#these were fun! and a Bridgerton ask!! so exciting lmao
zorasthoughts · 5 months
all my thoughts below :) (also, i haven't read any of the books apart from an offer from a gentleman so i'm going in blind)
"we have been apart for far too long" - yeah we have! didn't realise how much i'd been missing the julie andrews voiceovers
kate and anthony!! - look at them being all happy and in love
eloise and cressida, interesting - i'm pretty sure el is doing this just to spite penelope, but i wonder what we'll see them talk about in these scenes
can we get a "hell yeah!" for pen being done with her family and deciding to actually do something about it? girlie is entering her main character era
colin arriving back and his family being shocked at his rizz and his new look is fun. i feel like compared to daphne, who was the eldest daughter and was the diamond of her season, and anthony who is the head of the family, and was a big catch, colin is just some guy. i like the idea of him also getting into his main character era
also, important psa for anyone who missed it: kate and anthony were holding hands!!! (it's not a massive deal in the grand scheme of things, i just love their casual intimacy and affection during a time when people were more reserved)
lmao, colin getting changed in the carriage on his way to court with the others is so chaotic
and before the scene cuts away, we can see anthony and benedict laughing, so i hope we get more fun teasing among the bridgerton brothers this season. i think compared to last season, which was quite angsty, this season will be lighter in general
a deal to help a girl find a husband because you are friendly/acquinted with her will definitely work. just look at how it went for daphne and simon!!
hehehe, penelope trying to flirt is so funny. nicola coughlan is great at comedy, just look at derry girls. i felt like i could see clare coming out in this scene
"she's not seeking a husband in YOU i hope" and "since when are you worried about penelope?" - yeah, eloise misses her friend. i'd reckon much of el's arc this season is going to be her working through her feelings from that final scene with her and pen in 2x08
penelope debuting her new look is iconic. and so pretty!!! i love that even cressida's jaw was dropping, and the way everyone was turning to look at her. someone in the comments section on youtube said it was similar when daphne shows up at the ball to get the prince's attention, and i love that pen gets to have a moment like that
what makes me sad though is that this is the ball we saw in the clip released last month where everyone was (rightly) losing their minds over kanthony (myself included) while pen was just standing in the corner having no-one pay attention to her
the violins are giving angst
also, it seems interesting that lady danbury seems to be giving pen some advice. i don't think the two have ever interacted in the show, but maybe after lady danbury sees pen's new look and that she is looking to bag a husband, she decides to take pen under her wing?
portia being happy for pen is honestly cute. my guess is in this scene that that guy had asked portia for her blessing to propose to pen and that's why portia is so excited. i'm interested to see what their relationship will be like this season, both are quite complex characters, with a complicated relationship
violet giving colin advice is nice, and i like them discussing friendship as being a key part, and maybe even the most important thing for a romantic relationship. in season one, she did tell daphne to "simply marry the person who feels like your dearest friend" so i think that a similar conversation could be the start of colin realising his feelings for penelope have crossed from the territory of platonic to romantic
the costume design this season is really good, because penelope starts off with the very bright and gaudy featherington shades, then starts dressing in greens that are either a dark emerald shades, or a softer mint colour, but that then shifts to a pale teal, and then pale blues, and lilacs, signalling her journey towards becoming a bridgerton
okay, the overhead shot around 2 minutes 8 seconds in the trailer? that's kate and anthony, right? very curious about this scene
francesca!! not said anything about her yet, but i'm curious about what she'll be getting up to this season
violet having a potential love interest makes me happy, but i hope they would commit to it. i found her storyline in the queen charlotte show to be pretty compelling, and she deserves a chance to find love again
kate and anthony dancing!! obviously we saw some of the dance in the clip that has already been released, but it looks as though we're going to see a full dance scene between them, and it's going to be everything (to me, at least)
that final part of the trailer with colin and penelope? it's so tense and emotional!! i wonder if this could be something to do with whistledown? has colin figured it out?
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I just caught up with doctor who and I’m really curious what you think about the episodes? Specifically 73 yards, dot and bubble, and rogue were my personal favourites so I’d love to hear your thoughts on them or the others
ooooh ok yes here we go
space babies - i loved it. ok? i get that a lot of people didnt like the cgi baby mouths. but i think it had such series 1 vibes (i.e. ninth doctor). it took me right back to my childhood. loved it tbh
the devils chord - :/ yeah. maestro was the onky redeeming factor of this episode tbh. it was supposed to be about the beatles but like. nothing about the episodes plot felt specifically beatles-relevant? like. you could have had the exact same plot with any 60s/70s band and it would have worked out the same way. i think if you're gonna do an episode surrounding a specific historical figure, the plot has to Only make sense for that historical figure. otherwise whats the point
boom - ugh. yes. 10/10. loved ncutis acting in this one. HE WAS LITERALLY STUCK ON ONE SPOT THE WHOLE TIME. COULD BARELY MOVE. AND HE STILL GAVE A HELL OF A PERFORMANCE. i was so impressed tbh. i love bottle episodes. the side characters were a little lackluster tbh tho. my only qualm with it really
73 yards - ANOTHER BANGER. i love love love when they get a bit horror with it. i loved that we got to focus on ruby and get to know her and her character a lot better. i very nearly cried when she was sitting outside her mums door on the phone. loved the mystery and the lack of a coherant solution, really added to the spookiness and fae vibes of it all.
dot and bubble - ok. im gonna be honest. this episode was boring to me. nothing really happened for the first 30 minutes. lindy was annoying as fuck. and i know that was supposed to be the point but like. if you're gonna do a doctor-lite-ish episode you've gotta make the focal character interesting. give me sally sparrow any day. i get what they were going for, i see the vision, i just think it could have been executed a bit better
rogue - yessssss!!! yesssssss!!!! loved the gay of it all, obviously, but i feel like that has kinda. taken over literally everything else about the episode??? i love the idea of larping aliens thats so silly and fun. i loved the fight mode scene with ruby holding her own. i loved the bridgerton-esque drama and ruby trying to comfort emily. i loved seeing ncuti get his "fury of the timelord" moment when he thought ruby was dead. the doctors dark side is so important!!! hes not all sunshine and rainbows!!! family of blood anyone!!!!
legend of ruby sunday - hm. the pacing was a little off. i felt like a lot of the time i was like. ok can we get to the point now. they mentioned the anagram thing So Many Times. and probability of trap. like ok girl we get it!!!! but. im very excited about sutekh!! he seems like a fun villain and very high stakes. and im so intruiged and compelled by rubys story. i Need to know who she is and who her mum is so so bad.
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chaosnojutsu · 6 days
good morning!! I see your backstory ask post and I would love to hear more about the bridgerton AU or extraordinary love!! Whatever you want to say about them. they are faves of mine!! ❤️ thank youuuuuuu
You get both as I try to decide if I can swing something for Shikatema month and prep for Nejiten month! Perfect timing, I actually just re-read these two last night looking for inspiration!
ask about the backstory for one of my fics!
send shivers down my spines: I wrote all the Nejiten story and separately wrote all of Lady Whistledown as one cohesive letter, and then decided where I wanted to place each of her gossipy interjections. That was neat to explore as a writing device because I had room to expand upon the world and add a little more flavor (like detailing Naruhina’s relationship and my obligatory background Shikatema mention) without feeling like I had to do it all from Tenten’s POV, which would have detracted from the core of this story: Tenten being horny for Neji.
Another fun part of writing this was casting what role each character would play! Coding Neji as Simon was easy — deciding to split Daphne between Tenten and Hinata then seemed natural; the premise of having sex in the library comes from Daphne and Simon, but it felt disingenuous to her character for Tenten to be the diamond of the season. My personal favorite analog is Tsunade and Queen Charlotte, which also felt like a duh decision given their roles in society, but I liked the nod to Tenten wanting to impress Tsunade.
I solemnly swear to never refer to Tenten’s junk as “nethers” again lmao. I usually can’t stand that one, but it felt appropriate for the piece. And I can’t talk about this fic without bringing up the dom Neji agenda! Who’s going to tell the head of the house he can’t give head anywhere he wants in his house?? Definitely not Tenten, and apparently not any of their house staff. I’ve spent some time considering what a dom Neji might look like since your initial comment on the fic, so he might make a stronger appearance in another work — yay and thanks for putting the bug in my ear!
extraordinary love: “Temari knows damn well why a stupid social construct like her nonexistent virginity matters. Back in the day of arranged marriages, the whole thing was more of a business deal. The wannabe groom would have to pay more to his bride’s family in exchange for her hand in marriage if she was pure. Virgin brides from influential families were high dollar items. Temari’s family is influential enough. But now that the matter of virginity is off the table… this barter is looking more like the Sand seeking retribution against the Leaf than tit for tat. If her marriage is blessed, they’ll probably stipulate Shikamaru move to Suna instead of the opposite, which is not what Temari and Shikamaru decided on. In the most drastic worst case scenario, like Kankuro said, their engagement (or the knowledge that said engagement has been consummated on a number of occasions) might be seen as an act of war. They’ll stick Shikamaru’s stupid, handsome face in a bingo book with shoot to kill orders.”
This premise is the heartbeat of the story. What does it look like when your personal values don’t align with those of everyone else around you? How do we respond when well-intended people stick their nose in our business and give an opinion we never asked for? Combined with fan theories/headcanons that Shikadai was a pre-wedding pregnancy — and that’s an interesting concept to me, especially considering what that might have looked like for Temari and Shikamaru if they were still long distance or abruptly decided not to be (and the parallel to Mirai and Kurenai and Asuma, of course, which I didn’t hit in this story because Temari wasn’t actually pregnant) — everything fell into place.
Making the call to write from Temari’s POV was exciting but scary because she’s so Particular, you know? But this story needed to come from her because of what it is, and it’s about Temari’s agency: she gets to decide who she marries, and whose baby she has, and she gets to decide when those things happen. And then I got to actually write her being in love (which I’m eager to try again), and I love the energy of Temari being like “Look how impressive my fiancé is! I made a good choice! I’m trying really hard to make you approve of him!” and Shikamaru being like “Yeah, what she said!” Because Shikamaru understands that as far as Suna’s customs and culture go, he doesn’t have a dog in that race, he IS Temari’s underdog in the race.
I’m honestly proud of this fic because I know I just made it sound really serious in terms of themes etc., but it ultimately is a comedy, and anyone who has ever done comedy can speak to how difficult of a skill it is to learn and hone. One of the things that makes comedy work well is that the characters have to take everything seriously and respond sincerely, now matter how ridiculous or grandiose their circumstances or responses may be. Temari even says from the beginning of this story that she knows she has the Kazekage on her side, but she panics a little because of her circumstances and takes matters into her own hands, and she doesn’t relinquish that control until shenanigans have ensued and Gaara finally reminds his sister that his support of her was never in question. (I’m not sure how I feel about my iterations of Gaara and Kankuro individually or overall, but I do like their scenes with Temari as siblings and their consistency.)
Side note: the reception of this story gave me the confidence to write chapter 15 of Reliance the way it panned out!
(also, I’m late, what’s new, lesbian nejiten is coming i promise)
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josecariohca · 3 months
Hi Dani! How are you? How have you been sleeping? I hope your sleep schedule is good and you feel rested! What fandoms are you in? Or shows/animes/movies do you like? I also saw you graduated with double majors! 🎉 That's amazing!! I bet that was difficult because double the course load. What's 1 interesting history fact you learned while in college? -🪽
Oh my goodness hi hello!! I have been sleeping...okay! This is so sweet I hardly know what to do with myself! Uhh right now I am in the HWS, Naruto, and Bridgerton fandoms, but I will always hype up and recommend Black Sails to anyone who has never seen it. Maybe one day I'll write for it, but when it comes to anything pirate I have a bad habit of word vomiting about history and completely forgetting about plot. I just...really love pirates lmao
I did graduate with double majors! Spanish absolutely kicked my ass! But it was worth it, and I'm actually going to tour grad schools with my best friend next month, which I'm very, very excited for!! As for an interesting fact...oh my god there are so many...
I'm gonna keep it pirate related, because I'm. Predictable. But! Did you know that in May of 1668, English pirate Robert Searles captured a Spanish ship and managed to sneak her to St. Augustine waters off Florida's coast. The Spanish, who occupied St. Augustine at the time, thought the ship was one of their own sailing from Mexico, and when the sun set, Searles led his pirate crew ashore and absolutely ravaged the town, ransacking anything they could see and actually killing or kidnapping any St. Augustinian they considered to be not of "pure blood." The raid was so brutal that it caused Queen Mariana of (Austria) Spain to finally authorize the building of the now famous and protected Castillo de San Marcos out of coquina.
Poor St. Augustine has a history of being ransacked by pirates, especially with this coming after a raid from Sir Francis Drake (arguably the most powerful pirate in history, but it depends who you ask) in 1586. Known as El Draque (the Dragon) by the Spanish, Drake not only pillaged St. Augustine, but set her on fire, as well, burning down everything, enough so that archeologists would later find the charred remains of the original city more than 4 centuries later.
As for the Castillo de San Marcos, the fort is still up and can be visited and toured, which I recommend to anyone who manages to make their way to St. Augustine!
I apologize if that's not the kind of fun fact you were looking for. Not exactly the happiest, but it's what I had ready off the top of my head and I'm still so flustered by this ask that I couldn't think of anything else 😭 You are too cute for this and I want you to know it made my whole day.
Mwah!! Thank you!
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itsdelicate · 2 years
hey ojo!! okay so i realised that i completely forgot that we're both swifties lmao. so whats ur fav ts album/era? and do u love folklore or evermore more?
i heard the bp songs u liked and some of the musicals' soundtracks and i kinda really love phantom of the opera. def will watch that. also based off that i think maybe you'll find some songs u like in mitski's album "retired from sad new career in business"!! and from hozier, maybe try foreigner's god, would that i, shrike, and no plan? as for f+tm, i think you might like her most so just start w any album of hers!! i'm feeling very tentative ab recommending but i hope you like it ajkfjnjkm <3
AAHH i LOVE heartstopper!! i read the books before the show and im a major tao stan lol. have you read the books? also do you watch young royals (i feel like most ppl who've watched heartstopper, have also watched yr)? ive been meaning to watch anne with an e for ages cause everyone loves it and i love amybeth mcnulty sm too so i'll def give it a shot. my fav shows are all sitcoms. brooklyn 99 is my fav and i love modern family and new girl too!! im currently rewatching mofy for the millionth time lmao
it makes me so happy to hear you like these messages, i really love sending them and reading your replies!! it's been a bit of a slow week but tmrw im doing smth fun so i'm excited for that!! how ab you? hows your week been?
xxx ur secret santa <3
help agsjs that’s so funny my fav album’s rep! oooh era i think 1989 because being online on tumblr at that time was truly insane there was just So Much going on 😮‍💨 omg that’s so hard because as a whole album i think i like folklore more? but evermore has more individual songs higher up on my ranking, wbu!!
yee i’m so glad u liked it! omg no i’ll definitely check those out i always appreciate recs thank u!
YES omg!! ultimate comfort show i may or may not be on hstwt 🫣 i was at a convention recently and met kit, joe, will and bash they’re all so 🫶🫶🫶 a tao stan so true of you tbh!! ive seen so many people say he’s annoying which is just,,, anyway yes i have read the books! i used to read the webcomics years ago :’) omg i’ve seen one single episode of yr but i started it in the middle of my uni assessment period and i have to get back to it now that i’m free for a bit, have you seen it? yesss please do it’s such a beautiful show it makes my heart so 🥺 i love sitcoms! b99 and the good place were my top shows for some time! i haven’t seen modern family or new girl though! also speaking of shows i loved s2 of bridgerton sm kate and anthony <3 i wanna ask a question back if that’s okay! what are ur fav movies? 👀
stop that makes me so 😭😭 ooh what are you doing tomorrow? (if u wanna share!) my week’s been okay! the assignment was a bummer but i think i’ve come to terms with it LOL i’m going for a little weekend trip on sat (and getting another tat) so i’m excited about that!
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stitch1830 · 2 years
• Yukka -> 11, 15, 22
• Kantoph -> 12, 13, 23
• Kate×Anthony -> 3, 18, 29
ship headcanon meme
Hiii, Stitch💜💜 have a lovely weekend
Ahhh thank you for the ask, Purple G! :D And BRIDGERTON omg this is so exciting :DD
11. What do they hide from one another?
Hmmm, I think that Sokka has a tendency to try and hide bad news from Yue. It's not that he thinks she can't handle it, but I think he's always hoping to bring positive news/good vibes when she comes home after a busy day. So he'll hold off on telling Yue something so that he can try to fix it before he has to tell her. It often doesn't work, and Yue is always like "Sokka you can just tell me" but it's one of those habits that he has a hard time breaking.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
I would say that Yue almost always gets the final vote, mostly because she's usually very chill about movies. Often, Sokka is super passionate about watching a particular movie, and as long as Yue doesn't protest, they'll watch it! And he seems like an action movie guy or comedy. But he secretly loves romantic comedies, but he plays it off as if he's trying to include Yue lmao.
Sometimes he pulls up an obscure movie and Yue will just be like "Nah, something else," and that's when he knows to find a better movie/that she really has all the say in what movie they watch haha!
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Ooo good question! Ignoring canon (because sad first kiss lmao), I think it would be sweet if after the war, Sokka goes back to the Northern Water Tribe. If Yue is still single (maybe the engagement was cancelled for one reason or the other), Sokka requests to go on another date with her and at the end of it, they kiss on that one bridge :D
Another option could be that before the Gaang leaves, he gives her a goodbye kiss and says that he'll come back or something :')
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
I think the first thing that changes when they get serious is how they act in public. Like, before they tried to keep things under wraps because their jobs are very public and in their face, and they really just don't want the additional drama. But it gets to a point where they can't not be near each other and crave each other's presence, so they reach a point where there's more PDA and they steal kisses from each other at work and they're not afraid to show how much they care about each other no matter where they are. It takes a little bit only because they were never really one to make their relationships so public and known, but like I said, it gets to a point where they can't help it haha!
13. When do they realise they should get together?
Maybe there's a dangerous mission where Toph or Kanto almost get hurt, and the other chews them out for doing something dangerous, and then they just realize how strong their feelings are for each other. Like, before, they never thought this way for each other as colleagues, but as time went on and they got to know each other, they just fell for each other.
I usually HC that they get together pretty quickly and fall for each other fast, so it makes sense that they have a heated exchange before they kiss or something and then they realize this is more than just a friendship!
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
I don't know why, but they seem like homebodies to me! After a long week at work, Toph and Kanto prefer spending their weekends at home just relaxing and being with each other. They definitely go out and have fun and spend time with friends, but if they have no plans, they're more than happy just being at home, sleeping in, and having Kanto cook for the two of them!
Kate Sharma/Anthony Bridgerton (Kanthony)
3. Who is the most romantic?
Oooo. I think that Anthony is just a little more romantic! I think his upbringing and his admiration for his father makes him want to show Kate how much he loves her, and so in between their playful arguments and everything, he shows his affection in lots of different ways.
He does seem like a guy whose love language is physical touch, but I could be wrong on that front lol.
I think Kate is just as romantic, but more often than not Anthony has some sort of romantic gesture up his sleeve!
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Sex I feel like if they're arguing, they usually give each other a silent treatment. But it doesn't take long for them to make up, and usually they give each other the silent treatment over petty things. If it's something more serious, I think they spend the evening talking it out, they'll try not to raise their voices at each other if it's late in the evening (to try and not wake the kids), but they've got their whispered yells down pat LOL.
So whenever they're ready to forgive each other or compromise, there's a lot of light kisses, caressing of the cheek, and one or two deep stares into each other's eyes LOL.
I do feel like arguing for them is common, but it's not serious arguing, just them sassing each other and trying to one-up the other. Often, their little rifts just roll off their backs without any hurt feelings.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Ooo good question!
I think they learn to totally understand each other's desires and their fears, and they are each other's biggest advocates. Kate and Anthony will defend the other in any scandal, and their opinions, while they may butt heads at times, they totally respect each other when their opinions are very different. I feel like when they are outspoken in public matters, they both really admire that too.
Okay! I think that answers all the questions. Thank you again for the ask, Purple G! Always great hearing from you, and I hope you have a nice day!
Send me headcanon asks for ATLA (or other) ships!
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