octascratchrock · 2 years
No matter how much you want to cancel me and strip away the freedom of speech that is legally guaranteed to me simply for committing the horrible crime of pointing out something wrong with a movie that you masturbate to, you never will.
I will forever call out your hypocrisy and stand by the side of mistreated characters while fighting against those who mistreat them.
I'll bet you did this to everyone who asked for Sonic's design to be changed back in 2020, didn't you?
Go ahead, continue your futile attempts to cancel me like the blue haired social justice warrior you are. Cry about how offended you are with your paper thin skin. Continue to call Genghis Khan "cute" and cheer on the mistreatment of a character who you claim to like. Continue to have absolutely no actual arguments against my position and instead send childish threats about how "fatherless" and "cringe" (and other meaningless buzzwords) that I am.
Just know that you and your mob of woketards will never be taken seriously until you have an actual argument to support your view (which you never will, of course).
Thank you all for helping with the @rescuesonic3 situation. Without going into details, he's been a pain since 2021, harassing my friends over multiple accounts and overall being a disgusting creep.
But it's over, he's gone now and if he comes back we'll just kick his ass back to Twitter. So proud of this community
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octascratchrock · 2 years
The Sonic Movie fanbase is DISGUSTING!
The Sonic movie fanbase is disgusting.
A few years ago, an amazing movie called Sonic The Hedgehog came out. It was BEAUTIFUL. A heartwarming story about a young blue hedgehog who found a home and a family on a new planet.   Unsurprisingly, people loved it. And people loved Sonic. Many of them said they’d guard the little guy with their lives.   But then the second movie came out.  The entire second movie was basically a giant snuff film. There wasn’t a single scene in the entire movie where Sonic wasn’t being beaten senseless or suffering somehow else. Knuckles, who dished out most of it, didn’t get any sort of punishment for all the needless harm he brought. 99.9% of the humor in the movie was just Sonic being beaten for cheap slapstick.  Surely, the same people who said they’d defend Sonic with their lives would be outraged by this, right?  They f*cking loved it.  In fact, they swapped over and started loving Knuckles instead, even cheering as Sonic was mauled and maimed for no reason. They even had the audacity to call Knuckles CUTE of all things. Yes, they called a bloodthirsty caveman foaming at the mouth “CUTE.”  Why did the second movie do this to Sonic? Why didn’t Knuckles get the punishment he deserved? Well, perhaps that’s because the movie’s chief writer, Pat Casey, flat-out hates Sonic. He even posted a tweet reading “[Sonic] gets his ass kicked in every movie, it’s tradition” on his Twitter. Surely this should have outraged all the so-called “Sonic fans” who claim to like Sonic, right? Nope! Instead, they CHEERED at Pat’s tweet, EXCITED to see Sonic suffer at Shadow’s evil, bloody hands. I know you might say “Well, he was just joking!” Well, can you prove that? I didn’t think so. If he were joking, don’t you think he’d give some kind of signal that he was? Welcome-to-green-hills is especially guilty of all of this, but so are 99.9% of the entire Sonic Movie fanbase.  I’m growing tired of hearing Sonic Movie fans talk about how much they “love Sonic” yet they advocate for his suffering and want to hug the bloodthirsty monsters like Knuckles who maul and mutilate him. Lots of people argue that he saved Sonic’s life and therefore made up for his wrongdoings. But for f*ck’s sake, the only reason he saved Sonic’s life was because HE saved HIS! So that doesn’t really even the playing field! Not to mention, even if your argument WAS true, that’s hardly an apology given he nearly killed Sonic 3 times throughout the film. And now, you’re going to defend Knuckles by claiming he was misled by Eggman and that his parents (who, in addition to ORPHANING SONIC, were warlords and killers who undoubtedly had innocent blood on their hands for the record) are dead. What the Hell does that prove? If I were tricked into committing a crime, would the police just left me off and forgive me since I didn’t know any better? Of course they wouldn’t. Knuckles being misled doesn’t justify ANYTHING that he did. If you REALLY liked Sonic, you’d advocate for Knuckles to have received the beating he rightfully deserved, and you’d be outraged at the idea of someone who hates Sonic as much as Pat Casey does writing any of the films. But no.   Quit hiding behind the facade. If you hate Sonic, just admit to it. Pretending to love or care for a character you don’t give two craps about isn’t productive in the slightest. If you hate him, you hate him.  But if you really DO love him like you say you do, why don’t you try SHOWING it for once? I do realize that movie protagonists have to suffer a bit in order to overcome their struggle. But don’t you think there’s a pretty big difference between a protagonist’s struggle and reducing the character to a punching bag? You’ll still argue that all the suffering he went through was just “the hero overcoming his struggle” but what the Hell did Sonic “overcome?” NOTHING, that’s what! He lost every single fight in the movie except the Super Sonic scene, and none of the people who wronged him except Eggman got the punishment they deserved for it.  If the movie would have been better, Sonic would have won the temple fight (so Knuckles would have gotten what he deserved) and all the humor in the movie wouldn’t revolve around pounding Sonic for cheap laughs. How hard could that have been to do?  I know that you, the “Sonic fan” reading this, are probably furious at this post. You probably can’t stand seeing this. You’re gonna comment some threat that isn’t even related to my argument, aren’t you? Well, let me give you this: if you don’t have an actual argument to combat mine, that literally means I’m right and that you can’t change it!  If you hate Sonic, that’s just fine. You can have an opinion. But pretending to love him WHILE hating him is where you’re going wrong.  
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octascratchrock · 2 years
So accurate!
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This is the Sonic movie franchise in a nutshell.
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octascratchrock · 2 years
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He’s getting tired of being fodder.
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octascratchrock · 2 years
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I like to think there’s an alternate universe where Movie Sonic is treated as he deserves to be treated.
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octascratchrock · 2 years
So true
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How “Sonic fans” treated Sonic in 2020 versus how they treat him now:
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octascratchrock · 2 years
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If the temple fight in Sonic 2 ended like this, the movie would have been 20000000 times better.
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octascratchrock · 2 years
The Sonic movie fanbase is disgusting
A few years ago, an amazing movie called Sonic The Hedgehog came out. It was BEAUTIFUL. A heartwarming story about a young blue hedgehog who found a home and a family on a new planet.   Unsurprisingly, people loved it. And people loved Sonic. Many of them said they'd guard the little guy with their lives.   But then the second movie came out.  The entire second movie was basically a giant snuff film. There wasn't a single scene in the entire movie where Sonic wasn't being beaten senseless or suffering somehow else. Knuckles, who dished out most of it, didn't get any sort of punishment for all the needless harm he brought. 99.9% of the humor in the movie was just Sonic being beaten for cheap slapstick.  Surely, the same people who said they'd defend Sonic with their lives would be outraged by this, right?  They f*cking loved it.  In fact, they swapped over and started loving Knuckles instead, even cheering as Sonic was mauled and maimed for no reason. They even had the audacity to call Knuckles CUTE of all things. Yes, they called a bloodthirsty caveman foaming at the mouth "CUTE."  Why did the second movie do this to Sonic? Why didn't Knuckles get the punishment he deserved? Well, perhaps that's because the movie's chief writer, Pat Casey, flat-out hates Sonic. He even posted a tweet reading "[Sonic] gets his ass kicked in every movie, it's tradition" on his Twitter. Surely this should have outraged all the so-called "Sonic fans" who claim to like Sonic, right? Nope! Instead, they CHEERED at Pat's tweet, EXCITED to see Sonic suffer at Shadow's evil, bloody hands. I know you might say “Well, he was just joking!” Well, can you prove that? I didn’t think so. If he were joking, don’t you think he’d give some kind of signal that he was? Welcome-to-green-hills is especially guilty of all of this, but so are 99.9% of the entire Sonic Movie fanbase.  I'm growing tired of hearing Sonic Movie fans talk about how much they "love Sonic" yet they advocate for his suffering and want to hug the bloodthirsty monsters like Knuckles who maul and mutilate him. Lots of people argue that he saved Sonic’s life and therefore made up for his wrongdoings. But for f*ck’s sake, the only reason he saved Sonic’s life was because HE saved HIS! So that doesn’t really even the playing field! Not to mention, even if your argument WAS true, that’s hardly an apology given he nearly killed Sonic 3 times throughout the film. And now, you’re going to defend Knuckles by claiming he was misled by Eggman and that his parents (who were warlords and killers for the record) are dead. What the Hell does that prove? If I were tricked into committing a crime, would the police just left me off and forgive me since I didn’t know any better? Of course they wouldn’t. Knuckles being misled doesn’t justify ANYTHING that he did. If you REALLY liked Sonic, you'd advocate for Knuckles to have received the beating he rightfully deserved, and you'd be outraged at the idea of someone who hates Sonic as much as Pat Casey does writing any of the films. But no.   Quit hiding behind the facade. If you hate Sonic, just admit to it. Pretending to love or care for a character you don't give two craps about isn't productive in the slightest. If you hate him, you hate him.  But if you really DO love him like you say you do, why don't you try SHOWING it for once? I do realize that movie protagonists have to suffer a bit in order to overcome their struggle. But don’t you think there’s a pretty big difference between a protagonist’s struggle and reducing the character to a punching bag? You’ll still argue that all the suffering he went through was just “the hero overcoming his struggle” but what the Hell did Sonic “overcome?” NOTHING, that’s what! He lost every single fight in the movie except the Super Sonic scene, and none of the people who wronged him except Eggman got the punishment they deserved for it. If the movie would have been better, Sonic would have won the temple fight (so Knuckles would have gotten what he deserved) and all the humor in the movie wouldn’t revolve around pounding Sonic for cheap laughs. How hard could that have been to do? I know that you, the “Sonic fan” reading this, are probably furious at this post. You probably can’t stand seeing this. You’re gonna comment some threat that isn’t even related to my argument, aren’t you? Well, let me give you this: if you don’t have an actual argument to combat mine, that literally means I’m right and that you can’t change it! If you hate Sonic, that’s just fine. You can have an opinion. But pretending to love him WHILE hating him is where you’re going wrong.
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octascratchrock · 2 years
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This is the Sonic movie franchise.
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octascratchrock · 2 years
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A few years ago, an amazing movie called Sonic The Hedgehog came out. It was BEAUTIFUL. A heartwarming story about a young blue hedgehog who found a home and a family on a new planet. Unsurprisingly, people loved it. And people loved Sonic. Many of them said they'd guard the little guy with their lives. But then the second movie came out. The entire second movie was basically a giant snuff film. There wasn't a single scene in the entire movie where Sonic wasn't being beaten senseless or suffering somehow else. Knuckles, who dished out most of it, didn't get any sort of punishment for all the needless harm he brought. 99.9% of the humor in the movie was just Sonic being beaten for cheap slapstick. Surely, the same people who said they'd defend Sonic with their lives would be outraged by this, right? They f*cking loved it. In fact, they swapped over and started loving Knuckles instead, even cheering as Sonic was mauled and maimed for no reason. They even had the audacity to call Knuckles CUTE of all things. Yes, they called a bloodthirsty caveman foaming at the mouth "CUTE." Why did the second movie do this to Sonic? Why didn't Knuckles get the punishment he deserved? Well, perhaps that's because the movie's chief writer, Pat Casey, flat-out hates Sonic. He even posted a tweet reading "[Sonic] gets his ass kicked in every movie, it's tradition" on his Twitter. Surely this should have outraged all the so-called "Sonic fans" who claim to like Sonic, right? Nope! Instead, they CHEERED at Pat's tweet, EXCITED to see Sonic suffer at Shadow's evil, bloody hands. I know you might say “Well, he was just joking!” Well, can you prove that? I didn’t think so. If he were joking, don’t you think he’d give some kind of signal that he was? Welcome-to-green-hills is especially guilty of all of this, but so are 99.9% of the entire Sonic Movie fanbase. I'm growing tired of hearing Sonic Movie fans talk about how much they "love Sonic" yet they advocate for his suffering and want to hug the bloodthirsty monsters like Knuckles who maul and mutilate him. Lots of people argue that he saved Sonic’s life and therefore made up for his wrongdoings. But for f*ck’s sake, the only reason he saved Sonic’s life was because HE saved HIS! So that doesn’t really even the playing field! Not to mention, even if your argument WAS true, that’s hardly an apology given he nearly killed Sonic 3 times throughout the film. And now, you’re going to defend Knuckles by claiming he was misled by Eggman and that his parents (who were warlords and killers for the record) are dead. What the Hell does that prove? If I were tricked into committing a crime, would the police just left me off and forgive me since I didn’t know any better? Of course they wouldn’t. Knuckles being misled doesn’t justify ANYTHING that he did. If you REALLY liked Sonic, you'd advocate for Knuckles to have received the beating he rightfully deserved, and you'd be outraged at the idea of someone who hates Sonic as much as Pat Casey does writing any of the films. But no. Quit hiding behind the facade. If you hate Sonic, just admit to it. Pretending to love or care for a character you don't give two craps about isn't productive in the slightest. If you hate him, you hate him. But if you really DO love him like you say you do, why don't you try SHOWING it for once? I do realize that movie protagonists have to suffer a bit in order to overcome their struggle. But don’t you think there’s a pretty big difference between a protagonist’s struggle and reducing the character to a punching bag? You’ll still argue that all the suffering he went through was just “the hero overcoming his struggle” but what the Hell did Sonic “overcome?” NOTHING, that’s what! He lost every single fight in the movie except the Super Sonic scene, and none of the people who wronged him except Eggman got the punishment they deserved for it. If the movie would have been better, Sonic would have won the temple fight (so Knuckles would have gotten what he deserved) and all the humor in the movie wouldn’t revolve around pounding Sonic for cheap laughs. How hard could that have been to do? I know that you, the “Sonic fan” reading this, are probably furious at this post. You probably can’t stand seeing this. You’re gonna comment some threat that isn’t even related to my argument, aren’t you? Well, let me give you this: if you don’t have an actual argument to combat mine, that literally means I’m right and that you can’t change it! If you hate Sonic, that’s just fine. You can have an opinion. But pretending to love him WHILE hating him is where you’re going wrong.
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octascratchrock · 3 years
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If you had a set of rings like the blue baby here has, where would you go?
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octascratchrock · 3 years
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“HI GUYS!!!”
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octascratchrock · 3 years
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I imagine this is Tails talking to Jeff Fowler between shots.
“So far, I think we’re doing great. I’m glad I came all the way from Japan to help make this film a reality. However, there are still a few things I think we could improve on. You see....”
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octascratchrock · 3 years
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Tails after finding out he gets to smash things for the movie
[ s i n i s t e r   l a u g h i n g ]
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octascratchrock · 3 years
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This particular character’s appearance at the end of the first Sonic Movie kept me excited all the way until now. Tails has been my favorite fictional character (alongside Sonic) for a very long time, and I’m hyped to see him on the Big Screen where he belongs. And all this leakage doesn’t exactly help me wait for it.
Time for some serious tail-spinning action, straight from Japan.
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octascratchrock · 3 years
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Sometimes I wonder if Sonic still remembers me. I tried to buy a gun the other day but I didn’t have the money for even their cheapest ones. Maybe I should be thankful that’s the case. That way, I CAN wonder if he remembers me. And if I’d have died, I’d have never gotten to see the second Sonic movie.
What would Sonic do?
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octascratchrock · 3 years
This is too adorable to be put into English words
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What I want in the next movie: kid-genius Tails fluctuating between kid and genius
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