#thetford forest
Feltwell Anglo American Car Show (part 1)
After last week’s cancelled show I finally got a to one Saturday at Feltwell, which is about eleven miles from the wonderful Thetford Forest which I travelled through to get there. This is the third year for the show of its type, due to the popularity last couple of years, it has been moved to a larger field for a bit more space. I got up to bright sunshine and checked the website and Facebook…
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mushroomgay · 20 days
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Cambridge, UK, July 2024
Common stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus)
Had a lovely interaction at Thetford Forest with a small child, who told me all about the different woodpeckers he was there to see, while I showed him he could literally 'sniff out' the stinkhorns that were all over the forest floor.
These fungi attract flies by giving off the scent of rotten meat on their gleba, the sticky substance that covers the cap. The flies that land on it distribute the spores in the gleba on their feet, allowing the fungus to reproduce.
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Matt Trevillion .
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos
major), Thetford Forest - Widespread
black-and-white woodpecker with a range
that covers much of Eurasia. Inhabits
almost all types of forest and woodland
parkland, gardens, even farmland with
hedges and scattered larger trees. Feeds
mainly on trunks and larger branches; also
visits feeders
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jaketeachesdeath · 1 year
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Roe finally added to the Jakelog
One of the 6 UK Deer but is actually one of the truer natives!
Records of Roe date before 10,000 BC but they arent found in Northern Ireland. Theyre one of the most abundant Deer in the UK but populations were spread about. In the early 1880s they were plonked in Thetford forest all the way from Germany. Scottish Roe were added to Ireland but seem to only have lasted 50 years, although there has been some sightings in recent years. Even down south theres suggestion spread there came from escaped Petworth Deer.
Theyre the middle sized Deer, no tail and a noteable pale rump. Thier antlers are on the smaller side and tend to only reach 3 points.
Roe breeding cycles differ from the norm (excluding Muntjac) and right about now the Bucks will have clean antlers and wont cast them till November. Red, Sika and Fallow are comming to the end of thier casting season currently.
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amenita-artem · 5 months
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My collection of foraging photos from last fall. Mainly from Norfolk and Thetford Forest.
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robinegreenwood · 2 years
XIII - 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
[oc x sirius black]
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆   。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
It was a cold night that followed.
An oppressive silence held dominion over the still earth. Blackness took the form of clouds and blotted out the shining starlight, creating an endless and inescapable sense of doom.
Nothing stirred. It was a night made for the dead-the living were its trespassers.
And so, while the living held their breath and waited for a daybreak that couldn't come soon enough, the dead came out to play.
Hunched over, Peter Pettigrew's feet kept him trained on the dirt path in front of him. Glancing upwards, he came face to face with the beginnings of The Forbidden Forest. Rising up hulkingly before him were the greyish trunks of oaks that had lived a thousand of his lifetimes. There was a reason it was a forbidden place, and he could feel it-the presence of a once sleeping evil slowly waking up. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes became fixated on the forbidding sight. Something about him was being drawn in, while at the same time all of his instincts were telling him to run very quickly in the opposite direction.
Peter felt himself falling forward as he was suddenly shoved from behind. A cloaked figure passed him by without a word of acknowledgment. He caught himself with his hands and a pained groan left his lips as he was cut by a jagged rock. He was suddenly tugged upwards as a figure-also cloaked-held him up by his hood; this figure was subsequently taller than the others that passed them by as they wordlessly walked into the forest.
"Keep moving," the figure, a male, spoke in a harsh whisper.
Peter felt himself nodding. His eyes relocked on the dirt path and once again he began to blindly walk forward, his feet rising and falling in sync with the others around him.
Past the relative safety of the Hogwarts Castle, deep within the Thetford Forest, floated a lonesome dock. Its cracking, brittle oak boards hung precariously over the depths of still blackwater-heavily burdened by the presence of an unspeakable evil. A cloaked commander of death.
Lord Voldemorts' eyes were closed as he tilted his head back in repose, his mind feeding ravenously on the nights' ghostly silence. One of his hands held onto his wand, while the other wrapped tightly around the golden snake head handle of his cane-long blackening, fingernails tapped impatiently.
His eyes snapped open at the sound of a crack immediately followed by the smell of burnt ash.
The dock began to sway as a figure treaded carefully over the broken boards.
"You called for me my Lord?" the figure clasped his hands behind his back, holding his head high.
"Indeed by dear boy…Come."
The figure moved to Voldemorts' side.
"I'm afraid I have some troubling news." a long, bony finger pointed towards one of the docks' wooden braces. It was a place where one might tie off their canoe, or small fishing boat, but it wasn't a boat that was tied there.
The figures' body went rigid. A terrible chill settled over him as his stomach began to churn. He shoved his clammy hands into his pockets, trying to keep himself still.
He could see a rope. Thick, braided, and glowing golden, it wrapped around the wooden brace-bound to it was a body void of life.
The figure swallowed bile that had risen into his throat. He could feel the lightness of his head, and the incredible urge to flee.
"He was mishandling some very delicate information." Voldemorts' voice cut through like a jagged blade.
The word 'delicate' sounded foreign as it left his lips.
He continued, "The Nyx's have recovered from their…accident. They persuaded him…" he gestured towards the body, "To release information regarding their daughter-I'm assuming as a set up towards you, but regardless, he had to be silenced."
The figure shifted his weight nervously.
Voldemort went silent, allowing the dead of the night to creep into and unravel the figure's mind; waiting until he was truly unsettled before continuing.
The Dark Lord turned to face the figure, dragging his wand up till it dug into the skin of his neck-tilting his chip upwards.
The figure winced as his skin broke under the wands' point. Blood slowly dripped down his neck.
"You'll need to be careful. The Nyx's will be coming for you, they will do everything it takes to find their daughter before you. I hope you will not fail me dear boy, your death would not be so enjoyable as his," he motioned over at the floating body of a man who one resembled The Broker.
The figure managed to nod. The point of the wand cut deeper into his skin as he did so, the blood now littering his coat.
A wicked grin spread across Voldemorts' snake-like features and he lowered his wand.
"Go now then, bring back what is mine…"
Once again the figure gave a curt nod before turning on shaky legs back down the dock.
"Oh and Mr. Black?"
The figure inclined his head.
"I might be so kind as to suggest turning your searching gaze towards those who oppose us. Not everyone possesses the strength for so-called 'evil' intent."
Confusion swept across the figure's face for a brief moment before he nodded a third time-more to himself than anyone else. He knew where he needed to go, where he needed to return to. Fueled by a dangerous combination of anger, desperation, and fear he apparated- he would not meet the same fate as The Broker, he would not fail.
Peter's eyes surveyed the woods warily. He wasn't sure now exactly where he was, being too far in the trees to recognize his surroundings. The group had come to a stop only moments ago and could be plainly observed to be waiting for someone.
Ever since one member had gotten lost, the leader of their cultish group had begun bringing up the back, ensuring that everyone found their way through the maze of the forest.
If a person spent long enough lost in the Forbidden Forest their mind would begin to betray them. Such happened to the one poor soul. Slower than the rest he had been left behind, the fog of the forest seeped through his lungs and into his brain; he entered into a trance-like state, wandering deep into the forest, past the point of safety, and past the point of return. This accident had been carefully covered up-it was made so that the individual had never existed.
Peter breathed in a sigh of relief as he saw the hood of his leader brushing along the moss growing on the lowest hanging branches of the oak giants. The group went silent as the leader opened his mouth to speak. He was a man of few words. Therefore what he did have to say was all the more important.
"Hail the dark Lord Voldemort," he began, his voice rising out into the night.
"Hail the dark Lord Voldemort," the group echoed.
"Time is not something we have in abundance. Let us begin the ceremony immediately."
The group organised themselves accordingly. Forming a circle around the stump of a once great tree. Peter, along with two others, stepped forward from the circle and onto the stump. They held their wrists out-palms upwards.
Peter couldn't tell if the others were as nervous as himself, and he became extremely grateful for the hooded cloak that hid his paling face. He was certain everyone could hear the beating of his heart in the nights' deathly silence. He took a large inhale of air, paused, and released his breath.
It didn't help any.
He only grew more perturbed.
The minutes seemed to stretch on and his arm began to feel heavy as he held it out alongside the others. Horrified, Peter felt his body begin to shake against his will. A firm hand gripped onto his shoulder and he recognized his leader standing behind him.
"Take heart young man. The pain is for our Lord's pleasure."
Peter gulped and nodded, his body slowly came under his control.
The leader's hand moved to grasp his wrist. Two other cloaked figures stepped up to hold the wrists of those standing beside Peter. They stood staring at the leader, waiting for his cue to begin. With the quick nod of his head their voices started out lowly into the night. A chant filled the air. Rhythmically they began to tap their feet-the sound muffled by the soft forest moss. Peter closed his eyes as if it was reflex, tilting his head up to oppressive clouds that hid away the stars. It seemed impossible, but it felt as if his pulse was beating faster with the rhythm of their feet tapping. His body thrashed against his leader's hold as if it knew it was in danger and he had to fight against his natural instinct to run.
Suddenly everything was quiet again. A chill seeped through his skin like an icy rain, past the flesh of his muscles and into his bones. The loud boom of a voice jolted through the chill and he felt like he was on fire. The voice rose higher and higher shaking the treetops and their knees. Peter's eyes stayed glued shut even as he felt the tip of a wand move to rest on his wrist.
The pain came immediately after.
Starting out from his wrist and then flowing throughout his body, the pain caused to collapse onto the forest floor. A shrill scream sounded in his head but he couldn't decipher his voice from the others around him. He gripped his wrist hard and his eyes flew open.
A shapeless shadow swirled in the skin of his wrist, turning this way and that as if it knew its indecision was causing him further agony. Finally it stopped. Forming quickly, it etched itself into his skin. It would forever be a part of him-whether it was the numbness of his mind or the darkness in his heart, Peter didn't seem to care. He looked at it and saw acceptance, saw something that he belonged to. And he was content.
The shape was there now but the pain hadn't left. His body entered into an immediate shutdown to counteract the raw beating of pain. The image of a skull biting down onto a snake was the last thing Peter saw before he lost consciousness.
Only miles away, lying on a cot in the Hospital Wing, Eden Fleetwood rose with a piercing scream.
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rsfannan6 · 4 months
Day One: We start the Peddars Way
The Peddars Way is a wonderful ever changing, easy graded, 46 mile long distance walk starting from the pretty woodland of Knettishall Heath just outside of Thetford, through to open countryside, along quiet lanes, and Roman roads eventually leading to the North Norfolk coast at Hunstanton.  This is our fifth walk here in the U.K.  It dates to 61 AD, when it was used by the Romans to defeat Celtic tribes which had inhabited much of which is now Mid Norfolk.  In the 15th and 16th century, this route was named Peddars Way in honor of the pilgrims and traders who walked to the religious village of Walsingham and the priory there.  We picked it as it is somewhat easy for those of us who are a wee bit long-in-the-tooth.
A note here about jet lag.  After a long day of travel to get from the west coast of the good ole USA, Diane and I, along with the rest of our group had no problem falling asleep.  For me, the sleep of death descended almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.  Regretfully, this did not last long.  3:00 am rolled around and both Diane and I were wide awake.  This did give me the opportunity of working on this blog in the hours before breakfast.  
Our group of eight had a delightful meal, and it was not long before a van rolled up to take us to the embarkation point of our journey.  The start of the trail, Knettishal Heath, was a five mile ride outside of Thetford, and David, our driver, whisked us there in no time at all.  
Today’s walk would be the shortest at 6.5 miles.  Piece of cake.  The well marked trail took us through  a beautiful forest populated by all sorts of ferns and trees as well as thousands of lavender Digitalis or Foxglove plants.  Simply gorgeous.  
We did have to watch our step as sometimes the path became quite narrow with many thorny inhabitants such as stinging nettles and the dirty-evil Hogweed which had sent Diane to the hospital on our walk down the Thames River Path eight years ago.  Our caution paid off as all of our group came away unscathed. 
Much of the path was easy going, but things got a bit dicey as the trail narrowed and our pace slowed down considerably.  On these cross country endeavors, it is hard to average more that about 2 miles an hour, and when you are basically making your way through brush and overhanging branches, 1 mph is about all you are able to achieve.  But, the weather was ok and basically it is just one foot after another.
We passed a recreational area called Forest Holidays, where cabins are available to rent along with a small cafe as well as a pretty cool looking disc golf course.  Just past this is where the weather turned sour.  And, if that were not bad enough, the trail was flooded, halting our progress.  Stopping at the cafe to assess our options, we enlisted the advice of Liv, the friendly forest ranger.  What a saint.  She told us to hang out, have a coffee, and she would go see how bad the flood was, and return with her recommendations.  About a half hour later, she returned.  We could either add 2 miles to our journey and walk around the problem venturing on the highway or take off our shoes and socks, roll up our pants and wade through the water and slime in the four areas that impeded our progress.  We decided  to brave the slime.
All was ok until the rain started, becoming quite heavy at times.  We got soaked.  And mind you, what was going to be a short walk was not even half over.  Very slow going in the next hour.  Very slippery making our way through the flooded areas.  But, we were buoyed by the group effort, laughing our way through this setback.  Fortunately, the rain abated, and it was not long before we were back in our shoes and socks, enjoying the sun which dried us out.  
The forest morphed into rolling pastures populated by hog farms and fields of potatoes and vegetables.  
On most of our other walks, we would simply go from inn to inn.  But on this particular adventure, the towns and villages we passed through are few and far between with no facilities to house 8 travelers.  So, our hosts, Let’s Go Walking UK, had arranged for us to be transported by taxi to and from inns that could accommodate our group.  As we finally ended our first day’s journey, two cabs arrived to take us back to our digs in Thetford.  We would be spending the night again at The Bell Hotel.   Kinda funny how these things work out.  After our 6.5 mile trek had morphed into over 9 miles over a period of 6 hours, the ride back to Thetford took about 15 minutes.  Tired and weary but in good spirits, we had a rollicking good dinner and cocktails back at The Bell.  
It was D Day, which is a big deal in this part of the world, so we went to the center of town to witness what can only be called an underwhelming commemoration.  Sort of sad.  We topped off our day by singing and playing ukulele on the terrace outside of our hotel.  
We can only wonder what tomorrow will bring when the stakes go up a bit as we embark on a 10 mile venture to our next destination. 
More to come……
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musicnewsweb · 7 months
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ICYMI: Olly Murs announces Forest Live headline show at Thetford Forest - #ollymurs @ollyofficial http://dlvr.it/T3K3p6
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entertainmehub · 7 months
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ICYMI: Olly Murs announces Forest Live headline show at Thetford Forest - #ollymurs @ollyofficial http://dlvr.it/T3JwZv
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yorkcalling · 10 months
Forest Live Announces Bryan Adams Show
Forest Live, the summer concert series presented by Forestry England, has announced three shows in unique forest settings from Canadian rock legend Bryan Adams. Adams will be performing at Delamere Forest, Thetford Forest and Dalby Forest on Sunday 16th June, Thursday 20th June and Friday 21st June 2024.
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thoughtswordsaction · 10 months
Frenchy And The Punk Present "Gear Geist" With New Video
Photo by Samantha Stephenson NYC-based goth pop-alternative duo Frenchy and the Punk present the single ‘Gear Geist’. Essentially translated as Gear Ghost, this song conjures the ‘ghost in the machine’ idea, which reflects the overall ‘mind phantoms’ theme of their latest album Zen Ghost’.  The new video for this song was shot in Whitby and Thetford Forest during the duo’s UK ‘Zen Ghost’ tour…
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cyclingshop · 1 year
🚴‍♀️ Thetford Forest is a stunning location for cycling enthusiasts. With over 18,730 hectares of woodland, it's the largest lowland pine forest in the UK and offers a variety of cycling trails suitable for all levels. 🌲 The forest is home to a vast array of wildlife, including fallow deer, red squirrels and nightjars. Cycling through the forest provides a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the area while getting some exercise. 🚵‍♂️ The cycling trails in Thetford Forest range from easy family-friendly routes to more challenging trails for experienced riders. Whether you're looking for a leisurely ride or an adrenaline-fueled adventure, Thetford Forest has something for everyone.1. Thetford Forest: A Haven for CyclistsThetford Forest is a cyclist's paradise with over 30 miles of trails. It offers a variety of terrains, from gentle slopes to challenging hills. The forest is home to a range of wildlife, including deer and rare birds. Cyclists can enjoy the peaceful surroundings and fresh air. The forest has trails suitable for all abilities, from beginners to experienced riders. The green trails are perfect for families and leisure cyclists. The blue trails offer more challenging terrain with some technical features. The red trails are for experienced riders, with steep climbs and technical descents. Cyclists can hire bikes from the High Lodge Visitor Centre or bring their own. The centre also offers bike maintenance and repair services. There are plenty of picnic areas and cafes for a well-deserved break. Visitors can also enjoy other activities, such as walking and horse riding. Thetford Forest is a must-visit destination for any cycling enthusiast. 🚴🌳🦌2. Exploring the Trails: Cycling Routes in Thetford ForestThetford Forest offers a variety of cycling routes for all levels. Beginner-friendly: Pingo Trail, Little Lodge Trail Intermediate: Mildenhall Warren Trail, Brandon Park Trail Advanced: Red Route, Black Route The forest is well-maintained with clear signage and well-marked trails. Expect to see stunning views of the forest, wildlife, and historic landmarks along the way. Don't forget to bring plenty of water, snacks, and a map or GPS device. Be aware of other cyclists, walkers, and horse riders on the trails. Respect the forest and take your rubbish with you. 🌳🚴‍♂️3. Gear Up: Essential Equipment for Cycling in Thetford ForestWhen cycling in Thetford Forest, it's important to have the right gear. Here are some essential items: Bike: Choose a sturdy mountain bike with good suspension. Helmet: Protect your head with a well-fitted helmet. Gloves: Keep your hands comfortable and protect them from blisters. Cycling shorts: Padded shorts will make your ride more comfortable. Water bottle: Stay hydrated on your ride with a water bottle. Snacks: Bring energy-boosting snacks like granola bars or bananas. Sunscreen: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Bug spray: Keep pesky insects at bay with bug spray. Don't forget to check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Layering is key for changing temperatures. And always bring a map or GPS device to navigate the forest trails. 🚴‍♀️🌳🌞🌡️🧤🧢🕶️🥾🥪4. Safety First: Tips for Safe Cycling in Thetford ForestBefore you hit the trails, make sure to follow these tips for safe cycling in Thetford Forest: Wear a helmet and appropriate clothing. Check your bike before each ride. Stay on designated trails and obey signs. Be aware of other trail users. Use hand signals when turning or stopping. Carry a first aid kit and cell phone. Bring plenty of water and snacks. Remember to always ride within your ability and be cautious on descents. Don't forget to enjoy the beautiful scenery and wildlife! 🚴‍♂️🌳🌲🐿️🦌5. Beyond Cycling: Other Outdoor Activities in Thetford ForestThetford Forest offers more than just cycling. Here are some other outdoor activities: Walking trails: Explore the forest on foot with various trails ranging from easy to challenging. Go Ape: Test your limits with a high ropes course, zip lines, and tree-top adventures. Horse riding: Enjoy a scenic ride through the forest with guided tours for all levels. Orienteering: Challenge yourself with map reading and navigation skills on designated courses. Segway tours: Glide through the forest on a Segway with guided tours available for all ages. Picnics: Relax and enjoy the scenery with designated picnic areas throughout the forest. Thetford Forest also offers camping, wildlife watching, and even a Gruffalo trail for children. 🏕️🐾6. Planning Your Trip: Accommodations and Amenities for Cyclists in Thetford ForestThetford Forest offers a range of accommodations for cyclists. From camping to glamping, there's something for everyone. 🏕️ Campsites like Muntjac Meadow and Little Lodge Farm offer basic facilities for a budget-friendly stay. For a more luxurious experience, try the Forest Holidays cabins. 🏠 If you're looking for a unique experience, book a stay at the Bike Art House. This quirky accommodation is decorated with bicycle parts and offers bike storage and repair facilities. 🚲 Most accommodations in Thetford Forest offer amenities for cyclists, such as bike storage, repair facilities, and washing stations. Some even offer bike rentals. 🚴‍♀️ When planning your trip, consider the location of your accommodation. Some campsites and cabins are located near popular cycling trails, while others require a short drive. 🛣️ Don't forget to pack essential items like a helmet, bike lock, and lights. And if you're camping, bring a sleeping bag and tent. Happy cycling! 🚴‍♂️7. The Best Time to Cycle in Thetford Forest: Seasonal Considerations and Weather TipsThetford Forest is a beautiful place for cycling, but the best time to do it depends on the season and weather. Here are some tips: Spring: Enjoy the forest's bluebells and wildlife, but be prepared for rain and chilly temperatures. Summer: Longer days and warmer weather make it perfect for cycling, but watch out for crowds and bugs. Fall: The changing leaves and cooler temperatures make it a scenic ride, but be aware of shorter days and potential rain. Winter: Fewer crowds and beautiful frosty landscapes, but be prepared for cold temperatures and potential snow or ice. Regardless of the season, it's important to check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Layers are key for fluctuating temperatures. Don't forget to bring water, snacks, and a map. Thetford Forest has a variety of trails for all skill levels. The High Lodge Visitor Centre is a great starting point with bike rentals and maps available. Remember to be respectful of the forest and its wildlife. Stay on designated trails and follow the Countryside Code. Happy cycling! 🚴‍♂️🌳 In conclusion, cycling in Thetford Forest is an exhilarating experience that offers something for everyone. From challenging mountain bike trails to leisurely family rides, the forest has it all. 🚴‍♀️🌳 With over 30 miles of dedicated cycle trails, Thetford Forest is a haven for cyclists of all abilities. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a complete beginner, there's a route to suit you. 🚵‍♂️🌲 So why not grab your bike and head to Thetford Forest for a day of cycling? With stunning scenery, challenging terrain and plenty of wildlife to spot, it's an adventure you won't forget. 🌞🐿️🦌 https://cyclingshop.uk/cycling-in-thetford-forest/?_unique_id=649b3bdd7c444
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musichenrik · 1 year
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Pheew what a weekend in the U.K.
2 Forest Live - Forestry England (Delamere/Thetford) shows with Natalie Imbruglia and ze gang supporting the ‘Italian Springsteen’, Jack Savoretti, what a pleasure and what a bloke.
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jhmcconnell · 1 year
Methwold, Norfolk
To the west of Thetford Forest lies the village of Methwold. This parish is one of the largest in Norfolk, comprising over 12,280 acres. The local village is situated on a slope at the edge of a chalkland, with the Thetford Forest to the east and extensive fenland on the west. The parish of Methwold contains about twenty farms, which employ many of the locals. Many of the older buildings are…
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musicnewsweb · 7 months
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Olly Murs announces Forest Live headline show at Thetford Forest - #ollymurs @ollyofficial http://dlvr.it/T3Fx6C
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entertainmehub · 7 months
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Olly Murs announces Forest Live headline show at Thetford Forest - #ollymurs @ollyofficial http://dlvr.it/T3Fx6j
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