#they are genuinely so wonderful to each other... they are so special. and fucking stupid also
mintkookiess · 1 year
It's just practice!
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How about practicing confessing with your best friend? Wonder how that turns out ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ"
Hehe enjoy!
Summary: You decided to practice confessing to someone with your bestie Miles... except he's actually the one you wanted to confess to, but he didn't need to know that.
Tags: Miles Morales x reader, confessions, fluff, HUGSSS
Word count: 1.4k
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"I'm sorry... what?!" Miles exclaimed with a look of horror on his face. You were both chilling by his dorm during lunch break. Ganke had classes so it was just the two of you. Your lips carried a tiny pout as you slap his leg as a way of pleading. "Come on, I just want to practice confessing to someone."
The poor boy had cheeks so red you'd think he was a strawberry. It didn't help that he had freckles. "Why do you gotta practice on me? Go talk to a wall or something." You rolled your eyes in annoyance, "Just let me talk, then tell me how it is okay? You don't even have to say anything, just listen."
Miles sighed, finally giving in. He removed his headphones, letting them sit by his neck. His brown eyes looked at you while he also had a pout that mirrored yours. "Fine."
The two of you then sat on his bed with crossed legs, facing each other. Your heart slowly started to bang against your chest, as if it wants to just jump out of your body.
I mean, who in the right fucking mind would practice confessing on someone, and that someone is the someone you actually wanted to confess to for real.
Your mind is just flabbergasted at what you’re trying to pull here. For a few seconds, there was an awkward silence between you two and you just wished he’d say something.
But stupid you told him to just shut up and listen to you “confess”, right?
So look who’s quiet now.
Your fingers were laced with each other like a braid as your thumbs mindlessly fiddled together. Miles just stared at you cautiously, waiting for you to say something, anything.
It was always never quiet between the two of you, so it’s quite unusual that neither of you were speaking.
And who’s fault is that?
This is so fucking stupid.
You swore that you’d take your feelings for Miles to the grave because you were so convinced that he was way out of your league. I mean, he was Spiderman always out there saving the city, but you were just a normal person, going through life like everybody else. Except for the fact that you’re Spiderman’s best friend.
Okay, maybe you were a bit more special than the rest.
But definitely not the smartest.
Sweat started to decorate your forehead like you just had a one hour full blown workout, your thigh slightly shaking in nervousness. You realize this though, making you slap your thigh with your hand. The loud smack made you both jolt in surprise.
“Well come on go on with it.” Miles urged, almost whined even. His face was getting redder by the minute, his almost faded freckles seemed to stand out even more that you could practically count them if you looked.
Holy shit I did not think this through.
“Okay okay um,” You started. Your eyes trailed sideways to his desk, feeling all your nerves quaking underneath your skin.
Oh my god I can’t do this.
”I actually… Have something in my mind that’s been bothering me for a while now.” You mumbled. You were trying so hard to distract yourself while looking at his desk, like counting how many colored pens were there, or how many erasers did this dude actually have.
Too many apparently.
Who the fuck needs that much erasers?!
“I— think you should be looking at the person you’re confessing to so it seems uh… genuine you know?” Miles said, trying to alleviate the awkward ass tension in the room.
You shook your head to snap yourself out of it, before staring right back at him. “Right sorry sorry.” You laughed, before running your fingers through your hair.
Let’s take this more seriously.
Besides, he’d never know… right?
You exhaled deeply, “Anyways, I… actually like you.”
“I’ve liked you for a while now, and I knew I just had to tell you just so I could get it off my chest. Moreover, I just didn’t want to ruin what we’ve got, and I didn’t wish for this to happen. But unfortunately, I’ve come to fall for you.” Your eyes stayed on his the entire time, and every sentence was like a blow on Miles’ heart. But you did say that he had to listen to this practice confession of yours.
He just couldn’t help but feel sad at the fact that you were practicing the whole confession thing and not actually being genuine about your words.
But holy fuck he wished you were directing it towards him.
His mind was getting a bit fuzzy at the thought of you saying these exact words to him. Miles has quite an active imagination, and he just suddenly sees the two of you sitting in some romantic spot like a park or a rooftop with a perfect view of the sunset.
Wait stop it Miles... You have to focus.
"—and I'm just hoping you feel the same way." You finished. You let out the breath you didn't you know you were holding as you surveyed Miles for feedback.
"So? Did that seem natural or? Was it too sappy or does it need like a joke in between or something?"
Miles stared right back at you for a hot second before snapping back to reality. "Oh... right, right yes. It was um... great yeah." He nodded mindlessly before the two of you fell back into the same awkward silence.
You groaned loudly, your head falling into your hands as you rubbed your face violently in frustration. Maybe you should just tell him? Honestly all you gotta do is say—
"It's actually not a practice." You found yourself blurting out while your hands were still covering your face. Since your voice was a bit muffled, Miles scrunched his eyebrows together at you. "What?"
You sighed, removing your hands slowly to reveal your insanely flushed cheeks which not gonna lie made Miles' heart skip a beat like some corny ass romance movie.
"It's... actually not a practice." You repeated, hanging your head low while your eyes were staring up at him, trying to gauge his reaction to your words.
Miles was a bit um... out of it from all the shit you just said and he was still trying to process that you were just practicing. So when you said those words, he gasped loudly, suddenly sitting up straight that his head bumped the bunk bed above him.
"Oh crap!" He exclaimed, placing a hand over the area that got hit as he crouched down. You jumped in surprise, taken aback by what just happened. "Miles! Oh my god are you okay?"
You were quick to place your hands on his hair, not exactly knowing what you could do in that situation, but at least you were trying, no?
"Can—Can you say that again?" He stuttered, still trying to massage his head. Miles was kinda thankful that his torso was laying on the bed so you couldn't see his face. "It um... I wasn't practicing actually, I genuinely like you Miles." You mumbled, now caressing his hair.
He slowly sat up, and you saw how there were actual tears running down his eyes, making your eyes widen in shock. "Miles?! Why are you crying! Did you hit your head that hard? Does it hurt? Are you going to have a concussion? What—"
You were interrupted though when Miles suddenly lunged at you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "I-I like you too." He whispered. Now it was your turn to freeze, mind going blank as you try to process and see if you actually heard him right.
"You... like me too?" You whispered back, gently wrapping your arms around him as well to return the hug. You felt him nod against your shoulder, which made your breath hitch.
"He likes me too..."
Miles laughed as he pulled back. His hands went up to caress your cheeks before he rested his lips on your forehead. "Yeah, and just so you know, that wasn't a practice either."
"Just making sure you know. Like, I wasn't practicing accepting your feelings or telling you that I like you too right? You got that, right? I mean it would be awkward if you thought I was playing along and practicing and—"
"Miles shut up I get it."
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More of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
I have a JJK x Naruto Crossover I think you'd like
So it's in the Naruto world, but curses and cursed energy exist as a separate thing from chakra. Jujutsu schools are scattered across the Nations, working together to keep the curses from destroying the world.
Shinobi and sorcerers really do not like each other. The shinobi hate how uncertain they are of the sorcerers loyalty as sorcerers consider themselves to be loyal to each other rather than any of the countries they are in. They often refuse to let sorcerers into the villages. The only reason they haven't all been killed is because although chackra can't kill a curse they can see them and seal them like bijuu. Sorcerers hate shinobi because while they're sacrificing their lives to protect the world the shinobi are actively creating more curses with their warfare and preventing the sorcerers from killing the curses in the villages. Also shinobi sometimes use sealed curses as weapons, which is stupid and bad.
Sidenote real fast, Hoshigaki Kisame isn't part of the Akatsuki here because Gojo was like, "hmm. I need a teacher to teach my students shinobi things so they don't get assassinated. I think this weird shark guy would be great!" So Kisame is living his best life getting to be a nice, loyal guy and is one of the only shinobi that sorcerers tolerate.
The main plot of this AU is related to the bijuu. You know how in Naruto the bijuu have the ability to sense malice and sometimes go out of their way to kill evil humans? Well in this AU what they are actually sensing is cursed energy and their job is to disperse large build ups of cursed energy to keep the formation of cursed spirits down. They are deeply venerated and respected by sorcerers for this. So guess who was absolutely furious when the shinobi started sealing them?
The only reason the sorcerers haven't gone to war over the whole thing is because without the bijuu, they're being stretched thinner and thinner as they try to keep the cursed spirit population down. Death rates among sorcerers have easily doubled or tripled, as, even if there's still very few special grades, there's just so many of the weaker ones.
This whole thing makes Geto even worse than in canon.
So in the midst of all this tension, Team Seven runs into Gojo's first year students on some kind of mission involving missing nin creating curses on purpose. Between Naruto's naruto-ness and Itadori's friendliness, they actually manage to work together and are a little friendly by the end of it.
And then it somehow comes out that Naruto is the ninetales jinchuuriki and the jjk kids lose their shit. Even Sukuna's upset, he just found out about the whole thing and his belief in humanity somehow dropped further into the negatives than it already was.
Like, they are genuinely ready to kill Naruto over this, and team seven is so confused because they were friendly a second ago, and then both their teachers show up and everything gets worse.
And the thing is, most shinobi don't know about the bujuu-sorcerer connection. The general run of the mill shinobi barely knows anything about sorcerers, and team seven actually learned more than their teachers ever told them on this mission. And it would be so confusing and stressful for them to realize that the monster that they all fear is a respected colleague to these people, and the bijuus loss is genuinely killing the sorcerers.
Just the idea that the monster sealed inside of him isn't a monster, that it was sealed wrongfully, would break Naruto a little bit.
I don't know where this would end up going. Having Kenjaku and Madara/Obito pulling shit at the same time would be a nightmare. I just really like the idea of sorcerers and shinobi having to deal with each other, and of the ninja having to think about the fact that sealing a living being and using them as a battery and weapon for a century is really fucked up, and it's no wonder they try to kill you every time they get out.
This is absolutely delightful and I need 100k of it stat
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westofessos · 2 years
So I just finished Gilmore Girls for the first time and boy, do I have some thoughts:
First of all, I love this show so much. More than I ever thought I would. It’s just so comforting. I totally get it now.
Now, for specifics.
I love Lorelai. She does make some dumb choices, but in the end, she’s just so loveable and fun, I can’t help but adore her.
I do not get the hate I’ve seen for Rory! Yes, like her mom, she makes stupid decisions, but she’s so wonderful. Maybe it’s just because I relate to her so closely, but I love Rory so much.
Ughhhh I love love love Luke. He’s so unexpectedly hilarious sometimes?? I did not foresee that when I started. Scott Patterson is also strangely one of the best actors on the show, which I also did not expect. Luke is a gem, we love him.
Luke & Lorelai:
How could you not love these two together? They’re absolutely perfect for each other and the pining, especially on Luke’s part, makes for incredible television. I do think their dynamic kind of lost the really special ‘will they, won’t they’ tension after season 1/2, but I still ship them. So glad they ended up together. When she was still with Christopher near the end of season 7, I got a little worried.
PARIS IS GAY. I will accept nothing less. She is queer in some way, whether she’s a lesbian or bi. She had absolutely no chemistry with any of her love interests but so much with Rory. Also she’s just amazing all around. I fucking love Paris. Make her queer, cowards.
How could you not love Lane? She’s the absolute shit. Cool, supportive, loyal, and a fucking rockstar. I didn’t mind her with Zach to begin with (even though I thought it was a bit strange how they all of a sudden liked each other), but when they got married and had kids, that was a big nope for me. Lane Kim deserved to be a famous rockstar.
Emily & Richard:
I went back and forth on these two. On one hand, they’re very entertaining characters and I do believe they’re trying to do what they think is best, but on the other, I think in the end they do more harm than good. The way they dismiss Lorelai’s trauma, and completely disregard everyone else’s opinion because they assume they automatically know what’s best, just rubs me the wrong way. Not to mention the manipulation and the going behind people’s backs. I think there should’ve been an arc at the end where they finally listened to Lorelai and acknowledged what they’d done and tried to change for the better.
Melissa McCarthy is great in everything, and this is no exception. She’s so sweet and lovable, and such a good friend to Lorelai. I love her. Plus her relationship with Jackson is just lovely.
He’s such a sarcastic bitch and I love him. I think that’s all there is to say.
The Townies and Side Characters:
Kirk - Kirk is maybe the funniest part of the show and such a little sweetheart, I love him so much.
Babette - aka the best neighbour ever. We deserved even more of her and Morey than we got.
Miss Patty - same goes for Patty! We need more Patty!
Taylor - annoying and obnoxious but the show wouldn’t be the same without him. Irreplaceable.
Gypsy - again, we needed more!! Gypsy was so funny and I just wanted more!
April - I love April! She’s so sweet. I don’t, however, like what her arrival did to Luke and Lorelai’s relationship, and I fucking hate Anna.
Christopher - I don’t hate him, but he’s definitely not one of my favourites. I think it would’ve been a lot better if he and Lorelai had just been really close friends, or if he had just been fully out of the picture.
And finally, the boys:
FUCK. DEAN. Do I need to say more? He’s a toxic, possessive, asshole and I hate him. He was okay in the beginning, but the ‘50s episode really clinched my hatred for him. Huge nope from me. What a dick.
Man, do I hate Logan. Obviously not as bad as Dean, but he’s such a douchebag!! I genuinely cannot stand him or put up with any of his bullshit. I thought he would grow on me as the show went on but no, I only hated him more.
Best for last. My love for this man knows no bounds. Obviously the best fit for Rory, I love them together, but also his relationship with Luke is so great. Also, justice for his and Rory’s relationship while they were dating!! Why did we only get to see it when shit hit the fan? They kept mentioning how they were going to hang out, that they were meeting up later on, so why didn’t we get to see any of it? Why did we only get to see them when Jess fucked up? I hate that. I also hate that they didn’t end up together, even when Jess grew and changed and bettered himself. Anyway, I just love him. I could talk about him forever.
A Year in the Life:
They tried to fit 22 episodes worth of Gilmore Girls into 4 episodes, and it didn’t work. The first episode did an okay job, and I did kind of love the last episode (the wedding!), but the middle two were. . . yikes. No theme song/opening titles? No transitions? NO SOOKIE EXCEPT FOR ONE SCENE AT THE END? Michel thinking about leaving the inn and Lorelai being abandoned by both of her friends? No Jackson? Rory being with an engaged Logan? Basically no Jess except for a few scenes, one of which broke my heart? I could go on forever.
That being said, they should make more after the cliffhanger they left us on. I’ll take whatever I can get, even if it’s subpar.
Anyway those are just a few of my many thoughts about this show. I can’t believe I waited until now to watch it. I need someone to talk about this show with so if you see this and want to talk, DM me.
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pepsi-maxwell · 7 months
sunday snippet!
tagged by @grand-magnificent , tagging @realworldchamp , @sequentialprophet , @joestrummen , any writer mutuals i've forgotten!
cmjf soulmate au, under a cut for length and angst
Everything Punk says feels like a special kind of targeted cruelty.
Having a soulmate shouldn't feel like—like this. Painful, agonising, every word out of his mouth forming another fucking wound inside him, and Punk's just holding the scalpel and laughing—
“—the most important day of your life, but to me, it was Friday.”
Max hasn't felt much in the way of heartbreak before. Been too busy breaking hearts, let's be honest.
If he had to imagine it, though... he thinks it might feel a little bit like this. Like his heart is genuinely being torn in two.
He wonders if it's possible for soulmates to reject the bond; if this is what Punk's trying to do, because the idea of being connected to Max is apparently so fucking disgusting to him, but the worst part is, he's looked. He's looked it up, to see if he can undo it, to see if he can break it, just so he can be done with Punk, but nobody's done it before, nobody even knows if it's possible. 
He feels like if anyone could break a soulmate bond, Punk could. Punk could do anything.
There was a time when that thought was a comfort to him.
There's so much he wants to say; so much he could say. He could expose his wrist, show the whole fucking world exactly what Punk means to him, what Punk's words mean to him, make it really fucking public exactly what they are to each other, but—
Who would care?
Who would give a shit about him when his own soulmate doesn't? When his own soulmate has spent the last three months coming out and telling him over and over and over exactly how much of a disappointment he is, exactly how little he means to him.
Max eyes him up as he holds up the collar and chain, talking some kind of shit about wanting to be tethered to someone so bad, and it takes everything Max has not to do something stupid, launch himself into the ring, which is no doubt exactly what Punk wants, for Max to lose his cool, prove himself every bit the petulant child Punk sees him as.
But apparently he also wants to tie them together physically, while he carries on denying the less tangible thing tying them together. 
You don't get it both ways, he wants to say. You don't get to keep chasing me, keep demanding a rematch, refusing to let me go until you explain why you called me a disappointment—
But the words don't come. They sit in the back of his throat like a brick, but full of sharp edges.
He's not going to cry. Not here. Not for him.
He turns around.
He walks away in silence.
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fuck-customers · 9 months
Today (12/23) I encountered a special brand of stupid I’ve only ever encountered once before in my 7+ years as a cashier, and it was also this year, so now I’m wondering if it was the same woman both times. Even though the two instances were at my two different jobs, and even though they’re only 20 minutes from each other I don’t get much customer overlap.
So I’m ringing up a customer, everything’s normal, and then the woman behind him asks if I’m open. As I’m in the middle of a transaction. I gave her the same response I gave the first (same??) woman months ago, a blunt “I’m busy”. Today though, my coworker pulled her over to his register, and later when we were laughing about the ridiculousness of it, he said she genuinely didn’t seem right in the head. Which made me feel kinda bad, but I mean, ask stupid questions, get stupid answers
I really, genuinely cannot fathom what would possess someone to ask a cashier, who’s actively ringing someone up, if their register’s open. Like what the fuck do you think based on what I’m doing right the fuck now??
Posted by admin Rodney.
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when yuuji and megumi finally got together, what were everyone’s reactions? like inumaki and panda obviously threatened yuuji in the most nonsensical way possible but what about gojo and nanami and the others? like finally seeing their little boy grow up to be old enough to date and immediately going for the worst possible candidate in a lot of people’s minds *cough—the zenin—cough*.
if gojo was on the verge of a mental breakdown from just giving Megumi The Talk, i can’t imagine just how hard it hit him that his little sea urchin was growing up so fast.
What must be understood is that the second years have been following their relationship from its inception like it’s their favorite soap opera. Maki clocked it when Megumi tried to kill Kamo Noritoshi with an elephant over him and all of them have been overly invested in it since. Those are their beloved kohais. They’re both so stupid and vulnerable. Like idiot babies. They want them to be happy idiot babies who hold hands.
Yuuta would fight special grade curses with one hand and text Maki with the other to find out if they were dating yet and maki would text back “no but they each killed a special grade and megumi has a domain expansion now” and Yuuta would text back “what am I MISSING”. Inumaki thought if they gave them nine years or so megumi would work himself up to a hand graze and Yuuta would freak out because they don’t have that kind of TIME. Panda texted Yuuta in a panic weeks after everyone else figured it out to tell him that he thinks megumi and the kid who’s sukunas vessel like each other and Yuuta had to pretend to be surprised as if the entire matter was not giving him stress sweats from Africa.
The unofficial reaction was that maki sent a gif of a ship coming into port into the group chat and everyone celebrated like it was new years and the ball had just dropped because thank fuck it finally happened.
As a side note, the second years all consider themselves parents of three and are only half joking about that fact. It’s so hard raising teens. The little shits keep fighting things. None of them have any social skills. All three of them are completely feral. They’re pretty sure nobara bit a purse snatcher the last time they went out into the city.
But that was the unofficial reaction. They can’t tell Megumi or Yuuji about that.
Yuuta actually gets a call from Megumi to tell him that he has a boyfriend, and he had to pretend like all this was news to him as if he had not spent the past three months more invested in this than anything in his own life. Yuuta told him that he was happy for him, and that he couldn't wait to meet Yuuji, and lived in blissful ignorance about the fact that Yuuji screamed into his own pillow for twenty minutes that night because Megumi came and told him that Okkotsu-senpai was important to him and he'd like it if they got to know each other.
Maki started a campaign of teasing Megumi about his new boyfriend, because she sort of loves giving her little nephew shit. Megumi wonders why life has to be this hard.
Inumaki and Panda had already given Yuuji the shovel talk (it was part of what made Yuuji realize he was completely in love with Megumi) and had a stunningly moving congratulations and dating advice speech for Yuuji that featured a power point presentation.
Its moving nature was slightly impacted by the fact that Inumaki gave it.
Inumaki patted him manfully on the back, and Panda gave him a brotherly hair ruffle, and Yuuji continued to be confused as to what the hell was up with the second years.
The issue with Gojo is that they can never tell when he's taking the piss or if he's being genuine. Like, Gojo loves giving him a hard time. It's a classic "Fushiguro is getting hit on" conundrum. Is he actually devastated that his little boy is growing up or is he just doing it to fuck with them?
Megumi insists that he's doing it to be an idiot and refuses to speak to him for days, which does not help with all the weeping.
Whatever the case, it's enough to annoy Nanami, because he keeps agonizing over how his baby was swept up by some jock who was going to steal his sweetness and Nanami would take offense on Yuuji's behalf because Itadori Yuuji is a gentleman and a delightful young man and Gojo should be glad that Megumi is dating someone like him.
Megumi wonders why life has to be this hard sometimes.
Nanami is just happy for them both and gives them both private congratulations wherein he tells them that he's glad they have each other and that they are good together. He is the most normal of them all.
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aidenlove · 4 months
A school my child attended once forced us to allow them to do an "independent assessment" of my child to "prove" their autism because the doctor who diagnosed them had moved to Germany and we couldn't get copies of those records to provide the school. At the end of the week of assessment and observation, we had a meeting with the assessor that included the principal and the counselor and our kiddo and my spouse and I.
And this fucking bitch says, out loud, in front of my (at the time) 11 year old child:
"Great news! You're going to be so relieved! Your child isn't autistic! They're just stupid! Isn't that wonderful!"
My kid is definitely autistic and that diagnosis has since been confirmed several times over, but look at the phrasing and word choice there. This fucking woman genuinely, honestly believed we would be HAPPY to have her call our child stupid, because that, in her opinion, is so much better than autism. And she was the one diagnosing special needs kids for this school. That kind of ableism is RAMPANT and deeply harmful. It took us YEARS to help them rebuild their confidence after that comment. And we were super lucky. We had the ability to stand up and leave that meeting and never return our child to that school. I had the transfer approved before end of business that day because I am disabled and neurodivergent and had navigated this system in my hometown my entire life and knew who to call and what to say. I'm also about half white and almost entirely white passing if one doesn't know what to look for, and that absolutely makes a difference.
I have seen with my own eyes child protective services being called in to force parents to keep their child in a school that has openly discriminated against them and harmed them and I was desperately afraid the whole time I was standing up to them. We live in a world that cares far more about Normal than it does about Right or Good or Fair.
Don't ever let anyone tell you this is how humans are supposed to live and meant to treat each other. It's fucking not.
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gaoau · 10 months
Tingle — Goodbye Kiss
A Mother's Instinct warnings — none. word count — 1.5k
prev. — next.
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When he felt that stupid stirring in his stomach and then his phone rang, Yaku only rolled his eyes before picking up the call. On the other side of the line was his best friend, holding back her tears as she tried to formulate coherent words.
When [Name] finally managed to spit out the reason behind her sniffles, Yaku's heart sank into his stomach. "I got the scholarship. I got the scholarship, Morisuke, I got the scholarship!" she squealed over the microphone, repeating the same excited sentence over and over.
It took him a painfully long, seemingly endless second, but he smiled despite not being seen and congratulated her genuinely. Of course he was happy for her, she had been going on and on about that scholarship for that botany college she so desperately wanted. And now she had it. She could leave the country and study every last plant to her heart's content at the college of her dreams. Of course he was happy for her.
When they stood among the bustling of people running around with their suitcases, Yaku felt his eyes brimming with tears. As he pursed his lips and tucked his chin down to avoid eye contact, he wondered if [Name] could feel the same stirring in her stomach. It didn't look like it, seeing how she was smiling brightly while giving improvised speeches to her friends.
From her second-favorite captain—something [Name] had confessed only to Yaku while slurping an overly sweet strawberry-orange smoothie—to the cutest underclassmen a manager could ask for, [Name] dedicated special words to each and every member of the team. She had Lev and Inuoka bend down so she could gingerly mess with their hair. Fukunaga whispered something under his breath that made her giggle as she patted his head, while Kenma practically hissed and pulled away from her palm. Yamamoto accepted her pat as a sign of forgiveness for that time he spiked a ball into her face.
And last came the hug. A group hug, engulfing him, Kuroo, and Kai with those arms that had pulled him over the railing of her balcony countless times. A hug in which he felt her nails dig into the skin of his arm with a bit more force than in Kai's. But Yaku had to hold back the tears as she let them go and grasped the handle of her suitcase.
[Name] grinned at her team, gazing at them with squinted eyes. Yaku could see the excitement swirling in her irises and the hesitation hiding behind it. But the tears were in his eyes rather than hers.
Her fingers visibly tightened around the handle. [Name] breathed in deeply for one last, final, official goodbye. "I'll miss you all so much, really. I'll be on the other side of the world, but I'll make sure to call you guys once a week at least."
"Good luck with that."
It was Kuroo's mocking chuckle what made her relax. She shifted her weight onto her dominant leg, sneering at Nekoma's former captain. "Fuck you, Tetsurou, I'll call you once every three months."
Laughter exploded. Both [Name] and Kuroo knew she wouldn't be able to keep from calling him for more than eight days.
Their cackles ceased. [Name] turned her eyes to the graduated third-years. "Thanks, you three, for the last three years. And thanks for dragging me into volleyball. I'll really, really miss you." Her smile became sweeter when she turned to her underclassmen. "And I look forward to hearing you guys won nationals without us. I trust you'll keep Nekoma just as great as it is. You lost a fantastic libero, but I'm sure you'll fill his shoes just fine, Yuuki-kun."
"Your speech's getting too long. You'll miss your flight."
"No need to be embarrassed, Kenma, I know you'll miss me too. Sucks you didn't let me retouch your roots." She had a way of making everyone laugh whenever she spoke. "For real now, thanks a lot, all of you. I'll see you again soon, hopefully."
The team hollered in unison, as if they were replying to their coach when he announced spiking drills, but in reality, they were crying out their farewells to the idiot manager that barked at them when they didn't zip up their jackets on a chilly afternoon. [Name] glanced down at her luggage, gripping the handle tightly one more time. She shot her friends a shining beam, and then turned on her heels.
The wheels of her suitcase rolled against the floor for a millisecond before she halted. The handle slipped from her fingers, leaving the suitcase to sit all by itself while she marched up to Yaku. Everyone else watched, hesitating between telling her she still needed to check in her luggage or letting the scene roll however she liked.
Yaku didn't look up. He pursed his lips and kept his eyes to his left, where Kuroo's shoes seemed very interesting. [Name] huffed. "Now I get it. This mother-daughter thing you talked about. There's been a weird tingling in my fingers this whole time." [Name] shoved her face into his to find tears threatening to pour. "You're really about to cry, aren't you?"
No words could come out of Yaku's mouth. He felt small while she pierced his teary eyes with her soft ones. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and he hid his face in her hair. "I'm gonna miss you a lot," he mumbled into her neck.
[Name]'s voice caressed his ears like a cloud made out of velvet. "I know, Morisuke, so will I."
"No, you don't get it." Now it was Yaku's turn to tighten his hold and dig his nails in her skin. After so many carefree I love you's, how was he supposed to express the truth that had always lain behind them? "[Name], I'm in love with you. I don't want it to end like this."
Yaku could feel [Name] smile against him. "I know, Morisuke, I know. I love you, too." After so many carefree I love you's, this one sounded real and full of the warmth only [Name] could radiate. "But I'll be back before you know it and we'll pick up right where we left off."
[Name] pulled away from the hug, struggling just a tad bit to pry his strong arms off of her. It became an easier task when Yaku's guard dropped at the feeling of a shiver running down his spine. His still watery eyes traveled to [Name]'s face, brows furrowed in suspicion.
It was only her name, but she understood his instinct had activated.
"I'm about to do something stupid."
Yaku rolled his eyes ever-so-slightly. "You're always doing something stupid. How's this any—?"
But he didn't get a chance to finish his snarky question when [Name] sealed his lips with her own. His eyes flew wide open in sheer surprise and his body burst into flames. The comforting perfume of the deodorant she sprayed in her room whenever she finished cleaning wafted into his nose in gentle waves. The touch of their lips melting together felt familiar, as if they had done it a thousand times before, but he knew that wasn't true because his mind was wondering why it had taken her so long to kiss him.
Neither of them moved in fear of making it end too quickly or shattering the vinyl floor beneath them with a single step. Yaku's fingers twitched and hesitated; he didn't know where to put them or how to follow [Name] because his ability to feel anything but her lips had long left him.
And when she moved away, heat and cold battled inside his body, forming a wild tornado that would hopefully delay her flight to keep her in Japan just a second longer. The moment lasted an eternity and less than a second at the same, but Kuroo wouldn't tell him until later that all [Name] did was press her lips against his for a brief instance as both a message of wait for me and a goodbye. [Name] gazed at him and his burning face with a sheepish smile.
"Okay, love birds, congratulations, you've ended that weird tension between you." Kuroo clapped, the grin on his face slanting to the left while he turned [Name] around and pushed her towards her luggage. "Now go."
"God, Tetsurou, you suck." The team shared one last laugh, before [Name] finally turned her back on them with her suitcase dragging behind her. She looked over her shoulder to send them a wave. "Bye, you guys. See you soon. Take care of Gilbert for me."
When [Name] became a tiny, retreating speck getting lost among the sea of people, Yaku finally reacted accordingly—or as accordingly as he could. He didn't feel Kuroo smacking his back nor heard Lev whining because Yaku-san got [Name]-san in the end…
He could only gawk with unblinking eyes, whispering under his breath, "That wasn't stupid at all." But it wasn't like [Name] needed to know that.
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loveofbots · 2 years
Stupid fucking starscream and his stupid fucking cuteness
Take this it’s been stuck in my head for awhile.
Starscream thoughts I had
AU where the war never happened. Cybertronians still struggle with functionalism but have chosen to do so in a peaceful manner. You, the reader, are a flyer yet not a seeker. As a student scientist you take a year off to study seeker culture. And who better to learn from then THE seeker himself, Starscream. They act all jaded at first and calls you a pest for sticking around (despite him fucking agreeing to this) It’s basically one of those things where a college student goes and lives with a foreign family for a year I forgot what the term was sorry This would definitely be a series, with a long plot where the reader starts as friends with Starscream. Dealing with the political climate, your jobs as scientists, Screamer’s Ex-conjunx skyfire etc. and there’s this wonderful scene where they teach you all about seekers and how they fly during sunset. Very upset that my brain can’t make this happen rn
Another story where you’re a decepticon underling and during his short stint as leader when megatron deadified, and comes back later they promote you as second in command. A stoic warrior where very little phases you on the outside. But on the inside you are very passionate and maybe even a little naive. Starscream being the asshole they are believes he is special enough to know this part of you. It starts with him being smug and coy at the knowledge that you fell for him but he realizes that your feelings are deep and you genuinely love him. He then takes his guards down and shows you his more vulnerable side as well. Just insanity on my part
Okay this one is a bit more nsfw but it’s been floating around in my head for awhile
A smut story where starscream ties you up and dominates you. More of a cybertronian reader on this one. He has you riding a dildo while he keeps a vibrator pressed to your node and keeps you begging for him. Starscream keeps you from cumming despite you teetering over the edge of orgasm until they finally get you to beg hard enough and he goes down on you. Getting so caught up in the afterglow starscream expects the night to be over but you can’t help it, your addicted to him and surprise him when you go down on him in turn. It turns into a lot of praise Starscream has a praise kink change my mind and them overloading hard. My favourite part is the end where you’re both so horny for each other and want to fuck the other’s brains out but you can’t find a position fast enough for that. So he pulls out another toy for you to stick your spike into while he pounds you with no remorse. Getting carnal and speaking to you in seekerkant because it’s all his worn out processor will allow him to do. The continuous high and collapse into one another and the writing that you both loved each other so much that you couldn’t stop each other. Unspoken promises of forever as they lay down with you and there’s gentle making out
I hate not having proper writing comprehension and scheduling otherwise I would make these AUGHHG
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supermaks · 10 months
Which one you’d choose as teammates, not necessarily at red bull: Lewis/Max, Charles/Max, Charles/Lewis?🎤
This the brain heart pussy trifecta of hypothetical teammate combinations fr: brain says charles/lewis AT M£RC specifically because like sharl leaving ferrari for merc wud be kind of a serve like the all black replacing the full red .. 🖤 the way merc is like the protestant team and sharl is turning his back on the vatican like that’s a much needed refreshing light on sharl as a person and a driver. Curious to c how those wud 2 deal wid each others pr machine because they’ve expressed a lot of mutual admiration and they seem to genuinely get along on and off track. But they’re both such heavyweights bro. The balance has to tip in every team and yk rn m£rc’s whole vibe rn is already out of wack. Shar is not George let’s just say that. And lewis is far too good at this to let sharl build a narrative that’s not centered around him. Now obvi the heart longs for Lewis and max always because the heart is blind and stupid. They can’t race they can’t talk they have no idea how to be normal literally the opposite of love isn’t hate is indifference and there’s never been two people less indifferent towards each other. Bro even recently u had Lewis saying it’d be ✨wonderful✨ to be teammates wid max but of course max doesn’t want that 😜 and max being like 😐😐 I don’t care 😐😐😐it’s not gonna happen.. It’s not realistic so who cares😐😐 . Mind u these people are racing each other in practice 1 to this day. Real ass fucking hating none of that gay lestappen shit this is day 1 on sight mutual assured destruction. Now they wud both never sign wid the others team ((no really . Never)) so like idk throw them into a fucking haas let’s c what happens. But speaking of gay lestappen shit max/sharl on equal machinery I think wud either barely survive the horrors or succumb to them in the greatest possible way. That’s the supermakussy special. I think the same issue all these hypothetical teammate situations have is that ur putting 2 top dogs in the same cage and telling them they can’t eat the toy and they can’t chew on each other. Max and sharl have chewed on each other before, in a different cage. They know each other, prolly at each others worst , and what may seem like an issue to others to them it’s just exciting. It’s part of the game, it’s actually what makes the toy worth pursuing. They’re both similarly insane about racing and being racing drivers and driving cars nobody else can drive. If shared crazy wud be what holds them together or effectively tears them apart bro I’m just sad we’ll prolly never get to find out 😭😭😭
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helli-phy · 5 months
um there’s nothin to say
sweet dreams (ch. 2)
chapter 1 n 1/2!!!!
Vox groaned, blinking groggily. He noticed it was… raining? No, that didn’t seem right. He fell asleep in his room. Not outside. Unless this was another fucking dream.
Now that he thought about it, it was most definitely a dream. This was only reinforced as he heard Alastor’s staticky voice behind him.
“Ah,” he could hear the Radio Demon tut in disappointment. Vox was ready to snap back with a quick retort, but when he turned around to face Alastor, he froze.
It wasn’t Alastor.
Well, it was.
But it was the Alastor from… before.
Before the falling out.
Before the…
Silly incident.
Vox blinked.
“Um.. did you… have… you..” he stuttered, sighing in hopelessness. Alastor chuckled.
“Yes, Vox, I did bring an umbrella. Thankfully. You really should have one on person, you know. I suspect the drizzle could mess with your internal workings, my friend.” Alastor poked Vox on the forehead, a smug smile on his face. “Not that they aren’t messed up already, of course.” He turned, unfurling the black canopy of the umbrella. He hummed under his breath, looking back at Vox. “You coming, dear?”
Vox knew the pet name wasn’t special. Still, he couldn’t help but brighten a little at it, a stupid grin on his face as he stood there.
He speed walked to catch up with Alastor, standing under the umbrella next to him. There was a good 6 inches of air between them, but to Vox it seemed like they were practically on top of each other. He looked away to hide his growing blush. “So… er,” Vox cleared his throat, turning his head back to Alastor after a moment. His eyes flit over the Radio Demon’s body, thankfully quick enough to not be noticed by Alastor. “Um..”
Alastor chuckled. “My, my, you are bad at making small talk, my dear. Terrible, if I do say so myself. I’m surprised, usually you’re quite the charismatic fellow. Anything zapping at your nerves today?” The Radio Demon smiled smugly at his own joke. Vox let out an amused laugh unintentionally, his eyes wavering up to meet Alastor’s.
“No. Nothing. Just… er.. ah, thinking?” Vox shrugs.
“I didn’t know you had the ability to do such thing, my dear! I applaud you on your effort.”
Vox smiled genuinely at this. This, their friendship before the incident… he missed this. Friendly banter, rather than the arguments. And fighting. And bruises. And-
“Vox?” Alastor grabbed Vox’s shoulder to stop him from wondering into a lamppost, a bemused look on his face. “You spaced out, my friend. Are you alright?” Alastor’s voice seemed… less professional. More… caring, if Vox dared to say that. Caring was not a word frequently used to describe the Radio Demon.
“Ah. I’m.. yeah, I’m alright. Just thinking. Like I said.” Vox looked around, taking in the streets of hell. The rain sounded nice, a sweet break from the usual agonising screams of terror. “Why’s it so quiet?” Vox inquired. Alastor laughed, patting him on the head.
“Vox, my dear, have you gone braindead? The extermination was yesterday. There’s hardly any vermin left to roam around these streets. I must say, it’s quite nice.”
Vox only replied with a quiet “oh.”
They walked in silence for a while. Comfortable silence. Vox smiled, thinking about… Alastor. In general. Alastor before his disappearance, after his disappearance, just… Alastor. They’d met even before the V’s had formed, so of course Vox was going to feel a pang of remorse as he remembered that this was simply a dream. A passing moment that could be ripped away at any moment, the moment his body desired to wake up. He hoped it wasn’t any time soon.
Alastor was the first to break the silence.
“Well, it seems we’ve made it.”
Vox snapped his head to the building in front of them, now realising in slight horror that he’s been staring at Alastor this whole time. Alastor, thankfully, doesn’t comment on that.
As Vox’s eyes scan the building, he smiles, remembering that this was the V’s tower. The original. Before the renovations. “Well.. goodnight.” He mumbled, his cyan tinted pupils fluttering back up to meet Alastor’s red ones.
Alastor smiles endearingly, offering the black umbrella to Vox. “You should keep this, my dear. You need it more than I do. Besides, black isn’t my colour.”
Vox blinked. “But… aren’t you going to get wet in the rain when you go home?”
Alastor laughed, gently forcing the handle of the umbrella into Vox’s palm. As Vox’s fingers close around the metal, his cyan claws brush against Alastor’s dark hands. Vox’s breath hitches as he waits for Alastor to flip out at the contact, but he stays quiet, not seeming to mind too much. Though, there’s still a flicker of disapproval evident on his ever-smiling face. “My dear,” he paused. “I can handle a little rain.”
Vox looked away. “But- I mean.. you can-“ he sighs. “I mean, you can stay here for the night if you want, so you don’t have to get wet.”
Alastor smiles at the offer, tilting his head. “I thank you for the offer, darling, but I’m afraid I have a meeting with Rosie in an hour.”
Vox looks away, clearly disappointed. “Um… alright. Just… like, you can.. you can just swing by if you change your mind. I never mind having you over.” He laughs nervously, feeling stupid. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. He probably hates me now.
Alastor only lets out an amused huff. “I’m sure we could spend time together some other day, if that’s what you want.”
Vox smiles. “Um.. yeah. I… I’d like to take you up on that offer sometime. Goodnight, I guess.”
Vox watched as Alastor’s tall and slim frame saunter off into the hellish horizon. He wanted to call out, beg Alastor to stay. Ask if he was sure he didn’t want to watch a movie or something. Vox simply sighed in resignation.
I’m so fucking pathetic.
He lets the umbrella fold in his arms as he steps through the doorway and into the lounge of the V’s tower.
6:00 AM
Vox blinked groggily, sitting up. He reached around blindly in the dark to turn off his alarm clock. He finally grasped it, shutting the beeping noise off. He glanced around, taking in the now familiar sight of his disheveled room as his eyes adjusted to the dim light. He felt his blanket pulled over his waist. He smiled, figuring Velvette had probably come in to check on him. He doubted Valentino even gave a flying fuck if he was okay or not. Vox rubbed his forehead, surprised he wasn’t horribly hungover from how drunk he was last… whenever he fell asleep. He yawned, his back arching as he stretched. His spine popped and he winced slightly. “Ugh… fuck.” He mumbled quietly, just to interrupt the silence. He slid off of his bed and flicked on the lights, squinting as his eyes tried to adjust to the brightness. He brushed himself off, scanning the room. It looked cleaner, no spare electronic parts or cotton fluff on the ground. The little knickknacks he had set out on his desk were now later neatly in a box labeled “You still have this shit?”
Okay, that was definitely Velvette, then.
He smiled weakly, trotting over to the box and fishing out the umbrella. It was black, the same one Alastor had given to him all those years ago. He didn’t think he’d touched it since then, in all honesty. He set it back down, his smile fading into a look of regret. Regret that he hadn’t tried to change things. That he let it spiral out of control. That he fought Alastor instead of trying to talk it out. He pushed the box to the corner of his desk, not wanting to look at it any longer.
He quietly scurried over to the bathroom out in the hall. He figured he probably looked a mess. He did. As he looked in the mirror, he could see dirt and fog clinging to his screen. He scoffed and grabbed a rag, wiping off the metal of his face. He tossed it into a bin labeled ‘dirty’. Vox glanced down at his outfit, realising he hadn’t changed in a few days. However, he noticed that he wasn’t wearing his usual coat and vest. Instead, he was wearing a white dress shirt with long bishop sleeves and a little frill on the chest. He look back up at the mirror, checking himself out. Honestly, it didn’t look too bad on him. And he wasn’t in the mood to change, anyways.
He stepped lightly out of the bathroom, his shoes clacking on the floor as he made his way to the stairs. He glanced at the elevator, shaking his head as he figured it would do him good to get a bit of exercise. He pranced down the steps, smiling to himself as he thought about that dream. He missed… Alastor. Before the falling out. He missed their friendship. Now he was stuck with a self-centred moth whore and a narcissistic short brat. He sighed, the smile drooping slightly but not leaving his lips entirely. He stepped into the lounge, glancing around. Velvette sat on the couch, Valentino thankfully nowhere in sight.
“Morning.” Vox slid next to Velvette on the couch, manspreading with one foot on the couch cushion. Velvette glanced at him.
“You look like you’re goin on a date or somethin.” She scoffed, her eyes flitting back to her phone.
“I’m.. not. I was just…” Vox paused, now wondering how he’d gotten into the clothes in the first place. “I dunno. I just woke up with these on.”
Velvette looked up at him, feigning interest. “Oh? Probably Valentino.” Her eyes trailed up and down Vox. “You look fancy.” She looked back at her phone screen.
“I guess.” Vox mumbled, sliding off the couch. He knew Velvette didn’t care much about what he did, but he at least expected her to be a little more sociable. Clearly he set the bar too high.
Vox walked out of the Vs tower, scoffing as he saw a light rain falling. “Great,” he grumbled. “At least I have an umbrella in my room.”
He turned into static, teleporting to his room via electronic telepathy. He snatched the black umbrella out of the box, zapping back to the streets and unfurling the umbrella. He sighed and held it above him, blocking the rain as he walked. Sinners were screaming in agony and wailing in misery around him.
Just how he hated liked it.
sweet dreams hehe. i love writing delulu shit like this.
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madame-fear · 8 months
You know who this is, but I just need to say something and get it out. I’m a idiot. This is so stupid. I can’t believe the one time I have something this special in my life my brain fucks it up. I literally can’t with this shit. It’s not even serious but when will it be my turn to be loved? I do everything right for people but yet they have always wanted more and never treat me well. I try so hard, but this shit- I actually can’t
Oh my love. Feel free to let it all out, and as much as you want, whenever you want — I will happily be here for you for whatever it is you need. 💓
I understand how it feels. I understand the burdening pain of giving everything to someone, showing your inconitidonal adoration, support, care — basically throwing all that you have in you to someone; but never being rightfully paid back the way you feel you deserves. It’s so frustrating and so tiring, that the pain genuinely begins to sting and overwhelms you. You aren’t an idiot, nor stupid — it’s just our silly brains fucking us up everytime we feel at ease with someone in particular, and it just self-sabotages you completely.
But please, I hope you know that there are people out there that will recognise all the love, care, and dedication you put out for everyone equally and the way they deserve. You deserve so much care in every sense, you deserve to be treated and pampered and kissed AND you basically deserve to have the sun, the moon, and the stars given to you.
Of course I know who you are. I already recognise you in a heartbeat, sweet. And let me tell you that I appreciate and notice all the loving dedication you put into being such a wonderful human being — it’s incredible how happy you constantly make me, and how I always feel like doing something to make you proud, or for you to see it and feel happy. I adore you like no other, and I want you to know that you have a special place in my heart beyond any words I could possibly stress.
You are seen, and so are your feelings; which are totally valid. Saying I love you is an understatement at this point — and even if we don’t know each other personally, you are one of the sweetest things that ever existed. Let me give you all the love that I have to give! And lets soothe our pain together. 💘💘💘
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happybirthdaysuun · 1 year
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𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈;
: ̗̀➛ 𝓥𝓲𝓬; The second year that I get to wish you happy birthday, and I couldn't be happier about it. Every day I talk to whatever is willing to hear me and express the gratitude for your presence in my life to whatever threw you my way. You are my best friend, you own a good chunk of my heart, I love you to death and beyond it. I am convinced that regardless of what comes after this life we will still find our way back to this because truth been told the universe needs two little cunts that gossip all day and who else better than you and I do that? No one.
You are such a wonderful person, and it hurts to see how you fail to see it every so often. You are beautiful inside and out, your brain is the most fascinating thing that I've ever had the privilege to take a look at (not that I have physically seen it, shut up). I pray to god to let me live another day, so I can be present on the day that you start your own cult because that's what you're headed towards, and you know what? I respect it. I genuinely can't wait for time to pass and for me to watch you grow and become your full potential. I still can't believe we've made it through all those ups and downs, ghosting phases (which are mostly my fault), Mark and his little tantrums and whatever the fuck the universe has decided to throw our way. I will never be able to thank you enough for everything you've done for me, you are a big part of the reason why I still push every day with a hopeful heart. I don't know where I would be without you, and I never want to find out. Happy birthday saint. I love you, even though I refuse to admit it and tell you to go end it all at any given chance during our calls. We've got a lifetime ahead of us waiting for our ugly karaoke nights, stupid conversations and most importantly, drunk crying on the phone (on my side and you recording it because you think it's peak entertainment to humiliate me like that) I really hope your day goes well, and you enjoy your birthday or else I will have to step up.
Love, your amazing, beautiful father, Vic.
: ̗̀➛ 𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓴; i could write so much but somehow, it couldn’t possibly come close to being enough. if there’s one thing this universe did right for sure, was allowing our cosmic journeys to cross paths. i know that now, you know me best and i can’t thank you enough for accepting me as i am, for sticking around and being the most wonderful friend. but more than that, you’re an unique human with the most generous soul and a huge heart. my lovely bug, you keep me grounded and i will keep you fly ! your light shines across this universe.
: ̗̀➛ 𝓔𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓪; happy birthday, old man!! let’s count all your grey hairs together. kidding (kind of) i hope your day is filled with so much happiness and love, you deserve so so much. i hope you know just how much you mean to everyone in your life. i’m so happy we found each other again cause you have always been one of my favorite people (today is the only day i will admit that) thank you for not only being my friend and making me laugh when i need it but also being my therapist cause god knows i do not know how to make the right decision when it comes to anything. you are so special to so many and your weird facts are always appreciated. have the best day, big head.
: ̗̀➛ 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮; Dearest Saint,
We have met in a very random way — thanks to Mick (!) — and I couldn’t be happier about it. You were a little box of (good) surprises and, until today, you still blew my mind with your knowledge. You are one of the most chaotic people I’ve met and you’re fucking amazing and so cool.
Even though you can be annoying sometimes (seriously, those sounds you make on Spaces drive me insane), I am glad I have you in my life, motherfucker. x
I’ll be always here for you. I love you. 🤍
: ̗̀➛ 𝓨𝓿𝓮𝓼; SAINTY! Happy birthday to my favourite movie buff, the one who is brutally honest and keeps me grounded. I’ve known you for almost 4 years, isn’t it crazy how I decided to stick around with your annoying ass? Kidding. Happy birthday to you, my love. Thank you for everything you do. For always being the shoulder for me to rant to, for letting me be myself completely around you. And for never feeding my ego, if anyone’s kept me grounded and honest, its you. Even if you hit on my father all the time, I think I can tolerate you for a few more years. I love you more than you could ever know, and I’m so grateful to know. And even more so, that we always end up finding eachother. And sticking together. We’ve had our moments, but all friendships do. It just shows how strong we are, even if you want to bite my head off half the time. Thank you for everything. I love you. With everything in me. I’ve got your cake waiting, and some balloons. Happiest of birthdays to you, darling one. Love; your favourite, after Jagger of course.
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nugqueensmind · 2 years
I am so sick and tired of being treated this way - now that you're in my life - I see that people have been treating me like shiiiiiit. You're genuinely the only person who treats me with love and respect.
Another lunch service - another fight with chef - I should seriously take myself off lunch shifts & work dinners - chefs ain't awake for lunch let me tell you - I got called a stupid bitch - for what?! - for not telling the chef exactly what the tips were from the table - all I said was "you'll see later in the jar or in your envelope." And I got "you're so moody - stupid bitch" Like fuck - why did you have to know the specific amount then and there - why am I a bitch for fucking not telling you the amount straight away. I just don't get it. I'm so sick and tired of this petty small bullshit. Then - next time I come into the kitchen you act like you didn't just call me a bitch - like i said in my last post - toxic environment.
At least when we fight - if we fight - it's not about petty shit - we don't call each other names - usually I've noticed our fights are about things like my overthinking - your overthinking - usually my overthinking - her - or again, my overthinking. And we don't really get pissed - we genuinely just want to make the other person feel better. I miss you. I miss you whenever you're asleep. I love you. I love how happy you make me. How you fill my whole heart with joy - my whole body with happiness - how you excite me - maaaaaannnnnyyyy times during a day - how you light up my world - how conversations just flow with you so naturally - from one conversation to the next, sometimes two or three conversations intertwined. I love it. Again - I love you. You're so alluring; ambitious, blissful, charming, determined;delightful;dominant, emphatic, funny; fair; family-oriented, generous, handsome, intellectual, juicy; jealous, kind, loving, mindful; mature; magical, naughty, observant; optimistic; one-of-a-kind, passionate, quaint, romantic, strong; smart; sweet; sexy; sleek - special, trusting, unbelievable, vigorous; vibrant, warm-hearted, xenial, youthful; yummy & zealous. You're everything I've ever wanted and more without even realizing. Wow I really just gave you a compliment to every letter of the alphabet - oddly enough I didn't even realize I was doing it until about letter f - fuck - here my mind goes again - wondering about all the things - back on topic - comn.
You're amazing. I hope you know that - and I'm so grateful for that phone call we had 2 nights ago - I can't get it out of my mind - every second of that 1,5hour call - which felt like 30minutes - you say 40 but it felt like less to me - time went by so quick with you. I loved every second of it - from the random pauses because we're both just smiling on the other end of the call - to you having to go nervous pee - to the I love you's - to the special moment we had together - to talking about everything and anything - to hearing you moan. God, I love you. I'm so grateful for our conversation last night and this morning. I genuinely feel your love more than ever before. Like there's an actual chance - for us - that you'll actually leave her. Honestly this is the first time I actually believe you might. That I might actually be your number one. Thank you. Thank you for the endless nights talking - the beautiful mornings - the spams of snaps & messages when I'm asleep to make me feel like I'm on your mind or even with you - for loving me - for making me smile. Just, thank you.
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hbogirls · 2 years
what are your favorite riverdale characters, ships, friendships, storylines + ranking of the seasons? :)
characters: i could probably write a literal essay on each and every one of them, but my top girlies are cheryl, betty, and archie
ships: the short answer is whatever's funniest, but the long answer is that i would kind of love for jarchie to go canon. and beronica would be icing on the cake. choni also holds a special place in my heart for unclear reasons (read: i think they're cute and it overpowers my need for narrative logic). i think cheryl is kind of bad for toni, but i think she's also worked hard over the time jump to get better. or at least weirder (complimentary). veggie was also kind of a delight; just two gorgeous wannabe mobsters and their beautiful little scams. i also really genuinely love jabitha. easily the healthiest, most functional relationship the show has ever seen. finally, the truth of the matter is that any dating combination of the core four would be interesting and fucked up in a different way, so i think regardless of how things end, it'll be narratively rich.
friendships: betty and cheryl!! weird, scary, pretty cousins who maybe sometimes kind of hate each other but will also do anything for each other? very slay. betty and veronica is also very compelling, especially in early seasons, so i'd love more of that in season 7. jughead and archie.... well yes! fellas is it gay if you mythologize your best friend as a shirtless folk hero? i also really want betty and toni to do more together!!
storylines: THE FARM!! when chad michael murray stood up and clapped at the musical, i felt like jesus must've felt when he ascended into heaven. i also loved literally everything about season 6. rivervale was so smart and well-planned, and the way it all tied together was perfection. it's not queerbaiting, it's saving the world. the way things all came together with the mothmen storyline was also deeply inspired. my favorite running joke, which i guess is a bit of a storyline, is hermione on rhony. hiram and veronica's entire relationship arc is kind of everything. oh and abigail and thomasina and poppyseed and all of those historical riverdale lesbian character studies!! i am literally so certain there's stuff i'm forgetting because i'm doing this off the top of my head and i need to get back to my rewatch!!
seasons: okay this is by no means definitive because the seasons don't exist super separately in my head for some reason? but this is a vague contour of my thoughts: 6 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 1 (feels stupid to have it relatively low because it came out of the gate giving everything and setting a wonderful stage) > 2 (and 2 is such a good season, i'm just scared of the black hood lmao)
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On the stumbles of fantastical ships and (character) writing
This is about to be the final nail in my controversial opinion cancel immediately coffin, but I desperately need to let this fly into the open void of the internet.
Writing fanfics is fun! We all love our fantasy, bigger than life relationships and couples, often coming with their rather supernatural problems. One is special and the other is not. One's whole life is their job basically and the other one hides away his centuries lived and people met. They have their ups and downs, relatable communication issues even, but they come back together despite the rocky patches. Sometimes they banter about the plotTM, sometimes they kiss.
It's romantic, heart-wrenching even. But I can't help but wonder, what the fuck would these characters even talk about outside of that?
And this goes for any big fantasy/not dominantly romance couples, to be fair. Looping back to our immortal x mortal pair, considering one's immense knowledge and expertise, one character would definitely dominate the conversation with stories or wise-cracks, but how many times could that happen. What could they share with one another? If they were sat in a room, not discussing the plotTM, doing side-couple things way off screen (yeah so they went on a trip. Yes, and?? I want to know who rolls his eyes at the obnoxious tourists or drops tips for the coffee) or just being dramatic for the relationship drama to keep your eyes glued onto the book(s), what would they say to one another? If there was silence, how would they handle it?
I'm interested in these simple moments, because that's where the character writing and established dynamics could really shine. Nevertheless, if there is not enough substance, no amount of imagination can help you and even fanfiction starts to look stale and repetitive. A couple can be tropey, but if all of their scenes together are shallow, then what tropes can you really make use of? 1278th popular x nerd au that works absolutely the same? I suppose that my biggest gripe with all of this is the genuine, they kissed and cause the author said so, it works forever now.
The setting goes hand in hand with this, we don't need to worry about how the couple handles mundane (hah) things, because they don't have time to handle things on screen as a side couple. Look magic, look spooky evil demons, whoops now there's stupid drama shit to resolve. They loved each other very much because see, they made out passionately and they save each other in pages 14Xz and 885P, don't forget the one paragraph cameo in book thirteen. Maybe I'm just jaded.
How many scenarios can you even derive, aside from cannon adjacent things (the nth breakup imagine)? Is there enough content (characterization, varying dynamics, just any sort of interesting character details) outside of problems/other characters being mentioned/drama/smut/the same two fluffy scenarios over and over again? Authors should do a better job to show their care for these characters and not create a relationship as shallow as a wikipedia summary.
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