#these next years will be very important for my future so idk if i'll be active w ffxiv but i really want to be!
astrxealis · 2 years
i miss the times back in shadowbringers. don’t get me wrong i love how things are in endwalker but there was just ?? something so magical about shb to me ???
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#just being afk with my fc mates or in the shb places and man. man.#going through enw msq is amazing! 6.0 made me so incredibly emotional and i owe a lot to it for helping me get thru my uh... despair#and the patches really feed into those brainrotting parts of me head. and the new content is super cool and ohh the stories of the side stuf#but i still prefer the fantasy of shb compared to enw. and the rest of ffxiv tbh. and the whole of ff. it is just so yeah to me ???#and. and. it was just SUCH an experience and everything about it means so much to me!#ffxiv has helped me with anxiety and social anxiety and issues like depression and it. helped me make friends again and even now#i make friends because of ffxiv and some people i have met because of this game mean so much to me and it brings my other friends together#too and the story is just everything to me and ffxiv just. yeah#social life kinda dipped a bit b4 i got so absorbed into ffxiv and sometimes i see that summer of 2021 as unhealthy but also??#it wasn't like i had friends at that time eitherway bcs i fell out w my irls and then online friends so. ffxiv really really helped#and then i reconnected w my irls and then wow. the world is so beautiful and so silly with the way it brings people together!#sorry this kinda turned into tmi but also wow i should make a proper text or sorts as an appreciation to ffxiv bcs i've been meaning to#for a long time now. i want to write a text and then a story (both! they are different to me) and then a video. yeah#and i want to do all this before 7.0 :) which is pretty soon tbh... in a year or two or so? wow#these next years will be very important for my future so idk if i'll be active w ffxiv but i really want to be!#so i'll improve myself and my schedule and all that i do ^___^#idk man ffxiv just really helped me a lot and i feel bad a bit for feeling so much at times but#it really helps knowing i'm not alone. and those much older than me also feel the same! it's really nice#a central theme of ffxiv (endwalker in particular) is that you aren't alone and that shit really hits man. i think everyone should#try to experience ffxiv's story but people also have different preferences and all and that's fine but#i hope i can find people who are like me frfr! and keep those who are close to me <3 hehe
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kasagia · 5 months
I just read 'the grudge' and OH MY GOD! I am impressed really. You did such a great job writing it. And the end? It was perfect.
I have a request with a similar dynamic like they were lovers and he cheated and she knows about it (i live for the angst really) then she confronts him and breaks up with him. He isn't very happy about it and wants her back he tries everything but she still refuses to give in to him. So he goes all dark! Coriolanus on her and threatens her with something (her family maybe) and she gives in to him (smutty scene maybe👀). I feel like i talked too much and i am sorry for that. I just want her to be with him against her will ( in public they are the perfect couple and when no one is looking she is miserable and gives him the cold shoulder)
Don't feel obligated to write it if you don't want to. And thank you for feeding us such a great Coriolanus content❤️
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you liked it! 😊🩵🖤🖤🩵 So, tomorrow I'm publishing an oneshot inspired by this request...
And this will be my first time ever writing a true, full-fledged smut scene. 🙈🙈🙈
You will either love it or hate it. 🫣😅 But since tomorrow marks a year since I started writing on Tumblr, I thought why not? There has to be a first time for everything.
BUT... I have an orienting question...
Thank you! 🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵
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A fragment from "A powerful man" - which is comming tomorrow..
"If you want her to truly obey you, she must come to you herself. Like a pet. Like a snake. If she sees that your relationship will bring her further benefits, she will come back to you. She's not stupid enough to waste such an opportunity. At least I hope so. You should focus on your campaign."
"I'd like that too. But currently… something else is on my mind." He says, walking over to the tinted window that overlooks the lab. He puts his hands in his pockets and watches you carefully as you work.
"You're wasting your potential. Maybe your children will be wise enough to follow in my footsteps more. One is running for president, and the other is a military chemist. Such a waste."
"Don't worry. One of our children will definitely continue your legacy, you have my word." He assures her, while observing you.
You lean over the table, strands of your hair falling into your eyes behind your safety glasses, as you test another biological weapon on rats. You look hot in that scientist outfit. He grunts, feeling his pants getting a little too tight. He regrets that he never took the opportunity to visit you here...
"It better be that way. And for God's sake, don't stare at her like a love-struck puppy like you did with your tribute from 12. Patience. Or you will have to train her to make her obedient."
"You know I like a challenge, Dr. Gaul." He replies with a sly, cocky smirk and turns his head towards Doctor Gaul once he has calmed down a bit and composed himself.
"Go away now. Your last Hunger Games must be amazing and unforgettable, or I'll tell her what you have planned for her." He laughs at this, shaking his head.
"I appreciate your attempts to intimidate me, but you know I'll be happy with any outcome. Whether it's keeping her on a leash or reshaping her to meet my needs as my future First Lady."
"But we both know which one you would prefer more." They share a sinister smirk. Coriolanus owed her a lot. He's learned many things under her tutelage... things that he uses to make sure you know that your place is always with him.
"As I said, I love a challenge. I will be expecting you as an honoured guest at this year's Hunger Games and my wedding. Of course, right next to my fiancée."
"Don't scare her away, Mr. Snow." She reminds him when he receives a package from her with the latest biological weapon. He will test it at this year's tributes. He smiles, thinking that it must have come from your talented fingers.
"Snow lands on top, Dr. Gaul." He assures her and says goodbye, leaving through a secret passage.
He still had a lot of things to do.
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2ndalt · 3 months
Guess who's avoiding homework again???
That's right, I've translated Pamela's section of the extra credits! First, she wrote a letter for the entire Thea Sisters, and from what I can tell this is a "Get to Know Me!" exercise.
She mentions a couple of things about herself, like how "I like simple things, because complicated things make my brain seize up." and that she's very cheerful, but if she's hungry she gets quite cranky. Then she goes off on a tangent about how much she loves pizza *cough* we know *cough* before mentioning her abilities as a mechanic, before signing off with:
"I'm sure I'm forgetting something… I'll tell you in the next episode!"
(I honestly don't know what "I'll tell you in the next episode!" is supposed to mean. Is it a translation error? Is it just one of Pam's colorful phrases?? Is she breaking the fourth wall???)
"P.S for Violet: I'm sorry if I scream every time I see your cricket, but I can't help it!"
Pamela acknowledging her fear of Frilly and apologizing for it is just very cute to see. Like, I hate bugs too, but I'd imagine that it's a lot worse for Pam since insects in New York are absolute menaces (especially when they fly) and only mean trouble for people working in the restaurant industry. Instead of acting like Violet was weird for having a pet cricket, Pamela accepts that Frilly is important to Violet while also coming to terms with her somewhat-irrational fear of insects. She never puts any blame on Violet for the way Pamela feels, and that's the emotional maturity we love to see :)
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The next letter from Pam is a doozy, mainly because it's talking about her siblings. Her 9 siblings.
Anyways, the siblings in order are: Vince, the eldest who will inherit the family business, Sam the second oldest who works as a mechanic (possibly where Pam got her mechanic skills from), Bess the third oldest and the prettiest, Flo the fourth oldest and a great dancer, coming in fifth place is our fav Pamela, Gas the sixth and who seems like his only personality trait is being chubby, Jo the seventh youngest ("who ____? like crazy!" I couldn't translate the word beverde so idk what Jo does), Spike the eighth youngest who butts heads with Vince the most often, and finally Gus and Peggy, who are twins and the youngest. I was not kidding, this was a lot of info to keep track of.
First of all: Bless Pamela's mother for giving birth nine different times. Second of all: Here it's revealed that Pamela is the fifth oldest in her family, making her the middle child. Lemme just start off with I DID NOT GET THOSE VIBES FROM HER! I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA BE THE OLDEST/SECOND OLDEST INSTEAD SHE'S THE MIDDLE CHILD??!! my mind is shattered. Also, from what little we are told about Pam's family it seems like she's the first one to go to a college/university, which is hella neat.
The next section Pamela writes is a little... weird.
She wants to travel to the year 3000 to see what the future is like, and says some of her own optimistic predictions. Like, curing acne with ice cream or cats becoming really small creatures (Which raises a whole 'nother slew of questions about how mice and cats evolved, but that's for a different post).
But the one that stuck out to me was her idea that for studying, all that they'd have to do is place their heads on a textbook and find out everything there is to know. It sounded familiar and then I realized-
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She. She predicted it. In the special edition series, this is literally what Pamela proposed in the very first book. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Pamela if you don't stop breaking the fourth wall right now I'm gonna call your editor.
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klkirbles · 3 months
i have a very complicated relationship/history with cosplay and cons, but i'll spare you those details and just talk abt how much i've enjoyed this weekend.
idk what it is abt cosplaying gale but i felt rly good abt myself. it's silly cuz i'm a very femme cis woman but there is something abt putting on a beard and drawing on wrinkles for a day or two that is so fun to me. i'm itching to cosplay more characters like that. i've only ever wore qt girls before this.
even tho it could've looked better i still got tons of compliments for the makeup and the cosplay itself. it's got me thinking of ways to improve this cosplay for the next con (may? september?)
i want to properly style the wig to look more like his short wavy vanilla hairstyle. i want to fix the shirt a bit better, fix the belt, and make a necromancy of thay prop. it would also be cool to make other outfits for him, like robes and a staff, but that won't be anytime in the near future.
i talked to some lovely ppl and i really did miss cons and the social aspect of it. running on pure adrenaline and looking goofy so it makes me feel confident enough to try and befriend ppl.
con wise it was fun enough! the artist alley was fucking fantastic i got SO much bloodweave merch it's unreal. my shrine looks amazing. i wanna post it tomorrow but i'll have to sit down and look through all the business cards i took so i can properly credit <3
i feel silly being so happy abt that but with the recent years of brexit and awful import tax and not attending cons til now i've not been able to buy any merch without it being extortionate so i'm just SO excited to own a bunch of cute art of my blorbos ;; i want MORE!!!!
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fernlessbastard · 4 months
another tntblr old here with an ongoing fic-- I was already planning to post my whole draft in whatever state it's in later this year, and I've decided to continue with that plan. I already added a vague note to the posted fic, and will explicitly say I don't support cc!wilbur in my next update. I thought about how I left c!dream in the fic after cc!dream had his final incident, although cdream has a very small fraction of the "screentime" cwilbur has and is explicitly the villain compared to protagonist wilbur.... Writing Wilbur's name in fanfic makes me feel upset at the moment, but I didn't want him to destroy what honestly was for a time the most important to me creative project I've done.
I don't even feel like tntduo are my OCs, like you and other tntduo-ers have said, but I also don't feel like they belong to the creators, just like, somewhere inbetween canon and fanon. (I actually have OCs based on the streamers -- complicated story, but those I'm abandoning for now, but leaving open the possibility of making a new story about in the future and removing the remaining CC influence). Anyways my story is my story and I've had a plan to finish it for a long time, and it's important to me that I finish what I post, so that's what went into my decision to continue with my fic. in contrast, i also have an old tntduo animatic I rarely work on and this made me decide i'll just never finish it - I don't want to post to youtube with anything relating to him and took down some old vids of mine.
hope this helps. do what will make you feel the most at peace, both in terms of your own creative work and regarding ccwilbur. if that's abandonment, so be it; if it's change, so be it; and if it's just posting what you have without change, that's also okay. <3
-your fave tragedy (wow sorry this got long)
PS: I advocate for Nicolas/Nicky as an alternate name for cQuackity ^_^ idk why but I've always had that in the back of my mind to use if I wanted to use a "real name" but still separate him from the CC.
Thanks for the input, mate
Reading everyone's reactions I'm beginning to think I don't actually have much to worry about. I think I'll just do the redesigns to help the characters be more separate from the content creators as a whole, but otherwise continue as I have
For now I'll wait but yeah
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smoothshine · 2 years
Hello there everyone, today I'm bringing you a text-post, because there are a couple of points I want to touch on (they're mostly fun though, so I highly suggest to stay until the end).
(Important text-wall alert, proceed if you have some reading energy spared)
1) First of all, there are now over 100 people here, and I really want to thank each one of you for sticking around and sharing my silly little brainrot with me:) It feels really nice to fit in in the fandom I've been passionate about not for the first year in a row, but don't be surprised if I suddenly post something else, ahah, I tend to go with the flow.
2) Second of all, I'm taking a small break for the next week due to my health condition, so either I won't post at all or I'll leave something on queue, I'll save it as a mystery:)
(Hopefully I'll be able to get back to my sketchbook as soon as possible, I already miss it, ahah).
3) And last, but not the least - dear anon, if you're reading this, I saw your ask, I'm definitely interested in the topic and I want to work with it, I just want to answer you when I have actual content to share:)
Btw, note for the future - if you happened to have random ideas or suggestions or just fandom thoughts you're willing to share (or maybe you want me to share, idk, ahah) - feel free to write, I'm open for conversations, as long as you're being polite:)
(As you probably noticed, I'm like, 99% about Royai for now, so there's that fact too 👀)
I can't promise I will get to these very fast, but I'll try my best, having new ideas is always a good thing, and I'm definitely willing to work with something new and/or something I'm interested in.
If you made it to the end - thank you for reading, and thank you again for all the kind words and inspiration I've received from you for this couple of months!
See you soon, stay tuned!
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PS: sharing some process stuff I don't think I posted before, to enliven the plain text a bit:)
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doctorguilty · 1 year
life journaling but it got long
I did end up going to the Chinese market yesterday and picking up a whole bunch of foods to eat on lunar new year! I feel very excited! Way more food than I'll need for one night so I'll have plenty of leftover to stretch for other meals. I bought a box of veggie springrolls, sweet rice balls, some noodles, tofu, and bok choy to throw together some kind of noodle stir fry with other things I already have at home like I got carrots and leeks already (oops I should have picked up more ginger I realize, gonna make a note the next time I'm at any grocery store), also I've never made whole fish before but I wanted to try doing so since that's traditional, they didn't have carp or catfish like I was looking for but they did have frozen whole mackerel that is pre cooked and pre gutted so it should be easy enough to figure out and find a recipe for (and also share some with Prozac who will be ecstatic about freshly cooked fish)
despite it not being a lucky fish like carp, I did think about the funny this with my Japanese dbd buddy on twitter and how their "mackerel" kept showing up when translating their tweets and being confused until I realized it was translating saba (Japanese word for mackerel) in the context of them saying "survivor" (shortened), I always associate the word survivor with mackerel now, and so I think that can be my lucky fish, after all, I am celebrating a big change in my life and survival of some of the hardest times of my life ;x; silly perhaps but...
idk, this is all very important to me, my big move ending up during the lunar new year is very symbolic to me, especially when christmas and (western) new year means very little to me and come with just loneliness and depression.. and so my family will still do a party for me when I get back as well, even though it'll be around a week after the 22nd. I'd like having a winter holiday to associate with pleasant things, celebrating new opportunity, change for the better on both ends of myself and my family, recovery, moving forward with my relationship and moving in together in the hopefully near future, so this will most definitely be the start of something I'll always celebrate in my life /o\ something to look forward to, rather than the bleak, depression filled void winter is.. and it makes me very happy my family is accepting of that too, accepting that christmas just doesn't mean much to me, and finding something meaningful to celebrate with me instead and associate that date with reunion (where everyone is just.. kinder to me than they used to be 4 years ago.......)
I consider this practice tbh, someday I'll make this kind of dinner to share with my partner, maybe friends as well throughout the years, and I won't be lonely like I've been the last several years.
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sithisreadingcorner · 2 years
Hi how are you? I would like to participate in this month's reading please. Despite the fact that I still feel that the energy of the coming year is not so defined for me for some reason, I am somewhat afraid because this being a year that according to my numerology of the year was conducive to relationships and positive things, it was actually very hard. And when I read the next one it sounded like what I experienced this year already, and I got too scared. I would like to know how the next year looks in spiritual terms (according to 2023 it is the strongest year in that aspect for me because it is personal numerology 7 and that for me this 2022 with numerology 6 was an incredible hard spiritual awakening) loving and economic. Is it as bad as it seems? 😞 I already did a lot of shadow work this year, I know it's important to keep moving forward but I really want to rest a bit, I feel exhausted. Thank you very much again for your readings, you are an amazing person 🌼👁️
Nickname: Tiana 🥰
My best wishes ✨
Hello Tiana! Merry winter holidays! 💜 Thank you, i have been doing well, and hope the same for you. I SURELY don't think that things are going to be as bad as they seem, but I'll see what the cards have to say.
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five of mirrors reversed. four of wands. the storyteller
I'm very happy to see that the four of wands came out, because this is a wonderful card for you if you seek rest. I think this is going to be a great year for you in that regard. But it's also trying to draw your attention to something: you must be careful what you seek refuge in. The most direct way I can express it is that you are, metaphorically speaking, seeking your reflection in false mirrors, because you hope that they show what you want to see. But I think this is also a slight mistranslation to what the cards' true intent is.
I don't think that you are running from the truth, I think you are willing to face it. But I do think that you are running from something. However the thing that you hope will protect you from it, doesn't benefit you, and you are over-reliant on it. Let me explain it this way. Lets say that I'm really down, and there is a lot of laundry to do. I could choose to play videogames for like 6 hours straight, and that would temporarily numb my bad feelings, but it doesn't help my issues in the long run. If I do the laundry, that doesn't tackle the bigger issue either but at least I could have some clean clothes, which would improve my mental state in an indirect way. I don't know how to translate this to your spirituality, but I think you are in the videogame stage right now. You are doing something that makes you feel good in that moment, maybe gives you some kind of temporary relief, which is in itself not a bad thing but it's doing nothing to nourish you spiritually, and you rely on it too much.
I think for 2023, your goal should be that you find your TRUE refuge, something that in and of itself nourishes you spiritually. Let's take numerology for example. There's nothing wrong with believing in it, but I think maybe you are pursuing this knowledge because you have an anxiety about the future and you want to know right now what's going to happen. ie. Temporary relief. So you do the math and if the numbers say something bad, you are scared, and if the numbers are saying the good thing then you are complacent and don't take your own fate into your hands. I'm not saying that this is what you ARE doing but this could be an example, and this is what you should definitely NOT do. And in this scenario, the end goal is to know the future. Now, I want you to integrate a habit into your spiritual practice that doesn't have any particular end goal except for making you feel better. Like, idk, meditation, some kind of regular ritual that you do for your deities or ancestors, or something like that. Whatever it is, it will nourish you immensely.
Idk if this is what you wanted but since you were a donator before, I will explore this in a little bit more detail, and your mention of numerology reminded me of a tarot reading method that I saw somewhere and wanted to try out. It's called the Blind Spot. I think it should be very good uncovering how you see yourself and how you are seen in a particular situation (in this case your spirituality). And in the end you get an extra card by adding up the numbers of the previous cards, which will point you to your next action.
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knight of swords. the undaunted reversed the letter. queen of pentacles reversed
I think you see yourself as a spiritual warrior of sorts, but the truth is that you are a little bit shy and afraid of experimenting with new things. Im under the impression that you built yourself up a certain worldview or belief system that you really want to believe in but it's a little fragile and you are afraid to shake it in case that it would fall apart. However questioning and doubt, and exploring those things that you think you believe in, can only make your beliefs stronger. Moreover, it's completely okay not to believe in things. Spirituality doesn't mean believing in everything that people say. There are some things that I don't believe in at all even though they are almost universally accepted among spiritualists, and I would urge anybody to find at least one spiritual thing that they can be a contrarian about.
The letter is normally a card of communication and it came out for you in the spot where your secret strengths lie. I don't know if you have ever tried out divination yourself, but based on the cards I would think that either not at all or not very seriously, and you are a bit scared to cause what if you are wrong. I think that you should check out a form of divination that you feel drawn to and experiment with it. Its COMPLETELY OKAY to be wrong. Think of yourself as a scientist who is experiementing. The fun thing about being wrong is that you can learn from it.
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The last card shines a light on a problem that is at the root of your dependence on your spiritual path. Like, for example, let's say you pursue your spirituality because you are anxious and you want to know what happens next. The thing is - your underlying problem - that you view your spirituality in a very transactional way, or maybe even less than that. You want it for the things that you think it will give you, but you don't think about what YOU can give IT. I don't know what you believe in, if you believe in spirits, deities, maybe some sort of personified universe, etc. But you can think of your spirituality in and of itself as kind of like a person, that you should be friends with, not just demand things from. This should be at the very least transactional, but it can also be more than transactional. Nourish it, practice it, be grateful to and for it, and it will nourish you right back.
Oh, and I almost forgot. The numbers!!! So, I did the math, I'm sure nobody cares how or why, but I got the number 10, which translates to the Wheel of Fortune. To me this says that now is a good time to take on something that has been unresolved before, and also that in this situation you're kinda gonna reap what you sow, no matter what you do. If you put in a lot of effort, it will be worth it, but if you neglect it, then not much will come of it back at you either.
[pick up the poker chip] Y/N?
birthday wishlist 💜
december readings (3 out of 8)
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 month
intro post remake smile
HI! I'm Wyrm!!!
they/she/he - aroace - 20
I like to make loooong posts about things and I also reblog a lot of stuff lol. I love writing but also rarely do art. I consider myself a little bit of a theorist but also sometimes my ideas are wild.
my Ao3... thats kind of been abandoned a little but I'm working on things dw (Please read Void Crew its my passion project basically)
My unhinged fankids who i need to do more with (I'm also currently playing Miitopia with them, tagged as "fankids miitopia adventure" :))
My new years resolution (as of rn) is to make more fanfiction. I genuinely have so many ideas and i need to get into the habit of just writing stuff :(
I wanna also make... just craaazy OCs... like do a whole thing with them and stuff... That's something I work on sometimes maybe I'll eventually post them.
Main interests that I talk about a lot and frequently:
Sonic the Hedgehog! He is my top tag on here and idk if he'll ever be over taken. I am another annoying Sonadow enjoyer but I also like a lot of other ships too :)
Minecraft but also just Herobrine... I'm very normal about him
Five Nights at Freddy's - I'm in the minority but i love the Sci-fi elements introduced in the Novel trilogy... FuhNaff my beloved
Undertale & Deltarune (UTDR) are always rotating in my brain. I am a "Gaster is everywhere" defender.
The Monsterverse / The Legendary Godzilla captivated me so much. I love the characters, the ideas, the stories. My favourite is Godzilla vs Kong, but i do intend to eventually watch them all (Ive seen King of the Monsters and GxK too)
Doki Doki Literature Club altered my brain chemistry forever
Hollow Knight is phenomenal
The Bendy Franchise is very important to me and I hold it dear to me
Other Things I love a lot: (This also updates when i find something cool lol)
Terraria has creeped back into my life and I'm working through it all again. Hoping to reach and Beat the final boss. Its so important to me <3
Super Mario is a place i like to visit sometimes but im not like... in the fandom??? I enjoy the characters alot (I got infected by the Bowuigi disease)
Resident Evil - I got into it with Village, and have since watched 7, 4 and 2. I hope to either see or play more in the future!!!
Welcome Home!!!!! I love the concept so much, and all of the passion going into it is amazing! I love Wally <3
The Amazing Digital Circus!!! I'm so invested and i can't wait to see where it goes next!! I literally love all of the cast but Caine might have to catch these hands if he pulls anything again iykyk
Lots of Indie Horror series. I'll list some of them here: The Walten Files, Generation Loss, Catastrophe Crow/Crow 64, KinitoPET, The Mandela Catalogue, Cooking Companions
I have a general interest in lots of like... cosmic horror themes and horror with interesting or unique ideas, for example SCPs and the like.
I also love supernatural and mythological beings because some of them are craazy. Favourites are definitely demons and vampires
Pokemon! I've been playing a lot of the old DS games over the past year or two and its so wonderful
But Yokai Watch is my childhood so its very important to me too
I played Pikmin 4 for Christmas 2023 and it was AMAZING and I hope to oneday play more!!
I need to catch up, but I like Doctor Who also. The silly.
Final Fantasy is neat but its genuinely JUST Sephiroth... he got me in a choke hold for like a week and I reeeeally like him.......
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little-lanterns · 1 month
I am obsessed with like only two characters from akn and they both aren't that unpopular but I want to make a post with both of them in it anyway
hortus de escapismo is an important event that serve as build up to zwilingsturme, future seaborn event, and future laterano event where andoain is possibly going to be involved. why? idk just a gut feeling? when I first read the event story I didn't expect much that I will get anything about him but I actually get a lot more than expected which shouldn't surprise me since it is literally the sequel to guide ahead
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this is the event where it is revealed how andoain got the idea of what he wants laterano to be, but it is also where it is put into a test if this little paradise could last
this guy isn't in the event at all but it really feels like he should to see the answer to that one question, is it really not possible?
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even arturia after witnessing that herself wanted to realize it too
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there is also this part that got me giggling. I always find this funny because the title Martyr didn't appear until the very end of guide ahead and it was said by cecilia, so it is unknown who gave that title to him. was it his followers? or is he now famous among the lateran for what he did?
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his effect on lemuen is obvious because they were once close, she is the only lateran who understand him, even forgave him for what he did. but what about other lateran? were they too drunk in sweet and explosion that they didn't even notice what he did? well I guess some did because he is a wanted criminal now
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I also speculate that the person they are talking about at the beginning and at the end of the event is him. after all this is the guy who is famous for going through all those shit just to ask question to the pope. he seems like the perfect person to ask something that only sankta understand but also held some doubts on it to actually gives a meaningful answer
there were some uncertainties because he called them friends but we know from arturia's oprec that the pope would personally visit each candidate of future saint. so this is the part where I don't like that much. if that's really the guy then it means andoain will be future saint. my impression is, I don't think if he want anything to do with laterano, though I could say the same about arturia
which brings us to the next point, The Disaster.
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what we know about it is that laterano and the sankta will be the one affected first. and if what the pope said is true then the Law will also take a hit. what would sankta be without their halo? without their law? without their empathy? idk, it is not only about them, other country will also be affected, it just happen that laterano was able to foresee it. will this push him to help and accept the title of saint? maybe? it is hard to tell when we don't even know where he is and what is he doing
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but it is not like Law cares what are the candidates current goal is to be appointed as a saint
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there were some clues from fia's oprec but isn't it odd, why would he still go looking for mostima, didn't he find the answer already. seriously where the fuck is this guy
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so whatever that laterano event will be it is going to be huge, definitely an 3 weeks/intermezzi event
what does this has to do with my other favourite character? azazel could also mean fallen angel and its symbol resemble sankta. there are no information about it so there is non-zero chance that the leader or founder of azazel is one. which could mean a lot or nothing when it comes to the next laterano event. after all isn't it weird that some small clinic in some ursus city has symbol that resemble a sankta?
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psychelis-new · 4 months
Hey I have an urgent question. I'm stressing about it.
I have my upcoming finals for science maths and social science.
Ik I'll do good but the problem is that maths is stressing the hell out of me.
Science too. But I'm doing my best.
Can you help me through astrology about the result or anything related to this prblm about my exams ??
Will be a big help if you do
Hello! I'm sorry but I don't know anything about astrology that could help you, please refer to astrologers for this. And I am not going to use tarots or anything else either -if that's what you meant- cause atm I'm not doing personal readings (and I don't do them like this).
The only thing I can suggest you, despite it's not what you asked for, is to try to focus on the voice that is telling you that you are doing your best and will do good, and not on the one that is causing you stress (and its reasons): try asking yourself why do you find math and science particularly stressful: it's because you don't understand them well, or you feel like you're still not good enough no matter the effort you put into them? You know, that's not strange: those aren't easy subjects for everyone. And you may simply not be "programmed" for them or to get them well maybe compared to another classmate of yours. You probably do better in other subjects, maybe one in which that same classmate of yours struggles more. It's okay, we're all different, we cannot all be mathematicians: it'd be useless anyway. And we can learn a lot outside of school but that's another story.
I know probably you are worried about getting certain grades cause having good grades could mean being praised, feeling good enough and "included", having more chances for further studies and maybe not having a subject down (and risk your academic year? Idk how your school/school system works tbh, I'm just guessing your reasons and stress-triggers). What I mean is that whatever is this stress about for you, maybe, if you try to do your best and to stay focused on what you can do now to prepare as you can (without letting stress take away precious time and energy/clarity from your mind), and you keep studying with an hopeful and open mind, you will do good. Even if you won't get the top grade, it will still be very good.
Don't give in to stress, ever. That's the top self sabotaging habit we have as human beings and what consumes us the most and takes us away from our goals. I know it's REALLY hard to not listen to it, but we need to try everytime, as much as we can, to focus on the present moment and do our best, without getting anxious about the future: we're creating it now in the present, it still does not exist, so why worry about how it could be? We can make it good as we want. So really, focus on trying your best (you won't have regrets even if you'd fail once you know you've given your all and you learned your lesson about what you missed for the next time) and not worry about how it will be: use your time wisely.
Take care of you, all the best<3 And remember to stay hydrated, and to give yourself breaks while studying: it's fundamental to be well rested and grounded when we need to give and pass important exams (not just in school).
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roboska-lv · 6 months
Computer at repair shop
Because of Christmas, I'm getting my computer back at maybe Wednesday but my family has planned to go visit my grandparents for a couple days mid next week so idk when I'll get it back exactly. I have all the files on my backup USB stick but there wasn't enough space on it for all of the programs I use (godot, medibang paint pro, lmms, pencil2d etc) and the computer I'm using currently (my dad's backup work laptop) doesn't have them already installed and I don't want to install a bunch of software on here (also the specs of this laptop aren't the best: the fan goes crazy with too many firefox tabs open, so i'm not even sure if programs like godot will run if it can't even run roblox theme park tycoon 2 without the fan being on full blast).
I'm saying this here as this maybe the last update of this year, and I don't want to leave on a dissapointing note of "oh i still haven't even gotten the art for the bakery drawn yet and it's the first fricking shop you encounter". Please keep in mind that next year is going to be a busy one for me because of my GCSEs (very very important exams which decide what college I can go to, which decides what uni I can go to, which decides my entire future). I won't have much free time on the easter holidays and the next long break I get from school (with no revision stuff) is the summer holidays so expect this blog to be going crazy then. I promise I'll not let this take years and years but please be considerate about stuff like the failed drive transplant of my computer causing it to not power on (knocked a wire out while replacing the HDD with an SSD).
Anyway I'll be getting my new mic tomorrow at Christmas which according to dad is "a good one". My headset mic refuses to be recognised on my computer so I've asked for a USB mic as the built in mic on my computer sucks. I also want to rewrite a bunch of cutscenes that I've already written to make them better (I have to revoice them all anyway and the dialogue system has changed so I would have to remake them anyway). This video is now cut from the game, minor spoilers (like 1 line) but you'll forget about it by the time the game comes out. It plays right after the tutorial battle if you accept the paper that teaches you how to do a pacify spell. Due to it's length and the fact that the old dialogue auto progresses all the time, I made it a video to avoid coding it all. When rewriting it, I'll make it shorter and organise everything better. Also it won't all be voiced, just the important lines. I feel like I gave away too much info with Lady Roselyn in this conversation which doesn't fit her character, so I'll limit the amount she says in the final piece (she is a spy after all). Background music is on my Newgrounds if you're curious.
That's all for 2023. - PearlHikara
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heliads · 1 year
Numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 for the 4:02 a.m. asks, my love?? 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
yay!! questions!! using this as an excuse to procrastinate studying for my finals (it is not my fault, i am brain dead and this is more fun)
10. Are you always going to be a little in love with somebody?
yes! similarly to your answer, first girl i fell in love with. everyone's gotta have that one person who made them have a sexuality crisis (and also gave them mental health issues etc). i still follow her on instagram, we text for birthdays and holidays but never more than a couple of messages before radio silence for a few months. it does break my heart a little but what can ya do
20. Do you want a grand adventure?
do i want it? yes. will it probably happen? no. the idea of having Some Great Experience would make me so happy but idk when or how it would happen. i'm not asking for a lotr-type multi-year journey, but maybe a few weeks in another country with friends you keep for a long time would sound pretty good to me.
30. Are your choices fated or of your own free will?
of your own free will, but the choices available to you will differ drastically on the situation in which you were born. ex) it's way easier for someone born into a lot of wealth to make the choices to eat right or only take jobs from companies they like as opposed to someone who wasn't from a wealthy area. overall i think we make the choices that we want, but not all people get to make all choices, if that makes sense?
40. what makes a person 'good'? are you a 'good person'?
ooh that is a difficult question. i'd say that you're a 'good person' if you consistently try to do the right thing, and help others within your own power. i think i am a good person, or i try to be, at least? i volunteer a lot. i help my friends when i can, and i listen to them. i do my best.
50. what do you expect from a friend or partner?
honesty, mainly. also i want them to make me feel important. i've had a lot of friend groups that give off this tangible impression that i am not their priority, which sucks obviously. basically i want to be valued
60. what do you think the next era of fashion will be like?
this one is interesting! honestly i am not the most fashion-savvy but probably a resurgence of old trends like we're seeing right now, maybe greater strides with non-gender conforming fashion and people being more comfortable to show off their own unique style
70. what's the tragedy of your life?
i have been very blessed with my life so far, i'd say, so i don't know that there's a great tragedy compared to the hardships that others are facing? closest i can come is that i will never fully be able to let myself rest. no matter what i do, it's not enough for me. my standards for myself are impossible to meet and so i'll never be proud of myself completely. anyway that got sad fast xoxo
80. is your music organized by mood or sensation or do you just listen to everything at any time?
i do love making playlists for random occasions but most often i just shuffle whatever daily mixes spotify gives me and roll from there
90. given the chance to reset your life (with none of the knowledge you currently have), would you take it?
i would not! i'm happy with where i am, the friends i made, etc. some things i'm not entirely satisfied with yet but i'm more interested in what i will do in the future than how i could fix things in the past.
100. what belief do you have that isn't logically grounded, but you still firmly believe in?
fear of animals. i think this question is more asking about spirituality but i am not a spiritual person so instead you get this <33 i am convinced that every wasp and dog and animal in the universe wants me dead. no i will not explain why. i am afraid
thank you again for sending these in!! i love a chance to get deep on main
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unialien · 2 years
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OC Ralyx Aran Portrait Illustration
Hi guys! 😊👋 I finally completed at last what I promise this year to bring, her new look of my 2nd main original character Ralyx Aran 2.0! 😍🙇‍♀️💖🧡 I been looking forward indeed to bring her alive and not only that, a new improve, but from based from my follow previous concept arts from my sketchbooks ✨️✨️✨️ I know my sketch of my OC I did early year, but it's never late to finally render her up 💖💖💖 So yeah, she is indeed a beaut girl 😊✨️ BTW, I don't wanna crash up spoiler, but know this, she'll likelihood to be her girlfriend of Adrex Trans further in the future of the story lol, don't ask me, but I had in mind for not too long years idk 🙈💫💞💙🧡
Anyway, to make a brief reviewing idea, I had to get back to my previous concept arts of my OC, which it pretty much indeed what I wanna do 👌 So yeah, the idea was simple, complex, but also on how sexy the design and quite inspired from games I played in my childhood & just now 🌌💖 So since she a human character, but also like 2 or 3 years ago I think more/less of her same suit, she was in alien form, I been thinking next year to redo her form even better 🙏✨️🌌 So yeah another thing, she's one of the important characters of my project to be focus 🌠 One of the details that she got magical alien powers that she can use, but she also can use mostly long ranged weapons 🌌🌟✨️💫 For this, her powers are not fully awaken, but very soon she'll unleash 🧡💜💙 So I hope you guys enjoy this lovely sexy beautiful and cute OC Ralyx! 🤗💖🌌
Adrex Quote:
"I never thought you and my sister been able to search for me all this time, idk for how long I been asleep... Who are you...?" *confused* *staring* He was staring her strange glowing orb of light, his eyes was shining with curiosity and confusion of strange events.
Ralyx Quote:
"I'm the one and received the same distress signal energy as you. My name is Ralyx Aran. I'm a bounty hunter just like you, your sister told me your an archeologist hunter that you were looking for answers for this planet."
Adrex Quote:
"Ralyx... Aran...? [Do I know her name before? Why this sounds so familiar from somewhere...? Her powers... Her eyes... So mysterious... I can't tell for certainly, but certainly I heard her name before, I could swear.] *thinking strangely* Uhhhhh... Nice to meet you. Ummm thanks for helping me out, I really don't know what just happen, it's all a blur... My body feels so weird and uhh..."
Ralyx Quote:
"Don't worry, you been on a huge struggle since you have awaken, it's only temporary, I can sense you without doubt. Although... Me and your sister were in shock that you just killed a swarm of those things with your bare hands and everything... I can't really explain it, it's so unreal hehe..." *nervous chuckle a moment*
Adrex Quote:
"Oh... I did...? All this? Urgh... I'm sorry... I don't know what happen, I can't remember what I done. But... Anyway... I do sorry for the trouble I mess up hehe, I really wanna know how I did, I'll bet I went like a beast huh?" He was kinda nervous, but then, he wasn't wearing any cloths all this time, he felt embarrassing, at least he's was an alien... BTW, sorry I got jumped and scared at you and my sister, I was so in shock about how I turned, but thanks for calm me back." He was respectful making a huge apology for the mess.
Ralyx Quote:
"It's alright, when that event was over, we saw you hugely surprise with your sister in shock that recognize it was you, so we help you out so you get recovered. It's a relief that your sister knew that you were still alive though."
🔶️ Also, I included previous wips you'll see! 😉 Check it out here! 👇
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🔻 Time Taken: 2 weeks
All designs created by me. @unialien.
💙 Support my art & my project for more here: https://linktr.ee/unialien
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
I wanna hear about will and Hannah! Idk who Hannah is so I will need a little catch up if that's okay
I will absolutely TLDR Will and Hannah's relationship before babbling about the finale, but it's all gonna be under the cut because it's long and also it needs a couple warnings 💜
warnings: drug use and addiction, mentions of plot relevant pandemic things, Ashstead spoken about positively because I'm neutral-positive on 99% of OC ships (so just be aware of that if you don't ship it, because I don't actively ship it either, I'm just. chill)... brief anti-Manstead
Will and Hannah met when Will was starting to volunteer at a safe injection site in mid-season 5. She was in the middle of an accidental overdose when he found her, gave her narcan, and saved her life. Which isn't the best start for a relationship, but it's not the worst thing that One Chicago has ever done, so I kind of just... let that happen?
At that point, my bar for shipping something was "is it Manstead? no? sold." To this day, that's my bar for shipping something in OC. Is it actively toxic to one or more parties involved? No? Cool. Let's go. I've put the bar on the floor.
Flash forward an episode or two (I binged, I'm sorry, all timelines are blurs in One Chicago), and it turns out that Hannah is Dr. Asher, a OBG/YN at Med. Of course, Will is A Halstead™ and helps her get clean, helps encourage her to get help outside of him and go to rehab, and all of that. And by the end of season 5, they're together. Going into season 6, they're living together during the pandemic and quarantine and all of that, but they end up breaking up pretty early on in the season.
If I remember correctly, it was handled pretty maturely. It was very much so this idea of Hannah is still a recovering addict and a relationship wasn't what she needed at that point in her life, nothing against Will specifically or personally. She left Chicago to go continue her recovery elsewhere. I really appreciated that break up after all the drama I got used to with this universe, honestly, it was great. Very refreshing.
They brought her back in season 7, so she's two years clean now? I'm very proud of her. But now she's back to working with Will directly in the ED, and that's been fine? It makes for some awkward conversations just by the nature of them being exes and working together, and I don't really want them to get back together, but if they're doing it like this I'm not super mad about it (again, it's not actively unhealthy to either of them, that's where the bar is at).
So, in the finale last night, they were working on a patient case together, and I'll TLDR that for you, too, because the specifics aren't super important.
Julie(?) and her boyfriend, Owen, came into the emergency department because she was experiencing discomfort and they didn't want to find out the next day when she went in for surgery that it was something more serious than just an upset stomach or something. She's been planning to donate her kidney to Owen, so that they could have some more stability when talking about their future, all that kind of stuff.
Turns out, Owen has been planning to break up with her since before she offered him her kidney, but didn't know how to say that after she made that offer. I mean, I get that, that would be incredibly difficult to do - break up with someone who offered to save your life and/or actually did by having this transplant surgery. And that's where the Will and Hannah conflict started.
Will was on board with Owen having life saving surgery, because *gestures* duh, but Hannah wanted Julie to have all of the information before going through with it. She had extra tests run to postpone things, gave Owen every opportunity to tell her (and then ended up giving him the motivation to do so) so that no one was going into this situation blind.
But it tied back to how she and Will first got together and how their relationship progressed, because she was in Owen's shoes once - how do you break the heart of someone who saved your life?
They did kind of end the episode with this really cute Will and Hannah moment where they talked about starting over and just being neighbors and putting their history behind them where it belongs and I'm kind of proud of them for that, actually.
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rhiawriter · 2 years
So I loved the new chap of The Writers! I found it a little charged and angsty, but I absolutely loved Jess and Rory's conversation at the end! Wanting to pursue their relationship and achieve a level of genuine comfort before putting it out in the open was a truly wise move on Rory's part and Jess putting forth his doubts and fear that it could blow up but accepting to try it was top-notch! I'm excited to see their relationship unfold in the next few chaps! Also, having Lorelai and Jess bury the hatchet regarding that car accident was important, given that when I reread chap 3, it was really as if I was with Lorelai of the beginning of AYITL- when she makes that horrible ball joke when Luke mentions Jess, or when Rory mentions Jess inspiring her for the book. But now having that moment parallel that to Lorelai blowing Jess a kiss in the final episode was absolutely a great piece of writing!
I really do hope you update soon! Hoping to see a little bit of Doula before the end and seeing her dynamic with Jess and Rory and to some extent, her reaction to their relationship. Also, could you do a title drop like you did for the previous chaps? That move really reminded me of the title drop of Stranger Things season 4 episodes on Stranger Things Day.
One more thing- regarding that vision of Rory's regarding her relationship with Jess being a success, seeing a girl... should we be expecting (no pun intended ; ) ) something like that in the future? Personally, when I asked my mom, she said that Jess and Rory were very likely to have a boy! Well, to each his/her own...
Anyway, keep up the great work! I apologize for my little rant, I think your work is exceptional! : ) Thanks!
PS. IDK whether you've watched Stranger Things, but your version of Rory really reminds me of one of the characters of that show!
I'm so glad you liked it! Lol, I'm usually a pretty angsty writer. The Writers is a change in form for me.
In ch. 3, Lorelai's not really hung up on high school Jess, it's more that she's reacting to the fact that adult Jess is more successful than Rory. It's the first time they've all been together since Jess had a breakout book, and from Lorelai's point of view, Rory just quit a steady job for a fellowship at a smaller magazine, and she hasn't been in a relationship for years. And Jess shows up as this big success and in a serious relationship, and Lorelai starts to feel threatened about her own skills as a mom, and incredulous that Liz's kid ended up so well when Lorelai was a much more devoted mother. But yes, I agree, some healing between the two of them was necessary!
Well the next chapter is called The Secret, and I'm not sure about the titles of the last two chapters!
I have a long term vision of what happens between Rory and Jess, so when this story is over, you can ask me again, and I'll tell you.
I've seen the first three seasons of Stranger Things, but I haven't seen the latest season yet. Which character does Rory remind you of?
Thanks for reading!!
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