#they are my favorite trio to draw idk why
alien-bluez · 2 years
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doodles of an au that i thought would b fun which is just lloyd getting possessed pt 2 except it's by harumi similarly to lady bone demon from lego monkie kid!
would be very interesting i think... also i love the color purple lol
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himbo-in-limbo · 9 months
[a random head canon thingy idk cuz my I pad is charging n I can't draw rn 😞] Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy
I like to think Bonnie often goes off on his guitar during live performances (leaning towards it sounding like heavy metal) n often forgets he's playing for children LMAO
The kids love it regardless but the gangs like "dude again?" His longest solo was like a good 3 minutes...
He craves to have artistic freedom, I'm assuming the rest do as well tbh
Imagine hearing Freddy practicing his vocals, since we see chica shredding her guitar in her spare time I wonder if he dose the same?
I bet Freddy also likes to help whichever staff member is doing heavy lifting n he sees them struggling with the cargo n just goes "Oh please it's the least I can do! You all do so much for us, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves."
Also likes to help because Freddy has trouble just doing nothing...he needs to be doing something!
Or else he gets a bit antsy
Which is why he loves conversing n little tasks!
Bonnie calls the people closest to him "Carrot cake" bc he loves it sm and he loves them sm
In terms of the OG Trio I see chica being the one they protect the most like that's their baby sister to them 🥺♥️
Side note that it's a shame we don't have enough interactions between chica n Freddy in the game...
Like I wanna know if their just as close to each other as Freddy and Bonnie were
Bonnie gets excited hearing stories that the staff members tell him (if he's friends with em) about the outside world...
He LOVE'S it when they share their favorite music with him! He likes to analyze the guitar solos n usually that sneaks into the next concert hehe
He wants to go outside so bad...he often looks outside any windows and wishes he could just step outside for a bit...
This is also something I think the rest have in common.
They are happy working with the kids! They love their job! They would just like to feel the sun n quite literally touch grass...at least once!
Going back to Bonnie loving carrot cake he dose actually have a slight problem with it similar to chica...just don't leave your slice unattended with him, like a magic trick it'll disappear ✨
I like to think Bonnie originally didn't have eye liner but he saw one of the staff members have some on and he just told them "I want that! Can you put that on me?!" And ever since then it's been a part of his iconic look
Freddy laughs to hard at simple jokes like dad jokes kill him, which is why when he tells them sometimes he can't finish the joke 💀
His laugh is so cute n contagious 😭♥️
Everyone groans but they laugh at Freddy's reaction anyways
Bonnie's laugh is dorky, he snorts on occasion and the others call him out n he gets embarrassed
All in good fun of course!
If Bonnie were to blush I like to imagine that his whole face goes red like you can always tell when he's flustered hehe
Honestly I believe Freddy has that classy rizz, like he's such a gentleman, he'd court you properly is all I'm saying
As for Bonnie he's flirty, if he likes you he'll be teasing you a lot
He likes to bully his crush a tiny bit by making em all flustered, and yes he challenges you to bowling quite often!
It's his favorite bonding activity what can you do
He's such a good teacher for bowling too! Has to be for the kiddos of course!
All in all these boys have a heart of gold
They'll inspire you in some way n leave you feeling happy! And you do the same for them! Their still learning how to modify their hugging power tho!
It's strong! 🧡💙
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aetherean-alchemist · 1 month
I was so busy with my projects these past few weeks, I did not have the time nor the energy to start a new piece ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Anyways, here's some sketchbook doodles :D (pls forgive the low quality and messiness AAAAA)
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Sunny and Empanada!! I also had this dream where Em was a Centaur?? Idk, I've been reading a bit of Dungeon Meshi, and a certain character gave me the inspiration for Centaur Empanada.
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I figured if Em could be a centaur, then why not design the other eggs to have more creature-like traits too?
Late night trio! Richas is inspired by a manticore, Pomme a lunar moth, and Dapper- I didn't really change anything, except make their legs more goat-like.
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Some messy composition sketches for a future art piece of my favorite toxic pairing <33
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And lastly, a final sketch for my next cucuhalo art + some doodles of baby Nacho!!
(ever since I figured out a design for Nacho I cannot stop drawing them now help-)
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perrigoaway · 9 months
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Hiiiiii! Kaito time >:) 🌠🚀
Idk, I just wanted to draw him stargazing I guess! Also, I love the training trio dynamic so.. if you'd like, you can imagine Shuichi and Maki there too, that's why he's rambling HAHA
I mentioned like.. yesterday? That I also really like Kaito, he's one of my favorites, even though he's a "where my hug at!?" Kinda guy LMAO
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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Ok so y’all remember that au I was talking about? This probably already exists but no matter, I wanted to play with a Hyrule warriors au where instead of the different characters from other Zelda games are brought in through time magic, they were already there existing in that world. Like they’re separate characters from the already existing ones if that makes sense. Now Fi and Ghirahim are exceptions and Ganondorf may be one too idk yet but everyone else are completely new and different characters. The design changes aren’t anything special (I do adore t Ghirahim’s red gloves and boots tho) their characters are a bit different. Like Zant is much younger and was really close with Midna, while Yuga is… idk what he’s doing but he was some royal advisor for Hilda cuz all villains do be like that lol. Idk if I’m even explaining this right but that’s the best way I can explain this fjdkdbkenk. I mostly wanted to draw Ghirahim yuga and zant cuz they’re my favorite trio ever but yeeee!
I might ramble about the new story some other time but this is meant to be more lighthearted and what ever, all the different links are now all brothers and same thing with the different Zelda’s, there’s like a million different plots going on and it’s crazy and I love it
Also why are they all chibi? Idk. I wanted to do it. Just sh
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itsame-ariana · 4 months
(kinda sorta)
Life SMP Hadestown AU
//Life SMP Hadestown AU//
Master post for something no one may see.
Idk if this is anything but enjoy
I dunno- this and into the woods is my favorite musicals and I’ve had traffic brain rot for AGESSS and I was finally re-listening to Hadestown and this absolute fever dream of an idea dawned on me during hey little song bird
So yeah. Enjoy?
Here’s the original post when I got this idea
And obvious disclaimer this are all the character versions of these people not the actual people thank you very much for you patience.
//Life series Hadestown AU//
Eurydice- Jimmy Solidarity ✨the canary✨ you see the vision. This (joke?) is what started this whole thing so.
Orpheus- Still deciding between Scott and Tango
Tango pros:
- They are soulmates
- the goat horns are kinda vaguely like music/an instrument 👀
- ranchers duo is SO SWEET always
- their lives are tethered which in a way fits the story of the show and the myth.
- idk i just like this idea
- why are you still here? It’s over. Go home.
- c!jimmy seems to be on better terms with c!tango than c!scott soooo
Scott pros:
- they were husbands, Jimmy died first tragically (very accurate to original myth)
- THE FLOWER MOTIF- specifically a red flower. It’s just so perfect
- they saw each other in the afterlife
- Scott is always attached to flower husbands which seems fitting
- he likes to sing? Empires musical? I don’t know but it seems like it works
-flower husbands and desert duo have connections (you will see why this is important)
So yeah leaning towards tango for the vibes but leaning towards Scott for actual similarities in plot and such.
(If someone wants to say Joel or someone I will happily hear you out lol)
Hades and Persephone- c!Grian and c!Scar/desert duo. The characters were once in love and then it grew into a a more bitter relationship. There are lots of potential parallels with Hadestown older lovers and desert duo. Grian and scar also have flower/plant motifs.
Grian as hades- He is a watcher, which seems fitting. Creator of the games seems fitting for god of death and also the industrial foreman Hadestown has. Original winner.
Scar as Persephone- Now that he is a winner, I personally love the idea of him being the earth, which is perfect for the god(dess) of spring. I also think his secret life skins going from green to black is an accidental parallel.
The only real issue with this is I want to incorporate Grian being the sun but that’s contradictory;-;
Hermes- My main idea atm is Martyn. This is mostly because storytelling and lore is very connected to him and his character. Who doesn’t love some eyes and ears AU/lore
I am also considering pearl just because I like that idea, her being the moon and being connected to g and s, etc
And Ren because he is such a storyteller/theater kid
The Fates- I have several ideas for this
-the watchers(and secret keeper.) Obvious reasons
- the other winners
-clethubs because they are a fun/good trio lol
- ren, pearl, Scott (in case I don’t have them as Hermes/orpheus)
- the remaining Evo members: bigb (also he was so creechur in third life ), pearl, and if he’s not Hermes, Martyn (also good since pearl and martyn have won)
Based on a lot of the plant motifs imagine if instead of a carnation it was a poppy.
I’m very slow with drawing and have never written any kind of fic before but if people like this idea I’d love suggestions for the AU and I’ll definitely make some character designs :)
Character designs/descriptions:
Jimmy coming soon to a theater near you
Other posts for the AU:
Full circle lol
Potential name
How to include both Scott and Tango
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clambuoyance · 1 year
ngl I know nothing ab your DC blorbos except they're gay and cool or something Idk I just think they're neat... I'd ask what comics I could read ab them being super blorbo-y but Idk...
OKAY so there’s a lot of characters in dc but the ones I draw/talk about the most are these group of friends!! They feature in Young Justice 1998, Teen Titans 2003, and Young Justice 2019, as well as having their own comics and other appearances :)
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each comic run has different vibes but my personal favorite is yj1998 bc I like its wacky and zany vibes. It was not my first comic though, and it’s a little older so it might be hard to understand or read if it’s your first time reading comics like this, and again it is old soooo some stuff does Not age well such as certain jokes or depictions and it is of course not all perfect but overall I love it and think it has a lot of heart
I think i have a lot of fun with it bc it feels so…animated? And it has funny slapstick humor. Honestly I probably like it bc it makes me laugh the same way ninjago makes me laugh…a group of 4+ friends that have cute dynamics with each other and just Being Silly Together. I really don’t know how to explain it but between all three runs, I can see yj1998 in my head the most as a wacky animated show with exaggerated bouncy animation idk so that’s part of the fun for me. I think the moment I realized this was going to be a long term emotional investment was When I read the issue where they randomly end up on a planet and have to play baseball bc I am a SUCKERRR for baseball shenanigans
But yeah the group starts out with Bart, Tim, and Kon in JLA: A world without Grownups, and they just have a good trio dynamic 🙏 the banter between all three is so good 🤩and I liked seeing their friendship develop throughout yj1998 too! Especially for Tim, with his hesitancy at the beginning.They weren’t without conflict ofc but that adds to why I like them bc eventually they became besties for life. They are also quickly joined by others but the main one that stays w the group through all three runs is Cassie Sandsmark , aka Wonder Girl ii.
But yeah I guess some things I like are the way they actually Hang out? like they will do camping trips or go to the mall and games together etc etc, but there will be parts that feel more serious while never losing that humorous tint to it. For some examples, I love how Tim tries to be a leader in the beginning, but then one arc shows just how much Cassie is more fitting for it, and how they bond over Leader things like how hard it is to tell Bart what to do and then will share a really nice hug 🥺, and I love Cassie and Cissie’s relationship a LOT because they sometimes misunderstand each other but clearly care for each other (they aren’t canon but in my heart they are.) I also like Tim and kon’s build towards understanding and friendship for a similar reason, and cissie and Anita also have a nice development with each other, but yeah all the dynamics are just fun to think about tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am pointing at them eagerly and going “wow! Friendship!!”
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And as for the guy I never shut up about…well that’s a whole thing I could ramble about but i became obsessed with him the moment he quoted Peter Pan while lamenting about how he was afraid his friends would leave him behind after several issues of him acting like Hot Shit and erm I’m predictable so it got to me 🙄 also he makes dumb jokes every second like he expects someone to laugh at them like he’s so dumb sometimes….anyways I do not want to ramble too much so I will get on with it
I was only familiar with his black tshirt look before, so when I first saw this goofy looking dumbass with a leather jacket and glasses and an earring I WAS LIKE “THATS SUPERBOY? THATS REAL?” and quickly became interested in the notion of a Superman associated hero wearing something like this bc I don’t think my brain ever considered the possibility before….also it is something I cannot explain some panels just activate my cuteness aggression 😔 I just think he’s really cute 🫶🫶🫶
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cyndrastic · 8 months
ok so y’all seemed to like the first part of the Fairly Odd Parents AU so here’s more characters!!
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Tolkien and Jimmy are AJ and Chester!! They’re Clyde’s best (and only) friends at school! As I was making this au I realized how oddly well Tolkien and Jimmy actually match AJ and Chester character wise, so not much has to be changed for them honestly. Meanwhile I needed a character to be Vicky so I figured “hey Clyde has a sister doesn’t he?” so boom there she is.
more in depth character descriptions under the cut for those who want them!
Tolkien is the smart rich kid who tries and generally fails to talk sense into Jimmy and Clyde, and is the only one of the three with any brain cells. Also probably the only neurotypical one of the three. He’s also the only one in school who will point out when stuff randomly changes, usually in benefit of Clyde. Like, he’s the one who always notices when Clyde suddenly has a new super expensive looking bike, or he’s suddenly the most popular guy in school for like 3 days before everything just goes back to how it was for no reason. Tolkien is the only one who notices and is concerned with this.
These changes are obviously Clyde making wishes, and it scares Tweek that Tolkien will eventually figure out that Clyde has fairy god parents. Tweek wants to wipe Tolkien’s memory every time he notices a spell, but Clyde and Craig stop him. Craig thinks it’s hilarious because in all his time being a godparent, no godkid’s friends have ever noticed anything wrong until Tolkien, so he’s automatically Craig’s second favorite human (second to Clyde).
He rewards Tolkien for this by letting him be the only human that can hold or play with him when he’s in his pet form (like how Cosmo and Wanda become goldfish, Craig is a guinea pig) without getting bit when the trio hangs out at Clyde’s house.
Jimmy, for the sake of this au, will not be as dirt poor as Chester is in the actual show cause idk what good that does for this au lol. Otherwise Jimmy is the wisecracking friend who has a good heart and pure intentions most of the time but covers it with crude humor and kinda offensive jokes. Also he sucks at reading a room (me coded) and can never tell when his comedic genius won’t be appreciated (the deleted scene of him making a joke about Clyde killing his mom to Clyde like the day after it happened lives in my head rent free it’s so funny) His hair is also wavy cause I said so and that’s just how I like to draw Jimmy, i do what i want.
Also, just like how Tolkien is Craig’s second favorite human, Jimmy is Tweek’s. Most of the time when Jimmy cracks a joke, even if it’s a supremely unfunny one, Tweek laughs at it. Tweek’s pet form is a parrot, so that means if he’s chilling as an animal he can still talk and laugh. Jimmy thinks it’s hilarious that Clyde’s bird finds him so funny and Jimmy will frequently go to Clyde’s house to write and test out new comedy routines for Tweek because he’s “such a terrific audience.” Craig kinda hates it but won’t object because Tweek genuinely enjoys it.
Clyde and Craig don’t understand how Tweek finds Jimmy genuinely funny all the time, but it’s literally only because Tweek has spent the majority of his life around Craig, who is incredibly blunt, sarcastic to a fault, and so unfunny it hurts. Craig is only ever funny by being overtly honest when he doesn’t need to be (autism moment), and couldn’t make a normal joke if his life depended on it (if i may remind anyone of the Craig clip: “i got a good one: why do girls wear makeup and perfume? because they’re ugly and they stink” this man would not know a joke if it punched him in the face)
Lizzie is Clyde’s older sister. Shes a good bit older than him, Clyde being around 15 years old and her being around 22. She’s a massive bitch and has always been mean to Clyde, but it got worse once their mom died and she blamed it on Clyde (Betsy died the same way in canon as in this au, so it is kinda Clyde’s fault but still, he was 8). Luckily with her being way older than Clyde, she lives at college, but he has to deal with her whenever she goes home and during her school’s breaks. She takes Vicky’s role in this au so even if she isn’t an evil babysitter, she acts similarly to Clyde as Vicky does to Timmy.
She’s one of the reasons Clyde even gets god parents: abusive older sister, dead mom who’s death was because of him, crazy teacher (Garrison is his own level of traumatizing just as he is in the canon of the show but i haven’t decided if i wanted him to be exactly like Crocker yet), and Roger (Clyde’s dad) is ok but he’s kinda neglectful cause he’s mourning his wife and has to work double to support his kids now that Betsy is dead.
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
I literally love your group shots of the tts gang since you include everyone. It’s so hard to find recent fanart of nonspecific pairs/trios so thank you!
i just feel like every time ppl talk about the “found family” they’re only ever referring to like,,, rapunzel, eugene, varian and (sometimes) cass….and it makes me so sad bc like…..WHAT ABT LANCE!!! AND KIERA AND CATALINA!!! ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE THERE TOO….
when i got into vat7k my need to draw ALL of them just got SO much stronger bc i realized how separated the fandom rlly was from the tts one??? nobody really talked much about the main cast in reference to the 7k kids and vice versa and i just couldn’t stop thinking about all the different character interactions……..
i have so many underrated dynamics i think about SO much that i have yet to make art for….like kiera and catalina and yong…. nuru and rapunzel….quirin and hugo….yong and lance….donella and rapunzel….and even some dynamics between the main cast that are CRIMINALLY underrated like….the brotherhood in general and lance and basically ANYONE outside of eugene and the girls 😭😭
idk i just. have so many thoughts abt this little family and they make me so EMOTIONAL. i’ve tried to draw smaller groups before but if i’m not drawing a specific dynamic i usually just can’t bring myself to exclude everyone else
so many of these characters get pushed aside so much both by the show and the fandom so despite how much more effort it takes me to pose everyone and draw all my complicated little outfits and render everything it’s SO worth it because i just love seeing my favorite little group of criminals being happy <3 they are literally everything to me
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zukkaoru · 5 months
nobara for the ask game!
first impression:
i don't actually remember my first impression while watching but i remember before i started jjk, corey told me she was a lesbian and i was like. yes. so true. <- knows nothing about her. she was right of course. also i'm realizing b.sd mutuals might not actually know corey by name sorry that's my gf @that-was-anticlimactic
impression now:
favorite moment:
"this is why girls don't like you!" will always be iconic. also the little shoulder bump with maki in s1. you know the one. they're in love.
idea for a story:
hana and nobara bonding as they adjust to life with one arm / one eye/ear, respectively. they could end up being girlfriends or not. i'm not picky
unpopular opinion:
i can't think of anything uhhh idk sometimes i wonder if gege did originally plan to bring her back and then just got too distracted by all the new shirtless men he got to draw for the culling games and forgot he used to actually have well-rounded female characters who Did Things
favorite relationship:
i love nobamaki and i also love the first year trio <3
favorite headcanon:
i love trans nobara!! also she eats lemons like oranges
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kitaychan · 1 year
Fic Writer Questions
Thank you for the tag :D @spinyfruit
1.) How many works do you have on AO3
34! they're mostly Oneshots and drabbles.
2.) What’s your total AO3 count?
3.) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just Hetalia
4.) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I call it a draw (Rochu/ Amechu)
2. Nerium Oleander (rusamechu)
3. We need to talk (Rochu)
4. Secret (Rochu and one sided Rusame/ Amechu)
5. Western pleasure (Rusame)
5.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It's either Together (rusamechu) or I'll come back to you (RomeChu)
6.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Sublime since Itapan is my comfort ship I usually write fluff about them
7.) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't done this o:
8.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, I have a couple of Oneshots and Nerium Oleander has smut too. I guess they can be described as explicit m/m, tough I think it's mostly Rusame or Rusamechu smut
9.) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to, sometimes I forget or just don't know what to say. I think it's nice to reply, as a reader I get happy when an author replies so...
10.) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Three of them. Nerium Oleander, I call it a draw and I'll come back to you were/are translated into Chinese (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet
14.) What’s your all time favorite ship?
The black triangle trio (rusamechu) and whatever pair comes out of it
15.) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
We need to talk, idk I've reached the point of not knowing what's next in the story. It's probably the only fic I didn't really planned before hand, and it wasn't supposed to have multiple chapters haha
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that descriptions when it comes to settings and like the overall mood of the chapter/story is what stands out. Also I think I'm getting better at foreshadowing :D
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably pacing, I struggle to move forward certain parts sometimes, I don't usually plan or pay attention to the time within the story so it's pretty much vague.
18.) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I think it's pretty common in Hetalia fanfics, I did it a couple of times too. I think it's fun and it's a nice touch for a character who's native language is not English but as a writer I find it it's difficult to add it without butchering a language or getting overwhelmed by adding footnotes with the translation haha. If I were to write characters like Spain more often, I would totally do it.
19.) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20.) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Ahhh this is a hard question
I will say that Nerium Oleander because I am focused on finishing it and it's been very rewarding.
But White Flame is also my favorite because it's just me having a bunch of fun with words and world building.
@darcymariaphoster @crumpled--notes @magictrio1118 @fireandiceland @koolkat9 if you want to~
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tabl3 · 1 year
Lab Rats Ask Game
by @texanmarcusdavenport (your name and bio made me spit water lmfao)
⛵️ Favorite ship? Least favorite ship? (Doesn't have to be romantic.)
-Chase/Kaz, Bree/Skylar, Leo/Logan, Tecton/Megahertz, Horace/Bridges
-DAVENPORT SIBLINGS (love their dynamic. I have three siblings of my own and it’s too accurate lol)
- MM trio (nuff said lmao)
- EF (done correctly)
Least Favorite:
- Incest (obviously)
- Kaziver/Chaziver (no hate to those who ship it :) just not my cup of tea)
👀 Characters whose relationship you wish was more explored?
- Leo, Logan, and Taylor (next gen spinoff fr)
- Leo and Kaz
- Kaz and Skylar
- Kaz and Bree
- Chase and Oliver (literally the copy homework but change it up a lil bit meme)
- Skylar and Chase
- Adam and Skylar (bff material fr)
- Jordan with literally anyone (love she)
- Techertz (gay old men. the end.)
- Chase and Taylor (I have a comic in the works of them setting up Leogan. they 100 percent would meddle lol)
- Bree and Taylor
- Adam and Logan
- Horace and the trio
💥 Favorite crack ship / characters that never met in canon but would've been best friends if they had?
- Spark and Reese (idk why. I cannot remember who did the incorrect quote that implanted the brainworm but)
🐀 Favorite season of Lab Rats? Least favorite?
- 1 and 2 :) (1 was so cute, and Douglas/Marcus as antagonist were really entertaining in 2)
- 4 (said almost everyone lol)
🏥 Lab Rats or Mighty Med?
- both
🏳️‍🌈 Favorite LGBT+/neurodivergent headcanon?
Idk tbh lol, so here’s a few of mine:
- Chase: bi disaster, trans, autistic, OCD, insomnia
- Bree: pan, ADHD (hyperactive)
- Kaz: gay, ADHD (switches between hyperactive and inattentive), dyscalculia
- Skylar: lesbian
- Oliver: trans, OCD, monophobia
- Adam: aro/ace, ADHD (inattentive), dyslexia, dyscalculia 
- Leo: queer
- Tasha: bi
- Douglas: bi, OCD (maybe schizophrenic. not sure on that yet)
- Marcus: aro/ace (some form of nd lol)
- Daniel: also nd in some way (it’s genetic lol)
- Taylor: lesbian
- Logan: gay
- Horace: ADHD
- Alan: aro/ace, OCD
- Jordan: aro/ace
- Gus: omnisexual, autistic
- Tecton: bi
- Megahertz: gay
- Solar Flare: lesbian, nonverbal
- Gamma Girl: lesbian
📖 An AU/fanfic idea you'd love to see but don't have the motivation to write?
- literally my whole rewrite lmao (i have the motivation but this timeline is murder help)
💭 Favorite headcanon overall?
- soooo many. one that’s fun is Oliver literally never being spared from walking in on horrors lol
🔥 Hot take/unpopular opinion?
- not sure how unpopular this is, but Bree is written poorly. she can have more personality than just “girl”
❤️ Favorite character? Least favorite character?
- EF (in character), Horace, Adam, Leo, Tasha, Jordan (Wallace and Clyde are fun too)
- not sure on the least fav
- actually EF Oliver lol
⏱️ When did you start watching Lab Rats?
- 10 years ago (I’m an og baby let’s goooooo)
🟢 Any crossover ideas? Are there any shows you think would've made a better crossover than Lab Rats/Mighty Med?
- okokokok, hear me out.... how about a crossover between two hit sitcoms: Mighty Med & Lab Rats, BUT we don’t ruin the characters? I know it sounds like madness
🎼 What songs do you relate to the characters/ show?
- Bloodpop (Davenport Family)
- Feel Invincible (MM trio)
- Waiting for the End (EF)
- start//end (for my Decimation work)
- Dollhouse (Davenport Family)
- Training Wheels/ Line Without a Hook/ Sweater Weather/ I Like Me Better/ Mirrors (Chaz)
- Tongue Tied/ Everybody Talks/ Falling For U/ she/ sofia (Brylar)
- Gasoline (Adam, Bree, Chase)
there’s like a billion more but I’m tired atm lol (drawing and writing causes one to make playlists haha)
🟠 Which character is the most like you? Which character is the least like you?
- really when I write I heavily project to all of them lol, but probably Chase in canon. I’m the thirdborn, autistic, OCD, and super sensitive to light, sound, smells, etc. (I’m also the “smart one” too lmao)
- Idk really lol
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Soo Marcy aus! I don't know who made the expression sheets, but lets get into the aus! (See info below the cut on the aus!) ((also, if you have an au in this and don't want it, tell me and I can scribble/remove it out if you want!!))
A1, F1 and F7 (Orginal, Calamity (She go Blep!) and Adult) are all from the original show.
B1 (marky) is from the Fandom, while E7 (Darcy) is heavily inspired from the fandom.
C1, A7, and F2 aus, (Left behind, God and Cursed respectively) were designed by my friend. Left behind is well, being left in Amphibia. God is being a god and Cursed is based off my other expression sheet draw here.
E2 (fantasy au) was created by the lovely @tinydragontoons! Thank you for letting me draw her and lovely Mars! Def. go check them out. They got lots of art!!
E1 (True calamity) was inspired by a youtube video: THIS By the lovely Rezmei Seno!!
A2 (medieval) was not directly from someone but was heavily inspired by many people. There are so many medieval aus I couldn't just choose one!
B2 (PJO aka Percy Jackson Au) is VERY inspired (and also from) the amazing @raqueliie 's au!! I highly recommend checking it out if you have not. Their art is also AMAZING!
C2 and B4 (Good ending and Bad ending) are both from my mini-series "what if"? comics I like to doodle in my sketchbook. Also D4 (beyond Amphibia) is another, (newer) part to my "What If-?" mini series. Its where the trio stay in amphibian and go to the new continent previously undiscovered.
D2 (amphibia as a child) is also very widely popular and I love it.
A3 and B7 (Swap!Sasha and Swap!Anne) are designed by me, but there are bunches out there and its really fun to see what could have happened!
B3 (only Human au) was orginally inspired by one of @themissakat aus. I don't originally recall which one started this particular au, but I do know that if you want to find more aus, go to their page and you will have aus for YEARS! Its beautiful.
C3 is obviously my au. (Lost au) If you want to know more, you can go here. Summary is, its a corruption au but worse. And in context for this, Marcy isn't fully corrupted yet.
D3 (superhero au) and C4 (fairytale au) are also aus of one of my friends. The super hero, they got powers. In fairy tale, I really have no clue where its going, but all I know is that it's pretty gay.
E3 (owl house swap), B5 (Hogwarts) and A6 (UA - MHA/My Hero Academia au) are all fandom swaps and I just adore fandom swaps.
F3 (Ghost au) is also very fandom what if. Probably one of my favorite au ideas, and its certainly fun to mess with. There are lots of people who have added to this au.
A4 (Zombie au) and A5 (Soulmates au, and yes that is Sashannarcy my beloved) are very popular au ideas so I just had to add them. Any people to point to? No, but once again, The Missa Kat does have a zombie au!
E4 (Gender swap) is special. The reason why the gender swap is facing away (not just bc that was in the expression sheet) was kinda just, because they look the same XD. I have no known knowledge of any current aus of that, but maybe there is some that I'm just previously unaware of!
F4 (Power of Three au!!) is one of my LONG TIME FAVORITE aus. I have been a huge fan of this one. Its one of @honneibun 's aus and its so AMAZING! I highly recommend just looking at it. Its beautiful and It will always live rent free in my brain.
C5 (streamer/YT au) is from a fic I read a long time ago which never finished. If anyone can tell me who and where it is, I will be glad and my life will finally be complete. D5 (Author au, NOT COMIC BOOK AUTHOR) is heavily inspired by the time skip and the above (C5) streamer/YT au. As far as I am aware, there are no current aus with this.
E5 (Oversimplified), well. I think you guys can probably guess. On YT there is a Simplified or Oversimplified series (idk maybe its called "So this is basically _____ "or something and I thought, Amphibia should be included!) and so.. yeah!
B6 (opposite au), I.. really do not like that one and will probably or def change it. Idk what was going through my head as I drew/edited it.
C6 (Never went to Amphibia au) is another popular one that I just HAD to include.
D6 is apart of my SCP aus that I also have. If you don't know what SCP is, then.. there's a website. Basically it stands for Sucure, Contain and Protect and it holds all the supernatural and dangerous creatures. (Its not real guys!)
E6 (newt au) is basically swapped Amphibia au. Very popular and I sometimes wished that there were more of them.
F6 (roommates au) however was HEAILY inspired and particially from I think @kyoryu 's au on twitter? I think its the same one. If its wrong than I can change it, but I'm pretty sure I'm right?
C7 (Animal au) I've seen everywhere and soo... I added it. No known (main) aus on it.
Finally, D7 (Alien au) Another one of my various multifandom aus that sit in my BIG BOOK OF AUS in the corner of my work area. Its always fun like that!!
If any of these are wrong or you think that I didn't give any credit to _____, just let me know and I shall change it.
also wow, you read it too here! Impressive!
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raspbeyes · 2 years
Ignorance Is Bliss: Gonta's Tragic Fall To Killer
edit: THIS IS VERY LONG I'M VERY SORRY I DID NOT INTEND FOR IT TO BE THIS LONG LMAOOO (ig i really like talking about gonta)
i suggest reading it in parts if it helps im so sorry -___-;;
Some of my own biases first
Before I get into anything, I’ll just state my biases here hehe. I freaking love Gonta and I’m not writing this to bash him, I sobbed and still sob over trial 4 of Danganronpa V3 and it is by far one of my favorite trials in the franchise. He is such an amazing character who I adored every moment he was on screen and DAMMIT I WISH HE WAS ALIVE HE DESERVED NONE OF THIS (i’m gonna go cry in the corner now)
BUT … Kokichi is also my favorite character of the series. I can ramble on forever about why I love this character, but just know that I think he is both a fascinating and entertaining character throughout the game who I can spend hours trying to analyze. 
However, I do not at all defend this little bastard’s actions in the game … Well no more than I think is necessary (For example, I do believe his emotional response during the trial and before Gonta’s execution, as well as his hatred for the killing game were all genuine). But it may be possible that I can be biased so sorry if some conclusions I draw may be due to Kokichi being my favorite character coloring my perception. But don’t take this as me tryna push the blame all off Kokichi and onto Gonta. More like tipping the scales a bit more to the middle (Though it is more leaning as Kokichi to being the guilty party lol) to shed light on the gray area that I feel went untouched in the story and fanbase. Moreover, I really want to go in-depth about how Gonta's character arc is set up and how taking in all of Gonta's actions leading up chapter four, it makes full sense why he agreed to Kokichi's plan.
Now onto this essay (Idk how long this is even gonna be … im worried) (update from future me … oh dear … I have created a monstrosity -___-;;)
A little refresher and me babbling about why I love this trial
So … One of the most deciding chapters in the game, trial 4 by far is one of my favorite chapters on an emotional level, spiraling the story into the craziness of chapter 5 with the amount of pressure it puts onto everyone involved. Yes, there is Gonta and Kokichi - I’ll get to them ofc - but it also officially causes the schism between the workout trio’s dynamic, with Shuichi taking a reluctant stand against the extreme belief Kaito has been peddling all game, siding with the asshole of this whole situation. It is the make-it-or-break-it chapter for a whole lot of people for so many reasons, with the rivalry of Kaito and Kokichi - and their respective ideals - ramping up to a toxic level as the fanbase itself will grow decisive over the justifications of both characters. You will get Kaito haters saying how he is stubbornly ignorant throughout the trial, hindering and in a sense, endangering the lives of everyone by fighting for Gonta’s behalf. Meanwhile Kokichi haters will point out the contradictory actions Kokichi takes along with the millions of loathsome things he spews out by the end, all onto of making Gonta the patsy. (Though, at the end of the day, I love both of these characters a lot … ughhh liking Kaito and Kokichi at the same time is painful) 
Then there’s the dramatic reveal of Kaito’s illness to the rest of the group, breaking a sense of security in the group after already being dealt a blow to morale. Then there is the hint of the horrors of the outside world that pushed Gonta to kill. With prior knowledge of the games, more clues to the endgame revealed is dropped here in chapter four.
Not to mention the emotional gut punch of just .. Gonta, the gentle giant who only wants to protect everyone, who is forced into a situation where he must come to terms with something so heinous for him that he does not even have memory of doing. Major props to the voice of Gonta (both English and Japanese) to bringing me to tears everytime, as well as Kokichi and Kaito’s VAs delivering extreme performances as the two characters clash. By the end of the chapter, the characters and audience are distraught as the comedic relief of Miu and Gonta have their lives ended in tragic ways. The contrast between the group’s unity after Kiyo’s trial to the end of Gonta’s trial is night and day. All in all, this chapter juggles so many dramatic beats excellently and AHHH RIGHT RIGHT I’M MEANT TO ANALYZE THIS NOT RECAP WHOOPS THIS CHAPTER IS SO GOOD
I: Why ‘Personality Change’ Inherently Makes This Trial Dumber
However, my issue lies in how even the story seems to simplify the complexity of Gonta’s actions. The prime example of the story watering down Gonta’s actions is during Shuichi’s closing argument segment in which he theorizes that Gonta may have had his personality changed during the avatar error to explain his actions. 
“Maybe the cord affected the avatar’s personality … because I still can’t believe that such a kindhearted person willingly killed someone” 
Now, yes, there is reason to doubt this conclusion in the text itself: With Shuichi having his own biases, the group not knowing of the motive yet, and this personality change never being brought before during the trial, it can be assumed it’s only Shuichi’s speculation and not factual. 
BUT WHY DID THE WRITERS/CREATORS LEAVE THE LINE IN? Personally, as much as there should be doubt put on the statement, Shuichi is the protagonist, so what he says will be taken as the truth as players would assume that is what the writers want you to believe. So, I will be arguing under the pretense that this line is meant to be taken seriously, as I am sure that a good chunk of people came away from this trial under the impression that Gonta killed due to a personality alteration. 
We don’t get to see a lot of Gonta in the virtual world - well no more than the others - so whatever few lines there are must count for a lot. 
(Though I’d say one actual plausible shred of evidence pointing to a personality change is the fact Gonta is the last one to speak upon entering the virtual world, being oddly silent for the first 3-ish minutes of the start of the virtual world segment. But I think I can dispel that with just the avatar error causing memory issues or Gonta getting acquainted with the world.)
Now Gonta’s first concern upon entering is his lack of strength, saying the following when he is told strength is equalized: 
“N-no! If Gonta not strong, Gonta no can protect everyone!” 
So far, it is in line with Gonta’s personality, with the first thing he thinks of is his ability to protect others. Of course he would be concerned if he cannot help them with his strength. I believe if you choose to chat Gonta up for the optional dialogue during these scenes, he would be upset he wouldn’t be able to protect everyone. All of which are in line with his character up to that point (I’ll get into that later), so him exhibiting that great anxiety is not OOC for him. Gonta’s first priority is to help and to believe he is stripped of that already makes him nervous. Not because of a personality change, but because that is how he is as a character.
Ah, let’s get to the moment Gonta officially screwed himself over. When Kokichi is about to leave for the forest, Gonta volunteers to follow Kokichi:
“Gonta not understand what’s going on. Gonta not sure how helpful he can be … But Gonta can watch Kokichi so he not do anything weird!” 
And as Gonta is about to leave, he assures the group: 
“It’s okay! Leave it to Gonta! Gonta keep eye on Kokichi!”
Once again, I do believe this is not Gonta acting out of character either. As I said earlier, Gonta now believes he has nothing to help his friends, so first thing he will do is find a way to help everyone that is not regarding his strength. So he offers himself up to do the ‘dirty’ work of keeping an eye on the brat, Kokichi. So in these scenes where Gonta is under no influence such as despair, he acts completely like the Gonta we know and love. Anything after this will be disqualified as he would be in despair (“A despair that makes you want to die” as Kokichi explains) so his morose sprites can be explained away by that.  In the Danganronpa universe, despair can be such an intense feeling that it can change the way a person acts. We see that with Kokichi after he swiped the key card (Acting even more antagonistic) and with Gonta, acting more reserved and nervous. And hey, can you blame them? They did just recall the memory that everything they have been fighting for is a lie and everybody they love is dead :))
But hey, "a personality change can’t be too apparent during these early scenes. Otherwise the clue to who had the avatar error would be given away very easily." So … What about the times the audience/characters are not privy to? Surely that is the time to demonstrate Gonta acting out of character to prove the personality change. Hmm … If only there was a flashback to something like that - OH RIGHT WE GET A FLASHBACK TO THE MOMENT OF THE CRIME DURING THE POST-TRIAL. Let’s see what ‘alter-ego’ Gonta says as he does the unthinkable. 
First thing Gonta says as he ambushes Miu is: 
“S-Sorry …! Gonta so sorry …!”
Gonta does not take any uncharacteristic joy or apathy from this action, instead apologizing first thing without hesitation. If there was a personality change, have him be silent, not saying anything to Miu as she dies. But no, during a scene in which the audience only sees after the verdict, Gonta acts like how Gonta would in this situation, spluttering out apologies right away. 
Of course, Kokichi, wanting to distance himself away from the violence, turns away and explains: 
“Don’t be sorry, Gonta. She was trying to kill me, too. She said it was for the world or whatever, but that was just a poor excuse. We’re doing this to stop the vicious cycle of misery! So you don’t need to apologize.”
Kokichi and Gonta should be on a similar enough wavelength here, since Gonta agreed to Kokichi’s plan after all. And here Kokichi is, giving Gonta the justification he would need to explain away the deed (and probably something Gonta agrees with). 
Except, even as Miu falls to the ground, Gonta weakly still tries to object: 
“B-But … but …! Ergh … nrgh …! Gonta sorry! Gonta so sorry, Miu!”
This final bit dialogue here is the nail in the coffin to the possibility of Gonta not having a personality change to me. Even though he is partnering up with Kokichi here and should agree with what Kokichi is saying, Gonta still defies Kokichi’s command to not apologize, continuing to do so in distress. He felt no joy, only misery, even when he did agree to this plan. (And as I will argue later, Gonta did willingly choose to do this.) But like normal Gonta, Gonta in the virtual world is extremely torn, even after the deed is done. 
Once again, the writers had the opportunity here to write Gonta acting differently to demonstrate the personality change. Have him explain to Miu about how “Gonta needs to do this. Gonta no can let Miu to continue this violence.” (So essentially, what Kokichi is saying). If they chose that as his dialogue instead, that would be OOC for him. It would come across off as if Gonta believes he knows better than Miu, similar to how Kokichi views himself in this situation. It would make this ‘alter-ego’ Gonta think he knows better than others, solidifying the supposed personality change.
But the writers don’t do that. Because Gonta never thinks he is smarter than the others. Gonta is unsure of himself to the very end of the line, and even after committing the crime, he kneels on the ground and weeps. This decision pains Gonta greatly and not something he took lightly. He completely ignores Kokichi’s reasoning here, choosing to apologize nevertheless, knowing he is in the wrong. Yes, I am sure he believed he was doing the ‘right’ thing and agreed with Kokichi on a conceptual level to the plan. But in that moment, Gonta is aware of how wrong his action is. Just like normal Gonta. As such, there is literally zero evidence to Gonta acting OOC to elicit the possibility of a personality change during any part of the virtual world. 
So then why? 
Why put this contradictory line in there? It can be said that it was just a theory Shuichi made up, and it doesn’t matter anymore since the motive is explained post-trial. But it is still just unnecessary and muddies Gonta’s character in the long run. Personally, my theory is that it is there as a safeguard measure to dispel any doubt in the player’s mind of Gonta’s actions. Once again, I will explain why I think Gonta is totally capable to killing, but upon first viewing, I’m pretty sure a good amount of players (including me!) would see this as an extreme heel-face turn for Gonta’s character (Cue Kaito saying “I STILL BELIEVE IN GONTA” lol). So to alleviate that criticism, the writers snuck in the possibility that Gonta was under some external influence to explain it away. Is it backed up by the story? No … Does it overall weaken the trial with its inclusion? Yes … But it does quickly offer an easy explanation to skeptics of Gonta being the killer. 
But it only ruins the trial. The purpose of the avatar error/memory loss is solely for Gonta to have a ‘defense’ (Let’s be honest, if Gonta remembered, he’d be so obvious unfortunately) and twists the knife for the reveal.
And why does this error occur? All cuz Gonta is left-handed and doesn’t know his left and right apart. I … don’t love this (Since it once again casts Gonta as someone who is incompetant to not know his left and right) but I am willing to accept it since the effect of this mistake is dramatic and heartbreaking for everyone (Kokichi’s outburst, Gonta’s denial and realization, Kaito’s stubborn defense, etc etc). 
But when you add the personality change layer to it, it drags the entire trial down with it. If Gonta took the plunge due to this ‘personality change’, then that would mean it is all because he switched up the cords. So … if what Shuichi believes is true, THE WHOLE REASON MIU DIED WAS CUZ GONTA WAS LEFT-HANDED AUGHHH. It makes this whole entire thing become ten times stupider. Not only does it make this trial shallower and the death more preventable, it ruins Gonta’s character, making him look both idiotic for making such a silly mistake and diminishes his agency in his morally dubious actions during the chapter. Instead of allowing Gonta actually challenge the viewers’ perception of him as completely pure, the writers take the easier route of writing it off as ‘personality change’. Yes, it is tragic but a whole lot less compelling. I dislike that it makes Gonta become a one-dimensional character who is the pinnacle of good. And I’m saying this as someone who adores Gonta! But I want Gonta to be treated like a human, and I want to have my perception of him challenged, flaws and all. I feel like chapter 4 had the chance to do so, but could not fully commit to it, leaving a good chunk of the fanbase shoving all the blame onto Kokichi and making Gonta lack any of the agency in his own dang story. So when analyzing chapter 4, I will look at it under the reasoning that Gonta is acting completely like himself, even under the influence of despair. 
II: Gonta’s Character: A Tragic Fall 
“Gonta Idiot”
I’m just gonna say it: Gonta is smart as shit, or at the very least, he’s on par with most people in his class in terms of cognitive thought. As much as I do love Gonta’s caveman talk in the localization (Idk, I personally find it endearing and adorable), it does him dirty in terms of how general English speaking audiences will view him. It makes him come across as considerably ‘behind’ everyone compared to his portrayal in the Japanese version of the game (Where he speaks normally, just in third person like some other characters in the franchise i.e Tenko and Ibuki). Even though he literally was able to grasp language and become an Ultimate after being isolated from humanity for 10 years! It is impressive how quickly Gonta must’ve adapted to get to where he is now.  However, being isolated for so long has its negative effects, stunting Gonta in terms of language and his gullibility. 
To get language out of the way first, I feel like just because Gonta cannot fully communicate the extent of his thinking, it does not make him inferior to others in terms of reasoning. He is shown during trial 1 to be capable of making logical arguments about why he cannot be the culprit (After the joke about finding an alibi, Gonta reasons how he should have been spotted if he left the AV room). Then during trial 2, he was able to determine Kirumi’s rope trick regarding how she constructed the ropeway. I don’t think people should take Gonta’s inability to communicate fully as a reflection of his intelligence. He is shown to be competent like everyone else and grasps the situation he is in … outside of a few gags stemming from his gullibility. Speaking of which …
Guilbility does not equate to incompetence, but it is something Gonta falls short on. Most definitely from his many years of isolation in the forest (And judging from what he said about his childhood, he likely was isolated from children his age from the very start), Gonta does not have the experience to fully grasp the motivation behind what others tell him, leading him to get roped into Kokichi and Angie’s schemes. However, I don’t think his gullibility plays as much of a factor in any of the things he supposedly gets ‘tricked’ into doing via Kokichi. With a less severe example, the Insect Meet and Greet is usually the incident most people point to as Gonta’s gullibility leading to disaster. But if you go to either Kokichi or Gonta’s second free time event, Shuichi would be interrupting their little ‘strategy meeting’.
When prompted in the second FTE in chapter 2, Gonta will say:
“Oh! Shuichi! You here to help Gonta think of way to get everyone to trade motives?”
(Also, I find it so funny how Shuichi interrupts their meetings together during chapter 2 twice, so whenever you want to hang out with one of them during chapter 2, you gotta shove yourself into their discussion. idk I’m such a sucker for Gonta and Kokichi being friends … ugh chapter 4 emotionally wrecks me everytimeeee …) 
It is interesting that Gonta is well aware of why Kokichi wanted Gonta’s help, and shows that, even before chapter 4, he has been on board with Kokichi’s plans of his own volition. Without the FTE, the story makes it appear Gonta was completely strung along blindly by Kokichi. Yes, it is likely that Kokichi realized that the best way to get everyone in a group is to tell Gonta they all hate bugs. But it seemed Gonta was thinking hard of some plans with Kokichi beforehand with the goal of showing everyone the motive videos.
And yet, even though Gonta demonstrates having the same understanding as everybody else, how come everyone is convinced that he is too incompetent to make his own decisions? Well, it definitely doesn’t help that Gonta is usually the first one to criticize his intelligence before anyone else, having been completely convinced of his inferiority even before entering the Ultimate Academy. 
Idk but to me, I feel like Gonta’s constant over-critical view of himself is often overlooked and never fully addressed by anybody else in the cast. It is depressing to me that nobody had ever truly noticed how these thoughts influence Gonta’s actions, and the longer they were left unaddressed, the more they festered. I believe that it is this feeling of incompetence that pushed Gonta to kill. Not some personality change, but Gonta’s own character flaw finally coming into fruition. Where characters like Shuichi and Maki have developed over the course of the game into better characters, there are tragic characters like Gonta who fall due to their tragic flaw. It is his self-loathing that I think is the cause of his descent and drive to enact the plan in chapter 4.
I mean, his final line in the whole game is:
“Gonta is so sorry … for being stupid!”
Ughhh … It hurts smmmmm he deserved none of this, especially that brutal execution :(
(The disrespect of the writers paying off Monophanie’s weird incest baby side plot during Gonta’s exectuion smh … the disrespect makes me so upset … at least his execution music is a bop) 
Yes, technically that is Alter Ego Gonta’s final line, but like I argued previously, I believe that is essentially Gonta. And in Gonta’s final moments, he believes he has truly failed everyone due to his persistent feelings of inadequacy. He feels both stupid for the plan forcing him past a moral breaking point in killing Miu and that he could not even complete the plan correctly. (I’m sobbing over the fact this is the final line for him T___T)
However, these final words almost parallels Gonta’s introduction during the prologue, showing that this descent in his character had hints dropped from the start.
As Kaede walks up to Gonta for the first time, she mentions feeling a bit unnerved, and the first-time players may also have the expectation that Gonta would be an intimidating musclehead judging from his huge physique. Maybe like a Nekomaru/Sakura kind of character.
“... Hm? Oh! Thank you!”
[Kaede] “Huh? Thank you?”
“Oh! Sorry for scaring! Gonta scary-looking. Most people not wanna talk to Gonta when meeting for first time. So, like gentleman, Gonta say thank you! Thank you for talking to Gonta!”
But right away, Gonta’s first act is to apologize for his appearance - Almost like he comes full circle, Gonta’s first bit of dialogue is him apologizing for scaring Kaede and the last thing he says is an apology for failing everyone. 
Anyway, Gonta apologizes based on his perception that he looks scary, something he (accurately) assumed Kaede felt. So apologetic that he even thanks Kaede for even talking to him. As explained later during his introduction, Gonta has always been called scary at a young age, so his negative concept of himself is already well in-grained into him. So Gonta from the start has a very poor self-image of himself. It is why he constructs the goal of being a ‘gentleman’ something he reflects his ideals onto. 
As stated in third FTE:
“Gentleman behave like like a gentleman! Kind, earnest, refined, polite … Oh, and gentleman always treat lady with respect. That very important”
He does go on to list some other attributes, which are more so based on the people he looks up to than the definition of gentleman, but his goal remains the same. Gonta is constantly striving for a perfect standard, which for anyone, is impossible. Gonta has this pillar of perfection (Which he already is ofc >///<) that he constantly compares himself to. Though played off as a joke, during this same free time event, when he mentions other ‘traits’ of a gentleman, such as saying clever things and solving mysteries, that are clearly based around his classmates. It shows how Gonta looks up to his classmates, believing that he should be able to do all the things they can do as well. Gonta believes his friends are all closer to being the standard of “gentleman” more than he is, deepening his inadequacy. 
As revealed in his fourth FTE, his rich and esteemed human family flat out rejected him after being raised 10 years in the wild:
“So they get mad at Gonta. Say Gonta not worthy of family name. They blame Gonta’s forest family. Say it their fault.”
Gonta’s upbringing is rough man, with being isolated as a kid only to be dismissed by your human family once he returned. Once again, Gonta brings up not being ‘worthy’ of the family name, showing how Gonta is demeaned for who he is, likely regarding his intelligence and ignorance to social life. As such, he makes the resolve to be a gentleman to satisfy his human family. So not only does he think himself below others, he is constantly striving for an impossible goal. 
With his low view of himself, it is seen throughout the entire game that Gonta is constantly apologizing, even when he is unknowingly helping the group (For example, finding the manhole in chapter 1). He doesn’t believe himself to ever be intelligent enough to help, constantly striving for it but believing he is always coming up short. Out of everyone in the cast, Gonta points out his stupidity the most, and honestly, I can’t put every example here because we’ll be here all day. But it is disheartening watching Gonta never be willing to accept himself as competent, choosing to apologize first as he believes anything bad that happens (and this game sure does have a lot of bad things happening) is due to his own failings as a person. 
For him, his first priority when the killing game starts is to protect everyone. And I want to emphasize the word protect. Gonta believes himself to have very little that he can offer to the group, but with whatever he is able to do, he is more than willing to throw himself and give it his all if it means helping everyone. At any opportunity where he believes he can help, Gonta will take that action. He does it because he doesn’t believe he would be able to help out any other way because of his perceived ‘stupidity’, so Gonta always attempts to take the initiative and do what he is told. And when he fails in that action, something he believes is the only thing he would be able to do to help, he believes he is a failure and it is his fault when something he couldn’t prevent occurs. 
Another point I would like to mention is his emotional outbursts. Likely due to growing up with no social convention put in place, Gonta gets emotional quickly, as seen in his introduction when he believed Shuichi may not like bugs. Paired with his great empathy and he is likely the student who takes each death to heart the most. 
Sorry about this getting into a Gonta character analysis. I wanna make sure I get across how I believe this character is written and I wanna stress Gonta is not by any means intellectually challenged, but rather suffers from a very critical view of himself. This is the fatal flaw that ends up pushing him over. So with this disaster in the process, let’s see how it spirals >:)
The Downward Spiral
That’s right, baby >:D 
I’m going to go through all the chapters until the virtual world and highlight key points that I believe show the mental state Gonta was in to commit the crime. So strap in, folks, this is gonna get long :)) 
Though this is small in the grand scheme of things, during chapter 1, Gonta shows dismay since he wasn’t able to stop the fight between Ryoma and Rantaro in the dining hall. 
“O-oh … Sorry. Gonta not where he needed most …”
Yeah this is minute, but establishes Gonta is quick to blame himself for the issues between others. 
During the strategy meeting set up by Kaito in the Game Room, Gonta was one of the participants. I think it only makes sense that Gonta will be a part of something if it means he can help. But during the investigation for Rantaro’s death, Kaede asks why Gonta was alone in the AV room, with Gonta explaining:
“Gonta happy to be invited to meeting. But Gonta think he not be much help, cuz he not smart … So Gonta in here alone, watching bug movie!”
I totally believe I am looking too deep into what essentially was a red herring, but it is the first example in a pattern I notice with Gonta. Gonta did join the strategy meeting. Yet due to believing he would be useless, he strikes out on his own (To watch the most inspiring movie of them all, Bee Movie starring Jerry Seinfeld lol). Gonta decided to be alone for his own plan to help because he believes he would fail the others. This could connect with him growing up isolated in the forest, being cast out by kids his age for who he was. Gonta is used to sticking to himself when stressed, thinking he would fail people in a group setting. That anxiety overpowers him, so he while he takes a proactive step, he usually does so by himself. However, this ended up screwing him over in the end in making him appear more suspicious. So yes, this really is just a fun joke in the game to pad out the first class trial’s time, it is indicative to the actions Gonta will take later on as in the next chapters. 
Also during his interrogation in the AV room, Gonta says this when trying to prove his innocence to the group:
“But … you guys not gonna believe Gonta, huh!? Cuz Gonta so big and scary-looking, huh!?”
[Kaito] “C-Calm down … You’re making a really scary face!”
“Cuz … Gonta feel so useless!”
Even though Rantaro’s death was nothing to do with Gonta, he still blames himself for the tragedy. He thinks it is because he wasn’t present during the strategy meeting, he caused this to unhold :(((
But I think this shows that Gonta wished he actually collaborated with everyone else instead of being alone. And we will see this new drive to help others in their plans in chapter 2 and 3, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.  
One last thing in chapter one, when Kaede is about to be wheeled off to her execution, Gonta is one of the three who at least attempt to stop it and face off against the Exisals. We see that Gonta is willing to put himself in danger for the sake of others, and he does value his strength greatly as an asset to make him useful. Once again, Gonta will take action whenever he can, unflinching of what it could do to him. 
After chapter one, the killing game has officially begun, and in Gonta’s eyes, he believes he has already failed to protect two of his friends. 
Ahh chapter two … hmmm now what did Gonta do in chapter two - THAT’S RIGHT, LET’S GO, INSECT MEET AND GREET TIME WHOOOO (random titbit - the lie bullet for “Insect Meet and Greet” is called “Insect Flee and Plead” HONESTLY THE LIE IS MORE ACCURATE THAN THE TRUTH)
Gonta took the deaths of Rantaro and Kaede with a lot of guilt and sadness, and in some part, believed he should have been able to prevent it. Though Kokichi does rope Gonta into listening to his schemes at the start of the chapter, I do think Gonta agreed with the motive video sharing idea. As I stated previously, in the FTE for Gonta, Gonta acknowledges Kokichi’s goal and is helping Kokichi brainstorm. In my eyes, I see it as Gonta again trying to take initiative to protect his friends (like watching the bug movie to motivate himself to fight), agreeing with Kokichi’s plan as he wants to be useful with someone else this time. Last time, he went at it alone, so this time, he will make sure he follows along with Kokichi to stop the motive together.  
After torturing getting Kokichi to like bugs for a night, we arrive to the morning of Himiko’s magic show. As everybody watches in tense anticipation for Himiko to get out - The red flags waving like crazy - Gonta says:
“Uhh … Gonta starting to worry. Should we do something?”
When the timer hits 20, Gonta then leaps out of his chair and rushes over to the tank to save Himiko. Against Angie’s protests, Gonta argues:
“B-But … If Gonta do nothing, Himiko get eaten by piranhas -”
As this plays an instrumental role later as a clue to the piranha tank trick, it makes sense out of anyone for Gonta to be rushing ahead to stop the act. Notice how Gonta shouts about how if he does nothing, Himiko would be killed. It is another prime example of Gonta taking action to stop a death, believing it would be his fault if he did nothing (Even though, once again, Gonta couldn’t have done anything in this situation). Gonta never is a bystander during the killing game. He is always, in his own ways, trying to take steps to protect his friends.  
But it is all in vain, with Ryoma’s body being found in the tank instead. 
During the investigation, when asking Gonta, you are met with his crying sprite with him saying: 
“Gonta coulda saved him … No, Gonta shoulda saved him!”
Where last time during Rantaro’s body discovery, Gonta was more in shock. However, the fact that it happened again is deeply upsetting to Gonta. The whole reason he agreed to Kokichi’s plan and also interrupted Himiko’s show was to prevent something like this to happen again, only for Ryoma’s body to be found dead. Here, not only does he think he was somehow capable of preventing Ryoma’s death, he corrects himself to say that he was also responsible for stopping it.  Even if that meant putting his life in danger (Jumping into piranha-filled water), Gonta believed he should have done so anyway, apologizing to Shuichi and Kaito for being a coward. Gonta puts a heavy pressure on himself for things outside of his control, which definitely does not help alleviate any of the stress in a killing game, only doubling it for Gonta. Not only does he deal with the pain of losing his friends, Gonta’s high standards of himself make him feel even more guilty. 
Out of everyone in the cast, Gonta appeared to be the most affected by Kirumi’s reveal as the culprit (I mean, Gonta did want Kirumi to be his mom lol). When Shuichi accuses Kirumi, Gonta is the first to react in shock. He agrees with everyone else as they start to doubt Shuichi’s accusations. But once it is confirmed and we arrive at post-trial, Gonta asks Monokuma:
“Can Gonta be blackened instead of Kirumi?”
[Shuichi] “What?”
“Gonta … Not smart boy, but even Gonta understand what everyone is saying. Kirumi should live, not Gonta! World needs her!”
Though it goes unaddressed in the chapter, it is a recurring toxic trait of Gonta to constantly use himself as the shield to protect others. And here, he quite literally believes he has less worth than Kirumi, which is why he should die instead. Gonta clearly is fond of Kirumi, and his protective nature is sparking him to act, pushing him to ask the question. He wants to save Kirumi and everyone else, and because he believes he is stupid, he is convinced the action he must take action now is to die in Kirumi’s stead. It is Gonta who instigates the other students to surrender their lives, and though Kokichi points out that Kirumi steered the group in that direction, Gonta is the one who brought it up first. Because that is Gonta’s character. Yes, Kirumi may have relied on the knowledge that Gonta would be willing to do anything to help everyone else, but Gonta is not gullible for falling for it. It is just how he thinks unfortunately, which Kirumi only could hope would get him to make such a request.
To Gonta, his life only has value if it is to protect others, and he seems willing to throw it away now, especially under the extreme stresses of the killing game. That is quite a drastic measure under normal circumstances, but Gonta is starting to become desperate due to his attempts earlier this chapter have failed in stopping anything. Though it is his own life, it shows Gonta is willing to risk a life if it means protecting everybody he loves. 
But … unfortunately, Kirumi is executed, regardless of Gonta’s push to change the outcome, leading to now four deaths Gonta believes he should have stopped. Despite all of his actions in this chapter, nothing stopped his friends from being killed horrifically, and the pressure is only further mounting on Gonta. 
Chapter three rolls, and though I will get to Gonta and the student council, I would like to point out some dialogue during the exploring segments of the game. 
[Gonta] “Anyway, if you find dangerous area, come get Gonta. Gonta will protect you!”
Though he offers it with a wide smile, Gonta wants to be always present in case something dangerous could happen to everyone, willing to risk his life if it means helping others. 
After receiving the Necronomicon as the fresh, new motive, Gonta is quick to wonder if that means all the deceased are actually alive, citing the courtyard message as a connection. And ofc Gonta would make the connection, since he truly wants to believe that all his friends are alive and he hasn't failed them yet. This prompts Angie to thank him since he provided a plausible evidence to justify Angie using the book:
[Angie] “Nyahaha! You’re so smart for telling us, Gonta. You’re a savior to those four people.”
Angie had perfectly pinpointed what Gonta would want to hear in that moment, being told he is smart (The one thing he has said time and time again that he isn��t) and that he is a savior (affirming that all of his actions were not in vain). 
Ignoring the logistics of how Angie managed to hug Gonta (I would like to believe the student council all volunteered to be Angie’s step stool lol), Angie says the precise things to win Gonta over. 
[Angie] “You work so hard, Gonta. You’re always trying to keep everyone safe. Even when you go berserk, you’re still considerate of everyone else, aren’t you? I know this … because Atua is always watching you.”
It may seem that Gonta fell for this because Gonta is just gullible and would fall for anything Angie would say. But in my opinion, Angie does tactfully alleviate the exact concerns Gonta has been worried about throughout the whole game. No, Gonta doesn’t want to hear praise or recognition for his efforts. But he does want to have confirmation that he is on the right track. And Angie says exactly what Gonta would want to hear due to her ability to manipulate, not because Gonta is naive. When Angie says that there is Atua, a god that is watching over Gonta, it provides Gonta with some relief from his own guilt. He is provided a safety net that if he follows Angie’s commands, he can prevent more suffering once again. Though he does mainly abides by Angie’s wishes throughout chapter three’s daily life, he does so because he believes he finally has a set purpose. He even asks when given the offer to join student council: 
“... You need Gonta? Okay! Gonta join student council too!” 
Gonta is actually in disbelief that Angie has found him useful enough to join the student council. And since he looks up to Angie like he does with everyone else around him, he wants to go along because Angie/Atua must know what is best for Gonta, right?    
The next morning, Gonta covers up the manhole, all in attempt to stop more misery. Yes, he is brainwashed just like everyone else in Angie’s little cult (aside from Tenko) but I believe this stems from Angie knowing what Gonta needed to hear in his state rather than Gonta just being ‘dumb’.
Gonta finally found some stability and a voice that can guide him to help everyone until whoopsie daisies, look turned out to be dead the next day :D
I’m getting a bit repetitive here, but once again, another pillar for safety, one that Gonta really had hope for, is ripped away from him in an instant. He is seen crying over Angie’s body, weeping at the prospect of her death being a murder: 
“B-but … why would someone do such awful thing!?”
“Well, duh Gonta, you are in a killing game, what do you expect by now?” … Except Gonta truly believed that helping out the student council will be able to set everything right again. But again, his genuine, whole-hearted efforts turn out fruitless. To him, he once again failed to save a friend. 
“If so … Gonta could saved her! If only Gonta saw! But Gonta was sleeping … Sorry, Angie … Gonta no could save you!”
I could only imagine this stung more for Gonta since he went to bed properly to enforce student council rules. But since Angie died at night, Gonta would likely see himself as slacking off in his duty to protect everyone, ending up blaming himself all over again. Just like Ryoma’s death, Gonta blames himself. The mindset Gonta continues to hold on to is extremely debilitating for him to handle, further adding to Gonta’s already poor self-image. (It could explain why he decided not to join the seance, since usually Gonta would be proactive and do anything to help his friends. Angie’s death must have been hard for him to swallow.) 
And just as they all process Angie’s death, Kiyo swoops in with his majestic see-saw murder tric and takes Tenko down with the rest of his remaining braincells. During the body discovery, Gonta straight up just weeps and spouts apologies. He only just enters the room, but already he blames himself for Tenko’s death. 
Surprisingly, where chapter one and two provided sympathetic murders, chapter three throws Gonta for a loop, it being the one time Gonta actually is angered by the killer. 
“Th-that right … Killing two friends for your dead sister!? That … wrong! That so wrong!”
Yeah, you tell Kiyo off, Gonta >:D
Where trial 1 and 2 had Gonta see people he loves die, Gonta always could sympathize for the killer. Yet, at least in my interpurtation, I think Kiyo’s trial showed Gonta the murderous intent hiding amongst his peers. Though, I might just be reading too much into it. But if I am correct, Gonta would be disheartened that someone he could trust like Kiyo would kill with such little remorse. 
And here we are, chapter four. 
A little recap of Gonta’s state leading up to this chapter: Gonta shows time and time again to make attempts to help everyone, either alone or following a leader like Angie or Kokichi. He takes proactive steps to protect the people he cherishes, but because of factors of his control, nothing he has been able to do can stop his friends from dying. However, due to his low self-esteem, he instead blames himself for everyone’s deaths and grieves the loss of the seven students (Well … idk about Kiyo lol) greatly. So like a cycle, Gonta feels ever more useless as more and more people die around him without him being able to control or stop it. 
Okay, chapter 4 time let’s go (sobs)
After Kokichi swipes the card key and Kaito bolts after him, the conversation between the seven remaining students continues. When everyone takes turns to praise Shuichi, Gonta says: 
[Gonta] “Shuichi is so amazing. Gonta wanna be useful to everyone too.”
[Maki] “Don’t worry. When the time comes, we’ll use your body as a meat shield.”
[Gonta] “Okay! Gonta hope time come soon!”
Oh buddy … You really don’t want to hope that …
It seems ever since Kirumi’s trial, Gonta has been more and more willing to use his life to protect the others, this being the second time he has been fine with being used a meat shield (The other time being chapter 3, during the exploration segment). Being that Gonta thinks he’s useless (Admitting in the dialogue above that he strives to be useful to everyone), he is beginning to value what little he does have to help the others. And yet, it barely goes addressed amongst the students how much Gonta is okay with throwing his life away. 
In his final FTE in chapter four, when approaching Gonta in the AV room, he will say:
“What can Gonta do …  to be useful for everyone? Gonta think he could protect everyone … in underground passage. [...] Gonta … no can take it anymore! Gonta not wanna lose anyone else!”
As mentioned in the dining hall scene earlier, Gonta did open up the manhole once again, believing he could be used as a meat shield in the underground passage. Similar to how Kaito becomes desperate in the next chapter, Gonta is now ready to do anything because he swears he will not lose anyone else. Right now, his goal to have everyone escape due to Angie’s plans of staying idly in the academy only led to her death. So in Gonta’s eyes, escape is the only option he has to save everybody, not keeping them trapped in a killing game where murderous intent can fester, like Kiyo. By chapter four, after the loss of three people in the last chapter, Gonta has reached his breaking point in how many deaths he can deal with.
I do love his final FTE, even though with what we know happens in this chapter, it is clear that with Shuichi’s words or not, Gonta is dead set on his self-destructive goal. 
(But something I just love in the final FTE is that Shuichi affirms to Gonta that he already is helpful 
[Shuichi] “I don’t think you need to work so hard to be a gentleman. You’re already incredible.”
[Gonta] “B-but, Shuichi! Gonta must become gentleman! For forest family”
[Gonta] “But … Gonta no help to anyone right now.”
[Shuichi] “You are! You saved me before, remember? I almost fell down the staircase!” (referring to first FTE where Gonta catches Shuichi from falling down some stairs)
[Gonta] “Oh!”
[Shuichi] “Gonta … you’re a more amazing person than you think you are.”
[Gonta w/ a crying sprite] “Sh-Shuichi!”
Ughh this entire interaction just warms my heart, especially now sifting through how much grief Gonta goes through the game and how often he self-deprecates. And the fact he grows emotional when Shuichi motivates him, maaan he really needs a hug. I just needed to show this.)
Moving along, when Shuichi heads out to meet up with Kaito and Maki at night time later, Gonta does intercept him before he goes:
[Gonta] “Oh, Shuichi? You should go back to room. It’s nighttime.”
[Shuichi] “Ah, it’s just that … I promised to meet up with Kaito and Maki …”
[Gonta] “O-oh … Um, Angie’s gone, and student council not around anymore … But Gonta still think it best to not go out at nighttime. Cuz Ryoma got killed at nighttime. And Angie, too.”
[Shuichi] “That’s true … But the promise I made to Kaito is really important to me. I can’t break it. I promise, I’ll go right back afterwards. And I’ll make sure we stick together.”
[Gonta] “... Gonta careless just now. Gonta not know you make such important promise to Kaito. Gonta … so useless.”
[Shuichi] “No, no! Not at all, Gonta. Don’t worry about it. We all know how much you care about us.”
[Gonta] “...”
[Shuichi] “Gonta?”
[Gonta] “Shuichi, Gonta come to decision!”
[Shuichi] “Huh? What have you decided …?”
[Gonta] “Um … well … Hmm, actually … Gonta will tell everyone tomorrow, when everyone together.”
Now this alludes to Gonta’s plan the next morning, but let’s break this conversation down. At first, Gonta still brings up Angie’s idea of prohibiting people from walking around at nighttime, a line of reasoning which makes total sense, especially since Angie proceeded to die at nighttime as well. How come nobody in the student council other than Gonta bring up and try to enforce the rule after Angie died? Because out of anybody there, Gonta truly wanted to take initiative and saw the student council as an avenue of doing so. He saw the logic behind Angie’s rule and followed through with it because she isn’t exactly wrong (Having everybody forced to sleep at the same time could decrease a killer being able to freely roam). 
But after Shuichi mentions his promise to Kaito, Gonta grows despondent, calling himself useless for somehow failing to notice that Shuichi went to see a friend (Again, not his fault in the slightest). When Shuichi assures him that Gonta shouldn’t worry, Gonta becomes silent, contemplating, and judging by the fact Shuichi has to ask Gonta’s name, he must have grown quiet for a good while.
I think this is the key moment where Gonta shifts slightly as a character. Where before he wanted to have more cooperative solutions like joining Kaito and Kokichi’s strategy meetings in chapter 1 and 2, and then joining student council in chapter 3, he has realized that he must stop the game alone. He realizes quietly to himself that he alone has to stop the killing game, and with his self-destructive tendencies having been built up for the past chapters, he will make his own plan. He has come to a decision where he will end this by himself, no matter what.   
Now let’s see what Gonta’s decision is . The next morning, the dining hall is in uproar: 
[Gonta] “But we gotta do it! If not now, then when!?”
[Tsumugi] “L-Like I said before, it’s reckless! There are still two Exisals, right!?”
[Gonta] “Gonta know that … but … Watching friends disappear … Seeing everyone get weaker … Gonta no can take this anymore! That’s why Gonta go fight Monokuma!”
Just like Tsumugi said, this is beyond reckless for Gonta to do. But Gonta illustrates his thought process clearly: He can’t stand being useless anymore, not for a second longer. The build-up from the chapters have been clear from the start, with every action Gonta takes failing in the end, more bodies are piling up. And ofc, Gonta blames himself. 
When Himiko explains further that it is reckless, Gonta acknowledges it:
“Gonta know it reckless … but it only way to save everyone. Waiting around, doing nothing just make more victims … That why Gonta risk his life! Real gentleman would risk life! Gonta gladly give up life to save everyone!”
Gonta really can’t take it anymore. He needs to act. Now. He will do something, even if it is on his own. For someone so gullible, Gonta has become ironclad in his resolve, not succumbing to any of his self-doubt in his plan nor is he relying on someone else anymore. This is the clear set-up to his actions in the chapter, Notice how he fully acknowledges what he is doing is reckless. But he believes it is all he can do. His decreased value of himself and his inferiority to everyone else around him makes him fully willing to take his own life if it means he will do the right thing in his eyes.   
But thankfully (or un-thankfully if you really think about it) Miu intervenes before Gonta can go through with his plan with her own brilliant idea: The Virtual World. So with all of this recap and build-up underway, it is all about to crumble when Gonta is exposed to the truth.
III: 'Stupidity' is Bliss, After All 
During his time in Virtual World after being exposed to the flashback light, Gonta almost never speaks, and when he does, it is usually one phrase and some ellipses with a sad looking sprite. He is seen following along with Kokichi, rushing ahead with Kokichi in silence towards the chapel. When deciding on splitting up in the chapel, Gonta says nothing, just agreeing when Kokichi recommends coming along to the mansion. He uncharacteristically lacks any of his usual questioning nor enthusiasm. Though when they are about to split off in the mansion, Gonta is about to take his leave:
[Gonta] “... Gonta go now.”
[Tsumugi] “It’s surprisingly cold out there, so be careful. You should come back here to warm up.”
[Gonta] “Thank you … but Gonta okay. Gonta not smart enough to get sick.”
[Kaito] “Someone who isn’t smart wouldn’t want to save everyone … They’d only think of themselves.”
[Gonta] “Oh … thank you.”
Ouch ... looking back at this knowing it is the last interaction Gonta had with the group while his hands still were clean … maaan. This seems like the one time, at least to me, where Gonta accepts the compliment of his intelligence rather than denying it. He appears shocked, especially with how much Kaito’s words ring true for what Gonta is about to do. In some ironic way, it affirms to Gonta that he has to be doing the right thing … right? He is doing this to save everyone. He doesn’t want to kill Miu for himself, he’s doing it for everyone else. After all, Miu is the one who is killing for themselves. She will be forced to know the truth if she doesn't get caught. (Hell, during Alter Ego Gonta’s confession post-trial, he literally says “Gonta just … want to … save everyone.”)
Upon first playthrough, I barely even noticed how weird Gonta was acting, since the characters of interest were Kaito, Kokichi, and Miu for me so far. So Gonta being bossed around by Kokichi didn’t strike me as anything unusual. However, now that I look back at it, Gonta being this reserved is actually jarring from what I expect from him. But this is not a personality change, this is the effect the despair from learning of the outside world had on him. 
During the flashback to Kokichi and Gonta out in the woods, Gonta wanted to tell everyone about the flashback light first. But Kokichi asks the weighted question of whether Gonta should trust Kokichi’s assumption that the flashback light holds the secret. 
Now yes, that is manipulation on Kokichi’s part, taking advantage of Gonta here to expose himself to it. However, Gonta was susceptible to it for the same reasons he wanted to fight Monokuma earlier in chapter 4: He has made the resolve to stop the killing on his own. It is not like Gonta mistrusts others, but he wants to rely on himself now. He can’t just stall for time and round everyone up. He has grown desperate and if what Kokichi has been saying is a lie, Gonta does not want to waste time gathering everyone for something that would turn out useless? So Gonta acts, choosing to expose himself to the truth first because he can’t wait around. He has to end this killing game and protect everyone now. 
Unfortunately, he recalled the end of the world and the destruction of humanity. And as Monokuma mentions later, the flashback light simulates a ‘deja-vu’ feeling, so it tricks the brain to think that it experienced the memory before. So it is not like Gonta was just told that the world ended. No, he recalls bearing witness to it with his own eyes. The effect of such knowledge is completely devastating, which we see with Kokichi and everyone else in Chapter 5. 
I think Alter Ego Gonta put his conflict into words best:
“Inside is hell! Outside is hell! What should Gonta and friends live for!?”
Gonta has put so much effort and energy into getting everyone out of the killing game, willing to throw his life away at the sight of danger many times. But it now is all completely pointless, because even if Gonta succeeded in his plan, he would just be sending his friends to an outside that will hurt them all. People like Kirumi and Kaede killed to go outside, and yet in the end, all the deaths were even more meaningless. Their hopes, efforts, and suffering has all been rendered meaningless to Gonta in a matter of seconds.  
Gonta’s sole motivation, his plan, everything he pushed himself to do were all based on his ignorance to the truth. And now that he knows, he can only feel stupider for trying. 
The flashback light puts Gonta through so much pain, and now he realizes that if his friends learned of such a truth, they would all suffer like him. But the last thing he wants is for his friends to feel that pain. He is more than willing to be their shield and protect them. But while before it was the killing game, now Gonta will become their shield and protect them from the despair-inducing truth. 
It is then Kokichi proposes his plan: A mercy kill. A plan that involved Gonta taking the life of everyone else and bearing the brunt of the outside world by himself. In some ways, it parallels Gonta’s decision to take on Monokuma earlier in the chapter, with Gonta recklessly risking his life to the sake of others’ safety. Yes, Gonta may be alone in the end, but at least he finally would be useful to his friends in protecting them. Except with Kokichi’s mercy kill plan, it has twisted to become the inverse, where Gonta protects everyone by having them be killed while he sacrifices himself by living his life in an apocalyptic Earth alone. Just like much of his life, Gonta will end up alone and isolated from the others. Something he unfortunately is used to. 
Throughout this essay, I have been emphasizing the word “act” and “proactive”, because that is what Gonta has been doing. He is constantly shoving himself into plans. He doesn’t want to sit back until he is finally ‘useful’. He wants to be constantly of use to someone, to prove that he can be relied on. Because that is what gentleman does. 
So here Kokichi is, relying on Gonta to commit an action to save everyone. And Gonta in chapter four has mentioned that he is at a breaking point, that he can’t take any of this anymore. He had tried to act before, but they all failed. So, with the weight of the despair heavy on his shoulders, he fully accepts after Kokichi explains his plan. Kokichi did rely on knowing how Gonta functions to get him to agree, but it could only be Gonta who would have agreed to it. 
But not because Kokichi thinks Gonta is dumb. 
During the fourth trial, after Kokichi finally name drops Gonta as the culprit, Himiko is about to argue that Gonta is not smart enough to commit a murder, only to be interrupted by Kokichi the moment she is about to say the word smart. How come out of any of the points Kokichi could have interjected, it was Himiko’s?  
It is because Kokichi knows that out of anybody there, Gonta wants to end the killing game, and unlike Kaito, Gonta has shown to be desperate enough to act on that goal whenever he can. Kaito constantly talks the talk but he sure as hell never walks it. Kaito says what is inspiring to the group, but when it comes to a concrete plan to end the killing game, Kaito is too straightforward to think of something. Meanwhile Kokichi has noticed Gonta’s attempts before, especially with his decision in chapter four. So when Himiko is about to call Gonta stupid, Kokichi interjects due to that be completely false. Gonta has thought through so many ideas and plans throughout the entire game. Yet, everyone else fails to recognize that because of their poor understanding of Gonta. 
(Personally, I think Kokichi could notice such a thing due to his distrusting nature. With him being a foil to Kaito's belief, he must doubt everyone and everything - It is what allowed him to learn more, at the expense of being the asshole of the group. Whenever Gonta claimed he was dumb, Kokichi's first instinct is to doubt that, possibly thinking Gonta might be trying to lower Kokichi's guard. So Kokichi keeps careful watch of Gonta, realizing Gonta is not what he claims he is)
He is a fully capable student nor was he tricked into this. There is nothing naive about Gonta’s intentions here: This is completely his volition in taking part in the plan. 
To provide a crappy analogy of how I think Kokichi’s manipulation went, I’d say think of it more like Gonta is walking down a road and has reached a fork in the road, one left and one right. And say Kokichi, for some odd reason, really wants Gonta to go down the left side. Now, if Kokichi were to somehow directly shove Gonta down the left path, you can’t say that it is Gonta’s decision to go left. That was directly Kokichi involving himself and forcing Gonta to make a decision. This kind of like what Kokichi does in chapter 5 with Kaito, blackmailing and forcing Kaito’s hand at the prospect of Maki becoming the blackened (Though I do think Kaito did end up agreeing with Kokichi’s plan to end the killing game, but he needed an extra push into that direction). 
Rather, it is far more indirect. Like as if Kokichi just built a huge, shiny sign at the intersection that says to go left. Now people could look at that sign and choose to ignore it (Probably Kaito, who only goes right out of spite for the sign lmaoo). But just because Gonta is the kind of person who would likely follow the sign’s direction, he decides to go left. See, Kokichi did set up the decision for Gonta to make, but Gonta, at the end of the day, made that choice because of who he is as a character. 
Then again, that is a gross simplification but that is how I see Kokichi’s extent of manipulation. He provided the plan and Gonta agreed with it because he wanted to act. The events of the killing game have slowly been chipping away at Gonta, so now that the opportunity has provided itself, Gonta takes it willingly. Yes, this action may be to kill Miu, but it is something Gonta can do at this point. He needs to have control to protect everyone.
Gonta killed because of his own tragic flaws of constantly looking down on himself. This constant inadequacy forced him to need to prove himself as useful. Coupled with his strong sense of selflessness, it becomes clear that Gonta killing is fully in character for him. It is built up from the start, and the stresses of the killing game fostered an unhealthy mindset that everybody’s deaths are his fault. So he grows the most desperate to put an end to everyone’s misery, no matter what becomes of him. 
Almost similar to Kaede, if only Gonta had been a bit more selfish, he wouldn’t have done this. He wouldn’t feel the need to protect everyone from the truth. It may seem like Gonta would never hurt anyone, something he claims during the trial, but Gonta’s main goal is to protect them all from danger. So if that means he has to hurt something to protect the people he cares about, then he will do it. 
Where the fanbase fails Gonta
So why did I do this? Why did I … checks word count … WRITE 10K WORDS (holy crap I rambled a bit too much) JUST TO ARGUE THAT GONTA WORKS AS A KILLER. 
Well, I think it is because the fanbase overall has been guilty of simplifying and dumbing down Gonta’s agency. Now, that’s common enough. I mean fanonized characters are only natural, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I suppose my issue lies in the overlooked aspect of how much Gonta had a say in his decision.
Yes, Kokichi plays a major factor in this, and I am biased to not place all the blame on Kokichi. But the reason I wanted to prove Gonta’s motivations is because I dislike the notion of Gonta being treated like he is solely a gullible person, who just was under some kind of influence (Whether that be Kokichi or the personality change or despair) to commit such an action. Gonta is like everyone else as in he is fully capable of committing a crime when the right pressures are applied. And like most killers in this franchise, Gonta inevitably fell victim to his most toxic tendencies: His self-loathing and selflessness culminating to a self-destructive level. 
I like Danganronpa for how it twists my understanding and perception of characters. So having trial four counter my belief that Gonta as this sweet character and reveals the deep guilt and pain Gonta has been harboring throughout the game is fascinating to explore, it makes me love him all the more for being a three-dimensional character with a complex motive built from his own flaws. As much as argued why Gonta did the mercy kill, and as I do understand the motivation behind it, I still think it is not the correct thing to do in this case. By no means am I condoning Kokichi and Gonta’s actions, only understanding why they agreed to the mercy kill plan.
But much of the discussion around this case is “I will never forgive what Kokichi did to Gonta”. As if Kokichi did something so drastic that it pushed Gonta like this. No, Gonta’s fall was set up from the start slowly. Kokichi didn’t trick Gonta, but he did initiate the plan for Gonta to carry out
But Kokichi has more blame since he instigated and thought of the plan, with the meeting the Monokuma, luring Gonta out, and introducing him into the plan. But Gonta chose to go with the plan because he believed that was the right thing to do, he also has some fault in this. It is not solely Kokichi’s fault just as it is not solely Gonta’s fault. In my eyes, both played a part and agreed in Kokichi’s morally dubious plan.  
But at the end of the day, trial four was just an emotional trainwreck for everyone involved. We see Alter Ego Gonta fully accepting his punishment, saying;
“It’s okay, Kokichi. Please let Gonta sacrifice himself … for everyone’s sake. That’s all … Gonta can do anymore …”
Like always, Gonta is concerned about what he can do for others, and now, with nothing, he will give up his life. He can no longer fight the killing game, he’s given up fully into despair. And thinking that the others may try to interfere and get killed, Gonta takes the punishment willingly, guilty of his actions and deciding to succumb to the rules of the killing game if it means the least amount of suffering overall. During his final moments, Gonta admits he is not scared, he only hates himself for not being enough. 
“Gonta love you all …!”
“Gonta is so sorry … for being stupid!”
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slowjamastan · 1 year
What do you think of sufin and what are your squicks when reading a fic about nordics?
kissing you on the lips im going to rant so much
SuFin is my everything
theyre my bread and butter and toast and jam and all the other things on top idk powdered sugar etc. changed my LIFE that my middle school yaoibait fandom straight up got told by word of god himself that One Guy (who is normal fr this wasn't one of the ones who is always naked or sm) was madly unequivocably and eternally in love with That Other Guy. this was such a big deal for me and still is lbr
SuFin is peak they are my bella and edward this is my thenotebook. AND they are canonically not together and over the years ive seen a pattern of fans who are either familiar with actual swedish-finnish relations or doing research into them concluding over and over that finland would not seriously go for sweden, outside of AUs or jsut bending canon bc they really want them together (valid.......)
i love when fin is holding grudges or uncomfortable with the implications of seriously pursuing a relationship with his former (current, culturally?) oppressor so they try to keep it casual and Fail Severely, OR, my #1 favorite dynamic, Finland is fully a straight man who is like "soz but we can be friends bro lmao" and calls sweden homophobic slurs behind his back (but no one else is allowed to but him, obviously). (this is for my personal funnyvalue and ive rarely rareeeeely seen this. im right tho.)
other than that last thing basically i think its very good if they Are mutually in love but logistics and politics and realism and everything keeps them apart or maybe just closeted about it. but they have shared custody of the dog and the kids etc and have couple fights that are more serious than most but are the most steady and happiest couple on the planet overall. soulmates Real. i love sufin its good in every flavor really ummmmmmmmmmm except hyperukefied finland
thats a good lead in to part 2 of this question actually
Nordic Fic Squicks / please stop doing this, im gonna read it anyway, but still
th's k'nd' typ'ng st'le...... y'kn'w wh't ' m''n
denmark and sweden r always angry and trying to beat each other up... we read the same comic, right? theyre buddies now cmonnn
the dynamic that's like DenNor, SuFin, and Iceland is alone 4evr
WHEN THE DENNOR + SUFIN GROUP DYNAMIC UKEFIES NOR AND FIN UNTIL THEYRE BASICALLY UWU GORLS... stop imposing hetero dynamics on gay ships i will Kill You. at least do it to everyone equally...
somewhat related, my ideal nordic five dynamic is Everyone Is A Divorced Dad and iceland is making fun of them on TikTok. second best dynamic is SuFin real, then Den + Nor are amicably divorced and iceland is their shared custody grown child making fun of them on TikTok
^iceland would not use tiktok he is a euphoric intellectual freak
when they make just norway a girl for no reason. babe, no one even draws nyo!norway that well...you're just projecting your desire to be fought over by hot buff men onto this poor dude. stop making me see this. you fucks have been doing this for over a decade.
ignoring history in canonverse. when ur writing modern present-day anything they have all known each other for like, ever. why would they act like they've just met..??? im not asking for tons of research, just awareness of who these characters are, like, at all
please just write the puffin out. no one rly likes him i prommy
scandinavian trio being Weird and Tense around each other in modern day. i disagree SO much, these guys would be hilarious
not realizing that smack halfway between nor and ice's birthdays is (give or take a few days) denmarks constitution day... himaruya......
overreliance on stereotypes. this is a general hetalia complaint
can we talk about the human names ive been dying to complain about the human names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a little bit ill keep it to a minimum
tino isnt a feasible finnish name berwald isnt a good swedish name a lot of the common popular other ones get misspelled or just sound bad, and u cant just give them christian names for their early lives im sooooo serious give them old norse names pre-baptization pleaaaassseeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
somewhere deep in my #post tag i ranted ab my old name timeline for each of them but ive changed my mind a few times since then
for finland im a Timo truther and i have been forever
sweden is such a björn but also i like when his name at least starts with ber- .... but yall r so right when u said bjorn he does deserve that
im also a norway changes his name every few years truther. i think its funny and that he would do that
denmark is a magnus, period, formerly a magni, and this is my hill to die on
iceland makes me insane i change my name hc for him every so often but i have a few first and lasties for him for make me HOUUUGH like SoS turned me on to hrafnsson as a surname which makes me go insane now. im also a changes his name frequently truther for this guy but in a more nuanced way than nor does it
ran out of things to complain about but more will hit me later im sure, thank u for coming to another aphws ted talk by andy. MWAH
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Heh Heh
What about....
Yuna D. Kaito, Akira Ijyuin, Seishirou, and Best boi Clow? (I am kidding on the Clow part though)
I haven't read ccs2 so I'll skip Kaito. Ik who he is but idk anything about him. Also based on diversity of length of replies you'll clearly see my favoritism lol 😎
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's straight? He had crush on a woman his whole life, married men and they're living happily together
Gender headcanon:
Cis male
Probably him and that girl of his. Sorry I keep on forgetting her name, I'm rly bad with names
Suoh, Akira and Nokoru
Who is he paired with anyway? If someone is shipping Akira with Suoh or Nokoru that's fine with me really. So no ship I dislike
Random headcanon:
I'm 300% sure Akira met his dad by accident (from Akira's perspective) on street, on his bday to the boot, and just never figured out it's his dad. Comedy shojo style ofc
General opinion:
He was so adorable, I adore him. Also I like how Clamp draws his hair nowadays
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It's cute and someday unique
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's bi? He was too touchy with Yue and it got me like SUS
Gender headcanon:
His gender is magical bastard
None really
Also none. We don't know anything about his past so we dont know who his friends were
I'm actually not opposed to Clow/Yuuko, I just like to joke about it. I don't ship it but I can see why some people do. Beside Yuuko, idk if Clow is shipped with anyone else
Random headcanon:
I literally can't come up with anything. Sorry :<
General opinion:
Actually this is where my problem lays, it's bc I read CCS hurriedly back in 2015 and all I know about Clow is that he was some powerful dude that acted nonchalant and managed to fuck up time and space somehow. Also that clamp somewhat used his as plot device (?). Ik he appeared in Tsubasa too but I feel like I'd have easier time getting college degree than understanding trc ending
So yea, I basically lack info on Clow to form an option that isn't based on jokes and what I've learned from fandom
Sexuality headcanon:
Subaru-sexual he's gay af. His TB vet persona is literally campy older gay guy who preys on younger males. Chicken Hawk really. Because look. Sumeragi twins are bi bait. They look the same and are both beautiful af. We all know who Seishirou had eyes for during whole year. So yea, defo gay. Actually, let's just keep it as Subaru-sexual, yea that's the most fitting description
Gender headcanon:
Bastard babygirl cis male I guess
Seisub ofc. If I had to sort them then X>TB>TRC versions. They're just so... written. Honestly in the end it doesn't even come to whether one ships them or not, bc their story altogether is a very powerful tragedy. Also I'm generally non-emotional person and extremely hard to emotional affect (literally over 95% of media I watch leaves no profound effect on me) but two of them (TB/X in general), damn did it cut. Damn does their story cut in deep, not just in terms of romance, but in terms of lonliness and isolation of modern cities; in terms of tragedy, character development and complexity of human nature and interpersonal relationships. Honestly I can go miles about seisub and how it fundamentally changed way I do and view shipping but I'm a bit sleepy rn. I've been chasing high I experienced with seisub and whilst I can recreate it with some other clamp ships at the moments, I can't with ships outside clamp fandoms.
In TB/X it absolutely has to be his relationship with Hokuto. Power duo they were unstopable, Subaru couldn't catch a break. In that manner TB trio too. But not just comedy moments, but ones like this:
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At moments I wonder if Seishirou underestimated Hokuto. She is bubbly, seemingly has somewhat shallow interestes and such, but behind cheerful surface (maybe even front she puts up for Subaru's sake so she'd cheer him up), Hokuto is extremely sharp and mature girl for her age. There were few moments where Seishirou and Hokuto had serious convos, usually about Subaru's self sacrificial and sensitive nature. And Seishirou always had his smirk and inner 'quite observant out of you Hokuto-chan' moment.
In X he barely interacted with anyone beside Subaru. Ik we as fandom joke about Seishirou and Fuuma being bastard bffs but if we were to serious take X, then I'd say Seishirou would prefer to avoid Fuuma altogether. Ofc he'd never let Fuuma know that, it'll be considered vulnerability. He'd be unnerved not only by someone stronger than him, but also with ability to see what dwells in one's heart. Fuuma could hold a mirror reflecting his soul and Seishirou would rather stay blind to what he sees there
Ofc I saw some crack ships with Seishirou but I never saw a serious ship with fanbase that's not seisub. I guess I'd be a bit ?? if he's paired with a woman. Ofc unless said woman is Setsuka, because tbx fandom is still torn whether motherfucker is just an insult or description for Seishirou
Random headcanon:
He wears sunglasses to save eyesight and 'put distance between himself and world around him'. But I'm sure Seishirou keeps sunglasses on regularly to turn blind eye to reason behind his blind eye, so to speak. Deep down he knows he moved in front of knife on impulse to protect Subaru and that deeply unnerves him. Of course all subconsciously, thus he'd rather not be reminded of that inner turmoil. Still it's rather ironic Seishirou and Subaru parted in TB with both leaving marks of reminder on each other's body. Subaru remembers Seishirou whenever he looks at his hands and Seishirou sure as hell remembers Subaru from time to time when he looks at his blind eye
Also I think Seishirou made bet on impulse based on deeply rooted wish for connection with another human being. Ofc he never became aware of said wish because it's ego-dystonic to him. He views emotions as weakness, love included.
General opinion:
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