I have delivered.
“So, uh, Batman,” said Constantine, hating everything about this, “I’ve gotta ask you something.”
“Hn,” said Batman, and Constantine understood he had the man’s whole attention, even though he didn’t look away from the screens arrayed before him.  Monitor duty.  Constantine was glad the Justice League Dark didn’t have to do that.  
(At least, he thought they didn’t.  If anyone had ever told him they did, he had promptly forgotten about it.)
“I need you to look into whoever left me this letter.”  He dropped the letter on the desk next to Batman and flexed his hands.  Yeah, the magic in it was sure something, but it was passive, as far as he could tell, traces picked up from being around something infinitely nastier.  It was safe.  Probably.  It hadn’t blasted any of the people who had handled it between the desk in the Hall of Justice and the Watchtower, anyway.  
Batman glanced up only briefly before taking the letter.  He read it, quickly, without his posture changing at all.  
“Hm,” he said, the tone of the grunt just slightly more contemplative.  “Are the claims in this letter legitimate?”
“Well,” said Constantine, “let’s just say that reading it felt like…”  His face twisted as he tried to find the words to describe what it had felt like.  “Yeah.  Even if this bloke doesn’t have everything he says he does, he has… a lot.  There are traces on the letter, magically speaking.”  
“What’s the effect of that?”
“God if I know,” said Constantine.  “I didn’t even notice this.  At least, he could go ahead and cast whatever spells on me he wants.  Soul’s a lot more intimate.”
With a press of a button, the screens went dark.  “You shouldn’t be up here if you’re compromised.”
“Hey, I didn’t even know about this until ten minutes ago!”
“Return to ground.”  Batman stood and loomed over him.  “I’ll look into who sent this letter and tell you my findings.”
That was probably the best Constantine was going to get.  Honestly, he didn’t even want to be on this glorified deathtrap in the sky.
He didn’t like the feeling of getting kicked out, though.  
“I’m going to need the letter back.  I’ve got my own tests to run on it.  Get an idea of what kind of nasty we’re dealing with.  Magic stuff.”
Batman handed it back.  “I’ll walk you to the Zeta Tubes.”
“What do you mean someone bought your soul?” asked Zatanna.  “I thought you’d already sold it ages ago.”
“Yeah, but I guess souls can be resold.  Should’ve realized that demons would try to replicate the whole banking hellscape we have here.”
“Nevermind,” said Constantine, letting himself sprawl backwards in the chair.  It leaned dangerously, the weak leg bending.  “I did sell it.  I sold it a bunch.  Got it set up so no one could really claim it without the others freaking out.  Set some time limits on a few earlier ones, that worked pretty well, but, eventually, that didn’t work anymore, no one would bargain for that, and I figured my soul was pretty much a lost cause anyway…”  He tucked his hands in his pockets and fingered the lid of his flask.
“Don’t you dare start drinking while I’m here.”
He hauled himself forward.  “Far as I can tell, what’s written in the letter is true, as far as the owning part goes.  The whole sorry bit and the let’s meet bit, I’m less clear on.”
He did have some thoughts on how to deal with it.  But he wasn’t sure how well it’d work, and the guy - if it even was a guy - was a complete unknown.  
He shrugged.  “I was hoping for a second opinion.”  And maybe a bit of… comfort.  Something.  It felt like the only time he saw Zatanna anymore was if the Justice Morons were poking at stuff no one sane would come close to with a ten foot pole.  
(He missed her.)
(He missed when they used to be an item.)
(Which was stupid of him.  But he’d never claimed not to be.)
(She wanted to keep things professional though, so.  He’d try.)
Zatanna paced around the table.  It was clear except for the letter, Constantine having expended much effort into cleaning it off (dumping it onto the nearest alternate flat-ish surface, the seat of a sagging armchair).
“I don’t know how much more I can tell you.  There’s magic here, but it’s traces, and it’s… muddled.  Do you mind?”
“Go ahead, love.”  So much for being professional.  Sue him.  Some things just slipped out.
Zatanna nodded, evidently not even noticing.  “Laever ruoy sterces,” she said, staring intensely at the letter.  She shook her head.  “Laever sesruc.  No, no curses, at least.  That’s a relief?” 
“Yeah, I guess.  But he doesn’t exactly need to curse me through a letter if he’s got everything he says he’s got.”
“Don’t give up just yet.  Let me try a few other things.  Ezylana eht snigiro fo eht lacigam secart no sight retter.  Wow, huh.”
“Well, like I said, there are all sorts of magical traces on this thing.  Demon magic, which is expected, bits of yours, some of the ambient stuff the Watchtower picks up… but there’s also a lot of spirit magic.”
“You think we’re dealing with some kind of shaman?  A summoner?”  In addition to demons and whatever else, that was.  
“Maybe,” said Zatanna.  “There’s death, here, too, but I can’t tell if it’s outright death magic or necromancy.”
Constantine groaned.  “The difference is academic.  I’m screwed.  S’pose I should be grateful or something he didn’t hit me with a compulsion to show up and grovel in front of him, felt the need to give me a heads up before he tortures me for sport or whatever necromancers do for fun.”
Zatanna made a face, but it was very telling that she didn’t deny it was a possibility.  
“Just promise me you won’t go looking for this person on your own.”
“Yeah, I’ve got the Bat on it.  You know him.  Tall scary guy.  World famous detective.  About as boring as he is scary with all his rules.”
“That’s not what I meant,” said Zatanna.  “You’re going to need magical backup for this.  Call me.  Or at least someone who knows what they’re doing.”
The opposite of what he wanted to do, really.  People died often enough around him without actively dragging them into his problems, and this was a massive problem.  
“Can’t make any promises.”
Because Constantine couldn’t really do anything else about the letter or its contents (besides scream inside his head and swear at himself), he decided to go about business as usual.  Exorcisms, investigations, a touch of vampire stabbing, a few (disappointingly dry) ghost hunts.  Normal stuff.  
At least, it was normal until the demons started to run away from him.  They didn’t usually do that, not even the weak ones.  He did have a reputation, but not one like that.  His reputation was that of a cheat and a con… and someone who got people close to him killed.  None of that really put off bloodthirsty demons, who were a right pain to genuinely kill, and who often as not had some connection to old Lucy.  
But they were running now, and not just the weaker ones.  They weren’t even fighting him.  Not getting hellfire tossed at him was nice, but demons were not nice.  Ever.  
So, what could he do but catch one?
He walked around the circle, double checking to make sure the scuffle with the little imp hadn’t scuffed any lines.  He’d made mistakes like that before, and they were never pretty.  
“So,” he said, lighting a cigarette, “what’s a demon like you running from little old me for?”
The demon, predictably, hissed at him.  Constantine rolled his eyes.  Typical.
“I’m going to ask you again, and if you don’t answer, things are going to get real unpleasant for you.”  He pointed at those circle.  “Read ‘em, if you don’t believe me.”
The demon arched itself like a cat, which was an interesting choice seeing as it wasn’t at all cat shaped.
“You were chasing us, John Constantine,” it said in a deep voice that belayed its size.  
“Yeah, and that’s usually your lot’s cue to turn around and jump me.  What’s different?”
The demon laughed, unpleasant and high-pitched like a teakettle coming to a boil.  “What’s different?  What’s different?  John Constantine, you know what’s different.”
“Humor me here.”
It chuckled and started pacing around the inside of the circle.  “Who owns you, John Constantine?” it asked in a silky voice.  “Where is your soul, John Constantine?  Not with you.  Not with the First of the Fallen.  Not with any of the princes of hell, or any god in its palace.  Who owns you, John Constantine?”
“What, you’re saying that just because Lucy doesn’t have dibs on me when I die anymore, none of you are interested?  Try the other one, it has bells on it.”
“Fool!” shouted the demon, now sounding disturbingly human.  “Fool!  Fool!  A fool you are, but we are not, oh, no.  No, no, no, we are not.  What manner of thing could steal from them?  What manner of thing could satisfy so many demons?  What manner of thing could have such essence that it clings to you even now?  Who owns you, John Constantine?”
Those were some good goddamn questions.  “You’ve got a name for me, or is this you saying you don’t actually know, you’re just so freaked by the idea of it you’re shaking in your boots?  Scales.  Whatever.”
“Do not mock us, John Constantine,” it said, back to sounding properly demonic.  “We are no fool!  We know you will suffer.”
Yeah, well, that was just the natural state of the universe, wasn’t it?  In any case, it didn’t look like this little punk had any idea what it was talking about.  They didn’t tend to be very bright, just smart enough to parrot what they overheard from more powerful demons and dumb enough to give up information when threatened with basic binding spells.  
He banished the imp back to Hell with a twist of his fingers.  
So.  Whoever or whatever had gotten their hands on Constantine’s soul, they were scary enough that demons didn’t want to draw its attention by getting involved with Constantine.  Which was.  Yeah.  Not great.  Story of his life.  
He’d known that they’d have to be nasty, sure.  They’d have to be, to get all of Constantine’s contracts.  Constantine hadn’t sold his soul to just anybody.  Those first three bastards especially had power.  Hell, they’d cured his terminal lung cancer.  Partially to avoid a war but mostly to be petty.   
Admittedly, after that, he hadn’t been quite so discerning.  Or careful about the wording.  But he knew that so long as old Lucy had his eyes on him and a finger on his soul, no one would dare collect.  
A lot of good that did, in the end.
Who would Lucifer trade with?  Why would he give up the right to torture Constantine eternally post-mortem?  
Constantine was getting sick of not knowing.  He was tempted to just go to that meeting spot, but without more information, that would be unforgivably stupid.  Constantine was not stupid.  Usually.  
His Justice League communicator (foisted on him by the Bat) pinged obnoxiously at the bottom of one of his pockets.  He’d forgotten it was in this coat.  He sorted through his pockets crossly as it pinged again.  It had better be important.  He found it under a crumpled bag of crisps and yanked it out with a spray of crumbs.  
“What?” he said, shortly.  
“Constantine,” came Batman’s deep, gravelly rumble.  “I have news.”
Well, crap.  “You gonna share that news this century?”
“It would be better to discuss this in-person.  You do not have a secure computer.”
“Jesus,” said Constantine.  He would have argued, but, technically, Batman was doing him a favor.  “Fine, you paranoid maniac.  Where?”
‘Where’ turned out to be a low-risk interrogation room in the Hall of Justice.  Constantine was not a fan of this arrangement, but he understood it.  He was compromised, or whatever, and the interrogation rooms were private and had video screens.  
On the other hand, it was in America, and even Zeta Tubes couldn’t help with jetlag.  And, worse, it was nonsmoking.  
Batman personally escorted him to the room, and turned on the main screen with a remote control.  Pictures of a pale-skinned teen with blue eyes and black hair sprung up.  School pictures, mostly, but some looked like ID pictures, one was on the cover of a magazine, and another looked like an avatar in a video game.  
“Do you recognize this boy?”
“One of your kids?” asked Constantine.
“Answer the question.”
“No, I don’t know him.  Should I?”
“He’s the one who dropped the letter off.”  
“You’re joking.”
In answer, Batman clicked the remote again, bringing up surveillance videos of the Hall of Justice’s main desk taken from various angles.  The clips started off looking normal, the overly clear, expensive footage characteristic of an organization associated with Batman.  
But then, static swam over them.  Not enough to fully obscure the figure walking into the frame, but enough to be obvious.   The boy from the pictures.  He walked to the desk, had a short conversation with the receptionist during which he handed over the letter, and then left, taking the static with him.  
“Well, hell,” said Constantine.  It had been a while since he’d seen a demon take a form like that, but he supposed this one must have learned that he had a soft spot for kids.  Or maybe this was a kid.  A demon kid.  He’d thought he’d taken care of all of his, but wouldn’t have been the first time he’d screwed up, and this whole situation was a collection of screw ups.  
“Do you know what could cause the static?”
“Whole range of spells, but I’m gonna bet you already knew that from Zatanna.”
“Hm,” said Batman.  “The name of the boy is Daniel Fenton.  He is fifteen years old, and his major claim to fame is discovering that a purple-backed gorilla on loan to his local zoo was female.  He also makes an occasional appearance on the leaderboards of the video game ‘Doomed,’ where he is a well known player.”
“A demon playing video games.  Now I’ve seen it all.”  It wasn’t so much that demons couldn’t have hobbies, he just didn’t care to learn them, if they weren’t relevant to beating the crap out of them or tricking them into taking a holy water shower.  Then again, there was an outside possibility that ‘Daniel’ wasn’t a demon.  “Any of this have a point?”
“Establishing facts,” said Batman.  “It is possible that you had encountered him via the internet.”
“Do I look like the kind of guy who plays video games?”
Batman clicked the remote again, a map appearing on the screen, a blinking dot appearing in the middle of nowhere, US.  “Daniel lives with his older sister, Jasmine, and their parents Drs. Jack and Madeline Fenton in Amity Park.”
“Amity Park?” repeated Constantine.
“Is it familiar to you?”
“I think I looked into it once.  Supposed to be haunted.  Veil there is maybe a little thin, but nothing on the Tower of London, or, hell, the British Museum.  You wouldn’t believe what all those stolen grave goods can get up to together.  Your permanently overcast city is more haunted.  It’s a dead end.”
“Maybe not.  The Drs. Fenton are friends with the billionaire Vladimir Masters, but primarily derive their income from their patented inventions, which include customized ‘branding’ toasters, high-efficiency toilet paper, ultra-lightweight camping gear, various treatments for radiation poisoning, and several items that have been marked classified by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Energy, for their use of dangerous energy sources.”
Constantine’s eyebrows went up.  Mad scientists mucking about with radiation were generally not in his wheelhouse.  Or even riding the same tracks, for that matter.  “You think they went poking around in the occult for their ‘dangerous energy sources?’”  
“Possibly,” said Batman.  “In addition to their inventions, they are moderately well-known in ghost hunting communities, which explains their presence in the reportedly-haunted Amity Park.  However, everything they’ve written on the subject indicates that they believe ghosts have a strictly scientific explanation.  They also,” continued Batman, the corners of his mouth pulling into a slightly deeper frown, “believe that ghosts are nonsentient and nonsapient.”
“So, they have no idea what they’re talking about.  Just some big brains that got sucked in by the kind of fraudsters who started the seance craze.  Great.  I’m sure Deadman’d love to have word with them.  If they could even see him.”  He rubbed his chin.  “But the must’ve run into something real if their kid’s doing all this.  Or if what looks like their kid’s doing all this.”
“You don’t believe Daniel Fenton is the one in the video?”
“Lemme put it this way.  Odds of a random kid pulling one over on the demons I sold my soul to are about the same as you developing a sense of humor.  Best case scenario, he’s just possessed, or he’s some kind of freak like Klarion.”  
Batman grunted in acknowledgement.  “Approximately six months ago, Jack Fenton purchased an ‘authentic demon soul contract’ from Ebay.”
Constantine opened and closed his mouth several times.  “You’re joking.”
“As you are aware, I have no sense of humor.”
“Jesus Christ.  Ebay?”
“The seller was a man named Eric Chambers.  Zatanna investigated him earlier this week.  He is, apparently, an amateur demonologist who wanted to ‘get out of the game’ and was in the process of selling off all his magical paraphernalia.  He had sold several additional versions of your soul contract to another buyer in Amity Park.  A known associate of Daniel Fenton named Samantha Manson.  Are any of these names familiar to you?”
“Not exactly,” said Constantine.  “But… Ebay?”  He’d never thought his soul was anything special, but at least he’d thought it was worth enough to not be resold on Ebay.  “And how did this Chambers bloke get them?”
“Apparently, the demons he’d summoned no longer wanted them, and he was under the impression that he could ‘put you under his thrall’ if he collected enough of them.”
So the guy who had his soul wasn’t even the first one to have the idea.  Brilliant.  
“And that’s it?”
“I could tell you Daniel Fenton’s grades and internet habits,” said Batman.  “As well as those of his close friends and associates.  Apart from his parents and his recent involvement with you, he is ordinary.”
“The thing with the gorilla is ordinary, then?”
“Most people have at least one outlier event in their lives.  It would be of greater concern if he did not.”  He paused, staring long and hard at Constantine.  “What are your initial thoughts?”
“That I’m about to get screwed up the–”
“Regarding how Daniel Fenton got involved in this.”
“Like I said, it’s probably not Daniel Fenton.  I’d guess…  If I had to guess, I’d say that after Fenton’s dad got hold of that contract, he went and played around with it.  Something like a genuine contract can be used to do a lot.  It has the magical signatures of both the original demon and whatever sorry bastard signed it.  If you’ve got that, you can ring up the demon.”  He raised his hands, miming a scale.  “Demon, inexperienced idiot teenager…”  He tilted to one side.  “You get the picture.”
And, yeah, wasn’t it great that he could cause people to die just by leaving his junk everywhere?  He hadn’t learned anything from the dream sand.  
“You believe Daniel Fenton summoned a demon that possessed him, which then proceeded to collect your soul contracts?”
“Yeah.  Can you pull up a pic of the contract Jack Fenton bought?”
Batman briefly examined the remote, then flicked quickly through several slides, stopping, finally, on a very classic demonic soul contract.  Constantine had signed several like that, so he had to squint at it and read through it line by line.  It wasn’t like he memorized the handwriting of every demon he’d ever made a contract with.  In fact, he’d memorized the handwriting of exactly zero demons.  They didn’t precisely write a lot, and you either got illegible chicken scratch or equally illegible ornate gothic script.  
He got to the name and swore.  “That guy doesn’t have the power to go up against the First of the Fallen.”  He rubbed his chin vigorously.
“It’s possible that Chambers sent a different contract to the Fentons,” said Batman, “or Daniel was… infected after receiving the other contracts.”  More pictures popped up on the screens.  “However, there is a problem with this theory.”
“Yeah?” asked Constantine, already scanning the contracts.  The Bat didn’t like Constantine’s ideas.  What else was new?  
“Daniel’s behavior has had no significant changes in that six month time frame.  But if we go back by just over a year, to when he was entering high school, his grades took a steep dive and several disciplinary actions were noted on his record.  His close friends’ grades took similar, but smaller, hits at the same time.”
“You think he could have been possessed earlier.”
“I believe that something happened to him at that time.  I am unconvinced it was possession.”
Constantine shook his head.  “None of these guys are strong enough to begin with.  Maybe if they were working together…  Nah.  None of them could work together.  That’s why I picked them.”  He rubbed his eyes.  “Then again, I thought no one could get all my soul contracts, so who knows?”
“Are you sure possession is the only solution?”
“God, no.  Hell, we could be dealing with a cabal of homo magi, or someone back from the grave who seriously hates me, that’d explain the death magic on the letter, at least, or maybe there’s a god hanging around getting their kicks poking at me.  It’s just a giant blank.  I’ve never heard of this kid.  I’ve never heard of his family.  I’ve barely heard of Vlad Masters.  I’ve got nothing.”
“Hm,” said Batman.  “What are you planning to do?”
“I’m guessing ignoring it forever isn’t something you’d let me do?”
“I guess I’m gonna have to go investigate, then.”
“In that case,” said Batman, pulling a fat folder of papers out of his cape somehow, “you will need to know more about Daniel Fenton, his associates, and Amity Park.”  He dropped the folder on the table with an audible thump.
“Great,” said Constantine.  “Just what I wanted.  Homework.”
Constantine and Zatanna zeta’d to the nearest tube near Amity Park.  Batman had arranged an ‘untraceable’ rental car for them, paranoid bastard.  Demons didn’t usually have the skillset required to trace license plates.  
Then again, there might be more than demons involved.  Even if necromancers generally had no skillset outside of necromancy.  
There could be shamans, though!  They were well known for their technological acumen!  
Yeah, right.  It was possible, but not bloody likely.  
“I could teleport, you know,” he told Zatanna.  “We could both teleport.”
“Into the home turf of an unknown magic user?”
Constantine rolled his eyes and knocked his head against the car window.  “I’m surprised the ol’ Bat isn’t coming with us.”
“You know he is,” said Zatanna.  “I’d give even odds that he’s already there, if I had any desire to gamble with you.”
“Hey!  I could be good for it.  I have steady work now!”
Zatanna shook her head.  Constantine huffed.  
“I’m going to take a nap.  Might be my last one, after all.”
“John,” said Zatanna, “you’re not going to die.  Don’t you think this is a little… excessive, considering all the stuff you’ve gotten out of before?”
“No one’s owned my whole soul before.  Now, I really am going to go to sleep.  Wake me up when we get there.”
That’s what pulled Constantine out of his dreams and into a nightmare, and from there into wakefulness.  The feeling did not dissipate.  Instead, it grew stronger.  
He looked over at Zatanna, who was still driving.  Her knuckles were white, her shoulders stiff.  
“What the hell,” croaked Constantine.  
“It’s been building as we get closer to Amity Park,” said Zatanna.  “It doesn’t feel… actively malicious…  More like a massive haunting.  It’s been building slowly.”
Constantine swallowed and tried to rub sand out of his eyes.  “That’s– Where are we?”
“About ten minutes out of Amity Park.”
“No.  I’ve been to Amity Park.  It doesn’t feel anything like this.  It’s boring.”
“Well,” said Zatanna, strained, “something’s changed.  At least we know where the letter picked up all that death magic.”
Constantine breathed in deeply through his nose.  “Yeah, there’s enough of it here for me to feel it, God.”  It was making his skin prickle.  He shook himself all over.  “Might as well stay awake now.  Do you mind if I set my wards?”
“Knock yourself out.”
Constantine walked into the diner and looked around.  It was very American.  Retro.  Quiet.  Not entirely clean, but Constantine had been in way worse.  The air smelled strongly of cinnamon, coffee, and hot chocolate.  Not the kind of place he generally bartered for his soul, or away his soul, as the case might be.
An aggressive ‘No Smoking’ sign was positioned prominently next to the cheery ‘seat yourself’ sign.  Constantine scowled at it.  Sometimes it felt like there was nowhere to smoke anymore in the whole world.  
Daniel Fenton, easily recognizable from a legion of school photos and a junior astronaut camp photo ID, was sitting alone at a booth, a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream in front of him.  He swung his legs back and forth and scribbled in a notebook.  A few tables away, not nearly as sneaky as they clear-ly thought they were being, were his friends Manson and Foley.
Zatanna had entered the diner before him, of course, and Batman was most likely… somewhere.  God only knew where.  Constantine knew people who could turn invisible and shapeshift that weren’t as good at it as Batman.  
Before coming in, Constantine had finished setting his wards.  His pockets were full of all sorts of tests, charms, and apotropaics.  As he stuck his hands into them, a spray bottle fit easily into his hand.  
Walking to the table felt like walking to his execution.  He made the comparison with confidence, because he had the relevant experience.   When he stopped next to the table, Fenton looked up.  His expression was confused at first, but in less than a second he lit up, clearly delighted.  
Constantine also had relevant experience in spritzing demons with holy water.
Fenton flinched, but he didn’t start howling or melting.  More’s the pity.  
“Did you just spray me with holy water?” asked Fenton, blinking up at him with a realistic expression of befuddlement.  
“Guy’s gotta know what he’s dealing with,” said Constantine.  
“Well, I’m not a demon.”  A slight furrow worked its way between his eyes.  “Or a devil.”
“What are you, then?” asked Constantine.
Fenton shrugged.  “I don’t know.  An amateur demonologist?  I don’t have any training in this kind of stuff, which is probably why all this happened.”  He reached to the side and grabbed his hot chocolate.  “Oh.  You got my whipped cream with your water…”
“You don’t have any training?”
“Not in this,” stressed Fenton.  “I go to school and stuff.”
And astronaut camp, assuming this really was Daniel Fenton and not something possessing or impersonating him.  
“Anyway, are you going to sit down, or…?”  Fenton looked him up and down.  
Constantine scowled and slid into the booth.  Then he threw some salt (purified) at Fenton.  
“Hey,” complained Fenton, “you’re going to ruin my hot chocolate, jeez.”  He picked up the mug, pulling it towards himself.  
Constantine took the opportunity to grab his notebook off the table and flip through it.  
“Maths?” blurted Constantine.  
Fenton set the mug back on the table and leaned over to snatch the notebook back.  “Like I said, I do have school.  That’s why I can only hang out here on Saturdays.  You did miss the last few meeting times.”  He huffed.  “I know this isn’t ideal, but can we work together here?  I don’t actually want to own your soul.”
“Oh, yeah, amazing way of showing it, mate.  I know who and what I sold my soul to, and I don’t believe you bartered with them without any training.”  Or that he was human, but as long as he was invested in the facade, he probably wouldn’t eat Constantine’s face off.
“I didn’t say I didn’t have any training.  Just no training in this.  I don’t know exactly what you can do beyond make bad demon-related decisions, but you had weeks to do research.  You’ve got to know about the ghosts.”
“Might.  What about them?”
“My parents research them.  Fight them, sometimes.  It’s a whole thing.  Demons weren’t any harder to deal with.”
“I sold my soul to archdemons.”
“Yeah, they kind of sucked, to be honest.”  Fenton bit his lower lip.  “Look, I know you don’t trust me.  I wouldn’t trust me, but what I did to get your contracts wasn’t anything anyone couldn’t do.  Most of them didn’t even want them anymore.  The first batch I bought off of a random dude on Ebay.  One of them paid me to take the contract, because they hated the doll you wrote it on so much.  A lot of the others just wanted me to give you problems, which I think I’ve succeeded at, actually.”
Constantine had forgotten about the doll, actually.  “And the archdemons?  I know for a fact they’ve been looking forward to torturing me forever, so I doubt they’d just hand the contracts over in exchange for ‘giving me problems.’”
“Oh, yeah.  For those guys, I just robbed them.  There were also a few people I just beat up.”
“Demons aren’t people, they’re demons.”
“Sure they’re people.  They’re just evil people.  But they used to be angels or something, right?”
“... No,” said Constantine.  
“Okay, well.”  Fenton shrugged again.  “They still are thinking beings, right?  So, they’re people.”
Constantine honestly didn’t know where to go from that.  
"Fine," he said instead.  "You aren't going to tell me how you got the contracts or what you are.  Is it too much to hope you'll deign to tell me why you did this?"
"I'm a teenager, why do we do anything?"  Fenton sipped at his hot chocolate.  "Mostly, I thought it'd be funny."
"Excuse me?"
"I thought it would be funny.  I mean, Dad bought the first one, because he thought it'd help with his ghost research, but it didn't, so he let me have it.  I asked Johnny about it, and he told me about your contracts, so I–"
"Who's Johnny?" interrupted Constantine.  "Some demon friend of yours?"
He did have a strategy, here, sort of.  Most ultra powerful magical beings had a limit to how much annoyance or disrespect they'd tolerate, even when disguising themselves.  Constantine had a knack for finding those limits.  
Also, just possibly, the hapless teenager act was throwing him off.  It was remarkably believable.  
"No, he's dead, to begin with, not–"
"Oh, so, you took advice on dealing with demons from someone who turned up dead right after telling you about me.  That sounds brilliant." 
"He's a ghost.  He's been dead since at least the nineties, and I doubt you had anything to do with it.  Johnny died in the eighties.  I think.”
“A ghost told you about me?”
“Yeah.  I don’t know what wizards or magicians like you can do or sense, but if you looked up anything about Amity Park at all, you should have seen there are a lot of ghosts here.  It’s not just tourist trap stuff.  That’s… actually one of the other things I wanted to talk to you about, if I managed to get enough of your contracts to get you to come.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, not all ghosts are nice.  I meant it when I said your demons sucked.  That’s compared to the ghosts.  And sometimes to the people who come to hunt the ghosts.”  Fenton drummed his fingers on the table, nervous.  “It’s a toss up which group causes more damage.  The Guys in White are especially awful.  It would be nice if the Justice League took a look into them?”  His voice took on a hopeful lilt.  
“You bought my soul to tip off the League about…  Guys in White.”
“They’re with the government.  Presumably.  No one knows what they’re really called.  And they chase people around screaming about lots and lots of painful experiments.  Direct quotes.”
“You know the League has a tip line.”
“Tried it.”  Fenton took a huge gulp of hot chocolate.
“I don’t believe you,”
“If you hang out here for very long, you and your friends will be able to see the ghosts for yourself.”
Constantine could already feel the ghosts.  Or at least the pervasive, overwhelming sense of death permeating this city.  He didn’t doubt that something requiring Justice League Dark attention was going on here.  Beyond just whatever was going on with Fenton himself.  
But his attention was taken by two other points.  
One, what he didn’t believe was that Fenton did all this for only some combination of kicks and giggles and wanting Justice League attention.  Contacts with ghosts or not, burglarizing archdemons wasn’t something anyone sane blew off as nothing.
Two, Fenton had said friends.  He’d understand if he’d made Zatanna, but the plural implied that he’d spotted Batman, too.  
He didn’t let himself react.  “No one rips off archdemons to call in a tip.  Or just for fun.”
Fenton looked guilty, a blush creeping across his cheeks.  “I didn’t want to bring it up, it didn’t seem appropriate anymore.  And the other thing isn’t… relevant.”
“Why don’t you let me decide what’s relevant?” asked Constantine, despite how all his senses were screaming wrong wrong wrong at him.   “This is my soul we’re talking about, after all.”
“I know, I know,” said Fenton.  “But you didn’t exactly…”  He trailed off.  “The other thing was that some of my friends thought you need an intervention.  We also wanted to see your face when we… intervened.  Yeah, we thought it’d look kind of like that.”  Fenton pointed at him.
Constantine slapped away the hand.  He was almost convinced Fenton was… Well.  Not normal, but maybe not homicidal, or particularly interested in enslaving Constantine or torturing him for all time.  A step up from some of the other things he’d sold his soul to in the past.  Possibly.  
(The whole ‘teenager’ thing was definitely an entry in the negative column, though.  As well as the whole humiliation and mockery angle.)
“What else?” he demanded.  
Fenton’s face twisted with embarrassment and jealousy.  “You get to go up to the Watchtower, don’t you?” he asked.  “You get to go to space.”
“So, I want to go to space.  I was, um.  I was going to… ask you to take me up there.  Just to look.”
Infiltrating the Watchtower was a much more obvious motive, but… Constantine remembered the space camp ID.  
“I mean, I’m never going to get up there with my grades.  Fighting demons for it seemed… feasible.”  He shrugged, then started to slump.  “I was going to give them back, you know.  Your contracts.  I didn’t want to keep them.  Or your soul.”  He pushed himself up.  “Anyway.  None of that matters, now.  We've got a problem to solve.”
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, as I explained in my letter, the contracts sort of… exploded."
"No, back up, what do you mean it doesn't matter?"
"Well, if this doesn't make you stop selling your soul, I don’t know what will, the Justice League knows about Amity now, I'm not going to make you take me to the Watchtower when I can't trade your soul back to you, and the funny boat sailed at about the same time my friend told me this might be permanent."
"Is this friend also dead?" drawled Constantine. 
"No, he's more in the never alive category."
Which possibly explained some of the spirit magic Zatanna detected on the letter. 
"He thinks it's because some of your contracts said after death instead of when you're dead, so, because there weren't any competing claims, they all came due at once.  Since there were so many of them…"
"Repetition makes magic stronger, yeah, yeah," said Constantine.  "I read the letter."
"I was hoping you'd have some solutions.  No offense, but I don't want to own you.  You're, like, an entire person."
Constantine wouldn't have been offended if Fenton hadn't prefixed his statement with no offense.  
“You should have thought about that before buying up my soul.”
“I was going to give it back.  No strings.”
“Except for a trip to the Watchtower.”
“If you really didn’t want to, I wouldn’t have made you,” said Fenton.  
Somehow, Constantine believed him.  Which was crazy.  He’d have to check in with Zatanna to make sure he wasn’t being enchanted somehow.  Charm person should not be a real thing magicians could do, and yet…
“Look, do you want me to swear it on the Styx or is there something else I can do to convince you I’m telling the truth?” asked Fenton.  “The ghosts seem to like the Styx, anyway.”  He sighed.  “Tell me you have something that can fix this.  I don’t know what kind of side effects there are for owning a person’s soul.  It’s not like this happens all the time.”
Hell if Constantine knew.  The only way he knew to get out of contracts like this was loopholes exploited before they were collected on.  “I’m… going to have to do some research.”
“Well,” said Fenton, “let me give you my phone number.”  He slid a piece of paper across the table.  “You can call me if you figure anything out.  In the meantime, if you’re staying in town long, you should look into the ghost thing.  Talk to my parents, even.  Maybe don’t mention all this, though.”
“Why not?”
“I love my parents, but they must have skipped out on the day they teach scientists that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.  Anyway, I’ve got to go.”  He started to shove things into a purple backpack he’d pulled into his lap from under the table.  
“What?  Why?”  As far as Constantine was concerned, they’d only just started to scratch the surface of the problem.  
“Me and my friends have tickets to a movie.”  He hooked his thumb over his shoulder at Manson and Foley, who, apparently, were not trying to blend in or be subtle.  “You did miss the first few meeting times.”
“Your impression?” asked Zatanna, later, sliding into the booth after Fenton and his friends were thoroughly gone.  
“He’s… surprisingly believable.  Claims he ‘doesn’t have any training’ in magic, though, which sounds like crap, unless his parents are much more legit than what they look like on paper.”
Zatanna crossed her arms and drummed her fingers on her elbow.  “He wasn’t lying.  Not that any of my spells could detect.”
Constantine huffed.  “That doesn’t seem possible.”
“He doesn’t seem like he could take on archdemons, but with help from ghosts or spirits?  We don’t know who’s backing him.”
“God,” said Constantine, “that’s not something I was thinking of.”
“Because you were fixated on the demon theory.”
“But if he’s being backed by someone powerful, why wouldn’t they buy up my contracts themself?  That doesn’t make sense.”
“I’m not saying that his… patron, for lack of a better word, put him up to it.  Just that he might be getting extra support.”
A waitress came up to them, smiling cheerily.  “Hello, there, sorry for the delay.  Have you decided what you’re getting?”
“The hot chocolate looked good,” said Zatanna.  
“Knock yourself out,” said Constantine, standing.  “I’m going to see what Fenton’s parents are like.”
“John Constantine?” repeated Jack Fenton, inquisitively.  “Ha!  That’s the same name that was on that fake demon contract thing I got on Ebay!  What a wild coincidence, huh?”
“You could have mentioned the portal to the astral plane in your basement,” hissed Constantine into the phone.  A tiny voice in the back of his head warned him that he shouldn’t take that tone with someone who owned him, but he ignored it handily.  
“Would you have believed me if I told you?” asked Fenton, genuinely curious.  
Constantine wouldn’t have, but it was the principle of the thing.
“Also, what did you call it?  I’ve never heard anyone call it that.”
Batman’s deep voice rumbled through the communicator.  “What did you learn?” 
“I learned this place is a nightmare and a half.  There’s a portal to the astral plane in that kid’s basement, did you know?”
“I ran into a ghost while Constantine was talking to the Fentons,” said Zatanna, leaning sideways while keeping her eyes on the road.  “It was much more powerful than any other ghost I’ve ever seen.”
“That is not good news considering what I have learned about the so-called Guys in White.”
“Have you found anything?” asked Fenton.  Wherever he was, his reception was crap.  His voice crackled with enough static that he might as well be calling from the early nineteen-twenties.    
“No,” said Constantine.  It had gotten him excused from the Justice Club meetings, which meant that the failure was almost worth the headache the idea of his soul being owned by a teenager caused him.  
“I didn’t find anything either.”
“Then why did you call?”
“Uh,” said Fenton.  “I’m really grateful you guys got the GIW out of Amity, you know that, right?  And that you guys put someone on watch here for bigger threats?”
“Yeah,” said Constantine, slowly.  “Sure.”  It had been mostly Batman managing that side of things, as Constantine was banned from decisions regarding Amity Park, but if Fenton was going to give Constantine credit, who was he to deny it?
“So, um.  That was really great of you.”
Constantine was not liking where this was going.  But, apparently, this was his life, now.  Getting tips and awkwardly phrased requests from… God.  The creepy necromancer brat was sort of his warlock patron.  
… Curse his knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons.  It was definitely a detriment to his profession as a real mage, and everything he learned about it was against his will and usually the Flash’s fault.  
“What is it, Fenton?”
“Have you ever heard of the Showenhowers?” 
308 notes · View notes
wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
So I was browsing Tumblr since I like to do that sometimes, and bam! I got hit with a fic inspiration... Anyway here you go misfits! (This is set after the new hotel is built)
Girls' day feat. Angel Dust:
“Uh why the fuck is he here?”
Those words came out when the last of the invited arrived at Charlie’s little get-together. It was Angel Dust wearing a beautiful pink crop top and black shorts with sparkly neon pink heels as he grinned. “I was invited toots.”
“Ya got a problem with Angie?” Cherri growled at Vaggie, who lifted her hands in defense. “No, just thought he'd be with the guys..”
Angel Dust just laughed. “You're just jealous cause I can easily out girl ya toots.” He playfully sneered, fluffing up his sexy chest fluff.
Vaggie just growled a bit, though blinked as she heard the door only to see Charlie come back with the cutest looking outfit on, which was free flowing grey crop top with small sleeves that exposed her shoulders and a beautiful pair of casual jeans. Instantly she blushed a bit and looked away. “Ha, look at the blush on the fuckin’ munchkin!” Cherri chuckled, nudging her best friend Angel who joined in with a snicker. Even Niffty who sat on the couch couldn't help but giggle. “She looks like a lamp.”
Charlie pursed her lips clearly not liking the teasing. She flashed the others with her demonic red and white eyes to get them to stop. “Uh whoops, so uh what cha got in the box?” Angel laughed nervously.
“I'm glad you asked, since it's a girl's day I figured we could have a fun spa session!” The princess grinned, placing the box down and opening it.
Inside said box was a bunch of different skin care products, nail polish, scented body lotions, and much more. “I ain't one for just relaxin’ but Angie convinced me.” Cherri stated picking up one of the nail polish, a beautiful shimmering yellow like his eyes. Her face fell since it had only been several weeks since the battle with heaven.
“Seriously Cherri, ya needed it, besides we all miss our little snake.” Angel placed one of his arms around her. “Now let's see how this color looks on ya sugar tits.” He grinned trying to cheer up his best bud.
Vaggie smiled a bit. She knew the loss of Sir Pentious weighed on everyone. However, with the new hotel, it was a chance to move forward. She went over to the box and smirked. “He did like the smell of mint.” The angel held up some hand lotion to Cherri, who blinked.
“There wasn't a day where I didn't see that snake with either a cup of coffee or tea.” Angel mused as Cherri took the lotion with a nod. To her it felt weird, people actually being nice, to have had a man who complimented her mind instead of her hot as fuck body, and that kiss, fuck it had been kinda hot.
Cherri smirked a bit. “He was fun to pick on, the slimy shit.” She took off her gloves and casually applied the lotion. It really wasn't her style but she didn't mind it.
Charlie smiled a bit seeing how Cherri relaxed. She was hoping to recruit the bombardier but the woman had turned her down. “So Angel..” She smirked in a sing-song like tone. “I saw the eyes you were giving Husk. What's up with that?” She playfully poked the spider.
Angel blinked and cleared his throat. Even Cherri looked up at him and smirked evilly. “Don't you start too!” He groaned but blinked as Niffty giggled.
“I'm not one for the gay stuff, but I did notice ehehe. He always pours your drink first.” She smirked with her wide toothy grin. “I think that cat has grown soft.”
Angel blinked at Niffty, but then had a soft smile of his own. “During the before battle shit I wanted to stick by the guy and enjoy his drinks and company.” He admitted with a light blush.
“I saw you two flirtin’ durin’ the whole thing!” Cherri nudged with a grin.
Charlie squeed having the same look she had when Sir Pentious confessed his crush for Cherri to her. “I'm rooting for you Angel!”
Vaggie lightly punched his arm. “You got this.”
Angel just chuckled and hugged the girls. “Daww you ladies are makin’ me blush!” He grinned. “Now which of these would Kitty like?” He asked while releasing the girls so he could dig through the box.
Charlie smiled and picked out a gorgeous starry night nail polish. “This would look so good on you, Vaggie!” She grinned as Vaggie blinked. “Alright hon, go ahead.”
Angel chuckled seeing Charlie take out a nail care kit first. “Could you do my nails too blondie?” He asked “Sure!”
Cherri blinked being tugged on by Niffty who held up a very pretty perfume bottle. “Try this, it smells really nice!” The little maid grinned, spritzing some onto Cherri’s wrist. “Oh, it's kinda got a musky scent.” She mused as Niffty nodded. “It smells nice doesn't it?”
“Reminds me of the shit Pen would wear.” Angel replied with a smirk. “Where’d ya find that one Niff?”
“I got it from the store, I also sprayed every bottle so I could find the right one.” She snickered since she made the clerk really pissed that day.
“Ya turned the store into a mustard gas situation?!” Cherri smirked and ruffled Niffty’s hair. “Yer a fuckin’ freak, I like ya.”
Angel rolled his eyes but then looked at Vaggie and tilted his head. “Hey toots, why are ya sittin’ cross legged?” He asked with a playful smirk. “Are ya tryin’ to hide your tiny ass feet?”
Vaggie flipped him off. “I don't see you taking off your heels. So you don't get to say shit.” She retorted with a smug look.
Angel grumbled and flipped her off right back. He didn't exactly like his feet, hell when he did his pornos he begged Val to keep his sexy heels on mentioning that sick fucks would be extra horny for the mystery. Cherri looked over and got up. “Hey Angie?”
“Yeah?” Angel looked at Cherri. “Wanna try on these fuckin’ sexy ass heels?” She grinned showing Angel some beautiful black leather laced up heeled boots.
The spider demon's eyes lit up as he took the shoes. “Fucking hell Cherri Bomb, where did ya get these beauties?”
Vaggie blinked and tilted her head. “Those actually look nice…” She added seeing the beautiful pink trim along the top and sole. “I know right? Bought these bitches for Angie cause the fucker loves his sexy heels.” Cherri showed a wide grin as Angel chuckled.
Charlie giggled, seeing the heels. “What are you waiting for? Try them on Angel!” She playfully coaxed, having finished applying the nail polish to Vaggie's beautiful nails.
Angel blushed a bit however looked at the girls. “Turn around for a sec and I will.” He replied looking at his glittery heels.
Vaggie noticed his hesitation and sighed. She was going to regret this but took off her own heels to reveal cute little feet making Charlie squeak. “You want me to paint these too?” She asked as Vaggie nodded.
Angel blinked at the gesture, he then looked at Cherri who looked a bit surprised but smirked. “Don't worry Angie, I'll beat any dumbfuck who messes with ya.” The bombshell grinned patting her spider boi on the shoulder.
The pornstar gulped a bit but nodded as he started undoing the buckles of his beautiful sparkly boots. He gave Vaggie a small thankful nod as the latter smiled a bit. Soon his small cute spider-like clawed feet wiggled free, tipped with his pinkish white fur and small little claws. He looked over and spotted Charlie who had removed her own shoes revealing small red hooves. “Huh…” He smiled a bit, feeling a little less awkward thanks to the two girls.
“Here catch.” Vaggie tossed Angel some beautiful glittery neon pink nail polish. “Hey thanks Vags.” He smirked looking it over.
Cherri blinked but smirked a bit. These folks were alright in her book even if some were a stickler for the rules. “Here let me apply it.” She asked Angel who blinked. “Oh sure..”
Niffty easily grabbed one of Charlie’s hooves, making the princess yelp and started to look it over. “Ooo! Kinda like what Alastor has, except yours are smaller than his..” The maid giggled only to be accidentally kicked in the face when she touched a ticklish spot.
“Shit! Sorry Niff!” Charlie gasped, looking horrified. “Yay pain!” The maid cooed springing back up from the wall she had smacked into because of the power behind the kick. “Do it again!”
Cherri just laughed. “Damn, looks like the goody two shoes has some power. Ya practically punted the tiny bitch.” She smirked as Charlie groaned. “I didn't mean to!”
Vaggie had to shoo Niffty away to keep the maid from trying to get Charlie to kick her again. “Hey Niff, check this out, there's bleach in the next room!” Angel smirked as the maid instantly scurried off with a rabid expression and grin. “Thanks…” Charlie sighed in relief.
Angel winked at Vaggie as a ‘the favor has been repaid’ gesture. The angel smirked a bit and casually started to pamper those cute little hooves. “It's a spa day isn't it, you get some pampering too princesa.” (Princess)
Charlie blushed as Vaggie massaged the ankles. She then looked over at Angel who smirked playfully. “Aww ain't that cute, betcha two get into some fun kinky shit in the bedroom eh?” He teased as Charlie started to blush and sizzle. “I think they're those vanilla type fuckers. Looks like it anyway.” Cherri smirked as Vaggie grumbled trying to pay no mind to the teasing though her golden blush was starting to show again.
The more lewd duo laughed amused at the flustered couple's reaction, though Angel smirked a bit at his painted toe nails, he soon slipped on those beautiful boots looking more comfortable.
While everyone was chatting, Charlie got a phone call. “I'll be right back, babe.” She gave Vaggie a kiss on the cheek and left to take it.
Cherri and Angel smirked at Vaggie who gave a confused look. “What?”
“Hey feather duster, wanna spice yourself up for your girl?” Angel smirked holding up some lotions. “Don't cha wanna see yer blondie practically fuckin’ sizzlin’?” Cherri chimed in with a playful smirk. Niffty giggled seeing Vaggie squirm.
“I know what she likes, I don't need your help..” The angel turned away with a cute huff. Though the golden blush gave it away that she did want to.
Angel smirked and nodded at Cherri and Niffty. “This is gonna be fun.” The spider man took out a comb and some hair products. “W-wait!” Vaggie gulped while caught off guard.
After an hour Charlie came back into the room annoyed. “Husk says that my dad and Alastor are fighting again, and they nearly burned down the lobby with a cook off..” She groaned coming back into the room. “Huh?”
Cherri and Niffty blocked her view. “And done!” Angel grinned moving away. “Go ahead and let the blondie through.”
“Ehehehe, enjoy the treat princess.” Niffty bowed and scurried away.
Cherri gave a thumbs up and moved as Charlie looked very confused. “What are..” She couldn't finish her sentence as she then spotted Vaggie.
“Hi hon..” The angel blushed with her hair looking so fluffy and wavy now. There was even a braid that brought some of the bangs back to expose the soft features of Vaggie's face. Charlie just stared as the scent of both apples and lavender filled her nose. “Ha! She's speechless!” Cherri laughed and gave a thumbs up to Angel.
Angel chuckled but blinked, coming over to Charlie. “Uh hello? You there, blondie?” He poked her, and Charlie fell over red-faced. “Whoa!”
Cherri just burst out laughing as Vaggie ran over. “Ya made her a fuckin’ knock out Angie!”
“So… pwetty…” Charlie mumbled her eyes swirling with her tail out wagging. She looked like she was drunk. “Come on sweetie, let's get you off the floor..” Vaggie easily picked up Charlie who laid like a cute little snake, her face looking dopey and in love.
Vaggie looked at Angel who gave a smug look. She grumbled but fist bumped the spider twink who grinned at his work.
Though the rumbling of the hotel made this day come to an end as Lucifer was chasing Alastor who was laughing like a mad man, with Husk coming out and shaking his head, clearly not drunk enough for this shit.
(This all started because I saw Vaggie had tiny feet and remembered the fact Angel didn't like his own feet...)
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cc-horan28 · 8 months
Be My Valentine - 4
With Your Hand In Mine
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(G) 900 words
WW2 AU Soldier!Louis Tomlinson x Doctor!Harry Styles (2/3)
Tw implied time period accurate homophobia
“You have got to stop fiddlin’ wit’ those,” Niall snapped, swatting his hand away from the posy of lavenders in his breast pocket. 
“They’re wonky,” Louis frowned. 
“I’m sure those flowers’ll be the last thing on Harry’s mind right now.”
Louis is about to marry Harry. And he simply can't wait.
A/N: Part 2 of the ww2 AU! idk why but i love this sm. If stuff falls into place (read: my schedule allows) I might make them a recurring thing!)
Title from Louis' 'We Made It'
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Louis stood in front of his mirror, anxiously smoothing down the lapels of his jacket, He glanced out of the window, eyes roving over the expanse of green. If he squinted, he could just make out the spot by the thicket of pine.
The spot where they were going to get married. He felt his stomach twist with excitement, but all of it was tinged with an irrational fear of someone somehow finding out. He was loath to accept the fact that he could never acknowledge the union, let alone dream of actually being somewhere with him, out. 
But they didn’t need a piece of paper from the city hall or the church. 
They were in love. And all the people that mattered to them knew and supported them. What more could Louis ask for?
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Louis stood at the top of the staircase with Niall, going over his vows one last time. They had written their own, and he absolutely did not want to forget a word. 
Niall was a good lad. He had met him when he had been to Ireland on a hunting trip with some cousins of his that he never wanted to go to in the first place. Looking back now, he was grateful he did. 
He had met Niall at the pub, and they had fallen into an easy conversation. When Louis had mentioned a vacancy at the local newspaper one of his friends owned, Niall had jumped at the chance. He had moved to London shortly after, renting out a place close to him and Louis couldn’t have been more glad for the company.
He was one of the first people who wasn’t family whom they had trusted with his and Harry’s relationship. He had contacts with the local police for his work, and while Harry had been hesitant, it was a risk Louis had been willing to take. He had grown to trust Niall completely.
Niall had taken a bit of time to get used to it, to accept it (it had been an intense few days, Louis nearly jumping out of his skin whenever someone knocked at his door). Still, he had come around fully, even putting forward ideas for an underground newsletter he could help write for. 
“You have got to stop fiddlin’ wit’ those,” Niall snapped, swatting his hand away from the posy of lavenders in his breast pocket. 
“They’re wonky,” Louis frowned. 
“I’m sure those flowers’ll be the last thing on Harry’s mind right now.” Niall pursed his lips, cracking a small smile when Louis nodded back, “Okay now, one last time, then we’ll head out,”
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Louis rushed across the lawn, skirting puddles formed by the rain overnight. The sky was a clear and dazzling blue now, though, and Louis hoped it would stay that way. 
He rushed to hug his sisters, who were setting up the chairs. All of them expressed their excitement for Harry and him, and he knew he was lucky to have a family like this, all of it, and felt tears welling up. He had to hold back from breaking down completely, feeling like iron bands were tightening around his chest when they brought up their mum.
He missed her terribly. He still remembered the day he had told her about Harry when she was proposing his debut into London society. Much like the rest of the people they had told, she had been quick at putting aside her initial prejudices, accepting and supporting him, even going as far as to make them all skip sermon where the preacher was to talk about the fate that met the ‘homosexuals’ despite her receiving flak for it from the neighbours afterward.
All the memories came flooding back, making the moment bittersweet. He regretted that she wasn’t here, that she couldn’t give them her blessing, but Louis was grateful she had gotten to meet Harry and had grown to love him. He had to hold on to the good times, that’s what she would have wanted.
He gently drew away, going to greet the rest of the lads, thanking them effusively for their help. It was by no means an official ceremony, but they could still get in trouble if word was to somehow get out. All of them were putting themselves at risk just being there, and Louis was once again hit by a wave of gratitude.
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They had debated about wheeling about the piano from the parlor, Harry refusing point blank to attract any unnecessary attention, even though the estate spanned more area than any neighbor’s ears possibly could.
He was regretting giving in to Harry right now. Watching him walk down the row between the chairs, the small handful of guests smiling at him, arm interlinked with Anne’s. He would have given anything to have Mendelssohn’s notes floating up as he took Harry’s hand, smiling at Anne. 
He took in the lavenders tucked into his breast pocket, mirroring his own, wanting to say something but feeling like the words were stuck in his throat. He truly was speechless. 
His smile widened as Niall came forward with the open ring boxes, metal glinting in the sunlight. 
Harry was going to be his husband.
Louis really couldn’t ask for anything more.
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A/N: Reblogs are always appreciated 💕
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 45
Chapter 45
The weekend of the beach trip soon arrived. I was triple checking to make sure we had everything we needed in our bags. “Sunscreen, clothes, swimwear, pajamas, shoes, bugs spray, some extra snacks…”
“You’ve gone over this a dozen times, my love.” Shingen said as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and then kissing my cheek. “I think we have everything.”
“I know…I just want to make sure your first beach trip in the modern day is special.” I replied.
“It already is because I am going with you, my angel.” 
“Well…when you put it like that…” I said, my cheeks blushing furiously. 
“I am very much looking forward to this trip.” Shingen said, kissing the side of my neck. “And all of the surprises you have planned for me.” He whispered this last part in my ear before playfully nipping at my lobe, causing me to let out a little squeak.
“You’re terrible.” I replied, giggling. “You better not get that started or we’ll miss our bus.”
Shingen gave my waist a squeeze and a peck on my cheek before releasing me. “Then let us get going.”
Shingen insisted on carrying our bags as we left the apartment and headed for the bus stop. Since the trip was only for the weekend, it wasn’t like we needed much. So he had them both slung over his shoulder. Though I still felt bad, him carrying everything.
“You know I can carry my bag. It’s not that heavy.” I told him.
“I would never dream of making my princess carry her own bag. Especially once we get on the bus.” Shingen replied. His free hand was holding mine as we walked, so he brought our joined hands to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of my hand.
I smiled at him and shook my head. “You’re too sweet.”
“There’s no such thing.” Shingen replied.
When we hopped on the bus, it was once again crowded and standing room only. Shingen moved to have his free arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his side. Having a big teddy bear of a husband to keep you safe on the bus like this was very nice. I recalled that perverts tended to use the crowded buses and trains as an excuse to grope unsuspecting people. So it was nice having my own personal body guard…also just being close to Shingen was always nice.
When the bus reached our stop, we got off along with a few other people. I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket, it had the address written on it. “Alright, looks like we just need to head this way.” I said.
“Lead the way, my angel.” Shingen said.
We walked hand-in-hand along the sidewalk until we reached our destination. The beach houses along this stretch were spread out just a bit farther apart than the others and each included a more private section of beach. We made our way up to the door and knocked.
After a few moments, the door was opening and Shoko was opening it up, a bright smile on her face. “Ava! Shingen! Welcome!” She was then pulling me into a hug. “I’m so glad you guys could make it.”
I smiled as I returned her hug. “Thank you for inviting us.”
“Yes, thank you.” Shingen added.
Shoko smiled as she pulled away. “Alright, come in and I’ll show you around.”
We stepped inside the beach house. It was spacious and filled with natural light from the windows that surrounded it. “Here we have the living room, where we can all gather and hang out. Though I am sure we’ll do more of that outside to enjoy the beach and the sun.” Shoko said. “Kitchen is over there. Your room is this way.”
We followed her up a set of stairs and down a hallway. “Mine and Kenji’s bedroom is down that way. Your guys’ bedroom is here.” She said, opening a door to a fairly large bedroom. “Fresh bed sheets and everything for you guys. You’re free to use the dressers and closet as you need. And it does have an en suite bathroom there and then you have a nice view of the beach out your window there.”
“Don’t tell me you gave us the master?” I asked.
“Oh no, Kenji and I have that. This house has four bedrooms and three bathrooms.” She answered. “Two bedrooms have an en suite, which is nice for having guests like you guys over.”
Shingen set our bags down in the room and then Shoko continued the tour for us. We ended the tour on the back deck, where Shoko’s husband and sons were. The boys were playing in the sand just off the back deck, while Kenji sat in a chair watching them.
“Hey, honey our guests have arrived.” Shoko said as she walked up to peck her husband on the cheek. 
Kenji smiled at his wife before getting up and turning to me and Shingen. Kenji was just as I remembered him. We had all gone to school together. He was tall and lanky, with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore black-rimmed glasses. 
“Kenji, you remember Ava and this is her husband, Shingen.” Shoko introduced.
“Hey Ava, good to see you again.” He greeted. “And it’s nice to meet you, Shingen.” He was then extending his hand.
Shingen recognized the gesture as he had before and clasped Kenji’s hand. “Nice to meet you, too. Thank you for inviting us to stay.”
“No problem. It’s the least we could do after I heard about what my brother-in-law did.” Kenji replied.
Shoko was then calling out to her sons. “Kaito! Ren! Come up here and say hi to our guests!”
The boys turned and jumped up, coming running as their mother called them. Kaito was nine and the boy version of his mother, while Ren was seven and looked just like Kenji. “Ava!” They called as they ran to hug me.
I smiled as I hugged them back. “Goodness boys! You have grown!” The Kaito was already up to my shoulders…granted it’s not like it really took that much to be as tall as me, but still. These kids were catching up fast!
“I’m one of the tallest in my class.” Kaito declared.
“Me, too!” Ren exclaimed.
“Well, you two come by it honestly.” I said, smiling at them.
“Yeah, but at least no one is looking at them weird like they did me.” Shoko said.
“No one looked at you weird, dear.” Kenji told her.
“You certainly did.” Shoko teased him.
“Oh that’s just because he was in love with you from the get go.” I told her.
Shoko looked over at her husband and he smiled. “She’s right.” He said with blushing cheeks.
Shoko’s own cheeks reddened. “Well… that’s nice to know.”
The boys released me from their hugs and turned to look at Shingen, now. “Wow, mister, you’re really tall and you look super strong.” Ren said, looking up at Shingen with wide eyes.
“How do you even get muscles that big?” Kaito asked.
Shingen chuckled. “With lots of exercise.” He answered.
Exercise…fighting, swinging around a great sword, martial arts…it was all the same right?
“I am also willing to bet he eats his vegetables and listened to what his mother and father told him while growing up.” Shoko added.
Shingen nodded. “Exactly.” He agreed.
Though I had to fight off a giggle. Shingen eating all of his veggies? Maybe only if they bribed him into it by offering sweets if he finished the veggies.
“Alright, then we’d definitely better eat all of our veggies at dinner tonight.” Kaito declared.
“Yeah.” Ren agreed.
“Alright, why don’t you boys go back to playing?” Shoko said. “We’ll all get started on making dinner.”
“Okay, Mom.” The boys were then running back to the sand.
Shingen hugged me from behind once the boys were out of earshot. “You look like you didn’t believe that I ate all of my vegetables and listened to my mother growing up, my love.” He teased.
“Listening to your mother, maybe.” I replied. “But eating all your vegetables? With your sweet tooth?”
“You may have a point.” Shingen replied.
“As long as you play along in front of the boys, you can have all the cookies and sweet snacks you want.” Shoko spoke up with a grin. “The cupboards are full of them.”
“Seems like a fair deal.” Shingen replied.
“So, how can we help with dinner?” I asked.
“You’re our guests, you don’t have to help.” Shoko answered.
“We’d like to, though.” Shingen replied.
“Well, in that case, Shingen, how about you help me man the grill here?” Kenji suggested gesturing to a grill off to the side of the deck.
“Sure.” Shingen replied.
“Alright, then Ava you can come help me with the rest of the dinner.” Shoko said.
“Sounds like a plan.” I replied smiling.
Shoko and I headed inside to the kitchen while Shingen went with Kenji to the grill. “You know you wanted to be alone so you could ask me more questions.” I teased Shoko as I bumped her with my shoulder.
Shoko laughed. “I definitely do.” She replied, grinning at me as we made our way to the kitchen. “Some girl talk is always welcome.”
We set to work, getting out all of the ingredients we would need and then cutting, chopping, seasoning, etc. “I’m glad to see you and Kenji still doing so good and looking so happy together.” I told Shoko. “I’ve always thought you two looked so cute together.”
Shoko smiled. “Thanks.” She replied. “You and Shingen look really cute together, too, you know.” 
I felt myself flushing pleasantly. “Thanks.”
“And seriously, thank you for taking me up on the invite.” Shoko said. “I really wanted to make it up to you for the other night with my idiot brother.”
“It’s fine.” I replied, waving my hand dismissively.
“I’m also glad to see it doesn’t look like the incident had any negative impact on your marriage. Jealousy can be ugly.” Shoko said.
“Definitely not negative.” I replied, my cheeks heating up.
“Oh?” Shoko asked. “What happened once you guys got home that night?”
“Let’s just say….the next day when you called, I still couldn’t walk because I had jelly legs.” I answered.
“Damn.” Shoko replied. “So, it actually went really great for you, huh?”
“VERY.” I answered. “I think…for that night, what upset me was learning Touji had never really been a friend.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Shoko replied. “I should have told you a long time ago. But I just… I never thought he would take it that far. Especially if he ever saw you truly happy with someone the way you are with Shingen.”
“You can tell I’m happy with Shingen?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah. You are glowing with love when you’re with him.” Shoko replied. “And it’s not just the new love glow that everyone gets at the beginning of a relationship. I can tell it’s honest to goodness, love and happiness.”
“And you and Kenji still have that glow.” I told her.
Shoko smiled. “I’m glad. Because I really do love my life with my family.” She said. “Speaking of, what are you and Shingen planning?”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Oh, you know, kids.” Shoko replied. 
“Oh…we haven’t really talked about it.” I answered. “Though…I think he would be a good dad… and a little boy who looked just like him would be so cute…but also the idea of him with a little girl, doting on her would be adorable too.”
Shoko smiled. “There really is nothing like seeing the man you love as a father.” She said. “It’s this whole new level of love. Seeing how much they love this little person you guys made together…”
Thinking about it, I am sure Shingen would want kids. Being a warlord, he would definitely need an heir to carry on the name and all of that. But also…he did say he’d always wanted a wife and family…and now he wanted those things with me…now he COULD have those things which he had denied himself. But there was also no rush as we still had the time to enjoy ourselves. Maybe, someday it would happen.
Outside with the guys…
“Shoko tells me you’re a property manager?” Kenji asked Shingen as he started up the grill.
“Yeah. It’s been passed down in my family for a while.” Shingen answered, hoping that Kenji would accept his vague answer.
“Sounds like a sweet deal.” Kenji replied. “What brought you guys out this way anyways? Was it just coming to meet Ava’s family?”
“That and my health.” Shingen answered. “I spent some time in the hospital when we first got here.”
“Oh? Well, whatever they did must have worked well. You look like the picture of health now.” Kenji replied.
“Yes. I’m feeling better than I have in years.” Shingen replied. Thanks to my angel. He thought.
“What kind of hobbies do you have?” Kenji asked. “I’m into collecting and some painting myself.”
“I dabble in carpentry.” Shingen answered. “Furniture, carvings, that kind of thing.”
“That’s pretty neat.” Kenji replied. “So, how did you and Ava meet?”
“We were set up by some friends.” Shingen echoed Ava’s answer from the night at her grandmother’s. It still struck him as funny to say. That was one way to explain an arranged political marriage. Especially considering most people involved, Shingen wouldn’t consider friends. Though Ava considered all of them friends, so he supposed the term applied in that case.
“That’s some good friends you have.” Kenji replied. “Honestly if Ava hadn’t have helped me work up the courage, I don’t know if I ever would have confessed my feelings to Shoko.”
“Ava encouraged you?” Shingen asked.
“Yeah. We all used to hang out together.” Kenji answered. “Most of us were the kids the others made fun of for one reason or another. So we all stuck close together. I always thought Shoko was the coolest and most beautiful girl. Ava could tell and she always told me I should go for it because she thought Shoko would feel the same way as me…and she was right.”
Shingen smiled. He loved that Ava had always been such a caring person… though he didn’t like hearing that she had been made fun of by other kids. That part broke his heart.
“She even helped me plan the best and most romantic way to ask her.” Touji added. 
“Oh?” Shingen asked.
“Yeah, she helped me find Shoko’s favorite flowers and let me practice what I was going to say.” Kenji went on. 
“So, she was a little match-maker.” Shingen said, thinking it was so cute.
“Yeah, but she really struggled to find romance herself.” Kenji said. “So, when we all learned she’d come back married to you…we were surprised. Happy, but surprised.”
“What do you mean by struggled?” Shingen asked.
“She just…she could see it for other people, but had a hard time finding it for herself.” Kenji answered. “She always liked the wrong guys or she’d meet someone and things would be going great until they weren’t.”
“I see.” Shingen replied, stroking his chin in thought. He didn’t like that his love had had so much trouble in the past…but then again had she not, she might never have married him.
“Don’t tell her I told you, though.” Kenji said, realizing that there may have been a reason Ava had never said anything to Shingen before. “She might just hurt me…and by that I mean sick my wife on me.”
Shingen chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“So how long have you guys been married anyway?” Kenji asked. “You definitely still seem like newlyweds.”
“A few months.” Shingen answered. “The best few months of my life in fact.”
Kenji smiled. “I knew it.” He said with a knowing smile. “Of course, it only gets better from here. The more time you spend together, the more that love grows.”
Shingen smiled. He could only imagine and look forward to that.
“It can be challenging at times, but it’s still so worth it.” Kenji went on. “Some of the best and most challenging times come after you have kids, but even the challenging times are worth it.”
“Life is always full of challenges.” Shingen agreed. “But I can’t think of anything better than facing all of those challenges by the side of the woman you love.”
“You definitely said it there.” Kenji agreed. “So, you think you and Ava will have kids?”
“I hope so.” Shingen replied. He’d always wanted a family…and now that he had Ava, he wanted that with her. He couldn’t help but to picture a cute little girl who looked just like Ava. Whatever their future held, he was looking forward to it. All of it. All the ups and downs with his angel at his side.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @oda-princess @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic @eventinelysplayground @bjorkshire-pudding
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cbedfordart · 1 year
Hey! Question from one wannabe game design graduate who is also an artist and wants to make their own (very simple) little game one day - how is it like working on a game set to release one day? Did u feel discouraged learning a new skill (?) after already being a pro artist? Was the game a random idea or have you guys been planning this since a long time? Btw super excited for Sorry We're Closed and I'm obsessed with the retro look and artstyle <33
Firstly THAnk you so much for being into Sorry We're Closed - it's my lil bby pride and joy so I'm glad someone out there in the wider world is looking forward to it! I'll try and answer your questions in order and not ramble too much! I'm a little older now, and gotten to that point where deadlines aren't so scary anymore. There's a point in which you learn to live with what you can make, rather than trying to make something that's not what's within your ability (which is why we always want more time to get better while we work). But after a while you just realise its better for the idea to be out there in the world where other people can see what you were trying to do! Admittedly i will do a lot of hours sometimes if i REALLY want something to be a certain level or if I'm particularly stuck on something , but a deadline keeps me realistic. It allows for the thing to be good and exist, rather than perfect and existing only in my mind. Learning a new skill was actually extremely exciting. I wanted to absorb everything like a sponge. I hadn't done any 3d modelling before 2020 seriously (i tried zbrush once in like 2015 and i kept crashing my computer lol). I just wanted to keep going because it was so fun seeing my creations come to life! I always dreamed of designing game characters and it was literally happening before my eyes. Also, the indiedev community is extremely kind, helpful and resourceful. There's lots of free knowledge out there, and people who are willing to talk to you and help you figure things out! Being trained as an artist honestly only helped the modelling endeavour. Having an understanding of anatomy helped my understand how I wanted to approach the form of my models - what needed to be shaped and what I could get away with painting on.
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So my knight is about 934 verts/1,861 tris (sort of like a ps2 character) but painting can give some fun depth. I've found this method to be really tricky though as it's highly prone to unflattering angles - but thats partly cause I'm still learning and relying too much on my skills as a 2d artist I guess. This model I made a bit later on, the Sorry We're Closed models I made were far earlier before i really knew what i was doing so they rely even more on my painting skills
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but I felt it was okay since we were going for a nostalgic game feel which means some funny deformities like this
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but it's whatever, i think it's kind of cute lol. We started planning the game in 2020 as well, literally after I saw my partner Tom make a character model move around in Unity (it looked pretty terrible) so i said I'll make models and he would code. Then I came up with a story, and from there we came up with how the game itself would play. Game design itself is something we were both lacking and real experience in so that has been the biggest wall to climb so far but its been a really fun and rewarding journey so far. Anyway sorry for the ramble!! I really hope you get a shot at working on a project you really love and want to pour everything into!
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changbokkii · 8 months
How long is forever?
Yang Jeongin x reader
Summary: Summary: your best friend Jeongin is moving away to become a K-pop idol. Years later you go to surprise him at a concert. He asks you when are you going to see him again and you jokingly say forever. How long is forever?
You and Jeongin have always been close as long as you can remember. He was your only friend and you were his only friend. You stuck together like glue and loved each other.
“Foxy! I’m here,”
You both hugged each other very tightly while their parents laughed. You both run upstairs to go play with your stuffed animals. Your parents called out to you but you didn't hear what they said because all you were focused on was Jeongin.
"So...Y/nnie.. I won't be here for your birthday,"
"What!? Why not? Did you find another best friend? I came to your tenth birthday so why can't you come to mine?"
"Well...my mom wants me to try something new...We're moving back to South Korea next week-"
You were completely devastated. You thought he came to stay with you in America forever... But now he's leaving for god knows how long. But there would always be a memory of him in the back of your mind.
The day has come...
You and your mother are at the airport with Jeongin, his mom, and his dad. You couldn't even look at Jeongin.
He almost started crying. He just wants you to say something or at least look at him. It wasn't his choice and you know that, but it still hurt like hell. You were his safe space, his best friend forever and he had to leave... he had to leave you. He didn't care for anything else in America but you.
"Remember me..."
You go up to him and kissed his cheek and hugged him, refusing to let go. Then you felt something being put on your wrist. It was a bracelet that said 'Y/nnie'. Then he showed you a bracelet that said 'Foxy' on it.
Then it was time for him to board the plane. You gave him one last hug and said another goodbye.
You walked around your college's campus bored as ever. It was only a matter of time until you graduated. Even though you're only 21, time has been flying by quicker than you ever expected to be.
Then, your friend, Irene runs up to you with a smile brighter than the sun.
"A K-pop group is performing at our college, girly!"
"Irene, you know I'm not into that kind of-"
"You're never interested in anything. But anyway, look at the flyer for it!"
There are the words STRAY KIDS bolded on top of the paper with the members names underneath it. There's Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N (Jeongin).
"Wait! Jeongin?"
"Yeah, he's the youngest of the group. So...are you coming with? I got two backstage passes! Wouldn’t want to waste them, would we?
"Yeah...I guess I'll go,"
You are at the concert in the third row. You see people from your college and people who aren't from your college to. Maybe it was leftover tickets and other people decided to go.
They are performing their opening song, LALALALA. You start to smile because you are actually liking the music. Until you hear a familiar voice with a familiar face...
"몸부림치며 roll 냅다 던져버려 맞닥뜨려 세상의 소음"
You mumbled to yourself. Could it actually be? Was it him?
About 50 people were lined up for the meet and greet backstage. You were so nervous about seeing you friend that you haven't seen in over 6 years.
“Irene I’m so scared…”
“What is it to be scared of?”
“What if he remembers me and it’s kinda awkward or if he doesn’t remember and that’s even more awkward—
“Girl…you really need to stop your rambling…please,”
Soon enough it was your turn… you walked forward but you stopped because of your name being called.
You felt to nervous to respond…so you smiled as he came up to you .
Finally you gathered up all the courage you had and said something…
“I’m glad to see you again, foxy,”
So I’m kinda leaving yall on a cliffhanger ig. I didn’t have time to write it because I’m so busy and recently I’ve been all over the place so…yeah
It probably won’t be posted until the end of February but idk
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zzznnnq · 5 days
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★ Chapter Six: A Gathering, Uninvited Feelings
There’s nothing quite like having your house overrun by high school girls. Especially when half of them aren’t even your friends. But when Minji decides she wants to host a casual hangout, there’s no stopping her.
I was in the living room, sprawled out on the couch, phone in hand. Minji, as usual, was orchestrating the entire event like she was planning a world summit. Snacks were spread out on the coffee table, the TV was on some random music channel for background noise, and my sister was flitting around, making sure everything was perfect.
"How many people are even coming?" I asked, watching her stress over whether the chips were evenly distributed between the bowls.
"Just the usual," she replied without looking up. "Hanni, Ryujin, Yunjin, and… well, Wonyoung said she might stop by too."
At the mention of Wonyoung, my pulse did its usual flip. The idea of her coming over, being here, hanging out in my house, sent a jolt of nervous energy through me.
But I wasn’t about to let Minji catch on. "Right, cool."
Minji paused her chip rearranging and gave me a look. "You know you’re going to have to socialize, right? You can’t just sit here like a couch potato."
"Who says?" I grumbled, shifting further into the cushions. "I’m a master at couch-potatoing. It’s an art form."
Before Minji could retort, the doorbell rang. The first wave of guests had arrived. I braced myself as Minji darted to the door, practically bouncing with excitement.
In came Hanni, Yunjin, and Ryujin, all smiles and energy. They greeted Minji like they hadn’t seen each other in years, even though it had probably been less than 24 hours. I stayed on the couch, giving them a casual nod, hoping they wouldn’t drag me into whatever conversations they had planned.
"Y/N, you look thrilled," Yunjin teased as she flopped onto the armchair beside me. "You should really get out more. Maybe catch some sun."
"Thanks for the advice," I muttered, though I couldn’t help but smirk. "I’ll consider it."
Ryujin snorted. "She says that, but we all know Y/N is just going to stay in her cave."
I opened my mouth to fire back, but before I could say anything, the doorbell rang again. I didn’t know why, but something in the air shifted. I sat up a little straighter, my heart picking up speed, as if it already knew what was coming.
Minji opened the door, and in walked Wonyoung—looking effortlessly perfect as usual. She smiled at everyone, her long hair falling in waves over her shoulders. For a split second, I thought I might actually survive the evening. But then I noticed she wasn’t alone.
Yujin walked in right behind her.
And the two of them were holding hands.
I felt the air leave my lungs. My stomach twisted, and for a moment, it felt like someone had pressed pause on the whole room.
"Hey, everyone!" Wonyoung said cheerfully, as if nothing was wrong, as if my entire world wasn’t crumbling in on itself. "Sorry we’re late."
"No worries," Minji chirped, completely oblivious to the tension building inside me. "Glad you could make it."
Wonyoung and Yujin moved to join the group, sitting together on the loveseat across from where I was still frozen on the couch. They were casual, relaxed, as if this was normal—like this was something that had been happening for a while, and everyone knew about it.
Everyone except me.
"Wait, I didn’t know you two were a thing!" Hanni exclaimed, clearly excited about the revelation. She leaned forward, grinning from ear to ear. "How long has this been going on?"
Wonyoung glanced at Yujin, her smile softening in a way that made my chest tighten. "A few months now. We wanted to keep it low-key at first, but… yeah. It’s official."
Yujin beamed, clearly proud, and my heart sank further. I couldn’t stop staring at their intertwined hands—the way Yujin’s thumb absentmindedly stroked the back of Wonyoung’s hand, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
My throat felt dry. I needed to say something, anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, I just sat there, nodding along with the conversation like some kind of robot.
Minji, sensing my weird silence, gave me a sideways glance. "Y/N, you okay? You’ve been awfully quiet."
I blinked, shaking myself out of whatever trance I had fallen into. "Yeah, I’m fine," I said, forcing a smile. "Just… processing."
Hanni gave me a look like she didn’t quite believe me, but thankfully, she didn’t press. The conversation shifted to something else—something about school and weekend plans—but I wasn’t really listening anymore. My mind was stuck on Wonyoung and Yujin, on the way they seemed so comfortable with each other.
On how wrong it felt that I wasn’t the one sitting beside Wonyoung.
It wasn’t like I had ever expected anything to happen between us. I knew that, logically. But knowing something in your head and feeling it in your heart are two very different things.
As the night wore on, I tried to focus on the others, tried to laugh at their jokes and chime in when I could. But every time Wonyoung and Yujin exchanged glances or whispered something to each other, it felt like a punch to the gut. And the worst part was that no one else seemed to notice.
Eventually, Minji suggested we all play a game, something silly to pass the time. Everyone agreed, but I stayed back, letting the others get caught up in the chaos. I couldn’t bring myself to join in. Not tonight.
Instead, I slipped away to the kitchen, needing a moment to myself. The house was full of noise—laughing, talking, the TV still going in the background—but in the kitchen, it was quieter. I leaned against the counter, staring blankly at the pile of dirty dishes from all the snacks.
The door creaked behind me, and I turned, expecting Minji or one of the girls to come in looking for more snacks. But instead, it was Wonyoung.
My heart jumped into my throat.
"Hey," she said softly, stepping into the kitchen. She gave me a concerned look. "You okay? You seemed a little off tonight."
I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yeah, I’m good. Just needed a breather."
Wonyoung tilted her head, her eyes studying me for a moment. "Are you sure?"
I nodded, though it felt like my throat was closing up. "Totally."
She stepped closer, leaning against the counter next to me. Her presence was warm, familiar, and for a second, I forgot about everything else. It was just me and her, like it always was.
"You know," she said quietly, "if you ever need to talk, I’m here."
The words hit me harder than I expected. She had no idea what she was offering. She had no idea that talking was the one thing I couldn’t do. Not with her. Not about this.
I forced a smile, hoping it looked convincing. "Thanks, Wonyoung. I appreciate it."
She smiled back, and for a moment, everything felt okay again. But then, from the living room, I heard Yujin call her name.
Wonyoung’s eyes flickered toward the door, and just like that, the spell was broken. She gave me one last glance before heading back to join the others.
As the door closed behind her, I let out a long breath, my heart still pounding. I knew this was going to hurt, but I hadn’t realized just how much.
I stayed in the kitchen for a while longer, listening to the sounds of my friends laughing in the other room, trying to steady myself. I could do this. I could pretend everything was fine.
Even if it wasn’t.
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littlesislovesyou · 16 days
Well I passed out not long after so my body made the decision for me LMAOOO and you do dw you help me alot <333 I...also have insomnia. Is that why we're always up at the same times at night lol
I feel like one of the single person at a bar in the corner, just drinking my problems and ability to think away and you sit down beside me and offer to have a chat. And before long we're drinking and talking the night away and the next we're groping each other up on the drive to one of our places and then fucking like feral animals the moment we get through the door XD
But I do enjoy talking to you so I appreciate that alot. And I'm glad you don't mind <333 I really needed that and while you can't push me to do anything while my heart's not in it. You are INCREDIBLY talented at getting my heart into it (and you, and maybe more than just the heart-) by just being you lol
I wish I could see some of your emojis cuz they're boxes for me but I'll assume it's a happy emoji lmao but thank you honey I really appreciate it~ 💓 I'll try not to be too hard on myself.
'Only' teasing... As if your teasing isn't one of the most dangerous, feral inducing things I've seen and felt on the planet. Like a siren lulling people with their songs...but at least your teasing won't kill me. Just mildly inconvenience my lower half of my outfit for hours...on end...and turn me into a feral monster by the end of the night 😭 I'm looking forward to us finally dming both being lightly concerned at how much you'll tease me at work and turned on at the same time.
Gonna be using the bathroom way too often lol and I know you are it's cute though...and it's hot knowing I've ruined so many perfect pair of panties and made you soak them like the needy little slut you are for me~ 🖤
Maybe I do it knowingly while we live together as siblings. Hidden behind anon and knowing you'll come into the laundry area to get them washed and cleaned. I'll be stalking you every step of the way and while you're about to put them in...I'll sneak up behind and grab you and muffle your mouth with one hand while holding you with the other. Hissing at you not to move or scream as I admire the ruined state of my sister's panties...admiring the state I caused and your eyes widening as you put two and two together before flushing in embarrassment and arousal as I pull away and saying I just wanted to confirm that. Sorry for scaring ya, sis...and then walking away before you grab my hand and plead for me to 'help' you do your laundry.
Helping you put every single one away to wash and catching glimpses of your ass bent over and picking them out of the basket and blushing when you catch me staring and before long we're touching each other lightly, brushing each other's hands or hips by accident and then they become more purposeful. Intentional... and then you notice how hard I am between my legs and eagerly offering to wash my clothes right away while we're here since I've been in them since going to work this morning.
I'd give you a weird look before smiling teasingly and shrugging sure as I strip boldly in front of you. And you notice a stain in my underwear from precum and your thighs squirm and squeeze together subconsciously as I'm fully naked and hand you my clothes to go in the next batch. And then offering to take off your clothes to send in with the rest of yours right now. Getting it all done in one fell swoop is just efficiency...right?
And it's the last coherent thought we both have and agree on hesitantly before you're bent over the dry and taking your older sibling's needy cock deep inside of your soaking wet cunt~ The whole situation subconsciously turned you on from the start and the moment you realized who I was...It was unsurprising to find another pair stained when I took it off you while teasing and slapping your cunny and making you moan my name and title. Fucking your brains out and slapping your ass and pinning you to the dryer's surface as I hiss in your ear what mom would think of us...? Fucking like animals in heat in the laundry room~ And I'm glad feel your pussy clench and get tighter as you wrap your legs around me and I chuckle mockingly and give you another smack and whispering huskily in your ear, "atta girl~" and praising you for being such a good sister for me while degrading you for being such a naughty fucking whore and how I'm gonna turn you into my personal fuckpet as you thank me incoherently and begging nonstop, whining out please over and over as we both get closer to cumming and you beg me not to cum in you with tears in your eyes and it makes me throb and fuck you harder until I creampie your tight cunt with my seed 🤭🔪
I did indeed start it...and I'll finish it. Inside of you of course~ 🖤 I think I like making you horny too sweet girl so the feeling is mutual... 💕
Good girl...I'd love to have you sit on my face and let me worship in between your legs while you ride me and my hands grip your ass and thighs tightly. Digging into your skin and spanking you until you cum all over me. I'll pull you as close as I can because I won't be able to get enough of your soaking wet pussy that's as sweet as you 🥴🥵
Just gonna ah.. touch myself thinking about that later 🥺💓💓 you always know just what to say to get me going, it’s crazy<3
Also I’m happy to hear from you! I’m glad you got some rest at least I hope you’re feeling better, I was thinking about you earlier and was hoping you were alright!💓💓💓
Ah I’m sorry to “mildly” inconvenience you especially while you’re out and about and at work;’) I totally don’t do it on purpose or anything like that big sibling~ hehe
I’m really glad you like my teasing<3 💓 I try my best especially with you!☺️
Ahhhh I am your needy little slut at this point;’) 💓
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