#they are full of little guys. little monsters. creatures. on BOTH sides
stickersgeorg · 1 year
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so many tiny animals you don't know how much i love them all
AND. many of the cats are so so scrunkly ❤❤❤😭😭😭
(RachelBardArt on etsy)
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mehiwilldoitlater · 21 days
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When you were taken by your original world and sent into some kind of ancient China, full of demons and monsters, you weren't exactly sure why you were supposed to assist the "Destined one." Damn, you didn't even know how this.
When you find out that this destiny one was some kind of successor of Sun Wukong, saying that you were surprised was a joke.
His eyes scrutinized you; they were dark with a tint of gold when the light stricked them. He silently circled you, creating some distance between you, himself, and the other monkeys, curious about the mortals that presented themselves on their mountain.
Every time you tried to keep some distance, he was ready to close it enough to never leave his sight. What a strange situation, and what strange creature was sent to him just at the dawn of his journey.
The stories portrayed Wukong, as the name says, as a monkey kind of guy: cheerful, ready to make some jokes, who liked to make fun of people and laugh. And yet, the destined one was nothing like this trope.
He was composed, serious, and always straight forward. It was like he decided to expel every fun side from him in order to fulfill his duty.
Despite that, he showed more side to you: he was caring, trying to understand your confusion and fear while in a new world, always remembering to keep your peace while walking to make sure that you didn't get lost around. He was your protector, always ready to strike at every danger, and a good friend in the moment of agony.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't cry for these things, but... I'm sorry, so sorry."
You missed home. You never could believe yourself, but you missed your monothone and unsavory life. You missed waking up, going to walk, listening to endless hours of your boss rumbling—you missed even the crappy food of the cafeteria!
Everything seems so far away, without hope of reaching it. And you felt like trash because he was the one that was there to listen. You felt ashame, ashame of the fact that you were there complaining about what you lost while he was there fighting for both of you. You tried to cover your eyes, holding your breath to calm down, but nothing worked at all.
A stream of tears keeps on crashing down, hiccups escaping your lungs without stop.
Then, you felt his arms—two pairs of strong and soft arms, protecting your now vulnerable state from everything and everyone. His tail followed his gesture, keeping you in place and warm—so warm.
"Please." His high peech voice is now reduced to a whisper. "Don't hold it. Don't hold the pain. I can't see you like this. Please, whatever cloud your heart, speak to me."
Soon, you both became inseparable. You followed him like a shadow, carrying pills and balms, making plans with him for your next move. Damn, even Bajie couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you behind the monkey, a little afraid of the newcomer of the group.
You weren't anymore just some random mortal the Destined one had found and kept at his tail; now you were the Destined done caompanion and trusted friend. His journey became your journey, and his task your task. You both became bound by a silent vow.
"Say...why don't you choose a name? A real one this time."
"I never thought about it." He started to play with a leaf fallen from the nearby tree, thinking about your new idea.
You reached his side, holding his hand in yours, caressing the black claws on it. Once those scared you, now you wonder if a nice manicure could make them look prettier than now.
"Well, you can't let me call you Destined One or Monkey forever! You need a proper name! Something nice! ...umm...how about... Yuánfèn?"
"Um? Since when can you name people here?"
"Well," you continued, "it's destiny in Chinese, no? Like..fate!"
He looked at you, then laughed between his teeth a little. "There's no difference in how they usually call me then!"
"Yes, but...this is how I call you! So is different!"
Soon, you start to not miss home that much. You start to hope to be closer to him—to not go back. You hope that, after your honeymoon, you can stay together and that, despite all, there can be a happy ending for both of you. And silently, in his head, he hoped that too.
"May i?"
He gave you his silent consent, allowing you to caress his cheek with your so small fingers. Your lips met his own, your gesture so timid and gentle that you ask yourself if it's still a small image in your mind instead of something that you're actually doing now. He hasn't moved an inch; confusion starts to come to him and yourself, to the point that you need to stop. Now you just feel ashamed; you felt that you crossed a line, and now you don't even know if you can even go back.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
A small shush from him, his finger holding your chin and guiding you against him. This time, he's trying to mimic your gesture, a blush forming from his face to the visible part of his ears. His kiss is trembling but fierce. He waited long enough to see your still puzzled face.
"I...may don't get how you did it...Can you show me...again, please?"
You don't need to let him ask again; soon your lips smash together again, showing him exactly what's happening.
Your fate is sealed with that kiss, and there's no force on heaven and earth to undo it.
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
Hey, I love your fics. Your romance stories drive me wild with excitement. I did have this idea in my head: Two guys are going to a fancy dinner tonight, but one is secretly a vampire and one is secretly a werewolf. Neither of them knows the other is a supernatural creature and trying to act normal.
Later, somehow an incident forces them to reveal their monster sides and instead of freaking out, they would make out with each other rough and crazy. Just wanted to see what would you do with it. (You don't have too its fine..)
it's a cute simple dinner date at a fancy restaurant but things go downhill quickly. first, the vampire explains their garlic allergy to the waiter who assures them they'll be careful. "what are you, a vampire?" the werewolf jokes and the vampire laughs a little too hard at that before very firmly stating that vampires aren't real. despite the promise, the vampire's food comes out loaded with Garlic.
The next hitch is the fact that the silverware is real silver, the werewolf doesn't realize until they try and take a bite and it burns their mouth they choke on their food and drop their silverware too. the waiter brings them new silverware...also silver.
it's a painful and awkward meal at both, but they kind of bond over the fact that they both mostly eat the free bread rather than the food they ordered.
After dinner, they go for a nice moonlit walk through the park. it's nice and nothing could possibly go wrong! the sun is set and it's not a full moon so there is nothing that could possibly go wrong. until they run into a mutual friend, who's Fea and happens to live in the woods next to this park.
Now the werewolf doesn't know they're on a date with a vampire and the vampire doesn't know they're on a date with a werewolf, but the Fea knows both of them are supernatural creatures and doesn't think there is any reason to hide magic, so the three talk for a little while then the Fea just poofs out of existence in a cloud of glitter.
Both of them freeze not knowing what to do. their presumably human date just saw magic. they both look at each other waiting for the freak-out reaction.
"Who told you about magic?"
"Who told you about magic-"
they talk openly and figure out the truth. they have a much better night not hiding anything.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 3 months
Dragon!Miguel - kidnapped!
The main fic turned out much more popular than I expected, so I decided to spoil you guys with a short side story 🤭.
@captain-liminal possible art of Dragon!Miguel x Phoenix!Reader ?
Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: brief mention of violence.
     He marched out of the throne room, glad that the meeting had finally ended: now he could fly off to his wife’s kingdom to join her while she visited her family for a few days. She’d left earlier that day, wanting to spend as much time back home as possible, and though he hadn’t liked the idea of sending his wife off alone, he could never say no to her.
     “Your Majesty!” A palace guard’s frantic voice broke into his thoughts of his pretty little wife and Miguel frowned as he looked up at the man. But then the guard continued and Miguel’s blood ran cold at his words. 
     “The Queen!” he exclaimed, slowing to a stop in front of Miguel. “She’s been kidnapped! We have received a ransom letter - from a group of rebel orcs, it would seem. They caught her midway through her flight back-” He broke off suddenly as Miguel flew down the hallway, racing towards the front entrance of the palace. The guard followed after him, calling after his King in a panic, but Miguel refused to slow down. 
     “Your Majesty!” 
     “Send an army!” Miguel commanded, calling back to him as he soared away from the palace. His body lengthened into its full dragon form as he climbed higher in the sky, his eyes narrowing into reptilian slits and his skin darkening into deep blue scales. He’d make them pay. He’d make sure there was nothing left of those half-witted, foul-breathed, repugnant monsters once he was through with them.
     The orc whom she supposed was the second-in-command snarled at her from between the bars of the cage they’d locked her in.
     “Just give us a feather, Princess! Or else we’ll have to let Lumdum take it from ya,” he threatened, prompting a gleeful snicker from his friend. 
     “Yeah!” Lumdum agreed. “Let me at ‘er! I got a few new fancy tools I been meaning to try out on a pretty little birdie …”
     X shuddered as the orc leered at her, his cracked lips stretching wide to reveal patches of missing teeth. She grabbed the bars of her cage and drew her brows together to galre at them in what she hoped was a threatening manner - Miguel always said she looked especially cute whenever she frowned at him like that. But she didn’t want to be cute now: she wanted to be taken seriously! 
     “You and I both know you will not be getting what you want out of me,” she said, glad that her voice came out steady despite her nerves. “The best you can hope for is to let me go this instant so that my husband might take the smallest shred of mercy on you and not obliterate you into pieces!”
     The orcs glanced at one another for a moment. Then they all burst into laughter, bending over and clutching their stomachs at how adorable she looked, wrinkling her nose at them. 
     “We’ll take our chances, Princess,” the leader - Varbu, she thought she’d heard the others call him - assured her. He started creeping towards her and X moved back to the other end of the cage. She sucked in shallow breaths, trying to stop herself from transforming out of fear - phoenix feathers were one of the most powerful objects next to dragon scales, able to wipe out an entire battlefield’s worth of soldiers if they were set aflame at the right angle, so she didn’t want to give these demented creatures a single opportunity to get one of hers. She whimpered as she pressed herself against the bars, wishing she had even an ounce as much of power as Miguel had - then she could have at least tried to defend herself against these brutes. Her heart thudded in her chest as Varbu’s fat green fingers closed around the iron bars, then the both of them froze as a loud roar echoed throughout the valley. X looked up and a felt wave of relief crash over her as she saw her husband swooping towards her, his deep blue scales glinting in the sunlight, his fiery eyes burning with rage when they landed on her.
     He drew a deep breath into his lungs, then released it again, bathing the valley in flames. The orcs scrambled around in a panic, desperately trying to put out the fire eating away at their clothes, but Miguel refused to grant them a second of respite before he staged his attack. He dived lower and picked up one of the orcs to throw him over the mountains, ignoring his terrified screams as he flew through the air to his death. Then he swiped at another with his claws, splitting him open as he batted him into the now scorched forest nearby. He descended on the last one before he even had a chance to blink, closing his jaw around his head and flinging him far out of his reach from his wife. 
     She transformed into her phoenix form as he released another barrage of flames, allowing the warmth of his fire to heal the injuries she’d sustained when she’d been snatched out of the sky earlier. She cooed happily as her husband made his way over to her, the ground trembling with every step he took. Miguel grabbed hold of the bars and pulled them apart, bending the metal to create a gap for his wife to exit through.
     She was so graceful in her phoenix form, stepping out of the wretched cage and arranging her dazzling feathers before she finally looked up at him with those big, beautiful eyes of hers. Miguel relaxed slightly at the sight of her safe before him and grunted softly before lowering his head to nuzzle her affectionately. His wife wriggled against his cheek, delighted to be reunited with him and he sighed at how soft she felt. Dios, she was perfect. He’d never let her out of his sight again. 
     She stretched her wings as he curled his large body around her and let out another coo to catch his attention. Her husband raised his head in question and she gestured to the sky, eager to get home and see her parents. Miguel snorted in disagreement as he straightened, refusing to let her travel by herself again. Instead, he turned his head to his body, gesturing for her to get on. X rolled her eyes, but flew up to his back anyway, transforming back into her human form and wrapping herself securely around him. He took off into the air once she was comfortable and together, they continued their journey to her parents’ home. 
     The King and Queen of Risendelle paced back and forth in their throne room, anxiously awaiting any news on their precious daughter. Finally, a palace guard burst through the doors, grabbing both of their attentions. 
     “Your Majesties!” he exclaimed between shallow breaths. “It is the Dragon King! He is almost here!” 
     The King and Queen rushed to greet their son-in-law, the both of them holding their breaths as they watched him ascend to the ground. They ran over to him once he’d landed and let out twin sighs of relief when they saw their daughter safe and sound on his back. X slid to the ground and let herself be wrapped up by her parents, hugging them back as tightly as they did her. 
     “My baby!” the Queen screeched. “Are you all right? Did they … Did they hurt you?!”
     “Your brother left as soon as we received the news!” the King informed her before she even had a chance to respond. “He brought some of the army with him, so they should-”
     Miguel huffed in interruption, surrounding the three of them in a circle of smoke. He grunted when they all turned to look at him, then shrank back down into his human form. His arms came around his wife almost immediately, pulling her back against his chest and holding her close. 
     “There’s nothing left of them,” Miguel informed his wife’s father. “The prince may return to spend time with his sister.”
     The King reached up and gave his son-in-law’s shoulder a grateful squeeze. “Thank you, son. We appreciate your intervention.”
     “My wife-” A growl escaped his throat as he tried to respond and Miguel tightened his grip on X as he took a moment to calm himself down. X brushed her thumbs across the back of his hands where they were clasped around her abdomen and Miguel felt some of the heat dissipate from his body. He cleared his throat and tried again. “My wife is my most precious treasure. I will never let anything happen to her!” His fangs shot out in anger and he let out an involuntary snarl at the thought. The Queen nodded in understanding and brushed a loose strand of X’s hair behind her ear. 
     “Thank you, sweetheart,” she told Miguel, glad that her daughter had found someone so enamoured with her. “Perhaps the two of you would like to get some rest after your journey? We’ll have the maids call you when dinner is ready.”
     X twisted her head back to look up at her husband, blinking at him with her curly lashes. Miguel lowered his head to nuzzle the crook of her neck with his nose and she turned back to her mother to place a hand on her forearm. 
     “We’ll see you at dinner, mother,” she agreed, before walking into the palace. Her husband’s arms stayed glued to her waist as she led them both down the hallway, making her way towards her childhood bedroom. Miguel tugged her back to him once they were alone and bent over to press soft kisses to her skin, his lips making their way up the side of her neck to her cheek. X giggled at the ticklish feeling and turned around to face him, delighting in the feeling of his hard muscles as she placed her hands on his broad chest. She stretched onto her toes to give him a quick kiss, then cupped his face in her hand when she’d lowered herself back to her feet. She brushed her thumb across his cheek and Miguel pouted down at her, allowing himself to be vulnerable enough for her to see the terror that had overcome him at the thought of her being hurt. X wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers making their way into his hair, and pressed a tender kiss to his cheek as she held him close. 
     He stroked her back gently, focusing on the familiar smoky scent of her to soothe his pounding heart. He pressed his lips to the top of her head, showering her with the occasional kiss as she tickled his scalp softly. Finally, he pulled back and trailed his gaze over her, taking her in and reassuring himself that she was safe. She stretched up to kiss him again and Miguel bent over to repeat the gesture before taking a step back. He shook his arms out and transformed into full dragon form, his large body taking up the entirety of the room. X raised her eyebrows at him in question and he circled the room before settling down on the ground, his head resting on her bed. 
     She could still feel some leftover adrenaline from her ordeal, but she didn’t want him to panic any more than he already had. So, she sighed and flashed him an exasperated look, her lips curling at the ends with amusement. Miguel gave her a beseeching look in return and she shook her head before transforming into her phoenix form. 
     He wagged his tail excitedly as she fluttered into the little nest he’d created for her with his body. She was so beautiful in her creature form, her golden feathers glimmering in the light, her brown eyes wide and alluring, her slender body stretching out so gracefully. He reached over to nuzzle her with his cheek, relishing the feeling of her silky feathers against his scales, then he rested his head back on the bed. He watched quietly as she shifted around, getting herself comfortable. Then she closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep, safe in the knowledge that her husband would protect her. Miguel lifted his head to stroke her feathers again, unable to resist how adorable his pretty little wife was. X opened one eye and cooed at him in irritation, and Miguel gave her one last nuzzle before laying his head back down and quickly falling asleep himself. 
     The maid knocked on the door to the princess’s bedroom, then gently pushed it open. “Ma’am? Dinner is- Oh!”
     She startled as she was met by an enormous dragon filling up the entire space. Miguel opened one eye to look at her, his expression unreadable as he flicked his tail back and forth, waiting for her to speak. The maid gulped and lowered her head before gesturing outside. “T-The … The Queen … D-Dinner … is ready … Your Majesty.”
     She snuck a glance at Miguel and he huffed at her request before nodding to his wife, firmly asleep in his embrace. The maid nodded quickly, her eyes widening with understanding. 
     “O-Oh!” she gasped. “Yes, Your Majesty. I shall inform the Queen that the Princess is still resting.” She fell into a bow as she backed out of the room, staunchly avoiding Miguel’s gaze as she closed the door quietly and left. X wriggled around as she started to awaken and she blinked up at Miguel sleepily before cooing at him in question. Miguel reached over to brush her feathers with his cheek, gently nudging her back to sleep, but she transformed back into her human form instead.
     “Miguel? ¿Qué pasó, querido? What time is it?” She patted his nose, then started trying to climb over his tail to get to the door. Miguel transformed back as well and rushed over to grab her waist, turning her around and pulling her against him. His wife laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he sprinkled kisses along her cheek and down the side of her neck. 
     “Querida …” he whined, not wanting to leave their little cocoon just yet. “Te amo, mi reina.”
     “I love you, too, Miguel.” She ran her fingers through his hair, then smiled up at him when he straightened. “But I’m starving, mi amor! Let’s eat!”
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Claude propaganda:
"To say Claude has trust issues is an understatement—you have to spend half the game earning his. (Claude isn't even his real name!) Once you have it, though, he's absolutely ride or die for you until the stars go out. He is so full of heart and ambition: He wants both sides of his heritage to get along, he wants to open borders and eliminate xenophobia and promote equality between commonfolk, and deep down, I think he craves a partner to stand with him at that new dawn, or an equal who sees his vision for the future and will fight for it just as hard. Nobody believed in him when he was a kid, but if you put your faith in him, he'll return it tenfold. Some people don't like that he's calculating, or has to leave the player character at the end of the game to go back to his homeland, but both are necessary elements for his goals to change things. He will always come back, and everyone who bets against him and his love for his companions is wrong with a big fat W. #KhalidForMostDatablePrez"
"Claude is a fun little onion of facades. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he acts like he's carefree and without worries, an unscrupulous schemer--and so many in universe buy into that hook line and sinker. He's used to others viewing him with suspicion and uses it as armor to obscure his not-so-dark truth: that he cares immensely, that he values minimizing the loss of life, and that above all he has so much hope that people will fundamentally choose to do better given the choice.
His front guards a center that his conflict filled world would be happy to tear apart. As the child of people from two nations in constant conflict--one of which is explicitly isolationist and dehumanizes those outside its church's reach--he hasn't really had a place where he can be without his facade. As a child he thought he could run, but when confronted with the fact that this hatred existed no matter where he ran, he chose to instead try to create a more just and kind world.
His inability to let others in beyond his facade at first may lead to a sense of distance, but isn't it then all the more satisfying when you're allowed in? All he wants is a little trust, a little faith, and--like what he wants to give everyone--a chance to be better.
And like that you got a charming young lad with a fun personality that your grandma would be thrilled to have stay forever."
Milo propaganda:
“they were in the last contest sure but i feel like they could get farther. like they're literally a nonbinary grim reaper that's also an influencer and sure sometimes the influencer stuff can get kinda overwhelming i feel like it's very clear that they care about you and want to be around you. you guys go on a reaping date. their eyes and nail colour change based on their mood too and i think it's a really cute detail!! also SLIGHT SPOILERS but they even reference rocky horror in their special ending. they are perfect to me and i love them and i believe they deserve a second chance <3”
"Vote for Milo because they deserve it
They're literally so attractive
- They are a social media influencer
- They are obsessed with an adorable little kitty and will do everything in their power to make this cat the most beloved creature in existence
- They love makeovers and helping their friends rebrand (this includes working with Damien and the PC to help Jerry the Murderer rebrand so that they really has a brand identity)
- They are a grim reaper and even help the PC plan the PC's own funeral (special ending) and they give a great speech and it's super sweet
- They will sometimes take the PC on reaping jobs with them and shenanigans ensues
So in summation, vote for Milo because, as I repeat, they deserve it"
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jellys-compendium · 4 months
Comforting Monster Stories for the Weary Heart
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Part 3 - The Selkie
Rating: T
Pairing: Selkie x/& GN!Reader Summary: Your distrust of others has lead you to a life on the ocean. Your only company, a lone seal with eyes of startling seaweed green. One fateful night a terrible storm captures and destroys your boat, flinging you into the raging sea. When you come to, you discover that your companion is more than what she seems. Cw: nudity, mentions of past abusive relationships, mentions of being held captive and relationship trauma, brief mention of vomiting Word Count: 2.5K A/n: This is my absolute favorite chapter I've written so far! I love these two so much. Oh, and for those of you who don't know what a selkie is, check the link.
Thank you for supporting my original work! If you're interested in this series, you can read all the chapters here.
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The ocean at night is a dark and terrifying space where humans dare not adventure. And that is precisely why it is the only place on earth where you feel safe.
Being out in the black and impenetrable void each and every night, with nothing but the sound of rippling waves along your little boat’s hull and the stars as your guide, you find yourself finally able to relax.
Out here it’s just you, the ocean and all of her creatures. It’s a place where there is no prejudice, or hatred, or cruelty. Out here there is only the struggle for life and the inevitability of death. It may seem cold, but it is fair.
Glancing up at the sky, your eyes find Polaris a little too far to the right. Adjusting your grip on the oars, you carefully turn your port oar, shifting your direction to starboard and keep rowing silently through the waves.
The light from the lantern perched on the boat’s bow shimmers orange and yellow across the black water. If you look hard enough, you can see tiny little fish chase the light just below the surface. You carefully watch them, knowing that once they disappear it’s a sign that you’ve reached your destination.
And sure enough once you’ve rowed to near exhaustion and the full moon sits fat and yellow on the horizon, do the fish suddenly vanish. Following their cue, you pull both of your oars back and bring your boat to a standstill. 
After pulling your oars into the boat, you gather the things you need.
Jars, a fishing net, and a cloth.
Then, you carefully make your way towards your lantern and turn it off. The world around you is plunged into blue night, the light of the moon now the only source of illumination around you.
Humming a soft little tune, you sit and patiently wait until you find them.
It starts faintly at first, but as the seconds tick by the light intensifies, until finally the water all around you begins to glow a beautiful, unearthly blue. 
Tilting over the side of your boat, you watch them with limitless wonder. Moonlight jellyfish, thousands of them, all slowly making their way towards the open ocean. 
No one knows why they like to travel out to the deepest parts of the ocean at night. Some fishermen say that it’s mermaids, or the goddess of the sea, or even the full moon that calls them, but you’re not one for entertaining folktales.
You believe what you see, and your faith only extends as far as your hand. That’s how you’ve managed to survive this long.
Grabbing your net, you examine the jellyfish bobbing in the water. Once your eyes pick out one of the largest and strongest you make quick work of carefully dipping your net into the water and scooping him up. 
The creature wiggles in your net’s grasp, expressionless in all ways but motion. But you imagine that if jellyfish could talk, this one would be very annoyed with you right now.
“I know, big guy. This will just take a second.”
Bringing him gently into your boat, you pop open a jar and fetch the cloth. Grasping the cloth in one hand and the net in the other, you bring the jellyfish’s tendrils over the open jar and then delicately brush the cloth against the tendrils.
Droplets of seawater and clear venom are soaked up into the cloth, some of it falls into the glass jar below. It certainly isn’t the most effective way to harvest jellyfish venom but it is the least invasive. Even though your income relies on the jellies, you don’t want to harm them.
Once you’re done, you slowly return the moonlight jelly into the ocean, and repeat the process a few more times with a few of the other large ones. 
As you're returning the last of them to the calm and glassy water, a distinct splash sounds from behind you, and a playful thump vibrates along the hull of your little boat.
You shake your head, but the smile that spreads across your lips is difficult to suppress. 
“I know it’s you.”
Silence. Your voice is the only sound that echoes through the night. You look around, searching between the glowing blue of the moonlight jellies for that familiar shadow beneath the waves. 
“Trying to scare me, huh?” You murmur, shifting to the front of your boat and turning your lantern back on. “Gonna have to try a bit harder than th—”
A massive gush of expertly aimed cold sea water emerges from the side of the boat, eliciting a shriek from your lungs as it lands in your boat, completely drenching you from head to toe.
A strange yet familiar giggling chuff sounds from the side of your boat. Chasing the source, you lean over the side and come face to face with the gorgeous, grinning seal you’d rescued from a fishing net many years ago. 
“Are you proud of yourself? Look at me, I’m soaked!”
The seal’s smile widens and she blows a playful breath out of her nose. Despite lacking human speech, Lorelei has a talent for getting her thoughts across with nothing but movements, gestures and vocalizations.
“Think I look better wet, huh?”
Lorelei chirps, clapping her fin against the surface of the water before disappearing back into the dark depths. Taking the opportunity, you reach for the pail you have stashed at the front of your boat and pull out one of the mackerel you’d caught earlier in the day.
Immediately, Lorelei bobs back up to the surface, her seaweed green eyes glistening with delight in the lantern’s light.
For a moment, you study her, taking in the slight cooper red tint to her coat and that almost human grin of hers. There’s something uncanny about her. She’s too unusual and too clever to be your typical seal.
“Got a midnight snack for you. Just promise not to splash me again, okay?”
Tossing the fish to Lorelei, she manages to snatch it out of the air with her sharp teeth. She chomps down happily on it a few times before swallowing the thing whole. She flips backwards, her tail clapping against the water with glee before she dives and reappears beside you, those green eyes set on you.
It’s strange. You can’t see your reflection in them at all…
As you stare at her, the urge to reach out and touch her manifests, like a fierce tug at your heart. 
Lorelei, mischievous as she may be, has been your friend for a very long time. She’s important to you. She’s the one who stays with you through the night and the only one that listens to your stories while gliding alongside you as you journey across the sea. She’s never wronged you or hurt you and you’ve always watched her back.
The friendship you share with her is powerful, but as you reach out to pat her head the calmness in Lorelei’s eyes disappears and she growls, whiskers puffing up before she snaps at your fingers. 
Instantly, you pull your fingers back, a little emotionally hurt but understanding. While you may feel that Lorelei is your friend, that doesn’t mean that she necessarily feels the same way. To her, you may be nothing more than a weird scaleless and finless fish that she finds entertaining to follow around from time to time.
Lorelei’s snarl slowly melts away, those big eyes of hers swallowing you whole as she quietly studies you. You can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking, but before you can even begin to ponder, an ominous roar vibrates through the night sky. 
Looking up, you see nothing but black. The moon and stars have been obscured by an enormous storm cloud. Purple lightning flashes in the sky a few seconds before another roar of thunder claps powerfully through the air.
Then the wind picks up, you can feel it whistling in your ears and across the rustling waves with ominous promise.
Oh no.
Scrambling, you grab the oars and shove them back into the rowlocks.
“Go!” You shout to Lorelei as you begin rowing to shore. “Get somewhere safe, this is going to get messy!”
Lorelei stays still, watching you curiously as you depart. You wish you could help her, but frankly compared to you she is in no danger at all, and that little bit of reassurance soothes the sharp panic in your heart.
If you have to die, you want it to be out here. Free and untethered by the pain of dry land. 
Just like her.
With every ounce of strength you possess, you row hard against the rough waters. Your rowboat sways and jumps as the waves get larger and stronger, the wind and rain simultaneously blinding you and freezing your skin. 
Panting, you desperately fight against the wailing typhoon, but the sea is not one to be bartered with. With one more final powerful gust, your boat capsizes and you’re sent tumbling into the icy, black ocean.
The moment that water hits your skin, a surge of adrenaline courses through you. And despite your better judgment, you try and fight your way back to the surface. But the current is too strong, and the more you struggle, the deeper the sea pulls you into its greedy clutches.
Eventually your body succumbs to utter bone deep exhaustion and your body becomes still, head spinning as stars start to flash before your eyes.
Then, you close your eyes and let the current take you.
You jolt awake, lungs on fire as you heave against the scraping salt in your throat and the churching pain in your stomach.
Rolling pitifully onto your side, you wretch, expelling the mouthfuls of seawater that you’d inevitably swallowed when you were flung from your rowboat.
The trembling ache in your body is all consuming, overcoming every sense you possess. It’s not until you finish vomiting that you realize that a warm hand is soothingly stroking your back.
Your naked back.
Gasping with alarm, you whirl your body around, arms instinctively up to try and protect yourself from the stranger beside you.
It’s a woman. A beautiful woman with curly, fiery red hair. Her mouth opens with an “oh” of surprise when you abruptly turn, her deep green eyes widening as she takes a step back from you.
The two of you stare at one another, motionless and wordless. Who is she? You’ve never met this woman before. 
You study her in the light. She stands tall, at least 173 centimeters. Her skin is a pale, snowy white and her gorgeous hair falls majestically down from the crown of her head all the way to her thighs. The hair covers her naked form in a waterfall of glowing red, thick and beautiful with the occasional lock tangled around ribbons of seaweed.
Your eyes travel up, lingering across an alarming scar that sits just under her ribcage. Continuing upwards, you see that freckles decorate her shoulders and cheeks, and her face is round and youthful. And her eyes…you can’t see your reflection in them at all.
Your jaw drops as realization dawns.
The woman smiles shyly, then nods. She points to her left, and you follow, your gaze landing on a small little fire flickering close to the mouth of a cave. The wind howls outside, but here you are safe and surprisingly warm.
“Eat,” A beautiful voice rings. It takes you a moment to realize it’s Lorelei. 
“Recover your strength. You will need it in the morning.”
You blink, focusing your vision on the fire. A fish is cooking just above it, a delicious scent wafting through the cave as the flames lick at the dripping and browning skin.
And while normally that sight would have made your belly growl from hunger, right now the last thing you want to do is eat.
“Ah, thank you but…”
Lorelei exhales a tired sigh, but her eyes are understanding. After another beat of silence, both of your bodies taunt from the wavering distrust, the tension suddenly and inexplicably breaks, and Lorelei makes her approach.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier.” She says, sitting down beside you on the cave floor. “I’m just not used to being touched.”
The painful relatability of her admission floors you. The sadness of those words and the loneliness that you’ve harbored for so long suddenly comes to the forefront. It makes you want to cry.
Me too. Me too…
Instead your lips press into a thin line and you swallow the nervous lump in your throat.
“It’s okay.”
Lorelei shuffles closer and reaches towards your lap. You flinch, but then realize that she’s reaching for the blanket on your legs. Except…it isn’t a blanket.
“Is this…”
“My seal skin. It was the only thing I had to keep you warm.”
Lorelei’s voice is tight, careful. You can tell by her expression that she’s itching to snatch it back. You don’t want to cause her any discomfort, so you carefully pick up the pelt and hold it out for her to take.
“Thank you, Lorelei. You can have it back.”
But the woman just stares at you, eyes widening as they fixate on the pelt in your hands. After a moment her eyes soften, the corners shimmering with tears.
“It’s alright.” She whispers. “Keep it for now. I want you to stay warm.”
You’re not exactly sure what’s behind these reactions of hers, but your own trauma has taught you to recognize another broken soul in need.
Shifting a bit over, you pat the cave floor beside you.
“Then we’ll share it.”
And Lorelei sits, and you cover both of your bodies with the soft and warm seal skin.
The warmth that blooms between your two cradled bodies is the sweetest thing you’ve ever felt. It’s pure benevolence. It asks for nothing.
“I fell in love with a fisherman once.” Lorelei softly says. “He wanted to marry me, but he didn’t understand who I really was.” 
Her wistful eyes land on the roaring foam at the cave’s mouth, the sound of its hunger the only thing you can hear during her several minutes of silence. Patiently, you wait to see if she wants to continue.
Finally, she exhales a deep sigh and speaks.
“I am the sea.” She whispers. “I cannot be bound or contained, and it drove him mad.”
“He stole my skin and imprisoned me on land. What could I do but care for him and give him children? For years I watched with agony as he disappeared over the horizon on his boat. Free to roam the place that was once my home to his heart’s content.” 
“When I discovered the skin he had stolen from me hidden beneath the house’s floorboards, I fled to the ocean. He found me before I was able to escape in the waves. I remember the giant fishing hook in his right hand.”
Lorelei’s green eyes fall upon you, their dark green deepening in the light of the fire. You find yourself mesmerized by their depths, and enchanted at the being who possesses them. 
Lorelei is right. She truly is the sea. 
And you treasure all that she is.
Entwining your fingers with hers, you gently squeeze her hand as you lay your head on her shoulder. Lorelei’s body tenses at first, but then she relaxes beside you. Her beautiful melodic hum of contentment makes your heart melt.
“I’m glad you’re free, Lorelei. One day, I hope to be too.”
And then, you fall asleep beside her.
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dividers by @/saradika
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analexthatexists · 6 months
Okay, so after Episode 6, I was like "Wow, they sure want us to remember what happens in past episodes, this one was full of callbacks and other things", and uh...
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I'm really hoping this is just a silly reference to some oher media, because if it isn't, then OHHHH BOY THESE KIDS ARE IN TROUBLE.
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Also, I'm noticing that ever since like, Episode 3, this spider and that mannequin have just been chilling in the attic. Interested to see their involvement in the next episode, which I assume is what's being built up to...
Side Note: In Episode 1, you can see the mannequin move to the right a bit, I suppose hinting to the spider? I also believe in Episode 3 after Bob knocks down the mannequin, the spider's the one that puts it back up.
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Might I also mention that most side-appearing characters (Or in the previous case, items or even creatures/animals) usually end up coming back in later episodes or having some importance, good examples being Father Gregor and Ignacio. So, what about the Happy Fella dude?
Come to think of it...
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What about people like Frank? I mean, he's got a similar role as Kevin (and now Radford) as a side character who has a simple, singular appearance, but it's clear from Kevin and other characters that people like him can always return with more importance than they usually seem to have. This ALSO applies to:
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The "Hobomen" who already seem to be getting importance due to The Mayor asking them to destroy a building,
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Rick. Just...Because he's Rick.
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I mean, if Radford ended up joining Kevin on his wacky adventures, then who knows what Rick could end up getting into?
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This poor child who keeps getting fricked over by literally everyone and everything around him,
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You see? It's stuff like this that makes me feel like these characters can always return without you even realizing! And that's just SO COOL to me!
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...Side note, I uh...accidentally found something. You see that painting? YEAH, UHH....
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...Right...Moving on...
I'm just now realizing this, but the eyes in that bucket aren't Dexter's (mistook them for his because they have the same pupils), it's the Happy Fella that uh...Y'know... Went splat.
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Also, it seems like, if it's not a one-off joke or gag, that ghosts and undead monsters do in fact exist, and well, we've seen a certain demon friend of ours come back from the dead... (Multiple times)
Also, the Happy Fella had to be cooked TWICE, and even after THAT, its eyes still move, soooooo....
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So who knows? Maybe one of our deceased friends will come back from the dead! Perhaps Dexter and/or his grandma? Who knows?
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Finally, I want to point out Pump's eyes. After encountering The Eyes, Pump's pupils seem to change cyan ALMOST everytime he and Skid encounter a demonic entity, exceptions being Bob and the Happy Fella. Most of the time, his eyes change when around Moloch, and this might actually be exclusive to Moloch. I'm not exactly sure...
Both Father Gregor and Bob have these eyes as well! Bob gets them after seemingly returning from the dead when shot in the chest, and Gregor gets them after his encounter with The Eyes, similar to Pump. I suppose this is supposed to show their connections to The Eyes and other demonic entities? So...Why didn't Pump's eyes glow AT ALL when around Bob? Even when HIS eyes turned blue? Why does Moloch trigger Pump's eyes to change but other entities don't?
I don't know! I'm just pointing it out, really. I ran out of speculation juice a WHILE ago, and I just wanted to point out these little details. Sorry!
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Little oneshot of monster au Foolish and Vegetta finding Leo?
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Aight, so here's the thing about being a vampire, okay?
You don't fucking eat.
Foolish has been alive for a very, very long time. And he's maybe eaten a pizza, like, uh, twice? Maybe? Or maybe he just ate two Italian guys... honestly, it kinda starts all running together after a couple of centuries.
Like, you eat, obviously, but you can't exactly leave a human body in the dumpster like you would an empty pizza box. It's illegal, apparently, and it's fucking stupid, too. Body disposal is maybe number three on Foolish's official Most Annoying Things In The World list, right behind "Bad Boy" Halo and "Bad Boy" Halo written in a different font.
So it's not like Foolish's garbage cans are full of food waste, is the thing. He's got some trash in there: plastic baggies, mostly, from when he wants to have his blood on the go with a straw; and then there's an insane amount of carboard boxes from his and Vegetta's LEGO collection.
So it's actually a little crazy one morning when Foolish steps outside of his and Vegetta's mansion to throw away their fifteenth box of the month and he sees a little creature digging through his trash.
Foolish first picks up on the scent of blood. Yum!
He then picks up on the scent of human. Double yum!
He then picks up on the scent of tears, and his stomach stops rumbling. (He may be a heartless, soulless creature of the night, but he isn't an asshole.)
So he carefully closes the back door behind him, and he clears his throat, and he has approximately three seconds to say, "Hey, you're probably in the wrong place to be doing that, pal," before the little human is screaming and tumbling backwards out of the dumpster. They hit the ground with an OOF!!, their red baseball cap flying off and landing a couple of inches away.
Vegetta, as talented as he is, must have heard the scream because he's out the back door almost immediately. But him coming out the back door means he's opening the back door right into Foolish's ass, sending Foolish tumbling down the short flight of stairs and onto the dirty-ass concrete.
"Shit!" Foolish screeches. He isn't hurt because he's literally immortal, but he plays it up just to see Vegetta's stricken face. He's gorgeous when he's worried.
"Foolish!" Vegetta cries. He jumps down the steps and crouches by Foolish's side, clutching Foolish's hand to his chest dramatically. "I am sorry!"
Foolish groans and flops his head onto the ground with his eyes closed. "Oh, Vegeta, how could you do this to me? How could you!?"
He feels a morose kiss pressed to his knuckles, and he's so flattered that his heart almost starts beating again.
But then his heart, as shriveled as it is, does literally jump in his chest as he hears a tiny giggle from next to him.
"Oh," Vegetta softly says, "who is this?"
Foolish shrugs. He cracks his eyes back open and swivels his head to the side so he can look at the kid, who is staring at the two of them with wide amber-colored eyes.
"Dunno," Foolish replies. "Human, I think."
The kid nods. They've got their hat on again, backwards.
Oh, Foolish thinks. They're cool.
"Hey, little one, would you like to come inside?" Vegetta asks.
Foolish sits up with a huff, turning to look at his husband. "What the hell, man! You can't just ask a kid to come inside your spooky vampire castle! That's freak behavior!"
"I don't know that!" Vegetta protests. "It worked with you, didn't it!"
"I wasn't a child! I was literally three hundred!"
"Maybe they're three hundred! You don't know that."
"I'm not," the kid interrupts. They blush and shrink into themself. "And I'm a girl. Today."
"Oh, cool," Foolish says, because fuck yeah. Then he turns back to his husband with a put-on scowl. "Stop being a creep, Vegeta! She's a girl!"
Vegetta is halfway through beginning his reply when they both freeze as the back door opens and slams shut.
Foolish looks over. The kid is gone.
"Huh," he says.
"Huh," Vegetta agrees.
What the hell.
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beeceit · 11 months
That's Too Many Ghosts In The Shell
@amevello-blue chucking my funny little guys at your funny little guy :)
(Ghost is from Ghost In The Shell by Ame, the other two are from That's Too Many Leos, Put One Back by me :) )
(I hope I understood this boo-ing thing right lol)
Ghost looked down to find a ridiculously small turtle in a blue handmade dress staring up at him.
His Leo had been that small once. Where did the years go?
“Oh, uh, hi.”
He kneeled down to meet the child’s eyes properly.
“I’m Leo! But everyone calls me Bitty cuz it’s confusing cuz Uncle Nardo was Leo first. Well, we were both Leo first, but he’s older and I’m not supposed to be in our world except I am cuz Uncle Mikey messed up, so he gets to be called Leo. Except they still call me Leo sometimes when I’m in trouble. Anyways, you should call me Bitty though.”
Ghost’s head spun from the rapid fire information spam.
“It, uh, it suits you. I’m Ghost.”
Bitty tilted his head.
Looking down, he saw a dinosaur hand drawn in crayon on what must have been a sticker label from some restaurant once upon a time.
“That’s a silly name, I like it. Oh! Gimme your hand!”
Ghost held his hand out palm side down, confused.
The little one’s tail wagged furiously behind him as he reached into his dress pocket. He pulled something out and pushed it gently onto Ghost’s hand, grinning so widely it almost looked painful.
“It’s a ankle- ann- ankle o saurous.”
Ghost chuckled.
“You wanna see my sticker collection? My Uncle Donnie helped me make it, he’s super super super smart at dinosaurs!”
Bitty giggled and nodded aggressively.
A familiar yet not voice shouted from across the room.
“I would love to.”
Bitty grinned and started to root around in his very full bag.
"Oi, creature!"
Ghost flinched and snapped his head up to see a goggles wearing Donnie searching the room. 
"Child thing, where did you go?" He snatched an oversized travel mug from a groggy looking Raph and peered inside. He handed it back with a disappointed huff and pointedly ignored the death glare he received. "I take my eyes off that kid for one second, I swear, and he's disappeared to Newton only knows where."
Ghost chuckled, knowing the feeling well. He patted Bitty’s head and stood up.
"That wouldn't happen to be your uncle, would it?"
"Hmm? Oh! Yeah yeah yeah, that's him! Hi, Uncle Donnie! I'm over here!"
Donatello pushed his goggles back on top of his head and looked over. He huffed, then smiled in relief once he saw Bitty. In a few long strides he crossed the room and scooped Bitty up, giving him a light toss in the air before he hugged him and gently boked his forehead against the boy’s head.
“Creature, what have we said about taking off without telling anyone?”
Bitty huffed, crossing his arms.
Donatello raised an eyebrow and looked at Ghost who suddenly looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but right there.
“That that’s how you get eaten.”
“Exactly, that’s how you get eaten. Do you want to get eaten?”
“But Uncle Donnieee, there’s no monsters here! Just a bunch of really sad old versions of you and my other uncles! And Mister Ghost, but I don’t know what Mister Ghost is, cuz he looks like Uncle Raphie except teeny but he’s wearing purple and I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules. Only Donnies are allowed to wear purple, you said so. And he can’t be a Donnie cuz he’s all sharp and circley shaped and you’re rectangle shaped and have eyebrows.”
He looked him over then shrugged and shifted his grip on Bitty to hold out a hand.
“Hamato Donatello.”
Ghost flinched.
“No, I mean I’m Hamato Donatello. And you are?”
Ghost relaxed and shook his hand.
“Psst psst Uncle Donnie,” Bitty ‘whispered’ loudly into his ear. “Mister Ghost is super smart about dinosaurs, too!”
Donatello squinted but let it go, deciding for possibly the first time in his life to mind his own business.
“I would expect as much. What’s your favorite?”
“Oh! Argentinosaurus for sure, they’re so cool.”
Donatello hummed, satisfied.
“Good choice. I’m partial to the Sauroposeidon, myself.”
“Uhh Uncle Donnie, I thought Argentino used to be a country.”
“That’s Argentina, and yes, it was. They named the dinosaur after the country.”
“But the dinosaur came first, though.”
“It did, yes. Alright, Bitty, say goodbye to Mister Ghost, Raph found us a table and it’s well past your dinner time.”
Donatello covered Bitty’s face with his hand. Bitty licked it, laughing when Donatello cringed and wiped the spit off on Bitty’s dress.
Bitty pouted and threw his arms up.
“What? Nooo I didn’t get to show him my book yet!” Bitty lit up. “Wait! Uncle Donnie, can he eat with us? Please please please please pleaaaaaaaaaaaase?”
Bitty giggled, triumphant, and turned his massive wet eyes to Ghost.
“Eugh, again with the puppy eyes, you master manipulator. I’m not the one you need to ask, though.”
Ghost checked to see that his kids were still doing alright, playing with a giant (slightly terrifying but apparently very safe and friendly) blue fox thing on the other side of the room.
“Please can you come eat with us and talk about dinosaurs with me?”
“You know what? I’d love to.”
Donatello mouthed ‘thank you’ and led him to the next room where the rest of his family sat, all a little worse for wear, but happy nonetheless. Bitty was welcomed to the table with big grins all around and a forehead bump from a little boy just barely older than him.
It brought Ghost some comfort to see that despite the circumstances, this little Leo was so loved and so well cared for even by a family that wasn’t strictly his own.
No matter what universe, it seemed the Hamato Clan would always have a thing for picking up strays. He hoped that would never change.
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Monster Au except Yuu is a researcher who came from a modern fantasy world where monsters aren’t an uncommon thing to see(they know their strengths and weaknesses, or at least something similar) and if it’s child!Yuu then they are just a researcher’s kid who wants to be like their parents(may or may not have a plushie of their favorite creature)
This is an interesting twist to the idea of Yuu actually being aware of monsters and magic before arriving in Twisted Wonderland! I can imagine that Yuu would absolutely go full-researcher mode and just start spazzing at the realization that they can actually talk to these humanized versions of the monsters in their big field guide book the size of a cinder block! X’D
Researcher!Yuu: “Oh…my…goodness!!!”
Monster!Jack: “Huh…?"
Researcher!Yuu: “You’re such a perfect specimen!” *-starts tugging and pulling on Jack’s ears, tail, and examining his teeth-* “Sharp, angular ears. Teeth and gums are well-maintained. Ah!! Such a beautiful shade of blue tinted mist! And it’s cool to the touch…fascinating! I’ve never seen an arctic version of the Fu Dog species!”
Monster!Jack: “Wah sha-?!” *-can’t talk with Yuu’s hands on his saber canines-*
Monster!Epel: “Um…what are you doing?”
Researcher!Yuu: *-stares at Epel-* “...o…oh…my…GOSH!!!! Are you a hybrid between two different monster species?!”
Monster!Epel: “Ack! Y-Yes??”
Chimera!Grim: “...uh…you okay there?”
Researcher!Yuu: *-Yuu.exe has stopped working. Please restart.-*
…pfft…yeeeeah, Yuu might be a little much for these guys at first until they realize they have to dial things back a little. Luckily, the students and staff are spared the intrusive and curious questions once the research institutions come into play. (Researcher!Yuu: “I have found my people.”)
On the bright side, both groups can have a blast comparing notes and sharing data, so it’s a mutually beneficial exchange! Yuu might also eagerly tell their new friends all about the different stories from their explorations in the field (and of course, the injuries they experienced when they got spotted by aggressive/defensive monsters)!
How this Yuu managed to stay alive as long as they had is a mystery.
If it were mini!Yuu (in this case I can see them being between 3-7 years old), I’d imagine everyone would be endeared to the child’s curious questions and stories about their parent’s/guardian’s field of study. The monster boy who closely resembles the species of the plushie the little one carries around would be a mix of “Awww, that’s so adorable~!” and “Ha! The child likes me better than you~!” (Imagine Yuu getting flooded with so many new toys based on the other monster boys just to gain their favor X’D)
This whole AU would be a very interesting kettle of fish, especially if their friends had to constantly drag/yoink them out of danger whenever they go into researcher mode. Like when the phantom in the mines appeared during the prologue and when Yuu witnessed their first overblot X’D
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Shadows of Redemption
In the heart of Phoenix Arizona town, Alexander and his enigmatic partner, Poison, journey through a complex world of transgression and danger. Alexander, a tough and brooding figure, is a creature of strength and naivete. With an exterior that belies his sweet nature, he exists out of place in a world dominated by monsters experienced in survival and personal gain. His healthy appearance and stoic demeanor mask a vulnerability and innocence that make him both endearing and a target in this ruthless reality.
Poison, on the other hand, is a vision of ethereal beauty, undying loyalty and fierce independence. With her jet-black hair and penetrating grey eyes, she projects an intoxicating blend of allure and danger. Her eclectic style mirrors her unpredictable nature. Despite her insensitive exterior, there is a vulnerability within her that she only reveals to Alexander, a connection of love and hope she had longed for midst the chaos.
Their relationship is a tangled dance of passion and peril. Poison's presence is both a balm and a catalyst for Alexander, drawing him deeper into a more dangerous world but not without the reward of priceless solace and tenderness. Their interactions are a fusion of intensity, each touch a fire and each glance laden with unspoken emotions and shared secrets.
The story takes the reader into the shady depths of their lives as they face a series of escalating situations. From a robbery gone wrong to a cryptic call and the scandalous death of a close friend, Alexander and Poison are forced to journey through a world full of doubt and moral ambiguity. Through it all, they depend on each other, finding moments of redemption that mitigate their struggles.
As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that even in the darkest and most hopeless of situations, there are chances for transformation and renewal. Their collective journey is one of hope and salvation.
Chapter 1
Slipping into Shadows
I watched the parking lot, eyes darting from one end to the other. Jeremy was crouched by a Ford F150, messing with the lock.
The bleep of my Nextel push to talk walkie-talkie function on my cell phone went off.
"Got it yet?" I whispered into the phone.
"Almost," Jeremy's voice crackled back, a mix of tension and excitement.
I scanned the entrance to the Safeway Grocery store. The noon time crowd was thick, pushing carts and talking to each other, oblivious to the two of us. My heart beat heavy in my chest, the familiar rush of adrenaline.
Jeremy was inside the truck now, working the jiggler key in the ignition. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw him. A short Mexican guy, moving fast, a bag of groceries swinging from his hand. He was heading straight for the truck.
"Jeremy, we got company," I hissed.
"Stall him," Jeremy muttered, trying to stay calm.
But there was no stalling this guy. He tossed his groceries into the truck bed and pulled an iron pipe from the back. He must have seen the light on inside the cab.
"Get the fuck out of there dude!" I shouted into the phone, but it was too late. The guy was almost on top of him. Jeremy bolted from the driver side door like a rabbit, sprinting through the parking lot. I swear to god if you blinked you would have missed him. The Mexican guy gave chase, pipe in hand, fury etched on his face.
I bleeped PJ. "We've got a problem. Jeremy's in trouble."
"Handle it," PJ's voice was calm, almost bored. "I'm on my way."
I took off after the Mexican guy, the world blurring around me. People were starting to notice, some stepping aside, others shouting. A little white Ford Escort screeched into the lot, tires smoking. Jeremy and the Mexican guy disappeared through the strip mall. The Escort followed, gaining on them.
I ran through the crowd of shoppers, knocking into people, drawing curses and threats. One guy started after me, but I didn't have time for him. I burst through to the other side, breath ragged, just in time to see the truck owner pinning Jeremy against the wall. The Escort screeched to a stop, and a large, tattooed man stepped out, eyes blazing. He was all menace in a wife beater and jeans, combat boots hitting the ground like thunder.
The Mexican guy turned, and the angry man met him with a right hook that dropped him like a box of rocks. He wasn't done. A kick to the head, vicious and final. Out of the driver's side came another man, bigger, Mexican too. He called himself Chillongo or some shit, but to me, he was eternally, Big Mexican.
Big Mexican grabbed the unconscious guy and tossed him into the back seat of the Escort. He threw me the guy's keys and wallet, like it was nothing. PJ stepped between us, gun drawn, and pressed it to my forehead.
"I drew on you, what do you do now?" PJ's voice was a dangerous whisper. "Come on, Alexander, what happens now?"
I tried to keep my voice steady. "I left the gun at the apartment. It was too heavy to run with. It...pulls my pants down cuz it’s so heavy when it’s loaded"
PJ's face twisted with a mix of anger and disappointment. "When you have that gun, you don’t have to run. When will you learn? What has to happen before you get it?"
He glanced at Jeremy, then at me again, his anger softening just a bit. "Go get the truck and do what I pay you to do. And next time, bring your gun. I can't always be here for you, Alexander." He said my name with a soft downward inflection. He looked as though he was about to say more but he stopped himself.
Being mindful of his rings, he tapped my head lightly, a gesture of care, and drove off. The unconscious Mexican guy in tow.
Jeremy and I stood there like we just saw a ghost, catching our breath. Coming down. "Up to no good again," I muttered, not sure if I was talking to Jeremy or myself. I didn’t care. My past flashed before me. My life, thus far, has been a relentless cycle of trouble and survival. My father kicking me out at fourteen, my life a series of desperate moves. Taking refuge with women three times my age until I learned to look out for myself. One shitty desperate move after another. No holidays, no birthdays, just survival at all costs.
I met PJ through Poison, my girlfriend. She was the cutest little Chinese girl you'd ever seen, with a wild wardrobe and a thing for knives. We were stealing some cigarettes when PJ found us. He asked for five bucks, when we didn’t have it he gave us a carton of Camel menthols. He asked if I stole cars. Of course, I did. It was Arizona. He gave me his number, and three months later, here we were.
I looked at Jeremy, he looked shook. We were both drowning in the undertow of this life. "Come on, let's get that truck," I said, and we moved ever forward, always forward, the night was still young, the dangers were far from over.
Chapter 2
Echoes of a Dark Call
I was at the apartment with Poison. The light was subdued, shadows danced like ghosts on the walls. Poison was tied up, her eyes half-closed in a haze of expectancy. I moved the blade of her silver dagger slowly across her breast and tracing circles around her nipple. She was on the edge, teetering on the precipice of something primal, when the call came.
I answered the phone with great reluctance, my mind still entwined with the moment. "Hello," I said, the word froze in the air. Silence greeted me, becoming rather uncomfortable. Then, a voice—brazen, quiet, maniacal—broke through.
"The man scores one...and the crowd goes wild." The line went dead.
I stared at the phone, my thoughts swirling and confused. Apparently, they didn't have much to say. Or did they? I turned back to Poison. The frustration on her face changed to a look like a puppy that said “throw the ball”. Damn, this girl was cute. Irresistibly so. But that call gnawed at me, a sick seed planted in my mind. Time would tell what kind of fuckery it would give birth to.
The next morning, I woke with my head buried in jet-black hair. I blew it out of my mouth, gently pushing her strong, shiny locks off my face. First light filtered through the blinds, casting blurry lines on the bed. I needed to get a hold of Jeremy and PJ.
Poison awoke beside me, her voice sultry and sleepy. "Come back to bed, Alexander. Finish what you started."
I kissed her shoulder, running my hand across her face and neck. It was met with a soft sigh, little white hairs stood up on her tanned, tone arms under my touch. Poison, with her hypnotic allure, was like a deity of love—an intoxicating blend of strength and vulnerability that made her simply irresistible. Her eyes, dark and expressive, locked onto mine, spoke ineffable volumes to me for which I could never find words.
Our lips came together in a slow, deliberate kiss, her mouth yielding to my will. She pulled me closer, her fingers tracing the valleys on my back. The world outside disappeared as we lost ourselves in each other, the moment stretching into eternity.
This is the only place I had ever found peace. These moments transcended time and space taking me to place past desire and tenderness, a place where she shone as a deity ,a legit goddess that needed my worship like water to survive. She was the embodiment of every man's desire, a living fantasy who held the power to both stir and soothe. We left each other breathless and disoriented. Poison called it “sexbrain”. Sex brain was about 30 min of a staggering low IQ after really great sex.
Laying on the bed next to Poison I picked up the phone and dialed PJ. The ring felt like an eternity.
"PJ," he answered, his voice rough.
"Hey...I need to talk to you about—"
"Jeremy's dead." PJ's voice cut through the haze, sharp and final.
"What?" My mind reeled. "What happened?"
"Overdose," PJ said. "Found him last night."
"Overdose? That doesn't make sense. Jeremy didn't do dope."
"Score one for the man," PJ muttered, under his breath.
The words from the call flashed through my mind. "Score one for the man. The crowd goes wild”. Now Jeremy was gone.
"We need to meet," I said, my voice steady but my heart racing.
PJ agreed, and as I hung up, I looked at Poison. She was watching me, her eyes dark with curiosity and something else. Fear, maybe. Or suspicion.
I reached into my bag and grabbed my gun, climbed back into bed, pulling her close. The morning was just beginning, and the shadows were already growing longer.
Chapter 3 "And Then Came the Wolves" Coming Soon!
Thank You for Reading!
Copyright 2020 Timothy Alexander Giordani
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mrchaosman · 6 months
Chapter 0: prologue.
Chapter 3: Fun House.
Chapter 4: Bad-Bone Meeting.
Chapter 5: Face Your Fears.
Chapter 6: Paranormal.
Chapter 8: Restored Faith.
Chapter 9: The World's Edge.
Chapter 10: The End.
Chapter 0's is a prologue to the others, it stars Dess, Noelle's older sister as she suddenly entered a dark world.
Unlike the other Dark worlds, this one's darkners are not based on a inanimate objects, but rather on the thoughts, feelings and ideas.
The main boss/antagonist: The Knight, in my take, the Knight is another human.
The secret boss: Darkrabbit, a small, black chaotic bunny that messing around with Dess.
Soul mode: Golden Soul (absorbing and shooting mode).
Companion(s): Reala, a figure that helps Dess in her journey through the dark world.
Chapter 3's story takes place directly after Chapter 2 ending.
It follows Kris, susie and Ralsei (as well as Toriel as an companion) as they are in a tv-themed dark world.
Main boss/antagonist: Tenna Nex, a narcissistic TV show host that'll do anything for his desires.
Secret boss: Flowlezz, a crazy flower Sheriff that has a deep hatred for Toriel and Tenna.
Companion(s): Toriel, kris' mother.
Soul mode: Green SOUL (Shield mode).
Chapter 4's story happens after Chapter 3, it follows kris as we finally about to meet Papyrus, but when susie and kris opened the door, another dark world has been created.
The main boss/antagonist: The Greater, a self-proclaimed ruler who everyone are forced to obey.
Secret boss: Freed, a sock creature that once a famous rapper.
Soul mode: Blue SOUL (Gravity Mode).
Companion(s): sans and Papyrus
Chapter 5's takes place after 4, follows Kris, Susie and Berdly as they try to make Noelle get rid of her ridiculous fears of ICE-E. But wait, another dark world.
The main boss/antagonist: Microwave-E, a guy who want to build a "Prozza Tower" in the light world.
Secret boss: Fire-E, a scrapped design for ICE-E, he want to get revenge from the people who forgotten him.
Soul mode: cyan soul (watering mode).
Companion(s): Pizzapants.
Chapter 6 happens after the previous, it follows kris as they been tasked by Alphys to check on Monster teen, and kris go to Monster Teen's house, and guess what?, another dark world has been created.
The main boss/antagonist: Ying and Yang, or the empress sisters, they are the rulers over this dark world, Ying is more interested in full on destruction for both of light and dark worlds, while Yang has a little softer side than her twin sister.
Secret boss: Chuncky, a crazy, retred broken doll want to "play".
Soul mode: Orange SOUL (pushing mode).
Companion(s): Monster Teen, an armless, yet handy friend.
Snowdrake, Monster teen's best friend, he has came to search for MT but fall into the dark world.
Chapter 7's story happens kris locked their friends in the bunker.
They finally started to see what or who was behind all of this.
Main boss/antagonists: Doctor W.D Gaster, a scientist who wanted to create a lifeforms from the darkness.
The secret boss: Eva, an lonely ghost that desires to "erase" everything.
Soul mode: purple SOUL (move on strings).
Companion(s): Dess, Noelle's older sister, the vessel, the vessel that you created in the beginning.
Chapter 8 follows the day where kris gose to the church and....
Another dark world.
The main boss/antagonist: The Preacher, a very religious king over his subjects, believing that the angel will wipe everything that dose not believing in it.
The secret boss: Marya, an angel that her wings has been taken away from her.
She want to be forgiven by God.
Soul mode: Pink Soul (dash mode).
Companion(s): Father Alvin.
Chapter 9, finally, it is the festival, Asriel has back to the home, everyone happy till a shadowy person opened another dark fountain.
The main boss/antagonist: The Sky Queen, a tall, powerful woman and great leader.
Secret boss: StarNigit, a former performer that has "splitted" across the time and space.
Soul mode: switch Soul (split mode)
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dextraicarus1994 · 1 year
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The first drawing I did of My beloved OC on Autodest Sketchbook from this year. 🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕
During the months I been getting better and his design had been changing but the basics are still there. Meet my oc Marcus Williams (this is the first drawing in Autodest Sketchbook I did this year, my boy without his tac suit, just half naked because back then I was learning how to use the app of Sketchbook) and down this description you will see his art gallery. If You want to know more about him, I will answer all the question you can have.🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹👉👈👉👈❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤
Here is Marcus profile and lore:
Alias: Black Wolf /Chicago Vigilante / The Devil of Chicago.
Occupation: MARSOC "Marine Special Operations Command" (former), Vigilante, Demon.
Skills: Stealth, Hacking, Superhuman Strenght, Speed, Knives Master, Motorbike Master Rider, Combat Hand to Hand, Parkour.
Date of Birth: May 22th, 1985.
Place of Birth : Chicago, USA.
Age: 38 years.
Nationality: American (however, there are rumors that he has British heritage thanks to his father who hails from the UK).
Hair: Black.
Eyes Color: Green.
Height: 6'8" (2,03m).
Build: Muscular and athletic.
Facial Hair: A beard that covers his face except for the chin.
Features: He is brave, fearless, humble, courageous, resourceful, loyal, most of time a serious guy, generous, a bit self confident, respectful, considered, hardworking, daring, adventurous, honest, intelligent (some enemies thinks just because he is a big guy, he is just muscle and not brains, when he is complete the contrary, he is a tactical guy, study his prey and then attacks when they least know it), charming when he opens a little bit with people, reserved, protector, polite, calm, a bit grumpy, skillful, thoughtful, trustworthy, lovely, obssesive when it comes into getting his objective.
Distinguishing Feature: At first stay, people can see the 5 scars that cover his face (three covering his right side of his face and one on his chin, and the burned scar from his left side of his left eye), especially the burn scar on his left eye (in a mirror looks like is his right eye, but is left technically) and the intense green color of his eyes. Without the top clothes, it shows that he has a crisscross scar on his right pectoral and a large scar on his left pectoral, a little scar between the middle of his torso and left pectoral (mirrored could be look as right), a scar on his left side, another scar on his left clavicle, three claw scars on his left shoulder and his back is full of deep burn scars.
Skin tone: Natural Beige with a bit of Warm Beige
Dominant Hand: He is skilled with both hands.
Clothing Style: Marcus usually wears black leather or military pants, a gold belt, a black leather jacket with an almost wine red shirt underneath and wearing leather gloves without fingertips.
Affiliations: MARSOC "Marine Special Operations Command" (formely).
Story: Once a MARSOC soldier, who was part of a Black Ops special team who dedícated to extraction, infiltration and rescue from innocent people until disaster struck in an operation that forced him to leave the squadron and later the MARSOC forces.
For a long time he wandered looking for his purpose, being a vigilante on the streets of Chicago who took care of various mafias and gangs, becoming a fugitive by the police, however, he was never caught.
During one of his missions, which consisted of rescuing the daughter of a CEO from a proliferated company at a Gas Plant, a tragedy occurred in which unfortunately, the girl dies and along with her, Marcus too, however, a strange entity brought him back to life as a demon, a creature that would feed on corrupted souls that got in its way and for every evil life it took, his penance to be able to achieve redemption would be settled.
However, a price would be paid for each soul: little by little his humanity would be lost until someone could help him control the monster he had now become and face enemies fron the past and present who seek him either to settle scores or consume his power.
However, Marcus will not be alone in this crusade, counting on the help of beings that he never imagined were real and that were only myths and tales of cultures that he believed to be superstitious.
At the moment, his home resides in Chicago, taking care of the mafias that surround the city, enjoying the rock music of the 80's, his motorcycle and dressing all rocker with his leather jacket and pants.
Likes: Marcus is a whiskey lover, motorbike lover (don't touch his bike if he doesn't let you), his leather jacket, 80's rock music, bring justice to innocents, to get mad his enemies to the point to made them going into madness after facing his demon form, driving on desert roads. Also as a fit person he is used to eat food that balance a good health diet, but sometimes he would eat a piece of chocolate cake once for a while (especially if the cake was made by his mom).
Dislikes: Justice not being served, Corruption, abuse of authority, innocent people getting hurt, criminals, children getting hurt.
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Okay!!! I... I would love to share with You my beloved OC demon boy Marcus Williams.
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torygama · 2 years
A little fan fiction on TPoH (I literally fell in love with this comic).
I love these guys and I want more content for tickle lovers! Well, it's not perfect, maybe even bad, but it is there! Have fun reading!
The Hero asked a lot of questions on the way to the ferry. It was necessary to fill the silence and therefore she asked all possible questions about this world and its inhabitants.
Strange creatures literally surrounded them, and seemed to be chasing them.
When the questions ended, there was silence. Piercing, dead silence. It's a great atmosphere to think about whether it was a good decision to agree to "be a hero."
This is too stressful thought, so the girl was thinking about how to entertain herself.
This thought was followed by another question.
— Are monsters afraid of anything?
— A lot of things. — the "worst monster" answered almost indifferently.
The child thought for a minute.
What can monsters be afraid of? Lies? Maybe doubts? Or maybe something so naive and stupid that you might think it's not fear at all. Such as..
— Tickle! Are monsters ticklish?
The man stopped for a second, and then continued walking, slowing down a little. He didn't know the answer to the question. And I think he didn't want to find out.
— I... don't know. Rather, I have never asked this question. — He paused for a moment and continued again. — In any case, we don't have time for this. Let's go.
The Hero did not like at all that her question was not given a full answer. She wanted to know, even though she didn't know why it was necessary.
Then we'll find out right now! — Suddenly she exclaimed and jumped on the monster that had just turned to face her.
The man did not have time to understand anything as the child grabbed him with both hands and began to tickle his sides.
— What are you-
His legs gave way and the monster sat down on the ground, trying to unhook the child from him.
Hoarse and really "TV" laughter flooded the neighborhood.
RGB had already cursed the day when he decided to take her with him.
The main rule: do not work with children and animals! But no, why draw the necessary conclusions, it's better to make a hasty decision, and suffer from stupid tricks again!
While the TV monster tried to pull her away, the girl clung to him, squeezing the clothes on her back even more.
The TV scoundrel screamed and threw the girl aside.
— That's enough!
RGB was sitting at the ground trying to catch his breath and the Hero sat down nearby with a smug look.
Red and purple blood flowed profusely from the TV screen.
— Why did you do that? I told you, we don't have time for your childish antics!
The girl silently continued to smile, which in general could be counted as an answer.
The monster got up from the ground, dusted off his clothes and slowly trudged along the designated path.
Madras' house was still visible on the horizon and maybe she saw it.
What a shame..
The hero jumped up and ran after RGB.
She realized what she wanted and now silently walked behind, continuing to smile maliciously.
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Chapter Fifteen: Love like You Pt. 1
The Elrics had left Ernest behind to the care of Winry and her Grandmother as they went to the Devil’s Herd Tavern to have the promised discussion. Both of the Brothers’ nerves were high as they would be alone to talk with a homunculus, the horrible creatures that had tormented Edward and Alphonse for a long time. There was a slight comforting nudge from Edward as he gently elbowed Alphonse against the metal plated arm, earning a gentle laugh from the younger Elric who returned the nudge, causing Edward to stumble a little bit. This set off a bit of a one sided race, Edward chasing after Alphonse who was clearly outrunning him due to sheer height advantage alone. Thanks to that chase alone, the Devil’s Herd Tavern was starting to come into view as Edward and Alphonse slowed their pace down. Outside of the tavern, waiting for them was Greed, who sat on the steps looking right towards the Elric Brothers as they arrived. The smug grin spread across his face, showing off the jagged rock eating teeth as the Bull Terrier faced homunculus waved lazily for the two to come over. 
 “About time you military brats showed up.” Greed began as he got up from his perch on the stairs. 
 “I’m almost eighteen.” Edward flatly said, his temper raising a bit at the ‘Brat’ remark.
 “Alas, you are not eighteen just yet, so you’re still a baby faced booger monster in my eyes.” Greed taunted a bit as he opened up the tavern for the Elrics to enter through, Edward having to be restrained by Alphonse.
 “Brother, come on, remember we’re here to talk civilly, not cause a full blown fight.” Alphonse tried to gently remind Edward who was squirming to get at Greed. 
 “Al he just called me a baby faced booger monster!” Edward protested, his temper flying out of control. 
 “Ed, don’t we want to know what Envy and the other homunculi have been up to? They’ve been so silent lately and this is our only chance to get to the bottom of it.” Alphonse softly reasoned as Edward started to calm down after being told that.
 “Fine, but if he says anything else, I’m kicking his smug ass.” Edward relented as he was slowly placed back down on the ground.
The tavern was mostly empty save for the homunculus and his band of chimeras who were staying behind the bar, monitoring the interaction to come. Edward and Alphonse gingerly took a seat at the table, facing Greed who was ordering up some milk to drink since there was no way of giving minors alcohol in this tavern. Edward scrunched his nose up in a sneer as the milk was brought before them and quickly looked for a place to dump the milk off to. Greed gave Edward a look as he sipped some of the milk, Alphonse having to nudge his milk hating brother a bit to behave. Edward huffed a bit as he refused to drink the milk, but did make an effort to be on a better attitude around their host.
 “Why the long face? Milk is good for you.” Greed started the conversation as he placed his glass of milk down.
 “Milk is the worst substance in the world, it's only worth it for the milk stew Granny makes.” Edward grumbled under his breath. 
 “Ah so that’s why you’re so short..” Greed had a big smirk on his face as Edward made a grab for the glass and was ready to throw the thing at Greed.
 “Ed cut it out!” Alphonse went in to restrain his hot tempered brother and avoid the glass of milk being launched at Greed.
 “I am not LITTLE! I'm super tall for my age group!” Edward wriggled about in the brotherly restraints, wanting to shed Greed’s blood.
 “I am so sorry Mr. Greed, we really would like to know what’s going on with the homunculi. We haven’t been hunted by them in a long time and wanted to know if they’re up to something awful.” Alphonse took control of the conversations he kept Ed under control. 
 “Thank you for being the cooler head, look, I have no clue what they’re completely up to other than they’ve found someone who could make the stone faster. I was going to take the guy off their hands as I wanted to rub it into the wrinkled up crone’s face, but things didn’t go as planned.” Greed explained nonchalantly as he went to relax his legs on the table top.
 “Wait, what do you mean that they have someone that could make the stone faster? Also, who's the old lady you mentioned?” Edward finally calmed down from his rage state as the information was being poured before him.
 “It's exactly what I meant, you remember the Alchemist who got in because he made that god awful lion you two have in your company? That’s the one they’re banking on to make them the philosopher's stone quicker. He even made a second one that is about as horrible as the red one with the screeches. As for the crone, that’s their leader. Used to date her while I was still a human, she killed me and brought me back as a homunculus after I tried to break up with her. Dante really sucked as a person in general and still is insanely possessive.” Greed grimaced a bit at recalling his prior relationship with Dante before it turned to crap after the attempted break up.
 “....I’m gonna have to ask Ernest about getting us into contact with his maker, this could be our chance to get our bodies back Al.” The gears in Edward’s head were turning as he saw the chance to reach their long sought after goal.
“Ed, no, remember what Doctor Marcoh’s notes said about how the stone was made? I don’t want to sacrifice peoples’ lives just to get our bodies back.” Alphonse protested as he wanted to find another solution in regaining their bodies.
 “I wouldn’t even recommend trying to see this asshole, he traumatized my henchmen with something horrible involving curry. There is that and Envy is acting erratic since that job began. Getting the stone from this Alchemist isn’t worth it, not unless you want to handle an even more unpredictable and unhinged Envy.” Greed warned as he straightened up his posture, a serious look washed over Greed.
 “I don’t understand, wasn’t Envy already unhinged beforehand?” Edward questioned as his tormentor was brought up.
 “They are, but this is different. Normally, I could take on a fight with Envy as I already know what to expect from them. This time though, something was entirely off with the previous encounter. Sure, I had broken into the apartment with this young woman in there with the green lion, but with Envy, they normally wouldn’t have cared all that much. I guess the best I could describe that aura was getting caught by a dragon in its hoard room. It was horrifying to see Envy be that still and that angry, I’ve never seen something like that from them. If it weren’t for the intervention from the current Lust, I wouldn’t have been here telling you all this.” Greed took a long, hard sip of his milk, reliving the entire ordeal with a bit of a shiver down the spine. 
 “Current? I thought the homunculi were immortal or at least that was something Envy had bragged about.” Alphonse was paying full attention now to what has been dropped.
 “We are, to an extent. We can be blasted, pulverized, obliterated, shot, you name it, we can survive it. It’s a different story, however, when our previous human mortal remains are brought before us. We cannot move, we cannot regenerate if we are near them. In short, we can so totally be murdered in that fashion and Envy would have access to my former human remains if they needed me dead.” Greed stopped drinking his milk as he had a bit of a far off gaze going on as he revealed that information.
 “Why would Envy have access to something like that? Wouldn’t this Dante be incharge?” Edward asked, now invested in what was being told.
 “She would, but Envy is her only child from her first relationship. They could get it if needed and with how Envy was behaving, I have no doubts they would’ve stolen the remains to exterminate me with. If you’re going up against Dante, you’re going to want a fragment of the remains to kill the homunculi with.” Greed instructed before getting caught off guard by what came out of Edward’s mouth.
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arsenicxarcana · 2 years
speaking of WANF i had a thought about like, far-flung future shit
imagine it’s a full moon night and you’re part of a two-bit smuggler ship that’s just been taken down by pirates, you and the rest of the crew are trussed up and awaiting Judgment on the deck of this big black Death Ship
and this guy walks out that’s unnatural as hell - demon horns, goat legs, unicorn tail, bright silver eyes with dark sclera and dark makeup, one arm is covered in armor while the other is covered in fur and both sides have claws, he’s wearing black leather and fur and animal bone and a motherfucking RAVEN comes to sit on his shoulder like it belongs there
(may or may not be accompanied by two white dogs that carry a similarly unnatural air, like youre pretty sure they’re some kind of borzoi but you just KNOW they’re actually hellhounds)
he speaks in a voice thats sharp and hoarse as if he’s swallowed seawater, with harsh, honestly obnoxious tones and a whisper of something ancient beneath, like something else is speaking alongside him
“do you fear death?”
(u know davy jones’ speech in pirates of the carribbean? he goes into something like that - you can die out here or you join the crew and your mortal soul is forfeit. strong implication of death or death)
you’re pretty much shitting yourself in fear like oh ok we just got raided by Literal Satan Himself (possibly with an offer of deals included)
and then a shorter, younger, more human-looking guy - messy auburn hair, gangly limbs, disheveled clothing, cutlass loosely tied to one hip, honestly looks like he just rolled out of bed - swans up to the monstrous captain(?) with an easy familiarity
“c’mon, lucio, we’ve been over this”
a more human-like pout appears on the creature’s pale lips before he steps back with a little bow of deference. “oh of course, captain, you never let me have any fun anymore”
“go help pashinka with supper before papa tries to do it again, i can handle this”
he holds out his arm and the raven jumps to him with a short squawk, settling onto his shoulder and giving him a bit more air of importance. the demon storms off below decks, leaving you with the other man - despite his easy demeanor, you can see he has the same quicksilver eyes as the monster threatening you before
“now where were we?” he draws his cutlass and grins. “oh yeah - do you fear death?”
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