theunwrittenones · 4 years
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Willkommen in unserer Schreibwerkstatt, #laraklovren eröffnet ihr Kategorie 5 Tipps. Es geht los mit der Beschreibung des Aussehens der Charaktere. Schaut doch mal vorbei: https://theunwrittenones.squarespace.com/schreibwerkstatt/2020/3/27/wege-das-aussehen-deines-charakters-zu-beschreiben #theunwrittenones #gdangier #laraklovren #rolandkris #autorenleben #autoren #schreiben #schreibtipps #autorenaufinstagram #writersofinstagram #autorenwahnsinn #schriftsteller #autorencommunity #amwriting #schreibenistliebe #writerslife #deutscheautoren #schreibwerktstatt #schreibtipps (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-WSjL4gWlh/?igshid=1989zcz5a3og9
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writeanapocalae · 5 years
Thank you for tagging me @theevolutionofledarose!
I’m doing this for The Dream Estate!
The first sentence of your WIP:
The pain in his head was new.
The genre?
psychedellic/surreal horror
The name and age of your main characters?
Jackson Alvarrez 36
The first bit of dialogue
“You hit him in the head with a baseball bat!” the shorter of the two scolded the moment they had an opportunity. “You can’t expect him to do anything for you after that! Never mind trust you!”
An accent. Jackson tried to focus but it was too hard. Even listening hurt.
“It was our last option,” the man coldly explained. “We did everything we could to make him come willingly. Eventually he just stopped answering our calls.”
He had the same accent. Jackson focused, trying to hear the other voices in the room. They were quiet, distant, but he could tell that they were all that accent. He was a long way from home. Or he was dreaming. It was hard to tell. He hoped that he was dreaming. He hoped that the dream was his.
“How am I supposed to explain to him that you kidnapped him, huh?”
“You’re a smart guy, I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
tagging: @etjwrites @comfypitbull @altschmerzes @clarissalopeswriter @alexwillow @thefaeriesoul @puzzledorange @lunarmoment @theunwrittenones @elusiveink
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monstrouswrites · 6 years
Valentine's Day Tag Game
I only just figured out how to see just my mentions, so catching up on tags as best I can! Tagged by @kittensartsbooks @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz @theunwrittenones @silver-wields-a-pen
[1] How big a part does romance play in your novel?
For the one I'm going to start after A Cryptic Carol (it's in the same universe, maybe a series?) romance is crystal lite, it's not something I think I'll explore there. In Feathers & Fortunes, it plays a role in plot and chqaracter development especially.
[2] What is the nature of the romance in the story? Are there any tropes it follows? (Infatuation at first sight, enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, etc?)
For ACC, it's a frenemies to lovers, maybe. Very small, squint and you might not see the tiny subtext. For F&F, it's enemies to friends to lovers to enemies. Will it end happy? I dunno!
[3] Why did you decide to pair specifically these two characters? What makes their relationship compelling?
For ACC, it just kinda happened as I wrote Ezra and Jack. Ezra's been a character of mine for a good bit now, and he's fairly flirtatious. But you might be surprised at who intiates things. They're compelling because of the ease that they had to earn with each other, because both of them are very guarded in different ways. They saw that in each other I think.
For F&F, I knew I wanted a lost daughter plot, and as I was trying to figure out how -- it's a weird story how F&F began btw -- the answer landed in my lap. Romance, one that was compelling because of the way it happened, a complex relationship of pull and push between powerful and powerless. I wanted to explore that as larger theme in the story, why not make it bite size in a relationship? I basically created her to be Foxglove's love interest, that's why specifically these two.
[4] How do you handle your characters’ chemistry?
ACC, it's natural flow. I don't do much outside of just write.
F&F, I have to work harder to make sure the characters aren't flat, that they never let their romance outshine themselves. I want them to be realized characters, which is difficult right now when I haven't sat down and wrote anything but background and plot plans.
[5] At which point in your story do your characters realize that they’re in love?
ACC, they don't, not until some scary life-threatening stuff goes down.
F&F, they wrestle with it as they grow closer, especially due to circumstances. They realize it's really something they want to work when Foxglove helps her to escape and live freely, away from her daily presence.
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magsiswritingnow · 5 years
15 for 15
Thanks @editronchi for the tag! 
Rules: Answer 15 questions about your WIP from a character’s perspective, then tag 15 people. 
1. What is your full name?
Atarah Relicuos. 
2. What does your full name mean? 
“Atarah” is a fairly common name in Corvenn, meaning “crown” in some old language, and “Relicuos” is my mother’s family name. (My half-brother, Ziyad, took his father’s name). 
3. What are your other nicknames/names? 
Ziyad calls me “Tar”, mostly to be annoying. [Later on in the story she’s called The Prophetess].
4. What is your gender?
5. What is your sexuality?
Asexual heteroromantic. 
6. Where are your from? 
Corvenn, the capital city of the kingdom of Óritir. 
7. How old are you?
I was born five Games ago. [She is 16].
8. What is your species/magic form?
I’m human, though I have been granted the powers of a seer. 
9. What does your human form look like? 
What I always look like: Brown skin, blue eyes, long skirts, colorful headscarves. Though, my eyes turn from blue to silver when I see the future. 
10. What’s your aesthetic? 
Fabrics, swishing skirts, flowing patterns, lively dancing, long gone ruins, and glowing eyes. 
11. Who’s your best friend? 
Reed. We met when he tried to pickpocket my mistress’s [she’s an apprentice guys] handbasket and I got it back. I give him food sometimes and we talk and he doesn’t steal from me as long as I feed him. 
12. Would you ever get a piercing or tattoo? 
I actually have magical tattoos all around my back, neck, and chest. It’s sort of the reason I wear a headscarf, other than religious purposes. The designs mark me as an Elotíse, or magical seer. 
13. When are you happiest? 
I’m happiest when I’m by myself, and I get to be alone and breathe for once without anyone looking down on me or trying to see through lies. 
14. What’s your biggest secret?
You already know. If anyone were to find out about my gift of prophecy, the king would no doubt come and lock me up in chains himself. 
15. What was your first impression of ___? 
The prince? He seemed very envious of Elide Dyga’s position at the king’s side during the Game’s opening. I didn’t trust him then and I still don’t. 
Tagging: @storyteller-kaelo @scripturientworld @write-gallagher @inkpotlanterned @theswordofpens @the-violet-writer @unknowingwriting1nowknowsabit @n1ghtcrwler @savannahscripts @stuffylana @focusdumbass @francestroublr @mvcreates @quilloftheclouds @theunwrittenones
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Oh! I was tagged in a thing! Well that never happens, so here we go...
Bold your preferences and tag 10 friends Internet friends? Never heard of ‘em. Do it if you want and tag me if you found this from me, I’m interested to see what my followers think/prefer :)
@theunwrittenones tagged me in this btw, so that’s cool!
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl (I’d like to be at least, lol)
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative classic & instrumental
freckles or dimples (I kinda prefer freckles, but I got dimples, so here we are)
snakes or sharks
mountains or field
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Alternative Geschichte: Schrödingers Katze des Science Fiction Genre. Welcher Auto hat sich nicht schon einmal die alles verändernde Frage gestellt: Was wäre wenn...? Was eine gute Alt-History ausmacht, was in an ihr lieben und welche Schwachpunkte sie aufweist, erforscht #gdangier in diesen Artikel. Hier geht‘s zur Alt-History-Zeitreise: https://theunwrittenones.squarespace.com/schreibwerkstatt/alt-geschichte #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #laraklovren #autorenleben #autoren #schreiben #schreibtipps #autorenaufinstagram #writersofinstagram #autorenwahnsinn #schriftsteller #autorencommunity #amwriting #schreibenistliebe #writerslife #deutscheautoren #schreibwerkstatt #althistory #alternativegeschichte (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7iLmhdAk2w/?igshid=squhakcxl3lp
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Wisst ihr manchmal einfach nicht welche Überschrift ihr für euer Kapitel nehmen sollt? Dann haben wir hier die Lösung! Angier hat ihre Tipps und Ratschläge in einen wunderbaren Artikel verfasst. Schaut vorbei, lasst uns wissen was ihr denkt und gebt uns eure Tipps. Hier geht es zum Artikel: https://theunwrittenones.squarespace.com/schreibwerkstatt/2019/11/14/kapitelueberschriften #theunwrittenones #gdangier #rolandkris #laraklovren #autorenleben #autoren #schreiben #schreibtipps #autorenaufinstagram #writersofinstagram #autorenwahnsinn #schriftsteller #autorencommunity #amwriting #schreibenistliebe #writerslife #deutscheautoren (hier: Dresden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OA3v7gRpP/?igshid=1xy8z8c9v67h6
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Hey everyone! We hope you had a great Easter weekend. We certainly did, we wrote 👍🏻 days off are great to write the whole day, no work getting in the way. • • #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quote #quoteoftheday✏️ (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlmGHMnYQO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kno0xevc34yd
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Hey, this quote is true and also there are so many books and not enough time to write our own 🤔 what does this tell us? Quit our day-job and become a full time writer? A dream come true #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quote #dontbeunwritten https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHywZvgpez/?igshid=1xvjkmi9v5p5q
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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New week, new quite about writing to keep aspiring authors and everyone else on the page. Keep writing 💪 #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quote #quoteaboutwriting https://www.instagram.com/p/By9g5RVgCMV/?igshid=1gp2schtblghu
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Hast du auch Probleme damit, neben deinem Job täglich zu Schreiben? Dann lies Haydens Artikel zu diesen Thema und deine Probleme sind gelöst. Naja, vielleicht nicht unbedingt, aber sie können dir einen Anstoß geben, denn leider ist das Autoren-Dasein nicht unser Hauptberuf ... noch nicht. #theunwrittenones #haydenlovren #rolandkris #gdangier #autorenleben #autoren #schreiben #schreibtipps #autorenaufinstagram #writersofinstagram #autorenwahnsinn #schriftsteller #autorencommunity #amwriting #schreibenistliebe #writerslife #deutscheautoren https://www.instagram.com/p/B0N6FTiAZ7f/?igshid=1q3q74likx2ic
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Habt ihr euch schonmal gefragt wer die Unwritten Ones eigentlich sind? Wir sind drei Autoren, die davon träumen irgendwann ihr eigenes Buch zu veröffentlichen, wenn das Leben nicht in den Weg kommen würde oder die Arbeit. Denn bis jetzt ist das Schreiben unser Hobby und wir hoffen es zu unserem Beruf machen zu können. Unser Blog soll eine Platform werden für alle Autoren, damit wir den Austausch fördern können. Wir wollen, dass ihr mit dem Kopf nickt und uns zustimmt, wenn ihr unseren Blog lest oder später mal unseren Podcast hört. Dieser ist zur Zeit noch in Arbeit. Seid gespannt! #theunwrittenonespodcast #unwrittenpod #podcastgerman #pocast #autorenleben #autoren #schreiben #schreibtipps #autorenaufinstagram #writersofinstagram #autorenwahnsinn #schriftsteller #autorencommunity #amwriting #schreibenistliebe #writerslife #deutscheautoren #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #writingprompt #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzxc1rGgjFd/?igshid=v8rkc6t724si
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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It‘s Friday and we are back with our quotes about writing. • • #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quoteaboutwriting #quote #noraroberts (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwtSi8aHIJB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19thqmfn1t8z4
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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On Tuesday we were sad that there isn‘t enough time to read all the books and now we are posting a quote that inspires us to keep writing. A day needs more than 24 hours to get everything we love done. 🙄😏 #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quoteaboutwriting #dontbeunwritten https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPiafWgsZM/?igshid=mu8n8qrhvgik
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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True story. And we are trying to get more books out there to read which means we have to write more and faster. #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quote (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BykCmZ3A4qg/?igshid=59jb32cjhf6z
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theunwrittenones · 5 years
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Hey everybody. It‘s been quite a while since we posted something but well... life was getting in the way and we‘re really busy writing. Long, warm nights in summer are just perfect to get some writing done. • • #theunwrittenones #rolandkris #gdangier #haydenlovren #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #author #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #writersconnection #writerscorner #booksagram #writer #booklovers #bookish #writersofig #amwriting #authorlife #writingishard #like #follow #quote https://www.instagram.com/p/Byf1isNAPzf/?igshid=g62r32ffkbhy
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