#these will be added on my carrd once i edit it.
just-bendy · 1 year
Avil-uation time
(get it..? Avil evaluation...? Neh- I give up)
Best character so far, sunny or bendy, absolute cuties
We're not gonna talk about Sylvia or your Sammy... That's for another time... Cough cough sound
Could we get new ref sheets on some of the characters perhaps? I don't think I've seen you make reference sheets, or if you have they've gotta be old by now right?
(also I'll get Stract and Skeif into your ask box again soon I swear I'm just running low on motivation jdnejxnsjf)
(( i was surprised that sunny was so popular! i had no idea ppl would instantly latch onto him, which works for me bc i have plans for him 😈
i'm also happy about the reaction for sylvia and sammy as well! 🤣🤣🤣
i don't have any new ref sheets sadly, but i do have some basic ones for the clones! so here's bendy plus the four new ones that showed up ( and yes i have 66 of these )
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i am currently working on a new ref sheet for bendy and will be making one for alice, boris, barry, henry, and sammy! and i will be adding the bendy clones ref once the pages are finished and i've shown most of them already.
i'm planning on making a post for it bc i don't think i could put big images on carrd or the blog pages, and this way it would be easy to edit and link the ref post! honestly i shouldve done this a long time ago but the thought of having to draw full body just.... demotivated me, but drawing the sketches wasn't bad! i think i can do it if i take my time 😌 ))
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rubctosis · 2 months
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i edited my carrd once more, editing law's connections and added verses : 3rd Corazon & Slasher Law ( i got told not to make the loomis rp blog which is probably best ( ╥ω╥ ) ) art used : ©
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koishiro · 3 months
Ermmm quick question… HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL AF BLOG?? Like pls share and help me out bc my blog is BARE and empty and looks nasty af, I wanna make my pinned posts and moodboards and just pfp and theme look pretayyy ☹️☹️
Awe thank youuu!!! >.< I think bc I’m such a minimalist in rl it’s easier for me to pick and choose. But here’s a tutorial that’ll hopefully help :33
NOTE! I do everything on my iphone (writing, editing, decorating my page etc just in case ur wondering if I do all this on a laptop/computer,,,I don’t :p)
ʚ The way I work is I’ll choose 3 main colours; a light colour, an in-between shade and then a dark colour. Mine for example : light colour: white, in-between shade: grey, dark colour: dark grey. It’s up to you whether you want ur dark or light colour to be ur main colour but I’d keep ur in-between shade as an in-between. (Think of ur in-between shade as a gradient, helping to blend ur light colour with ur dark colour)
AND CHOOSE COLOURS THAT WORK TOGETHER! Even when picking pictures like for example ur navigation or pinned page make sure the pics have the same three colour combo you used through ur whole blog even if its minuscule it’ll make a huge difference I promise u (so like I’d personally look out for white, grey and black accent pics for my blog on Pinterest) :
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ʚ Even with moodboards I still work with the same mindset! :
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SET YOUR THEME! Once you’ve figured out your colours and where they’ll go, set your blog’s theme from the editing page!!! (hint : I’d use your mid/gradient/in-between shade as your accent but it honestly depends on what ur after) :
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ʚ What really helps is when you have a pic theme and what I mean by that is maybe use ur fav character from somewhere (like mines megumi from jjk) or maybe it’s a sanrio character like my melody. (I grab my pics from this Pinterest board if that helps which I also use for my moodboards)
Example :
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⤷ I also found it helped my aesthetic when I added links into my bio to help find my carrd and navigation (here’s the link for the tut) it helps fill out ur bio especially if ur not sure what to put there :) — I know earlier I said I do everything on my phone but I’m not entirely sure if this is able to be done on a phone (android or iphone) so I’d use a laptop with this part if you can :))
Miscellaneous things you can add!
ʚ You can also customise ur ask page title (like mine is : send me a love letter ︎♡)
ʚ Keep ur writing post themes consistent — this helps readers actually remember ur work while also tying ur blog together.
For example, I always use this draft for my writing :
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ʚ Fonts really help! I personally use the app : keyboard + + for free fonts (u just have to watch a few adds to unlock them)
ʚ I find it important to make sure whatever picture you add to your blog has a transparent background — not everyone has the same colour palette (like mine is permanently on Dark Mode while others will have theirs on Gothic) :
(I use Picsart for this)
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ʚ Tags make a difference on your posts too! A separate tag index can also help ur followers know where to find certain posts for easy scrolling or maybe posts they want to avoid (like smut) :
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ʚ For my pfp I chose a bright main colour like yellow to stand out against the dark grey of my blog and I usually leave this as the last step in my “blog decoration” just because I find it easier once all the main construction is done and then I can see what colour(s) I need to add back to tie my blog together.
ʚ I also like to hide my pfp/avatar from my bio bc it looks a bit too much and too big for me personally and it can sometimes clash with the colours you already have going on, I like a minuscule pfp but again that’s just preference :
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Anywhoooo I think that’s it! Hopefully this helped and if you (or anyone else) have anymore questions or if you want me to personally help you with decorating your blog pls pls pls message me and I’ll be happy to help! ,,,Mwah! <3
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vilapollo · 8 months
Looking for an art to give your s/o this upcoming Valentine's day?? Well, this is your perfect chance because I am opening my art commissions once again for this January and February!! Make sure to read the ToS before shooting me a DM!!
EDIT: I added a lil something more to my ToS so feel free to visit my carrd so uou can also check out my other socmeds and artworks hehe
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starjynx · 10 months
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Alrighty moots! Just to give a little heads up this week is going to be crazy at my workplace & i'm going to be taking on much longer shifts after tomorrow! I have an 11AM - 10PM shift on Thursday and have a follow up 6AM - 2PM on Friday. So after tomorrow i'm going to be nonexistent the rest of the week here as well as on discord. So any friendos trying to reach me after tomorrow & i'm unresponsive please know it's not personal, i'm just dying LMAO. 💜
So tonight & tomorrow i'm going to try to build up a queue and get some things out of the inbox because I really want to hype over winter's arrival and some new muses i'm picking up.
Throwing my muse list changes + upcoming carrd info under a read more since this is getting lengthy.
I am culling some muses off my muse list that have evaded me & i'm just not feeling them anymore. Which doesn't mean they'll never come back I just don't have the mental capacity to hoard them any longer ( as much as I adore them ). I want to make space for new muses that I want to try a hand at writing as I go through new series.
After this hellacious week and once I recover i'm planning to make a carrd; I found a template I like finally. So i'll be throwing out my document once I find time to edit the carrd and what not. Seeing as the document is giving me problems with trying to move around muses and edit things the way I want to. I cannot be asked to try tackling that right now so it'll stay like that until I put up the carrd.
Kodai Ryoko Ranger Levy Kaylee Liz Sleepy Ash Penny Hypnos Killjoy ( already dropped ) Raven ( already dropped ) MUSES TO BE ADDED: Miwa ( jjk ) Kotoko ( milgram ) Sage ( valorant )
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
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🥀🍯 QUALITY OF … EXPERIENCE? UPDATES. hello, my dear friends ! 🌼 I hope everyone has had a pleasant start to their week 😊 I know it has been a minute since I’ve responded to anything on here, & the short explanation as to why is … my mother was home for two weeks & it severely threw off my rhythm 😭 I had no peaceful mornings to enjoy in solitude, which are the hours that tend to be my best time to write. acknowledging that it would only be frustrating to keep trying to push through & get things down on the paper, I decided to do what I could, since there was much outside of writing that needed to be done on Ari’s blog 🌷 now, I unfortunately did not get everything done that I had hoped to by this time, & some of these goals are still in progress—but the blog is in a much cleaner & organized state than it was before this winter break ! 😊
to not fill the dash with useless information ( as I often tend to do incessant rambling 😅 ), I shall place the updates that may be most important to others first. you will find all things ‘ trivial ’ beneath the cut 🌿
MY RULES HAVE BEEN UPDATED. old information has been updated & new information has been added to align best with the way I currently run my blog 📚 I’ve adjusted some areas that had poor flow, removed anything that sounded redundant or repetitive, & corrected the many errors that I found within the page. the only new section added to my rules is the ‘ accessibility & accommodations ’ section. while it is not required that my rules are looked over by any who are already mutuals with me, you are free to take a look if this section—or anything else previously mentioned—is of interest to you ! 🌼
ARI’S ICON STYLE. she’s got a new one, & how lovely are they ? 😊 I am not done with them all just yet—I’ve had to edit them by hand, & I’m very close to finishing all folders 👀—but I think they look absolutely precious … I’m very excited to use them ! ( I’ve also found this process to be most inspiring for muse, oddly enough ? 🤔 )
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ASK & ABOUT HEADERS. precious Stella / @theircurse back at it with her remarkable talent once more ! 🌼 Ari now has adorable headers & matching dividers for her ask & about posts. as to not make this post exceptionally long above the cut, you shall see them the next time I post a little something about Ari or answer a fun ask ! 🌷
AN UPDATE TO THE WAY I RUN THE ASK BOX. the ask box will no longer be closed, & I will rarely ever close it again in the future. I have decided to handle the ask box differently from the way I had been doing so before. as you all very well know, I am not fast 😅 I tend to take many moons to answer things, & though I have never received a complaint from any mutual about my reply speed, it is never not a worry in my mind 😔 I do think that ask memes serve as wonderful icebreakers for new interactions, & I now feel that closing my ask box limits the opportunity that newer mutuals have to start something with me. I intend to go through my asks at my own pace, however, but I feel like this decision will help new things get started ! 🍃additionally, my meme tag has now been linked to Ari’s pinned post ! 😊
I AM SLOWLY GOING THROUGH & RESPONDING TO DM’S. to those who have been patient with me & my slowness, thank you so very much ! 🌻 I am trying to answer everything that has been waiting for a response. I have made more progress than ever with this, but there are still many people that I need to reach out to—so if you haven’t heard from me yet, trust that you will soon ! 😊
added a picture of Ari to the top of her about section on her carrd. 🍃
updated my about at the bottom of the rules. 🍯
organized dm’s 
did that follower sweep / went through & unfollowed inactive / archived blogs 
learned how to crochet a bookmark … completely unrelated to the blog, but still a personal triumph 👵
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madeimpact · 2 years
Verse Information - Sunset City.
So I added a verse on my carrd for my Discord server, primarily because those muses now have some common ground through there that's easier to fall back on than to completely redo their meetings and dynamics from scratch here. It's by no means the "main" canon for this blog, but here's a post explaining it anyway for anyone who cares enough to know.
Basically, the premise is that every muse in the server gets mysteriously added to a group chat that then gives them access to a hub world called bargain bin Twilight Town Sunset City. From there, they can access the worlds of all the other associated muses. Sunset City is a dreamlike city ( literally ) that gets reshaped based on the minds of those that access it. But lately, the muses have been trying to get to the bottom of what this place really is...
A lot of the major canon divergences apply to the KH muses, and they really just stem from the fact that there's a bit of a sense of linear progression in the server, so Sora was very much in step with my playthrough of the series, so when he died...I kind of had to improvise LMAO. I'll have to improvise again whenever we get more information on KH4, but for now, just consider this a completely alternate timeline to the main canon where he disappears to Quadratum. Some fun things also change for Roxas but not to nearly the same extent as Sora.
Edit: And then the same thing happened to me while writing Noctis. I was writing him in step with my playthrough, then dude had to go and get prophecy'd on me and I had to figure out how to justify continuing to write him; same with my friend who writes Ardyn in the server. So those changes will also be detailed here.
List of all the major divergences below the cut. Where relevant, I'll indicate when a Discord-only muse or mun is being referenced.
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Let's start with Roxas, since he's got fewer divergences to hammer out:
Basically, just so I could justify writing him while he was canonically inside Sora's heart and not really existing, he managed to exist in Sunset City during that time, due to Sora's heart manifesting him there and the nature of Sunset City as a dream world. He sort of experienced stuff in Sunset and stuff through Sora's heart as if he were in both places at once. His physical body also couldn't leave Sunset until he was able to link to Xion at the end of KH3.
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And for Sora:
Sora's ship in this verse is with my friend's Riku who doesn't write on tumblr, so you'll probably see Soriku referenced in relation to this verse.
After the events of DDD, Sora got a therapy Munna from Emmet ( Discord-only mun ). Sora had trouble sleeping after his Mark of Mastery exam, on account of, y'know, the whole "I almost never woke up and had my body used to house part of Xehanort" thing. Also, nightmares. Lots of them. So since Dream Eaters can only really exist in sleeping worlds, and he can only summon his Meow Wow for short periods of time outside of there, Emmet arranged for Sora to have a therapy Munna. She's a shiny that the Breeders turned over to Emmet because they trusted him to put her into good hands and not just ask for a shiny for its own sake. In fact, he didn't even really ask for a shiny. The Breeders just were like, "oh, this guy's reputable, we can give the shiny to him." Sora named her Munny on account of her gold color, and because Munna sounds like Munny! Munny is bred to be a therapy Pokémon, not a battling Pokémon, so Sora doesn't actively battle with her, but she can help defend him in a pinch.
Jingle doesn't really exist in this verse...yet.
And here's the biggest one: Sora is not in Quadratum, and has not been yet. This divergence is entirely a result of me flying by the seat of my pants and trying to figure out how to continue to write him in the server after he fucking DIED — think "anime adapting an ongoing manga and running out of source material and having to improvise" type of beat. Basically, because of all the friends he made in the server, as well as all of his friends from canon, Sora's heart was able to hold on and wake up in Anti-Sunset, a parallel nightmare counterpart to the pleasant dream of Sunset. He began trying to make his way back to the surface, but was interrupted by a mysterious woman who splintered his heart into several fragments again. Several of the muses in the server formed a rescue party to try and find him. Each of the ten fragments of Sora's heart sensed the group and called out to each of its members, requiring them to help him overcome some of the pain in his heart in order to dispel the darkness that kept them caged and separate from each other. After these ten fragments were obtained, the group was able to safely return home with Sora.
Whenever we eventually get more information about KH4, and potentially a release date, I'll figure out an excuse to eeby deeby him back to Quadratum, but basically, if you see references to a rescue operation for Sora in threads set in this verse, that's what's going on.
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Noctis suffered from the same problem as Sora, where I was writing in-game events happening to him as I experienced them, not knowing that was eventually going to result in him perma-dying. This also ended up writing the server's Ardyn into a corner. So here's what we came up with:
After learning his and Ardyn's fate from Bahamut in the Crystal, Noctis decided that — as angry and damaged as Ardyn made him feel, it just wasn't right to kill someone who was also a victim. So instead, he appealed to any humanity Ardyn might have had left in an effort to make a truce, and try to put off the inevitable long enough to look for another way. Incredibly, Ardyn agrees to the truce, and holds back the miasma enough for the group to resume their travels, now with Ardyn in tow, looking for a way to change their future for the better.
Because the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet, there are still daemons running about, and the party is doing their best to keep things under control. They basically have Ardyn on a big ol' child leash while he menaces them in less apocalyptic, more just plain old annoying ways.
The point in the Sunset timeline that I write these guys at on the blog jumps around a lot, it just kinda depends how I feel lmao.
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katsuhiras · 2 years
heyooo i was just wondering if u had a type of edit that u like doing the most? based on ur blog layout it kinda looks like spooky stuff is ur jam? (also the shrek edits exist so.) just curious about what some of ur favs were is all lol
I do like spooky stuff! Though right now my layout is set up the way it is for Halloween and I'll be changing it once Halloween passes. Usually I decorate my theme and pick out blog/carrd colors based on the season or an upcoming holiday I celebrate.
Overall I like doing a variety of things, it feels monotonous if I'm only doing one thing too much. I like spooky things/horror aesthetics, I like editing characters' eyes, I like cute things and adding glow and/or rainbow/colorful components to edits... and I like doing very silly and/or cursed edits because they're funny to me (such as: Shrek, elderly undead, Izumi splashing a glass of coke directly into his face, etc.)
2 specific styles I'm fond of are the Kuromi edits with the headband and the monarch butterfly ones but I feel like my favorite is changing all the time
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novel-redacted · 1 month
Basic Information;
This is a sideblog to @the-leyline-directory You can find my Carrd/Info there \o/ - and the content placed here is wholly dedicated to my novel work, [REDACTED]. I'm posting things here as a way to make my brain say 'They're finished. Stop going back and nitpick editing' like when I used to write Fanfiction, a way to force myself to move on, not really a 'want to be noticed' type of... blog. If I do, that's great! If not, then nothing changes \o/ no pressure to me! That's the vibe.
A short summary of the content is;
Set in pseudo-modern day Canada, a young man wakes up within the morgue, with an unknown voice over the phone leading him to freedom he's soon roped into a life he never wanted. Follows the relationships of a team of agents authorized and owned by the government to defend against Biological Terrors known the world over as ‘Phages’, and fight the corporations that create them through state-legal means. (LGBTQ+ Romance, Horror, 18+ Adult Themes/Sexual Content.) Full Content Warning; Gore Description and Violence, Character Abuse and Trauma, Stated/Written Sexual Content, Abuse of Power Dynamics, Non-Descriptive Dubious Consent, Drug use/Abuse.
While there is a lengthy list of content warnings here, they are spread throughout a broad spanning storyline - with nothing being 'violence for the sake of violence'. Each and all has a reason to the inclusion from start to finish. I will continue to update this pinned post with Single Chapter updates, links to character aspects or art, as well as additional links. [Note; I would include a Master Copy of all of them in once place, but it's unadvised due to the concept of theft. Though I doubt that will happen; Google did delete 3 novels worth of my other manuscript though to feed to AI a few years ago :) so I'm not hoarding it all in once place anymore - the PDFs are hosted there for sharing, but I write offline in Scrivener.]
Chapters: - I; (Heartbeat) - II; (Shipwreck Cold) - III; [[Scarlet Secrets]] - IV; (Fragile Memory) - V; (Semblance of Home) [Below are written/to be final edited/Im hiding the names from you till 2 before are quality screened] - VI; -- - VII; -- - VIII -- - IX -- - X -- - XI --
---- As you can see there's a more than a few that need to be 'hey stop nitpicking and keep working' - Soon enough that'll be caught up. There's more past those ones too, but these are the ones that're close enough.
Additional Content may be added here later o/ Thank you for reading! (Just for clarity, Questions are welcomed as it will help me to know what has been 'communicated' through the writing, and if I need to clarify or expand on certain scenes in the final draft.)
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1hardy · 3 months
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#1hardy: two to look & one to see [ . . . ] independent & mutual exclusive blog for a canon character in nancy drew / the hardy boys universe. franklin " frank " hardy : a psychic detective ╱ heavily affiliated with 2hardy ( JOSEPH " JOE " HARDY ) . created by willow , she / her , 29 yrs old ╱ carrd under co.
personals do not interact | rules will be added down below
RULE ONE  i go by willow and i am 29 years old. my activity on this blog will be based on comfort and this blog will be selective on who i follow. i work part-time and while i've finished school, i'm in search of a new job ! a new chapter !
RULE TWO  general rules apply , meaning don't be rude / an asshole and start drama. i will not participate in any drama that would ruin my or anyone elses experience while writing because this should be a fun and safe place. however, i do understand that there are subjects we shouldn't be using like it's a theme in threads. if you write incest , pedohilia , homophobia or racist . . . hardblock and will unfollow.
RULE THREE   i won't be doing starter calls ! meme's are how i'll start a thread and we can continue from there and i don't care if you send a bunch at once. it might take me sometime to answer them but i'll get to them. please don't rush me into replying because i work and do school. ( i am very much open to writing on discord as well because it gives me a chance to write with little formatting )
RULE FOUR   i am a lover when it comes to shipping but just like anyone else, i wouldn't like to force or be forced a ship and please respect my wishes when i say no. i'm all for plotting all sorts of relationships for frank, so come into my dm or ask for my discord and we can plot heavily over their!
RULE FIVE  i don't have any triggers but i'll be safe in labeling any possible triggers for anyone. i will also add more rules as i establish this blog but for now , these are my rules
RULE SIX  please do not steal anything that i've edited from graphics to headcanons. i will also add credits to psds here ( supersources ). i will also list a few fcs that i won't be interacting with for example: kj apa , lea michele, holland roden, adelaide kane, and more to be added when i come across them . . .
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heartbinders · 4 months
Verse Information - Sunset City.
So I added a verse on my carrd for my Discord server, primarily because those muses now have some common ground through there that's easier to fall back on than to completely redo their meetings and dynamics from scratch here. It's by no means the "main" canon for this blog, but here's a post explaining it anyway for anyone who cares enough to know.
Basically, the premise is that every muse in the server gets mysteriously added to a group chat that then gives them access to a hub world called bargain bin Twilight Town Sunset City. From there, they can access the worlds of all the other associated muses. Sunset City is a dreamlike city ( literally ) that gets reshaped based on the minds of those that access it. But lately, the muses have been trying to get to the bottom of what this place really is...
A lot of the major canon divergences apply to the KH muses, and they really just stem from the fact that there's a bit of a sense of linear progression in the server, so Sora was very much in step with my playthrough of the series, so when he died...I kind of had to improvise LMAO. I'll have to improvise again whenever we get more information on KH4, but for now, just consider this a completely alternate timeline to the main canon where he disappears to Quadratum. Some fun things also change for Roxas but not to nearly the same extent as Sora.
Edit: And then the same thing happened to me while writing Noctis. I was writing him in step with my playthrough, then dude had to go and get prophecy'd on me and I had to figure out how to justify continuing to write him; same with my friend who writes Ardyn in the server. So those changes will also be detailed here.
List of all the major divergences below the cut. Where relevant, I'll indicate when a Discord-only muse or mun is being referenced.
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Let's start with Roxas, since he's got fewer divergences to hammer out:
Basically, just so I could justify writing him while he was canonically inside Sora's heart and not really existing, he managed to exist in Sunset City during that time, due to Sora's heart manifesting him there and the nature of Sunset City as a dream world. He sort of experienced stuff in Sunset and stuff through Sora's heart as if he were in both places at once. His physical body also couldn't leave Sunset until he was able to link to Xion at the end of KH3.
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And for Sora:
Sora's ship in this verse is with my friend's Riku who doesn't write on tumblr, so you'll probably see Soriku referenced in relation to this verse.
After the events of DDD, Sora got a therapy Munna from Emmet ( Discord-only mun ). Sora had trouble sleeping after his Mark of Mastery exam, on account of, y'know, the whole "I almost never woke up and had my body used to house part of Xehanort" thing. Also, nightmares. Lots of them. So since Dream Eaters can only really exist in sleeping worlds, and he can only summon his Meow Wow for short periods of time outside of there, Emmet arranged for Sora to have a therapy Munna. She's a shiny that the Breeders turned over to Emmet because they trusted him to put her into good hands and not just ask for a shiny for its own sake. In fact, he didn't even really ask for a shiny. The Breeders just were like, "oh, this guy's reputable, we can give the shiny to him." Sora named her Munny on account of her gold color, and because Munna sounds like Munny! Munny is bred to be a therapy Pokémon, not a battling Pokémon, so Sora doesn't actively battle with her, but she can help defend him in a pinch.
Jingle doesn't really exist in this verse...yet.
And here's the biggest one: Sora is not in Quadratum, and has not been yet. This divergence is entirely a result of me flying by the seat of my pants and trying to figure out how to continue to write him in the server after he fucking DIED — think "anime adapting an ongoing manga and running out of source material and having to improvise" type of beat. Basically, because of all the friends he made in the server, as well as all of his friends from canon, Sora's heart was able to hold on and wake up in Anti-Sunset, a parallel nightmare counterpart to the pleasant dream of Sunset. He began trying to make his way back to the surface, but was interrupted by a mysterious woman who splintered his heart into several fragments again. Several of the muses in the server formed a rescue party to try and find him. Each of the ten fragments of Sora's heart sensed the group and called out to each of its members, requiring them to help him overcome some of the pain in his heart in order to dispel the darkness that kept them caged and separate from each other. After these ten fragments were obtained, the group was able to safely return home with Sora.
Whenever we eventually get more information about KH4, and potentially a release date, I'll figure out an excuse to eeby deeby him back to Quadratum, but basically, if you see references to a rescue operation for Sora in threads set in this verse, that's what's going on.
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Noctis suffered from the same problem as Sora, where I was writing in-game events happening to him as I experienced them, not knowing that was eventually going to result in him perma-dying. This also ended up writing the server's Ardyn into a corner. So here's what we came up with:
After learning his and Ardyn's fate from Bahamut in the Crystal, Noctis decided that — as angry and damaged as Ardyn made him feel, it just wasn't right to kill someone who was also a victim. So instead, he appealed to any humanity Ardyn might have had left in an effort to make a truce, and try to put off the inevitable long enough to look for another way. Incredibly, Ardyn agrees to the truce, and holds back the miasma enough for the group to resume their travels, now with Ardyn in tow, looking for a way to change their future for the better.
Because the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet, there are still daemons running about, and the party is doing their best to keep things under control. They basically have Ardyn on a big ol' child leash while he menaces them in less apocalyptic, more just plain old annoying ways.
The point in the Sunset timeline that I write these guys at on the blog jumps around a lot, it just kinda depends how I feel lmao.
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ghoulsplay · 8 months
okay i think my carrd is up to date, pretty sure i added everyone i have since added and removed a few
edit to say i just know i will be adding ch.ris re.dfield to my muses once i play more of the resi games, the redfi.elds own me
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ordyneir · 10 months
an independent portrayal of the rightful queen of westeros, RHAENYRA TARGARYEN. as seen in house of the dragon, with inspiration loosely sourced from fire & blood. TRIGGERING TOPICS WILL BE DISCUSSED RECURRINGLY, for that sake, this space is for mature audiences only.
« F or headstrong women who know their own desires, growing up in a conventional society sometimes feels like inhabiting a haunted house.  »
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as portrayed by stu, 18+, they/she, middle eastern. * first established in september 2022. INSPIRATION. · AMBIENCE.
never have i ever been so vehemently & genuinely opposed to a dynamic than i have daemon/rhaenyra. i'm not willing to sacrifice braincells on a dynamic that is fundamentally problematic in every single way. THIS BLOG DOESN'T STAND FOR INCEST IN THE SLIGHTEST, or grooming for that matter. this will be added in explicit detail to my carrd, once i finish editing it.
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khizuo · 1 year
khizuo's commission post (accessible version)
(Note: Please let me know if there's anything I should do to improve the accessibility of this post in any way.)
Option #1 — Pencil Sketch
$5 - $15, depending on complexity
Option #2 — Ink Sketch
$20 and up, depending on complexity
Option #3 — Rendered
$30 and up, depending on complexity. Adding a character costs an additional $30.
Option $4 — Digital Painting
$60 and up, depending on complexity.
Contact me via Tumblr DMs or at my email, [email protected]
I will communicate with you about your request and the estimated cost. Please be as specific as possible with your request and provide references.
For any commission more complex than a pencil sketch, I will send a rough sketch for review before beginning the finished work. 
Once the initial sketch is approved, I require an upfront payment of $15. Complete payment is due once the piece is finished.
I accept payment via Cashapp, Paypal, and Venmo.
Terms and Conditions:
Do not attempt to sell, edit, or claim the work as your own.
Reposts are allowed if given credit.
I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason.
Version of this post with images here.
I also have this info on a carrd: https://khizuocommissions.carrd.co/
To commission me, please contact me via tumblr @/khizuo or at my email [email protected].
For examples of my work, check out my ko-fi gallery.
If you would like to support me another way, consider buying me a ko-fi.
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c0ldjury · 2 years
Tumblr media
when      you’re     sitting    on    an    empire  ,   it’s    nice    to    be    able    to    see   when   someone’s    loyalty     starts       wavering      [  . . .  ]    or   if    anyone    is    getting      too      fond      of        anyone      else       . .        can     you      see       the      potential     ?       he      didn’t      get       where     he      is       with     some       fluff     skill         . . .    
ᴬᶜᵀ ¹, ˢᶜᴱᴺᴱ ¹   :       this    is    private    &    selective     marcus  of  the  volturi ,  who   will   be   treated   as   an   original   character    with    a   mixed   portrayal   from   twilight   lore  ,   sothern   gothic   themes  ,   and   a  mix   from   vampire   diaries   and   anne   rice   vampire   chronicles.     loved    by    willow      she/her    28+     3.16.2023             pinned   post.           
                                         affiliated    with    :     ᵃᵍᵉᵈʳᵒᵗ    ( 𝔞𝔯𝔬 )
carrd  coming    |     anti   smeyer     |     minors   +    personals   dni    |    adult   themes    involved.          rules   below:
  RULE ONE    i go by willow and i am 28 years old. my activity on this blog will be based on comfort and this blog will be selective on who i follow. i work part-time and go to school, plus i have other blogs you might also be following!  
RULE TWO     general rules apply , meaning don't be rude / an asshole and start drama. i will not participate in any drama that would ruin my or anyone elses experience while writing because this should be a fun and safe place. however, i do understand that there are subjects we shouldn't be using like it's a theme in threads. if you write incest , pedohilia , homophobia or racist . . . hardblock and will unfollow.  
RULE THREE   while   i   will   follow   some  lore  ,   consider  it   canon  divergent.   i   do  not   agree   with   smeyer   or   anything   she’s   written   about   her  characters.   marcus   will   be   an   original   character   of    my   own   design.    i  want  to   point   out   that   while   my   characters   fc   is   afro-caribbean  ,   i   am   asian   and   will   do  my   best   not  to   offend   anyone   and   open   to   constructive   criticism   than   attacks  !
  RULE FOUR     i am a lover when it comes to shipping but just like anyone else, i wouldn't like to force or be forced a ship and please respect my wishes when i say no.  marcus   main  ship  is  didyme  but  i’m  open  to  plotting  a  ship  or  maybe  changing  his  “ twilight “ lore.  however,  didyme  and  marcus  will  be  the  set  ship  unless   said  otherwise.  shipping  with  marcus  with  the  death  of  didyme  ,  he’s  more  than  likely  not  to  be  in  love  and  rather  a  relationship   of  skinship  and  nothing  below  surface  level.
RULE FIVE    i don't have any triggers but i'll be safe in labeling any possible triggers for anyone. i will also add more rules as i establish this blog but for now , these are my rules 
RULE  SIX      i won't be doing starter calls ! meme's are how i'll start a thread and we can continue from there and i don't care if you send a bunch at once. it might take me sometime to answer them but i'll get to them. please don't rush me into replying because i work and do school. ( i am very much open to writing on discord as well because it gives me a chance to write with little formatting )
RULE SEVEN  please do not steal anything that i've edited from graphics to headcanons. i will also add credits to psds here ( supersources ). i will also list a few fcs that i won't be interacting with for example: kj apa , lea michele, holland roden, adelaide kane, and more to be added when i come across them . . .
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bonetrousledbones · 4 years
man i can’t believe i just kept a depressingly colorless mess of links pinned for like. months
anyway i have a carrd now lol, read it if ur new
--I am not currently taking commissions.
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