#monster friendship
thefarmerandthewolf · 10 days
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"A young farmer needs to help a young werewolf find a safe place to transform for the night...or else!
Follow Emmaline Estrellado as she embarks on her monstrous escort mission while battling her own fears and inner demons along the way.
It's a story of love, lycanthropy, and chickens. "
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kyanitedragon · 3 months
Not a monster fucker.
Not even a monster lover.
But a monster befriender.
Wanting to be the one and only person they trust with their dark inhuman secret.
Vowing to keep their secret, to be a safe place, to protect them, even hide them if necessary.
To have late night talks with them — about their monster type and all that makes them tick.
Listening to their monster woes, insecurities, and fears, and giving them comfort, support, reassurance, and advice.
Helping them to bridge the gap on their knowledge of humans. Whether its simply curiosity on their part, or to help them better blend in with humanity.
Doing research about their monster species on your own time, to learn as much as you can about them.
To receive monster hugs, platonic kisses, affectionate licks.
Literal sleeping together. Platonic cuddles. Sleepovers.
If they're okay with it, getting a good look at and checking out all their monstrous features.
If you're okay with it, them getting to check out your human features in turn.
Petting and stroking fur, and in return you may get back rubs and playing with your hair.
Them grabbing / scruffing you and carrying you to safety when you get into trouble, whether that means danger or just... you doing something you're really not supposed to.
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jellys-compendium · 5 months
Comforting Monster Stories for the Weary Heart
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Part 2 - The Werewolf
Pairing: Werewolf x/& GN!Reader Cw: hurt/comfort, depictions of stress/burnout, gentle werewolf cuddles Word Count:~1.7K A/n: I went into a little more detail this time with shaping this werewolf character and I really like how he came out. He's such a sweet wolfie. <3
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As you cross the threshold to your apartment, the exhaustion that you had fought so hard to hide finally seeps deep into the marrow of your bones. Your body sags, legs trembling slightly from exertion as you lean your weight against the nearest wall.
It had been a long and grueling day at work, one that was spent running from office to office, rushing to finalize last minute alterations, and having to answer to an outrageously demanding client while simultaneously dealing with a panicked boss who hardly gave you a second to breathe, let alone take a lunch break. 
To top it all off, your mother had decided that today was the perfect day to blow up your phone with urgent “requests” for your help in organizing an upcoming family event.
Amidst those heated meetings and sprints between cubicles, you had tried to convey to your mother in the kindest but firmest way possible that you were very tied up and couldn’t agree to take anything else on. 
That’s when the guilt trip started. How could you brush her off like this, after everything she’s done for you? Paying for your college, helping you buy your car. Didn’t you realize how much she had sacrificed for you? The least you could do is help her plan this event. 
And like a thin sheet of ice pulverized by the heavy footsteps of every single person who had decided to step on you that day, you cracked. By noon, you found yourself agreeing to every single one of your mother’s demands. It was only on your way home in the dark of night that it truly dawned on you how blatantly she had emotionally manipulated you.
But then again…she had always manipulated you like this hadn’t she?
“I’m home.”
The sigh that leaves the deepest recesses of your lungs is wispy and weary, utterly incapable of masking your paper thin state. You know that your perceptive roommate will pick up on it right away, so you do your best to adjust your expression, donning a mask of simple tiredness instead of one that reveals just how close to the edge you really are.
“Fen?” You call, shutting the apartment door behind you. “Did you hear me? I’m home.” 
You are so exhausted and so out of touch with your surroundings that it takes you a moment to realize that your apartment is completely dark and silent. Of course Fen isn’t responding, he isn’t home. 
Cold and heavy fingers squeeze around your chest and snuff out the last little flicker of hope inside you. After a day like today, you had longed to spend some time with your roommate. 
Fen has a talent for calming you even after the toughest of days. The two of you don’t always necessarily talk, but you’ve found that even just sitting quietly beside him on the couch and listening to the sound of his deep rolling breaths is a comfort. He’s the person you feel safest around most in the whole world, and you feel utterly gutted that he’s not here right now.
Fighting back tears, you force your body into autopilot. Shrug off coat, hang coat, kick off pinchy shoes, tell yourself for the millionth time to replace the worn WELCOME mat, hang apartment keys on hook, walk down hallway, grab dinner…
But you ignore the gurgling of your stomach that accompanies your footsteps and bypass the kitchen altogether. You’re too tired to even think about food. Frankly, all you want to do is just lie down and pass out. You want to forget about today. You want to tell all those awful people in your life where they can stick it. But like always, things are more complicated than that.
If you get yourself fired, who’s going to help pay the rent? If you tell your mother to fuck off, how will that impact your younger siblings that are still under her care? 
Actions after all have consequences, and like many you’re just an insignificant little fly caught in the neverending spider’s web of cause and effect.
The daunting feeling of helplessness weighs you down and your vision blurs as you enter your bedroom. You ignore the warm drops that run down your burning cheeks as you slip out of your clothing.
You wish Fen was here.
Fen is…one of a kind. He may be a lone wolf by nature but he’s also your rock, your best friend and your partner in crime. When you first met in childhood, the two of you had been stuck to one another like glue. Back then, Fen was a lonely kid who needed a friend, whereas you were the popular kid surrounded by people pretending to be your friends. The day you’d caught Fen alone and crying behind the school was the day the two of you became inseparable.
Except when the moon is full of course.
As the weight of your work clothing is fully removed from your frame, a sweet relief washes over you. It gives you just the right amount of energy you need to wriggle into your oversized t-shirt and snuggle on top of the fluffy duvet that covers your bed. Reaching down, you pull up the fuzzy throw and knitted blanket that normally decorate the foot of your mattress and completely engulf yourself in your makeshift burrow of blankets.
Then, you close your eyes and it all comes crashing down.
The first sob is silent. Then a second one comes, and then a third, forth, fifth…
Before you know it you’re openly weeping rivers onto the blankets. There’s no reason to hide anymore. No one is here to see you cry.
It’s a cathartically painful release, one that consumes your every thought and sense. The sobs ransack throughout your entire body and your head pounds in tandem with your rapid pulse as you hold on desperately to yourself. You’re so caught up in the release of your stress and misery that you don’t notice the faint scratching and whining at your window. 
It’s only when you hear your squeaky window open that you realize that you’re no longer alone. A stranger has entered your bedroom.
Alarmed, you stop crying, but the involuntary trembling from the aftermath of your tears persist. You hold yourself tighter, biting your lip as you try to stifle the shaking and whimpering.
But then, a voice calls out to you. Rough and distorted.
“Hey, now. It’s okay, don’t cry.”
Your body dips and the mattress groans in protest as a massive weight joins you on the bed. You lay still, relieved and dizzy from exhaustion as Fen scoops your blanket covered body close, pulling your flush against him. 
Being under the covers you can’t see Fen, but you can tell from the gentle way that he’s maneuvering you, as well as how utterly huge he feels all around you, that he has fully transformed. 
“Why are you here?” 
God, the sound of your hoarse voice is awful. It’s too vulnerable. Too raw.
 “It’s a full moon tonight. Shouldn’t you be out there, hunting with your pack?”
Fen’s rumbling sigh sends tremors down your spine. You can feel his soft snout press against you through the barrier of the blankets. He inhales deeply and pulls you closer.
“I’ve told you many times. You are my pack.” 
A dry swallow constricts your throat. You hold yourself tighter as your fingers dig nervously into the flesh of your arms. He’s being sincere, you know that. But still, you can’t help but feel like you’re robbing him of something. Fen had finally found his kind after years of searching, and here you are taking him away from the precious little time he gets to spend with them. 
“You should go. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Stillness is his response. Fen is completely motionless beside you. Even his breathing has stopped. 
Instinctively, the image of a wolf silently stalking its prey in the wilderness flashes in your mind’s eye. But no sooner does that image come do you then witness the real thing. Fen gently grabs the blankets with his teeth and claws and then slowly pulls them off you, exposing you like a frightened little rabbit in its den.
Once free from the confines you had constructed, your gaze immediately finds Fen’s. His eyes are sharp–predatory—and as gold as a nourished field of wheat. But as Fen silently studies your moonlit face in the private darkness of your bedroom, his gaze gradually softens. Then, he leans down and nuzzles your cheek with his wet nose before giving the side of your face a big, fat, slobbery kiss.
“Ugh! Fen!” You snap, pushing his snout away. “That’s gross!”
Fen’s wolfish laugh sparks a joyous little thrill in your chest. One that’s sent right down to your toes.
“Not as gross as the thought of leaving you when you need me.”
Fen allows you to push him away, his powerful jaws in your hand as he pegs you with another serious look. You can feel his hot breath moistening and billowing against your palm as he speaks his next words carefully.
“Listen. You don’t gotta talk about it or anything, just let me be here for you, okay? It doesn’t matter what else is going on. I care about you, I always have.”
I care about you.
Those four simple words bring fresh tears to your eyes. Fen’s wolfish face softens as you hiccup another pathetic little sob.
Wanting to console you, the huge werewolf carefully nudges your palm from his face, giving him the freedom to lean down and rub his huge, fluffy head against yours. Your eyes close as you bask in the feeling. He’s so soft and warm. 
Your hands reach up to caress his head, gently lingering over his big pointy ears. Fen’s content hum rumbles deep in his chest, helping to soothe your nerves and slow your heart beat down into a relaxed pace. At this moment he’s almost like…a big, cuddly therapy dog.
A tiny smile forms on your lips at the thought and Fen doesn’t miss it. His eyes light up and his big, bushy tail starts to wag happily.
“Go to sleep, okay?” Fen says softly. “You’ll feel better in the morning. I won’t leave you, I promise.”
You exhale a deep sigh and nod as Fen cuddles you closer, pampering you with the tenderest of hugs and little muzzle kisses.
“Thank you, Fen. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
You return his hug, clinging onto him for dear life.
“Likewise.” He whispers.
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dividers by @/saradika
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oracleact · 2 years
I have no idea why but I keep thinking about how I’d react if some random creature just appeared in my room, or even outside my window. the more I think about it, the more I’m certain that I wouldn’t be frightened or nervous. I’d basked in the moment instead if I’m able to.
an alien, for example, crash landed in the field beside my house and is now panicking: unsure if the air is safe enough, no supplies to clean up the fresh wounds he has, no directions on where to go from here.
pat pat pat on my window, making me nearly jump out of my skin. I ignore it that once thinking it’s probably a branch or something.
pat pat pat again. I get up and walk slowly to the window - drawing the curtains back at the same pace. softly illuminated by the desk lamp on the other side of my room is this giant creature in what appears to be some rubbery work overalls, but nothing like I’ve ever seen before...it kind of looks like something you’d see at nasa...well, all of this being is nothing like I’ve ever seen before anyway.
squishy, turquoise skin with speckled patterns across the parts that are exposed, and an almost comically large pair of beautiful, deep blue eyes. his nose is flat against his face, giving his structure a defined yet delicate appearance. amongst the oddities, he has hair just like ours - jet black, fluffy hair. shaved on the sides and up the back to leave the other untouched strands to flow freely; down to about chin length.
the creature takes a step back at my unexpected appearance, huge eyes blinking rapidly, somewhat startled as they weren’t really looking for any type of response. they were just searching for some shelter and tapped the glass to see if they could get in without making too much noise or causing excessive damage.
I hold up my hand and smile softly to reassure him that it’s alright before opening the hatch on the window. out of the two I have in my room, one opens fully as a fire exit window and one only opens a tiny bit for ventilation purposes.
“hello, are you lost?” I say to the alien in a hushed tone, careful not to wake anyone up. I press my face through the small gap in the window so that he can get a better look at me.
he seems to sigh in relief before saying, “oh thank the moons, I’ve landed somewhere I know!” I hush him with a finger to my lips and he mimics it instantly while looking around him. he begins speaking again but quieter this time,
“I was on a short journey to a partner planet of ours back home, but something went wrong. terribly wrong. interference with navigation and I couldn’t control the craft. everything went down. I knew I was going to crash but I didn’t know where since all of the systems were down. I’m glad I tapped on your window and not someone else’s though...they might’ve chased me down that steep hill.” we both giggled, understanding that trying to lighten up the situation will make us both feel better.
“that would explain the cuts and stuff on you then - please come inside, it’s cold and it’s not good for you to be out here by yourself. you can explain more inside. please?” I wait for his reply after that. he ponders for moment while looking down at the ground, pressing his smooth, almost slimey-textured hands together in thought.
“it will be just me here with you. everyone else is asleep. I’m blossom by the way, it’s really nice to meet someone so different from myself.” ah, that did the trick. he smiles and gives me a nod.
“revv. you can call me revv. nice to meet you, earth-born,” his teeth appear sparkly and bright as he smiles before stepping forward closer to the window.
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askspidertrain · 2 years
charles to hug you just wrap your arms around a person and squeeze but dont do it too hard or you might hurt them
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Humans seem a little too fragile to try hugging...
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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The girls are here!!!
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clarissasbakery · 3 months
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yuri time 🫶🫶🫶 happy pride
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colorful-horses · 11 months
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dapper-lil-arts · 10 days
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This goes above and beyond toxic yuri. We need a new term for this
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n64retro · 1 year
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gladosluver · 8 months
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they should set their differences aside and work together. imagine the horrors they could create
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sydneighsays · 11 months
This took .. so long *collapses into a pile and cries on the floor*
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Some of my favorite shots. I'll post more on my Instagram because I'm at my limit here and there's literally 83 slides
Audio from episode 136 The Puppeteer
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jellys-compendium · 4 months
Comforting Monster Stories for the Weary Heart
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Part 3 - The Selkie
Rating: T
Pairing: Selkie x/& GN!Reader Summary: Your distrust of others has lead you to a life on the ocean. Your only company, a lone seal with eyes of startling seaweed green. One fateful night a terrible storm captures and destroys your boat, flinging you into the raging sea. When you come to, you discover that your companion is more than what she seems. Cw: nudity, mentions of past abusive relationships, mentions of being held captive and relationship trauma, brief mention of vomiting Word Count: 2.5K A/n: This is my absolute favorite chapter I've written so far! I love these two so much. Oh, and for those of you who don't know what a selkie is, check the link.
Thank you for supporting my original work! If you're interested in this series, you can read all the chapters here.
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The ocean at night is a dark and terrifying space where humans dare not adventure. And that is precisely why it is the only place on earth where you feel safe.
Being out in the black and impenetrable void each and every night, with nothing but the sound of rippling waves along your little boat’s hull and the stars as your guide, you find yourself finally able to relax.
Out here it’s just you, the ocean and all of her creatures. It’s a place where there is no prejudice, or hatred, or cruelty. Out here there is only the struggle for life and the inevitability of death. It may seem cold, but it is fair.
Glancing up at the sky, your eyes find Polaris a little too far to the right. Adjusting your grip on the oars, you carefully turn your port oar, shifting your direction to starboard and keep rowing silently through the waves.
The light from the lantern perched on the boat’s bow shimmers orange and yellow across the black water. If you look hard enough, you can see tiny little fish chase the light just below the surface. You carefully watch them, knowing that once they disappear it’s a sign that you’ve reached your destination.
And sure enough once you’ve rowed to near exhaustion and the full moon sits fat and yellow on the horizon, do the fish suddenly vanish. Following their cue, you pull both of your oars back and bring your boat to a standstill. 
After pulling your oars into the boat, you gather the things you need.
Jars, a fishing net, and a cloth.
Then, you carefully make your way towards your lantern and turn it off. The world around you is plunged into blue night, the light of the moon now the only source of illumination around you.
Humming a soft little tune, you sit and patiently wait until you find them.
It starts faintly at first, but as the seconds tick by the light intensifies, until finally the water all around you begins to glow a beautiful, unearthly blue. 
Tilting over the side of your boat, you watch them with limitless wonder. Moonlight jellyfish, thousands of them, all slowly making their way towards the open ocean. 
No one knows why they like to travel out to the deepest parts of the ocean at night. Some fishermen say that it’s mermaids, or the goddess of the sea, or even the full moon that calls them, but you’re not one for entertaining folktales.
You believe what you see, and your faith only extends as far as your hand. That’s how you’ve managed to survive this long.
Grabbing your net, you examine the jellyfish bobbing in the water. Once your eyes pick out one of the largest and strongest you make quick work of carefully dipping your net into the water and scooping him up. 
The creature wiggles in your net’s grasp, expressionless in all ways but motion. But you imagine that if jellyfish could talk, this one would be very annoyed with you right now.
“I know, big guy. This will just take a second.”
Bringing him gently into your boat, you pop open a jar and fetch the cloth. Grasping the cloth in one hand and the net in the other, you bring the jellyfish’s tendrils over the open jar and then delicately brush the cloth against the tendrils.
Droplets of seawater and clear venom are soaked up into the cloth, some of it falls into the glass jar below. It certainly isn’t the most effective way to harvest jellyfish venom but it is the least invasive. Even though your income relies on the jellies, you don’t want to harm them.
Once you’re done, you slowly return the moonlight jelly into the ocean, and repeat the process a few more times with a few of the other large ones. 
As you're returning the last of them to the calm and glassy water, a distinct splash sounds from behind you, and a playful thump vibrates along the hull of your little boat.
You shake your head, but the smile that spreads across your lips is difficult to suppress. 
“I know it’s you.”
Silence. Your voice is the only sound that echoes through the night. You look around, searching between the glowing blue of the moonlight jellies for that familiar shadow beneath the waves. 
“Trying to scare me, huh?” You murmur, shifting to the front of your boat and turning your lantern back on. “Gonna have to try a bit harder than th—”
A massive gush of expertly aimed cold sea water emerges from the side of the boat, eliciting a shriek from your lungs as it lands in your boat, completely drenching you from head to toe.
A strange yet familiar giggling chuff sounds from the side of your boat. Chasing the source, you lean over the side and come face to face with the gorgeous, grinning seal you’d rescued from a fishing net many years ago. 
“Are you proud of yourself? Look at me, I’m soaked!”
The seal’s smile widens and she blows a playful breath out of her nose. Despite lacking human speech, Lorelei has a talent for getting her thoughts across with nothing but movements, gestures and vocalizations.
“Think I look better wet, huh?”
Lorelei chirps, clapping her fin against the surface of the water before disappearing back into the dark depths. Taking the opportunity, you reach for the pail you have stashed at the front of your boat and pull out one of the mackerel you’d caught earlier in the day.
Immediately, Lorelei bobs back up to the surface, her seaweed green eyes glistening with delight in the lantern’s light.
For a moment, you study her, taking in the slight cooper red tint to her coat and that almost human grin of hers. There’s something uncanny about her. She’s too unusual and too clever to be your typical seal.
“Got a midnight snack for you. Just promise not to splash me again, okay?”
Tossing the fish to Lorelei, she manages to snatch it out of the air with her sharp teeth. She chomps down happily on it a few times before swallowing the thing whole. She flips backwards, her tail clapping against the water with glee before she dives and reappears beside you, those green eyes set on you.
It’s strange. You can’t see your reflection in them at all…
As you stare at her, the urge to reach out and touch her manifests, like a fierce tug at your heart. 
Lorelei, mischievous as she may be, has been your friend for a very long time. She’s important to you. She’s the one who stays with you through the night and the only one that listens to your stories while gliding alongside you as you journey across the sea. She’s never wronged you or hurt you and you’ve always watched her back.
The friendship you share with her is powerful, but as you reach out to pat her head the calmness in Lorelei’s eyes disappears and she growls, whiskers puffing up before she snaps at your fingers. 
Instantly, you pull your fingers back, a little emotionally hurt but understanding. While you may feel that Lorelei is your friend, that doesn’t mean that she necessarily feels the same way. To her, you may be nothing more than a weird scaleless and finless fish that she finds entertaining to follow around from time to time.
Lorelei’s snarl slowly melts away, those big eyes of hers swallowing you whole as she quietly studies you. You can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking, but before you can even begin to ponder, an ominous roar vibrates through the night sky. 
Looking up, you see nothing but black. The moon and stars have been obscured by an enormous storm cloud. Purple lightning flashes in the sky a few seconds before another roar of thunder claps powerfully through the air.
Then the wind picks up, you can feel it whistling in your ears and across the rustling waves with ominous promise.
Oh no.
Scrambling, you grab the oars and shove them back into the rowlocks.
“Go!” You shout to Lorelei as you begin rowing to shore. “Get somewhere safe, this is going to get messy!”
Lorelei stays still, watching you curiously as you depart. You wish you could help her, but frankly compared to you she is in no danger at all, and that little bit of reassurance soothes the sharp panic in your heart.
If you have to die, you want it to be out here. Free and untethered by the pain of dry land. 
Just like her.
With every ounce of strength you possess, you row hard against the rough waters. Your rowboat sways and jumps as the waves get larger and stronger, the wind and rain simultaneously blinding you and freezing your skin. 
Panting, you desperately fight against the wailing typhoon, but the sea is not one to be bartered with. With one more final powerful gust, your boat capsizes and you’re sent tumbling into the icy, black ocean.
The moment that water hits your skin, a surge of adrenaline courses through you. And despite your better judgment, you try and fight your way back to the surface. But the current is too strong, and the more you struggle, the deeper the sea pulls you into its greedy clutches.
Eventually your body succumbs to utter bone deep exhaustion and your body becomes still, head spinning as stars start to flash before your eyes.
Then, you close your eyes and let the current take you.
You jolt awake, lungs on fire as you heave against the scraping salt in your throat and the churching pain in your stomach.
Rolling pitifully onto your side, you wretch, expelling the mouthfuls of seawater that you’d inevitably swallowed when you were flung from your rowboat.
The trembling ache in your body is all consuming, overcoming every sense you possess. It’s not until you finish vomiting that you realize that a warm hand is soothingly stroking your back.
Your naked back.
Gasping with alarm, you whirl your body around, arms instinctively up to try and protect yourself from the stranger beside you.
It’s a woman. A beautiful woman with curly, fiery red hair. Her mouth opens with an “oh” of surprise when you abruptly turn, her deep green eyes widening as she takes a step back from you.
The two of you stare at one another, motionless and wordless. Who is she? You’ve never met this woman before. 
You study her in the light. She stands tall, at least 173 centimeters. Her skin is a pale, snowy white and her gorgeous hair falls majestically down from the crown of her head all the way to her thighs. The hair covers her naked form in a waterfall of glowing red, thick and beautiful with the occasional lock tangled around ribbons of seaweed.
Your eyes travel up, lingering across an alarming scar that sits just under her ribcage. Continuing upwards, you see that freckles decorate her shoulders and cheeks, and her face is round and youthful. And her eyes…you can’t see your reflection in them at all.
Your jaw drops as realization dawns.
The woman smiles shyly, then nods. She points to her left, and you follow, your gaze landing on a small little fire flickering close to the mouth of a cave. The wind howls outside, but here you are safe and surprisingly warm.
“Eat,” A beautiful voice rings. It takes you a moment to realize it’s Lorelei. 
“Recover your strength. You will need it in the morning.”
You blink, focusing your vision on the fire. A fish is cooking just above it, a delicious scent wafting through the cave as the flames lick at the dripping and browning skin.
And while normally that sight would have made your belly growl from hunger, right now the last thing you want to do is eat.
“Ah, thank you but…”
Lorelei exhales a tired sigh, but her eyes are understanding. After another beat of silence, both of your bodies taunt from the wavering distrust, the tension suddenly and inexplicably breaks, and Lorelei makes her approach.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier.” She says, sitting down beside you on the cave floor. “I’m just not used to being touched.”
The painful relatability of her admission floors you. The sadness of those words and the loneliness that you’ve harbored for so long suddenly comes to the forefront. It makes you want to cry.
Me too. Me too…
Instead your lips press into a thin line and you swallow the nervous lump in your throat.
“It’s okay.”
Lorelei shuffles closer and reaches towards your lap. You flinch, but then realize that she’s reaching for the blanket on your legs. Except…it isn’t a blanket.
“Is this…”
“My seal skin. It was the only thing I had to keep you warm.”
Lorelei’s voice is tight, careful. You can tell by her expression that she’s itching to snatch it back. You don’t want to cause her any discomfort, so you carefully pick up the pelt and hold it out for her to take.
“Thank you, Lorelei. You can have it back.”
But the woman just stares at you, eyes widening as they fixate on the pelt in your hands. After a moment her eyes soften, the corners shimmering with tears.
“It’s alright.” She whispers. “Keep it for now. I want you to stay warm.”
You’re not exactly sure what’s behind these reactions of hers, but your own trauma has taught you to recognize another broken soul in need.
Shifting a bit over, you pat the cave floor beside you.
“Then we’ll share it.”
And Lorelei sits, and you cover both of your bodies with the soft and warm seal skin.
The warmth that blooms between your two cradled bodies is the sweetest thing you’ve ever felt. It’s pure benevolence. It asks for nothing.
“I fell in love with a fisherman once.” Lorelei softly says. “He wanted to marry me, but he didn’t understand who I really was.” 
Her wistful eyes land on the roaring foam at the cave’s mouth, the sound of its hunger the only thing you can hear during her several minutes of silence. Patiently, you wait to see if she wants to continue.
Finally, she exhales a deep sigh and speaks.
“I am the sea.” She whispers. “I cannot be bound or contained, and it drove him mad.”
“He stole my skin and imprisoned me on land. What could I do but care for him and give him children? For years I watched with agony as he disappeared over the horizon on his boat. Free to roam the place that was once my home to his heart’s content.” 
“When I discovered the skin he had stolen from me hidden beneath the house’s floorboards, I fled to the ocean. He found me before I was able to escape in the waves. I remember the giant fishing hook in his right hand.”
Lorelei’s green eyes fall upon you, their dark green deepening in the light of the fire. You find yourself mesmerized by their depths, and enchanted at the being who possesses them. 
Lorelei is right. She truly is the sea. 
And you treasure all that she is.
Entwining your fingers with hers, you gently squeeze her hand as you lay your head on her shoulder. Lorelei’s body tenses at first, but then she relaxes beside you. Her beautiful melodic hum of contentment makes your heart melt.
“I’m glad you’re free, Lorelei. One day, I hope to be too.”
And then, you fall asleep beside her.
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dividers by @/saradika
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lolbree · 3 months
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i rly like vampires
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abyssalgalaxy · 1 month
The fact that Tsubomi didnt end up as Mob's gf and became her friend is so important, it strenghtes the entire friendship motif of the series have and breaks the trope of there having to be romance between a boy and a girl, the friendzone isnt bad its just that ppl have been conditioned to think that it is, for Mob and Tsubomi could be one of the best things that happened in their lives. Im sure she wanted to have a friend that she could open up to without being judged and without having the risk of her being seen as just a love interest by them. I have the feeling that Tsubomi would enjoy being silly once in a while, leave the "school idol" status she has and I think Mob also likes to be silly! Based on the cake prank on reigen at the epilogue and Mob telling Dimple he didnt remember him during the Mogami Arc, Id love to see them being silly together as besties, laughing together loudly at dumb shit or messing with their other friends. Maybe at some point he invites her to hang out with the rest of his friends, going shopping w Teru, hanging out w the telepathy club, or just anything really, she deserves more true friends. And since tsubomi isnt impressed by anything psychic/supernatural related, Mob can tell her about his little shenanigans at spirits n such without being weirded out or anything, she'll just listen and its the same for Mob's side, he's good at understanding and giving a safe place to speak, I know I said it already but she really needs true friends that wouldnt wish bad things upon her or see her as a prize.
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beanmochiii · 4 months
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art for @entryn17 isat/undertale swap au!
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