#these creatures are gonna look a lil funky and that's okay
rithiathemoth · 8 months
small ramblings about iterator-made scugs
some spoilers and it's kinda long, so page break inbound
soooo this is just something I'm thinking about. I kinda wonder if the purposed beings/iterator-made slugcats look almost like normal slugcats, but... something about them just looks off.
Hear me out, this isn't just about Spearmaster.
I mean- making a living, functional, sentient being must be extremely difficult, since Suns took like 7 attempts just to make Spearmaster, and Sigs rushed the process and gave Hunter rot (from the chats, I'm pretty sure it was by mistake.) As well as this, adding on things must be difficult too, since you need to be careful with how any kind of mutation affects the being's functions, like how Spears has no mouth so they can't become feral, but they compensate by having porcupine-like needles they can use as a pseudo esophagus, as well as being sharp enough to penetrate and use as a weapon.
You get the idea, it's difficult to make a creature from scratch. I'd like to imagine that unless they try to go as accurate as possible, the iterators could take some liberties to change them slightly, like if there is a certain part of the being that doesn't serve any evolutionary purpose, that the creator doesn't see a need for, or that the creator wants to change/improve for whatever reason. That might be better or at least different for the resulting creature to live with, but removing/changing the trait(s) would most likely make them look really weird.
so uhh...
tl;dr purposed organisms would look strange if their creator didn't care about accuracy and took liberties to change/improve the resulting beings. That's probably not a theory everyone might agree with (open to discussion), but that's how I'm drawing purposed organisms now.
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okie chokie, let’s go
just gonna paste this directly from my notes cuz I suck at summarizing…
Witch au:
Okay, so this entire thing essentially revolves around lunar because um reasons that I don’t feel like disclosing (I have none). Okay. So. There’s this funky lil pendant that pretty much everyone sees as a priceless artifact. There’s legends surrounding at, whispers of untold power beyond time and space, secrets that bend reality to your every whim. (Fun fact that definitely isn’t important at all: KC helped design it!) So of course, a certain orange dorito man goes looking after it. He’s dedicated pretty much his entire life to researching its abilities and whereabouts, and finally, after countless years of searching, it’s in the palm of his hand. Exceeeept…whoops! He doesn’t know how to use it. And he tries everything: he flips through all his texts, all the notes left behind, but there’s nothing said about activating it. He tries knocking, incantations, different acids and solvents (fun fact: he was an alchemist’s apprentice for a lil while in his youth!) to no avail. Finally, he rubs the dumb thing like Alladin’s lamp, grasping for straws before giving up and tossingn the damn thing across the room. And who should come out but a little ghost, curious to see who disrupted its vessel.
Lunar is essentially like Casper. Very sweet and friendly, but a little oblivious of boundaries. Besides, he hasn’t been outside in a loooong time; he’s eager to explore and check out what’s changed, much to Eclipse’s chagrin. He doesn’t exactly like the new spirit, but it’s the only lead he has in unlocking the pendant’s power. So, he puts up with him, albeit not with the…best treatment. Eclipse isn’t exactly well-versed with kids; he hardly got to be one for very long. That, and his main priority is the pendant; Lunar’s a liability. He conducts a good deal of experiments, trying to set Lunar free from the object, but that is seemingly impossible. As Eclipse’s experiments continue to fail, his temper grows shorter, and Lunar suffers all the worse for it. Eventually, Eclipse gives up altogether and scraps the project regarding Lunar’s involvement, and seeks out someone to just break the pendant in hopes that that’ll work (his time working on it have made him…less than mentally stable). So, poor Lunar finds out and is cast to the wayside, seemingly forgotten. He resolves to run away and escape Eclipse’s place (since he has no real ties there besides the emotional abuse and manipulation on Eclipse’s part) with the pendant tied around his neck. 
He wanders around for a lil while, and what should he happen upon but a nice little cabin in the middle of the woods. It’s a lot cozier than Eclipse’s, and he wanders inside in hopes of somehow figuring out how to solve this little amulet issue since it’s…kinda not great for him either. So he explores the little house, only to be caught red handed by our good friend the witch.
Moon is the witch in this au. He, like Eclipse, was also an alchemist under KC, but he actually completed his training and went on to study on his own, becoming fairly well-versed in magic and the dark arts. Anywho, he walks into his cabin and meets this little ghost who looks absolutely terrified at his presence. Moon assures him that he’s not here to cause any trouble, and the ghoul seems to relax, if only slightly. Moon essentially decides to just let him stay for as long as he wants to, only saying that he might have a bit of an issue with his brother…
Sun isn’t a witch like Moon, He dabbled a little bit in alchemy, but he only knows the basics of that and most magic. His knowledge gravitates more towards creatures of myth and legend. He’s a demon hunter of sorts (he runs into a particular demon at some point…), collecting the necessary ingredients for Moon’s experiments, as well as a few of his own. He comes home a week or two after Lunar, and, considering his line of work, may have…overreacted a little. Moon stops him and explains the situation, after which Sun profusely apologizes to a wary and somewhat fearful Lunar. 
I’m gonna just cut myself off here cuz I ran out of steam for the day.
(uhh @sunnyinajar mmmgonna tag you cuz uh you seemed uh somewhat hyped about this jumble of ideas earlier but uh I dunno yea here’s this um yes right sorry for tagging you if you already saw it or didn’t uh wanna see it and uh yeah I’m gonna stop talking before I delete this entire thing and shove it down a garbage shoot-)
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zehecatl · 3 years
rec post for @f-eef that got too long for its own good, and is now just. a general rec post i guess
(as of writing, today is the steam summer sale! writing this before that goes live, so no guarantee everything on here is on sale, but! most of these are older games, so it’s likely. keep them in mind~)
- Iconoclasts my absolute favourite game, ever (along with OFF, but shh), if you check out one game from this list, let it be this one. it’s a genuinely almost flawless package, with gorgeous pixel art, fun gameplay, a really good story, and a cast of characters i just. adore. it’s so so so good, and three years later, i’m still not over it
- The Binding of Isaac so there’s this genre called roguelikes, wherein the whole gimmick is that, when you die, you gotta start from the Very Beginning; and the ‘point’ is getting better and better at the game, until you win! it’s super easy to just, play a few runs (they generally don’t last that long!), and then go on with your day, so it’s a really fun game to just waste time in, if you just wanna chill with some game. and, in my personal opinion, Isaac is the best roguelike game, with so much stuff to unlock, a whole slew of items to play with, and so much content it’s kind of unreal. i definitely think the DLCs are worth picking up, but it’s mostly for more content than like. actually being necessary
- Terraria it’s minecraft, but 2D. unlike MC, it’s got a bit of guidance, which i personally prefer, with bosses to fight and such. an absolutely BLAST with other people too
- A Hat in Time a 3D platformer, ala Mario, that’s just. super charming. it’s also really fun to play. i haven’t actually played the DLC’s, since i played it way back, but i’ve heard good things about Nyakuza Metro, which does look super slick, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Slime Rancher you are a slime rancher. you ranch slimes. it’s honestly just wholesome as hell, and just exudes happy vibes. mostly for running around and collecting slimes, ngl
- The Messenger really funky retro game, wherein you play a ninja on a mission. it’s primary draw is definitely in its gameplay, but there’s a surprising amount of story for this kind of genre? i honestly really just like this one. it’s neat
- Underhero you play as a cute minion, who kind of like. managed to kill the hero. and whoops, guess you’re doing his job now? it’s got that undertale vibe, though i’d say it’s less polished than it. HOWEVER, it’s absolutely lovely and it’s climax is REALLY good
- Hatoful Boyfriend bird dating sim. trust me. the ‘secret’ finale route is just. *chef’s kiss* fantastic
- Night in the Woods if you don’t mind having a very poignant sad time, oh my god, i could not recommend NITW more. it perfectly captures that period when you’re done with school, and suddenly your whole life is stretching before you, and you feel so so fucking lost, and overwhelmed and pained with it. it’s just. so good. a sadness worth experiencing 
- Shovel Knight another retro game! this one is, pretty much, the king of the genre, and for very good reasons. the first one (shovel of hope) doesn’t have much story, but the latter ones really add on it. they’re honestly just, really solid games! with funky knight characters!!!
- Hyper Light Drifter man, it’s just a masterpiece. everything about it is perfect. it’s been like, five years, and it’s still one of the very best indie games
- Tell Me Why it’s currently free for june! and it’s a story game! plus, if you like the genre, the devs got the ‘Life Is Strange’ serie(s) to delve into!
- Cat Quest honestly, i just really like this little game. the gameplay is SO much fun, and everything else is just. really charming :’)
- Yoku’s Island Express metroidvania, where you play as a dung-beetle post officer, and the gimmick is that it’s pinball-y! it’s really fun, and very cute and just an all around good time :)
- Owlboy you play as an owl boy! named Otus! and you can fly around, and there’s GORGEOUS pixel graphics, and a neat story, and just. the BEST cast of characters. it’s delightful
- Yuppie Psycho + Count Lucanor just gonna bundle these two together, because they’re both REALLY GOOD. YP is the newer one, and is therefore probably ‘the better one’, but i like them both a ton! they’re 2D horror, but i wouldn’t say they’re that spooky? though that might just be because they’re pixel games! you explore spooky place, and weird stuff happens around you. just a really fun time :)
- Angels of Death my FAVOURITE rpgmaker game, it’s main draw is, a 100%, the main characters and the relationship that develops between them. i just love it a whole lot, and it’s got that lil’ tinge of horror that i, personally, fucking adore. there’s actually an anime based on this, but i haven’t seen it myself!
- Celeste curve ball! it’s a 2D platformer! it’s really good, got a ton of accessibility features, and has like. the tightest gameplay- and, on top of that, surprisingly emotional story! 
- Bastion putting Bastion here, because it’s actually the only one i’ve properly played, but you could probably buy any of the Supergiant Games, and come out satisfied. Bastion is the oldest of the bunch, and is definitely a bit less polished for it, but i personally adore it; the gameplay probably hasn’t aged that well, but i think the story and presentation more than makes up for it
- The Darkside Detective funny point and click adventure, with great wit, and a pair of characters i kind of simply adore. it’s main draw is definitely its humour
- Littlewood very wholesome and chill farming game, that feels more like an RPG than something like stardew valley- i’d not recommend it over SV, but if you want more of SV, Littlewood might scratch that itch!
- Pony Island + The Hex absolutely adore both of these, though if i had to rec only one, it’d probably be Pony Island? they’ve both got that undertale-off vibe, though Pony Island definitely leans harder into it. very interesting plays, both of them
- Oxenfree another horror-ish game! primarily story-focused, but oh boy, what a story! i’m a BIG fan of this game, and the sequel was recently announced too! definitely worth a look if you like ghost shenanigans
- Creature in the Well wasn’t a 100% sure if i should rec this, but beside the finale boss, i really enjoyed my time with this! it’s this weird pinball inspired hack and slash, with some amazing vibes
- Kindergarten 1 + 2 they’re just fun little games okay. the 2nd is much more fleshed out, but the 1st one is really fun too
- the Henry Stickmin collection I JUST... LIKE THESE GAMES A LOT... i think you can find the old versions somewhere on the internet, if you wanna check them out first? idk, they’re fun!
- LIMBO + INSIDE personally, i like INSIDE more, but both of these are classics, and also they’re made by a danish team, and i like them a WHOLE LOT
- The Final Station i could not tell you why i like this game as much as i do, but oh my god. i love this game? it’s got a dying world, neat pixel graphics, big zombie apocalypse vibes, and a weird little story
- Year Walk i love Year Walk :)
- Smile For Me if you liked undertale’s lovely cast of characters, oh boy, you’d likely LOVE this game! it’s really, really, fantastic, and the epilogue (not in the actual game lol) hit me right in the feels
- Pikuniku just a fun little game! there’s not really much there, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a wonderful little play, one of those games that just sets out to give you a good time, and absolutely success. i like it a lot :’)
- A Short Hike wonderful game, where it’s more about exploring the island than actively finishing the game. it’s real wonderful
- ULTRAKILL ANOTHER CURVEBALL! no idea if you like FPS, but oh my god. ULTRAKILL is so fucking good. just an absolute blast to play. there’s a demo to check out, and i’d definitely recommend it, because if it’s a genre you might like, you’ll love this one (OH also it’s in early access, which means it’s not finished yet! personally, i don’t mind that, especially considering this is more gameplay focused, but ya’ know!)
- My Friend Pedro it’s honestly just really fun to play, and sometimes i still think about the implied lore, and go all !!!!
- Little Misfortune another point and click! this one is pretty short, and is set within the same universe as their other game, Fran Bow, which is much bigger, but idk. i like this one. it’s dark cute
- This Strange Realm of Mine i honestly dunno how to explain this one, because it’s kind of weird and a bit odd, but i really like it, in all its weird poetic glory. it’s neat!
- Donut County you’re a terrible racoon who’s ruined the whole city with holes. it’s great and i love it
- OneShot another ‘gives me undertale vibes’, though this one was in development before UT, if i recall correctly! it’s so good, and it’s got some fantastic meta bits, and i love Niko. i love Niko so much
- Inmost gorgeous vaguely spooky game with a neat story... my favourite genre
- Sayonara Wild Hearts i’d call this more of a spectacle than anything else, but oh my god. what a spectacle it is! the OST is amazing, everything about it just hits right, and even if you suck at the gameplay (which i did), it really doesn’t matter, in my opinion? it’s just great all around!
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chaotic-imagines · 3 years
How would creatures react if a human group/band decided to perform somewhere in Perim? Also what genre(s) of music would most likely be widely liked/disliked by creatures?
Okay this is a big beefy question. Luckily I’ve legit been thinking about a fic idea like this for ages. And to be fair, we also kinda see this in the show when Peyton battles that famous music dude (if I remember right). So going on with what happens in the show and what we know about Chaotic, let's get into the Human band in Perim! Sorry if the formattings a lil weird, got this one set up via google docs.
Performance in Perim! (+ Tribe tastes)
Taking into the nature of Chaotic, and how the cultural exchange of human shit for scans seems to go sometimes; I don’t think it’s uncommon for more musically included players to band up and show off their skills. Granted, most Chaotic players seem to be teens, so you’d really have to show off some skills for the local tavern owner to actually let you perform in line, a venue or anything. From there, it would depend on where you perform and what music you’re trying to play.
Human shit? Well, that’s probably what the groups gonna play, but now you gotta bank on the audience of creatures understanding human references and shit. Let alone hoping the music is catchy enough that they vibe. Now that I think about it I wouldn’t be surprised if humans who learned Permin songs as well as mugic melodies would be considered charming or more respectable. Kind of like how certain birds can pick up tunes they hear, or going through the effort to properly learn other cultures melodies. From there a human band performing in Perim would have to factor size, fame, and resources.
Electricity isn’t exactly on tap (kinda), and I doubt the code masters or the tribes want a huge human stage left somewhere in any of the locations. More or less, if you’re a really popular group and you get local and Code master approval; hosting an actual concert could be done! And if you’re at a professional level where Humans come in waves to see it, you can bet a few creatures are gonna wander up wondering what the fuss is about. If your group’s smaller scale, then you're looking at street corners, random taverns if you're lucky, and whatever locations you just want to practice in.
As for preferences in genres, I feel like trying to narrow down what Genre they like and dislike would be a bit tricky? Just like humans, everyones got their own tastes! One dude may love screamo and jazz and hate pop, and the same could be the opposite of the other, and so on. You’ll probably have a lot of creatures that claim they hate human music all together, or other that think it can spice up the already diverse genres Perim music has to offer. I do think a lot of the old folks prefer acoustic music over anything more techno/auto tuned based. Just cause technology seems to be in the funky lil point in Perim history, where it’s fresh and kinda advancing, although mostly for warfare. Actually now that I think about it, I do wonder if music with anti war themes would be welcomed or shunned. Who knows?
That being said, the monster mash is definitely a hit. The irony is not lost to anyone.
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angel-gidget · 5 years
Amethyst #1: A Riveting Reboot
I could say Amethyst #1 written and illustrated by Amy Reeder is a work of art and you’d all be like “no duh, gidge. comics are half art” but Amethyst #1 is also clearly a work of LOVE. I’ve been reading and flailing and feeling like I should review, but have been uncertain where to start. So I shall try to simply pick 10 delights that stand out to me.
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Heads up for spoilers!
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1. Her mom and dad. Amy’s origin has clearly been restored from the left turn at Albuquerque that was the nu52. I love that Reeder shows right out the gate that Amy’s adoptive parents are supportive yet struggling with raising a daughter that spends more and more time in a magical realm they can’t enter. Or can they? We will see what the rules are as we go.
In the original series, anybody who didn’t have magic risked getting lost and stranded between realms if they tried to cross between the Gemworld and earth. That doesn’t conflict with the glimpses we’ve seen in YJ, exactly, so we’ll wait and see how things unfold.
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2. One thing that DOES conflict with what we’ve seen in YJ though: Turquoise’s number of arms. Or, the number of arms on anybody living in her entire kingdom for that matter. Might be that Reeder and Bendis didn’t get a chance to double-check those details against each other before committing to their scripts. But who thinks to ask about things like that though? (“Hey, your redesign of this character has the standard 4 limbs or less, not 6, right?”)
You know what? I’m okay with this. We get pretty Bendis/Gleason?/Timms? design and this totally funky four-armed broad-sword user and I think I will enjoy seeing if they actually DO come up with an in-canon explanation of the discrepancy.
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Also, apparently this Turquoise is married? He’s clearly a consort rather than a ruler, and I wanna know more. (All of the bullpen appears on board with avoiding the Amy/Topaz/Turquoise love triangle from the original series and that’s probably for the best. I just hope that we’ll get to see my boy Topaz at some point anyway, even if he’s no longer a romantic candidate for either fair lady.)
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3. Hallelujah! We have a name! I have always loved that Amethyst rides around on a pegasus/pegacorn (another YJ mismatch here, but seems like semantics to me). BUT HE’S NEVER HAD A NAME. HE FINALLY HAS A NAME! IT’S A BADASS NAME. Ypsilos. Greek & unique. I dig it. ‘Bout time.
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4. Her mentors. Granch and Citrine(a) are back! Ok, they’re actually missing, but it was good to see their faces smiling down on itty bitty!Amy. I dug the way “witch mother Citrina” would roll off the tongue in the original series, but it didn’t make totally sense that everybody gets to take the exact name of a gemstone while Citrine gets her name kinda anglicized by sticking an A on the end. Small fix, I appreciate the logic.
I’m wondering if Cintrine is as powerful of a magic user in this story as she was in the original. I mean, probably not, bc of House Amethyst disapearing without a trace, but it will be cool to see how it goes. I dig how Amy notes how much she usually relies on them, and how this sensibly leads to…
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5. Noob ruler, a lil’ tone-deaf. She’s clearly trying. Taking some good speech-giving cues from Braveheart, probably. But this scene shows she IS inexperienced and bc she’s still in training, she doesn’t have a lot of trust from her neighboring common people. PEOPLE IN THE CROWD ARE MISSING LIMBS. Turquoise warned her about this. These people clearly HAVE been fighting. They aren’t turning her down bc they lack courage. They’re just insulted that this tiny neighbor princess showed up in a BALLGOWN royal-splaining warrior grit to them.
I gotta admit, I was a bit worried when Amy Reeder’s interview (also at the back of the comic) came out, and she talked about Amy Winston having a “little miss perfect” personality. There were some character details that never got fleshed out about 80′s Amy, but I’m relieved that this new iteration actually has some of the original character flaws shown.
She’s a lil’ presumptuous. She gets her ideas from watching Earth movies and TV. Sometimes it pans out, and she’s like “Of course it did! You backwards middle ages people are so quaint. No worries, I will bless you with my high school knowledge of democracy and vaccination.” But she lacks the foresight to see when and why a youthful earth-style plan won’t work in the Gemworld’s environment.
Re-worked Amy just gets really lucky here that Nameless Warrior of the Cool Haircut and Rad Caterpillar Creature sees that she’s such a tiny summer child and decides to assist, impugning of honor aside.
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6. Monsters vs. Innocent Creatures. This was always a fun aspect of the Gemworld! Is that a terrifying monster or a cute critter? Maybe it’s both! Or maybe its not a monster at all, and you’re just biased. Nice to meet you, Stan.
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7. Living birth parents? That’s a twist (Or, it still CAN be.) In the original series, Amy’s birth father was revealed be the host of a Lord of Order (If that sounds familiar, it’s a Dr. Fate thing.) That meant she technically had an original living parent, but… that’s where the writing went South and turned obnoxiously edgy and tangential. But this implies that both her bio mom and dad are plain-ol’-fashioned alive. Which is new and an intriguing dangling plot-thread. Cool cool.
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8. He’s just… so evil. It’s great. I’ve already blubbered about the pleasant simplicity of Dark Opal’s villainy, but I also appreciate that his funky face clasp is back, and I dig the drone-spiders. In the original series, his adopted son Carnelian was the techie, so I’ll be curious to see if there any nods to that in the future.
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9. One seriously solid exposition page. Pretty, concise... and just enough holes to entice. This implies that the events of the first Amethyst mini series have ALREADY HAPPENED in this continuity. But some things are CLEARLY different. (Turquoise kingdom world-building, Amy does not change her age between realms, etc.) That leaves some surprises in store.
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10. First issue parallels. It’s her birthday. Again. Her parents are giving her title-drop jewelry. Again. She’s all gussied up in an over-the-top dress for her mentor’s sake, but it’s completely inappropriate for battling evil which is what she’s gonna have to ACTUALLY go do bc that’s her luck. Again. I do love me some good symmetry.
TO CONCLUDE... I am so, so happy to read this. Reeder has done right by my girl, and I look forward to issue #2. Huzzah!
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Splentoby plas
fine. ok. ill do this. PLEASE keep in mind in these headcanons toby isn't a minor and that we can assume he's 19+ (he doesn't have a set set canon age? he supposingly dies before age 20 idk man it's vague please don't drag me into discourse i headcanon him as an adult in non au settings)
splendor hcs / splendortoby. yall asked for it. if i get hung im blaming u guys
also these r months old they're from amino. let's go
he can move his face and mouth! it's not forever stuck like (:
- he listens to nightcore unironically look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't
- he is pansexual!! n cis
- he lowkey feels isolated and lonely from the others, trying his best to be a help but nobody rlly appericates it so he's :(
- he has magical capabilities! he can summon little things around him (think maybe the wadern from superjail?) like ie he will move his hands and a rainbow comes out of his hand
- he fucking LOVES minecraft and for the first 4 times he played he tried to like tame a creeper and BEN was just "you can Not Do That Splendor"
"he's my friend!!!!!!"
"you can tame how many animals and you try to tame an enemey splendor he will blow you up"
"): my friend..."
- he tends to get a lot of romantic crushes on humans but is terrorfied of pursuing them because he's!!! an ugly monster n their :3 to him
- he has an ability to make himself invisible to adults and only visible to kids/those who can 'believe' that he uses in public because slenders always like. "DON'T SHOW UR IDENTITY TO THE H U M A N S!!!!!!!"
- he likes 80's music a fucking lot. like. a LOT.
- he's friends w/ sally (duh), BEN (the one who got him into Minecraft), Jane, EJ and Toby!!!!
- he had feelings for jane until she was just "sorry, i like girls" and he was
"!!!! I do too!!!!! You funky lil lesbian keep it up!!!!!!!!"
- HE DOES HAVE A HUMAN FORM !!! he's the only slender who has a soild human form! However it drains him a lot to use it so he doesn't use it a lot,,,,
- he cries gold!!!! Liquid, his blood is like? pastel blue? his body liquids r pastel gore basically
- he, yes, is a brony. his favorite is pinkie pie
- he doesn't have a secret evil form shut the fuck up and let me have my son!!!!! i refuse!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!! he does NOT!!!!!!!!
- he has had a weird crush on toby for a while and he's never mentioned anything because "that is,, someone who works for my brother,,,,,,,that is,,,,, his proxy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
- his human name is Romeo!!!!!!!!
- he's a huge mommas boy :3 he calls her everynight to tell her he loves her and she's just "okay cool" and he's "!!!!!!!SLEEP WELL"
- he's fucking shitfaced scared of zalgo lmao
okay im gonna indulge in this weird crack ship for three seconds here wait
- toby always rides on his back!!!!!!
- splendor always leaves him candy and stuff in his room anonymously or notes and toby's just "huh who did this" but than one time he saw splendor sign something and he was
"it's YOU??????????"
- toby: this is my giant monster boyf-
splendor, crying: am i a monster
- slender finding out is just "literally what the fuck idc anymore do what by any means you guys want ive seen it all now"
- toby always also rides on his tendrils!!! he uses them as swings fuck you this is my headcanon list I'll do what i want
- they go to the fair n stuff when it's town n splendor goes into his human form and they have a good Time!!!!!!
- splendor gets toby really cute binders w/ designs n stuff!!!!! To make him feel a lot better abt himself and toby loves it half to death
- toby, crying: i don't know im sorry i never told you i was trans. please don't think of me different.
splendor, a creature that's been living for centuries, 11 feet tall w/ vague human traits: i would NEVER
- tobys the first human splendor has ever been w/!!! and he rlly rlly cares abt toby and feels super comfy w/ him
- splendor is v insecure abt being u know an eldrich creature so toby always compliments his 'monster' traits and splendor goes "!!!! O W O!!!!"
- toby uses splendor's tendril bells to stim sometimes and splendor happily let's him
- romeos human form has a ton of fucking freckles and when he goes into his human form toby goes fucking BONKERS he LOVES IT
- splendor in his human form: a-aha toby are you ready to go out,,,,,
splendor: AAAAAAAAAA
- toby slips up and calls splendor Romeo in front of slender and slenders like
"who...who are you referring to?"
"how the fuck do you know his human name"
- jeff: how do you feel about your emplyoee fucking your brother lmao
slender: please
slender: leave my office. please. im begging you jeffery just fucking go
- this situation makes slender say fuck a lot lmao
- toby likes sitting on splendor a lot n its just he's on his ds yelling at his NintendoDog to sit down as splendor reads nariana and toby's just background noise screeching "MR. SNIFFLES SIT!!!!"
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cuthie · 5 years
Omru: Talk Talk Talk
  Vul’dun was a hot desert often frequented by raging sandstorms. The heat could be downright oppressive and water a scarce resource. So when Omru came to, the sound of dripping water was almost alien to his large vulpine ears. Slowly he brought his hands to his eyes, wiping the crud sleep had gathered along his lashes.
Drip, drip-drip, drip.
  Om groaned as he sat up, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. Beneath him was a thin blanket atop a smooth stone. The air was relatively warm and along the walls were torches being held by small earthen sconces. He was inside a cave, that much was certain, though not one he was familiar with. In the corner was a very small shallow pool, and what was interesting was that water seemed to drip down only above the puddle and nowhere else. Near the water was an odd red metal object, drilled into the stone itself. The drill had a flickering blue light that seemed to match the rhythm of the dripping droplets.
Blink blink blink, drip drip drip.
  Light flickered at the opposite end of the cave as a hooded figure passed before a torch, revealing an exit Om hadn’t initially seen. A trick of the stone, it only looked to be a solid room, the far cavern wall blending into what looked like a stone hallway. This hooded figure began to sing in the most off key croaking sounds Omru had ever heard.
“Oh wella wella wella woop, tell me mo’, tell me mo’, how much dough did he spend?”
  Omru snarled his muzzle, “If you’re gonna kill me, then kill me quickly. I can’t bare this kinda torture a moment longer.” The hooded figure stepped into the torchlight, revealing himself to be an odd furless bipedal creature.. Like a troll but not quite, Vulperine in size,and ugly as sin.
“Ey, I been nurturin’ yous back ta life with these songs. Fuggin kids today don’t appreciate nothin, I tell ya. Anyways, welcome back to tha land of tha livin’. We diden getta meet proper last time, on account of yous was seducin’ rocks with them pipes. I’m jelly, ta tell ya true. At’s a gift, kid, but damn if I ain’t all befuddled tryin ta figure out what that’s gotta do wit’ shamanism. And I’m sure you gots questions too, so let’s have a nice chat. Whaddaya say? Tha name’s Pazaz. Pazaz Nunya Bidniz, proud member of the Earthen Ring and.. Kindy sorta semi ashamed member of the notorious Horde. Heh.”
  Omru’s big bright orange eyes blinked in mild disbelief. He wasn’t really up and up on his history, but Horde sounded like a familiar word. What really struck his interest was this green ball of hot air’s funky way of talking. Of course, trading tales and exchanging information was a way of life out in the desert, often a profitable one. Still, this guy had saved his life, so Om wasn’t withholding. “Omru. I kind of remember you. I’ll be honest, waking up, I kind of thought I had just dreamt you into creation. Sooo, what happened and where are we?”
“Omru what? No last name?”
“Nah. Having more than one name just sounds complicated. I’ve heard of a few, though.”
  Paz shrugged, “Cool. Okay, so, I came here ta Sargeras’s butthole on a super secret mission. Recruitin good guys to fix the world’s problems. Ain’t secret no mo’s, is it? Aha! Along the way, I saw that a buncha you fox folks was all chained up and/or enslaved. Slavery is uh.. We had it back in Kezan, former island paradise of my peoples the Goblins. I had a few myself, but I done learnt the errors of my ways, yeah? So I went about settin yous all free. Ain’t that sweet’a me? You remember that bit, for sure. I smashed them shackles right offa yous, then ya summoned an elemental to smash them slavers into snake dust. You passed out, ya babysitter picked ya up, and I lead you and about a dozen more Vulpera out ta safety. The Horde’s got the rest of your friends.. Or family or whatever. I kept you, though. Even built up these lil digs. I ain’t the best healer, but it got the job done. Your turn, tell me about the rock monster you employed.”
  Omru’s eyes darted from corner to corner in the room as he absorbed the story. Sargeras? Probably a religious figure. Goblins. That sounded familiar, right? He had heard of them before. Probably. He scratched at the back of his neck, his shoulders feeling stiff as he did. In response, he hopped up off the ‘table’ and stretched out. For a moment he just patted himself down, checking that all of his parts were there, then curled his tail to his arm for inspection. Everything seemed fine. Better than when he was chained up for sure. Hm. “So. You saved me, thanks, I owe you. Rock monster, huh? Yeah, she came in handy. I’ll be honest, not too sure how it all works. Just something I found a few months ago. Not Rocky, but the totem on the rawhide. That was my second time using it, glad it worked. Now, you said you kept me here instead of leaving me with the rest at the Horde camp. Why?”
  Pazaz picked at his nose with his pinky finger, then flicked the booger towards a wall to let it stick. “Found it. That don’t sound right.”
  Omru cringed. Ugh, what a dirty little bastard. He took a second to shake the image from his head, “Well, that’s the truth. I find lots of things. Not all of them summon stone guardians though. That’s why it’s my most prized possession.”
Paz exhaled, “So you don’t know nothin ‘bout shamanism?”
“I know it’s a thing that a couple troll tribes do to talk to ghosts, trees and bugs.”
Paz rolled his eyes, “That ain’t right, ya numb skull. Ghosts? Sure. Trees? Nah-uh. Bugs? No way. The elements kid. We commune with the whole flippin’ world.”  Shaking his head, he pointed towards the red metal machine dug into the stone near the pool, “That’s my water totem. I’m a shammy extree-fuggin-ordinaire. And that’s why you’re with me instead of the goof troop back in the sand bunker. Horde is uh.. Horde is good people sometimes, but bad people to they’s enemies. I diden want’cha involved with them until I talked to yous first. The Earthen Ring, remember I told ya I work for’em? They’re all shaman. They all got different ways of talkin to the elements, maybe even some of them sing, heh. Me, personally? I write contracts, with a small exception for my favorite breath of fresh air. Anyways, yeah, I’m kinda hopin to recruit yous. You got talent, kid. Not just singin, which was great. Like, dream big, you could make it as an entertainer. But communin’ with the earth the way ya did? It was casual, natural even, right? Folks don’t just pick up a totem and use it. Magic don’t work that way, the elements don’t work that way. So the way I sees it? You got shamanism in ya blood. Or mayhap ya just an elemental bard or some shit and you’s singin is all magickal and whatnot. I dunno, but I think with a couple of years learnin from the Earthen Ring, yous could help repair the planet. Maybe. Shamanism is hard as fel. Anyways, Azeroth needs all the repairs she can get. Whether you know this or not, this bitch is about to flip on it’s back and flat out die. Dead. D.E.D. Dead. You unnastand the words what’re comin outta my mouth?”
  Omru folded his arms over his chest as he stared at the metal totem. It was nothing like his own mystical treasure. His was a small wooden vulpine carving attached to rawhide. This thing was ten to twenty times bigger, metal and blinking. Weird. Shamanism wasn’t a foreign concept, he had seen a shaman or two. Some of the Vulpera even. Honestly though? He had no idea where he would even start with such an offer, but, he did owe this guy. “Uh. I’m getting like every other word. Cultural differences and all that. You want me to be a shaman and meet your friends? That’s- Not in the stars, my friend. Sorry, I just don’t see myself putting on religious garb and becoming best friends with the clouds. I can help in other ways, though. I mean, I owe you my life. Oh and where are we? You didn’t say. Not many sources of water out here.”
  Paz grinned, his sharpened goblin teeth akin to a baby shark’s, do doo do doo do doo, “Shame. It ain’t for everyone, and for all I know, yous got lucky with the necklace. Anyways, far as where we is? We’re only a hop skip anna jump from where I snuck into the Slitherfucks nest to save yous. The pool comes from ocean water, my friend. I got it flowin through the ground, donatin it’s salts to the earth. This shit is clean as a night elf’s moonwell. It’s purity yous can taste. I oughtta bottle it up and write that on tha label, yeah?”
Omru’s eyes widened further, “You can do that?”
“Kid, stick with me and you’ll see that ain’t much ole Paz can’t do.”
“Okay, how? I’m listening, I’m curious to learn.”
  Paz interlocked his fingers together, pushing his hands out until the bones made a light popping noise, “Alright, first one’s free, aha.” Grinning, he walked over to a small leather backpack, taking just a minute to open it and rummage about to eventually pull out a glowing golden scroll, “This here is a contract. They ain’t always so pretty, but I like ta get all fancy. You can’t read it, don’t ask, but I’ll give yous tha jist of it. I made peace witta Water Elemental over in Stranglethorn once upon a when. The Elements, you see, can grant folks boons. Make us all magickal an shit. The mo betta ya elemental friend is, the stronger you get an all that. But they always ask for somethin’ in turn. Some folks take it by force. We call them fat heads and punch’em in tha junk. Anyways, sometimes the elementals want somethin specific, sometimes it’s just a code to follow or a pledged oath. This contract was written up, enchanted and I got that there totem to really help me harness her watery goodness. Like, I could mend some minor flesh wounds wit just a little stream nearby or somethin’. But out here in the desert, I needed to pull out the totem to get a good source flowin. It won’t last forever, but trust me, that’s powerful magic to make that lil puddle. Speakin’ of powerful totems, iffens you ain’t intressed’ in shammin it up in the maelstrom, how bouts you offer me that thing around ya neck and we’ll call us square”
  At the mention of his own totem, Omru pinched the wooden figurine between two furry fingers, “Oh. You, uh, don’t have enough of your own?”
  Paz changed to a more sombering expression, “I can’t just eyeball a totem an know it’s history. I dunno where ya found this thing, but if that elemental is bound to it, that ain’t right. What is you doin for her? Nothin cause ya don’t speak tha lingo. She’s a prisoner, bud. Just like you was.”
  Om slipped the little strap of rawhide over his head, momentarily getting it caught on a large fuzzy ear. “I didn’t know that, sorry. Just.. found a magic item and put it on. Can’t blame a guy for his love of loot, right?” Sighing, he handed the necklace over. He hadn’t had the thing for too long, but twice now that elemental had saved his bacon.
  With no flash or incantation, Paz simply twirled the totem between his fingertips, summoning the earth elemental to his side. The rocky creature was large enough to almost fill the entire little nook, ducking it’s head and forcing the fox boy to take a few steps back. “Heya girl. You’re a good egg, okay? Ya diden hafta save this boy, but ya did. Want me to see yins free?”
  Omru watched as the elemental moved about slowly, as if fidgeting. He couldn’t hear a damn thing, but apparently Paz did.
“Is that so? Yo, Omen, did you find this necklace on somebody’s dead corpse?”
Om’s eyes widened, “What, no! And it’s Omru.”
“Chill, I’m just makin sure tha owner ain’t died. This lady right here belongs to someone named Keyi. Ring any bells?”
Om nodded once, “Yeah, I know a Keyi. She’s a bit of an odd bird.”
  “Good, take me to her when you’re back on ya feet, kay? We’ll get these two reunited.” Paz extended four little greeny wigglying fingers towards the Elemental, who in turn extended a few floating pebbles from what might be a limb? Hands were touched, for the briefest moment, before the elemental was taken back to her home plane.
  Omru just watched the whole scenario, fascinated. “Uh.. Yeah, I can think of a few spots she might be. We don’t exactly have permanent addresses, ya know?”
  Paz shoved his hands in his pockets, “Yeah, I heard that about yous all. Kindy like the Tauren that ways. Oh and you’ll get a kick outta this. Ole gal thought you -was- Keyi. Says all you Vulpera look the same to her. Plus she thought ya singin’ was perty. Cute, huh?”
  Omru smiled at that. It wasn’t the first time he had accidentally wooed someone through song, likely wouldn’t be the last. Heh. “Cute.”
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
okay so melvin’s team is like the roughest idea out of everyone so it’ll probably undergo the most drastic change if I decide to stick with this idea ><
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(left to right, up to down: Porygon, Houndoom, Dragonite, Bewear, Gengar, Ditto)
Porygon and Ditto are on here purely because I think Yamima would find them Funky (tm). Porygon is made up of coding and is completely man made, which he’d probably find interesting. It’s just a little three dimensional friend shaped creature and I think Melvin would appreciate that ÙwÚ (aka, rainy only chose this one because it’s a funny lil guy)
Houndoom… doggy :(( no but apparently this species has toxins stored in it’s belly, so whenever it creates fire it’s usually mixed with poisons that cause it to be very deadly, and most wounds and/or burns sustained from it will never heal. It’s howl has been referred to as the call of the Grim Reaper in some pokédex entries. I thought that Melvin deserved a fire type of some sort, due to the whole association with Ra, and I thought Houndoom would be a good choice due to the design and how it’s described. and, again: doggy :3
Dragonite is referred to in it’s pokédex entries as being kind hearted and collected, usually saving ship wrecked individuals or guiding people traveling by ocean through storms. It’s known as the “Sea Incarnate” and has intelligence similar to that of a human. Under that same umbrella, if angered, Dragonite won’t hesitate to become hostile and destructive, and is actually a very powerful specimen. I also thought it’d only be fair if I gave Melv a (pseudo) legendary pokémon, since Marik has Ho-oh >-<
In most descriptions of it, Bewear is described to be genuinely dangerous and overly powerful despite it’s soft looks. In some pokédex entries it’s even said that there’s been a few cases where a Bewear has hugged it’s trainer too hard and uh… accidentally killed them. Personal opinion, but I think Yamima would find this absolutely delightful. Whether or not this choice was influenced by YGOTAS… is up to you ;) (i say as if I don’t refer to this character as Melvin already lol)
I knew one of these characters was gonna get Gengar, but I decided I wanted to put it on Melvin’s team because I thought it’d fit in a bit easier there. Maybe partially because I saw some parallels between these two… it’s Mega Evolution reminds me a bit of his hair and there’s also that whole tongue thing going on (gross). A Gengar will tend to enjoy pulling practical pranks (like copying a person’s shadow) and casting curses, and enjoys whatever terror it invokes in it’s victims. If you’ve ever watched the Battle City tournament… ^^; I think this is a perfect match for Melvin’s energy lol
Ditto is infamous for being able to transform into “perfect” copies of it’s opponents to confuse them. As described above, I think this is a pokémon Melvin would find to be endearing, and he’d probably keep it because… it’s just a little blob. why not?? also… slime… o_o
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
11 questions tag!  ❤️❤️
So!!! We were tagged by the amazing @theliqht to do this and Candi and I are delighted to answer!! Thank you so much for the tag my queen, I hope you’re having a lovely day ily ily ily,,, *AHEM* These are some cool ass questions, here we go!
01. What are your fears/phobias?
Mimi: Bugs. I really, really hate bugs. Any kind I really just can’t handle asdfgfd pls get away from me tnx. Also public speaking, or doing anything where I have to be centre of attention or whatever nope nope my anxiety does not like that lemme tell ya Candi: I really hate clowns, small spaces and open water but let’s just say nothing scares me 😎
02. Are you taking any classes that are not academic (if you’re still a student)? if yes, what?
Mimi: I’m in college, and I do Creative Broadcast Production, so does that count??? Candi: I’m in college so uh I guess they’re all academic? I do creative broadcast and film production
03. Your top 3 fav albums? doesn’t have to be kpop!
Mimi: OOOH MAMMA MIA- Uhm, I guess it would be Diamond Eyes by Deftones (I love them so much), a tie between Going Seventeen or A|1 by Seventeen (ofc asdfliasj my actual LIFE), and idk if this counts as an album or naw and this might seem nerdy but the skyrim soundtrack is a blessing and very good for study so I’m going to put that down bc I can’t think of anything else (tbh all game soundtracks are phenomenal hmu if you want some recommendations bc I have TONS) Candi: O boi this is gonna be hard. Demon Days by Gorillaz, Bad by Michael Jackson and Never Mind The Bollocks by Sex Pistols.
04. Would you rather explore the depths of the ocean or go to outer space?
Mimi: As much as I love the big, blue and beautiful ocean, I’m gonna say space lol. Like, space is infinite, and there’s so much to discover, and the ocean is just limited and scary tbh. Take me to the stars lmao Candi: Definitely space, fish are creepy and y’all have ye seen the shit that lives in the ocean? I mean I guess I’d stumble upon funky ass aliens in space too but sure look it, space is cooler imo.
05. Which celebrity would you want to be best friends with?
Mimi: Oh damn, this is really hard. Would it be cliché to go with someone from SVT and say Seungkwan adsjkfasldj I just, I love him so much he’s so funny and kind and I’ve always said I’d love to be friends with him like I feel like he’d be down to do whatever with you so yeah Candi: I’d say Miley Cyrus because we could chill and smoke weed all day, she is one of my favourite arists as well so.
06. Do you have any piercings? how many?
Mimi: I only have the regular ears pierced, but I don’t even wear earrings LOL I haven’t worn earrings since I was like 14,,, Candi: I have 11 piercings, lmao yeah 11. I have my vertical labret, snakebites, septum, both my nipples, tongue, industrial, rook and helix. Hawhaw pls don’t judge me.
07. What animal best represents you?
Mimi: Damn this is deep what’s on your mind fam asdfjkdfdsf lmao I jk I jk, uh,,, my fave animal is a wolf, and I guess wolves are kinda like quiet creatures like me? Loyal and steadfast. Wow that was poetic. But tbh I’m probably more of a turtle – slow and scared of everything to the point of hiding ^^’’ Candi: I don’t know tbh I never know how to answer these questions. I like to stay in my bed a lot so I have the qualities of a sloth, I’m very loyal so I’m also a dog, idk fam, lots of animals.
08. If you could change one law, what would it be?
Mimi: I guess since the topic is big here atm in Ireland, changing the law on abortion? Like I’m not comfortable with the idea of it like idk, it’s a big thing to think about, but if a woman needs to do it, then I believe she should have the choice. It’s her body, her decision, and no judgement should be passed to her Candi: This is a lil bit controversial but I’d love if abortion was legalized in Ireland because we are currently fighting H A R D for it with all the protests and stuff and it’s 2017 ffs, give women the right to their bodies thank you bye.
09. Your ideal type?
Mimi: Someone who makes me laugh, who can bring me out of my shell at my own pace, who will accept my flaws and be comfortable with me, who’ll bring me peace and happiness even in the simplest ways, someone who’ll have patience with me but also like to be crazy with me (so like, if I’ve somehow described wonwoo, mingyu or hoshi, don’t be surprised and just overlook it ok I love them so MUCH) Candi: I honestly don’t know, I love guys who look like they haven’t slept since they left the womb and who look psycho because I obviously have issues but then when it comes to girls I like chubby/curvy girls who are quite girly. Honestly, I don’t even look at the appearance that much it’s always the personality that blinds me. A person could look like ass and I’d fancy them because they’re funny. I just have a lot of issues l m a o.
10. Would you rather live in the city or countryside?
Mimi: I’d say the city, as much as I’m not a fan of big crowds, I feel like you can get comfortably lost in a city? Like you’ll have your solitude as you want it! Unless someone offers me a cottage in the forest then bye I’m living there for an eternity and becoming a witch of the land Candi: Both have their advantages but I’d much rather live in a city. I’m a busy busy person and I love the hectic lifestyle so in a city I’d be able to live how I like
11. How did you find my account? or if I was the one who found you first, what was your first impression of me? (just be honest really, no hard feelings !!)
Mimi: I’ve followed your blog on my personal one for a while and I absolutely love your content bc you bring me those amazing SVT scenarios that I lack in my life and you’re just a lovely person and your blog is so positive and nice and UGH I’M A BIG FAN ILYSM KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING YOU’RE SO SWEET Candi: I’m pretty sure Mimi followed you and you and Mimi chat but just so you know I LOVE YOU TOO OKAY? YOUR CONTENT IS A++
Ok, all done!! Here are our questions now!
1. Describe your personality.
2. Who is your ultimate bias and why?
3. Besides kpop, what other music do you listen to? (If any, if not that's g)
4. Favourite movie and why?
5. Your hobbies!
6. Do you see yourself falling in love and staying with the one person for the rest of your life? : ) ) ) )
7. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would your ideal trip be?
8. Let’s be positive! What is something you’re proud of? (can be a feature, smth you’ve worked on, smth you’ve done etc.)
9. Do you have a large friend group, or small?
10. What was the last book you read?
11. If you play games, what would you consider your favourite, and why? (I’m sorry I had to gghjkgjk)
We hope you like the questions! We’re tagging @kpop-stole-my-lyfe, @seventeen-teen-teen-trash @incorrect-seventeen-quotes, and @incorrectmxquotes You don’t have to do this, but this is the handful we thought might like to! Enjoy!!
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