#they already put him in a collar and cat bell the episode before and then followed it up with tying him up. ok ok ok ok
bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
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sorry you were being tortured but if it's any consolation this was incredibly hot
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Things I’ve noticed on my Dead Boy Detectives rewatch(es):
Please I NEED to know who the creepy ass clowns on the train were I know it was For the Gag, but PLEASE.
The boys have so many different versions of Clue in their closet???
Also lmao at them being *in the closet* together.
Hnnnn Jenny
I know other ppl have spotted this but the first book Charles grabs in episode 2 (the pink one) ends up being the one with the answers they need to help Niko (not the blue one Edwin insisted he needed).
I love Crystal and Niko look at those girls go.
In episode 3, they learn about evil seagulls and severed feet washing up on shore. In episode 4, Edwin picks up some sheet music that Mick says is cursed and attracts evil seagulls!!
“A bird cries? Is it sad?” Niko my precious darling angel I love you for always.
Okay, okay, I know Valley of the Dolls isn’t about actual dolls but Edwin, did YOU know that when you decided to read it??
The music box thing in episode 4 is absolutely playing Wellerman, right? I’m not imagining things??
“Remarkably low compatibility between Taurus and Aries?” That’s Crystal and Charles, btw.
As Charles starts to spiral about his abusive dad and his own rage, his polo gets darker. When he confesses his fears to Edwin in episode 5, Edwin turns up his collar, revealing its red lining, bringing Charles back toward his hero look. Excuse me while I sob.
“I will always hit a demon with a cricket bat for you.”
“Wrong way. AVARICE. Everything too heavy.” Gives me CHILLS.
The fact that Edwin tore the dollhouse corner out of his notebook.
Charles’ devastated face in episode 7 when Edwin tells him that ringing the call bell hurts the souls in limbo, after he’s already rung it on the way in.
The Night Nurse complains about Niko but she told Niko about the man in the fish?? No one can resist the pull of Friendship with Niko!!
The Cat King gives Edwin calla lilies as a consolation gift at the end of episode 8. Calla lilies are incredibly toxic to cats. Cat King, babe, I know you’ve got a thing for him but damn, have a sense of self preservation, PLEASE!
Edwin’s little saunter right before he kisses TCK on the cheek.
“You’re properly missable.” AHHHH CHARLES YOU LIKE HIMMMMM.
The way Charles and Edwin open the box together sure is something!!
It’s not just the hug (although WHAT A HUG), it’s the buildup to the hug! It’s the way they drift away from each other and then pause and turn toward each other at the same time and it’s so choreographed yet so natural and so perfectly them, like they orbit around each other and are always going to be drawn back together and oh my God I am not normal about it.
Also it’s Edwin who has his back to Charles and turns to glance behind in a lovely little reversal of the Orpheus and Eurydice archetypes from ep 6 and oh isn’t that just so juicy!!!
Okay but it’s also the hug. It’s how tight it is and how they don’t want to let go and how their hands brush against each other when they eventually do drift away.
The way Charles leans over Edwin and puts their heads so close together? Okay you fucking flirt.
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iamdunn · 3 years
Miraculous One Shot: Truth Singer
A Miraculous Fan-Fic Musical Episode
Written by
AJ Dunn
This was it. Adrien’s 21’s birthday and Marinette was already hard at work on the preparations. Gabriel no longer had control over Adrien so there was nothing stopping him from coming to this party. Marinette had been planning for this day for years and now it was here. Her footlocker in her parent’s apartment was already full of gifts for his next 15 years worth of birthdays, yet every year she ended up making him another gift. This time was no different. She had learned her lesson about not signing her gifts after the whole scarf mix up. Now, she made sure the item she made for him had her signature in it somewhere so there could never be any question as to who actually made it for him.
This year, in light of him being of legal adult age, she wanted to give him something more mature. She had seen him in a black leather jacket in one of his photo shoots and decided to make him something, not exactly like that one, but one that would suit him much better. She had spent days designing the perfect jacket, the zippers, the seams, even the measurements. She had been allowed to accompany him to several photo shoots where she watched the designers with detailed eyes adjust and fit him into the outfits his father had designed for him. She managed to sneak a peek at his measurements and made note of them as she drew out her own designs. 
As the jacket now lay out on her bed she examined every stitch for perfection. The main zipped going up just slightly past his collar bone, was silver. With two slanted pockets near the waist. The fabric around the armpits and sides was a moisture wicking sports material that, while it was designed to move with the wearer, was also designed to keep him cool. His photo shoot was of him sitting on a motorcycle. A kind of rough yet dreamy image that made Marinette melt just thinking about it. The stitching had been done in a neon green to accent his emerald eyes. It would be a slim fitting jacket, she thought, hoping she got the measurements right. It seemed like it was going to be too big for him. 
She was so lost in thought she didn’t hear the trap door to the attic open up as Alya, Rose, Juleka, and Mylene bounced excitedly into the room.
“Do you think she’ll do it this time?” Rose sang. 
“Doubtful.” Alix came in looking bored. “How many times has she tried to tell Adrien she loved him and look what happened?” 
“Well let’s see, She’s fallen on her face.” Alya started
“Chickened out.” Mylene added
“Gave him the wrong piece of folded paper.” Alya laughed remembering the prescription Adrien had picked up for her that had been meant for someone else. They all laughed at that one. 
“It wasn’t funny.” Marinette spun around her face flushed with rose red on her cheeks.
“Dropped the letter into the sewer.” Juleka muttered
“Oh, and let’s not forget how many times she forgot to sign her name.” Alya teased, one hand resting on her hip as the other flung into the air. 
“It’s true, Marinette, you are as much of a clutz telling Adrien how you feel as you are on your feet.” Rose laughed. 
“You are the only single one among us now, Marinette.” Alix thought it would be her to be the last one to hook up with someone until she met a guy in College. Most of them had stayed behind to attend college from home. Especially with the fact that Hawk Moth was still akumatizing people and while no one but Ladybug knew everyone’s secret, they kept their reasons for staying behind a secret as well, in case Ladybug needed them. 
“I will do it this time, I promise.” Marinette felt so confident as she looked at her friends as they cheered her on. 
The music in the park began and the girls realized they better hurry up. They ran past Tom as he was carrying the cake across the street. It was a multi tiered cake with green trim. Sabine was already at the park putting macarons on the table. Nino had the DJ booth up as he mixed music just like he had done the first time he threw a party for his best friend. 
“Dudes and Dudettes, the birthday boy.” Nino called out as Adrien climbed up on the makeshift stage and began to sing along to the song that was playing. Marinette watched him dance and suddenly she forgot how to walk. She stumbled into a bench and fell over. She recovered quickly, not releasing the package she clung to her chest. His movements were so fluid as his legs kicked and stomped about to the rock song he was singing along too. He didn’t move around this much when he played with the band because he had to focus on the keyboard. It was truly a unique experience for Marinette. 
The song had ended as Marinette remained frozen, glued to the bench as if he was still singing and dancing on the stage. 
“Hi Marinette, what did you think,” Adrien scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at her. Oh No he was talking to her, he was looking at her, when did he get there? Marinette could feel the heat welling up in her cheeks as she sat paralyzed by his smile, his eyes… “Is that for me? Can I open it?” he asked. She suddenly realized she was crushing the package in her arms. She held it out for him to take her eyes frozen on his. He tore the paper open tossing it to the ground as Mylene picked it up for him. He held the jacket up by the shoulders musing over it before stripping off his coat and pulling the leather jacket on. He zipped it up and suddenly Marinette realized just how filled out she was. He wasn’t the thin boy he used to be, his broad shoulders and tone upper body now exposed the man he was as the jacket fit every detail of his upper body within it’s form fitting style. The zipper made its way to his neck then his eyes met hers again.
“I just need a silver bell.” He reached up pretending to flick a bell that wasn’t there. Marinette jumped to her feet. Her mind raced as she suddenly realized something she should have known all along. It was so obvious as she now looked up at her friend, her best friend, her crush….HER PARTNER. She ran!
Adrien couldn’t understand what had happened. He watched her run from the park but was so dumbfounded his feet wouldn’t move to go after her. 
“Not again.” Alya said, walking up beside him.
“What did I do?” Adrien was beside himself with worry as he watched her. She wasn’t even heading home. 
“It’s not you, it’s Marinette, she always does this.” Rose said anger fueling her words as she stormed out of the park. 
“Well… I guess she can try again another day.” Juleka muttered. 
“Try what?” Adrien spun around to face her. 
“Nothing.” Juleka left to try to catch up with Rose. A
“Alya?” Adrien begged. “What is going on?” Alya just shook her head and led him back to the party. It had only been a few minutes before the music was stopped by an akumatized victim tossing a large rock at the DJ Booth demolishing it. 
“I am Truth Singer.” the villain said, “And from now on you will all sing your truths so the whole world can hear.” Adrien backed up. This isn’t good. He had to get out of there before the villain made him sing, his truth had to remain a secret. Nino was the first one hit by the villain's powers. He began to sing Perfect, by Ed Sheeran as he took Alya’s hand. She tried to get away to run but was mesmerized by his song. 
Adrien took this opportunity to run while the rest of the party scattered from the park. 
“Plagg, we can’t get hit no matter what.” The Kwami didn’t respond. Oh right. He thought, my jacket. He ran back to the park and found his other jacket laying on the bench. He grabbed it and ran back to the alley. “Plagg?” the Kwami came out of the pocket smelling like stinky cheese. 
“Wow, I wonder how many people thought you looked like Cat Noir?” Plagg said, noting the leather jacket.
“You think that might be why Marinette ran? Do you think she recognized me?”
“She made it didn’t she?” Plagg asked. Adrien lifted the cuff to inspect the stitching, just on the inside of the cuff of both arms was the signature stitching she had placed on everything she had made him. He nodded. He wondered if it bothered her, the thought that he might be Cat Noir or if she truly was in love with Cat. No time for that now.
“Plagg Claws out.” He inspected his Cat suit to realize the suit Marinette made him was very much similar, however the designs were unique. The Cat suit was solid black versus the neon green stitching of the Marinette jacket. He ran back to the park where he found Several people singing. The akumatized person was gone. He could hear her in the distance calling. He gave chase until he found her on Marinette’s balcony. 
“Oh Marinette, it’s time to sing your truth, it’s been far too long keeping your love bottled up.” Truth Singer sang out. What was she talking about? 
“I hate to break it to you but Marinette isn’t much of a singer.” He announced his presence on the roof above her. “But I will be happy to take that akuma from you then we can go find her together, and ask her about this secret you are speaking of.” He lept at her scratching at the bottle of perfume she held in her hands. It was much like Princess Fragrance only instead of turning people into her slaves, she was making them sing about their truth. He missed. Suddenly he was engulfed in smoke. He tried to cough it out of his lungs but it was too late.
 He landed on the railing of Marinette’s balcony balancing on all fours. 
“Well little lady, let me Elucidate here.” He said. He had no idea what to do, he couldn’t stop. “Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat
Who knows where it's at”
He flipped backward as she swung at him. Maintaining his balance on the railing until there wasn’t any left. 
“Tell me, everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat
'Cause everything else is obsolete
A square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born”
He leaped over her head to the other side of the railing standing up right. 
“Every time he plays
But with a square in the act
You can set music back” He held his hands up  in a shrug gesture. He pulled out his baton. As she came at him again. Her mouth twisted in a snarl as she kicked at him. 
“To the caveman days, cha-cha-ba-dum-bo-day
I've heard some corny birds who who tried to sing
Still a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing
Who wants to dig a long-haired gig or stuff like that?”
“AAH.” She growled, charging at him again. He jumped into the air flipping over her. “Stop moving so I can get your miraculous.” she demanded. 
“When everybody wants to be a cat
A square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born
Every time he plays
Oh, a rinky-tinky-tinky
With a square in the act you can set music back
To the caveman days”
“Enough you stupid cat that song is annoying.” She screamed at him. He might not have had any control over it, but it was working. “How is that song your truth anyway?”
“Yes, everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at
When playin' jazz you always has a welcome mat
'Cause everybody digs a swinging cat”. The truth was clear, he loved being in his cat form. He never felt more like himself than when he was popping off puns, flirting and being generally playful, he always had to be as serious as Adrien, but as Cat, he had all the freedom in the world. 
Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
He launched for the perfume bottle again. If only he could call his cataclysm. Suddenly her attention was drawn elsewhere. He followed her gaze and found Marinette sitting alone on a bench down the street. Was she crying. Truth Singer dove off the rooftop before he could grab her. He spun his baton then jumped from the roof extending his staff to give himself a quicker path to Marinette. He landed on the concrete in front of her as Truth Singer was on his heels. He wasted no time scooping her into his arms like a bride before he ran leaping off the walls as he made his way to the rooftops.
“You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much” Damn Marinette got hit. He looked down at her face. It was red as she reached up for his face. So far, this power isn’t revealing their secrets, it’s just making them sing a truthful song, something they felt. 
“You're the fear, I don't care
'Cause I've never been so high
Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life”
Her voice was beautiful, he thought as he tried to find a place to stash Marinette, where was Ladybug. He had tried to refrain from singing, at least keeping his voice so low that no one else could hear him. He wanted to focus on her voice. 
“So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?”
Cat froze on the rooftop, his eyes met hers. The heat rose up in his cheeks as she sang. His heart began to flutter. Does she feel this way about Cat Noir, or did she figure it out and know he’s Adrien. 
“Fading in, fading out
On the edge of paradise
Every inch of your skin, is a Holy Grail I've gotta find
Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire”
He gulped back a lump that had started to form on his lips. He was glad he had made distance between them and Truth Singer, or did she get what she wanted. He squatted down on the rooftop as she sang to him. He stroked her face. He could feel his own song changing. Suddenly his feelings, his heart began to sing. The power of the magic between them had actually changed his song.
“I'll let you set the pace
'Cause I'm not thinking straight
My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more
Oh, what are you waiting for?” Cat Noir sang out the words before they escaped her lips. 
“Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do, oh
What are you, what are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?” These were her words sung through his lips as she froze. Her face reddened. He knew he had feelings for her, but he never wanted to admit it, he didn’t want to betray his feelings for Ladybug, but how could he deny the feelings he had been developing for Marinette since day one. Maybe it was just the magic from the akuma, but he no longer controlled his own emotions. He cupped her face in his free hand as the other one was behind her back as she draped over his knees. He pulled her face closer to his, watching her eyes drift shut. 
““I'll let you set the pace
'Cause I'm not thinking straight
My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more
Oh, what are you waiting for?” She sang just as his lips met hers. Their mouths opened as they pressed themselves closer together feeling every inch of her mouth on his. He could feel the song magic fading, the urge to sing no longer present, but what was this feeling in his heart? It was as if his heart had been turned into butterflies and they were swarming his chest trying to escape. He kept his lips on hers, waiting for her to push him away. She didn’t, she weaved her fingers through his hair gently combing through. 
“Give me your Miraculous Cat Noir, and I will use you to draw out Ladybug.” Truth Singer was right behind him. He quickly grabbed his baton spinning on his heels as he moved Marinette behind him. 
“Grab on.” He said. She jumped on his back as he extended the staff launching them into the atmosphere then swinging it forward vaulting them into flight. They began to fall as she held onto him. He angled to fall to land in and alley way as they came down between the buildings he moved his staff between the building like a hanging rod sliding down the brick building until they slowed just feet from the ground. She dropped from his shoulders as he held on to the now lodged baton. He reached out a hand to her.
He released the baton as it shrunk back to the length of a ruler. He locked it back in place on his back. Marinette stood in front of him still red in the face. 
“I guess kissing a purrincess can break any spell.” He knelt before her, taking her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. She simply stood frozen in place. Unable to speak. “Tell me now purrincess, why did she want you to sing your truth?”
“I have already told you Cat.” She whispered. “About the boy I like, but I haven’t been able to tell him how I feel, I am such a klutz with my words when I am around him.” A single tear fell from her eye. 
“Could you ever love me?” Cat asked her. 
“I don’t know who you are under the mask.”
“I am more myself with the mask, then I have ever been without it, can you love this side of me.” he stood up taking both her hands in his. “And I love you for everything that you are, your clumsiness as well.” he smirked. Heat raced to his face as he watched her, he felt his heart still as his confession fell upon her ears. 
“What about Ladybug.” She whimpered. 
“In the words of a special friend of mine…Plagg, it’s okay to love two people at the same time, especially when they are so much alike.” 
“I’m nothing like Ladybug.” she pulled her hands back. His smile widened. 
“Will you please answer my question?” his heart couldn’t take it anymore. “Can you love this side of me? This man you see before you,” She looked back up at him. “Put the thought of that Sunshine boy out of your head for one second, and focus on me.” Marinette sighed. 
“Yes.” She admitted. “Yes Cat, I do love you, but…” 
“Claws in.” Marinette closed her eyes, blinding by his detransformation. “I trust you, after all you are the only one I know besides myself who has never been akumatized.” He chuckled. He cupped both hands on her cheeks forcing her to look up at him. He could hear Truth Singer in the distance looking for Cat and Ladybug. “You have to open your eyes Marinette,.” She slowly slid her eyes open. Her face reflected a realization that maybe She had figured it out earlier in the park. His heart stilled in his chest waiting for her response. 
“Spots on.” 
“Best birthday ever.” Adrien said, lowering his face to place his lips on Ladybugs. He kept his eyes open as she closed hers. The moment their lips met, his closed as they melted into each other's kisses. 
There you go LadyNoir and Marichat Shippers. We don’t need to finish this story, we all know what happens to the akumatized person. 
Ps, I didn't write the songs, but credit aristocats for the feline good song "Everybody wants to be a cat" and Ellie Goulding for "love me like you do"
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S4 Ep40: Fixing Dartz By Not Actually Fixing Dartz
Yo Merry Christmas, I’m quarantined as hell, so I’m just streaming and playing video games until my problems get vaccinated away.
So lets just write about Yugioh because hell a lot didn’t go as planned this year (can you believe my 2020 goal for this blog was to finish ALL OF YUGIOH?) but although my goals were halved and quartered--With this blog I don’t freakin care anymore, and somehow...that’s how it’s one of the few creative bastions I have left standing.
I’m so done with the internet, I’m not even updating twitter right now.
But hell yes, lets update the Yugioh blog.
So onward, with the last episode of this season. We last left off with Yami getting devoured by a hate tornado which is just...a lot of 2020 energy. This whole season, in a nutshell is just...2020 energy, honestly. And this tornado is just twitter. It’s just twitter incarnated.
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Rather than try to save himself and consequently fix his ghost problem, Yugi has decided to keep himself haunted by fixing Pharaoh’s inner emotional problems. Really is something, isn’t it? To do low key therapy for the ghost that basically...put you in therapy? Yugi can help fix his problems but like...he’s still a mess of problems because of it. Now Yugi shouldn’t walk away, of course, that’s effed up, but it is a little irony there.
Pharaoh, of course, has decided to submit to the hate tornado, and sees it as a manifestation of his own anger and bad vibes.
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Isn’t that’s the real problem we have when we have to confront the feelings we don’t want to confront? Where we tend to feel guilt and hate for being upset, which is just sort of a thing humans naturally tend to do--instead of actually working on controlling what you do with those feelings so that way we stop lashing out and setting everyone on fire in the burger restaurant?
Like Pharaoh should be learning to count to 10, not trying to just remove his anger. This has sort of been his problem for a while--he assumes he can just...delete his rage. That’s not a thing. You can’t do that unless you have very specific medication through a doctor, and that’s why he keeps failing at it.
And this goes back to S1 when he “fixed” Kaiba and like nothing really happened. Pharaoh’s decided to wipe himself and like...it’s up to your own interpretation but like...in my book that Pharaoh brand clean cycle does freakin nothing. It gets reversed like constantly.
(read more under the cut)
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So Yugi decides to hit up Plan B, which is, honestly? Not a great message. But it’s the anime trope that we keep going back to because it’s the catch-all to make any anime protagonist into the good guy.
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.......Yeah I’m gonna talk about it.
this is a trope that is so common it’s sort of ubiquitous with the genre. You gotta have the protagonist give up on their own strength, and be lifted up by their pals at the very last second--it’s like the anime hero’s journey.
But I really don’t like it. I don’t like the power of freindship. I’ll say it.
Because there’s some things you have to handle on your own. And I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have your main character show strength and show character development by doing things by themselves at the last minute. We already know that Pharaoh’s a good pal and believes in his friends--but like...does he believe in himself?
I can’t tell you if he does by how this episode goes, that’s for sure.
The whole point of this tornado is to see Yami discover his own strength and overcome his weaknesses...and yet he still relies on that good ol chestnut, friend powers.
Like last episode I feel like they did this already and it was way better--other people offered their help willingly, then Pharaoh got to have a big ol fight solo in the clouds to prove he was strong on his own as well. We finished the whole season last episode, so what are we accomplishing now other than a last minute secret boss fight?
Why would Yami doubt himself now? It’s weird. Yugi’s right to have mentioned “yo didn’t we figure this all out in desert hell???” because...we did. Yami is retreading old territory.
And that’s a thing that happens when you write, PS, when Yugi was saying “we already did this!” Yugi was reminding the writers of the show “we did this already. Like guys. We did this.” and sometimes when you’re writing, your characters will do that to you, and you should always be paying attention to cues like that.
Anyway, he vanquishes the hate tornado by thinking fondly of all of his buddies, and then the storm that should have been over the Atlantic Ocean, as according to the dub, parted in the sky above California.
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GEOGRAPHY, the secret final boss of this season of Yugioh. And they failed. In a big way.
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Yugi holds out his hands in real life, and pretends to hold a ghost that isn’t there. Now I want all of you to do this position IRL. Like that. OK. It looks like Yugi is holding onto a pair of ghost boobies.
Meanwhile, actual and very literal ghosts with very real bodies show up and start picking up Dartz and like...
...The ending of Dartz’ storyline is a TRIP! Lets just get into it!
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This cursed dog. I can’t stand how this dog is drawn. I hate it so much that I actually love it, and if I saw this in a thrift store I would impulse buy it and hang it over my fireplace mantle in a golden gilded frame.
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He electrocuted you with LIGHTNING! He killed your...everyone! He killed EVERYONE!
Also girl, how are you HERE? Like Physically??? I saw you die! TWICE!!
Yugioh is on SOMETHING with this one, and I think that “something” is called “we weren’t allowed to give you a PG-13 sad ending.”
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This is just the freakin weirdest thing. We have a character who is worse than Darth Vadar, and this show has pulled so many dark things in it’s history, but it just...
...it can’t punish Dartz at all, and I don’t know what they were thinking.
They have been poetic before--Pegasus got his eyeball gruesomely ripped straight out of his face, nearly got murdered by Bakura, and was not able to resurrect his wife. Noah hella died, had to give up his plan to rule the world and be a real boy, and had to murder his own Dad even, the moment he finally made a bond with his brothers. Marik had to lose all control of his body, live helplessly inside Tea’s bod for an entire season and accept the fact that he murdered his Dad and now has to live on without any of the magic that ever made him powerful in a broken world and a broken family he will never understand.
Dartz though?
If he does get some sort of poetic retribution, it will be off-screen because we don’t have time for it.
And that’s kind of a bummer because this is usually something Yugioh is kinda good at! I enjoy when this show goes dark, this is a great opportunity to do it...and they didn’t.
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It was just the wettest fart Yugioh has ever played on me.
Just the wettest. Nice knowing you, Dartz. Glad you were here to murder everyone on Earth and then totes get away with it because we’ll just pretend like the Orichalcos was a totally different person--although it’s not. Because Yami JUST told us that it doesn’t work that way. Yami JUST told us that the Orichalcos was using his own pain and his own hate against him.
It’s not a separate person, it’s the same!
And to suggest that Yami vanquishing that hate tornado somehow cured Dartz of all his sins, is some upper level Jesus stuff that I don’t think this show would normally want to tread on. Straight up. Yami is a pretty poor stand in for Jesus Christ, and I feel I can straight up say that because it’s Christmas.
...what HAPPENED in the writing room with this one? Did they just run out of episodes? There are less episodes this seasons than other seasons have been.
Was it edited for the English version? Because I...kind of doubt they could edit that much to make it that drastically different.
I’m just boggled. Like usually I’m of the opinion to let the writers do whatever they do because I do not know what was going on behind the scenes, and I’m still of the opinion that they did the best of what they could do with the resources they were given.
BUT, this episode just feels...hella sus. I feel like they just had to make an ending. Any ending. Get an ending on there and finish the season before the power goes out and then run away with whatever paycheck you get (because in entertainment--you might not get one).
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Seto and Joey made it completely back to the KaibaCopter before Tea was like “I mean it’s been 15 minutes, guys, you really didn’t hear him behind you? You really lost his tiny pitter patter of his little shoes? The little shoes that make a little tinkly noise like a kitty cat’s collar? A little kitty cat collar that he also wears around his neck? His neck that has a golden pyramid held by a tow chain that makes a little clanky clank when it hits his two belts covered in metal rivets that makes a little singsong clippity cloppity noise every time he so much as breathes? He’s a walking talking Bell of Notre Dame, you lost him?”
and Seto was like “Oh damn it, I know he’s the same size as Mokuba, and so I should be really good at not losing this kid but also have you noticed how many times I’ve lost Mokuba???”
Joey just looked into the distant tomb hut and said “......You’re kidding me.” and decided to immediately run back because Joey Wheeler knows what’s up.
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Had Joey Wheeler actually made it back to Atlantis, he would have seen Dartz and his entire family hugging it out and would have immediately socked the guy straight in the dick and it would have been a great way to finally give Dartz just one single consequence for murdering everyone on Earth but you know, I did not write this episode.
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I’m really glad that in the same episode that Yami called upon the powers of friendship, his friends hella ditched him to vanquish in a watery grave.
This is wild!
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Seto’s words were “Good riddance” as the island went down, and you could not tell if he was talking about the island or about Yugi.
That and Kaiba Really Hates Islands. LOVES watching an island go up in smoke (or underwater, in this case). Loves nothing more.
Seto, your powers of friendship were just used to save the world.
Apparently the standard for friendship power is...not much. But they did just make Yami, of all people, do a literal Jesus in Gethsemane so...the bar for morality is just not very high in this anime.
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Did the Great Leviathan stitch Weevil Underwood’s body back together or something? This is...
...Yo Weevil are you immortal now? Are you the big bad in S5 that comes out of nowhere and kick’s Bakura’s ass back to the Shadow Realm like Marik in S2? Because I’ll accept that.
I won’t like it, but I’ll accept that.
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look at those toddler shoes worn by a full adult! Weevil Underwood is so over-designed for a super low-level miniboss and I low key love that they love Weevil Underwood this freakin much.
Of all people, Weevil Freakin Underwood.
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Listen, listen, listen.
If Mikey was still alive, he’d be older.
He’d have been older in that Leviathan tummy, he’d be Alister’s age but he’s not. He’s uh...
Yo show that got real dark. Show this is what you should have done to Dartz. I love this sort of dark ending for a rude asshole who is going to try to put his family back together although it’s completely impossible--this would have been a good Dartz ending. But...whatever. It’s fine.
We’ll...let Dartz have his family back, it’s fine.
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Meanwhile, in the first actual picture of California that really feels like California, Valon immediately accepts the fact that Mai left him.
This is also a great dark ending for Valon. To accept that the people in your life have moved on and that you, too, must move on, even if it’s alone. This would have been an excellent ending for Dartz.
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And then Mai just bounces. She does not seek out Joey Wheeler, because she’s like “I have to fix some stuff, I have some serious problems, and it’s going to take a really long time before I can get over my toxic past.” and just freakin leaves us. Sorry, anyone who was hoping Joey and Mai would smooch at any point, it’s uh...it’s not legal yet.
And TBH I don’t even know if Valon is legal either, and the show decided to not reveal that to us, or allow them to smooch.
And as for Raphael? Uh...
They didn’t bother, I think. I didn’t cap it, at least. But we did get at least one person washed up on a beach.
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It would be Kuribo.
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I talk about 2020 energy a lot in this season but like...wild 2020 energy here, to be so freakin chill and can I say--delighted--to be stranded on an abandoned island.
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The show does not elaborate any more on if the cards are dead or alive, or if the games we are playing are with actual people forced to play these horrible games for us. It’s best that they don’t tell us. Just like Mr Mime. No one wants to know.
Mr Mime as in the Pokemon Mr Mime, PS, I just realized that there is a mime in this universe and he’s just...I don’t really want to know about that guy, either. All mimes honestly, I don’t want to know anything at all about all mimes.
Luckily, for Yugi, Kaiba didn’t fly very far from this island, and so we don’t have to have some sort of weird season cliffhanger where we guess how long Yugi can live off of coconuts (2 hours. he would last 2 hours on this island)
Although it would be such a cliffhanger to wonder what Yugi’s hair would look like after that. the same, right? Like it’s the same amount of grease and nasty stuff? He’d just have his roots growing out?
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And there they go--goodbye Dues Ex Machina Cards. Either the show can’t keep you on board because you’re hella broken, or the three dragon warriors died, or retired, or whatever it is when a card is like “I’m done with humanity, please leave me alone and never call me again.”
Did Seto low key just break up with his side piece just now? Tragic.
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Remember that time that Yugi was so bouyant he was armpits out of the water in S2? It’s crazy how bouyant Yugi Muto is. Like if someone did one of those anime cross-sections of his anatomy, he needs like 3 or 4 duck shaped pool floaties in there.
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Now, full disclosure, I have written the ending to this post 3 times because tumblr keeps deleting this post out of my drafts folder (I shouldn’t be writing this in my drafts folder, being real, it’s been really buggy lately, and I’m gonna have to make a different solution to this) So I’m just...
...gonna end on this note. This exciting note that Bakura is next. Finally, Bakura (JK of course, because apparently Bakura doesn’t show up for half the season. Bro told me this and offered that we should skip that filler and of course I told him that is not the point of this blog and we will be watching all of that gruesome filler piece by piece. Because for someone, out there--that filler is their favorite episode. I don’t know who you are--but get ready for filler.)
Now Yami could just...call up Bakura at any point at his house and make an appointment to end the world...but maybe S5 will go a different direction? We shall see.
Anyway, that’s it for this Season! Thanks all for sticking with us when I just...didn’t have an upload schedule for this entire year. It’s been a YEAR. But, I’m hoping for good things in the future, and that things will adjust back to a normal upload schedule and that...hopefully tumblr won’t die or something weird like that.
I’m gonna finish the Full Metal alchemist Live Action movie next (we’re like halfway through) and then after that--onward to to S5! See y’all there!
Stay safe!
(and here’s the link to read these in chrono order if you’re new here:
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Cat Lover
James Aubrey X Reader
Summary: Based on Season 10 Episode 9 “The Mutilations of the Master Manipulator” You are there when they find the little orange tabby, Skinner. When Hodgins can’t take him, you offer up your home. You just have to convince Aubrey that it’s a good idea.
Words: 1444
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“It sounds like something’s in here…” Hodgins mumbles softly as he turns his flashlight towards the other side of the garage.
You tilt your head, eyes scanning for any signs of movement.
“Whatever it is, it could be the source of the predation we found,” you ponder out loud, thinking back to all the marks on the body.
Hodgins hushes you, and out of the silence you hear a quiet creaking coming from the cabinets. Your eyes widen, darting over to meet his. There is definitely something in here. With a quick shared nod, the two of you creep forward, footsteps silent on the concrete. You keep your flashlight focused on the door as he reaches out.
Your shoulders tense slightly.
What could be in there? A possum? A skunk? Neither sound too scary but the suspense is putting your nerves on end.
Hodgins rips the door open.
You gasp as an orange, furry head pokes out from the cabinet, wide eyes darting between you and the entomologist. Oh my gosh.
“It’s just a cute little kitty!” You squeak as Hodgins reaches up and scruffs the little guy, pulling him down into his arms.
What an adorable little cat! You crowd in close, gently scratching beneath his fuzzy chin. He immediately starts purring like a motor, eyes squinting with content. Gosh, how can one cat be so cute! You could literally die.
“Poor things probably been trapped in here ever since Fairbanks died,” Hodgins says.
A small pout pulls at your lips when you think about it, “I can’t imagine being locked in such a small space for that long. You poor baby…What are we going to do with you?”
You can’t just drop him off at a shelter, there’s no telling what kind of home he’ll go to! Or if they’ll even keep him. The poor cat’s already been through so much.
“I would say I’d take Skinner here,” Hodgin hums, frowning as he looks down at the creature, “but unfortunately, Michael Vincent is allergic. What about you?”
You take a moment to think it over. You’re currently living in an apartment with Aubrey, your boyfriend. It’s not super big...but Skinner would probably be happy. You’d get him plenty of toys and the fanciest cat food, he’d live like a king! Plus, the idea of snuggling down on the couch with the orange fuzzball to read a book seems too good to pass up. Yup, you’re convinced! Now you just have to convince Aubrey...later.
“I’ll take him home,” you grin and sweep the cat out Hodgins’ arms, letting him curl up into your chest, dirty fur and all, “Once we get him a good bath and make sure he’s clear of evidence at least.”
What a perfect little friend to have! You’ll get him a nice collar with a bell, a cat tower that reaches all the way to the ceiling, and maybe even some of those designer shelves meant just for cats! Then hopefully he won’t get bored while you and Aubrey are at work.
“I found a tablet in the victim’s house,” Aubrey declares as he comes into the garage, stealing your attention away from your new roommate, “I think this might explain…”
The brunet comes to pause when he looks up to find you, cat tucked comfortably in your arms.
“That’s a cat…”
“Correction!” You grin, albeit a little sheepishly, “This is Skinner.”
Aubrey spends a moment just staring at you, like he’s processing what you just said and the fact that you seem to tighten your grip stubbornly around the cat. Choosing to not address it just now, he clears his throat and brings his attention back to the tablet.
“I think this might explain all the screaming golden girls heard.”
With that, the topic is dropped for the moment, and you all crowd around the screen to watch a video play out of a young woman pleading with the camera.
“(Y/n)...I’m not so sure about this.”
Aubrey addresses you at the entrance to the lab, arms cross over his chest. You trot up to him, Skinner tucked in your arms, this time clean and well-fed. Aubrey’s light eyes stay locked on the cat, hesitant but not completely closed off. This is your chance!
“Please Aubrey?” You pull out your best puppy dog eyes, looking up at him pleadingly through your lashes, “Look at him, he’s so handsome...almost as handsome as you.”
The faintest flush spreads up his neck as he glances away from you, tense shoulders loosening a fraction. A grin breaks out across your lips. He’ll totally break.
You tug at one of Aubrey’s arms, forcing it down so he softly grips your waist as you lean into his side. His gaze turns back to you sharply, brimming with suspicion.
“Imagine it, both of us on the couch, curled up in a blanket, with a huge tub of popcorn while we watch a movie, and lil’ old Skinner here snoozing away between us, purring and happy because he has a home again,” you persuade him softly, “We can be his home, Jay.”
Aubrey begrudgingly looks down at the tabby, eyes narrowed as if he’s trying to decide if the small, fuzzy creature is a threat. Skinner tilts his chin up, sensing the gaze on him, and turns his wide, green eyes on the FBI agent. You watch intently as Aubrey clenches his jaw, holds it for a moment, before the tension completely drains from his body. You can barely contain an excited squeal when he reaches down and gently scratches the top of Skinner’s head before smoothing a hand over his back.
“He is pretty cute…” he admits quietly, as if he doesn’t want you to hear him.
“Is that a yes, then?”
There’s a solid moment of silence before Aubrey finally nods, “Yah, we can take him home.”
The excitement finally takes over as you go into a little dance, careful not to upset the tabby though. You wrap your free arm around your boyfriend, leaning up onto your tippy toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Jay!!”
Aubrey can’t help but grin when faced with your overwhelming joy. He watches as you lift the cat in both hands, giving him a giant kiss on his fuzzy head before wrapping him in your arms again. A small chuckle rumbles through his chest at the slightly perturbed face the cat pulls.
“Looks like I have two boys to shower with affection now, huh? Isn’t that right Skinner?” You ask, purely talking to the cat, before you side glance at Aubrey, “Hope no one gets jealous…”
The bunet laughs again, shaking his head as he tugs you back to his side. You giggle as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head, hand gripping your hip a little tighter than before.
“The moment you start giving that cat more attention than me, I’m kicking him out.”
There’s a hint of humor in his words, so you know it’s a joke. Either way, you could never love anyone or anything more than you love Aubrey. He’s been there for you in all the good and bad times. Through rough cases and loss. You may love Skinner a lot already, but no one will ever match up to Aubrey.
“Ready to go home, Jay? Get Skinner all set up, maybe watch Aristocats, so he feels welcomed,” you suggest as you curl further into your boyfriend’s side.
“Of course, we can’t have him getting the wrong idea, after all.” Aubrey stays close as the two of you make your way out of the Jeffersonian, arm still wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer when the winter cold hits you. “Oh, by the way! I heard about this new restaurant-”
Your heart flutters at the excited gleam that fills his eyes when he starts telling you about the newest place that opened down the road from your apartment. You can’t help it, he looks so cute when he gets excited about something. You really got so lucky, meeting Aubrey and falling in love.
Skinner starts purring loudly against your chest, and when you look down, his eyes are set adoringly on your boyfriend as he continues to talk, telling you all about the menu and possible golden finds. You obviously don’t know what the cat is thinking, but you’re sure he already loves the man just as much as you do. It’s hard not to, after all.
It seems like you’ll be the one competing for Aubrey’s attention, not the other way around.
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bugaboowritings · 5 years
Don’t Call Me Bugaboo -
She’s not your Love-Bug
There this one post about how Marinette won’t let anyone call her ‘Bugaboo’ or any bug/cute nickname unless it was from Chat Noir or Adrien. So that inspired me to write this short mess a while back. As it seems cute since this fic does match my url. heheheh- enjoy. 
I think that I may write something more if the idea stay in my head. Like make Clairvoyance into a ‘real’ episode or fic.
   “Silly Bug! Don’t you know that you could get squashed playin’ like that!?”
   Ladybug ran to a harsh stop, her feet stinging with her rough landing. Feeling the extra momentum throw her off the balance if it wasn’t for the grip on her suit. Her breathes escaped hard and heavy out of her nose, trying to catch her breath. Pumping her lungs with fresh adrenaline and oxygen. Glaring at the Akuma through her midnight blue bangs. 
Gripping her yo-yo a little tighter.
“Speak for yourself, Clairvoyance.” 
“More like Clairvo-Annoyance, if you ask me.” Chat Noir mumbled, reaching the scene in time. His fangs sticking out of his lips, shooting a wink to the red heroine. As dumb the joke was, it was a signal of reassurance to calm his LB. Ignoring the disgusted expression from the villain. 
   With baton ready in hand, Chat Noir itching to play offense or if needed, support for his Lady against the Akuma’s tricks. Racking his brain for ways to make the new villain pay or a quick getaway in case the Akuma pulled another foul trick from their sleeves. With the power to the bent reality and see anything in view or out, Clairvoyance proved to be a ‘little’ tricky to sneak around. Being five steps ahead of them before the Miraculous Duo even took one. Driving Ladybug out of her comfort zone as she analyzed the new threat to Paris. 
Clairvoyance scowled at the leather-cat before swiping their glasses. 
  That’s when it clicked in LB’s head. 
  The corrupted butterfly must be in their glasses!
“I’ll make you eat your words, you dirty rat.” 
“Ouch.” Chat winced, rubbing his chest as if Clairvoyance’s words stung his big heart. Chat’s acid eyes fluttered before landing a bitter smile on his pink lips. 
“First off, I’m clearly a cat. I thought that was clear. Second,” He motioned his collar bell, flicking his claws out, “-You better be a purr-fect cook if you gonna make me eat my words.” 
“Might as well cook me and the Lady dinner if you’re offering.” 
Chat’s remakes fell flat once he saw Clairvoyance’s growl turn into a crafty grin. 
“I have plenty of tricks for you to pick from the menu!”
 With a swipe of their hand, black holes appeared on the ground. Quickly expanding to the whole floor, swallowing the solid ground into a void. 
The duo jumped before they could fall into the nothingness or a tunnel that lead to the unknown. Twirling and flipping out of harm’s way as Clairvoyance made more black holes appear with the swipe of their hand. The corners of their thin lips turned up into a sick grin on their periwinkle face the more Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped around, avoiding the danger than grew under their feet. The heroes pushing themselves off the leftover bits of the green grass, trying to reach the edges of the huge stadium or even better- the high bleachers. 
 Chat Noir hopped from piece to piece, feeling himself getting cocky. Opening his mouth to speak, only for a yelp to escape. His boot missed the step and fell back. Feeling the hum of the black hole on his back as he slipped closer and closer to the nothingness. A shot yelp brought Ladybug’s attention to the black cat. Pulling her arm back as her stomach squeezed in anxiousness, launching her yo-yo out to pull her partner out of the vacuum. 
Feeling his weight hang on the edge of her string, she tugged back. Fishing out a black cat into her arms. His hair ruffled and eyes widen once they both realized what had just happened.
“I guess your bad luck never fails.” Ladybug smirked. Not helping to pull her own joke to reassure her kitty. 
“You never fail to swoon me, Bugaboo.” Chat Noir sighs. Ladybug could have sworn that his thin pupils turned into little hearts as he grinned back at her. Her grip on her partner's waist tightened when she tossed her yo-yo up and over a steel beam. Hopefully strong enough to hold them as she pushed her feet from the ground running. 
 Our heroes swung up to the stadium bleaches, away from the black holes that ate away at the once-solid ground. 
Clairvoyance burst out in giggles as the Miraculous Duo struggled to regain their ground. Ladybug holding her yo-yo tightly as Chat Noir pulled out his baton from his back. 
“Woowwwww.” Clairvoyance rolled out their lips. Winking at the team before raising their hands to their glasses. Ready to spit out another obstacle. 
“You’re so slick, Bugaboo.” They chuckled, quickly swiping their hand out to motion another tear in reality, all in hopes to confuse the bug and cat team. Portals stretched out behind the villain, revealing another monster entering the stage floor. 
  “But that cleverness of yours can only last so long.”
Ladybug ground her teeth. Only to drop her frown when she noticed the red and black spots highlighting the ceiling and Chat Noir’s baton. 
Gaining her own smile that confused Clairvoyance but motivated Chat. 
“Don’t call me Bugaboo or I’ll make YOU eat your words.”
“Gross.” Marinette winced as she pulled her arm away. Pressing it against her chest to protect herself. Still feeling the tingle of their touch on her forearm. Causing her to recoil from the man before stepping back. Her heels already tapped the wooden floor, ready to leave and find another seat.
“Oh, don’t be like that, Love-Bug.” The fresh-cut college student cooed. Ready to move a little closer even as Marinette moved back. 
That name just felt wrong as it slipped from his lips and reached her ears. Touching her temples as if she could stop herself from hearing this ‘evil’ or erase it from her memory. 
This guy really wasn’t getting it. 
“Not your Love-Bug, creep,” Marinette said, again. Grabbing her purse before heading out. Deciding that it wasn’t worth getting harrassed to leave her doom room. Just when she thought she had enough of this guy’s behavior, he still dared to grab her by the arm and pull her near. 
Some people don’t know what ‘no’ means until they get a punch, square in the face. 
“Don’t call me Bugaboo.” Ladybug snarled. Snapping shut her yo-yo communicator before facing the monkey behind her. Telling him to knock it off and she slowly gets tired of his jokes. It annoyed her even more than usual since she was cold, ready to detransform, and go home. The weather didn’t help her mood, but Ladybug just pulled her hoodie over her head. 
Ignoring it for now. 
“-Not if you want to make it out of this patrol home safely,” she added, slipping her yo-yo back to her side. Lifting herself up after watching the ground for a moment. Sniffing the bits of cement from cheap construction nearby and smoke of something burning elsewhere. The yellow-lights flickered in the Parisian apartments below her and the wind blew around old trash that cluttered alleyways. There amid the calm and crowded city was Rena’s signal to go. 
Mayura was near. 
Meaning Hawk Moth was closer.
“That’s the call.” Ladybug murmured. Motioning her team of a snake, monkey, and turtle to follow the next step of her plan.
Positioning themselves for her go. Itching to get out there. On the edge from being a still statue to swift blur on the roofs of buildings. 
“Let’s go.” Ladybug being the first to run out before the rest followed suit. 
“Honestly, I think you are over-reacting-”
“Excuse you because it’s the exact opposite going on! You aren’t taking this project seriously.” Marinette huffed. Pulling her bag over her shoulder, which was filled to the papers and folder about the new upcoming line being launched with GUESS. 
“No, Calvin. I don’t want to hear it. We have deadlines and they are not being met. Do something before you force me too.” 
Marching out of the office before getting called out by the marketing team again. Pulling her in their office before Marinette could shake them off. 
“Marinette, hey! Baby-”
Marinette gave her co-worker a dull look, telling them to not push her buttons like they did every other day. Hoping that because she’s still a newbie in the company, she would this pass.  Marinette was growing tired of this and even more with the fact that they seem to see her as a small sister rather than a co-worker. Tugging on the pockets of her bright red coat that had no trouble catching attention. However, today Marinette didn’t want their eyes on her. 
Especially when today was one of those days.
 Where everything’s falling apart and she’s the only one that could manage to put things together. Scolding herself for coming to work early, she should have called in sick or walked the other direction- anything to stop this problem from being hers. Now it was too late to shoulder off this dilemma to someone else. EVEN WHEN THIS ISN’T HER DEPARTMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!
“Don’t call me Baby, Lorraine. Not until I see those labels up and ready.” Marinette snapped. Leaving the office a quieter place than when she found it. 
“You are so annoying,” LB rolled her eyes as the group of heroes gathered around her. Being the shortest one out of many was a little intimidating, but as leader of the group of superheroes, she got the most respect. Never worry about being interrupted or talked over since whenever she spoke, the crowd hushed itself. Her plans weren’t brushed to the side nor was she. A nice change if you asked her. However, as the leader of this magical squad, she had to be on guard. With more members by her side meant that the danger was something bigger and scarier each time. So this was the first time she had her whole team with her without the stress of an Akuma or giant senti-monster looming over Pairs. It was the first time she could relax around them. 
So for Ladybug smiling like that made some people question what was going on. 
Did the Akuma get her already?
Is this a trap? 
Does she have a big announcement? 
Is she retiring? 
Could today be her birthday?
Chat Noir hopped off the brick wall and gracefully landed on all fours. Bouncing back up as he beams a nice cocky smile to his red ladybug. 
Chat tiles his head to the side, letting his blond locks fall to his face.
 “All in hopes for you to love me more, Bugaboo.” 
 The whole team cringed or pretended to, swooned, or rolled their eyes at that nickname. Others tried to call LB by that, only met with a confused look or a frown. All quickly learning that it was Chat Noir’s thing and Chat Noir was the only person LB would ever allow to call her by that. As tough and determined the Red Miraculous Leader, she had her weak spot -Chat Noir’s clever and sometimes cute nicknames.  
Waiting for an eye-roll from the bug, only to hear her giggle. 
 “Well, you got something right at least.” She smiled. Turning to her team and pretending not to notice the shock on his face before explaining why she called them here today.
“I have a meeting today, check over some of the marketing team’s ideas and then I’ll pick lunch on the way back. Do you need anything, Bugaboo?” The blond asked before adjusting the watch on his wrist. Quickly throwing his scarf around his neck and throwing his brown coat over his broad shoulders. 
“Just drive safe.” Marinette yawned. Tired and cold as the blanket around her chest wasn’t warming her fast enough. Waiting for her coffee machine to beep with her hot cup of caffeine. Envying the man in the doorway for having so much energy in the morning. 
“Always.” Adrien smiled, before kissing her forehead and walking out the door. 
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Roll Models
In celebration of the next Miraculous Season 2 episode that’s about to come out, I’m reaching way back into the archives of my fic. I wrote this reveal a long, long time ago (early 2016), but the idea is similar to what it looks like Frightingale/Rossignoble will introduce, so I figured I’d share it again for relevancy’s sake. Hope you enjoy!
Roll Models
A Miraculous Ladybug Reveal Fic
Summary: Adrien's next modeling job is sure to be a success, according to his father. There are just three problems. One: Adrien hates his outfit. Two: the photographer is a little strange. And three: the shoot has an interesting theme.
Also available on: FF as part of Behind the Masks, a reveal oneshot series Length: 2,009 words Rated: T
Available to read below or here.
(Please excuse the first person present tense.  I was young then, and unafraid.  I vacillated between leaving it and editing it to third person, but in the end decided to keep it as is for posterity.)
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate modeling. I grew up on the fashion scene and loved it as a kid. Photo shoots have always been part of my life. I don't get weird around cameras I don't complain often about wearing ridiculous clothes.
But so help me, if I have to put on what my father has laid out for this weekend's shoot…I think I might actually jump into the Seine.
It's not personal. I know he's not trying to be irritating or anything. He has no way of knowing how I feel about this outfit.
But…come on.
It was his idea to have a Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir theme for the photo shoot. If I'd known that was the theme before I got here, I would have pretended I was sick or something, but no such luck. I think about the randomly chosen girl my father has bullied into wearing the Ladybug suit. Poor thing. She and I are going to have a very awkward morning.
I stand in my dressing room and stare at what I'm supposed to wear. Plagg floats next to me, contemplating the treacherous clothes hung up on the hook on my closet door. He hasn't said anything yet, which is never a good sign. Usually I can't get him to shut up unless he's eating.
Speaking of which.
I pass him a slice of Camembert from the pocket of my jacket. "I have a feeling you might need this," I say. He takes it gratefully and chews, his green eyes perusing the tragedy at hand. I run my hands through my hair, not caring that it has just been styled within an inch of its life.
"What am I going to do? I'm doomed. People are going to take one look at me in this suit and realize…"
"I know," Plagg says grimly.
"And I can't refuse, or my father will think something's up."
"Well, if you put it on, he's going to figure it out anyway."
"Erghhh." I sigh heavily and flop onto the plushy couch opposite the closet. "I'm dead. Bury me already."
"Maybe no one will notice how much you look like Chat."
"Or maybe everyone will. It's going to be pretty obvious."
There is a knock on the door. It's some assistant. They never open the doors, they just talk through them. I don't understand this. Are they afraid of me?
"Mr. Agreste, two minutes."
Plagg and I exchange a look. I don't really have a way out. Not unless I climb out the window. But that would just make things worse for my sake – my father would flip out if I skipped a shoot.
Although, given the fact that I'm about to put on a leather costume with cat ears, I'm starting to wonder which is worse: a future in which my father is furious with me, or a future in which everyone finds out I'm also Chat Noir.
No turning back now.
I'm wearing the stupid Chat suit and mask. It's surprisingly true to the real one, but I'm not supposed to know that. I casually play with the bell at my collar as though I've never seen it before. It's just to keep up pretenses while I wait on the indoor set. The Ladybug model is running late, so I have to pass the time until she's dressed in her outfit.
Right now it's just me and one of the assistants. My father and the photographer are on their way back from getting coffee. My sincere hope is that no one notices the striking resemblance between Adrien Agreste, model, and Chat Noir, superhero.
Because if someone thinks we look alike, it's not too far a jump to the (correct) conclusion that we are one and the same.
Finally, a door opens and shuts and I can hear footsteps. Moments later, there's a girl standing on the edge of the set holding a red and black polka dot mask and wearing a skintight suit. It takes me only a second to realize that it's my friend, Marinette.
She hasn't noticed me standing here yet. I want to wave or something – I'm actually really pleased. At least it's someone I know, and we can commiserate over how weird my father is.
She's talking to one of the assistants, and they help her put on the mask. She looks just as nervous as I feel.
But then she turns to face me and I back up into one of the lighting pedestals.
She looks just like Ladybug. I didn't really notice until she put on the mask, but…it's uncanny. If I hadn't known it was Marinette standing there, I would have assumed my father had gotten the real Ladybug to model.
Part of me pushes away that thought. It's too coincidental. But then the snide Plagg-voice in my head chimes in. It's already pretty coincidental. Your father unknowingly picked you to model as Chat Noir…
I tell the voice to shut up.
And then Marinette looks at me, and I can literally see her doing the same sanity check I just did. This costume must be a really good version…she probably thinks I'm the real Chat. I take of my mask, just for a second, and wave her over.
"Hey!" I say, trying to be cool and cover up the fact that the tower behind me is still wobbling slightly.
"Hi," she waves, walking closer. "Hi, Chat."
"So…these are neat costumes."
"Yeah," she says curiously. I'm pretty sure her blue eyes are x-raying me. "Almost as if they're the real deal."
I think I'm going to drown I'm sweating so much. Why does this costume have to be made of tight, non-breathable leather and spandex?
Then, mercifully, Claude emerges from another room. Claude is the photographer – he's brilliant, but very strange. The first time I did a shoot with him after becoming Chat Noir, he shook my hand, sniffed me, and announced, "This boy smells of Camembert. He is of noble stock."
I kid you not.
Needless to say, I'm hopeful he'll provide enough of a distraction to offset how much Marinette and I look like the counterparts we're supposed to be channeling. My father walks in behind him, on the phone, not focused on us. Thankfully.
Claude sets up the cameras and checks the set. He hums a little as he moves around. I pretend not to notice as he adjusts the light tower I bumped into.
"Let's put on a show," he finally says, and starts positioning Marinette. Then he moves me to stand beside her in some ridiculous hero pose. I don't really stand like that, do I? This is totally humiliating.
"Magnificent. The bug and the cat. Channel the love story we all know is there."
Marinette and I give each other a look. Love story? What love story?
"Show your emotions in your eyes. Let me see the stars in your eyes." Claude always says this to me during a shoot, but in the five years I've known him I've never figured out what it means. Clearly Marinette thinks it's odd too – her lips are pressed together to keep from laughing. I fight the urge to chuckle.
Unthinking, I whisper, "Don't let him bug you. His phrases are actually clawsome sometimes."
She stiffens suddenly at my puns. I'm sort of offended - they weren't that bad.
While Claude is walking back to the camera, Marinette whispers in my ear. "You're really him, aren't you?"
"Who, Adrien? Yeah. My father hasn't cloned me…yet, ha-ha…"
Claude adjusts the camera angle, and Marinette looks at me the way Ladybug sometimes does when I use too many puns. It's the you're annoying look. And I almost forget this is Marinette and not my lady. They even make the same expressions.
"You know what I mean," she whispers.
"No…?" I look back at Claude, who's fiddling with something on the lens.
"Yes, you do."
"You know what."
"No, I'm saying no, n-o. Not k-n-o-w."
"Adrien," she sighs.
"Wait, now I'm confused."
"Please, it's so obvious. You're Chat. The real one. Not just the model."
"You – uh, wait…" I pause. I lower my voice. "You know?"
"Yes," she hisses exasperatedly.
Well then.
I capitulate. "It was the puns, wasn't it?"
"Enough talking, my spandex friends," calls Claude roughly. I realize he's been waiting for us. "I have six other shoots after this. Let's make haste."
I'm momentarily distracted from the cat-astrophe at hand. Spandex friends? Make haste? Who even talks like that anymore?
"Stars in the eyes. I want to see stars in the eyes. One, two, three," he continues. Claude starts snapping photos, occasionally telling one of us to move an arm or leg. I have to tilt my face to Marinette's and move closer, almost as if we're about to kiss.
I'm in full panicking mode now – Marinette just figured out my secret, it looks like we're trying to kiss, and tomorrow these pictures of me dressed like Chat are going to be on the front page.
If she can figure it out, anyone might. I really am doomed.
I think about running away, just hopping out the window in the corner and rappelling down the balcony or something.
But then I smell it. Honeysuckle. And baked bread. And something lemony. In my mind, I picture Ladybug. That's definitely her scent. It's muted because I don't have Chat Noir's super-senses right now, but I'd still know it anywhere.
But how can that be? This is Marinette, not Ladybug.
Although, she does bear a striking resemblance. She has the same eyes...and facial expressions…and there's still smell of baked rolls…
Hold on.
Marinette lives above her parents' bakery. Where they make fresh rolls.
Claude re-positions us so that we're standing closer together now, toes almost touching. "The trees today are soft. Good fortunes are ahead," he mentions vaguely. Marinette makes a tiny snort as he moves back to the camera. I roll my eyes. While he sets up the next shot, I whisper to her.
"Looks like I'm not the only one hiding my identity in plain sight."
"I don't know what you mean."
"Yeah, you do, Ladybug."
"It's just a costume."
"Not for you, it isn't. You're really her. You smell the same."
She gasps. Ha. Now it's her turn to panic. "I…"
"What are the odds? You and me…Chat and Ladybug…"
"Talk about serendipity," she sighs, her eyes wide. We're still caught in the almost-kissing pose, frozen.
"Is serendipity a good thing or a bad thing?"
We can hear the click of the camera. Lights flash. She considers me for what feels like an eternity.
"Definitely a good thing, in this case," she says. I can feel her breath on my lips.
"Marinette, are you as worried as I am about people seeing these modelling pictures? People are going to figure it out we're the real deal."
"Yeah, I am. That's why I snuck in early today and messed with the camera so it won't save any of the photos. That's why I was late getting ready. I had to de-transform in the broom closet and pretend I was lost. But these photos will never see the light of day, Claude doesn't seem to notice the resemblance, and frankly, your dad is too busy. We're safe."
My friend...my lady...is a genius.
"You're amazing, you know that?"
She touches my hand and Claude, still snapping photos, nearly has a conniption: "Yes, yes! Work the romance – pretend I'm not here. Keep moving closer...closer...closer!"
I place my hand against her back. She blinks.
We look at each other with new understanding. She smiles a genuine smile - not one sculpted for the camera.
There's a little spark in her eyes that wasn't there before. Is it recognition of me as Chat? Is it curiosity? Or something else? Somehow, I wonder if maybe I've finally realized what Claude meant, because I suddenly see stars in Marinette's eyes.
Perhaps there's method to his madness.
If you enjoyed this reveal, there are 46+ more unique, completed reveal oneshots here!  Thanks for reading!
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mathiaskillmaster · 5 years
My GOT Ending: The Battle of King’s Landing (Episode 5 Season 8) Part 1
On the ship taking the formed commandos to free Jon in the capital, everyone was killing time as he could before reaching the coast. Isolated in the hold, Sandor sat on a crate with his sword in hand and seemed to be trying to do something without success. An umpteenth failure made him let out a insult and blow loudly. He tried to take a sip of beer in his bottle, but he remembered that he had emptied it a few moments earlier and let it fall to his feet. _ "Beric .... you bastard.... If you really wanted to make me this gift, you might have had to explain it to me before you die ...." mumbles the Hound in his beard. _ "You are talking alone now?" suddenly made a familiar voice that surprised the man and made him turn around. Arya was there, upright and hands in the back, looking at him neutrally. Sansor sighed and sat down again. _"How did you get to get in without I could hear you? That fucking boat is cracking on all sides every time we make a step." _"I learned to be as discreet as a cat and as silent as a shadow ...." Arya simply replied as she sat down in front of him. She held in her hands the Valyrian steel dagger that Bran had given her and made a few nimble spinning reels with, turning it between her fingers with great dexterity, all this under the observation of Sandor. _ "You were talking about a present that you made Beric ..... What a gift exactly, and above all, who would like to give you a present to you?" said the young Stark girl with a hint of mockery. Sandor glared at her. _ "That's what I'm killing myself trying to discover since earlier ... This witch dressed in red told me how to do, and yet, all I managed to do for the moment is to get a headache." _ "Do you trust this woman?" Arya asks, ceasing to juggle the dagger. _ "Not especially ..." Sandor replied, sheathing his sword "... But after some things that I saw, I told myself that .... maybe..." Their conversation is suddenly interrupted by the sound of the horn of the ship resonating above. Sandor and Arya get up and go quickly up to the bridge, where have just met all the others, also alerted. _"What is going on?" asks Arya, turning to Tyrion who stands at the bow of the ship. She gets her answer by putting her eyes straight in front of her. Several hundred meters to the horizon appeared the silhouettes of several ships. Seizing the long view, Tyrion looked back. Behind him, the others could not help but dread the worst. By the long sight, Tyrion saw there black sails adorned with a yellow kraken. He also recognized the person standing at the bow of the first ship. A young woman with brown hair, gray armor and a warlike look. Tyrion smiles. _"It's Yara Greyjoy." he announced to the others with enthusiasm. _"The sister of Theon? What is she doing here?" Arya said. _"She comes to lend us a hand, as she promised to our queen." confirmed Tyrion, regaining some hope in him. The ships led by the young ironborn chief came to meet them. A rowboat was launched and Yara, along with several of his men, went aboard, heading for the isolated Targaryen ship. ********* At King's Landing, Cersei is in her royal apartments, dressed in her black dress. Sitting on her bed and looking straight ahead, the traces of dry tears appear on her cheeks, while Qyburn, in a moribund silence, leaves the room after confirming the terrible news. During the night, Cersei had lost her future child, who was already dead while still in her mother's womb. Cersei's face is dark, devoid of the least humanity and borrowed from an unprecedented hatred. Euron, also present in the queen's room, comes to sit next to her and awkwardly, trying to comfort her with a slap on the shoulder. _"Come on, there will be other opportunities, after all, as long as I'm well equipped ..." he said in his hoarse voice, pointing with his hand between his legs without much finesse. Cersei then gives him a murderous glare and pushes him violently backwards, making the man fall to the ground. _ "Do not come closer to me, is it clear?!" orders the Queen, tense with anger. Faced with this gesture, Euron's behavior changes radically. The ironborn shows another face and becomes violent, seizing the queen by the wrist without restraint. _ "Listen to me my pretty bitch, do not underestimate me, or then ....!" He does not have time to finish his sentence. Gregor Clegane immediately grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up as if he weighed nothing and immediately throwing him out of the room into the corridor. Getting up and feeling humiliated, Euron walks away in frustration, not without giving a violent kick against the door before leaving. ******** At Dragonstone, Daenerys is in her quarters, placing her hand against her barely rounded belly. The news of her future pregnancy raised in her an unexpected feeling of joy, she who thought she would never be able to give birth again since the curse of the witch, but on the other hand, doubt and fear invaded her. If the dead came to win, what future could he child have? And Jon? How will he react when he learns that he is a father? Is he still alive? Too many questions for the young queen who sighs and runs her hand on the forehead. But as she leaves her quarters to face this day, she sees Bran arrive in his chair, pushed by Samwell, who then shows a much more concerned face, which does not reassure the queen of the dragons. _ "What is going on?" she asks. _ "The army of the dead will soon be at King's Landing, and we must go there without delay to save Jon. Without him all is lost." Bran warned. Daenerys is anxious. Not now .... Not already! Knowing that her allies are en route to the capital, the arrival of the army of the dead could turn everything upside down, and not in a good way. Disregarding her hard-felt fatigue, Daenerys turns back to her quarters to prepare herself. _ "Join me both on the beach in a few moments!" she said before closing the door. Later, on the beach of the island, Drogon waits patiently while Daenerys climbs on him, dressed in a black and red outfit, the colors of the Targaryen, and provided with thin pieces of armor on the shoulders, chest and the wrists. Samwell helps Bran climb onto the back of the great reptile, just behind the queen, and before pulling himself up, gives Gilly one last kiss. Missandei and Sansa attend this new start, praying that luck will be on their side. Drogon flew away with force and in a majestic roar, started to fly above to sea, under the gaze of Sansa, Gilly and Missandei. On the back of the dragon, Samwell, clings as best he can, both fascinated and anxious, and unable to believe he stands on the back of a dragon in flight. Bran remains neutral as usual, and Daenerys meanwhile, shows a much more hurried, hoping to arrive in time before the apocalypse is unleashed on the capital. ******** At King's Landing, Euron walks with a decided step between his men on one of the capital's docks, and heads for his flagship anchored in the port. Having enough of this Queen Lannister and feeling humiliated after all that he has done for her, the Ironborn king decides that he has seen enough and that it is time for him to return to the Iron Islands, without, of course, having asked permission. _"Fuck this city, like you, majesty ..." he mumbles as he climbs aboard. Orders are given, anchors are raised and sails are deployed. One by one, the ships of the Euron fleet leave the port, under the interrogative glances of the Lannister guards from the ramparts. On the deck of his ship, Euron is already jubilant at the idea that Cersei can beg him to return. But as he imagines it, the man on the lookout screams loudly in his direction. _ "Captain !! Right in front!!" Euron looks and loses his smile very quickly. Several hundred meters away, emerging from the mantle of the morning fog that covers the sea, a fleet of ships bearing the banner of the Greyjoy has just appeared. In armor and holding an ax in her hand, Yara stands at the bow of her flagship, staring intently at her uncle Euron's armada and rising her ax over her head forcefully. _"For Theon, for the Iron Islands, what is dead may never die!" _"WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE" yells in unison the ironborn loyal to Yara on the ship, while on the others, the crews also let out loud cries of war. For its part, Euron, stunned by this vision, quickly resumes his mind and turns to his men. _ "All at your battle stations! Hurry, you bunch of cunts!" The crews of Euron execute orders on the field, folding the sails and distributing the many weapons to the combatants. The archers put themselves in position along the length of the ship, ready to rain the iron on their enemies. For her part, Yara also prepared her men for the confrontation and it is without slowing down that her armada is moving towards that of her uncle. With the appearance of this unexpected fleet, the bells of King's Landing begin to resound, triggering the general alarm throughout the city. From his cell, Jon rushes to the bars of the small window overlooking the bay, and attends, perplexed, what happens. Cersei, too, has just been alerted by the arrival of this ironborn fleet, but does not seem more surprised than that, always showing that sullen air as she sits on the iron throne. In the bay, the two navy fleets come closer to each other and once in range... _"SHOOT!!" simultaneously ordered Yara and Euron. Clouds of fiery arrows fly from both sides. In one camp as in the other, several ironborns fall to the ground or in the water, pierced by the projectiles. Protected by an iron shield, Yara remains concentrated, not leaving the flagship of the eyes. On this same flagship, Euron is preparing to receive his niece, an ax in his hand and displaying a crazy look, and a cruel smile between his teeth. Further back, four rowboats have reached the mainland, in a little creek out of sight. It is in this same cove that is the entrance to an underground passage, known only by Varys, and leading straight into the capital. Indicating the entrance, the master spy signals to others to enter one by one, for more caution. _"The diversion works, but I don't know how long Yara will manage to hold." said Tyrion. _ "Let's not waste time, let's go." insists Arya, who immediately follows Varys into the darkness of the tunnel. Once inside, the commando is divided into two groups: the first group consisting of Arya, Brienne, Podrick, Sandor, Jorah and Gendry, as well as several soldiers from the north designate themselves to free Jon from his cell. The second group, composed of Jaime, Tyrion, Davos, Varys and Melisandre, will move towards the red dungeon to try to bring Cersei back to the reason and make her understand the seriousness of the situation and the imminent arrival of the army of the dead on the capital. From their camp in front of King's Landing, Harry Strickland and his men are wondering what's going on. Their interrogation redoubled while without warning, the weather gets darker, the sun being in a few seconds masked by the arrival of a group of threatening black clouds. A frigid and violent wind rises on the city and its surroundings. Intrigued, Harry Strickland, who was preparing a battle plan, came out of his tent and saw with amazement the change of weather. But the surprise turns into a real horror when a torrent of blue flames falls on the camp, carrying thirty tents and many soldiers in its wake. The silhouette of Viserion file in the sky, having taken the camp by surprise and now flying over it. Harry Strickland barely has time to get up and understand what just happened, that immediately the white walkers, on their decomposed horses, emerge from the nascent darkness, at the head of the gigantic army of living corpses, real living sea pouring from the hills overhanging the city. In powerful roars as loud as the ice, the white walkers launch the assault on King's Landing.
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