robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
My prompt is just more trans au. Various people reacting to baobei. Just i love trans au so much thank u for this gift.
Baobai Pt 1 - on tumblr, on ao3
“Oh, hey, you have a kid,” Wei Wuxian said, out of lack of any other conversational topics that weren’t ‘so are you here to kill us all?’. Kids were usually a good, neural topic, especially when they were that small. “Look at her, she’s so tiny! Her parents know you brought her out here?”
“She’s da-ge’s,” Lan Xichen said with a smile and a nod towards Nie Mingjue, who as tall and terrifying as always. He was glowering at the half-grown radish fields as if he was personally offended by them.
“Congratulations, Chifeng-zun,” Wei Wuxian said to him, hoping to stave off any impending violence. The baby was young enough that the mom was probably still in isolation recovering, and maybe hadn’t consented to said baby being brought to the Burial Mounds of all places - certainly Wei Wuxian wouldn’t have agreed to cart a small infant all the way from Qinghe, and he’d thought mothers preferred to remain near their children in the few months after birth - but Wei Wuxian was not really in a position to object.
Certainly not after the quick work Nie Mingjue’s saber made of all of his defensive arrays. That man was scary.
“Thank you,” Nie Mingjue said, and it was awkward for a moment until he added, “Pain in the ass to acquire.”
That made everything better: Wei Wuxian knew how to deal with snark. “Oh yeah? Carried her yourself, did you?”
“Ten fucking months,” Nie Mingjue said, and Wei Wuxian laughed and shot Lan Xichen a wink, figuring that his stupid joke about having given birth to A-Yuan had made the rounds. Funny, he wouldn’t have pegged Lan Wangji to be the sort of person to pass on jokes…
At that point, Nie MIngjue twisted his head around to look at Wen Ning and Wen Qing, who were hovering nearby, trying to hide A-Yuan behind their legs, and said, “She’s your cousin three times removed, if I have my family tree down right, so stop being queasy and let the kid come see her.”
“Fuck,” Wen Qing said, and abruptly sat down. “I’m sorry.”
Wei Wuxian had the distinct feeling he was missing something, especially when Wen Ning’s expression shifted from equally puzzled to outright horrified.
“It’s not exactly your fault, you’re not soldiers,” Nie Mingjue said, and glared at the radish field again. “But in all seriousness: let the kid see her.”
Wen Qing waved a vague hand at A-Yuan, who correctly interpreted it as permission and zoomed over to the baby as fast as his little legs could carry him. He was in that another-kid-how-cool phase that all kids had, and babies were a particular fascination.
“You’re cousins?” Wei Wuxian asked Nie Mingjue, feeling a bit weird about. Three times removed wasn’t close, but still…of all people...“With the Wen sect? You?”
Nie Huaisang made a strangled noise that from anyone else Wei Wuxian would have said sounded a bit like he was going to imminently stab someone.
Nie Mingjue just gave Wei Wuxian a look like he was an idiot. 
“No,” he said very slowly. “I’m not.”
Wei Wuxian continued not to get it, right up until he glanced at Wen Ning who mouthed a name at him and – wait, but no, that’s impossible – but he’d have to be – wait, he was from Qinghe –
Wei Wuxian suddenly noticed that he had sat down on the ground as well at some point.
“Pain in the ass,” he said blankly. “Right.”
Nie Huaisang was glaring at him like he really was going to pull out his never-used saber to start chopping Wei Wuxian into bits, and honestly that might be a preferable option to the sheer awkwardness of having just put two and two together like that in front of so many people. Maybe he could use demonic cultivation to open the ground up beneath him? It’d never been done before, but then again, that was most things he did…
“Why are people so weird about babies?” Nie Mingjue complained, picking up the baby in one arm and a giggling and blissfully ignorant A-Yuan in the other, swinging them both around a bit. “They’re like – lumps of little people. We were all babies once. It’s not that weird.”
“You heard him,” Jin Guangyao said to Wei Wuxian with a smile that looked like it had daggers in it. “It’s not weird at all. Right?”
“Right!” Wei Wuxian said hastily.
Apparently scary people flocked together. Though, did that mean there something he was missing about Lan Xichen..?
Lan Xichen smiled at Jin Guangyao, who smiled back. That was really the only good thing about these discussion conferences, he thought – they were long and draining and he had to meet a lot of people he didn’t want to see (Sect Leader Yao ranked highly), but he got to spend a great deal of time with his sworn brothers, which he didn’t often manage. And, really, that made everything worth it.
“How are things going?” he asked in an undertone, scanning Jin Guangyao with his eyes. Madame Jin did not have the reputation for being a kind woman, especially not about her husband’s affairs, and he couldn’t help but worry.
“Manageable,” Jin Guangyao assured him, though it wasn’t really that comforting. “It helps that this conference isn’t at Jinlin Tower – less to arrange, less work to fall on my shoulders. It’s positively easy by comparison. When did you arrive? We’ve been here for a shichen already, setting up.”
“Just now. They’re still moving our things into our rooms –”
“Er-ge! San-ge!” Nie Huaisang’s voice rang out, sharp and clear and murderous; they both turned to look at him at once to try to determine if it was the sort of murderous that meant someone had bought out a painting he’d liked before he got there or if it someone had actually offended him. He had a fixed smile on his face, which boded no one any good. “I was just looking for you. I want to chat.”
“What happened?” Lan Xichen asked, looking around – they were more or less alone, and a quick hand-seal made it so that they wouldn’t be easily overheard. “Did someone do something to Baobei…?”
He couldn’t believe they still hadn’t named her, the poor thing.
(Jin Guangyao had briefly been lobbying for them to name her A-Shi, but then Nie Mingjue told him that if he wanted to have a girl named Nie Shi he ought to man up and sire her himself, and ever since then Jin Guangyao had been proposing different names entirely. Possibly he was concerned Nie Mingjue would take back the offer if he used up the name.)
“Surely not,” Jin Guangyao said. “In the middle of the Lotus Pier…?”
“Not Baobei,” Nie Huaisang said. “But your father just figured out who carried her, and he just – he put his hands – he said he had the right to check on account of da-ge having misled them –”
Lan Xichen observed, a little distantly, that he’d previously thought that the phrase ‘seeing red’ was an exaggeration, rather than a perfectly accurate description.
“Did da-ge rip him to pieces?” Jin Guangyao asked, sounding as if he was very much in favor of that result.
“He did not,” Nie Huaisang said. “You know how he is during these conferences; he’s far too reserved. Slapped his hands away but didn’t do anything else about it.”
“Surely that would put an end to it…?” Lan Xichen suggested, mildly hopeful, but the expression on Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang’s face did not fill him with much expectation.
“He’ll try something,” Jin Guangyao said flatly. His voice tremored briefly, full of rage even he couldn’t hide, and he gripped his hands together tightly. “He will try something.”
“Sect Leader Jiang will help us keep them separate for the conference,” Nie Huaisang said. “He still hasn’t figured out the details of Baobei’s parentage, I think he’s convinced himself that men just bear children – in some way that man is as dumb as a rock, same as when we were teenagers, I don’t know how anyone is that gullible – but he’s offended on da-ge’s behalf anyway. But when the conference is over for the evening…”
“It would be unfilial of me to plan my own father’s assassination,” Jin Guangyao said, and his eyes slide towards Lan Xichen, questioning. “But if you wanted to have a theoretical discussion regarding the security system at Jinlin Tower, and the weaknesses thereof…”
“Yes,” Lan Xichen said, putting aside all concerns regarding the morality of assassinations, and found that he didn’t regret the decision one bit. He’d barely tolerated that lecher when he had no choice, when he was Jin Guangyao’s father and a powerful sect leader. But putting his hands on da-ge – thinking of doing more – “Let’s have that...theoretical discussion.”
“I knew I could count on you two,” Nie Huaisang said with satisfaction. “So here’s what I was thinking –”
One of the worst days of Nie Huaisang’s life started quite normally – waking up when his brother lifted him bodily out of bed and slung him over his shoulder.
“Da-ge!” he yelped. “Da-ge, no – it’s too early –”
“If you stayed up late, that’s your own problem,” his brother said with the sort of purposeful cheerful sadism that only a person who actually enjoyed waking up with the sun to go train could employ. “I told you yesterday that we were going to be training this morning.”
“But da-ge –”
“You missed the last three days. You’re not missing today.”
But it’s so fucking early, Nie Huaisang thought despairingly, drooping into dead weight over his brother’s shoulder – not that that helped, of course. His brother was too damn strong.
“Are you sure you’re not taking out your feelings about getting fat on me?” he asked, poking at his brother’s somewhat-rounder-than-usual waist. “That peacetime bulge of yours hasn’t gotten any smaller, you know…”
In all honestly, Nie Huaisang was delighted by the small swell of his brother’s usually flat stomach. His brother wasn’t vain – his body was a tool shaped for purpose – and the idea that his brother had finally let go enough, whether by eating more or resting more, to actually gain some weight…
“Whatever you say, pork bun,” his brother said, and Nie Huaisang yelped and hit him because he was not a pork bun! No matter how pale or chubby he might become!
It was a hot day, which of course made going through the steps of training even more miserable than usual. His brother was patient as always, showing him the steps and then making him repeat them a few times before starting up his own morning training routine; after a while, they both got into a nice rhythm, swings and chops.
Training wasn’t that bad, especially when it meant he could spend more time with his always-busy brother. He still didn’t like it, and obviously he had a reputation to uphold, and yes, it was obnoxious to get up early...but it could be worst.
And then, just as Nie Huaisang was turning to tell his brother a joke he’d heard the day before, he saw his brother abruptly turn pale and fall over.
He even dropped Baxia.
“Da-ge!” Nie Huaisang screamed, a thousand ancient fears rearing their heads at once, and he rushed over at top speed. “Someone get a doctor! Quick!”
Not a qi deviation, not a qi deviation, don’t be a qi deviation, he prayed, dropping to his knees next to his brother, who was already waking up – eyes clear, not red, and looking more confused than anything else. He’s too young, I’m not ready, I can’t lose him, not him, not yet, please –
On Nie Huaisang’s instructions, some of the nearby retainers helped Nie Mingjue back inside, even though he was insisting that he was fine.
“You collapsed,” Nie Huaisang snapped at him. “In morning training. You are going to see a doctor, and that’s final.”
Nie Mingjue held up his hands in surrender, looking amused at Nie Huaisang’s uncharacteristic fierceness. His amusement faded into sympathy when he realized why Nie Huaisang was so tense – their father’s death had hit them both hard – and he pulled Nie Huaisang into his arms for a hug.
“It’s not that,” he said confidently. “Not yet. The doctor will tell you.”
The doctor’s face did something funny, though, when he listened to Nie Mingjue’s pulse. Not the oh-no-it-really-is-a-minor-qi-deviation sort of funny or even a nah-total-fluke-you’re-overreacting sort of funny, more of a what-the-fuck sort of funny.
“What is it?” Nie Huaisang demanded. He knew enough medicine – the entire Nie sect knew enough medicine – to understand most basic diagnoses, as well as what they might mean for future health. “What type of pulse?”
The doctor hesitated.
“Well?” Nie Mingjue said. “Spit it out.”
“…a joy pulse,” the doctor said. “About five months, I’d guess.”
For a moment Nie Huaisang didn’t understand. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what a joy pulse was – he did have female friends, some of whom were now mothers – nor that he didn’t know that his brother was capable of carrying, he’d known that forever.
It was just that his brother was an antisocial misanthrope. He didn’t have any lovers, as far as Nie Huaisang knew, which meant he shouldn’t have a joy pulse. 
Besides, five months ago they were still at war! His brother took his duties far too seriously to waste time on a battlefield dallying with someone, anyone, and especially not if there was a major battle around that time. Five months ago there must have been one – which one was it?
Five months…the main force of the army had gone up from Xingtai to Shijiazhuang six months ago, and then there would have been – Yangquan.
When his brother had been duped by false information into leading an attack on what should have been a mostly abandoned outpost, but which turned out to be in the middle of being reinforced by Wen Ruohan personally – when his brother had been captured – tortured – and even -
“Shit,” his brother said, presumably realizing at that exact moment that Nie Huaisang was capable of math and also dates and possibly even logic. “Doctor, you can go, thank you.”
Nie Huaisang didn’t even hear the doctor leave.
“Huaisang…didi…” His brother was trying to pull him into a hug, but Nie Huaisang didn’t want one, struggling unsuccessfully to get away. He didn’t want to be any closer to – to that – to the creature sitting his brother’s stomach, weighing him down; to what he’d thought was a sign of peace and good times and what was actually nothing more than yet another scar left by the war.
He’d actually been happy about it, and the thought twisted his stomach.
“Can you get rid of it?” he asked, voice strangled. “You can, right? It’s still early…”
“Five months is pretty close to quickening,” his brother said, wincing. “After quickening, the medicines don’t work as well. It might not be that easy.”
“Do you know how dangerous childbirth is?!” Nie Huaisang demanded. His mouth was moving on automatic; he wasn’t even thinking about what he was saying. He wasn’t thinking of anything, anything at all, because if he was thinking he’d have to think – he’d have to – his brother – “What if it kills you? You can’t let them kill you! Not after everything we did to avenge A-die!”
“I’m not going to die,” Nie Mingjue said, holding him tightly, his chin on Nie Huaisang’s head the way they always where when they hugged. “I’m a very good cultivator, Huaisang. My golden core will keep me healthy, even if I start bleeding…it won’t be like your mother. I promise.”
Nie Huaisang started shaking. “Da-ge,” he whimpered, pressing his face into his brother’s shoulder. “Da-ge, tell me…”
“Anything,” his brother promised, and he’d regret that promise in another moment, Nie Huaisang knew, the question would only cause him pain, but he needed to know. The second they were out of this situation his brother would clam up, pretend that nothing had happened and that it was all fine, so if he had questions – and he did – then he needed to answer them now.
“Was it – who was it? Was it him?”
His brother stilled.
“You said you’d tell me,” Nie Huaisang reminded him.
“…I don’t know,” his brother said. “I don’t – it could be. But it might be – someone else.”
There had been more than one, then. Nie Huaisang swallowed back bile, wanting to be sick. His father’s murderer had forced himself on his brother, and he’d let others do the same, and now they had to deal with the fallout.
“I want to kill them,” he whispered. “I want – I want them dead – all of them –”
“If it’s anything, I’ve made a pretty good head start on that already?” his brother offered, and of course his brother was trying to find some levity in a terrible situation. “We broke them, Huaisang. Even if some individuals remain, there’s no Wen sect left. If I do end up keeping it, the child won’t have a paternal family to lay a claim – they’ll be surnamed Nie. Another Nie, like you and me. You’ll be their uncle; you have to forgive them, it wasn’t their fault...you have to spoil them rotten.”
His brother’s thumb wiped away some of Nie Huaisang’s tears.
“You’ll be a good uncle, didi,” he murmured, pressing his lips to Nie Huaisang’s brow. “If the child is surnamed Nie, that’s all that matters.”
“People will know,” Nie Huaisang pointed out. “About you, about…I’m not the only one who can do math. We won’t…it can’t be kept quiet, can it? People will know. About you, about - what happened.”
“Let people know,” his brother, brave as ever, said with an indifferent shrug. “What do I care? In the end, it’s just another way to show that even when they threw everything they had against me, I still won.”
“What a charming child you have,” the young man from the mountain – Xiao Xingchen, he said his name was, and he was already famous despite having only been around for a few months – said, smiling down at her. “She’s beautiful.”
Nie Mingjue was not currently feeling especially kindly disposed towards human reproduction at the moment, being currently heavy with his second – the world needed more Nies, he wanted more Nies, children to keep Nie Huaisang company if that qi deviation he was promised ever actually turned up, and he had a very good list of cultivators with various pros and cons willing to help him introduce some more diversity into the Nie bloodline to try to minimize the chance of future qi deviations for his descendants, but at the same time he hated waddling around like a stuffed hippo with a bunch of people insisting that he not even think of physical exertion – but he nodded his thanks regardless.
At least for once someone wasn’t going to comment about the child’s parentage, he reflected wryly. There was only so much purposeful playing dumb a man could do, and the first year or so of his little baobei’s life – by the time they’d finally gotten around to trying to name her, the nickname had stick so firmly that they’d succumbed to reality and made her given name A-Bao, though of course, it being Qinghe, no one actually called her that – had really strained his tolerance in that specific regard. 
It was the quickest way to avoid awkwardness, to pass along the information while avoiding conversations he didn’t want to have, but still…
Nobody brought up on a celestial mountain would know about Wen Ruohan, though. He was pretty sure of that.
“And I see you’re expecting another? Sometime soon..?”
“I am,” Nie Mingjue said. “Soon enough.”
Not soon enough. He wanted to go back to training – why did he keep getting high blood pressure no matter how much medicine he took?
“I see,” Xiao Xingchen said. “You’ll have to let me give you a gift of some sort. Do you have a favorite form of cloth?”
Nie MIngjue blinked at him. “Cloth?”
That was a strange gift. Did Xiao Xingchen think that his sect was so poor that he couldn’t cloth a child?
Xiao Xingchen – who was really quite young – blushed red, the color going all the way to his ears.
“I’m sorry for my presumption,” he said, then hesitated, before saying, very delicately, “Have you finished preparing the nest for the egg, then?”
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lillow · 4 years
It's time. After like. 10 years I have decided to change my username. I am no longer "thevasthonk". Homeshit will always be in my heart, but this is about BRANDING.
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spockandawe · 4 years
Where are you buying custom books friend and could you drop that link please?
I’m not 100% certain yet, but strong contenders include Lulu (I know at least some people have used this to print copies of their fanfic, though I think it has an upper limit of ~800 pages), though I was also messing around on Barnes and Noble because they have an interface that makes it easy to play with your input parameters and get cost estimates. 
In either case, I definitely need to do some poking at the terms of service before I commit to anything, because like, for Barnes and Noble, a midnight skim of the rules made it sound like I would be submitting my book to their internet archives for anyone to potentially order, and I... don’t want to go anywhere near that legal danger zone. It sounds like there are definitely options on Lulu to keep things private, and like there mmmmay be options on Barnes and Noble to do the same, but I’m not ready to go through with any printing quite yet, so I haven’t followed through on wading through legalese yet XD 
(I was initially looking for a place to get a hard copy of my dissertation so I’ve got it in a non-ephemeral format, and academia-oriented printing services seem to only sometimes overlap with fiction-oriented printing, so my research has NOT been very thorough so far, but I am extremely excited to know there are options that look within reach)
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drastrochris · 5 years
How are we doing on this fine day post having finished Gideon the Ninth and then realizing the sequel doesn't come out for 9 months???
I’ve preordered the second book, and have pushed the rest of my book queue back so I can give Gideon another reading.  I’m slowly compiling my list of questions for Harrow the Ninth, and have subscribed to the Gideon the Ninth tag on all platforms that seemed reasonable.
I’m hopeful that the shock of the ending will be muted somewhat by revelations in the second book.
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writterings · 5 years
Did you have to troubleshoot to watch moominvalley? It's telling me the watch/download limit has been exceeded.
oh that’s actually on the FAQ page! you just make a copy of it (right click and then hit “copy”), wait a few minutes, and then the copy is good to watch 
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freevoidman · 6 years
thevasthonk replied to your post: Young dachshund: is now fine with going up and...
My cat once had a swollen paw and wouldnt walk on it for 2 days until the morning we took him to the vet and all of a sudden he could walk! Look mom a miracle please dont make me get a shot! Sometimes its just their mood and pain level in that moment tbh
It’s still somewhat annoying though, as everyone got incredibly concerned and the last time this happened, it resulted in a necessary surgery that our older dachshund never fully recovered from.
He also won’t jump up onto furniture--stairs seem to be fine for him now, but he won’t try to jump up onto the little footrest we have by my bed so that he can lay down with me. So... there’s still some cause for concern. We’re still going to the vet regardless so that they can tell us if it’s serious enough to warrant going to a vet hospital or not.
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vivianshaw · 7 years
Hi so I totally discovered they carry your book at my job (books-a-million) and we actually carry TWO copies at a time which is chain bookstore speak for you're hot shit. I'm so excited to read it and I forced the second copy on one of my friends so she's going to read it with me. I've been reading your fanfics for a while and it makes me so happy to know that fanfic authors can have successful books and the fanfic doesn't have to be a dirty little secret. Thumbs up for being awesome!
Thank you! I will always be a fic author no matter what, and I was surprised and delighted when I found out that the world of Actual Publishing doesn’t seem to consider fic the kiss of death the way I always assumed it to be. 
also it is wonderful to hear about the TWO copies :D :D :D
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storybookhawke · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
These is my kitties (left to right) Flower, Cotton, and Leo
They’re so wonderful!! What a lovely assortment of cats to love, thank you so much for sharing them with me!
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curlicuecal · 7 years
Ok so i once saw this really strange thing that mightve been an insect? It was on my screen door, it had a light brown kind of peach fuzz body, and it was an even X shape. No noticeable head or main body just an X that was brown and a little fuzzy and on my screen door. About an inch by an inch, and I only realized it was a bug when I smacked it and it produced green bug goo upon squish. I lived in an apple orchard at the time. Have you heard of such a thing? I've always wondered about it.
mmm.  Sounds likely to have been some kind of micro moth?  Like a pterophorid, I’d guess.  They don’t look much like moths, or even insects!
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
I just started reading 3 gates today and lemme tell ya the cliffhanger ending of chapter 11 has me STRESSED and there's only 3 chapters left! Just know that at this moment in time I am not ok, actually.
...I’d say that I’m sorry but not going to lie I’m actually delighted XD look on the bright side, at least I’m posting every day so you don’t have to wait long to find out what happens next!
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putris-et-mulier · 8 years
Did rat queens get a rebot?
It was just on pause so technically no but technically yes
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quillyfied · 8 years
What green lipstick do you wear?
Nyx’s Wicked Lippies in Risque. It’s such a pretty emerald color, I’m in love.
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therandomeer · 5 years
Answer 21, Tag 21
Answer 21, tag 21
Tagged by my cool friend @pratigyakrishnaki
1. Nicknames:  Lilly (Family nickname was/is Munchkin)
2. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
3. Height: 5’1″
4. Hogwarts House: -takes the test- Ravenclaw, apparently owo
5. Last Thing I Googled: "which potter house am I in” 
6. Favorite Musicians: I thought it said Musicals. Got excited. Uh, Vitamin String Quartet, Jason Mraz, Blue October.
7. Song Stuck in My Head: Miku & Luka: “Let’s Be Honest” 
8. Following Now: 520
9. Followers: 580
10. Do I Get Asks: Not often, no. I’d like more 
11. Amount of Sleep: I slept 7 hours last night.
12. Lucky Number: 11
13. What am I Wearing? Pink v-neck t-shirt, black and white pajama pants (with pockets), just finishing this up before I get dressed for college. 
14. Dream Job: Librarian, Museum Curator-person, more ideally just a domestic person who can do all the chores for everyone else who has 40+ hour work-weeks, but if I have to work to then I want to balance both. Keeping the house up and running is just as important as having a full-time job, and I’d kill to just keep things afloat for others if they don’t have the time or energy to do so. 
15. Dream Trip: Going back to Poland, or going to Japan, Russia, and/or Cuba. 
16. Favorite Food: Mozzarella sticks
17. Instruments: None, but I can play a little piano. 
18. Languages: English, re-learning conversational Spanish
19. Favorite Song: I guess right now it’s Dear One (KOTSW) 
20. Random Fact: I have had maxillofacial surgery on my jaw and you can feel the plates under my skin. No external scars though :) 
21. Aesthetic: Flowers, black and white manga caps, soft pastels Tagging: I mean I don’t even know 21 people. But I’ll tag some mutuals who I know, and the people I love who aren’t tagged can obvi do this I just don’t want to bother them with an @ cause anxiety. @seldom-lavish , @thelesbianofsteel , @oobiboobi , @jessicaisacuck, @pwesident, @thevasthonk, @meowtunacaptor
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uhvengers · 7 years
Tagged by @rolling-blunder (*screams*)!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better! (i don't know that many people you're asking too much I'm sorry)
Relationship status: so very very single
Favourite colour: light blues, purples, pastels, and black
Pets: none bc I'm allergic to EVERYthing and i can't keep a beta fish alive for 2 weeks I'm terrible
Wake up: my weekday alarm goes off at 6, 6:15, 6:30, 6:45, but i don't really roll out of bed until 6:30... my weekend alarm goes off at 9:30 and 10
Cats or dogs: can i have BOTH? no? damn.
Coke or Pepsi: COKE but i need to cut down tbh...
Day or night: night because can actually recognize constellations now??? got dam
Text or call: text. talking to people on the phone feels so weIRD
Chapstick or lipstick: chapstick because band I've got three in my backpack two in my clarinet case and one in my uniform bag
City or country: the city, honestly all the noise is a little much but i enjoy the city a lot...
Last book I read: I haven't finished reading The Opposite of Loneliness, yet. It’s a collection of essays and short stories written by Marina Keegan.
Last song I listened to: Down with the Fallen by Starset
Five facts about me: i live a pretty boring life uuuuummmmm
I might pick up viola next year and join my school orchestra. I may also switch to low brass for band....
i suddenly have 6 side blogs?? like idk it got out of hand
im in the process of developing a story with like,,, magic n shit
i have this one sideblog where i try to put most of the shitposts i come across because man there are so many on this site that you have to reblog them because WHO KNOWS when you'll see it again
ive been trying to clean up my blog since the day i made it. its a MESS
BONUS ive been kinda thinking about deleting my tumblr and starting over but that seems like a lot of Work so nah
Im gonna follow in @rolling-blunder‘s footsteps and tag people from my notifs, some from my other blog @nikifora? because ???and some mutuals that i haven't spoken to recently. obviously y'all don't have to do this if you don't want to
@otabckaltyn @ace-skate-mom @jukebox-zero @vainmcclain @failureswithaz @thevasthonk @realm-of-spells @mvjoey @alphaweeb
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Me, upon realizing you posted like 10 fics in one day to a03:*Shoes music video voice* Thats hot! *end Shoes music video voice* You have blessed us; we are unworthy. Thank you for just like giving us several hours or your life in the form of incredible syntax. It was a real nice way for me to decompress after work and I appreciate you.
Thank you :) I’m glad you like my fics! :)
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