#Also I will explain earth’s role at some later point
okie chokie, let’s go
just gonna paste this directly from my notes cuz I suck at summarizing…
Witch au:
Okay, so this entire thing essentially revolves around lunar because um reasons that I don’t feel like disclosing (I have none). Okay. So. There’s this funky lil pendant that pretty much everyone sees as a priceless artifact. There’s legends surrounding at, whispers of untold power beyond time and space, secrets that bend reality to your every whim. (Fun fact that definitely isn’t important at all: KC helped design it!) So of course, a certain orange dorito man goes looking after it. He’s dedicated pretty much his entire life to researching its abilities and whereabouts, and finally, after countless years of searching, it’s in the palm of his hand. Exceeeept…whoops! He doesn’t know how to use it. And he tries everything: he flips through all his texts, all the notes left behind, but there’s nothing said about activating it. He tries knocking, incantations, different acids and solvents (fun fact: he was an alchemist’s apprentice for a lil while in his youth!) to no avail. Finally, he rubs the dumb thing like Alladin’s lamp, grasping for straws before giving up and tossingn the damn thing across the room. And who should come out but a little ghost, curious to see who disrupted its vessel.
Lunar is essentially like Casper. Very sweet and friendly, but a little oblivious of boundaries. Besides, he hasn’t been outside in a loooong time; he’s eager to explore and check out what’s changed, much to Eclipse’s chagrin. He doesn’t exactly like the new spirit, but it’s the only lead he has in unlocking the pendant’s power. So, he puts up with him, albeit not with the…best treatment. Eclipse isn’t exactly well-versed with kids; he hardly got to be one for very long. That, and his main priority is the pendant; Lunar’s a liability. He conducts a good deal of experiments, trying to set Lunar free from the object, but that is seemingly impossible. As Eclipse’s experiments continue to fail, his temper grows shorter, and Lunar suffers all the worse for it. Eventually, Eclipse gives up altogether and scraps the project regarding Lunar’s involvement, and seeks out someone to just break the pendant in hopes that that’ll work (his time working on it have made him…less than mentally stable). So, poor Lunar finds out and is cast to the wayside, seemingly forgotten. He resolves to run away and escape Eclipse’s place (since he has no real ties there besides the emotional abuse and manipulation on Eclipse’s part) with the pendant tied around his neck. 
He wanders around for a lil while, and what should he happen upon but a nice little cabin in the middle of the woods. It’s a lot cozier than Eclipse’s, and he wanders inside in hopes of somehow figuring out how to solve this little amulet issue since it’s…kinda not great for him either. So he explores the little house, only to be caught red handed by our good friend the witch.
Moon is the witch in this au. He, like Eclipse, was also an alchemist under KC, but he actually completed his training and went on to study on his own, becoming fairly well-versed in magic and the dark arts. Anywho, he walks into his cabin and meets this little ghost who looks absolutely terrified at his presence. Moon assures him that he’s not here to cause any trouble, and the ghoul seems to relax, if only slightly. Moon essentially decides to just let him stay for as long as he wants to, only saying that he might have a bit of an issue with his brother…
Sun isn’t a witch like Moon, He dabbled a little bit in alchemy, but he only knows the basics of that and most magic. His knowledge gravitates more towards creatures of myth and legend. He’s a demon hunter of sorts (he runs into a particular demon at some point…), collecting the necessary ingredients for Moon’s experiments, as well as a few of his own. He comes home a week or two after Lunar, and, considering his line of work, may have…overreacted a little. Moon stops him and explains the situation, after which Sun profusely apologizes to a wary and somewhat fearful Lunar. 
I’m gonna just cut myself off here cuz I ran out of steam for the day.
(uhh @sunnyinajar mmmgonna tag you cuz uh you seemed uh somewhat hyped about this jumble of ideas earlier but uh I dunno yea here’s this um yes right sorry for tagging you if you already saw it or didn’t uh wanna see it and uh yeah I’m gonna stop talking before I delete this entire thing and shove it down a garbage shoot-)
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currymanganese · 3 months
Fak is too involved in Carmy and Claire's relationship. From giving Claire Carmy's number to showing up at her job with his equally annoying brother. He needs to mind his business and stop assuming what Carmy wants. In s3 ep9 Fak tells Claire he thinks (then later says knows) Carmy loves her. If you don't know Carmy's true feelings about her, why tf are you speaking for him?
Also sometimes it seems like Carmy doesn't even like Fak like that. They rarely have one-on-one scenes together and their conversations are mostly surface leveI. I always thought Fak and Richie were closer. In s2 ep3, when Claire and Carmy are talking on the phone, Carmy says Fak isn't his best friend (but then backtracks 5 seconds later saying he's probably my best friend). Then in s3 ep5 when they are preparing for the photoshoot, Fak said Carmy was #1 on his best friends list. The friendship is obviously unbalanced. Fak is one of those childhood friends you have outgrown but keep in your life due to history and familiarity. This is just another example of Carmy being stuck in the past and not being able to let go. He either needs to set some boundaries with Fak or end the friendship.
I love your blog btw. Your analysis on The Bear are very thorough.
Thanks for the kind compliments / thanks for the ask, but I'm starting to think that, if my suspicions are correct, that depending on how season 4 goes, that she and The Faks may shape up to be fantastic characters, at least from a trollish comedic parody perspective - and that this may be a huge 'star making role' for Molly Gordon and the rest of actors cast as the Faks if what is being set up is executed well post-reveal, and they demonstrate that, contrary to what we have seen thus far on the show, they definitely have acting range.....
Because I'm like 88% sure now that Claire x Carmy x Sydney's love triangle is an allegory/deconstructed (in part) version of Lilith x Adam x Eve from apocryphal / Jewish tradition. And that 'Sammy' Fak may be an archangel Samael figure
Lilith is Adam's first wife apocryphally and in Jewish mysticism that left him and became a she-demon / mother of demons / the "queen of the night" after being impregnated by / becoming a consort of the archangel Samael (whose name means Venom of God and is a seducing/destroying angel).
My thoughts are too incoherent right now to make a post about this theory in its own right, but all of the above could explain why the scenes where Claire is physically intimate with Carmy are shot in darkness and low light, compared to warm /well lit scenes when Syd and Carmy are emotionally intimate; it could explain why the songs that play during Carmy and Claire's scenes are frequently morbid or are outright about death, or lyric less ambient scores that invoke the feel of psychological horror,
and why mostly love songs are played for Carmy and Syd's.
I've made some posts /edits pointing out the parallels between Claire / Carmy / Syd and these biblical / mythological figures, and a post on why I think John Cena as Sammy Fak is a case of good casting (from a comedy perspective) if the Faks are really meant to serve the function that I think they are meant to below;
but some additional similarities between Claire and Lilith are that they were 'created' in the same way, 'formed from the same dust', as their 'Adam' (whose name can also mean red clay/earth and Claire's last name means mud or muddy fortress) - since Carmy and Claire both come from the same neighborhood/highschool and, depending on how much we see of Claire in the future, they may have both come from dysfunctional homes / be the adult children of alcoholic parents.
The posts I linked below are:
1. A webweaving on Sydcarmy + Adam x Eve parallels;
2. A fan edit that I did that was inspired by the webweaving; side note: if Carmy's words to Sydney at the end of their first convo was foreshadowing for them starting a literal nuclear family of their own, and how many kids they're gonna have, I'll scream;
"We're gonna make family, it's meat, (👀) plus three, and we'll eat around two."
3. A reblog add-on to @espumado et. al's @thoughtfulchaos773 @vacationship @kdbleu 's etc. thread on the theme of haunting / religious / mythological imagery and parallels in the show in season 3.
4. Another thread on religious symbolism in Season 3 and Claire and Syd / Carmy's relationship kicked off by @vacationship.
5. Another reblog add on I made in response to @glitterslag about the episode Review in Season one possibly representing/parodying the biblical "Fall of man".
6. A fan edit that I made for clairecarmy with the intent of being humourous at first, but unexpectedly turned out pretty nightmarish / psychological horror-esque without much work because the material/ dark imagery is there; including an eye opening parallel between Claire and Donna.
7. A post on the Bear being a super deconstructed Shakespearean pastoral comedy e.g. like As You Like It.
8. The religious symbolism of Carmy's red string of fate dish for Syd possibly being a visual allusion to the sacred heart of jesus, which is an emblem of God's long suffering and passionate love, an add-on to @twokisses post
Tagging @ambeauty @angelica4equity @imliterallyjustablackgirl @devisrina @ripley-stark @bootlegramdomneess @gingerylangylang1979 @outmakingmoonshine @pureseasalt @augustmonsooning @brokenwinebox @whenmemorydies @mod-doodles @bioloyg @caiusmarciuscoriolanus @post-woke @myloveismineallmine @turbulenthandholding @anxietycroissant
@moodyeucalyptus @ago0112 @unbeweavvveable @blackjack-15 in case anyone wants to chime in.😭
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fixated-dark-king · 4 months
Sooo, I had the amazing experience of attending a panel C.S. Pacat was part of during the Sydney Writers’ Festival on 25th May 2024. The panel was called “Creating a Monster” (with two other YA authors).
And finally a week later (because adult-ing is hard), I had time to actually go through my notes and write up some of the fascccccinating things Pacat had to say about: monsterous heroes, and villains, and enemies-to-lovers deliciousness, and queer identity!
I didn’t want to forget some of the interesting things said in this panel and thought others might be interested in hearing about them too? Please indulge the splurge. :)
(Please note that all bold headers are just my thematic summary of each section for people to jump to, not the actual question asked.)
From a technical writing standpoint, the ‘Monstrous’ is appealing because a villain will often do an act and the hero reacts to that. It gives unconscious clues to the reader that when the villain turns up, something exciting is going to happen. In that sense, villainous characters have a special sort of ever-present attention given to them (possibly because human nature is to always keep one eye on the dangerous thing that could harm you).
On a personal level: A) When queer characters are awesome but also ‘Monstrous’, Pacat says it can feel really ‘electric’ and empowering to reclaim/allow yourself to embrace the monster role that you’ve been told you fit into by society. Like in Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles where queer people are allowed to be beautiful/glittering & powerful & witty & have existential conversations about good and evil while fitting under the Monstrous label. Like heck yeh, that’s cool. And B) as an author, you can feel a ‘minority pressure’ to have characters be Good all the time and be the perfect ambassador for that minority, but sometimes you just want to be a vampire and take over the world, you know?
When pondering whether it is hard as a writer to convince readers that a Monstrous protagonist is a likeable character, Pacat pointed out that the funny thing is that the question ‘How am I going to make readers like this monster?’ never really ends up being an issue because people actually really like monsters! The thing you might not expect is that the struggle is actually: ‘How am I going to make these readers who are barracking for the protagonist feel that this ‘monster’ is actually monstrous?’
Pacat explained that when a protagonist is also a monster, it brings into play something called ‘Protagonist-Centric Morality’ -- where you bond with that protagonist and want the best for them etc, so much that it can obscure when the protagonist is actually doing something bad. Pacat mentioned that he has found the Protag-Centric Morality fairly striking in the case of the Dark Rise books because people have said to him things like: ‘The Dark King Did Nothing Wrong Ever In His Whole Life’ and Pacat questioned whether the moral centre of the story was landing somewhere different than intended. He was curious whether the other authors had experienced that with their ‘monstrous’ protagonists too.
IF A HERO IS ALSO MONSTROUS, HOW ON EARTH DO YOU DIFFERENTIATE THAT FROM THE VILLIAN? When pondering over the distinction between a Monstrous Hero and a Villain, Pacat shared some thoughts from his lived experience. He said the times when he has felt most threatened by the ‘Monstrous’ is when that person isn’t clearly identifiable to others around you; where there isn’t a shared understanding between everyone that ‘yes, that person is a monster’. Extending from that, the Truly Monstrous is when that person has some kind of control over you and control over the narrative as well; if the monster is the one telling the story but casting you as the monster. Essentially gaslighting via ‘narrative control’.
This is Pacat’s absolute favourite romantic trope. And he elaborated that he doesn’t mean that in the sense of ‘these characters sort of don’t like each other’, but rather to the point where two characters really hate each other and for a very good reason. He likes when a path between two characters feels IMPOSSIBLE to overcome.
This trope was first explored in the Captive Prince trilogy and Pacat loved it so much he just had to use it again for the Dark Rise trilogy. The planning behind it for CaPri was brainstorming: ‘What is the worst thing I could think to use?’ (Answer: Killing a character’s brother, which lands the bereaved character into a set of hellish circumstances.) But that meant when Pacat decided to use it again for DR, he had to extend that to: ‘Now I need to think of something EVEN WORSE THAN THAT (CaPri)’ in order to separate the main characters. So Pacat had to spend ages thinking about what could be the absolute worst thing to use this time -- and he hopes that he came up with something that is ‘truly, truly way worse.’ Which essentially had everyone, including the moderator, laughing loudly in fear. XD
Pacat spent a lot of time trying to develop a really meaningful platonic friendship between Will and Violet. It meant a lot to see a friendship like that reflected on page for Pacat because some of the most important friendships of his life were across gender lines. The reception to Will and Violet has been so pleasantly surprising, so Pacat supposed he wasn’t the only one with a hunger for that kind of friendship within the romantasy genre.
Pacat also reflected on Will’s complex relationship with his Found Family -- that having the support of a Found Family can be so essential, but in Will’s case that lifeline is undermined by secrecy, turning that Found Family into a different kind of loneliness. Because the thing is: if something so immense happens to you that you feel you can’t talk about, or you feel some way about yourself but think you can’t share that with others, it means you can’t really be your authentic self. But if you’re not being you’re authentic self, who are your friends friends with? They can’t be friends with the true You; they can only be friends with a facade/with a performance. So as long as Will is scared to show his true self and remains hiding himself away from even his friends, he will be alone. It’s a hard step to take. (Note from me: so heavvvvy but poignant.)
NOT DR-RELATED, BUT PACAT’S FAV MONSTERS FROM POPULAR FICTION: Pacat was so excited to namedrop his favourite monsters from popular fiction, he volunteered to go first LOL. The answers: 'The Brat Prince' Lestat (Lestat has been on his mind a lot recently because the AMC TV portrayal captures Lestat so well & has completely rejuvenated Pacat’s 12 year-old love of vampires. Total mood); serial killers such as in the Ripley series; and simply: American Psycho.
Great panel, right? Now it’s Europe’s turn!
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camellia-salazar · 24 days
Ed Edd n Eddy Pony Redesigns.
Ed Edd n Eddy; Friendships are Jawbreakers. (Ed Edd n Eddy rhymes with My Little Pony)
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I did this last month, but for some reason put off posting it until now.
I was into both shows at the time, so it was easy for me to understand the characters as well as the rule set of the MLP universe.
I would tell you each explanation of their cutiemarks, but maybe in another post. For now, I'll explain at least a few distinct facts about each of them.
Ed: Him and Sarah's family are relatively stronger than the average earth pony thanks to them actually being hella strong in canon. AJ would be tripping on the sight of Ed casually lifting a boulder.
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Edd: Does pretty well with certain spells, less than Twilight and Starlight, but more capable than most unicorns his age. It takes a lot of energy to even do them, tho, like teleport.
Eddy: Pretty much what Scootaloo has when it comes to his wings. A lot of his insecurities are from his lack of flying. He can barely hover for about 3 seconds but ultimately crashes hard at the end. He blames it on not being taught.
Kevin: Not many ponies ride bikes. He's one of the exception. Wanted to be a Wonder Bolt at one point, but eventually dropped it on account of the day he earned his cutiemark. (I'll explain eventually).
Nazz: Like all unicorns, her magical ability depends on her cutiemark/special talent. She can spark up visions that resonate the stories she would tell. She was also trained in defense magic to protect the kids she would babysit along with herself.
Rolf: His family is the only one that have a stipe across their torsos. It just develops like a cutiemark, but only when you figure out the role you play for the family. So basically, there's a little more pressure on this kiddo.
Sarah: If my pony version would be a version of the show, she and Jimmy would earn their cutiemarks at around season 3. She would be a teeny tiny bit more empathetic, too, since she's a pony now.
Jimmy: He and Sarah were a lot like the CMC prior to their cutiemarks. Mostly inspired by the fact that they act like so in canon, always trying new things essentially. He also struggles with his magic like Sweetie Belle did for a while.
Jonny 2×4: He acts a lot like Pinkie Pie and often would stim by bouncing on his tail. Also, much like how I thought of Sarah and Jimmy, he would learn to fly later on, but most likely the end of season 2, beginning of season 3. Most likely, the former.
Plank: Was supposed to be an imagined pony, but idk if I want to keep that or have him be a dragon. He would give off griffin vibes at times, tho. Idk. Maybe I should just draw his face like the OG so that the others would keep guessing.
Lee Kanker: I couldn't think of her with normal mare hooves, so she inherited her dad's hoof look. Rather, she shaved it, or it was just developed that way is pretty unknown. I thought of the latter at first.
Marie Kanker: Much like Kevin, she loves cloud bucking. The only difference is that she loves it while he sees it as more of a chore. She would often get away with chores because her mother would tell her to. But even then, she would have fun doing it.
May Kanker: Most would be threatened with her magic being red, that is, anyone but her sisters. Not only would anyone know it's her, but also red magic is usually frowned upon. The judgment doesn't bother her, tho, giving the fact that she's used to it.
Eddy's Bro: He got one of the biggest pare of wings anypony had seen on a pegasus. Because of his huge wings, Eddy would have another reason to not only look up to him but also envy him. Stupid bro taking all the flight genes.
So that's it for now, I went from EEnE to other things, so it'll take some time before I get back into EEnE again.
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Thanks for reading all of this. Have a good one. 👍💖✨️
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royonninjago · 3 months
Lost Potential with Ninjago's Wildbrain Seasons
Let me start this off with a question. When looking at the Wildbrain seasons, from Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu to Crystalized, what do you believe is the common theme connecting all of them?
I'm sure there are many answers to this question, but the common theme that I noticed a while back was that each part had a major focus on one of the Ninja and their Elemental Powers. Or at least they did at some point during their development.
Allow me to explain. Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu is split up into two halves, the Fire and Ice chapter, which corresponds to Kai and Zane and their powers being usurped by villains, Kai by force and Zane through manipulation. Master of the Mountain covers Cole and his connection to the Earth and Seabound covers Nya and her connection to the Water. Crystalized doesn't really cover Lloyd's Elemental Powers (whatever the hell they are) but it does feature heavily his heritage and the abilities it grants him, which is a whole other can of worms that I'll probably write about later. Finally, during Prime Empire's development, Jay's mother was originally going to play a pivotal role in this season, and also presumably the Element of Lightning as well. There is also the 4 episodes of The Island, but I think of that as more of a prologue to Seabound than its own season.
By now you've probably connected the dots as to what exactly this "lost potential" is. How cool would it have been to have the Fire and Ice chapters gone in depth about how Kai and Zane felt about and controlled their powers to the extent of Seabound and MotM did? Or if it delved deeper into Jay's Lightning powers and his desire for a relationship with his birth mother, and how those feelings conflict with his love for his adopted parents? Or if Crystalized didn't chicken out at the last moment, and Lloyd actually got to use that cool ass Oni form?
But they didn't. At the very least, Dragons Rising seems to be focusing more on Elemental Powers than ever, which is something I know many of the fans are really grateful for.
In lieu of that, here are some head-cannons and ideas for the Ninja's powers that we didn't get in the show:
Kai is very well known for getting in his own way due to believing that he is the "main character" of sorts. This main character syndrome he experiences causes him to subconsciously expect that everything will go his way with him putting in minimal effort. This directly conflicts with what his Fire powers rely on. Passion, ambition, and desire. This is why his powers always gets stronger when he's helping other people, because it reacts to his passion and desire to protect those he cares about.
I like to think that Zane didn't work quite right until he became the Master of Ice. Computers produce a lot of heat, and if not properly cooled then they are prone to malfunctions and damage from overheating. Dr. Julien had that same problem when creating Zane, but when the previous Master of Ice found Zane and saw potential in him that he liked, ha passed his power to the robot. After that, Zane's overheating problem disappeared and he was able to take the first steps to becoming someone who protects those who cannot protect themselves.
Lightning is the result of two forces seeking to find balance. When positive charges and negative charges accumulate inside a cloud, the atmosphere initially acts as an insulator, but when the charges become too great, lightning strikes to release all that energy at once, and when it does it finds the path of least resistance. This idea is a bit more loose and not as well thought out due to me not having a firm idea of how to better improve Prime Empire in general, but I think it would be a cool idea if Jay's love for his adopted parents and Jay's desire to have a relationship with his birth mother were the two forces accumulating inside Jay during the events of Prime Empire. The Ninja, his friends, would act as his insulator, but as they disappeared one by one, the dichotomy would grow inside him until he released it all during the final fight with Unagami. Unagami may not deserve the unbridled wrath of a thunderbolt, but he's right there and Lightning always takes the path of least resistance, whether or not its justified.
Lloyd is very accepting and in touch with his dragon heritage, but not so much with his Oni side due to his father being only resurrected with his Oni half. He has seen first-hand what uncontrolled anger and hatred can do to someone, and he's scared of using that power. But the thing is, under the right circumstances, anger is a good thing. It allows us to see the injustices around us and gives us the drive to fight against it. Upon realizing this, he finally comes to term with his entire heritage and allows him to unlock the power of the Golden Oni. The colors of the Dragons and the form of the Oni unite to create a greater power, it is the embodiment of Righteous Fury. That is how the overlord should have been defeated in Crystalized. The Golden Ultra-Dragon can still help, but this would have been much cooler than what we actually got.
And those are some of the thought I have that would've improved the Wildbrain seasons. If you have any ideas or opinions about the Ninja's Elemental Powers or what you would do to improve those seasons, feel free to let me know, I always love hearing the ideas of others!
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pancake-blogging · 4 months
So the other day, I added onto a post from @too-many-blorbos and mentioned how I thought Robots in Disguise would've been improved if it were a sequel to Rescue Bots instead of Prime. Now over here, I'm gonna expand that with the other things I would change! Also, I thought it'd be fun to call this au/rewrite/whatever Rescue Bots in Disguise, or RBiD
Putting it under a read more, because it's probably gonna be... A lot.
The first change is the starting cast. As I established in the other post, we'll be replacing Bumblebee with Chase but keep Strongarm. Then, we replaced Sideswipe with Hot Rod (don't worry tho, Sideswipe will show up later with Sunstreaker in tow)
The show starts with Chase and Strongarm patrolling on Cybertron. Chase is trying to explain to Strongarm why they don't need to be concerned with one bot loitering in a public space, only for a speeding Hot Rod to rocket past them. The two pursue him, eventually catching up with him next to a Space Bridge.
Hot Rod is perplexed when told he was speeding to get here, and as Chase tries to ask if he's okay his hand brushes against the controls. The Space Bridge suddenly activates, and all three of them are pulled through to Earth.
On Earth, I've decided it would be more interesting to replace the human characters with a grown-up Raf who has a kid of his own (because I miss my boy and I want him to be there).
And while Grimlock was one of the better parts of RiD, I still feel like he isn't quite Grimlock-y enough. So, I decided to swap him out with a new Dinobot based off Spike from the movies; all you need to do is take Grimlock's Dino mode head and make his snout narrower and longer, add a sail to his back, and bam! You have a spinosaurus that's still just as intimidating as a T-Rex, while leaving the door open for a more traditional Grimlock to show up later.
One of the main plot points of the first season is that Megatronus returns with a plan to destroy both Earth and Cybertron, hence why the Primes saw fit to revive Optimus. In RBiD, however, Optimus won't be revived.
In every episode, Hot Rod will have at least one very brief encounter with a past Prime; they might be right next to/replacing his reflection in a piece of glass, he might see them standing opposite him at base only to vanish when another bot passes in front of them, or maybe he hears their voice telling him to duck in the middle of a battle.
Halfway through the season, Windblade shows up; still acting as an agent of Primus, her role in RBiD is still to help out the team, but now her primary mission is also to help Hot Rod establish a connection with the Primes. With her help, Hot Rod is finally able to have a full conversation with a still dead Optimus Prime, who reveals that he and the other past Primes have sensed an approaching darkness. He also reveals that Hot Rod was chosen to take up the mantle of Prime when the time is right – though Optimus fears they may not have the luxury of time.
As for the Decepticons... It is very strange that virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE is partially (if not mostly) animal-like, while there are (to my memory) ZERO animal-like Autobots. That's sending a weird message. So! Some of the Decepticons will have slight redesigns to be just normal humanoid robots, though exceptions can be made for ones with bestial alt-modes or when their animal-like features have a clear translation into their alt-mode, like Thunderhoof's antlers. Steeljaw is supposed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but since it's kinda strange that a half wolf man turns into an SUV I've decided to just make him a beastformer that turns into a wolf.
Also! Some of the prisoners aboard the ship should've been Autobots. And I don't just mean former Autobots, I mean Autobots that broke the rules but would still refuse to join the Decepticons.
At the end of the first season, when Megatronus breaks free, Optimus and the other Primes channel themselves through Hot Rod and temporarily transform him into Rodimus Prime. Shortly after Megatronus is defeated, however, he reverts back to a HEAVILY exhausted Hot Rod – another character (probably Windblade) points out that had he contained the raw power of the Primes in his body for too much longer, he might have died. The rest of the series, he's dedicated to honing himself, occasionally getting the odd power boost until the series finale, where he's finally able to become Rodimus Prime permanently.
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verishere · 3 months
Can you rant about your OCs please??? They seem very interesting and I want to learn more abt them :3
whoo this'l be fun. Technically pretty much every OC has their own individual post on @vermakesthings, but thats more focused on worldbuilding than on the OC's- things like their positions and stuff. I don't think I mentioned anything about any of their personalities on that blog ever.
I have like 13 OCs and while some aren't fully thought out I do have like 7 that I could ramble about and that would take fucking forever so for today wheelofnames.com and we get 3.
Won't talk about any of the extremely important stuff about the characters, like their limbos if they are Thrinnu or their arcs and stuff- thats all explained in their own post on @vermakesthings
first though I have two species for the worldbuilding project. One of them is just humans (called "Mornnu") and the other is Mennu.
Don't know what a Mennu looks like? Take a human, make their shoulders a bit slimmer and hips a bit wider on average, make their head a bit bigger, and cover them in very, very deep purple fur. Almost black fur. Now make their mouths like 1.5x as big as a humans and their eyes 1.25x as far apart. Thats a Mennu.
also incase you know nothing from my sideblog, Thrinnu are the creators and true rulers of the world, the Lyradonnus are the regent royal family they had while they were stuck in their limbos.
Aegir Thrinnu
Species: Mennu
Pronouns: he/him
Brother of: Freya, Nerquam, and Nirum.
No parents aside from perhaps the primordial void. No, thats not an exaggeration.
aro/ace and cisgender. Not that those words exist in world, this is a fantasy setting, but you get the point.
Very, very basic rundown of role: Master of the earth element, one of the four creators of the world, his domain is over the earth itself: he designed the mountains and the canyons, the landmasses and the caves. He maintains his control ofc and manages earthquakes and other necessary things.
He is also the most massive fucking troll to ever live, somehow outshining both Axel Lyradonnu and his sister, Freya Thrinnu, which is genuinely impressive. He isn't known as the most massive troll to ever live though, just a bit of a troll, as almost everything he does is anonymous. He does not get through a single day without annoying somebody, but they usually think he does something like once a month. From tying hair together, dying hair, and keptchup bottle replaced with hotsauce all the way to things like Eris' "to the fairest" golden apple from Greek Mythology. He did something like that except it was with a bueatiful (hand crafted) diamond, and thrown into a room of Lords of the Mark (if you ask what that is be prepared for politics) of the southern realms. Two people died there. Still no one knows who threw the damned thing.
Likes: trolling, singing, caves, rocks, trolling, spending time with his family, meeting new people, alcohol, playing with is nephew/niece, did I mention trolling people?
Dislikes: Dancing, flying, public appearances (he's a litereral king), speeches from him or anyone else, worship, and anyone thinking their position of power makes them entitled.
Averon & Unvurion Lilinu Lyradonnu Thrinnu
Siblings, children of Freya Thrinnu and Liam Lyradonnu.
Averon is transfem, Unvurion is transmasc.
these two are interesting. There is a method of revival in my world, but for thousands of years it was shut off. Averon died as an infant some 400 years into the Dark Ages. Unvurion was born about a year into the Second Blessed Years. Averon was revived from death two weeks later. So depending on who you ask, they are either 4500 years apart or two weeks apart.
These two are inseperable. There was exactly one documented case of them arguing after they turned 10, which was when they were coming out as trans: Unvurion was scared to and Averon thought he was being stupid. The only other disagreements they have had are solved civilly and within minutes. It did help that, especially due to who their parents are, they pretty much never had to share any thing outside of when their parents were intentionally teaching them to do so, so they never had anything to fight over.
They aren't really trolls at all, though they are known to be an unstoppable force of karma. Their family and friends they are nothing but kind to, little pranking, but heres an example of the opposite: a few lords of the mark were visiting the palace of the sun for a meeting with the Thrinnu. They were by this point only teenagers and were thus not present, though they did listen to the entire thing (with their parents approval). After the meeting, the dignitaries were leaving to their private guest quarters. They thought the teens were away at the time visiting extended family, though in truth the kids were hiding behind a pillar.
A plot was formed with all the entire services of the palace. The launderers were especially involved in this, though not alone. Everyone collectively agreed that these dignitaries needed to have as terrible a stay as physically possible.
Their clothes went unwashed- problem with the faucets, you see. Totally coincidental with their rooms not being kept, or at times kept wrongly; the roomkeepers- all of the ones for these dignitaries, that is- had all had a late night and thus were commonly making mistakes or forgetting things that day. You get the idea.
This continued for a whole day before they finally got to speak with the Thrinnu to complain. The Thrinnu brought people from all over the palace to a common area to ask what the fuck was happenning, and all of them simply collectively turned their heads to Averon and Unvurion.
The dignitaries had been saying things like "so rushed, it is as if they have no care for formality" and "she should never have married him" etc. about the Thrinnu. They were also commenting on how Averon and Unvurion's parents were supportive of them being transgender, specifically calling it unnatural.
The kids of course told their parents directly. The way they convinced all the staff to join in on this was infact that they swore to take the fall fully and fess up as if they soley were responsible. Not that they were punished, of course; this was actually celebrated, though they were told to simply tell the Thrinnu next time about what was said.
The Thrinnu ofc went to the next day's meeting with the dignitaries and adressed their concerns- by telling them to their faces the word for word qoutes that they had been saying, and promptly informing them all of their removal from office effective immediately.
Wonderful force of karma.
Liam Lilinu Lyradonnu Thrinnu
Parents: Nyra Lyradonnu and Dowan Lyradonnu
Axel Lyradonnu's is his sibling.
Bit of backstory: this world originally started as an Undertale fanfic. Years ago, I added an OC to a little fanfic in my head about Undertale.
Over time, the fanfic grew. I kept adding more worldbuilding. Eventually I threw in Doctor Who as well. From there changed it to more a fantasy setting, adding new characters and trimming old ones.
Liam is the literal only character that has survived all those revisions. He was the one I added in when it was an Undertale fanfic, and he was the only one that has not been cut out. He's my favorite OC. (if you know undertale, his role in the og fanfic was Frisk's brother, btw).
He is deeply intelligent and knowledgeable. During the Dark Ages he was actually the greatest loremaster the world had, without exception. Even during the Second Blessed Years he still knows a lot more about everyone than most people think, though he does try not to abuse this and he doesn't make it extremely obvious. He knows it all, but he's not a know it all. He is extremely smug when given even the slightest reason to be. He gets into fights a lot, mostly friendly duels though.
If you need to cheer him up, mention his wife, Freya. Assuming Second Blessed Years, anyways. He is even after literal centuries still head over heels with her (she is with him, but less obvious). He considers himself pretty much the luckiest man alive to have found her. Raising his children with her was the greatest joy he'd had since their marriage.
He is a Lilinu, of course, which automatically makes him a smith (the joke is that the forge runs in the blood; EVERYONE of that descent is a smith at least part time. The oldest of that house are the two greatest smiths in the world, so they probably aren't wrong). His first romantic gifts for Freya were forged by hand over the course of a week.
In this world, souls are an actual thing: people don't have brains. Their head is a house for the soul, a magical thing. As such, mental disorders don't map 1f1 with real world disorders. None of my characters suffer from any disorder in real life.
When Liam gets overstimulated and nervous, he will usually go quiet and tense, even over telepathic communication he is only capable of sending a vague sense of his emotions instead of words. A quiet place and not too many people (usually just one or two members of his direct family) is the best place for him to calm down. If it gets worse it may reach the point he passes out, in which case he will be out for ~15 hours on average. When he wakes up he will still be unwell for a while.
Likes: Singing, Dancing, partying, littererly anything with caffeine, spending time with family and friends, and smithing.
Dislikes: Alcohol, dealing with idiots, idiots having any kind of power, entitlement, worship, and any insults to his family. That last one is true of any character I've made, really, but it bears mentioning for Liam do to the extremeness of it. He will ruin your life if you say something about his family (or he would, except that his family doesn't want him to.)
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runabout-river · 8 months
Hi! I have a question, I hope I can explain myself: how would you describe Gojo on a moral level? I see the majority of the fandom (jjk in general, not just the shipping ones) considers him a good person, but I'd argue he's more on the grey side...and not a light grey. See, I can't really wrap my head around the way he blatantly ignores the fact the Suguru was completely fucked up, to the point that in chap 236 he wishes Suguru was with him before fighting Sukuna and imagining him (adult Suguro, the fucked up one) together with the same students he tried to kill in jjk0. How on earth? If I'm not mistaken Gojo never really says "yeah, Suguru was my friend but he used to be completely different, this is not the Suguru I used to be friends with". He never says Suguru was wrong. He just misses him, even though he was surrounded by people who liked him. At least Shoko clearly doesn't feel any affection towards Suguru. And let's not talk about the way he doesn't really seem concerned about the future of his students in chap 236. What do you think? Just to clarify: I do like Gojo. But I don't share the sentiment of the rest of the fandom: he's not a good person. I guess Nanami was right
I understand what you mean. Gojo is definitely gray in some aspects of his character, he sees himself as a god e.g. (which is also true to a degree) and he can't form good relationships with others because of it.
On a meta perspective, Gojo also occupies a character role that only villains have: the overpowered person who also likes being powerful and likes fighting. Normally, when a protagonist or otherwise good character is overpowered, they also end up as some sort of pacifist or their powers have significant drawbacks. This video essay discusses that aspect of Gojo's character.
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Between him and Geto, on one side, I see the current USamerican and Christian-inspired culture or zeitgeist, where bad people have to be condemned and shunned in any way possible play a little into Westerners being perplexed why Gojo doesn't condemn Geto at all.
Except he does condemn Geto, which is why he put his fingers up in front of KFC with the intention to kill him. Later in JJK0 he does exactly that. If there hadn't been any condemnation, Gojo wouldn't have done either of those things. He just doesn't express his condemnation verbally. His words are what he expresses his sorrows and regrets with.
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For chapter 236, look who he's surrounded by: Toge, Yuta and Maki, the students he wanted to kill in JJK 0. What Gojo says here and wanted to be true isn't Evil Geto to be magically an ally even though he's still wanting to kill monkeys. Maki and Yuta would definitely not be in the same panel otherwise.
Gojo is saying here, that he wanted Geto by his side while Geto still had the freedom to go another path in his life, just one where he didn't become a murderer and genocidal fascist. Like, Geto could still:
Be disappointed in his own moral code
Be disillusioned by the JJ society
Leave the school because he didn't see a point in staying
Try something else to help the sorcerers defeat curses
The only thing that should've been different in this fantasy, was that Geto didn't go on a killing spree and killed his parents on top. Geto shouldn't have become a monster like that and Gojo would've accepted any other changes or decisions from him. That's why Gojo imagines him in his monk outfit.
That Gojo apparently doesn't care much about his students... I didn't like that either but he simply has faith in them but he also had the same faith when he got boxed sooooo... I believe that he's going to come though.
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cosmica-galaxy · 5 months
Really weird AU idea i have.
I've been consuming a bunch of HFY + humans are space content on Reddit lately, specifically the humans bonding with their robot/AI creations to the point they became sentient. Also noticing the scrap ton of similarities Cybertron have with Earth's culture in TFA...and my mind just pop into a new AU idea, where humans already achieve FTL travel and now they're just going crazy with creating new things. And created cybertronians. (They weren't suppose to be sentient at first, but by the power of pack bonding they broke the codes and gain consciousness)...i ran out of ideas from here- but it call the 'Organic Creators' or 'Human Heritage' AU. Basically humans are cybertronians' creators.
Is this stupid? Yes.
Do i hate myself? Double yes
Am i gonna regret this later on? Triple yes.
Will i stop myself from sending this ask? No.
You know, I had a similar idea but in reverse.
Once upon a time I imagined an AU where humans were created to serve cybertronians in an alternate timeline where the Golden Age never ended and Cybertron flourished.
I imagined that humans were developed by Shockwave to be helpers and workers, and put to work on Cybertron doing most of the typical things that all humans can do. Mainly labor, transportation, and working 24/7 by utilizing shifts and such. Most of the dangerous work was still handled by Cybertronians. Though, humanity lacks autonomy. They can't speak/write/read, think critically, dream, and their wills are suppressed into a serving role to the Cybertronians. They usually follow orders directly from their overseers with no conscious. However...one human begins to get smart (either by universal consistences or by the will of nature itself) and starts to learn from the cybertronians, but pretends to be just as mindless as their dutiful humans. They blend in, but things start to happen around the place they serve in that Cybertronians can't necessarily explain and the smart human manages to evade suspicion for a long while, even while under the surveillance of Shockwave. I cleverly decided to call this idea the "Genuine Intelligence" AU. It was mostly inspired from how in one continuity, a younger Shockwave decided to impregnate some asteroids with experimental ores he made. One of these ores was dubbed "Ore 13" and was planted on an asteroid that eventually evolved into Earth. In fact, the ore was so catastrophic that whatever evolved there could've been LETHAL TO TRANSFORMERS. I quote the wiki:
"Ten thousand years ago, Shockwave arrived on the thirteenth world, prehistoric Earth, where the "Ore-13" brought by his rocket had successfully reacted with the local geology to the extent that the planet threatened to become so rich in Energon that its environment could become lethal to Transformers. Shockwave created global dampers that he then injected into the planetary crust to regulate the reaction, allowing the ore to safely develop into Ultra-Energon in the present day." Who's to say that Shockwave's experiments could've accidentally created humanity...or even created the unintentional progenitor of Cybertronians? I always had a hunch that humans and Cybertronians were mirrors of one another and that in some possible continuities, humans and cybertronians are SO similar...that they may even be related to one another. In essence to your AU, I like think that your idea isn't even that far-fetched in the Transformers lore nor in the realm of possibilities that could potentially happen in the transformer universe. It is odd that two species that evolved apart from one another with extremely different backgrounds would be so similar to each other. I would say there is a connection there...wouldn't you agree?
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imolelalade · 7 months
Nifemi Lore and Stuff
Nifemi is a character who I tried to put layers into, while basing some aspects of her personality on myself. But while not only is it hard trying to breakdown yourself down into a character, my brain is also too messy to form proper lore before jumping straight into trauma parts, which I hyperfixtated on at some point. Seeing as this is my first time actually posting proper stuff about her and most of you might be like ‘Who the hell is even Nifemi?’, I’m gonna post a small background and info-dump on her lore a bit. (I also just need some type of  outlet for all of this, it’s one am I want to sleep, she takes up my every waking thought)
Backstory and Personality Study
Nifemi hails from Earth 1960, and she was born in South Africa, though being raised in her spiderman city, Laghattan, New Lagos City, Nigeria (A mashup of Lagos and New York), where she lived  and grew up. 
She and her sister, Bolatito, were both orphaned at about 4 and 2 years old respectively, when their parents died in a plane crash, and moved in with their Uncle Benedict ‘Ben’ Parker and Aunt Mayowa ‘May’ Parker. 
They owned a small family based resturant that brought in most of the family’s income and simultaneously ignited Nifemi’s love for cooking.
At 13 on a field trip to Oscorp Industries, she got lost from her class and got bitten by a radioactive spider and after her Uncle Ben’s death, took up the mantle of spiderwoman, or as she and her city call her, Anansi.
About a year of being Anasi later, Nifemi’s sister, Bolatito finds out about her identity and claims the role of ‘the gal in the chair, making gadgets, walkie talkies the whole thing.
When Nifemi was about 15, she met Miles 1960 (her Earth’s variant of Miles Morales) who she developed a strong friendship with as they bonded over their love for art and stuff. (Big sis, Little bro relationship)
Nifemi soon introduces Bolatito to Miles, the three of them becoming a trio with Miles and Bolatito becoming a couple at some point (Techflower)
Timeskip, blah, blah, blah, Nifemi meets Hobie at uni, develops a crush on him and him vice-versa and they both also end up together (I’ll explain the timeline more in depth later, I’m too lazy and tired to do that right now)
Throughout her journey as Anansi, Nifemi’s canon events of losing her loved ones had a lasting impact on her personal self, both as Anansi and as her civilian self.
Nifemi and her Uncle Ben were extremely close, she growing to even see him as a sort of father figure as she barely had any memories of her real parents, which is why his death as her canon event, (though she didn’t know what canon events were at the time) had such a lasting impact on her, making her unknowingly more emotionally closed off than she would have been as a normal teenager. Her already naturally shy and introverted personality also didn’t help matters to an extent.
Due to this, even though she eventually opened up as she grew older and met HB 1960 (her earth’s variant of Hobie Brown), her second ‘loss of a loved one’ canon event of losing him (since he’s kind of her Gwen Stacy, love intrest thing), completely shattered her and set her down a dark slope of her being afraid getting close or forming any sort of relationship with people, as now 2 of her greatest love ones are dead because, in her mind, her.
As a person Nifemi is a laid back person to an extent, just moving with life but still trying to be successful. She tries to have an easy-going attitude with life but might appear to be closed off and moody to others at times. She honestly doesn’t try or mean to seem that way but has problems socializing or even opening up with people. Despite her attitude however, she does have a pretty steady friendgroup and realistic approach with life, keeping the few friends and loved ones she has close, which is why the loss of them usually has a bigger and lasting impact on her.
Nifemi sees her identity of being Anansi to be seperate yet at the same time the same with her civilain life, constantly mking connections yet still try to keep them from overlapping with each other. While, yes, she follows her Uncle Ben’s advice of “With great power comes great responsibility” and the added mindset of “If I don’t do it, who will?”, at the same time she still wonders if she should just stop trying. The fact that her city, still has their doubts about her, despite her constantly saving them, still seeing her as a demon, due to her powers and their superstitions, also doesn’t help matters and keeps the thoughts coming.
However despite all of this, Nifemi still keeps trying and persevering, using her friends and famiy as a sort of motivation to keep going, in a sense her motto kind of being, “Even if you don’t want to, do it for them”
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canonicallyanxious · 2 years
some assorted gay chicken show thoughts:
(i put a cut bc this got so stupid long i'm so sorry lol)
i think Earth has a really tough task with this role but imo he is totally nailing the restrained longing of it all and the undercurrent of wistful regret for lost opportunities in everything he says and does. the way he's not necessarily unhappy with his lot in life but doesn't think there's any value in it or what he provides for his community. the way he's resigned himself to loneliness but still can't help but want something more in a part deep inside of him (the shot of him looking at the moon in ep 1... I Am Thinking). i think it's really easy to see how bold and open Wen is with his feelings and be swept up in that bc the way Jim expresses his attraction is a lot more subtle but I think Earth does an amazing job of conveying that longing through the tiny shifts in his microexpressions, the way he looks at Wen when he thinks no one is looking (it KILLS me his expression when he sees how gentle and kind Wen is to his cat), the way he orients himself around Wen without thinking - it seems like he always has to consciously pull himself away in scenes like when he's dropping Wen off at the main street or at the end of ep 2 when Wen almost kisses him and i like the way Earth carries himself in scenes like that, he makes it easy to buy into
i really like the more meandering conversations that establish characterization and relationship dynamics. one example that comes to mind is when Jim and Wen are talking about the DVD. Full disclosure I'm not familiar with the movie referenced but judging from the title and the cover and the way Jim described it as "classic" I'm guessing it's some sort of romance. But then, "i haven't watched it in a long time. The disc is probably damaged." and then, when Wen says he can stream it if he wants, he says "that's okay, i don't want to watch it anymore." i like the way this dialogue hints at his history with love and ideals. "I don't want to watch it anymore", implying that he did at some point in his life want to watch it. The disc is probably damaged, but he can't bring himself to check to be sure. it's better to leave it alone and in the past. but in the past it was something he wanted to watch, an ideal he wanted to believe in; what changed? (who hurt u uncle jim i just want 2 talk)
the contrast between day and night life in this show ugh ugh ugh. the intimacy and vibrancy of the night, but also how lonely it sometimes can be; how harsh and uninviting the reality of daytime can be, but also how chatty and bustling. it's getting late and i'm sure way smarter people have already said much smarter things about it but just know this is a theme that always gets me and it is getting me now so fuckin hard.
and again i'm sure much more intelligent things have already been said about the relationship between Jim and Li Ming but I am fr LOVING it so far, not least of all because it reminds me so viscerally of my own teenage relationship with my parental figures skdjfnskdjfnskdjf but also the conflict between them just feels so well drawn and realistic, the way Jim is just trying to do what's best for Li Ming but doesn't know how to show that, the way Li Ming lashes out when at the end of the day all he really wants is for Uncle Jim to understand his point of view. it's some good shit u know
i do think imagining this whole situation from Li Ming's perspective is incredibly funny. like imagine it's one in the morning and you are in your room just minding your own business when a completely wasted man you've never met before wanders into your room, doesn't say a single word to you, and then when your emotionally distant uncle ushers him out he doesn't say anything to explain either he's just like "k sorry bye" and yeets himself out of there to go have shockingly tender sex with a man whose name neither of you know. and then like a month later you come into work only to find said drunk man is now your COWORKER at your UNCLE'S RESTAURANT. Li Ming doesn't get paid enough to deal with this shit. Uncle Jim wants us to think he has his life together so bad but he's just as messy of a bitch as anyone else on this show bless his heart
i'm really into the progression of the last part of ep 2, the subtle shift of the power dynamic, the way Wen so casually paying off the couple flows into Jim watching him work and understanding that they come from vastly different worlds flows into Jim telling Wen he's not fit to be anyone's home. and yet he still wants this closeness, as much as he tries to deny it; he made the choice to buy the second beer at the convenience store, he made the choice to offer it to Wen, he made the choice to let Wen rest on his shoulder if only for a little while. unstoppable force (Jim's yearning for closeness borne from a very deep loneliness) v immovable object (his abysmally low esteem of himself and his life)
as well i'm a huge hoe for glass metaphors so you know when Jim let himself want closeness with Wen by buying the beer only to come back and see him behind the window (like yes there is jealousy in that scene of the man Wen was talking to but there's also a distinct sense of never actually being able to reach Wen in his world; the reality is he stands behind the glass) a bitch was completely weak for it. it's me i'm bitch
obviously i love everything about the conversation at the end of ep 2 (a bitch is weak for a person as a home!!!) but something that especially interests me about it is what it tells us about Wen's relationship with Alan and the way he feels when he comes back to their apartment. i'm gonna be honest at this point i'm very confused about what's up with that whole clusterfuck lol but the implication that the place he lives in doesn't make him feel any of the things he described that he wanted from a home... home where someone waits for me, home where all my tiredness is gone and i have peace of mind, home that's more than just a place to sleep... how much he yearns for it that he's willing to pursue it with a man he only recently met... it paints a picture of a very lonely person and it does make me feel for him (even if I think it's really bizarre how completely casual he's being about cheating on his presumably long term partner not just with himself but with his friend who clearly knows the both of them skdjfnsdbfskdjfnsdjkfsn)
what i like most about this show so far is how at the core of it everyone just wants someone to see them and understand them. this, the aching loneliness everyone feels but in such different ways, is the driving force behind so much of the conflict and the drama and the interactions between characters. tonally it's exactly my kind of shit, i'm really looking forward to seeing how it builds as the story continues
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Remaking X-Men: Evolution (Season 2)
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(Note: If this looks familiar, that's because this is a reupload. I've rewritten all 4 seasons, plus my own original season. Make sure to check them out!)
Hey, guys! In case you missed it, I’ve remade the entire “X-Men: Evolution” series, as well as altering the roster. Here’s my synopsis for season 2:
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Growing Pains--Adds Shadowcat, Rictor, and Somnus to the New Mutants (with the OG cast), as well as Forge formally joining them. This is to help him train–much to his chagrin, as he worries being in different teams could make him seem inferior to Storm and create a rift between them. In this version, Storm manipulates the winds to put the truck back on the bridge. While somewhat subtle, she laments that she shouldn’t be using her powers in the open, despite Kurt and Bobby’s praise. With Kitty joining the NM, she and Lance hit it off upon meeting before realizing who the other person is. Destiny is staying at the Brotherhood’s mansion following Mystique’s dissappearence, and Daken joins to make sure Magneto’s will is carried out. Destiny is late to warn the X-Men of Avlanche, Toad, and Quicksilver interrupting the soccer match. She sends Psylocke, Daken, and Gambit to reign them in, with Psylocke and Jean helping Professor X erasing everyone’s minds.
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2. Power Surge--Plays out in a relatively similar fashion. Forge takes Storm to Duncan’s party for a date, while Iceman and Prodigy go stag, though Prodigy finds the knowledge he’s absorbing to be overwhelming, and realizes that Jean is experiencing something similar. While at the party, Risty notices Graydon and becomes fast friends with him, without Rogue and Graydon’s knowledge that she’s friends with both of them. During the power surge when Rogue absorbs some of Jean’s power, Rogue finds that some of the telekinesis lingers inside of her, allowing her to fly. In this episode, she also is able to let her (romantic) feelings for Scott go.
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3. Bada-Bing Bada-Boom--Kind of a hard one. Calling it instead Magikal Girl, I imagine Magik making her debut in this episode, joining the X-Men in hopes of finding her brother. I feel like adding her removes reason to have Boom-Boom. The episode would instead flashback to her escaping Magneto after he kidnaps as a child, falling into another dimension where she learned to control her abilities, coming back to Earth a decade older. Certain details from the comics are omitted since they may be complicated or not affect the overall story, but it explains her friendship with Shadowcat and Storm. It’s revealed at the end that she feels as though someone is watching her, later revealed to be Magneto. The new mutants also get some screentime; briefly it’s seen that Daken and Somnus go on a date, as they don’t know who the other is (which ends in a kiss that’s implied to make them feel as though they’ve dated for years, making Daken feel overwhelmed and break off the relationship off-screen). At this point, Kitty leaves the New Mutants to be with Lance.
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4. Fun and Games--Essentially plays out the same, except Risty brings Graydon instead of Weber, and Risty’s reveal as Mystique does not occur (I’d rather leave that for “Self Possessed”). Graydon attempts to expose the mutants, but Jean and Scott return in time for Jean to prevent it.
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5. The Beast of Bayville--Puts Bobby in Evan’s role, and makes Mr. Sinister the main antagonist. Posing as a substitute science teacher, he manipulates Beast by pretending he can cure him, taking Beast’s hope and making him interested in mutants in a cruel and sadistic manner. He ends up looking physically normal (at least temporarily) due to experimentation, and continues to be a teacher at BH, albeit much more disturbed.
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6. Adrift--Mostly the same, but the circumstances have Alex and Scott visiting Alex’s adoptive family rather than just Scott going out to visit Alex in Hawaii.
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7. On Angel’s Wings--Has both small and major changes. Kurt good-naturely tries to kiss Storm instead of Kitty under the mistletoe, only for them to actually kiss and Forge and Storm have a brief argument. Rogue flirts with Scott in an equally light-hearted manner, as absorbing Jean and Gambit have helped her become a bit more comfortable with herself. In this version, Angel is a teenager, mainly because in my version of this episode, Magneto brings Psylocke with him in order to catch Angel, hinting at a romantic pairing between the two. The team in this episode consists of Magik, Rogue, and Scott (figuring everyone else has somewhere else to go on Christmas).
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8. African Storm--Making an obvious change; replace Hungan with the Shadow King. He would possess her and wreak havoc in New York, and we’d have flashbacks into Storm’s life as an orphan, thief, goddess, and her initial days as an X-Man. Rogue uses her abilities to lure the Shadow King out while Professor X and Jean engage in a psychic battle to save her. It is revealed here that Storm has feelings for Nightcrawler, and when Forge confronts her about it, he breaks off the relationship before she could declare her loyalty as his girlfriend.
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9. Joyride--Has Lance notice how much Kitty misses the X-Men and how he’s tired of being annoyed and/or afraid of other members of the Brotherhood. He encourages Kitty to rejoin the X-Men, and she coaxes him into joining her as well so they can be together. While Alex wants to give Lance the benefit of the doubt, Cyclops criticizes him and accuses him of bad judgement given his same sympathy for Magneto on Asteroid M. The troublesome New Mutant members in this episode include Somnus (who puts everyone to sleep) and Forge. It’s revealed the NM are trying to help cheer Forge up following his breakup, and when everything is cleared up, Cyclops apologizes to Avalanche, and he stays. To everyone’s surprise, Gambit appears at the mansion to join the X-Men as well.
Mindbender-–moved to season 3 to keep the season focused on Apocalypse rather than stretched out in seasons 2-4.
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10. Shadow Dance--While Kurt tries to express his feelings for Storm, she encourages him to romance his other crush, Amanda. After Kurt’s traumatizing teleportation experience, Forge decides to study Magik’s teleportation abilities. In this case, demons pour out from Magik’s portals. Storm and Forge have a bittersweet but cathartic talk about their break-up, and Rogue and Gambit go to the dance together (Daken and Psylocke don’t bother crashing the dance like the rest of the Brotherhood). Destiny tries to reach out to Rogue and give Kurt a message from Mystique (as it’d be too suspicious coming from Risty), but both rebuff her due to Rogue knowing about her allegiance.
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11. Retreat-–Capturing Rictor and intending to make him his new victim, Beast (or Dark Beast) is discovered by hunters, and it’s up to the New Mutants to save both of them. During the skirmish, Beast is rendered unconscious and the Professor begins working on repairing his mind, letting him join the X-Men. While Mister Sinister gains Rictor’s DNA, he becomes fascinated by two mutants in particular…
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12. Walk on the Wild Side--Focuses on Scott’s hero complex instead of him acting like an OOC sexist jerk, and talking with Alex and Kurt to help overcome it. The Sirens (being made of Magik, Jean, Magma, Rogue, and a listless Psylocke) form out of a girls’ night that becomes an exciting crime-fighting event (that Psylocke happened to be present for). Eventually they disband when Daken taunts Psylocke and makes her think they don’t really like her. Before Mystique intervenes, Sinister manages to gain a sample of Jean’s DNA while posing as an officer. This also offers a brief appearence of Banshee.
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13. Operation Rebirth--Essentially plays out the same, albeit involving Prodigy, Daken and Magik on the mission, with Magneto giving hints about Polaris. It’d also be nice to dive into not just Magneto’s past, but also his present goals and his family life. Along with this, some of Daken’s past and anger is explained.
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14. The HeX Factor--Here we would dive more into Pietro’s feelings about his father and sister, along with Magik and Storm helping to even the playing field against Wanda. When the X-Men are about to be killed, Lance shows up and agrees to rejoin the Brotherhood, helping to convince them not to kill the X-Men. The end of the episode has Magneto talking to Polaris about how he wants Wanda to be just like her, as Polaris is the older sister here.
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15. Day of Reckoning (part 1)--Offers a fight with a recovered Beast, Storm, and Prodigy against Psylocke and Daken in the sewers where the X-Men are almost overwhelmed during their search for Wolverine. Daken and Psylocke begin to act independently of the Brotherhood since they sense Mystique making a power play, thus not joining the team-up between them and the X-Men. Destiny attempts again to reach out to Rogue, but fears she is only half-listening about her claims of Rogue’s possible self-destruction. Professor X leaves not only Scott behind, but Havok and Prodigy as well, and Amara escapes with Kitty’s help. Professor X asks Somnus to put Scott to sleep to “help relieve his stress.”
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16. Day of Reckoning (part 2)--Has Polaris ambush the team (instead of Gambit), while Pyro and Iceman go toe-to-toe before Storm assists. Psylocke is seen with Magneto while Daken attempts to locate Wolverine to kill him. Kitty returns to the mansion to help save the other students. Gambit and Rogue have a brief romantic moment resulting in a kiss where they tag-team the Acolytes with Gambit’s powers. Magik finds Colossus and while she attempts to speak to him, he realizes Magneto has been watching her and ignores her pleas, instead fighting other X-Men. While Havok becomes flustered by Polaris, she attempts to defeat Wanda, who incapacitates her in a rage. Because of this, Polaris doesn’t get in the travel sphere. The sentinels capture Rogue, Iceman, Gambit, Polaris, and Beast. After knocking Quicksilver unconscious, Scarlet Witch attacks Psylocke and sends her into a coma, allowing the sentinels to capture her. Upon finding Wolverine, Daken is seemingly killed, but is actually rescued by Mr. Sinister, who also kidnaps Lorna and Colossus. Upon returning to the X-Mansion, they find the students unharmed thanks to Kitty. After hearing Somnus’ explanation, looking at the video tapes, and Prodigy confirming his suspicions, Cyclops realizes that Mystique has been pretending to be Professor X, and now things are about to get “much worse.”
Lemme know what you think! Be sure to tell me what your favorite episode(s) is!
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 3
Episode 10: Space Invaders Part 1
~In the Man Cave~
Swellview was known for a lot of things: a terrible police force, some awesome superheroes and more supervillains than the mayor knew what to do with. But one thing that was not common knowledge was that it had a rather talented astronaut currently circling the Earth high above the city's tallest skyscrapers.
Well, it was widely known now because of the "tragedy". Jim Dickie, the hotshot astronaut and his buddy, Neil, had been taken hostage on their space station and since the Earth's upper atmosphere fell out of the Swellview cops' jurisdiction, Captain Man had taken it upon himself to bring back his town's hero. And Miss Danger was just as patriotic, just less thrilled about how they were gonna be getting there.
"What kind of maniac holds two astronauts captive?" (y/n) asked her boyfriend as they jogged down from the sprocket. They needed to use the supercomputer and even if it meant they had to roll out of each other's arms and exit the comfort of their bedroom, they were gonna make contact with Henry.
"I don't know, but we need to get Henry here and fast," Ray replied and strolled up to the holo-caller, his large fingers immediately punching in the digits he needed for his sidekick's whiz watch. They couldn't go into space Kid Danger-less and no matter what he was doing, he had to drop it and get to the Man Cave ASAP.
"Ray!" Henry's little floating figure appeared in front of them after a few seconds of waiting. The boy hated that he had to lie to his family every time he had to take a call, but duty calls.
"Henry! There's an emergency in spac--are you wearing a Fred Lobster shirt?" The pressing task at hand was swiftly out of the window for Ray as he took notice of the odd choice of shirt Henry was wearing. It was weird to wear something that promoted a seafood restaurant, but he rocked it anyway because it was for Piper and some dumb commercial she had landed a role in.
"Uh, yeah." Henry smiled, looking down briefly to catch a glimpse of the lobster mascot smiling back at him.
"Why?" (y/n) questioned, unable to help her curiosity at Henry's fashion lapse. She knew Jim and Neil were in danger or whatever, but the longer they took, the more time she had before literally rocketing off-world. Plus, it also gave Ray a little more time to slide his hand into the back pocket of her jeans, a move that she'd chastise him for later, but deep down, she secretly loved.
"'Cause, my sister's in a Fred Lobster commercial, so I bought this shirt, but--" The kid started to explain, but then Ray's sense of urgency crept up on him and forced the superhero to butt in. 
"All right, look. There's no time to talk about your shirt!" He snapped, making Henry frown. Geez, he was in a crabby mood, no seafood pun intended. 
"But--But (y/n) asked me." He stuttered, baffled at how Ray could go from fascinated to bossy in point two seconds, especially since he had his girlfriend next to him. She usually mellowed him out.
"We have an emergency! Guess where we're goin'?" Ray smirked at his sidekick through the hologram and (y/n) gulped at the idea. She wasn't a baby and she'd been on crazy flights before, but outer space seemed so daunting. How did the mousy college student turn into a crime-fighting, space-visiting superhero?
"To space?" Henry gasped, the thrilled smile growing on his face by the second. This was huge, space was, like, the dream destination for any kid who loved adventure and adrenaline as he did. If he could brag about this, he so would. Henry Hart, the boy in space, now that had a good ring to it.
"Not just space, Hen. Outer space, like you know, space that's outer." (y/n) giggled nervously, trying to be braver than she felt. 'Just breathe, Ray will be with you.' She breathed to herself and tried to remember that this wasn't a suicide mission or anything. They were coming back...hopefully.
"Wait, how are we gonna get to outer space?--" Henry asked, but once again, Ray "I can't focus for more than two minutes" Manchester was off on a tangent. 
"Y'know, (y/n) and I were in a Fred Lobster last week, and they told me they didn't have those shirts anymore," Ray mentioned, making the young woman next to him groan. It was true; they did go to Fred Lobster last week, for an actual date that didn't involve Drill Finger and psychotic teenagers. It was a lovely evening, just the two of them and it was all going smoothly until Ray asked for the bill and...he started an argument about lobster t-shirts. Typical Manchester move.
"Not this again..." She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. It was just a damn shirt and yes, he would look super hot wearing one and yes, the seams would probably pop as they tried to stretch over his biceps, but was it worth more bickering? No.
"Uh, yeah. I had to order this one online--" Henry just couldn't catch a break today. Another interruption from Ray meant his sentence was cut off again and he was starting to get cheesed off. 
"Oh, so, you really wanna talk about lobster shirts while astronauts are in danger?" Ray scoffed, trying to build up an argument, but his pettiness outshone anything he was trying to say. He was in a really grouchy mood, probably because he had to stop cuddling his sweet girl earlier than he would've liked.
"You really wanna talk to me with your hand on your girlfriend's butt?" Henry bit back, causing his boss to pull his hand out of (y/n)'s back pocket like he'd been burnt. It was a good comeback and the blush that covered Ray's cheeks made (y/n)'s embarrassment worth it. 
"Henry Prudence Hart! You little...just get to the Man Cave!" (y/n) squealed, feeling all flustered since she hadn't known the kid could see. If she had known, the hand squeezing her ass would've been given a sharp smack straight away.
"How do you know my middle name?" It was Henry's turn to blush. His second name was a sore point for him and it killed him that (y/n) had sneakily discovered it behind his back. She'd have to thank Charlotte later.
"Fast!" The young woman replied curtly, pointing a stern finger at the boy who thought he had the upper hand. It was never a good idea to try and outwit her.
"Okay, I'm on my way." Henry sighed and snapped his watch shut. He got the feeling that he'd been beaten, even if it was amusing to see Ray lightly fan his still scarlet cheeks. He never cared if Schwoz saw him like that, the little guy normally just scuttled off when he was making a move on his girl, but in his mind, Henry was still the cute little kid from two years ago. He was so innocent and cute, even though he was on the verge of becoming an adult.
"Y'see? That's why you don't put your hand on my ass when other people are around!" (y/n) scolded her boyfriend as soon as the pixelated Henry disappeared from the computer. Here came the chastisement, not that Ray was scared, she was so cute when her nose screwed up in anger.
"But I love your sweet, little heinie." He smirked and brought his hand back down and around her waist so it could slide to her butt. The blush rose from her neck and the words died in her throat, making him chuckle in amusement. There was that little nose wrinkle he adored.
"Yeah, well, Henry and Charlotte will be here soon, so it better be gone by the time they get here!" She told him, her voice wobbling slightly as he rotated his body so he was facing her completely and then another large palm came to rest on the other cheek. 
"We've got, like, twenty minutes and we got outta bed way too early." He mumbled, leaning down to capture her lips with his. Maybe his mood would perk up a bit after this.
Well, the peace didn't last long. Charlotte was speedier than usual, meaning the couple had mere moments to catch their breaths and shrug their scattered clothing back on. Still, it would do for them and at least Ray had stopped his pouting.
"Happy now?" (y/n) giggled and wiped her sticky forehead with the back of her hand. He was insatiable, not that she was complaining because this was what she'd been dreaming about for eight years. Giggly, midday sex with the hottest man she'd ever met.
"Very, sweet girl." Ray breathed out and pressed a kiss to her forehead after he'd zipped up his hoodie again. Their clothes were a little rumpled, but with a bit of luck, no one would be able to suspect a thing, not when they were hunting for an insufferable little rat known as Schwoz. Yep, Schwoz.
The guy was key for Ray's big plans for getting into outer space because he owned a rocket. Yeah, a rocket; some technical wizardry that would send the three superheroes into outer space and get them to where they needed to be. There were a few wrinkles that needed to be ironed out, mainly that the shuttle had enough space for two people (a small hiccup, easily rectified) and that Schwoz wouldn't give Ray the damn key.
Okay, it wasn't called "Schwoz's rocket" or "Schwoz's spaceship", it was known as "the love shuttle" because its sole purpose was to take Schwoz and his future bride-to-be off on a jolly honeymoon in space. Not that there would ever be a Mrs Schwartz, Schwoz could never get a girl to. look at him twice and him withholding the key was driving Ray insane. 
"Schwoz...I can see you." Ray called out to his handyman as he and (y/n) crept down the sprocket stairs. The little man had caught wind of Ray's plan to use his honeymoon transportation and rather than give it up, he'd swallowed the key and had found refuge of the roof, which seemed like a safe place, but there was one small problem. Ray had a blaster and Schwoz had no cover.
"Go away!" Schwoz hissed and stuck his tongue out at the couple, who weren't fooling him with their glowing faces and rumpled sweaters. They got to have their fun, why did he have to give up his planned fun? The astronauts could save themselves. Deciding that he was being selfish, Ray took a shot at Schwoz, but his notoriety for being a terrible marksman meant he missed by a mile and a load of debris came falling from a new hole in the ceiling. 
"Hahaha! You missed me!" Schwoz giggled as (y/n) gave Ray a pointed look. He knew that he couldn't hit a target to save his life, so why was he the one doing the shooting?
"How did he get up there?" Charlotte pondered, staring at the man in confusion. It was a valid question, the walls were sheer, smooth stone, so it was a wonder how Schwoz had managed to shimmy his way to the top.
"He's like a goddamn ape." (y/n) shrugged and followed behind her boyfriend as they moved into a better firing position. They needed to get Schwoz down, even if it meant blasting him in the ass.
"Come on, Schwoz, you're gonna have to come down from there eventually." Ray pointed out, knowing that the roof didn't have any food or water, which meant that Schwoz's chosen safety spot was a poor one.
"Leave me alone!" The man cried out, hugging a support beam in fear as he braced himself for another round of lasers coming his way. 
"Come on, Schwoz! I need it!" Ray shouted desperately and fired his blaster again, causing more rocks to fall to the Man Cave floor. How they were gonna patch these holes was anyone's guess.
"No! I'm saving it for marriage! You marry (y/n) and you get your own!" Schwoz replied indignantly, making the couple below him freeze up. Marriage was something they had lightly touched upon in their late-night confessions, but it was still a foreign idea to them. They'd spent so long dreaming of mutual love that the thought of a white dress and vows made butterflies flutter in their tummies, but they weren't totally against it. Husband and wife sounded quite nice, it was just a tad premature.
"Hey!" Henry greeted his friends as his tube came down and he landed in the "Mad Cave". Schwoz was on the ceiling, Ray was firing a gun at him, Charlotte and (y/n) were watching, there was dirt on (y/n)'s meticulously clean floors, yep, everyone had gone crazy.
"Hi, Henry." Schwoz smiled down at the young boy, a new perspective for one who was usually so small. Normally, he'd be looking up at the lanky teen, but it was Henry's turn to crane his neck.
"Whoa! Why is Schwoz on the--" Henry gasped, both at Schwoz's remarkable acrobatic feat and the laser that Ray fired at him, which missed and sent more rock chunks to the boy's feet. 
"Ha! Missed me! Missed me! You are very stupid!" Schwoz jeered at Ray, who'd had just about enough of the repairman's lip. If he wanted to get mean, he'd return the favour tenfold.
"Those are not the lyrics!" The superhero growled, shooting Schwoz with slightly more concentration this time. Schwoz whimpered as he felt a burning sensation in his foot, but he clung to the roof even harder, sacrificing his shoe for the sake of his love shuttle.
"Okay, what is going on?" Henry asked, his brain spinning from everything he'd witnessed in the twenty seconds he'd been at work.
"Schwoz won't give Ray the launch key to his little rocket ship," Charlotte explained, blowing her friend's mind. 
"Why won't he-Schwoz has a rocket ship?!" He exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the notion of knowing someone who could fly out on a jaunty space trip whenever he wanted. Now that was cool.
"It's called the Love Shuttle!" Schwoz squealed, happy to brag about his invention, but not share it. He didn't want people to roam around his future love nest, that would be weird.
"Why did Schwoz build a love shuttle?" Henry asked, looking at the couple in front of him. He didn't even want to know why their previously smooth outfits were now full of wrinkles and preferred to just look straight past it.
"For his honeymoon." Ray answered, his tone of voice basically saying "yeah, right like that's ever gonna happen". Girls weren't fond of Schwoz, which was sad, but true,
"Yeah, he says that when he gets married, which, let's face it, is only gonna happen with an insane amount of luck, he's going to have his honeymoon on the actual moon." (y/n) rolled her eyes and hugged herself to Ray's arm so she could inhale the smell of his cologne. All this space talk was making her stomach do somersaults. 
"Don't be ridiculous, Schwoz. You're never getting married!" Ray hissed, agreeing with his girlfriend that Schwoz had no chance of getting a girl to look at him, let alone promise herself to him for the rest of time. Although, the glare (y/n) gave her boyfriend suggested that if he kept creating new holes in the ceiling and scratches on her shiny floor from all the rocks, he wouldn't be getting married either.
"It could happen! There are women out there who'll take anybody! And you can't talk! It took you eight years to tell your girlfriend you loved her, so who's the real loser here?" Schwoz poked his tongue out at his boss and tried to fold his arms even though he needed them to stop himself from falling. 
"Give me that key!" Ray yelled, fed up with all the tormenting and before anyone could stop him, he unleashed a series of rapid firepower, but all he got was more mess and a burning sense of failure. Dammit, why couldn't he just shoot the little bastard?
"I think you might be overreacting," Henry told the panting man gently and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from lashing out again. They needed (y/n) cuddles, stat.
"Here, doofus, gimme that. You're never gonna hit him." (y/n) smirked at her boyfriend and took the weapon away from his hand before he could lose his temper again. They already had too much sweeping up to do, god forbid he caused anymore.
"You trying to say I'm a bad shot, sweet girl?" Ray asked the small woman, who gripped the large blaster with her small but deadly hands. Her experienced and dextrous fingers curled around the trigger as she looked to where Schwoz was hanging on and took aim.
"Yeah, I am. You're a shit shot." She deadpanned and slightly squinted her eyes as she honed in on her target. With Ray, Schwoz wasn't scared, but with Miss Danger doing the job, the instinct to scurry for cover reared its head.
"Wait, (y/n/n), no, no--" He cried out, trying to swing his way across the roof like a monkey, but even a moving target was no match for the woman and she blasted him, right on the ass. That would teach him to not mock her boyfriend.
"Ha! You shot his butt!" Henry laughed as Schwoz groaned on the floor. Ray couldn't help but admit defeat and he gave his girl a sweet victory kiss for successfully getting the guy down. Maybe he was terrible with his aim, but if it ended with a kiss every time, (y/n) was down for it.
"Hey! Did you guys hear?! There's a hostage situation up in space!" Jasper's sudden appearance put an end to Ray's happy mood, which progressively soured as the overly-happy boy stepped out of the elevator. His slowness of hearing the breaking bulletin and getting to work irritated the superhero even more, but he kept his cool.
"We heard,"
"We're aware." Charlotte and Ray told him dully, not finding Jasper's exuberance as infectious as (y/n) or Henry did. 
"Well, did you know that one of the astronauts is from Swellview?" The curly-haired boy went on, not realising that everyone in the city had found out before him. He was behind the times, Ray had come up with an entire rescue plan in the time it had taken Jasper to walk to Junk-N-Stuff.
"Yeah, Jim Dickle. I used to have the biggest crush on him when I was in college...until I met Captain Man." (y/n) confessed, but quickly saved it at the end when she heard the low growl in Ray's chest. He did not know that and the thought of rescuing Dick-le was suddenly slightly more bitter for him.
"You went to college with Jim Dickle?" Charlotte looked at her friend in awe, also not knowing that she had actually met the famed astronaut and known him on a personal level, even if personal was far from the truth.
"Well, yeah. I did mechanical engineering and he did...physics and astronaut stuff, so we occasionally bumped into each other. He was older though and a bit of a prick." The young woman shrugged, wondering what she ever saw in that guy. Maybe it was his fascination for all things with cogs and wiring that echoed her own, but she was much happier with her grumpy superhero.
"Stupid Jim Dickle..." Ray mumbled under his breath but soon cheered up when his girl snuggled into his side and leaned her head against his chest. He was the one who got to share her life, no one else and that made him feel so special.
"Well, did you know I was born with eleven toes, but only nine on my feet?" Jasper asked them, knowing that it was something they definitely wouldn't know. Okay, Jasper was born a freak, no doubt about it.
"What he say?"
"He's a mutant." The four stunned, but also disturbed friends murmured, wondering how the hell Jasper was now walking around with ten normal toes. A miracle of modern science.
"Yeah, who's got news now?" Jasper hissed, glad that he'd rendered them speechless with something, even if it was the weirdest fact about himself. Just as Schwoz began groaning in pain (his butt was spectacularly sore), the computer began to beep, indicating that whilst there wasn't a full-blown emergency going down, there was something that needed Captain man's attention anyway.
"I'll check that," Charlotte told her boss and hurried over to the control panel so she could analyse the data. At least she was helpful.
"Hey, shouldn't you be up at Junk-N-Stuff, watching the store?" Ray suddenly asked Jasper, remembering that he paid the teen to guard his shop on his behalf. He'd be going bankrupt at this point and have enemies crawling all over the place.
"Well, I have to use the bathroom, but the one upstairs is broken," Jasper whined, trying to appeal to (y/n) and her sympathetic side as she reluctantly checked out Schwoz's injuries. It was difficult to remember sometimes that just because she was immune to wounds, it didn't mean others were. Even if Schwoz had been a pain in the ass.
"That's why we told you to use the one across the street at the gas station," Henry replied, getting. there before (y/n) could  with a kinder answer. Going down to the Man Cave was probably quicker, but the fewer times Ray had to be reminded that he'd employed the world's most annoying kid, the better.
"I'm no longer welcome at that gas station," Jasper mumbled, scuffing his shoe against the floor awkwardly. He left it open for Ray and (y/n) to think about why that might be and all sorts of weird and troubling things popped into their heads.
"Do we wanna know?" (y/n) asked as she flopped Schwoz's arm back to his side. She was certain he'd be fine, just whiny for a bit. And sore, very sore.
"Uh-oh. You guys, the space station is gonna be orbiting over Swellview in one hour." Charlotte announced once she had checked out the alarm and saw that their moment of opportunity was quickly drawing near.
"So?" Henry asked in confusion, him and (y/n) leaving Schwoz to moan in pain on the floor. They had more important things to focus on now.
"What does that mean?" Ray added, striding over to the computer so he could see what was happening for himself. 
"That if you guys don't head up there soon, you'll have to wait another twenty-four hours," Charlotte answered, making everyone realise that the space station was orbiting the Earth like the moon and they only had one shot to do this.
"If we don't make it, it could be too late by then." (y/n) panicked, suddenly feeling sick when the urgency mixed with her nervousness. It was safe to say that this was going to be the biggest moment of her superhero career, the most perilous certainly.
"Come on, we have to help those astronauts...at least the one from Swellview who (y/n) used to like." Henry sighed, knowing that it was their duty to help since no one else was. For all they knew, Jim and Neil could be being tortured and interrogated. The mentioning of (y/n)'s schoolgirl crush on the guy made Ray bite his lip harshly to stop himself from cursing his name. He knew that his relationship was exclusive, but other guys just made him prickle up.
"It was for like one year. He graduated and next thing I knew he was on the moon or whatever and I was gainfully employed by a hot superhero." She brushed off Henry's teasing and lovingly placed a kiss on Ray's cheek. Well, he wasn't grumpy now.
"C'mon, Schwoz. Give us the key to your Love Shuttle." Ray begged his battered and bruised friend, who had only just got to his feet. He was clutching his butt in pain and the handyman was still grouchy about being shot own from his hidey-hole.
"Wait, why doesn't NASA just send someone up there to help the astronauts?" Jasper suddenly jumped in with a reasonable question and Schwoz agreed. You'd think that a governmental agency like NASA would jump at the chance of bringing home two national heroes, but in reality, they weren't so keen.
"No can do. They just sent a supply rocket up two days ago and it's gonna take them six months to whip another one into shape." (y/n) shook her head, remembering Trent Overrunder saying something on the topic when she and Ray were watching the news in their bedroom,
"Well, can't we just borrow a rocket from China?" Henry asked, not realising that "China" and "rocket" shouldn't be said together in Ray's presence. Touchy subject.
"No! No! I'm not getting inside a Chinese rocket ever again!" Ray snapped moodily, making the boy drop the subject immediately. Looks like their only shot was the Love Shuttle and Schwoz still needed buttering up.
"Hey, come on, Schwoz. Let us use your Love Shuttle." Henry told the guy gently, seeing that a calm, soft approach was best. 
"Yeah. You're never gonna need it." Ray added in, still a strong believer in the fact that Schwoz would get married the day pigs started flying - never, not a chance in hell.
"I will! For when I get married!" The small man insisted, but his friends weren't so convinced. All his past romances had failed and merely getting a date was a mammoth task.
"Oh, to what, Schwoz? What's gonna marry you?" Ray exclaimed dramatically, thinking that Schowz could only score mutants freaks or blind alcoholics for lovers.
"Gerta, your robot girlfriend that you built specifically for yourself, even she left you. Surely, that tells you something." (y/n) sighed in exasperation, hating to see Schowz build himself up just to be knocked down. The truth hurt; Schwoz was never getting a girlfriend.
"Nooo...we...we're just taking a break." Schwoz shrugged, trying to make himself feel better, but deep down, he knew that his chances of seeing Gerta again were slim to none.
"Oh, come on!" Ray threw his hands up in the air. The guy was in denial and it was so frustrating to put up with. 
"She turned herself into a bird, Schwoz! Then she flew away!" Charlotte recalled and Ray imitated a bird flying away with his hands. Geez, that seemed like ages ago, back when Ray still thought he didn't deserve (y/n)'s love and she thought he would never look her way.
"Wait, when did that happen?" Jasper asked, flabbergasted at this new information. He had missed so much when he wasn't in the know with Henry's secret identity and everything was news to him.
"Last season," Henry answered aloofly to no one in particular.
"So you mean winter?" Jasper asked, confused with Henry's odd choice of language.
"Yeah, that's what he meant. Back when Ray was still my best friend." (y/n) smiled at her. boyfriend fondly, who pecked her hairline to show her that he regretted every second they spent together as just friends. He wished his younger self would've been braver, but things had worked out well enough and he was happy now.
"Look, buddy..." Ray stepped away from his girl momentarily so they could work the old charm on their little genius friend. 
"Dah, don't choke me!" Schwoz jumped at the sight of Ray's large hands stretching out towards his neck and the man held them up to his ears to show that he didn't mean to be threatening.
"Look, Schwoz, are you planning to marry someone in the next...ten hours?" (y/n) asked him, getting a rough estimation of how long they'd be gone in space. Ten hours: too many in her mind, but she'd die before they left without her.
"Well, I don't plan to, no." Schwoz shrugged, supposing that if it was for that meagre time, he might be tempted to let them borrow it just this once.
"Okay, so just lend us your Love Shuttle, and we'll bring it right back." Ray smiled, his hands patting Schwoz on the back in a friendly matter. Now, they just had to clinch the deal.
"And I'll bake you a batch of my oatmeal raisin cookies. The ones you love..." (y/n) told her friend in a sing-song voice and gave him a. sneaky smile. Bribery was always a good option.
"I do like your cookies. You promise to be careful with it?" Schwoz gave the grinning couple a stern smile and Henry decided that he should swear on their behalf. 
"We all promise." He said, walking over to Schwoz who took a second to mull over their oath. It was his precious ship and it had to be perfect for his future wife.
"And you two promise to not do grown-up things in it?" Schwoz lowered his voice to add in the final clause of the agreement, but everyone heard it, even Charlotte and she was on the other side of the Man Cave.
"Ew!" She and Henry groaned, their faces screwing up in disgust as Ray and (y/n)'s ears started to burn. Seriously? Did he have to say something so embarrassing?
"Schwoz! We're not animals!" (y/n) shrieked, hiding her face into Ray's shoulder so she wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. Like they would do it in Schwoz's weird love nest spaceship whilst on a life or death mission. Geez, they weren't that desperate.
"Well, never say never." Ray joked, laughing when the young woman gave him a furious look and Schwoz stamped his foot in anger. He didn't want to give his rocket to some jokers and Henry and Charlotte didn't want to hear this conversation. Adult things, ew.
"Schwoz, just give us the damn launch key!" (y/n) snapped at the handyman, who was enjoying her discomfort way too much.
"Okay...hold out your hand." Schwoz sighed, giving in to their demands. Doing as he had instructed, Ray stretched out his hand to receive the key, thinking that like any normal person, Schwoz would have the key in his pocket or on a chain, but no. The little weirdo had swallowed the key and began to gag and gargle to get it from his stomach.
"Oh my god..." Charlotte wretched, feeling like she was gonna puke if she even dared to peek through her fingers.
"I can't watch this...but I can't look away." Henry was feeling the same, but at the same time, he had a morbid fascination with seeing Schwoz regurgitate the key like an emperor penguin. He really was a freak of nature.
"What are you doing?" Ray asked the smaller man, not realising that it was a huge mistake to volunteer to be the recipient of the key.
"Are you sure you want to hold your hand out?" (y/n) whispered to him, but it was too late. The key erupted from Schwoz's mouth and landed in Ray's palm as a slobbery, bile-covered mess. 
"It's wet!" The teens cried as (y/n) swiftly stepped back from her boyfriend. She loved him, but not when he had half of Schwoz's stomach contents in his hand. 
"That's the launch key." Schwoz panted, feeling both queasy and exhausted from the strain he had put on his digestive system. He'd puked once, now he wanted to puke again.
"All right, Jasper. Looks like Captain Man needs your help." Ray told the aforementioned boy in his hero's voice, knowing that it would trigger his need to please his idol no matter what was asked of him.
"Sure! Anything! What do you need?" Jasper rushed past Henry, (y/n) and Charlotte to enthusiastically bounce in front of Ray, who took advantage of his generous nature by wiping the icky launch key on his shirt. 
"You're a good boy," Ray told Jasper, who quickly forgot about his filthy t-shirt when he heard Captain Man's praise, but (y/n) wasn't so impressed.
"And you're a bad man," She quipped back, shaking her head at Ray as he admired the now spotless key. No matter her sarcasm though, she couldn't get away from one thing, mission save the astronauts was about to lift off.
~In the Love Shuttle~
It was go time; Ray, Henry and (y/n) had taken their positions onboard Schwoz's craft, which was strangely decorated in a way that only Schwoz would think was intimate or romantic, and they were taking the final steps for launch. (y/n)'s heart was hammering inside her chest and she was praying Ray wouldn't feel it. Since Schwoz had built the rocket for two people, there were only two seats, so she had been forced to snuggle into Ray's lap, an experience that was both a blessing and a curse. His strong arms around her were comforting, but she didn't want him to sense her dread and send her home, that would be awful.
"Okay, guys, I'm now going to insert the key into the console," Ray told his sidekicks and reached around his girlfriend's hips so he could slot it into its hole.
"Uh, okay," Henry said cooly, feeling completely chill with the whole setup, even if he was probably the youngest person in Swellview to ever go into outer space. 
"I did it." Ray smiled at the two, who weren't sure if he wanted a round of applause or something. The boy just wanted to ensure the coordinates were punched in correctly and (y/n) was trying not to freak out. 
"Well done you." She breathed out with an airy chuckle and hoped that she didn't sound as nervous as she felt. There was nowhere safer than being in Ray's arms and it's not like she was going to die if they crashed, but leaving Earth sounded so crazy in her mind. She had no time to dwell on it though as she soon caught on that Henry and Ray were feeling for their gum tubes and she did the same.
"You are aboard the Love Shuttle. Welcome, Schwoz and...woman's name. Prepare for your honeymoon." Okay, that was the weirdest onboard announcement ever recorded in the history of aviation. Hearing Schwoz's voice on the tape was odd and the cheesy, romantic music that followed made the whole thing even more insane, especially when Henry and Ray started to dance in their seats.
"Ray..." (y/n) whimpered, trying to keep her balance as her boyfriend sneakily ground his hips against her. Like hell was she going to let him have her twice in one day, especially when they were supposed to be professional, but that didn't mean that the friction of his jeans didn't feel good.
"Okay, Schwoz! Schwoz, how do I turn this love music off?!" Henry suddenly yelled into his headset when he realised that they were actually here to do serious things, not listen to some groovy music. 
"Oh, come on. Love music isn't for turning off. It's for turning on." Schwoz joked and continued to slide across the Man Cave's floor to the beat of the saxophone. 
"Amen to that," Ray growled into his sweet girl's ear, his hands coming to rest between her upper thighs. It was a dangerous attempt to try and persuade her to give in just this once, so he could indulge in the sweetness he'd been denied for seven years, but they just didn't have the time.
"Don't worry, I got it." (y/n) told Henry and felt Ray slump back in disappointment as she killed the track. Ugh, killjoy.
"Okay, Henry, (y/n), Ray, we pre-set the flight computer to automatically take you to the space station." Charlotte's voice came over the radio and the crew settled down to begin the takeoff procedures.
"Copy that. And we are...prepped for launch." Henry confirmed, flicking the last of the switches in the cockpit and they all let out an excited gasp when the rocket's thrusters began to power up. 
"Hey kid, let's go to space and kick some ace." Ray chuckled and his silly comment made (y/n) relax a little. It wasn't a death sentence, more like an adventure and that thought helped her get in the mood for their trip.
"To the stars!" Henry declared and the three blew their bubbles so they could leave the Earth as superheroes, which was awesome to hear over the radio in the Man Cave.
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"Hey, we're so cool." (y/n) giggled as they stretched out their costumes and got used to having them on. Ray was particularly pleased with the costume change since it meant he was now able to let his hands roam around his girl's smooth thighs. Sure, his gloves were in the way, but that was just a minor technicality.
"Never done that sitting down before," Henry commented, noting how every time he'd ever transformed into Kid Danger, it had always been when he was stood up.
"Yeah, I wasn't sure if it was gonna work," Ray replied and the two boys laughed at the adrenaline high they were experiencing, leaving (y/n) to roll her eyes at them.
"All right, you guys. I just wanted to say...be careful up there." Jasper told the giggling boys, drawing them back to calmness. They had to have their minds focused because this shit was high-risk.
"Roger that," Henry answered, glad that he had his best friend at the base to keep him grounded. Jasper's support was just what he needed to keep any doubt at bay.
"We copy," Ray replied solemnly too, remembering that not only was he putting himself in danger, but he was also taking his entire world with him in his arms. Lying back with her cuddled up against him made it so easy to forget, but he was determined to keep her out of harm's way. 
'Cause, you three are the only, Ray, (y/n) and Henry I have!" Jasper added, his sweet words going over the boys' heads, but at least (y/n) could appreciate his sentiment. 
"Aw, thanks, Curly!" She told him happily, thinking that he'd leave it there, but nope...
"I've never told you this before but...I just wanted you guys to know that..." He sniffled and his imminent confession caused all those listening to cringe, hard.
"Hit it." Ray quickly ordered Henry, who wasted no time in whacking the launch button. Ray only needed one person to say those three little words, and that person wasn't Jasper. As soon as the button was pressed, the rocket propelled itself into the air and each hero was pressed into the seats as the immense g-force of the takeoff affected them
"We're going to space!" Ray exclaimed as he gripped the wall with one hand and tightly secured his girlfriend to his chest with the other. He didn't want her to roll around the cabin and hurt herself and it was so nice to feel the way she buried herself into the safety of his chest.
"I know! It's so fun!" Henry cried out, loving every minute of the blast-off, although it felt like his face was going to be peeled off from the force.
"This is your idea of fun?!" (y/n) hissed back and braced herself against Ray so she could wait for them to reach the outer atmosphere. It wouldn't be long, just a few seconds and then it would be smooth flying from there on out. 
"Cruising altitude. You're now free to walk about the ship, Schwoz and...woman's name." The rocket's automated voice and its creator announced, allowing the superheroes to relax as they started to gently drift towards their destination.
"Space, the final frontier. How many guys can say they took their girlfriends to space, huh?" Ray spoke as they broke free of the Earth's gravity and he altered his voice to sound like some famous captain off an old sci-fi series from when he was a kid. 
"What does that mean?" Henry asked, wondering why his boss was being all mysterious and weird. Obviously, he had never heard of Star Trek.
"Y'know..."the final frontier". Last place in the universe that mankind hasn't explored yet and I'm showing it to my girl. Space!" The superhero exclaimed and wistfully stared at the woman in his lap rather than the stars outside their window because she was infinitely more beautiful to him. 
"What about oceans?" (y/n) piped up after a few seconds of pondering her boyfriend's words. She loved his fawning over her, but what he said wasn't quite right.
"What was that, sweet girl?" Ray mumbled against her hair as Henry too looked at her with confusion. What had the sea got to do with space and frontiers or whatever the hell Ray was on about?
"Y'know, oceans. We haven't explored all of the oceans yet. Eighty per cent of our oceans are unmapped and unobserved, so aren't they an unobserved frontier? Oceans and all the weird little fishies we don't know about yet?" She rambled, feeling a bit drowsy and loopy as his warmth soaked into her body. A small nap wouldn't hurt. 
"Okay, fine. Space, one of the two final frontiers." Ray corrected himself and cradled her neck into his neck as her shallow breaths danced across his collar and exposed skin.
"What about parallel universes?" Henry was soon joining in on the conversation, although a swift finger over his lips from Ray told the boy he wanted to let the sweet little thing in his arms snooze for a bit.
"What?" Ray sighed quietly, not believing that what was meant to be a cute, cool comment was turning into a damn debate.
"Remember that time that Charlotte and I went to that parallel universe?" Henry jogged Ray's memory, making him bite his lip was all the details came flooding back. In that world, he turned evil after losing (y/n), his wife and the mere thought made him shudder. 
"I suppose," He nodded slightly, trying not to make any jagged movements that would disturb his girl from her rest,
"The one where I died." (y/n) muttered and shifted her body so she was comfortably sprawled sideways in Ray's lap. The man had no idea how she knew that, but he didn't want to find out. The less he thought about losing her in all matters of speaking, the better.
"Well, there's probably lots more parallel universes that none of us has explored, so I guess you could say--" The boy tried to explain his theory, but his boss had heard enough. He got it, space was a load of shit, big deal.
"Space! One of many, many remaining frontiers." He snapped in a voice that was a little louder than he wanted it to be and all the shouting made (y/n) flinch in his embrace.
"Stop yelling, doofus. M'trying to sleep." She scolded him with a pathetic slap to the chest, which was more of a light tap since she gave up halfway through. Sleep sounded nice and she just felt so cosy, a few minutes with her eyes closed.
"We'll be there soon," Henry told her, but she just ignored him with nothing more than a hum to answer him. "Soon" actually meant like half an hour or forty-five minutes, plenty of time for a power nap.
"I like sleep. Sleep kicks ass." She muttered incoherently and drifted off peacefully, leaving the boy's to entertain themselves.
~Forty minutes later~
A decent conversation, a game of I-spy and several rounds of rock, paper, scissors later, Ray and Henry were left completely bored. They had nothing to do, no phone signal, no games, no TV, nothing and (y/n) was still fast asleep and dead to the world (or was that space?). Henry had grown tired of watching Ray gaze at her like a lovesick puppy and for the last ten minutes, the cockpit had been silent.
"Ughhhh, I'm sick of just sitting here," Ray complained, shuffling his butt backwards so he could sit up straighter, but still rock his girlfriend like a baby. It was nauseating to see, but certainly better with the knowledge that it wasn't oblivious pining anymore. 
"Shhhh! You'll wake your girlfriend up! And, Schwox said that we should be at the space station pretty--" Henry tried to keep his boss entertained, but he was like a toddler a long flight; five minutes and he was touching stuff again.
"I wonder what these buttons do." Ray mentioned like a curious child and began to tap all of the shiny buttons that caught his eye, even though one wrong move could trigger a self-destruction protocol or something.
"Do I have to slap your wrists again?" A gravelly, sleep-filled voice rumbled into his ear, signalling that his sudden movements had woken (y/n) up prematurely. Well, that was her nap over.
"Don't start pressing random--" Henry too protested, but he started selling when his seat began to vibrate and massage his back muscles. Hello, Schwoz had installed a few gadgets on this thing...nice.
"What's happening?" Ray asked his gleeful sidekick as he giggled and (y/n) slid off his lap so she was sat on the chair in between his legs.
"You made my chair start to vibraaaaaaaate." Henry's voice trembled as his vocal cords were shaken, but even then could the couple hear how pleased he was and his fun made Ray pout.
"Aw, no fair! I wanna vibrate!" He whined and against (y/n)'s pleas, he bashed the buttons randomly again, hoping to score lucky. And he did, one tap and his chair was vibrating too, making him and (y/n) collapse against each other in a fit of giggles.
"This feels sillllllyyyyyy." She laughed at how all of her body was tingling all over, like she was being tickled but without the torture.
"Hey! My voice sounds weird. Listen, ahhhhhhh!" Ray's baritone voice began to wobble and Henry's did too, but their combined sounds covered up the crescendo of the computer telling them that they were five seconds away from docking with the space station. Four, three, two, one...
"Arghhhhh!" They all screamed at the violent impact and the boys quickly shut off the vibrations as they thought about all the worst scenarios in their minds, but everything was fine. 
"Hey, Schwoz, think we just docked with the space station," Ray spoke into his microphone, not realising that the genius had just said the exact same thing to Charlotte when she verbally wondered. what all the noise was about. 
"Oh, really? My goodness, thanks for the information." Schwoz replied sarcastically, but Charlotte ignored him so they could get straight down to business. No time like the present after all.
"Okay, you have a pressure lock, so you are good to enter the space station." The girl told the heroes like a proper controller and they heard her loud and clear.
"Ten-four, good Charlotte."
"We ten-ten on the side."
"Over and out." They replied and shrugged off their headsets so they could stand up at last. This was it, it was just them now and whatever they find on the other side of the door.
"All right, guys, we're about to leave the Love Shuttle and enter the space station. " Ray told his sidekicks, but they didn't need a running commentary, they had their blasters and were ready to kick some ass.
"Yep, I'm up to speed on the story." Henry nodded, feeling like Ray was babying him just to sound cool.
"I also know what's going on." (y/n) added, locking and loading everything she needed to fight any bad guys. Maybe it was an alien, who knows.
"I know, I'm just saying, we have no idea who or what hijacked that space station and we won't know until we go in there and look inside." The man elaborated more, but it was all just waffle. They knew this and were fairly certain that this was just a stall tactic.
"Yeah, which is why I've got my gun so I can shoot it or them in the face." His girlfriend nodded, raising her weapon and shaking in front of Ray's face so he'd get the picture.
"Then let's go do this." He nodded.
"Waitin' on you..." Henry mumbled, knowing that he and his fellow sidekick were ready to go, it was the boss who was keeping them behind.
"Set weapons to stun," Ray ordered them, not wanting any deaths or injuries on their hands. Mass murder wasn't Captain Man's style, even if his work involved low-down, criminal assholes.
"Is this right?" Henry asked the experienced couple, whose eyes widened when they saw that his setting was completely, cataclysmically wrong.
"Shit, no, Henry, that's set to melt. You wanna melt the place into a puddle?" (y/n) fretted, her panic making the kid rapidly change from one mode to the right one. Well, that could've been a disaster.
"No, I do not," Henry replied, glad that they'd spotted the mistake. A melted criminal would be a long and icky cleanup.
"Give it...here you go." Ray sighed when he saw that the boy was struggling to work with Schwoz's technology and it was just kinder to do it himself than let him struggle. Okay, weapons, check, next, the door. Ray pushed the lock that released the door pressure and the hatch slid open. Into the unknown...well, it would be if either one of them knew some common courtesy.
"Do you wanna go first?" Ray asked his sidekick and after a few seconds of floundering, the two had worked out that Henry would go first. Geez, it took them ten minutes just to leave the damn rocket.
"Ray..." (y/n) grabbed his wrist just before he entered the hatched and he turned around to see her big, round eyes staring up at him with so much wonder and love. 
"Yeah, sweet girl?" He whispered, brushing some stray hairs away from those eyes so he could gaze into them one last time before they entered the battlefield.
"I love you." She told him cutely, wanting to say it as in their line of work, every moment could be their last.
"I love you too. Always." He whispered their promise again and sealed it with a hungry kiss that was far too short for his or her liking, but the desire it left only meant that the next would be so much better.
"Always." She mumbled against his lips and reluctantly pulled away so he could step through the hole first. Their hands were tightly conjoined as he checked to see if Henry was still alive with no mad murderers around. Thankfully, there were none and they were left in an eerily quiet room with nothing but the pulsing beeps of the machinery around them. God, this was spooky. 
"Okay, kid, stay cool," Ray told his sidekick, who was nervously clutching his blaster for dear life since a sneak attack could happen at any given instance. Anything could happen, for example, a small, metal door could fall from the ceiling and crack (y/n)'s skull, sending her to the floor in agony and Henry into hysteria. Shit, what a good start.
"Ahhhh, what is that? What is happening?" Henry squealed in fear as Ray instinctively threw his gun down and ducked down to shield his girlfriend on the floor from any more blows. His sidekick rolled around, shooting rapid-fire at every blinking light he saw. "Cool" went out of the window; Henry was suddenly shit scared and Ray was fretting over the blood flowing through (y/n)'s hair whilst her skin patched over. No biggie, the wound was gone in a flash, but it left them all on edge.
"Hey, I think I got whatever it was that attacked (y--" Henry's caution was right, something was going on. Two more pieces of metal fell from the ceiling and whoever or whatever dropped them had blinding accuracy since they hit Captain Man and Kid Danger on the head too. 
"Captain Man? Miss Danger?" A sweet, innocent voice sounded out and the three heroes looked up in horror to see that a little girl had swiped Ray's gun and was now pointing it directly at them. A kid was behind this? What the actual fuck!
"Uh, I'm here too. Kid Danger, also relevant." Henry groaned as Ray helped his girlfriend to her feet and gulped at the predicament they found themselves in. The blood trickling down her forehead was no longer a concern as (y/n) prayed for salvation.
How were they gonna get out of this one?
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cantsayidont · 10 months
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December 1990. As Tim Truman conceived it, the HAWKWORLD miniseries was not intended to obsolete previous Hawkman stories, but when DC decided to continue the story as an ongoing series, senior management insisted that it pick up in the present, effectively rebooting the modern Hawkman rather than just updating his origin. This Annual sought to paper over some of the resulting continuity problems while also addressing the similarities between the Golden Age and Silver Age Hawkman, something pre-Crisis stories had just shrugged off. Ostrander's solution was to establish that Katar Hol's father, Paran Katar, had been a Thanagarian scout on Earth decades earlier (under the name Perry Carter), had surreptitiously helped Carter Hall to develop his gravity-defying Nth Metal, and later took the concept of Hawkman and even Carter Hall's emblem back to Thanagar as inspiration for the Wingmen. Ostrander further explains that the Golden Age Hawkman had been a member of both the Justice Society and the Justice League:
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(The "1953" reference in the second panel is an error; the events to which it refers (first recounted in "The Man Who Defeated the Justice Society!" in ADVENTURE COMICS #466) took place in 1951.)
In the text pages, editor Mike Gold explains candidly why all this was deemed necessary and the various options the creative team had for addressing it. This wasn't an ideal solution, and several points still remained unexplained (like the presence of Hawkman and Hawkwoman in JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL, which Ostrander tackled later). Beyond that, building a story around the need to rationalize a continuity issue is seldom very edifying, and the contrivances involved (including briefly sending Katar and Shayera back in time, where Katar meets his own father as a younger man) clash uneasily with the tone of the HAWKWORLD series. By far the best part of this Annual is the scene where Wally West meets Shayera Thal and so aggravates her that she immediately starts punching him in the face — not just once, but three times, until Katar reins her in — which has nothing to do with the continuity stuff.
From a story standpoint, I think retroactively removing Katar Hol from the original JLA is regrettable mainly insofar as his HAWKWORLD origin would have given new dimension to his clashes with Oliver Queen. Unlike the previous version of Katar, a knee-jerk reactionary who was ultimately fine with fascist dictatorship as long as it didn't personally inconvenience him, the Katar of HAWKWORLD is by Thanagarian standards a dangerous leftist, full of seditious ideas about social equity and civil rights. However, the most radical leftist on Thanagar is still somewhere to the right of Barry Goldwater, so Oliver would undoubtedly still be appalled by Katar's politics in ways Katar would find perplexing. That would have been a more fun dynamic than trying to shoehorn Carter Hall into the role of Oliver's neocon antagonist.
However, none of that was really on the table in 1989–1990. DC's later obsession with maintaining the sanctity of the pre-Crisis JLA hadn't yet materialized; at this point, the Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League books were riding high, DC regarded the old JLA as a relic that had outlived its commercial usefulness, and the JSA had been discarded (ostensibly permanently) after the Crisis. So, the only thing this Hawkman retcon really needed to achieve was to rationalize why flashback scenes might occasionally picture Hawkman with the original JLA, and this explanation did accomplish that much.
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urlocallesbiab · 2 years
a dghda s2/s3 theory: the universe meant for amanda to become an omniscient master of backstage knowledge, and friedkin took that place instead of her through a series of mistakes
(this post gets Very Long, but you can scroll right to the end for a TL;DR)
now, allow me to provide some context before i delve into an explanation
first, a precursory theory: if suzie boreton died like she was meant to, then lord triangle badevil would have became the mage's apprentice
in s2ep1 bart makes a choice not to kill suzie, even though she feels like she should; and then throughout the season the fact that suzie isn't meant to be a part of things is alluded to:
1) in the end of s2ep8 dirk gives his usual Case Solved speech where he explains how everything is connected, but he doesn't know how suzie boreton figures into things; she's not, technically, a part of his case
2) in s2ep10 todd asks her who is she and why is she there, and accuses her of being "some mom from montana", which further drives the point home
3) king francis has no knowledge of her either, even though he seems to be able to know relevant things that he could neither witness nor hear about (like farah and tina defeating the mage)
so, suzie's boreton entire character arc exists by mistake; and yet the prophecy (as foretold by wakti wapnasi, and as spoken by panto trost in s2ep3) makes a point about the great dark wizard finding his apprentice — that means that role was meant for someone.
lord triangle badevil is a mysterious figure who plays a significant role in the plot (his men kidnap farson and later amanda in s2ep4, he kills farson and thus causes a massive shoot-out in s2ep7, and he kills some people in his attempts to stop the prophecy in eps 9 and 10), and yet we know infuriatingly little about him, his goals and his views, like he was meant to be explored but got forgotten about.
he has markings on his face (pitch-black with negative-space geometrical figures) which are never discussed, but seem to be the same sort of marks that appear on arms of both the mage and suzie boreton from magic overuse, and that seems to suggest that he is, in some way, a magic user, or at least was exposed to magic somehow.
all things considered, i propose that lord triangle badevil, a mysterious actor of evil and supposedly a magic user, was meant to be the prophecied apprentice & the big bad, but got displaced by suzie, who wound up in the narrative by mistake.
next, an observation: wendimoor's magic, pararibulitis and backstage are closely linked
it's not much of a novel revelation, but i'm trying to be thorough, so here
— both amanda&todd and later friedkin could access backstage through the magical portals between earth and wendimoor
— most powerful beings of wendimoor (wakti wapnasi, the great witch; king francis) seem to be omniscient or close to, and omniscience is a backstage characterestic
(they both know things about earth they shouldn't be able to know, like wakti about amanda's name, or francis about farah&tina's win over the mage; and metaphysical things that are nigh impossible to be logically derived from facts, like holistics being the tools to fix the broken universe)
— pararibulitis expresses itself as tangible magic within wendimoor, and is tied to wielding the water/portals and to the visions
— visions are also a form of mystical knowledge, and thus could be sourced from backstage
(the exact reasons of how/why the connection between wendimoor and backstage could've happened have no bearing on this post, but so far my working theory is that the explosive creation of a whole new layer of reality pushed at the borders of the universe and stretched them/thinned them out, and that's why it's easier to slip from the material world of the universe to the immaterial not-world of the backstage when in wendimoor)
now, a couple of tidbits about amanda and the mandelbrot set:
— her name, amanda brotzman, is a pun on "mandelbrot set" (the showrunner talked about this somewhere; i don't know the source, i've learned about this somewhere in the ao3 comment section)
— mandelbrot set's visualisation is the shape that appears in people's eyes when they're backstage
— it's the same shape as on amanda's s2 jacket
— it's a recurring shape in her visions
(a tangent: now, i don't know much about mathematics so forgive me if i get the words wrong, but mandelbrot set's boundary is a fractal curve, meaning that if you zoom into the mandelbrot set's visualisation's border, you'll find more of the same shape, ad infinitum. this fun quality of the set has no bearing on this specific post and theories within it, but i think such a plot-important shape having this "as above, so below" flair to it could have meaning for the pontetial s3 plot)
— the prophecy mentions she-who-sees-all who was supposed to open a door into a dream, allowing through it dirk gently and the boy; that most probably references amanda, her visions and her ability to create portals through water
finally, the theory:
— amanda brotzman, mandelbrot set, visions, pararibulitis, wendimoor magic and backstage are all interconnected
— amanda was supposed to be she who sees all; backstage seems to have granted hugo friedkin omniscience
— stangely, amanda didn't see any higher meaning in the stars when she was there, and her eyes were the same color as todd's; when friedkin got there, his eyes were red, and he was enlightened
— there were a couple of things different about how amanda and hugo accessed backstage: amanda got there only mentally while her body was elsewhere, she was there together with todd, and she was alive; hugo's body fell through the portal, he was alone, and he was either dead or dying. any of those things, i think, could be what allowed him to connect to the backstage's knowledge. (my personal interpretation is that it's the part about dying, just to sprinkle more angst and terror into amanda's s3 conflict over it)
— hugo got into that predicament (alone, dying, pushed physically through a portal) because he was grievously wounded by lord badevil; if lord wasn't there, none of that would've happened. and as i have argued above, i believe that lord badevil wasn't supposed to be there! it's a chain reaction of displacement — suzie took lord badevil's place, he ended up killing hugo, and hugo took amanda's place
TL;DR: suzie boreton was never meant to survive bart, she displaced lord triangle badevil as the mage's apprentice, lord wound up on earth and killed hugo, hugo fell through the portal and became the master of the knowledge that amanda was supposed to be, displacing her.
we can suspect that the place was reserved for amanda because of the ties between pararibulitis, magic, her, mandelbrot set and backstage, and because she was canonically refered to as "she who sees all"
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This one is *long* but it's mostly in one chunk, so I'm gonna toss it under a readmore
Been thinking about the service top tarn series and the situation set about in the first fic of it, but for tfp and earthspark— but this is for earthspark
I want someone to ask (lightly demand) Megatron explain his relationship with Tarn, what goes down behind closed doors (in a less explicit way than you'd expect of course)
And Megs admits that before the mech's frame re-up, Damus was fragging obsessed with Megatron and Megs knew that Damus rabidly simped for him. When Glitch also wanted to change his frame For The Cause (but also to get his hands and face back) and he told Megatron he would do anything for his Lord in order to sleep with him, Megatron told him maybe but only if he modified himself to Megatron's takes and took the sub aligned dominant role in sex.
Damus fucking jumped at said conditions, and closely worked on the blueprints of said frame re-up with Megatron.
Extra points if in this situation Megatron had seen an opportunity to not only fulfill his more harsh and taboo kinks as well as being able to trust someone to take the reigns in a scene exactly as precise as he'd want (this IS pre redemption arc Megs and young!megs after all), but also to process some hard to resolve trauma regarding sex and consent.
This arrangement went on for a while with Tarn being devotedly loyal to Megatron by day and as harsh as Megatron needed by night.
Queue Megatron centuries later as the war waned, Tarn's roles in the faction and Megatron changed, and at some point Megs has tasked Damus to "lay low" for a while
His role slowly but surely swung to less and less murder and moreso enjoying life a little more, spend more time away from the action... boring shit.
Megs said he'd have a chat with him after a while, and that their arrangement is on pause but he does intend to resume it. Eventually.
Queue Megatron more centuries later on earth, the war is over, he has defected, been busy enough he slightly forgot about tarn.
Tarn shows up on earth at some point and it's a whole "wAIT FUCK." thing But Unlike in mtmte canon Tarn, upon learning megs has mostly defected and the war is over, doesn't flip shit. Maybe he's prioritizing the idea of Megatron pussy instead. I like to think in this situation he puts down the mask and calls himself Damus more than Tarn He still desires some of his sexual relationship with Megatron. I want to force Megs to explain the complex nature of that and how at some point he started slowly but surely encouraging Tarn to focus more on his own independence and less on the murder part. ... his opinion on the sex with the mech though is complicated
It would be so funny
So so funny
"tarn is a sticky situation, but from what i have seen i think" "didn't you two used to fuck?' "#skghhh!????" "a lot?" "i mEAN KHGDK" "babygirl you were so bad at hiding it" "i do not wish to resume that angle of our relationship." "mmnnnn, do you? Do you really??" "..." (he doessssss)
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