#they are both stupid and loyal like she protected him and he left his whole life behind to find her again
yoshiintheweb · 1 year
Having OC Thoughs, I love them so much.
But why oh why right now when i have exams for two weeks
#i probably never posted them here#but i have this sweet vampire couple and im HDIDBSISBSOS#they were childhood friends once way back#they called one another nick names Raven and Hound cuz thier friendship was kind of forbidden#and then one of them took an L for the team and accidentally got infected with vampirism (it was supposed to be meant for the other one-#-the ultimate sacrifice people) and after some angsty shit they needed to part thier ways as a vampire couldn't live in that town anymore#but the other was needed in this town as he was an heir so when she asked him to run away with her he declined but left her his ring and-#-a promise that one day when he will make sure all his heir duties will be dealt with he will find her again and will stay with her#it took him a year to get all the stuff dealt with and then he faked his own death and then he spend two more years trying to find any-#-vampire and he asked to be turned and then he got a lot of trening for like extra years#in the end they didn't seen each other for centries#she thinks he forget his promise and eventually died as a human#he still search for her even if any other vampire he knows thinks that any vampire couldn't lived that long without support from-#-vampires officials and his like a Sherlock Holmes of vampire world right now and she has no record of existence in the vampire society-#-and is considered a fugitive AND I LOVE THEM BERY MUCH#he use his work as a way to find his old sweetheart#and she is sad girl trying to live a life that was given her#they are both stupid and loyal like she protected him and he left his whole life behind to find her again#his name is Félix and she's Danielle but she goes by Raven nowadays mostly bc that's what Félix was calling her so#many thoughts of them
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bestworstcase · 1 month
option 1: tai’s guarding the crown of choice.
a legitimately important task that recontextualizes his ongoing decision to remain on patch as a personal sacrifice he makes for the greater good.
ozpin would pick the guy named for the god of light to be the gatekeeper of choice, huh.
if any parent in this story is meant to die, it’s him, and narratively this is the most intuitive way to do it.
realistically, what can tai do to prevent salem / cinder / summer from accessing the vault if they find it? if he’s the gatekeeper, staying on patch alone after everyone else evacuates achieves nothing except, ah, signaling to the enemy that the real vault is under signal academy. bad plan.
it means oz is breaking his promise to be honest and forthcoming, undermining his character growth for the sake of ‘surprising’ the audience with the most obvious answer.
means qrow has either been kept in the dark (see prev point) or he’s also deliberately hiding this information from his nieces after they asked him outright if he knew where tai is; this is so far afield for his character as to border on character assassination, and likewise undermines his positive growth since v7.
honestly makes both yang and ruby seem kind of stupid. they know the crown is hidden somewhere near beacon, that ozpin did something to protect it differently from the others, and that their father hasn’t left patch. ruby was sharp enough to guess that long memory might be a relic hidden in plain sight; yang is just as smart, and she knows tai had “some things” to look after on patch. are we expected to believe that “hey, is dad guarding the relic?” somehow hasn’t occurred to either of them?
tai harbors a whole lot of resentment toward ozpin, and based on qrow kicking him out of ruby’s bedroom to drip-feed her hints on where to go next, he seems to have been on the outer perimeter of the inner circle. why would oz entrust him with the relic’s safety?
glynda—ozpin’s scrupulously loyal second-in-command whose emblem is a crown and whose semblance puts her on par with a maiden—is a far more narratively plausible vault-guardian than tai, and the “sun dragon” makes a damn good red herring.
if he’s guarding the vault, he dies. sorry. but the point of putting the father of 2/4 protagonists in between the two main villains and the thing they want most (choice) is so they can kill him to get it, increasing tension and raising the emotional stakes of negotiating peace. to be clear, rwby is willing to Go There, but i think it’s an unsatisfactory way to close out the rose xiao long family arc.
option 2: survivors trapped under mountain glenn, and tai is taking point.
a genuinely important, worthwhile thing for him to be doing—even more so than guarding the crown. likely sets up a resolution for him in the vein of “you can be a good huntsman or a good father, and tai picked being a huntsman,” which is an elegant way to balance his contradictions.
gives him meaningful stuff to do in v10; for example, one stealthy huntsman with a bullhead could slip in and out of mountain glenn to get a few dozen people out at a time, and/or run supplies and messages between the kingdoms.
we get to see zwei back in action around mountain glenn :)
introduces a natural segue from playing defense in vacuo to mounting a counteroffensive against beacon as tai’s work clarifies the situation in vale.
easily the most 'heroic' direction for him without contorting the story to arbitrarily lionize tai: he’s a scout preparing the stage for the heroes to take the fight to salem, making him the good counterpart to watts.
makes no sense to keep it a secret. the emotional beats of B4 can still happen if the girls know this is what tai’s doing: instead of “do you… wonder why he’s not here? i know qrow said he’s on assignment, but what’s more important than here?” yang says “do you… wish he were here? with us? i know qrow said he’s looking for survivors, but how many of them can there really be by now? we need all the help we can get,” and ruby says “maybe we don’t have the full picture” as in maybe dad knows something we don’t and that’s why he hasn’t given up yet. the emotion is the same, and the big "they’re hiding in mountain glenn" reveal is hinted without spoiling.
leaves hanging the narrative thread of what tai has been doing since the fall of beacon, because the “some things” he was dealing with in v4 obviously wasn’t this.
option 3: tai is dead.
explains the apparent secrecy; qrow knows tai was away “on assignment” (i.e., had taken a huntsman contract that brought him out of the kingdom) at the time salem attacked vale, so he is missing but not yet presumed dead.
might reopen the mystery box of summer’s last mission through the real-deal “left on a mission and never came back” echo.
raven would know.
it’s a cheap, narratively unsatisfying twist that fails to deliver on the bread crumbs set up in v2-3 (tai starts going on missions again) and v4 (“some things”), and also undermines any serious emotional resolution with regard to yang and ruby’s complex relationships with tai.
option 4: summer’s working with salem, and tai is trying to convince her to come back.
“some things” being his presumed-dead wife who left him to join the enemy and with whom tai is now having an affair or otherwise hoping to coax back to the heroic side through the power of love whilst also keeping his mouth shut about her being a) still alive and b) a traitor is OBJECTIVELY the funniest answer.
brings forward and interrogates the way tai’s romantic grief informs the choices he makes as a parent: from hiding raven and then refusing to talk about her with yang, to shutting down when he lost summer and letting his five-year-old pick up the pieces, to discovering and then keeping summer’s secrets for the sake of some faint hope that she might finally come back to him.
cogent with the Dead (Absent) Mother / Neglectful Father / Evil Stepmother fairytale paradigm rwby deconstructs with raven, tai, and summer; the father chooses the stepmother over his children.
raises the emotional stakes of the war for summer through direct confrontation with the life she left behind, creating narrative opportunities to develop her character (is she still in love with tai? how does she feel about being his first priority, over their children? does she resent that he has her on this pedestal even now?) and apply pressure to her relationships with salem and cinder (do they know? is summer keeping her communication with him a secret, too? or is he an “asset” she’s using for salem’s benefit?).
consequently, raises the momentum of the narrative toward negotiation with salem; tai still has the coalition’s trust, however strained his personal relationships may be. summer is the obvious ambassador for salem’s side of the war, but she’s also the traitor who needs someone to vouch for her good intentions.
the secrecy needs no explanation: just as summer’s last mission was a summer secret, tai’s "assignment" is a taiyang secret and the girls know everything that oz and qrow do, because all of them have been left in the dark. raven might know, and she has the means to find if she doesn’t, but tai’s whereabouts are entangled with what raven knows about summer, so she can’t explain where tai is or why until she reveals her deep dark secrets about what happened between her and summer that night.
foreshadowing is solid: tai starts to go on "missions" again in v2, after the inner circle becomes aware that salem has infiltrated beacon and just before the breach downtown. when ruby visits summer’s grave in v3, she says "[dad] told me he’s going to be on some mission soon! i think he misses adventuring with you." he’s got to "look after some things" (but he isn’t talking about yang, because he stays home after she leaves). and then with B4 we have ruby echoing what the blacksmith taught her about summer in relation to tai, "maybe we don’t have the full picture?"
dependent on the unconfirmed theory that summer is working for salem as herself, not some unrecognizable enslaved monster, but i am as confident in that as i was about salem going to vale next and we all know how that turned out :)
taking their mom was not enough salem had to go for the full set APPARENTLY
option 5: secret fifth thing
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 11 months
Another little essay on the mls5 finale
Tl;dr Gabriel Agreste Was Not Redeemed but it Makes Sense to feel weird and gross about it! And i think it was definitely Designed that way and did a very cool job of showing some complicated things
(Under a cut for ml s5 finale spoilers and also She-Ra spoilers because i’m comparing arcs, you dont have to have seen she-ra for this to make sense just, you will get spoilers)
Gabriel Agreste’s death reminded me IMMENSELY of shadow weaver’s death in she-ra. it left me with the same emotions. and i think they’re both Clearly trying to show the same thing
In both, there is this, almost *parody* of a heroic sacrifice??? There is a villain/abusive parent who is SHOWN repeatedly to be evil and to Cause Repeated Harm to their child/main character. But the main character can never quite renounce them because they’re always thrown the tiniest scraps at the very last minute. And this main character is trapped in a never ending cycle of needing to crawl back for help because despite it all they WANT to believe that there is some Pure Underlying Motive behind it all and that actually their parent DOES love them and IS good. Because who WOULDN’T want to believe that, especially in moments of terror and lonliness and the world falling to pieces???
And BOTH of these villains die by a “heroic sacrifice” that THEY think redeems them. They both die as a sacrifice ONLY when it’s a last resort and they’re going to die ANYWAYS if they DONT do anything. and they both make SURE that a child they’ve traumatized On Purpose is Watching Them Die Heroically. For both of them there’s this element of… their death is one last act of traumatizing the person they’re saving and ALSO one last act of making them feel Trapped and like they are In Debt and Have To Stay Loyal to their abusive parent?????
Like???? Gabriel LITERALLY does those tears that may or may not have been fake but were Definitely weaponized to play with marinette’s moral compass and catch her off guard. followed by the like… cackling evil villain act. Istg he was like Playing with marinette like a little ragdoll and Relishing in how Helpless she was as he made the wish. He KNEW he had her trapped, not just By The Miraculous but also Emotionally. He KNEW she had no one else to turn to. He KNEW he held the cards and he could say “make sure adrien remembers me as a hero” and that she’d HAVE to do it. Because he was about to die in front of her and she was going to be messed up by the whole thing and all these secrets and she wasn’t gonna have much choice other than to just Believe He Was Right And Good. As a coping mechanism.
And i think,,, there’s this aura of… he Genuinely thinks he has won. He thinks that he has succeeded in being a Good Father. He thinks that he has Manipulated and Snared his way into being a Hero and Right because he thinks that’s a thing you can do!!!! He doesn’t even consider changing his ways, not when natalie AND adrien AND ladybug all BEG him to listen. He doesnt consider treating anyone else as a person or admitting he could be wrong????? He just doubles down Harder and goes “hahaaaa i have manipulated and traumatized this teenager into continuing my lies and making up a narrative for me where im the hero… this is the same as being a genuienly good parent.”
And i GET the feelings of grossness bc that was a gross thing he did!!!! I agree!!!
But i DONT think he got to get away free or be redeemed????
If anything, it gave me the same gut feeling as shadow weaver’s death in she ra????? Like????? This is the Final Proof that he’s beyond saving because he cant even DIE without using it as one last opportunity to hurt someone he should be protecting????? And he doesnt even Realize that’s messed up he’s just like “heehee i win at tricking those stupid little teenagers into thinking im a hero” with no sense of self reflection.
After watching through that scene a few times i am CONFIDENT it was meant to come off that way and im not actually Sure how much they’ll address it??????
(And im also a teensy bit confused because??? I dont know who the target audience is at this point??? If it really is little kids as the target i am Sure they’ll address it blatantly but the show’s been getting darker and more Nuanced lately. But this is a different point)
but even if they DON’T!!!!! This is just!!! So similar to shadow weaver’s death in she-ra, another cartoon theoretically aimed at children and they DIDNT even address that one at all because it was just,,,,,, SO obvious that even if she DID save the main characters with her death she also used it as a way to twist the knife?????
And so far ive just been talking about Recreation Specifically???? But the REASON gane was dying was bc he literally CATACLYSMED HIMSELF with chat’s hand as a way to trauamtize ladynoir because he thought it would catch them off guard and screw with them!!!!!!!!!!
This is not the narrative saying “oh he had good intentions and was right all along uwu” to me, this was very clearly the narrative saying “sometimes people are so far convinced that theyre the only one that matters that they cant even DIE without using it as a way to hurt and manipulate everyone they should be supporting and wow can that screw people up when they’re left to pick up those pieces and leave them with a complicated mess of emotions.”
and also its saying that it is in fact okay to hate your dead parents if they sucked . And its okay to be have complicated feelings about it, u dont have to be able to make an opinion immediately or seperate yourself from the situation. Sometimes it hurts and you mourn what you shouldve had Anyway.
And i think just like she ra, this is a very Mature and Complicated take and its Okay to have mixed feelings about it, but i just wanted to reassure people that the ending absolutely did not say that gabe was a good person.
It MIGHT have said that the wish actually helped make the world better!!! We don’t know that part yet!!!!
But we DO know that it said,,,,, even IF gabe made One Good Decision, he did it at the cost of everyone he should have been supporting and died with everyone he loved hating him for Good Reason and he used his last seconds of life to traumatize and manipulate a scared little kid into telling everyone he was A Hero . And he was not above beating up and hurting said little kid (ladybug) for funsies. I think even IF his wish IS proven to be A Good Thing (big if) there will STILL be a very valid question of “was it worth it.” There will still be tons of trauma on adrien and marinette’s part that Isnt going away. And that is on him and him alone
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castelled-away · 1 year
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mergwenthur beginnings from Merlin‘s pov bc he has the potential to make all of this SO angsty mmm
Like think abt Merlin feeling like he imposed on Arthur & Gwen's relationship simply bc he thinks the 2 are perfect (Merlin is obv so gone for them) & therefore perfect for each other but without him mixed into it bc „he doesn’t have a place there in their relationship“
Or him already feeling insecure abt a potential position in a 3-way-relationship bc of the whole thing with Lancelot’s shade & probably thinks Arthur would therefore react badly or hurt
Or maybe throw in a magic reveal where Guinevere & Arthur are both shocked at first ofc & Gwen gets over that & is all reasonable/starting to understand & Arthur is still blown away/angry & just can’t understand so maybe Merlin sees their different opinions on the magic matter & thinks he’s or at least will soon be tearing a rift between Arwen through that
Or maybe him not feeling good enough for them since not only is Arthur the king but Gwen as his queen has ALSO risen in rank & is now „above“ him as well (tho I think this is a bit ooc for Merlin)
Or to try & keep Arthur away from him/not tempt himself (bc Merlin still has to hide his magic& therefore cannot get too close to anyone) Merlin pushes Gwen & Arthur together with effort & he thinks he’s left alone & that both of them will/can never know how much he loves them or know who he really is. Then Arwen ask why he wants them to be together SO BAD since the 2 don’t really ever want to spent time together without Merlin (bc they’re all in love your honor) & Merlin just explodes with a whole speech like because if you two don’t end up together all of the pain & the suffering I have gone through while having to watch from far away was worth for nothing & then Gwen thinks Merls were in love only with Arthur & Arthur thinks Merlin were only in love with Gwen & then they are all being stupid & sad abt that whole love triangle till it comes out that Merlin loves them BOTH at the end
Or ofc the Lancelot-Gwen-Arthur fiasco, but where Merlin & Gwen get enchanted by Morgana instead & they’re all super angsty abt this (there’s the fic, it’s great: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46578598 by @burglarhobbit)
While reading this fic the idea came to me that maybe Merlin takes the blame for Morgana’s love spell volunteeringly so that Arthur doesn’t get hurt by thinking Gwen cheated of her own free will & takes her back, but Gwen (the goddess that she is) straight up tells Arthur no, Merlin wouldn’t ever do that, it must’ve somehow been Morgana & they ask Merlin why he lied & his answer is I just wanted you two to be happy but then followed with I guess that I’m just selfish for wanting you two to love me as well, that would have been to good to be true anyways
Or Arthur seeing Gwen & Merlin hug like they used to do all the time in the show bc they’re best friends & always help each other through their hard stuff, so cue Arthur having his big bi panic & while still being a bit traumatised by the whole Lancelot’s shade-fiasco, he mistakes his romantic feelings for them as jealousy/insecurity/fear of Gwen leaving him for Merlin & saying smth like „you wouldn’t take her from me would you?“ to Merlin (maybe even just as a dumb joke without all those negative feelings) & Merlin being all surprised no ofc i wouldn’t do that, not to you Arthur, to neither of you, you mean too much to me to do that & being scared that he somehow crossed a line while talking to Gwen or smth to warrant this kind of question from Arthur
Or Merlin thinking: You already have to take care of Arthurs destiny (protecting him, be loyal to him, make him see magic is good without outing himself as a sorcerer etc.) you can’t also take his heart/feelings aswell. You can’t do that to Gwen.Arthur is already forced to spend forever with Merls due to destiny, let him choose Gwen on his own free will, so that means Merlin thinking his connection to Arthur is less important that Gwen’s connection to Arthur bc of destiny
Or Gwen & Arthur together trying to court him & invite him into their throuple so they kiss him on separate occasions without the other one present & Merlin is just alone walking with Gwen through the halls of Camelot & reeling with why did she just kiss me isn’t she in love with Arthur?? & Arthur then also kissing him or giving him gifts & he’s starting to catch on/hope that they might return his feelings but then he overhears Gwen telling Arthur that he (Arthur) is her everything (bc Arthur is emotionally constipated & needs reassurance & affection like he deserves), so Merls tries to gaslight himself à la oh those kisses where just friendly, friends kiss each other sometimes don’t they??? Gwen probably just missed me that 1 time/wanted to reassure me of something & Arthur was probably still high of of a particularly good fight during training OR he thinks maybe they were just playing a joke on him OR he assumes he’s just their mistress/playtoy now & therefore are his connections to them second to their marriage connection OR even angstier, he thinks they’re both cheating on each other with him & don’t know abt it & he fears they have problems in their relationship & is plagued by guilt bc he doesn’t know how to tell them that they’re kind of cheating with the same person (lol) & anytime he looks at them he asks himself how do I tell you that your wife is cheating on you with me, but I’m actually in love with the BOTH of you? Arthur surely won’t believe that for a second, he’ll just be rly angry
OR the 3 of them already being an item but like still in the beginnings & then the magic reveal happens & Arthur is just like you didn’t enchant us to fall in love with you right? (don’t worry, Arthur isn’t that bigoted, he’s just surprised that he feels so much love for not 1 BUT 2 whole wonderful ppl & starts to doubt bc he’s constipated like that) & Merlin says no, I wouldn’t do that, I don’t even know how to do a spell like that, but then comes the rocky acceptance-of-Merlin’s-magic-phase where everything including their budding relationship gets difficult & Merlin is doubting with thoughts like they don’t seem very in love with me anymore so maybe I DID put a love spell on them without knowing? Maybe I wanted them to love me so much so that my magic/I just enchanted them subconsciously??? Maybe all we had, all that THEY felt for me was a lie & I have been using them for my own personal gain?? And he’s just beating himself up over that in a puddle of guilt & heartbreak
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theshippirate22 · 2 months
okay so the fics i’ve got coming are a little lore heavy and i would hate my two loyal mutuals to be confused and also i just want to talk about lore so here we are
Stevens’ Family Lore
So Eliza is the oldest. There were 11 months where she was an only child, but she doesn’t remember it at all because she was an infant and then Hunter came along. Her oldest-daughter-self-loathing-premature-mom-guilt started early because he was always there.
Because they were so close in age, it was a fight for their parents’ attention and energy. They felt pitted against each other and fought like cats, even when they were just toddlers. As they got older, Eliza realized she and Hunter had incredibly similar difficult personalities, but while hers had been pounded out of her for not being ladylike or appropriate, his had only gotten worse. Often, she would have to stand between her parents‘ anger and her defiant brother’s vulnerability to save him the heartache of feeling unlovable she knew well enough, internal liberation for the bit of Hunter that lived inside of her.
And then came Matty. He was a whole three years younger than Hunter and managed to remix the genetics so much it was hard to tell if he was even related to them. Now, Eliza and Hunter have discussed their suspicions that he had a different father but they’re not brave enough to confirm anything. Matty was a mama’s boy, in a way Hunter had never been, and he was obedient and quiet. Easy.
There was an obvious favorite child. Clue: It wasn’t Hunter.
When Matty started school, their mother went back to work full-time, which meant that outside of school hours, Eliza became the mother. She figured out how to regulate Hunter’s moods through exposure and became fiercely protective of him when she realized: he wasn’t hot headed or defiant or controlling (and neither was she, for that matter)- he just had really big feelings all the time, and no healthy way to regulate them. For every time, Hunter blew up over something stupid and screamed and got difficult, there was a time when he would get so excited he could hardly control it and became the sweetest little thing. For an emotion that someone else would experience a drizzle, Hunter had a downpour.
Matty had his own slew of behavioral problems, mostly due to the fact that Eliza and Hunter were close and ostracized him for being the favorite (the age gap didn’t help) which was entirely their parents fault.
When they got to middle and high school, Hunter’s predisposition to be a problem child acted up under a system of so much authority. He caused problems and got poor grades, and his misunderstanding parents made the problem worse by getting stricter, so he only rebelled more.
Eliza recognized Hunter was overwhelmed and depressed- because she felt the same way- and this was his way of expressing it. She would stand between him and their father, screaming at his benefit, and talk him through his feelings through the locked bathroom door when Dad got him curled up on the cold tile.
She ended up starting an internship as a high school junior to get a dental hygiene license, and he would read through her homework about the same time that he was taking chemistry and realized he wanted to do something with his life, so she helped him get his GPA up so he could do his own internship, which ultimately led him to pharmacy.
Once they were both graduated, and Hunter confided something about thinking he should get out of their parents house. The next week, they bought a house out of state and left together.
They don't really talk to Matty or their parents anymore, but at least they don't feel like there's something fundamentally wrong with them when they're together. And Eliza always knows how to regulate Hunter's moods. He's learning to help with hers.
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secretwhumplair · 2 years
1,157 words | The monster of Lindborough (sequel to Lots of looking)
Content | Werewolf whumpee, strong language, fear, past abuse and starvation
Notes | At long last! Not super happy with this one, but eh.
Taglist | @whump-cravings​​​​​​​​​​ @inkkswhumpandstuff​​​​​​​​​​ @wolfeyedwitch​​​​​​​​​​ @whump-blog​​​​​​​​​​ @whumpsday​​​​​​​​​​ @myhusbandsasemni​​​​​​​​​​ @whumpzone​​​​​​​​​​ @kira-the-whump-enthusiast​​​​​​​​​​ @briars7​​​​​​​​​​ @local-cawcaw​​​​​​​​​​ @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question
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As promised, the baker arrived an hour before sunset.
Joy had been scared of the smith leaving the whole day, even when the pain coursing through him should have been more than he could handle. Maybe he just had gotten too good at handling pain.
He knew the baker was afraid of him.
He also knew what fear made people do.
It took all his self-control not to burst out a »Please don’t leave me!« when the smith walked out the door, the baker taking his seat by the bed. But he knew the smith trusted the baker, and asking he trust the wolf more would go too far.
He just laid back and stared at the ceiling and traced the grain in the wooden beams and waited for what the baker would do. His tension made the pain worse, but he couldn’t help it.
* William still felt bad about leaving the boy behind. He could tell he was terrified, and Alastor wasn’t exactly comfortable either. But they both must understand how important it was that the wolf’s keeper speak up for him after what had happened. He knew Alastor did, and the boy… well. He probably did too, even if he was still scared. He wasn’t stupid.
The town hall was already filled with voices when he arrived, heated, scared, and everything in between.
If he had needed any confirmation that the wolf was the main source of contention, the way things quieted down when he was spotted would have been it.
He made his way over to Lizzie, who nodded at him curtly. She didn’t look happy to be here - or maybe she wasn’t happy he’d left her husband with the wolf - but he trusted she’d support him; she wasn’t petty.
A civil discussion wasn’t about to begin, though. Where many had quieted down upon William’s arrival, expecting his testimony, Eliza - composed, well-mannered, eloquent Eliza - was engaged in a shouting duel with the millers.
»It’s a monster!« the elder miller screeched, his sons by his side like hounds.
»It was out here saving lives while your coward asses hid in your cellar!«
William couldn’t resist. The way the millers had the nerve to still attack the wolf, now that it had not only proven harmless, but loyal, as a wolf could be, after everything they had done to him, made his blood boil. »Fuck knows you did nothing to deserve his protection,« he shot after Eliza’s words.
He hadn’t fully expected the reaction.
The miller extended an arm, pointing straight at him, and announced, as if it were a certain truth, »The monster has bewitched you, William.«
»Horseshit!« someone shouted, and William needed at moment to process it was Lizzie.
Before he could even say anything, Eliza cut in, her voice getting louder by the word. »And has it bewitched me too, miller? Has it, incidentally, bewitched everyone who doesn’t agree with your cruelty?«
»That’s not-,« the miller spluttered, and William took the chance to cut over him.
»It saved my life. It possibly saved your life, too! Now may we calm down and discuss this like civilized people?«
* Too much time had gone by in an uncomfortable silence. Joy could see the darkness creep up outside the window, and he thought he could feel the baker’s discomfort rise along with it.
Even the smith had been afraid of him in the dark.
He didn’t know if there was anything he could say or do to-
»I’m getting a cup of water, do you want anything?« The baker’s voice was quiet, as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to speak out loud.
Joy glimpsed over at him, startled out of his gloomy thoughts. Whatever he had expected, this wasn’t it.
»For… for me too, sir. Thank you, sir.« He wasn’t very thirsty - the smith had made sure of it - but accepting seemed less terrifying than rejecting what kindness he was being offered.
The baker got up stiffly. Joy heard him step into the kitchen - it sounded like he knew his way around - and moments later, he returned with two filled cups.
They drank in awkward silence, until the baker set his cup aside.
Joy’s heart skipped a beat. He didn’t know what the baker was planning to do; he only felt his eyes piercing him, assessing, perhaps, whether he would fight back if he were attacked.
»You’re scared, aren’t you?«
Joy needed two attempts before he choked out a feeble, »Yes, sir.«
»Why?« The baker furrowed his brow. »You can turn into a monster. You could-« He didn’t end the sentence, but Joy knew exactly what he meant. You could kill us all.
He blinked back tears. »N-not in the day, I can’t. And - and I don’t - want to. It hurts, and I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to…«
There was no reason the baker would believe him. He had mauled people to death just last night. He suddenly felt sick, forcing himself to take another sip in hopes of calming his stomach.
The baker eyed him, his expression unreadable. »William trusts you, you know.«
That was not what Joy had expected, and he had no idea how to respond - but his heart hopped with gladness at the words, even now. He just nodded timidly. He so hoped that was true.
»You could’ve - in the chicken coop. You could’ve attacked the boys and ran away. It was night then, wasn’t it.«
It didn’t really sound like a question, so Joy remained silent. There didn’t seem to be anything he could say. It was all true. He could have. The boys could have been dead because of him.
»You didn’t want to? After everything they did to you?«
This time, bafflingly, the baker seemed to expect an answer. »I - I’m… a monster,« Joy choked out. »They just, just treated me for what I was.« He had to fight back tears. It was all true, but he still so wished it wasn’t him.
»Hm.« An uncomfortably long silence filled the room before the baker continued, quietly, »You were hungry, weren’t you?«
Joy could only look at him confused, hoping he would clarify. He had been hungry a lot in during the past few months, of course, but-
»When you attacked the sheep, I mean.«
Joy felt his stomach drop. There were no right answers here; he would only sound like he was making excuses-
The front door flew open, and moments later - dreadful, terrifying moments during which Joy fully expected an angry mob to storm in and lynch him, or worse - the smith entered.
Joy had never been more glad to see someone. The rare smile on the smith’s face told him everything he needed to know.
It took him several heartbeats to even notice he had been followed by Eliza, who stopped at the door, smiling at him.
»You’re safe,« the smith confirmed, barely exchanging a thankful nod with the baker. »You’re safe.«
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genz420 · 1 year
The Fire That Burns With Us - Chapter 64: The Young Lord Tully
Pervious Part - Next Part
138 - Harrenhal
“If you even get sight of Caraxes, please don’t be stupid,” Visenya tells Rob as they make their way closer to Morghon and Vhagar.  The two dragons had made themselves a comfy little nest rather close to the castle.  Cannibal had taken it upon himself to ruin the first one that Morghon had made, so it seems that both Vhagar and Morghon had left him out to join their duo.  
“You don’t think Morghon could take him?” Rob asks as he watches Visenya check the dragon's saddle.  Rob takes a step back as the dragon's head slumps against his side; he doesn’t have a close bond like Ben does with the dragon but still knows the dragon will protect him.  
“I do, but I would rather not risk my dragon's life or yours.  Caraxes will also have a rider which would give him the advantage,” Visenya answers as she rolls her eyes.  She does think that's Morgan could take Caraxes in a fight. No doubt he could outfly the older dragon or go for his long neck, but she doesn’t want to risk his life, and she knows that Caraxes would have the advantage with a rider.  
“If we see Caraxes will return to Harrenhal, and if a battle breaks out, you will run for the hills,” Rob tells her as he slowly puts his hand out for the dragon to smell.
“The Reach have strong fighters, and Tessarion is no threat to Cannibal,” Visenya assures Rob, while the Blue Queen Tessarion was a spitfire of a dragon, Cannibal could probably swallow her whole if he wanted.  
“You think that he will kill the dragon?” Rob asks as he searches the sky for the dragon.  When he and Visenya had first left Harrenhal to check on the dragons, he could see the Cannibal flying high in the air and part of him worries now because he can no longer see the dragon.  
“If Daeron is stupid enough to face against him, yes, but I will not be going out of my way to have him killed,” “I have faced against worse odds.  The greens are not expecting to face any challenges, so they will not have a lot of men to defend them.  I will ensure that the crown's treasury is safe in Highgarden and then meet with Dalton.  I will probably be back for you,” 
“You should still be careful,” Rob tells Visenya as she pats Morghon's side. “Word from a few lords loyal to you in King’s Landing has arrived,”
“And what are they saying?” Visenya asks; she is glad she still has connections in King’s Landing, but she doesn’t want them to be hurt because they share information with her.  
“That Ser Cristion Cole is punishing the Black Lords’, going to their castles and killing them.  He marches to Rook’s Rest for Lord Staunton,” Rob informs her; he had been rather pleased with the news.  He thinks that the Blacks and Greens killing each other would be a good thing and less for them to deal with.  
“Are they seeking help?” Visenya asks, and she will send help if they ask.   Just because they were the opposite doesn’t mean she would not help them.  
“We believe that they will ask your mother for aid when Cole arrives,” Rob tells her as she leans against Morghons side; the dragon lets out a huff of contentment at the touch of his rider.  Visenya folds her arms over her chest, and Rob watches the gears turn in her head.   
“We should be ready also to answer their call for aid,” Visenya tells him, and Rob sighs.  
“Why?  The Stauntons have pledged for your mother, not you,” Rob tells him, he doesn’t think that they should be wasting soldiers defending a house that is not loyal to them.  
“They are still a respected house, and I will not turn my back on them.  Anyone who asks us for aid shall receive it.  Both Green and Black,” Visenya tells him, she does have a few houses that she will not help if they ask, but for the most part, she will happily come to the aid of the houses in the Crownlands.  The Westerlands can burn through.
“Why did you two let me drink so much?” Ben asks them as he walks up to them; Visenya smiles at the knight as he moves to stand beside her.  He leans his back onto Morghon and his head onto Visenya's shoulder.  
“You were rather admitting about drowning your worries,” Visenya tells him as she kisses his forehead; Ben groans as he closes his eyes.  
“And singing to us,” Rob tells him, and Visenya laughs as she remembers the night.   The night reminded both Visenya and Rob about the nights they had during the nights of the rebellion.  
“Let's not forget about sharing a bed,” Visenya adds, and it is Rob's turn to laugh.  They both had a good time last night and will never let Ben live down his drunken rambles and wishes.  
“In what way?” Ben asks as he perks up and looks between his two friends.  He doubts he can convince the two happily married friends to join him in bed.   
“Do you want all of us to share a bed in more than one way, Ser Blackwood?” Rob asks the knight in a more than friendly way; even if he is happily married, he does love to joke with Ben.  Ben groans at using his title and looks up at the lord.  
“Call me that again please,” Ben tells him as he smiles at him; Rob rolls his eyes as he moves to stand beside Visenya.  Rob loves Ben; he loves his friends more than anything in this realm at the moment, and just like them, he is worried about what is to come, that they might not survive this war.   That they might have to live without each other.  
“Okay, that is enough. Leave Rob alone,” Visenya tells Ben, who rolls his eyes and focuses on Visenya.  She is dressed for war, and her new armour had been a pleasant contrast of cold to the heat of Morghon.  He wishes he had awoken earlier, so he might have braided her hair one last time before the shit hit the fan.  
“So you have forgiven Aemond,” Ben says more than asks, even in his drunken slumber, he was still able to remember waking up because of certain noises that were coming from the direction of their room.  
“What?” Visenya asks, confused, and Ben gives her a knowing smile.  
“Our rooms are rather close to one another, and you two have never been the quiet type,” Ben tells her, and Visenya can feel the warmth spreading up her neck; she knows that she and Aemond can be loud, but she thought that they had been rather quiet last night.  
“I have not forgiven him.  I just wanted to spend the night with my husband,” Visenya tells Ben. She doesn’t need to justify spending the night with Aemond.  They are married, and Visenya doesn’t want to die without spending one last night with him.  
“So I will have to spend my time with an even moodier Aemond?” Ben asks jokingly, he is rather upset that he doesn’t get to go with either Visenya or Rob, but he is glad that Aemond is staying with him.  That he will still have a friend in Harrenhal.  
“I hope you have fun,” Visenya answers. She knows Aemond will probably be his usually moody self while she is away.   
“Perhaps Ben should come with you,” Rob tells them as he again tries to convince Visenya, but she shoots him a look of annoyance.   
“We have talked about this.  There are three of us, and we are needed in different places.  I will be fine,” Visenya tells Rob in a not-so-friendly way; she understands that they want to make sure she is safe, but she is fully able to protect herself and doesn’t need Ben to watch over her.  
“But what if-”
“Lord Tully, Ser Blackwood, Ñuha jorrāelagon,” Aemond cuts off Rob as he looks between the three friends.  All three of them stand up straight and away from Morghon.  Visenya smiles at Aemond.  
“See, when he says it, I don’t feel anything,” Ben comments and Visenya and Rob can’t help but start to laugh while Aemond looks at them, confused.  
“What?” Aemond asks Ben as Visenya and Rob calm themselves down.
“Nothing to worry about,” Ben tells him as he watches his friends with a smile.  
“Would you tell your wife that taking Ben with her would be a good idea,” Rob tells Aemond, and the prince just shakes his head.  
“I am in no position to be telling her to do anything, but he is right,” Aemond tells Rob before looking at Visenya, who stares back at him with an annoyed look.  “Either I or Ben should be going with you,”
“Keep talking like this, and you lot are stuck with dealing with the twins instead of war planning,” Visenya threatens jokingly, she doesn’t want to hear any more of their opinions about this.  
“That isn’t so bad,” Ben says, he loves watching over the twins, and it would be much safer than being in battle.  Aemond nods with Ben in agreement.  
“You forget that they are going to be grumpy because I am gone,” Visenya reminds them, and Aemond realises that the twins don’t like to go without either parent, but Laenor would not be his usual happy self.  
“Going by yourself isn’t such a bad idea,” Aemond tells her, and she nods before turning to Rob.  
“I’ll be back in a couple of days; nothing to worry about.  “Don’t be stupid,” Visenya whispers to Rob as they hug, she and Rob had never been as touchy touchy as she and Ben but they both know that this might be the last time they could embrace one another.  
“You as well,” Rob tells her. He knows that he would be able to run away and hide in the Vale, but Visenya would be sending Morghon with him, and if she were to get in trouble, she would be stuck in the Reach. 
“Come back safely,”   Visenya tells him, and Rob gives her one last squeeze. Part of him wonders what his life would have been like if they had gotten married after the rebellion or if the House of the Dragon didn’t favour male heirs to the female ones.  
The two pull apart, and Ben is quick to pull Visenya into a hug,  Words of assurance that they will both be okay away from each other.  Ben doesn’t want to worry about Visenya while he holds Harrenhall, but he can’t help but let the doubts wiggle their way into his mind.  
“Watch over them, please,” Visenya whispers to Ben and Ben tightens his hold on Visenya.  
“Of course.  If you die, I will become the mama bird,” Ben jokes to lighten the mood, and he can feel Visenya laughing against his chest.  He smiles to himself. 
“I don’t think Aemond would like that very much,” Visenya jokes back, and Ben smiles; he is glad she is joking.
“He’ll just have to deal with it.  What else will he do?  Remarry?  Then he will join you,” Ben tells her, and the two pull apart before Ben pulls her back into a hug; he doesn’t want her to go.  
“See, Aemond is part of the people I want to be kept safe,” Visenya tells him through a small laugh; the two friends hold onto each other tightly, and Ben engulfs Visenya with his arms.   
“I’ll see you in a few days,” Visenya tells Ben as they pull apart. Part of Ben wishes that he could just throw her over his shoulder and keep her from leaving, that his dream will never come true.  
“Rob comes here. There is something I want to show you,” Ben tells the lord as he pulls him away from the couple, he can know that they would be much more comfortable talking without him and Rob watching them.  
“Should we be worried for Lord Tully?” Aemond asks as they watch Ben pull Rob away from them.  Visenya shakes her head as she grabs his hand, tracing the scar on his palm; she remembers their wedding so clearly, how happy she was when she had to sneak away to the dragonpit and how simple their life was at the moment.  They only had to worry about keeping their hands to themselves until their wedding night.  
“No, he’ll be fine.  Try and get along with Ben while I’m away,” Visenya tells Aemond, who watches her tracing the scar on his palm with her thumb.  He wants to kiss her and take her and the children away to the free cities, but he knows she has committed to helping and protecting the Riverlands.  
“I will try my best,” Aemond tells her; he knows that he and Ben will get along and that Visenya will have nothing to worry about.  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
“You need to protect Harrenhall and our family Aemond.  I’ll be fine,” Visenya answers, smiling at him.  Part of her wishes that she could take him with him, but he is the only one she trusts to protect Harrenhall and the twins.  To be able to listen to Ben and still not be imitated in giving his options on what they should do.  
“You don’t know that,” Aemond whispers to her; he doesn’t want to lose her; he can’t lose her.  
“The gods are not done with me yet.  I’ll be back before you know it,”  Visenya tells him, and Aemond takes a step closer to her, grabbing onto her other hand and kissing her palm.  
“I will hold you to that,” Aemond tells Visenya before kissing her forehead.“Avy jorrāelan,” 
I love you. 
“I will be back soon,” Visenya tells him, and Aemond starts to worry that she might leave without telling him that she loves him and he would not be able to have that.  Visenya leans up and kisses Aemond's cheek, close to the scar from his eye.   “Avy jorrāelan,” 
Ben stands between Aemond and Rob, watching as Visenya flies away on Morghon.  Cannibal followed close behind the pair.  Ben knows Visenya will be okay, that she will return to Harrenhall, and he doesn’t need to worry.  She has the world's largest dragon protecting her, and the Reach has good fighters, but he cannot help but feel dread pool in his stomach.  The vivid nightmare played again and again in his mind, like reliving it all again.  The Blackwoods are from the First Men, they were kings, and while some had the magic to see through animals, some were cursed to live in the future before it happened in the dreams.  Maybe that's why he and Helaena got along so well because they both understand what will happen to the House of the Dragon.  
– – 
138 - Runestone 
The journey to Runestone had been short, having only a handful of men and riding fast on horseback.  Rob doesn’t want to be in the Vale for longer than he has to be; he knows that even if some of them would show him mercy, some might not.  Some might kill him and give his body to Rhaenyra to gain her favour.  
The green valleys of Runestone would have been a welcoming sight, but the lanky red dragon flying overhead makes Rob's stomach turn.  He relaxes only as Morghon passes over the small group.    Morghon happily joins Caraxes in the air, not caring that the dragon is not on their side.  
The salt air reminds Rob of Visenya, and he can’t help but wish he had convinced Visenya to travel with him.  If the Rogue Prince is, in fact, here, then Rob might be able to travel back to Harrenhal, he knows that he can not defeat Daemon in a sword fight, so maybe Morghon would be able to take Caraxes and Daemon down in the air. 
Rob fiddles with the three-headed dragon pin that Visenya had given to the Lords at Harrenhal, ensuring his red cloak covers his shoulders completely.   The inside of the Runestone matches the outside of the castle and is much cozier than Harrenhall.  
“Lord Robert Tully of Riverrun, Lord Paramount of the Trident,” One of the Royce men announces as Rob and his small group make their way into the hall of Runestone.  
“Lord Royce, thank you for allowing us into your home,” Rob thanks as he bows his head down in respect to the older lord.  
“I must voice my surprise when word of Princess Visenya asking for my support.  Why has she come to me and not gone straight to House Arryn?” Lord Royce asks as he leans back on his throne; he thought that Visenya would have gone straight for House Arryn so she could gain the entirety of the Vales forces.  
“The Princess doesn’t need the full support of The Value.  We already have the Riverlands, The Iron Islands, and The Reach.  We have come to you because we do not believe that you would aid in support of the man who killed your lady cousin Rhae,”
“That has never been proven,” Daemon says as he makes his way into the hall, Rob turns to Daemon, and he can see the similarities between Visenya and her father.  Daemon wears his hair down and is dressed in black; Dark Sister is unsheathed and held in his hand like he is ready to use it at any given moment.  
“Prince Daemon,” Rob greets as he grips his sword hilt tighter. He will be civil and would not be the one to draw first blood. 
“Boy,” Daemon greets back, holding Dark Sister in front of him.  Daemon turns his attention to Lord Royce and puts a smile on his face.   “Lord Royce, I have a message from Queen Rhaenyra for you,”
“So many choices, and yet the two Queens can not be here themselves to talk with me,” Lord Royce tells them, he knows who he is going to side with, and he doesn’t mind stringing along the other Queen.  
Rob clears his throat, and the attention goes to him.  He knows that if Visenya were here, she would tell the Lord that she isn’t a queen and not to call her that.  Even if Rob believes she should call herself queen, he will voice her wants.  
“Visenya isn’t calling herself Queen-”
“And she is no longer a princess,” Daemon cuts Rob off, and the young Lord looks towards the prince in confusion.  “I see The Queen's word has not reached Harrenhal yet.  Visenya has been stripped of her titles and removed from the line of succession,”
“I will be sure to tell her that, but I have a feeling that she will not care,” Rob tells Daemon; he knows that Visenya wouldn’t care that she has had her titles removed; she doesn't care about her titles and cares more about titles she has gained herself.  
“So where is the so-called Queen Rhaenryra and the Dróttning’daishar?” Lord Royce asks, and Rob smiles down at his feet.  The use of the title tells him who the Lord will be siding with.  
“Yes, where is my bastard hiding?” Daemon asks, and the smile drops from Rob's face, and he straightens his shoulders.  He doesn’t understand how quickly Daemon could turn on his blood. Visenya had been clear with him and Ben about her parentage long ago.  
“I would watch your tongue.  I will not stand by while you insult her,” Rob spits at Daemon before calming himself and turning to the Lord again.   “She is in the Reach,”
“That's a lie.  I saw her dragon when I flew in,” Daemon's voice echoes in the hall, and Rob smiles again.  He guesses that Daemon doesn’t know about the fact that Visenya has claimed another dragon.  
“One of her dragons.  Morghon.  Sent to watch over us,” Rob cocky tells the prince and smiles at the shocked and confused look on his face.  
“One?” Lord Royce asks, leaning onto his knees at the news.  Rob looks to the lord and happily nods his head.
“Visenya has claimed the Cannibal who is currently with her in the Reach,” Rob tells the Lord as he fiddles with his sword hilt. Part of him is now worried that Daemon will kill him because he knows Visenya isn’t here.  
Daemon watches the young lord's face, searching for a source that he is lying.  Sure the dragon keepers told them they could not find Cannibal, but that dragon has been known to fly away from time to time and not be seen for months on end, so he just thought that the dragon had left.   Daemon can not see any sign that Rob is lying, and worry and panic build in his stomach; what if she had claimed another dragon?  No one had claimed a second dragon, not even when their first one had died.  No one has ever been able to bond with another dragon, so how can Visenya?  
“Lies! No one has claimed two dragons,” Daemon yells at Rob. He will not believe this until he sees it.  
“Visenya isn’t like the other Targaryens; she is her namesake reborn, a true sign of the old blood of the dragon.  Unlike you,” Rob tells Daemon as he steps closer to Daemon; he will know that Visenya was a true Tarygern and could go down in history with the same reputation as the conqueror.  
Daemon doesn’t like the words that spill from Rob's mouth because they are the truth, and he doesn’t want to admit it to himself.  Daemon lifts Dark Sister off the ground and points it toward Rob, but the lord doesn’t make a move to draw his sword.    He smiles back at the prince, knowing he has gotten under his skin.  
“Prince Daemon, put your sword away now,” Lord Royce tells Daemon, and he waits until Dameon points his sword back to the ground.   “It has been loving hearing your concerns, but I must ask you to leave now,”
“Run along, boy,” Daemon tells Rob smugly, but Rob smiles back at him.  
“I was talking to you, Daemon.  I will not side with a Queen with a consort like yourself.   Leave Runestone now,” Lord Royce tells Daemon, who whisps his head to face the lord; he was sure that the fact that he killed Rhea wouldn’t have an effect on Royce siding with them; they have the second strongest army of the Vale and would be a key ally for them to have. 
“I will burn this castle to the ground if you turn me away,” Daemon spits out; he doesn’t believe House Royce would choose to side with Visenya.  Every house he had been travelling to voiced their concerns about Visenya and her forces to the West. If a battle were to break out between the Vale and Riverlands, it was clear who would win.  With two more dragons, the chances of the Blacks taking the Riverlands had burned to ash.  
“You will have to fight against Morghon to do so.  Do you think that Crexes would be able to win?” Rob asks, he knows he shouldn’t be volunteering Morghon for a fight, but he just hopes that Daemon will not be so stupid into fighting the larger dragon. 
“Your treason will be noted, and the Queen will be made arrear of this,” Daemon spits at Lord Royce before he turns his back to leave the hall; he is smart enough to focus on trying to gain another house in the Vale and then to waste his time at Runestone. 
“Yes, tell She-Maegor about this.  My Queen is the Dróttning’daishar.  Visenya,”  Lord Royce tells Daemon as he leaves the hall.  
Rob sniffles a laugh as he makes his way to stand before Lord Royce, bowing his head down in respect to the older man.  
“Thank you, Lord Royce,” Rob thanks as he straightens himself; he is glad that this is done and he can return to Harrenhal.  Back to the small safety the ruined castle has.  
“Should I expect to send all my men back with you?” Lord Royce asks Rob, who shakes his head.  They don’t need more men, just more support.  
“Visenya would like you to keep your men here, to wait for our call to march on the capital,” Rob tells him; as her hand, he wants to make sure that they are ready from all angles to surrender the capital and the next house on the list was House Velaryon.  
“She doesn’t intend to take the Vale?” Lord Royce asks, confused, he knows that Daemon would have asked for all his men to march west and prepare to attack the Riverlands, and he had been expecting Visenya to do the same.  
“No, the Vale will remain untouched so long they do not attack the Riverlands or any of our other forces,” Rob answers him. 
“So I will just wait until I am called on?” Lord Royce asks; he would gladly wait in his castle until he is called to war.   
“Yes,” Rob simply says. He knows it is a simple deal.  The Royce men can simply stay guarding their castle and wait until they are called on.  
“And if I get attacked for turning my back on my Kingdom?” Lord Royce asks; he wants to know if he will be protected if the other houses attack him in the vale or by the Velaryon fleet.  
“Then Visenya will rush to your aid herself,” Rob assures the lord; he knows that she would come with her dragons to protect the houses sworn to her even if she has to fly from the rock. 
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silver-wield · 2 years
What do you love in Cloud's and Tifa's relationship the most? I love how they wanted no one else except each other and always stayed faithful and loyal to each other.
I like how grounded, but also idealistic they both are. Cloud didn't want to become a soldier expecting Tifa to fall into his lap, he did it so he'd be good enough to have a shot with her because he thought she was so amazing even at a young age that she was way out of his league.
At the same time Tifa's rejecting boys left and right who treat her like a trophy. She falls for Cloud even though he did the same thing as those boys and asked her to the water tower, but she learned that night that he wasn't out of her league, this cool guy who didn't need anyone, but that he was just a boy she could love and have a normal life with.
Also, Cloud taught Tifa to enjoy her own company and not judge others by her values even though he didn't even know he did it. Just by observing and empathising with him Tifa grew as a person and I think that's so sweet. And then Tifa teaches Cloud to be more personable and polite to others even when he doesn't want to. She taught him the whole customer service thing so he can succeed at his work, and he applied it in his own way.
They both grow and learn from just being together. Neither of them has to sit the other down for a lesson, they just want to be their best version of themselves for each other and their own sake.
They have such a healthy relationship, it's almost funny when their need to be their best self makes them say or do something stupid because they wanna protect each other.
There's so much to love about them being together I could go on forever ❤️
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gayandfairycore · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do a Ethan Morgan x Male Reader the reader uses he/it pronouns.
So basically everyone in the friend group know the reader likes Ethan besides Rory because he's a little slow, anyways Y/N finally confesses to Ethan, and Ethan can either reject or accept Y/N. I also feel like Y/N would be jealous of Sarah because his crush(Ethan) likes her and wants to be more like her.
This can be fluff/angst or full on fluff, is that alright?
Tumblr media
Warnings: blood, gore, kidnapping, hospitals.
A/n thank you so much for your request! I’m so sorry it’s taken so long! I was a bit nervous to write the he/it pronouns and I’ve been lacking a lot of motivation! But This is my first mbsav fic! Apologies if any character seem ooc! I decided to add to your request a bit so it was easier for me to write! But I hope you enjoy it all the same! <3
Ethan Morgan was a loveable guy, he was cautious, nerdy, kind, loyal, he cared about his friends with his whole heart.
Sarah fox was one of those friends- a friend he was head over heels for, or so he thought.
Ethan was an amazing person, who’d take a bullet for the ones he loved. So you weren’t sure why Sarah never looked at him the same way, but despite her dejectiveness around Ethan’s proposals he was determined to win her affections.
But everytime he did, something happened, weather it be benny an unfortunate circumstance, or whatever magical creature they had pissed off become a cockblock for Ethan’s advances, or just Sarah’s blatant avoidance of him.
You and Benny could both tell it was taking a hold of him, he questioned if it was him that Sarah didn’t like. As if it was his fault for the fact that Sarah never loved him more then a friend or a brother.
It wasn’t his fault she never loved him, she couldn’t, not when she saw the subtle looks you’d shoot his way, or the sad going in your eye everytime Ethan had tried to ask her out.
Ethan often thought he was doing something wrong, at the guys nights you, Benny and Ethan had ever friday where you’d talk about your favourite tv shows, whatever magic Benny had learnt, video games, and crushes. One surefire conversational topic was Ethan and Sarah’s non existent relationship.
Every Friday you had to work up the courage to go, sit, and listen to Ethan rave on about how amazing Sarah was. It was like he was blind to your jealousy.
Anyone could see you sitting in your pjs in silence watching Ethan through glassy eyes as he talks about her.
That was the difference between you and Sarah, she was a girl, a wonderful amazing girl, who was brave, and strong. And who protected everyone whenever she could. She was a valiant friend, and a loyal companion.
Sarah fox was a smart girl, she was not oblivious to your affections for Ethan, anyone could see you were head over heels, for the boy. You’d have to be blind, deaf, and stupid to miss it! Well blind, deaf, or Rory keaner. That is.
One particular boys night Ethan had continued to rave on, and on about Sarah. Coming up with bizarre interactions and ways to ask her out, it was like it all became too much, you had to deal with this at school, at home, it was like everywhere you look Sarah had plagued it. It was like she was haunting you, she was all you could’ve ever been, it was like you needed to be Sarah for Ethan to notice you.
So you snapped.
Standing up from his carpeted floor, and telling him
“God she’s never going to date you Ethan! she’s told you a thousand times how you aren’t her type!” Your voice raising in Octave with each word. Arms flailing wildly.
it became all too much, seeing Ethan’s hurt expression, he had look as if you just stabbed him in the back with a burning hot rod and twisted. And then left him with the aftermath it hurt because even then he couldn’t see you.
He only paid attention to Sarah.
Ethan had felt betrayed, he had trusted his two best friends to help him bag his crush, and yet one of them was telling him how pathetic his crush on Sarah was, and how she’d never love him. He didn’t hide his expression of betrayal, subtle anger burning bright in his eyes.
Before he could respond, you had already dashed out of his room, and down the stairs clumsily slipping your shoes on. moving past a shocked and concerned Sarah And making a wild dash out the door and towards your street, Sarah After hearing the commotion upstairs had felt concerned that You boys had maybe summoned another magical creature, that happens usually twice a week…
Only for her to enter their room and find Benny lecturing Ethan over how all he seems to talk about nowadays is Sarah. And how unfair it was to his other friends.
Ethan just felt confusion after bennys lecture, because none of his friends had told him why it had affected y/n as much as it had.
It usually encouraged Ethan to talk to him about his crush.
“But Benny why is y/n so upset?? It’s just Sarah, it’s what we usually talk about!” He exclaimed an exhasporated chuckle escaping his chest
Sarah’s figure emerging from the door, an unreadable expression on her face, perhaps one of slight disappointment.
“Ethan you may be a seer but you really can’t see what’s right in front of you…” sarah spoke, a bitter chuckle falling from her lips.
Ethan could see Benny cringing from the corner of the room, as he clapped his hands
“Sooo let’s get back to video games! Yes?” Benny exclaimed, trying to swallow the air of tension that lingered. A bad feeling settling in his chest.
Of course Benny was concerned about its wareabouts having assumed he had just jogged home, to de-stress and calm down from having to deal with Ethan’s obliviousness.
Around midnight of the sleepover, a mop of blonde hair had appeared in Ethan’s bedroom window knocking twice.
“Hi guys!” Rory exclaimed excitedly his fangs peaking out by his lips, giving him a snagged tooth.
“Had you guys seen y/n? it’s parents told me he wasn’t home! So where is he? It wanted to talk to me about something!” The blonde teen asked looking around expectantly, a goofy smile gracing his face, Ethan wasn’t paying much attention to the teen until he had mentioned y/n hadn’t been home.
And it dawned on the friends that they let their best friend wander home alone in the dark, unattended, and distraught and had yet to check up on him. Because ‘it’ll be fine’
It was all a blur to Ethan, Benny remembered seeing Ethan stand up faster then he’s ever seen his friend do before, if you blinked you could have missed it.
as soon as Rory had mentioned he hadn’t made it home. A panic settling into Ethan’s chest, Ethans booming voice commanded the room, barking out orders to his friends. He had a bad feeling.
Benny was up with haste grabbing his spell book and his satchel bag, bringing up Sarah’s number on his cell.
Sarah had wanted the rest of her night to go quietly only for her to be called be back to Ethan’s. Bennys frantic voice had called her in grainy waves pleading her to get erica and meet them at the school. Speeding off to gather Erica, something stirred in her that felt uneasy she had been being watched by something in the shadows.
All began to make their way to the painfully quiet highschool, the ambiance of a school at midnight had set the vibe for a bad night, the creep factor set a chill in the hearts of the group.
The doors to the school opened as is beckoning them in.
Benny coming up with a sarcastic quip about how cliche it was to fight in their school at midnight something they had found themselves doing frequently.
All were on edge at the time, they had no clue what they were going to encounter, the open door was the first red flag.
When light laughter filled the corridor, fear flourished in their hearts.
“Jesse” Sarah barked out, anger apparent in her tone. She knew who was watching her from the shadows now-who was watching y/n- “Hand over y/n” she spoke a deadly malice echoing from her lips
Jesses condescending look of pity over took his pale face “y/n oh well he really was a fun to torture. He refused to give up any information, I usually don’t like harming my food but oh he has a way to annoy you doesn’t it!” Jesse exclaimed disappointment and annoyance was apparent with him
the gym the group had spent so much of their waking hours in at school didn’t feel like the usual sweaty volleyball court. the dust coated rubber floor smell filled their nostrils. A metallic taste in the air, as if on cue Sarah, and Erica had hissed, fangs jumping out, at the smell of blood. -y/ns blood-
“What have you done to him Jesse” Erica barked prepared to tear him to shreads if he toyed with them any longer.
“Fine” he sighed, dragging the ‘e’ out, distaste on his tongue.
A few other vamps filled the room, carrying a bloodied figure of y/n.
On the edge of passing out, their s/c feet dragged across the floor, arms wrapped around the necks of two vamps weakly.
“Guess I wasn’t strong enough to fight em off” he rasped out, teeth coated with blood, dried and fresh cuts littered its skin. “Sorry eef” he sighed head tolling around weakly, a bloodied smile painted its features.
Ethan’s blood boiled. Sarah could’ve almost cried she never thought the kind kid she had befriended would’ve been in such terrible shape because of her (albeit indirectly but the guilt swarmed in her heart. And the hearts of all of the friends)
Rory had wished he wasn’t so slow, and he wished he truely realised how dire this situation was, erica wished she didn’t take so long to help her friends, Sarah wished she had stopped y/n from running out that door.
Ethan had wished he had grabbed its wrist mid outburst and held him close to his chest, Benny wished he went after them, or even called instead of brushing it off.
Y/ns blue pj shirt had began to darken with its blood.
“I must say they got a few good hits in” Jesse muttered caressing a cutt on his cheek. “Yknow we were thinking we might just turn him, but then we realised why turn him and just dump his body. When we could do it INFRONT of the ones it loves.” Jesse smile stretching so wide Ethan could have sworn his cheeks may split with his bitter smile.
“Don’t you dare!” Exclaimed Benny his voice echoing, as his eyes lit up muttering a spell in Latin and shooting it at a few vamps in the room, his hand outstretched a deadly look in his eye this was a new side to his best friend Ethan had never seen before.
“ you’ve gotten stronger young warlock” Jesse tuttted “but even still, I’m stronger.” He muttered with a shrug of his shoulders
Jesses frame began to tug on bennys invisible restraints Ethan stood helplessly in the chaos, Benny had been holding back three vamps using most of his power to incapacitate Jesse leaving Erica and Sarah to deal with the rest.
In the midst of the chaos the vampires had dumped y/ns body onto the floor of the gym, the dusty air tasted so strongly of metallic blood it almost made ethan puke. Y/n looked up at him, through tired hooded eyes, outstretching a blood covered hand towards the brunette, boy.
“Ethan” it rasped “if-if I don’t make it-“ he started before Ethan abruptly cut him off “save your strength You’ll get out of this and then you can tell me.” He pleaded it was aimed at y/n but they both knew it was just to give the brunette hope they’d all live.
“Ethan” y/n pleaded “I’m not going to make it out of this. So I-“ a sharp inhale cutting him off as coughs wrack it’s frail body, blood creeping up his throat. It swallowed hard choking it down. A pool of blood had began to form under its form “I wanted to confess to you before I die, that I thi-think, you are wonderful. And I wish I could have done this differently but I like you. A lot ” He exclaimed a smile etching itself onto its face, blood staining his teeth. And spilling out of his mouth.
Y/ns confession almost enough to shock Ethan out of where he was, it’s eyes had closed but laboured breaths escaped y/ns lips. The only thing assuring Ethan it was still alive.
He still had time.
Jumping up off of his knees the sticky blood of his soon to be liver coated his pj pants as he cried out to Rory to ‘get you to a hospital’ and that he’d deal with Jesse.
Rory’s concerned features didn’t leave much to the imagination, the blonde may be slow but he knew they’d have less chance of winning without Rory. But the blonde gave in, lifting your body into his lanky arms and speeding off in the direction of the hospital.
“You can’t die on us now, y/n” Rory’s concerned voice was what was keeping you holding on. That and Ethan’s brown eyes, reminding you of the woods you, Benny and Ethan had spent most of your childhoods.
Back at the school bennys spell had long since been broken, leaving him a little slower and weaker trying to dodge Jesses lunges as he taunted him.
Sarah and Erica had finished with their targets leaving the four of the ragtag group standing in the school gym covered in blood, exhausted and the two boys in their pjs. bodies and blood littered all around them, they vowed to make Jesse pay for hurting their friend.
Ethan didn’t yet have the chance to mull over the fact his best friend since forever had been in love with him it made him ecstatic it became apparently clear that all the visions of happy moments in his future he was sure he’d spend with Sarah actually had the h/c boy in it. It wasn’t Sarah that blurry figure was y/n.
He was determined for those moments to come to fruition. Everyone lunged towards Jesse at once, an unspoken anger had put them all on the same page. Benny screaming a spell with all his might praying it was the right one. His grandma had shown him spells of protection and revenge. Dangerous ones.
Ethan wasn’t usually fond on revenge but Jesse had almost killed the man he had grown to love. -They had all grown to love-
They wouldn’t stand for it, bennys spell let out a mix of vastly different colours, encircling the vampire. It was a gorgeous display but by the ear piercing screams echoed by Jesse assured the group what he was experiencing was less than a pretty light show, bennys eyes glasses over by a purple hue
. Benny was controlling what happened to Jesse, when the first scream broke out Benny had latched his hand onto Ethan’s pulling him into the same haze Benny was in, Ethan’s eyes glassed over in a purple hue showing the pair every gruelling torture that inflicted itself onto the vampire. The girls had also laid their hands on Benny through the spell.
The screams were drawing them all in such pretty colours to cause such a terrible torture. It was revenge for everything Jesse had inflicted onto the group. The haze had felt like mere minutes but when the colours had finally faded and bennys tired body leaned against Erica’s figure slumped in triumph Ethan’s watch read 3:13 am.
carnage was the only things in the wake of the assault, They had stopped this man from causing more pain to anyone else.
Benny had succeededly gotten justice for
Sarahs turning, and in the same he had succeeded in getting Rory, and Erica justice.the group had finally put a rest to everything they had dealt with with Jesse.
When the haze finally settled the girls had offered to clean up the gym,
Letting Benny and Ethan make their way towards the hospital. When the pair had burst through the er doors, no one batt an eye, confusion over took the pairs faces as the wandered towards the vending machine near the supple cupboard.
Benny sussing out what food they had popping the coin in, but before he could punch in ‘d3’ a pale hand had pulled the boys into the supple cupboard.
Their screams muffled by Rory’s hands, his goofy smile stretched wide, fangs out.
“Hi guys!” He exclaimed for the second time that night
“For god sake, Rory!” Ethan had shouted, exhaustion clear on his features
“It’s clear I’ve missed something” Rory replied his grin dying down. But before he could continue bennys dejected voice cried out
“You couldn’t have given me another moment? I was just about to get a bag of chips!” He stomped his feet as if he was having a tantrum dragging both hands out infront of himself
“You can think of your stomach later, cmon” the blonde replied leading them to y/ns hospital bed
y/n hooked up to drips, stitches had been sewed into their skin, wrapped in pale white bandages. It had been a few hours since they had been brought to the hospital. Y/n had already been in their surgery.
Benny had decided to cloak them in order to not get kicked out of its room,y/n was still unconscious and fresh out of surgery.
Ethan’s hands had grasped his lovers in a tight embrace. Willing them to be okay, and recover faster. rory sat in the corner of the sterile room. Head in his hands, his friends dried blood still caked onto his hands.
Whilst Benny had stood straight against the door to the private bathroom, resting his head against the doorframe and sighing
“I can’t believe we actually won” an exhausted smile graced bennys features
Laughs escaping the friends lips, they had finally defeated Jesse. And everyone lived!
It was over. But still a sense of loss over took the friends. Loss for their friends who have been harmed, loss of past selves, loss of innocence. They had killed people, they had murdered someone and they knew they’d never forget the look of the gym.
They were glad Rory hadn’t seen the state of the gym. If he had they knew their goofy friend would not be so goofy.
Benny had suggested that the group use the private shower that was in your hospital room to get rid of the crimson substance that was stained onto their pale skin.
Rory was first to shower, climbing into hospital scrubs the boys had found in the supply closet.
Ethan had refused to shower his grip of your hand had never faulted. Ever since they had gotten to the room.
Two loud knocks rang out. The group let out a shrill shriek at the sound. The paranoia still encapsulated their hearts.
When they had finally gathered enough courage to look up, they were graced with the smug faces of Sarah and Erica. Holding up changes of clothes for each boy. Before Benny could thing he yelled out
“WERE ON THE FIFTH FLOOR, WHAT THE FUCK” his eyes bulging from his head, no matter how long they had known the vamps he’s never get over their ability to fly.
Rory was the one to pull open the window and let them in
“How is it?” Sarah asked eyebrows strewn in concern, eager eyes drawing on Ethan’s back.
“Better.” He had replied without turning as much to spare a glance with the new comers.
Hearing the commotion of the group it was enough to wake you from your slumber.
The blackness of your eyelids, casted dark doubts that you lived. They felt heavier then they ever had felt before, the only thing that had reminded you you were alive was the painful dull aching all around your body.
A deeper inhale felt easier now, there was no blood in your throat, you couldn’t taste the sickly metallic flavour of your own blood anymore. It felt better, less like you would suffocate.
It felt normal you couldn’t taste anything but the cold air of the hospital, your throat felt like sandpaper.
a gentle squeeze gripped your hand. Ethan’s muffled voice had whispered silent pleas for you to awaken only loud enough for you to hear. Ever since he had arrived not for a moment had he stopped.
As his grip tightened on your hand, the weight of the day had finally fallen tears spilling over his brown eyes.
The cold tears accumulated on your s/c hand, crackinb your eyes open, forcing your brain to will your vocal cords to choke out a scratchy
“E-ethan” your voice sounded clear rather then congested by your blood.
With this everyone’s heads had swung towards you, relieved chuckles echoed around the room, you were really lying in front of them. Alive.
Not a vampire, or any other creature, you were completely human. And alright.
A chorus of relieved words escaped the group
“Oh y/n, thank god” and “You’re okay!”’s had been muttered along with a “Hey chump” from Erica
A smile graced your face at your friends, as you beckoned them into a hug, Benny pulling out his camera phone and taking a photo of you all.
After a bit longer of the comforting embrace, and a fresh glass of water.
Ethan and you had been staring at eachother, your time had run out you both were forced to talk about it.
Benny had begun beckoning the group out of the room for some alone time, opting for standing in the all white hallway, and eavesdropping.
Back in the hospital room the sun had begun to rise out side of the window coming over the trees, Ethan began
“Soo uhm- you have a crush on me?”
“Yes, I uh- I do! Do you? Yknow feel the same?” You questioned, awkwardness overtaking the pair.
“I do. y’know I always thought it was Sarah who I’d end up with. But it wasn’t until I lost you did everything come to me at once, all the times we’ve spent together. Alone -or with Benny- those were-“ he sighed a conflicted look on his face he was apprehensive to speak so much about himself
“It’s okay, take your time. We’ve got all year” you quipped, Ethan faux an outraged gasp his hand falling to his chest. In mock appal, grabbing a stuffed ‘get well soon bear’ Rory had picked from the gift shop when the boys were still at the school.
Ethan had hit you lightly on the shoulder by the blue bear, a laugh escaping you both, what you both failed to notice was Rory snapping a blurry pic of Ethan and yourself hitting eachother with the bear.
After a fit of laughter, a comfortable silence overcame the pair. Y/n glanced down at Ethan’s Plump lips, Y/n often thought how it would feel to be kissed by Ethan, never did he think it’d ever happen.
Ethan began to lean in, as their Lips intertwined the kiss a silent promise to protect eachother.The kiss felt like fireworks dancing an the tongues of the two.
Ethan’s hand had been brought up to caress y/n cheek and as the kiss began to deepen
They were interrupted by a squealing Sarah and Benny from the door. A content looking Rory, and a smirking Erica, what called attention to the eavesdroppers was when Rory had pressed his body weight into the hospital door enough to bump the handle. And in one foul swoop the four eavesdroppers had tumbled to the linoleum floor in a heap. Their possession scattering the floor.
Bennys chip bag had been spilt on the sterile floor, and his phone had landed next to the uncomfortable hospital bed.
white light spilling into the hallway, the two lovers pulling back from their embrace.
“Benny!” Ethan sighed out
“Wha-what are you blaming me for?! It was Rory who pushed Sarah who opened the door.” He exclaimed
Sarah and Erica glancing at eachother, a smug smirk on Erica’s face. On Sarah it had look like she’d just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
“don’t think that because you’re vampires doesn’t mean you can go bursting into hospital rooms and ruining kisses! Without punishment young ladies.” Ethan had began to bark out
reaching down and obtaining bennys phone, and clicking a photo of the group, Benny lying on the floor, a bashful smile on his face, Rory’s cringing expression, as he rubs his arms in pain, Erica and Sarah locking eyes, and getting lectured by a pointing ethan
Going on about how you should never eavesdrop, Only for Benny to point out several times when him and Ethan had eavesdropped on others.
A warm laugh escaping from you at the interactions
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No gifs are mine! All credits their rightful owners!
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction || He Thinks You’re Cheating [Request]
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Trust was everything in your relationship between you and Chan, you trusted him to go off and tour the world and you thought he trusted you to be loyal to him but lately, he'd been acting so odd around you. Since you were working more often than not lately it had been getting harder to spend time with your boyfriend who was already busy enough without you throwing your schedule into the mix. 
"You've been working all week and you're telling me you don't have the weekend off?" You could hear just how annoyed he was about you cancelling your weekend together but you couldn't help it when your boss was behind which meant your whole department was behind and had to stay to help him out.
"My boss is behind Chan, you know what that means." You sighed as you tried to get it through to him but he just began sighing and shaking his head despite you not being in the same room as him, 
"I do, it means my own girlfriend is making excuses. Look, if you're sleeping with the guy let me know so I can get over this quickly," He snapped before hanging up the phone leaving you shocked as you stared down at the mobile in your hands, instead of staying to work you made an excuse of being sick and left without another word. Heading straight to the dorms to figure this out with Chan, there was no way he could get away with accusing you of something like that and leaving without another word. 
"You think I would cheat on you?" You questioned as you walked through the door, he was home alone as he glanced up from his laptop, 
"You've decided to grace me with your presence!" The sarcasm oozed from his voice as you rolled your eyes at him, you didn't want this to turn into some stupid fight that was over nothing. 
"There's nothing going on between me and my boss," You spoke calmly knowing that if you got angry he would double down on his thoughts about cheating. 
"Please, all that time you spend with him? All the 'extra hours'." He said sarcastically as he air quoted his words but you shook your head, sitting down on the sofa and sighing as he continued to rant about all the time you'd been spending at work lately but you couldn't hold it back anymore. 
"I work all the time because I need to pay my bills Chan! My stupid landlord raised my rent and I can't afford it!" You finally cried out, admitting to him that you were struggling with money as tears ran down your face,
"I would never cheat on you, I would never do anything to hurt you," You sobbed into your hands as you finally broke down, the weight of being almost kicked out and dumped hitting you all at once but as soon as Chan saw you crying he cradled you in his arms.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I-I didn't think." He whispered as he continued to soothe you, rubbing your back as you cried into his arms.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered as he rocked you back and forth,
"I didn't want you to try and help, you always try and give me money you know I can't take," You sniffled as he held you closer to him, not letting you go for even a second as he rocked you. 
"Then how about I don't give you money...I-I buy us a place together..." He suggested as he pulled away to look into your eyes, you frowned wondering if he meant it but he smiled at you and that smile could relax you every moment of every day. 
"Think about it first," He whispered, kissing you softly before going to make you a hot drink and get you some food.
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It came as no surprise to you when Minho thought you were cheating on him with one of his members, you were close with all of the boys but Minho was a little insecure when it came to relationships but you didn't blame him since his ex cheated on him. 
"Do you really think I would do that to you?" You questioned as he sat across from you on the bed in his bedroom, Felix and you had been asleep on the sofa together when he walked in. 
"I-I don't know, yes." He was stuttering as he spoke to you and you knew it was past experiences clouding his judgement so you couldn't hold it against him, 
"I walked in and you were asleep...H-He had his arm around you, you were snuggled against him and I-"
"We fell asleep watching a movie Minnie," You cooed as you reached out to touch him, trying to relax him but he moved his hand away from yours and shook his head. 
"You never cuddle like that, if he's just a friend you shouldn't have cuddled like that," You knew it looked bad to someone who had been in a situation where they had been cheated on before and you knew there was nothing you could say to him that would put his mind at ease.
"There would never be anything between Lix and I, he's like a little brother to me." You whispered as you nudged his hand, taking it into yours and locking your fingers together as he sighed. 
"She's right...We didn't mean to sleep like that, we were watching a movie and we just got too comfortable," Minho looked at you both and then back to looking at just you, searching in your eyes for any indication that you were lying, he knew you were never a very good liar and as soon as he saw how upset you were he hugged you. 
"I'm sorry." He whispered over and over again while you tried to convince him that it was fine, he didn't outright accuse you and that you understood why he was so scared about it. 
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Changbin wasn't normally the over protective snoop through your phone kind of guy but as of late he'd been getting anxious about your relationship, whenever you were together you were always on your phone, laughing or smiling at it while you text back and forth with someone and whenever Changbin would ask what it was about you would shoot him down but he'd had enough of it, he needed to make sure you weren't cheating on him. 
"Binnie?" You gasped as you walked back into the bedroom to find him trying to unlock your phone but it looked as though he didn't know the password to your phone as he struggled,
"What are you doing?" You snatched your phone away from him placing it down onto the bed as you stared at him waiting for some kind of excuse but he was done,
"I want to know who you've been texting so much, who's making you smile this much..." You could hear the hurt in his voice as he said it to you, you knew he'd been desperate to see what you were doing but it was supposed to be a surprise, 
"It's no one Binnie, please just sit down." You tried to calm him but he stepped away from you shaking his head as tears welled up in his eyes, 
"No, you're cheating on me...Aren't you? That's the reason you hide your phone and you're always laughing and smiling at it." He was blowing everything out of proportion and you knew that it was only going to get worse the more you denied it or told him that he was imagining things.
"Don't tell me I'm imagining it, I'm not. I see you all of the time," You knew how bad it must have looked so you sighed at him, shaking your head as you handed him your phone. 
"The password is your birthday," You whispered waiting for him to see who you had been texting all of this time behind his back and you saw the blush creep onto his cheeks. 
"Wooyoung and I were planning on bringing him to the dorms to surprise you," You admitted as he read through the messages, finding memes of Changbin back and forth to one another, 
"See...Nothing is going on behind your back but you better act surprised when Wooyoung gets here tomorrow," You pouted as you sat down on the bed with Changbin, he hugged you tightly whispering to you how sorry he was for accusing you of something so harsh.
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Hyunjin had been under the impression that when you said that you were going to lunch with a coworker it meant you were going to be with another female co-worker but when he walked by your local cafe to see you sitting with another man he freaked out in the inside, coming up with all the ways you would be cheating on him. 
"You're being overdramatic, I would never cheat on you least of all with Rylan," You laughed at the thought of it but Hyunjin wasn't finding any of this funny, all he could picture was you and Rylan sitting so close to one another, you were almost sitting in his lap. 
"You could have been kissing him! You were practically sat on him!" He yelled out making you roll your eyes, you knew Hyunjin was dramatic but you didn't expect him to overdramatise everything that happened in your life.
"There wasn't much space, I sat close to him so a woman with a baby could get in," You tried to defend yourself but Hyunjin was already clear in his mind what was happening behind his back even if it wasn't true. 
"So you just so happened not to tell me you were going out with a male for lunch?"
"I didn't think it was a big deal, you eat with girls at work all of the time and I don't get jealous and accuse you of cheating," You snapped as he stared at you, scoffing at the thought.
"Because I would never-"
"Neither would I," You cut him off before laughing to yourself at the thought of Rylan asking you on a date, 
"What's so funny?" Hyunjin mumbled as he looked at you but you shook your head, 
"It's just Rylan...I'm not really his type." You laughed again but Hyunjin still wasn't laughing, 
"You're more of his type..." As soon as the words left your mouth a blush crept onto Hyunjin's cheeks as he realised what you meant and you smiled. 
"S-So you're not-"
"No, I'm not." You laughed again and this time Hyunjin nervously joined in as you shook your head at him, giving him a kiss as you smiled weakly. 
"You have to trust me," You whispered, locking your hands together as he nodded his head at you.
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Jisung's whole body froze as he stared down into the bin in your bathroom, he felt sick to his core as he saw the three pregnancy sticks poking out from the bin. Neither of you had been together intimately yet so he was going through every emotion in his body at the thought of you sleeping with someone else when you were supposed to be with him.
"Can you find it?" You laughed as Jisung didn't come straight back from the bathroom, he'd headed in there to get you the first aid kit so you could have a plaster for a small papercut but when he didn't respond you giggled and went hunting for him,
"Did you get lost? You practically live in my apartment you couldn't have gotten lost," All the while Jisung's eyes began to fill with tears as he saw the three positive tests sitting there,
"Babe? Everything okay?" You giggled walking into the bathroom and froze in place when you caught what he was looking at but you knew where his mind was going to go if it wasn't already there.
"I can explain-"
"How you have three pregnancy tests in your bin when we haven't had sex and been dating for two months...Go on. Explain that one to me." You knew where his mind was but you couldn't let him believe for one second that they were yours, you'd only bought them but you didn't take them.
"They're not mine," He scoffed as he tried to move past you to get out of your small bathroom but you wouldn't move out of his way not wanting him to believe that it was yours and storm off in the other direction. 
"That's the oldest excuse in the book," He mumbled still attempting to move away from you and ignore you but you grabbed onto his hand pleading with him to stay with you but he was already set in his way. 
"They're not mine! I promise, my friend came around earlier and she took three," You pulled at his hand to try and make him believe you but he wouldn't look at you, 
"Jisung, you know I can't lie to you. You know when I'm lying look at me," You begged but he struggled out of your grasp and began making his way to your apartment door when it opened suddenly and your best friend stormed her way in, 
"I need another one, I don't....It can be wrong three times right!" She cried out as she walked into the bathroom with another pregnancy test in her hand, you stared up at Jisung who was a little shocked. 
"They really aren't yours?" You shook your head as you walked over to him, looking into his eyes and pouting when you saw how much he had been crying. 
"I would never do anything to hurt you Jisung...I'm in love with you and only you," You whispered to him as you stood up on your tip-toes to kiss him, pulling away when you heard the toilet flushing. 
"Go and make a hot drink? I need to calm her down." You whispered to him as you patted his chest softly. 
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Rumours were everywhere in the industry and hard to be avoided especially when you were dating someone who was in a popular K-pop band, while you were someone who just introduced acts on Korean variety shows normally you and Felix would do your best to ignore the rumours but lately they'd gotten worse. Branching for a hidden pregnancy to you cheating on Felix with another band member but you knew it was to get attention for the new show the boys were taking part in. Felix had come backstage accusing you of sleeping with Wooyoung when he saw the articles, he wanted you to be honest with him but when you tried he shot you down.
"Don't be an idiot Felix, why would I ever sleep with someone else?" You questioned as you stood backstage at the music core set getting ready to go on stage with Hyunjin but Felix was being paranoid, 
"So I'm an idiot?!" You sighed as you heard him say this, you knew he was angry and just blowing everything out of proportion, that morning there had been an article claiming that you were dating Member Wooyoung from Ateez which couldn't have been further from the truth. The two of you were long term friends and your friendship grew closer since you and Changbin were also close with one another. 
"Lixie, I would never cheat on you. Wooyoung is a friend," You whispered as you tried to kiss his cheek but he moved out of the way so that you would miss, 
"Lix...Do you really think I would go behind your back on something like this?" The look on his face made your heart feel like it was breaking into pieces, he shouldn't have to think about it he should just know you would never even think of cheating on him.
"I've got to go," You mumbled as they began calling your name, you moved away from him and headed onto the stage, putting on the biggest smile you could manage before presenting. 
The show ended and Felix was still standing in your changing room but you didn't want to fight with him over something that wasn't real and you didn't want to start something now. 
"Look. I haven't cheated on you, the closest I've ever been is when I had a dream I kissed the monopoly man but that's it Lixie...You have to believe me that there is nothing going on between me and Wooyoung." He nodded his head as he got up from the sofa and hugged you tightly in his arms, apologising for believing in the rumours when he should have believed you first.
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"What do you expect me to do!?" Seungmin yelled from across the living room of your shared apartment, he'd walked into the apartment to find you and Jeongin sitting close to one another and acting suspiciously as soon as he came home.
"Trust me! Trust me enough to know I would never cheat on you," You yelled back at him hoping he would see how hurt you were from the accusation but he was past seeing how hurt you were, he could feel his heart breaking at the thought of you sleeping with Jeongin behind his back. 
"I should have seen it coming! You're always so close with one another, laughing and joking about things, having secrets!" You rolled your eyes as he listed things that all friends did with one another but because it was you and Jeongin it obviously meant there was something else going on between you when there clearly wasn't.
"He's a friend Seungmin, you're being ridiculous," You sighed as you looked up at him but he was still shaking his head, thinking of all the signs he should have seen before it got to this point.
"Do you guys sleep together behind my back? Do you sneak around to the dorms to see him when I'm not there?!"
"Enough!" You finally screamed out, throwing your hands up into the air as you stormed away from Seungmin, grabbing the plans you and Jeongin had been working on for months. 
"You want to know what we've been doing?!" You snapped, storming back into the living room and dropping the papers onto the coffee table so he could see everything laid out in front of him, 
"That! We've been planning a surprise birthday party for you," You yelled as you showed him all of the documents of what you had planned, the room you'd booked, the invitations, the guests, everything was there in black and white for him and you saw the look of regret hit his face. 
"So no, I'm not cheating on you with one of your best friends, we were trying to do something nice for you." As soon as the realisation hit him was when he began to apologise for ruining the plans and accusing you of cheating on him, telling you that he would pretend to be as surprised as he could on the day of the party.
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"It's nothing, you're taking things out of context," You tried to tell your boyfriend as he continued to pace back and forth in your living room, he was red in the face with anger and had been since he'd seen photos of you hugging and kissing another man,
"They saw you! They saw you hug and kiss him!" Jeongin yelled as you stared up at him from your apartment sofa, he'd come to your apartment after you'd dropped your cousin off at the airport. Fans and reporters had seen you kiss your cousin and put two and two together to get five as they began spreading rumours of you sleeping and dating someone else that wasn't Jeongin. 
"Jeongin...Please," You sighed rubbing your temples as your headache was beginning to set in from all the yelling he was doing, Jeongin had no idea who the boy in the photos was but he was upset when he saw the photos of you kissing the guy. His mind instantly clicking to your cheating on him instead of looking at the larger picture when you'd previously told him you were spending the weekend with your cousin, 
"You could have just told me you wanted to see other people! It would have hurt a lot less," The way his voice broke, broke your heart and you rushed to him hugging him tightly as you tried to reassure him that it was nothing. He sat down on the edge of the sofa crying into your arms as you held onto him tightly kissing his cheeks,
"He's my cousin, I kissed his cheek, he hugged me and that is all because he's my cousin." You repeated it over and over again until he finally began to believe you, you knew how hard it must have been with all of the rumours and photos that made it look like something it wasn't so you weren't going to hold it against him, 
"I love you Innie...Nothing happened, I promise." You kissed his lips softly and he kissed you back, apologising for even accusing you of something like that.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @minholuvs​
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merakiui · 2 years
Kinda dumb/indulgent jdea but Ayayo and hus personal samurai/bodyguard. She's extremely skilled in the art of the sword, to the point that the Shogun and Guuji Yae themselves had praised her abilities and the Kujou clan somewhat desperately tries to get her to join their ranks but she remains faithfully loyal to the Kamisato clan. Honestly, it's a mystery she doesn't have a Vision yet but everyone agrees she'd probably become too powerful if she got one so it's probably in the Shogunate's best interest if she remains only just as powerful as the pinnacle of human excellence can be.
And thats the issue. She faithfully serves Ayato and that's all that really matters to him, But they both know how much it hurts her pride and childhood dreams that she was not considered exceptional enough by the Shogun to be granted a Vision. The Shogun's praise? Yes, she's honored, she truly is. But why not a Vision? What is she missing? Ayato has one, Ayaka has one, Thoma has one- even Sayu, who doesn't really have an interest in doing anything but sleeping and growing taller, has one! It really hurts. It's like all her efforts and being spat on and sometimes Ayato can find her curled up in the gardens after hours sniffling into her sleeves as she sits beside the shrine to the Shogun and tries to pray for her acknowledgement, before he gently takes her back to her room and let's her cry into his shoulder as he comforts her.
... honestly, Ayato shouldn't even have been surprised that when she heard of Delusions, she'd be interested. Enough so that when he brought her along to Tenshukaku she would keep curiously peering at it from her position behind him like a kid faced with their favorite dessert.
It... scared him. How much she kept asking about it and how she even went to ask the Kujou clan about it and even1 wormed her way into the relief effort team he'd sent off to Watatsumi so she could try and scavenge for any *left out* Delusions forgotten by either the Watatsumi forces or the Fatui.
The concern when he noticed her upset, nigh resentful expression upon her return when her eyes glanced over the vision on his hip before she excused herself and used her vacation days to simply disappear from the public view.
Ayato can tell when trouble is about to stir so in a last-ditch effort to keep his samurai from doing something stupid he warns her of the dangers of a Delusion- how it takes away from one's life force if used and etc.
Her nonchalance causes him to arrest her on the spot. Oh it was such an interesting battle. She was the best mortal swordsmaster of Inazuma for a reason, and she had easily brushed off and deflected Ayato's blade and those of the samurai who rushed over at the sound of clashing blades, but Ayato was still a Vision wielder. He still had the upperhanded and conjured Hydro to his command and forced her to submit and accept the arrest.
He took her sword and ordered total silence about the whole ordeal from everyone present, and dragged her away to the deepest, most hidden part of the kamisato estate. He wasn't going to lose someone to stupid and foolish ambitions like this- so even if she HATES him, he'll break her down till the mere thought of commanding a Vision makes her breakdown in fear.
Ayato really just has your best interests in mind. How can you not realize you're already plenty valuable in his eyes? Not possessing a Vision doesn't mean you're any less worthy to stand at his side as his loyal guard. In fact, he thinks you would be better off without a Vision. You may not share his viewpoints and you definitely won't agree to his methods of breaking you down until any thoughts of attaining a Vision vanish, but that's okay. He doesn't expect you to agree or understand. All he wants is to preserve your safety. Just picturing a life without you, where your own was cut short due to the draining effects of the Delusion... It's truly a nightmare, and he'll do everything he can to protect you from it. Even if it means hiding you away, he'll do whatever it takes.
You've acted as his shield for long enough. Now it's time for him to generously return the favor.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
Okay so once again, 3 am thoughts have gifted me with yet another au. It is by no means original but screw it: SmithSwap
The only things I’m switching is their ages, so now Nya is the older one, but it. Gets. Fun.
For specifics, as of the Pilots/S1 Nya is 15 and Kai is 11, because I want bebe kai
Now, prior to Wu showing up, it’s pretty much the same as canon only with roles reversed. Nya mostly runs the shop while Kai is trying to everything he can to make things easier for his big sister, and I mean everything. The only one Nya doesn’t stop him from doing is cooking because Kai is the better chef, though neither can figure out why. Nya also likes to tell Kai stories of their parents since he can’t remember them too well, much to his disappointment.
ANYWAY, Wu shows up, Kai gets upset he’s insulting his sister’s work, then Skulkin show up. Kai does get snatched, much to Nya worry and canon continues.
Okay but also tiny spinoff, it also would’ve been hilarious if Nya still got kidnapped because then when the guys meet Kai they’d be like “who is this sassy lost child?”
So then while Nya’s training, I’m actually going to say what happened when Kai is captured.
You see, a side affect of being really freaking old is that your perception of time changes, specifically how long periods seem shorter. Garmadon decided that because of the prophecy it would be best to snatch the Master of Fire, who he thought would be Ray.
So you can imagine his surprise when his Skulkin bring in a kicking, screaming 11 year old child.
He is, understandably, not happy and very confused.
He sends the Skulkin away and tries his best talking with Kai. Like, as little malice as he can in a gentle voice, and he actually learns a few things. 1) both Ray and Maya went missing years ago, 2) these kids have no idea about anything regarding the Elemental Masters, 3) Kai’s sister has been raising him since their parents went missing, and she’s only four years older than him
Understandably, he is concerned, but also sees this as an opportunity. If he raises the Master of Fire to be loyal to him, then he’ll never want to fulfill his role in the prophecy, thus ensuring his victory. also he really misses lloyd and now when he returns he’ll have two kids!!! how amazing is that
So yeah Kai’s stay in the Underworld isn’t that bad. This Garmadon guy is pretty nice, tells him awesome stories about his parents, teaches him a bunch of things(mostly how to fight), and really just acts like the paternal figure he never had(Garmadad is canon, no matter what form you can fight me on this). The only part that sucks in Samukai, but he’s just a jerk and Garmadon makes sure he’ll never actually do anything to hurt him. He does miss Nya a lot though.
Anyway back with Nya and the guys.
They don’t actually know the exact reason why she was here at the beginning. All they know was that Wu originally left for the Master of Fire and came back with her instead. They know she has a brother, but aren’t quite sure how he falls into it.
They learn her full story the night they’re heading to the Temple of Fire, at which when they’re winding down Zane brings up how she never actually told them how she met Wu.
They are very concerned when they find out the whole story and swear they’ll help her get him back, which is nice.
Then she sees Kai But Actually Garmadon, follows, and bam Sword of Fire time. She isn’t able to fully use it, but she’s able to get a few sparks. However, things then start to take a turn for the worst.
Kai is actually here, very confused why Garmadon’s having him tied to the ceiling, but hey Nya’s here! But then oh no he then realizes that Garmadon is the bad guy, which gets him upset and more then a little betrayed.
Seeing him hurt his sister, the one of raised him, actually has Kai pick up the sword and use his powers. Under normal circumstances, it probably wouldn’t have been bigger than a few sparks, however Kai has his big sister in danger, dealing with the betrayal of an almost father figure, holding the Sword of Fire, and being surrounded by his element.
So yeah. Not that small of a fire.
The guys and Wu are actually able to to witness the truly incredible fire blast he lets out from the camp, put two and two together, and start heading over. Wu didn’t follow Nya…..because plot and was the able to help them fight off the Skulkin.
Anyway, it’s more than enough to dissipate the shadows, however it also wakes up the dragon. Garmadon, who is sort of panicking because That Was Not Supposed To Happen, ends up scooping up an unconscious Kai and the Sword and retreating to the underworld, leaving behind a very pissed Nya and an equally pissed Fire Dragon.
But yeah, Nya deals with the dragon, they get the other ones and head to the Underworld with Wu this time, and he’s actually the reason they’re able to get past all the Skulkin. 
But yeah, Samukai gets vaporized and Garmadon about to leave when a feverish Kai makes his way in and begs Garmadon to not do it and that they can fix things.
And Garmadon….actually pauses for a second and you can see the conflict in his eyes before he shakes his head and says “there’s no going back for me” and walks through. Kai then collapses and the end up heading back home.
As for what’s up with Kai, who would’ve guessed tapping into a kind of power you aren’t supposed to have access to yet in a high stress situation would be bad for the body. He has a really bad fever but he’s fine after a few days.
The few month timeskip in between the Pilots and S1 is mostly spent training Kai, so they have quite a bit less free time. However when S1 starts and Kai hears about Lord Garmadon, he actually wants to check it out himself first.
So yeah, he meets Lloyd by himself and it actually doesn’t go that badly. Kai actually buys some candy for them to share and they leave the town, and Kai actually starts talking with him. Eventually the topic comes up about Garmadon and Kai gives a rough basis about how he sort of got kidnapped, and then his work in progress plan of making him good again. Lloyd is completely down with seeing his dad again and says how they could probably get his dads attention if their got their own evil army.
And because they’re both stupid kids, neither of which have had parents before, Kai thinks it’s a great idea.
So yeah. That’s why they find the Serpentine here.
Ofc, it isn’t a right away type thing. It takes them about a month before they find the Hypnobrai Tomb, and Kai just plays off all his time spent out as him having made a friend, which they can’t exactly argue with.
Ofc, canon still happens and when Kai was busy training Lloyd ended up finding the tomb and releasing the Serpentine, and they do their regular Canon Nonsense. 
However, Kai is not too happy about the whole Attack Villages things and after a bit comes clean to the ninja about their original plan. They very much aren’t happy, but admit his heart was in the right place and they doubt he’d pull something like this again.
Fast-forward a bit more, Kai is mostly chill with Zane’s “weirdness” and unfortunately stays home when the Hypnobrai burn down the Monestary. It’s only because the dragons were able to get out and protect him that he was still alive. Nya’s actually the one who yells at Zane this time around because again. Kai almost died, but it’s all cool later and they find the Bounty :D
Anyway, Canon again continues. Kai is still really good with the dragons and is a little upset they need to leave. He also gets along really well with Ed and Edna. Then when Lloyd joins Kai is a little….well he doesn’t hate him but he does spend a while avoiding him.
Eventually Nya has enough of their dancing around each other and locks them both in the same room so they can talk it out. Turns out the reason Kai was avoiding him was because Lloyd’s betrayal really hurt since they were supposed to do it to find Garmadon, not hurt people. They have a tearful apology, then Kai learns how much of a jerk the Serpentine were and is like “the next time I see any I’ll protect you, since you’re like my little brother and as a big brother it’s my job to keep you safe”
Now it’s Samurai Time :)
You see, this time around Kai has double reasons for being the Samurai. 1) Yeah, he hates being left behind and wants to be involved but also 2) he wants to keep his big sister and big brothers safe
So yeah, that happens. He does think it’s pretty funny when they keep trying and failing to one up him though.
But then :) He gets captured with Lloyd :)))
So yeah, that sucks but it only gets worse because while Kai was able to “summon” his Samurai Mech, he had to send it off to get the ninja away. So that sucks.
Garmadon eventually shows up to help since the Serpentine stole both his kids, much to Nya’s chagrin.
Then comes the freaking Volcano Scene and this one is from Nya when she rescues Kai, then has to choose between Lloyd or the Fangblade. She ends up unlocking her True Potential by essentially leaving behind all negative feels she had for Lloyd and accepting him under her protection just like she did Kai.
The sheer torrent of water easily cools all the lava and thoroughly soaks them. But hey, even Kai has to admit being wet is better than being burnt alive. Also when the ninja start wondering aloud why the Samurai didn’t help Kai bashfully admits he was the Samurai, and this thoroughly impresses the ninja since Kai is like, 12 at this point.
Uhhhh, S2 isn’t too different. Kai is super happy that the dragons are back and is easily Ultra’s favorite. He isn’t hit with either Garms spell nor the Tomorrows Tea, but is there to comfort Lloyd and says that even though he got hit with some magic stuff Kai is still going to protect him since he’s still his older brother. On the Dark Island Kai is heartbroken Nya got corrupted and swears he’ll help fix her. When Garmadon gets purified Kai looses his shit and gets so excited since let’s goooooo not only is his dad not evil anymore they can go out in public together :DDDD
S3, also not too different. During the whole Love Triangle nonsense Kai’s just sitting there so confused. Also Pixal joins team Kai’s Older Siblings. Him getting captured was just him being at the wrong place wrong time. He has a really fun time time in space though, which was nice.
But uh. Then Zane hecking dies, which hits everyone really hard, especially Kai. Only this time, Nya ends up taking Kai back to Ignacia and opens up the forge again, pretty much cutting all contact with the other ninja, Wu and Garmadon. While it might’ve been boring and lonely, at least in Ignacia they were safe. 
Kai is…honestly really miserable, but hides it well. He can barely get up some mornings, but does so anyway since he’s desperately trying to act like things are normal, despite how Nya doesn’t talk very much. He misses the other ninja a lot, even Pixal despite not knowing her for very long, but doesn’t want to tell Nya since again, trying to make things normal again. Nya also doesn’t let him out of the house too often, only really if she’s there to watch him.
This routine goes on for about two months, until Lloyd shows up to try and get everyone back together. And Nya.....Nya doesn’t like that.
She and Lloyd end up having a bit of a passive aggressive argument that is progressively getting louder until Kai just. Snaps.
He yells at them to stop fighting, how they’re acting so horribly and that he wished things could go back to normal, how Zane wouldn’t want this and that he’d be disappointed in them.
The two visibly flinch.
Then Kai realizes exactly what he just said and who he said it to. And he runs.
Nya and Lloyd both spend some time in silence, mulling over what Kai just said because he was right. Zane would hate what’s become of the team and how they separated.
Nya ends up being the one to break the silence, asking Lloyd where and when to meet.
When Kai doesn’t return from the woods, she ends up leaving a note before she leaves, explaining where she’s going and how she’s sorry.
Meanwhile, Kai is having a slight breakdown in a Tree Base he made years ago.
But yeah, fast forward a bit and Kai’s getting ready to sneak onto Chen’s Island, but in a slightly different way than canon. Instead he takes a slightly experimental ship that’s basically a smaller Bounty which he calls the Destiny’s Wish. Think of the comparison like a Car vs a Go Cart. Comfortably, it can fit 2 people long term, but for quick trips can carry as many as 10, but it’ll be a tight fit and the Wish might have some trouble flying.
So yeah, he’s on his own and he doesn’t arrive until a few hours before the EMs all get dropped from the plane. Shade is actually the one to find him first, but has a moment of pause since Literal Child and gives Kai enough time to kick him into a tree and run. The whole chase actually lasts about two hours but unfortunately Kai isn’t able to get back to the Wish and gets caught.
Now for the fun part :)
So all the EMs(and I do mean all because he wanted to “thank them for their contribution”) are in the throne room, their powers snatched, when Chen said aloud “But it is such a shame that we don’t have the Master of Fire, the we’d be able to complete the spell.” and for the briefest second the Ninja Fam are relieved but then Chen does a whole “SIKE, WE GOT HIM” and has some of the guards bring Kai out.
The Ninja are, understandably, freaking out. The EMs kinda are too since Child but only a little bit and it’s not personal
But then just as Chen’s about to snatch his fire, Kai starts saying how Chen cheated since Kai never got to play in a match. Chen refutes it since His Game His Rules but then Kai says that age old statement to get siblings to do Stupid Shit: “What are you, scared?”
Chen is not scared, thank you very much. And you know what, since you’re so confident fine, you now get your own challenge!
So yeah, now Kai has his own challenge.
What is it you might ask?
A vertical obstacle course with a time limit. If Kai doesn’t grab the Jade Blade, the exit closes.
Not that bad you might think. After all, Kai’s been training with the ninja for the past year, he’s probably got this in the bag.
Yeah welllllllll, a little bird told might have told Chen that a certain Master of Fire couldn’t swim.....so he uses Nya’s power to gradually fill up the room and forcing him up.
Surprise surprise, it was rigged against him. I’m talking platforms having false bottoms, ladders being oiled, high pressure water jets to knock him off, the works.
Kai is so close to making it. So close..... but Chen can’t have that happen now can he :)
So yeah, Kai ends up falling in and Nya almost drags all the EMs into the water trying to get him.
Luckily it’s at that moment Lloyd bursts in with Garmadon, frees the EMs and gets Chen’s staff. The EMs bust out and just as Nya’s about to dive in the whole thing starts draining, like an enormous whirlpool.
You see Chen actually thought ahead and realized that “hey, if the kid dies he’ll loose his power” so he made a plan that when Kai was going to fall in, he would use one of the tubes that shot water but in verse and suck him in. Luckily he was able to pull it off before the gem was smashed because if not MMM.
So yeh, Kai is now captured, but still on the island. Skylor reluctantly copies his powers(she got sort of close with Nya and this is the little brother she was gushing about), and Anacondrai happens. However, the two are able to escape, Skylor’s actually able to figure out the Summon Dragon thing, and then they head back to the main group.
Then comes the inevitable question of “how did you get here anyway?” and then Kai shows them The Wish. He actually ends up flying back with Garmadon before all the EMs learn how to Summon Dragon so they can warn people about the ensuing danger.
So yeah, they head out, the Pythor thing happens, canon then Sad because Garm still needs to do the whole sacrifice thing D:
That one hits Lloyd and Kai really hard, but they both use each other for comfort so it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been.
But yeah, this is getting long so tbc for a part 2 :DDD
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
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Kagami and Marinette deserve so much better.
Anyway, let’s just start literally where this episode starts, because it makes no sense. Remember back in my “Truth” critique where I basically said that the episode seemed like it’d been shoved through multiple drafts and no one checked the final one?
Same applies here.
Like--okay, ”Truth” and “Lies” take place at roughly the same time, which means that the same filler akuma/sentimonsters appear to interrupt Adrimi’s moments just as they did with Lukanette’s, giving its audience a clear timeline of how the episodes line up. The reason this is important is because the writers can’t even keep consistency within singular episodes and then honestly thought that they could do it within two.
“Lies” begins with Marinette talking to Tikki about the grimoire, because apparently she has the non-translated version and there’s a secret to figuring out the code that Tikki believes Marinette will discover eventually.
...Alright, I’m derailing here but I have to add how absolutely stupid Fu was when dealing with translating the grimoire. He was supposed to teach Marinette how to be guardian, yet he didn’t teach her how to read the grimoire (if there’s supposedly a “secret” to it, is he really going to bank on Marinette figuring it out herself eventually instead of just giving it to her and avoid the risk altogether??), kept the translated pages on his tablet without sending them to Marinette as he deciphered them, and took time to write a letter to her in “Miracle Queen” but left no guardian-centric advice for her to work off of, meaning that Tikki had to explain how the Miracle Box worked to Marinette back in “Truth.”
The show goes out of its way constantly to turn everything against Marinette even if it makes all the characters around her look either incompetent or cruel. It’s not that I’m not used to this by now but it’s just infuriating that it keeps trying to raise the stakes and tension when Marinette made such a tiny mistake to cause the issue in the first place, and now we find out that Fu had no back-up plan or strategy, apparently expecting this 14-year-old girl to act perfectly and cover for him.
And of course, instead of leaving the scene off on Marinette being encouraged by Tikki and Marinette showing confidence in herself (i.e: what would’ve been a nice scene), the kwami accidentally fumble with the keyboard in such a way to have Marinette’s computer bring up  a news story about Adrien, which leads to Marinette leaning towards her computer and sighing over Adrien and his “amazing life.”
Can I just point out how annoying it is that all the Adrienette moments so far on Marinette’s end have been forced, not just in general (because we’re used to that), but literally forced by the plot so Marinette would talk about him or other characters would bring Adrien up?
“Truth” had Alya insult Marinette to her face over her Adrien crush because Marinette was freaking over something non-Adrien related that they couldn’t have known about, Luka was sent a no-context picture of Marinette’s Adrien wall which led to him lowkey teasing her about it, and then Truth was forced to listen to Marinette’s friends and Tom babble about Marinette’s supposed crush on Adrien even when Truth points out that it’s not a secret, making the “joke” fall absolutely flat.
And now “Lies” comes along and has the kwami drop things and step on the keyboard in the exact way to pull up Adrien stuff for Marinette to fawn over. It’s at this point I’m realizing that - had the kwami stayed inside the box or just not been around in general - Marinette literally wouldn’t have brought up Adrien at all in either “Truth” or “Lies” and now I’m sad. I really don’t want to have a counter for “episodes where Marinette wouldn’t have so much as breathed Adrien’s name if the kwami/someone else wasn’t there to force it.”
So yeah, the episode had to force Adrienette into its Adrimi episode because the show can’t go five minutes without reminding the audience that Adrien exists even though this episode is primarily from his point of view, made worse by this scene’s lack of ability to exist.
See, from the timeline in “Lies” lining up with “Truth,” there is no possible way for this opening scene with Marinette talking about guardian stuff and then fawning over Adrien to happen. There’s an akuma scene in “Lies” that literally is just copy-pasted from “Truth” (it actually does this again with another scene later but that’s not important right now), so that means anything that takes place before said scene in both “Truth” and “Lies” have to line up.
Except they can’t. The akuma scene in question interrupts Marinette’s movie date with Luka in “Truth,” and before that, she had just opened the Miracle Box, wrangled up the kwami, talked to the girl squad over video call, talked to Luka, and then immediately had to leave. There are no cuts or wiggle room anywhere in there.
Therefore, the scene in “Lies” is impossible. Either the scene is supposed to go elsewhere in the episode (we don’t actually know how many days it takes up so it’s hard to say on that front) which just makes the episode even more convoluted, or this means that one would have to pick between the scene in “Truth” and the scene in “Lies” because they literally cannot co-exist.
“Lies” was supposed to coincide with “Truth” and they messed it up in the first scene of the episode.
Then comes Adrien himself, who really shows the series’ clunkiness in focusing on other characters. It’s not that I’m against the show moving away from Marinette to show other people’s point-of-view (I definitely didn’t complain during the Couffaine sibling scene in “Reflekdoll”), but Adrien cannot carry his own episode.
In Marinette’s opening scene, we immediately got details on the grimoire and lore about how reading it actually worked. I didn’t like it and it wasn’t good, but it was new information.
Adrien, meanwhile, spends a large portion of the episode being sad (a very grand and unique plot, my dudes) and giving us information we already know. “Truth” has to come first because “Lies” is half of a follow-up on it, meaning that the audience is already aware that Ladybug has been forgetful and has had to miss out on patrols. It’s just that now we get to see Chat Noir sulking about it and--okay, I am just going to go off, alright?
Firstly, Chat Noir tells Ladybug later on that he “understands” her guardian duties, but he previously mocked her behind her back by using air quotes when he was talking to her answering machine (since she obviously wouldn’t see that). We saw in “Truth” where he admitted that he doesn’t mind her being guardian “as long as it doesn’t change their relationship,” and that’s on display right here with his comments.
Not only is it extremely disrespectful, but for someone who claims to be so loyal and understanding to Ladybug, he sure doesn’t show it.
Secondly, he leaves her a message about how he’ll take care of patrol, then proceeds to slack off because she’s not there to keep him in check. He sulks around Paris, mumbling about how Ladybug isn’t around and constantly checking his messages to see if she’s replied to him. Chat Noir has shown his “priorities” in terms of heroism before, but patrol isn’t supposed to be about getting time with “““his lady”““ yet that is clearly all he cares about. He even ends the patrol unprompted, either giving up or just generally having not finished, because I don’t believe that the “end” of patrol just happened to be at the place Kagami was.
Patrol is about protecting Paris and scoping things out. Ladybug is trusting him to pick up the slack when she’s not around and he should be picking up slack, yet he has completely failed on that front. This is made worse when considering that the Season 3 finale had Ladybug breaking down to him from guilt and we know that Marinette had a breakdown before that to Luka, yet Chat is doing nothing to lighten Ladybug’s burden, putting up a falsehood on Ladybug’s answering machine to make him look better than he actually is.
Then, thirdly and most importantly/infuriatingly, Chat Noir knows that Ladybug is busy and he knows that she’s taking on a new responsibility, yet he not only jabs at her for “how hurtful it is when she leaves him to patrol alone” (one, cry me a river, and two, I don’t care if it’s a joke, it’s insensitive), but before that scene, he was actively hoping for people to get akumatized so Ladybug would be forced to show up and he could spend time with her. He egged Xavier Ramier on, even asking him if he “missed being Mister Pigeon,” and then looked on with glee as Chloe bullied Sabrina because he thought that an akumatization might happen.
And this is on top of so many other issues with this whole scene. Adrien complains all the time about his schedule and how restrictive his father is, but suddenly - in the episode right after Marinette had to break up with her boyfriend due to her cramped schedule - is lounging around and wasting time. It hurts to see Marinette suffering from all of her responsibilities while Chat’s biggest problem is how little time he gets with Ladybug.
Also, another point on Mister Pigeon is that that’s the akuma that had interrupted Marinette’s movie date and kiss with Luka. I’m not suggesting that Chat egging Xavier on led to him getting akumatized, but I am saying that Chat wanting akuma to happen with no regard for Ladybug’s happiness is yet another point on the list of why I hate the love square. Marinette genuinely forgot about patrol with him - genuinely was forgetting about everything, really - and as a “punishment,” her own partner whined, didn’t patrol properly, and egged on an akumatization that eventually ended up happening which then broke up the little bit of happiness that the universe was allowing her to have.
Oh, and did I mention that he’s also dating Kagami at the time as well because here we freaking go.
Now, I did not get on Marinette’s case for her Adrien wall and stammering because Luka is largely aware of where she stands in the relationship and she only brought Adrien up when someone else did, even when Luka wasn’t around or being mentioned. Adrien, however, I have multiple bones to pick with, starting with how utterly needy he is for Ladybug’s attention.
This guy has tons of friends, all these fans, and could get people to flock to him whether in or out of the mask, but he wants Ladybug, and anyone not Ladybug isn’t good enough. There’s a scene later in the episode where Kagami - his girlfriend, mind you - is pouring her heart out to him, and he gets distracted by Ladybug instead of listening to her. Even when he excuses the distraction, he then gets distracted again even though Ladybug is no longer in the background.
Lying to protect his identity is one thing, but what Adrien does to Kagami goes beyond that. He’s pining after and flirting with another girl and Kagami has no idea. She’s speculated before that Adrien likes Marinette, but she’s mostly left in the dark because Adrien hasn’t told her anything, nor has he confirmed with her whether it’s okay or not for him to flirt with other girls so long as he’s not pursuing them. He could’ve admitted that he was in love with Ladybug but that he wants to try things with Kagami, but he refuses to open up to her or put himself out there.
Except, he technically does, once, when Kagami tells him to pose for her and he strikes his transformation stance, but he caught her completely off-guard and it’s no wonder why she was put off by it or thought it was unnatural. Not only that, but when Kagami tells him that he’s acting like a clown in that scene, we can see by jumping back to “Truth” that Chat Noir fished for Ladybug’s compliments which then led to a line about him talking about how Ladybug enjoyed him acting like a clown; a direct connection.
Kagami didn’t validate him, so he fished for Ladybug to do so because Ladybug was both forced to answer the question and wasn’t able to lie to him. The show has Ladybug state that her most preferred trait of his is his humor but I am certainly not laughing.
Chat Noir even goes further after the fight with Truth (so another copy-pasted scene) by saying that he has the most fun with Ladybug specifically, and this is all while he’s still dating.
Then this guy has the gall to talk during his break-up about how his fun times with Kagami weren’t lies after apologizing to her for his constant lying, as if he’s trying to earn her sympathy when we know that he’s been pining after Ladybug and flirting with her like she were his number one when he already had a girlfriend waiting for him (and who, by the way, had covered for him earlier and was sitting sadly on a staircase outside, feeling abandoned). The episode presents the break-up as if Adrien’s problem was the fact that he had to constantly lie to Kagami due to being busy with hero work (which is already dumb when we also saw him lounging around and complaining about how nothing was happening, meaning he was inadvertently supportive of the idea of having less time with Kagami and more time with Ladybug even if that means Paris is in danger), but the real problem ends up being that Adrien neglected Kagami emotionally and wasn’t able to give her the attention she wanted.
It’s both sad and annoying that Adrien has always sulked about his dad not paying attention to him and then we get Adrien not paying attention to Kagami, looking for Ladybug when Ladybug had already left and Kagami is trying to tell him something very important.
This is what I mean when I say that Adrien can’t carry an episode on his own. He’s incredibly selfish and most of his dialog just involves him complaining about Ladybug or making excuses. Kagami carried the episode more than he did because more details were revealed about her - specifically the fact that she likes drawing - and she’s active in making things happen (being the one to make the excuse to set up their fencing lessons, deciding what they’ll do with their hour of free time, etcetera).
And regardless of what girl he’s interacting with, Adrien can’t respect either of them. I just talked about Kagami and I’ve already talked about how he treats Ladybug when she’s not even around, but now we get to how he treats Ladybug when she is around.
During the climax of the fight with Lies, where Ladybug requires a distraction to safely pull off her lucky charm, Chat Noir decides - without Ladybug’s input - to sacrifice himself yet again.
I have to stress that Ladybug is stressed and Chat has always talked about her plans and listening to her, yet he has a horrible habit of making decisions all on his own and letting Ladybug deal with the fallout. Whenever he has the chance, he’ll throw himself in front of her and take the big hit, presumably with the mindset that Miraculous Ladybug will fix everything so it’s not like it matters.
Ladybug even shouts at him when he hints at what he’s about to do and there was absolutely time for them to talk about it, but Chat Noir just lets himself fall and be bait, even throwing out what is a clear confession (again, while he’s still dating someone else) before he’s knocked unconscious by Lies’ power.
And when Ladybug yells at him for it when everything’s said and done, pounding at his chest and looking absolutely upset over the whole thing? He not only brushes her off, but he boops her nose and talks about how “irresistable” her “angry little pout” is.
He might as well have just said, “you’re cute when you’re angry,” because that’s exactly what he’s implying; that Ladybug’s anger is something “amusing” to him and not something he takes seriously. We’ve already seen it before in “Reflekdoll” and “Oblivio” as well, so this is just a continuation of already-annoying behavior.
Then, instead of Ladybug getting even angrier for it, the episode has her smile at him, which not only isn’t a normal reaction compared to how she’s reacted before, but now gives the impression that she’s being conditioned by the narrative to accept Chat Noir’s behavior in whatever shape or form it takes.
Because think about it: regardless of how upset Ladybug gets over Chat Noir, it never works out for her and she’s forced to either make up with him quickly or just get over it because she can’t be fighting with her partner (meanwhile, like in “Glaciator,” Chat Noir can be as upset as he wants and she’ll apologize first). She presumably would now have the authority to take away his ring by virtue of being guardian, but he’s also been her partner from the beginning and he’s had so much time to get used to the cat. Most likely, she would sooner blame herself for failing to reign him in than blame him for failing as an adequate partner.
There’s nothing she can do. She has to deal with the hand that she’s been dealt and getting angry at him has done nothing; rejecting him has done nothing.
And of course the episode throws everything under the rug in the ending with an insulting LadyNoir scene where Ladybug and Chat Noir talk about the secrets their forced to keep but also how they can trust each other.
Meanwhile, Ladybug has no idea of all the things Chat Noir has done behind her back. She still has no clue about “Copycat,” nor “Syren,” nor any of the stuff he did in this episode that she’ll probably never know about. Factor it in with “Miraculous New York” (whether one considers it canon or not) where she rightfully shouted at him because he betrayed her trust, and here we are one and a half episodes later (since “Truth” and “Lies” take place at similar times) where suddenly they’re all buddy-buddy and Chat Noir doesn’t have to deal with any consequences to his selfishness.
I’m glad that Kagami didn’t forgive Adrien in the end (even if I’m upset that she doesn’t know how bad it really was) because she had every right to walk away and not want to be friends with him. I only wish that Ladybug could do the same thing and never look back, but due to the love square’s status as endgame, we know that can’t happen, and Ladybug will eventually be forced to fall in love with a guy who mocked her responsibilities behind her back, disrespected her authority by opting to tease/flirt with her, continued pursuing her despite her rejections, and hoped for Paris to be in danger just so he could see her.
And... yeah, that hurts. It really does.
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unionwitch · 3 years
Okay guys, galaxy brain with me for a moment:
A FF XV au: where there are 3 Nox Fleuret siblings, Ravus, Luna AND Stella.
Stella is the baby. She's one year younger than Lunafreya, so Luna is still THE Oracle
Since their dad is never mentioned, let's assume that he got in a fight with Sylva (R&L's mom) about the whole prophecy, so he tries to leaves sneakily without telling anyone but Sylva about it and take away his youngest daughter before Regis and Noct arrive to Tenebrae
Sylva kinda silently exiles their dad and is mad at him for standing against her and her duty (and essentially against Luna's future)
Being an Oracle is though shit and she's trying her best, but she cannot exactly stand against the Astrals even though she's devastated upon hearing about her daughter's destiny
The shit gets really messy during the fall of Tenebrae because at this point only few closest to the Oracle know about the tension between the family
During the attack Dad Fleuret sacrifices himself to focus soldiers' attention on himself while Stella manages to run away and get out of Tenebrae with other refugees (since she was already preparing to do that before Niflheim attacked)
After the fall, when they find Dad Fleuret's dead body and can't find Stella anywhere, they announce to the public that both Queen and King of Tenebrae is dead along with the youngest princess
That results in Lunafreya feeling even more compelled to her duty because she's the only Oracle left and her family is falling apart
Ravus has even more issues due to losing both of his parents and his sister
Stella tries to lay low and lets the Empire believe she's dead for at least a year before she tries to contact her siblings
Stella vaguely keeps in touch with Ravus and Luna with Pryna's help after Tenebrae falls
Since I imagine both Stella and Ravus are similar in character, she vows to avenge her parents and homeland so she learns how to fight (possibly joins either hunters or mercenaries)
Since we can't have nice things without a lil bit of 💫💫drama💫💫 - Ravus is very protective of Lunafreya, because he feels like he already failed one of his sisters
Luna is conflicted - on one hand she care about Stella, but on another she can't understand how could she just leave them, especially once she learns that the reason she got away in the first place is that she was already planning to run away with their dad
Stella is slightly freaked out by the prophecy and is also overprotective when it comes to Luna, but she can't do much SINCE the whole world thinks she's dead and Ravus is adamant about keeping it that way, because even if he feels betrayed, he still wants her to be free and hates himself since he can't really help with Luna's situation
Cue Ravus forming his dumbass plan to get a high rank in the Empire's army to at least somehow protect his family
Lunafreya is mad at her brother, because she's sick of everybody sacrificing themselves in order to protect her and reluctantly reaches out to Stella, so maybe she can convince him to not join
When Stella gets a wind of Ravus making a career at the army, she is pissed at him because he's siding with the enemy
Ravus dismisses both sisters and shuts himself off because he cannot let them get hurt by the Empire again and they simply don't understand that he doesn't have the same luxury of being too important to get rid of him as Lunafreya does (because the Emperor isn't stupid enough to publicly try anything against the Oracle) so he's also trying to make himself valuable so they can't use him as a bargaining chip against Lunafreya
Since, like I mentioned before, I see Ravus &Stella thinking in similar ways, Stella decides to join Aranea's team (since Aranea was hired by the Empire a few times already and there are rumours that they want her&her mercs as a part of the army) half out of pure spite and half because she's acquaintances with her due to work so she knows Aranea won't be loyal to the Empire even if she'll work for them
Naturally - Ravus is pissed
Lunafreya is hurt by her decision and cuts off contact with her
Later when Ravus is coincidentally assigned to a mission with Aranea, he quietly corners Stella and tries to make her leave and go back to hiding
Aranea walks on them 3 seconds away from throwing hands and decides that they are suspicious af and demands an explanation
A long passive aggressive conversation later - Aranea learns of Stella's true identity (she was using a fake name) and she's shook, but she agrees to keep it to herself and to pass on messages from Ravus to his sister without raising too many suspicions
I'll continue later because I'm close to sign limit ×-×
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melrosing · 3 years
did they actually read the chapter? Jaime is exhibiting sexual attraction to Brienne within the first few pages, there is never going to be this choice between a sex life and an inspiring woman or whatever. it's so demeaning to Cersei as well to reduce her to Jaime's sex life, and deny Brienne sexuality on the other hand because she's not beautiful.
okay, I think what was actually said on this podcast is going to get lost in translation over here if I just kind of vaguely refer to arguments I disagreed with. so to start with, I think anyone who's interested in what the NotACast guys and Dr Shiloh had to say on Jaime & Brienne would be best off listening to it themselves, I really don't want to misrepresent them here.
but I'll share the quote I was referring to, and preface that by saying that PoorQuentyn/Emmett does flat out state earlier in the episode that yeah, Jaime is sexually attracted to Brienne. he refers to the usual quotes, i.e. Jaime eyeing up her calves, picturing her in a dress, admiring her eyes, etc, etc. so far so good lol, obviously we've very much been over all that over in this sphere of fandom, but NotACast is most popular amongst fans from different spheres, including many fans who have not engaged at all with the discourse around JB. so, makes sense to include these foundational readings in the podcast.
anyway, the quote I was referring to (don't look at me transcribing is a weird hobby of mine):
PQ [1:19:56]: It’s interesting to me that you have this… kind of trying to decouple the courtly elements from the sexual elements? Because Jaime and Brienne do have that - more kind of - the chaste elements of the romance, with the actual sexuality kind of displaced onto Cersei. And it does feel like… it does feel like to me on some level that Jaime kind of wishes he could combine these two women. Like that would be the ideal for him*laughs*. As if he could force Brienne and Cersei into like, a machine from The Fly or something, and just make himself… that for him would be kind of the ideal, and I wonder if what George is trying to do is make that romantic ideal impossible for Jaime, by splitting it into two people. And saying, you can either have… your traditionally beautiful woman, you know, who you’ve been obsessed with, and your partner, or you can be with a person who makes you feel like a true knight. But these are antithetical. And I think that’s interesting.
(I'm putting the rest under the cut because this is long.)
this take is actually kind of bizarre when you consider the fact that, as I said, PQ has already acknowledged that there is a sexual element to JB. perhaps he's just riffing off of the convo BBF and and Dr Shiloh have just had where they wonder where to place Cersei in the conversation between JB and Arthuriana. personally I'd say that Cersei doesn't really belong in that conversation, and that's kind of the point: Jaime's wanted her to, but she never has. however, Dr Shiloh argues that Cersei and Brienne parallel the two women in Lancelot's life, where Lancelot is Jaime, Cersei = Guinevere, Brienne = Elaine of Corbenic (I... do not agree lmao but that's a separate matter)
so PQ's following on from this strain, comparing and contrasting the roles of Brienne and Cersei in Jaime's narrative, just feeling around for what sounds right by the looks of it. however! this does not sound right to me. let's unpack!!!!
It’s interesting to me that you have this… kind of trying to decouple the courtly elements from the sexual elements? Because Jaime and Brienne do have that - more kind of - the chaste elements of the romance
so as we've just established, there are sexual elements to JB in Jaime I alone, but they do not stop there: they get more pronounced. in fact by Jaime III they're already pretty explicit: JB have that entire sword fight in the river that is literally screaming look at their physical chemistry (I wrote more on that here) - the whole fight is half written as a sex scene, it's not remotely subtle.
and of course the undertones continue, to the point that they're not even undertones anymore, it's just Jaime getting an erection in the bath as he stares at Brienne's naked body.
but there are courtly elements too, and I won't list all of them off but these are best encapsulated in Jaime IX, where JB are almost meeting again for the first time, as they might in a traditional courtly setting where Jaime is dressed as a dashing knight and Brienne is dressed as a highborn lady, and they kind of awkwardly compliment each other, and instead of the lady bestowing a sword and a quest upon her knight it's the other way round, etc etc you know I love this shit lmao ANYWAY
so it's pretty clear Jaime and Brienne have both bases covered: the courtly and the sexual, and that they do, as the hosts observe in the episode, switch between the roles of the knight and the damsel. the whole point is that they gel perfectly: in falling in love they do not force the other into a contained role, but rather liberate the other from what was a contained role.
...with the actual sexuality kind of displaced onto Cersei.
is the 'actual sexuality' displaced onto Cersei? or is it just that Cersei is the only person Jaime has had sex with so far? as we've established, Jaime and Brienne have a distinct physical chemistry, and we even get a subtle little comparison between this and that which Jaime has with Cersei here:
Her arm was all gooseflesh, clammy and chilled, but she was strong, and gentler than he would have thought. Gentler than Cersei, he thought [JAIME V, ASOS]
Cersei has been his only partner for all of his life, but that does not make her his perfect match in that respect.
moving on.
I wonder if what George is trying to do is make that romantic ideal impossible for Jaime, by splitting it into two people. And saying, you can either have… your traditionally beautiful woman, you know, who you’ve been obsessed with, and your partner, or you can be with a person who makes you feel like a true knight. But these are antithetical.
so PQ says on the one hand Jaime has Cersei, who is his passionate, beautiful, lifelong partner, and on the other there's Brienne, a chaste figure who makes him feel good about himself. and that these two things are antithetical, making the romantic ideal impossible for Jaime.
so. to start with, nowhere does ASOIAF state that Brienne can't be a passionate partner. she hasn't had the chance to be one yet, no, but this is, er, a story, things change and evolve, and we literally have evidence of passion between Jaime and Brienne on the page already.
second, Brienne is not beautiful, that's right! but that doesn't mean she falls short of a romantic ideal for Jaime??? I know I always bring up JB x Beauty and the Beast, but come on, they are literally based on a fairytale that says that love isn't about beauty, it's about the heart. and in any case, Jaime has been shown experiencing sexual attraction to women like Hildy and Pia (post-injury), who are not what society calls beautiful. he admires Cersei's beauty, sure, but we don't see anywhere that it is of the utmost importance to Jaime that his partner is beautiful. it's important to Cersei - but not Jaime.
third, PQ points out that Cersei's this lifelong obsession for Jaime, and surely that counts for something in balancing her against Brienne. well... no?? Jaime's obsession with Cersei has been based on the lies he tells himself about her, and the lies she's told him. Jaime has desperately wanted Cersei to be this benevolent figure that completes him, that he can love and protect as a true knight. she isn't, and he realises that now, and has unambiguously left her. of course he still thinks about her, it was a lifelong relationship, it was that thing he always thought of when he wanted comfort and to feel less alone, but that doesn't mean that he can't appreciate the lie in that, and the futility of his obsession.
so Brienne is not antithetical to what Cersei never was in the first place. in fact, Brienne is very much the kind of woman Jaime has wanted in Cersei (honest, loyal, loving), but simultaneously, yes, a person who inspires him, and who is just as capable of playing the role Jaime once assigned to himself. Jaime always believed his duty was to protect and comfort Cersei. with Brienne, he finds he can also be protected himself, and comforted himself. that's that whole damsel/knight switcheroo that NotACast were so taken with. that's the romantic ideal being, actually, perfectly possible for Jaime and Brienne both, it just... doesn't look as they thought it did.
ANYWAY. that's my thoughts on that. and for the record I do not think the podcast is bad or that the hosts are stupid and the last thing I want to do here is encourage any negativity towards them. I just thought that take was daft and wanted to take it apart with my bare hands lmao
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honeybeezx · 3 years
Armor - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand - Part 1
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Author’s Note: Hey everyone! So this is the first fic I’ve ever posted on tumblr, low key kinda scary😄 But this man and his paramour have been on my mind for the longest. This is a self insert fic, but I don’t really use “Y/N”. Hope you enjoy and any feedback would be great!
Summary: You are an assassin hired by Tyrion to act as extra security alongside Bronn. He brings you back to King’s Landing just as the boy king Jeoffry Baratheon plans to marry the cunning Margaery Tyrell. But with all the guests roaming around, you begin to wonder who is a friend and who is a foe. No one makes you wonder more than the famed prince from Dorne and his captivating paramour.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: mentions of murder, allusions to sex
You never knew anything in the seven kingdoms could make you feel so small. It wasn’t as if you’d ever let it show. You held your head high, walking alongside Tyrion as both of you entered the great hall of the throne room, Bronn on the opposite side of your employer. The Red Keep was even bigger than you had imagined it to be. The throne room was the tallest room you had ever seen. Against the dark ceiling the columns looked as if they stretched up into the night sky.
Every eye in the palace was on the three of you, and you felt no one’s eyes more than Cersei’s. You held her gaze. A woman who lived in luxury her whole life did not frighten you. She may have influence, but you had experience, strength, freedom, and skill with your bow that you were now acutely aware was strapped to your back. Having the protection of Tyrion’s influence and connections and Bronn’s strength and skill with a sword brought a sense of comfort, allowing you to remain calm under such scrutinizing gaze.
“Brother.” Cersei greeted with a soft smile that failed to hide all the vileness in her heart. “You come with friends.”
“Oh no, more like bodyguards. We have so many enemies now a days sister, I like to know I’m protected.” Tyrion smirked, leaving Bronn chuckling. You, on the other hand, would not let your intimidating demeanor fade, remaining as stoic and unyielding as the stone columns that held up the palace you wished to see fall. “May I introduce Bronn, Lord of Highgarden and-“
“Yes, I know all about the Silver Hawk from the North. I wonder if you are half as good as they say you are.” She mocked, her tone anything but genuinely curious. “I am told that you can hit your target 200 meters away and steal their breath before they even know what hit them.” If you didn’t know any better you’d think she was impressed, even if she did look at you as if you were the lowest creature she ever beheld.
“Perhaps I will have an opportunity to display my skills while I am here, your grace.” You’ll see first hand when my arrow is aimed just above your crooked neck.
“Perhaps.” She replied, feigning as much sweetness as a ferrel cat.
The both of you narrowed your eyes at each other. There was no outright exchange of harsh words or petty language, but the furious tension between the two of you was enough to fill the entire hall with uncomfortable silence. You hoped your unyielding gaze scared her. You wondered how many people actually defied her, you wondered how long it would take to get under her skin.
“Yes, well.” Tyrion interrupted, knowing you were bubbling with anger. Cersei was too, and although you allowed her to see your own emotions, it please you a bit to know you could anger her just as easy. You hated Lannisters almost more than anything, but you also knew Cersei’s time would come. She would pay for her crimes, fate would decide her end. You knew that fate had not brought you here to slay the queen regent, as much as you despised her. “As much as I love chatting with you sister, I simply wanted our arrival to be known. We have much unpacking to do and much to discuss.”
“Be careful, little brother.” She warned. “Your guard has little reserve and it seems your little silver hawk has a silver tongue as well. You would be wise to remember that people have been killed for that and less.”
“I’ll be sure to keep very close watch over them.” Tyrion retorted sarcastically before turning on his heal and exiting the great hall. You and Bronn followed, the later unable to contain his amusement.
“I’d say that went well!” He quipped, smiling at both you and your employer.
“She didn’t call to chop off our heads, that is some relief.” Tyrion noted. “But you both must be careful, especially you.” His scrutinizing gaze met yours.
“What? You expected me to just let her try and hold some dominate power over me? Just because she is draped in finest jewels in the seven realms and hides behind the her father’s influence does not mean I will tremble like a child before her.”
Tyrion sighed. “You must, for now, hold your tongue. Your wit does you credit, that’s why I like you, but you must check yourself. My sister is more dangerous than you can imagine. Don’t tremble, but don’t overstep either.” You remembered that Tyrion had been playing the game his whole life, he was basically born into it. He knew his sister better than anyone, and that meant he knew how to get around her better than anyone. You made a note to observe exactly what made Cersei tick, what made her preen under her usually reserved demeanor.
Despite the warm tones of the palace, you felt as though you were walking on ice. One wrong step and you were dead under a frozen tundra. You didn’t like this at all. Tyrion promised your freedom would not be at risk, yet you felt the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to do as you pleased slip from you more and more. You were being watched here, you weren’t stupid. Every move had to be calculated, every word like honey laced with poison. The faster the boy king could marry, the less people there were for you to worry about. It made you uncomfortable not knowing who was an ally and who was a foe. The one thing you could appreciate about Cersei was that you always knew where you stood with her.
“I will try to remain civil if she approaches me, otherwise I will avoid your sister to the best of my abilities. But she would be wise not to challenge my reserve.” I huffed, earning a laugh from Bronn.
“Your reserve, little hawk, will be undone, whether it be from your words or your arrows.” He teased. You gave him a shove and he stumbled a bit, but not much. The last thing you needed was the oaf calling you “little”.
“The sooner we are out of this horrid place the better.” You huffed.
“I agree,” Tyrion agreed, nodding in understanding, “but don’t hold your breath. There is so much to be done before my nephew’s wedding and I will be relying on both of you to help me. While I am arranging more intimate details with my family, you two will be protecting me, but also doing some side tasks that I will not have time for. Bronn, for the most part you will be either at my side or Shae’s. If the palace discovers her they will use her against me. She can’t be found.”
Shae, Tyrion’s lover of sorts. You had grown close to her on your travels. You were wary at first. Your job was to protect Tyrion, naturally, you were cautious of anyone who might try to hurt him, to get close to him only for information or power. But it was a tough business, out spying a spy, and all your instincts told you to trust Shae. She had not left any of you astray thus far, and though the couple had not named their relationship, you could tell Tyrion and Shae cared immensely for each other. But Tyrion was right, she could be used as a pawn against him, especially if Cersei found out.
There was a sort of kinship between you and Shae. You were both strong, clever women, and she had tended to the few wounds you found yourself with on your travels. She seemed like a sister, and you were grateful for the company and friendship she provided.
“As for our favorite archer, you will be assisting some guests, getting information. I want to know the people attending this wedding, I want to ensure that this wedding goes smoothly. The Tyrell’s are a powerful ally, we cannot lose them.”
You nodded in understanding. Tyrion hired you to protect him, yes, but archery was not your only strength. You could be quiet, and you could listen as well as you could speak. You knew he would ask that of you with all the guests roaming around. You were curious to know what King’s Landing was really like, and even more interested in knowing the people who came here. “Ask it of me and it will be done.”
“Aye.” Bronn agreed.
“You are the most trusted of friends.” Tyrion gave the smallest of smiles. You were hesitant to even be in his service when the lord found you and offered you a job, afraid of losing your freedom. You knew the Lannisters, you knew their foul and power-hungry disposition. Being in their service seemed to you signing your life away. You were surprised to find he did not wish to take such things from you. He hired both you and Bronn to protect him, yes, but he would do the same for you both. You were an odd sort of family, but a family nonetheless. “Get settled and rested for the evening, we’ve had a long journey. We will reconvene later to discuss further plans.”
You nodded and left to your new chamber, one just across from Bronn and down the hall from Tyrion.
The trio was still not aware of the Red Viper slithering about the halls.
Days passed with little to do. You hadn’t seen much of Tyrion. Since your arrival at King’s Landing your employer had become hand to his nephew king and married the pretty Stark girl you later learned was named Sansa. Still, you found ways to spend your time, keeping eyes and ears open for any useful information. You were particularly interested in Joffrey. It was astounding how a little boy could hold so much power, so much evil. You figured he inherited his terror from his mother.
Sansa was an interesting girl as well. Your heart broke for her. She was nothing if not resilient, staying loyal to her betrothed if only to keep herself alive. She was smart, you learned, but not useful when attempting to gather information. She did not deny her loyalty to Joffrey, even to those she liked. You were grateful that Tyrion stepped in to propose to the poor girl, if only to save her from the tyrant king. Both you and Shae kept close eyes on her. She was as smart and clever as Shae and yourself. You had a sneaking suspicion that she could be a close ally, if only your little family could get her away from the palace.
But today was different. Today you left your quarters to explore the palace a bit. You wanted to know what sort of battleground you were working with. It seemed surprising that a palace that was so heavily targeted was so...open. It seemed like light could illuminate any room. Even the gloomy and foreboding throne room could not escape a few beams of sunlight. If you didn’t despise every Lannister crawling about the palace, you had a mind to stay. The palace was only under the allusion of being warm and charming, the people who inhabited it ruined any chance of it being a lovely place. You noticed that the open windows and balconies made perfect outlooks should you need to eliminate a threat with one of your silver arrows.
But for now, the open windows became your place of peace as you ate a bowl of berries, just watching the rest of the sunrise. You saw the sun just barely grace the city with its light before you were called into Tyrion’s chambers. You arrived promptly, Bronn stumbling in a few minutes after you. You rolled your eyes at his lack of punctuality, which only earned you a playful nudge from the Lord of Highgarden.
“Behave you two. I swear I am dealing with children.” Shae huffed, but you could tell behind her sharp features was an air of mischief. Still, you straightened up and diverted your full attention to Tyrion.
“Well, much has happened. Prince Oberyn has arrived in The Capital. I visited him yesterday morning and he made it very clear that he wants to kill any Lannister that he sets his sights on. My father apparently ordered the death of his sister and her children. Our goal, for now, is to keep him happy, to keep him entertained. Bronn, your job will be to appear inconspicuous as you keep a watchful eye over my quarters, make sure no one goes in or out.” He ordered.
Shae huffed. “I’m perfectly capable of handling myself thank you.” She huffed.
“No one disputes that my dear.” Tyrion chuckled. You remember watching Shae stab a man she did not want for laying a finger on her. “I’m not worried about you. But my sister and my king nephew are very powerful. They will know how to use you against me.” He explained. Shae still was not pleased with the idea, but she relented.
“As for our hawk,” he turned to you and gave you a list with names you did not recognize, “you will present these girls to Prince Oberyn in my place. You will tell him that royal duties as the king’s new hand have prevented me from revisiting him, but you hope he enjoys the whores as a welcoming gift to King’s Landing.”
“Excuse me?!” You snapped your eyes narrowing in on your employer. “I am not a squire whose job is to bring in girls for spoiled princes!”
“Do not think of it as that.” Tyrion poured himself a glass of wine, knowing that he should chose his next words very carefully. He could feel your eyes burning into him. “Consider it a diplomatic mission. Besides, the prince wishes to meet you. The legends of the Silver Hawk have reached so far as Dorne and he is eager to make your acquaintance. This is the perfect opportunity for the both of you.”
You still weren’t pleased. “So I am now to serve as entertainment for the prince of Dorne.” You sighed and shook your head. “I am only staying long enough to bring him the girls, then I’m leaving.”
“Fine,” Tyrion relented. “But you will be cordial to the prince. Don’t be deceived by his charming words, he stabbed one of my cousins for a few unkind, brutish remarks. I don’t want to know what he’ll do when he hears your fire-laced words.” If it weren’t such a serious situation, Tyrion might have been amused to hear you use your wit against a prince, but the prince’s history with the Lannisters was anything but a joke.
“I’m sure she can handle herself. Hawks have talons after all.” Shae teased, but squeezed your arm affectionately. You offered a kind smile, but you still loathed this plan.
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Tyrion rubbed his temple like the very thought of you getting into trouble was enough to send him over the edge.
You relented and chuckled a little before placing a hand on your friend’s shoulder. “I will be on my best behavior, but only because you will worry yourself ill.” You teased. “It can’t be too bad if I just deliver your message and leave. I better get going though. Can’t leave a prince waiting.” You snorted. As if you cared what a prince thought.
Oberyn Martell lied in his temporary bed at the brothel, Ellaria Sand at his right, a blond haired boy on his left. He was the picture of lustful bliss, his golden chest glistened as the small rays of light entered the sinful den. But the prince was quiet deep in thought as he started out into the empty space before them. All the pleasure the brothel had to offer could not break his focus.
“Your thoughts are too loud, my prince.” Ellaria chided as she placed a kiss to his chest. “Tell me.”
Even then, Oberyn still could not break his thoughts of you, but he ran a hand through his paramour’s raven curls in acknowledgment. “I think I found our third partner.”
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