#they 100% make out while the pool house burns
ceilidho · 11 months
Hot take John Price’s breeding kink during the apocalypse is just Tarzan Dad Price remix. Crisis hits and he has no other switch than ‘protect wife and baby’ that’s IT. My mans is just 10 feet deep in the delulu pool at all times. He’s playing house while the rest of the world is BURNING DOWN. fuck if he’s not competent with it though. Like a plastic lawn chair being completely unmoved through a hurricane. He finds you in the rubble, protecting your baby viciously from a stray zombie, and does a dumb crinkle smile as his heart starts beating again.
It's not a hot take if it's 100% true!!!
I just LOVE writing Price and single mom reader. But yeah, this is just the zombie apocalypse remix of that Tarzan dad!Price idea. That man deals with trauma in the weirdest way possible - by glomming on to an existing family that's struggling in a way that he isn't (because he has weapons experience, probably was lowkey a hoarder/prepper before the world fell apart, like at the very least had a designated cabin to hide out in and tons of supplies stored away).
Maybe he's driving down the road on the way to the cabin, whistling along to his favourite CD when he sees you and your baby running down the road chased by a small hoard and he idles beside you and jokingly says, "Need a ride?" and you're so desperate and scared that you just jump in. No thought as to whether getting into a strange man's car might be worse.
Your baby's wailing the whole drive and you're just terrified that it'll annoy the man driving you away from the zombie hoard enough to kick the two of you out of the car, but he just makes little shushing noises at your baby and lets the baby play with his finger while he drives with his other hand.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
I loved that ending! You wrote it so well! <3
I’m absolutely going to be day dreaming about the future of their lives for the next month ❤️.
Dabi discovering a love for cooking. Shigaraki accepting how his life has played out and working g past his regrets. The league trying to catch glimpses of this mysterious roommate and getting closer each time (dabi likes cooking for them). Dabi getting a pool, and Shigaraki joining him once, admittedly with the water being much cooler than Dabi prefers. Shigaraki finding his place in the world.
In 40,000 words I am obsessed with their characters ❤️
If you ever choose to continue their story, though by the ending I’m sure that your comfortable with where it has been left, trust me I’ll be the first in line to see where their life has been taken to next. 😊
I'm glad that you enjoyed it!
I do have thoughts about how they would live their lives in the aftermath: Shigaraki definitely continues his treatment and therapy for his depression for a good long while so that he doesn't become suicidal again. And I imagine Toga is the one to first find out about Dabi. She 100% breaks into their house while Shig is at said therapy and hears the EDM playing all through the house and finds Dabi in the tub. She thinks it's just goo at first and Dabi feels that he has the same strong connection to her thread as Shigaraki did, so he reveals himself (Tomura ends up having to give him a talking to about indecent exposure after the fact). Toga thinks he's adorable as a puddle/blob, and does not get he's a god at first And then she gets super excited about the idea of being in a cult. Everyone else is a little nervous (understandably) but Dabi is adorable in such a distinctly unhinged way and seeing how much Shigaraki adores him makes them a little more willing to cooperate. Dabi gives them all good long lives, but they do all end up burning to death when their time comes to an end. He scatters their ashes along the threads to ensure that they always find each other in some capacity, and when Shig's life ends, he burns and his ashes are put into the vessels as originally planned. When they go back to the reality that Dabi was from, they become a paired entity and Tomura decides that he wants to consume the gods that only bring suffering to mortals. Dabi is happy to do that as well and that crusade of theirs is where Tomura develops his complex about being 'king' which ripples out across other facets of realities. And when they want to rest, or fall in love again, they hide their body and slip along those fractals so they can experience it all over again.
Thanks for commenting!
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kyber-crystal · 1 year
all i needed || benji dunn
summary: you’ve always cared for benji, but it takes him teetering on the edge of death for you to realize how much you truly loved him
words: ~2.7k
warnings: some angst, mentions of violence, two oblivious pining idiots
a/n: HI HELLO! finished writing this while sick bc i wanted to get it out of the way before i got my wisdom tooth out. to anon that requested this, please note that i haven’t seen rogue nation in FOREVER so forgive me if some details seem off! i had to go back and look at the script to make sure i got the general timeline right. ALSO if the time skips seem weird…ignore that LOL. i tried to modify some scenes (btw any and all movie quotes included are not MINE, creds go to MI:5). the first part of this is pretty benji pov heavy—i’ve never tried this before 😅
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Benji’s not hopelessly in love with you. Definitely not.
“You know I’d spend the rest of my life with you if I could,” you had drunkenly admitted to him one night in a bar somewhere in Eastern Europe. “Just you and me, forever…sounds like a dream.”
If only it wasn’t.
He doesn’t get attached. He knows better than to get attached. But it’s entirely his own doing; he tells himself—you’ve been glued at the hip since the day you first met. Ever since you swore to him that you’d never let him go, he knew he would be in deep.
Now, he was sinking…fast. And he hated quicksand.
(He definitely hasn’t almost gotten caught in some before. The only reason why he didn’t drown in sediment was because you were there to save the day.)
Casablanca was far too hot for his liking, but he’s standing in the scorching heat anyway because you’re here. You effortlessly glide through the glittering water like a mermaid and he can’t help but stare a bit.
Somehow, you sense his presence and emerge from the pool, dripping wet. “What are you doing out here? It’s 100 degrees and you look like you’ve been deep-fried.”
“I needed some sun,” he responded quickly. (Great excuse, he internally smacks himself.) “Need a towel?”
“Oh, yeah.” You flash him a gleaming smile and take the fluffy towel from his hands, quickly drying yourself off. “Thanks a bunch.”
“The sun is treating you pretty nicely,” he tries to compliment. “You look great.”
Your face lights up at this. “Really?”
“You always do.”
Doing a little spin, you smile again, “Thank you!”
“Man,” Ethan chuckles as you push the sliding glass doors open and walk back inside the house, “it’s almost painful to watch.”
“Quit it,” Benji mutters. “I don’t want to hear any of your nonsense.”
“You are aware that what you’re doing won’t get you anywhere.
“My personal life is none of your business.”
“Except it is,” the agent grins, “since most of the time that you’re not busy working is spent talking about her.”
Benji opens and closes his mouth, but no words come out. He knows he’s right.
“But it’s funny,” Ethan continues, “because she can’t see it. You’d think that a woman that smart would be able to tell, but she can’t.”
“Then let’s keep it that way. This conversation is over,” he feels his face burning a bright red that he knows has nothing to do with being sunburnt. “Agent Dunn, out.”
“She’s going to be the death of you one day,” he hears Ethan call out as he turns around and walks inside. “Watch your step.”
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Benji isn’t the jealous type. Definitely not.
But all that registers with him when he glances in the rearview mirror at you and Brandt is fifty shades of green. You’d just finished laughing at something he had said, and envy spills over him like boiling hot oil. You were supposed to be laughing with him and him only. He told the better jokes (right? Right?) and you spent far more time together. So who was winning, really?
But nothing he tells himself seems to make him feel better.
Noticing Benji’s clenched jaw and tight grip on the wheel, Luther decides to break the tension. “That was a damn good stunt you pulled back there.”
“Wait, Benji…” you pause mid conversation. His grip immediately loosens the moment you open your mouth to speak. “Please tell me you still have a copy of that disk.”
He holds up the drive. “Yup, still got it.”
“Where to now?” Brandt asks as he hands the handcuff key through the glass to Ethan.
It’s daybreak when you board the plane to Heathrow. Nobody on the team is even trying to hide the tiredness on their faces.
Even with heavy dark circles under your eyes, you still managed to look so beautiful, Benji thought to himself. He didn’t understand how you did it—you could run on twenty minutes of sleep and still walk straight.
“Let me help you with that,” Brandt offered and you gave him a grateful look as he put your duffel bag into the overhead bins.
Benji held his tongue (miraculously enough).
You sat down in your seat and stretched your arms in the air, letting out a loud yawn. “I can’t do this today. I want to just…give up and do nothing.”
“Can’t we all,” he replied.
You made eye contact with him and motioned to the empty seat on your left.
“Do you want me to—” he began, and you nodded. “Yeah. Sure. Of course.”
Almost immediately, your head lolled against his shoulder. You looked up and offered him a sleepy smile, and he swore he’d self-destruct at that exact moment.
“Very,” you yawned again. “I haven’t slept in thirty-six hours.”
“Then get some rest,” he squeezed your shoulder. “I’ll let you know when we land.”
You hummed in reply and allowed your eyes to flutter shut. “You’re my favorite, Benji Dunn. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” he murmurs after you’ve fallen asleep.
He watched you in a trance-like silence, your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. You were still wearing the tan woven bracelet on your left wrist—it had become battered and stained from prolonged wear, but you refused to take it off because he made it for you. One ATV ride, two hours, and three shots later, that was what he’d come up with as your latest “souvenir”.
His heart aches in more ways than one. Here he was following you around like a hopeless romantic and yet, you were completely oblivious to all his signals. And he doesn’t have a single clue as to why you stick around at all—with your beauty that he believed could rival Venus herself, you could have anyone you wanted. Hell, you could have Brandt in an instant if you tried.
But you insisted on sticking by him—the exact reason, he probably won’t ever figure out—and he’s grateful for it. Even though he feels as if you deserve better…a lot better.
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“As promised, I have a job for you,” you heard Lane’s distant voice over the phone as he spoke to Ethan. “And for the sake of your friend, you’ll do it.”
“I’m listening.”
“Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to bring me the unlocked disc by midnight tonight. Now say the words.”
Ethan paused.
“Say the words,” Lane repeated.
“...I accept.”
“I knew you would.”
The call ended and you went back to fiddling with the bracelet on your wrist, trying to fight against the growing lump in your throat.
“Ethan, if you’re going to tell me to stop moping around, then I don’t want to hear it.”
“No, that’s not it. You need to listen to what I’m about to tell you.” He sounded more serious this time. “We need to get him back. And to do that…”
“...We need to unlock the disc,” you finished. “And to do that…”
“We have to take the Prime Minister…”
“Wait, think about this for just a minute—”
“It’s the only way to get Benji back.”
“Just think. It’s exactly what Lane wants us to do.”
“Which is why it HAS TO HAPPEN!” he raised his voice. You swallowed hard, and, noticing your sullen expression, he softened his tone. “This is how we beat Lane. This is how we make everything right.”
You could still see the image of Benji’s unconscious body being dragged away—it was fresh in your mind as if it happened only a minute ago. “Yeah. I know.”
If he noticed the longing look in your eyes, he didn’t say anything about it, but he could tell you cared about Benji much more than you were letting on.
“I’m going to find him, and he’ll be alright,” Ethan added after several minutes of silence had passed. “I’m not letting anything happen to him for your sake.”
“And why am I not coming with you?” Your blood began to boil.
“Because it’s not safe, Y/N. I care about your safety, and if both you and Benji want to live, I have to go alone.”
“That’s such bullshit.”
“You need to trust me on this one.”
You grumbled something under your breath. “This is the last time I’m letting you throw your ass on the line with barely any backup.”
He grinned. “Ma’am yes ma’am.”
Meanwhile, Benji had just stirred awake to see a dark figure walking over to him, something heavy in hand.
Maybe Ethan was right, he realized. You would be the death of him someday. And that seemed particularly likely now.
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“Where is the disk?” Lane questioned.
“You’re looking at it. I am the disk,” Ethan replied, voice cold, “I memorized it. All two point four billion in numbered accounts. If that vest goes off, you get nothing. And without this money you’re nothing. Without me you’re nothing.”
He stared at Lane through the screen, watching him grow more irritated. The timer continued to count down
“Right now you’re thinking it’s a bluff. I’d never let my friends die. I couldn’t possibly memorize the entire disk. There’s only one way to be sure. Let Benji go.”
Lane stood and paced around the room before finally pressing the button, stopping the timer at just :03. Benji and Ilsa let out loud. long sighs of relief.
Vinter and his goons stepped closer.
“If they come any closer, shoot me.”
Ilsa smiled and slid her seat next to him, planting the barrel of her gun against his ribs.
“Stop. STOP,” Lane demanded, and Vinter and the others stopped what they were doing,
“Remember when I said some day you were going to take things too far...and that’s me speaking—not him,” Benji reminded Ethan.
“The only way this ends is you and me, Lane. Face-to-face. Only this time I won’t be locked in a glass box or half-dead on some highway.” Ethan leaned closer to the camera lens. “You want your money…the bone doctor’s gonna have to beat it out of me... Now let Benji go!”
Finally… “One three nine…”
Benji looks down at the keypad on his chest and nervously punches in a series of numbers. The light on the timer dies and the five-point harness springs open. He sheds the vest as discreetly as he can, wrapping it in his overcoat.
He slid a phone across the table to him, “Y/N’s waiting with Luther and Brandt. Go.”
It was far too cold in the office building. Add on the fact that you’d been in there for what felt like hours, and you felt like you were being tortured. You knew Ethan always kept his promises, but were still unsure if Benji would be coming back alive at all.
You had bitten and picked at your nails until you drew blood. The stinging sensation had stopped bothering you a while ago. So did the crimson stains on your skin.
But then you heard a lock click and a loud ringing noise, and suddenly, he’s standing there. Panting and sweating and looking burnt out, but very much alive.
You froze in place for a second, unsure of what to do.
“You’re real, right?” you asked, hesitation in your voice as you gingerly cupped his face in your hands. “Please tell me this is real. I don’t want to wake up and not see you in front of me.”
“It’s real. I'm real,” Benji reassured you as he gripped your forearms. That was all the confirmation you needed before you threw your arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as you possibly could. You were trembling, holding on so strongly because you were so afraid that he’d slip away if you let go.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” you repeated over and over. You pressed your lips to his, hard, before pulling back to stare at him again. His cheeks turn pink as he barely has time to react and kiss you back. “I’m so glad you’re alive, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you—“
“Did you—“ he stammered, suddenly at a loss for words. “Did you just—“
“You know I loved you all along,” you explained breathlessly. “It just took me a while to realize the fact.”
“Well, I love you too.”
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One of his hands steers the wheel, while the other holds yours and absentmindedly rubs circles into your palm. You’re sipping your ultra-specific go-to coffee order that nobody—unless they were Benji—would bother to remember. It feels so normal—like something that has been routine for a long time.
The team tries their hardest to pretend not to notice the newfound closeness. (“But these idiots have been like this for ages, they only just realized it. Let them be,” Luther had said. He shared the team’s singular brain cell 50% of the time, which meant that he was always the first one to catch on to things. Ilsa shared the other 50%, she was very cunning.) But it’s hard when they almost crash because Benji keeps glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
It’s hard to get a moment alone when 90% of your job consists of you jumping as a group from place to place. So you’re grateful for the few in between that you’re lucky enough to steal.
This time, you found yourselves in a quiet townhouse somewhere in Strasbourg. Ethan wasn’t snoring tonight—maybe it was because Ilsa was next to him this time. Luther was upstairs, probably filing and cleaning out mission reports with a croissant you’d bought him. He never slept, and he never made a sound.
The place was quiet, the only thing you could hear being the chirping crickets outside and the quiet crackling of the fireplace in front of you. You hadn’t felt this kind of peace in months.
“It’s cold at this hour, isn’t it? Meanwhile I thought France would be a bit nicer this time of year.”
Benji comes out from the kitchen holding two mugs of tea, as well as a blanket around himself. The amber flames illuminate his face in a way that makes him look almost angelic, and your heart skips a beat.
He sits down on the plush rug right next to you and offers you one of the mugs, and you accept it gratefully. After taking several long sips, you set it down on the small coffee table in front of you and lean back against the couch.
“You’re staring,” you say suddenly.
“Sorry…can’t help it,” he replies with a sheepish grin, then holds part of the blanket out—an invitation. You shift closer, allowing him to pull you in and wrap the rest of the soft fleece around you. “You’re very…breathtaking.”
This elicits a small laugh from you, but you can feel your cheeks heat up. There’s something different in the air—maybe it’s because those feelings are finally out in the open, or maybe because this moment feels so domestic and it’s both unfamiliar but comforting at the same time.
“Hmm?” You’re starting to drift off at this point, getting comfortable in his presence.
“I always wondered, you know…”
“Wondered what?”
“How we’re always ending up together—why you decided to choose me,” Benji admits.
The words come out of your mouth so easily. “What do you mean? You’re my person, Benji. I looked at you and I just knew you were right. You had to be.”
“I don’t get it. I thought you and Brandt—“
You shook your head and smiled, tracing patterns on his leg. “Don’t be silly. He was actually—he was the one who made me realize I was in love with you.”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, Benji,” you laughed, “don’t tell me you were jealous.”
“O-of course not!” he spluttered, face turning bright red, “All I want is for you to be happy!”
“Well…you know how I told you you’re my favorite, right?”
“Uh huh…”
“That hasn’t changed, you know. I love the Benji that knows how I like my coffee, and the Benji that carries me to bed when I’m too drunk, sick, or injured. And the Benji that always has my back. Especially the Benji that sits in front of the fireplace with me at 3am because he knows I enjoy his company more than the 387 crickets outside.”
He presses a kiss to your temple in response, unable to stop the corners of his lips from turning up in a grin.
“You know I’ve always got your back.”
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tags: @kenobismullet @ilsastrenchcoat @voguesir @fl0ating @lady-elena-adeline @the-multiverse-of-fandoms @joyfullyswimmingface 
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Soft Spot
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CH 6
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: You have just graduated with your Bachelor’s degree and decide to stay at home with your dad to save some money before graduate school. The thing is, he is moving from California to Texas to live next to his best friend/college roommate, Joel, along with his daughter, Sarah. Growing up, you heard so much about him from your dad. It’s almost like you know Joel, but you don’t. You’ve never actually met him. This Summer will be interesting…
Warnings/Tags: Dbf! Joel, slow burn, eventual smut, kinda mean Joel, explicit language, references to death, struggles with depression, reader is younger than Joel (22/43)
Note: Never written smut before but get ready for a lot of it from here on out:)
Past Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
You haven’t seen Joel in what feels like forever. The kiss you two shared was unexpected and, damn, was it good. But you still wished that it hadn’t happened. If you thought Joel hating you was uncomfortable, it’s nothing close to this. You spotting him coming home from work, him seeing you and bolting inside. He’s definitely avoiding you. And not gonna lie, it feels like shit. You know, however, that your dad and Joel planned a 4th of July party over at the Millers. Your dad finally got some time off and Joel has a pool, so they figured it would be a good way to celebrate. The upside is that Joel can’t avoid you in his own home.
“So, what do you think I should do?” You ask your childhood best friend, Larry, while on FaceTime.
“Well, it’s obvious he’s into you, he just got cold feet. I say you try again. What’s the worst that could happen?” Larry says.
“He rejects me again.” You let out a small chuckle.
“Oh, come on. With your body in the right bathing suit, he won’t be able to resist.”
Larry helps you pick out just the right suit. Small, black and showing a lot of skin.
“A bit skimpy for a friends and family party, don’t you think?” You say looking at yourself in the mirror.
“That’s the point.” You both laugh.
After hanging up with Larry, the nerves start to hit you. You don’t think you could handle another rejection from Joel. It wasn’t exactly a rejection, he did kiss you back, but it still left you feeling so small when he practically ran away after.
Upon arriving at the Miller's house with your dad, you noticed there were less people than at the barbeque a few months ago. You don’t mind, though, the people you liked were here and that’s all that matters. You both walk inside the house and you don’t spot Joel anywhere. You hear some commotion and walk outside to see the pool filled with people. Makes sense, considering it was 100 degrees in Austin that day. You scan the pool and notice that Scotty and River are swimming together. ‘Damn it’ you think. You have been ghosting River ever since you had your first date. You weren’t sure how to end it exactly. Guess you’ll have to find out, he’s definitely going to try and talk to you. You continue scanning the pool and see a few of Sarah’s friends and Sarah being hoisted up out of the pool and thrown back in the water. You notice that it’s Joel that threw Sarah, he’s actually in the pool. It never would have crossed your mind that Joel swims. He’s up to his shoulders in the water, so you can’t see much. But his slicked back wet hair is making you feel butterflies. Sarah turns and notices you and your dad walk outside.
“Hey! Hop in!” She yells to you.
Joel quickly turns his head and makes eye contact with you. You take this chance to peel off your swimsuit cover and slowly step into the pool. You notice that Joel is trying not to look at you, but your bathing suit is making it difficult. You see his eyes scan from your chest down to your legs and back up before he tries to put his attention elsewhere.
“Hey, man” your dad says as he bends over the pool to give Joel a handshake.
Joel stands up and reaches to shake your dads hand. The water is now up to right above his waist. You see his stomach peeking out from the water and notice his broad chest.
“Let me get you a beer.” Joel says as he hoists himself up out of the pool.
You’re disappointed that Joel got out of the pool, you figured he would still be avoiding you. But watching him get out of the pool and the water drip down his body was worth it. His blue swim shorts clung to every part of him.
You swim for a bit on the other side of the pool before you notice River swimming up to you. Not really anywhere you could go, so you make eye contact with him and smile.
“So, I haven’t heard from you in a while.” River says.
“Yeah, sorry, there’s just been a lot going on.” You respond with a half smile.
There’s a moment of silence before he says, “Are you just… not interested in me anymore? I thought our date went really well. Until Joel showed up, at least.” Funny how about a month ago River didn’t even know who Joel was and now he’s swimming at his house.
“No, it’s not that. Listen, I shouldn’t have ghosted you. I just don’t think I’m ready for anything serious.” You respond.
“Who said it had to be serious? I’d be down to just fuck if that’s what you want.”
You roll your eyes. River definitely didn’t understand what you were trying to say. “I’m going to go get a drink.” You couldn’t be around River all night without a few drinks in your system.
You walk over to the pool steps and walk out. You turn to see if Joel is looking at you. He’s standing by the barbeque, now having changed out of his bathing suit and back into his usual shirt and jeans. He’s taking a sip of his beer while in conversation with your other neighbor, as he shifts his gaze to you. It was quick though, he doesn’t want to be seen staring. You take it as a good sign, you think. At least he’ll look at you.
You walk over to the cooler and take a beer from the ice chest. You open it and lay stomach down on a towel in the grass to start tanning. You begin tanning because, for one, your ass would be on display for Joel and two, you needed to get away from River and don’t feel like socializing. You lay on the grass for a while, every so often getting up to grab another beer. You then decide that you're done tanning. You stand up and look down at the bottles you’ve collected on the floor, only just realizing how much you’ve actually drunk. There’s 4 beer bottles on the floor and one still in your hand. You feel pretty tipsy, but you’re not complaining. As you're walking to go inside the house, you’re stopped by Mrs. Adler, your much older neighbor. She begins asking you questions about your life and boys and blah, blah. You look around to see Joel sitting at the table outside in conversation as well. He has a glass of whiskey in his hand. As you’re answering Mrs. Adler's myriad of questions, Joel’s eyes meet yours. To your surprise, he doesn’t look away. Not for a while. You think you even start to see a smirk forming on his face.
“Sorry, Mrs. Adler, I’ve just got to use the restroom.” You excuse yourself as you duck inside.
You enter the kitchen and take a deep breath. You hold yourself steady with your arms on the kitchen counter as you face the sink. It might be Joel looking at you, or the drinks you’ve had, but you feel flustered. You close your eyes.
“Are you okay?” You hear a hoarse voice ask from behind you.
You turn to see Joel standing there. You hadn’t heard him come in.
“Yeah, just a little tipsy is all.” You say while flashing a small smile. You lean your back against the counter and cross your arms, making your boobs pop out a bit. You didn’t mean for that to happen, you just felt awkward standing there with your hands to your side. Joel’s eyes flicker down to your chest and back up to your face.
“Have you been avoiding me?” You ask.
“Been tryin’ to. But it’s hard when you keep looking at me like you want something.” He says.
You take a small step closer to him. “I do. Want something.”
“Well what do you want, darlin’” he asks.
‘Darlin’, you’ve never heard him call you that and it almost makes you pass out. You take another step closer, arms still crossed and meet his gaze. “You” you bravely say.
Joel takes a deep breath, like he’s contemplating something. He turns his head to look out the window to the backyard. He turns back to you and grabs your wrists and motions to you to uncross your arms. His hand takes yours and he leads you upstairs.
When you reach the top of the stairs he ushers you into a bathroom and closes the door behind him. You look around to see a pink shower curtain, this must be Sarah’s bathroom. His body pushes against yours, causing your back to hit the counter near the sink. His hand meets the back of your neck and he kisses you deeply. He explores your mouth hungrily and like he’s in a hurry. When you moan into his mouth he wraps his hands around your thighs and lifts you to sit on top of the sink.
“You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you?” He whispers in your ear between kissing your neck. His hand grips your thigh as the other comes up to squeeze your chest.
“Please fuck me, Joel.” You say breathily as he is being totally consumed by you.
He pulls away from the kiss. “No, not now. I can’t do that.” You whimper at his release.
“But I can still make you feel good, baby.” He follows.
As you begin to wonder what he means, he quickly pulls down your bathing suit bottoms. He looks down at your bare pussy on display for him and experimentally rubs one finger around your clit. When you groan, he shushes you.
“Try to be quiet.” He says.
He then spreads your legs open wide and kneels down in front of you. You almost orgasm just at the sight of him on his knees for you. He lightly bites the inside of your thighs and gives your clit a few kisses before exploring your slit with his tongue.
“Oh, fuck” you moan. You tried to be quiet, you really did. It’s just impossible.
Joel pulls away and tells you to cover your mouth. You do as he says as he continues going down on you. He begins to focus his tongue on your clit when he pushes one finger inside of you, making you moan through your hand. You put your other hand in his hair and slightly tug at his curls. He inserts another finger and begins hitting that spot that makes you all gooey. He starts going dreadfully fast and tightening his grip on your thighs. You feel the heat in your stomach start to grow strong.
You remove your hand from your mouth quickly, “Fuck, Joel, I’m gonna cum.”
You put your hand back over your mouth, as you know you’re about to scream. You finally hit your release and moan through your hand. Joel feels your pussy clench and releases you. You take a moment to catch your breath as Joel stands up. You reach to undo his belt and he stops you.
“I want to make you feel good, too.” You say.
“It’s okay, baby. We don’t have time.”
You whimper and remove your hands. You think that a few more minutes wouldn’t make a difference, but you don’t want to argue with Joel. He sneaks his hands down the front of his pants to flip up his hard cock so no one can see his erection. He gives you a quick kiss before opening the door and ducking out into the hallway. You sit there, on the counter, still coming down from your high. That was the best orgasm of your life, and you plan to have him bring you to another one in the near future.
You come out to the backyard again, noticing that the sun is now setting and the party is winding down. Your dad, Joel and a few other people their age are sitting by the fire. You notice that Joel is sitting next to a married couple and your dad is sitting next to Tracy, a woman that lives in the cul-de-sac over from you. She is lightly touching his back. This throws you off, but you were too tired and too fucked to care right now. You look around to see Sarah and her friends still in the pool. And mostly everyone else has left, including River and Scotty. You walk up to your dad and lightly tap him on the shoulder before leaning down for a hug.
“I’m heading in, dad. Love you.”
He stays seated and hugs you back. “Okay, hun. Love you too.”  
You walk away from the crowd sitting by the fire and peer back quickly to make eye contact with Joel. You both softly smile at each other before you head home.
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embossross · 2 years
The Art Collector
Prologue >> Chapter 1 >> Masterlist
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✣ Pairing: Mikey x AFAB fem!Reader
✣ Warning: 18+ dark explicit content, minors DNI
✣ Series: part of the In the Belly of the Beast fic universe
✣ Chapter CWs: Shion's pov just for this chapter, imprisonment, yandere, violence (not against reader)
✣ Story CWs: yandere, stalking, dubcon, kidnap, sex (ptv, oral), rough sex, and probably more to come
✣Synopsis: Mikey isn't like your typical boyfriends. He isn't an artist. He doesn't sport a messy bun or name drop Heidegger. He's just an antisocial IT guy. Or at least that's what he's told you...You may not know your boyfriend as well as you think you do, and by the time you realize your mistake, it may be too late for him. Or you.
✣ Word Count: ~2.5k and counting
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When Mochi drinks, his cheeks look like two plump tomatoes, red and round. In a room stuffed with big personalities, he laughs the loudest of them all. His bellows are followed by well-rehearsed titters by the sluts he keeps glued to his side. The party only started twenty minutes ago, and he’s already wasted, but Shion knows by the end of the hour Benkei will be snorting tequila out of his nose while Sanzu snorts coke into his.
The sight of them all, sprawled around the bar and trading war stories, arrogant as they crow over yet another record-breaking quarter – the kind that promises hefty bonuses and even puts a smile on Kokonoi’s nerve-stricken face – makes Shion burn with rage.
Because he should be one of them.
What happened between the fall of Tenjuku and the rise of Bonten? Often Shion tugs at the strings of fate, trying to figure out how everything got so twisted. How did he end up here? A petty officer in Bonten, while the rest of Tenjuku’s leadership rose to the rank of executive?
A few meters away, Rindou sneezes, and Shion hopes it’s the fucking bird flu, and that it eats away at the lazy shit’s lungs until he croaks. Yeah, he would make a better drug kingpin than Rindou anyway.
Tonight, all of Bonten’s executives and officers are gathered at what they colloquially call “the Compound” to review their quarterly earnings. Everyone was surprised when Mikey first announced he was moving out of the city to a “lodge” in the Amagi Mountains just outside Shimoda.
Seeing it for the first time today, Shion questions who first called it a lodge. The Compound sprawls across 100 acres of land with four principal buildings on the premises: one that houses the sparse staff Mikey requires to maintain the grounds, a pool house, an underground bunker, and the main house, which better resembles a mega-mall. Naturally, there is also a stable for horses and a tennis court.
Shion knew Bonten all but printed cash, but seeing the breadth of Mikey’s share here in this property, Shion salivates. With this kind of money, he would build a much cooler house: gold-plated ceilings, a sculpture fountain in the entrance hall, secret passageways. It would be cool as shit.
Sanzu gave everyone a tour earlier, showing them their rooms in the main house and cautioning them to avoid the west wing, which is kept strictly locked for Mikey’s personal use. Shion figures that’s where Mikey bathes in his rivers of cash every night.
“Mad Dog-kun, you look lonely. Missing your little card games?”
Shion turns to acknowledge Shuji, tongue digging into the jagged edge of one of his chipped teeth as he sizes up the other man. Dressed in a Brunello Cucinelli suit with a platinum Patek Philippe watch screaming for attention at his wrist, and a diamond stud for bragging rights in his ear, Shion estimates that Shuji is wearing at least six million yen on his body. Casually. They are both only officers in Bonten with Shion serving under Ran and his oversight of all “entertainment” in the country and Hanma acting as a member of Kakucho’s attack force, and yet somehow Shuji always has millions of yen to drop in a drunken night of cards. It isn’t fair.
“I’m doing fucking swell,” Shion barks. “You heard Kokonoi read out the numbers. My casinos are up 13% year-over-year. Not bad for some little card games.”
“Really? I wasn’t listening,” Hanma says, digging one finger into his ear. Thick earwax globs on his finger when he removes it, and Hanma rubs it right into the lapel of his designer jacket without a care. The stain settles, wet and sickeningly orange.
Shion gapes.
“Since you were listening so closely earlier, I’m sure you heard that I’m being sent back to Iran to secure our deal with the IRGC. Big responsibility,” Shuji gloats. “It gets tiring travelling around the world to all these beautiful places. I mean, if you’ve seen San Paolo, you’ve seen Johannesburg, but well, I have a sweet girl waiting for me in Tehran, and Mikey did say there’s no better man for the job. You can understand that, can’t you? After all, Ran wouldn’t have trusted you with the critical job of…watching old men play mahjong if he didn’t think you could handle it.”
The tiger at his temple roars as Shion tenses. He hates this. Hates that even as his muscles coil to strike, he’s counting backwards from one hundred. Trying to remember what he watched on YouTube about ‘how to control your temper.’ Because while Hanma may not be an executive, he is valuable. And because Ran is smoking a joint nearby, and because Kakucho could choke the life out of him before he took three steps, and because Koko and Yumi are flirting in the corner and won’t take kindly to an interruption, and because there are more guns in this room than bottles of wine.
Once they called him a Mad Dog and meant it. Now, they order him around like a tamed beast.
Shion stalks away from Hanma and the rest of the party. On autopilot, he retraces his steps until he can no longer hear the shitty techno playlist Rindou chose. Halfway down a too bright hallway, Shion freezes. Every hallway is covered in art, sometimes strange shapes and zig zangs, sometimes shit that looks so real he has to get close to realize it’s not a photograph. Outside his room hangs a painting of two frolicking hounds. Here though, there are no dog paintings in sight. He doesn’t recognize anything. He’s lost.
Fifteen long minutes pass as he searches the labyrinthian Compound for a landmark, checking doors and scratching his scalp raw in frustration. The air grows noticeably warmer as he explores, so he loosens and pockets his tie.
Shion decided he should turn around and try to return from whence he came when he recognizes a painting. Weird shit of a little boy leading a yoga class of similarly dopey children. He remembers wondering who was the biggest quack – the artist or Mikey’s decorator? – during Sanzu’s tour of the house. Sanzu warned them to go no further under any circumstances because beyond that point lay the west wing.
Like a good little soldier, Shion turns to leave, but his eyes glue to the door and he finds himself wondering again what might lay beyond it. Maybe on the other side he would find Mikey’s closet, filled with the expensive clothes he never wears but must own, or jewelry, or a stack of bills just ripe for the taking. Then again, if Sanzu was so insistent they never enter it must be much worse. Maybe something truly incriminating, something that would put Mikey squarely in Shion’s pocket…
No! No! Shion clings to life like a spider monkey, blood rushing to his face as he realizes that he’s contemplating an assisted suicide. Blackmailing Mikey of all people?
Except, it is ridiculous that Mikey doesn’t give him more authority when he trusts freaks like Sanzu with his back. And, Mikey is far too paranoid to leave damning evidence lying around even in his own home. And, the door will be locked anyway, so no harm in jiggling the handle. Right?
The doorknob is ice cold beneath his hand, but what really sends a shiver shimmying up his spine is when he turns the knob and the door clicks open without resistance. They should have named him Mad Cat because curiosity draws his eyes as the door swings open on a mostly innocuous set of rooms.
It looks like a receiving room that leads to a hallway and additional rooms. There are comfy chairs, a dormant fireplace, and the largest portrait of Mikey imaginable occupying the opposite wall. The picture of Mikey brooding in black and white might have drawn a guffaw under other circumstances.
The only strange thing in the room really is the girl. And then only because she is running full tilt in his direction like the hounds of hell are chasing her. And, in her case, they literally are as Sanzu sprints in pursuit behind her.
“Unmf,” Shion grunts as the strange woman barrels by him, clipping his shoulder in the process.
“What are you fucking thinking? Grab her!” Sanzu screams.
Shion’s brain catches up slowly, but his body moves to subdue you on instinct. He hooks one arm around your stomach, relying on your own momentum to topple you over. The impact of his stoney arm winds you, so you put up no resistance when the other hand winds around a chunk of hair to drag you back, sock-clad feet lifting off the ground. You claw at his forearm where it holds you hostage with ineffective hisses.
As far as thieves go – and what else can you be but someone who had the same bright idea he did? – Shion thinks you’re quite the cutie. Somehow during your heist you lost your pants. Your body presses against his in nothing but an oversized tee-shirt and knee-high socks. There are no visible injuries, so you must have gotten the jump on Sanzu, which is hilarious given how weak you feel in his arms. Shion wonders if he might get a reward for capturing you. It would be all the sweeter if Sanzu failed where he succeeded.
“Do you know who you’re messing with, bitch?” Shion threatens, glee dancing in his voice.
You twist your head back to glare, and he gets a good view of a woman in her late twenties with pretty, vibrant eyes before your jaw hinges wide like a snake and blunt, human teeth latch right onto his cheek and tear.
“Holy fuck, shit. Get off me, you raving fucking bitch!” Shion screams, but you cling to him with all the strength in your terrible jaw, not yielding when he shoves at your body.
Pushing you away only makes that awful tearing sound worse as his flesh rips apart. Speaking makes it worse, too. His cheek feels hot, and somewhere, he faintly registers a sharp pain. Sanzu must be almost upon you as nearly ten seconds have passed since he first saw you, but panic rips through his brain, and he can’t wait for the reinforcement.
Shion doesn’t struggle against your bite instead unleashing a full power punch aimed directly at your undefended kidney. Hard enough that when it connects, your kidney will rupture and drop you screaming to the floor.
Only everything goes black, and all Shion can do is gargle around a breath that just won’t come just like his intended punch.
Everything hurts.
Seconds later and the pain dims just enough that Shion can breathe normally again excepting the sharp pain in his chest whenever he inhales. He blinks rapidly to shepherd away the black spots that disorient his vision.
“Are you hurt?”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. She hid in the laundry basket. And, I tried to stop her, but Madarame had the door wide fucking open. Don’t know what he was thinking!”
Shion knows those voices. He knows their faces too when he finds the strength to lift his neck from its strange angle on the floor and look.
The feral hellcat he mistook for a woman remains captured. This time she hangs limp in the embrace of Mikey’s unassailable arms. Mikey holds you not like a prisoner but a newborn infant, gently and like you demand his absolute focus. Mikey’s eyes don’t stray from your face as Sanzu spews out apologies from the other room. With one hand, Mikey brushes the messy hair away from your face, and with the other he holds your hand in a lover’s grip.
Through the disorientation, Shion knows that he’s discovered the mystery behind the west wing. He just doesn’t know what any of it means.
“Somebody fucked up today, Sanzu. Find out who and make them take responsibility,” Mikey says, and there’s more emotion in his voice than Shion has heard from him in the last half decade.
“Yes, sir. I’ll give you my left hand if I’m at fault,” Sanzu vows.
“It was his fault. All his fault,” you pipe up eagerly, pointing a finger at Sanzu.
Sanzu scowls, opens his mouth as if to argue, and then closes it. Mikey for his part just sighs.
“Look into it. Now,” Mikey orders.
“Yes, sir!”
No one appears to remember Shion as he huddles on the floor, so he tries to keep quiet as he moves. Planting his feet, he shifts backwards onto his butt. The stabbing pain in his chest greets him again, but so long as he breathes shallowly, he can remain conscious. A few ribs are definitely cracked.
Shion longs for the party as he braces himself to scoot himself down the hall, away from Mikey and Sanzu, away from the forbidden west wing. Sweat streams down his cheeks to his lips. It tastes like iron. Shion remembers then that his cheek is a gaping wound, momentarily forgotten thanks to the pain in his liver, but now he feels the swelling heat there, too. Sweat and blood mix in a dark cocktail that flows freely down his face. Unable to withstand the next burst of pain, Shion whimpers.
Mikey is there in an instant. One foot plants on Shion’s chest, right where his ribs shriek, and Shion whites out from the agony. He regains consciousness almost immediately to find himself semi-vertical as Mikey has dragged him up by the hair, foreheads touching. He has never been this close to Mikey before. He can’t see the other man’s unforgiving stare, can’t focus his own eyes well enough to connect. He can smell Mikey’s breath though, feel the heat pelt against his face as his instincts tremble.
They tell him that he is going to die.
“You didn’t see anything here tonight. You got drunk, picked a fight with Sanzu, and lost. Then, you stumbled back to your room and slept it off,” Mikey whispers, and the pain in his chest is nothing compared to the chill in Mikey’s voice.
“Shion, convince me. You didn’t see anyone tonight.”
“That’s right, Mikey. That’s right. Hanma pissed me off, and I was drunk, so I decided to act tough with Sanzu, but he put me right back in my place. He sure did. See, my cheek? That guy fights dirty, huh? But, that’s all. I didn’t see anything else. Nothing. Nothing.”
“You should know better than to pick a fight with Sanzu,” Mikey hums.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m a fucking idiot! I need to quit drinking. Makes me stupid.”
“Stupider,” Sanzu says.
They must be living in a backwards universe because somehow Sanzu’s interjection makes Shion feel relatively safer. The first time ever the deranged freak has soothed someone.
Mikey unceremoniously releases his grip on Shion’s hair, sending him tumbling into a pathetic pile on the floor. His ears ring as his head bounces off the cement.
“Get him back to his room,” Mikey orders Sanzu.
The other man shows no courtesy or mercy as he drags Shion up. His chest aches like it means to explode, like he should be gurgling on blood. He needs a doctor, but the most he gets from Sanzu is a shoulder to lean on as they set off down the hall.
It is masochistic, maybe even suicidal, but Shion can’t resist. He turns back and looks.
“I was thinking ramen for dinner, but we have a feast downstairs. Anything you want. Just say the word. It’s your turn to choose,” Mikey says as he guides you back into the suite of rooms.
His voice is warm and easy as he continues to list off dinner items you might enjoy. Strangest of all, Mikey smiles as he speaks to you. Mikey doesn’t smile. Not in all the years Shion has known him.
You aren’t smiling as you follow Mikey’s guiding hand.
No, you the strange woman in the west wing hang your head as he leads you back into your cage. You don’t look back once.
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k-half-blood · 9 months
Sebastian’s Loss
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Warnings: death
“Hey mom… What’s up? I know~ I know~ I’m running a little late, but the gym-”
“Hey son… I… I know we had our dinner date planned, but… That’s gonna have to hold off…”
He didn’t understand what was going on… How did this happen? Who found her? He had made sure himself to hide her! Protect her!
Weaving between cars, hearing the annoyed honks, he didn’t care. Everything was going too fast, even though he was going over 100, it still felt so slow. Feeling the wind of a car barely missing him, his eyes shimmering the insane purple red.
Sirens sounded out behind him, Sebastian glaring back momentarily. Screaming sounded out around him, people going mad and insane. Usually Sebastian hated using his father’s madness curse, but at this moment he didn’t care. The only person on his mind was his mother.
“Mom?? What’s wrong?? Hey! Don’t leave with that? Why aren’t you answering-“
“Sorry mommy dearest can’t come to the phone right now.”
“I swear… if you hurt her…”
“Come find me.”
He ran inside of the house, panicking at seeing the destroyed house. His eyes widened, feeling the tears pooling in his eyes. The red liquid running down his face. When he’s overtaken by his father’s insanity, his tears are thick and red like blood.
There was things broken, glass and broken wood across the floor. He was shaking in anger, the plants in the broken pot were beginning over grown- thorns scratch across the wooden floor.
Growing up, Sebastian was close to his mother. His mother was his idol, always seeing her taking care of anything and everything by herself. He had never remembered much of Di before meeting him once he was an adult.
He remembered the smell of grapes, the sweet scent that always seemed to lingered. He remembered the color purple, such a deep royal purple and the color of deep wine red. He remembered the sound of his voice, a velvety smooth voice.
At first he always hated his dad, growing up with anger for someone leaving them. But his mother wouldn’t let him hate his father, always explaining that it wasn’t his choice and not to blame the god for leaving them. How could he hate the god when his mother protected him? Sebastian never understood why, but he knows when he hadn’t gotten to Camp Half-Blood.
There she was… Laying on the floor, still. It felt like his heart got stuck in his throat, making his way over quickly to kneel by her side. Blood staining her skin, more drops of crimson falling on her skin as he cried above her. “Mom… mom please I need you to open your eyes, please please please.”
He begged, hands clumsily shaking her as his words were jumbling up. His hands getting stained with her blood, sobbing and begging for her to wake up. Begging the gods to bring her back, begging anyone not to take her away. “Please please… I can’t lose her, I can’t.”
“No matter what happens hun, know I’m always here for ya.” His mother said as they were cooking in the kitchen, he laughed while walking up behind her. Stealing a bite of the stew, grinning at her. “That sounds so cheesy ma.”
“I’m serious bud.”
“But you’re not here now… are you ma?” He whispered, watching her body burn as he held her necklace in his hand. The boxing gloves, an old gift from his father to her, something she kept dear to her heart. His other hand flicked two gold coins into the fire. Already knowing people in his miles of radius was going crazy. His mother was his anchor, the reason he didn’t start anything drastic and the reason he always come home.
“Safe travels mother.”
Now that she was gone… Sebastian was going to show what Dionysus’ insanity really looked like. Taking off his tracking watch and throwing it into the fire as well.
Sebastian has gone radio silence.
@livealittleoc-cb @raiden-oc
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luthorao3 · 2 years
Hey babe, could I get a "You're cold. Come here" for foxxay, please?
And 100% you do the build up to the big moments better than anyone I know, bitch
I hope you're feeling better 💖
darling <3 i would move the moon for you were it in my power! i'm setting this vaguely within the Camomile and Chlorine AU setting simply because i can and i have missed it kind of dearly.
Dusk, and the air pools like tepid water in around Cordelia’s ankles.
“Pick a hand,” Misty tells her, and holds out two closed fists. “Any hand.”
They’re sitting at Myrtle’s wicker bench set, one on either side and facing each other. One of Misty’s legs swings back-and-forth beneath the table, occasionally bumping Cordelia’s shin – cool where she’s removed her shoes. Their empty dinner plates have been stacked to one side, a candle burns just off-centre, and the cicadas chirp their mellow music to herald in the night. Cordelia tucks a hand around her wine glass, the other just beneath her chin. She eyes Misty’s closed fists with a quiet kind of intrigue.
“What’s in them?”
“In this one,” Misty says, shaking her right fist, “are all your hopes and dreams.”
Laughter bubbles up from Cordelia’s belly before she can think to hold it back.
“And in the other,” Misty says, eyes narrowed, pointedly ignoring her, “is everything that you tell yourself is more important. Work. Job. Career.”
“They’re all the same thing—”
“Reputation,” Misty talks over her, prompting Cordelia to laugh again. While she makes a valiant attempt to hold back her own amusement, she's clearly straining to keep her expression neutral. “Money. You know what I mean. All that stuff society tells you is important. Shit, I don’t know… a fancy car.”
“Okay,” Cordelia agrees, tucking a smile into her glass.
“So,” Misty says, and nods expectantly.
“Why, how much have you had to drink, darlin’? Pick one.”
The pet name rolls off her tongue like it’s nothing, meant to tease, to jab, a barb against Cordelia’s inability to keep up with the way that Misty’s thoughts spiral into one another, and yet— Cordelia prays the night is too deep, the light from their candle too weak, to show the true extent of her blush. She takes another sip of wine. She clears her throat, twice.
“Well,” finally, eyeing Misty’s hands and not the amusement that dances like a will-o-the-wisp inside her eyes, “that seems like a silly question.”
“It’s absolutely not,” Misty insists, “but tell me why.”
“The answer’s obvious, isn’t it? The second option makes the first option achievable.” When Misty’s expression cracks with a frown, Cordelia elaborates: “Money. A successful career. I’d be able to build my life exactly how I want it – my house, my lifestyle, my travel… my brand new fancy car. It seems like it’s a no-brainer.”
Misty nods, expression guarded.
“But,” Cordelia says, and lowers her glass to the table. “But the way you said it, the two options you gave me, you make it sound like that second option doesn’t already include all my hopes and dreams. You make it sound like they can’t be mutually exclusive.”
“Huh. I guess I did.”
If Cordelia didn’t know better – if Cordelia had, perhaps, not already finished that first glass of wine – she’d call Misty’s expression knowing.
“Which suggests,” Cordelia continues, “that there’s something else I want. Some other… hope or dream. Something I’d want more than financial security, or a nice house, or a successful career. Some other, secret wish I’ve been hiding, maybe.” A giddy pulse trembles through her veins, but where Cordelia had meant to tease, she only finds herself wondering – if, perhaps, she’s accidentally hit some kind of mark that she’d never even known to aim for. “Something… better.”
Across from her, limned in silver, Misty tilts her head ever so carefully to one side and catches starlight in her eyes.
For a heartbeat, Cordelia loses her breath and her train of thought.
“So,” Misty says again, and emphasises both fists still held aloft, waiting for Cordelia’s answer. “What’s the verdict?”
Cordelia holds her gaze for a spell longer, asking herself that same question.
And maybe she’s a little tipsy. Maybe it’s the night time air and the spell that it casts over her, sometimes, filling her lungs and her head with fancy. Maybe it’s just because it’s Misty asking, and if Cordelia can be her true self with anybody, if she can expose the bones and bricks of herself, the foundations, the roots so deep even she may be looking upon them for the first time, she knows she’s at least in safe company.
Maybe it’s just a game and it doesn’t have to be that deep.  
But when she reaches out to pick a hand, there is no hesitation.
Her fingers settle over Misty’s right fist, a barely-there weight and yet heavy as an anchor. A declaration of intention. A promise. A secret.
“Jesus!” Misty hisses, and the moment bursts like the pressure equalising inside Cordelia’s ears.
She almost manages to draw her hand away before Misty is capturing it between both her own.
“You’re cold. Come here.”
Cordelia hesitates just long enough for Misty to tug on her hand, to threaten to pull her over the table herself, and then Cordelia is standing, losing Misty’s touch, making her way around the table. Misty shifts up the bench and does not hesitate to draw Cordelia into the warm spot she’s just vacated, to wrap her arms around her and rock the pair of them, laughing, from side to side.
Then their laughter calms, and the rocking stops, and they’re still sitting with their arms about each other, daring the chill air to part them.
Misty tucks her cheek against Cordelia’s shoulder and muffles her yawn.
“What is it, anyway?” she asks, blinking the moisture from her eyes. “This big, secret hope-and-or-dream you’re hiding from me?”
Cordelia’s smile is a private thing, hidden, at this angle, from Misty’s wondering gaze.
She feels very full of something. Something warm and bright and electric. Something that sparks inside her belly and makes her want to laugh, again, that she has to clamp her teeth around the soft inside of her cheek to keep it down. Repressing it makes her muscles shake, which Misty only mistakes as a shiver and holds her ever tighter.
“I don’t know… maybe I don’t have a name for it, yet.”
“Maybe you’ll tell me, when you do,” Misty whispers, and Cordelia relaxes in her arms.
Maybe I already have.
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Kidge summer event
Day 2: Pool
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane, Hunk Garret, Lance Mcclain, Takashi/Shiro Shirogane
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge
post season 8/ canon AU
TW: light "pining" and sexualizing.
The paladins had brinted a summer vacation house and obviously, they were all excited about the pool! Everyone, except Pidge...
"I can't wait to go refresh in the pool! It's like a 100 degrees out here..."
Hunk said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Im with you big guy... If it keeps going, I think that you might be able to do tonight's BBQ on my head..."
Lance leaned on Hunk shoulder.
The car where they were all siting for houres finally stoped in front of a huge house.
"we're there!"
Space dad sang from his sit. Everyone was now looking through the window in amazement.
"Wooow... Shiro, that house is huge!"
Pidge exclaimed herself.
"Pffff... modest rich child..."
Lance whispered to Hunk as a jole to piss pidge off.
"At least I don't use all my money to buy a car that I can't drive..."
Pidge whisperered to Keith, they both had a smirk on their faces.
"WHA-?! Well that car was my dream car, ok?! AND, I'll have my driver license soon!"
"Ok y'all, let's head inside."
Shiro interupted the fight, he knew they were just playing around but he knew that their little fights could end up pretty badly. If only he knew...
They entered the house with their suitcases and it was, like Pidge had previously said, a huge house... I better call it a villa.
When they were all done settling down, they all headed to the pool... Except Pidge. I mean, she sat in front of the pool under an umbrella with a book and a drink.
She was in bra but still had a skirt on.
Keith saw her as he walked toward the pool and decided to go talk to her. Without lying, he thought that it was cute to see her chilling there with her book.
"Hey, there."
He sat next to her
"Ho- hi!... what's up?"
She answered. He obviously surprised her ever since she wasn't expecting anyone to come and bother her nice alone time. But it was Keith and even if she doesn't say it out loud, she really enjoy his presence.
"Nothing much, I was heading to the pool. What about you, what are you doing?"
"Well... Just relaxing and reading..."
"I didn't know you liked to read, I thought you would have brought your compputer here or something."
"Bringing my computer here?! No way! You guys would splash water on it..."
Keith giggled.
"true... So what are you reading?"
" It's called 'Outlander', It's basically a novel that happens during world war two but the best part of it is the romantic part! I really like the relationship between the characters... It's romantic and very-
Pidge finally took a small moment to take a closer to Keith. Her eyes went from his naked torso to his abs AND, finally take a quick glance.... Well, down there...
She continued with a small blush, not even noticing what she had said.
THEN, she realized what she had just said and blushed hardly...
Keith looked at her with confusion and then bursted into laugher:
"Don't worry, no need to get so red! Besides, you're right, it IS pretty hot out here."
He blinked at her teasingly, causing her to blusuh a mess and hide behind her book.
"Just go to the pool already..."
She said, hiding behind her book.
After laughing at her again, Keith smiled at how cute she was being and then spoke:
"You're not joining us?"
Pidge looked down.
"I, huh, don't feel like it... Don' you worry about it."
Keith looked at her with a sence of worry.
"Is everything ok?"
He asked.
"Sure. Now, are you done asking me questions? Just go have fun!"
She smiled reasuringly at him and pushed him off the sit.
"Heyyyy... OK...ok... I'll make sure you're ok later, if this is what you want. Don't get burned by the sun by the way."
He said as he walked towards the pool that was no far from Pidge's sit.
She smiled at him before to get her head back in her book.
While all this happened, Lance had a plan in mind:
he wanted his revenge against Pidge. That was very childish, but at the end of the day, he though that pidge might find it funny. If only he knew...
He silently apprauched her sit from behind and when he was close enough, he grabed her tightly in his amrs and jump in the pool.
In the water, he gets his arms off her to let her swim back to the surface. When he joined her off the water, he was surprised to see her expression. He expected her to be annoyed but not MAD. When he saw the frown on her face, he knew he had messed up.
"Ho, hum... I thought it would have been funny?.. "
"Ho come on, you're the one that is not getting it. it's freakin' funny, you're just too stuck to understand."
Keith approached pidge in the water, giving a death stare at Lance. He sure didn't wanted the two to fight more.
"Come on, let's go inside... I'll lend you my towel..."
He helped her to go out of the water and gave her his towel.
"Of course, let's get you some clothes, you angry green bean."
She smiled lightly before to follow him inside.
Pidge was now inside the bathroom as Keith was waiting outside.
"Sooooooo... Should I ask... Why did you get so mad at Lance? I mean, knowing you, those types of stuffs doesn't bother you. In fact, I also thought you would have laughed even if you would have been a little annoyed... But that mad?
He said for her to hear through the door. She took a moment before to answere.
"That's... complicated."
"Should I be worried?"
"That doesn't sound very convincing. If you don't want to open up to me, I get it. but at least be real when I ask you if you are ok so when you don't feel good, I actually know that I shouldn't bother you OR that I have to be there for you, that even if I don't know why you feel that way. But you know, some times, it feels nice to open up. It took me time to understand that it was pretty important, but I swear that it feels nice. So, what do you say?"
Pidge stayed silent again.
"You promise you wont tell anyone?..."
"I promise."
"Well, I feel pretty insecure about myself. That's it."
Keith raised an eyebrow, understanding that what she had to say was pretty important. He then sat against the door, ready to listen to what she had to tell him.
"What do you mean?"
"That's very embarrassing..."
"No it's not. No worries."
"Wha- Why? Idon't see anything wrong with you."
Pidge sighed behind the door.
"It's... more complicatetd then that. I just don't feel confortable when my body is exposed so when he dropped me in the water... Well... Anyways, I don't really want to talk about it yet but thanks for worrying."
"All right. But if one day you need to talk about it, you can call me anytime."
She softely smiled. He didn't see it because she was behind the door, but it was like he felt it.
Then, the door opened:
"All right, now, it's my turn to get my revenge with Lance."
She said with a mischievous smile.
"Ho no... are you two going to fight all these vacations for that little argument?.."
"Only if he doesn't apologize."
"All right, but you better be careful."
"Ho, I can take care of myself"
Keith smiled at her words.
"I know you can."
A/N: I feel like that one fic is very bad, sorry abt it 💥
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Bad Little Doggie.
What a perfect day.
The sun is shining and the birds are chirping happily up the trees.
Over the Christmas break I indulged in too much pudding and beer so I decide that today is the day to go to the Centennial Park in Sydney and jog along the paths whilst taking in the spectacular views.
I jump in my car and drive for about 20 minutes or so before arriving at my destination.
There are a lot of people out and about enjoying being in the fresh air instead of stuck at home listening to the relatives who have over stayed their welcome.
The manicured grass is adorned with lots of picnic blankets occupied by holidaymakers eating fried chicken and coleslaw while others play cricket or throw a frisbee around oblivious to their skin burning in the mid morning sun.
I take a seat and change into a pair of Nike runners that I got for Christmas.
The runners are supposed to make you feel like you are jogging on soft clouds but after jogging for 100 meters my feet are beginning to hurt and my expanded stomach is bouncing around like a huge bowl of jelly so I slow down to a stroll while at the same time pretending to be a world class athlete.
I hear yapping nearby and immediately my heart starts pumping overtime because even though I am a well built 20year old male who's enjoys playing rugby and mountain climbing I am ashamed to admit that I have had a hatred for dogs after I got bitten on the leg by a mates pet German shepherd when I was twelve years old.
When I round the bend I am confronted by a grey haired middle aged lady with a Chihuahua on a long lead.
The little mutt is the size of a guinea pig with soft eyes and brown about as harmless as said guinea pig so I take a big breath and approach the Chihuahua 'Mister I wouldn't get to close to Misty if I were you, she might look sweet and cuddly but Misty has won a blue ribbon for prize fighting on more than one occasion.'
'Prize fighting my arse' I mutter under my breath as I bend down holding out my hand for the dog to sniff 'Good little doggie' I say in greeting.
The lady pulls on the lead but it is too little too late.
The Chihuahua bites down on two of my fingers and begins to chew on them like they were two delicious chicken wings.
I am too stunned to move and can only watch as my two digits are severed and swallowed down.
People started to gather around to see what the commotion was about.
I was yelling for help holding my wounded hand to my side while blood began to pool at my feet.
Misty the manic mongrel had broken loose from its owner and had now clamped its teeth into the back of my left ankle shaking its head like it was at a heavy metal concert.
I sound of my Achilles tendon snapping was probably heard as far as the opera house but still the people did nothing but hold up their phones taking pictures and video for their own morbid pleasure.
As I lay slumped on the ground unable to move the owner of Misty the mongrel from hell walked over 'Mister leave Misty alone, can't you see she is hurting?'
Misty sat a few meters away from me with my blood all over its evil little face 'What are you talking about you stupid bitch, that is my blood on Cujo, so why don't you shut the fuck up and pick up your pet demon.'
One of the onlookers lowered his phone and told me that he had called the police and ambulance 'Even though it cost me some valuable footage.'
I didn't know is I should thank the prick or jump up and jam his phone where the sun refuses to shine but seeing that I want be doing much jumping in the foreseeable future I bite my tongue and wait for the ambo's to arrive.
A half hour later I arrive at the hospital where my wounds are treated than I am wheeled into a ward rolled onto a bed and told by a doctor that I will be having surgery to reattach my tendon and stitch my hand before infection has a chance to set in.
While the preop drugs start to take me off to pixie land I look out of the ward window and see the old lady and her Chihuahua looking back at me in amusement.
I can still feel the teeth ripping my fingers from my body and hear the snarls from the rabid beast.
Two weeks later I was released from the hospital with my physical injuries completely healed but my mental wounds I am still to overcome.
For six months I need the aid from a walking stick to get around and slowly but surely my mind is healed as best as it ever will be and I can't believe that I am saying this but I decide to get myself a pet but it sure as fuck won't be a dog.
At the pet store I wander around the cages holding lizards, snakes, rats, and a good assortment of birds and cats.
I walk out carrying a hold all case where inside sits a very contented Siamese cat that the owner of the store assured me was kind and gentle with a playful personality.
Pandora soon became part of the furniture running from room to room getting up to mischief.
I feed her a variety of food mainly beef chicken and fish and she seemed happy with my selection but a month after I brought her home Pandora went off her food and began to hiss and scratch at me for no reason that I could see.
The vet suggested that I feed Pandora a mixture of dry and wet cat food and he even gave me a few brands to try.
Pandora took to her new meals like a moth to a flame and I sigh in relief because I was starting to stress and have flashbacks to the day in the park when i was reduced to a quivering mess by Misty the Chihuahua from cuntland.
Pandora and I are now both happy with the new food schedule and life is beginning to look good but that soon went to hell in a handbasket.
It was a Tuesday evening around six o'clock and Pandora looked all set in for a nap after her meal and I leaned in to listen to her purr.
Her green eyes opened and without warning my she lashed out racking her claws down the left side of my face.
Sweet little Pandora now looked like a voodoo princess on meth and she lashed out again and this time she hit my right eye and I felt the eyeball turn to mush.
I feel the juices from my battered eye running down my face but I quickly come to my senses and dial triple 000.
I hold a towel to my eye while I wait for the ambulance to arrive and you wouldn't believe but the same two ambo's who treated after my first attack walk inside.
The older of the two recognizes me straight away 'What is it this time a goldfish?
'No it was a crazed cat thank you very much, now are we going to stand here talking all day?'
'Sorry sir' the other ambo says 'But and you can tell me to mind my own business if you want, but I really don't think that you are an animal person.'
'You think?' I scream back 'Now take me to hospital and I would appreciate it if both of you would stay completely silent or I am bound to lose my temper.'
My face took 36 stitches to repair and I lost my left eye and now i need to wear a patch until an prosthetic eye is fitted.
Now I am back at home with a new pet and I know you are all saying 'What in the fuck?'
But I can guarantee that this pet is completely harmless and doesn't need any feeding or taking outside to do its business because you see my new pet is a rock who I named Granite.
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elisetherogue · 1 year
Nobody asked but you chose to follow someone interested in gamedev and the topic's coming up again. Here's how I would personally handle weapon durability.
I think the main thing that I would change is honestly just a shifting of perspective. Most tools work /fine/ with little to no maintainance, they won't work great, but they'll do. To me proper, regular maintainance of your weapons and equipment is a labor of love, it shows that care about keeping your things in tip top shape and should be rewarded.
For this reason, instead of a "Repair" skill, I'd probably include a skill called Maintainance and, instead of items starting at 100% effectiveness and going down until broken, items in my theoretical game would stay at 100% as a baseline, but regular maintainance would increase their effectiveness to 120-150% depending on your skill level. This ostensibly changes nothing, it's literally the WoW Rest XP Rebrand™ but players have a natural tendency to want to play efficiently and so if they see a way to get more use out of their items and it's not too resource/time intensive, they'll do it.
This gives players more agency to use the durability system if they want to and ignore it if they don't wanna mess with it, and reflects on their character and playstyle depending on what they choose to do. Players who invest in their equipment reap rewards while people who chose not to maintain their gear aren't punished by anything but lost potential.
I think I still would want to punish players in some way for not maintaining their gear, though. Player choices should be rewarded AND punished and if you're told to equipment maintainace is important and ignore it anyways, that should come up somehow. But the thing about breaking equipment is that real world items don't really have durability the same way video game items do. Your stuff doesn't linearily decrease in performance in a predictable way and then just stop working, you just don't dust your computer for a couple years and suddenly it burns your fucking house down. Not maintaining your stuff leads to sudden, catastrophic damage, often when you least expect it.
To reflect this, I would turn it into a scripted event that happens maybe 2-3 times in game at some random point. The game would run a simple check, If your weapons durability is at its lowest point, AND you've never maintained it, then in that specific moment it breaks. This is good, I think, because it reflects the catastrophic nature of equipment failure. Your stuff isn't just going to wear down over time if you don't maintain it, it's just gonna break one day.
The fact that it's a scripted sequence also makes it cool, because it allows me as the designer to set up a situation where you're at a disadvantage, but you CAN still survive. Maybe the sequence is a bar fight and someone draws a gun on you, you draw back, fire, click, oh fuck, and now you have to get by with broken bottles and pool cues. Maybe you've just gatta get by with just your fists, maybe you're even forced to run away. This encounter could have been incredibly easy but because of your poor planning now you're losing and gonna either get really hurt, or have to run away, or lose something important.
These are just some ideas, I've got no real way to test them, but I kinda wanted to get them out there in some form. Let me know if this sounds cool or if it feels like I'm off the mark, or how you'd do things differently because I'm genuinely interested.
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myfirstblogview · 2 years
The most effective method to Pick The Lodging That is Appropriate For You
Getting the right lodging to burn through one~s get-away at is one of the most troublesome and exorbitant pieces of arranging the excursion. It is truly troublesome in the event that you have never visited the city and don't have any acquaintance with it, or on the other hand assuming you are traveling during the significant traveler season.
Arranging excursions ahead of time is generally recommendable, however don't contribute an excess of exertion. Booking an inn ahead of time is vital, in any case, when you arrive, you chance to not be able to find where to spend the evenings, or there may be opening just in lodgings, which are not best for you.
Going to the most costly lodging is not really obligatory, assuming you are searching for good help; however then again, remember that there are motivations behind why modest inns are modest. Your aide at lodging costs could be Inn 6. Since a room even in that inn is about $40 by and large, anything beneath its cost is in all probability excessively modest.
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While you ought to never consider a lodging to be totally clean, the more costly inns are by and large cleaner than a portion of the truly modest spots. Holiday, you by and large receive whatever would be fair.
Bobby Guest House is engaged in providing, affordable, yet luxurious, accommodation to the discerning traveler. So, if you are looking for best Hotel In Chopta Tungnath then contact us now to book your room.
Nonetheless, before you settle on an inn, there are a couple of things that you really want to consider.
The first is how much cash you have accessible to pay for a lodging. On the off chance that you can't bear to pay in excess of 100 bucks each night for your lodging, then, contingent upon where you're going, that could hurt your possibilities getting a decent inn and a decent room.
Then, you really want to consider which elements are mean a lot to you. Do you need a mainland or full help breakfast, for example? One advantage of in-inn breakfast is that it will make it simpler in the first part of the day if you would rather not go out for breakfast, or don't have any desire to arrange room administration. Mainland breakfast as a rule comprises of something light and speedy toward the beginning of the day, while full help breakfast is a more complete feast. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you will get up incredibly early, maybe you will not have time in any event, for the mainland breakfast.
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In the event that you're an extended get-away and need a pool, you ought to likewise focus on where the pool is found, and what season you will travel there. Assuming that you're heading off to some place throughout the colder time of year, and the inn has an outside pool, then, at that point, the pool may be shut. Regardless of whether it's throughout the mid year and the pool is open, severe weather conditions could make it harder for you to set aside opportunity to swim.
One more truly significant thing to consider is the area of your lodging. For example, assuming you will go to Disneyland, and you would rather not manage rental vehicles, then, at that point, you ought to presumably remain at an inn that is either right close to the recreation area, or that is in some measure inside strolling distance of it.
At last, after you have found the most reasonable lodging for your excursion, it is savvy to buy a bundle, as opposed to purchasing administrations independently. There are organizations that deal limits when you purchase a bundle (lodging and tickets), at times saving you many dollars.
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thatharringrovehoe · 3 years
Okay so so these mood boards I've been making have just slapped me across the face with inspiration and this is what came out of it. Enjoy some Guard Dog Tommy blurbs.~
- Tommy Hagan is a fucking animal. Gasoline for blood and a match in his teeth, this boy was born with violence on his tongue. Loves the snap of skin under knuckles during a fight. Needs to let the wild thing bashing it’s head against the inside of his ribcage lose every now and again. And that’s good. Because Steve Harrington pisses off a lot of people on the regular.
- Tommy and Steve have been friends since they were in diapers. Because Tommy’s mother knew Mrs. Harrington had a baby boy three months after she did. Knew that the Harrington’s we’re richer than God, far as Indiana was concerned. So she dressed in her best blouse and introduced herself during baby play group down at the community center. Whispered to little Tommy to play nice.
- Because as soon as he could figure out what to do with his hands Tommy has never played nice. Doesn’t know what gentle tastes like. Likes the pop and sizzle of biting his tongue till it bleeds instead. Took his dad’s lighter at the age of nine. Set the old garden shed on fire and felt the wild thing howl. Knashed it’s teeth into a smile.
- Tommy is nice to Steve though. Always has been. Because Tommy is allowed to let the wailing bloody monster out to run whenever it concerns Steve. Gets to sink his fangs into flesh as long as it’s not the king’s. And Steve loves it. Encourages Tommy when he jumps off the roof into the Harrington’s pool, nearly breaking both ankles. Likes to watch his friend taunt fate with two raised middle fingers and a smile. Cuz Hawkins is boring. For now. But it’s also the reason that Steve never told Tommy about the monsters in the woods. Afraid his friend would like them better.
- Tommy starts and losses his first fight in second grade. Cuz while Tommys chomping at the bit too put that fourth grader down, he’s still a scrawny little freckle face seven year old. All it takes is one hard shove that sends him careening backwards into the solid steel beam of the swing set and he’s done. He smiles whenever he presses the bruise at the back of his head.
- Carole Perkins moves to Hawkins during Steve and Tommy’s sixth grade year. Bushy Cooper waves, snapping bubblegum with a scowl of her cherry Chapstick lips, Tommy falls in love instantly. Feels the wild thing settle. Go quiet. Ears perking up, ‘this one’ it snarls. And his hands are shaking. ‘No’ he whispers back.
- Because Tommy never learned to be gentle. For once in his life doesn’t want to break. But his hands only fit right against jagged pieces, loves the way his skin catches. Wants to hurt and be hurt. Wants to kiss with his teeth. Wants to burn with someone. With Carole. He's afraid he might shake apart forever if she turns up her lip and leaves him for dead when the wild thing finally breaks out. It always does.
- It's freshman year Tommy finally scrapes together enough courage to ask Carole on a date. He's been practicing his smile so his lips cover the fangs. Borrowed Steve’s denim jacket cuz it’s warn in and soft. Anything to cover the rattling of his bones, the baying for blood. Doesn't want to scare the girl he's been drooling over for going on four years before he even opens his mouth. Picks a red carnation from his neighbor’s garden and presents it to Carole Perkins before first period.
- Carole is fucking livid. Smacks the flower out of Tommy’s trembling hand so it hits the floor in pieces, crimson petals spilling like so much blood across the linoleum tile. Hisses like a witch’s cat. “If I wanted to fuck Steve Harrington then I would fuck Steve Harrington.” The gleam of something sharp and feral shines bright behind her eyes like lightning. Like fire. The wild thing in Tommy’s chest stills. Cocks it’s head. Carole’s vitriol a siren song. She ignores him for the rest of the day.
- The following morning Tommy throws caution to the wind. Stomps up behind Carole as she’s rummaging through her locker and shuts it when she isn’t paying attention. Her glare is cutting, like the crack of a bamboo switch. Fuck, he loves her. “Skip class with me” he says. “Why?” she replies. No venom, just a question. Give me a good reason Hagan. All his chips on the table. Hackles raised into a smile. “Cuz I’m gunna set the mayor’s pool house on fire”. A beat. A grin. A kiss. The wild thing in Tommy’s chest croons. Calls out to his loves feral heart. And they burn. Together.
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jvkeh · 3 years
⤷ c.w petplay, brat taming, semi public sex | jeno, yeonjun and wooyoung x reader | © jvkeh
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look me in the eyes and tell me this man is not into petplay. puppy roleplay, to be specific. jeno likes to claim he’s calm and collected, but once he sees you in puppy ears and a collar, he will lose his shit and give your insides permanent damage. the sight of seeing you, as a submissive animal on your knees, is enough to make him cream before he even puts his cock inside you. treat it as a special occasion, to really milk in the difference of jeno’s treatment to you when you are a dog vs you as your normal self. even though jeno is the one holding your leash, he’s incredibly submissive to your needs while your under his “control.” every time you pull out the ears, jeno swears he becomes his 17yo virgin self again. his ears are always flushed during sex, his chest littered with pink as he goes back to marking your skin up with his saliva.
this MAN literal embodies this kink so well. yeonjun is a man of many things, but something he takes pride of especially is making even the brattiest of brats be on their knees. you see the way he silent other members? he’s 100% a degrading dom who will rather die before he treats you nice. bad mouthed him? expect you to be starved of your orgasm for a long time before he leaves you on the bed, dizzy and horny. ignored his calls? both your paycheck and your needs be held off as he masturbates in front of your tied up figure. and if you really want to push his limits, flirt. with. his. members. especially beomgyu, he will fucking rail you into another dimension and bring out ALL the tricks. from handcuffs to ropes to his paddle, yeonjun is not the one to be messed around with.
OH MY GODDDD THIS WAS THE BEST TO IMAGINE anyways wooyoung is the type of guy who is INTO exhibitionism. he loves attention on him, and finds himself grinning smugly behind you when you enter another event, where yet again, eyes are on you and the way you chose to dress. he adores the idea of showing his hot girlfriend off, so that goes hand in hand with his need to fuck you in the most inconvenient ways. the adrenaline rush gained from leaving the public bathroom unlocked first time he was frisky out of the house made him addicted. friend’s couch, swimming pool, san’s bed, you name it. wooyoung finds it so enjoyable, and he would definitely keep doing it until he gets caught. so far, he avoided the awkward outcomes but we all know if mingi caught y’all fucking, he would lowk invite him but im not gonna make this longer than it needs to be
this is the thought that keeps me up at night and i was very happy to see so much other writers on tumblr share the exact same thoughts. jake is 100% a switch, but i adore sub scenarios with him.
jake would definitely be into shower sex. this man has STAMINA im telling u, out of all the legal line this mf probably is the horniest the most and longest. its been a solid 2 hours after yall made out n hes STILL thinking abt it w a bulge in his jeans with no shame too.. so shower sex is simple and effective at being clean and dirty at the same time. he would beg you to rub his back while he wiped his abs, just to end up cumming hands free from the intimacy of the situation. then he would tell you to give him a handjob in the middle of the shower, before turning it into another episode of sex life. he holds your thighs up, letting your butt and upper body rest on the bench as he fucks upward into you, letting the cool stream reach your burning hot cunt that reacts vividly to every corner he reaches inside you. i think he would wail as he cum at the embarrassment of it being from the most simple reasons, such as you literally just stripping to shower. he’s just so cute im hajfjfjdkkakc ill loevehim.
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
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harringrove week - july
prompt: the harrington lake house
billy doesn't even want to like it. it goes against things he promised himself or just thought of as simple facts about himself. 
when steve had asked him to come with him and his pack of kids to the lake house for some weeks, billy had only agreed because it would mean time away from neil with a good enough excuse - looking after max - and because weeks without steve seemed a little too unbearable. he’d expected to hate it though. because he swore he'd always hate everything that's in a 100 mile radius around hawkins, indiana for the rest of his life. a promise made while he spent three days on the road with max, driving behind neil and just bitching back and forth about how bad this tiny shithole of town would be. 
there had rarely been as much mutual understanding between him and max as on that trip. they were unified by close proximity and a shared hatred. 
he remembers how the feeling of once again being completely on his own had gripped him when they'd barely been there three days and she'd acted as if it wasn't bad suddenly. and how burning rage had taken over in seconds to push the pain away and made him act out and do stupid, violent shit. 
(at this point he's apologised for threatening to drive over the three shitheads a couple of times, more to max but even to the three of them directly. he apologised to lucas for a couple other things while he was at it.)
but despite being in the territory he’s sworn to hate he can’t help but like it. the lake is somehow still cool and it’s right there just a minute away from the house, and billy gets to swim more than just a lane down in hawkins’ community pool. when he hurries there aren’t even any brats annoying him either. sometimes there’s even steve next to him, nagging him on and racing him to the buoys out towards the middle of the lake. which means being pulled under water and being kissed and if billy keeps his eyes closed he can pretend the water around them is salty instead of sweet and it’s the california sun warming the surface. 
billy doesn’t like the quiet. he’ll do anything to escape silence. when he’s at home he’ll turn up his stereo over the tv, creating as much noise as possible to drown out his head. 
there is something to be said about the peace of this place though. it doesn’t matter that it’s technically in a 100 mile radius of billy’s personal hell. it’s quiet and calm and everything billy rarely ever gets, nor wants. sometimes when he gets up at the crack of dawn to go running by the side of the lake the quiet freaks him out in a similar way it does when he’s in his father’s house. he can’t take it. always has to have background noise. but when he closes his eyes in the morning air by the lake house he hears life. insects and birds and squirrels and whatnot. he can even hear the movement of the water and even if it’s not the sound of the waves he longs for like a missing limb it’s good nonetheless. much better than heavy footsteps walking up to his room with an underlying promise of harm coming.
there’s also the fact that he’s not fancy. there’s not a lot he needs in life. not having to walk on eggshells to avoid being hit is really all he wants. being as far away from neil as possible is the only real goal. maybe since that goal has been reached at least for three weeks he’s developing more extravagant tastes. a couple days at the harrington’s lakehouse and billy’s really getting used to that hot tub. 
surprisingly, he likes the house in general. billy knows his way around the harrington home in hawkins well enough already but this has a different feel to it. feels more loved despite being even less lived in. he’s fairly sure it has to do with the wooden interior that manages to make even him feel homely and the way steve lights up when he recounts stories from his childhood and early teens when he came here with his parents or later tommy and carol. the different comforts and luxuries of the house are more welcome because of it, because it feels more like steve’s than the empty big house in hawkins. billy still scoffs at the unnecessarily big coffee machine or the overload of products in the bathrooms  but he enjoys the linen sheets a little easier. 
he never really expected to get on with the tiny nerds either. much less would he have predicted to at some point willingly spend weeks in close proximity with them. but they’d argued with steve long enough to get him to take them here after hearing about the apparently infamous harrington lake house and billy didn’t even mind that they’d be there when steve invited him. honestly by now he’s glad they started it all.  
he wouldn’t have objected to spending time with eleven or max in the first place. maybe only to keep up appearances. and he probably would end somebody’s life for the byers kid but honestly no one but will himself actually needs to know about that. it’s not billy’s fault the kid is so loveable. it doesn’t hurt that will was the first one of the nerds to actually approach him after the mindflayer hell. or that he’s the only one who really gets it when billy has to stumble outside in the middle of the night to breathe and his scars hurt all over again. steve understands the nightmares and eleven understands almost everything that’s in his head anyway but will went through it. will understands the guilt. so getting to spend overheated afternoons reading on a porch while will quietly draws next to him is not bad at all. 
billy still doesn’t get why the middle wheeler had to come but even henderson is fun to be around when he’s not being a smartass. occasionally even when he’s being a smartass. particularly when it means getting to bully steve with him.
then there’s sinclair. who it turns out is actually a nice guy. despite the ways he looks at max. and despite how loudly they sometimes fight. though at least the fights have clearly shown that billy won't ever have to fear having to fight someone for breaking her heart; she'll do that on her own just fine.
on the days it doesn’t feel like a literal circle of hell outside and the heat makes them all flee into the lake, billy, steve and lucas have started a habit of playing basketball together. lucas now easily accepts some pointers from billy. steve doesn't. steve keeps losing because of it though. which gives billy many wonderful chances to taunt him time and time again. and steve let���s billy get under his skin, urges him on, makes billy push right to the line. so far that billy knows to expect payback under the shower later, can feel the anticipation of falling apart under steve’s hands even while he throws another insult his way. 
and yeah, maybe that’ll always continue to be the biggest surprise. steve. steve falling asleep next to him and waking up with his face squished against billy’s neck. steve inviting him to spend weeks together in the first place. having someone in his life that would actually want him around wasn’t really part of the prospects billy had for his life.
billy didn't ever expect to fall in love. not like this, not in a way that made him feel hopeful. he only expected heartbreak and fear and maybe some desperate fucks. what he has now are doe eyes and gentle hands and a solid plan of leaving hawkins as soon as they can and heart palpitations every time steve kisses his cheek and calls him baby.
he's got a boyfriend who let's him sleep over every night and makes him coffee in the morning and laughs at the cheesy pickup lines he comes up with. he has steve who is too good to be true and who makes him feel safe. 
it goes against his expectations and against a lot of things he promised or thought of as fact but billy feels happy. 
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey... ehhh... me again...👀
Like, I just got a real bad sunburn because I was with my BFF in her pool for like 5h without sunprotection, and the sunburn I got because Of it is like for real straight up Painfull as shit so I thought how would the slasher react to their S/O getting a really bad sunburn and how would they help her??
So yeah sorry if I should annoy you with my requests👉👈
This is a very cute idea but also please wear sunscreen. Those UV rays are no joke bestie. If you got a green thumb, or even don’t, aloe plants are also great investments. Please stay safe luv!
Slashers x S/O With A Sunburn
Michael Myers
Michael doesn’t get sun burnt all that often. He keeps all of his skin covered when he is outside and the rest of his time is spent indoors. Although he does remember getting sunburns when he was younger and remembers that they were not fun. So he does his best to help, but doesn’t really know how.
It’s Michael and of course he’s always curious, especially about pain. Sorry y/n, he is going to poke your sunburn to see how you’ll react.
However, he does bring you a lot of water to make sure you stay hydrated. He may not know how to treat a sunburn but he does know being in the sun that long can cause dehydration.
Michael would also be amused by how red you get if you’re pale. He is also grossed out by your skin peeling when you start to heal. You look like a shedding reptile and he is not a fan.
Bo Sinclair
Literally will not shut up about how you should know to wear sunscreen or avoid being in the sun for that long. Simultaneously calls sunscreen “bitch spray” though.
Bo is more than willing to help you rub aloe on the places you can’t reach though. We all know he’s perverted and loves to make dirty jokes so it’s perfect for him. “You know, you didn’t need an excuse for me to touch ya darlin’, you coulda just asked.”
Picks at you when the cold gel makes you hiss and flinch away. Bo would also be the one who wouldn’t use enough aloe so him touching your skin feels like hell.
Would 100% try to sneak his hands from your back further down to your ass. If he’s gonna spend time helping you he expects to be paid with a handful of ass.
Vincent Sinclair
Honestly, Vincent has probably forgotten what a sunburn feels like. He rarely ever leaves the house, or even the basement, so he hasn’t been outside long enough to get burnt.
Pities you and how miserable you look squirming around trying to keep your clothes from touching you. Would let you take the sheet off of the bed and just wrap it around you.
He’s the closest thing Ambrose has to a doctor and is the most capable of helping you. Makes sure to keep aloe on your skin and constantly reminds you to drink water.
Don’t get me wrong, Vincent really does pity you but when you hop in the shower and holler he can’t help but laugh to himself. You knew better than to just hop right in like that.
Thomas Hewitt
Wouldn’t be much help with the healing part but he does take over your chores so that you can rest and heal. A sunburn that bad definitely brings some exhaustion along with it.
Luda Mae knows plenty of home remedies and is very familiar with all sorts of ailments the Texas heat inflicts. She’ll have you feeling better in no time.
Hoyt would definitely try and smack your sunburn. Death glares from Tommy and threats from Luda Mae are the only things saving you. He knows Thomas would kill him so he does his best to not.
Thomas would feel bad that he can’t help you out much. Would also be embarrassed to find you wearing little to no clothing since clothes are very uncomfortable. He would freak out and be very flustered.
Brahms Heelshire
Watches you suffer.
If you had followed the rules and not left the house y/n, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place now would it? But no, you just had to neglect the rules AND the meticulous schedule he had so carefully crafted. How rude.
After watching you for a little bit though Brahms begins to feel bad for you. You look so sad and miserable trying so hard to get comfortable and failing. He watches you try and fail to sleep much that night and lets you rest for a little bit but that’s the most you’re going to get from him.
He definitely isn’t going to complain if you decide to not wear clothes around your room. It’s a better view for him to watch through the walls and he is definitely going to enjoy the show. And you sleep on top of the covers? Maybe he should let you get sunburnt more often.
Billy Loomis
You want him to rub aloe on your back? Oh no worries, he’ll do your whole body for you. No really y/n, he insists, please let him rub his hands all over you.
He really does feel bad for you, he just does a bad job of showing it. Billy won’t do much unless you specifically ask him to. But he does make sure you stay hydrated after being out in the sun.
He will turn the shower on for you and make sure that the water is anything but hot. Also makes sure the water pressure isn’t turned up so the water cannot attack your burned skin.
Refers to your peeling as shedding and is very grossed out by it. Don’t shed on his furniture, or his clothes, or his anything. Keep your skin to yourself please.
Stu Macher
Goes out and buys any and every aloe product he can find. He doesn’t want to see you in pain.
That being said he does seem to enjoy poking your sunburn. If you ask, he couldn’t tell you why. Maybe he just enjoys seeing you in mild pain, who knows.
Is more than okay with rubbing aloe on your back but he puts on way to much no it’s going to take forever to dry. His genius idea is for you to sit in front of a fan but then you just freeze. RIP y/n, you can’t win.
Stays by your side and fetches anything you need so that you don’t have to move after you finally found a way to sit or lay that is comfortable and doesn’t hurt.
Jesse Cromeans
He wouldn’t let you get burnt in the first place. Jesse watches you any time you’re outside and constantly reminds you to put on sunscreen. If he can’t be with you, you’ll receive constant reminders to reapply sunscreen when it’s time.
Also invests in really good sunscreen that won’t come off in the water. That way, you can swim in peace and not worry about getting burnt while in the water.
If you do happen to get burnt, don’t worry he buys top of the line aloe products and helps you apply it all over. You also won’t have to worry about the sheets rubbing and scratching you since he once again buys only the best of the best.
Makes sure you drink plenty of water as well. He can’t have you getting dehydrated and passing out on him. Not like he wouldn’t pay for one of those IV bags even if you did.
Asa Emory
It would take you getting burnt once for him to become over protective. He’ll constantly remind you to wear sunscreen but overall just tries to keep you out of the sun.
Don’t make him have to lock you in that hotel so that you can’t get sunburnt. Asa won’t hesitate to do so if he feels that it is necessary. After all, he has to keep his most prized piece of his collection in good condition.
This man is a sadist. He enjoys using your sunburn to inflict more pain upon you. Don’t think he won’t degrade you for “not knowing how to take care of yourself.”
Honestly it just furthers his belief that you need him to protect you and keep you safe. You’re pathetic, you can’t even stop yourself from getting sunburnt. What would you ever do without him to keep you safe?
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
guys my age don’t know how to love me good
pairing: dom!juyeon x noona!reader
synopsis: lee juyeon is the only guy who makes sex worth it
word count: 3.1k
warnings: noona kink, mentions of toxic and abusive sex, deep throating, no mentions of protection (wrap it before you tap it), inexperienced/unsure reader
a/n: this is for @rolezeure + anon
requests are open!!
masterlist + requests
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'y/n, I swear to god if you won't come to this party with me I will actually never talk to you ever again. you know what this is?' your best friend siyeon dramatically held up a pair of scissors. 'scissors, to cut our friendship.'
'but what am I supposed to even do there?' you scoffed. parties were stupid 'I don't know how to talk to people.'
'you don't need to talk, dumbass. you get drunk, grind on some hot dude and get laid.' siyeon rolled her eyes as she was so done with you.
'as if that is supposed to convince me to go. sex is completely overraded, my dude. it just hurts and the guys don't even care. as long as they get off on you it's fine.' you had not have had any positive experiences with sex. it usually hurt, the guys were rough and didn't really care if you were crying. there wasn't any pleasure you associated with it.
'that's cause you've been with only toxic men. but please, come with me! it's way too awkward to go alone and I need a hype woman. Sangyeon will be there. I cannot miss the opportunity to get with mr. dilf. have you seen him? he is sooo hot, y/n. I might never have another opportunity like this. and I need a lot of alcohol in my system first before I can initiate something,' she whined. she gave you the best puppy eyes she could to make you give in.
you knew your friend had been eyeing sangyeon for weeks. siyeon had tripped the first time she saw him and had to wipe away the drool from her chin. she then memorized his schedule and you would always have to watch him from afar. however, she could not utter a single comprehensible sentence without alcohol if she was nervous but when she was drunk she was the most sociable and flirty person and always got with whom she wanted.
sangyeon was usually never to be found at parties but this particular one was for his friend's birthday so siyeon knew he would show up. who knows if she would ever see him again, after all, he had just graduated from college and would be leaving campus. this was her last opportunity. you sighed.
'fine,' you finally gave in. she squealed and hugged you so tightly that you had trouble breathing.
'omg, I love you so much, y/n! you're a lifesaver. I owe you big big time.'
'you certainly do.'
you tried to convince yourself that maybe a party was just what you needed. finals were finally over and you were on your well deserved break before you started your last year of college.
a week later, the two of you took a cab to the party location. you arrived at a huge mansion that must have cost a huge ton of money. it felt like thousands of people were there, getting drunk and going skinny dipping in the gigantic pool. you recognized some of the people. you didn't really know them but you often saw them walk around on campus.
when you entered the house some dudes whistled at you. ew. you definitely had to get a drink to be able to stand all these gross men lurking around here. at least you had your pepper spray with you. better safe than sorry.
siyeon and you found the bar and immediately downed a couple of shots. the alcohol burned in your throat as you drank one after the other. your friend needed the effects alcohol brings with it quickly.
'have you found him already?' you scream over the music at siyeon.
'no, he's nowhere to be seen… maybe he's not here at all' she was pouting.
I grabbed her by the arm. 'come on. let's go search for him somewhere else. hmm, maybe he's outside?' you dragged her through the mass of people. she was gonna get laid tonight, you were gonna make sure of it.
the backyard was just as crowded but at least you got some fresh air. a lot of people were grinding on each and making out in the pool and hot tub.
'oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. he's there!' siyeon whisper shouted at you.
'where?' you couldn't find him in the crowd.
'over there next to the huge ass plant. he's standing next to jacob.' ah, you saw him. him and jacob were engaged in a deep conversation and occasionally sipped on their drinks.
siyeon just grabbed a drink out of a passing person's hand, ignore the complains and drank it all in one go.
'I need more.' so you went to get more alcohol before you could convince her that now was the time.
'how do I look? is my makeup smudged? do I look enough like 'daddy, I've been a good girl. pls choke me?' she kept on trying to flatten her hair hastily.
'you look absolutely gorgeous, girl. go get him, tiger.' she did look stunning. the red lipstick matched with her bold red dress. it was short and showed a lot of cleavage. her beautiful curves were perfectly highlighted and if sangyeon didn't drool over her then you would seriously have to buy him new eyes.
you high-fived each other and then she went to go on her mission.
you watched how he scanned her up and down, taking in her beauty, when she approached him and then smiled brightly. she touched his muscular arms as he said something that made her laugh. he seemed to be enjoying her company jacob, who had understood what was going on, had joined his other friends kevin and eric on the dance floor inside.
'who are we spying on?' someone whispered in your ear, making you jump and almost spill your drink. rude.
'oh, seeing if my best friend's gonna get laid tonight like she'd hoped to. seems positive so far.' the guy who had come up to you nodded interested. you had no idea who he was but you didn't exactly mind his company. he was a handsome fellow, with a face sculpted by the gods. his dark blue hair made him stand out even more.
'so what are you gonna do if she leaves with him? are you just going to leave?' he asked.
you shrugged your shoulders. 'probably. she's the only reason I came to this god awful party.'
'oh, you don't like it?' he raised his eyebrows.
'no, it's too full, it's too loud and I'm bored. who even is this guy who threw this party. I actually have no idea who he is,' you complained about everything. he seemed to become more amused as you went on.
'then allow me to introduce myself. hey, my name is juyeon.' he held out his hand.
'what does that have to do with- oh my god this is YOUR party!' you realized in shock. your face was burning with embarrassment. but he didn't seem to mind at all and just laughed light heartedly.
'yeah, I'm sorry you don't like it. if you like I could take you somewhere quieter with less people.' oh dude, he was flirting. why? you did look hot as fuck in your short black dress but you had literally just insulted his party.
'I'm sorry I'm not really up for sex or whatever it is you're offering.' you scratched your neck awkwardly. you wouldn't mind if he visited you in your dreams sometimes tho to have a good time.
'that's too bad. I was hoping I could make you feel good.' he brushed a finger over your cheek.
'I doubt you could. no one ever has.' he snorted at that.
'how old even are you?' you asked him.
'19, you don't have to worry. I'm a legal adult. you?' 'almost 21.'
'ooh, that's fun! are you sure you don't want to spend some private time with me, noona?' that was fucking unfair. he was using this noona thing to get you to give in. he knew exactly what he was doing and you could feel yourself getting aroused.
'I just don't think sex is right for me. it just hurts and doesn't do anything to make me feel good,' you explained to him.
'seems like you've only been with douchebags. I have a 100% rate of making women come. you should try and see for yourself, noona.' his lustful gaze stared deep into your soul, making your legs wobbly.
it seemed so tempting. he was super hot and couldn't help but notice the outline of his abs on his shirt. the alcohol was also encouraging you to make some bad decisions and step out of your comfort zone. this man somehow made you super horny with his toned body and god like face, whether you liked it or not. you caught yourself seriously considering going with him.
'here's a proposal. I give you head and if you're not satisfied with my services we can just stop there.' he leaned down and whispered in my ear. 'I would love to hear you scream my name, noona.'
his offer actually didn't sound too bad. juyeon might just be more skilled than the rest of the men you had slept with, who knew. you didn't have anything better to do anyways so you might as well see if he can make you feel good.
'where do we go?' you finally asked after staying silent to keep a suspenseful silence. his eyes lit up and he grabbed your hand. he led you back inside, up the stairs and into the room on the far right.
you could see posters of football player, trophies and pictures. this was obviously his room.
you didn't have much time to look around as he locked the door and kissed you
you were surprised by just how not slimy it was. usually, the guys would always try to wet your whole face and you had to wipe your mouth every other second.
but he started off soft and placed his hands on your hips. you put your arms around his neck to get closer to him and deepen the kiss.
his hands started roaming your body and when he squeezed your ass, you let out a moan. juyeon took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside your open mouth.
the kissing made you dizzy and you desperately tugged at him to get him closer to you. he picked you up and held you up against the wall. you let your hands wander under his shirt and started tracing his abs while grinding your core against him. you could feel his dick harden with your movements.
juyeon carried you to the bed and slowly let you down so you laid on your back. while he quickly took off his shirt you tried to catch your breath after the intense make out. you didn't have long to admire his muscular upper body before he lifted the dress so you were only there in your underwear.
he startes placing open mouth kiss from your collar bones, to your boobs, to your stomach until he reached the hem of your panties. he made sure to keep eye contact as he put the fabric between his teeth and slowly pulled them down like this. you felt cold air hitting your core.
'so pretty, noona,' he admired your clearly dripping pussy. he dragged one finger over your lips to see just how wet you were.
'I haven't even touched you yet but you are already so wet for me. I told you I'd make you feel good. I'll show you just how much, noona.' and with that he dove right in between your lips to prove his point. the feeling of his tongue fucking you was unfamiliar. no guy had ever even cared to get you wet and pleasure you before actually having sex.
Juyeon was desperately devouring your juices as if he hadn't drunk for ages. additionally he started massaging your clit with his thumb, knowing exactly what a woman likes. he had to hold down your hips to keep you stable because you were trying to buck up into his face as it felt so good. every time his nose came into contact with your clit while licking you felt like you were losing control.
involuntary moans were spilling out of your mouth and you could feel juyeon smirking against your core.
suddenly, he slipped a finger inside you and started slowly pumping it in and out of you. it felt a bit uncomfortable at first but you got used to it quite quickly and when he noticed, he slipped a second finger inside. damn, those were some long ass fingers.
your pussy made squelching sounds which you couldn't care less about in the moment as he rapidly fucked you with his long digits. you were pulling at his hair as he took your bud between his teeth, alternating between softly biting and sucking on it.
you suddenly couldn't take it anymore and your orgasm washed over your body like a wave and juyeon slowly continued until you had fully come down from your high.
he sat up straight again. 'I promised I could make you feel good, didn't I? god, you look so hot when you come, noona.' fuck, where did he learn to do all this? maybe he was right after all.
you noticed that his nose was coated in your juices but he didn't seem to care at all. 'do you want to continue?'
'only if you can make me come again,' you challenged him.
he scoffed. 'that's not even a question, noona.'
he quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants. the shape of his bulge was clearly visible through his underwear. you reached inside and whipped out his already hard dick. you gulped.
'it's so big,' you whispered afraid. he was bigger than the other guys you had slept with and if they had already hurt you then his cock would probably hurt even worse.
he stroked your hair out of your face. 'don't worry. I've already prepared well so you should be able to take it without a problem. I'll make sure to go slow to not hurt you, okay?' you needed to trust him. it seemed like he actually knew what he was doing.
you gave his dick a couple of strokes to see how he reacted before you wrapped your lips around his leaking tip. seeing juyeon throw his head back gave you the encouragement you desperately needed to go forward.
you took him all the way until you started gagging. this was something you were good at. you started deep throating him and he moaned out your name.
'fuck, noona. you are so good with my cock.' he brushed your hair to the side so you it wouldn't be in the way when you sucked him off.
you noticed that he tried to control himself but couldn't refrain himself from bucking up his hips a few times, making you gag.
he then stopped you. 'I can't come yet. I need to show you how proper sex is done first.'
you laid down on your back and he positioned himself between your legs. he pressed your arms down next to your head and intertwined his fingers with yours.
'are you ready?' you gave him a nod.
'just squeeze my hand if it hurts.'
he slowly pushed his tip inside. you shut your eyes tightly and juyeon stopped to give you time.
'no, no. go all the way in first,' you whined.
his dick filled your walls up to the brim. you tried to calm down your heavy breathing. you squeezed his hands in pain and he held still. juyeon placed a kiss on your mouth.
'you're doing so well, noona.', he praised you. 'just tell me when you feel ready to go.'
it did hurt but not quite as much as the other times. and no one had ever waited for you to actually adjust before beginning to pound into you.
juyeon distracted you with kisses and as you started getting more comfortable you slowly started moving your hips against him. you gave him a slight nod to tell him he could continue.
he still started off with a moderate tempo and you needed more.
'faster!' you urged him and he picked up the pace. the way he snapped his hips made you see stars.
the pain was now completely gone and you were lost in your own pleasure.
when he started  thrusting into you from behind, he hit spots inside you you had never felt before. the new position allowed him to go even deeper and faster than before.
you moaned surprised as he spanked you.
'you like this, noona?' you could only groan out his name to show him how you felt.
the knot in your stomach became tighter and tighter.
'I think I'm coming!' you manage to get out.
'come for me, noona!' with that he went into overdrive and fucked into you like a machine.
your arms gave in as your walls clenched around his huge cock tightly and you came hard while screaming his name.
he rode out your orgasm and then pulled out. he stroke his dick fast and shot his big load on your butt and back.
he lay down next to you exhausted. his fingers wiped away the tears of pleasure you didn't know you had cried.
'did I make you feel good, noona?' 'more than just good,' you admitted satisfied.
'I guess guys my age just don't know how to treat me.' he hummed in agreement.
'that makes no sense. you are absolutely gorgeous. they missed out on the opportunity to see your beautiful face when you come.' this was weird. he was still nice to you even after he already came. what was this?
'thank you for making my birthday wish come true,' he said. 'huh, what do you mean?' you questioned him.
'actually, I've noticed you on campus before but I was always too shy to talk to you.' 'oh really?' you laughed sceptically.
'yeah, I wanted to ask you on a date first but it seems like we skipped a couple of steps.' he was blushing. gosh, he was kind of adorable.
'I mean we could still go on those dates if you'd like, birthday boy.' strangely enough you felt like you could trust him and kind of wanted to get to know juyeon as a person.
'awesome,' he smiled at you before he pecked your lips and went to clean you both up.
you had completely forgotten about siyeon. hopefully, her night had been just as satisfying as yours had been.
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